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Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre filmds i des taux de reduction diffdrents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul clich6, il est filmd d partir de Tangle supdrieur gauche, de gauche A droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images ndcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. M^*^ 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 T R u, THE DOCTRINE / ANl> DISCIPLINE OF THE METHODIST CHURCH 1890. Edited by a Commitiee associated luith the Scivctary^ by direction of the General Conference, TORONTO: WILLIAM BRIGGS, WESLEY BUILDINGS. MoNTRiAL : C. W. COATES Halifax : S. F. HT'KSTIS. Entered according to the Act of the Parliament of Canada, in the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety-one, by William Briggs, in the Office of the Minister of Agriculture, at Ottawa. CONTENTS. PART I. -DOCTRINES AND RULES. CHAPTER I, |«..„.,.r™''^'' *"""'■''' "' """''''"'' ^""^ O^"^^'- BULKS. I. Standards of Doctrine ^^^^ II. Articles of Religion ^ I ": B^V^sm''^^'^' ''''^ General Rul^s of our United Societies 12 y. The Lord's Supper. .'.'.,.......'.[[[ ^^ VI. On Marriage ^^ VII. On Dress . . . ^^ • 18 CHAPTER II. THE MINISTRY I. Of the Exammation of those who thiuk they ar. moved by the Holy Ghost to Preach "■ ^"'MinisS"*""* *'""'' '"""'*'''' Probationer forthe III. The Duty 7f' Ministers ' and Probationere-Matter and '" IV Of t?l''F77.*!,°^~'^""'°8f~'" House to House. 22 Dutfes*" Ordination of Ministers, and their V. The Reception of Ministers from other Churches '. '. .' .' .' ' .' 25 IV CONTENTS. CHAPTER III. THE MEMBERSHIP OF THE CHURCH. SaCTION. Paok I. Of Receiving Members into the Church 26 II. Of the Relation of Baptized Children to the Church 27 CHAPTER IV. MEANS OP GRACK. I. Public Worship 29 II. The Spirit and Truth of Singing 30 III. Classes and Class Meetings 30 IV. Prayer Meetings 31 V. Love Feasts 31 VI. Society Meetings 32 VII. Exclusion for Neglect of the Means of Grace 32 PART II.— THE GOVERNMENT OF THE CHURCH. CHAPTER I. THE CONFERENCES. I. The General Conference 35 II. The Court of Appeal 40 III. The Committee on Transfers 42 IV. The Annual Conference 44 V. Special Ministerial Session 52 VI. The Stationing Committee 55 CHAPTER II. I DISTRICT MEETINGS. I. The Annual District Meeting 561 II. The Financial District Meeting 78 CONTENTS. V- CHAPTER III. CIRCUIT OFFICIAL MEETINGS. Skction. p^gg I. The Quarterly Official Board 80 II. The Local Preachers' Meeting s', III. The Leaders' Meeting 91 IV. The Stewards* Meeeting. . , 92 PART IIL— ADMINISTRATION OF DISCIPLINE. CHAPTER L TRIALS AND APPEALS. I. General Principles 97 II. Trial of Ministers and Probationers for the Ministry 101 III. Trial of Members 104 PART IV.— TEMPORAL ECONOMY. CHAPTER I. THE SUPPORT OF THE MINISTRY. I. Ministers and l*robationers for the Ministry 109 CHAPTER IL CHURCH PROPERTV. I. Parsonages Uq II. Churches and Church Property 1 1 1 III. Record of Church Property H2 IV. Of Trustees .!.!.!!!!.!..!!. 113 V. Of Keeping Trustee Records II4 CHAPTER III. BOUNDARIES. I. Of Annual Conferences 1J5 II. Of the Formation of Districts and Circuits ng VI CONTENTS. FART V. EDUCATIONAL AND BENEVOLENT INSTITUTIONS. CHAPTER I. EDUCATIONAL. Skction, Pagr I. The Educational Society 119 II. Sabbath -schools 123 ill. The Book and Printing Establishments 141 CHAPTER II. BENEVOLENT INSTITUTIONS. I. The Missionary Society * 148 II. The Superannuation Fund 160 III. The Supernumerary Ministers' and Ministers' Widows' Fund 168 IV. The Contingent Fund 177 V. The Children's Fund 178 VI. The Church and Parsonage Aid Fund 179 VII. The Union Church Relief Fund 183 \'III. The Sustentation Fund 184 v'a PART VI.— THE RITUAL. I. Order of Baptism. — Ministration of Baptism to Infants. 187 To Adults 191 II. Reception of Membkrs 196 III. The Lord's Supper 199 IV. Matrimony 206 V. Burial of the Dead 210 VI. Ordination 214 VII. Renewing the Covenant 225 VIII. Laying the Corner-Stone of a Church 237 IX. Dedication of a Church 242 'fS CONTENTS. Vll APrKNDICES, ^T PAGR 119 123 141 .'148 . 160 ws 168 177 178 179 183 184 Dts. 187 . 191 . 196 . 199 .. 206 .. 210 .. 214 .. 225 .. 237 .. 242 PKNDIX. PauK I. Courses of Study 249 II. (I.)— General Conference Officers 257 (II.)— General Conference Appointments :— 1. Special Committee 257 2. Court of Appeal 258 3. Missionary Department 258 4. Book and Publishing Establishments 259 Book Committee — Western Section 259 " •« Eastern " 260 5. Educational Institutions : — Victoria University 260 University of Mount Allison College 261 Weslej'-an Theological College, Montreal . . 261 Albert College, Belleville 262 Wesleyan Ladies' College, Hamilton 263 Alma College, St. Thomas : 263 Wesley, College Winnipeg 263 Board of Educational Society 264 6. Sabbath -school Board 264 7. Epworth League Committee 264 8. Superannuation Fund Board 265 9. Commission on Superannuation Fund 265 10. Church and Parsonage Aid Board 265 11. Embarrassed Trusts Committee 266 12. Sabbath Observance Committee 266 13. Methodist College, St. John's, Newfoundland 266 14. Permanent Temperance Committee 267 15. General Conference Statistician 26$ 16. Treasurers of Ceneral Conference Funds 268 17. Committee on Union 268 18. Committee on Torrena Church Titles 268 I. The Basis of Union 269 V. The Dominion Act Respecting Union 285 V. Rules of Order 309 I !t Part 1. DOCTRINES AND RULES I 1 i wmmmmm 3 DOCTRINE AND DISCIPLINE OF TUB METHODIST CHURCH. CHAPTER I. )OCTRINES, ARTICLES OF RELIGION, AND GENERAL RULES. Section I. STANDARDS OP DOCTRINE. 1. The Doctrines of the Methodist Church are declared be those contained in the twenty-five Articles of Religion, id those taught by the Rev. John Wesley, M.A., in his fotes on the New Testament, and in the first fifty-two ^rmons of the first series of his discourses, published dur- ing his lifetime. Section II. articles op religion. I. 0/ Faith in the Holy Trinity. I. There is but one living and true God, everlasting, LOut body or parts, of infinite power, wisdom and good AETICLES OF RELIOIOX. u c I 01 re OJ ec ec Ul ( ness ; the maker and preserver of all things, visible and invisible. And in unity of this Godhead there are three persons, of one substance, power and eternity, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. II Of the Wordy or Son of God^ who was made very nlan. 3. The Son, who is the Word of the Father, the ven and eternal God, of one substance with the Father, tool; man's nature in the womb of the blessed Virgin ; so that two whole and perfect natures, that is to say, the Godheni and manhood, were joined together in one person, never t. be divided, whereof is one Christ, very God and very man who truly suffered, was crucified, dead, and buried, to recon cile Hia Father to us, and to be a sacrifice, not only foi if^^ original guilt, but also for the actual sins of men. *^^''* jw III. Of the Resurrection of Christ. 4. Christ did truly rise again from the dead, and tool again His body, with all things appertaining to the perftn tion of man's nature, wherewith He ascended into heaver and there sitteth until He return to judge all men at th last day. IV. Of the Holy Ghost, 5. The Holy Ghost, proceeding from the Father and th Son, is of one substance, majesty, and glory with the Fatlu and the Son, very and eternal God. V. The Sufficiency of tJie Holy Scriptures for Salvation. 0. The Holy Scriptures contain all things necessary 1, salvation ; so that whatsoever is not read therein, nor mai isible and are three le Father, :ery wlan. , the very ither, tool^ n ; so thai ,e Godheiu >n, never t( I very man ;d, to recon lot only f 01 a. d, and tool ) the perfei nto heavei men at tb her and tli H the Fathc Salvation. necessary 1 ein, uor naa AUTICLES OF RELIGION. 5 proved thereby, is not to be required of any man that it ihould be believed as an article of faith, or be thouglit re- luisite or necessary to salvation. In the name of the Holy cripture we do understand those canonical books of the Id and New Testament of whose authority was never any oubt in the Church. The names of the canonical books ,re — Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, oshua, Judges, Ruth, The First Book of Samuel, The lecond Book of Samuel, The First Book of Kings, The lecond Book of Kings, The First Book of Chronicles, The econd Book of Chronicles, The Book of Ezra, The Book of ehemiah, The Book of Esther, The Book of Job, TIio 'salms, The Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, or the Preacher, Can- cles, or Songs of Solomon, Four Prophets the greater, welve Prophets the less. All the books of the New Testament, as they are com- ponly received, we do receive and account canonical. VI. Of the Old Testament. 7. The Old Testament is not contrary to the New ; for •th in the Old and New Testament everlasting life is Ipered to mankind by Christ, who is the only Mediator ;tween God and man. Wherefore thev are not to be heard who feign that the old fathers did look only for transitory •omises. Although the law given from God by Moses, as luching ceremonies and rites, doth not bind Christians, i|or ought the civil precepts thereof of necessity to be re- lived in any commonwealth ; yet, notwithstanding, no ristian what.soever is free from the obedience of the com- idments which are called moral. 6 ARTICLES OF RELIGION. 1 ^ I 1 • h II! VII. 0/ Original or Birth Sin, 8. Original sin standeth not in the following of Adam, (as the Pelagians do vainly talk) but it is the corruption of the nature of every man, that naturally is engendered of the offspring of Adam, whereby man is very far gone from original righteousness, and of his own nature inclined to evil, and that continually. VIII. 0/ Free Will. 0. The condition of man after the fall of Adam is sucli that he cannot turn and prepare himself, by his own natural strength and works, to faith, and calling upon God ; where- fore we Jiave no power to d Sl^od works, pleasant and acceptable to God, without the grace of God by Christ pre- venting us, tliat we may have a good will, and working witli us, when we have that good will. IX. Of the Justification of Man. 10. We are accounted righteous before God only for the merit of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ by faith, and not for our own works or deservings. Wherefore, that we are justified by faith only, is a most wholesome doctrine, and very full of comfort. X. 0/ Good Works. 11. Although good works, which are the fruits of faith, and follow after justification, cannot put away our sins, and endure the severity of God's judgments ; yet are they pleasing and acceptable to God in Christ, and spring out of ARTICLES OF RELIGION. : of Adam, [•ruption of endered of gone from nclined to am is such vn natural d ; where- isant and Christ pre- king with »ly for the faith, and 3, that we doctrine, 3 of faith, • sins, and are thev ing out of true and lively faith, insomuch that by them a lively faith may be as evidently known as a tree is discerned by Its fruit. XI. Of Works of Supererogation. 1^. Voluntary vvorks — besides, over, and above God's jommandments — which are called works of supererogation, jannot be taught without arrogancy and impiety. For by l;hem men do declare that they do not only render unto God Ls much as they are bound to do, but that they do more for lis sake than of bounden duty is required ; whereas Christ iaith plainly. When ye have done all that is commanded rou, say, We are unprofitable servants. XII. 0/ Sin after Justification, !•{. Not every sin willingly committed after justification is the sin against the Holy Ghost, and unpardonable. Wherefore, the grant of repenjrance is not to be denied to (such as fall into sin after justification : after we have re- ceived the Holy Ghost, we may depart from grace given, ■and fall into sin, and, by the grace of God, rise again and amend our lives. And therefore they are to be condemned who say they can no more sin as long as they live here; or [deny the place of forgiveness to such as truly repent. XIII. Of the Church. 14. The visible Church of Christ is a congregation of f faithful men, in which the pure word of God is preached, f and the sacraments duly administered, according to Christ's I ordinance, in all those things that of necessity are requisite f to the same. ffll 8 ARTICLES OF RELIGION. i; ! i I ! ' i i • XIV. Oj Punjatory. 15. The Romish doctrine concerning purgatory, pardon, worshipping, and adoration, as well of images as of relics, and also invocation of saints, is a fond thing, vainly in- vented, and grounded upon no warrant of Scripture, but repugnant to the word of God. XV. Of Speaking in the Congregation in such a Tongue ns the People understand, 10. It is a thing plainly repugnant to the word of God, and the custom of the primitive Church, to have public prayer in the Church, or to minister the sacraments, in a tongue not understood by the people. XVI. Of the Sacraments. VH' Sacraments ordained of Christ are not only badges or tokens of Christian men's profession, but rather they are certain signs of grace, and God's good-will towards us, by the which he doth work invisibly in us, and doth not only quicken, but also strengthen and comfort our faith in him. There are two sacrac^ents ordained of Christ our Lord in the Gospel ; that is to say. Baptism and the Supper of the Lord. Those live commonly called sacraments, that is to say, con- firmation, penance, orders, matrimony, and extreme unction, are not to be counted for sacraments of the Gospel ; being such as have partly grown out of the corrupt follov/ing of the apostles, and partly are states of life allowed in the Scriptures, but yet have not the like nature of Baptism and AUTtCLES OF REUOtON. » r, pardon, of relics, mainly in- )ture, but ongue os i of God, ^e publio ents, in u y badges they are ds us, by not only in him. our Lord jupper of say, con- > unction, 1 ; being follov/ing d in the tisui and 13 Lord's Suppei', because they have not any visible sign {i)r ceremony ordained of God. § The sacraments were not ordained of Christ to be gazed ipon, or to be carried about ; but that we should duly use them. And in such only as worthily receive the same, they lave a wliolesonie effect or operation: but they that receive bhem unworthily, puroliase to themselves condemnation, as Jaint Paul saith, 1 Cor. xi. 29. XVJI. 0/ Baptisin. 18. Baptism is not only a sign of profession, and mark |)f difference, whereby Christians are distinguished from Others that are not baptized ; but it is also a sign of regen ^ration, or the new birth. The baptism of young children Is to be retained in the Chur(;h. I XVI I [. Of the LorcVs Supper. I II). The Supper of the Lord is not only a sign of the love ^hat Christians ought to have among themselves one to Jinother, but rather is a sacrament of our redemption by |Dhrist's death; insomuch that to such as rightly, worthily, |knd with faitli receive the sa,me, the broad which we break ■•it v^ a partaking of the body of Christ ; and likewise the cup l)f blessing is a partaking of the blood of Christ. Transubstantiation, or the change of the substance of >read and wine in the Supper of our Lord, cannot be proved )y Holy Writ, but is repugnant to the plain words of Scrip- bure, overthroweth the nature of a sacrament, and hath l^iven ocrnsion to many superstitions. The body of Christ is given, taken, and eaten in the 10 AKTICLES OF RELIGION. Supper, only after a heavenly and spiritual manner. And the means whereby the body of Christ is received and eaten in the Supper, is faith. The sacrament of the Lord's Supper was not by Christ's ordinance reserved, carried about, lifted up, or worshipped. I XIX. Of Both Kinds. *M' The cup of the Lord is not to be denied to the lay people; for both the parts of the Lord's Supper, by Christ's ordinance and commandment, ought to be administered to all Christians alike. 'if! II I n : tl ; I ' 'i >.l^ XX. Of the One Oblation of Christ, finished upon the Cross. ^1. The offering of Christ once made, is that perfect redemption, propitiation, and satisfaction for all the sins of the whole world, both original and actual; and there is none other satisfaction for sin but that alone. Wherefore the sacrifice of the mass, in which it is commonly said that the priest doth offer Christ for the quick and the dead, to have remission of pain or guilt, is a blasphemous fable and dangerous deceit. XXI. Of the Marriage of Ministers, %^. The ministers of Christ are not commanded by God's law either to vow the estate of single life, or to abstain from marriage : therefore it is lawful for them, as for all other Christians, to marry at their own discretion, as they shall judge the same to serve best to godliness. ARTICLES OP RELIGION. 11 XXTI. OftJiA Rites and Ceremonies of the Church. 33. It is not necessary that rites and ceremonies should tn all places be the same, or exactly alike ; for they have Jways been different, and may be changed according to the liversity of countries, times, and men's manners, so that lothing be ordained against God's word. Whosoever, bhrough his private judgment, willingly and purposely doth )penly break the rites and ceremonies of the Church to ^hich he belongs, which are not repugnant to the word of rod, and are ordained and approve \ by common authority, mght to be rebuked openly, that others may fear to do the like, as one that offendeth against the common order of the ^hurch, and woundeth the consciences of weak brethren. Every particular Church may ordain, change, or abolish •ites and ceremonies, so that all things may be done to jdification. XXIII. Of the Civil Government. ^4' We believe it is the duty of all Christians to be mbject to the powers that be ; for we are commanded by |the word of God to respect and obey the Civil Government: ^e should therefore not only fear God, but honour the King. XXIV. Of Christian Men's Goods. 35. The riches and goods of Christians are not common, is touching the right, title, and possession of the same, as some do falsely boast. Notwithstanding, every man ought, )f such things as he possesseth, liberally to give alms to the poor, according to his ability. li OICNERAL RUIJSS. ror- XXV. 0/a Christian Man's Oath, 150. As we confess that vain and rash swearing is Wdden Christian men by our Lord Jesus Christ and James his apostle ; so we juf'ge that the Christian religion doth not prohibit, but that a man may swear when the magis- trate requireth, in a c?» use of faith and charity, so it be done according to the prophet's teaching, in justice, jiulgment and truth. Section III. The Originy Design, and General Rules of our United Societies. 37. In the latter end of the year 1739, eight or ten per- sons came to Mr. Wesley in London, who appeared to be deeply convinced of sin, and earnestly groaning for redemp- tion. They desired, as did two or three more the next day, that he would spond some time with them in prayer, and advise them how to flee from the wrath to come, which they saw continually hanging over their heads. That he might have more time for this great work, he appointed a day when they might all come together ; which from thence- forward they did every week, nomely, on Thursday, in the evening. To these, and as many more as desired to join with them (for their numbers increased daily), he gave those advices from time to time which he judged most need- ful for them ; and they always concluded their meetings with prayer suited to their several necessities. J! - GENERAL RULES. 18 ng IS xor- nd James gion doth he magis- it be done jiulgment United r ten per- red to be r redemp- next day, ayer, and ne, which That he jointed a n thence- ly, in the d to join he gave lost need- meetings I 188. This was the rise of the United Societies, first in Europe and then in America. Such a Society is no other iihan "a company ofmen^ having the form, and seeking the )wer of godliness, united in order to pray together, to re- ceive tJie word of exhortation, and to vxitch over one another ^n love, that they may help each other to work out their talvation." ^9. That it may the more easily be discerned whether ithey are indeed working out their own salvation, each IBoeiety is divided into smaller companies, called classes, Recording to their respective places of abode. There are pbout twelve persons in a class, one of whoni is styled Tfie %Leader. It is his duty, — ; 1. To see each person in his class once a week at least, |in order, (a) To inquire how their souls prosper, (b) To lad vise, reprove, comfort, or exhort, as occasion may require. ■^c) To receive what they are willing to give towards the mpport of the Ministers, Churc ., and poor. 2. To meet the Ministers and Stewards of the Society mce a week, in order, (a) To inform the Minister of any that are sick, or of any that walk disorderly and will not be Reproved. (6) To pay the Stewards what they h?,v8 received )f the several classes in the week preceding. 30. There is only one condition previously required of bhose who desire admission into these Societies, " a desire flee from the wrath to come, and be saved from their jins." But wherever this is really fixed in the soul, it will |be shown by its f ruit& 31. It is therefore expected of all who continue therein, bt they should coatinue' to evidence their desire of salvia 14 GENERAL RULES. f( 1'^ h Hi' ' I i li tion, First, By doing no harm, by avoiding evil of every kind, especially that which is most generally practised ; such as, — The taking of the name of God in vain ; the pro- faning of the day of the Lord, either by doing ordinary work therein, or by buying or selling ; drunkenness, buy- ing or selling spirituous liquors, or drinking them, unless in case of extreme necessity ; the buying or selling of men, women, and children, with the intention to enslave them ; fighting, quarreling, brawling, brother going to law with brother ; returning evil for evil, or railing for railing ; the using many words in buying or selling; the buying or selling goods that have not paid the duty; the giving or taking on usury, that is, unlawful interest; uncharitable or unprofitable conversation, particularly speaking evil of magistrates or of ministers ; doing to others as we would not they should do unto us ; doing what we know is not for the glory of God ; as, — The putting on of gold or costly apparel ; the taking such diversions as cannot be used in the name of the Lord Jesus ; the singing those songs, or reading those books, which do not tend to the knowledge or love of God ; softness and needless self-indulgence ; laying up treasure upon earth ; borrowing without a probability of paying ; or taking up goods without a probability of paying for them. 3^. It is expected of all who continue in these Societies that they should continue to evidence their desire of salva- tion. Secondly, By doing good ; by being in every kind merciful after their power; as they have opportunity, doing good of every possible sort, and as far as possible, to all men : To their bodies, of the ability which God giveth, by QENZRAL RULES. 15 of every )ractised ; ; the pro- ordinary less, buy- , unless ill 5 of men, ,ve them ; law witli iling ; the )uying or giving or charitable ig evil of we would is not for or costly e used in songs, or •wledge or 56; laying robability •ability of Societies 3 of salva- v^ery kind lity, doing >le, to all jiveth, by living food to the hungry, by clothir^ the naked, by visit- fcg or helping them that are sick or in prison : To their iouls, by instructing, reproving, or exhorting all we have iny intercourse with ; trampling undei foot that enthusiastic loctrine, that "we are not to do good, unless our hearts are free to it:'' By doing good, especially to them who are of e household of faith, or groaning so to be ; employing em preferably to others, buying one of anotlier, helping ch other in business ; and so much the more because the orld will love its own and them only: By all possible dili- ence and frugaliti), that the Gospel be not blamed : By funning with patience the race which is set before them, de) lying tliemselves^ and taking %p their cross daily ; sub- initting to bear the reproach of Christ, to be as the filth and |)ffscouring of the world ; and looking that men should say %Hl manner of evil of them falsely for the Lord's sake. i 33. It is expected of all who desire to continue in these Societies that they should continue to evidence their desire |)f salvation, Thirdly^ By attending upon all the ordinances f God; such as, — The public worship of God ; the ministry f the word, either read or expounded ; the Supper of the rd ; family and private prayer ; searching the Scriptures ; sting or abstinence. 34. These are ihe General Rules of our Societies; all of hich we are taught of God to observe, even in his written ord, which is the only rulCj and the sufficient rule, both oj ur faith and practice. And all these we know his Spirit rites on truly awakened hearts. If there be any among s who observes them not, who habitually breaks any of hem, let it be known unto them who watch over that soul, ■I ' fir 16 GENERAL RULES. as they who must give an account. We will admonish hiiu of the error of his ways. We will bear with him for a season. But if then he repent not, he hr-th no more place among us. We have delivered our own souls. 35. Note: The General Rules are to be understood as forbidding neglect of duties of any kind, imprudent conduct, indulging in sinful tempers or words, the buying, selling or using intoxicating liquors as a beverage, dancing, playing at games of chance, encouraging lotteries, attending theatres, horse-races, circuses, dancing parties, patronizing dancing- schools, taking such other amusements as are obviously of a misleading or questionable moral tendency, and all acts of disobedience to the Order and Discipline of the Church. be U: f »"' Section IV. Baptism. 30. The proper subjects for baptism are infants, anij believing adults who have not been baptized in infancy. 31. i'he mode of baptism is by sprinkling or pouring but should any candidates for baptism prefer another mode the officiating minister may comply with their request Wherever practicable let the ordinance be administe^'od ii the public congregation. Let the minister, when receiv ing persons on trial for membership, particularly inquirt whether they have been baptized, and if not, let that rit^ be Rxlministered as soon as practicabl&v 4!^ mho GENERAL RVLE& 17 onish hiiQ him for a Qore place erstoocl as t conduct, selling or g, playing g theatres, f dancing- iously of a all acts of yhurch. Section V. The Lord's Sv/\pfir. 38. Let those persons that do not desire to receive the )rd's Supper kneeling receive it either sitting or standing. 3t>. Let no person who is not a member of our Church habitually admitted to the Lord's Supper without ex- |Bni nation, and some token given by the minister. ? 40. No person shall be admitted to the Lord's Supper §mong us who is guilty of any practice for which we would fxclude a member of our Church. * In the public administration of the Lord's Supper non- alcoholic wines shall be used wherever possible. fants, and ifancy. r pouring her mode r request aiste^'ed ii len receiv 'ly inquin t that ritt Section VL ' I On Marringp. 41. Members of our Church sometimes marry with care- ss, unawakened persons. This has produced bad elSects; ley have either been hindered for life, or have turned back ijp perdition. To discourage this practice let every minister %itorce the Apostle's? caution, — " Be ye not unequally yoked ||)gether with unbelievers" (2 Cor. vi. 14); and let them :hort all to take no step in so weighty a matter without Linest prayer to God and consultation with judicious 'hristian friends. 4JJ. We do not prohibit our people from marrying persons ^ho are not of our Church, provided such persons have the irni and are seeking the power of godliness ; but we are a 18 GENERAL RULES. determined to discourage their marrying persons who do not come up to this description. 43- In general, no young woman should marry without the consent, much less without the knowledge, of her parents or natural guardians. Nevertheless, there may be excep tional cases, as when they refuse to allow her to marry at all ; or when they refuse to allow her to marry any Chris^ tian. But even in such cases she should seriously consult with those competent to give godly counsel. i Section VII. On Dress. 44 While the New Testament gives no specific direction in regard to dress, yet its spirit is manifestly against tht use of costly or gaudy apparel, and the wearing of needles ornaments ; therefore, let all our ministers discourage in th Church whatever, in this respect, is contrary to Christia: simplicity ; and in order to do this, let them read th' thoughts upon dress at least once a year, in every societ' where such counsels seem to be needed. EXAMINATION FOR PROBATIONERS. 19 rfho do not y without ler parents be excep I marry at any Chris^ jly consult c direction: against tht of needles irage in tb Christiai n read tb ery societ' CHAPTER II. OF THE MINISTRY. Section I. 0/ the tramination of those who think they are moved hy the Holy Ghost to preach. 45. In order that we may try those who profess to be oved by the Holy Ghost to preach, let the following uestions be asked, namely : — I. Do they know God as a pardoning God '< Have they the love of God abiding in them % Do they desire nothing but God ? And are they holy in all manner of conver. |ation ? % 2. Have they gifts as well as grace for the work ? Have hey a clear, sound understanding ; a right judgment in the hings of God ; a just conception of salvation by faith ? ilnd has God given them an acceptable way of speaking 1 j)o they speak justly, readily, clearly? I 3. Have they fruit 1 Are any truly convinced of sin, Ind converted to God by their preaching % 40. As long as these three marks concur in any one, we believe he is called of God to preach. These we receive as ufficient proof that he is moved by the Holy Ghost. 4T- With the consent of the Local Preachers' Meeting r of the Quarterly Official Board, the Superintendent of e Circuit mtiy license such persons to exhort. After fficient proof of their gifts and usefulness they may be urther received as Local Preachers on trial, and on expira- 20 RULES OF CONDUCT. ii .1 i;;ni ■ 1 \ li I lliii: 1 1 i i i tioQ of three months' trial, should their examination by the Local Preachers' Meeting, or Quarterly Official Board, be satisfactory, they shall receive license as Lccal Preachers. HMh Section II. 0/' Rules of Conduct for a Mmister or Probationer foi the Ministry, 48. Rule 1. Be diligent. Never be unemployed ; never be triflingly employed ; never trifle away time, neither spend any more time at any place than is strictly necessary, 40. Rule 2. Be serious. Let your motto be '* Holiness to the Lord." Avoid all lightness, jesting, and foolisli talking. 50. Rule 3. Converse sparingly, and conduct yourselves prudently, with women. (1 Tim. v. 2.) 51* Rule 4. Take no steps towards marriage without fii'st consulting with your brethren. 5^. Rule 5. Believe evil of no one without good evidence unless you see it done, take heed how you credit it. Put the best construction on everything. You know the judgt is always supposed to be on the pi isoner's side. 5S. Rule 6. Speak evil of no one ; because your word especially, would eat as doth a canker. Keep your thoughts within your own breast till you come to the person con cerned. 54. Rule 7. Tell every one under your care what yoii think wrong in his conduct and temper, and that lovinglv 4- 1 I RULES Ob' CONDUCT. 21 oa by the- ^reachers. 1 tioner /oi jed ', never le, neitlier necessary. '* Holinest Hid foolish yourselves :e without evidence t it. Put the judge ,^our word r thought: terson con what yoii ,t lovingl) and plainly, as soon as may be, else it will fester in your eart. Make all haste to cast the tire out of your bosom. 55. little 8. Avoid all affectation. A preacher of the ospol is the servant of all. 50- Hiile 9. Bo ashamed of nothing but sin. 51. Bule 10. Be punctual. Do everything exactly at he time. And do not nund our rules, but keep them ; >t for wrath, but conscience' sake. 58. Bule 11. You have nothir ▼ to do but to save souls, erefore spend and be spent in this work ; and go always, liot only to those that want you, but to those.that want you |nost. , Obseive ! it is not only your business to preach so many limes, and to take care of this or that Society, but to save |is many as you can ; to bring as many sinners as you can to repentance, and, with all your power, to build them up }n that holiness without which they cannot see the Lord. And remember ! a Methodist preacher is to mind every J^int, great and small, in the Methodist Discipline! There- lore you will need to exercise all the sense and grace you Jlave. 50. Ride 12. Act in all things, not according to your own will, but as a son in the Gospel. As such, it is your cjuty to employ your time in the manner which we direct ; in preacliiiig and visiting from house to house ; in reading, editation and prayer. Above all, if you labor with us in e Lord's vineyard, it is needful you should do that part the work which we advise, at those times and places ich we judge most for His glory. 22 DUTY OF !.;iNISTERS AND PROBATIONERS. 00. Smaller advices which might be of use to us are perhaps these : 1. Be sure never to disappoint a congrega vion. 2. Begin at the time appointed. 3. Let your whole deportment be serious, weighty, and solemn. 4. Always suit your subject to your audience. 5. Choose the plainest text you can. 6. Take care not to ramble, but keep tc your text, and make out what you take in hand. 7. Take care of anything awkward or affected, either in your gestures, phrase, or pronunciation. 8. Do not usually pray extempon above eight or ten minutes (at most) without intermission 9. Frequently read and enlarge upon a portion of Scripture and let young preachers often exhort without taking a text 10. Always avail yourself of the great festivals by preach ing on the occasion. h! Section ITI. The duty of Ministers ami Probationers — Matter and mamm of preaching — Visiting from house to house. 01. The duty of a minister or probationer is, — 1. T preach ; 2. To meet the Societies and Classes ; 3. To visi the sick. 03. A minister or probationer shall be qualifietl for hi charge by walking closely with God, and having His worl greatly at heart, and by understanding and loving discipline ours in particular. 03. A minister or probationer should use all the mean of grace himself, and urge the use of them on others, sucl as : RS. DUTY OF MINISTERS AND PROBATIONERS. 23 to us are k congrega jTOur whole 4. Always he plainest it keep to . 7. Take ir gestures, r extempon termission Scripture [ing a text by preach :* md mamie ise. is,— 1. T 3. To visi tied for hi His worl discipline y the mem thers, sucl 1. Pm.V'ir— private, family, and public ; consisting of deprecation, petition, intercession, and thanksgiving. 2. Searching th« Scriptures. 3. The Lord's Supper. 4. Fasting and Abstinence. 5. Christian Conference. Ministers should manifest an interest in the spiritual welfare of each other, by speaking freely to each other fpon the subject of personal religion. They should take j|reat care not to despise each other's gifts, or speak lightly of each other, defending each other's character in every- thing, as far as is consistent with truth. 04. The best general method of preaching is, — 1 . To con- ▼ince ; 2. To oflfer Christ ; 3. To invite ; 4. To build up : And to do this in some measure in every sermon. 05' The most effectual way of preaching Christ is to preach Him in all His offices ; and to declare His law, as lirell as His Gospel, both to believers and unbelievers. Let fis strongly and closely insist upon inward and outward Aoliness in all its branches. 00- It is by no means advisable for us to preach in as many places as we can without forming any Societies. We should endeavor to preach most, — 1. "Where there is the greatest number of (juiet and willing hearers ; 2. Where ere is most fruit. We ought diligently to observe in what places God is leased at any time to pour out His Spirit more abundantly, ,nd at that time to send more laborers than usual into at part of the harvest. 61. We can further assist those under our care by in- iruoting them in their own houses. 24 ELECTION AND ORDINATION OF MINISTERS. ■' I * Family religion is wanting in many homes. What avails public preacliing alone 1 We must, yea, every minister and every probationer must instruct the people from house to house. Let this be done, and that in good earnest. Section IV. The Election and Ordination of Minister s^ and their Duties. 68. A minister is constituted by election of the Annua Conference, and by laying on of the hands of those dulj appointed thereto. 60. The duties of a minister are, — 1. To conduct all parts of Divine worship. 2. To administer Baptism and the Lord's Supper. 3. To solemnize Matrimony, and in general to perfoi n: all the work of a Christian minister. 'J'O. No minister who ceases to travel without the con sent of the Annual Conference, certified under the hand o; the President, except in case of sickness, debility, or othei unavoidable circumstances, shall, on any account, exercise the peculiar functions of his office, or even be allowed t( preach among us ; nevertheless, the final determination ir all such oases is with the Annual Conference. 11. After approval of the Annual Conference, a Gen eral Siiperintendent, with the President of the Annua Conference, may issue a commission, to which the seal o: the Conference shall be attached, to authorize a minister oi the Church to ordain, according to our form of ordination. Buch missionary or missionaries as may be stationed in dis tant parts of our work. 1 Ohr manl 1, afccr the disU rece tis tl •Ihe Goni $x\y auth Ooni emp] be re Ifecei i 3. sir on ir ha SRS. MlNlSlKkS FROM OIHKU CHUUOHKR. ^hat avails inister and I house t€ it. Skctfon V. d their he Annuai those duly er. to perfoni; it/ the con le hand o: or other t, exercise illowed tf ination ir. !e, a Gen le Annua the seal o: ninister oi >rdinatioii led in dis The Becepfion of Ministers from ot/nr Churches. 1^. Ministers who offer to unite witli us from other ristian Churches may be received in the following lanner : — 1. Tf they come to us with proper testimonials from any credited Methodist Church, they may be received accord- Sg to such credentials, provided they give satisfaction* to e Annual Conference of their willingness to conform to r Church government and usages. f 2. Candidates for the ministry from any body of Metho- cteists, or from other Rvangelieal denominations, may be Ipceived as candidates for our ministry, provided they give |itisfaction that they are suitable persons to exercise the it-e ; and that they believe in the doctrines and approve ^ the discipline, government and usages of our Church. 1|he Chairman and any two ministers (members of the nference) of the District within the bounds of which y such candidate may be travelling or resident, are thoii/ed to act as a committee on behalf of the Annual nference, to admit him into our Church ; and he may be ^ployed until the ensuing Annual Conference ; and if he recommended by an annual District Meeting he may be ceived as a probationer f .v the ministry. 3. Ministers of other Evangelical Churches who may sire to unite with our Church, may be received according our usages, on condition of their taking upon them our ina*ion vows when required, without the re-imposition hands, giving satisfaction to an Annual Conference of II ' (h' 26 RECEIVING MEMBERS INTO THE CHURCH. their being duly ordained ministers, and of their agreemen with us in c^^ctrine, discipline, government and usages. 13. Whenever any such minister shall be received, h shall be furnished with a certificate signed by a Genera Superintendent and President : — This is to Certify that has bee: received into Conference as a minister, h» having been ordained to the office of the ministry, accordin to the usages of the Church, of which he ha been a minister ; and he is hereby authorized to exercise th functions of his office in the Methodist Church so long a his life and conversation are such as become the Gospel o Christ. Given under our hand and seal at this day of , in the yea of our Lord iW!' CHAPTER III. THE MEMBERSHIP OF THE CHURCH. Section I. Of Receiving Members into the Church. 1'4. In order to prevent improper persons from insini ating themselves into the Church — 1. Let no one be received into the Church until sue person has been at least three months on trial, and has bee LCH. RELATION OF BAPTIZED CHILDREN. 27 • agreemen asages. •eceived, h> ' a Genera has bee: minister, h* jr, accord in; rhich he ha exercise th L so long a e Gospel i , in the yea CH. jommended by the Leaders' Meeting, or, where no such lieeting is held, by the Leader. Members in connection ith any other body of Methodists, or other Evangelical lurches, who make application for admission into our lurch, may be received by the Superintendent of the Ircuit or Mission as members, without the usual terra of )bation. 2. Let none be admitted on trial, nor receive tickets, but ioso who are recommended by one you know, or until ley have met three or four times in class. 3. Read the Rules to them the first time they meet. 'ch. from insini until sur and has bee Section II. 0/ the Relation of Baptized Children to the Church. 75. We hold that all children, by virtue of the uncon- ditional benefits of the atonement, are members of the Mngdom of God, and, therefore, graciously entitled to bap- tism ; but as infant baptism contemplates a course of li^ligious instruction and discipline, it is expected of all irents or guardians who present their children for baptism, iat they use all diligence in bringing them up in conformity I the Word of God; and they should be solemnly admonishod ol this obligation, and earnestly exhorted to faithfulness lerein. 7G. We regard all children who have been baptized as laced in visible covenant relation to God, and under the )ecial care and supervision of the Church ; therefore, let rery Superintendent urge upon all parents in his congre- ition the duty and importance of presentin^^ their children t; =»i 2S IIKLAIION OP BAPTIZED CHILDREN. f I : to God in the ordinance of baptism, and keep a register o such baptisms in a Baptismal Register to be provided an. kept in connection with each Circuit. 17. As soon as the children shall have at*^ained an ag sufficient to understand, let them be taught the natun design, and obligations of their baptism, and the truths o: rjligion necessary to make them wise unto salvation ; le our Catechisms be placed in their hands, and let all wli can, read and commit the same to memory ; let them I encouraged to attend class, and to give regular attendaiic upon all the means of grace, according to their age, capacity and I'eJigious experience. Pray earnestly for them, aiv. talk with them at every suitable opportunity. IS' As far as practicable, it shall be the duty of ever Superintendent to obtain the names of the children of hi congregation, to form them into catechumen classes for th purpose of giving them religious instruction, to instruc them regularly himself, as his other duties will allow ; t appoint a suitable Leader for each class, who shall instruc them in his absence, and leave for his successor a correc list of each class, with tbe name of its Leader, and mak returns of the same, in a separate column, to the Annua District Meeting. It is understood, however, that the shall not necessarily be included in the column headed ** Total membership of the Church." 'S'd. Whenever a baptized child shall, by orphanage c otherwise, become deprived of Christian guardianship, tb Superintendent shall ascertain and report to the Leaders Meeting the facts in the case ; and such provision shall h made for the Christian training of the child as the circuni stances may admit and require. 18 Hyi tiire n resp mh Otnl % ^eir 2. eiren 3. pttbli tion 4 Jmsc\ alltl y€ register o: ovided an tied an as bhe naiun e truths o: vation ; le let all wlv et them b attendant' ;e, capacitv them, aiK ty of ever; dren of hi jses for til' to instruc I allow ; t( all instruc: )r a correc , and mat the Annua that the nn headed phanage c anship, th« he Leaders on shall be lie circuni PUBLIC WORSHIP. CHAPTER 1\^. MEANS OF GRACE. 29 > ■ ^1 ShCTION I. Public Worship. 80- For the establishment of uniformity in public wor- iliip among us on the Lord's day : — 1. Let the morning service consist of (1) Doxology ; (2) iim ; (3) Prayer ; (4) Anthem or Hymn ; (5) a Scrip- tlire lesson out of the Old, and one out of the New Testa- iii«nt— the minister and congregation may read a portion responsively ; (6) Hymn ; (7) Sermon ; (8) Prayer ; (9) Collection ; (10) Hymn ; (11) Benediction. Let one hymn or more be read, verse by verse, alternately with the sing- 'Stg. At the close of the service let the congregation bow tfceir heads in silent prayer. 2. The same order shall be observed in the afternoon and evening services, except that one lesson shall suffice. 3. Let the Lord's Prayer also be used on all occasions of jwlblic worship in concluding the first prayer, the congrega- tion being recommended to join audibly and heartily, and the Apostolic benediction in dismissing the congregation. 4 In administering the ordinances, let the form in the scipline be used. Let our own Hymn-Book be used in the public services. 5. Let the people be earnestly exhorted to take part in public worship of God — first, in singing ; secondly, in yer, in the scriptural attitude of kneeling. 6. Let the Society be met, at least once a quarter, wher- r it is practicable, on the Sabbath-day. 80 CLA»S£S AND CLASS MEETINGS. ) I Section II. The Spirit and Truth of Singing, 81. To guard against formality in singing: — 1. Choose such hymns as are proper for the occasion, ai do not sing too much at once ; seldom more than live r six verses. 2. Let the tune be suited to the words, and do not snU the people to sing too slowly. Exliort every person in tl congregation to sing. 3. Frequently remind the people of the importance this part of religious worship, and exhort them to " sir with the spirit and with the understanding also." 4. Recommend our tune-book ; and appoint some suita) person to conduct the singing. 5. The singing and all other parts of public worship a: under the control and direction of the Superintendent the Circuit. Section III. Classes and Class Meetings. 8^. Let all our members be enrolled in classes, and order to render our Class Meetings interesting and prot able, — 1. Let each Leader be careful to inquire how every so in his Class prospers ; not only how each person observ the outward rules, but how he grows in the knowledge at ^i love of God. PRAYER MEETJNGS — LOVEFEASTS. 31 ccasioii, ail than live f io not siiH erson in tl uportunce . em to " sir. 5ome suital worship a: intendenfc 2. Let each Leader converse with those who have the cliarge of their Circuits frequently and freely. 3. Let improper Leaders be removed. See that all the jaders be not only men of soun^l judgment, but men truly >voted to God. In order to this, let the Superintendent make strict inquiry in the Leaders' Meeting, or wlicre there (BO such meeting, in the Fourth meeting of the Quarterly icial Board, into the moral character of all the Leaders, tiheir punctuality in beginning aiid ending their Class Meot- famg in proper time, and whatever relates to their otliie. . 4. Observe what Leaders are most useful ; and let them meet the other classes as often as possible. As a general rule, let no Leader ha\e charge of more than one class. 5. Non-members should be admitted to the Class Meeting with the utmost caution. Section IV. Prayer Meetings. 83 Let meetings be held each week for prayer, follow- iitlp, instruction in the Word of God, and spiritual edifi- cation. asses, and ig and prot >w every so son observ lowledge at Section V. Lovefeaats. 84. A Lovefeast shall be held in each Circuit and Mis- **"in at least once a quarter ; adniission to which may be by ticket of membership, or by a note of admission. n». 32 NEGLECT OF THE MEANS f)F GRACE. I* t- ir Section VI. Society Meetings, 85. Society Meetings shall be held once a quarter when ever it is practicable, under the direction of the Supeiii tendent of the Circuit, or his colleague acting under hi instruction. The principal object of the meeting shall be the spiritua edification of the Church, by exhortation on the part of tl; minister present, with prayer and other religious exercise: The members shall be faithfully admonished respecting thei personal religion and Christian deportment, their closet an family duties, and their attendance upon the public ai: private means of grace. At these meetings the Rules ( Society shall be read, and the representatives to attend tl meetings of the Quarterly Official Board may be appoiiitei Section VII. Exclusion for Negleti of the Means of Grace. 80. If any members of the Church repeatedly and u it out sufficient reason neglect any of the means of giat such as Class Meeting, Prayer Meeting, Public Worslii; the Lord's Supper, the Ordinances of God, let the Supe intendent, or his assistant, visit and aduionish them, ai they continue their neglect let them receive notice of ex- sion. Nevertheless, it shall be the privilege of all perso: who are laid aside for neglect of the means of grace, fiL not for immoral conduct, to appear before the Leaders' Me^ ing or Quarterly Official Board to show cause why tht names should be continued on the roll of membership, and there be promise of amendment let them still be borne wit ■^' B. arter wher. he Su peril y under hi :he spiritua I part of til IS exercises )ecting thei r closet an public an he Rules ( a'.tend t! e appointee m iart IL THE GOVERNMENT OF THE CHURCH. 7'ace. ly and uit ns of grat ic Worshi; t the Supe them, ar ice of exK f all person f grace, at! waders' Me^J ie why thel jrship, and ; J borne witj f Jt.l , 'HE GOVEENMENT OF THE CHUECH. CHAPTER I. THE CONFERENCES. Section L The General Conference, % 81. The General Conference shall be composed of an iiual number of Ministerial and Lay delegates, elected as reinafter provided, and shall meet quadrennially. 88. Tlie General Conference shall elect from the minis- rs of the Church by ballot, without debate, one or more ifcinenint General Superintendents, in agreement witli the Basis of Union. I 8^. Each General Conference shall elect by ballot, with- dbt debate, from among its members, a Secretary, whose dbty it shall be to keep a correct record of its proceedings if|ld to publish the Journals under the direction of the ^neral Conference. The Secretary so elected may nominate, Ipid the Conference elect, an assistant or assistants. 110. Fifty members of the General Conference shall form ■i quorum for the transaction of business. — Journal. 91. A General Superintendent shall preside over all sions of the General Conference, and over all the Standing mnaittees of the same ; but in case no General Superin- 1,1 if.- I ■ 7 m 36 THE GENERAL CONFEItENCE. IP tendent be present, the General Conference, or the Commit tees of the General Conference, shall elect by ballot, with out debate, a President pro tern. 0^. The General Conference only shall have full powei to make Rules and Regulations for our Church, under th^ following limitations and restrictions, viz.: — 1. It shall not revoke, alter, or change any Article o: Religion, nor establish any new standards or rules of doc trine contrary to our existing and established standards o doctrine. 