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Canadian Institute for Historical Mlcroraprodiictions / Instltut Canadian da microrafyroducttona hlstpriquaa
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par lo pramiar plat at an tarminant toit par la
darnlAra paga qMl oomporta una amprainta
d'Impraialon oy d'llluatratlon. aoit par la saoond ;
plat, aalon la.oaa. Toua laa autrat a»amplairM
orlginaux aoht f Itmto an ieommanpant par la
pramlira paga'ciui oomporta una amprainta n^
d'innpraaalon' ou dllluatratlon at an'tarminant par .
la darnlAra paga qui oomporta unrtalla ^
amprainta. ;
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Lortqua la dooumant aat trap grand pour ttra
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da I'angla aupAriaur gaucha. da gaucha A droita,
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16S3 Ea«t Main Str««t
RochMt«r. Nm York XAtOt
(716) 482- 0300 - Phon*
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hitll bo apiiointod by tlio
N. O.. and one by the V. U., and who shall report thereon it the
next meeting.
Clause 4. A bollot nholl be taken on the propoiition, immedi-
ately alter the niesenluliun o( such report; when, it less than
three black bills he found, the Candidate shall be accepted ; if
thre« or more, he shall be rejeote^, and so declared.
__^^ ClauM 9. Any Brother or Ancient Odd Fellow, desirotii of
joining this Lodge miiift present a Card of Clearance from the.
Lodge of which be wiin prrvioiisly a Member; and his applica-
tion shall thenlie disposed of according to the above regulations.
Clause 6. Every Memlier, on his admission, shall sign a pro-
mise to Rup|iort uiid abide by the Constitution and By-L.iws of
this Lodge, and to ray alt legal demands against him, so long on
he shall remain u Member.
Clause?. Any Candidate requiring admission merer than eight
weekr afteii his election, must lie again proposed and balloted for,
oa in the oaso of u new Candidate.
Clauses. The rejection of any Candidate for Mcinb^irship
^j.' ahtilt lie 'tAtniediately intimated^ tb HVery Subordinate Lodge
WitHin this Province, and to the Giand Lodge of Canada West.
Clause 0. No Cantiidal6 who bus Ijeen rvjected can be again
proposed lor membership, until, ut least, six months after such re-
jection ; and no|^rson who husbcen twice rejected on apnlica-
tion for Membership in the Order, shall again bo proposed as m.
Candidate. ^
Clttiise 1. Every Brother, previous to his receiving any of the
Five Degrees, shall present a certificate from the P. 8. that he is
\not in arrears to 4he Lodge, and that he has paid all charges for the
lid Degrees, and shall thvn be balloted foi. ■'!'%'
Clause 2. If, on such ballot, his application be opposed by more
lan three of the Members present, it shall be rejected ; other-
i^ise, he shall lie considered eligible, and shall be admitted to.
|ie Degree of Degrees in question.
[Clause 3. No Certificate for Degrees shall be^ granted until
Candidate shall have p:tid the amount therefor.
Clause i. No Dro'.hor, linving been l«ii than oiia munth iii
MembftrthiiN ihall boeligibb for Degfceii nnd not more Umn
three Dcgrcw vhall be conferred on any Brother at one and the
■ame ineatin|*
Ctaiiae I. Any Brother di^airing to withdraw from thia I^ge.
may sigi^iry •uoli deaire, either |ieraonalty, in open Lodge, or by
letter addroised to the Heorotary ; and shall thereupon beeotitled
tohia Card of Clearuuco, provided he bo in good stuiWbg, and
clear of the bouka. '
Clauae 2. Should any Brother, receiving a Cord of Cleorance
from this Lodge, apply within twelve montha thereafter to be
again admitted u Muml)er of thia Lodge and be accepted, th«
Lodge may remit in hia favor I he^ Entrance Foe, or auch projior*-
tiun thereof aa it may think fit.
SECTION I.— ■LtCflVl ortlCtRS.
Clause I. The Elective OfBcera of this Lodge shall be Noblo
Grand, Vice Grand, St-cretdry, P. Secretary, oiid Treasurer, and
the Liidge may alHo provide, by its By-Laws, for the election of
a Degree Master ond a Physician. : as
Clause 2. Any Brother to be nominated for the otRce of D.M.,
must be » P. G. having the three P. O. Decrees ; for the office ol
> N » G., tt V. Gi or P. V^., for the office of VT GLfU Secretary, Past
Sec/etary, or a Brother who has completed or is then serving, a
second term in aome inferior office or offices in this Lodge ; nnd
no Brother shall be eligible to any of the other elective offices,
unlesshe shall have served ot least two terms in some appointed
office,andsliall have attained the Seal let Degree.
Clause 3. No officer except the P. S., Treasurer, or Physician, .
shall be proposed for re-election to the same office, if any otHer.
qualified Brother be in nominationttherefor, until two terras after
passing through the chair in question.
Clauie 4. Nominations for thb Elective Offices shall ^ made
only at the two meetings next preceding that fixed for the Elec-
tions thereto, except when the nominees for an office are all ab*
sent without excuse,or decline serving.
Clause 5. No Brother shall be nominated, who has notsignifiad
his willingness to accept the office for which he may be named ;
and no nomination shall be held to be in force, on proceedhig lo
election, unless the Brother so nominated lie then present, of have,
senlto the Lodge a sufficient excuse in writing.
P.S anaPhy2c,an,whoZirKli?«Hf '^^ of the O. M..
. SIX or twelve months a. the Lod^*^K Ro"?"^ «or a term of
. Cla„«, 7. If, for any E'ecti^Offin? « i ^y'^*^* determine.
n nomination, such Brother .h^Ilt?fi"*r'^/".* ^"'*''«'' •*«»»»>•
. ;on ; .honld there he two or n o^ dfclared elected by acclama-
^•o members present ehlSiS-Ued to 2ff'? **"'/ ''«»»'"«t'd»
dates by fealiot. Foceetl to eJect 0ne of such oaodi.
ot, a ne^l^llit Shan fo tht^h r^lrT '*^"'* **'«^-^' »' ""X 3-
the name of the candidate whJ ± t^""^' JT'f "f^' *'»*'»» baMot
«..mber of votes shall be winid^wnf-^^^^^^^^ ih» aniaHe.!
Clause 1 Th«T°^ "-"^^''^'irrED o„,c*k,. ^^^^ J : i^
^..a^.La^Vn'!^?f^^V^« Lodge sha^^ beW.
t'MandR..and L/s/S^'andih.Tif-^^' ^- ^^ V.G.,L.3,v;
Chaplain. ' •»"''^***^^S^™ay, lUits. option a^^
SS;^.JJSS!S.'!»'lir»i?«w| .heN^
n,«li„.oly after hir.«r„::'cen'l?hTr''>'. 7 '£» N. G' ™-
Oenfree: •" • "•*^- """' have ailaiol^d iho ScSS
Clause 4. Tho V i^ .-m. .l - '^
«ther Lodge. ' ^ ^°'»'^«' degree belonging to any
Clauw j Ah nf^^^l?" '"'^^^<'*'^c'=^ ^
>l«ent Without ^Sin^exS^l^J^*^'^^^
meetings, niay be declarp7vr«fi!^^'" ^"'"^ success ve reffular
tion to Sat eLt ;' ptv- feSS^^ Vr''' k' '^' ^S«' °" « « -
?iyenat the regular m-eri "• ^^^"ch motion have been
w token. /»""*' "^««Mng previous to that at which the vote
-^^^ ^ filled by election or
111 U.0 previous Sections ranVSrothenrT';'? P~videdfor.
shall b3 entitled to aU the 3.wi 7'.,*^ t^^^""^ ^' appointed
completetheTerm. '^ ^^^^^^ the office, proviaedtli^
eianse 1. Tl^SrVoP^
j:j'lb^ invested S^df p^el^^^tn ^"'"'"^'^ *»'^
Charge Books and UsairGs of iT, ;/. ""^^ Prescribed by the
Cfrand Lodge. " ^^^"^ "*°^«'«^r, and the Laws orS^^
. ■- ■■St
Clause 2« This Jxidgc almll liav^ authority to add Ihcrctu audi
diitleiand powera, aa may not.be iiiconsiateiit with llie pirovisiuiw
of the preceding Clauae of thia Section. .>
8KCTI0N 1. — acssio.Na.
