IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I f IIIIIM M - IIIIIM "12 12.0 12,2 i.8 1.25 1.4 1.6 ^ 6" — ► v: 0(UtAl-lI(CAL MVHJC I'ltlNTEKS, OXl'lllil) I'UKSK, 23 ADKLAIDK 8THEET RANT. 122314 GOD BLESS OUR BROAD DOMINION. PUNO. Composed by R. S. KNIOHT, F.R.S.L nif iliiit. -f — r — r — h^^-r — r — -^—r^^f==r—l'^—^-^ ^mm ■zt-r^ l^sE^m 1. God bless onr broad Do - niiii 2. God blesa onr broad Do - min 3. God blesa our broad Do - iiiiii ion. Our boil - ny North-em iiUiid, ion, Onr ru^; - ^id Northern Land, 1' ion, Our homes, our lia{^, our Queen, Byi Our roni read ::4=|:: ^^^=::££l«^ ii-f^ii ^^-^■ ..4^^. _i PpPpg^^ thous-and for - esta wav - ing wild, Our lakes and tor - rent.i K^nnd. Po - lar Ice - berfjs' frost • y ring, To South - ern Fron - tier's band, hap - pi - ness and plon - - - ty, A - nion^st onr ma - pies green, From Gtxl In ^ ^ 9 — .— -0- — f ^^ t^zirdi :=^:: fei :t-f -liT-*- n * ■SI- 1 :d: kaata ^wf *-[ zwEES=z^0i GOD BLEBS OUR BROAD DOMINION. Hhn. rit. ^^^m :^ -JH — i^_l — _ 1 Wl whore tlio bright Pa oi - Ho sweepu A loiif^ our wohI ■ urn sliore. inako tlioiii all aH broth -orB work, And not fur t^roed or ^ain. what 'J'liy wis • doni seus ia boat Sliall bo our Fiitli - or'a wdl. "] — '■ — I cr"!! ~ r^ ^ ^ ^^ X_, -^- 4 ■ ^-T — ^. \M- ~t0 ^=^- ■ -]- fit. »*- lKT&!jNn'rKNOBS.-=^= Cveiir. i--F— • •- — S-^— «|-F 1 — I 1 1- 1 S— 1- — iT-S.* — * — * ^ I / ..4 44--J ^-^ 5-r 2_« ^r O bloHS our broad Do - min - ion, Hero niako Tliy truth to atand, 8o Uahb. -^.-zhrtrz Piano ±:=r Z31 "8*. r=^=_(»rrt ^S T---J 1 A l-r— d 1 — --i^r— ' 1 ^ ^-\:~A-. l-r ,.j/ j/^_^ , ^r-J— -J— J ^r =-^f=|--=i-^^3=i=? f»/{. ii!^^p^^ii •hall Ga - iia - diann free - men bo, And true in lieart and )iand. , ^ ■ ■ — ■ ■ , .. — ■ — , ^ — — .•^ ij; ^ ig: ^ -* 1 q=zzr._ ig: *^ *^ Hi, OUR HOMES. 3 Coll Spirito. C. W. C0ATE8. J i I I J J * ■•- J 1)11 J ■mm I I -m- -^- -- -^ Hur - mh [lur - nih Kiir ■ ri'.h Uur - rah hiirrnli 1 hiintili I luirriih for f.n- for for K.Nd • I UK - Scot - Cana HNI> I I.VNIl! LAND I DA I The The The The land IhikI fair - 'W- -I — ^i i^^ J il^^lS esH of the Bea ; Tiie of love anil Hon^;, Willie of lU'HtllclHd IlillH, Where est, 1 brinlit-cst ! % Heiii 1 That J«— il: -- ~^-%' \ ins ^E3Em ■r^ :=r--=t: -4'- e ■^ ---^ -^ E^z^^:^ -5*: -St ii^ Km - pire Is - land of the hrave, The hirlhplaco of the free, f^cii - ius, with a lav - ish hand, Flinj^s ^jifta a - nionf» the throng, learn - ing's en -sign prond - ly waves, And loy - al friend -ship thrills, gra - cea hap - py, proud, and free, Vic - to - iti.v's di a - detn I .-I- The Her The Tlie z% :i: z-X m- 5*_ idirr --X -9- \ WM -T- ::T :=T: iPi^Hfl^ii^i laud of hon - our, wealth, and fame, Of love and coni-merce too ; sons, on many a go - ry field. For Hri - tain's hon - our died, — land of Ban - nook - burn and Bruco, And kilt - ed ciana of yore, light of hope ia on her brow, Her peace - fnl Hag un - furl, — :=l: n~n^ X :=l—^z:f*i *- :^- :?«E i^ — 1_ The But Who O '^EHEI^I^' ~=i- iziqrr ■.■^z: =4: trS ^^ :=1 --^- 1- 1 1— :rJi--_i:d=zi3E .3e;e -•I- ::=!:: -«*•' OUR HOMES. :_ridt ■t:: :t.