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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m^thoda. t 2 S t 2 9 4 5 6 \ t\ 'n ■1^' rfy-Mws OF THE OF ASHFIELD 4- W: AND- THE ACT BESPECTING LINE FENCES AND $\fATER* COURSES. THE ACT RESPECTING P(ftjNDS AND P013ND KEEPERS. THE ACT RESPECTING CANADIAN THISTLES. THE ACT RESPECTING SNOW FENCES. TO B£ OELIVERID TO YOUR SUCCESSOR IN* OFFICE. ^ %*. GODERIOH, ONT : STAE OHKAP BOQK i^B JOB PKINTINO .STABLISHMB^T, WB«T STKBBT. ,.' f \^ ,-?'*? basTftf ■'-■ftiirf*i..i^'-."Mt >,, ■•' BT-tAWS i)t' THE TOWNSHIP OF ASHFIELD -Axn- THE ACT RESPECliNG LINE FENCES AND WATEK COURSES. THE ACT RESPECTING POUNDS AND POUND KEEPEB3. THE ACT RESPECTING CANADIAN THISTLES, THE ACT RESPECTING SNOW FENCES. TO U DELiVEREO TO YOUR SUCCESSOR IN miU, GODERICH, ONT : STIR CHEAP BOOK AND JOii PRINTINO MTABLMHMINT, WEST 8TBEBT, 1832. f." .. H i \ ftW ♦ I «; hJ I li! BY LAWS OF THE TOWNSHIP or ASHFIELD •*^ *^*- By-Law No. 6—1881. Toprr>ni, for fh. pr^scn^aiion .f puM.'c mor«U in th. t.rcn.Kip ^f A^M^ Bait enacted by ths Municipal <^^>^-^ ^^' "I^^^Z^ ^^ Thatitilmllnotb. lawful for any person to •«" ^"^ f ;Vrlr maM,.v 'T io any chiUl, apprentice, or .ervant without the fn.ent of the parent, maM,.., '^^^nnilnnot U lawful to circulate any ^^^^;;- ;^':;::^^;Z picture, or n^akc indecent picture, or drawing, on wall., fence., «i other puhh. '^mino v-on .hall publicly utter any V^^^^^^^^^f:^^!:^^ .nou.. or «rLly in.ulting Unguage, or be guilty .f any other .mm.uUty oc " Thau'* per.ot, .hall be guilty of any disTderly comluot in any .trect, high- way, or public yla. e, or at any public me^tinj?. Thatnoperaun .hail k.ep a hou«» of ,11-fame, or harbor per.on. of b.d '' That " person shall keep a .amblin, hou.e, ev allow gau^blinK on hUor her ''Xhat'no person .hall indecently expo., hi. or her person oy bathing or wash, ing near any public highway .r other public place, between the hour, of seven o'clock in the morning and eight o'clock iu the esv'.iung. ^ Any person found guilty of a violation of a,vr nf the provisions of thj. By. Law shall, upon conviction before any Justice of the Peace *avn.g Jurisdiction in the Coimty, %e liable to a fine of not less than t.ve , dolUrs "- -;r* J^;" twenty dollars, to b« collected by distress and sale of tlio goods or chattels or tne .(Tender, if n.-t paid forthwith ; and in case no good, cr chattel, are found be- 'nw to such offender, it shall be lawful for any such Justice to commit the ofleiider to the cor..mon jail for any period not exceeding thirty days, with or without hard labor, as such Justice may direct. All information, under thi. By-Law shall be laid within one month from tho c(MTnnis«ion of th« offence. Passed February 17th, A. D., 1881. (Signed.) ^ JOH> COOKI, ^^««^«^ WWSTM. \ BYtAWS •t THE ■Rv-Law No. 6. 1881. To r-^'^'' '^'•''»A""» '•'.«,..,..!«• 1'"^.^ dolUr f..r mA »..d every .W or '>' f* * ' ;^,.,,., , t,,„,„ .„„e.l or hart.or.« ..rko.per «'' ""y ' ^ " , ,,,« numbU- .,f .1,.,. omml ..r kept, .„,«m.vye..nvicuo«;. •'"«''«;''; J ^„ti„„, ... to ,ecov»r «h..U.r the d„„, by hi. .lo.« ..V aog, I.. -".V """■;;;: • Hb.iI .vUbb. Cvtv-eiRbt hom. .iter h.Ti»(r cb....l .^r vTorrie.1 any .^1 ««!> >' '■".''•; ,,„. „„,. „c«l.„t ... to Ju. Ih notice, oau»e .ucU do, ov oo,. - ^^^ '^ ; ,, „„, „ f,„,b«- .«.u of five h..h.nfo.""»'!.;, ,fbov,r» fbe.-,..fter ,.ntil -be ..".«'• aolkv. foveacb .uch iog..v every '">»'•'•' ,^^,i,t„«i„„ „f tbe Justice oh. killed, provided that ''»""" ''ll^urbroJrfor the recove.y .>f »uch pen.,U.o« Pe.ce,before»h..,n...cV.»."t»l"'"'»- 3**'^ ,, „.„^, ,„„„ ,,,eep o • The owner or harb.rev "' » "V ''»* ^J " „ ,„„,,„ „ther per,on »> el."--!*' »t lar?e, except ^compamed b ud own ^^ ^^^_ ^^ ^^^^ ^__^ .^^^ thereof ; and bi.che. m hea »' »'™„;' „,i,„ ,,„e,„ a«y frou. home, .ubjec. «po.ed place M „to»tU«t ether do^'"' ^.,„,,. i/e ach oa^ to a fin, of n.>t le» t^-^- ^^ 'r'j ^ .u,.., ,.,d the collector h- ,„ .„e, nber. part.e, hare ^J^ ^^^_ ^, ,,„„ „povt .Vc .am, ,n.d.r l.il,d 10 collect the t»«e8 !.uthou7«d in tl.« i\ TOAVNSKir or AfTliriELP. • # otth to wiy TiwHm of tl.«^ Pence. ftn.l i».irh .Tur»:ice ehillby nn or.W nncW hi. Iiand BtMl Mai ta ».« -ervcl by miy .'..ly M«wli«'«<» n,M.t -Ulo, re.j""* *'»^*'» •^"^* ♦'^ V.0 .Wii.veclby tl.e r,^smt or owtK-v.-* thi'too!:, um.I if hv.cU owmT ..r cwt.crii ne*;lect (^i. retmo to o»-y the H^viil uv.hv, ho or th^y .nhall I.e li.Me to th« ponii ty to be rceovcvotl in the 8.uno wuy and i.muaer .m j.vovi.kd in chnp. lt>4, fiec. !«. of the H«vi«o(\ Statute* of Oniurio, un.l in ntM, »ny collector ni-lvols t.. inuke the Kforosaid report ^ritl.in tho tinio renniiv*! for rayi«- ..vrr the- t.ucH h-vied m the municipality, he Hhall ho lial,l« to a pun>aty of ten ilolhuw uu..i coRtn, ti. he recovered in thu aauiu manner an provided in H.aid Hcctton. Vnd it Hluill be huvful for any person to kill or destroy any do;- or bitoh which he uuvy see worryu»« or wo.n.din-^ any .hoep] or lamb or lind runnm- at iur«e contrary to the piovi.ilonn af<»n;said. AnyJuHtice uf the IVvce upon cou.phvint beinj{ nuule before him by any pcr- wnthat ttdoii or bitch has been found rmn.in- at l.ir^e, or rmmin- at or attack- ing a l.<.rhe, hovnen, .,i tean.. on tho public hi.;h>vay, or hilling or wonyn,- .hcep or Jambs, contrary to the provlsl.ms of tliis by-law, or that any yic.UK dorj ur bitch has injnnnl or biitmi any person, miy ordo^ nuch do« or bitch to bo killed, all co.st« incnrod thereby to bo paid by tlie ctaplaiyant or the owner of »uch 'b' »• V oh, as the Justice of the l\wje may direct. juni.i;^ at lat -e/' used ill thin bylaw, Hhall be construed an to .> tiie public hi«hway«, but also to any enclosed or privaty niclpality. uvs inconsistent with this Ityl^iw aire hereby rci»ealcd ; but no previoiih . ^ - shall be hereby revived. VnmoA February 17th, A 1). 1 '.•*!. I'Sijtnud. ' .IohnCNm.ki;. KonKinWtiuiicK By-LawNo. 7 1381. To frfitivm (loiiiftn- nnliu'fs f»itm i>i.ni'>iij of ??»;/«'. hi, It enacted by th^i Municipal Cuacil ol liio oon.orati.oi ..f rhe vownnhip of AsMield, Thai f. .u and after U.c p..*MO^ oi t!ii. Byl^rw uU bdl., hor.es, breachy o.itlIe,i>i.'«,.h..i>. and -ec«e shall b-. rcsti.nued :nu\ wholly prohibited from running at lai-e wUhit. this m.micipaUiy, subject to boin^j impom.doc lu any common poiiud of the municipalit;,. Theowm-v.ri.ccupant of any land ..hall b« rvsi ousibh- for ;n.y damage or fkma.n,.» and costs e.ausod by any animal ..r animals or {^etse, under hu clunve and kceMin..', a:s though such animal or poultry vrero h.ls «nvn property ; and th« owner ^v koenor <.f anv animal or poultry ^hall Ik- liable for all injury or damage. dono b^ .urb animal or poultry, an.l for all eo.r. and rl.ir-es incurred mi rela- tion ♦h-'reto. wheth.'. the injury or dMur.-e v.as r.UHod by »uch annmil or Th lixte propt AUk i BY-LAWS or THE J f \ pottltfr rwminc jit 1»t«© or by tfenpawinsf op«n any enclonerl or privnte proptflf net w;th«tftnding tliat mch property may not he enclosed by a hwful fene*. If not previously rep.'oviecl a pouml-k*-pp<^r slrill impouiul any hr»r««, bull, oi, cow, iilioep, Rortt, piK, ur other cuttle or nco»e .listrained for unlawfully running At ]arj{« «»r for tveHp!isBini< nnd UoiuK damage, i1«livered to kin» for that purpor--, hy nuy person resident within the municipality who has diarraiiiod th»! muiie ; or if tho owner of any animal or geese refuses or nogleots to prevent the iame from running at liirirc or trospassin^ vn hi* neighbor's nremist^ after a notice inwritinq; haft :.c;on uorvod upon him of their runninij; ar large or ot thsir trespass, then th« owner of such animal or pi>ultry may be brouirht hefoie ftt,y .luHtice of the Peao» and lined such sum as the Justice directs, not ox.