Claiue 1. Thia Lodge ahall hold ita nieetinga \v«ekly, on auch
evening and at such hour aa may be provided by its By-Laws.
Clauae 2. Special Sessions may be called by the N. G., such
notice thereof being ffij»n as may be required by -the By-Laws
ol the Lodge. J^
t^- Clause 3j- No business shalt be. transacted at any regular or
'Upecial meeting unless at least five Members of this Lodge be
then present ; nor otherwise than according to the Rules of Or>
der annexed, to this Constitution.
Clause 4. M«mbers of oiher Lodges may be admitted as Visit-
oi8« providjed they give the Pass Word for the Term, or are intro-
duced by an Officeir of the Grand Lodge.
Clause 5. This Lodge shall have no power to resolve itself, anf
time, into Committee of the Whole.
■ sECTioNih — TERMS. ' ^■■^■■■■ ".■.;'-;; v'/V;;'- '
Clause 1. The Terms of this Lodge shall be Semi-Annlial^^nd
shall commence on the first regular meetings in July and Janu-
ary, respectively ; shoirid the D. M ., P. S., or Physician be elect-
ed Semi- Annually, their terms shall commence at the first regu-
lar meeting in July and January respectively ; and, if Annually,
thehat the' first regular meeting in July. '
Clause 2. Every Tetmsbail be held to close on the day oi
which the succeeding ope may commence.
. fECTIOl* ^ ^^
Clause 1. It shall be the duty of the last Past Officers to ,-^-
pare and for,^rd to thO Grand Secretary of C. W., immediately
on the estpiry of their Term of Office, a regular Return of /the
work of such Term, with the result of the Election of Officers,
&ci, in accordiance with such blank form of Quarterly Return, as
title 'Grand Lodge'inay from time to time direct to be used.
Clause 2. Such Semi-Annual Return shall be accompanied by
theamouht due the Grand Lodge, not being more than 10 per
cent, on the Receipts of this Lodge, as shown by the Return, ex-
clusive of the amount received on account of the W. and O.
■Fund. ■■ ■ :.; ■ ■•.■:■/»■ •.■;.■.
Clause 3. It diall also be the duty of the Officers for the Term
ending on the 30th; June in eyery year, to forwaid to the Grand
Lodge a Return of the Relief granteddiiving the ycor ending as
ttbov^, with such otherparticulam as may be contained in such
Mank form ot Annual Ketiirn) as may from time to time be pre-
•cribed by the Grand Lodge,
Clause 4. A,Fine of ten shillings shall he payable by this
Lodge for every nM^th that may elapse after (he clove of any
Semi-Anniial Term, previous to the Returns required by this
Section, being placed in the possession of the Grand Lodge.
Clause 5. Should this Lodge, or the Officers thereof, fail to
make the Returns required by the preceding Clauses, for twelve
months, it shall thereby become liable to the forfeiture of its
Charter; and it shall be the^duty of the last-installed Officers, to
transmit or surrender to the Grand Master, on requisition from
him tbthateffifct, (or to such other Brother as may be appointed,
by the ,GranlVLodge or Grand Matter to recfive the same,) the
Charter^ books, papers, furniture and funds of the Lodge.
Clause 1. There shall be two regular Funds of this Lodge, to
be known respectively as the Widows and Orphans' Fund, and
the General Benefit Fund ; and the Lodge may provide, by its
By-Laws, for the institution of fl Special Fund or JPnnds for ary
of the benevolent purposes cotitemplated by the Order ; provided
always, that in the case of every such Special Fund, the receipts
and disbursements on account thereof shall be kept altogether
distinetfrom the Regular Funds hereby established. V
Clause 2.— The Entrance Fee of this Lodge roust be paid in
every case previous to the admission of the Candidate, and shall
not lie less than One Pound Five Shillings.
Clause 3^ The Charges for Degrees shall no*, be a less rate tHan
Five Shillings for each of the Five Degrees ; and all monies re-
ceived on account of Degree Charges shall be applied to the
Geneml Benefit Fund.
Clause 4. The Conl!r^)utionsof each Member to the Regular
Benefit Funds of this Lodge, shall be determined by the By-
Laws, but shalt not be at a liess rate than Seven Shillings and Six
Pence per Quarter : one third of whatever may be the Quarterly
Contribution to the Benefit Funds shall be placed to the credit of
Uie Widows and Orphanii' Fund, and the remaining two-thirds
to the credit of the General Benefit Fund.
Clattse 5. The liodge shall have the pdwer of enacting such
Feet Sac VisitinK and Clearance Cards (to be applied to the Gen-
eral Fond) and stijoh Fines for neglect of duty, &»,| (to be applied
as' Fiindtand
Clause 1. Any Brother who a^all violate any of the principles
vi.ioa;.fSec.ioBn!inLiS ■'•««=»"••«'• wi.h .h. pro.
ni««liDifi »nd if a maioritv or il,« !1 «port «1 Hio ?ext regular
Toee in his favor, heS th.r.l.„»n 1^ T*^" •5»",.P'e"n' "hall
iratalement. •"•"'"" """"P»f> be declared eligible for re.
Snd all 5..„.ha.V.y*hr,'^red Tj'Zn! "" '""""""»•
menSl■^f„«h«T.hbe?™„^™T^""' "^P""'"".""'™.....
wieliin tUi, pSie """•"'"•"'"'to ever, SuBordinale L«Jg.
S.pre«,ribed by CMZf^hl^^'^^TV"^"/"
eobaent of Ihe.Grand tod^, • '"'* "'" "btaiiiing of the
: ^SICTlontl. — TRUUi. ki ■ ,■
Order in good^^dirg "*' ^ "'"' " °"'" »'»"«" 'f tbo
q..or„n.. to b. ch<^n brtalfav'wfe ^^^''T '"il, """ >»
little delay ajlhe case wiir-Hnli. Committee shall, with a.
miae a„dLe:ltrl:^™;;;''S™ "«« P'-i". .nd .^.
Cianse 4, Should the Cpmmittee be Convinced of A- «-- •
■ I'-
Member shnll bd announced at the two regular meetings previ-
ous to that on v^jiich it is to be decided, which last meeting tlio
Brother under. oWrges shall be summoned to atteUd ; and at tha
time appointed, whether the implicated Brother be present or not,
the Lodge may proceed to consider and determine the question.
Clause 6. Thei' Lodge shall have the power, at the meeting ap-
pointed for thedecision,to vary the penalty to one less severe than
that contained in the motion submitted by the Committee.
Clause 1. Any^party interested shall have the right of appeal
to the Lodge, from the decision of a Committee, given
under clause 3 of the preceding section ; and notice of the meet-
ing apfwinted for trying the ap|)eal, shall be given i^t least oiks
legnlar meeting previous.
T Clause 2. On the evening ap))binted, the Committee shall pre-
S(Bnt to theliodge in writing, the grounds on which their deci-
sion was founded, and the iiarties interested shall have the privi-
lege of being heard beforie the Lodge i and the decision shall
then be confirmed, annulled or modified, as a majority of the
Members present shall determine.
Clause 3. Any party interested may appeal to the Grand Lodgei
of Canada West, on the ground of informality or want of fair-
ness ; and if such informality or want of fairness bo proved— but
not otherwise — the Lodge may be ordered by the Grand Lodge to
hold a new trial on the same charges, in the mode provided for
in the preceding Section.
