A similar dispute had arisen between France and Portugal
relative to the northern bank of the Amazons river, and the terri-
ories about Cape North, in America, which t^e French mam-
tained belonged to them, as making part of French Guiana.
The Portuguese naving constructed there the fort of Macapa, it
iJs taken by the French gove-^rr of Cayenne. By the reaty
of Utrecht, it was agreed between France and Portugal that
both banks of the river Amazons should belong entirely to Por-
i tugal ; and that France should renounce all right and pieten-
! Ss whatever to the territories of Cape North, b'lng.betv^en
I the rivers Amazons and Japoc, or Vincent Pmson, in South
1 ^fn England, an interregnum of eleven years followed the death
of Charles I. Oliver Cromwell, the leader of the Independent
1 party, pissed two Acts of Parliament one of which abulished
fhe House of Lords, and the other the royal dignity. The
i kinRlv office was suppressed, as useless to the nation, oppressn^
' and dangerous to the interests and liberties of the people ; and it
•Ls decided, that whoever should spoak of the restoration of the
: Stuarts, should be regarded as a traitor to his country. The king-
t dom being thus changed into a republic, Cromwell took on hum e!f
the chief direction of affairs. This ambitiou. man was n^^^^^^^
I in monopolizing the sovereign authority (1663.) He abolishfirt
[he influence of
lenna, he joined
[ugucse made a
the campaign of
Jthey penetrated
|of Austria,
their treaty of
to expect, that
ira and Gallicia
That engage-
;e, concluded at
id Portugal, had
made during the
n renewed, and
restitution of all
ey yielded to the
»ny of St. Sacra-
ineiro had estab-
a Plata, in South
e sixth article of
er former claims
ce and Portugal
ver, and the terri-
le French main-
French fruiana.
brt of Macapa, it
;. By the treaty
id Portugal that
J entirely to Por-
ight ana pieten-
h, lying between
'inson, in South
allowed the death
the Independent
which abolished
I dignity. The
lation, oppressive
le people ; and it
restoration of the
mtry. The king-
II took on himself
nan was not long
.) He abolislmd
PERion VII. A. D. 1648 — 1713.
the Parliament called the Rump, which had conferred on him his
power and military commission. He next assembled a new
Parliament of the three kingdoms, to the number of one hun-
dred and forty-four members ; and he took care to have it com-
posed of individuals whom he knew to be devoted to his inte-
rests. Accordingly, they resigned the whole authority into his
hands. An act, called the Act of Government, conferred on
him the supreme authority, under the title of Protector of
the three kingdoms ; with the privilege of making war and
peace, and assembling every three years a Parliament, which
should exercise the legislative power conjunctly with himself.
Cromwell governed England with a more uncontrolled power
than that of her kings had been. In 1651, he passed the fa-
mous Navigation Act, which contributed to increase the com-
merce of Great Britain, and gave her marine a preponderance
over that of all other nations. That extraordinary man raised
England in the estimation of foreigners, and made his Protec-
torate respected by all Europe. After a war which he had car-
ried on against the Dutch, he obliged them, by the treaty of
Westminster (1654,) to lower their flag to British vessels, and
to abandon the cause of the Stuarts. Entering into alliance
with France against Spain, he took from the latter the island
of Jamaica (1655) and the port of Dunkirk (1658.)
After his death, the Generals of the army combined to restore
the old Parliament, called the Rump. Richard Cromwell, who
succeeded his father, soon resigned the Protectorate (April 22,
1659.) Dissensions having arisen between the Parliament and
the Generals, Monk, who was governor of Scotland, marched
to the assistance of the Parliament ; and after having defeated
the Independent Generals, he proceeded to assemble a new Par-
liament composed of both Houses. No sooner was this Par-
liament assembled, than they decided for the restoration of the
Stuarts, in the person of Charles II. (18th May 1660.)
That Princp made his public entry into London, May 29,
1660. His first care was to take vengeance on those who had
been chiefly instrumental in the death of his father. He re-
scinded all Acts of Parliament passed since the year 1633; and
re-established Episcopacy both in Englan ' and Scotland. In-
stigated by his propensity for absolute power, and following the
maxims which he had imbibed from his predecessors, he adopt-
ed measures which were opposed by the Parliament ; and even
went so far as more than once to pronounce their dissolution.
His reign, in consequence, was a scene of faction and agitation,
which proved the forerunners of a new revolution.* The ap-
pellation of Whigs and Tories, so famous in English history
took its rise in his reign. Wc could almost, however, pardon
trils for his faults Ld irregularities, in cor..derat^ of^he
beMevolence and amiableness of his character. IJut it was
mhervvse with James 11., who succeeded his hrother on he
Brit sh Throne (16th Feb. 1685.) That Prince alienated the
m nds of his subjects by his haughty demeanour, and his extra-
vagant zeal for the church of Rome, and the Jesuits h.s confes-
lors Scarcely was he raised to the throne, when he undertook
change thrreliirion of his country, and to govern s. 11 more
despotSlythL his brother had done. Encouraged by Louis
XlT who offered him money and troops, he was the first Kmg
of England That had kept on foot an army in time of peace
and caused tie legislature to decide, that the King can dispense
wl tr law. ivailing himself of ^^^^^^o^J'Z^
with the several statutes issued against the Catholics , ne peT
mUVed them the public exercise of their religion Withm the
"hree k ngdoms, aid gradually gave them a Pje<^r«"<=«;" j"
plSes of frust. At length, he even solicited the Pje /o « jd
fpectlng CatLiics, were treated as guilty of sedition, and .m ,
nrisoned by his order in the Tower. r-Mt a „„ ^«n
: ^ D«ri..g these transactions the Q-7'T^''^"6^? known Fn
I nened to be delivered of a Prince 20th June, 1688,) kno;^" '"
Cry b7 the name of the Pretender. As her Majesty had
i teo ch\ldL for more than six years it was "Ot difficult to
gain credit to a report, that the young Prince %yas a supposit^
Ks child James IL, by his first marriage with Anne Hyde.
i Sghter of the Earl of ClLndon. had two ^-ghte., both ^ro-
' testants ; and regarded, till then, as heirs to the crown. Mary,
i he elde;t, was m'arried to William, Prince of Orange and Anne
Sf D=r' ^^^sJZ^:^^ LTtSttSve5
IfaTtlt^gsa^d misfortunes would^
death of James II. and the accession of the P""'^^f ^.°^y,™X
TL throne. Being disappointed in these ^^F^/^f/^^^^^^
birth of the Prince of Wales, their only P'^V^JJ^^^'^^Sg
.v,„ If intr The Tories even ioined with the W higs m oneniig
t f-S 1, .t PrEof Oringe. William m-.^f^'g^
owever, pnrdon
|si deration of the
r. Rut it was
s brother on the
ce alienated the
ur, and his extra-
csiiits his confes-
hen he undertook
govern still more
oiiraged by Louis
vas the first King
in time of peace,
(ing can dispense
iion, he dispensed
atholics ; he per-
igion within the
preference in all
the Pope to send
arrival of Ferdi-
fided this mission,
Windsor (1687.)
ihe declaration re-
sedition, and im
•y of Modena, hap-
•, 1688,) known m
her Majesty had
ras not difficult to
e was a suppositi-
with Anne Hyde.
lughters, both Pro-
the crown. Mary,
Orange, and Anne,
•"rederic III., King
[altered themselves
terminate with the
Princess of Orange
expectations by the
n was to dethrone
Whigs in offering
1 III., supported by
and landed fifteen
[688,) without ex-
rt of James, who,
ook the resolution
PERIOD Vll. A. D. 1648 — 1713.
of withdrawmg to France, where he had already sent his Queen
and his son, the young Prince of Wales. He afterwards re-
turned to Ireland, where he had a strong party ; but being con-
quered by William at the battle of the Boyne (11th July 1690,)
he was obliged to return to France, where he ended his days.
Immediately after the flight of James, the Parliament of Eng-
land declared, by an act, that as he had violated the funda-
mental law of the constitution, and abandoned the kingdom, the
throne was become vacant. They, therefore, unanimously con-
ferred the crown on William III., Prince of Orange, and Mary
his spouse (Feb. 22, 16S9 ;) intrusting the administration of af-
fairs to the Prince alone. In redressing the grievances of the
nation, they set new limits to the royal authority. By an Act,
called the Declaration of Rights, they decreecf, that the King
could neither suspend, nor dispense with the laws ; that he
could institute no new courts, nor levy money under any pre-
tence whatever, nor maintain an army in time of peace, without
the consent of Parliament. Episcopacy was abolished in Scot-
land (1694,) and the liberty of the press sanctioned. The suc-
cession of the crown was regulated by different Acts of Parlia-
ment, one of which fixed it in the Protestant line, to the exclu-
sion of Catholics. Next after William and Mary and their
descendants, was the Princess Anne and her descendants. A
subsequent Act conferred the succession on the House of
Hanover (1701,) under the following conditions: — That the
King or Queen of that family, on their accession to the throne,
should be obliged to conform to the High Church, and the laws
of 1689 ; that without the consent of Parliament, they should
never engage the nation in any war for the defence of their he-
reditary dominions, nor go out of the kingdom ; and that they
should never appoint foreigners to offices of trust.
The rivalry between France and England assumed a higher
tone under the reign of William III. ; and was increased by the
powerful efTorts which France was making to improve her ma-
rine, and extend her navigation and her commerce. The colo-
nies which she founded in America and the Indies, by bringing
the two nations more into contact, tended to foment their jea-
lousies, and multiply sulyects of discord and division between
them. From that time England eagerly seized every occasion
for occupying France on the Continent of Europe ; and the
whole policy of William, as we have seen, had no other aim
than to thwart the ambitious views of Louis XIV. If this
rivalry excited and prolonged wars which inflicted many cala-
mities on the world, it became likewise a powerful stimulus for
the contending nations to develope their whole faculties ; to
h I
#■ 11 ;
make the liighest nllninir.enls in the sciences, of which they were
susceptible ; and to carry arts and civilization to the remotes*,
countries in the world. ,,„n«v i. • ^-
William HI. was succeeded by Anne (1702.) It was in ncr
reicn that the grand union IxHwccn England and Scotland was
accompli«hed, which incorporated then, into one kingdom, by
means of the same order of succession, and only one Parliament.
That Princess had the honour of maintaining the balance ol
Europe against France, by the clauses which she got inserted
into the treaty of Utrecht. At her death (1st August 1714,)
the throne of Great Britain passed to George I., the Elector o(
Hanover, whose mother, Sophia, derived her right to the British
throne from James I., her maternal grandfather.
The power and political influence of the United Provinces of
the Netlierlands had increased every day, '""•^^ Spain ncknow-
ledged their independence by the treaty of Munster (1648.)
Their extensive commerce to all parts of the globe, nnd their
flourishing marine, attracted the admiration of al Europe-
Sovereigns courted their alliance ; and the Hague, the capital
of the States-General, became, in course of time, the centre ol
European politics. That Republic was the nvnl of England in
all her coinmercial relations ; and she ventured also to dispute
with her the empire of the sea, by refusing to lower her flag to
British vessels. These disputes gave rise to bloody wars be-
tween the two States, in which the famous Dutch Admirals,
Troinp and De Ruyter, distinguished themselves by- their mari-
time exploits. De Ruyter entered the Thames with the Dutch
fleet (1667,) advanced to Chatham, burnt the vessels m the roads
there, and threw the city of London into great consternation.
Nevertheless, by the treaties of Breda (1667) and Westminster
(1664 ) they agreed that their vessels and fleets should lower
their flag when they met either one or more ships carrying the
British flag, and that over all the sea, from Cape ?'"'«»«"«">
Gallicia, to the centre of Statt in Norway ; but the Slates-Gen-
eral preserved Surinam, which they had conquered during the
war ; and at the treaty of commerce which was signed at Breda,
the navigation act was modified in their favour, m so far that
the produce and merchandise of Germany were to be considered
as productions of the soil of the Republic.
ft was during these wars that a change took place with regard
to the Stadlholdership of the United Provinces. William 11..
Prince of Orange, had alienated the hearts of his subjects by his
! attempts against their liberties; and having, at His death, left
his wife, the daughter of Charles 1. of England, pregnant of a
' son (1650,) the Slates-General took the opportunilv of leaving
Ivhich they were
to the remotest
It was in ner
ul Scotland was
[nc kingdom, by
J one Parliament,
the balance ol
8he got inserted
It August 1714,)
the Elector of
'lit to the British
trd Provinces of
s Spain acknow-
Munster (1648.)
globe, and their
of all Europe.
ague, the capital
me, the centre of
ra\ of England in
kl itlso to dispute
lower her flag to
bloody wars be-
Dutch Admirals,
es by their mari-
s with the Dutch
'sscls in the roads
;at consternation.
and Westminster
■ets should lower
hips carrying the
ipe Finisterre in
[ the States-Gen*
uered during the
signed at Breda,
lur, in so far that
! to be considered
}]ace with regard
!s. William IL,
is subjects by his
at his death, left
d, pregnant of a
unity of leaving
fKRIOD VII. A. D. 164S — 17/).
that ofPce vacant, and taking upon themselves the direction of
affairs. The suspicions which the House of Orniigo had excited
in Cromwell by their alliance with the Stuarts, and the resent-
ment of John de Witt, Pensionary of Holland, against the Stadt*
holder, caused a secret article to be added to the treaty of West-
minster, by which the States of Holland and West Friesland
engaged never to elect William, the posthumous son of William
II., to be St.tdthnlder ; and never to allow that the office of
Captain-General of the Republic should be conferred on him.
John (le Witt likewise framed a regulation known by the name
of the Perpetual Edict, which separated the Stadtholdership
from the office of Captain and Admiral-General, and which
enacted, that these functions should never be discharged by the
same individual. Having failed, however, in his efforts to make
the States-General adopt this regulation, which they considered
as contrary to the union, John de Witt contented himself with
obtaining the approbation of the States of Holland, who even
went so fur as to sanction the entire suppression of the Stadt-
Matters continued in this situation until the time when Louis
XIV. invaded Holland. His alarming progress caused a revo-
lution in favour of the Prince of Orange. The ruling faction, at
the head of which was John de Witt, then lost the good opinion
of the people. He was accused of having neg'.ectcd military
affairs, and left the State without defence, and a prey to the en-
emy. The first signal of 'evolution was given by the small
town of Veere in Zealand. William was there proclaimed
Stadtholder (June 1672,) and the example of Vecre was soon
followed by all the cities of Holland and Zealand. Every where
the people compelled the magistrates to confer the Stadtholder-
ship on the young Prince. The Perpetual Edict was abolished,
and the Stadtholdership confirmed to William III. by the As-
sembly of States. They' even rendered this dignity, as well as
the office of Captain-General, hereditary to all the male and
legitimate descendants of the Prince. It was on this occasion
that the two brothers, John and Cornelius de Witt, were massa-
cred by the people assembled at the Hague.
After William was raised to the throne of Great Britain, he
still retained the Stadtholdership, with the offices of Captain
and Admiral-General of the Republic. England and Holland,
united under the jurisdiction of the same prince, acted thence*
forth in concert to thwart the ambitious designs of Louis XIV.;
and he felt the effects of their power chiefly in the war of the
Spanish Succession, when England and the States-General made
extraordinary efforts to maintain the balance of th ; Continent
: i
mi ii wiLji wpi
which they thought in danger. It was m consideration of these
efforts that they guaranteed to the Dutch, by the tretty ol the
Grand Alliance, as well as by that of Utrecht, a barrier against
Franco, which was more amply defined by ^heHarrter Treaty,
sijrned at Antwerp (15th November 1715,) under the mediation
and guaranty of Great Britain The provinces and towns of
the Netherlands, both those that had been possessed by Charles
II , and those that France had surrendered by the treaty of
Utrecht, were transferred to the Emperor and the House of
Austria, on condition that they should never bo ceded under any
title whatever ; neither to France, nor to any other prince except
the heirs and successors of the House of Austria in Germony.
It was agreed that there should always be kept in the Low
Countries a body of Austrian troops, from |:h'rty to thirty-five
thousand men,of which the Emperor was to furnish Jree-fif hs,
and the States-General the remainder. Finally, 'Jf Si"*"-
General were allowed a garrison, entirely composed of their own
troops, in the cities anS castles of N^mur, rTournay Menm,
Fumes, Warneton, and the fortress of Kenock ! while the Em-
peror engaged to contribute a certain ?um annually for the main-
tenance of these troops. , .^ i-. . j :„j.
Switzerland, since the confirmation of her liberty and indej
nendence by the peace of Westphalia, had constantly adhered
to the system of neutrality which she had adopted ; and taken
no part in the broils of her neighbours, except by furnishing
troops to those powers with whom she was in alliance. The
fortunate inability which was the natural consequence of her
union, pointed out this line of conduct, and even induced the
European States to respect the Helvetic neutrality.
This profound peace, which Switzerland enjoyed by means of
that neutrality, was never interrunted, except by occasional do-
me tkquarrei; which arose from tW difference of their re igiou,
ODinions. Certain families, from the canton of Schwe.iz, had
fled to Zurich on account of their religious tenets, and had been
nrotected by that republic. This stirred up a war (1656) be-
fween the (Jalholic cLtons and the Zurichers, with their all^s
the Bernese ; but it was soon terminated by the peace of baden,
which renewed the clauses of the treaty of 1631, relative to these
very subjects of dispute. Some attempts having afterwards been
made against liberty of conscience, in the county of Toggenburg,
by the Sbbe of St!^Gall, a new war broke out (1712,) between
five of the Catholic cantons, and the two Protestant cantons of
Zurich and Berne. These latter expelled the Abbe of St. Gall
from'his estates, and dispossessed the Catholics of the county of
Baden, with a considerable part of the free bailiwicks which
leration of thew
e tre«ty of (he
barrier agninnt
)iarrier Treaty,
r the mediation
s nnd towns of
ssed by Charles
ly the treaty of
I the House of
cded under any
or prince except
ia in Germany.
ept in the Low
TXy to thirty-five
■nish three-fifths,
lly, the States-
)sed of their own
'ournay, Menin,
; while the Em-
tlly for the main-
iberty and inde-
nstantly adhered
|ited ; and taken
'pt by furnishing
n alliance. The
sequence of her
vcn induced the
yed by means of
)y occnsioRal do-
of their religious
)f Schweitz, had
ts, and had been
L war (1656) be-
with their allies
peace of Baden,
, relative to these
afterwards been
r ofToggenburg,
(1712,) between
(stant cantons of
Abb.' of St. Gall
of the county of
ailiwicks which
: :
PKBioo m. A. D. 1648—1713.
V(ft9 flTanted to ther.i by the troaty coiicludod at .\raw. The
Abbe then saw him.«(elf abandonod by the Ciiiliolic i'antoiiSm'ilSli'i'mSt
Lewcnhaupt, nnd joined him at Desna, two miles from Pro-
poisk, in the Palatinate of Mscislaw. The battle which he
fougl)t with that general (October 9, 1709,) was most obstinate,
and, by the confession of the Czar, the first victory which the
Eussians had gained over regular troons. The remains of
Lcwenhaupt's army, having joined the King in the Ukraine,
Charles undertook the siege of Pultowa, situated on the banks
of the Vorskhiw, at the extremity of that province. It was
near this place, that the famous "battle was fought {8lh July,
1709,) which blasted all the laurels of the King of Sweden.
The Czar gained tii«;e a complete victory. Nine thousand
Swedes were left on liie field of battle ; and fourteen thousand,
who had retired with General Lewenhaupt, towards Perevo-
latsi'hna, between the Vorsklaw and the Nieper, were made pri-
soners of war, three days after the action. Charles, accompanied
bv his ally Mazeppa, saved himself with difliculty at Bender in
This disastrous route revived the courage of the enemies of
Sweden. The alliance was renewed between the Czar, Au-
gustus II., and FredcricIV.,King of Dennmrk. Stanislaus was
abandoned. All Poland again atknowledeed Augustus II.
The Danes made a descent on Schonen ; and the Czar achieved
the conque^t of Ingria, Livonia, and Carelia. The Slates that
were leagued against France in the war of the Spanish Suc-
cession, wishing to prevent Germany from becoming the theatre
of hostilities, concluded a treaty at the Hague (31st March
1710,) by which they undertook, under certain conditions, to
guarantee the neutrality of the Swedish provinces in Germany,
as well as that of Sleswick and Jutland ; but the King of Swe-
den having constantly declined acceding to this neutrality, the
possessions of the Swedes in Germany were also seized arid
conquered in succession. The Duke of Holstein-Gottorp, .he
nephew of Charles XII., was involved in his disgrace, and
stripped of his estates by the king of Denmark (1714.)
In the midst of these disasters, the inflexible King of Swe-
den persisted in prolongin"' his sojourn at Bender, making re-
peated efforts to rouse the Turks against the Russians. He did
not return from Turkey till 1714, when his aflfairs were already
totally ruined. The attemfits which he then made, either to
renew the war in Poland, or invade the provinces of the Em-
pire, excited the jealousy of the neighbouring powers. A for-
midable league was raised against him ; besides the Czar, the
Kings of Poland, Denmark, Prussia, and England, joined it.
Stralsund and Wismar, the only places which Sweden still re-
tained in Germany, fell into the hands of the allies ; while the
es from Pro- 1'
tie which he ' ;
lost obstinate, \ '
ry which the j
remains of \'\
the Ukraine, i :
on the hanks
mce. It was
;ht (8th July,
? of Sweden.
line thousand
cen thousand,
I'ards Perevo*
rcTC made pri-
, accompanied
f at Bender in
he enemies of
he Czar, Au-
i^tani.slaus was
Augustus II.
Czar aciiieved
he Slates that
Spanish Sue-
ing the theatre
! (31st March
conditions, to
s in Germany,
King of Swe-
neutrnlity, the
!so seized arid
n-Gottorp, .he
disgrace, and
King of Swe-
r, making re-
iians. He did
! were already
ade, either to
s of the Em-
wers. A fer-
tile Czar, the
ind, joined it.
reden still re-
while the
PERIOU VII. A. D. 1648 — 1713.
Cw added to these losses the conquest of Finland and Savolax,
In a situation so desperate, Charles, 'oy the advice of his minis-
ter. Baron GortE, set on foot a special and secret negotiation
with the Czar, which took place in the isle of Aland, in course
of the year 1718. There it was proposed to reinstate Stanis-
laus on the throne of Poland ; to restore to Sweden her pos-
sessions in the Empire ; and even to assist her in conquering
Norway ; by way of compensation for the loss of Ingria, Ca-
relia, Livonia, and Esthonia, which she was to cede to the Czar.
That negotiation was on the point of being finally closed,
when it was broken off by the unexpected death of Charles
XII. That unfortunate prince was slain (December 11th, 1718,)
at the siege of Fredericshall in Norway, while visiting the
trenches ; being only thirty-seven year-! of ago, and leaving the
affairs of his kingdom in a most deplorable state.
The new regency of Sweden, instead of remaining in friend-
ship with the Czar, changed their policy entirely. Baron de
Gortz, the friend of the late King, fell a sacrifice to the public
displeasure, and a negotiation was opened with the Court of
G.Britain. A treaty of peace and alliance was concluded at
Stockholm (Nov. 20, 1719,) between Great Britain and Swe-
den. George I., on obtaining the cession of the dutchies of
Bremen and Verden, as Elector of Hanover, engaged to send a
strong squadron to the Baltic, to prevent any further invasion
from the Czar, and procure for Sweden more equitable terms of
peace on the part of that Prince. The example of Great Bri-
tain was soon followed by the other allied powers, who were
anxious to accommodate matters with Sweden. By the treaty
concluded at Stockholm (21st January, 1720,) the King of
Prussia got the town of Stettin, and that part of Pomerania,
v;hich lies between the Oder and the Peenc. The King of
Denmark consented to restore to Sweden the towns of Stral-
sund and Wismar, with the isle of Rugen, and the part of Po-
merania, which extends from the sea to the river Peene. Swe-
den, on ner side, renounced in favour of Denmark, her exemp-
tion from the duties of the Sound and the two Belts, which had
been guaranteed to her by former treaties. The Czar was the
only person who, far from being intimidated by the menaces of
England, persisted in his resolution of not making peace with
Sweden, except on the conditions which he had dictated to her.
The war was, therefore, continued between Kussia and Sweden,
during the two campaigns of 1720 and 1721. Different parts
of the Swedish coast were laid desolate by the Czar, who put
all to fire and sword, To stop the progress of these devasta
lions, the Swedes at length consented to accept the peace which
% JM
ij- ■ ;
V <>
tho Czar offered them, which was finally signed at Nystadt I
<13iii Scpteinbor 1721.) Finland was surrendered to bweJen
on condition of her formally ceding to the C/ar the provinces of
Livonia, Esthonia, Ingria, and Carelia; their limits to be deter-
mined according to the regulations of the treaty.
The ascendency which Sweden had gained in the ISorth since
the reign of Gustavus Adolphus, had become so fatal to Den-
mark, that she was on the point of being utterly subverted, and
ediiced from the number of European powers. JNor did she
extricate hersiclf from the disas^trous wars which she had to sup-
port against Charles X., until she had sacrificed some of her
best provinces ; such as Schoncn, Bieckingen, Halland, and the
government of Bohus, which Frederic III. ceded to Sweden by
the treaties of Roschild and Copenhagen. It was at tiie close of
thi« war thata revolution happened in the governmcntof Denmark.
U..tU that time, it had been completely under the aristocracy of the
nobles ; the throne was elective ; and all power was concentrated
in the hands of the senate, and the principal rnembers of the
nobility. The royal prerogative was limited to the command ot
the army, and the presidency in the' Senate. The King was
even obliged, by a special capitulation, in all affairs which did
not require the 'concurrence of the Senate, to take the advice of
four o-reat officers of the crown, viz. the Orand Master, the
Chancellor, the Marshal, and the Admiral ; who were considered
as so many channels or vehicles of the royai authority.
The state of exhaustion to wiiich Denmark was reduced at
the time she made peace with Sweden, obliged Frederic 111. to
convoke an assembly of the States-General of the kingdom.
These which were composed of three orders, viz. tlie nobility,
the clergy, and the burgesses, had never been summoned to-
gether in that form since the year 153G. At their meeting at
Copenhagen, the two inferior orders reproached the nobles with
having been the cause of all the miseries and disorders of the
' State, by the exorbitant and tyrannical power which they had
I usurped ; and what tended still more to increase their animosity
against them, was the obstinacy with which they maintained
1 their privileges and exemptions from the pubhc burdens, to the
prejudice of the lower orders. One subject of discussion was,
to find a tax, the proceeds of which should be applied to the most
' pressing wants of the State. The nobles proposed a duty on
articles of consumption; but under restrictions with regard to
I themselves, that could not but exasperate the lower orders. 1 he
\ ; latter proposed, in testimony of their discontent, to .3t out to the
I ' hiffhest bidder the fiefs of the crown, which the nobles held at
i rents extremely moderate. This proposal was highly resented
d at Nystadt
red to Sweden
le provinces of
its to be deter-
le North since
fatal to Den-
subvcrted, and
Nor did she
die had to sup-
i some of her
alland, and the
to Sweden by
i at tile close of
int of Denmark,
ristocracy of the
as concentrated
nembers of the
Lhe command of
The King was
[fairs which did
ic the advice of
nd Maf^ter, the
were considered
was reduced at
Frederic III. to
f the kingdom,
iz. the nobility,
1 summoned to-
heir meeting at
the nobles with
disorders of the
which they had
: their animosity
they maintained
: burdens, to the
discussion was,
plied to the most
posed a duty on
1 with regard to
irer orders. The
to !3t out to the
e nobles held at
highly resented
PERIOD VII. A. D, 1648 — 1713.
by the nobility, who regarded it as a blow aimed at tneir rights
and properties ; and they persisted in urging a tax on articles of
consumption, such as they had proposed. Certain unguarded
expressions which escaped some of the members of the nobility,
gave rise to a tumult of indignation, and suggested to the two
leaders of the clergy and the burgesses, viz. the bishop of Zea-
land and the burgomaster of Copenhagen, the idea of framing
a declaration for the purpose of rendering the crown hereditary,
both in the male and female descendants of Frederic III. It
\vas not difficult for them to recommend this project to their
respective orders, who flattered themselves that, under a heredi-
tary monarchy, they would enjoy that equality which was denied
them under an aristocracy of the nobles. The act of this de-
claration having been approved and signed by the two orders,
was presented in their name to the Senate, who rejected it, on
the ground that the States-General then assembled, had no right
to deliberate on that proposition ; but the clergy and the burges-
ses, without being disconcerted, went in a body to the King,
carrying with them the Act which ofTered to make the crown
hereditary in his family. The nobles having made a pretence
of wisshing to quit the city in order to break up the Diet, care was
taken to shut the doors. The members of the Senate and the
nobility had then no other alternative left than to agree to the
resolution of the two inferior orders ; and the offer of the crown
was made to the King by the three orders conjunctly ( 13th Oct iber
1660.) They then tendered him the capitulation, which was
annulled ; and at the same time they liberated him from the oath
which he had taken on the day of his coronation. A sort of
dictatorship was then conferred on him, to regulate the new con-
stitutional charter, according to his good pleasure. All the orders
of the State then took a new oath of fealty and homage to him,
while the King himself was subjected to no oath whaterer.
Finally, the three orders separately remitted an Act to the Kin?,
declaring the crown hereditary in all the descendants of Frederic
III., both male and female ; conferring on htm and his succes-
sors an unlimited power; and granting him the privilege of
regulating the order both of the regency and the succession to
the throne.
Thus terminated that important revolution, without any dis-
order, and without shcddmg a single drop of blood. It was in
virtue of those powers which the States nad conferred on him,
that the King published what is called the Royal Law, regarded
as the only fundamental law of Denmark. The King was there
declared absolute sovereign, above all human laws, acknowledg-
ing no superior but God, and uniting in his own person all tbt.;vas >« the
power of the reigning monarch to regulate, by his will, the tutor- 1
age and the regency during such minority.
This constitutional law gave the Danish government a vigour
which it never had before ; the effects of which were manifested
in the war which Christian V. undertook against Sweden
(1675,) in consequence of his alliance with Frederic William,
Elector of Brandenburg. The Danes had the advantage of the
Swedes both by sea and land. Their fleet, under the command
of Niels Juel, gained two naval victories over the_m, the one
rear the Isle of Oeland, and the other in the bay of Kioge, on
the coast of Zealand (1677.) That war was terminated by the
peace of Lunden (Oct. 6th 1679,) which restored matters be-
tween the two nations, to the same footing on which they had
been before the war. The severe check which Sweden re-
ceived bv the defeat of Charles XII., before Pultowa, tended to
extricate Denmark from the painful situation in which she had
been placed with respect to that power. The freedom of the
Sound, which Sweden had maintained during her prosperity,
was taken from her by the treaty of Stockholm, and by the ex-
planatory articles of Fredericsburg, concluded between Sweden
Snd Denmark, (14th June 1720.) That kingdom likewise re-
tained, in terms of the treaty, the possession of the whole dutchy
of Sleswirk, with a claim to the part belonging to the duke of
Holstein-Gottorp, whom S-weden was obliged to remove from
under her protection. . j „„
Poland, at the commencement of this period, presented an
afflictine spectacle, under the u:..'3rtunate reign of John tasimir,
i S brother and successor of Uladislaus VII. (1648.) Distracted
I at once by foreign wars and intestine factions, she seemed every
i moment on th.^ brink of destruction ; and w^iilc the neighbour-
insr states were augmenting their forces, and strengthening the
hands of their governments, Poland grew gradually weaker and
■ weaker, and at length degenerated into absolute anarchy. 1 bf
ion whatever
s own author
and he could
ich had been
y partition of
jr chonge the
That suc-
ngnniture and
the male issue
;re to succeed,
The terra of
it was in the
will, the tutor-
iment a vigour
ere manifested
gainst Sweden
Icric William,
Ivantage of the
r the command
them, the one
of Kioge, on
(minated by the
ed matters be-
ivhich they had
:h Sweden re-
towa, tended to
which she had
freedom of the
her prosperity,
and by the ex-
'tween Sweden
)m likewise re-
le whole dutchy
; to the duke ol
.0 remove from
], presented an
if John Casimir,
148.) Distracted
le seemed every
• ilie neighbour-
rcngthening the
ally weaker and
! anarchv. The
PRRIOD VII. A. D. 1648 — 1713.
orig^in of the Libenim Veto of the Poles, which allowed the op-
position of a single member to frustrate the deliberations of the
whole Diet, belongs to the reign of John Casimir. The first
that suspended the Diet, by the interposition of his veto, wa&
Schinski, member for Upita in Lithuania ; his example, though
at first disapproved, found imitators ; and this foolish practice,
which allowed one to usurp the prerogative of a majority, soon
passed into a law, and a maxim of state.
Towards the end of the reign of Uladislaus VII. a murderous
war had arisen in Poland, that of the Cossacs. This warlike
people, of Russian origin, as their language and their religion
prove, inhabited both banks of the Borysthenes, beyond Kiow ;
where they were subdivided into regiments, under the command
of a general, called Hetman; and served as a military frontier
for Poland against the Tartars and Turks. Some infringements
that had been made on their privileges, added to the eflTorts which
the Poles had made to induce their clergy to separate from the
Greek Church, and acknowledge the supremacy of the Pope, ex-
asperated the Cossacs, and engendered among them a spirit of
revolt (1647.) Assisted by the Turks of the Crimea, they in-
vaded Poland, and committed terrible devastations. The Poles
succeeded from time to time in pacifying them, and even con-
cluded a treaty with them ; but the minds of both parties being
exasperated, hostilities always recommenced with every new
offence. At length, their Hetman, Chmielniski, being hardly
pressed by the Poles, took the resolution of soliciting the protec-
tion of liussia, and concluded a treaty with the Czar Alexis
Michaelovitz (Jan. 16, 1654,) in virtue of which, Kiow and the
other towns of the Ukraine, under the power of the Cossacs,
were planted with Russian garrisons. It was on this occasion
that the Czar retook the city of Smolensk© from the Poles, as
well as most of the districts that had been ceded to Poland, by
the treaties of Dwilina and Viasma. That prince made also
several other conquests from the Poles ; he took possession of
Wilna, and several places in Lithuania, at the very time when
Charles X. was invading Poland, and threatening that country
with entire destruction. The Czar, however, instead of fol ow-
ing up his conquests, judged it more for his interest to conclude
a truce with the Poles ^1636,) that fie might turn his arms
against Sweden.
The peace of Oliva put an end to the war between Poland and
Sweden ; but hostilities were renewed between the Russians
and the Poles, which did not terminate till the treaty of Andnis-
.sov (Jan. 1667.) The Czar restored to the Poles a part of his
conquests ; but he retained Smolensko, Novogorod-Sieverskoe.
:'!"'" '<»%'"
ciiArniR viu.
TcherniRov. Kiow, and all il.e cmintry of the Cossacs, beyond
the Boryslhcnc8 or Dnieper. The Cossacs on this side the
rivr were annexed lo Poland, and as for those who dwelt n^ar
the" mouth of the Dnieper, called lavorogs^ U was agreeu that
thev should remain under the common juri^dicliori ol the two
states ; ready to serve against the Turks whenever circumstances
mighi require it. The wars of which we have just spoke.^ were
attended with troubles and dissensions, which reduced Poland
to the most deplorable condition during the reign of John Lasi-
mir. Thra prince at length, disgusted with a crown which he
had found to be composed of thorns, resolved to abdicate the
throne (16th Sept. 1668 ;) and retiring to France, he there ended
' MiTael Wiesnouiski, who succeeded John Casimir. after a
stormy interregnum of seven months, had no ot^her "'erit l^ian
that of being descended in a direct line from Conbut, the brother
of JagellonT King of Poland. His reign was a scene of great
agitatbn, and of unbridled anarchy. Four diets were interrupted
in less than four years ; the war with the Cossacs was renewed ;
the Turks and the Tartars, the allies of the C.ossacs, seized he
city of Kaminiec (1672.) the only bulwark of Poland against the
Ottomans. Michael, being thrown into a state of alarm, con-
cluded a disgraceful peace with the Turks; he gave up to them
Kaminiec and Podofia, with their ancient limits ; and even
agreed to pay them an annual tribute of twenty-two thousand
ducats. The Ukraine, on this side the Borysthenes, was aban-
doned to the Cossacs, who were to be placed under the protection
of the Turks. This treaty was not ratified by ihe^ KetHiblic ot
Poland, who preferred to continue the war. John bobieski,
Grand General of the Crown, gained a briliant victory over the
Turks near Choczim (Nov. 11th, 1673.) It took place the next
day after the death of Michael, and determined the Poles to con-
fer their crown on the victorious General. , . , „
Sobieski did ample justice to the choice of his fellow-citizens.
Bv the peace which he concluded at Zarowno with the lurks
(S«th Oct. 1676,) he relieved Poland from the tribute lately pro
mised, and recovered some parts of the Ukraine ; but the city 3«
I Kaminiec was left in the power of the Ottomans, with a consid-
\ erable portion of the Ukraine and Podolia. Poland then entered
. into an alliance with the House of Austria, against the Forte
' Sobieski became the deliverer of Vienna ; he signalized himsell
in the campaigns of 1683 and 1684 ; and if he did not gain any
I important advantages over the Turks if he had nof even the
' satisfaction of recovering Kaminiec and Podolia. it must be as-
cribed to the incompetence of his means, and .to the disunion and
■sacs, beyond
this side thp
ho dwelt n^ar
IS agreed that
in of the two
I spoken, were
duced Poland
of John Casi-
jwn which he
) abdicate the
he there ended
asimir, after a
her merit than
but, the brother
scene of great !
ere interrupted |
1 was renewed ; |
sacs, seized the i
and against the •
of alarm, con- i
rave up to ihera
its ; and even
y-two thousand
Enes, was aban-
■r the protection
the Republic of
John Sobieski,
victory over the
k place the next
he Poles to con-
3 fellow-citizens,
with the Turks
ibute lately pro
J ; but the city 3«
s, with a consid-
and then entered
ainst the Porte
gnalized himself
did not gain any
bad not' even the
ia, it must be as-
the disunion and
PERIOD VII. A. p. 1648 — 1713.
indifTercnce of the Poles, who refused to make a single saeriticc
in the lauso. Sohiexki was even forced to have recourse to the
|in)U'cii()ii of the Russians against the Turks; and saw himself
leduccd to the painful necessity of setting his hand to the defi-
nitive peace which was concluded with Russia at Moscow (May
liili, 1()SG,) by which Poland, in order to obtain the alliance of
that power against the Ottomans, consented to give up Smolen-
^ko, Belaia, Dorogobiiz, Tchernigov, Slarodub, and Novogorod-
Sicverskoe, with their dej)endencies ; as also the whole territory
known by the name of Little Russia, situated on the left bank of
the Borysthcnes, between that river and the frontier of Putivli,
as far as Perevoloczna. The city of Kiow, with its territory as
determined by the treaty, was also included in that cession.
Finally, the Cjssaes, called Zaporogs and Kndak, who, accord-
ing to the treaty of Andrussov, ought to have been dependencies
of these two states, were reserved exclusively to Russia. Sobie-
ski shed tears when he was obliged to sign that treaty at Leopold
^or Lemborg,) in presence of the Russian ambassadors.
The war with the Turks did not terminate until the reign of
Augustus IL the successor of John Sobieski. The peace of
Carlowitz, which that prince concluded with the Porte (1699,)
procured for Poland the restitution of Kaminiec, as well as that
part of the Ukraine, which the peace of Zarowno had ceded to
ihe Turks.
Russia became every day more prosperous under the princes
of the House of Romanow. She gained a decided superiority
over Poland, who had formerly dictated the law to her. Alexis
Michaelovitz not only recovered from the Poles what they had
conquered from Russia during the disturbances occasioned by
the two pretenders of the name of Demetrius ; we have already
observed, that he dispossessed them ot Kiow, and all that part
of the Ukraine, or Little Russia, which lies on the left bank of
the Borysthenes.
Theodore Alexievitz, the son and successor of Alexis Mi-
chaelovitz, rendered his reign illustrious by the wisdom of his
administration. Guided by the advice of his enlightened mi-
nister. Prince Galitzin, he conceived the bold project of abolish-
ing the hereditary orders of the nobility, and the prerogatives
that were attached to them. These orders were destructive of
all subordination in civil as well as in military affairs, and gave
rise to a multitude of disputes and litigations, of which a court,
named Rozrad, took cognizance. The Czar, in a grand assem-
bly which he convoked at Moscow (1682,) abolished the here-
ditary rank of the nobles. He burnt the deeds and registers
by which they were attested, and obliged every noble family to
^ ! - \
I !
1 t'i
; '■'.!
- i
/(: 1
produce the extrncls of these registern. which thcv had in their
SossPssion. that they might be comnuttea to the flames. That
Ele uiv ng no children, of his own, had destmed h,« younger
iVer Pc tef Alexievitz to be his successor, to the exclusion of ,
John, hireWer brcther, on account of his .ncapacty. But, on ,
tl^ death of Theodore, both princes were procla.med at once by
t military, and the government was '""-ted to thc^ P^^^^^^^^^^ ;
Soohia, their elder sister, who assumed the title oi Autocratix ,
anfsovere gn of all the Russias. Peter, who was the son of
he secoS^narriage of the C.ar, was «;^;.»;^"; ^-«/;; ^J^^^
years of age. It was during the admm.stration of the Pnr^ss
Sia that the peace of Moscow was concluded (May 6 1686 ,)
Tne'clause of wfich contained an alliance ofTensive and defen-
sive between Russia and Poland agamst the I'ortt.
Peter had no sooner attained the age of siwenteen than he
seized the rei"s of government, and dep.»«ed h.s s.ster Soph.a,
Sm ie seS to a c'onvent. Endowed -1^^^. -^-^j-^JS
genius, this Prince became the reformer ol hm En.p.re. wh. h^
under his reign, assumed an aspect totally new. By the advice
of Le For , a^mtive of Geneva, who U entered the Russian
service and whom he had received into his fr.endslnp and con-
fidence he turned his attention to every branch of the publ.c
adminl tration. The military system was changed, and mo-
3eUed af e that of the civiliml nations of Europe. He found-
ed the aritime power of Russia, i.nprovcd her finances, en-
cou aged commerce and manufactures, introduced letters and
anstnto his dominions, and applied himself to reform the laws.
in nolish and refine the manners of '^^c people.
leter Sg in alliance with Polaud engaged m the wa
aea^^st the Porte, and laid open the Black Sea by h.s conques
Tthe citv and port of Azoflf; and it was on this occasior. thn^
he equ pped Krst fleet at Woronitz. Azoff remamed m h»
nosses" ion bv an article of the peace which was concluded with
time Peter abolished the patriarchal dignity, which ranked the
S of the Russian Church next to the Czar, and gave h.m a
• Sangerous influence in the affairs of government He trans
f»rr«^ thP nuihoritv of the patriarch to a college of hlteen per
'""S; dLtuf ffting .nd ex.mini„f in pern. 0.. m.
had in their
anies. That
his younger
excliinion of
ty. But, on
ed nt once by
the Princess
f Autocrutix
as the son of
.\me only ten
if the Princess
Vliiy 6, 1686 ;)
ve und defen-
iteen than he
sister Sopiiia,
mpire, which,
By the advice
d the Russian
dship and con-
I of the public
nged, and mo-
jie. He found-
:r finances, en-
ced letters and
aform the lav/8,
red in the war
by his conquest
s occasion that
remained in his
concluded with
About the same
lich ranked the
nd gave him a
Bnt. He trans-
; of fifteen per-
y it was to take
tl, of all matters
matriarch. The
ihe oath at the
him on the pre-
person the man-
PBRIOD VII. A. D 164S— 1713.
ncrs and customs of other nations, he undertook two difTcrunt
vryages into foreign (countries, divested of that pomp which ia
tht- usual aoconipariiinent of princes. During these travels, he
culliviilcil the arts iiiid sciences, especially thoMf connected with
cuMinuTce and navigation ; he engaged men nl talents in his
siri vices, such as naval officers, engineers, surgeons, artists, and
mechanics of all kinds, whom he disjwrsed over his vast do-
miniuns, to instruct and improve the Russians. During his first
voyage to Holland and England, the Strelitzes, the only per-
manent troops known in Russia before his time, revolted ; tney
were first instituted by the Czar, John Basilovitz IV. They
f(»ught lifter the manner of the .Funissaries, and enjoyed nearly
the sam(! privileges. Peter, with the intention of disbanding
these seditious and undisciplined troops, had stationed them on the
frontiers of Lithuania ; he had also removed them from being his
own body-guard, a service which he entrusted to the regiments
raised by himself. This sort of degradation incensed the Stre-
litzes, who look the opportunity of the Czar's absence to revolt.
Tliey directed their march to the city of Moscow, with the design
of deposing the Czar, and replacing Sophia on the throne ; but
they were defeated by the Generals Schein and Gordon, who had
marched to oppose them. Peter, on his return, caused two
thousand of them to be executed, and incorporated the rest among
his troops. He afterwards employed foreign officers, either Ger-
mans or Swedes, to instruct the Russians in the military art.
It was chiefly during the war with Sweden that the Russian
army was organized according to the European system. The
Czar took advantage of the check he had sustained before Narva
(Nov. 30, 1700,) to accomplish this important change in levying,
equipping, and training ail his troops after the German manner.
He taught the Russians the art of combating and conquering the
Swedes ; and while the King of Sweden was bent on the ruin
of Augustus II., and made but feeble efforts against the Czar,
the latter succeeded in conquering Ingria from the Swedes, and
laid open the navigation of the Baltic. He took the fortress of
Noteburg (1702,) which he afterwards called Schlisselburg ; he
next made himself master of Nyenschantz, Kopori, and Jamp
(now Jamburg) in Ingria. The port of Nyenchantz was entirely
razed ; and the Czar laid the foundation of St. Petersburg in
one of the neighbouring islands of the Neva (May 27, 1703.) In
the middle of winter he constructed the fort of Cronschlot to
serve as a defence for the new city, which he intended to make
the capital of his Enu)ire, and the principal dep6t for the com
merce and marine of Russia. The fortune of this new capital
• '■• !
< !
Clmrles Xll., wlio had taken refnge in Turkey, used every ,
efll.rl 10 instiiratc the Turks ugttinsl the Kussums ; and ho sue ^
.-eedcMl by dint ..f inlripuc. The Porte deilared war agauisi the |
Czar towards the end of the year 1710 ; the latter opened the .
camnaiLm of 1711 by an expedition which he undertook into i
Moi.iavia ; but having rashly penetrated into the interior of thai |
province, he was surrounded by the (Jrand Vuier near Falczi ,
on the Prulh. Besiej^ed in his camp by an army vastly supe- |
rior to his own. and reduced to the last necessity, he found no
other means of extricating himself from this critical situation, |
than bv airreeinff to a treaty, which he signed m the cump ot i
Falczi (21st July 1711 ;) in virtue of which, he consented to re-
store to the Turks the fortress of AzofT, with its territory and
its dependencies. This loss was amply compensated by the iin-
portant advantages which the peace with Swe.len, signed at Ny-
stadl (Sept. 10, 1 721,) procured the Czar. It was on this ucca-
sion that the Senate conferred on him the cpithel of Great, (he
Father of hu Country, and Emperor of all the Rusma^. His
inauguration to the Imperial dignity took place, Octoljor 22d
1721, the very day of the rejoicing that had been appointed lor
the celebration of the peace. Peter himself put the Imperial
crown on his own head. . , • /-,
That great prince had the vexation to see Alexis Czarowitz
his son, and presumptive heir to the Empire, thwarting all his
improvements, and caballing in secret with his enemies. Being
at length compelled to declare that he had lorfeited his right to
the throne, he had him condemned to death as a traitor (171«.)
