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I^ftfs. chf rts. fte., mpy bf fllmfd ft difff rfft rédúction rf tios. ThMf too If rgf to bo f ntlrf ly inckpdod in «no /oxpMuro f rf fllmfd bf ginnlng In thf uppf r If ft hf nd comor, lo ft to right f nd top to bottom. fs mf ny frf mM fs rsqulrf d. Thf following dif grf ms illustrsts ths , mfthod: I L'sxsmplsirs fflmé fut rsproduft grlcs áls jiénérosité df : ; Socf óté dú Nusóe ' 4luSáaf Mfre.de Québec/ Lm imf gsi suivf ntos ont été rf produitss svsc t« plup grsnd soinr^compts tf nu ds Is conditiön ot df is no nfté df l'fxo mpif rf fiimé. st Sn ^ conformiti fvfc Ifs conditions du cbntrot ds ' fiimfgf, V LM'MfmplfirM originoux dont If couvorturs sn . popifr Mt Impriméf sont fiimis fn commsncsnt psr If prf mif r pif t f t f n tf rminf nt soit por Is dfrniérf pfgf qui comporto uno omprc ints d'imprMsion ou dtillustrotion. soit psr lo Moond pkit. Mlon lo Cfs. Tous Im sutros oxomplsirst orlgfnf ux sont filmis on common^f nt pf r If prfmlérf pfgf qui comporto uno omprointo d'improMion ou d'illustrstion ot on tsrminsnt psr Is dorniéro psgs qui comporto uno tsilo smprfintf . Un dM symbolM suivonts sppfrfftrf sur-ls dsrniérf imfgf df ehf quf microfichs, so ion If / Cfs: is symbolo — ^ sígnifis "A SUIVRE". Is symbolo ▼ signifio "FIN". Lm csrtfs, ptfnchfs. tf blff ux. ftc. pfuvfnt étro filmés é dM tf ux df ^duetíon dlfférsnts. Lorsquo lo doeumont ost tro^ grond pOur étrf rfproduit on un muI eliché. il ost filrhé^á psrtir ds l'snglf supéris ur gsuchs. ds gf uehe á droits. ot do hf ut f n bf s. f n prf nf nt If nombro djimo gM nécfMf irf . Lm difgrfmmM suivsnts illustrsnt if méthodo. fk x^r 32X 5 6 .1 . í ^ . ■' * , « , .» • . » ¥ J --^- — ■ - ■ ^-^^ - — _ "" , ' , • > "■W' - *■ *■ r -) , t t > ? / " 1 ■ ' L ht •( / ■» 'L^ '\' ^^^^T' EEN'S BENCH. rPEAL 8ir»É. lilS LADY THE QUEEN, Appellamt, EBB1VEZER JIAIRD. \ .... - .; . : (Jh/mdunt in Iht ('otirl bchw,) V . r> \y v^ Respondknt. -^3 KESl>OiNDEííT'S.CAM^ ss«ðfSE^§í' i rriIK procuedins in tlie Coiirt below, in wliich this AppeuJ originated, was in r 1- .u" '.7' .• " 17'"« /«*•'■"*. nominally for the benefit of tlie.Reverend Liidics the Ursuline Nuus ol Quebec, but reallv lor that of Mr. William Lninpsoii, a Cove owiier, íor the purpose of settingaside letters patent ffrariting certain bcacRlots at the City of Qirebec, to Mr. Baird, the ResVindeít in thi alwve cause. In ord.'r that the real iiature of the chiím set up in the Court below may bo distiiMtly beibre this Court, the Respondeiit here transcribes at lull length the inh>rnialion which was issued in thc nairte of the Attorney (.enenil oii tlie 12tli of April IS-IS,-" Be it remembered' tkat the Honorable Louis Ilypolite I^ifontauie, Esquire, Attompy Generall of Öur present S<.vereigii Lady the Queen, wlio prosetnites for Our said La'dy the Qucen, iii this behalf, coines III his owii proper iKjrson belöre tlu- IIonoi*able the Justices ».f Her Majesty s Co.irt of Quéen's Meiich, for the District of Ouebec, and for .. ?,'"';^f!>^''l"j!f " "'": '**••'/' '^«'*>' ♦''« ^"^t*». coniplains of Elienezer Baird, of ^ the City of Quebec. iii the said district, Esíiuire, and giveth tlie Court here to under.stand aiid Ih' införnied that on the twenty third^Iay öf Februarv last piist, by letters putent under the fíreat seal of llie said Proviiice, ffiven at the ;t,overiiineiit House, in the City of Moiitreal, Our said Lady the Queen, upon he Petition of tlie said Defendant, did líive, grant and c^aifirm unto liim his leirs and assigiií ccríain lots or pieces of ground, beach aiid premises witliin the said DistFÍct in the said létters imtent descrilK'd as follows: All that certmii lot ^rfircel of beach situate ata place .alled L'Ance des Méresniear /if .' .y "'^^"•;''*'''. '» »'•« í^«.