2. It shall not destroy the plan of our Itinerant systein 3. It shall* not do away with the privileges of our minis ters or probationers for the ministry, of trial by a Coiii mittee, and of an appeal ; neither shall it do away with th^ privileges of our members of trial before the Society, or h a Committee, and of an appeal. 4. It shall not make any change in the General Rules o our Society except Ijy a three-fourths majority; and i required by either order of ministry or laity, a two-third majority of each order, voting separately. 5. No change shall be made in the Basis of Unioi: affecting constitutional questions, or the rights and privi leges of ministry or laity, except by a three-fourths majorit of the General Conference; and if required by either miiii> try or laity, a two-thirds majority of each order, votin. separately. 93. The General Conferencre, by a vote of two-thirds < its members, shall have power to increase or diminish tb number, or alter the boundaries, of Xh^ several AwHUftl Cop fpre^c^s, ;i vj " » r THE GENERAL CONFERENCE. 37 le Commit I allot, witli full powei , under tl^ Article o: les of doc andards o mt system our minis bv a Colli ly with til' ciety, or b) al Rules o: ty ; and i: two-third; of Union and privi IS majorit) ther minu der, votiii. vo-thirds o njinish tht ni>ual CoE ^4. The General Superintendents shall hold office for ght years, and shall be eligible for reelection. They shall , ex officio, members of the General Conference sitting at e time their term of office shall expire. tl5. 'J he General Superintendents shall he members and airiucn, ex officio, of all standing Committees and Boards bpointcd by t\w General Conference, with the right to bte ; but the one presidint^ shall have a casting vote only. «i tMJ. They shall not be stationed, but shall travel at large ^roughout the Church, and shall have the i^tneral over- ttght of all Church interests and institutions, and do all in tlieir power to forward thon, and render such f^rrvice as the ^neral Conference may direct. They shall give special ention to such inteiests as are connexional in their char- ter, leaving local or conferential matters to the Annual nference authorities as f/ir as possible. They shall not iiiterfere v;ith the functions of the ministers and other lltocers of the Church in their prescribed duties. ^ OT. They shall decide any questicr< of law arising in any cl the Committees or JJuards over which they preside; but iiiy member of such Cr.mniittee or Board, or any minister oal member whose interests are afiected by such decision, irilEill have the right to nppcal to the Court of Appeal. 08. They shall be membeis of the Annual Conferences td which they belonged at the time of their election to #ce. loo. They shall not take part in the proceedings of their nual Conferences any further than their duties as General perintendents may require. 100. They shall be responsible to the General Conference aii tht ir official acts. 38 THE GENERAL CONBERENCE. u 101. The General Conference sball appoint a Specia Committee of twelve ministers and twelve laymen, on thf nomination of the General Superintendent, which shall, i; association with the General Superintendent or Superinter dents, from one General Conference to another, watch ove and guard all the rights and privileges of our Chun throughout the Connexion, promote as far as possible tli recommendations of the Geneial Conference, consider an decide upon any measure which may seem necessary for tli general interests of the Church and could not have bee: foreseen at the meeting of the General Conference, an adopt such measures for their accomplishment as it nir judge expedient. 'I'he said Committee shall report to tli General Conference. 103. The General Conference Special Committee sli;i have power to call a special session of the General Confe: ence at any time, which shall be composed of the member of the last regular General Conference, all vacancies havir. been filled as hereinafter provided. 103. In the event of the death or disability of a Gener? Supr>rintendent, the other General Superintendent or tl Secretary of the General Conference shall call together t'r Special Committee of the General Conference, who ma elect a successor, who shall fill the office until the ne^ General Conference. 104. When any vacancy occurs during the quadrenniiir in any Board or Committee of the General Conference, 1 death, resignation, or otherwise, the same shall be filled I the surviving members of such Board or Committee, unle; some other provision has been made for filling such vacanc' 1 in< id kte Ki ie >a ■m 1 tocti tike icti ii( le don leii -n •# THE GENERAL CONFERENCE. 39 t a Specia men, on tli' ich shall, i: Superinter watch ove >ur Ohurc possible til onsider an' sary for tfi t have bee: ference, an . as it ma 'port to tl mittee sha jral Confei ie member cicies havin 3f a Genera dent or th together th I, who ma lil the nex uadrenniur nference, 1 be filled I ittee, unlei ich vacant 105« Any Board or Committee having charge of any fond of the Church, may borrow, upon the credit and iCcurity of such fund, such sum or sums of money as it may Hind necessary for the purposes thereof, and may hypothe- fpte, mortgage, and pledge so much of the real or personal nroperty held in trust for such fund as may be necessary to glcure any sum or sums so borrowed. Any document or clocuments required therefor may be executed on behalf of l^e Church by such person or persons as the respective Boards or Committees may direct. i# 106. The General Conference shall direct an annual col- liction to be made throughout the whole work for meeting the amount chargeable to the General Conference Fund, and Ae Annual Conferences shall fix the time when such col- liction shall be taken up in the churches. A collection i»r this purpose shall also be taken up in the church in Hhich the General Conference is held, during its sitting, e ofiicers of the General Conference appointed for the rpose shall disburse only the amount on hand for General iJonference expenses, leaving each delegate deficient ia his Ippenses by an equal amount. 101. The Boards and Committees of the General Con- ilrence shall report in detail quadrennially, the salaries, use rent and other allowances of the heads of departments connection with the Conference, n.nd the source of pay- ents. 108. All Standing Committees and Boards shall present eir reports to the General Conference in duplicate. 40 THE COURT OF APPEAL. h; Section II. The Court of Appeal, 109. The Oourt of Appeal shall consist of the Genera Superintendents, and twelve other persons — six minister and six laymen — to be elected by ballot by the Genera Conference from twelve ministers and twelve laymen, to h nominated by the General Superintendents. 1. The Court shall elect its own Secretary by ballot. 2. A majority of those present shall be necessary t^ render a decision, but such a majority shall not be less thai five. 3. The Court shall hear and determine appeals : — a. From decisions of the presiding officers of the Annua Conferences on questions of law ; 6. From decisions of Presidents of Annual Conference on questions of law ; c. From decisions of Annual Conferences when the) have exceeded their jurisdiction ; d. From decisions of Committees appointed to settlf disputes as to boundaries of Annual Conferences, cases o; invasion, and the like \ e. From decisions of General Superintendents on ques tions of law in the Committees and Boards over which they preside ; /. From decisions of Committees and Boards of thf General Conference when they have exceeded their jurisdic tion ; ff. When any of the above appeals is not from the decision of a General Superintendent, it may be heard and deter^ THE COURT OF APPEAL. 41 lineH by the General Superintendents, or one of them. If Ither party gives notice of dissent therefrom, the appeal lall be heard by the full Court : otherwise the decision ^all be final. The General Superintendents, or Superin- ident, instead of hearing the appeal, may remit it at once the full Court. The decision of the latter shall in all jes be final. 4. No member of the Court of Appeal who is personally |terested in an appeal shall sit on the case. When objec- m is made on this ground, by appellant or respondent, remaining members of the Court shall determine whether is thus disqualiried. 5. Any person or Church court appealing to the Court Appeal shall have the right to appear before the Court in jirson, or by representative, to prosecute such appeal. The le right shall be accorded to the respondent, but in every ie such representative shall be an accredited member of Methodist Church. f6. In all cases of appeal, notice shall be given by the |rty appealing to a General Superintendent, who shall, jr notice of appeal, assemble the Court as soon as isible. In all cases unprovided for, the Court shall have power I frame rules of order for itself. [8. The Court shall keep a full and correct rev ord of its )ceedings during the current quadrennium, and shall )ort the same to the next General Conference, m 42 THE COMMITTEE ON TRANSFERS. 11 l!; # h i'i id. Section III. The Committee on 7\an^fer8. 110. 'J'hn Transfer Conuiiitte'3 shull be composed of tl' General Superintendents and the Presidents of tlie Annu Conferences concerned in the transfers. 1. One of the General Superintendents shall preside i the Coniniittec, and in case no General Superintendent I present, the Committee shall elect one of their number t the chair. 2. All communications from Presidents of Annual Coi ferences, in relation to transfers from their Conferences, ac from ministers who desire a transfer, shall be sent to eae of the General Superintendents not later than the 10th da of March in each year. 3. The General Superintendent shall notify thePresidei of each Annual Conference concerned in the pro*" edtrai, fer, of all proposed or desired transfers to or fro. wis Coi ference, not later than the 20th day of March in eai year, and the President shall immediately notify any men ber of his Conference aflbcted by such proposed or desire transfer. 4. A proposal to transfer a minister or proliationer ^vi has not requested it, may be made by any member of i\ Transfer Committee ; provided that, in every case, noti of such proposal or transfer be given to the person to cerned on or before the 15th day of March in each yea and that no minister be transferred without his own conser; 5. Whenever a Circuit requests the appointment of minister from another Conference, the Quarterly Office THE COMMITTEE ON TRANSFERS. 43 ■m )Osed of tb tlie Annu. I ])reside i itt'iident I number i Innual Co; erences, ai sent to cac he 10th da be Preside! )^ ed trail' u. . wis Coi. rch in eac y any men I or desire {itioner ^vl mber of tl case, notit person coi each yea: »wn consen: itment of ^rly Officu Hoard of such Circuit shall pay the moving expenses, ilinisters transferred at their own request shall pay their gjj^n moving expenses, but in the case of the transfer of a Xnister who has not requested to be transferred, his mov- ij|g expenses shall be paid by the General Conference Fund. T^iosc transferred at the vequest of the Missionary authori- ties shall receive their moving expenses from the Mission ind. 6. The Transfer Committee shall have authority to fix ie date at which the transfer shall take effect. 7. Each minister or probationer transferred shall be sub- jfct to the action of the Stationing Committee, and shall be under the special charge of the President of the Conference tqi which he is transferred, until he is stationed. ^ 8. The ultimate financial claims of any minister shall not ||( affected by such transfer. 0. The Secretary of each Transfer Committee shall, im- i||ediately after the rising of the Committee, report to the tesident of each Annual Conference affected all transfers and from his Conference, and the date at which such tiansfers shall take place. 10. The decisions of the Committee in all cases of trans- Ibt shall be final. 11. The General Superintendents shall have authority to iiisfer any candidate on a list of reserve to any Confer- ice where a supply is required, with the consent of the residents of the two Conferences concerned. 12. The General Superintendents shall also have authority, the consent aforesaid, to transfer, during the year, any mister from one Conference to another for the purpose of i e U m 1 •; 44 THE ANNUAL CONFERENCE. '3 h . 12 i tilling a vacancy, provided it be not done without the cor sent of the minister concerned. 13. In case an emergency arises between the Annua Conferences, making it necessary to transfer a minister v. supply the work on aiiy missionary field of the North- V/es or the Pacific Coast, the General Superintendents, togethe with the Presidents of any of the Annual Conferences in terested, shall liave authority to transfer such minister, pre vided they deem it desirable, and such minister is willing t( be transferred. 111. The Chairman of a District in which a tran; ferred man has been stationed during the year previous t his transfer, shall report to the President of the Conference to which such minister has been transferred, whether or no in his case the usual disciplinary questions concerning diar acter and standing have been satisfactorily answered, neve theless this shall not be necessary in cases where tli' transfer does not take effect until after the usual examir ation of character in the Conference out of which th' transfer is made. Section IV. The Annual Conference. 11!!$. Each Annual Conference shall be composed of ai ministe;s within its jurisdiction who have been receivec into fuU connexion^ and an equal number of laymen wh have been elected as elsewhere provided. 113. Each Annual Conference shall assemble not earlif than the first Wednesday in May, nor later than the lai THE ANNUAL CONFERENCE. 45 ut the col: he Annua aiinister tt !^orth-Wes: ts, togethe ferences in inister, pre s willing t( ih a trail; previous t( Conferencf jther or no jrning oJiar ered, never where tli' lal examir. which th' )08ed of ai en receivec a.ymen wb not earlie! an the las ednesday in June of each year, and shall, within this itation, determine the time and place of its meeting from r to year. 114. Each Annual Conference shall elect by ballot, with- t debate, from among its ministerial members a President. shall also elect by ballot, without debate, a Secretary, ,0 shall keep a correct record of the proceedings of the nference, which shall be signed by the President and rctary, and preserved among the documents of the Con nee. The Secretary of Conference shall not alter the tistical returns reported from the Districts, to the Cou- lience. Jll^. The General Superintendent, when present, sluill Oj|en the Annual Conference, and preside during the first of its sessions, and afterward alternately with tltn esident elected by the Conference. In tha absence of General Superintendent, the President shall take tiie ,ir and open the Conference. In association with the sident, the General Superintendent shall conduct the Cgjldination service, and they shall jointly sign the ordina- Sn parchments. But all other dutie^ pertaining to the jsidency of the Annual Conference shall be vested in the B^esident elected by that body, and, in the absence of tlu> m within the jurisdiction of the Annual Conference jcting them. VZ4. The ministerial delegates shall consist of one mem- ^r for every twelve ministerial members of each Annual mference ; provided, nevertheless, that a fraction of one i\i shall entitle a Conference to an additional representa re. r 3 . I- 48 THK ANNUAL CONKEUENCE. VZHi. Each de]ej(ftr(»nce nmy recjuest him to nsk a location, and if he use to comply the ConiVrence sluiJl hear with him till le session next ensuini^, at which tim{% if he pr'rsist in his usal, the (/onferenoo niay, without his formal trial, locate 1 without his consent, hy a v(;t<^ of two thirds of those isent and voting;. Any person sohu'iitcd shall, on reeom ndation of the Conference, rec<'ive fiom the Superannua in Fund, or from the Supernumcra?v Ministers' and inisters' Widows' Fund, the amount of his annual suh- ■•iptions without inter^^st. When a minister who has veiled twenty years or more is located, his Annual Con- ence shall have power to determine whether, and when, shall become a claiuiant on the Superannuated Ministeis' nd. >|IJ5*^. Each Annual (JonlViCMce shall appoint a Special mmittee, consisting of the Fresidi nt and Secretary of inference, the Chairmen of ])istri(;ts, and live other mem- of the Conference to be nominal' 1 by the President, shall have power to consider and decide upon all .tters affecting the Conference, whicii could net have been vided for at the time of the sitting of the Conference. le Special Connnittee shall report its proceed irgs to the t ensuing Annual Conference. 33. Each Annual Conference shall appoint a Confer- le Missionary Committee, which shall consist of the 5 »'v: :^ Im^ 50 THE ANNUAL CONFERENCE. m^ fi President of the Conference, the Chairmen of District! and one layman elected by ballot by the laymen of eac: Annual District Meeting. 134. Each Annual Conference shall have the power t determine the date of the closing of the financial ye; within its own limits. 135- In the event of the death or disability of tl President of an Annual Conference, the ex-President sha immediately enter upon the duties of the presidency, ar. discharge them during the continuance of such disability or to the end of the year ; but in case there be no ex-Pres dent of such Annual Conference, then the Seci-etary of sue Conference shall call together the Sp'-lal Committee, wl shall elect by ballot a President, who shall continue in ofii till the ensuing Conference, or during such disability. 130. The business of the ordinary session of the Annu; Conference shall proceed in the following order : — (1) The Presiding Officer shall open the Conference wit the usual devotional services, and shall then call for ti names of the laymen reported as elected by the Distii Meetings; after which the roll of the members shall i called. (2) The Conference shall then elect by ballot its Pic dent, and thtni its Secretary, after which it shall fill ai vacancies in the office of Chairmen of Districts. 1. What is the report of the Special Session of the Co: f erence 1 2. "What is the report of the Conference Special Col mittee ? 3. Who compose the several Conference Committee^^ THE ANNUAL CONF£it£NC£. 51 le Stationing Committee 1 Pastoral Address 1 Memo- kls and Miscellaneous Resolutions? Statistical Returns 1 ibbath-schools ? Contingent Fundi Education of Can- [dates for the Ministry? The Missionary Committee? miperance? Credentials? State of the Work ? 4. \Vl:at ministers or probationers for the ministry have jd during the year ? 16. What probationers for the ministry are appointed to bend Victoria University, the University of Mount llison College, the Wesleyan Theological College, or Wes College, Winnipeg? Who compose the Board of Examiners for this year ? ^ What minister is appointed by this Conference to the leral Board of Missions ? What layman has been appointed to the General ^ard of Missions by the lay members of the Conference ssionary Committee ? Who are the Conference Treasurers for the Con- :ional Funds? General Conference? Contingent? Union lurch Relief ? Superannuation? Sustentation ? Educa- ^nal 1 Missionary ? Sunday-school Aid ? |10. What vacancies are there in the General Contc. ^nce legations ? 1. Who are elected to /ill Vf^cancies in the General Cpn- jnce delegations ' 2. Who compose the Conference Special Committee? [13. What new Districts, Circuits and Missions have jn formed ? [14. What is the number of church members, churches, other places of worship, and attendance on worship on ''SM 52 SPECIAL MINISTERIAL SESSION. § each Circuit and Mission ? What is the number of deatl of members, baptisms administered, and of maniai:t solemnized by each minister ? I 15. What is the number of ministers, probationers fo the ministry, and laymen in the Quarterly Otlicial Board Of Sabbath-schools ? And (at the Coiifercnce precedir. the General Conference) what connexional property returned *? These questions shall be answered in accordani with the authorized Conference Schedules. 16. What has been collected on each Di.^trict for i\. various Connexional Funds ? Have these amounts bc^ remitted at the proper time to the several Treasurers, ai paid over to the several claimants ? 17. What are he reports of the several Committees] 18. Have the District Sabbath-school Conventions bet held? 19. What further measures can be adopted for the pi motion of the work of God within or beyond the bounds the Conference, and what are the recommendations of tl District Meetings on this important subject ? 20. Where are the ministers and probationers for t! ministry stationed for the ensuing year-*} 21. Who are the Chairmen of Districts and the Financi c ^retaries for the ensuing year ? Section V. Special Ministerial Session. 13*?. The ministerial members of each Annual Coiiffj ence shall hold a special session (to be called the Miuisterii SPECIAL MlKlSTfcltlAL SESSION'. 53 jssion) for the business to be transacted by ministers alone, advance of the meeting of the Annual Conference for jneral business. Such special session siiall be presided rer by the General Superintendent or the President, and lall be held at least one day prior to the meeting of the [nnual Conference, as may be determined by the previous mual Conference, or at the call of the J 'resident. 138. Should it be found necessary, a special Ministerial jssion may be held at any time during the sessions of the Innual Conference. 139. The ministers of the Annual Conference, in special ision, shall examine the character and qualifications of ministers and probationers for the ministry belonging to |e Conference, in accordance with the Discipline, and their icisions shall be final, except in cases of appeal on ques- )ns of law. 140. A record of the proceedings of the Ministerial ssions shall be kept by the Secretary, who shall report \e same to the Annual Conference, for information and Isertion in the Journal of Conference, and not for discus m. 141. The business of the Ministerial Session shall pro id in the following order: — The Presiding Officer shall open the session with tlie lual devotional services, and shall then cause the roll cf ie ministerial members of th'^ Conference to be colled. What ministers or probationer have been transferred to from this Conference 1 Who are appointed as a Committee on Conference ReU" ms? 54 SPECIAL MINISTERIAL SESSION. f ^ Are there any objections or charges preferred against anv of our ministers or probationers 1 To this inquiry, each District Secretary shall answer fo; his District, after which time shall be given to each Chf air man to report any charges preferred between District Meet ing and Conference, and to report the progress made in th^ investigation of such charges. "Who have resigned from the ministry of our Church, and are entitled to credentials of standing? Who are dropped in silence for irregular withdrawal froii; our work 1 Who are suspended from the ministry 1 Who are deposed from the ministry and expelled frott the Church '? What probationers for the ministry are now received into , full connexion with the Conference and ordained ? What probationers for the ministry remain on trial? (a) Who are the probationers of three years'? (6) Who are the probationers of two years 1 (c) Who are the probationers of one year 1 (d) Who are the probationers on the list of reserve 1 What candidates for the ministry are now received o: trial? Who are the superannuated ministers) Who are the supernumerary ministers 1 Who are now located ? THE STATIONING COMMITTEE. 66 •r-*M Section VI. The Stationing Committee. \4% The Stationing Committee shall meet at the call of ihe President, at the place appointed for holding the .nnual Conference, previous to the commencement of its jssions. 1. The Stationing Committee shall meet as often as may )e necessary, during the sessions of the Conference, for |he revision of the stations, and any minister shall have le riHit to appear before the Committee to represent his ise in regard to his appointment. 2. Any Quarterly Board interested may also appear by ^ot more than two representatives, appointed at a regular looting of the Board, or at a meeting of the members of le Board called for this purpose only, by the Superinten- [ent, or two other members of the Board, a majority being present, all having been notified. 3. The first draft of stations, in printed form, shall be placed on the table of the Conference at the close of the |rst session, and copies shall be supplied to the members ; le second and final draft at any time before the close of le Conference, as the Conference may order. 4. The Stationing Committee shall not allow any minister ir probationer for the ministry to remain more than three [ears successively on the same Circuit, except the General Jon t'erence officers, superannuated and supernumerary minis- jrs, the missionaries among the Indians and on the French id Foreign Mission Districts, and such ministers as may appointed to our educational institutions ; nor shall a i<,. 'ill 56 THE ANNUAL DISTRICT MEETING. t minister bo re-appointed to a Circuit or Mission within a less interval than six years. 5. On the division of a Circuit, no minister who ha.^ travelled successively the three preceding years on sucii Circuit shall be aj)poiiited to eitht-r part of it; nevertheless, this rul«' shall not af»ply to those places which may be trans- ferred in adjusting the work by the Annual District Meet iiig, which transfer has been sanctioned by the Stationin;: Committee. 6. The President of an Annual Conference, and the Chairman and Financial Secretary of each District con corned, shall have authority to change the stations c ministers or probationers in the intervals of Confereiu", when the interests of tlu^ work shall appear to them i demand such change. 'I" CHAPTER II. DISTRICT AmrriNos. li' Section I. Tlie Annual District Meeting. 14«J. The territory occupied by each Annual Conferent : is divided into Distiicts. 144. The Annual District Meeting shall consist of aij ministers and probationers for the ministry within its bounds, and one lay delegate for each minister or prolal THE A^'iNL'AL DlSTUlCT iMLtTl.NG. 57 toner in the active work from eacli Circuit, Mission, or tation in the District, who shall liavo hern elected l»y l)allot the Quarterly Otiicial Board. Where a Circuit or ^lis ton has no minister or probationer, but only a supply, the [uarterly Official Board may elect by ballot a lay delegate fho shall be a member of the Annual District Meeting. 145. The Chairman shall appoint the time and place of le H7'{0- Regulations to he observed in relation to Prolm- tioners for the Ministry : — 1. Every Probationer for the ministry shall pursue the course of study prescribed by the General Conference, except as hereinafter provided ; and before he shall h received into full connexion he sholl give satisfactory evi dence to the Annual District Meeting, from year to year, ot his knowledge of the subjects aid books included in suel course of study. 2. The Chairman shall also examine every probationer for the ministry respecting his acquaintance with the books recommended to him, and the general course of readini: which he has pursued during the preceding year. For tlii? purpose every such probationer is required to deliver to the Chairman of his District a list of the books which he ha> read since the preceding Annual District Meeting. Tliis list shall be laid before the meeting, that the senior minis ters may have an opportunity of ^ving to the probationer? such advice and directions respecting tiieir studies as may appear necessary. 3. In addition to the preceding course of inquiry thei THE ANNUAL DISTRICT MEETING. 59 lollowing questions are to be put every year by the Chair- »an to every probationer for the ministry on the District, )ut they need not be inserted in the District Minutes. It enough to say that the usual questions were put to the )robationers and satisfactorily answered ; or, if otherwise, state the case. a. Have you now faith in Christ, and are you going on perfection 1 h. Have you attended regularly to private prayer, and tlie devotional reading of the Scriptures, and books of a )iritual and experimental kind, in order to keep up devout Lnd lively religious feelings in your own heart ? c. Have you carefully visited the sick under your charge, id others to whom you could obtain access ? d. Have you visited the people at their houses, inquiring ito tlieir religious state, praying with them, and adminis- M'ing wholesome counsel ; and have you catechized the Children of the schools, and those of your friends and learei ., as you have had opportunity? e. Have you had fruit of your ministry during the year, knd are you endeavoring so to state the leading truths of Jlu'istian doctrine and experience in your discourses, and to apply them with atl'ection, and earnestness, and prayer, s to do all in your powj^r to secure success in your work 1 f. Answer th(r foUowiii;^ questions in such terms as you n)w\i\ use in stating the doctrines the^y contain to an in- luirer under religious impression*, or in your sermons : — ^'hat is Evangelical Repentance % What is Justification ? ^'hat is Justifying Faith % What is the direct Witness of le Spirit % What is the indirect Witness of the Spirit ? m^ 60 THE ANNUAL DISTRICT MEETING. (If What is Christian Perfection 1 What is the diflbrence bf tween Justification and Sanctification *? What is the diDe- i ence between Justilication and Regoneration ? What t the ditierence between Sanctification and Kntire Sancti^i cation 1 Let these poitits be proved in order by appropriate pal sages of Holy Writ. The brethren will see tlio propriety of conducting tlr part of the proceedings with peculiar deliberation ;ii solemnity, as in the immediate presence of God ; and tli- may enl:\i'ge on doctrinal questions as they may deem necessary, so as to lead the candidates to a right under standing, and an appropriate expression of our leadii. doctrinal peculiarities as a Church. 4. In the annua) examination of probationers for ti ministry, it shall be the duty of the Chairmen of Distrii; to include the disciplinary question, " Do you take snut tobacco, or intoxicating drinks'?'' and a distinct answer i- the negative shall be required in every case, as a conditio of continuing on prol)ation, from year to year. 5. The time for a candidate for oui* ministry to reniai on trial, as a probationer, except as elsewhere providt shall be four years ; at the end of which period, if rec": mended by the Annual District Meeting, he shall, aft examination and approval by the Conference, be receiv( into full connexion, and be publicly recognized. 6. Every such probationer, who has been thus recon mended by the Anniml District Meeting, shall attend tl. Conference of that year, except those laboring in dist n Missions. THE ANNUAL DISTHKrr MEtHNG. 61 ■m 7. Who have been on probation for the ministry /our rears, and are now recommended to be received into full 5onnexion, and to be ordained ? s Who are recommended to be continued on probation ? a. Who are tlie probationers of three years 1 b. Who are the probationers of tico years] c. Who are the j^robationers of 07ie year*! li. What probationers are ou the List of Reserve? When candidate for the ministry has been reconmiended to be k'L'eived o:i probation, but not called out into the work in ihe course of the vear, the Chairman of the District sliall lake inquiry of • Supeiinte'idcnt of the Circuit where resides, whether lie be still deemed a person proper to be nployed in our regular ministry ; and the result shall be jported to the Annual l)istrict Meeting. 10. What cardiflates arci recommended to be received on ^rol)ation for the ministry 1 151. luijvhitions to be observed in reference to Candidates )r the Minist?'!/ : — 1. The Chairmen are required not only to examine very linutely, in the Annual District Meetings, all perscms pro- )sod as candidates for our ministry, but also to report istinctly in their I^istriet Minutes, for the eonsideration of Jonference, the opinion ot he District Meetin<,'s after such :aininations, respecting their health, piety, moral character, linisterial abilities, educational acquirements, })elief of our )c;trines, attachment to our discij^line, and freedom from »bt, as well as from all secular enetimbrancea. 2. Before a District Meeting shall reroramend a candi- ite to the Cuuference. to h* admitted on probation, such 62 THE ANNUAL DISTRICT MEETING. . ). Jim. <|ji •)■' I t t :f! candidate must have been a member of our Church for or/ ypar, and a local preacher in good standing for six montk and approved and recommended by the Quarterly Oflieia. Board of the Circuit or Mission on which he resides. JL; uuist also liavo a certificate of having completed his Pk ] liminary Course. He may, however, be received on pr. bation in case he has not passed in the subject of Greci; | provided, that his standing as a probationer shall not l- given until at College, or in Conference examinations, In requirements in Greek be met. 3. Every candidate thus recommended shall attend tli! | ensuing District Meeting, and be examined before all tlit brethren present respecting his religious experience, b knowledge of divine things, his educational acquiremenU his reading, his views of the doctrines of the Gospel, am his regard for Methodism in general. 4. Every candidate pn »posed to the District Meeting i then to be asked by the Ciiairman the following question to each of which a distinct answer shall be required : — Have you been converted to God 1 Have you now fait in Christ? Are you going on to perfection 1 Do you er pect to be made perfect in love in this life? Are vi earnestly striving after it? Are you resolved to devo yourself wholly to God and His work? Have you be- baptized? What are your views on Infant Baptism ai the Lord's Supper ? Do you know the Rules of the t-'ocic tv Do you keep them 1 Do you take snuft", tobacco, or intox ^ eating drinks? And will you continue to abstain from ti use of them? Have you read the whole Discipline ? A: you willing to conform to it ? Have you considered tb THE ANNUAL DISTRICT MEETING. 68 'd4 'i^ twelve rules of a minister or probationer, as contained in >art I., Chapter II., Section II., of the Discipline, espe- liully the first, the tenth, and the twelfth 'i Will you keep [hem for conscience' sake 1 Are you determined to employ 111 your time in the work of God*? Will you preach at Ivery suitable opportunity, endeavoring not to speak too )i\aded to the ensuing Conference, to be received as a ro'iationer for the ministry. '":: I I jfsi i-'il 64 THE ANNUAL DISTRICT MEETING. '! 1 6. If the Chairman deem it not convenient for a candi (late to attend the District Meeting, he may, with two otht;^ ministers, examine him and report the result to the Distric Meeting. 15/5. RpJjulations reap^xtinr/ the examination of Cawi. < fates by Conference Boards of Examiners : — 1. Kach Annual Conference shall appoint a Board <■ Examiners, who shall meet the candidates and probation*; for the ministry belon^ing to such Conference at one f more central places, and examine them upon the prescriljt course of study, by printed or written questions, supp'r mented by oral examinations when necessary, and issur | crtrtiticates to the successful candidates and probation*-: who shall present them to the Annual District Meetii. and shrill be prepared to submit them at any time to Co:. ference or College authorities when required so to do. 2. Each Examining Board shall have autlioiity to accef Provincial Teachers' Certilicates of the first or second clasi Matriculation, and Undergraduates' Certificates, for sui; subjects of the course of study as are covered by the certificates. 3. The Examining Board of ea.h Annual Confereii shall determine what titles shall be recognized in the recorc I of the Conference. 4. Superintendents of Circuits shall report to the Se retary of the Board of Examiners, immediately after tlij tliird Quarteily Meeting, the names and addresses of aj candidates coming up for examination in the preliminarj course. 5. The Board of Examiners shall report to the Anuud THE ANNUAL DISTRICT MEETING. 65 District Meetings those candidates who have passed a satis- I factory examination in the preliminary course of study; I they shall also report the results of all the other examina- tions. These reports are to be recorded in the JVIinutes of the District, an I presented to the Annual Conference. 6. The Secretary of each Examining Board shall prepare land issue certificates to all candidates or probationers who have completed the course of study; but in cases where the candidate or probationer has not completed the whole course of the year, it shall be the duty of the Secretary of leach Conference or College Examining Board to give a [record of standing in each subject; and for this purpose >very probationer shall forward his certificate to the Sec- retary for entry of additional subjects to his credit in time bo submit it to the Annual District Meeting^. 7. The standard qualification for young men recom- nended to be received into our Conferences as probationers shall not be lower than fifty per cent, of the marks on the )reliii)inary course of study in the aggregate, and thirty- three and one-third per cent, in each subject ; also a stand- Bug of thirty-three and one third per cent, shall be required pn order to pass in each subject of the subsequent course. 153. Regulations affecting Graduates and Conference ]iSfudents : — 1. The examination of probationers for our ministry in )ur Theological Schools or Universities, in regard to their Hudiegf shall be by Examiners appointed by the authorities )f our Colleges ; and in regard to their moral character and \uidijioation foi' the ministry^ by a special District Meeting, ;ouiposed of \\\q puuisterial members of t)^e Faculty in eac)) • vh Tt ' 'I hi ' ■ ' r > ■'ifi ! ■.'Mi r^'ir '}'»!' 66 THE ANNUAL DISTKICT MEETING. 1 1 ■ \ ^ 1 1 ,» I* case, and the ministers of our Church residing in the pla« where the School is located ; the Chairman of the District presiding, or, in his absence, the Dean of the Theological Faculty. 2. A certificate of a student's having passed in any sub ject in one of our Connexional Institutions shall be taker in lieu of an examination in such subject. 3. The Faculties in Theology in the different Colleges an authorized to require students to take the equivalent of the full Conference course prescribed for each year. 4. The Secretary of the Board of Examiners for Theo logical Schools, when reporting the result of examination , shall specify the particular author studied, and if not the same as in the regulai* course for probationers on Circuits, shall designate for which author in that course such work is designed to be an equivalent. 5. The examinations prescribed under paragraphs 141' and 150 (to clause 5), in Annual District Meetings, shall U conducted annually at each College, by the Special District Meeting for such College, and a report of the same forwarded to each District Meeting, respecting the students belongiii;: to that I>istrict. But the probationers for the ministry, at; College, shall not be required to attend the meeting of tlieir^ Districts, except when they are to be recommended fcr| ordination, in which case they shall attend. 6. Probationers for the ministry appointed to attendj College shall be responsible to the District Meeting from which they were recommended, and shall be recommended by said District Meeting, from year to year, for continuance] on trial, or for reception into full connexion and ordination: THE ANNUAL DISTRICT MEETING. 67 K1 nevertheless, any such probationer who has been removed from Collego by the proper authorities, to a Circuit, shall be a member of the District to which such Circuit belongs, and by its District Meeting shall be recommended. 7. All probationers for our ministry shall attend at one I of our Theological Colleg(3s for a period of not less than itwo years, unltss such reasons be submitted to the Annual ICoiiference as in its judgment will justify it in making exceptions to the rule. It is recommended that, whenever possible, the time be extended to tliree years. 8. No probationer appointed to College shall be removed [therefrom, except by authority of the President of his ICoiiference, with the consent of the Chairman of his Dis- [tiict and the President of his College or Dean of Theology. 9. Probationers who, in one of our Connexional Institu- [tions have proceeded to the degree of B.D. or B.A., with full theological options, including Homiletics, shall be lUowed two years on their probation, provided that in !\ery such case the candidate shall have spent six months Kn circuit work during his college course. Other graduates jin Arts shall be allowed one year. Graduates in Arts lall pursue the course of study prescribed. 10. Graduates in Divinity shall be exempted from the regular course of study. In the case of candidates who, by X'imission of the Conferences to which they belong, are >ursuing the B.D. course in any of our Theological Schools, the annual examination in such course of study shall be iccepted instead of the annual examination in the regular jourse for any year. But prior to being recommended to )e received into full connexion and ordained, both these •,'i tl ■1 '. ' m 68 THE ANNUAL DISTRICT MKKriNn. I ':) # tl claMes of candidntes shall be examinod on Woslcy'fl Ser- mons, Fletcher's Check, V. Stevens' History of Methodism, and the Discipline of the Methodist Church. This exam ination shall also be required of all candidates passing through our Theological Schools, who have not been oxain ined on these subjects in their course of study. 11. Probationers appointed to attend our Theological Schools shall pursue the course of study prescribed, except Undergraduates in Arts, who, in addition to their course in Arts, shall take such theological studies as may be deemej advisable by the Faculty of the University or College to which they are appointed. 12. Candidates for our French work shall pursue the course of study prescribed, 1 3. When a student, by appointment of an Annual Con ference, attends a University or- Theological School for two or more years, or proceeds to a degree within the term of his probation, one year shall be allowed on his probation. 14. No student of less than two years' standing at Vic toria University, Mount Allison University, tlie Montrcu Theological College, or at Wesley College, Winnipeg, slui- be received as a candidate for our ministry without the recommendation of the Quarterly Official Board of the Circuit upon which he was resident before entering College,; together with a certiGoate of good moral and religious! standing from the President of the College, or the Dean o:| the Faculty of Theology, with which he has been connected. 15. After preliminary examination by the Examining Committee of the College, students recommended by al Quarterly Official Board shall return to the District irom THE ANNUAL DISTRICT MKETINO. 69 which thev are recommended for their further examination and recommendation to the Annual Conference. 16. Any minister who haa received aid from the Educa- tional Society, and retires from our ministry within ten years after his reception on trial, shall refund such amount to the Society before receiving a certiticate of his standing. 17. Young men attending College who may wish to be- come local preachers, may be received by the Quarterly Otlicial Boards of their Circuits as candidates, after due examination — provided they present certificates of moral and religious character from the Dean of the Faculty. 18. The Third meeting of the Quarterly Official Board, or, in the case of those who are leaving home to attend College, the First or Second meeting of the Quarterly Official Board, may recomriiend such of its local preachers as it deems called to separate themselves entirely to the work of the ministry, and qualified therefor, to the next I ensuing Annual District Meeting, as candidates for the ministry. 154. Other Regulations respecting Candidates and Pro- bationers for the Ministry : — 1. No Chairman of a District, or other Conference officer, shall have authority to employ a married man during the year, with a view to his being received as a candidate for the ministry, without the consent of the Annual Conference, or the Special Committee thereof. Nor shall any District Meeting recommend any married man to the Conference, for reception on probation for the ministry, unless he has been previously employed in case of absolute necessity, in [accorciance with the foregoing restriction. 70 THE ANNUAL DISTRICT MEETING. i ^ » ■ .J 1 .. I ?;1:-^ 1 '^ I \ i i 1 "i ' « 1 :, ' 1 •t 2. No person shall be employed by a Chairman of a Dis trict, with a view to entering the ministry, who has not been a member of our Church one year, and a local preacher in good standing for six months ; nor shall he have authority to employ any person, with a view to his reception into the ministry, without the consent of the Annual Conference, or of the Spocial Committee thereof ; and in no case shall any person be so employed who has been rejected by a Quarterly Olhcial Board, District Meeting, or Annual Conference. 3. All young men taken into the work by Chairmen of Districts, in accordance with the above regulations, before the Second meeting of the Quarterly Official Board, shall be allowed the full year. 4. If a probationer who has been received on trial, but not into full connexion, desist from want of health, or be proved guilty of immorality, it shall be stated in the Minutes. In all other cases his name shall be dropped in silence. 5. A probationer who marries without the consent of the Annual Conference shall be dropped in silence. 6. Observe : taking on trial is entirely different from admitting a probationer into full connexion. One on trial may be either admitted or rejected without doing him any wrong : otherwise it would have been no trial at all. Let every Chairman explain this to those on trial. 8. When a probationer's or candidate's name is not in- serted in the Minutes, he must receive a written license from the President, or Chairman of the District on which he resides. 155. Miscellaneous Matters : — 1. What ministers or probationers for the ministry have diedl THE ANNUAL DISTRICT MEETING. 71 2. Who are recommended as Superannuated ministers 1 3. Who are recommended as Supernumerary ministers 1 t. Who have resigned from the ministry of our Church land are recommended to receive credentials of standing? 5. Who have withdrawn irregularly from our work? and whtt is the recommendation of the District in the case? G. Who have been suspended during the year ; and what lis the recommendation of the District Meeting in the case ? 150. Can any n)easures be adopted for increasing the ictliciency of oui* ministerial labors and the promotion of It he work of God ? 1. Are all the means possible used to visit all the towns land settlements withir. the boundaries of each Circuit or |M ission ? '2. Are there earnest attempts made, in every place |\\ here there are services, to form classes ? 3. Is sufficient time allotted in the arrangement for the juarterly visitation of the classes, and the renewal of tickets, for the Superintendent, or his assistant, to acquaint limself with the state of each member, and to give suit- il)le advice to each ? Have you regularly met the classes, ind renewed the tickets quarterly ? 4. Have the General Rules been read during the year, Liid have they been given to the members on trial, accord- ing to the Discipline ? 5. Do the brethren pay sufiicient attention to Pastoial visitation, and to catechizing the children of our members ind friends ? loT. These important inquiries shall be followed by a )lemn review of the state of the work of God. And any ■vfV 4' ni m^w \w h i:, f ) 1' ■t ,.. m 72 THK ANNUAL DISTRICT MP^ETLNO. suggestions for the religious improvement of oiir childipri and the members of our Church, and especially for th\ greater efficiency of our ministerial labors, are to be entendj on the Minutes of the District Meeting, and, when thoiiglr necessary, recommended to the consideration of the Annua Conference. 158. AH the foregoing questions and directions shall ii^ considered as belonging to the examination of character anr ministerial affairs. 150. The following order sJiaJl he observed when the gp/,i\ eral business of the District Meeting is under consideration :— 1. What lay representativos are now presents 2. What are the Receipts, and what is the Expenditnro,' of each Circuit or Mission 1 3. What has been collected on each Circuit and Mission; for Connexional Funds ] 4. What special cases are now recommended to the favor able consideration of the Committees of the several Con nexional Funds? 5. What is the number of ministers' children on the I District having claims on the Children's Fund, and wha? are their respective natnes and ages? Have all the regula tions respecting the Children's Fund been fully carried into| effect in the District ? 6. What probationers for our ministry are recommended to be sent to College ? Before any probationer for our ministry shall be sent to' College with recommendation for a loan from the Educa- tional Fund, his circumstances shall be inquired into by the District Meeting, and the minute of the Distriot, in hii THE ANxN'UAL DiSTlllCT MEETING. 7.*^ f. 4 jase, shall be forwarded to the Secretary of the Educational /omniittee of the Annual Conference. No loan shall be iiade to any who have not travelled at least one year. 7. What is the number of Church members] Ihe num- )er of churches and other preaching places in each Circuit )r Mission ^ 8. What is the number of ministers, probationers for the linistry, and laymen, in the Quarterly Otlicial Board of j'lch Circuit or Missionl What is the number of Sabi^ath- 5( hools on the District, and what are the reports from tlie ;iicuits and Missions respecting the samel Have the alibatli-school Schedules been duly filled up? 9. What is the number of Baptisms administered, and ^f Marriages solemnized by each minister 1 Have all such [firriages solemnized during the year been duly recorded, md the returns made according to law 1 10. What churches or parsonages have been built, en- Ligcd, or sold during the year] What Connexional pro- uty is insured ? In what office 1 For how much ? At rliat rates? What parsonages have been furnished? What ^ther Connexional property has been acquired ? What langes in relation to Church property are now recom lended? What property has been destroyed by fire? Have ho approved Confen nee Schedules been duly tilled up ? 11. What can be done to improve the financial state of le District ? a. Are all the financial arrangements of the Church [uly observed in each Circuit and Mission ? The quarterly >ntributions at the renewal of tickets 1 The public collec- lons and private subscriptions ? :\iU rPTT 74 THE ANNUAL DISTRICT MEETING. ! 1 1 i -1 • i t ■. *s ^%. h. What changes are recommended in the order nn^ arrangement of the work on the Oircuits and Mission*] What new Circuits or Missions are recommended 1 Wh additional preachers are required for any Circuit or Missiri on the District ? 12. What minister is elected to represent the District oi| the Stationing Committee? 13. What i'finister and what layman are elected w represent the District on the Sabbath -school Committee oj the Annual Cunference? 14. What minister and what layman have been electee^ to the Epworth League Committee ? 15. What layman has been elected to the Annual (' fcrence Missionary Committee ? 