Clauses. The Regalia of Members belonging to this Lodge
Shallbeasfoilowsf— For the Initiatory Degree, a plain white
apron} for the higher Degrees, white aprons and collars trimmed
with the emblematic color of each Degree— ». «., first, white;
second, pink; third, blue; fourth, green ; fifth, scarlet; rcisettes
of the appropriate colors may be wOrn on the collars. ^^ -^r^/
Clause 2. The OflScers' Regalia shall be as follows i—Foje De-
gree Master, Past Grand's Rfegalia ; Noble Grand, scarlet collar;
Vio^ Grand, blue collar ; Secretary, Financial Secretary and
Treasurer, green collar; Physician, pink collar; Chaplain, white
oellar J each of them trimmed with white or silver: ) for War-
den and Conductor, black sashes ; O. G. and supporters of N.
G., foarl«t sashes; I. G- and "Bupporters of V. G., blue sushes;
and Scene Supporteis white sashes ; aprons of all Officers tp be
isffi;^ ly £A,^*4 J-* s.
...:■■■•.■■•■■•-■.■■ :■;: ■ ■ n : . ■■■:'• ■ ■'-'■■ \-
iKhite, edged With the color of the collar or tuh indicated fdr
the office.^nd tho«eof Elective Officers and Chaplain may also
be trimmed with white or silver; the caps and robes of Offi.
cers to correspond in color with the collar or sash of their office.
- Clause 3' All Officers shall wear the regalia of their respec*
tivo offices while present in the Lodge, and all Members must
appear in the regalia of ihe highest Decree they have received.
Claused. The Regalia of P. 6. shall be a scarlet • collar or
sush, and an apron, either white ed^ed ^with scarlet, or scarlet
edged with white; such collar sash or apron iriay b& trimmed with
silver lace or fringe, or, where the Brother has attained the R.
P. Degree, with .yellow metal.
Clause 1. All Members of this Jtodge,' when attending, av
such, the Funeral of a deceHS^d Brother, shall wear on the left
breast a black crape roseitu, having a Centre tif the color of the
highest Degree to which they may have attained, with a sprig oi
evergreen above, and, below, apy'jewel they may be entitled to
- ■'wear.- -^
Clause 2. The ordinary mourning badge, to be Avorn in memo-
rj of a deceased Brother for One month after his Funeral,8hall be
a titripof black crape or silk, passed through two button holes of
the left lappel of t^ coat.
Clause 1. The Jewels of theOffioersdf this Lodge shall be as
follows:— For D. M., a five pointed open star, with breastplate
in centre; for N. G., crossed gavils; for-V. G., houir glass; for
Secretary, crossed pens ; for Financial Secretary, p«gti and key
qrossed; for Treasurer, crossed keys; for Warden, crossed «xe$ ;
'^for Conductor, crossed staves; for Guardians, crossed swords; the
whole to be of white metal.
Clauses. Past Elective Officers shall be entitled to wear the
Jewels of the offices they ^ave passed ' respectively, together
with the Regalia appertaining to the rarae, except P. G*s., whose
Jewel shall be a five-pointed open star with crossed gavils in
centre^— to be of yellow metal, when the P. G. has attained the
R. P. Degree, otherwise of white metal.
■. SECTION I.-*«¥-LAWfc.u;.
Clause L This Lodge shall staiidfully invested with power to
adopt, from time^ to time, such By-Laws and Resolutions a».n(iay
be deemed expedient : Provided they do not in anywise contra-
vene any part of this Constitutioni.of the <^ii8titutio« and By-^
- — . , ■ ■■..'-. ' ■;■■'. ■; ■ ■, :■ ^ ■ ' ■ ■■ ■•■■•' "Vk-.-r- "■'■'■■' ■• ' ■ ■ ' .
■■ ' ■ ■ • , -•■ ■ ;■■- ■ '/■■■-■■■ \ ■■ ■
Laws of ihe Grand Lodge ol Cahadft West) or the priuciplw or
ouitom of the Order.
^Clause 2. All such By-Laws shall be immediately forwarded
in duplicate to the Grand Secretary, authenticated by the Seal of
the Lodge, and the signature of its N. G. and Secretary ; one copy
to be retained by the Grand Lodge, and the other to be Mturned
tu the Lodge, certified as approved, or otherwise, as the yase may
be. ; \- : .'/ ■; ; ;!•'■-
Clause 1. The Grandliodge.orin its recess, the Graifd Master,
shall have power to grantAlispensations toanv Lodge, to exempt
it, in any iJarlicular case, from the operation of any of the forego-.^,
ingRegulntions, other than financial, whenfevrfr the said Grand '
LodgeorGrandMasteriaay deem it forthe welfare and interest
of the order so to do.
Clause 2. Such charge shall be made for Dispensations issued
under this Section, as the Grand Lodge may from time to time
This Constitution, 01 any fmrt thereof, shall not be altered^
amended, suspended or annulled> unless by action of the Gran4
Lodge of Canada West. - '
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♦ond th. .a«^?^fi?r'*'" "°* "P^" **»* "K« «^ 21 years, nor be-
i^^^^ °' *"y ^**'^' ?^ «^ "*>'«» character, in sound
.k.ii K ?• ^^V^I^ "''™* ^'"'^'^ ™««n« o* gaining a livelihood
■hal be eligible for membership iu this Lodge. * * "^*'"«^'
the lX« nn ^"i"* ** *' ?y *'T appear, to the satisfaction of
h^h^ntn^. r "^'^f 1° **^?* effect. that misrepresentation
Jon rSl^.H " *° '7 °^ **•* »^^e points, in favor of any per-
Sedu?i«f tK?"r!:if"'^'°^ ***" ^8°' ^hen it shall beXe
ind if rn.^ /"^.*®*.** •"^""*' »"»o »»c»» mvrepresentatioa,
■nd, If made frauduIently,to expel such member: r •
■■"lOlIII.— PaoPOglTlONrORMEMBeRSillP.
BrSw.';„?j;^;r*r" °°"^-^ •***" ^ 8iven, in i^riting. of any
Cl«f«« o * '^'S*'^ J>«'°P<»'ng a candidate for memberehip.
mertte^hT;^?^!!?'*'^^^'' u'*'''i''"8 *** P'°P«« a candidate for
SH^ '^^ «hair hand to the Secretary a written statement of
^rt^^t'^^V^'^^"""^ '"''* occupation of such candidate, sup.
ffdatir/^rowr " ""^ ^~^»*"' *« ^^^« -«^
meX«h?^V'^*'' weeks after he shall have been accepted for
wL^ed^ J^ r^ projxjtition of such candidate, and afl subsequent
5dd . nn^fi ^T***"* thereupon shall forthwith become null and
CiJH A ^^ ^y sickness or absence from the town.
L(5«l^J^;/^''?l~'^^'*^^'*"*'*^**®'''' membership in thi»
fflSfLi^K^'^'^'? **•* I*'*"^"*'*' *»»« ^- S- «»' the time of hi.
SaSd to^hi ^'^^T^ ^^ »"?? ®f '^^^ Shillings which shall be
JS!St^ ^*^« c'edK »f the candidate's initiation fee, provided be
oe^t shall be placed to the credit of the Widows and Oiphuia*
Bvery Brother, on hit
sscnov m.wH^ubA'nm «f
t^th^ Xodge, ifaaU tiga aif
- ''^i£a.id>.i£^::&
«|reerti«nt to abide Vy itt ConttUution and By-fMwn, and lo piy
al^legal deinandi against him, «o long as heahall remain a menif*
ber thereof; and ihall furniahthe Secretary with a witten nota
of hit place ufreaidenu«« I
■ KflTIOM tr.— MEOaiH.
Aiiptica*ion on behall of any Brother for Certifioatea to entitlA
him to receive Degreet.must be made by two BrotherS| ata reg-
ular meeting of the Lodge. .
'■•'♦» ■ ' • . ■
■ ' \' : ISCTIOM v.— TtSITlNO CARDf .
Any Brother, in good standing and clear of the books, by a iro*
lion to that efleot duly carried in Lodge, may ob:ain a Visiting
Ctrd, on paying up all dues accruing for the period for which auoh
Card may be given.
«C(ftieM VI.'— GAKDI er CLBARAMOa.
