•f> IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) « ® %® ® ^ o o 1.0 I.I 1.25 ^ i^ llll^ i ■- IIIM WUu 111= U ill 1.6 V] <^ /^ ^;i vN c^/ .: VI %. ^ %^ 7 ■'// /A Photographic Sciences Corporation # \ s :\ iV \ '^77. .1 ho Coiilcn'nci' met. Mr. DiiLriJK adili-egseil the Commi-isioii as fullows : With thf piM-iuissioii of Vdur HxcL-lleiify iiml your Honors, I will lay befon,- tliis Tril)iinal, in support of ]lor Majesty's olaiiii, some oliscrvations, whieh I will iiialie as brief as the natiiro of the oaso admits, and in order thai iheBe rcinarlis jiiay be intellif^ible, without referciwe to many voluuiiiious documents, I solicit vour indidf,'eMoe while going once more over -jrounds familiar to the C,;mmissiou. " "^ As soon as tiie war, resultin;; in the independeiiee of the eoiifedoratod colonies, eami' to an end, ihe United Sliites sought for a recognition of their new existence from (rreat Britain anil the Treat v of I'aris of i7>.3 was agreed to. As an iiu'ideut to the main object of that Treaty, Art. 3 states : '■ Tlie |)euple of the United .States shall continue to enjoy unmolested the r'igh! to take Bsh td" ever? kind on the (Jrand Hank and on all other banks (if Newfoundland: also in the (inlf of St. Ka.vrenee, and :i^ allnther places in the sea, where the inhabi- tants of both countries used at any time heretofore to lish : and also the iidialiilanls of the United States shall have liberty to ta e llsh of every kin.l on surh part of the e.iast of Xeivfo.indlaiid as British fishermen shall usi i .•uid ciiit.iined in the book of Mr. Adiins. will sliou- the .•,,iirsi. .■ubipicl at (ilient. bv hims..|f and hi- rolleagiies," ( Ivvir.icl from 1' roloc.il II '!': .Vui Conle eld Dec 1^14. at (ihciit, p. X').) rnilcil .'^tiiles >lmll liril (till, as seciir.'il liv the f 11 pldiiii .li'iitiiiries alsi) piopuseil ll ut ih, c.mnime t.i eiij.iy th.' Iilicrty to tiike, ilry, ami ciiri' lish, in places wilhiii Ihv I'lr/imiiv /iii-i.^i/i,/: ion (it (lret(t Ciouof the I'nit.'il .s>iat iier tre ity of peace; ami tin' ii:ivii,'iiti.iii .if llie i-iv.T .\!is>issi|i,ii, wiihm lli.' e\|.|ii~i\|. jiirisili. cv^hall reiiiiiii ti ami npi'ii |.i the -iil.jecLs .if (iiv,.t Biil.iiii. in the lUMiiner >.• .invl hy lb ■li'l ti-.'il\ tOSf Tl.o r..llo«iM- i> the iiiiswof mi..1.' hy ihc Hnti>U l'l.'i,i|iou.nimno^:-- (Kx.ra.. tVuM. I'mloo.,! '''•^•;'''';;[";;':;;' ^'l^l:, Jl^^i^.l^i^V; :"rni^M si:. r An,.M.i..un., ,in«tt,..t..n„s, ,..n.11. "||,sl!vit;i,u,.ri„a,l.»,v»Kiv,.,t..oi.t.i' " ' ''' f ' ' ' ;, \- j, , s, ,t.- slu.ll luv tl,.' lilp.'rtVMf tMUin^ IWI, .n r..vlum t n,-, ami .v'Kuh.ti hi-. >xud.v wl.wh ll.. "''f '';'-'',,,,,, iV , i ,i„i i„ N.rlh A„„.r,r.t. niM m ,|.vmik n„a .m.Hi.h' ,,.trls uf ,1,. . ...H „1 \.-.vl....a,ll„Mn. HI. ..,„.,■ ' '\l"^ ;."■,„'; ,,, ^ „„,,, „„a l,„l,,,.h.r, a. >l.|n,l„l...l ,M ih. lull.T paH iS;i?HS;SivS i'Si^sB:^ ' " """-'^ Tiu. AiiR'ncm l»l.mi|v.t.>nl.i.M-ioH i-oi-liiMl a^i tnlK^vs: - „f an :wurl- which shoiihl ivrn^^niz.' Ihc nuht. o (.ivaI llr.ta ii to ' '' '\«' " ,, ' ,', ,,„. , ,,„, .|v, .„rh ai. aili.'h', whicll - a i>i--»- ,■ '■'-!' 'V'"?'- : ''Tl:; J ^!:i::,:^'^;;;n;:; ,::':: ;lrh,;v:::^^ ^ :l'n..i.. Th.y i-w.v.v. w-u.^ S,^w:,nic;;/::;;:l^,;!;;ru;;2-.ui;i:::;s; uiey ,11- ,....,..„'.„ he »,i«nt wi... ....... t„ h.ah." Th,. Urilisl, iM.le of lh,> - -I. 1 Ml' D(.,-. .-..MMincl llw tollo.viu!,' ,Kvli.iMtion t-. "lS,.laiMi-iv-,inMh,-uh-l.li.linni>r.iMM.lh> '1''' "''''' '7 '•'';" \ f it^;;s:r;,;;i;:;;;;; 4:s;';:;;:;;;;;v;";k:»,'; ": ;'^:. .- ■ e'luivalei.t. aro nnt .Irsiiva.. ul hitru.hw...^ any avlu-le uim,, th. >ahj.rt., Ami Il\c Anirricini'* iliu- iTiilii'd:— , ,. ,,,i -1 ""i ^Hxrao lr,m ll... ^"-^'l^Ti;:^ , ^ ih N, Znu ..iuu ,,.. ha,l nut Ih-i .. u. that t Iriti.h ^.v.f.wnont ilM i,ul naen.lji-iuv'lorth.tnall AVtu hri»'.>lH. nl 111 I n ■'. '" hitt,.]- narl .il' 'h- thinl artirh' il th- tr-aly ul ti-h. within the,.x-hMv. I!n:.-h .l--'- -J; ^ "^1 '1 :^ ^ " , t ' ,i ' ip ILihIIh J hLl il,.ma.„l.l a mlw .ti|mlatn.n .. pean. „t 17^:1. A,,. . m thi'ir n .1h nt t - -'tli I ,) fl'fM '; ; .'7 , ,,,,,j,,!| ,vhirl,, niih-s wair.mt..a hy aiiMlhiT arlir ,. ul thai secMiM tu liritish -nh .'I'ts tlie iinht ut "^'^'^ ''-,-! '■;"';/;;/ i„ .t,.,,,.- fur niaUiiii;. I'm- in-lnirtiuns ha.l sa.n- ttvaty uf I'sM. wo -"''VVV/Th ^. "' u ^ a. , u I n.l.i . "lut authuri.,..rn. tu inaK. any -li^.in-- f,,,.l,>,I.Un, i.st,,,uf1.iMmrn«httoth,,lUhM ..^ uh.h m^ _^_,^.^.I_, ^__,I ^^^^ ,^^l„„. „, i,,„ „„„„ liui, in thM s-MM-al pruvis u! th- th r.l aiti, h' I « ' "^^ ■ '!^^ , ' „„,, ,,„i't ul th- li»li-ri-'', ami w- liail nu puw-r tu „.-aty. \V.'l'^''l"'''M''iva-nttuuh.r ...an.w. «^^^^^^^ „„„ ,„„ ,,,,,,„ „vaty ul I7.s;i uraiit any -.|iiival-i.t wlu-h nnnht he a:l I..- ,-u„s„l-r-.l a. u„- -ntnv a.i.l p-rnian-nt ^ ' ' ' ■ | ;, f ; ^^^^ ,',V ,|,„ |„.„,J,. ut' ih- fnit-a Hlat-. a-j 1,01 w-n tlK. parti-> to it ; a^i an ui-trii:n-iit '''•'■''-^'^ -,,'■:',,',, .,,,,.. ,„,,' part. o( on- -11 piiH had nmtimlly a-r- 1 an .„a-p-n.l-nt nation, an.) itainii.K ih- t-nii> ami ";' 1'^'" , " / , j 1,,. i,,,it t ivatv. that a put of th„ Nurth Ani-ricim ,|„,u...,urth to oonstitiit- t wu ,li>tni-t ainl -eparat- iia. lui.s. 1 •' ",';j. {'i, ' 'i U 'l S a -« ha I r-H-rv-.l tu tli-ins.iUv,s 111- ..,„„„u.nt >liuiiia i-naiin siHm--. to th- IW-i, i>li .1!^- ,;;';, , ' ;'\A^l:Z:LZ ,I,y in« aii.i -n.iii;. IW. np " th- liianty. whii^hth-y had -v-rh-tur--nju ,M|,t .1111^^1^ n ^^^.^ lil„.rty. th-n . :i-w «„u,.-.; ana this iv.-rvatiun had '";"'' ';~^::;.''j^.^': , ..'d 1 1 "h ' m^'-it-d hy a war, any'inur- than any uth,., ul th- urant, hut a 111-1- iv-. .K'niti ... ut a I'''' ' . '^ 't^;.;'; ■;, ' ///j;; /mnv . ipiih.liuii fur it. «niuviii-iit iiiun, than w- n-d-d 11 i.-w rinlii.s ,,i uur nati.aial ind-11-iid-nc-. ur wh «- .hui 1, "^^ ' ' '" "^ V ,v "uv-r-iun and i id-p-nd-nt Hiat-,-. W- stal-d liiis ani.d-tod--lar-tliattluM p-,a,l,Mr ,d,ara-l-r, r-ii,ai I in lu.r- in nil „„ai,„„„.,„orial„s,iau-,.t ''nM'nm-M.U' ^vei- - 1 d t ' • h^^^ '^^ ^ 1, ,,.„,,, „,■ ,;,,,,„, jiritaiii th- ri«IU to itS|ait^nutw.thstaiiu.ii-lh-w«vMr.n-ws ipiilatt.nwa-n M > M ^^^^ Mipi.latiun was „*,Watin, th- Mississippi, as l.tr -';;:',.■ J;^; ,--::,: ,,',',' , ,1' o dn- and 'n,-« li-h, withh. th,. -v-lnsiv- .invis.lir- iie^ossarv tu s-i'iiri' t.i Hi- peui.l- ut the I nit- I ^'"" ^ '"'.'".'' .' ,: ,,, ,,^ „ „.,.., Haiin tli-v -unid not .ixp--.t w- shuiild urant ,,„„ of .ii-at liiitiun. If tlu.y asU-d 1 1,- naviuit.u,, .d '^ ;; ^ ''^ '^ L^^^^,, ,r j,, /.■ J^ tl- ,d.iin uf th- |,nopl- uf It w.ll,unt,in...p.iv lit: it they ask.Ml it h-ans- it .,t,l '''"^ ; ' V, ' ' , n V \|' '" '^^^^ '"•^■""'' "" """''■ '"""'" U„, r,d.,.d Stat,.s tu th- liherty tu tisl. ,md t.. .Iry ''"''•'''■:, '' '•'';;',■; ,''i,,,u d, s Iv, dr,.r,.,l at th- s;,i,i.. tini- tu h« ,0 th- li'h-n... within th.. I!riti-h ,i„r,s,li,.f.,i. Thi- '-'''■''■""-;;'::^-^;;;^V\ ,;!',., ' V,' i-i- it. althuimli Its .uv..rni.,-n.s had 1. ,n .h...r pow-r, willion. '»• «« 'i;^;'' j' , ' ' ^nd- w J[ f ,- ' . ■' th- Wood., ,„.-,i„s- it wu.iM i:;l;i;r,:r^!;;iiau.,;;;:h:;;n.-::i. un'";'"^ ilru^^'i'i,;!;::';: ;^J";^h:rl;. as tu the .isher,.,s, r--u,n.-,i „ ,.i,. treaty ..f .rs.. Mr.(iallatiiiwfo;-l,.tli.S-m.tafv.rsia.e.,iitl,e 25:1, of D-,... llic day loll..wi,i« tho sij-natufo ..ftlie !-;:----:;;;;^^^:e;;;yU^i;;:-^^^^^ ,aditT..r-n,.-shetw-,^t-tw,,Munt- n^^^^^ On t^L lasr''::;,;"" UuH ihl-n^lU is^al^^i^ 'th-n, :aii 1 in a .-11-ral point of vi,.w, w- liav- .-rtiunlv lust .lutliin.. Mr. Ilusseli.ulioi^avorisot,. all tills c-o,-rc.spn„,ietUT, wr-dc iVutn Paris on iho lllli ..f I'Vh. IHl;,. „i tlio fnllowit,"- t(. nils to the Secfctarv of .State :— ,.,,., ,0,- ,.,. of thatiiid.'p-n.l-n-ehy i,iip..ri-lial,l- in all its i^nts. I;>^;''7/' ';'^;,^'; J f !,;,,',, ^^'^^ and a,.t.„l on hy th- A„„.ri,.an '■'■'''' ''''^'7''"''7,'1,MnU 17^ am ua.^ ,;,;,, „„, u, .,,,, i. ,iat,.,l ,i,.,-urdiii,ly. i;:f:n:iV^e;;;::rufro';:;:-,;='n:fu;;;::n;r::'';^;'^^^ '^^i'" • -'"^ pan of -v-ry iialiuii with whun. w,. t,.rni a lr,.aty wl.its ,-v..r. (I(l..iii, |i. G:».) „,.,„, ,,,,^, [,,,,,. 1, .,.„,, ,,1-tninrtd to hn!i-v.. that th,.!'" was iLdhiiiK in Ih- livi.ly of I7s;t p..nds." C|i •i ■ Cli 4. tin II r- iinvu- ■ Mt !>']■ ils ri'viv I lllijccttll 1 tl.v Uv ii'ni' III : nil. I Im'. arlirli' pi'.. S|llM'i|||l\ Ih •lly Mnilllill '11." i-iim]ini'(iriv II il u liii'li w ■ tiviuy ; iir, -Il Jiirisillrii. llll|iiil'tilllci' I.' e\|il-|iH^ly iliilili'ctlv, ill."" 1 « tMrniHin wl.i.li it «a. ..m.wn.s.mI, tlm, |m. 8„rviv.«l ,. w.ir IihIwiibii tin. piirtiW, witlmi.i l,..inH .s|lri,,V i ' . vh,I • 1.1 le : li.i- lii.wi.v,., .iLiir .1,1,1 imii. ,!.« st.i„i uti,.i., U„ puipfliiity iin«lit I,,.. ,1,,.'.. .ti|iuii.tMii. llu.,i,.sWv ", w i | ' „ t,a« 1,1 ..rilm iry ii!k..vi.,.,iu.i1 .,,i-i.,',Mm.,U.. iuhI v,,^>uu: afwv ,i «a>, tlie iloH.ireil ,is...„t i,f ,li.. ;mni,.s (,.r tl. ir r ", i, ,i| •• dilniii., |) 7').) <«.. iVJir" '" '■'"" rl'rVl ""',"'''i'";« l..(«n 1h.I t. cnnrlmle that tl.o trmty of ITHM. in roliuii,,, t„ il„. n.h„m liL^nv i. Siilti^ly uii:;;:;'ilX!;;:J«l"'''^' " """' ^' '"■^"""" '"■ ^""""" ^'•"'" "^-'•''"'■•"' '-^ --i..,,, ,.,iy ^ll:l:;:^.;:, (lili'iii p. 77.) JiHVi IK timt w,. ai-,.H,.(,,n.ly l,,.,. ,;,. .UnniHs lli„ t,.nn. „„,1 renditions i,r suHi u .tipi.lMtn,.,, I ,| .1 ii, ; i, ,. ;■ ~? •^' '■"'"■'■',l".'« Ml It, t .(ir..„t Untain, ,|„, tW imvi^jatmn of tlii. Ml^»issi|M,i. « *i.r iiistnu'tiuus, l.ut wtM,ff..re.l, in my .■Htiii.ati,,,,. a pii.. u,.|, al,„v.. its vain... ami ^liirli n.i'M „ (liN'ii) p. .S7. ) .ii.l,l"i!..'l!iv I'ln'V"' '""■" "l"'"f "; '"•■'l<" »">•-'"•'•'"'■" '"'•""• liHiiiiupiivili'U-. ^li.Hi itH iiatnr.., ci.l.l u.suiy, 1„„ I ,.„nHi;i,.|,li,„Hly l„.|ievH tlial til.. Ir.... »avi«auiin .il' tlin Mi,s,..,inpi, ami tl„. a.'.-..' Mr. llusMcll was siippi.iteil liy lli-nry flay ill tlu'sc viewi. Our learned tWen.l. Mr. D.idi.. in,^iiti,.n..,| ti.e .•iiv,im-t:in,M.s ,„„l,.r ulnoli KnirJuii.l was p.irvii,.' <.ii tlir , „ tuitions at (tlienl. She umh onpii-uil In a itin.Mitiil w;.r, will, tin, most illustiiinH w.irrior of ,'i,o.|.rn limes ;,„| llie \.,i,.ncai.s wen- more „r hhs eM.etiiii; am.nlinj; to lier oml.a.r.is.-u.eiits. Wo in.vo tliis .loscil,,.,! a, „. o;');; ^, iNlr. .1. <^ Adnii* CoiTeNpniidfiicc, US IdJJdWH : ' '^Si.l>«.,p,„,i,,|y, ;,,,,v-v,.r. ;I.e,,v..rtlir..-,vot- Xa e.n li.ivinu l.'ft n« t nt...i.l sinul,.-lia,i.I...l with tli^ nn.livi.l.Ml „.i«vi- I . .-ill iiitaiii.oai- «,,v,.niii,..|il tlioauht prpi-r l„ rlia,,^.. ,|„. „.,„„ „ir,.K.,| ,„ ,|,.. i;,,,,..!, Ciov,.„„i,..|,t. an.l i • ■ i I , Ll v s . , 1 n.-h:.i;i :'!':/'' • "'■"';,'"''"""-. ""■■ .'-'■'.""-'■"'•'■^ > > .""l- ^ P-an. il pia,.liu.l,l,., upon th.. .Hnpl, • •' , |o ,, , ' va.li p,iit> . should I,., plii I 111 the >ani,- situation ill wliii'li till. Will- toiin(M|i,.ni will, "in ,f '«'■'""""*';'•"■'"'"' "*■ 1.1"' war. th.. Iliiti.sh 1 a riyht, hy tivaiy. imt only t.i imviuate the Mississippi. l,„t to tia.'.. 1 . t .1 .;. ,s I. ' ' '"""• I '*V'"',"'"",""'' ':"""»''>' '- «♦''■•' .nHtru,-t..,l t ns..|,t t„ tl*;;. ,.„nti,in,iii,.,. „ his i .1 ,' , \ 1 |..r...-U".Ml. LiMlfi. th,.s,. instri„.ti.ins a pMjios.'i, n r.-lativ.' t.i tli... Mi-sissippinmi tli.' Il.sh.ii..' . n i • , rd t fo navi'l rnl'-'x^-"'-"'- ^'" • "^^^'l' \r"'"''^- '"'"'"'■''• "•"'^^■'" " "'^ "'•'"^'' '•■'M.ii-sionl.ls. lU t it 1 ' i ot'ie .^ S.te,l.'" " -M'^«:-«'l'l-» '11 Its iiill a .iia.iiu.r a,s the liiiti.sl, «ioviriin,..iit .lo^ii..,!. „i„l on that a.roui.t. «o pioMUii,.Mas Tlio r„|i,,win.^'dal,.s will,.xpl,.i„ ihv iiuMiiiti^- „l tlio pari.„'mpl, ivrorrinii t<, Niipoli.-,,. Tlie missi.,,, fo (;i„.„| ),ri.l.iii<.f.hi.h.iv(ht. dis.istops l„ hriirh iinii« whirh result,-,! I„ the .•ilidioation ,.f Ni.noio.Mi „n th.- 4th ot \„ril LSU .Napo|,.o,i ^^..,s ,.,„n..y,-,l t„ KIha i,i .Vav lollnuiiij;, \V,ih tho slow .•oninimii.-ath.Ms „f t|„. ,ii„e.. ,||,, ,\ nu.ri,.aMs rarii,.,! ,„.|y ii. .In,,.. ..1 I he vi..toru.s „f Knj;la,i,i, wl,i,-li ..,.ii, to hiuo "iv,.,, a .vrlaii, l„no ,.f firnuioss l„ |„ ,,.m- lii.ti.Mi.s at (.lu'iit. Ihe treatv was sij-,,,.,! „i, thp 2Hh Dr.-., l,s|4. On tlio 1st .March, 1815, \ap,.l,.,.„ ..s.^ap,,! tr.iMi hllia .111(1 latidfihit Imvjus. Ainorcaiis rcfjiY-ttod liaviMg pre.'ipitalc! their in'i;.iliali„ns. ami not ' ' position to avail iheinsolves of I hi' renewal of war on the t'.iiiliiii'iif Id insist ,,i, hi'tler ter their griet'in uniueasnrcd tones : hut il, was too hite. K'liig 111 a many e\pre-si'ii Eai'li .iftlie ,.oiitraetiiiK parties persistiii..j in their views. Il,,- snhjeet ,.fth,' fisheries was ex.'lii.leil Imiii the Trei ♦ y olTrheiil ;liut the I'liited .•Stat.'s s i loarne.l that Kn_ulaii,l w,i- rifrht. and th,.y lia.l to r.-son to tie ii'ti„Hi mtio of another war to enforce their opinioi.R, not only auaiM^" (;ieat Hriiain. I.u, also a!.'aii:st the universal sense of otter lialioiis. We reaii in thy same ho,ik p. lHo. liiat in the summer of IstlJ Hritisli ariiie,! oruiseis wariie.l olf all American Kshina; vessels on the Coast ot Nova Scotia, to a (iistance of six'v miles from the shores, and theri.l.y says onr wriler, the Urilish (Jovernno'iit pmve,! siiinilicamlv what they li.til -.eaiit l.y their side ot the ar.'nment. Oil this, the Americans soli(^ited and iditained ihe Convention oi I.SIS. T'.e first article of that treaty e.viilaiius the eire.imstaiices uiiili r wliirli it was lotiie to : •' Whereas dillereiic's have arisen r.'spei'liiii; ilu) liher^y elaimed hv the I'liiteil S al.'^ for th.' inliahitaiits there,)! t.. lake, dry, and eure lisli on eerlaiii eoasis, li-iys. li.irhoHis an.l eieek- of IL- Hiitaiiiiic Jl.ijestv's (h)iniiiions in Aiiu riea. it is (ij;ieiaty of I7s3. This w.is more tli.in sullieient to mark the aliainloiinient by itie Americans of tile p.sitiim assumed at Ghent, that war had not abr.)natcd tli.'ir lishir;j,' liherli.'s under that treaty It is, in fact, owlm^' 10 that important ilitTereiico that I have at tins niuiihiit till- honor of addressing myself lo this ilistiinriiished tribunal. Si.x years after the adoption of this ("oiivoiition, iu 1 .S24. dilloreiices grew out. if the three miles limit, tlmimh it (?oes not appear to have arisen fr.im ih.' Iieailland .[iiesiion, or lishini; in havs. " -Mr. Brent (as ijuoted at p. ,s of U. S. BHel) spi^aks of .Vmeriean citizens who lia\e been interrupi.'.l ■■.Imin.. tiK) present seasiai, in th.-ir acciisiomed and hi.wfiii employment of l.i/nug ,i,id CKriii,/ //.. .1.0V i.ve s.,.u„... having ...en. ,i...n.tv.. ^;::^2:^::':^:::;::^r^^^^^ H.l,er.n...,. wi.l.i., tl.e l...e. l... , -.W., l.y '•■'■';'> ''V' ''J J ,i" l,y . n.is,. .,.v..|....,Hion of .ho (acts. st,.t... The lJ„i.e,l S,:.te. H.let ^vh'- Hs .,o>v em-h'sse.! .^ 1' '^ ' l^.y./'wol, as 1m,...1.V a.,.l (".ale...'* (,,. i); Ih.l cl.e eh,i... ... excl...|e the AM.e.ie.i. '^^ '*; ^ J^^"^^.; ,.,,-,,,, ,,:, U. l,e..ll:..ul a,ro-H .hei.^ .no,.th». This ,;.l,..i-i.H, e,.,.,.le,l with .ho c.M.>,,la..,t o '^- 1 •''■'^'•; ' ^ ''^^p '. |,,„,,,|/n,,,,„,r. (J.a.,.! M,...«... Tl.is :;::j;:l':i;;,tf;:;i..r';;,.r;;:r,;p,;: / ».--.»,;--- - '-;:;;;;;r:,f;:t:,;;:!.s':;:;"™' i — :j .;:,;:i. -" ..i'. ;...-■: "»■ > "'«-"■■' '■■■■ '- "'I'Sr, ;;;:.,;,::, ad:!;::,i i:;;;:;™u.;;i .::;:»-...;»;■" -» "» ' -- - ™ •■■" ' ^ I . ..tiiiiiit' til t ii> 1 111 as tie A s A..| ol'tlie s,i...o Session, ell. .. , ss .o. .., .j-.. '.^_\ „l,l„r,.s .heehiiuiaiil ol'a.iv vessel, unoils or th.l.ns se./.- 0,1, i.. p..,-s„a..eo ofa.iv hvx nOat..,,' to the ^•;'«.""";. " ';: 's, V^S t„ e. s". nu.eh ,u,i.„a,lv,M-.e,l ..poii. .v^ Oth,... pa.-ls provide f,.- .vl! .he.h...j;s 7'''/=^'"V' '\\, ^ j ,.r H,i.i >..'^ '»^'" |,„i„. .;,„.ra..y .,. e ..,„..,... ht.- pn.,c,,.^. Hut « ,.^h - MM -"^ J >' J, .^.j ,^, ,. ,, ,,„.|, ,, „,„„ „,e K l,„,„.,-ial Ae;, :< & l Will, -t ,.. 5!) ss, b,. .,!), 7' . . ■ ^. . . ^ ,, ^ ' ^ .,„. l)„,„i„^,„ A,.|s e.,„.e,-„i.,!: r,.slo... ,...vo|,el(Monie-w,Mvpirl,.l.hel':.i,M.-o ^'-'''?' '^f, '''''■',',,;,,,, ,i,.> .„„„. w,„.,ls of the A.i,e.-i,.a.. h.«' „„l Fisheries, a„.l as the Nom. Seot.a S atute ot •«••,.';;;,,,,, ,,,_,. ,l„lliso,., p. liH ; 2. (iallison. .,„ ,he s„h.,,.et, h„t the voh....e .s „o. a. ha.. . 1 ll'l ";.,„_ '^^„.,, 4„7; .,o, „„, So,... 111. p. W^. ,, o,).1: :». ..."> "'"" M I'Dot'Ti;' •- I Ik/'o e^v'^ai'irsniuU p.H.io„ ot .1.,^ ,leeisi.„. ; hn. th,. .ei.n.e e..i,s.itu>es a /.-.., f.U ease. .Alu. I)\na:-()Ii. .10. • I ,;, , ,f ti„. l.,w a.„l it is for ll,e elaiinai.t to sh.iw that he Mi!. Doirit..-. ;— Seiz.i.e «as made fo.- op.'.i vioh...... ,1 thi. Ia«. a., did not viohito the law. ... ... ...,,i ,„, «t mike o.it a /'/-/i/i" /'"'i' ease '-' jiroS^ '^^'^r^'--~:s:':i:rr !'■ ri,;;T;,;rr',;;;;L~ •;,„» ,„ ..,„.„.,, „.. w,/;:.r;.i^:,:"'n::::"~t:':,::;..f.»:^^ ■>■ °~ """' -" '"■""«""' "'"''«;: i" ,;';;!;!'r'-T:i~';,;::s-..'"«'"j"" -i." - "- °i' -'"" '" "'•■ '' ■ ' ""■ "" " ■""" "' thel)Oiu.lii,i;..ni|.|'r. i....,.,.. ,„•,.„,■,. .,,,,1 n.|. ..ts ih.t he ha- made ir. iii,d ,i. .less .he delend ,,it cnmes :..id shows .hat the .seiza.e h;.s heen .legally .n ele : the I oa.. .a.l., 8 or ships seized. .Mu. D.VNA ; — .Vie you spe,.kiii^ o( wai-. iio>\ .■' .Mr. I)..f ru..; :-No, of pn.lound peace. „^^^ ^,^,^ „„,^^ ,,^, ..stul.lished M,. Dvs-.v :_Thi< was in .inie ol Wiir, and i.i 'he \e.> ease >oii i.n. . Dec. l-7n, in .•..• Sehooiier Ml,.,,:.: Co .iM of \ .ee .\dnii.Mlty : — ,1 1 „...„•,. Iron,.,! to (Iffeat tlie ialinilclv Viiiieil. mi.^<.i.|ipa|.. as mill iiiu'"i'i"as ■' It mast he recoUei-tea .hat I'ast an lluu^.. I"^^~; ','':"> ' , "; ", ,. nr.v aeriH,'.! ol,|i-,..l t- prove his iiim.eeiu.e the ,l,,vin.s t.. ,l..lrau,l the v.^venue ot llie ,.n„:U..v. In n > oth... ^'• ;''„,';, ''.'.-Vliv liav,. the L.-isllilm-es ol (i.vat lirilam, ;U^h, ..f ,a-o ,f i. on him. rey^rsh,, ..n. M' .h. "-' l-;-;! ';;:,"' ;.,^n, tile mo.-e hnmaae. an.l, as it w.mhl se..m at tile orthel^iite.lStates,an.l..f.hel.;.;on,..nal,lu..-ane ... .ij^^ 1^^ ,„• ..xiKO-ieiiee the neecssity ot iiroteetia- the la.r first hln>li, the more rnisonahh' rnle r !• n-in ,: nr,-...--. .> ,_,l...n aistiatMi .N 1 tia.leriiad e.ainter-worUiiiK ai.a lannslnn- the simiH^iiei. Ml-. Dana ;— That is a British decision >vlii(.l. yon have .