;» '.i' ■ V :• ■•' ii^ii^L I- ' «» *• it .t:v: ;^- i- V ■?■ V * t CIHIVI ly^icrbf ich4 Series i ■ ■ '/flM copy Ulnittd hwvliti b«fn rtprodiieMl tfiankt V ik tlM^g«n«rotitv Of: AnglicMi Church of CMiada Q«Mral Synod ArchlvM ^ / ■*., thi»|ifuig«« appMring her* art tl«« bMt ^allty poMtibla eonaidarina tha condition and laQl|»ility of ;ttHo original copy and in kaaping «vlth fllmfing ftontraet apaclf icaHona. ■ :f':. ;■■;-.•■:.:■■■/;■■;..•■'■;■•, .- ■•■••..^ j-, ■■■■.■ -v. ■ Jl^glnal eoplaa In printad papar eovara ara fllmad IfeNtginning with tha front eoyar and anding on ;|ha laat paga with a prlnta^or llfuatratatf impraa- iaion, or tha back eovar whan approprlata. All \othar original eoplaa ara fllmad baglnnlng on tha llrat paga yrith a printad or IHuatn^tacI impraa- r won, and anding on tha laat paga with a printad or iiiuatratad impraasion; TIm laat racordad fi^ma on aaeh mieroflcha ahall contain tha aymbol -^(moaning "CON- TINUED"), or tha aymbol ▼ (mapning "END"), wi^iehayar appiiaa. Mapa. plataa, charta, ate., may ba fllmad at diffaran t raductlon ratk>a. Thoaa too 1*rga to ba. Included In ona aicpoaura arif fllmad • bagMnIng in tha upper kift hand comer, left to right and top to boAom, aa many framM aa required. Tlie foitowing dieflrama lilUatrata the method: 3, '■*.• 1 • 2 1 ^ » '^-P ;\"'2-':: • 4 u:g::i^,_ ,.i.^-. ucad tfiankt I ara fllniMl ding on t««r Imprw- tot*. All ling on tho impros- i • printod ifieho 9 "CON- "END"), L'oxMnpiairo fllm4 fut roprodi^it griM * I* g4n*ro«iti do: I Angtiem Chui^ of . OmmtiI Synod Ardii' Los imogoa aulvantM ont 4t* roproduitoo avoc lo plus grand aoin, compto tohu do io condi|ion ot do lo nottot4 do I'oxomploiro fllmA, ot on conformitift avoc las conditiona du contrat.da fllmago; , -, ..: •■,;,; y-r^/^ 0>- :\ Laa OKomplBiroa originoux dont it couvorturo on popior oot impHm4o aont filmiia an eomman^nt Iter la pramiar plat ot wn torminont aolt por la damlAffo pogo qui oomporto iino ontprolhlo d'improaalon ou dINuatratien. soit par la aocond plot, aolon lo daa. Toua laa autraa axampiairas origina«ix sent filmia an eomman^ant par la pramlAra paga qui oomporto uno omprointo dimproaalon ou dlHuotriition ot on torminont por la damlAro pago qukeompM una taUf ampralnto.; ;-^:^;, ■■■-:■. .'^'^Jl ■^ '% Un daa aymboiaa suivants apparattra sur la domMro imogo do choqiio mleroflcho, apion lo caa: la aymbola •^^aignlfla "A 8UIVRE". lo • t' aymlMla ▼ aignHia "FIN". ^ ^ ^ •:.l"- wdat trgatoba ilmad r, loft to iMoa iota tha LMcartaa, plpnohaa. tabiaaux. ate, pauvant itra fiimia * daa taux da riductlon dlff4ronto: Iporaquo lo dodumont oot trop grand pour Atra . raproduit ah un aaul elioM. il a«t flim4 * partifr da I'angia aupMaur gaiiciM. dargoucl^ i drofto, ot do iMHit an Imm, on pronont lo nombro d'imogoa nAoaaaaira. Laa diagrammaa auivahts. illuatront la mMiodo. / e jf_ MICRClCOfV RKOIUTION TIST.CNART (ANSI and ISO TEST CHART No. 2) / 'A APPLIED IIVHGE Ito ^^^^ 165 J East Main Street RpchMtar. N«» York 14609 USA " (716) 482 -0300 -r Phone (716) 288 - 5989 - Fqx ••^Ilpg?"^"fj / v' PROPOSED PEOGRAMM^ ipor this oonbideeation of the old catholics and all christian communions. By L'ABBE MICHAUJTD. Article I.-^A11 old Catholics, of whatovcr nation they may belong, consldei'ing that Ultramontanism is^ both in principle ai^d in action, the true corruption of roal Catholicism, hereby declare that it must be repju- diatcd to its very germ, and that all doctrinaf decision and all disciplinary prescription* declared and formul- gated by itself alone since the invention of the false decretals of Isidore, unto this day, are void of right .and in fact. V' ■' .'^/^ .■'"■.-■■ " ■. ARTrcLE II.-^All Old Catholics will unite together in support or the religious principles of the old Catholic Church of the West, and receive in the sense and with all the liberty of the same principles, the seven general Councils acknowledged by herself and the Church of iheEast. . Article III.