>»'«ty "'id District of Quebec, bonndcd, &c. (Here follows a dcscription of hrst :-a h.t commencing at high water mark as es al.lished by the plan of one Sax and ninning to low water, and secoiídly :-a ot in f ront of the one above mentioned running into deep water) lo have and to hol.i tlie said lots, tracts or parcels of land, beáclt and pre- mises ..f Oiir sai.1 Lady the Queen, her heirs and successors unff. the said .. í'r" w^ B«""'''. '"» ííe'M nnd assigns, t.. his and their own prop^r use and b«!hoot for^ever in free and coinmon .soccage by fealty only, in 'lieu of all other reiits, services, duesand diities whatsocver, in like mannert/s landíare now holden of Our said Lady tlie Queeii iii free aiid coimnon soccagc in ■/ •' '^ ^ ".■.,:.'... ■ ó. —2— ' \ " \_' \ l 't that part of the nnitcil Kinp^dora of Grcnt fíritnin nhd Irolnnd ortlleil Knf>;land. " And Oi'ir iSHÍd lindy tho Qnccn, hy tlic snid Lttlí'rs Pnti'nt did frmni to tho " said Eht'ne/.er Hiiircl his heirs nnd nsisi^ns' fitr rve'r iiill jMiwerand lilM>rty to " use, occHpy nnd enjí^ the snid lots, tracls,or pnrcels ol" liind, lM>ach nnd pn> nuses nraiiy inniuier thnt he or they shnll tliiiik lit Ity'ercctinjf n whnrf or *• whnrvcs,' store or storcs, or otlicr ItiiiidiiiKs tli"r»>pii, niid lo npply tlic produce " or protits thcncc nrisin«l " of whicli lctlcrs jMilciit Ihc snid All«trii«'y (i*>nernl briii<;cth licn> iiito C'onrt n •♦ ttuc «"opy t«t!(etlu>r willi Ihcsc jtrcscnls.* 'm " .^d tliíe^snid Attorii«>y^(?eiicrnI«tf oíir sni!Íls--«tf the Provincc of IiOW«d niid litrly iiii llic .inid " caiisc in Ihe síii«l Ii«'ltcrs Pntciil incnli«)n<>d, lli«> Kevcriiid Ln«lics ^hc i'rsii- " jihcs of Qncbtíc aÍ4)r<>snid wcrc n«ljud<7(>«l 'aiitl dH-hircd lo Imí íiiuI iii liict and " iii law art>, Ihe pntprictors nnd iii po.s.sessi.yn «tí nll llic Iniul a«IJorMÍnsf thc " snid lot iii thtj snid Lettcrs Piitcnt lirstly dt>.scribt> aiul is thc ^oundarý^nd liiie «tf division bclAvccn ihe liropcrty " of thesaid licvcrend Líídies the rrsiilincs of'Qucbcc, íúid the saitl|l«)fs-of x " land .so f!^rant«>d to tlie snid Dcf«rcsnid, " ns by the sai«l Jud<«mcnt "whereof^he snid Attoriicy (h'iiitíiI bringi! ht|rc iiito - " Coiirt a tru«> copy, * rcl«>rencc thcrcfo Jiad, will m«trc fiiHy npjK'ar, wliicli " Jnd<^mcnf hath iicvcr bceu rtívcrsed, sct iisi«lc «tr v;iciit«'d, biitwnsiit thc tiafc " t)f the suitl Lctters Piifcnf, aiKlyet is iii fiill fitrcé aiitl cfft snitlf rivcr Sninf " Lawrcnce is n Havii^able rivcr wlicrc tlic lidc cbl)s inul flows íiiid tliat fhe " snid litt of Iniid in flic .snid Lcftcrs Pnfciit lir.>fly niciitittiicd, .cftmjiri.scsall flic • " bcach of thc saitl rivcr iit tlie jtliice llicrc tlcirwise, íor all ofhcr piirjKt.si>s as Kijtiirian j)roprít>tors - " are ^iscd to cnjtiy tlie b«'a«!lics of navi^nblc rivcrs ntljoíiiiii t«t tlic saitl Dcfendnnt " utUaw/uUu prcjudiccs and injurtouslif nffciis thc snid ris fhe Ursulincs of " Quebec by thcir humble jK>tition havc r«>preseiitcd thé prernises to Our sai«l " Lady thc Queen and Our said ÍM\y thc Qucen liath btícn graciously plea.setl, " fbr their rclief, to ordcr the said Attt)rncy General fo do what to law and " justicc tlofh appcrtain, in this belinlf, thc'said Attorncy lG(>neral of Our said * For foiKlUioiis iif U-ltiT!^ I'»ti-iit. st-í' .\|iiH'iiili.x N4>. 