-i=itii:t -M=.--iS:z.-s:z -A- ^ t:ixi: m land nf iiiKiiy a warm and ){un - rnim uv - er in their may uhe ev - ur no - bio name, From Nile to Wa • ter • loo. Iiearts am Htill Her trii - eat fame and prido. lipartH of truth The love of free - doni wore. Htand, aH now, The van ■ (jiiard of the world. I m- _^ ^ .^ ^ i CHORUS. Oint.H. I 'J BOYH. The But Who O ^1 pB^^^^mm^mm land warm ev - may of many a no - ble name, From Nile to Wa - ter - loo. and yen - 'rous lieartH are Htill Her trii - est fame and pride, er in their hearts of truth Tlio love of free - doni wore, bho ov • or Btand as now, I lio van • yuard of the world. 1 1 , a z miM-^'- 2 ^ ^^^^ ^-^- -4—4 D.S. .-S: I I I I I I .« -«- I I I I I I Word* by J. DAVIDS Allegro inoderato. CANADA, THE GEM IN THE CROWN. Music by F. H. TORRINGTON. Voice. Piano.. m Can - a • da, tho star and Do - minion, That shines in the boau-ti - f ul we8t,Where the S*^ f s — ^ ^ ^^^ =^-& ^ CANADA, TIIK OEM IN THE CROWN. dim. p Hun ia a roba of vur • mil • lion, Biiika Boft • ly and sweet • ly to rest, The ^ r^ ^szd t rrrnr. roat fed - cr - a - tioii, Wliiiih time will nov-er un - tie, Till it ■§ |^^^^^E^!§^=p=^p!i^g r^T x^ g . L rp=r-.=|t s »/ erete, __^ •/ "«/ q=dfc wmm^^^i Bwell to a glo - ri • oii9 na - tiun, With a char - ter that nothing can buy. Then ^ 1. irt^piip^pl^l^iiiii.^^ lg|^=5 =i iHi^ ,_^ :f^; con apirito I T- Ei^ ii^-^ tnf :*=ze ii p cheer, cheer for Can - a - da, For her Bing loud atid long, We —I -A r r ^ifc^!=£S .J — ii ^i^ ^PFr flE^ -* »"/ i3^ :^_l__^i_^ ■+^— . h f= i^ 6 CANADA, THE OEM IN TIIK CUOWN, tnarrato. p^^^ii^^^ ^^ 72: :^i will de • fend dear Can - a - d». In bab • llu and in sung, CHORUS. Tenoiim. Bahkkh. Piano. -^m f ^^m ff^^F^ :~=1 ii=ii^S Tho.i clieer, cli«'(>r for (Jim - a - ilii, For lior hIiij; loiui aiul Ci^fe J? pJr=r:i=tn: fiii^^^^Ei r 1^^ .p~£pftE?'£H£p-^-^t^. --4»i= 5-::B: ^ -^ *tW r ^ i/ loiifj. We will defend dear Can-a-da Fine. In bat- tie and in song. \ mmssss^^^ssmsmMm^if^. -:3^-* — ^- - -fi- ^ll&H ^-r-(t. -tS — ^ig 9 lEz.— *- 1»rr:r.^_ ./• ^ FINIl. ? i :rt^- ;=i: THE FLAG THAT BEARS THE MAPLE LEAF. »KHllmenlempreaaiv«oflh«>rord: Muilc by Ji D. KERRISON. Words by A. W. DINQMAN. 1. The ttntl that boars 'i. The Bax - on foroo, tt. Uii tnuny a flulil 4. Hhuiild fiKiH a ^aiii ^^^mm the ma - plo loaf, Kn - tho Cel - tio tire, Grand of oar ■ na^e red, tilern our land an - Hail, Ui' 4- ^ — -m- - J ^ '—0h— PlAHO, zizj^-z^T^S-^^^ •- m F— • • — — •- -ir; i=r-.i ;^L_z± Aim. \ twined a - - Ijout thy brow he - ri - ta^o tha,t tliou du ■ ty's cull thou luiHt trai - tor's foot her soil shall doHt o - pro —I— bo, own, boyed, fane, An Make And In em • bold while ser ^-±-5^s. X -q — ::jt: V- blcni that tho Li thy dau^li ried rai'ks I bo • on'a tors with m i:S-£ii: -1}^ pE^^^ ^ ^^^^^^ ff CHOKCS --It^-- c ^ _ ig^r E*::3=EE-^^I neath its folds, brood and strong, sad - eyed wept, i - ron front No slave shall cry for To front and brave the Thy stur - dy sons have We'll stead - fast stand and li - ber - ty ; \ world a - lone; [ his - fry made; i not in vain ; ) Hur ■40- • :5=-j-*-->34--s 1-S: 5 J \- i=:«-_rrr: 1 1- -r — '^=s' A m B*- 8 THE FLAG THAT BEARS THE MAPLE LEAF. V rdzm-r:=1t ^ Z[zr. riih, boys, lliir - rah I For Can r da Hur — I — -c^ 7)>*Mni«. #' Veil :fr=g: * Jtuglen. m^m .f '•' ed.. :?2^ —gr:.