IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) // ^^4 t<'/ /^/j 1.0 I.I 1.25 |50 ^^ u 1^ M 2.2 2.0 1.8 1-4 IIIIII.6 6' ^^ <^. vQ >^ / o / Pholographic Sciences Corpomtion #,■* ^^. -signifie "A SUIVRE", le symbols V signifie "FIN". Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc.. peuvent dtre filmte A dee taux de rMuction diffirents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul clich*. il est film* d partir de I'angle supirieur gauche, de gauche d droite. et de haut en bas. en prenant le nombre d'images ndcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mithode. 1 2 3 32X 1 2 3 4 5 6 BY-LAYv^S OF THE ST. TttOMAS iODGE OF FREE Al ACCEPTED MASflHS, ^ O. 4 4, a. R. c. -♦••-•- LONDON: PRI^fTED BY THE FREE PRESS PRINTIN(i COMPANT, I RICHMOND STREET. 1871. ,■*..- n BY-LAWS OK THE ST, TttOMAS iOBeE OF FREE Al AGGEFTi NAM. ]sr c). 4 4, a. R. c. -< »♦- LONDON : PRINTED BY THE FHEE PRESS PRINTING COMPANY., RICHMOND STREET. 1871. OPPICBRS FOR 5871. Wo». Bro. John Midgle\ ^^ *m* *< " James Carrie l^M. « " Tiios. D. Warren P-M. « . " J. E. Smith • ^•^' « « Geo. W. Morgan ^•^' " W. MlCKLEBORO S.W. " John King J*W' « C. W. Harte .Treasurer « C. Geary Secretary " Rev. St. Geo. Caulpeilp Chaplain " F.Ellison S.D. " D. Thomson J-^- . « D.Drake Steward " T. Singer " S. Peters ^•^• « .J.F.KiiiK Tyler ORDER OF BUSINESS. Heading Minutes of last R. 0. and S. E. Confirmation of Minutes. Communications, Accounts, Auditors' Reports. Proposals for Membership. Re->orts of Committee on Candidates for Initiation. Balloting. . r. ^4. General remarks for the benefit of the Craft. Lectures, Historical and otherwise. Initiation, when the W. M. shall order. Conferring Degrees, &c., M. M. Abtiolb 1.— The regular meatinAS of this Lodge shall be held in the Lodge Room, on the first Thursday of each month, at the hour o£ half-past seven o clock, p. m., and on the Festivals of Saint John the Baptist, and Saint John the Evangelist, at such hour as the Worahipful Master shall be pleased to appomt. Article 2.— When the Worshipful Master takes his seat, (and upon the usual sign being given) profound silence shall be observed, and the Officers and Brethren shall take their seats. Article 3— When the Worshipful Master takes the Chair, no Brother shall leave his work or move from his Slace, except as required in the performance of his uty, without permission from the Worshipful Master. Article 4.— In motions, debates, &c., the rules ob- served in the Grand Lodge shall be stiictly adhered to; The Worshipful Master may order any motion to be put in writing. The Worshipful Master shall discountenance tedious debate, and shall hasten to put a stop to it. When the Worshipful Master rises, all debate shall cease, and strict silence must be observed. Article 6.— Every Brother shall stand up when he speaks, and shall address himself to the Worshipful Master in a respectful manner ; he shall not speak more than twice on the same subject, nor say anything to wound or irritate the feelings of a Brother. Article 6.— When any motion is put, every niember shall vote thereon, unless for special reasons he be ex- cused by the Lodge. The Worshipful Master shall always have the casting vote ; and a vote on any question shall be taken by ballot at the request of two members, excepting other- wise provided for. Article 7.— When the Worshipful Master stall deem it expedient to hold a Lodge of Emergency, it ftball be called by special notice from the Worshipful Master, or by summonses, and no other business except that stated in the notice or summons shall be entered upon. Article 8.— No person applying for initiation shall lip admitted, unless he has resided one year within the district of this Lodge, or shall have produced a certifi- cate of his good character from the Lodge from whose district he hails ; and then he must be proposed in open Lodge by a member, and seconded bv another—both in good standing. The petition, according to the Grand Lodge By-Laws, shall be shown to the applicant, which he will be required to sign in his own hand writing, and deliver the same to a member of this Lodge with the sum of $3, which sum will be returned to tlie applicant if he be not received. Should the candidate be elected and not appear with- in three months after being notified of the same, the above sum will be forfeited, unless he has been detained by sickness or some unavoidable circumstance. No pe- tition can be withdrawn. The purport of this By-Law to be commu^cated to the applicant. The Worshipful Master to appoint a Committee of two members to re- port on the character of the petitioner at the following xv. C Articlk 9.— No person shall be initiated in the Lodge until he has paid the sum of Twenty Dollars, which amount shall entitle him to the three Degrees and his Grand Lodge certificate and registration in the <» rand Lodge books. Article 10.— Every member shall pay the sum of 25 cent^ per month for monthly dues ; Brethren owing $8, shall not be eligible for any Office, nor shall they rote on any question before the Lodge, and shall be proceeded against as in Article 16. All monthly dues to commence the following month after initiation, or Joining the Lodge as a new member. Article 11. — Resident Brethren, not contributing members of a Lodge, shall .be allowed to visit this Lodge not more than otico. See G. L. Laws, page 4(>, r I sec. 2. No visiting Brother shall be admitted unless votioh«d for in open Lodge ; if not to vouched for, tiie Worshipful Master may appoint two well skilled Breth- ren a Board of Examination, and if favorably reported, the visiting Brother shall be admitted. xVrticlk 12.