IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT.3) 1.0 !.l 11.25 |50 ^"^ ■■■ *^ U^ |2.2 •« li U 11 1.6 t 1 Hiotographic Sdences Corporation ^^ A '^ V ,v :\ \ <^ -r-^ o ^ * «^^^ 23 WIST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, NY. ;4S«0 (716) 873-4S03 V^' V 6^ ,, lusll, TOURS, CRAMl'l'ON, I'lNSl TI, Hl.UMEN I'llAI., ADAMS, (iol Noll, MoLLoV, DENZA, UISllOI', I'ARRY, MoIR, l;ARKI, ARNK, RKYl.OFF, DIl.K, CllASSAUiLE, LAWSON. CIRlI.l.O, KIC, ETC. CONTAINS THEIR LATEST AND FAVORITE FONGS, HYMNS, (;i.EES, MAPRKIALS, HAI.I.ADS. SENTENCK.-i, RESPONSES, ANIIIEMS, CHANTS, ETC., ETC., ALL CUOsEN EXPRESSLY FOR THEIR E.MINENT FITNESS TO PROMOTE THE HAPPINESS OF EVERY HOME. Professor C. H. MORRISON, Musical Editor, FiJlTOH OF T'KEAbLHY 1)1 Si>N<. No. I T'KkASMtY 111' SllNl. — I NSTKUMBN TAI,, I'.TC. HUBBARD BROTHERS, Pl'BLlSHERS. PHILADELPHI.A, BOSTON, NEW VORK, CINCINNATI, CHICAGO, KANSAS CITV, AND ATLANTA. A. L. BANCROFT A CO., SAN FRANCISCO. /rc!,;ba'» f-'opyrlKhl, mi. by Hr„B..Rn Hrot.,« R.S. INTRODUCTION. p^ONG has not yet fulfilled its mission, nor has a halt been called i^' A i»f ''^'" '^5 devotees. They are ever pressing forward, gaining new • ^^^5 ach'L-vements and bestowin/^ -^^?^c»c:«y^V theil TREASURY OF SONG. (No. 2.) Fac-slrnlle of the original manusciipt given Mr. Morrison as a souvenir ol their interview, by the celebrated composer — BERTHOLD TOURS. GLORIA IN EXCELSIS. ^/{*^t-U. ^iA^ IhnAM^A^t "^^m (1^1 k r- V k^ ^ k '\ : - / /O *! n 9-% . tt , 1 ^3 ti-^H-T 1 '>'^ '^ ^^ 4=^ ' ^ I f^:::i s ^ ^ ; iu >k •<««A ^ tt ^^ ^ <<^L^i6^(^ &r*n^ 'S^Uu.^r^ <^C^ yt' • JJ** l^?^ ?!♦ ^^ ^ 3 O- 1 I Ionic - less, 2 Niirs'ii l)v « jt^ a. IT— rag- j^od nntl tann'il, rn-der tlio chai)j;tfiil sky, lam- gor uiiil want, Taiijrht out of Na - tune's page, :? ^ - Ai^ ^ • ^ >. t S- t- T -« f- f: ^ ^^ -^ m --J- ^^ ^ :S=:,: ijt—K-^t l n^: Who so Bann'd by :=is:^z:ii free in the land, Who so con -tent- ed as I? saint- li - est cant, Scorn-lng hy- poc - ri - sy's wage. .^ k — L* l5^ * * * * * J: f. ^^^^ 33^^ — I 1- '^-■ J- ^ ^ ■ ^ ^--it- __^ _|---.^__-j_ '^^:s: Copyright, 1884, by IIubbakd Bros. TUn VAOADOND. - -I > -1% 1 ^ zz-—^T-=t: i^-^m Ne'er . hing - iH'fd I •|iiaku ' iti^', I plixl IcHt liir - tunc proves iiii - kind ; . . l»v wiiv - wiiril I'uu • I'v led :» rr- U -I -A -a it ?R -S-- - S-- ii »•»' -3- f "1^ f : « 5 ff si n=^ :8 -d- ^^ =qor:=t r«//. --^^^ NeVr . . . my heart break tliut vowx have ceased to liind ; Trust - - \\\^ in (ind, Wlm the spar - rows still hath fe"39^^73-^^--5^ i i "^TI 2d. time. ^ — 9 1 ^g I? f - Lt; ->^-^ 't^ "^^ «-,?^^» ^ .( i 1_ I P 1 4 ^-,_^^ 1 ■ —f THE VAGABOND. ^ piu lento. Once tender love ^~^^' ■ J-7 ->- -*- ~r?=^ Watch'd at my side, Now . . i'rom a • rsr:zr--=^_4=^ :Szz:e=m^^zm: fc r'^-j ^ : S=:S=S=-:S=I ^fe -K— J-4^ ^ ^^^^:5^ - hove . . Her An - gel's ray guide ; When heav'n a - bove rrr S: :*=* -*—*-*- -K--^— * i?-^-:^: q^-4i=t ggJ B^^ ^— — *- W^ &- ;=! --I?!=q^ Asks . . my last breath, Afl - - gel love Smile on the Vagabond's i ^^T:: ^ , k n— l ?:^^-^^!^^-^^ ^^-^- — "-^^ i:?A=^ iftqt ■*-_ ^-^ iMzgi 4= death. When heav'n a - bove Asks . . . my last breath, ^r-, i^!:^ -;?~t^-ta ^-ti- 3^^^s^^^?=r r fi ^.-K— ^-i — ^ ' r ? r > THE VAGABOND. ^inilc on the Vagabond's dnitli, Smile on tin- Vagabond's ^'"w^m^^^^^^^^ im^ m ' l^-'nw' M 'im x^S= fe ;«=:Ljrra=:c=r,(: i Jr: 3^ -I — t- =^=^ death. Ah! ^.i^'ig^^ii^^fs^ •5»-:»-Sffr: ■povo accfl. crea.- I K-4 i^ "ii ifj: ^ 5^^-^i^*"^^*' li ^ ^rnir->— .-— _ HoBie - less, :gi=:z*=^==t^j^ 3.^^^ rag- ged and tann'd, Un- der the changcfiil sky, lEiEEiiE^ -( — -+- -^i^-^:SrzBr m 5 — rr^^^—^t :*=«; •-- e-B* 1 ■j;*- ra//. =if=;: »t =^ -•- -- M 3E? gnel Who so free in the land, Whoso con-tent-ed as I? ^b=^=^*--# 'TT 4 pi?5*:r r(»//. // ^-ff" — 1 — \ \ — ^ -3---3: 3 3^^ * 3 3 s*- :aigri;i^7rarr|Z_3:^" 3=- » MONODY; OR, THE LOST TONES. AndanUno. Hro C. GOLLMICK.Op. 112. fe^Ei:fi -J^N I I K N 4 '^^— ^=^]:B=:^=-*=if=z;^ ^m Listen, friends.for I must tell you That my Aciiyihr Leutchen, lasst eiich sa- gen dass ich :T= S — *= :S=S: -n- -K— ^-5^-1^ ^=^^ :5::^5=::?: m voice is all but gone, nicht beiSthn - me bin, Not a tone now that I car- ry Proper- keinen Ton mehrkann ich ira-gen, vndmein :q7 T ^*^ ::]= -* — M= :a^=it -*--•- - ly, in-deed, not one, Um - Jang ist da - hin, indeed, not one, tM da - hin, $^MsMf^ i*;ti-i^0^^9t^i e un poco ritard. fel: I. mr- - m -, r4^__^ « F J-P— 1 -f , „... .-^ - Vi^ -•. ( . -^—7-^ ■* _? — p — *__ -j --^^— J [_C? - * -•. Copyright. 1881, by Hubbakd Bros. 10 MONODY , OR, THE LOST TONICS. I 1 ^1 Tlio' I sigh and Wie icli stuh - ue, tho' I wie ich =I=T -I 4- m trcm- ble, iirh - ze, Spite of all the piiins I take, 'Tia like croak-ing of the trotz der Mar - fer, troiz der Muh, ei - nen Ton nur, den ich fea^^gsi^ ^sr^ a<=«p:te IT * P ^g^: =t=^ z-l ga -J T ^c^ 1 1- 'I rav - en, Noth - ing of my voice to make! kriich- ze, grdsa - li - che Mo • no - to - nie! my voice to Mo - no - to- P ^t=rfT^^ =p=|=2ji: -^ J- 1 f- -* r ^ 1 — r dim. e ritard. --^=^- -^ IIi^^^M^ MONODY; OR. TH' LOST TONES. 13 ^ ' • =s (Mr: not please nif now, ;je 7 OH - clienliler, It will go as -q5r:; ^ ^1=^^: She was a lit- tie fair- y danc- er, Swept him out of the casement, Bright as bright could be. Down to a stream be-low. ■ ■'4 m » — I — K-i^ i*i=:*=K: >-f*-T =*^Si ;ci: She had a cas - tie and gar- den. True to his lit - tie . . la - dy, _^__H ^-^ _.— X 1 — —I 1 — I 1 \-—i — , — I — -t He but an old box dim ; Still he shoulder'd his gun, X Copyright, 1884, by Hubbasd Bbos. THE MTTLE TIN SOLDIER. jjocn mil. it n trmpo. =F4-. '^iPl^l^^^'?^ She was a s<'liivp, Far t inii.-ket. ?=^ 1 — - Fain her love would be. ^ (Tin Soldiers iDiirching up liill.^ ^ M- ■%_£g^ ESEH^-^^ ±r ggS^ 2rf. hm«'. bi?: 22l he, Xe'er in the world a lev - er Half so true could be. i^ pi ^E* ^^^M^ ^^^^ ^'^ lf l^ ^r W '^ «^ <^ fe ^7* m m -S3. ^= 10 THE LITTLE TIN SOLDIER. 7rr: j> — i -.-^ -- t-^ (Till Soldierii iiiiirching down hill.i mil. -> •'^ _g ^^ ^, fc^ ^^^ -B-^-U -*^* «^ ^ -^ 1=1 Once more lie sety his rose love, ^§= s ^^ -:^:- Still she is (Itincing gny ; -1 1 . — U-^- p/J S^-^ S^i^i -H— 2 -4 -^ ^*«: ;|^^^3E^.EE^^^E^^ ^[^1SE^ He is worn and fa - (led, Loy - al still for aye. '-^ ^^:^^=^ s ^-=S =^«^ -§^ E-2: 5^ ^ «^ ■J^-U-J^ m I III! THE LITTLE TIN SOLDIER. ritttrii. 17 W^.ri\-^ Part • ed in life, in dy ii" a rtr:^i--I- ing, T hvy are »ide by oide. I .1 £..^-_l;;t--:i?EE^- coWa I'oer. -^."-!» -(T^ ^^'^ >.^^ 3-7^: * ^^■ -^--■^- m « ^ !t^ All, for the lit - tie Tin Sol - dier, Ah, for her cru - el ^ ^ ■-«r _r7z;.. :7=rt ■r» « - E^=^^Fi^|^^;-S^:^i=^^^^^§^^^^fe ::ir=d: :»_^: ri7nr'l fi » --^ -J. • " Petit Dleu."-vSmall country Wine. Copyright, 188<, by Hubbard Dbos. THE SCOUT. 19 rnn bri». M«rc- ly a itot - nl I, Till- ing tho utoirm Im ninli, . • - ^ ca t t -^ .«. p^ :* S^ -f- A * U # g 3Jrrr-,.g _ 2^ «A « ^- 'f' 1' f: I .-■fc :rr: ("link wo u glutw, .S» niuy it jmis- Ymir Imnii^ttjul hv ! A- 9: ■^' it:"?: if:- ^. 1» - -^a g: _p " J— 4r -• — p. •irtrf. /- ,ir :r=-tg r a-a Et^Li^ /S: :gri:zr^ :c/-T- 5^J^-E fr--rr i Lurking in hraku by day, Read- injj by stars my way, ^^^^p.^^p=^^pfep Clat- ter- ing fast thro' ham - Itt old, O'er lone - Iv wold i ^—- — - — - w ^ -*^*^ 1 qt=:^:^=^=|ir 4=a- ^r? ;5::=i?: -g P P - :*=*:=li: ^?^ F==5^^===?=^f==Ff=f-^f^r -« — #_ */r*- f^i ::=k:i;:::^ i^^^:^" -jFZZWCi m 1 20 THE SCCUT. -^- iS::^:^*^*: rrjc: =q^ Jig- ' - :s:=iz:z^:=^ =3 Maid-ons pale at my glaiico, Piusants fow'r 'ncath my lance, J55 -•-•-ar -4:=:=:|t :TII^7 ^ :3 * ^f^^^^^-^5-^^--^.t=^^ 4 ^-j ^- -rjrrm :^: S!L=z;?: :je -^ Mi- ser - ly souls hide past their gold From Uh - Ian bold I -^^ -' )-- --B * : tv -=t ^t 1 / .- "/ / "^5~5 mm •-=1 — j{ — n- *eeS3E^^^1 1= :S=:*z=^: zta^-fcnrt?: Yet his the risk not theirs, ^E^ -- s~m — r- :t Thousand and more to one, S^^ES g^ -taHBlk •^/^ -^^^ V, *EE£ J_# Lit-tle for odds he cares, li^zd JtJ^t «/ (laughing.) Rath-er too ma-ny than none ! Ha ! ha ! ha ! 3fc ^S=?= #J r— tr::-r; THE SCOUT. 21 a trmpe ieeito. con brio. ^i^ C(ime!boor,your"lit - tie blue," g-*— r •- -X I war not.friend.wilh youi m • ■iif^j'^ Ttm—*^ — m — \ 1 - 1 ■^ ? ¥ ? ^- '^- ""* "* =t:^-_=».-_=fc=:M: ;?z4,3p=:1;a:.-4=---::t2: :rrj=z:-j=t2-: j ^ ^^- -^5- -^6- -^P" 1 :i:j=pi 'Twas for this can a bold Uli- Ian His bri 4^ ^-^ig:^--p-r f: di', drew : tn^^—-^ V ha ^ • Ea^ffE^TIffi -M:zz^:z7^. ~-X- i—n- -si- Mere- ly a pet - rel I, Tell- ing tha storm is "igb, JL ■tmz^r^^^r^^ -m — --e- jffl. . -?-^t m: di — t— - -JSm=:rBz X--=t :&^ / :* rS: * m. ^: It it m~m-- 3g - | g tc 1=1 1 - » * * ipiz:*: :)»=>— t:=::i5?: ^/| rnW.- ^fc3! 5?: - ^ P - ~=i— X- n Cliuk we a glass, So may it pass Your hoiiin - stead by! I ;i ^=* -£. tEEEfeiE; ill / raH. * * * ff 2 ^ * * #' |i Si -s*— n- 22 T -IE SCOUT. Andante axtni hunic I've left far a - Andnnie nsuni. P kgeUo. -^ j»- ^^-^-•'- "ZS-^^y^' ^ — "*" "#" '■*" >^ ■*■ "^ J^ > "*■ m^ :4: "c~r" ri^z:^^ -TZK :7=t= r3=;^ .1 ■ i«r5:r'i :fsr4=q: -* — n ^ - way, LuvM ones there . . for me now are sighing ; g.=^^p^^g^^^^^^=E^^P cj^ — z^. 2^ TZy- ^^ ^^^^~ >sZ ' 4 1 - ■ . ^»^ ■■■ , —^ - at n-Ji- cau see . . the moon's pla- cid ray . •^^^^3 ^ ;=t ::=^- 1^: ::2?: ;:^^^«:^ :2^ "C7~ ii r»'"i — "T- ^ :§- a /fffipo ^ On roof and tree . . and pale . . face ly-ing! ah! r^^^ ^^ 'l~c N »i 1 ^-.-^■^ :«n~ 1rs--^-^T THE SCOUT. ♦ ^s il-n- ::=?*::;: -i=::^ :z:Jfr^zzzz^::zz^- zm-^ nic, Hearts arc hearts the weary world all o- vor ; -m- ^-m- --J- -•- >_-•»- —J- ^ ^ — ^ rv?: e ^=^ S^ ;=!: ::^ rcT- ^^ 1^- :^n: P i^uipi i 1- :^=r^5= Peace still dwell with thiue and thee ! ^«3 =if^' ^t— sTir^^S: m \-- - ^5=^ :i^ -c:^ IS?,- i^: "C" frtW. -m m =t===t= 1^ So now pray-eth the war worn rov-er ! z^r ::t= ^^^=f^ 3=^ ^-■B^ "Z^- :=:1= 1 % • t3 84 Tempo Imo. Alliyretto. con brio. 1-^- THE SCOUT. -^^ T^ L. Cume!boor,your"lit-tIe blue,". -tmz I war not.f'riend.with you! - . 1 f--^ -£7zr==::fr=i'~-f-j-f:*_t__i I Z ^ ^ ^ :S^ ^ ^ .--T- Twas for this can a bold Uh- Ian His bH - die ^-^ *— r 5- * f: :-?: ^ . drew ±~'~: -** « ^^ fe-^= ^-f- :?• -i3»- ^^ j£\~^:=^ On .ly a pet - rel I, Tell- iug the storm is nigh, . Clink we a glass, So may it pass You homest J 29 THY SENTINEL AM I. MICHAEL WATSOJr • . • Uva... j|---^- i<-X^^ _^ _^ _^ 5%^ ^ — y ilei'lamando. fr»«. :F ^=f: ^^^^^ ^zJ?; ^ -^ "=S=«iC Thy sen - ti-iicl am I ! > > I guard thee night and day ; Thy sen - ti-nel am ^ > > CO^-^"^^ ^ P tnoderato. I! . . . . I guard thee night and day; Thy sen- ti-nel am I! '■■if 'M Iff I, • I if ^^ dj* P^ I*!*: 3tiC guard thee night and day ; Nor friend nor foe may come or go,\Vhilst I command the dim. m • • • ^^ — glq^qJg^E:^ -|*-=r^qii«^j -jztrzz ±^ -c^ Copyrlght, 1884, by Hubbard Bros. ill : i il 4 .11 u THY SENTINEL AM I. affrettando. fpoat rit. ^^Z=^ -z=^ ^T--^ i^rgiczar**- :i?1tK "g~a" i 1-i ?^?^ C-f^ -*-- =^-*- 2.r way ! Nor friend uor foe may come or go, Whilst I command the way ! ' 3 energico, -7— —J M K — f- fj:^.z ^iC^S: con passione. rit. ^= P- a tempo. A \- ^S=:=SC love the watch I keep ! 'Tis all in life to me; The wind and rain both -^3 mm^^M^^ • • • • i J ?^^^E^ t2=e 3F te i ^^^ J?: con esprens. ^-=^ --^s^- ;ti^ci= ^^=f^ rage in vain,My thoughts are all of thee ; The wind and rain both m rail. feM;=ii; , rail. « tempo. ^S :*=*:st4 ^ -« — « — =«- T ^ ■. Jl rage in vain, My thoughts are alT of thee ! rail. Thy sen - u- nel am □Jriij-*^ THY SENTINEL AM I. P con tenerezza. '^5: 27 ^ „. / Hrclamando. I ! . . . . And sweet the watch I kecp,And sweet the watch I keep ; Nor friend nor • « • 5:15=ci.: d^^lrzJl^: P dotce e sevzn rigorc. :y=p-a=g *--*: foe > may come or go, So sleep,so sleep.niy la-dy, ig;»^_E^ i/" ^^ > hi »f cri.- .-«:* ?f^^ ^ -* i *-— - #^- I /3)0 -^-#-^ 3=i: mnlto rail. ,*^" ^ sleep I la-dy, sleep ! la-dy ,slecp,my lady, sleep. y^ :s& ^ :?s 3=!4 ^y Ml ;3;d PP )0 s ^— -^^ i i^^Eil ?2= :>»: rfS" — ggt^i jfe^ c^z^; ^i^^=^ -r *---- ^Sese I my la-dy, sleep! a tempo. There is a watch -word :^- colla voce. fs-J^^^ 5^S= - •I. m h- k !->_ a tempo.. g^gig ^g I ni fcfc # E 2=S /3 pi X X - 28 THY SENTINEL AM I. -^-x- nr:^- ^^ ^= s~^ ^^E^^^b^g^^ Bwcct Thou givest from a- bove, 'Tid e'er the sanie^ly Cupid's name, ^k^:^^ip^5^^^^p3 4: I ad lih. :d ? ,^^ ^ energtco. / _-^r.=Jtqr:i^ :*j:^ ^^^^^ i ^ f g ^ ^ ^^^S^:^ E'en simple.simple "love!" Thy sentinel am I! I guard thee night and day; Look rjd?: dim. rail. w~ f a tempo. -=; down, and throw a smile below, Nor say me, dearest, nay. ?t*= S Thy sen- ti-nel am tS-^_i P fion tenerezza. f drrlnmando. :i=s: 3S^ :?Eq5: «=E»:?^fi^ I!, • • • And sweet the watch I keep.And sweet the watch I keep ; Nor friend nor '--fg-i- THT SENTINEL AM I. 2» P dofee e lentn rigore. zaz ¥E-[fZ"J^i^ f^^^FiZiEX:=\x i^^f^'^^^^ may come or po, So sk' lady, ^^^J^Jl I?-*: :^* -1- nf crm. f>«> srvKihile. rnnUn rnlt. ^=; v=:itt_-=^ :4= mm -rjii^z:^ fczt^- sleep! la-(ly, sleep! Slcep,my lady, sleep, ^^- X=rlr— ■ X :' PP j»p P vtullo rail. m=i: -:^i r^--— >l rf^F a«i^«:j^ erf*, ad lib. ^ ^ ^±±: I -y^- -*-=^— : I f =f»:4: my la - dy, sleep! Thy sen - ti-nel am I! -^m- Thy sen - ti- nel am :^.i W »— ■»- ::1= 4= ^^^4 5i^f f=Sj trrs. / m -I— L i-7- =■1.=^ — I — m — 9 — _-j — I ^ —I (- — I- .m- .^r -m- _ ?=*- :>=zz=^ ^^^i^^^ I! r'-> L =«=*=5=*=r -ya!-^ — S p^ - P^ i^-_-:S-*z=«=z^ g ^ a tempo. i fi ^ /- / m zisz 1»=s !^ X =F=-x= r^^^ =4 No. 2.-3. 30 THE YEOMAN'S WEDDING SONG. MARIA X. HAYES. Alltyretld yiiijom. ^^^ ^ // PRINCE PONIATOWSKI. mt^^^M 3=— t^— ^ Ig '^ h' '^="3" 3: Z 4 S~Z \Z-^wB-9\9^^ewf-W\ ^F- Fr-^Vi § ^~— H- — ^ -3r ^^mm ^ -^ ^ -*^ ^ -•-" 1 H> — ^ - J J — ^ ;*■*= (long, ding, (long, I love the song, dong, ding, dong, My steed hie on. ,P^ s^ -y<- =f»: r>: For it is my wed- ding For the church will soon he -*-•-- S- :|=-_z:_^_J_:z:|_:^ ^^^i^i^ T^ * >f- — •- 1^3 9 m i-i — at ^ ^^ :^ ^-^ ^ ■Jf^ 5iF -S) 1 =)- «*- Copyright, 18M, by Hdbbabd Bbos. THE YEOMAN'S WEDDINO SONO. SI T- m iiiorii fill And tilt! biidi! fit puy in fine ar- Thi'v not wait, tliiv lungt mt . . . u -^ — Nj -->— — -> . -K -K-, -K- -K, k V, r=i _c_n- ± -S^-T- (- ray, wait, For the ''or were we day will he now a - doru - late they'd deem the groom nn - wi II =t»=^.^=^ i^ElE¥iELIi£Es K&^l c*- >--- ^ * ;^ =1= 5 — S^r r" ' -. -^- m 7*>- -^- fe con brio. f ^ X~"^X S^ES^E^EE^^fe^ :t>>-t^-l>!Lz:zSii: ici;^ Tho* I've lit - tie wealth hut sov'rcigu health, The sun is high in the morning sky, . . And the M u SS Eg: '^*=^i p »»' ?5 *- =i^=?=i?l=i=^ ^•^ ^■t t?^ =^^ i ~ -V I if' ^1 ^ il iH' 82 ^ » I - THE YEOMAN'S WEDDINO SONO. 4^ 1 1»^ ^-'z: ^^-^9 ^!Zi^ Jg-iEJ^zrgnr:^ | :p^ -^y-rt stz Ami iiin " only u yeo - iniiii {rvv, lurk u'ur our liemU duth ning Wlii'ii hfjirt . A Lri - joinH dal ^^z:d :vc^ -«r ^ -^ ^ :> J%_j.^=.^ r^-.-M=^^ liiuid there's iiono in tlie Iniid Hong urt we gal-lop ... ii - ion;;, Can Keep he ing rich - or time to in the i^.izs=i-:r_ ^—T 3^ St I — fc a— y- fears and doubting scorn - - ing ; Ding, dong, we'll gal- lop a - long, All ' 1 THE YEOMAN'S WEDDINO SONO. 31 ffiiM uinl t - iiiu Kforn • - iug; 'I'nrnugli the val • ley wo f -r i^ •ibp^=i_|l'i^ i g^' p? :«^*z.i ^.S3^^ For we've no titno to wiistf, f"*^^l A.s thi» >l -'»-» ^?t rtl 3^^^ iSi 2rf. V — ^^"^;^l3i =- pp ^^?=[|^i^ili -^' "-*- -'H- -*«-""' -•- -li- -S^ -m- -m- -m- -m- ' -^ -0- -m-'. s^^e- z^-zrzmr- -•—)•- 1^=*L Sleep! Ah ! sleep, ba - by, sleep. Thy Fa - ther is watch - ing his e^^Pl =!•«-(- f-^'.-^ ^-K3; Copyright, 1874, by Wat. A. Poscd * Co. Uted by permlssiou. k7z m- ■5r 3^53: -^ =^ :^.L^ ^t:^-- 10 -^—^—.ifr--^ ■^r-.ip- S i' "'\ u H ?if ■''W Ifli ^ i li •i ,:. ^ 11 « ^^ )Dp ^ES: e^:^:Se« ^^^-^-€:£l Sleep ! Shep, ba - by, sleep ! The large stars arc tl le inw 36 "SLEEP! BABY, SLEEP!' dt:^:%-^- »r7=^ 3^ -•— ^ -I 1- -I 1^=?- slieep ! The lit - tie stars are the lambs, I guess, At d the ' — s^ '^-^ f 3 1 ::q: :4:i-z::T, l7 ^:=S:rl2^zri::ipqr5 _z__^ li?. 3^ -^— - ^' — ^ ^ ±^: "CT- ^P :&S= ^=r.=:^: ± — -r grcut round moon is the shcp - hord - ess. Ah ! Sleep ! 7m:z^-^ --a=4=it 5=5=3 ^^ * < ^ ^^^ps 1 <}« 1 . ■«Mi /•V 7 1 ) . - _4 .- - — ^ — M — -J—Tg — ^ -,* 1 J 1 s^^y*- ■^^ — 3 "-d- — — 1^1*^ -• — 1 * \ _jC pT^I ■—'7 9 ^ # at . m fz> -s/- ^ e-* :>=^ ^z^^EP- S=MZ z-s=-^- V=f^-- ^^^s ^p I sleep, ba - by, sleep ! 1^ t^ ^ ^^P pg^^ Ah! Sleep gs iE^ PP >>^ ■■■■■■ ■■■■kM ■■■^•MtT k, 'udBB mm m \ K- J __J_-i gi :rrrqs7 ^■:— :=p: :S=r^ :|=:==--t :iP=^ 3 S sleep, ba - by, sleep ! The Fa - ther lov - eth his sheep ! We b ^ ' j —^ gy r^-i I I I I 1 I I I— r-N -ff l——^ — ^-,=— I » _i 1— « VA y I I =^- — I 1 I 1 1 — FV— — « — _ — ^- h^zz jJ^^ al=^« :5!tzii=*=i^ S=^iS: 3^SS ^s^^S^^^-^IP^ ^ i 1 m > :^- SS^rar :* y :«^ £4^ nhzr—wt: "SLEEP! BABY, SLEEP I" 37 $ eres. :PS^ -\- 1— z$^:m m :i!=:-j^ are the lambs of . . . God on high, Who ciinic on earth for our eres. ^-^.^=^s t^cr ^^- :=t m fe^j — h :r — P-- -t^ — 1<^ -I 1- sins to die, Who came on earth for our sins to die. ^^^^^Pf :U=^ =^ -^ E n, ^^ i^-K ^ — 1 grmpre dim. ^^-^ ..- N» F^ — 1^- ps_^ _^ -_^^ cT\'' ^ '^ • * *^ ^ ** J ' • • ^ ' ^ ^__ 1 * - ^ • dJtr Ah ! bleep, ba- by, sleep ! Ah i^ PP ;^* s »- f :^^3^ aeviprc dim. l:Sr: m -1 — - — -t ^ m :S=t=^ I I riff i.i-.: ' ■ ' ' n I III irftzfe pp. y-b : H*— a< I * — ( * —f^- _(2_ Ja Bleep, ba- by, sleep ! Ah ! sleep ! • • 8m. =f=*=; P^^^^P •=fc=:.=fcn^ ;^ 3^ ^ -^-^-4 ^^SEEEg PPP i ^'^ # 11 _^-_ — .-. ir^m^Mmmi mmmmKw mm mmm ^wmm'^m'- 38 •i r ONCE MORE WE MEET. MARY MARK LEMON. Andiutlc (.ij/rctoiivo. MILTON WELLINGS. 1^R^:^:i.^z^i^_z=^ ri<. -^Ei*^ =Si r r =t=Mz: m n tempo. w- -__j — ^ — — ^ — ^ ,_ q^=Pc :il=*: Once more we lueot be - .side the sil - ver riv - er, Not as we part - ed -8- ^— ?- P ^ %' -^.— zgSr #^^ -W 3"^^ 1== c/ 1^ — ^ :S=:=S= " ^ J S K nt=i iu the by -gone days, When storms of fate had torn our bonds a - sun- der, accel. -=t-*- ;^ -^^-^-^ ^^^^ arzs=- ^=t- :a=qi^ ^^a^ ijts: -»— C" And clouds obscured the golden love dawn's rays.Once more we meet and cancel old regrets, M: -^- f^ i * Ped. V Copyright, 1884, by Hubbard Bbos. ONCE MORE WE MEET. rifrn. K9 H- icmpo. -^ '—^ \- Once more we meet and hand clasps hand again, ^ >— t^-^ -If! tl i I: H^' -o- p.^--::^- "^1 ^ L-^irzcS: il -I one of us for- gets, Nev - er to tliiuk of by-gone hours of pain ; US^U #rr~jrjr*— 5^; •-•-•- -"^ =F :::3= :*: ^i**- ■»^- ■»*■ "fl" ^^ :cii ^P- i arcel. -m=B-=Sz -i-- i^zfcrt; JS=qsr:^-ii f- -(sr- :it=«rr:J^sJ: it :«d:c Nev- er to ask if one of us for-gets, Nev-er to think, nev- er to think, ^^^m f tempo. ^^=:^=^-..^p=^ i^=til?B' rrtpn. jzig — »->= 1?=^ :^=S=:»i ~«- Ner - er to think of by-gone hours of pain, 1^* #W "-=J^ ¥i?: ^ tp2=J=5t .-4, -« ^i- -^- rtten. tempo. ^«=S=it=^ ■c?" -tu-j- - J -i^- S^- J B ■jy ^ g — r !i .f'{l-'; if. t I t 1; ■i "■"■' •'«-l^'J- if 11 40 ONCE MORE WE MEET. Tempo Imo. ze=::mz =ST=^r=q^^=^g :R==tt Ouce more we meet, when sun - set gilds the hcav'ns, Meet as we part - cd, P ^ ■■& "^ ^ m 1=^- T ^ ®: ^^ :«z i r c Jr. --:g=z^i:^- loy - al, brave and true : On -ly the hand of time has touched us gently, #«- mJ §1 mi -jzt. m # ^ IZS J=^ II / ierirramente. accel. 1 1^-^- :ts:^ 1>iqi^ =*^^S=^ :^=P^ ^If*- h > K m-Q-^ 'cr Changing,perchance,our hair to whiter hue. Once more we meet,the lonely hours are o'er, 3z f riten. f tempo. Once more we meet and own the past was best. Nev - er to part, O Mz %'^ — g XT ONCE MORE WE MEET. 41 =}^=f*- -^- qv^ :sr=c2: dar- ling, nev - er more, Un - til the an - geU cull us home to rest, A A t-t; y-zzz^^z:^-^ ^ ■WzzzX w^ zmzm=^-m=m=w=^- Nev - er to part, O darliug.never more, Nev-er to part, O darliiig,nevermore, J: ^ tempo. zzzzBztmzBzzzzz $ ^^-^ .i »? itf:|^=?!r--i-C!l "111 .'II. :^^M.wfztzmzzmzzm^m^^^± slargando. rH. - ^lEEt ret a rest, to rest. to rest. i J^ si ^=^ raH. /5/9 V- :it 5; ^ 1 III, 1 '-i 1;i ♦•1 \m. ■'if \\\ ";% ) I \ 'I li fvIV p li';) If. 42 HE KISSED ME, AND I KNEW 'TWAS WRONG. 'REPENTANCE." ANON. Allegretto. ALFRED G. ROBYN. He kiss'd me, and I knew 'twas wrong, For he was nei- ther kith nor ET 3t±. i^^ e p i?"?^ ^ VTJT T T' T- •^ J r :2=a: :^=t2= 3?t=^ -IS k J J r r- O' I ¥ — i^ kin ! Need one do pen - ance ver - y long For such a ti - ny lit - tie _) 1^^ rail. i-:^: ss ^U2 rs n fl r' I raH. I =fli»; errs. U * >— V ?!=*= sin? ^ i a tempo. He press'd my hand,Now that's not right ! AVhy w ill men have su ch wicked rail. ^ '^~^' W i« ^ fc^ .-^J323_ crc8. !^!5E^ *=5t F :e± I ' I Copyright, 1883, by Wm. A. Pond A Co. tTsed by permission. ^^ s VI h — I'- — The ^ ^ i^i 77 . . ,^5 r^^-. t) 1 ® ~9--~' ^ ^V- HE KISSED ME, AND I KNEW 'TWAS WHONO, fl tempo. =:?t -j;^^ -I— ^ ways ? _.■» y~ — 'Twas all in one brief mo- mont's flight, And -" — •■ =P^ accel. -<&-T- f :t: =^.=ti: ^3 yet it sot^niM lik e days and days, And yet it seeiii'd like days and days I fez-JEEiE^^^^ 5ES: t- ^3^JS ^^ accel. rJ- all. ^ I ■?=' i±I :!»->»—©- «■ * 13*- -^ , , ti '' ii >-^— X- ;^ c 8 10. Allegretto. ;fc=^ ^ :M -r g- = t ::e^-L r ! *-T- U iiBs; 1 '»/ ^ ^±1 f r ^ (I ■', ^-^r=:=t =f5=P= g -r*^^ i^z J^ - ^ V { ^ There's mis- chief in the moon I know, For I'm quite sure I saw her P J=t^ fe^ r^^ p l£ , rrrj r n 7=^" 44 HE KISSED ME, AND I KNEW 'TWAS WKONO. 7 &: -*— -^ 5i^ rjmiCr: wink When I re- quest- ed him to go, — I moniit it too, or s<» I ^^. mil r- - ^' — I — F" "r ^1" — f — r — y ■I I cm. -J-Sz think. But af-ter all I'm not to bhime, Ho stole the kisH, he stole the a tempo. ~~ Ik. I ^ n^"^^""^^^ »■''"• — T^ 1 P i m- i =s ^v^ tmid m^ ii^^ ±*=e: -p-^ -?1 ^ rp. OprJ i:;^: gp ^-iT=i^ ^ ^K-4^-^ fi tempo. aceel. :SMz -•iiz::^ zttzifc kiss! I do think men are quite de - void of sharae! I wonder if he'll come a- pi^^^^^f :^*=^ fl tempo. ^ :*r— 1 .■-_z=*r-_z*: m r*^ riv accd. ^ gam, ^ J. /^ /^ ^ 42--=zfc ^ -J? S^ i I hope . . . he'll come a - gain ! ^- m srr ^ :smz colla voce. ff trem. f n tempo. PP -X- r I 46 THE BELL-RINGER. BALLAD. J. OXKNFORD. ^.liitliiiiW iiui non troppo. W. V WALLACE. :s=-^ T :il— S= =^ 3tE ^^ ■-T • set the bell a - ring - ing When the bride to the al - tar was set the bell a - toll - ing When the bride to the church-yard was lziz — ^^ 1 r — ' — P led; borne, And I lov'd And the did T =1= T to hear it swing - ing So mal notes went roll • ing, To q^=q: fp rj^^- CTf ^ ^P * ^ 'f^,- *^ :it=*= :*=it ^^E^^gg /^ r ^ ^ea^^^Li^ ■If '1 11!^ ill! '>ul -It ' .1 'It' t Copyright. 1884, by Hcbbard Bnos. «»**^j(#«M|feS»t*;a «■■ THE BELL-RINGER. mcr - ri • ly tell of a F^^^^ () - ver my lu'iwl ; heart for - lorn ; TIio cliil- (Ircii fluiijr pay Tho won>''riug chil - «lren 'f f^^ i J ■ J;t lit ** :«r=ir ^tJ^^ "ti-=i par- lands round While I sent forth the io - ciind sound.Tlicn niiinj' tearx were stood a-ghu^t As su - ble niouruiTH by them pu8s'd,"And she is gone, so ".I M I '' rrt// \m pncn. in tempo. — '•^^— • a* 3— # ^^ 122: shed, but yet, Tho young lip smil'd while the check was wet. Ah! . . . fair, so young," Thu.s loud la- ment- ed the i - rou tongue. Ah! &:- m. s- ^. =S=: U*i**— d collavncc. ' grag=[^=^ ^^^^1?^. f ^ ^ -ZSl ^^a^E5^ t" ^ - :»=5I= me, me. ah! ah I me, mc, ah ! nio ... a Fong of ah ! mo .... a ^;ong of ;?a3 E^ g ^^^Je w/ -;-=^ m^ ;t: 3=T» : :i?= =«=S= f ^ ■c^ — I- # ><^, THE BELL-HiNOER. 4T -'^ H^ jfiy and lidpc Was lionnl ii ■ fur us J piill'd my jMT - ish'd liDpn Was licnrd n ■ lar nn I |>iill'd my -9-S-5, » « ^ r ^^r^ ^^* f ,. ~f ■j^i fV!^ i^ n^ — t- — (- ipg^ i !■! IR t^?^*^- JD imWo rorr. # ~ ''"''?jg ?^=? rope, rope, as I pullM OH I pull'd my rope, my rope. -*;'* i ?"-rT:j- ^^: £D2^.t^"gj5U-, hU^: /.s^ time. 2(1. time. =jr=^^ i^H a"3 /5 ••^^3: '^^-^"-'^ EE-^_E3fe3; ^"tff ^ :H_H_-qc PP F^ 1 :5«=r=fcp:: H^^F^ =F=^ i 1 :«cpi ifc^ SE g ^= J J :rq: i: ^^ ^ •sA set the bell a - peal - inell is steal - ing O'er the -= K- f^ :*:=»: W^^^ I Lff r*" "^ W^^ Bii^ :p: i^=mz itiiC ii /^ ^^ f^ »ii: S=?ta! £ri S '~7"lF^ hearts of the grave aud gay; The a - ged hear the :S=*: Jf^"^ "tT"^ I ?|Z^Z=^^ i «= i;i :' !!■■: -M? bSA >-_ii|: --?f:3=r-^. at:?: :tr._ iftCiC fun' - ral chime Of slow- ly, sure - ly dy - in;^ ";ime,The youth-ful hear a animandoai. ^ fep^: rail «n poco. in tempo con rs^yrrss. ^-: •H^gr ^T^ *l: cheer-ing strain That tolls them day will re-vive a -gain. Ahl ^^=f^-^g m '^$0- j*ti- erfHc. ?^±fe3S =^-=''^kr+ :e=«= colla voce. P ^^=}^-0^^fz^ X ^ X- r^ THE BELL-RINGER. 49 ^y ?P: -B(g- Z3= ± lifcztc ^ me, uh! me, ah I me . . . a song of f*f -*=— 5==*: 1=p ^ at ^fel: r » J ^ ^ f ■< J grief and hope Is heard a - far as I pull my ^w. -*— ^ ^ I I- — I ^ r ^^ T P I ^^ r^ i 5^ -F^ I yi crese. wm^w^ a pi acere. moHo :tqE jfciti: -r- - »* — r-g-^-- 4 t^'^st ^;^-i rope, A song of grief and hope .... Is heard a - far aa I Jf=E ■27- 3 3^. @i :(3: r -s— i^ 5*? 52= i -*- 8^ ra??. -^^2: t^ 1^ pull. ^3-A- :-JJ=5: my rope. gg^^Z:J3ZZy£^ ?^5: ^- :■!— ^Il-qljg 1^^ ^ p;3 •c^ 1» 1/ "tx" ■li^ ' ^^^=s No. 2.- asp i 'lis ;b i m ■ '■ th'- r .'J i i fiO THE MURMURING SEA. DUET. MRS. CRAWFORD. Andante grazioso. STEPHEN GLOVER. K 1 Ist voice. =^-=:^-=1t --■^ZLWL^Z »=5=S= -Jti^. S^^S^S^i ^. i^tz: =P=:^ ^^ EiE^ 1 Murmuring sea! Beau- ti-ful sea! Howl love to list to thy mel - o-dy When the 2 Murmuring sea! Beau- ti-ful sea! I no more shall sail o'er thy wa - ters free ; But I P -.-iTM^tm^ s^- 3= P?^^^^ ^.-:«.--.Sr-.9ii-Sr— ^-rf=ir.g.-^ Ill till ■I^P t I 1 « i » I ^ J » sl- l=lQ^=l^^l i t « t t t 1 1 till S^=^^ 1 TY^¥--f TSis ill 111 i^^^i^^^^ ir-^^— K-K- SF=^= ;^ winds are still in thy rocky caves.And the sweet stars glance on thy purple w« ves,And the watch the ships 'till they fade from sight, And my fancy follows their trackless flight, And my :.q=_T:f P f*i* * *S^5l*f g!-1 ^ -4=--:1r_-:1: ^-^^ -^ii^^ ^0=^ '-'s- -^-s^s- w-^'-w- '•" ••" -^ "*• 2d voice ::1=, 1 tf _'?! I Nt' Tranquillo. :qir=:?t--=It :il=«=J!*: 1 Murmur- ing sea I ->- ^- =i^* 5Eii='^=F :^zz:i^ ?e3e£= Beau - ti- ful sea ! Oh ! dear-er than ev - er they :i^--:=^ rin 2 Murmur- ing sea ! a tempo. i==^ :«zg— S= qs S h-^*^ r:gib j_y_i ^ : -^^ 5 JifliC Beau - ti- ful sea ! Oh ! dear-er than ev - er it If m 3), ■ mm ill 52 THE MURMURING SEA. $^^^^^^^^m^^^ qK= seem to be, As we muse on the shore of the mur- muring sea, The P r^^ -r-af q^-::1t S=^ =l^^3 s^ m seems to be, As we muse on the shore of the mur- muring sea, The ^^i3^^ dim. ^ \mt^ :5i ^ murmur-ing, mur-nuiriug sea. Beau-ti-ful sea, beau-ti-ful sea! Murmuring dim. :?s=z:S=1^ mjz ^:|=r=: raurmur-mg, raur-murmg sea. Beau-ti- ful sea. beau-ti-ful sea ! Oh ! ■J-J-JV iipl: :i^^"5 10 ^-:^: i^ ::i5_--rj:3 — i- r-t :5*: mur- mur - ing, mur- mur- ing sea. Beau - ti- ful sea. mur- muring ^ -^ 9 -• ^ mur- mur- ing, mur- mur- in^ ^1= 12^^.* Hca, Bouu - ti - ful sea, -^ *^- -^ V -••- -•^ -t^ -*l- -•»- -9l- -ft -^ -^ -V^ -*- S- «(=^ * * I T^-^- / r> 4¥^ B A No' -4 P^-^t :«^:^ THE MURMURING SEA sea! Beau - ti - ful, beau - ti - ful, beau - ti - ful sea! -T mur- muring sea! ores. Beau - ti - ful, beau-ti - ful sea ! %^%—ir-ir-^ cres. -^■^ :^ **- 3 =t ^ -m- -m- ^- ^ li- t==i- — I — «_,_ :*--«! .^ :-!_-?_ i dim. • • VV \ \ \ \ -tm- -m- -m- -m- :t=»zt: s- I REV. J. KEBLE. 1S27 Reverently. SUN OF MY SOUL. W. H. MONK. ^^r ^ 1 Sun of my soul, Thou Sav - iour dear. It is not night if Thou be near; 2 When the soft dews of kind - ly sleep My wea- ry eye - lids gen - tly steep, 3 A -bide with me from morn till eve, For with-out Thee I can - not live; 4 If some poor wand'ring child of Thine Have spurn'd to-day the voice di- vine. m :ci: --^ i :p=^-_ Oh, Be A- Now, may no my lufit bide with Lord, the earth-born cloud a • sweet to me when night is gra - cious work be riise rest nigh, gin; To hide Thee from Thy For ev - er on my For with-out Thee I Let him no more lie ser- vant's eyes. 8a V- iour's breast, dare not die. down in sin. la g ^T^ -•I5> 4 # life; ■=Xr- f ^^- t3 •^ gi i 5 Watch by the sick ; enrich the poor With blessings from Thy boundless store; Be every niournor's slet'i) to-night, Like infant slumbers, pure and light. 6 Come near and bless us when we wake, Ere tlirousi'h the world our way we take, Till in the ocean of Thy love We lose ourselves in heaven above. 'H M--'u- 54 FRIEDDIE'S LAST REQUEST. SONG AND CHORUS. PAULINA. P. P. BLISS. ::f 1 O moth - er, will you go with me now? For the way is dark and 2 Say, moth - er, will you go with me now ? I have reached the riv - er's t=|:=t :«=r «==«= *^ dtt SEf E3: -^ $ ::1= :zi: 4: m dim ; I would clasp your hand on the oth - er strand, The' I brink ; Tho' the shin - ing shore must be just be - fore, From the '^^^^ ±=^ -»- t I'' -s- t^ 162=^ hear the an - gel hymn ; fear - ful flood I shrink. For my oar would long for your Could I hear vour voice, I should !££ --q: -s- ^iT ifc=d. ^^l r^ ts;; ^ ^: zsiz e - ven song' With its ca - dence sweet and low; then re- joice, When the bil - lows o - ver - flow ; I should We would Copyright, John Church Jt Co. By per. FREDDIE'S LAST REQUHIST. 5& $ 4 \- =::r =S^^ =fc=s=s=ir watch and wait at the pearl- y gate — O moth-er, will you go? see the dome of the an - gel:*' home — O moth-er, will you go? -It ^: 1 ^=*: :S^i=t tr—S^-Sr m m nr #: mM :'d? — s s ^ -* — --sL— Chorus. a=S: ^fe^EEfel il Will you go ? will you go ? will you go ? will you go ? O moth - er, will you I Will you go ? ^^ ^ ^^# will you go? O moth - er.will you i HEi^33 --^=^^ ^ Will you go ? will you go ? O moth - er.will you i 5±: e: =iC=K i;2=pt |5=^^ zatuzaCrM. 1^=S=»: S :ff=ff= Will you go ? will you go ? will you go ? will you go ? O moth - er, will you , t*'^. n\,\ ni m^J=^J^^ m^zS^i ^ga go ? will you go? I would clasp your hand on the other strand, O mother, will you go ? mm ±=\z :1fc=f! :t=I= -^— I — \- go? I would clasp your hand on the other strand, O niother,will you go ? :ft=T=T: ::1=1 mm -*=i= -•— *- go? I would clasp your hand on the other strand, O mother,will you go ? =1^"^ ^ zm-umzzm-zzmnjm: -! — ! — ! — ^-^' -I 1 H ^-'^ ^- go? I would clasp your hand on the other strand, O mother,will you go? 1'i fi '■', t '(; ; '':i' 66 LOVE HE LITTLE, LOVE ME LONG. ANONYMOUS. With Hpiril. mf^r^-- H. LAHEB. ^e:=--*zffrzffHzt >^ H- ' -, ^^ s- 1 Love me lit - lie, love 1110 long, 2 Winter's cold or summer's lieai, ALTO. ,nf is the bur - den of my Autumu'a tern- pests ou it ^X=^ ^^z ^Ei -^^ ^: 1 Love me lit - tie, love me long, i.* the bur - den ... of 2 Winter's cold or summer's heat, Autumn's torn - pe^ts ... on TENOR. e -^ , .. w 1 i — — „ — ^^ ^ my it >^B BASS. W^- 1 Love me lit - tie, love me long, is the bur - den of my 2 Winter's cold or sum-mer's heat, Autumn's tern - pests on it :eE?ES?: :^z=^ =l_-=^==r -M ^ -m—M- teE =-^=i^ ! I -— — I- -m^0- :S=:it=*: ^ S^ "'/ i f=r^ ^— ^* -• — f^ :i=i^ :p=i= '\ ■ y. 'r ^ .K ^ — 1- — K-K rP- -r- — ^— ~~m 1 « ^ - 1 ^i?-1?_ s_ . •-W- lEii- 1 r-^ -^ — = -t- LJ U~ ±=t=:--^=r-::.| •u^ -1 |^__j^_l — H ■ song, beat, Love that is too hot and strong. It can nev-er know de - feat. Love that is too hot and It can nev- er know de - ^=i^3^^i^g^ beat. Love . It that is too can nev- er hot and know de - :zi: P^l: -+- iC*: v^ strong, feat, . . . that is too can nev - er iTJ?: i — y- -t**-!^- ^^- ^ £&•- -+- :5*=si -2=t. m song, .... Love that is. Love beat, .... It can nev- er, / 7=^- :s^q^ ^ — •- ^ — i- that is too hot and strong, can nev- er know de - feat, ^ -* il^= :»tt tck) :2ii ItJc TfsiM-zmz ± t=--^ l::>ii< _ _ song,Love that is too hot and strong, . . . Love that is too hot and strong.too beat. It can nev- er know de - feat, It can never know de - feat, can .f ^ \ ! , — J I I :>■ f^^vf i t;J — H ■- lei: -.MzM: ^i^* 221 m^ fc^: JI*_^- 3^ rc± -fi»-5*- :z2i -B*^ 4- ntr-r CoBfrielit, 1884, by Hubbard Bros. I Broi ^^ ^ — <& LOVE ME LITTLE, LQVE ME LONG. 67 1 1 ! strong burn- eth soon, - tuat, ... It nev -=t J^-'7% . hurn-eth soon to waste. - er, ni'v - it can re - Ijel. ^^"^3^5- i^tr^ =4: ._^_ -rs rp I I hot ami strong burnetii i-oon, burneth soon, burn-cth soon to waste. iStill, know ile- feat. It nev - - er . . . can, nev- er can re - Inl. i^uch ,^ .r — ; — - hot, nev -a^ '?=: ± -t- t=z 'JZ -ct:l Love that is too hot . . - er know de - feat, . . burnetii soon to wa.-le. Still, nev - er can re - bel. Such T =?=;c in ±==4: =t: hot and stron^,Lf)ve that is too hot and strong burn- eth soon to waste, know de- feat. It can nev - er know de - feat. It nev - er can re - bel. r^ f^\^^- --J 1 [ : »— r t— — — ' — I — •■ -4- B*- p- WZ-^z g I 1 ;' t ^ 5^ -^ % :?3: :6a-62: ^^S Still, Such I would not, would not have thee cold ; Still, still, . . . I would not the love, the love that I would gain, Such, such ... the love, I ^7: T- -^=^^=1* 32: :»~ ff ^ cli -jtzzmuMi I I the would love . not have . that I, . . . . thee col(l;Still,still still, still . . . . that I would gaiu,Such,such the love, I 411 I would . . not have, I would not have thee cold ; Still still, ... I would not the love . . . that I, the love that I would gain, Such, such . . .the love, I ■»-9^^gL -^- -s-t— * ^ ^ - 1^ Still, Such I would the love not have thee cold ; vStill, still, ... I would not that I would gain, Such, such . . . the love, I >=^= ::7=z, s'— rr ~-?^~ ^5^=^ iskilW =?2= :?= 4^ 22: : «_* ' --,A ^,i^=P^ I I ^m. ^^. :5*: 2^. i^^^ Fj^j r fi^y y - 11 I ' <*, >-^i I %'i <^ ..■ ■ LOVE ME LITTLE, LOVE ME LONG. f. Ii2_ 1#— 1# — ) liixvc thee too bold, . tell, I tell thee plain, . r4 not too l)ack\var(l such thu love 1 ■?33Z£ ■hS^ -,^=a: «/ :«=i: :?t¥i»=|*: or too bold ; tell thee plain, Love that lasteth till 'tis old, Thou trive or woo in vain. f— I — I- ^S:m !Fad - - eth not in So . . . to thecfare ■ r.^; or too bold ; tell thee plain, -— -^-■=S: I I --d J ^ ^ m Lovothiit l«.«^pth till 'tis oldTTTT. Thou nius', givx Oi" woo in vain. . . m/ :s?: Fad - So . =?2-: ---S^ :S=1^- :^_z:zS=^«: E^^ . . too bold ; . . . thee {)]ain. Love that lasteth till 'tis old, . Thou must give of woo in vain. , Fad- eth not in So to thee fare- '^^mm ^^ H^E^-^ -^ •— *- 4 i.!='r^-i»:*:ir«' :*:*ii i^^^ "(Zt iSTSF?!* -* 1* •*- >J ^._ -F-,"-,- tt ?i.^ 1 LOVE ME LITTLE, LOVE ME LONG. a» . , , «*». , , ^ rilfn. ^*. f itlovcr i^^^E^^^a hftj — ^ TKyOTt. 2 O where. »./", and O where did *your -^ — V m High - land lad - die i 3 ^up- pose, ' It ASS. mf Modernto. and sup - pose that your High - land lad should ? ^r=i :i^ --4= nf ^^-iz :t±I^, J_ :*-fe^ ^. r22- It:— ri-^= It' * » > ". < ri ^i,^ i , ^ t-';l m dwell? lie (Iwflt in nier - ry Scot - land, At tin- sign of the lilue THE BLUE BELLS OF SCOTLAND. ?^^^^=* ^^^fR ;^--.-ct gone? Ho'm gone to Hglit the too for Vic - - t(» - riu on ihe lEd^^Jhi ■K S S =::^ - 9- — r ^i^^ \ h ?_!>— -K -V Wr=.wt: :X ^ z^.^ die? The bagpipes should play o'er him, And I'd nit me down and 2:^^ -w^^^m-- .^z::-^z=i^ w m 13 ^ a _-b^^ Aim. P ita— «fc FT S^zEga^e^Eg --K K fS. m thrune. And it's dim. O in mv heart I wish him safe at home ! P IMi :k^-:S ^9=^- i ls~ s p»= :S=S=ic ^ Bell, . . And it's O in my heart I dim. n^ in^ — love my lad - die well! i 15^ :it=?t d^ ^ U" ' ^ ^H E5^3E ory, . . . And it's O in my heart I . . . wish he may not die ! dim. p I ^^a -m:=m'- ^^^^^^^ t- --^ m f^ ifeiigs ^mS^^mmm dim. H-*r- P -^ c? ^ 4 «>- ^m •I SONG-GRATITUDE. CHARLES DICKDON. Andante affttluom. L. MARSHAL!.. I Zt wv^^_ ^.-m-it. rt^^[|| p -*- ^ =g?v^ 1 The waves shall cease to 2 Time's siind-s shall cease to 3 All ua - ture lades a- tr ^ ■ m L_^ ■ on the beach in - trude; pleas -ures to de - hide, time keeps roll - ing on ; 'X- w^ %L * _»_ «»- i Copyright, lS»yJ, by IIchhakd Bkos. ^ 11 1 li ■ [ f| ' '% 1,1 ,1 i'f: »,: I f;i> '4 rt 1) f' l5' I I r ;1 !■?■■ I •f *.'■■■ : m^A ■,v j 62 SONG.— GRATITUDE. :^sil^E^^^^^II:^ The winds Or youth Life .sot'ins shall cease to fill hearts be slow to as but a blow, love day The When When f^^ is^ jnr Za — mm ? ^ -n- >- =4- :i^ -=q- =t- U-t^- -i:1--i?^*= S- o - cean to be rude, they are foud - ly wooed, months and years are gone Ere I for- get, ah ! Ere I for- L'et, ah ! Ere I for- -jPt, ah ! SONG.-GRATITUDE. m _^__^_. :^z:^-:zitz :p=f: .3 tilde, tude, tude, The bond of grat ■ i - tude, sweet grat The bond of gra,t - i - tude, sweet grat The bond of grat - i - tude, sweet grat 1- i- i- #* Ift^f* '-^- 1^ -4- -j. h ■,~^- - tude. - tude. - tude. M i I 1^ -£:-^z i»=t ^ ]•=: ^ ^ I t ' f i I I » i HI n -it- !>■ ii *\ .!..: '- ii I ^ ;ii *• i * !(' vl;! am II 64 M. L. ELLIOTT. SOPRANO, f Allegretto. 1 ^ 2 f_ ^=^ ::4 -V— ^ : ^ aL FAIR KATIE. FOUR-PART SONG. ^ J. W. ELLIOTT. crea. rpczzsr :?s=:=l* :s==:ts :S--*= 1 Ka - tie is / TESOn. a maid- en fair, Ver - y fair to view ; m Azure eyes and cres. i^^pip^^ppp rfsri^- 2 Ka - tie is / AI,TO. the sweet-est prize Man could hope to win ; ^=^*=i= tS==l!!: b -4- i^ :*-_=*: =i;=5= ^ :=Si--=}Sq : * aL :S=«: ^^ Fragrant are her ores. =*=i? 3 Now and then / BASS. ^1? a mant-ling flush Brings sweet hope to me. Sure she'd not so tr. mf crea. r w - :±z^ zwt — mz it='.i=^E=e: -=^ :S?=i: :t A-zure eyes and Fragrant are her Sure she'd not so f Allegretto. bl* fc^ :g =*=•! gold - en hair, Cheeks of ro - sy hue ; Dain- ty is her stop and mien, P :=1t :j^=r=fi=^: ver - y sighs, Born nt truth with - in. ^ n^|:^:q»^ :»=ii;: ittz^!: ± 8ouI as pure as she i.s fair, soft - Iv . blush, And vet oru - el be? Love- lit eyes and glow- iiig check P ^:j=>-:^-=5==t= -^ — ^ — t^— fc^ [^ -^ — ^- i^t-r:.: PPiS^^P m jm.:iz^: mp tfbl ('()p,vrli;lit, ISSI, by IlriiUAUU BUOS. 3 fj ~-- .J - g" ) it L5 . t. t-^: Qu t ) 1 0^ i Bi^ i % t) r fe •« ?-^;^ ill Se;^^ dim. rAIR KATIE. ens. — =:c: / 66 :tz -::^- m^mm P Irgnto. :ff=-«t cy Sau- cy is her smile; Lit - tie does s*he gu ss, I ween, How her charms be- dim. cres. —^^ ; s- ^ :fs=:^«!=q^-qir IF Miud and tbo'ts se - rene, dim. Dare I hope to win and wear, Of all girls the crea. — =c: f " ^ > p legato. sri^i^ E=E«^^^i Can't their truth dis - own: What care I for lips to speak "While her heart's my dim. cres. ■ -Z Z f "^z -" jD 3?==r— r=g-- -t^ — 1>» — fc"* — t^- EE^ ^^^^g tr ■Mf^sMz cres. k- r«/ • kniatii^o. Lento. :=t2: =g -"t i »- ^ r^: -^^-K- =a — ^-T-^> H guile, Lit - tie does she guess, I ween. How her charms be - guile. Dare I hope to win and wear, Of all girls the Queen ? cres. - e - rnl - lentando. Lento. _-]-- k: K N . ^T^S ^ :^- I f » m-f-^- own ! What care I for lips to speak While her heart's my own ! W^ :p=pr A 4'- ^^^^M ^l cret. ■ e - ral len - tando. 1 Ko. 2.-5. ^3 hm f -m- -m- f I^ento. fa ! I '' II I 1 U I h . i'^ til i '^1 'I r ! I? 60 CANADIAN BOAT SONG. FOR THREE VOICES. THOMAS MOORE. //( lowini/ time. ii;: I'M k mm mm :M .'i J\' fm 1st roicK. ::ti:=p-.-v» :t:==^ :r^::=^^ 1 Fiiiiitly as tolls the cv'ningchiino.Our voices keep time and our oars keep time, Our ^- •^-T i^ 2 Why should we yet our sail uu-furl .'' There is not a breath the blue wave to curl, There sa roicK. ^^ 8 Ot - ta - wa tide I this trembling moon Shall see u.s Hoat o - ver thy sur- ges soon. Shall 1^ Cll^l0i^^^l^ill^iili::^i^^ii r^-zl: * ISTT*! --^-^- ■ 1 ^; i :5i:s^E5^E^ voic-es keep tune and our oars keep time. Soon as the woods on shore look dim, We'll i^rnls ^"^"=ft^^==l==f*L-j^:^5E ^^iSi*i-'=^ ^- ^ ^ is not a breath the blue wave to curl. But when the wind blows off the shore, Oh, 3^^^SEE$E5 :ff=re -S(_J see us float o- ver thy sur-ge.s soon. Saint of this green isle, hear our pray'r. h^=^^tmm Copyright, 1884, by IIubbau.» wm*^^ CANADIAN BOAT SONG. 67 cr(8 cen do. dim. ir, f ^f f Vj~-^ f-, — ^ 1 j P 1 l-j- ^ y — S^- r^ ^- -mi • air-" -r}!rrq- sing at St. Ann's our parting hymn! Ilo\v,brothers,ro\v, the .-troam runsl'a.4, ijy iluBiiAits Bbos. COME, DOROTHY, COMF. 71 *• i>- ^ -^t-Vit^^- 1- i- greatoat joy to Imve tlu-o near iiift, ti - iiy thi-rv tlioii up - pcar-cst, (liar. I ffur thou wilt (le-cci VI' inc, Di)riitliy,C"i)iiii',cok,ln()k,l(iok,\vitli-iii tliis eye, my Di)n)tliv,Tli()U,tlH)ii,tlioii, a ^^ol ili n rint: must ^^JE^'g jr> ^ ?.?-?? ^ greatest joy to have thee near me.Conie.eome como.eomcmy tlearf.-t,iln not ti - ny fai-ry thtiu ap - pear-estjLook.look h)()k, look, within this ey»', my dear, I fear thou wiltde-ceive me,Thou,th()U, thou,thou,ap)I'i i m\ l-A :;m w M i ■/!■!., 1:1 ■ ''if !l' ''hi ■44-i"'" *»- ii H- i !l ir ^ !i ^^1¥ -ft 4 ^ ^% i?^ :':^»E BS2i No. 2.— iilHijiifj , i I ' : r ■ fi ■! 'ill* ■u- . I i. I I I 1 *! i I ft i 76 K , i ( MY LOVE'S LIKE THE RED ROSE. GLEE FOR FOUR VOICES. ^^^: SOPIiAXO. Allegro ma non presto. m^i^m i^Mlil :^=»: -& W. KNYVETT. C my Love'ii like the red, red Rose that's new - ly sprung in June, O my t?-«. ALTO. iil^iisi^ :4=- O my Love's like the red, red Rose that's new - ly sprung in June, O my _ ^ TE\OR. T ^:.g£-^^gE^ :?2ii: :t----t: =P=S: BASS. O my Love's like the red, red Rose that's now - ly sprung in June, O my Ste x--^- m^i=2- --B—Si O mv Love's like the red, red Rose that's new - Iv sprung in June, O my iA;ei J^ :t: H' MY LOVE'S LIKE THE KED ROSE. I I «,-«. 3-r ^ ei ^EBff^ »/. p-~'^»- As fair art thou, my bon - nie lass, so deep in love am I, . . And ^^" ^^^ rqz Hi - -- :=K-zq:: ^^m As fair art thou, my Ijon - nie lass, so deep in love am I, And l& As fair art thou, my bon - nie lass, so deep in love am I, And ^i^^fcl -4- ^^^ m -I ha 1 — i^ :t= As fair art thou, ray bi on - nie lass, so deep in love am I, b%«i m -_zqr '=r ■ — ^-- * (S And -gs= :^:i:: ^mi ^=^ S5 -=^«-— ±=z:j=z}: _dd_.- E itr.: I i. I I'll. i' i- 'I ' ii 1W i^^ri MaMMHOMMMM 78 MY LOVE'S LIKE THE RED ROSE. ^5.3i« ttj^i '-^^=^ l^~--feijrt Love's like the red, rod tlial's new - ly sprung in June, O my mf -I- .=t- trcii ^3y Love's like the red, red Rose that's new - ly sprung in June, O my _N . --^-^ 1-^^^ , » 1 , — I "'-^ N _ S. ri ^— r> H m - \ —z=- -i P " m m ~ h- -=t — ;, -I . -^ A ^ i&Ti! Love's like the red, red Rose that's new - ly sprung in June, O my L?^Z^^^: ::^: 4=:- i»=ff: .t=i 5=:S?: Love's like the red, red Rose that's new - ly sprung in June, O my 1. " 'J?:sZf^ :.-|.i^: ^ T Z^: mf m^ :i»x:to: -IS- -r«, :rJ:Tir1- fli=:^ rt T- pP-^ J Love's like the mel - o - die that's sweet- ly phiy'd in tune. ^ft -4=-- -^-- ^^ a* :=t 3^ :=}-: ici:: P Love's like the niel - o - die that's sweet- ly play'd in tune. f=^£^^^i^^:a^ 3e 4- -^- Love's like the mel - o - die that's sweet- ly play'd in tune. •r-t-r^rg :*=K :^= ici: it ?