1. • , , - . -/:• -^ í,'i ^ . jinm^ V . ■ ' - --J-. / • ■V ♦ . "'■■■'. ■ ■ '"' ' —3— .. ■ ,. " I^ily llie QiteiMi liereby (lemftnds tlie 'proocss of tliis Honorablé Court 1o "('omiH'lthe Miid lCbeiie7.er Baird tp be and n|)|H'ar iii tliis Ilonorable Coiirt oii " Mouday the t^eiity Ibiirth day oí April/iiistunt to aiiswer niid make his " delénre to tliís Intbrinatioii and to shew iff he hns or knows nny thing why " the suid Letteríí-Patent aiid the enrolmeiit /thereof fbr tlie reasons aíbresaid " oujrlit not to Ih' (iiucclled, vacated und /anniilled and restored to oiir said " Lady the Qiu'cn iii ller said Court now liti/re lo be eaneelled, uiid further todo and receive coiieernin ' J' ■'■ •• ■ ■ Sccondly. Thcre is no comphiint in the said information íor nny eanse or ciUiscs oí nelion necriied to Her Majesty. Thirdly. Thc Itevcrend'Ladies the Ursnlines of Quebec by tlie Hiw of the liind iniist aitd ouj^ht to siie in their, own name tor thc preácrvation of any rifíhts tliey mny luivc and must, in cotnmoit witli nll Hcr Majcsty's subjects, resort to the Coiirts of justice fbr redrcss where iitjui^,is sustained. Fourthly. There is ito injury nlledscd in t4|waid iilformation to hnve Ih'cii siiffcrcd by rqason of thc grantiiig of the LettcrSl*ntent thcrcin rcferred to, niid it is not slicWn how the grait^ng tliercof has, iii nny píirticulitr whatevcr, injiired Hor Majesty or tli^ síiid Reverend Ladies Ursnlines of Qucbec. FifVhly. The granting of tlte said Lctters Patent has no furthcr or grcatfcr elfeet tltan that of siibsfitiiting llie Defendaut in the place of Her Majesty, who, and wfipjte oflicers, coiild have been restraiiicd from interícring witlt thé rights ofnny of Her Majcsty's subjects. In like manner the Deíeiidajrit can bc restraincd from inlerfering with aiiy lcgal riglits of tlic said Ladics Ursuliiies of Qiiebec, ns Ripnrian proprietors, supposing thcm tó havc aiiy. Sixthly. There is no one nct complWned of in tlté snid information that can prejudiee the said Ursulines Nuns or Her Majesty. ' Seventhly. It is not shewn how Her Mnjesty was prccluded from mnking ^ the grant by Lctters Patent in the said informntion mentioncd to the Defendnnt ^ in the said cnuse, and how it is that the Ladies Ursulines Nuns enjoy higher priyileges, immunities and rights than other Corporátions ' and other Her Majesty's subjects in general, or how it is that the Defcndant is not entitled to Jthe snme rights as other Her Majestv's subjects to receive grants of'land on the river St. I^wrence. ' r . A-. \ . . V * • f 1 / ' j -r^ ~ V' '■ : • - - „ ;. ..: . l \ __.., .. ; •_ " - ■;■' --- — --, """-■;-;; \ ^ 1 / ' / u.. ' , « . lifíiiti^ i: --' ' ' Hbsi_^ i 1 "^HHi ^- ■-■* '■.; ^ Ei^hthly. The .said ÍHÍormatioinloex iiot contiiin a irRni fcaiise of iution, and the pn'mises themin tíoiitHÍiied'doiiot warmiit the ruiuliisioiis thereot; aiid the pretei)8ioii8 therein set Ibrth are not warmnted bv tlie Ihw o( the laiul." V t . ■ *■ ■""■■■ ^ By an interiocutory jiidgmeiit, the Court ordered tlie iMirlies, iH'íöre ndju- dM!nting iipon tliis demurrer, to proceed to evidenee uii tlie inerits, thii.s Uiavínif th« qHeation opeii n» to tlie Jefrnlity of the coi^rse aiU.pled l»y llie Crowii. In Additibn to tlie j.leadings nljov«' ineiitioiicd there wení fyled also tlie gcneml issiie, niieremptory exccplions. • By the porpetiinl iH«n'mptory exception the HeMiHUuleiit pleaded. First. That on tlie 27tli of Mayi 1828, the Atloriiev (^ein'ml of Our then Soven'iRn Lord Kiii<í (Jeorfre the Foiirth p osecutiiiK,i^v"iiiloriiiatioii oii iH'half of Ilis Mttjesty, gnve th«f Coiirt of Kiiiíís Beneh ait Hiiúh'v touiiderstaiid, tlfat -"" .""' ^^'' «)">" í'í" April 1816, aiid loiig lH«fóre>JIis late Majcsty (Jeorgt» Ihe Tlnrd wns seized iii his demesnc ns of fee, ns owncK,aud proprietor, of aiiU in a Iraci o/ hnd nl tAncc ilcs Mlres, conlainin^ Jive arpeiitit lifflit /cct, frtnch mtasurc, in/ront, b^ ahotil scccntyfcct and upwards in dcittli, cxtrndmn 'lo l/i'e /oot o/ ('afie Dinniond, Imiinded in /ronl Inf low waier mark, on one sidv to thc north bif laiíd in thc ftasscssion of Álcjcaiidcr Munn, on thc olhcr to tlic súuth-msl,hy lund in posMssion o/ John Sa.r(on ('amjiliell and í/i thc rcar bif Cape Diamond. ■m Thnt írom tlie day nforesnid till the demise of Georsre tlie Tliird, the sai«l tract remaiiied in {H)s.se8sion of tlie Crowii, ajid, aíterwards, iH'came v»'sted iii (íeoriíe tlie Foiirth. iil rififht oí his Crown, yet tliat oiie JeAii Baptiste Ijiinirte, oii tlie 2.5th day oí April, 18-96, with force aiid arms, eiitered iuto po.ssessit^ii of Ihe said trnet and premises, nnd received the rents, issiies and prttfits thereof. That l>y the same iiitbrmntioii the Attorney (lenemí pmved (br the n'slinrn^ pf the laiid to the Crown/with the reiits, i.ssiies niiil pnitit.^". Tliat tlie fbrcible iiitrusion eomplained of b/ tlie Crown was iiot the wilful aet of Lainjrte, but of the Keverend Ladi^^ tlie Ursuliiies Nuiis ,by whom.he was iiislirmed part o( tlie eoneessioii to Duqíieí, and LaiH)rte was\oidered to arive up iwsseí-fiioii williin fifteen days. TI»iit/1Iie NiiiiH hnving appi'nled from this judfíment, it wns by tlie Court'of AlMá'als rq|er.se»t in part, ^v >»s .tudgment of tlie .'{Olh Jiily, 1840, wliich íiyi^irded to the NiVis the porljoii above Iiigli water mark, ns sliewii iipoii tlie ílaii of one Sax, a siirvpyor, bV n liiie designnted bii tlic plaii by tlie lelters g, li, i, k, I nnd d, rís that at whieJi the tide did rise aiid wotild risé if ihcre were lio obstriictions.* Tliat Lai>ort\ wns ajrsiin cgiitlemiicil to restore possession of tlie rest of the property siied for to the Crown ^" ■ v'.^",''' ■ ' ■'■ That Oiir Lady the QÁCen nfter^vnrds becnmebos.scssed of the portioii of the , tnict betweeii lueh iiikI low|wnter mnrks, under tlíe.juf llio U^i .ml. K..i tlir iilnii ilnt« ii liv Ijii iiV. Miiv..viir. l>v .ir>UT <>f llii> Kíiiutivc <;rthirqr7«af«.(Th«iaBMMla«toBvalMorpi«p«rty.)''^i:; . WiuiAM Wabb, flnrMjror, «gM M.7«nni>. , .■ • '^ ■'■ -■• Knowa Cm-BlaM linM Si yaarai It Ía of wiMldiiÍra b h r a l— ' ! i t» p^ÍBdpal rahn wnÁt* Ib iti Ihmtiy ob the riror: baUatngi arn oT no graat ralnc If iir«r ftant takMfrom !t th« huíd portioB wonld boofno groatya- ln«. Th« UnohMOMMlitnttlhoTnlM on MOOBBt or th« d«pol« or tfanbér ÍB th« ootm BMda thoN. C«p( k SOO ta^ hi^ uid ÍBMWonibU on that aid*. Th« Um or high watM m \M down on ih« piu intanMU moat oT th« hoBiw oB th« North lido of tha road, aBd b fcw ob tho Soath. If th« propiWton oT th« laad portloB w«r« boaBded Iqrtho Um ofhigh walar mark, lh«ir prMMrty woaiil bobomo oamaratÍMly TálB«l««*. la BMMt ea«M th«kowÍMOoaldBotb«naiov«dftirth«rbM]lc, andÍB moat ÍBatuieM th«r« t» m room ftwr hoa«M b« tw «M th« ÐÍM Um aad th« CqM^ andoM half of th« hoB«m wonld hara to bo r«mor«d, aad th« lOBiaÍBÍag half of lh« howw ÍBt«rMel«d liy th« BIm Um wonM b« ihBt OBt ftwBi aoMM to tha road. " 1 • ' ■ ■ ■, 1%« laad báiMtÉaélírMÍfaMW ÍÍM Oa^ilxlhollha p«o- paity betwcen th« Bhm Um and ottir wonM h« aboBt tM fc«t broad, NmainÍBf 1t« risths wobM Tar|r ftoD t«n lo tw«a^ ÍT« CMk .■.■';;■■. jAiin.BAB%i«ad40]r«Bn: r -,,''• , :i .>:í\.' .•j:, :y . , - ■ ' irihoprapri«toi^orCap-BhmeUiddMri«Mrftóát,HiiMiaiMwa(a * ■^' ■ : \ ;-i ' .< . .^s, •' ■ ■- ,■ ■ ■ ■ . '. ■"■V'. ^i:-;:.^^*r^^^^v:;^'--^-^';-- ' ■ ■ — ' ■' '■■,■.■. 1 ■ '^'4 .■' '^i: ' 1 •' \ '"' ' '-19 .OÉkiitan- 'li,~r ■■'•■ ', *- i,*'»-fr^"r.'l ■/■>,>- 1 '^,;' r^, ,"5.k;^:..t, -■,■.....-..•.■'.■.. , .^.IP^^^rT .,-/ ■ y ■ •. •- /- ■ ./■. '. ■■. ■ -A . ..^ ' ■ ^ ■ ■ ' ;■■■*•• i^ • ' '- "V. ( •< . •• :,; 9 « 1 '■'^ " . < ■ '•.