1 In consequence of this tragical event, he published an Ukase,
which vested in the reigning prince the privilege of nominating
his successor, and even of ^hanging the appointment whenever
' he might judge it necessary. This arrangement became fatal to
Russia ; the want of a fixed and permanent order of succession
occasioned troubles and revolutions which frequently distracted
the whole Empire. This law, moreover, made no provision in
cases where the reigning prince might neglect to settle the sue-
cession during his life ; as happened with Peter himself, who
died without making or appointing any successor (Feb. I7-S&.)
Catherine I., his spouse, ascended the throne, which, after a
reign of two years, she transmitted to Peter, son of the unfortu-
""in Hungary, the precautions that had been taken by the States
of Presburg to establish civil and religious liberty on a solid ba-
sis, did not prevent disturbances from springing up in that king-
July 8, 1709.)
II in ilie NorlK.
y, used every
; ami ho «uc-
n\T ngiiirisi >htt
or openi'd the
iiidertodk into
interior of that
lor near Falczi
y vastly supe-
tf, he found no
tical situation,
in the cump of
on^ented to re-
3 territory and
nted by the im-
signed at Ny-
AS on this ucca-
?t of Great, the
Riisfias. His
, October 22d
n iippointed for
ut ttie Imperial
lexis Czarowitz
iwarting all his
Miemics. Being
ited bis right to
1 traitor (1718.)
Ished an Ukase,
e of nominating
ment whenever
t became fatal to
icr of succession
lently distracted
s no provision in
lo settle the suc-
ter himself, who
ssor (Feb. 1725.)
!, which, after a
n of the unfortu-
"°^°P' > . f^m 'the
the laws and phenomena of namre S' Jof an iuractive
^''"' 1 "kSrHSr::enr&dVthe§?scoveriesof lear^^^
;=r,.^rlt^ted;f those ^g^^;^^— f l^^S^
S^ScTo^r tJ^ihy atS'ciL.olS^gy, became a
branch of general P^>''''^°PH-. «.„,„„, ot„tes disturbedbytheam-
influence in general affairs ;^^>^";„S^^^^^^^^^ to an extent
That nation carr ed their ^^^^^J^^'^'I^? .^SeTcTal and maritime
which could not fail to alarm '^'^^f'^cZoTihen own trade
states, and make them perceive tha^^^^^^^^ „f
and independence ^^^^^^^'^^^.^^^IXy important for their
equilibrium on the Continent, u was 4 J » j.^j^ ,
of England. This gave rise^ ^^^^^^ ^^xe
tween France a".^ England a nvairy eighteenth cen-
particularly manifested ^ft^V^^^'^i^^.f;^^ alliance among the
fury, and which ^^'^'^J"^^,^"^ %Ta later date, and in^on-
branches of the Ho«8e of Bourbon A ^^^^^^^^ ^^ ^^
sequence of the prmcipes which the ^ng p ^^
commerce of neutral states, the powers o^ n j^ "^^^
themselves against that '^n*^"/; . f ^^^^J^r^^
accused of wishing to "^P, "^"^^^^^Jfo/; hort time turned
- tf thrn^^ni'SirS ops has been able to prober,
her commerce and her independence. .
b j i Mi'i
iver all classes
1 natural philo-
)wledgc of the j j
1 chiefly for the i
education, and j
searches. Geo- ■
vere brought to I
ferent scientific !
overed many of •
■ rose from the |
jf an attractive j
reries of learned j
•himeras which i
ipported by the '
logy, became a
)eace of Utrecht,
any great altera
which took place
which had been
lie theatre of civil
by the success of
rtant advantages
, both in Europe
and gave her an
id enjoyed before,
larine to an extent
cial and maritime
of their own trade
itain a system of
Tiportant'for their
nopolizing power
kind of rivalry be-
eflfects were more
e eighteenth cen-
liance among the
r date, and in con-
professed as to the
he North leagued
which they were
I the Ninth Period,
. short time turned
en able to preserve
rsBioD viii. A. D. 1713 — 1789.
This preponderance of England is the first change which the
poliiical system of Europe experienced in the eighteenth century.
The second took place in the North. Till that time, the norihem
countries of Europe had never, except transiently, had any poH-
lica! connexions with the South. Russia, separated by the
possessions of Sweden on the coasts of the Baltic, had belongt-d
rather to Asia than to our quarter of the world. Poland, fallen
from her ancient greatness, had sunk into a state of anarchy and
exhaustion. Denmark and Sweden were disputing the command
of the Baltic, and had no other influence on the politics of the
South than that which Sweden had acquired by the personal
qualities of some of her kings. The great war of the North,
which broke out at the commencement of the eighteenth century,
and the conquests of Peter the Great, which extended the limits
of his Empire as far as the Gulf of Finland, and reduced Sweden
to a state of debility from which she has not yet recovered,
enabled Russia not only to take a distinguished lead in the
North, but to become an important member in the system of
Meantime, the foundation of the Prussian monarchy gave rise
to a new and intermediate power between the North and the
South ; but that state remained within the bounds of mediocrity
until the middle of the eighteenth century. At that time the
genius of Frederic II. alone raised it to a pitch of greatness which
enabled it to struggle against the superior forceof its neighbours,
but without menacing the independence of other states. This
growing power of Prussia, however, occasioned a rivalry between
it and Austria, which for seventy years had an influence on the
politics of Europe. It produced the extraordinary spectacle of
an intimate alliance between two ancient rivals, the Houses of
Austria and Bourbon ; and, by dividing Germany between two
opposite systems, it paved the way for the dissolution of that
Empire. Such was the third change which the polity of Europe
experienced in course of the eighteenth century.
The fourth change was less felt than the three others ; its
fatal consequences did not develope themselves until the Ninth
Period. For the first time within the last three centuries, the
sovereigns of Europe ventured to break treaties and to violate
engagements, to declare war and undertake conquests, without
alleging any other motives than reasons of convenience, and the
ambition of ag^andizement. Thus the basis of the equilibrium
system, the inviolability of possessions honourably acquired, was
sapped, and the downfall of the whole system prepared. The
events of the wars for the succession of Austria, furmshed the
first exampl)e» of this contempt for treaties ; Uiey were renewed.
'■ iV i
h '
1 1
"commerce continued, in .he eighteen* ";'yi'»„^%»;
,m.to lion of V"" \Xto »hich lliey even carried to exce...
SX-oVeVJ dTn cSnenliil nff.ir. wa. inc,ea»d;
lt?a ^SrSTie n«.sar^ '^^^ZlTj'^r mO,
Beside,, "IXtiirrv an i^ genc" : h"d "=«" » 'l»e'«« "'
' '^%^he^e!tra"ordinary efforts which the powers of E^'ope had
_■ ^-^i »?»s
i, and by the
Bavaria. Th**
I cited, during
, sorts of vie-
long train of
r, to be one of
Europe. The
1, and became, |
in. The niari- |
edthe greatest
if which were
gulations. In
; up numerous
•ried to excess,
vas increased ;
y in proportion
ish them with
on their wars,
the year 1740,
led a degree of
irther improve-
tes experienced !
the payment of
Pitt, called the
of Europe had
the equilibrium
of France and
ity, which gave
ts, industry and
ich the long and
■ere attentive to
echt and Stock-
d against every
rhe good under-
at Britain during
t of George II.—
sed the attention
of the Pretender,
3 of Spain,
ring the minority
eace and political
havin? it in vip«
PBRIOD VIU. A. D. 1713 — 1789.
lO remedy those disorders in the finance, which Louis XIV. had
left in so deplorable a state.' The King of Spain, on the other
hand, who was desirous of reviving his rights to the crown of
France, wont into the rash schemes of Cardinal Alberoni," his
prime minister, purporting to renew the war ; to rsconquer those
territories which the peace of Utrecht had dismemberf d from
the Spanish monarchy ; to deprive the Duke of Orleans of the
regency, and vest it in the King of Spain ; and to place the « re-
tender, son of James II., on the throne of Great Britain.
The treaty of Utrecht, although it had tranquillized a great
part of Europe, was nevertheless defective, in as far as it had
not reconciled the Emperor and the King of Spain, the two prin-
cipal claimants to the Spanish succession. The Emperor
Charles VI. did not recognise Philip V. in his quality of King
of Spain ; and Philip, in his turn, refused to acquiesce in those
partitions of the Spanish monarchy, which the treaty of Utrecht
had stipulated in favour of the Emperor. To defeat the projects
and secret intrigues of the Spanisii minister, the Duke of Or-
leans thought of courting ati alliance with England, as being
the power most particularly interested in maintaining the treaty
of Utrecht, the fundamental articles of which had been dictated
by herself. That alliance, into which the United Provinces also
entered, was concluded at the Hague (Jan. 4, 1717.) The arti-
cles of the treaty of Utrecht, those especially which related to
the succession of the two crowns, were there renewed ; and the
Regent, in complaisance to the King of England, agreed to
banish the Pretender from France, and to admit British com-
missaries into Dunkirk to superintend that port.
Cardinal Alberoni, without being in the least disconcerted by
the Triple Alliance, persisted in his design of recommencing the
war. No sooner had he recruited the Spanish forces, and
equipped an expedition, than he attacked Sardinia, which he
took from the Emperor. This conquest was followed by that
of Sicily, which the Spaniards took from the Duke of Savoy
France and England, indignant at the infraction of a treaty
which they regarded as their own work, immediately concluded
with the Emperor, at London (Aug. 2, 1718,) the famous Quad-
ruple Alliance, which contained the plan of a treaty of peace, to
be made between the Emperor, the King of Spain, and the Duke
of Savoy. The allied powers engaged to obtain the consent of
the parties interested in this proposal, and in case of refusal, to
compel them by force of arms. The Emperor was to renounce
his right to the Sjanish crovra, and to acknowledge Philip V.
as the legitimate King of Spain, in consideration of his renoun-
i •
I , M
. "
tunl 7«^^«'-'^'«" '^•"\"''"';''7au rhv of Tuscany, oi. o.,...lition ot
'The Duke of Savoy did not heMtnte to subscribe to the condi- '
J^of^tt quadruple ^^^; ^^,Z '^?r::^^ ^
King of Spain, who persisted in his ^^'"^"^'^J^'T j ^^.i the
England declared war against him. The i' "[^"'j? '"yT^'V
i„g for seveml ye.«. The «'« '"J^iP^'i J„ between
as to the form of these '•'""".^•'^^"'"Jv JJ^i'j'^jfNetLrk^^
lip's renunciation of th^r™?^^"^,^"'*^ demanded
3hould be confirmed by the Spanish Lortes. rnuip
riTTT^FFaiyf^?''^^'**™"^" •■
rh the trfnly
ic EmpcrnT.
ill, rpceiving
» to give up.
IS trniiftcrred
iti'd to Don
[\r(>, the oven-
riim and Pla*
I condition ot
Empire, aftei |
; Farnesc and
ttcr to secure
lo introduce a
[) be nuartered
a. The con-
ment of these
c to the condi-
rwise with the
n France arid
h invaded the
English seized
IS proceedings
He signed the
heron i from his
the allies com-
cily and Sardi-
mer, and Victor
)eace, however,
remained many
King of Spain,
and conclude a
Congress was
1721, under the
disputes which
rded their meet-
al object was to
ciation between
;d by the treaty
was reluctant to
arted difficulties
anded that Phi-
he Netherlands,
hilip demanded.
PKRioD vm. A. D. 1713 — 1789.
In his turn, that the rrniitn'iation of the Emperor with regord to
Spain, should lie rutilicd l)y the States of the Empire. To get
clear of this (llfrieiiltv, Franc; and Eiijiland agreed, by a special
compact, signed at I'aris (Sept. 27, 1721,) llial the renunciations
of both princes, however defective they might be, should be held
valid under the guaranty of the two mediating powers.
Scarcely was this difllculty settled, when another presented
itself, much more embarrassing. This related to the Company
of Ostend, which the Emperor had instituted, and lo which, by
charter signed at Vienna (Dec. 19, 1722,) he had granted, for
thirty years, the exclusive privilege of trading to the East and
We.st Indies, and the coasts of Africa. That establishment set
the maritime powers nl variance with the Emperor ; especially
the Dutch, who regardeil it as prejudicial to their Iiidian com-
merce. They maintained, that according to the trer.ty of Mun-
Hter, confirmed by the twenty-sixth article of the Barrier Treaty
(1715,) the trade of the Spaniards with the East Indies was to
remain as it was at that time.
Nothing in those preliminary discussions met with so much
opposition as the grant of the eventual reversion and investiture
ofTuscany, Parma, and Placentia, which the Emperor had en-
gaged, by the Quadruple Alliance, lo give lo Don Carlos, the
Infante of Spain. The Duke of Parma, the Pope, and the Grand
Duke of Tuscany joined in opposition to it. Anthony, the last
Duke of Parma and Placentia, of the House of Farnese, de-
manded that the Emperor should never, during his life, exerci.se
over the dutchy of Parma, the territorial rights established by
the treaty of the Quadruple Alliance. The Pope also protested
loudly against that clause of the treaty which deprived him of
the rights of superiority over Parma and Placentia, which his
predecessors had enjoyed for several centuries. As for the
Grand Duke ofTuscany, John Gaston, the last of the Medici, he
maintained, that as his dutchy neld of God only, he could never
permit that it should be declared a fief of the Empire nor recog-
nise the Infante of Spain as heir of his estates, to the prejudice
of his sister's rights, the widow of the Elector Palatine.
Charles VI. without stopping at these objections, laid the
business of these investitures before the Diet of Ratisbon ; and,
after having obtained their consent, he caused copies to be made
of the letters of reversion and investiture in favour of Don Carlos
and his heirs-nmle. These havin?.hter „" Philip V. wL had been, ^-'^n^.^f^ ttrbl 1
l^'Initr^fr Ktmh av! ^;;on\ipperda. ^ who,n he had sent
^8 e ov to the Imperial Court put an end to the d.irerences bo- j
me n te two powern, in despite of the 7-1";"- ^ Jj^^^"^; |
In consequence, i special treaty was 5""'''"'»«*\„^;./'5"5;26 '
Uveen the Emperor and the K.ng of ^P^ . f P^' f ^^e pro-
This treaty renewed the renunciation ol PhiliP V. » /"c pro
vin es of Kaly and the Netherlands, as well as tliat o the Em-
pe or to Spain and the Indies. The eventual investiture o the
duchies of Parma and Placentia, and that of the grand dutchy
Tu™; were also confirmed. The only now clause con-
lained h K; treaty, was that bv which the King «1 ^^PJ"' '"'J^-
ooU to Ruarantee he famous I^ragmalic Sanction of Charles VI.,
ii secured to the daughter of that Pnnce the succe^-on of
all his estates. It was chiefly on this account that 1 hilip V.
became reconciled to the Court of Vienna.
The peace of Vienna was accompanied by a defensive alliance
I JveenTe Emperor and the Ki\ig of Si^in. Among other
Causes, one was^hat the Emperor should '"te^PJ ^° «^^3
1 for the Kini of tho
Empire joined lliiit of Vienna. Tho Emperor even Buccfcded
in (Ictai'liiiig the King of Prux^ia from the alliance of Munovcr
to join liis own. Euro|)e seemed then on the ivcof a general
war ; the ambassadors to the diHereiit courts were retailed. The
English sent a numerous nnd powerful fleet to America, the
Mediterrc.iean, and the Baltic ; while the Snaniards coimnenced
hostilities, by laying siege to Gibraltar. Ihe death of the Em-
press of Russia (May 17, 1727,) however, caused a change in
tho disijosition of tho Northern powers. The Emperor, seeing
he could no longer reckon on the assistance of Russia, showed
no anxiety to second the etForts of the Spaniards ; but what
chiefly contributed to the maintenance of peace was, that neither
France nor England was desirous of war.
In this situation of affairs, the Po|>e interposed his mediation ;
and a new preliminary treaty was signed at Paris, which or>
dained that there should be nn armistice for seven years ; that
the Company of Ostend should be suspended for the same time ;
and that a new General Congress snould be held at Aix-la-
This congress was first transferred to Cambray, and thence tc
Soissons, where it was opened in 1728. Ambassadors from
almost all the Courts of Europe appeared there ; und they ex-
pected, with some reason, a happy conclusion of the business ;
as most of the difficulties which had embarrassed the Congress
of Cambray were settled by the peace of Vienna, and as the only
subject for deliberation was to settle the succession of Parma and
Tuscany. But the Emperor having demanded that the Austrian
Pragmatic Sanction should be adopted as the basis of the arrange-
ments for establishing the peace of Soissons, that incident be-
came the subject of new disputes. Cardinal Fleury, then prime
minister of France, having strongly opposed this claim of the
Court of Vienna, tho Emperor, in his turn, threw obstacles in
the way of the negotiation at Soissons. This inclined the Car-
dinal to make overtures to tho Court of Madrid, with whom he
concerted a secret negotiation, in which he also found means to
associate England.
This gave rise to a treaty of peace, union, and oflTensive al-
liance, which was signed at Seville between France, Spain, and
England (November 9, 1729.) These powers engaged to gua-
rantee the succession of Parma and Tuscany in favour of the
Infante Don Carlos ; and to efTect this, they resolved to substitute
six thousand Spanish troops in the Swiss garrisons, named by
the Quadruple Alliance. The Dutch acceded to that treaty, in
.11. '(
ronsideration of the engagement which the contracting powers
came under to give them entire satisfaction with respect to the
The"lmperor! finding the treaty of Seville concluded .vith-
out his co-operation, was apprehensive of having failed in his
:.rincipal aim, viz. the adoption of the Austrian Pragniatic Sanc-
tion. He was indignant that the allies at Seville should pre-
tend to lav down the law to him touching the abolition ot tha
Ostend Company, and the introduction of Spanish troops into
Italy. Accordingly, being determined not to comply, he imme-
diately broke off all relationship with the Court of Spain ; he
recalled his ambassador, and took measures to prevent the Spa-
nish troops from taking possession of Italy. The last Duke of
Parma, Anthony Farnese, being dead (1731,) he took posses-
sion of his dutchy by force of arms.
At length, to terminate all these differences, the Kmg of t-ng-
land, in concert with the States-General, opened a negotiation
with the Emperor ; the result of which was a treaty of alhance
signed at Vienna, between him, England and Holland (March
16 1731 ) In virtue of that treaty, the three contracting pow-
ers' mutually guaranteed their estates, rights and possessions ;
England and Holland, more especially, engaged to guarantee
the° Austrian Pragmatic Sanction ; and the Emperor, on his
side, consented to the introduction of Spanish troops into Italy,
and to the su.-ression of the Company of Ostend; he even
aereed that the Netherlands should never carry on trade with
the Indies, either by the Ostend Company, or any other.
In consequence of this treaty, which was approved by the
States-General, Don Carlos took possession of Parma and P a-
centia ; and the Grand Duke of Tuscany also recognised him
as his successor. Thus terminated these long disputes abou
the Spanish Succession, after having agitateu the greater part
of Europe for upwards of thirty years. ... , .^^^
In the midst of these contentions, a war had arisen between
the Porte ^.d the Republic of Venice ; in which the Emperor
Chafles VI. was also implicated. The Turks were desirous of
reco Sng the Morea, wLch they had been obliged to abandon
the Venetians at the peace of Carlowitz ; but mstead of at-
tacking that Republic, while the Emperor was enff J wUh \he
French war, and unable to render it assistan.:e, they waitfd till
the concfu'l^n of the treaties of Utrecht. Rastadt, and Baden,
Lfore they declared hostilities. The pretexts which he Turks
made to justify this rupture were extremely frivolous , but they
knew we 1 thatthe Venetians, who had ived ,n the most c^n^-
pletc security since the peace of Carlowitz, had neglected to re-
ing powers
sped to the
uded ivith-
liled 111 his
matic Sanc-
should pre-
ition of the
troops into
y, he imme-
Spain ; he
ent the Spa-
ast Duke of
took posses-
ting of Eng-
1 negotiation
f of alliance,
and (March
racting pow-
possessions ;
to guarantee
peror, on his
ps into Italy,
id ; he even
1 trade with
roved by the
rma ana Pla-
;ognised him
isputes about
greater part
isen between
the Emperor
•e desirous of
i to abandon
nstead of at-
iged with the
ey waited till
and Baden,
ch the Turks
»us ; but they
e most com-
>glected to rc-
PERIOP VIII. A. D. 1713 — 1789.
|»ir the fortifications which had been dcstroj'ed in the war, and
that it would be easy for them to reconquer them.
In fact, during the campaign of 1715, the Grand Vizier noi
only recovered the Morea, he even dispossessed the Venetians
of the places which they still retained in the Isle of Candia ;
and, ai the commencement of the following campaign, they laid
MOge to the town of Corfu. Charles VI. thought he was bound,
as the guarantee of the peace of Carlowitz, to espouse the
lauso of the Venetians ; he declared war against the Porte, and
his example was followed by the Pope and the King of Spain,
who united their fleets to those of the Republic. The Turks
were defeated in several engagements, and obliged to raise thr»
siege of Corfu, after sacrificing a great many lives.
The campaigns of 1716 and 1717 in Hungary, were trium-
phant for the armies of the Emperor ; Prince Eugene gained a
brilliant victory over the Grand Vizier, near Peterwaradin (Au-
gust 5th,) which enabled him to invest Temeswar, which he
carried after a siege of six months, and thus completed the
conquest of Hungary. To crown his glory, that great captain
next undertook the siege of Belgrade, regarded by the 1 urks
as the principal bulwark of their Empire. The Grand Vizier
marched to the relief of the place, at the head of a formidahi??
army. He encamped before Belgrade, and enclosed the Impe-
rial army within a semicircle, reaching from the Danube to the
Save. Prince Eugene had then no other alternative than to
leave his camp, and attack the Turks in their intrenchmenls.
He took his measures which such address, that, in spite of the
great superiority of the Turks, he forced them back to their
camp, and put them completely to rout (Aug. 16, 1717.)
This victory was followed by the reduction of Belgrade, and
several other places on the Save and the Danube. The Porte
began to wish for peace ; and as the Emperor, who had just been
attacked in Italy by the Spaniards, was equally desirous to put
aa end to the war, both parties agreed to accept the mediation
of England and Holland. A congress was opened at Passaro-
witz, X small town in Servia, near the mouth of the Morau. A
peace was there concluded between the three belligerent powers
(July 21, 1718,) on the basi^' of the Uti pomdetis. The Empe-
ror retained Temeswar, Orsova, Belgrade, and the part of Wal-
lachia lying on this side of the river Aluta ; as also Servia, ac-
cording to the limits determined by the treaty, and both banks
of the Save, from the Drino to the Unna. The Venetians lost
the Morea, but they retained several places in Her/egovma,
Dalmatia, and Albania, which they had conquered during the
war. The Porte restored to them the Island of Cerigo in ih»»
j. 1.
L \ \
The success of Charles VI. in this war procured some new
adva..tages to his house, on the part of the States of Hungary. ;
The Diet of 1687, in vesting the hereditary right of that king-
ar.n in the Emperor Leopold I., had restricted that right, solely
to the male descendants of the House of Austria; and Charles
VI , on his accession to the throne, had acknowledged the dec
tive right of the States, in case he should happen to die without
leaving any male offspring. This prince, find'"g fft«7^1;4«
that he had no other children left than the two daughters by his
marriage with Elizabeth princess of Brunswick, and being desi-
rous of securing to them the succession of Hun^iy as well as
his other estates, assembled a Diet at Presburg (1722,) and there
engaged the States of the kingdom to extend the right of sue-
cession to females, according to the order which he had estab-
lished in the Austrian Pragmatic Sanction, and published some
^^Arevohd'on happened in the government of Sweden imme-
diately after the death of Charles XII. and before the grea war
of the North was quite ended. Reduced to a state of great dis-
tress by the folly, ambition, and inflexible obstinacy of that prince,
Sweden saw her finest provinces occupied by the enemy, her
commerce annihilated, her armies and her fleets destroyed.
Thev attributed these disasters chiefly to t.ie absolute power ol
Charles XII., and the abuse he had made of it. 1 he only reme-
dy for so many evils, they conceived, was to abolish a power
vvhich had become so pernicious to the State. As Chyles had
never been married, the throne, according to the hereduary law
established in Sweden, passed to the son of the dutchess oi Hoi-
stein-Gottorp, eldest sister of Charles ; but the Senate of Sv eden
preferred to him the princess Ulrica Eleonora, younger sister ot
Ihe late king ; because of the declaration she had made, renoun-
cing all absolute power, and consenting to hold the crown only
bv the free election of the States of the kingdom. The States,
in an assembly held at Stockholm, in the beginning of 1719, de
blared the throne vacant, and then proceeded to the election oi
the princess. With their act of election, they presented her with
I a new form of government, and an act known by the name ot
I the Royal Assurance, which imposed new hnntations on the
' royal authority. The princess signed these acts (February jh)
i and the States declared that whoever should attempt to restore
■ absolute power, should be considered as a traitor to his country.
The government was intrusted to the queen conninctly with
: the Senate ; while the legislative power was reserved to the
Slates, to meet regularly every three years. The q"een had
the right of proposing bills or ordinances : but before these
i!f*ff::^"t?;-fnr-if. :?,%r-£~"
PERIOD 7111. A. D. 1713 — 1789.
i some new
of Hungary,
if that king-
, right, solely
and Charles
ged the elec-
) die without
g afterwards
ghters by his
id being desi-
ry as well as
22,) and there
right of suc-
he had estab-
iblished some
vveden imme-
the great war
e of great dis-
of that prince,
le enemy, her
;ts destroyed,
jlute power of
"he only reme-
olish a power
s Charles had
tierediiary law
Itches? of Hol-
late of Sv eden
unger sister of
made, renoun-
he crown only
. The States,
ig of 1719, de
the election ol
rented her with
)y the name of
itations on the
(February 21,)
empt to restore
to his country,
conjunctly with
•eserved to the
rhe queen had
It before these
could have the force of law, they were to be submitted to the
examination of the States, without whose consent war was never
10 be proclaimed. As for the deliberations of the Senate, it was
resolved, that they should be decided by a plurality of suffrages,
that the queen should havf two votes, and a casting vote be-
sides. Thus, the chief power was vested in the hands of the
Senate, the members of which resumed their ancient title of
Senators of the kingdom, instead of that of Counsellors to the
King, which had been bestowed on them at the revolution of
1680. Ulrica Eleonora afterwards resigned the crown lO her
husband prince Frederic of Hesse-Cassel. The States, in their
election of that prince (May 22, 1720,) ordained that the Queen,
in case she should survive her husband, should be reinstated in
her rights, and resume the crown, without the necessity of a new
deliberation of the Slates. Frederic, by the Royal Assurance,
and the form of government which he signed, agreed to certain
new modifications of the royal power, especially concerning ap-
pointments to places of trust. By these different stipulations,
and the changes which took place in consequence, the power of
the Swedish kings was gradually reduced to very narrow limits.
It was so much the more easy to make encroachments o" the
royal power, as the King, by a radical defect in the new form
of government, had no constitutional means of preserving the
little authority that was left him.
The death of Augustus II. of Poland, occasioned new dis-
turbances, which passed from the North to the South of Europe
and brought about great changes in Italy. Louis XV. took the
opportunity of that event to replace Stanislaus on the throne of
Poland, who was his father-m-law, and the former proteg^ of
Charles XII. The Primate, and the greater part of the Polish
nobility being in the interest of that prince, he was consequently
elected (Sept. 12, 1733.)
Anne Iwanowna, dutchess-dowager of Courland, and niece of
Peter the Great, had just ascended the throne of Russia ; having
succeeded Peter II. (June 20, 1730,) who was cut off in the
flower of his age without leaving any progeny. The grandees,
in conferring the crown on Anne, had limited her power by a
capitulation which they made her sign at Mittau, but which she
cancelled immediately on her arrival at Moscow. That princess,
dreading the influence of France in Poland, in case of a war
between Russia and the Porte, espoused the interests of Augus-
tus III., Elector of Saxony, and son of the late King, whom she
wished to place on the Polish throne. Part of the Polish nobility,
withdrawing from the field of election, and supported by a Rus*
sian army, proclaimed that prince, in opposition to Stanislaus,
ihe proteg^ of France.
I, i
The Russians, reinforced by the Saxon troops, seized Warsp.'.v .
and compelled Stanislaus to retire to Dantzic, where he was be-
sieged by a Russian army, under command of Field-Marshal
Munich, and obliged to seek safety in flight. Louis XV. wish- !
ing to avenge this injury offered* to his father-in-law, and not :
being in a condition to attack Russia, resolved to declare war
against the Emperor ; ,.a the ground that he had marched an j
army to the frontiers of Poland, for supporting the election of
the Saxon prince.
Spain and Sardinia espoused the cause of Stanislaus, which
seemed to them to be the cause of Kings in general ; while the
Emperor saw himself abandoned by England and Holland,
whose assistance he thought he might claim, in virtiie of the
guarantee which the treaty of Vienna had stipulated in his fa-
vour. But these powers' judged it more for their interests to
preserve strict neutrality in this war, on the assurance which
France had given the States-General, not to make the Austrian
Netherlands the theatre of hostilities. The French commenced
operations by directing the Count de Belleisle to seize Lorraine,
the sovereign of which, Francis Stephen, son of Duke Leopold
was to have married Maria Theresa, eldest daughter of the Em-
peror Charles VL About the same time, Marshal Berwick
passed the Rhine at the head of the French army, and reduced
the fortress of Kehl. By thus attacking a fortress of the Em-
pire, France gave the Emperor a pretext for engaging the Ger-,
manic Bodv in his quarrel. In fact, he declared war against
France and her allies ; which induced the French to seize seve-
ral places on the Moselle, and to reduce the fortress of Philips-
burg, at the siege of which. Marshal Berwick was slain (June
12, 1734.) , , ^ .
The principal scene of the war then lay in Italy ; where the
campaigns of 1734 and 1735 were most glorious for the allies.
After the two victories which they had gained over the Impe-
rialists near Parma (Ju'.e 29,) and Guastalla (Sept. 17,) they
made themselves master of all Austrian Lombardy, with the
single exception of Mantua, which they laid under blockade.
A Spanish army, commanded by the Duke of Montemar, ac-
companied by the Infante Don Carlos, directed their march on
Naples, which threw open its gates to the Spaniards. The
victory which they gained over the Imperialists at Bitonto
(May 25,) decided the fate of the kingdom of Naples. After
this conquest, the Infante passed to Sicily. He soon reduced
that island, and was crowned King of the Two Sicilies at Pa-
lermo (July 3, 1735.)
The Emperor, overwhelmed by so many reverses, and unaWo
led Warsp.'.v
e he was be-
s XV. wish-
aw, and not
declare war
marched an
election of
islaus, which
1; while the
ind Holland,
virtue of the
ted in his fa-
ir interests to
urance which
the Austrian
h commenced
eize Lorraine,
)uke Leopold
;er of the Em-
shal Berwick
, and reduced
ss of the Em-
iging the Ger-,
d war against
I to seize seve-
;ss of Philips-
as slain (June
ly ; .".here the
for the allies,
ver the Impe-
lept. 17,) they
irdy, with the
ider blockade.
Montemar, ac*
leir march on
aniards. The
sts at Bitonto
^Taples. After
soon reduced
Sicilies at Pa-
les, and unablo
PERIOD VIII. A. D. 1713 — 1789.
•0 withstand the powers leagued against him, eagerly solicited
assistance from Russia. The Empress Anne, who saw the war
loiminated in Poland, and Augustus in quiet possession of the
throne, despatched a body of ten tliousand auxiliaries, under
the command of General Count de Lacy, into Germany, m thf
i^pring of the year 1735. These troops, the first Kussians who
had appeared in that country, joined the Imperial army on the
Rhine, which was commanded by Prince Eugene. That Gene-
ral, however, did not succeed in his design of transferring the
seat of war to Lorraine.
Matters were in this situation, when the maritime powers in-
terposed their good offices for restoring peace between the Em-
peror and the States leagued against him. Cardinal Fleury,
perceiving that their mediation was not agreeable to the Impe-
rial Court, took the resolution of concerting a secret negotia-
tion with the Emperor, the result of which was a treaty of pre-
liminaries ; although much deliberation was necessary before
coming to the conclusion of a definitive peace. This was at
lengtli signed at Vienna, between France, the Emperor, and the
Empire, on the 8th of November 1738. The former treaties of
Westphalia, Nimeguen, Ryswick, Utrecht, and the Quadruple
Alliance, were admitted as the basis of this treaty. Stanislaus
renounced the throne of Poland, and retained the title only
during his life. They gave him, by way of compensation, the
dutchies of Lorraine and Bar, on condition that, at his death,
they should revert with full rig.it to France. The single coun-
ty of Falkenstein, with its appurtenances and dependencies,
was reserved for Francis, Duke of Lorraine. In exchange for
the dutchy which he abdicated, that prince received the grand
dutchy of Tuscany, whose last possessor, John Gaston, of the
House of Medici, had just died without leaving any posterity
(1737.) The kingdom of the Two Sicilies, with the ports of
Tuscany, were secured to Don Carlos and his descendants,
male and female ; and, in failure of them, to the younger bro-
thers of that prince, and their descendants. On his part, Don
Carlos ceded to the Emperor the dutchies of Parma and Pla-
centia, and even renounced the rights which former treaties had
given him over the grand dutchy of Tuscany. They restored
to the Emperor all that had been taken from him in the pro-
vinces of Milan and Mantua ; with the reservation of the dis-
tricts of ^^ovara and Tortona, which he was obliged to cede lo
Charles i^imanuel III., King of Sardinia, together with San-
Pidele, Torre di Forti, Gravedo, and Campo-Maggiore ; is also
the territorial superiority of the fiefs commonly called Langhcs,
to be held entirely as Imperial fiefs. Finally, France under-
\\ .
,: i
It- '.'
'( 'it
1 ■
ijljIH \
took, in the most authentic form, to guarantee the Pragmatic
Sanction of the Emperor.
The Kinf's of Spain and Sardinia were not satishcd with ihe
conditions of this treaty. The former wished to preserve the
•nand dutohy of Tuscany, with the dutchies of Parma and
Placentia ; and the other had expected to obtain a larger portion
M' Lombardy. Thus, these princes long hesitated to admit the
articles agreed to between the courts of France and Vienna ;
nor did they give their consent until the year 1739.
While these disputes about the succession of Poland occupied
a trreat part of Europe, a war broke out between the Turks and
the Russians, in which Austria was also implicated. The Em-
cress Anne of Russia, wishing to recover Azoflf, and repair the
loss which Peter the Great had sustained m his unfortunate
campaign on the Pruth, took advantage of the war between the
Turks and the Peraians, to form an alliance with Khouli Khan,
the famons conqueror of the East, who had just subverted
the ancient dynasty of the Sophis of Persia. The incursions
which the Tartars had made at diflerent times into the Russian
provinces, without the Porte thinking proper to check them,
served as a motive for the Empress to order an expedition
against the Turks (1735,) and to declare /ar against the Porte
soon after. It was during the campaign of 1736 that Count
Lacy madf^ himself master of Azoti; and that Marshal Munich,
after having forced the lines at Perekop, penetrated into the in-
terior of the Crimea ; but having in that expedition lost many
of his men by famine and disease, he found it impossible to
maintain himself in that peninsula.
The Emperor offered himself at first as a mediator between
the belligerent powers. A conference was opened at Niemerow
in Poland, which proved fruitless. The Russians who had just
! taken Oczakoff, emboldened by their success, were desirous to
I continue the war ; while the Emperor, without reflecting on the
i bad condition of his military strength, and the loss which he
I had sustained by the death of the celebrated prince Eugene
I (April 21, 1736,) thought only of sharing the conquest with the
' Russians. He then laid aside the character of mediator, to
' Tct on the defensive against the Turks ; but he had soon rea-
I son to repent of this measure. The Turks, encouraged by the
i famous Count de Bonneval, gained considerable advantages
j over the Austrians ; and in course of the campaigns of 17J7
! and 1738, thev dislodged them f m Wallachia and Servia, re-
! took Orsova, and laid siege to the city of Belgrade in 1739.
The Court of Vienna, in a state of great consternation, had
recourse to the mediation of M. de VilTeneuVe. the French am-
le PragnAtic
ified with ihe
preserve the
f Parma and
arger portion
to admit the
and Vienna;
land occupied
he Turks and
d. The Em- 1
nd repair the |
s unfortunate 1
r between the \
Khouli Khan, |
ust subverted
i'he incursions
o the Russian
) check them,
an expedition
linst the Porte
'36 that Count
irshal Munich,
ted into the in-
tion lost many
impossible to
liator between
d at Niemerow
s who had just
ere desirous to
eflecting on the
loss which he
prince Eugene
iquest with the
of mediator, to
had soon rea-
^ouraged by the
ble advantages
ipaigns of 1737
and Servia, re-
ade in 1739.
isternation, had
the French ajn-
PERIOD Vlll. A. D. 1713 — 1799.
tossador a^ Constantinople, to sue for peace with the Porte ;
Count Neipperg, who was sent by the Emperor to the Turkish
camp before Belgrade, signed there, with too much precipita-
tion, a treaty, under very disadvantageous terms for Austria :
and the Empress Anne, who had intrusted the French ambas-
sador with her full powers, consented also to a peace very un-
favourable for Russia, notwithstanding the brilliant victory
.vhich Marshal Munich had gained over the Turks in the neigh-
bourhood of Choczim (Oct. 28, 1739,) which was followed by
the capture of that place, and the conquest of Moldavia by the
The Emperor, by that peace, ceded to the Porte, Belgrade,
Sabatz, and Orsova, with Austrian Servia and Wallnchia. The
Danube, the Save, and the Unna, were ngain settled as the
boundary between the two Empires ; ^nd Austria preserved
nothing but the Banat of Temcswar, of all that had been ceded
to her by the peace of Passarowitz. The Austrian merchants,
however, were granted free pas.sage into and out of the king-
doms and provinces of the Ottoman Empire, both by sea and
land, in their own vessels, with the flag and letters-patent of the
Emperor, on condition of their paying the accustomed dues.
Russia surrendered all her conquests, and among others
Choczim and Moldavia. The boundaries between the two Em-
pires were regulated by different special agreements. The for-
tress of AzofT was demolished ; and it was stipulated that Russia
should not construct any new fortress within thirty versts of that
place, on the one side ; nor the Porte within thirty versts, on the
side of the Cuban. Russia was even interdicted from having
and constructing fleets or other naval stores, either on the Sea
of AzofT or the Black Sea. The Zaporog Cossacs continued
under the dominion of Russia, which obtained also from the
Porte the acknowledgment of the Imperial title. The peace be-
tween Russia and the Porte was declared perpetual ; but they
limited that between Austria and the Porte to twenty-seven
years. The latter was renewed under the Empress Maria
Theresa ; and rendered also perpetual, by an agreement which
that princess concluded with the Porto, May 25, 1747.
The succession to Charle*- VL.the last male descendant of the
House of Hapsburfj, who died October 20th 1740, kindled a new
general war ir Europe. That prince, in the year 1713, had
fublishijd an order of succession, known by the name of the
'ragmatic Sanction, which decreed, that failing his lineal heirs-
male, his own daughters should succeed in preference to those
of his brother the Emperor Joseph I. ; and that the succession
of his daughters should be regulated according to the order of
f'J \
nrimojrcniture, so thai ihc elder should be preferred to the ,
Vounffcr, and that she alone should inherit his whole eatate*. ,
He took . Nothing was letl to
the Queen, except the kingdom of Hungary, with Lower Aus-
tria, the Dutchies of Carinthia, Stiria and Camiola, and the
Belgic Provinces. In the midst of these imminent dangers,
Maria Theresa displayed a courage beyond her age and sex.
Aided by the supplies of money which England and Holland
furnished her, and by the generous efforts which the Hungarian
nation made in her favour, she succeeded in calming the storm
■■ti H
V (♦. .
i I. I
II is
repulsing the enemy with vigour, and dissolving the grand
leLue which had been formed agamst her.
"^tCkT of Sardinia, who dreaded the p,epondenn» of the
Bo^boK Imly liWew » abandoned .he gr,.nd «"i«"». «"J
Sic.hes J«»"f J'' S^'ir'^VreateSed to bombard the city, and
powi.ia ilia fe »„„'• .1 Hanoverians, and Hessians.
defeated the Ffench at Dettingen (June 27. 17«.! They we™
lienerai seni, "i * ot' Vienna. Last v. that pnnce, m order
*"/,d'» th Kinrof sS. he territor/of Pa.ia, betwee"
wSo In for the «rviee of .he Queen, in oon„derat,on of the
.applies which England promised to pay him.
ig the grand
two victoriei
^ziislau (May
Moravia, and
iieen to get rid
Iritain having
ireslau, which
Berlin (July
to the King of
ing the princi-
's of Tmppau,
a was soon fol-
med at the sud-
acceded to the
ith the Queen
nderance of the
d alliance, and
compact which
rds then turned
king of the two
English squad-
ird the city, and
inbardy, and re-
f service which
ing one of the
1, he sent to her
s, and Hessians,
■my, fought and
3.) They were
lich the States-
which they had
;t prince, in order
) the interests of
hich the Queen
Pavia, between
'laceiitia, and the
y claimed to the
•I, abandoned all
port an army of
isjderalion of the
he Queen recon-
the French from
rKKmri viii. a. d. 17 J 3 — 1789.
Bavaria, and drove them even beyond the Rhino The Emperor
• /htirliJ* VII. van obliged to transfer his residence from Munich
U) Fniiikfitrt on the Maiiio. France, who had never acted till
lii'^n but as ihe ally of the Elector of Bavaria, resolved, m con-
seijuence of these events, formally to declare war against the
Queen and the King of Great Britain (March 15, 1744.) The
King of the Two Sicilies broke his neutrality, and again joined
his troops with the Spanish army, who were acting against the
Queen and her ally the King of Sardinia. The war was now
carried on with fresh vigour. Louis XV, attacked the Austrian
Netherlands in person, and negotiated a treaty of Union, at
Frankfort, between the Emperor, and several principal States
of the Empire. By this treaty it was stipulatea, that the allied
princes should unite their forces, and constrain the Queen to
acknowledge the Emperor Charles VII,, and reinstate him in
his hereditary dominions.
It was in consequence of this treaty, that the King of Prussia
again commenced the war, and made an attack on Bohemia.
Prince Charles of Lorraine, who had invaded Alsace, at the
head of an Austrian army, was obliged to repass the Rhine, and
march to the relief of that kingdom. The French penetrated
into Germany, and while Louis XV. laid siege to Friburg in
Brisgaw, General Seckendorf, who commanded the Imperial
army, reconquered Bavaria. Charles VII., who was then re-
stored to his estates, returned to Munich.
During these transactions, an unforeseen event happened,
which changed the state of affairs. The Emperor died at the
early age of forty-seven (Jan. 20, 1745,) and his son Maximilian
Joseph II., used all expedition to make up matters with the
Queen. By the special treaty, which he concluded with her at
Fuessen (April 22, 1745,) he renounced the claims which his
father had made to the succession of Charles VI, He again
signed the Pragmatic Sanction, satisfied with being maintained
in the possession of his patrimonial estates. The French had
in vain endeavoured to prevent the election of the Grand Duke
of Tuscany to the Imperial throne, who had been associated
with his wife, Maria Theresa, in the government of her heredi-
tary dominions. That prince, however, was elected at Frank-
fort, under the protection of the Austrian and Pragmatic armies.
An alliance had been concluded at Warsaw between Maria
Theresa, Poland, England, and Holland (Jan. 8, 1745.) Au-
gustus III. had engaged, as Elector of Saxony, to despatch an
army of thirty thousand men to the Queen's assistance, in con-
sideration of the subsidies which England and Holland had pro-
mised to pay him That army being joined by the Austrian^,
4 t
J ,
i • '
liud nHvaticod into Silesia, whon- they """tnincfl n totnl dc»fra»
near Holierifripdlicr^' (Junf 1.) 'I'lio vitlorimia Kin;,' of IVub'ib
returned to Bylictniii, nnd tliero dofcntrd ilio niiics n swnrifl
time, near Sorr, in the Circle of Konifjrat/ (Sept. HO.) He then
attacked SaX'Hv , in order to I'ompcl the (.iueen to iimKe peofe.
by hara.ssinjj ifn !'"leclor her ally. The victory, wliich ho gain-
ed over the Saxons at Ke.iselsdorf (Dec. l/j,) made him mastpr
of Dresden, and the whole Electorate, wliich he laid under con-
iribu ion. These victories accelerated the peace between the
King of Prussia, the Queen, and the Elirtor of Saxony, which
Wfis Nigtied at Dresden, under the medial ion of (Inat Jlritain.
Tlie Khig of Prussia restored to the Elector all hi •I'lates, the
latter promising to pay him a million of Itnnerial crowns. The
Queen jjave up Silesia and theComteof Glatz ; while the id.ig,
as the Elector of Brandenburg, acmiiesced in the eie( ti(/ii v{
Francis I. >'■ he Imperial throne. The Kinp of England, the
Dutch, and -te States of the Empire, undertook to guara'itec
these stipuluu. ^;is.
The treaties of Fuessen and presden restored tranquillity to
the Empire ; but the war was contiimed in the Netherlands,
Italy, and in the East and West Indies. The Ff nch, under
the conduct of Marshal Saxc, distinguished themst-lves in the
Netherlands. The victories which they gained over the allie?
at Fontenoy (May 11, 1745,) and at Rocoux (Oct. 11, 1746,) pro-
cured them the conquest of all the Austrian Netherlands, excep»
the towns and fortresses of Luxemburg, Limburg, and Guoldres
Charles Edward, son of the Pretender, encouraged and assist-
ed by the Court of France, landed in Scotland in August 1746.
Being joined by a number of partisans, whom he found in that
kingdom, he caused his father to be proclaimed at Perth and
Edinburgh, assuming to himself the title of Prince of Wales,
and Regent of the three kingdoms. The victory which he gain-
ed near Prestonpans over the English troops, rendered him mas-
ter of all Scotland. He next invaded England, took Carlisle,
and advanced as far as Derby, spreading terror and consternation
in London. George II. was obliged to recall the Duke of Cum-
berland, with his troops, from the Netherlands. That Prince
drove back the Pretender, retook Carlisle, and restored tranquil-
lity in Scotland, by defeating the Rebels near Culloden in the
Highlands. Charles Edward was then reduced to the necessity
of concealing himself among the mountains, until the month of
October following, when he found means to transport himself to
The campaign of 1745 in Italy was glqrious for the French,
and their allies the Spaniards. Tne Republic of Genoa, being
ti total dpfrt*
iii),'()f I*ruB»<«
lies ft Nf'Colid
)().) Hf thnn
T iiinko pcn'^e,
irlucli lie gain-
lo him irmster
lid iimliT con-
(> belwfcn the
Snxony, which
Grcftt Britain.
