IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3)° / O 4is :<>/ 1.0 I.I Ms 1^ us. 112.5 12.2 2.0 1.8 '• 1.25 1.4 1.6 ^ 6" — ► V] ^ 'cM ■c'l m VI / ^^. /# «^\v'^# Photographic Sciences Corporation fV ■a ^ p. o. AdilresH Tattersall, Stanley G— Nairn, n King 6 Topping, Joh\_Carlisle s King 6,7,8,9,10,11 Owner Owner Farmer's son Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Tenant Owner Owner Tenant Owner Owner Tenant Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner OwD4r Owner Owner Tenant Owner Owner See sub-aiv. No. Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Tenant Owner Owner Owner Tenant Owner Owner 1 6 6 5 5 6 5 a 1 1 6 1 6 6 6 1 6 5 5 5 5 1 1 1 1 ] 4 4 1 1 4 4 1 5 5 5 5 5 5 0- 1 ] 5 1 6 6 6 1 5 5 5 5 1 Number on AHReHHtnent. Koll NAME. ConocflHinn or Rtre«t. Lot 538 Topping, Henry— Carlisle, s Waterloo 2, 3 67 Wescott, William H. 2 nt 9fl .jll9 Watson, William f 4 2 ) Ki 1 w 11. ^^ . I ^*'*I"^e, 8 West, 2, 3, 4 f 511 Walker, Chris—Carlisle, 8 King 3 f>wner,Tenant Occurtant dr r. O Famier'B Hon ArMre^s Owner 1 Owner 1 Owner See sub- 1 div. N0.3 Owner 1 Persons entitled to vote at Municipal elections only. Number on ABBensrxient Roll. NAME ConceRBlon or (street. Lot Ow.or.Tenart, Occupant k>i Tncomfl »'. O. AHdrpBR. 496 Austin, Thomas— Nairn, s Queen 7, 8 534 Baker, Charles— Carlisle, s King 17 502 Barr, Duncan — Nairn, n Queen 17, 18 498 Boswell, James— Nairn, Mill w ^'c. 514 Chassels, Angus A.— Carlisle, s King 8, 9 518 Cathrow, Wm— Carlisle, n King 2, 3 Tenant 503 Fraser, Simon — Nairn, n Queen 17; !8 530 Harmer, James, H— Carlisle, s King 5 513 Leitch, Benjamin — Carlisle, s King 485 Munro, Hector— Nairn, n King 519 Millgate, Wm — Carlisle, n King 621 McNeil, Hector— Carlisle, s West 529 Parker, George— Carlisle, s King 533 Powers, Edward— Carlisle, s King 8,9 4 6,7 7 4 15 51 9 Stephenson, George— Carlisle, n King 2, 3 125 Schleimer, Charles 4 pt 13 Owner Tenant 0'»nier 1 * 5 5 Tenant Owner T i Owner 5 Owner 1 Tenant 1 Owner Tenant Owner 5 1 1 Owner Owner 1 1 Owner Tenant 1 Persons entitled to vote at elections to the Legislative Assembly only, NONE. 1 ! I \ POUING SUB-DfViSiON MO. 2. Comprising the whole of the 13th, Uth, 15th muI 16th conceoflionH; the whole of the 17th, 18th, 19th and 20th concessions, west of lot No. 16,And the lots abutting Centre Road, from lot No. 11 t'j lot T^o. 24; both iucluaive. Persona entitled to rote at both Municipoi elections, and ehotions tc the Legislative AHserably. Number on — — ■ Owuer.Tenaiit, ,. r. 1 AsseHBineiit NAMK ConceHBioii Lot Occuiiant or r. 0. 