-ead ? Mr. I)..lTHl.: :— Ves; II British Colonial one 1„ l„„pi„g to .some.hii.i; The p.-..visio.is of the Nova «;-^i^«'^'''' ;■";:;;;; '; , ■' ?■ J^., 1- .Vme,a..an Iriemf; .l^si.-e ... en.o.-ee r;l;-;;::^T;::hS'=^hi^-.MX^ to what, in the Unia^.l States Answer to .he case, .s called an >,.hosp,.ahle s.a.a.._. s.ij.. ant uf the iioc.ls.ship, or vessel, but not ,m t'lr.. olli.ior ur [lurson wl ■niese a,-e the very expressions whi,.h .ho learned Agw.t for the U..i.ed States employed when he ani.nudve.-ted o (I) v> 103 ^» 4 i I) on tJint Stntiito, ITh hTw, vhiti's t!mt h>- f ;: K".:::5':,r;;,!;';;,;,:!":j;;-';w;::;: '■' ■•' ' - •- - -■■ ^ iMr. Dana : It m ,i„t Mr r„>t,.,v JMr. i)orT»E: No. ^['•. I»ana; Y,.n ,l„,m( luiuw fl... ,iu(l,„r. -Mr. Dduiiii;: I iliink | ,i,,. ;;:: f= ',;t;-;i:- i;~£^^^ ■" '"-" ' 3lr. Doi ...k: 1 lliiis,„i,si,l,.|' i, ill |iiil'lic:itioii-i (. ■Ml' 111 Ini'.' Iidird nl". pni.'ilr |H-..|i, r I' tlii-i iiiiiiirti. Thf .•lain, of ri,,l,t t<, s.II .,„„ls ,u,,| lu.v sh|,|,I:,. " This piirti.nliir cliiiin Ims i,„( j-,.t |„,,., jilii'S llu' liMflic iii wliicli llie N.vii •<"t,ii Acl «-!.> iiKemlril t„ n.s lire in cm nnonti.m lo the. tiviiv ii„„..lv ■ ,, , I'm I'"-*. whnli.v,T, n,u»t he cuistnirl I., „|i|,lv «„h.|v t,, . ,, •'All .hi. is ci..„fi ■ . ,", : I " ; ,";;,^^'"';"f '""•'"'';' '"•■ 'i- <-- 'i^i-ri-, wi.h whi,.i, ,h.. ^y," ,;:;';"""'« iiiu.li .„, I.,....,., c. 1..; '"..iiMi II uii iiiiii,. Ill Aiiicruiui li> iiiiiii.i. i,,,it ,. ^ 1 I....1. .. .'X ' "I •!" "iiinoi^tii.ii. upDii till holli'i- t'oiiiiihiliiiM tlu' iiicruiin li>hiriiii'ii, |i,-iiti!iliy «:ini;tiiiiH..| l.v tlio f ;':"'» "-?'."• - i""i"ft-.';:M:ri;;;,i;;:i";;;;;,;:™;' s;;'l;s"-" ""■" '^ :Str;::;;:S';='£;S::-:';;S;z;::;;; I'^lll^ IWI.i 100 .... ..,,!„ i„.iir. f.iti«»rw. f» shduMhf ii„tiiM'.t tint llu- pri)»ti«» l„,,llv .i.lnptr.! ..nnll...l Hi.' rijil,. „n«ii. .H.v \l'''' ■''''.''/ ,ii,,;.,i 1 1 I'V Hm' a.l lilind uF 111.- «rwrl " wl..kt.n..r uIimp Ih, dii.-« ,|,.,.i-i...... .•..|..l-..Ml, ...... l.y Ml-. .I"-"c.' 11,,/,. .., II... '« . , .^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^_^_.^.^,^ |.^,^^|^^ j,,^^ „u,„..t.al sl„.rt|....i...l. . i'„i,..,l Si,.- r...fl. p. '.'. '■ev...-„l A....'....;;., ^.•^M.1■. «..,..• H...i/..Ml l.y I5..ili^i. |„ is:!-. ... ................1 ... tl,. l'""' ,''''' „^' ,,,, v,v.S,...tia.S;;,ii.!.. .....lilH'M. H,.i/..>,..-.. il... .V..,on..„. S..,..,.,...v,.f S,..u. 1....I i-„...l circ.U.; .'■'""".-' ,^^"7. , iJ, .i, , V.„. ,ivi„,0,is .v..,,,,..,,,..,, .I.- i.xr ..I tl... 1„„, wi,'l,....t H .>■„,..: wl,:.t. .he.« i....,lH w.. ..-, N V ,1 . . . ^ _ . ^,^^^_^ ,^^^_, ,,..,..>...M..| l..n.vo.. .!..• Co,.v..„n t IM.s. A..,id„ l"t^ ''•';VV'''';V''' ; , ,il s V,.,v.'....s..l...v..M.,...U ..r l,:.,-l...... .....1 tl.u. tl...y cul.r ..... I..' i''l'''i't'-'l ''''■'''■•"''■'' '''.'7;'''' Vv^.;,',. J,,,,,.... «<...M l^.-ve „,.,I,mh...o.1 s„.;l. d...... I....-,...;;.',, St.U.s....... "Mlyco..l.li,......;i.,^^i.at••l•;yH .....-> 1. U'>-^ „., ,l,,...llo,l.,. ..M..,.....li..a..y l.un. «l„..l. It wa- tl.o l.,-iv.l....'i. ,.|-.M,..,...|.l l...l.n.'i:.'.s I. It ., ' ; , .j^,, ,,.,„,, „,■ ,,„,, .,„;„.l,-y ,.1..,.- ll'o v:l- „,,H ,.s .1., ,...1 ...V.-l'd C. ...ik'S ... \N..lll. ^'> llH' M.....II H » . • '-' .,,,, „|.;,;. .lU,.,, ,,.,,, is ..>•.. I.tk.... I.-..., s.,i,i. afU.M l,..^ .1- toxl. w.,..l.l .. .I.ar U l!''': '^^ ■ .t,' 1 .'nU. ...1 i„.o l.v Lis (i..v..r e.,t. Hut. wi.l, l,i< i,„ „,.. 1... ,„ m, ..«,. 1.....1 -'\- --;;;" l"^,;, I, '^r.,„. .1.0 s„..ll ■l„.ys. ......o I ..... t..!,l by Vm,..,....,„ >,„v,..- .!... .. .li.i n-t ••-i"";-/' "■'•' ^, ' \i'''''';\, ',. b \i.." i:,.-.'o i.:>vs. wi.i..!.. i., .1..-..I.SC.,,..,- ,.nv..,.iy tlK.'C'.M. ... ,..«.. 2.) ri..' --■•■I l".v.-"l' ""' ''.'^ '■••,, . ", ',,.!■.. -.. An.l :,...i...' .... .1,H ,.l,-,... in....^lH...- IMIKM, .!..■ .■i.'.'.il trs ot th- S.v,-c.....^. ..Ml. I' ^; ■; / ,,,,,., H..,..r, ... ;.. .'..f.'.v.- tlu. .-i^b.s ..!• lu'i- lis!..-.-,...... ,u.cU...-.-..otl.>" A...e,.i..i.., ... ..!....l..'.,..o ... I..«V""^ l.v.,1.-, ' ..-• ..-p...MiM,i >....! Amci'lca.. a„.l ,...1 ..p..i, ilH' l'>i'iii-l' a'il!i..nl...^. i.„„.,,.,,„. wl.if', i,,.,..'..-;- .1 '..s :, 1. tl,.> s.'.-i....... cLM-.p,,...- (,,., fne..,l. M,-. 1),.,.... .■xi,...ss.., ^v^<";V''"" ,;'•',; ';'l>,^ spill i, .1. s.. c.tli..-. W., I.,.v., ..... ......1 „„ „,.i,„„., o!-...„- A„.,.,-ic:.,. o,..s.„s t., .l,.,.k ''-7'7.7''';y^.. :•,,,,. .n.u U..i...l S.a...^ l.^v.- Uws ..s ...W as ot ll.,.-e of thoi.' .■.,.i,.ti-y.ue.i wl.o .-(.....nit a..y .1 H ■ s <-i..iip l.y i..,.l .... .■U..i.>e..CH ca., .•.•s...,-e i. ... .1..- ^';''^^;;; ,"' ^^.i;; I" ;,„„,„tio,.s M.rl. as wo.'. ..llW....! ... A,.u..i.-a., li^l..-,- lIo.^ov. ,•. .1 st,.te ,.t tl.l,..is wl„..l. ,s ,.;.l...,l;.....l . . ''•',,;;'' ,,„| ,,,„, „ .^a- ti... .L'si,-., ..f both U.i.isI, a„.l -n Ca.„.,lia,. wa-c.^s. sl...,.l.l bo a, ..11 ';;;- , i^ ^j' I^, ', '.....li:^.. -vb-cl. b.-.....b, ..s ... ,l.e R.-dp- ,\.„.',.i..i.„ .Hlat.'s,ii.M. ... l-...ioVe such .lai.-f....,,s u.i.l i..n....ii...i..ii- locity T.eaty of 1.S.'4, ■ v .. v ,.;.,. .v,..,. tl..-.. .v., <'I..m. to lT..i.^'.l Sratos <:ili^....s. a...i U..ilt..l S....o/w;.....-s „.....l. ..ni„- ii.l.l, .l...'.o.= ..1 ..o,-. I. la...,, o V ,c U, ^^ , ^^^^^ ^^^.^.^^^ ^^^^^^.^^ s,iU..o„ a,..l sl.a.l lisl..-.i..,s. wl,i..l. we.-e .■.■se,-v... ..„ both ^"''■*;, „,;'';",.;„, .,„,, ,H,.lol.l...i:,.i.o.lS...oswo,e...l...il.o.l.o....ho..,,....y,..-M..c Ndj^ ^^^^^ .^^ ^^.^^^^^^^,^ _ ^^_ ^^^^ ■ri,;.. T.-c-a.ys.,-p.,.,l,.,lth.-..po,-a!,u,...t .ho 7"^;:;; ;' '.i,.^, ,,,.;, ;, ,l.,.^-xpi.-..U.... ..f t,w..lv.- ,.....,.hs. tVon. 17,1. .,f Ma,.oh. 1805, ,l,c l_ ...lo.l ^'^7%*' -;'■';;;:''" ^^.' i,', \, .o.-...,..a.,- ;,>..l ,1..- (•....v...,.i .■• 1>^1S .-o- tliat .li.v. the U...-ip.-..:.,!y T,-oatv \.iis ... tei-i.iii..ilo. Ai..l i. viv,-.l,r,-..i.. .1,0 17.1. .Ma.^i-1.. l.^tlil. ,.i,i, ,„. i.,!,.i-i-.,nli,..,. I. . Iisl.il, Hi-itish Ai,.o|.io,-ii. \va(.-i-s, o,i p:iy- ...o....of.. ii.-o.,>o. uhi..i. .:,. , ,......a ... .ho .n.i .,1 ;'-;:•;';;,> ;;-';;;;;;;; ;,„, ,„.,. .,■,,, n,.,,,,,,. ,,.., i,!,,,,, ,...„ these w,.ito.-s. S.„.„. An,..,.|.a„ voss.-ls ..„.„ '"•'■"; ■;" ,,|| ;.^„„,,, i,;,,,,! ,,i,l„„.. laki..^ a..y. Hve..y .....3 raise.1 art...-w...-.ls. l.-u v-.-s.-l- took .-. l.o,-„~.- ^'"' / '•^' ;\;, ' '^'^ A,...-,-i.-a,. voss,-l,s havi-.^ll..- i-i.^ht ... li-1 ^.'iUsh will...,.k..-st:.,i.l.ho.,.,p..ss,b.hly„lo.,t...-...nt;.hat ^ ;'''"• ;) ^^,^,^,^,,, ,„. .„,,r.-.s,-.l .o l.,..i. th...,.srlv..s lo lisl.i..- Ai.....-..-ai, waters. ...i.lor the t.....<-t.n>.. .>t >l ■■ ,;,„„.,,,,,,„ ',i,i,. „f Capo iJ.-e.o.. will,...,. I.ilu,.s; .. lieei,.-,.-. .\^ ,,„,.i,le ,,r .1.0 3 M.iles li.,,i. I....I the ,■,!,'.. t., en.o,. .... .ho -o^^^^^^^^^ l„„..s ,l...t lic.e„s.. uas pu.-,.ly ,.o...n...i. '';:;''.;• ''''I' ,' ,; ,^,„„,,„,- „,• ,l„..e wl... .....U i. f:n..i,.ally .iwi„.llo.l to Wl,... o...-li..o,.so I..0 was ,l„.l.h..l a...l att.-.-« a.-.N I""' '' ',. . i;,,,,,,,,,,,,, l,„v«- ..splai,....!. h..r...-o the ('........isni.,.. ,i„!bi.i.'. ■I'll,. .,1.1 ..-,.,.1.1,-. a..,l ii-.-.lat.o,. w,.,-,. .■.....■w.-il, a..a \\>M) li'i" I \l ii Vi> \« ^ lOJ ^i"v::::r r::'rlre;:::;-;■:;,^;:";;::;^;i:^;:• ::;;;:'• i;7 vi-r '"■■,■' ' U itil llio tci'iiliiiiiiidii (i( till' ll.ciiiriii'itv 'I'j' ,1.1. , I.I. . ■ 1 .. M 111. II.. , Ui(. ,1,1 I, t II yli (,,Mii„M..i„„ wiiH ;iii|),,|i,f ,1, „imI III., \Va,l,i„,rr„M Tn.atv n .1, I i,. .. , „ n"^u;;;,^-;:si:;:;;i ::J::;i ;:,;:-: ■'■>- ■■■■ ' ™--'"- -;: i.'--"! ^';r :::;!:: Oil tlK! (iili,.i- liiiM.I llriUsli Miil,j,.o(H iirna.liiiitKMl. l,v;,M. 1!». t.) ihii siiii. iil,..i-il,.. ,.„ ,1,. „,, . ' « ""•- ';•■ ""• l'-'i>'"i -S^'-- .-ri. „,■ III. ;t„,|, ,,...,,.ll..| ..r,„',.,|, iji;,,;:, " """ "" "'" '''""' '"' '""^^^ .Artirli- ;i;i >.i|,i,hi,.., ,|,.t ,1,„ (M,,,i,.s ni-lu.l.w siK.ll iTiiiniM in f.iv. li.r lli,. |„.n,„| „f „.„ ,,.,,- |V,„„ ll„. ,1,,,. ll-^lly'"," ""••■""•^•'■""' '" ""• i'-''"^- ^'-"^'-l " '!'■ '■"-•"^ "i' -V I'nuo.l S,.,„., ,;., Uu. pcno.l "l On n.o |.:i,-l ofll,.. rMih.,I.S,.i,.s ii is ,.„„|,M,:lo,l ilir ,I„. l,i„,.,y „| CuW,;' i. il,..i,. w.iu-M ai.l III,, adniisMMU oLiinrirni'l',.;::'. "■ - ''"'• "•""• '" " '"'"^^ "' "" ''"'"•' "'^'"'^ '^ '""'-^i-' < > -i-" ''.■.■:!. Mnuiu Tlio.|Ui..ii..ii-un«i,,l,,.,.n,|,n,v,li,,in „.•,.: Nr r-tl,,. Umi.l, ..l,i,i, provol. u,„l to wli.it ..x„.„i '' -'i,,! Iliivo tlie i,i!,..l S a es ,-,.l„,n,..l ll,,. .udrur. acMm.,.!,,,, Srluir of llor .M ijosiv, aii.l Innr tlirv provnl a s,.,- ,|1 , ,, H'\y iiikI what I'.xtmt ? . i • " i • ^Vilwv^,■r .\i,uM.,sM,,-l,av,.,.y|,,v<.oaa.liMiiSMr.te,lo|,iiioi, alMiitll,.. (^,ll■a,, |,,il,o,. C'liirliinlisii.|-i,.s tlifv liavo ii,.V(.r uihlr,T,,l,.,l thrir salu ;, a. ll. ..v I, uomi lliis ,-;i. . uk-r,. th.-v aiv ,m1I,.,1 up.ii to i.av lui- iisii... tl,eii, ' A iliiii.' ulini iio,li|,loiiiati,t lia.l .■.,M,.,.iv..,i I li.. i,va of layinir i|„. dain, ,,1'tliu I'liit,..! .siat<-< to tli.rso lislR-H.'s '.'" ""' li'";"l<^''i'voiii|,li.liii,e'nts ar.iniivaiHliiavv tr,.iii . lie iil.l Uriii,], coloiivof .M,i>sirliii-i.tU asw.. Irm> li.'arJ lnm,tl,.M.|,,,p,.|,tai,.|,lMi,,Kui.l,,.,irniu.,|.S!,it,.si. .-/. oHoiv tlii. Co„„iii-si,m .- ^at a liiii.Mvlioii, ,.m,.;-iii.r f,'o,„ u,.r, 111 o,ra>ion.otl.|.n I liriiisHvos i\,v ivmiiHiiii: Oro.t MHlaiii ofwii.at >lu' ,.«e.l I,, tin, l.ravorv of .Ma.r,fln,...!|s lin.s. u ,,,!,.a,lp|.ant,.l ,nMl.a^MMtl,,.|,lar..,,f,l,,. I'VoiK-lMMiorsovr; !,isI).,,,,;i,ioi,,^ .,,.,' n, tl.o,.. walors lia.l a,rni,.,| to ll,o A,iK.n..aii poopl,. f,-o„i iioothor ..ri-iii lliaii a .■oiu i.m In- u;-Mv. an,! no ... KM- has., thai. (h.. ./,/...«,./ i... \\ |,„„ ,.„„„|„.,. t\,;„aiissi ,„ is a|.poi„!,M hv Kii^^.iul a,„l I'ran,.:. to vmH. H ! .litK.|vii,-..s uii,rhi.xisth..|w,..Mtlu. vhTiMi... to the. X:.,vfou,„lh„„| F,.h,.rl,..s, I doubt iina.h ,f,h,. n.hilrtl ...•atoi-v ,.t mil- A,„en,..M, ■n..M,ls ,.oi,M „,,, uilh a Hill,. ,.|,a,>f,- ot lahlcuix aiul s.rii,.,-., ho turiioj to s .ni.. ,...,„. ,1 -such as Ik- h-ni. 1. roumuliu^' tl,.- h.u^ish poop!,, of ,h,. u,i,s,.,acs ..u.lutv.l hy .lac-.pi.s fartior ilurin.r the wii t .r Ik. spei, at Sanh; Is an, ,,i, hisu.ay to .\.-. loui„ll.u.,l L .ui.hui- au.l Quoluv 1,', hriui- Huropcair riviir/ 1 i aimiiii,' ihi' ah.fiL'iiial trihfs, ^ ' .i>ni/.iiioM .Ai hou-h it is har.lt,, vonrh lor aiivtliiut; iu -u.-h inatl.-rs ,,f faurv, I .ioiiht iiiiwh uh,.|h..f Franco nil! recall tl„. heroic . ccsol her (-artiers ami ( hainplain. t,. make l,er,M.|f a title to li.ese (isheries. .she will not make .s,„.h' li-l , wurii of lior Ireaties lis our tr (Is have done. - I . '",'".'', ; "'' '"^■'''■^'•■■'l ''"- ^"l'1>te,l !,v our lean,,.,! iVi..,,,!-. ll„. Seau.Iinavians u-„n!,l uipe o„t ,.^,.n the eanii ol ( oluuiln,... to., ihn r lour ee, -les l.elore I he ,l|s,.ove|.|,.s „f ihe ;,n.e:it- (leno.-s,. naM-aior s..„ , V their lisherim.n ha I v,.il,.,l pr ,(it ihly the U.nks of .\..wfoui„lla,i,l. Mv l..aru,.,l lVi,.ii,|s ,houl,l I.. as-u,ueii al ue! ill th,. eoiise,iuenee> ol llieir li.t a~ .Afr. .Sevvar.l was when ileaiin- v.illi (he hea,ll;ui,l ,pi,.stio„ in the .Se,ei.,._ pan,, ii ot the Mriti^h hriel- he p,,u,l,.,l ,,ul that the eoiislruc.ioii put up.,ii the v.oni hav. I,v tlio.se who conli I them t.. lm,lH.s ol water si\ miles ui.ie .-a their mouth. w,,i,l,l surreiuler all the ^reat havs of'tlie riiiled Sial,. ^^'''"'" 1'^''' - "i^li |'li.M.liMere|),sit.u-vol tins ..|...,-ies ,,r j..,i,l. iwt ,)nly f .r III., sapplv of the .\iii,.ri,.an, l.ut of the Kiir,,! a ,.,nii"ni.nt u th,. p|.„|,..rsi.as,,n t,i cat|.|| lli,.m la eii,ll,.ss ah,iii,lan,v, little more ,,r elVoi-t is ii,.,.,l,.,| than I,, hail the iio,,k aa,' i.all t V i,', 1111,1 •!.,• ishinilly ev..ii this is not icM.e-isary. In ,.|,.ui. w,.atli...r, near the sli nv-, iiiviaails are visihlu, aiel th,. ..inn, i .. ,i .■ilniosl lit. Tally |iiive, I with th, ■ill." " - • , , i^ .u iiini,! 1U9 "TliH rrmiiitiuli Ini't \»'li>ii>, nf I il.' yi'ir», lnvf v|i ' i|i'i||y mi'iiiiriall/.iHli ilui H'lvi-rniii'-iit In lliijliiii'l, ri'>|«'i'llii|'^ till- tl'lli'I'li'K ''llllli'il 111! !>>■ Ill'' .\ll|t limly lit SrollWIl llilvntlHiT*, \vImi«' trilili' ii.illl in llll|niii'< itllil tt«^ |iiii't«. iiii'l I'ontril 'ivcr ilii' iiiliil>itaiit'<. il riirliiih"!. Ilim' hiniHil mil in lull I'ry iin rlhiiii'i nl' llii' I'nliiiiiitl uuvurn- iiiiMil* In II I'ln-.iili' iirfiilii-t llii'iiii'iM,ii-limiMn'< ul llii' iiilM.O., Him .ii-.lirlliiN.>:-. m ili.. ilit iiii' niiili .nl v i>l' Uiu .'•, m llir rlnlit< ill tliM |iiM> liii'i's. mill liiiM' pur'Ui"! lln'ir .ili|i.rt« •• • I'-liiu i i«ly tli.ii . iit llh'ir mvii i'\|»'M«i'. ii« I :iiii . iIui'iih' I finiii n rf.|BTt itilo "iiilici', in III'' y ir I'^i'T "f **, ^/i''// »hiiiiiiii-il n iriililiiiniii in inmi' t'liiiii'iihlr /Knirimi iir'ii' lln- .V/'.(//,i » n/cti, li> tiKinl lliv iniiiiher 11/ .Ihi('/|'(i/( 1 1'«<('/< H'/ii' A /"'< 'i'". 'n'vu ili>lliir'ly luiki'il lui-vviinl Willi Kmlilli'iilluii I 1 it "liili' hT Wiir, iia 11 ili'»iiiili|M .iciMir« ri'iH'i'. wliii'li wiiiilil, liy 11. i'MnI'Mii'i', iiiiiiiil ''Xi'liiiu U'l'ily -IImiiIiiUiih, 'HI iiijiiii mi>, us tlmy cjlili'li'l, tu tU''i<' iiili'iu*!* uuJ 111. I.-.' i.f 111', iiiili .11," "Til" ('.iiii.t iiii'l liiiliiiiili.r Kinlii'ili.« iiri. pni-criitiil in \'">»i'J< of fr iin 41) Vo I'.'O t iiih Tnirllii'd. nirryliiu n tiuiiihi'r "f nii'n, iH'r.)i'i|liiU t'l llii'ir ii"|n''ll»'' -i"'-. Ill III" 111 llii' •Mini' |.|.|i.'Hi' II ii» lilt' M'-i-fN nil tin' Hank I'lliry. Tli'y (•iiiniiii'iii'c llii'lr v.iyiiU'". ill Slity. iili'l U''t I'll III!' Il.-I>iiiu ui.iiiihI III'. Ill 111'' I'l "I ■lull'', I I'li'ii' »liii'li liliii' I .ill i'hmiiuI I'i' .l.liii 1, Tliin l.iiil il. Iniiii-lii'il liy II "iiiiill --l.'i i'" . I ll-li iiilli'il iii/iliiii/. wliiili »liikii ill-Ill. f 111 tliiit lllni', iiinl iim' Iii1I..wi.iI l.y /m»ii»(tr» h/iiiii/m ((/■( I. (/'/'»// ii/iti/i /nil ii/iiiii Ihiiii. I',iiili I imr/ Mi/i 1, M '11 r iiiiifiM/iihi/-i/ii:iiiiil, nliiiiij llii (iiiml uf Hit /liii/ tif Cliiiliiiin.lliii lililf III' .V. I.iiini III r, llii' Sliiiil!) Ill llilliilr, llif Viiiinl uf l,iiliiiiiliii\ VI- 1 II iiH till- iiH I 'iiiiilii rlniiil hliiiiil. mill ll.i' •'hliiniri' 1.., llinl-iin's liny, lliiin I III I n.. Mil).' a ll''liiiiu-t;i'..iiii.l iiiirlilnu in rMi'iit trmii ilii. Citli !.> ih.- iI.hiIi ilc^n I imi ili laiilii.ji'. " I* I'll. I. Hiii^ llii'ii' nil null.. II, till' ll'lii'i null ui'in'riilly i>i'i'l< ■ ini' -liclli'ii'il 11 ml »hIi> liiii'l...r. ur .u' r. ulii'ri> tlii.\- ani'liui In an. lit fi.i III Mi-nil /iil/iuiiiii null I. iiiilii'iiil ilhir -iiiU. -ti.w tlii'iii l.i'L.w, Mini litiTiillv iiuiUiii^ tlhin-ilvi'- iil li.iini., ilUiiiiintli' all'J I'linvi't tlii'ir V'MM'l- mill liiiliiliili..iis iil U'li-I »• iliiv il'li' ii» tli.i-'. nl tin' aiirii'iil ^ryllijiin«. 'Iln.y llirii I'lwt a iii't iin.r tin' "loin i>r III'. M'Sfi'l. Ill wliirli II KiiDli'ii'iit iiiiinl it ..I' i'ii|.liii).' iri' h . II iiiii^lil In -ii|i|'ly llniii » illi I nil ir. in iliiy t.i ilny. Kiii'li vi.i»»'l \* rni'iii''lii'.l w illi t'liiir III- lii-f liijlil liiiiilD. iirrnnliiiu In tli'li' -izi' iii.l iiiiinl n .it iinii. .iiili I. ..ill ii'i|iiii'iMK [y n iin'ii. 'I'lii'y li'nvi> till' vi.."-i'l •'iirly 111 till' iii..i niiii!, iiiiil .<.'i'l% tin' ln-l I'l' -iillli'iiiillv ^h.'iI "i.iiI t v ll-iiiiii;, wlii.'li in lin|iii'iill.,- i.himiI witlilii a iVw rnilfiit thill \i.-.»'.l.-, iiinl Miy liiuly i\iini' \\u\ii nm- m- Inn inili ilmlnnl /'in/i.. f/ir///, wlii'lr llii',\ liiiiil llir li..<;i iis lu^t a- llii',\ run |iiill llirir liiii'.", ami •niin'liim - il i" anl llir li-li IniM' Lii'ii -i. I'liiiiiiliiiil a» tn l.i. kuH "I' -inniii'il iiitn llii' .mil-, Willi. ml fVi'ii a liiiiiU ..r liim ; iiinl tli<' ll-lii'iiin'ii iiIk.i sa_v tin. I llii' I'lullUli liiivi. I i.i.|i Ui nwii t.i |.iMiiii' tin' riipilii^ ill 1.111. Ii i|iiiiiititii.-. iiinl uitli Mii'li v..rin'ity. 11^ tn villi ill Lnc' iiiinil't'r- i|iiiii' ' III "I wiilrr. . n l.i tlm >linii.>. 'I'ln. Ii..iit« it.iiirii tn ih ' vi'a-i'ls aii.mt iiliirt n'rlin'K in till' niniiiiii^. lit I'l'i'iil^lii^t. jiiii ilii'ii IMi I'll I < iikI. 'Illi iiii'l '■jilii tln'iii ; ami iilU'i' I,ii\Iiik li-iinl in.vi.ml ilny..), Iiy wliirli liiiii' till' Mill Illi- I 1 -iillliii'iiily -Iriii'li ill llii. Il-li 111"! iMiiulil, llii.y limy iln'iii mi -limo iiinl ^|ii.>iiil iiinl iliy lln'.iii nii till' ri.rKi in- ti'nij..iriiiy lliil>r>. 'I'lii- miilim. is t..ll.\M.il r\i-\\ i!iiy. w itli ilii. 11. Mill f all' iiiliii); tn -iirli a- IniM' ini 11 "I'Vail, ami caii'yiiin nii li anl iiimI -InwiiM' nway IIi.m' Unit liiivt' Iht iin -nllliiiiilly niri.i|, until tin' m.-i'I h IIIIimI willi ilnril ll-li. III Inr an Iniim'.ii ilf ninrlu'l, wliii'li i- Ki'iii'ially llic niKi' l.y llm ninlillr ni- IhaI nf .inijnHl. .I'liI Willi wlilrli »lii. tlii'ii pnnTi'il- iiii- nn'iliiil..|y In l';iii'n|ii.. .11' irlnrn- In lln' I iiil.il Slni..- ; nml tlii- ll-li, iliii- laiitilil iiml ciirml, I- '.^li'i'inru llm lii'.il lliiit i^i lirmialil In iniii'k. I, mill Inr »i'\i'iiil ynirs |irt.\iiiii~ t.. Ilia I nf IWI.S, wii- (•■.nii.iil.'.l I., iniiii-li linn- /(Hirl/i jniilii nf all llii! iliii'il ll.-li oX» lini-U'il It, nil tlu' Inilril .'>tat<"<."' Till' loll.iw ill',' -I ili'iiii iiN 111 lie I'liin 1 ..11 |i||nr 21',) .1' tin' wurk wrrc f,ii"iislii.'i| id Mr. Ailiiiiis by a pcfsnti, W lln 111 111' niKililio an 11 M'fV 11'- 1 11 •! .Ill I lit' MiTilnilll, w Im i| ilr- In- lilli'l' Hn-lnli, May 'JDlli, 1 >. I ."1 ) " Mv .■alriiliitl.iii i-i, till, I Hut., wit.. i'ni|iliyi.il n. lli.' Ilnik, Liilinnl.n' ami liay ll-lii'iii-, I In' yrars al..i\i. nifntiniit'il, t'J.TJ v,,4-|.l- i/riiili/. \ W. , .'iSl t.. Illi' II. ink-, ami lits t . Illi' liny ami l,iil.i'iii|..|'. I IliinU tin' .'iSl il.iiikcT.- iiniy lie |i :t .l.iw 11 .'III. .'.411 tnti:', iiiivinmi.il liy -iyi-'i linn nml Imy-. (I'arli vi'.'^-nl iiiininu .nn' l..iy,i limy liilii' ami riiii', iiiinn.illy , ."ilii.THO i|ninliiU nt ll-li ; lliry ivi'mn'' iili.i'ilt tlircc larci* li yriii', rnn-iinii', aniinally, SI, ITU lilnU .sail, llm .ni'riii4i' r .st n) tli'.^c vi'«-i.1h i.i alinit .i«'.'