Ill- ^.'I'liites, the
crowns. The
while tho King,
the eie(:li(/ii of
f Englaiifl. the
k to guarasitoe
1 tranquillity to
.e Netncrlnnds,
! French, under
emwlvcs in the
1 over the allief j
1. 11, 1746.) pro- I
hcrlands, excep* i
5, and Gueldres
•aged and assist-
n August 1745.
he found in that
?d at Perth and
'rince of Wales,
y which he gain-
idered him mas-
id, took Carlisle,
ind consternation
le Duke of Cum-
s. That Prince
restored tranquil-
r CuUoden in the
id to the necessity
ntil the month of
msport himself to
IS for the French,
I of Genoa, being
'-1^ |2.5
1^ 1^ 112.2
^ 1^ lillio
L25 11114 ill 1.6
WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580
-ym^^^m^^m^^. W^^m0
i^:. ■■
jlfl k ^t'tmint I 'm r was given up to England,
except the city of New Orleans, which was reserved to France ;
as was also the liberty of the fisheries on a part of the coasts of
Newfoundland, and the Gulf of St. Lawrence. The islands of
St. Peter and Miquelon were given them as a shelter for their
fishermen, but without permission to raise fortifications. The
islands of Martinico. '^raudalonpe, Mariagalante, Desirada, and
St. Lncia, were sunundered to France; while Grenada, the
Grenadines, St. Vincent, IX>minica, and Tobaffo, were ceded to
^ i\
I l:-|
--' .1. i ww^ -
Enffland The latter power retained her conquei.t8 on the Sen-
fX^d reitowd to Fmnce the island of Gorea on the coast of
^Ska France was put in possession of the forts and tactones
wh"ch belong to her in the East Indies, on the coasts of Coro-
mandel OriL, Malabar, and Bengal under the restriction of
in Gemany TZ> the island of Minorca. England gaveup
o herTSeisle on the coast of Brittany ; while Dunkirk was
kept n the ame condition as had been ietennined by the peace
Kix-la-Chapelle. The island of Cuba with the Havana was
It'edto^he'Kingof Spain, -^o, on h.s part ceded to E^^^^^^
io«,l FlnTirfa with Fort Augustine and the Bay oi rensacom.
rt S of Portugal was restored to the same state in which
Kbfen before Se war. The colony of St. Sacrament in
AmerkaTwhich the Spaniards had conquered, was given back
^ S" peace of Paris, of which we have just now spoken, was
theera of England's greatest prosperity. Her commerce and
Lavi^tion eSded over all parts of tlte globe, and were sup-
3bv a naval force, so much vhe more imposmg, as it was
TTonger counterbalanced by the maritime power of France
which had been almost annihilated in the Preceding war. The
Jnmense territories which that peace had secured her, both in
AfricTand America, opened new channels for her industry,
^nd whTt deSrves es^cially to be remarked, is, that she ac-
quired at the same ti^e vast and important possessions m the
ThSpire of the Great Mogul in India had fallen into decay
»bout thebSginning of the eighteenth century. The viceroys
and ieuv governor! of the Empire, called SoubaAs ani Nabobs
Sd Omfindependent, and usurped the prerogatives o royalt,'
Ke d^Sricts u'nder their authority; 7'g^..f,f^fj^;^P^:
-or. reduced almost to the single city of Delhi, his capital, pre
;^rVed nothing but the shadow of sovereign power, by means of
Srinvesituri which he granted to these ambmous princes
and The coinage that was struck in his name. Whenever any
5?fferences aroS among these princes, they usually had recourse
fo the Euroian nations, who had settlements in W.a, and had
erected forS^Uh the consent of the Great Mogul, where thev
E an imed force for the protection of their commerce. If
the Frenc"Took the part of one nabob, it was sufficient to induce
the English to espouse the quarrel of his adversary ; and wh^e
Se two nations were mutually cult vatmg peace •« Europe,
, -hey were offn at the same time making war m India, by fur-
! t,
bts on the Sen- 1 1
m the coast of j
,8 and factories
coasts of Coro-
restriction ol
she had made
ngland gave up ,
Dunkirk was '
ed by the peace \
le Havana, was |
ceded to Eng- ;
r of Pensacola.
state in which
Sacrament in
was given back
ow spoken, was
commerce and
;, and were sup-
losing, as it was
3wer of France,
iding war. The
ired her, both in
)r her industry,
1, is, that she ac-
ossessions in the
fallen into decay
I. The viceroys
bahs and Nabobt
gatives of royalty
he Mogul Empe-
i, his capital, pre-
wer, by means of
mbitious princes,
Whenever any
lally had recourse
in India, and had
[ogul, where thev
lir commerce. If
jfficient to induce
srsarj' ; and while
jeace in Europe,
r in India, by fur-
PERioD vm. A. D. 1713 — 1789.
nishing supplies to their respective allies. Success was for i
long time equal on both sides ; and it was not until the war of
1765, and by the victories and conquests of the famous Lord
Clive, that England obtained a decided ascendency over the
French in that quarter of the world.
Sourajah Dowlah, the Soubah of Bengal, instigated, as is sup-
posed, by the French, had taken possession of Calcutta (1756,)
the principal settlement of the English on the Ganges. His
cruel treatment of the English garrison, which he had made
prisoners of war, excited the resentment of that nation. To
avenge this outrage. Colonel Clive, supported by Admiral Wat-
son, retook Calcutta (Jan. 1757 ;) and after havmg dispossessed
the French of Chandernagore, their principal establishment on
the Ganges, he vanquished the Soubah in several actions, de-
posed him, and put in his place Jaffier Ali Khan, his general
and prime minister, w^ho was entirely devoted to England.
With this era commences the foundation of the British Empire
in India. It happened a short time after, that the Mogul Empe-
ror, Shah Allum, being driven from his capital by the Patans,
an Indian tribe, solicited the protection of the English, who
availed themselves of this occasion, as well as of the death of
Jaffier Ali, which happened at this time, to get themselves vested
by treaty (1765,) and by means of an Imperial charter, in the
sovereignty of all Bengal. In virtue of this title, which legiti-
mated their power in the eyes of the people, they seized on the
public revenues of the kingdoms of Bengal, Bahar, and Orissa ;
with the reservation of an annual tribute, which they promised
to pay to the Mogul Emperor, and certain pensions which they
assigned to the Soubahs, whose phantom power they disposed
of at their pleasure. The dominion of the English in India, was
increased still more by subsequent conquests ; the most impor-
tant of which was the powerful state of Mysore, which they
utterly overthrew, after a series of wars which they carried on
with Hyder Ali, and his successor Tippoo Saib.*
[The death of Ferdinand VI., King of Spain, was an event of
some importance. He was succeeded by his brother Don Carlos,
King of the Two Sicilies, and eldest son of Philip V. by his
^second marriage, who assumed the title of Charles III. Under
this prince the philosophy of the eighteenth century penetrated
into Spain, where it displayed an energy, and gave rise to con
sequences, which had not yet attended it in France. It occa-
sioned the downfall of the Jesuits, which was accompanied by
deedd repugnant to justice and humanity. The ministers and
counsellors of that monarch, the Counts Arranda, Florida Blanca,
and Campomanes, introduced into the internal administration
«^ i
of Spain, especially its finances and tactics, an order ana rc^ni-
larit? which Imd b^en long unknown in that country. Ajrr.cul-
ture commerce, and industry were ^''^£'"".'"8 J° '^^J^'' '^[^"l"
their langour, when the American war again threw them mto
a state of fatal depression.] _ , i .u i
Before quitting Naples to take possession of the throne of
Spafn, Don Carlos, who, as King of the Two S.c.hes, had the
title of Charles VII., published a fundamental law, bearmg, that
agreeably to former treaties which did not admit the union of
theltalian States with the Spanish monarchy, he transferred
the k ngdom of the Two Sicilies to his third son Don Ferdinand j
as hi eldest son, Don Philip, was incanable of reigning, and his
second, Don Carlos, was destined for tlie throne of Spain. He
mrusted the administration to a regency, during the nonage of
he young prince, whose maiority was fixed at the age of seven-
een^ B? Ihis law he rcgufated the order of succession which
was to TaL place in the kingdom of the Two S.ci les, and which
wa the same as that which Philip V. had established m Spam
at the Cortes of 1713. After the descendants male and female
of his own body, Charles substituted his brothers Don Phihp,
Duke of Parma, and Don Louis ; adding, that the k/ngdom of
the Two Sicilies should never in any case be united with the
Spanirh monarchy. This regulation of the new King of Spain
accorded perfectly' with the terms of the seventh article of the
treaty of Vienna (1738,) which secured the kingdom of the Two
Sicilies to that prince and his descendants, male and female ,
and Sing these, to his younger brothers and their descendants,
"^ The King of Sardinia continued, however, to enforce his right
of reversion to that part of Placentia, which the fourth article of
the treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle had secured to him, in case Don
Carlo shVuld remove frl the kingdom of the Two SicrUes t„
the crown of Spain. The Court of Prance, wishing to etam that
possession for 6on Philip, and to prevent the tranquillity o^^^^^^
from beinc disturbed by the pretensions of the King of »ardinia,
enLed foFocure tlL prince an equivalent with which he
:a have 'reason to be satisfied. This enu.vaknt way^^^^^^^
flune 10 1763) by a convention concluded at Pans, Between
France, Spain, L J the King of Sardinia. The latter consened
To Sic7his right of reverSon in the two cases sjjeci ed in Ae
seventh article of the treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle ; viz. (1.) tau
rthemSe descendants of Don Philip ; (2.) Should that pnnce,
or one of his descendants, be called either to the throne of Spa n
ox "o that of the Two Sicilies ; and should one or other of '.he.e
tii caLeV happn in the meantime, the drowns of France and
■ , I .i i i >uijMi»r«niMW I
)rdcr aiiQ rcjn'*
ntry. Agricul-
to recover from
rew them into
the throne of
Sicilies, had the
AV, bearing, that
it the union of
, he transferred
)on Ferdinand ;
eigning, and his
of Spain. He
g the nonage of
he age of scven-
uccession which
ilies, and which
)lished in Spain
nale and female
lers Don Philip,
. the kingdom of
united with the
w King of Spain
th article of the
gdom of the Two
ale and female ;
heir descendants,
enforce his right
e fourth article o(
lim, in case Don
e Two Sicilies to
ling to retain that
mquillity of Ita.lj
King of Sardinia,
It with which he
valent was settled
.t Paris, between
e latter consented
Bs specified in the
;; viz. (1.) Fail-
hould that prince,
le throne of Spain
e or other of these
ns of France and
PPRIOD VIII. A. D. 1713 — 1789.
Spain engaged that the King of Sardinia should enjoy the same
airiount of annual revenue, which might accrue to him (after
deducting the expenses of administration,) from that part of Pla*
centia on the Nura, should he overcome into actual possession.
Foi this purpose, France undertook, by a special agreement,
yvhich was signed at Paris the same day with the preceding, to
pay the King of Sardinia, by twelve instalments, the sum ni
eight millions two hundred livres ; on condition of reverting to
France, should one or other of these alternatives happen.
The sudden aggrandizement of Russia, since the time of Peter
the Great, had changed the political system of the North. That
power had raised herself to the first rank. She dictated the law
to Poland and Sweden, her ancient rivals ; disposed of the
throne of Poland on every change of reign ; and at the same
time decided the fate of Courland. That dutchy, which had
long been possessed by the family of Kettler who held it as a
fief of the crown of Poland, had become vacant on the death of the
Duke Ferdinand, the last malo descendant of that House. Ann,
Empress of Russia, being then only Dutchess of Courland, had a
favourite, named Ernest John Biron, a man raised by fortune,
whose grandfather had been groom to James III., Duke of Cour-
land. When that princess mounted the throne of Russia, she
raised Biron to the rank of Count, and to the office of Great
Chamberlain and Prime Minister. The haughty favourite as-
sumed the name and arms of the family of Biron, in France ;
and prevailed with the Empress to grant him the dutchy of
Courland. At the death of the last Duke, he even succeeded in
getting himself elected by the States of that country (1737;)
with the aid of a body of Russian troops, which the Empress
had sent to Mittau, to support his election. He was invested
in the dutchy by the Republic of Poland, to be possessed by him-
self and his heirs-male ; but he did not long enjoy this new dig-
nity. He was deprived of it on the death of the Empress (1740;;
and banished to Siberia by the Grand Dutchess Ann, mother of
the young Emperor. This princess caused a new election to
be made by the nobility of Courland. The dutchy was then
conferred on Louis Ernest, Prince of Brunswick, who was to
marry Elizabeth, daughter of Peter the Great. But the young
Emperor, Iwan, having been dethroned immediately after, the
Prince of Brunswick never obtained possession of the dutchy.
The Empress Elizabeth having decla'-ed to the Republic of
Poland that the Duke de Biron should never be liberated from
his exile, Augustus III., King of Poland, declared the dutchy of
Courland vacant. He then pre /ailed on the States ct that coun-
try to elect his own son, Prince Charles, whom he solemnly
invested in the dutchy (17/)9.)
J n
A new change happened at the death of the Empress Elua-
beth, in 1762. Peter III., on his accession to the throne ol Rus-
s-a, recalled the Duke de Biron from his exile. The Empress.
Catherine II., who succeeded her husband that same year, weiii
even farther than this; she demanded the restoration of de
Biron to the dutchy of Courland, and obliged Prince Charles of
Saxony to give it up to him (1769.) The Duke de Biron then
resigned the dutchy to his son Peter, who, after a reign of twen-
tv-five years, surrendered it to the Empress ; the btates ol
Courland and Semigallia made a formal submission to Russia
(March 28, 1795.) ,„ , . ^
The dethronement of Peter III., which we have just men-
tioned, was an event very favourable to Denmark, as it relieved
that kingdom from a ruinous war with which it was threatened
on the part of the Emperor. Peter III. was the head of the
House of Holstein-Gottorp, whom Denmark had deprived ol
their possessions in Sleswick, by taking advantage of the dis-
asters that befell Sweden, which had protected that family
against the Danish kings. The Dukes of Holstein-Gottorp ex-
claimed against that usurpation ; to which the Court of Denmark
had nothing to oppose, except their right of conquest, and the
guarantee which the Kings of France and England, as media-
tors in the treaty of Stockholm, had given to Denmark with
respect to Sleswick. r u • v „
Peter III. was scarcely seated on the throne of Russia, virhen
he began to concert means for recovering his ancient patrimo-
nial domains, and avenging the wrongs which the Dukes of
Holstein-Gottorp, his ancestors, had received at the hands ol
Denmark. Being determined to make war against that power,
he attached the King of Prussia to his cause, and marched a
Russian army of 60,000 men towards the frontiers of Denmark
Six thousand Prussians were to join this army, which wassup-
potlcd by a Russian fleet to be stationed on the coasts of Po-
merania. The King of Denmark made every effort to repel the
invasion with which he was threatened. He set on foot an army
of 70,000 men, the command of which he intrusted to M. de
St. Germain, a distinguished French officer.
The Danish army advanced towards Mecklenburg, and esta-
blished their head-quarters in the town of that name, one
league from Wismar. The Danish fleet, consisting of twenty
sail of the line and el-^en frigates, appeared at the same time
off Rostock. The flames of war were about to kindle in the
North, and Peter III. was on the point of joining his army in
person at Mecklenburg, when he was dethroned, after a short
' feign of six months (July 9. 1762.> The- Empress Catherine
mpress Ehu-
throne oi Rus>
The EmprciiB,
line year, wetii
storation of Jc
■ince Charles of
de Biron then
reign of twen-
; the States uf
ision to Russia
have just men-
k, as It relieved
was threatened
he head of the
lad deprived of
tage of the dis-
ted that family
tein-Gottorp ex-
)urt of Denmark
nquest, and the
^land, as media-
Denmark with
of Russia, when
incient patrimo-
h the Dukes of
at the hands of
linst that power,
and marched a
ers of Denmark
, which was sup-
le coasts of Po-
sfTort to repel the
: on foot an army
trusted to M. de
nburg, and esta-
that name, one
i sting of twenty
L the same time
to kindle in the
ling his army in
ed, after a short
iprcss Catherine
i>RRI0D vui. A. D. 1713 — 1789.
il., who succeeded him, did not think fit to espouse the quarrel
of her husband. She immediately recalled the Russian army
from Mecklenburg; and being desirous of establishing the tran-
quillity of the North on a solid basis, and confirming a good un-
derstanding between the two principal branches of the House
of Holstein, she agreed, by a treaty of alliance with the King
of Denmark (1765,) to terminate all these differences by a
provisional arrangement, which was not to take effect until the
majority of the Grand Duke Paul, the son of Peter III.
This accommodation between the two Courts was signed at
Copenhagen (April 22, 1762.) The Empress, in the name of
her son, gave up her claim to the ducal part of Sleswick, oc-
cupied by the King of Denmark. She ceded, moreover, to
that sovereign a portion of Holstein, possessed by the family of
Gottorp, in exchange for the counties of Oldenburg and Del-
menhorst. It was agreed, that these counties should be erect-
ed into dutchies, and that the ancient suffrage of Holstsin-Got-
torp, at the Imperial Diet, should be transferred to them. This
provisional treaty was ratified when the Grand Duke came of
age ; and the transference of the ceded territories took place in
1773. At the same time that prince declared, that he designed
the counties of Oldenburg and Delmenhorst to form an esta-
blishment for a youngei branch of his family, that of Eutin ;
to which the contracting powers also secured the bishopric of
Lubec, to be held in perpetual possession. The bishop of Lubec,
the head of the younger branch of the Gottorp family, was that
same year put in possession of the counties of Oldenburg and
Delmenhorst ; and the Emperor Joseph II. erected these coun-
ties into a dutchy and fiet male of the Empire, under the title
of the Dutchy of Holstein-Oldenburg.
Here it will be necessary to advert to the revolutions that took
place in the Island of Corsica, which, after a long series of troubles
and distractions, passed from the dominion of Genoa to that of
France. The oppressions which the Corsicans had suffered
under the government of the Genoese, who treated ihem with
extreme rigour, had rendered their yoke odious and insupporta-
ble. They rose several times in reoellion against the Republi-
cans ; but from the want of union among themselves, they failed
in the different attempts which they made for effecting their
liberty and independence.
One of the last insurrections of the Corsicans was that of
1729. They chose for their leader Andrew Geccaldi of a noble
family in the Island, and Luigi Giafferi, a man of courage and
an enthusiast for lilierty. The Genoese, after trying in vam to
subdue the insurgents, were obliged to have recourse to the pro*
' li
'■: i''M
PBRIOD VIII. A. D. 1713—1789.
ot Charkb
under tne
leric Louis
an enemy
irms. Biit
the Empe-
V insurrec-
h declared
I Giaflferi
us the Ge-
ps, had the
ondition in
irs. They
roops ; and
m in their
enturer ap-
euhof. He
k, in West-
\n at Tunis,
lined to try
nduced the
LS proclaim-
le external
irs of State,
r of knight-
' the enthu-
x)ldly made
aces under
! people be-
lie took the
s. He em-
1^ a society
merce with
, and other
tened with
ired into an
urt, fearing
inces to get
le Court of
' allegiance
[ication was
dmwn up at Versailles, and Count lie Boissieux wus charged to
carry it into execution. This General liiiulcd in the Island
(1738,) (It the head ol' a body of French auxiliaries ; and his ar-
rival determined King Theodore to abandon Corsica, and seek
his safety in flight. He retired to London, where he was im-
prisoned for debt. After a long captivity he was set at liberty,
and died in a state of misery (1756.) boissieux harassed the
Corsicans exceedingly, but he failed in his efforts to reduce them
lO submission. His successor, the Marquis de Maillebois, was
more fortunate ; he took his measures with such precision uud
vigour, that he obliged the Islanders to lay down their arms, and
receive the law from the conqueror. Their Generals, Giaflcri
and Paoli, retired to Naples.
The war of the Austrian Succession, having obliged the
French Court to recall their troops from Corsica, that island be-
came the scene of new disturbances. Gaflbrio and Matra then
took upon them the functions of generalship, and the direction
of affairs. They had a colleague and coadjutor in the person
of Count Rivarola, a native of Corsica, who, with the assistance
of some English vessels succeeded in expelling the Genoese
from Bastia and San Fiorenzo. The Corsicans might have
pushed their advantages muth farther, if they could have sub-
dued their own feuds and private animosities, and employed
themselves solely in promoting the public interest ; but their
internal divisions retarded their success, and allowed their ene-
mies to recover the places they had conquered. Rivarola and
Matra having resigned the command, the sole charge devolved
on Gafforio, who was a man of rare merit and of tried valour.
He was beginning to civilize his countrymen, and to give some
stability to the government of the island, when he was assassi-
nated, as is s';pposed, by the emissaries of the Genoese (1753.)
His death plinged Corsica once more into the state of disordei
and anarchy from which he had laboured to deliver it.
At length appeared the celebrated Pascal Paoli, whom his
aged father had brought from Naples to Corsica. Being elected
General-in-chief by his countrymen ( 1756,) he inspired them
with fresh couroge ; and while he carried on the war with suc-
cess against the Genoese, he made efforts to reform abuses in the
State, and to encourage agriculture, letters and arts. Nothing
was wanting to accomplish this object, and to confirm the liberty
and independence of his country, but the expulsion of the Geno-
ese from the maritime towns of Bastia, San Fiorenzo, Calvi, Al-
gagliola and Ajaccio ; the only places which still remained in
their power. In this he would probably have succeeded, had he
not met with new interruptions from France, who had underta-
I I.
ken, by the several treaties which she had concluded with ihs
Genoese in the years 1752, 1765, 1756 and 1764, to defend their
ports and fortifications in that island.
Tlie original intention of the French, in taking possession of
these places, was not to carry on hostilities with } aoli and the
natives, but simply to retain them for u limited time, in discharge
of a debt which the French government had contracted with the
Kejablic of Genoa. The Genoese had flattered themselves,
that if exonerated from the duty of guarding the fortified places,
they would be able, with their own forces, to reconquer all the
rest of the island ; but it was not long before they found them-
selves deceived in their expectations. The Corsicans drove the
Genoese from the island of Capraja (1767.) They even took
possession of Ajaccio, and some other parts which the French
had thought fit to abandon. At the same time the shipping of
the Corsicans made incessant incursions on the Genoese, and
annoyed their commerce.
The Senate of Genoa, convinced at last that it was impossible
for them to subdue the island, and seeing the time approach
when the French troops were to take their departure, took the
resolution of surrendering their rights over Corsica to the crown
of France, by a treaty which was signed at Versailles (May 15,
1768.) The King promised to restore the island of Capraja to
to the Republic. He guaranteed to them all their possessions
on terra firma; and engaged to pay them annually for ten
years, the sum of 200,000 livres. The Genoese reserved to
themselves the right of reclaiming the sovereignty of Corsica,
on reimbursing the King for the expenses of the expedition he
was about to undertake, as well as for the maintenance of his
troops. This treaty occasioned strong remonstrances on the part
of the Corsicans, who prepared themselves for a vigorous de-
fence. The first campaign turned to their advantage. It cost
France several thousand men, and about thirty millions of livres.
The Duke de Choiseul, far from being discouraged bythese dis-
asters, transported a strong force into the island. He put the
Count de Vaux in the place of the Marquis de Chauvelin, who,
by the skilful dispositions which he made, found himself master
trlin. had undertaken to mediate
PERIOD VJII. A. D. 1713— 17S9.
and harassing
I the bold pro-
ands of the Ar-
lorea. A Rus-
ff and Admira:
Northern Seas
le Archipelago. ,
Iphinstone, they
Capitan Pacha ,
'he ships of the
ha, having met
when both were
ibatants ; but the
' bay of Chism^,
lole fleet during
istantinople into
ice in which the
that if the Rus-
ic, it would have
capital. Rear-
3 Russian squad-
issian Admirals
;xt year, though
the command of
IS at Perekop, de-
;ars, commanded
oruki, after hav-
limself master of
ind received from
the surname of
etended deputies
ced the dominion
the protection of
ght be, could not
recruit her ar-
:les, fatigues, and
ing peace. The
ed from the army
d as far as Mca-
1 the course of «
to the embarrass-
)f Vienna, which,
rtaken to mediate
lietween Russia and the Porte, rejected with disdam the condi-
tions of peace proposed by the Empress. Moreover, they
strongly opposed the independence of Moldavia and Wallachia,
us well as of the Tartars ; and would not even permit that the
Russians should transfer the seat uf war to the right br nk of
the Danube.
The Court of Vienna went even farther : it threatened to
make common cause with tlie Turks, to compel the Empress to
restore all her conquests, and to place matters between the Rus-
sians and the Turks on the footing of the treaty of Belgrade.
An agreement to this effect was negotiated with the Porte, and
signed at Constantinople ('uly 6, 1771.) This convention,
however, was not ratified, the Court of Vienna having changed
its mind on account of the famous dismemberment of Poland,
concerted between it and the Courts of Berlin and St. Peters-
burg. The Empress then consented to restore to the Turks
the provinces of Moldavia and Wallachia, on the conclusion of
the peace ; and the Court of Vienna again engaged to exert its
friendly interference in negotiating peace betv/een Russia and
the Porte.
In consequence of these events, the year 1772 was passed
entirely in negotiations. A suspension of arms was agreed to
between the two belligerent powers. A Congress wos opened at
Foczani in Moldavia, under the mediation of the Courts of Ber-
lin and St. Petersburg. This Congress was followed by another,
which was held at Bucharest in Wallachia. Both of these
meetings proved ineffectual, the Turks having considered the
conditions proposed by Russia as inadmissible ; and what dis-
pleased them still more was, the article relative to the indepen-
dence of the Tartars in the Crimea. This they rejected as con-
trary to the principles of their religion, and as tending to esta-
blish a rivalry between the two Caliphs. They succeeded,
however, in settling the nature of the religious dependence
under which the Khans of the Crimea were to remain with re«
gard to the Porte ; but they could not possibly agree as to the
surrender of the ports of Jenikaleh and Kerch ; nor as to the
unrestrained liberty of navigation in the Turkish seas, which
the Russians demanded. After these conferences had been re*
peatedly broken off, hostilities commenced anew (1773.) The
Russians twice attempted to establish themselves on the right
bank of the Danube, but without being able to accomplish it ;
they even lost a great number of men in the difierent actions
which they fought with the Turks.
The last campaign, that of 177 \, was at length decisive.
Abdul Hammed, who had just succeeded his brother Mustaph*
en versts from
8 from that war,
[lined from Rus-
his part of Mol-
ind Czemowitz,
' its ancient ter-
id by the princes
I to Austria for
Itemative but to
rince Ghikas of
B proTinces, was
ina was confirm-
776, and 1777,)
Earthtiuake at Lwbon. P. 3U4.
Engagement of the Rusiiian and Turkish Fleets off Scio,
1770. P. :tS'2.
*i !
PERIOD VIII. A. D. 1713 — 1789.
which at the same time regulated the limits between the two
States. The peace of Kainargi, though glorious for Kussia,
proved most calamitous for the Ottoman Porte. By establishing
the independence of the Tartars, it lost the Turks one ot
their principal bulwarks against Russia ; and they were indig-
nant at seeing the Russians established on the Black Sea, and
permitted unrestrained navigation in all the Turkish seas.
Henceforth they had reason to tremble for the safety of their
capital, which might be assailed with impunity, and its supplies
intercepted, on the least disturbance that might arise between the
two Empires.
The many disasters which the Turks had experienced in the
war we have now mentioned, had a direct influence on the fate
of Poland, which ended in the dismemberment of that kingdom.
This event, which had been predicted by John Casimir in the
seventeenth century, was brought about by the mediation of the
Courts of Berlin and Vienna for the restoration of peace between
Russia and Turkey. The conditions of that treaty, which were
dictated by the Empress Catherine II., having displeased the
Court of Vienna, which had moreover displayed hostile inten-
tions against Russia, by despatching troops into Hungary, and
taking possession of a part of Poland, which Austria claimed as
anciently belonging to Hungary, the Empress took this occasion
of observing to Prince Henry of Prussia, who then sojourned at
her Court, that if Austria seemed inclined to dismember Poknd,
the other neighbouring powers were entitled to do the same.
This overture was comrrunicated by Prince Henry to his brother
the King of Prussia, who resolved to act on this nevy idea. He
foresaw it would be a proper means for indemnifying Russia,
contenting Austria, and augmenting his own territories, by
establishing a communication between the kingdom of Prussia,
and his dutchy of Brandenburg. These considerations induced
him to set on foot a negotiation with the courts of Vienna and
St. Petersburg. He gave the former to understand, that if war
should break out between Austria and Russia, he could not but
take part in it as the ally of the latter power ; while he repre-
sented to the Empress of Russia, that if she would consent to
restore Moldavia and Wallachia to the Turks, and indemnify her-
self by a part of Poland, she would aroid a new war, and facili-
tate an accommodation with the Porte. In this manner did he
succeed, after a long and difficult negotiation, in recommending
to the two Imperial courts, a project which was to give Europe
the example of a kingdom dismembered on mere reasons of con-
venience. A preliminary agreement was drawn up, in which
the equality of the respective portions of the three courtu waa
ra:»St»s ioSr:^r„,nf s:i::.»
"„4 oV=. r?«n»r. for oUaining a final «™S™';„'t'J !
the three Courts, were P'^^^?"^''^ "\^^" f^; ^s and districts
establishing the l^f'^'X^^t.-oPo ad m^ his ministry, in
manded. A y*^^'^"'^" ^. g^^^te and the Equestrian order,
Tlf of Ve kinin of Galicia and Lodomeria. One very
PERIOD VIII. A. D. 1713 — 1789.
A negctiatioii
r reculaling the
le Empress and
the divisions to
d at St. Peters-
(Aug. 5, 1772.)
which were to
I'cly, were there
r. They agreed
?mber following,
genient with the
the same treaty
urks, in order to
lid the Porte. In
letters-patent of
r, ill September
ies and districts
id memorials for
cr the countries
il his ministry, in
' the powers that
• alternative left,
three courts de-
^ar-saw, appointed
Equestrian order,
iree powers, as to
iiich the provinces
I them on the part
iigned at Warsaw,
the Diet of Poland,
■eaty with the Re-
Sips, which Sigis-
Polaiid in 1412 ;
ow, part of Sando-
jcutia, and part of j
were again incor- ,
een dismembered ; | .
r Slate, under the j '
meria. One very
was, the rich salt
r, which furnished
ivonia, the greater j
linatc of Msci?law, ,
and the two extremities of the Palatinate of Minsk." These
vhe Empress formed into two grand governments, those of Polotsk
and Mochilew. The King of Prussia had the states of Great
Poland, situated beyond the Netze, as well as the whole of
Polish Prussia, except the cities of Dantzic and Thorn, which
were reserved to Poland." That republic, in virtue of a treaty
with the King of Prussia, renounced also her rights of domaine,
and tiic reversion which the treaties of Welau and Bidgost had
secured to her with regard to Electoral Prussia, as well as the
districts of Lauenburg, Butow, and Draheim. The portion of
the King of Prussia was so much the more important in a poli-
tical point of view, as it united the kingdom of Prussia with his
possessions in Germany ; and, by giving him the command of
the Vistula, it made him master of the commerce of Poland ;
especially of the corn-trade, so valuable to the rest of Europe.
The three courts, in thus dismembering Poland, renounced,
in the most formal manner, all farther pretensions on the re-
public ; and, lastly, to consummate their work, they passed an
act at Warsaw, by which they sanctioned the liberum veto, and
the unanimity in their decisions formerly used at the Diet in
state matters; the crown was declared elective, and foreign
princes were to be excluded. The prerogative of the King, al-
ready very limited, was circumscribed still more by the establish-
ment of a permanent council ; and it was statuted, that no one
could ever change this constitution, of which the three powers
had become the guarantees.
[This partition of Poland must be regarded as the harbinger of
the total overthrow of the political system which for three hun-
dred years had prevailed in Europe. After so many alliances
had been formed, and so many wars undertaken, to preserve the
weaker states against the ambition of the greater, we here find
three powers of the first rank combining to dismember a stat?
which had never given them the slightest umbrage. The bar
riers between legitimate right and arbitrary power were thus
overthrown, and henceforth the destiny of inferior states was no
longer secure. The system of political equilibrium became the
jest of innovators, and many well disposed men began to regard
It as a chimera. Though the chief blame of this transaction
must fall on the courts of St. Petersburg, Berlin, and Vienna,
those of London and Paris were accomplices to the crime, by
allowing this spoliation to be consummated without any mark of
their reprobation.]
In Sweden, the aristocratic system had prevailed since the
changes which had been introduced into the form of government
by the revolution of 1720. The chief power resided in the body
*' i\
If ^he Senate, and the royal J-^-i^^-^jKi.^ojS
shadow. The same Action., to H"^""^ ' ^J , ^y^^^^,, ,ho stale,
we have spoken above, contmued o n^ talc a ^^ ^^^.^^^^^^
The Hat« were of "P'"!""' ;'^,' Vj^Jl a, d Finland, it was ne-
and to recover the P'^.'"'',?,^.'^ ^ C c'^ ""'^ '^' ''"""' •
cessary to cultivate f"«"JJ P ^^^J^ „7" ^tpture with Russia,
order to secure 'I'^'Xr ha..d nailinel that Sweden ex-
The Bonnets, on the other ™. ' ;„ „o under-
hausted by. the P-ced-g war • -^M to u g 8 ^^ .^^^ .
taki..g against R"««'«;^/ ' P^jew £" to maintain peacfand
they had no other object m view than ji,,,„eti„n. These
good understanding ^^''J «'" "^^^'J"' ^ „,quiFed a new impot-
fwo factions, instigated by ^orc^guJM, g ^^^ ^^^ p^^^^
tance ^v^en the war broke oub,en^ ,^^^^ ^^^^^
It was in the Diet of ^^^^^^ '^ jyrnriving the members of the
possession of the f y""""""!' f J„ Jov Sts. There was some !
Sppo^i'" P^^^y °f T" r"T ^co W.C ce of her connexions
reason to believe that F™"^^^' '" ^-^J^^"; ' Sweden against '
with the Porte, had used every eflyt to st^rP ^^^^^
I Ru-ia. and that the J-- "J;^^^^^^^^^^^ ,
Constantinople to Stockholm, na ^^^^ ^^^j,j „„j
Russia had then to make ^'''l^XZ\l\n peace with Swe-
influence of the Bonnets, m °™f '"'"";;, ^^d by the Court of
den. In these endeavours .^^Hrto Tupport tie interests of
tetArof r o^to-lit^^o thwart France in her po-
"'^;S of Adolphus Jr^^^^S^, ^hS
n^eantime. opened a -^^^^^^^ ^Sol of his son and suc-
was summoned «" f^""^ ^Q 1771? This young prince at
cesser Gustavus HI. (^f- 12. J'? ; J^J'^ ^^ fo e^onciliate
first interposed ^tween the twopart.es, wim ^^^ ^^^^-^
them; but ^vith so httle ^^'^^'^^'^'^^i'^^^^
animosity, until the B«""«»;;^j^nrtreTta^ exp"l«io" of the
England, went ««J^' f ^^^^^^bu" from all other places and
Hats, not only from the f."^'^""*
dignities in the kingdom. I^'^^'^;;"'"!" dv was in the time of
an? circumscribed as the royal Ppr'f^^X.ions to be imposed
Adolphus Frederic, they de^"'!^.^ "^^^J^"^^^^^^^^ with Russia
: on hiS successor. The "«a.ies that ^^^^^^
and England, were evidently the resuu 01 >
that faction who had now ^^^^^I'^^^^Zl the necessity of
In this state of affairs, the youi^gK.K ^^^
Mjiwigijjijuuj-im- —
Iced .0 a mere
nncts, of which
jwiract the slate.
Lry of Sweden,
hiiid, it was ne-
|il the Porte, in
e with Riisnia.
int Sweden, ex-
re in no tinder-
. of pacification,
ntnin peace and
.notion. These
ed a new impor-
atid the Porte,
nd means to get
members of the
There was some
if her connexions
I Sweden against
who passed from
object than this,
ise the credit and
peace with Swe-
l by the Court of
rt the interests of
France in her po-
happencd in the
1 the Diet, which
f his son and suc-
I young prince al
I view to conciliate
ler increased their
rtcd by Russia and
al expulsion of the
II other places and
n became extreme ;
was in the time of
nions to be imposed
tjected with Russia
system adopted by
iw the necessity of
Iministraiion. His
li popular manners.
TEKIOD VIII. A. D. 1713 — 1789.
had gained liiin a niuiiber of partisans. He possessed in an
einiiiftit ikjjfrce the art of dissimulation; and while he was
Miaiiiii;,' every arriitigcinpnl for a revolution, and concertiug rnea-
suri's ill xccrel with the French ainba.ssador, he seemed to have
iiotliiii'T so iniu-h at heart as to convince the world of his sincere
attachment to the established constitution. It is alleged, that he
had .sent emissaries over the whole kingdom to stir up the people
against their governors ; and that he might have some pretext
for calling out his troops, he induced Captain Hellichius, the
commandant of Christianstadt in Blekingen, to raise the standard
of revolt against the states who still continued their sittings at
That officer, known afterwards by the name of Gvstafsckeld,
or the S/iield of Guslar us, published at first a kind of manifesto,
in which he reproached the States for their misconduct ; which
he showed to have been diametrically opposite to the public in-
terest and the laws of the kingdom. Prince Charles, the King's
brother, who was at that time al Landscrona in Schonen, being
informed of the proceedings of the commandant of Christianstadt,
immediately assembled the troops in the provinces, and marched
to that place, with the intention, as is said, of stifling the revolt
in its birth. The news of this insurrection spread consternation
in the capital. The Stales were suspicious of the King, and took
measures to prevent the ambitious designs which they supposed
him to entertain. Hellichius was proclaimed a rebel by the
Senate, and guilty of high treason. They advised the King not
to quit Stockholm, the command of which was intrusted to a
senator, the Count of Kalling, with the most ample powers. At
length the regiment of Upland, whose officers were devoted to
the Senate, were ordered to the capital, with the intention, as is
supposed, of arresting the King. That prince then saw that he
had no longer time to delay, and that he must finish the execu-
tion of the plan which he had proposed.
On the morning of the 19th of August, the King presented
himself to the troops who mounted guard at the palace ; and
having assembled the officers, he detailed to them the unfortu-
nate state of the kingdom, as being the consequence of those
dissensions which had distracted the Diet for more than fourteen
months. He pointed out to them the necessity of abolishing that
haughty aristocracy who had ruined the state, and to restore the
constitution to what it was before the revolution of 1680 ; ex-
pressing at the same lime his decided aversion for absolute and
despotic power. Being assured of the fidtiity of the guards,
who were eager to take the oath of allegiance to him, he ordered
a demchment to surround the Council Chamber where the Se-
. i
natora were aasembled, and put the leaders of the ruhng party
under arrest. The artillery and other regiments of guards hav-
ing also acknowledged his authority, their example was soor,
followed by' all the colleges (or public offices,) both civil ano
military. The arrest against Hellichius was revoked, and the
regiment of Upland received orders to march back. These mea-
sures and some others were executed with so much skill and
punctuality, that the public tranquillity was never disturbed ;
and by five o'clock in the evening of the same day, the revolu-
tion seemed to be accomplished without shedding a single drop
of blood. Next day, the magistrates of the city took the oath to
the King, and the assembly of the States was summoned to meet
on the 21st. On that day the King caused the palace to be sur-
rounded by troops, and cannons to be pointed into the court op-
posite the Chambt-r of the States. Seated on his throne, and
surrounded by hi. guards, the King opened the assembly by an
energetic discou'-si;- which he addressed to the members, in which
he painted, in lively colours, the deplorable state of the kingdom,
and the indispen-suble necessity of applying some prompt remedy.
The new form of government which he had prepared was read
by his orders, and adopted without opposition by the whole four
orders of the kingdom. The king then drew a psalm-book from
his pocket, and taking off his crown, began to sing Te Dettm, in
which he was joined by the whole assembly. Mat'ers passed
in the interior of the provinces with as little tumult and opposi-
tion as in the capital and principal cities. The King's brothers
iSLcived, in his name, the oath of fidelity on the part of the in-
habitants and the military.
In virtue of this new form of government, all the fundamen-
tal laws introduced since 1680 were cancelled and abolished.
The succession to the throne was restricted to males only.
The lineal order, and the right of primogeniture, as settled by
the convention of 1743, and by the decree of the Diet of 1760,
were confirmed. The King was to govern alone, according to
the laws ; and the Senate were to be considered as his counsel-
lors. All the senators were to be nominated by the King, and
matters were no longer to be decided by a plurality of votes.
The senators were simply to give their advice, and the decision
belonged to the King. Courts of justice, however, were ex-
cepted. The chief command of all the forces in the kingdom,
both by sea and land, and the supreme direction of the Exche-
quer, were conferred on the King. On the report of the senate,
he filled up all the high offices in the state, both military, civil,
and ecclesiastical. He alone had the right of pardoning, and
of summoning the States, who could ne*er assemble on tlieir
le ruling party
of guards hav-
inplc was soon
both civil and
voked, and the
. These inea-
much skill and
ever disturbed;
lay, the revolu-
g a single drop
took the oath to
ninoned to meet
palace to be sur-
ito the court op-
his throne, and
assembly by an
imbers, in which
of the kingdom,
prompt remedy.
spared was read
the whole four
psalm-book from
ling Tt Detim, in
Mai'ers passed
mult and opposi-
? King's brothers
le part of the in-
.11 the fundamen-
d and abolished.
I to males only,
re, as settled by
he Diet of 1760,
ine, according to
d as his counsel-
by the King, and
ilurality of votes,
and the decision
wever, were ex-
I in the kingdom,
on of the Exche-
)ort of the senate,
>th military, civil,
f pardoning, and
assemble on tlieir
rBRioo VIII. A. D. 1713 — 1780. iH
own authority, except in a case where the throne became VMallli
by tJK? total oxlitiotion of the royal family in the male line. The
dunitioii of the Diets was lixcd for three muiiths, and the King
had the nrivilege of dissolving them at the end of that time.
He could make no new laws, nor interpret the old ones, nor im-
pose subsidies or assessments, nor declare war, without the ad-
vice nnd consent of the States. lie was allowed, however, to
levy an extraordinary tax, in cases where the kingdom might
hi attacked by sudden invasion ; but on the termination of the
war, the .States were to be assembled, and the new tax discon*
tinned. All negotiations for peace, truces, and alliances, whe-
ther offensive or defensive, were reserved to the King, by whom
they were to be referred to the Senate. If, in these cases, th«
unanimous voice of the Senate was opposed to that of the
King, it became his duty to acquiesce in iheir opinion. Every
Swedish citizen was to be judged by his natural judge. The
King could attaint neither the life, honour, nor fortune of any
citizen, otherwise than by the legal forms. All extraordinary
commissions or tribunals were to be suppressed, as tending to
establish tyranny and despotism.
The revolution of Stockholm, of which we have just now
spoken, had nothing in common with that which happened at Co-
penhagen the same yeor ; and which, without in any way af-
fecting the constitution of the kingdom, merely transferred the
reins of government from the hands of the reigning Queen to
those of the Queen-dowager."-
In a remote corner of Europe, there existed an association of
warriors, of a kind quite peculiar, namely, that of the Zaparog
Cossacs ; so called because they dwelt near the cataracts of the
Dnieper, where they served as a military frontier, first to the
Poles, and afterwards to the Russians. The chief residence of
these Cossacs was called Setscha. It contained a considerable
mass of houses, scattered and badly constructed, and had a
small fort occupied by a Russian garrison. The position of
Setscha had not always l)e(.ii the same ; but it was ultimately
fixed on the western bank of the Borysthenes, opposite Kame-
noi-Saton, an ancient fortress of the Russians, and was called
New Setscha. These Cossacs, known in Poland by the name
of Haydamacs, and formidable by their incursions and their de-
vastations, had adopted a republican form of government. Their
capital was divided into thirty Kurenes, or quarters. Every
Cossac belonged to one of these Kurenes. There he lodged
when he stayed at Setscha, and was obliged to conform to its
laws. All those who belonged to the same Kurene, formed as it
were one and the same family. Like the ancient Spartans
!'■. t
thev were nourished with the same food, and ate a*, the mam
tabfo. The overseer of ench Meparate Kurene v as called Ata-
man, and the chief of all the Kurenes Koichewoi- Ataman. All
the chiefs, without distinction, were elected by common consent ;
the Ataman by his own Kurene, and the Koschewoi l>y the
whole Kurenes united. They were deposed whenever they be-
came unpopular. The assemblies of Setscha were either ordi-
nary or extraordinary. In that which was repularly held every
year on the 1st of January, they made a formal division of the
fields, rivers, and lakes, among the Kurenes. They mad«» use
of lots in order to avoid disputes ; and they renewed them every
year, that a favourable chance might be given to all the Kurenes
in succession. At th«t assembly they elected new chiefs, if they
happened to be discontented with the old ones. As for the ex-
traordinary assemblies, they were held when it was in agitation
to undertaKe a campaign, or to make an excursion ; and gene
rally on all occasioms when the common interest seemed to re-
quire it. They had a judge and some other officers in Setscha.
The judge never pronounced sentence except in affairs of little
importance. Those which appeared more weighty required the
intervention of all the chiefs. They would suffer no woman to
remain in Setscha. Those who were inclined to marry were
obliged to remove elsewhere. To keep up their numbers the
Zaparogs received deserters and fugitives from all nations.
They were particularly careful to recruit their ranks with young
boys, whom tbey kidnapped in their excursions ; and brought
them up according to their customs and manner of living.
The treaty of Andrussov between Russia and Poland had
left these Cfossacs under the common protection of those two
States. They preferred that of Russia, and were continued
under the dominion of that power by the peace of Moscow.
Being afterwards implicpted in the revolt of Mazeppa, they put
themselves under the protection of the Tartars of the Crimea af-
ter the battle of Pultowa, and transferred their capital of Setscha
to the eastern bank of the Dnieper, nearer its mouth. Being
discontented under the Tartars, who repressed their incursions,
and often imposed exactions on Setscha, they took the resolution
of putting themselves once more under the dominion of Rus-
sia (1733.) The Empress Anne confirmed them in their pri-
vileges, and furnished money to assist them in rebuilding their
capital on the western bank of the Dnieper.
As they continued, however, to commit robbery and plunder
on the frontiers without intermission, and having neither friends
nor allies, Catherine II. resolved to annihilate this fantastic as-
sociation. Besides their depredDtions, the Zaparogs were ac-
te a', the nailM
an called Ate
Ataman. Ali
mmon conjicnl ,
schewoi Ivy the
icnever they be-
ere either ordi-
Inrly held every
division of the
They mad* uie
wed them every
all the Kurenes
!wchief», if they
As for the ex-
wn.s in asitation
^ion ; and gene
si seemed to re-
iccrs in Setscha.
n nflairs of little
hty required the
flfer no woman to
1 to marry were
eir numbers the
■om all nations.
ranks with young
IS ; and brought
er of living.
and Poland had
ion of those two
were continued
Mice of Moscow.
[azeppa, they put
of the Crimea af-
:apital of Setschn
i mouth. Being
their incursions,
)ok the resolution
ominion of Rus-
em in their pri-
rebuilding their
bery and phmder
ig neither friends
this fantastic as-
iparogs were ac- <^
PBIIOD VIII. A. D. 1713 — 1789.
filled of having usurped pufsessinn (»f several roiiiitrios between
the DriijMier nnd the Hi>j>'; ns well iin of Mvcrnl distrutN which
\\vtk lit nil tiincM lH>li)iiiri>(l lo tlu> ('(i.sMU'N of th(> Don. What
mop' pitrticuliiriy cxiifncratt'd the KinprcsM a>,'niiiMt thoni, wns,
ilint iK'iiig so olwtitmtcly ultiirlicd to tlicir nhsunl form of tjo-
vornmfut, they onpofc.l every schiMiie of reform, the ohjuf. of
whii li was to muke them live in re',Milnr nociety, nnd in the
boii'ls of mntrinutny ; or l«) induce ihf ni to form themselves into
regiments, after the manner of the other Cossncs. They had
also refused to send their deputies to Moscow, at the time when
Catherine had sent for them from all partis of the Empire, for
the formation of a new code of laws ; and there was some rea-
son to fear they might attempt to revolt, on "ccount of the
changes which the Empress proposed to make n the adminis-
tration of the government. These nnd other considerations in*
duced that princess to despatch a body of troops against Setscha
(1775.) The Zaparogs, attacked unawares, and inclosed on all
hands, saw themselves without the means of making the least
resistance. Their capital was destroyed, and their whole tiibo
dispersed. Those who were not inclined to embrace another
kind of life, were sent back to their native towns and their re»
spective countries.