A Brother, intending to withdraw from the Lodge, may signi»
fy such desire personally, in open Lodge, or by letter addressed to
the Secretary, or on application of a Brother ; and shall there-
upon he entitled to his Card of Clearance, provided he be in good
standing, and clear of the books. , ;:^<
[Resolved,— That no Brothejr can be admitted to visit, or (depo-
sit nis Card in a Lodge or Encampment out of the State» JQlisttict
or Territory where he resides, unless he present a Card oi; Certi-
ficate under the Signature of tbe Officers and Seal of the Lodge
of which he is a member, and endorsed with his name in his own
proper hand-writing, and prove himself in the travelling P. W.,
and in the Degree in which the Lodge is open : Provided^ never-
theless, a Brother may always visit, if introduced by a Grand
Representative, or other Elective Officer of the Grand Lodge,
under whdsp jurisdiction he wishes to vipit. — By-Lain Q. L. U,
tnknse 1. This Lodge shall hold ita regular ipeetings every
Tuesday eve*g,from the Ist of Oct.' to the 1st of April at half-past
seveu o'clock ; and from the 1st of April to the 1st of October, at
eight o'clock : and shall -^ cJosed. at ten o'clock, provided the
order of bnsiuess be goo^Kough with, anjj^no motion to reinaia
open be carried. • ^^ "^K^
^ Clause 2. Special Meetings of the Lodge may be held at «ny
other time, when summoned by the N. G.; Provided always that
not less than eight hoars' notice of the time and object thereof ba
' /
given by the SeoroUiy, by meant of .« written or printed citcu-
Ur. to every Brother 6t the Lodge residing in town.
Clause 3. No bnainew, other than that for which iuch meej-
ngmny be spcciolly called, sholl be diacuMed at any tuch
Clause 4. The Lodge •hallolwaysbe opened at nearly ai poasi-
ble at the appointed hour.
•ECTioir II.— QuoncM. ■
Five members shalLconstitute a quorum for the transaction of
"TNo Jjbdge shall be opened x>r remain open,nntes* there shall
be presentrFive Bjrethren, including one qualified to take the
chairj^aflu overy Lodge, alter the transaction of its business,
ahftlfbeclosed in due form ; and nojiodge shall be permitted to
fohn itself into a Committee of^the \\\\o\e.— CcnstUvhcn
Q. L.of Canada, Articie VJII., Section NC^
Clause 1. All Officers of the Lodge shall wear the Regalia of
their respective offices whilCp^sent in Lodge. ^
Clause 2. No Brother, not being an Officer in the Lc^e, shall
beallowedto be present in Lodge, unleis in full R^gfdi^ api)er-.
tuining to his Degree or rank in the Order.
[The Regalia of the Order shall be as follows^ to wit: Aprons
nnd Collars of Subordinate Lodges shall be white, trimmed with
the emblematic color of the Degree intended to be reiiresented, i.
A, first degree, w*^ite ; Jftcond degree, pink f third degree, blue ;
fourth degree, green ; fulh degree, scarlet; rosettes pf the appro-
priate colors can be worn on the collars^ The Noble Grani shall
wear a scarlet collar ; Vice Orand, blue collar j Secretary, green
collar ; Trea^iurer, green collar ; each of which trimmed with
white or silver. Supporters of N. G., scarlet sashes } V. G., blue
Hashes} Chaplain, white sash. The aprons of the elective and
appointed officers shall be white, trimmed with the color of the
collarorsasli indicated for the office. Past Grands shall wear
scarlet collars or sashes, and aprons either white trimmed with
scarlet, or scarlet trimmed with white. The aprons and collars
oK^ashesof Past Gmnds may be trimmed with silver lace or
fringe, and those having attained to the R. P. Degree, may have
trimh^ngs of yellow metal.^—JBy-iaws Gr.i. U". S., Art. XXV.J
[The proper Regalia of a member who has taken only the Ini-
tiatory Degree is simply a |)lain white apfta, without collar or
any other l»dge of distinction,— /n C. Ju XA iS., 1843.
inted ciicii*
raosaotion of
rtfutOfllcrioi every d*»cripiioi«, ni»d m«Mu1iprs in jx)«»ei»«K)n or
the Kncumpment DeRreen.iiiulull olher menilM'M of the Order,
when vi»iim« (Jnuul ir rSulMKlmntt) Lodges imdrr tins jmi«dio-
diction.are AJiHiUed to Weiir llui llcgoliu and JowcU iwrtoiniuu;
to the liighosi l)t«,'ri'tii uhicli thejrnmy huvo liikcn, ihh«'yUiink
proper to upiK'ur in such lleguliu. — lUjLnui G. X.. (/. H., *^ft.
CUiiso 1. Tho Elective Ofljcers of thin Lodfio (tvinj* tho«o
enumeriited in Article HI, y^clioii 1, Cluiise 1, oi fhu Constitu-
tion, nnd including Q 1'. «., wlm t»liall bo elected for a icmi-an.
iiuul term i^f office, nt the Inst regular nieetinfl;8 in the monthii of
t)ecoml)er and Juno respectively,) shull he sejmrntcly chosen by
ballot, and must each receive a jni»jt)rity of all the votes given, to-
entitle him to election: provided always, that where only (y>o
Brother shall bo in nomination tor an office, it shall he Iho duty
of the N. G. to declare him duly elected without the formality of
a ballot. , Tx «»
Clause 2,' Any Brnlhcr \ohc nomtnnlod for the offieeof D;M.,
must be a r.G., having the three P. O. Decrees; for the office of
. N. G,, a V, G.or P. V. (J.; for the offico of V. (i., a Secretary or
Past Secietary,or a Brother who has completed or is theiVl^rV-
ing a second term in somo/infericr office or offices- in the iXdge,
and as provided in Arlicj/lll. Clause 2 and 3, Gen. Laws.
Clauses. No nominaUon shall be received, unless the BroMier
nominated signify his consent thereto; nor shall any nomination be
held to be of force at the time, of j.roceeding to elect ion v unless
9iich Brother be present, or have sent to the Lodge a sufficient,
excuse, in writing. . r-
Clause 4, Befuroprocseding to open the poll for an election ot
Officers, the N.G., shall appoint two Brothers of the Lodge in
good standing, and who have attained the Scarlet pegree, to be
Tellers ; and it shall be their duty to guard the ballot-box, to-
coimt the votes given, and to make return thereof to the N.G*
and to the Lodge.
Clause 5. It shall be the duly of such Tellers to allow no Bro-
ther to vote, until after his name shall have been balled by the F^
S. from his roll of the Brothers entitled by law to vote.
Clause 6. The Tellers shall in no case count as a part of the
poU any blank vote, or vote given for a person not a membei of
the Lodge in good standing, or not at the time in regular nomi-
nation for the office for which such veto may be taken.
Clause 7 As soon as each ballotting shall be completed, the N* G
shall close the poll j and no vote shall be received- Ihercafler. H
Z,- t^ " ^ .r .W WF ,.if''T°',
-^' y ^
:hiri» !.« no rl,oloe c»f uii omcor it any ImjIIoI, q new lian8 wnh.|,uvvn by the ».0. »"tu,Uii^vW>
ntcrfox n — APwnNTKn nrrirr.ni».
f-^s- „. <
ci.iii«j I. Thn jumnvina up|MMnu.trJ')iibe;;;"5|x JN| Sv.. r^
p. (,., I. (; 11. 6,. N. (;.. L. «. N. G.. II. h. «., cVTfPR ', ^V
by 1.0 V(;.„nm.ln,lc|y after hi, intUilOion "H""""'**
t^rrtiMo .J. A Ch.ipl.ini ,n..y ul wny tinia IwoiMwinled by the N
iitlwu' ^ '" 8"<'d«^"*'«ng.onho unje of hi* jmiuI-
T. I II 1^ "*tf "^ IV.— Duir or TUB junior p. c.
Tt shall be Ihu .buy of (ho J.uiior 1'. G. of the J^Iro (o attend
r .itting l.{, forihognnrter; lo deliver the churge of ihne
omo« at .Mitmt,onN.or see thnl the «an,e Im, done ; to regiWr ,,
HlHK* to ,e kept fur that pnrfx.se, the nntno b ul reSce cf
> very widow, and tin; name, a^o. and residence of every orphan
child rece,v.nj< benefit, from tho funds of the Lodge; to wK
over their welfare and inierests ; 'o.visit them if re«iHml in .1-
town of Ch«thapM.r within il^eeM^ofU?^^^^^^^^^
month ; to rep^iheir condition tSHBKxvhenJSjLSf
may re,ni.e, u^ to per.ormall <^BBfm^Zn!!^^ [
nx tT.u „ ?*=CT'°* v.— DUTY or THB N. C.
