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While you the natural branches take, (i) Not fitly framed a house to make, (A) We'll use the ones, for Je ,*' sake, (/) That have been brought li,. : j partake ; (m) Believing ere they're baptised, (n) My friend, behold an olive wild (o) GraflFed in by faith, and Abrah'm's child ' A member of the Devil styled, (p) To make us humble, meek and mild, (y) Think on this Pcdobaptist. Faith has a firm foundation stone (r) The just shall live by faith alone ; (») B. B. B. : EZt^h ulr:': 'V„?.«fK«»«J?. 38... h Rom. ix. 7.\. Tui. 37. o Rom. li. 17, 20. r aal. in. 22. « Heb. x. 38. p Joba Tiii. 44. 7 Rom. iii. 27. n. B. p. B. B. Nor will the fatlicra do the •on, (a) Or bring him to the great Three One. (b) Think on this Pedobaptltt. And ceaae your children to deoeire, (c) Nor teach thorn longer to believe, (uhn i. 33. r Luke B. B. B. - B. B. Giil. . a 2. i. 45. Lttk* B. Th« Uw and Prophets were till John : (t^ In him the Saviour*! goipel ■hone, [h) While faithfully he warned each one, (c) And multitudes came preieinf^ on {i\ Pray were they PedobaptiiUiT From God, the Baptiit John waa eent, (j;) To break falee momben he waa bent (/) He cried to Jewieh one*—" repent, (g\ And be baptiied," with full intent, To make atraighl patba for Baptiali. John did this glorious work begin, (A) The Lambs of God a bride to win And preached till many turned from sin ; (i) Then Jordan's flood he dipped them ia, (I) Because he waa a Baptbt. Think not withm yourselves, he cries, TImt Abraham's faith gains you the prise, For God out of these stones can raise A holy seed to give him praise. (/) Amen, cries eve^y Baptist. lAwyers who found their dead works wrecked. And Pharisees a lealous sect, God's holy counsel did reject, And John's baptism quite neglect, (m) like other Pedobaptists. But forth the heavenly stranger came, {r^ (Great is his power and great his fame) (•) The " Wonderful " shall be his name, (j>) Who bore the cross, despised the shame {q) Of baptism by immersion. A pattern to the Baptiali. (c) But comiag qoteUj from abow, In ahape and likeneii of a do? e, (rf) The holj spirit John aaw move, (e) Which with a Toioe of heavenlj love Did own the BleaM)d Baptiat. {/) Now heavenlj wiwiom he dkl teaoh, (^> And glorkHia goapei aeimooa pteaeh, (A) Which did the hearta of manj reaoh ; ji> Neier had man such glorious speech. (k\ Do aead U Fedobaptiat. You» holy watei 0, bow vain f (/) Your sprinkling cannot wash sin's stain. Except a man be bom again, A sight of Heaven he can't obtain. (»n> Do read this Pedobaptist. If you heaven's kingdon wish to see, Know that you must converted be, (n). And from sin's galUng chain set free, (o) (Lusts of the eye and flesh to flee,) (;.), And then you may be baptised, (y) Our I^rd, when oa the earth be stood. Confirmed the blessing, made i4 good. The simple ones in sullen mood Strove to keep back the infant brood- Much lilce the modem Baptists. They who to Jesoa infants brought. Say was it sprinkling that they sought r Or was it 8prinkli% that they got ? 'Twas to be prayed for. Was it not? (r> What says the Pedobaptist t \ B. B. ha I Si. I 1 B. Baptiam't rite wu then in uae, («) Though ChrUt of it made no abuae. (A) He prayed for all whom he would ch A>«e, (/ ) And was oflended at all thoaa Who aeemed to think he ahould not 'Tie true, Christ aeta lome ohildrea fioe. (//) And such in Ueu/on will happy b«; But does he bid an infant fke, Or carried be by you or me, To get offence by baptism ? (*) And when thus forced how can they taste ♦ Strong meat for babes is only waste, (f) While wiser they prefer the breast. Go teach them first, you'll find it best, {g) For little Pedobaptists. The symbol used not understood. Of washing tn Christ's precious blood, {h) Doth much offend the infant brood. How can it do them any good ? Pray tell us Pedoboptist. The Holy 8| bit did desoend, To spread the word lo the world's end. The stubborn will of man to bend, And infants' causes to defend Against unruly Baptists. When Pfeter preached the word of life To win the Lamba loring wife. About the promise made no strife. Infants felt not the pruning knife. How much unliko the Baptists f Peter the ancient promise knew. And still he kept the same in view. Miraculous gifts were for a few ; Infants with them had nought to do. _____ Look well' and see ye Baptists. .Mr'.iJ.;ix;.:^?,f;^S;.^.?-siti.Sa.A.'fkTf.';: P. P. IV p. B. B. The gospel promise is to all That will believe, sajs worthy Paul : («) * And Peter says to great and small — A» many as the Lord shall call, (b) Do read it Pedobaptist. B. Gospel hearers are apprised, If they^l repent and be baptized, They'll get the Holy Ghost, so prized. The call» to infants, who surmised, (c) Except the Pedobaptists T The promise being forward brought, The Spirit in the people wrought— Whole families the church has got. Were there infiints ? Were there not ? What say contracted Baptists ? Baptists, you know, have always owned, (k n-*— vj.