The succession of Bavaria reverted of right to the Elector
Palatine, Charles Theoaore,as head of the eider branch of Wit-
telsbach. That prince had on his side, the Feudal Law of Ger-
many, the Golden Bull, the peace of Westphalia, and family
compacts frequently renewed between the two branches of that
house ; all Europe was persuaded that, should the case so turn
out, the rights of the Elector Palatine would be beyond all con-
troversy. Meantim»', the Elector Maximilian had scarcely
closed his eyes, when several pretenders appeared on the field, to
dispute the succession as his presumptive heirs. The Emperor
Joseph II. claimed all the fiefs of tne Empire, which his pre-
decessors had conferred on the house of Bavaria, without ex-
pressly including the princes of the Palatine branch in these
investitures. The Empress, Maria Theresa, besides the fiefs of
the Upper Palatinate holding of the crown of Bohemia, demand-
ed all the countries and districfi of Lower and Upper Bavaria,
as well as of the Upper Palatinate, which had been possessed by
the Princes of Bavaria-Straubingen, who had become extinct in
1425. She also alleged a pretended investiture, which the Em-
peror Sigismund had granted, in 1426, to his son-in-law Duke
Albert of Austria. The Electress-Dowager of Saxony, sister to
the last Elector of Bavaria, thought herself entitled to claim the
allodial succession, which she made out to be very extensive
Lastly, the Dukes of Mecklenburg brought forward an ancient
deed of reversion, which their ancestors had obtained from the
Emperors, over the landgraviate of Leuchtenberg. •
Before these different claims could be made known, the Aus-
trian troops had entered Bavaria, immediately after the death of
the late Elector, and taken possession of all the countries and
districts claimed by the Emperor and the Empress-Queen. The
Elector Palatine, intimidated by the Cabinet of Vienna, ac-
knowledged the lawfulness of all the claims of that court, by a
convention which was signed at Vienna (Jan. 3, 1778,) but which
the Duke of Deux-Ponts, his successor and heir presumptive,
refused to ratify. That prince was supported in his opposition
by the King of Prussia, who treated the pretensions of Austria
as chimerical, and as being incompatible with the security of the
constitution of the Germanic body. The King interposed in this
affair, as being a guarantee for the peace of Westphalia, and h
friend and ally of the parties concerned, who all claimed his pro-
tection. He demanded of the Court of Vienna, that they should
withdraw their troops from Bavaria, and restore to the Elector
the territories of which they had deprived hiin. A negotiation
on this subject was opened between the two courts, and numerous
controversial writings were published ; but the proposals of the
King of Prussia not proving agreeable to the court of Vienna,
the conferences were broken off about the end of June 1778, and
both parties began to make preparations for war. ^
It was about the beginning of July when the King of Prussia
entered Bohemia, through the county of Glatz, and pitched his
camp between Jaromitz and Konigratz, opposite that of the Em-
peror and Marshal Daun, from which he was only separated by
the Elbe. Another army, composed of Prussians and Saxons,
and commanded by Prince Henry of Prussia, penetrated into
Bohemia through Lusatia ; but they were stopped in their march
by Marshal Laudohn, who had taken up a very advantageous
position, and defeated all the measures of the Prince of Prussia.
At length a third Prussian army marched into Austria and Sile-
sia, and occupied the greater part of that province. Europe had
never seen armies more numerous and better disciplined, and
commanded by such experienced generals, approach each other
so nearly without some memorable action taking place. The
Emperor and his generals had the good sense to act on the de-
fensive ; while the efforts of the King of Prussia, to bring him to
a general engagement, proved altogether unavailing. This
prince, who had lost a great many rnen by sickness and deser-
tion, was compelled to evacuate Bohemia about the end of Oc-
tober, and his example was soon followed by his brother Prince
rBRioD vui. A. D. 1713—1789.
ward an ancient
itained from the
cnown, the Aus-
'ter the death of
le countries and
ess-Queen. The
of Vienna, ac-
that court, by a
1778.) but which
eir presumptive,
in his opposition
isions of Austria
le security of the
nterposed in this
^oKtphalia, and n
claimed his pro-
, that they should
ire to the Elector
. A negotiation
ts, and numerous
proposals of the
court of Vienna,
if June 1778, and
i King of Prussia
:, and pitched his
e that of the Em-
jnly separated by
ians and Saxons,
, penetrated into
led in their march
ery advantageous
Prince of Prussia.
Austria and Sile-
ice. Europe had
' disciplined, and
)roach each other
:ing place. The
to act on the de-
a, to bring him to
lavailing. This
:kness and deser*
It the end of Oc-
is brother Prince
Henry. At th"! beginning of this first campaign, the Empress-
Queen being desirous of peace, had sent Baron Thugut to the
King of Prussia, to offer him new proposals. A conference was
agreed to take place at the convent of Braunau (Aug. 1778,)
which had no better success than the preceding, on account of
the belligerous disposition of the Emperor, who was for continu-
ing the war. At length the return of peace was brought about
by the powerful intervention of the courts of Versailles and St.
France, who was obliged, by the terms of her alliance with
Austria, to furnish supplies for the Empress-Queen, could not in
the present case reconcile this engagement with the interests of
her crown, nor with the obligations which the treaty of West-
phalia had imposed upon her, with respect to the Germanic body.
Besides, the war which had broken out between her and England,
on account of her alliance with the United States of America,
made her anxious for the restoration of peace on the Continent,
for avoiding every thing which might occasion a diversion of her
maritime forces. The Empress of Russia, who thought her
glory interested, could not remain a quiet spectator of a struggle
which, if prolonged, might set all Europe in a flame. She de-
clared to the Court of Vienna, that in consequence of the ties of
friendship and alliance which subsisted between her and the
Court of Berlin, she would find herself called on to join her
troops to those of Prussia, if the war was to be continued. But,
before coming to that extremity, she would interpose her good
offices, conjointly with France, to bring existing differences to an
amicable conclusion.
The mediation of these two courts having been accepted by
the belligerent powers, a congress was summoned at Teschen, in
Silesia, which was opened in the month of March 1779. The
Empress of Russia, to give the greater weight to her interfer-
ence, despatched a body of troops to the frontiers, destined to act
as auxiliaries under the King of Prussia, in case the war should
happen to be renewed. Prince Repnin, who commanded that
body, appeared, at the same time, in the capacity of ambassador-
extraordinary at the Congress. France sent, on her part. Baron
de Breteuil, her ambassador at the Court of Vienna. All things
being already prepared, and the principal difficulties removed,
the peace was concluded in less than two months. By this treaty,
the convention of the 3d of January, made between the Court
of Vienna and the Elector Palatine, was annulled. Austria wa."?
required to give up all her possessions in Bavaria, except the
places and districts situated between the Danube, the Inn, and
the Salza, which were ceded to her as all she could claim of ti»e
^^ M
roccession of Bavaria, which she had renounced in 4e most for-
mal manner. The fiefs of the Empire, which had been confer, j
red on the House of Bavaria, were secured by that treaty to the .
Elector Palatine and his whole family ; as well as those situated
in the Upper Palatinate, and holding of the Crown of Bohemia. j
The Elector Palatine engaged to pay the Elector of baxony,
for his allodial rights, the sum of six millions of florins, money
of the Empire ; while the Empress-Queen gave up to the said
prince the rights which the crown of Bohemia had over certain
ieiffniories lying within Saxony, and possessed by the Counts o
ScCurg. The Palatine branch of Birkenfeldt, whose right ot
succession to the Palatine estates had been disputed, on the
Itiound of their being the issue of an unequal marriage, were
now declared capable of succeeding to all the estates and pos-
sessions of the House of Wittlesbach, as comp'ehended in the
family compacts of that house.
The existing treaties between the Court of Vienna and he
King of Prussia, and also those of Westphalia, Breslau, Berlin,
and Dresden, were renewed and confirmed; and a formal ac-
knowledgment made to the royal line of Prussia, of their right
to unite the margraviatcs of Baireuth and Anspach, failing the
piesent possessors, to the hereditary succession of the Electorate
of Brandenburg; which right the House of Austria had called
in question during the dispute which we have already mention-
ed. As for the House of Mecklenburg, they granted to it the
Diivilese of the non appellando,m virtue of which, no one could
carrv an appeal from the tribunals of that country to the sove-
reien courts of the Empire. The two mediating powers under-
took to guarantee this treaty. Thus the war for the succession
of Bavaria was checked at its commencement. The following
peculiarities are worthy of remark, viz. that the Palatine famiW,
who were the party chiefly interested, took no share in it ; while
Bavaria, the sole cause of the war, was no way engaged in it ,
and the Elector Palatine, who had even refused the assistance
of the King of Prussia, was, nevertheless, the party chiefly ben-
efited by the peace, by means of the protection of that prince.
The House of Austria having failed, as we have ]ust seen, m
her project of conquering Bavaria, tried, in the next piace, to
get possession of that country by way of exchange for the IN e-
Qierlands. The Elector Palatine appeared willing to meet the
views of the Court of Vienna ; but it was not so with the Uuko
of Deux-Ponts, who haughtily opposed the exchange; while the
King of Prussia, who supported it, was obliged to acknowledge
that such an exchange was inadmissible, and in opposition both
to former treaties, and to the best interesi8>of theGermamc body
in the most for-
ad been confer*
hat treaty to the
as those situated
wn of Bohemia.
lector of Saxony,
f florins, money
e up to the said
had over certain
by the Counts of
dt, whose right of
disputed, on the
I marriage, were
! estates and pos-
pi^ehended in the
' Vienna and the
, Breslau, Berlii\
and a formal ac-
isia, of their right
ispach, failing the
1 of the Electorate
\ustria had called
! already mention-
granted to it the
hich, no one could
untry to the sove-
ing powers under-
for the succession
I. The following
le Palatine famiW,
share in it ; while
ay engaged in it ,
sed the assistance
party chiefly ben*
1 of that prince,
have just seen, in
the next place, to
liange for the N««
rilling to meet the
so with the Duko
:hange ; while the
sd to acknowledge
in opposition both
le Germanic body
1 1
PKRiOD Vtll. A. 0. 1713 — 17S9.
The Court of Vienna then abandoned this project, at least in
uppenrancc ; but the alarm which it had caiisecf throughout the
Empire, gave rise to an association, known by the name of the
Germanic Confederation. It was concluded at Berlin (July
23, 1785,) between the' three Electors of Saxony, Brandenburg,
and Brunswick-Luneburg ; besides several provinces of the Im-
periol State who adhered to it. This association, purely de-
fensive, had no other object than the preservation of the Ger-
manic System, with the rights ond possessions of all its members.
The Revolution in North America, deserves to be placed
among the number of those great events which belong to the
general history of Europe; Besides the sanguinary war which
it kindled between France and England, and in which Spain
and Holland were also implicated, it may be regarded as the
harbinger of those revolutions which took place soon after in
several of the Continental Slates of Europe. The English
colonies in North America were no otherwise connected with
the mother country, than by a government purely civil, by a
similarity of manners, and by customs, which long usage had
rendered sacred. They were divided into provinces, each ot
which had its particular constitution more or less analogous to
that of England, but imperfectly united with the mother coun-
try, because the inhabitants of these provinces were not repre-
sented in the national Parliament. If they had been so, Great
Britain would certainly never have enjoyed that monopoly which
she had reserved to herself, agreeably to the colonial system of
all modem nations. The exclusive privilege of sending her
commodities to the Americans, by lettering their industry, alien-
ated their affections from England, and made them naturally de-
sirous of shaking off her yoke ; and this propensity could not
fail to increase, in proportioti as these colonies increased in
strength, population, and wealth.
One consideration, however, likely to secure their allegiance,
was the protection which England granted them against their
Eowerful neighbours the French in Canada, the Spaniards in
'lorida, and the Barbarians in the West. The Canadians, es-
Ecially, proved daring and troublesome neighbours to New Eng-
id, which rendered the assistance and protection of the mother
country indispensable. The aspect of affairs changed at the
thne of the peace of Paris (1763.) England, by getting pos-
session of Canada and Florida, broke the main tie Avhich at-
tached the colonies to her government. Delivered then from
the terror of the French, and having no more need of foreign
succour to protect them from their attacks, the Americans began
to concert measures for extricating themselves from the domin-
ion of Britain.
cnAFTBii a.
Tlic first disturbances that broke out were occasioned by the
altomnts which the Briish Parliament had made to unpose
mc's on the Americans. The national debt of England having
h^c eased considerablv during the precedmg war. the Parha-
ment thought they had a right to oblige the colonjes to furnish
Se r Juota for the' liquidation of that debt, -h.ch had been^on.
tracto( , in part, for the interests of America. The Parliament
passed an act, according to which all contracts ,n the American
colonies were to be drawn upon stamped paper ; and the tax on
Ihe stamp was regulated according to the different objects of the
conirac" When^his act had passed into a law, and was about
to bo carried into effect in America, it caused a general maur-
rection. The people committed all sorts of excesses and abuses
n.a n" the Ki Jg's' officers. The Courts of Justice were shut
un and the colonies began to form associations among them-
K They diJp"ted"the right of the British Parliament to
impose taxes on them ; alleging that they were "ot represented
there, and that it was the constitutional privilege of every Eng-
Uian, not to be taxed except by means of his own represen-
atives. The colonies having thus attacked the sovereignty and
oTislative power of the Parliament, laid an interdict on all
'•ommerce with the mother country, and forbade the purchase
of commodities imported from Great Britain.
The Parliament rescinded the Stamp act They publ shed,
however, a declaratory act which set forth that the colonies
were subordinate to, and dependent on, the Crown and Parha-
ment of Great Britain, in whom resided full power and au-
thority to make laws and statutes binding on the colonies, mall
nossible cases. The provincial assemblies of the colonists were
Snioined, by that act, to receive into their towns whatever num-
ber of British troops the mother country might think proper to
send, and to furnish them with wood and beer. Far from al-
laying these disturbances, this new act tended, on the contrary,
^exasperate them still more. The Americans considered i as
; tyrannical, and as having no other design than to des^^roy the
I foundation of their liberty, and to establish an absolute and
I '^^fhefiS' ministry made still farther conce.ssions. They
I abandoned altogether the idea of a tax to be levied m the m-
?e^or of the country, and limited themselves entirely to taxes
I or duties on importe'd goods. The Stamp act was replaced by
another (1767,) which imposed certain duties on lea, paper,
fead and paint-colours, &c. &c. exported from England mto the
olonie": 'This act was no better received than its predecessor.
The Assembly of Massachusetts, which was formed at Boston,
~l I
:casioned by the
nadc to impose
England having
war, the Parlia-
onies to furnish
had been con-
The Parliament
in the American
; and the tax on
int objects of the
r, and was about
a general insur-
esses and abuses
ustice were shut
ns among them-
h Parliament to
e not represented
ge of every Eng-
is own represen-
sovereignty and
interdict on all
,de the purchase
They published,
that the colonies
rown and Parlia-
II power and au-
Lhe colonies, in all
the colonists were
ns whatever num-
it think proper to
sr. Far from al-
1, on the contrary,
IS considered it as
in to destroy the
an absolute and
ncessions. They
levied in the in-
entirely to taxes
; was replaced by
ies on tea, paper,
England into the
%n its predecessor,
formed at Boston,
rEBIOD Till. A. D. 1713 — 1789.
addressed circular letters to all the colonies, cxhortmg them to
act in concert for the support of their rights against the mother
country. The resolutions which some of the colonies had al-
ready adopted, of prohibiting thn use of commodities manufac-
tured in Great Britain, became common to all the colonies ; and
the American merchants in general, countermanded the goods
which they had ordered from England, Scotland, and Ireland.
The spirit of revolt thus extending wider and wider, the British
government determined to employ troops for the restoration of
order and tranquillity in the colonies, and making them respect
the sovereignty of Great Britain (1769.)
Affairs were in this situation when Lord North, who had been
placed at the head of the admiriistration, succeeded in calming
the minds of the colonists, by passing an act which abolished
the obnoxious ta.xes, with the single exception of that on tea.
The view of the minister in retaining this tax, was not of reap-
ing any advantage from it; but he hoped by this trifling duty
to accustom the colonies to support greater taxes. The Ameri-
cans were very sensible of this ; however, as they imported very
little tea from England, and as the Dutch furnished them with
this article by way of contraband, they showed no symptoms of
resentment until the year 1773. At that time, the Parliament
having given permission to the East India Company to export
tea to America, of which they had large supplies in their ware-
houses, the Americans, indignant to see this Company made the
organ of a law which was odious to them, resolved to oppose the
landing of these tea cargoes. Three of the Company's vessels,
freighted with this article, having arrived at Boston, and prepa-
ring to unload, the inhabitants boarded them during the night
of the 21st of December, and threw all the chests into the sea,
to the number of 342. In the other provinces, they only sent
back the ships loaded with this obnoxious commodity.
On the news of this outrage, the British Parliament thought
it necessary to adopt rigorous measures. Three acts were passed
in succession (1774,) the first to lay the port of Boston under in-
terdict ; the second to abolish the constitution and democratic
government of Massachusetts, and substitute a royal govern-
ment ; and the third to authori: ^ the colonial governors to trans-
port to England the Americans who were accused of rebellion,
to be tried at the Court of King's Bench. General Gage was sent
to Uo.^ton with a body of troops and several vessels to carry these
coercive measures into effect. By thus adopting decisive mea-
sures, the British Parliament in vain flattered themselves, that
they could reduce, by force, a continent so vast, ond so remote
from the mother country, as that of America. Supposi.ig even
II \i
flmt ll.ev could have suwceded, the spirit and nature of the
A general Congress, composed of the rePJ«H«nta •>«« of aU^he
clonics was opened at Philadelphia (Sept. 0-/77^.) iney
del ed the acu of the British Krliament aga.nst Massachu.
sous u be unjust, oppressive, and unconst.tut.onal. They
ate;d never more to nn port articles of cornmerce from G eat
bS. and preset un address to the King, and a petition
?o"hrHouse of 5on..nons. for the -dress c^ those gr.va^^^^^^^^^^
which the colonies had to complam. Th s latter step naving
nrodtld no effect, and the Parliament havmg «t.l Frs.^ted m i
fheir rigorous measures, hostilities commenced in the month o
Am 1 1775. The American Congress then conferred the com-
mS of their army on George Washington, a rich planter m |
T^Lll who had Acquired considerable military reputation by
hisCc^ss in opposing the French in Canada ; and at the same
til to ra se" hSnediate supplies of which the colon.es stood
n iieed the Congress agreed to issue paper money, sufficient to
ITtt Avoidable expenses of the war. A declaration, pub-
j Ushed in "he month of July, 1775, explained the reasons which
I had compelled the Americans to take up arms ; and announced
Er mention not to separate from Great Britain, nor adop a
pLro7absolu"te independence B"t as the BrU.sh Minis^^^^^
i hid made extraordinary efibrls for '^e campaign of 1776 and
1 aken a body of German troops mlo their pay. the Americans
' .houL'ht proper to break off all alliance with England that they
tight have Recourse in their turn to the protection o foreigners,
^hp indenendence of the Colonies was thereiore formally de-
clal^>aTAct^Cong^ess(July4,1776,) They f- drew
' up articles of confederation and perpetual union among tjie States
' ' of America, to the number of thirteen provinces, under the title
ot^rUnied States of Amrica. In virtue of this union, each
of th • Slates remained master of its own egislative and inter-
„a adm nistration. while the Congress, which was co^PO^ea o^
i 1 deouties from all the colonies, had the power of regulating all
' poEa affairs ; that is to say, every thing concerning war or
Seacf, alliances, money matl.^rs. weights and measures, posts,
§^ 'as well as the settlement of any differences wh.ch migh
aSse between two or more of the confederate States. The first
: i ?a oumble action for the Americans in their ^ar agun^t Eng-
■ I «nd wa^ that at Trenton on the Delaware, (Dec 25, 177r>,)
' wjie Geneml Washington surprised a My of Hessians and
1 niture of the i i
i them to main-
wever, far from i I
ed the cause of |
nishment. i I
tatives of all the
, 1774.) They
aiiist Massachu-
utional. They
erce from Great
g, and a petition
3se grievances o(
itter step having
still persisted in
in the month of
nferred the corn-
1 rich planter in
jry reputation by
and at the same
ihe colonies stood
jney, sufficient to
declaration, pub-
he reasons which
; and announced
itain, nor adopt a
! British Ministry
lign of 1776, and
y, the Americans
fngland, that they
tion of foreigners,
efore formally de-
They then drew
I among the States
;es, under the title
of this union, each
;;islative and inter-
1 was composed ol
r of regulating all
:oncerning war or
d measures, posts,
ences which might
States. The first
f war agi.inst Eng-
3, (Dec. 25, 1776.)
y of Hessians and
I 41 '■
Dentructioii of the Bastile ut TarU by the People. P. 433.
Lxccutioii of Louis XVI "C VrMu-i-.. P. 429.
u|)le. P. 433.
PKRioD nu. it D. 1713 — 1789. 401
English, and made thorn prisoners. But the event which in
some degree set the seal to the independence of America, waa
iliL' important check which General Burgoyne met with near
tSnratogn. Having advanced from Canada to support the opera-
tions of General Howe, who was marching on Philadelphia, he
was compelled by the American troops under General Gates to
Iny down his arms, by a capitulation which was signed in the
camp .It Saratoga (Oct. 16, 1777.) The news of this disaster
was nu sooner received in Europe, than France, who, during
ihe time that England was occupied with the disturbances in
America, had put her marine on a respectable footing, took the
resolution of acknowledging the New Kepublic,and entered into
d formal alliance with it. Treaties of friendship, alliance, and
commerce, were concluded at Paris between them and the Uni-
ted States of America (Feb. 6, 1778.) France demanded as a
primary condition, that the United States should not lay down
their arms, until England bad acknowledged their independence.
I'he notification which the Court of France made to that of Lon-
don of this treaty with the United States, became the signal of
war between these two nations.
This war which France had undertaken against England for
the free navigation of the seas, was the first which did not in-
volve the continent of Europe, as it was confined entirely to
maritime operations. The European powers, far from thwart-
ing France in this enterprise, applauded her success; and while
Great Britain depended on her own stren^h, and had not a sin-
gle ally on the Continent, France contrived to interest Spain
and Holland in her cause.
Spain, after having for some time held the rank of a media-
ting power, entered into the war in fulfihnent of those engage-
ments which she had contracted, by the Family Compact ; and
as respected Holland, England had determined to break with
her. The British ministry were oflended at that Republic, which,
instead of granting England the supplies that she was entitled
to claim in virtue of former treaties, had lent itself an accomplice
to the interests of her enemies. The Dutch, on their side, com-
plained of the multiplied vexations with which they were inces-
santly harassed by the British privateers. They had sought
to protect themselves against these, under the shield of that
armed neutrality which tne Empress of Russia had just negoti-
ated for protecting the commerce of neutral States ; and it was
in order to prevent their accession to that neutrality, that Eng*
land made such haste to declare Mrar against the Republic (Dec.
20, 1780.)
Without entering here into the details of that war, the prin*
p. 420.
cipal scene of which was in America, though it extended to
Africa and the Indies, we shall cnn^ne ourselves to a few g^n-
era) observations.
When hostilities commenced between Franco nnd England,
the latter had a very great superiority in maritime strength. She
had armies at the two extremities of the globe. The number of
her vessels was prodigious. Her arsenals were overloaded with
stores. Her doclc-yards were in the greatest activity ; but after
France and Spain had united their naval force, it was no longer
possible for Great Britain, obliged as she was to divide her
strength, to defend her distant possessions against the numerous
attacks of the French and their allies. Not fewer than twenty-
one engagements took place between the belligerent powers ; m
all of which England, from the experience of her Admirals, and
the ability of her naval officers, did not lose a single shin of the
line. The first naval action was fought near Ushant (July 27,
1778,) between D'Orvilliers and Admiral Keppel. This action,
the glory of which was claimed equally by both nations, was as
indecisive as most of those which followed it. The only decisive
actior, properly speaking, was that which Admiral Rodney fought
with Count de Urasse (April 12, 1782,) between the isfands of
Dominica and Saintes. The English Admiral having broken
the French line, succeeded in taking five ships of the line, inclu-
ding the Admiral's, and had the honour to carry him prisoner
to London.
At the beginning of the war, the English stripped the French
of their possessions in the East Indies, such as Pondicherry,
Chandemagore, and Mahe. They took from them the islands
of St. Peter and Miquelon, as well as that of St. Lucia, and
Gorea on the coast of Africa. The French afterwards repaid
themselves for these losses, by conquering the islands of Domin-
ica, St. Vincent, Grenada, Tobago, St. Christophers, Nevis and
Monteserrat. All the forts and establishments of the English
on the Senegal in Africa, as well as Gondelore in the East In-
dies, fell into their possession.
The Spaniards made themselves masters of the fort:t which
the English occupied on the Mississippi. They took fort Mo-
bile or Conde, in ancient French Louisiana, and subdued the
whole of Western Floridii, with the town of Pensacola. In
Europe they recovered, with the assistance of the French, the
island of Minorca, with port Mahon and fort St. Philip; but the
combined forces of the two nations failed in their enterprise
against Gibraltar. This place, which was bravely defended by
General Elliot, was twice relieved with supplies by the English
fleet — first by Admiral Rodney (1780,) an4 afterwards by Lord
1 it extended lo
res to a few g^n-
CR nnd England.
me strength. She
The number of
overloaded with
livity ; but ofker
it was no longer
tras to divide her
inst the numerous
wer than twenty-
rerent powers ; in
her Admirals, and
single shin of the
Ushant (July 27,
pel. This action,
>th nations, was as
The only decisive
iral Rodney fought
'een the islands of
ral having broken
s of the line, inclu-
carry him prisoner
tripped the French
:h as Pondicherry,
n them the islands
of St. Lucia, and
I afterwards repaid
; islands of Domin-
jtophcrs, Nevis and
ents of the English
ore in the East In-
of the fortJi which
rhey took fort Mo-
a, and subdued the
of Pensacola. In
of the French, the
St. Philip ; but the
in their enterprise
>ravely defended by
(lies by the English
afterwards by Lord
rsRioD VIII. A. D. 1713 — 1789.
Howe (1788.) The flnnting batteries invented by M. D'Ar^oii,
whirii wf'ri" directed ngniuNt the garrison, were destroyed by thn
red-hot bullets whirh tli(« English commander showered upon
them in i,'rp
tioned. England dissembled, pretending to refer to treaties,
and to wait a more favourable opportunity for explanation. But
in order to prevent the Dutch from taking shelter under the
armed neutrality, she declared war against that Republic, even
before the act oi her accession to these treaties had been ratified
by the powers of the North.
New disputes had arisen between the Russians and the Turks
after the peace of Kainargi. The haughtiness of the Porte was
unwilling to admit the independence of the Tartars, which was
sanctioned by that peace. He was indignant to see the Russians
parading their flag even under the walls of Constantinople ; and
moreover, he tried every stratagem to elude the execution of
those articles in the treaty which did not meet v/ith his approba-
1 -
lets expelled the £han Dowlut Gueray, who was favourably
SmedCards the Porte, and put Sahin G-ray .n hjs plac.
who was devoted to the interests of Russ a. 1 his lattnr having
SLe^ dispossessed by Selim Gueray, with the assistance of the
Porte the Empress marched a body of troops mto the Crimea,
iTer the command of Suwarow (1778.) and restored her pro-
♦po-p tn the throne bv force of arms.
^ThP Turks made cr.-":.t preparations for war, and a new rup-, I
turlbetweenrtwo empires was expected when, by the inter-
tare between me \ ambassador to the Turk-
Fsh Cour the fi van r^eVted to an accommodation which was
conclS It Constantinople (Marcli 21, 779,) under the name
TihTExplicative Convention. The independence of the Cn-
^Pn^ndXe sovereignty of Sahin Guenvy, were thereby acknow-
Su4d anronf^^^^^^^^^ anew. Russia and the Porte engaged to
withdraw theTr troops from that peninsula, as well as from the
wtnaravv ineir j promised especially never to al-
'i'l° p "cT., of^'p'Snt-, fo, Wring wi.h .he
lege uiiy v\\'-'- "^ » , t^i,„„„ The free intercourse be-
tIeXtk KftrXVhtSea'vt secured in the most
expr^s ma. iier to all Russian vessels that wore of the form, size
a'ldcapacity, of the ships of other nations who carried on trade
"'S.nrnSofdId not restore any permanent good und^r-
standing between the two Empires ; new troubles were no long
i , snrinffin- up aS4.) and even to withdraw
! From the territories of the Republic. The retirement of the Duke
! embodened the oppo.unUs of the Stadtholder, who soon went be-
i vond all bounds, ^f hut party, purely aristocratic .n its ongu., had
I C a ler wards reinforced by a nudlitude of democrats who,
I! To^o Sed with hu,nblin/the Stadtholder, attacked e
'■ ' the power of the magistrates ; and tried to change the constUu-
! i tion by rendering the government more popular and democraUc.
• n the prLipal towns, associations were formed under the
■ i name of^Fre Vfc, for exercising the citizens m the manage-
: St o arms. The party opposed to the Stadtholder took the 1
Zlo(Zrio,s. fhe/were secretly supported by France
whTwished to employ them as an instrument for deslroymg the
Xerfo EnglaUand attaching the Repubhc to her own
imere tJ^ A popSlar insurrection, which happened at the Hague
1785 urnished the Stales of Ho.land with a pre ext for re-
movhg the Stadtholder from the command of that place, which
was ilusted to a Council. This blow, struck at a prerogative
Xh was regarded as inherent in the Stadthoklership.mduced
Ihe Prince of Orange to quit the Hague, and (ix his residence
n the provhce of SueldSrs, the States which were most par-
"cukrly devoted to him. An attack which the prmce made
agai t the towns of Elburg and Haltem, for refusing to ex-
ecL the orders which he had intimated to them in the nan,e
of the States of Gueldors. exasperated the minds of the Uutch^
U added to the strength of the Patriotic party, and encouraged
he States of Holland to make a renewed attack on tie Stad-
tholdership ; and even to go so far as to suspend the prince from
the functions of Captain-General ot that province.
The Court of Berlin had taken measures, bo h with the
States-General and the province of Holland, to facilitate an ac-
commodation between the two parties F;f ^Ji^ ^^'"'^^ "^
who succeeded his uncle Frederic the Great, (1786,) sent to the
Hague, with this view, the Count de Gortz, his minister of state .
while M. Gerard de Ravneval was ordered to repair thither on
the nart of France. A "negotiation was opened between these
two ministers and the principal leaders of the Patriotic party
but without effect. Their animosities rather increased, and the
Patriots broke out into every kind of violence. They uismis-
sed the magistrates of the chief towns by force, 7f/<^P'^J«^
them bv their own adherents ; a step which obliged the aristo-
crats to coalesce with the Stadtholder's party, in order to with-
suind the fury of the republicans. A civil war seemed 'o aU
ap^arance Sevitable. In this state of mMters. the Princess of
power. That
to withdraw
nt of the Duke
soon went be-
lts origin, had t
mocrats, who, j
attacked even :
Tc the constitu- |
md democratic,
ned under the
in the inanage-
holder took the
led by France,
destroying the
blic to her own
ed at the Hague
I pretext for re-
hal place, which
iit a prerogative
lorship, induced
X his residence
were most par-
le prince made
refusing to ex-
em in the name
ids of the Dutch
and encouraged
ick on tie Stad-
l the prmce from
s, both with the
) facilitate an ac-
leric William II.
1786,) sent to the
minister of state ;
repair thither on
ed between these
! Patriotic party,
ucreased, and the
E. They liismis-
rce, and replaced
bliged the aristo-
in order to with-
ar seemed 'o all
rs. the Princess of
PBBioo vm. A. n. 1713 — 1789.
Orange took the resolution of repairing in peroon to the Hague,
with the dr^sign, as she alleged, of endeavouring to restore
pence. She was arrested on her route by a detachment of the
republican corps of Gouda (June 28, 1787,) and conducted to
Schcenhoven, whence she was obliged to return to Nimeguen,
without being able to accomplish the object of her journey.
The King of Prussia demanded satisfaction for this outrage
offered to his sister. The States of Holland, not feeling dis-
posed to give it in the terms which the King demanded, he sent
ii body of 20,000 men to Holland, under the command of the
Duke of Brunswick, who, in the space of a month, made him-
.self master of the whole country, and even obliged the ciiy ot
Amsterdam to submit. All the former resolutions which had
been taken for limiting the power of the Stadtholder, were then
annulled, and the prince was re-established in the plenitude of
his rights.
Although the subsistence of the alliance between France and
the Republic was obviously connected with the cause of the
Patriots, the former took no steps to support that party, or to
oppose the invasion of the Prussians. France had even the
weakness to negotiate with the Court of London, for disarming
their respective troops ; declaring, that she entertained no hos-
tile intentions relative to what had passed in Holland. The po-
litics of the States-General from that time, underwent a com-
plete revolution. Renouncing their alliance with France, they
embraced that of Prussia and Great Britain. By the treaties
which were signed at Berlin and the Hague (April 15, 1788,)
these two powers undertook to guarantee the resolutions of
1747 and 1748, which made the Stadtholdcrship hereditary
in the House of Orange. France thus shamefully lost the
fruits of all the measures which she had taken, and the sums
which she had lavished for attaching Holland to her federative
system, in opposition to England.
The troubles which we have just now mentioned were soon
followed by others, which the innovations of the Emperor Jo-
seph II. had excited in the Austrian Netherlands. The differ-
ent edicts which that Prince had published since the first of
January 1787, for introducing a new order of administration in
the Government, both civil and ecclesiastical, of the Belgic pro-
vinces, were regarded by the States of that coimtry as contraiy
to the established constitution, and incompatible with the en-
gagements contracted by the sovereign on his accession. The
great excitement which these innovations caused, induced the
Emperor to recall his edicts, and to restore things to their an-
cient footing. Nevertheless, as the public mind had been exas-
: i
. N
\ ^k
Derated on both sides, disturbances were speedily renewed. The
Einpcror ha vin<^ demanded a subsidy, which was refused by tlie
Slates of Brabunt and Hainault, this circumstance induced him
to revoke tiie anmesty which he had granted ; to suppress the
States and Sovereign Council of Brabant ; and to declare, that
he no longer considered himself bound by his Inaugural Con-
tract. A great number of individuals, and several members of
the States, were arrested by his orders. The Archbishop of
Mechlin, and the Bishop of Antwerp, were suspected of having
fomented those disturbances, and saved themselves by flight.
Two factiojis at that time agitated the Belgic Provinces, where
they fanned the flame of civil discord. The one, headed by Vonk,
an advocate, and supported by the Dukes of Ursel and Arem-
berg, inclined to the side of Austria. These limited their de-
mands to the reformation of abuses, and a better system of re-
presentation in the States of the Netherlands. The other, under
the direction of Vandernoot, and the Pensionary Vaneupen,
rovinco preserved its independence, and the exercise of the ,
egisiative power. Their union was declared permanent iind
irrevocable. They meddled neither with religion nor the con-
stitution, and they admitted no other representatives than those
who had been already nominated. This latter determination
highly displeased General Vandermersch, and all those of Vonk's
party, who had as much horror for an oligarchy in the States as
for the despotism of the Court of Vienna. The party of the
States prevailed nevertheless by the influence of Vandernoot,
and the instigations of the priests and monks. Vandermersch,
and all the zealous partisans of reform, were removed from the
management of afiairs. The former was even arrested, and
General Schonfield put in his place. Ruinous impeachments
and imprisonments were the consequences of this triumph of ike
aristocratic faction.
These divisions, added to the death of Joseph II., which hap-
pened in the meantime, produced a change favourable for the
mterests of the Court of Vienna. Leopold II., who succeeded
his brother on the throne of Austria, seemed disposed to termi-
nate all these differences; and the Belgic Congress, seeing they
could not reckon on the assistance of foreign powers, were also
desirous of coming to an accommodation. The Court of Berlin
had refused its protection to the Belgians, and that of London
was decidedly opposed to their independence. These two courts,
conjunctly with the United Provinces of the Netherlands, inter-
posed their mediation for allaying those disturbances. The
Emperor Leopold solemnly engaged, under the guarantee of the
three media*ing powers, to govern the Netherlands agreeably to
the constitution, laws, and privileges which had been in force
under the Empress Maria Theresa ; never to do any thing to
their prejudice ; and to annul whatever had been done to the
contrary under the reign of Joseph II. A declaration published
by Leopold (Nov. 1790,) enjoined all his Belgic subjects to take
anew the oath of allegiance. That Prince granted a general
and unconditional pardon to all those who should lay down their
arms within a given time. All the provinces in succession ac-
knowledged their allegiance. Brussels opened her gates to the
Austrian troops (Dec. 2, 1790,) and the patriots Vaneupen and
Vandernoot took refuge in Holland.
The nnimosily which had for n long lime subsisted betweiD
Riisstn nnil the Porto, oira^ioned a new war between these two
powers in 17W. The T nripecial pence with the Porte on
the basis o*" the statvs aiili bellnm. This peace was signed
at Szistnwn, in Bulgaria (Aug. 4, 1791,) under the mediation
of Hollnnd and Prussia. The Emperor restored Belgrade, and
in general, nil that he had taken from the Turks during llje
war. He agreed to retain Chocziin no longer than the conclu-
sion of the peace between the Russians and the Turks ; only
they promised him a more ndvantageous frontier on the left
tmiik of the Unna ; and on the side of Wallachia, the river
Tzerna was ndopted as the boundary between the two Empires.
The Empress of Russia having resolved not to receive the
proposals which the two allied courts ofTered her, then continued
the war alone against the Porto, and her generals signalized
thein,selves by new exploits. At length the British ministry be-
ing convincea that this Princess would never yield, thought fit
to abandon the terms which, in concert with the Court of Ber-
lin, they had demanded, as the basis of the peace to be conclud-
ed between Russia and the Porte. Besides, they were desirous
of making up matters with Russia, at the time when she de-
tached herself from France, by renouncing the engagements
which she had contracted with that power by the treaty of com-
merce of 1787, with the Court of Berlin. The British minis-
try agreed never to assist the Turks, should they persist in re-
fusing the equitable conditions of peace which the Empress had
offered them.
A negotiation was opened at Galatz on the Danube. The
preliminaries between Russia and the Porte were signed there;
and the definitive peace concluded at Jassy in Moldavia (Jan.
9, 1792.) This treaty renewed the stipulations of all former
treaties since that of Kainargi. The Dniester was establishea
as a perpetual frontier between the two Empires. The Turks
ceded to Russia the fortress of OczakofT, with all the country
lying between the Bog and the Dniester. The cession of the
Crimea, the isle of Taman, and part of the Cuban, lying on the
right bank of the river of that name, was confirmed to Russia.
The Porte likewise engaged to put a stop to the piracies of the
Barbary Corsairs, and even to indemnify the subjects of Russia
for their losses, should they not obtain reparation within a lim-
ited time. Russia likewise restored all ner other conquests ;
only stipulating, for certain adrantages, in favour of Moldavia
and Wallachia.
It had been agreed between the plenipotentiaries of the Iwe
Empires, that the Porte should pay a sum of 12,000,000 of
piasters, to indemnify Russia for the expenses of the war. But
,> '■ '•!
intimation that she 7"'*' "''";;",'. ,7, /xcLd tho admiration
the Porte; a piece of generoMty ^^»"' /^J^;; „f j„,,v Rave
of the Ottoman nlen.potentmnos T»u^pcjn o^,^ ^^^. ^^^^^
new energy to t\ie '^"'"'"'^'^7,;^ town and port of Odessa,
Sea; and the Empress found d the own anaj^^^^^^^ ^^^
. ^f ih. Vrenrh Revolution to the doum-
From the mnmencement of the ^'^^^'^.^uqIirIS.
faU of Buonaparte, a. d. 1789— l»io-
The period of the Frencl. R-olution on whi^^^^^^ -
tering, Ls not --prehend more han -^^^^^
that short space <^«"''''"«J"S'' ^ed it. In course of that
than the two centuries which prece« Usa u. , ^^0 po-
Unte the condition of f ,Xo7X o^itd Uour of th ee
kingdoms and whole nations in the "uns. ^.^^^
l?wa8 an era fertile ,n "a^l^ both « J'^^^^^f „^,„„,„
It displayed the extremes of suffenng and ^^ ^^^^
and magnanimity. *^\"edom8 ro.e a. i . ^^j
New principles in '^"^tvf ,fe sEurorwas subdue'd and
were Quickly superseded by f'?;^.^^ZTeZ\iiy, and after-
enslaved, first in the naine of ^f'^y J"J^^"„'',, /^ length an
wards to gratify the ^'^^^ °J "^^^i^'^"'^^^ he nations of the
tZ^^:^^^ tiTuirpati^n which they had too
powers who dismembered P"'"^"*^'":*" f'„ „ "ample that might
Ld equity yield to conve-ence, and t n„ xamp^^^^ ^^^^
^graltEf wU XnTinTe-iinets of Europe, that
Empress gare
U in favour of
tlio luimirniion
of Jiistty ifnvc
on the Black
»ort of Odessa,
twoen the Bog
1 Oczakoff.
ion to the down-
lich wc are on-
r-fivc years ; but
(riant instruction
n coarse of that
inRed. The po-
d labour of three
its basis, burying
irtues and vices,
ence, of meanness
ppeared by turns,
led for a day, and
was subdued and
quality, and after-
ir. At length an
the nations of the
vhich they had too
ted in the fifteenth
f Westphalia and
uring the neriod of
its downfall. The
iciples.by the three
vhich made justice
ixample that might
rhe other was the
ets of Europe, that
PBHIOD IX. A. 1). 1780 — 1^15.
fne project of fnundiiijf an univorinl monarchy was for evef
hopi'lc! U,e e%h.ee„.h cen-
> - "^eSitr r-^usxr^i^d!" t£
UUng government of Fmn^inaq ^^|^. ^^^^^^
cations, letters of exile, *<^- ' ^' . Certain bodies, it is true,
resisted only by the feeblest t'^";Yh;sc nrSges were seldom
possessed means f J^ :r:;r'e" xtpteH^^^^^^
respected. 1 he noDiesse ^eie r g ^y the prohi-
thestate and totally separated from th^^^^^^^^ ^ Jmpted from
?'^\n fTXchTey subsUtuted'v'oruntary grants/ Besides
laiation, tor wmcn 'nej ^i ;„i,,nal administrat on was badly
these oppressive imposts, the mtemal »»"""' y^^ „ere
°'^"'"i,- ^dtd rnrLeV*fa^°X w» ataSked «. all.the
;e of Amiens tiH
at its greatest
ill the TrealY of
2cline and fall ot
restoration of a
a sketch of the
shall shortly ad-
is of Europe un
if other parts of
lay happen to he
;ommencing with
789,) and ending
\e Revolution in
state of her finan-
sneral imiAorality
to the mal-\dmin-
Louis XV. ; and,
id political, which
[le eighteenth cen-
^ abuses in the ex-
be corrected. The
1 arbitrary rather
lity, greater power
ties of the subject
of imposts, confis-
rous authority was
lin bodies, it is true,
ileges were seldom
)m contributions to
mons, by the prohi-
also exempted from
ry grants. Besides
listration was badly
orders, which were
ibandoned to all the
irtial representation.
vho lived on the fa-
lon sympathies with
rmy for which they
il appointments and
into two classes, one
d abbacies with their
PERIOD IX. A. D. 178ft— 1816.
rich revenues, while the other was destined to poverty and la
bour. The commons scarcely possessed a third part of the
soil, for which they were compelled to pay feudal services to the
territorial barons, tithes to the priests, and taxes to the King.
In compensation for so many sacrifices, they erjoyed no rights,
had no share in the administration, and were admitted to no pub-
lic employments.
Such was the condition of France when Louis XVI. ascended
the throne. This order of things could not continue for ever;
but with proper caution and skilful management, many salutary
improvements might have been introduced, without plunging
the nation into rebellion and anarchy. Louis XVI. had just
views and amiable dispositions ; but he was without decision of
character, and had no perseverance in his measures. His pro-
jects for regenerating the State encountered obstacles which he
had not foreseen, and which he found it impossible to overcome.
He was continually vacillating in the choice of his ministers ;
and his reign, up to the assembling of the States-General, was
a complication of attempt«(l reforms, which produced no benefi-
cial result. Maurepas, Turgot, and Malesherbes, had been succes-
sively intrusted with the management of affairs ; but they found
it impossible to give satisfaction to any party. Their efforts for
retrenchment displeased the courtiers, while the people were dis-
contented at the continuation of existing abuses. The exhaust-
ed state in which the American war had left the finances of the
kingdom, and the unskilfulness of the ministers ; one of whom,
the celebrated Necker, could contrive no other method of repair-
ing these losses, than by means of forced loans, which augment-
ed the national debt, and added to the other embarrassments of
the government. The plan of M. de Calonne, another of the
ministers, was to assemble the Notables, or respectable and dis-
tinguished persons of the kingdom (Feb. 23, 1787,) with the
view of obtaining through their means those new imposts which
he could not expect to be sanctioned by the Parliament of Paris.
But this assembly seemed little disposed to second his designs.
They discovered, with astonishment, that within a few years
loans had been raised to the amount of one th'^asand six hun-
dred and forty-six millions of francs ; and that there was an an-
nual deficit in the revenue of one hundred and forty millions.
This discovery was the signal for the retirement of Calonnn.
His successor. Cardinal Brienne, the Archbishop of Toulouse
tried in vain to overcome the resistance of the Parliament, who
declared, by a solemn protestation (May 3, 1788,) that the right
of granting supplies belonged to the States-General alone. Louis
XVI., yielding to this expression of the public opinion, promised
^ 11
'»•' ; '
to assemble the deputies of the nation. A second meetir ; of
the Notables, held at Versailles (Nov. 6,) deliberated as to the
f'mn and constitution of the Stales-General. _M. Necker, who
was recalled to the ministry, counselled the King to prefer the
advice of the minority, who had espoused the popular side ; and
proposed to grant to the Tier.s-Etat, or Thtrd Order a double
number of Representatives in the States-General ; which advice
was followed. ,. .,,
The Slates-(Jeneral were summoned to meet at Versailles on
the 27th of April 1789. The number of deputies was twelve
hundred ; six hundred of wJiom were of the Tiers-Etat, three
hundred of the noblesse, and three hundred of the clergy. Ihe
Kincr opened the assembly in person (May 5, 1789^ It was
accompanied with great solemnity and magnificence. The dergy
occupied the first place; next came the noblesse. Ihe liers-
Etat followed hst. These individuals comprehended the choice
of the nation; but the greater part of them were entirely inex-
perienced in state affairs, and not a few of them were imbued
with the principles of the new philosophy. The majority pro-
posed to rocenerate the government according to their own specu-
lative notions ; while others secretly entertained the hope ot
overturning it, to gratify their own antipathies ; or to satiate
their avarice and ambition. , ,1.1,
A difference immediately arose on the question, whether they
should sit according to their orders. Conciliatory measures
havincr been tried in vain, the deputies of the Tiers-Etat resolved
to declare themselves a National Assembly. The King having
ordered them to suspend their sittings, they changed their place
of assembly to a Tennis Court, where, in opposition to the Koya
authority, they took an oath never to separate until they ha 1
achieved the regeneration of France. The majority of the
clergy, and some of the nobles, joined this tumultuous assembly.