-pydu.a >Mio sun\ 'H ten dollar* a«.(! costs, in addition to all damuses which may hnvd born awai-ded by three f«!ice viewers of tho luunicipality. When tho common pomxd or phico wherein the dihli--i« ha» be*n mado, in not np::ure, the poundkeeper may confine the animal, animal#, or poultry, in any cn:;V»sed place near kucIi pound for safe kefcpin;^. A5»y pei-aon distrainnii.' and impounding an animal or j)oultiy Hiiall, at the timo of such impounding, deposit poundauo fees, if s»r..h are demanded, and witliin tivi^niy -four hours theveaftvr deliver t«. the pound !i< epr^r duplioaie M»?,t«. mcnts in writing of his demandn aj^ainst tlie owner for damages (it any) not excfcdinv-- twenty dollars, done by such animal or poultry, excluKive of such poMudi.go fees und shall als<. jfive his written agreement, (with a surety i» r«M'»»»'id by the pound keeper) in tho form following?, or in words to the srcrie effect : **I (or we, jis the ease may be) do herel.y a^ree that I (pv we) will p-v^, the said A. H., fails t<» be e»ta1>li.«?hed." J!i onso an ixnimal or poultry* be iu)pounded, notice for th« sale thereof shall bo «i\ .n by the pf.und keeper within foity-eight h«»urs afterwards ; but no pis? or poultry shall be sold until after six clear days ; nor yny horse or otlier catth^ until after ten clear days fn>m the time of impounding the same, provided that tlje pomul keeper may Hell such horse or other cattle at the expiration of four clear days from the time of impounding, if he considers that the animal or animals will not fther catth^ )vided that ion of four i animal or eepintj and % ■ 3d and con- unicipality, Itry will be onie ono cin F the injury !■ poultty trt lul f«3?<» and fh«t«M «t ll»* ?)tiui. if any;, and all lawful foci »ud charjrnn in.iurred in relation thereto, nhall return the •urplut (if any/, to the original owner of tho aninnl or povdtiy, or if n..t clauiunl ty him within six davH .fter Ihe nalc, the pound keeper shall i.ay such >*urphu to the Treasurer of , I -M -or 'he use of, the niunidpabty : subject to beu.< claimed by the owner from the Treasurer witliin six nio.ilhs therwatter. Any perion iuipouudiuK an a.iimal or poultry .hall ^ulhin twenty-four lioui'. after io hnpoundiuK «nch animal or poultry, if tho owner is known to him, k'ivo •otice to the owner of having taken up Micli animal or i«M.ltr>, uufl whore .ucU animal ii impounded. If th« owner uf the annual or p..\tUry impt.utidcd di«putc% the amovuu of the lUmages claiuied, he «hall within forty-eight l.ourH after roceivinir uoticw aii •foreiaid, notify the pound keeper thereof in v.ntiny, i-nd the amount shal! be decided by thr«e f^nce visweru of the municipality, to be namrd forthwith a* follow* : one to be named by the own.n- of the animal oi- p..ultry ; <.ne by tho ^.ernon diiitraininsr or claiminK damaKf. ; and the third by the pound keeper who ahall immadiaisly notify and >.umm'>n the fence vieNvers, Ih.^ .> recovered and enforce.!, with cost^ by suunuary conviction before any .Justice of the Peace of the county in whicli the oftence was committed, and in default of ivayment the oliender nmy be com- mitted to the common gaol of the county, there to I,e imprisoned tor any time ni the discretion of tlie cenvicting and committing Justice, not exceeding four- teen days, unless the fine and i>enalty, damages and costs, including the cost of committal, be sooner pai»<->!:ikl, shall iiiipHlify l»y of the jlaity • ponltiy, .Id 1 or j»(>ultry 11, for ^xvry n e a,.«,,„en( roll or rotl,. or That an, p,r.„„ „r per«>„, Ii,bl. to p.rform .ftu.e labor n,., co,r.n,ut. .nd pay to the „„„ee.. of the Division entitled to r.e.i„ th. ,a„,e tl,T Z Zt dollar per day for each day', labor of .i,ht hour,, and in the on e prl ti '„ vioui to the time the m>rk wai ptfformed. "^•"eer pre «ir ap^^r :: 'to- i?,H^ zz^r,^:!^T r: ""'"■"' ■"'«~ »' in .uch notice, and .hall give to p ";!. lUM. f i'"' '*f '" "" *""" "•"'♦'' three day.' notice ^tati,,,'^^. t^l Z . ' !t t "Tl "" "" '"*''""^" '* '"•• and shall at .11 time, dnrim^ tl r^!! . « ""■''"" "^"'«<' *° ""■■'" good repair the 2^1 "'^i ,'"" l.'*.'^"'' '"l«rin'e"-l. ">«ke and Uep in Ltof hr.bil,f ^U, „"' "r" "."".f*"'"™' •■«' «P-<' faithfully, to ,h, -i.e for the i '~ r: : ::c^i Xi "«;•■ "' r;*' ""^' """■•'■ d.y»fMay and tb. «f,.e„th d»* .Tj",lr. »"^'"«» between the fifteenth .mount of ,t.t„t."/L^'"^^^^^ U .x.n,„t all .uch ,«r«,„. (r„„. .fce llitt It ahall bo the clutv uf th« n»«^^^. 4 t of th. municipality on orlf'l th. Z TT .' \'""'^' '"""' •" "" ««'* p.tf„rmed,.ndalLf,h^hl!! !L "' ^^P'™""" "' "Jl th. ...tute l.b.r th. receipt; .nd^^^'Tf ; n^orta^t ',' ""'^ ""°''" r""* "' ky virtu, of hi. offlc. Itanri, X, utL dl T ''»« "ome mto hi. hand. , I.r.«»nt, partie. within th^ K^iZ,Z . ^ ""«'«"•••" <-« highway.,, provLiona of thi. By-Law. th» cont«».„,i„„ rf ,„, of «» t.w:«:Lrt:"or'th'rr: iM:."**'"*' " ;•'-• •" ^"""^ ">- "•»-«• I J *""•»! not rt«tth«nfiv«dolIftnp*r day, tojr«thw TOWNSHIP or A9HF1ELD- 11 rr»ll or rotlf. or >y lav, Ahall, if ^ t at not mure not more than rery Additional commute Mnd he «um of one we proportion ovemeer pre- i ■ ciiig notice of e time named iwayg at least ired to worki i !And keep in hfully. to the ilx;r or other* t the tifteenth * - jnt tfuardg to ision, and in ' any impedi- to repair tli# Division ftn- ear, and the >• from the the dispoiial immediately id the o?er- ur in conae- the Clerk ratute labor 1 account of o hia hands ighwaye te ftny of tli« leir statut* red by th« f, tofrether with eosta for each day or part of » day to in default ; and any person perferm- ing statute labor who refuaes or negleete to obey the reaeenable ord«iri ef the overseer, or to work faithfully, may be discharged by the oTeraeer, and shall be liable to the penalty imposed for the nen performance of their statute labor. That if any person or p«' one shall injere or destroy any tree or shrub planted for shade or ornament upon any public highway allowance, er appropriated for a public road, or shall cut down or deface any sigm boards or any printed or written notices, such person or persosia being conricted thereof before a -Tustiee of the Peace, shall be liable to the penalties for the contravention of this By-Law. That it shall not belawfulf or any person or persons to laave any timber, stone, wood or any other encumbrance whatsover upon any road allowance or publie highway, er to remove any timber, stene, sand, or gravel or any other materials from any road allowanee belonging thereto, or ccmmit any wilful injury to any public highway or bridge thei-eon. That the following ahall be the leale to be allowed by f>atli masters for horees or oxen and driver, with wessons, earts, ploughs, harrows or rollers : three days' work of one man for one span of horsea and driver ; iwe days of one man for a horse ^nU driver ; three days of one man for one yoke of oxen and driver ; and all persons having s«ch animals er implements in their possession shall, up<>n being notified by the path master that he requires the same to work on the publie highways, furnish and employ the sam* when and where directed by the ATWseer. That for thei purpuses of this By-Law Mghi h perform the duties hereby imposed, or who contravene any of the provisions of this By-Law, shall upon conviction ^horouf bo liable to a fine of noi less thai* two ■ dollars nor more than five dollars, and if not paid, and no sufticient distress ean be found on which to lory, it ihall and may l>e lawful for the conrietinf justice to eo»tait4b«ofllMi4or to jail for any i>eriod nut exceeding ten days, or until the line and costs, iaelad- ing the costs of committal, shall be paid. That all By-Laws inconsistent with this By-Law be, and they are herel^, repealed, . J0H>- COOKK, JtOBEMt WeBSTft, tim^ ^im uf ^ AyfUi A( Hi m\k »VUW& Of TiK I * By-Law No. 5—1882. thii MuHulpallttf, etMki, 4itehM md w«ttr courtt* in tliit tovrinhip, h% it tb«r«fort «r.aetH[ ^ th» Municipal Crtunejl «.