-. j t->._ vui. 44. « Eph. u. 3. / John Tin. 36. g Rom. iil, 9. A Bee Rev. Dr. Rom 8 lato pamphlet, i Rom. iii. 9. k Rom. iii. 9, 10, 11, 4o. / Acts u p. B. P. B. P. B. P. Let infant martyn praise and sing The glories of tii' Eternal King : From womb and breast he did them bring. This is no Yain or trifling thing ; Be ponder on it Baptists. All the redeemed will gladly sing The praises of th' Eternal King, Who infants to his arms can bring, Without such new invented thing. As sprinkling them with water. The lAmb of God has lambs on earth, Lambs in practice, lambs by birth : His lambs will praise with holy mirth, Though Satan strive to make a dearth Of such among the Baptists. Satan has also goats on earth, (c) Goats in practice, goats by birth, (b) They'll take God's name in vain for mirth : Of such does sprinkling make a dearth Among the Pedobaptists? When Israelites were all baptized, The cloud hung o'er the sea well poised, And Pharaoh's chariots were oapsiaed : Immersion never was surmised By any but the Baptists. To Israel's sacraments you flee Where Pharaoh like, you can't them see {c) When in the cloud baptized they be (rf) And going in and out of sea, A figure of true baptism. In Moses' time at God's command. The law was published in the land : Baptism flowed from his right hand. And sprinkling was the law demand. Shut not your eyes ye Baptists. a John ill. 8: viil. 44. b Eph. il. 3. c Exod. xvl. 30. d 1 Cor. x. 1, 2. 13 P, Then Loly priest did mend the matter, Among the people blesBiDgs scatter, Sometimes with blood, sometimes with water, And all without such idle clatter As may be heard from Baptists. B. Those divers washing had a flaw ; («) In Jesus' yoke you will not draw, But build with stubble bay and straw, {b) And prove your sprinkling from the law, (c) Which Jesus Christ abolish 'd. {d) B. Believers from the law are freed, («) They learned from Christ another creed, When he came forth for man to bleed, And set a pattern to his seed Despised by Pedobaptists. B. But Antichrist to make things better, For gospel published idle clatter, {g) Made clean the outside of the platter, By sprinkling babes with holy water. Like other Pedobaptists. P. The prophet latter days could see, When Jews and Gentiles joined would be The gospel dpread from sea to sea. And sprinkled nations bow the knee. Dare you deny it Baptists ? 9 B. The knees will bow in every place Where God doth sprinkle hearts with grace ; But when man sprinkles but the face, How can it help the guilty race Of any Pedobaptisfe? P. The smallest promise flrom the Lord, More precious far than golden cord Does come through Christ as his reward ; And sprinkling promised in his word. Don't slight the text ye Baptists. « H«b. Tlii. 7 : ix. 10, 19. b 1 Oor. iii. 13. c 0«|. It. Jl. d ]fa>b. ii. 15, « Col. U. U. / Oal. T. 6. g Tradiilon. 14 P. B. B. B, P. B. P. Tho form was nerer changed I wot. If BO, the Bible sajB it not ; But dupes anotiier way have got. may it never be my lot, To be a dipping fiaptisc. ChriBt'8 Church on earth they cannot see, (a) Who to the legal yoke do flee. (*) They cannot wait till faith comes free, (c) But think their children saved can be, By sprinkling them with water. The ceremonial law was changed, (d) By him who in death's shades was plunged, (e) Who this denies must be deranged, Or from the gospel truths estranged As far as PWobaptis^-t. Christ set a pattern— did he not ? But «• dupes " soon from the Baptists got, And Moses for their leader sought. Bless'd be the friend that cast my lot Among the humble Baptists. Immersion has no promise given By the great Lord of earth and heaven ; This lump of Anabaptist leaven, To thousands more than six ot seven Has been proclaimed by T^ptists. To thousands throe that ceased to stay, This was proclaimed in one day : (/) They baptized were the Saviour's way, Which John prepared the Scriptures say. (g) What says the Pedobaptist ? When Jesus Christ rose from tho grave A sinful world to hold and save. Then first this sacrament he gave : The Triuuti baptism he would have. Is it not so, say Baptists? d Rotn. si. ft A WAMk z_ 4A 4-1 • *.. .- . — . .^ all. 60. 7Uk. if. « Aak. LlZ"'' "'^ '*• " ^'' "' "' ' ^•''» 15 ■:^. *- ke B. fiy Chsist, and lenranto in his stead (o^ Disciples were baptised and made, {h) Be/ore he died. He brvke the bread, And poured the wine before he bled, (c) What say the Pedobaptists? B. By John, Christ's way prepared they saw, In which they quickly found a flaw. Condemned it, for being under law. Yet did from Moses sprinkling draw. And railed against the Baptists. P. This holy rite now let us view, God's children take it (^d and new, Are crucified and buried too. And dead with Christr if Paul be true, Crosa and sheet wanting, Baptists. B. The christian's baptism let us view, When dead to sin they're buried too, (gp of heare. WUl ne et be rang,