^^ :z2i 1 Love's like the mel - o - die XT =r-T=r-#=^ <^hat's sweet- ly play'd in tune. wii 3: ^ ^ mmm MY LOVE'S LIKE THE RED ROSE. fa ^U f -" f *- d^^ =::fc::l-tr=r: ^SlI. ^'>^^-^;^^ And the Rocks melt with the Suu, / !:i:d:-"i1:. =fq-~ i^Sr ^^^^ -•-■!-* ^^rriiiiip^r^ r=ti Till a' the .Seas gang dry, my dear. And the Uooks melt with the Sun, bS^-jt .:;* t-- :=}: / -zs=:;^=^~- i t:::i:; ^ -q:=7^ Till a' the Seas gang dry, my dear, And the Hocks melt witli the .Sun, S5-t. I.:t^ ^ :pri^i^:=^: gang dry, ray dear. th "-3= / l:=|: * *=?*^r^ f iz rr m W^^i^ u Mdm '^ ■'11 1 ' ( ■r I :'m nf ''ii^ tr ^ ^--^ f^::^at I will love thee still, my dear,while the sands o' life shall run O my ^1- -4 :*=i!=iJgir:# *-|* ;^^# :g^ir^:^'^0 -:q^:^ aS I will love thoe still, my dear.while the sands o' life shall run. O my ^^1. «~^: — ^ \^ U^^^ ^Jim^^l^lpp ^ I willlove thee still,mydear,while the sands o' life shall run. O my -^— W, r n r=^ ^^^ J J 4rJ I I' I ! ,l<. I- It .lay'd in tune. 1^ 1 1 J. — ^y— I — .-/ti — f. , r - ^ - r z:^:^,.t MY LOVE'S LIKE THE RED ROSE. 81 mf MiNOltE. -^- :*^^4=^ Vi^ And fare thee wecl, my on - ly love, and %ro tluc wcel a - while, And rJ And fare thee weel, my on - iy love, and fare thee weel a - while, And "'/ 1^^^ .--^ -^ -«'- ^^'- =gi±r-r— r=±=:g: And fare thee weel, my on - ly love, and fare thee weel a - while. And And fare thee weel, my on - ly love, and fare tiiee weel a - while, And MiNORR. I will come a - gain, my love.tho' it were ten thou-sand mile O my ^f -JCz^^ S-«= -«^ ^^^ I will come a - gain, ray love,tho' it were ten thou-sand mile crfs. ^=r^ :?=:■!:«*: O my I will come a - gain, my lovQ,tho' it were ten thou-sand mile. crcs. m^: ^z=^l Qmy _^_^- ^^ -^ -0^^-m I will come a - gain, my love,tho' it were ten thou-sand mile. O my -JjtJ , jO.-i. \f f=F m ♦•if ■f ii I |t.' iillil ..ij^Liiii f -(« m .:;;r r t ' ' ' ,t«l ' ' ' i '\ •■ : • -I, '■ • : I ,f Ml ;'•;# I ■ : ! ; ! -M-rl <;'i I .1 I f,* ij li MY LOVE'S LIKE THE RED ROSE. ^ ^ Major. •/ *i_ut Love's like the red, rod Ku(riiug in June, O my g^l =q:: -=1: ri^'-^ Love's like the rod, red Rose that's now - ly sprung in June, O my i=— I 1 "'/ I. .. ^3:1— g-_S-v£^ ') Love's lik(! tilt' hmI, rod Rose that's now - ly sprung in June, O my i^^t^5^= =|: ~^: izazs i: :f=S= JyDVo's liko the rod, rod Rose that's new - ly sprung in June, O my J, Major. _ ^ •* i -I __J L_ I "'/ ^i: :»;vzN- .£2_ £^ ^-^i nrf lib. ^tzizrtr^*; -J 1 i^H 1 H ■-•-^ ^-^- i^^EEl s Love's like the mel - o - die that's sweet-ly play'd iu tune. ^■Sr-% t^:. tr 1- 1^ — -^^-4; ■^-T-^^-»|- :=t: 33S ■titS= 1 Love's like the mel - o - die that's sweet-ly play'd in tune. t- :S=S=i- Love's like the mel - o die ad lib.. that's sweet-ly play'd in tune. ml. 3-§ — J ^ =xE^-=J==g: 4= -* — ^ :if=^ Love's like the mel - o - die that's sweet-ly play'd in tune. rr 'i-^--=ti-=^- -+= +: ~^ -m — (SL. ^ .-^ 1 I lit'ur a fiiiiit, low fjiiijrinjr, Like the souikI of distant . . . 2 Ami now I hear a sohhinjr, Like a j)oor soul sitting a - - o Tlif iiu'iTV sound of laii- V * R^ Sing- ing like rob - ins, or Hearts are as gob - let^ filled Time has been writ - ing his Oth - era have fol-lowed — their Eva. 1^ t -m- laughing like rills, up to the brim — name on their brow ; foot-steps are slow ; 8va free W^^ i;=:=*=ti^=:ifcrtz:l ^^=nt=^: Romping as free as the wind on the hills, .lohiniy toafe'^^s -Ifen-ny and Jen-ny toasts him. Death is be - ginning to think of them now; Others have followed — their voices are low ; AV^ho would not Sil - ly the Still they are Ah, thcv are give up a king-dom to be Like Johnny and Jen-ny there un - der the moonbeams are peep-ing to see Where Johnny and Jen-ny sit un - der the hap - py as hap- py can be, While talking of old- en times un - der the look- in^ to where they can see That Johnny and Jen-ny are un - der the Sua loco. tree? tree ? tree, tree. -==P- '^^m w^^ ^=^ t Quart' m —%i.-. jf i~^ i-gr: r\ ! , t?^ ■^^ t) -<»- ' The r?"' ,(c?1v^ — ai — Sf =^ 1 Jen- 1^ tJ Jen - 1 A (^T^-f- tr — 1 — >W4»_ — ■— Jen- Mt s- W^—r - n in - ^U T p» ^K .■> soft -ft--- — •-- ti — tJ hap ■ (^T - — m— wi»._ -- *»— earth JOHNNY AND JENNY. 35 ' Quartette or Chorue. [Without iiiHtrumentiil acconipiiniiiient.] John-ny aud Jen - »y are un - der the tree, '■^i:r^ ^ N _j m The tree. I^^Srt The tree, rStizfc -Mzz::zitz M^^^: Johu-uy aud Jeu - uy are uu - der the tree, Juhuny aud fc"^=it=^-- P^ m • -^^ - 4— p-V— r.45=r>q -=?ci- — fr- — =^cq 1 Jen - ny are Lv — un - — ^ «!- der the tree. - 4- 1 Play - ing to - -^ -ft — 1^ geth er with Jen - ny are —J - un - dor the tree. 2 Whisp'ring as • soft - « — as ^^^ -«-. "P T—^' -r-^ ir ! — • • The 3 1 tree. Sing - ing as ... L hap - "1* py • • as — -|» — tWr) • C • — m — — ^- ^ -t— -j,^ 1^ ti»- -^ -t^— r Jeu - ny are un - der tlie tree. 4 Sleep - ing to - geth - er, from Wt fflt :i*= ^^^^ o /> 3?L=g?: :^=U: 3^ 1 in - no - cent glee, John-ny and ,]en-ny are un - der the tree. •^ '^ :h=^ i3=^i^^,ii^ #lli;i soft - ly can be, i John-ny and Jen - ny are un - def the tree. ±=. ^^i^^^i=f^i=5i^3=^. 1^ J hap - i»y can be, John-ny and Jen - ny are uu - der the tree. :&: — ^ ^. - ^ w • J — J J ■ earth - sor - rows JVee, Johu-uy aud Jen - ny are uu - der the tree. 'I I Mi H' MM 86 HOME TO THE MOUNTAINS. (SI; LA STANCHEZZA»MOPPRI ME.) CHARI.E3 JEFFERYS. Andittiliiio, VERDI. 3. ^r pp ■ • ^ Azucena. i^ ^ ^ : ^^^Em -»t^< "^iSII Yes, I am grief- worn, nnd fain would rest me, But more than grief have Si la stun-ehez - za m'op-pri meo fi - glio A! - la qui - e - te io j#-r *tr H— I- * Z- "S r^ ^rr :«t*: _-i_ «:-■!= S 1- H— =1 $ §z -J^z=Bz ::iL=r^jL m^^ r&przr^iz:::^ ::?r;n: ^F.-i $i ^ :t -^ — •^ sad dreams op - prest me ; Should that dread vis - ion rise in my slum - hers, chiu - de 11 ci - glio Ma se del ro - go ar - der - si ve - da ^^^^^^^^ ^Sr-S: f ^ -m- ir=e m :-§' p-r- -1— igii^fcr f* i -^Z^ -l>i H 1- -^ ?ir:s-- g:;.^ - tu - re $ i=fe ^^E§?Efe£5=- S^: Manrico. :^^ :^i= ^^ ■^-^B-- Rouse me ! its hor- rors then may de- part. L'or - ri - da fiam-ma de - sta- mi al lor. Rest thee, O moth - er! Ri - po - sa, o mu - dreo- J= "*=l' -==^==^#^^f=^ P -i^^^fi-^^ -m—wtr± NI'ilUS -^^ '^5 — • gi — tJ Fi su -|^S- /m" — ~=1 V^ly — fl (^5- ^ HOME TO THE MOUNTAINS A7 -^ ¥ ^ g":_ :4.^:^ : :ztp=g^g^^Srpk:^^ I will wutc'li o'lT thee, SIcpp may re - ^iura swei-t peace to thy lunrt. iii - o cun - cc - (la Men trif* - ti iin .nc - gi - ui nl tuo cor. :«_- m^-^":*^ i^^My^^^^^Ui'Si Azucena. i^^ "^:ir- P :#— .^.- fn. i^« BS= Home to our mountains. Let us re- Ai n(« - tri nion - ti ri - tor - ne- ^-^ I 1^ .not to voir. ^ • • ■ • .*v„.:^;^^v> |-— _^i:» |_»-^3q:ar -fiz-- rz^z -a— a. -n — -I— .31 .i Ji hJ— ^-.q- - turn, love, There in thy young days Peace had its reign ; There shall thy sweet song - re - mo, L'an- ti - ca pa - ce i vi - go - dre- nio : Tu can - te - ra - i _--! , ! HI ! 1 I 1 I I: ' Sii _-l — -1- ■4-B— n- -^ ! m m :g==^ ^ ilfc:: 4S =M^ Manrico. *^ iqt Si Fall on my slumbers, There shall thy lute make ine joy-ous a - gain. Rest thee, my sul tuo li - u - to In son - no pla - ci - do io dor - mi - ro. Ki - po - sa, o 5 5 IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) w [/. ^ 1.0 |5o ■■■ mam *^ 1^ 12.2 1.4 11.6 1.25 V, r ^>. .^\^V ^7^^ /A Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WeST MAIN STRf ET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14560 (716) 872.4503 W^ V. ^ fV k iV \\ ;\ '9>'- '■ 88 HOME TO THE MOUNTXINS. LI: vi iiKith - cr, kiioeliiij,' In; - side thoe, I will pour forth my trou-ha-dour luu - dre, io |(ro- no c um - to la- men- teul ciel - o ri - vol- ge- :;>ii^ ^'^•^ P":::^^*i*^ 8 1 -fiB^MiS«-l -I — H« — I — . — t I — t — i-m — ' — I — ' ]-— I — *^ — I — i — ''I — SSSS^S " ^^ ^ ^^ ^ . __^ ^ ^. ^'- ^ ^:=ti .,-^s -+«— (-^ — t- ^1- 35---i--^^--=I:*:-"V-^-^ ^p •::?t=K *i=iii=h =?ii=:l* za:::^*: ^ O sing, and wake now thy sweet lute's soft numbers, Lull nie to rcst,charm my Tu can - te - ra - i sul tu - o li - u - to In son - no pla - ci - do «=:=U: B5| I hiy. • ro! Yes, I will pour forth my La- men- te al ciel - o +— t « 1 ■m^- f- *5— ifj 5^ 15*^ -q — •?.- ^^w^ y\~ — W^ -1 • w - r -^-i»- ^v- — 1 S-- ~i t; 1 1 •d ;^?z — t) 1 ^3. 1 j:^=]=:=n^z|r^iirgtj.z5; 1!tiq5 ii^j^-:Tir±^^=:^z -^^- sor-rows a- way. O sing.and wake now thy sweet lute's soft numbers. Lull me to io dor-nii-ro. Tu can - te - ra - i sul tu - o li - u-to In sou- no z^-r^: ^^^ Sl-S?. trou- ba-dour lay. ri - vol - ge - ro. Yes, I will pour La-men-te al !} --I .■:=n=rj» -•1 — :a^ ^-=- HOME TO THE MOUNTAINS. «S =tf ? mmm . ir- ^zr„t2=:=6i: il rc'st.clmrm mysorrows u way, a- way, O charm |ila - ci-(lo io (Jor-mi-ro, io ilor - mi - ro, sor-row a- io dor - mi- ^rzr--^:^ -^r=s>— f(irtl» my troii- hn-dour lay, ciel - tj ri - vol- gc - ro. T pour forth my trou- ba - dour Ki- po - i^a, o ma fci: suave. i!_« i -S)-- ^i-3 -«•--■•--•- T^^- way, - ro. :^-::U-- Oh! sing io dor and charm mi - ro, sor-row a io dor - mi way, ro, ■^ — ► >►— lull me to io dor- mi- lay, dre. While I with my trou-badour lay Ri- po - sa, o ma - - dre, lull thee to La-men-te al tf -I K -^ — 1^- __5Z_«5_-)_ I rest, - ro, lull me to io dor - mi rest, ro. -3=-i- rest, ciel 1 lull thee to rest. ^— SJ— sf ^i n - vol - pre ro. 1 ■5?^^! (-J — I- M ^ J — 1-« — 1'^ — f^-*-- -t *— ^ i^-^*^"ir S=::^~:^' ^^ n^=»" 1 P p;£) gl '- — ^^-^--^ — — iiii^^i — »" — \* W EJ£.e ^ \^ ! 1 .t I.- :? ,:\i, W i ii ''.»^ 90 MEMORIAL^ HYMN. J. /..-GARDNER. Anitantr. DR. HENRY HILES. I U' I I .ill 1 Once more 've march with sol - emn tread, And slow - ly take our way 2 All hon - or to the men who «lied Our free- dora to main- tain 3 Then bring sweet flow'rs, — theflow'rswe seek Are choic- est flow'rs of .Spring; *■ " t- -f- ^ Sg- ^Mz ± dfci: 1^ In - to the "Cit - T of the Dead," On our Me - mor - ial Day. Their vir - tues in our hearts a - bide, Thev have not lived in vain. Our He - roes' eu - lo - gy we speak : Their prais - es we will sing. — \— ^a. i in this sa - cred rest - ing- place We bring fresh flow'rs of Spring; guar-dian an - gels hov - er o'er, And keep thiir w^tch un - seen, ev - er on Me - mor - ial Day We'll deck this earth - ly sod : — — tai , — ^ JEf^fclP"^ f 1==^- fi^mmMi iil — 3-- -^ — ~9- -& I — The (lii'ds of Ho-rcKS here W(^ traco. Tiicir ro - quitni chant we ^i'lJT- We strew with fra- grant llow'rs once nmro These " si - lent tent.s of green." Tlieir bod - "s sleep be - iieath the clay. TIk ir spir - its rest with God. bi^szt^^^^r^ -g-J: 1 91 BREATHE SOFT. YE WINDS. GLEE FOR THREE VOICES. tut sornA^.o. P AnilantiafftHuoso, 4 . f^~ m-:s WILLIAM PAXTON. rren. Hd tiOI'UAXO.\ I 1^ iC^< Urcathu soft, ye winds, ye wa-ters gent - ly flt)W, HAss.p Shield her. ye crcf. tM^ S T 1=^-:}=: li ^-g^- gs r- -&- ^-^^^?^^ Breathe soft, ye winds, ye wa-ters gent ■ ly flow, Andante nffrttunM. Shield ter, ye ,!•>; e ~?3-| Z3^^— =^2:71 W}i trees, ye flow'rs a- round her grow; Breathe soft, ye winds, ve ■&^i nrr -I ZJSZ -t a trees, ye flow'rs a - round her grow; Breathe soft, ye winds, _^^ -'. if^ isti: %^=^- WEg 2SL -A- -rsr ^-r„&.^ :!S:=l -73~\ f I I P m^i ?tt-SHE^:5; ^r isi g. CTM. / §MM:^^=imm^^m^^$mm P- wa- ters gent - ly flow. Shield her, ye trees, ye flow'rs a round hor ::|t-4: :m^'^raz :t=t= E^tt^ wa-ters gent- Iv flow. Shield her, ve trees, ye flow'rs a - mund her mMmwr^^m^ S-?^-F--^H P- iE '-•is-- ::S 1 mj^i ^^^ :±: s?: --fra ZiSZ g ':^m ropyri:-'hf , ISSl. hv IIi-iiii \iii> HI— ^i^^ :?= ^ cr««. / ^^^ ^ tt ='E:iJ= 3 f js: 0==at dim. -y zr i I'l "lit ■■'M (t '^'^ ''HL' 94 IS A MAN NO WHIT THE BETTER? ■HJ+ Curt xjnriUt. TENOR AND BASS SOLO, AND DUET. n- s I GIJ) F ROOT. I • ':J\ 1 \a u mini no whit the ••tt-t«T Kor hi.s ridi-os and hi.s ^aiiis, F a !i- crcs ami liis paiaiv.With the treasure.s it cDiitaiii."'? Is a man no whit the hctter Fnv hi« 1ril)iiti's ami the prai.^vs That are lavished nn thi.' same? Is a man no whit the In-tttT In the ?3 ra »-#-3- 1 1 -i&- i^^^£l=S^i:?5^i^ 1£ coffers ami his mines. For his pur- ]>le ami fine lin- en, For his vineyards and his vino? fit - y or the town. F.>r his glo - rv of a kingdom, For the power of a crown? — jz. i^._•_, ?5~ --=4: 1^ ;^ *=»: No! a nuin'.s no whit tilt- iK-ttor For hi.srich-cs or his gains, For his a - cres and his No! a man's no whit the l)ctter For hishon-ors or his fame, Nor the tributes.nor the ?:5=:* =^ ,=i*=^, H (- ^BBHB ^^ ~^^^ ^^>- ' ~^f • "^^^ ^^^H X -?i :5!: ■-^ — ^^ 1^1^^^ pal- ace With the trer-ures it contains; No! a man's no whit the bet-ter For his praia-es That are lavished on the .same ; No ! a man's no whit the bet-ter In the t cof-fera and his mines, F - hia pur- pie and finelin- en, For his vineyards and his vines, cit- y or the town, Fjr the glo- rv of a kingdom,Or the pow-er of a crown. 3 ■m^-^ -I 1- ^ I _j^-. n IS A MAN NO WHIT THE BETTER? H liiil 11 inii'i is ull tho bet - ttT if lif's iiDii-t-.-st tliro' ami thro', Wlirtli-tT Hut a timu is all the hot-ter if he's hoii-ost thro' and thro', Whctli-er fe-5-#-— -szr I w- — -w — l^—K |h- i^:..^*! 51136^^3^ i^ in a cot or pal - nc(!,Wht'tb - cr hij;;h or low to view ; Yes! a JJ.=^. ilE^E^^EE^z. ^^^^^^^mM^ in a cot or pal - ace.Whoth - cr high or low to view ; Yes ! a z:^-^z £ :i i z^E^I 2:3^ m-^ man is all the bet - ter, and the world is bet- ter, too, For the ¥. man is all the bet - ter, and the world is bet - ter, too, For the , i-i-fi m J 3^=i^^ j*=p- in no - blest work in heav'n or earth Is an hon - ed man, and true. S3=^ ^s^^ * ^^^ ^ € no - blest work in heav'n or earth Is an hon • est man, and true. % M r ■ is IF I WERE A BIRD. w M. O CUSHINO, Moilinitii, m{ 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 'Were I a bird, I would 'soar on liijrli, 'And clap my winiijs ' ^ * I'd wheel and float thru* the bright, blue air, ^Then drop be - low ,•'* "I'd fly a- way to a shel - ter'd, nook, 'And build my nest r •• "I'd swing and rock on my down - y nest, "And smooth my fcath- er» . •In morn- ing'fl lijjht I would swift - ly Hpeed '"Whore bus - y hands sow thv * O'er broad, green fields I would sing and roam, "Then hie a - way t' my ^ ¥^f=^ ■V--~9 m t^- f=f It f 10 cleaved mead - murm' eve - pre the ows ■ ?^^ nine's ciuus sky, 'And clap fair, 'Then drop brook, 'And l)uild rest, "And smooth seed, '"Where bus own sweet ' home," my be my my y a ■ wings - low nest feath hands way as to by era sow to I cleaved the sky. the mead - ows fair, the murm' - ring brook, for eve - ning's r^st. the pre • cious seed. ^ home. 1 Arms folded. 2 Kaiae both arms, pointing upward. 3 Anns fall heavily. 4 UesiTihc circles above the head. 5 Imitate bird plunging down. 6 Wave arms as if flyinj{. 7 Tapping on seat with fingers. 8 Swing tlie arms. 9 Pass hands from head downward. 10 Imitate sowing grain. E. C. CHAPIN. Declamando, Copyright, Jonw CncRcu & Co. By per. MADNESS. GEO. F. ROOT. 1 A wan - der - er stood 2 A way - far - ing man on 3 A doom'd man is crouch'd by 4 Such mad- men a - mong us a a his still lone - ly treamWhen a scroll un - to hill - top stood AVhen a parchment to pris - on fire, To his fate he his live and dwell. And such mad-men a - ^ k k U* I 1^ k Copyright, Johk Church & Co. By p«r. 0^ flui rut cas Kinj ■f /•^• h, ,^?^ t t t 1 r slo fra 811 thei k*^ MADNESS 87 him was hroiif^ht, 'Twan a Fa - tluT'i* nit-n- sa^jp him wa.-4 givoii, And it priiv<>d that he wtut heart ha.^ Mtcelvd, He has iieard til - nad - y tuoiig U8 die ; For a Fa - ther'8 iiieH- sago (if love addre!»g fell ; 'Tis hia par - don. signed and sealed I But he de - mun's lot To a pardon and life on high ; Yes, a pF^^=J~ — m ■ )■ —0— — m -^-1 H" — -!• -^ ^^K- ^~r^ — f~~— T-=^ ^ ^^ --P- ^ —^ ^=^ ^B -P ■ r- — 1 — -•^ u i ■ 1 If f I l'\'1 flung the ficnll from the riv - er's brink, And there watched it elow - ly, ruth - less hand he the parch - ment tore ! — The breez - es a - far the oasts the par - don in • to the flame, And goes to hia death of King'a free par - don, a Pa - rent's stay; >Vith in - fin - ite wealth, all ^ r^^-- ^tfe slow - ly aink ! O frag- menta bore ; O mad - man ! that wealth la thine no sin and shame ; O mad - man ! well hast thou earned the name, theirs to - day ; O mad - man ! to cast them all a - way. -ta 1 fca to — ; ^• r 1: i i !-^. M JERUSALEM THE GOLDEN. REV. ;. M. NEALE, FR. ST. BFRNARD. 1 ,h' • ni - Ml - h'ln tlie jruld 2 Tlicy stand, tlmsc lialls (if Zi 3 And tlicy who widi tluir licad 4 Oh, Hvveet and bless - ed coun en ! With milk nnd on, All jii • hi - (T Have ("cin - qiicn'! try. The home of A. EWNO. .Ii' • ni - Ml - Icm tlie irnid - en! With milk nnd him - -=r- 4- ■57-T hon - rv hlcHt, Iniit with sonp, 1 in the finht. God's e - Let! m. -^4_|ZLl^ '-r- :g: u ^ t lie- nonth thy ct)n - And bright with ninny For - t'V - (T, and Oh, sweet and bless 8^ tern an fur ed - i)la nn - rv conn - tion ■ pol, er - try, Sink heart and voice op ' jiress'd. Ancatl,kinil-Iy Li(!ht, n-niid th'cii-rirclinL' >:lo my path ; hut now O'er moor and fon, o'er crajj and tor- rent, till Load Tlioii mo on. Iji-ad Thou mo on. Tho ni),dit is jjono, ■^ • m -^^^^ 4- mfj ^^: -I- ^r:=g^^- cre». "ttC- :trir:-b ■G^ 4- Keep Thou my I loy'd th And with th fept ; gar morn I i mm I do not nsk to ish day ; and, fpito of those an - gol ti\ - era foars, smilp, ^ -jmzr:^=z:r^. r-r-\ — f :j:t -J- g^^^"^ :^ 1=:-=r-q-T-=r fl The dis tunt eonvi one Btcp c - n(.\igh Pride rul'd "ly wii, re- mem-bcr not Which I I .vo lov'd long since, and lost for past mo. wliilc. egsiS ^ feUfei iSEl ! .-t I ' l"r 100 DOWN THE GREEN LANE. BALLAD. t. H. MAC CULLOCH. FRANK L. ARMSTRCNO. Moderator 3^ S*^ ^=1= --^^im^ ^ A It it -t— t g^ *-^- -t=t m 'mm •-jr, I7-— 1 (?^- - V-Lf 1 i 1 t *i * IT V"^ . 1 fe' ^ ,. ^ 1 i^ =§*= _- — , , — 1 Soft was the breeze on that 2 Warm was the air on that 3 Cloud - lesa the sky on that ^ Tnorn - ing in May, eve' - niug in June, mid - sum - mer noon, Down the green lane she went Down the green lane went the Down the green lane once a- Copyrlcht, 188i, by AMMSTBoifa it Mao Cullvcu. Uded by permlHlon. DOWN THE CREEK LANE. lUI ^ ^ ^ ::?=: ^^^^^ trip Man gnin ping a - long; and tlie Maid ; they have posti'd ; Ap Ap Ap _- 1 , pie Tree, Ap - pie Tree, pie Tree, Ap - pie Tri>e, pie Tree, Ap - pie Tree, P ^^=^ ^^^ t: ::r- ^^r t7~ i Tl '^ * — ' ^- m fSn -\^- tell me I pray, hid • ing the moon, la - den so soon. i- 7--t=: ¥m Why does she pause in the Why are they lin - ger - int^ Thou knew - est all from the =r: i^^i ¥m-'sw% f --=1- W UK ^^r=^ ■-IT—Z^. P ±wt. =1= heart there first of her in thy to the -1 song? shade? last! ^1*- Is Are Was ^^ she en - snar'd by they en - trapp'd by not the Spir - it the thy that -^ ^ :t' =|i f^- ^ --^ _/2_ -X'- -fe»5"- m il*= ftltz^lK :4: Spir - it bios - som slept in of Spring, ing Sprite, thy root, Hid in thy ten - der green Peep - ing from pink - and - white Ris - ing in Spring to the --Hi^ :tj*: t:>: i^ -Nt fe I I' I' M I 1 ^ '.; •n m !' :. ! ■•)■ : : ■■-{': 4'\''r :. m •V.fv :>iH pl ;n m -''MM'' .; it 102 DOWN THE GREEN LANE. ^^^E^ '1 — .V buds u|) i», - Dovo r boughs up a - bovoV bnuicli-i's a - bi)vt', buds up buu 1?— nt?— t^-iJgi: Haw- kins', Sir John Haw-kins', Sir John Haw- kins'. Sir John m^ :5^=:»: i?tz ^ro?: like best, how d'ye like him ? how d'ye like him ' how d'ye :::i?=t2: ::p^;pi r_-::t?=:z=5i=::z7tz=--:|?— ;?— V: I hist' - ry. Bur - uey's hist'- ry, Bur- uey's hist' - ry, Bur- ney's hist' - ry, Bur-uey'a P + -.< Haw - kins*, Some folks think it quite a myst' - ry. rs ?t^'- tgizrn^ti: * =1: m like him? His like best, 'tis 80 plain. hist* - ry, Bur - ney's hist' - ry pleas - es me. 17. B.— Leavo out the Ban betAveen + + till tho 3rd voice comcM In, then gfo on. ' ii! ; :i'ii ■•' t ;'i • i. ■ &■ t'-i 4 m 1! «■ 104 MISTER SPEAKER, THO' 'TIS LATE. (ROUND.) J. BAILDON. :S^ ^ &E^EE^E^^£^E£L Mis - ter Speak - er, tho' 'tis late, m f£ -/- -^- Mis - ter Speak - er, tho' 'tis _K_ ,__ K- ± ± ± Ques - tion, ques - tion, ques - tion. i 5 *- -/j ^ --tr^ ques - tion, ques - tion, m ^ — ///- Or - der, or - der, or - der, hear him ! hear him ! 4=zr- 1:: late, i tho' 'tis late, I must length _| , mji_ en the de ^-rj?: --—-*-- --=»- ^f- :s::=:?t ^- hear him ! hear him ! hear ! i mp Sir, I shall name you if you =:tz=:S=z.1 ± -m — 0- i: ^=^ hoar him ! hear him ! hear ! pray sup - port the chair, pray sup-port the ^^==15*: ZE^=MZ^^ ^ ^^t 1 r - bate, I must length i stir, i^riiltirs 3-5 35=0: en the de - bate, Mis ter S=:^= if you stir, Sir, I shall name you if you stir, Sir, I .«hall m^. ±; -JLzszszz chair, pray sup - port the chair, pray sup-port the chair, Ques - tion, g-'^'^g :(= i Speak - er, tho' 'tis late, m must length-en the de - bate. 3 r^ zsii^mi ^- P^^- :^:= 1 ni'.me you, Sir, I shall name you. Sir, I shall name you if you stir. L«a X -^e^. :i =t:^ l Or - der, hear him 1 hear ! pray sup - port, sup - port the chair. 106 THERE IS A GREEN HILL. AndawU. SACRED DUET FOR SOPRANO AND ALTO. FRANK L. ARMSTRONO. ^I\ i 1^1 ^ d: ^ t '-^ 1 .^^r^-i^n sjTtC*' ^ i=i :^!:^»s :i^>^,; g =# s=^ ^ ■^->: i^n DEVI ^^g^^^^ ^^ aOVBAlfO SOLO. Andante con fspreBsione, Soft i)edal. ritardando. ^_._^^^_j_j_ ±: -^^ =ic ^-- -^i out a cit - y wall, Where our dear L ord w as crucified, Who Copyriffht, 18S4, by Fbamk L. Armstbono. Used by permisilon. ■i \ - ' r 1 1" ;l 1 l^ i Nil i ;V > \ ; = 1 -f iii i'. '■■ lili^ I'M iSjF.T II m m I nm: 106 THERE IS A OREEN HILI.. a tempo. .7z±. ^ F=r ?f ^m-^- ^ -4=^ T^ :wm- died to save ua oil, Who died to save us all, Who died to save us a tempo. W^MM^^^fW^ 'igs^ :cr. B* --S: — -^: r$^> T -n-^ :^: ^Ef-g^ - ±: all. We may not know,We can - not tell what pains he had to AT.rn. -3t-^ ^ ^ -^99:^^::^ F^^ fe^" We may not kno\v,We can - not tell w'iat pains he had to i^ P ^ r ^ ^|ff%-.^^^%-^ -^ ^t^z vl?.n-22 ^^ --s— I T5?- 1 F^- tl 1 n^fiy?- t: ? • 1 P- :pi=z*:;i:p=:|?= :j^=i^~^c=g=U-- «^g=P ^- F 4— - bear, But we be-lieve it was for us pj^ =^=^ :«^ ^ :tt={t=tt:^S=zts bear, But we be-lieve it was for us U- ^ gS: -^ -^ He hung and suffer'd =f=**^ '-S^ ^1 Jt 4: 5%^^f Sit S X^^— » ^=5^1 1^^^^ •«»- . THERE IS A GREEN HILL. ere». 107 J7— *=«=:• Ortt -^-^ t :S?=M q^rr^ -«i>- !-=*=rs=r He hung and suffl'r'd there, lie <1rm1 that we might be for-giv'n, He trc». 'y^^-*-*z *— *- -T^"-|t: :r=?»- there, He died that we might be for-giv'n, He ^^^^^m ZlJZZ ^^mi ^— »-»-, -S^=mr- '^ riinrH. :^- __f« — ^ - j*=*: 1 died to make us good, That we might go at last to heav'n. -. ritard. died to make us good. That we might go at last to heav'n. --sr^.-^- T ^ — 1 — mz r :b!=^=*: 3- ntar J. ^■S-T^fft m •1 L^ _ -• ,!•- -X — 't-y --*! * r^^ 1 Moderato. =1*^ i=?: :iC«rz-z=:^g^ ^ Saved by his pre-cious blooA, Saved by his pre • cious zse^:^ -^ C !S^ -S^ P^ r!^ Saved by his pre- cious blood, . . =^^^ •'C- #r^' Saved by his pre - cioua i =:^ '^^^^^ t!?=rE=: .^'^ S.^ r m, J^ tj:^at. ^ -«^ ;=; ^^ .. !'. 'If'.- \l^l ft , .,"'. ;,r :ilf ii it;' .1 j iif' M I li 108 blood. . . m -2?- bloo THERE IS A GREEN HILL. -4-^ — ^ "^m ALTO SOLO. ^^ Tt^^r^ Largammto. There m^=t|^^stfi#ii^^^^fe ts-^¥ ?^= i^. Andnnte ^ ^•'^ ^?^ • ^^ ^ ^ :5:^: i»— -t -t- was no oth - er goVG shall love him too ; And trust in his redeeming blood, And •^ ^ts^ssss^ pi-^m^ -&&- j^Z B^ f 1 m t^ sirar -X — • p 'M:*=^i tzii 1 try his works to do. i 9 ^ i - =Ei=^*r ^ try hia works to do. :^: i i A ^ -s?*?- ^a Peci. ! , 1 'Kf I I I 1 no Allegro modtrnio, OHt\ mammX. A DREAM OF LOv^E. ••ft T. PAOLO TOSTI. PP e legitto tempre. T:^. ^ ;^^ t 3Ei:?: |-rHJ^ -SM— ^ ^jrr*:- :zff-Tr:3i 1. Ah! when quick flash - ing 2. No Ion - per rows the 3. With love di - vine was ^ PPP scmprc. -s^ :«=«= t 3:tL --^- f£?'fiSt:^y^ ^^ fell on nne That glance so bright and ten - dor; Ah! si - lent bark On gen - tie rip - pica danc - ing; No hoav'u o'er spread, Love o - ver spread the o cean ; "With # 1 X P @5: m ^ ->— i r- w Copyright, 1884, by Hubbard Ubos. OHk mammX. Ill ^ Si when quick flash • iu- — 1 V ^ ^^ 3 113 M. B FARKIl. Tunpn ill Valtf, tt. trzr:^ SLUMBER, O SENTINEL FALKA AND ARTHUR. P. CHASSAIGNE. I I r 1 ♦ » -^ ^ -^ FALKA. Slum - ber, O Sen- ti • lie 1, g=^^^^ ^ ^g S^: tl' '^ i'Z ^ SlumluT nnd dream so - cure Fust in y<»n-iUr Tour file, Thou hold'st thy ('u|)- live sure - ly. FALKA. ^^^=t^ =13^^ s^^^^lii^ Shim - her, O Sen- ti - nel, Slum- ber nnd dream se - cure ARTHUR. - ly. ^— -t-- Slum - ber, O Sen - ti - nel, Slumber and dream se - cure - ly. :*— 3 — +— s). No. 2.— a rdi ^=::z±=:m=:--:± ilf !''i ^ ', 'J »:*a 114 SLUMBER, O SENTINEL. 4ft==pt: •=zs: Fast in yon-der Tour-elle, Thou hold'st thy Cap- live sure- - ly. ^-=:}:: z^-M :{S-_:>_=4fc iwz-jiff: -■^tc= HtF Fast in yon-derTour-clle, Thou hold'st thy Cap-tive sure - ly, Oiici' I I I cl'^i^!? — n !i- =4—^^— n 1- =n=r^^= r^— «. ^ •^ — ^- ARTHUR. — z;| 4^ — » :rL — 1 flB 1 3: L, „ — ( . -^^ .. _J^-J • _»» . — =i- '-IP '-li?^^ p^ i^zt=_ Ilzt^-It'- p_i_*._*__ _«j 1 ^ — =: L_j_ 1? ;^- -J- _»i^ _^«L^ * -Jt — ^-±^-s± ■i»»- more mine arms en - fold thee, Queen of my heart. The ?=t=t ie=ir n5: pv n5 1*^ n^ ::^=P: --=4: =P^=i: rsn :tg=t _|?=t±: d?^=»: ^ :=^ wide world all be - fore us, And though skies frown a - bove. One SLUMBER, O SENTINEL. 115 i t^ -jBzz^^Mz --r— I 1^- ::-=-=:t?p n<. -5: _l ■ — T-' ^x r^ ^B±zr±: g light, aye shines be- fore us, The star of true love,Thc star of love. With :2»-: ■•- rS- ri7. '-^- I _P^: ^•S=pi qB=EEnz=i±: FALKA. tfinpo. 1>^^' :t- ^=?^? _j-j__j____^ :=1= ^ thee forth will I wan - tier, For I love thee well ; To ^-\ fc»»-H ' — ^- me the pal - ace yon - der :=4= Is pris - on cell, -;Mi:ii-zat:i And W — i»»-| t^^-i g^i n^ n^ n5 ^ ^ ^EfcF ^=^^^ t-cr? "i- n- ^^= Hi^=l===3: r^i ±=>-^ r1^ though the world be chid - ing. And false friends be flown, In qi^^q: ^Sliiil^sli ,S£ :it^^=S=^ f H^ ' r ■.ii .Af- ■Ii ^. .lit i ' ' t It/' ' 'H, ' !' i''i I ;SI f 116 SLUMBER, O SENTINEL. rit =1= ;5: i;i='-^p=p= ■±z ^ i^^^ic i*i:-t=p=tt :?^ — "T i — I — .1 1 — t love this heart a - bid - ing, Is al - way thine own, al - way thine own. g^^S=^ ■1^— I •► *=;=«: -ff^—'-Bzri^ 1 1- n^ ^ n^: r^ rs r? jjs^' * _*. BOTH. ■t^ ^ ^^^ -^ •- Slum - ber, O Sen- ti - nel, Slumber and dream se - cure tempo. ^?=4: m :^=^ — 1- -» — i- :S=*= Fast in yon-der Tour-elle, Holu'st thou thy Cap- tive sure 3^ -^-ZL - -^Z, i=Si z^-m-=m: -_!1- --^- FALKA. ■>- >->- f- Slum - bar, O Sen- ti - nel, ARTHUR. ^^^^^^^ Slumber and dream se - cure ly. ^3^1 w e& :titit ^iC Slum - ber, O Sen- ti - nel, Slumber and dream se - cure ly. I SLUMBER, O SENTINEL. 117 P :fir=fsrrtL- T=rta: 3i ^=: — 1;?3 Fast in yon-derTour-elle, Hold't thou thy Cap-tive sure - ly, =S"- :^=ISI -m — •- -*— ^ :t= :t: Fu8t in yon-dcr Tour-elle, Hold'st thou thy Cnp- tive sure - ly, *■; ■' ?$^ -I ^- -=?—=+- :rr=t2: n7. ^ I Sen ti - nel, Sen - ti - ncl, Sleep well. Sen - ti- nel, =*z:i=i?=*i :^=*j Sen - ti- nel, Sen - ti - nel, Sleep well. m i ■ ' ?* :.M ' ':-u M'lU ii= s E a tempo. ■.-^TS- S^^ »*tiir*-i^ m g I :'■■¥; »►- ^1 Copyright, 18S4, by Uu^Isard liROS. I ^Js=s-- WHEN THE TIDE COMES IN 119 ^ ^i^ =t: -»• — *^'- " Mother," he cried, "go watch the tide As it com - eth- up- to I m^ ~^ ^x :«*= i *=^i 8r :«P=ff= r if poco rrt. rt tempo. It! S=J Lynn, For, foul or fair, I will be there As the 5='=^ ^ T -A. poeo rit. a tempo. --i^-iir -<&- : ^ *- r ■^popo ri7. «pnorj :4= ?»=^ ^ flow - ing tide conies As the flow ing tide comes t a tempo. -^— in. a tempo, \i ', i.,1 •HI 120 ' WHEN THE TIDE COMES IN." -T^—A ^ -4^ -4 4- watchetl the clouds iliat came in crowds, Like Hocks of e - vil — _ ^ -, .-1 — 1^- - -**-* ,«g— =J---^r-J=::*:J_^-^J: *: birds, Mv heart sank low with bit-ter woe, Ro- :5.^^— -tf— *5^— ^IT^-ii: -tr—^r" "• ^ ■ in 1. porf \=^ i— ^ — « P— 4: * -ll^ I - mem - b'ring Don colla race. aid's words ; " O God ! " I cried, and ^ n:]: ^^3 "C" noue be - side knew the grief my heart with - in, O $ 3" "^ .r=d^ i» 5*1- -1^ — :*=5*i :£■: r -^ 'WHEN THE TIDE COMES IN. 121 $ -4^ :j^ =^ zzaz: give me back my bon - nie lad, When the tide coinc3 flow - iiig 3 r=t- r ^^^1^0 "^r -1 m poeo rit. Bonore. a tempo. ::ti=K=3 $ in, When the tide conies flow - ing in. poco rit. a tempo. :3= £S :5r-:^r W i =3*- ~w — p — (»"":»" |Ei2^i3SlEE* r-tr -.a i Ql'ASI REGIT. ^ Lento. C-MC. /f •-— « IS, -*—=»- ^~-^- ^s^^_ >im-- 5^-^^ A- cross the strand far up the land. The fierce wild wa - ters P ^ ^ X ^ r ^ :9: P ^±E i^^^I^^lESEE^ Ei^ swept; Laid at my feet a bur - den sweet.With smile as it . . . he $ dim. :*-*=« ?=*=?T5 T ^l ^f— i r I ■ ! I ,■ ! lilt J. '1 i ' i 1 t 1 !! A I k li, ' L . ,'U fi 122 WHEN THE TIDE COMES IN.' aeerl. trtmpo. Imo. =j: flcpt ; '^'^ arifl. I could ncit weep, so soft his sk-ep, Fur U-mpo. \mo. * P- fear 'twould wak - en him ; h K :it=5= Peace, let him rest. ^ ril. ZZ: = ;r ^ t> ^ =5*= ^ 1=^ I I *P=iS= ^ :c2: -Br-^r^ :*=i^ i / n<. :!sr^sJi=q--!5 -^ # -^^=^ God knoweth best, And the How - ing tide comes in, the flow - Jng i q^ ^jg g* -■*^^- > -^ 1 nV i^ r i ,r s tide comes in. £ rsj^ -^ il :3=^=*= 4S:=^ -5- T -^ -fT'^ lipixiqi: ifc^ dim. PP jfiE^=^ — t- ^ iE?^ tr:S-: _-:?=!?- -^- Ped. -^r~^ ^^ 12S I DREAM'D A DREAM. W. WILSEY MARTIN. EDITH COOKE. W Jolee. :iit=--=S= ls=rft -t0—i ^-J 1. I dream'd a dream of an old, old love, And 2. I dream'd a dream of an old, old love, And ^P P w izji =i — »- i mm^ -JtzziB-^ S K « 9 — ^ — I sweet was that dream to me, sweet was that dream of bliss, For it brought me the time of my For it brought me a hand froru the :m=^-^ • « -H— =1- :*=:»: t i ' Copyright, 1884, by Hubbard Bbob. ■ 'i B ^ m m ■ ■■ ',*■' ^ . . '•■ :^ ^ M ft; ;■ 1^ i ^1!^ ' fi''' 'i ' 'I 'i 1 (% !' if , I 1 « I.; i;si, ^- ■' :g-' 11^^ :^=s- ^ .^._ ^\lpE^^^\ agitato. :tz: -IN — ln- =1- J- walk'd once more si'nsi^ of hup agitato. to the vil l)i-ness pure hige fhurcli, 'Ntath the and Htrange, Like a "3- 'm> ^ fr =^i:--= =3^ con /'<(/, S*r irr. *-— — V •/ tT - wt 1 - }'" ^ I?-, g 7^— j J=:d: tf =F blue dove of the Sub ou my bo bath sum skies ; Jay, Down the With the tryst- ing lane to the sa - cred fane, With the litrht of young love in our breath of awing and the o - dor of Spring, My sor - row had passed a- ^^ :j._. T"^ I OBEAM'D A DREAM. 12& eyes; And a - gain in the dark pine woods we stniy'd, A- - way ; So I know my old lovo as an an - gel lives Be • Ped.-Gr • m ■ k ^^ m 1 — 1^ 7 JN — ^-— -- 1 itziJit. • way from the noon - tide heat, - yond where the pale stars shine, > 'y Wliere on - ly the thrush broke the That she came from a- bove on a er«». dim. ss ^-^=J. s;— =H ^ h tll '■.' :?=^ !^ tj :-5i ^^5^ stil mis ly hiish, sion of love i w -^m^^^$ 4- colla voce. >:-5 — ^t=^ ^ -si^=r __L- -s»- Tzy As I lay at my dar - ling's To bring peace to this soul of feet. 1st time. n.(VI I 2d time. ■ ,'i -: :-*--lI- mine. 8frt. i .» -i 126 THE CUCKOO IN THE ORCHARD SONG. J. JEMMF.TT nnowNF: Uaily and with nppropriati- hnmnr. MALCOLM LAWSOH. / r • cr»'». dim. ^ . -^ . -J- -^- — • — t -+ -•- . -4- -•- . — + •zz^:=z=_ q-a =R: 1 " S|)riii;^ luw turn'd to sum 2 Mi)tli-er, don't \w aii nier, nioth-or say.s to but 'tin not a 3^ f^»- p --4- ^ * SEME r^* r r-^rl ^^ 1 — ::=-4 — "-r~^ legato. ~^^^m *• s- r • — H -q ±1:::: me, bird " Yet I henr the cue - kno in tbe ap - pie Cuc-koo - ing in sum - mer — Jam- io 'twas you m ±~*--^Jjtr=::^ :=ltz*: :=>j :X-.z:r5!-X=:zr?t: =ft ^ =s^ '-^=7- ~>-^- fslz ^: :«EE==^^i'i iSiO*-^ L^^S 1= :5*: ill*; tzSii tree, . . It came first when the bios - soms blanch 'd the bc.aghs like heard; . . Oh, I love him dear - ly, and he loves me ^1^^*^ :«=i: H^— E^^b .J=z: IS^ Copyright, 18*1, by Hubbakd Bros. THE CUCKOO IN THE ORCHARD. 127 " f ^^ -^ W^-^^'^' rtl. ^7 1^1 ^.. ^* Hiiow, And nt:w tli«> tn-oshavc fruit NO ! . . . That U why tlus cue ('(I, 'ti.i 8triiiij;e it ilots not koo Htnyrt mid will not ^^^^1' ^p^^^l ,?! ;i7. :!W :S=c ^ t " I roMa row ¥. j^r — 5 *;= n^ :fi!?: trmpo. I'ld. ^-- iEEE^^ Loud the note and clear, If some- times von hear Cue - koo ! Cue - koo ! C'uc- Cuc- P ^^II==^^5^ =Fi -• — •- ^^SEETEi^ / -j^ iE ±1 Fed. . i' 1'^ i! Ml i- ,•:<: ' 128 THE CUCKOO IN THE ORCHARD. ^fe^ tt ad lib. -=l *- ^- :«r-=m :n=e: ^ - koo ! cue - - koo ! cue - koo, cue - koo, cue - koo, cue - koo, cue - koo ! koo ! ^^^^=Z -g f • 1 1 ^^n p"i" — *4 ^ U^ ._.' ^. — 1 1 ^^b-7— 1- — U — h- — 1 ^^ 1 1 Lp=:^tr^. -^d p Mute it ia all day. Don't be an - gry pray, 1 But ^1^ sings at eve a - Lest you find some m ?--l^— S1-- -• — »•- > # -^-f=^-^ ^r* J= 1:7: III If % nrf /i6. b±=*z f I f a tempo. :ff=4?= ± way day > • • • • Cue - koo, cuckoo, cue - koo, cue- koo, cue - koo, cue-koo, cuc- I've flown a- way, I've flown a- way, a - way with cue- P »-t— jt- W^ r^ ^-T-* -5? gg ^3i^ 3- =r 33^il eI^ -* — =1- ^ koo ! koo ! ^Ei ,^ :*it=:p: .mis.'S. •:M=i-d r5^- ^^^^Ep^ :i^pp -A M ^ — I 1 — 3. St • * ^ i H 12S EMMIE LANGTON. Hi-fl GOLDEN STARS. L. DENZA. (=9 P tranquillo. el ^£ It- $ m- m 8t?a. 1 Fur, far a - way from 2 When tliro' the clouds you \inpn lit. PP ij»— &^f^^^_^,^= -"^="* -«» <, -=1113: I me, roam, 8irt O - - ver the deep blue Light - - iiig the wand' - rer p^!E^^MmM&^^^^^^ I 1- w — m J J ^:t— t: £= -(— — h ^ -*1 =*— 5f- i ± i;?zi^Jr=-.Lzi:;, I sea, home, 8m Where I too fain would be. Bid - - ding the wea - ry come .*^^M,^»m^^ -m-m- ^ pi^i^^s^g s itro-^ m^%^ 5 s ?5 :^ztz ■i_:sijf: -X- '^ -1 I =t=I^t_tJ!3 Ko. 2.-9. ij>(. ! r; 4:-i ^. i -::-\ i ■ ! '>h i W is 'S-t, it : ; : 8 .jjj! vi:-!?i 130 GOLDEN STARS. P anlmaniJo unpoco.— = ?^^^s^=^l^i=f ders . . . my true love ; . . . peace - ful sliiin - - ber, .... Oh ■! from your watch on Watch o'er mv lov'd one's GOLDEN STAPS. 131 P- P ppz ici^T: ^^- -51— s^ 0== greet . guard , him, . him, . greet guard . pp ^~ti -±z :^=± :c2^t: I m lut time. :^:=?2:-i^-:_- .^rpi^::^ 5 I him. . 8i-a pnro fit. :£=^ ^ :^=: :e- r-^- ierj»=#: -=l-2^ :^r^: =3? I m 2d time. :c2- -a— SI- t) him. 8va.... ;*2«2*5 lltl^sj ie: -^-9(1 rj7. a=r -g -a - g- P^ espreasivo. :z::t^ ^^3* And till we meet once more 8ca. Not as in days of ffl?r«5?zfl!! i5fe 'C-, ~,fS=3t ii 1 s^: ^^: *: * '!■:< i«, I'-'" ^*:il m !i I ill t \l ""I iH I ■ ■■'- hi' • -JM— -7; ',¥ Kb If '■*];■ I'd! 132 GOLDEN STARS. t 5=P2r -^-^^^g^ --^=^ yore, i if-r-t But all our parting's o'er, For =g ~ ^"^^ i rit. lo Tempo. P animando.- I $=^ -^ ^-fll 3fcl -N-i 1 X - Oh ! from your realms a - I ■ I crfs. f(/ animando col canto. V rii- - bove, 8m. With uev - - er - chang - iiig i3=|=rE3p^tiiai^ »=p= I I L -• — m — w — I rg ^ — ^ : ^ _-1 St- =3-= i -;^ :Z2I love, . 8va Bless 1-4:^-?!^^ him, F^^i^^i GOLDEN STARS. 133 ?i^i PP pqr: "5"T=S"^= 1)1- Hcrt. liiin. iiiv (lar - lin2 gold- en stars, m\ ^ :» ll^ll^l^riJ J JJtS^ 5 ?=fSt5 I SM^I ^-»r»i»=|«_»:z:*:-pi=;)»r-_L«:pt«=|»r mzws W-W- Li vdlimilo. iJ}^-* ± n-=)- tS--€ --<•—-—-;; -K-^l f -'=— ^-^- a poc ri7. -:1, -i-^- iS JPed. red. i ir^z ^>^ :::1^- lil (lar 8rrt., ing gold- en stars, bi CSS / ;^=.^ -.::=2- .hi 8ot. m, bless him, rit. S-IS:- ^n^ 'ErEEi»E^^=^- I I'^i-!)- "^i — f) "^ — — ' — *~'z!z -^ir^rj!rr^=^-^_!n- a ti ' .A i ' f 1 ( I 1 w .ii ■i \ 134 ADELAIDE PROCTER. Allegretto mtUHtuao. THE MESSAGE. -X-n-jf JAC. BLUMENTHAL. ^ P simplivc. ^m m I had a message to Ich woU - te Griime ihr i^^^ rit. Pf) e stacc. i^ES^i: 7-^ ::1=4= — -I- — . rdtrr: i. ^'- ^. 2. 3- 5- g ^^ ^: r^=^i^^=*E send her, to her whom my soul loves best, But I h"ad my task to sen - den, die ich eimt so heiss ge - liebt, die durch ihr Jruh - es ^ ~t— =^— X- i a— q- ^ =t— n- rn-=^ * • 1» • * P tf*- §fe« -q— a— S- i^ :=S=n— =?-- ^ n7. :t^ ■^t- ^=5-r- =^=- =1-=l- -il=^-=F ^ n tempo. =gS fin-ish, and she had gone home to rest ! To rest in the far bright Scheiden vieiii Herz ach, zu Tod be - triibt. Nun ivei - let sie bei den ^h- •J -^- ^ IS^Zl ^•^'. 1i"^=s= rit. 5g--=^= P v* :3«C "«^^i?T ^■^^ =5^5 «*- ''^- --. — ^^- :s:A=:1>i5(« lento. PS"^ ■^f =^ r-H'"*^^" A Vfqrctto. srr^^ n /<■»!. tf — r /en. ji|_ .*. _^_ M- M- I I Den L»i:::airz;:.te I »(7. ^y? * * ::§i .^_^_ '^'?i fei^p^p^j^ /'€(/. ii; .1:^1 :!^:..!i I i ■.. vl') ' y-i -Hit '•as. rKt ^:iSl« *.-,Sii-f ! ;v.. ■V ■ , I'r 'I;- '0 136 THE MESSAGE. 'M^^^^i^^^^:^^^^M 1 plac'd it, one .-uinn: r eve - ning, ^ i 1 I «rrt. pin lento. ^ W-m^k.. Jtrit=5:^$: Sf 1*=^ iV(/. ♦ P'd. tt*- THE MESSAGE. a trmpo. 137 f })iu agitnlo. flutter'd to luirth once iiTore. nim-mer zum Him - niel dringt. y^- ^^~% :>.z:zzfczn ^1 §|: I crii'il in my pa^?-sion-ate Wer wird sick nock vniner ir- W -n—m- W—i^ -rs^ f agitato. &'=5 •^^ -S) SI irr_n=z^= -•-•—•- -^. i *s^ ri7. rt tempo. 4- / dt-d^ -JK— i^i=i^^a:;^^E^'^^a long - injr.Hiis thoearth no an- gol friend . . . who will carry my love the - bar - men, auf der Erd in blan-er Lnj't ^ . . . liijrt dain Niemand die Kkujen des m St'ttx^: W: ^. PBi- )-i7. -'=!-»- --I- ^*^ / mcs - sage mv heart desires to send ' Ar - men, der nach der Theu-ren ruft. my heart desires to send ? der nach der Theu-ren rnj'tf ^^^^ •zts' I ' -^ ril. ' »i -X morcndo. m Un poeo meno mvo. ^=^- V :^2i^r=ff«W?** i> poco rit. crvKc. moJto. slarg. :i:i^';. !■•■:! 'Mi flf :i;'l;l'!f .11" i'^ ♦ , ' ■ , ,'Vf. •( t ' ' ' 1 ■ ,. J 111 ' "^ "^f ;ii ^, V iril « I Ml 1 '•'I 138 THE MESSAGE. ^: fj^y^'- a tempo. S^ ^~J^ "M i^-m- -m--m-m^A Then I JIorr/i,da ».f HI frsifif i » /* Hiarc. r:r~ /"/' i!i It: t- AUrqreiio mnrrioM, rit. :*z=*r ±1 ^ 5^ hoard a strain of mu drill • gen Wim • - -— -f — I — a- --X Fed. -^ ^tep= ^m^^m^^^ strinjjs, Audi ten - (Ur-lyhiid my iii('ssa;:e All/ die Fill - gel der Tu - ne Ip'j ich m (111 the all mein gg^ n ^ ««** »^ H i 1 1 — ' ** g«=^i7A "m _ liJM i^MJi^g^, Pcd. -Jjf. f lento. * =± t -s i^ <-v a 5^ i^ ' 3 II i|'"^g^«=ri^i^°*# tfi crrsc. accef. §# -iT-qr: \ m wait. einf,. ^ XT mm^^^ if »larg. PP^J^fi Ped. =± S-S^-5-1S"» » ^ * • • ■^ J y g-i# — «-<« m m ■» « ■ ^i*"*— I Perf. :^ »narc -ni'tv^ iN % 1 f.^lVi 142 ANCHORED. SAMUEL K, COWAN. ^^ : e -P -- -t: --g- f- -*--^ftQ_. MICHAEL WATSON. * Bg 1^ :S=* y Con apirilo. -4—^ :*=(k; J-f J g ^^ :^fe ♦»/" ;5;-.: -ig. — -*- "-q^=q= -*— ^ :ts=--q^= lii-^ :ir =g m-r^— -V'-^-i _,^^ 1 — 1~~ '^-^ 1 1 ' H 1 •! -4:^ — d s^^ — l^**^ -5-* ^^ _■!_ — 1 — 1 ^ m — 1 — _ -^\ Fly - - ing, with flow - iiig sail, O - ver the sum- nier sea! P S^ ^snr*-^ «/. P ^ ^ 10- -0 ^ I*. -,&.itzih=il=-*& H 1-- I r==s:^ :*=^ Sheer thro' the seeth - ing gale, Home-ward bound was she ! . . . 7^' ^ i^^^^^^^fi M «/ ^^ — «/ il5=^=^ tr» a,-ia Copyright, 1884, by Hcbbabd Bros. ANCHORED. i t> m . :t :?K=^ i^-rqiii- ^E5 143 — K- Fly ing with feivth'- ry prow, Bounding with slaut-ing keel,... And " -hj—t- *E:fc: :t2:^ It ?.€^. ^^ ?=#t^ 1 i^ / ../ £^--n-s- «=f - 4-r^irli:; -* " ;?- J ff .^.zrjt :!ins:i 1 1! ;H:: : •' ll ■ .'Vl ^r'- • n 1' "it v;;it 'iir" :m i 144 ANCHORED. — t r.z / j± IJ - — g I* 1 fe safe . . . --g- at last, the har - bor past, Safe in my / fa - ther's home, Safe in my pmwwmmmmm ?'g — ^ — ^~ / ^■$—* -m^ m^ ^ r^-r f :i=5=S= ":5-^S=^- I i Poco rit. w S=?2= :z2: fa thcr'a home." . . m Poco rit. ff a tempo. m. ^=si ^mm^m^m^^ ANCHORED. 145 ^m ii t i:^E^B^ :ff=^ ^if ^. ^'i^^^g fe: -•-H«- -i=^=I £fe=,^5qi m * «/ »/ :*^EiS ^jgjg P mjO Moderato. K I f ^itrzSi Bright on the flash - ing brine Glit - ter'd the sum - mer sun ! ^- ^ -^ ^ fffi f ^ /? staccato. ^t -*1— f Pf Sweet ly the star - ry shine Sniil'd when the day was done ! m =s=q: =4=i!=4 *JS J^ SiSJJSS sssss t^ i^^ 5 :k=(c iStJfc 3 4f*^,^^^-K Blythe waa the breeze of heav'n Fill- ing the fly - ing sail, . . . And I 2S ^=^ ^^ .1 ! ■ iKi- J- . 'it ;i 1; I m si ..: r ,l,|:.«' - I - ; l:i 'i ll tf ! li Hi 3 140 ANCHORED. ran. 4: glad was the sail - or lad xVs he steer'd . . aud saug tliro' the 1 r^^ ^ 1^ ^- -9- -m- li M a tempo. Z^ZZ^Z m 5=1: -* *■ ?1=f= W^^ nile ; ~^^.-^- i On ly aii-oth - cr day to stray, r - -t — h — I — 1 — / -/ -4- h- -jm — m ez^ *^=te^: On - ly an-oth - or night to roam, Til len H =1- r^«-i (• — i*-^ m — ^r: — ^ >=L3=^rf=^^ ^=(f=f H«-4« <•- -)• — 1 * f * :i?i -8i^ 1 — »- K^~ ' V -< J ^ _ ■' f.-! _,if J safe at last, . . . the har - bor past, Safe in mv =^=i ^: n >-^^- :«^.::^.^ ^^^^# ** ^^^ ANCHORED. / 147 r5 a ^m :«■: :^:s: -t- fa - ther's home, Safe m my tJ -^ • "^' -"2: • 3: 5: / 4=t 3*=i ::) n-^ -=)— S- i Poro r»7. ? :^ira: fa ther's Home. . t fm ^~ -b; — h Poco rit. ff a tempo. 1^1 :^- -w- r=s= £?^£ :it=r r ::p=ip:=iK :Pi=P= l^ggi Agifntc &^ :1tr^ i; Sud-dea the Hght-niugs flash'd Like fal - chions in the :^^^ mm eft: ^15= f HF it ,!»■■ 'i' 51 I 'I .. ! !.-.'■ wi \:^^\^ m ^^''% M "hi •It'" 11 ■f il 148 ^-^, ANCHORED. crea. 1-2:^=^ ^ m dark ! Sudileu the thun - ders crash 'd ! A • ••• •••• • ••• f w*»S [33333333 ■ ii III p§ j4nrffl»»^c. £33 ^^ :cS: :tc::p!-- :e2i -*i — I 1- -H' 1- 1- las ! for the gal-laut bark ! There.when the storm had pass'djA drear-y wreck lay ^=&^ 321 il t7S= s: -^- iffii TET -Z7- /3 r«H. S^Ei 3^E3E ^=^ H 1- 9 she ! But bright was the star-ry light That shoue on the sum-mer sea ! 1 •* H 1 1-^ — 1 — -A H — t 1 1- h P " ^ ^ rail i^^ <— f « 1- <— I- «— r h ■«-— 3- «-1- « < — >- -J- =^^1 2:i- fea I 1^ Allegretto. h V - And a soft smile came from the stars, And a ANCHORED. g ^J]-JZL.^ ^'^SS^lSirx^S-i'i-f-'SSA'^j^ I - poro. T izii :?: :*=•= -s*- dan - ger past, Safe in his Fa ther's home ! i- , H^ I / r=F= :fs=fsi :M=:=^-=^. :^« Safe in his Fa - - ther's home! @ -ja.- m ad lih. rail. 7^ : f^-ng :*=i: ?2= :?2= ^ =t :cz Safe in his Fa ther's home ! /•/• •'•' colln voce. <-^'^t*-9*-^-^ 8 8 8 8 8 8 Z^Jrcmolo. 1.50 NANNIE. AJJeorrffi). iin- T. /NNETTE LEIGH HUNT. :^! -^' Ww, 1. Oh: 2. She 3. .She's 3= ^ ilfei E^ dim. p •dfcfr:^: JEJEE^ ^^ !$==!« _ i --^ j i_-^._ -Ji-i 3?=i: i: kind and fair is Nan - uie, Her eyes are like the sky, .... Her laughs.aud shows a dim - pie, She frowns when she's a mind, . . . She's got a hat of .eat - in. With lit-tle white flow'rs a - rounti, . . . She's 2t»: H f- >-4- H H H h -0 0- m — 1» — >•- ^ '-m~- m mP =i^=^ --w=i^ :qii=1^=^-:1=rs: :iJ=*: at=S= -^xi cheek is like the rose - bud That peeps when summer's nigh ; . . . Her sweet and rare and sim - pie, The best of wom-an - kind ; . . . Her got a gown of silk -en stuff With flow'rs on a creamy ground;... We'll 0(q>yright, 1884, by Hcbbard Bros. NANNIE. 