Clause 1 It shall bo the dnty of the N. G. to preside in the Lodge '
mid enf<.rce a due observance of the Conslitilion ohd Bv-lTw*
I ''SL'' Wirr'^';;=' ^''^ ""»"^ ^^^ of British N. America '
' ^Aeeth^ali the Officers of the LoJgc and nicmbers o? Com
^tees Perform their respective duties, as enjSned by he T
.pectiv^ges and Laws; to take care tha 1^1 fines, not *:
1 quinngm vote of the Lodge fo. their imposition, be m/nctX
charged onlhe books of theP.S.; to exdrcise a vigilam Jiwr^
■vision ,n regard to all irregularities subjecting Brothe*is"ofiror
other penalty at the vote of the Lodge and to bring the same of-
Lndi/'jfr??"'"^" to him, under the considenition of the
Lodge, withon fear or favor; to take charge of the Charter of
the Lodge, and to have it ahvays in theLodge while in SewL •
to summon Special Meetings whenever he mav con Ulcr uTe:
\^-, ' -^
! -
etMiry w w1w»n rrqn^^*-**- to do w hy nni^tsu memltem
ofiho LiKlgM III goo
/ .
■■'_..;■ ■■- ■ •■ ■ ^ ■Oft .■•■■' ■ .■ ■ ■
i«goocl ord(J alltt^nuLrl.*^^^ '" keep carefully ami
Woffice'and todS »>elonging to
- cesser • to fill nn! I ! ?fi ? '""'^, '" ''kegoad order for iTissuc-
connected therewitl, ;ufe^U;rtKe^S^^ proceedina
histerm fM.Hv • It J^*'"'^^ to make out, at the end Sf
Clause 2. In the absence of thp P «5 .f <.i.„ii v .1 ,
clut^s of th, J . S., as enumemted m Section Till. W\h!^ 1^ „
SeAioN Vni.-^UTV OF THE P. S.
Idf, by means of a written or printoil Girculur, every Brulher tvl»o
may be in arrearatthe close of tl^ second week in each quarter-
ly term, of the atnoiintdne by him ; to call tho special nttentiuu
of any Brother being either eleven or seventeen calendar months
in arrear, as the case may be, to the provisions ofArticloVJ I, Sec-
tion IV, Clauses 1 and 2 of these By-Laws, by means of a written
or printed note to be delivered or sent to his address ; lo advise
the Secretary, from time to time, of the names of all Brothers
being in arrear either twelve or eighteen calendar months, to the
end that the said provisions may be punclually cariied into ef-
fect ; to reeceivje all other monies due to the Lodge; to pay over
forthwith all monies collected, or otherwise received by him for
the JiOdge, to the Treasurer, taking hisjreceipt lor the same ; to
furnish io the Lodge, c^ the last meeting in each quarterly term,
a statement of all monies received and paid by him to the Trea-
surer ; to have his books written up for the Finance Committee
within twenty-four hours oiler such meeting; and to deliver up
iu good order for his successor, all books, papers and other proper-
ties appel'|:iiining to his office ; and for such seiyiee he shall re-
ceive Siis f*ounds Five Shillings aniumlly.
Clause 1. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to receive from
the P, S. all monies of the Lodge, and carefully to take charge of
and deal with the same, in such manner as may be required by
the By-Lav/s of this Lodge, or by any vote of the Lodge, duly
passed and in conformity therewith ; to pay ail warrants signed
by the N.G., if drawn on account of benefits due under these
Laws, and also all other warrants signed by the N. G. and at-
tested by the Secretary, but none others ; to keep correct accounts
of all mOnies^coming into his hands ; to advise punctually the' P.
S. of the state of his books, whenever the same may require the
levying of any assessment under Article V, Section VI, oi these
< By-Laws; to lay before the Lodge a monthly statement of its
funds, and at the last naeeting in the terra, a full report, of the re-
Qeipts and disbursements of the term, with vouchers; to have his
books written up for the Finance Committee within twenty-four
hours after suclf meeting ; and to delive'r up, ivhen legally called
.. upon, all monies, bonds, papers, books, and other properties of the
Lodge, which may be in his hands, to his successor, or to any
other Brother or Brothers whom the Lodge may appoint to re-
•ceivethem. ,
Clause 2. Prior to liis installation in office, the' Treasurer shall
give, with two sureties to be approved by the Lodge* a joint and
^veral Bond, tothe N. G. and V. G., for the terra during which
thJ?." u.e iI'^'k^^^^'^? ^"u''^"" to place o..t the Regalia for
• 1 " »'"ti»ers. before the opening of the Lodire uml »t
«u.h othe. uuties„,a::;iS5 i?z'?;i:::^^:ri.is^^^
ing t»'e Lodge, according to the requirements oi-fl^^e
EveryOfficer,(with the exception of the siuinlr Tv fi nf ih«
qtiurter.) wno muv bereaitirPrJ f.. .=io.» i . ■7'- "« A • u. ol the
hereby requ.rea .hau;, s^h r/e^hey "haaXTtrL^^ '' ,'?
lion,by vole of a major ty of the Brothers of tuL 7 "*® ^o"«"tu.
mjjr app.;i« a„ boot,, |4pe^ S;S;rau7S.%?;X%:
Lodge whjph may be in his hands. rroreriies 01 the
shall eatise wmten or printed notiws thereof to br"o«hwirt; t
»ed to emy Brother of the Lodge residing VlSM^d",^
ndiiions a»,
Regalia for
iianner; tu
o perform
> office.
and clus-
G,of te ut any
ice have
>d Mtand.
[as it is
ist eight
le Lodge
^e meet-
e Lodge
;s of the
stive of-
ivith is-~
and the
Lolgo shall proocc'd forlliwilh toelecl a Brother to fill such yn-
eaiicy.at the regulnrin'eeUiig next following the issue of such
notices, (provided the said meeting take place at lieast eight hours
alter theirdelivery,)or at any special meeting \vhich maybe
duly convened hv subnet ices. • • j
Clause 2. On the occurrence ol a vacancy in any appointed
offioe, other Ibun that (.1 Chaplain, the sqme shall bn forthwilb
fdled by the appointment ot n qualified Brother, by the I^t y.or
V; G., as the case may require. ''^
TheN. G.,upan the night of his instalta'.ion, shall appoint (sub-
jecl to to the approval of the Lodce) the following Standing Com-
mittees, to serve lor the current terrii, viz : a Visiting Committee,
a Fir.ance Committee, and a Property Committee.
Clause h the Visiting Commitlee shall^onsist of seven inera^
hers, of whom the N. G. and V. G. shall be two, ex o^tcw.
Clause 2. It shall be the duty of this Committee to visit everyi»
sick Btolher of this Lbdge, within twenty-four hours alter re-
ceiving irifiirmation of his illness, provided he be in the town cf
Chatham, or withiri one mile thereof ; and to reiader to every
sick Brother of this Lodge, such aid as the Law provides, and as
his case may require and admit. _
Clause 3. ItshaU be the duly of t^e Chairman of this Cora •
raittee to rrtake such arrangements as, thut sick Brothers of tha
Lotlge, if within one mile ot the town of Chatham, shall he vis-
ited at least once a dav, during their illness, by one or more mem-
bers of the Conjmiltee ; to keep a correct roll of the names and
residences of all the Brothers of the Lodgei for the use of ihe
Committee ; and, whenever circumstances may require it, to call
upon so many of the Brothers, in order as they stand on such
roll, as may be ncfoessary to secure the attendance and services of
two Brothers to watch nightly with any sick Brother. ^„ -
Clause 4. lb cases of contagious or in fectioiis disease, it shoU
not be incumbent on members of the Committee personally _to
visit the sick Brother ; and, should attendance be required, in-
steackDf calling upon Brothers, as above provided, the Committee
shalWmploy a nurse, to be paid from the funds of the Lodge.