1 R<.U. or Street. Fariner'H Son. AdilrosH. i 412 Aikin, Andrew 30 1,2, pt3 Tenant 3 274 liremner, John 13 7 Owner 3 320 Burley, James 17 wi4 0^vneI 3 j324 Barrett. Alfred 17 7 Owner 3 413 Bice, ArtemuH 20 l,2,pt 3 Owner 3 j416 Buchanan, Arch'd 20 6 Owner 3 j417 Buchanan, Alex. 20 7 Owner 3 1418 Buchanan, Duncan 20 8 OWHoi' 3 ■j425 Bowman, Joseph 20 14 0>mer j273 t Cameroa, William 13 ei6 Owner 9 j279 Cameron, Alex. 13 9,10 Owner 5 j280 Currie, Arch'd 14 3 Owner 9 j288 Clark, Hugh 14 9 Owner 6 307 Chisholm, Allen ,16 wi4 Owner 3 330 Campbell, John 17 pt 13 Owner 10 j3o2 Cameron, John 18 pt 9 Ov/ner 3 356 Cowan, Thomas 18 12 Owner 424 Carr, William 20 13 Owner j472 Cavanagh, Henry C.R. ptl8 Owner 3 j475 Cavanagh, William C.R. 19 Owner 3 j312 Dewar, James 16 7 Owner 5 j460 Doyle, John C.R. ptll Owner 9 ,j483 Downie, James C.R. 24 Tenant 3 j294 Fraser, John 15 W-V6 Owner 9 317 Fr.Kser, Alex. 16 l2 Owner 5 i348 Fraser, Daniel 13 7 Owner 3 i349 Fraser, Alex. 13 7 Owner 3 !i381 Fraser, William G. S. 19 7 Owner 3 j327 Grant, Donald 17 10 Owner 5 j345 Gillies, John 18 4 Owner 3 j346 Gilchrist, John 18 6 Owner 3 j350 Gillies, Peter 18 8 Owner 3 277 Henderson, Donald, M.D. 13 pt 8 Owner I ^^^ Nuuibei on AMeSHiiient NAME Oor;ceB>'inii r.ot Owner, Tenant, Oooiv 'int or V. 0. is; the and the KnU. or Ptreet. KBriiK . s 8o«i. \,i\6nsn. i2'J5 Hiukott, William 16 vv43 Owner 3 »! 306 IL'skett, Thoiniis K. 16 ei 3 Owner 3 e 319 HuHkefct, Charlys 17 o| 3 Farmer's son 3 j376 Hord, John 19 4, e } 3 Owner 3 a1_ .j420 Hiirrisou, Cbtirles 20 10, 11 Tenant 3 8 tc the .1422 Huriison, Robert 20 12 Tenant .j470 Hover, Kilaa 8. C.R. ptl7 wner 3 .|474 Haakett, Robert W. (-'.R. ptl8 Tenant 3 p. o. AdilrcBH. 3 421 Jones, William 20 10,11 Owner j462 Johnston, John (J.R. 13 Owner 9 3 3 ,j477 Jackson, Matthias C.R. 21 Owner 3 3 3 j322 Kerr, Richard 17 6 Owner 8 3 3 .j414 Kenny, Reuben F. 20 pt3 Own^r 3 3 j275 Love, Alexan:^<>r (13 e^8 '• ■•.»nt 5 9 Owner 5 J315 Leslie, Ebenezer 16 9 Owner 5 6 9 5 j31« Leslie, John 16 10 0\nier 5 3 10 3 3 o j269 McDonald, Donald 13 pt3 Owner 9 j270 McDonald, Hugh 13 pt3 Owner y j271 Mclntyre, Donald 13 4 Ovner . 9 272 A'cQuilkan, .Fohn 13 5 Owiier 9 j281 McKinuou, John 14 4 Owner 3 j282 McKende, John 14 5 Owner 9 j283 Morrison, John 14 \v^6 Tenant 9 5 .j286 McKenzie, Kanneth 14 pt 7 Ov.'ner 5 9 j287 McKenzie, David 14 pt 7 Owner ~) 3 j289 McLeod, George 14 pt 10 Owne^ ^ If j290 McLachlan, Donald 15 3 Ownei 9 9 j291 McKinnon, Neil 15 4 Owner 9 5 j292 Morrison, Hugh 15 pt5 Owner 3 j293 Mclsaac, John 15 pt5 Owner 3 ,j295 McKenzie, Gcidou 15 7 Owner 5 3 j3'^2 McDonald, Roderick 15 w i 10 Owner 5 .jl74 Muuroe, John VI e^lO) 10 1 8ee 8ub-div. No. 3 5 5 . 3 .j313 McKay, Angus 16 ptS Owner ■Ti 3 3U McKay, William 16 pt8 Owner 3. 