| jtt« r,uw«thip uf Athtield, Th»t it •hall »ot »,♦, Uwml foi .imj j>»iw.n .♦>• |»er*ou»' if, eet dow«, w throw into cr icroM hn> »(re«>n. iuwk. rlitclt 4,v WHt«i- coirte in Oiig townahip, tr«M, Wwhrwofl, tirafctr, ..r *.Va J i*i4(i?ri*I* Ijaring a i«na«))6y U> iiripe*]* or •Vntruct the low Af th» watfi' in «iu-h iiti««ui. tr«*k, d\U-M or frai;«r coiiiit. And where it intjr be iiftc»«Mrr fur any ptiBon ♦.»• peiiOMs t» cmatrnvt a euWert aoroM any wad ditch oj>iJo»it« liit «,r their premiR€», •uch culvert thai) be built in inch a inaimer at to afford the aidit ample Aotn Ur the H«w of the water in euch read nitch. And where it may be neeeisary for any pereow to construct a fence «r cnlrei-t aeroee any tlitch, atreani, creek or Kat«-r courte, such fence or culrert •hall be conatructed in anch a manner at te afforrf the «i.>at am]>le rfmm for the •urrent of the water in ent-h ditch, atjeau), cteek or water o<»un.c at all aeaarina. f arihennor* it ahall \y the duty of all pei-eona ewning er oc«upyin« land* throMsrh which anyVtream, creek or water courte tlowa, to remove all trees, fleod- weod, bruihwuod, ut other material ofcatructing or impedinjf the current ef the w*ter in each atreanj, creek, or water courte. Any peiton violating any •f fUe ■ p^Tiiiona ef thia By-Uw ehall be liable te a tine of not leat than ene dellar b«t »©re than teu dollar* with eotli, for erery infraction thereof, laiil penalty iVMreimble before any of Her Majeety'e Joaticte ef the Peaca barinf jarwliotion is aaid municipality. - Piaaa<^ Maivh 30, IMS.. iiSifned.) By-lAwNo. 6-1882. . J By-tm9fs ^r ihf. mm to fte fmi4 «§ cow.w4^#eion in litfi §f 9tti(uU Itfher tVheraaa, it is neeeaaary to fix rke aom ie be paid aa eeminutatteii in lien of •tetota laber in thia townthip, Be it tharafore enacted by the Municipal ClouHcil wf the tewnahip of AihOeld, Aat thaaam to be paid a» commutafien in lieu of statute labor, ha aerenty-fJTe •fAaayer day, which, in the case of residents, may ht paid to the pathuiaitar of the road diriaicn in which the penon liable to perform said sfatujte labef rtaidaa» tod tha property an ateount of which ha ia liable it aituattd. and pro- I s.^ TOWNSHIP OK ASliriKLU. Id (/'4'i«r- «*«('r«M «'n «Iow«, or throw townihip, tr«M, je«J« or •I'ntruct a*. And wh«re lT«rt AoroM any B Irtuilt in tuck • ttr in tuch road itnict a fane* flr cnct or culrart >le rfwtin for tha e »t nil aMBoiif. coupjirn land* all tvaae, flaod- • current •! the tting any •f tlie 1 •!!• dollar RAT f, latit panalty ing jariadiefeinn JiMDa. •f ftniuU lahar aMeii in liau of ridod alway. that .aid i.a>...«iit i. made at or baforc t1i« usual timt for the com. moncemenfc of the vfork of statute liibov. And ha it further anacted thnt all hy-law., or r»' f« «>' »'T-lawP, contrary t« the pioTisionn of this By-Law, ba, a«-d tha aaina ara hereby, vcicinded. Famd March 'M, IBWJ. (Signed.) _^ John Cooke, R<'»»RT ^^«»t*ii. < 7^,/.'. R<«i'f. By-Law No. 7.-1882. */ 4shfirlf}h>fntfr »ii»o«,nf hui'ts v:ith>n ihr io:rn,hj, of Ai^hfitli'l, f« '^r'h Whereas, authority ..giTen by chHp. 174, ,ub-.ec4ion 7 of .action 509, Re- ti.cd Statute, of 0„tMi...t.. toTrn.hi,. councils to p«« liylawg for saar^hm? and taking n.atcri.U necew.iry for n.«kin- .ind keepin« in repair any Toa*s Wloncinji to the townihip. , » , • u Be it therefore eu&c ted by the MunicipKl Council of the township r.f AahfaeW, and the ran.a i» hereby enacted, that the pathmRSt.vs or other employe, of '* forporation of the said tonnship be instructed, and are hereby enipowevec :■ enter upoti any In.ids when necesiary to do so, save aiid except orchards, gardens or pleasure -vound*, and search for and take any tnaber, graval, stone or other material naceisary for makinjf and keeping in repair any r..ad or hifhway iMlenging to the township of A.htield ; and the riiht of antr>- upon auch latida, aa wail as the price or damage to be pai^l to any parson for snch matonala, shall, if not agreed upon by the parties concerned, be aettlctl by arbitration, in th« wanner provided by the aboTO recited Aot. Paaaed March 30, 1882. • . , , (Signed.) JoHi* Cooke, I^^"" W^Baren, Up of Aihdald, be aoranty-fiTa » pathirtaitar of •fatutt hhet latffd, and pro- ■ y .: J:»' 4 \ 4 1 • • I P^ »4 K • t1 ft \. f AN ACT RESPECTING LINE FENCES. COK. I»T4T. •MT.. CH4V. IM. »» - '4 .SI i * * '•-'U. t* H«r M«JMty, by and with the advice and conient of Ui« Legi«Utiv« AuMu- Ut of the ProTiuce of Ontario, enacti as followa : 1. This Act nmv be cited aa "37if Line Fences AcC 2. OvTnen of occupied adjoining landi shall make, keep up »nd repair * juat proportion of the fence vrhich marks the boundary between them, or if there is no fence, they shall so make, keep up and repair the same proportion, which is to mark such boundary ; and owners of unoccupied lands which adjoia •cevpied lands, shall, upon their being occupied, be liable to the duty of keeping up and repairing such proporiien, and in that respect shall be in the same posi* 4ion as if their land had been occupied at the time of the original fencing, and •hail be liable to the conipulsory proceedings hereinafter mentioned, 17 T. c. S&, a. 2. The txpresnion *\>ccupi«d lands" shall not indnde so much of a lot, parcel itrfarm a$ u w^encUsed, idthough a mri of smh lot, parcel or farm in tucloted and in mctu(U I'sf and occupativn. 3. In case of dispute between ownCii re spectinji^ such proportion, tht fol* lowing proceedings shall be adopted : 1. Either owner may notify (Form 1) the other owner or the oeccupant of the land of the owner so to be notified, that he will, not less than one week from the Mrviee of such notice, cause three Fenee'Viewcrs of the locality to arbitrato in ibt premises. 3. Sich owners M notifying shall also notify (Form 2) the Fenco>viewtn« ■ot leas than one week before their services are required. 3. The notices in both cases shall be in writing, signed by the person aoti- fyinj?, and shall specify the time and place of meetins' for the arbitration/ and may be served by leaving the same at the place of abode of such owner or oecu< pant, with some grown up person residint; thereat ; or in case of such land* bo- . ing nntenantod, by leaving such notice with any agent of such owner. 4 The owners notified n)ay, within the week, object to any or alt of th« Fsnco-Tiewert notified, and in ease of disagreement, the Judge hereinafter mta* tioned shall name the Fence-viewers who are to arbitrate. 37 V. c. 25, s. 3. ' 4. An occupant, not the owner of land notified in the manne* above mott" tionod, shall Immediately notify the owner ; and if he neglects to do so, ahall bo liaMo for all damage caused to the owner by such neglect. 37 V. c. 26, t. 9, - 6. The Fonco-viewers shall exatnine the premisM, and if reqtiirad by •itliox' party, the$ ehall ketr OTidtncej and are ftnthorixed to oxamino tho partiet and 1 I'D \ r it IAS¥. KGKCKH ACT. thtir witnMa«s on oath, aud any on« ut th«ia may adminiittr an oath or aifirma* tion a* in Court* of Law. 37 V. c, 25, «. 