CIHM Microfiche Series (Monograplis) ICMH Collection de microfiches (monographies) CmadlM ImtttuM fof HiMorieal MlerarapfoduetiaiM / InMltiit caiwdiwi da miefanpfoductlam MMOflquw 1995 I MMofnpMe NoM / NoiM MolmiqiM M bMMxmriiiqiM Tht Imtituti h« ntMiVlirf to ofeMIn At bM arliiMl •apy«MHMtfOT«Hmlnt. Nwwm ot *l» «t»» alilm Rwy bi kMam^iitolly wilwn, adiM iMy liar my a« Mm l«u|M in «M raiHmliMtan. or wliMi imy l««fNiiiin|,in □ Cowr» t p< / Cotmnun wdM I I Covm fwtonfl n n •l/bo U tHw d» ooowti un n n wqiii □ Cohmrad ink (i.*. «tm Dwn bkn or fetafcl/ Enm 4t ooulwr (i.a. Mitr* quo M«n on noiral S C olooioJ fttm mtht illn iuw ion t / HMidHt Mten Wuttrniam « aootMir □ Boond wWi Mkw maiHiol/ RdM mM d'oMiM donmma HTiiht Mndhii OMy awM liiadmn or dbtortian •loni InMrior mwiln/ U nHwo Mrrfa p«R (MMr * l-onitra oa dt I* dManion I* lonf d« la nMH iMM«n« I |M«Fiii l tlidti»proeywr. LmdtaMtdioM w iwpl t iio qnl wnt po n t ti n m i l q un du pokit do w ki kl l iip m k ii i oi. qnl pouwnt wodliliir nn« knui • flknofi Mnt kid^nfc •nd/br n n;r □ OvtUlyofprkilnriM/ Oualitt ki«tri* di l-immnion ion/ fttkmion contkHM o □ Incktdn indt)i(M)/ Compnnd an (dwi indn TNI* an hoadtr okM from:/ La Mit da I'an-Wia proaiant: □ TitlapataafiMia/ hftdatltiadalali □ Cinlionafinoa/ Tina da dtpart da la liwainn □ Mankaad/ OMrlqoa IpModiqoai) da la lioraiMn M« »> 10X 14X '" Of ux -L MX — 1 MV J _ D □ D D ax 13X Th* copy lllmad hara hn baan raproduoad thank* to tha ganaroalty of: National Library of Canada L'axamplalfa fHin4 fut raprodult grica * la g«n«ro8M da: BIbllotMqua natlonala du Canada Tha Imagaa appaaring hara ara tlw baat quality poaalbia conaldaring tha condition and laglMHty of tha original copy and In kaaping with tha filming contract tpaclflcatlona. Original coplaa In printad papar eovara ara fllmad baglnning wHh tha front eovar and anding on tha last paga with a printad or llluatratad Impraa- ilon, or tha back eovar whan approprlata. All othar original coplaa ara fllntad baglnning on tha firat paga with a printad or 'lluatratad Impraa- alon, and anding on tlia laat paga wWi a printad or llluatratad Impraaalon. Tha last racordad frama on aaoh mlcrofleha ahall contain tha symbol -^v- 1 moaning "CON- TINUED"), or tha symbol ▼ (moaning "END"), whichavar appllaa. Maps, platas, charts, ate., may ba fllmad at diffarant raducthm ratloa. Thoaa too larga to ba antlraly Includad In ono axpoaura ara fllmad baglnning In tha uppar laft hand eomar. laft to right and top to bottom, aa many framaa aa raqulrad. Tha following diagrama llluatrata tha mathod: Laa Imagaa aulvantaa ont M raprodultaa avae la plua grand soln, compta tanu da la condHton at da la nattatt da I'axamplalra fllmt, at an eonformM avae laa conditions du eontrat da fllmaga. Laa axamplalraa origlnaux dont la eouvartura an paptar aat Imprimia aont fllmts an commandant par la premier plat at an tarmlnant salt par la darnMra paga qui oomporte unc amprelnte d'Impreealon ou d'lNuatrutlon, solt par la second plat, salon la ea*. Toua lea sutres exemplalras origlnaux aont fllmte en eommenf ant par la premMra paga qui eomporte une emprelnte dimpraaalon ou dlllustratlon at an termlnant par la daniMre page qui eomporte une telle emprelnte. Un dee symboles sulvants apparattra sur la damltre Imege do cheque microfiche, selon le eaa: le aymbola — » slgnHle "A SUIVRE", le symbole ▼ signlfle "FIN". Lee cartas, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent