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MACKENZIE'S GAZETTE, UEVorci) TO luv; Ni:w.^ and Poutich or Ca.«cai.a and Elwope, am. to tiu: maintenanci: op Tun iiMNcin.r... of GovEP,NM.:Nr -.MnoDini in the Declauation of 1mii:i.ende.nce by ime Un.itd SrAiE-s uf Amcbiua^July 1, Int.. Mackenzie's Gjzfite is vrinteil and pul)li>licil by and lor r-ter Baxter the I', in iIk,' second su.ry ol t lu brick house, corner of Main and Water streets, KCK.H- ESTEU, N. Y., at Three Dollars per annum, l the Ineii -or for ^evcn copiel cit'lit nio,i-li---o,- l", copies four nionllis-or inpayment of t.yenty copies ihriu.iioiidis FIVE DOLLARS-for 1 (miiV "tekly during two >e'ars-or two comes 1 vear-or dircc copies 'e'glit months -or loiir copies -ix Zuha-or six copies four n,o,uhs--„r e„ht co."- • '■-. "-»'|,'- The price of impers called for weekly nt the Gazette Ofliee is *-l per annum, or «1.25 for six months. the mind of thoimparlinl reader all apprehension of u bias m favor otdespolie iiisUlutiiini. , u i •eiie Ivliloi- hasi nileiivored to meet inueb calumny and abuse ilu- riii-lliepiisl year l.yiiconiliicl void of oIlViieL, In ilie nioveiiienls! ai T'rescoll, llie Sliorl Hills, Lower Canada, and Winilsor, he liail no share. In the rcrripior expenditure of money lo carry on Uiese under' kiiifis he did not parlicipale. If Ihere has btrn aii almse ol fuads enmisted lo any one for llic Canadian cause, .lir. Mackenzie i-i l.lainelcss for he was iieiilier an audilor, trensiir. ;, nor aecoiinl- aiil I'lom Deceiiibtr, ISH, when he crossed the Niagara river, noi one dollar has come into his pos-session wiihoiit liein;; particu- larized and faitlifulli' aeeoimn d for lhroe«h the colimiiisol lliis l.a- zelle - yet lie has been careful lo betray no man's conhdcnco in so A perusal of the Gazelle duriii« the past year n ^"«™'; " ,L ced its readers ihatlheedii -followsnoi-.rly f.iilherihan lieihii ks they support the principle. ..poliueal reform and the J"''";'''.'.'',. Is bodied in the dcclaralion of Amenean ln.le|ieiideiife. Iti'. not s inle ition to change ihisconrsr. UPHKI.l), nei.lier hy 'h^'P " " Bgu of the Kxeculive, the discounts of ihe Hanker, nor lh« alverii- aTne of the Merchant, he has pkucl before the reader aboui 1500 closely printed columns of facts and opinions on various si-hjee'^. theereater part of winch were [irobahly comiiosed trom manu»ti ipl copP Ab''"t seven-eishths of last Saturday's Uazette was oriyi- nal: the other eighth only, si leeled. , ,■ i Does any one doubt th« ns.fuln.ssof the Gazette let hi>;> -^"nf '' its files. It IS of great service to keep ahre the i-piri of hberiy in the European and American po|,ulauon by slmwuin 'I""' ;7'" , '^'^ Colonial and M,»rthrchical Rule their flyl-- "1" - d -^"s-nd still is. ij,iiseful ip'FrAnce, K,nj;land aiu|/fj siiiyy^ C0in;iiill>d ill lhejii»" y«nif..ij ..jr -jp- t , ^vl!^cL*t»^»«te5W«^*^!^^ nvts ,ne»surci. *eSpminj years with the affairs of Caiimla, '1"; '>!"[;•■ '^ ^o>rf«d*«di8cnss tlitm wilh that certainty as le fac s wlucl i o Wr^ could possibly possess; nnd4lie sacrifices he has made 10 the cauio of freedom beyond ih^'. of liberty to comlnne sleadily to ui.'rold"lhis (iazetu-, and n.ver for a minnent to abandon the eaupe of Canada as hopeless. 'I'lieien ihoiisand e:ilunins ol lory fals'- hoods expended Willi a view lo mjnre Air. Maekeii/ie in 'h'' -'i;';"'"- lion ofiheAinericnn public; ihe lavish bribes ofered lor his appre- bension out of an impovensli, ,1 ireasury ; and die biuer revihn-s o the t'.ry peerage of Kiiglaiid, mights how the In-ndsol Canada Ih.a Ihe anslocracy well know llii.- periodical In be a powerlul spoke ii the wheel of revolution, liaiii^lied from Canada, our numbers yet find a nassage beyond iho ;\ia?ara. i ,i;, niit'weinustbepalic.u as well as persevcr-ng. Through lli s Gazelle jiubliclv, and m his pr,vale eonimuuicalions lonslricnils, IMr M. has urgjd upon all w hoiii advice or araumenl could mfiuencc, that all attempts lo disiurb ill.' CuiiaLian gover iinent by invasions would he useless, injurious, and improdenl. W e must wail lor the Ume when Ihe people themselves will again unlurl the standard on "'Uemhnnen'wdloare in nrrrar will, us -iH ohligens by paying their accounls. \Vc have med die plan ot giving credit to he ricli people of America for one year, and are reso v, d lo revtrse our prm • lice so as lo 'akc credit Iroiii themlor another. 1 be price ot i / 3 10 'TKC creuil iioiii un;iii -ui "..« - .- ,,,,.,1,, Gazelle .n 7Mn(ia-« is lowered fifty per cent., and "cea rnesly urge upon ifiose who think this periodical ought to he supported, lo „,.u u,,-. ■— ■•■- ■„ Peii^l'cal ouglit to lie supported, fxerl iliemselves to obtain well llled lists. • . i „_ .\tiENTS -Every Postmaster in Ihe Union is appointed an acr'ent so far as remitting money and names is concern, d. 11 tnere ioeredils there will be no debls to. collect. __^ ,_^^ ^^ 53" SUBSCRIB Y." are noereuns ineie wm "i- "" .""■-■ — --- ..„,,„■„ , All corrtsnondence, whether i^n buamess or otherwise, directed 10 the Editor, ., "W L. MACKENZIE, IlociiESTER, N. NCES. ^i S3° POST OFFICES. | SUMS PD "V^vv /?-„<'< ^ M/i ^v-i^ h'^ I ^<-*.^ iyy^/i^^ ^•V^Vl At' Cvt-i-<.r^y O^y ^ ■ i^i 4^v>.A^^ ■'^tk,^ In J (TyUy^"^^^ 'w