4. 6 The F«nca-¥iew«r8 shall make an award (Furm S) in writing, ilifiied by any two of them, respectintj the maUeri an in diapute ; whicli award ahall specify (hd locality, quantity, description and the lowest price of the fence it orders to be made, and the time within which the work shall ba done, and shall state by whioh of the said parties the oosta of the proceedings shall be paid, or whether •ither party shall pay some proportion of such costs, "2. In mvking such award, the Fence- viewers shall regard the natura of the fences in use in the locality, the pecuniary circumstances of the persons between whom they arbitrate, and generally the auitablenes* of the fence ordered to the wants of each party. 3. Whore, from the formation of the ground, by reason of itreama or other •auies, it is found impossible to locate the fence upon the line between the par- ties, it shall be lawful for the Fence-viewei's to locate the said fence . Ither wholly «r partially on the land of either of the said parties, where to them it seeni»tobe Unoit conreuient ; but such location nhall not in any way affect the title to the land. 4. If neoessary, the Fence-riewers may employ a Provincial Land Surveyor, AB«1 hare the locality described by metes and bounds. 37 V. c. 26, s. 5. • 7. The award shall be deposited in the othce of the Clerk of the Council of tkt municipality in which the land* are situate, and shall be an official docu- ment, and may be given in evidence in any legal proceeding,; by certitled copy, as are other oficial documents; and notice of its being made shall b« given to ftU parties uiterested. 37 V. c. 35, a. 6. 8. The award may be enforced aa follows : The peraon desiring to anforc* it shall serra upon the owner or occupant of the adjoininj^ lands a notice ia Writing, requiring him to obey the award, and if the award is not obeyed within ouc month after service of such notice, the person so desiiine to enforce it may do the work whioh the award directs, and may immediately recover its value and the costs from the owner by action in any Division Court having jurisdiction in tha locality ; but tho Judge of such Division Court rnay, on application of either * party, extend the time for making such fence to such time as he may think just. 37 V. «. 26, 8. 7. 9. The award shall constitute a lien and charge upon the lands resp««ting which it ia made, when it is registered in the Registry Office of the County, or «»her Reffistration Division in which the lands are. 2. Such registration may be in duplicate or by copy, proved by affidavit of a witness to the original, or otherwise, as in the case of any deed whioh is within t)k9 mtaingot*' The Regiitrif Act." 37 V. c 25, a. 8. 10 The Fence-viewers shall ba entitled to receiv* two delUis Mch for «?$t't ,Uy's -^Tork under this Act, ProrinciRl Land Hnrvryors and witneipes I I LINK KKXCKS ACT. 17 oftth or ai£rma> iting, t!i{ii9d by Lii-d ihall dpecify ence it orders to id shall statt by aid, or whether le natur* of th« persons between } ord«r«d to th« itr«anii or other letwosn th« par- ce ^ ither wholly m it ieeni» to bt ; the title to the Land Surveyor, 25, s. 5. . f the Council of an official docu- ji^ certitled copy, ihall be given to iring to enforce ftr.ds a notice in t obeyed within > enforce it may ev its value and vf jurisdiction in ication of either uaay think just. lands respecting ; the County, or d by affidavit of which is within iellara eack for I and witn«iii^f(B i tliull )'<« entitled t<» the sauie ciimpeii»atii>n as if they were tulipuiiiU'd in any Division Court. 37 V. c. Hit, ». 10. 11. Any person diasatiafieil with the aw{ire as follows : 1. Thy u)>|iollftjit shall »ur\e upon the Fonc(?-viewt'r», and a'l parties in* tereateil, a notice in writin,^ of hiti intention to appeal within one wook from ihe time he lias been no'.itiod of tha award ; which notice may be served aa other notices niontionud in this Act. 2. 1'he iipi)ellant shall alao deliver a copy of such notice to the Clerk of the Divinion Court of the Division in which the land lien, and the ( 'lerk shall im- mediately notify tlie .rud>,'e of such appchl, whoreujion the .ludi^'e shall appoint a time for the hearing thereof, and if ho thinks tit, order such .sum of money to bo paid by the ai)pellant to the aaid Clerk as will be a siillicicnt indrmnity against vosts of the appeal. U. The Juil>,fo shall order tlie time and pliico fi»r the lio-irin;: of the a]ipeal. and communicate the same to tlie Clerk, who shall notify llio Fence-viewers and all parties interested in tiic manner herouibafore provided for the Hcrvice of other notices inidcr thin .^ct. 4. The Judt^e shall hear and determine the appeal, and set aside alter, or athrm tl»e award, "cturecling any error therein, and he may examine jiarties and witftesses ou oath, ar:d if hvs bo pleyHen, may inspect 'ihe premises ; and may order payment of costs by cither i)arty, and fix the amc>nnt of such coats. 6. Hit! decision shall be hnal ; and th« award, us so uUcred t^r confirmed, shall be dealt with in all respeclb as it would have been if it had not boen ap- ptiulud from.' 6. The practice and priueediui^H oa tli« appeal, inoludiny the fees paycible for aubpomas and the conduct money of witncriits, shall be the same, as nearly as jnay be, u.7 V. c. L'a, t. 11 ; 40 V. c. 7, Sdml. A. (L'02;; 40 V. c. 8, s. 58. 12. Any aureement in wriiin;:( (Foiin 4) between owners respecting such line fence may be tiled or r'^gistored and enforced as if it was an award of Fence- ▼iewers, 27 V. c. 25, h. 12. 13. The owner of the whole or part of a division or line fence vthich furma part of the fence enclosinvf the occupied or im})roveart of such fence, ((') Without giving at least six nmntha previous notice of his intention tg the owner or occupier of such adjacent encloHure ; ■ (h) Nor unless such last mentioned owner or occupier after demand made upon hiui in writing by the owner of such fence, refuses to pay therefor the bum to be determined au provided in the sixth section of this Act ; (c) Nor if such owner or occupier « ill pay tc» the owner of such fence or of any part thereof, such sum as the F«}nce-viewers may award to be paid therefor uudor tljo sixth suction of this Act. 40 V. c. 2^, s. 1, i ■ 'i I Id LINK VKNC K" A( i*. f m. TItO i»i-; tu tliv iii<><(«« uf lUlurniiiiiii;; «iU|>uU«^ l;.-tuf«ja tlnj tivvju-r i»l' uc-upiea !ii.lji»iimiv' l.uuU; tht* niunner of •nforciu^ awanl* i\Ui\ ap^iculH tltfiefruiii ,* tiixl thu Kulieiliili-it i>f fDriiiHiittuc-hed hci'Mtu, (tiidall othor pniVtjitiiis nf tluH Alt, All fivv uri u^){>licaliilv to iToc'tadiugii unU«r thu in.cti"i». 4(> V. f, -J'.t, J*. 'J. 14- If any ttew i» tlunwii ilowii. hy ueoidunt ;-r otlterwiae, acicms a lin« ar division funuu, or in iviiy wny in and upon tli« property adjeinipi' that upuii wliicU siioh livo Htood, tl.t'i'eliy causing damage to th« crop on auoh property or to nucli furictj, it rthivU lie the duty of the pi'opri«tor or occupant of the pramiiiai on whioh «uc!i tree heri^toi'oro stood, to remove the Ham* forthwith, and also forth- with X'-t ropuir thefutice, and othcrwiati t*.* uuiUe good any damage caused by tli« falling' of Huch trcw. 2. On his neglect or refusal so to do for f'>rty-oight hours after notice in writin.i; to reuiovu the Huuie, the injured party may remove the same, or cause the .same to bu removed in the most convenient and inexpensive manner, aud may make ;^ood the fer.ee ho damu^^fod, and may retain 8Ueh tu-e to remuneiata h'ui for luoh reutoval, and nniy also recovor any further amount of danuigea be- yond the value! of suoli tri;e from the party liable to ]>ay il under thi» Act. o. {''or the purpcMoof ^ueli ron»oval the <»vvnor of such tree may enter into and upoiiHuch adjoining prHmiHun (nv ilie removal of the sante trithout being a trt'>i)>aii«er, jvvoidin:; any «nnet:PN,Mary spoil or waste in so doing. 