16. What laymen are elected as members of the Annua Conference ? 17. Can any measures be adopted for the promotion the work of God in the District] 18. Where shall the next District Meeting be held 1 160. The lay members of the District Meeting sha meet separately some time during the session and elect ' ballot, without debate, lay representatives to the Anim Conference, in the proportion of one for each minister iii full connexion within the bounds of the District. LaynieJ to be eligible for election must be at least twenty-five yeanj of ago, and must have been members of the Church in gnosl standing for five consecutive years next preceding tli election. The Chairman and Secretary of the Disttu shall forthwith send to the Secretary of the Conference^ list, certified by them, of such lay representatives, mid t'roii;| THE ANNUAL DISTRICT MEETING. 75 4 ;;>.. h lists shall be compiled the roll of lay members of the .iiuual Conference. Hit- No candidate for our ministry, and no person eni- hoycd under a Chairman with a view to becoming such Liulidate, shall be eligible for election as a lay representa- ive to either District Meeting or Annual Conference. 10*5. The duties of a Chairman are : — 1. To take the oversight of the whole work on his L)is- riot according to the Discipline, as far as his duty to the 'iiciiit on which he resides will permit. '2. To take charge of all the ministers, probationers for 10 ministry, local preachers, and exhorters in his District. .3. To change, receive, and suspend ministers or proba- [oners for the ministry in his District in the intervals Conference, as the Discipline directs. (Sec^ '^1 142, |iiuso G.) 1. If any minister or probationer for the ministry absent iiiisclf from his Circuit without the leave of his Chairman, je Chairman shall, as far as possible, fill his place with lother minister or probationer, who shall be paid for his [hors out of the allowance of the absent minister oi* pro- it loner, in proportion to the usual allowance. ."). To preside at the District Meetings. 0. To call for completed statistical returns at the May jistiiet Meeting. 7. To visit any Station or Circuit in his District when he ^V j^^^^g^ Jt expedient, and, so far as practicable^, visit the [issions on his District at the first Quarterly Board Meet- for the year, to induce greater liberality in support of Missionaries, and, wherever possible, to lead the Mission a self sustaining position. m 'Ui 76 THE ANNITAI, DISTIUCT MEKTINO. * mw 8. To see that every part of the Discipline is duly forced, and to hear and determine appeals from the decisior^ of Superintendents of Circuits or Missions within the Dii trict on questions of law, notice of such appeal to be giv( within two weeks after notice of the decision aj:)peale ajjfainst. 9. To give the President all necessary information of t state of his District. 10. To prepare a condensed report of the operations the Missionary Society in his District, to be compiled froj the reports of individual missionaries, as approved byt!^ Annual District Meeting. 11. To ascertain and report to the Annual Conference for publication in the Minutes, the names and addresses ministers and widows who are claimants on the Superannuj; tion Fund, and also the names and dates of birth of childrf:| of deceased ministers who are claimants on the Funfl : gether with any changes that have taken place in relati to these claimants by death, limitation of claim, marri; non-membership, or other causes during the year, on the:] respective Districts. 12. The Chairman is especially directed and required ;j visit any Circuit or Mission in his District when requestf| by the Superintendent of such Circuit or Mission in case any dispute or difficulty which the Superintendent nis desire assistance to adjust; also in all cases of appeal. l\ all these cases the Circuit or Mission visited shall pay tfcj travelling expenses of the Chairman. The Chairman sba have authority to call in any minister or probationer of H District to supply his place when absent in visiting ar' Circuit or Mission. ms illE ANNUAL DISTRICT MEETING. 77 13. Should the Chairman, or the Superiiitondent of the ircuit, or any of his colleagues, be requested to witlidraw, any occasion, from any of our regularly-constituted lef'tinirs for business, he shall in no case do so ; and should be obliged to wit'idraw from any such meeting duiing sittings, the mectini:' will l)e therebv dissolved. And ii \y Chairman, or Superintendv'nt of a Circuit, or other Minister, do willingly submit to any requisition, so as to [ithdraw from any such meeting l»efoie its conclusion, he lall, on proof thereof, receive due censure at the ensuing Lnniial Conference. H>*r In case of the death or disal)ility of a Chairman iring the year, the Financial Secretary shall call a mee :ing the ministerial members of the District, and the lay ^mbers of the previous Annual J)istiict Meeting, who |/ill elect by ballot one of their number, being a member of <' Conference, as Chairman until the ensuing Conference. !04. Financial Secretaries, District Secretaries, and roasurers of Connexional Funds in the Annual Conferences jail require that the amounts received l>y them agree with schedules, and that the schedules agree one with the ler. [The District Meeting shall appoint one minister and I layman to audit all Circuit and District schedules, and that the extensions and additions are correct. ■ 1 ' 111 St f kM i fh' f I i! 78 THE FINANCIAL DISTRICT MEETING. Section II. The Financial District Mecthii/, 105. A Financial District Meeting shall be held in ea District, not later than the month of September in eaei year. 100. The Financial District Meeting shall be comjmsi of the Superintendents of Circuits and a lay delegate fm each Circuit and Mission in the District appointed by t Quarterly Oflicial Board. lOT' ^^'he bvshiess of the Financial District Meeting sha' he :■ — 1. To apportion to the several Circuits the amoun placed at its disposal by the Annual Conference. 2. To examine into the circumstances and probable i come of the Domestic, Indian, Foreign or other Missi< within the jurisdiction of the District, in the same way they examine into those of the dependent Circuits, recomnjend the amount which, in their judgment, should j appropriated towards the support of such INIissions ; wlii shall be immediately reported by the Chairman to the Pie: dent of the Annual Conference and to the ^lii^siunar Secretary. 3. To arrange the claims of the children of ministers the District ; and to receive from the Chairman of the trict the amount to be raised by each Circuit and ISIissi for the Superannuation Fund, and take into account t circumstances of any Circuit or Mission which may regarded as exceptional, and make provision for the H THE FINANCIAL DISTRICT MEETING. 79 e ainouM )t' such exception ; provided the District as a whole con- tribute the amount designated as its proportion. 4. To make arrangements for Missionary and Educa- tional Meetings, which arrangements shall be binding on ^11 concerned, and inquire into the state of religion in the listrict, and devise means for the promotion of the spiritual iterests of the Church. 108. In case of the deatli of the District Representative the Annual Conference Missionary Committee, or when ly the formation of a new District, or otherwise, there is lo District Representative, then the laymen present at the financial District Meeting shall elect by ballot one of their lumber to till the office of District lioprosontative. ICl). The Financial Secretary shall be the Treasurer of ll Connexional Funds on the District except the Missionary [unci, and shall pay to the Superintendents of Circuits, on their order, the sums appi-opriated to their Circuits, lliirh j)ayments such Superintend(Mits shall rrport to their pective Quarterly Official Jjoards. 1)0. The Financial Secri^tary of each District shall, as HI as possible after each Financial District Me«'ting, fur- [f^h the Treasurers of the Superannuation Fund with ?• Miiplete statement of the amounts required from eacb ircuit as amended by the District Meeting. ■ ^1 n . i-i TTT 80 THE QUARTERLY OFFICIAL BOARD. f 1 1 i i " , , 1 ■ t < 1 . ' 1' ' . 1 " n CHAPTER III. CIRCriT OFFICIAL MEETINGS. Section I. 7Vie Qtiarttily O/'/irin^ Boarrl. 111. There shall be a Quarterly Ofticial Board on er, Circuit, Mission, or Station, as constituted and desi^niaitj at the Annual Conference, coi>sistin<^ of the MiniKters nrj Probationers for the ministry, the Local Preachers, tlJ Ivxhorters, the Circuit Stewards, the Leaders and AssistaLJ l.eaders of Classes, the Superintendents of Sabbath school^ and the Prosich^nts of Epworth Leagues, being nicnibeil of the ChuH'h, one representative from each Board i Trustees, he being a member of the Church in the Circd to which the Tiustee Board which he represents beloii:»| and whose appointment shall be annual, and, also, additi(>nal representutives who may have been appointe bv the Societies of the Circuit. The number of sue additional I'epresentatives shall not exceed the number \ the Stewards on the Circuit. Wit. The Superintendent of the Circuit is the Chairnia of the Quarterly Official Board. When the Chairman the District is present he shall have the right to preside. 113. The Superintendent is the minister on each Circii| and Mission who is appointed from tiine to time to ta^ (?harge of the Societies therein ., THE QUARTKHLY OFFICIAL BOARD. 81 114. The regular Ouainess of the Quarteriji Official Jioard \fthnll be: — 1. To receive the financial returns from the Leaders, IStewards, and other persons entrusted with the funds of the Circuit; to pay the salaries and all the expenses of the ministers and probationers for the ministry; to receive from the Leaders' Meeting the report of the disbursement of the fund for the poor for the quarter ; and to receive [the reports of the state of the Sunday-schools on the Circuit. 2. To receive and try appeals. '^. At the Firsf. jneeting of the Quarterly Official Board, itu receive the reconimendaaons of the Stewards' Meeting, HFi'l make the ei^timate of Jie amounts necessary for the fiimily or famijj( s of the ministers or probationers for the liiiiiiistry ; and aj;];oinfc the lay delegate to attend the Finan- |('i;il District Meeting. 4. At the Second meeting of the i^nniierly (-Official Hoaid, Ito appoint, on the nomination of the Superintendent, the Sl(! wards of the Circuit, of wiiom there shfill be not less [tliau three nor more thait seven, one of whom shall be the Recording Steward,, who shall keep a record of Hie p?oceed- |ings of the Quarterly Official Board in a })ook procured [for that purpose. The Superintendent shall nominate at least three more than the number of Stewards to be elected; after the nominations are all made the election shall be by |l'allot. It shall also, on the nomination of the Superinten- Ident of the Circuit, appoint the representatives to the I Habbath school Committee, the number to be not less than \ three nor more t\mnjive. 5. At the Firsty Second, or Third meeting of the Quarterly 7 •1 ■I'l .i.1 »»•? < "! I } f t hi' I 1 ! I 1 3 ■ . i ir'. ; I 82 THE QUAUTERLY OFFICIAL BOARD. Official Board, to recommend candidates for the ministry: provided always, that no person shall be recommended asl a candidate until he has been a local preacher at least siil months. 6. At tlie Third meeting of the Quarterly Official Boaidl to receive the audited statement of Trustees, referred to ir| Sections 1 1 and 23 of the Model Deed. 7. At the Fourth meeting of the Quarterly Official Board (1) To receive from the Superintendent of the Circuit tliel report of the number of members on the Circuit ; (2) Also! the reports of the Superintendents of the Sabbath-schookl of the Circuit; (3) To elect by ballot, without debate, tliel lay delegates to attend the Annual District Meeting, in the proportion of one delegate for each minister or probationer! in the active work on the Circuit. If there be no minister! or probationer on the Circuit or Mission, but only a supply, to elect one lay delegate as above ; (4) Where there is ncl Local Preachers' Meeting, to inquire into the character, gifts, labors, punctuality, and usefulness of every locaii preacher by name, and, if there be no valid objectioiJ alleged and sustained, to renew their licenses ; (5) Tc| examine the character of the exhorters, and, if there be valid objection alleged and sustained, to renew their licenses! (6) Where there is no Leaders' Meeting, to examine tlifl character of all the leaders, their punctuality in Veginiiinj and ending their Class Meeting in proper time, and what] ever relates to their office; (7) To determine the number oij Stewards for the ensuing year ; (8) To arrange the apporj tionment, scale, and mode of election of the representative of the Sooietie* of the Circuit ; (9) The Quarterly Ollicwl THE QUARTERLY OFFICIAL BOARD. Joard may, where there is no Local Preachers' Mfeting, at mv of the regular meetings, give license to local preachers md exhorters, on tlie nomination of the Superintendent of he Circuit. 8. Special meetings of the Quarterly Official Board may convened by the Superintendent for special business, to named in the notice duly given to the members of the {oard. 175. The dutiPs of the Superintendent : — 1. To take the oversight of all the ministtMS and proba ^ioners for the ministry in his Circuit or Mission 2. To renew the Tickets quarterly in the Cla.sses ; and je that all public collections in aid of the Circuit, or of ^he Connexional Funds, be regularly made in each con-^rega- lion of the Circuit. 3. To hold meetings of the Quarterly Official Board ; to )i'eside in all Official jNIeetings of the Circuit, and to make i\\ nominations to office. To receive, try, and expel mem- )ers, according to Discipline, and to give due notice to the /hairman of the District in all cases of aj^peal. To execute ill our rules fully and strenuously against all frauds, and )articularly against dishonest insolvencies, suffering none to Remain in the Church, on any account, who are found guilty )f any fraud. To explain, and enforce vigorously, but ^almly, the General Rules of the Church, in harmony with )aragraph 35 of the Discipline. 4. To meet the Stewards and liCaders regularly ; and jxaniine the accounts of all the Stewards. To appoint all the Leaders and Assistant Leaders, and change them when le sees it necessary, but not contrary to the wish of the :-.l 4 rm V IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) 1.0 ^1- li^ I.I :^ 2:z 2£ 1.8 11.25 U 1 1.6 Photographic Sciences Corporation 4- 23 WIST MAIN STRUT WHSTIR.N.Y. 14580 (716)872-4503 '^ fe: 84 'THE QI ARTEllLY OFFICIAL ROARD. p ■ • ■ Mi**' 1 . ; . -i ' l^iilt- Class, or without consulting the Leaders' Meeting. To make strict inquiry in the Leaders' Meeting, before the Fourth meeting of the Quarterly Official Board, and wheic there is no such meeting, then in the Fourth meeting of the Quarterly Official Board, into the moral character of all the Leaders. To license such persons as he may think proper to officiate as exhorters,, provided no person shall be so licensed without consulting the Local Preachers' Meeting, or Quarterly Official Board of the Circuit in which the person proposed resides. To make a plan of appointment^ for the ministers, +he probationers for the ministry, local preachers, and exhorters on the Circuit, with the counsel of the Local Preachers' Meeting, or of the Quarterly Official Board, where there is no Local Preachera' Meeting To invite and earnestly urge the attemiance and assistance of the lay representatives at the District Meetings, accr fl- ing to rule. 5. To hold Watch-nights and Lovef easts ; but no Love- feast shall last longer than an hour and a half. To appoint Piayer Meetings wherever he can in his Circuit, and to see that a Fast be observed in every Society on the Friday pie ceding every meeting of the Quarterly Board. To see that the General Rules be read once a year in every congrega tion, and occasionally in each Society, by himself or his colleague; and that the Pastoral Address of the Annual Conference be read to all the Societies on his Circuit. To take care that every Society be duly supplied witti books ; and to urge upon all who are admitted into our Church to read attentively our General Rules, the Second Catechism, and other Methodist works. ^Wi THE QUAitTEKLY OFFICIAL BOARlV 85 6. To take an exact account of the number of members in Society, and report the same to tho Fourth meeting of the Quarterly Ofhcial Board and to the Annual District Meeting, with the number of members who have beeii received on trial, or by certificate of membership, and of those who have removed, died, or ceased to be numbers, or have been spprirated from, or added to, the Circuit by altera- tion of its boundaries; also to report the Sabbath-schools of his Circuit, as re(iuircd by the Discipline ; also to report the number of vacancies, if any, in the Trustee Boards ; andj if a Superintendent of a Mission, to prepare a report of the religious state of his ^lission, and read it in the Annual District Meeting, subject to the revision of tliat meeting. To leave for his successor a Circuit book, con- taining an exact list of all the official members, and also of the names of all the members in his Circuit, arranged in their Classes, as found at the Fourth meeting of the Quar- terly Official Board. 7. To remind members, from time to time, that none are to remove from one Circuit to another without a certificate of membership from the Superintendent of the Circuit, and to warn them that without such certificate tliey will not be received into the Church in other places; and also to forward a duplicate copy of such certificate by mail to the Superintendent of the Circuit to which they may be remov- ing. In all cases persons applying for membership on certificate shall be held responsible to the Society with which thev unite from the date of the certificate, but no certificate shall be esteemed valid that is not presented within one year from the date of it. 1 ^•rt ; I' W- w ", ! ! i 86 m l<.! • THE QUARTERLY OFFICIAL BOARD. i i "If i m *'tt 8. To make application in the Classes and to our friends on behalf of the Superannuation Fund, during the months of November and December, and to make a public collection for the same object in the month of November or December, paying the moneys thus received to the Financial Secretary, in time for transmission to the Treasurers of the Super- annuation Fund on or before the first day of January. 9. To see that collections are taken up for our Connex- ional Funds at the following times, viz. : — Contingent Fund^ in the month of September ; Union Churcli Relief Fund, in October ; Educationcd Fti/nd and Missionary Society, as arranged by the Financial District Meeting ; General Conference Fund, at such time as the Annual Conference may direct. 10. To carry out the arrangements made by the Financial District Meeting in regard to the Missionary and Educa- tional work on his Circuit. To pay promptly to the ap- pointed Treasurers all moneys collected for the several Funds at the times directed by Conference. 11. To encourage in all proper cases Field Meetings and Open-air Meetings on his charge, and also Camp Meetings as a Circuit or union of Circuits may, in their Quarterly Official Boards, determine ; and to enforce the proper observance of the Sabbath at such meetings. 12. The authority of a Superintendent who is removing, to administer discipline upon a Circuit, shall cease with the final reading of the Stations to the Conference. THE QUAUrERLY OFFICIAL BOARD. 87 EVANGKLISTS. lie. No Evangelist shall be en>ployed whose teaching is not in harmony with our Doctrinal Standards, or whose work tends to lessen attachment to our Church. 177. No Annual Conference sliall appoint a minister or probationer as an Evangelist without clear evidence that he is called of God to that work. 118. No minister or probationer shall enter upon the field at large as an Evangelist without the consent of his Conference. 110. Superintendents of Circuits employing Evangelists, other than recognized ministers of the Methodist Church, shall engage only those that are amenable to the Church, and labor under the supervision of the pastor where they are employed- 180. When any minister is employed as an Evangelist, arrangements shall be made by which he shall receive a regular salary from contributions paid into a fund for that purpose. Section II. The Local Preachers Meeting, 181. A Local Preachers' Meeting is composed of the local preachers and exhorters on the Circuit, provided there are six local preachers on the Circuit of three years' con- tinuous standing. 18^. The Superintendent of the Circuit shall regularly meet the local preachers and exhorters once a quarter; and no person shall be put upon the plan rs a local preacher or ■mi vi f. ^'- > H!il ■ ' i i u' ■ \ • * . , ■ . 88 THE LOCAL PREACUERS' MEETING. exlioiter, or be permitted to preach among us as such, with- out the approbation of that meeting on the nomination of the Superintendent; or, it* in any Circuit such a Local Preachers' Meeting cannot be held, they shall be proposed and appointed by the Quarterly Official Board of tlin Circuit; but no minister or piobatiuner for the ministry who has been suspended or expelled by the Conference shall on any account be employed as a local pieacher with out the consent of the Annual Conference. 183. The Superintendent of the Circuit, at each reguhir Local Preachers' Meeting, or at the Fourth meeting of thf^ Quarterly Offical Board of the Circuit, shall inquire into the religious and moral character, doctrines, abilities to preach, and punctuality in attending appointments, of each local preacher and exhorter by name. 184. The questions proposed in the examination of the character of local preachers and exhorters shall be the same as those proposed in regard to ministers, viz. : — 1. Ts ther ; any objection to his moral and religious character 1 2. Does he believe and teach all our doctrines 1 3. Has he duly observed our Discipline ? 4. Is he punctual in attending all his appointments % 5. Has he competent abilities for a local preacher or ex horter ? 6. Will you renew his license as local preacher or ex- horter ? 185- Every person proposed to be received as a local preacher, or taken on trial, shall be asked by the Chairman or Superintendent the following questions, to which a dis tinct answer shall be required : — THE LOCAL PREACHKRS* MEETINO. 8A What is your religious experience'? Have you faitli in Christ 1 Are you going on to perfection 1 Do you expect to be perfected in love in this life *? Are you earnestly striving after it ? Are you resolved to devote yourself to God and His work*? Do you sincerely and fully believe the doi'trines of Methodism, as contained in the Articles of Religion, and as taught by Mr. Wesley in his Notes on the New Testament and Volumes of Sermons, esp< cially the following leading ones: — A Trinity of Persons in the Unity of the Godhead ; the total depravity of all men by nature in consequence of Adam's fall ; the Atonement made by Christ for the sins of ail the human race ; Justification by Faiih; the direct Witness of the Spirit; tlie possibility of falling from a state of justitication and holiness, and perishing everl?istingly ; the absolute necessity of holiness l)0th in heart and life ; and the proper eternity of rewards and punishments? What is Evangelical Repentance? What is Justification *? What is Justifying Faith 1 What is the direct Witness of the Spirit? What is the indirect Witness of the Spirit? What is Christian Perfection? What is the difference between Justitication and Regeneration ? What is the difference between Sanctiticatiou and Entire Sanctification ? Will you endeavor fully and faithfully to preach these doctrines ? 186. Regulations in reference to Local Preachers : — 1. All local preachers shall meet in Class. No exception shall be made in respect of any who may have been minis- ters or probationers for the ministry in former years. 2. The name of every local preacher sli.^U be recorded on mr 90 THE LOOAL PREACHERS' MEETING. .1 . m ■ * i * ! 1 r .- f,: the Journal of the Quarterly Official Board of the Circuit in which he resides. 3. No local preacher shall hold Lovefeasts without the consent of the Superintendent of the Circuit, nor in any wise interfere with his ministerial duties. 4. Ministers who withdraw from connection with an Annual Conference, and ministers who are located by the action of an Annual Conference, shall not exercise the functions of the ministry of our Church ; but may, should they desire it, be considered as Local Preachers, and shall be subject to all the regulations afiecting local preachers, and if charged with immorality, shall be proceeded against as other local preachers, and the Superintendent of the Circuit or Mission shall report the case to the Annual Dis trict Meeting. 5. When an ordained local preacher is expelled, the President of the Annual Conference shall require of him the credentials of his ordination to be filed with the papers of the Annual Conference within the limits of which the expulsion has taken place. And should heat any future time produce to the Annual Conference a certificate of his restoration, signed by the Chairman and countersigned bv the Secretary of the District Meeting, his credentials shall be restored to him. 6. When a local preacher or exhorter removes from one j Circuit to another, he shall obtain from the Superintendent of the Circuit a certificate of his official standing in the Church at the time of his removal, without which he shall not be received as a local preacher or exhorter in other | places. THE leaders' meeting. 91 7. No local preacher or exhorter coming to reside on any of our Circuits from another part of the world, although duly recommended, shall be allowed to preach or hold meet- ings in our churches unless he become a member of the Church and submit to its discipline. 8. Should any local preacher or exhorter belonging to any other Methodist Church make application to be received into our Church, the Superintendent of the Circuit, in con- currence with the Quarterly Official Board, or the Local Preachers' Meeting of the Circuit on which such local preacher or exhorter may reside, is authorized to receive him, after having inquired into his qualifications and all the circumstances of his case. All preachers who have received ordination in any of the uniting bodies, and are in good standing at the time of the union, shall retain all rights and privileges conferred by such ordination. Section III. The Leaders' Meeting, i8T' The Leaders' Meeting shall be composed of the Ministers and Probationers for the ministry appointed to the Circuit, the Stewards of the Circuit, and the Leaders. 188. A Leaders' Meeting shall be held at least once a quarter, and oftener if necessary, to inquire : — 1. Are there any sick? 2. Are there any requiring temporal relief? 3. Are there any that walk disorderly and will not be re- proved % 4. Are there any who wilfully neglect the means of grace 1 5. Are there any changes to be made in the ■ y ; «, .1 . i mr - ! 7 « 92 The stewards iMeetino. I- -I (i hi 1 :'.: ih Classes ? 6. Are there any mem hers on trial to be received into full membership^ 7. Is there any miscellaneous busi- ness ? 180. A return shall be made by the Leaders' Meeting to the Quarterly Official Board of the amount contributed to the fund for the poor, and the disbursements for the quarter. 190. It is the duty of the Superintendent of the Circuit to make strict inquiry in the leaders' Meeting preceding the Fourth meeting of the Quarterly Official Board into the moral chaiacter of all the leaders, their punctuality in be ginning and ending their Class Meetings in proper time, and whatever relates to their office ; and if there be no objections alleged and sustained, they shall contniue in office for the year. Sect YON IV, 2Vie Stewards^ Meeting, 101. The Stewards' Meeting shall be composed of the Superintendent of the Circuit or his colleague, and the Stewards of the Circuit. 10^. Let the Stewards be men of solid piety, who botli know and love the Methodist Doctrine and Discipline, and of good natural and acquired abilities to transact the tem poral business. 103. The duties of Stewards are : — 1. To estimate the amount necessary to meet the expenses of the year, and report to the First meeting of the Quarterly Official Board. 2. To meet at least once a quarter, previous to the meeting of the Quarterly Official Board, to take an exact account of THE STEWARDS MEKTING. 03 what !ms been colJected for the support of the ministers or probationers for the ministry on the Circuit, and to recommend to the Quarterly OflBcial Board such measures as they may think necessary in order to the prompt pay- ment of the ministers. 3. To make an accurate return of every expenditure of money, whether to tlie ministers and probationers, the sick or the poor, and to publisii yearly a financial statement, under direction of the Quarterly Official Board. 4. To seek the needy and distressed, in order to relieve and comfort them. 5. To inform the minister of any sick or disabled persons. 6. To attend the meetings of the Quarterly Official Board of their Circuits. 7. To give advice, if asked, in planning the Circuit. 8. To provide the elements for the Lord's Supper. 9. To write circular letters to the Societies in the Circuit to be more liberal, if need be, and to let them know, when occasion requires, the state of the temporal concerns at the last meeting of the Quarterly Official Board. 10. To fill up the Circuit sche^ dules correctly ; and to be subject to the President, the Chairman of the District, and the ministers on their Cir- cuit. 11. To audit the books and accounts of Trustees, in accordance with Section 11 of the Model Deed. IIM. The Stewards shall be accountable for the faithful performance of their duties to the Quarterly Official Board of the Circuit. 195. In case of the death or disability of a Steward, the ensuing meeting of the Quarterly Official Board may fill up the vacancy. 196. The duties of the Recording Steward are : — 1. To keep a correct record of the proceedings of the Quarterly ! ;M'^ . ! i '■ "'.' . , ■- 1 .- ■ ' 1 -\\l TTTT 94 THE STEWARDS MEETING. Official Board. 2. To fill up correctly the Circuit schedules, and the Schedules of the Sabbath-schools of the Circuit, for presentation to the Annual District Meeting. 3. To act as Treasurer of the Quarterly Official Board, unless the Board elects some other person to that office. 101. When a Recordino; Steward of a Circuit or Mission becomes incapacitated for the duties of his office, the Super- intendent of the Circuit shall have authority to appoint another of the Stewards to that office, until the next meet- ing of the Quarterly Official Board, when his place shall be supplied according to discipline. H i^ Part III. ADMINISTRATION OF DISCIPLINE. V t , '['. ,' r'<'.'' ' *•' :'f : r. :-lL->: AD ) ^ :!! * ; 198 iluly qu or a n Chairmi OliairniJ Ihe Am the Coni in the Church) (lisqualil shall be whose di 400. Church, offence I law of G 8 ADMINISTRATION OF DISCIPLINE. CHAPTER I. TltlALS AND APPEALS. Skction I. (lenrrnl Principles. 198. All our Church Courts shall be presitli'd over by a July qualified minister of the Methodist Church. 199. If the Superintendent of a Circuit be the accuser, or a material witness, or be otherwise disqualified, the Chairman of the District sliall r reside in his place. If the Chairman of the District be disqualified, the President of Ihe Annual Conference shall preside. If the President of the Conference be disqualified, the senior qualified Chairman ill the Conference (that is, senior in the ministry of the Oliurch) shall preside. A Chairman or a President, not disqualified, may appoint a duly qualified substitute, who shall be ofticially of at least equal status with the officer whose duty it would have been in the first place to preside. ^00. If any minister, probationer, or member of the Church, has a knowledge or reliable ir formation of an offence by a minister, probationer, or member, against the law of God or the rules or discipline of the Church, it shall 8 ?.., • :i m. m . \ > i il rm 98 GENERAL PRINClPLiiS. be his duty to lay a charge before the proper autliority. No other person can institute charges. All charges shall be in writing. JJOl. If the offence be such as does not seem to require a trial in the first instance, let the officer whose duty it would be to preside at the trial admonish or reprove the accused, and if there be contrition and promise of amend ment, let him be borne with ; if there be no contrition oi promise of amendment, or if the offence be repeated, let a trial be had. ^0^. A copy of the charges, with a notice of the tinje and place of trial, shall be given to the accused, at least one week before the trial, by the officer who is to preside. ^03. Notices may be given personally or at the residence of a party, or by letter posted to his address or last known address, or in such other manner as may be deemed reason- able or sufficient by the Committee or Court. 1^04. A Committee of Trial shall consist of five, of whom three shall form a quorum, and, if they agree, may render a verdict. The officer who is to preside at a trial shall summon the qualified persons to compose the Comniittee. Persons preferring charges, or being material witnesses, shall not be eligible as members of the Committee. ^05' No peremptory challenges shall be allowed, but either party may challenge for cause. The presiding officer shall decide upon all challenges. ^00. The parties may appear and conduct a trial or an appeal, either personally or by a representative who is a member of the Church in good standing. But this shall not be understood as authorizing or permitting the employment of professional co' usel in our Church courts. GENERAL PRINCIPLES. 99 ^07' If an accused person do not appear after due notice, the prosecution may proceed with the trial in his absence. ^08. The presiding officer shall cause a record to be kept of the charges, proceedings, evidence, and decision. ^09* The Committee shall receive, or may obtain any evidence or information pertinent to the case that may be available, and that may aid them in their judgment in doing justice between the parties. The testimony of non-members may be received. !J10. The presiding officer shall decide as to tlif? admissi- bility of evidence. /ill. Any amendment of the charges, or any addition thereto, may be allowed at any time, if the Committee con- sider the same to be in the interest of justice, provided che accused be allowed such opportunity as the Committee think reasonable to meet such amended or new charges. ^1^. In all cases of trial, the presiding officer shall refrain from delivering any charge to the Committee, or from inter- fering in any way with their liberty of judgment. ^tli- If the Committee do not agree upon a decision within a reasonable time, the presicMn^ officer may summon another committee and proceed as if no trial had taken place. 214. A copy of the decision, certified by the presiding officer, shall be furnished or sent to both parties within three days after the rendering of the decision. 215. If the accused be found guilty, and the offence be such as is expressly forbidden by the Word of God, and sufficient to exclude a person from the kingdom of grace and glory, he shall be expelled. In th^- c«..3 of a minister i H'f'h- r t ;. .( 100 GENERAL PKINCIPLES. ^ (other than a General Superintendent) or of a probationer for the ministry, he shall be suspended from the time he is found guilty by the Committee until the Annual Conference shall finally dispose of the case. In the case of a member, he shall be suspended until the delay allowed for appeal has expired. If g-n appeal be taken, the suspension shall be in force until the appeal is decided. If there be no appeal, tho expulsion shall take eflfect when the delay for appeal has expired. ^10. In case of all other oftences the accused, if found guilty, shall be admonished, reproved, suspended, or other- wise dealt with, as the Committee or Appellate Court may determine. In these cases the decision shall be in forco from the time it is rendered until set . ide on appeal. *Zt7' Either party may appeal from a decision or rulini; by the presiding officer, or from the decision of a Com- mittee, on giving notice to the presiding officer of such intention, together with his grounds of appeal, within two weeks after the delivery or service of the decision, in t'le manner hereinabove provided as to notices. 1^18. The officer who has presided at a trial shall not preside or vote on the appeal. ^10. If a prosecutor or appellant do not proceed with his case, any other qualified person may be admitted to do so. ^^0. In appeal, the evidence taken before the lower Court or Committee alone shall be received. If further important evidence is available, a new trial may be ordered, or the case referred V»ack to the Committee. /531. The Appellate Court may confirm, reverse, alter or amend the decisions appealed from, or may order a new trial or a reference back to .'he Committee, TKIA.L Ob' MlNlSlEU.S AND I^KOBATIONERS. lOl *Z'Z*'t' The judgment of the Appellate Couit takes effect without any action of the Court from which the appeal was taken. JJJlJ3. No other authority than the proper Church Appel- late Court or Courts shall in any way review or interfere with the action of the lower Court or Committee. 3/i4. Any decision shall hav^e \. \ . 104 TllIAL OF MEMBEUS. % I , \ •'<•■ ■ '■ :U ministers, and if, in their opinion, he has acted dishonestl), or contracted debts without a probability of paying them, let their report be considered as a charge, and let a trial be had thereon. /S«I4. If a minister or probationer follow a trade or engage in any secular business that may detract from his ministerial character or usefulness, or interfere with the proper dis- charge of the duties assigned him by the Church, let him be admonished by his senior in office, and if he persist, let a charge be laid and a trial had. Selling our own books is not subject to this provision. Ministers and probationers are strongly recommended not to become members of the secular boards of any trading company or any corporate body organized for the purpose of trade, or for the investing of other than Church funds. /S35- When a minister or probationer holds and dissenii nates, publicly or privately, doctrines which are contrary to our Articles of Religion and doctrinal standards, let a charge be laid and a trial had. Ii!-' lit :m\ Section III. Trial of Members. !S30. If a charge be laid against a local preacher or exhorter, the Superintendent of the Circuit shall preside at the trial. The Committee shall be composed of local preachers or other official members within the District. ^3T. If a charge be laid against any other member of the Church, the Superintendent of the Circuit shall preside. APPEAL IN THE CASE OF MKMHEKS. la The Ooniniittee shall be composed of members within the District. It is recommended that, except for s-pecial reasons, members of the Quarterly OHicial Board of the Circuit be not on the Committee. Appeal in the Case of Members, *438. In the case of the trial of a local preacher, exhorter, or any other member, an appeal shall lie either to the Quarterly Official Board or to tho Ann'iai District Meeting when the l-^ymen are present. If the appeal be to the Quarterly Official Board, and the decision be there con- rirraed, there shall be no further appeal. If the decision of the Committee be there reversed, the respondent may appeal to the Annual District Meeting, and its decision shall be linal. 239. In a case of a dispute or difficulty between members relative to secular business, the payment of debts, or matters nor. otherwise provided for, the officer whose duty it would be to preside at a trial if a charge were laid, shall inquire into the circumstances, and may recommend an arbitration, f.- : 106 APPEAL IN THE CASE OF MEMBERS. the probability of paying them, let their report be con- sidered as a charge, and let a trial be had thereon. ^41. After such forms of trial and expulsion, such per- sons shall have no privileges of society or of sacrament in our Church without contrition, confession, and proper trial. con- 1 per- nt in trial. fnxt IV. TEMPORAL EC0N:MY. •fi ■ •fi ^li the amc the mir Mission meeting followini 1. Thi annum, < rent, hoi 2. Th( 8250 pel I'oard, he 3 The 8200 pe: •joard, ho 4. The [upon the under the TEMPOEAL ECONOMY. CHAPTER T. SUPPORT OF MINISTERS. 5J43. It shall be the duty of the Stewards to estimate the amount necessary to meet the salary and expenses of the minister or probationer stationed on any Circuit or Mission ; subject, however, to the approval of the First meeting of the Quarterly Official Board, according to the following rule : — 1. The salary of a married minister shall be $300 per annum, exclusive of the necessary expanse of board, fuel, rent, horse keep, and incidental expenses. 2. The salary of an ordained single minister shall be 8250 per annum, exclusive of the necessary expense of loard, horse-keep, and incidental expenses. 3 The salary of probationers for the ministry shall be I $200 per annum, exclusive of the necessary expense of jljoard, horse-keep, and incidental expenses. 4. The allowances to the children of ministers will depend upon the practice of the respective Annual Conferences, I under the Constitution of the Children's Fund, ^;t:1 110 PARSONAGES. CHAPTER II. CHURCH PROPERTY. hH. '} , m Section I. Parsonages. !S43. It is recommended by fche General Conference that parsonages be provided and furnished on all of our Circuits and Missions wherever practicable, for the use of our ministers and their families; and that such parsonages be secured according to our deed of settlement ; or, where this is impracticable, that suitable houses be rented. 344. It shall be the duty of the Superintendents and ministers to use their influence to carry the above rules respecting building and renting houses for the ministers and their families into effect. In order to this, each Quar terly Official Board shall appoint a Committee (unless other measures have been adopted) who, with the advice and aid of the Superintendent and ministers, shall devise such means as may seem fit to raise moneys for that purpose. And the Annual Conferences tshall make special inquiry of their members respecting this part of their duty. In case of the division of Circuits, in any form involving separate claims on parsonage property, and where an amicable settle ment cannot be readied in any other way, it shall be the duty of each Quarterly Official Board concerned to appoint an arbitrator ; these two thus chosen shall choose a third, to whom the whole case shall be submitted. In case either of the Circuits concerned fail fo appoint an arbitrator, or CHURCHES AND CHURCH PROPERTY. Ill the two chosen fail to agree upon a third, within one year after such division, it shall be the duty of the Chairman of the District to appoint one. The decision of the arbitrators shall be in all cases final. Section II. Churches and Church Property. ^45. Let all our churches be built plain and decent, and not more expensive than is absolutely necessary. ^46. In order more effectively to prevent our people from contracting debts which they are not able to dis- charge, the erection of no new church on a Circuit shall be proceeded with without the approval of the Quarterly Official Board of the Circuit in which such building is to be erected. ^47- It shall be the duty of the Quarterly Official Board of every Circuit, where it is contemplated to build a church or churches, to secure the ground or lot on which such church or churches are to be buiU, according to our deed of settlement, which deed must be legally executed ; and also, "lid Quarterly Official Bofxrd shall appoint a judicious com- mittee of at least three members of our Church, who shall form an estimate of the amount necessary to build ; and three-fourths of the money, according to such estimate, shall be secured or subscribed before any such building shall be commenced. ^48. All Church property must be legally secured, and the deed registered within one year after its execution. •ijlri ) 7f»s ■K t , 112 RECOUD OF CHURCH IT. *449» In. future, we will admit no charter, deed, or con veyance, for any church to be used by us, unless it be pro- vided in such charter, deed, or conveyance, that the trustees of the said church shall, at all times, permit such ministers and preachers belonging to the Methodist Church, as shall from time to time bo duly authorized by the Conference or by the ministers of our Church, to preach and expound God's Holy Word, and to execute the discipline of thr Church, and to administer the sacraments therein, according to the true meaning and purport of our '* Book of Disci 1)1 ine," and Model Deed. /S50. When it is proposed to erect a new church within the bounds of any Circuit or Mission, the Superintendrnt of such Circuit or Mission shall notify the Chairman of tiie District, indicating the proposed site ; and the Chairman shall notify the Superintendent of any Circuit or Mission affected thereby ; and if objection be made, and the parties cannot agree, then the difliculty shall be settled by ari)i- tration. Section 111. Eecord of Church Property. ?55l. In order to prevent forgetfulness and loss of Church property, a correct inventory of all our property, whether lands, churches, parsonages, or furniture, shall be kept. ^5/S' The Book Steward, for the time being, shall be the Registrar, and shall provide and keep a proper book for thf purpose, which book shall be laid before the General Con ference for the inspection of its members. OF TRUST KES. 113 con- pro- stees sters shall ce or lound f th(^ rding Disci ^53- Each Superintendent shall r<'turn a list and dv- scription of all Ciiurch property within his Circuit, Station, or Mission, to the Annual District Meeting next preceding; the meeting of the General Conference, according to the General Conference Schedule ; also, the exact locality and other inforn ution needful, and whether, arJ where, the deeds are registered. Section IV. 0/ Trustees. ^54. When a new Uoard of Trustees is to be created, it shall be done by the appointment of the Quarteily Official Board, upon tho nomination of the Superintendent of the Circuit, and shall consist of not less than five, nor more than twenty-one. 355. No person shall be eligible as a trustee to any of our churches, parsonages, school houses, burial-grounds, or other property, who is not a member of our Church. 350> No person who is a trustee shall be ejected while he is in joint security for money, unless such relief be given him as is demanded, or as the creditor will accept. %^ll. When and so often as one or more of tho said trustees, or of their successors in the said trust, shall die, resign his office as trustee, withdraw, or cease to be a member or members of the Methodist Church, according to tho Rules and Discipline of the said Church, the vacant place of the trustee or trustees so dying, withdrawing, or ceasing to be a member or members of the said Church, shall be filled with a successor or successors, being a mem- ber or members of the said Church, of the full age of twenty- i' f 114 OF KEEPING TRUSTEES RECORDS. t^ one years, to be nominated and appointed as follows : that is to say, — to be nominated by the ^minister having charge for the time being of the Circuit in which the said premises shall be situate, and thereupon appointed by the surviving or remaining trustee or trustees of the said trust, or a majority of them, if he or they shall think proper to appoint the person or persons so nominated, and, in case of an equal division of the votes of the trustees present, at any meeting of the trustees held for the purpose of such appointment, the minister in charge of the said Circuit shall have a casting vote in such appointment ; and if it shall happen at any time that there shall be no surviving trustee of the said trust, in every such case it shall and may be lawful for the minister aforesaid to nominate, and the Quarterly Official Board of the Circuit, if they approve of the persons so nomi- nated, to appoint the requisite number of trustees of the said trust by a vote of the majority of the members of the said meeting then present; and, in case of an equal division of their votes, the chairman of the said meeting shall have the casting vote in such appointment, and the person or persons so nominated and appointed trustee or trustees in either of the said modes of nomination and appointment, shall be the legal successor or successors of the said above-named trustees, and shall have in perpetual succession the same capacities, powers, rights and duties, as belonged to and were exercised by the original trustees. Section V. 0/ Keeping Trustees^ Records. !$58> It shall be the duty of the trustees, for the time ^^ing, to keep a book of record in which the names of tlie OF ANNUAL CONFERENCES. 115 trustees shall be entered, together with the names of their respective successois, giving in each case the date when each became a trustee, and the date when each ceased to be a trustee, and the cause of his ceasing to hold the office. CHAPTER III. :§■ tri". :: OF BOUNDARIES. Section I. Of Annual Conferences, ^59. The boundaries of the Annual Conferences shall be determined by the General Conference. There shall be eleven Annual Conferences in our work, viz. : Toronto, London, Niagara, Guelph, Bay of Quinte, Montreal, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland, Manitoba and North-West, and British Columbia, and one Mission. Ponference, Japan. /200. In case of a dispute between two adjoining Circuits of different Annual* Conferences, or between . two Confer- ences, as to boundaries, invasion, or the like, the General Superintendent shall endeavor to adjust the difficulty, and if he cannot do so, he shall select a committee of five minrs-t • ters or official members, who shall hear and determine the matter as nearly as may be in the mannferprovided for trial. Either party may appeal from the decision of the Committee to the Court of Appeal, whose decision shall be final and binding upon all parties. 116 FORMATION OF DISTTilCTS AND CIRCUITS. .,»i i'- i m > 1 J Section II. Of the Jormation of Districts and Circuits. 