151 en corn With lit- tie soft curls be - clij;ht, , tunc, What man could ask lor more? to church one day, She'll look so sweet and shy,.. Her Yet She'll ^^^ L-7:^*: , — ♦^ — I -SI voice is like the mu - sic of The wind of a sum- mer night, she has hid for him she loves Of treasures a gold- en store. , wear all this fine tra - ves - tie And on - ly I know why. . i^m f'Trrf - i — - S-- :^ ifrii: ^ *: ::t= Heigh ! Heigh ! Heigh! Nan •• nie, Ho ! Nan - nie, Ho ! Nan - nie, Ho ! Nan - nie, Bide a wee Nan - nie. Bide a wee Nan - nie, Bide a wee and love and love and love me me me true, dear ; true, dear ; true, dear ; DO. Heigh ! Heigh ! Heigh ! Nan - nie, Nan - nie, Nun - nie. ± Et^?^ Ho! Ho! Ho! Nan - nie, Nan - nie. Nan - nie. I'll love none hut you. Dear ! I'll love none but you, Dear! I'll wed none but you, Dear! ^m^ — ji F*^ ^ mm^ H E^^ 5==^ I iiifil '^f^! 1^1 ■■4 : »!.?*■ , 1; ifl| m. 'i : /.'I ...,,;!' f 1 I .u« '"HI. !'«! Ov 1 a if 152 THE IVORY GATE. Andante con moto. COTSFORD DICK. ^^^^^m^f^^^^m^ ^^==:Fi^^y5^=^= ? -■^ .e- i^a ii i ;^= ^' iftz^ ::*=atz:*:z=:i^ One night I was si- lent- ly striv - ing To harmuuizc all my lif'e.Whence the :a: icz: P ■^M-- S2«-_ 23: :^ ^-3lt :at:*: 4i -< g - -I 1- ZZ2Z -^sr =^=it ifcrfc z m M—M i -P- m mel- o- dy seeni'd to have fa - ded Where the dis-cords a-lone were rife, And f i :4^- 5 i^^^l^i^ »-^^E|f3 erfs. n— -^~ ?$=-* :z2: -o- :z2i ici^ i£ P crfs. ? h F IS=*: -t^— t**- :zz :T='-^ 1!s==1t :*!=*=-•= ?^ i^^ grew so wea- ry of weav - ing The threads of un- tune- ful themes, That my 7.^. ~-m — r =r,a- I I P 'r- pi ]g f^*=T -S s- J-=J: 723;^ ^^^^e^eeE !*==•: #^ L^ Copyright, 1884, by Hubbard Bros/ THE IVORY OATE. l.W 3-ir *— i- :Ccrtr ^^ Ji-j^..^ 8j»ir - it pass'cl in- to slumber's rcalin.Thro' the i • vo- ry gate of drenitis. "/ ^^^ I There I re.*. 4-^ -m- ff^^ t:^b; :^ '^ :*^- Iff: it PP «na corrfa. aempre legato. ^^=gy^^ ^^. g-_^.„ g z=r=g ::^= :^a==f!!:^'^ :*=at :*==?* saw all the dear com pan -9- ^=^g^^^ ions I had ^s=^^g^--^ jigg^^EEE^i^- ^^^^i^^fg^i^EE^^^ S -K S- :S=^ i^^i lost in the long go, Who SE^HIE^ ^^ 9E ^^ pi ^EEE^^EEEEZJ E^^IE^^^^H^^EEE^^ ••- i Mi H i:*4 THE IVORY GATE. r-i^ q- '^^ told 1)10 Biich ten • der tid iiigs Of ;SE: ^^i^ — * — ^ « ^ *^ — ^1 ii; I ;^ :«.=:r^ =5^^ :^::=K: all that I fain would know, Ami tlic !t=i=S 8f ^^^^ ^ -.iT --i? '^ ^ r?_ old, old Love that left me, To » 1 8-" * pH^^l^ '^^^^^^ g^^E^r^ -> h py * band, dwell with that hap Now S* crea. dim. --%:-- ^ ^ i J :«*= THE IVORV OATE. tS5 ^ ^ l«=S: ^^^^^ the trvst we had made on earth, To P^ ^fe ^p^p^^i« meet in the bet - ter land ! Once more did we link to - geth - cr Our lf*S ¥ m E3i P iranquillo. r^Sh- ttor >Sh- t i=^^ zq- =^^— gi)= -jcii -^^- ;^i hands in fond em - brace, Once more, in a sweet a - maze - ment, I ^^ fctaa: ^ ±ci: -ts- m iH !1 I' ' ■ i'« ''' ^-Y I I X 1, s4 Pofo agitato. 3ffE i"Pt:r^=P=P= :t2=:;sc It gaz'd on my dar- Hug's face ! --1 And I knew that my dream was a st_j M ^1 a 156 THE IVORY GATE. P -^2. :fs==*r "■! — jgi :?=: mes sage, By a -^ h- H \- -m^m- '^-^- jg — r— r -g- >— V- v-v- |i;' '■S^*- I'r iftsi i: ' Tf r i-:f<| 1' ■ *l^^^1 ,- . ■ , . ■ ■■ ,f i1 , ■,! ■,; ■ (it t •■; 1 Wm II ^" '^ \ i' ^ ^ 1 ^' .• .' A 1 .: ;'i .''f! 1 ' :, ■ 1 M !,"' ^-■':t i : r^|S=ir-i=*=g: =^rz^tz=± E^------ mf ^S^ m: :S=if aSfc soft - eu my pain and my pas sion, And to si - lence my dis - con -i^-t 1^- :g=g ri^L-:g= -^i^-j ^^t :p2= :?== & P _^ Largameni^", '§^ EE J^ igz-jat Ut* - tent. Cour age, O faith ful E^ m. -j=r 1 THE IVORY GATE. lo7 / "p i~ i * : ntSit -u — k= shine, And your eyes but close to the fj f "^^^^^^^"'^^ytf^^^'^^^ti^^ nm ?'■'':■■ r A ten. ten. :$=:t- • vine, To wake in a dawn . di. M i«« I 'U .*.{ 'ii !»i f I • f * ]• m — --j i^H \- •\ " ^^ ^ rJ ^ •^ »- 1 ■■ 1 back back a gam, gain^ Bring him back Bring him back "5=a P^ m '/ f IPJ*If li* ^ — » ^ — ■r — !■ P — *— I. 1 — m I — , ^« f — 1 — f- - zzt— N — — t i— 1 ^ It I K 160 BRING HIM BACK AGAIN. h»-t==t: 1st time. 2d time. z^z tl iE^=3 1^^ - gam. - guiii. bl« — ^— -* — • ^ — :^ ^^^* -f^-^r- rall. ' ^r g s *^:^« — 1^- ^ ^^p^ c^ i: j0 rt tempo. § S 3. Stay, stay, Fad - ing day, Why so P i -g?:: fly i ::ca ::;;=F ri^^- f f *c =F leav- ing.' Light, light, Stay thy flight, --S=^- I quick - ly - l>J m- Lin - ger ^ ^^^ m. ^ V :?2: fcli ^^m: 'V -t- ^ ^i' \d ^#.»= h-*- 'E i.«= --*-- m SE^e t= iu thy dy - mg. tr Ss^M I I / 32: Till moon and stars in ::?= '^ I c BRING HIM BACK AGAIN. P rail. =^- ^^=^^Ei§^^t 161 yon - (ler sky, Shed light e - nough to guide him iiigh. '«*^ -4: -1^ I i^ rr :ff=3J i- — r i 1- «•/ eres. :s2 k/ :c2i =:?2: ^= Shine, shine, Light dl - vine, Bring him back a- znlz :* --i:: #- ^ »»/ r cres. g«^ :t=t: ^8z8- m/9 ;tr ::?2: him . . . ^noiiQ raij, '^ = :?2:: - gain, Bring him back ^M. :c2: itJ -r p col canto. isai g= =e El Z2: ^ fe "-pz r ::2i ^ t/- - gam. icir: ?r~r ^ T=?= :1:=:4: :*=t 7 r :2t -»- I li pMf.l :?z: ^ f ^ i'fd. ■ •*■ f :?2= 5 s: ^ Pplllli; I II t ! I i 1 ^ { ii .1 rh:: C, r 16S SAILING. Con tpirito. GODFREY MARKS. ^-^^' — =t-- -J?= ^£^= "1^T^ V- — N- i ^^ L-f — 1 1 - =^^--?- — ^ ) 1 1 — ~ ■ — •- ^--S^ ~ '^' ^^p—rt-*— -K -,^--i- — J^ -V- h- — " --;,A^ ;t^ 1 — -—- p :s=i:=pi:ti: 1 Y'liPiive ho! . 2 The sail - 3 The tide . my or's is g=25- :tit^: -R««^^ z0 — mz ^ z=^-rtr:i::f!:tii1=ir.rf!-4=r;=?: ±.zz\zt ^ :t-r Ff If P r=q=7 1*=:^: hidij, life flow the wind blows free, A pleas - ant gale is bold and free, His home is on ing with the gale, Y'heave ho ! my lads. ^J IS the set 2.-12=: .« H rr ^ " i;'^ r '" r.-^-jq= .p — *,- =7: -•1, 1 -=t- 175^ -t^-r- :=t :?H^?^ I| 's9z :^= 1= :^ on our Ice, And soon a - cross ihe - coan roll - mg soa, And nev er heart more true or ev' - ry sail, The har bor bar we soon shall -'I—- m i=r iti ^ m -Z£z :^«(: -=r- Copyright, 1884, by Hubbard Bros. 8AILINO. 163 i- 1 ^ i^l ^—z^. clear, Our oial brave, Tlian he clear, Fare - well. hint biiniue shall brave - Iv fteer; who laiiiich - ts on the wave; once more to home so chiir, But A- For — ( — -h — — 1" t^ ' Ei W — g* — «- :^ :S---^ --S- 'ere we part from Kiii;- land's .«hore8 to - nijrht, -far he s]H'eds in dis - tantolimos to roam, when the tcni - pest ra - gos loud and hm};, A AVith TLat w \ -. h I ,1 'ill; song we'll jo - cund home shall -:ir-9- smg 8ong be for home and beau - ty bright. he ridcs! tlie spark-ling foam. our guid - ing ftar a - mong. i^^=^z "(^ II b4r_ -S-^ -m-w- PI Then here's to the sail - or. and here's to the hearts so true, Who will think of him up- :«Ut:S= s / A- :j= ^. — (- tt—j^ t -U- _j^ -^ ^ lilrzz^-*: "^ :>« is. i i • '4f "Iff n, I ! ;*| iil i-i. »^r^ 1G4 SAILIT= $ ifcpgi ;;?==±: oth go er hearts are cry it!;, some re - turn ing? 'ug; What gives the sweetness My love he comes not, 3rDa -jj -<•— f- :j^z=^ zez^e-- ;.a?r=:gLi=:^: »rp*- z^S-zti I to my song When oth - - er li.j)s are sigh- ing ? I God knows best, I hush iny deep- est yearn ing ; It is . . be - Tho' wind . . and m 33:: s=: MiM ' 1 Tnm 1 TTiT^ 1 ^^ — Copyright, 1884, by Hubbaed Bros. .1 -i ^'ftf ,i. /• ill !|)f •,;^i. 1 .'. ■* ■i ■4 '■■ji ■f -U i 1 ■H;i: i i' if mm ml m >., %L 1 IfiO TRUST. :::^i_4:.- -(K-zr^S: t: ^ ^E^^ -^- ] cauHo I think wavi's now hiii of tllfC, (kr tlu'e, And fiinj? 1 bing tliat ) that \ IT ? — -Jl— :^j»- X — y- i IMJ ^m *=«" thou g: R^— art true :zsz.iz in to me! 1st time. ILPJLHL -•* •; --i" * — *- fri:^ 1^=*: ^ -*— «- 2rf /;/«p. ?.* ^ And if the - ccan :zzm~m-ai-m{ :.:« r_-:«=«id:5: -I — I — (- ^:= •-=it:*i^iU^ ^fe 1^ 3!:s^ -j g: jg::girp -:g:!?^-g: .>.5 sleep - - i„g „.if, ^y.^^!^ ^-^ i^^r^^ f ^lii J 1 ll* I M ■=s=^^=s=^ ^ _. ^'"''' '^^'''»t-inglow.n,.w sings , )f thee 'O' ♦^a. ^^^^s^^^^i^jii^^^l^i^^ f r y !■- JM i 168 TRUST. ^^m g —JS. know thy love is true, 8va ^ id Bi'rt @i^=^ p =^ ^- -_]- 1- 1- - • -: L F fc true -^ to 8rrt thee I • 8t(T ^'-^ 1 ff= ~Lj-»- IT"! S?"" 3: •~^" 1 ^ -^^ $ jijtES et^^^f ^f^^. StS^Srtt^ § -K—(i- -i^-=»i ^1?: I can - not waste my days and years In fit fill sad com • 3^ ^^^^^'^^^ im -«- i TRUST. m - plaiD i-iTl 169 ^^ :i^=z:^ mg, My faith grows strouger, and my ffiira Are m m m m ii ^ai r_M: ^frm^ > :i=i^ ev er, ev- er wun - ing, Be- cuuse I ev- er think of thcc, and i ii ■^^ I TTB^T"-; -I "^- ■m- -*- -*^ •i-*t^-a- ^ 1*=^T T im ^^-~^z Z i^^ Slug, And sing that thou art true to me ! -4^^' _ . -_. I =ttt M€W^ I. iF l t'iri- i r^'^ ^^^=^F^^ - - a— ■l -F- ^ — ^- ' ' ' ^-.j^ -«- I ^j ga^ *T: g=t^ -^^it=i>^^ Eta ir. 'fill ' I. I ■ ■irfi ■►'■I' hi .■:, ^il l; » J' ■hiffr ; , II I t L'.i 170 NEVER TO KNOW. MIKE BEVERLY. THEO. MARZIALS. :j^^i il:&: ±: t^ NS ^&& =lvt: S^-S^S«- w-'-m ^ t ■•— •-S— — t- :S= lit ps -=1 — s- =r=f =i*^ ^^ 1 The air was dream- y with flow'rs, . . The 2 She came to the win-dow one mo - ment, She ■ '=^ if — ^^g jP^^ I BE* "i»- -m- ^jg^^ sf ^ Ei! ■ I. I I'! !,i.. '^ P l?:^**: :s=:f: =i=S= room gaz'd was love - ly with light, a - far in the night, The soft waltz tunes were She was dazed with too much ^ cres. JS»^jr.^—p J^"*" ^3=^ 45 * ^ :^ ^. ^ ^ z^-^^: 3. «=q= - JN ! s- ^ float danc ing A - far iu the warm June night, . Or daz- zled with toa much light ; . And she So he m 3TQI-" ^^ — 51 T^. 3^ r c* mm p-f^ -jat. 3. Copyright, 188J, by Hubbard Bros. NEVER TO KNOW. 171 -8--- 1- ,_>_-._K__wJ.__] K_. *e^Me^ ^^zrfr ± t^:^ j dane'd with one and the oth- er — She was far too lovely to care — And she nev - er mov'd from the shadow, So he found no word to speak, And he i 1= ^^ -\ 10--— m. -^■: — P '^^t* -ifi^iiMt- :^= -^^^^ =?- 'f'^'' 174 NEVER TO KNOW. Meno mossn and plaintive. :=l= iz-i^s=^ -/# :^~ =S^ :=^= ^ nev- cr to know it, nov - er, Nev- er to know, ah ! nev - er. PPP WE =^ P — ^ — =1 — •!— n— n * jj *ii^ *^#%^i^ 3*B^-i^ -=; — =! — ii "I =i- 1 :=:p -H-*H=l-=!- -#— z rr— 1 1 s-| ^ N c ' 1 — ^ « « 1 K — 1 — 1 . — j^ J ^_ Nev - er to know tlie heart that's ach - ing, All fur our sake and ■1- -4 1- H^- -Btf- -'tf- -'^-^< -=J -4 5t -* * '^ ir r^f= H =?- ^j^^ -s? ^- :t: :ii---^- :^^^ =|: 5»- -*=5: --•-Bzz^z iM-t^ tJLz::^ !■=*=:»= :t2i=t^z:iz: -- >-n ^ ^^ al- most breaking, Nev-cr to know, nev-er to know The heart that we love is W^—^^ •-*— 5^ — a — « S: / *5- :^i^ i =^J =--^. r^-s :4 ^ ach - ing, ach - ing, break m a ing. '^ -* 1^ .^r"^ 5=5^ p=^« ^j= ^g=^^^ ij-^-- > :g~rJ?it:: _i — ^ — I- 'jr-tir ^v i /w. ^ 9 • m THE PILGRIM. BEATRICE ABERCROMBIE. Anddiilf vxKxtosn. ^ STEPHEN ADAMS. "^m^ti^mmi^m fes — ' — " ::;»--- D^- f3fs 1 zM, PP cnlmnto. :fs=:^- =:it:=.rr=:: The way had been long and lone ly, And jl^rri^ r i- 'i^"^ i^¥i^l^ ?i r PP -^- m ;:H I , 4. ' ^!:'" < ' ill': i'MtM f'.t' : ;i 'l!l. 1-8— i- :4^ -_:c2: :^=:t*: m hcav - y thebur-den pret-s'd, For llic a "■ed limbs were H — I 1 i — ^ zci: -%=^- 4::: 3t ::22: :s|=:^ wea ry. The pil - grim long'd for rest ; But t*l^ H 1 1 — I — I- — I — i i — '--• — ^ 1 — , :*r« t=ss £ifc^ Oopyrlght, 18S4, by Huubard Bbos, it- -'•\m 17G THE PILGRIM. accel. calando. -h—K- :ii«t*=- :1!c:^ now he hath reach 'd the cit - y, —I Yet still, still must he bt-: -M g= 'W ^ :■!=«: ^i^S^: -*t — I — f .-t- i^ £ — I — I — h wait TVmpo. --=h- Till the haiifl of love and nier - cy Bhould -m- -m^ -•- -*- -e- ■■^ J S SS: :*— :±:*= -•q_^_ _^ !?—•'- -."S^- 'T' r |; ■* ^ - J ^'1 ;f 1- i ■ i "■', J.; i 3 ' ':;j =Si- :.-^i -^ — I 1- -*-•- lead him through the gate, Till the hand of love and mercy Should Icr./* .lim thro' the -MS*- f crea :3^^33£±t?fii::?=i^:-!l-« '^1 ^2=^ rfo. iir'"^-g^ ^ :st- P t'o//a voce. -z^i ^L-: gate. Lnrgamente. THE PILGRIM. 177 tranguiUo. :a: ^^ -K— I- ^^^m And now as .sleep steals o'er him, In dreanLs doth lie he - hold The b§.- PP ^i.^?^ :g: ^: r I "CT" -£3. .Z2: ;S.-^:;t accrl. H 1- -^ 1 h ^ J. ^ng road he hath trav-ell'd Be - fore his eyes un - fold ; But the m: :n: 3: ^s^ --^w-- -r:r r iEEE5^i» :s: '-m^mi-m-m'-^-m — « "WW^-jm W'WW^W ealando. i :^! :fc:=S=tf: :^-:1-: 3t:*=z=«: cross - es by the way - side, All chang'd to an - gels -;— H- -^r #- a * L'?^"^*z:*!':=*r-: ;» — »-»~»-^- P IHH^ 1 ■■■■^ a|ri — ^J — ^ ^ 1 =:t-'t:trtzztztzt: !:?-: JVmpo. :z=t: :^ ~ *- 1\ !;f»i ■!-S'. ■' ■ If 'I i ,iir;iii: . ! I '' iiu.^i- I'M they! With out-stretch'd piu • ions wait - ing ]i:' ^ll^ Vi-'r m w 178 THE PILGRIM, 5 a"i^. ^S^-BzzXi -3^^^^^ A V :^-:S=^W^- ^^:r-Ti 5S^ giiido him on his way, With oiitstrctch'd pinions waiting, To guide liim on his ^T"^ i ^m^^mt -t — I — I - n t -1 — 1—1 -t--^ \-r ^- tlo. -J— -^' P colla rofc. ■^^ -i — 4-_H -J «i_ ^. — ^ ^3" -s^ i' "ih- way. Larijamrntf. rail. ?._ .•--•ziff-ffzffrrr S:*:* «-«•« '?*? ««€ 10 ^37"=^ swfw^^^^^^j^lg III Bchhcrnio. -s - ~je I :^ ^ He wakes, He wakes, 4:ii::t»---4:i:-45?:i^:~=^i=:^~^^" ^^ 8 -s:p- I t— -5 T> h- crra ??«<• "Cr- a^ — i. e" ^■rzlar w ^^^; tJ ^ m^ THE PILGRIM. 179 CO* "nima. "t=^ =^^=^:35^?EZ «r.zjr: g A- way, a - zlft^?^-' •f-*3 St— 1— ~ ^^ - wav th ov soar, * * M' 8vu. . do. J}- m -fi -»-.-^y- g tfc 5 — n- =h- EE^:E!BE^3EEEtE=ii -— x- ::ttrrr> 1 A - way, a - way tlioy soar, For their S -m ^E}f^:^^^E:^^E^ -&- '-ws^m^- •;_: «|-a(r«:i~B(: accel. IT^ -se- work IS now corn - jile ted, They :«^5^$.jE£ESz|:|:3=S^pi|^«r^ P kggiero. rtrt--: t r t: : tr: ~ t^t= t: cnJnndn. :$*: leave mm at tlic :a:2:r: ^i (liior. The -rr^ — i— I -^ ~^^ — I — i — 1 —I rf! IHO THE PILGRIM. Grandionn. :^r::q_ {. a gftt('S of pi'url u If pen. And !:^- if-it "i! -S-S it-a * H'' J • *' T~"~" 5 5 2 2 2 2 2- - - - P b§- :ie 7W.:!E ■:cs; thr oiiirl. tin ir por - tals h\vi4, He r«9 ;3' |*-3^ -m- m- m- -* tr! I 1 1 1 I 1 ^--t-^-l 1 t-F— ^ — — \— zzt -t^tn-zitiz-t -?= Peil W ^ '-'i-=^- :ir.=:i:rz:ff: -t»» ^ g L. - on ters the gold en cit And t^-^i^«- f sr*i*::*nr^rir^^^*r*^ii^ — yr*> , ,- ■m-m-m 1 — \ — i 1 — i — i— P---j— h— -j — i a i ^ -t — i — i 1 — i — H tt-9t-0 0^* ' *'-* •-•-•— tj*-*-*— *-*-»-' risoluie. Pii3f=«n*£Ei^QE -*» 1 1 1 — —I 1 — e =m3p^: 1 1 1 —\ 1 1 B J A ' -Sl- THE PILORIM. 181 ttpe tz: :ftzli m T3 — ~ I- n» cit i^ And V m s^ fcrrt: dolrr. now nt last hutli rt'Ht, He rtf/ //6. -#— •- — «»-^ en tt-rs the gold en cit And =l:zt: £EESE ^==^1=:^ now i- . at last, at la?-t hath rest. ^B ^8.--g-- coZ/rt rocc. ^P/3 morcndo. w :^g^g '■liL li ffiiPi ill M! i M 'I ■'-All if ".i 'I' 1 '-I ' ■!)K I i 1 I r 1'-. *.iii Hiotographic ^Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREf f WEBSTER, N.Y. 145S0 (716) 873-4S03 V ^ M ar <> ^\ ^^^ "%" L> Kill 186 SPARE THE BONNETS. SARAH MOIR ROBERTSON, r^e^ :*-*> Mndcrnto " • — • — &■ — ' ^ — j# — [# i» ' ^^i^^^^ _-rq^_=r^: •^.j^^ 1. Up- rouse, ye Hie - hind men and maids that h)'e y<»i«' sod- gers' dresa ! I'p- 2. Though mony niair tliaii Scot- tish hinds lia'c seen their wav- ing plumes, They're 3. Our sa-cred an - cient tar - tans, in which our fa - thers hied, Tiuy 4. Our gracious Roy - al La- dy then let us hum-hly show, That w K-^ -.Or :3t =^ •=?T ^^1 ' 'Mil ' m m 3^^^ ^^^ - rouse, ye Low-land lass - cs too that lo'c it nnne the less ! Come deep - er chei threat - ened too, this his - to - ric syra - hoi 'twould grieve us to let go. And ow-hind lass - es too that loc it nnne the less! Lome er-ish'd here at hame where pur - pie heath - er blooms; And lo, bu';, by my faith, they durst - iia touch a thread ; 'Twill !^- --S--^— -ST ^^ig^ wM ^^ :U^±zB. Copyright, 18W, by IIubdard 1Jbo3. SPARE THE BONNETS. 187 #-»tr.( ■1* K;'**'- il .««:] -t- ;i£Ei^ iit-^ "-Si 7>.P. ;i«-* gE?23l^ i a' lo'e weel the bon-netx, a' lo'e weel the bon-net.", a' lo'e them wcel. a' loV weel the bonnets, a' lo'e weel the Inm-iiets, a' lo'e them weel. aye loVd weel tlic boii-nets, ayo lo'ed weel the bun-net.'*, aye lo'ed them weel. aye lo'ed weel the IIielai:d.s, aye lo'ed weel the Hielands, aye lo'ed them weel. 1 it :t'''i iu ^ ■; i .,1 * ; '1' 188 ALL'S WELL. DUETTO. BRAHAM. :1- 2'Z7:l:~ :_4_;?3^ T- -1 1 l)i! - sort - p - iiij^ inooii, Wlicii ski»'.s pro - claim iiijriii- '2 Or 8uil • iiig uu the mid - iiiglit deui), While wia - ry uwm • iiiultD i^ ■■=>■ :3=^F-^ 1 When hkios pro - claim iiijrlii!* 2 While wctt - rv nu-j's - luattjj ? 1 ill I (I 190 ALLS WELL. bJh m:^d^^m " A fri.ii.1 ! " " A -', :tr_qr ^^^?fc^^^ -,,-1-^ ^,4 » thcro ? clH'<'r, Straii- jror, <|iiitkly till I " Urolh- vr, <|iii(kly tell !" " Tlu- ^T 4^^ ' — •- •■^ ' — • • W^^: L_t: -«1— m :?nr=tr- E t:---:=l I — _ — I — ^i. =^^-:,i;£^ " GoDil-night, P=1" :lf^ llll'.S well ! " 'Good- word!") - low, j !:::=_ all's tl: well all'a well! ""The word!" Atlaijio. Tsz: dt i 3t- =^=-"i=7 1st tinw -.i=t i - uight, all's well!" . »«r -• — «- H -*- 1 all'a well ! " J=ir -cr -h:3: ^ ^^O ^ — «! — •»- at:*! 7V*mpo. ^3: / j|;ff fey.t = g£^ -¥^# | ALL'S WELL. 191 low, all's well ! all's woll ! " 1)(»V<>, <9 fs- —:r hII's well ! uH'h well!" 5i |] ;i P^ t^ |.LP J. E. CARPENTER, TWO MERRY GIRLS. STEPHEN GLOVER. Two mer-ry girls I'roin morn to night Our mirtli aiul song we niingK'.TIu' reu-sou why wc 3^Eii =|!i: E^iS3^:^^3:^^^^^ i^?-^"?!-** Two nuT-ry girls from morn to night Our mirth and song wt; minglo.Tho rcti-son why we ^^^^"^^ -^ -«r -9- 's^. %-si_IR " -n M^ :^-^ I -*: -^ 2' =1: iqiizi-^— -:^' ■m-m -^ gfp^g j ^ -^^-^, :^--mc:q^ SI nev - er sigh We both mctin to keep sin- gle — We both mean to keep sin - gle ; We j > __g|-> ^i-X— ^-^ J--.^ — fig - :gi- nev - er sigh We both mean to keep sin- gle — We both mean to keep sin - gle ; j«' - - :q^r: - i >|— a i^— * — --1^' -a 4 ^=^ Tir^r r ^ i-il:=ia= -a — :#H^n- -:!)^ ^ r> if t iit >w ,.:■ ;;> M' I i ■si 102 "»> !«: TWO MERRY 01RL8. rull. clinil) tin' hills, Wo rove the vairs to- gcth-or ; The tcmptcstH l)!ow,iio raU. <5» rt IrniiKi. .!• «>* Wo thrt'Uil tlic wt»oiir iiii'i^f^riw ^l^^^^felE Jtr_i_Ig JJ dim. ?^3^: =«ir; IP crcHr. ritanl. -.^i-i^ 3H^^;^i^ 1^ lifo's all 8un-ny wcath-cr. ritard. ^^S^^^e^e:^=:k -m=i^ r . — 1^ a life'a all suu- uy wcath-cr. ritnrd. a tempo. AUrgrritn Grnzio ■'iS: /•'/ I'"" f. :h U m TWO MERRY GIRLi. ^ J)3 Mm if a- tnii«- Icr iltar, linn's reallv think vouMehunp- vnurniiml It'thatsaine voutlislioiihUtMy Itehiinl.YiiiU'iiiUHittliiiik.iiiy ^ ^ ?EeHI3^~^-=3H^ ^~ — KA — -m -r^--rar^-r3J-.q-:--:]i>--=: "" J^^ '1 "^^M " "f^ * -^ _. ,—^ _ , — , -^ 1 . H- 1 — I — -+*--J — It - -I -' I -i -< 1 15 _* r=^i Jk — I- --S^Sr z^=:z9----:^- (laii- pT seen Wlion youths aii.. - - 1_ 1 1 i^i 5i._::i_=r -Ui^> ;? -te^-**: -t.-- H you'd 'I'liekly ?ee How soon the youth woultlfullow nic, How soon the youth would wo - vaLs \m\ Henceforth alone we'll wan-der free, Henceforth alone we'll m ? f^.,^ -IWii (I'tn. ;s5 — — S-";. "1 — sj f - — i>i ■^ g _ ,,r -|r— i^-gr-gj^g: i^^ ^ — I — I- i:^ ■_-lE»d -I if I .1' ^1 r ■i! f ',■ '' ■ . ^r:,.i;l; ■■feu i ii I 'I II n Ui mi ■ • '- 194 hriUantf. TWO MERRV GIRL: ('4til : (til lib. z^^z^S^^^^^^ --imzf^- tlim. &t-*^^jLte^^&l^ ,^t»fi foMow inc. ) wander free, j Ah! i Cad : nd lib. i^ Ah! ^li^LiEB^eS^z -=t rq — ^ If i Jht --'■^i r i Ti'inpo \mo, ^"e^ *:=S=S= a^c =|^zj^-: Two merry jrirls from morn to night Our mirth ami song wo mingle, liut now I know you Two merry girl.s from morn to night Our mirth ami simg we mingle, But now we i— y [-|i)r-'^ "qsr:=S" ^^3^ -n— ^=^ I don't ! I don't mean to keep sin - gle ! I don't! H ■{ +— =f=S=i=ii^i ^i^^l^^i^TI-i I don't ! 1 m I > * ! M it ^ -•«- H»- ^►■ rilnrd. .J. -^ don't mean to keep sin - gle ! :itr-i— i^ H don't mean to keep sin - glo ! riUtrd. a fnnpo. ^1 '0* i' I Hi Si; •rl' I, , I: .l^rf. r^ H 1- -^— (•■ 1 P V- 1 ■ f ^ffij 1 1 |( • ilJ ' ■^h E^^:^E^ IMS*: —^ — **a :&■: » — b ---P^ niingic, Our mirth and song we min-gle. Our mirth and song we min-gle, Two :S=-_zt5=s= mingle, 8m Our mirth and song we mingle. Oar mirth and song we '^^^^^^^m — ^i"»"ii*" rJr-M I Pcd. * p H H Ttrnt :^ --S^ -^- -m- • • • ^ r*t. cr ritard. Piu Presto e con atiima. (I tempo. cresc. f ^ , rmrd. ^ a tempo. ^^0— i^ merry, mer-ry girls, two merry, merry girls. We don't mean to live sin -gle, Wc Pill Presto e con anima. crrsc. f ^ ritard. ^ a tempo. WM^^^^^^^^ min - glo, Two mer-ry, mer-ry girls, We don't mean to live sin -gle. We y y 4^^^ 3^^ «^j= l^i / ritard. S a tempo. M^ _, — s- 3 f ■* ^ • 1 . I ^ #^- TWO MERRY GIRLS. 197 -J^-i P=r^- J don't mean to live sin - gle — We don't iiieun to live sin- gle — We :i=:at.: ^^^, i^^ don't mean to live sin -gle — We don't mean to live sin- gle — We r::]^ I ;=?— -zr:_r_:t=::::i^b_iBr_«= _zr_± ■m — m — « — • — ■— ::j^-^:^^ — w ' =t =t :=:t '^M^ don't mean to A «; i: live .sin - ____- ^__-_ — -m-m-m- -m- -m- ^ -A- f Fed. f ff mmm :»--*= gl^PPfl i7 ^ Andante affetuoso. BENEDICTION. ?3 :S: drrif^T^ ^^ -•s--- -==H d=p::lT i^ *3^ ir:± MARSHALL. By per. tp M^' -T-^ zi May grace and truth, Sweet peace and rest, Dwell in each breast, Sweet peace and rest, m s--- ::22~ -ts- ^^^m ^^'^ =f=^F=t^ :rt=i te -JJ- and truth, r Sweet peace and rest, dwell in each breast, and rest, ^^mm :d=}a=a= ± rirg- illH gf? dwell in each breast. Sweet peace, -• — m — w .1 -ts- =F 8weet peace, sweet peace. -G>- ~A Dwell in each breast. sweet peace, T sweet peace. i 1'^ '-'\ lilt '■■'if i ^ijli ■ l.'V'- I I I J 4 1:1 198 ' -f. h.':ii ',-i' .:: PANEL AND PLAQUE AND TILE. WALTZ SONG. J. H. MACCULLOCH. FRANK L. ARMSTRONG. ^t m -m^:f:f', T' 1~- -!=■ tf4!fsp I 0r, ^.f}; Tempo di valse. -* — *- m T i^ 1 1 ^ita: ^^^ a* _SJ: — -gr^ :-W=mz 1 ]\Ii.«s Ma - ri - on Meade was so 2 But Ma - ri - on thought she would 8iirt. 3 Fred knew not the dai - sies and -X — X- ^le ^-•^^^F^ F=^ r^ p^ // :--=j: -Jm—m:. I ., rnt — ^^ iH -0-sS- tf ;i^Ef=^ :ct =*=3i= :ci: full of art ( Pan - ol and plaque and tile ) . win with art ; ( Pan - cl and phKjue and tile ) . pop-pies a - part ; (, Pun - el and piaijuc and tile ) . ti.«z 3=zq= 1 ^- =gi= :^i: '-S^. Ij^ai; W^' ^ -* — *- ~X-« z:tzr-tzrz\z:zizz'. eNmi No. 2.— U. Copyright, 1884, by Abmstbono & Mac Culloch. Used by permission. PANEL AND PLAQUE AND TILE. 19» She mv - or once dronm'd that she had a hiiirt: She knew all tlie nih'8 and the terms by heart : And so she re - lin-cjuish'd that style oi' art : ( Pan - el ( Pan - el ( Pan - el ^^. * r 3=^ -*- ^-■t^^'-^rr■i m a rtrr^T ^ S5: IK ii^ If*- =F I Mz tar - da - do. W t: *-X- and plaque and placjue and plaqi e isz: ^ -t= ::^:»i- Hr-^ ^ and tile ) But while she was painting on chi - na with and tile ) She sketch'd up - on lin - en, she mod- el'd in and tile ) She pack'd all her out- fits far out of her ^^^ X X J ^^ I=^3E^ je- 7-zr:^ W n tar da - to. w^^ *tm *-r^- ^^^ S i A :32= zt: -t- i^-x^ii g skill, clay, reach, And fir - injr with care in her port - a - Me kiln, tShe work'd both in loath- or and brass re - jxjus - se, iShelearn'd all the thinjis that hor moth - er could teach, IP- -U''l ■ ■ 'i -' .'1 ll-'': X\ I 'M ■' j . W M*, I Ii' " 1l1 •M If 5 f ■ ■ ■ , !! #1 fll m !i^ ii m-i 200 FANEL AND PLAQUE AND TILE. lS.5 a tnnp'). ;^^p5£l^ H» r tlui'ts tlicy would viiiiilcrii-fraiiist licr sweet will I ^ And peii-aiiil-ink ^^ id-ies rainc (|iiite in her way I - (Pan - cl and jihKiui' And scion, herdear t red niaile liis sweet little speech I ) -■=J^-^ -I — t- :5c2_izi=— zr^- i^i-l t^^ -^-H^-l Kkcit. riliinl. ad lih. ^H ^^ff^ and tile.) -i^-^—:=- *m- t- — t— I 1 1 — H- 'I— I — I 1 — I h 1 — j — ^_^_| — I — ^ — L| — ( — (--»--' — I ' — 1 1 1 --&_•.. "■ O, ^Fa - ri- on S ' > tJi iP^ ^ -J ,-:^^^%-0t-,-^-^--^: m^:L^:4^^ ur--jt :;::-q_; ■:_i^t::it=- Eiz^iEilzIg -Tl- :^=--4: :?v==^: :* -^— *- -5f • Meade ! Take heed! Take heed I You will nev • er sue - cced, I'll ^.jj 3 — I 1 -Z5lS— V 1*^ .--^ ll -i^ — h- ; ^g^g^Sj o irmpo. '^-^^ E^zzrf^ wa-ger ! :t==*-r:M.-=^ -?- K _ -=? W=^^ ^i? , 8m loco. « [— L • ^=1; -I M' Dip-ping for hearts with the mi - nor arts, Is to ^-» - | — -y- y- d ^3 "it i Pfi a Umpo. --tA :fL[t:rip:^eL.::t::-.t= -(-J — — • i— #1 •tf^: -1=: '^j^ • 3 ^m p^^ii5l3 PANEL AND PLAQUE AND TiLE. Pi = 201 f 15 ir^i^ji^ fish with a line both short and fine— Had you l)et- tcr not -;-.:g_"-=t=:5: H- ■*■ -^ X=:--_^-«z:^?: -.-- 1 — m. 1 — ^- 3 try the ma jor? For the mi - nor try . t--^T^=1: f^ it 1 the nm-jor! -^-i^ :^ ^-^^-' «-■!■ .--Zf: 3^ l=:-t^ "-* ' ' i*^ J-^ I I :§r=sz: -J- IV l-J- =?2= yy I I "m '-P2Z _*_=l:*i 1 / ^^ :q=::z=|: f_JL -f-^ : « i'- -1 — t Brn. D.S. -i^- :^^^ -§e ^- 3J* ^ *-^ •/ ig^^l 202 I'' I 7 };f HAMl WADE WHIPPLE. ML-j^-tZZZZ l^lZi Kid 1 In (le (lays when de worl' war a chile, 2 When do birds an' de boasts in de boat, 3 Did -n' Ham ijot de fust pat - en'-rifjht, 4 When de dove hunted roun' fo' de scow, And doy all went to sea in de Went to school fo' to lam how to Fo' to fix up de bar ob de She'd a njiss'd ob de mark mighty :S:= =}: 1 g-r — ^-sr :m=m P ;ci: fird^i===~ftri: (i ark, sintr, head, she'. Wid de rain comiu' down all de while, Dat ar Ham poured de tunes down deir froat, So dcr kinks would-n' spile in de night, On - J Ham, he war down in de bow, _^ fil ^ ^^r--fc Dar was When he When de Wid bis 'Jtr^ r «3^T II Si^ -^=C:is^ :§:=^=rr=^i=dt siil '•/ ma.:i; i^ :=i^ ^^^m. It: -I- -I ^ u bofe did dance, dey bofe did play, ( pi^f i^Epps^^ii Ham, Ham, Ham ! war de — ^ s ^^ 1 i. =t-=t.=fe^t ^— n :^_=: ' 1 ^^ p— ( ' — m-A 'p — *-4— — — — ^ — c ^ ~1- king all de day. ^ -^iiE?-«.--S: X -#-* ^ ■*— Jit*'— — •> ■— i^ 1#— »••* #^ :^^=^tt:« — n --1- - ^ 1 1^ — -? — s^!}- : i lEf^l -■I — 1^^ />... ■ 111) . i t ■; :H; nil •■■■ : « :-|ii MH •II' f^ 201 SUPPOSING. J. W. BlilCKOFF. -V^^^i m in I) ur-- ^-i-i^^^:^^^ -V-.K- $=: -.-^^s- 1 Sup-port - ing a men, ".v-ii - ri-cious and old, .Should come to nie jing - linjrhi!: 2 Sup-pos-ing a ho - ro all bristling with fame, And big with the weight of a sil - vor and gold, And of- fer a share of his mam-nionto me, If won - dcr - ful name. Pro-posed, in a mo-mcntof bland con-de-cension, To -J-:3 t-t-^—t- Ei£EE£EEEiEzEEfE:iE^ ::t=:: -^r --^- -H 1 1- —^^K.— ,^-x ^ SUPPOSING. •JO.) J==|~=f* ■Mir-m-ihi-s i*:^=N -^^-i ^^—^. ,z.-^# _f»-j i- 3^Si^!^§^^i^ I totlionnlo of nivsolf would ii-firt'i', I wuiildn't.wtiuM you? givo me luH hand uiul a lit • tleatteutiun,! wuulda't.wuultlyuu? I I q — I ; 1 — -I 1-- -.- a:: ^^zurrrr ^_Ef^il p~^^j^MM^ wouldn't.would you? wouldn'tjWOuld you ? b^zi^rzjrg ^:S:#- :t:d ^•5 :qr=r ft i^EEEt^:? V::^.*-* ^i^^ feg^ll^i^^g^^giS =1: =~ Can fK])reitaione. $m^^^^ 1- — — t-»a — ■ :n=ft:::t n^ir :it rJitorS 3 Sup-pos - ing a y.outh,with his heart iu his eyes, That shone like the light of the ■3z $=^^^§^0^S^^-m^^W0 Andante. — Jt- -■TS^ ±ci— -C9- mi m j ' ■:;; ^' 111 *|i: 14 fij 200 ftUPPOSINO. L-lrrff: uti: W^^^^^^^^£ :}»r-ff; — i^-c luaii ■ ti ■ ful skieo, Wutilit prnrnisc to love mo throii^'h iill hid ^'lal\ DE CABIN ON DE MISSISSIPPI SHORE. !DA =N— -*t: — — — s 1 — — g * :^Eila-Lz=Jg--ar^i:=z::g.- ncb-er see delmppy times no more; lit -tie pic - aninnies yell'd au' cried ; 800U we won't be workin' a-uy more ; When we lib'd in Lou-se - un', 'niong de But dey's all done ji^row'd up big. an' haa When de Mjussa calls us home to de I %-^- '-^± rj~^i:zl:zqr:n :«^q::d^ -Mi-zt -^^s-y^^ -^-^-ja: ■•if3----«- -^-x .^==1- g^Eg^g^gEE ^=^ --*- *— ^i •(»: H: III i: ' f ' :hi^ II ■ . I ■ ■ • ( ■■=. i m 208 DE CABIN ON DE MISSISSIPPI SHORE. ini .4\ ::^=^-=l: "*" — :i~-S~ ^"^-— N— f» :?i^:p^:::s:=R: V:;=K- — _— — 11— —^l— i— i— *_ S- rcS: r^ blessed cot-ton fields, In de cab-in on de Mis-sU-sip-pi shore, cab-ins obdeirown, An' some ob de tender ones hab died. Cannan's happy land.Whar de darkies am a shoutin' on de shore. Den (i ? -H — i- =1: n::: — «- -J5— S--- g^ :=|: q-z=«: ■5- T=^ ii^i^ -8^Z=*L - , ^- wipe (i^ * a - way de tears from your shin - y nig - ger face, EEE:*^z^*z^5-=EEErt=if.^tEE^EEEiEj An' p 9 — *- -| zizz:zz\zz i qiT^ J N —m-ns — f^=^": -JK—K ^=iEi^«H*ESEiSE^ 1^=1 55^ r; itz.'T -:t2z:ifcil2: don't you go to mournin' a - ny more ; ____fr_rmmmimmmm _ I But hand dat ban -jo down, an' I'll rtz2d: :=f 5«^ s;; IS" i^:?=:l ~^mm zM: ^S:^^iw^S :^. St- J •— <^ — h ■ -— F— I* — m — 1 ^' m -^ ^ ~l^"~ IS m f - r^z play a lit - tie tune, 'Bout de cab - in on de Mis-sis - .«ip-pi shore. '■ -Je DE CABiN ON DE MISSISSIPPI SHORE. VBORV8. SOPRAyo. 209 Uzr^tc ■—^. 'Jf^~ m don't you go to mourn-in' a - ny more; But hand dat ban -jo down, an' I'll -i=B:- ^=^= :^^=s: --S-— *- don't you go to mourn-in' a - ny more; But hand dat ban -jo down, an' I'll I^S^EIffEEffE 1=2Z don't you go to mourn-in* a - ny more ; But hand dat ban -jo down, an' I'll ^ ^ ^ .^ :p--=p: g:^.T^ — t?— k— t?: -( 1 1 1- :2i: litzdt --e=e= r~ r- UtizK: ^__^_ -*—-*- :^=:=^==pc=:?c play a lit - tie tune, 'Bout de cab - in on de Mis - sis - sip - pi shore. -^—-^ =^=q: :^5- :^ lit :^ :^ :^ :^ -^a: -^ -^ -^ -f -^ :^. ' play a lit - tie tuue, "^out de cab - in on de Mis - sis - sip - pi shore. :^-4: play a lit - tie tune, 'Bout de cab - in on de Mis - sis - sip - pi shore. I K S K IN K !.f|(i'; ■•-I' n •I :ii ' 1} 1 1' i ■fv ill hi 111 '/■ m •I 'PI i' ■ m.-J: si, ^ mi .■■.' ';MI - -If Fffit 210 DEAREST MAE. FRANCIS LYNCH. L. V. H. CROSBY. m -j«-" ._ // Allegrrtlo. 1 Now Nig-gors, list -on 2 Old Ma.-; u ;,'ib me a 3 Onde banks ob de 4 Be - ncad de sha-dy, --1 — / z-fi^nz 'i r** P :^=^: :^-^= :=1S-=Jt ::^=zs="-=^ *— SZ.-i=z:s- i 11 to mc, a sto - ry I'll re - late, It happen'd in de val - ley, in de Ilol-i-day, an' say he'd gib me more, I tank'd him ber-y kind- ly, an' rib - er whar de trees dcy hang so low, De coon among thar branches play,while de old oak tree we sat for many an hour, Ilap-py as de Buz-zard bird dat J -X-— — I -*-■! * EEEt i5: -^- -•-j?- :=): r-J- ^— -=^= =f de :rS-:sz=.-s: :^=K: :g*: ole Car - li - na State ; Way down in de meadow, 'twas dare Imow'dde shov'd my boat from shore ; So down de rib - or I glides along wid my heart so light an' mink he keeps be - low ; Oh, dar is de spot, an' Mae she looks so flies a -bout deflow'r; But oh.dear Mae, I leff her, she cried when boff we part- DEAREST MAE. 211 qz ^ — 5_r7. ( ^ hay, free, neat, - eil, I al-ways work de hard - or when I tiuk ob lub - ly Mae. To de cot-tage ob my hib - !y Mac, I'd long'd bo much to sec. eyes dcy apar -kle like de stars, her lips are red as beet. I bid ray sweet Mae a long farewell, and back to Mas - sa started. H :;i: -zX:.-. -^ j^ ^-^-^. fa;i_J jf_ -^"^ z — 5~— rzj ' 1^ . — ^_^1 iP • * _& - — j_^ — -S-tf- Js-J rnnit rs. soi'R.tyo. 2 ip^ :=3: :=^= r— n^: Oh, dear - est Mae, You're lub as z^-zim— : de day. Your ALTO. d^: -zsi :^t m Oh, dear - est Mae, You're lub - ly TESOR. as de day. Your :2r:i-=zzr ^X 1. b^ -Jiz -.■^zi:^- : Oh, dear - est Mae, You're lub - ly as de day, Your It ASS. 3EiE^ ■:W-t . ''I !i .'!!'■ ''- • I' Wi ill W, 1 eyes are bright, Dcy shine at night.When de moon am gwane a - way I i^zri^il^irS. :=1t=^ iSi3S'==a ^i eyes are bright, Dey shine at night.When de moon am gwane a - way ! -t^ >^=- --A- evea are bright, Doy i^hine at night,Whende moon am gwane a -way! — m--- m- ^^^m^ '^M I ^ ■ ::. ;:!■ "U m 212 V XA Moderato. ONLY TO SEE HER FACE AGAIN. JAMES E. STEWART. 1 ^^^EE^Ei?±**'f£l^ 1 1 m- iqmz.-: -^^tmiJ^ legato. m^^^ mz !->_ ^^-r. EE: 2fe fe=^=^ r»<. ?^^ "y -:stl -^q?^- I I ri: =il=r-«i i^ ^^ -^ mz A tempo. rtr=g— rii. tn iffris; =3^1^: — *ibci.T ror^z: 1 On - ly to see her face a- gain, On - \y to hear her speak, , . . 2 Ou ■ ly to see her face a- gain, Fair as the stars a - bovo, . . . P K=S fe=^:=gi:^ :il*: K=^ S^^zSznalrg: a *-* On - ly to see her smile once more, On - ly to hear her speak On - ly to hear one lit - tie word. On - ly one word of love ; , 6 6 She was as fair as a - - ny flow'r, Full of beauty and of grace,... Sad was the night when we part - - ed, Down by the old trysting place, . . . \J w . \ ( m ONLY TO SEE HER FACE AOAIM. 213 cnonus. SOVRANO. mz A U mpo. mz ^mmwm :=t ^=-■^-- :Sizz qr :iiiT=pr=:p; itazziiiz— ;?— t^— ^b ^ On - ly to see her face a - gain, Full of beau- ty and of prace ; AT.TO. :&- = 1!^==^: :zi=r^ =1= :»==^- :iJ=^^— J— *— *= 2^ On - ly to see her face a - gain, Full of beau- ty and of grace ; TE\on. i=2^s= 4- :i=^^ Itzrlt:^ al-B*: ^ ■+- On - ly to see her face a - gain, Full of beau- ty and of gr:tce ; BASS. =P=^=-(: ^zzW-- ^- ^_^^_^_^_^j. > ^ -=i--f tf^±=e=s: J • * — ij — ^ z^dt ^r »/ Wf. «s b*=:t F=^ ?3^^ :^: :=S= :*=it One lit - tie wish is all ask. On - ly to see her face. . ■rr:q: E*i-:^EjE^^^r=^z=jEi: :iJ=:S: One lit - tie wish is all ask, On - ly to see her face. i? fer^^^Si^ii: --ziz :=t :»= i ^jg g One lit - tie wi.'h is all ask, On - ly to see her face. ^d^.^nr. fHE»:4i=:^--3-4— U :=1=:=t 3*z::5*: i^^^^^ Niur fi m \ 1 1 y ; 1 ■ : ] I ! ,1,1 lif* I ? ' 1 .! '.I I l« ;. 'M 0, nii ms'u 1 1 1 if' i ? M 1 !f S it 4 I §J' 214 Wr A HUNDRED PIPERS. MS. LAYS OF KTRATHEARNE. J- _^ AUrgrrlto cnt apirito. - \ ^ ammm^ u_-. If: TSMZlt :^tt m ■i/Lzizz ^-^. "it*" 10^ ^ s ^^ ::^=s:: --^r-^r-9>- ^EE^EE^ ^^^•-•zrL^S 1 Wi' a hundred pipers iin' a', an' a', Wi' a hun-ilred pipers an' a', an' a', We'll 2 Oh, wha is foremost o' a', o' a' ? Oh, wha does follow the blaw.theblaw? Bonnio 3 The Esk was swolleu,sae red an'sae decp,But shouther to shouther,the b)ave lads keep ; Twa x»=1: =1= "^-«:r-^*-5~^ :=^-: --m=^at- — i-r— I 1 — id r- ■•- -m—m — m — = -^-^-^: K ^^mi ■■=t: =1 — S 9 > i ■^ ^ ^^ -^— g— •»— sr :d— — 1^ — I — b^ — t* - I — *-a=g- s- F-^ — ^— ^ f up an' srio' 'em a blaw, a blaw,Wi' a hundred pipers an' a', an' a'. Charlie, the King o' us a', hurra! Wi' his hundred pipers an' a', an' a'! thousand swam oure to fell English ground, An'danc'd themselves dry to the Pibroch's sound P4: --=^- mf i :=:(*: 1 1 1 — i-jj Bq. a^-«j==*i --1- i ra— =f -Mz=:mzz m h ! K I =t — I — I — I 1 — ^■ :iq."&=t=z:j: __i _J I. a: :i J. :g: -^ -•^r? :»=(?=:r^ Oh, it's ower the bor-der a - wa', a -wa', It's His bon - net an' feath-er he's wav-ing high. His Dum - fun- (Icr'd the Eng-lish gaw,they saw.Dum- :^==BL=frr:zr==!t|:=qr=3r-jr -•!_ . --^-r^=-,EE£^-3 Wr A HUNDRED PIPERa 215 time::: i^^g^E^^i: :-t:ff: ri^iizt:: 3=^ owor the border a - \va', a -\va', We'll oil an' we'll march to Car - lisle. Ha', Wi' it'a privru'ing steed inaifit sceiDri to (ly ; The NOr' wind plays wi'his curl- y hair, While the - funder'd thev heard the hlaw.the blaw,Diimt"iiuder'd thev a' ran a - wa', a - wa' , Frae the ._] 1, .. — , — ^_ , — , : — 1 — {^:^z^^^m ( -?- 3^?^ ereg. ^^ -ig:r: =1: -M-^SMz -■r5=«_d_ z: 1=^= 3 3 =3=^ P ::JC^=1fcqi^ :*:-S: ^^^m^^^^-^^^ yetts, it's Castle, an' a', an' a'."| pi-persblaw,in an un-coflare. [■ Wi' ahun-dred pi-persan' a', an' a', W^i' a hun-dred pipers an' a', an' a'. ) mm i .rs: 5C:S: (&^: ZI3~ =1= ::5t:=5l-il: — s — 1- -M=m :S-- ^■. -^—^- k I iS: * :*: :S: -^ — •= IS I -1 — I — I- IS I _q.— :^ s_ | i_4 ii ^:^=:^ i*--S r^jT— ^-jzrj hundred pipers an' a', an' a', We'll up ^^ -^ -m- ^ -m- ^ We'll up an' gie 'em a blaw, a blaw, Wi' a -*• --t- -d- -—I- -*- -*- - ( I=z^rqv=l^r}al=p i*~5: t=1z=::^-r^^: hundred pipers un' a', an' a', ■-1- i Ili-^S ai^; ■S^-4V I I IS ^^^-^u^i- w^-»»-# ly *1M"T' ! ; J' ( ' '1! \rm s<-(5ifli 216 Moderate con esprrasione. PASS UNDER THE ROD. MRS. DANA. ?ilMi^=@^ > — >»—*»- -s. — ^ K — >»- :e=;5=: 1 I saw the young bride,in her beau-ty and pride, Bedecked in her snowy ar - 2 I saw the young mother in ten-der - ncssoend O'er the couch of her slumber -iug 3 I saw a fa - ther and moth-er who leaned On the arms of a dear gift - ed d?=r.-iEr P ^- ^=:=jt^—^- f ^^ n* ^ — ^ — -X — =g X : !'* pi :^fc=ft rmtz-Mz :i=il: -^--<^- :S=ri!: -K — s- :i=3=---i.l=il=*=---ir: ray, boy, son, And the bright flush of joy mantled high on her cheek, And the And she kiss'd the soft Jipa as they murmured her name.While the And the star iu the lu - ture grew bright to their gaze As they ^^^^^ m -X- dtr^^ij: :*n«tz«!: t — ( < I fu-ture look'd blooming and gay ; dream - er lay sinil - ing iu joy. saw the proud place he had won : And with woman's de - vo- tion she O ! sweet as the rose-bud en- And the fast-com - ing eve-ning of t^^-S^ rtz: PASS UNDER THE ROD. 217 ^^,3^i^3^^g^'=^:3^^f^J=i-=;H3EE^^ laid her fond heart At the shrine of i - dol - a-trouH love, - c'.ir-chid with dew, When its fra-grance is Hung mi the air, life promised fair. And its path-way grew smooth to their feet; And she So And the anchored her hopes to this per-ish-ing earth, By the chain which her tender-ness fresh an: ^ ► — *- 1 wove, there, sweet. ii :::s:=S--: T- z^^zz^=^=^z :js::^ :^: k ^~^ ^ ^ ^ ^ But I saw when those heart-stringa were bleeding and torn. And the But I saw, when she gaz'd on the same love - ly form, Pale as And I saw them a - gain bend - ing low o'er the grave Where their 3 -* — » — «— 3 «— — «- P I ^?^—^— »— g — •" J- -■=i- je- — *- ismz*- .. ii :i . :^= cliain had beiMi sev- ered in two, mar - ble, and si - lent and cold ; hearts' dear - est hope had been laid. She had chang'd her white robes for the But pal - er and cold - er her And the star had gone down in the m -*- -*- T- -S 2i£§-;^=E^3£ m zJ-ziAz pp mz % 15* ^4f PASS UNDER THE ROD. ■i-r- 8al)lc'H()t" griif.Aiifl Iut Moom tor the imlcneH.s of woe I IJut tlic Heiilor was tlu>ri.',p(iuriii}^ boau-ti- fill hoy.Aiid thetalf of horsor-row was told ! ]iiit the Hi'alcr was there who had (larkiu'ii.s of night, And thojoy from their hoitotn had tied. But the Healer waa there.and h\i =!= it7-e-- ! J Et.=«= ■g— X— g— X I ^ ~ *~"^ — ^"" -^-z^ir-]^—lzz :e^ S-- :*— *z:E balm on her heart, And wip-ing the tears from her eyes ; strick - en her heart, And talc -en her treas-ure a - way; arms were a -round, And he led thera with tendercst care; He To al- And he _k ^-_K — K-1 ±^- 1 — ^-=1- — I — (■ -IN ISr -■^-^■^i^:=^-r^--;i. zsr ur - y ir -jg-^. i^^jTif^: idti^zjin::^ 1/ v -^-0z-j ^l» --*zzj^ strengthen'd the chain he had broken in twain, And fasteu'd it firm to the skies! There had -lure her to heaven he has plac'd it on high, And the mourner will sweetly o- bey. There had show'd them a star in the bright upper world,'Twas their star shining brilliantly there! They had kW^^^^^^^^^^^ -~^^- ^^^i=a^^^5 ^^=f Dal Sfg .ft whisper'davoice — 'twas the voiceof her God— "I love thee, I love thee — pass under the rod I'' whisper'd a voice — 'twas the voice of her God — "I love thee, I love thee — pass under the rod !" each heard a voice — 'twas the voice of their God — "I love thee.I love thee — pass uuder the rod !" Dal Seg -T^- 219 THERE'S A LITTLE LEAF, DEAR JAMIE. OEO. COOPER. Anditnte. JOHN P. DOUGHERTY. :;^r L^EE: -is»- I — m — ^ ' yVS&'T^- — T~s — — 't--^ — — |— ^^ — — I — ^ r-^ — -9 -2?- C'-' -^^^&-' ^i^^i^iiiiiiti^^iiiiii g^=i=-^=p^i=^ i^^^lll^ 1 There's a lit - tie leaf, dear Ja 2 There's a lit - tie leaf, dear Ja 3 There's a lit - tie leaf, dear Ja ±z=.-. :£fEEt :s2: :5^ - mie, • mie, - mie, 1- And I'm And I Keep, oh, x rsn .. • — «:._t -m — ^ ife: --«- I :^=± :^r=d: fcfe: :=!=rqF ^^=^ ZO- -j^i T- q=^ ^EEiEiE —r:r ^ »-• sending it to you, . . know what it would say, . . keep it, love, for me ! . . In a let - ter o'er the o - - ceau. If it could but speak my mes - - sage. Till we once a- gain are hap - - py *EEg==^- «=*pi±^=^±i^=i±ig i- :#±:*z: m — m- — i * ,- gg - :^==i=: ' -ft-Vm- .■II ■ \ ■ n ■Xi i t: 1 m Hi I'tf f '•ij THERE'S A LITTLE LEAF, DEAR JAMIE. ^^^^p^iia^i'M^^^iigia From our t'u- thor-land »o trut' ! To your heart 80 fur a • way I In our home be-yond the sea. 'TJH a bit of lovely Hhumrock . . O 'twouhi tell you of the sorrow . . . Whon you gaze upon it.darling, . . . ^^i^HP^^?^ ^gi gg^=E^p^a;^s^^^ mz=*-=^ yzri^ir — X- ± 3-P=t: -± :s: ?5: ==1 « • • • From the sod where we were born, . . . And the blight upon us all Kiss it ev - er warm and true, . . . And I And a How a -.-+> Em w^m^^w^^m^ ( J ^-s--- J=: j-*--- ■m-^r^^.:^z*z:^ rif. .!?=p=^=^-^g: IB^fE^i -T know you'll smile to greet it, thousand tender mem' - - riea thous^and times I kissed it, For your heart must be forlorn ! . . To your heart it must re-call ! . . . Ere I sent it, dear, to you! . . . ^^-~ m ■G>-^— ■*--■ I '■^=^-4 t::zl=z:r^=i^J^ ^-i:^-:r'*-i--^g^^^cS-T 4—1 1- I I PP rif. s s * fe^E^E^ l^ii^S^ii :=!= ^^^. il^iti fe ^^^''-p= --T=^v ■! '6 cinmra. THERE'S A LITTLE LEAF, DKAW JAMIE. A r-^-. r--4- 221 Oh, tilt' woa - ry, weu- ry waitinjj 8inco you kiBH'd nifswoet a • dieii ! ^^3Tj^p^-^J31fes^l=^^fp=J oil, the wca - ry, wea- ry waiting Since you kiws'd niOHWi'i't a - ditu I *=ei! ::==^ Oh, the wca- ry, wca-ry waitiu;^ Since you kiss'd me sweet a ■ diou ! y=^-l\ — irr^rr^ rFi— ^ - 4- ti-j5^3=5 ^-5ggi^^-=feiiS^£^^feE.^^lg^i?g^ r>^: :?=i: ^— ^.iiig-. ::2z: rrpr^rzrp- ^r±=fc-ti=ti::i£~e a Keep the lit - tie leaf I send you, For 'twill whisper, dear, I'm true ! (I -^=^=^ q:=: -a i — J— J— *±a^^± i^ife^ 5(=ii= :i3 Keep the lit - tie leaf I send you, For 'twill whisper, dear, I'm true ! -jziTirm. -1 — r F^P'- p?3^r-« :t=:t: -s*- i Keep the lit - tie leaf I send you, For 'twill whisper, dear, I'm true ! t: rxfe-lrff: -*-- :ti H« — ^ :t=:=1: l^^giili ^=st. ^ :^^i=* :1=:=t: :«==g=r i^i^.^iS^^^iPI tfc=p S'-'-S'- W=x |Q_. ^^ .|^ ^^— ! • -f- Q^ y ^^ g^g=H^ ^ fe[ iii| I I'' J;, i 1Wv ;^f!i O.). AT THE WICKET GATE. GODSHALL. Andaide con express, — qii=j»- — I K y u ■>— b- GEIBEL. Bypft, A- gain I will go to the old wick-ct gato, And a • lie gave me this to- ken, this jew - el so rare, And he €T^'^-^— j ar U— <=- -S- rg -^^. i lone I Avill dream it all o - ver; Look down on me, stars. And paid, '"dearest, part with it nev - er, And if I dare hope for a "ij 4 B m eres. ^^m dim. poco rail. ^^ a tempo. 'J ^^^^^ tell me my fate, Just wh:s- per a word of my lov - er; Yes, treas- ure so fair, In re-turn, oh, be mine, love,for- ev - er." In my T-^- Mm- ^-- ^-rgy- -X- £ d- poco rail. a tempo. i eres. -y — 1»- dim. 5^ crea. din. P=^ tjZ^JlL ^ whis-))er so low from your home in the sky. That no one can hear it, but heart there is min- gled both pleasure and pain ; How bit - ter the tear8,shoulu my AT THE WICKET GATE. pnco rail, a tempo cres. povo accel. just you and I, Oh! way tlnit tome for - cv - cr hell \>v, Dear lovo be in vain, UliI is it this yty and rap-turcs for nie, Or (Urn. a tempo. rrex. S7 -^■=zw^-.:m. ritzztz: j^nrn accel, 5SS stars, just as true and as faith - ful as ye. Oh! say that to mo, for • is it a dream that with wak- ing will llee? Oh! is it this joy and ^i^^^^^i ev - er he'll be, Dear stars,just as true, and as faith-ful as ve. rap-tures for me, Or is it a dream that with wak-ing will nee? cnlJa voce, marcnio. ^ moUn mil. m^t '!C-,:5i ^ ^—^- = : :5t m ^^ ^^ — * \fyH K >■■. . I •4 ni n 'I m it j 1: ! > i.