3 323 McLeod, Hagh 17 6 Owner 3 j32t} McMillan, Alex. 17 pt9 Owner n j328 McMillan, Duncan 17 11 Owner .1 f Number ou ABseHBiueut BoU NAME. 351 j354 355 377 j378 380 j382 j383 384 j386 j387 .j388 j390 419 j426 458 459 i463 464 j465 466 j467 j468 J4e9 j471 j476 j478 j481 Concession or Street McPherson, Koderick 18 McDonald, Arch'd 18 McLennan, William 18 McLachl A, Alex. 19 McLachlan, Allan 19 McLachlan, Donald 19 McLennan, Alex. 19 McLennan, Hugh 19 McLennan, John 19 McDonald, Eoderick 19 McDonald, Donald 19 Mc Andrew, Alex. 19 McDonald, Alex. 19 McKay, Alex. 20 McDonald, John 20 McMillan, Daniel O.K. Mcintyre, John C.K. McCormick, Alex. CE. McCormick, Peter CE. McCormick, John CE. Monk, Neil C.E. McMillan, John B. CE. McMillan, John CE. McMillan, Norman CE. McPherson, Donald CE. Morrison, Angus CE. Mathieson, Hector CE. McCuish, Neil CE. Lot pt9 ptlO 11 5 w^ 6 e^e 8 9 9 ptll ptll 12 ptl4 9 15 ptll ptll pt 14 ptl4 ptl5 ptl5 ptl5 ptl6 ptl6 ptl7 20 pt 22 23 Ow.ior/renant, Ocoupiiut or Fiiruior's Son Owner Owner Owner Owner Tenant Owner Owner Tenant Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Tenant OAvner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner p. o. Adilresrt. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 3 3 3 3 ( ! i I 415 Nairn, Alex. 20 Owner j344 O'Neil, Henry A. 18 j461 O'Henly, John CE. pt3 12 Owner Owner 3 9 j357iec^^^lips» William 18 pt 15 Owner j273 Eoherts, Moses j285 Boss, John j294 Koss, Donald j296 Koss, John j297 Eoss, David A. 298 Eoss, Hugh j301 Eoss, Alex. J30.3 Eoss, Andrew .1. 13 14 15 16 15 15 15 j 15 (1^ wi6 Owner 9 s|6 9 ei6 Owner 9 pt8 v^wmr 5 pt8 Owner 5 8 Farmer's sou pt9 Tenant 5 ptll) Owner 5 n| k i S4-^: 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 3 3 3 3 3 9 Nuuibev on As.seHsmeiit 14()11. NAMK Cl)UCti88ioU <)•• street. Lot OHvuor, Tenant, Occupant oi Favmm's Son. r. o. AcUlress j304 Ross, Alex. 15 j325 Ross, Robert 17 j329 Ross, William 17 j424 Stewart, Duncan F. ( 20 il6 j318 Stewart, David 16 'i358 S^^^ewart, John A. 18 359 Stewart, Joseph 18 479 Stewart, Peter C.R. 480 Stewart, John C.R. j310 Thompson, Donald 16 j311 Thompson, Rotert 16 j347 Thompson, Simon 18 j385 Veitch, Robert 19 330 Wyllie, David 17 375 Wilson, Samuel J. 19 j389 Walker, John S. 19 482 Wilson, A. C C.R. 12, pt 11 8 12 pt 23&24 ) 111 13 ptl5 pt 15 pt22 pt22 w ^ 6 6 10 15 w*3 "13 24 Owner Owner Owner Owner Tenant Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Persons entitled to vote at Municipal elections only. NONE. 6 3 5 See sub-div- No. 1 5 5 3 3 3 3 3 Owner Owner Owner Owner 5 3 3 _ — — 9 9 9 5 5 5 5 5 Persons entitled to vote at elections to the Legislative Assembly only. NONE. *;..