.00ni.ai'li ; llii' aviTiini' |iiii'i' nf llii'si' lUli at Inrciifii niafki'!.-* i< 'Ijiii |iiT i|iiiii.al ; lln'sn vt'.-'O.I'' iil.i 1 in ikn I'l-nin lln'li- ll-li. aiiiiii illy, I7..V.'0 1 iirinls IM nil. winch I'njiniaml- nli.nl .i'lii |iiT IniiTrl, li'.ir i'.|ni|.ini'iil- en. I almiil .'•llllil. minnnlly, I'Xi'lii-ivi' nf .«nll. •• Tim Ii4-- M'l-i'l" Hull ll-li at lln' l,:|l.ra l..r nml liny. I pnl ili.wii ■l.S.lillu |..u-, iinviniili'il Ly ."1 s^l'J iimii ninl Imy-; tlii'V laKn anil ciiri', minnilly. rilH.iiiiil i|iiin;nl- ..1 llsh ; tlmy un Inn mii' fare n yir ; r n-iinii'. iiiiiinnlly, '.iT.'-'im lilnh. nf -lilt. Tlii' iimt- lU'i' i,'n-t uf tlm-t' Vl'^• n-t attiT limy ri'liirii li..nii' s ."fvciiil i'ar«..i.s uf ijry tl-li an slii|p|ii'i| vnarly fr.in tin' Lalinnlnr ilinnt fnr Kiu'iiH'. Tim iisiuil niMrlii'N f..r llnwi' li»li iir<' in llm .\|i"lili'rmm'nii, - ly .\l niiil. Li'Mli.irn, .Nnpli's, Mnr-cilli'.-, rln., ih llmjin iwarUfts in'i'lVr .-iiiall li-li. ami \\w iiii-iih^l |iarl ..f llm li-li I'lnulil ii|i llm lny nml l.nl.iii.l .r iim re;-// -imill. Tlir nvi'r.iyi' |.rii'i! nf llii'M' lisli lit till' imirl-.'l lli.'V iiri' .li-|..i-i.il nl i-S.'i; lli.'-i' v.'.-i'l- nl i:'il,i' tmiii llnjr ll-li iili..ii. '.'Ii.din I.M-. ..f . il. wliinli alwayn iimi'l- a ri ally Mill' ami ill li.imi-.niii. inii'.-, .-iiy Irniii *.-> In ..jlL' prr linni'l, lln' ^t nf il i-i I'mi-iininl in lln' liilli'il State.'*. I'J3J vi'H-i'ls I'liiplnyml in 111.' Iliiiili, Hay ami Lalirinliir iMmiii'.-, iin'ii.'iliiii...' 17.S..'l7li lilnls. (;ii,inlily ..I ll-li lli.'y ' ike nml I'liio... I l."iS Tim iinint.il.i. Harii'ls nf nil limy iiniki' ;i7..'cil l.arri'l.-. •' Tlm;i' nrnal.'* 1 a ili'-nripli ill nf vi'sscl- nnlli'il ji;.'^i'rs ..r -mall M'liniiiii.r.< nf iili.iil .'111 l.i -(."i l.iii.i tlint li-li in llm .Sniilli ('liniiiml, nil tlm ShmiN ami l'a|ii' Salilf-, their iiiiiiilii'i' .'(no. Iln.y cirry ali.iiil 4 nr .'i linmls, ^.ny I'JilO ni.'ii ami laki' ah. ill 7,'> IIIKI <|ll-. nf ll-li, iiiiiuially ; f niwiiiim lii.iHUIIilnls nf -a I, an 1 ill ik.' ah iil'. 4,lliiil liari'i'l- nl .nl ; ili.'ir ll-li i- i;..n.'r,illy .snhl f..r tlm Wi'.-l In.lii'.'* anil li iiim I'nn-iiini.linii. ■' Tlmrn .111' nnntlmr il.'>rrilili..ii .f li-liin^ vns-i'ls ciminnnly i-allnil ('imlinn-n ll.inl-nr I'iiik Sterns ; tlu'ir iiiinil.er r.lill ; they are frnin int. -.'t I mi -.ami enrry Iw.i men 1 ..n.' h..y eii'li siy, l.siio haml- ; they e.nr-ii ne l."i,ii|li) lilnl,-. .il -all, mnl I like' ami I'lire 120. 1)1 10 i|nininls nl ll-li, niinnilly. The-e li-h nN.. are win. liy ii-e.l f.ir h .ine an. I W .'-t I mini inark..|. e\i'e|ii the very lirsi Ihey take early in the s|iriiij,'. whirli are very nine imleeil, a nl iiri' sent t.i the llllhan imirk.'i in .""iia.ii. win n- they :ilwn\'s hriiit; a i^reat |irice ; tlmy iiinke O.OOO havrels ef nil ; these vessels ineiisin'e ah. lit III.HiMl tnir-. '•'There ai'" alsn ah'.iit 'JnO s.-lm nier- eiii|ih.ye.| in llm 11111. -kerel ll-liery. ni'a-irin>; soon tuns, tlmy I'lirry l.iioil ni"n am! linys, they lake ."lO.O Ml liarrels. iiiiiinnlly. am! e.iii-nnm li.ooil hlnls sj||. •■The nlewive. sliail. -iilimin nml hei'rinn li-lmry is al-n iiiiineiise, niiil e nisninesa ere it i|ii,iiilily nf -alt. " Wh.ile niiii.hei' nf li-liiiin Vessels nf all ileseripli niH ' n.M.'l'.' Measiiiinn I. .lis. ll.ii.'.ilil N mil her nf men nnvinaieil hy l.-i.li.V.I Salt they eniisiime •MX'Mtt hlnls. (iniinlily nf I'lsh iheytnkeaml eiiie l,,'l.'i't.7lKl ipiiiilals. .Nnniher nf llnrl•l'l^. nf nil .'ill.,"!'.'!! hariels. Nniiiher nf hnrrels of inarkevl .'ill.iliiO harr' Is. •• Tlier.' are iiiaiiy Heiitlem.'ii whn a— ert.aml nwin//// t 1.1, tniil line yeir tliei'i- w.'ri,' iit III.. I,ahra.| .r ami Itny. nver l,7li;» Miil hesiile the li,i:ik.'is ; hill I fe..l Very 1' niliil.'nt tliey are iiiih-'i inista'iea, it i- i.np issihl,. il |.an I .rrecl.'' 'i'heii .Mr. Ailams nJM's tin' .111' Inirity nl' liis .'ipjir ilia' i .p, .'p p i^i' '23'!, |.i the Inij.u inn sL-ilonu'iits IVniii '• Cnl- ijuliiinn's 'I realise (in llie Wi'allh, I'.i.M'r iiii I Kes.mre..s .if the lirilisli I'iiiipir ■,'' 'Iw-X K lit., 1.S15, " Till' rnlnf nf these llsheries. in talile .V.i. 8. ii;i:;e, :tli, is estinialeil iit t'7..'>'i0.iK|l)slerliiiLr. " ' .\e\v Uriinswii'k ami .N'.iva Se..liii. fr.mi heiiii; Imtii witer...! hy the Itiy nf fiimly, enj.iy nilvaiila^'es nver Cainv.la, wliieli ni.ire than e.niipeiisnti' a yreater -teriliiy nf snil. I'ln'sc iire t.i he traeeil tn the valiiiihli.' iiiiil evti"i.-ive ll-heries, in the May nf Fiimly, whieli, in p.iiiit nf iilnunlnm'e ninl virietvnf the Iin. lirilisli cnhinies thus enci'iirauetl hy Ih- reiimval .it nil r.>m|ietiii.ni, has lieen ;,'ren(!y nu-in-iit.-l ; aiel imlliiii;; Iml .-i imjre e.^tcmlci ii..piilalinii is reipiireil tn carry this valiiahle hrancli of tnnle iilin.'st 1 1 any (iiveii exieiil. •■ it will he s 1 hy a reference to tli.' mites in the inhlea .ne\e.l In this chapter, thai the in/iahiliin/n nfihv f'ni/ril Slnlr.i ile- rive incalciilahlc ailvaiilii>.'es, ami eiii|ilnv a vast i u nher of men ami vessels in tlm lisln'ries in tin' river SI. Law reiicc, ami on Ihfr t\>{ i\a!^ri■ "• "" < '"••*"'' '" ''"'"i ' ""• ^^■"" '"'i'"'. '"■ '' 'i-ii" fj 111^ nil II '1>I||'I,V >11 lilr^i' «i'll^, |). •111. * p' .. . Il ti.,i'".h'.ui*"Ir""'"uM""!'i' "%""■''";'' «'""' i"'"l"^'"i"t'"'i*i'l'm)., Ill till. 1111.1 i.tliprr.iinli-li.swlfM Trnv.. iv inliv.l n rlu'lr Wl'iiiii III. I'm^^^^^ kiiiK.lniiMli.iiM.i. .iiiiiliir ii.lMiiitnu.. Iivin llip tMin-i'- ii |io.„.....i ■,1,1 ; .• , , ' '" 1 M"K'i"i IIM' II •llllimi' IHlMlllinui' llV'lll Illi' ll-lirni'. Il |,(i->ri.-i'l( Zl ,, , nV 1 i'-lv'-lwit. vl... Ill .Null!, Aiii..nni,(|„.||i,i|H III., nrli,-. I m „i |„-,.|ill,. i„ tli- «„i|.li hy il... n,L,Xi;,i,''T ''■■;'''' '^^^'■'''l''''■'''''''"■''^^ t.. llHliimli,,,,. ,,..., «il ,l |.r,.vi...i.lv|.,.vti.tfi,t.m. i, M, ■ I'l "■■'■'*'"«," I';';;"-" limt-'l Ih. .■.■i.tuln ,,..,iMl wlimi ll.li iiiil.v iiuulil, ulllitli.. |.iu.l'.t{,. „f riirliij -ii 'li l|.|i til'iii • I 111' u'.'il l"u''. ,-^' """ "" ' ' 1"," I"."' '■'"'"' " ""■'' I"""""' "'""'■'' > "•'"'" «t"li""-. I'l" ' ' l-niiit I1..11.. WMin.j.i M(«iliit|.lttteaiuai.'»,<«.w..iillii*uiij..i,vV.niiJ..rt..Mli,.ili,.i.|-.,i.|,.|,i iiulnuMl.iii,.. ujimi„.j„„vn, .lilt.'.' y AW 'V. Mii'tof trimr liiliiiirirn hhiid. uli,.-, ... n , , . I , ... ' '"■■-'""• »"•' """'1 ">■"*•• >»■., iii|,H III I .,.,,,,11, r,.|iini,im witli t'lill nri.' i... t i lli,.ir .iwii |..ii'l». an. ;„ i. Ill , ! 1 ' '""'"•'■"I "i..|i...i,|,l„.v,..|,i, ilii,||.ti,.,.yi.,.„i,„„,„| ,„ |„,uv III..,.,, ,u„| ,,v,.|„v t „„„1. o^im 1,^ ; > u , ; ■^T"''"'" ' "'' ' i'-yv,.tl..,|,„i„| W..II'. Ii.tr,.,.ii,u. w..n.il ii ,1 .hut Ih- ,i„.„i„ .,1 p.. ,. " ""'•"'■'•'•■ ''•I'lv.llliii'tlio^.. s1au-iii..iitii>verofoi'tJ>i> hnt tf)y,.:iM ..f tTio J.wf. niitlli,. linl M v..„in .if the jirrsi'iii I'l'iiiun'. W.I uiT iiit iii'f.ini...,! vviiiM- . ifi,. .', 1 1)1) » h.iT -h „r ;,i „.\ -r,.! «,.,,. tti,.„ ...uulii.tmf «,. Ii;n.. il i.ini.Mi of.S...Mt,ir Jm-Ti. .M.. I ,1' ,,„..., )a.i ; III. „f Urjij,!, H,i .f, ,vli.i siv.t •■ l-.Tlup, I hIi ml,| i. ■ tliim,'!.- hicli irj; • i :i'. C.mn.i.Hi „„.i., «t IH1-* Willi .M.i.|„,kiii.x ■ iiiiMiv^ 1 'l-U.-y .1.1 H I ill III.. i„i;, ,|.|iiii' r,.iiii,i,.i,ii,m wlii 'li I hue .iii itcl. bui tli.'v UrO.llUl.M MIH I.I 11 ll.|ll:lllll f..rs.Mliil,ir. |„ |S|S. vv,.|l...'< 11. Ml I. '*..!• -I .111 I 1 .i.ls ,.l Uri- Il 1... .s.'H.i. IMM niiil I li..,T u,M I, , |.,.,.,,„ I i,„iii,.||,.,.,. iliK, vvim||,mll.'V.'rli:iv;«i.,.,.:i,i,ii I,, ill SI M ,. r.-l w,.iv iIumi |:iiii,<| ,is Mliun.l,.iii 1.1, II,. ,.,,,,( ,,t .\.,v K„^|ai.,l ms,,„vh'I In iti.. u-,,H I. :„„1 i,, „,,< ii ,i in, III vir-. mirr iliii Mii. Iilhi- llti.lli.li 111,1 u'lvii. ,!,.«,■ ....1,-fl. , If a..il,.,-. Till. .\r i,-„.ivl Ii, •.,.:, III. ,,r,viiii.i,.l n. mi li„. i,;.,!, .m.llv t;,- ,aii •'''rw,""'i . ' "'". '",' *"'"'' ^'■■'■"•^'■i'l^'''^i"'il'"i'"i^"'"^M"^'niili.Ci,ih.|s„f,.,iii| |,s;ts. TlM.(',ii,iiii,,i.,iH.rH III l.'^I-" Iril ii..oli..rlii-iii..,.. Ii'ii tjiiriitv: 111,. ('HlisiMi.il il,i, i!,.v .Ii j in ,i nmiiii.-r l"ii Tiih- s .lisC„.|,,rv t,. Hill*.' 111. Ml lllt.'l',.sl(.||, From Ih.i nsc'ilimn nl ..iniiiu.ly \voll-iiiro|.„i,.,| (il„iir<.sl..r ..(Ti. inl... nri-ciil.'.j «. (.11, li l.y lli.. Am.'il.nn < (mii«.|. 111., mate nf lliiii:.... .I..s,.|ili,.,| l.y llip.ic U,.>l,,ii fr.iiil..|i,.n in \H\:,, w.iiiM |,,i\<. ntnli r;;. 11.' ;i ■.•-ini.l.'to .Ikiii.'.' nnl f.r..,ri..sNiv..ly 1111,1 111 i>.'(',.r,lniii.B Willi 111.. Iinvs ..f niitiii.. ; l.iit .m llitinnitrnrv, iIki .sii.'.'ios iiii.l niiairiiy "t fiHli vniifilit IM ..ur water.., iiml lli.' nmiil.,'r of v,.ssi;.ii. i',.,,pl,. wlm il., nut kimw lli,,-.,. iiiirily Hiiil .•iiiliiif;i'i,ii, li.li,'rni..ii ,.f ( !inii..,.m..|'. ,v,inl,| |,„nlly l.,.li,.vc lliut miiiic nf tlii'in linv.' jr..ii.' llin,ii;;li 170 tripn .'.iiis,;. (•illiv..!y. vyitliiiiit .'vrr (liiii'liiiiL: in lli.'ir ,^piii-:iii sli.icisni. iiiiil..r iiii ,iv..i-H..'n l.i» ..f Sl'-J.". cu'li ti ip ! Wlio slimild w.in.li-r. if. Ill lli.'ii',li>-ii>t of s-irli nil nii,-i-,it,.fiil ii<-l;ii..uU.,!.4rn,..nt. iii;i.'ki.i..l ..IlhiIiI Imv.. j,r,.iii' to .Islaiil zones, wlicr,' Ihi'v ....iiM 1. 1' l.|.||pr iippirciiilcil ! fool pliil,.M.pli,.|s tlioii^rlit iliry w.Ti. Iioiin.l 1,1 I,., In,,, io „ini. tlic won.li'is of the ^vorll|. Th.'y were nii.slaiii.n. Ilore IN li.it w luifnl |,,vvn of (ll,.i,.e :.r. Sim,. „( M,ivsi.lin..ell«. in llie I'liil...! Mi.te* of Aiiiei iei'i, wlrch |ui» I,,.,.,, I.iiilf. mill lins;:iowii lip lii'limnl pn,,, „s. liy iiceniiiiihiliiiir !o.se> iii.il 1 nill^ upon f, , r li.>..eMiiiil niins. The I.iiliiliilh.sliiiy ot ils.l>n.!..rK shonjil le iiiHT lii'il ns Ihe tcnil, wnn.ler. I iv y,.«r. 111,,! ..xpei inii'iilal »,■] e «»« appli,.,] |,, fish ,S,.i,.nee is ,!iHi,lenl, 11s shown hy I'lif, IhiinI ; "in fuel. >nen,.,' leni'hes •,in,.erlaiiity miil nnl.'ll.'f. l.eeanse the ni,.re a man learn-, the more lie liiiiis' liiii,-,.lf i„n„ranl.— iho liior.. he liiliois to Know ,1 what h,. Ihon-ht In he on,. iliiiiM. i, not ai-uher ihiiii;. The wilMi.-s,.s lioin (;h,n..e.|.'r am loriii.M in thai s,'l,o„l „( pl,ih,M,pl,ei>. wl,o ,|„,ili| „f ihelr own ex'sleiiee. Tli.'ir town is ahea.lv a nivlli ; their lani.li.', w.nilil lave soon 1 ,1 tie. >niiie ; ami ains ! il,onis..lv,.s. i( ihey ha.lhien too j.inj; h,.f. ru this ( ;.ninii-si„n woiilil have to kiclj raeh o'li.'r to Kii,,w wlo'iher they were nivllis or liviii".,r hein^s. I will liiivH a more |iiii„r- , asl„n (or reTiewii'iy the eviil...!,,. inomjn oiiliehajf ,.| tie (nil,. I .Slates c,.|i..iallv I'of the iiionient lli.> o.,i.iia-.| was ratlifr ti'inptiii-.-hel w..,.., what A iiiei leans of our .lavs ili,.„j;l,t ot onr tisli..ri...v ami what their aiiia.slois ihoii^ht aliiio-t u (•.■iilurT a-.'. I prneeeil ii„>t to show lliat lli.' I'.rilisli .'laiin lin.s heeii nrove.l. Mr. I'WA : - I hill was HS to the e,.,l-lis|i,.,y. ' Mr. jliii ii;!.;: — ! ihiiil; ,||,,y h:ivr mail,, very hll!.' il illi.; ..fi.-e ''i'. l'\'..\: Co'llisliimr is pro-pi'imis now. .Mr I ,.1 ii,.| u-li ninst not lie fo,.t;olieii. as one , f our l,.ain..,l Irh.iuls evpre-M,! h-.n-elf :m re(er,.ree to other mal'.'i-. ,l„y ha.e i„.w a point to ,aiiy. Wh.'n .Mr, A.laiii.« wm- .'..lleeiiiii: his inhirnialion. he hml 1,0 point to carry nilsniplyl,, .,;iv,. a plain .sfateirenl of (aels These ri.li Hshei'es, whali were sp.-k.n of il. sn.li i.lowin.T i,.ni„ in l.SlVJ havp. It IS a.s.ili.l, ,|,.,.hie,l Io ,i„ihiiii;. heenn-e we ask lor llioir value I never li,.,inl lli.. mailer more nla-nly ami Kipiareiy lm,| .(own llian ,| w.a^ ye-l.iih.y. hy my h.ariie.l frienil, Mr Whilewav. when he sai.l. •• \ow, that y.m poj.M'.ss I i,.M. h.liera.s, |,„„. mil. h woiiM y„ii ask h.r their siirren.hr Y' It we were to turn the lahh.., in this manner we wonl.l s,.e II;.' t ,l,.ii,a.sl,.r ):,iii|,.men ,',.|i,iiii: li..re aiel ile.s-ril.imr ,|;,, ti,|„.,-i,.s in Ceiitenuial eojors, ' Mr. )as-\ :— Oiirl..si:m,.ny wa- all t., the ,.|i;., t that llie enil-(ish..rv is .still proliiahle in ( il, in'esler, .Mr. I».irri;i;:— I Ih nk at |i,i- ii.iii- w nsi mi.h.r.t.anil tiie hearln^ of ih,' tesiaioiiv, or we will never ,lo so (he h»!,er...s in .M,,i,i.. ii,v.. !..'.„ ...lopK.o.ly ,U:U.y.{ ami no l,.a./er e.vi-t. 1 will leaif l,.,ni il,.. te.s.im.mv on that point 111 a 1,'w .110111, 'I, Is. Th,' mill, her o| .MiieriiMn v.-s,|s Ire |iieiilinM; ih,. Hriiisli-.\ in -rieaii water.s eoiihl leit he I'vlimat,. I with nny (Icgree o( pr.Tisi.ni. W itn,.sses nriM „„!y s,„.,,k of what lli,.y hail si'tii, aii.j bnt very (ew ef them euuM, within a 110 short tiiiiP, no oTPr all tin' fisliiij;: grounds ;in(l iiinko ;ai cgliiimtc, even if tlii'y liiid goiin nminl wiili that iilijcot ia vittw. Tlioy liiid to trust to what fln'y had heard from other parties, who ahont thu same t'nii; ha I hecii in other por- from othflr? with their ovrii. they were able < i;ive a tions of tliuse waters, and liv eoinhiiiiii;; the ii?io\vleil;^e aiiiuired stutemcnt of the miinl'er of yessels fre(ineiitiiif> tlmse waters. ('ft|)t. Fortin, p. ;{'JM of Hrilish evideiiee, slates thHt in the I'rovinee of (.^dielice only, tiie ;i.\tent of . ; coast on wliicli the fislieries of Canada nre eondneled \» ahoiit l,()ii(> niihs : and i'rof. Ilinii, |i, vii. of his vahiabie pa' r. csti- inatcH the area ofcoas>t!;l waters eonecded to the I'liiKd States hy (l)e Treaty, to heahont 1 l.!M)() sipiare iniU':*. A ricnns riliiout. ;d)it of fnhin;,' nil anmnd tlie Uav of Knndy and on the sonthoast roast ot Nova Scot- ]^Rhson, 'Jilih .American Atliihivit, estimates ll I'liimer. '-'L'cl I'inrce. 21tli " Gerrini^, 2(i!ii *' " Wotison, 30th "• *« Kndiree, IfiTth '' •" Grant, I.sflih " have been in thi ronntinj; the (iiilf ; hut iho linlk of the Ameriean fleet entered thp (iiilf, principally liy tin; (iiil o( C'anso, and ftlso hy goinj; round Cape Hreton. or hy tlie Strait of J}eMe Isle, ooniiui^ from Newloundland. We have n miVM of evi- dence tiiut they were on all points ■■t tiie saao' lime ,'ind in larf;p numh«r.s. -Aniericiiii fleet at I'li) sail. TOO " cays from 7ilO to 8(10 says 7(10. '• 70(1, says 700 to HOO. siiys 700. Bradley, the (irst .Vnicrican witness ex»tnined before the Coiumic-sion, in «nRwcr to the .\inuriefln eoutisel, p, 2 : Q. Give an approximate amount to the ho.»t of your jiidj^nient? A. (lOO or 700 ciMtainly. I have been in the ]{ay with 0(10 sail if American vessels, but llie number ratlier dlmitiisbed alon;; tiic; last years I went there. Kvery- tuin;,' tcniled to drive them o\it of the May, cutters, and one tbiii,!^ and another, titid Htially I went lisbin;^ in (air own waters and did a ;^o(id deal better. Ciraham, p. 10(i o* .Vnicrican lOvld.iicp, undertakes to contradict Hnidiey, — but linally lie Ins no l)Olter data than J.radley to j^iiide himself, and after all his elhirls, he admits the number to have been 000 sail, 'Ihis \v,is (luring the existence ot the l!eei|iroeity Tre.ity, anil on this ]ioint, as well as on all others, it is to that period that w" niii.st refer, \(i find tinalojiy of cireiiinstances. The iiveraije catch (ll these ves.sels presents natr.iiilly ii great diveisity of apprc-'i; tiun, mid on this, the causes which divided the witnesses are more minicrons than those coneeruiiiu; the number of vessels. First the tonnage of the fishing Vessels, varying fiom :>0 Ions to L'OO tons, must have regiil ted the catch more or les.s When ;■ vessel hart a full cargo, .she hail to go home, even il fish had etMitiiiued to swarm around her. 'I'hen the mo^tt favored spots eouid not admit of the whole fleet at the same r. ip. 'I'hey litiil to scatter over the whole fishing area witli fluctuations of luck and mishap. We must add to this tutit many "f the crews were composed of law nuuerial, who had to obtain their education .■ind enuld not brin'j V(>ry large fares. Some Nat uralists have expressed the opinion that lisli are inexbaiistilde, and that no amount of fishing can ever affect the ipiantity in any manner. When it is though; that one single cod eiriies from 3 to 5 millions of eggs for reproiluetlon, one mackerel half a iiiillion, and one her- ring 30,0110, as testilied by Frof. Uairil, on pages -iHi) to tfll of the United Slates evidence ; there was .some founda- tion for that ojiinion, liut several causes have been admitti''! as diminishing and sometimes ruining altogether some species ot fish, J'redacious fish, siieli as shark, horse-mackerel, dogfish, bluelish, and iirohably iiiany others have had both effects on some species, ( See I'rofessiu- liaird's evidence, at pages 4(12. 4 7(i and 477,) A more rapid mode of destruction has Ijeen iinfversally recognized in the use of seines or purse-seines, by which immense (pmn- tities of fish of all kinds and sizes are taken at one time. Hy that means the mother fish is destroyed while loadiMl with eggs. Fish too young fiu' consumption or for market are killed and thrown away. It is tlii^ universal opiuion among lishermeti that the iiuivitable etl'eet of using purse-seines must eventually destroy tlu^ most abundant fisheries, and many .\uierican witnesses attribute the failuieof the macdieiel fishery on their own coast, in 1><77, to that cause. It is true that this theory is not aceepti'd by Frol'es.sor Hainl, who however has no ih^eided opiuion on the subject, and who has given the authority of a pul)licalion, which he contruls, to the [lositive assertion that this mode of catching fish is most injurious, F. 470-177. \\ hen a vessel of sufheieiit tonnage is cinployed. that is from 4(1 tons U|iwanis. the catch of niackend has varied from 300 to 1,">50 barrels in a scmsoii hir each vessel. Here is the eviileiice on the sulijeet ot m;e kcrel : — Chiverie, Hiilish evidetiee. p. II. ma'ies the average l.'iO iiarrels per ressel in a jierioil ot "JT years. Some years, th:it average reached 7(10 bairels per vessel. Ar;iiT/e;in. p. 25, says the average das been ."lOO per vessid during the twenly years, fnun lH."i4 to 1S74. Caiu|iioii, pp. 32, 34, 3.S, average for 18(i3, (;.";() barrels ; l.s(J4, from GOii to 700: IWOr). over 070; 1877. some c, light 300 barrels with seine>. in one week. One vessel seined a .school estimated ftt 1000 barrels. Poirier, p. 02, average catch ."lOf) to (100 per vessel in one season. liarbnur, p, 70, " '• oOO •■ '• Sinnutt, |i. s4, '• ■■ .")Oii fJrcoier. p. S7, ■' " ,"mIO to (100 ■• Mcr.