^iii H ■^^i i U^M ! I; ! ill r i I! n; 224 SENTMAN. Allf(/rettn. JOLLY JACK TARS. BAKER. By] .6-91^ VJ -iS= ^^^1^^^ '^ — 7=J-- :zt m I. .I()!-ly Jack tars arc we, We sail so bright and free; Yeo . . Ho! So '2. Leavingouriiative land, We seek a for-eign strand, Yeo . . IIo! A -X- ^ -s— a=^ ij. — Jr:-;g-=fiji a -J^ ^s -?- s^ ::?»*: *=S*- ":JE ■HS»— ^-»H ^ bright and free, Humming a scrap of song, AVe gai- ly bowla - long, for-eign Btrand; Gathering treasure rare, We fly now here,iioAV there; 1- ►W^ fcnii =^=F =[:: z^. S=- Yeo . . Ho! We bowl a - long; A-bovc us, the sky so Yeo . . Ho! Now here,now there; Jjut ev - er, where'er we -4:- -^-#3*-: fi ^e=*: ^m clear; . . . Beneath us, our ship so dear; . . . While round us roam, . . . AVe think of our distant home ; . . . And of - ten d -• V^.J. -•' ■JL ^-:^ -^ V * -^ ^^ -^:^^:^^^r^l^ zg: ^^^:^ ^^^^ ^^^^E^^^ ^=-^=^^^^ 2^\^F^ JOLLY JACK TARS, 225 =^f: :^=^==(«= ^m 4^=P=£ P^^STi^-^= ^Litr^ S-X -' the ocean rolls; we call to mind, . How can Kadnesa lill our souls! . All the dear ones left bo - hind. W*- i-^^= j^"3 9":.^ 5^^ Chorus in unison. ^ «-3^— ^-»--5i— 3=*^5^- r^tz^t ^i^E^^E^^^^^^^^ 9FT9^ ,Nil' ii ' 'f if •,'■•1 ' 1,! .: ! -it I &53^ P ^^^^^ it= jjy.Tgr"' tf= ^ glee! Skimming across the seas, Before the fresh'ning breeze. Singing still as we ^^i^^BE IP^^ ^ — s— =Ky- 3=:5=^9 -it-?^ :'m; 11 m 3 fill ■;■■■* >'■ < ,;:'^^;■ mm I ^M I MMM \i M ' 226 GOOD-BYE, SWEET ROSE. SONG. WILLIAM EOOSEY. Andante con grazia. FRANK L. MOIR. is ="3 ^ ^"Ei^ -^2_ I »/ :^&"^S^^=^^^ * red. ilr il, Hi' Ipl w^ B E§: Good - bye, sweet iJh ra??. f^ :*=*= S « 1-1 liig -+~t l& :^i /» gi^^ Fed. -iS>- :it Ped. * Fed. m\ &%^ IS? rose, The Au - tunin wilids are sigh ^^m 'W ^-^^ i^ :s2. ing, ^ B i^ ^^3 ^ ::sji :S: ~S31 "Cr ^:l Copyright, 1884, by Hubbard Bros. GOOD-BYE, SWEET ROSE *P= 227 Muriu' raig a niel dy th^ rs= *S*~^ S=^-5t=iC UQ to -+- -m — ttz your lU ^=s: S2.Z ZZ2Z :Z3Z red. 4e red. ^Sj, pm mosao. * Fed. ores. tz9=j: -« J«- :ai dy Why lin - ger here? ^i 4f5=^ -5-^**~ ijts "|5f--»: ?^P pa'-=^= - -. ptu mosso. — — ' =1 b|s 1 z:z3r- mf 1 -tVfi ^ - -J --^ ^- — — -\ 1 1 1 ^\-*-^-^ — z=i :^ a- /Tj — S H \ vt — — — ^B ^B m tJ ' The snow is nigh, The win - ter :i i ^iir^i&lzzDB: J»M=J. 5^ §^z a^ i M ra/?. mosso. "m -:-: "'*"** I 1 ^Sm-- m^ Fed. %i of cren. rail. bye, ^3=i: good - bye, ^ •»/ crea. @S ^P=g ^^E^Et =^ : ^ a T3- J- T ^g-a-g= : a ^ * Perf. * Ped. ^4 ra7/. dim. -bye, good - bye. a tempo. f rail molto. tr^- m -Q- 'T^ :ff=ii r "•/ ggi 4—^: =?= ^ *+=*^ Ped ,^ :ie Pcrf. fc?8E * PeA =^ ^ ;, the years draw nigh, when ^^^l^E^ ^7 :*=l-i^ r==-^^ s»- .-^ (•- ^-— « 1^ -42- a T^^-t: ^e:e ;i^ ±=::=#: Copyright, ima, by Hubbard Bbosl li '^. 332 ^-9 f - V=^ REMEMBER NOW THY CREATOR. :lg *- 1^ . . wlu'it thou Hliiilt suy, At *• when thou shult my, m^ thou . . . shall say, when thou, when tljou shalt »ay, I have no \^\ - ^E^ ?-E^=3E^-Efe^» =t I have no pleas- ure, no pleas-ure in them. #»A: ^iE ==1^ ^ ^ pleas-ure, no pleasure in them. B£^^E3!^ ^ J , JA^g^i^ *«:?: ^A- -^ *^ no pleas - ure. Re - mem- ber now *.«j 9 * 1 3i: »»S: * d f«* r ^Eg i "X~13j»- :Z2= -8S^ REMEMBER NOW THY CREATOR. 23.T 3e:e5 I P ■t Ko - int'tn- bor now I »A- *ji ^■=^: =*=i=S=S= thy Cre - a - tor, in the days of thy youth, ^^j^^^^r?fe--:f M?, 'slEgEE^ ^gE :i=g^ ^B: »/ T Jl- bfcl «-J=ff=pz ±r-_rt: :ff=*: ^^ :*=*= -^= E?.Ei^ thy Cre - a - tor, in the days of thy youth. re-mem- ber, -it— ==S=^ ^^ while the e - vil days P^ ?P= -i^ = r^-''^ 1 ;tr=:=t^=::^=jj: -» X-g< zm=sm=:^^if=*-- -^^= crea. \ 1 re - mem- ber, :7=2= ^- 3:^EEEi, Utzts zttzzmi re-mom -ber now III: thy Cre - a - tor. iS=^-S= ^*- come not. nor the years, the years draw nigh. 'fh 1^ a :at=:ij: :p=:p: _*^r3= T =i^ ::22= ^ re - mom - ^ J 11 L ^ 21 r CTM. P^ ^ — -, 1— _C2j za; :^-t=*: 1?3?i ^ f>, to ir 14 m m I; \^tl' 234 REMEMBER NOW TKV CREAToH. :i^: the (layo, the days of thy youth re ^^ m q= n^rz:S= ber thy Cre - a tor, re - nieni- bor, ^. -i9- ^mm^ (Tff. ■ —\ mem - ber, -.^i=ez -mzzz^ =t re • mem- ber, re- mem-ber now, re - »:§^»i cren. '01 =1= =1= paz •^- re - mem- ber, tS.*! ifep:^ re - mem- ber ' now. re- mem-ber :*=»: ^^ --ii=^- ^ftr-=ff: 1 1- cret. -CK dim. »r"i: afc=»: - mem - ber now . thy Cre - a -t- tor, in ^^^- the !:iJs dim. rcii ^ now thy Cre - a *^^£=^ ^- S=i tor, in -4- . the days, in the dim. l^Ii mi -Sir IJSfc -gst REMEMBER NOW THY CREATOR. 239 't^i^ m- SEriE: /< (lays of thy youth, re - incin • ber ^: 3ti=3C P /»)» E c? of of ^^ P/E» I^S i -^ t ^ thy youth. ^ thy youth. r^i ;5 * r ^^1 -t— >- a ~=^ ^^^^^E^^ Ko. 2.— 16 Pcd. i-w,ii4i .:'!iq^ 236 I WILL LAY ME DOWN IN PEACE. SOPRAyO. A ndaute von moto. HENRY GADSBY. -/2- ?=^ ^^t^ K — S :3= AZTO. IEEE P I will lay me down in peace, I will ^-EiE^E^t a:^=in -*— ST :itz=i^ TENOK, P t?=»3 i-*^^^^*^^ tz=1S: B^«.«. i 1 -I J I will lay me down in peace, P q?±=5; =^=^ I will ±:1?:4: -r— *i ^ Andante con moto. I will lay me down in ^^$^M p *=*— i— # -r :?:*- -o- -(22- ■:^ — * * ^^- -t- H ^— P^ :t=r I. I. I. ~ir=W- --m~ zs=rJi lay me down in peace, I will lay me down in peace, and take my =] 1 ~^ - z7-^=^z==^—^z -J^^M ^M .^mi i^ ■A -4- -Jdz ^S^ --it— ^ , _ _ lay me down in peace, I will lay me down in peace, and take i^y ±=.-=h±t :ti» — fL 3=?= ^1^^ lay me down in peace, I will lay me down in peace,and take my :^ — ' 1 u :*.-=i:^ :si :?=: ::22= :■>— ^ peace, and take my rest, will lay me down in peace,and take my z7: d=±=d=- ^- -*=s= ^^=5t f ^ I I ja F-^^ :^: :i V_J_JJ_J. r E :S=«!i P-^^"Trf^ ^ I WILL LAY ME DOWN IN PEACE. %^i «/ 2:i7 :^til!M& _=at3tat: rest, . . for it is Thou, Lord, ♦»/ a -=Z ou ly, OH - ly Thou that zt?=^: 1 ^ - h-1 ^ -.m=M=:Mz ^=? rest. =^=^ for it is Thou, Lord, 4- ou =-^ ly, on :1= i^ Thou .t^n^: 1^-^:1^:)^ ^: :^- ^^^^ that rest, . . for it is Thou, Lord, t* ?i tlE q?a*: -t» y i^ -t:: on ly, on j_y Thou that -(^ E^ X P X ^ -1— gjl i :^=ci= =X— P— J^ ^^=^ :c±: e izit 2zi^ r s :5*= i:3=.~?Ed2i ^3 mak - est me dwell in safe - ty, that mak- est me dwell in safe - ty. I will zz^:: "^ i*=S=3: i^ ir-=i?= »-9— t- -r— »: WE^&^i ^^e :?=: mak - est me dwell in safe - ty, that mak- est me dwell in safe - ty. I will Ltrzt --B=ez -^— p -p- g=:g: -I h on 1 1- ly Thou that mak-est me dwell in safe • ty. i =«=if ^ :^:=ir- tfs -s*- ^s J J*S.jL J . J_J_J zai g ^ ;:. t 1' • I i . I J- SI' ' I' -N »ij I M>, i. •■' , I' I I'fc . 1 iig J. I'd 238 I WILL LAY ME DOWN IN PEACE. :|'^=:r^ W— •— P= m lay me down in peace, I will lay me clown in peace, I will ^5 =f: -" \ — rhrri 1"^=:^^ :SP=ir '^i^^W- --^ m\ lay me down in peace, I will lay me down in peace, I will ^ iS=x=ir :e=*: :p=»= =*=«: *=* I will lay me down in peace, and take my rest, will :g= -9±^ ZMZ=M»Z 25^- .a.- =^=f= :p=!?= ^ — I 1 1- ^2= 4-i r =P=i~ :S=2: * J ^= .»«/- gi i- :^zia: ^ lay me down in peace, in jieace . . and take my rest, for it is Thou,Lord, i?^=^: 3^ :tt=fs=r^ :*=*=at lay IZ2I lay me down in peace, . . and take my rest, for it is Thou,Lord, Z2I =*=*: T l« — T i^^e^ S l±; Z2: me down in peace, and take my rest, for it is Thou,Lord, S -» -y— t^- lay me 1 i down in peace, and take my rest, for it is Thou,Lord, m T W^ =»=S= ^ r -<&- A^ r r< ■ — I 1- — I W «•/ _i2_ ?^ JTJ=i^ r r r r J ^ xT~x I WILL LAY ME DOWN IN PEACE. 239 -l> 4 ^^^:-' ^^'- Z2I Z2r :ff=S: on ly, on Thou that nmk - est me dwell in ;>- :S= "-S-"" '^~ on Z2: :?== :?2i ly, on - ly Thou that raak - est me dwell in fEt It ou ly, ou ly Thou that niak est me ^ 5:t:*=l- si: :^ ^ 5-0 ^ t^- *£2^ I I I I 4 :i .4=^ =F i^zrc :ff=S= :P=i= izzt =1= _cres.. ^ safe - ty, that mak - est me dwell in safe - ty, for it is Thou, Lord, cre9 =S=i= safe - ty, that mak - est me dwell in — s?— safe « — «- ty. for J2 1?=z=ff=ai: J!=t. =S=*- _: -tr-g- :*=•-; E^^ -« — *- ^ si |1: I li 'ir 1 ; ;^^''i rp\ ir My "Ul nw i 'i I r f !<1 I J • , 1 li * (1 tC" 1/ I j I " ' ill i' 1 J i if) M 'M 240 1^=5 Hri IC2 fe^: ^ I WILL LAY ME DOWN IN PEACE. --^- :i-=i: ipai CTfS - 1 • cen - J^ ou - -ly, for it is Thou, Lord, 1 _] on ■ ly. for it cres - is Thou, Lord, - cen - Wi"^- ^ ' '^- -A k 1 A r- 'J 1— [_j v—^ — ={=! w --^^ — • — •— —d- -sl- -* S *-^ it is Thou, Lord, on - ly, Thou on - ly, for it is Thou, Lord, __—— — crea - - - cen - 1^ ^ :i=^ i- crea - t.ep :*=ri= izz :?2= ^P^^ izii it is Thou on - - ly. Thou on - ly, for it IS ■■iS-T- 3^ zm=zmi ^^ ::2= i^ i cres -* :;: • fe'H i tt J: J. -I iJ. 5ES -g^ J J. r- ~-^~- £ "gr- i - do. zSrzzMz f dim. jO ±z :z2. I — I ^ on - - ly that raak - est me dwell in safe - ty, mak - do. f dim. p ^- JZl. m on - - ly that mak . do. f est me dwell, dim. ^i mak &^^:e^ -jcJz do. dim. tt g t=m P 221 Thou, Lord, on ly that mak f ," ' 1' " ' r — r - do. J ^A J . f dim. "^^r i P %^. ¥^ zsz est me ^ est me :^=S= est me ^ 1 I WILL LAY ME DOWN IN PEACE. 241 d?- f^-jc. m- dwell in safe - ty. will r\ L. ■ ■ l/) " 1 "1 ■-1 ^' - >^ 1 w" ■ ^ aH -J-, — - — « — _f _^ — ^_l ' c ^^ • -*- dwell in safe ty- I will lb— : ^ :z2: -1— dwell in safe -«- m- I will =P2= vt7=:s ::»-: lltM :zfSi2=:!^ ^cy^f-^rr^ i _(S_ dim. ran. L?z!?: ^^ -(S- m lav nie down . dim. rail. in peace. t; lay :^" =1: m nie down . (Jim. rail. in peace. r-^-7 ■S>- ^ f^" lay ^i2; :i^=- nie down . dim. r(dl. in peace. -?=2Z 1T2-. e 1^21 ^ Jill f^rf ^ dim. -^^-^ rail. r ^ 'r r 1 ^ fc'^^: zrzpz i_^-»:rp=irm ■»-"P :i^^i : r ^-•- Ji -- irh-,^ 1 1 ' ill 242 THE TRUMPET WILL SOUND IN THE MORNING O. F. R. G. F. ROOT. > ^ ]^ ]^ 1 Oh, we must iie read - y 2 Be sure that your ar - mor 8 Yes, ou till we draw the I by IS last night, strong, breath. For For For the the the P= -ti r n ft K s K 1 V *f r» 1-1 1 ^ "^ Ik 1 1 w _.. A ^ m m 'm S ^ p 1 S h k. k. ^ — S==S— r — ^- — £-^S^ ^^ ._ J . . _> S p n 1 1^ ^F trum-pet will sound in the morn - ing; trum-pet will sound in the morn - ing; trum-pet will sound in the morn - ing ; 1 1 1 "We must work while 'tis call - ed the Nev - er mind tho' the bat- tie be E - ven sing at the riv - er of fi^M * *- — * *- ^ _«_!_'»_ — ^ _ 1 ^^ ^ -^ r. =:t:=4= _» m ^ 1 _i 1 1 19 — 1 _ 4l r — ^mamSZ — 1 U 1- 1 H— n tt Is Ik 1 1 w #^ r- -V- — 1 — ^ -s ^ —J — 1 m — ^~i~ ^ ~~J^ f' ,• — • — V- ^ m -1 \~\) . . ^ • 1 • light, long, death, For For For the the the 1^ 1^ trum- pet trum- pet trum- pet 1 will will will J sound sound sound ,4 - ■ 1^ in in in i the the the 1 morn - ing. morn - ing. morn - ing. >W\t i^ _S__ 9 W . 9 r [^M c^ . —es -& — - — •— — 1 « — Chorus. r :S=t= T- Oh, the glo - ry shines up there, Ev'- ry hill ^^. and vale a - dorn- ing, Then \r:^=^r=r%zn%z :^ :t ^ :kr-f= WE^z m )nP?=r =iT=# d^^=d^ %=%—%l ! 1 ^ ^ -■^z I press right on with all your might.For the trum-pot will sound w==w=^ z^=^. It :t--=t2: i=t in the morn - ing. ^ ' .m .f^ — •- I 243 JOLLY LITTLE CLACKER. Modernio. GEO. F. ROOT. 1 Spring- time brings the 2 Througii tlie noi - sy 3 Blue Bird and the 4 Move vour nim - ble Rob - in mar - kot, Swal - l— =&i m — — ^— =;? - 1 — 1 — — w — -4=- ■ tz ^^^^ '-'i=B' fi«3t|^ .-n-- hap ■ py lit - tie Swal - low knows his - on the crowd - ed side - walk, 'noath the Rob - in leaves his (piar - ters hour to come ; com - mon's shade, deep, pine grove ; =9- But His I peo - pie could not do it if they tried all day ! 1 This s^=»- (■ **— — P— • — P — ta '^i- — I 1 — * • - ^ ■^" M :S^=J=JE not a bird is tru - er to his time of com - ing back Than the tramp-ing feet for niu - sic in their march-ing can - not lack, While his know from whence they start- ed on the hap - py home-ward track, But where morn the first of clack- ers, but a liun- dred know the knack, And to - kg-JL — h — _ — ^ P :5=*S ^=r --S — 9 — r^^ jol - ly lit - tie clack - er, with his-. nim -ble, lit - tie fiu - gers play the Liack.clack.clack !, click, all the wm - ter, sleep - ing, stays the \ • night you'll hear them an - swer with a ^ ^^W=W: =F=»= ^-^E^^i^i ^ *^r --izN- :f=S=«^ 9=^ 1/ 1** clack, clack,clack ! Jol - ly lit - tie clack - er, with your clack,clack,clack ! 1^. tz9-: :4: :iC=*: =F=* i Copyright. John Church & Co. By per. Hl| 244 MRS. M. A. KIDDER. OLD SAYINGS. N. N. M. I. lillii r-"^::^::-"^^ •» — m — m — m ' * 1 As pour us a cluirch niuuso,As thin aa a rail, As fat as 2 As pure as an an - gel, As neat as a ])in, As smart as 3 As clean as a pen - ny. As dark as a pall, As hard as a porpoise, As a steel -trap, A.s a niill-stune. As rough as a gale. As brave as a ug - ly as sin. As dead as a bit - ter as gall, As fine us a li - on, As spry as a door- nail. As white as a fid - die. As clear as a cat, As sheet. As bell. As ^~-ir- as a pix-pence, As weak as a rat. As proud as a pea- cock, Ao as a pan-eake. As red as a beet. As round as an ap - pie. As a her- ring, As deep as a well. As light as a " feuth- er. As Ifg=:^ ^_^ > j__^ ^^- :S=Si ^ — g^ — I 1^ IS a fox. As mad as a March hare. As strong as an ox, As as your hat, As brown as a her - ry. As bliml as a bat, As as a rock. As sharp as a nee - die. As calm as a clock. As :1H::i^tzlv=:t« ^-:?i-:tt::t?L-z:jS:z4i- ~0—af—m- * '-^ V^-^- H fair as a li - ly. As emp-ty as air. As rich as a Crwsus, As cross as a bear, mean as a mis- er, As full as a tick, Asplump asa partridge.Assharpasa stick, green as a gosling. As brisk as a bee — And this is the end of The rep- er - to - ry. \M *JACK AND GILL. ' A RESPONSIVE CHORUS. Tenor, Soprano, Alto, H. L. H. Bass, - Jack and Lit - tie Nim - ble Cure - ful Gill Jane Dick :Mat went up the hill To draw ran up the lane To hang ran up so quick, He tuin - took up the cat. And flung o not like A cat Then came a trout, and flounced a - bout. And made 'Twas pike and trout — now in, now out, 'Till when this ill when Jack and Gill Went for Whined one young pike," I a pail of her clothes a 8 And all Al.TO, bled her here his they that oer in in gills both pail a the the to went of wa - ter; dry - ingj tim - ber; wa riv rat un wa ter; er;'- tle; der, ter; - SOPUAXO, Tenor, Bas.^. ::}t =S: ■ * — ^r ■■ ;--' ■- Jack fell down and broke his crown. And Gill came tumbling aft - er. She called for Nell to ring the bell, P^ir Jack and Gill were dy - ing. He bent his bow to shoot a crow, And killed poor puss in the win-dow. The fish - es 'round came at the sound, To sec what made the splat-ter. " Hush! hush ! she's dead," an old pike .«aid,"And I will eat her liv - er." "Leave her for me a - lone," cried he; And then there came a bat - tie. An eel slipped in, as sly as sin. And car - ried off the plun- der. And Jack fell down and broke his crown. And Gill came tumbling aft - er. • Copyrlglit, John Church & Co. B.v per. 24: GLORIOUS NEWS. L. O. EMERSON. L. O. EMERSON. ^ r=\z -Jpz L-r=--'.r=:bit=zi:iziti=b_=i:!z=:E 1 Oh, liave you heard the glo - rious ne\v.s That's round the town to ■ 2 Ma - ny's the isor - rowing time we've had, But such we'll have no 3 Now.thanks we raise to Gud on hii^h, For this great blessing I —I — zj — z]^lr_j — Hi — 4-t — ^ — ^ — i^ — ^ — ^3 — i^t . — I — 3 — ■ 1— I 1-4- w a.— ^ --■i-' 5_«j_! — ._5_.Ei«_: — r_ri:«_L ?_ — la Jic_^ -^ M-^ -J -■<^- — =t -=:^r --=!-- ^^ f :-i' ■ duy? more ; giv'n; "I Fa - ther has .sign'd the pledge, and we Are For fa - ther has driv'n the de - nion out, And And earth to us hence - • forth shall be The ■«=ijfeSzrzr:n=E "3--7 iii ^J^=iE| ->- z:S=:=X=.— J^^^, It: --^—m- W^ hap - py, light, and gay. lock'd, and barr'd the door, entrance door to heav'n. No more we dread his No more we'll want for Sing loud and full, sing % s— -«— i— r- -«- i^i?^^i >-—— b"--^-- 5 3* CMM A- ; » It. li ■'li; .f :'w ■■' ;:(i ' 24<; GLORIOUS NEWS. { com - in;^ step, But food and clothes, No clear and free. Let spring to greet him home ; more we'll mourn and sigh; hill to val - ley call, -■^ ■-^-. -s^^- Moth . Our And :rzi5:iiJlr=::*inz£F hM z^-=.-g ^ gES - er has wip'd her tears a - Avay, And joy to us has come, home shall be a home of peace, With ev* - ry com • fort nigh, bear up - on the wings of wind. The glo - rious news to all. -=1 — --=t ^^ _q — ==^^^ i*:-^ *' J= .-4- :=|: -s). ;. -P^ 3*: =5=^==^ % g=x- -si-=+ ---s=^ i^il cHonvs. SOPRAXO. -■^—t :f2=t:zff.-rzn=?=z& 5: :ff=»: :iti.Tt:: t— Oh, glo - rious news, glo - rious ucvo, glo - rious news to - day ! ALTO. S--=l=: 4— i)=zb=Jz-::=S=^ -^-- =S==i: B—S- :iitizr=ij)=i;: Oh, glo - rious news, glo - rious news, glo - rious news to - day ! TEXOn. -4=a -±~t=: '-^i- a :=*.-=!: ty l=p=^=Ei^^^E :t ' — I- ^i Oh, glo - rious news, glo - rious newt', glo - rious news to - day ! BASS. E^Ei? -.^=z^---tz p=:»-i:zr:»rrrz2=crz]: ^S :— P2zi -Jf i GLORIOUS NEWS. 247 :i=r==t Ji_L _fc_w_i: t^-zzi ^zr^t Hg^y Fa - ther has sign'd the pledge, and we Are hap- i\v, light and gay, Ftt - ther has sign'd the pledge, and we Are hap- py, light and gay, ^^^^^^^^ :ti=titi— Fa - ther has sign'd the pledge, and we Are hap- py, light and gay, zM:=zM: :^=^==|: i*r=z*: mz 1: c^tzr:*: ?^zf=q5zq: :Sz=5Z3 ^^^^^'^SeI^m^e Happy, happy, happy, light and gay, Happy, happy, happy, light and gay. Happy, happy, happy, light and gay, Happy, happy, hajjpy, light and guy. 3f:^k-«-zr:n ;=tz=1i<: :ii=i<: ^=i:B-€:±=eL--ez ■^—v- Happy, happy, happy, light and gay, Happy*, happy, happy, light and gay. ^ I ^ I ^ > ^ > :«=:*::z=*=:*: :*=*=:*:z*=*rA- 5EE5E5EEE"E5E*E"E'^ ■ r! .' ' rt i=r=1zrz-z;=rfr q^3P= ;l=9 t^Egi Fa - ther has sign'd the pledge, And we are hap- py, light and pay. ;P==:i^7ifE2iiEi=*EEiEii*E^EjiErEL:^EEl q5=i=Si=i: Fa - ther has sign'd the pledge, And we are hap- py, light and gay. i ^ :»— _-p: -t— Fa - ther has sign'd the pledge, And we are hap- py, light and gay. :^: }t==f^— -n^d: ^> ^ iEEEi=i=*EEEp -m m m-^-^- Uli^M^p^E^d m 'IlH THE FLOWER OF LOVE. S. H. LAVE. H. O. THUNDER. -^^ !r:Sz-r.-— Jiii«~fj^rr=1---2rJ. U'lj'itn. .*_*_-?-_p^-__ :t:: iHl And nut v. 1 Till' r(isi-l)ii(l iintnldiiiu' its hiaii- ti - till leaves And l)iiris-- ^~z^- --*— -q- :^:^=_ A' -• " iy — ki* ' 1 tlow'r, ■ way, If torn fr'>ir the stem whore it -i - lent-Iy j.'row, Will And I'lat wiiiih might be the de-light of a life, May *1 — - 9 -jT i ^lz'y~mrsz^=z.€z !— ^: -S- rif. droop and do - cay in an houi-, be but the light of a day, •— ' m — •■ tJ i ?^EE£ -3- -•- rit. &1~~m\ izrJ'^fc •25^ ore». But loft *:';ore Mi'touch'd. in the For, ':nee i)e - ing onish'd by nn - =s— - Sh THE FLOWER OF LOVE, 21!) z?- :=r. / :m g- S* 5 irs -;H^-^2I'~^ ~^ •r li^'htan'l iIkmIow. Uii- diH-tiirl)M in itii del • i - cate hlooni, kiuiincHs and clian<{i',lt will rtharu tlu' frail ro - .sc'rt l'att>, m^w^^m Will And mw^:3p^^^^m T. / 4^^^^= ^^i i^yQXlffrfri liil£^2=S£jEi=^M=sp5=5*r=c-i long sooth tiie sight with a ten - dcr delight, And ghid-deii the air with per where had been .suuuy the sweet inu- sic of love, Will sound the/ ^ 1,^-*= I ir: It: -a- -17-fc 1 1 ^ — M •-r J— 1— I— i— ^ ^---r-] — I I i I ^ -< ii=il:ieill -^: -^: -?=?-- f^^-t i£^- "-ii:.t:tr-zig^: ^:* -*-^- -;?- JS"-r- i?^r Si u I I 'I ^^ll m ■If 1 ! I m ■ n •Ml'i :iK ? !' .'11 * 1; B ^i. .ill V,' :^'-.':-t:.;ii! •ii •IbO 'TIS HOME I LONG TO SEE. GEO. M. VICKERS. Antldntv ran c.iprcasione. J NO. P. DOUQ cYERTY. tr -iq=E?2=:=r=;:»£Frf z=Jz:EE::i===|==E=^ 1 Oh, would 2 Oh, would 3 Could I ]== that I that I but lay ^= :=ni: ^'^EEE^ i gai -^- -iL- were home could see me down — (•- £; 1SP= to - night, To 1 ?el once the cot That hides 'neath to reat, Whera yi'ars gone * T- m »«e: •©- -r- m ^fa -«- -*- :^::rt: uiii*^ IP>^^ :?=: more ros - by its eg I've — I- spell, . wild, . lain, . And share Or hear What bliss [^i^; zr ~0 H 1 1 —I J m- — I 1 — 8ra., the Mifliles and the feongs, no\T ful peace wc uld ;=35 :S=izz: m^ i7 6a88.9 marcatO' z^ElEB — I, Et.p :i-:E i»1 :g!: 1^ glanc half sooihe ^rr — I- — I- es for the bright "Ot breast ':Mz =::r:i=ir:=:p=:Er£s±f?'-:?~=iiE=- Of That That those lull'd now zziziz me is love so when a torn with well ; child ; pain ! :^: 1^; :.S=i czzz^zzz li :^=^ :=^: :gt zrz::^--E=:a^ :=::£: :^=£^"^ cahindo. zzzzzuzzzrz^z ;=^ ^:= P •■V-- J , 'TIS HOME I LONG TO SEE. 251 ■4— T~ Z^ziA-z^ mi :p= 1^~ ■-"tr: 1 r 1 — 1 8i:rt. Tlie drear - y days go slow - ]y by, No ?ceiie l)riiig3 I care not tho' the land be fair, Tho' calm the' Per - haps ere long may come the day To find me ^~m^sz=r== :ff= ii^ -r— -r^^ a tcmpn. f ;Ql: ( -j=B-^-J^z "P2I ^^ :^2= m joy to me; . sun - lit sea ; . once more free : . ^ts=-j J. For one In vain Ah, then sweet spot I gaze •with joy a - lone I on beau - ties I'll speed a ■ 122:1 ^-- I^ZTit EpfEFg — I J — 45 m—^ ^'^SmS-. f^^^^MmM. -j._. -m — I — t=*: E^MEE --^; :C- =t:-f?: :^ ( sigh, rare, • way. 'Tis 'Ti3 My i_ T — home home child -4 :ci: I long I long hood's home to to to :^=^ :==E=*-- I see. see. see. I§:=:zzfeSIr=EEIg~ -ft^- lH :s E^EEEEdE^E^i*= ct^- -»• — ^— ^ aiP^-'~t^*- *"= ill :g— r-: -=T- It-:: I ! ; ' I (; 1 tiy It' ' r ('- I Chorus or Solo, ad lib. SOLO. m p^~z:-cz~—-.^ :q -zrgzrtitr:; The drear ^E^ifeiz!! :z2: rt-t: "*-::S-^ :^— zt=:t 1 Lie SOPHAXO. ays go si ow - -4 -4 ly by, No scene brnigs joy to ?^=z::4: ALTO. TEyoit. **-"--*: |L«ElE^EfeEIE^Ep?ElE5EgEIL^SEpS^ -i?*- -s-l e :7^d: 55d7: ^Si^ BASS. :±~4z: :^-5-E*=:g=r*Efi?=^-|(EE ^7±-4zZ I \e '4 252 ^^—ES^BA 'TIS HOME 1 LONG TO SEE. ZT ^'~ Iff: :f=z:tit :t^ ^^^^E^^^^^^^m me : For one sv.ect spot, a - lone, I sigh, 'Tis liome I wiil^^^^il^^^^Egiilii ^^-- y^: :=tzrzz:^: :ci.-z=J»-t =^===1^5 :c2; l^^i?=?=pilg=:^E=l long to see, . The drear - - y days go slow - ly ^^=g-~tSirtz^-~i--jt Ji^-i: — -t;i ^-ir=izi:: -/ mm^^^mmmw0M^mm SE=B?l£^=SEr:il?l :?=: by. No scene brings joy to me : For one sweet A- iM^mmmmfMii§ r- ,»—r-m :zi:t iv- — I — 1— r~" r«. c^ — f»— ;=— *— F-;^ i— y— g=i=g-^?^- F=1; zrzzrq-i :=ci: iillllim^d i> spot, a - lone, I si.rr r- ntrrr- t^^ si 1^=^ cres. p ^^^^^ eyesComes where si-lent homes have becn,'Neath the cool September skies, When tho beach, Where her f oof steps late have been. As we Avhis - per,cach to each, When tho heart; — I have woo'd and I shall win; We shall dwell no more a-part. When tho nj-j-*'vv JTTT^ l^-fSZ ■- '^- -^ tSE -3-^--'T'^ rre.1 - cen -\- — «- ^P pocoralt. corn is gather'd in; 'Neatli the cool September pkies,When thecornisgather'd in. oorn is gather'd in; As we whis - per,eaeli to each, When the cornis gathcr'd in. corn is gather'd in; We shall dwell no more a- ])arL, When the corn isgather'd in. WHEN THE CORN IS OATHERET5 IN. 257 k=J2=J^" dim. 9>zt. =I?=PL :»z=^- ^^^ Gathered in, Yes gathered in, "When the com is gathered in, When the ~=\ ^ E3»E3 ^^^^ S ^^ ^^^ m w dim. ^^^e^^^Se Gaibored in, Yes gathered in, "When the corn is gathered in, When the S^^ p ^^Eg -J^ — F nr m e dim. p riLJ g^^^lrgg^g^^jTB i=g 4g-^-£^£ Eg :5^ (ftm. r£i: •lii i -iS> bread up on the •/ 3^ --gr feg£=5 (fim. g:g|z;^pr r^s:: 3SC "23— jl— l^j ^ !at-g4 * :*f ^. ■Mi; I .If: !'^ I ktt , ' i H [if ;■ \w i.'l, • N .1 : !••■ ■ I'Ifct ■11 ■#r 'il 260 CAST THY BREAD UPON THE WATERS. :njs. :^ -.;g=£Zjf: ^^iJl^ffe^ wa - tiTH for thou shall find it aft - er ma - ny ihiys. 1 M *♦ ^i.«: XT — T tf^^il wa • tcrs for thoushalt fiml it aft • er lua - ny (hiys. (^ast thy r-jl-*— 1 1- -s? ^ «!: r-5° »-- 1- :4:: -SI- :^ lei: ■i^ ___j^ — .-, - _^„| r :X^ -!=^ -^ ^ ::^i=5=i;zti z:£l^ =22=?2-ls&— :?e=^ =& :z2z :zi?i bread up - on the wa-ters, cast thy bread for thou shalt find it =4=1-S= tf ^=:1= :ci: T bread on the waters, for thou . . . shalt find it -^- l-s*- ia_ .rizjiirrqi lli^P --3SI iET •^i?^ ■3g-- =1^ -^r=l=-PF==f=r iSJIi ^-;^. ^- C::f:5=r5=:=3: ■t C7- -£?- m CAST THY BREAD UPON THE %VA"^ERS. 201 f^fcpil -^ « tf ev'-iiitij»fha •> to night? crf.s - - een - - (/o. . •/ rH;::i22i -+- m~md-m^-^-\ -»-< — I ( — ' — ^-\-^-'—m- ^- Brmm, Brnim, Will ho come ores ----- cen - - do. . ^•^ I ; I LJ -\ -I — I — h c :^: J > r to - night ? ± --s*- AVill he T"^ come to night? . . jn-h^ Jf L arH— *— ^- — — ■ ^ I — t— i— ■—- !-^^ I ^ . — m "^ -\'M — '-^ — — — •i-'*-K"-!— *-4»— - ?3^S :g: cres. /"' ' ^ J S P :=ap^=i- ±^=d=±zi7j^:tz:=*»:: :ff=*— iT :s=t . Doubt - fill - ly drones her wheel, Doubt - ful - ly drones he" wheel. SS=i^-^ =*=-'!*= 12^ ^= :fc=, Doubt - ful - ly drones her wheel, Doubt - ful - ly drones her wheel. ±1 H ti^- J^ — P: . Doubt - ful - ly drones her wheel, Doubt - ful - ly drones her wheel. ^ P -^h-- ^'^ :^ r*^E3^ ■jCIZ >-.— J i^^ -=t i^=i 4 — I 1- •'v^^-^-^X""' *" A' r ^-: -r= p — tf — t ==t^=^=h — H-t==* SONG OF THE FLAX SPINNER. 265 AUegrmncnte. m ^mm f-- :=?! ^-3 zW-~ Brnim, Briniu,Brinm, IMer - ri - ly goes hor wheel, Weave.AVeiivc, "Weave, The :b= 1:— ^g,^_*=^»^^ :e-^: :t=:rb:tr: -i»- -IP — 1 Brinni, Brnim.Brmni, ^ler - ri - ly goes her whccl,Wciive, Weave, Weave, The AUrgramcnte. ^ f W^^. -=s=» Mi^mm :|>; ill ;!;!!■; i mf w- -s— ^-=^ Jr— 1^ :-ft=tz: -tN dtztt mf The twilight's here And the luo-meut near "When my pBpd^zlJc :*— J=!?: The twilight's here Ami the iDo-nient near "When my r5Ei^-3H ^ (S — -J flax sclides from the reel. Br mm. Brnini, flax glides from tiie reel Brnnn, Brmm, \h[ %'■ !iii.i \-m I ' 2GG • li::^"-: -.::^z^^:r^z SONG OF THE FLAX SPINNER ^ — !^ — ^ZIK_| . I ^ — ^ — ^. =^z=^ -s^ love will wait At the dark'ning gate,Biit to-night in i>lay I'll notglunee that way, I'll Hot love will wait At the dark'ning gate,Bi't to-night in play I'll not glance that way, I'll not z^-z.^-- ~-^~- :P2= Brmm, Brmm, Brmm, Brmm, 5=4= '^^z -I Brmm, Brmm, Brmm, B rmm. glance . . that way, I'll not glance . that . . iE*^^S glance . . that way, -^—^- -s — =1-- not :§•: m :p:-» :52=::i- rparzz: — I --t-- Brmm, Brmm, Brnim,Brniin, Brmm, Brmm, Brmm, Brmm, -/2 '^ m Brmm, )■ '=^-Ji-- ^=1= '■im-^'^-0-m-r^- MEH5^Eia:S:£^ta;fi Bniim, Brmm, Brmm, She'll not chtnce ■'TS m-l:^: ■IS-' -IS-' -^' P J|u=t=^=t=:::.-J:t»=::^ 1^ =*=:* i^^ -•:;.!f:*i^ r^. ithtUn:' SONG OF THE FLAX SPINNER. mf ores. ■I -=>-— =1— =1-JJ=^ tr -I H -I 1- S^ ^^|^±^^ 26 r 1m- way. m h *. "" ■ I'll not gluucf cen - - - do. . . that •/ 1 4: glance i 5;:-22: thht way. . . '» - - rfo _^ aj-^^sr "Sit^ Brmm, Brnim, She'll not glance . ores ----- cen - - - that . . do. ^-9- I i — t-t- f^ri^Et ^=± .j._*_j„,/a^ JZ i^ that . . way, that wav. rfcfiiff: :t=r^t :e= / cres. •/ r-^r ir ■)'!![)! jill ■ ( ^. f ^ ::€: ^'^ ~:!S*z 33'-f^^.|:^. way. Joy - ful - ly hums her wheel, Joyful- ly, j<>y- ful - ly hums . . . her wheel. P -f^ -A - crr.i. 11^ :S-:zz^ ignzi— iC :4^::=1==M t-^^ aSEri^F* mm Joy - ful - ly hums her wheel, Joy-ful- ly, joy- ful - ly hums . . . her wheel. glBsJ truss.. , -^J_.5?^ / -^- & -r — I r r — L,— I — tf — ^ — i^—-=i:j-^ 1 ; ■ pi, ■ !i.f-.|iti Sis t}68 COHC OF THE FLAX SPINNEH. Lento'. Brmni, Brruin.Brinm, Sol- eimi-ly j)urrH her wheel. Vain, Vain, Vain, Nu ?5£±E igir: — IS — s- zmz± -Jz Brmm, Brmni.Brmm, Sol- eniu-ly purrs her wheel. Vain, Vaiu, Vain, No I i?== 1 PPP Lento. 'g=i: ^^ ijr:tf=lJ='g-i-]:_^gzl:=S7i:r^*^^S="-ft :•?■= :|=: i^^g i ;5/3p ?8=d^ i^*—*: 2^E^^ :»^*r:p=:»:i?; Doth her lov - er wait. At the darkening gate At the -^E^E^^^ 2*1 :1^-i Doth her lov- er wait. At the darkening gate At the Bri^£^:3==s=*^- flax, is on th(^ reel. Doth he =-'===fs- '-2*: _^_^_ :^-1=ii :g^ m :P:r?=r|?: ■^z::^zzit. % flax is on the reel. Doth he -X— 3- _, 1 4;^ ^g^ti Ej ^^^^ i^jpifg^r:» a^^l J * r^SfS --iV- ^*%UJ^ ir~ :^: l-^-^ _-(?-__-*-j:*_, "P r] t:rd?j SONO OF THE FLAX SPINNER. accell poco a pnco. dark - ■ eii-iuy gate ? JK l-l g^ — ^- p» — 1^ I 269 No, ho softly treadd O'er the flow'ry beds, And tlie accel poco « poco. r^_7«_ :*r.JL: >=r?r: Ig dark- -eu-inggate? No, lie soft-ly treads O'er the flow'ry beds.And the accell poco a poco. '::ijtr^z^^3t: wait at the darken-mg gate ? No, no, lie soft-ly treads O'er the flow'ry beds, And the accell poco a poco- ::i^^:i I^E^E .- — -)_, ^ -^^-Lt^^ accfW ;)oco a poco. W^ ^ s r s :t=z:^-Ji».:=:t fe :|B==N-»: ^^icr^ :ff-± £ in .i>i'Hi 10U cfn do. :fc ^:^3i^S^ f f AUcgramcnte. t2Zl!-iZ±^. f3 =£?#?: :1=: knows? How, How ? wlio knows? Mod dim. p %^^=^i^^ ± jsii :t=: ^i — I- ost ly, -=1-S— =!- H h- 1 S=^»=J« ii^SE S knows ? How, How ? who knows ? Mod - I'st erf.i ly. (/ini. JD ^i^ K J cres . ^ :?= zzuxn: t=»=?;»s SS ^'iV. dumb's do. :r-r-"-r-"- fS^^p- her wheel, ^J^^^5=- J. ^ ==ffz=p-'_:g: F- H^ Mod - est - ly . cm _ . . . do. durab's . . her wheel. Mod S*^EE^ :ci=:^: >J_ Mod - est- ly dvinib . cen .... do. ^~e-^ ± -^m:± ± is her wheel. Mod --mBi -H S .T^ |?=fipi=ie±=:- :t Mod - est ly '-^- ^- i3^-f#*ra^ dumb's . . her wheel ^^-uw~ r^ FeBr=; pi^ ± — — Mud - -:&•- s-- Mt)d - est ^^tB i=i==^ Mod p&n^e: p^ p -t=:rz:=d=;& SONG OF THE FLAX SPINNER. =t— i?^ -J^rj: 271 - est - ly dunib's her wheel. Mod est- ly 1221 est - ly dumb's her wheel. Modestly dumb, Modes tl' dumb, . ;*:: -^-X- est - ly dumb's her wheel. Mod - - est-lv dumb, -t- i y— y- y- :ff=l?=»=e-i M^yLj^ est - Iv dumb's her wheel. INIodestlv dumb, Modestly duml), ^ \/' — ' ■T — I — I — ^-r— I H -n ■ I i .'^ =' ^-^ m vh^^^ i sempre dim nl fine. Ky r-?— 3 F :?c=1fc:^-:l 1-1= P^ 1 dumb's her wheel,Modestly dunib's her wheel, Modest-ly dumb. =- sempre dim al fine. 122. ;Il==?:=1V=^-::1 M-~m2 :c2- -si- H^^S^i^ ^r^ nempre dim al fine. z:^^i=t2=tz: :c2i i3^*ii3±lE^±lEt =^s 1 Mod - est-ly dumb,Modcstly dumb's her wheel,Modest - ly dumb. . -=- "" Z — =— Kempre dim al tine. '-f- zm=ri T»-»» ±L-&± t :4: :^= -C?: I^l^li -(S?--»- sempre dim al fine. ' \ ■ .. M ■I \ '. Ilia !1SU'^ .1 ; I , f i' H'['. 272 LET THY MERCIFUL KINDNESS, O LORD. m 'Mi^ soi'itAyo. J. BARNBY. m m- m 4LTO. Mt _ TEXOn. JtASS. ■Bi^i:?j5 Sis: -^^. -J50: ^^^^11^3 "^-^ e~ --^ — \-^.- J — i — 1^ -(S> — (© — ' -«> &- m m. w^-"^ I I ^z:i=:^_r-zic5§j=^ .d'^cS^^ i ^^^ — ^-^ — ■-^- — "^ t^ _g- -zzr . T=7- "CT "'/ ^ 1- 'ttJ— Siizisl: i^^^^^^=r^ ^^^a^^ p=^ Let Thy luer- ci - ful kind ness, Lord, be up - on /?h § :^ --^_:: i^i~i^ ^ — 1— . "T ■'! p — -^^ ?i_; •—m—rzi" [l_s. 1 _ci=: ^ ■^c? -^^ Ets^- Let Thy nior- ci - ful kind - ness, O Lord, he up - on :iA i ::22ir :p2=p2; 1=:ti: :t= 7^1=^ i— Let Thy nier- ci - ful kind - ui'ss, O Lord, be up - on t==l= --122= ::i?2-r_i:p2i :?=- If: :s2: i^ Lot Thy mer- ci - ful kind- ncss be up - on u^^: **!;: r^-^:^::: ^ '"/ ' ?■ -IS- T- '-SSZ ^Sz ::?=^=^= ^ ^::a^^rz^--^- ^£3: i^::?: -ari : n -_t=-=::4=:; S^Egi Copyright, 188J, by Hubbard Bros. LET THY MERCIFUL KINDNESS, O LORD. 273 *r^l m^^^^r^^m^^mm^ us: as we (Id {nit our Iru^i in Thee, .... our trust in -:^=t- -25^ -C=r-^-gr- 1^ u.s : iirt we, as we ir-«:|J:-^t- do put (lur trust, our trust iu rV lA %J — t-- 1^==-^ -I-- :S=t ^^;?^iii^^ipiiiHi^0^:i5i us: as wc do put our trust, .... do j)Ut our tru.-t in WJ^. -£2- H^ ^1^ :q=:rr ^l^EHl^Zt pa=:=^=:e ^f as we do put. do j)nt our trust in :c2= :S E^ iisri P^^ :2=t=q: M eii;«. St _i2 (Q :»i=-^: =p 1^ =J^ ±=4 Sfel :A '^m '-1=3^ =£pg,jj^^ *ri=^^ dim. pp tf ^-4— 4- :a: I Thee Let Thy nier-ci- ful kind - ne.s9 dim. pp be up- 11 -!zr ^ "Cf 'CP- -qi-zq=: :siz--g=: iP Thee, iu Thee, Let Thy nier-oi - I'ui kind - ness, O Loni, be up- ^^ dim. pp ^ -.^ :^-ci: ^^ :^ ± ^iP^ i^ g$i Thee L.r;t Thy jj.|fl4 rfim. ^jO g^ 321 1221 ZSSZ. -«s- -m^^ Thee, in Thee. Let Thy kind - nesa %J T dim. pp r^r &- :_"Z2:i Ijess, O tiortl, be up- . . up- he . =P"-=p=t^ l2. #= 'JSZL -«>- 122: (O- No. w.— 18. I - ''Ml. ■fllil ''111.' . ' ! ■hi \ m \ \ 274 LET THY MERCIFUL KINDNESS, O LORD. ,^-j :i^i^iF^3W ■t- i?ii^^ -«S' gy -, (111 ii.s; liikt! as wo do put our tru.- 2r "^ — :^i II :i bii ^«=i: s Thoe, Like as we do put our trust, . our ^sA -ep' ^ -jziz g^^ :4= -3=:^ S Thee, as we do put our trust, our trust . . fifL =F ^ :^: T===l= :^=i^: ::1: -ct =SE| ^^^ Thee, . as Ave do put our trust, our trust -s* — :?== 12=^ =ci= Thee, as we do put ^tX our trust. our trust "C" =^r=pi _ii2_ paE^EEpfeg^ :J-«J- :^==St r ^^ T rr -.rsi ±^ ^ ^F^ 1 - ^x^ LET TH y MERCIFUL KINDNESS, O LORD. vrf» ' • cen • • do. 275 :i' E3i^T^r^=rf^^lz=^R^-'j 'F^-"l ^3S. truat iu Tlioe, ud we do put 'vur trust in Tluc, in Tlu'c, . crt'» - - een - ■ do. dim. iu Tlioo, Lord, »w Wfs - - rrn - - do, dim. '(&- ..-4 4=1 r^=iea:z ^^ -I :aa-r_:« :pa__i:s: :t IeS^ in 5J3;- -1©- Tlicf, .... an wo do trii>t. in Thee, (TCt - - cert - '/(). a.i (/I'WI. =^^ :?=:: .1--- -_: g in Thee, L^»|: "r r ^^ as we do trust in Thee, I — ,i& — — I /o- a.s :2^ '-G> m. =1; -iS>- — -— s> li^fe f-$-^- -jr^- -i»-ff — I- Pr§ =p= crea t'CU :,=^:rzrgg— =?== :^ :c^ "Tg" I25I ^ we do trust iu Thee. P nu'u, rail. A men. :2i: z^:^: we do trust in Thee. men, A H men. r -!©- -- I p/3 isr -A^ ^V":^' o- .^ '^:5> 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. MS80 (716) 873-4503 "9,^ ¥. i 276 f" M. GRACE. If ^11 f lif^lg Lor■ -^^ (i^ z^—r=rzM~-:^: 311 ZiU- K3B ^ J* Tempo lo. ;ii: :ff:=zfz:ff; -ti^-^ I drift from thee, p^^'^^m ( ifn hi!^=iSj3-arju«=r^st:: a^ -»-■•>-• iiW^^^ :>r3.-z=z--rfc I ETERNITY. ::9 my er ^ ^ *Sj 0- - -m—m -o- T^— r i: 11^ drift from tiar uu- to tlic longo ^lide . I'll • .sl, cast, Ami I lu'ur in clianncfnl swells, Since I've linird the dis- tant sw«'lls, Wlit'n we wandcr'd in tlio dtlls, . 'if ■I ' I! . 1 1:4 :t=" Sweetest tones of niel - o - dy, loatin^ on the winds to ine, iinper'd in the flow'rv lea. -■pUp- 'Tis the sound of silver I ow and nweet the silver List' - ningtothfc BJlvcr m^^^w^^^ f 1 1 •J i,i-i \% t'Ai 'f f ii-i- K > I, u I 1 !• ; ( ! 'li t. . I 2H2 SILVER BELLS OF MEMORY. r Hon IS. :t= t:: le^i jz: ^EEi: 8il - ver lulls, Sil - vor lu'Us. Pil - ver Ih'IIs of nicni- > - m^E:^mmMmmm^4-jm -m — (•- "t — r — T ^^l~8i: X ^ a^ — ^ — ^ — *-'• ^^;^ :t:r:::_ :=t: ^ - n- Sil v.;r bells Sil ver bells. =3: :i: i-n -^~\- '^ / * n-«l — « — --^ ^ jQ- 11= ^^i^ii rtnjzirt --)--—- > — I — r m 28C- THE SONGS MY DARLING SANG. FLODENCE L. CARTER. Tr (I II II nil I o. HARRISON MILLARD. ( 1 The wild rain is stead - i - ly fall - in^r, • . 2 And tell mo, my sonp - bird, my bless - iup, . . . 3 That heart is but wait - ing, my own one, . . . And the Have you To i t-d-z q==l= :-J^- ij— ^=t: f -1- i ^^^^m: i E^^B -■=i- ;^-*:n^rr*z=:.— *: rzig^^--rd: des - o - late found thro' the pil - low thy iH^ii^il day . . shad - ow dear head -1 — is and a done ; shine, gain ! I A And am V fz= -^ :=t *^i 1 — lH! t-ci: I :*:=»: rm :z^ :^ think - injjf to - nit'ht of hand that pave fond - er if it prows si - lent -_) — . K. my ca • in dar - re.«s - wait - linp, inp, ini:, Who Or Then i=l m :zir^ ^^^ m 11 t • is 2SI THE SONOS MY DARLINO SANO If "B^E^^^zE^ rf>n rKprm [i :jr=: a: m years ! heart know liiive yon that was in the h-ft ten |fol(l h.T (Itr t'n aa tr, hero tru aft \ — ^ — \ ^ — 1~ OlIH, or er, -4 irr Than the Thy -f^ i ,-^: — t: IP^ ilcar voice one that punirs e ^_ §=^=^^^=§^si as was ven rinjj - in<» heat - inji; sweet - er and lor will free . thee, be. . irrrrn: ^^=^~zir- Ah of When yon Than they -t=: ff=:r5=r: F 1 — ■= — r-^— — — i^ m nl.l, Hang were =)- :--fg- when she to mo, when vol! i^ nzr*.— rtrrrr i=t sang in the « t> -•■ ^ www ( bud swell uut iu the 8ot\ Muy air ; Sweetly it rests and on dream-wiugs tiles, To :7i:r5:r=3 (ile r^=:r^-d— trr^-rrzi^zn^i^zi:^^ - _ ''-z\^— — =^_ :_■! — j?: ■! — -1 :_■( — in c^- S' =1: tzzX- --^=:=:^^. ;i it iM ^^^^ ^^^m^ ril^nnS: -K ^- (I /rmpo. iTli.! ■^E^'j mm play with the an - pels in Par - a - disc : And the years glide by. THE ROSE-BUSH 2S7 Sweetly it rexts atnl mi ilreiini-wiiiij-t Hie.-*,'!'!) play \villi llie an;,'. 1^ in I'ur - u-ilifr, I'l .(?._• -L'.'.-P. "f" r-- 1- iv-l |»Iav witli llif an • jrels in I'ar - a - dise, Ami iliv years ^'liile Itv. ( mm^^^^^^^^ Mm tcmjm Imn «y /"' ' . '^.x_ A iimiden stunds by the nwe-huah fair, The dew- y blossoms |url'unic tbe air, iSho (^fe^iilp^pl^prt:^^;^::!:^^^ J I :^=*.- J. Di^<- -•1 — m-^^~.^^^^^*- 1»=S: ■55- m presses her hand to her throbbing breiist.With love's first wonderful rap - ti tc blest, i^: -S( p mfm^^^^EMmm^ m _. — - -h — — ^ . — ^ ^ — _. -_itra--_gz:::3E ;g r * When sung by one ' ^ic«, take th^i J *=l=?£^^=lr^^ :fi;=:^- ^^^^^^^^1^ 3 It: — m i^;;^^ 5^= r :te=it: 3=-| — I — r: Love's first wonderful rap- ture blest.With liove's first wonderful rap- ture blest, .<<,,, c, ......V ww..w. wu. 1U|> 1...1V .ritJTi,, H 1 I F— 4 1 1 F !, ;. r«. P eon esprcM. fcr:^g^feg Er=Fi^j^^fe:n *=g=:g- pr-:=fs r:^^ i£E^t -;:-n And the years glide by. A mother kneels by the rose- bush fair, — 1-^ < p rit. ^ --^ pp tt^- :^^(?: 'J— :=S1 ;*s^l=g^p-.. -J, -^-="-^ :.-p=^ f 7 pp ?^3^i^P^3^^i ;^^ *^ :e ..s=^^« Soft sigh the leaves in the evening air, Sorrowing thoughts of the past a - rise, And 1^ Jt^ 1 THE ROSE-BUSH. 289 tears of an - guiiih be - dim her eyes, And tho years jrlide by. -J— ^: f :«=Jt: i>=4 PP TSr t=ii|: rgg ^» ■*— r- ^- • ^ 5 t '' i I- ^^^^^^^=^^m ^^^^ d?r=f=ifi=r4 Sorrowing thoughts of the past a- rise, And tears of angui!-=!?: :*=*zz:*=:i)=J_ :^ tie pale rose decks her bon-nie brown hair ; Oh, I al-ways shall love her, wher tie pale rose decks her bon-nie brown hair ; Oh, I al-ways shall love her, wher- tie pale rose decks her bon-nie brown hair ; Oh, I al-ways shall love her, wher- iffnz-'zrrffzz-inzg ^-r^^zt z=»=ff= ii -S- :t:=rz=:' iMi^g :1t=K=l^ :*=:a=S: ^ ev er I roam. Lit - tie Nel - ly, the light of my home. ^s^3^^_^^Sl^ :?t==5r: :«!=S: :q= :=^=:q: i ev - er I roam. Lit - tie Nel - ly, the light of my home. . rit. ztzzi :*=ff: :t=: -Sir- -^-^- izTzzrp_z^-s: ^ig=^ V ev - or I roam, Lit - tie Nel - ly, the light of my home. S^ ^^^^ j^=rzft=r ^^ > ^ Lz^irZzzz^ m- I'j: •■lib" 294 I'VE SOMETHING SWEET TO TELL YOU, FRANCIS S OSGOOD. Alliijrttlo. T. S. LLOYD :7':ryZ=:i3g':crr-_--p^*:--r:prt:r ! ; ^ L -r:r^di::zz;:J^nip=,nr-.:.fz"; I l^*_J ^ I^ J ■B: :^. :N5L :^: ::«^-: rit. f^- H }f — b? — jf :SE :«=:»: *::^.z:!1^zi^-±ji r— J- I've something sweet to tell you. But the se - cret you muit ^=g-*^=±:| :=i: i — s — 3 — »-- i=|^ '^— p^MEAz Jl jg m jg: =^^x— *— *- ,__ ._^ . I' ! vj.; 3=s- -j^ — ^-1 - ( :i)-— *; zrr=z|n-rr-pir=ir~r=s:rp^=r===q2r=rr&=-c keep, And re - mem - bej- if it is - n't right, I am .^. 3 — X — »= zmzz^^z^i^ i^=ii^^?^ -» ^- .j. — X -*- M I'VE SOMFTHING SWEET TO TELL YOU. 205 B^^^^^^^^^^l " talk - in-,' III my For I kii (IW I am i)iit :=l: 1^ ^1 3 — X— » ^ - — ^%H--r-:-ir-i---r4 " I dream - inj;, Whi-n I think your love is nunc :i^rr=:^ i:t^.- I 1 I -s-^^- And I I \ X ;=:i- :e=ci=z— 1 ::^^*: :^==r ^=-1-= r_p rffzp- ~ ::t know they are but seem - ing, All tlu hopes that round rae ^■•■■*- ^:=zm^:A~m ^^-^ -Ji -I — 1-^ J l-vJ-r— ]■ iii-^g:^?^ ^_r^=^ ±3L ;r*=rrrp=:^z:p=rr=;S=2.-(:z?2;nz; EgEE-lgE:-£;.^Z-£=--^^-- ^ =^^==5=^=-;^^ — *- EEEEEEEE^ , L :t: :qr=:^: ;^ shine. So re - mem - ber, when I tell you, What I -^^=-Jz :7~^=Jf: n --■=t -X— li^ W: S=i: II t: ii '-^ %:. pi 29« I'VE SOMETHING SWEET TO TELL YOU. i^^rf^M^lliii^^^^^gsl ( can no Ion - gcr keep, We are none of us re - 8i)on - si - ble For U— q: ^0E ~t^} *-x- -■&■ ^^r=: :!,=*: --^- je :-= -3i~;e- _J- I :^E^^ -^ »(- H— X — i I'll H _ X- --e-ti-r=t:z: My pret - ty secret's :?2= =5f — X- — L3»i — «i_trnr -«r^^- :^ ■^l>-> — t^— Ie^ _#_, ^_, r:tz-gp:f:y r- ■ j_ pE^ -3f ' gEE^^ iiiiiiigi^i^iiiii; com-ing! Oh, list - en with your heart, And you shall hear It =i: J- -=r i3 »-*- ^r itii^zr*--: d^ hiiminin^r, I'VE SOMETHING SWEET TO TELL YOU close 'twill make you ^^^f^=f->^- m 2or So f'tart. Oh, :9z —I i — ^# iS" I < I I :.~c g^ E:?: 3l-rr;:i --SI — ^-c*- ( your eyes caru VM^HP drr=' Pj i I I ^;t^— |?.zizi::::«: r F t con rsprfss. >-&•-- ^- :t: ir;r|=f-jr|:^=^=== r=r=iZFzp2 :t: zt:=^f=?=SiJ^ -|— lume will wild weep ; I love you ! I ■^z m J ( H 1 1 1— I I I I 1 l-l H— H 1 F- *r- J U. L i — t-i — I — I — i-m — I- *-- »^ ^^E:!? -»- i J. nrzL — Ti — \z_T_ m — 4;^-i — R i li ■ 1 21IS •ft ' BAKER. Miiitirntn, BAKER. nypw. MY BOY, REMEMBER ME 1. Loiitr a-iii» in drear l)c(cin - Iter Wlu-ti tlu> snow was fall-iii)r last, .MmiIi-it 2. Years arc past, and I've been sail-in:,' O-ver life's tenipes-l'ous sea. Still llie :{. Al- l('r years up- on thu o- cean Those dear words caniu hack aj;ain, And wifli ^^^M^^^^^^ said, " >fy boy,r('inciii-l»cr,rin your friend wliile life sliall last :" I was leav- inj; lu-r un - voice conies to nii' rini;ini;,'*.Iolin,iny hoy, re-nu'in-lier nie." Karly in tlie morn last lion - est heart de-vo-tion Fain would see that face ai;ain. She is now with an-ixeis ^^^m^-^s^^^^^^^^^^^M heediiiijf, Kor a life upon thcsea,And she stood with heart -strinjjs bleedinjr.Cryinjj, wint"r, Cainea let - ter sealed black, Mother's dy - iuju words soten-der,**John,niy sinj^inif. From her toils and sorrows free,Still these words in nie are rinj^ing,".John,niy I «y P-=^-_z_-ZLi=:5 ll^J^J^. ^^^^^^^^ "e^ mi-- --z^ ^-3 E^- 3^: -pi-*- .133 " Jolin remember me."And she stood with heartstrinirsbleedins; Cry inp, "John remember me. son, to me come back." brother's dyini^ words so ten-der,".Tohn,my s()n,to me oonie back." boy, remember me." Still these words in me are ringin«;,"John,my boy, remember me." MY BOY, REMEMRFR ME. 2!tl> aoi'RAxo. . i-^^'i -^^^-^.^E^^^^:^.0^^^^ 111' - mem - her, .... Ui- - iiicin - \n-r, ALTO. , .loliii, my lMiy,i't'-iiu'inl"'r * Et i^^^^^^^^m^ ^ffis^^^^ i-:^ Ili'liiriiibtT JIU', Ufiiiciiiliir iiif, Tt:.\oit. ^^fe^fe=ii*^^iiM;^-iti£^ si Ri'mi'inluT me, HciiU'iiiltcr iiic, .I(>liii,iiiy Itoy, rtiiiiinlx'r n.4AM. * Fx l«==!£^:^fOrZl:^_iell-l^-iff- f:^- ' ;. ?«=* -X- ^£i^ ^p-^-t-^ 5:- ■p P Srr^: icst i^ :1:— - :j^ Li_ -iS^ me: d= ^:^?£^s^Eil^^!=^^^liE^ii mo; Oh, romomlH'r,()li,rt'iiU'mhi'rI.Iolin,my Ixiy, rc'URinbt'r iiio. -W-^rm ^^^^^^33^- :^ -X -r^- -*'-«'-«J^TiP «*tB*^ r^rT -4- 1 Oil, ''•emi'mbcr! Oh, ro-membor! ri'mcmbcr mo. w '^^^^^m /7^ O O remember me, romomber me. 5 ill;- ■ ,i;i? w'ii''< .^00 IT WAS A SONG MY MOTHER SANG, VIC .ERS. UypM. W^l^ "^~~'» - gj " '# ' "p.. r 1. Just now, wliih' ill tln' twi-Iiylit niiiiii - iiiuf, TluTO soft • iy caiiu' .-i-cross tlic '1. A • gjiiii till' iiij^ht wind faintly IjiiMij^lit inu One more for- got tlio' sweet n- m IHSHZ F ;=q:-^ X-- « •-«>- T: EpgnS^^ =pa£g: lea An old, fa-mil- iar strain of mil - sie That liore a wondrous cliarm for fraiii : A dream -y joy eame stealing o'er me, This fet-ter'd heart was free a- — *¥ W'^^^EE^ *y.T*Z.^ if rgE ~F?=:rr: HI ^is-t- i^ r ^=1=^^ dolce. '-^-i-- X g^^&?5^^^^^^ nie; ??'U'h note iin-to my fan -cy seemed . . Some fad - od joy or scene to gain; But no! for me there is no joy, . . . . Yet deem it not a fool - ish S '-=^~ \tm IT WAS A 90N0 MT NOTHEK SaNO, 301 ferf^^^^^jp-^^. .,-i;^^ brill;;, NN'hcii, all ;tt oiuc, I knew it was. .. A hoiij; inymotlii r iisitl to '^in^;. thing Tliat iMlioiiliUiiink uii uiigt'lNaiig . 