201. I>istiicts are to be formed according to the judjnr. raent of the Statioring Coiumittee, subject to the approval of the Annual Conft^rence. ^^% Circuits are to be formed by the Stationing Com- mittee, on the recommendation of the District Meetinir ; Provided never thelesSf that Circuits supporting their own ministers, or probationers for the ministry, shall not be divided till such divisions have been approved by their respective Quarterly Official Boards, and their approval signified in writii)g by the Recording Steward ; or other- wise by a two-thirds vote of the Annual District Meeting, when the laymen are present. !S63- On the division of a Circuit, no minister who has travelled successively the three preceding years on such Cir- cuit shall be appointed to either part of it ; nevertheless, this rule shall not apply to those places which may be trans- ferred in adjusting the work by the Annual District Meet- ing, which transfer has been sanctioned by the Stationing Committee. /SB4. No new Domestic Mission shall be formed by dividing an existing Circuit or Mission, unless by a two- tliirds vote of the Annual Conference within whose boun- dary the change is proposed. tS05> Where any new Domestic Missions are formed, a statement signed by the President and Secretary of the Con- ference, giving a list of such Missions, and certifying that they have been formed in accordance with the foregoing regu- lations, shall be tent to the General Secretary of the Mission- ary Society within one month after the risins; ot Conference. ?nrt Y. EDUCATIONAL AND BENEVOLENT INSTITUTIONS. m t H flli I - W I 1 l^h' ' ill' ■ I ir i: ,■;■ , tionj bef( folio Socie %^ ti> maint defray the m obtain EDUCATIONAL AND BENEVOLENT INSTITUTIONS. CHAPTER I. EDUCATIONAL. Section I. EDUCATIONAL SOCIETY. /$4»0. In order to combine in one effoft the entire educa- tional work of our Church, Societies for that purpose shall be formed on all Circuits and Missions in our work, on the following constitution : — 'U I. Name. ^61. This Society shall be known as " The Educational Society of the Methodist Church." II. Objects. %^%. The objects of this Society shall be to assist in maintaining our Universities and Theological Schools ; to defray the expenses of the examination of candidates for the ministry in our Church, and to aid such candidates in obtaining a suitable education. Hi Vli) EDUCATIONAL SOCIETY. ! M III. Mrinhrrft. ^00 All subscribers of ono (l»)]l;ir jxm- .'inmnn and np wards sluill bo humuImm-s of tho 8ocioty, ami onlitliHl to a copy of the Annual luport. IV. }f(ina(fcmrnt. 2T0. Tho nianagcniciit of Iho Society shall bo vested in a S'VM'otary and Treasurer, together with a Boaid of Man agcnient, to be appointed by thc^ CJi-ncral Oonfercnco, one (if whouj shall bo a (icin^ral iSupiM'intendcnt. V. B ranch iis. "Z^X. A branch of tho Society shall bo organized in eaci) Annual Conference, under the management of a Connnitt«n^ of such Conference, composed as follows : — The President of the Conference, and four ministers and four laymen, and a Secretary and Treasurer appointed by the Annual Conference. Vr. Sources of Income. !v')/J. Sermons shall be pr(Mched on behalf of the Society, and collections taken up in aid of its funds, in all our churches and preaching places, at such time as may be dirtetcd bv the Financial District JNTeetinij. ^■J3. A. branch of the Society shall be organized on each Circuit or IMission, under whose direction meetings, where prac'icable, shall be held, at which the claims of our educa- tional work shall be placed before our people, and collections and subscriptions tuken for the funds of the Society. EDUCATIONAL HUCIKTY. 121 ^14 AH monnyH rcfmulctl by students on account of loiiiis shall bo iiicluclcd in tlio rcgiUur iiinuml iiicouio of tho Society. VII. DlviMwn of Inrmuf". 275. Tho Treasurer of ra(;h Annual Conference Bliali, imniediaiely at the closo of hiu ConfcMcnco, or ncit later than the fifteenth of July followin;^, transmit to tho General Secret :«ry and to the? 8ecr<'tary of tlu; iJoaid of Management an au4 SABIJATH-SCII00L3. OfRrijil r>oar(1, a i>uital)]o person to superintend the samo and tiio prrson so appointed sluill, with the concurronco of the Supniiitcndont of (ho Circuit, appoint tho nocessurv oiVu't IS and tculuTs, and proccod to organize the school in haiijiony with the t'oUowing Constitution: — I. Ka>U'\ rJ80. Tins School sh?dl bo known as (ho - M('t!io(hy Sahhath school, and shall 1)0 under tho supcrvisiou of tlie Quarterly Ollicial Board of tho Circuit or Mifision. II. Mai-a^/rnifnt. f^81 Tho nianagonient of tho School shall ho veslcil in a Conuuittori consisting of tho minister or ministers in chrtrgc on the Circuit, the ofllcers and teachers of tho School, and not less tiian three*, noi* more than seven, other persons, niemhers of the (^hurch, nonn'nated by the Siipei'intondent of the (*ircuit at the Second i\leetingof the Quarterly Oilicia! Boavd, raid elected by said Board The persona so elected shall cuter upon the duties of their ollice at the next eusii ing meeting of the Committee of INIanagement. III. Ii'sfniction. f^S*i. The instruction given in the School shall be tin doctrines of the Word of (lod as exfounded in the recog nized standards of tho Methodist Church. The Methoilist Catechisms shall be taught in each School. IV. Officers. /J83. The otlicers of the School shall bo a Superintend-iu Secretary, Treasurer, und Librarian, if necessary, assis SAHBATH -SCHOOLS. 125 tftiits or associates in any of the abovo offices may be appointed. The Superintendent and his assistant must be iiieiubers of the Methodist Church. V. K lection 8. *J84. The Committee of Management shall annually fleet all the otUc(M*s and teachers at its regular meeting iieiirest to the lirst of IMay. 1. Tiie Superintendent of the circuit shall nominate for the oftice of Superintendent of the School two or more person^, and the Ootiimittee of >fanancment shall elect by ballot 2. Tlie Sin^erintendent of tlie School, after his election, shall nominate the rest of tlio ollicers and teachers, and from time to tim(» shall fill hUi'li vacancy as may occur in the list of uiru'ers and tc^achers, subject to the approval- of the ensuing meeting of the Co)n- itiittce of Managi'iiuMit. VI. Meetings. *iS5. Me itings of the Conunittee of INhumgement shall be held quarterly, or as much oftcm r as the Committeet >liall, hy resolution, decide, a rc|)ort from whii'h m(>e(ing ooiR'vrning tho state of the School, shall \w pivsented at tho next ensuing meeting of the Quarterly Oilicial r>oard. 1. Where practicable, theie shall be a meeting of tho teachers tor the study of the lesson. 2. S])eiial meetings of tlM» Committee of Management may be calKd at any time by tin- Secrt>tary, at the request of tin* Superintendent of the Circuit or tho Superintejidtnt of the Scliool. Due notice ri tho nature of the business to bo transacted, together with the time and place of meeting, sliall be given to each niciii- •'•II 126 SABBATH-SCHOOLS. 1.(1 i: ber of the Committee. No other than the special business thus noticed shall be transacted at special meetings. ORDER OF BUSINESS. 1. Devotional exercises. 2. Calling the roll. 3. Reading minutes of previous meeting. 4. Unfinished business. 5. Reports : of Superintendent, Secretary, Treasurer, Librarian, Committees and Special Meetings. 6. Elections. 7. Miscellaneous. 8. Closing exercises. VII. Anniversary. ^80. A public Anniversary meeting of the School shall be held in the month of in each year, wlien tlie| reports of the School, as adopted by the Committee of Man agement, shall be read, the officers and Committee for the year announced, and such other exercises as, in the judg ment of the Committee, may be deemed expedient. .".'> General Principles. < /58T. The Superintendent of the Circuit is, ex officii)\ Chairman of all Sabbath-school Committees. In nis ab- sence, the Superintendent of the School shall preside. The I Superintendent of the Sabbath-scliool shall be a member of the Quarterly Olhcial Board of the Circuit. ?w88- No person shall be perniitted to retain a position as an officer or teacher whose character or religious opinions SADBATH-SCHOOLS. 127 in the judgment of the Committee of Management, or Quarterly Official Board of the Circuit, shall be deemed a suflScient ground of unfitness for service in our Sabbath- schools. J581I- In order that the ministers may, from time to time, visit the Sabbath-schools on their Circuits, it v, recom- mended that an open meeting of the School be held for that purpose once a quarter ; if necessary, at the time of the regular preaching service. 290' The Superintendent of the School shall present, at each meeting of the Quarterly Official Board, a report concerning the state of the School, and shall cause the Annual Schedule to be filled up, and present the same to tlie Fourth Meeting of the Quarterly Official Board of the Circuit. The Recording Steward shall prepare the Circuit Report, and forward it to the Annual District Meeting. *Z9t' It is strongly recommended that the several grades of Sabbath-school publications of our own Church be used in all our Schools, instead of irresponsible publications, which are often hostile to the doctrinal teaching of Meth- odism, and to the institutions of our country. 20!4. It is recommended that home classes, for those who can^ :' attend Sunday-schools, but who can be induced to stu- ^iB regular Sunday-school lessons systematically, be oiistiiJ yd, where practicable, and reported in connection witli the church or appointment where they are held. !$t)«i. It is also strongly recommended that every means be employed to secure the attendance of our Sabliath school scholars at the regular services of the Church ; and that special eflforts be put forth, as the Providence of God may .» Ilk ■'.li 128 SABBATH-SCHOOLS. m t a- indicate, for the conversion of the children, for their in- struction in catecliuinen classes, and ingathering into the Church. Also, that the Sunday-school idea be so developed so as to piomote the organization of congregational adult Bible classes in connection with all our schools. Sahhath school Tei)iperance Work, S04. In all the Sabbath-schools of our Church earnest efforts shall be made to inculcate principles of total absti- nence from all intoxicating liquors or injurious practices, iuid for this purpose the following pledge shall be pro- vided : — I do hereby pledge myself to abstain from the use of all alcoholic liquors as a beverage, from the use of tobacco in any form, from the use of profane language, the reading of bad books and papers, and to earnest efforts to secure the prohibition of the liquor traffic. ^05. It is recommended that, unless otherwise provided, the Committee of Management arrange for a temperance meeting in the School once a quarter, at which meeting addresses shall be given in keeping with the above pledge, and an effort made to induce all to subscribe thereto. Constitution of Sahhath-school Temjierance Sociefi/. ^5)0 — (1) Object. — Its object shall be to promote the principles of total abstinence and prohibition, especially among the young. (2) Membership. — It shall be composed of all who take the pledge and sign the roll of membership. SABBATH-SCHOOLS. 129 1 (3) Management. — The society shall be under the control of tlie Sabbath-school Committee of Management, which sliall appoint the officers of the society. The pledge shall l;e that prescribed in paragraph 293. (4) Meeting. — The officers shall arrange for meetings at least once in three months. Sahhath school Missionary Societies. %97' There shall be, wherever practicable, in connection with each Sabbath-school, a Missionary Society, for the collection of missionary money, the diffusion of missionary information, and the cultivation of a missionary spirit. It is also recommended that the Superintendent of the Circuit, in conjunction with the Superintendent of the School, shall secure, if possible, the presence of the Sabbath-school scholars at the Annual Meeting of the Missionary Society of the Church, and their participation in its services by singing missionary hymns and presenting their missionary fferings. Settlement of Difficulties. ^D8. Should any difficulty arise in connection with the School, which the Committee cxnnot satisfactorily adjust, the Minister, Superintendent of the School, or any three incnibcrs of the Committee, may, on giving due notice to the Committee of their intention, refer the matter of dis- jpute to the next meeting of the Quarterly Official Board of I the Circuit, when the C£^se shall be heard and finally decided. 19 I'M 180 EPWORTH LEAGUE — CONSTITUJ'ION. ! i';:' 1 I , t 9V-' EPWORTH LEAGUE — CONSTITUTION OF THE GENERAL SOCIKTY. ^99. The control of the General Society is vested by the General Conference in the Sunday-school and Epworth League Board. The Epworth League section of the Board consists of one member from each Annual Conference, elected by the Conference delegates at the regular General Conference. But all the members of the joint Board have equal right to speak and vote on all subjects tliai come before it for its consideration. 300. An annual meeting of the members of this joint Board, representing the five Conferences in the Province of Ontario, shall be held at such time and place as the General Superintendent shall direct. Annual Conjerence Organization. 301. There shall be an Annual Conference Epworth League Committee, composed of one minister and one lay- man, elected by the District Meeting. To this committct are to be referred all matters affecting the League in co i- nection with Annual Conferences. m CONSTITUTION FOR LOCAL BRANCH KS OF THE EPWORTH LEAGUE. Name. SOf'i. This organization shall be known as the Epworth League of the ^Tethodist Church o| , and shall be represented by its President on th Quarterly Official Board of said Church, and shall be ail affiliated Branch of the General Epworth League of thj Methodist Church. ^PWOIiTH LEAGUE-^CONSTITUTION. l:U Object. dfld. The obiect nf +v^* menibers and friends of the PIn.K I . '" ">« yo"ng .-th in grace and in ttS tf oTwV' ""^'^"^ -d to make them more useful ,n the 1 :"'" "°'"'^^' of humanity. " '"® service of God and Membership. As3ociate?rnd'Hl'i;^;«« °'"'" °' '»^«''-«= Active, 1. ^c^ive Members shfiU h^ the Methodist or some th /or:-"'° '''' ""«-"'- °f h-e taken the pledge hero ' £ "" '''"'""''' ^"-^ ^^o Active Members' Pledge ^'^'"' '^"°^" «« the 2. ^?«ociar. 133 2. Department of Religious Work: (a) Systematic visita- tion ; (6) temperance ; (c) tract distribution ; {d) Junior Jjcague work ; (e) missionary work ; (/) social purity ; {g) employment bureau. 3. Department of Literary Work: {a) Systematic Bible study ; {h) lectures and literary work ; (d) denominational and general literature ; (d) Epworth League readings ; {e) C. L. S. C. readings. 4. Department of Social Work : (a) Reception and intro^ duction of members ; (6) musical and social entertainments^ in harmony with the spirit of Christianity and of a refined and elevating character j (c) music for all meetings ; (d) excursions and picnics ; (e) badges and decorations* Officer 8 and their Duties. 306. 1. The officers shall be a President, Honorttry President (who shall be the Pastor), four Vice-Presidents, Secretary and Treasurer. 2. The President, who shall be a member of the Meth- odist Church, shall be elected by ballot on a majority vote, at the annual meeting. The other officers shall be Active Members of the League, except Secretary and Treasurer, who may be Associate Members, and shall be elected in the same manner. 3. The President must be approved by the Quarterly Ofiicial Board, and shall be ex officio a member of the Board. 4. The President of the Society shall perform the duties usually pertaining to that office. He shall have especial watch over the interests of the Society, and it shall be hii ■ I :i-|^ U t' fi il i m .1;. Wm 1 m Fi m 1 aJ[^ m, ■• i, V 134 EPWOKTU LEAGl'E — CONSTITUTION. care to see that the diiierent cominittees perform the duties devolving upon thera. 5. The Vice-Presidents shall also, in the order named, represent and have charge of the departments of Christian Endeavor, Religious Work, Literary Work and Social Work. They shall aid the President as he may request. 6. The Secretary shall keep and have charge of all records, also a complete record of membership from the first, a record of the reading done by the Circles, and regular and special correspondence, and shall, when desirable, and so long as may be thought best, carry on correspondence with absent members, and read the replies, or suitable portions of the same, before the League at regular meetings, at his discretion. 7. The Treasurer shall collect all dues and receive all moneys, disbursing the same at the direction of the League, upon order of the Secretary, countersigned hy the President. 8. For the purpose of enlisting all in the work and ren- dering it more effective, the Executive Committee shall assign each member to at least one department of work. Each Vice-President shall name to the Executive Committee, committees of from three to five members for the manage- ment of his department, that officer being ex officio a mem- ber of each committee. 9. Executive Committee. This committee shall consist of the Pastor of the church, the officers of the League, and the chairmen of the various standing committees. All matters of business requiring debate, recommendations concerning finance, and proposed changes, shall be brought first before this committee, and by it reported either favorably or ad- versely to the League. KI'WOKTll LEAGUE — CONSJITf 1 luN. KSo 10. Eacli cointnittee, except the Executive, shall report through its A'ice Piesideiit to the League at the monthly business meetings, conceining the work of tlie past month. 550T. The following pledges are submitted as niodels for iuloption, and are strongly recommended, but they may be modified by Local Leagues. Actice Membei'^8 Pledye. Taking Christ as my example and trusting in tlie help of the Holy Spirit, I promise that I will endeavor to learn and do my Heavenly Father's will ; that I will make stated seasons of private prayer and the daily study of the Bible the rule of my life. As a member of the Church, I will conscientiously en- deavor to be true to all my duties, especially by attending the Sunday and mid-week services and the Sunday-school. As an Active Member of the League, I will, when practi- cable, be present at and take some part in every meeting of the department of Christian Endeavor. As a Christian, I will abstain fron) all amusements and habits upon which I cannot ask God's blessing. I will lionor God with my substance as He has prospered me. 1 will endeavor by kindly words and deeds to cultivate the spirit of Christian friendship and bring my young associates to Christ. In witness of this my pledge, I hereto set my hand and give my heart. Associate Member's Pledge. Believing in God as my Father, in Christ as my Saviour, and in the Holy Spirit as my Helper, and desiring to lead a « H 136 SAliBATH-SCHOOL WOltK. I. mi r Christian life, I promise habitually to attend some ciiuich and Sunday-school and th« Christian Endeavor meetings of the League. As an Associate Meniljer, I am willing to serve on com iiiittees and to work as I may be reijuired to advance the interests of the League, and will, by conversation, conduct aid companions, endeavor to sustain its character as ri ( 'hristian Society. I a^so decluro that I will more carefully consider my duties to my God, to humanity and to niyLulr. In witness that I will endeavor to abide by this my pledge, I hereunto affix my name. By-Laws and Amend inetds. 308* The League may make such By-Laws, consistent with the above Constitution, as may be needed. Amendments to the Constitution must be submitted, writing, to the Executive, and when approved by it, may be adopted by a two-thirds vote of those present at any regular meeting, if notice has been previously given that the amendment would be voted on. DISTRICT MEETING. — SABBATH-SCHOOL WORK. 309* Each Annual District Meeting shall elect by ballot one minister and one layman to the Annual Conference Sabbath-school Committee. 310. Each Chairman of a District shall inquire at the May District Meeting, when the laymen are present, into the condition of the SahLath schools on every Circuit by «• * BBATU-SCHOOL AND KPWOUTH LEA(iL'E WORK. 13' jurch ;tings , com ;e the nduct ' as a 2r my lis my name, and call for the scheduler, which shall pass under carrful revi<^w and be tabulated for the Annual Conference. •HI- There shall be a Sabbath-school Convention held in each District, to be composed of all the ministers and probationers for the ministry in the DistricI", all Superin- tendents of Schools, and two or more delegates from each Sabbath-school in the Distiict; to be held in connection with the Financial District fleeting, or at such other time as the May District Meeting may determine. The exer- cises of said Convention shall consist of discussions on Sabbath-school matters, essays, normal and model classes, public addresses, etc. It is recommended that an Epworth League Convention be held annually in each District, at such time and place as the District Meeting shall decide. sistent ited, ay be ,t any that ballot [erence lat the |t, into lit by ANNU.iL CONFERENCE. — SABBATH-SCHOOL AND EPWORTH LEAGUE WORK. I. Committee. 31/5. There shall be a Sabbath-school Committee for each Annual Conference, composed of two members from each District, as provided for by section 298, of which the President of the Annual Conference shall be the Chairman. But, in his absence, the Committee shall proceed to elect its own Chairman, and Secretary, and Treasurer. 313. It shall be the duty of the Committee to collect the statistics of the Districts, and prepare therefrom the Conference Report, and make such recommendations to the Conference as the necessities of the work may require from time to time. fi r* 138 SABBATH-SCHOOL AND EPWORTH LEAGUE WORK. ^14. It shall be the duty of the Secretary-Treasurer of the Sabbath -school Committee to take charge of all bookb and papers belonging to our Sabbath-school work, to act as Corresponding Secretary of the Conference, and to forward all moneys received from the District Secretaries to the General Treasurer, as herehiaf cer provided. He shall make arrangements for the first meeting of the Committee as soon after the opening of the Conference as may be con- venient, and shall continue in office until his successor is appointed. 3 15- In each Annual Conference there shall be an Ep worth League Committee, analogous to the Sunday-school Committee, and composed like it of one minister and one layman from each District, elected by the District Meetint]^. To this Committee shall be assigned all matters connected with che Ep worth League. II. Annual Meeting, 310- There shall be a public Sabbath-school Meetiii- held in connection with the Annual Conference, for which arrangements shall be njj^de by the Cominittee appointed to prepare the plan of public services for the Conference, at which the Report of the Sabbath-school Committee shall l)e read, followed by addresses and discussions on Sabbath- school topics. QENEKAL CCAFERENCE. — SABDATH-SCHOOL AND EPWORTH LEAGUE WORK. 3 IT. The General Conference shall appoint a Sabbath- school and Epworth League Board, consisting of one minister SABBATH-SCHOOL AND EPWOllTH LEAGUE WOUK. 139 ■er of jookb ict as •ward Lo the make Lee as le con- 3Sor is he an -school id one ^eetinj:;. inected leetini; which luted to |iice, at ihall he ibbath- )RTH ibbath- iiinister and one layman from each Conference ; also one representa- tive of the Epworth League, either minister or layman, from each Annual Conference, all of whom shall be nomi nated by the delegations of the Annual Conferences present at the General Conference, and eh cted by the General Con- ference. All members of this joint Board shall have the right of voting on all subjects coming before the Board, whether relating to the League or the Sunday-school. Tho Board shall fill by election any vacancy in its membership arising from death or disability. In the absence of both General Superintendents, t ic members of the Board may elect a Chairman pro tern. 318. The members of the Board belonging to the live Conferences of Ontario shall meet annually, at such time and place as one of the General Superintendents shall direct, for the purpose of receiving the report of the Secretary and Treasurer, and for the transaction of any necessary business. Collections. JJIO. An annual collection in aid of Sabbath-school work shall be taken up in all our Schools, to be called the Sab- bath-school Aid and Extension Fund collection. It is recommended that this collection be taken up at the open session of the School on the Quarterly Review Sunday in September, or at such other time as may be found most convenient. It shall be the duty of Superintendents of Circuits and of Chairmen of Districts to see that such collec- tions are taken up. 3^0. The District Financial Secretaries shall receive !^uch collections in the same manner as tho other conne.>cional 1 1 ; < S 1 II ■■-1 I -ook (yoniniittee ; iind an Editor who shall have the editorial management of the Wesleyan, under the direction of the Eastern Section of the Hook Committee. ti54. It shall be the duty of the Editors to make their respective periodicals soundly scriptural and instructive, laud to put forth all reasonable efforts to render them the means of promoting right views on social, moral and reli- gious questions, and of stimulating the zeal of our people in Isupporting all our connexional enterprises. 355. They shall likewise carefully supervise the printing lof all books and periodicals published at the respective Book [Room;? ; and it is required that in all matters respecting the 3ublichtion of the periodicals, the Book Stewards and Eaitors shall act in harmony. !{50. The Book Stewards and Editors elected by the Greneral Conference shall hold office for four years from the ^ime of their election, or from one general Conference to lother, and shall be eligible for re-election •, but they shall kontinue in office, after the appointmeniD of their successors, iill the meeting of the Annual Conferences to which they slong. m m I I n f '! ii ill ; ii 148 THE MISSIONARY 80CILTY. CTTAPTKR 11. BKMFVOLKNT INSTITUTIONS. i4 SECTION f. THR MISSIONARY SOCIKIY. 1 . Name. 35T* This Society shall bo l^nowii as "The MissionaiTi Society of the INIrthodist Church." II. Object. «(58. The object of the Society is the support and enlarge nieiit of the Indian, French, Domestic, Foreign, and otli'T Missions, which are carried on under the direction of ih Conference of the Methodist Church. ] IT. Af embers. 350* Kvery person paying annually the sum of Fmin Dollars and upwards, and every person collecting annuallvi Ten Dollars and upwards for this Society, shall be deemfHi] a member, raid entitled to a copy of the Annual Report. iV'. Auxiliary and Branch Societies. SOO. The Methodist Missionary Societies within thel bounds of any Annual Conference shall, collectively, b«| entitled '*The Auxiliary Missionary Society " for that Con| ference, and severally shall be entitled "Branch Societies' of such Auxiliary. Missionary Societies formed in ourl Sabbath-schools shall be entitled "Juvenile Branches " of | t!ie L'oiiieio.uce Auxiliary. THK MISSION A KY SOC'IKTV. HO *Mli' Kfich Ann\ial ('onferenco may appoint a Tr(»n.cnn'r, through wliom all n'lnit lances from the (ionoral Treasurers may be sent. In case any Annual Conference does not make such an appointment, then all remittances to and from the Mission Kooms shall he made through the* Chair- men of Districts of such (/Onference. The Superintendent of a Circuit or Mission shall he Treasurer of the Hnuuh Society of his Circuit or Mission. 3l»^. The money raised on any Circuit or Mission shall be transmitted, as soon as collected, to the Chairman of the Distiict, deducting only what has been disbursed for inci- dental and local expenses ; and the Chairman shall, in turn, remit promptly to the General Treasurer, through the Con- ference Treasure., or diroctlv. iT theie be no Conference Treasurer. VII. ( 'imrif Lists. *Mll\. The Superint(!ndent of each Circuit or Mission shall prepare annually, not later than the first day of the Annual District Meeting, a list < f all subscribers of Two Dollars and upwards, also the aggregate of all collections land sums under Two Dollars; such lists to be sent without [delay to the Conference Treasurer or the Chairman of the District, who shall forward them to the Mission Rooms, together with a statement of the gross receipts, local dis- bursements, and remittances. ■ 150 THE MISSIONARY SOCIETY VI T I, General Board of Missions. 304. There shall be a General Missionary Board for the I management of the Missionary Fund, which shall meet annually at such time and place as it may appoint. This Board shall be composed of the General Superintendents, the Oflficers of the Missionary Society, one minister, to be| chosen annually by the ministers of each Annual Confer ence, one layman, to be chosen annually by the laymen oil each Conference Missionary Committee, and eighteen otherl persons — one-half of whom shall be laymen — to be appointed by the General Conference, and to continue in office four| years. IX. Duties of the Board. 305. The duties of this Board shall be to review thel Missionary work, and apportion the funds committed to ill to the respective Conferences, according to the necessities ofl the various departments of the work ; provided, however, that in the case of the Japan Conference the Board shalll appropriate to the Missions therein direct ; and providedl further, that Domestic Missions v; ceive forty-two and one-l half per cent, of the total amount which the General Boai(l| decides to appropriate in each year. X. New Missions and Schools. 300. 1. No new Mission in the Indian, French, Chinese, or Foreign work shall be formed without the concurrence! of the General Board having been first obtained ; and ioj this matter the Board shall act only on the recommendation of the Annual Conference within whose bounds the proposedl THE MISSIONAKV SOCIETY. 161 Mission is located. Where there is no Conference jurisdic- tion the Board may act independently; also in cases of emergency which arise during the year. 2. New Schools in any of the aforesaid departments shall be authorized only by the General Board, on the recom- mendation of the Annual District Meeting. XI. Apprnprintions. «(ll7' When an appropriation is made by the General Board to any particular department of the work, or for any special object, the Annual Conference Committee shall not be at liberty to divert any part of such grant to any other departnient or object. XII. Committee of Consnltation and Finance. •{08* A Committee, to be called the Committee of Con- sultation and Finance, shall be annually appointed by the General Board, consisting of the General Superintendents, the officers of the Missionary Society, and eighteen other members — nine ministers and nine laymen — the majority of whom shall be members of the General Board, who shall provide during the interval of the sessions of said Board for any exigencies that may arise. All the proceedings of said Committee shall be entered in a minute-book, and reported to the General Board at its next annual meeting. XIII. Vacancies. 369. Vacancies occurring amongst Conference represen- tatives may be filled by the Special Committee of the Con- ference afiected ; the vacancies occurring among those i »'5 u if \ ^ ";♦ lo2 THE MISSIONARY SOCIETY. appointed by the (Jeneral Conference may be tilled by the Conniiittee of Consul t;ition and Finance. 310. In the event of: the death or disability of any of the officers of the 8o(nety, the Cojnnuttee of Consultation and Finance shall appoint a suitable person to till rhp vacancy till the next meeting of the (-enrral Board, when such appointment may b^ confirmed or changed, pendiiiij the meeting of the next General Confereme. •iTl> The Committee of (Consultation and Finance shall a'so have autlority to suspend any otticer of the Missionary Societ> for incoiiipelency, or for culpable neglect of the duties of his office, and supply his place till the next meet ing of the General Board, which shall have authority to lill the vacancy till the next General Conference. XiV. Annual Meelincf. •lY!^- An annual public meeting of the members and friends of this Society shall be held at the time and place appointed by the General Board, connected with such reli- gious services as may be deemed expedient. X V. (jlenentl fivers. llUli' The General Conference shall appoint the General Secretaries and Treasurers of the Missionary Society, who shall be, ex officio^ members of the General Board. X\^I. Duties of the General Officers. 314 The General Secretaries shall, previous to each Financial District Meeting, furnish each Chairman of a District with a schedule, to be tilled up by said Chairman I'- ll. THE MiSSIONAUY SOCIETY. 1» r1 no at the Financial District Meeting, showing the estimated income and expenditure of each Mission for the support of the ministers and preachers, the amount of missionary grant recommended by the Financial District IMeeting, etc.; whicli schedule shall be forwarded to the General Secretaries witliout delay. From these schedules the General Secre taries shall prepare a tabular statement for the information of the General Board, in order that its members may intelli gently and Justly apportion the funds of the Society to the several Conferences. •tl5. It shall be the duty of the General Secretaries to make themselves acquainted .vith the entire mission-tield, l)y odicial correspondence and personal visitation when practicable. It shall also be the duty of the Secretaries to publish the Annual General Report of the Society, with a statement of the inooine and expenditure. litii. In the discharge of their duties, the otHcers of the Society shall act ?n harmony with the legally appointed courts and officers of the Geneial and Annual Conferences ; Provided always^ that in case of any emergency arising that may require prompt action in the matter of supplying any remote Mission, it shall be competent for them, on the recommendation of the Committee of Consultation and Finance, to request the proper authorities of any Annual Conference to aid ilieni in meeting such emergency, by appointing one of its ministers or proliationers to such Mission. \i ',n f ' •If*"'' ;v ti i I ■ \ 3 i! !l > » ii 154 THE MISSIONARY SOClKTV. XVII. Super intPMdent of MishIoux for Manitoba and th i\or/h- West. ^Hl. 1. The Superintendent of Missions shall reside in Manitoba, and be a member of the Manitol)a (.^onferenro. 2. He sliall be a member, ex officio, of the Stationi)i;j; (■ommittee and local Missionary Board. 3. He shall travel at large through the Missions and new settlements within the bounds of theConfeienoe; and report to the respective District Meetings, and through them to the Annual Conference, on thf condition and prospects of existing Missions, suggesting changes and tlic formation of new Missions when, in his judgment, such action is deemed advisable; and he shall h.jve authority, in the absence oi thf Chairman of the iJistrio: and the Superintendent of the Circuit or Mission, with the consent of the Superintendent of the Circuit or Mission, to preside ac the (Quarterly Othciai Boards of those Circuits or Missions on which probationers or supplies are stationed. 4. He shall have atrthority, under the provisions of the Discipline, and after consultation with the President of t}i»' Conference and the ( Miairnien of the Districts affected, to organize new Missions where he deems it necessary, and to secure missionaries from the other Conferences to till the work. He shall also, when in the Eastern Conferences, solicit subscriptions for the Church and Parsonage Aid Fund, so as to (»xtcnd the work in the North West where | needed. 5. He shall spend three or four months of each year tra veiling within the bounds of the Conferences east of Maiii I toba, as the General Board of Missions may direct. THE MISSIONARY SOCIETY. 155 G. His salary shall be fixed by the General Board of Mis- sions, and paid, together with his travelling expenses, out of the Mission Fund. 7. He shall be, ex officio^ one of the members of the Central Board of Missions from the Manitoba Conference. XVIII. Forei(/n Missions. $18. The provisions of this section refer to the Missions of the Methodist Church in Japan, and may be applied to any foreign work tliat may hereafter be undertaken under similar circumstance* 1. Object. *^li^. The object of such Mission work is to extend vital Christianity by raising up, as speedily as possible, a self- s?apporting, self -propagating Methodism. 2. Mission Counril. JJ80. 1. The foreign missionaries appointed by the authorities of the Methodist Church shall constitute a Mis- sion Council, which shall regulate all niatters not provided for in the constitution of the District Meeting, such as — a. To designate the special work of each foreign mission- ary, in harmony with the wish ■> of the General Board. 6. To regulate all matters relating to the property of the Society, in harmony with the wishes of the General Board. c. To decide on all matters pertaining to the funds sup- plied by the Society, so far as they are not speciiied in dotail by the General Board. d. To review the work of eAch w'ar, and prepare reports and recommendations to the General Board, together with ''s'imates of expenditure i\>r the coming \«*:\r. r 156 THK Mission A UV sotJiETY. i^t i^ • 2. The Chairman of the District, appointed by the Annual Conference, shall be, ex offivAoy Chairman of tho Mission Council. His duties sliall be as follows : — a. To preside at all meetings of the Council, to conduct official correspondence with the General Board, and be the executi\e of the wishes of the General Board, and of tlie decisions of the Mission Council. h. To visit all Mission stations within the bounds of our work as often as practicable ; to assist pastors and evange- lists by advice and by public services ; to recommend tlie opening of new tielils and plans for the prosecution of work therein ; and to do all in his power to develop an evango listicand revival typo of Methodism. c. To bo Treasurer of all funds furnished by the Society ; to keep the books, and make all repot ts connected therewith ; and to devise means whereby the liberality of the native churches shall speedily be developed into complete self- support. 3. The Mission Council shall have power, with the consent of the Chairman of the District, to appoint one or more of its experienced members to do the work indicated in clause 6 of the preceding section, i.e., to supervise the evangelistic work of the Mission. 4. The Mission (Council, when so reqne^^ted by (he Chair- nnan of the District, shall a})point a treasurer to take charge of the funds and the books referred to in clause c of section 2, above ; but he shall pny out no money without a written order from the Chair nnin of the District. 5. Tho Mission Council shall fleet the foreign members of the Htationing Committee at the Annual Meeting. THE MISSIONARY SOCIETY. 157 >y the of the onduct be the of the 3. Misnon District Meeting. 381. 1. The constitution and powers of the District Meeting shall be the same as those of the ordinary District, as in Part II., Chap. II., Sec. I., of the Discipline, so far as they can be adapted to the condition of things in the foreign field. 2. In addition, howevoi-, it shall have power to station the ministers and preachers within the bounds of the Mission — the native members electing from their ordained ministers representatives on the Stationing Committee equal in num- ber to the foreign representatives thereon. 4. Jfi^sio7i CoHf'ere)ice. « 38!*^. 1. When there are lifteen or more ordained minis- ters on the Held, and 'the General Board or the Committee of Finance and Consultation recommends the step, the Missions shall be erected into a Mission Conference, with power to divide into two or luore Districts. 2. The constitution of the Mission Conference shall be the same as that of the ordinary Annual Conference, as in Part II., Chap. 1., Sec. IV., of the Discipline, with the following limitations : — a. It shall elect representatives to the (General Confer- ence, the General Board of Missions, and other Connexional Committees, only when authorized so to do by the General Board, which shall also designate the number of such repre- sentatives. h. It shall not in any way interfere with the administra- tion of the General Board of Missions, which shall continue as heretofore. 158 THR MINSIONARY SOCIETY. ;■' 3. The Uenrral Moan^ rIuiII have power, in the event ot a MisRiou (\>nfe!*enoe heinjj; fornied, to amend the conRtiin tion of the Mission i'oint^il, so as to fit the altered vw cuiHstnnees, and to nay whnt powers it poRKesHeB shall l»o sun*endei*ed to the Annual (Conference. r>. Centvnl Co){fcVf>}h'(>. «IH*|. 1. When the Annual Conferenoe, or the INIiHsions of any other form of Methodism, ^^ish to conjliine M-ith tin* Missions or Annunl (\>nfer(Mioe of the MiMhotUst t 'hunli, iu «M>mmon plans of work, it shull he lawful, with the eon sent of thiMienenil ]^>ard, to organizf* a(V!\tral (N>nferen»(\ oompos(ul of ivpresentatives of tiie Missions coneerniMl. *J. The (Vntral (inference vshall eleet its own rresidenl. ,'^ The Ootifereiu^e niay take under its Rnpervisi()n the Kduoational, l^ihlishinir, and otiier fonnexional int<»rests, so far a.« they arv^ connnitted to it hy the Annual C\>nfn cnces or Missions eoneerned ; hut never in contravention of the Hook of discipline or Uul<»sof the (»^>erty of the same without the otlicial permission of said Soviet V. 4. The .lournal of the proceedini^s of this Central Confer enco, duly sijjneil by the President and Secretary, sliall be sent to the tiouoral Conference for it^ consideration. XIX. ir<>;?ja?i,s Missionary Society, SH4. 1. For the more successful prosecution of the mis- sionary work of the Church among women, there shall be rilK MIHHIONAIIY HOCfKTV. I no all l»o lUi Uh' luinli. Ml. ion the |C%>nfv<»ik in bniiiiony witb tlio nnMiori- tioH of From donations, bequests ai legacies made to the Fund. All such donations, bequests and legacies shall be reserved and invested for the Investment Endowment Fund. 398. After the income from all other sources is ascer- tained, the principle of assessment shall Ibe applied in an equitable manner to all the Circuits, in order so to augment the annual income of the Fund as to make it equal to the annual claims thereon. 399. The basis of assessment shall be the amount raised on the Circuit for ministerial support and the following Connexional funds: General Missionary, Superannuation, Educational, General Conference, Contingent, Union Chuich Relif f, and Sunday school Aid Funds. 400. Each Circuit shall raise its proportion of the amount requisite to pay the superannuated ministers and SUPERANNUATION FUND. 16;^ ininisttTs' widows their full disciplinary claim, and the Superintendent of the Circuit shall be responsible for the full payment of the same to the Financial Secretary. If the Superintendent have a t;olleague, the responsibility for making up any deficiency in the assessment on the Circuit or Mission shall be divided between them in proportion to their respective salaries. 401- The calculations for each year shall be based on the income and return of the year preceding, as found in a certified list to be furnished by the Secretary of each Annual Conference to the General Treasurer of the Fund immedi ately on the rising of his Conference. 40*^. It shall be the duty of the Treasurers annually to notify the Chairman of each District of the amount required from each Circuit in -his District, such notifications to be made prior to the Financial District Meeting, when it shall be the duty of the Chairman to notify each Superintendent of the amount to be raised on the Circuit during the year for this Fund. 403. One-sixth of the annual subscriptions of the minis- ters and probationers shall be added to the capital of the aforesaid Fund from year to year. V. Claimants. 404. The period for computing ministers' claims upon the Superannuation Fund shall commence from the time of their being received by the Conference for our work. 405- The claims of a minister on the Fund shall not be prejudiced by his having engaged in the services of any department, society, or corporation, within the Church, pro- 1'. l(il> MUrKKANiNr AIMIN KUNI) il! »■ <■■ \i(lod HUoli H(M \ ioo in loitiliMod l)y t lio iippoiiitiixMit. of \\\. Vo\\(oroiwo. 400 All iiiiiiistors horoiiftor mining to us from otliit (^lunvlu's s\\n\\ 1)0 alln\vo«l a cliiiin upon tlio h'uiul acoonlm^ to tin* iunul>«M" of voar.H tlicv shall havo tnvvollod in ronniN tion with any of our (\»nfatiomM' shall pay tw«»lvo dollivrs per annum to this Fund, tin* sann* to ho paid y<»ar by year in aocordanoo with tho orodit of his v^'^Jirs travid ; onc^ half to l)o paid to tho Kinanoial Scon'tary at tho l*'inanoial District Mt'otinsi:. »H«1 tlu» otln»r half at tho May Distriot Mootins,', ind in tho ooniputation of claims, four yoars thus croditcd shall bo rookonod as tho toriu of his probation. 40H. Whon a suporannuatod mii\istor luvs oommutod his v'laini, and that of his wife and ohildrcn, he shall not he ;illowod any t'urthor claims on this b'und, althouij;!! ho may return to tho otUntivo work by pornussion of the Annnal Conforonoo. 40SK Whon a suporannuattvl minister, who is a limitjvl claimant, shall havo recoivod tho full amount of his claim on the Fund, and is restorod to the active work, his furtlw^- claim shall date only from his recommoncemont as an etloo- tivo minister in our work. 410. Ail those ministers of the united body who havt> not yet levelled up (September 17th, 18S6) shall have their claims on this Fund commence at the time of the ITnioii. June 1st, 1884, unless they level up on tlie Fund within six months. 411. The claim of a widow shall be two-thirds of the ciaiai qf her late husband, A widow whose husband w.i^ .SUI'KKANNUAIION I CNI). Ifii i of Ins I supi*iiU)tiu.'ii(Ml at tlio tiino of her niarrillfii'H oach \)v\' aimnni up to ^ixtj'cn ycniH of n'^r. \\\u'\\ c\\\U\rv\\ luivr no nuluiMl ^iiai'dian or |»rol«M;tor, the Cli.iiiinan of tho District in wliich llicy i-( sidn KJiall nuiUo Mitli arranj;, shall have refunded to him the [amoimt lio has paid into tliis Fund. VJ. Scale of J^ayinents. 410. A superannuated minister shall receive from the iFuiul an annuity accoiding to the following scale ; payment |to continue as many years as he shall have rendered efllective service. ^Nevertheless, if he have rendered twenty-three If If 166 SUPERANNUATION FUND. if! : r ,!f u s f- fl . years such service, the payments shall continue during his natural life, provided, in all cases, his relation as a superjin nuated minister be continued : For 5 years' service, $2n ; 6 years, $30; 7 years, $35; 8 years, $40; 9 years, $4o; 10 years, $50; 11 years, $56 ; 12 years, $63; 13 years, .<<71 14 years, $80; 15 years, $90; 16 years, $100; 17 years, $110; 18 years, $122; 19 years, $135; 20 years, $152; 21 years, $170 ; 22 years, $190 ; 23 years, $206 ; 24 years, $218; 25 years, $230; 26 years, $244; 27 years, $258; 28 years, $272 ; 29 years, $286 ; 30 years, $300. 4 IT. For thirty years* service or upwards, ten dollars for each such year. All prer^ent claimants shall continue to receive from the Fund according; to the scale of 1886, and for the number of years therein provided. 418. Widows of deceased nunisters, beini^ members of our Church, shall receive two-thirds of the amount their husbands would have received, according to the above scale, except such widows as were fifteen years younger than their husbands at the time of their marriage, and were married after their husbands were fifty-iive years of age. Such cases shall be referred to the Board. VII. Re(j}ilj Hi liii Section III. SaPWRXUMERAllY MINISTERS' AND MINISTERS' WIDOWS' FUND. Constitution of thk Supkhnumkrauy iVfiNisTERs' and Ministers' Widows' Fund. J. Name. 4*/i7' This Fund, heretofore known as "The bupeiiui merary Ministers' and Ministers' Widows* Fund of the Conference of Eastern British America," shall hereafter be designated, "The Bupernumerary Ministers' and Minia- MINISTERS WIDOWS FUND. 169 tet"^' Widows' Fund of the Eastern Section of the Mothodist Church,'' enil)raoiii«:( tlic Provinces of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Fid ward Island, Newfoundland and the Horinudas. II. Membership. 4*^8. All nuMJibers of the Nova Scotia, the New Bruns- wick and Prince Edward Island, and the Newfoundland Annual Conferences, complying with Article IV, U 410, of this Constitution, shall be members of this Fund. III. Manage tneiU. 4*^9. The representatives of the aforesaid Annual Con- ferences to the General Conferences shall, at some time (luring the session of each General Conference, at a mr^ting suinmoned not later -than the sixth day of the Session of the General Conference, by a General Superintendent, at wliich a General Superintr^ndent or a President of one of the Annual Conferences concerned shall preside, to consider the atl'airs of this B^und, elect by ballot one or more persons as General Treasurer or Treasurers of the Fund. 430. It shall be the duty of the Treasurers, so elected, to receive and disburse, from year to year, all the moneys constituting the Current Income, according to the provisions of the Constitution ; and also to hold and manage, under ilie supervision and direction of the Investment Committee, the capital stock of the Fund. 4J11. It shall be the duty of the Treasurers to prepare and present at each of the meetinsjs of the General Com- mittee a particular account, duly audited, of all the business transacted for the Fund during the previous Conference year. r 1 ' §'•■ ii It II ill ill' J;i. I J " 170 SUPEHNUMKKARV MINJSTKRS AND 4^*4' The Treasurers, so elected, are to hold oftice iov/our f/earSf or until their successors nvo appointed, unh^ss one or Ijoth should die, or resign, or become, in the judgment of the General Committee, disqualified for the discharge of the duties of the office. In any such case it shall be the duty of tlie General Committee to elect some other v>or.' Each Conference named in Article II. shall appoint, annually, a Coiiference Committee, composed of its members in the General Committee, and six other persons, one-half of whom shall be ministers and the other half laymen. Each Conference Committee shall appoint its own Chairman, and it shall be the duty of said Committee to look after thf) interests of the Fund in the Conference by which it is appointed, especially to examine the returns from the several Districts, to ascertain whether due attention has been given on all the Circuits to secure, in the different modes pre- scribed in this Constitution, the proper income for the Fund, and to call the attention of the Conference to any cases of apparent negligence. Furthermore, it shall be the duty of the ministerial members of this Committee to see that persons are not placed upon the lists of Supernumer- aries in their respective Conferences, so as to be constituted claimants upon the Fund, prematurely, or without due con- sideration by the Conference. 438. Each Conference shall appoint the Secretary-Trea- suicr of the aforesaid Conunittee, whose duty it shall bo to ! } *•*: 1 TTfT JT •; ♦ I 1 It Mill r 1 « a: ■if ■' 172 SUPERNUMERARY MINISTERS' AND receive all ministerial payments and moneys collected on the Circuits, and generally as representative of theGen< il Trea- surer, to transact any business of a financial natme con- nected with this Fund in his Conference, and to account for the same to the General Treasurers ; also to present each year to (Conference an abstract of the current incotne and capital stock accounts, as prepared by the General Oommit- tce, and to have printed in the Annual Minutes a full and complete list of all ministerial payments, as well ns lists of other subscriptions and donations of two dollars and up- wards from the Tircuits. 4311. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer of each Coi, ference Comnnttee to receive all the moneys collected in hU Conference for the Fund, and to account for the sjime to the General Treasurers ; and also to prepare each year an abstract of the accounts of the current income and tho capital stock, as reported by the General Committee, togethei- with a list of the ministers' subscriptions, and of other sub scriptions and donations of two dollar/* and upwards on tlip Circuits, to be published in the Minutes of the several ( /onferences. IV. Current Income. 