(!(iil, p. OH. •• •' ,")(in •' .... Mackenzie, p. 120. aver.ige catch ot lu-ickercl 700 leirrels per \essel. (irant, p. I.s2, " ■• CoO to TOO Furcell. p, 107, " 2">0 per trl|>. Mctlnire, ]i. 210, average eatidi of mackerel, (100 per season, I'orty-four other witnesses examined, on behalf of the Crown, and eross-cxainincd behirc the Commission, have stnled th;' same fict, 'I hesc statements are cmilinn. d by the following .\mericjip rvitnc'sos : — \'.i I 'i IJradley. .\merie;ni cvidem St.iplet'on. Ki'iiip, r'rcenian, I'rieiid, '• OriH". l.eigliton, l{i?gs. Howe. Fbitt, Cook, " 2, CiOO barrels, p. lo. Olio p. O:!. 000 to 700. p. 7."). (loo to 7."o. |i. 110, .'120. p. 127, 23:1 p..r irij) — l(!il per season, p, 1 10, 3111 ■■ =: 7'_2 p, l."i(;, 312 • =084 p Kll. 21(1 •• -= 402 p.— IT.'i, 3T."i " r - (i,'"lO P— 1.- — ,"ii;() Ill \>.l) p.— lltl. 4r,7 ' =!)11 p.— 2(IU. 210 ' = 4S() p.— till. 27 ;J • =:. r.4(; p.— -Jlid. 27it • = ri4o p.— 2;!.'). 2')!> > = r)]s p.— 3-2'). 4l;! • ' = ^8U Siiiiih, Aiiiciiouu uviik'Deo, p. — ISC. 274 | er lrip= otS per scftson. Moliiiiis, " ~ (liinler, •' Martin, Turner, Kowe, '■ LakuiDnii, •' 111 iikIlt llint any ciii' iiiiiy verity tin' ciirrceliifss of lliis estiinato. for every v;itnes.<, [ may stale that lliirt is the process tlirciu;,'li wliicli 1 arrivi-d at it. I iiu.k tin' number of barreLs eauglit in eacli trip, by every wituuss, and divided tlic totulby Ibe nun, lier of trips. .Sunie witnesses liavc made more llian tliat uverajfe ; others iiuve made less. I abslaiiieil from takini; the lar;ier and tlie .^mailer eatclies ; ami, in tiiis respcet, I have bdluwed a mudu of estimating the matter, whieli has lieen iiicorpdrated in onr le;;i.-latinii. When, in 1854, Seisnorial tenure was abolished in Lower I anaihi. iiidcinnuy was to be paid to the sei;;niors who eoneeded, ii,r Idds-i't-viiiUs \ that is to srv, a kind of penalty upon any .sale or iimtalidii of piopcily wliieh l.iok plaee, eon-istini; of one-twelfth of purchase nioii'ey. There was no fine imposed on [iroperly liein;; transmilteil by inheritanee, only in eiise of mutation by sale, or auytliinp; equivalent to a .sale, siieh as e.\cliaii;.'e. Tlic'n to estimate the value of that ri;.,'bt, which was so variable, Ijeeause durinu' some years there would be almost no mutations in a sei;,'niory, while dnrin;j; other year" there would lie iiianv : a rule was adopted by which the meome of the ,Sei;rui„ry, from that source, (or 1 I years, was taken, the two hij;hest and two lowest years struck out, and the 10 other years held to eonslitute an avera;;c. and the ainlisro,i and Oiphan H.uiks, all the bait for which is cauglit inshore and consist in inaidierel and licniug. Lebrun, p 2.S0,— 700 to ,S00 (|uiiitals. from ('a|)e Cliiilte to (iaspe. per vessel. Jloy, p. 2i):i. — lias seen 2.>0 to ;!O0 Aiiieriean vessels cnd-fishiiig. ,Iohn .^IcDonald, p. ;!74, — OOO quintals. Sinnelt, p. ,S5,_,",00 draughts or CiOO <|iint,ils. The following ichiti^s to herring : — Fox, Custimis Ollbrr ; Hrit. e\id., p" 1 1 I.— (iOii.OUl) haruds entered outward since 18r>4 ; at least ouc-halF of the vessels have failed to report. I'iiis is near .^Iagdalens. i'ureell, p. 1:»,S. _.",(( vessels tishiog an I c-atehiici ea.-h KKIO barnds, .McLean, p. 2;!.')._ln l!ay of Kundy, 100 to 12."> Ainericau ve,-sels lisbirig for herring in winter, and catching 7 to 10 million herrings, which went to Kaslport Lord. p. L>l.-,._l.V„m s;)oii.,)(Hf to 81,0110,(1011 worth of liening caught annually, by Americans, from Point Lepre- aux. imduding West Lsles, Campnlcllo and (iraiid .Maiinn. I!av of l''iindy, Mci aiighlin. p. 2.' l-2.')."i, csiiniates at 81 ..".OH.OOO, ihc annual catch of heriing by Americans, around the Island and the mainl.md of Mav ipf Kuudv. li.M.iiiir. rui.i.iiiK. 11.\m:, li.Muiiirii, were caught by Americans all over Ciuailian waters, — but in small i|uantity, and their .separate mention here would take' more tiiiio and space than the matter is worth. However, will .see what is sai.l concerning these difCoivnt kinds in the suuinvuv of evidence ciinceniini; the inshi.ro fisheries, er wo In the (ilseharge^of my cluiy lo my (iovernimnt. I l.avi- thought prepei to go over grounds which laid at tlic threshold (d' iIk' (|Ue,sti(Mi at issue.— first, because tie' representatives of the ( nitcd .Stales (iovernmcnt had .selected them as a fan- field fur surroiimling that (piestioii with artificial clouds of piTJiidice and lietitious combination of fact.* and fancy —and in tie' second place, because I thought that the main iiiiestion would be better nmlerstood. if the path leading to it was pavcil with a sub-lanlial ami truthful n.irration of the ciieiiiislances which had broiiu'ht this Com- mission totrelher. The 1 nited .Slates are b(i!irid 1(1 pay cumpen.saiion, not for fishing generallv in waters surrounded by Uritisli ternl(uy. but for being alloweil to fish within a zone of three niili's. to' be ineasnreil. at low water mark, from the cousl or shori's of that lei rilory. ami from llie enlr.iiiee of any i4' its Itays, crreks or harbors, always rem-mberin',' that they hail the right to fish all arouml Ma-daleii Islands and the coast of" Labrador, without restriction as to di.staneo. '1 he fiineinms of this Conmiission consist in determining the value of that inshore fisheries, as compared to a privilege of a siirilar (hiiraeler. granted liy the I'nilcd Sites to the subjects of Her .'Majestv. on some parts of the I'niled iStales coasts, and then to emiuir. > bat iippreeiable Iwiulii niaj- result to Ibe i'anadians, from the admission of the produce of their fisheries in the riiited States, free of ilnly. in excess ,,f a .similar privilege granted to the I'liited Stales citizens, in Can.ida : and if such exce-^ should be ascertained, then to appiv it as a set-i H' again.st the excess of the grant made to the rnited Stales over that niailo to the subjeets (d Fler .Majisly. .\s the learned agent and ccuii.>el. lepresenting the rniled Slates, have o'flencriliiisi d llie ail- of the colonists, wdu'ii they coiisiraiiied the Auicrieaiis in execute the treaties and to (d)ey the mniiieipal laws, first of the separate I'ro- yinccs. and then of tiie |)omiiiien. probably with the object of contrasting the bberalily of their L'overninent with the ilbbcralily of our own; I v/ouiil like lo ask which of the two governments went more open handed in tic framing of lln' fishery clauses i.f the Treaty of Washington ^ Did we restrict Ibe ojicrations of the Amerh ans lo anv latitude or geogr.iphiral pniui, ,,\cr anv part of our waters? Not at all. We admitted them everywhere ; while oil their part ibey niaiked the :!.)ili parallel of norlli lalilule on one uf their coasts, to wit : the eastern sea coast or shores, as the heri'uleau column beyoml wbieh we cool. I imi be ;idmil|i'il. 4'he immediate ,\nd praelical coiiseipicnee was that we granted the liberty lo lish over 1 1 .'.lOO miles of sea coasts, where the bulk id' the lishiiig is located ; and we were Ill' griiiilel ilic v';;li( tn fisli civit ^.'lOO inili's i.f sea cnii-ls, wlicri' 1,0 li.-liiiii.' U ildiic, of imy i-i>im'||iii iicp. Iiy tlie Aincri- t'iill.s llicmst'lvo ; iu]il wliiTi' iki Diilisli siil jcct lius cvrr Ih'i 11 mimi. ( As Id iiri'ii, sec I'rot'. lliiiil's piipcr, |i!i<;i! Nil.) Ill tlii- iii>liiii<'c llic A riciMis ciiiiliot iMitiliiist tli<' tJiKul williil ilu' Iin]icii;il ( invciiiiiinit willi tin' iliiln'iiilily (/f llio cdloiiisl-, lic'cniisc ilic liiltiT well! rr|irc>('iili'il in llit- .li ini [['••ih ('i'iiiiMi>.-i..ii. l,y llii'ir tii-t Minister, wlm ii>m'IiU'i1 tn lliL' Ti'i'uly. tiiiil llic Diiiiiiiiinii I'iirliMnii 111, Mii'l lli(> l,i';;ii (I I'. K. i-Iiniil. inpl nf N\>\vr(Miiiill;ni(l, oiiiiaily nssi'iilfil, tliri)ii;jli sr.lcnin I'liili iiii' itjiry Ads III (li'jiliii}; with till? V!ihic 11. ill cxlrnt of tlii' Noitli Hrilisli-Aiiiiriciiii I'Hast lislii'iles I lliink I iiiriy, with ail saft'ty, say, liii.t in llio \v;ilor.- siiirnnniinL' tin' lliici'-niilc linii s. lliiTi' is im dfiji-si'a li.-lu'iius at all 'I'lio assortinu may ii|i|icm- lifi/iinloiis 10 cm AiiK.'rican ti-icmls. luit I am sun' llicy will aL'iii' willi iiu'. wlii/ii I r.iiiiiiil tlii'in nt' the wIkiIi' loariii;: nf llirir own I'viili'iici'. No ili'iilil llii'ir wilin'sx's liiivc niiiilo use of tin; words ili'i'|i-si'a li>lii'iii's in nm- tinilis;ii]riiin lo tlio sliorc li>li('rii'^ |iro|iiT i lut is tlinc iini> of lludr witiK'SsfS who lias oviT inilcniliMl to have caught fi.-li 111 any |ila('i> oiliur than liiiilcs, wlii'ii it was not iii>liorr? 'J'lie wlmh' nf till! witiu'ssi.'s on butli siilos liiivc ti'sti fd that when they wito not lishiiii; inslinro they wen' fishin;^ nroiiiid .Mnjjdahn Islands, whieh is aimihei' shore, on ()r|i!iaii, IJiadley or .'Mi.M'on, or other liaiiks ; hut as regards a (li'e|i sen tislieiy in contradisiinetion to hanks or slmre fi-liery. tlieru is no such tliiiiu; in the wdiuk' evid''nee. Mr Al.KXAM>i:i( »!ai.t : — Are ynii nnw referrin'j to the lislierios jreneially. or to the mackerel lishery in ]iarlieii]ar? ^Ir. DoiTlii;: — To tlie codli-hi'iy also. Cndlish is taken on hanks. Mr. Dama : — It is a (jiiestion nt name. — what you I'all a hank (i^lurv. Mr. DoL'TliK : — Is imt the result of the wlmle ovideiiee on hoih sides, that li-li is to he found on the ena't, within a few miles, lU' on hanks, itnd no where else ? This is tlio juMclieal experieiiee of all lisheinien. Now, seienco explains wdiy it is so. That elass of evidence is uiiaiiiiiions on lliis nu)>l impiirlanl parliciihir. namely. a.s tu llie tem- perature necessary lo the existence of the cidd water tisli in ermimereial ixlinndaiice. such as the cod and its trihe, the iiiaekerel and the herrinj;. which im hide all the (ish vHlu.ihle to our coinnierce. Aceiiidiii',' to the evidence I shall quote, the increasing w.iniilh of the co.-tal waters nf the I'nited States us Sniiinier adv.inces, diives the fish off the euast siuith of New I'liiihiiid into the deep sea, and puts a stop to the Suiniiier lishiiig for these, iisli on those parts of tlip ciiiist in the I iiited States, — a coinlitiiui of things due lo the shoreward swing ol the (iiilf Stream there. On the other hand, it is stated that on tin asis nf ISritisli vVuieriea, where the Antic euncnt prevails, the fisli I'ome iushniu during tic Suuinii'r muilhs. and retire to the deep sea in the Winter inoulhs. J'rnks>nr l^aiitl says, nii page 4.').') of his evidence hefnre the ('iiniui'ss'nii, speakiiiir oi the cndlish in answer to the qnestinn put hy ^Ir. Dana, " What do ynu say nf their niigratinii-^ y' Answer — " 'I lie end is a risli the niigra- tinns ol which cannot Icfnilnwcd readily, heeniise it is a deep-sea ii.«li and does iin, show on the surface, a.s the niaek- etel and heiring ; lint so tar as we can ascertain, there is a partial i dgiatinii, at least .some of the fish don't jesm to remain in the same loealitijs the year round. They cli.inice their siluatioii in search nf fond, cir in runs' r/uf nee nf the vitrid/ioiis in the ?cw/)irr(/«/('. the percentage of salt in the water, or snine other cause. In tlie .-.uitli nf New Eng- land, south of <.'ape Cod. the fishing is largely ntl-shnre. That is to sav, the Hsh nre oH' the cn.ist in the cmder water in the .Sniiiiiier, and as the temperatnre tails .ipprnaciiiiig .\iitiiiiiii, and the slinies are emded dnwn tn certain degree, they come in and are taken wiihiii a lew miles nf tla^ enas;. In the Siirtlirrii tralfru, as tiir uk I can iindeisland frnm the writings of I'n lessor llind. the li>h generally gn offshore in the Wiiiler h'nio, excepting on the si nili side of New- foundlanil, where, I am iiiloinied, they maintain their stay, nr else come in in large nniiiheis; hut in the Hay of Fundy, on the enast of Maine and still luitlier north they don't remain as close to the shore in Winter as in other seasons.'' 'inuwiil ohserve that I'rnfes'nr lla'id limits his stateim nt tliul the warm waier in Summer drives ihe fi'^h nU' the coasts nf th : I'uiled Stales In the sonlli of New I'',iiglaiiil only. The water appears to be cold eiinugh fnr them on the coast of Maine in Siiiimier lo peiuiil nt their coming in sliore. lint now let ns see what he s.nys of the eoiiditinn of the lishories there. In hi> ntliclal rcpnrl lor IsT'J aii.l '7.'!, the fnilnwin^; n'liiarkalile stateiiieiit is lo I (! louiid : — " WImtovcr iDiiy lie llie iiii| .r. Iiim-e nf iiu-iv siiiL' tlic >iil'|i v "( :; ilim 11. il i« liiHiiij: emu |m red wiili ihc iisiuiiitioii nt'niir fj-- /i((i/s/f./ ('(id-li.-lu.ius; ;iii.| v|„„, ,| i|,ivi. |„. |,|(,n;jlit liiiik tn tliili- (hil'UimI e..ii.litiiiii, we chilli I'm within;' sli.ut tine, an increase of woillli on uiir slimes, till' uiiiuaiit nt HJiicdi it wniilil lie ilillii'iilt In ealeuliite. Nut eiily «niili| li.e gniioial |ires|i('rily nf llie ftiljacciit Slates lie enliniieeil, liiit in lln' in 'i-eusi'l naiuliiT nf vessels Ijuilt, in tlie laijier niiiiiher of men imiuceil to lievnle llieiii>elvis to Mari- time [(lu'siiils, anil ill tlie };('iiciiil sliiiiulas tn e \erMliiiijj enniieoti'd with the liiisiness of tliu .sea;.-iiiii;j lunfes.-imi, we >lii iiM lie le- enveriiiL' in n ;!ie:it iiieii.-ine, IV. in tint Ni^s wliirli liii'< l.ieii llie s Te of sn iiaieli laiiieiilalinii tn imlitienl erniHiiiiist.- mil ftcll- wisliori Of tliecoiiiitiy, ■'—/'((.,.(■ X ir. Hi I'iiil of Ciiiin:ih\i(i,ier ol Fixh and Fishirin, 1H7'_'-7:!. '• thus api rs I'mm tic In-^liiiinny of I'lnl'i's.^ni- Uiirij, that the cod are driven oil the ?hores n|';!ie I iiiled States south nf .New l-iiigland hy the increase nt lempniatiire in the siimmer months, and nn the New I-',ngland and .Maine shores the ukI li-heri. s are exhaii-led. Tin' i iily ei nehis'nns that can le diawn f'lom ihcse fuels are lln't the snle de- fiendaliee of the rtiifed Stut.'s lishermeii for end. which i.^ the must iinpnriant cnniiiierciiil fca ti>li. i-. with the tingle exception of (ienrgn's slinals. a'lngetln'r in waters nil' the IJritish .\iiieriran enast line. riofessor llind says in rclaiiiii In this snhjeei and in .-oi^uir tn the (pie-liiii-, '< \Vli«l nliout the cmhI .' Is it a li.-^li that rlH|ni^e^ . in- teinpii ntiiie ■ .\. Willi re;:aril tn tliu S|iawninn of cod, it always seeks tlie luldi.'t wiite'' wlieieveriee is tint |iiiTeiil. In all llie s|i;i« i.iujj; (iiuiiiiiN fmni the Stinit of jSelle Ule duwii tn .\liis..a",liii>-sots liny, -mid llicy arc very mini -ions indi-i'd,— tiny »]i^iun dm iii^' alnm^l uli ~i-:i>, ll^ nl' tin' yinr, mid alw»ys in tlinfiu IncaliticK wlier* the wmei is eid.le-^t, ver;.;iiig .11 the lieezint; ) nint. That i- llic In i /in,,- ].niiil n) nc-h woter, imt nt ^all, lieemice tlii-ie is 11 vast ilif- t'erencc lietwcen the two. The cause nf ihe spawning of the ind and llie niackei-'l, alieHaiii p .ints on the 1 'iiited Slain- coa?l-. is thus staled hy llie satiie wilne>- : " y. iV(.\v liike till' .American Cnast. show the Cnnmiission where the cild water strikes. A. .U'oeidinn In l',i.l'i'f«nr li.drd's reports there are three imlahle pninlv where the .\rct e enrnnt inipiti^res upon the Ihinks and shoals witliin the limits n| tin 1 i.ilel Stale'i wiiteis and wlieie ihi' lod and inackert I spawiiiii;: (in nnd-* me hailid. If yi n will 1 ear in miiiil the hir(je mip we fad * fhort timp ane. there were Iniir s|i(its marked (111 that map as iinliialiiiir spawiiini; (iioiinds for iiiaidii rel. It ymi will liiy dnwii upon the chart these psnr Vei 1 ill |i:is olal.lisho.l as heaiiliis wheie the .\iilii' enruiil is In.iinaht up, ynii will lind that lliey exactly euineide. One spot is the ( ■rmnu's »lioils." ir'j ( -^s 'V. > ; ."•o depclidanl is I'e eml ujnai i-nld waler- fnr lis exi-tcuee ihiil i'rnf. lia,!.! leils in 11 |ily In llm i|ilr>liii|i put liy Mr. Tlmmson : — " ('(luld cod tioin yniir knowledge live in llin waleis whieli are fri(|iiniilcd hy the iiinllet ;'' •■ .No ; neither conhl ilm iiiiillet livi' in the wiilifs winch aie lrei|nei'ied hy the cod." — ji 171 Nnw in iinnther pnri i di (d' his eValrnCc I'll I. liaiid -avs, . pa^e llii)iliai " the liiiillel is i|ni:c tdini.dant at si 1111 i::>in.- 1 11 the ,1 r.lii .'^ide nf Naw I'.iiglatid ;" find thus we havi' in a dillerent manner explained the ivasnii why the en I eaniinl live in Summer on the shores > 113 -n .June timt th.. co^l ,u, I h.,l,l„.|< ci„„„t .•,.,„.!„ .1 're T , yTu'e m 1 o ,T",. • '^^ ^""\'T"' "'" •^"'I'^aturo i, «o warm even l«n.K ,l,e N„va Socia liank. n,„l .l.e v S^ 1 < J ^^ s7 f """'""'" "\:'!"/'r'"'l '^""''^ "^ ^"wr.nn.I- rmrafivoly s,„all ,,„an.i,v ot',.o,| rak,.,, o„ ,1,., VUuM s • s '""■'■'■"'■';•„ ,V '"' "'" «<-.T'i<'" "f th,,. co,„. ••nu.h „nas, y,,,r of Cm, 1 S.aUw - ," J, ,;''".■; V""'' '"' '"'"" ''.'"'" ''^- '''■"'• "»''■'' ■^'"■" "^ '" '"■• "'« u.n;;i::; r-:l:;:;-|;,;^^ „. .,..,..„.., a. ^iMnM,orll,,.yHc.cMnt,, l,av,!H.M,iror, liHH,,p,^n».| •■_;!/, iK-' " ""' ' '" ''"'"'.^ "'^' >i.M,il,,. of |l.e cast l:„o ,'„,,, wa... i. then hnlil^i: Z t ^ ^ ^.T ^'h,: 7 I. t^ ^ uT' "' Ti'\ ' '"™" "^T^*'^ "" Imv n„i,li,i<.ii (,f t,.n,p,.rahin! reniiir,.,! i« nro.lii,.,.,! ,h,., . U "" of the , ■ml aii,l „f il„. ui^,c'u-v,-\ n„at. the tlu,. tes,i„,„„y of ho.h ,vi„„.ss..s ,lK i,o C; , I, ; ;, , T ""■ '""7^ ??•"'';" '-^ -"-''-'■•-l. it .h,.." fn,.,, peraluic. u.c.sjary tor th.. throe ,.,„„,„,.r,.l,.! luC . ^' , '"■''""^'- ' '"' '•'""l'""n of oxtruino h.w l..n.- S.a.,.s,th,H,hoZ,.ri,.ao s „ : a" ,Scf\rV:;; , h"^^^ "''"" •■»'""' '^""^' "' "-''■'!'-• whetluir for f,,,,,! or for hait. t'""I»-llLh An,..,„.an .oasis fur their supply „f tl,oso fl-h, ^'in/^l:!Z^Z7::::::::^^^ "'^'l .h,.,.,,,„ishoryis ,he ...os. p,„n,aMe. a,„l th,.r,.isa„ I -■all a,.,.o,io„ to ,ho >,^i e V ,s '• ,;7 °° ""'f .7'.v!e,l an .,tf-shn,o. or so ....Ih.l ,!,«,; s a n.luMv. <«1-"P with nv. ,Hlh. f ,;. "ir n thli^r: .•'"■"^ ''""7 wholly i„ s,„all „p,.„ ho„„, a,„r«l,„„st the wh„K. .xr..