Louis XVI., by a Royal Session (June 23,) condemned the con-
I duct of this meeting ; abrogated its decisions ; and published a
declaration containing the basis of a free constitution. B«t the
authority of the King had now ceased to be respected. Ihe
1 National Assembly refused to accept from him as a boon, what
1 they were preparing to seize by force. Alarmed at this opposi-
tion, Louis commanded the nobles and the clergy to join the
I popular party, or Tiers-Etat, as a measure for conciliating the
i public mind. t.^. , „ „f
I The prime agent in this revolution was Mirabeau, a man ol
i an ambitious and turbulent spirit, who inflamed the Assembly
by his violent harangues. A demagogue from mterest, and o
' good abilities, though immoral in his character, he was resolved
I meetir. ' of
ited as to the
Necker, who
to prefer the
lar side ; and
ier, a double
which advice
Versailles on
s was twelve
rs-Etat, three
i clergy. The
rsg.) It was
J. The clergy
. The Tiers-
dcd the choice
entirely inex-
were imbued
I majority pro-
i the hope of
; or to satiate
, whether they
tory measures
s-Etat resolved
e King having
gcd their plac(
on to the Boy a I
until they hal
najority of the
tuous assembly,
emned the con-
md published a
iition. But the
espected. The
as a boon, what
d at this opposi-
■rgy to join the
conciliating the
a beau, a man of
(d the Assembly
interest, and of
he was resolved
PBBIUD IX. A. D. 1789 — 1816.
*o bu'ld 1 is fortune on the public troubles, and to prevent, by all
ipeans in his power, the first symptoms of a return to subordina-
tion and tranquillity. The Duke of Orleans supplied money
to corrupt the troops, and excite insurrections over all parts of
In the mean time, the King assembled an army at Versailles,
under the command of Marshal Broglio ; and btmishcd Necker
(July 11,) with whom he had some just reasons to be displeased.
This was the signal for a popular commotion. Paris was in a
state of the greatest fermentation. The press inflamed the pub.
lie mind. The people discussed in the open air those questions
which were agitated in the Assembly. A table served the pur-
pose of a rostrum ; and every citizen became an orator, who
harangued on the dangers of his country, and the necessity of
resistance. The mob forced the Bastille (July 14,) seized on the
depots of arms, mounted the tri-coloured cockade, which was the
distinctive banner of the city of Paris, and became that of the
apostles of the revolution. Bailly, the academician, was appoint-
ed mayor ; the citizens formed themselves into a National Guard,
under the command of the Marquis La Fayette. The King,
placed in so critical a situation, and surrounded with danger,
;'onsented to withdraw the troops collected in the capital and
the neighbourhood. He recalled M. Necker, (July 17,) and re-
paired to Paris to intimate his good intentions to the Assembly ;
declaring, that he identified himself with the nation, and relied
on the afTection and allegiance of his subjects.
The National Assembly had usurped the whole legif lative
power, and ui dertaken to draw up a new constitution. T deir
charter commenced with a Declaration of the Rights of Man.
Such was the ardour of their revolutionary enthusiasm, tha iJiey
abolished, without discussion, and at one nocturnal sitting, the
feudal regime, the rights and privileges of provinces and corpo-
rations, the tithes, and the greater part of the seignorial preroga-
tives. It was decreed (Aug. 4,) that the legislative power should
be exercised by a single chamber ; and that the King could not
refuse his sanction to these decrees longer than four years.
As the Revolution did not proceed with a rapidity equal to the
wishes of the Orleans faction, they took care to stir up new insur-
rections. The mob of Paris attacked Versailles (Oct. 6,) in-
vested the Chateau, committed the most horrible excesses, and
conducted the King and his family prisoners to Paris, where
they were followed by the National Assembly. These legisla-
tors decreed the spoliation of the clergy, by placing their benefices
at the disposal of the nation. They ordered the division of
France into eighty-three departments ; the sale of the crown-
lands, and ecclesiastical property ; the proceeds of which to be
pkdged for the redemption of tie paper money, which waa or-
Sered to be issued, under the name ofassignats ; the admission
Sr/ews to the rights of citizens; the prohibition of monasUc
vows • the ri-ht of the National Assembly to declare war. m
oTsequence of a proposition from the King ; a -" ar consU^^^
tion, which rendered the clergy jnJ^F"'!^"^"^*^,^^ ''\1ho!,';
church, and gave the people a right to nominate their bishops ,
5he Swon 5f the noblesse ; and the establishment of a tribunal
It Orleans for iudcring crimes of high treason against the nation
OccupTe'dwiih these decrees (1790-91,) the National Assem-
bly left Ihe King no authority to repress the crimes and excesses
wLch were multiplying every day within the kingdom nor d^d
thev adopt themselves any measures for putting a stop to them.
The King, indeed, according to the plan of their constitution,
was. To be Ihe depository and supreme head of the executive
power ; but he had been stripped of the means necessary to the
Eve exercise of any authority whatever. He had n«'ther
places to grant, nor favours to bestow. He was left without any
Kol o?er the inferior parts of the administraUon, smce^he
men who filled these posts were elected by the people. He was
not even allowed the pomp of a throne, or the splendour of a
crown The Assembly seemed to think it a part of their glory
to divest their monarch of his most valuable prerogatives. They
magTned that a monarchy could subsist when its authority was
reduced to a phantom ; that the throne could stand secure amidst
ZrZ of ranks ; exposed to all the waves of faction, and when
every sentiment of respect and affection was destroyed. Such
was^the la of royalt'v entertained by the French legisktoj^
By abolishing the graiations of society, they sapped the very
foundations of that frail ««* '"^^gi^^y.^^J'^^^.r^^'^l'^fltdt
modelled and fashioned according to their own ideas. Thousands
of noble families, finding their lives insecure, reso ved to abandon
the country. The King himself made an attempt to escape from
he capSy in which he was held. He did escape in disgu.se
lut wS reJognised, and arrested at Varennes ^y theNationd
Guard (June 25,) reconducted to Pans, and suspended from his
S ions. Monsieur, the King's brother, was more fortunate
He aJ^"ved at Brussels. The Count D'Arto.s, the younger
brother, had quitted France the year before.
The Orleans party undertook to compel the National As em-
bly to pronounce the'deposition of the King. A l"ge ^-'^^^^^^^^^
which had met in the Champs-de-Mars (July 17, 1791,) was dis
Trsed by an armed force, by order of Bailly, and commanded
Ey La Fayeue The mode-ate party in t^ie National Assembly
of which CO be
which was or-
the admission
on of monastic
declare war, in
iccular conslilu-
ihc head of the
their bishops ;
cnt of a tribunal
ainst the nation
National Assem-
ica and excesses
ingdom ; nor did
; a stop to them.
eir constitution,
jf the executive
necessary to the
He had neither
1 left without any
tration, since the
people. He was
[e splendour of a
art of their glor)'
rogatives. They
its authority was
md secure amidst
faction, and when
lestroyed. Such
rench legislators.
sapped the very
y which they had
deas. Thousands
solved to abandon
ipt to escape from
scape in disguise,
s by the National
ispended from his
is more fortunate.
tois, the younger
National Assem-
large assemblage,
17, 1791,) was dis-
and commanded
iationai Assembly
PBRIOD IX. A. D. 1789 — 1815.
had gained the ascendancy. The constitutional articles were
revised in some points, and digesttd into n systematic form.
The King accepted this new code fS^^pt. 13;) and tlieru was
every reason to believe tliat he was n.'dlved to carry it iiilo exe-
cution. The Constituent Assembly, altti having declared Avig-
non and Venaissin annexed to France, separated (Sept. 30,) to
make way for a Legislative As.seinbly.
The Royal brothers and most of tht; emigrants, havina- fixed
their residence at Coblentz, published addresses to all the Courts
of Europe, to solicit their assistiiiire in restoring the King, and
checking the revolutionary loriciit which threatened to inundate
Germany. The Princes of tlie Empire, who had possessions in
Alsace, found themselves aggrieved by the decrees of the Con-
stituent Assembly, in respect to those rights which had been
guaranteed to them on the faith of existing treaties. They ac-
cordingly claimed the intervention of the Emperor and the
Empire. The Electors of Mayence and Treves had permitted
the French noblesse to organize bodies of armed troops within
their estates. After the arrest of the King at Varennes, the
Emperor Leopold had addressed a circular to all his brother
Sovereigns, dated from Padua (July 6,) in which he invited them
to form an alliance for restoring the King's legitimate author-
ity in France. Accordingly, an alliance was concluded at
Vienna a few days after between Austria and Prussia, the object
of which was to compel France to maintain her treaties with the
neighbouring States. The two monarchs, who met at Pilnitz
(Aug. 27,) declared that they would employ the most efficacious
means for leaving the King of France at perfect liberty to lay
the foundation of monarchical government. But after Louis
had accepted the constitution of the Assembly, the Emperor
formally announced (Nov. 12,) that the co-operation of the con-
tracting powers was in consequence suspended.
In a moment of unreflecting liberality, the Constituent Assem-
bly had formerly declare
to force the King to sanction the decrees of the Assembly, and
recall the patriot ministers. The King saved his own life, and
that of his Queen, by repelling those factions demagogues with
firmness and courage. He constantly refused to grant what
they demanded of him by violence ; while the National Assem-
bly displayed the most shameful pusillanimity. They oven car-
ried their cowardice so far, as to replace Pethion and Manuel in
their functions, whom the King had suspended for having failed
to perform their duty.
rethion, and those v.'ho ruled at their pleasure the Sections
of Paris, where no royalist dared to appear, then demanded the
dethronement of the liing; and in order to compel the Assem-
bly to pronounce sentence against him, the conspirators publicly
organized a new insurrection. The populace rose in arms, and
attacked the Castle of the Tuileries (Aug. 10.) The King re-
fused the assistance of those faithful citizens who had flocked
round his person. Misled by unwise or perfidious counsels, he
repaired with his family to Paris ; and entering the National
Assembly, addressed them in these words : " Gentlemen, I am
come here to avoid the commission of a great crime. I shall
always consider myself and my family in safety when I am
among the representatives of the nation." The populace having
assailed the Castle, the faithful Swiss Guards defended it with
courage, and perished in the performance of their duty. The
greater part of those found in the Tuileries were massacred
by the rabble. The representatives of the nation, who were,
during this time, in a state of the greatest alarm, decreed, in
presence of the Sovereign, and on the proposal of Vergniaud,
that the King should be suspended, and a National Convention
Some days after, Louis, with his Queen, the Dauphin, Ma-
dame Royale, and Madame Elizabeth, the King's sister, were
imprisoned in the Temple, under a guard of the municipality of
Paris, composed of partisans of the Revolution. This munici-
pality, and the ministers appointed by the Assembly, exercised
a most tyrannical authority. The prisons were crowded with
priests and nobles. Danton, the Minister of Justice, and a most
violent revolutionist, entered into arrangements with the Com-
muve for the massacre of these innocent men. The cruel work
of butchery continued for three days without remorse (Sept. 2,
1 M
^"Trw;;';hadco.n.ncncod in the month "f April 1791. L-J
ner Roc unhand, and Lu Fayette commanded the French
s^i^t their "p-tthj:;s:;t:r=ofr::i.(^::.
trians had meridy acted on llu.aekn^.ve ^ ^^^^ ^^^
concluded at Berlu. (^eb. 7.) between 1 ^^ ^^^-^^^
the command of Ihe army , "^,. "y , *^ ,c„,„ on 1 which was
""T°„lS"I*laws and acts which ihc Convenlion publis^
i-RRiob IX. A. D. 1799 — IS 15.
to interp«»«e
It to the Tribu-
1 put to dniilh
the Legislative
ir the National
•il 1791. Luck-
ed the French
ss. The Aus-
le of an alliance
npcror and the
ssiana, to whicti
jf emigrants, all
uul an Austrian
e by way of the
ir gates to the
arrested by the
La Fayette in
•ss and the want
. 20,) which was
led army retired
siasts in France,
) The very day
yalty, on the pro-
:i proclaimed the
ceded it, this was
of the Girondists
on of order ; the
u continuing the
of contest which
but they assumed
lain purpose from
! Mountainists, as
1 the reproach of
'.ralkts, a reproach
in order to nave a
the Republic was
onvention publish-
France, would be
lid extravagances ;
I such of its opera-
, or produced any
to banish all enii-
grnnts for ever ; and to order those to bo put to death who should
return to their native country- Soon after, they made a tender
of ihrir nssislnnce to all subje'cn who niiu;hl be inclined to revolt
aganist their legitimate sovereigns; and in the countries which
were occupied by their own nrniies, they proclaimed tlie sover-
eignty of the people, and the abolilion «if iheestalilished authori-
ties. The moderate party, nr, more ]' operly speaking, the less
furiousparty of the Convention, were willing to spare the King'.s
life. This, however, was one reason for the Mduntainiitts to
5 lit him to death. The Convention accordingly decreed (Dec.
, 1792,) that a trial should bo instituted against Louis Capet,
as they called him ; and combining, in the most absurd manner,
the functions of accusers, judges, and legislators, they assumed
the right of pronouncing as to his culpability. Twice they com-
pelled him to appear at their bar (Dec. 11, 26,) where de Seze,
Malesherbes, and Tronchet undertook his defence. The de-
meanour of the King was full of candour and dignity. Of seven
hundred and twenty voters, six hundred and eighty-three de-
clared him guilty (Jan. 15, 1793.) Thirty-seven refused to vote
on different grounds, some of which were honourable ; but the
Assembly did not contain a single man who dared positively to
pronounce the innocence of their victim. Two only of those who
refused to vote, declared they did not think themselves entitled ,
to sit as judges of the King.
The minority in vain had flattered themselves that they might
rescue the King from death, provided they referred the punish-
ment to the nation itself. But in this they were disappointed.
Of seven hundred and eighteen voters, fourliundred and twenty-
four objected to the appeal to the people. Two hundred and
eighty-three admitted it ; and eleven had voted from interested
motives, which could not be sustained. Nothing now remained
hut to pronounce the punishment to be inflicted on the King.
Of seven hundred and twenty-one voters, three hundred and
sixty-one were for an unconditional sentence of immediate death,
and among these the Duke of Orleans, (Jan. 17.) The partisans
of Louis interposed, and appealed from this sentence to the na-
tion. In vain did the Girondists support this petition. Of six
hundred and ninety voters, three hundred and eighty decided
that his execution should take place within twenty-four hours.
Louis heard his sentence of death with composure and Chris-
tian resignation. He had already made his will, a monument
at once of his piety and the purity of his heart. He died the
death of a martyr (Jan. 21, 1793.) At the moment when the
executioner's axe was ready to strike, the Abbe Edgeworth, his
confessor, addressed him in these sublime words : — " Son of St.
It* I
... . -i
J . iT„..ini, "• The whole "mhabimuts of Paris, who
!;:r;,x"t:r ""\vi.b .":,: .0. , .- «... a ,no«n.
tat «iK»..o 'oii;.!''! iii 1I.0 nty. , . ,|^ conduct "^^ ',^ '^j Sdles (June 24 ;)
-^-T'r''Z^;Tv!i^^^^^^^-^^^ to exercise the
accordmg to wh cl t lie I '^"''''J'^ le.rislalive measures. After
sovereignty, •"''l/'^'''t'rno e wa« in t le ha,.ds of the Com-
U,e 2d "f J;;-;/ -.;;;^,f Xcl ^^^^^f "med in the Convention,
mittec ol l"H' r ^ r„r e L a popular assembly more
Danton, the cJucf of ' '^^^P, f ^J, ;^^ the most influ-
extravagant than ^e - b -^^-^^^^^^^^^^ by Robespierre,
ence for a tnt^e , 7\ '"^ . , , j,.„e had been adopted m the
The ConsUtut..n of \« f ^»;^^°' ^ m decreed that it should be
Primary Asb^^-^: /'^ «£ PJ^ Republic was in a state ol
suspended ^ug- -« •) ""^^ ^^^ ^,3 acknowledged.
nical and the -«f .-^^^"rj;^/*^ til Frances v^^^^^^^^ with
Robespierre was at the h^*^*^ «' "-^^j^-^^'^J '„",„ies were disper.-
revolutionary comm.tteej f J"^ "^'eU-afTected to pun-
ed every -hejej^raggu g^he weaj^th^^^^^^^
ishment. A law wun re^ui" r • p^sons with
the public edifices ^ « Pn o^^^^^^ ^^^ remedy the fa^l of the as-
vjctims de;ogd ^^des^cuon. ^^^^^^^^^^ ^^„^j ^e mar.
signals, the ^"""^^""f" „_\„mption : a measure which reduced
mum, on all articles "f ^o"f.""™P"2{I „ Qu^en. Maria Antoinette,
the country toa state 0^^^^^^^^^ brought to
was •^'^Xr. (O t 16 Many of the Girondist deputies vvere
:i:erd':n t& i^^^tr:^^ 7:^^
^^"^S:^::^ ^o^ody pitied
tsof Paris, who
in«. A mourn- j 1
conduct of the
A not check the
with which the
the ruin of the
liy 1 flruRfe'le of
I riiris (June a,)
une, unil by the
jdcd the victory.
fedcrahsin. The
title of Sam-cv-
le Reign of Ter-
hnn un assembly
oodwink and de-
robiilioii the plan
lelles (June ^4 ;)
re to exercise the
meiisures. After
unds of the Com-
i the Convention.
ar assembly more
id the most influ-
d by Robespierre.
len adopted in the
d that it should be
I was in a state ol
•nt, the most tyran-
)ry ever recorded,
ncc swarmed with
mies were dispers-
ell-afTected to pun-
ersons changed all
1 the prisons with
the fall of the as-
t. called the maxi-
jure which reduced
1. Maria Antoinette,
ml, and brought to
idist deputies were
le same fate. The
ct of execration to
7.) Nobody pitied
PKRIOD IX. A. V. 17b9 — iSli).
hiN fntp. Over nil tin- provinces of the kingdom the blood of
the innocent flowed in lorrenln.
The revoiulionints diil not stop here. To their political
cririiec they lulded iicis of impiily. They liegim liy iiliolishing
the (jrrcgorian caiciuhir and tin- Christian em, iirid Nul)>iituted
in its place the era of the iicpublic ; t,'. ii'l, 179:j.) Ueiienil Carteaux took
possi-.isiou of iMiirfieillo!*, with the iiNsiNtance of the populnco.
Toulon proclniined Louis XVII. (Auir, i»9,) and threw them
selves under the protection of AdrniniU Hood nnd Lnn^arn, who
were cruisinij otf their coast with the Kngli.^h tind Spanish fleets
Kellcrinan had onler.-: to he^ieije Lyons; a ta.«k which was
nfterward.s intru.sted to Doppet. This city surrendered after a
vitforous re.nistance (Oct. 9.) It hecaine the scene of the most
atrocious actions. Its finest huildini^s were entirely ruined nnd
demolished by order of the Convention. Carteaux took Toulon
by assault (Dec. 21.) It was during the siege of this place, that
a young officer distinguished himself by his (Courage, and after-
wards by his enthu.siasm for the Revolution. This youth was
Napoleon Bonaparte, a native of Ajnccio in Corsica.
The very same day on which the Convention met, the Duke
of Saxe-Teschen nt the head of the Austrian army, had com-
menced the siege of Lille ; but he was obliged to raise it in about
twenty days. The Legislative Assembly had declared war
against the King of Sardinia (Sept. 10, 1792.) General Mon-
tesquiou took possession of Savoy, nnd Anselm made himself
master of Nice. Some months niter, the Convention declared
these provinces to be annexed to France. While the allies were
retiring from Champagne, Custine took Mayence by n coup de
main (Oct. 21,) assisted, as it afterwards appeared, by treachery.
Dumouriez, with asuperior force, bent the Duke of Saxe-Teschen
ut Gemappe (Nov. 6,) and soon achieved the conquest of the
Belgic provinces. The Convention having declared war against
England and the Stadtholder of the Netherlands (Feb. 1, 1793,)
at) well as against Spain, a powerful coalition was formed against
them, of which England and Russia were the prime supporters ;
the one by her ammunitions, and the other by the subsidies which
she furnished. They were joined by all the Christian Sover-
eigns in Europe, with the exception of Denmark.
Dumouriez undertook the conquest of Holland, and penetra-
ted as far as Moerdyk : but he was obliged to abandon his ob-
ject in consequence of the defeat of Miranda who had laid siege
to Maestricht, by the Austrian army under the command of the
Duke of Saxe-Coburg. Dumouriez was himself defeated at
Nerwinden (March 18,) after which he retired towards the fron-
tier of France. Being determined to put an end to the tyranny
of the Convention, and to re-establish the constitution of 1791,
he concluded an armistice with the Austrinns, and delivered up
PBBioD IX. A. n. 1789—1816.
(•«•, nftPT the re
Murspillod, and
ion. Biirtlonux
Carti'ttiix look
tho populace,
ul threw them
il LniiKura, who
,; Spanish fleets
tank which was
renJere (1 after a
eno of tlie most
iroly ruined and
(lUX took Toulon
of this place, that
lurage, and after-
This youth was
jn met, the Duke
army, had com-
raise it in about
lad declared war
) General Mon-
dm made himself
nvention declared
lilo the allies were
encc by a coup de
ured, by treachery.
le conquest of the
jclared war against
nds (Feb. 1, 1793.)
was formed againsl
prime supporters ;
the subsidies which
16 Christian Sover-
)lland, and penetra-
to abandon his ob-
who had laid siege
;he command of the
himself defeated at
ed towards the fron-
1 end to the tyranny
onstitution of 1791,
18. and delivered up
to them the commissioners which 'lie Convention had sent to
deprive him of his office ; but Ihm army haviti),' rt-'fused to obey
him, he escuned to Tounuiy, where (Jenerul Clairfait then wa»..
The younjr Duke nf Chartres accompanied him in his flight.
During the rest of the campaign, success was divided In'tween
the two parties. The Austriuns, who were conquerors at Fi»-
mars (May 21,) took Conde, Valenciennes, and Quesnoy (July.)
The Duke of York, who con\iiianded tho English army, wa.'^
Deat by Houchard at Hondscote (Sept. 8.) Jourdun compelled
General Clairfait, by means of the battle of Wattignies, to raise
the siege of Maubeuge. On tho side of the Pyrenees, the Span-
ish generals, Kicardosand Venturu-Caro, gained several advan-
tages ; the former having taken Bcllegardc, CoUioure, and Port
Vendre. On the Rhine, the allies had the best of the campaign.
After an obstinate siege, Mayence surrendered to tho Prussians
(July 22,) who beat Moreau at Pirmasens (Sept. 14,) though
they failed in the siege of Landau. An army of tho allies,
80,000 strong, commanded by Wurmser and the Duke of Bruns-
wick, forced the lines at Wissemburg (Oct. 13,) and penetrated
nearly as far as Strasburg ; but General Pichegru, who had
taken the command of the French army, obliged Wurmser to
repass the Rhine (Dec. 30.) The Prussians maintained them-
selves on the left bank of that river, between Oppenheim and
In France, the revolutionists were divided into three parties.
The Committee of Public Safety, at the head of which was
Robespierre, supported by the club of Jacobins, governed with
an absolute power. Heoert, Chaumette, Anacharsis Clootz, a
native of Prussia, and the other members of the Commune of
Paris, formed a second party ; more violent than the first, but
contemptible from the character of the individuals who composed
it. The third, comprehended Danton, Desmoulins, Herault de
Sechelles, and others, who stood in awe of Robespierre, and
were terrified by the extravagant fury of these bandits. The
faction of the Commune was the first that was annihilated by
the temporary union of the other two parties (March 24, 1794.)
After that, Robespierre found little difficulty in sending Danton
and his friends to the scafTold (April 6 ;) but in a short time some
of the members of the Committee of Public Safety, and the re-
mains of the Girondist party, conspired against him. In order
to please the people, he abolished Oie worship of Reason (May
7,) and caused the Convention to proclaim the existence of a
Supreme Being (June 8 ;) he introduced a new religion, that of
Deism, of which he created himself high-priest.
The power of Robespierre was now in its apogee, and his
downfall approached. As the revolutionary tribunal was noi
sufficiently expeditious in despatching those whom he had mark-
ed out for destruction, he passed a decree (June 10,) by which
an unlimited authority was vested in that tribunal. This open-
ed the eyes of his enemies in the Convention ; and, not doubt-
ing that they were doomed to death, they conspired the ruin of
the tyrant. T allien and Billaud Varennes were the first that
attacked him before the tribunal. Having repeatedly attempted
to defend himself, he was prevented by the voice of the Assem-
bly, crying, " Down with the tyrant !" At length, repulsed and
dispirited, he allowed himself to be arrested. Having found
means, however, to escape from the fjuard, he saved himself in
the midst of the Commune, which was composed of those who
had adhered to him after the fall of Hebert. Both sides took to
arms; Robespierre and his faction were outlawed, but they
showed little courage. Finding themselves undone, they en-
deavoured to escape the swords of the enemy, by despatching
themselves. Robespierre attempted self-destruction, but he only
broke his jaw-bone with a pistol shot. He was executed, with
twenty-one of his accomplices (July 28, 1794.) Eighty-three
others met the same fate in course of the two following days;
fi jm that time the reign of terror was at an end, and thousands
of innocent persons were liberated from the prisons. His do-
minion, however, was not yet discontinued ; and the career of
this Convention, from its beginning to its dissolution, was mark-
ed by a series of cruelties and oppressions.
The campaign of 1794 was triumphant for the French arms.
Pichegru commanded the army of the North, and Jourdan that
of the Sambre and the Meuse. The Duke of Coburg had at
first the command of the Austrian army ; but towards the end
of the campaign, he transferred it to Clairfait. The King of
Prussia, become disgusted with the war, had threatened to with-
draw his grand army from the Rhine, and to leave only his con-
tingent as a prince of the Empire, and the 20,000 men which
he was bound to furnish Austria, in virtue of the alliance of
1792. But England and Holland being engaged, by a conven-
tion signed at the Hague, to furnish him with supplies, hepro-
mised to retain 62,400 men under arms against France. Tney
were under the command of Field-Marshal Mellendorff. The
taking of Charleroi by Jourdan, and the battle of Fleurus, which
he gained over the Duke of Coburg (June 26,) decided the fate
of the Netherlands. After some movements in conjunction with
the army of the Upper Rhine, under the command of the Duke
of Saxc-Teschen, — movements which had but little success, from
the want of agreement among the gfenorais. — Clairfait. at the
tribunal was noi
lotn he had mark-
ine 10,) bjr which
unal. This open-
; and, not douht-
ispired the ruin of
rere the first that
peatedly attempted
oice of the Assem-
igth, repulsed and
d. Having found
e saved himself in
losed of those who
Both sides took to
jutlawed, but they
;s undone, they en-
my, by despatching
truction, but he only
was executed, with
'94.) Eighty-three
two following days ;
end, and thousands
le prisons. His do-
; and the career of
ssolution, was mark-
for the French arms,
th, and Jourdan that
ke of Coburg had at
but towards the end
irfait. The King of
id threatened to with-
to leave only his con-
le 20,000 men which
tuc of the alliance of
ngaged, by a conven-
with supplies, hepro-
rainst France. Tney
lal MellendorfT. The
ttle of Flcurus, which
3 26,) decided the fate
Its in conjunction with
command of the Duke
1 but little success, from
rals.— Clairfait. at the
PERIOD IX. A. D. 1789 — 1815.
h»!ad of the Austrian army, retired, about the end of the year, on
the right bank of the Rhine, followed by MellendorfT, whom the
French had never been able to bring into action.
The army of the Pyrenees, under the command of Dugom-
oiier, gained a splendid victory at Ceret over General La Union
vApril 30,) and retook Bellegarde. The two generals of the
army were slain at Monte-Nero, where, after a battle of three
days, the Spaniards were repulsed by Perignon (Nov. 27.) The
French took Figuieres (Feb. 4,) and Roses about cwo month»
after. The western army of the Pyreneec, under the command
of MuUer, entered Spain, took Fontarabia and St. Sebastian
(Aug. 1, 11,) beat the Spaniards at Pampeluna (Nov. 8,) and
spread terror to the very gates of Madrid. After the reduction
of Toulon, the English fleet, under Admiral Howe, being invited
into Corsica by Paoli, took possession of that island (June 18,)
which submitted to Britain as an independent kingdom. The
French fleet, under Admiral Villaret Joyeuse, was defeated off
Ushant by Admiral Howe (Jun« 1.) Most of the French colo-
nies had already fallen into the power of the English.
General Pichegru, favoured by the rigour of winter, and the
intrigues of the party opposed to the Ho ;se of Orange, had
made himself master, almost without striking a blow, of the
United Provinces of the Netherlands (Jan. 1795,) where the
Patriots had re-established the ancient constitution, such as it had
been before the year 1788 ; the office of Stadtholder being again
abolished, as the Prince of Orange, after being deprived of all
his functions, had fled to England. France concluded a treaty
with this Republic at the Hague (May 16,) where the indepen-
dence of the latter was formally acknowledged. She entered
also into an alliance against England ; paid one hundred mil-
lions of florins ; and ceded a part of her territory. It was at
this time (June 8, 1795,) that the royal Infant Louis XVII., only
son oi Louis XVI., died in the Temple, in consequence of the
bad treatment which he had endured incessantly for nearly
three years. His uncle, who had assumed the title of Regent
about the beginning of 1793, succeeded him in his right to the
throne. That Prince, who then resided at Verona, took the
title of Louis XVIII.
After the battles of Mans and Savenay, and th' taking of Noir-
moutier, the Vendeans had found themselves grtatly exhausted
But at the time of which we now speak, they formed themselves
into bands of insurgents in Brittany and Normandy, under the
name of Ckovans. After the death of Larochejacquelin, Cha-
rette and Sapineau concluded a peace with the Convention at
Tausnaie (Feb. 17, 1795.) Cormartin, the leader of the Chouans,
„ f ■ ' ,
;t >■ -i
i 1 1 '(
did the same at Mabilais ; but, a few weeks after, the Conven-
tion caused hitn to be arrested and shot, with seven other chiefs.
This was the signal for a new insurrection. The English go-
vernment at length resolved to send assistance to the Royalists.
A body of emigrants and French prisoners of war were landed
in the Bay of Quiberon (June 18.) But the whole of the expe-
dition was badly managed, and had a most disastrous result.
General Hoche attacked the troops on their debarkation. Tbo
greater part might have saved themselves on board the vessels ;
but the Marquis de Sombreuil, and five hiindred and sixty young
men of the best families, were taken and shot by order of Tal-
lien (June 21,) in spite of the opposition of General Hoche, who
declared that he had promised to spare their lives.
In the National Convention, two parties were contending foi
the superiority ; the Thermidorians or Moderates, and the Ter-
rorists. The inhabitants of Paris, reduced to de.spair by the
dearth which the waximum had caused, and instigated by the
Jacobins, had several times revolted, especially on the days of
the 12th Germinal (April 1,) and the 1st Prairial (May 20.)
The moderate party, strengthened by the accession of many of
the deputies proscribed since the 2d June 1793, gained the vie
tory ; and purged the Convention, by banishing or putting to
death the most execrable of the Terrorists. They even concili-
ated, in some respects, the opinion of the public, by drawing up
a new constitution (June 23,) \vhich might appear wise and ju-
dicious compared with the maxims which had been disseminated
for several years. Its fundamental elements were a Legislative
Body, composed of two elective chambers ; one of which was
to have the originating of the laws, and the other, composed of
men of judgment and experience, was to be invested with a
veto. The executive power was to be lodged in the hands of a
Council of five persons, clothed with an authority greater than
that which the Constitution of 1791 had given to the King.
The Convention passed several other laws, which indicated a
desire to return to the principles of morality. They also resolved
to exchange Madame Royale, the only remains of the family of
Louis XVI., for the deputies delivered up by Dumouriez. Bui
they lost again the iflTections of the people, by their laws of the
6th and 13th F-uctidor of the year Three, (Aug. 22, & 30,
1795.) Premo'iished by the fault which the Constituent As-
sembly had committed, in prohibiting its members from entering
into the Legislative Body, and wishmg, at the same time, tc s-
cape punishment for the many crimes they had committed, they
ordained that two-thirds of the members then composing the
Convention, should, of necessity, become a part of the new Le-
PEHIOD IX. A. D. 1789 — 1816.
after, the Conven-
seven other chiefs.
The English go-
ce to the Royalists.
if war were landed
whole of the expe-
disastrous resuU.
. debarkation. Tbo
n board the vessels ;
Ired and sixty young
lot by order of Tal-
General Hoche, who
ir lives.
were contending foi
lerates, and the Ter-
;d to despair by the
and instigated by the
icially on the days of
it Prairial (May 20.)
accession of many of
1793, gained the vie
nishing or putting to
. They even concili-
public, by drawing up
It appear wise and ju-
had been disseminated
nts were a Legislative
3 ; one of which was
he other, composed of
to be invested with a
Iged in the hands of a
authority greater than
id given to the King,
iws, which indicated a
ly. They also resolved
jmains o"f the family of
p by Dumouriez. But
e, by their laws of the
rhree, (Aug. 22, & 30,
;h the Constituent As-
niembers from entering
at the same time, tc s-
ey had committed, they
irs then composing the
! a part of the new Le-
gislation ; and that if the Primary Assemblies did not re-appoint
five hundred of the ex-conventional deputies, the newly elected
members should themselves complete the quota, by adding a
sufficier number of their ancient colleagues.
The New Constitution had been submitted for the approba-
tion of the people, which they doubted not it would receive, as it
was to deliver France from the revolutionary faction. The Con-
vention took advantage of this disposition of the people, to cor..-
pel the Sections likewise to accept the two decrees, by declar-
ing them an integral part of the Constitution. But this attempt
was the occasion of new troubles. The Sections of Paris wished
to vote separately on the Constitution, and on the decrees which,
in that case, would have been rejected over all France; the
moderate party of the Convention, if we can honour them with
that name, joined with the Terrorists. Perceiving the storm to
be gathering, they now sought assistance and support from the
troops whose camp was pitched under the walls of Paris. They
armed a large body of men, at the head of which was Bona-
parte, who gained a sanguinary victory over the Parisians, on
the 13th Vendemiaire, in the year Three (October 5th, 1795.)
The desire to restore the Bourbons had been the secret motive
with the chiefs of the insurrection.
A new Legislative Body assembled, which might be regarded
as a continuation of the Convention ; so long at least as the five
hundred deputies of the Convention were not excluded, who sat
in consequence of the annual renewals of one-third of its mem-
bers. The Executive Directory, appointed by the Council of
the Ancients from a hst presented by the Council of Five Hun-
dred, consisted of Lareveillere-Lepeaux, Rewbel, Barras, Le
Tourneur, and Carn6t, who had replaced Sieyes, — this member
having declined to make one of the Directory — the whole five
being Regicides. The forms of Terrorism were mitigated in
some respects, but the morals of the administration gained no-
thing by the change. The reign of the Directory was an era of
corruption and dissoluteness, whose effects were long felt. An
Unbounded avarice seized the nation, and the Directory encour-
aged and fed that shameful passion, by lending itself to the
most infamous traffic. Men coveted the nobility of riches,
rather than that of honour and birth.
The Directory had to struggle against two inconveniences ;
the one was the spirit of rebellion, which induced the Terrorists
to form a I'onspiracy among themselves, — such as that of Druet
and Babeuf (Mny 10, 1796,) and that which is known by the
name of the Conspiracy of the Camp at Grenoble (Sept. 9.)
The other inconvenience was still more serious, namely, the
I S.t^
^Srmirp'riv "V neffecmal. .he ...igna.s ™re reptaced
t"Sl:o„'';Ll°~d.h., U ».u.dhe found n--y
then »e':ame ■ •; ^ ^^^^^ accustomed to pay.
'ThTEtcudve oTreSory had succeeded in puttingan end to
thPwL in La Vendee. This success was owing to the firmness
%teS.ral"^^^^^^ a third of the members of the
two eg\l ve councils, the moderate party gamed the ascend
ancv On M. Berthelemy's being appointed to the Directory,
here aro"e a schism between LareveiUere-Lepeaux, Rewbel and
Barras who were called the Triumvirs, and Carndt and Ber-
fhelmayrwho were inclined for peace, and for p77g,7^^"^^°
therea ures of the Kevolution. The triumvirate lost the ma-
oritv ia the Council, where Pichegru had put himbelf at the
Dof the moderate party, who hoped to restore the monarchy.
R^yil 4' aS£ by'^^^ of W press -hich France^t en
erioved, had made such progress as frightened the triumvirs
Thev thought themselves sure of the army, so easy to be sedu-
red when thev are allowed to deliberate ; and especially of Bo-
naparte They hen performed the exploit, which ,s known by
?he name of the Revolution of the 18th Fruct.dor (Sept. 4^
Si; and he moderate kws, issued three months befo^.
were superseded by revolutionary measures. The au hors, ed-
■. „n,1 nrinters of rovalist or moderate Journals, were a so
itity of assigtiats
',000 francs. To
)0,000 in specie.
Its vere replaced
; and finally by
the former after
ere put into effec-
! found necessary
The State thus
ions of francs. It
system of regular
omed to pay.
putting an end to
ing to the firmness
was betrayed, and
ho had fallen into
ime fate at Nantes
[March 29.) The
Generals, signed a
idal, the leader of
le members of the
gained the ascend-
d to the Directory,
peaux, Rewbel, and
I Carn6t and Ber-
ir putting an end to
ivirate lost the ma-
put himself at the
store the monarchy,
which France then
sned the triumvirs,
so easy to be sedu-
id especially of Bo-
which is known by
?"ructidor (Sept. 4.)
erthelemy and Car-
l such of them aa
!erts of Sinamari in
two Councils were
iree months before,
The authors, ed-
Journais, were also
olished, and contin-
Merlin, n la-vjer of
r&'iffiriwr'r- ,
PEIIIOD IX. A. D. 1789 — 1815.
Douay, was appointed to the place of one of the exiled Direc-
tors, and the poet Francois, a native of Neuch&teau in Lorrain, to
that of another.
Here, it will be proper to take a retrospect of the events of the
war. The Grand Duke of Tuscany was the first th^it set the
example of a reconciliation with France, which wi- signed at
Paris, (Feb. 9, 1795.) The King of Prussia, whf.j finances
were exhausted, entered into a negotiation with Berthelemejr,
the Republican ambassador, which was concluded at Basle by
Baron Hardenberg, (April 5.) Prussia not only abandoned the
coalition ; she even guaranteed the neutrality of the North of
Germany, according to a line of demarcation which was fixed
by a special convention, (May 17.) The Landgrave of Hesse
Cassel likewise made peace at Basle, (Aug. 28th.)
The retreat of the Prussians oa the one hand, and the scar-
city which prevailed in France on the other, had retarded the
qpening of the campaign of 1795. Field Marshal Bender hav-
: ; ; '1
«»1 3
ii, ;
tories which he gained at Montenotte, Deco, Millesimo, Ceva,
and Mondovi, over the Austrian General Beaulieux, and the
Sardinian General Colli, he obliged the King of Sardinia to
sign a truce at Cherasco, (April 28,) by which he surrendered
up three fortresses. Bonaparte passed the Po at Placentia ;
granted a truce on very disadvantageous terms to the Duke of
Parma ; and forced the passage of the Bridge of Lodi, (May
9.) The fate of Lombardy was decided. Cremona and Piz-
zighitone opened their gates to the conqueror, (May 14,) who
soon made his entry into Milan. The Duke of Modena obtain-
ed a suspension of arms. The King of Sardinia agreed to sign
a peace at Paris, by which he surrendered Savoy and the dis-
trict of Nice. The terror of the French arms was so great,
that the King of Naples promised to remain neutral, by a con-
vention which he concluded at Brescia (June 6.) The Pope
also obtained neutrality, by the armistice of Bologna, (June 28,)
but on conditions exceeding "y severe. Though the war had
ceased in Tuscany, a body of French troops occupied Leghorn,
(June 28,) to seize the English merchandise in that port.
The Court of Vienna was resolved to make every effort to
save Mantua, the only place which remained to them in Italy.
At th^ head of 50,000 fresh troops, Wurmser marched from the
Tyrol, broke the French lines on the Adige, (July 31,) and com-
pelled Bonaparte to raise the siege of Mantua. The latter
General encountered the Austrians, and beat them al Castig-
lione ; without however, being able to prevent Wurmser from
throwing fresh supplies into Mantua. This place was invested
a second time ; and a second time the Austrian army marched
to its relief. While Bonaparte was engaged with Davidovitch
at Roveredo, (Sept. 4,) and Massena pushing on as far as Trent,
Wurmser marched in all haste towards Mantua. Bonaparte
suddenly directed his course against him, vanquished him in
several battles, and compelled him to throw himself, with th'3
wreck of his army into the fortress (Sept. 15.) After this
event, the King of the Two Sicilies, and the Duke of Parma,
signed a definitive neace at Paris ; and the Republic of Genoa
concluded a treaty, (Oct. 9,) by which it retained at least the
appearance of indtpendence. Austria tried a third time to
relieve Mantua. Two armies under the command of Alvinzi
and Daviii'^vitch marched, the one from Friuli, and the other
from the Tyrol. The former was encountered by Bonaparte,
who defeated them in a sanguinary iction at Arcole, (Nov. 17.)
Immediately he directed his march aj^ainst the other, and beat
them at Rivoli, (Nov. 21.)
While matters were thus passing in Italy, the army of the
illesimo, Ceva,
ulieux, and the
of Sardinia to
he surrendered
o at Placentia;
to the Duke of
of Lodi, (May
cmona and Piz-
, (May 14,) who
f Modena obtain-
lia agreed to sign
voy and the dis-
is was so great,
leutral, by a con-
; 6.) The Pope
tlogna, (June 28,)
igh the war had
ccupied Leghorn,
1 that port.
ie every effort to
to them in Italy.
marched from the
Fuly 31,) and com-
ntua. The latter
it them at Castig-
it Wurmser from
place was invested
in army marched
with Davidovitch
JR as far as Trent,
mtua. Bonaparte
anquished him in
himself, with the
15.) After this
Duke of Parma,
lepublic of Genoa
tained at least the
I a third time to
nimand of Alvinzi
uli, and the other
red by Bonaparte,
Arcole, (Nov. 17.)
lie other, and beat
', the army of the
PERIOD IX. A. D. 1789 1815.
Sambre and Mouse, commanded by Jourdan, had sevi,,il en-
gagements with the Archduke-Charles, brother of the Emperor,
on ilie Sieg and the Lahn. Morcau, at the head of the army of
the Rhine and Moselle, passed the Rhine at Strasburg, and gained
several advantages over the army which Wurmser hail com-
manded at the beginning of the campaign ; he concluded truces
with the Duke of Wurtembcrg, the Margrave of Baden, and the
Circle of Swabia, who supplied him with money and provisions,
(July,) and penetrated into Bavaria, the Elector of which was also
obliged to submit to very rigorous conditions, (Sept. 7,) to obtain
a suspension of arnis. Jourdan, on his side, having also passed
the Rhine, marched through Franconia, as far as iho Upper
Palatinate. The iichduke-Charles, who, since the departure of
Wurmser for Ita'.y, had been at the head of all the Austrian
armies in Germany, retired before so great a superiority of num-
bers, and drew near to the quarter whence he expected the ar-
rival of reinforcements. He immediately fell on the undis-
ciplined army of Jourdan, defeated them at Aniberg,(Aug. 24,)
and Wurtsburg, (Sept. 3;) and put them so completely to the
rout, that tiiey were obliged to repass the Rhine (Sept. 19.) This
disaster compelled Moreau to make his retreat ; in effecting
which, he displayed the talents of a great general. After a
number of engagements, in which he was more frequently the
conqueror than conquered, he brought back his army to Hunin-
fen, (Oct. 26,) where they passed the Rhine. That fortress and
[ehl were the only points on the right bank of the Rhine which
remained in the possession of the French.
The Cabinet of London, finding that Spain had declared war
against her (Aug. 19,) according to the treaty of St. Ildefonso
which allied her strictly with France ; and moreover, seeing
Ireland threatened with an invasion, ordered the British troops
to evacuate the island of Corsica, (Oct. 21,) of which the French
took possession. Lord Malmesbury was sent to Lille to nego-
tiate a peace (Oct. 24,) which he was not able to obtain, because
the conditions were not agreeable to the three Directors who
formed the majority. The attempts which the French made to
land in Ireland (Dec. 22,) under Admiral Morard de Galles, and
General Hoche, proved unsuccessful.
In 1797, the Austrians made a fourth attempt to save Man-
tua. Alvinzi arrived with 80,000 men ; but after several bloody
engagements, this army was dispersed, and old Wunnser was
compelled to surrender Mantua by capitulation (Feb. 2.) Bo-
naparte, who had broken his truce with the Pope, invaded the
Ecclesiastical States ; but being menaced in the rear by a new
Austrian army, he again made peace with his Holiness at To-
* '; >
luntino (Feb. 19.) The Pope, besides renouncing Avignon i\nd
the Venaissin, ceded also Fcrrara, Bologna and Komagnn. The
new Austrian army in Italy was commanded by the Archduke-
Charles ; but not being able to cope with that of Bonaparte in
pitched battle, the Archduke retired through the Tyrol and Curin-
thia into Stiria, where he was followed by the French General.
This precipitate march threw the French army into a situation
highly perilous; since, besides the want of provisions, they were
menaced in the rear by an insurrection of the Tyrol, and the
arms of the Venetian Republic. Bonaparte then offered peace,
which was accepted by the Cabinet of Vienna, and signed at
Leoben (April 18, 1797,) the same day that Heche passed the
Rhine at Neuwied ; and two days after Moreau had passed that
river at Strasburg.
The preliminaries at Leoben were honourable for Austria.
She renounced, it is true, Belgium and all her possessions in
Italy, as far as the Oglio ; but she was indemnified by a con-
siderable part of the Venetian territory, as well as by Istria and
Dalmatia ; for which the Republic were to receive Bologna,
Ferrara and Romagna ; Peschiera and Mantua were to be sur-
rendered to the Emperor. France recognised the principle, that
the integrality of the Empire was to be the basis of a pacifica-
tion with the Germanic Body. Immediately after the peace ol
Leoben, Bonaparte, without having received orders, overturned
the Venetian Republic, and caused his troops to occupy that
city (May 16.) He united the provinces of Lombardy which
Austria had ceded, into a Republic, on the model of that oi
France (June 29;) and this new State was called the Cisalpine
Republic. He obliged the Genoese to change their government,
and toconstitute themselves into the Ligurian Republic (June 6.)
The negotiations for a definitive peace were long in coming
to a conclusion. Bonaparte regretted having promised the
restitution of Mantua ; and the three Jacobin members of the
Directory, who were displeased with the terms on which the
peace with Germany was to be founded, began to intrigue for
the cession of the left bank of the Rhine ; and with this view,
to protract the conclusion of the peace, until the Revolution of
the 18th Fructidor should gain their party the asseiulancy. The
negotiations with Lord Malmesbury were immediately broken
off; and Bonaparte threatened to resume hostilities, unless
Austria would accept the conditions dictated by the New Di-
rectory. Peace was at length concluded at Cainpo Formio near
Udina, (Oct. 17,) by Buonaparte, and Count Louis de Cobenal.
The two parties divided between them, it is said, the whole ter-
ritory of the Republic of Venice ; so that the Adige should be
ig Avignon nnd
'lomugna. The
the Archduke-
}f Bonaparte in
fyroland Carin-
rench General.
into a situation
sions, they were
Tyrol, and the
in offered peace,
and signed at
xhe passed the
had passed that
ble for Austria,
possessions in
nified by a con-
as by Istria and
eceive Bologna,
were to be sur-
le principle, that
sis of a pacifica-
'ter the peace ol
rders, overturned
s to occupy that
ionibardy which
model of that ol
ed the Cisalpine
leir government,
cpublic (June 6.)
long in coming
g promised the
members of the
s on which the
to intrigue for
with this view,
le Revolution of
ssendancy. The
lediately broken
ostilitics, unless
ly the New Di-
ipo Formio near
uis de Cobenzl.