440. Every member of the before named Annual Coii i'erences, not being a Supernumerary, shall be required to pay a subscription of ticelve dollars annually, in advance, it the time of the District Meeting. One sixth of the annual subscriptions of ministers and probationers shall be addod to Capital Stock Fund from year to year. 441. Prmrhfrs on trial may pay the annual subscription for the period of their probation, either in advance from ministers' widows fit no. 173 year to year, or by one equivalent payment at the cm.I of tlieir probation. 44/J. The Maritime Conferences shall l)e oblicjated to raise for the Fund at the rate of ten cents per member, including persons on trial, the number of members reported to eacli General Conference to form the basis of calculation for each year of the following quadrcnnium. Each Annual Conference shall determine as to the mode of assessment within its bounds, whether on the membership, income of Circuits, or otherwise. 44*1- Kvery minister shall, at the tirst quarterly visita- tion of the classes, after Conference, explain the nature and rensonableiiess of the claims of this Fund upon the justice and liberality of our Churcli. He shall then inquire of p;ioh member what sum he or she is willing to subscribe, and shall enter the respective sums in the class-book, and it sliall be the duty of the class leader to collect tluso, and also subscriptions from the members absent at the time of visita- tion, and to pay the amount to the Superintendent of the Circuit. 444. An Annual Collection, in aid of this Fund, shall be made in all the churches and other preaching places in the month of December, and private application shall be mad« l>y the minister to friends on each Circuit for subscriptions iiid donations. 445. Five-sixths of tlio subscriptions of ministers and preachers on trial, the Circuit contributions, the interest on the capital stock, and the amount recMved from ycvir to year from the Missionary Society, shall constitute the cur- rent income for each year available for the payment of i"nual claim^j. , 'I ;1 i if- f I 174 SUPERNUMERARY MINISTERS AND V. Capital Stock. 440. The cajntal stock of tliis Fund shall consist of the amount now reported by the Treasurers as constituting the present capital stock, viz.: — $80,000 iVo, and all sums here- after received as legacies ; payments received under Article Vi., H 448, the excess of current income above current claims in any year; and one sixth of the amount of tlie payments of ministers and preachers. VI. Claimants. 44T- Any minister being a member of this Fund, on becoming a Supernumerary, except as hereinafter providftl, shall have a claim on the current income as long as he shall remain a Supernumerary in connection with either of i\\^ Conferences speoiliod in Article II. for an annuity equal to the Slim of ten dollars for each annual subscription which he shall have previously paid to the Fund. 44S. A widow of any minister having been a member ot this Fund, exci^pt as hereinafter provided, shall, so long as she shall remain his widcw, have a claim upon the current income for an annuity equal to one- half the claim of her deceased husband ; provided, however, that if the wife of any member of the Fund shall die, and he should marry again, he must, in order to entitle his new wife to such an annuity, \yxw five dollars a year additional for each year of his connection with this Fund previous to his marriage; otherwise her claim shall be considered as commencinff onlv at the time of her marriage. The widows of supernumerary ministers, who havo lu^ver been in Circuit work with thHr husbands, shall have no claim. MINISTERS WIDOWS FUND. 175 449. Any claim upon this Fund based upon not ujoro than ten years' subscriptions tiicreto shall not continue more years than the number of the annual subscriptions which constitute its basis ; but the claims of ministers transferred to or from any other Conference of the Methodist Church who shall liave paid subscriptions to the Superannuation Fund of the Western Conferences, or to this Supernumerary Fund, and whose annual subscriptions to the two Funds shall, together, be more than ten, shall not be subject to the limitations of the foregoing clause. Neither shall this limi- tation apply to ministers received into full connexion at or before tlie Annual Confcienco of 1882. 450- Any njinistor of the Confe/onces specified in Article II., being a member nf this Fund, who shall be transferred to any other Conference of tjjo Methodist (liuich, may retain the standing in connection with this Fund wiiich he had acquired previous to liis transfer. 451. It is provided always that, when in any ye/ir the current income shall be insufficient to meet the claims of that year in full, such claims shall be proportionately reduced by one equal percentage from all. 45!?. Any person who, by withdrawal, location, expul- sion, or in any other way, shall cease to be a member of an Annual Conference of the Methodist Church, maybe repaid from the capital stock of this Fund the amount of his annual subscriptions, with simple interest. The General Committee may, upon the recommendation of the Annual Conference, commute with such ministers as may be Super- numeraries from causes which do not disqualify them for secular business, by payment of sucli sums as may be mutu- J 176 SUPERNUMERARY MINISTERS FUND. ally agreed upon, instead of allowing them to become per mauent claimants upon the Supernumerary Fund. ; VII. Chdiige in Conatitntion. 45«{- No change sliall be made in this Constitution until after notice thtM*eof .shall have been given to the General Committee, whose duty it shall be to report all such notices to each of the three Annual Conferences interested ; nor then, unless the pi'opo.srd change or changes shall have been concurred in by two thirds of the members of the Fund present, and votincj thereon, in the said three Confei'eiues, the number of the contents and non-contents being carefully taken and put upon record in the Journal of each of the said Conferences, and shall be certified 1)V the President and Secretary of each Conference to the next mer ting of t!;.- General Committee. When the aggregate required numher of two-thinh of all the members voting in the three Conferences shall V)e found to have been given in favor of the proposed change or changes, it shall be the duty of the General Com- mittee so to report to the representatives of the aforesaid three Annual Conferences to the next ensui.ig General Con- ference, in oi'der that the said proposed and requested change or changes may be confirmed by the General Con- ference, li ■'. THE CONTINGENT FUND. 177 Section IV. THE CONTINGENT FUND. Constitution of the Continuent Fund. I. Name, 454. Each Annual Conference shall have a Contingent Fund, to be called "The Contingent Fund of the Methodist Church." II. Object. 455. The object of this Fund shall be : 1. To relieve cases of special affliction and to defray extra- ordinary expenses incurred in the services of the Church. 2. The surplus, if any, shall be used for such objects as each Conference may define. * III. Sources of Income, 450. The sources of income shall be : 1. Collections to be taken up on all Circuits. 2. The public collections taken up at each Annual Conference. IV. Committee. 45 7> Each Annual Conference shall elect seven ministers and seven laymen, who shall be the Contingent Fund Com- mittee for such Conference. It shall be the duty of this Committee to consider all claims properly presented to it, and appropriate all the funds placed at its disposal to their [proper objects, as directed by the Conference. 458. Each Annual Conference shall provide such regu- llations in reference to this Fund, in accordance with the foregoing provisions, as it may deem necessary. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 ^^ ^ I.I 1.25 ^ 14.0 u 1^ Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716)S73-4S03 ^^ i\ \ : Kf-J 178 THE CHILDREN S FUND. Section V. v?ti THE CHILDREN'S FUND. 459- Each Annual Conference may have a Ohildiens Fund under its own control and management, subject to the following conditions and restrictionfc. : — 1. The revenue of any such Fund shall be raised by such form of assessment as each Annual Conference may, in its judgment, consider best. 2. The Children's Fund Committee of the Annual Con ference shall have the power to exempt any Circuit or Mission from the assessment for this Fund upon the recou mendation of the Annual Conference. 3. The ajnount payable to each child until eighteen years of age shall be not more than twenty-live dollars per annum ; and if in any case the Fund shall not be suHicient to pay the full amount, it shall be divided pro rata^ according to the anjount at the disposal of the Conference. 4. The claims of children whose fathers are employed oii| the Frencii or Indian Missions shall be paid by tho Mission ary Society : provided that no missionary shall receive any I allowance from this Fund who receives ^600 or more froLi all other sources. And the same regulations shall ajiply tol all ministers. 5. No such claims shall be paid out of the Mission Fun(l> in any Conference where the Children's Fund is abolishedj or discontinued. 6. The claimants on this Fund shall be: {a) The childrenl of Superannuated Ministers, such as were born whilst theirl fathers were in the active work ; (6) The children of such V 1 i^;:i CHURCH AND PABSONAQE AID FUND. 179 Children's ubject to d by such lay, in its inual Con- Circuit 01 the reconi- I teen years er annum ; >nt to pay cording to I ployed on Mission iceive any Injore frouil ^U apply toj jsion Funds abolished I Ihe childreiil rhilst their len of sucli| ministers in the active work as receive less than $600 per annum from all other sources. 7. The Children's Fund of the Nova Scotia, New Bruns- wick and Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland Con- fprences, may be continued on the same basis and under the same regulations as have previously existed in those Con- feit nces, or according to such rules and regulations as they may deem best. Section YI. CHURCH AND PARSONAGE AID FUND. Constitution. I. Name. 400. The Fund shall be known as "The Church and Parsona";e Aid Fund of the Methodist Church." II. OI[jecL 401- The object of the Fund shall be to aid in the erec- tion of churches and parsonages, on sites held in trust by pur Model Deed, on the Stations, Circuits or Missions of the Methodist Church, and the reduction of debts upon the same, by means of loans at low rates of interest, on such |co?^clitions as will secure the earliest possible extinction of ^all liabilities upon the property aided. III. Management. A^% The management of the Fund shall b*" vested in a Joard of nine Directors (a majority of whom shall be lay- 1 180 CHURCH AND PARSONAGE AID FUND. «fl« ' : i men), to Ije elected quadrennially by the General Conference. The Board shall have authority — 1. To make loans to Trustee Boards of churches or par- sonages, in harmony with the objects set forth in the consti tution and the general regulations hereinafter mentioned. 2. To receive moneys on deposit at low rates of interest for the purposes of the Fund. 3. To institute proceedings, when necessary, to foreclose mortgages, and recover loans or interest when due. 4. To sell, assign, or otherwise dispose of mortgaj^os and securities. 5. To employ such assistance as it may deem necessary for the correct keeping of the accounts and the prompt and accurate transaction of the business connected with the I Fund. 6. To fill any vacancy that may occur in the Board or its | officers during the Quadrennium. 7. And generally to take such steps as may be nec( .ssaiv for carrying out the provisions of the constitution, and the] general objects of the Fund. IV. Capital. 403. The capital of the Fund shall consist of — 1. Moneys or securities now belonging to the Church and| Parsonage Aid Fund for the North- West. 2. Moneys or securities now belonging to any Church orl P.irsonage Aid Fund in any of the Annual Conference?,! subject to the consent of said Conferences. 3. Legacies or donations that have been or shall hereafterj be made for the objects contemplated by the Fund. 4. Moneys received on deposit. OHtJRCtt A\l> t>ARSONAGfi Alt) HliiD. I8i V. Revenue. 4i>4. The revenue of the Fund shall consist of interest received on account of loans. VI. Application of Revenue. 405. Revenues arising from interest on loans and other sources shall be applied — 1. To the payment of interest on deposits. 2. To the payment of necessary expenses of management. 3. The balance, if any, shall be carried to a sinking fund for the repayment of deposit?. VII. Reports, 400. The Directors shall publish an Annual Statement for the information of the Conferences and the Connexion generally, and they shall present a Quadrennial Report to the General Conference, covering the business of the four preceding years, and showing the condition of the Fund at the close of the last financial year. VIII. Audit, 40T* The Board shall provide for a careful audit, by com- petent persons, of the accounts of the Fund ; and shall pub- lish the certificate of said auditors in connection with the Annual Statements. IX. Regulations. 408. The following regulations shall lie observed in regard to loans : — 1. No officer or director connected with the Fund shall be a borrower from the Fund in any circumstances. ill! ■■H 182 CHURCH AND PARSONAGE AID FUND. ;i m f m tli • -■ i- ■' n 2. The Fund shall be used for loan purposes only, and no free grants shall be made in any circumstances. 3. No loan shall exceed forty per cent, of the estimated actual cash value of the property. 4. Loans shall be made on security of tirst mortgage on Oonnexional property held under our Model Deed, with assignment of Insurance Policy for amount equal to the loan, and the personal obligation of the Trustees as col- lateral. Where circumstances render it necessary the Directors may accept the personal obligation of the Trustees in lieu of a mortgage, in which case the Trustees shall give a bond for a mortftase as soon as a deed is secured. -'a'^fc. 5. All applications for loans in the North-West must be endorsed by the Superintendent of Missions, in addition to the Quarterly Board, the Superintendent of the Circuit, and the Chairman of the District. 6. It shall be a distinct condition of each loan that the property is not othei A^ise encumbered, and that no other encumbrance will be put upon it without the consent of the Directors, in writing, first obtained. 7. Loans may be made repayable, if judged expedient, by annual or semi-annual instalments, covering both principal and interest. 8. Interest on loans shall not exceed six per cent, per annum, and shall be payable half-yearly. 9. The Directors shall not be at liberty to relinquish or modify the claims of the Fund for either principal or interest of loans. 10. Persons who may bequeath or donate to the Fund the sum of $1,000 or upward shall be at liberty to fix the rate M I < '■4 , UNION CHURCH RELIEF FUND. 188 of interest at which such sum shall be loaned (provided the rate be not higher than that fixed by the regulations con- cerning loans) ; and shall also be at liberty to specify such other conditions as may seem to them desirable, provided they do not contravene the purpose for which the Fund is established. When any such donation is accepted by the Directors, it shall be carried to a distinct and separate account, which shall bear such name as the donor may desire ; and shall so appear in the Annual Statements of the Fund. 11. The Directors shall niake such arrangements for the proper performance of the duties pertaining to the office of Secretary-Treasurer during the ensuing quadrennium as they deem advisable, having regard to the closest economy. Section VII. THE UNION CHURCH RELIEF FUND. Constitution. I. Name. 4«9. The Fund shall be known as " The Union Church Relief Fund." II. Object. 410. The object of the Fund is to relieve only such |ehurches as have become embarrassed through the Union. The churches to receive aid from this fund shall be classi- |fio(l as follows : — 1. Churches that have lost their constituency and have A- .- 184 RUSTENTATION FUND. ' a !■* h lir ^[ no prospect of regaining it, and in cases where the proptitv has been sold or is to be sold, the Trustees are still embar- rassed with the debt thereon, with no assets, or with insuf. ticient assets to meet their liabilities. 2. Churches that are too weak to meet their liabilities, find therefore require assistance for a time in the payment of the interest thereon. ITT. fncome. 4*11. The income of the Fund shall be obtained from col- lections and subscriptions which shall be taken in all the congregations of our Church, in the month of October in each year, for the next four years. TV. Management.. 41*4. The Fund shall be managed by a Committee ap- pointed by the General Conference, whose duty it shall be to | investigate all applications for aid, and decide upon them, and disburse the funds at its disposal according to the pro-| visions of Article II. Section VIII. 8USTENTATI0N FUND. 413- Each of the Annual Conferences may have a Susten- tation Fund. The government of such Fund, and also the f ul!| control and management of its income, shall be left entirelj| with the several Annual Conferences. 474. The object of this Fund shall be to secure salaries oil not less than $750 for ordained married ministers ; $400 fori ordained unmarried ministers ; and $350 for probationera le propt'ity till enibar- with insuf- r liabilities, le payment 2d from Col- in all the October in imittee ap t shall be to upon them, to the pro I fnxt VI. THE RITUAL. ve a Susten- also the fullj left entirely Q salaries oil s; $400 for robationeril t I ii 'I^K- 'Wm ■ ■ ■ ' f^n» |M 3wmU^' t ^»r rW' ' i 'I ?ll Ak* ? r:i. ■I H h i'Js r.(* ' ^*H '#^ ■ . > « lli.* • ■ * ■ w THE RITUAL. ORDKR OF BAPTISM. 1. The Ministration of Baptism to Infants. The MinUter coming to the font, which is to he filled with jmre water, fthall use the followinq, or some other exhortation Huitnhle to this aacred qlficc. Dearly Beloved : Forasnmch as all men are conceived anil born -in sin, and that our Saviour Christ saith, " Ex- cept a man be born of water, and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of (lod;" 1 beseecli you to call upon God the Father, through our Lord Jesus Christ, that having, of His bounteous mercy, redeemed tins child by the blood of His Son, He will grant that he, being lj;i,ptized with water, may also be baptized with the Holy Ghost, be received into Christ's Holy Church, and become a lively member of the same. Then shall the Minister say^ — Let us pray. Almighty and everlasting God, who of Thy great mercy didst save Noah and his family in the ark from perishing by water ; and also didst safely lead the children of Israel, Thy people, through the Red Sea, figuring thereby Thy ISS liAPTISM OF INFANTS. .' 'J 1 "> h Holy Baptism; and hast set apart wator for this llulv Sacrament ; and hast condescended to enter into gracious covenant with man, wherein Thou hast included childronas partakers of its benefits, declaring that " of such is the Kingdom of heaven ;" we beseech Thee for Thine inlinite mercies that Thou wilt look upon this chi/d; wash him, and sanctify him with the Holy Ghost ; that he, being saved l>y Thy grace, may be received into the ark of Christ's Church, and being steadfast in faith, joyful through hope, and rooted in love, may so pass the waves of this troublesome world. that finally he may come to the land of everlasting life, there to reign with Thee, world without end, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. O merciful God, grant that the old Adam in thi-i child may be so buried that the new man may be raised up in him. Amen. Grant that all carnal affections may die in Jiim, and that all things belonging to the Liirit may live and grow in film. Amen. Grant that he may have power and strength to have victory, and to triumph against the devil, the world, and the flesh. Amen. Grant that whoever is dedicated to Thee by our office and ministry, may also be endued with heavenly virtues, and everlastingly rewarded through Thy mercy, O blessed Lord God, who dost live and govern all things, world without end. Amen. Almighty, ever-living God, whose most dearly beloved Son, Jesus Christ, for the forgiveness of our sins, did shedj out of His mosu precious side both water and blood, andi BAPTISM OF INFANTS. 189 gave comiDandment to His disciples that tliey should go and teach all nations, and baptize them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost ; regard, we beseech Thee, our supplications ; and grant that t/iis child^ now to be baptized, may receive the fulness of Thy grace, and be found at last in the number of Thy faithful and elect children, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amkn. Then shall the people stand up, and the Minister ahall nad one or more of the following portions of Scripture : Hear the word of the Lord written in the Book of Gei»esis (chap. xvii. 7) : And I will establish my covenant between Me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generation for an everlast- ing covenant, to be a God unto thee, and to thy seed after thee. The Apostle Peter declares (Acts ii. 39) : The promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off The Apostle Paul likewise saith in the Epistle to the Galatians (chap. iii. 13, 14, 29) : Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us : for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree : that the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ. And if ye be Christ's then are ye Abrahanx'e seed, and heirs according to the promise. The Lord hath by His servant Ezekiel (chap, xxxvi. 25) said : Then will I sprinkle clean water upon you, and ye shall be clean : from all your filthiness, and from all your idols, will I cleanse you. 1- ' 3 190 BAPTISM OF INFANTS. i ■ I :£ Hear also the words of the Gospel written by St. Mark, in the tenth chapter, beginning at the t?urteenth verse : They brought young children to Him, that He should touch them : and His disciples rebuked those that brouglit them. But when Jesus saw it, He was much displeased, and said unto them, Sutler the little children to come unto Me. and forbid them not : for of such is the kingdom of God. Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein. And He took them up in His arms, put His hands upon them, and blessed them. Then may the Minister say, Dkarly Beloved: Forasmuch as this cliildis now presented by you for Christian baptism, you must remember that it is your part and duty to see that he bt, taught, as soon as he shall be able to learn, the nature and end of this holy sacra- ment, and all those truths of the Holy Scriptures which reveal oar duty and God's will concerning us. Bring him up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, so that he may lead a virtuous and holy life, and, being sheltered from the dangers and temptations of the world, and kept safe from ungodly teaching and example, may be led to trust in Christ his Saviour, and abide thi'ough life a faithful member of His holy Church. Then shall the Minister take the child in hli a/wis, and say to tht parents or friends of the child : Name this Child. And theny naming it after them, he shall baptize the child, sayimj : i\^, I baptize thee in the name of the Father, and of the ! Sou, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. BAPTISM OF ADULTS. 191 We receive this child into the congregation of Christ's tlot'k, that he may be instructed and trained in the doctrines, privileges, and duties of the Christian religion, and trust that he will be Christ's faithful soldier and servant unto his life's end. The Minister may close tvith extempore prayer. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God the Father, and the fellowship of the Holy Ghost, be with you all. Amen. 2. The Ministration of Baptism to such as are of riper years. The Minister shall say to the Ovmjregation : Dearly Beloved : Forasmuch as our Lord Jesus Christ gave commandment to His Church to make disciples of all the nations, baptizing thorn in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost ; and, forasmuch as this person here present, not having been baptized in his infancy, seeks now in the presence of this congregation to be admitted into Christ's Church, through the ordinance which He hath appointed for that end ; let us, being gathered together in the name of Chiist, and in obedience to His command, hear, for our instruction and encouragement, the teaching of His holy Word concerning this sacrament. And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto Me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the ncme of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost : teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded 192 BAPTISM OF ADULTS. i 1 ■HI ■ I'. ■ 5} s ■■ ' » 5^ jM '1 jl«j *.' 1 P ■" you : and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen. {Matt, xxviii. 18-20.) Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. (Acts ii. 38.) Ananias .... said .... Brother Saul .... why tarriest thou ] Arise, and be baptised, and wash away thy sins, calling on the name of the Lord. (Acts xxii. 12-16.) Then the Minister shall speak to the person to he baptized on this wise : Well beloved, thou hast been instructed, according to Christ's commandment, in the principles of His doctrine, and by the coming hither desiring to receive His holy bap tism dost solemnly profess, before God and this congregation, thy belief in the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost, into whose name thou art about to be baptized, and dcst confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus. Thou hast heard the command of God by the mouth of His Apostle, Repent, and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ ; and the words spoken to Saul of Tarsus, Arise, and be baptized, and wash away thy sins, calling on the name of the Lord. Thou art also reminded that all such as are baptized into Jesus Christ are joined unto Him in one Spirit. Thou must therefore, for thy part, declare thy faith in Christ, and must promise in the presence of this congregation that thou wilt^ by the grace of God, renounce the devil and all his works, and wilt steadfastly believe God's holy promises, and obediently keep His commandments^ BAPTISM OF ADULTS. 193 e end of zed every Qission of it. {Acts lest thou 1 jailing on VI this wise [jording to i doctrine, i holy bap ngregation, Loly Ghost, and dcst hast heard lie, Repent, the words , and wash Thou art esus Christ therefore, at promise I ilt, by the | :s, and will ientlykeep T/fw shall the Minister demand of each ol the persons to be baptized., severally : Ques. Dost thou renounce the devil and all his works, the vain pomp and glory of the world, with all covetous desires of the samo, and tlie carnal desires of the flesh, so that thou wilt not follow nor be led by them ? Ans. I renounce them all. Ques. Dost thou believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth? and in Jesus Christ His onlv begotten Son our Lord"? and that He was conceived of the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary ? that He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead and buried ? that He rose again the third day ? that He ascended into heavcMi, and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty, and from thence He shall come again, at the end of tlie world, to judge the quick and the dead? And dost thou believe in the Holy Ghost; the holy catholic Church; the communion of saints ; the remission of sins ; the resurrec- tion of the body, and life everlasting ? Ans. All this I steadfastly believe. Ques. Wilt thou be baptized in thi-i faith] Ans. Tliis is my desire. Ques. Wilt thou then obediently keep God's holy will and commandments, and walk in the same all the days of thy life? Ans. I will endeavor so to do, God being my helper. Then .shall the Minister <(.sk the name of the j)P.r8on to be baptized^ and repeating the same shall baptize him^ saying: N, I baptize thee in the name of the Father, and of the 8on, and of the Holy Ghost. Amkn, I* Tf^T ml m HIS !i 194 BAPTISM OF ADULTS. Af (67' which he. shell say : Grant, O merciful Father, that this person whom we iiov/ receive into Thy Church .by baptism, may never hereafter be ashamed to confess the Faith of Christ crucified, and manfully fight under His banner against sin, the world, and the devil ; and that he may continue Christ's faithful soldier and servant unto his life's end. Amen. After which the Minister shall say : Almighty and everlasting God, our heavenly Father, we give Thee humble thanks for that Thou hast vouchsafed to call us to the knowledge of Thy grace r «i faith in Thee. Give Thy Holy Spirit to this person, that he may be made an heir of everlasting salvation througli our Lord Jesus Christ, who liveth and reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen. Grant that all carnal aliections may die in hirriy and that all things belonging to the Spirit may live and grow in Jam. Amen. Grant that he may have power and strength to have vie tory, and to triumph against the devil, the world, and the flesh. Amen. Grant that he^ being dedicated to Thee by our ofiice and ministry, may also be endutd with heavenly virtues, and everlastingly rewarded, through Thy mercy, O blessed Lord God, who dost live and govern all things, world without end. Amen. Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth as it is ini heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive iis BAPTISM OF ADULTS. 195 I we now hereafter ified, and orld, and :ul soldier 'ather, we 3hsafed to 1 in Thee. J be made ;jord Jesus the Holy and that :ow in /a?H. have vie , and the office and irtues, and lessed Lord lid withoiu our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Ami:v. Then the MinUtrr, Hjif^ahmg to the neiv/}/-ha/>tizcdy shall say: Dear Bp.otiikr: 7%)7i //«.>7 now been baptized in tlie name of the Lord Jesus ; I exhort thee to bear in ujind that it is thy part and duty to walk answerably to tin/ h gh and holy calling, as becometh the child of light, blameless and harm- less, without rebuke in the midst of an ungodly world : remembering always that baptism representoth urito us our profession ; which is to follow the example of our Saviour Christ, and to be made like unto Plim, that as He died and rose again for us, so should we that are baptized die to sin and rise again unto righteousness ; continually mortifying all our evil and corrupt att'ections, and daily proceeding in all virtue and godliness of living. The Minister may condvde the Strvicc with exhortation and < xtemporc prayer. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Ghost be with you all. Amen. Thy name, as it is iu| |l forgive 115 1 m 'n i; V - ! ■'t I. ,»-r ;^ ' '-I ;' i- ' 196 RECEPTION OF MEMBEUS. II. RECEPTION OF MEMBERS. FoKM OP Receiving PersoiNs into this Church afteh Probation. Upon the day appointed^ all that are to he received shall he called for- ward, and the Minister^ addressing the Congrefjation^ shall say : Dearly Beloved Brethren: The Scriptures teach us that the Church is the household of God, the body of which Christ is the Head, and that it is the design of the Gospel to bring together, in one, all who are in Christ. The fellowship of the Church is the communion which its members enjoy one with another. The ends of this fellowship are the mainten- ance of sound doctrine, and the ordinance of Christian wor- ship, and the exercise of that power tf godly admonition and discipline which Christ has committed to His Church for the promotion of holiness. It is the duty of p,ll men to unite in this fellowship, for it is only those that be " planted in the house of the Lord, that shall flourish in the courts of our God." Their more particular duties are to promote peace and unity ; to bear one another's burdens; to prevent each other's stumbling : to seek the intimacy of friendly society among themselves; to continue steadfast in the faith and worship of the Gospel; find to pray and sympathize with each other. Among their privileges are peculiar incitements to holiness from the hear- ing of God's Word, and sharing in Christ's ordinances ; the Ijeing placed under the watchful care of pastors^ and tho RECKPTtON OK MEMBeUS. 197 enjoyment of the blessings which are promised to those only who are of the household of faith. Into liiis holy fellowship the persons before you, who have already received the sacra- ment of baptism, and having been for three months on trial, come seeking admission. We now propose, in the fear of God, to question them as to their faith and purposes, that you may know that they are proper persons to bo admitted into the Church. Then the Minister may addrr/in the applicants in the following oft similar lanyuayt : Dearly Beloved : You come hither seeking the great privi- lege of union with the Church our Saviour has purchased with His own blood. We rejoice in the grace of God vouchsafed unto you in that He has called you to be His followers^ and thus far you have run well. You have heard how blessed are the privileges and how solemn are the duties of membership in Christ's Church ; and before you are fully admitted thereto, it is proper that you do here publicly renew your vows, confess your faith, and declare your pur- poses, by answering the following questions : Ques. Do you here, in the presence of God and of this congregation, renew the solemn consecration of yourself to (jrod, and take upon you the sacred obligation involved and set forth in the holy ordinance of baptism, and do you pur- pose that in heart and life, in death and for ever, you will be a true servant of God and of Christ 1 Ans. I do — such is my purpose, by God's help. Ques. Do you believe in our Lord Jesus Christ, as the only, and all-sufiicient, propitiation for the sins of mankind, 19S UECEPTIOxN OF MEMBEKS. ' tn -' < > and do you look to Him for the remission of sin and eternal lifel A71S. Such is my faith and liope. Ques. Do you believe in the inspiration and divine authority of the Holy Scriptures, and accept the same as a sulUcient rule of faith and practice? Ans. T do. Ques. Will you cheerfully be governed by the rules of the Methodist Church, hold sacred the ordinances of God, and endeavor, as much as in you lies, to promote the wel- fare of vour brethren, and the advancement of the Rp deemer's kinqdon^ 'i All". I will. Ques. Will you contribute of your earthly substance, according to your ability, to the support of the Gospel and the various benevolent enterprises of the Church 1 Ans. 1 will. 7'heii the Minister; addtensing the. Churchy Hhati say : Brethren: You have heard the responses given to ourin- (juiries. Have any of you any reason to allege why these persons should not be received into full membership in the Church % -i k- I: I. ■V. No objection being a//.>(jedy the Minister shall say to the Candidatef< . We welcome vou to the communion of the Church of God ; and, in testimony of our Christian affection and the cordiality with which we receive you, I hereby extend to you tlie right hand of fellowship ; and may God grant that you nuiy bo faith 'ul and useful members of the Church THE LOI.DS SUPPER. 199 tenuil militant, until you are called to the fellowship of the Church triumphant, which is " without fault before the throne of (iod." Then shall the MinisUr offer evtempore prayer. ules of i God, he wel- ,he Rp 3stance, ipel and our in- ly these In in tlie Jll. THE LORB'8 SUPPER. Order for tub Administration op the Lord's Supper. While the collection for the poor is being taken up, the Minister shall say one or more sentences : Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in lieaven. {Matt. v. 16.) Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal j but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal. (Matt. vi. 19, 20.) Whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them : for this is the law and the prophets. {\fatt. vii. 12.) Not every one that saith unto Me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven ; but he that doeth the will of My Father which is in heaven. {Matt. vii. 21.) Zaccheus stood, and said unto the Lord : Behold, Lord, the half of my goods I give to the poor ; and if I have taken ^=.i^. TFTZ m I'm In ' .'TO '? I It- **1 '■' ■■■* V fl II ■ ' 1! ^4 ? ili^ iir 200 The lori)*s supper. anythin<5 from any man by false accusation, I restore him fourfold. {Luke xix. 8.) He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully. Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so lot him f;ivo ; not grudgingly, or of necessity; for God lovcth a cheerful giver. (^ Cor. ix. 6, 7.) As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faitli. (Gal. vi. 10.) Godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. {1 Tim. vi. 6, 7.) Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not highminded, nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who giveth us richly },\11 things to enjoy ; that they do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to distribute, willing to ccinmunicate ; laying up in store for themselves a good foundation againsc the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life. (1 Tim. vi. 17-19). God is not !inrighteous to forget your work and labor of love, which ye have showed toward His name, in that ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister (Heb. vi. 10.) To do good and to communicate forget not ; for with such sacrifices God is well pleased. (Heb. xiii. 16.) Whoso hath this world's good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him 1 (1 John iii. 17.) He that hath pity on the poor lendeth unto the Lord ; and that which he hath given will He pay him again. {Prov. xix. 17.) THE lord's supper. 201 Blessed is he that coTisidereth the poor ; the Lord will deliver him in time of trouble. (Fsalm xli. 1.) W/ii'e these sentences are hdnri rrad, some "person or persons, uppo'mUd for that purpose, shall receive the alms for the poor ; and then hring them to the Minister ^ who shall place them upon the table. After which the Minister shall say : Ye that do truly and earnestly repent of your sins, and are in love and charity with your neighbors, and intend to lead a new life, following the commandments of God, and walking from henceforth in Hts holy ways ; draw near with faith, and take this holy sacrament to your comfort ; and make your humble confession to Almighty God, meekly kneeling upon your knees. Then shall this f/eiural confession be made by the Minifffer in the name of all those that are minded to receive the Nvf^ Communion, both he and all the people devoutly kneeling and saying : Almighty God, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Maker of all things, Judge of all men ; we acknowledge and Ijewail our manifold sins, which we from time to time most griev- ously have committed, by thought, word and deed, against Thy Divine Majesty, provoking most justly Thy wrath and indignation against us. We do earnestly repent and are leartily soi*ry for these our misdoings ; the remembrance of them is grievous unto us. Have mercy upon us, have mercy upon us, most merciful Father; for Thy Son, our Lord Jesus Christ's sake, forgive us all that is past, and I grant that we may ever hereafter serve and please Thee in newness of life, to the honor and glory of Thy name, [through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 202 THE LORDS SUPPER. 11 ij Ml • *! 1'hen ahall the Minister say : O Almighty God, our heavenly Father, who of Thy great mercy has promised forgiveness of sins to all them that with hearty repentance and true faith turn unto Thee ; have mercy upon us ; pardon and deliver us from all our sins. confirm and strengthen us in all goodness, and l)ring us to everlasting life, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Ami:n. The Collect. Almighty God, unto whom all hearts aie open, all desires known, and from whom no secrets are hid ; cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of Thy Holv Spirit, that we may perfectly love Thee, and worthily mag nify Thy holy name, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Then shall thi' Miiuslt/' say : It is very meet, right, and our bounden duty, that we| should at all times and in all places give thanks unto Thee, O Lord, Holy Father, Almighty, Everlasting God. Therefore, with angels and archangels, and with all the I company of heaven, we laud and magnify Thy glorious name, evermore praising Thee and saying. Holy, holy, holy, | Lord God of Hosts, heaven and earth are full of Thy glory, Glory be to Thee, O Lord most high. Amen. vVe do not presume to come to this Thy table, O merciful! God, trusting in our own righteousness, but in Thy manifold and great mercies. We are not worthy so much as to gather up the crumbs under Thy table. But Thou art the same Lord, whose property is always to have mercy. Grant us, therefore, gracious Lord, so to eat the flesh of Thy dear :'i (S THE LOKliS SLTPPKK. 208 Son Jpsus Christ, and to drink His blood, tluit our sinful buuls and bodies may be made clean by His death, and washed through His most precious blood, that we may ever- more dwell in Him, and He in us. Ami n. Then the Minister fthfiff q(f< r the, f'rayer of Cons rnifion afi/o/loweth . Almighty God, our heavenly Fatiur, who cf Thy tender mercy didst give Tliine only 8on Jesus Christ to sutler death ipou the cross for our redemption ; who made there, by His ublation of Hims«^lf once ottered, a full, perfect, and .sulUcient sacrifice, oblation, and satisfaction for the sins of the whole world ; and did institute, and in His holy Gospel command us to continue, a perpetual memoiy of that 1 1 is precious death, until His coming again : hear us, O merciful Father, we most humbly beseech Thee, and grant that we, receiving these Thy -creatures of bread and wine, according to Thy Son our Saviour Jesus Christ's holy insticution, in remem. luauce of His death and passion, may be parlakeis of His most blessed body tind l^lood ; who, in the same night tliat He was betrayed, took bread : and when He had given thanks. He brake it and gave it to His disciples, saying, Take, eat ; this is ISIy body which is given for you ; do this [in remembrance of Me. Likewise after supper He took the I cup ; and when He had given thanks He gave it to them, isaying. Drink ye all of this ; for this is My blood of the New Testament, which is shed for you, and for many, for the remission of sins ; this do ye, as oft as ye shall drink it, in remembrance of Me. Amkn. 204 THE lord's supper. Then nhall the Minuter or Mtnisters receive the Communion in hoih kinds : and deliver the same to th". people also, in order ^ into thi-j uncovered hands. And when he ddivereth the bread he shall say: 1 The body of -mr Lord Jesus Christ, winch was given for theCf preserve thy soul and body unto everlasting life. Take and eat this in remembrance that Christ died for thee, and fetid on Him fn thy heart by faith, with thanksgiving. And the Minister that delivereth the cup nhall say : The blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, which was shed fori thee^ preserve thy soul and body unto everlasting life. Drink of this in remembrance that Christ's blood was shed for tlm^ and be thankful. 1/ the consecrated bread or wine be all spent before all have communed, the Minister may consecrate more by repeating the Prayer of CoU' aecration. ■ A When all have communed^ the Minider shall return to the Lord\\ Table, and jjla^: upon it what remaineth of the consecratt^ elements^ coveriny the same within a fair linen cloth. Then may the Minister say the Lord^s Prayer : the people repeating | after him every petition. Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil : for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the| glory, for ever and ever. Amkn. THE LORDS SUPPER. 205 Afttr which may be naid as foUoweth : Lord, our heavenly Father, we Thy humble servants desire Thy fatherly goodness mercifully to accept this our sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving ; most humbly beseech- ing Thee to grant that, by the merits and death of Thy Son |Josus Christ, and through faith in His blood, we and Thy whole Church may obtain remission of our sins, and all [Other benefits of His passion. And here we offer and pre- sent unto Thee, O Lord, ourselves, our souls and bodies, to be a reasonable, holy, and lively sacrifice unto Thee ; humbly beseeching Thee that all we who are partakers of this holy communion may be filled with Thy grace and. heavenly benediction. And although we be unworthy, through our manifold ^ins, to ofl'er upto Thee any sacrifice, yet w© beseech iTliee to accept this our bounden duty and service; not weighing o"Ur merits, but pardoning our oflfences, through [Jesus Christ our Lord ; by whom, and with whom, in the inity of the ilolv Ghost, all honor and glory be unto Tht e, Father Almighty, world without end. Amen. Then may he naid : Glory be to God on high, and on earth peace, good will 3wards men. We praise Thee, we bless Thee, we worship Thee, we glorify Thee, we give thanks to Thee for Thy |reat glory, O Lord God, heavenly King, God the Father Almighty. Lord, the only begotten Son, Jesus Christ ; O Loi d fod, Lamb of Cod, Son of tha Father, that takest away ^e sins of the world, have mercy upon us. Thou that ikest awav the sins of the world, receive our prayer. I ;I1 i .i 1 [1 !>on MATRIMONY. 'riiou that sittest at the right liand of God the latlicr, ln\. n»ercy upon us. For Thou only tut holy, Thou only art th Lord; Thou only, O Christ, with the Moly Ghost, are most| liigh in the glory of God the Father. Amkn. Then the Minister, if he see it expedient , may offer an extempore prai/d \ and a/tcrtoards shail let the people depart with thin hle.t 210 BUKIAL OF THE DEAD. 1^ jf^- company, and thereto have pledged their faith, either to other, and have declared the same by joining of hands, and by the giving and receiving of a ring, I pronounce tluit they are husband and wife together, — In the name of the leather, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Am ex. And the Mbmter shall add thin Meaning : God the Father, God the Son, God tlie Holy Ghost, bless, preserve, and keep you ; the Lord mercifully with His favor look upon you, and so fill you with all spiritual benediction and grace, that ye may so live together in this life that inj the world to come ye may have life everlasting. Amen. Then shall the Minister say : Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name.i Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is inj heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive! us our trespasses as we forgive them that trespass agaiustl us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us froni| evil. Amen. V. *j ' BURIAL OF THE DEAD. Form for the Burial op the Dead. [N.B. — The following or some other solemn service shall be used.] 1^ The Minister meeting the corpse^ and going before it^ shall say : | 'a 1 am the resurrection, and the life, saith the Lord ; that belie veth in Me, though he were dean, yet shall w BURIAL OF THE DEAD. 211 live : and whosoever liveth and belie veth in Me shall never die. (John xi. 25, 26.) I know that my Redeemer liveth, and that He shall stand at the latter day upon the earth : and though after my skin wcims destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God : whom I shall see for myself, and mine eyes shall behold, and not another. (Job xix. 25, 26, 27.) We brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away ; blessed be the name of the Lord. (1 2\m. vi. 7; Johi. 2L) At the (jravey when the corjibe is laid in the earth, the Minister shall say : Man, that is born of woman, hath but a short time to live, and is full of misery. He cometh up, and is cut down as a flower ; he fleeth as it were a shadow, and never con- tinueth in one stav. In the midst of life we are in death ; of whom may we seek for succor, but of Thee, O Lord, who for our sins art justly displeased 'i Yet, O Lord God most holy, O Lord most mighty, holy and most merciful Saviour, deliver us not into the bitter pains of eternal death. Thou knowest. Lord, the secrets of our hearts ; shut not jThy merciful ears to our prayers, but spare us, Lord most [holy, O God most mighty, O holy and merciful Saviour, Thou most worthy Judge eternal, and suflTer us not at our last hour for any pains of death to fall from Thee. !*•«'' 212 BURIAL OF THE DEAD. -■ ■> * ;i 'I'hen while the earth shall he cast tipon the body by some standing hy^ the Minister shall say : Forasmuch as it has pleased Almighty God in His wis> providence to take out of the world the soul of tlie departed. we therefore commit his body to the ground ; earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust ; looking for the general resur rection in the last day, and the life of the world to coiik^, through our Lord Jesus Christ ; at whose second coming in glorious majesty to judge the world, the earth and the se;; shall give up their dead ; and the corruptible body of tho;^' who sleep in Him shall be changed, and made like unto tli own glorious body; according to the mighty working whereby He is able to subdue all things unto Himself. Then shall ht said: I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write. Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labors ;| and their works do follow them. lit . ^ .* Then shall the Minister say : Lord have mercy upon us, Christ have mercy upon ?*a, Lord have mercy upon us. Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy namel Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is ini heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive usl our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against usl And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil Amen. nURlAL OF THE DEAD. 2\t\ The CoWrt merciful God, the Father of our TiOrd Jesus Christ, who is the rosurrectiou and the life ; in wlioni whosoever belie veth shall live, tlrough he die, and whosoever live^h fuul believeth in Hirn shall not die eternally : we meekly beseech Thee, O Father, to raise us from the death (;f sin unto the life of righteousness ; that when we shall depart this life we may rest in Him; and, at the g(;noral resurrec- tion at th<^ last day, we may 1)0 found acceptable in Thy sight, and receive that blessinir which Thv well-beloved Son shall then pronounce to all that love and fear The(^, saying, Oonie, ye blessed children of my Father, receive the king- floin prepared for you from the beginning of the world. Grant this, we beseech Thee, O merciful Father, through Jesus Christ our Mediator and Redeemer. Amkn. The grace of oui- Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Ghost, be with you all ever- more. Amen. 214 ORDINATION. VT. OUDTNATION. Tub Form of Ordaining Ministers. [When the day appointed for the ordination of Ministers is cotni, there shall be a Sermon, or Kxliort ition, declaring the duty and otlice of such as come to be admitted Ministers, how neeessarv tliat order is in the Church of Christ, and also how the people ought to esteem them in their ottice.] /XJ^er tchich one. of the Afinistern shall present nnio the General Super- intendent or Pre-iident all them that are to be ordained : I present unto you these persons present to be ordained ministers. fi Then their name^ being read aloud, the General Superintendent o> PresideiU shall say unto the people : Brethreti, these are they whom we purpose, God willing, this day to ordain ministers. For, after due examination, we find not to the contrary, but that they are lawfully called to this function and ministry, and that they are per- sons meet for the same. But if there be any of you who| k'loweth any impediment or crime in any of them, for which he ought not to be received in this holy ministry, let I him come forth in the name of God, and show what t}ie| c.ime or impediment is. [If any crime or impediment be alleged, the General Superintendent or President shall surcease from ordaining that person until such] time as the purty accused shall be found clear of the crime.] OttDINATION. 