— The admission of Brethren to become members of this Lodge, or candidatesT for Initiation, shall be by ballot. Two black balls shall exclude. In the event of a candidate being rejected, application may be again made at the expiration of twelve months, when every member shall have due notice thereof. In all cases the Treasurer or Secretary to retire and collect the fees prior to admission. Article 13.— A Brother Mason applying for admis- sion as a member of this Lor'ge, shall produce a certih- cate from the Lodge he formerly belonged to, or show satisfactory reasons why such certificate cannot be pro- duced, lie shall be regularly proposed And seconded ia open Lodge at a regular meeting, and the Lodge shall decide by ballot at the next regular meeting; as in Ar- ticle 12. If the Brother be accepted, he shall pay the sum of Three Dollars on his admission, and the usual monthly dues. Article 14.— Any member disclosing any part of the business of this Lodge to any person not a Mason, or in the hearing of any pei'son not a Mason, or who shall violate the secrecy of the ballot by stating to a Brother how he voted on any question, or by endeavor- ing to ascertain how any Brother voted, or if he should know by any means how any Brother voted, and dis- close the same to any person or Brother, he shall be liable to severe Masonic censure, and lor a second offence, upon due proof thereof, be suspended. Article 15.— Brethren may be elected honorary members of this Lodge, by a vote of the Lodge. Article 16.— When any charge is made against a Brother, either for non-payment of dues, for immoral conduct, for injuring a Brother by word or deed, or for any violation of his obligations, such charge shall be made in writing, and a copy of the same wrwarded to the offending Brother. The W. M. shall appoint the time for its consideration by the Lodge. The Brother shall be at liberty to be present, and have every oppor- tunity of defending himself. When the case has been investigated, he shall withdraw, and the votes of the Brethren shall be given openly. The name of every ex- cluded Brother, with the cause of his exclusion, shall be sent to the Grand Secretary and to the District D.G.M Article 17.— The W. M., S. and J. Wardens, Chaplain, Secretary and Treasurer, shall be annually elected by ballot at the regiilar meeting preceding the Festival of St. John the Evangelist, December 27th, and the Tyler, who shall be elected by an open vote of the Lodge. The installation of the W. M. and officers elect shall take place on St. John's Day, Dec. 27, ex- cept when said dav falls on Sunday, and then it shall take place on the ioUo ving Monday. The W.M. shall, immediately after his installation, appoint the S. D., J. D., I. G., D. C, and two Stewards. Article 18.— Two auditors shall be appointed at the II. C. in December, one by the W. M., and another by the Lodge, whose duty it shall be to bring in a state- ment of the funds of the Lodge and its receipts and disbursements, which statement shall be handed to the Worshipful Master, and sliall be adopted or rejected at the next regular meeting in January, by a majority of the Brethren. Article 19.— The Treasurer shall be provided with a book in which to record all monies received and paid ont on account of the Lodge, and shall discharge all bills which shall have been approved by the Brethren, and received the Worshipful Master's signature to the same. He shall enter the name of every Brother, and be able to show, at anv time, the state of each Brother's account, and shall declare in open Lodge the amount received at each meeting, which amount so declared shall be recorded in the Secretary's book. He shall m. m ^ furnish to the W. M. a Unt of the names of all the Brethren owing the sum of Three Dollars, whicli shall be kept in a pubhc place in the Lodge Room for refer- ence, lie shall also furnish necurity, if required, for the safe keeping and faithful discharge cf the duties of his ottice, as shall be approved by tlu^ Lodge. Article 20.— The Secretary shall keep a record of all meetings, members present, visiting; r>rethren, niid resolutions passed, issue summonses for omergencics. keep a register of the members, showing the date of admission, initiation, passing and raising, and shall re- cord the receipts of all monies received at each meetint^ He shall be exempt from all dues during the time \\p. holds his office. Article 21. — Any member whose duos are paid up may withdraw at pleasure, by giving notice in writhig to the W, M. of his intention so to do at any regular meeting of the Lodge, and a written dischaige' shall be given him unless he has violated Article 16. The Sec- retary to record > the notice. No member shall be charged with dues, after applyiwg for his ^nthdrawal, whether it be granted or not.' Article 22. — The Tyler shall K^e every 'Brother's name entered in the attendance I" ook, before allowing him to enter the Lodge, and that he is properly clothed. He shall be punctual in his attendance at the Lodge, and shall have the room in proper condition before the time appointed for opening, lie shall keep the room clean, maka all fires, deliver summonses, and for the faithful performance of these duties he sliall be paid by the Lodge at the expiration of every throe months. Article 23. — No part of tliese By-Laws shall be repealed, annulled, altered, or amended, unless a pro- posal in writing shall have been presented at a stated meeting, at least one month previous to the discussion, when, if two-thirds of the members present vote in favor of the proposal, it shall be adopted.