\---:"'.:"- 1 ;^ \^OlMwiC)l4>-BlMMfKM7«;u«.IitpoftowMtk«lMwlMiHv«lM tkakM^ >• Lmp^ft>r4jr«HtMC%ampUÍB8t4— |»MOMbUfNMMfaMakdaooMi(h«flt^ ,^ KBdw»Oip-BI>«o.IiwiltlMi^lMt7yMifcLMMO«fIto , pOM^HÍO* ia OOBnOlÍWI WÍdl mU ■iNlti > /- ' r ) 1 - ..ly. |0M lUlOT^^H' ** T**" >• U««d at Ctap-BlMW thno jMn Mo Hid far tho IfUw pnoodii^ 7«»% OluHÍplaia Bt BÍN propMTty A«% C Mw tWMt of I«|Mb . . , /'.'•' OAWMin, MMmuc, ■fod Mtmm t ilwoiLboairotUiiidoot ^S^Ax í '> , "! •^i' 'í-'\ Hm nridod M Oop-BloM te tko liil 40 jmgt. 1é toMitf tl WNM M GÍMMpkte 6tr-BlM Um oirt* \fM ImiM^ Mid If bowidod by Mgh wiUm liowd«|b]rCh«i^8t , •i,MHhridOr- woald'Mtbo V '-»1 .-.■^■-r' .. IIamb I^ai, ogod M yMni '. Kmwo Oip-BlaM.IlM llfodth««dtaMh«rbiiAi ooeqrfMklolOB ■qrthddooTOhHiiplateB^Mrf^ booadod hr tho rtnot BIm Iím ponM • Uttlo Mt mooh thimigh tho pnpMty. Hm • Ioom from Lom|ioo«. LotiipMtofpnportjrfcnBoriy,oooiíipiodbyLyofU.A>w»yioooMitorhM»plii> .-.--....■ fímrLm Wiliiiliil'. lll K>M|ad«i by BlM LÍM Mid Uoek^ vf, pfopor^ woold bo ttltfo wofOÍ. •■><... Wo horo Mfoir bow blookod ■jp^,^ J^ua OoDnru, i^ Vt yoon : í » •/ „V. I hovo lot it Oap-BÍMM opoo tho praporty fciM|t(r ooMpiod by Upoiteof t«(«al>f fcot oa OhanploÍB 8t;had almyiaMaHlo th« «tn«t BIm UMoaU tho lot llwraan hoMM Wlt aU alow oa tho nofth-iido. T«MatofLamp«9«.IfMy'pfOp«t^w«n bwudad by BImLím ÍB«lMdofOhHqdaiafll,itwoBldbo of a^ ArJSnMMMeL I Boáa Oat Íf I had Bo agiOM okih«,^n«t, my lot woold bo of M ralaoi Jon IVana' Lituov, ^|«d H y«an : >- ,. 4- :mv I of LarnpMa. L9Í fcoM oa tho ■trMt, tÓMhiag it oa i)« whoU iboat ÐÍM Um oáti thahit Horriek WM prerioa toaant Ileaiod it . :^- ■■,.:-•'..,: . .C»nHJ3nMMiML ■.:■■*■•■ * IfnaMbotwoMBÍMUM aod «tr««twon oowpiod byothofi, faitefTal woald b«af aognat ralaa. Oa looUngatplaaleeaii^tvrohoaMiharaboHbaiItiafrMtofthohMHO— botwaw BIm Um aad iðMt lara alwan 1 ' " abora fMaaoad to ■ • ■ )■■■ ■ ..r" '■■ ■;«*.-».:■ ■ ■' >-r- .^ ■■; .^i^-k y:... FaM««iitw»ffctwide. FttanAm Hnua, iged Stfwn : 'HaaUrad at Oufihwefcr the hMt iVorthiMe.WholeflraBt toM Hara dwa^ Bied tho itfoat if^ wUoh the honM I nuuHf ^* haUb— 'lhon le • peuy fcqn .JÍMroH Aom&MÍ'' 'ywnuan .Juwii^b|hI tpOkanpUaatlf Hh MTW b«M dbtnM ia hk pMMiiM M ftr « . tolaafi—ilila «IM«ÍBMBfcet BhwUMflalilt If Bhw Um pNf«i^ wMM M« ka «f UMh good. ^■51 í i: ' -'-/ %•'' ■ '' ■ %!!!» i iJi| i )miu!Éi M»áM«MM '■.•'•-;'''.- ' iiSLji.M^-C^ ^j Í"f,^ -ii.i ■■■\ .,•«»•. •. ■,■■ ■■*"" .¥*"'"''''% •«' *■■» \. /f'' 4 ''í^f PÍMun ér^Biiaiu, •gtd M ]r«m 2!5ÍS?ffSr^^^ a«M AmmmmiÍ .'■ -■ ■' ■ ■ .' '■.,-■' •• ; IfboMÍM hy «*• tU wilr INih rilw woi*l f«-i« to i Jb SimmMMl % iwáw WM 0> tk. Mld tal MbN dM iMMd It llmii BiBAiumi WaniAii— «11 7«» t %■>■. h*" l^.'/- .. ^ - . , ,_ ^ ^ -^H— a lot CM th« IKWlk OÍ CllMpl«lB •^••t •poa whkili tÍM hi *»•* 1^»« « ^'*^H-^-ZjLLí1 in •otoriM «»11 th'irfd •!»•». 1. •p»ta| ' ■.- IImm MgB-hM bwwnf Hosau. F. W. Pmmmw t )|.«fc.ý^ -a lM t»«M«r»IKlM. ,. V. ;;,.:,,;, ^, v 'v - ':... ■ ■ ^"^ ' Grm Jb«ww«l ■ V ' -S 1 • i r , „jíí. ?■ ""V ^ Ji»-l!ramúi«d;> , , ^L.dlftlMM.mA.th.0MfclW0MMM.0MIOMt0B.lldtllM0tlÍMg«lltM.. '. Jmun1tAnL,ttMA»nntvr,H^'*7'»*»^ "'- ''^^■:i: ■:.■:':./■ :æ.'^-:- - - «* -irfi»cétofciwjr» ■ LlMr-«>>«* wH,„. in^ npon whvA é ■ .■.■Mák'Aitm mh*lirfííS«í-— 2T ai,vwtÉ'wJk. ^^t5«S2Mt£-^ ^ f^w (h»ktM«MWoiX'«^« j...* lú •-'^' ^i ■*■■« 'sm .-f i ,fl);-wri ijiftijy| i r ■'''íT' ' \ * "'fim áam to jaoaiiw Blaii, bjr ■Móanriiut tlw hoíliaM tmilt on tli« ÍBtamJ, ■U of wliioh, exeept s ■nall poitioiL mon tida intMvaL PropMtyaboTotlM BÍim Iím is valofleiM, beoame oo^ toexoa*ateeli{ PwonU on the North ddeofOiainpIain Stftom tha wayia idtichHbiettlwl ia of Uttleor ao Tahn fromtwáihiHi^le lattle- mMti^udthanbaiiignoyaidnMm. * -^ :' ■"■■■ R^EeamittéL' ." :' "" ' ^' BÍM Liflíe i« at the foot of the dii^ eioept at ooe or two riaoas whera thm aio niaU eofaa, bnt tha ■paoe betweah Bloe lane aad oliff eveB there ia Taiy triíUnff aa at XaportaL when there mwt haT« beeii aa exoaTatioB<> ^^ " . 