— t: ■z?=l: S^ H I ■-^±; :P=jT:r^ :pr=P=i- :l=i: -^r^— ^- rah I No harm to her can e'er be -fall, No dan - ger great sliall ;:§! M=l- .^: g-1 -^~^-- •saE^^s »(— *, ft=*: ^P^- -=1—1- i-K_L 3P— ft»— '- f ^"" i; feE^EEt i=t: 1 ::g - r ^ ^3^ :=^=^ riz.-=^. — -il_ -^ r - ^ U8 aj) - pall, While our prai - ries grand and E - gyi>t'8 sand, -fc:8: q— -J-. — X i :^ f: .u.r izzzq: -Jg -=i: il b5==l: -L. v,^ -_-=^ 1 ^ ^ w—m — ^-^ i^ ~^ ' - Tell how oiir no - roes fall, --^ --^^- -«-T Tell how our he - rooa fall. ifmq: M. J- :^=at :f?=zr*: pi; -•— X- ■p=:==r 9 THE MAPLE LEAF FOR EVER. Con tpltito. PUNO. ;?=^ :-3EE^-^?^=»=^^^EjS=l: ALEXANDER MUIR. -*— -1= --=F=S: ^5^3^: ^m^^ t iJri - taiii'H bIioi-o, Lull - dy a Lime, now ex - tends far-famed land Wolfe tlie daunt - less Our brave fa - tliora, From Cape Race to May kind Ilea - ven F_-:4=---i::-i: pi^iiP -iZL-z:. :(?— -^ Hi iMqiT he - ro came, And plant - ed firm Br' - tan - nia'a flaf^, On Ca-na-da's fair do- side by side. For free - dom, homes, anl loved ones dear, Firmly stood and no ■ - bly Noot - ka Bound ; May peace for e - ver be our lot, And plenteous store a- sweet- ly smile; God bless Old Scot -land o - ver - more, And Iro - land's Em - er-ald ??^ p|^p^i=gdl^fef^Pipi^ ir Pl=^= He :^ :1^ r^i r ;*- ^^^^k ^ l^^=£i^^^^l1 main. Here may it wave, our boast, our pride, And joined in love to - died; And those dear rights which they main-tained, We swear to yield them bound : And may those ties of love be ours Which dia - cord can - not Isle 1 Then swell the song, both loud and long. Till rocks and for - est '^mm^^^mt^m ig^Es i^ rr~-if ^ * By permiBBion of Messrs. A. it. S. Noudheiubii, Toronto, 3=-^ 10 THE MAPLE LEAF FOR EVER. } ^ ^^^^^E^^^L^^i geth-er, ne-ver ! Be - ver, qni-ver, The Tliistlo, Sham-rock, Rose en-twine The Ma - pie Leaf Our watchword ev - or - more shall be, The Ma - pie Leaf And flour-ish green o'er Freedom's home, The Ma - pie Leaf God save our Queen, and Hoa - ven bless The Ma - pie Leaf for for for for ev - er I ev - er ! ev - er ! ev - er ! ^igiipiiii =*- I ts^f$m^^w¥^fW CHORUS. 1st & 2Nn Tbnors. ^^^^ r=r iit -ti—*- 1. The Ma - pie Leaf, our em-blem dear. The Ma - pie Leaf for 2. The Ma - pie Leaf, our em-blem dear, The Ma - pie Leaf for 3. The Ma - pie Leaf, our em-blem dear, The Ma - pie Leaf for 4. The Ma - pie Leaf, our em-blem dear, The Ma - pie Leaf for Bass. r ev - er I God ev - er I God ev - eri And ev - er ! God it=ff: T:=1= T- -z^^^—^pirzug- zzj--^z=g. T:=P # :f?