4. All dis^iuttM arising between panic:i relative to this section, and for ih« Collection and recovery of all or any sums oi money becoming due thereunder, siiall l>o adju)»tfd by tlnetj Fence-viewers of the municipality, two of whom shall I'.gree. l.>t)-:U) V. o. 51, s. o.jr. (28). 15. The f<»rmsin the Sclicdulo hereto are to guide the parties, being varied according to circumstances. 37 V. c. 25, s. 13. I i !' ; X > Mr. Take notice, that Mr. day of SCHEDT'LE OF FORMS. FORM I. (SMhm J ) KOTICB TO OI'I'OHITK I'ARTV. . Mr. . Attd. , three fence viewers of this locaUtf, will attend oa the 18 at the hour of to view and arbitrate upon the lino feacs in dispute between our properties, being Lots (or parts of J.otH> <)ii<> and Two in the i.'onression of the Township of , ia day of .18 ihe l,'ouuty of Dated lhi» ToC. D., Owner of Lot 3, A. B.. Owner of Lot 1. ;orciu^ awanl* (, ttiid all othor t^R unU«r th)« .cioHS a lin« ur iH' that upuii property or ta le prttiiuHM on mil alnu forth- caused by tU« Hfter notice in liiine, or cauA* e m«nn»r, aud to retnuueiata i){ daiiiag«it be* Wu Act. nay viitur into ithout buin^ a )n, and for ih» Li« thereunder, » of whom shall I I UNE KKNCV> ACT. yOTlcr TO KKVCfc VIKVrK!T.-«. 19 Take noflc». that I require you lomtcnd al Hn«fenft betv*pf»n my property aiirt thai of Mr. rartii of I.ol«> N'os. 0«t wnd Two in ihv If . ill thei'onn»yof Dated this day uf FoUM ». «n th» o'clock a. m.. to riiw nn'J nibiit r?ti? on t'onccMioii of the i o,\)i '.'M » A. n.. 0'.v7jcr o( Lot !. (Sfftion fi.) AWAHI). We. the feneerlewers of m«mc the loiali'j ). hnvliif; hfr»n nrniinntcrt tral e upon the linn ii-n... bct^M'fii ' lVl?"V'i, •wner wJionotilliMilaiuKiminr and d.-sm-iplioii «>t Dwnoy iiaHt'idl. 'Oi mnrle and niaintftnujil hfiwc^i) ulcs'iibf (.loi.i Mk st, and hin n.i( 'A.nn an.i diilv acted accunlinK to "Ihc lane h cntis Att, dr. uunrd jl- lollows Mid line "h hlch eunmicnees nt , . 'Uirt ent Iciuv. lu mlit. ni. l« i ,il \ -, i,,nvt I'cr toil. The work sliiill lie c.Mii'nciiccd v\ limn and completed within daysironi this date, and ihc ro. Ittatcbr whoDHnid: ifby both, in what proitoilioii). to view B'l nd df •■; r\' icll ('''IK «,■ i in<'! f'lc |ir ; Thai par 'dec;- . and th ■s<.'fil)f ll'c 'I'h.' leix c*. .nid .-!> t --luiil I'e I d nrb'- li'lT! '■>' ;-• to'v i'!!liM ■ Ol til i!ic il,c, li tia;; i'lMlll-l ■e - 'in! ah CO I iai that tic li ic '"i < e wl''''h div ities onr -.aKl pre; ei tics : !i.»!l In- XTe Two in the made nnd MUfntained by'tis an tolluws uolhr.v Ihc, i-a. ."oi n, ar. ii-.vurd.- Doted thi. Uuyof -'.. IMX rMrnature of i,a,iitv .. .aad. t'lU attend oa the to view and ; Lots (or parts of , io wnerof Lot 1. ACT RESPECTING DITCHING WATER-COURSES, I »». *r4T. »*T., < II * P Itii. s r H#r Majfiiy, l.y mi.l with tlie n.lvlo.- himI consoiit of tlie Legislative Asuem- Wy •! flie JVoviiitf ol Ontiui*., •»imi;timiH iolloMH : 1. This A.-l Hiiiy he rif.«l jis "T!>- fHt>:h-i a„-l H'-ff ,-1 '»!,•.<' t ..j.-^." 2. Tills .\vJ ,<1,h11 ii..t am<, I Hu'. Acb, iPliUinv to M.iniripal Instil utionfi nr the ActH jrf.i.ec(in<; Dniinaup. n:< tin.-. Act is int-iM|p.l tn apply te indivifluaj, «nrl not to puMic «.r local iiitwii-sit.H. li-lit.'*, ..r liahilitics, .'IS V. v. vK*., s, -j, 3. Ill ffisc of ouiin'« of atljuiniiiiiii: ur H.ljncont lands n liirli uniild he h<»ii«- fittod by iiiiikiii-a ,litrli or .haiii, ..j- I,y (irfponiiiu- .t widpiiiiiji a .lifdi ..r dnun ajrt-a.ly iMaiU' in a natnial xmt^r-i-umsv, 01 hy n.akii.y, .Um-ppim,,;.. „r wi.lenine a rfitohnrrl,.,,i.i foithopnrpoHe of takiii- nil' s.iipins water f.um Mvanips oi- Joa' miry laiul, in mj(Ut to fnahlo tlu< nviiois „.• on-npi^rs thoieot to niKivate tlis ^>u..t>, such .sevMii! ovMieiH sliall opiMi an.l mako, .leq-en nr widfii a just aiul fair ru'o|)oi-tioii nf such ditch or drain, .iccoidiiig t(» IhcMr soveval inttMv«ts in thr mu- f miction of the same ; and surh ditdiesor drains «hall he kept and ninintHined K* opened, deepened or widened, by the aaid r.uiHis respi«ctivf>lv. and their sui- cesM.rsin such ownership, in snoh pro),(.itions as th.;y have heon suop^iH.,!, .lo^p. fued or widened, 'inl-sn in .nn.sc^.inenc** ..f ;,l(ored oircunistanceinlu, Fence.nfw. t«:-s luTeinatter named oti.erwise direct, which they -.m^ hoiehv en.p,.Nvered in do .pon application of any party inteieste.I, in the Hanie form and mannor as is here- n.afteri.rescrihedinresp.T' ufthe ..rijiinal openin-. .teej.eniny ..r widrnii;^ • snd ni case .he ^enue-vi, .is hnd no reason f..r :.nch applicati.m, all c(.st,s cansM th i-iil(ivate ihn I a jiisi ami fiiir VMts ill tllH CKIl- hkI MiaiiitHiued • and tht^w siu;- 'I ulK^IKfl, flot'li- !u! Kt'ncc-\ ievv' • )i(»\v»'ie.l i<\ do • iiiinr ,'iv is heri!- I'T vvi(irjiif;cf : ill costd caused itiitioj), flic fill- ll't oflUpflllf. <.f • >i:o week fnmx iiy to arltihatp. Fence- viewers U! piT.s.in i)i>fi i')i(jati()ii, and nviii'T (If oicii- i> H(iii-!i':^i(U Any ut all of tli« F«net tiewers nutiHud ; and in ease of dinagrcMinent the Judi^c hereinafter men- rioned ■tiall name the IVnceviewom who are to arbitrate. M V. e. 'J>. the proceedings shall be paid, or whether either party shall pay swme pro»»ovtion of such costs. 2. In making such award the fence viewer" shall rogjird the nature of the ditches or drains in use in the locality, and genei^lly the suitableness of the ditch «r drain ordered te the wants of the parties ; and the fence-vieweii uiay, if they think necessary, employ a Provincial Lf nd Surveyor for the purpose of takint* levels, or of making a plan for the parties to follow in making the ditch or drain or for other pui-poses. 3. If the expense of the ditch or drain exceeds the expense as estimated by the fence-viewer-, the same fence-viewers may be again notified in the same manner herein provided, and shall attend, and, if they see tit, make a supple mentary award respecting such expense, which award shall have the same effect and may be dealj with iu all respects as if it were a part of the first award. 38 A'. c. 20, s. I). Provided always that in case of tht> death or remuval from the muni- olpMiiy u|[ wy aucU (fn^P-Tiewfr*. m hi* .»r their c'v»»ini|f to he tvn"i>*-^i«'*^*s'** m KiriiM-fcrt ANlt W ATK!;-tOi;K?!h;.-« ACT. .::|, \ him Of tlieiii av dyin^, lenioving out. of the immicipHlity or ceaaiug to feiice- riewers, but there shall be tlie same right of objectins- to the substituted fence- viewers as is xiven by sub-section four of neotio)! four of this Act, and in case of »uch objection beirf^ made the. I udf;e ahall name the fence-viewers who are to arbitrate. ■ • 4. If it appears to the feuce-vl«wers that the owner or oecupier of any • tract of land is not sufhcicntly interested In the opening up the ditch or water- course to make him liable to perform aiiy part thereof, and a,t the same time it is necestery for the other party that such ditch should be continued across such tra(!t,' they may award the same to be done at the expense of such other party ; • and after such "award, the lasc .mentioned ))j6rty may open the ditch or water- • «ours3 across the tract,*at his own expense, without being a tresijasser. 40 T. •c. 8, s, 59. 