„t of .\,.«foun,lh, ,1 v,.e . L ,1 )'"'>, l^>"'^"^"' "" "'" I'^'I'nulor Coast, wholly ioshor. ; on cnc.sp„rMK.,li,,,lo.,l,...phr \;, ,1^1 "r^^ "'- "'"■Hy i"-^l-n = to th. oo,lfi.h- north ru ..oast of Cap,, i^j'n q;;!,;! ^i:::: ll'.ho'lht ""' ™""' "" "" '"""' '^''"" ^'^ ""^ ^^ '■™- "" '^^<^ rV'^^'^'^^'^'^^^^^^^ n,hat,h.so.„i,„.l„..oh, "■1. in th. sca^-a,„l ,h. ten.p.ra.i.rriu^e I'^j',::' 'nrt..,; •';;;;: r^r':''; ^ "I t"" ''^T'"-" ''"' ov..rthe banks wit!, iho .lailv fh.w of th.. ti.l,., n-rnf,.. „ I ,. „- "V ' "'"''"'-^'"P •"•'t^iof wattr rises C0.1 at so,„e s, a.ons nt„l f,,,.',,, ,.k,. el at « l.,;.,!. , I , « I :' ^'T'}',^! > ' '';■" '^ "-■ fi-l-r.nan'. gr.,u„,i. Loth fur t" .^ca, ..x,„,s...l to ,1,0 lull sv,.... , of the ,h s- ,,ot 1,1 "' " "•"■':;'"" '"■'",'""- '"'"' '^" '" "'"■"' '"!'«» "'" ti.l.' l.nn.s the coi,l un-l.-rlTlnA-l . , , ,i,,J , " ", "" '"■'"■'"■'">• °"" -^"l^' "^ * ''»"'<■ "vo.' which the n,,,,,! ^t. LmTi..nc... ihfi-c is mo ini-t vi ,1„. ■M,,,,!-!..,, I U, l i , V .Ma;.',lal,.ii l>laii,ls and the estuary of the -.;.■ is so ,h.ep as withi,!"!' t:!^:e'! •i^'t:h'tt;,:!'7:;:t.,fi^;;::;r:^:';;^,5':::. ^"" 'y---'^ '-" ; '^-« lialt the ina,k,.r,.| .vronn,! ihi.r,- r\w ,l..iwl, , f ^v. , .. i . ' '^' ' '^''""; ^^'i-' o' IxiistuM,, and .>over,n^r tnlly oao- A,l,ni,alty char,, ,.:,■*,• t^." -fern 9 o ' V ,| , : ii o,?';; '"V"' ""-.'-'- /^"" the .-oast is sh^,wn L the |:n-,.s.,,,an-,,tM.arandl..avo:;/,,o"o,v"l ;.k,'^^ '"l T ' '"' ^;' ";'','' !'-''— '""^1"" A'-t ti.e l.av.. rea,i ,!,.. .l,.p,h of „aU.,- wh..re tish a ,. ',1, n i-iv , „ . ' ''y '."CMnhere,! thu, >„ one of the extracts I <-ns,a,,tlya>snrc.!lth:,t,h..,ois,otwa ,, i^^ ^^"-^ ?«'• wo havo heen <"im"m: lie.„|,.s „i| ,|,is ','•' "»'\'/ ""'-". '"f'">l'"i>' n,a..kerel fishni;? m vessels drawin|„.,-,„e„ .11 :,.,,,e,„ .ay,,,. ,!„, a.ey ,„„U away .11 ,,;e halil „, o„ .„r .ca,,." asl. A. I \i,,..riea„s ,111 tlsh there. .,iM imt fsy in While wi^ arc spcakiug of llie Imhliul, I iiiusl rcininil the iiiRuilicrs of tlie Commission of the stroimous efTorts made liy tho Aiiiericiiii I'lJiinscl miiiI wiincs^es to impress ihciii wilh tiie iKiliiin that haiibiit wiis extinct iill incr the liny III' .St. fiiiwieiiBi', am\ thiit the Amciiciiis never fislied lor eoilli^h in the (iiilC anywhere. Wo iiro not left hero 10 select hitweoii eoiillietini; testimony. We iiave jinliciul luithorily tu slrcngtheii our iissertiona. I will cxln«ct from a report lyleil in the ta.se, lour teiziire.sof vu.-.sels eanylit iu tlKinet of lisiiinj.' h; libut and eud within the three mile limit. I.iz/.it' A. Tarr. (i:i ton-. Me^^sri. Tiirr lir .■<, owner-", (II in;-ester, .Mass., V. S., sei/.ed -JTlh An),'.. IKTU, \ ti.ini llie sli ;ie in .si, .MaipireiV lliv, .N'urlli shore ol (iiill of ,st. I,:i.\ reiiee, I'r.vinee of (iaeliee. Anclmreil at \\e~t I'.niil 'ot ,St, ,\l,ir;,'iii'l'> li,i\, h. ;ir S.'Vii l>liiii.l~. Si, l.iiwieiiee e.ia.-l, U e>l ul .Moiiiil .l"l.v, alioiit "'.'lO yanl.s Iniiii llie sliove. Kive fMiiii^' liniits u(.re iil,iii^-nle tile vessel. I'rew liiiviii^; jii-t reliinieil fruii teiidiii;,' their lilies, wliieh were set helweeii f e vessel ami liie main land. Six halihiitB were fnuiid on the lines. .Master admitted that the owner of vessel had m seen in Ihe-e |ilaei><, and Home of the crew stated that if they hid ;; I >iiy-Khiss they would not have been caii;^!!!. Tiieil in Viee-.\diiiiriility C.iiirt at (inehee. Vessel cimdeiniied. Defeiiil.^d. .s dd f.ii" .$;.', Sill ; n'miiev |iai I |.i credit of li'eeeivei-tieiieral, afler dediicliiin costs imd eliiir),'es. Samuel (iiHieit. .'d t .ii<, Kieliiiid Man, in, mailer, illotieesler, Mas^., f. S., ,seiz.Ml :;4tli ,liily, I.S7I, hy .N. Lnvoie, sidioon,.r I,ii (-'aniidieime, ahoiit two mile- N.W. I.y \V. fr nn I'err '((net Isliind, near .Min«iin, on the .Voilli Cia-l of the (iiilf of St, Lawrence. At the lime of i iiipliire. si liooiier w,i,< t 'Kill;,' fresh CmiIIMi on lioiird from one of l.er Hats nloi.^sjde. Two of her hollls were actively li-hiii;,' at a distam-e of 4,'a) yards I rem shore, and men op hoard were in the act of hanliii},' in their lines with lisli ciiii«ht"oii their hooks. When seized, lioats were hall-fiill of fre-hly can.nht cod lish, and had als . on Inard IMiint; U''ar used for c.id lishin;;. Owner adinilti'd liaviiif; lUlied, l.iit pleaded a> a;i e.iicii>e that he wa> under the im|pres-ion that the [iruvisions of the \Vushiiij,'t fU'l'icity wen. in oiieiali..ii. 'I'rlrd in llie Ailiiiinilty Court at (iuehec. Vessel condemned. Vessel relensed for costs, Kiiuhi ('., (id t.nis, liiilid. (iiiiiiinnha.i.. imister, (lloure.-ter, .\la>s.. I'. S., seized •JOlli May, 18"--', hy h II. Livchance, schooner Stella .Maria, les* llnin two miles from the -liore in Tiinity Hay, .North Sle re of (iiilf <•{ St. Lawrence, I'ruvinie of (inehec. Actively li.-hni;; at lime of ciptue; had hi'eii lisliiut; nil diiy wi'lh liawl nets set from 5(1 to CUO yards fioiii shore, and e.tt.'iid- iun 6 oHi miles al 11^ the c.a-t, lietweeii I'oiiit des .\l .nlsimd 'riinity Hay, When captiired, vessel Wiis hecalmed inside of two miles of Trinity Day. had on deck two fresh call-in halihnts, and two , beciuse the herring, for iiisiaine, may he fit to eat, but not for bait. " t^. Why ? A. Because 'he li lit they ii.., |„r (ia>|,,. ex,m>i„.J l,y M,-. 11,1,;.,. nave evi,I.M,.e as Ml.nv-- ,— M„„:;^„;j^ro';:: v::; •.;;"h;r;;i';,;::',:;ii:t,:iVl;: iirrif;:,!;^^:,^^ "- '''-'-" ""■'"""' • « -- ^ '^^ ^- " y. ^I'li iliin'l (jdiiilii it fiM- the |iiiiM>(,«o „(• tnii!(. ■' V v„._„«., i.i„ le t " u. \Vh„i is the v:,i„. „r ,i,„Ho aio 1,(1 ,,,,,, Hof fiJ ,■■' X ' Ti ' ",'""'■■'' ','""■" l*!""""-'™"^'' of «i.'7.,.)o„. Ti,.. ,,„„ kH v.i,... i, hi,,;.,, ; i't";':;;!:,:'?,":,'; g, -.v, *« :e;'';;",„mi"'' " " ""' *" '"' ''""""• "'"'='' """'■^ «''* " '*'"• inshor'."*- " '" "" "'""■ '"'' '"'"' '■•■'"" ^'"•••^' ''>• "'« fi-^''*'"-'". tUe .l,e north .hore/ A. ..rincip.ll,-, ,„, 1 ..early «ltogeth.r pii.t sure nooui ll,,it . A. \ fs ; I have .i„ hcs,i,it,„n ,i, raying it cuuUl nut be carrie.l on." .Ml. .lu.sff () ^\,;ns, w\U 111,. ('(„,„„is.si„M in his i-xainiuation l,y iiiv.sflf.- fi.he:i,'';h;'.;:;;uf:-;::.r.her!:..s;:'^:;;::;:;;'^v^ '^"•n- -u,.,. ...^ .,eiKhbo,.hoo,,. :h,.,o with 8n„ill ho.ts, ,.:,ch h:.vi»L' two „m Ur . ,'i I '. h ' •'."I'^-l;"'" • ' Hp,' Ga.spe, a ,l,st.i„oe of about IMI ,„ile.,. .My fishing wn.s done dn.-inK the h,H, twenty v , , s.' i, , V ? , ' ; ^ V ., J^.^^ ""f ', Tl" uT'^'"'^ ^f''"f ' .''■■'^" •-•""'■"' "" "''" ''''"' "^ ''""i-"^ that each b,.,.t takes le.:s, but the n,,n,h. r , tat h . o, , ' e.^.blv . cr^f ^ I^^^ was -Jd years ag„ ; it m»y ho coast, a.,., the .en.ain.lei' on Mis.ou Hank (\ is k f, „' 2 ,T \ e '^ "" '"'"'"'• J""^ "^ ""^ ""' '" '"'«■" "'""t-' 'he the cast within the ,lis,,,,,,.e n,e,,,io,u.. a,,,l e r , . i i . f n M ,7 D""!"-' """•,'■ ' "'^ '"'''' "'""' ''"'f "'i-ir cat. h on wm not ..omL. the h^^ \ i;;:ci ^^^ Sb^i^ j^'^,— ,:!;-,::;;;^- jj^^^^ pj^i^^ i- i» .0 .o.en it .0 that i: Mr. I.„„is IW, „t' (Hpe C'hfilt,,. (esiilioil to ti,o l'i„n,„is,si„„, i„ reply lo mysolt, as fallows :- l^. Ibat i.s (II, tlie Soutli Cmst ■.' A. Ves it a. win; ,l,e';i^;:n,r:",:" •"""" "'' "" ^"'"' ''""' ■ ^- ' '-^'^^ ^""■" ""-'•^■'S'^ -'• ""^ ^-"' ^'-t. lu.t am not .0 tamiliar with ;; Q. What extent of coast on the North .si le ,lo yo,. know .' A. About Irt.i. (i- 1 liat wonbl n.ake a en;;,!, „f three bun.l.ed .oile.s ot the river eoa.st, that yon a,v ao,„..,inte.l with ' V V... .'.' n T,*"'," '^"' !■'"?' ';'.'-'" '" '■-'' "" """ 1""'' "*■ "'C '-'^-i''- •' A. About lK.-,4. y. 1 lie tin, eol tl,e Keeipn.city Treaty ■ A Ves- •' ti JiuMhii'ir: !:?'' a:":';H;n:;,:;":;';t;:r u:™ Le'^ ?"• r" .f "'" '"""^ "i"""^ ""■ "•" ^^--^ •--'•- •" "-'■ Hut after th,., th..y OH„,e in less .'u,,,!,..,". ' "'' "'"' '"'"'' '" '"'■^'' '"""'"^'•*' f'"' '''«"" »'» "'• "even year, •' Q. Vou mean ilurii,)i tl,e last years ' K Ves A. F.^„ (^li'ib'llM:!';'^.;:"!';;;;.''!"^""^ """ •""■' "^ ""■ ''^'•'■- ''"^^ "-"^' -" "»" :'- -^ Xn-le.lge of as vi,iting the eo,.„ ? '.IH' J';- '""'"" "'f ""rill shore aN„ A. Ab„ut -JHu or riiiil sails ^- JMhooners ." A. Ves. '•^i■ What was the general toiinatje.' A. About TH or Ml tons __ I 1 hat ,s the .vera^-e :' A. Ves; ,|,e,e wouM be some oil t. ns «n,l s,„„e ,.j„. -O llwi'll '; .r'''^V''^ -^^ Krom Spring to Fall. uh. ves, .. H' ^""""' '"'•■".vol lt.c,pro,.,ty •' A. .Not ,s„ lonoh. .. ,V ,."" ',"™" ""' •■" "'""'' "'''■'' ll>'''l>''Mtv was ler„,ii,ate.l •' \ Ves _ Q. ltutdur,ngi,se,iste„ee; A. Well, ab„ut the ,.un r I have .stated, >i "e,e they hslnuj; lor hsh to trade with ■ \ Ves " y. What kind 111' lisl, was it ■ \. {\..\ " y! Ve!!"'' T 'wi[hil,'^h;'Je'mile^ ""' ' "" ""'"" "'"' ''''""'"" '''"'"" "'" ''""" ' or ^n\:^,esi;,r'ihr nr^t^'Eb' ;;:i,it,in::,^ r'-l'^ - "-.r "vr, ■ '■ ^^■'"- '"' -'-" '^ south .shore "^ '" """ '" "" ">"-iilt'- ^ ou can't oateh oH beyond three n.ilei on the •; Q. Where are tho.se L". or liu inil.s .' .\. (.■.■..,„ .\Iinj;an. .n »ve;;!ge 1 1' 'Abir,!;.;:::;:'^:;,;';:,'::;;;;::::.:!::''.;;:;; ';;:^:,r" -' "- -'"'' '^•^- --i.-- .!..■ lar^^t nor ,i,e >,naiie„. u^. •'O '•''';,''';; "l''f '■'■^'"'■"' a. Ves; because s e of them .na.le two tri,, and so,i,e three y. "e!l, then tli"y wo,ild not take Ollii or null liiirivlsp.irh erin- V K,.,. ' """ ""/<^- " tj Is the cod as abundant n..w a. il w ,s !„ ur I vea s , ' ' ' ,^ , '^"' ","• ' '"^■■■'" f'"- '!'« "'"-l'^ ^^t'lson year.sago. I am sure of it. ■•• i, n,,. „,, „r ill m.,s .,.„ . Do you get as much / A. « )h, ye.. „• much as :!il or 10 ...n:.,:t.ui:z.r'^'a;;!;i:e n::;^;:::::;;'?; ;;^^,j;'i^^^ a, ;.h,yes:.h.,ea of - "-"■' - -^ America,, schoone.. if ,h.v were p.-e- .0 p.; l^peillr'- " '"' '"'""■"''• ""■ ""■"' ^ -^^ ■'■'"■^- >•"'■■"" ■'" '•■ ■'■"-^ --'i'' -• — '— <■ -liO- w-aM •:.. ca,,), enough .Mr. .lames .le.ssop,„l'(;as|.,., ei,.„„i„e,l 1-y .\l,-. U ealhn be, lesiilie.s a,s follow.s :_ Uanks.*^- -'^ ' """"■ "'■ '■"'■'• "'"■' " "•^- ^'■' ■""^' '■•■ "'^' '-'• "" "- -'I'-es or en the lUnk.s • A. More .nshore ,l,an „„ the Mo.;:^;hem;I;;;'sM;^::;^,:'Ti:Hli:rr^^^ -N •':'-y •"^'■"«— onoursh.„es, ,„„„„ „„, . shores, l,ey do, Americans catch then, 'and als./fUl,; them Yns'h re " """'''' ' '"-' ''"■''"'■' """'« '" f'""' ""-■ "»"l^- o'' Hiippegan • the iiait '2n .I!;ern;;gs:.;:ir"';^::n;o:;t''"''^''" '""■'"'^' "■^"•^" """^ ^ ^'^^^ ""• «"«■» <>-: ■' " ^■^^^^^^ k- no,. ge, f,,.,h 11.. " i.^. Iluw Idtig il(]e» fresli liait l««t ' A. It will mily keep tri'Kli one day. " Q. 'I'liiit is whi'n tliero Ih no let' on li(*rU tci firescrTi' it ,' A. Yes. " ii- Where thcro is ico, liow loni; will tli» luiit ki'ep fri-sli .' A. Two or tlircp dnj«. " H- From Cnpf Clistte to Ciipo Uispi^, liow f»r fnitn tl\e Hhuro iliil the Amoricann lUh? A. From C»p« rtinlli' to Cipe Da^po the Anit'ricunM c»iiie in tlong the short'. I novcr fisliid there. 1 hive passed up and down and aeeQ American TCKaeli rmliiDg for diso- kerel right iilon;,' tlir sliure. *' Q. Did )ou Hoe or hetr of AniericHns fi.shing for msckerel outside of three miles from shore'.' A. No; all within one mile, one mile and n hnll and two niilei of the »hore. " Q. Did you ever hear of any linliini; outside three miles? A. Not on llial coast. " y. (In the North cide of Day Clnileuis where are mackerel found .' A. The great Iwidy of mackerel i« along the shore. A few may be cnui;ht outside in deeji water, hut tlie mackerel make into the shore and coiric after small bait. " l^. Wheie are must o( the mackerel caught ' .\. Handy to the shore, sometimes a ndle and a half out. Sometimes not five acres out. " y. Do you know from the .Americans themselves whether they catch the greater pnrt of the maek»r«l inshore '.' A, Yes. Tho vessel I was on hoar I lished inshore with hoiita. The vessel was at anchor in Newport harbor. " y. How far from the land .' A. About »MI yards. " Q. Did you oaleh all ihe lish there? A. There were no fish in the harbor. We caught tliem in a cove called Carnaval. " Q. How fir from the sliore .' A. About two cables length. We got KK) barrels one dsy. " Q. Did you Caleb ycjur lish far from the shore'.' .\. The farthest we caught mijihl be half a mile off. " Q. How many did you catch ? A. I cou', i uot say exactly, but we pretty nearly loaded her. I left her, and she afterwardi left to trans-ship her car;;o. " Q. Do the .Americans fish along your shores for cod .' A. They do. " y. Within tliree miles from shore? A. Yes. " y. To any e.Ment? A. They don't lish codtish to any great extent within three miles from shore. " (-1. Where do they fish for cod':' A. On Miscou IJank iind Hank llrphan. " y. What is the number of Ihe licet enga^'cd in lishiiin on Miscou Hank alone '.' A. I have heard my men say from (0 to Wl sail. " (i. You would put the aver.ij,'e at to sail? A. Yes. "(4. Do you know what is the nundjer of the cod fishing Heet in the Hay on an average each year ? A. From .'100 to 400 vcssela. "Q. Nearer 4(111 than 3110'' A. About Imi. " y. Where do these cod li^hermen get the bait they use.' A. .\ great cleiil of it inshore, along our coast. " Q. How do they get it .' A By setting nets inshore, and soioetin.es by buying it. " y. What kind of lish do they catch for bail? A. Herring. I have .seen them seitiing herring. I have heard that they jig sijuid and bob mackerel. " y. Tliey catch Ciiplin' .\. Ves. < u .Mr. .iiisepli C'ijiite;in ot'Capu l)t.s]iiiir, e.xamiiicil liy iiiy..'eir, gives tlie following eviJenoc ; — " 1 ! ni 41! years of age. 1 live at Cape lle.spaii', in the County of fiaspe. I am a fisherman, and at present employ men in the fishing business. This fisliery is carried on .along the coist from one to three iniles from the shore, and also on .Misi'ou Hank. The .\merieuis fisli there. 1 have seen as many as 40 sail fi-hing there at the same time. The Americans procure their bait along and near the coast. The bait cnnsists of herring, caplin and squid. The cod fishery cantoit be proseculeil to advantage with salt bait. The Anrcricans cannot bring wit', them to .Miscou Hank a sullicient supply of bait. In IHoT I fislie.l in an .American sch(joner called the '.Maria,' I do not remember her captain's name. The schooner was littid out at ami started from I'orllaiid. During the first three months of the voyage, we lished fordid along Cape Hreton, the .Maglalen Islands and Miscou Hank. At Cape Hreton we l. They li.ivc frcijiicnteil the coast from vear to year. " (.1- Is ihc halibut ti.shcry carried on now on the south shore ':■ A. At jiresent, lialibiit are very siarce ihere ; but furmerly they were very |ileiitifiil on I his coast." Mr. Joliii llidliday, wlio piii'siics llie iishiiig biisines.s on an e.Tleii. yon take no halibut or hake'.' \. We take a few halibut, not of any great nKunent, this vear past. '■ U. Why is thai'.' It used to be pli'iily '.' .\. 'I'hcy used to be, but since ISi'.s or IHi'ili the coast is nerirlv cli aneil of halibut by ll'ie American fishermen coining there. Two of ihem were taken in my neighborhood ; that is, Iwii of their vessels were l-ikeii by the cruisers. " (i. What becann' of I'leiu'/ A. I tliink lliey were both condemned. "(J. \Vell, Were tliu.-e lia'ibiit lakeii wiiliiu lliice miles of the shore ':" A. Oh, yes, within aboiil a niile and .1 half of the shore. •■ (i. There was no doubt, then, aliout the fai't of the infriiiiremenl of the law, for wbiidi those vessels were taki'ii ':" \. I have seen several oi tliem leave the coast and leave their lines. When they saw the crui.scrs come they stood out to sea and came b.ick a ilay or two •■iftcrwartl ,iiid picked ii|iliicii- liio's. \ ^^ ir ■ '''""" '" ""' '"'tt'"" iis it iilli' y A. Yfi .«,J!\.,!!:;:^t:«"::',z."!:, "■ " "" "' ■>■ ■ ■"" •*■ "■" » "» -"i-i t-i "m- 'i SatI I!IiAV, iTlh Nu\cil 1ST7, Air. l),,i TKi. ■OIlllllUO [.•lit III support .,f tlie rase nl' llcr .Majcty's (lovciiiiiiciit. i\* folio svs ; — Mil/ il jl,,,.,,- yxuii- /■J.ir-ll, ,iri/ ,1,1,1 i/,,iir lloiwrs. — \\ hen wi! separated yosl('nlay. I ilcinamleil ami ohl lincil an aajminnnrm iinlil Moihlav. a^ I e.Misi.icr.'.l I re.|iiir- r ,",","""■ '"',"/ ''^'''"■'= ''"^' ('"I'lmissloil thfi nuitter in is-suc, in its diHereiit aspects; and'! am still of (,p-iiio.i that I wmiM have .ullilleil my duty in a m.ire complete niiiniicr, if the arran.nemeiit ot \esterdav had been adheied to. Howcvpr, a very pivs-ino- dcmaml was made upon ine to iuim'I this afteriionn'. in unf.T to close the iilj;iiineill, and lenve tlio way : mv part of . uid clear for my successor on Monilay. With a stroll^; desire to coinplv with iiie ileniaml fioni -eiitlemeii with whom 1 have been aetiii.sr so cordially so far, and with whom I hope to act cordially iiji to the time of our separation. I made an elfort to he aide to present myself hetore the fommission at this hour. lowev.M-, I shall have to ,leal. I fear, ill iv very iiietreclnal niaiiner. with the matters that remain to he considercl. nave taken particular care in ariai.sinn; the evidence and ai-nmeiit, not (Mitirelv for the reason that yimr llom.rs required aiiv informatioM from mo to form your opinion ; I think after this long investigation the minds of vour Honors must U^ pretty widl made up. and c.mld not be tnnch altered and InHiienced by any rciiitrks I .vmhl offer, liu wc must not tnrjr,., ,l„|t tlii« Treaty is a teniporarv arrangement, which will bo the (ibj .el of fivsh ncMrotiations \villiii,a piclty slnrt period, and I OOMsidcrcd that those who will have to deal with the ,,uestio„ live, six'or ei-lit jcars licncc, will be unable readily to discevcr. in this mass of ovidonce, what part has a bcarin? iipnn one hraiich''(d' fliooase, ami what purl upon am.thvr branch ; and I ihonght it would be useful if not for the prcenl moment, for ihc tutnrc. to make a complete mvosli-ation of the evidence, and to place it in such a sh*pe that those who shall sueceeil your I Innors in dealm.u' with this ipieslion. may bo guided in some way throu:;h these ticMs of testimony. >> hen we adjourned Tc^terdRV. I was showin- u, what distMiice, from the shore.'llic cdlishcrv ir the c-t,.irv of the . f. I.awronre is pro,«Bcuted. lietcrc proceeding to another part of the evidence, I desire to draw the altcnlion U voiir Honors to what has fiHcn from t' •■ learned counsel on behall ,.f the Inited Stales. .Mr. I\.