=r= tta-tz: Piano i t:SE^W- ig &-r~Jl- '^ save our Queen, and Hea - ven b ess The Ma - pie Leaf for ev - erI save our Queen, and Hea - ven bless The Ma - pie Leaf for ev - er! flour - ish (^reen o'er Freedom's home, The Ma - pie Leaf for ev - erI save our Queen, and Ilea - ven bless The Ma - pie Leaf for ev - erl mm &^^ '^^ fcie :r- :si= i###p#-#l*pW#*Fi 11 CANADA, LAND OF THE MAPLE TREE. Dedicated to thk Sons and DAUiiiriKus of Canada. In March time. Wouns AM) Music hy AI.F.X. MUIK, 1? A. Piano. bJ: «-• Ji p:i:2:r :p _^ 1 ::§^^ Tiftrr 1. God blosa thue, Can - a - da, our home, Ijtind of the Ma • pie Tree; Tlicrc 2. Here Ktif^-land's Rose blooina fresh and fair, As in its na - tive land! And -•- • ■*- ■*- -^^^ I /•' M: :-=|.-: :=*-.^: :*j:r*: ^^^ »--' i: :;d!sr ^^=1 :;:«- ^^Elg i:i is no land in all the world, We love ro well as thee; Bri - See - tia's Thia-tle wa^js its head, Ma - jes - tic, great and grand I And i zizii: ' -tt^- -^_-T:-«=:=:ri 1 — F — I — ^^^^^^^^s^^mmmmm^^^m tan - nia's Crown has nia - ny geniti Of wealth and beau-ty ran' ; Ire- land's Shamrock sings its songs Of love and mirth with glco! A - The eEE^=^ it= ^ w - h ^F— — naiM- 5i: 8i- — _-q: ^^: 12 :-!iz.-=r:S— CANADA, LAND OF THE MAPLE TKEE. :::Jt; MimmmiMmw^W- ( monf{ thoin all, thou roi^^n'st suproine, Tho fair - est of the fair, three on- twined, t;row fresli and atronj^, A - rou nd our Ma - pie Tree. Pl^^N^^^i-f^ M- :dr -:t:^- Choiu's. :•<- -• id: -*- ^:r:^ --=1: 1 t=: ->-r-^_ Alto [^ ^ S L^ We're Bri - tons born, are IJri - tons ntill. And 13ri - tons aye shall bo, The Tenor ./^ =^ ;^; ;(• Bass r«^- mmmmmf^^^iimm f > 1 Uii - ion Jack, the > * t I [au we love, Shall unard our Ma - pie Tree. flat{ we love. Shall f^uard our Ma - pie ■t=t T^lt- i/ i/ (^ pi^^^i^^lP^^ 3 No forei^;n power shall o'er us rule. Our liberties enthrall. Fair British play shall hold tho sway, With eo prhno 4-. ^^2^fE^ lov - ing friendato help him A - round the he - ro preHwed : Push i^::?. :^=:rt^bj:i- 15131 ./• Conti nued at Hign at top of page. ::§— iT ::k-=.-;^4«: ■ I — =E :>^ ~p=:pr=ffi-EE? zrr^^ff: -E::Irr-^.;iii;az=|?-J:Jf_T=:6=a -W'i'- '^m on " he said, "do not mind me," And ere the set :;g=^i p-^U: — I — , 1 -H - -+■ 1- -| — ^ ^ — j 1 1- tin<,' sun, Ca F — 1 ~= : -3 p. — »z:::*: -I— ^ 't: CANADA, FAIR CANADA, 15 I ( With Spirit. WoBBS AND MuBic BY F. H, TORRINGTON. mmmm'^^^^^^^^^MwMi .:.sf: ■M ■^ ■-=r-rx.—m^X^W -'---^m -0-friftzSz -(•- -0- b: .-(•«<•-- i^ :^ 3?:p-: :!?=3i I ■:&-■- * ^ =r^— ze^: _q- 3- CANADA. FAIR CANADA. 17 §^^0^^^M^ i ('ount • ry and our Queon. 11 i^^Ef^^^^g=zli^i;.£ CH0RU8, for thinJ verse only. GlHLH. -^= ==i- s..p^.^^J'^ m y„ -|»zz:i7»r.--|»— -^E We love our land, we love our flag, Be - yund all uth - era DoY8. -y,-^ ;s^=::;^ ^:--ia=; ^S^— - g^EE^i p.- Piano. ff _) ., — H^H— I ^ 1-->-^ •i._=h--i-_^: (S?#- :::=:*=::i:=|z. — r — •- f i =p" -X' :^^ :|=: -(?= seen, God pros per our Do tnin ion fair, Our "Jr rp:^ r.^: i^ %^m: .1 — ' m--i—\ — - — jBi m- :ci: ±z=it: :^=^. ^-^ iff: :=|: ' 18 O CANADA, FAIIl CANADA. s i^^M?ii3^^^^?^^*i^^-5^^^-^ Ciiun try and our Quuuii. E-^^d"i£?:^^^«t:i=-^^ ■ft -*■ -%■ ^^^^^^=^^m^ zg-~:z -i — -^:g-_rr-^ :p^ P- :^ (^ * N. B.— Flft>;8 to be waved here. REGIMENTAL SONG OF THE QUEEN'S OWN RIFLES. Words by Rev. JOHN CAMPBELL, '65. Major P. E. DIXON. VoiCi? PlA W ^T^^^^-^IEEE^ ^-^W^^^m^ 1. Up, comrades up ! 