'V ..,ViJ-\ ..■■.■.;..-, - - -.f- ...,.'. • Epwabo BoziB, Haiboor ComiaiaiioMr: : f. h' > Spaaka of GommÍMÍoam Liae and olMeot,--aad OoTemment NaTal Dapot raaerTed in sMat to Buid: Oommii^ raoommeaded a broad oommeidal hi^ road, in flwnt of hooaaa OB North Hd^ of fortr ftat, lA^ ^?r°.***'JP^ '**'<**** °" ^^ '^ ^*^^ '!>•* braadth. OonditiriptioBofwharfonthe riTorM^to k««B th« wat«r ont ofthem; aad thb wharC ia aonM iutanooa, raiiea th« buUdinga iom« t«a „.^fb**?.- i!!^ ^ V?!"" '? "^ ^^ wh^ thejr ^t« boUt no wha^ th« «arth haa been raiied to i^- i- .ík. . .... ara.now upon the ooatfauatíoa Gap-Blaac aeaiW th« aaa« Iwral, aad hoaaeii haT« bee^pat npoa it thera ; theee baUdinn of CbÉmptaia .8t Ooaditioaa ia graat wtll eaháMO the Talm of aU própartrat \ftojpttji SÍwov Bona, NaTÍgator, agedsayaan: a !r. Sí;K»rfl»,*« "^bw***! orOiq».BIaM Íbr %4t« yaara, daea 1198. TWa w«ra th«a thra«hoaiea M Oap^-Bbae, wfth atoTMÍpta fiir dumaba; aaaa deaeriptioe of hoMea wera bnilt thara ibr'tw«ntT TMia afterur^ IWthiwhonaaawHvia a hoHow nader the eHÆ Thb pUo« irai lam «boi^ to laT np ðirae TeMb oT dM«t M^toin, «>r th« #iatMr«The r««t of the prMwitjr. waa a ngged b«aeh, oo whieh ihe water flow^ to Aa «10» «f. th« lOltr^ nbd thera. fibflov m^ haTo ba«a two haidr«d fc«t loag, mora or btai Th«dep(hofno«naboatfer^fc«t withiatha UMofthointof thopiopétty. Wat«roTeril^«dneea^aad » '^ •^t^ ^** ?' "^ ^í^ '™^' '•^ «»W be takea iato it,'fi>r- the pqrpon of wiat«ring. BeooNMliMaglii a aohoonor. with hbfirtfaeriwlM, which wm moond in the raoen. A^Ue in the nidGt ?^ 7? 2?*"'** "* *""•* ^ "P •'<*«*'• «»' *•»• •'i^ ont of her wintaring plao^ The extanMoa of ^anplliáSt aow gon öTer th« whde of thb,f;....r.;í^.- '-p:-'-.: - , -.^ X, ^,^*?^ ^?*í*"^, J*r '^ ^*^ '^ '*'• 8ip«i«tenda tower Ganada mátten nnder dirao. J~;|^*w^Bi&nfaiU}ngP«eat,|ia^ befiwExeeutÍTa ConnoU ■■»-\-. ... ,•;- WMraadT^ flvmColonial Seðntaiy. >-itaÍM.lfittbti7 came into power. Ðea- 1 • f .. ■,. VI r.-*' ■'' í-"';v' ■'":.: -...,<**« Thenatter wn fifc i áa d toHoÍM GoTeraBwnt aad a .,— , FMeatinaad (he b imderthe impniiion) imnMdiatelT b«fcra th« palefa b ta tfae obMoc^ of OoTonoi'a PriTata S^neta^. v-,, ,v_ ..;•:.,. .;.-.-.^ I .; .Be-Etamiiud. , Íh«NW«Mnmnl|lfawoidMfa a»adl.oatbeaameiaÍ^ It eoiid aot be otherwbe tkni Ifaat thanwwaBonbriaOttbMUpmíoMtoFktaat. v^.*™— «««.um AinH»A.Haiii^'SaiT«ya(Vi«adM7Min} ..',,.^r :.■::■. '■'i'Í.Y.'^J.'-: ■■.' i*Í!!!T'^!r^^'^.'T!h.^^^?r**^***"^^'^^"* AIi mideato ontheNottfaof Sh3S™ J«2.!T»SA^'Jító Sr * ^*»»';, ««Ptio« of OM or two at tfae Wnt «nd. yj^.'';K°?g3'^^ "^ !"« -*.8<««h tfd« «>io- Coadltiooi «>d ranrratioDam gnnt of gnat ÍSSÆalStíKSl - • ^** ^"* "•• *^ "^"« '•^ ■«*•* *«. ^» flJHÉWl'l ■ ^■Tr ^% ff. P. '^■.'*.;'' ''V? ^t \ ,.f •1 *T * ' ^ taa^Saffi - 0/mMkamMí • TdMOrpd|i«fyi».ftt • • 1 . ^ . " t ^ *' ' I • ■ ^ •MBíI^ti^;"- ^rlMWMr' 1'-'^ JE^ffi^É^ . h.-.: 'J^^^^n^^V^K' ^^ -SWBBiirw • ••* 1» 1' -i » to Bidid. Mt,irtiich 1 to tnde ' i .Ihat / ÆKSfaxmiáMdL VLj?*!íí?tóÍ •'*^™^, I^ ^.««0» •ooloMd bot kft (mii, nd aoeoRliiig to Patcnt inlulNtmti al- "f^'SS*!. !í VBI«o «• «. on th. boiSor of tho riw botwZVfi .iid IotTwSL mitttTL^ -Bs OKm* JSnunúiecI, ^^ mll, f»M or bvUdiogMtwoDlddaMioý the vaÍmWpíoiMrty ahora the Blue line ent»e5. Se-Maminei. ■ o oS. diT**^ *■•*»•*• <'••»•'»» of gwmhi bcti^ Blne line and oliff, bnt moat of it haa been dog ^Avoina Uain,agad4>7am, ■ - ,. ^ *?»7íl*!L" y«f»- Know. Cap-Hanc lin^ 4kere nndar Oe i|to^^rf John8aaí«,.l5ÍmpiHJU,ia ^^ of OhampUin St It «m S^£L^ ^S,^.SLIZ^&- "^J^'S^y theqyTironrriS ofSTNtS í^ ifL^^SfS^ÍÍ ?