1, the whole ter-
kdige should be
PERIOD IX. A. I). 1781) — 1815.
ihe frontier on the Continent of Italy, while tin- Venetian Is-
lands, on thtj coast of Albania and Turkey, should belong to
France. Austrian Lonibardy, with Peschiera and Mantua, the
Modenois, and the Venetian territory to the west of the Adige,
and the three Leijutincs of Bologna, Ferrara, nnd Roningna,
were to form the Cisalpine Republic. A Congress for a treaty
of peace with the Empire was to be opened at Rasladt. By
certain secret articles, the Emperor consented eventually to the
perpetual and complete cession of the left bank of the Rhine ;
and stipulated for him.self the possession of Salzburg, in case of
a partial cession ; and greater advantages, provided the whole
left bank of the Rhine were abandoned to France. The States
of Germany, who might suffer loss by the partial or total cession
of the left bank of the Rhine, were to receive indemnification
in Germany, as was expressed in the treaty. A compensation
was to be allowed to the Prince of Orange ; but this was not
to take place in the neiffhbourhood of the Batuvian Republic,
nor in that of the Austrian posscss^ions. Prus.sia was to pre
serve hei provinces on the left bank of the Rhine ; but she was
to claim no new acquisitions in Germany.
The Directory were not eipially satished with all the articles
of this treaty; bat they durst not disavow the negotiator, who
had assisted in accomplisbin? the Revolution of the 18th Fruc-
tidor. The French government were displeased with the in-
crease of power granted to Austria, and especially with the
dismemberment of Bavaria, which Rewbol,who piqued himself
on his political abilities, regarded with reason as contrary to the
interests of France. Moreover, the articles relative to Prussia
and the Prince of Orange were in direct opposition to the Con-
vention of Berlin, (1794,) which was the basis of the existing
unanimity between Prussia and France. By that Convention
the Bishopric of Munster was made over to the King, by way of
reimbursement for his possessions beyond the Rhine ; while the
House of Orange was to have Wurtzburg and Bamberg. These
circumstances obliged the Directory to conceal from the Court of
Berlin the secret articles of the treaty of Campo Formio ; and
this constraint greatly embarrassed them, by the mistrust which
it excited on the part of Prussia.
General Bonaparte, with Trielhard and Bonnier, members
Df the Convention, were appointed to negotiate at Rastadt with
the deputation of the Empire. Bonaparte made only a short stay
(here, to sign a secret convention with Count Louis de Cobenzl,
(Dec. 1 ;) according to which Mayence was to be restored to the
(ruops of the French Republic, in fulfilment of what had been
resolved on at Campo Formio. The object which the French
I .
i "I
n.-otittt.rs proposoa. was to obtnm the entire ''c^''"" " ^^f
left bunk of the Rhino, free from all charges ; and to obtain ,t
V ho u boinir ..bliR,Hl to p.ir.lK,«e it at the price which Bona-
pa te had pro^nis..! to Austria. The means tor attammff the
Sect veUlo seaiie tlie consent of the majority of the deputa-
"ion mid the agroemeiit of I'n.ssia, and then to prevail with
Ihe la ir to object to ihe dimnembernK-nt of Bavar.a-a measure
which would compel France to reveal the secret negotiations
at Camno Forinio. The first proposition on which these mm-
isters (lemanded the cession of the whole left bank of the
E e became the subject of a tedious negotiation, RH«"'ile Kr
nronolc'l aTd thwarted by a thousand intrigues. At lenglfi
h" deputation admitted itW-h ^f •) ^"V^TrS U.en
which the ministers were determined to reject. The latter then
proposed as a second basis, the idemnification of the princes in
possession of the left bank of the Rhine ; which was adopted
^without much difficultv ^!iarch 15.) The third d~\ ^
ferred to the manner of" carrying the fundamental articles in o
execution. On this ground the French advanced a multitude
of pretensions, each more unjust and more ridiculous than the
"'until then the negotiations, in all probability, w-re serious
on the part of Austria and France ; as the former, supported by
r"i sia,\oped to obtain the consent of Prussia to the dismem-
be r^ent of Bavaria ; while France, on her side, vainly antici-
pated a sUcfallLc; with the Cabinet of Berlin, which would
Save e^mbled lh< Directory to have dictated its own conditions
of neae B. .towards iL middle of the year, war had be-
come inevitable, in consequence of the numerous aggressions
which the Executive Directory had committed in difTerent coun-
tries To them war had become necessary to occupy their ar-
m'es. The continuation of the Congress at Rastadt, therefore,
served m.>relv to gain time to prepare for hostilities 1 the
C"urt of '/ieina had flattered themselves, that the Cisalpine
Republic would form an independent State.they were undeceived
?;^he treaty of alliance with France which t^at Republic was
otliged to accept, in spite of the determined refusal »[. tl\« C^oun-
cil of Ancients. It was, in reality, a treaty of subjection by
which, among other articles, it was stipulated that here should
always be 25,000 French troops in the Cisalpine States, tor the
support of which they should pay eighteen millions per annum.
A tumult having happened at Rome, •" wh'ch .°ne of the
French generals was killed, the Directory made Uiis a pretext
for invading the Ecclesiastical States. General Berthier pro-
ckimed thf Roman Fepublic (Feb. 15, 179S;) and Pope ^us
cession of ihe
d to obtain it
whicli Bonn-
fUtnininp the
of the (lepnta-
[o prevail with
ia — a measure
t negotiations
ich these min-
"t bank of the
ion, ttltornatel
■s. At lenf^lli
Icr restrictions
The latter then
the princes in
h was adopted
rd demand re-
articles into
red a multitude
ulous than the
y, •.V'^re serious
3r, supported by
to the dismem-
le, vainly antici-
n, which would
own conditions
ir, war had be-
ous aggressions
1 different coun-
)ccupy their ar-
stadt, therefore,
3tilities. If the
it the Cisalpine
vere undeceived
it Republic was
sal of the Coun-
f subjection, by
lat there should
e States, for the
ons per annum,
lich one of the
le this a pretext
il Berth ier uro-
and Pope Pius
ya^iii. But in order to obtiiiii n tiiiituul
co-oj'prnlion, it was iiccoHsiiry to begin by Liablishiriff mutiinl
ronndi.'iirf. 'J'hi.s was irnpnssiblo, us ciich of tlic f'lbincM? iuid iti
yvni ^l(■(•r('t, whicli it would not commiiiiicnto to " ■ f !i"r. Piu*"
sia had her own treiity of tlie If^t of August 179<, , , d A\w ■■<
iu>T SLcrot nrtii'ics of Cnmno Forinio. The circuinsijini'i' \vh: h
dntorinined the Emporor I'liul to takr a part in the war o 'unst
Franco, was the indignation «liic! he felt at the 8poliuii.or> of
the Knights of Malta, whom lie liad taken under his protection,
and afterwards accepted tlie oflice of Grand Master of the Order
This coalition was formed by tren'ie* of alliance between the
several parlies respectively. HnssiaagTi d to send an army of
60,000 men, under Suwarow, tothe Daiiiilie, and to furnish Prus-
sia with 45,000, to bo paid by Great Britain.
After the revolution of the ISih Fructidi)., t)ic Execuli\c Di-
rectory of the French Republic bad to strugj^de against the gene-
ral discontent, as well as ag.viist tli*- disorderel -late of the
finances, and the intrigues of liic Jacobms, whose tiflucnce they
had imprudently augtnented, hoping, by their means, to annil.i-
latc the party of the op|)o.vilioii. That faction would infallibly
have aflecled a counter-revolution in France, had not the Direc-
tory, by a stretch of arbitrary power, annulled the elections of
1798. The want of funds, which was always growing worse,
had retarded the renewal of the war ; but w:;en it broko out, the
Directory adopted a measure which we ought not to pass in si-
lence, as it has exercised a lasting influence on nil the States o(
Europe, who were obliged to follow the example. We allude to
the law which introduced the military conscription (Sept. 5, 1798,)
and M hich was the work of General Jourdan.
Th( Coalition was not yet consolidated, and Austria had not
yet fin died her preparations for war, when the King of the Two
Siciliet, instigated by a party who wished to urge the Cabinet of
Vienna to greater despatch, commenced hostilities, by expelling
the French from Rome (Nov, 24.) That enterprise failed of
success. The Neapolitan troops, who were commanded by a
foreigner. General Baron de Mack, showed neither disciplme
nor courage. After this first repulse, the King took shelter in
Sicily. His capital became a prey to the most frightful anarchy.
Mack, to save his life, deserted to the enemy. The Lazzaroni
defended Naples against the French army, and it was not till
after a battle of three days, that Championnet, who was at theii
head, succeeded in getting possession of tjie city ; after which he
IJcrlin, tit liru b«-
dtr the mediation
(I nbtaiii n iniauitl
al)lisliin(T Miuiunl
' (^ibincii? hud it"*
> ■Vii- '.:i]u:\: PlD"'-
rtX., , d Aus!' =•
rcuins'»rn"i! wh;' i'
n the war o 'iinst
t the spoliiil'oi* o!
Jcr his prolection,
iKlcr of the Order
iancc between the
) !»end an army of
id to furnish Prus-
the Executive Di-
np:ainst the gene-
Icreii =late of the
|5o ""^^ llln^^
I Ui 1120
|i-25 11.4 ill.6
WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580
(716) 872-4503
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Collection de
Canadian Institute for Historical Microreproductions / Institut Canadian de microreproductions historiques
PERIOD IX. A. D. 1789 — 1815.
proclaimed the Parthenopeaii Republic (Jan. 25.) General Jou-
bert took possession of Turin ; and when the new campaign
opened, the whole of Italy was in the hands of the French.
The Executive Directory made these hostile preparations of
the King of the Two Sicilies a pretext for declaring war against
the King of Sardinia (Dec. 6, 179S,) who was in alliance \yith
France. General Joubeit having already advanced into Pied-
mont, Charles Emanuel I /. signed an act, drawn up by General
Clauzel, by which he renounced the exercise of all power, and
commanded his subjects to obey the provisional government
which the French were about to establish. He afterwards re-
tired into Sardinia, where he protested against the violence which
he had experienced.
The Congress of Rastadt had continued their sittings. On
the 6th December 1798. the French plenipotentiaries gave in
their ultimatum on the third proposition relative to the mode o(
carrying into execution the two fundamental articles agreed to ;
with a threat to quit Rastadt unless it was accepted within six
days. The majority of the deputation, who were not initiated
into the secrets of great cabinets, and who were importuned by
a crowd of princes, nobles, and deputies under the influence
either of interest or terror, accepted this ultimatum ; against
which Austria, Saxony, and Hanover voted. The plenipoten-
tiary of the Empire ratified it ; probably because the Court of
Vienna, who were on the point of abrogating every thing that
had passed at Rastadt, did not think it necessary to enter into
any discussion on that subject. This finished the operations of
the Congress. From that moment, the French plenipotentiaries
did nothing but complain of the march of the Russian troops,
who in effect had penetrated into Galicia, and were approaching
the Danube. The deputation, whose distinctive character was
Dusillanimity, confirmed these complaints in presence of the
Emperor (Jan. 4, 1799,) who, however, eluded giving any posi-
tive answer, until the whole of his measures were organized.
A French army, commanded by Jourdan, passed the Rhine, be-
tween Strasburg and Basle. The Congress, nevertheless, con-
tinued to sit until ^he 7th April, when it was dissolved by Count
Metternich, who aimuUed all its decisions.
The 28th of April was a day memorable in the annars oi
modern history. Some of the Austrian Hussars, within a quar-
ter of a league of Rastadt, assassinated the French ministers
Bonnier, Debry, and Roberjot, who were on their return to Paris.
That deed was not aiithorized by the Executive Directory, aU
though it was attributed to them because they had artfully turned
it to their advantage, by exciting the public mind which had
(•««• •, :-iAtA
already declared itself against the war ; neither was it author
ized by any cabinet, or commander of the army. Its real au-
thor has never been officially made known.
The French Republic had already declared war against the
Emperor and the Grand Duke of Tuscany (March 12, 1799,)
without any apparent motive. But, before this declaration was
made, the campaign had already opened in Switzerland, where
General Massena had dislodged the Austrians from the country
of the Grisons, which tliey had occupied in consequence of a
treaty with the Republicans, concluded at Coire (Oct. 7, 1798.)
The Archduke Charles, at the head of the main Austrian army,
acquitted himself gloriously. He defeated Jourdan in several
pitched battles at Pullendorf and Stockach (March 20, 25,) and
compelled the army of the Danube, as it was called, to repass
the Rhine. The remains ef Jourdan's army were then united
to that of Massena.
In Italy, while General Macdonald, who had succeeded Cham-
pionnet in the command, was covering Rome and Naples, Gen-
eral Gauthier occupied Florence. Sherer, at the head of the
army of Italy, was defeated by Kray at Legnago (March 25,)
Roco (30,) and Verona (AprifS.) It was at this time that Su-
warow arrived in Italy with the Russians, and took the chief
command of the combined army. IMoreau, who with a noble
resignation had taken on himself the interim command of the
French army in its present discouraging circumstances, was de-
feated at Cassano (April 27,) and retired to Alessandria. It was
of great importance for Suwarow to prevent Macdonald, who
had arrived at Naples, from joining Moreau. But the two
French generals manoeuvred so dexterously, that this junction
took place ; although Macdonald had been attacked by Suwa-
row near the Trebia (June 17,) where he sustained a considera-
ble loss. The whole of Lombardy fell into the hands of the
Allies. Mantua likewise capitulated. Joubert, who had been
appointed General of the army of Italy, had scarcely arrived
when he offered battle to Suwarow near Novi (Aug. 15 ;) but
he was slain near the commencement of the action. Moreau,
who had continued with the army as a volunteer, could not pre-
vent the general rout. Championnet, who succeeded Joubert,
was not more fortunate. Coni, the last place in their possession,
having been taken (Dec. 3,) the French retired within the Ap-
The Archduke Charles having marched into Switzerland,
Massena took up a strong position on the Aar and the Reuss.
The hopes which they had entertained of bringing over Prussia
to the coalition having entirely failed, it was agreed between
fcia#is*«»4-»^'-*''*^ '*"•'• •■^^«-'*
PERIOD IX. A. o. 1789—1815.
r was it author
Its real au-
war against the
larch 12, 1799.)
declaration was
itzerland, where
from the country
jnsequence of a
e (Oct. 7, 1798.)
1 Austrian army,
iirdan in several
irch 20, 25,) and
called, to repass
were then united
succeeded Cham-
,nd Naples, Gen-
the head of the
ago (March 25,)
lis time that Su-
d took the chief
vho with a noble
command of the
nstances, was de-
essandria. It was
Macdonald, who
1. But the two
hat this junction
tacked by Suwa-
lined aconsidera-
the hands of the
rt, who had been
scarcely arrived
i (Aug. 15 ;) but
action. Moreau,
!er, could not pre-
icceeded Joubert,
I their possession,
d within the Ap*
into Switzerland,
r and the Reuss.
jing over Prussia
agreed between
Great Britain and Russia (June 29,) that the army of 45,000
men which the latter had eventually promised to place at the dis-
posal of the King of Prussia if he became a party in the war,
should henceforth be employed against France in Switzerland.
Accordingly these troops, who were commanded by Prince Kor-
sakoff, havmg arrived on the Limmat, the Archduke joined to
them 30,000 Austrians ; while with the rest of his troops he
marched towards the Rhine, where a new French army had
occupied Heidelberg and Manheim. The Archduke compelled
them to repass the river, and took Manheim by assault (Sept. 18.).
After the battle of Novi, Suwarow quitted Italy with the
Russians whose number was now reduced to 24,000 men, to
march on the Limmat, and take the command of the allied army
in Switzerland. Massena, who was anxious to prevent this
junction, attacked Korsakoff, and defeated him near Zurich (Sept.
24 ;) which obliged him to evacuate Switzerland. Suwarow,
whose march across the Alps had now become very dangerous,
accomplished it nevertheless with boldness and celerity; and
although he had to encounter Lecc orbe who wished to intercept
him, and afterwards Massena who was in pursuit of him, He
crossed the small cantons of the Orisons, and effected a union
with the remains of Korsakoff's army.
The Roman and Parthenopean Republics had fallen to pieces
after the departure of Macdonald. Ancona, where he had \eh
a body of troops, did not surrender until the 29th of November.
The combined fleets of the Turks and Russians, about the end
of the year 1798, had taken possession of the French islands
that had formerly belonged to the Venetians. Corfu held out till
the 1st of March 1799. The Archduke Charles having advanced
on Switzerland after the defeat of Korsakoff, Lecourbe, who had
been called to the command of the army of Alsace, passed the
Rhine ; but he was soon after compelled to return to the left
bank of that river.
In virtue of a convention which was concluded at St. Peters-
burg (June 22,) the Emperor Paul, in addition to the 105,000
men which he had already despatched, engaged to furnish 17^00
more. These with 12,()00 English, under the command of the
Duke of York, attempted to make a descent on Holland, and
landed at Helder. This expedition proved a total failure. The
Duke of York, after having been worsted in several engage-
ments with General Brune, evacuated the country, in conse-
quence of a capitulation signed at Alkmaar (Oct. 18, 1799.)
These disasters were but feebly compensated by the taJdng of
Surinam (Aug. 16,) the last of the Dutch colonies which fell
into the hands of the English.
While these events were transacting in Europe, Bonaparte
had subdued the greater part of Egypt ; but he was less suc-
cessful in the expedition which he undertook against Syria.
Being obliged to raise the siege of Acre (May 19,) after sus-
tauiing considerable losses, he returned to Egypt wUh the feeble
remains of his army. Shortly after (July 16,) a Turkish fleet
appeared off Aboukir, and landed a body of troops, who took
possession of that fort. Bonaparte directed his march against
them, beat them, and almost totally annihilated them (Juljr 25;)
but being displeased at the Directory, who had left him without
support, and having heard of their disorganization, he resolved
to return to Europe. He embarked secretly (Aug. 23,) and
landed at Frejus on the coast of Provence (Oct. 9, 1799.)
At the time of his arrival, France was in a state of the most
violent commotion. The Council of Five Hundred was become
more and more Jacobinical, in consequence of new elections.
Sieyes, Gohier, Roger Duces, and Moulins, with Barras, Direc-
tor of the Ancients, formed the government. The revolutionary
measures which were adopted by the Council, seemed a pre-
lude to the return of Terror. Such was the law which author-
ized the Directory to take hostages among the relations of the
emigrants (July 12 ;) and the loan of a hundred millions, which
was decreed (Aug. 6.) ...
In the west, the Chouans had organized a new insurrection
under the conduct of George Cadoudal and the Counts de Frot-
te, D'Autichamp, and de Bourmont. Disturbances had broken
out in other provinces ; the government had fallen into contempt ;
» general restlessness had taken possession of the public mind.
Barras and Sieyes were perfectly conscious that this state of
things could not continue. Each of them, separately, had con-
trived the plan of a new revolution ; and each of them endeav-
oured to make a partisan of General Bonaparte, who had just
arrived in Paris, and on whom the hopes of France seemed at
that time to depend. The General deceived Barras, and entered
into a conspiracy with Sieyes and the more powerful mem-
bers of the Council of Ancients. On the 18th Brumaire (Nov.
9, 1799,) the Council nominated Bonaparte commandant of the
troops ; abolished the Directory ; and ordered the Legislative
Assembly to be transferred to St. Cloud. The meeting which
took place next day was a scene of great turbulence. Bonaparte
ineffectually attempted to defend himself in the Council of t ive
Hundred, when tue Tirmness of his brother Lucien and the gren-
adiers of the guard alone secured his safety. The Council was
dissolved, and the constitution of the year Three abolished i IN ov.
11.) A provisional government was established, consisting of
Surope, Bonaparte
t he was less suc-
9k against Syria,
lay 19,) after sus-
ypi with the feeble
5,) A Turkish fleet
f troops, who took
his march against
id left him without
sation, he resolved
ly (Aug. 23,) and
>ct. 9, 1799.)
a state of the most
indred was become
I of new elections,
vith Barras, Direc-
The revolutionary
icil, seemed a pre-
law which author-
the relations of the
red millions, which
a new insurrection
the Counts de Frot-
rbances had broken
alien into contempt ;
of the public mind.
s that this state of
separately, had con-
ich of them endeav-
parte, who had just
if France seemed at
Barras, and entered
lore powerful mem-
8th Brumaire (Nov.
1 commandant of the
Bred the Legislative
The meeting which
julence. Bonaparte
the Council of Five
jucien and the gren-
'. The Council was
hree abolished (Nov.
)Ushed, consisting of
PERIOD IX. A. D. 1789 — 1815.
Sieves, Roger Ducos, and Bonaparte. A legislative commission
of twenty-five members were charged to draw up the plan of a
new constitution.
The new constitution was announced on the 22d of Frimaire,
of the year Eight (13th Dec. 1799.) The republican forms were
preserved ; and the government, in appearance, was intrusted to
a Council of three persons, appointed for ten years, and decorated
with the title of Consuls, viz. Bonaparte, Cambaceres, and Le
Brun ; but in reality to the first only, on whom they conferred a
power truly monarchical. The other constituted bodies were a
Conservative Senate, contrived by Sieyes, to be the guardian of
the public liberties ; a Tribunal of one hundred members, whose
business it was to discuss such forms of law as the government
laid before them ; and a Legislative Body of three hundred
members, who gave their vote without any previous debate.
Bonaparte seized the reins of government with a firm hand. He
abrogated several of the revolutionary laws, amalgamated its
different parts into a system, and by degrees organized the most
complete despotism. He consolidated his power by quashing
the insurrection in the West. By his orders. Generals Brune
and Hedouville concluded a peace (Jan. 18, 1800,) first with the
Vendeans at Montfaucjon, and afterwards with the Chouans. He
fave a most striking example of perfidy, by causing the brave
'rotte to be shot a few days after. But he conciliated the af-
fection of his subjects by the restoration of religion, which he
established by means of a Concordat with the Court of Rome,
(July 15, 1801.)
Bonaparte was no sooner placed at the head of the govern'
ment, than he proposed to make peace with England, by means
of a letter (Dec. 26, 1799,) not written, according to etiquette, bv
one of his ministers to the Secretary of State for Foreign Af-
fairs, but in his own hand, and addressed to King George IIL,
whom he complimented for his patriotic virtues. He stated the
necessity for peace ; and trusted, that two nations so enlightened
as France and Great Britain, would no longer be actuated by
false ideas of glory and greatness. This step, made in so un-
usual a form, could not possibly have a successful result, espe-
cially as Mr. Pitt was determined to employ all the resources of
England to overthrow the revolutionary despotism which the
First Consul was endeavouring to establish in France. That
great statesman endeavoured, by the treaties of subsidy which
we have already mentioned, to repair the lo.ss which the coalition
had just suffered by the retirement of Paul I., who being morti-
fied with the bad success of the Russian arms, which he ascribed
i' \i
■ % i L i ,1 1 HI" ■» ,»»" ' ■ , I'-ip w "
10 the allies themselves had recalled his troops at the beginning
of the year ISOO. ■ t i
General Mel.is.who romnmnded the Anstrians in Italy, open-
ed the campaign of 1800 in the most splendid manner. In con-
sequence o/ the victory which he gamed over Massena at Voltn
(April 10.) the latter was obliged to throw himself into benoa,
where he sustained a siege of six weeks with great courage.
Melas made himself master of Nice (May 11,) and Souchet
passed the Var on his march to Provence But, in a short time,
feonaparte, at the head of a new army which collected a D on
passed the Alps, and took possession of Milan (June 2;) w^ule
Melas was not yet aware that his army was in existence, b or •
tunately for the latter, Massenawas obliged to surrender Genoa
at that very time, (June 5,) which placed the corps of Genera
Ott at his^disposai. He had found it dimcult, with his small
earrison, to preserve order among the inhabitants, of whom
15.000 are said to have perished by famine or disease during
the blockade. General Ott was defeated by Berlhier at Monte-
bello (June 9.) Melas himself engaged General Bonaparte at
Marengo (June 14.) Victory was already within his grasp,
when tlie arrival of the brave Desaix with his division, disap-
pointed him of the triumph. The defeat had a most discourag-
ing effect on General Melas, and cost Austria the whole of
Lombardv. A truce which was concluded at Alessandria (June
16,) put bonapartc in possession of that town ; as well as ol
Tortona, Turin, Placentia, Coni, Genoa, &c. The Austnans
retired beyond the Mincio.
Moreau, at the head of a French army, had passed the Rhine
(April 25,) and defeated Kray in several engagements. Ihe
Austrians then retired within the Upper Palatinate. Moreau
had already made himself master of Munich, when he received
the news of the truce at Alessandria. He then concluded an
armistice at Parsdorf (July 15.) The Count St Julien who
had been sent by the Emperor Francis II. to Pans, having
siened the preliminaries of peace without sufficient authority,
the Court of Vienna refused to ratify them, as they had engaged
not to make peace without the consent of England. Hostilities
were to recommence in Germany in the month of September ;
but the Archduke John, who commanded the Austrian army m
Bavaria, having requested that the armistice should be prolonged,
General Moreau consented, on condition that Philipsburg, Uim,
and Ingolstadt, should be given up to him. This arrangement
was signed at Hohenlinden (Sept. 20.) and France immediately
demolished the fortifications of these two places Hostilities
having recommenced about the end of November, General Mo-
^-jai»i;;itf JBWtfWtft^i ^ vriiw.^**
)sutthe beginning
inns in Italy, open-
mnnner. In con-
Masscna at Voltri
imscif into Genoa,
th great courage.
11,) and Souchel
ut, in a short lime,
collected at Dijon,
an (.June 2;) while
in existence. For^
to surrender Genoa
e corps of General
cult, with his small
mbitants, of whom
c or disease during
Borthierat Monte-
enerul Bonaparte at
r within his grasp,
his division, disap-
id a most discourag-
ustria the whole of
It Alessandria (June
own ; as well as of
Sec. The Austrians
ad passed the Rhine
engagements. The
'alatinate. Moreao
h, when he received
then concluded an
int St. Julien, who
I. to Paris, having
sufficient authority,
[IS they had engaged
ngland. Hostilities
onth of September ;
le Austrian army in
should be prolonged,
It Philipsburg, Ulm,
This arrangement
France immediately
places. Hostilities
ember. General Mo-
period IX. A. D. 1789 — 1815.
reau defeated the army of the Archduke John, at the memorable
baillo of Jlohcnlindt'u (Dec. 3 ;) after which he marched in all
haste on Vienna. Austria being released from her engagements
by the Cabinet of London, then declared that she was determined
to make peace, whatever might be the resolutions of England;
on which a new armistice was concluded at Steyr {Dec. 25.)
Braunau and Wurtzburg were delivered up to the French.
General Brune, who commanded in Italy, renewed the truce
of Alessandria by the convention of Castiglione (Sept. 29,) and
thus gained time to take possession of Tuscany, which they had
forgot to include in the truce. Being reinforced by the army of
Macdoiiald, who had arrived in Lonibardy, he passed the Brenta ;
after traversing, by a perilous march, the lofty mountain of Splu-
gen. In virtue of a new truce, signed at Treviso, the French
obtained the recovery of Peschiera, the forts of Verona, Legnago
Fermo, and Ancona.
Meantime, negotiations for peace had been entered into at
Luneville, between Joseph Bonaparte and Count Louis de
Cobenzl. The First Consul having refused to ratify the armis-
tice of Treviso, because it had left Mantua in the hands of the
Austrians, the Imperial plenipotentiary at Luneville signed an
additional convention, by which that place was delivered over to
the French. Peace between Austria and France was signed a
few days after (Feb. 9 ;) and Francis II., at the same time, made
stipulations for the Empire. He ceded the Belgic provinces,
the county of Falkenstein and Frickthal. In Italy, the frontier
line between Austria and the Cisalpine Republic was traced, so
that the Adige should separate the two States, and the cities of
Verona and Porto Legnago should be divided between them.
The other conditions were, that the Grand Duke of Modena
should have Brisgau in exchange for his dutchy ; that the Grand
Duke of Tuscany should renounce his grand dutchy, and receive
a free and competent indemnity in Germany ; that the F t'-je
should give up all the left bank of the Rhine ; that the here-.u-^^ry
princes, who lost their territories in consequence of these v sa-
sions, should receive compensation from the Empire ; and lastly,
that the Germanic Body should ratify the peace within the space
of thirty days. By a secret article, Saltzburg, Berchtolsgaden,
Passau, the bishopric and city of Augsburg, Kempten, and twelve
other immediate abbeys, besides nineteen Imperial cities in
Swabia, including Ulni and Augsburg, were secured to the
Grand Duke of Tuscany. The Empire showed great anxiety
to ratify this peace, which was the precursor of its annihilation
The English had compelled General Vaubois to surrender the
Isle of Malta. After the flight of Bonaparte from Egypt, Kleber
■fr . }
w i'- -'^
CHArrRn x.
hud taken the coinmnnd of the French army, which was thnn
reduced to 12,000 men. A convcntiori was conchided at El
Ariscli with the Oriuid Vi/i(!r who had arrived from S^ria at
tlie head of a formidable army, by which the French General
engaged to evacuate the country. The English government
having refused to ratify this treaty, unless Kleber would surren-
der himself prisoner of war, timt General immediately attacked
the Grand Vizier, and defeated him at El Hanka (March 20 ;)
after which he again subdued Cairo, which had raised the stand-
ard of revolt. The English Government were willing to ratify
the convention of the 24tli January ; but General Menou having
succeeded Kleber who had fallen by the dagger of u Turkish
fanatic, was determined to maintain himself in Egypt, in spite
of an evident impossibility. Sir Ralph Abercromby, the Eng-
lish commander, who arrived with a British force, effected his
landing at Aboukir (March 8, 1801.) Menou was defeated in
the battle of Rahmanieh, near Alexandria (March 21,) which
cost General Abercromby his life. But the French soon saw
themselves assailed on all hands by the Turks and the English,
who had been recalled from the East Indies, and had disem-
barked on the shores of the Red Sea. General Belliard, who
had the command at Cairo, concluded a capitulation (June 27,)
in virtue of which he was sent back to France with the troops
under his orders. Menou found himself obliged to follow his
example, and capitulated at Alexandria to General Hutchinson
(Aug. 30,) who consented to the safe conveyance of the French
troops to their native country. Thus ended an expedition,
which, had it proved successful, must have become fatal to the
British Empire in India, and given a new direction to the com-
merce of the world.
Various treaties were concluded between the peace of Lune-
ville and that of Amiens, which put an entire end to the war.
(1.) General Murat,who commanded the army in Italy, having
shown some disposition to carry the war into the kingdom of
Naples, Ferdinand IV. concluded nn armistice at Foligno (Feb.
18,) which he afterwards converted into a treaty of peace at Flo-
rence. He gave up the State of Presidii, and his share of the
island of Elba and of the principality of Piombino. By a secret
article, he agreed that 16,000 French troops should occupy the
peninsula of Otranto and part of Abruzzo, until the conclusion
of peace with England and the Porte. (2.) Portugal, since the
year 1797, had wished to withdraw from the first coalition, and
even concluded a peace with the Executive Directory at Paris
(Aug. 10 ;) but the English stjuadron of Admiral St. Vincent
having entered the Tagus, the Queen refused to ratify that
Ifnn iiiB I
^t tiv it ■iM^ttUt*''^- •
which was ihon
iH concluiiod at El
v(!il from Syria at
he French General
nplish povernment
el>er would surren-
iincdiately attacked
Ianl{a (March 30 ;)
lad raised the stand-
ore willing to ratify
neral Mcnou having
ugger of u Turkish
r in Egypt, in spite
Hircromby, the Eng-
h force, effected his
nou was defeated in
(March 21,) which
e French soon saw
rks and the English,
ies, and had disein-
ncral Belliard, who
pituhition (June 27,)
mce with the troops
)bliged to follow his
General Hutchinson
?yance of the French
ided an expedition,
e become fatal to the
direction to the com-
n the peace of Lune-
itire end to the war.
rmy in Italy, having
into the kingdom of
tice at Foligno (Feb.
rcaty of peace at Flo-
and his share of the
}mbino. By a secret
ps should occupy the
until the conclusion
) Portugal, since the
he first coalition, and
e Directory at Paris
Admiral St. Vincent
efused to ratify that
PIRIOD IX. A. D. 1789—1815.
treaty. Portugal thus o itinued at war with Franco until 1801.
Thf French army, which was ulready in Spain, having shown
some disposition to enter Portugal, peace was concluded at Ma-
drid between Lucion Bonaparte and M. Freire (Sept. 29.) the
ministers of the two States at the Court of Spain. Portugal
shut her ports against the English, and regulated the frontiers
of Guiana, so as to prove advantageous to France. (3.) In Rus-
sia Bonaparte had succeeded to a certain extent in conciliating
the good will of the Emperor Paul. Nevertheless, at the death
of that prince (Oct. 8, 1801,) there existed no treaty of peace
between Russia and France. A treaty, however, was signed
at Paris in the reign of Alexander, by Count MarkofT and Tal-
leyrand (Oct. 11,) and followed by a very important special con-
vention by which, among other things, it was agreed : That the
two governments should form a mutual agreement, as to the
principles to be followed with respect to indemnifications in
Germany ; as well as to determine respecting those in Italy,
and to maintain a just equilibrium between the Houses of Aus-
tria and Brandeburg : That France should accept the mediation
of Prussia, for the pacification with the Porte : That the inte-
grality of the kingdom of the Two Sicilies should be maintained,
according to the treaty of the 28th March, 1801 ; and that the
French troops should evacuate the country as soon as the fate
of Egypt was decided : That a friendly disposition should be
shown to the interests of the King of Sardinia ; and that the
Elector of Bavaria and the Duke of Wurtemberg should be com-
fensated for their losses, by a full indemnity in Germany. (4.)
mmediately after General Menon had signed the capitulation
of Alexandria, the preliminaries of peace between France and
the Porte were concluded at Paris (Oct. 9 ;) but they were not
confirmed into a definitive peace, until after the preliminaries
were signed at London (June 25, 1802.) The free navigation
of the Black Sea was secured to the French flag.
When Mr. Pitt had quitted the English ministry, France and
England came to terms of better accommodation. The first ad-
vances were made on the side of the latter power. The preli-
minaries were signed at London, between Lord Hawkesbury
and M. Otio ; including their respective allies (Oct. 1, 180L)
Of all her conquests. Great Britain was to retain only the Island
of Trinidad, and the Dutch possessions in Ceylon. Malta was
to be restored to the Knights of St. John, under the protection
of a third power ; and Egypt was to belong to the Porte. The
French troops were to abandon the kingdom of Naples, and the
English to quit Porto Ferrajo. France was to acknowledge
the Republic of the Seven Islands, which was composed of Corfu
and the six other islands formerly belonging to the Venetians
For carrying these preliminaries into execution, a ConareM
was openoci at Ami-ns, where Joseph Bonaparte appeared for
France, Lord Comwallis for England, the Chevalier Azara for
Spain, and M. Schimmelpenninck for the Batavjan Republ.c.
Some unexpected difficulties arose with regard to Malta, ns Grea^
Britain had repented of having given it up in the preliminary
treaty. They found means, however, to remove these obstacles ,
and the peace of Amiens was finally signed after a negotiation
of six months (March 27, 1802.)
We shall only take notice here in what respects these articles
differed from the preliminaries. With vegaA to the stipulation
respecting the surrender of Malta to the Knights of St John.
sevVral modifications were added, viz. as to the election of a i^ew
Grand Master; the suppression of the F';"fJ ,f "^^ ,^"8^^
Langues, or class of Knights ; the institution of a Maltese hingtu,
the time for its evacuation ; and the future appointment of the
earrison. Finally, it was said in the treaty, that the indepen-
dence of that island and its present arrangement, were placed
under the guaranty of France, Great Britain, Austria, Spain.
Russia and Prussia. It may be mentioned, that Russia and
Prussia declined to undertake that guarnnty, unless certain
modifications were added. This refusal furnished England with
a pretext for refusing to part with that island ; and the war, as
we shall soon find, was recommenced rather than give up that
'T°ne Mtide o^thetreaty of Amiens having promised the Prince
of Orange a compensation for the losses he had sustained m the
late Republic of the United Provinces, both in private property
and exMUses, another convention was signed at Amiens between
France and the Batavian States, importing that that compensa-
tion should in no case fall to the charge of the latter.
There is one essential observation which we must make on
the peace of Amiens. Contrary to the general practice, the for-
mer treaties between France and Great Britain were not renewed
by that of Amiens. It is not difficult to perceive the cause ot
this silence. At the time when the peace of Utrecht was con-
cluded, Great Britain had an interest in having the principle o.
free commerce for neutral States held sacred ; and she hod con-
sequently announced it in the treaty of navigation and commerce.
wiJich was concluded in 1713. All the following treaties, unt 1
that of 1783 inclusive, having renewed the articles of Utpct^t,
the silence on this subject at Amiens placed Great Britain, m
this respect, on the footing of a common right, which, according
to the system of the English, would not have been favourable to
the principle of a free trade,-a doctrine which it was for their
tion, a Consreu
arte appcaroa for
levalicr Azara for
ntavian Republic,
to Malta, ns Great
n the preliminary
re these obstacles ;
'ter a negotiation
)ect8 these articles
to the stipulation
ights of St. John,
« election of a new
?nch and English
a Maltese Langiu;
ippointment of the
, that the indepen*
ment, were placed
n, Austria, Spain,
., that Russia and
ity. unless certain
shed England with
1 ; and the war, as
than give up that
)romi8ed the Prince
ad sustained in the
in private iiroperty
at Amiens between
hat that compensa-
[le latter.
we must make on
al practice, the for-
(1 were not renewed
rceive the cause of
f Utrecht was con-
ing the principle ol
1 ; and she had con-
tion and commerce,
wing treaties, until
articles of Utrecht,
d Great Britain, in
t, which, according
■ been favourable to
ich it was for their
PRjimo IT. A. n. 17S9— 1S15.
huoroft to siipprrss, siiirc they liad then llir rnrnmnnd of the rpr>..
VVr Imvo now i)rought down the liJMtory of the French Kev"-
liilioM, from its cnnimenrornt'nt to the yonr 1802, when the
Fri'iich power In-j^'aii to prepoiidcrnte in Kiiropc Tho inflii-
I'Mi'o of the Hcnnhiic was i-rioriiKiusly ^rrcnt. Tlu' Nrthorlnnds
and u floiirisliinp porliori of (ii-rtniuiy. ns well ns (Jeiievn, Sii-
vny, and I'ii'dinoiit, were ineorjiorMtcd with the territories whifh
had been governed by Louis XVI. Tho Dutch nnd the Cisal-
pine States, includiiiir the Milaiiois, a considernlile part of the
Venetian territories, tho dntchies of Mantua, Modena and Par-
ma, besides some of the Ecciesiaslical provinces, had bowed tli«ir
neck to the yoke of the First Coii.'^ii!. Tho Swiss, enslaved by
the Directory, had not been al)le to recover their ancient inde-
pendence. ^Tuscany and tho Ligurian Republic durst not pre-
sume to dispute the will of tho conqueror ; while Spain, forget-
ful of her ancient dignity, was reduced to a state of subservient
and degraded alliance. It will be now necessary, according to
the plan of this work, that we take a .survey of the more remark-
able events which happcmod in the course of the preceding thir-
teen years, in the other States of Europe.
Portugal hail been a ro-partner in the first coolition against
France, nnd had furnished a body of 6000 troops to Spain, ond
some ships of war to England. We have already related how
Mary I. was prevented from disengaging herself from the treaty
of 1797. The Prince of Brazil, who had assumed the regency
(July 15, 1799) in consequence of the infirm state of his mother's
health, took a more decided part in the second coalition, by sign-
ing an alliance with Russia (Sept. 28.) This alliance drew him
into a war with Spain. The Duke of Alcudia, usually styled
the Prince of Peace, seized several citi< '" ■-■■>"■"' f " xt-tunn - nn-iM t
ca. was on the point of interrupting the repose of this indolent
monarch. But matters were adjusted by a convention signed
at the Escurial (Oct. 28, 1790,) by which Spam renounced her
rights over laat distant possession. The chief favourite since
1790 had been Don Manuel Godoy, created Duke of Alcudia ;
a weak minister, under whom every thing became venal, and
the whole nation corrupt. The revolutionary principles which
had taken root there after the expulsion of the Jesuits, as sufli-
cient care had not been taken to supply the place of these fathers
witii other public instructors of youth, were readily propagated
under so vicious an administration ; especially after the pubhca-
tion of the famous Memoir of Jovellanos (1795,) on the improve-
ments of agriculture and the Agrarian La^y ;. a work %yhich \yas
composed by order of the Council of CastiU,., and written with
clearness and simplicity. The author, no doubt deserved credit
for the purity of his sentiments ; but in his enthusiasm tor the
objects which he recommended, he overlooked all existing laws ;
encouraged the spoliation of the church, the crovyn, and the com-
munity ; as well as the suppression of corporations, and condi-
tionariegacies, or liferents ; in short, a total and radical subver-
sion of the institutions of the country. This work may be said
to have produced a revohition in Spain ; for the Cortes of Cadiz
did no more than carry into execution the schemes of Jovellanos.
If the Prince of Peace failed in conducting the administration
of the interior, he was not more successful in making the crown
of Spain respected abroad. By the peace of Basle (July 22,
1795 ) Charles IV. renounced the Spanish part of St. Domingo.
Bv the alliance ofTensive and defensive of St. Idletonso (Aug.
19 1796,) Spain identified herself with the French system.
The war with Great Britain ruined her marine. Admiral Jer-
vis defeated the Spanish fleet off Cape St. Vincent (Feb. 14
1797,) commanded by Admiral Cordova. It was in this engage
ment that Captain Nelson, afterwards so famous, established his
fame, by the courage and conduct which he i>splayed Admiral
Hervev conquered the important island of Trinidad (Feb. 18.)
General Stewart without much difficulty took possession of Mi-
norca (Nov. 7, 1798.) The alliance of Spain with France was
also the reason why the Emperor Paul de<:lared war against
her after his accession to the coalition (July 27, 1799.) ine
Porte followed the example of Russia (Oct. 1, 1801.) After the
peace of Luneville, a reconciliation with the former power was
Lned at Paris (October 4.) The war which Spain was obliged
to wage with Portugal, procured her the city of 01iven9a, which
was ceded by the peace of Badajos (June 9.)
By the treaty signed at St. Ildefonso, Spam surrendered Lou-
ii h i ini ri nrt ii t i
iiDTiiTm(a-inTiiiiu»ii«ii"il *'
pose of this indolent
a convention signed
Spain renounced her
chief favourite since
d Duke of Alcudia ;
g became venal, and
lary principles which
the Jesuits, as sufia-
plare of these fathers
re readily propagated
ially after the publica-
795,) on the improve-
w •. a work which was
till-*, and written with
doubt, deserved credit
lis enthusiasm for the
)ked all existing laws ;
le crown, and the com-
irporations, and condi-
tal and radical subver-
Dhis work may be said
for the Cortes of Cadiz
schemes of Jovellanos.
ting the administration
i\ in making the crown
■ce of Basle (July 22,
h part of St. Domingo,
of St. Idlefonso (Aug.
,h the French system,
marine. Admiral Jer-
St. Vincent (Feb. 14
It was in this engage
famous, established his
he displayed. Admiral
of Trinidad (Feb. 18.)
took possession of Mi-
Spain with France was
I declared war against
(July 27, 1799.) The
ct. 1, 1801.) After the
the former power was
hich Spain was obliged
city of Oliven9a, which
Spain surrendered Lou-
_ji...ijjj ii ,, -,a
PERIOD IX. A. D. 1789 — 1815.
isiana to Bonaparte ; and eventually the Slate of Parma (Ucto-
ber 1, 1800.) She also surrendered to him five ships of the line,
besides a considerable sum of money which she paid him ; and
all this on the faith of his promising to procure the Grand Dutchy
of Tuscany, with the title of Royalty, to the King's son-in-law,
the Infant of Parma. These stipulations were more clearly
established by the treaty v/hich Lucien Bonaparte and the Prince
of Peace afte'rwards signed at Madrid (March 21, 1801.) The
peace of Amiens cost Spain no other sacrifice than the Island of
Trinidad, which she was obliged to abandon to England ; en-
tirely on the decision of Bonaparte, who did not even ask the
consent of Charles IV. Spain had lost all sort of respect or
consideration, both from the universal and contemptible weak-
ness of her government, and because she had voluntarily placed
herself under dependence to France.
From the very commenccnicnt of this period. Great Britain
had been preserved from the influence of the revolutionary prin-
ciples, which had a great many partisans in that kingdom, by
the firmness of her Prime Minister, William Pitt, and the splen-
did eloquence of Edmund Burke, a member of the House of
Commons. Pitt consolidated the system of finance, by extend-
ing the sinking fund, which he had created in 1786. He gave
vigour to the government, by obtaining the suspension of the Ha-
heus Corpus Act ; and by means of the Alien Bill (Jan. 4, 1793,)
which allowed the magistrate an extensive authority in the sur-
veillance of foreigners. The greatest number of malcontents
appeared in Ireland, and these consisted chiefly of Catholics ;
although an act, passed in 1793, had rendered the Catholics
eligible to almost all oflicial employments. That island never-
theless was the theatre of several conspiracies, the design of
which was to render it independent. Their leaders acted in
unison with the French, who made attempts at different times
to effect a landing in that country. Fifteen thousand troops, ac-
companied by eighteen sail of the line, embarked for that pur-
pose from Brest harbour in the mor^th of December. But thi^s
formidable armament had scarcely put '.o sea, when they were
overtaken by a storm. Eight of these vessels reached the Irish
coast, and appeared ofT Bantray Bay ; but they were forced from
that station by another tempest, when they returned to France
with the loss of two ships of the line, some frigates having nar-
rowly escaped falling in with two squadrons of the English
At length, as a remedy for this political mischief, the union of
Ireland with Great Britain was effected, so that both kingdoms
should have one and the same Parliament ; and George III. as-
Mijiiiiiii . matmiwi
sutncd the title of Kin? of the United Kingdom of Great Britain
and Ireland (July 2, 1800.) p . „ .;
Great Britain was the moving pr.ncple of the two first coah-
lions a.rainst Franco, although she fought rather with money
than wUh troops. She succeeded in ruining the marine and
the commerce of both France and Spain; and obtained the com-
plete command of the sea. A short time before the death of
kul I., she was involved in a war with the powers of the No th.