'tia our bu - 2. On, comriulim on ! trav - el fast - :<. Ilonio, comrades bomo I ri - ties slinf; - er; iiiM. "'b'as - Rem - bly, it sounds loud and On, not a moment's de- Hcarts bounding bigb witb de- ^^=^~^H *"#' I 11 It r * P'iBEgi^ T 4= :p2i ;«^ 1^-^ iP ^i& clear ; lay ; li«bt, Of time as in fare let's be 'Twill brin^^ but dia-fjrace and dis Fla^s are fly - ing, the joy bells are frn as 'Ae.--^zB=^z :=l- 7-5-:^=r_^r_-::t--z^ =i p#l ^'al. And ter. And '\ng, As they -Ji-fnf-'iF- ■&^ ^ :izc^: ^^^^EEi^ RKGIMKNTAL SONO OF TIIK glJEKNH OWN HII'hKS. 19 -«' (III with iiiir olil ll^litiii^ H^'i^r. iiiiiku iiiiiii y Htid luiarU lu • day. wiiliu)iiu) iitt lioiiui from thu fl^lit. 'riinii^li our frtit Ixt Hiiro with tlio inarcliiii^, ()iii)iir(|uiukiiiiircli iwrcliHiicoanulopunii • iii^ Now olT to our |H'ftc,oftil vo - cH-tioiiH, And Victo- The n ^ ^^^5=5: luin-t,'(T WKii't k'livo lis ry . . . mill tlio liven nf workHhop, tlio (IfHk, or ::»-i_iz a - lone ; llio brave ; the jjowii ; Thoutih witli thirHt our lipH bo 'i'lio r|iiii'k - cr tlm Hooner itn Wo are Hiire of ho'— -»■ 8v<». mill ;uiil trills Ic^tM iiiitiii' Iho IiiikI.WIm'I'i' lii-cildiu Ihvi^k to ilwill, WlinrH truth and honor o'(ir the H*!a tlio war cry rin^N, Ami inournnilarttilci'ilHor wof, Tim trtio Can -ailian'ri --1 — 4-4 firmly .^iliiinl, Wlnwi' ihilchcn lnvi' lii'f well, bravt) hciiitsiiririj^M, Ami Imij^s lo mocl tlii^ loo. Cuiiadaf Can a (la I Canada.' Fair '^W ^^**^l -**' ^5 ^^1 * rrrs. d2l ■ hind nil hroad and free ! Oh! ijivc m^f. then/air Can-a - da, A i/r, she's ihf land/or me! lolla Tore. I I I cirs. l-r— 1-# i -4- E ^F=^ "Canada." Continued. 21 Chorut. mi^vsrf^Tri T*p*f^^^m^^ ('an-B- -* tH-J^- ^ -:^. :^ 1 »y :«!= iti ?^ :^— :i-- join thi^ rank anil tilo If war must \>o. we're ri>ail-y, men, Con- /! I ___^ ____J^\ I I I I p p _) , 1 1 \ ] — . — I 1 |__j , — I — — u All voices ill unison siiii^ 1st vrisi; ami chorus, cirs. '^ q^=:lt ^ :^ fc9^ (=i- a tent with peace the while; Con - tent with peaco tlii! while. I / -s* :a- 4 !I-d^ . r T^ * lit ^ =1 GOD PRESERVE OUR NATIVE LAND. 23 Words and Music by J. DAVENPORT KERRISON. 1. (},„l |iro-s(Mvo our iin, - tivo land, Fair Can- ft - da the freo, May a! Sliould for - rfit-ii f.)i s our land e'er threat Willi de - bo - la - lion fell, (tod H IJo pre - sent with our ru - ler«, Lord, And all thoircoun - cila Ruide; 1' rom s I J J. I J J It i k^ pm :ig =f= I J I T=r- ^3Ll= ^ b=i 'f zjrsz His rif;ht haiid pro - - tect our land, And fjuard her lib - er - ty. f;uard t'lo ri;-h ; and lend us mi^ht, Th' in - va - der to re - pel. knav - ish iricks of I'ol - i - ticH, Turn Thou their liearts a - Bido. rl 1- ^0-L -±- zizizrz 5^S :p2=: 1 :c±; EdsEEi^ -p=^.=^=^p ■A=^ Then shall each val - ley, I J. > J _J_ r f-^-=r :P2= ^ j^^ 1 1?=: ^^_^ each moun - tain and plain, N J lii^i^ f -* i \ fe^^-^ I E zrj^___P-_- -^ ^ -*—=!- ^-P^ :p?: cho in clio frain — J J-.::,^^J J f- -*—=!