>ter and Mr I ■ .-ot ' Mr. I r.--',.t sdiiiits thai the i:iiri»h r •as.) c.in be -iippiulcd by firoof of ' 7/o' Imhil „j I'nitni St,tt,'s 'rm,'n. It' hfu „„vo,. . 11 1 '■■*' ';""'"'"" "l:> fi^liiiilf ll"l sw.rp tleit il «n« the Imblt of the ttcet i» fisli inBlicre and fifiv i.wi.re limt it w»s the habit Z^~^lf }T I ■'"" """'",','"' "^""^ "■''•^■'' '•" '"'l"'^'- '"" ^ul.f«.sinf.^ «liat in this c.c will n„t l.c .iis,u.tvd, ih'il the witiicises Were of eMUal ver.ieily, ycii «mi1,1 cerfunly kiiuw llml vou hid not preyed the habit. ■• \>,n will ..ee, IIltcI;.,,., ihut Ih,^ burdei. „f prwif is on ,„ir friends. Thcv n.uM prove their calch coial in value I., the ,o,ar 1 IIK 111 uii-liTt tki- to pr'jvi' !^:^;i;:,;::in«'U:?;.r:' «i-'- ^'"-.-> -"-'^ • ^- ■■ ^-' '»'" Inli'.l, then th-y iiiurt .l».~wli»t lli'^y lia'on.t .lot o,— prov.. itty tn Im.-Iiitv i^ ii-uli'^J*.' ,„ ,,,,,i,i„„ ,„ „.., . v,.,y 1:.,,,; UUM,..^ ':!^CTn^Z.. .he ".l.r... -nile belt" .1,, i.u.l iIkm.. liillor witih'»i'.s wlw 1 "\' "^^1' "","".-'' , , ,,.,'.,, ,,,,,. will,,,,,, ,i,„ free u^.^ uml fin v n.-iil ot tlu; Tlu! li'iiriH'il H^'iMil, Ml-. Fo^itcr, in there ai-« l.ul a triflin- .niui.litv v( lisli eaii-lil Im! clri.rlv .-howil lli:a li'' i- > Mlii-"ly ■iii'*li>l;''i' Dtlll- al)-i;ii(^! ill tllii vast. :;;;;;;;;^-.;::;::;:r;;::i:;i!;r^irS;.i;:^':t-^^ -^"•■"--" - ;,,i,l„n.v„s fully .n.l '•"•^M'''";:'^"^'^'''''^;";!!;" 'lir^.meeli, ..o,i„.,„ls tlul the Hi-hi^l. eh.in. i. le.l i...le ,„.. l.e.-.uso liv'l-iiite.l States vessels within the loriiieily prohihiieil liiiiil.s ; hut it eun , ,„.„ , Mirlil iiMil ehiiniolci- ot the cvitleiuf. lie says :— . , , , , ,.,,,•, i.M>vinl [sliiiJ ,»'i.l .lewii by MivrMive, where our 1isIktii..'11 soiiietiineH tWi i> ..If.ho.hree "f ' l-;''7 ',;;■ r!;;/; ,;,,:' v'! I! 'l,,;". .^ ,l.o^vi.le„".,„i,.l>,re .isl,in, in tl.s e.se vel....-), ,f week ei- t«ci in llMMUitiiiMiMii"! "1"-' ■'".'"' '™' V , .,,,,1 ,„„. ,„.,„.l ,l,c. thvoe mile liinil Inel been buuye.l '''^'^'''''■*'' i;\':;.;;'\ '":,,,,, a,i„^ •• of imti,.ns ,»ml the turms of the Irei.ty, n"l..„ly w,mM have be.ul unj Lcmipl.^uit peeple eniiM leivo tisliel wbfi'e tliey liivl .1 vii;lit to, uii.ler the Mw <^S '•) V* .\;;aii, :- „ ., • , .„ :„ „,;. ,. ,.,. „f ti-hinu wilhin three miles .,f the sh..re icl:.te> to the Hen.! of I'rinf« IChviuM (i K^ree As I sael iKl.Me. I .u, nelwu; I ■''»'' ^ ''.',"' 7', '-^ h ooew.r.l vov.iite, 1 .ke harlK.rut Port Hoo.l, aiel lie tloTeooe or two weeks-, h.te ,„ the AulUM,,,. llie I n .e.l .si.les ^'"^''V ;;',,' '';",'; „,.,i.'us'un Mur.o.ree Isla.ol an.l the M,,in l.n.l, lu>, within three w oh' there lliev ilu h>h wilhiii lliree niiles olM iu.hm lami. """t' ,,.^ ..I fi«l.Tn,r [ ,,„k ,>t il hirt whieli fcil'v evi.ljins lliis ,„„... of ,he is,an,l >^,ores ; ,.n.| ^"-;^-<-^ Xt:^:'^^'^^^^^ ^ sV, e ^ ^n.,!;;::!; .:;l.'':„;ih all t:,:, ^e on,|.r eo^l of Scotia, Sll pt.r cent.. New lirunswick ;t per cent., an>l I'nnce Kawanl Island 10 per cent. This is also tiniu llie learned .A-eiit ot the T nited Slale.s: — .. ivi „ I ,11,. I l>,-„f llin.l-s nttenlion to that, an.l renouke.l to him that 1 hi.l not he.inl mneh about the places where niicU .• erHwerrX^n;:'4!t:^n:S[ui;^ ,lenee has been .^iven, evepl in ivleience to t!.e waters m ine ne,>:hborl,o,..l ot 1 o,t liooil. l>n,vi,lin.' \ir K-Mer were ciivet in the vi.nv he bus put forwanl of the evidence, be nii-lit uitb s.ime reason nrnvtbe(^.m7ni~MnnlnivtuMMheawaialelainied<.i)l.elialfofIIiM- .\iajo*ty-s(M.n;rnn,ei.t. " N Ihi, nl.l be more iininst and unlMf to ,i,c ehararter ..( the Catn.dian Fisberie.. than to ,olopt the s at n nt of lb, l,''nu^lA^en,as,ol'. H.ls!anda„dM:.|-gar,.eas the .orreet result of .be bo-ts established by ab.„ln.ely one ,oiradieted evidence now before the ( dmimssu.ii , , , .■ , it I 1 'it 1. main eff.rts of United Stales t'ounsel were exertel b. impeueh the lar^e army ot ,..<,KM..able wittio es , : , 1 ,0 the oreat wealth of tlie fishery in the lieud of hanee Ivlwanl l.sland, and the constant nse ot , e . on s by 'nit ed Su.e; flee,. Hnt if .Mr. i'-osler should ever aj-aii, have tie, ..sion olosely .0 e.an.nie the vb.>le ■dei;; Xm, h, I e .0 01, both sides, be will find ,ba,, beyond the eHbr.s ,0 d,.,>reeia.e that tra^ ot water bet>v,..,, I N tlTt ', e 1 be Kast Point, and that at (iian.l Manan, tlon-e is scarcely a line of teMni.ony ottered bv hu" '- 1- e rn^^ -i ' «.^ shake or eon.iadie, the evidence ,iven respecii.o all the o.luT vas|, and neb ( anad.jin ^hi. r I, iV Tin- evidence of the valne to and n-e by .\inerie:,n fishernien of all the .Masts o Nova Na.tia fioin the I^v of V^: y JaM ' rd. ,,11 aivniid ,he Islan.l of Cape B n, -he Uor.l, slf^res of the .-oa.t. and bavs ,^ ^^'^^^^'^I'l ,;.,,,,;, 1 ,he entire ...a^^ of (^i.d,..e. wiihin the jun-dietion ot the Con„n,ss,ori, 1. almost, it not ab.oliKtlN, ""^" Th-:':;;;;!i;.s «. wen to ,be atHdavits n. .o the oral testi ny. and 1, ,nay b. stated hero of the Hri.ish ..nbb.vits wba, .'anno! be sai.l of those of the Tnite,! States, that tliey are strikii.oly --rrohorated by the te.nn y ot witnesses liii'li 101 ibn dlicctas well .■I'i ibe ci'oss-exa,i,inalion. . . , ll.lic;':"iuce:r,n,'nlerof cMiaels and references, whieli are more tl s .Ibciont b, eonvaice eve, onr learned i V i <^s 'v) V* ,i J li:t fiiomljiontlicM.ilKT^iilc th:it tliey liiivc taki-n only » vi'vy [mniiil viow oC tlim iiaiu. \ii.||(!al| Mr, FohIci'm cHproi 1 iilli'iiiidii III llicsc vvitiii>-iiti(»iiO(l by liiiii. Tiie pngig ruler to the HriliNli i'viii«tieo : — /'in/r 79. — Mr. (Ii'orjif Hnrhour, it ri'siili'iit ipI .Siimly IWacli, (iniijio, wn« imIIoI a» n witiicpiiir, ( iaspe, called as ii witness, says ilia I ■■The Ainer'eiiii^ ti-b along the coast offluspe. t'roni one to ibreo miles oH" shore. These witnesses are eontirmed and supported liy — Will. MeLeod, of I on I )(iniel, (iaspe. l'hili|i \'iiiert.ol I'eree, G.tspc. .lames Maker, ('a(ie Cove, •• Will. I'lynu, I'erce. .Miraham J.eHiiin, I'erce, •' T.oiiis luiy, '■ •' yV/e IMI. — Mr. .lames .McKay, Deputy Inspector of Ki.ili, Port Miilgrare, after giving eviileuee nf lisliiiiir close insborc oirCape ISreten. in lM->, myn; "In IsTl', (i,lied in .Vmerican seboiiner Vc/din/ Cimh, and cani'ht J 00 barrels on second lri|i — tbree-fuiirths eaiigbt inshore. Caught SOO barrels of mackerel in two trips in lN7:i. In l«7a, cauwlit .3(iO bills, in two trips. The greatest portion of the lisb were liken about Cape Low, Capi; Hreton. "elo.se inshore." hujv 2l'(; — Mr. ,Iuhn Stapleton, of I'ort Uawkesbury, C. IJ., says in his evidence that he has fished in Amerieaii vessels "in Hay Chaleur, on the west coast of New Hriinswick. to Escumiiiuc and Point Miscon, fnim I'oiut .Miscmi to .Shlppegan, and thene.) lo I'aspehiae and Tort Daniel, down to (!as|ie, round noiiaveiiture Island as far »s Capi' j'ugers. Piiijf ■241!. — Mr .lames Lord, ot Deer Island, N. 15., gives evidence that llie Aiiieiieans •■ take as luiieli as the Hiilisb ti-benuen nn the mainland from I'oiii, l.cpreaiii, including West Isles. ( ampobello and (iraiid Manan." /■«'/c ;{17. — Hon. Will. IJoss, Collector of Cii.»lonis, ut Ilalifai, fnrinerly a lesiieiil of C,i|ie liieton. and a member of the I'livy Council of Canada, gives evidence aa billows : — ■• The .\iiiericaii fishermen h-h for niaekerel on the Atliiiilir Cudsl of Ca|ie lireton, fruiii Cape .Vnrth to .*scatterie, in August, .•September, and Oetolier. fi^hiti" inshore and otf-borc, but nmre iir-liore than nllshoie." Pti;/c .'i7l. — Mr. .lol.n McDdiiald, of Hast INiiiil, I'. \]. Island, says, in big evideiiee. that he ■ has fished in American vessels .-iboul Ciijic ISreldii, 1'. K. Island, on West .Shore, Hay ol Chnlcurs. and C,i>pe. williin ihiee mili: limit," ."similai e\ ideiiee is given by — /'(K/r ."i,js, — luhii Dillon, Siei'p Cnek, fiiil Cansn. I'titfc :',i\\. — .Marshall l'ai|iiet, Souris. I'. Iv 1. /•„y,. :;(;,•,, _|{.i|.|i,iliy McI,Mae, Iv.st I'oint. \'. K. I, f'a;/r ;\fi{. — l„!,ii D .McDonald, Souris. I', K. I, /'„,/,. ;!s,s —1',. I,. r ,s, liiebard.-eii. Cliesier, X. H. /'«■/» .'3',ll(. — .Mr, Holland C. raysoii. l-"ishery ( )ver.seel' at Wtislport. .V.. S,^>a\s in liis evidenco ihat St. .Marv « Ray. the coast around Digby .Neek, with Hriar Ishuul imd Long Island, are vafuaMe lishing grounds. The Two Islands, in D^7('i, exported about S2lil),(»l)0 werlli of li.ih. 'i'his district is fnM|uented by small .American ^eliuoners, who lisb for cod, halibut, pollock and herring. .Mr. I'aysoii's evidence is corroborale thai of Mr. H, It. Huggles, of Hriar island. Itigb\. \, .S, /'i/;/(,' -1(17, — -Mr. .lohii C. Ciiniiinghnili. of Cape f^alile Lslaiid. N. S.. says in bis i videiice tliHt I'liited .Slates li.shermen take halibut otf Sbelbume County, within three miles of the sliore, say I J to •_' niihs, .\ lull fire is about 'St)0 (piinlnls,— take two fares in three months. These wilncsses weii' examined orally, and nearly all, il not nil. ably erosse^amllied. Til.. Cm tan Iriiin tliv iy I'liiloil Suiui Atburiiit'n : — .1. K. Mftri.|mll, 6Hlierm;in, u iiiilivi' of M.tiiie, vtm 10 years niu.ttor U. S fidliiiiK vobscI : — "1. The flHhiiiK liy Anierionn HoliHiincrii Win Tery etleinl'c frura IHfi'J lo '70. During lh»i p«rio(l lh» number of Amoricnn «f»NcU wliieli lime ti-il('i| tlia nh^rts of thi' (iiilf nf 8t l.'mn-tu'c, fur (lulling piirponpi, yciirly, iimuuntwl from IIIKI ti> rjHii (»il«, TIiIh I liiive hi'vii with hi; uwm ejf*. All llnu' wiTi' iiia.'kiTi'l liBhinn, Thu places wh*r« llie Aiiiurioiitu Sailed iiicint 'Inrinn llml piiiml wi'ic III) I 111' >liurf» of Cnpe Ureinri, rnnc.' K Iwnr.l IkUiiI, Ni'W llriiiiswick, iiriJ on the ilinri'* nf lliij i.f ('li»U'ur, fiiMii I'liri l>iiiiii'l to liilliniiaip, ttwl (itHt, from I'url li.iiiiil lo ni>Mnvi>iit\iri' Uhitil, in llMnpi- lliij, uiiii on llie Hntitli itbore of ()aip«, from Cup* It 'ziiM' lo M It, nil', itn I on tliu North Bliure from .Moiilc lo liittlbuiit Kiwr. I bikv* fitlieil u^mtlf nturly awry /tar in thvac piMva, tknd I iii'TiT miosuil 111; Tojrane." .hi«. A Nickorsnii, Mniter Muriner, N. H. : — "4. Mv liCHt catilii'i wpri- toki'n offllie iiorlli roan* of (^ap* Hrcton, from HhUlegnn to lltnlpf laUnd, I'orl Hnod, and I never ciiuglit any of ilie ll.,h to upeiik of lieyoiid lline niile« from tlii' alioro. I am curtain, and pisitivi'lj iwrar thai lull; iilne-tentho, and 1 lielji'vc more than tlmt pro|iortiiiii of my ehiire cuti'li wiM taki'n within tlircc inili'H of llii^ uliorc, llic iii'urer to the §liore I oonld (jet the lifltrr It HoiiM lie for cilcliintj ti«h. One roi'on of tluit in that the iiiai'korel kii'p oloM Inshore to j;et the flulieH thi'y feed on, and these little ll!(h"H keep in the eldie^ of the tide '\\\'u- i-loac lo the nhore. " '.I. Tlii'^u Anierii'iin fi'liennen net their ualcheH in the name place wedi'l. 'I'licy took tlii' fish close i nto the nhorc, that i» h>' far tlie Ur)(i'r pi'iportion of them, aii'l the opinion ainoofi the American ti'.hiil in ilu- Hiiy Clmlciir, ami look home with us six huiulreil biirrcU of mackerel iiurin({ the fishing season of that year, olie-lliird of whicli (|iiiiiiiitv, I wnnhj «ay, wan caii);lu within three miles of the shore. I'l. rii.U uhiiiit L'lil) ofllu' .^iiioricaii vchscU f;iH their ti.'tit on the Nova Scotiuii coast, and, in my opinion, without the bait ohiiiiiieil thiTc llicy could not c.irry on the (ishio)'. 1 I. Then thci c is nlso a fleet of 4" Aimrican veaapLs which fish off Grand Manan. They average 350 harreU of herring per ve.s.sel, which arc all caufjlit clone to the shore." C'haKW. DiiMii. I'lslieniiaii. 1'. K. 1.: \. " 'I'luil 1 have liceii ciinai^cd ill lishinp for about lwi'iiiyeif;lit years, winter and 'tuiniiier, in both boats and vessels, hiivinf! fished in the cod-fi^hinn on the l!;oiks for about seven wintir*. I have also fished mackerel in this (iulf with the Ainericans, fioin the smnnuT of IBOh till ISri, and also in the halibut fishery on these coasts. 2. " Al .\titicosli wu could often sec the liiilibut on the bottoi.i wlon we were trawlinot. This would be about two or three hundrcil yiinls from shore. 1 have hi imi ten tbouMiiul halibut a day caught at Anticosti, in water where we could sei* bollBni. This haliliiit fishery is the best payin(» fishery that I have ever been in. I have made ninety dollars in twelve day* a» one of the iiands at that flsluMv." J.is. Houlette, I'lsherinaii, I'. Iv 1, : — I. ■• That 1 have lieiM eii(,Mf;ed ill lishiii^; for fit'lcen years, in vessels belonging; to the riiited .Statss. I have fished all about liay Chaleur, from I'ort Hood to .Seven Isl.iiuls, at the Magdalcns, all along this Island coast, ami two years' mackerel fishing on the .Vnicricaii shores, and many winters cod-fisliing." .loliii K. AIcDiiiialil. JMirtniT bimI ri^licniiaii. 1'. K I. : — i'A " That tilmiitt all tlie Amerifnn fisiiermtn, fis!i close into the shore of the difftietU provincen n/ the Dominion, and I do not think tin; .Americans would liiid it worth while to fit out Cor the Oult' flshiiig if they could not fish near the shore. The year the cutters were about the Americans did not do vrv much, although tliev used to dodge the cutters and fish in- shore. " cl O ^^ AI|ihiiiiso (iiliiiuii. lislicniian. I'. K. I. : — 7. •■ 'I'liat wlieii the mackerel first come into the [Jay, they generally come up towards Hay Chaleur, Oaspe and round there,- -passing' the Magdalen Islands on their way. It is'up there tlmt the American fleet generally goea first to catch fish." Josopli ChiiiiiIicII. 1'. K. I., niastcr iiiiirinfr. It yrarn, U. !*. vessolM :-- 2. " That from the year !><68 to 1H()7 I was constaiitlv and actively engaged in fiehing aboard Aniericai> tessels, anrf during that lime I fished'on all the fishing grminds. .3. " \Vc got our first fare generally in the Bay Chaleur. Fully nine-tenths of this fare would be naught done inshore^ within the three-mile limit." Alc.N. ( hivcrie. UitTuliaiit. 1'. K. I., t'onnerly li»bi.riiiaii ; wan JO year. s in I'. ,S. vessels. •• We fisheii olf •• llie iiiirlh part nf Caiie iJrelini, .iiiil caught the whole of our fare within three miles from the shore. 7. " Ttiiit in the year iSi>7 I wa» ma.v:er of a Hritish fishing schooner. The fir«t trip of that season we fi.shed between the Mir.iinichi and Hiy Chaleur. During that trip the fish played chiefly inshore, about a mile from the shore. .\t time* during th;it trip I woiild he getriiig a good catch, when the American vessels, to the number of fifty or sixty, would come along, and by drawing of tln' fish, spoil niy fl-hing. During that trip, the Americans. 1 would say, caught fully three-fourths of their fare wiihin the three-mile limit." N:illi .lu.-l. iiri^tiT liiariiici , l.iiiii-iil'ijio. N. S. :• 1!. " I h.ivo aisn seen many .Vmcrican mackercl-meii engaged in taking mackerel around the coast of Cape Breton, I'rince Edwar.l Ul mil. aii'l easiorn -iile of N'ca- H uiiswiek, rmd many of these fished inshore. I would sav that there were at liaH \ \ I I'.'l ^1 t t / Hi'lijftniin Wciit/.I.T. llMlicriiiiiii. I.on.r I.iiI|;im.. N S Jcffri'v ( (piik, ti.ilicriiiiin. l,iiiK-iiliiir(i, N. S. : — h.v..";i., ".1^''''" '" "'f .'i'"^ "f ^"''i'';"'- ""■ «""""'•■• '"-f""-.. l«.t. I .liw many American v..„rl, ihert mil-u.-.I in Hsl„aL', ;ui,l thr,. fuurth, „ . nule Iron, ...ch o.lur. Tin. n.oHt ..f Ih. Amrriran VH^rU »lml, I ,.w, fnh d n. Wrirm n7 h. «1 . v menl.on..,! coast.. 1 „.vr ll..,n uke l.oti, ..odil-l, and nm-.k-.r-.l in.l,„r... wi.l.in tl.r.e n,il..H of ,h. ho M uC. . kV„ mostly ttll in.hore. and I wnnhl not (it out ti »..««i.l to take «,,-,rk,Trl nnl.s. thv i\»\m\ in«hort - .liiiiioH K White. .Mcrohaiil. I'. K. Ulitinl " I hlands, tliore. crn and L™';^ """'"'"■■'•.'" f'"'"'''' '■"""•;'""" ;l'" No^a Scolian ,bonv and then itriko np the \U^ U Iho .MuKdahn ■I rAm '''"'' M '"'"'■ 'T''".'''t''T'',''^ i'''" '^'••""1-""' "•h..r,tow;ud-II:.v rhal,.„r;0asp..,„ndronn,l lie Amen an are wi'll «r uamted «uh this liiihit of tho nrukiTel and follow them I'l ' lollow th<^ hih alon^ lliu Blior.-, takint; t'"''!- '■»'•. t) ii (fn^t extent, from what thev have very iinart sihon i.ir boats doinif." John (liainpioii. Inhpriiion, F^. K Idmiil : — Bay, th;i been ns them in i. On |.n avera;.e there are eifjht hnn Ir.d Atneriran ve«,eU en^ap d in the ,od, hnke and maekere' ll,herie, in llie a iH ,ndud ng thi, Ul.anU eoa.l, the Magdalen Island., the New lirunswiek and No*a Seoliun eoantK, There have many as fifteen hnndred full in a season, uccordiriK to llnir a dav." inn acc(jnnt<. I niy»ilf have seen ihree hnndri'd 'ail of \\ fii C'hnm|ii(iii. Kisljeriuen. I', i;. UIhihI . - ""'■■»" "'"' >f.»f '" »". American vrssel, d,i»n .a«t«ard . luiu.d .States nt A.nene^, l,„t Mn« nf l'„ri 1 looil, nnherman : — enL'ai.'ed d!.rtr,hlT7' '■'' -''^-'f '."' '''" ''^' '">= ^'"'"' '" 'i"'''l -it b. ll,r Amerin.n, for the p.s. tive vo»r.. and Inve been o;;7'e:\:!:;":'?[|;;'Vc;dai:n^*!i;;;r:i.''' "" '""" ■" "' '■'"" - '" '"'■" -' •'''-"' •^^""- ''-'•' """- -"■' '' « •^'-■■'- ->' ehiefli.L.^el^'^:,,;'""^:!,,-'''^""''"'"' "*'■'' '""•■ """"""" '•■ ''''■'■"""""- -""^'-' .-.-M'-. t.kie. ■ >n> Areliibald. fi»lienniin. id llosion ; — ".'■ ' '"'Y heen en-n(;ed in the Hshii.K bto.inis» f<,r i'O U'ars past, and dm•in^r seven veais oa.t I ha^e be,n tishi,,.- in SeoTia ami rln 'l,'"' ;""""''." 7."' <'"";"'',"" «"""- ' '"-■" '-'^n' en^a^ed in v.r'ions kinds .dMi'shin.. on the eoasts ,, N' , can fiv'hin^ ve?' 1 t'T' '" " '" =""''''.'"";.• ,"" ^ "«'l"'"" '^l'*'"'^ :»"' I'- K- l«h..nl. I eaM.e into -hi, port in an .\n>e,i- ean tishing vessel and h.ive been enj-aged in lisbmK lure dniiio- the present Ma«on. " '\i; lure (iniin;; me present season. This last is eiiindHnaled by liieharl TlH.ma-. li^-heiinaii. .,1 Ho..ib llav. Me. Mieh.H'l ( rispn, Mereliaiit. Il;;rbni an liMueh,.. N . ,S. ;_ •• The nniekerei are ciin-bt all ar .nnd the sbores ,,f ibe (inlf of St. l„i«r.iiec. ' ihoiiiiis C. K.ibnis, .\i-iMei- ^J,•lnll(r, (ape ( hum.. .\ . ,S.;_ ■ .i" n ,..'