V ^. *< .^. % IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I 1.25 l^m Ilia L4 III lA Sciences (^oipoMon i.^ 4v w^\^ :\ \ WI:BSTER,N.Y. M5!>0 (7«6) 872-4503 ^9; V ^^ 'Q & <^ >?» >^ '%^ ' ri.^^ ->?.;■. •• '* ^. • CIHM/ICMH Microfiche Series. CIHM/ICMH Collection de microfiches. H.. TORONTO DISTRICT, JLa iiewerf anrf Correcl^ at a regular Quarterly Meeimu of the Lodge, on the Sth, and hy a^foumment on the 2Znd December, 1852, and on 5th January, 1863, $1 TORONTO: PHIUTOD BY OW). E. THOMAS fc CO., ST. LAWRBNCK BU1U)1NG3. 1853, BY-LAWS OF THE LOYAL CITY OF TORONTO LODGE No. 3790, OF THE €♦ OD. OD. 1. m. Hm TORONTO DISTRICT, As Revised and Corrected at a regular Quarterly Meeting of the Lodge, on the Sth, and by adjournment on the 22nd December, 1862, and on 6th January, 1853. TORONTO: PRINTED BY GEO. E. TH0MA3 & CO., ST. LAWRENC3B BUILDINGS. 1853. BY-LAWS. I That tliis Lodge shall meet every alternato Wed- nesday eveninir, at eight oV-lock, at whicli time tlio Secre- tary shall call over the Officei-s' naines (see 5th Gen. Law), alfp. O's. to wear regaliar, or be lined 1^*\. IL That ouarterly meetings shall be held on the first re- .rular lodge dghts in March, Juno, September, and Decem- ber, when all absent members residing within the limits of the City, shall be fined 7 id, unless they send an -^pology in writino-. All members to wear regalia or be fined 7icl. Election of officei-s shall take place on the June and De- cember quarterly nights. Any member changmg his place of residence, shall give notice U> the secretary, or bo fined l^d. in. That the lecture nights shall be on the last Tuesday of February, May, August, and November, when all ofiicera shall be present, and wear regaila. Members gi^ing^O" tice, and not attending to take degrees, shall be fined Hd. (see 72, Gen. Law). IV That should any officer loose his keys, he shall pay aU expenses in replacing then; should he omit to bring them to the lodge, or send them in proper care, he shaUbe fined 5s. (see 64th Gen. Laws). V That the secretary shall keep the minutes of all lodge meetings; sign all summonses ; fill up all certificates and clearances: attend the managing committee; see that the assistant secretary and treasurer, and accountant properly perform their duties, and in all cases of their neglect, re- port them to the lodge: by a cheque on the treasurer pay all accounts that have been passed by the Icxlgo, and pro- duce the vouchers at the next meeting of the managing committee. Should ho neglect to furnish the district re" turns in proper time, (see 44, Gen. Laws) he shall bo fined 10s.; and for the neglect of any other specifled duty he shall bo fined Is. 3d. VI. That the assistant secretary and treasurer shall re- ceive all monies paid into the lodge ; enter all contribu- tions and fines on the contribution cards, and sign his 'ni- tials to the same: give the secretary a receipt for the whole amount received ; pay no money without an order from the secretary ; and when the balance in his hands shall exceed five pounds, he shall deposit it in the savings bank to the credit of the lodge, within 48 houi-s or be fined 6s. He shall, each lodge night, read the accounts of the last meeting, and hand the bank book to the N. G. For the neglect of any specified duty he shall be fined Is. 3d. VII. That the salesman and assistant secretary (who shall also be secretary of the Widow and Orphan's Fund) ; shall have charge of all regalia and other lodge property for sale. Whenever the amount of cash in his hands shall exceed 15s., he shall hand it over to the treasurer, or be fined Is. 3d. Should he in any case give credit to any member, he shall be fined 6s. VIII. That the accountant shall fill all summonses ; no- tify all members of arrears and fines ; register the names and residences of membere; furnish the secretary each lodge night with a suspension list, and keep a copy of the same; enter into the lodge books all cash received; pro- vide all members with a contribution card, and counter- sign the same; and at any time allow the elective officers access to the lodge books in his charge. Should he neg- ■■■^-.. lect to furniHil tho Hecretary with tlio necessary uitoiiiuiti»»n in writins, to onablo him to have tho district returns cor rectly made out in proper time, ho shall he fined 10s.; and for the neglect of any other specified duty, Is. 3d. He shall receive a salary of £2 16s. per quarter, when tho au- ditors have reported his accounts correct (sec Slst Gen. Law.) IX. That the Widow and Orphan's Fund shall bo con- ductod by a secretary, who shall attend to every duty as directed in the 95th and 9Gth Gen. Laws. When tho amount of cash in his hands shall exceed ISs., he shall hand it over to the treaBurer, or be fined Is. 3d., and should ho neglect to furnish tho secretary with the necessary in- formation in writing, to enable him to have the district re- turns made ont in proper time, ho shall bo fined lOs. Note— The N. G., V. G., and secretary of the Widow and Orphan's Fund, shall form the visiting committee, (see 100, Gen. Laws.) X. That three trustees shall be appoiniod by the lodge at the June quarterly night, in whose names all cash de- posited in the bank, and every other investment of tho lodge funds shall be made : and that they shall not sign any cheque for the withdrawal of such funds, without hav- ing authority in writing, signed by the elective officei-s of the lodge : and that no money shall be withdrawn for any purpose without the consent of the lodge, unless for funeral donations. XL That a deputy be appointed by ballot on the De- cember quai-terly night (see 127, G. L.) who shall repre- sent the lodge at district committees, and continue as a de- legate for the following twelve months : and that whenever the lodge is entitled to send more than one, another shall 4^ 6 !»»» Jippointi'il Ity the L)-der is decided, when, if permitted, he may proceed again. XX. That should the guardian open the door while any member is speaking, he shall be fined 3d.. XXL That in the event of the death of a brother (hon- ary members excepted) the secretary shall notify the mem- bei*s to attend the funeral, having firat obtained the wish of the deceased's family, to that effect. XXII. That any one of these by-laws may be suspended for one night and no longer, in cases of emergency : if a motion to that eflfect be concurred in by a majority of tliree fourths of the members present. XXIII. That every by-law for the governing of this lodge, passed before this evening is hereby cancelled : uad that no alteration shall be made in any of these by-laws, unless notice be given of the sama two lodge nights pre- vious to the quarterly meeting. OSO. S. TQOHAS & CO., FBINI£B8.