■ The glad re 'S3i :i=:riji Can - a da, fair Can \ :^iS TT • da, God'a blca-Bing rest on tluo; May I. I I pro - tecb our land And f^nard her lib • er - ty. Hia right hand pro fE^^^^^^^. * 24 THE OLD UNION JACK. In march time Words and Mrsic nv ALEXANDER MUIB, B.A. Piano. J 'i — I ^^m — I t-i ^ 1 1- B« m^ m^% I :-§a»: -+-». ^"tt ' It 1,1 , I ^ -«- -J- ^--zi^i w/ Up with the Btandard, let it proiul-ly wave O - ver the homeB of the free and tlie brave ; re:;8_-qi-q==qz3^vciiq- q:.c=:t— =1: :.-s|rt:«r=i:^ i^: :«: 4 — m — -m « — «— h— • • « — •->-■- :=1^ ? ^ 'Tia thanking of fla^js, and ev - er shall be ; The Old Union Jack, i8 the flag for mel -• •- >—- :gr :«=it: ~=1- ^ir^pi-r^r -:ir 3: -•^ zq: •Ti8 the flag of freemen, nev - er of slaves ; Lib - er - ty triumphs wherever it waves. To in- l"l+i S: W- ■ii»" ^ THE OLD UNION JACK. 25 ■--(tn :e=B-- -ta^tc m^^E^^i k~tr rfczfii: vade our land ahoald foemen e'er try ; Round it we'll ral - ly to con - quer or die I E3Z-E « m — lA- m :»r-_zrt i ^-5i=f-f ■■^ &* z±z!5=--:^n=---iu -.ST. ■•- Choruh. iBt Tenor. /!■ IBI TENOR. - . -r_4_4iu.^_J._J^^ A- t3eri]i|ri|=^5^g;i 1^ 1^ 1^ i/ 2nd Tbnoii. Jf To in - vade our land should foemen e'er try : Kuund it we'll ral - ly to conquer or die I BA88. 1^ 1^ -^N ^ f--^S- r-_, — -^^ __i_ J. _ j^ j_ ' — I — _i — r^ — I p^. — 1._ 1_^ -,, —I J— 4 ( J=I- -J — iii=liiSi^ *- Iff- E 2rJ! ^ I I 2nd Vehsb. T" r?-ff=Sp.T::5r-?=±:»| :^-t l^_t^- E^= :p=p:i-:p: m/ Up with the flag our fathers bravely bore, To drive back the foe-men in days of yore. On i-*—- r-* ij: — :f=— sr-r i•^i^-f--g:-=^|:"|- "^iiiy: 26 THE OLD UNION JACK. 1 -3- S^zz^zifz -o- i hard fought fields they prov'd their valor true; and vic-to-ry crown'd the Red, White and Blue. ^ * :«»=r:«=:ri|r:::S^z;i;J-H:iz-srt=_2b :J=-_^_-.^±.-.J: !::g:-=l=i^=15:=|Trtrr1*-r:i:/-5 ^4f*: H ^feg:^^^:^^ Down with the man who hia du - ty for - jjetH, To the flaj^ nn which the snn never seta, The old #l_l^__ 1^^ 3-^3=3: :a: -iir^ W ii -«^ » -^- — I- ^. — I .^. — |. .._)- .^. _|. — ( — I- .^- I ;^=^E^ ;±:: " I — I— I — Un - ion Jack, which Freedom nnfurl'il, The f»reHt - est. and t,'rand - est flag in the world. -^- i : qzrtg- =rr.-=: £:;!=:; ClIOHUH. Ist Tenor. '::^: — I- iillil TkNoU. ^ ^ ^ ' The olil Un - ion Jack, which freedom uniui'l'd, The {greatest and {^riuulest (la}j in the world. ?r-_z:z::z^Eii=i==i:S==Sr:Eit~>->»^Ei_-f=^E :;S: IJ-SL ■at -^ "^ • •*■-•*- 3 .3: ■^- -*g: ' 27 RULE BRITANNIA. Maestoso, ano. ) I Akk, iiY THKODORK MARTENS. 1. When 2. Tlu) a. Still 4. Thee t- — r- Brit - ain Nil - tions luore niii haii^h - ty :*=E_-:-l ::^tr_— =^z=±=i!— -"ij— - f»~i= -C at Iloav'n.s so hIcHt tic RJialt rants ne'er com - mand, A as t.heo Must thou rise, More shall tamo; All h _ • p S'^ 0-m- l^g _g.-_)^ -m ^m-* i 1 — '""^^'^ =C — li /tv-t? ^*i»P - f-r 1 -^1^ ^.— ^_-|- 1* - S — ^Z^"*" rose from out the a - - /nro main, in their turns to ty - - rants fall; dread - - fill from each for - eij^n stroke: their attempts to hend thee down =^^^-^*^*=*-*-*-*zErp=::^-i^Jlz£df^: :^i^^-=-i — 1 — |— ^T'^'^^^F — I "=l —"«••'<»> Arose, aroso from out the Must in, must in their turns to More dreadful, dreadful from each All their, all their at tempts to '^?