21; .') be ordained rintenilent o Then shall be said the Collect, Epintle^ and Gof^pd^ a» followeth; The Collect: Almighty God, Giver of all good tilings, who by the Holy Spirit hast appointed ministers in Thy Church ; mercifully behold these Thy servants now called to the office of minis- ters, and replt-nish them so with the truth of Thy doctrine, and adorn them with innocency of life, that, both by word and good example, they may faithfully serve Thee in this otlice, to the glory of Thy name, and the edification of Thy Church, through the merits of our Saviour Jesus Christ, who liveth and reigneth with Thee and the Holy Ghost, world without end. Amen. Tha EpiHtle {Eph. iv. 7-13). Unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ. Wherefore He saith. When He ascended up on high, He led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men. (Now that He ascended, what is it but that He also descended first into the lower parts of the earth 1 He that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens, that He might fill all things.) And He gave some, apostles ; and some, prophets ; and some, evangelists ; and some, pastors and teachers ; for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ : till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ. 'V ' t.' UM m a lilt '^-l J •21(5 ORDIMATION. 77i« Oosj>'l (St. .Jolin X. I-IO). Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that oiitereth not l)v the door into the sheepfold, l)ut climboth up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber. But he that enterotli in by the door is the shepherd of the sheep. To him the porter openeth; and the sheep hear his voice; and he calleth his own sheep by name, and leadeth them out. And whoii he putteth forth his own sheep, he goeth before them, and the sheep follow him : for they know his voice. And a stranger will they not follow, but will flee from him: for they know not the voice of strangers. This parable spake Jesus unto them : but thoy undci'stood not what things they were which He spake unto them. Thon said Jesus unto them again, Verily, verily, I say unto you, I am the door of the sheep. All that ever came be^fore Me are thieves and robbers : but the sb.eep did not hear thf»m. I am the door : Ity Me if any man enter in, he .shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture. The thief conietli not but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: T am coni' that they might have life, and that tliey might have it more abundantly. I am the good sliepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep. But he that is an hirelini:, and not the shepherd, whose own the sheep are not, seetli the wolf coming, and leaveth the sheep, and fleeth ; and the| wolf catcheth them, and scattereth the sheep. The hireling fleeth, because he is an hireling, and careth not for the| sheep. I am the good shepherd, and kiiow My sheep, and am known of Mine. As the Father knoweth Me, even s know I the Father; and I lay down My life for the sheep | And oth^T .sheep [ have, which are not of this fold ; tlui: I? OUMNATIOK. 217 also 1 must brin«r, und they shall lirar My voice ; smd thote shall bo one fold, and one shepherd. And that dove, lh< 0« neral ^iipfrint^'iiidit or Firnidrnt shall say unto tkcm as herenfitr followdh : Vou have heard, brethren, as well in your private exanii- iKition as in the exliortation winch was now made to vou, d in the holy lessons taken out of the (iospel, and the an writi ^f the ties, of what dignity and of how great :in::s ot tne apostles, or what nignity and o iniportan. e this office 'S wherennto you are called. And now ngain, we exhort you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, tliat you have in remendjrance into how high a dig- nity, and to how weighty an office you are called : that is to f.ay, to be messengers, watclnnen and stewards of the Lord ; to teach and to premonish, to feed and provide for the J word's family; to' seek for Christ's sheep that are dispersed abroad, and for His children who are in the midst of this evil world, that they may be saved through Christ for ever. Have always, therefore, in remembrance how gi-eat a treasure is committed to your charge. For they are the slieep of Christ, whicli He bought with His death, and for whom He shed His blood. The Church and congregation whom you must serve is His spouse and His body. And if it shall happen that the same Church, or any member thereof, do take any hurt or hindrance by reason of your negligence, you know the greatness of the fault, and also the horrible punishment that will ensue. Wherefore consider vvith yourselves the end of the ministry towards the children of Uod, towards the spouse and body of Christ ; and see that you never cease your labor, your care and diligence, until '■■\ ' ♦ u iff iff' J m «• ^ 218 ORDINATION. you have done all that lieth in you, according to your bounden duty, to bring all such as are or shall be committed to your charge, unto that a^^reeiiieDt in the faith and know- ledge of Clou, and to tluit ripeness and perfectness of age in Christ, that there be no place left among you, either iov error in relii^iou or for viciousness in life. Forasmuch, then, as your ofhce is both of so great excel- lency, and of so great difficulty, you see with how great care and study you ought to Jipply yourselves, as well that you may show yoursolves dutiful and thankful unto that Lord who hath placed you in so liigh a dignity, as also to beware that neither you yourselves oH'end, nor be occasion that others ollend. llowbeit you cannot have a mind and will thereto of yourselves, for that will and ability is given of God alone ; therefore you ought, and have need, to pray earnestly for His Holy Spirit. And seeing that you cannot compass the doing of so weighty a work, pertaining to the salvation of man, but with doctrine and exhortation taken out of the Holy Scriptures, and with a life agreeable to the same, consider how studious you ought to be in read ing and learning the Scriptures, and in fi.aning the man- ners both of yourselves and of them that specially pertain unto you, according to the rule of the same Scriptures: and, for this self same cause, how you ought to forsake and set aside (as much as you may) all worldly cares and studies. We have good hope that you have all weighed and pon- dered these things long before tins time ; and that you have clearly determined, by God's grace, to give yourselves wholly to this othco, wh**reunto it has pleased God to call you ; so that, as much as lieth in you, you will apply your ORDINATION. 219 selves wholly to this one thincj, and draw all your cares and studies this way, and that you will continue to pray to God tlu* Father, by the mediation of our only Saviour, Jesus Christ, for the heavenly assistance of the Holy Ohost ; that, l)y the daily reading and weighing of the Scriptures, you may wax riper and stronger in your ministry ; and that you may so endeavor yourselves, from time to time, to sanctify the lives of you and yours, and to fashion them after the rule and doctrine of Christ, that you may be wholesome and godly examples and patterns for the people to follow.* And now that this present congregation of Christ here assembled may also understand your minds and wills in these things, and that this your promise may the more move you to do your duties ; you shall answer plainly to these things which we, in the name of God and His Church, shall demand of vou touchinc: the same. Do you think, in your heart, that you are truly called, according to tiie will of our Lord Jesus Christ, to the office of a minister 1 Ans. I ^hink so. The General Super infendenl or President. Are you per- suaded that the Holy Scriptures contain sufficiently all doc- trines required of necessity for eternal salvation through fiiith in Jesus Christ 1 And are you determined out of the said Scriptures to instruct the people committed to your charge, and to teach nothing as required of necessity to eternal salvation, but that which you shall be persuaded may be concluded and proved by the Scriptures'! Ans. I am so persuaded, and have so determined, by Uod's grace. If T^' <•}*. iv ■1. 1' ■ ' ^^^^H ■ ' HBi " ii . f '^H^Bb ; :-| 'Bi \- '^ fJ^^^BR ^ M^R ■ ' '' i " tlHR V 1 ' : V ; 1' ' n m > I 1 ■ ■/■\^ * '• ^ ^ 1 . J fc i i ■/; ; • * L^ .!*[? i »3 1 9 ^ n » : ' ' 1 » 0Ht>IiNAT10N. IVie General Superintendent or President. Will you then give your faithful diligence always so to minister the doc- trines, and sacraments, and discipline of Christ, as the Lord hath commanded 1 A us. I will so do, by the help ( f the Lord. 7'h(', General Superintendent or President. Will you ho ready, with all faithful diligence, to banish and drive away all erroneous and strange doctrines contrary to God's Word ; and to use both public and private monitions and exhorta- tions, as well to the sick as to the whole within your charge, as need shall require and occasion shall be given"? Ans. I will, the Lord being my helper. The General Superintendent or President. Will you be diligont in prayers, and in reading of the Holy Scriptures and in such studies as help to the knowledge of the same, hiying aside the study of the world and the flesh 1 Ans. I will endeavor so to do, the Lord being my helper. The General S'iiperintende7it or President. Will you be diligent to frame and fashion yourselves, and your families, according to the doctrines of Christ : and to make both yourselves and them, as much as in you lieth, wholesome examples and patterns to the flock of ChriF^t? Ans. I will apply myself thereto, the Lord being my helper. The General Super intend oU or President. Will you main- tain and set forward, as nmch as lieth in you, quietnesKS, peace, and love among all Christian people, and especiiilly among them that are or shall be committed to your charge? Ans. I will do so, the Lord being my helper. The General Superintendent or President. Will you rever- ORDINATION. 221 rou rever- ently obey your chief ministers, unto whom is committed tlie charge and governniont over you ; following with a glnd mind a!id will thoir godly admonitions, submitting your- selves to their godly judgn.ent ? Ans. I will do so, the Lord being my helper. T/itu shall tht" (,'• neral Super hit indent or Prrsidvnt, standiwj up, say : Almighty God, who hath given you the will to do all these things, grant also unto you strength and i»ower to perform the same ; that lie may accomplish His work whielj lie Iiath begun in you, thruugh Jesus Christ our Lord. Am EX. [After this the cougro^Mtiou shall be desired, secretly in their jirayers, to make their humble supplications to God for all these thincrs, for the which prayers there shall be silence kept for a apace. J After which shall be said by the Oineral Superintendent or President (the persons to he ordauu e not there, there will be nothing found in the whole covenant belonging unto you ; if it be there, all is yours ; if you have come into the bond uf the covenant, you shall huvb RENEWING THE COVENANT. 231 foar share in the blessings of the covenant. ** Thou hast Avouched the Lord this day to bo thy God, to walk in His ways, and to keep His statutes, and His commandments, and His judgments, to hearken to His voice ; and the Lord hath avouched thee this day to be His peculiar people, as He hath promised thee. (Deut. xxvi. 17, 18.) Observe it: The game day that they avouched the Lord to be their God, the same day the Lord avouched them to be His peculiar people. The same day that they engaged to keep the commandments )f God, the same day the Lord engaged to keep His promise vith them. There is a two-fold covenanting with God. In profession^ )T in reality; an entering our names, or an engaging our hearts. The former is done in baptism, by all that are baptized, who, by receiving that seal of the <"ovenant, are ' ibly, or in profession, entered into it. The latter is also fold. 1. Virtual. Which is done by all those that have sin- cerely made that closure with God in Christ which we have spoken of. Those that have chosen the Lord, em- barked with Christ, resigned, and given themselves to the Lord, have virtually covenanted with Him. 2. Formal. Which is our binding ourselves to the Lord by solemn vow or promise to stand to our choice. And this may be either inward in the soul, or outward, and ex- pressed either by word, lifting up the hands, subscribing with the hand, or the like ; and by how much the more express and solemn our covenanting with God is, by so much the more sensibly and strongly is it likely to hold our iiearts to Him. ^■^ h * '■■ ^l ■ 232 RENEWi:m THE COVENANT. 1 hr-.. im » 'i V it • if Jt % p^; R**- ' ■ > "^ow, that which we would persuade you to, is this solemn and expressed covenanting with God ; and in order to the putting this matter into practice, take these few directions : — 1. Seek earnestly His special assistance, and gracious acceptance of you 2. Consider distinctly all the conditions of the Covenant, as they have been laid before you. 3. Search your hearts, whether you either have ah'eady or can now freely make such a closure with God in Christ as you have been exhorted to. Especially consider what your sins are, and examine whether you can resolve to forego them all. Consider what the laws of Christ are, how holy, strict, and spiritual, and whether you can, upon deliberation, make choice of them all (even those that most cross your interests and corrupt inclinations), as the rule of your whole life. First. Be sure you be clear in these matters; see that you do not lie unto God, Secondly. Compose your spirits into the most serious frame possible, suitable to a transaction of so high im- poi ^ance. Thirdly. Lay hold on the covenant of God, and rely upon His promise of giving grace and strength, whereby you may be enabled to peitorm your promise. Trust not to your own strength, or i,o the strength of your own resolutions, but take hold on his strength. Fourthly, Resolve to be faithful. Having engaged your hearts, opened your mouths, and subscribed with your haudi to the Lord, resolve in His strength never to go back. ^ RENEWING THE COVENANT. 233 [Here let the Minister request all who are willing to engage in the renewal of the Covenant, to signify it by standing up, after which, in the name of the congregation, he shall open his lips to the Lord, in th>3se words, all devoutly kneeling :] O most holy and most merciful God ! for the passion of Thy Son, we beseech Thee accept of us poor prodigals now prostrating ourselves at Thy door. We have fallen from Thee by our iniquity, and are by nature heirs of death, and a thousand-fold more children of hell by our sinful practice; but of Thine infinite grace Thou hast promised mercy to us in Christ, if we will but turn t* Thee with all our hearts ; therefore, upon the call of Thy Gospel, we are now come in, and, throwing down our weapons, submit ourselves to Thy mercy. And because Thou requirest, as the condition of our peace with Thee, that we should put away our idols, and be at defiance with all Thine enemies, which, we acknowledge, we have wickedly sided with against Thee, we here, from the bottom of our hearts, renounce them all ; firmly covenant- mg with Thee not to allow ourselves in any known sin, but conscientiously to use all the means that we kn w Thou hast prescribed for the death and utter destruction of all our corruptions. And whereas, formerly, we have inordinately let out our afiections upon the world, we do here resign our hearts to Thee ; humbly protesting before Thy glorious Majesty, that it is our firm resolution, and that we do un- feignedly desii'e grace from Thee, that when Thou shalt call us hereunto, we may practice this our resolution, to forsake all til at is dear unto us in this world, rather than turn from Thee to the ways of sin ', and that we will watdi against % 1 .• ■A • :> :M 234 RENEWING THE COVENANT. all temptations, whether of prosperity or adversity, lest they should withdraw our hearts from Thee, beseeching Thee also to help us against the tem^ tations of Satan, to whose wicked suggestions we resolve, by Thy grace, never to yield. And because our own righteousness is but filthy rags, we renounce all confidence therein ; and acknowledge that we are of ourselves hopeless, helpless, undone crealures, without righteousness or strength. And forasmuch as Thou hast, of Thy boundless mercy, offered most graciously to us, wretched sinners, to be again our God through Christ, if we would accept of Thee ; we call heaven and earth to record this day, that we do here solemnly avouch Thee for the Lord our God ; and with all possible veneration, bowing our souls before Thy most sacred Majesty, we do here give up ourselves to Thee, the Lord Jehovah, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, for Thy ser- vants; promising and vowing to serve Thee, in holiness and righteousness, all the days of our lives. And since Thou hast appointed the Lord Jesus Christ the only means of coming unto Thee, we do here, upon our bended knees, accept of Him as the only new and livinj,' way by which sinners may have access to Thee. O blessed Jesus, we come to Thee hungry, wretched, miserable, blind, and naked ; guilty, condemned malefac- tors, unworthy to wash the feet of the servants of our Lord, -much more to be joined in covenant to the King of Glory ; but since such is Thine unparalleled love, we here, with all our power, accept Tliee, and take Thee for our head and Lord ; for better, for worse ; for richer, for poorer ; for all times and conditions, to love, honor, and obey Thee be- RENEWING THE COVENANT. 235 fore all others, and this to the death. We embrace Thee in all Thy offices ; we renounce our own worthiness, and do here avow Thee for the Lord, our righteousness ; we re- nounce our own wisdom, and do here take Thee for our only guide ; we renounce our own will, and do take Thy will for our law. And since Thou hast told us we must suffer if we will reign, we do here covenant with Thee, to take our lot as it falls with Thee, and, by Thy grace assisting, to run all hazards with Thee ; verily purposing, that neither life nor death shall part between Thee and us. And because Thou hast been pleased to give us Thy holy laws as the rule of our lives, and the way in which we should walk to Thy kingdom, we do here willingly put our- selves under Thy yoke, and set our shoulders to Thy burden ; and, subscribing to all Thy laws, as holy, just, and good, we solemnly take them as the rule of our words, thoughts, and actions ; promising that, though our flesh contradict and rebel, we will endeavor to order and govern our whole lives according to Thy direction. [Here shall follow a season of silent prayer. Then the whole Con- gregation, led by the Minister, shall repeat audibly the follow- ing words :] Now, Almighty God, Searcher of Hearts, Thou knowest that I make this Covenant with Thee this day without any known guile or reservation, beseeching Thee, if Thou espiest any flaw or falsehood therein, that Thou wouldst discover it to me, and help me to do it aright. And now, glory be to Thee, God the Father, whom I w 236 RENEWING THE CX)VENANT. shall be bold, from this day forward, to look upon as my God n.nd Father, that ever Thou shouldst find out sucli a way for the recovery of undone sinners. Glory be to Thee, O God the Son, who hast loved me, and washed me from my sins in Thine own blood, and art now become my Saviour and Redeemer. Glory be to Thee, O God the Holy Ghost, who, by the finger of Thine Almighty power, hast turned about my heart from sin to God. great Jehovah, the Lord God Omnipotent, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, Thou art now become my covenant-friend, and 1, through Thine infinite grace, have become Thy cove- nant-servant. Amen. And the covenant which I have made on earth, let it be ratified in heaven. [The Minister may here conclude with singing and extemporaneous prayer. ] Note. — 2^o members of the Church. This covenant we advise you to make, not only in heart, but in word ; not only in word, but in writing ; and that you would, with all possible reverence, spread the writing before the Lord, as if you would present it to Him as your act and deed ; and when you have done this, set your hand to it ; keep it as a memorial of the solemn transactions that have passed be- tween God and you, and that you may have recourse to it in doubts and temptationik LAYING A CORNER-STONK 237 VIII. LAYING A CORNER-STONE, Form for Laying the Corner-Stonb op a Church. The Minister f standing near the place where the stone is to be laid, shall say unto the Congregation: Dearly Beloved : We are taught in the Word of God, that, although the heaven of heavens cannot contain the Eternal One, much less the walls of temples made witli hands, yet His delight is ever with the sons of men, and that wherever two or three are gathered in His name, there is He in the midst of them. In all ages His servants have ^eparated certain places for His worship : Jacob erected a stone in Bethel for God's house; Moses made a tabernacle in the desert ; and Solomon builded a temple for the Lord, which He filled with the glory of His presence before all the people. Wo are now assembled to lay the corner-stone of a new house for the worship of the God of our fathers. Let us not doubt that tfe will favorably approve our godly purposf^, and let us now devoutly unite in singing His praise, and in prayer for His blessing on our undertaking. Let an appropriate Hymn be sung. Then shall the Minister say : Let us pray. Most glorious God, heaven is Thy throne, and the earth is Thy footstool; what house then can be builded for Thee, or \v^^eve is the place of Thy rest? Yet, blessed be Thy ^^1 > W' ' lai^^H *! V 1 iwty t j'^j': ^hI 1 SB ., fi' iBI 4' ■ ^^P^ in '-' iji^'- in.J^r ■1 j:r H|''iiHi Ifll '' ^'i^'l fl"^ii;" '■^ t .^K ' ^^ IWi' ; ' i ;.:< S^'^'- "Wm ' IH^Oi -■'.!'; H. I < 1 238 LATINO A CORNER-STONE. name, O Lord God, that it hath pleased Thee to have Thy habitation among the sons of men, and to dwell in the midst of the assembly of the saints upon the earth. And now, especially, we render thanks to Thee, O God, that it hath pleased Thee to put it into the hearts of Thy servants to erect in this place a house for Thy worship. We thank Thee for Thy grace which has inclined them to contribute of their substance for the glory of Thy name: and we pray Thee to continue Thy blessing upon their pious undertaking Amen. May many unite with them in their holy work, until this habitation of Thy house shall be completed, and ..ady for dedication to Thy service, free from all debt or claim of man. Amen. May peace and harmony prevail in the counsels of Thy servants. May the work of this building be accomplished without hurt or accident to any person. And when Thou shalt have prospered the work of their hands upon them, and this house shall be prepared for Thy service, grant that all who shall enjoy the benefit of this pious work may show forth their thankfulness, by making a right use of it, to the glory of Thy blessed name; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Grant that all who shall hereafter worship Thee in the temple here to be builded, may so serve and please Thee in all holy exercises of godliness, that in the end they may come to the holy place, made without hands, whose builder and maker is God. Amen. Hear us, O Lord, for Thou art our God in whom we trust. Aud when we shall cease to pray unto Thee on earth, lu^^ . ^IM lJ^.YINa ▲ CORNER-STONE. 239 we, with all those who in like manner have erected such places to Thy name, and with all Thy glorified saints, eter- nally praise Thee for all Thy goodness vouchsafed unto us on earth, and laid up for us in heaven. Amen. Accept these our prayers, we beseech Thee, for the sake of Thy dear Son, who hath taught us when we pray to say, '< Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil." Amen. Then the Minister shaM read the following Psalm, or the Minister and people may read it in altemate verses ; the parts in italics to be read by the people : Psalm cxxxii. Lord, remember David, and all his afflictions: How he aware unto the Lord, and vowed unto the mighty God of Jacob; Surely I will not come into the tabernacle of my house, nor go up into my bed; / tuill not give sleep to mine et/eft, or ilumber to mine eye- lids, Until I find out a place for the Lord, An habitation for the mighty God of Jacob. Lo, we heard it at Ephratah : we found it in the fields of the wood. We toill go into His tabernacles: we tvill worship at //is fooUftOQl, 240 LAYING A CORNBR-STONE. tl f If I .■-.'.. /t pi ^11 m4- l! j t . I ^-^ {I ; I ;•■ Arise, O Lord, into Thy rest; Thou, and the ark of Thy strength. Let Thy priests he clothed with righteousneai ; And let Thy saints shout for joy. For Thy servant Davids sake turn not away the face q, Thine anointed. The Lord hath sworn in truth unto David; He will not turn from it; Of the fruit of thy body udll I set upon thy throne. If thy children will keep My covenant and My testimony that I shall teach them, their children shall also sit upon thy throne for evermore. For the Lord hath chosen Zioi; He hath desired it for His habitation. This is My rest forever: here will I dwell; for 1 have desired it. I will abundantly bless her provision: I will satisfy her poor with bread. I will also clothe her priests with salvation: And her saints shall shout aloud for joy. There will I make the horn of David to bud: I have ordained a lamp for Mine anointed. His enemies "hU I clothe with shame: But upon i .. -elf shall his crown flourish. The Lc'^son. 1 Cor. iii. 9-23. For we are laborers together with God ; ye are God s husbandry, ye are God's building. According to the grace of God which is given unto me, as a wise masterbuilder, 1 have laid the foundation, and another buildeth thereon- LAYING A CORNEH-STONB. 241 of Thy yoce oj !vill not >stimony sit upon i for His r 1 bave But let every man take heed how he buildeth thereupon. For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ. Now if any man build upon this foundation gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, stubble; every man's work shall be made manifest : for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is. If any man's work abide which he hath built th^jreupon, he shall receive a reward. If any man's work shall bo burned, he shall suffer loss : but he himself shall be saved ; yet so as by fire. Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you"? If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy: for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are. Let no man deceive himself. If any man among you seemeth to be wise in this world, let him become a fool, that he may be wise. For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written. He taketh the wise in his own craftiness. And again, The Lord knoweth the thoughts of the wise, that they are vain. Therefore let no man glory in men. For all [things are yours; whether Paul, or Apollos, or Cephas, or the world, or life, or death, or things present, or things to Lome; all are yours; and ye are Christ's; and Christ is liod's. jAen shall follow the Sermon, or an Address suita^J". to the occofiion, Lrc God s I after which the contributions of the people shall be received. bhe grace ■ 'p^^J^ gj^^i ^^g Minister, standing by the stone, exhibit to the Congre- )uilder, 1 fc/ton a vessel to be placed in an excavation of the stone. [It may thereof- ^J^tain a copy of the Bible, the Hymn Book, the Discipline, Church modicab of recrnt date, the names of the Pastor, Trustees, and 242 DEDICATION OF A CHURCH. If ' Building Committee of the Church, with such other documents and articles as may be desired. A list of these may be read.] After which the person thereto appointed shall dejmsit the vessel in the atone and cover it; and shall lay the stone, assisted by the builder, sayimj : In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of tlie Holy Ghost, I lay this corner-stone for the foundation of a house to be builded and consecrated to the service of Almighty God, according to the order and usages of the Methodist Church. Amen. The service may conclude with extempore prayer and the benediction. V ' ' i'. «^ l: I .;, f' '• IX. DEDICATION OF A CHURCH. Form for the Dedication op a Church. The Congregation being assembled in the Church, the Minister shall soy.i Dearly Beloved : The Scriptures teach us that God isl well pleased with those who build temples to His name.| We have heard how He filled the temple of Solomon with His glory, and how in the second temple He manifested Himself still more gloriously. Let us not doubt that Hci will approve our purpose of dedicating this house for th^ performance of the several oflSces of religious worship; anil let us now devoutly join in praise to Almighty God tliaj this godly undertaking hath been so far completed; andiij prayer for His further blessing upon all who have be engaged therein, and upon all who shall hereafter worsbij in this place. DEDICATION OF A CHURCH. 243 imcnts and id.] After in the done r, sayiTKj: iTid of the lation of a service of ,ges of the e benediction. ICH. Ut an appropriate Hymn he nung^ and extempore prayer he oj'tred, the Congregatioii all kneeling during the jrrayer. Then shall the Minister ^ or some one appointed hy him, read : The First Lesson. 2 Chron. vi. 1, 2, 18-21, 40-42 ; vii. 1-4. Then said Solomon, The Lord hath said that He would dwell in the thick darkness. But I have built an house of hal)itation for Thee, and a place for Thy dwelling forever. But will God in very deed dwell with men on the earth*! Behold, heaven and the heaven of heavens cannot contain Thee; how much less this house which I have built! Have respect, therefore, to the prayer of Thy servant, and to his supplication, O Lord my God, to hearken unto the cry and [the prayer which Thy servant prayeth before Tliee: that I Thine eyes may be open upon this house day and night, upon the place whereof Thou hast said Thou wouldst put jThy name there; to hearken unto the prayer which Thy servant prayeth toward this place. Hearken, therefore, unto the supplications of Thy servant, and of Thy people Israel, [which they shall make toward this place: hear Thou from iThy dwelling place, even from heaven; and when Thou [hearest, forgive. Now, my God, let, I beseech Thee, Thine eyes be open^ md let Thine ears be attent unto the prayer that is made this place. Now therefore arise, O Lord God, into Thy esting place, Thou, and the ark of Thy strength : let Thy priests, O Lord God, be clothed with salvation, and let Thy ints rejoice in goodness. O Lord God, turn not away the ice of Thine anointed : remember the mercies of David Thy ervant. 244 DEDICATION OF A (JHURCH, I. I- ^i ' s '■1'' , .1 ■}, Now when Solomon had made an end of praying, the fire came down from heaven, and consumed the burnt ofl'eiin" and the sacrifices; and the glory of the Lord filled the house. And the priests could not enter into the house of the Lord, because the glory of the Lord had filled the Lord's house. And when all the children of Israel saw how the tire came down, and the glory of the Lord upon the house, they bowed themselves with their faces to the ground upon the pavement, and worshipped, and praised the Lord, say. ing, For He is good; for His mercy endureth forever. Then the king and all the people offered sacrifices before th«' Lord. The Second Lesson. Heb. x. 19-26. Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into thej holiest by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way, which He hath consecrated for us, through the veil, that is I to say, His flesh ; and having an high priest over the house of God; let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkle,; from an evil conl science, and our bodies washed with pure water. Let usl hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering;! (for He is faithful that promised ;) and let us consider om^l another to provoke unU) love and to good works ; not foisakJ ing the assembling of ourselves together, as tlie manner o^ some is ; but exhorting one another : and so much the more as ye see the day approaching. For if we sin wilfully aftd that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there mainetb no mor« sacritice for siua DEDICATION OF A CHURCH. 245 Then shall a hymn be ming^ Offitr which the Minister shall deliver a Sermon suitable to the occaaiony and after the Sermon the contrxbu- tiona of the people shall be received. Then shall the Minister read the following Psnlm, or the Minister and the Congreffation shall read it alternately ; the parta in italics to be read by the Conyrtgalion : Psalm cxxii. I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the iiouse of the Lord. Our feet shall stand within thy gates^ Jerusalem. Jerusalem is builded as a city that is compact together: Whither the tribes yo up^ the tribes of the Lord^ Unto the testimony of Israel, to give thanks uuto the name of the Lord. Vor there are set throries of judyment, the thrones of the house of David. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: TJiey shall prosper that love thee* Peace be within thy walls, And prosperity unthin thy palaces. For my brethren and companions' sakes, I will now say, Peace be within thee. Because of the house of the Lord o\t/r God I will seek thy (jDod. Then let the Trustees stand up before the Minister y and one ofthenit or some one in their behalf ^ say unto Aim, We present unto you this building, to be dedicated as a church for the worship and service of Almighty God. 246 DEDICATION OF A CHURCH. Then shall the Minister request the Congregation to atarid^ while he repeats the following DECLARATION : ^Oearly Beloved : It is meet and right, as we learn from the Hoiy Scriptures, tliat houses erected for the public worship of God should be specially set apart and dedicated to religious useL. For such a dedication we are now as seml»led. With f^ratitudo, therefore, to Almighty God, \vlio has signally blessed His servants in their holy undertaking to erect this church, we dedicate it to His service, for the reading of the Holy Scriptures, the preaching of the Word of God, the administration of the holy sacra nents, and for »ll other exorcises of religious worship and service, aocord- inir to the discioline and usages of the Methodist Church. And, as the dedication of the temple is vain without the solemn consecration of the worshippers also, I now call upon you all to dedicate yourselves anew to the service of God. To Him let our souls be dedicated, that they may be renewed after the image of Christ. To Him let our bodies be dedicated, that they may be fit temples for the indwell- ing of the Holy Ghost. To Him let our labors and busi- ness be dedicated, that their fruit may tend to the glory of His great name, and to the advancement of His kingdom. And that He may graciously r.ccept this our solemn act, let us pray. The Congregation kneeling^ the Mhmter shall offer the follo^'ing jiraycr • most glorious Lord, we acknowledge that we are not worthy to offer unto Thee anything belonging unto us; yet ) i, f 'i DEDICATION OF A CHURCH. 247 we beseech Thee, in Thy great goodness, graciously to accept the dedication of this place to Thy service, and to prosper this the work of our hands ; receive the prayers and inter- cession of all Thy servants who shall call upon Thee in this house; and give them grace to prepare their hearts to serve Thee with reverence and godly fear; affect them with an awful apprehension of Thy divine majesty, anc^a deep sense of their own unworthiness ; that so approaching Thy sanc- tuary with lowliness and devotion, and coming before Thee with pure hearts, bodies undefiled, and minds sanctiiied, they may always perform a service acceptable to Thee; through J(\siis Christ our Lord. Amen. Regard, O Lord, the supplication of Thy servants, and <,frant that whosoever shall be dedicated to Thee in this house by baptism, may be found at last in the number of Tliy faithful children. Amen. Grant, Lord, that whosoever shall recei ; in this place the blessed sacrament of the body and blood of Christ, may come to that holy ordinance with true repentance, faith, and charity; and being tilled with Thy grace and heavenly benediction, may obtain remission of their sins, and all other benefits of His death. Amen. Grant, O Lord, that by Thy holy Word, read and preached in this place, and hy the Holy Spirit grafting it inwardly in the heart, the hearers thereof may perc^^ive and know what things they ought to do, and may receive power to perform the same. Amen. Now therefore arise, O Lord, and come unto this place of Thy rest. Thou, and the ark of Thy strengtl). Let Thine eyes be open toward this house day and night; and let 248 DEDICATION OF A CHURCH. Thine eara be attent to the prayers of Thy children, which they shall offer unto Thee in this place: and do Thou 1/car them from heaven, Thy dwelling place, and when Thou hearest, forgive. O Lord, we beseech Thee, that here and elsewhere Thy ministers may be clothed with righteousness, and Thy saints rejoice in Thy wilvation. And may we ail, with Thy people everywhere, grow up into a holy temple in the Lord, and be at last received into the house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. And to the Fatli(;r, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, be glory and praise, world without end. Amen. I' I' «.i The serviceis may conclude with ike Doxoloijy and the Benediction, i|||.; 249 APPENDIX I. t'OURSES OF STUDY FOR THE MINISTRY OF THE METHODIST CHURCH.* The following Oiimcula were adopted for the eiisuinijt Quad- roiinium, to take etlect after the Annual Conferences, 1891: — I. 0R1)1N..RY COURSE. TRELIMINAKY. 1. E I igU ah Branches: — English Grammar. Compositicm, hicliuling Essay on subject desij^aiatod by examiners at the time of ex.uninat^ion. Aritluaetic. Geography. J , LJn ffl LHera hire : — l>rooke's Outlines of English Literature, and Selections from M.acaulay's Essays, Warren Hastings (Ontario School Series). (One paper.) 3. Ifistoi'y : — Smith's Sliorter Histories of Grc •'^e and Rome (one paper). OntiU'io Public School History of r^ngland and of Canada. Sujith's New Testament History. 4. Greek Gramuinr : — Harkness' First (ireck Rook, or (roodwin witli White's Ex- ercises, as far as Syntax, as may be determined by each Examining Board. '). Thedoffy: — " Wesley's Sornums, I. to XX, fRurwadp^ Methodist Catechism, No. 11 * A Hpeclal Catalogue of Books on the Course of Study may be had on I appUcnlion to the Book Hoom» tit Toronto, Montreal or Halifax- 250 APPENDIX I. » i'( FIRST YBAK. 1. Biblical Introduction : — Barrow's Introduction, Parts I. and II. 2. BiJflical History: — Smitli's Old Testament History. 3. Theologij : — Wesley's Sermons, XX. to Lll. (Burwash). Fletcher's Check, V., and Steele's Antinomianism Revivt.i (one paper). Wesley on Christian Perfection. 4. (Ireek Grammar : — Harkness' First Greek Book, or Goodwin with Whit^i's K.\ ercises, Syntax to end, as may be determined hy e;vcli Examining Board. 5. English Litcrnttire: — Spencer on Style, and Gray's Elegy, Lcmgfeliow's Psalm of Life and Resign; (one paper). 6. T}\e En'ilish Bible :*— Sermon on the Mount. 7. HomUctir Eorereisc. f SECOND YEAR. 1. Hermmevfivs: — Barrow's lntr(>ductiun, Part IV. 2. Exef^ems : — Ciospel t»f St. John in Greek, Chaps. I. t« X. IJ. Chnrch Hisfary: — Blackburn's History of the Chrintian Church. • Questions to be confined to the English Text. t Sketch of Sermon to bo preparod on one of three texts (leslgnated by F^am iner at the time of F^xaniination. Value of sketch to be reported in the k^k^T"' Htanding. APPENDIX L 251 Ited by F*am liii the g«iierui 4. Theology: — Pope's Theology, Vol. I. 5. Rhetoric: — Hart. 6. The English Bible:-'— Genesis and Exodus. 7. Homiletic Exercise.f THIRD YEAR. 1. Exegesis: — The Epistle to the Romans in Greek, Chaps. I. to IX. in- clusive, with Burwash's Commentary. 2. Homiletics : — Broadus* Preparation and Delivery of Sermons. Homiletic Exercise.f 3. Church History : — Stevens' History of Methodism (to the death of Wesley). History of Methodism in Eastern British America, T. Wat- son Smith, Vol. I., for Maritime Conferences. Centennial Memorial Volume of Canadian Methodism for other Conferences. 4. Theology: — Pope's Theology, Vol. II. 5. Logic : — Fowler's Logic, Deductive and Inductive. (i. The English Bible :*— Acts of the Apostles. FOURTH YEAR. 1. Theology: — Pope's Theology, Vol. III. * Questions to be oonflned to tlie Engflish Text. t Sketch of Serii on to be prepared on one of three texts desi^ated by Exam- iner at the time of Examination. Value of sketch to be re|K>rted in the g^eneral standing. 252 APPENDIX I. 2. Apologetics: — Bowne's Philosophy of Theism. Beet's Credentials of the Gospel and Temple's Relation be« tween Science and Religion (one paper). 3. Moral FhUosophy : — Janet's Theory of Morals. 4. Mental Philosophi/ : — Dewey's Psychology. 5. Discipline of the Methodist Church : — Including Model Deed and Statutes published in the Disci- pline. G. The English Bihlr :*— 1st and 2nd Samuel and 1st and 2nd Kings. 7. Homiletic Exei'ciseA 11. COURSE FOR GRADUATES IN ARTS. 1 1 1 PRELIMINARY. 1. Theology: — Wesley's Sermons, I. to LII. (Burwash). Methodist Catechism, No. II. 2. Biblical Hifftory : — Smith's New Testament History. TIRST YEAR. 1. Biblical Introduction: — Barrow's Introduction, Parts I., III., IV. 2. TJieology : — Fletcher's Check, V., and Steele's Antinomianism Revived (one paper). Wesley on Christian Perfection. * Questions to be confined to the English Text. t Sketch of Sermon to be prepared on one of three texts designated by Ex- ftmincr at the time of Examination. Value of sketch to be reported in the general standing. APPENDIX L 253 3. Bihlicid Historif :-~ Smith's Old Testament History. 4. Apologetics: — Bowne's PhilDsophy of Theism. Beet's Credentials of the Gospel and Temple's Relation be- tween Science and Religion (one paper). i). Exegesis: — Sermon on the Mount, in Greek. (Matthew.) 0. HomUetic Exercise. (See Ordinary Course.) SECOND YEAR, 1. Exegesis: — VVestcott on the Canon. John's Gospel in Greek, with Westcott's and Godet's Com- mentaries. 2. Church Histoi'y: — Fisher's History of the Church. 3. Theology: — Pope's Theology, Vols. I. and II, 4. The English Bible : — Genesis and Exodus. 5. Homiletics: — Broadus' Preparation and Delivery of Sermons. Homiletic exercise. (See Ordinary Course.) THIRD YEAR. 1. Exegesis: — Epistle to the Romans in Greek, with Burwash's Commen- tary. 2. Church History : — Stevens' History of Methodism (to the death of Wesley). Smith's History of Methodism, Vol. 1., for Maritime Confer- ences, Centennial Memorial Volume iot oihet Conferences^ i I f\ hi i' if m •'Ml ■ t *h ! ! ;^ (t ';?^ ■• ! 254 APPENDIX I. 3. Tfiedogy : — Pope's Theology, Vol. 111. Sheldon's Histoiy of Doctrine. 4. Church Polity : — Rigg's Organization of the Christian Church. The Discipline of the Methodist Church (including Model Deed and Statutes published in the Discipline). 5. The English Bible : — The Acts of the Apostles. G. llinniletic Exercise. (See Ordinary Course.) III. COURSE FOR PROBATIONERS AT COLLEGE WHO ARK NOT UNDERGRADUATES IN ARTS OR DIVINITY. 1. Systematic Theology. FIRST YEAR. 2. Exegesis: — Selections from the Greek Testament. 3. Rhetoric and the English Lang^mge. 4. Logic. ' 5. Ch/urcli Histmnjy or Hebrew, or Selections frani the VidgatCy or Physical Science. 1. Systematic Theology. SECOND YEAR. 2. Exegesis: — Selections from the Greek Testament 3. Homiletics and Elocution. 4. Metaphysics. 6. Church History y or Hebrett\ or Selections from the Septua^int, or Physical Science. APPENDIX I. 255 THIRD YEAR. 1. Historu'cd Theology. 2. Exegesis: — Selections from the Greek Tesbiment^ :]. HomUetics. {. Ethics and (liristian Evidences. 5. Old Testament Exegesis, or Physical Science, o^' Patristic Selections. It is required that students must pass an examination on VV^es- ley's Sermons, Fletcher's Check, V., Stevens' History of Meth- odism, and the Discipline, unless they have previously passed on these 8ul)jects. IV. FllENCH COURSE. 1. Grammaire Frangaise et Composition. 2. Arithme'tique et (ieographie. 3. Histoire Universelle (Duruy). 4. Catechisme Me'thodiste, No. II. 5. Articles de Religion et Regies G^ne'rales de I'Eglise Me'thodiste. Premiere Ann^e. 1. Vie de Joan Wesley (Lelievre). 2. Voie du Salut (Wesley). 3. Perfection Chre'tienne (Wesley). 4. Manuel de la Bible (Angus), Part I., Chaps. I. a III. 5. Etude Bibli(iue (Godet), Vol. I. 6. Histoire de la Reformation (D'Aubignd), Vol. I. 7. Epitre de St. Jaccjues (Chapuis). On requiert la lecture des sermons de Wesley, l«"e Serie, No. I. k XXVI. Deuxienie Annee, 1. Manuel de la Bible (Angus), Part I., Chaps. IV. k VII. 2. Etude Biblique (Godet), Vol. II. 3. Histoire de la Reformation (D'Aubign^), Vol. II. 4. Histoire de la Litterature Frangaise (Vinet), Vol. I. 5. Philosophie (Traite' El^mentaire par Janet), pp. 1-316. 256 APPENDIX I. 0. Histxjire de I'Eglise (Boniiefon). 7. Rh^t<>ri(jue (Girard). On re(|uiert In lecture des surmuns de Wesley, Ire Serie, No. XXVll. a LII. Troisieme An nee. 1. Manuel de la Bible (Angus), Chaps. T. a IV. 2. Histoire de la Kvfonnation (D'Aul)ignt>), Vo]. III. 3. Ilistoire de la Litterature Francaise (Vinet), Vol. II. 4. Histoire des Doguies (Bonifas), Vol. 1. 5. Hoinile'tique (Vinet). 0. Philosophio (Janet), pp. 317-715. 7. Traite' de la Verite' de la Religion Chre'tienne (Abbadie), Vol. I. Quatri^me Annee. 1. Manuel de la Bible (Angus), Part 11., Chaps, V. tl Vil. 2. Histoire de la Reformation (D'Aubigne'), Vols. IV. et V. 3. Histoire des Dogmes (Bonifas), Vol. 1 4. Traite' de la Ve'rite' de la Religion Chretieniie (Abbadie . Vol. II. 5. Phiiosophie (Janet), pp. 710-951. 0. Coura de Physi(|ue sans Mathematiques (Ganot). 7. Discipline de I'Eglise Methodiste. All of the above books in the French C\jurse of Study, except \]\v last, may at present be obtained frt)ni M. A. Chastel. Librairie Evangelique, 4 Rue Ro(iu<'])ine, Paris, France. In case of text-books being out of print, the Principal of the French Methodist Institute, with the Principal and Registmr of the Wesleyan Theological College, are authorized to designate eiiuivalents for them. V. SPECIAL COURSE FOR MISSIONARIES. Native Japanese, Chinese and Indian candidates for the minis- try shall pursue such course of study as the Conference Board of Examiners may frame, it being understood that, as far as possible, the work prescribed shall harmonize with the orduiary course of study. English-speaking candidates for Indian mission work in the Manitoba and North -West Conference may take House's Cree Grammar instead of Greek. B Burnions APPENDIX II. III. ol. II. (AV)b;wli(.'), . IV. et V. (Abbadie , I. GENERAL CONFERENCE OFFICERS. n 7c ' t J ^ \ Rev. Albert Carman, DD., Geveral Snpermtendent. j Belleville, Ont. r, . \ Rev. Stephen F. Huestis, ^^^'-^'^n^ j Halifax, N.S. / Warring Kennedy, Esq., , Toronto, Ont. Assistant Secretaries. ..A p^^^^ j, g. Ross, M.A.. Hamilton, Ont. Journal Secretary Rev. William Jackson, C'ornwall, Out. 0- idy, excei)t .. Chastel, (pal of the [tjgistrur «»f designate [the minis- Board of [b possible, course of rk in the luBe'H Crce II. GENERAL CONFERENCE APPOINTMENT.^. 1. GENERAL CONFEREN' Miiiisters, llev. Dr. Potts. •* Dr. Briggs. " Dr. Bur wash. " Dr. W. Williams. " Dr. Douglas. " Dr. Sanderson. '* Dr. Ryckman. " Dr. T. G. Williams. " E. Roberts. " J. S. Williamson. ♦* T. W. Jolliffe. «* S. F. Huestis. 49 GE SPECIAL COMMITTEE. Laymen. George A. Cox. Warring Kennedy. J. J. Maclaren, LL.D. John N. Lake. J. R. Inch, LL.D. William Beatty, LL.B. Richard Brown. John T. Moore. David Graham. Alderman BouBtec^c(' H. P. Moore. Pr. I^avell 258 : : t: '^■It ■ APPENDIX II. 2. COURT OF APPEAL. Ministers, Ilev. Dr. Sprague. ♦• Dr. A. Sutherland. " Dr. W. I. Shaw. " Dr. D. G. Sutherland. •' Dr. Antlitr. " Dr. Parker. Laymen. Hon. J. C. Aikins. His Honor Judj' J. S. Ross, M. A. " W. S. Griffin, D.D. '* I. R. A vies worth, LL.D. »» ;f, W, Anpis, MA. G, A. Cox. J. E. Graham, M.D. F. Walker. W. W. Ogden, M.D. C. H. Gooderham. J. N. Lal^e. His Honor Judge Dean, M.A W. F, Hall. B. M, Britton, M.A., Q.C. Hon. W. E. Sanford. Pres. Mills, M.A. F, R. Eccles, M.D, w APPENDIX 11. 261 UNIVERSITY OP MOUNT ALLISON COLLEGE. BO. Tiincipal S. P. Robins, LL I). Gtorge E. Armstrong, M.D. J. 15. McConnell, M.D. F. S. Finley, M.D. K. G. Smith, RC.L. J. J. Maclaren, LL.D., Q.C. A. R. Oughtred, B.C.L. M. La veil, M.D. W. T. Anglin, M.D., M.R.C.P.S. Principal G. L. Masten. ALBERT COLLEGE, BELLEVILLE. HOARD OF MANAGEMENT FOR NEXT QUADRENNIUM. Rev. A. (/arman, D.D. K. D. O'Flynn. Nelaon Dollar. James Aylesworth. Lovi Masaey. S B. Hurdett, LL.D., Q.C, M.l\ J. (i. Robinson. A L. Morden, Q.C. S. T. Wilmot. John Rowe. W. F. Hall. Robert Gordon. L. W. Yeomans. C. P. Holton. S. P. Ford, M.D. Thomas (iilbard. Dr. La veil. II. P. Moore. si::nate. Rev. A. Carman, D.D. " Principal Dyer. J'.hn Macoun, M.A., F.L.S. James T. Bell, D.Sc. John A. Stanistreet. Ella Gardiner, B. A. Kmma Clarke. A. C. Crosby, B.A. B. R. Strang way 8. R. J. Maclean. Rev. J. H. George, M.A " E. I. Badgley, Bl) '♦ James Gardiner, L>.C. L. , Ph.D. , LL.D. Rev. \Vm. Brown. •' George Abbs. " Amos Campbell. Wm. Hope, M.D. John Bell, Q.C. Rev. I. B. Aylesworth, LL.D. Robert B. Carman, M.A. T. M. Maclntyre, M.A., LL.B. S. Barton Burdett, LL.D., M.P. R. Conger Clute, LL.B. Rev. S. G. Stone, D.D. FranU O'Flvnn, B.A. A. L. Morden, Q.C. ONTARIO LADIES' COLLEGE. WHITBY. DIUECTOKS. Rev. E. H. Dewart, D.D. " John Potts, D.D. ♦• E. A. Stafford, .y^\ " John Shaw, D l). Rev. J. F. German, M.A. ♦* 1). C. McDoweU. •' George Leech. APPENDIX II. 263 WESLEYAN LADIES* COLLEGE, HAMILTON. DIRECTORS. Rev. A. Burns, D.D., LL.D., Governor and Principal. " A. Sutherland, D.D. ♦♦ W.J. Hunter, D.D. Rev. H. Johnston, D. D. " D. G. Sutherland, LL.B., D.D. " J. Potts, D.D. ALMA COLLEGE, ST. THOMAS. BOARD OF MANA(JEMENT AND TRUST. Ministers, Laymen. 3V. A. (/arman, D. D., General J. McCauhlanu. Superintendent. J. H. Wilson, M.D., M.P. J. iS. Williamson. C. Macdougall, Q.C. J. H. Kennedy. J. Gtiffin. J. Van W^'ck, B.A. W. Bowman. A. E. Grillith. T. Stacey. W. S. Pascoe, D.D. J. H. Coyne, M.A. W. R. Parker, D.D. J. E. Smith. D. G. Sutherland, LL.B., George Suffel. D.D. G. C. Field, M.D. E. B. Ryckman, D.D. T. M Campbell. A. E. Russ, M.A. J. W. Annis, M.A. W. W\ Shepherd. His Honor Judge Hughes. E. S. Whipple. *HONORARY AND ADVISORY MEMBERS. Rev. J. Gardiner, D.C.L. WESLEY COLLEGE, WINNIPEG. If. H. Chown, B.A., M.D. .1 H. Ashdown. W. H. Culver, B.A., Q.C. (i. H. Campbell. Rev. J. Allan, M.A. J. H. D. Munson, B.A. G. H. Young. A. Monkman. Wm. McKechnie. R. J. Whitla. R. P. Roblin, M.P. P. W. A. Prest. Rev. A. Andrews. S. R. Parsons. J. H. Housser. G. W. Beynon, B.A. Rev. J. Semmens. *' Joseph Hall. * To have, when present, a seat with members of the Board and a right to tender advice. 2()4 APPENDIX ir. U BOARD OP EDUCATIONAL SOCIETY. Rev. A. Carman, D.D., General SuperinUndent. " John Potts, D.D., Oewral Sevrvtary, }fon. W. K. Sanford, General Trtaaurer, Rev. N. Burwash, S.T.D. I. R. Inch, LL.IJ. Rev. (Jeorfje Douglas, D.D., LL. D. •♦ J. W. Sparling, D.D. (teorge A. ('ox, Bnrsray. J. R. Gundy. VV. McDonagh. W. Kettlewoll. J. S. Williamson. W. S. Gritfin, D.D. J. W. Holmes. VV. Burns. Amos Campbell. G. Douglas, LL.D. J. T. Pitcher. J. W. Sparling, D.D. Laymen. Hon. J. C. Aikins. J. B. Boustead. J. N. Lake. K. Pierce. J. Milne. W. J. Ro}>ertson. A. J. Donly. R. \V. Mckenzie. H. P. Moore. S. P. Ford, M.D. E. I). O'Flynu. Dr. Lavell. Dr. Alexander. 