The resentment of that Prince against the Cabinet of London,
for refusing to put him in possession of Malta, which the English
troops had seized, was the true cause of host.hties ; althoudi a
litigated question of public right was made the pretext, llie
point at issue was, whether the convoy granted to the merchant
shins of neutral states by their sovereign, protected them from
being searched by those of the belligerent powers, or not Den-
mark, with whom the discussion first arose, inaintained the a( r-
mative, and England the negative ; although it was not till the
end of the year 1799 that she maintained this doctrine. At
that time there had been some misunderstanding between Ad-
miral Keith, the commander of the British forces in the Medi-
terranean, and Captain Van Dockum, who was convoying a fleet
of Danish merchantmen. In the month of July following he
Danish frigate La Freya, which had attempted to defend her
convoy against a search of the English cruisers, was taken and
carried into the Downs. .,„,;„„
These acts of violence gave rise to a very warm discussion
between the Courts of London and Copenhagen. The formei
having sent a fleet to the Sound, commanded by Admiral Dick-
son, Denmark was obliged to yield to the tempest, but in a man-
ner very honourable. By a convention which was signed at
Copenhagen (Aug. 29, 1800,) ihedecis.on of the question u-as
remitted for further discussion. The English Government re-
leased the Freya, and the King of Denmark promised to suspend
''^ ThTaccommodation did not meet with the approval of the
Emneror Paul. That prince, who entertained lofty ideas, but
who yielded too often to his passions, had determined to revive
th.) principles of the Armed Neutrality, according to the treaty
of 1780, and to compel England to acknowledge them. He in-
vited Denmark and Sweden, in so very peremptory a manner, to
join with him for this purpose, that these States could not refuse
their consent without coming to an open rupture with him. 1 hi8
agreement with the courts of Copenhagen, Sweden and Berh r
was finally settled by the conventions signed at St. Petersburg
(Dec. 16, and 18.) As Great Britain could not find a more con-
*> ^ i tf >* Tr -- "
irKKT-tinmrOTi; t fpn"' "»»'
PERIOD IX. A. D. 17S9 — 1S15.
parte in Lombard/, Ferdinand IV. avertcU the storm which
threatened him, by signing first a suspension of arms at Brescia
(June 5 1798,) and the peace of Paris a few months after,
which he obtained on honourable conditions. We have already
mentioned, that he was one of the first sovereigns who entered
into the second coalition against France ; and that the precip-
itancy with which he then commenced hostilities, proved pre-
judicial to the success of the war, as well as disastrous to^ him-
self. He did not regain possession of the kingdom of Naples
till after the retreat of Macdonald in 1799 ; and he purchased
pence (March 28, 1800) at the expense of receiving into his
kingdom 16,000 French troops, who remained there until the
conclusion of the treaty between Alexander and Bonaparte.
The combined fleets of Turkey and Russia had subdued th«
islands that formerly belonged to the Venetians, viz. Corfu,
Zante, Cephalonia, St. Maura, Ithaca, Paxo, and Cerigo. Ac-
cording to a convention concluded at Constantinople between
Russia and the Porte (March 21, 1800,) these islands were to
form an independent State, although subject to the Ottoman Em-
pire, under the name of the Republic of the Seven Islandt
This Republic, was acknowledged in subsequent treaties by
France and Great Britain.
By the peace of Basle, Germany had been divided into two
parts; the North, at the head of which was Prussia; and the
South, where Austria had the predominancy, in consequence ot
her armies, and by the favour of the ecclesiastical Princes ; for
the secular States abandoned her as often as they could do so with
impunity. By a convention which Prussia concluded at Basle
with France (May 17, 1795,) the neutrality of the North of
Gennany was recognised, on conditions which the Princes situ-
ated beyond the line of demarcation were anxious to fulfil.
Prussia afterwards concluded arrangements with these States
for establishing an army of observation. This defection created
no small animosity between the Courts of Berlin and Vienna,
which the French dexterously turned to their own advantage ;
especially during the sitting of the Congress at Rastadt. In
vain did the Emperor Paul, who had determined to make war
against the Republic, attempt to restore harmony between these
two leading States. He was equally unsuccessful m his pro-
ject of drawing Prussia into the coalition. Although Frederic
II. had been deceived by France, who, after having promised
him, in a secret convention concluded at Berlin (August 5,
1798,) a compensation proportioned to the loss which he had
flusiamed by ceding the left bank of the Rhine, entered into en-
gagements directly opposite, by the secret articles in the treaty
r I
i (
_^ . ...- k.
;si'uy^tc,:tr.i:i"ti p™i." «-»- "p^™"'' •»
their '^^-XT^^AfZrlnZ S'ei was assembled at War-
to avoid the i«co,.vea.ences of jjf/''*^;^^;;;;,, of Russia
enter mto an f '"^^« «S7J.VJ;',i,;;vho, in consequence of his
^"tSs resohuion of the Diet could not but displease the Em-
ores VRusia, who remonstrated against .t as a d.reci mfrac-
E of the ar tides agreed between her and the Republic in
?;«; The p£, who thus foresaw that the changes which
thev had in view wLd embroil them with that princess, ought
tS h^aJe consi^e^d. in the first place, how to put themselves in o
a good state of defence. But instead of P^o^^^l^l^L^l^^Z
Sg S; r;;?; it th?cUtution which had Wn submit-
»iiiwiiW I MIIIW i .lWWI!
PKnioD IX. A. D. 1789 — 1»16.
William III., who
ainud rnithful to a
inances appeared to
transplanted into
en on a soil well
root. By the peace
the loft bank of the
id the momeni was
nfall of the German
1 with a strange ma-
fi their very founda-
csi'cs which appear
u the North another
by their neighbours,
luthority of the laws,
go of a foreign yoke.
,t while the forces of
and the Turks, as we
3ft at liberty to alter
to the government of
as assembled at War-
onfcderation, in order
mm Veto, and of the
he Empress of Russia
o engage the Poles to
le was thwarted in her
in consequence of his
eftbrt to instigate the
lem, by offering them
lir government, which
ommittee of Legisla-
sioned to draw up the
lew energy to the Re-
but displease the Ern-
st it as a direct infrac-
r and the Republic in
lat the changes which
th that princess, ought
to put themselves into
roviding for the melio-
my of the Republic on
nsidcrablo time in dis-
^hich had been submit-
ted to them. The assurance of protection from Prussia, which
hnil been officially ratified to them, rendered the Poles too con-
fident ; and the treaty of alliance which the King of Prussia had
in effect concluded with the Republic (March 29, 1790,) began
to lull them into a profound security. Stanislaus Augustus,
after having long hesitated as to the party he ought to espouse,
at length voluntarily joined that party in the Diet who wished
to extricate Poland fronj that state of degradation into which she
had fallen. The new constitution was accordingly decreed by
acclamation (May 3, 1791.)
However imperfect that constitution might appear, it was in
unison with the state of civilization to which Poland had arriv
ed. It corrected several of the errors an abandoned to
lonarch towards Po-
; Empress of Russia
It of that kingdom.
iroi,c entertained for
rolution, with which,
Cing and the nation
mon except appcar-
ourt of Berlin ; and
engagements which
It was then that the
cir situation. Their
re thrown into a state
onvulsed by intestine
lity to oppose an ene-
npaign of 1792 turned
'atriotic party. Af\er
1 on Warsaw ; when
xcded to the confede-
itution of the 3d May,
I'^arsaw. That prince
conditions which the
n. A suspension of
the reduction of the
igemenls entered into
ention of St. Peters-
entered Poland, and
pie of the Russians.
)f Berlin and St. Pe*
icts of Poland which
ith their own domin-
1791, and the propa*
the French, were the
PKnionix. A. p. 1789— lRf/5-
Prni'sia Iruik |>oh»es9io« of the \ntgPT pfirl of Great Poland. In*
cluiiint,' tlie cilicH of Dantzic and Thorn ; l\w f^>wn of CzeiistO'
fhowii in Little Poland was also ndjiidged to her, with its fron-
tier exiondiiig to the rivers Piiicrt, Sterniewka, Jezowka, nnd
Bziira. The loft bank of thoso rivers was assigned to Prussia,
and the right ros'.«rved to Poland. The portion awarded to the
fornier, t-ontaiiioi'. ono thousand and sixty-one Oertnt'in srpiaro
miles, and one iniliion Uvo hundred thousand inhabitants. Rus-
sia got nearly tlvo half nf Lithuania, including the Palatinates of
Podolia, Pololsl' aiul Minsk, n part of the Palatinate of Wilna,
with the half of Novogrodok, Brzo.sf, and Volhynia ; in all, four
thousand five hundred and fifiy-lhroe Gorman square milcf and
containing threo millions of inhabitants.
The Poles were obliged to yield up, by treaties, those pro-
vinces which the two powers had seized. The treaty between
Poland and Russia was signed at the Diet of Grodno (July 13,
1793.) But that v/ith the King of Prussia met with the most
decided opposition ■ and it was necessary to use threats of com-
pnl'iion before it was consunnnutod. On this occasion, these
tv/o powers renounced anew the rights and pretensions which
they might still have against the Republic under any denomina-
tion whatsoever. They agreed to acknowledge, and if it should
be required, uIro to guarantee the constitution which should be
established by ih'.' Diet with the free consent of the Polish nation.
After these treaties, came a treaty of alliance and union be-
tween Russia and Poland (October 16, 1793,) the third article
of which guaranteed their mutual assistance in case of attack ;
the direction of the war was reserved to Russia, as well as the
privilege of sending her troops into Poland, and forming maga*
vcines there, when she might judge it necessary ; while Poland
agreed to enter into no connexion with foreign powers, and to
make no (^Ii^nge in her constitution, except with the approbation
of Russia The portion that was left to the Republic, either
in Poland or Lithuania, contained three thousand eight hundred
and three square miles, with somewhat more than three mil-
lions r.f inhabitants. This State was divided into eighteen
palatinates, ten of which were in Poland, and eight in Lithua-
nia. To each of these palatinates were assigned two senators,
\ palatine, a castellain, and six deputies to sit in the Diet.
These diflerent treaties, and the grievances of which the
Poles had just cause to complain, threw the public mind into a
ftate of agitation, which in the following year broke out into a
general insurrection. A secret association was formed at War-
saw ; it found numerous partisans in the army, which was to
have been disbanded according to the arrangements with Rus-
rt iSi I '
H »*
^_.:». _
sia The conspirators chose Thaddeus Kosciuszko for theii
chief, in this projected insurrection against Russia. That gen-
eral had distinguished himself in the American war under
Washington ; he had very recently signalized his bravery in the
campaign of 1792 ; and after the unfortunate issue of that war,
he had retired into Saxony with a few othei^ patriots, who were
ready to exert their energy in the cause of freedom. The in-
surgents reckoned with confidence on the assistance of Austria,
who had taken no part in the last dismemberment of Poland ,
they flattered themselves that Turkey and Sweden would not
remain mere spectators of the eflbrts which they were making
to regain their liberty and their independence.
Kosciuszko :md wished that they should postpone the execu-
tion of their plan, in order to gam more time for preparation ;
especially as a suspicion was excited among the Russians. He
even retired into Italy, where he remained until one of his ac-
complices, who had been ordered, as a propagator of sedition, to
banish Aimself from the Polish territories, informed him that
his countrymen wished him to appear among them without de-
lay, as a better opportunity might not soon arise. Madalinski,
who commanded a brigade of cavalry under the new govern-
ment, when summoned to disband them, refused ; and throwing
ofl* the mask, gave the sigt.al for insurrection. He suddenly
quitted his station, crossed the Vistula, and after having dis-
persed some detachments of Prussians, whom he encountered
m his route, he marched directly to Cracow, where he erected
the standard of revolt. The inhabitants took arms, expelled
the Russian troops who were quartered in that city, and pro-
claimed Kosciuszko their General. A sort of dictatorship was
conferred upon him (March 24, 1794,) which was to continue so
long as their country was in danger. He took an oath of fidel-
ity to the nation, and of adherence to the principles stated in
the act of insurrection, by which war was declared against the
invaders of their rights and liberties.
The Russians and Prussians immediately despatched their
troops to arrest the progress of the insurrection. The defeat oi
a body of Russians near Raslavice, by Kosciuszko, inspired the
insurgents with new courage. The inhabitants of Warsaw
rose in like manner against the Russians, who had a garrison
there of 10,000 men, under the command of General Igelstrom.
It was on the night of the 17th April that the tocsin of revoh
was sounded in the capital ; the insurgents seized the arsenal,
and distributed arms and ammunition among the people. A
brisk cannonade took place between the Russians and the Poles.
The combat continued for two successive days, in which several
iKosciuszko for theii
Russia. That gen-
merican war under
|zed his bravery in the
late issue of that war,
le' patriots, who were
)i freedom. The in-
assistance of Austria,
fnberment of Poland ,
d Sweden would not
h they were making
d postpone the execu<
time for preparation ;
ng the Russians. He
■d until one of his ac-
opagator of sedition, to
es, informed him that
long them without de-
)n arise. Madalinski,
under the new govern-
refused ; and throwing
rection. He suddenly
and after having dis-
whom he encountered
:ow, where he erected
ts took arms, expelled
in that city, and pro-
)rt of dictatorship was
lich was to continue so
> took an oath of fidel-
le principles stated in
IS declared against the
ately despatched their
•ection. The defeat oi
osciuszko, inspired the
ihabitants of Warsaw
, who had a garrison
I of General Igelstrom.
at the tocsin of revolt
Its seized the arsenal,
mong the people. A
lussions and the Poles,
days, in which several
FERIOO IX. A. D. i7£M — 1816.
thousands of the Russians perished, while 4S00 were made pri-
•oner". Igulslrom escaped from the city with about 3000 men.
The same insurrection broke out at Wilna, from whence it ex-
tended ever all Lithuania. Several Polish regiments who had
entered into the service of Russia, changed sides, and enlisted
under the banners of the insurgents.
In spite of their first success, it was soon perceived tha^
Poland was deficient in the necessary resources for an enter-
prise of such a nature as that in which they were engaged.
The great body of the citizens were neither sufHciently numer-
ous nor sufficiently wealthy, to serve ns a centre for the revolu-
tion which they had undertaken ; and the servitude in which
the peasantry were kept, wns but ill calculated to inspire them
with enthusiasm for a cause in which their masters only were
to be the gainers. Besides, the patriots were divided in opin-
ion ; and the King, although he appeared to approve their ef
forts, inspired so much mistrust by his weakness and timidity,
that he was even accused of secretly abetting the interests of
Russia. Lastly, the nobles who alone ought to have shown
courage and energy, were found but little disposed to give any
effectual support to the cause of liberty. Every contribution
appeared to them an encroachment on their prerogatives ; and
they were as much averse to a levy en masse as to the raising
of recruits, which deprived them of their tenantry. They were,
moreover, afraid of losing those rights and privileges which they
exclusively enjoyed.
Under these considerations, Kosciuszko was convinced that it
was inipossible for him to organize an armed force equal to that
of the Russians and the Prussians, who were acting in concert
to defeat the measures of the insurgents. After some inferior
operations, an important engagement took place on the confines
of the Palatinates of Siradia and Cujavia (June 8, 1794,) where
he sustained a defeat ; in consequence of which the King of
Prussia made himself master of Cracow. That prince, supported
by a body of Russian troops, undertook, in person, the siege of
Warsaw. The main forces of the insurgents were assembled
under the walls of that city. They amounted to about 22,000
combatants, while the enemy had more than 50,000. The siege
of Warsaw continued nearly two months, when a general msur
rection, which had spread from Great Poland into Western Pros
sia, obliged the King to retire, that he might arrest the progress
of the insurrection in his own dominions.
The joy of the insurgents, on account of this incident, was
but of short duration. The Court of Vienna, which till then
had maintained a strict neutrality, resolved also to despatch on
• 1 "«'
army into Poland. This army was divided into two columns,
one of which marched on Brzesci, and the other on Dowhno.
On the other hand, the Russians under the command of Suwo-
row, advanced into Lithuania, and pursued u body of the m««ur-
gents, who were commanded by Sirakowski. Kosciuszko. whc
now saw the great superiority of the enemy, made a last effort
to prevent the junction of the army of Suwarow with that of
Baron de Fersen, the Russian General. Directing his march
towards the latter, he fought a bloody battle with him near
Matchevitz (Oct. 10, 1794.) The action continued from sunrise
till beyond mid-day. Six thousand of the Polish army perishet*
on the field, and the test were made prisoners. Kosciuszko was
himself dangerously wounded, and fell into the hands of the
conqueior. He had endeavoured to escajpe by the swiftness of
his horse, but was overtaken by some of the Cossacs; one of
whom, without knowing him, run him through the back with
his lance. Falling senseless from his horse, he was carried to
a monastery ; when it was intimated, by one of his officers, that
he was the Commander-in-chief. Surgical aid was immediately
administered to him, and he was soon after conveyed to St.
Petersburg. , „ i tu •
This disaster quite dejected the courage of the Poles. Their
Generals, Dombrowski and Madalinski, who were carrying on
the war in Prussia and Great Poland, abandoned these provinces,
and marched with their troops to the relief of Warsaw. Suwa
row likewise directed his march towards that capital, and was
there joined by a considerable body of Prussians, under Dorfel-
den and Fersen, in conjunction with whom he commenced the
blockade of that city (Nov. 4.) The Russians, who amounted
to 22,000 men, prepared for an attack of the entrenchments of
Praga, one of the suburbs of Warsaw. The Poles, who had a
body of between eight and ten thousand men, made a courage-
ous defence ; but nothing could withstand the ardour and im-
petuosity of the Russians, who were burning with rage to avenge
the blood of their countrymen who were massacred at Warsaw.
Three batteries had Seen erected in the night; and the two
first divisions, though harassed by a vigorous fire in every direc-
tion except the rear, bravely surmounted every obstacle. In the
apace of four hours, they carried the triple entrenchment of Pra-
ga by main force. Rushing into tae place, they pursued their
adversaries through the streets, put the greater part of them to
the sword, and drove one thousand into the Vistula. In this
scene of action, a regiment of Jews made an obstinate defence,
and at length were totally extirpated. Thirteen thousand of the
Poles, it IS said, were left dead on the spot ; two thousand were
into two columns,
other on Dowhno.
ommand of Suwa-
budy of the in«iir-
KoRciuszko. who
made a last eflbrt
rarow with that of
irecting his march
tie with him near
inued from sunrisp
)lish army perishe<'
Kosciuszico was
the hands of the
by the swiftness of
le Cossacs; one of
>ugh the back with
, he was carried to
of his ofRcers, that
lid was immediately
ler conveyed to St.
f the Poles. Their
were carrying on
ned these provinces,
f Warsaw. Suwa
lat capital, and was
sians, under DorfeU
he commenced the
ians, who amounted
le entrenchments of
i Poles, who had a
'n, made a courage-
the ardour and im-
with rage to avenge
ssacred at Warsaw,
night; and the two
1 fire in every direc-
ry obstacle. In the
itrenchment of Pra-
they pursued their
iter part of them to
le Vistula. In this
1 obstinate defence,
een thousand of the
two thousand werr
PERIOD IX. A. D. 1789 — 18i6
drowned in the Vistula, and between fourteen and fifteen thou-
sand were made prisoners. The suburb of Praga was pillnired,
and razed to the foundation. Terror seized the inhabitants of
Warsaw, aod they determined to capitulate. Suwnrow made
his triumphant entry into that capital, and was prc-enterl with
the keys of the city (Nov. 9.) The Polish troops laid cJotvu
their arms ; the insurrection was quelled ; and the greaterpari
of those who had distingiiishcd themselves in it, were arrested
by the Russians. The Kingr of Poland retired to Grodno ; and
the final dismemberment of that country was agreed upon by the
three allied powers.
The Court of Berlin having signified their intention of retain-
ing Cracow and the neighbouring country, of which their troops
had just taken possession, Austria, who was also desirous of pro-
curing that part of Poland, took advantage of the distontent
which the conduct of Prussia during the campaign o( 1794, and
her retreat from the ensuing coalition, had excited in the Em
press of Russia, and entered into a separate negotiation with the
Court of St. Petersburg. They arranged privately between
themselves, as to the shares which were to fall to each. An act.
in form of a declaration, was signed at St. Petersburg, between
these two courts (Jan. 3, 1795,) purporting, that the Cabinet of
Berlin should be invited to accede to the stipulations therein
contained; in consideration of the offer which the two courtfi
made to acquiesce in the reunion of the remainder of Poland
with the Prussian monarchy, and the engagement which they
entered into to guarantee that acquisition.
A negotiation was afterwards set on foot with the Court of
Berlin, which was protracted to a great length ; as that Court,
who were ignorant of the engagement which Catherine had come
under to secure Cracow to Austria, had always entertained the
hopo of being able to retain it themselves. It was only when
the act of the 3d January was communicated to them, that they
agreed to a' special convention with the Court of Vienna, which
was signed at St. Petersburg (Oct. 24, 1796.) The city of Cra
cow was abandoned to Austria, who, on her side, resigned in
favour of the King of Prussia a portion of the territory which the
declaration of the 3d January preceding had secured to her. It
was settled, that the limits of the Palatinate of Cracow should
be regulated between these two powers, under the mediation of
the Court of St. Petersburg. Stanislaus had then no other al-
ternative left, than to resign his crown into the hands of the Em-
press of Russia. The act of his abdication was dated at Grodno
(Nov. 26, 1795.)
It WHS bv these dificxent conventions, that Russia obtained hU
, *
■ ^^\tt
--■^v:- ■■'m-t^f^
that remained of Poland and Lithuania, as far as the Niemen
nna the confines of Brzesci and Novogrodek. bhe likewise
ined the greater part of Samogitia, with the whole of Cour-
oDtainea '"^ o , r . ^ ^ gijgg „ Little Poland, that
t' oT thf tS y of Ihelm situated on the right bank of the
C and the remaUer of Volhynia; in «- containing about
two thousand square miles, with one million two hundred
^^AtSi^rrassigned. in addition to the principal part of
Cracow the whole Palatinates of Sendom r and Lublin, with
part the district of Chelm. and the Pa aUnates of B"e«c.,
whfch Hes on this side of the Niemen, as well as the small dis-
uSn L tt"e Poland, making part of the Palatinate of Cracow ;
h:':hr:onsisting of abSu? one thousand J^erman «jua^^^^
miles with a population of one million. Finally, by a suDse
^uen convendo.1 which was concluded at St. Pfrsburg {Jan.
^'mh the three co-participant Courts arranged among them-
sSves as to the manneJ of discharging the debts of th^ KHig
and the Republic of Poland. They »g^««ft bank of the Bug ;
thirty-four thousand
an of inhabitants,
latinates of Masovia
the Bug ; in Lithu-
ki and of Samogitia
rell as the small dis-
alatinate of Cracow;
ind German square
Finally, by a subse-
St. Petersburg (Jan.
rranged among them-
e debts of the King
ed by this same con-
1 annuity of 200,000
was not yet perceived
ret possession of the
ture and industry of
L wise administration,
! day have a powerful
Empress Catherine,
e eulogies of the phi-
their new doctrines,
lie then declared her-
ench Revolution, and
^terminate the Repub-
irms herself, and only
nner, and by conclud-
at of Drontningholm
r St. Petersburg with
y 12, 1782,) and that
me city with Prussia.
from the list, she re«
PRHioD IX. A. u. 17c(a — 1816.
■oived to send into the field the sixty thousand men ivhich Eng'
land waR to take into pay. The treaty was on the eve of being
signed, when the Empress was suddenly cut off by death
{Nov. 17, 1796.)
Paul, her successor, refused to sanction that treaty. We have
already noticed the active hand which that monarch took in the
war of 1799 against France ; and we have already mentioned
the unsuccessful attempt which he made to revive the principles
of the armed neutrality. This Emperor, who wanted stead-
iness and consistency, published at his coronation (April 5, 1797,)
a fundamental law regarding the order of succession to the
throne. This law, intended to prevent those revolutions which
the unsettled state of the throne had produced in Russia, es-
tablished a mixed lineal succession, agreeably to the order of
primogeniture ; admitting females only in case of the total
extinction of the male descendants oi the male line of Paul ;
and defining with the most scrupulous exactness, the order in
which females and their descendants should succeed to the
throne. But being weak and narrow-minded, and incapable of
discharging his imperial functions, he entailed upon himself the
Hatred of both the nobility and the people. He met with a
violent death, having been murdered by a party of daring con-
spirators (March 24, 1801.)
Alexander, who succeeded his unfortunate father, lost no time
in restoring peace to his dominions, by entering into an arrange-
ment with Great Britain (June 17,) by which he abandoned the
principles of free trade for neutral vessels ; admitting that even
a convoy should not protect these from being subjected to a
search or visitation, when ordered by the Captain of a vessel
belonging to the public navy of a belligerent state. He like-
wise concluded peace with France and Spain (Oct. 4, 8.)
Sweden had extricated herself without loss from the war
which Gustavus III. had imprudently commenced. That
Prince had succeeded in extending the royal prerogative, and
making the Diet adopt the fundamental act of union and secu-
rity (March 29, 1792,) vesting in himself the right of making
war and peace, which according to the former order of things,
he could only exeicise with the concurrence of the States. Be-
ing endowed with an ardent and heroic character, he had pro-
potied to march at the head of the armies which Louis XVI.
nad set on foot ; but he fell the victim of a conspiracy formed
by the discontented nobles, leaving his son a minor.
The Regency of the Duke of Sudermania, during the minor-
ity of Gustavus IV., was infested by jealousies and intrigues ;
while the finances, which were under bad management, fell
■U .
II I triifii'iiiff iif TllTr-
gradually mlo a state of disorder. The policy of the Re^en.
Tva-s decidedly f..r the maintenance of peace. The vourg King
hi n.elf assumed the reins of government (Nov^-^' ^^ ^^^^^^^^
Althoujrh he had e .tered into the league of the INorih, tormea
bv Pau! I for the maintenance ..f the mant.me rights of neu-
ril State L acceded shortly after to the opposite systen., to
M Alexander 1. had declared h.mself favourable
Christian VII. had reigned m Denmark «'"^« ™ ' ^^^^^^^^^
the last twenty years, the Prince Royal and Count Bernstorr
had Ken at L\ead of his councils. Under their adm.nistra-
!;;JX" kingdom nourished in P-f-d pea^ jv^^^^^^^^^
for an instant been nterrupled, except in 1800, by i"^ ^^xauou
.Jeatment which the Danish ships had met with on the part of
il%Z. Denmarkwasthefirs^of the European powers that
abolished the African slave trade (May 16, 179b.)
The Military Preponderarue of Prameunderthe mayofNa
poleon Bonaparte, a. d. 1802—1810.
In the period on which we are now entering, and which com-
orehends^eight years, we shall find Napoleon Bonaparte devot-
rnThis unremitting efforts to a threefold project, the object of
which was to secure for himself the empire of the world. The
first of^hese was to render the monarchical government hered,.
Ty in his family, preparatory to the introduction of a unjveml
dominion; the next was to extend the boundaries ot Fnn^e,
and The last to surround that country, not with a multitude of
Slnublics as the Directory had done, but with a number of
J^t^^mTnar^w':, the exisSnce of which should be - amal^J
Sited with his own dynasty, that they must stand or faU wiA
it We shall find him keeping these projects incessantly in
view, so that every step whicn he took towards the accomplish-
ment of the one. was calculated at the same time to advance the
"^BctiTethe end of the year 1801. a council, composed of 450
deputies of the Cisalpine Republic, was assembled at Ly«ns, ">
order to deliberate as to the changes to be made m the cons tu
t;on. which was assimilated more and "-o'^to the^-^'Xc '^
forni. In the mean time, the Presidency of 'he u-pubhc xvas
cy of the Receni
The vourg King
ovembijr 1, 1796.)
the North, formed
time rights of neu-
opposite system, to
since 1766 ; but for
d Count Bernstorf
er their administra-
euce which had not
DO, by the vexatious
with on the part of
ropean powers timt
tider the sway of Na
ring, and which com-
mon Bonaparte devot-
project, the object of
B of the world. The
il government heredi-
luction of a universal
undaries of France ;
with a multitude of
It with a number of
should be so amalga*
lust stand or fall with
rojects incessantly in
irards the accomplish-
e time to advance the
icil, composed of 450
lembled at Lyons, in
made in the constitu-
re to the monarchii-al
of 'he aI ^public wa«
PERIOD IX. A. D. 1802—1810.
conferred on Bonaparte (January 26, 1802,) under the title of
(he Italian Republic.
Notwithstanding the easy triumph which the constitution oi
the year Eight had gained, by dissolving the Legislative Body
of France, dissension was not long in breaking out among its
member? ; and an opposition was formed which, coiulomnpd n,
silence, had no other means of manifesting itself, than by secret-
ly thwarting the views of the government. There was, liowcver,
another opposition which appeared among the members of the
tribunate, and which greatly irritated Bonaparte, by openly at-
tacking his projects of legislation. The period had now arrived,
wnen one-fifth part of the members of these two bodies were to
retire. But the new convention, in settling this partial altera-
tion, were divided as to the mode of proceeding ; or rather it
was the general opinion, that the ex-members should be deter-
mined by lot. This temporary vacancy furnished Bonaparte
v/ith a pretext for getting rid of all those whose pre.sence had
laid him under any sort of restraint. A decree of the Conser-
vative Senate, of the 22d Ventose, in the year Ten (March 13,
1802,) turned out twenty of the tribunes, and sixty of the le-
gislators ; and supplied their places with members taken from
the lists formed by the Electoral Colleges of the Departments.
Having thus discovered what advantages might accrue to him
from an institution which Sieycs had contrived for balancing
the authority of the government, from that moment he convert-
ed the Senate into an instrument for sanctioning his own mea-
A notification from the French ambassador in Switzerland
announced that the Valais>hould henceforth form an Independ-
ent Republic (April 3.) The inhabitants had not requested this
favour ; it was granted to them because Bonaparte wished to
get possession of the Simrlon, preparatory to the union of that
country with France. The second decree of the New Consti-
tution of the 6th Floreal (April 26,) granted a general amnesty
to all emigrants who should return within the space of three
months, and take the oath of allegiance. All their property that
remained unsold was restored to them, except the forests. About
a thousand individuals were excepted from this act of justice,
which strengthened the authority of Bonaparte by conciliating
the public opinion in his favour.
Immediately after this, Bonaparte submitted to the Tribunate
and the Legislative Body a plan for the institution of a Legion
of Honour (May 10.) This Legion was to be composed of fif-
teen cohorts of Dignitaries for life. The First Consul was the
Chief of the Legion ; each cohort was to be composed of seven
r \rm(.llnt^arf»Wmi^fTlmf
Grand Officers, twentj Commandants, thirty Officers, and three
hundred Logionarifis. The object of Bonaparte evidently wns
to esinblii^h n new aristocracy. But the minds of the Council
were so little prepared for this proposition, and so contrary was
it 10 the republican ideas with which they were still imbued, thm
it passed but by a very small majority, and the First Consul
thouirhi proper to delay carrying it into execution.
For some time the First Consul had been in negotiation with
Pope Pius VII. nn the affairs of religion. He had adjusted a
Concordat with liis Holiness, subjecting public worship to the
superintendence of ten prelates of the highest rank, and fifty
bishops. This famous Concordat was signed at Paris (July 15.'
and ratified at Rome (Aug. 15,) 1801. It was afterwards sub-
mitted for the acceptance of the French nation, and adopted by
a very great majority. The Sabbath and the four grand festi-
vals were restored ; and from this date the government ceased
to follow the decennary system. This was the first abandon-
ment of the Republican calendar. Bonaparte hoped to attach
to liimself the sacerdotal party, the order most disposed for pas-
sive obedience ; and in this manner to balance the clergy against
the Royalists, and the Pope against the interests of the Coali-
tion. The Concordat was ratified with great pomp in the church
of Notre Dumo by the Senate, the Legislative Body, the Tri-
bune, and the public functionaries. The First Consul appeared
in tlic ancient court carriage, with all the circumstances and eti-
quette of royalty.
Another law of the Constitution of the 30th of Floreal (May
20,) sanctioned the Slave Trade in the colonies restored to
France by the treaty of Amiens, and in the French colonies sit-
uated beyond the Cfape of Good Hope. By this law, however,
slavery was not restored in St. Domingo. That colony was un-
der the dominion of the Negroes, who, after having massacred
the Whites, and committed barbarities which surpass even those
of the French Revolution, had succeeded in establishing their
independence. After the preliminaries signed at London, Bo-
naparte had sent an expedition to that Island, having on board
40,000 men, commanded by his brother-in-law General Le Clerc.
On their arrival at St. Domingo, the French took possession of
the town of Cape Francois, which was the seat of government,
as well as of several other places. Toussaint L'Ouverture, ori-
ginally a slave, and raised to be the Chief of the Blacks, sub-
mitted to the French ; but General Le Clerc, having afterwards
arrested him, had him conveyed to France where he died. This
circumstance excited the Blacks to a new revolt under the com-
mand of Christophe, the relative and friend of Toussaint ; and
'i >l> ii |l|.M"HIHW l l
Officers, and three
mrie evidently wpm
irids of the Council
lid so contrary was
re still imbued, thm
the First Consul
in negotiation with
He had adjusted a
ublic worship to the
lest rank, and fifty
d at Paris (July 15/.
was afterwards sub-
tion, and adopted by
the four grand festi-
government ceased
the first abandon-
irte hoped to attach
lost disposed for pas-
ice the clergy against
iterests of the Coali-
nt pomp in the church
ntivc Body, the Tri-
'irst Consul appeared
:ircumstances and eti-
30th of Floreal (May
colonies restored to
e French colonies sit-
Jy this law, however,
That colony was un-
fter having massacred
ich surpass even those
I in establishing their
gned at London, Bo-
and, having on board
law General Le Clerc.
rich took possession of
e seat of government,
aint L'Ouverture, ori-
ef of the Blacks, sub-
erc, having afterwards
where he died. This
revolt under the com-
nd of Tnussaint ; and
•SRIOD IX. A. D. 1802—1810.
after a bloody war, France lost this valnnble colony, togethei
with a numerous nrmy and many commcrciiil ndvanlnges.
After the conclusion of the ponco of Amiens, the Tribunate,
purpd of its Republican members, signified a wish that some
pledge of national gratitude should be offered to General Bona-
parte. The Conservative Senate then nominated him First
Consul for ten years. When this decree of the Senate was an-
nounced to him, he could not conceal his chagrin ; and that he
might not be compelled to accept a favour which he disdained,
he demanded that the decision of the Senate should be submitted
for the sanction of the people. The two other Consuls were re-
solved to consult the nation (and this was the only occosion in
which they ever acted on their own authority,) not ns to the de-
cree of the Senate, but on the question whether Bonaparte
should be elected Consul for life. Out of .1,577,379, of which
the primary Assembly was composed, 3,66S,885 voted in the
affirmative, and only 8,494 in the negative. Agreeable to this
expression of the public voice, the Senate proclaimed Bonaparte
First Consul for life (August 2, 1802.)
Two days after, the third decree of the Senate of the 16tb
Thermidor, brought the government still nearer the monarchical
form, by granting to the First Consul great influence over th
Electoral Assemblies, with the power of ratifying treaties, grant-
ing pardons, nominating senators without presentation, appoint-
ing the Presidents of the Electoral Assemblies, adding to the
number of their members, and even proclaiming his own suc-
cessor. The Tribunate, which still appeared somewhat formi-
dable, was reduced to fifty members.
Such, in the space of two years, was the progress of arbitrary
power. In the course of 1802, the union of three diflferent
countries to France was either accomplished, or in a state of
preparation. The first was that of the Island of Elba, of which
the Kings of Naples and Sardinia had resigned their rights ;
the second was that of Piedmont, which France had occupied
since 9th December 1798 ; and lastly, on the death of Ferdinand,
Duke of Parma, his estates were taiten possession of by France,
as having devolved to her in virtue of the treaty of Madrid (Mar.
21, 1801,) although they were not annexed to that country till
1808. These acquisitions were made, on the political principle
avowed by Bonaparte, which allowed every thing to be done
that treaties did not expressly forbid.
The Peace of Campo Formic and Luneville had recognised the
right of Switzerland to form a constitution for herself; and Aloe's
Reding happening to be in Paris aliout the end of 1801, had ob-
tained the consent of the Pirst Consul for the re-establishment
i'' ■■'i
ro<'c who had long been kept uown uy i"i . it-:™:,!- or
thought proper to reckon all »»« .'''«'*"^'^''^ "T,; «\ „, ifaving
nn ^''. "
Diet was to assemble in one of the six prmc.pal c.t es n Sw t
Louis d'Affrv. was nominated by Bonaparte.
"'^XuttiTnSgtt^^^ details of these negcjijio-.
we shaU merely observefthat the ma n <>b8t«<=l« '^h'";! »>«^ 'r;
Tded the negotiations of Ratisbon being removed ^y the treatu^s
which France concluded on this occasion, tje deputation came
w a final conclusion, known by the name of the -Recess (or R-
mt time two partie*
! ; and Switzerland
!h the Unionists or
nooratic, alternate!)
istilution, mott aria-
le approbation of the
ns, and rejected by
hcd a right to vote,
he Helvetic Senate
imong the a'-ceptors ;
(July 3,) as having
)Ie. Bonaparte had
icd on their willing-
Helvetic povernmeni
t invitat 'VI, he with-
.) Thtfi ound him to fur-
nish. Theamount of this subsidy is not officially known. The
hopes which this Monarch had entertained of escaping from the
war were sadly disappointed. He was dragged into it towards
the end of the following year.
Portugal likewise purchased her neutrality, by a convention
which was signed between General Lannca, Bonaparte's minis
nterests regulated by
inst this violatiop o(
pectation of rendering
d the capitulation of
bunt Walmoden, who
latter, however, laid
onvention which was
ese proceedings, the
lediately blockaded by
le invaders from bene-
ow.edge the neutrality
rench troops to evacu-
r proved disastrous in
(lid them under obliga-
)oth French and Bata-
nd five frigates, with a
for conveying to Eng-
the conclusiiin of peace
1801,) Bonaparte had
1 of Naples ; but, by a
ence, he pretended that
lever he should happen
IV. was obliged to suc-
sment with General St.
ain took possession of
ig of Louisiana to the
> small coolness between
Already had he brought
r the command of 6en-
, however, succeeded in
1 importance for her to
her hand, as Bonaparte
, especially considering
itated upon England, it
Jladrid (Oct. 30,) that
nstead of the succoun*
ncnt iKiund him to fur-
t officially known. The
ed of escaping from the
dragged into it towards
trality, by a convention
nes, Bonaparte's minis
PERIOD IX. A. D. 1802— 1S1C.
ter at Lisbon, and Don Manuel Pinto ; the contents of which
are not known with certainty.
From the breaking of the peace of Amiens to the second war
with Austria, Bonaparte had employed himself about a project
for effecting a landing in England, for which he had made im
inense preparations. All the ship-carpenters throughout France
were put in requisition for the equipment of a flotilla intended
to convey the armies of the Republic to the English shores. A
multitudinous army, called the Ar-my of England, was assem-
bled on the coasts, extensive camps were formed, and convoys
prepared for protecting the transportation of these invaders. In
England, under the ministry of Mr. Pitt, vigorous measures of
defence were adopted, by setting on foot a regular army of
180,000 men. The English Admirals frequently harassed the
French shipping, and bombarded the towns situated upon the
coasts. But from this th^re did not happen any result of im-
St. Lucia, St. Peter, Miquelon, and Tobago, as also the
Dutch colonies of Demerara, Essequibo, and Berbice, fell into
the hands of the English in the beginning of the year 1803.
General Rochambeau, who had succeeded Le Clerc, concluded
a capitulation at St. Domingo, with Dc^salines the B'ack Chief,
for the evacuation of Cape Franjois ; but as the English Ad-
miral Duckworth blockaded it by sea, he was obliged to sur-
render with his whole army, which was transported to Eng-
land. Dessalines, thus relieved from the French, proclaimed
the independence of St. Domingo, or the island of Hayti, of
which he assumed the government, under the title of Governor-
General, for life.
Meantime, the plan of Bonaparte for disengaging himsel
from those political restraints which fettered his ambition, was
growing to maturity. Three parties divided France — the Roy-
alists, the Systematic Republicans, and the Jacobins. Of the
two first, the one had always entertained hopes that Bonaparte
would recall the Bourbons ; and the other, that the moment was
approaching when true liberty would take the place of despotism.
General Moreau was regarded as the head of this party, if his
character had at all made him a proper person to play an active
game in public affairs. Bonaparte, who desired neither King
nor Republic, was convinced that he could only arrive at his pur-
pose by attaching to himself the Jacobin party. In order to in-
spire them with confidence, lie felt that i' was necessary to give
them a pledge ; this was, to be continually at variance with the
other two parties, which they equally detested.
Bonaoarte resolved to ruin Moreau, whom he mistrusted
Pichepru. Georges. Cadoiulal, and other Royalist Chiefs, se-
cretly en ered France, believinij that the t.me was now como
for reestablishing royalty, and that Moreau wou d place h.m-
self at the head of the enterprise. Pithegrn twice saw his old
friend Moreau, who refused to take any part m a plot agajns
he Government; but he was reluctant to betray th» excelent
man, whom Bonaparte hated, and who had been excepted by
name from the general amnesty. His silence was sufficient to
eSgle him in a pretended conspiracy, with which the tnbu-
"■^PicTegm tpt himself secreted in Paris for some days, but
through the treachery of a friend he was at length discovered
arrested, and committed to prison, where he was found dead, on
Tmoniing of April 7th., 'a black handkerchief being twisted
around his neck, and tightened by the twisting of "^ f J^ ^o
proof appeared against Moreau of takin? n.^' part m the con^
SDiracv ; but his own confession, that he had seen Pichegru
E was deemed sufficient by his judges to justify his con-
dTmnaUon, for a high, although not capital crime ; he was sen-
fenced to t'wo years'imprison^ent, which, by J*- ."tercession d
his friends was commuted for the same period of ex le. Ihis
distinguished General made choice of America, as his place of
^''Auhis time another occurrence took phce, which imist ever
'orm the darkest chapter in the history of Bonnparte-the arrest,
condemnation, and execution of the Duke d'Engh^en Jh s
Drince was living in retirement in the castle of Ettenheim, in
fh" Dutchy of Baden, a neutral territory. On the evening of
ihe 14th of March, a troop of French soldiers passed Hje 'jon-
tier, surrounded the castle, and seized the P""<^|' *"'[';" J" "^j
tendants. He was immediately conveyed to Strusburgh, and
from thence after a confinement of three days to Pans, where he
was kept for a few hours in the Temple, and then removed to
,he nefghbouring castle of Vincennes^ ?\-*'h r±J Hd-
20th he was charged by a military cx,urt, of which General Hul-
lin was president, with having fought against France, being .n
the pay of England, plotting against the nternul and externa
safely of the Republic, and having conspired against the 1'^ of
the chief Consul. The court pronounced him ?"dty ; the de-
cision was immediately despatched to B«""P«"«' «"{. '^'^ f "'j
•ence " condemned to def h," which was written on the back of
it. carried into execution .t six o'clock the following mornmg.
The charges alleged against him were unsupported by any
eviSence but he persevered in declaring, that her"ld ever
in the rights of his family, and that as a Condc, he could
n«ver enter France, b'lt with arm.^ in his hand.
Royalist Chiefs, se-
ime was now como
u would place him-
ni twice saw his old
part in a plot against
betray this excellent
lad been excepted by
nee was sufficient to
ith which the tribu-
i» for some days, but
at length discovered
e was found dead, on
erchief being twisted
sting of a stick. No
any part in the con-
c had seen Pichegru
res to justify his con-
tl crime ; he was sen-
by the intercession ol
eriod of exile. This
fjerica, as his place of
Ince, which must ever
Bonaparte — the arrest,
ke d'Enghien. This
stle of Ettenheim, in
^ On the evening of
dicrs passed the fron-
prince, and all his at-
[}d to Strusburgh, and
lays to Paris, where he
and then removed to
On the night of the
of which General Hul-
linst France, being in
interniil and external
ired against the life of
d him guilty ; the de-
[)naparte, and the sen-
written on the back of
le following morning,
unsupported by any
g, that he would ever
as a Cond6, he could
I-KRIOD IX. A. D. 1802 — 1810.
This last act paved the way for Bonaparte to ascend the
throne. France had scarcely recovered from the slupor in which
she had been plunged by the judicial murder of a Bourbon,
when the Conservative Senate, who had perceived that the best
way to please Bonaparte was not to wait till he should make bi»
wishes known to them, presented an address, inviting hini tc
complete the institutions necessary for tranquillizing the State
(March 27.) At this signal of flattery, many of the Orders of
the State were eager to express their desire that the power
which was vested in Bonaparte, should bu conferred en him by
a hereditary title. One month was allowed to elapse, for pre-
paring the public mind for the result. It was then that the First
Consul, in replying to the address of the Senate, desired these
Orders to e-xplain themselves more clearly. The Tribunate
took the merit of anticipating this explanation, by voting the re-
establishment of hereditary monarchy in favour of Bonaparte
and his family (April 30.) The Senate, not wishing to be be-
hind in complaisance, acceded to the desire ; and a decree of
that Body declared Bonaparte Emperor of the French (Ma^
18;) conferring on him the Imperial dignity, to be hereditary
in himself, and his lawful or adopted sons, to the exclusion of
his daughters ; and failing the males, to his brothers Joseph and
Louis, and their male descendants.
The same decree of the Senate made several important
changes in the constitution, with the view of rendering it per-
fectly monarchical. Bonaparte accepted the dignity which
had been conferred on him. He only asked, that the nation
should be consuK. J upon the question of hereditary right.
Wishing to legalize this attempt in the eyes of the people ; he
invited the sovereign Pontiff to Paris to crown him. This ce-
remony took place in the Church of Notre-Dame (Dec. 2, 1804 ;)
and contrary to the general custom, Bonaparte put the crown
on his own head, after which he placed it upon that of his
spouse. Some weeks afterwards, in opening the Session ol
the Legislative Body, he solemnly declared, that, as he was sati»
fied with his grandeur, he would make no more additions to
the Empire.
The base transaction of 21st March was followed up by an
exchange of ver^violent letters, between the Russian amkissador
at Paris, and the minister of Bonaparte. In addition to the indig-
nation which that event had excited in Alexander, and which
the prevailing tone of the notes of the French minister were not
calculated to diminish ; there was a dissatisfaction, on account
of the non-execution of many of the conditions agreed to in the
Ueaty of 10th October 1801. Alexander demanded, that the
\uld this happen, each
men to repel such an
, moreover, that there
ituated to the west of
IS provided for the se-
ror Alexander imme-
1, with the view of
'ran:"e. Declarations,
jed between these two
jy agreed to set on foot
was limited to threats.
Bonnparte, and on the
3venting the union of
ling in their own ports,
ch colony of Surinam
commenced hostilities
ere marked by new ag-
1 Italy. 1. A decree of
)led nt Paris (Mar. 18,)
[taly ; and it was stipu-
me of his legitimate or
should have evacuated
e no foreigners except
and Malta; and that
should never be united
d to TVlilan (May 26,)
vn of the Emperors of
^eiic Bcauharnais, the
ted his viceroy. 2. He
der the title of a here-
:a Bacciochi his sister,
s completed the spolia*
PERIOD IX. A. D. 1802— ]S10.
tion ot the House of Buoncompagni, to whuin that title and en*
tTite belonged, together with the greater part of the Isle of Elba.
3. The Senate and people of the Ligurian Republic demanded
voluntarily, as is said, to be united lu the French Empire. Their
request was agreed to (June 5;) and the territory of that Repub-
lic was divided into three departments. 4. The Republic of
Lucca demanded from Bonaparte a new constitution, and a prince
of his fcmily. By a constitutional statute (June 23,) that Repub-
lic was erected into a principality, under the protection of France ;
anc] conferred as a hereditary right on Felix Bacciochi, and his
wife Eliza Bonaparte. 5. The States of Parma seemed destined
to be given up by way of compensation to the King of Sardinia,
together with the territory of Genoa ; but Bonaparte, finding
himself involved with the Emperor Alexander, caused them to
oe organized according to the system of France.
It was impossible for the sovereigns of Europe not to unite
against a conqueror who seemed to apply to politics that maxim
of the civil law, which makes every thing allowable that the
laws do not forbid. We have already seen that Russia and
Austria had concerted measures for setting bounds to these usur-
pations. But it was William Pitt, who was restored to the
British ministry in the month of May 1804, that conceived the
plan of the third coalition. Disdaining the petty resources which
the preceding ministry had employed for harassing France, he
conceived the idea of a grand European League, for the pur-
pose of rescuing from the dominion of Bonaparte the countries
which France had subdued since 1792, and for reducing that
kingdom within its ancient limits. With regard to the territories
which were to be taken from France, he proposed arrangements,
by means of which they might form a barrier against her future
projects of aggrandizement ; and finally, to introduce into Europe
a general system of public right. In fact, the plan of Mr. Pitt,
which was communicated to tlic Russian government (June 19,
1805,) was the same as that which, ten years afterwards, was
executed by the Grand Alliance. If this plan failed in 1805, it
was only because they calculated on the participation of Prussia,
as an indispensable condition ; which *hey did not give up when
that power had declared her resolution > > preserve her neutrality.