^E^. \ \ ^^^^^=rq: ^Eiri»E '^^S::'^^ 'm I prr^-: ::ar:p: 1 — — -^- a - zure mam • ty - rants fall ; for- eijin stroke : hend thee down, -9- , This was the Char-ter, the Charter of the land. While thou shalt flourish, shah llonrish {;reat and free, As the loud. . blast,. . loud hlast that tears the skies, Will but a - rouse,. . a - rouse tliv j^en'rous flame, And The Serves To m-^-^z 28 BULE BRITANNIA. •»/ ~f- guard - ian An - - f ^ ^ > fc ^ ^ ^s \ \ K5^i J* _L__j ^ ^ *" y i^ Rule, Bri-tan-nia, Bri-tan-nia rule the waves, for Bri - tons nev A I. TO. er shall be filaves. *:35i^.^~_5^3:EE^^]^i=^ aJ- ^=ll?^E^iiSfilii=Bi!lS1^3li f 6. To thee belong the rural reign, Thy cities shall with commerce shine All thine shall be the subject main And ev'ry shore it circles thine. Rule, Britannia, d'C. 6. The Muses, still with Freedom found. Shall to thy happy coasts repair; Blest Isle! with matchless Beauty crown'd, And manly hearts to guard the Fair. Rule, Britannia, &c. * Chorus may be sung in two voices by omitting the second Soprano. ' RED, WHITE AND BLUE. THE ARMY AND NAVY FOR EVER. 29 MuetttoHO. I'iano. .r^-4- i^p^iiUm^i^^^l b.f::=-=r^-:ciq.:rr1S: 1. O Bri - tan - nia the pride of the O - coan, '2 VVlieii war luirl'd itn wide de - so - la - tion, The home of the brave :*— ^ and the pi^i^i^i^ And threatened our land to do 3. Tho wi: le - cup, the wine - cup bring hith - er, And fill, fill it true to thu Piano. :=i:: — ^--B-*- - ■if- ^^^EiEI^fe .-^rp. — ?i S--5- :^::^pxTp- ^pz: £EEEz^t= I^ii3-r^^^[ I J free The ahrinu of the sail-or's do - vo - tion, No land can coni-pare un - to E^^J?FJ=3-J^i b§: form The ark then of Freo-dom'a foun-da tion, Bri tan - nia rode safe thro' the ::i==i=rp M^'^^^^^m iis brim May the wreath Nelson won nev-or wi - ther, imm :=*rrti-n r*-*=*r i:iP Nor the star of the glo - ry grow hl-^. g> — 1 -my -g-J-^ F — a J-fr-f:5; :5-5 5: ^ :i^ ^?:5E^i?^^^^ ■F :?=:: f ^ 30 RED, WHITE AND BLUJ . =:=r;«~qr-L:zr43-^ -S^ " — — pi_-Z^::_ l_l — ^ ___*. — I. llleu I ■M Thy iiiiiii - diiteH iimko liu - rocH an ■ »i'iii - ble Witli :-3ze:£ S^ip^^i^s^is^t Htorm. dim, With her ^ar • hii)dH of vio - to - ry round her Wlien HO May tlio aer - vico u iii ■ ted ne'er aev ■ er And :r^: :g: ••■ ■*- •i-~P:_s|=r:<^r-^~|::.P._^-..;ipr:a:rPrsp:<^3^r-rE Vio • to - ry's lau - rcia in viow m Thy bun-ners nmko ly - ra - ny l:7^f^IE^E^X^: -*■ S^^^itEZik^k^^^ .:1^-:::^■ no - bly uhe boro hor bravo crow, ..« -.-I — r» — ^ — '^-H^fc. r— 1— With her flaf? float- inj; proud - ly be :E:to--t= ;^^ both to their col-ora prove true, L— j:5:=3:±^iii!:z±-:Jz:±;=J= - — I — ^5 — i— 53^* The JS ,. Ar-my and Ma - vy for — rr^ — -r=^ -n —1 - -=H- -•»-^*- :J: :=)vz^: '-m-?^m- trem-ble, :5: =^-=l :«^ji When '-r borne by the Beu, White, and Blue, ;ii fore her, The -Mz:zsz r^^EE^E boaut of the Red, White, and Blue, JS-q: -•-^ izvr^E-^i= P ev - er Three cheers for the Red, White, and Blub, ( 1^: l^ill S.i: «- \ CHORUS. 