• X w POLLING SUB-DIVISION NO. 3. Comprising the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, .5th and 6th concessions, from lot No. 1 to lot No. 10, both inclusive ; the whole of the 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th and 12tL concbssions, and the lots abutting Centre Road, from lot No. 1 to lot No. 10, both inclusive. FJiL-JEtT 1. Persons entitled to vote at both Municipal elections and elections to the Legislative Assembly. Touiiut, Number on Owner, ASSt'BSi .lont NAME Couce.ssioii Lot Occui )iiiit or p. o. KoU. or Street. Farmer's Son. AddreHK j 7 Anderson. William A. 1 pt4 Tenant 6 j 42 Anderson, James 2 ' pt4 Tenant 6 •J 43 Anderson, Hugh 2 pt4 Tenant 6 44 Anderson, Alex, 2 4 Owner 6 jl07 Afdcrson, John 4 pt 1 Owner 7 jl08 Anderson, William 1). 4 pt 1 Owner 7 111 Anderson, John 4 4 Owner 6 113 Anderson, Alex, 4 pt 5 Owner 6 191 Auld, Adam 7 pt 10 Owner • 8 .jl39 Barwick, Robert 5 w^7 Tenant 7 200 Banting, Richard 7 ptl5 Teiiant 8 225 Brown, John 8 13 Owner 8 226 Bellairs, Williaai 0. 8 ptl4 Owner 7 ,j227 Bellairs, Theophilus 8 ptl4 Tenant 7 i 6 Chapman, John 1 pt4 Owner 6 j 10 Campbell, John 1 7 Owner 6 j n Currie, Alex, 1 8 Owner 6 j 51 Campbell, Tralibrd 2 6,11,8*12 See sub-div. No, 1 6 j 45 Campbell, Duncan 2 "7 Owner 6 'i 82 Campball, James 3 7 Owner 6 83 Campbell, Duncan 3 8 Owner 6 84 Campbell, Alex. 3 pt 9 Owner 6 j 85 Campbell, Dugald 3 pt 9 Owner 6 jllO Cluuess, Alex. 4 3 Owner 7 148 Clark, John 5 wi7,ll Owner See sub- div. No.l 5 jl66 Clark, Hugh W. 6 4 Owner 7 jr 2 Clark, James 6 7 Owner 6 ilb7 Coltou, R. J. 7 6 Owner 8 j202 Cummings, Charles 7 \C Owner 8 ■j211 Campbell, Arch'd 8 5 Owner 7 i2i3 CiuiipbuU, Vf iiliain 8 6 Owner 7 6 6 6 6 7 7 6 6 8 8 8 7 7 6 6 6 f) 6 6 6 6 6 5 < 6 8 8 7 7 Nuinlxn- on . — Owner.Tenant . AssosHnient NAME. Conecaaion liOt Occupant or p. 0. lloi.l (ivStioot. Fiuuier's 3ou. AddreHH. j214 Campbell, Duncan 8 7 Owner 7 j216 Currie, Duncan 8 9 Owner 7 j233 Campbell, Duncan 9 7 Tenant 7 j234 Campbell, Donald 9 , 7 Owner 7 j2?5 Cowie, Eobert 9 9 Owner 7 j23S Connell, Peter 10 3 Owner 7 j239 Connell, James 10 3 Owner 7 j245 Cameron, John 10 9 Tenant 7 J 252 ('owie, John B. 11 6 Ov-ner 7 445 Cruickshank, Lewis C.E. • '3 Owner 7 j446 Cruickshank, George C.K. 4 OwTier 7 j453 Cruickshank, i\ngus C.K. pts 8 & 9 Owner 7 9 Dingman, John 1 pt6 Owner / 6 12 Daniels, Daniel 1 9. Owner G 215 Duncan, Andrew 8 8 Owner 7 237 Duncan, John 9 11 Owner 7 120 Fraser, Donald 4 10 Owner 5 jl31 Fletcher, Donald 5 3 Owner 7 jl32 Fletcher, James 5 B.F. 3,4 Tenant 7 j456 Ferguson, James C.K. 10 Owner 9 jl94 Griffin, William 7 11 Tenant 8 jl99 Graham, William 7 14 Owner 8 j218 Gray, John 8 10 Owner 7 j44& Graham, P. A. C.K. 6 Owner 9 j 8 Hazlitt, Jacob 1 5 Owner 6 50 Harper, Samuel 2 pt 1" Owner 6 j249 Happor, James 11 4 Owner 7 j254 Happer, Stewart 11 8 Owner 7 7 255 Rapper, Roljert sr. U 8 Owner .1257 HaDDer. Robert n 10 Owner 7 j201 Jolmston, Alex. j456 Kincade, Joseph