^^^;-*-^v*fi- IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) // w {/ i Sf- K 1.0 I.I 140 111112.0 1.8 1.25 LA. 11.6 •^ W A e. e-W ^^y^ % / U:^ PhOlOgTcli Sciences Corporation ^ ^v \ \ of tlii' wnler. is ticiirlv dcscitod. The lii't's in tliis tii>; hive of art :nv fratlicrinn' lioncy in llic tiilils. One painter there is. who h.is just henililin>j: anil who is keeping cool there by painting a winter picture of Niajiara. Ills name is R. J. 1'attison : he atliliates with pre-Haphaelites, and his <'anvas is a hufih one : li x 13 tVet. The view is p.-moramic in ex- tent and emiiraees tlie entire system of falls as seen from the Canada side. The picture is suffused with a warm li^rlit of afternnon. Snow and jjj-ss- iif ari' s|>io:iil on I lie r(«k> almvc aiul liclow. mid fiom iilj^is ol llif nmiiiicil drifts liaiif: iiiilcs. wliilf in tin' (oi-cKioiirid Iwn sK'inlis iiri- raiiiij; along the snow. Tlii> itiaslcr stroke of ihc |ij(iurf is tli<' dclinca- tioii of watpecl,icle. (Iranil. hoary, veneralile, like an aged viking. To. all sinli. a^ well as to .ill others, for that matter, the picture of Mr. R. J. P.vTTlsnx. now on e.v- hihitiiin in Wuniierlicirs Gallery in New York City, will lie a treat of no mean order. « * * * The atmospheric etfect is tender ami yet powerful. It i.< the iron hand of art in the velvet hainl of skill." I t (From '/'//« Sliiiils-Ziiliiii!l.\ It is made for elfect and produces elTcct Fully four IVet longer Ih.in the celehrated Niagar.a of Church, PattISiiN's picture succeeds in pro- ducing etfectively, the impression of a 'liar winter afternoon. The artist has lieeii particularly successful in his air and w.ilcr i Ifccis. with which the cloud formations and the foam rising to the sky harmonizes in the happiest manner. ( )m i- the li!ick-grounil of the landscape there hovers a rare poetic charm, which iiintrasts forcilily with the trealmeiil . •' the whirlpool ^1 the lioltoiii of the roaring ahyss. I'aiti-ons painting is iindoiil teilly one of the most remarkiilile attempts to do jii>tice hy the means of ,irt, to the lolo^sal wonder of nature. The work, which i> well Worth .seeing, will he on e.\hiliiiion at WiiiidiMlich's until further notice. Though size is no standard of nieril, it may he stated ( // iiassunt. that it is n p le^s than I',' feet long. ."> feet high. f From The Nor York Wmhl. | + A disripic of {\w old Cliurcli iind Anicricnn liiiHls(ap<' pniiitiriK. Mr. H. J. I'ATTISON is MOW pxliiMtiDK iit ^Vimd.ilu li\ (ii.ll.n. a Iihk** canviis dfpiiliiiK "Niagara I'alls in Wiiilcr." pa'nh d from studies made l>v tlic artist, during the winter of Ik- . and IHK"). The point of view is from tlie lialeoDV of llie Prospect House oji tlie Canadian side of the Falls, and is a novel one. The time is eaily arteriieon and the sunli)^'ht fails on the snow covered landscape, the ic- inimmock, at the fc'>t of the fall, and (ho \i\vvn waters of the -niei'ity catrr'ict Ji.e ( . 1;>> sclienv vis a difticidt one to nianaK*'. and the result hns been successfld. Tlie distance and atmospheric i tTccts are Kood, and the feeling of winter, well expressed. t ( From 77/. .1/7 iritir ] .Mr. PattIson's lar^e paiiiliiiK <. '-Niauaia I-.dls in Winter." is now on exhililtion at Wunderlicirs. Jlr. Paitison iindiilook a diihcuit task when he set out to )iut Niagara on < anvf.ss and he has e.Necuted it well. Nianara is essentially an unpaintalile suli.ject and the artist who nttcinpts to render its siiMiniities defies fate. The trentinent of the picture un.ler consideration is panoramic. .