Clause 1 The Finance Commillee shall consist of three mcra-
- bcrs. .;■:'";';•■■:; ,:;■" " '. 'f '^ ■■ ■ - u '^- ■ "■'■ ^- ■'■
mf* -•■*
Clause 2. It sliull be the duty of this Committee to suj^riii-
teml tho jfinancial afTuira of the Lodge; to inspect and report
upon all Qccuunts referred to them by the Lodge, at the regular
meeting next following the reference of >uqh accounts ; and to
audit, quarterly, the accounts of the P. S. and Treasurer for the
previous quarter, and all other Officers or Committees charged
with the receipt or expenditure of monies of the Lodges
Clause J. The Troperly Conimittee shall consist of three mem-
bers, mcluding the Warden, who shall lie Chairmair thereof, e%
officio. ■ ' , ■•'^ ■ '
Clause 2. It shall be tire duty of this Committee to take charge
of all Regalia and other eflects of the Lodge, not specially en-
^ trusted to purlicular Officers, or to other Committees; to procure
for the Lodge such articles as may be necessary, eras the Lodge
jmay direct ; to cause to be made all such repairs to the Regalia
or other properties of the Lodge as to them may seem requisite,
or as the Lodge may direct ; and to make a full report of their
proceedings at the last meeting in each quarterly term.
• Clause 3. This Cpnuniltee shall not in any case expetd a
• greater sum than Two Pounds 'Ten Shillings, during any one
quarterly term, without the previous consent of the Lodge, sign ih
fied in regular form.
It shall be the duty of all Committees on Character, appointed'
under Article IT, Section T, Clause 3, of the Constitution, and fit
. the manner laid down in Article III, Sections V and VIj of these
By-Laws, to ascejEtaiii carefully the age, state of health,
professiofi, habits and character of the candidate referred to them;
and to make special report thereoh to the Lodge, at the next reg-
ular meeting, unless otherwise instructed by the Lodge.
Clause 1 .Any Committee, or member, or members of* Com-
mittee, failing to discharge their duty to the satisfaetion of the
Lodge, be fined notless than one shilling and tfitee pence cmr-
nrency^and may be discharged therefrom, by a vote of the Lodge
to that effect.
Clause 2. Every Committee, or member or members thereof,
thus discharged.shall forthwith surrender, on demand to that ef-
fect, to the K. G., or to such Brother or Brothers as the Lodge may ■
_ appoint, all books, papers, monies, and ' other 'properties of the
Lodge, \vhich may be in his or their hands.
"•4!^!wHt"'.'f*r'*" "'*'* "T
o superiii*
and report
Ihe regular
(8 ; and to
rer fur the
es chafed
:hree mem-
thereofy e»
take charge
peciaLly en-
to procure
i the Lodge
he Regalia
(1 requisite,
ort of their
3 expetd a
iig any one
r, appointed'
tion, and fit
Vliot thfese
of health,
red to them;
tie next reg-
ge. ■■
jrs ofCom-
iRtion of the
s pence cinr-
[ the Lodge
lers thereof,
I to that ef-
; Lodge may.
iities of the
' SECTION I. — At)Mis8ioif recs. \,
Clause.!. Every person admitted a mcniVier of thi» Lodfjc,
either by initiation or as *an Ancient Odd Fellow, shall, previuns
to his admission, pay intoits funds an Admission Fee, to be cs-
labltsbed according to the rule following, that is to siiy :-^
If on his then last birth-day the candidate was not morf than .
thirty-five years of age, the amount of the said Fee shall be One
Pound Five Shillings. v
If on sneh lost birth-day the candidate was more than thirty-
five, the said Fee shall be augmented by the further sum of Two
Shillings and Six Pence currency, 'per year, from that age to
Ibrty-five; and from forty-five to fifty, it shall bo Five Shillings
for each additional year.
Clause 2. Every Brother adntitted as n memWr of this Lodge,
by deposit of Card from any other X^odge, shall, provions to his
admission, pay into its funds an Admission Fee, to Ine established
according to the rule following, that is to say r —
If on his then last birth-day, such Brother was not more than
thirty-five years of age, the amount of the said Fee shall be
Fifteen Shillings currency. ° , '
If on such last birthrday, such Brother was more than thirty-
five, the said Fee shall be augmentecl by the further sum of One
Shilling and Three Pence currency for each yealr, from that age
to forty-five ; atKHirom forty -five to fifty, it shall be Two Shil-
lings and Six p^ce for each' additional year. .
Clause 1. The regular Quorterly Contribution, to be paid by
every Brother of the Lodge to its Funds^sliall be at the rate of
Seven Shillings and Six Pence per qaaiter ; and no Brother
shall on any account, b^ excused from imymont thereof.
Clause 2. Such payment shall be considered due at the com
mencemeht of each quarterly term.
Clause 3. Whenever any benefit shall accrue to the account of
a Brother, payment shall be required therefrom, of such Quarter-
ly Dues as may be chargeable to the closp of the then current
''term* ■ '- • " ' ■ *' . ■' '
Clause 4. Whenever any Brother shall take out a Visiting Card
he shall be required to make payment, in advance, of all Dues
chargeable to the clusu of the term for which such Card may
have lieen granted. ,
. ■ ■ ■ ■ ^ .
The Charges ft.r Pearces in this Lodge, on occoimt ol the
Lodge, siiall he us follows*, viz:— for :he White, Piiik, and Royul
Blue Degrees. Ten Shillings euch; and for I he Green and Scai-
, M D3groe.4, Fifteen lShiIUni»seuch.
'section IV. — OTHER CHARGES.
eianse 1. For every notice roj> Brother in arrears, nnder Ar-
ticle III, Secliun Vm, of these By-Laws, the P. S. shall enter
on his lj(ooks,und add to the amount to hcf stated by such notice
IIS in arreur, u special charge therefor, according^ to the ''rule fol-
lowing, that is to say :
For each ordinory quarterly notice, One Shilling and Thrbe.
P ence. ^
For eArery special notice to a Brother being eleven calendar
months in arreur, Five Shillings.
For every special notice to a Brother under sus|)ension as being
Seventeen months in arrear, Ten Sliillings.
Ciaiise a. Such Charges shall be held to be due and fayablft,.
immediately on their being notified as aforesaid. fct<''"'''
Clause 3. For Every Visiting Card and Card ot^Cleararioe,
• there shall be a charge of One Shilling and TJwpefe'Penue.
' Clause 4. Such Charge must »n all cases be deposited, (to-
gether withanyumourit of other Dues becomingjmyable previous^
to the issue of "suc.h Card, under Article 1, SeptrCw Vand Vl; rind
under Section II, of this Article,) in th^4ilfnt|s of the P. S.,^-
fore any motion can be-inade in the Lodge for the grunting^of
sucli Card } but shall be returned by the P. S.> should such mo-
tion not prevail. -
Clause 1. There shall be two funds of Ihisi Lodge-^the Wid-
ows and Orphans* Fund, and the General Fund ; the former
chargeable with all benefits to Widows and Orphans of deceased
Brothers ; the latter chargeable with all other beiiefits and Lodge
' expenses. * . .
Clause 2. There shall be carried to the account of the Wid-
ow^s and Orphtha^* Fund, »
Firstly: All m/>nies which, at the time of the [iawing of
these By-Laws," may be at the creditof the said Fund.
Secondly: One-third part of all Quarterly Dues.'