^ Tff'J' ** *• ^^ ^^ ^ ÍMtmotion. ftom GoTer^nrat to determine higli walar aaifc by>Mad«riea Meor^ <• flax'b plan. BiUb.No ia 001:7 ef the plan mad«V ^•'^™'"* oat / Okm 'Examimd. P»^^ '*^/*'»?y ^ «*>»*««•«••«» aoS ow the watar. Jai Saaton C« ftrAe éoBT«nl»ei öftté piiiBia <^en- "13" li^ ' — 1 — :y "T _. ""^ "w" ■<« ">■•• wnr ne waicr. tm. oaima VamDMil mmU tlia fint S:Öiíáo2^"~ »«pti«íp«l «1.0 elC.p««» ia inlt. rirer ftont, fcr 11^^51*5 ^ ^8oH»o«ng wopnetóia iibore Blne Line liad a ft«e right of paMage over raad* «Hd irifiMft. it i^ridmte íSSTíTÍfflf 2LÍL"S" f'^^J".*' >»•«>•<«'*• pwprirtoi. abote Blne Unel Amwml thJt withorttheriglitofWw»ww,theTnlneofth»lo*.ab«»ti»BtMlli£wo«ldnotbeiwwh. "•^"»« í. Bai^nnna Taonaa Maovub, ^ged 11 y« Ita imiu«i nnm n> ra>M>wlini<»aT>m>i n m. HonKun. 0<«|ST\ lltíUw aíS£rS4r««AlSlSii^EjL^'^^ a« imne of Law a. eoatainiw •adpartwtaialaMiioation »«ja4gaMi« la A|Ml of O* gOdi.l«lr, 1S4A, (plMd^d fWia áá, «aa.^ «rt«a ao oltar nnoN pétliMit SU '■l^ : 'mM, ■' w^ \\ ■'■Ít »1 HiapnteiMáM oT Úm lUipMidwV dutt tnm tlte aoth. April, lúl, to the lJ»th. ■ar- ing that hedioaM rec«i?e • grWoTÍt, ie ntteriý nnfonnM ándnntm^ ud notntteinptea to b« profad; and eien w«i« it trae, k oonld vnil hiin nothing, beeiíaM the Jndgment haTÍng deterrained that Uie Ciown wae propri«tor of th« h«aeh, th« improT«m«nti ini3« bv the ooBnpiaU nnder their l<««M, eonld ttot en«r« to Laport*. beeaaMhéwaabottndtoMirr«nd«rth«mto thoNnaaattheeipirationofhttleaM. For thia reMon, the grant to Baird on the aMnaption that hie •arignor had nudé improrementi on the property, and had tlianby beeame entitled to tíw fiivorable oonMdaratíoB of the GonrnDMnt tae a grant, wm a para fiJlaey and a priM and a frand npott tho CrowB. That idMgnat wm mada withth« Mnollott orth« li^lropoUtaB ÖoTenraient, of which no vroof hai * "' " " whieh mereljr reMÍl the .periodi of oorCoionialKetoiy ^ 'hMbMtt , iaótteofthoM Ifafile aOentiona the' claimi of indÍTÍdaal rabÍMtaof &« QaMn in thia Profincn w«n «ntert»ined and diqMaed of npon «c jMrHitatanienUirithoatmnoh regardtodierig^taofotheia. . Ét th« eottditioM ÍB Baird'a grant ara b ett e Ja al to the pablio mW' pOttriUy be fbnnd to be tn»-when bttt not tili th«n.8honId th« Num, how«T«r, haVe a raperior ciaim to a gnnt, the MBa oonditiona if npon them m granteea, wonM be eqnally aTailable to the pablio. Bat that tkeM oonditioni, m foand I nnent, protect ihe Nane in their righto m Ripmian proprietoia, ia a oontradkstion in tMrina, if not f aalf«TÍd«ntabaiudityandaniookei7. . That th« roMð whioh hM be«B m«d« bf th« ÍBhafaitanti from'time to time for their own ooBTenienoe, the ereatioBaBdth«|^«wthofn«OMH^,o«Uafftheriparianr^^(a andpriril^of theNana,iaa propoaition withoat any Law to anatain it. That the aale to the Fraier'a wonld depriTO the Nom of the,right of enforohig their MÍTÍiege m ripwriaa nropiieton i« an eioeption whidi leU np the •/«• a/lm«M, and ia moreovw nnfonnded in the pr eew i t oaie, in as muoh M ii ia atipalatad in the deed or MaAw-lrMrv prodaoed by the Beipondent himid^ that in the «T-eiotade all othen fttim the Mme^TÍleffe; and although nnder the Fnndi m nnder Engliah paUie law, itooold notbw the right of the paUio to niwé improTementa onthe beaoh for the parpoMe of MTÍgatibn aad oommeroe, wm nererther ]«H a piÍTata right reoogniaed by the law of FhHMse whieh ooald not be defoated or extingaiihed hx a tikng» of aoT«i&nty ; and wm moreoTer om tii« Taloa of whioh wm iq^HWÍableÍB money, aád of whi<^ they OMlanot 1m depnred withoat m Indemm^. lu bearing on the pntwt mm ia to enhaaoa th« eqnity of the daim of th^ Nana to a fttli reoogBÍtiott of their righu M riparÍM proprietorii The grant to Baird, which, m he aliegee, eerarM the righu of the pnblie and oftíkt Iímiu ! eflÍKtaallT ban the ktter flwB Myegren froói theirproMr^, ÍBMmoeh m the diff i» inaeoaNÍbla on ih« Notd WeitMe, and Bidrd eidndw th«m ftom the riT«r aad the high way M thdr frwt. ThagTMtia attanptednobeiMtiledM the aaramptÍM that it i« a eompeniatiM to Búrd m aMgnee • -I r 1 - .' í V^ .,. j \ " n !