9. COMMISSION ON SUPERANNUATION FUND. I.'cv. James Gray. E. B. Ryckman, D.D. W. S. Griffin, D D. W. Kettlewell. T. M. Campbell. P. .Vddison. J. R. Gundy. John Kay. G. Douglas, LL.D. E. J. Davis, M.P.P. R. W. McKenzie. Hon. J. C. Aikins. Dr. Willinott. Albert Ogden. Ransom Pierce. W. J. Robertson, LL.B. Walter McGibbon. 10. CHURCH AND PARSONAGE AID. DIRECT0R3. The General Superintendent. Kev. Dr. A. Sutherland. ' J. F. (ieriPRn. " .; H. Starr. '' VV J. Maxwell. J. N. Lake. J. B. Boustead. Dr. W. VV. Oprden. Dr. J. B. Willmott H. J. H. Fudger. 266 APPENDIX II. II. EMBARRASSED TRUSTS COMMITTEK. Uev. W. Williams, D.D. •' W. J. Hunter, D.D. •♦ Richard Whiting. •• W. Kettle well. " JR. Gundy. " W. C. Henderson, M.A. John N. Lake. Hon. W. E. Sanford. Thos. Thompson. Geo. A. Cc>x. Daniel McLean. ;k1^^.; 12. SABBATH OBSERVANCE COMMITTEE. Revs. John Scanlon, Hugh Cairns, and the ministers stationed in Ottawa, with Messrs. Thomas Kenney, William Bow, and David McElroy, of the Montreal Conference, and the following from each Conference, as corresponding members : — Conference, Mhmterf*. Laymen. Toronto H. S. Matthews. . .J. T. Moore. London Wm, McDonagh , , Wm. Bowman. Guelph J. E. Howell, M.A. Jas. Mills, M.A. Niagara T. W, Jackson . . . .S. F. Lazier, Q.C. Bay of Quinte Wm. JoUiffe E. D. O'Flynn. Manitoba and North- We^t. .A. Stewart, H.D. . .Geo. \W Beynon. British Columbia Coverdale Watson , Daniel Spencer. New Brunswick and P. E. 1 . d . A. Clark, A.M.. Wm. Heard. Nova Scotia T. Watson Smith . . D. Allison, LL. D. Newfoundland T. H. James Hon, J. J. Rogersoii, u \M 13. METHODIST COLLEGE, ST. JOHN'c^, NEWFOCxNO LAND. (I cc «< BOARD OF OOVERNORH. Rev. Henry Lewis. " James Dove. James Nurse. Thomas H. James. Joseph Parkins. S. Matthews. Pi-. W. Freeman. G. J. Bond, M.A. J. Pratt. Rev. J. Hill. W. Kendall. G. Paine. T. W. Atkinson. J. Pincock. A. Hill. F. R. Duffill. H. P. Cowperthwaite, A.M A. D. Morton, A.M. ;e4 m J' Hon. J. J. RogersoD, *' H. J. B. Woods. J. B. Ayre. Hon. J. S. Pitts. " James Angell. John Steer. J. E. P. Peters. W. F. Burns, D D;S. R. K. Bishop. G. W. Mews. APPENDIX II. Laymen. C. Macphersoa. A. Penney. S. 11. March. J. A. Robinson. A. F. Shirran. T. C. Duder. G. R. Forsey. Dr. Forbes. C. P. Ayres. A. \V. Martin. «'■ 267 i:1 14. PERMANENT TEMPERANCE COMMITTEE. ONTARIO GROUP. Ministers. Rev. D. L. Brethour, M.A. " A. M. Pliiilips, B.D. " F. Nugent. " A. Sutherland, D. D. " W. Williams, D.D. " W. KeLLlevvell. " J. R. Gmulv. Laymtn. J. J. Maclaren, LL. I >, W. H. Orr. Thos. C. Watkins. H. P. Moore. Thomas Hilliard. QrKIlEC GROUP. Rev. E. B. Ryckman, D. I). " James Kines. *♦ T. G. Williams, D.D. *' W. J. Crothers. W. H. Lambly. Wm. Tees. J. H. Carson. Dr. Lavell. EASTERN GROUP. Rev. R. Wilson, Ph.D. '* D. W. Johnson, M.A. " Thomas Marshall. •• E. B. Moore. Hon. G. W. Bentley. Martin Lemont. Dr. F. Woodbury. F. B. Woodill. WESTERN GROUP. Kev. J. W. Sparling, D.D. " Alfred Andrews. " J. M. Harrison. ' E. Kobson. Thomas Nixon. M. H. Field house G. W. Beynon. J. N. Tuttlf. 14 11; • 268 APPENDIX It. 15. GENFRAL CONFKRKNCE STATliSTICIAN. Rev. George H. Corniah, LL.D. 16. TREASURERS OP GENERAL CONFERENCE FUNDS Niissionary, Clerical Rev. A. Sutherland, IJ.I). *• Lay Hon. J. C. Aikiiis. Superannuation, Clerical Rev. James (iray. " Lay , , Hon. J. C. Aikins. Supernumerary, Clerical . . Kev. E. Evans. ** Lay .. ,. .Inlin E. Irvine. Educational Hon. W. E. Sanford. (Jcneral ('onference Lev. James Gray. Sabbath -school Warring Kennedy. Embarrassed Trusts John N. Lake. 17. COMMITTEE ON UNION. rfe Rev. Dr. Carman, Gen. Supt. '* Dr. Burns. " Dr. Dewart. •' Dr. Hurwash. '• Dr. T. G. Williama. " Dr. Ryckman. " Dr. Stewart. " Dr. Douglas. Rev. Dr. A. Sutherland. •' Dr. Griinth. " George Webber. Hon. J. C. Aikins. James Mills, M.A. Judge Jones. Geo. A. Cox. 18. COMMITTEE ON TORRENS CHURCH TITLES. Rev. J. Woods worth. A. M. IVterson, G. W. Boynon. J. J. Maclaron, LL.D. Hon. J. C. Aikins. APPENDIX III. THE BASIS OF UNION BETWEEN THE MKTHODIST CHURCH OF CANADA. THE METHODIST KIMSCOPAL CHURCH IN CANAi^A, THE inUMITIVE METHODIST CHURCH IN CANADA, AND THE Hini.E CHRISTIAN (JffURCH OF CANADA, AS ADOlTED BY THEIR RESl'ECTIVK CONFERENCES. I. DOCTRINES, GENERAL RULES, OI(J;l NANCES, ETC. The Doctrinal Basis of the United Chyich shall ]>e tJio IStandards of Doctrine and Articles of Religion contained lin the Book of Discipline of the Methodist Church of ICanada, edition of 1879, from p. 13 to p. 21. That portion of the Book of Discipline of the said Methodist Church of [Canada, edition of 1879, from p. 21 to p. 33, referring to llteneral Rules, Ordinances, Reception of Members, and pioans of Grace, is also adopted as part of the Basis. 11. CHURCU GOVERNMENT. 1. The General Conference, 1. There shall be a Quadrennial General Conference, imposed of an equal number of Ministerial and Lay ^ele^atea, electe4 as hereinafter provided^ with power ^9 :^s '■'t if ' i-iV,, ll 270 APPENDIX ITT. make rules and regulations for the entire Church. (Spp| " Annual Conferences," par. 9.) 2. No change shall be made in the Basis of Union, affecting constitutional questions, or the rights and privi leges of Ministry or Laity, excepting by a three-fourths I majority of the General Conference, and, if required l.y either order of Ministry or Laity, a two-thirds majority ofj each order, voting separately. 3. There shall be one or more Itinerant General Super- intendents elected by the General Conference, to hold oHicel for the term of eight year.s. But if it be decided at thel meeting of the General Conference after Union to elect two! General Superintendents, one of them shall be elected for four years only, so that there may be a recurring elect iou| or re-election every four years. 4. A General Superintendent shall preside over alll Sessions of the General Conference, and over all St.iiulingl Committees of the same. 2. Annual Conferences. 1. The territory occupied by the Church shall be divided into Conferences as the General Conference may from time to time direct. 2. Each Annual Conference shall be composed of all Ministers in full connection within its bounds, and an equa| number of Laymen, elected as elsewhere provided. (Set " District Meetings," par. 6.) 3. Laymen elected shall have the right to be present .n all ordinary Sessions of the Annual Conference, and to spcali and vote on all questions, except the examination of Minisj APPENDIX Til. 271 terial character and qualification ; the Reception, by vote, of Probationers into full connection, and their Ordination ; and the granting of the Superannuated or Supoi-nunierary relation, on which exceptive questions Ministers alone shall take action. In case any Minister's character shall be arrested, it shall be competent for the ministerial members to meet in Special Session to examine into the case and pronounce judgment, reporting their actijn to the Mixed Conference, — such report to be for information and record, and not for di'jcussion. 4. Each Annual Conference shall have authority to elect a President from among its ministerial members. 5. The General Superintendent, when present, shall open the Annual Conference, and preside during the first day of its Sessions, and afterward alternately with the President elected by the Conference. In the absence of a General Superintendent, the President of the previous year shall take the Chair and open the Conference. In association with the President, the General Superintendent shall con- duct the Ordination Service, and they shall jointly sign the Ordination Parchments. But all other duties pertaining to the presidency of the Annual Conference shall be vested in the President elected by that body, and in the absence of I the General Superintendent he shall conduct the Ordination I Service. 6. The President of the Annual Conference shall be, \ex officio^ Superintendent of the District in which he may be [Stationed during the year of his presidency. 7. The Annual Conference shall elect by ballot, without I debate, a Secretary or Secretaries as the case may require. ^. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) A 1.0 ^1^ 1^ I.I Ui i^ 112.2 II lis III 2.0 MUL. 1.25 nil 1.4 i.8 1.6 m y /^ Photographic Sciences Corporation ^ ^•\ L17 ^^^^ 33 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y, M9S0 (716) 873-4503 I I lip Inm '■ } '■•*> Ill liny 272 APPENDIX IIL .1 8. The Annual Conference shall elect by ballot, without debate; a Superintendent for each District from among the ordained Ministers within the bounds of such District 9. Each Annual Conference, at the Session next preceding the Session of each General Conference, shall divide into Ministerial and Lay Electora.1 Conferences, for the purpose of electing Delegates to the General Conference, each body electing its own Representatives. The Delegates shall be elected from within the bounds of the said Conference, and votes shall be by ballot. 10. Each Annual Conference shall have a Stationing Committee, composed of the President oi the Conference (who shall preside in the Committee), the Superintendents of Districts, and one Minister elected by each District Meeting, such election to be by the joint votes of Ministers and Laymen. 11. Each Annual Conference shall hav«^ authority to elect into full connection and ordain any Probationer within its bounds who has travelled four yeart: and fulfilled all discijh linary requirements. Also, to elect and ordain Probationers of less than four years' standing, when the necessities of the work require it. 1 2. All preachers who have received ordination in any of the uniting bodies, and are in good standing at the time of the Union, shall retain all rights and privileges conferred by such ordination. 3. District Meetingu. 1. The territory occupied by each Annual Conference sbaU bfc divi4ed ii^to Pist^igtS, APPENDIX III. 273 2. Each Annual District Meeting shall consist of all the Ministers and Probationers for the Ministry within its bounds, and one Lay Delegate for each Minister or Proba- tioner in the active work, from each Circuit, Mission, or Station throughout the District; said Delegates to be elected by the Quarterly Official Meetings as hereinafter provided. 3. Each District shall be under tlie Supervision of a pre- siding officer, to be called the District Superintendent, who ^^hall be elected by the Annual Conference, as elsewhere provided. He shall preside in the District Meetings, over- see the temporal and spiritual interests of the Church in his District ; and, with the Ministers and Probationers under his charge, slmll administer and enforce the Discipline of thie Church, being responsible therefor to the Annual Conference. 4. The District Superintendent shall fix the time and place of the first District Meeting; after which he shall fix the time, and the District Meeting shall fix the place. In the absence of the District Superintendent, the District Meeting shall elect from among its ministerial members, by ballot, without debate, a Chairman pro tern. 5. The examination of ministerial character shall bo the business of the first day of the District Meeting, and shall be confined to the ministerial members alone. 6. The Lay Members of the District Meeting shall meet separately some time during the Session, and elect by ballot, without debate, Lay Representative^ to the Annual Confer- ence, in the proportion of one for each Minister in full connection within the bounds of the District. Laymen, to 19 '■fKW * i i ■''•'■if m ml I'* »:;;..'i %:: i, V' U IK *-ir .■ '■ 274 APPENDIX III. be eligible, must be at least twenty-five years of age, and must have been members of the Church in good standing for the five consecutive years next preceding the election. 4. Quarterly Meetings, 1. There shall be a Quarterly Official Meeting on each Circuit, Missior., or Station, consisting of the Ministers and Probationers for the Ministry, the Local Preachers, the Exhorters, the Circuit Stewards, the Lead-^rs of Classes, tlie Superintendents of Sabbath Schools (being members of the Church), one Representative ficm each Board of Trustees (he being a member of the Church) ; and also of additional Representatives who may have been appointed by tiie Societies of the Circuit. The apportionment scale, and mode of election, shall be arranged by the Fourth Quarterly Offi- cial Meeting of the year ; but such additional Representji- tives shall not exceed the number of the Stewards on the Circuit. 2. The Superintendent of the Circuit shall be the Chair- man of the Quarterly Official Meeting, except when the Superintendent of the District shall be present, in which case the latter may preside. 3. The Quarterly Official Meeting shall hear complaints, and receive and try appeals ; recommend Candidates for the Ministry; manage and control Circuit finances; and dis- charge such other duties as the General Conference may from time to time determine. 4. The Quarterly Oftcial Meeting shall, at the fourth regular meeting of the year, elect by ballot, without debate, the Lay Delegates to attend the ensuing Annual District APPENDIX III. 275 Meeting, in the proportion of one Delegate for each Minister or Probationer in the active work on the Circuit. Note. — Regulations concerning the Licensing of Local Preachers and Exhorters are referred to the first General Conference. III. CHURCH PROPERTY. 1. Upon the ratification of the Union, such legislation shall be obtained from Legislatures having competent juris- diction, as shall v^st in the United Church all property now held by, or in trust for, the respective Churches entering into the Union. 2. As it is probable that in some instances Church and Parsonage property now in use will not be required, after the Union, for Church or Circuit purposes, it is recom- mended that a Committee, consisting of the District Super- intendent, two Ministers, and two Laymen, be appointed at the District Meeting on each District where any such pro perty may be situated, who shall act conjointly with the Trustees on each Circuit in deteimining what property shall be retained for use, and what shall be sold. 3. In all cases where such Church or Parsonage property may be so sold, the proceeds arising from the sale may be applied, — a. To the payment of any debts or claims upon or in respect of such property. b. To the payment of any debts upon the property retained for use by the Congregation formerly using the property so sold, or in building a new church or parsonage where necessary for the United Congregation, f ''J m ■ •;*£■■'.» km f'^ 276 APPENDIX IIL c. The balance, if any, to be applied, with the consent of the Trustees, to the use of the Church and Parsonage Aid Fund of the United Churcli, in the Annual Conference in which such property is situated. Note. — The regulations contained in Clause 3 and its sub-sections, in so far as tliey apply to property held by the Bible Christian Church, shall be subject to the reguLitions adopted in regard to Church funds respecting the debt of the Missionary Fund of said Church. IV. CHURCH FUNDS. 1. The Superannuation Fund. 1. There shall be in the United Church a Superannuated Ministers' Fund for the Western Conferences, and a Sup* r- numerary Ministers' Fund for the three Conferences in t he Maritime Provinces, which funds shall, for the present, 1)0 under the managemer^t of separate Boards, as has been the practice i.i the Methodist Church of Canada. As no chanLje is deemed necessary in regard to the Supernumerary Fund of the Eastern Conferences, the recommendations which fol- low, save the final one, are to be understood as referring solely to the Superannuation Fund of the Western Con- ferences. 2. The Methodist Church of Canada having an invested capital for the three Western Conferences of over $91,00U, it is agreec? that the other Churches uniting shall supply such an amount of capital to said Superannuation Fund as shall place their Ministers on an equality with the Ministers of the said three Western Conferences. 3. J^o change shall be made in regard to the claims of APPENDIX III. 277 Any Minister holding a permanent Superannuated relation at the present time (i.5., 1882); and they shall raceive on tlie basis of their present claims as far as the annual income will allow. 4. Income arising from Annual Collections and Sub- scriptions in all Congregations of the United Church, Annual Subscriptions by Ministers of the same, and any raniount appropriated from time to time out of the funds of the Missionary Society, shall be used in meeting payments to all- claimants on the Fund, without distinction. 5. Income arising from the invested capital now held by the Methodist Church of Canada for this Fund, and the amount annually received from the profits of the Toronto Book Room (until such time as the Publishing Interests of the other uniting Churches shall be amalgamated, and their assets equalized with those of said Book Room), shall be used exclusively for the benefit of the claimants on the Superannuation Fund now connected with the Methodist Church of Canada, and the claims of Ministers now in the active work of that Church who may become Superannuated after the Union. 6. The rule adopted above, in Clause 5, shall apply, in the case of the Methodist Episcopal, Primitive Methodist, and Bible Christian Churches, in regard to any Book Room or other assets available for their respective Superannuation Funds, until the amalgamation referred to in said clause is accomplished. 7. So soon as the Methodist Episcopal, Primitive Meth- odist, or Bible Christian Churches shall furnish an amount of capital equal, in proportion, to that now held by the Metho^Ust Church of Canada, the Superannuated Ministera ,■ '■ 278 APPENDIX III. ,*-n of such uniting Churches, and those who may become Super- annuates after Union, shall have a claim on the proceeds of the whole invested capital in common with those who arc now Ministers of the Methodist Church of Canada. 8. If the income of any year shall not be sufficient to meet the claims in full, then all claimants shall share in the deficiency in proportion to the amount of their claim. 9. If any one of the three uniting Churches aforesaid shall fail to provide its full proportion of invested capital, Ministers of these Churches who are now, or may hereafter become. Superannuates shall draw in proportion to the amount of capital actually provided. 10. In case of failure by any of the Churches above mentioned to provide invested capital, it shall be competent for any Minister of such Churches to provide his individual share of such capital, and thereafter to draw from the pro- ceeds of the investments in the same manner as Superan- nuates of the present Methodist Church of Canada. This latter provision shall apply to any Minister now on the Superannuated lists of the Methodist Episcopal, Primitive Methodist, or Bible Christian Churches. 11. The principles embodied in the foregoing regulations shall be applied in adjusting the relations to the Supernu- merary Ministers' Fund of the three Eastern Conferences, of any Ministers of the Bible Christian Church who may bf included by the Union in any of the said Conferences. Note. — A Committee has been appointed, with power to employ an actuary if necessary, to make a careful estimate of the value of existing investments belonging t > the Superannuation Funds and report at the first General Conference. I'T, 6*ii APPENDIX III. 270 2. The Missionary Fund, 1. On the consummation of the Union there shall be one Missionary Fund for the whole Church. 2. The Missionary Society of the Methodist Church of Canada having no debt, and the income and expenditure being equal, no recommendation is necessary. 3. The Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church has a debt of $10,000, incurred ip* the purchase of property and the erection of churches in Manitoba, the property being held by the Society as security for the debt. This debt is to be liquidated out of the assets of the Society before the consummation of the Union. 4. The Missionary Society of tlie Bible Christian Church lias a debt of $21,080, less about $3,000 on which annuities are paid at 6 per cent, per annum, which annuities will probably cease in a few years. As this debt was incurred in the purchase and erection of mission churches and par- sonages, it is considered a legitimate claim against such property. It is therefore agreed that the next Annual Conference of the Bible Christian Church shall make ar- rangements to distribute the Missionary debt among the several properties, to erect or purchase which said debt has been incurred. And in case any property belonging to the Bible Christian Church be sold, the proceeds, after paying other debts of the Trust, shall be applied to the reduction of the said Missionary debt. 5. The above-mentioned debts being provided for as aforesaid, the Churches included in the Union are to unite on equal terms. ^'^■A 280 APPENDTT IIL 3. The Contingent Fund. As the invested cai)ital of the Contingent Fund of the Methodist Church in Canada belongs to the three Western Conferences of that Church, it is agreed that it be left to the said Conferences to propose a plan for dealing with said investments, and report the same to the General Conference of the Methodist Church of Canada at the Special Session to be held before )^e Union is consummated. As the other Conferences and Churches have no such invested capital, all further action on the subject is referred to the first General Conference of the United Church. 4. The Children's Fund. As there arc no investments in connection with this fund in any of the Uniting Churches, it is agreed that the whole question be relegated to the first General Conference of the United Church to determine on what basis, if any, a Children's Fund shall be maintained. iVV V. BOOK AND PUBLISHING INTERESTS. 1. The Halifax Book Room and weekly paper shall be continued as at present, on account of their geographical position. 2. The Toronto Book Room, with its various publica- tions, will also be maintained ; and no serious difficulty is apprehended in the way of consolidating the other publish- ing interests in the West at an early date after the Union is effected. 3. As the assets of the Book and Publishing House of the Methodist Church of Canada, for the three Western APPELDIX III, 281 Conferences, are larger in proportion to the number of Ministers in those Conferences than the similar assets of any of the other contracting parties, it is agreed that each Minister of the Methodist Episcopal, Primitive Methodist, and Bible Christian Churches, entering into the Union, shall pay into the general Publishing Fund such a sum as will make his interest equal to the per capita interests of the Ministers of the three Western Conferences aforesaid. 4. In equalizing the per capita interest as above, pay- ments may be made in cash, or by notes payable in one or two years from the date of Union ; such notes to bear in- terest at six per cent, per annum. VI. EDUCATIONAL INTERESTS. 1. The Methodist Church of Canada and the Methodist Episcopal Church have a number of Educational Institu- tions in successful operation. The Primitive Methodist and Bible Christian Churches have no such institutions in this country. 2. The Educational Institutions in the Maritime Con- ferences present no difficulty in the way of Union, and no change is recommended in their present relations. 3. In regard to the Western Conferences, it is believed that those institutions which possess University powers can be consolidated, to the honor of their graduates, and the advantage of their educational work. 4. It is recommended that the United Churches adhere to the traditional policy of Methodism in regard to educa- tion, believing that the best interests of the Church and of education imperatively demand that our Colleges and lb" '"i ' 'iTI 282 APPENDIX in. : W' Universities should be under the fostering care of the CM lurch. VII. MISCELLANEOUS RECOMMENDATIONS. 1. Composition of tlie First General Conference. The General Conference of the Methodist Chureli of Canada, having authorized the calling of a Special Session in 1883 to give effect to the Union, provided a satisfactory basis is secured, it is recommended : 1. That in case the Basis of Union is approved by tlio requisite majorities in the Quarterly Meetings and Annual Conferences of the Churches proposing to unite, it sliall be competent for the Annual Conferences of the Mctli- odist Episcopal, Primitive Methodist, and Bible Christian Churches, to elect Delegates to the first General Conference of the United Church, in the proportion of one out of ten Ministers in full connection, with an equal number of Lay- men, elected in Ann-^al Conference or District Meeting, as the case may be ; and these, together with the Delegates composing the present General Conference of the Methodist Church of Canada, meeting in Joint Session after the latter body shall have closed the Special Session above alluded to, shall compose the first General Conference of the said United Church, with power to perform such Acts as may be necessary to the final ratification of the Union, and all other Acts which come within the province of a General Conference. 2. The Annual Conferences and District Meetings of tlie Methodist Church of Canada shall have authority to fill vacancies that may have occurred in their Delegations, either lay or clerical, by the usual mode of election. APPENDIX III. 283 2. Expenses of General Conference. If the Basis of Union be approved, it is recommended that the various Aanual Conferences make provision for taking up a collection in every congregation for the expenses of the first General Conference. 3. Transfer of Ministers. The Joint Committee recommend to the first General Conference the matter of making provision for the transfer of Ministers from one Conference to another, so as to give all reasonable facilities for meeting the wants of the work. • 4. Time of First General Conference. In the event of the Basis of Union being approved, it is recommended that the first General Conference of the United Church be held in the Methodist Episcopal Taber- nacle, in the City of Belleville, on the first Wednesday in September, 1883, commencing at nine o'clock in the fore- noon. 5. Name. The adoption of a name for the United Church is referred to the first General Conference ; but the Committee recom- mend that it be called " The Methodist Church." W[ ^\ 'M 11 i~U. APPENDIX IV 47 VICTORIA. CHAP. 106. Aj^ Act respecting the Union of certain Methodis'" Churches therein named. [Ansented to 19th Aprils 1884.] Preamble. Whereas tlie Methodist Church of Canada, the Methodist Episcopal Church in Canada, the Primitive Methodist Church in Canada, and the Bible Christian Church of Canada, have agreed to unite under the name of " The Methodist Church," on the Basis of Union adopted by the said four denominations — which said Basis of Union is set forth in Schedule A of this Act, and the rules, regulations and discipline also adopted by the said four dfjnoniinations in a General Convention or Conference assembled at the City of Belleville on the fifth day of September, one tliousand eight hundred and eighty-three ; and whereas the said four denominations have, by petition, set forth that they are desirous of having the said Union ratified, and that they may be incorporated under the name of " The Methodist Church,* with power to hold all the property, real and personal, be- longing to the said four denominations, upon the tm«?t'^ and for the purposes hereins^fter se^ out; and w herein it U 286 APPENDIX IV. ?«''■ i-f",: V, ■if aJ' i:^ K<^ IP Certaitj persons incurporated. expedient to grant the prayer of the said petition : There- fore Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as fol lows : — 1. The Reverend Samuel Dwight Rice, D.D., President of the General Conference of the Methodist Church of Canada, the Reverend Albert Carman, D.D., Bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Canada, the Reverend J. Goodman, President of the Primitive Methodist Church in Canada, the Reverend W. Pascoe, President of the Bible Christian Church of Canada, and the Reverend Alexander Sutherland, D.D., Secretary of the Joint Committee on Union, and all members of the said General Convention or Conference, together with all other persons who now are ministers or members of any one of the said four denominations, or who, under the said Basis of Union, rules, regulations and discipliiie, are now or may hereafter become members of the said Methodist Church, are hereby constituted and declared to be a body corporate Corporate ^^^ politic, by the name of "The Methodist Church." name. Objects of ^j ji^Q objects of the said corporation are as set o at in the said Basis of Union, rules, regula- tions and discipline. Copies of cer- ^ ^\\ copies of the said Basis of Union, tain documents * to be evidence, rules, regulations and discipline, or any amend- ments or alte ation thereof published in any book of dis-l cipline or journal of conference under the direction or authority of the General Conference of the said Church, or APPENDIX IV. 287 a copy of any by-law or resolution of the said General Con- ference, under the seal of the corporation, and signed by the secretary, shall be primd facie evidence in all courts of the contents thereof. ^oration^L^'^* ^' '^^ ^^^ estate, real and personal, belonging real or personal to, held in trust for or to the use of the said de- estate now held ' by the four de- nominations or any of them, or belonginsr to or nominations. " o o held in trust for or to the use of any corpora- tion under the government or control of any of the said four denominations, shall henceforth he held and vested in the said corporation and shall be used and administered for the benefit of the said Methodist Church. ^sted'in'thecS ^* ^^^ ^^^® property, real and personal, under poration in trust, the jurdisdiction of the Parliament of Canada, held in trust for or to the use of any congregation, congre- gations, circuit, station or mission, of any of the said four denominations, is hereby vested in the said Church, and I shall be held for the use of such con ri » J > remove all officers, agents and servants, and from time to time, make, alter or vary any by-laws, rules or regulations touching and cc. turning the time and placo of holding meetings and notices thereof, and for the good ordering, discipline and government of the said Church, and the performance of divine worship in any of the churches of the said corporation, and all matters respecting the same, and all other matters and things which to them seem good, fit and useful for the well ordering, governing and advance- ment of the said Church. BoardsandCom- ^. The Said corporation may appoint boards tain purposes, or committees composed of the members thereof, to take charge of or deal with and dispose of the respec- tive funds, including book and publishing interests and other interests, belonging to the said Church, as set out in their Basis of Union and in accordance therewith, and may establish such other funds as may be deemed expe- dient, and may appoint boards or committees of the mem- bers of the said corparation to take cliarge of, deal with and dispose of the said funds so formed, in accordance with the provisions of the said Basin of Union, .t APPENDIX IV. 289 F'/*^°' fu*^ ^ 0. Subject to the provisions in section five tate for t he use ^ o r of the corpora- hereinbefore contained, the said corporation may i eive voluntary conveyances of, and may purchase, hold and convey such real estate as the purposes Proviso: for of the said corporation require : Provided that ahoTiation of . . realty not oc- the corporation shall, within ten years after its cupieu. . . *. acquisition of any such real estate, sell or other- wise dispose of and alienate so much of such real estate as is not required for the use and occupation or other like purposes of the corporation. Real and per- |0. Subiect to the provisions in the said sonal estate may '^ ^ be acquired by section five hereinbefore contained, the said devise. corporation shall be capable of taking, holding and receiving any real or personal estate by virtue of any devise contained in any last will and testament of any per- Proviso : to be gon whatever : Provided always that such de- subject to cer- \ tain rules of law. vise of real estate shall be subject to the laws respecting devises of real estate to religious corporations in force at the time of such devise, in the Province in which such real estate is situated, so far as the same apply to the said corporiition. As to disposal of || , The said corporation shall h ave authority such estate. *^ ^ '' to alienate, exchange, demise, let or lease for any term of years such messuages, lands, tenements, here- ditaments and immovable pioperty as shall be given, granted, purchased, appropriated, devised or bequeathed to the said corporation for all or any of the purposes thereof, subject to the proviso in section nine contained. 20 111 li 290 APPENDIX IV. 11' Application of funds of corpo- ration. t^. The said corporation shall have power to make advances, by way of loan or gift, out of its funds not required to meet ordinary expenses and dis- bursements, to assist in the erection or maintenance of col- leges, schools, or parsonages, as the General Conference or committee having charge of the fund may direct ; and mdv Security to be take or hold any real or personal estate or secu- tsiken or debts, ^ ^ •' ^ ^ &c- rities thereon, mortgaged or assigned to the said corporation to secure payment of such loan, or to secure payment of any debts or demands due to the said corpora- tion, and may proceed on such mortgn.ges, assignments or other securities for the recovery of the money thereby secured either at law or in equity or otherwise : and gen- erally may pursue the same course, exercise the same General powers, powers, and take and use the same remedies to enforce the payment of any debt or demand due to the said corporation as any individual or body corporate may, by law, take or use for like purpose. 13- The said corporation may, for the pur- the Investment of funds of corpo- ration, and on pose of in^'-estment, lend money upon wh&tsecuri- . « , i i ties. security of real estate, purchase debentures of municipal or public school corporations, or Dominion or Provincial stock or securities, may sell any such securities as to it may seem advisable, and for that purpose may execute such assignments or other instruments as are necessary for carrying the same into effect; and for such purposes of investment, may make advances to any person or persons OP body corporate upon any of the above mentioned securi- interest ^ies at such rate of interest, not exceeding | eight per cent, per annum, as is agreed upon: Provided, APPENDIX IV. 291 Proviao. however, that nothing in this Act contained shall be construed to limit the power of such corporation to make such investments of its capital or surplus income which it otherwise has by virtue of its corporate existence. Borrowing |4. The Said Corporation shall have power powers of cor- ^ * poratioti. to borrow any sum or sums of money from banks or other corporations, or from private persons, as in the opinion of the General Conference or the board or com- mittee having charge of any of the funds of the said cor- poration, may be required for the purposes thereof, and may, under the direction of the said General Conference or committee having chgirge of such fund, hypothecate, mort- gage or pledge so much of the real or personal property held in trust 'for such fund as is necessary to secure any sum or sums of money so borrowed. Pronsion as to |5, The real K by the said corporation, and the same may be affixed by such officers as the said General Conference by by-law or resolution directs ; and until direction by the said General Conference, the same may be affixed to any conveyance of property within the bounds of any of the said annual con- ferences by the president or secretary of such annual con- ference, and may. for the purpose of conveying any pro perty in charge of any board or committee of the said corporation, be affixed by the chairman of the said board or committee, or such other officer as the board or committee directs. Certain resolu- |'J'. All resolutions passed by the General tionsto have ' ^ '^ •' force of by-laws. Conference of the said corporation shall have the force and effect of by-laws, and no formal by-law shall be required for the purpose of managing the affairs of the said corporation. As to debts se- |g. The said corporation in receiving, takins: cured on pro- ^ ^ o> o p«rt.v trans- or holding any property heretofore held by any corporation. of the said four denominations, shall not in anywise become responsible or liable for the debts or obliga- tions which have been contracted in respect thereto, but the property specially charged with the said debts, and persons who have become liable in respect to the said debts or obli- gation, shall remain liable in the same manner and to the same degree as if the said union had not been effected, or *his A-ct had not been passed, save in so far as the said cor- poration, by the Basis of Union, has undertaken the pay- nxent of any such debts or obligationSv APPENDIX IV. 293 BabK>^ of Union |J) The said Basis of Union adopted by the aiJopted at IJelle- ^ '' viiie confirmed said fouF denominations, and the rules, regula* and (leclartd ... , . « binding. tions and discipline also adopted by the said four denominations in the said General Conference or Con* vention held at the said City of Belleville, are hereby declared to be binding on the said corporation and all the members thereof, until the same shall have been altered or varied in accordance with the provisions therein contained, and the officers and boards of management appointed by the said General Conference or Convention are hereby declared invested with the powers sought or declared to be conferred upon them by the said Convention or Conference. Certain rights saved. /}0. Nothing ill this Act contained shall prejudice or affect any existing right or interest in the superannuation fund of any of the said four denomi- nations, or any cause ot action in respect thereof. ofAcT""*'"*"* ^I. This Act shall come into force on the first day of June, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-four ; nevertheless, the annual conferences of any of the said four denominations which have not met before the said date, may meet during the said month of June to complete the business of the ye^w- Repeal of inconiiistent enactments. J^^. All Acts and portions of Acts inconsis- tent with the provisions of this Ac« are hereby repealed, in so far as may be necessary to give full effect to this Act '*^ ''i. 294 APPENDIX IV. SCHEDULE B. i ■;;■:*( and other build- ings, (Referred to in Section 6 above.) 1. Upon trust 1. Upon trust that they, the said trustees and to build a church their successors, or the trustee or trustees for the time being, acting in the trusts lierein, shall and do, with and out of the moneys now or which may )iereafter be possessed by them or him for that purpose, and as soon as con- veniently may be, erect and build upon the land held in trust, or some part thereof, and from time to time and at all times hereafter, whenever it shall be necessary for the due accomplishment of the trusts or any of them, repair, alter, enlarge and rebuild a church or place of religious worship, and a dwelling house or dwelling houses, vestry room cr vestry rooms, school room or school rooms and other offices, conveniences and appurtenances, or with or without any of them respectively, as the trustees for the time being shall, from time to time, deem necessa,ry or expedient. 2. To permit 2. And upon further trust, from time to time and buildings to be at all times after the erection thereof, to permit and used as a chiirch suffer the f aid church or place of religious worship, ist Church. ° with the appurtenances, to be used, occupied and en- joyed as and for a place of religious worship by a congregation of the Methodist Church, and for public and other meetings and services of a religious or spiritual character, held according to the rules, discipline and general usages of the said church, and do and shall, from time to time, and at all times here- after, permit and suffer such person or persons as are hereinafter mentioned or designated, an I such person or persons only, to preach and expound God's Holy Word, and to perform the usual acts of religious worship therein and burial service in the burying ground thereto belonging ; that is to say, such person and persons as shall be, from time to time, approved and for that purpose duly appointed thereto in accordance with tke rules and discipline of the said Methodist Church, and no other person or persons whomsoever. 3. And upon further trusts, from time to time and at ull times hereafter, to permit and suffer such minister or ministers of the aforesaid Methodist Church to reside in, use, occupy and enjoy, free from the payment of any rent for the same, the dwelling house or dwelling houses, with the appurtenances (if any there be) erected thereon for that purpose, during such time 3. To permit dwelling house on said premises to be used by the minister in charge. APPENDIX IV. 295 itees and • the time L do, with hereafter 311 as con- trust, or hereafter, ;nt of the church or ig houses, and other )ut any of from time I time and )ermit and s worship, •d and en- lip by a md other uter, held the said mes here- ereinafter to preach al acts of ig ground is as shall ippointod the said ever. [time and Iffer sui;h jlethodifet If ree from dwelling lances (if ich time (ind times as the said minister or ministers shall and may be duly authorized so to do, by his or their being appointed in accordance with the rules and discipline of the said Methodist Church to the circuit or station in which the same may be situated, without the let, suit, hindrance, or denial of the said trustees, or of any person or persons on their or any of their behalf ; and it is hereby declared that the times and manner of the various services and ordinances of religious worship to be observed and performed in the said place of religious worship, shall be regulated according to the rules and discipline and general usage of the Methodist Church, and that the officiating minister for the time being, whether appointed by the said conference, or permitted or appointed by the said superinten- dent minister for the time being, or otherwise permitted or appoint ed, as in these presents is mentioned, shall have the direction and conducting of the same worship, in conformity, nevertheless, to the said rules and discipline and general usage of the said Methodist Church : Provided always, that no person or persons whomsoevci' shall at any time hereafter be permitted to preach or expound God's Holy Word, or to perform any of the usual acts of religious worship, upon the said parcel or tract of land and hereditaments, or in the said church or place of religious worship and premises, or any of them, or any part or parts thereof, or .. or upon the appurtenances thereto belonging, or any of them, or any part or parts thereof, who shall maintain, promulgate or teach any doctrine or practice contrary to what is contained in certain notes on the New Testament, commonly reputed to be the notes of John Wesley, and in the first four volumes of sermons commonly reputed to be written and pub- lished by him. 4. To permit 4. And upon further trust, in case a school room or Sunday schools school rooms shall be erected or provided upon the in said diurch." ^^^^ parcel or tract of land, or any part thereof, as aforesaid, or if there shall be no separate school room or school rooms, and it shall, by the said trustees, or the major part thereof, be thought necessary or expedient to hold and teach a Sunday school in any proper part of the said church or place of religious worship, then to permit and suffer a Sunday school to be held, conducted and carried on from time to time in said school room or school rooms, or if it shall be thought necessary or expedient, as aforesaid, in the said church or place of religious worship, as afore- said, but if in the said church or place of religious worship, then only at such hours and times as shall not interfere wuth the public worship of Almighty God therein, and in all cases, whether in said church or place of religious worship or not, under such government, orders and regulations as the General Conference of the said Method* 296 APPENDIX IV. ist Church have directed or appointed, or shall hereafter, from time to time, direct or appoint, and also subjeut always to the proviso hereinbefore contained respecting doctrines. 5. To take 5. Provided always, that it shall be lawful for the down and re- g^id trustees, or the major part of them, when and so move buildiiiirs r* ai i n i au. ™ and to rebuild. "^^^G" '^3 *hoy shall deem the same necessary or expe- dient, to take down and remove the said church, vestry room or vestry rooms, school room or school rooms, dwellinj^' house or dwelling houses, offices, conveniences or appurtenances to tlie said church or place of religious worship, or premises belongiiv,' or appertaining, or all or any of them, or any part or parts thereof, respectively, for the purpose of rebuilding the said church or place of religious worship, or for the purpose of rebuilding any other vestry room or vestry rooms, school room or school rooms, dwelling house or dwelling houses, offices, or conveniences or appurtenances, or en- larging or altering the same respectively, or all or any of them, so as to render the premises better adapted to and for the due accomplishment of the trusts, intents and purposes of these presents. K^^';^ ! |il'i;t- 6. To mortgage. ^* ^^ ^^ hereby declared that from time to time and ' at all times hereafter it shall and may be lawful to and for the said trustees, or the major part of them, to mortgage, and for that purpose to appoint, convey and assure, in fee or for any term or terms of years, the said parcel or tract of land, church or place of religious worship, hereditaments and premises, or any part or parts thereof respectively, to any person or persons whom- soever for securing such sum or sums of money as may be requisite or necessary in or for the due execution and accomplishment of the trusts and purposes of these presents or any of them, according to the true intent and meaning thereof ; but it is hereby declared that it shall not be incumbent upon any mortgagee or mortgagees, or upon any intended mortgagee or mortgagees of the said trust premises or any part or parts thereof, to inquire into the necessity, expediency or propriety of any mortgage or mortgages which shall be made or proposed to be made under or by virtue of these presents, nor shall anything in these presents contained, or which may be contained in any such mortgage or mortgages, extend or be construed to extend, (unless where the contrary shall, with the full knowledge and con- sent of the said trustees, or the major part of them, be therein actually expressed), to hinder, prevent or make unlawful the taking down, removing, enlarging or altering the said buildings and pre- misea or any of them respectively, as in these presents before men* APPENDIX IV. 297 tioned and provided for in that behalf, nur in any manner to hinder, prevent or interfere with the due execution «;f the trusts or purposes of these presents or any of them, so long as such mortgagee or mort- gagees, his, her or their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, shall not be in tiie actual possession, as such mortgage*} or mortgagees, of the hereditaments comprised or to be compristul in such jiiortgage or mortgages, anything in these presents contained to the contrary in anywise notwithstanding. 7. To let pews 7. And upon further trust, from time to time, and at dwdfini''house'J ^^^ *^'"®^ hereafter, to let the pews and ^eats in the said andtoseil^jraves church or place of religi(ms worship at a reasonal»li' and tombs. rent or reason:ible rents (reserving as many free seal.-; where and as may be thought necessary or expedient), and if there shall be any su( r^iP' mi 5U„ 8. Trustees to 8. And it is hereby declared that the said trustees arising thIrJ. *^^^ trustee for the time being shall stAud and be from upon trust, possessed of the money arising from the said rents, to pay taxes, in- profits and income (except as aforesaid), upon trust, Burance, and for thereout to pay, in the first place such duties, taxes, tem!taiid*'cx" nites and other outgoings (if any) as, from time to po'ises incurred time, shall be lawfully payable in respect of the said '1 V^.^^^°"'^°" premises or ar.y part or parts thereof, and also the of the trusts i.i i c • • ti hereof. costs, charges and expenses of insuring and keeping insured the taid trust premises against loss or damages by fire, in such^um or sums as the said trustees or the major part of them shall, from time to time, think proper or expedient, and in rep;i,iring and keeping the said trust premises in good repair ami condition; and likewise the interest of all principal moneys bor- rowed and then due and owing on security of tlie said trust premises or of any part or parts thereof, by virtue of the trusts hereof, and then to retain to and reimburse themselves respectively all costs, charges and expenses lawfully incurred and paid by them in or about the due execution of the trusts hereof or any of them, and in the next place thereout to pay and discharge the necessary costs, charges and expenses, from time to time incurred in cleansing, warming, lighting and attending to the said church or place of religious worship and premises, and generally to liquidate any debts, costs, charges and incumbrances and expenses at an}' time lawfully incurred under or occasioned by the due execution of the trusts hereof or any of them, and not included in any of the provisions aforesaid. 