\t the right is the road along the Cmadiar. shore, which comes olili<|uely dow/i the forecroiiuil. The river the lIorsesluM' Falls, the wide stretch of the raj ids ali.ive the FalV:, and the kr. | Dear Mr Pattison : 1 little thought when 1 saw yourfirst painting yearsagothat you would everi)aint such ;i picture as your Niagara. It is a wonilerfiil painting. I like it. S. D. Al.KX.VNDER. M'i">'> 111.. R..V. (;ir.i;s N. Mam.ivim.i: I I iK.x.' .•v,.,.in...l v-ur paiMtinK -NiaKMn. n.lls i„ \V,„„.,- :,„.| ..nj-.v,..! I j-r-at V. N.., H.,,,^,,,,, ,,,, ,,i,i,, , ,.,,„ „„, ,,^ ^^.^_ ^1^^ ^|^^^^_^_^ ■ . "- ... P ..... «..,-.|.s. Ka.n.lia.- «i,l, ,.,un.-s ;:,va, w.,...|..,. ', ,.,1 s..a.l I was Kiail lo s,.,. s.. sihkiii- a prisriilati.... of i|. Vciv .isihiKhIIn . "ill.Ks N. M \N1»K\ iM.r:. (Kic.in (iiiXiiiK II. (loiinsKl.l.. I ,V. //• )o;/.-. ,]f,ii, 7. INSIi. As M wnrk ..(■ a.-t. vo.n- Nia>:a.-a will ,a.,k .it il,.. l,..,-! ,.| ,|,.. I,„„. I,., ..f ilH,.mmeiil ,„-...|,.,...Hs».N. It in a ...aik..! Mir,,.>,. (iKoHOE II. (iOODSKLL. Xo. V. NIAGAHA FALLS -FROM PROSPECT PARK. ROBT. J PATTISON. NEW YORK Tl.i> imintin- was v. fiyriua of 188(!, au.l was paint..,! in e,.nn..<-tion witli tlic piv.-e.liri- oiw. I. is a gonoi-al vi.-w ..f tl„. .\ni..,i.an m.hI Canadian Falls uitli (roat Fslanil intervening;. RAPIDS ABOVE THE AMERICAN FALLS. ROBT. J. PATTISON, Tilis is tl..> .)lif,'in!ll sketeh iVnni wlij.l, tl„. .'.xliil.it.d l.v ti.e Clnli last wint.r was ixccntcl. NEW YORK. iiKi' paintinj; BROOME LAKE. ROBT. .. PATTISON. ...... ,,^,0,, TlM-s l„.a„tif„| .1,.., ..f „,,„, li,, „,.„,. „^^. ^^,. Knowlto,., ,.. (^> . ,,„.„, ,,,,.,.,^ „ .,„^ ,.,,,,^^ j,^^^^^^. __^, j^ .^ ^^ P';l'-'l.'"- SUM........ resort ,.n.l notnl fur its hass tislnuK. I,. ,1... ..... .1.. tor, ...„,„.a ,,. ,„j,,.,, i, <„,,i„^ j^^ ,.^^_^^^ .^^ .^^ ^,^.^ ^^ ^^ ^^ In tl.e l.,u.kf;,„„,Ml S|.,.m.nl Mountain is cn.«u...l i.v o... of i attiM)ii s fhcliaiiting c-Ioiki views. Xo. ,7. MEADOW BROOK, BOLTON, P. n ROBT. J. PATTISON. NEW YORK, rilis .vpr,.s.,,ts one of the e.vstal trout streams for wl.iel, ana.Ia is justly not.,!. The atn-spheri.. etlW-t. is pro.luee.l iu 1 attrson s happiest manner. .Vo. a. A CANADIAN HA?FIELD. ROBT. J. PATTISON, NEW YORK. Th.s and th,. thre.. pr.re.lin- pi,-t„res l.elon- to a series .'x...mt..,l l,y th.. artist in the sunnn.r of IS.ST. at the ro.iuo.st of Mr. Kneelan.i, expressly for eshil.i.ion in th.. Cana.lian Club .l...".K the present season. Others will l.e a.l,h..l to the ^noup when eiunph.te.l. Xo. 7. A CANADIAN TROUT STREAM. STRAFF. NEWMARSH, BROOKLYN. Xo. S. A COOL RETREAT. STRAFF. NEWMARSH, Xo. fP. BY THE SEA. S. FOSTER KNEELAND. BROOKLYN BROOKLYN. Xo. 10. LAKE MEMPHIAMAGOG. S. FOSTER KNEELAND, BROOKLYN. i Xo. 11. CHUTE DE BONHOMMES. This beautiful water color ]iaiiitinjT wa.s ]iresente(l to tin- Clul) by th<' artist L. It. O'Brien. It.C.A. It represents a jxtrtaf^e on tlie P(>rih()nka River and is .i creilit to Canadian Scenery, Canadian Art and Canadian Artists. «< f Portrait of the Late Hon. L. S. HUNTINGTOU, FoRMERuV VrcE President of the Canadian Club. Tliis poitniit wart paint,,! whil,. Mi. iriintiiif,'t<)M was a iiii'inluT <»f Uie Caiuuliaii Parliainenl. It is loaiud to the Cliib fi>r ft few (lavs by Mrs. Hiiiitii)«t()ii, and is to ho ivplnced Inter by u cniiy cxcfnttil iind. r hor order as a 'Xih to the riiil). ! ^