8. The award .and any plan made as above provided for, shall be deposited in the office of the clerk of the municipality in which the lands are situate, withm ten days after the niakinc thereof, and the award and plan shall be official docu- ment*, and may be giver, in evidence in any. legal proceedings by certihed copies, . as are other ofticial documents,, and notice of their being made shall also be given .by the clerk of such municipality to all parties interested, within three days after . .their deposit. 9, The award shall '-onatitiitc ft lien and charge upon the Isnds respectinj; which it is made, when it is registered in the Registry Othce '-f the c.junr.y nr rtther registration division in wliich the lands are. •J. Such registration may be in duplicate or by copy, i)ro.ved by affidavit of • a witn< ;s to the original, or oti.erwisc, as in the cas« of any instrument which is within the m-aning of "^A'- Hf.'ii'^frtf Artr .38 V. c. 2(5, s. 1>. IQ. Theawardmay bcenforcovl as follows: Th-J person desiring to enforce it, pn)viued the work is not done within the time specified by the award, may • do the work which the award directs, and may inunediately recover its value and the costs from the owner by action in any Division Court Iriving jurisdiction in the locality ; but the Judge of such Division Court may, on application of either • party, extend the time for making such ditch to such time as he may think just. 38 V. c. 26, 8. 8. . ||. The .fence-viewe_r.s shall' be entitled to receive tw'o dollars f<»i' every day's work under this act. Provincial Land Surveyors and witneRsei shall be ' entitled to the same compensation as if they were subpoenaed in any Division Court. 38 V. 0. '2(5, .s la 12- Any person dissatisfied with the award made may appeal therefrom to the .fud«c of the County Court of the County in which the lands are situate ; and the proceedings on such appeal shall be iin follows : 1/ The appellant shall serve upon the fence-viewers and 3II parties inter- (f«';«?'d.,'a n(*tirc- ii» Tr'tut'.; mC hif ni^epti'tr. 'n tippe^^l, .lithin i^we wefV fioni tli* P i DITCHh!* ASh WATt.h-COiJUsfKS ACT. 9S^ .siug to feiice- *tituted fence- ami in case of viTh who are to ecwpier of any litch or water- e sduio time it ed across sucli li other party ; litch or water- ;>as8er, 40 T. II be deposited situate, within e official docu- ertihed copie?. 11 also be given hree days after nds respectiii;;; ■ the country nr by affidavit of nnent which is ling to enioi "e lie award, n):>v sr its value and jurisdiction in lation of uithcr lay tliink just. (liars for every lease's shall be n any Division i time he has been notified of th« award, which notice shall be served as other notices mentioned in this Act. * 2. The appellant shall also deliver a copy of »a«h notice to the Clerk of the Division Court of the Division in which the land wr a portion thereof lies, and tne clerk shall immediately notify the Judge of such ap-peal, whereupon th« J udge shall appoint a time for the hearing thereof, and, if he thinks tit, order such sum of money to be paid by the appellant to the said Clerk as will be a sufficient indemnity against costs of the appeal. 3. The Judge shall order the time and place for the hearing of the appeal and communicate the same to the Cleric, who shall notify the fence-viewers and all parties interested, in the manner hereinbefore provided for the service of other notices under this Act. 4. the Judge shall hear and determine the appeal, and set aside, alter, or affirm the award, correcting any error therein, and he may examine parties and witnesses on oath, and. if he so pleases, inspect the premises, and he may order payment of costs by either party, and fix the amount of such costs. 6. His decision shall be final ; and the award, as so altered or confirmed, shall be dealt with in all respects as it, would have been if it had not been ap- pealed from. 38 Y. c. 2(5, s. 14. 13. Ill case any Municipal Corporation would be benefitted Oy the con- 9tructit)n of such ditch ordiaiu, such Corporation shall be in the same position as an individual owner under this Act. 38 V. c. 26, s. lOg; 40 V. c. 8, s. GO. 14. In case any person during or after the construction of the ditches or didins herein provided for, desires t»» avail himself of sucli ditches or drains for the pui'pose of draining other lands than those contemplated by the original pro- ceedings, he may avail himself of the iirovisions of this Act, as if he were or had been a party to such original proceedings ; but no ,)erson shall make use of the ditches or drains constructed under the provisiims of this Act unless under agree- ment or award puisuant to its provisions as to use of the land of others, as to enlargement of the original ditch or drain, so as to contain additional water therein, and a» to the Uuie for the completion of such enlargement. 38 V. c. 20, s. n. 15. Any agreement in writing (Form 4), betwe*^- owners respecting such ditch, may be fil or registered, and enforced as if it was «n award of the fence- viewers, nS V. c. 26, 8. 15. 16. The forms in the Schedule hereto are to guide the parties, being varied according to circumstances. 38 V. c. 26, ». 16 il therefrom to ds are situate ; [1 parties inter- ^ .!■* -- 5» V . -I ■ I l:>rtCliG$ ASD WATERCOURSe^ AC'S. SCHEDULB or FORMi Form 1. (Stctimi 4') NOTICE TO OPPOSITE PARTY, TAktMticathAtllr. Mr. aod tkree feoce vi«wer« of this looaUtj, will attend on the day of . A. D. 18 , at tb« hour of to view our pMp»rtlea,'>beiaK L*tt (or psrt of Lots) One and 1'wo In the Conceasion 'nship of .in the County of , and arbitrate reepeetinff the ditch in dlepHte upea oar aaid Lots. day of A. D. II A> B. . Ownar of Lot I. To C. D.. . • 0«a«r of Lot il (or aa tka case mar h*U props of the Township of ' gpeetinff the llatedthia Form X. (HectloH 4') NOTICB TO PENCE VIEWERS. I Taka aeUca that I raqulte fo\x to attend at on the day of A>0.1B .at oVlock , to view my properly and that ef Mr. » being Lots (or parts of Lots) Nunibera One and 'i'vvointhe Co&ceaeion of the Township of in the County of . aad arbitrate on the diteh required aa aaid Lots. Sated tbic day o( A. I>. u A.il., Owner of Lot r Form S. (^tlan 7.) AWARD. We, the fence riewers of (name the locality), having been uotulnated to view and arbi- trate between (nauioand description of owner who notified) and (nurae and description of Dwner notified), upon a ditch rec^uired on the property of (name of owner notified), which ditoh is to bNa made and aiaintained on said property, ard having examined ttie preiiuae« and duly acted according to " The Act Ruspecting Ditching Watercourses," do award as follow* : A ditch shall be made and maintauted by the said coniniencing at (state point of commencement, and then giye course aud point of ending). The ditch shall be of the following description (state kind of ditcb, depth, width, &c.; it aplanhaat been made by the Proviacial Land Surveyor, describe course, kind ef ditch. Sec. by refer- ence to plan). The work shall be eommenced within , days aud completed within day* from this date, and th« costs shall be paid (state by whom to be paid, and If by both in what proportion). Dated this dayaf A.lK 18 WitaeM : (Higaatiires of fenco Tlewersi. Form 4. (SectUya lo.) AOREEMGNT. oya' Twelptha and , owmen respectively of Lots (or parts of Lots) One and ConceaiioB of the Township of io The County nf do agree that a ditcb ahaU ba aada a&d malatalaed by us as loliows : treilow sama form at la award). _ Dated tUa day of A. O. II Witness : l^ignature of parties). I !li i-ny .a."