• B«oaaM tke fiMt ef tha UnalÍM KttM baii^ proprieton of the Und borderiaff m tha RÍTerSi l«w- naMandfiFMliagnpMaada^joiaÍMAahwehaadwatMr loU gWMtadto th« BaipowUat by tha L«tt«n Pfc- t«É|waghttoheN««Bd«d,Íaiyiy^ilabaih«dlMPa««TMMMia th« e«inb aad bmn partie«hHrly by tha IqdfnaBt of ■■ ■ ■ .r. ■ ■ . V . .. , . ..,:,, . , ■. ?. 4. '%t . .fVW%, j 4117 ihadow of a rignt deriT«d from •ootlier. Kmfttíttoláj ■nbmittedJ '■ .II -' Í* Bmmm^o dcfeww Mt np bj the KeipoDdent in the Conrt below coniiaU of wiom pretemiona and / ■Uegationa of fiust, whieli, eyen if tiiey were tme, woatd eonditute no aaíBoient aniwer to the aetiðn im thit ' caHO, awji tluU noreorer ihe Re^ndent hai ntteriy ftáled to prore any one of them. 4* Becanae there being no proof whaterer of any aieisnmknt Itora Laporte to Baiid, or of the payment ofany portion of the M|^>0Md eoMÍderation theref>r, the btter ia ■ meie marper ofthe rij^U and claim o^ Laporte, if any h« had, and hm made OM of them for.the parpoM of effiKtínga^MupiÍM and a frand upon Úier ^"^ ■ ■ -'':.r-.-:. ■"■■■-; ■ :-;-/-..,,,;/;.^ .■■;;#■::. ■./ S" BeeaoM the bringing of the inlbrmation on the part of the4uMn,iinraedfate1y aftertheÍMniiné of the Letten Patent, iia lólemii prot«t on the pari of tfaei OoTemment to the eflaot that it wh m iuipriaei and impoMd upon. " ■ ■ ' . , v \' . ■ | ^ 69 BecauM bý^* brioftaiger Ú» bferantion in the name of the Qaeen ,the matter in contMtation be- comM rw hUtgrm between ali the partf«< imd that^M Beipondent'i pretended daim 4erivÍM no force fiom hW poMMiion of a Patent for ■ few dayi. ^ f o BecaoM tha abeence of loeh ptoof of Mdgnment dqiriTM the BeipondaitKof all the egoitÍM which he pretóida to hsre derived ftom Laporte, if l^^rte had any ; and (hat the abMlnte feilure cíf Baird hiinielf to tnlfll an/ «t the^conditiona of tlie graat wliidi he allegM to be ao beaeBeial to the pnblio and tlie pcopiie- ton in antl aroaa^ Cnp-Blanc, ÍMTM Um withikt any to orge on hia own behal£ 69 BeeanM in addition to the indefeaeible Comraon Law ligbt of the Nudi m riperian proprieton to a grBiit.in pfeferaBoe to all othen, th« eqoitj of thaír claim ia greaðy enhanced by the fect of the andiiturb«d linrnwaioii by theu for neariy two.ceBturiM, onder title emanating fiom the Crown of Prance, of tho right of liiherf over the bMdi in quMticm, of i^iioh they haTo been topoiled withoat eny equÍTalent - *" BeoMM br the eridenoe in the oaoM it a^andantlr^afnMn, that the ferced intmiioii of the Beipon- dent, by meana «f aia Patent, between th« Nom and th« Uaoh vnd watan^ th« St. Lawrence, hm i(reatly . d«t«rioMted,if ikhiMnot iMidered altogetlmTalaal«M tha.pf DUNBAR ROSS, Q. C. 'f j \' , t t ■ '"^^ '*. I' V --^ , , j ... .; . ^r^il^'r -.'-'■■ '^ ' ^-.ppWf^' ^ ' ' ■' ■■■ ,*■:'.'■■■■•■ !'x^ ,'.:\, ■■.;■,■.:"■,'' ■'•■■■;.;. ^ ■.. ' .-■■■,■■; '. '■ -' ■ . ■ ■ ,; ■ ■• ■ '- ■ v; 'X • *■ ■';" , ■■;■■■• ■;■. ■',, ■' , ',■.'■' , : , : X '■ : '■ ■ . .' , ■■ ■': , • . , ■ ' ,-• ' . ■ ■ , ■;■> ■ ' ■■■ • ■ ■ . . ■ - ■ ■'.,"■ ■' ■" '■ ■ ■ ■ ■> . ■-'-'- ■,. :. • ■:> ■ ■* ^ .. ■■.-■■ ■ ' » ' >■ ' '■ ■ ■■'■• — - ^- ".. . ■ •• j-j ^ • - ■ V-. ' , ■■,..,.■■ ♦'-. ■ s ■ ■ • •---■: ,', •■ ■'," \, '■•','■ .. ■:'-:• ;■.■;: • ■- ■ . ■ . . . ' ■■:',■.■ ■ '•. -■ "■ ■ '"'■■■'rr^r ' ■ . ';. , .; , . ,, ■ ; - ._ ■ •' , , , ■ ■ ' ' '■ '.' ■ '"'■-"■—-:------:-.■■ ,. 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