ttre fHmto i dea taux da rMuctlon difftrants. Lorsqua la document eat trop grand pour Mra raprodult an un saul olleh4, II eet film* * parth da Tangle eupMeur gaueha, do gauche * drolte, et da haut en baa, en prenant la nombra dimagaa n- -" be framed, and suspended by wire from ,k' " ""'"«''*• """^t ...s?;;r- -«---::::. THB PRINCIPAL'S ROOM. Course of *itulin. '" -^o^:::^ ^ii::^ tzrz:r^z r "-■ prayer. "-Rins wnn a scripture lesstin and PREPARATORY DEPARTMENT. <:l«s?' '"*"*"' '" """" '" "^ """""^ ''""*" '»' »""« «""• Reading and Spelllng-Prlmer and First Book wirra/arj""-^"^'""" »"" ^"'-""n- CLASS II AND JUNIOR III. A?mm«i'"?o*'"I','"^~'«»"'' '•"' Tl'W Book,. msr^^^rra^iLirrn'E:;;."''""- ■''-"- «~ --d Mu,tlp,es. §™^:;-"^^^^'-^'^~'-ons... Forming Sentences. Writing. INTERMEDIATE DEPARTMENT. CLASS III, SENIOR AjllSS^ciS""-^"""- -="'««"- S^gri^n;:''"'' * "•""«•'' ■•"'«"" ^««>"« in English.'. Si^in'''' ",!*;,"""''"■ "' British History, spelling Drill in each Study. CLASS rv. Ari'tVt"ic-S°"-°""""'' '"" °«""'>"'" Numbers. 8"og°'r':ph;:''"' * '""''■^ ■•""='■" ^«-.» in English," or ,«.,kleiohn's History of England, or Canada. Spelling Drill In each Study. <;LASSES III AND IV.-UNITED STUDIES. ?^',m"*7"^'""'" '""^ Children." wCSn.™" ""'"^ Book-Oral and Written. Penrnst".-'-"'"-'^"""'=-T""»POst..«n, Reproduction and Description. * CLfSS KOOM. * rtxCHEH'S ROOM. ADVANCZD DBPARTMBNT. m.n/'r?,K!lor„r- """" "" """ "' «"' '""' ""«« "• ""» -""»"- Arithmetic (completed In 2na yeiir) Algebra. Geometry. Grammar fReed & Kellog's) completed In 1st year H^mTgVrR.'rs:,;;;;.""''' "- ""'^^'" "•««-"""■ Physical Geography. Ancient History (Myer's). Part I— tastern Nations. History of Greece. Part ll-Hlstorv of Rome. Mythology- *'""*"" """ '"°''"" "'*'°^>'- "^ ■The Iliad '— Pope's Translation. Rhetoric '*"«i''"-D'yden's Translation. Physics.' Botany. English Literature (Stoptord A. Bnwke; Vl^;t"T"'^- "' '■''""'"' "-«""■■"' «- ««• ^-^ * ^""i^- Liasrature et Recitation- -Extraits i« auteurs du XIX. slede." GERMAN. Grammar— Joynes—Meissner . Reader — Joynes. German Script copy books. LATIN {Ptefmtory Couik.) Grammar — Harkness Reader— Harkness. Cssar's "Commentaries. Vergil's "^neld." Horace's "Odes." -12— <|fets ptt tEerm. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE Bo""!. with furnHhrt room, h„t .„d 2h, Uur.Jry-Or C.l.«h«,lc. (c...,j pupil 'p.r'TeJir " «> ,, S 00 192 00 6 00 is 00 629 7 29 ENOLWH, AND ORAL EXERCISE IN FRENCH Prep.r«ory Department- 1st Cl.s. (M„r„, c •'"ENCH. Preparatory Dep.n„.nt-2„d c"',°*^''°" ""'y. '■" to 12) ENQLIbH AND LATIN mZ'cT' "'""""""-SrO .nd 4th a..«. ' "' 5th .„d6.h Classes »" When two or more slst«rc .r* .»*.«j. ^1 25 's n,ade on the U,.Z:':TZ,^'Z"LT'' ' "'''"'"" - "" '" '««■ F«di *^"*^'- "•' MODERN LANaUAOeS. *'*"'••" S 00 9 00 SCHOOL OP FINE ABTs ^V^l'-" LIf.. Stlll Lite, and the Cast ' Paintinf In oils 8 OO In Water Colours 9 00 Outdoor Sketching from Nature 9 00 CW«» Palntiiii:— PrZJ'r""'- '^ ""■ """• "" Term Private Lesson., Ifi hrs. long, per le«on « <» " 1 CO —13- /'• BS., P.rls Unl^slty. UBBBAH-Consuntln Btwltger. A M.. Leipilg Unlv„,iiy. w w % ^tliool of 4Hii6it. im. H. PUOOICOMBC. . Oirtetor TrS*"" ««h.pud™be. PIAHO-FORTE AND TREOBY. PIANO FORTE OROAN. VIOLIN. VOICE CULTURE MISS EVA BERRY. MISS E. R. STEWART, l''P«nfltr. H. fmUimmh,. MR. CHAS. E. B. PRICE. MR. DONALD HEINS. MR. CHAS. E. B. PRICE. e a e ^inr