?.. / V^^ •• lend on tin* to vie» Conceaiioa i. arbitrate !: Lot I. i of 1 t ;. if proptriy ra One mvA Lot«. of Lot r f and arbi- cription of led), which e preiniae* ) award a« minencing The ditch a plan has ., Dy refer- ted withia ) paid, aod l«w«riih •) Oae a&d County of M foliowg : RrtitB), AN ACT RESPlECTING POUNDS. Her Majesty, by and with the advice and coMseut of the LegiiUtive Awemtiy of the Province of Ontario, enact* as follows : 1. Until varied or other provisions are made by by-laws passed under th« authority of section four hundred and sixty-three of *TAe Mimkifal Act,' this Act shall be in force in every Township, City, Town and incorporated Village in Ontario. 29 30 V., c. 51, s. 365. 2. The owner or occupant of any land shall be responsible for any damage or damages caused by any aninnl «r aniniiiU under his charife and keeping as though such animal or aniujals were his own property, and the owner of any animal not pormitted to run ut larjie by the by-laws of the Municipality shall be liable for any dama(,'o done b> such animal, although the fence enclosing the premise!* was not of the height required by such by-laws. 29-30 Y., c 51 a. 355 (1). 3. If not previously replevied the Pound-keeper shall impound any horse, bull, *)x, eow, 8hee[t, irttat, pit;, or other cattle, geese or any other poultry, dis- trained for unlawfully running at iare;e, or for trespassing and doing dania^'e, (lelivered t<» him for that puiiujse by any person lesident within Lid division win* has distrained the same; or if the owner of any geeso or other poultry refuses ur neglects to prevent the same from tresitussing on his neighbor's premises after a notice in writing haii been F.erved upon him of their trespass, then the owner of such poultry may be brought before any Justice ot the Peace and Hned such sum as the Justiee directs. 29-30 V. c. 51, s. 355 (2). 4. When the common ix)und of the niunici[)ality or place wherein a dis- treMH lias been made is not secure, the pound-keeper may contine the animal iu any enclosed place witliin the limits of the pound-kteper's division within wh .t the distress was made, 29-30 V. c. 51, s. 355 (3). 5. The owner of any animal impounded shall at any time be entitled to his animal, on demand beinir made therefor, without payment any poundage fees, on giving satisfactory security to the pound-Ueeper for all costs, damages and pound- ago fees that may be established against Wuu, but the person distmining and im- pounding the animal shall, at the time of such impounding, deposit poundage fees, if such are deinandeJ, and within twenty-four hours thereafter deliver to the pound-keeper duplicate statements in wiiting of his demands against the owner for damages (if any), not exceeding twenty dollars, done by such animal exclusive of such poundage fees, and Khali also give his writttn aifreeiiiciit (with « ' m 26 FOUXDS ACT. 1 '. I ( ( •uwty if ro(juired by the pouhd-keepor) in the farm f ii • • i . aametfiict: ^^''f '''^'' *" "'^ ^"^'" i«»ll'>wiiix, or m words tothe rfj^ i«?l '° ""•" "'• dlii'rea" lir mo. the wld li ii , ; "" '""'' » "I'l"'' He wM owner Pound-l«»B.r iiiav r.(.,„ .1 ■ •,.,'. '""'*•"' "' "'"I'Venus! til. 111,1,1,1.1 to a «o«laini„K a .l«„rip,i„„ ,.f t|,. eul,,,, .,„, ..L „at„ 1''? , , I" ' ""' ...imai, a. „.., a. ,„,y i,„. ,,,.yo v'. : :;"'.'; ;;;";;■;' """ "■"'"••■"i ■"«'k^ <■« ti,e 9. The Clark, on receivinif •uch nuficp «)i-ili ( ..m •*! x ..«ive., orcpy t.,e..of, i,. .„„„ „„,. icuou. p . .. '' "■■ ;"""" "' olfico, and cmtinu. tlie na.ue >u |,.,lod f.,, ,^1, . '*'' "'" ''"'■'' "' ''" «o,..r claimed by .„c. ow„... ;i ";1>: 51, tlsT'^;:"'' ""'-'^ "" """"^' » 10. If the animal, or any number of aninial. tak^n ,„ . ., or .« of th. valu. of ten dollars or more tha .li , ' ' , """" '"""• " .h.notic.t„bapubli.h.d in a nl-t »-"" ™u,o a copy „f tl,.roi„, and if n^t, than in » new paprp ,,,,,«' in";''*^;. " ""' " '""'""-'' to l,e continued therein once a week for T ""'""' '". "» "'^J"™"!! county, and .. 355 (9). ' """' ""'-««•»■» week.. 2» 30 V. c. 51, .ii^ by ;wo:;dr:;:'ri"r '::::::';'■ •■'"'"••/"^ "'^ """ "--'-'-"b. .i,..ho„r.aLw.rd.,';:tr;r„:tcrt^ days, n»r any hor8« or other oftHl» till n , t»ll after four clear .mpoundi„J„..a„.e. 2^0 V ^ fil, I SsTfol' ""''■ '^'' '■"■"«>- 'i.- of for the .ale thereof shlll . ot" ' l ":",,:' ! "'"'ir '' T "'""' ""* ""'■«• fcorae 0. other cattle, th. notice. .Lnl 7. x' ' ""^ " ""= ""'>»»' '» « >H.l i. taken up. 2«' SO V „ "T .iMa,)" '"''"' '"' '"^ »'"""" ""«■ ">« «'" Ju«, foX"!:: t:r.7,;r™:L^^ •-" "--^-^ -^->- uccewive any. m three public places in the municipality, ^x^E^^^'^^^j^'*^'' wovAi to the p owner of the ho .said owner or in case the , 8. 355 (4). ?, goat, pig, icipality for uuiinnl to a d he luiikeg hereinafter ivrit'i" notice liiiijr posses- liver to the niinal, aiiU aiks of the py thereof notice he ;luor of ]iii t^aniiuul is »e time, is a cop3' of publighed ^nty, and V. c. 61, 'f «hall be liin forty- Four clear le time of (jsseiision lenoticts limal iii a the an! and con- icipality, POUKDS ACT, ar and ah&ll speeify the time and place at which the animal Ml be publiely ifld, If not sooner replevied or redeemed by the o»rner or some one on his behalf paying the penalty imposed by Uw (if any), the amount of the injury (if any) claimed or decided to have been of»mmitted by the animal tn , * property Mie person who distrained it, together witi, the lawful fees and charges of the l-ound-keeper, and also of the fence-viewers (if any); and the ezpenaes of the annual's keepmjj. 29 30 V. c. 51, s. 355 (12). 14. Every pound-keeper, and every person who impounds or confines, or causes to be nnpounded r,r confined, any animal in any common pound or in any open or close pound, or in any enclosed p'ace, shall daily furnish the animal with flTood and sufficient food, water and nhelter, during the whole time that 8Mch awimal continues impounded or confined. 29-30 T. c, 51, i. 356 (18). 15. Every such pprson who furnishes th? animal with food, water, ami shelter may recover the value thereof from the owner of the animal, and also a reasonable allow.'xnce for his time, tn.uble, and attendance iti the premises. a»- 30 V. c. 51, 8. 355(14). 16- The value or allowance as aforesaid may be reco?ed, with costs, by summary proceedings before any Justice of the Peace within whose jurisdiction the animal was impounded, in like manner as fines, penalties, or forfeitures for the breach of any bv law of the municipality, may by law be recovered and en- forced by a s.ncrle .Justice of the Peace ; and tho Justice shall ascertain and de- tcrmine the amount of such value and allowance when not otherwise fixed by lair adhermg, so far as applicable, to the tariff of po-jnd-keepers' fees and charges es- tablished by the by-laws of the municipality. 29-30 V. c. 51, s 355 (15). " 17. The pound-keeper, or person so entitled to proceed, may, instead of summary proceediuirs, «-nforce the remuneration to which he is entitled in man- ner hereinafter mentioned. 29-30 V. c, 51, s. 355 (If.j. 18. In case it is by affidavit proved before .me of the Justices aforesaid, to Ins satisfaction, that all tho pr.)per notices had been duly affixed and pub' lished m the manner and for the resjN-ctive times above described, then if the owner or some one for him does not witliin the time specified in the notices, or before the. sale of the animal, replevy or redeem the same in manner aforesaid, tlie pound-keeper wlio impoinideu the animal, or if the person who took up the animal did not deliver such animal to any pound-keeper, but retained the same in his possession, then ?.ny pound-keeper of the municipality may publicly sell the animal to the hiicliest bidder, at the time and place mentioned in the afore- said notices, and .after deducting the pen.