*'.''i"".""' ■ ""■' ""," ' "■;'" ^"'l''"y'l i" tishiiiff, the nnniber of Aineii.an ves^.U li-hin' !..,■ lo.ekeiel a'ul lo Itisl, .n the .ul ol S,. I awrenee and on the eoast of Xova Seotia. wonhl, to the best „, nn kto.ul llln TaU'e > mV n lu- seven loind.e.l eaeh year. 1 ho avcaieje nun.ber ,.f men to ea.h vessel would be about lilie.n.- MHnu.ii.lto I. 'if Jncil) Or mT, Kn-huriiiiiri, l.nwrr I.i4liiivi', X. S,:— " 2. Fiiiir jcnrn iiijo I w.n in ilu' II, >y nl' Chiiliiir, iiml Tir timtiv yi.ir* inintiiitly lirfurc llmt linm )i'rir oftcr jnir. VWe )fnr« HHii I I'liv <'i> ill ll» "'iv nl' t'Imliiir Iikhi iwip Id llirn' lintnlnil Amurinm xi**!!* in nni' (lift. 'I'Ih' mci»t of llirte \t»wU iimk niiukiril uml llii'y Umk lh« mtwt uf tiu'ir mnikiTi'l Intliuro, aiuI very wlilum cimght much mackt'tul bejcmil thrt'* niilc'H liuiii llii' slinri'." l'liili|i I.e.Moiiiiiw, Arlflini, A;lr of Chellcuiip l« much IViMincnti'il hy Ami'ric;iii IliliinK ,„f, 111). — ,li>|iii Miirii-ii, of I'lPit Mi'lttiiy. \. S., pi'iivi'i IikIiId;? fm- nmrki-iu! liy Ainurii-iiii vi!««eln at Ciilie Ciinsii, within liiiH-ii-niiK' id' ihr ^h^|•|•. I'll,,, 111. — ,|,,||„ NmiliziT. id liiiiKiuliui}', ii'stilii'^ ilmi ho Hum noeii Aiupiii'iiii vtM.itd» lii»iiing tor iiia;kerel ill tho Ixirk hiirliiir of i.nui'nliurj;. Pii;/' liri.— .lohii Hii;.'I)mI1. i.f (iMl.!inii, (*ii|>f Hiiti.ii, pri.Tct Aiii(«iir;iii fl'.hiii;? \i-s«i-U in (Inlnriis Mnj, Norlli-tiu^l x\de of (upu Hrrloii. l'iif/(' ll«. — I'.yuM Murphy, id' I'mt l[.'n,l. Cipp ISrcton, ^wi;!!!" timl li«' has linnwM ai ni my i»h TnO AMii>rioun ves»oln Hilling in iIk" (iiill luiil tho hIhh-us imouihI X-ni Suntln, Oniie JtrHim, ami Iliu M:i,:;diilun l-diiiidn. Piiife l"it>. — II. HolnTtMiii, of (IrilUn's ('i.vr. (Ia.«pe. pii>\i'« iin e.vtfiisivc mackend tUliiTy hy Aiinirionni* (it (ii'iffiii'K {'nvo, nud ni'ijililiin'iii;.' covrN /'iKjf CJt; — DiiiMihl \\\wt, nf (liiinil (iirvi', (iiopr. swimM to over liMi AnnTioim yclmnm'rs in IliiHpc linjr, yearly, liir imickortd li^hini;. l'pihiai", tlnstpo. swi.'ui- llial thfy liiivi; unmiully hcod a iiugo fliot i>( .XiiUMicmi mackrii'li'is in Hay of ( halnii', I'lii/r i;!S III r.»ll. — l"'orly nini' others, all of (id-ijii'. swcnr to tlii' coiitinMal ilrio hy the I'nitud Stii'os Hslii>r- iiii'ii iif till! tisiiin;; uriiunl.s in-hoie fif thnt rcninii. and to tiii! annuitl pri'Ticiico of u large lliii't of Aincriram liahiiiji vt^siiU in tin: Kay of t'luilfiir iiinl (la>pr I'liy. 'I'lio fdlliiwiii;,' person.^ iilso ti'slify that tl:« .Xincricaiis (ish on all llu' ^hnros of Nova Scitia, uasiloiii and ni»i'tlii.'rn sliiiic.'i of I a pi' liri'iuii, Anligiiiii.^'h l!ay. iii.«i rii:ist of .\i'w |{niM,--\viik, mil Kay I'lmlpur ; — I'liyt »r Jifi'liinh. IM. \\ . \\ ysf, ( iiathaiii. Xt;iv Hrunswick. IHI. (iahrii'l Soahoyof. Ltinetihiii;;. Novii Scotiii. IH-J. I'atrii'k .Mulling .Sdiiiy, C H., lt)l.». .loliii Carter. rurlMnii'toii, 192. riioiiiftt (.'oniliiii, ( iiiy.'^born'. ■J()(l. Matlhi'W Monrin'. ( iiiy>horo'. ■' •JOd. Isiiar W. Ki'iitit'lls, Cap,' Hnli.ii. •• •JOIi. .liishiiii .'^milli. .k .. 207. Martin \\ fnlzil. I.iiinfiliiir;:. •2W. Ali'XHiiiKi- McDonnlil. Cn|.i' IJreton. ■• liltl. Aiiins II. ( >nllii>iisi'. I)i;;liv, '' 22ti. Hnlitrt S. I'laUiii.', Varninntii, ■J'JT. .iidjii A. .McLi'iiil. Ki'iisiiiL^itoii, riiiici' Kdward Isliind.. 'JiW. Allans l{. .\|i'l).iiialil. Simri^, " 23;>. .lohn McliilyiP. I'.iii (ii'lil, •' •2.37. ■riiunia,- Wa'Mi. Soiiiiii. "• •i!l!t. Daniel .\l.l iity II'. 217. .lohn .^lei'i'hiiiit. .Norlhiiiiilierli. •'. .'•*evv Urni' ', lek. From t'lid to end, llin Uril'sli evidenec "':• v. "hai. the I'liited' .Stiites tisherineii (iirry uri their opei'.ilions wilhii' the 1-Srilisli teiriturial waters. I ln'^ here In ibliodiiee ii fi'W iii>taiires (roni llii! e\iileiiee of the liiiled Males wit- nesses wliii weio prddiieeil to pinve ihat the m lekerul tisliery wa» curried on in what is called by the rnited .States counsel " the optMi sea." TlMoTHV A. Dasii.s. of Wellfleet Msvs... ti.^lionna'. called on beliiilf of the f Jtn-eriiineiit of the I'nitfd Sir leg, .-Wi'in an 1 examined. Hy Ml!. VnsTi |{;- ■ U. Iluw old are yiHi ;' .\. '.oyeais. Q. Were you ennajied in mackerel fishing during a (;niiil miitiy ycftrs ? .\. Ve-i. (i. How many .1 irs did yiMi eimii! til the fiiiif to lisli mark'jrel ■'' .\. ITyear^. 'J. What year did yni I'egiii and whiil yur iiid ';' A. Krcm ! s (c, i,, \H'h I tiili'.'ve, iiielinifPi one year out. A> ;> v At iVi ^ «i ,*l 1:.'.» U Wit.' \Mii ill till. »iiiii' Kcli r all llic Inn.' ' A ^ i-i. U U'liiif w,i» thi' nmni' iif thii vi««i'l ;' A. /Vf,;,.., '1 Whit liiniiiiKci' A. (ii i.iin. '• '" """"' I'''"'"' """'' ''"'" ""■'''' '"'''"• '""" "I"'"' '" I'— ' A. Mnrf • ♦ . . . . , I., pi. u.|i ..,1 ,,m ,l,„iiK II (,y ll.r tail llii.l you »,•.■,. |'„rlH.M..ii to tUI, within tl.r,.,. mil, , of tl... ,lior,. » A I think .o l»y Mr. W l;,\l limilt :- ■imim i. U. I^voii «rr,.|..rlpiil,l,ii tiMui.u. williiiilhHMMiiil..«ol lh.-«h..|'i>. woiilil you n.inr lit iili;' A. It Wuuirl I Milcr nr- "*"• J''/'""l»"""' »■ ll 'Imm' «. ,, il,h witli n, anil pliMiiy thrr.., p, rhup* I iiiiKht. I cmniot .„v i.h to that, .1,. I '"I".r ""[ '"I"""""' ' >"" ''"I '"•'•" n'.tii.lnl, ilutu.K all ihu y...r» you cmw In tlio l,u. from coniiiiL' I* uilliln Ihm' niiJMol tlir »hoir. y,„i HinlUuot hav.. , . ,„.'' s I lliink iioi. i 1 1 o^ i. Himni SlKfilKs .1 Mmiiin, in.,.||.rm(lHn.i iin.lli-lMMM.n. of lilmiri.,i,.r, wH..*r,.ll..il on lahalf ol ilm (om.inm.Mit .1 lJilil«il Smli'P. Ilfri- uri: m)iimi .>jln«i't» fiMin f.i(^p» 'Jl-.' tml •.'!,•. of i|„. Annrii'iiii .'viileipi'. Hv Mr \t\\\ " (i. Hut juii iliil II. ll li-li » iihin ihr iliiM' mil " (1. Ciiii \i limit'.' .\ No. ■•a Ciii yni not llml out from r.poit-i of vi>»i.|i an"''"«■ "' '' ' 'Mi. Anil you liaM' to juiU'f as to the piTs.nci' of tUh, II Kooil (||.„| from the rrports of otliur-. 'i" \ Yis A irrcn .,y m.nii.ivt.uchoin. asto li«liiii« ^r In, llii, ImIic cum- <.»■.■,■>» hriis « hcth.-r in niil. halibut or mark-id ii«|,,i,a Soiiii' li'oinyo,ir..vp,.ri..|iL.,. in .lirltav a pnlly lontf oi,.._,|„ y ttarh much impoitaniT to ili.. riwhl of li«hi,.K withm ihi.r m I.H ot till, -hoi...' A. Will, no, I ilo not think it U nf any importniicM., It nuur wa. „„ to m.- ;• Hy Mr. \Vi;\Tiii.iini; : — "Q. You niM.r (Willi so, loM. loth., .hor,. as that .' A. .Som.tim.H ,vf .liil We li In ,1 wiihai liNr iiiih ,h ol I! nl Koi'ks. '■ Q. ,\iiil wiiliiii four mill's of ihi'in V A. Wrll yrs. "(.I Hut \ou iliil III. 1 ^'|.|||. rally run iii«or|os,.V A. VVc !ni..'ht h:ivi' iloiu. s.i. wo fl^hi'il. \V(.' iiM'il 111 ratfh our lish on ililfni.nt (|a_\ » in iliirrrciit plarrs. " (i. You Wirt' akknl w hrllur mui hoiiIiI not hiivc Muir nils oiui I I'oulil not tl 11 i-Lo'tlv how far off " (i. You w.r.'a^Mil wh.llur jou woulil not l.av.' jour nils opin ami M.ur uiiilrrstumKiiK In know whiir olliir l.(•l.lllo <■uu({ht llii'ir jisli, anil jour answer was tli:,t soini' pi'oph' hail llu'ir ihoii.'t' ■■' A. Yi's, sir. " U. That is to say thnt KoiiH' pi'opK' havi' tii.ir rhoifc to fish in certain plan i and oilursiii iliHeri nt nl in s ' \ Yen. ' •' ll And that is the only answer ymi cim'. 1 suppoM' ihal mui did hear vihire olliers were lishini;, IImm \ou L'iveii 11 full iiiiswer V A. 1 ha\c j;iveii a full iiiiswi ... " Q, You must have heard where others have (ished y A. Of course if a niiin fjels a full Irip on Onihaii lliiiik he will ({ll there analli. ' "(J. lie dm s not eare will re others have lishid y A. No •' d Then it is possihie that some fish idlonether in one place, auH some allonether in another phe. ' A. Well I don t know anjthiiif; ahout that — I only know my own experience. " (J. 'rheli you e.iii Kivc 110 idea where (ish are ciiiiHht except \nur own actual . Aierieiicc !' A. Well, I km.w'«liere people liavi' said. "(J. That is just what .Mr. I»ai, a asked you I w ml to take the same Krouiiii that ho did ih.il M.ur uir. wi re ojeii nnd you understood. ^ our answer was simply that some had their choice '.' A. II I spoke a vessel and he said llieie was a good prospect at llradlej I Hhould ^o there. If he said there was Hiiod lishiii),' on the Ma^'dalciis I shoiiid ;ro there. "U 1 tlioiii;lit your answer was that some would have their choice, that no matter what thev heard tliev would st II ),'o to the name places'' A. I Would t;o where I ..'ot ;.'ood catches the year liefore. " (i. Then you didn't h.'ar of otiiers lishiiiir in other plates y A.' I have heard ol thnn lishiii" at liri..||ev .mil Mau'- (hilens and up the (iull." Ajriiin : - •' y. Now I don't Want to trouble JOU with readiiif; aiiv opinions, hut .dioiit what time was it a>ci rtiiiiied that ilie iniickerel tishinn was inshori'' .\. I ild not tell. •'Q. At the time jou mentioned it was not known thai it was an inshore hslieiy at all .' .\ No. not to mj knowledge. ••(J. _ It was after It was ascertained that it wa.s an inshore lisliery that vou beard of a difliciiltv alio'ut the iiiint .' ■\. les." liy Mr DvNA — '•(1. 1 wisli to ask Jou with refermce to the last ipiestioii when m.u axerlaiiied that ihemaik rt 1 lislierv Wis an in- shore lishiTj ? .\. I staled it was not in the year IN.'l.s. ••(J. Mr. Weatlierbe .isked jon when joii first aiceilaiiied that the niiickerel llsheiv was an iiisiioie lislury, and whether this or that happened liiforc you ascertaiiieil that it was un inshore tisherv. Now hate Miuevii h'.ir.ied iliat it was fill inshore fishery in dislincliiiii from an iiutshore lishery .' A. \ii. " il Well what do yon mean when you speak of •• alter you niiderslood it w,is an inshore fishery. " l)o mui m.'.in mainly or largely inshore 'y A. No. We would hardly eier i an'di aiiv inshore in llie lii-t parlol'ihe se'ason. Some pails of the year ihej di.l lake them inslioie , '11111 ofl'-hore loo. '■ Q. Takin;; llieiii all llirou.^h, where did you eat. h lliem .' .\. Mo-t i.f tin in ari' e.iui;lil i.tV-hore. '• Hy Mr. Wi'AniEi.tU': : — '• il, I ;iskeil win 11 it w;is that I lie dilli.ull \ lir^t ai i.«e al.oiil lli. liinil , .iiid u hit I er it was at'ter it wa-ei.iiMilei . .1 ,iii inshore fishery, that is ".'I!!:' A. I referred In i he year '.'(.S. ll w as an iii-hore ;i>lierv m li. u ihev li-he.l lli.i.'. Win n vessels didn't fish there, j mi eould not call it an iiislmre (islierj . The attempt ol iii.iny witiiesse.s to show that llie li-liilij; w:is all ciUfie.l on lUit-iile ot thiee miles. \»,'is aniu-iliL'. to say the leii.st. IsAAi: linuii.x, of r.i'll.iM. .Maine, lisjni nmii. called mi behalf ..f tin.. ( iiiveriiinenl (.1 the liiile I Males. >wiini .'illd exaliiilied : Hy .\li! i'oMi;i! :- This wltiif'-s lisheil in the Ciill'iif St. l/iwienee in llie yenrs 1 .'si'.'^. I.'sl'.'.l, l.sT'Jan.l 1 .■>; I. iiiid exeepiiii;; oti one 'lav. all Iii.s fi»hin.,' un-. oii|>ii|e of three iiiile,«. Ilj .Ml.;. \\ 1 \ I iiiMii : - " 'i Von i',-iu;.l.t jour maiki'iel lour miles oll'y ,\. ^,'s •• (}. Wh.it propoi-'lioii y A. Hall of them. .--I r, .111. I not tell. •• <^ I siippoM' thai woiihl be the distance jou wouM m l.'.-t a- laiiia j-i,i„| H^hin;^ .- A. Ves .'-ir. 124 I'Q. Thai iv(.,.l(lhi.thc l,,.,t n^liiiij, ,„„ |,.,v,. V A. Yes Ml- ^,J^ Q. I .,,poM. .nost of the (ish.nne,; (lslu.,1 .l.a. .listan... , A. V.s ,l,..v .o„,.r,.Hy H.l,,.,! od' ,l,cro „o;u- T,,,,- „r flvo y^ "i'*'""^i'!''nMh.l.,MittlM. iH-.t lisl,i„..r. i;„„. ,„■ fn,. luilrs^ \ Yes it is « ^i^EiSiiS^^^^ .„. Q. ans.T ii,si,l,.(l,ai, luiir miles. A. I slioiiM sav so. ■"•-lu.., close iii . A. Yes. . ,r ..'"'^ "'"'•'•' ''"■" ;-'" "' pri'ttv close ? A. Yes. • Q. \uu H-(.iil,| ilien ^'o ill tliere and ilrift i.fT V A. Y'e- ..... iii^t .,;^r:„i'v' T y;:';'„:!: :';::';i,e";;;:'^;;:.:ttr '"' '""• ''""^ "-' -""" - - •■•°- - ti..., eo,.,„ ,.. II a As close as lliey euuM ^ret in ? A.' Not williiii lour miles A. n^u. i,:;::,:;;";;;:;:'; ::i:^!;'£,:!';:;;.,!.ri::;;;:::;n^ t^in- "- "' • -""• ^ --^ t"™wi...a m,. ,.ait. .', H YT" "■"",''' ^" "'"''''■' ■■ ■■^' '^■'''- """"' ''f 'I"' '-ipt'iiiis went in. ^l Ul us make a compromise aiul sav three miles and a half. You .lon't object to that .lo you V" (Xo answer.) and«nIZll!rM;1vir'n'-l1''" "''''^'"^« '^ '".'"' fou,„l on pn^e 1 1!> of the United States, w.s proil„ce.J "• "- «-"» i;:.';iv:';;i'.;';,«r.-J-;?. 'i,:;;::;r™i :;," ™^" ""•™ "»" "~ "'"• "■ - ■'»-■ "Hy Mr. WFATlli-itRi- :-- " Q. lietween IS.i- ..ml ISTtJ you h,i,l five vessels fishinj; ? A. Yes ii- .And yo,i maile three mackerel trips'? A. Tes "Q. .^nil you lost moiiev iiv them ? A Yes -a y^z':''i::t!i::'^:^^^^ - '■ ^ -"'"-' -"y- ;; Q. )ou had thre,. vessels (Ishiii- in the liav-vnu sent them there ? A Yes or otit^le ^^";( ^"^.;y;''--'^''^" "> ->>• "'-t v„„ do not know, and never made any eiupiiry whether the vo.v.ls fished inshore " Q. Yon never made ai.y eiupiiry al.oiit it > Xo.^' Cauaditn S™^:. ^'""^^ ""'' ''" ''''' "^' ^'"•^'■'^ ^^'"^"■^ ^'^ "^ "'«- -.sol. Ii„d fi.|,i„g lieettsos from the iij. lou lost money, you say '? A. Yo*. " Q. Dill you ever ti-v 'inshore fishiu"'' V Xo "i Ki^hVr^alon5'■"■;''■^r'■ ''"''"'" "'^'' ■'''"''"''• ^^^ -''I"" -"- opinion. set mon. maiV-rel ' '^^ ^ ^""' >"" '">■ '■"'^""^' " ^-'"''' ^""P 'I'" -—Is out of the harl.or.,. and they would l.ors wfn:,, iu'om;s"iJh,,'^ ''''"' "" """''' """ ''^'^■" ^" '-"'^- ''-'■'^- '''l-v '^'V ,n the harbors too l.,n;r. ard go into har- ni't ai,^ys !;u ;;;;! d:;;.'':;^'' i:::;^^ ""^ "^'"■'""" "• '■"" '" •■' ""^ ^''-^ -"> ''-'^ -"• -"» <•"■>• n.n i,. a,ain ? a. i. i. •h. - a^va^;;.;!:r ■y;;;!;:-:;:f ;;;;f,::t- ?;\:!:,n;:7 i,:"^::;,,„L.!'' '" -'-' -- '- - " --^^ -'-^'^ Deennse T .h.:::;:h;7:,uidl;;':';;!;;::,,:;:Mr''''''" ^^'^ '"•' '"""■•■ """• '^^ '>'"^''- "^'-^ ^ -hy did yo„ not try it ■> a who ilh nu:i:^"on:^•^'A:'''V:M,;""::•. Ji:.:J';u::z:':7 " ''^- '''•■ >"" ■";' "•> "^'-'^ '-•'■"■- 'ii^^ «>•- • ""1"^ "!■ '!"■ shoiv i' \ \„t „ers„iiallv ii pHpsas—^ ' •■ O V- -fi'l '■;,■''.'''''''■''',''>■ '''''''''•''•'■ -^^ ^■"- I was not interested, 'lierc wa^ A:! 'ilhhij tre ';:;: I^;; :'-;'>' -I.— ' "-' - '^'^ i.-hore. and never made any cn,p.iri..s as to „hc, • -.ut'!,t H,;: r;;;;;,d"st:;:::' "'' ""^ ""'""■" '"' ' "■^•"•" "• '"=-"■ "^ "'■"-'• ^'--- -'i-' - ^-haH of the (;,.ven, . Hy .Mr. Doitkk:- ,,,„;;,;:' ranyoufind„utca-lly«hc,heryou arc,h,ccm,le,or lo„r,n,lesorfiw. milcolfv A. Idnu.kuo. h„„ ■• {■ \Vcl^'v;m'h',l'i?";'"''^"'"f""'"■^■ ,^" l"";^ ^^ y-' loundli.hyou fi-l,cd,h.Tc:> A. Yes. -inindsvouov- ,■•;■;' '■T'%:::;;T;i;,^'''^^^^^^ ..^.n inshore oroutsnore-^whar ^"'1 '■.■.".;ht about as loa,!; filh o.f .1,!,,! as in. • ' "" ""■"■"'■"' '"'■• ""'^ "'^^ «^' '•^'"■■1 .^Lool half the ,f n;),,,,,. .mr e!-:;::;;,;;, ""■,'".:;;;;;■ ;;:■:;;;,;;;;;;;:'>,. •; f •" .'-v .mnpioieiy o„r !.„ i iu-c.i,re„ o„ ,i,e .r side imvc „n,ucr Manao on (he .','" i : , X 1 "Tk^, '" /' '^""''^ "' '-"^^^'^■""" >^ pcil.ap, unusually striking, (irand State. Co,,,,. cl ., ,d „o u ,„ • ;•• ' ''■■'*'" """""""I- '"'« '•^•'■•^^'v.'d the especial atlentio,, T.f United '""!■ "'■! '."'',v " M,e-.es were c.lled to cntra.lic, ,he vevy siron. ca- uo.de lo,, bv AI, Thnu.s,,,, ," ,v {!.' '<) tIlOV (I '<> 1 !».") 1-2' me call your altuiitiun lo t'l.. o(!„.r si 1., .,f tlint H.iy. hmcI toliiu iittc-itnti lie.fow.! 1 L, lliM part of tli- I'rovin.w. Z ■"'i'..^'""" ■' '"■' '■'"'"'"' *''■''"'• •^''■- ^V"'"'"''''-- Jl ym l(M.k ;it the onp voii will li,„l M .M.iy'.s |i,v on tlio N.MiliWi.sn.nimHsi. •,.,■„,.,• uf Novu S-„tiM, on il... Kisleni .s!,o o of lli,; uio.tli of'tlie May nf Kumly. Kr,„n r,,,,. Split lu;aMli|> II;'„lMtO,.l{,y..f F.n.ly (oll.,w .lo^vn lh,i Kistm-n sl.ore uf tl,:,t l^.y tc Hn^r Mi.nd aUliu- vory rMivniitv or l)i;.l.y \,;,.k ,, stn|, „i n.-lcy siij iiveia,',ii j; oir. ,„• (um miles In wiiMi wlrcij toinn lliu l)airior buhveeii tlie IJ-iv oV ^uiMly MM.l St. Marys M:,y. a \»y six miles in wiclti. at Petite IVssa-e. l''n,„. Urier IshrM jro to iIr. IkvhI of'St - h.i-y s Hay ■!'» miles an'l toll ,w tlie siniinsitios of the o|,|jo,ile coast to iti* muutli and procecl sunllnvardly iii.e,- lli ■ shore, ut the oM heneh se>llem:.|,t of (Mare f.war.ls Harrin.^tou-that uneie.it tovvD wliiel. was l,mM 1,/ fi.h.^ni.ei, tnon ( iqie ( ,y\ who bellied th-re with llieir I im lies in 17(1 !. Here is a coast line o„ the Western put of XovaSroMa ■-■>> or .•)l)() miles niehulmi; the whole l.n-th of Diirhy an.l Annapolis Counties, with th, finest /ones ami ennenis an 1 tenip-i-alure on the jjilohe tor a ^r,oat tishiii,r frronnd— swar.nln.,' within three miles of the shore as von will lind l,v inroin- (. tlie4l;,lh paj;e ot the liritish evid.Miee with an/Ush, hnddnrk, pa/'orlc, /lulibuf. //o,r/,/r/'aml nunl.rrrl In •'! hours, with the Si„vf/w,/l, Frofe.ssor Hainl would extend the list of edihle tish very nmeh.' It is true we di 1 not oall witnesses troin every p irt of this coast. It would have occupied too much time. We did, however produce suf- (K'lent evidence. Take Itricr and Lon- Islands— ahout II miles in their entire coast lii,e. 'I he>e Isl.ands are withm ahont hve or siv hours sail ..f the I'nited States, and will in a few months l.e aliiin.t cuonccted liv rail— altw you cross M. Mary's Hay— wiih Halifax. The In-peetor of Ki.slieries at Mrier Islaii I, Holland ('. I'ayson who was «rm'no,';''"'''', '^.-yV ">^'"^'; l'^'%''"'"f'i'ly ^MvvA^d iuformation. Th i p..ople of thes , two ishtmls al'oue etch !?J(l(I.Uim worth ot hsh lUMiually. It would he fair to put the catc'l, <,f that entire coast at three millions ami a half r.zra I unicr troiu Maine, whose teslimouy is to he fnuiid on pa-e -:!:, of the Aiiieiican evidence, and who has li-lied in the itntisi waters h.r.'iO or -10 years, sw.ne that Maine is hankrnpt in the ti.-heiies from end to end. This is cm'rohoiatcd liy a iiiimlierot American witnesses, and hy the ollicial recmds (jf the nation, III Ihe American au-wcr. it is claiiued that the poor people of our lidiiii- villages are .,avcd frointh-titirion hy the American hshermen. .Mr. Fay*"" and Mr. Ku!;-les— the latter a descendant of the celebrated (icneral Wu.'rle^ —say theirjieople ilo not pay a cent of poor tax. The almost destitute fishermen from the hieak eoast.s of M?dne and from New Kiip;land. .s///o' f/if Tn;ili/ of Wasliiixjlon, durin,;,' the last four years throu;; these tVieu.lly nei'dibnr- iiiu; coas\s ol ours, and fmni these two Islands alone they cany away anaually from one-third to nnc-fourih as'mauy fi>h as are can-lit by the inhabitants— say SoO.OOtl worth. They come with small vessels, which they haul np or .