^As no particular Catholic]; Church can be established (or organized) except by a legitimate Kpiscopatt^ the association of old Catholics which ms < 1. \ r not find a l^iiimatc and npoHtolic Kpiscopatc in tlio West, will sec k it in the Church of the Kant after having entorol into communion with it. \ * Artiolx I v. — All old Catholics shall form particu- lar Churches according to their nationality, having the same common faith, and the same common sacraments with the ancimt Catholic Church of the West oif of the East, and reUii^pg particular liturgy and di8<^i]^line. Article A'.— This particular liturgy and discipline shall he, as much as possible, except the modifications rendered necessary by the change o^social customs and conditions, the liturgy and discipline which were in force before tiie ninth century in particular Churches. Article VI.-— All particular Churches, wl^stherin th0 West or in the Easti thus professing the ancient Catholioism, under whatever denomination, shall u8- KCinl>Ie AS soon us possible in an (Ecumenical (|/Ouncil. Article YII. — The Bibhop of Rome shall moTicd before this Council lo render an accoun conduct as pjitriareh of the West, and to be jiccording to the Canons of tho Church, by alltl Church. Should hesubmifc to thjit judg- be confirmed by the Council in his office oi nrhrpnirurclj. Should he not submit, he shall be deposed, and his office cancelled, according to the canons of the Church. In that case the Council shall proceed to the election of a. patriarch of the West. Article VIII.— So soon as the Council shall have olccted a Catholic patriarch of the. West, all ChurchcB ]>rufessing the true Catholicism shall put themselves in communion with him. at tlic same time governing ^v: «)f the united mcnt hcpsUuU of fir.s^'pntrijrclj. )e 8um- of his judged 3 ohiefs %'!!^^^'^''^^^^^ f^^g &^t \\ <8 ■.. ■■ ■■■ l1icin«'elvoH each by its nationftl and legitii»ntt> Synod, uiid according to the oanooH of the general OoudoUk. AiiTicLE IX.— While awaiting the establishment of a patriarch of the West, the Western Churches shall enter into direct Gorrespondenco with the potriarchr^ and Hynodfl of the Kabtern ChurohCM, Without^ howuvCr, losing their own respective autonomy. Article X.-^The Council shall makq all reforms which it may think necessary whether for the progress of theological learning, or ¥ot ameliorating the condition of seminaries, or for the liturgy and woniftip, or for discipline of the clergy and laity, so a8!.4:opromoto as much as possible the unity 6ftho^g}wkilna<)f sentiment among all those who call themselves disciples of the same Christ and children of the saiae Qod. Artiol&XI. — In order to iuDiHtate these reforms, ijud the preliminary labors which they require, there shall be iostituied as soon as possible, ia all t^e Catho- lic world, committees of action and CommitteeB of science. Article XII.— The committees of action shall have for object the foundation and organization of parisheti, the construction and maintenance of churobes, the de- velopment of worship, preachinf;, the {miblication of works judged useful for the propagation of the true fttith, works of 0ha]i>ity, and >th© election and eoOttccrK- tion of Bishops wthei'ever they shall be necessary. Article XIIL— The committees of •soieoeo shall have for object to treat soientifitfally questions toiu^hing dogmti, worlabip, morals, 'dipcip|be, in suoh a manner astodriiw dearly a iHne of doiiii^oation between what is obligatory ttbd what merely allowa4>le, that is totsay , on the one hand, all dogmas, rites and precepts, o«r pw;- X *.' #' Sf* McriptlonH, which *havc been hclitjved, obMirved Mini prttOUHcd by all tho Church, nod on tho other hand, the opimons, and rites and presorintionj* which have not been profcMcd, or in uho, except oy a portion of the Church. V Articli XIV.— Each nation shall have it*» jpnrticu- lar scientific oomniittee competent and chosen among all Christian communions. Afticle JTF;— These different special scientific com- mittees shall be united to each other by a general oommittee composed of the most learned, themselves chosen bv the particular committees in all Christian communions.' ^rM«;rF/.