j264 T.umby, John C.K. 12 15 10 Owner Owner O-wraer 8 k Number on ■- - -~" Owiior.Tmiaiit AsseHsinent NAME. {'onceNuiuii Lot Occupant or V. (). Roll or Street. Farmer's Bou A l(lr(•K^ 1 McDougall, Allau 1 1 Owner 10 j 4 McGeary, Joseph 1 3 Tenant 6 j 5 McCallum", Neil 1 3 Owner 6 j 39 Mclntyre, Malcolm 2 1 Owner 6 j 40 Melville, John 2 2 Owner 6 j 41 McLean, James 2 3 Owner 6 j 46 Moore, John 2 w^8 Owner 6 47 Moore, William 2 ei 8 Owner 6 j 09 "McDonald, Alex. . 3 1 Owner 6 i 71 McKay, Byron 3 2 Owner 6 j 78 McCallum, Donald 3 6 Tenant 6 ]■ 80 McNeil, Hector 3 pt 6 Owner 6 j 81 McNeil, Neil 3 pt 6 Owner 6 j 86 McDonald, William 3 ptlO Owner 6 j 87 McDonald, John 3 ptlO Owner 6 ill2 Milne, William 4 5 Owner 6 J114 Mcintosh, John 4 C Tenant 6 115 Mcintosh, William 4 6 Owner 6 .J117 McKenzie, Alex. 4 8 Owner 6 jll8 McKenzie, Andrew 4 8 Owner 6 jll9 McKenzie, William i 4 ■ 5 B.F. 12 j See sub-div. No. 1 6 128 McDonald, John 5 1 Owner 7 jl29 McDonald, Hugh 5 2 Owner 7 jl34 McDonald, John 6 4 Owner 7 jl35 McPhail, Duncan 6 5 Tenant 6 137 McQueen, Donald 6 6 Owner 6 jl42 McLachlan, Jame8 5 8 Tenanv. 6 jU3 McLachlan, Alex. 5 8 Tenant 6 144 McLachlali, John 5 8, B.F. 8, 9 Owner 6 jl45 Munroe, Charles 5 pt 9 I'enant 6 146 Munroe, John 5 9 Owner 6 jl69 McKenzie, George 6 5 Owner 7 il70 McCallum, Andrew 6 B.F. 6 Owner 7 J171 McKenzie, Alex. 6 6 Owner 7 174 Munro, John {i'a 10 ) ptio ■ See sub-div. No. 2 181 McLachlan, Hugh 7 1 Owner 8 jl83 McLean, David 7 pt 2 OAvner 8 jl84 McGugan, Donald 7 - ^ 3 Owner 8 jl85 McKeen, Arch'd 7 i Owner 8 jl89 Milliken. John 7 7 Owner 8 jl90 Milliken, Samuel 7 9 Owner 8 j205 McLean, Allau 7 \7 Owner 8 207 Mcintosh, Donald 8 I Owner 8 j208 McKeen, Arthur 8 I Owner 7 209 McCubbin, Daniel 8 3 Owner 7 i210 McGregor, James 8 4 Owner 7 j217 McPhee, John 8 9 Owner 7 j22l McDonald, William 8 11 Tenant 7 10 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 7 7 7 7 7 Number on — - -•- — - Owner.Tenaut, — *■ "■ " "■ ABaeHHinent NAME ConceHHioii Lot Occupant or p. o. KoU. 1)1' Street. Income Address. j228 McLeish, Alex. 9 2,4 Owner j229 McLeisL, Lachlan 9 5 Tenant j231 McLeish, John 9 BR 3 Owner j232 McLean, Lobert 9 6 Owner j236 McGref^or, Alex. 9 10 Owner j240 McDonald, John A. 10 4 Owner 241 McKean, George A. 10 5 Owner j242 McKean, Peter A. 10 5 Owner j247 Munro, Donald G. 10 10 Owner )248 Mcintosh, Angus 11 3 Owner 256 McK^y, Kenneth 11 9 Owner 260 McDonald, Alex. 12 3 Owner 9 j261 McDonald, James 12 4 Owner 9 j262 McDonald, George 12 5 Owner 9 j26o McPherson, Martin 12 5 Owner 9 447 McGregor, John C.R. 5 Owner 9 j449 McJ^ean, Angus F. C.R. pt7 Owner 9 j450 McKillop, ]^eil C.R. pt 7 Owner 9 j451 McDonald, John C.R. pt 8 Owner 9 j452 McKinnon, Roderick C.R. pt 8 Owner 9 