-luchor, amniicy establish themselves on the shore, and carry on the.so fisheries side by side with their Canadian lirelhreii. 'J'his exercise of the rii^lit is gradually ^jrowin;; annnally. These .\ineriean lisliermen admit their distrcs.sed eomlitiou at home, and the iireat advantages they enjoy by access to i,ur coast-. These fi-herics of ours, with those on the .New Hriiiiswiek .shiire, imdudimj^the Grand Maiian. are a great lilessmg to our neighbors. This is no fancy picture. Here is a list of the .VfTidavits. filed to establish the tacts. Here are the facts from fourteen men, wlio.se statements oonld have been fully sifted: — ^ The .statements of Holland C. I'ay.srn and Mr. Kuggles as to the value and extent ot the fi.-lier;ea in the liar ot I'undy, and the soulhern coa.st of .Vova Scotia, arc eorrouoratcd by the niridayit.ii of— 155. — Joseph l>. i'ay.MUi, AVcslport, Digliy County. -07. — Livingston Collins, •• " •-I8.- Walliico Trask, Little Uiver, I'lS.-Ciro. Iv .Mosely, Tive.tuii, 2-Jl)._(;ilbcrt Merrit. Sandy Cove, " 2lM. — .loseph !•;. Denton, Little Kiver. •J-Jl —John McKay. Tiveilun. :i:i:i. — W liiifi,.ld ((mlion.e, Tivcrtoo. '2-l->. — ,lolin \V Snow. Ligby. " 2-j:!. — .lame- l'ali.'r>on FoMcr. 1' u-t Wiibam,-. ,\nna]i(dis, •_':;:;. — Byron 1'. La,M, Varm uitli. Varaioath. --■"'. — •Samuel M, li\ci,-(m. '■ :.'4ll.— Thomas .Miliier. I'arkir's Co\e. .\niiapnlis. •JHl — .lames W. Cou-iii^, Higby Town. Di.rl.y. ,• ■! , ,"■"" '" ''"■ 1 1'''' "'' '» wli'dt* <'".'i»t. who have been trained to no ether luir-ui eei f.'Nubes aic depend..nl ,m the r.itnrn of the be.its ir "• ' ' ' ' ' MUM pm.-u,l. ,i,H ironi Urier Ulund and the otiier cast of Nova Seoiia- 120 "''"r :'-h"" call vunv ..,.,>„„„ .„ nn o,.r,.-s!,.ll I s,y « ,,..„n,.l,;..l .;;--'%;:;'':,,!:;!nln> Xt Th. i:a, ::,! a .n. a.r U,c Unm.! State, say. ho c.n «^-,; l^^'^ H,:!:.!!::;: . " u!. ..l^ilof lus a.-,..,„..t .sM.,au....,lMr. l'ul,-onHU,l '- ''f'- '^'-^^^^ ;;;':! :J :,:^^'^^^; „., ,!,. l'.„t M„l„uv. nMu.us are ^:"„lv n„„nM,l, .,.. Mr. Vo.U. ..n.s ,,. ho "'-'"Ij. J"J .j"; ^ ^1 I'o^k ,.t tl,o ,nap au,l roa.l .1. t'omioctu,! I.v i.u.y milos nfra.hoa.l wilii the n.vru^u-.nl harhur ot Sy.lnoy. thoiv To do ^o i> a moral imiiosMliilUy. H. M. S,..al,..v, ..-.h,.,.,.,, or lU^a.,.t. Maiao, .a. .all.l oa hohaU of .la. mitcd States, au.i c.atu.aod. I iavite lh« Coaiiu>.-ioMTS to rtad his uvaloa.'o :-- .. Q. 1,„ ,nu na.:.n , ,e M,a„ , _ an., ^ A. N ••;';•;,;„ „ ,^,.„, „„„„„ ,f ,,„,.,., ,aU,l .1^7 all go cut. ::i ^::;;\;::;;;;ni;a:yal^':;:^;a::^a.r^-H-'''- ^"•^>""' '•y. lio.v„u think y. .Ill- (.piaiun IS nea.Tul . A. l»,»n. lloro aie a iVw i..\traels Cmmi llie CY;(len;?o oa tWv : — . f fl K nt l'„.-l lI.Ktii.-^ C.ii.' r.i-olo.., lias bc.n :'.-' yoars vv.giiff'd ia the fisliin- haMnus-, aa.l lia« bioa a practual (islionaaa : — ..^>,a.ia,t!,oH..,.ipvo..iu..^..a,ya,a,-,c,...lorAaa.,..,a^hi.^^ Ssi- ^f,,;::^:.5*H"-""'rF'r^ : •■ " •■ " ■' ••'■• li>U." To ,oa 1, -h.s. lo>.alin.s they a,o aa.lo,. ao n..,......y wla....f of j.ssia, ;';-f;;; '^^ < ;;'!,^; Jl^^^hoT!:^ ar,v .liirotlv allor llu'v oaa.. Iroa. tho l!ay ot Fna,ly. ruhrr ] a-s aloa- !..■ . ast ol No a , ol,., aa.l U^^Jy of ,L >H„-,h.,-n par, of Capo liroloa, or pass aorlh ia tho va.uuy ot N,.vloaa,Uaa,l. (,,Mir::c ('. l.awicnco. airrdiaat, I'oit llaMia.i;s: — .. Xo. aouHv all .la- AaaTic-an lW,ia. voss.ls ,„.si„, throa.h ,_ho S.ro.s of Caaso are ao.o.l or .quatod. A ,r.a» i;: An^ri:;,;;^.!, tlu. .'iMora shore of Capo Hrotoa, bot.ooa C.po North aad I.ovu.lans. aad thoroubout,. AloN. .McKay. '.M'rriiaal. Norlli Nydaoy, •'. II.: — , . , , 1 1 i , .i,..,,„„l. tl.r. Striit (if Caaso. 'I'hov coiae aroaad the soatlioni , ;i;': i:i':, s ;''i:«x".v =, ':- s;^: t^''-'-^ ? *; ;;;;7,jt,r;;-,:;f,.->»'-' -' - '• tlu.roforo shorter fur ihem to c.aao roaad by the soathera aa.l eastern suUs ul the IsU.n.l .,t ( ape liutoa. .laia.- Mol.oMil, aaisl.T laariiier, Cape Union t'ih'tr ::":::' S:';M;rr:lu:'thc;.. a!,;!'';:;:':,';:,; ;., ,,,i .,„.. ,..«,,., ..eafy -:^^^;;;;;,-y,^"--" ''»•— M, ;a|:ajie,l!;vi,hia -iJ.r. and ihink thai lla v w,.uia !,.■ ia that viennly, at oae tnae, aboat oae luaaln.l. Williaei Neaiiau', li-liei.iiaii, Maiii-.il'i.'H- (.ape I'.ieUni : — ..All.heeodh^haa.l hahba, tish.rnu.a e.aae ainuod ihe M.ala ra aa.l . as., ra eoasis ''[^^^l';^^];^-^^ ^^^^^l^;;';^,!^. thro.i.h ihe Sliait ..f Caan,. Darn,}, ih.. paM live ,,r s,x xears 1 ha^e ..>.,, .a. ua av. ,„Ke, ..p«auN ot oae hard.ed c.in ti>hiag ves-.i!s e.ich \e:ir anaaul ai this \ieiaily. Wi.i. I.dwai.i (i.inliiH'r. laen-liaiit. Loaisburi:: — •■•Ilie Aaaiu.ai M^Mls«l,ieh eoa,. loir do i,.,l pa-s llu .i.if;h tile .^Ir.ot of Caa^.j.'' ■|'h is l.al'.'V, li-henaaii, .Maia-a-l tie.i. C !•. : — M. Aaii'iieaa v.'m Is. Tl.-e Anieil.an ». ssi Is ei lae rial .1 Ih- ,'n.ill.eirti awe seea la oai (lav tVoai liflv to sixty ,,f III. co.ist of I'apo lirotoa aial did not run tl.ro.o'h'the S.r.iit of (..aa.-.). Uarinj; the pa,t live or six years I have ecu oa aa aver- ill llie ji'i al il 127 „ u.rin.'tt-ofi^hin- s,aM,M ..v.r a luin.licl American fislm.K vcssrU in «n.l n.av the waters wlieie 1 ii^'u..l, an.l I luve oftH, "mml it a,llin"l" t„ k,.q...ut ^.m^'ir wav. ■n,„se AmHicat. v..s..1h take all kind. on.>h-.nackc.,c.l, n.Uh-l. and huUl.ut. On l)().ii-(l llies,' vossi'ls tliLTL- are from sixteen (l')wn lo ten men on each. liaaL' Arcliibiilil, ineicliaiil, ( ow Ha)', C 11.; — ••Ti.e American, in tl.is Day have ol'tea ,HacMce,l tunmin;,' bait ..ve.bnaril. an,l tln.s enti.'inf,' tl''' "'"k'"'! ''Il' -''''''•■•' .InlMi reach, lilltertnan, ( 'uw I'.av, C H., H^IkmI from Cnpe North to Scaterie, and in Cow iiuy :- .'The Anu-ri'ans (ish Iron, tlwee .niles oll-shore clo^e np to the latul for nuickere!, and con.e in anuM,^ ns iaslnnc finhernien ami t.ike I lie fish away from ns." Jaiiies f'ru^er, .Ma.-lcr Mariner. Syiliuy: — "Darin- the n i^t ten years I have seen .me h'.n.lred ami sixty American vessels hsli in Syilney inrbur lor macker-l i„ one ,1 'ly "mul larie lleets or- Ameiican fishin;; ve.seU visit our harbor daily for the purpose of culchmK mackerel dunn,' .h« mackerel season year after year." .loliii l''e|i;iison, f'ow liaj, ('. 1>. : — .. I liave seen from lortv t,. lifty Amern an vessels pass throaKh the ■• Kiltie " between t^calerie and Main-a-l.ien in on« day," .lohii .Mnrphy, i-'islieriiiaii, ]/iiigiin, ('. H. : — "Ihirin.Mhe past five or six vears I have can^dit mackerel inshore around Lingan Harbour, and last j ear 1 have seen ^"^"'.:^;;,;:' t::;.::;:' l'u::^zr:::!:^TZ'z:t:^ ";:;;' .inmnd .,. sontnen. ami .istem coasts of cape nreton. and all the codfish and halibut fishermen ci-nie around tlie same waj. Airbus MatlitvMiii, Fisheriiian. Sydney, C. U. : — " I have ciu.dit them in Svduev Harbour, until the b,.tt,m^ of iho boat touched the mound. The .Vnericans always come il.:;;ore";; U'e mXrel and when ih, y did not fish them iiislio.e tL..y baited them oil to beyond the three nides. A. n ti.ne when ihe io.a.-native faen!,les of the Icart.od Ativri,..,, .\,ont and Counsel had not ''-" ';iM-»;^"^,;; tv ther.'uveriMnent-ntalimeuhen it had not vet been diseoveiod that llm Americans dens ed iho.i title to ou i^i e ?; ■ eveuients of a Massaehi.set.; Army and Navy, our American IrieieU Had another ■--^- ; 1, c'aini alo not u. be fo ill 1 in th- Treat'es. Until ,,uito tvcoully, Aiivncan Mienn.n were uide, the in """ '■''•;,; ,, ,„,„l n- " While tb.se noti, ns were provah..., our America,, frieuds hnd no interest n, .lep:e,.,arn. a properly w nci i^ - Mri.civclv wus their owi,. In a Unvr nrliclc on the li.-herios, ,addi.-licd in the New \ork IC^n/ d the l...th Ap i , l«7l:^-,^!teamon,h i eloro the ^^.uin, of the Washington Treaty, evidently written by a well-mlortncd per.on, we read the following : — .. Al.,a., ,11, niiddleof A;,,!!, or .he Ut ef M.y, the na.kerel Heel makes the li-; ^'-M-jf ^'^ ---,:-''^j<>;':|:';;;- l^irf:!;":'; fare Henlereu. and Cape M.y ; .."d if they have goo. luck, ,m^ «^l - Zl^ v i ~ / i^lun.V' .ml "^ nialhwa,.!, i^!:-!;:ntr^;:::J^ i^''^;!:.!,:^';:^^^'^:-::":'""^ tr:t:;'t :;;,: ,i";iir^he; -ii;;- ,ian^.e,.s ..re , „■ ..■"■, ,,... ., ,..., r;.k.„ l„,il, v.,.,.ii,iii. and ( ftuaJiHii. li.lKiwni.' li.eiii. EEi:*;v,E:i'i!£:;'I::':;:-:::.::':orcr:^ stun:itbn.,pmtati t, arke, "' ''\^:T:\::':^:. .men ,narko., su,eri..fity ,W Canadian tnueken.l as wa, a,,n;;,i,..,l ,.. .Icin wiie., .,,,■ .^.^1 Z :•' 'in'iS; t;.:tirA;;;,.;t"';::i;:.;a',::.H^;;d,-n,,,Mt. . ..ui. .d years ,1. .p,aii,i.y can.lit in lb.. . ;n,f w... ■ ,;; ;;;ji:;t;' ;,:';;;:::;;:" u;:;::!:.;";;;;-^^^^^^^^^^ caua.ua., a.^. Aii.,.ric: k,....,, 1 a,„„.a, ,„ .1,.. 128 slMtiMu'.-nt |iri)iliicc(| luTf liv Mr. l-i'W. miknowiiiLily. I lliiiik. liL'c:iiisi' ln' piil lii-< liaml in the wniii'z itnckt't lit till' liiiii' Mini ilri'W uiil Hstiilciiicul |U'f|i(iii"l Coi' iln- CiMiti-iiiiial. sluiwiim- tli:it our iiiafUcrcl. wliirli Irul licfii tU'M'rilH'd lis liciiiu- (if Mich iiirciior (|iiMlity. iictti'il ."iii |ht iTiit iiiutv lliiiii tin' AiiHiicim nuickcrcl in llic uuirki't. Tlic valuMlioii wlii>'li this CoiiiiiiisMon is ciilli'il ii|m)ii to iii:ik,' of the n'siicctivc nilvMiit:ijivs n-ultiiiLi- IVoui the 'ri(';il<-. v.ui h:irillv he 1>;isim1 nil ;iii arithiii'ticMl M|>|ir(Tiatioii of the ((iiaiititv of tUh cailiilit liy AiiKTic:,us in the thrcf'iiiili' limit, (illlioiio-h tlic fvidciici.' liivcii on lliis iioin'. ciinuot Imt assist tin- Coniiiiissiom'is in lurniiiiii tlifir o|>iiiioii. No tiiiiiinai of al'liitratioii prohaMy ever liinl to ileal with such vai'iahlc and niicci'tain I'lcmcnts ; and if the CoininiMsioii were left wiliiont auytliini; lo ;j-uide tlicin lowardM a iioH of i'efu;j:e. they would he left on a sea of vauueiiess as to aiiiounl. Fort nn.ately they will liiid in the case an anelioi', soinethinii- of a deliiiite character t(7j;nide them. Dnnnj, the Conferences of the .loiiit Hi,;;U Coaiinissioii. the Kcpri'sentalivcs of llie I'liiteil Stated olfered to add to tish an I lish oil. a< a 1 litional co;nj( ■nsation, tli ■ admission, free of duly, <>f coal, salt and hiinher. The annual value of the diitv on these articles in the United .-tales, taking an averaj^e of the [leriod from isd] to l^sT.'i. would lie: — Viilue, Taty. Coal *77:i.t;i.'> 81'.'ii.M,s(; Salt '.M.771 -I'.;. 182 TimlM'r and i.nmli'r .7.;; 1.".. ••;',• 1 1 .0,s;!.(Ui'.> 8l.;>.'ii),(i77 Which irives for the twelve years of the Treaty the Slim of Sl."..s.lS. I:.':,, The annual value of the duties in Canada cui these articles, taking- an average of ihe same |ieriod. w..uld he : — N'ulaiv liiity. C,,„l ^l.l'.iC.MOll bS.l',)l Salt :i2.;!;!2 2-lH Timlier and l.umhcr . . .".oil. lis.", );.,s7l ?i,"..(;k5 Aniciican Duties Sl.">..s Is. 1 2 J Canadian do 187.:>.jC 'I'he lialauce in fa\cir of Canada would thcicfure he: Sl.').C(J0.7i;'"' Jf llie matter had lieeii settled on tliat hasis. it iloo iiol mean that Canada would lia\c recci\('d SI 5.i;(;0.7i;S as a direct (.'oin|iensation paid into her Trea.sury. hut according to the theory adople I hy Am Tican states- men it woiikl have to cost that sum to have aeiiuireil those tisi.iug privileges. Ill the estimation of the evidence adiluced on both sides, I admit that there Ik a|);»ar<'ntly a conllict of views !ind facts ; lint when weighed in tlii' scales of an exjicrt. liy a judge or lawyer accustomed to winiiow tho ehatf from the grain, the discrepancies would turn ont more lictitious tiian real. We have hnilthy a mass i)f witnesses and documents uiuiss:iilalile, the foundations of our claim- In many instances, we have obtained, from AniL'riean writers, rep irts iuid wilii.">.>es. the conlirmation of that substantial part of our case which ecasisi-i in tlie value of our fisheries, both to our jjcople and for the American nation. I'lie (.r jidi-tc portion of our evidence. consi.^liiiLT in Ihe allil.'wits. has been I'l.lly su^-lainel by the oral evidence. (Generally our witnesses have been selected among citizens, whose station in life and well-establislied character, gave moral authority to their statements; and we could cliallenge our friends on the Amerii-an side to point out the deposition of one witness wh had to correct his examination in chief, when cnjss-cxamincd. Can we say the same thing of a Large number of .Vmcrican witni'sscs, without imputing to any of them the des re of stating an 11111111111? 'I'licy have, as a rule, shown themselves ^,o com|)letely blimled by their national prejudices, tlial they h.ave. iinwiltingly to tlc'imelves. been in luci'il to give to most of their statements h color which would have been, in an e of Cutters; and the benelits of a large trade I'ldm ihe .\iuerican vessels ; the admission to our eoa>|s for nicuhadi'ii and inaeki'ivl. — will aggregate an ad\anl age of nearly two million dollars a year in gro>s amount."— 1 may here mention the fad that two other witiK sses wrote .••t lull length the amount •• two hundred millions " ( Allid. b'^ and 1'.). ) — '■ For this we obtain the piivilege of pursuing a lishery. which, after di ducting cx|ieiises. will not net to the Anioricaii lislierinen ten thousiind dollars a year." The I'nited Mates agciil .and counsel, who have made a successful ellbrt to exclude IVom Ihe consideration of lliis Coimnission the commercial advantages resulting from the purchase of bait .-ind supplies, .and of trans- shipping caigocs on our coast, have thoiiLiht proper to collect amass of evidence to prove the commercial ailvantages resulting to Urilish subjects froiu the Washington .oid Kcciprocily Treaties. l''or instance. Messrs. I!. \ Kiiowllon and Fdward \. llorloii. of lllouccsler. value at 82i)i>.0 u pei- year the bait sohl by Cana- dians to .\meri<'ans ; and at half a niillioii dollars per year the goods sold to Aineric-ins for rclitting 'I'he principal witiievs's broiiizht from (lloueestcr came here with such prejudiced minds, not to say worse, Ih.at their examination in chief seemed like an atti'inpt to blind this Commission with ouc-sidi'd statements, from which, at lirst sight, evohe 1 a inyslia \ which too'.; lis some time to pcnctrale Takiie.^' their figures as they liist gave them, it seemed a piece of folly lor any .\mericaii lishcriiiaii lo have al!einpled. more tli.'in 1 iice or twice, to have lislied in Iritish wateis. .as the re-nIt of each trip ennhliliitcd a net loss. --the i[uantity of lish taken being almost insigiiilicaiit. and in qualiix iiiilil Ibr Ihe Amciieaii iiiaiki'l. T'lielr st;ili>lie-. uci c ariaiineil to create that impression. Th" statistics with the n.ames of se\i'r,'il lirm^uho had piiisiied siieh an improlilable business for a perio I of twent\-livc and thnty ye:irs coiiseculively were liirnishcd, \\ <■ i-oiild not lind in o.ir exiierieiice of things and men. an olislinaey of t'lal iiKmnilude in mercantile allaii<. The cro-s-cxamiiialioii of these wilnesses, extracted iiieccnu'al. picbcnled thesi; haiisactions under a dillcrent asin'ct, and it turned out. I ) ii ) 129 after ail, that th wanted iiH to sii and loucnst pposf or vessel owners anil fisli was 1 I have now done with tl evidence brouf^hf in support what has I turned n (inality l.randed in tlie Hoston and ( Hit tliat tile (ish eaiifiht lernien had Imd all in onr waters were hi'dii^ alonfi more sen^e than tl lie witnesse; ester inarlvets Cur ahove the A remunerative in ((imntitv. us portion of mvsMliJen, and I have said all I i, nienean shore inacki Wl leeu pleaded as an ollsel t and in contradict Mritish North A len we come to deal with tl i> our claim ni of the British ( ive to sav with reft fence to the use: and I now desire to deal l.ricllv wit tiidi 1st.— Hilda to I niencB, we tins irianted liv tji,. A ish on the Sontli-l'lasti lie cif two ki niencaiis to the siil 111 coast of the I niled Stilt :'nd.— The ad cs tn the ;)lltl into the I'nited States inission freeolMutv. of tlsh and llsh oil, the prod, Jects of ||,.|. Majesty in li parallel of N,,rt|i I,;iii. As to tl market if 151 iiifl of it. Ill t ■'ill and :iii I rifrht of ft. le privilejro ,,( lishiiiir i„ AiMeric;in ilish .North America n hsherie.' lie first instance it has I water,, this (' "■en proved that t "iiiiii-sioii will h.-ive verv little trincs bet h catniot lie entertained as I sliermeii of the tw five tariif, whether it is tl ween Free traders and I'rotectionist let ween the two (;o\ :o say o c()iiiitries, iiidi". crnnieiit- intho has the e m K' |irodiiceror( siimei find everywhi-re direct lie- ami sum 'r ever start.- land si seems to I le solved liv this n s, as to who pays thedntv nnd pported an a;iitati"is'" """'rtain '"■'"r^r '' our I! rs will rememi.er. I am cert n ti a r ",'"■'•, '■""""''""^' ^'"■'' •'' ""^"•'"" ="'' "I' n.adehM aperiodoftwelveycars.it miditlH le 1":,!;!, ;;;; -';'''''' '•'■^''^-^^ ly he venhct of this ConiniisMon. as an iiii,nitou' 11s uS i " '"':]""""" ' ''"'''^' "^ ^'"■''''- "■'"" ^'^'i"-' 'liplomatists will lind both i,i onr pro.aa.iiu.ri and in he a 1 , '," "" " '■"""•^"■>-- »<> ln' hoped that future aciiustment. which will forever settle the question .^^ liis'h N '',',1 v '''''' "'""' "''''''' '" ''•■'^'' "" "^''■lastinjr a result to the three ( ;ov„.,i,nents interested in hi at Vw .1 li'''''''' '''"■''''"• "" l"V**o..tin,^ such of havinjr been assocLated with this international ria ' '"'""'•"^'■'.v an-i indivlduallv Had proud I cannot close tlios,. r 1. , _:>i. ... . , . .' ; ..ok| nh::; ■:; :;■:::::::' r r'i^is; ;;;■ t i;:S;;i t^T'V- ' '-- ' '-^ ^-- '-^-- "'"-•^ -lueidaled several ^'rave questions, .ami ^ave the kev to V.r" T?''"- '■'""«•'■•'■'' "i"' H'is ' ""•^' cordial ing over a period of live months, wero onlv equa 1 d 1 tl^^ • I""'' ;''"■"'- ''"^^'' l"-'»''''"li"-^^- •■^'.'■id- laye all been tnaifcd. To mv ,ilh..r "se. and the uniform m.od will theV br^v 1 ' ?.' ""•"''""'^ '"' '".v life.-enliveucd bv' their t""«. ^ ""•' ''"'^ '•"■""^''t t^' ''ear in the dischar-c of their .incrous