'riiiiHCHniigs my iiiutlu'riisctl tn i^iiig. T~f f isJ^ ¥tjfl ^_ i ^-f^^^^^=r4 ^ t;E=^H^ ^ Each nolo un • to my fan - cy HoemM . . Sumo fad - t'd joy or scene to ^^Si d bring, Of days, when at her side I heard, The songs my mother used to sing -'^- g^g^^fef!^^ ^- H^^r :^=Sq»: ^^^^ m^m m '^Li :22: nz ^^^^F^ j=± _fe±n I' H 302 m ■i-ri i SOMEWHERE GEO. F. ROOT. ■c?' i _-^ — IS — m — is — s. 1 — I b^ 1. J -4 1 — r Waitin;^ mid lons^inir niy kin<^ to own, From o - ver tlio (lis - tant sea. . . . E'ou to the stops of tl:e jwarl - v gate, Far o - ver the nivs - tic st>a. . . . ,_,_ , . '_ 21 ^ 4 -^-s-^- -^-: =)-- -a^!^ -J ^1 — 7 ^-^^- -^- :i^* SOMEWHERE ! 303 m. m Wliat till)' our piitli-ways iiiiiy liirtlier go, Soim- - svlun'. He will be liiith-f'ul, and so shall I, Soiiie - wlniv, f-Dinc - where, ocjiiie - w here. ir>=-— --?: ::^q^-=r=^-i- eadenea ad lib. Still, at the last we .shall meet, I know. And iiov - er-iuorc j)arte(l be. . IIop"' will grow briirhter, as time ilies by, For he will come home to nic. Yes, he is coming for me a - lone, Some- where, some - where. Yes, he is coming for rae a - lone, Some- where, some - where. v-*' i: ,-1 — =1=1- .^n — »:=t -• ^ — , — i_i- iii^^ ■2^ -m — m- igr-J^S— il=S: >, ^lgllrjE2=&=Sl^?ll -I' And I im longing my king to own, From o - ver the si - lent sea. And I am longing my king to own, From o - ver the mys - tic sea. /r. jr^ j-n ':!r- [y ;' ■'?•' H^f 304 a-i •5 Ift SOPJtANO Adiif/io. p WORD OF GOD INCARNATE. MOTETT FOR FIVE VOICES. P I T Std SOt'UANO. Word of ALTO, p CH. GOUNOD. -I 1- Ood In ^ car - nate, Of the Bless- ed Vir - gin i :^ Word of TExon. p £eE g"-i^ God In "^ ^1. : |=ip=i= r=yz[^_-q=i::r-^=r-p-_^ [. ^_ qi::] car - natc, — I- Of :S=^ the Bless- ed Vir - gin - ^ iT I Word of KASS. p T :?=": :t=: God In car - nato, Of "^=21. ± :t the Bless- ed Vir - gin :t:=::t= rffnrffi ifcE^' =^1 I 5^^i£ =C2: -is- .jj. ^i fEE^E^J fc: EE P a-: n & E^^ -X- p :^ -f^^^ 3^E ^ rfim. :S=^ q»=:ff-— ^ :ci: :*=«: :?=^ I k I III Ma - ry born, On the Cross Thy sa - cred Bod m :W=S= -^- I ! y For us dim,. T :?cr- I men with -JJ- 4- «^ ■gSt :S=i= :c^= i*--:^ Ma - ry born, On the Cross Thy sa - crod Bod - y For us dim. -=4=::.74=: -* — ^ men with Ma - ry born, On the Cross Thy sa - cred Bod crcs. y For us dim. men with 4=t: -r—r- ±= :& -I 1 -^ i S^g^ HH «P- 3E^ :zs i^ 5^i :S2: !■!=* 122 at=^ ^ 1^==!^ CTM dim. m j^;p^p=^=a^ Copyright, 1884, by Hvbbabd Bbos. "ttz:!^: WORD OF GOD INCARNATE. crm. ilim. 305 ->2: p\ ^1 iirrfi iiiu x^ uaild 1 was torn, 1 ^ Thou erc8. for U8 men, fur dim. us men with iiail.s wast 1™ -^ ^ — •<— -•»— :is 4 5 - ■ •»- -^4= -^- -«•- -^-^ I nails was torn, Thou for us men, for uu men with nails wast crci*. dim. Hr— ^ q: ^ _J,^— a=3: :c2= nails was torn, Thou for us men, for us men with nails wast ^ cres. dim. zzm=zm=w- :^=^= w^^ ^ -m 5- — ^^ — — m •- -5-— 8^-^'=g— -r cres. ^^ —1^ @ dim. -I- .^^_ =T=S= torn ; :ct H :ci: Cleanse us I I I I : ' by the Blood and wa - ter, Stream- 'ng. :j?=: 1: -«- torn; ^ ^ ^i,=^ isi- irr^^- Cleanse us by the Blood and wa =^ ter, Stream- -2=^ m£ I ^= r^i: torn; Cleanse us by the Blood and wa =?=: :=i: ;^i3 :g tL :C2 ter, Stream - i"g. :*==«: :^ ^ ■rzK PP --gr ^ i ^trj^ d — X- ^=: -C7 :d=. -St- Lfc :^^t Ko. 2.— «0. 3ee^ !^ -w--*^ 10: i !i ' i I riftl i'{i .'■ m ni'^i I: ■11 '■ 306 WORD OF GOD INCARNATE. zB-=z^ I I I KJ ! ~ I I II U* l_ ' I ' _"— ^ ' I I i>tro!un-iiig from Tli y picrc - t'd .side ; Feed us with Thy Bod - y strcani-ing from Tliy picrc - ed side ; Feed us with Thy Bod - y -21=1:: r2=0*i^2! -^- -m — I- -d - y WORD OF GOD INCARNATE. 307 tf crcs. Jo BU, -Jl -i-iJ:g^^^?.E^|^i|^^ ^'*-:2 O / Jo - su, -* — ^ _ O Jo - su, hear us, O Je - sii, spare us, I I -^ — s— ■ ^- "' ' ' ' ' , Blcss-cil Son of r»Iu =*^- I ^t- rv. Grant us, Grant us Thv nier I I cy, Grant ;:>i-fei =S==*=^ =t -4: Bless-ed Son of Ma - rv, Grant us, Grant us Thv nier ili cy, Grant El Bless-ed Son of ^ta '"^-n- ry, Grant us. Grant us Thy mor -t» * • ^ cv, Grant ±.-1 ±=t: ^m=A ^--1- 4- ^ iE^^f ^ -^,._ J u bJ. _^ L2=4: -?2= -^- A 1 1 -: I f:, I t %' t * \ Ml ill ?t . ■ i 308 1 m WORD OF GOD INCARNATE, rjr=r=r: us, Grant us Thy mcr I ' -M -I '«;; 4 '* i ^?5E3: ^3: pp cres. ,,— rf/m. /3 PP -t^- :M- :s=t ziziz men. -fzr W^ A crca. dim. -«- men, A 4^ :qi-^: I nicn. rii^zTit:: B A men. ^EF:i ^ A cren. dim. -S- nien, A igg s?- nion. Tz-^ -JZSl i;--^ ^^ ::sj ^ men, A =^=^^=F=^ 1^21 men, A rfim. ^ q^=?2= men. p=»r--^: 4: I it:2z -25^ f =2=fc: =-1? 522: PP Jim. jO ' T ^^^m ftp- 1=21 i^ -js ^- rji I I 1 r- ^ 309 DEAR REFUGE. jriRST TENOR. taenia « 3. Tliy nuT - cy-scat is o-pcn;IIcro let my soul retreat, With huinble faith at 8Eco\n nAss. _ e^f^rrf; :** ^^-^- /3P ^/■. ^5::^:^^ti: :tz: J^ :ti2= :: -4 »- tU=:tz: r^Kir^ drea-ry, My faint- ing hope re - lies. A sweet re-lief shall cheer me, In .S-^- :=i^ :n=^= ^^i^!^^^ iSE EEE^S^=^^ -N— N :if.: ' ^m fail- ing, And all my hopes de-cline,Where shall I flee, O Sa-viour ? Thou zzfr. ^d^=^-^==^ ^g ^-^/K. -■■>" — p»-''-i tend Thee, And wait be-neath Thy feet. Thy ear is ev - er read- y To : =f«L=r]t3^E^ izatiizrrpi:: z 1^"£ !^tt?^ > sfP PP- f ;«^«-*- -j^-^- -1^=t?: ^^c^^. ^ -t: '-P-*- rai;. JOJO ev"-rypainl feel, For Thou art ev- er near me, In allThy grace to heal. -t=, S^ J^J^Pi-* '■^^^l^^E^^li^ i-ly Trust ;ril cling more close-lv to Theo,When])rostrate in the dust. L^--r ^ PP=:^ ^ ^. & / ^ =^ P rail, pp art mv on- ¥P ^ hear the mourner's prayer ;0 may I still find ac - cess, To breathe my sor-rows there ! i-rf^ S5= ;d^-d^-EitTTiie«L==*^ ^-■.z=^-:zi=irj •^zf^ itLzwt :\=^ zz-zz=\zz Copyright, 1S80, by J. JI. liissELL. ■/ F ! m m I * ! mmi. i ■3 Hi I 'lis 1 /r'- :ilf hj if '!■: 310 GUIDE ME, O THOU GREAT JEHOVAH! FL01OW. I!£i 1 (iiiifie ni(>, () Thou prcut Jo - ho- vnli ! Pil- frrini thro' this har- nii 2 () • ju;!! Thoti the crys - tul fount - aiii Wlitiuc the htal- ni;r .-tnaiii> du U WIr'ii I tread the verge of Jor - dan, IJid the swell- ing i-tnuni >uli -^» I— (& - :e ±z d: --^- ± m^mt m—t KJ^^'fL j m !^ land ; flow, • side ; '-^ I Let Death "ilslirfelliiiil am the of I weak, but Thou art might • y ; Hold me tie - ry, cloud - y Jiil - hir Lead me death, and hell's (le - ftruc- tion, Land me with Thy all my safe on Sl^H^^^rt IT— T zm :^^^i trrtt :^:=:»i :e:=»: -^ j)ow'r-ful hand: Bread of heav - en, jour- ney through ; Strong Dc - liv - er, Canaan's side ; Songs of j)rais - es, m^^mmm^^ Bread of heav Strong De - liv - Songs of prais I en, Feed me er. Be Thou es I will — ■ — — ^ :«- = "CT" -a=-*~i- -<&- -^ ?;i I want no more ; trength and shield to thee ; Bread of heav - en, Bread of heav - en. Strong Dc - liv - er, Strong De - liv - er, Songs of prais - es, Songs of jirais - es ±r_ m -4- s-H-t^ — f Rg JZt i :-^"f2: ^ 2=— U- ,__ 1 — I (=^_| — I — , 1 — ^ — I — -4^ ^mwm Feed me till I want no more, Feed nic till I want no more. Be Thou still my strengtii and shield, Be Thou .-till my strength and -hield T will ev - er give to Thee, I will ev - er give to Thee. ^•^=t mmm^^mmm^ -iZ. ~±zz -#■- 311 WEAVER JOHN. B. K. H. 1 Down in that cot- tage lives ^Vca - ver John, And u liap -py old Jolin is 2 Close by his side is this gen - tie wife, And she's twirling the tlax - en 3 Pus - sy is frisk -ing a - bout the room With her kit- tens one, two, three, 4 Soft as the hum of the dame's low wheel Does the mu -sic of time roll iSifi: ^-=S^ =t==l= t: -0- -^^ R- — I 1# ^- M ' m :J. ^=^^=^ he: thread ; four; on: *^^*= m zzjsz 9^ r^ *^^r jMaud is the name of his dear old dame, And a Sweet .0 his ear is the low wheel's hum. It was Tow - ser is tak - ing his want - ed nap (^n the Morn - ing and noon of a use - ful life Bring a e^ t: ^ :t= f= *: t€^- f=--r-=e ^ ._w — m m_ Chorus. fe bless - ed old dame is she. . . . pur-chased when they were wed. . . . set - tie be - hind the door. . . peace - ful - ly set - ting sun. . . . _(• — ^ — — ^ — ._-_^_^<:~:!^«_ Whick - it y, whack - it - y, ± -t: z=t= jr 11 1 1 .1. '^ '^ y click and clack, How the shut-ties do glance and ring! Here they go. -^ — ^ — I— - ^ — ^ -^ i^i=^= fc£ :^=:^ ^->— ^- ^^m there they go, forth and back, and a stac-ca - to song they sing. 1/ ^ Copyright, John Church & Co. By per. '! ! V '■•• 312 I [ .(1 LOVELY, SILENT NIGHT. C. H. O. CHAS. H. GABRIEL. iS^ hour of this cjun>, wi-lont niglit, The moon's sil- ver ■ down thro' the tall, niurm'rin^ trees, And breathe in tho day is so sweet ami so still, No hour of the tall, niurm'rin^ trees, sweet ami so still, breathe in tho hour of the ^ e=e:- ?;i?-^P^ ^^^ beams fill, our joys of the day can our ^^^^ ^m hearts with de soft, balm - y bo - soius so mmimri light ; breeze fill The The With zeph - yr's low song, and the night - in- gale's song fills our pleas - ure, and free - dom from ::m'^Jjm~m- ^-fe stars in the sky, Seem to whis - per to us of a hearts with de - light As we wan - der a - long in the toil and from eare, As the still, qui - et hour of a sweet by- and- swect, si - lent night culm and S -!•- 1 dim. i night, fair, ^- ^-=R:^ «B^ Yes, We As the whis wan still. z:^'^^^-- per der qui :«= — -f-n— ^ grJE^ ^ to us a - long - et hour of in of * a sweet the sweet, a night I by - aud- si - lent calm and ±=-; ;*^ I' mii 'fill c^aii*; ^lEE^ f^^ PPP ^ rgiS -iC ^^3^ i by. . night. I hir. — -•- r ■ ^ ■ 1^ Lovely, si- lent night ! Love-ly, Lovolv, si- lent night ! Love-ly, Lovely, si- lent night ! Lovc-ly, rr — r- ^ -m — m— si- lent si- lent si- lent night I night ! night ! Copyrifiht, Geo. D. Newiiali, & Co. SIS MY OLD COTTAGE HOME. R A, O. R. A. GLENN ^■ ^: i^i^ 1-3;=! tm - •! T- 1 I mil think - m^ to-nif.'ht of my old cot - taj^o liomc That 2 Ma - iiy y<'ai''t liavc jjoiic hy siiico in pray'r then! 1 knelt With 3 OiK' hy oni' they have gone from the old cot - tage home, On ^^= ==ff_-n:fc=?±=!?= H :p=it -ffr=: -tt± :gz.^^E^|d :^:^it=^z stands on the hrow of the hill, Where in life's ear - ly morn- ing I dear ones a- roiuul the old hearth ; IJut my moth - er's sweet jiraye/s in my earth I shall meet them no more, But with them I shall meet round the m f--=«i oncelov'd to roam, liut now all is (jui - et and still. \ Oh.myold cottage heart still are felt, I'll treasure them u|) while on earth. [■ beau- ti-ful throne, Where parting will come nevermore. ) Oh, my old L2: ^^^ m^^ ^^^^m^m L^ ? =^zr '^- .^ZL-- ^^ :fc^ home That stands on the brow of the hill. Where in cot-tagchomo of the hill, ^L_^^ =»=t- life's ear- ly morning I once lov'd to roam,But now all is qui - et and still. r- Copyriglit, Geo. D. Newhall & Co :^^ t ! 1' ' ; i ' 1 ' t , i \ 1 ; I i 1 , i ' ' v '' ' 1, :i;i} I u « \\\ I! I 314 OH, ARE YE SLEEPING, MAGGIE? Mnthrnta. Z-—S-- ^zrzz O. p. ROOT. T-i fel^EE^ t f x.-- m^ m « J=M: gS^* i ti :r:ttB.-r::p3it:r;»=; : It * ^^^ P Jfit rnnnvs. :i:l— rrrrzr: j^.a ==j,— =fi ~i- :iiP^^* K=^P Oh, are yo sleeping, Mag - gic ? Say, are ye sleeping, Maggie? 1 ^ ^ ^m. liplappl^i^ — I- ss=r^:;:f =^. tE^jE-dE^4- 7**- ig: :^ ^^m^m^m^^^ E ^11 Let mp in, for loud the linn is roar - ing o'er the war - lock croigio. OH, AHE YE S^EEPtKO, MAOOIET '\r, 1 Diirk uml mirk - y is tlw ni^'ht, Anil uot a >Uir ohiucd tbro' the car- rio, 2 Aiiiuic my linatli I din - iia ("[Hak, For I'uir I'll rouse your wankrifo dadili*', • \ Shu upt-tl ihu door und It t him in, Uu cast a-.sido his drippiu;^ jiiaidie, p^^Jil^Sl H- >.-g- _-3^!g : ^ ^ - -i-J — J — -i — 1-=^^ m i).s. ^a- ir ii^^zr;?:— -_ gi^i5i?i^^g:^ Lightning flash is a* tho light, And ritl - ed woods roar wild anddroario. Could'H the blast up • on my check. Rise, oh, rise, my bon - niolas-sie! Now blaw your worst, yo blast' ring winds, Since Maggie, dear, I'm here beside ye. ■r- 9=^ ^^.Ji^^=i£^=gfc5 m^^^^. ■^ m ^ *-*3 CnORTTH fnr ,tit rernr. |^^|=_^ Now since you're waking, Mag - gie, Now since you're waking, Maggie, fe^r^ :=|: :=P-- ■^- '^^E^^^-^-^^^EE W^^t^ ^±^^^^^. What care I for how-let'a cry, For bootrie bank or war- lockcraigie? fc3J3EE3i^i^EK3lEEfe=i=j5i ill m^^:^^^^w^^M I I I I 1 h !.'!' (.:■■ ''11 , 1 « 1 ^^m w^sm 'f 316 "O LOVING HEART, TRUST ON!" HENRY G. WATSON. ■ L. M. GOTTSCHALK it«- -I 1 — I •— t- izEjEl M. r—m m .41 \!l^i:m tj •-pm =izn:^=r|--rz:=p ^_-L ._|_- _ — — -^-s— ^1 t« :prff: & t I ?^-~ -■^^=^=^~F ~-^=EE There are «fe ^^=^^ M b?-*--»==1: :*-ir^S: s:,^jr:^f^. W^E^^^^^^^^^ thoughts which seem to come from heav - en To calm all pain, all piiin and P!jf:i=«!= -) 1. :=1i :i)- •# 1 ^ ^ 1- M > ^^^- I ^'^^m^ ■^■ t^ " O LOVING HEART, TRUST ON I" .'.17 ■ — • fc^ SF=1^ ^- :is: ,— 3ES=5.4: strife, And dew falls on the parched flow'r — ^- Ti) nourish !pz::p=iz:^izpzpz--p-:-p-i3^: |4 to nourish k to life, There came to me ^ 1^ I I I I W3i^ :{^l?i — !1— "^^.l- rit=:=:--: m-fi S=§=3=-*-— 5— -.■^: rj?--*: :1tF "S= thought One morn, when hope seem'd gone, 1 -*- It whisper' d --:J^_^ '-'S—m—m—t^'-m^ ^ i — h-t _ JW_-tei^_ _(?:j»-_^_ -:zi:*.l_#l4 ug^^ _^.^ ^ i* eras animnto. in accents sweet, it whisper'd low HI ap cents — ij- — — — sa^*''^^ — I ^ — 1^ — 1^*^^ — — - -I 1 1 — <■ 1 1 1- j^gfeggl i .*r 4 i ^T- ^■'i.—*- :ff:t= m- :^* =t :f5: EiE^ 1. When the last rays at 2. "When fan - cy lilts her 3. Should i!or - row cloud thy -4 i i ^=4=*--^^=Ei^ •- -•- -m- li-ff: :p=frp: r-r-r-r-i — r-r-r- ^Bt I I liMMMi^ — t* :^q-rz*: :-X— -^i -uiai; \»—^- A 1- H— 1= Mz^. iBiif^EE twi - light's hour Fall gen - tly o'er the droop - ing flower, When ra - diant wing, And morn - ing birds a - round thee sing ; When com - ing years, And bathe thy pros - pects all in tears. Re - P \m §^i=Ezwziz=^— -«- ~J- «- A SISTER'S LOVE. 323 Fj:».-d: :=|— j^_»_^^-j____J_£ :=zfi PBI mist are gath' - ring on the hill Nor souml is heard save joy li^ht-i up thy beam - ing eye, And love's eii - ehant - meiit - mem - ber, that the rain - bow's hue b?.— r=i Is bri'dit 'mid clouds and ~,—^- -m--»--m- ■m--m-m- ■m--m-m- ■m--m--m- -w -■ -- fE5Z£-I«££ JE— — I- :=1: I -t-m -Mz PP -t mount - aiu rill, too is nigh; sun - shine too ; — t^- w ^^^smim --s-^- r Then hear the ecli-o, whisp' • ring near, In When calm blue \va - ters round thee tlow. Then He - mem -ber, tho' we're doomed to j)art, Tiiere r^^: :*^iC Sz*^*— _=;^ :rp*!S! so ft- est ac cents to tl line ear 3W I 1 love ove hear thy sis - ter breath - ing 1 lives one fond and faith - ful lieart That loves thee, thee, her. That S3i=-=r.- Jf- -« -^- ---=\ '- -J?- ^itirl '• -Jf- — S- te^^^-^E^^EEE^f^^ rif. i=3^s3Egi iq^i: Id: — «- fj love love loves thee, thee, her, love thee, clear ove tluM (ear That loves her dear est broth - er ! est broth - er ! est broth - er ! * < f .J. Id: ;^iii' \ • 324 THE OLD STONE MILL. Lnrghetio. dol. t WILL. M. S. BROWN. -W^- ^H^^^i^^lB rit. P felUP'^^rfl^lMife ^m \m 1 I look thro' the mist of the gath - er'd years To the Mill which my childhood 2 'Tis ma - ny long years siuce last I saw The great, black wheel go '■i^- iiM=iiil3iiiii5;^ — «■ i=i=i.^l -^- :=l: :-!==l= — I *■- -^ — ■)l—jz -»- :=S==I« :z!=:=ft=--:M -M=Mz r^zi^Bi i-it»=i: knew, round, In the whirr of whose ceaseless hum and roar J.fy And its drip- ping floats slow rise and fall With their ifi JT grj: crcs. 1fl:^z :^=s|z:=^: ^J THE OLD STONE MILL. 1 tt •— T^ ^ tnff: -i — -•- — X youth in - to manhood dull and splashini^ T — ^ — i»-f— j^ — — ^- — _• — ^- n25 grew sound The oaves are rot - ted and Yet the stream to - day still %t% - *1:^t — *-* jF^*^ :^^'^£ -*■ -^ F-E^ rt: ~1- r-q: X- 1 ! ' - P ■-^=3 -(5---=-—, dropping down, And the moss -^-=Xr. t^ZZMl .^._!,. _t»^- pours, There her dear - est lay. '&^i-' While the glad ech -oes vy - ing Thro' m blending, Hails the up - ward morn. ^^^^^M^=Z=3^^^= While the glad ech -oes vy • ing Thro' ±H±: cord him, Wel-come home a - gain. While the glad ech -oes vy - ing Thro' igE3^iil=^^2^^^^lE^ .^—^- 1 l^iTi i^t-t: :S.-z:ii: all their wild reign, Sa - lute him, re-ply - ing, a - gain and a - gain. -1 — I- P" all their wild reign, Pa - lute him, re-ply - ing, a -gain and a- gain. U-^~t^^\L\^ -m- I ISi^E^P: :(= mm afl their wild reign, Sa - lute him, rc-ply -ing, a -gain and a- gain. Copyright, 18':;3, by IIUBBAKD BROS. 327 O THOU, WHO MAKEST THE SUN TO RISE. sopitAffO. \i-iih muvh felling. ALTO, DR LESLIE. 1. O Tliiiu, who iimk'.sttlie nun to rise, IJi'iim on my 2. () Tlioii, whose blood wa.H hpilt to save Man's iia - turo 3. () Thou, wliti wilt from ^lon - arehs part To dwoll with Houl, il- fVom ft - in the TESOH. ETZf^l'z^-±=^—- BASS. l-- r~r :»:x ^ ^ '^ luine mine eyes, And fj^uide rae through tliis world of care. The wand'ring n- torn 80C - ond f^rave, To share in who«e re- deem- ing caro. Want's ciiihlis con - trite Iieart,And build thy - self a tem - pie there ; O'er all my dull af- m^it — -m _ \ 1 1 1 — W 1 — ^ ^-tm- t^=4 wm Thou caniJt see, The fall - iny .«par-rows niark'd by Thee; Tiion turniii}; mer-cy's not too mean, Guilt's dark-est vie - tini too un-elean ; O tho\i wilt deijrn froi - ftc - tions move. Fill ev' - ry soul with hum -ble love, Andkind-ly stoop-injr it i:=N- ^nElE^r^Lj ^ p -c* rrm. :iiz=:S= i^^ ^T f=r W: oar to nie, O lis - ten ! heav'n to loan, And lis - ton ! from 11 - bove, O lis - ton ! lis - ton! '\ lis - ton ! > Lis - ten lis - ton ! ) liz-'H 'z zf^EEfSE^ It :Hr^-_=ii= to an :^z2=zz^ iu - faut's prayer ! Lis- ten ! Lis- ton ! Lis - ton to an infant's prayer > 2^:?HiE^ rp==:r_i; m Copyright, 1881, by IIubbard Bros. I V t i 1 [If i 328 NEARER. SACRED SONG. MARIANNE FARNINOHA'!. \ji € :rA=z\L- :S-^J»-=: m^ Tr-'^'-~~'^^ ^^ DR H T. LESLIE. _j--q_rr:i.- tt s tmnsr :«r- ^ : ' ||, ■f ,> ' b^-«l ^ — I :4r:, 5el :Z2 st'O ; But I would nes - tlcclose.O vain and empty word, And tluis tlie waves eon - trol ; lint I would liavi-Tliine eyesfo as a distant Irieiid, Phv look ot >vo to iiiu - sie of niv lite Miijlit be niv Fa- ther'.s tone ; And that at ev- en-tide II IS blA 1 --^r^ ^:- -5- -3- ^sJJ. -J- ^:Hi-J r cs i^- i 4- I > ±r«r-5: -SST^-^^WI Jt^m. ---^-- §I^1P] .;^.~:^. -^ -.^r- *.l^ :z2: pm Lord, To where Thy loved ones be. read AikI uii - der- stand the whole, voice Might f-peak nie as His own. -t-% f=, e ^^ffi =*= ^ rr^=:g=g::zb^ iliiHII H -) -r< I I w-^^ m^^ l5:^-e: s^^:* t. n-\2z^ m -_-::4_-iqq :ci: 8mr -J2U HARK! THE ANGELS' SONG IS SINGING. :». HOfnANO. DR. LESLIE. '^^ J I J -J- ^m^^w^m 1. Ilivrkltho Ah-(,'('1h' mmg is sin;; - iii^', Snl't it full?' ii|> - on tiio rnr, 2. Lord, wliilo tiii'sc thy h(j.-it.s arc hUw - iiig, I'rais ■ in^ and u- dm- - inir Tlice, Ti;.v«>«, i.3-, 'a i 5^ il.I.S.S. 41. r^ia jiu.t_tji^^p : ^* ^-__5 H — -#-T — s^ — * - Joy with - in those lu-arts is HprinL'iii^, OVr ro- pent - nnt sin - ihts litro. lluin - l»lv we our sins con - I' - iiig, Con - trito pin - i - tints woidd lie. =^: i ilirs ^^ f.l^PH£iE 1 ■Ji-r^ Ju - l)i - la - te ! ju - hi - la - te! ju - l)i - la - tc! A - nu'ii. Ju - bi - la - tc! ju - hi - la - tot ju - hi - la - te! A - men. :8; pp P errs. ^ l^^pii! the gates of Ileav'n are brin^-in^ Sweet- est sounds that earth can hear. Then the glo - ry ucv - er ceas - ing, All thy pardoning nier - ey see. if. .S:-^: w Hal - le - In - jah ! hal - le - lu - jah ! hal - le - lu - jah ! A - men Hal - le - hi - jah ! hal - le - lu - jah ! hal - le - lu -jah ! A - men. H ^- 1 h-t- ha 1 1 H V^—^ 1— — 1- I -g A - men. A - men. i- -(S2— I Copyright, 1884, by IIchbabd Buos. , 1 1 1, ''I li'li )<\ 1.1 ■i^! t i : ! If 1 1 1 f ;■ I, '10 •1*1 If HI \' i i W' «7 ; ' 330 THOU ART WITH ME, O MY FATHER. SACRED PART TONG. aontANO. DR. LESLIE. ALIO. ^ 1. Thou art with me, 2. Thou art with me, 3. Thou art with me, O O o my my my Fa - ther. At ear - ly dawn of day ; It Fa - ther, In the changiug sscenes of life, In Fa - ther. In the evening's dark'ning gloom ; When feBEfeESE BASS. P^ ^ ^r^ ^- ? ^^ :^= ^ m -jUd=-U ± -X is thy glo- ry brighten- eth The up-ward streaming ray. the low - li - ness of spir - it, In wea - ri - ness of strife. night euclouds the sleep-ing earth Thy pres-ence fills my room. W^^^^^^ It calls me by its My suf - fer-ing, my The lit - tie stars bring e±:ff=ff:^l!»: J: Unis. lo^'e - li- ness To rise and worship Thee; I feel thy glo- com - fortings, Al - tor - nate at thy will ; I trust Thee, O nies - sag- es Of kind-ness from a - bove ; I love Thee, O I I - _ I I ^ I nous pre-sence. Thy my Fa- vher, I my Fa- ther, T ± ^!^=Bi ^^^^ ^ rsfc m I v\ ^- •p^-^r steaf -Bzimz t=^ «=*f -1: "r face I may not see, I feel thy glorious presenci',Tho' thy face I may not see. trust Thee and am still, I trust Thc'e,0 my Fa-thor,Aud I trust Thee and am still. feel that Thou art love, I love Thec.O my Fa-ther,And I feel that Thou art love. W^-i -^-^ f^* '^^^^^ m r 33^ :^r*3pi«f5fe*E^ cren. rail. ^si i^-zji [^-ri-J-i-S SE?=feE -^-s^-it- T-r--- -^- iB Copyright, 18*i, by Hubbakd Uhos. 331 THE BEAUTIFUL CITY. SOPItAKO. Nut too fast. A. A. JUDSCN. K^ 1^ s±zti ALT 1. There's a 2. To that 3. The TB\on. . — ^ -:t- f.^^ rJ-^^K beau - ti - ful land far a - way from beau - ti - ful lana far up in Sav - iour says come, come chil - dren, :^ our sight, Whore the the sky, The to • day, Let ^:S:ft BASS. I^'^^l^ 1^ ^ =t: ^if=k ^-^ i sun e'er shines brightly, no dark-ness, no night Shall one mo-ment o'er-sha-dow its S»v-iour would have us all come whon we die ; Then let us be watch-ful and noue the kind warning re - fuse to o - bey ; Let all love and serve Him,ac- > > ^ J ,K^. ^ J" J" _p — ~. ^ — ^—jiic — I — _ 'i'i ^-^^ ^T h h > r V-^"^ * -J- ^ plea - >*ure so free; Who will go to that beau- ti - ful cit - y with me? con-stant in pray'r, So that when done with earth wc may sure- ly go there. cept of " His rest;" Come to Je - sus, the Sav-iour, and ev - er be blest S^~y-i — g"- — 9 Prz=?: p^^pl fE^EfelEfc ^ > ->--4= Iti^FR.lIlT, -l ^_ :it=--^-ir ^feir^E^ ^^-^-zj^^ -^S=^W- Who will go? Who will go? Go to that beau- ti - ful cit- y witli me; I ^ ! -v:-?^FTiEziEfT--5: 7~ i :t2-t- _±=:r.^:z:ti i^ k U* f igzzzii :jiii=i-=ii!=:^=::^ Repeat ntorvs ad lib. Who will go ? Who will go ? Go to tliat beau- ti - ful eit - y with me. .0 ^ — ^ — t— • 10 — '^- — •• — * — ^— 1- ^ * ^ ^ • ri ^7 — h ha-— I Copyright, 1884, by Hubbard Bros. 332 BELIEVE ME, IF ALL THOSE ENDEARINLr YOUNG CHARMS. THOMAS MOORE. Andnntino. :=:1^=^=::^-_=|^: =^=lt=^ 1*=*: ±: 1. Be - liovc me, if all those en- dear-ingyouiij; charms Which I 2. It is not while beauty and youth are thine own, And thy PP -i=— =1— p ^5q^ 1 !» A'M.i m ;^= ^--^:l^- i^z^ j gaze on so fond - ly to - day, . . . Were to change by to- mor-row, and checks vm - pro- an'd by a tear, . . . That the fer - vor and faith of a — •( — simili t- -51 WAT I :^==ii=i=e~ -P — P: ^m :»szz.wtrz^ ^1=1 3 fleet in my arms, Like fai - ry gifts fad - ing a - way, . . Thou would'st Koul can be known, To which time will but make thee more dear;..,. No, the I %- ^ r ^'r^ zsr-:r II •n -m)- -m- -S^ i gi BELIEVE ME, IF ALL THOSE ENDEARING YOUNG CHARMS. 333 =1t lafcizt- :ff=fc :ifcr:±: ^S y^l^^gEg fi=R: P still be a - dor'd, as this mo-ment thou art, I^et thy love - li- iiess fade as it heart that has tru - ly lov'd.nev - er for- gets, But as tru - ly loves ou to the .si_si_ ^F% -51-S(- :tE?: ^ ^^:: i| -=;— s)- -'i-'i- ^== P =1= ^ ^^^=^ =(-=^= 3=i: will And a- round the dear ru - in each wish of my heart, Would en- close, .... As the sun - flow-er turns on her god.when he sets. The same ;S— J^r ^-^^t^ =4: %^3^ ^ -• =1- W ^tS^ :=|:~tj=:=rt!fi=l-*zi: -g =qir=s: =35- I - twine it - self ver - dant- ly still. . look which she turn'd when he rose. . :S= i t=:w>z :q: PP «i/ -^=^4= Pi i«!==z H -^:i — b tm M 334 THOMAS MOORE. THE MINSTREL-BOY. ^^b:^-^ :S=^*-S^ V lr::*r 1. The Mill- strel - boy to the war is gone, In the ranks of death you'll 2. The Min- strel fell! but the foe-man's chain Could not bring his proud soul it 'JSzuaLzmz iiL^ 1 — 1*« — >rF ^^ =r3 find him ; His fa-ther's sword he has gird-ed on, And his wild harpslung be- un - der ; The harp he lov'd ne'er spoke a - gain. For he tore its cords a - - hind him. " Land of .«ong !" said the war-rior-bard, " Tho' all the worfd l)e- sun - dor; And said, "No chains shall sul - ly thoe. Thou soul of love and ^ ^S^m ^EEm. JZI ?2it: ="^iir:^i=-:^ ^Sgi: EEiEiEiE fc^: -^. ! h= — d — I I :«=Jti.i=»: -S P H 1 1— 1- =S=S*==f= -r ^ I r^ z^m=B=S:- -_t; y-t — h- trays thee, One sword, at least,thy rights shall guard. One faithful harp shall praise thee !' bravery I Thy songs were made for the pure and free, They shall never sound in slaveryl " — k: — I ^ 1 — I 1 -^ 1 1 — -I 1 rd ^— ^f^H^i 1 n t^ -^- -m—m—m ^ :n:s: :^.=^- :tti:«i --1—4- -:Sr-^^-^ :*^: -r^ 1 Copyright, 1884, by Hubbard Bros. 335 LET ERIN REMEMBER THE DAYS OF OLD. THOMAS MOORE. ^53^ ^t^ EEg_ » 3 a^B: rural t2=62: 1. Let E • riu re-mem-her the days of old, Ere her faithless soiirtbetriiyM her;Wlu'n 2. On Lough Neagh's bank,a.s the fisherman strays, When the clear cold eve's dccllning.He :B:^i: ■;=1i=si=zi -» ^ ir ^ ::f5 ■Mzmiatm. ^f b:B5i: t^ mzrJPzzl _l , :^ ^ i -- SI- --$=^z n -!!»->. -^-^ =ti::-_t2=M: i!^^ Ma - la-chi wore the col-lar of gold,Which he won from her proud in- va - der ; sees the round tow'rs of oth - cr days In the wave be- iieath him sliin-ing; -X- ?^==1. -J. — -^-. m!. :«t«: :r=rnt: k I zs: :=5E zzt--Lz ■^~^z =tt=w :SS:*= cJEczrrJj When her kings, with standard of green unfurl'd.Led the Red-Branch knights to danger Thus shall mem'- ry oft- en, in dreams sublime, Catch a glimpse of the days that are over ^^ ^%zrw:, I J — -_ 1 — 1 — — pn — !- ' 1 v\ ^^^ -^ -^ -^ -*- W- -^ V*-*- :^ ig: :^ ^-^ > • 1 ^ ' ^^hib. k ^ • r^ ^ ^>rrt\ ^^'- " -1 • -5 1 ■ -) i .^•r --• --H- 6, ■• - -^ -:h., -_-| i^rrUt ^ =P=:S= :i^>- ^j^-; /).. s zmr^. :S=*=Si Ere the eni'rald gem of the west- em world Was set in th(! crown of a stran- ger. Thus sighing, look thro' the waves of time For the long-faded glories thev cov - er. i %-=M^. -^. =!•-? ;^3=r f^^ ^ — ^g=~ -w- :ii / J=gr:^ ,f.-^gr-S Tr H h Copyright, 1884, by liUBUARD Bbo.«. -GI-. P 336 LADY MORGAN A llirjretto. KATE KEARNEY. ALEXANDER LEE. M^^^ p » f W' z^—w- :=fS-T=:^ Z^-iMZ^^--f±-] 1. Oh, did 2. For that eve you not hear of Kate Kear-ney ? is so mod- est - ly beam- iii},', . She lives on the banks of Kil- Yoii ne'er think of mischief she's •=e=:ff= -5?— =1- 3!R^ ^^^i :^- =t: - hir - ney ; dreaming ; From the glance of her eye, Shun dan - ger and fly, For Yet, oh ! I can tell How fa - tal the spell That m M^^^^m^ fa- tal's the glance of Kate Kear-ney. lurks in the eyes of Kate Kear- ney. ^ — =1— j{— - I 8. Oh ! .should you e'er meet this Kate Kearney, Who live.-- ou the banks of Killarney, Beware of her smile, for many a wile Lies hid in the smile of Kate Kearney. Tho' she looks so bewitchingly simple, Yet there's mischief in every dimple y And who dares inhale, He sighs spicy gale. Must die by the breath of Kate Kearney. I'D MOURN THE HOPES THAT LEAVE ME. ??37 THOMAS MOORE. Andante iiin mofn. _fc^ ^BlL^z ^^^ qii=^: -.'^1 1. I'd mourn the h()|)C'8 tliiit leave mc, If thy smilos had left nie, too; I'd 2. 'Tis not in fate to harm me.While fate It-aves thy h)ve to iiw ; 'Tis 3. And tho' the hope be gone, love,That h)ng spar- kled o'er our way, Oh! I^P^g ^^ m qmzTSr- —:^-^^.^ — ii m weep when friends de - ceive me, If thou wert, like them, un - true. But not in joy to charm me, Un - lesd joy be shared with thee. One we shall jour - ney on, love. More safe - ly with- out its ray. Far i^ ^^-*; ^ -=i — ^: ^?$- & :^=:^ ^^- =tr^= zm=Bz :p=ii rffirrz*: while I've thee be - fore me, With heart so warm and eyes «o bright, No miu-ute's dream a- bout thee Were worth a loilg and end - less year Of bet- ter lights shall win me A- long the path I've yet to roam! — The ti^ ^^^E^^^ ^ f- S^-^ ^-^ -^J^ ^- n.c. :^c=S= :«=*= - ^ — ^ ::=^ r*!?! -*--n i clouds can lin-ger o'er rae.That smile turns them all to light. wak-ing bliss without thee, My own love, my on- ly dear! mind that burns within rae,AQd pure snules from thee at home. wOi>yra(> lilt :SSi* •—- m—m-^ d>!r.=qir=r!lt home? Oh ! wliero has the ox-ile his home? Where the mountain is steep, A\ iiere the - turn ? Oh I when will the ex-ile re-tiirn ? When our hearts heave no sigh.Wlu n oiir ¥Mm M'vM m ig^ jtji m val - ley is deep, Where the waves of the O - hi - o foam ; Where tears shall he dry, When E - rin no long - er shall monrn ; When his 3=*; 5=i zasMz ZlKZ =*"=_»- P m t -—=[«: ^ .-•? s n.s. tr ;?:5 l-^XI^ 5^ ^^s no cheer-ing smile His woes may be- guile, Oh ! there has the ex-ile his home, name Ave dis- own.Whenhis mem'ry is gone, Oh! then will the ex-ile re- turn. -0-5 — -^- ta h ta — ^ k- P -fe i^Ezr m =t?=t: 1 :.-if^_f Copyright, 1884, by HuBUAnD nnos. 339 ERIN! THE TEAR AND THE SMILE. THOMAS MOORE. Andante von fnpreM. m 5==t: -.S=.w: :i=2Zii- 1. E - rin ! the toar and the 2. E - riu ! thy A - lent 7±2- ^^jf- -s — x= :^— - =T- tf smile in thine eyes nev - er shall; Blend like the rain - bow that hand's in thy E - rill! tliv Ian- <'iiid smile ne'ersiiall in- V :^ ^i^S:- z^s B:=i!ifEl:=-1:=ii M. ^M. .J. J' ^^W- T li---.^; m^ -^-s — »- ::l^-: s_^ ! ::zzztz ^ :^sr^ ± skies ! - crease, Shin - ing thro* sor- row's stroani,Sadd'nin- ^-^ — -J- — 1 ^_:^^- »~ S -PEL^-W-^-"^!!^^— :^}^:^ - _ -i,:^f^-= « — U i^ u» ■*- i'JE*^*!*^ g. c:---± :it=«: -if— •Ln-jt- 1 I sl^ Thy snus with doubtful a;loani Weep while tb"y rise! And form in Heaven's si<:ht One arch of peace ! A — ^-^ m --" — !•- ■ — ^- --H ^ — )}zlz •T-s— s- ^ U ^ ^^^^^rr^ ere*. j^ rfm. --a-=5-*- z^zzmzzzBz :t=± ^l^^l Copyright, 1884, by Hubbabo Bkos. i'i l-4fl I 11 i 340 MY GENTLE HARP. THOMAS MOORE. 1, My gen -till Ilnrp.oiicn inure I wnk - cii The swiitiics^s of. . thy slunib'rin; Mj^^^ 1:sr— ^t:ir-t3: ^ ^ i p^ ::S^:=^ strain ; ^c.^. J^-^di ^t-- ,.?=^S In tears our last fare-well was tak en, And now in tears we meet a- t ■';.!«<: -^V3»_.^j E^E^ :S3i:*:( i:^ gain. No light of joy hath o'er thee brokon,But, like those Harps whose hcav'nly n=rdr= :||H -3? 1^ -S- — Jf- S^ r^- — »- l!^^!i=?J 'S ! skill Of slav'-ry, dark as thine,hathspoktn,Thouhang'8t upon the wil-loAva still. ^ -■! k *-i!= ■i-m-t-m-*-m- m m m tl=t«=:t^J:*: ^J?— *^ < -SI- t:^- -*- ■■f= !^ 3. And yet, since last thy chord resounded, An hour of peace and triumph came, And many an ardent bosom bounded With hopes — that now are turned to shame. Yet even then, while peace was singing Her halcyon song o'er land and sea, Though joy and hope to others bringing, She only brought new tears to thee. Then, Avho can ask for notes of pleasure. My drooping Harp, from chords like thine? Alas, the lark's gay morning measure As ill would suit the swan's decline! Or how shall T, who love, who bless thee, Invoke thy breath for Freedom's strains. When ev'n the wreathes in which I dross thee Are sadly mixed— half flowers, half chains? 341 *-:z ~ .t— ~ '" zmzi: iieot a- =*~ E*E zZ THE MEETING OF THE WATERS. THOMAS MOORE Aniliinte inolto mpresnho. m * :S=r«; ::^— ::^- — _:»z — ^_ -*-J> 1. There is not in tlio wide world a val - ley eo sweet, As tliat 2. Yet it was not tliat na - ture had shed o'er the seene, Her ] ;^ rr ■l: « i=l 90 — ".^r /ap ^^ :^=zr==;=ziii_.- £^ -zin ;*»^^ vale in whose bos- oin the brijrht wa- ter« meet ; Oh ! the last rays of feel- injj aii^ iN— -t -^ m~ — S — — bloom of that val-ley shall fade from my heart, no — it was something more ex- qui- site still. -*■— =t m -n — , )0/3 ' mf I rfiHi. l^S* ?_-l ¥1- :*=«: — -I p^ rflHI. U. S 4— > =i — I- -I 1 m 'Viil P ill '2 lie Copyright, 1884, by Hubbard & Bros. 342 REMEMBER NOW THY CREATOR. soritAyo.if;. Vfrne W Umf. DR. LESLIE. •1= [M^mi^^^iri2_\ m fj lie - mem- Imt now tliy Cre - a - tor in the days of thy youth, TEsoH :^ :ff: fi fe SH iff: ♦ . ^ iff: iff: :g: * :*: :•: i^ i I 1 \ U-' ■ ^— -— ' ' --^ —^ JHAsa. T ^^^^^^^3^^^ :it: :^f i: m In the days of tJiy youth, lie- moni-ber now, re - mom - ber now i ^ »!_* ^ yn^^ a ?^^: tr 5^ ^ -J — ;i- :a=:~i -r— r- thy Cre - a ■ tor in the (hiys, tlu> days oi' thy =:r=:=^- l=t ••8: 1 A'OUth. J__f:^-_:ff:_JG^ JP ma-ff: :Z2: :4=^=;?=rt:= ei m Verse 1st time. -•7-t-T — n ^ ^e£ --B=--^z mm While the e - vil days come not. -> I J* ! 1 ^=k. -hz Nor the ye ars . . . . draw E^F^ «i.r f 1 !i%!^;^i| 3*^ ■$=i=r i^iizig: .l=-^-V :g ^* /ngh when tlioii shall say I have no a' J- pleas ure, no ^ -m ^ :t: ^ r Oopyrleht, 1884, by Hubbard Bros. :fe: m REMEMBER NOW THY CREATOR. .'M3 ^ ^1 11 th, & nzn *l Ut* • iiu'iii Iter thy Cre • a • tor in tl le :^ J__ J_ I _ I _^ -*— ^ ^' ^ 1 plea - euro in tlii'iu. ^m^ ■T S I ^- !{(' - mem licr tl'.y ('re- Ho - nicni- 1)(T tliv Cri; - u - tor in the iC=t ^J-_J Sr^l^ _L-, .. Re - morn - l)or tliy ('re- days, >-Vt 1 — ?3- t^ r_.s « ^ ~m'-f- J- r- rvi.i. run ft vs. S.A X. ^1| , Y^^^e:-^ Tl __^ P ^-t ^m, „ .^ I ! - a - tor m th(^ i dav"^, the (hivs of tliy yoiitli. Fear Ood, and fe^^: ?S r - a - tor iu the days, — Cii • .tl :;trzi:_ t:: i' ■ ' r w^. ri. #Ni M -4= ^ - prfs. f-j keep his com niand - nicnts, for this 1.S the who le e^^^^^^ -^ ::a: =:tr 4-t 1 -Ml ff -^ du - ty of man. Re - mem - ber thy Cre - a - tor. Fear £=£ ^S- -r=^ fe -jzt^ 4::.^=^ ^ f'l ■:Ui .Ml ;^^ :s :z=ii :b^: ^ SUncer. o ZCilSL^ZZZ E^S God and keep his com - mand - ments. A - men. =g: -1- 3 td : :=^ ¥ -<&- - men. P »'", ;^i .! mm 344 !. ;M THE SABBATH SONG. Jojfotultf. DR. LESLIE. 1. Strains of nui - sic oft - en greet us, As we join the bus - y throng, 2. 'Tis a song of love and mer - cy, Speak-i:ig peace to all man-kind, 3. While I live, O, may I ev - er Love the ho - ly Sab- bath song, ^~b: -4=--^ S^ -■^ -Jr e^=eJ^ I m :t: ip=^-^ ±ziz^ -^1 -I — i --e-m-- :^pi ±1 It: But there's nothing half so sooth- ing. As the ho - ly Sab - bath song. Tell - ing sin - ners, ])oor and need - y. Where the Sav - iour they may find. And when death shall call me home-ward. Join it, with the heav'n - ly throng. I r^ I 1 1 1 , 1 . _ I I 1 ^. 4- :S=*i 4- -•»- m :=^ ~W- :t=- ?^ -M- :c2: ^ ■1 1 ) i't;; ■ ii m i m cnomrs. i ^- w^ =*=^ dB ^ ^^ «=s= ■:i=rf: -4H No fear of e - vil, no fear of wrong, While we can sing the Sab- bath song,The tj ^m ~-m=--ir- 1=:p: B P --W=B-- :fe=.|.i ^ S: J :=}=-- liJ J^ji !^ ^K mm Sab - bath song, the Sab - bath song. We lov e to s ing the Sab- bath song. -«# m- l=g S?f^ •I- ^1 -.«=.t^ *-1=^ si — 1>» — ■— I ^ I ,a^. ^ -J- -f'-^^^g- -J- -^ :i»zx=»: ><4^ ■zp=g 1^ Copyright, 1884, by Huudard Bros. 346 THE OPEN DOOR. REV. A. B.EMMONS. A. J. ABBEY. $ r=fi=r^ ii:^gzL^^=^ ^E^^ tS3^. ^ra ^^^=& 1. I've wart - der'd, yes, wan - der'd a - fur, 2. I've plod - ded a wea - ri - some way, 3. And so oil my jour - ney I'll go, m m « m m ^ I've ev - er been 8o rag ■ god, and I'll wan - dcr iu =P^ i -^ yl) -^ y -J 1 -H — mr~\ — m ' ' 5- seek - ing a home. But now I stand at lone - ly, and poor, But now I'm glad that sor - row no more. Through Christ I'll reach at ^^^^^ r^^ f"=--£= CHonvs. ^S:=z»-- an o - pen door. O'er at I see Be- the end, I know, My "V" M^^ m which is written, "Come."i - fore me an o-pen door. Fa- ther's o - pen door. - _^ _ I'll en - ter that I'll i=^ m o - pen door, . . en - ter that o - pen door, ~s= -m — m — m-^ , )^ ^ ^ tAz ^ /> :S=giC ztMz That - pen, That o o pen pen door, door. 111 wan - der nev - er I'll wan - der ^ :ff=ff: #1 That o pen, - pen door, ^t=--=±: 9 more, . . . I'll nev - er more. en ter the o - pen door. e^f Copyright, 1884, by HUBDARD BROS* fli ,'■ 'I A: S I- i $ I ;'1 11 ii I '''■'■ ■t\ 346 A MOTHER'S GENTLE LOVE. M. SPENCER Moderato. A. LEE. 5ESE ±^z P i -m :^j 1. The 2. How :st=-: ES^ ^^-1 ^ r ^l?i ^ ^^ 4*- :eit ^Ie ^- — i ^F=S=^=^= :1t=^ :if=l^ :ff=:*=S^ :-_i:1=:q-?^ ^^^*=ii 4- ^ flow- ers of the earth are fair, Of var - ied tint and hue, They beauteous is a moth-er's love, In last - ing truth ar- rayed, Un- s^E ^ ^ :r=p W^ m 1:=i^ 1=^ t" les: =?2= ^,— -> — ^ t&=* =«*: ;^^=5^s=s shed a- round their per -fume rare. Re -freshed with morning dew ; The - changed, un - var - ied in its tone. In sun - shine and in shade. Oli, -tr_- =S=^ •1 ^ ^ti- X rqrz ^^' * "ir i fe ^lit --^>i=-^~ izHz =:g: ^ Copyright, 1884, by Hubbabd Bros. A MOTHER'S GENTLE LOVE. 347 ;g=2=ri ij ^B ^ :^=p: ^:^Se^ 4: ^it^ i*r~" rq heart may weave where can dwell hi ma - ny spells, But a pur - er spell As one all else a- con - stunt as the r-'>~> ^-^ tr t±E^^i. ^ k-^-z=. rail. ^.-&r 9-*) - — ■ i<0^ :S=:z5.-=Es=^_i -K-s N- :i*: -:X IP f^r=gf: -t W:^ :ft*L :S=v: a hove, A charm all - ther charms ex - eels, dove. Oh, no af-fec-tion can ex - eel A mother's gen - tie A mother's gen - tie f^i^^^d^^hi »: ps^ ^ g SE^ t^^S^ -^ ~t=^, W=S.z t:z-^_t= ^ H^— =1- ^- --X love, A moth-er's love, A moth-er's gen- tie love, A moth-er's gen- tie gen- lie love, A moth-er's gen- tie t2r-4=^^ P^^^^^^^^^i^^lEEp £pi?. S -J^- i ^ ^ --^^-7 i "^ i 111 ■II"; ^#i 1 \w\ -N •1 'i I 1 348 Moderaio con rspress, AULD DAYS. J. M. JOLLY. ^s-^t^a ^s gsggE^ i ^^^J^^P^.^^ ^^ f" con caprcss. t^::. '^^—^ -K k- rs=ijf: 5F^=^=^ ^ ^ J ^ ~ ir 1 The iner- ry diiya of aiild, how clear ! We thiuk up-on them 2 The birds, the flow'rH,are still the same, Aud still, in wiu- try & -iv m:Bz H 3^=''- — *^ 1^^ '»=^ -+^n- PP I*--' — =S= :«r=^ "■t S) H -)- :.( f V 'If S If ^ Sg= g^ :3=fc=fc|=«' 2^^ al - ways; Let sor - row chill, or glad- uess cheer. We wan -der back to cauld days, AVe hail the brioht do - mes - tic flame, That makes us like the ^3i 3E¥ T T mm ^s 535" 1^ N h I * :p=tE J^ auld days. The boii nie birds, the laughinj,' flow'rs, The lamb that in the auld days. Cauld in the gloomy grave they rest. The forms we pic - tare t^z -> 5- J.: -2 '^^ ^, -^ PP -»*- •-u ATTLD DATS. 349 ^""^^ g ^fa^ ^a'^^g ^-g-^^ fauld plays, We love to greet in sum - nicr hours.They mind ua of the) al - ways ; The eyes we lov'ii, tiie lip s wc jires'fi'd.These sane - ti - fy the j i^Si lt5: ^^^ m^z^9r-f=^t ^ ^ /^/E) gj> r^ =5.- ~'^; £■ rk: d^^ -^— !k pi :ii::=: auld days. The mcr- ry days of auld, how dear! We think upon thera al - ways ; Let -4>- -Jf- -S J._ ^ * ^ :=^=^ = m^ ^^^ =g=^=^= --•— ^ 5? :^=:^ Tut :z4: m 7^, S ^ -^i N- — K~- J^— J^ - -^- -JN ^— K y^^»-f0~. — (■— ^f-^=^3^=^^- -^ ^ ^g=»- -*--«-j_j- -J— J- 3-1 sor - row chill, or glad- ness cheer, We wan - der back to 2^ auld days, We ■A—- ^ ^ t ^ :S=%: :5» * r:^ c>: P* I ^iF3= -3=*=^ S=n: -» — =f- I wan - der back to auld days. m f^^^Et SS— p: id?: f * :«=^ >- / g^^iOg^^^a ' t i t . 1 } 1 : 5 ', , ' f ' ] I ^ ( i:'' .i i-s^m ;!.t^i: 850 THE LITTLE VOLUNTEERS. Joyous. -J=^- m=*^ ^ 1. Come, chil -dren, join our great com - mand.Our lead - er is both 2. We're for the front, with or - dcrs sealed. But still we know our 3. Theu join our ar - my, don't de - lav, En - rol your names Avhile gl^ V— *: _f :^:5: :S=^ «: L?i2: tried and cause is right. Our yet there's room, For ^ 4=- -t= true; We're march - ing on - Cap - tain leads vict' - rics crown J f^ I ^ ±: ward to us in us ev' -^ ~m -_^-,, — *_ the land Be - the field. To ry day. And _^ J ^ 1=^ EE I n h 1 ^ 1 1 ^ ' V 1 -' ff V 1 ^ J 1 - II r ^ f9 ' '(^^^^ — ■! «! — — M~ ■! -•; — iH— -«-*- -r" ^ S^ w — *— - vond fight will 1 the hcav'n the er - tiJl God -m- - ly ring shall sky sons call ^ — ■ ' of blue. -\ We're of might. > us home. ) We're 1 ^ march - ing, march - ing on. we're w-rr^T-T ' — 1 P— — S- 10 — « — ?— 1-^ — -? r P ^- ■ imir"^^- ^ ^— i^- ^r 5 — ^H^^ — '-i — " \<-- t: ■ ■ ti* — ^^ d^ ta 1— ;^ march - ing, With cheer - ful heart we're march - ing on, march - ing on, :S: i^n?: iff::*: -ft. :S: :e:ff: :ff::ff: Our ig= ±: -t- !^1#J =*: ranks are firm, our steps are true. Our col - ors bright as heav'n - ly blue, J _^ J _Ji -m- > J > J _^ 1 mm i g— a — y t^ — e=- m ± ±. ±1 Copyright, 1884, by Hubbard Bbos. 351 EVERY DAY BLESSINGS. MARIANNE FARNINOHAM. DR. LESLIE. . 1 — - — ^- ±:. ^- T 4- 1. Ev* - ry day are drop - 2. Ev' - ry day are fall - 3. Ev' - ry day yet near - With Himplifiti/ and expression, ping ing er Bl «s-ing>* fresh from hcav'n, F-'-ry day good Ten - der wordrt of love, Soft- ly o'er our To the heav'nly home, An- gel hands are bi. e^ix^z * *-fi; Sva. lEEi -p- pm^ ~-T- -^y- Pi T- '-m— -.S=r—Sz. EE r 1 < ir I 4; t P ZZ.'ZL. -jzt. =ii I22Z -?3 r fay spir lead or its To our hands are giv'n. Ev' - ry day our kind From the Friend a - hove. P]v' - ry day are need Till God'.s peo - pie come. Ev' - ry day hands ea ness ed ger, ^^ ^-- ^1 r^ % i P m^:=z^. -E^± Z£S1 -& ere». :S=i=ii: ==1= -»- ±=t :3f=i: :4=r HP Findeth room and need Lov-ing words of ours Lips be- seech-ing, bring To up- hold the foe - ble, For the lit - tie ehil- dn n, Bands of lit - tie chil- dren And the hun-gry feed. Pkn - ti - ful as flow'rs. Near - er to the King. bt- — ) — ^=X _S — % — ^^ — Sr I *-S S f ^ ~7Sr- !l \ ? I ! ■' ! n ^Piti, It If \X >'} ■I m ^ 4=: 2* -S- I 1— m bLTTL-_1; =t iiE^^r :qv: I ^:-i^ES: — s>- :1= Oopjrrlijht, 1881, by Hubbard Bros, =#= i ■ZSr 352 WOULDN'T YOU LIKE TO KNOW. J. p. RICHARDSON. E. REYLOFFa AllrtjriiU) qutm andnnthio. ;g: :-,_jj: S P grazwKo, J-,—- «_* •--(•—, !«.-* 0-t -0^-0. ^-^- -*-:5-S= ^ 1!n=^ 1. " AVlio is it that conips to the gar - don pate, And 2. " What is it that makes you to seek in vain For 3. But time has pass'd, and nia - ny a change Li the *^^_-.— =?^^^--p- -_*__ -) — ^ — * — t* * • — gr — -— -^ — ^__* _^^? — u^ » ^^- -^ — ^— set!! up thinjrs vil - lage Si a whist ■ ling scream, bo - fore your eyes? is ea - si - ly seen ; When you're off and a And at ev - er - y Yet a form with a =l»l 5- --=1-- -■^ q^==.- -^=r f: ^i 3=3? ■ way, so knock, or face full ^-^^ ^ of :?s=i= — l-a *•- m joy - ous and gay, As a beau - ti - ful fai stroke of the clock. You quick -ly as light - beau - ty and grace, Trips light - ly o - ver ry niiig the ^ i ir^j -0- -0- ^-m- -^- rall. e; ^ -q ^ — :_:: — -)_ i^T~r 1^=5: :1t=:--«= CPCV^"*?* '384 b» tlTrnT!A.nT> Rwo^. :1-^ dream ? rise ? };reen ; WOULDN'T YOU LIKE TO KNOW. IN ---^=^^- ^lEE^ r^Bt Who ia it that comes to Or per - chauce at a sound 'Tia she who did meet her 353 tho you true tanpi). ■>—4 -t- ^#^ tl z:^r=^- tJ old II im - love at hack-door, bly dress, the gate, At You And u once say ti at for :i=pr ^i^rttff: a sig - nal you a walk to ny ring doth rt=zr.n^: go r go?" show ; III . ■ * I- ^ rP=1v ::tit==: The maid The n'lid She's ji. w en sigh'd, then laugh- ing re - plied, "Well, wouldn't you like to en sigh'd, then smil - ing re - plied, "Weli.wouldu't yon like to the bride, the joy, and the pride. Of — wouldn't you like to -0 ^ know ? know ? know ? ^ W^^_ fl --t See ^=?»