-vlty and the dnmages ^if any) and fees Jind charges, shall apply the produce in discharge of the value of the food and nouiishment, loss of time, trouble and attendance so supplied as aforesaid, and of thp. ( xpenses of driving or conveying and impounding or confining the animal, and of ^iifc sale and attending this same, or incidental thereto, and of the dan^Age 28 POUXDS ACT. ■ i if I •llh when legally clainia!)le (not exceeding twenty d<»llars), to bo ascertained as afore nil], done by the anim^l to the property <'f the perBo'> at. whose suit the same WHS distrained, and shall return the siirplus (if any) to the original owner of the animal, or if not claimed by him within three nionths after the sale, the pound- keeper shall pay such surplus to th« treasurer of and for the use of the munici- pality. 20-30 r. c. 51, 3. .T'O (17). 19. If the oi»ner, within forty-eight hotirs after the delivery of suclj state- ments, as provided in tl)e fifth section, disputes tlie anioiutt of the damages so claimed, the amount shall bo ilecided by the ninjnrity of Jhree fence-viewers ot the miniicipality, one to be named by the owner of the nnimal, one by the per- non distrainiag or c]ain»in<^ damaj^'es, and the thinl by (18). 20- Such fence-viewers, or any Uvo of them, shall, within twenty-four hours after notice .le,» snuUhn .1. 1 . J . -5 Wh.« not ,..l..,.n..i.. ,.v>vi'.l'A «">• i;"-™';^,,, d .;Ltribu.«I iu the ,,„. ,„y .lattice ,,t .l.c Peace ""'l"; ""» ■'^\: ' , , ,,r .o...lup in .hieh t„o ..*nc<, .», c,.mu,it..e,l, ana "'« " f ' " ,„. „, ,„ „,ch other p»«o» «. p„„„n who infonnc-a and i.ro.eont. 1 »■ . . e " "^ fr. the Justice seems proper. 29-30 A . c. Oi, AN ACT RESPECTING CANADA THISTLES. Her Majesty, by nxnl with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows : |. It shall be the duty of every occupant of land to cut or cause to be cut down all tlio Canada thistles c;r()\viiiL' tliereon, kd often in each and every year as is sufficient to prevent tliciu from goiuLj to seed ; and if any owner, possessor or occupier of land knowin,i,dy K I! I'la-s any Canada t'-th.'s to j,mow thcrecjn and the seed to ripen so as to cause or endanger ihe t-pi, , d thereof, he shall upon conviction be liable to a fine of not less than two nur nioie than ten dollars fo^ every such offence. 29 V., c. 40, s. 1. 2- It sliall be rhe duty of ti)e overseers of highways in any municipality to see that the provisions of this Aor are carried out within (hoir respective lii;:h- way divisions, by cuttinTLr> ACT. Bl ihall be pnivulutl for in the same .nuuner as in the next foUowlnjj a«ctu.n of this Act. 29 V. , c. -to, s. :J. 6. Each ovoraeer of h! by its bgal description the land •at«red upon, and verified by oath, to the owniT, posacasor or occupier of rucU resident landn, reciuiriu'^ hint to pay the aujount. 2. In case such owner, possessor or occupier of such resident lands refuse* ov neglects tt. i>ay the same within thirty days af.or such application, the said claim shall be presented to ilie municipal council of the corporatlcn in whick Huch expense was incurred, and the said council is hereby authorized and r->(iuired to credit and allow such claim, and order tlie same to be paid from the funds for general purposes of the said jnunicipality. 2!> V., c. 40, s, 4. Q. The said oferseer of highways shall alsi> present to the said council a similar statement of the expense incurred by him in carrying out the provisions of this Act upi)n any non-resident lands, and the said council is hereVjy author- ized and empowered to audit and allow the same in like manner. 20 Y., e.40, s.4. 7. If any owner, occui)ant or possesscu-, amenable under the provisums of this Act, deems such cxi)ense excessive, an appeil may be had to the said council (it made' within thirty ilays after the delivery of such statement], and tUr said council shall determine the matter in dispule. 2J> V., c. 40, s 4. O. The municipal council of the corijuratiun shall cause nil «uch surna aa have been so paid under the provisions of this Act 10 be severally levied on tho lands described in the statement of the overseers of highw-vs, and to be cullected in the same manner as other taxes; and the same vhen collected shall be paid iutD the treasury of the said corporation, to reimburse the outlay therefrom aforesaid. 2^ V., c. 40, s. 5. 9. Any person '.rho knowingly vends any grass m other seed among which there is any seel of the Canada '..t'^ shall f.u- every such oflence, upon con- viction, be liai»!:; U) a lino of not less than two nor nun-e than ten dollars. 29 V. c. 40, s. «5. , , , , 10- K^'^i'y «>verst.or of highways or other officer who refuses or neglects to discharge thJduties imj.osed upon him by this Act, shall be liable to a fine of not less than ten nor more than t\venty dollars. 29 V., c. 40, b. 7. 1 1. Every offence against tho provisions of this Act shall be punished, and the penalty herebv enforced for each offence shall be recovered and levied, on summary conviction, before any Justice of the Peace ; and all tines imposed »hall be paid into the treasury of the municipality in which such conviction takes place. 29 V. c. 40, s. 8. For powers of municipal councils see subsection .6, section 4G1, Revised Statutes, cap. 174. AN ACT RESPECTING SNOW FENCES. Her Majesty, by and witli the .i(h ice iuu\ couHeui uf jJ.n l • i • of th. Province „f 0,.,„i„, emw.» aa Mill" ' "" '"""'•""' ^^■^'"''^'>' |. TJie council (»f evorv towimliin ..;♦.. ♦ ... they .hail midc suuh comptusiiH,,,, (,, „,c|, „„.,„., ,, '^-ni^ta lUiulc »„all l,e Wu.lin^. up,,,, all pai-ics. ' ' ' "" 1..WU, alter, „r rc„,„ve .,„el, feueo „r fo„„ H ,u, ,,i „ „ ' ^ uu : ';';; "r ""■: "'" ^'""'--""" *» ■■» :■■"••• h- ti.o cuuen i„ i,„o „ .r : up„„ „r ,ott.l„a by arl„tratiuu, |,r„oe„.l t„ take ,],„>„, alt,.,., „r ,v,„„ve I ; , la ence„„deo„«tructtI,..,tl,er .le.e,.i„ti„a .,f fcuco ,vl,icM„ s b,..u „, ,, a by the e„„„e,l, auj the a.uouut „f all e„,t» aua charge, thereby iueu ., | counc, .nora„dab„ve the a,.,„uut „f e ,.,..sati„„ a,....,, .,',„, .."'la .rb.traf,,,,, may .uuuediately be recvered (r,,,,, sue ,J- ,.r „„. .„i t .et..,n m any d.v.s.o,, curt havi,,, j,„.i»Ji,,i,„. i„ „„. ,„,ui.v. a„a the a,,,,:,,, „f the jud^eutn, favor of the „,unici:,ality obla.ue.l i„ s.ld, e.u,-; lee ,. . . rol a, taxes a...a,ust the la„ci» „p„„ .,r alou,- the h„„„,la ies „f ..buh ,l,o auHeneeu„t„a.e ,„a after beiu, place., upeu the coll,:...„v'» ,.„„, ,:, t colleetedaud treated ■ respect, as other ta.es i.up.se.I bv bv-h.;,, „, I .' .uum,,,pal,ty. Whe„ a tenant or oceupant, other then tl„. ovvne,; sb.llb,. re- qmredtopay the aforesaid .un,, or any part theroot, .uch tenant ,„.ocen,,anf „,av deduet the .am., and any costs paid by h fr,„„ the rent payable by bin, o"r liiiive Assi'iiibly Od villu'^'O ;iliull 'I'iug upon uiiy i.'iict'S fuujid t:() tiiict tho travel icr is I'xorcisc'd i foi' till' t.iKint'; oiistnictinn of lieu of (lie ,,)H> utiially iiL;;<..'L'(.t ICC, ill respect I 1)0 settled by I tlie a Will'; I no J}j.hct in taici, '>rlu:r feiiifj ,,!• ir.'iliou .•>(■ iuo IS 1)0011 a.; reed .'iiiove I lie old II apiinacd of nirred \>y (lie or settled \yy ucc i\>ivi\ Ity I the aiDoimt 'urt, shall, if tho next eol- I'f which tlie vill, sliall be y-hiw^ of the I .sli;\ll 1)0 ro- ccLir-antiiiay a by hini, or t sliall liave .// Spf- *^ l^^'Afr.^ ,