— Every Christian of whatever com- munion he may belonn;, shall have a right to forward to the particular committees his works and criticisms of whiQh an- account shall be given. ArHch Jf V//.— The prticnlar scientific committee shall transmit their works to the general committee, which, after all publications, all researches, and ail discussions Uecessary, shall publish (Jormulera) its conclusions. / : , Article XVIL— The scientific conclusions of the general committee, once declared, shall be submitted to the Bishops and pastors of all the said communions united in a council truly (Ecumenical. The Bishops «nd pastors of tho same copununions, thus united, shall j^dge in the interest of faiih, of science, of pea«e and of unity, whether ihe i^hol, the rite, and the rule pry the uttiversal Church everywhere and alwAm every rite which has not been observed by the univerrt^^Churoh every wliere and always, every precept which h«i not been accepted by the universal Church every whero\nd always, shall be considered as allowable. Every tti^ted Catholic shall bo at liberty to admit or r^ect them>p^[tiaUy or totally, *hus authority and liberty shaU w re^tmwlgd.^ Article XXIJL— In that case the different Christian commuDioDS shaU be at liberty to express philospphically ;tnd scientifically the articles of the foith without being •?., * ;■■"%«. .f'W ^ i.^.A^%%^^gt,^iii TO!^< c fvtr n )ili< t o iiii|H>!«! tluMii Oil jiiiy line uii«l«'r pain ol* mirtthriun. Tli«y hHiiII b« at liberty to uxphiin rit*»M (•oniiiioii tci'tlu! whole (/huruh by cervmonitm which tuny nplM'nr to thoui inoHt pioua. They Mhtili he itt liberty to oxpliiin the diHeiplitiary jinxjeptM coninioii to the \vli(»l«> Church tiH it nhuU Hueiu to them juMt anil UMot'ul. AftU'h XXIV.- — In thut caHO thoMo particular Cutho- lie ChurchoH, dcKij^iiated hercartor under the name of their respective nutionality, that in to Hay : — the Oatholic Oh^rch of England, the Catholic Church of I'Vunco, the Catholic Church of Germany, the Catholic (yhurch of HuHHiu, the Catholic Church of Greece, the CathoUc Church of Italy, the Catholic Church of Spain, &o., &c., shall bo able to keep their own theology, their own particular rites, and their own special discipline, on condition that they shall not bo thought obligatory for the whole Church ; and to tolerate the theojogy, Iho ritual, and the discipline of each particular Catholic Chnrch : and to rei^uiu faithfVil to the prescriptions of the XXl Artiqlo. Suoh is the programme which we presume to offer to the Christian world for the peace of souls, fin* their practical union in Jesus Christ, and for the oonsolida- tion oi' the true Catholic Churoh. This pi'ogramme, nowcVer itnpcrfect it may be in itn details, appears to us in its maih features necessary and pracitioable ; necc^^Mrv,' because it is the only means to esiablish a comfiion faith, and to cifita'blish a common faith is Ui6 only means to arriye at the desired religious unity ; 7>facftca6/f, becunse onoe avoiding the region of spccfilation, «nd standing only on that of simple hit- torical facts, the truly learned, the trmly honesty and th( 'I ro^ un ■rt w:::.-5" -,'".,( i' •f'f tlio true ai»oKllo» frco fruiii all i»arty ►pirh. will i.i^llr ui^orstaiid eauh uther. Ir- \- ^ T huve traii«liitod t\w nbovo from tin* Pr«'in'lu uiuj rcHptictfuUy Hubiuit it to )'uur coiitiiUcnit'uui. ' TVotiM it not be well for our rruviiicitU S.viiod t»» • /■' unitf! with the Old Catholic.-* of Europe '( .lOUN STAXNAOK. KemptviUe Rectory, Oiiforin^ ) 8q>t. 2nd, 1872. J ^w I 'iJ -V Av McHiorKon, Priiitor :nid lluokselU'r. « 1 •^a£L I ' '. ' :|": •%'-:>. ;^,.. **- .■■^x^. .>■.... ^~. 5-CV V *.* JiJ^^^^SA^ Ji¥ • J c — : .. ..^.. . '.-■ '.^A. /..„;:,..;.,., „:.._•;". ,/, --:--r-.-':- -...-- ; ,. sbA -1 .:#;: 3? if- M * ■v >.-.'. '• -':/■■ "• - ■ 1, - ■ _; ■ ■ ' , W '^,' • ■ • . ■ ■■ ■■ » ■■ ' '■ .■ ■ ■ ■ ( m ' . ' • ,S J^^ m • ' *■' « • • 4^ M' « .* ^ * * • .-/ • / * %» ^ ^ • . • /. ^^^":^- m m T ■* ^ / . '.;• ■ . « ^ ' t ' , '*'■■.' 'V" t * •• ^. r - •■-;;• . * • » 1 ■ ■ ■■.■;■■ ~ ^~^ ^ . . ■, . '■■...■. ■ ■ ■ . j^ ^ '^^gi y. fms: ^ "^ m ,0 *yl^' ) I ,.V' / \ N « &■