1. VVhon 2. The 3. Thruo RED, WHITE AND BLUE. ? r ^=1-— 31 burnu by thu Ukd, Wiiiik uikI; lioiiHt of tlio Kmi), Wiiiik. and lii.iiK; cliutii'H for lliu Hkii, Wiiiik uiid ; Whun Tlie Three -_# — '■^- ii^~^\r- -i — -3 — (~ ^^0 i^HP S=^li;^ •-^-, EdEEz^J^^Z^^ f* « *^-E (For 2nd VerBC ) With her fla^' tToat-in« proud - ly be ■ borne by the Rkd, Wiiitk and J?i,iik ; boaHt of tlie Hkii, WiirrK mid Iti.rK ; choera for thu Kkd, Wiutk and Uluk; Tliy ban-iRTb inaketyr-aii ■ ny The Ar ■ my and Navy for P mf H:3: -(?=cr:*i -.J.^^gT fg^ .r-:r~X: ::5: 1^^ S I ?^^ i ■J- F- trem - ble, fore her, ev - cr ! When The Tlireo fc:4- 4— > borne boiist clioers by the Red, Wiiitk and Blub I of the Uki), WiiriK and Bi.iie ! for tlio liui), White and Blue! ^S'Srt-f 32 MAY GOD PRESERVE THEE, CANADA. MoUernto. r. g. AMBROSE. n r T z '^^ r^* I I n^ I r^ r 1. May Ood pie-sorvo thee, Ca . na - da, Tho' child a - niona (he -da, Tho' child a • nion(< (he 2. Though we may ne - ver read the page, That tells thy deeda ot 3. In spring - tide flusli, thro' sum - mer'a glow When au - tumn winds are iii ^^^^ppr^p^ Na - tions, 'Mid proud - est lands, strong hearts and hands Shall claim for thee a glo - ry, When na ■ tions now in prime of age. Have with the years grown .... _. . ...... ^ sing - ing, In win - ter^^jinow, through weal and woe. This song^ shall still be feJ: 5S I sta - tion hoar - y ring -ing CnORV8. Land of the for - est and the lake, Land of the rush - ing b^i^ii^i^ia^iyi J: ■^^f^^^f^fm^-^fmw^ ' I r r I riv • er, Our prayers shall rise for thy dear sake. For - ev - er and for - ev - er. ^##ri^y^i*^^i# MAY (JOD IMtKHKIlVK THKE, CANADA. 33 After iitd vei'tte. i ^^^ g--j-j-fa.i=J=.-aU=J» Ucxl Biivu our ({ra • ciuim Qiiouii, Long live our 1 - :i-'i-^ J-^ no bill yiifon, • aiii^*^^ ^ +*- I r r r -1 X I ' j ._j_.,j. God Bave t)io J- J. ^;^- Quoon. f^#^ 1^: I ^^^i^ =rii? Bond her J- J. ■^*- r- ^F^ a vie - to - ri - ouH, Hap - py and f t!?: :i ^m4^ glo J. ri - OU8, Long to rc'i>^n o - ver us, (!("' aavo tli , A A ^ A ^. ^ g|=p: 2 O Lord our God, arise, Scatter her enemies, And make tlieni fall : Confounti tlieir politics ; Frustrate their knavish tricks ; On her our hopes we (ix ; God save us all. 3 Thy choicest gifts in store On her bo pleased to pour ; Long rriay she reign : May she defend our laws, And ever give us cause To sing with heart and voice, God save the Queen. iNDi:x. Canada .... Canada, Land of the Maple Tree Canada, the Gem in the Crown - God Bless Our Broad Dominion God Preserve Our Native Land - God Save the Queen - May God Preserve Thee, Canada O, Canada, 1^'air Canaila Our Homes Regimental Song of the (J. O. R. Red, White, and Blue Rule ikitannia The Flag that Bears the Maple Leaf The Maple Leaf for Kver The Old I'liicni Jack Upon the Heights at Queenstown !•". J. Ilatton 20 Alex. Muir, B.A. 1 1 1*'. I L Torrington 4 - R. S. Knight I J. I). Kcrrison 23 33 R. S. Ambrose 32 F. M. Torrington i 5 C. W. Coates 3 - Major 1'". E. Dixon i.S 29 Arr. b>- Theo. Martens 27 J. 1). Kcrrison 7 Alex. Muir, B.A. 9 - Alex. Muir, B.A. 24 J as. L. Hughes 13 20 I I 4 I 23 33 32 •5 3 l.S 29 ^7 7 9 24 *»