9. To apply sur- 9. And upon further trust, from time to time, to pav mvmt'nt^onnln- ^"'^ ^PP^Y *^"y s^^rplus money remaining after the dwe wtcrs in charife, payment of all such lawful debts, costs, charges, in- a-sistinjr funds of cumbrances and expenses as aforesaid (but according othercimrchcs, ^nd in conformity to the rules and discipline of the church^oTsub- said Methodist Church), for or towards the support of scribing to the minister or ministers, for the time being, respect- charities. ively appointed by the saiil Conference or otherwise as aforesaid, either on the circuit on which the saiil chapel or place of religious worship shall, Tor the time being, be situated, or on that and some other circuit or circuits, or in some other circuit or circuits only, or for or towards the purpose of assisting or increasing the funds of any other church or place of religious worship, or churches or places of religious worship, appropriated to the use of the said Methodist Church, or in building any new church or place of relig- ious worship, or churches or places of religious worship, for the use of the said Methodist Church, and which shall be settled upoa APPENDIX IV. 299 trusts, ends» intents and purposes similar hereto; or in subscribing or giving to any of the general funds, objects or charities of the said Methodist Church; or for or towards all or any of the purposes, obiects, funds or charities hereinbefore mentioned, in such manner as the said trustees, or the major part of them, shall, from time to time, think necessary or expedient; and it is hereby declared that it shall be lawful for the said trustees, or the major part of them (although there shall not then be any such surplus money as afore- s;ii(l), from time to time, to subscribe or give such sum or sums of money as they shall think necessary or expedient, and which may be conveniently spared from the funds of the said church or place of riilitrious worships for or towards all or any of the purposes, objects, funds or charities aforesaid. It). To appoint and 10 Ane situate, at a meeting convened for that purpose ; and of every such meeting fourteen days' notice in writing, specifying tiic time, place and purpose of such meeting, shall and may be given under the direction of the said superintendent for the time being, by any one or more of them, the said trustee or trustees for the time being, to each and every the other and others of them, the said trustees or trustee, circuit stewards and circuit steward, for the time being, and citlier personally served upon him and them respec- tively, or left for or sent by the post to him and them at his and their most usual place and places of abode or business; and in order to facilitate the auditing of the said acccmnts, minutes, documents, articles, matters and things, it shall be lawful for the said superin- tendent, circuit steward and circuit stewards for the time being as aforesaid, or either or any of them, to appoint in writing a deputy or deputies to act therein for them and him respectively, as afore- said, and for that purpose any one or more of them may be the deputy or deputies of the other or others of them the said superintendent, circuit steward and circuit stewards ; and it is hereby declared that the signatures of all of them the said auditors, deputies and deputy, or of the aggregate majority of them, written in the said book and l»ooks of accounts and minutes, reupectively, shall be sufficient evi- APPENDIX TV. 301 deuce that all the matters and things relating to the said trust pre- mises, which were up to that time included in the said books, ac- counts, minutes and documents, matters and things, \/cre duly examined, audited and approved of, unless and except sc far as the contrary shall be therein, by them or by the aggregate majority of them, in writing expressed. 12. And it is 12. And it is hereby declared that every meeting for I'^J* o^,r«f,'^!iY,'?3 the purpose of taldng into consideration the propriety t 'at seven days .. ^ i- i^ .• c i Ti« *r *^ liutioe of a spe- oi making any alteration of or any addition to or cial meetintrand mortgage or sale of the said church or place of religious convenient no- worship and premises, or any part or parts thereof, or incitin<'-sof trus- ^^^ contracting any debt upon, for or on account there- tees shall bo of (otiier than for the ordinary current expenses ^'iven. thereof), or for letting any such house or houses, school room or school rooms, as aforesaid, or for fixing the rents or prices, or making or altering rules to ascertain the rents or prices of such graves, tombs, pews and seats as aforesaid, or for appropriating the funds or any part of the funds of the said church or place of religious worship (otherwise than for the due payment of the ordi- nary current expenses thereof), or for bringing or defending any action or a'ctitms, suit or suits, respecting the said trust estates and premises or any parts thereof, or any matter relating thereto, or for any one or more of the above purposes, shall be and shall be deemed and taken to be a special meeting ; and of every such meeting seven (lays' notice in writing, specifying the time, place and purpose or purposes of such meeting, and signed by at least either two of the said trustees or by the superintendent minister for the time being, shall be given to the other and others of them and him the said trus- tees and superintendent minister (unless where he is himself the per- son giving such notice), and either personally served upon him and them, or left for, or sent by the post to him and them respectively, at his and their most usual place or places of abode or business ; and for the purpose of transacting their ordinary business relating to the said church or place of religious worship and premises, or for any other purpose relating to these presents or trusts thereof (except where seven days' notice is expressed or required as herein- before mentioned), a meeting of the said trustees may be held with the said superintendent for the time being, as aforesaid, so soon as the same can be conveniently convened by notice in writing, speci- fying the time and place of such meting, given and signed ))y at least either two of the said trustees or by the said superintendent for the time being, and either personally served upon or left for, or sent by the post as aforesaid, to the other and others of tliem re- ipeotively at his and their most usual place or placea of abode or 802 APPENDIX IV. li^m trustees shall rule, and that in case of a tie, the chairman shall give a castir.g vote. business: Provided always, and it is hereby declared, that no meeting held under or by virtue of these presents shall be invalid, or the resolutions thereof void or impeached, by reason that any each notice or notices, as aforesaid, may not or shall not have reached any said trustee or trustees who, at the time of any such meeting, happens to be out of the Province in which the lands and premises held in trust are situated, or who or whose place or places of abode or business shall not be known to, and can not reasonably be found or discovered by, the person or persons who is or are respec- tively, as aforesaid, authorized ij give any such notice or notices as aforesaid. 13. That a ^ ^ 13. And it is hereby declared that at any meeting held under or by virtue of the trusts hereof, or any of them, the vot^s of the persons present and entitled to vote, or the votes of a majority of them, '^^'lall decide any question or matter proposed at such meet- ing and respecting which such votes shall be given ; and in case the votes shall be equally divided, then the chairman of such meeting shall give the casting vote. And it is hereby declared, that whenever it shall be thought necessary or expedient to do anything in and by these presents directed, author- ized or made lawful to be done, the nece8t^ity or expediency of doing the same shall, in like manner, be decided by the persons present and entitled to vote upon the question to be determined, or by the majority of them, and if there shall be an even division, then by such casting vote as aforesaid ; and all acts and deeds done and executed in pursuance of any such decision as aforesaid, at any such meeting as aforesaid, shall bo good, valid and binding on all persons entitUcl to vote at the meeting, who may be absent, or being present, may be in the minority, and on all other persons claiming under or in pur- suance of these presents ; but no person (unless where the contrary is hereinbefore expressly mentioned) shall be allowed to vote in more than one capacity at the same time or on the same question, although holding more than one office at the same time in the said church, or in the same I'leeting. 14. That the rules, discipline, doctrines and usages of the Church shall be in force subject to the i^roviso respecting doctrines herein uoutained. 14. And it is hereby declared that the " rules and discipline and general usage " of the said Methodist Church in these presents mentioned or referred to, are the rules and discipline of the said Church, as printed and published by authority of the said Con- ference, in a book entitled " Doctrines and Discipline of the Methodist Church," and the general usage and practice of the societies belonging to said Church, and such rules and regulations as may, from time to 151 sul in( del Chi uie tC(l Ofi tec chd APPENDIX IV. 303 I, that no be invalid, n that any ave reached jh meeting, id premises ■ places of isonably l)e are respec- r notices as my meeting reof, or any md entitled them, •^'lall ; such meet- I be given ; ivided, then >te. And it lecessary or ted, author- acy of doing ons present or by the hen by such d executed ch XTieeting ns entitled nt, may he or in pur- e contrary to vote in e question, in the said time, be made or adopted by the said General Conference, and printed and published in their journals, in accordance with the pro- visions contained in book of discipline, but subject at all times to the proviso respecting doctrines in these presents contained. 15. Thp-t the superintendent minister or hia deputy shall be chairman of 15. Provided always, and it is hereby declared, that excepting where the contrary is in these presents ex- pressly declared or provided for, the superintendent minister, for the time being, of the circuit or station meetings of trus- jn which the said church or place of religious worship of*absence"t^^" shall, for the time being, be situated, or his deputy tees may appoint thereunto from time to time by him nominated and chairman. appointed in writing, under his hand, shall be the chairman of, and shall preside at, and shall have a casting vote as such superintendent minister, for and in all meetings held under or by virtue of these presents; but in case the said superintendent minister for the time being, or his deputy to be so appointed as aforesaid, shall, at any time, neglect to attend at any such meeting as aforesaid, or if the superintendent minister, or his deputy ap- pointed as aforesaid, shall attend but shall refuse to act as such, the chairman, at any such meeting as aforesaid, or if the said superin- tendent ninister shall not attend at any such meeting, and shall neglect to appoint a deputy as aforesaid, then and in every and any of the said cases, it shall be lawful for the persons for the time being composing such meeting and entitled to vote thereat, or for a majority of them, to elect and choose from among themselves a chairman to preside for the time being at any such meeting as afore- said ; and every meeting so held upon any such neglect or refusal of the said superintendent minister, or his deputy as aforesaid, shall be as valid and cfTectual as if the said superintendent, or his deputy as aforesaid, had been the chairman thereof and had presided thereat. 16. Proviso for 16. Provided always, and it is hereby declared, that Sonselt of Con-** ^* ^^^^^ *"^ ^'^^ ^^ lawful to and for the said trustees, ference. o^ * majority of them, with the consent of the said annual conference (such consent to be testified in writing under the hand of the president or secretary for the time being of the said conference), either by joining in the deed of con- veyance for the purpose of expressing such consent or by separate document, at any time or times hereafter, absolutely to sell and dispose of the said parcel or tract of land, church or place of reli- gious worship, hereditaments and premises, or of such part or parts of the same, respecting which such consent in writing as aforesaid shall be given, either by public sale or private contract, and to- gether or in parcels and either at one and the same time or at 804 APPENDIX IV. ir-.'% ':l Kl different times and prices, for the best price or prices, in money, that can be reasonably obtained for the same, and well and effec- fcual'y to convey and assuro the hereditaments and premises so sold to the purchaser or purchasers thereof, his, her or their heirs and assigns, or as he, she or they shall direct or appoint ; and the liereditaments and premises so sold and conveyed and assured as aforesaid shall thenceforth be held and enjoyed by the purchaser or purchasers thereof, his, her and their heirs, executors, adminis- trators and assigns, freed and absolutely discharged from these presents, and from the trusts hereby declared and every of them ; and the said trustees or trustee for the time being shall apply the money which shall arise from every such sale as aforesaid, so far as the same will extend, to the discharge of all the incumbrances, liabilities and responsibilities, whether personal or otherwise, law- fully contracted or occasioned by virtue of these presents, or in the due execution of the trusts hereof, or of any of them, and subject thereto, and to the payment of any debts upon any other church property on the said circuit, or for building new churches, or for the purpose of procuring a larger and more conveniently or eligibly situated parcel or tract of land and church or place of religious worship and parsonage premises, in the place and stead of the said parcel or tract of land and church or place of religious worship or parsonage and hereditaments and premises so sold or disposed of ; and the balance, if any, to be applied to the use of the church and parsonage aid fund of the said Methodist Church and the said annual conference : Provided, however, that if any such church or property so sold belonged to the Bible Christian Church prior to the union of the said Church with the other Methodist Churches, the surplus, after payment of debts, shall be applied to the reduction of the missionary debts, as provided in the Basis of Union. 17. Proviso for 17. Provided always, that if at any time hereafter meViisershall^* *^® income arising from the said parcel or tract of bo inadequate to land, church or place of religious worship, heredita- meet and dis- ments and premises, shall be inadequate to meet and chaifre interest clischarge the interest of all moneys borrowed and expenses, ^jj^g^ ^^q a^jj,j owing upon or on account of the said trust premises, and the various current expenses attending the due execution of the trusts hereof, and if the said trustees, for the time being, of these presents, shall desire to retire and be discharged from the burden and execution of the said trusts, and if no such persons as are hereinafter mentioned or described can be found to take upon themselves the burden and execution of the said trusts, with the responsibility and liability to be thereby incurred, then in that case it shall bo lawful for the said trustees, icr the time being, as aforesaid, or the major part of them; of theiv own proper autliority, APPENDIX IV. 305 n money, and effec- )cs so sold heirs and ; and the Lissured as iichaser or , adminis- rom these r of them ; apply the I, so far as unbrances, [•wise, law- 1, or ill the nd subject her church ihes, or for or eligibly ff religious of the said worship or isposed of; ihurch and aid annual r property ,e union of e surplus, lion of the hereafter |>r tract of heredita- meet and lowed and If the said \g the due the time Uscharged [f no such found to [id trusts, I, then in I being, as Lutlwrity, and without any such consent by the said annual conference as afore- said, to sell and dispose of the said parcel or tract of land, church or place of religious worship, hereditaments and premises, or any part or parts of the same, respectively, either by public sale or private contract, and either together or in parcels, and either at one and the same time or at different times, for the best price or prices in money that can be reasonably obtained for the same ; and well and effectually to convey and assure the hereditaments and premises so sold, with the appurtenances, to the purchaser or purchasers thereof, his, her or their heirs and assigns, or as he, she or they shall direct or appoint ; and the hereditaments and premises so sold and conveyed and assured, as last aforesaid, shall thenceforth be held and enjoyed by the purchaser and purchasers thereof, his, her and their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, freed and absolutely dis- charged from these presents and tlie trusts hereby declared, and every of them ; and all the moneys arising from every such last- mentioned sale shall be applied, disposed of and appropriated, as far as the same money will extend, to the purposes and in the manner hereinbefore directed in respect to cany sale made in pursuance or in consequence of such consent of or by the said annual conference, as aforesaid :.but it is hereby declared that no sale shall be made by virtue of this present power or authority, unless the said trustees for the time being as aforesaid, or a majority of thein, shall give notice in writing to the said annual conference, or to the presi«lent for the time being of the said annual conference, on or before the first day of the then next annual meeting of the said annual confer- ence, of their intention to make such sale, and the reasons for the same, nor unless the said annual conference shall, for the space of six calendar months next after the said first day of their said an- nual meeting, refuse or neglect either to give, grant or provide the said trustees or trustee for the time being with such pecuniary or other aid, assistance and relief as shall enable them and him to bear .ind continue the burden of the execution of the trusts of these pre- benls, or (as the case may be) to fiud and provide other trustees who will take upon themselves the burden of the execution of tlie said I trusts. 118. And it is hereby declared that, except in case of mortgage lor sale, the re- Iceipt of a major- I ity of the trustees lor of trustee, hteward or treas- larerdulyauthor- |ize(i,8hidlbe8Uf- liicient. 9\ 18. And it is hereby declared that the receipt and receipts of a majority of the said trustees for the time being shall, in all cases of piymcnt made to them, or any of them as such trustees or trustee as aforesaid, be a full discharge to the person or persons entitled to such receipt or receipts, his, her and their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, for all mort- gage moneys, purchase moneys, or other moneys there- in, respectively, expressed and acknowledged to have been received by any such trustee? or trustee, t^^ fi'i 806 APPENDIX IV. aforesaid ; and in all cases, except for money paid and received in respect of any mortgage or sale of the said hereditaments and premises, or any part or parts thereof, as aforesaid, the receipt and receipts of any one or more of the said trustees for the time being, or any one or more of the stewards or treasurers for the time being, by the said trustees for the time being, or the major part of them, duly authorized to sign and give receipts, shall be a full discharge to the person and persons entitled to such receipt or receipts, his, her and their heirs, executors and administrators, for all moneys (except as aforesaid) therein respectively expressed and acknow- ledged to have been received by any such trustee, steward or treasurer, as aforesaid. 19. That pur- 19. And it is hereby declared that it shall not be ''ao^irBhall"not "^^umbent upon any mortgagee or mortgagees, pur- beljound to in- chaser or purchasers of the said parcel or tract of land, quire as to tiie church or place of religious worship, hereditaments necessity of sale and premises, or of any part or parts thereof, respec- ormor gage. tively, to inquire into the necessity, expediency or propriety of any mortgage, sals or disposition of the said parcel or tract of land, church or place of religious worship, hereditaments and premises, or of any part or parts thereof made or proposed to be made by the said trustees or trustee for the time being, or tlio major part of them, as aforesaid, or whether any such notice or notices, as aforesaid, was or were duly given, or was or were valid or sufficient, or whether any steward or stewards, treasurer or treasurers, was or were duly authorized to sign and give receipts as aforesaid ; nor shall it be incumbent upon any such mortgagee or mortgagees, purchaser or purchasers, or any of them, or for any other person or persons, his, her or their heirs, executors, adminis- trators or assigns, paying money to such trustees or trustee, or to their steward or stewards, treasurer or treasurers, for the time being, as aforesaid, to see to the application, or to be answerable or accountable for the loss, mis-application or non-application of such purchase or other money, or any part thereof, for which a receipt | or receipts shall be so respectively given, as aforesaid. 20. Thattrug- 20. And it is hereby declared that the said trustees I a^'countaWe fo^^ ^^ trustee for the time being shall not, nor shall any hivolu.itary loss, o^ them, their or any of their heirs, executors or ad- ministrators', or any of them, be chargeable or account- able for any involuntary loss suficred by him, them or any of them, nor any om or more of them, or any other or others of them, nor for more money than shall come to their respective hands, nor fori injury done by others to the said trust premises, or to any part or j parts thereof* APPENDIX IV. 307 d received binents and receipt and time being, time being, ,rt of them, 11 discharge jceipts, his, all moneys id acknow- steward or shall not be gagees, pur- ract of land, reditaments reof, respec- pediency or lid parcel or reditaments jposed to be eing or tlu ;h notice or were valid reasurer or receipts as ortgagee or or for any a, adminis- lustee, or to time being, erable or ion of such h a receipt lid trustees ^r shall any itors or ad- lor account- \y of them, them, nor Ids, nor for Iny part or 21. That number 21. And it is hereby declared to be the true iuteut noSSthan *°^ meaning of this indenture and of the parties five nor more thereto, that the full number of the trustees of the than twenty-one, said trust shall not be less than five (5) nor more than and tiiat vaca... twenty-one (21), and that when and so often as any ties are to bo '' r au • i i. i r i.u • filieil and num- ""'^ ^^ more of the said trustees or of their successors ber increased by in the said tiust shall die, resign office as trustee, by nomination and and with the consent of a two-thirds vote of the co- appiuntmeiit. trustees, or withdraw from or cease to be a member or members of the said Methodist Church, according to the rules and discipline of the said Church, or shall remove to such distance as shall in the opinion of his co-trustees, expressed by a two-thirds vote of said co-trustees, render it inexpedient for him to remain in said trust, the place of the trustee or trustees so dying, resigning, withdrawing, ceasing to be a member or members of the said Church, or removing as aforesaid, shall thereupon become vacant, subject, however, to the provisos next hereinafter set out, and shall be filled with a successor or successors, being a member or members of the said Church, of the full age of twenty-one years, to be nominated and appointed as follows, that is to say, — to be nominated by the Methodist Chlirch minister having charge, for the time being, of the circuit or station in which the said herel)y conveyed premises shall he situate, and thereupon appointed by the surviving or remaining trustee or trustees of the said trust, or a majority of them, if he or they shall think proper to appoint the person or persons so nominated; and in case of an equal division of the votes of the trustees present at any meeting of the trustees held for the purpose of such appointment, the minister so in charge of the said circuit or station shall have a casting vote in such appoint- ment: Provided always, that no such consent as aforesaid shall be given while any vacancies remain unfilled, nor shall the trustees con- sent to the resignation of more than one trustee by any one vote : Provided also, that notwithstanding the withdrawal by a trustee from his membership in the said Church, his powers and liabilities as a trustee shall not cease unless his place in the trust shall be de- clared vacant by a two -thirds vote of the remaining trustees, which declaration it shall be in their power to make, on their being con- vinced that he has withdrawn as aforesaid, provided that no prior vacancy remain then unfilled, and provided that not more than one vacancy shall be declared by any one vote ; and if at any time it shall be deemed advisable to increase the number of trustees to a number greater than that appointed hereby, not exceeding twenty- one, then the person or persons whom it is desired to appoint as such new trustee or trustees shall be nominated and appointed as is next hereinbefore provided for the filling of vacancies ; and if it shall 808 APPENDIX rV. happen »t any time that there shall be no surviving or remaining trustee of the said trust, in every such case it shall and may bu lawful for the minister aforesaid to nominate, and the quarterly meeting of the circuit or station, if they approve of the person or persons so nominated, to appoint, the requisite number of the trustees of the said trust, by tne vote of the majority of the mem- bers of the said meeting then present; and in case of an equal division of their votes, the chairman of the said meeting shall have the casting vote in such appointment, and the person or persons su nominated and appointed trustee or trustees in either of the sai'l modes of nomination and appointment shall be the legal successor or successors, co-trustee or co-trustees, of the said above-name*! trustees, and shall have, in perpetual succession, the same capacities, powers, rights, duties, estates and interests as are given to the above- named trustees in and by these presents, and in and by any Statute or Statutes which may, for the time being, be in force alFecting the same. 22. To fix quo- 22. It is hereby declared that a majority of the said rum, &o. trustees shall form a quorum, all having been duly notified; and when a majority or two-thirds vote may be required for any purpose, it shall be held to mean a majority or two-thirds, as the case may be, of any such meeting. 23. To fix time 23. A full and acurate financial statement, duly c?L 8teteme?it"* »« Parsonages on a division of a Circuit, 244. In regard to location of new Churches, 250. Articles of Rblioion— Stated 2, "20. Not to be revoked, altered or changed, 92, § 1. Assistant Liadrrs — Members of the Quarterly Board, 171. Auditors — Of Book Room. 330. Of Sabbath School Board, 326. Of Trustee Board, p. 299, S H* Baptism — Artiele on, 18. Modes of, 37. 314 INDEX. j-ji. ;; Vs., Baptism— CConri?; ued.) Subjects for, 30. Of Infants, form for, p. 1^7. Of Adults, form for, p. 191. BaPTIZKD CniM)RRN'— Dut> of I'arents and Guardians of, 75. Cliisscs of, 78. Instruction of, 77. Orphanajje of, 7s). Relation of, to the Church, 70. IJAi^is OK Union— Limitations in Changing, 92, § 15. Appendix III., p. 2(39. BiBTiR, The — The Rule of Faith, 34. Board— Havin^charffcof any Connexionftl Fund may l-!orrow, 105. Meini)crsi em- bers of, p. 2G0. Of Metliodist College, St. John's, New- foundland, p. "JOO. Church and Parsonage Aid Fund, p. 2«'i. Of Superannuation Fund, p. C65. Sabbath-school, p. :'H4. Of JOducational Societv, Members of, p. -264. Of Alma Colloge, M' mbcrs of, v. 2* 3. Of Directors, WesU-yan Ladies' Co le'J^c, Members of, p 2():i. Of Regents of University of Mount Allison, Members of, p. 2(il. Of Wesleyan Theological College, Mont- treal. Members of, p. 2(il. Of Albert College, Belleville, Members of, p. 262. Wesley College, Members of, p. 263. Ontario Ladies' College, p. 262. Boards and Committees of General conkerkncr-- To Report Income and Expenditure Quadrennially, 107. All Stai ding, to Report Quadrennially, 10;^. To Cause Quadrennial Valuation, 840. To Prepare and Present a Quadrennial Report, 841. Books— Duty of Superintendent as to, 175, § 5. Publication and Price of, 340. Book and Printing Estabmsiimbnt— Con^^tltution of, 'd\:7-'6hi\. Book Committee— Composition of, 327. Sections of, b28-3:.0. Duties of Sections of, 331-345. Annual Meetings of, :!34. J^'pecial Meetinsfs of, 342. Api-lication of Profits by, 343, 844. Executive Committi cs of, 346, 347. Duties of Executive < f, 318. Members of, pp. 259, 2oO. Book Stkwaijds — liow Elected, SCO. Duties of, .'.lo!. Salaries of, 337. Suspension of, 338. Registrars of Church Property, 252. Term of Otfi e of, 350. Vacancy in Ofllce of, how filled, 339. Boundaries— Of .Annual Conferences, 93, 2rf), 200 Of Districts, 26 L Of Circuits, 2t;2. Bl'II.DINO OK ClIURCllKS— Reconnnendatious concerning, 24.' 247. Quarterly Board Committee on, 247. Rights secured in, 249. New, 250. BuRiAii OK THE Dead— Form for the, p. 210. CaI/L to Prkacii — Marks of a, 45, 46. In a particular I'lace, 60. Camp-Meetixos — To be encouraged, 176, § 11. Candidates for the Ministrv— Recommendation of, 174, § 5. Examination of, 152. Qualifications of, 152, § 7. Regulations concerning, 161, 154. Canonical Books — OM Testatnent, 6. New Testament, 6. Card Platino— Forbidden, 85. If INDEX. 315 rMKST— 45. 143, 344. U(\, 347. erty, 252. filled, 339. i, 2rf>, 200. •iiing, 2i: !C on, 247. % ■4 , 154. Catechtsh— Furnifehed tn Chldren, 77. Used in the Sabbath-schools, 232. Second, recommended, 175, § 5. Ckrtificates — To Probationer.1, 152, § 6, 153, § 2. To Local Preachers, 18G, § 6 To Members removlnjj, 175, § 7. To Ministers from other Churches, 73. Cri AIRMEN OF DJ8TBTCT.S— How elected, 118, 119. Duties and powers of, 111, 142, § 0, 154, leo, 1«2, § 1-13, 250, 310, 3 9, 361-3fi3, 402, 412. Provision in case of death or disability of, 1G3. Trial of, 228. Appeals from decisions of, 115. rniLDRKN — (Sec Baptized Children.) Childrks's Fund — Constitution of, 459. Income of, 459, § 1. Exemption from assessment for, 450, §2. Amount from, to each child, 4.')9, § 3. C'aitnants on. 459, § 6. Limitation of claim on, 459, § 4. Of Eastern Conferences, 459, § 7. Christ— Article on, 3. Oblation of, artitle on, 21. Resurrection of, 4. Presence of, in the Supper, 19. Christian Mkn's Goods— Article on, 25. Christian Man's Oath— Article on, 26. Chhrch, Tmk— Vrticlc on, 14. Rites and Ceremonies, aiticle on, 23. Churchrs— Building of. 245-247. Layinjr Corner-stone of, form for, p. 2^7. Dedication of, form for, p. •242. Deel (f Conveyance of, 249. Right to preach in, 249. Debts on, to be avoided, 2^(5, 247. Deeds of, to be rejristercd, 2J8. L- oat ion of new, i50. Cin'RCH Property— . Inventory of, 251. Resfister of, 248, 252. Ktturn of, 253. Committee on Titles to, p. 268. Church and Parsonage A'd Fund— Constitution of, 460-468. Object of, 461. Miiiiai^tinent of, 162. Di rectors of, p. 265. Powers of Board of, 462. Capital of, 403. Revenue of, 464. Application of Revenue of, 465. Reports of, 466, Audit of, 467. Regulations concerning, 468. CiRCiriTS— How formed, 262. Division of, 263. Ministerial term on divided, 263. CiRCi's, The — (jio'wg to, forbidden, 35. Class Lkadkrs— How appointed and changed, 175, upernuniprary Fund, 437. Of Consultation and Finance, 308. B oil, 37, p. 253. On i-eccption of Ministers from other Churclies, 72. § 2. For Examitiution of Candidates, 151, §6. On Ministers' Salaries, 193, § 1. Of Trial, v04, iOO, 211, '.13. On Embarrassed Trusts, p. 266. On Tempeiance, p. 2u7. On Union, p. 2t)l. Epworth League, members of, p. 264. Sabbath Observance, members of, p. 266. Community of Goods — Article on, 25. CONFKRBNCB, GKNERAIi— • if whum oomp'sed, 87. Ratio • f representation, 124. DeleKate> to (See Dclegaieb). Quorum of, 9o. Powers of. 92, dK Special Session of, 102. CuUections, 106. CONFBRKNCE, OK^EnAt— (Continued.) S cretarv of, and his duties, 89, 103. Otficeisof, p. 257. Special Committee, membpfsof, p. 257. Delegation, vacancies in, 12{<, 130. 'lo elect itintrant Oeneial Superinten* dents, 1-8. Its limitations ani restrictions, 92. Special Coniniittee of, powers and duties of, 101, 102, lu3. Boards or C'>nunittee8 of, vacancies in, how 111 led. 101. Boardri or Committees to report in- co iieandexpenditurequadtennially, 107. Standing Boa'ds and Connmittees to report quadrennially, 108. Funds, Treasurers of, p. 268. CONFEREXCKS, ANNITAL— C nip sition of, 112. Number of, ~^9. Time and }>lace of meetincr of, 113. Pr si iing Otficers 01, 111, 115. president of, li4. D.ities • f President of, 11=^, 118, Secretary of, and Ids duties, 114,401. Special Minis'trial session of, 137-141. Powe sof, 117, 119, 121, 134, 152, § 1, 177. Death or Disability of President of, I'ir,. Bu-ine?8 of, 130(1-21). Rep rt of Stati-tics of, 13G (14 16). Specia. Committee ot, and powers, 132, 135. Disputes between two, 2C0. Laymen in, h"W elected, 160. Laymen in, qualifications of, 160. ^uni. For Probationers at College, p. 254 For the French work, p 'Zbb. Special, for Missionaries, p. 25G. ConRT OF Appeal — (Ste Appeal.) Covenant Service— Form for, p. 225. Dancing— Forbidden, 36. Dead— Fumi for burial of, p. 210. Dkaconesbks, Order of - May be organized by Annual Confer- ence, 122. Regulations concerning, 122. Debts— Of a Minister or Probationer, 238. Of a Member, 240, Dedicatiqn of a Church— Form for the, p. 242. Dkkd of Settlement— For Church Property, pp. 285, 294. Drlkgatks to Genkral Cosfbrence - How elected, 125. Qualifications of, 126. Reserve. 127. Certifl d list, of, 128. Vacancies filled, 129, 130. DlFPICULTIWS — Settlement of, in Sunday-schools, 298. DiSrUTBii — Settlement of, 239, 260. Districts- How formed. 261. Ch .irmcn of— (.See Chairmen.) I'Istrict Mretino, Annual— Ci>ni]tiisition of. '44. Chairniitn ft, llO, 145. Tune und place of me- ting of, 145. bui*iiie 8 of fir:>tUay of, 148, 141), 15.i, m. m. District Meeting, Annual— (Conttjjt^ed.) Separate meeting «t Laymen of, 1€0, Seerctar> of, and his duties, 146, ICO, 164. business of second day of, 159. Two copies of Minutes of, required, 180. To appoint Auditors, 164. District Meeting, Financial— Compiisition of, ICO. Timo of lioidirig, 165. Buaii'ess of, 167. Secretary of, how appointed, 120. Dutie.-^and powers of tjecretary of, 142, §6. 16;}, 164, 1*9. 170. To fill certain vacancies, 163. Diversions — iSinful, forbidden, 31. D; ctrinb- Standards of, 1. Disseiuination of fal'^c, 235. Domestic Mlssions — Financial condition examined, 167, § 2. Draft of Stations— First, 142. iSecond und final, 142, § 3. Dress — KuleJ concerning, 44. Drunkenness— Fortiidden, 31. Editors- How Elected, 3.n3. Duties or, '.i')i, 355. Salarit s > f. 33. . Term of ofiice - f, 350. Vacancy, how filkd, 339. Educational Society — Constitution of, 26ii-278. Objects of, 208. MeiubciHOf 269. Management of, 270. Boitrd o , p 2 9. Brai fhes of, 271, 273. Meetings on beh If of, 167, § 4, 273. Iricoii e of, 2i2-27t. Division of Income of, 275. Com|)o»itioii of Annual Coiifercncc Committee of, 271. 318 INDEX. Edocational SociVTY—(Contintied. ) Duties of Annual Conference Com- mittee of, 276. Duties of General Secretary of, 277. Duties of General Treasurer of, 278. Elkctions— Of delegates to General Conference, 87, 12.M27. Of General Superintendent^ 88. Of Scretary of General Conference, 89. Of members of the Court of App al, 109. Of Secretary of the Missionary Society, 373. Of Treasurer of the Missionary Society, 373. Of Treasurer of tlie Superannuation Fund, 389. Of Laymen to the Annual Conference, 160. Of the Officers of the Annual Confer- ence, 114. Of Laymen to the District Meeting, 174.' §7. Of Chairmen of Districts, 119. Of Secretary of District Meeting, 14C. Of Financial Secretary, J '20. Of Representative to the Stutionini,' Committee, 116, 159, §12. Of the General Board of Missions, 301. Of the Book Stewards, '35a. Of the Editors, 353. Of Circuit Stewards, 174, § 4. Ot Trustees, 251, 257, p. 307. Of Sabbath-school Stiperinten ?ei!ts, 284. * Meeting Ei'VVORTH Lr,AaiTic— Constitution of General Society of, 299, Time and Place of Annual 300. Annual Conference Organization, 301. Cons' ituUon for Local Branches, 302- 308. Object of, 303. Memi)ership in, 804. Departments of, 305. Officers of, and their duties, 306. Executive Committee of, 306, § 9. Active Member's Pledge, 307. Associate Member's Pledyre, 307. By-Laws and amendments, ;J0S. District Convention, 311. Annual Conference Committee, S15. Atmual Conference Committee of, how elected, 315. Epworth LKAQVK—(Contiimed,) General Conference Board <.f, 317. Treasurer of General Conference Board of, :V25. President of, to be approved by Qiiar- t'riy lioard, 301, § 3. CommiMee, members of, p. 264. Evangelists— Regulations respecting, 176-lSO. Tu be loyal 'o the Churih, ITti, 179. To 1)6 called to that work, 177. . Forbidden to bec^mu such wi'hout consent of Conference, 178. Under Supervision of the Pastor, 179. Arrangements to be made for Salary of, UQ. EVIIi SPKAKINO— Korbidiicn, 31. Examination— Of Ministerial Character, 148, 149, Of Probationers, 150. Of Candidates, 151. Of Probationers at College, 153. Examiners, Board op— Duties and Powers of, 152, § 1-7. EXCLrSION FROM THE Churcii — Causes of, 86. Privilege t > show cause ag inst, 86. ExrioRTRns — How constituted, 174, § 7. .Menihers of Quarterly Hoard, 171. Examination of, 174, § 5. Trial of, 236. Expulsion— When it takes effect, 21.5. Of a General Superintendent, 225. Failures— In business, 240. Faith— In the Holy Trinity, 2. The Condition of Jiistificatiun, 10. Family Prayer— Enjoined, 33. Fast— The Quarterly, 175, § 5. Fasting— Enjoined. 33, 63, § 4, INDEX. 319 d.) f, 317. eiice Board d by Qiiar- 264. ■180. ITti, 179. u7. . L'h without ■8. astor, 179. for Salary .48, 149, , 153. §1-7. iiist, Stj. d. 171. It, 225. [n, 10. FlGHTlNO— Forbidden, SI. FiXANCiAL District Mbbtinq— (See District.) FlNANCFAL SkCRRTARY — Duties and powera uf, 142, §6, 163, 1C4, 320. Frauds — Forbidden, 31. Fbbe Will— Article on, 9. Full Connrxion— Mumbers, how received into, 74, §1. Probitionera for the Ministry, how received into, 121. Form for reception of Members into, p. IQ'j. Funds— Children s, 459. Church and Parsonage Aid, 460. Contintrent, 454. Educational, 266. Missionary, 357. Supcraiinuation, 386. Siipernum»!rary, 427. Susteiitation, 4 73. Union Chur h Relief, 469. For the Poor, 174, § 1. General Cunferei.ce,106. Games ok Chance— Playing at, forbidden, 35. Uknervl Conkerenck — (See Con/ere nee.) General Principles— In a'iuninistering discipline, 198-224. Ill Sabbath-school management, 287- 293. General Rules— Ri-quirements of, 31-35. Taught in God's Word, 34. To be read in every congregation anl Kociety, 74, §3, 8j. Limitations on changing, 92, § 4. General Superintendents— IKiw elected, 88. Duties and powers of, 91, 94, 95, 96, 97, 99, 103, 110, § 11, 12, 13, 115, 26J, 300. General ScpERiNTE5DEN'Ts -(Con ftnu^d.) Kespon.^-ible to General Conference, 100. Trial of, 225, 226. Term of otfice of, 94. To what Conference they belong, 98. Succcihor to, how appointed, 103. Good Works — Article un, 11. Goods of Christian Men— Article on, 25. Government, Civil— Article on, 24. Graduates— Kegulatioiis affectincr, 153. Course of Study for, 153, § 9, 10 ; p. 262. Holy Ghout— Article on, 5. Call to the ministry by, 46. IIOI-Y SCMII'TURES — Article Oil, 0. 11V.MN Book— To be used, 80, § 4. Inquiry — Committee of, 233, 240. Intoxicatinq Liquors— Buying, selling or using, forbidden, 3i, 35. Question to Candidates for the minis- try re>pectins'', 150, § 4. Question to Probatinners for the minis- try respecting, 150, § 1-4. Itinerant Systpm— Plan of, not to be destroyed, 92, § 2. Justification — A I tide on, 10. Law— Moral, its authority, 7. Appeal on questions of, 109, § 8. Lay DKTiEOATES — (S.:e Delegates.) Laymen— Separate meeting in District Meeting, 160. Separate meeting in Annual (Confer- ence, 123. :320 INDEX. Leadbrb— (See Class Leaders.) Lkadrrs' Mkbtino— Composition of, 187. Buainess of, 8C, 18d, 189. Lbaoue— (See Epworth.) LiCRNPINO— Local Preachers and Exhorters, 47. List of Rkserve— Candidates on the, 141. To be sent wherever needed, 110, § 11. Local Preachers- How licenced, 47. Examination of, 183, 184. Examination of those proposed to be received as, I85. • Regulations afifecting, 186, §1-8. Trial of, 236. Local Preachers' Meetinq— Coniposi ion of, 181. Directions coi cerning, 182, 1.^3 When held, 182. Location— Of Ministers, 131. Lord's Praver— Use of, in public worship, 80, § 3. Lord's SifTPER— Article on, I9. Hoth kinds i'l, article on, 20. Dutv of partaking, 33. Mode of receiving, 38. To whonr adniinibtered, 30, 40. ' Kinil of vvitie to be u:*ed in, 40. Form for adminiateritig, p. iQi). Lotteries- bncouiaging, forbidden, 35. Love Feasts — To be h< Id, 84. Tickets fo>-, 84. Lt ngfcli of, 175, § 6 Note of admi.'Siun to, 84. Maoistratks— Speaking evil c , forbidden, 31. War'Iagr— Of Ministers, article on, 22. Directions concerning, 41-43. I^orm {or uolemnizing, p. 20i% Mass, The - Unscriptural, 21. Means of Grace- To be attended, 33, 80. Exclusion for ne.j;loct of, 86. Members op the Crn'Rcii— How received, 74, § 1, 2, 3. From otiier Ch irchcs, 74, § 1. Form for reception ■ f, p. lOtJ. List of, for -ucccssor, 175, § 6. Ct-rtiflcatf of n-nioval for, 17o, § 7. Trial of, 230, 237. Appeals of, 238. Mktiiodism— Rise of, 27, 28. Ministers — Signs of being called, 45-47. Rules of conduct f' r, 48-60. How constituted, OS. Duties of, (il-G7, 69. Ceasing to travel, 70. Authorized to ordain in certain cases, 71. From otiier Churches, how rectiveii, 72, § 2, 3. From other branches of Methodism, 72, § 1. Form of certificate for those reoeiveil, T3. Rivhtsof, 186, §8. Location of, 131. Trial of. 229, 2 .0, 232-235. Appeals of, •.'38. Form for ordinati n of, p. 214. Financial claims of located, 131. Not to en.:a)ie la trade ur secular busi- ness, 234. Ministry— Reg ilations in relation to probationers fur, I5i). Regulations in reference to candidates for, 151. Ministerial Session- Special, of Annual Conference, 137, Missionary Society - Con>titution of, 357-383. Object of, 353. C ireuit List-, 363. Annual Conference Treasurers of, 3iU. New Mis^ion.s and Schools, 366. Members of, S59. INDEX. 321 klissiONARY SGar.Ti'~(Co7itinued.) Auxiliaries and branches of, 3di*. Ot)ic( rs of Auxiliaries and branches of, 3*:J1. (;eiieial Board of, 3G4, p. 258. Duties of Board of, 3f<5. Vacancies in Board of, how filled, ?C9- 371. Committee of Consultation and Fi- nance. 3U8. Annual Meeting of Boa'd of, 372. Daties of General Officers of, 374-370. Woman's, 3S4, Collegiate, 385. Missionary Ccmmittbb — Annual Conference, 133 Of Consultation and Finance, 868. Missionary Mrktings— Arrangements for holding, 167, § 4. Missions, Domestic— How new formed, 264. Certified list of, 265. Directions concerning 167, § 2. Missions, Forbiqn— Regulations affecting, 3'8-383. Council of, 380. District Meeting of, 381. Conference of, 382. Central Conference of, 383. Missions IN Manitoba AND Vorth-Wkst - Superintendentof, Uegulatioiisiesjject- ing, 377. Model Dbkd— Schedule B., pp. 204-308. New Trial— May be ordered, 220. Oaths— Article on, 26. Ofkickrs — Qeneral Conference, p 257. Old Testamint — Article on, 7. Ordination— Of distant Missionaries, 71. Of Ministers, form of, p. 214. Of .viinisters, 121. 00 Order — Rules of, Appendix V., p. 800. Ordbr op Businkhs— Thu Annual Conference, 136. Annual Conference Special Ministerial Session, 141. The Annual L>istrict Meeting, 148, 149, 156, ir>9. The Sabbath-school Teachers' Meet- ing, 2S5. Ordbr of Service— Oil the Lord's Day, 80. Orphans— Duty of Superintendents to, 79. Of Ministers, support of, 413. Original Sin— Article on, 8. Parsonaqbs— To be provided and furnished, 243. Committee on, 214. Arbitration concerni:ig, 244. Pastoral Address- To be read, 175, § 5. Pastoral Visirixa— Enjoined, 67. Prayer— Enjoined, 33. Attitude in, 80, § 5. Prayer Mebtinos— To be anpointed, 175, § 5. T.. be held, 83. Prraching — Matter and manner of, 64, 65. Where, most frequently, 66. PRBSIDBNTS of iVNNUAL CONFIRBNCBS— How elected, 114. Trial of, 227. Duties and Powers of, 110, 110 § 13, 142, §6,271,312. Probationers— For membership, 74. For the ministry, 150, 15 1. Probationary term of, 121, 150, § 5. Recommended to College, 163, § 6. 159, § 0. 322 INDKX. ^>h '.im I VROB\TlOTUKM—(CC7Uiniied.) Examination of, at College, 153, § 11, 15. Required to attend College, 153, § 7. How removed from College, 153, § 8. Trial of, 229, 230 232-2^5. Pt'Biiic Worship— (See Worship.) PUROATORY— Article on, 16. QUARTRRLY OkKICIAL BoARD— Compneition of, 171. Chairman of, 172. Busine.b cf, h5, 174, § 1-8. Rradino— Of Probationers, 150, § 2. IlKCKPTION— Of Memhera, form for, p. 196. Of Probationers Into full connexion, 150, § 5. Of Ministers from other Churches, 72, 73. llRCORDiNO Steward — How appointed, 174, § 4. Duties of, 196. Vacancy in otfice of, how filled, 197. Rkprrskntation— Ratio of, to General Conference, 12i. Ill the Annual Conference, 112. Rksurrbotion of Christ— Article on, 4. lllTKS AND CRREMONnSS— Article on, 23. RlTUAIi — Orders of the, pp. 187-248. Directions concerning the, 80, § 4. RuLBS, General— Of United Societies, 27-35. Taught in God's Word, 34. To be read, 74, § 3, 85. How to be changed, 92, § 4. RuLBS Restriotivb- Stated 02. Rules of Conduct— VoY Ministers and Probationers, 48-60. Hi i.ksofOrdrr— Appendix V., p. 309. Sahbath, The — Observance of, cnjuined, 31. Sabbath Observance Comshtter— Members of, p. 266. SAnBATH-SCHOOLS— Directions concerning, 279. Coiiatitution of, 280 286. Management of, 281. Officers of, 283. Officers of, how appointed, 284, Meetings of Comuiittee of Management of, 285. Teachers' MeetingH, 285. Special Meetings, 'J85. Anniversaries of, '286. General PrinciplcH, 287-293. Superintendent of new, 279, § 2. Instruction in, 282. Order of Business in, 285.. Superintendent, duties and powers of, 284, § 2, -290. Missionary Societies in, 297. Difficulties in, how settle i, 298. District Cotivt-ntions of, 311. Annual Coiforence Committee on, 309, 312, 313, H14. Annual Conference Public Meetinu.. 316. General Conference, Board of, 317. Annual Meeting of Board of, 318. Annual Collection for, 319, 320. Secretary and Treasurer of, 320, 321, 324. Members of General Conference Boai'd of, p. 264. Temperance work in, 294, 295. Constitution of Temperance Society of, 296. Aid Fund, 322, 323. Auditors, 326. Sacramrnts— Article on, 17. Salarirs— Of Ministers and Probationers, 242. Scriptures— Article on, 6. Sufficiency of, 34. Sbcular Business— Ministers engaging in forbidden, 234. HI sJ Sij SmJ Sn INDEX. 32a 1. rxER— , 2S4. Matiagetuciil 3. J9, § 2. d powers of, 97. 1, 298. 11. ittee on, 309, lie Meeting, of, 317. P, 318. I, li20. lof, 320, 321, [rence Board I295. ice Society ita, 242. Iden, 234. S«LP-DENIAL— Enjoined, 32. Sl!f— Original, article on, 8. After Justification, article on, 13. Singing— Certain songs forbidden, 31, Directions concerning, 81. Superintendent to direct the, 81, § 5. Smuuglino — Forbidden, 81. Snuff, Tobacco akd Intoxicaiino Drinks— Forbidden to Probationers, 150, § 4, 151, §4. SOCIETV MBMINOS— To be held, 8.5. By whom, 85. Objects of, 85. Son of God— Article on, 8. Speaking in tiik Conqrkgation— Article on, 16. Special Committkb— General Conference, 101, 102, 103, 22G. Annual Conference, 132, 135. Special Ministerial Session of Annual Conference— Presiding Officer of, 137. To roport to Annual Conference, Ho. Business of, 139, 141. Standards— Of Doctrine, 1. STATION'S— Draft cf, 142, § 3. Changes of, 142, § 6. Stationing Committke- Composition of, IIG. Restrictions on powers of, 142, § 4, 5. Districts formed by, 2(jl. Circuits formed by, 262. Mini.-ters' right to appear before, 142, §1. Representatives of Quarterly Board, right to appear before, 142, § 2. Stations of Ministers- How made, 142. Statistics — Officer to collect and arrange, p. 268. Stewards— How appointed, 174, § 4. Number of, 174, § 4. Qualifications of, 192. Duties of, 193, 242. Meeting of, 191. To whom accountable, 194. Vacancies, how filled, 195. Steward, Rbcordino— Appointnient of, 174, § 4. Duties of, 196. How place of, filled, 197. Superannuation Fund— Name of, 38(5. Members of, 3S7. Mi>n««ement of, 388. Board of, how appointed, 389. hoard of, Members of, p. 2G5. Board of. Chairman of, 390. Vacancy in Board of, h"W filled, 391^ Powers of Board of, ;i92 Investment Conmiittee of, 393. Income of, 394-403. Assessment for, 398, 899. Treasurers of, 389. Duties of Treasurers of, 402. Claimants on, 404-415. Scale of payments, 416-418. General Regulations of, 419-426. Comnuitation with, 420. Annual Conference Conunittee in rela- tion to, 424. Superannuated Ministers — Recommended in District Meeting, 155, §2. Con>—(C; 11, 308, § 2:<. Kjcction of, 266. Power to Mortgage, p. 296, § 6. Majority of, to rule, p. 802, § 13, Accounts of, to be auilitet!, p. -99, § 11. Unio.n— Basis of, p. 269. Committee on, p. 26r<. Act of Parliament, rospocting, p. 285. Union Church Rblibk Find— Constitution of, 469-472. Object of, 470. Income of, 471. Manan^ement of, 472. Members of Board of, p. '266. University Boards— Victoria, Kej^f nts of, p. ^60. Mount Allison, Regents of, p. 261. Visiting, Pastoral- Directions concerning, 67. Watch-Nights— To be lield, 176, § 5. VVeslry— Forms the flrst Society, 27. His Sermons, a standard of doctrine, 1 Widows, Ministers' — Allowuncu to, 411. Woman's Missionary Society— Regulations respecting, oSA. Will, Free— Article on, 9. Witness Kg— Non-members may be accepted, 200. Word, The— Article on, 8. Work of Goo- Measures for promotion of, 156, 157. Works— Good, article on, 11. Of Supererogation, article on, 12. WllRSIIH'— Direitionafor pu)illc, «0. Uniformity in pultlic, 80. APPENDIX I. CoUHSKS OK StUI»Y— 1. For Candidates for the .Ministry, p I 249. ' II. For Candidates who are Oraduatco in Arts, p. 252. III. For Probationers at College, p. if. J IV. French Course, p. 2.'>.'). V. Special for Mi^sioiiuiit's, p. '!'>{> AI'l'ilNlJlX 11. I. GKNFRAL l.OXFKKKNCR OVKK KKS, 11. Gknkhai. Conkerencb ArrOINT.MICM.t, p. 257. special Committee, p. 257. Court of Appeal, p. 2.')8 Mi--sionar3 Department, p. 258. Book and Printing K,stibli''hmt'nts, \>. 25i). Educational Instituiions, p. 2C0. Victoria University, Board of Ke.;ent8, p. 2G0. Mount Allison University, Board of Regents, p. 201. Wesleyan Theological College, Board, p. 2(U. Albtit Colle-je, Senate and Trustees, p. Mi. Alma College, Board, p. 2(53. Wc-^lev College, Winnipeg, Board, p. 263. Wesleyan Ladies' Collcze, isoard, p. 263. Ontario T.adies' College, Beard, p. 262. Methodist College, St. John's NHd., p 206. Educational Society, Board, p. 2G4. Sabbath-school Board, p. 264. Epworth League Committee, p. ^61. Superannuation Fund Board, p. •<:6.'>. ;326 INDEX. a Ari'BXDix II.— fCoKJnued.) Church and Parsonage Aid, Directors, p. -265. Kmbarra^Sfcd Trusts Committee, p 26li. Pcrm.inent Teniperince Committee, p. iluT. General Confereuce Statistician, p. '268. Treasurers of Qcrieral Conference Fund"., p. 20^. Committee on Union, p. C6S. Siil»bath Observance Committee, p. 2«it;. Conimittce on Tnrron's Cliurch Titles, p. 2(J8. APPENDIX HI. TiiR Basis of Union, p. 269. APPENDIX IV. TiiR I);>AnxioN Act and Modf.l Deki> pp. 2i55, 294. APPENDIX V. IlULRS OP OnuKR, p. 309. MINISTERS' REQUISITES. PRICKH NET. )DF.Ti DEH» CHURCH CLASS BOOK, witli pocket for tickets. Price 20 eta. CIRCUIT REGISTER. Price *l.r>(). CARD OF MEMBERSHIP. Per dozen, 20 cts.; per 100, $1.50. C ERTIFIC ATES OF RE MOV A L. Per book of twenty-five, 30 cts. MARRIA(;E CERTIFICATE BOOK. Sutherland's, containing 2.) Certiticates, 40 cts. ; 50 Certiticates, 75 cts. MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE BOOK, The New. Manly Benson's. Beautifully printed in different colored bronzes, containing 25 Certificates, 5?1.0'^'; and 50 Certificates, $1.75. .MARRIACiE CERTIFICATES FOR FRAMING. From Sets, to 75 cts. each. MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES. The Artotype. A very beautiful design by a new process. Each 50 cts. MEIHODIST HYMN BOOK AND RITUAL, $1.75. (QUARTERLY TICKETS. For 20 members for the year, 10 cts. RULES OF SOCIETY'^ (Without Scripture proofs). Per 100, 50 cts. RULES OF SOCIETY (With Scripture proofs). Per 100, $\.rA). BULKS OF SOCIETY AND TRIAL TICKET COMBINED. Per hundred, §1.00. WEEKLY OFFERING BOOK, FOFv KEEPING RECORD OF the Envelope System. $1.50. SERMON JASES. Fine leather. For small note, 65 cts.; huge note, 75 cts. SERMON BOOKS. Good paper. Per dozen, 60 cts. SERMON PAPER. Per package, 40 cts. and 75 cts. SERMON CARDS. Blank. Per package of 50, 20 cts. Ruled 4to size. 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