= m Well, would - n't you Well, would - u't you Of — would - n't you like like like to to to know ? know ? know ? D.8. m /^. JF -^-=- 5—^1 *- IB mm m I' Kjj P; SM NORAH, THE PRIDE OF KILDARE. .' PARR" Anilnnie. ^mam ^mmm ^ \ ^^^ w* F:0 -I— — (.- '■^"m- '-m- '-m-'-m-'-m- '-m-m- -m-'-m-S- J't? L?^^« ^2=-^ ■X ^■- -3l- 1. As 2. Whcr- ^?'^W^fp^#4l:^^#r1'H crm. PP crex. ■ — ■ — wi'-0>—S—* 9 '•" EiE^E^^E^^ ei •I'J ' m u IfiiF' :1t-rqv :>:=:=g=5ii; :*=5: 3^^i^ig^&?i;^i^ii beauteous as Flo - ra Is charmiiiu' yoiinsr Norali, The joy of my lirart and the •e'er I may be, love, I'll ne'er lnr-fr'^lg^ 5^^5itr ^ :^£: »:i:#i:--»r ^— ^ No - rah,dear No - rah,thc pride of Kil - dare? Oil, No- ruli,di:ir No-riih.tlie No - rali.(h'ar No - nih.the pride of Kil -dare? Oh, No - rail, dear No - lidi, tlie ^^ --^ --^ ^ ^ ^ ^S— m pride of Kil pride of Kil dare. dare. c- i ^m^ :^E^ ^--m: I J -|p/- -9- "fel cqUu voce. 1 1 1 F= — I H ::m. ^ -:£. -:S^ ^ IS- I ! l' ii : 1 1 i 1 i ' 1 . Il.'i 'lit-' - Mil 1 '^A I'l; •\\\ -iiti' J "l ■;!■ ■ -Si li'^1 ^.\p. 356 THE GARDEN GATE. Itfiidrrnto. T. CRAMPTON. • f • ■»ir 5:Sii'« st PiSpi F* Ei ^ .«r r.i^ ^^ rifr:: >^z=:E 1. Tlui (lay '2. She pncfd .'}. She paced .•8.- w!i« spnit, the jiiir the gar tilt! moon shone bri^rlit, Th" (It'll he?(f and there, ' iio den here and there, The m j^ C> itJ w. U >l ri'T I U k ^gi ^TJ vil - lau'e vil - la,'e vil - lau'e elot'U stnu'U ei;:!!!, elofk struck nine, cltick struck ten, Yoiiiit^ Mil - ry has - tencd Which made young Ma - ry Young Will - iam caught her ^ r=^ E^_-=£ with sigh in de - light Un - to the gar - den and say, "You shan't, you sjuin't be hid arniii, No more to j)art a gate; mine! gain ; But You For Copy right, 188^1, by Hubbabd Bros. THE OAHDEN GATE. C67 ^TsT W^l what wim tlitw to iiiiikk' Iht huiI? TIic pitc wuh iIhtp, but Kiiid jMiiiM iii»'«'t iiu' IxTc lit, t'i;;lit, Ymi iitVr kIiuII k<'i'|) nor hu liad l)oii;;ht the rinK tliat day, And trav - lUcd ta>t u :«: 3^ m m^ ^ ^ ^ ■^ifiz—^: w > ^ V- _J!L; ^.J^ 1^ 5 ? not the hid ! Which made yomi;^ Ma - rv dr(i<)|) and Hi- -SI 1- y :^ ^3^ ad lih. ^ ^^-^ i^^ Bar - noy McLea - ry, You're sent as a plague to the girls of Coloraine." Kit - •ty's (lis - as - ter,There was not a pitcher found whole in Coloraine. ^f^^^-^^^^^^ 1^1 rj— ^- ^- ^mmm W -z^r i; [ I fil I ii.( ( m' ■ t'' ■ i ir 4 if til, .lit 11' 'M' ' tV' W lis '< ■;;if iiii 360 SIGH NO MORE, LADIES. SHAKESPEARE T. CRAMPTON. ^__^.^^__ V \A~^r:ijtz^ :1^~:s=; imziigi -F — ^-"5^ -l-j^_: J_,^— ■=__ ^ 1. Sijrb no more, la- dios, Liulies.siiih no more; Mt'n were deceivers cv-er, 2. Sing no more dit - ties, Ladies.sing no more Of dumps so dull nnd heav-y, Of 23" V E^ ■:*r-i^ u.g p ;==_-::^=zs ^=-r ^ — I — * — :5z: ^^^ II non-ny, Hey non-ny, non-ny. — I •!-- =;&::i.r:iSzr5q_-::iE=:=P^. I pEtit^ -*-,»- PIP f ^^iP- p fl &£ -I — I — H — h- ;:^=^: :^z=im^:^rr~:hr.w: -! — I- ff ZCZX m I j 1 is- •iu -Mm I ;-'. -i*i(.- M...: 5 I f . 362 RING DEM HEAVENLY BELLS. WORDS AND MUSIC BY SAM LUCAS. Byp«t, P^P^^i^^^^ ^ --^ ^^ $ 1. If you want to get in dera gold - en gates.Ring dem heav'nly bells, 2. When de whale was floating down d«! stream,Ring dem heav'nly bells, 3. I will tell you now as I've told you before,liing dera heav'nly bells, s Come a He I'll 1^^ ^ f r*=f=1f pgi i^ ^^^H2 Ml •— h- 5e^ :=rt long, broth - ers, and don't be late. Ring dem heav'nly bells; swallowed up Jonah, and didn't he scream. Ring dem heav'nly bells; sing this verse and I'll sing no more, Ring dem heav'nly bells; $ m »=t :^ :^ ^ ^±Jit S^it^ ^3^ W De gates am gold, an' de hing - es, too, Ring dem heav'nly bells, Jonah was all dat he had on hand, Ring dem heav'nly bells, hy, de mu-sic lies on Russell's shelf , Ring dem heav'nly bells. feE f^ :^- *=1r :^ '"•L Dar's So ho And if r- U: r^r-* J^: *y^ir^ ^=^ *S- :^ plen - ty of room for me cast him o - ber on you want any more, sing it and you, Ring dem heav'n-ly belh. dry land, Ring dem heav'n-ly bells. your -self, Ring dem heav'n-ly bells. Wz ^ ^ Coryi'Iglit, lg83i by RcsssLL Bbothbbi. RING DEM HEAVENLY BELLS. 363 Chorus. P -^~m- 3^ :|!:=Jt ^^ ;^S^^^ j^ZiM. ^E^.^ Gwine to ringer dem heav'nly bells, G wine lo ringer dera heav'nly bells, Gwine to ^^^^^^^^(^ z^z^-. zl=:q-=: *:** ^ ■£z=^=*-. t =t: j^=:z-. -^^. j^lzmH :rt: ]S--3=^: atz.-at ring-er dem heav'n -ly bells, good Lord, To call dem sin-ners home. n^ — -t. — :r]H_ -~=1 3 -I 1— =^ ::^ — =;- ■*- s r^^ ..^. I ^ — ^ ^ 'TIS BIRDIE'S EVENING PRAYER. 1 m w '.<:l iM: II Nu' •;.i; i;m'! HI- ■5i 'il' ^^t!li 111 '•Pt^^r , ^: ,t ,^ ARTHJR W. FRENCH. Andantinn moileraio. CHARLEY REA. By per. =^ ^= — g — I— pn — ^>.-i-- - i-— I 1. She kneels beside a 2. A- round her fair up 3. Nea'th silk - en lash-es mmm. rrtr: -l-J- --^ cres. :c2: V V * -^ -^- -■_- I -^- -O- V V ^ V Copyright, 18V9, by Gbo. D. Russell. 364 'tis birdie's evening prayer. m^ -<&- ■X- ^ mother's knc'C',And soft - ly mur - miirs o'er, lift - ed face The twi-li^ht's ha - lo steals, blue eyes dim,And lips to lips are pressed, in toiK.'. (if child - ish In sim -pie in - no ■ While moth -er sings the i ^ :d-i iBzf^ =1: :--=1-7 22- ■iS- "C" zn ^- "-^^ =t -wtzz^z ::i: :=1: -S- :=|i m mel -o - dvjller lit -tie pray'r once nxve. cence and grace As there she gent - ly kneels. good-ni<;ht hymn A -bove the snow - y nest. He -yond the gold - en As sweet and low as In dream -land too, while P -• — m——m -SS' gates song strays of day To man - sir/ns o - ver there, of birds Up - on the sum - mer air, her feet 'Mid scenes so bright and fair. The So She list - fall hears -r- -M:=aL ^: :^: m 'ning an - gels bear away Sweet Birdie's the ten - der whis - pered words Of Birdie's sweet voi - ces still ropcat Her Birdie's even - ing pray'i*. C4od even - ing pray'r. God even - ing pray'r. God -SH ¥" W: il -Gf- 'tis birdie's evening prayer. 365 Chobus. ^-^ ^^_^. -#-(•- ificzp: 7=t=^. :.p: :J?*= i^ bless Ma-nia and Pa-pa too ; Take me un - to Thy care, And P^3S^-^^=3^'3:^d: -* ^!Zr bless Ma-ma and Pa-pa too ; Take me un - to Thy care, Ai:d d::z=:l3=:^TE^d=t ::r- «b=it r bless Ma-ma and Pa-pa too ; Take me un - to Thy care. And fe^^ ->- 4 4 = ^---^^"^ ^it^ ■ I EEES 3^3=3:3== =«-d---«: zss:- -(©- i-i^ •c?- rail. :q-_:z:pz :r=: CT ::«f.:jt ^ — «■ guard and keep me while asleep; 'Tis Bird-ie's rail. ev 'ning pray'r. 31 7) :^-=1: - a^— 1^- guanl and keep me while asleep; 'Tis Bird-ie's rail ev - 'ning pray'r. HEEzSH tt J=:i ^^5 =1: :?= -« guard and keep me while asleep; 'Tis Bird-ie's rail. ev - 'ning pray'r. ^r il I 11 !■ 1 •' ■:'■,: 1 1 3G0 HAUL, TAUT AND BELAY. COMMODORE WHITINO. ^: ■:g-z.m. ■^m :p— t ; C. J. MAREE. I t I I // _,'_•!. .d. M. v^m-B- T-T-^ I f > » -J— -r-«-«-« »^ 3: 1 AVo liav(! a say - iiij; on tlie sea, "Haul, taut and l)e- lay ;" When 2 Andlil'c'H a sua oVt which we sail, "Haul, taut and he- lay !" Thro' ::^: % ^^.^-sa. :^ :^: :«^ :^: :# * '^-.'S, - -. ---X :=qi -51— :p=:3: :Si=-!:;z:=liir:^i_ ii< I Mi i^ n— -1- :=qir=:rprir=^— . : :|= all many a fair and bright and wc Haul, calm and nuiny a gale, Haul, taut and be taut and bo \%. :=l: % f^f^i=i im: N— -;- *• *-"'*j :.J.-| IMiei :^:i=::ri=nnr-»- :=r b^^zl :— jz;-rrj ^=5 <^ - lav ■ - lay ! When ev' ■ And when ry sail, wo find i a - low a Pi :Ei*E=E* or hitih, lot true, Is Who rnl^czl: :r:: ^gi-P r-t-t ~-W- :t2- n:=z:fe«'jrt t-i HAUL, TAUT AND BELAY. inft Lr3::i.r m draw - iii}^ stead - y, full and by, We on - Wiinl spcid and knowa ex • act - jy what to di), To take us miIo our ^—\ '§-"'■: t_^ rjj--^: -J- t^ :p_-T=nr:Fr3:_-_-.r:r^=lvr:d: :t=: ;^ii^g clioer voy 3: e teff^fE^E^E==L^ -K 1 — -I 1 y JL .^-^ ■ 1 {why Haul, haul, taut and bo - lay ! W^ aj^e tlirougli, ) m -jr^-iz \*y ;^:g.|gffr-.^|^^£=i] 4 -m — m- 2:5{-J?:ii:r:t: :ff~t: rM.~ _j^_L have a gay- \\v^ on the sea, "Haul, taut and be - lay ; When t?.-- r1 Tri:=^=::^ ==::^:Er^^i:i^-drz^a^-E3-^j::iii=~^E=rr:=r=:S:=1— ^:=E (i P^rz^jiizz' :*=:r.^.zzEJl :^— r^ r rrzi-— T— ' -^— r^c r^:=.5z:|:» — -;.-rq ^qi-irs-i- « — -i—t ii^ llii': 1'* fl^i I- r ' it; -♦v — d ^^^^E^E^^Eg^ 1 :z:l — ^-* rrnl^iqi, §m all 13 fair and bright and we Haul, haul. ^-. t — f- «f — •— 1- >f m f -^ — ■ — 1- taut and bi- lay I" n -I- ti -I .,. .*. Iff: f: ;^ ■ III if i!r-?;±riz=:terr:rrF:prr2r;rJ __!!1- iHiiiiii u hi I. H m i^ ' ■ f'"' w'f :i I 3G8 SENTENCE.-'COME UNTO ME." FOR MALE VOICES. m. Legato. ^ 1 — r Come un - to mo, iin - to me, me, all yo that la L. per. ^ yo that la - bor mid are 5^tf"- ^2^S -4- .siz Ei .-J- :tf— *: -iJ- -g?: tJ=imz ^k zesi -^ ^^=ki ::=1::__ :q-;r4: -(S- -r 1 — r I ^ pp flhw. tempo. heavy hi - den, and I willglveyou, wiP give you rest; take my yoke up % 2^-5, ^ ---.^1-4 -4-t-4- =F"- :S:Ei: g «=^=:«:---:«r j^n; 4-^ ^p^SH .^-._^___^ pp ci: ^:^r-,^ isz:: 23:r; :aij-_«:; :*=at i£] J-M-fra alow. :±_"±-±}:, P :-:§ a~ SI — ,is - W^ mp trmpo. w w tit] on you and learn of me, and learn of me, for I am meek and tyr -4 — j-*-r^ .2:z_ci_ -.m—m- r- fe^- :i=tr: 4- ^: ES l.-T:tT=d: crrit. flhn. ±-J^. i^pia^^ii^lpp -r- low - ly of heart, and ye shall find ro,«t "C22: I un - to vour soula, -:-^- :d- -4 ^- -4- p^iifj jz^z:!:: i2_ :■-:■<: :i «(>?/. CTfH. f>^=»^=F?^ :-LjS_:Sz3= ,^- ^. ?a:i-|: ^..Pr::.?^^ For my yoke is '1 \ r ea - sy and my bur - i_,. ..(_ I j_ . .. ,.. ... p , r ■ den is liut for ye IM Tho' till' partint; jjjie's me pain. Go; I'll try and not be lanely, Tlio' tlietri-al And will eount the drea-ry hours; For thy smile one heart will wait, love, his-teii for thy ^eM^^^: ■^■ t i-q^: -J- ^ ^-W :::!. ^ ^ ^-h. -j. ^^ — --^ 3 I^IES --1 5 r^iris: :l-:^za»: ••R- giethema'; Andmyheartis sair Avi'thiiikin<;,Ye''ll be ganging soon a -vva'. will bo a', For my heart is sair Avi' thinking, Yell be oanLring soon a -wa'. soft foot fa'. Sadly wait for that sweet time when Ye'll not be ganging soon a -wa'. -f ■^- z=i- '\ 1 y ( fl t : 1 ^ 1, ! 1 ■ ' 1: ' ifj ,', . 41 1 i ! 1 ■ 1 1 , y 1 li-i '! 1 1. 1 ii :] % ■ ! ,1 ''1 c' wMm V <$^ 1^_^ -^ „0. C)^, \^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET {MT-3) fe ^/ ,V^ 4 /. K, 1.0 lii I.I Ui^ |2.5 U£ 1^ 12.2 ? ^ m 11.25 i 1.4 6" I 1.6 V Photographic Sciences Corporation 33 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4S03 %^ iV V <^ rv % "^J"^ o-^.^ <((^:^ ^^^ <^" o^^^^ ^Jif' ^s^ 870 FOREST ECHOES. AUffjretin. GEO. F. ROOT. ■9- -w- ^ ^ -9- -m- -€>■ •^- A - IniijI Tlicv stirr' Tlioy lluat Anil ev - tlio path of the dim ' my licart with their h old for - est I stray'd in the dew - y dawn, And ii my Mean wiin tneir low sweet voiees Like chimes of a ho-lier land, As ed down thro' the liHt'niiii,' si- lenee.Like tones of a sil - ver dream, From er-more thro' the si-lent marches.Where life's busy moments throng, I m^^^m^^. .%—m-t^ --=trr:=r- SEE^ T *~^Sr i^H lieard far a - way in the si - lent shadow., The eeh- oes of the morn : thoiij^h far a - way mid the si - lent liranches Were a hap- py angel-band : realms far a - way where there was no sor - row, By life's un- ruf- tied stream : hear far a - way in the qui - et shad- ows Those bliss-ful notes of song : lEE^I: r— r— r LIB.: 1 — r- :E= Duet. .. ply ! ^~^.'^- Once a - gain re - ply ! Ech —SI ■ 0, Edi - o, \^^ — ! __» ■ & -■- -- W-^ '' ^ i- :f^EE^ PP :S: ^ iSE: I Ech - o, Ech - o, Ech - • ! sweet good - bye, Ech - o, sweet good- bye ! -ar ± ^^ ^1 Copyright, John CavBCH & Co. By per. L. COMPTON. ^ Mudvrttlu. MY GRANDFATHER. 37] L. COMPTON. I s^j^;: 5^3e:3^?e ^ -*- ^ • I - f -M — s — ^ 1^. 1 My grand - fa- thcr liad a vor - y iiiu! liinii, Ami a vcr - y fino stock li!i(> 2 My gniiid - fa- tluT liad sonic vcr - y fine dogs, Some vtr - y line dotrs |;au Sif he, h6» ^ NN ith .1 qiKick, quack horo, and u qimck, qunck tlitTO, \N itli a With a how, xvuw here, anil a boii\ ivmv tliori', AVith a :E3^: r^-=r::fr -S-^"t=z> :S=i: ;■(— ^=r-_-i!: lir:^, 1 riirkle, cackle hero, and a cacklr, cackle there, Oli, come a- long boys, oh, 2 cackle, cackle hen', and a cackle, cackle there. With a :|| ||: quack, quack here, and a quack, quack there, Oh, come n- long boys, oh, _ S S 1^ -jr-i* "^ "j f "- -^ l a - ~h-"-T-^ ^^ * ^-,— •^— •^— • -a s 1 Ir 4 i^EE^EE^ 5EE^ :i==i- come a - long come a - long girls girls to to m the the mer - ry nier - ry green green f=^^ fields fields way. vav. ms^ ¥=f ^=-r I 3 My grandfather had .«ome very fine sheep, Some very fine sheep had he, With a hah, hah here, and a hah, hah there. With a hvu), wow here, etc.. With a cackle, cackle here, etc., With a quack, quack here, etc., Oh, come along boys, etc. My grandfather had some very fine cows, Some very fine cows had he. With a moo, moo here, and a wioo, moo there, With a bah, bah here, etc., With tt boiv, ivon^ here, etc.. With a cackle, cackle here, etc., With a quack, quack here, etc., Oh, come along boys, etc. ^Fy grandfather had some very fine i)ig8, Some very fine pigs had he. With a quec, quit: here, and a quee, quce there, With a moo, moo here, etc.. With a bah, bah here, etc., With a how, wow here, etc., AVith a cackle, cackle here, etc.. With a quack, quack here, etc., 01;, come along boys, etc. My grandfather had some very fine birds, Some very fine birds had he. With a caw, caw here, and a caw, caw there. With a quee, quee here, etc.. With a moo, moo here, etc., With a bah, bah here, etc., With a how, wow here, etc., With a cackle, cackle here, etc., With a quack, quack here, etc.. Oh, come along boys, etc. • ■* , CopyrlRht, Joint Church & Co. By per. 372 I WILL ARISE. DR. LESLIE. I will a - rise, I will a - rise, and go to my Fa - ther, -^x^ 2_i ■ -f- a— g f -v-'-t BASH. S^^j^ +;.— r I will -iS>-» — •- I will w2- -+ a - rise, ts. -- a - rise, and go to my (23- r ^P SO/'KANOKS. g:^— iJ:^ - J -gJ g^«=r^ P: "C?" Fa _(2- 2i= ther, And will say un - to Him, Fa - ther, I have sin - ned, z^E^- Org. Fed. ere». ^^^ Pi ^E± ££i: S^ :.^: -i&- :5=S= -S^i- &1= Fa - ther, I Imve sin ;P=^^ ued a- gainst Ileav'nand be - fore Thee, Be- m^^^m J: # --3«=?- -^ :r=5: - fore Thee I have sin - m«il, And am no more wor - thy to be j^i- M: ¥^^ :*—!■_ It :ti: -i2- _0- =t-- ^. JS- fel^ Copyrlith*.. 18W, by Hubbard Bros. I WILL ARISE. 373 ^ ^ :i 32: ^ call - ed thy son. I have sin - ned a - gainst Hrav'u and be- jS. js. -ts^ _ /^ .^ _ ^. 19- ei=^t.:^ p^p^ -■^— Sr=.^ -^ -t-=t Ei^i^^tel^s 3=^ :^ r23i fe==:S-= ^ fore Thee, And am no more wor • thy to be il i jD/a Ifr-m. ill it=ii: c;' call • ed Thv ts~ :g==ff= i-tai-— t»^=e: :t^l-^ P )0 g=-^ son. I have sin - nod, I Lave sin • ncd, my P .a ^__:*_ . Jg- -^ _ _-^s. -e Q- f g — g — S^ :i 4i ' ^ '■ dkz «»/, Fa :S. i^^ ther. -(©- my Fa - ther. -hS- -tf?- .(22. I have sin ::22i ned _«s_ n a - gainst r 1^' % :i 5 1 Slower. 374 JTlegrrdo. MINSTRELS THREE. TRIO FOR .'vADIES' VOICES. n- M. P. KINO. ,^ (^ ^ *— ♦ t—- -f- f- ■ ^ ~~^~*~^~0h~^^ ^ ^ — • ' ¥£E^ 1 h :S^ ^ r* — I — a — ^ = 1 ^ i ■ t -i — ' 1- '^ 5$=*; =*=-"*" -■^^ i jof voirB, Minstrels three, La-dy.are we, Hither we come far o- ver the sea With Sd VOICE. _ ^_^ az lC^:^'m- ^r=:=^:=^:I:^r Minstrels three, Lady, are we, Hither we come far o- ver the sea "With .?'? roicE. -joi—L iqST-^ji, — 1_ ■^_-^ — r -JtZZMl ::>-=::J!ti^ -I — Minstrels three, La-dy, are we. Hither we come far o- ver the sea AVith j g — j ? -- g- jii^fe- -J — u :■(- ^^ Copj-riclit, 1884, by tluuBAHD BHoa. !?="J=:rt I I MINSTRELS THREE. -^$l^^^f=EF^:5^ -•i=ff: E^ :t: ±: 375 i tfc«: 1 1»» ^ jest ami with glee, And with niin - strel - sy, From .TTj ,"hs — 4=-3 -:^ S=i:S:»-i^ t:==mtr- — (^=1- -^i EC*?E :C2: =»=»- r-z:5--r.*r::s— -F^3:£iJiE^»=S-- 'I I'll MR ^ii .1 I 37<5 MINSTRELS THREE. b?,- ^ / 4*^=;*- "T- r t^ 4:: ^ o - vor the seii, With ji'.-trel - sy, F roiti l/~::rt-:^_- :*— •: :»5=:qif o - vor the »va, Wiili jest and with glee And with niin - strcl - »y, From -. / -•- _ o - vcr the siti, With ji'.-it and with giee Antl with niin - stnd - ^v. — *^ From — 4'i-^-q -*- -4 •::*::^ / (m:^- w I :^::;« /.v/ //we. =::zl-r-_^-znt:r:==q 8or-row and care your souls to free. P =I^-:^rr1: Lst time -.^. — wt—:^ 8or-ruw and eare your sou Is to i rpp. =f=^ 7s/ t?ne. zz^^zz-s^i;:r:^. ^ 8or-row and care vrot. ^gr rS2I :i=Si :«t=i?: S ±1 guer - don, your guei » t^^J"— P-^ — g— 1# — ^pi-fj g- FT^ ^ -H t»-tT ^-^|^-gT Ab- Benoe paiiic, hut swoct-tT Ih \\w plens-urc, \Vli«n ut last we mi'»t u-^'uin M (I Irmpo, -5 —.jf-i.—, -t- '^S^J 4. - J I - t^£ gf^j^E^^feg^E^lf Cure be j^oiu' ! no iiuni", ii« more uii-uoy • in;,', rrituil'-lMii 'lere we tn-as-un-you. es-*£ssi^i, :t t: ^ ^S^ff^ff?^ lt:rzlziTJS:rifc±p— tn ^^^m^mm -In — 1^ a trmpo. Wt'lcoinol Wi'lronic ! Now wo all re - jnicL' Wc'lconu' ! welcome I welcome ! . . . With Now we all re - joice m^^^m^^^^^m^^^^m B8?~-=-.EEE^— ^- ff Welcome I Now we all re - joice / g . With cheer - ful heart and voice, F(T here at last, for It =r^=Si— >r With cheer-ful heart and voice. cheer ful heart and voice. For here at l:i.- r=5;i=rMrr:>-rftzJtzzJi : zmzzzmi 'if I t it i , , . I • '' .fill, IS' mi m ■ji 111 882 THE WELCOME MEETING •C-^ — m m m <9— r-s — a _•'-■__• —* 1# -■ — t^ 1^ ^ — ^-T^:t:ir=:p-t:=:zrrt<--p-ii:^p-p:gz:rt>>--ti»zi:SE^ here at lust wc meet u - gain. May wc ev - er ilius u - nite to- ^^J-— ».-=rr:i"?_—:K^:=zrii?z: :. Fiez:rcr4--izzrr-F:»=P- ±^^± m here at last we meet a - gain. May wc ev - or thus u - nite to- f7;-r-n^r=:-:r:i=:rT?::z:rr?rc: m -.WtZZZMt- SI* ! pi': *; < tj :^-ic:t*:z^^:J^^-tz!r:i-_it=z.E:tz_EE i geth- cr,An(l on - ly part, and on- ly jnirt to meet a • gain. jNIay wc ev - er «r. p: - geth- er, ■p= tz'!z:r.mlz^rMzz- And on- ly part to meet a - gain. May we ev - cr ^='iEE^:^z:^t=^-^t*_-p£E=d-^:±='•43=3^E mM^^wm^^^^^mmi thus u-uite to-geth - er, And on - ly part, and on - ly part to meet a - gain. zjtifcz:^ :(!?'-»=prFz.— ^^-^F^ :t2— J^ -J^-=zti. \- 1 ri7. _ rr _^ _.^ grrg: .-) — |i ::i?— te r=br_:^ <&—t E^liii thus u-nite to geth - er, BzJP. y-i^ zzt^-^zbitri :=ft!i_ rijt And on - ly part to meet a - gain. ■■in- 383 PRAYER FROM DER FREISCHUTZ. SOVHANO. ^ Adaijio, WEBER. ?/eH ±-^=~ F4: ^J^^^^^^^ 1. Gen- tie measure, hynin'd .vith plea- sure, Kloiii to yoiiiler starry az -lire; *. AhTO. » 1^ E^ ^ ^_,g^_-g^, F^ T -^ S g— P-H -, Far .^^-^ ^^Ym^ i» TKXOn. 2. Theowanl tciul-iug, see ine heiul- iiiL', L"ril, witli-nut first cause or eml - iiig ; Jt.lS.S. I -t— ^^ — I— ^ :•-=»: ■^— !— (•- .^-t ^^b^EEE^gl ;5p !■ n Llld ^^ J^ ^^^ip^oi 8ong \v'th-in yon Heav'ns do - niin-ion, Waft my pray'r on seraph's pin - ion! t^E^^^ET^^^^l 'lh-=^- H**^- ^x~ M ii^— "-I ^- So that dan - ger be. .a stran-ger, 8end Thine aiigel-guards.Aveu - ger. iC= i^sp 3^, m .^►r^M:: _*~b^ ^iJ*^ rr -^ ■0- ^-mt-0- -*- ^# •-•r*^ ! ' ! ^ H 1 h i^lS n. * — ri: ig .-=! 5J-- ^m^m I i?*^ ■ftl Copyright, 1881, by Hubbard Bros. 384 EV'RY B.ULLET HAS ITS BILLET. H. R. BISHOP. P E: Con 9piriio. .^. Jm. • / ^^= -^-efz ^ ^ ^ — ~1< — 1 ^ ^^— »-- J "~t~ t-l ^^^^^^^^^aJ^*- :ei: I 1. I'm a tougl) true- heart - c»l sail - or, Care - less, and all tiiat, d'ye see; 3, We who brave the bri - ny o - cean Nev - er flinch 'cause dan- ger's nigh; -It-.- i^l- Nev • er at the times a rail - er, Wiiat is time or tide to me? Griev-ing, boys, is all a no - tiou, We bid fear and dan - ger fly ; 'i^ 1 1 =4- i:1-^::^::1zi4 Copyright, 1884, by Huuuard Bros. EV'RY BULLET HAS ITS BILLET. 385 frOvt-i =h^ii=^ All must (lie when fate shall will it, I'rov - i - deuce or- Seud the cheer round, mind don't spoil it; Cheer! nor heed the ^ili .^.^J-:: ^gl -m^- :^i 'jSEmz^. f p ^: i f ^= ^ P largo. zBr^tz —m- -dains it so; ) j, , . ^^j . j com - ing foe ; j •' - ^ K^ ^^^ has its bil - let; mmm ^ * 12!^ / // PP Wz ^ 1^ ,. I i p ' n li^ 1 ; «; .3 r* '• j If 1. Ik I 388 THE ROMANY LASS. ■ ^— 1 =t ?t — n- jt^^^E^I As . . those . love . in the days ... of ohi . . . .'\ bri^'lit eves )f thine • • • > thee htiii .... the same ! " ) The .!? _j g -1 - x- r) - . ..4— — ^ -«< — » n-- niM. -^: -X sf- — V'C . .--=«, , ..-= -»^ 1 zct: - 1 y ft- hawk un - to the o psn sky, The 'W^mm Si^=t ffite i 3 — ^- t- ^. —itz 3=31 :*==4S= red deer to the wold, The i ^i^^j^* 3: ;? n- 5"*^ P H EtE5^ --:=r ^^e^= :1t--^ S=«= aHargando, Rom - a - ny lass for the Rom - a - ny lad, ^ * »7 ->-^ As . . in the THE RO \NY LASS. 389 (liiya . . of old. I 3d time. fm^:^^ laaa -9-r^ for the lioin uy -n-j|=9 // ii;^iil^5^|=E.CIjC^ :^r=r^ ^-^ lad, As hi tiu> days of old; 'Jrz^ wm^^^m^-^t:^^ t?: i= :^: -■:ts^^t=^- t-zji: -J=^ •^ 5« allargatido. =^^Ei=?= =e=_Te: :ff=5p: i- The Rom - p. - iiy luss for the Rom 8va..^^ Hva j^ :l t^-^ziz^z ^^Sggpp^i^^ a - uy '-^-^=r^^ m^^w^^rmm f-^'i -* — n- tr ■^ ~^-: :ff=:e* iBLn^r: :^ I Bi'a. lad, As . . . iu the days of old: =* — ^ -:il S =!— *- 3* i coWa rocc. =- //I ^-^^ i:?^: fS= -1-s- pp f -=1-J6 =!- ^^B -:^--Jt i 390 ON THE ROCKS BY ABERDEEN, JEAN INCELOW. Andantf con ino'o. A SCOTT GATTY. ^i 1 r ^^^^ivt-4 "/ -^- m P^ :Hi=:^»i ^^Ei^ ^ :P3= ilP :^ ^3".^^^ - --=}■ iftzris: :k=?c "jg — ■= ^ 1. On the rocks by A-bcr - decn, Where the whist'-lin' wave had boon, As I 2. TViou I busk'd niy-serwi' speed, And the neighbors cried," What need? 'Tis a .,-_^--^, "^ :* — ^ ig f f ' ;o =*= ^=ij|==:^: =^=^^ -+— -I 1- =1:: :i ^ >-^-V-. - ^^^^: i wan'der'd and at e'en Was eer lass in a - ny weed. Ay, bon -j^ — ^- ie ; There I saw thee sail- ing nie I" Yet my heart, my heart is ■---^d'^ ■iwt—;gzL m ip2^ r — r ^^■^ :t: 1:::^^:*= :z3i =t?=' Copyright, 18»1, by HunnARo Bros. •= z-^z ^ ail- j"f? art IS S-- m- ff= ON THE ROCKS BY ABERDr:EN. .191 zz:tii- -•— ; crr$. west, And I ran with j<^ r- irfct i»« your,, P (hire. :fc=re: :g — m-- f=r --^' ^— j — y- 1. Sil - ver moon- light wiuds are blow - ing Soft - \y o'er tf»/ rnicE. the i^ ^^^U T -4- :*^ir^ =j: en light of 2. Gen - tie breez - es, love, are call - ing, Gold sa roici:. m ^^- :St^^ii=iC - i 4- -J- T 3. Twi- light shades in sleep re - pos - ing. War - bling birds are =2= m^^s^g^mm P legato. ^ei STir: r ::=r ■^^ Copyrl^'lit, KSj, by HminAHi) I2bo«. SILVER MOONLIOHl. 391 1^ :}: :^ Mum- luer eca, Lovo • ly stare iu la'au - ty glow - ing, ^^^^^^^^ hap - py lioure, Biiiil - ing rays of star • light beam - ing, Lt^m t^=^0f^ - g — a s==^^ uea - tlod now ; Queen of beau - ty high though soar - ing, mWm ?— « ^ ^ ^m f: i. ^ -tli Geu - tly watching o'er my love and me. Now we'll wan - der. Wei - come,dar-ling* one, to pla - cid bow'rs, Flow'rs are sleep - ing W^~^ Ity -R — ?r- ::=&: rr — =S- 1 I -t- -^ — ^ Lis - ten, charmer, to our moon- light vows. Bark of love, float *t* m. m m^ »if -4- ^^^ m 304 SILVER MOONLIGHT. 1-^: T ^- r — ^ '• # .3* since tlio fun-li^'lit Huh to sloop his man - tie thrown : Lovc'h bo-witching -S=B^ -JO. :4=:^ J V i till thtMluy-light Kitta - eodcw-drupM from their boil ; Lii^t to niu • fie, q^:4-- q=-4t^^=: :tr-~q= :»'Erip:z^i^^3 - ':i near - cr to \\*t Rip- plcwavosin Ntar- light sou; Sil - v('rnioon-iii,'ht ^m^^^w^^ X'- g 2^'i-t:: J^ =i ;^ rnllrntamln. ^ Ltf- l:: SpEf£^ in the moon- light, Care and trou - ble now be 4- ^:S0zzz:z^ ^ 1 m fii^r P bright a - bove us, Watch- ing o'er my love and T).S. gone. m Avinds of moon- light, Sweet - est sounds to love are wed. =1= -^ ^ =--=Ji- I me. m D.S. m D.S. I 3»0 WHERE THE BEE SUCKS. TRIO FOR LADIES' VOI.JES. X>n ARNE Ir Altrtfrrtin ^1k- nj 1 I fe^l^l^ t-- 4=^ F-^EIE -I 1 r 'i^t .-I -, — a — --, :*-sdt tr. ■t- F- — -) (&-^- ^^-t r/i'ni :!5r: t S: -ic^-. — — — -^-^x 4^f — i p -iB± FjE^^L^^ Where the bee sucks there lurk I ; P — ^_i — s= ^1- -^ X- — ^ In a cow - ^'lip bell I Where the bee sucks there lurk I ; P In a cow - .slip bell I Copyright, BBAKD 1 TH I J f 'ti 396 WHERE THE BEE SUCKS. -(S> m-J:_ lie, There I couch when owls do cry, when owls do cry, when owla do T- v~-=^~- q='-:=F -JS^Sz ^^ ::t=q= -^' -i- i^5 P lie, There I couch when owls do cry, when owls do cry, when owls do ^i r ^ P SM- f=^=l^"=^^~T=l IJ J^J J ^ H .,- ^;^ Si'^ \. ^ ' ~ zj ^-jr ^^=^^=J:3__.^ r?=^,-i--v-^^ l^fibJz :zi cry. P cry. :¥—m- On a bat's back do fly. ::f4-=1^ :*=*: :i==?= t=::T iMmrs: On a bat's back do I fly, i^^ WHERE THE BEE SUCKS. / cz==:*=5*=ij: Aft - er sun- set ater-ri - ly, n)er-ri - ly, Aft - er --*^*^ -* - p»-J? * — Ig: :^ — 0h- -i^M-rMz Aft - er sun- set nier- ri - ly, nier-ri - ly, Aft - er / P f Aft - er sun- set mer- ri - Iv, mer-ri - ly, Aft • t-r 'a\ ; I' sun - set mer - n - ly. C7- - Iv. J-- ^^T J^ 1 1 f :g~*ztm-- 'g ? — ^ ~l^ ^ 3^=P=^=^=pS=5 / &. ^^^ -i^-] — s; 1:^" iLi&=E ? . "s< . 1 I i ^ =e: n ^^/ Eei i I Wz :23Z 4r: ?^ itn; 'z^^ icin i J ir § :ii 398 WHERE THE BEE SUCKS. P. ± +- 3^i :?3^E^ g m Mcr - ri - ly, mer - ri - ly shall I live now, Uii - der the 3EE^ :E^-^Jt Mer - ri - ly, P nier - n shall I live now. Un - der the Mer - ri - ly, is^j: t i mer - ri t t I t shall I live now. Un - der the £: -IEEE ^ eres. PP 'JC21 :ff=^ -I 1^— ^ i blos-soni that hangs on the bough ; Merri-ly, mer-ri - ly shall I live now, Un-der the crca. p^ q^^=sr '-K K :5=i=S: i i r~s'n — i n ^n :: rszi-s=g=.-Si =tTq= blos-som that hangs on the hough ; Merri-ly, n^er-ri - ly shall I live now, Un-der the cres. pp 3^^^ Ifcq^ 1^-=:1fc '^" IS I- :fi-:^4: 1^^ -^ -^ -^ -*--«»--•- -9t -^ ^ blos-som that hangs on the bough ; Merri-ly, mer-ri - ly shall I live now, Un-der the ^ m ?=: ^?E=^^^S=^ T^ -| 5^ ¥^ m^. t»«: crea. ^ PP f ±2= P laze m 'i WHERE THE BEE SUCKS. 399 ^-t?: 3 -!&- He^ ^ bllJS-^^om that hauga on the bough, Un - dor the blos-soni that hangs on the ~:h.\w::^:s±z-=:^-\ tr ---T- -3r=:_-^- ?!F^ :-*---S=^ -r:^- blossom that hangs on the bough, Un - dor the blos-soni that hangs on the ::>_j=^: -^-s- :\-zzz=^:z- ^^^eS ^^ bhw-som that hangs on the bough, Un - der the blos-som that hangs on tlie f=-rall. &'-$ — ^ — =\ - — 1- — 1 1 M^' — "T^?=^ 1 , g ^ ■ J — * — _| \— V~-::iA |_ ^ ..M • f i. I 1st time. I 2d time. 'P=^eS bough, bough. 1st time. 2d time. bough, bough. 1st time. 2d time. bough, bough. ^ ^ i^ :S^- r p p= di»». -(=2- ^ iiez: ^^^^ irii i ii' 1 * I ' ' I'v ,): i I I 100 GEORGE COOPER. i ndnntiiio moKSO. Con moto. ■4 AMALIA HARRISON MILLARD. slz7EBEl.= e-^rirrp ^jE^Eis: Swift . on the wiugs of thought 1 speed, my own, to =:^- h*-*-#i— 1 1- -#i -9m—\~-f- hm-4 ^"^^^—^ * ^ --5- ^ 3: ^ : ' : IT J Si ■! ' y?=^: :fcz=^!?=:< -^,^____- ^m I — '■ thee! And time .... and space are naught, They (^^^^^^ f^ -^-«- -5,_^. ■1— q— jg- -=»--*-- I ;J^-=- :tt*-: I — can - not hin - der me. m The gold - en gates of :.\ i ,ARD. to !«■ 5* =!-*- — 1~ They m ^^ ^ es of J— -I- morn AMALIA. 1^ 401 Un - bar vin- to mv steeds, And l^llllllllll^^P^Ppl^i -a» 1*^^=*^ — . „ -"^=";^ ^ HE^ 3l^i :ff=ff: -^M jk^.j^__!^ :S:^»tj yet, and yet my heart for-lorn, Thy love, thy love,thy ^^^^^^^f^^^^^^l^^U^^y^rz^i^^ %E^J^E^=3^ g K--^-^: -^_.J. --=?—* :^^£^ _^=^- l^^gzxzrri^p— prz^q: fon e&preM. :t=mr=tg=^ ta^t^: ^ & :?=:^>r: : pit y needs; For thee.. all per - ils wou) J 1 dare, A- -rC: =3:t=:^-=!= St i:gib-a|-g:g:g=g:r ores. -^1-t— , — I — I — I — I 1- ^=|^ir|=^=3^^i^ I ~^=--«: :zEl?«m:«:«ra-_2:^=rzzz:z : H 1 1 1 1 1- -OffiT-^ ^il =!^ • ma =^=^ lia, Lov'd -r and fair. ben. |f=Sf^« g*: tg- ppl -^-~ -:§- fen— t W-*r^n ^=;^ -* -J- ^OfO MfflO. ^ '^^■ -P-«— P— 4»— »— F m lilt V: mV i\ ?ii ■ I '". ■I; ; . E •• 'I! E:!'' : i j"3 402 AMALIA [^z:?;i. 1^ :ft* '-G< -1 ^=5^- • t i 5=^ :^:h. ^*::: -3=»= ^^^EEgE^ m eon exprf^s. rjfczipf: =1:: ^5=^ ^1 Burn with thy kiss- es sweet, These yearn - - ing lips of rirzi—S: X k JMZ^ *l^ I L ^ 1 9 — , m — i^X ■**^ -5*^ -^ ^ -wt -=?— tf — =1 — ff:=5) — ? — =i: :^=5^^i=i^^--F 1?=^: :?=- ifczzrl?: :}tr=t: -Jtz=M-. mine . ^Iv :«=]=:■-= heart is at thy feet, These :_-;-^_q_-!?- 5*- -8~ :A^~dt:i--=-j:tii 1 ^— i^-^=::i^:^=±rff=^=rrff-^=:ff--3: 1 jjoco m-Prto. J rST-K-PL-^S"- ^-t-^'- ^EE^ armd would thee en - - twine ! Thou art the ■#■ -a^ ^iJgri^^gg^^^Eg ^^ i^^^^J m of amalia. i'S s ^ rtl ^^^^E^ ^=z_— rzizziifirr :p— ^ life id biirn'd a- way In love's fie - li- clous T1-^ :?«: =^si=^=jf=^-^^=3=— = : Il?l t l[ , t, E^t i the i1 con nrdore. ,.f: i .', n I' h .1 404 AMALIA. wake ! a - wuki! ! for pit • y spun*, A - luii lia! A I ^^-=-A --^-v m ff % 4=;. t 1^ — r :a_ j. -t- aud fair 1 irT-frrs=-- «/ r-^ — r m 3 33i !l^:^ sfenf. ^■i^s: :W :r=^ ^P '»/ =Jt E^EH^^EM^ipE^: SWW:'^=^ -^5=t-- t«^* r**:^^53t^E^^,.,H-^ -i»±aGrgiS ^ — jt- z^^zi- — 3i J k i^.t^ TVmjjo JO. ■&EeE^= ^^^^ -s — ^- Poor. . . . are the lau-rols bright, Un - 8een, unprais'd by iEBEE i^iiB I A- * : mi -o-r~9 ilii d by AMALtA cold ncss with - era me ! Clmin'd ... at thy portals 5= i^^^#i^^SwPii-i^ ;^i=^fe -=»~5t-- -t — X :rf^r .^E^; i^ j_ -^— J ! >-|-). here, In bliss ful hope I stay ; My ?7&:=±:S-:^=^^"= h^- p^B-^^Jj^ ■^ -fij -cr -^j?_ :=i-^. i^r^^F W :pz: r^Tr_-^: :r=^ ■jzM: 3ff= S=}!s: soul, -8- my life appear ! Speed we, speed we the — If lit till I^^WSS 5^fr?»^^ -^^^ ■>-^ :rgr I ri agitato. :3:srrr:Jl!L:rzL-s=-_-r: :^* EfEf^E?E^E? -Sm-^~- nfj r. 'T I .M'^l II ii 40n AMALIA. ^M :\ii—tz'- imz^^:rzzr-Szzr- Wl) rid >'— a - wnv : wake! ti-ri»e, nt love's sweet pray' r, :i-=:L»:: T r- m crc». i-ifTfzri^Ezit-'^ ■'^-X- -r 1 4 ->— : ri7._ arf Uh. -Jr=Z-.-=l -=C:r ?p: I A - nm lia! ma lia! I —-r^^=r t 1 1 — ^r-"-=r ^t r f^ rit. ^,-=^ r—J -4- T.2^.- ^l z*= d^m ~-^^ -S- :*:: ^^ ^- e (leelnmato. win or die for thee, I win or die for thee ! :t2=U=:t2=t2— 1=: p=rp=^-p= :t2-b-t :i?^: :i?i ma - lia ! m—^ m =i^m^^^^^ PHi >±-. l=s=g^^ :^N=i :=-:-—«-: --=r Opjmre. 5*iirrrrr^ i::^?: cadenza a pia. and fair! ^ S^^^j fcA: -| — r .1=- P --r--- ^. iU^l .^ l^^gEJiE'^ -if — *— ^= I -jzz :h il^ ad Uh. 1 U -r~ r^%—\ "m m, 407 THE TWO GRENADIERS. DIE BEIDEN GRENADIERE. ifodrrato. '_£;!= •sL R.SCHUMANN. To France were retii ruing twd ^'ron-a- iVar/t Fnink-reich zo-gcn zwei Oven- a- m. i (liors, (tier, In Kns - siii thoy liad been tak - on, die iva - ren in liuss - land f/c - fun - gen, And und f ^^ :* -fljfr «l^^ ^ ^x-l-4 m p -Sif- -4- ^ ^ -IT gs: ^ - m :^=it :=)= tj when they came to tlie dcrnian frontier alt sie ka-men insdiu.sche (^uartier, Their coiir - aije was sad - ly sie lies - sen die KiJ • pfe ^ mr ss^ f^ -\- -^^ :::?^^»---*-*~ :*=^* qi^^ r. -5^^^ -$•— feS— ^ Copyright, 1884, by Hcbbakd Bbos. I m m ht h ■* ■,(■' II H 408 THE TWO ORENADIEHS. hhiik - cti ; 'Twiis tlicro timt tluT both lu-nrd tlie nor - nnv- fill tiiU-, Tluit hun - gen, da hiif - tin me bei • de die tniii - ri - (je Mithr, (/(«.•« J .A:-:::^: 3'#=^ -Sm ''' gWC i^g :s /c^ 3^^ ^rift :t= tr — :* — --ii"^- I FraiR'c'H proud realm had been shak - on ; I Fnoik- reich vir - lo - rm (j? • gmi - gen, 7 — ?ip -J^—.-jgr ^feS De - ti'at - vd and pcat - tcr'd the be - degt und ge- schla - gen das m ■s= -.^^.:^ t^:^=. IS-' ;J==-3=S==gl=l=l3 -« :cS: fM. :^=I1t=SI q^-^qif: «*= va - li - ant liost, And the Enip' - ror, the Emp' - ror been tak - en. tap - Je - re Hcer, vnd der Kni - ser, der Kai - aer ge -fan - gen ! -^: IM — d — *- \r-B- rit. I S^= ^ ^^- ^ ^ -*''Z !^ -^-^ m P P s S S- :S==*= How bit - ter - ly wept then the grena- Da wein -ten m - sam7nendieGre7i- a- ;i ■ '^ THE TWO GRENADIERS. 400 i v* ^ ^^g^^^ l^^^^^^^ t^^^w - iller, ^ At lu'iir - Ing tlin ttr - ri - lili- iHo - rv, And oin- then wolil ob (III- klioj • lii'h -en Kun- lU ; dcr Ki ne EEIf =rf 4 " \ ■ — t rsp-.zqs' -* — 9 ^ S- E3HE;i^E'«i +- — h — -_:=r_--:tzr ^^ m saifl : " A- las ! once more K])r(irh : " Wie weh wird mir, My wouiiils arc bleed - ing and itiV hrentit tiinue al - te L.I ■B' ^is i t: ■^ fecr t 3' =§§ s 1^ :?:r: li> S T ^ p) - ry. Wun - de" -m- -^- -0t- S- ^ '*~ The oth - or said : " My sun Der And' re sprach : " Dan Lied rjt -* *- is wt, kt aun. With audi iirzysi^ 4=1 ^3 -^g^ 1^ ^*q thex' I would dio plad - ly, wii vii'tcht mil dir ster - boi, liut I've dorh hab' a ich wife Weib and luid r2:n.— ^^3 ^ -as^ ^ -?Sr u iiiji ■' \\\\ I, 111 nl if % 'iir ,. i i- !ii :f ^i; i1 I I, ■i,! K-l ■l.-i lip m Jill 'I .'1 1 x i ■ i •|! 410 THE TWO GRENADIERS. :tt=~ H =1=: liT «/ fi*= I^tTTZlfc P cliiUl at lioine, With- out me tliey faro had - ly." What mat - ters Kind zu Ilauti, die oh - ne mich ver - der - ben." Was schert mich ±:: ■4 5^^ '^^ i -^ nn * :=fs= I wife? what matters my chihl? ! Weib f wax schert 7nich Kind f ~^^^l ?=? A hea - vi - er care has a - ich tra - ge weit bcss'res Ver - A — "^g^- — '•^■ •—^4— ** :qi.-^= :S«^ V-K^" -«*-IS m Htz^ Pii=|E :it=^ -»- :*=:*i :S==q^: =i=i;=S= -=^— *- ^ ris - en ; Let them beg or pray Ian - gen, lass sie bet- teen gehn :i when they hun- gry are, wenn sie hung-rig sind, My mein m ■-=1— ^§^i -^v H - --=> S- -55 ^ ^ — ^- 3^ -=1 h- qiizz^ :5J«ti- I — 1^"*- K4? P agitato. "K PT ->• 1^- :Sr-g= :4=«=:i5=:1^ 15= 1» " K -K ^^ z-S=.^-S-- I Emp - er - or nighs in a pris - on ! A'ta - 8er,mein Kai - ser ge - Jan - gen . O grant me, brother, b ;t one Ge • u'dhr' mir, Braider, ei- ne f^i^^^^^^^^^^m i p g=t _* — •- ^ ~ffl¥=^ :Oii!=it: ^ ^ :q= -fe :?=' ^ ^ lat - tors lert m it'll m ^m- ^ has a res Te? ^^ u g My tneiii ±:z g^ ■■;t one et- ne S3 THE TWO GRENADIERS 411 :ifcfs: -j*-*--^^- -^-•^- m -m- ^ prayer, Bitt', If my hours I now must num - bor, wenn ich jetzt der • ben wer - de, Take so — ^1 I — I — I — ^ — I — I — t ^ — (- 1^ g:-^-^ C-/ 1 IJ^_1^'_ r^^i F ^:5^ ■g^ -ge^ i s -^ ,P qsris: Ifc^ jt;*= -V-K- iS=:^^ii Avith thee my corpse to my na - tivc land, nivim mei-ne Lei - che nach Frankreich viit, In France let me peace- ful-ly he - grab' mich in Frank - reichs k^^^- ^ M 1^- :P2~ :&=: -V^- r? ^- piH mosKo. 4*; :^==^=it- m^- slum - ber; i:/ - de; My rfas cross Eh of lion'r,with rib- bon red, renkrem am ro- then Band, -z^ -^- ~Wz i ^^ jf — Then sollst on my bo - som du ai/jCs Herz :nir place le thou, aen. Give die =^^ l**^ f^ ^ =^^ # EEi^ -»*- • is; ! • ■ i^: J^ I ^i I Ml m m ,'^-' 412 THE T'SO GRENADIERS. —m — — 9 — V *- my niU8- kct in my hiind, te gieb mir in die Hand, me Flin 5=2r_ *- :=:)= My sword a- rouud me una gurV mir um den =;^: fcS: -»*- -«^ =5- / =1= =|: g -1 Pr—K brace thou ; Tliiis will I lis • ten and lie so still, And De - gen. So ii'ill ich lie - gen und hor • chen ,it!ll, wie 1*5:^ -Mr ^§ m ^'- -S- ::J= / * > / -«- -cr I '/ it^: ^ W- :S= -^- ^ S ^- :M=^: :*=*! ^ watch like a guard o'er the for • ccs, ei - ne Schild- wach' im Gra • be, r Un - til the roar - tng of bis einst ich h'6 - re Ka m^m i / 'ms / -.«( -u:^ =t :ff=S= 1*3^ can - non I hear, And trampling - 710 - nen ge- brull, und wie - hern- ;Se*ee^ :*=» of neigh- ing hor - pes ; der Ros • se Ge - tra • be ; Then dann ^1 J me den ill, And ill, tvie r=tq liig of re Ka i 1 Then dann 'Mm tirm'd to the tcoth will I rise from the grave, For my Kmp'- ror,my Emp'- ror to steig' ic/i ge-waff - net her - vor aus demGrab, den Kui - ser, den Kal - ser zv. P i -c?- t s— • ^^— ^^. m rit. g-i ^ i =--^ * =^ -•^ ■*- feEE^ ^ bat ■ sckut tie. zeni ■f^ y ^- "-"z^^ :Cf=^ gg --g: g Adagio. ^J- 1 J ■m^^. I ^ :^^=-- i «L iferS _C2- g^ riv'i: ■i ■I I 1^ i: 414 THE BATTLE PRAYER. s. c. Adaffio. :g= HIMMEL. — *—_ ^^S-f — g-J--^^ i-p 1 r P 1^ — l-p — [=:_ U -H i / marcia. P :pi^: Vt-5 ^— grr^S^ /* :^^=^ -|S5__(2_^_£2. :t^.:t:=-tr (S IS -IS *-X" ■=?- *_2; }D crfs. y iiHH ■y - ::g: :2z- E^-S"^-*: P)0 -C2 (S- /JP -jS IS- ^— (•- -m—m- -t==t= :|:zj::j: ^ -«— -SI- -^gr-JS^.^r il! fp S07'RJA'0. ,, H'(7/i feeling and pxpremon. :isi^-=^ *) agitato. ::^ ^ cre»c. ^ 1. Fa - ther! I bend to thee, ALTO. -=. Life, it was thy gift, -1-' .1-y- ::zil^=2^:Si --=^- ^ 2. Fa - ther! I trust P TE.yOR. ^ . > --^ — J " — .^ ^I^ to thee, "When midst the P agitato. — -\~' -N 5 bat - tie's strife, vrese. :?= 3. All I give back to thee ! When at thy *: :c:^i call. my P" tf: Copyright, 1884, bjr Hcbbaro Bbob. tic's strife, --^- f*-^^r^^ THE BATTLE PRAYER. P agitato. crcsc. f 41.') ■'T2=s^ii^--i^^- w± zz\:z^ 1- i;^_5? g^:t:^r:zd^-^ Thou now can'st shield it, From theo it came, iuul to thee I vichl it. In -1^-=:5S=5^ ±:2. Death did sarroiiiid lue, E'en at the can-non's mouth, Death has not found rue, / p wjitnto. vnxv. f ^"^ i_ ' ^ ^^ [I - p:-:z.zp: '=5z: Life then shall yield, "When in the cold tomb, my fate shall be scal'd, :t:z-;zrt: ^ -' * — m — m- :>'=z^z:Lt=:--t2=^^: ■^i=^^-^. -'^=^'~ f P agitato. cresc. IE2: JO rtdagio. :4 ■?^- ^^l^ITT -s:;^ -£^- ^" 3^^ erfl»c. -1— ^ ^ -(Sl- frsprewro. ^ ^^ t S^^ t> life or death for- sake not me. Fa- ther, I beud to thee ! g§ ?:±— ::]: i.i -^^^ -> — *- -•-^^•-^- :4^ HI I Fa - ther, 'twas thy will ! I trust in thee. Father, still guide thou me ! f) adagio, cresc. ^^ ffxprcsxico. P ^ /> 1^4 1- :|: :■* — g^: --* — 'J^s^^^ -*3~ m Fa - ther, my soul take un - to thee! Fa- ther, forsake not me! ±-s. .^i=il_-r=zs'' *_- :!>fzi— ^ S -~ "^^^^ ^ +- -(— 1 ^ c^ _ ill I ',''1 ■J .n ji H 'i it r-» {^ I I! t •| - * ■ i.f i':--' r 'b 416 TRUE TO THE LAST! CHARLES J. ROWE. Marziali STEPHEN ADAMS. / 'f^^- i^Lii -M-^t^- ^n^ t^Bt: zz:)^:. E^^rt;^ ^4=iK ^^^ i ^ Ssm- Sa= // .— E5-*-=^ 5 ^ I k. 7- 9 '■^^s^ ^ -» — =1- -s — =»- -n—s- gs- *r» i -•-•I- > > > > -t— 1 — ) — m „ ^^ :it -*- =t3 :s=^-=3 a="t 4= With lance in rest, his pen - nou spread, tr -V-i s 3E^ I 35-^ -J^— i-^^ i* * i~* i i ir^-'i~*^^"^r-i"^~*^~^ bi^'' ! ». isrurat 4— 1- A^. _-A- T — p ^:t :in=*i To woo the breeze that sweeps the plain, A knight his ** * ffffW^ft^Pf -£^ Copyright, 1884, by Hubbard Bros. DAMS. '-^^--H^ ^ ii=r- . knight his y m—^-—^- id tf ^ TRUE TO THE LAST! 417 ^.h^^ Si ^ TT-rifiFn -^m -1=: on ward course pur - «u<'s lit * TT — I 1 ---I 1^ — { — I — I- — I-"- -( :4'_T:siiq^-zq^ =:ii=qii: And marks tluit ouurs-c with heafis of _ — _ — — 1<<^ -, 1 :i=i"S= 1H=q: shiin, with heaps of shiin ; ei,«: S I ^ His hi- dy's glnvi' . . . hiMirmidlv ^ ^ rS^ ^ I ;. i ;[i;;;^l=i;i E:i- -'i-j?- ^=-5; ^=!=^-d-^-:^ f -.* b^: :*zi=«: in::?* -S*- - :F*^ ^*T jll woiirs, Ex- ult - in- ^fel ^2=zL:^.^±r=t^:. ii^ l-;_:^__!^ No. 2.— S'?. r '4::: ^ -X:^ :qr7=: 3-^ S=E -^-jf- ■, f it rt| 1 : ■ niii' c J; %^: ^ 1 y if U H 41.S TRUE TO THE LAST. ^1}--^ V> ■t^JI^ -*-n ntrzrr: last I'll live or dit', ,2 2 \^IZ -^ _j — \^ _j . -m^ — u Si True, true to the last ! " .-x-=^ / > -3 5 -- Sj-T- -T ^^'i-^-^^ . =4 ti.»: * - - -*rr^-tL- zi ;!:*:£:» L. -r:-J 1 ^ J ^ 1 1 -I '" ^ f_U| 1^ 1 ^m _l ^.. - ^ ^-1 IS—: ^_.t^t::rl^ // P.- :-l_j.--i: i|^ fe 5=*=sPi :i ^ §5^ -* jg ''- S 1 Poco andante. =^ The day is spent, night looks up - on the bat - tie field with «-e- ute 1^ '^ 221 r^ r^zzn ::4= at P g^^ EEE£E^e; 1221 "Z5^ ^ li fc«i ^^^^^j^ =S"-=1= :n~ carnage spread, And marks the hard - ly won, "With'ring heaps of valiant P S^ * 5* :^ • * It a: =^ ^ g^ -^ :22r ^-^^^ — I 1 ^"1 1 — I h- ■z:^ =-*:z± ^'*z:± m field with =1= ^, TRUE TO THE LAST. 419 tSi. tKprrtg. =1- :i=tr; dead, of val - luiit dcml. ^^ :^3:*:^: E^E*^ S- '^-'^-m- ^ z=^i::r_U:q:=::^ii:«:«!::ir.Br:t:ir- Ex- pir - iiifi on liis dint-cd i ^-q^ *!=« -JHz^t*^^:'!!: JZEiEEEf -::; t :^ t £ 1»- 1 -&-- -^E^^M. t»!:zi|i^=li-zqir::>- "q: :st -is= fhield, The stal- wart warrhjr now doth Ho, Antl with his hit-est hrcath ex- \^mm n m^ r-i. 1»- -+—■<•- i I I 1P- I u -*- ip --p— p r :;?:=t?=tz: -^ ha 1 » 1^ :22i !£;^^:^EE^ P 1- 1^—4^ ^ ■ I ^ f- chiiras: "True to the last a knight can die! True to the last a knight can 4* h / 3^ ^r^E=i^; -1=" --m=m- -I ,pp e -Qf2= r""^"" »•««. I ^--^E^ -0 -+- m til I .1 J il III!'" Ih! ps of valiant *- ^ ■I 1 — b|^_^=^rr= ^£=^=4: ;-n-jj — 5)" bfc«: die ! " 7'pmpo primo. B^B J-A F I X =^ -=1— «- s- / -*-- S =!- > > > > ^ =\~ z^ziwLi^wt. 33 -^? — ^ ^^1^ =}: g^ - -3:.g. ^.5. II 420 TRUE TO THE LAST. "S. -^^ -^^^E^?E^E^ ^^^ .-s-lk- :S=»= z ^x g.— j A inaiil-en wau - ders o'er the plain, th^- = - X, Si * "i i^^ s i^^9^ 'g^^:s^:jld^i^^^^l^^^^ ill ri bt«- 5=:z*=r:« ft._[ p » : ^^1 Witli ea - gor eye . . . she scans the ground, She seeks for 11 ^^^ 3: mi S^^JE^EJ^^I^dl'^-l^^ -•>- ■^h-'S- ^ -•'- -•- -S- -•- iq^irz rT:rzi-r:r i^__ N _4 »— ^ :^ one . . . she loves so well, ^ Ah me ! that he should thus be i£: -m- -m--m- -m- -q::=lv: i J-^^ i^'st iir i-ir-i-^rri ^ q-q, y_q: s -'^*-^ gcg4^^^j ^^ =^ j. jy=j^ ^^ :5=±*i=^ iSzvrs^ :S=zz=:S= ^— ,'^-q- :fc*=iSz ::?» ■^=^ ,found,should thus be .84- found ! ^ tt m ^lE^^^EE ZTfz: Upon his breast . 3J * :g: ^I^Tlg: i.ia . she droops her n-s- — ■? 9 i^^ ^ r^Bl-ES E3Etz=ti f=t i. m seeks for ^ m lus be ^■^*-^ 4=^-X-=^ rjt ■ droops her 3. q=*-: TRUE TO THE lAST! ^^^[^^^^^ i(_i— -I liL'ail . . . Will) brcakiiitr luart . . Aw tlm.^ ilntli crv : . . . g€^ =*--"= =4: ^8.* 5=x- :q=:: m "Forme he foutrlit, lor me he fell, . . True to tlie ;>f.— S^-*- ms^ -n— X 55 sfe * m ^ a«? — f: ]r -'^riMz^- g^^ ztzz igl^li, . . . with him I'll die, . . . with him I'll die, . . gg^ii#iiSi:iJlB#^si3 // ■*-»^- irat^-K — I — ; - - - -I— I — +-•— «|- -m-m-^-m-m-m- ^i=i:|iJ:*:i: ^=^^ -t*^=2z:tsz:i£ T^T" rr r *iis m True to the last, with him I'll (lie: ? >> a? ^1^ -^i?- ^*S Jt- 1^ yy coUa voce. -? -f — s-=^" S^zS ^j^fe^ B _iA sa_ ^ -5f-n .tnzi^- t: ^i .f> !i r:^1 |!i: !ii ^ 1^ II 422 11 I II M 'il THE TURRET CHIMES. NELLA. JUoiUrato noatcnuto. JACQUES BLUMENTHAL. [^i ^MM Frown - ing down on the =^~ ^S^ aoj' f =- Pf) Me^: ^^E ■CT . -I- > V «/ X) :=t -* y -J0 # |!«=l«f ^^ mar - ket place, Stern and solemn the tow - cr stands, Ne'er a soul can its i 5=^: «r-^l-t -^ — ^=» * I -=!—=} — 3^-21 — n- #=--* I s--=t mm rit. :S=- mean - ing trace, Sul - len work . of some van - isli'd hands. i :5-=qi^r_^=^ -^ q_q- p-_^_q n - rii. ^ EEE?E^^ =1— =1- :^=^ L=^ t: Copyright, 1884, by Hubbard Bros. •HAL. i the ^ -^ 1 can its t^rrsr: --■^ miuls. »?^ THE TURRET CHIME& 4'J.l Hour by hour its chimes arc hcaril, Suil Iv luiinl Itv tliu ^ 1 * f * -_, jx :--:t=iT i-J — n — — j -P- -I ^1 I. :I^.££^ES I ?>- -(• 1? m ^' -^- :rl- ^ :§^^ P=i: |-t— -^z=z^. ^I^^^^^^l old and Idiie, Still re - peat - ing one hope - kss word- ^m^m -n— *?- ir^' -n — s- m pp i^- n^ ' ^ g>^ j^ — « J -n — q- Quaint - ly carv'd on its base . . of .«tt ine *^* -s«— n- ns^ »/ cSt -:rr_:t:;^ Sf.^;*: . iSE^3E -!? =1- It— 1— — n — -s; — =5=^ — n-- $ -S-— ? — « mf - ^ •"/ -*- ^g "Mi - ser ri - ma!' Mi - i^cr n - W^ s 1s=t^=t ,«=a(=z::«i '■^ ' ^ --p^nrizl — :rt 13* ^ "/ ^: :f«=i: :^^ 30 1' i:J . t h:;. *:"^- i'':';1 IH lit .r' i']!