Thirdly:' All Fines collected, all charges under Section IV of"
this Article, all Donatiohs, all Bequests which may be made
thereto, and all Monies which may be raised by Assessment, as .
hereinader provided, in aid thereof.
C4ause 3. All other Monies accruing to the Lodge shall be -par-
ried to the acctjunt of the Gee made in the niinie of ilie
Lodge, froni time to time, as the Lotlge may direct, bv the N. (i..
V. G.,and Secretary, for the time being, ami under the Seal (l
the LcKlgej; altevidences or certificates thereof, shall be f»lace(i
and ke(>t by them on^deposit, in such cji arte red liank Accncy in
thiat^n as they may select and arrange with to that cilfet, sub-
ject oinly totheir joint order, civen under the seal of the Lodge;
and all dividends or other income accruing therefroin, shall lie by
Ihem duty demanded and received, and the amount Jorlhwith |iQid
over to the P. S. for delivery to Ihe Treasurer.
• Clauses. All nionies of Ihe Lodge, not invested as aforesaid,
shall be placed by the Treasurer, lorthwith after he^shall have re-
ceived the same, oo deposit in the name of the 'Lodge, with one
of the B:uik Agencies of this town to bear such rate of interest as
be may be able to obtain thereon, from the said Hank Agency ;.
and his responsibility and that of his securities shnll extend, so Inr
as the said monieaarc concerned, only totheir punctual deposit,
and to ihe correctness of his cheques drawn thereon.
Clause 4. No motion in any way relating to the investment of
the funds, of the Lodge, as by this section provided, lor, shall be
' put to the vote at any' Meeting, whether regular or s|iecial,un)c!-j»
two weeks' notice of such motion, have been given by the mover.
Clause 5-No motion for the appropriation of monies of this belonging
to this Lodge, otherllhnn for the general pnriKisesol ihe Lodge and
for Ihe relief of members' of distant. Lodires (as provided for in Ar-
ticle VI, Section V, Clause 2,of tiiese By-L.^w-i,) shall be put. to
thevUh 'he Ljxipe
t0 want subh <)enef.t, vr any !«'» ihereoJ, to such Chdd or
""fes. Shouldthe fatnily of such d^-^<\ ^l^jj^^^ jj
need of a protector or guardian, the Ix)dge shall, to the best ol
Its power, .rotect and assist thetn. and endeavor to place «»"»«"
;„Ta Il^ition as may enable them to be useful to themselves
«nd to society. ...«.«* /« ..
Clause t Whenever it may Income known to the Lodge, that
.«v Brother of this Lodge has been reduced to a state o pecu-
Svdb?re8s byan^^^ unlookcd for dispensation, h«
cSe^^S be 'reared t^a Special Committee of three Brother,
«ftfc«rit vote in Lodgv!
until such arrears lie paid in lull. . ">'
Claiiso I. No Drothershu II bo entitled to nny Benefit during^
the first six calendar months ufier hisadniiFsiin lo the Ifdgc.
Clause li. No Brotheir, while . under charges duly preferred
against hini.shall iMiheld enUtk|^L^ any Benefit, unless un ler
8()ecial vote of the Lodge to thajP^ifeet ; but if afterwards aC"
(piitled in ditecournc, suclu Brother shifU be Iben forthwith enti-
tled to uny benefit or benefits which, but for such Charges would
hiivo become payable to him, wliilu the same u;:,ere pending.
Clause 3. No Brother bejng three calendar ini()nihfi in arrear
f<»r Loilge Dues. shhllJjcoomo entitled to any Benefit, ilnlil six
we('k3 after such arrears shall have been [mid in (ulliUnlesa under
^|iecial vote of the Lodce to that cfrt-ct.
Clause 4. No Brother who bus been suspended oi" expelled,
sitall, on any account, become entitled to any iMMicfit, within the
term of three culcndur monihsafter ho shail ImVe been re-in-
stated. ■■•■■'•.■ ' ■; . ■'■■■■■■'»■
■ ^ ' ■- . ■♦..•.■■ ' . , ■
Clause 1. Every Brother ofTendingogainsl the Rules of the
Order, or of this Lotlge, in j:espect of nny of the particulars here-
inafter euumernted, shall be fined as follo^vs:— ,^
For appearing in Lodge otherwise ihou in the Regalia apper-
tuiiiiui; ttJihis rank. One Shilling and Three PaKe. ,
F«ir any improper luuguusc, offensiye personnlily, cr other lan-
pUtiirc such as is prohibited by the Itules of the Order, or disre-
spect to any of the officers of the Loc^e, while in Lo(Jgef or dis-
oliediencc to the N. G. when called to order, not less than One
Shilling and Thrt'e Pence, nor more than Five Shillings, at the
discretion of the N. 0., or (if the Lodge see lit to exercise it) of
the Lcklge.
. For any failure to rertut the sickness of a Brother of the Lodge
to the N.'G., or to the Lodge, within twenty-four hours, or as Soon
OS may be practicable, One Shilling and Three Pence.
For any failure to.watch with a sick Brother when siininioncd
to do so, Five^illings.
, Claust
ties inou
If of t
liug» am
li ot I
If ol
Three P
uro.at I
orcire it
^f open
live olfi
and Si>
uf Cha{
If cl!
have it
If c[l
other If
S. to tl
tod by
may a
due at
have !
^ J \ Ck
es, tl
btl f
be a
ure.ul Ihodisereliouof llie N. l-u'l"
•"^^.u'sl-.' A°,«H-o. ...oL«l,o, fa«».8 .<- "i«=""S« "'•
Uuii.., .Imll <>"«"'"'."' '"''"*'l,i„„ in y "' "7"''' ',„„^, ,„,„,,», loRalui, or
.. .^ .-tv mill fiilMUK U» ""*^ *■" .. , rii «^t.;l Mtnra nllCi
wl,iy vf>t«,^toi?ront n tiitXhM term (w poymrnt ;
hnt«iioh further leimthttll oo oo uooouiil oxooo.i aa ciiluiiUar
iBoiilnii ' ' ' i^ M ft '
CluiMo 3. Any Brcthor guilty of lungunsi^ or ^m\wi |t» Lodje
flieritinK..ntheo,.iiiiouof the l-xlge.u aevt-rtr |.«imliy MiuiHhe
1,10 ubovo imiKmHlorttuthoriw-a } or who ■Imll »ri«»« Charges
iiniiniit a Brother on ovi.lonoe which tho [iCKlgo iihull not regaid
as suflfbiout lo w.irnmt him m so doing ; or whonlmll knowrngly
misreiir«suikt tho auahfkJutioui* ol any cundidate for admiMion { of
who ■httll uhuw, i-r attempt toaUwo. in any way, the btnovolent
intentions of tho Ordi-r ; or wh.. shall »>« Ruiliy of framl m iiny
business transoclions.or of oilier dwhonoiuWo eondiict oi of ho-
Wtuttldninkonnoi«orimmorttlilv,oiol infraction ol the lavtol
the land, •hall bo susiHjndcd from membership, or oxpelkd.ns th«
Lodge may, by vote, determine. ... . , .„^
Clause i. No Brother shall be permuted to appear m Lodge
while suspended from memliershipj nor sholl ony senlenco ol
suspension be considered to expire, or Ikj reversed, luiless by spe-
fialvotoofthel^getolhotefleet; and no motion to that eiul
shall bo nut to vote more than onco in tho case ol any indivuliiaU
in any ono quarterly term ; nor unless at a regular meeting, and
uaer formal notice thereof, at tho tw*>rc|jrulai meetings next pr«.
eeding ; nor, if tho suspension hare been pronounced lor any ftxetl
terra, before the close of such term J, nor shall any vote take ef-
fect until after the Brother shall have |wid up all Dues to the
Lodg,o charged or chargeable to him, as well durmg his term o»
suspension as previous thereto. .^ „ j- v_ .1 ^
Clause 5. If any memfici of this Lodge shall disekwe the re-
jection of a candidaio for initiation, or for admission by card, he
shall be subject to expulsion, or such mher punishment as the raojo-
ority of the Lodge may determine ; and whenever such rejections
occur, this Clause shall bo read in the Lodge, and U shall be the
dutv of the Secretary (should tho Brother who proposed the can-
didate decline) to inform such persoc^of his rejection, without
^ disclosing any other circujnastanee or proeeediug of the Lodge.