457 McLeod, Hector C.R. ptlO Owner 9 j230 Ogden, Henry H. .j 49 Perry, John jl88 Powell, John .j203 Pedan, Alex. j204 Pedan, Matthew j 72 Ross, George M. ') 73 Ross, William M. 74 Ross, David M. 75 Ross. George M. j 76 Ross, William M. 268 Roberts, Michael jl30 Stewart, John jl82 Samnon, James jl96 Sands, John J 198 Sands, David 212 Singular, Samson j250 Shoults, Richard pt5 pt 10 7 6 7 16 7 16 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 4 12 8 ) B F. 1, 2 7 2 7 12 7 13 8 ].t 5 11 5 Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner 6 8 8 8 1 Tenant Tenant Owner Owner m 6 6 6 6 Farmer's son Owner 6 8 Owner Owner Tenant Owner 7 8 8 8 Owner Tenant 7 3 No. on Assessment RoU NAME. liOt. CoucosHi(.n or Streot. Owner, Tenant, Post Occupant or Office's son. Aildvess jl09 jl36 jl47 jl67 168 jl86 jl92 jl93 195 206 j224 j219 220 243 j244 246 j253 j258 1265 j266 267 454 Watson, William j 4 (Carlisle ( s West Wallace, Eobert Wyatt, George Waters, James jr. Waters, James Wells, James Wyatt, Edward Wyatt, William Whyte, William Wardle, John Wyatt, Thomas Wells, Donald Wells, William Waters, Donald Waters, John Wyatt, Hugh Waters, William Waters, David "V\ atson, James Watson, Donald jr. Watson, Donald Watson, Hugh 5 5 6 6 j 2 Zavitz, Silas 3 Zavitz, Samuel j 48 Zavitz, Richard 7 7 7 7 7 8 9 9 10 10 10 11 11 12 12 12 C.R. 1 2 2 ■) See sub-div. No 1 2,3,4 I 5 Owner 10 (Jwner B.F.4, 5 Tenant B.F.4,5 Ovmer 5 Owner 10 Owner pt 1 1 Owner pt 1 1 Owner 19 Owner 12 Owner 12 Tenant 12 Owner 6 Owner 7 Owner 9 Owner 7 Owner 10 Tenant 7 Tenant 7 Tenant 7 Owner 9 Owner 2 Tenant 2 (3wner 9 Owner 1 6 6 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 7 7 3 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 9 6 6 6 No. on Assessment Roll. NAME. Lot. ConcoKsion or Street. 223 Wyatt, Edward 8 ptl2 Owner, Tenant, Porit Occupant or Office Farmer's son. .Address. Owner 7 Persons entitled to vote at elections to tlio Legislative Assembly only, XONE. The total number of persons qualitied to serve on juries in th'G Muuicipal- . ity is three hundred and fourteen. Co list l:i.s ele co^ He he ot] sa .0 X 6 6 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 7 7 3 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 9 6 6 (■„auty of Jliddtecx do hereby cert fy to ^^ j^,^ li»t constitute a correct list tor « «f » '°™ '^'..^lit to be entitled to vote a. \-M revised Assessment Roll, of the s«ld M™p.iiHy^ ^_^^ ^^. ^^^ .lections for u,e„,be«othe^.^^^^^^^^^^^ ^ th, id r X:^SVo'r r^^^efpa, eiectioL -^^/n^^S^roI rsrsr^^LtHernrrist^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^- the said erioiM corrected according to law Dated this 20tb day ot July, 1880. ^avID WYLLIE, Cleik of East Williams, Nairn P. 0. 9 ex- X