*,P L.j-jimjiniiiJi 424 THE TURRET CHIMES. / -^ir- nia : " Mi - ser - ri i f -=1 — =^- -=i — s_ /. =^^^i= =^='*: ^E=EE^ -=l =)- -4»- :1 ^ i i 1 i 1 i i ' ■ i ; J I I II m/" AUefiro. m Round the tur - ret the rr i* =^1?: <-f- iii ri<. ^ !^:&- ^^ ^i^lii^ -^—tf-^rf: r i ^!£?= ^i chil - drcii play, All un - check'd by its gloom - y air, ^=^4 ** ^^ -1e=i- 5S*?=! i >-=i= T^i :fi^=ir- -^ THE TURRET CHIMES. 42;» t -U- t^i^: -4^ ^^" Laugh with glee iu its shad - ows grey, Learn their tahks on its nar row r-=?— =1 — -^— ii— q- -5(_=i: /. — -=t- :^"-=^ -**- £: m^ n tnnpo. It :^«=:»=:: stair. " Not for us is the * t/ -•^ -i»- !*•- -9S— =1- * P ±p=z=: :?*; 12p: m chim - iug sad," i m ^ s- :±^.^T' Cry the chil - dreu's voi - ccs sweet, -* !?-■' ^* — :^="^ ?^^-^?EE5: ^ -^ 4 ::^=:-%: -t--^^..^ ! ftli lA. ■prrai P! l! 'rl »l 1 d ::^: ^: H :ff=r±i 3^ «^=rtf / ±; --B=m-- :ff=^i :^^ i " Sinc« up high ou the tur - ret wall Gleams the word that the jf^ . , ^^J*!. ^S N, »^ JZfi -.— . 1 [>« ^ — ^ _______ I -_j_= — -—p ^r- &la b£^ Ml -=i— 1- 11^ -9- -4 II 7*-t— fl«i- — ^~ 31:-^ -^i- .t7ar :■! — ±i:S= H r.. f n q . .f 426 THE TURRET CHIMES. piu rit. tilizi:^ ^:?2= 4?-^ AUeffretUK ^=;?=*=S~_r:F :(?=: rrtsri chimes . Hg— J.l_5,_^ ^■^ f %—■ *=^iS re peat :'■ "Be - a tis SI -*-=!- -^-T— .ST 3=^= _J._-)_ :4;^ --iS^^: ^z=:?=»r_=^; P^ ±:: i S=»: ^^ 3^ ma!" . 1:^=^: ;a Be - a - tis i^r — U= SI - ma! Be-a- -jdz ¥ =^.-^- ^^ ^ / -^- -M- ::^=pi ^= -=^ - tl3 SI mai "Be a - tis *l q — q- ^ — =1 — =L -■Hi — =! — ii— -n- U-_| =1 51- -=1 S5- _55 -1 — q -a^ — q_ :S= :jts= fcS SI - ma I" p *=!: S* j«=tt:r A-f^J* ^- -9mz f rit. f*7^ 525=:«i-: ^_? ^: -*- fv' -•- m t) fz^'z_^z=:iti Pcd.:^ « THE TURRET CHIMES. 427 mf Maestoao. ^^^^ :S^5= '-t g=i -^-^ So the chimes iu the tur - ret sound, Grave and gay at the selfsame time, ||,A^* m ^EES -1-*- :^=n- m\ ^=i»= ^^ /-£ =ii= e ^ " *- ^^ Sad for eyes that would seek the ground, Ghid for hope that is -=»—=?- -sT -%v^- S: il J^-»r S:^s; // strong to climb. Age but hears iu the :-«= :1t ^a "fl?i^7*^ =4= S^" -S5_st_ /= «*:: r-g^ Pcd.-^ « tiir^i: -5— •<- rS— iS ^ 1 tur ret chimes Drear - y tunes that to earth belong. ^ : m^^ r 'f *: :g!i:i— 1 "!- :iJ«t '^ -^^0- ^1 lit fl II ; in iif, :/■> m ^T.lii lil 1i^' wt !" ,'1 428 p (Jolce. '$=ff- 1 a*—;; — =*-a* — '-$i THE TURRET CHIMES. fi- rit. -1*1 h- -b-^ i Child-hood dreaming of love and joy Hears the ech- o of an - gels' song ^8^ ,#4 1-S--1 it-l Ifij--- :m»: =1= ^ — h -s- pp bi^ \1^ IML - * JO rj7. $t=^ — S- ^^ f»yf :4=^ a tempo. ^^^^ ^^^^=^ -U- -J?- -* — ,«- :t^-^ i-=^=^=t: " Be - a - tis SI - ma ! " Be - a - tis cantabile. Fed. ^ .4* ** ^ SE r.t=:tn JJ^_*t ittriffr "S^ ^ :«p- 5=1= si -ma!" A dis - tant sound of that mel - o- dy, — Whose J.-: :?==S=S: :«=»: :^S=» :ter|B=*:: :5«? =r I *-4?^ iP I'etl. P 4e i'tit/. 91- ^^-1»- -1^1 5: ^ t=^ :!=:«: 1^ ^ I H song ; w- nf tis — Whose f?^ 430 DRIFTING CLOUDS. H. L. D'ARCY JAXONE. WALTER A. SLAUGHTER. I i Andante. \ *^^ B ♦»/ p ^^EESE /Vrf. * Pei :ff=t ^" S :iS==^= ^ ^ «*- I if i ^ 1s=s: :S=ft=iJn=:=^ The sun set lin - ger'd in the west The L—-*- P l^ T ^^^^ -?2= r tp^ '-f ::g ^^_K S -^ :i(=P= -|i— K- i^ k S day-light fad - ed low and dim ; The tide came in with snow - y Copyright, 1884, by Hcbbard Bros. DRIFTING CLOUDS. dk 431 dolee. -& crest, . . . S; * The songbird sang its vos - per hymn; in The W^ J.-_::l:r-:i: ^^* :«t-:«.-.«t- -I 1- :?2= 1 g^^n^.: 1 t- F^ r 5 ■ I' eve - ning bells rung out their chime. --siJ= :p=^i= :L-tz=-£i: T'j bless the hour that heav'n had giv n, That hal low'd hour that sure - ly -51 1 gi =Jt*: =?== 1= f r r rail. rsi::::!^ :i=: :zi-- Time Had lent us from the hours of Heav'n. i a: rnW. *=*: Hi :g=il=3=S=5 i :ttei: =P2= irzi^: "ST -f=- u i ^h.f' jt I? ! '•1 >>?• ^ 'Si: 432 DRIFTINO CLOUDS. $ -jd Fur you unci I were plight eil, Plight - ed to part no -•!—•—•• 5^ -wttt-wt ^ P :§=: 5=^? ^ more ; Vn - til the night should steal, love, ^^13: ^= m f4^ j.i ••i-«i- ^ $- '-^ t= ^ If*" f" -J?- i u^«^ -I— ^ ^ :"!=«(:,r=t^ ^--^tg=^-__^=^_^ m:5^ -^^ • 1— ^ 1 — +z:i-m ^ ^S cres. 'JC DRIFTING CLOUDS. 433 =mm H — -•»- H ■JLi -25^ nest, The tide re-turn 'd to meet the sea ; B3E 3 S =r^z:i::^=rr: -«- * -*• '^•^ -•- -•^ -•- -^ ri^rrizSzz; 3=it=5«: F' =?2= ?^ :?=: _J__^_ir: V 5 :^ ' f 2 tj-- q=-^ :^=:«t -=4= P=»- Ei^EEz^E^— *- m hush fell o'er the ves- per chime, shad ow stole er vou and rJ: mz ^'--S--m--^ P^ z^zi -X -n- i^ No. 2.— 2a f f f F -5^ :^ y 1 <> •■'si * ; 'I - I i % -<■ til ■•; i' ■; Is i r M li 434 DRIFTING CLOUDS. J-d nic, =:fc liut would give my life if ^r:^s=:z—^ :t]2m f lift rait. r^^:=:z;:^jr?*^: :=rz=:]: »- tunc Could give that hour once iiioro to me. ^: rail. :1--r-r=r_q: :5ci.: 2 —4 -^^'H -J^z:^^zr=z:. f 4=— 1^ •> - J ^ -: z K —- > t i_«-« ar- :4=t:: # * * '- zrB-rBrB. DRIFTING CLOUDS. 435 ;J-- rtzrrn ==t O ver (he far off fihore. 1 -•- -•^ -•- °»- -»- •<•- -^ -^ -j^- "a*- -^ -^- -^ --0- -^ -m- -»- -9- -m- -*^ -•- w m --d d d cnn.- 4— =^- m -cr :ai For you and I are part od, ******* f 1^ * * iff ill 5-s*^:*5-.5p' ^ i 4-4-4 H i r -is- Part ed to meet no more; ^^^!3^3^;;:3!3!!S' 1^1^^ i^iwi %i-5. "3r-T 5" I ■J rfil M t'^ ■.^;i!' I'f Hi n 43G DRIFTING CLOUDS. I* iiE :»=«: m i^- ""^ Un til the \vio - k«ii, and the ^ii^ ^§ i-td. '-^ ■m -Hi I, )' ^ b«i :S=S: rf^^^L^ droop'd hor ])n't - ty head : " I am fio - ing to the mar- kct," with a 8UI1 - light round them fell, But at c - von, when re - turn - in-i pofo rit. :t^=rv. think that it will rain, And the road is long and lone- ly thro' the bur- dens \vc must bear, And the road is long jind dreary; will you vulla voce. i=t r~ -t=- nd I to - geth er, love lov ^^?^S 5^ g: i^--^£i: =T::: lid the -4- ^ PI =8' luid ; r er GOING TO MARKET. 441 : r-r"-* - ±: T2Z izl T2- t=t: mind the weath - cr, love. fou and I to - geth - er, b8^ ':=;^ « » ^31^ I Isl time. love, All the way, all the way t%=:^ ^ •^-^ — I — V- .r^m -t= ^'^^ | ~rt^ ^^^t=£^: :i=i-:i i tfe TVtnpo 7o. /).S.; g; V I 2rftime. g— : l_ __ y -g: :ll^v..£=i:^ -r ;^ ^j:2: :^:*i^ •/I =sr 4__ n i J:g-"--1= -t.- -X-Jf- -«-*- -3J-* // 022- ^ 1 _ ^5=2: '2^ I >;i i' m\ 1 Ir , I >, ( ! H 442 111 B) -ill i Iff A Fac-simile of Sigxor Giro Pinsuti's Hand- WKiTiNo IN Mr. jNIokkison's Note-book. J^^t^cjc ^^t .'/ff^Z^ " Of all my Songs I like LADDIE th« most." — Pinsuti. LADDIE. H. L. D'\. JAXONE. CIRO PINSUTI. Andan ie Grazi oso. h\ C\ C> ^ mil. &ii 1^ L 1=5-.-*- m^m lEf ^^ ^^ d f) Piu mosso. con dolcezza. — =-_.^Zl . __K .- '''^_ ■-> — -x- — ^ -^4^^:«=-:i*=i^ ^— '^ — '^—M — m -•— t ta — — 1»- F^-^ -^*-- - — i^ tj 1. O ! Laddie was somc-bod - y's dar - linp, • 2. O ! Laddie was some-bod - y's dar - ling, . n So But "^ * > some - bod- y oft some - bod- y's love > - on grew /. — 1 — 1 — A ^1 ) —A—. ^;-v -•-^ M i-= -'% ^-- • — --J^H «> * . V . -^' C* • -W' m ^- i s crc». q*=s: =i=^=^— *= :1t=qiii :«=i: :rn/7. said;. . . And his lov - iiig breast was a per - feet rest For cold, . . . The i - dol he made a vie - tim was laid At the Copyright, 1384, by HnJiBABD Bros. LADDIE. Ijai^^^;^: m -^^. a tempo. ^ 443 m i some - bod- y'8 wea shrine of the god J of -M head ; . gold ; . And some- bod - y's smile was like So sun - light was chang'd in - to -%—^ -if^ ^^^^^^ -n—^ P a tempo, s jt— * I' . i.r 11 sun - shine, When walk-ing by some- bod - y's side, siia - dow, And he bow'd his head in the strife; And In a > y -tr- ~J^Z M\ ^'i:.' ereR. ^^£3 S i mosso. con e^tprcss. :S=^ SSt ^--^ m Lad - die, Lad- die, Lad - die. Lad- die, > > -I- f Lad - die, Lad - die. . . I nev - er can love but . . Thou wert made for more than — ^- f m :--^^ :qi=.-:ir_ m :i-'.': I I:.' y M 444 LADDIE. m animando. ~ m W -=^^ theei . . . Un - til death doth j)art you have won my heart, And are thU: ... To be lov'd a day and then flunjij a- way, Just t:fr 1:1 i; ■ -i m/ j- S?" frex. Ht._ dim. itrzirj^ a tempo. ^ >^ — > S ^1 *- ::}t- all the world to bouL'iit and sold witli a ^ !*""^ J- me; Un - til death doth part you have To be lov'd a dav and then >. > -h tt**i =«t=r^ f^ma cre». r\t. dim. Tt 1»- a tempo. I =^:it=:^= $ > rail al=:sz=SC=S= 7s/ t'me. motto rit. 3B 2d time, motto rit. E^= ^^^?^^^^^ I W won my heart,And are all the world to me. flung a - way, Just =1 K- I ~ i bought and sold with a :S=^ ^ r--1=t: ^SFi=5 a^PP rail. col canto. z—W ^ - ^XA a tempo. col canto. :^EE?^ ^it=^ r I m ni -^-*- :jf_in-^: «v kiss. a tempo. ^ 01 « Ir ^^3 ^> .^T^ —^ dim. p .^T' "tar -^ tr" "^ "tsr ;*^* iig tQ*3^ LADDIE. 445 P meno momn. — = iES ^^^^ Lad-die was somebody's dur - ling, As sorae-bod-y kuows to - day, , . . But :^— pnro cren. crcs. =qs::: l^'-^qv ::^-:=q^ 1-^^^ :q«i:==f i^a^j=jl3^=^ Love, tar- ried late for the Gold- en Gatc.Has sevcr'd their lives for aye ; . . . But ^E£5 =1^ ::jz i =1= pnco eres. cres. T- S ^ --^ ^f|^^^ tCr^" !*>- .•»-•>- :qv=qii, ^ i f» - -=qK=fi zaz^ j—j— ^—ii—m- s=^ «M poeo. 1^ Ni~q>»= ::fi- -J J J -M l ^ in the green a - ere of Heav'n, Where sonicbod- y knows he sleeps, O'er a t-^: -^1= ^^ "^^i^ T=^ -SKi- «n poco. I§; ig:-: ^ -(S>- f w eres. -^ 1- ',ras8-y grave where moon daisies wave Somebod - y kneels and weeps. 4- -;' ■(' hr ft- . . ' t m ^ ;!-^^M J ; ! ■"^t i,-.:-!!' it iiii 446 LADDIE. rnll. mnlto rail. fit. -m — ^ — » — m~ I?E=?:-*^ ^^— 6«=5=^ :p Soiiu'-bod-y kneels and weeps, 1..W J_ :|z;: -^:7 f-(nnel)()(l - y kneels and \vee|ts: O! -4- :^ ^ri- fe -S-T dim. tnolto rail. 4:^&r B- ■5* izir: ^S' :qT-T 3i!t con sentlmenio. :-3^: :S"-=^ -^ — I Lad - die, Lad- die. Lad - die, . . . Utr^d; =1= f :^- :q=:zr::rzr=:. Come back, if 'tis but to P r ^^m iz^g: -=4: 4*= m qH=n: animando. r^^rs: errs. — K-. :*=§*: sav. $^ Tiie an - gels a - bove bave found tbee a love, And ^^ :ll*=5i "ii- f" animando. -f ■Ei^ :qi *^; sS- n7. con passionc. zm~-^ ±:; borne thy bur - den a way! :*rf:^i: l^-=i =S^ ri<. ^i Come back. come > / T A O! m *-x' » 0) — ":-1tr jut to _^_— r-l r ^ii ^ love, And errs. ^ i~rr — a — : m k-i LADDIE. animanAo. 1 — -H ^ i^ -)* 1 h-i crrt. 447 ' L — m—i p __ ^- — 1~ ■ -f r* 1 -P- ■zM-^B— (• - • '»— back If 'tis but to say, The _ ^ an - gcla r-^' — -^ 1 -<^ a - bove have -4- 1 3 — r anirmxndo. f • •40- :_t: - ii& — ez3-- -E^::^ IP: ' 1 m • poco rail =^^ / rail aitsai. i?-f*: I found thpc rs lEE^lEz:zsm poco rail. c— •-- -t— a love, . 1 I- And borne tliv bur - di'n a- i* rf-L_ €.--1i --_^ i p ^ r^EF: >-4- I ::|tr± n P moUo rit. :^=i*- .>. SES -way! And borne thy bur - deu a - way! > I col canto. a tempo. '^E^ Si V- • i ll . I. ! il I' 'I 1 ;onie > -•>■ — ^ -*-- ^B 1 -^ P T" — A> ,' V 448 THE BUGLER. FRED. E. WEATHEHLY M. A. > ^ CIRO PINSUTL a-4- spp^sppf-pfpl^gt^i^ p Btacc. ^E ^=ij — n't- ) 1 i — 1 — y- J*-^ fc^^^J^ JiM ^ -J^-^->- "-^l::* p ^*f p ^^^EEE^EEE • * 1^ I I £3- ~'-ig^9^- • -lf9 P f ^ V )_ "I ( — s^U V— > — ^m --^« 5f.=^. ? :il=:~i =§* The 1)U - gler luioed thro' the driv - ing snow, By the atacc. ^ ^^^^ =1 1— =l~f- ,1!'; 1^:5: t^:=d: ^: :t 3: -*---*- fe^ P fro - zen riv - er to watch the foe, Be - hind him in camp hia fe2^ -^ *- J=^: ^S=5=^S -q— ^-q — ^-=1— jg - * T ±«=z^i r -^ 5E3i: ^ESfc -"^*= Copyright, 1884, by Hubbard Bros. ■(: _^_._^ NSUTL -4 m ?53 3y the > ^'-i* i t== ;^ p his T '—- J^ :-^-«l=^ THE BUOLEIt 419 Wumid - ed iiinl spent fioiii thi' iiiurii- int,'."* IVay, from the rfcr^^fcrzi ..:^^' .az B^ ^: -Si » ■ morn ing's fray ! :?j» l2:-J L^ ^ ^. ^^ -4r / :d=- :^;z«jza( :^- S f» N :•=;* h- His or- dcrs ran ; a^ -^ -» --n " When thou see'st the foe, :ai_g |-a |nrz:g|:g- _-j_j_j,^__ — ^jj^ Throe loud Lfrli ■ ■fi^: ^: .g . L_A -^rr=.^: ^ ^^ ^^^ bhists on thy bu - gle blow," Those were his orders ; He'd keep them well,Galhiiitly, -40- -& gg^i^^E^&rzgE:^- L--# No. 2.-M. ;:i:t V- 1. 450 THE nUOLER. / ran. -0f=S T*- 1 =^ -r 3 fiiitlifiil-lv till ho Ml f r„!l. ^^'f — -z^i P a tempo. pofO cr<\*. -S"-- ' H mi 3 » i)if no mosno yrandwno. m^^ tf "^^^m Stead - y and fflow, Pac - ing tho snow, ElEl: 3/c«o Niosao grandioao p It :ff=*: 1^ Still - -vvart old bu - glcr watch - ing the foe ! . . Stead - V and I I :•-*: fe^^^ J- ="? -»*- I :«ir«M|: m i^j ^ i ^ i^S^ • • • :»•: iS^ ^3= -^ :}t^= -^ *M < -< f ;^- slow, erf.i. 5Ei i^rr^pi Pac - ing the snow, . Stal-wart old bu- glcr ^•^. :§P^^ ^Ep?f£?ESES *i — — ^ m f crea, / '/ I— h j* is 1^ :t=«* :^ THE BUOLER. r^ t/ ii?£2£^?r3 •J 51 Hi wiitcli - iii^ till' flit! ! col c'lnto, a Iniijui. f — — if p ;---^-- — Pt rspirpizi H — :ir :«■ --ff^ •--, K _ p.. ■ c: • ■. -, p« — _ , 1^ ^ — __ lYimn Ifmpo. :=rrr: ^^ Prima tnnpo. The wind blnws culd t'nmi m^ llu' Irt)/. - (.11 tide ; I Hark y-: — ^ — j(- «_ ifcS3^ __ .^ - M 1 ^ — - ^ ^■^ ^=J — ^=> ^Kmmmmmmm P t i-* L ^£~^EH^ ^^^?E^^ S^vSb- •^a-5-s.i — ^-1 — r ien :tr~--;?: :l 1 lliirk ! the foe on the oth- er side, A- cros:< the ice they are ^ — i- i=^M|-^«r: :ir— i^"-;3r ^ ^ N If C^.'Ik -^m ^*t3^3^ 1 •» - ie==:* !1h a — I — "J — ■(-!;- 1^ k 1^ •*• >^ -=t=r-t: -.=e-* -i- H ^ 1- -* -t — I- niiirch - injf fust, And the hu - gler blows a Htir - ring blast, a h ? s t s ? g a-^ _*r-^ - ^air.i'^q=,-: -liT--^ -^ — K- =M=L SE^ ♦ CK tZi 1 ':'?lr 1-""'^ —■"r. :1 ; n 452 THE BUGLEF5. S^^-^Z2-^ Lt> :E "|S- :l:«: — S- 3 stir ring blast. — ^--S h-+— I ►— i^E^ -_B(zT:=«Br:i -•- -S^' ^ =*==ai=^ / :^~ii(=«l- :ig ifcS: ±=«=r=5=*=it ,- ^- | __l^- ,_^-ft =^iirz1» *=*: 3: fc^=d=— .— == And now ! and now ! they are at the sho re ! Lo ud - ly the — Si — I ^^ — I H-| — - — B \ \ \ — I- -B— PH-i > > > OTS. 3-- :^«C^: r^:-:1z::«!;-:±=:.^|"-ar i ,. (;: P tS=i= =p=:*- :t?=r_t:i -^- T:=5=S=3^ 1**- :g ^ — I — ^ I bii gle rails (ince more, He raised his bu- gle a - gain to H h -f'-rr^T^ :aa!|j^ia|i:«|:c:aD4M: —I — I — I — (- — I — I — I — I — I -+ — I — h — I -^- -f-ri :f^i ^^ ^^^^^^L P =lS= ^ -B—^WB-. ritrffiizzpri: , .^ ■'■■ ^ J. -M sS^" ■ t2=izi-J^ -S— -i*- blow,But a shot from the en-e-my h\id him low I5-r^' — I ~¥ir^-~A-^ w — sf- r— ^- P»^ -( poco roR. ^=tF=»^±^^^^^^,^i-:^-^ «/> •'/ = I 'f "q» :drr=z^:g ,a^^ «— t :P2= .tes=ir=: I =3 :it«=^ - ly the r»in to ->— 4 u- ,^: =t== tis^^T^^^-^ i^ Primo tempo. Prinio tempo. He raised him -self in the blood- stained snow, And :^r:g:rr^ :- 'T^"^~~V „_^^.,_gi > :p: -I — tJ! I I n. i : 1 ■ill ■'it- ''i? .(• w il ; t. i •1 454 THE BUGLER. itrzzzt: proud - ly he faced the cum nig foe, He seized his bu-gle and --1 " ::^l-l— =--=S=^5-=*£ — 1 $r— H -f- zwt=S:iz ^^^ m^ roll. m -t- ^^^ff==>: i^ s blew with pride, Onegrand.long blast, and fell, and died, And -^—^-s^ ^^^^^g 5=^E^ SEt ~^^ ^ r~ 1 - ^ -■',— 5-«!- > 5)-?t-=i— a*!— =1- "5^ =i=n- H 1- r— ^ II -•- -m-im-m- -^- -w- -•- '^- -*-«^i#- •- -•- -»- '/ */ ►^"•^ ct^: I ^=^^ *- >s -IT- ^ •^ •^ i^-^ * y tempo. cr i^ ;*:^« «: =^1?=^=:^^ ^:^^ --ST— S:*^f > Hia comrades came when the fight was - gl i -.^ - -rta _z^::z::S — ^rr-gCil =:«ti':Trz:«|_:«:r«=7- : :*=:iii; > •> > > ,^mzX- A^ zMzm—ac ^^:i THE BUGLER. 455 Jf- past, ^ They found luiu cliusj) - iug Ins hu -*= -*=& ^ j:lu th.-^t, Dead at his ;*^fe^ • ■ • • 3 • • '> ■ / P '^^=^- @: Kfe \s W^ CT-yZlg— Bjg^J :^ ^: ^:^^:^^= :i=St post i- in the ice and snow, His old face turned as he met the t^^r -^ iS>- :q=i::p d TiJ 5^ -= / ^ d^^^3=:r:i r :=* i -izr f 1 a ti'mpo. 3= illiU -«- fe^ Ifci AAfHo fMosto «io?/o grnndiom. I There l ot him rest, He shall be, 4^ ,J-._«' iJ/i'do HiosNrt H)o//o qrnndinso. J. 1* ^-J?-#* ^^-* ;-j^«:^ff:f^ 3 yt^^—a- ■:*^ 456 THE BUGLER. -»!— *- -JB—^-= t> There let liiiu rest, plEl* ^ -*• — :|ac=: j^mmewi^^ He t^liall he hleirt, / I — I — H- 1 H— K- r,'/. rt.i.i(7». -•"=/■= i I Gal - laut old bii - gler, ■fi '^- ^ Brav st and best ! ■zM- £ > > > ^-^A :^*=li=|»i «/ ^^r:- ^ sf col canto, sf f a tempo. s * m^ > > i 15:, r %S ^^,-%- ■'/ ?$=!; -=9— S- a "/ ^ |-^^ :i:- f ^m J !^^ '^ -!S=:^z > > >. :»=N: s a ::s^3j- :3i 467 Mnderaio. DID'ST THOU BUT KNOW. (SI TXJ S!*A.V.*.IS.) ROMANCE. RV 'IT. [^s tf :==::jc?^^: ^5^r3c. M. W. BALFE, m Wilt have my iiaine? Oli, it is Vcux tu mon no)n/ II eat a f^'E: tj »»/ :2:n--; EES ?iE^:H X--- ^^M^^M^^^^^^ thine! toi! Wilt have my wealth? 'Tis al?;o tiiiiio! dladly with all I'll ]'ei(x tu mesbirmt.^ I/s sont a ioi! a-vecbunhenrje h- les m f s s :i= -^ ¥ Pi^'F ^- f :=1= ^ ^S^ Adagio molto. - lieve me, do/i - ne. i- But in re- - turn one boon thou'lt cive me, »S'i ton re- yard bril - le ei rmjonne :(?=*i:r:*=i Just let one Et sc r«- m u — * ^^ .J. — Ll ^ Copyright, 1881, by IIubbakd IJkob. ilifP III Stt^ • I 458 ^t:1Sr DID'ST THOU BUT KNOW. Andante vantahilc. Romance. ^iC tt n - (Icr jrlanee bo mine. ■pose unpen sur tnoi. m Adagio. Did'st thou but know bow much 1 Hi (u sa-vuin cum-me Je ^^^ fc!j=:r=: p I IJ ill"''!"' 1 I ' ^11 A' I I J II ^^^ i II m^^ — , — tt.M-4 *LM-^ ii-*-* m i r-=52= -I- -« — ^ 1 X •U^^ -t— thee, me £e^ -N — K 1^ :«tr:S*: -JS=ZB=W- -^^ -^ « love Did'st thou but know how much I love . . . thee, (S'i in sa- Vdis comme je t'ai - - me i P==^-m K 1 ^ I ^^ m ^c=iS=at Zj r-j i, ri i i"l i^ -•— *— i? m^n =?— *- It soon would move thee some love to show. Bieri sur toi me - me . . , tu m'aime- mis. Ah ! soon, yes, soon bien ^ur, bien sur, ;$^=s: V -,^-w^ f ;-r- dim. zwzv-^ i some love to sbow, . . Did'st thou but know, tu m'ai- me - raw ... SI ta sa - vais, Did'st thou but know, «S7 tu sa- rat'.s. P tej^EEg^ :4 — I — t ~-W --rt III ' * i -^: f f ^-r^£ Jti^* > r ''?>f rtt. DID'ST THOU BUT KNOW. -S»- 45J> Dul'st thou but know liow much I Jovo Si tu aa - vuia com- me Je t'ai ifcz: _V: ?*=:S-:=r^= 5j=*E^5«^^ t= =^^ ;2Z"tz: .:p=ir::;:{*: -rpr for it is thine ! Then take mv heart. for it is thine! il est a toi. Oh, jircndsmon vmir il est a toi. i-^— --=!" -^*- ^^ t^ ^' ^ =2=!: ■'V, I M :4t asz:^*^^ mil. -^0 -^- DidVt thou but know Did'stthou but know, Did'st thou but -SV /)/ .VI - vats. Si tit sii - rais. iSi ill sa- m 0—m^. :^-- ^^ H— a — h ^ r'5?- ■"T^"' ^p^- ^m: col canto. ^ -=?- =P-- 1*—-^" ^ 2^, 3= i nel ^' ■^ rail. I'sttboubut )i ht sa- co/ eanto. -4- ^^:-E^E:E liow much I ciim-me je - * — ^4 DU-'ST THOU BUT KNOW. •4G1 lovo Cat tliee, DiilVt tlioii hut know liow muoli I luvc . . . thee, me, Si tu sa- vais comme je t'ai - - me, I — n~- ■^J-*^'* *-* '^"^'-^s-^ -5 -jfn-ji- p :ti-._:jr -^ i^-f*-4- ^s* *_-•"§" mm It soon would move thee some h)ve to show. Bieu sur toi me - me , , . tu m'aime- rais. Ah ! soon, Bien sur, bieu soon sur, i-^zr- t ft mi r=i— a- ..-•«_- -S^^ tu f^ t-— S — : 1 -•- -^ -*- 1 J , i -m* J* -~S^— :^— S— t^r^ ir^- r r* — n- / dim. ±: ::^=:t2: ^^^-^zi^zzrr some love to show, . . Did'st thou but know, tu m'ai- me - rais ... Si tu sa - vais. Did'st thou but know, SI tu sa- vaii, Y £ I J 51^^ '■fe-"j3=^t^ -» — «- /J7 £ s t S '- ! 1: — |t f I 1 =5=*: vres, rit i^=^ Did'st thou but know how niueli I love iSi tu sa - vais com- me je t'ai m i3E thee (lie. H tf colht ivtr. ff cres, ^^m ^ Fi^yrt ■fet^ P_..A_J^ "z! — :;i "^! 1 1 ^^-fi — ^7— v.i ■ "- •" — tl •'-iH*-«'*^s — sl — \ — *» y f(^\ ^ - II -tt--^ — #—m — Sd: htrlr— '- — — " fW !•!. Q-m. 462 'II ill THE MESSAGE FROM THE KING. H. 1.. D'ARCY JAXUNb. CIRO PINSUTI. fe|T:g^Zgr||-^^ / 'X:=-- 1-: 3 ( T 1 v^^H iW:- - "f^H fl 11 / row enftgia. orM^- s; ■ ^- — 1» — 1-: -X-- "Who will give his life for the Fti - ther-liuid?" Cried the her- aid of the i ^=£ 3: / 3* ^^«: i -:b- ^ ■3=^ _^,. -'»^"X= F^Tzzr :a: ^ If^ I t=X^ » *- ^^^- z-^ 13=1 3t=a I king, "And a mes-sage con-vey to our troops ere the day, -»-- -^-^^r^-^zir -S^ ":i:^ ^^ / g^^Si _n-s- 3 -s^ :^^ =qii:si — ->; p 4^J^-^J ^=J^^^&^E3i ■iL-i=*; -T= I AVho will do this dar- ing thing? We know not their pass- word, we Copyright, 1884, by Hubbast) Bkob, 111, THE MESSAGE FROM THE KINO. 403 - t? > 1? i»^- p erei. Sl l)ear - or must die ore till' tid - iiij^s sup- ply, — Tlio now s that h ) :$^' &s s pfe ^ ^ 7s? B^ fc^EIE -«^- S=5r-_S: S ^^EE^E^ ^: ^ fe^ ri7. Kr^feg. ^^—^—-isr- 1^1 ridos, tliut ho rides for the king." ^"-^^=^--^— J- ^ 1 « i t -^ : ^S: ril. col canto. ^^—^a tempo. t ^^—^a tempo. -—=ZZZ. */' i;^ n^n^T I » I ! I I f i II -•^Ir i ii m -•-:—*■ ^ Jtrr;^, • — *- 4S=45 "Oh! who -will ride for the king., this night? And reach our is—\ i^i^E^ 5«-e_*_^«- -^■ "a-::::p."=.'33 'f m ,v ^. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT.3) m:/. A'. 1.0 I.I 11.25 1^ |5» |12 2.2 ;: lis IM u mil 1.6 Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 145B0 (716) 873-4503 iV :i>^ ^ <^ o^ 464 THE MESSAGE FROM THE KING. poro errs. a^^ — ~^k | h ^ ^ ' — ■ y ^ ■■■ ■ ii ^ II III., , camp ere the morn - ing light? Who will yield hi.s life "-?=-"" • • • ?r ±z.t0z:^- ■=e= pnco crm. t»^=5: #_ee-ff-_-e- I Sees ere the dawn of day, That our con - cjuest nmy crown the com - ing *-- -^T-l — -H- ^Siii^if^a-N^ crM, y ri7. coi cnnto. I ■ Primn fempo. fray?" r-t: I— iOi t=^^r; / :1=i S^ rt: 5--^, f t » « I f -. I t "/ fl^l?^ > h "^ -n-i—- >— ^ zzti^nrt'-r . f« ,con energta. :t: i^ "I will give my life for the Fa - ther-liind!" Cried a warrior worn and -"^=^, THE MESSAGE FROM THE KINO. AGli rre». ^^J^-z^a^ "And your meswagc cim- voy to our camp far a - way crrn. ^*, li^n- =t: =1: m •ji\ -^ err». Ere the hills arc lit with gold." From the nionarch'.s right hand tiie crif. feJS^^E^pEIap » -^^ f, — ^ — 1> ' crcK. 5=ga^f^=^ r_-.,_- T" -Ma. sSJ mia-sive he bore, And pa-ss'd thro' the night a - way; But the m f re — T- -1-- Jg: 1 fi poo rail. tid - ings were read by the side of the dead In thfc i^ K^- ?fc=?EiL -«»• ipi r^r -q^-':-r:t: -^ P poco rail. No. 2.-.30. F F P hk ... , ( . i ■'11 4GG THE MESSAGE FROM THE KINO. 3feno mmwt :d^-~^-jm:z^T -rrz^z ±=*^.i\ ligiit of the new- bum day. Ob! f^ -r ■mr jm- -•--*.- eon etprCM. 'S-i- 3e^ flM brave - ly he rode for the kiiij^ . . that iiiglit, And brave - ly ■ he tr 5 _ --=1= Wr ^ _2^« i:_ ■• m\ ip in ^^ig ^-ir* rH^-:?.: died ere the morn - iiig light, And the life ... he gave, at the pOVO ITI'8. -'l-i*- =p=±: m m erfis. ^EiEmI ^- i^^:i / pneo rit. -t- ^5^ dawn ... of day, Won the vie - tor'g crown ii. the glo - rioiis il: Mm -e-: • • • :**: 3?: ^mMM^B^m f col canto. m^ If p con anima. —JT. =«—-*' i ^ an - swer'd with liis life; ■t^lz:r^zLz: m 3=:a--T::«l His (K'titli - loss iinnie shuU enrrijir.. S^: ■ .-^=5t 't- t — I :^-:=r|J;:--.*-:r=:|i erp». f grandiimo.'^ 4r:=t: ::ff =*=:•: -♦ 1^- :g - rT^ ^ — --- ±L i^^i^ pass to fame As He - ro of the strife, ' r r r As He - ro of the 1^ I \ ^' lit— sh-r-d* — - — =1 =,^=--5 y grandioso. col canto. :=r IS ■r-«i ^;r^- -=»- =S:. ,:*: 'f, • M i\ Ped. i 463 THE NEW KINGDOM. MARY MARK-LEMON. ..1 ikI iiuIi vh iI Io tri iiuiiiillo. ::4i #(S *-* BERTHOLD TOURi P Hiiiijilice \-^. -mm- -I" ^•D-' ^ ^E^^^*' P 3^ ^^^ -«- Two lit - tie I'rieiMliosd ciiil-drfii, Com- nules for niori- tlian a year, p -^ ^P con Pfilale. T^r Sg gl_^_ — • — _-^ — ^_ ^^-^^-^N Et^^m =-*A i One sold flow' rs on a door-jitop, One swept a cross - ing near; i r" 1^ {?=^ :-ip. ^.^^ f~ f m^ S: — f- K S V «j— ^ :^z^r:l^ __^^ ^ — t, ^ — j^ He was a cur - ly- head- cd lad - die, ^ ze=zm: Brim - ful of laughter and ■• fi nl OUR* p -X- ] ^^' m^ =3^ >r aud ==^^ 1=-^=' THE NEW KINGDOM. ereu 469 - <•«•» do. T :?r:r- ^ fuu, iShu WU8 u xtuid lit • tltt lux • xic, :z=_:5r^r?i 1 II cr EiE^ h:-=^ ^E^I^^^H ::=r •fiSSr m^: -■^-7 crrH --1- -Jimi «# rmiii^^ rf/m. . • • m^ -S: -^r-: T^ liairki(«M j^old by tlie sun. --^::d: r- dim. . St And wlun tlu- li^lits ot' tliu — ( P — =— , ■ mf Irijato. ^. ^^ ■_=}: •^r^zt^:::^ ■sr »/ jo;» :ifE^: I cit m T Told tliut tho nij^lit had cotne, 8I1C woultf r i cr . =r^l=; ~-^ irp: 1 1 1! ■ 1 1 !.f!l f : :' ; 1 • 1 t h V, ':) \%--j- — ^ ^?q t^*= *- -B^-^ ^Z~9~ =5= ;^- • =t= -J ^^ " m .-^' when she had fin - ish'd her sto - ry, They wish'd that a stran - ger would mf legato. ^^f Si Jzitt* I nf -■q-- :=t; 473 THE NEW KINGDOM. P r»prf»»irn. frn • ^ii^^^:Z '^ . ll^r^° C'llllU', j=z __.j — ^ Ami !¥=^^5i: ic^ f^^:^ iiS— g— '^ :?^ ^^ BEe *^ THE NEW KINGtXSM. 473 :::q^zq^:ir=^: ^b iq :q% :q^ q :-jm night wlu'n the miow wim full - um, Hu ouiiu! l(ir the old wwi'ct 3:-i -^ •! I -• -I ■( • • • -^^i ^ ; s ; f $ •f*<* , - . 1 :;* * ^ ^0mJ^ J , _^ J I ' J :s:=:r{:::=P=rj?:^ P come rvvit. -5=?- :r>|^ .-:^!!:rd = PP -Jt BL -::p-^:qq tnle, But lipr voice be- gnn to fal - ter, Her face grew wan and -4- %i:B^m^S--^-'^- -^ P p^' rJE gn ■a ^ii ■^^ ln^ ^ a tempo. *=^: :=^■r:q:: =ti: :s5 ^-^: 'K K -/ iE^ff^K rjsrrprrrftrrs pale; One kiss on the gold- crown'd forehead, And ho know the stranger had f^mmmfmm^m^n ~ p legato. t -=s '_^ "/ F^Hi -^- :3=S= ^f-=S=:T=3= "^ :ip=S= ^ esprranito. cret cen ::»«= =P=P- :iSE -I U zz:iz m come To show her the beau- ti - ful path - way, That — =— p crca ----- cen - - - m ^^a i ^"u^- i-»5p: '•■f i1 i» 474 Ii'd to tlu> kinpliini ciillM ilninc, THE NEW KINGDOM. -I. . / T m m m m m ' I ^ ;» ^ ? - T(i xliow lior tho Ijoau • ti - fill - • • Jo. «/. / rrr/t - rfo. 53=5?=^£ :Lirz6i- ^ 1 ^^ pntli- wny. That lod, to tlif kingdom call'd Hoim', I . . . — .— ^ I - To -r — r — I — i ff nllargnndo. ^^^^^^ inolln, ^rilaril. _4— J^— N- •» ^i,^i». nr — ^ 1 ij" - r -r-jp— i.- ^ ^ ^ k ^ 1^ k^ '^^-^ sho'V lior the tM'aii - ti - fill path- way, That led to the kiii(;dom oall'd i // u=^ =n:5 :g: I motlo. rilaril. m ■O r^ ^ a te mpo. 3?5lE -*— -- S Home, a tempo. / * * fTw 8ra... mf fli m. — ^ --4_H — I— ^-l- — H IS PA> F iVd. ;i - fill nil T. '■ -m do m^ , tliat wo two sat dream - ing On the im[M. '1^^, !^^z^a -'. -:^Sm--m^i^ "•«'• •'••r '^^j^' ^jtf m-d^^^tw ■S3- #1,- " I ^: ■ ■ — ^- - # - .^ ..— « '• tf r: ^« • -m — mr^^—' — jij — t •-- ''-_-J:f - 1- . __* :^: ^^^^.^^ Bi*^_. sward of some steep trimm'd down, .... Watch - ing the white mist ? — «- P =^ 4?i:t::=:=:=t2^ h g:±=-X-^ steam - ing From riv- er and mead and town. :s:.: S^S^^^Fl m^Ti- g jsr :=r: ^•3 5 ~^* S*: h:/ ?:-1-'^ "'.'' i-i> '^?;**B w. *':■. •^j^?; : ' III if ' Vim 478 OH, THAT WE TWO WERE MAYING. r^ — - ±: :tz=r_-t=r— :^^ ^E«i^ :t2z:t==:zz::zt Oh, that we two sat dream - ing, Oh, that we two sat -^^4 :t:=:t:^: :e=i: -t' ^^ Oh, that we two sat dream - ing, crea. ■•-•I •Hf- ■'-5-* 5-*-5- -■•••' ••*-•*•■-• *' - «-M-W-« 'M- ii-^ ' -+ Oh, that we two sat ^J=7j :2«- :iiJ:xi::«t fe-: iit^px: _^_i_ __9<^ . ~ . ^. ^ . &s»- =5=JS=" ^^ i=:dN tf -^--_ 1^ rci: :Bt-^S5:iiE dream - - ing On the sward of'some diC") trimm'd down; i :^i= £i rt=-.5=Mzz5: dream - - ing On the sward of some deep trimm'd down; . h-M l-M h-M— f-H — H h-l-H- H h . igaa^:.ii^riip^z-,-am^:, giiM:| P fei: ^5: 1;^- ■iSi- r?=^t :^ P t-I- g grrvrrrrrjrxzjgz^ *:!=:*: Oh, that we two Avere sleep - - - ing Un - der the church - 3ard :*tirH!~^;«r «■ -^ «i: . -a^ . -a^ . 1^ . -m^m-m-m-^- -m- -m- -m- -m- i ■^- :sS -=*• Mt sat tr^.»ziE t=.5zMzz± H ; I I I9t^t9^ _i (- ^RiF .'h - yard OH, THAT WE TWO WERE MAYINO. 479 Edl_K -4 U^->- ' -i-jH-4 J-.- t- -. 1 "• — » sod, With our limbs at rest III the :=m-: ^ -^ -^ -m)- -^ -mt -^ -^ -at -^ . -»^m-m- tf 9»$^«^s I ^^liftts I •> I I I 1 1 H ^$: i" _^^ -a-^- 52=- §i?. -^=^ zF=^EE^S^^=^ lie:-.: ::4: ^t=l= ■4 K H h K^ W- ' §^ • :ir-4 ^•EEia^EfEE*: quiet earth's . . . breast, . . . Aud our souls at home with =i^^ r^l And our souls at Ikhuo with —I — I — I — I — I — I 1— I — . -■ -T — ^ I - I I t — *-^r-A 1— (-H--I— I y\ I I I--. — i— -t-tr-) ^ -J -^—! ■■if^^ P ■H^^i^J-mhr crea p^i= tsC . a^i; m -^ :-^ ~ :- .gs«— ^ — - i L-^- g;©- • :^~»n: :?3^ 7=3' 4== :?2: »-""'^:^' God. with God, with God. ;=i:ri rCtp:: L-jir-=i: :i^_-: =:*=z=.SfJE God, with God, with God. '- ' LU LLi LU . < I I, 4-' 'm' f ■J -I ,: I ::|! w A 1 n it 480 OH, THAT WE TWO WERE MAYING. irpaizr: =?=^*=^ -e—f- m -- -1 l» Oh, that we two were sleep - - ing Un - der the churchyard -jzz- ^- $ 80(1 with our limbs at rest, I* — ^-i^ — =— - X- — '^-a? — 1= JL-z^bti: -p . ' jn - S And our, and our te= i r5=§i 1 1^ in the quiet earth's breast, Aud our ^ crcs - -V«- :^i=2: -f» H H =«?== 'tSSS~'] St% '^ m ' ^^~'- — I z%:z -^ — -t:::r:^- ■.<^~ .iS_i. )uls .... at home , . with God, . at home. zg-ziz:^: ■-^^=1: :.=^3rqs, :.=^0^^ in: -=]■ nzi^r^rrj: z^=rMz -«.-■!- souls at home . . with God, with God at home. -9 1- frrrit urchyard ^S^ OH, THAT WE TWO WERE MAYING. 481 ;^--=t:: 32: I s»— t- -|?^£-%E?5^ with GikI, .1 — -Tr:fe,& — i — =E=WtJ=^^ with God, . at home with God, **?"»4 i^-itfm=WBFMi I i I L- . L. L. ttccel. ^m.- -0.- -m-" w0' 'W0- 'W^- .mf^ . .1?- • ^ . ^ . -^ "^p- -^- -^ P I 1^ ^ -^ '-^ »1^ 1 r, and our I And our ■f8 - :^ivri-:?2rvr X- -»-?z?^: our souls at home with God. r?— «-^ -=t -iE^3. Z^T^Z !=>-^-^ m our souls at home with God. ^=i= :g-T-:.^^ -e—Jf—if— -f- :# -S= i^!|lpfp|;^:;=|^^ * In octavea to -ft- !f :*: j2.- -(22. • .i2-'5 "-^. ^ -•-"-•- ^-' ^-* •&-■ *- :j5:iS No. 2—31. 482 THE OUTPOST. EDWARD OXENFORD. Mtiizinle con spirito. GIRO PINSUTI. crea. JKSrZ-E ff^ :=!.: -»- — ■ — ir-i-zB-i.^ "^^.Mt 3^= i^%ui~'r r^rrf: p "/ "/ »f '/ — h H -Sl-T-t- i=S=::zt-: S^ ^:zzzL-I^-: tj^:*:^ m ■-— — — *— -^pt ^ -j-j— j ^*= =r=" :^=T A 111 - rid glare lights iip the night And spreads the news of ww^nm W- ^—.^-'-m. P staccato. ^ :«-=■:=*. t=i-- '■^ '^- '-m- '-^ est H 1 1— -+- W i crcs. :ir=S: ^'=i-^==5= 5=^ war, And, urg - ing on- ward to the fight,The bu - gles sound a - w ^qi^:^ T -%7-tr^-jm '*-* f 1^ 'W ^=rf era. • • • • -j:^— -*-- S ^ ^ --4- Copyright, 1884, by Hubbabd Bhos. THE OUTPOST. 483 - fur, The 1)11 jrlortHouiul a • far. 9 ^ -A — I — !- 4 \ ~ *^ I li ^^ «' ^W «i --i^ m ^ / »f f q>»-a= :t;-* 1^> ri ^ tr ^ 1 «=^ -4 t •_::ti:f?:r-t-?:: £^£^:rE^ • » P P :g^^^ ^- WM ":sr=: ^=r:^.5::qir^ See, ^ — m—4i-m^'S^^94it~S'-m-m- m—t m still tiri (ieath the a-zisij Pfl dim. P =zt?=:E=|zEE=>iz5=&=£^ -^ _i— — « — I — ^ i J P nen. i-di z-^zzi PSTa"^" 5=i^r.qir=r 4: -qiT^ out post luuTs, . . A - lone, vet stern and brave, stan< --&- H — Ji=r=^ i"qii:^= -4--F T T S= !=t.5!3^t3 3 ~i — ^« — I — t -— 1 — _-^-J--^ — ::j *- (—•--_— — F— • --r—" lii I ill fi' 11 i ft i rt_- rl- — ^z--)-- P - lone, yet stern ami brave. He . I 484 THE OUTPOST. Marziale, ton tpirilo. =f:= H — n — Pf ^ l«EEiE a=?=3ll does not tear the shot uiui »lu-ll Thut inoiikl a sol- dier's grave, He f con apirito. crea. mS. m > ^ / pnco rail. a tempo. :»=»= :•=?=■ T "-T- -^ does not fear the shot and shell That mouhl a sol- dier's grave, . . A THE OUTPOST. 485 ^ =t: rS^^mz ■H bat :r=4r: tie ra t -^^z:rzzs=--rzirzz^ r -4^ cr MOW, And :^.:r?t- '^- • Ci '.^r * a=i ^?=i:rl:y-: is; 'M -:=\~ K- -X 4 forms still vouiitr nn - time iy l)u\v, Anil teach the way to If" ^ In h ..'I • i die. zzr=z :qii===r^: :•=*- The foe spcetl.s on ! all : _::z^„q__-j;_ >-^ 1^, 1 — ^. -. .a ^tizL] * ■i,:i tliifi 486 THE OUTPOST. the liard - fuught lewpre cre». -q_i_ r zm — ■: :ta==t field. Tlie foe speeds on ! ah! -p: '^ ^^ all is lost ! They've won the hard - fought ^^^ --:»: / ■H =1- -s«- B field. Tis THE OUTPOST. ■187 ~-e — \ ~i * OUgllt ) .... 1- =- \ 151 1 k-H •IT • "iN ah! a^-=^-| "■*^ — -m- • ibiight ..... _ 1 • -rl 1^ Ji.s 4 1-, t^M '* rrE*r-^ si^"E^ :;:rrr---qrr •=}; ::t-r-r" * zSTT ^ viiin to fact' llif ('(iiKin'rin;.' hoft, Ami all must flic or yifid, 'Tirt -I 1 ^ Kl 1^ h — ^- 1 1 1 f -^ '-^'-•i- ^br-* p. p »-. . vain to face the conqu'riiig ho^t.And all must yield or die, must ^ -^^ ,. ^1^ , ^__ rlE^^E^^ i _^ ._i_i — I,, :^^:sfe^3^: ^-=1*: yield or me. I :qrr=:z- ^= ^ ^F ^ ^ rs 1 ?^ irzi^: i^z:zz± S- -S-' * — *- E- --£ .VfJio, con dnlcrzza. t) The i J? 2: morn -ing dawns, and dy :I:^J :i=*=*: i maid-en loved the Sing - er With love than death more strong; He went to seek his un poco agitato. ¥ "-B-" -==1^ '^^- ^-^=m 5^ t^- :J= 4-^ ---r-f irlir::*: -^ =FSt « — m-* "'/ ^ :^ :S^ zgi mt crcs. lE; £1^ ^: 1^- :ci: ::|=«t ^ f -Jt— -» «i — •-ap — -f — for - tune, # Slie iftayed to work and pray, A week thcvil-lage i^: : * J- '-(& — .*i5_ ^^EEEi ^- Copyright, ]884, by Hubbard BRon. m- .RKER. iS—it THE SONG AND THE SINGER. 491 P ^;:="-— p con ei>pre:^a. rail. tempo. -*—=)—■- ::?r=: '^^^^mm ^m w niiss'd him, She niitisM liim more each day. "Vi-va, vi - va, CJa - bri- t< mpo. — *r -rr* dim. /•> sofiten. rati. --T era. m^ ^-i :g: m-^ i:v- — «r-v — Pcd. ^ ^^*: ir^ i ::1=: .— The 1^ -^- :^-=q: -!)-JL!._^- q?=|?: fci,=EE-a -el - lo!" In her dreams she heard them cry ; " Vi- va, vi - va, Ga-bri- -tL -M. .^. :S=*-- seek his ?o agiinio. — • — •-• ii ::^z i=t^ ;he vil - hij^e F^ / dim. -Mz=:ir- ^—^ :J=*=rq: el - lo ! " Love lives on tho' fame may die. . fet^fes ■M=^rcz=±r^~ ^- s s^ crf«. J! — mi 4=--^: =«=^= -=!-«- ■=i— X- Pe(/. »n/" Animafo. ^ .>* , . — _J ^ ^ The Sing-er sang to ^z=@: -r^ — =1 1 1 W 1 \ 1 — dim. Jt-^ J'cU. i * p mf Animaio. ir=i=¥: :j!frff: ten. -r^-^r- i.;1,- :i \.l^: .r!:n ' 'ir '■.'' .< ■ a .:-■' If; ,1 yJ^lr ; m lis mm 492 THE SONG AND THE SINGER. :S=-t=rst=4^ =--=^ I 1 4:= tho'isauds, And loud the plaudits riirg, Wiiile no - hies loved to * * rS^S*^-5<-' Jr^at •! « SI "S^W-^ =t-- #^ :«*= :4-=T :§ ^ — j y- ^t-- -c*- ::f- lis - tea "When - e'er the Sing - er sang; . So ^=**:K-a»*** —m—m—m—a S="*3: ^ d -L- T ^■^ :$::*: 5^ J: J: 5: 5: ig sr«=^r=^== ■^_p=t:t_tt. cres. :S=*= :n--:ts -_i=zii:_-S=i .^1 thus he feared no fu - ture, And quite for- got the past, While P lit :g: :^ lit mf crca. Hr^^g^^ 5^ s^^^-^ ; ^-4-^:4 fc^ ^==4 ten. -0HS>- con rspres.^. con r/iprr! tempo. ' P m T~ "1 ^"d ' -1 P • M ' -^i"*- vi - va, Ga - bri - - el - - lo!" In her 4^~ 1 __^ — J — ^-_ ^ _i= ^...... -" -Sr- E;;— - -i • - ■-:. ' coft Ped. \- '^ •ill ,-^- P So -! — 55_: While ^^- 1 p ■r. '^ " Vi - va, 1 ; ;..^.j w. « :fczd= :q^-^- -^~^ ^-^- d reams — I- 3^=S she heard them cry ; Vi va, m VI va, Ga bri el lo!" Love lives rail t) '&- on tho' fame may die. coUa t'OfT, jD /joco rit. &2 %^-=:::t=: -^, j._ z^- .•ti;i Kt-Ji ilV.fe 494 THE SONO AND THE SINGER. f= P -^ -1^-t- zt:::I^:\I^^ At last the Sing- er Avear-ied, The pco- pie turn 'd a- m :1-- P ^a. — «_ izl^i :EE ^: ;:q^Sz: li d^ soHten. -J -t- -=i-j;= -^«, —A- - way ; When sing - ing birds are si - lent, If i»: =•- =*; ^ :-i— "zfii^I-I^-; — ::}:::sf-^: f— r f~t rfi'm. I^^EEES: =3=9: r r -fS- -r *?- rail. , P • - iemjin. ^-- — F ^-J"— ^ ~p~: ^- m * • ^ • ff — t- ^ -^ t^ _^_J What far-ther use are they? Y^fr one tempo. still bade him ii &£=*: :p=sr- :t2=t 1 wel - come, With love both bravo and strong, The f S--=^= -jiU-j?^-jil^ ■^m-^mM^' -=1 — *ir i ^S: 1^==! i^--— : :ci= Iff-- -e- "r" ■ w ,urn'd a- r — ^^ T^ "~1 .4 -^ ^^5^: W^ 11 bade him The I — VjT* I THI S SONG AND THE SINGER. 495 ■"' li^=^— ->-J— ik- 'T -1 - n^-^ r.:4=r-.JT ^ #—- ^-^— ^^I— 1 1 one who loved the '#-^^ n — — n-H -E-\ Sing - er, ... .. ^ . — 1 When mm • - ■■- • thou- f^and.s loved the lit. 1 en*. _•? — 1 — 1 — 1- -*- -•- -m- — t r « -m- -m- -m- tlilH. ^ ^ fS ^^ '■~~~ — t-^- T: ^ - ' :^^— 1- — ^ — - cJ ^ - • ' PP meno vwsso. dim. pjO col canto. ::!-- * * =(■= :k: Pf(/. * Pcd. fe^SS * Pfrf. tn/" tempo. crcs. zg-jzatzi:^;^^ JZt- ^: ±. ::!= dreams she heard them cry; Vi -■^ H feiE^ va, VI - va, Gu - bri- ^ ;t :£ bJz: v^ ^; It ^- mf tempo. Ped. ^f^Egii Fed, zt- m 1- ff motto rit. m - el - lo ! " Love lives on tho' fame may die. ±=«z=* -'i— S- i=fc: /TV fe^ zmzumi cnlla voce. ff » "S- * ppHI // --t: Fed. ifft -*. ^- 5 -P"'- r:t=i=^-::^ ■^ 'ST • I dl" ^^.; vr m i I iirr^ 496 LOVE'S REPLIES. BALLAD CHARLES MACKAY. ^»J(/(IH/«'. plfi FREDERIC H. COWEN P -^ X- 1. I 2. I m :S--1: P Wr^ ^=^T=^- -mmM lg£xB;g^^^£ 9r~9r~t^ ^-\ 1?- £^_ ^-t: qs=:^=:: i :iL-=ri=*: •-^i--:q- :?srtrir: _^_ — ■#— 1»^ send a qiies- tion to my dear Each morn- ing by the hirk, .... And send a raes-sage by the rose, It says: "Thou breathing grace, . . . Thy wm^ q^i-z:):rr7==^ -"-q:=-"=S=4: 3: — — ^ — "- W=^i JlEEET 3^=*= § cren. :*=5= -•• — »^- ev' - ry night tlie night- in - gale Brings an - swer ere the dark, . . . The mod - est vir - tue, like this flow'r, Spreads fragrance round thy place;" . . . The ■^ gf: * :^ * -^ * S.**- * ^IflS: :$: *^. cres. -^^^^_^_^.., 7=i\z:^-:J^ji -4--— JN— 4— — ji,- -Ki- ::^ ■*- -p^ -*- C'opyrliiht, 18*1, by Hubbard Bros. LOVE'S REPLIES. 4fl7 qsn-rqr ntrr-m:^- _i 1^_ — I 1^_ ques - tion needs no HI - y brings the oth - er words, And this is tlio an - swer meet, The au - swer, an £=* IP^^ I* * * 5 ^^f^: re- Hwer ^ ^ i crcM. 3^ :4-- :1t -:?c- — -gz. aiL—J - ply. • meet. Tiie The ques lil tion needs no oth y brings the an er words, And swer meet, " U -4— r-r— r^ T --:^- *— X 4tf- — W-^ — -«^ — « ovs. s^ this is the re thou whom I a p'y: (lore ! rit. "I'll hive thee, dear - est, My lieart is spot - less wm^m ^ -:mr- i * ^ ^- f^- l^f=^ im—- m— mzumi m dim. * * * * * * P (I tempo. -T= ! ; 1 .( !l ■m^ ■ji- ^ while I live, And bless thee if as these leaves, And loves thee ev I er (Me ; . more, :*:: I'll My =:): No. 2 —32. fi 1 ' ij-i- 498 LOVE'S REPLIES. :d^--3qz=.— -4%- 7jr livo, rlT ::ft:. love thoc, floar - e*^ m fj m r ^ r i^^ ■H — 1^ ^5 1^- :}t=S= ?s=fs= li^-r:l^=i:;sr:q^=^ :S=i* =Si s 1 shoes up - on her lit - tie ten- der feet, No shoes up - on her lit - tie ten-dcr i ==1- m r :*=a: .grt— r mz =t= -•— I — m- ^E^ Copyright, 1884, by Hubbard Bros. ONLY A LITTLE BEGGAR MAIDEN. nni -> r>- :i*-,__fL_:3Si: -?« r^^- Kl k q^q^ :3^ 3»--jii- tt'it ; Cni - ol irt tlic wind that hlows ii - round, C'ni-il and so pit - i- Kst! the -S- — _rrprirr: rr^-i- 1— :52" ^i=-i 5.^ ^ -^ -•• -^ -.•-:»*r>5- ^^EE^ ■ t ^^RjE^r :4i 22: ^W- f -I tg— :^-^=l*- 1 K- -J k-- ^q8r ruin, But tlicsc, she tliinks, an; not so hanl and cruel, A^ the -*- ■sr ^5: ^^^^^ =x:: :5it ~l Toiipo. p rqz:: ■:i.:p-»-»: :?r--^ :tr_^-J crowds that hurry past her in her pain ; On - ly a lit-tle hog-gar maid • en, J-:X ^ =:i: =iEE5 P ?=J^= {E^^EiEEq-r^^ tt*- -5— 3— S- Zgl ]^^-^ ^ ' ■ tie ten-dcr :r:^::I^-- ^-^ /^ 1 1- Singing in the cold and dreary street, i Singing in the drear-y street. i'»*r.^ 22.: I i. 1; !"=a=«^ :=^ -«i- 603 ONLY A LITTLE BEOOAR MAIDEN. — I ^ — ., — J. — -I 1 — -4 » — -4 — ♦- — - - -^^ — ^^ I A—zii^^ — ►—• "• i^^^^^^ -I tr--tr-tr mm Sempliee. ^^mm. zmrrzB-- ■:^=i^—^-r=»i On • ly a lit - tie beg- gar imiiil - eu, Siijg-ing just to eurn her _^S_^ : -.^ j — ^— 4 ^ ^-^=5=* shcl- t'.T to the ac'h- injr, gold- en head, No shol- ter to the ach- _ , . . 4 =|: f^^^m \ =^: ^grt-r r»=5a- -iS-i- r^ l rt: pwrr ONLY A LITTLE BEOQAR MAIDEN. fi03 m -K — *- ^^^^E^^^E EJ. -^^ 1 ^^— -- "fead hnid? Till' child - ish voico is prow - iiip w»'nU iiuil (Hint, Tin 2- i- :n5.: ^i^np^Hi - S » , -^-1^ — ^-=^--^■^:rr^ I „ -j 4- 1 — h — K- -H„ — ^rn rrz^fe-— sad sweet eye:) are till- ing fust with tears, The child-iuh heart i.s aeh- ing, uh ! so ^^ :^- ^^^ ™'Gi'" tps :&r^i: rrriT- ~z?- n=]=:T:iq.-r=r: sad - ly, She is ying - ing fur her broad and no one htars, She is ==^^: 1^^ ^ j=Ejziz:S^L^ f 2«t .-|Sr=r--i!=z:i- ?4i= ^ -:4- i =:=- ^/9 J — ^-9-m — " — m — ^ —^ — «* — -—— sing- ing for her broad and no one hears. -p-rra(=:»=i:»: ii^d* -^= On - ly a lit - tic beg- gar ::Jz=:i= 5- 6« Z^Z=ZZi^Z p/3 :-4= =^^:3 -j;*- -• — — 3-i-' — I — -^^: ^M' 11 ;5 504 m ONLY A LITTLE BEGGAR MAIDEN. . nmid en, Sing - ing just to earn her Hai - ly bread, ~*"=^-"l=l§^^«^ 1= :=1: jf :s^:_: -<&- ::^--^^=^.=r>: :tf:— ■*=■ — 1#= -I r ■'- rczzn Singing for her dai - ly bread. I — _ — I - « — m ^-H — , — p_i_^ i — r.. :^= Quafii vrit. ~JS~-S~mr:^~m- 1^1 jitiLss- V * r=a=:q=r|3z=i=:z=t ■*-i-r — t- ul-^=-*- -:± T ^ ^ :&2^i :!2c2i 5-S- q= :«t=^^ On - ly a lit- tie beggar maid - en, Ly-ing in the eold and drear - y street, i :!I^: 1*^*' "^*i^' -^ -^s- ^ =&i PA' :?=:?»: qii=:^=^=qif: :5=»=*~S=: -?*; Hui^h'd the child-ish voice for ev - er more, ^' Rest-ing now for aye the lit- tie =8f.=--=3F :qif:a=--ii.- — I - --ig- 5r % lElF -(S>- t=-- f^ ^ -1 1 1 1 ~il=^ ^ -J?— riTl-: feet, iii ONLY A LITTLE BEGGAR MAIDEN. ff — I^ — ^ ^ 505 zmzz.m- :i:==^- i>!z=^=ztz=tiI==1' ^^^=^= iz:^_-(-rj — ij^-a- «■«. i - P * * *=t ^?=^ ■:?— *§i=*- -I — I — I- =1= q=r]: — P h — « •- -«-»- ^ ^•^^•^jihif ^ ^ i / "7. 5:=p: n tempo. :e2i -* ^' I can - not have thine, For if from yours you ^ i i^E^S: / n7. If: « tempo, p ten. w. _-l_-J.- zlt-^rr.^: -^ ^S^ p.,;-- 1- *^ * :^:Ezl-»: Copyright, 1884, by Hubpaud Bros. ■If I PRITHEE, GIVE ME BACK IiY HEART. 507 /, rit. a tempo. -:t t.) ± ^^ ?^^^E^^^^ •»/ m i will not part, Why then, ijliouUl'st thou have mine? ^ rit, a tnnpn. Yet ^- -*" — ->=^^ m :-_-^: -s=^v i i!l1 ■ Y' Lento assni ^ — +i« — •- Would steal . . it back — <^ — a - gain MHn- ^5: }§S: : lungn.f Lento assai. Perf. ;ig: i 508 I PRITHEE, GIVE ME BACK MY HEART. "Vl _ _ / h " " •• ^ {(\ X^ 7 fj % —Xn~%m:^X?:3r Hi: ^rj: --—\^- «-^ — i'-^^m -^ — , I — I Pt I,', m 510 LESSON BOOKS. M. INOLE BALL. sEiE ii: A: ODOARDO BARRI. -pi K_ =:z:z»=i^ ;*f=^ f^ff i^^^i »- Copyright, 1884, by Hubbard Bbos. LESSON BOOKS. 511 f-z2-~ =!•: i^— S: H: :2p= ^ blot - ted cop - y - books ser - vice show, With lot - ters trac'd by a 3^?^: If?: fett: -l— ._>_!. =«i-:=i" :f::^L;*:=z: :-i'^: :* t :-i:^»: ^ « 'I 1 — r I Hi :=-^,=5 =21 lit i2=zi^: g^2 — r- 7—-X I )0 rn//. «n ^joco. — — : m- — ^ F" ::^-=:i- 1 tie hand, "On - ly to please dear moth-er, you know." —T- M P col canto. ^9m -m- -S- > I ^ =q: li i^^PlH ;^^R Lnito mn nnn trnppo. P T£BE?:^E^ v=-^-- -rz)- 1221 ':^:^ -t^ ".^ What tho' the work be child - ish. Wait for the com-ing hour, AVhen the fe^TB^: -t^- — ii-- d: i i# — P aostenuio. :^g= -Jg-- =g= -c*^ Sr& :te: :te: — <-l -«-Si, ♦•SI- ♦ — I. * — I- s=^ L=$ red. ■■^^-- ^slz :^::=l* ±=14=*=*: ±==t= q^=:l!r: :e2: small green bud on the ro - se's stem May blos-som a glo - rious flow'r. 4S= 4 12^ P _£2_ jsz: =1^ /5 :s: - r JD a tempo. =22: ?^= ::Js=qii=:::5=:q^ ::)=. i=fa-»rT=-- sa - cred rel - ics of oth - er days, No Ion - gcr necd-cd, their time is past, ^^5E^^^ ■T^=^- ^^^^^ /? f :li ,-=' 5^ r^z± P2= "?2:: i aoait'iiuto. T--^ S=r:!*i r; -• — '« — ^ — i- — ^ - 1 Hid - den they lie from the sun's warm rays, And one who looks in them ^m V ^ -^' :^:-"=q= 't: p -£2_ d5=^ 35^^ :•=«: iq^-rpc sighs in pain. And the books are blot- ted with bit - tcr tears. As she i ^=5=:^: --M^ ?*^=^ ---- >lfc=^zr:n m :& '^^ ::f»-;:f»^q^ i5« ?^-^- LESSON BOOKS. 1 a^ ft] 3 P e rail. ^ sees the curls of the gold-eu head Thro' the long dim li,:^lit of the by - gone years. ^ iL=— d — aoatenttto. mm^^^^^^-'i-^^gm S5* ^ -ez- 4=: mf (I till, ~0^ l\d. % 'P Lento ma non troppo. r- E^ 'IfE^ culla vovt'. &iE^^r^'z^ t^=^-^- ■.ciz ^- -.mziz-zm-:. :*-rjj, ::^Tr5ip=r-j+rrz- COM fspresx. T=^~i t^ What tho' the work be child - ish, It brinj^s back the days of yore, And in p W^ -^^^1^. ^ --kh^ -^^^^E^-% I ri|; -*-- ts in tiiem — - — ; • "?