A No Bmoking,and no refreshments other than water, shall 'uo aJ-
fowed in the Lodge Room, or in any other aiwrtnient thereto be-
longing. .
limes, w
ly spiifit
Itmbly U
part th
read in
the cor
nor sh
final d
an air
ot th«
Itis particularly enjuined by the Lodge, thatall Its ^memljers
treat earhother, during the sitting of the Lodge, and at alUther
. «"
y -
tliUM. with «!n* eonildcnitioii «"^„ '"'*^l^,;„;„i „ll«Hio»«. «.»!
\ern.ia«d ; «»«» ^»»*^ •"?"; ;''^S^t«^ gcn.r.«iiy. which intv- ,
p.,1 thereof >anUp«Ucrvote^^^^^^^ „or .ball
~md .n IxKli* tl ih'ee .*^"^J^"^'^;'*i. any .ucTi motion, \^
, voting th«U vote in favor of it. By-Law- of a
' rRe«^Wcdr-Tbat wh.n •" «'"«»^Xlt^i^^^^^ i7i.«g«larfot
SuWdinatel^gocpni^npforco^^^^^^^^^^ ,^y
an amendment containing new matter lo ^^^^ ^ ,
21.] ■ ■.¥•,■..._. •■W- A ■ ... ^ . ., , ,,^._
■'■" ■■ ' '"'■■'■^'^'■■■- " 'A'
-?jn?rfft ftV TfTifif Tifil^te f'Ernrrf^Pf^
..^^.^ „ ..liSt'L.^^Jt^LA. « 10Et^' f ^.^jOmJ^, ^^jMiX ^*i&kAt.
V :•
Rule I. — As soon as the Presiding Officer shall have taken the
Chair, the Officers and Brothers present shall take their respect-
ive stations, and the Lodge shall thefi be opened in ancient form. *
Rule tl.— The order of Procedure, After opening, shall be as
1bllow8*:-=i ; ■ . T^ .^------^---i---------^--. -._-^ ..., ---..-■ _.^_i^^^^...:__
Iv The calling of the Roll of Officers.
2. The consideration of any Excuses which maybe offered by
Absentees froni previous mtsetings.
3. The reading by the Secretiary of th^ Minutes of the last Lbdge
night; the consideration of any objections which may be made
to any part thereof, and theii approval, with or withodt amende
ment, as the ease may require. •
4. The receiving and consideration of any Reports from the
Visiting Committee, or from other Brotheris wbo may hav)e to re-
port the fact of any Brother being sick or in distress.
5. The Nomination or Election of Officers, on the evenings
designated for such Nomination or Ijlection,
6. The receiving and consideration of Reports of Committees
on Character, aijd balloting thereon. * ;
'7. The initiation of Candidates for Membership.
S. The receiving of Propositions i^r Membership, and their
reference to Committees on Character. \-
9. The receiving 'und consideration of any Repoitis of Officers'
or Standing Committees, which may require to be made in pur-
suance of the By-Laws. ,,
10. The receiving and consideration of any Reports of Special
Committees in the order o^ their seniority. /
il . Th6 reading and considpration of Accounts and other CoijiiT
tnlinications in the hands of tne Secretary. I
15. Good and Welfare— bel^ngi first. Unfinished Business,j'in
order of priority at former Meetings j and, secondly. Now Biisi- .
13. The closing of the Lodg(
39;- "'"V.:,;..^;-:
» 1 TIT An« M«mber oflerinen molionmnstdosoinwriling,
if"lu.^ha'.'^ff«f « W ".o Secota,,, .1.0 Prc-d.ng
ccivable.iinlesa it be a motion ; ,
l.Toadjourn; ^ : •
' 2. To lay on the table ; _ ,
3. To putthe previous question ;
/' 4. To postpone; ■
5. Toreler;or ' ..
6. To amend . _ _ ^ jj j precedence in the
^' R«l^J--J»^> ^bp call therefore
only after It slmll^ .nave oeeutt of the Lodge present,
sustaineabya majunty ^^ '^tn^^^^s^^^^^^^^^^ <»^e
. andthenshall^sbeiv^jn^^^
qtiest.on be »ow put? ^ w I cu ^ .^ immediately be-
j^(,re^e to whatever q^^^ ^^^ ^,^^„ .^, ^^^e. ,
caS^e^^^Questi^n b. i^^^^^
^ in. Onicer shall thereuj^^^.^^^^^^^^
peoidtng, .mmediatdy beio^^^^^^ hand, the
mentor further deteteUiereon, ana 1^^ p,esidina CfRcer
'"'RuleVII.-Any member may reqnire the division c.f a q..e.-
4ioa, when the s^«.jyillj^^^^^
""Riinr-The Aves and Nays shall be taken aud recorded,
4 onU-ee^lofanymemb^;^ „f i»aefihi,e^p<,..
Uon. , ^
. ' ■ ■ '-■ . ' ■ . ' "■"-■"■■<■
Hule XT.-^ Ally qiieiition decided by the Lodge, thai) not
again be brought before it, otherwise than by re-conaideratlon, as
Erovided in the foregoing Rule, unless notice thereof shall have
een given at the meeting immediately preceding ; and such no-
tice shall not be received diiring the term in which the question
has be'eri decided.
' Rule XII.— Every Member shall have the privilege of speak-
ing twice on any question, but not oltener,.unle«s by permiteion
of the Presiding Officer.
Rule XIII..— Any Brother, intending to speak on a question,
^shall rise in his place, and respectfully address the Presiding Of-
ficer, confining himself to the question, dnd avoiding ppisonaii-
ties ; and should more than one Biother rise to speak at the same
time.jLhe Presiding Officer shall determine which is entitled to
the floor. r
Rule XIV.— Th(B Presiding Officer, or any Member 'may call
a Broliher to order while speaking ; and, in $iich case, tho debate
shall b 3 forthwith suspended, and the Brother so called to order
shall not proceed, until the point of order thus raised be deter-
mined, nurspeuk ufion such point uf order, unless it be to make
necessary explanation, or apiieal from the decision of the Chair.
Ruie XV.-^In all cases where a Member may appeal from any
decisi on of the Chair, he shall use the: words following, and none
other unless it be for necessary explanation :--'«» M.N., I respect-
fully apiieul from the decision of the Chair to the Lodge ;" and
the lodge shall, after such explanation from the Presiding Offi-
cer af* lie may deem necessary, proceed forthwith to consider aiKl
vote tipop the question— <• Will the Lodge sustain the decision of
the Chair?"
Rule XVL-^Any Brother who may have been called to order for
manifestation of temper, or improper feeling, must apologize to
the Lodge, or to any agwr^eved party, if required so to cloJ>y t^
Presiding Officer ; and shall not speak again on the nending qites.
tioh, except to explain or apologize, unless .sftecjii^Hyperniitted so
to do by the Presiding Officelr.
Rule XVII.—Tlie Presiding OOicej^r the Lodge, may, at
any time, require all Members pr^sem to vote' upon any pending
i^uesUon, or may excuse anjrP^ber or >):efnbers from so doing.
RuW XVIII.- BrothepKliot Members of this Lodge, may ad-
dress Uie Lodge, oiijDe^iving permission tothat efiect from the
Presiding Office^.
\Rule Xi:
without>Ke permission
dure, a
may, a
not les
on; bi
(ot a U
-No Brother shall retire, while the liodgc i^ open,
rmi&sion of the Presiding Officer.
as seven niewbers^caU itf^n ^^^^^
not lew than twp.tVurd.«^^em^^^^^ T^^ ^^^^^ ^^ p,^ed«re
o», ; but no "»«»'«« iXtCv liire be put td vote.
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