- :^ As she , f 1' .~:i I te=e=-^--:in ^3^=1 Sg^ t=t: =F one fond mem'-ry the with-cr'd bud Shall blossom for ev-er - more, Fc ^^ r==p i]^: yg ' =*=«: ^ *T- o_33. I ' 'm .m 514 MY LITTLE SWEETHEART. MARY MARK LEMON Con r!ri/fima. ODOARDO BARRI. ifi: 1 ^^3^ m "'/ )-3i 4». .^ .^ d » » » ts 1 a ?»P2?fr H ^^?^J=2^ 1 III tlio 2 Tlio' fho t5— 21 =»~ir •tf ^ ~^=^ fes ^: P ^tm^mm -i— i -- i i 1 -1- 1 i \ (- -H )-q I f I i I l^l^l I FW3 fe^J tg- «= f i r^EIffi, fM^ ro^*" hen Irqnfo. zgin^^- %-T-^- ^-EE^E3 loiifT, loiif,' a - f,'u of the van sun - .ehine iiiiist f'ailo from the sum — " 9 " ish'd yt'ivrs, When the mer ilow'rrt, Tho' the K ^r S>- m vn porn cren : via non Iroppo. ^^=k t2=i: love - dawn broke on high, nKJon - light dies o'er the sea, J^ ._) 13. ^_ In the dreamland so old, where Yet the love-dream of old will Copyright, 18*1, by IIubbard Bros. \nDO BARRt. a mezzo 1 In the 2 Tho' the trust - fill eyoH un - dininril with tears, Her heurt iiii - toiich'il by twi - lij,'lit falls u - crosrf the i»ay I sec thee as of 5jj:_5=2; m~z •g" ^- V ~JC2. pain, yore. P 5 — =t- S 3*- That The hour re gold - en -I 1 — lives us past a -^ IS 0.. yes - ter - day, Tho wakes a - gain, The -^ zs. ^^^^S^^^a M- ^i c=^: ma non froppo. i rtf. e jQ /?> :.«=«i:»a ^^^- PP e legato. *=:S: old dream wakes a - gain. Ah ! shad - ows flee once more. Ah ! What did the an - gels What did the an - gels -^—^ % ^ — S- colla voce. P -m- ^ -m- -0- -^ it=a^=?=ih .-,_^. ^ :e2 =^ 1=i~- 51G MY i,irri,K K\vi;i;riiKAiiT. f^^^z f 1. ^ ^ .cz 1^_^^SJ Love WHS their nicssagu sent tlioc from me, Love wad their message sent thee by me, My lit-tle sweet- heart, zr f :3 4: ^^ m 'St y g 'S-. ^ # * i^ :^: ~;rz2i -(S»- I &17 BIRDIE LOOKING OUT FOR ME. ETHEL LYNN. E A H m^M — 1^ 1^ 1 Two lit- tie 1)U8- y linndH 2 Down by the li-liic bush, ;_._^J SI ^ tie sweetheart, putting on the wimli ,Two lau<,'hing bright eyes looking out for mc; Two rosy-red cheeks something white and azure Saw I in the I passed the tree; Well I knew the nprooand ,- <*— « --iv^- Wk?- t—i "I^EEEIE d=B^^^EE^d~i-i^^ -C'SJ- i i =t: BEE :i — # rt ^sJf dented with a dimple ; Mother-bird is coming, ba- by, do you see ? shoulder-knots of ribbon, All belonged to baby, looking out for me. u$-3 — )? ^-- i.-*c'- Copyrigliteil by O. Ditson A Co.— Used by peiiuissioii H \^h'4 BIRDIE LOOKING OUT FOR Ma ^r-y- 3 Talking low and tenderly To my-self as mothers will, Spake I softly: "God in heaven P?-==1: :tj3z:r=rF=n— : m. <^ <-si V-t. :I3 Sir e:ee:^:!^: — <^- II E 1_ p-tzMz --t:-- -pi i8^_= -=Ki=l"-, -i-S- :1t=^:=ft=: :»=*: Keep my darling free from ill. Worldly gear and worldly honors Ask I not for ner of Thee; -t^- PjEi —.2=zt^: -+SI- -*«='- -«- — X - j ^-X ' '^^ cres. ^ $ :;:z2 --^- -(=iZ eon p^prrmonfi. But from want and sin and sorrow.Keep her ever pure and free." ij eon e»prfM S^S^ (P 1.4===^ 1=3: -*" :S:£to= EliU 6) !::d=:pii-t:=:p=:3t ii^izt: ;^ E^ :*;==:m==^-=lN:=^ E^- :q: 4 Two lit-tle wax- en hands.Folded soft and si - lent-ly ; Two lit- tie curtained ives ^^^ -%^- -m-- S :j^z: i^- -« 31- -♦c^ --%^z ^xmr gi -4=p:: '■il God in heaven I 51 e BIRDIE LOOKING OUT FOR MR th^ oU Looking oat no more for me; Two lit- tie snow- y cheeks.Dimple-deuted ucv-er-more ; P^i m -♦st- ^"- m « — Izzr.— Ml- :^ :8^r=r: r^a:::- ^ ;#^ for ncr of Theo; m :^: Two little trodden shoes,That will nt trer touch the floor; Shoulder-ribbon softly twisted. ^-J __ ^ S- S d sar: 't3r :jr^: tg^- -< — I- --^- :^- £; 1 t-^-am^f^is^ ■p__P" ^ Aprp-3-« — - ( V 5 Thus H'j sent an answer to niv earnest praying,Thus lie keeps my darling «tt J ' ' ' ' ' ' --^-- ii^z :i^:=t .?5 Ut' 524 O WERT TKOU IN THE CAULD BLAST. ROBERT BURNS. _3 m _^ — I — I — jgg — I — MENDELSSOHN. ^=^s^=&= I P Andante. i±:WE^l — 4—^ -- EtE 1 o 2 Or wert thou in the cauld blast, On yon - der lea, On were I in the Mild - est waste, Sae black and bare, Sae i: :J^=:::*!= i -j^zi^. 1 O 2 Or wert thou in the cauld blast, On you - der lea, were I in the wild - est waste, Sae black and bare, :=1: § :::1i :=l=qr :?^*=r On Sae jg^^^gE ^iEpEEg ^ -&- r- r-T T -c?- 1^ :!?=- \ —- * — *- -»!— P-»— — ^^—^ m =pc -- yon - der lea, My plai - die to the an - gry black and bare, The des - crt were a Par - a airt dise izjt: yon - dor lea, My ])lai black and bare. The des die to ert were the a an - gry Par - a airt . dise . i>: i^-iF=5^^^M?==i-=s=i3^-#:E=;|=i=f r^—: I'd If =S=F I'd If 1 O WERT THOU IN THE CAULD BLAST. - ^ -g^ — r — - — ^ — ^ On Sae — f- \ On Sae ~f- " 1^ " "■ ■ -(■" - ^ . I'd If ^>» - • -^ ■ I'd If 1 b r- r- r- c — — — 02.!> tv :3E3 c- — 1- :i=P: shel - ter thee, thou wert there, I'd shel - ter thee, It thuu wert there. Or did mis - for - tune's Or were I mon - arch I mm shel - ter thee, thou wert there, I'd If shel - ter thee, thou wert there. :=^- =Sr-F Or did mis - for - tune's Or were I mon - arch 1--^ ill 1 =1: :^=* :=i: —^- — Jf- I I I ^ I round thee blaw, thee to reign. round thee blaw, thee to reign, :=l: ^-*- P ( :*=S= ^^ q^n: ^_^ D.S^ # Thy shield should be my bo - - som, To share it a.' To share it a.' The brightest jew - el in my crown Wad be my Queeu,Wad be my Queen. Thy shield should be my bo - - som, To share it a,' To share it a.' The brightest jew - cl in my cro;vn AVad be my Queen,"\Vad be my Queen. P i^El^^«:£i * — I — I — I — 1—1 -j -'^ * ■ -=1-=^ ■fs- 1- i ■I' 626 GRACIOUS SPIRIT, LOVE DIVINE. IRVING EMERSON. Bypw. Anda ntino. -B^ ES: le -* — ^ — ^ -ri ^^ Tempo, iir^cj: 1^ T^A -^^ -&- B^ •s i Legato. 1ST SOI'. ppp-^^=r==:z~ :^^q pp mf ^; :f2-: -^— *- s: ?=2= ? :t= t= Gra - cious Spi - rit, Love di -vine, SECOXD SOPnAXO. Let Thy light with - in me ^: ;S zrJzijfzt ■z^z '^—•- Gra - cious Spi - rit, Love di -vine, TENOR or ALTO an octave loiter. Let Thy light with - in me w ^=?= ■^- ?s= OB0AN ACCOHrFAXIMEXT AD ZIB, il^^i ppp ^E^fcE 1= PP 3^ ^ ^=2- < g ■ m f=^ Copyright, 1883, by RussibL Bbotbim. GRACIOUS SPIRIT, LOVE DIVINE. 527 3 pp inf jfZL, £ i^^ shine, P All my guilt - y fears re - move ; Fill mo with Thy ^^^Ses -JS. shine, Mk. -X- -■*--*- :::& ?=«=^- n All my guilt - y fears re - move ; Fill me with Thy ?s: P>9 S -JSt- VPh mf ■*=2-^ £ ^m f= :S:. ri<. P o itiyipo. ^^m ^■=¥> :^ :^J 25t: ?2= ^^ heaven-ly love. Speak Thy pardoning grace to me ; z^ -< ■sir heaven -ly love. Speak Thy pardoning grace to me ; ■Bl?=?2= ^t=t^ g i2: Set the ^eS Set the E ! 528 GRACIOUS SPIRIT, LOVE DIVINE. 3^ ZiS. --fsi X- ->s-^- ■Gh- ? ?=:: ^ * bur- (k'lied nin - nor free; Lead me to the Lamb of Goil, ■X- S^ ^ -M=XXSL ^^m bur - dened sin - ner free ; -G>- izp.-: i^^ffi Lead me to the Lamb of God, --X-— W^ ^~-=*-- ^1^^^^ ^^ crea. cres. m 'SH T — T :^ CTtS, PP ^=5^ Wash me in His pre ■ cious blood ; Life and peace to me im P F=l= -X t^ :^==^=EE i^; iS-^at ^ Wash me in His pre - cious blood ; -^=2- _ _ '^ ri^- Life and peace to me im I -r-n I -rTrT i -r\r\r i-n-rrr i -ri -pi r jDJD #=^ ?= :a~ -S-r- C^ ' " ^pp :3s: ^ ;:;l 1 GRACIOUS SPIRIT, LOVE DIVINE. m ^ rit. PPP Sl,m. -o- E pjlg^aeg • p i part, Seal sal - va - tion on my heart, Breathe Thy -.self in IHZL v=t- i^sim a ffi: part, Seal sal - va m tion on my heart, IJreathe Thy - self rit. _ Slow. in r-" — r e^ ?=^ ^ ;=: t E i n7. i^ $=P- 3t 4=*: :j:^ -X- -j;^ 3^1 to my breast ; Ear - nest of ira - mor - tal rest. men. m^ ^ s^ m t^ 4i:it±=: to my breast ; Ear - nest of im - mor - tal rest. men. w. f=?= fS^ -IS- ^ 2^ ?= 2^=*z::2c2 3^ W:^ h^ ■if3-^--^-^. m^m^m. rr^— ± is =1: ^=S^ 'txurtim m colcanto. p >rs f o. if- -4 i;§§-T 1 1 1^:^: 5 -=!-)?-«- ^ ii£i ■y*.. « 630 LONGFELLOW. jt) Alliijru uon lioppo. ,2: " 4 BEWARE. f .fill' »/' " '•'"• t I iflltMV* O. B. BROWN, tipm. '■fsr- 3= -»»- 1. I know a niai-doii fair to see, 'J. Slu' has two eyes ho soft an«l brown, SKCOXIt TKXOlt. She can both Sliu gives a •I^J >J :: ^-~4^ r^r-=^: I. 'I'akr i-aro, FinsT BAaa. take care, S^^^l 3 L.^ ;*«"■ Yt's, fair to 8cc,take care, Bo- ware, 1. 'I'akc care, sm.osi* BASS. take care. So soft and brown,takc care. Be- ware, ^^^ P be- ware, Y s, friendly be,beware ,_a_ M^|i^ Fg|g : e;g^|^Eg ^lJ^ ^ •r beware,And looks down,beware!Triist her nutlsho is fooling,trust her ndtlShe is fooling ^ JS-Sf-I' -^\ gl ^;5E^1^ 1^* _jq.. ' / ■i^-L_ifc 1 ^^ E^ :^ t^=^- :22- ^=2= Trust her not ! trust her not ! . . . She is fool - iug tLae. She is m Mr: g^^=g= l iS — f*-*- i -x-^ /^^ ■JJ-=' Trust her not, trust her not! She is fool - iiig thee. thee,Tru8t her not. She is fooling thee. Copyright, 1660, by J. >l. BoasBUM BEWARE. Ml :«: ^-^^ U. Ami she has Wiiir oT ii i^old-c?! \\\n\ 4. She gives tlici' a giir-laiid \vov- I'li fair, Ami wliiit she A l'< lid's <'ui) ^EE^^" -3^3^^l^i XZr:^^ '.\. 'I'akc care, ^Ei: '^--r- taki' can*, Of gold-i'ii line, take i-arc, Mr- waro, §vE:5^f-':^-ifeEEfe ti=4?i s=iil-^^^*^^^^ 4. Take care, take oarc, Yeawov- on fair,take care, I»e- ware, P p^ Aiirri* ^=¥ P^Jlf^^i^^ Ji » »he is foolin» E^^irl V £=£ says it is not true, 'tis for theu to wear. Trust lior not ! trust her not ! :si — ::^ij^-..!i: ^^ _*:-:f±|? .5, . Jf- ^ -q. jt- ^;^' .51 — y. be-ware, It is not true, be ware ! m lel k=: :f?_-:^ =-*--- beware,For tliee to wear,beware!Trust her notlshc is fooling,trust her notlSlio is fooling f^£^^^^^i^ r^rr=j3p=1 -la-f'- P^ g:^--§ zN^ m ^=£E:t=£ ^1^1 H=2 r-, . // Fine. Trust her not. Trust her not ! She is lool - ing thee,She is fooling thee. Sbe ^m ■\=-- 3=^=^t P==F' g£OiE;£ie ■^: iS *:= -M- =£.i^ • • • • g^l3^g^^ // Fine, Trust her not. Trust her not ! She is fool - iug tbee,She is fooling thee. thee,Tru8t her 1 1 — fcr ••fe=E ^■=1^ f*3 ::Jit P^ aPjizMt i b-6-Z m iB: RING ON, MY BELLS. - VINCENZC CIRILLO. Byjier. 1. TJsyoH.fcon brio. ^^^m 1. Ring 2. Ring ». Txmojt. — « P;:^ e^?e^ s i. £^/!iS. / > — S- 1. Ring 2. Rinor » .B^SiS. / ;-^^EEi^ J'cegretto animato. :B? t%\z^t dfm. > / Iti f^^-z^: -trf — ^^^ ^a^ fciiT out, my bells, in ac - cents cloar,Ring soft, ring soft and sweet, And out, my bells, a - cross tbe i>lain, Ring \vild,ring wild and free. And > > - > , , > > > _ > =i- jy*— i^ -\ — i- z^—&- ^^1 £s^,^ -P — I 1-^ 4i=E=z±t mm _-!.r- out, my bells, in ac - cents clear,Ring soft, ring soft and sweet. And out, ray bells, a - cross tbe plain,Ring wild, ring wild and free, And t^^ Ml^^E^^=\^^E^ -•Ss ^^5H — h — ^^^-(1 m-\— — <\— — |(C 1 — *i"<» — <9 < P rP — — > > take a mes-sage true and clear to liearts, to hearts that beat. Soothe the wake the ech -oes back a - gain, and wake to mel - o - dy. Oei ;he -i*-H^ f^4- I F-^ — F — I F — =l-| F P-- £ take a nies-sage true and dear to hearts, to liearts tliat beat. Soothe the Avake tlie ecli -oes back a - gain, and wake to mel - o - dy. O'er the &iti ::t :i ^ = =:=t :=^. ■^^ — r-^-F-r - r-rr-p - rrr-r - :-rr-r ^ rFP-r -^"^'-^-r-T^ rrr -ji- nz :F=F ^"^^ cres. soul with sor - row ach -ing. Cheer the life when all's for - sak - ing,Ring of mountains waft my dreaming, Where the sun -set glo - ry's streaming, Where the d-T^ Soothe O'er the soul, the mountains. Ttn^ ':«*'- -=1^ ^^ =^- ^i^g:^^E^¥?^ t: £^1 > cres. ^ soul wit]»sor-row ach -ing, Cheer the life when all's for-sak-ing, mountains waft my dreaming, \7here tlie sun -set glo - ry's streaming, j^^-c- liSI E^^^i Soiithe the soul, O'er the mountains, cres. ^^^ f 534 RING ON, MY BEl.LS. ZfZiZ ^ > yp cres. tf== ^ -rir. ^^ ' joy to iR'iirts now bioakiiig, King on, my bells, King on, my ln'Us, Kiny pur -pie vinc'8 are gleaming, King on, my bells. King on, my bells, King > >_ > > j^ >^ >_^ > __ > > ^->.Et=E^S=S Sing, oh sing of joy. King on, my beils,Ring on, my bells.Ring Where tlio vines arc gleam-ing, King on, my bells,King on, my bells,King r^==± ^=£ x) Li Lj W L .i..-_.i ta^ — ' — r ^^m rs" :^=S: ._!f:" . / ^-^ >rall. =SEf?E3E~i ::J^ •-=!-«= Jiingon, . . . my bells. f: -|» — !-^±— F-: rail. -^ > ii£ on. King on, Ring on, King on. Ring on, Ring on, my bells. . . |zz^::g W^^ mmm^^mm I <« 'S 'S- 1 THE MOUNTAINF'^R. *. H. WARLAND. Macaionn L. MARSHALL. -^— -- J— i 1 — |-=i — 1 — (-— I 1 — ^ — ^»< -t- i 8r:q=-iz:rr: — il3S-.«sn — I- :»* m--.. +_ 1_ — I — I -p — :e: B::^-- r — r -©- t:t:; :^ P.=^^5^ ■-%- m:=ztt^M.g~ii: -^- ^trfc ( .,^^. -^-1 1 'Tis / am the mount - ain 2 My throne is the bleak rock 3 My seep - tre'ri the ri - fle, I ( eer, riven, dear - er My . kingdom's the fireen- wood free, When' the ea - ;,'le builds his iiest, Than fair - est bride ev - er won ; Mv 'Mid ' the Pray -^ -at- -.»- -#- -e? ^-*- -^ -tf»- ^••- -•- ^ __!s !^ -—- — —^- — r — - _ i ^_ _ -^rr-_-*^:r:irr f4--i::::^z^:irigz:^-rB■ For 'tis I am the mount- ain - eer, me. J ^ For 'tis :=1 1^^ r^i // -jB |_^_Z]W^ ij 1 — I — !!5-t"^: ^^53^ 1; It: -=i_ prrp: j= I am the mount - ain • eer, Ha ! Ha ! I am the mountain - :=l=il: 3=:f^= -^ -^■ ^itSiit lit :^^z^:g. :5:its::iJ: isc imm -SI — i :g: • • ■ SB: 9*: tzg: 3: =a?^ li :=t:;-— if :tt -Jfr — £?- :f! m m • eer. i^^iii^t^^^^^^i^ wcs., ^ '73?' vi3 i I q:ir:l=^^^ ^^-i^zS^-gzir ■^—^-^-^—^-^-i--^—^.^i)~if—A>-'4^— > 1. fr.^ 8va. taBte *= I:^^q::=zf^?=:^: * S: «: ^^-==B fom - ing yet! com -ing yet, coming yet. The gold - en age ia S(Vl .'. .-. \:\ -1- - =^-^ m mm m AWAKE! AWAKE! FOR THE fPRING HAS COME. Allrqrn non iroppo. tE: .1 L TO, TEJiOB. ( 8vo. lower.) jtAas. THOMAS P. MURPHY. Hyper. Mti. f ^Mi ;^:e A- '-±±'^1 tutti. f -X-n m ne AI!ri/rn non (roppo. ACi'OMI', *=i^sii^3^ / jij=::H_M *^^ — I — s}— - s^^ yet! ^1 ;3^ rr^: ■-=& i wake! Awake! for the Spring has come, Lift up your voi - ces in joy, Raise :=i= --^ i^-r-t ^^^Si^^i|^=p ^vake ! Awake! for the Spring has come. Lift up your voi -cos in joy, Raise lEi * U at: *= Ej^^ggpg ^ -M= :^2:: ^3: 3^ I 1 rr-g^- ^^E^jffe :ie= ^^^F =-s= :?EfE ==^=p.p=»^ :^-^ fei^Jzqi Coprrlght, 1881, bT f. H. Suutu. ')44 AWAKE I awake! FOR SPRING HAS COME. P Rou. ^i^^^ luiid yoursoMj,', for life is young.And tin- liinls with the bloHsoms P Soli. i^EEEE^^^^^^^^^ Jc: '^:£r^^Jr m P Soli. U U i i ^ :t: g=z|r^-^^z^ h>ud,Raise loud your song, for life is young, And tlu' l»irds with the Ijlossoms :^ P=ii- -^^g: i -J^j ^n ^^^^^i^^ J=J: J-,J- yTUTTl. P^g^ 5^ 1 ^ And the /TUTTI. birds with the bios - soras /TUTTI. ^ -■^ P SoLt -*- ^ Soli. toy, And the / TUTTI. birds with the bios - soms toy. P ■ *—-r . 'F=^=^ The P Soli. ^' Z2^ $ % 3^B^^^ ■^ ^ creg. ^- S n\enan(h. -H-H 1 ^^^^ awake! awake! for spring has come. dolce.-- Ei=S — fli > ^^^1 ^^^^m ^ .3d -^ • ^ I^^^S^i^ r 645 if fltrcara-k'ts run as if mail with fun, Tlirough mi'a^ i 'W I ^' AWAKE ! AWAKE ! FOR SPRING HAS COME. 547 =fc^=:=t: -» — o^ '-^- z-jprx^ -tp: i^g^ :?«--r==fc drear? They are gone for a time, to an- oth - er clime, To :2=z:=i: ■&>- ^^ :^==^^ -)* — (*^ ^: ' 1« ^1 -H-rt- — "^ -1 i<^=:* -^^^3^ W—- W ^" m • *- ^^ \ii^± drear? They are gone for a time, to an- otli - er clime. To 5^2=^-^- ^E^ i- -g^ 6*- :?^^=g= £fc^ ;i'=:^ =s 1=^ ^55- -o- ^^ -^ ^ i^ :?== ia: :tW= tf* t4*^ i:-i I?. iW ^S //• raZ?. :&=!== $: :SC^ ^^- :^t=*: ? ^ let young Spring us cheer ! To let young Spring us clieor ! ff r ^S^i=| 3tr«Li_^ il tfitir^=pi // :t: ^- ■=^: -x^ g^^l S?S: let young Spring us cheer ! To let young Spring us cheer! :t: :?2:ir: r^^ :?=:; 1 d^^ r -±: gwgT ^3= S3^^ *=ij:^-: ^^^^ ;d // 5 £K ^3E I r ^■■■^ ^^ ■c^ ro — |- :=!= —IS-' 548 AWAKE ! AWAKE 1 FOR SPRING HAS COME. S Tempo primo. a, TOTTI. f ^^^^^^^^^^=^^^^M Awake ! Awake ! for the Spring has come, Lift up your voi - ces in joy,Rai8e ^ ^ ^^^^^ ^^E^I^^ 1 :5=: LB* TCTTI./ 4f-H m—-m - -n— ■ g^i 3E^E^SEE^^^ 1 Avv'ake ! -A.wake ! for the Spring has come, Lift up your voi -ces in joy,Raise rXi^W- M^^:e^:§^e£^ 3=^^="g^g gf5^^ '^^ :-E^ - ^—^ - :^:i=P= -e^ Tempo prhno. S^ i^-r:^ J. ^-=1: H I I :S^See / ffi a=p= £l=a5! :(=: :=1^ EitEF '^t ores. m -^ P Soli. -H ^ » = -d ^-« i=S^^3^^ loud i^3^^^ your song, for life is young,x\.nd the birds with the blossoms z=- p Soi.1. s i^ S=^-?=^s^^ 8=1 P Soli. ::5:r=^ t2i_Tt2z:it2:=^ t^=-r -^z-mz loud.Raise loud your song, for life is young,And the birds wit., the blo.ssoin8 -I* 0- :«^ -s ^ — \^ — »* — l;g--=t::; D -a ^=e=EEE?zJ- C ^: z:^ i AWAKE ! AWAKE 1 FOR SPRING HAS COME. 649 ^=:=1: t;^:S^*-=f^2"=*= :-£=[?: -*-^- ^ig m V s^ Mr" toy, And the birds witb the blos-soms toy, Awaki' ! for tlie Spring has / -:=-' ^- -3= fcEfc?!-^,^^::^?:^: W-H- — Si-i TuTTI.y J — K_i — ,__» — 1*_ f = :q=i*=-^: tz=^=fc:::[::: toy, And the birds -vvitli the hlos-sonis toy, A- wake! . for tlic Spring has -H — -e-^-^ ^?_^ « — ^- V-^= EgEz:£^:;^fcg-^-fe 1^ 'tr-gr :f^?: :=1: :gE^: IX 1 // -•—(• ^Kp_^^E^^Ea^ :tr]=:_ ~.P*'- i or*. igzi 4=^- =:^ E S^ t=k: conie, Awake ! for the Spring has come, Awake ! for the Spring has :2S' a *"»- y^|=|_^^g^^ ^^^^^^ £i come, for tlie Spring, the Sjwing has come,AAvake ! . . for the Spring has \r^-- E?^= t: JE^^EE >■ ^. I :t?:::::|?-t= -I* — m- *- u r --,^'t — r :*-f:|r=r-±i-t: v-r- T-r- — i — 5o\> awake! awake! for spring has come. acccl. ff ^ l» 0^ ::t2=:[=:^t2: 22:^ com .', A-wake ! for the Spring has corao, i -Jt—W—ii^ir. 5=3; atrrz:*: — «- A A acccl. -^ M ?; Spring, the Spring has come, i fff^ =?=s= wake A-wake ! w i f/U JEz fW — X — -— wake ! A-wako ! '^ -10- -jp=z:zz^: \0 r -^ ^_i. ,^J.eeeeieeejfeee?; H ' 1- I i .AJ-.J /-/-. Fine. THE ROSY GOBLET. 661 ALONZO STONE. -age^T^ M—m- ^^-^-^-"^ seI^ --j.-t:=:^p m^ i^^ 71 m:^^^^m^s ?=& :f^ 1. With- ill this gob-let rich and deep, I era - die all my Avoesto sleep.AVhy 2. Then let us nev -er vain - ly stray, lu search of thorns,froin pleasure's way.Oh t^fe tr •• — ^-^^' ^^|^v^-*j^--* j' "(ir^--F- I ' -- ^^-» -t?^ ^ — ■<— »i -- -^3-F* — r— ;tz:r-iii: itzzzjgt ^ ^=:M^ ^^i jiti ^.^=^1^^^ ^--=3=0 should we breathe the sigh of fear, Or pour let us qualf the ro - sy \vave,Whieh Bao the un - a - vail-ing tear? chus loves, which JJacchusgave! ril^ Z^TZZt- m '9> ^- For di-atli Avill lie - ver heed the sigh, Xor soft Oh let us (juaif the ro - sy waA'e,Whivh Bac J. eu at the chus loves, which P£g^^ i^„l^^,fi rzs55*:-i=fc? ■f -<»-- d — » J!L-:. 3tr3=!i i-rfs- Copyright, 1843, by Hcbbabd liuot. 552 .ffi THE RCSY GOBLET. a tempo, f tzr_E. tear - fill ( yo ; AikI oyos that ppar - k>, pyos thai \voip,JM'iHt, Bivc. - c'lius j;av(>, And in the gob - ioi wj>. ?ui(l do^i»,l,*i:io i~'^1r/ST-~-z! : — ^ ■ ■; — ?« — W-. /■^ rt tnmio. :=1.: q^ ^ a trnmo. i: -# l^- _[=: -f*^ lit. a tempo primn. =?^ ?i£ii^3>l^^i^^iyig^g^j?j^ all a - like be sealM in slee]). AVith - in this gob - kit bur - y all your w cs in sleep. &^^ k-?^ :?r-^^5= £L±S,iE: ^^g*^?^i^^= :^*: rich and deep, era die all my Avoes to slecj). ^■*-\y- IcT =3*— ^*»- |EE^£E5-S iter!z=2i£iJ:^E3; 5^5eeh£^^_=S: :|»=^— r:1»r:=7:;»|:^. J — ■er ^■^ j=^>- r^^ //•f:- t: ■h- -4» ^^^-^- &fc -a- :tz-=:^a-:.„::g-&- "::^: ^r, ziizziz^ - ±=!: — -, z:iJt oa O! HUSH THEE, MY BABY. 5au SIR WALTER SCOTT. Andantino. m.g. --1 •8: :-^-~ iS t-f- .0i..^..- I ■'!5— «>=J-S— : n^^fL:*:=iir* :43ir: — m- -•zz^-±::=t2ztij:: pirc 13 a knifi;ht, Thy moth - or a la - dy Bnth love - ly and brit^ht ; The luud- ly it blows, It calld hut tl.o ward-crd AVho guard tliy re- pose ; Their m.g. 1_ 1^ -^:t rr r rr 1= -(» — — j- -'3 -— =^;; :=2^ 9- :z^: -S' — ■:^- -■S!- -=?- 3?=:i^: -Jii-=)^-ztzz^ - — 1:=^,^=^ — , woods nTid tlie glons, From tlio tow'r which we sec, They ho\v3 would be bend - ed, Their blades would be red, Ere the V i^ ^ r>*z=z: r- i I t: 1^1 '^ :.d=; :=l: W: :2 -^ ^-g^?^-3=t r(^ :=^: ill te9 -.=^*(: =1 1 -?• m- J^^ ^ 3 H +- iznzt: ::^5i^*=- Lul - la - by, lul- la - by, lul - la- by ! Lul - la - by, lul ■ la }-s>- 1^ :&S: |^^£^S^E=i^== «: m^m by, lul - la- by ! t2= o ^ .!» — ?i_jq_=f ^^> 7>- # 2=^~:ir:| ::^-zq::zzz:r=r:rz:2:^ trt: -^ — «- ■<»-\^-m- -*• -S- -•- _.^ ■*£:•- ^ i O I HUSH THEE, MY BABY 655 :5-i -I- hush thee,my ba - by, The time will soon (:nme,Wlien thy sleep Hhall be bro - ken Hy 3: * sc ' is: ■•■ *s::«: 3: irS:* * -»■' i- •>■ ■'>J> ^ f ii __J__J 1 1- :ii-=e«(r=i:il=i=.-::*: l>— :p=p=e i— (• — 5<»— — -f-- • :tir:;2=t=.-=z=fc=tz: :p--p--p; ^ — ^ — ^ —J ai :t«=:k=t:— - qirrr^ :iJ=r*: I trum - pet and drum. Then hush thee,my dar- ling, Take re.«t while you may. For ■m.g. irt-:=!-=3==r^-!S =^==^==1=3=.3=:: :«|--i!: '^m :Si;=:: «— =!• fl J_ -. ! r-4 ':^^. ii--i^^: ~l_ W -1^ :5^: "&S-- 1 ^ :gi :s!: 25*- qii=^ :Sz:^: ^iB^ — m rsM. zSw. UtirSi: -S-^-5^- i-J^t strife comes with manhood,As wak-iug with day. O, mi- ri ful- go lul-go- li, Ho- il ••- -t— - -«- -m- -t^ -m- -»■ -Ml ^Jr m^^^E^^ ^^±EE^^EEE?^M^^^^r :qr: m - TO, ho- ro ! 0, mi- ri fal- go lul- go-li, Ho- ro, esS: . .g: • .-g: J: :%: J: ^^3(^ ho ro I ta -^* ^oG 1 HUSH THEE, MY B^ BY. 7^- ^^.^^ ±zr=it — H-i 1- ^^r^W^"*-*i{i Liil - la - by, lul- la - by, lul • la- by Lul - la - bv, lul - 1 a - z$-:n '^-2E.^ME^^^l m -t--^ M- i :4* f \z^~z^^::^=:i m I?23- -o— r- ^- ~^«^ ■^3=- :&S- m i^^ni^ic*^ X- s^^;^ "OSl==:l by, lul - la- bv ! LuUa- bv, lul- la-bv I .-£»__!)_- -^^l i%«^^-^ nr==|: W=:l-S=i: ^=^ IeJ^^O: ■cs: \P Lul- la - by, lul-la- by d Srat m.^. z^—9i: ^S r 31^ :^n:i:rtz=:=.rz=M iPiiiPi f*^^^^- :z^: -2=J- :i od !ib. nssz ZS2Z -W- -j. i m.g. -i ^i il riV. a; r T Fine. ^ — ( ^- — c^ -(S — -c^ a^;3EE3i w^m 667 « BABY MINE." CHARLES MACKE7. ARCHIBALD JOHNSTON, I!: •■8: P (1 --A- 3==i :n— *E^3: :£=2: :=1: ^ 1 I've a let 2 Oh, I loni; 3 I'lu so gler, ter from thy sire, to see his face, I can - not sleep, Ba - by mine, Ba Ba - by mine, Ba Ba - by mine, Ba by by by :nt=F |^=S=^ -«- ■*- -m- -m- ^m- P ■5=^ -o- fe :S- mme; mine ; mine: :?==*- ,«.^ (I :5: ::t: :=]: I could read and nev - or tire, Ba - by, mine, Ba - by In his old ac - ciistomM place, Ba - by, mine, Ba - by I'm so hap - py, I could weep, Ba - by, mine, Ba - by l^iii E«=iEEf -Jf 0i ¥ --J- %—zr- -J3»- ES: ■^ GMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I i^y^ |2.5 l ip ■■■ ■■■ ■^ 1^ |2.2 iiiyi IIIIII4. 11.6 ';' Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, NY. 14580 (716) 872-4503 4% V \ :\ L\ i >^°<^ >. o'^ ^V' 5o» ' BABY MINE." P ere». -^ • B- :i?3; -=|: mine ; Ho is sail - inj^ o'er the sea. He is cum - ing home to mine; Like the roso of May in bloom, Like a star a - mid the mine ; He is sail • ing o'er the sea, He is com - in^; home to * - m 5^ 4- J-— u zz^zz^mz zrzz*~. :z*.-ii^=:r-*. f '■:^=r. T $ =Pt 5EEE^ gi zt -^'- ticiiz; me, Ho is com - ing back to thee ! Ba - by mine ! Ba - by gloom, Like the sun-shine in the room, Ba - by mine! Ba - by me, He is com - ing back to thee ! Ba - by mine ! r>a - by (pi?^^ -» * i % m rffz: r E^^iEE -S«- cm. :^- ^: nV. zdz :X- ZZT. mine ; He is com -inir back to thee ! Ba - by mine, mine ; Like the sun-shine in the room, Ba - by mine, mine; He is com -ing back to ♦l'»"! Ba - by mine. 1- :=1-nn ^ E«E3^=|^i^ -X •!- cre». / ■^-m-- q=i* rii. 3: is^: ^^ •sr ^ ^.. 3?: ^ .:.U- :?=3: i).& mf 'T^^ ^f=*=*: ^ S ±:t T=«i ":^=:X: : 559 THE WATCHER AT THE GATE. With rxprfiurion. D. 3. TOWNER. N. N. M. I. ■C? • ?5» »- 1 I'm kneeling at the threshold, Wenry, faint and 2 A weary })ath I've traveled 'Mitl darkiies.*, storm and 3 Mctiiinks 1 hear the voice-^ Of the blessed as they 4 The frii;nds that started with me Have entered .... loni» a 5 With them the l)lessed angels That know uo yi'-'f or :e. 1 fore, strife, stand, sin; li: Waiting for the dawning, For the opening of Bearing many a burden. Struggling . ....... fur Singing in the sunshine In the far off sin One by one they left me Struggling with I sec them by the portals Prepared to let .(U. m the my Ics.-J the mo .£2. door; life ; land ; foe ; in; .a. :5 P "c?- Waiting till the Master saall bid me rise But now the morn is breaking, ]\Iy time will .... soon Oh, would I were with them Amid their shin Their j)iigrimage \.as shorter, their triumph sur O Lord, I wait Thy pleasure, Thy time and way 122221 ii^ei and be ing er are I rs5: come o'er ; throng, won ; best ; m la; — ,s- 4- To the glory of His prosenee. To the .... glad I'm kneeling at the threshold, My hand Mingling "11 their worship Join How lovingly they'll hail mo When nil — c- ness is ing my --'-^- r±r of on in toil His home. the door. their song. is done. But I'm wasted, worn and weary ; ( Omit ) in:: TfSl =?== ^ —T2Z -h H i LaH vpriin J *- feS O Fa- ther, biJ nic rest! ^^5_fe^%M:?£E^:Sr. 5G0 THERE'S A LAND 'MID THE STARS. W. p. W. R. A. OLENM ^m 1 Tlu'n''sa land 'mid the stars we are i4)ld, Whore tin y know not the Hor - row of 2 Here our gam can- not soar to that land, But our vis - ions have told of" its 3 Oh, the stars in thehcav-ens at niyht Seem to tell where the ransomed have 4 Oh, then let us eling to his Son, All our sor- rows he'll help us to time, bliss, trod, bear. C'rvs - tal fount - ains in val - leys of And our souls by its breez - es are And the sun from his pal - ace of And when life and its du - ties are gold, fanned, lipht done. And When we Seems to He has ^«=i life faint be prt l^rrr^SF Chorus. £t^^ :c^=r is a treas - ure sub- lime. >. 'Tia the sweet in the des - ert of this. ' by and am with the smiles of our (Jod. C om - ised a crown we shall wear. -' tEE£ '-tr- -&1 I X- 'Tis tho sweet I ^^~^- ^^r- - -• • — ar J . ^ -\ — ^-. -~m^ by, ^ 9 1 by and by, 'Tis the land of our Go — K — K — K- :S=:ir=:it=:iJi 1!; ^ I feifefe iElE^E^gE^ : :^:^^! :*—=*- bus - sy street, Running in the shed ai. '. hall. Nev - er count the mo-ments lost. !r-=it=fi= -Jtzzzs-- L^£J^5J^E^E:*lEgEEt^^^E^E^3? in the sand. Toss -mg up the fra - grant hay. Nev - er ^ *c:*=iC 1 In their lit-tle beds she laid them, 2 As these lit-tle ones lie sleeping, Hold - ing each the other's han Ito - sy cheeks and full of play, as. ^—^ IT N -!»■ -P-P- 1^2=5!: :e=p: :J?-4;z: :ff=?2 — *- :S=«--ii=zft: *-• Ev' - ry one that ever saw them, Hel - en, tho' at work, is keepin^x :3r Thought how beautiful were thoy ; Watch o'er both her lovely lambs, ^^^^^^ I I I — *5- ■^4*: 3--^3: 3: iS=iSr ^^^ i -IK- •3 — 3^ XELEN'S BABIES. 563 .e-»-ei 't^~t^—^- ^m Hel - on i.s tho proudest niotlicr, Hopes of future greatness with tliein, And her toiid licnrt Ifiijw with joy, Wlu'ii tlii^ world >hu\\ add its joys, ^^m =s:r=s=q5r=ft^r»::; ^-^^rzrg=^: if: ::.' r#_^ — |4_d^ ^ff^t^i =^— t^*: At the thousand roguish antics, Fills her heart with fond nmbitioa Of her lit-tle ha - by boys. Tho' they're only ba - by boys. E3~*= ]zz:=^~ z*=i»_:zr«(=*r:r : ^ _^ -y 1- *- 4 ^[l P- rnonrs. ---^£^E5E5: ^ :«!:=^ ^^H In their lit-tle bed she laid them, Ilo - sy cheeks and full of play, '^^^^^: -»— -4s=^r^qiirsr :*ii*=it ^^ ;e In their lit-tle bed she laid them, Ro- sy cheeks and full of play, 'rE=:*-x-"S-S=i=i:! r.TJzm—mizm:zm:zm- -jr±. > - ■3 — S '1 ' f J HELEN'S BABIES. /^ /*v Kv' - ry one tliut t'V-»'r miw them, Thought how bcuu-ti - ful were they. Ei-Sa: ^"'^'m&^^mmw^- :i*=-qi5: :-q "-^-^:f ^:£^"^: :-«E^:::^r.— !^r— J<— r :s==K--*i — k— =^ i-=.-B—m-- -.■:^-L--%~- Kv' - ry oiu! that ev-tr huw ihoiu, Tlioiiyht liow beau-ti - I'ul were they. ^f(=!?E^3±^=i ?:-&rrr=j| ^p£:=*— t g==;? =^ g :.ct :a: «--^- _. J. -X 1 •- ■ 1— X- -z - ^H — y [— "^ — h — I— y \ ^ X-- ^m :^ i i ^ ^^^^^^^^^^ m.r^-$^^^ B pi c'C5 THE GIPSY COUNTESS. MRS. CRAWFORD. Olpsy. DUET. STEPHEN GLOVER. t=t ^= 1 Oh! how can a poor (jip - sy maiden like me Kv -i^r hope the proud 2 Go, flat -tor - er, go! I'll not truf*t to thinoart; Go, loiivc nu', and ?^=Ee:33 5 ^Sm^^^Tt^^^ bride of a no - bio to be? To.somu bri^rht jowcllM beauty thy tri • flc no more with my heart ! Go, leave me to die in my m r^^^ffi-^f-rf -^— ^— ^ H ( 1- I— rn - -4 i- ^^^ eS -fc^ ^ ^^m vows will be paid. And thou wilt for - jret hor, the poor Gip - sy own na-tive ahade, And be- tray not the heart of the poor Ciip - sy ^r^^l ^^ Sl^^^ Earl. m Sar maid. And thou wilt for - pet her, the poor Gip - sy maid, maid. And be- tray not the heart of the poor Gip - sy maid. 9 A - I have 50(i THE OIPSY COUNTEM. enn antnut. -' ff^- 3-2 1;- T:- :^^^^^^^- wiiy with tliiit tliiiiinlif ; I am f'rco ! I nni free To (It- vote all the IuiiiIh aii(i proud (l\volliii;4.i, ami uU hIiuII ho tliino, A cor - u - iK-t, e».==^ '■^} dim. !^±^^^5^s.i:,..:.^E?Pr:pSm:o love of iiiy Hpir-it to thoo ; Younp roso of the wil - dcr-ncss, Zil - luh ! that liruw .>4liull eu - twiuc ; liioiitthalt never bavo rea - sou my fe'^ erea. ^ ^^^4^ ^^ blushing and sweet, All my h<>nrt, all my for -tune I lay at thy faith to up braid, For a Count-ess I'll make thee, my own (iip - sy 'i^^- m --*--*. ^-S- -^^r-^ J 1. ■^ ] ^ Ug,S '^^^: fi:«*5ser3^ ^^^ feet. All my heart, all mv for -tune I lay at thy feet! By yon maid, For u Count -ess I'll make thee, my own Gip-sy maid; Then ^1 ^ ¥ ?C t •/ .-::::^^- :=t-. H ^5 _=)_--_::: Jj -1 1 r all the r o - nut, • • il - (lcr-iit'»s, ea • sou my • • • 0t- -m m ay at thy wn Gip - By • • m m et ! By yon lid ; Then I -=) — =1- THE OIPST COUNTESS. 5G7 ^^'iJ;':_'> That I'uu chungc like iiiun'd Imt- ! hhall 1 trii>t to thv vow? 8 ^^=m-T~~, ^^ ^ ^ liriL'hl iiiooii a • Imve, iiy with itie uuw ; By tht'HiuiV constant O yen ; coiuu a - ^^^ r 3 ^^-i'i'^r r s '^=^" j,^ i-^^P^ 1^^ n ^-3^---^^ E^g fF i F^^^ ^^-l «ftm. a trmpo. ^ji0i^l?_EP T),at nifKl-. t^r, cli««.- a - »a.v ! ) q^ , ^ , ^■^^ ^„ ^^ , Wilt thou ut'V - er be - tray?) -^ ' ^ SI #^^^g^ ray! • way ! $n ilm. ^ -a»— n *-^r^-^ Oh ! never by nie shall thy trust be be- ii*=^ES^*5 a tempo. : :^l 1 -=l — s»- r^ :-p_n- 1^^ travM, Thou wilt lore me for - ev - er, thine own Gip - By maid, Thou wilt \^Lh ^ ^if=^ ^=tt=S =pc=lf=^ -* J ^ ^ - tray'd, I will love thee lor - ev - er, mine own Gip - sy maid, I will ±t£ 5=:^ ^^^ -n- Sr-Sr m t=Bz f -21 SV- ^ -SI n- -# -1 s^. f ^ INDEX. TITLES. FIRST LINES, AND AUTHORS. k Child fileoiw under a Tloso-biiHli fair, F. IT. IM.j,-*, SStt \Knin 1 will K<> to tlie Old Wicket (inte, Adam Ufibd, 2*22 Ah, when (iiii.k Kla«liiiiK Fell on Me F. I'aolo ToaH, 110 AII'h Well Br»lmm, 18H Along the Path of the Dim Old Forest, Geo. F. Ji">t, 370 A Lurid (i lure Lighid u(i the Night, dm Fiwuli, 482 Ainalitt, ' H. MiWird, 400 A Motlier'* (Jentle Love, A.L>f, Md Amhori'd, Miekad Walmn, 142 Ah lleauteou.H oh Flora, .ter'» I»ve, L. Manhidl, 322 A Song of Thnukfulne««, John Furry, 08 At the Wicket Gate Adam Gvibel, 222 Auld Days, J. M. Jolly, 348 Awake! Awake! For the Spring has Come, Thonuu P. Murphy, 543 A Wanderer Stood by a Lonely Stream Geo. F. Root, 96 * Baby Mine," • ArehihaUl JohiiMon, 557 Bards in Praise of Golden Ages, . . . L. MarthaU, 540 Believe me, if all those Endearing Young Chamu^ Thomai Moore, 332 Benediction L. Marshall, 197 Beware, 0. B. Brown, 530 Birdie I^wking Out for Me, E. ^1. //., 517 Breathe Soft, Ye Winds, WiUUim PaxUm, 91 Brightly Speeil thf H.ura, L. Marshdl, 326 Brimni. Brimm, Lazily Twirls her Wheel Henry Ledie, 262 Bring Him Back Again Frank L. Moir, 158 Canadian at Song, T. Moore, W Cast thy h~ -ad upon tin ^t»tn, William Stemdale Bennett, 258 Come! bo..r, nr "little bli»«,'' F. Camjmna, 18 Come, rhildro. Join our Great Command, Anon., 350 Come, I)f)rothv, Cime, Anon., 70 Came to Me, L. Marshall, 368 669 670 INDEX. — — — ^.^— ^^— ^^— ^.^— _-» .....^__ ^._.__^_^ ^ ■ ' •S' PAOI Dearc-Ht Mae L. V. II. Crosby, 210 Dear Hifiiu'c, It. R. IIhUm, 309 De Cabin on dc Mis.sis.«ii)i)i Shore II. P. Dink», 207 Deserted by the Waning Moon Bniham, 188 De Years hab (lone I?y, an' de Darkies all am Free, II. P. Ditnks, 207 Did>t Thou but Know, • M. H'. lialft, Ahl Dinj? \y>n)i, Ding Dong, Prince Poniatowski, 30 Down in that Cottage Lives Weaver John li. R. II., 311 Down tiie (Ireen Lane, Frank L. AnnMrong, 100 Drifting ( londs, V.'alter A. Slaufjhter, 430 Erin! the Tear and the Smile, • . . Thonuis Moore, 339 Eternity, W. D. Hall, 277 Ev'ry Bullet has its Billet H. R. Binhop, 384 Everyday Blessings, Dr. Leslie, 351 Faintly a.s Tolls the Evening Chime, T. Moore, 66 Fair Katie, , J. \V. Elliott, 64 Far, Far Away from Me, L. Demo, 129 Father, I Bend to Thee, HImmel, 414 Flying, with Flowing Sail, Michael Watson, 142 Forest Echoes, Geo. F Root, 370 Freddie's Last Recinest, P. P. Bliss, 54 Frowning Down on the Market-place, Jacques Blttn^mlhaJ, 422 Gentle Measure, Hymn'd with Pleasure, ,. Weber, 383 Gloria in Excelsis, Berl! M Tourt, 3 Glorious News, L. O. Emerson, 245 Going to Market Lmiia DielU, 437 CTolden Stars L. Denza, 129 Good-bye, Sweet Rose, Frank L. Moir, 226 Graces W. W. G. & M., 276 Gracious Spirit, Ix)ve Di vine, Irving Emerson, 526 (iratitude, L. Marshall, 61 Guide Me, Thou Great Jehovah, Flolow, 310 Ham Wade Whipple, 202 Hark ! the Angels' >Song is Singing, Dr. Leslie, 329 Haul, Taut and Belay C J. Maree, 366 Have you Sir John Hawkins' Hist'ry ? J. W. OallcoU, 103 He Kissed me, and I Knew 'twas Wrong, Alfred G. Robyn, 42 Helen's Babies E. A. Benson, 562 Here Will 1 Pledge Tliee Alfred Scotl OaUy, 182 He Sailed Away at Break of Day, • J. Bamhy, 118 He was a Little Tin Soldier, J. L. Molloy, 14 Homeless, Ragged, and Tann'd, J. L. Molloy, 4 Home to the Mountains, • Verdi, 86 Bow Still is the Hour Charles H. Gabriel, 312 INDEX. 571 PAOI 1 am for Olio, 1111(1 thore's One for Me, Ceoryp F. Ilays when de Worl' war a Child, Wade ]mppl€, 202 In the Hush of Eventide //. Vale, 280 In Their Litt'e Beds She Laid Them, E.A.Benson, 562 In tlie Long, Ix>ng Ago, , Odoardo Barri, 514 I I'rithee' (iive me liai'k my Heart, Jacqiies Blumenthal, 506 Is a Man No Whit the Better? • Geo. F. Boot, S4 I saw the Young Bride, in lier Beauty and Pride, Mm. Dana, 2)6 I'se I'omin' Close to Eighty Year, Oeorge M. Vickem, 263 I Send a Questioii to My Dear, Frederic H. Cowen, 496 I Set the Bell a-ringing W. V. Wallace, 45 It wiL-i a Song my Mother Sang, Vi'-kcrx, 800 I've a Letter from thy Sire, Archibald Johnston, 557 I've Sometiiing Sweet to tell You, T. S. Lloyd, 294 I've Wander'd, Yes, Wander'd Afar ^i. J. Abbey, 345 I Will Arise, Dr. Le.4ie, 872 I Will Lay Me Down in Peace, Henry Uudgby, 236 1 Would not be a Stranger Guest, Dr. Leslie, 328 Jack and Gill IL L. JT., 2ii Jerusalem tlie Golden, , A. Ewing, 93 .Tohuny and Jenny, II. R. Palmer, 83 Jolly Jack Tars Baker, 224 Jolly Little Clacker, Geo. F. Root, 243 Just Now, while in tlie Twilight Roaming, Vickers, 300 Kate Kearney, Alexander Lee, 336 Katie is a Maiden Fair, J. W. Elliott, M Kitty of Colerainc, T. Qanmton, 35S Laddie, Ciro Piiisuli, 442 Lead, Kindly Light, Newmann, 99 Lesson Books, Odoardo Barri, 510 Let F>in Rememher the Days of Old, Thnnuis Moore, 33.5 Let Sunset slicd its Radiant Calm, W. D. Hall, 277 572 INDEX. PAO» Let Tliy .MtTciliil Kiiuliiess, O Lord J. Jiamhy, U72 Lihten, Krifiuls, for I iinist Tell Vou, C. i'lUmick, !> Little Wile Nelly, J/ani/ Kntnnly, 291 Long Ago in Drear December, Jiokpt; 298 Lovely, Silent Night, Qmrlea H. Gabriel, 312 Love Me Little, Love Me Long, //. Lolur, o6 T^jve's Ueilies, Frederic JI C'oiwi, 496 Madness Geo. F. Knot, 96 May Grace and Truth, L. .Yurshall, 197 Memorial Hymn, J)r. Henry Ililes, 90 Minstrels Three M. P. King, 374 Miss Mil ion Meade Was so Full of Art, Frank L. Armstrong, 198 Mister Speaker, Tho' 'Tis Late, J. Bnildon, 104 Monody, C Gollmick, 9 Motlier, Watch the Little Feet, , . . . . Anon., 561 Murmuring Sea! Beautiful Sea! Stephen Glover, 50 My Boy, Remember Me, Baker, 298 My (Jentle Harp, ITiomag Moure, 340 My Grandfather, L. Compton, 371 My Grandfather Had a Very Fine Farm, L. Compton, 37?. My Little Sweetheart Odoardo Barri, 51 \ My Love's Like the Red Rose, , • . , . . W. KnyieU, 76 My Old Cottage Home, R A. Glenn, 313 Nannie, • Annette I^iyh Hunt, 150 Nearer, I>r. Ledie, 328 Never to Know, Theodore Murzials, 170 Norah, the Pride of Kildare, J. Pmry, 354 Now Niggers, Listen to Me, L. V. H. Crosby, 210 Oh, are ye Sleeping, Maggie ? '. George F. Root, 314 Oh I Di'l You Not Hear of Kate Kearney ? Alexander Lee, 336 Ohfi! Mamma! F. Paolo Tosti, 110 Oh! have you Heard the Glorious News? . .L.O.Emerson, 245 Oh! How Can a Poor Gipsy Maiden Like Me? Stephen Glover, 565 Oh ! Kind and Fair is Nannie, Annette Leigh Hunt, 15C Oh ! Sleep, Baby, Sleep, A. H. Pease, 34 Oh, That we Two were Maying, Chas. Gounod, 475 Ol Hush Thee, My Baby, A. H. Pease. 553 Oh ! We Must be Ready by Niglit Geo. F. Root, 242 Oh! Where has the Exile His Home? Old Melmly, 338 Oh, wojild that I were Home to-night ! John P. Dougherty, 250 O I Laddie was Somebody's Darling, Giro Pinsuti, 442 Old Sayings N. N. M. L, 2AA O Loving Heart, Trust on ! GotischcJk, 316 OMothccI WillYouGoWithMeNow? P. P. Blis^, 54 INDEX. 573 PACK jOMv Love's Like till' lied, Ked Rose W. Kni/nil, 7(i Once More we Marcli with Solemn Tread, Dr. Henry Jliks, 90 Once More we Meet, Miltim Willi mj.^, 38 One Niglil 1 \va.s Silently Striving , Cotit/iiril Dick, ]">2 Only !i Little Hegnnr Maiden, Florence M. FiiUuii, 600 CMily to See her Kaee Again, Jamen F. Sinvnrt, '212 On the Uoeks hy Aberdeen, A. Scatt (latty, 390 O Thnu, Who Makesl the Snn to Rise, Dr. Leslie, 327 O Wert Thou in the fanld Blast, Mcmlch.«,l,n, 524 O Where, and () Where A. ScifMrdt, 52 Ring on. My Bells, Vinceiizo Cirillo, 532 flailing, Godfrey Marks, 162 She Kneels Iwside a Mother's Knee, ' Charley Bra, 3(13 She was Standing by the Wicket, Loin's Diehl, V.M Sigh No More, Ladies, T. Cramptnn, 3()0 Silver Bells of Memorj- //. Dale, 280 Silver Moonlight, T. Ch-amp'on, 392 Sleep! Baby, Sleep! , A. II. Feaac, 34 Sleep, Sleep, O'er Me Creep, Frank L. Molr, 158 Slumber, O Sentinel! F. Chassaiyne, 113 Soft was the Breeze on that Morning in May, Frank L. Aniustrony, 100 Soiwewhere, Georye F. Root, 302 Song of the Flax Si)inner, Henry Ledit, 2(52' Sjiare the Bonnets, Sarah Moir Hoherlson, 186 "Spring has turned to Summer," Malcolm Lawwn, 123 Spring-Time Brings the Robin Geo. F. Root, 243 Strains of Music often Greet Us, Dr. Leslie, 344 Sun of My Soul, , W. H. Monk, 53 Supi)osing, J. W. liischoff, 204 Swift on the Wings of Thouglit I speed, H. Millard, 400 Tell Me not that You must Leave Us Smilhers, 369 The Air was Dreamy with Flow'rs, . . Theodore Marzials, 170 The Battle Prayer, Ilimmel. 414 The Beautiful City, A. A. Jiidson, 331 The Bell Ringer, W. V. Wallace, 45 The Blue Belk of Scotland, A. Ncithardt, 59 The Bugler, Gro HnsiUi, 448 The Bugler Paced through the Driving Snow, dro Pinsuti, 448 574 INDEX. TlicCurk I-<'L', -Inmi., .■)22 Tilt' ( 'iickiHi in tlie ( )ri'liiir(I, Mulrolm //((i/«<)i, .")22 Till' l>;i.v was Spent, T. Craniplnu, Siitt Till' lidwir of I,ovi' II. O. Thnmlrr. 248 Till- l-'lowi'is of tliL' Kiirtli nrf Kair, 1. L>e, S46 Tlii-fianii'ii (iate, T. ('i-ampfon, 356 The (!ii».y(.'onnti's», Slephm Clloicr, 565 The (idldon Ajre is ("oiiiiiig, L. M'n-shall, 540 The liisli Exile Old Melody, 3a<» The Ivory Gute, Cotufiml Dick, l.'i2 The Liinil o' the Leal, Wihuter, 55« The Little Tin Soldier, J. L. MoUoy, 14 The Little Volunteers, . . virion., 350 The Meeting of the Waters, Thomm Moore, 341 The Merry Days of Anlil, J. M. Jolly, 348 The Message Jae. lilumcntlud, 134 The Message from the King, - Ciro Pinsuti, 4(i2 The Minstrel Boy, I7iomns Moore, 334 The Mountaineer, , L. Marshall, 535 The Murmuring Sea, ....■ Stephen Glover, 50 The New Kingdom, Berthold Tours, 4G8 The Old Stone Mill, ■ W. M. S. Lroum, 324 The Open Door, A. J, Abbey, 345 The Outpost, Ciro Pinmti, 482 The Pilgrim, Stephen Adams, ^""i There are Thouglits which seem to Come from Heaven, . (rotischalk, 310 There is a Green Hill, . Frank L. Annslronp, 106 There is Not in the Wide World, Thomas Monri; 341 Tiiere's a Beautiful Land, A. A. Jxidson, 331 There's a Land 'Mid the Stars, R. A. Glenn, 560 There's a Little Leaf, Dear Jamie, John P. Douf/herty, 219 There's a Little, White Cottage, Hairy Kennedy, 291 There they Lie on the Nursery P^loor, Odoardo Barri, 510 The Romany Lass, Stephen Adams, 386 The Rose-bud unfolding its Beautiful Leaves, H. G. Thunder, 248 The Rose-bush, F. II. Hodges, 286 The Rosy (Joblet Alonzo Stone, 551 The Sabbath Song, Dr. Xcs/ie, 344 The Scout, F. Campana, 18 The Singer Loved his ^Mountains, Henry Parker, 490 The Song and the Singer, Henry Parker, 490 The Songs my Darling Sang, H. Millard, 283 The Sunset lingered in the West, Waiter A. Slaughter, 430 The Swift Hunter, L. Marshall, 326 The Telegraph Wires, Anon., 83 The Trumpet Will Sound in the Morning, Oeo, F. Boot, 242 INDEX. 575 PAiiB The Turret C'liinies, , Jadjuis liluimnllinl, 422 The Two (ireuiuliers, iScliumnnii, 407 The Viig!il)()iul J. L. Molliiij, 4 Tlie Watcher at tlie Gate, D. B. Tou-na; 559 Tlie Wavfs Shall Cease to I'low, L. Marnludl, 61 The Way had l)eoii Ixnig and Lonely, Stephen AdmM, 175 The Welcome Meeting L. Mursluill, 380 The Wild Kain is Steadily Fulling, JI. Millard, 28S The Yoeraan's Wedding Song, Prince Poniatowaki, 30 Thou art with me, O My Father Dr. Leslie, 330 Thy Sentinel am I, Michael Watson, 25 'Tis Birdie's Evening Prayer, Charley Rea, 363 'Tis Home I Long to See John P. Douyherty, 260 'Tis I am the Moimtaineer, L. Marshall, 535 To France were Returning ikhumaun, 407 True till Death, Alfred Scott Gatty, 182 True to the Lust, Stephen Adams, 416 Trust , A. A. Rickert, 165 Two Little Busy Hands, E. A. II., 517 Two Little Friendless Children Berthold Tount, 468 Two Merry (iirls, Stephen Glover, 191 Uprouse, Ye Hieland Men, Sarah Moir Robe-tson, 186 Weaver John B.R. IL, 311 We have a Saying on tlie Sea, C. J. Marec, 366 Welcome, Welcome is this Meeting, L. Marshall, 380 Were I a Bird, I Would Soar on High, Anon., 96 We Thank you Most Sincerely, John Parry, 68 What Makes my Heart so Calm aud Strong? A. A. Rickert, 165 When the Corn is Gathered in, • Henry, 256 When the Last Rays at Twilight's Hour, L. Marshall, 322 « When the Tide Conies In," J. Bamhy, 113 Where the Bee Sucks, Dr. Ame, 395 " Who is it that comes to the Garden Gate ?" E. Reyloff, 352 "Who will Give his Life for the Fatherland?" • Giro Pinsuti, 462 Wi' a Hundred Pipers, , Lays of Strathearne, 214 Wilt Have my Name? M. W. Bal/e, 457 Within this Goblet Rich and Deep . . Alomo Stone, 551 With Lance in Rest Stephen Adams, 416 Wor('. 01 Uud Incarnate, Charles Gounod, 304 Wouldn't vou Like to Know? E. Reyloff, 352 Ye'll soon be Ganging Awa', Smithers, 369 Yes; I Am Grief- Worn Verdi, 86 Tfteave, Ho I my Lads, Oodfrey Markt, 162