By the treaty of April 1 1th, between Russia and Great Britain,
it was agreed that the Emperor Alexander should make another
attempt for arranging matters with Bonaparte, so as to prevent
the war. M. de Novosilzoff, one of the Russian ministers, was
•ent to Paris. On his arrival at Berlin, he received the pass-
Eorts which the cabinet of Prussia had procured for him at F'aris ;
ut Hi the same time, he received an order from St. Petersburg
not to continue his journey. The annexation of the Ligunan
Republic to France, at the moment when they were making con-
ciliatory overtures lo Bonaparte, appeared too serious an outrage
for the Emperor to prosecute farther negotiations. War was
consequently resolved on. ,„,... u
The preparations for the invasion of England had been ear-
ned on for some time with extraordinary vigour. Every thing
•eemed to announce, that Bonaparte meant lo attempt that peril-
ous enterprise. Part of his troops had already embarked (Aug
27 ^ when all of a sudden the camp at Boulogne was broken up.
and the army directed to move towards the Rhine, which it pass-
ed within a month after. Austria had set on foot three armies.
The Archduke Charles commanded that of Italy, where it was
expected a decisive blow was to be struck ; the second army,
under the command of the Archduke John, was stationed m the
Tyrol, to maintain a communication with the third army on the
Inn, which was commanded nominally by the Archduke Fer-
dinand the Emperor's cousin, but in reality by General Mack.
The first Russian army under the command of General Kutusoff
had arrived in Gallicia, and was continuing its march m all
haste. It was followed by another under Michelson. The Rus-
sian troops in Dalmatia were to attempt a landing m Italy.
The army of Mack passed the Inn (Sept. 8.) They had
reckoned on the co-operation of the Elector of Bavaria ; but that
prince, who was always distrustful of Austria, abandoned the
cause of the allies, and retired with his troops into Franconia.
The Electors of Wurtemberg and Baden were desirous of con-
cluding treaties of alliance with Bonaparte, after he had passed
the Rhine ; these treaties were signed at Ludwigsburg and Et-
tingen (Oct. 4, and 10.) The plan of Bonaparte was to cut ofl
the army of Mack who had entered into Swabia, from that of
Kutusoff which was marching through Austria. In this he suc-
ceeded, by presuming to violate the Prussian territory. Mar-
mont who had come by way of Mayence, and Bemadotte who
had conducted the army into Franconia, where they were joined
by the Bavarians, traversed the country of Anspach, and came
thus on the rear of the Austrian army (Oct. 6.) From that date
scarcely a day passed without a battle favourable to the French.
Several divisions of the Austrians were obliged to lay down
their arms. Mack, who had thrown himself mto Ulm, lost all
resolution, and signed a capitulation (Oct. 17,) by which he pro
mised to surrender if assistance did not arrive withm eight days.
He did not, however, wait for this delay. By a second capitulation
two days after, he surrendered on the spot with 25,000 men.
The army of Mack was totally destroyed, except 6000 caval-
jtion of the Lignrian
»y were making con-
serious an outrage
siiations. War was
gland had been car-
igour. Every thing
to attempt that peril-
;ady embarked (Aug
logne was broken up.
Rhine, which it pass-
on foot three armies,
f Italy, where it was
k ; the second army,
, was stationed in the
the third army on tlio
the Archdulce Fer-
ity by General Mack,
d of General Kutusoif
ling its march in all
Vlichelson. The Rus-
landing in Italy.
Sept. 8.) They had
)r of Bavaria ; but that
ustria, abandoned the
roops into Franconia.
were desirous of con-
e, after he had passed
Ludwigsburg and Et-
naparte was to cut ofi
Swabia, from that of
istria. In this he suc-
sian territory. Mar-
, and Bernadotte who
here they were joined
f Anspach, and came
t. 6.) From that date
mrable to the French,
obliged to lay down
self into Ulm, lost all
17,) by which he pro
ive within eight days.
r a second capitulation
t with 25,000 men.
d, except 6000 caval-
1802— ISIO.
ry, with which the Archduke Ferdinand had opened himxelf a
passage through Franconia ; and 20,000 others with which Kien-
muyer had retired to Biaunau, where he was met by the van-
Fuard of Kutusoif. The^e two generals continued their retreat.
The Russian army repassed the Danube rieur Grein (Nov. 9,)
and directed their march towards '.he Morau. A few days after
(Nov. J3,) Viennii, the capital of Austria, fell into the hands of
the French. They passed the Danube near that city, and pur-
sued the Russians. In the meantime General Buxhovvden with
the second Russian army, having joined KutusoHTat Olmutz, on
the same day that the EJinperor Alexander arrived in the camp,
they conceived themselves strong enough to encounter the ene-
my, and immediately discontinued their retreat. The battle of
Austerlitz, which Bonaparte fought (Dec. 2,) with the combi-
ned army of the Austrians and Russians, decided the campaign
in his favour.
Meantime Bonaparte found himself in a position which might
become dangerous. When the Archduke Charles had perceived
that the French had concentrated their forces on the Danube, he
sent supplies to General Mack, and commenced his retreat from
Italy, that he might be nearer the centre of hostilities. This
retreat he could not effect, e.\cept by hazarding several engage-
ments with Massena, who continued the pursuit. When near
Cilley he formed a junction with the Archduke John, who had
retreated from the Tyrol (Nov. 27.) The united armies of these
two princes amounted to 80,000 men, with whom they marched
towards Vienna; while the Hungarians rose en masse to defend
their sovereign. The next day after the battle of Austerlitz, the
Russian army received a reinforcement of 12,000 men. An
army composed of Prussians, Saxons, and Hessians were on the
point of penetrating into Franconia ; and some corps of Prus-
sians, Russians, Swedes, Hanoverians, and English, had joined
a second army in the north of Germany, ready to invade Bel-
gium. Moreover, the English and the Russians were preparnig
to effect a landing in the kingdom of Naples.
It was in this critical moment that the Cabinet of Vienna
signed an armistice at Austerlitz, by which they engaged to send
back the Russian army, and to quell the insurrection in Hun-
gary. Within twenty days after, peace was signed at Presburg
between Austria and France (Dec. 26.) The former acknow-
ledged all the claims of Bonaparte, ana ceded to him, to form a
Eart of the kingdom of Italy, the ancient states of Venice, with
talmatia and Albania ; and tc his allies, the Elector of Baden
and the new Kings of Bavaria and VVurtomberg, the Tyrol and
all her hereditary possessions in Swabia.
The violation of the Prussian territor_y in Franjonia, had M-
'iled Ihe most lively indignation nt Ben.n. The King resolved. |
:^.rd in hand, to Jvenge thi. mUrnge "g-'-^^Xl? ncf S I
The Prussian troops occupied Hanover, which the French had |
ju't evacuated ; an^d thatUuntry was restored to |^^« leg. Uma^
tovereiffn. A hody of Russians, for who.n they had till then
vallv demanded a passage through S.les.a. ohtained permisMon
to traverse that province to jmn the ""'^ "f ^u J«o»r. The
Emperor Alexan-Ur had himself arrived at Berhi. 0=^26.) as
well as the Archduke Anthony, Grand-Master of the Teutomc
Kni..hts. A convention was cone uded at Po sdam (Nov. 3 )
J^tween Alexander and Frederic HI. of Prussia This atter
nrince joined the coalition, with the reservation of a prelim.na.7
St mp to obtain the assent of Bonaparte to conditions extre^nely
equitable. In case these were re ected, Frederic promised to
ta1 was on his march
news of the battle of
I the labour of three
ig England by plant-
lation then conceived
strength to another,
f states, independent
n of the head of the
repaired to Munich,
Beauharnais, and de-
)f Italy. In announ-
l, 1S06,) he declared
ermining the common
posing the Federative
IS the first time that
ne after, he declared,
irt of the Grand Em-
the Imperial family,
30,) may be regarded
System he had lately
Imperor of the French
^s of his family ; and
le would arrive when
Ijacent states,
the kingdom of Italy,
'rara and Carfagnana,
t. At the same time,
lutchies, as hereditary
states of Parmu ; all
enerals and ministers.
PERIOD IX. A. D. 1789 — ISin.
The dutchy of Cleven, ceded by Prusitia, as well as that of
Berg which Imd born ceded to him by the Kiiii,' of Bavaria,
were conferred, together with the hereditary diirniiy of Admiral
of France, on hid brother-in-law Jonchiin Miirat (Munh HO.)
Alexander Berthier was crented Prince of Neiirchiiti.'l (June 5.)
At a la'er iMriod, hv granted the diitcliy >'f Henevento to M.
Talleyrand rerigord, under the title of Sovereiy;!! I'riniipniity ;
-and the principality of Poiitecorvo to Jean Biipti-le Beriiiulotte,
the brother-in-law of Joseph Bonaparte. He ior)k these twt) ter-
ritories from the States of the Church, under the pretext that
their sovereignty was an object of litigation between the Courtk
of Rome and Naples ; an allegation which was not true.
The continuation of the History of Bonaparte presents us
with a series of new usurpations and aggrejisioiiK. Towards
the end of January, the French troops entered into the free city
of Frankfort, where they levied four millions, to punish the in-
habitants for their connexion with the English. Bonaparte was
living at that time in the most perfect peace witii the German
Empire to which that city belonged, aiicl which could not protect
it. By the treaty of Presburg, the Bocca di Cattaro, in Dalma-
tia, was to be restored to the French ; but the Russians, whose
fleet was cruising off these coasts, immediately took possession
of that place (Feb. 4,) at the moment when the Austrians were
about to surrender it to the French. Bonaparte made this a
pretext for refusing to give up to the Court of Vienna the for-
tress of Braunau, which he was to evacuate according to the
stipulations of that same treaty, and for leaving a part of his
army in Germany. He did more ; he ordered General Lauris-
ton, who commanded the French army in Dalmatia, to occupy
Ragusa (May 27,) a Republic placed under the protection of the
Porte, with whom there subsisted a treaty of peace. It was not,
however, until the 13th August 1807, that Ragusa was formally
united to the kingdom of Italy.
The Elector of Baden and the Princes of Nassau were oblig-
ed to make cessions to France. The former surrendered Kehl,
nnd the latter Cassel and Kostheim, opposite Mayence. Wesei,
a fortress in the dutchy of Cleves was likewise occupied by the
French troops. All these were so many violations of the peace
of Luneville, and the treaty of Vienna in 1805.
In order to promote this federative system, the States-General
of the Batavian Republic received a hint to ])etttion Bonaparte
for a King. A treaty was in consequence concluded at Paris
(March 24,) by which Louis, the brother of Napoleon, was cre-
ated Hereditary and Constitutional King of Holland ; the title
to descend to his male issue. That young man accepted with
rclMct»tic(! u iTowii which he had never coveted, and which h«
wnro with iiiiuli dififnity.
William Pitt, whom history would have been proud to call the
Grout Pitt, had shn not already given that title to his father, hnd
died about the b<>^rinnin^r of the year (Jan. 23.) Charles Fox,
hin forrnor onta^fonist, succofilfd him in the niinixtry. He im«
nuMliatoly t'liton-d into negotiations for peace between Francn
and Knglaiid. This comuiission, on the part of the latter, wai
intrusted lirst to Lord Yarmouth and afterwards to Lord Lau-
derdale. After the death of Fox (Sept. 13,) the negotiations
ended without having produced any change in the relations be-
tween France and England ; nnvertheless they deserve to be
placed among the important events of that year, as they were
the immediate cau.(. 6,) by which he resigned a crown
which could only oppenr valuable in his eyes so long ns he was
able to fulfil the duties, and exercise the prerogatives which
were attached to it.
This transaction, which put an end to the German Empire,
had been kept a secret from Prussia. Bonaparte, in announcin
to Frederic William the result which it had produced, invitei
him to form a similar confederation in the North of Germany ;
but at the same time, he negotiated privately with the Electors
of Hesse and Saxony, to prevent them from entering into that
union ; and declared, that he could never permit the cities of
Bremen, Hamburg, and Lubec, to become parties to it. In his
negotiations with England, he proposed to make over these ci-
ties to Ferdinand IV. King of the Two Sicilies. He carried
ni.s stratagems even farther. He several times oflfcred to the
English plenipotentiaries the same Electorate of Hanover which,
a few months before, he had almost compelled Prussia to claim
as her own ; and he offered to the Elector of Hesse the princi-
pality of Fulda, which had been granted to the House of Orange,
then in strict alliance with that of Brandeburg. All these un-
derhand man«Euvres opened the eyes of the Cabinet of Berlin,
which immediately resolved to declare war. Unfortunately for
Prussia, she commenced hostilities without waiting the arrival
of the supplies which Russia owed her, in virtue of the alliance
between the two States by the treaty of PeterhofT (July 2S,
1800;) and she had to take the field against an active enemy,
whoso warlike troops were already in the heart of Germany.
General KnobelsdorfT, whom the King of Prussia had sent to
Paris, gave in the demands which were to be considered as his
ultimatum : — Bonaparte treated his propositions as extravagant
and insulting, and accordingly commenced hostilities. The
campaign was decided by the battle of Jena, or rather by two
battles which were fought on the same day (Oct. 14, 1806.)
Bonaparte in person gained the one near Jena over Prince Ho>
henlohe ; Marshal Davoiist gained the other near Auerstadt
over thej)ukc of Brunswick, Commander-in-chief of the Prus-
sian army. The rout was complete. For a siiort time the
troops retired without confusion. The approach of the enemy's
cavalry, however, extinguished all remains of order, and the
most precipitate dispersion of the vanquished army ensued.
About 20,000 were killed and wounded in the battle and piir-
suit ; and the prisoners formed at least nn equal number. The
scattered remains of the troops who united after the action, were
either defeated or obliged to surrender as prisoners of war. The
King, with the wreck of his aruiy, marched hack to Prussia.
Berlin, his capital, fell into the hands of the conqueror. The
carelessness, the unskilfulness, or the treachery of their com-
inanders, and the want of means of defence, were the causes
why several fortresses, and whole battalions of troops, surren-
dered after a slight resistance. There were some who were
even obliged to capitulate in spite of their bravery. At Erfurt,
Field-Marshal MellendorfT capitulated with 14,000 men (Oct.
Ifi.) Spandau fell on the same day that the enemy entered into
Berlin (Oct. 2f5.) Prince Hohenlohe, after a brave defence, ca-
pitulated at Prentzlau (Oct. 29,) with a corps originally consist-
mg of 16,000 infantry, and sixteen regiments of cavalry. Stettin
and Custrin opened their gates after a slight resistance (Nov. 1.)
At Lubec, 21,000 men, with General Blucher, laid down their
arms (Nov. 7.) Magdeburg capitulated next day with 22,000
Immediately after the battle of Jena, Bonaparte took posses-
sion of the principality of Fulda. He also sent a message to the
old Duke of Brunswick, that none of his family should ever reign
after him. That prince died of the woimds he had received at
Auerstadt ; and his lifeless body was not permitted to be deposi-
ted among the asiies of his ancestors. The Elector of Hesse,
who had remained neutral, was declared an enemy to France,
and his territories seized. Bonaparte, in return, granted neu-
trality to the Elector of Saxony, whose troops had fought against
him at Jena.
The King of Prussia had tried to allay the £.torm which threat-
ened his monarchy. The Marqui« de Lucchesini and General
Zastrow entered into a negotiation with Marshal Duroc at Char-
lottenburg (Oct. 30.) Bonaparte refused to ratify the prelimi-
naries which were signed there, because the idea had occurred
to him in the meantime of exciting the Poles to insurrection.
An armistice was then signed (Nov. 16,) on conditions extremely
rigorous, by which Breslau, Glogau, Colbei^, Graudentz ana
Dantzic, were delivered up to the French. Frederic, who luid
-*»;»- rt »«iiwi J w «H iiaB»»iaJB
! i.a » a
other nenr Auerstadt
in-chief of the Prus-
or a sliort time the
proiuh of the enemy's
ns of order, and the
uished army ensued.
in the battle and pjir-
equal number. The
after the aciion, were
prisoners of war. The
ched back to Prussia.
the conqueror. The
reachery of their com-
rciice, were the causes
ions of troops, surren-
were some who were
ir bravery. At Erfurt,
vith 14,000 men (Oct.
the enemy entered into
fter a brave defence, ca-
corps orifjinally consist-
lents of cavalry. Stettin
jjht resistance (Nov. 1.)
Ilucher, laid down their
i next day with 22,000
Bonaparte took posses-
Iso sont a message to the
family should ever reign
jnds he had received at
t permitted to be deposi-
The Elector of Hesse,
cd an enemy to France,
in return, granted neu-
roops had fought against
' the itorm which threat-
Lucchesini and General
Marshal Duroc at Char-
ed to ratify the prelimi-
e the idea had occurred
[le Poles to insurrection,
on conditions extremely
[JolbeiW. Graudentz ana
ch. Frederic, who hiid
PERIOD IX. A. D. 1802 — 1810.
resolved to throw himself on Russia, whose forces were approach-
ing in all haste, rejected that armistice. From Berlin Bona*
parte repaired to Posnania, where he concluded a treaty with
the Elector of Saxony (Dec. 11.) That prince then assumed
the title of King, joined the Confederation of the Rhine, and go*
possession of the Circle of Cotbus, belonging to Prussia. By a
treaty signed at the sRme plaf;e (Dec. 15,) the Dukes of Sax-
ony, of the race of Ernest, weie likemse received into the Con-
federation of the Rhine.
A Russian army of 90,000 men had arrived in Prussia in the
month of Novembier. Frecieric William, on his side, formed a
new army of 40,000 men. Several actions took place without
any decisive result; but after the battle of Pultusk (Dec. 26,)
where the victory was claimed both by the French and Rus-*
sians, each party retired to winter quarters.
During Bonaparte's stay at Berlin, he conceived the idea of
the Continental System ; or at least reduced its elements into
shape. The purport of this system was to ruin the commerce,
and by consequence, the prosperity of England, by excluding
from the Continent of Europe the importation not only of her
own manufactures, but the productions of her colonies ; the use
of which had become, through long habit, one of the necessaries
of life to all the nations of Europe ; and for which, moreover,
no substitute could be found in home manufactures. This chi-
merical scheme, and the Federative System, which we have
already mentioned, were the two scourges which Bonaparte in-
flicted on the Continent of Europe. The abuse, it was alleged,
which the English made of their superiority by sea, had provo-
ked Bonaparte to this measure. The right of blockade, that is,
the right of a belligerent power to station a force before a hostile
port sufficient to prevent any neutral vessel from entering, is
founded in principle. But England pretended, that if a port
were declared to be under blockade, it must be considered as
actually blockaded ; and accordingly, she had declared all the
ports between Brest and the Elbe under blockade (May 16.)
An order issued by Bonaparte, known by the name of the De-
cree of Berlin, declared the whole British Islands in a state of:
blockade, by way of reprisals (Nov. 21.) He commanded ail
British subjects to be arrested, who might be found in the coun-
tries occupied by his troops, or those oi his allies. He ordered
their property, and every article of British or colonial produce
on the Continent to be confiscated ; and excluded from his ports
all vessels which should come directly from Britain, or any of
its dependencies. The development of this system we saall
notice afterwards.
■ «»■
The repose of the armies did not continue longer than a month.
Genera fienn.-sen, who had the chief command of the Russmm
and Prussians: undertook to relieve the cities of Grauden z
DantHc and Colberg. After a number of petty engagements
SS daTm'no parti'cular notice,, tb^ campaig^ was grmina ed
bv the battle of Eylau in Prussia (i eb. 8, 1807.) .**°"»P°"«'
o?rather Davoust. was successful against the left wmg and thfl
centre of the allie;; but Lestocq, the Prussian General, having
arrived on the field of battle, near the right wmg of the Prus-
l"s which had never been engaged, marched instanly to s^-
nort the left win-T which was giving way, and snatched he vie
forv rom thJTands of Davoust. Bennigsen who was m want
of ammTnition, retired towards Koningsberg leaving Bonapane
nn the field of battle, wh ch was covered with JU.UUU ot me
Frpnch slain and 12,000 wounded. The Russians had lost
n 000 men After this carnage, Bonaparte announced that he
ild defeated the Russians, and retired behind the Passarge.
Hostilities were then suspended for some months.
"rSe month of FebrWry, negotiat ons f- Pe-V^ f J^
newed. Bonaparte, who was at Osterode, sent General Bertrand
Sh was on y a mancuvre of Bonaparte, who merely wished
o gaTn timeto repair his losses. The negotiations, accordingly,
wefe broken off. Baron Hardenberg, who had been placed by
r/S of Prussia at the helm of foreign affairs then resumed
the nroifcfofM Pitt, which had failed in 1805, because Count
Hau^wS the former minister, had dissuaded Frederic Wi ham
"om ending into the alliance. The basis of a new coalition
waTlaS by fhe convention of Bartenstein, between R"«|'a and
Prussia ((pril 21,) in which Austria, Great Britain, Sweden
rnTSLma'rk'we;; invited to join. The --ej;/^';-"-;:
Son with the King of Sweden was likewise signed at Barten
st^nn consequence of which Prussia promised to send a body
oftroops intokmerania. Austria ^vas disposed to enter imo
this nroiect, but before coming to a decision, she tried the
chem if l;ediation ; and in the month of M'^jch, jw pro-
nosals for peace were made, which proved unsuccessful. Sup-
E wcreVomised to Prussia by a convenl.ou signed at Lon-
5on ( W 27,) but which a change of circumstances prevented
^' WhUe^hTSes continued in a kinxander obtained from Bonaparte the spoliation of his
former ally, or according to the form which was given to it in
that transaction, That the King of Prussia should recover one
half of his estates. The provinces which Prussia had obtained
by the second and third division of Poland were ceded to the
King of Saxony, under the title of the Dutchy of Warsaw,
with the exception of the fortress of Graudentz, which remained
in the possession of Prussia, and the city of Dantzic, which was
to regain its independence, with the exception of the department
of Bialystock which was annexed to the Russian Empire. Alex-
ander acknowledged the Kings created by Bonaparte, including
the King of Westphalia. He likewise acknowledged the Con-
federation of the Rhine, and ceded to Bonaparte the Seignory of
Jever, which he inherited from his mother. He promised to
withdraw his troops from Moldavia and Wallachia; and to make
common cause with Bonaparte against England, should the lat-
ter refuse to make peace by submitting to the principles of free
commerce by sea. It appears, moreover, by certain secret arti-
cles, that Alexander promised to surrender to Bonaparte the
Bocca di Cattaro, and the isles of the Ionian Republic ; which
took place in the month of August following. The peace which
was signed between Russia and Bonaparte two days after (July
9,) included nearly the same stipulations.
A special convention was required for executing the articles
of the treaty, which related to the evacuation of the States of the
King of Prussia. This was negotiated and signed at Konings-
berg (July 12,) with unpardonable precipitancy, by Field-Marshal
Kalkreuth, who forgot to insert certain stipulations so essential
and so obvious, that it must have appeared to him superfluous
to mention them. Bonaparte took advantage of these omissions
to ruin the provinces which were left in possession of Prussia.
It may be justly said, that the convention of Koningsberg did
nearly as much mischief to Prussia as the peace of Tilsit itself.
It occasioned the necessity of signing a series of subsequent con-
ventions, by each of which Prussia had to submit to some new
sacrifice. Some of the more important of these we shall after-
nrards have occasion to mention.
The' King of Sweden, who was attacked in Pomerania by
Marahnl M ortier, had concluded an> armistice at Schlalkorv
PKKIOD IX. A. D. 1802—1810.
been so coiiipletely
>naparte demanded
his minister Baron
nberg. The Prince
uted in their place,
"uly 7.) The Em-
spoliation of his
was given to it in
I should recover one
russia had obtained
were ceded to the
Dutchy of Warsaw,
ntz, which remained
Dantzic, which was
on of the department
isian Empire. Alex-
Bonaparte, including
nowledged the Con-
jarte the Seignory of
er. He promised to
illachin ; and to make
gland, should the lat-
^he principles of free
by certain secret arti-
ler to Bonaparte the
lian Republic ; which
ig. The peace which
B two days after (July
executing the articles
on of the Slates of the
id signed at Konings-
ncy, by Field-Marshal
pulations so essential
jd to him superfluous
age of these omissions
possession of Prussia.
n of Koningsberg did
I peace of Tilsit itself,
•ies of subsequent con-
o submit to some new
f these we shall after*
;ked in Pomerania by
nistice at Schlalkorv
(April 18.) Gustavus Adolphus IV. projected an attack on Mar-
shal Brune, while a body of 10,000 Prussians were to make a
descent for blockading Colberg. To carry this project into exe-
cution, he was so eager to declare against the armistice, that, on
the signature of the peace of Tilsit, he found himself alone under
arms, and exposing his troops to great danger. This unseason-
able zeal obliged him to evacuate Stralsund and the whole of
Pomerania (Sept. 7.)
In erecting the Dutchy of Warsaw, Bonaparte had given it a
constitution modelled after that of France, without paying atten-
tion to the difference of manners, customs, and localities of the
inhabitants. The King of Saxony wos put in possession of that
State ; but the new dutchy was nothing else than a province of
the French Empire. The city of Dantzic was again ilunged
into a state of the most abject dependence ; and until the yeai
1814, it remained under the o-ders of a Governor-general ap-
Eointed by the French. The throne of Westphalia was destined
y Bonaparte for his younger brother Jerome. That monarchy
was composed of the greater part of those provinces ceded by
the King of Prussia ; of nearly all the estates of the Elector ol
Hesse and the Duke of Brunswick ; of a district belonging to the
Electorate of Hanover ; of the principality of Corvey, and the
county of Rittberg — containing in all about two millions of in-
habitants. Only a small part of this kingdom was situated in
Westphalia ; and it is not known by what chance the name ol
that country was selected for the new monarchy. Deputies from
that kingdom were summoned to Paris, where they received
from the hands of Bonaparte a constitutional charter (Nov. 16,)
in the construction of which they had never once been consulted.
As to the other districts which Bonaparte had taken possession
of in Germany, or of which he had deprived their rightful sove-
reigns, viz. the Electorate of Hanover, the principalities of Erfurt.
Fulda, Baireuth, and Munster, with the counties of Catzeneln-
bogen and Hanau, they were governed entirely to his own inter-
est, and disposed of at his convenience.
While the armies of Bonaparte were occupied in Prussia,
Spain formed the resolution of shaking off the yoke which the
Emperor of France had imposed upon her. Charles IV. soli-
cited privately the mediation of the Emperor Alexander, to bring
about a pence with England. By a proclamation of October
30th 1806, a levy of 40,000 men was ordered for the defence ol
the country, without mentioning against what enemy. This
imprudent step, which they had not courage to prosecute, ruined
Spain. At the commencement of 1807, a French army was as-
sembled in the vicinity of Bayonne. A trap was laid for Gharlea
S ■■* ''
IV : and he had the misfortune to fall into it. According to a
on -ention signed at Fountainbleau (Oct. 27,) between h.s plem-
Dotentiarv and that of Bonaparte, for the partition of Portugal,
K k ngdom was to be divided into three lots. The most north-
X parf was destined for the King of Etruria (who w„s to sur-
render up Tuscany to Bonaparte,) and to be called the kinadom
of Northern Lusitania. The southern part, comprising A.ga. ves,
was to form a principality for Don Manuel G«J«y- Jhe p o-
vinces in the middle part were to be disposed of at the general
peace, when the King of Spain was to assume the title of hm-
peror of the two Americas.
Immediately after the signing of this treaty, Bonaparte an-
nounced to the Queen-Dowager of Etruria, who was Regent for
her son Louis II., that the kingdom no longer be onged to him;
and that a new destiny awaited him in Spain. In course of a
few days, the French troops occupied Tuscany. Mana Louisa
resigned the government, and retired to Madrid AH this took
place after Bonaparte had obtained orders that the 15,000 Span
lards, who were in Etruria, should be sent to the islands of
^ ATcree of the French Senate, of August 18th 1807, though
not published till a month after, suppressed the Tribunate, and
introduced other changes, intended to extinguish all traces of the
Republic. Bv a treaty signed at Fountainbleau, Bonaparte made
over to his brother Louis, the principality of East Friesland and
the territory of Jever, in lieu of the city and port of Flushing.
In terms of the treaty of the 27th October, 30,000 French
troops, under the command of Junot crossed the Pyrenees in
two divisions ; and took possession of Pampeluna, St. Sebastians,
Figu^ras, and Barcelona. The two divisions united again at
Salamanca, and being reinforced by 13,000 Spaniards they
marched upon Li.bon ; while 40,000 others assembled at Bay-
onne, under the pretence of supporting their companions if it
were necessary, ^he Prince Regent of Portugal embarked with
all his treasures (Nov. 29,) and departed for Brazil. The whole
of Portugal was taken possession of; and General Junot pro-
claimed that the Hou:e of Braganza had ceased to reign in bu-
rope ; but the French never executed their scheme of partition.
We have already observed, what progress the Federative
system of the French Empire had made in 1807 by the founda-
tion of the kingdom of Westphalia and the dutchy of Warsaw,
and by the occupation of Portugal ; and we shall next advert to
the measures adopted during the same year by Bonaparte, for
consolidating the Continental system, and by Great Bft"'" /or
eounleracting its effects. An order was issued by the British
t. According to a
between his pleni-
tition of Portugal,
The most north-
Sa, (who was to sur-
Icalled the kingdom
mprising Algaives,
Godoy. The pro-
id of at the general
no the title of Em-
saty, Bonaparte an-
who was Regent for
er belonged to him;
in. In course of a
my. Maria Louisa
drid. All this took
lat the 15,000 Span
It to the islands of
it 18th 1807, though
the Tribunate, and
■ui.sh all traces of tiie
sau, Bonaparte made
f East Friesland and
port of Flushing,
.ber, 30,000 French
sed the Pyrenees in
eluna, St. Sebastians,
ons united again at
00 Spaniards, they
s assembled at Bay-
eir companions if it
ugal embarked with
Brazil. The whole
General Junot pro-
ased to reign in Eu-
scheme of partition.
ress the Federative
1807, by the founda-
dutchy of Warsaw,
shall next advert to
ir by Bonaparte, for
)y Great Britain for
isued by the British
KKIOD IX. A. 0. 1802— ISIO.
Cabinet (Jan. 7,) declaring that no neutral vesse. would be per-
mitted to trade with any port belonging to France or her allies,
or occupied by their troops, or under their dependence. A de-
cree, published at Warsaw (Jan. 25,) ordered the confiscation
of all English merchandise in the Hanseatic towns, which had
been occupied by the order of Bonaparte. An order of the Brit-
ish Cabinet (March 11,) again prescribed a rigorous blockade of
the mouths of the Elbe, the Weser, and the Ems. A declara-
tion was made by Bonaparte (Oct. 14,) in presence of the foreign
ambassadors at Fountainbleau, purporting that he would permit
no connexion, either commercial or diplomatic, between the
Continental powers and England. An order of the British
Cabinet (Nov. 11,) declared, that all the ports and places in
France, and the countries in alliance with them, or any other
country at war with England, as well as all other ports and
places in Europe where the British flag was excluded, though
not actually at war with Great Britain ; and all other ports and
places of the colonies belonging to her enemies, should hence
forth be subjected to the same restrictions as if they were really
under blockade ; and, consequently, that the vessels destined
for these ports should be subjected to examination by the British
cruisers ; and required to stop at a British station, and pay a
duly proportioned to the value of the cargo. Another order of
the British Cabinet (Nov. 25,) modified the preceding declara-
tion in favour of neutral vessels, which should come to discharge
either English merchandise or Colonial produce in the British
ports. A decree of the 17th December, called the decree of
Milan, because it was issued at that place, declared, that all
ships which should be searched by a British vessel, or pay any
tax whatever at the requisition of the English Government,
should be denationalized, and regarded as English property ; and
having thus forfeited their original and national rights, they
might be lawfully captured wherever found. The same decree
declared the British Isles to be in a state of blociiade both by sea
and land.
Having thus established the Continental system, Bonaparte
used every endeavour to make all the Continental Powers ac-
cede to it. Prussia and Russia adhered to it, after the peace of
Tilsit. Denmark soon entered into this French system. Spain
acceded to it (Jan. 8,) Austria (Feb. 18, 1808,) and Sweden
(Jan. 6, 1810 ;) so that, for some years, the Continent of Eu-
rope had no other medium of communication with England than
by way of Constantinople. There was one prince in Christen-
dom, who refused his accession to the Continental system, and
that was Pius VII. This sovereign Pontiff declared, that an
.! :■- r
alliance which prohibited all intercourse with a nation from
whom they had suflcred no grievance, was contrarv to religion.
In order to punish his Holiness for this resistance, &Dneral Miol-
lis had orders to occupy Rome (Feb. 2, 1808.) This was the
commencement of a series of aggressions and attacks, by which
Bonaparte vainly hoped to bend that great personage, lo
eratify his resentment, he stripped the States of the th«rch, by
a decree issued at St. Cloud (April 2,) of the provinces of Urbino,
Ancona, Macerata and Camerino, which were annexed to the
kingdom of Italy.
In order to add lustre to his crown, and to attach his servants
to him by the ties of interest, Bonaparte resolved, not to re-
store the noblesse— though there was no reason known why he
should not— but to create titles of nobility which should pass
ni hereditary succession to their descendants. These title*
were those of Princes, Dukes, Counts, Barons, and Chevaliers
or Knights. They were constituted by an Imperial statute,
which he transmitted to the Senate ; for the decrees of the Se-
nate were seldom used, except in declaring the union of territo-
ries, or ordering levies of conscripts. . . , • i
The spoliation of the Church appeared but a trivial violence
compared with that masterpiece of intrigue and cunning by
which the House of Bourbon was deprived of the throne ol
Spain. The second French army formed at Bayonne, passed
the Pyrenees about the beginning of the year, under the com-
mand of Joachim Murat, and advanced slowly as if it only
waited an order to seize the capital. A popular insurrection
broke out at Madrid, directed against Godoy, the Prince of
Peace • and Charles IV., who, from the commencement of his
reign, had been disgusted with state affairs, abdicated the crown
in favour of his son, the Prince of Asturias (March 19, 1808,)
who assumed the title of Ferdinand VII. The intrigues of the
Queen-molher, who was unwilling to quit the throne, and the
plots concerted by Murat, soon embroiled the R«yal Jnmi'y"'
disputes. The French troops entered Madrid (Mar. 23.) la-
king advantage of the inexperience of the young monarch, they
inveigled him into an interview with Bonaparte at Bayonne,
where Charles IV. and his Queen, allured by promises of fa-
vour and friendship, likewise presented themselves. This weak
prince there retracted his abdication, and ceded his dominions
over to Bonaparte by a formal treaty (May 5.) By threatening
Ferdinand VII. with death, they extorted from him a similar de-
claration (May 10.) Charles fV. his Queen, and the Prince of
Peace were conveyed to Compeigne, and afterwards lo Mar-
vith a nation from
ontrary to religion.
nnre, General Miol-
«.) This wns the
d attacks, by which
at personage. To
8 of the Church, by
provinces of Urbino,
rere annexed to the
) attach his servants
resolved, not to re-
ason known why he
which should pass
ants. These titles
rons, and Chevaliers
an Imperial statute,
le decrees of the Se-
the union of terrilo-
ut a trivial violence
ue and cunning by
'ed of the throne of
at Bayonne, passed
I'ear, under the corn-
slowly as if it only
popular insurrection
adoy, the Prince of
ommencement of his
, abdicated the crown
IS (March 19, 1808,)
The intrigues of the
the throne, and the
the Royal family in
irid (Mar. 23.) Ta-
yroung monarch, they
naparte at Bayonne,
ed by promises of fa-
nselves. This weak
ceded his dominions
5.) By threatening
om him a similar de-
m, and the Prince of
1 after^vards to Mar-
PERIOD IX. A. D. 1902- 1810.
Ferdinand VII. nnd his brothers were imprisoned in the cas-
tle of ValcMicny. Bonnpartt- conforn-rl the throne of Spain on
his brother Joseph (June'),) who wiis tli«'*
peror Alexatuler, (UirinR the interview of Erfurt, got .his miir
reduced to or.e hundriHl .u.d twn.ty .nillums. In n.nseauenc.
oi this, a new convention wtu signed at Berlin (iNov. J,) at-
cordinR to which, St.-ttin. Cu«trin. and (ihfrm, were to renm.n
in the hands of the French, as s.vuriiy for puyinenl of the sli-
puhited sun. ; the rest of the Pru**iun states were evacuated.
Austria was on the point of entering into the fourth coalition,
when the peace of Tilsit was concluded. From that inou.ent
the Cahinel of Vienna resolved to prepare for war by s ow and
successive operations, which inijrht appear to be merely mea-
suresof precaution ; more especially by orRanizin<,' her armies
an better principles, and trainin- all the citizens to arms, by the
institution of a militia called Li>,dtv^:hr, that they mi^'ht be in
condition to act on the spur of the moment. The Arch, uke
Charles, who was appointed Generalissimo, supenntendeil all
these preparations, and succeeded in reviving the courage of the
nation. Although these armaments could not escape the notice
of the French agents, and although in the course of the year
180S, and especially in the beginning of the year 1&U9, they
had several times asked for explanations on this subject, never-
theless. Count Sladion who was at the head of the depiulment
for foreign aaiiirs, and Count .Metlernich the Austrian minister
at Paris, dissembled so well, that Bonaparte never dreamt of
war till it was on the very point of breaking out. Ihe time
chosen for this was when the French armies were occupied in
Spain and Portugal.
Reasons— or it may be rather said pretexts— were not want-
ing to Austria; for undoubtedly her true motive was, to raise
herself from that state of abasement into which she had sunk.
Violations innumerable of the peace of Presburg, the organiz-
ing of the Confederation of the Rhine, the compelling her to
accede to the Continental System, and the spoliation of the
Bourbons in Spain, were causes more than sufTicient to justity
her having recourse to arms. The war which Austria under-
took in 1809, has been called the war of the fifth coalition. It
is true that Great Britain, Portugal, Spain, and the King of
Sicily, were her allies ; but, with the exception of the descent
which the English made on Zealand, she had to support alone
\he whole burden of the war. On opening the campaign, she
made an appeal to the German nation, which was answered by
the Kings of Bavaria, Wurtemberg, and Saxony, by a declara-
tion of war. ^ . u • .
The-Austrians had divided their forces uito three armies ,
iwo hundred and twenty thousand men, under the Archduke
Charles, were destined to act in Germany; the Archduke I'er-
Erfurt, goi (his suit
)iiH. Ill coiisequen':*
Berlin (Nov. 3.) ac
nfjiiu, wero to rciiiiiin
r payment of the sti-
es were evacuiitcd.
the fourth coalition,
From that inouietit
n for war by slow uiid
•iir to he merely iiieo-
(ir<(ani/iiig her armies
'iti/ens to arms, by the
that they mij,'ht be in
iient. The Archduke
mo, superintended all
ving the courage of the
d not escape the notice
ihe course of the year
f the year 1809, tiiey
on this subject, never-
liead of the depnrlment
1 the Au.strian minister
iparto never dreamt of
■aking out. The time
niiies were occupied in
!texts — were not want-
ue motive was, to raise
which she had sunk.
Presburg, the organiz-
, the compelling her to
1 the spoliation of the
lan sufFicien'. to justify
■ which Austria under-
f the fifth coalition. It
pain, and the King of
cception of the descent
e had to support alone
ling the campaign, she
vhich was answered by
I Saxony, by a declara-
ces into three armies ;
1, under the Archduke
ny ; the Archduke For-
MRioD IX. ». P. 1802—1810.
dinand of Est/% with thirty-six thousand men, wa4 to penetrate
through the dutchy of Warsow into Prussia, where he expected
10 1k' joined by the troops of thot country. The Arcndukt)
John, with eighty thousand men, was to enter Italy. The
campaign was op»'iied, on the part of the Austrians, by the in-
vasion of Bavaria (April 10, 1809.) Bonaparte at first beat the
Archduke Louis and General Miller, who commanded two divi-
sions, at Abensberg (April 20,) and thus cut them otf from the
grand army under the Archduke Charles. The latter was him-
self defeated at Eckmiihl and Ratisbon, three days after, and
ertectcd his retreat along the left bank of the Danube., Bona
parte then pursued Hiller, who was defeated at Eberslwrg (May
3,) and retired to Kreins, on the left bank of the Danube. Vi-
enna in consoijiience was left defenceless, and surrendered by
capitulation (May 13.) It was there that Boiia|)arte passed. the
Danube, and fought with the Archduke ut EberdsorlF, Aspern
and Essling, two most sanguinary engagements (May 21 — 22,)
in which the French lost 30,000 men. He then retired to the
Isle of Lobau, where his army, cut off from provisions and
supplies, pas.sed forty-eight hours in great distress, until they
had succeeded in reconstructing the bridges which the floods o(
the Danube had carried away. In Italy the Archduke John
had defeated Eugene Beauharnais, who commanded the French
army, at Sa(,'ile ; but being informed of the defeat at Ratisbon.
he commenced his retreat, and was defeated near the Piave
(May 8,) after which he retired on the Kaab, where he was
again defeated (June 14.) Beauharnais then joined the army
of Napoleon. The Archduke Ferdinand took possession of
Warsaw, and marched as far as Thorn, where he took from the
Prussians one hundred pieces of cannon. But an insurrection
which happened in the rear of his army, obliged him to retreat,
when the Polish troops took possession of Cracow (July 14.)
About the beginning of July, Bonaparte pas.sed over to the
left bank of the Rhine. The battle of EnzersdorflT, where Ber-
nadotte and the Saxons distinguished themselves, was bloody,
but not decisive : next day (July 6,) the Archduke Charles was
defeated at Wagram, and retreated in good order into Moravia.
An armistice wos then concluded near Znaym (July 12,) c«i
conditions very oppressive for Austria. But the negotiations
for peace were long protracted ; as both parties were waiting the
result of an expedition which the English had made to Zealand ;
and as Austria hoped that Prussia, and perhaps even Russia,
would declare in her favour.
The inhabitants of the Tyrol ; who were very mnch attached
to the House of Austria, from whom they had been separated at
ihe |..ri.T of Proshnrsr, hml tnkfi. up arms unacr the conduct of
a.. i!mk...per. nun.-ul lloir-r. By iho urnu.tu-e of /'"-^y'"; A"-
•riu wns cmiipoll-.l i.. .ibatulon ihis l.r.ivo people, whom th« Bu-
varin.is an.l the Fn-nch loKollier Im.l ^real .litlictiUy in reducing
Id submission. .... •• • i u.. .».„
VVoomnot puss in silence the bol.l expedition made by the
Duke of Bruiiiwick, the son and heir of hiin who had command-
ed at Jena. At the head of a body of volunteers which he had
tinentnl system, though under certain modifiitnlions. Had Charles
executed this engagement, his kingdom would have been ruined
beyond resource. The part of the Hanoverian States belonging
to the King of England which Bonaparte had still reserved in
his own possession, was ceded by a treaty concluded at Paris
(Jan. 14,) to his brother Jerome, to be incorporated with the
kingdom of Westphalia. Besides the dutchy of Lauenberg,
Bonaparte reserved to himself a landed revenue of four millions
five hundred and fifty-nine thousand francs, for bestowing in
legacies and endowments.
Louis Bonaparte had reluctantly accepted the crown of Hol-
land ; but from the moment he had placed it on his head, he de-
voted himself to the interests of the country; and resisted, as
far as prudence would allow, the arbitrary orders of his brother,
when he judged them prejudicial to the welfare of Holland.
This gave rise to frequent broils, accompanied sometimes with
threats. Bonaparte reproached the Dutch Government, more
especially for not earnestly and rigorously enforcing the Con-
tinental system, so pernicious to their commerce. At the be-
ginning of the year 1910, things had come to such a state, that
it was expected Napoleon would cancel the kingdom of Holland
from the list of European States. To avert this calamity, Louis
signed a treaty at Paris (March 16,) by which a body of 12,000
Dutch and 6000 French were to be stationed at the mouths of
all the rivers, to protect the French revenue-officers who were
superintending the execution of Bonaparte's orders. Louis
ceded to him Dutch Brabant, Zealand, and a part of Gueldres.
of which the Waal was henceforth to form the frontier. In vain
did that excellent man hope, by so great a sacrifice, to repur-
chase the independence of his kingdom. Under pretext of cer-
tain insults which the French agents had received at the hands
of this exasperated people, Bonaparte sent a French army to
occupy the whole country. Then Louis resigned a crown
which he could no longer wear with honour ; he abdicated in
favour of his son (July 3.) But Napoleon, indignant at a mea-
sure on which he had not been consulted, annexed the kingdom
of Holland to the French Empire, by a decree dated at Kam-
bouillet (July 9.)
Some months afterwards, the Republic of Valais, which, since
the year 1802, had formed an independent State, was united to
the French Empire by a decree of Bonaparte (Nov. 12.) But
the most important of his usurpations in 1810, and that which
was instrumental in working his downfall, wus the union of the
H.unseatic countries situated on the coasts of the North Sea, viz.
certain districts of W:;stphalia, and the Grand Dutchy of Berg
"ERIOD IX. A. D. 1S02— 18J0.
lions. Hrtd Charles
I have been ruined
n States belonging
id still reserved in
concluded at Paris
>rporated with the
;hy of Lauenberg,
lie of four millions
, for bestowing in
the crown of Hol-
)n his head, he de-
; and resisted, as
lers of his brother,
eifare of Holland,
d sometimes with
Government, more
enforcing the Con-
nerce. At the be-
) such a state, thai
ingdom of Holland
his calamity, Louis
1 a body of 12,000
d at the mouths of
-officers who were
!'s orders. Louis
part of Gueldres.
frontier. In vain
lacrifice, to repur-
ider pretext of cer
eived at the hands
a French army to
resigned a crown
; he abdicated in
ndignant at a mea-
lexed the kingdom
se dated at Kam-
/^alais, which, since
tale, was united to
> (Nov. 12.) But
10, and that which
i»s the union of the
he North Sea, viz.
d Dutchy of Berg
some possession.! of the princes of Salm-Salm, and Saki-Kyr-
burg, part of the dutchy of Oldenburg, the free cities of Bremen
and Hamburg, as well as the citv of Lubcc and the duti>hy of
Lauenburg. By a decree of the Senate (Dec. 13,) these places
were declared united to France ; the necessity of which Bona-
parte had stated in a message addressed to these pliant and sub-
missive bodies.
France still retained possession of Guadaloupe, the Isle of
Bourbon, and the Mauritius. The year 1810, in which the
greatness of Bonaparte in Europe reached its summit, deprived
him of these possessions. General Beckwith and Admiral
Cochrane, attacked and seized Guadaloupe. An expedition
sent by Lord Minto, the English Governor-General in India
and a thousand men from the Cape, reduced the Isle of B.. ur-
bon (July 7,) and that of the Mauritius some months after.
It will now be necessary to point out some of the modifica-
tions wlich the Continental system underwent. The English
had shov n some disposition to put an end to that unnatural stale
of commerce which preceding measures had established. They
first modified the Orders of 1807 regarding America; so that
the Americans were permitted, under certain conditions, to carry
on trade in all ports subject to French influence, which were
not actually under blockade ; and the law of blockade was even
restricted to the ports of Holland and France, and those of the
northern part of Italy, between Pesaro and Orbitello. The
clause in the decree of 11th November, relative to the payment
of a compulsory duty in England, was abolished.
A new era in the Continental system began with a decree of
Bonaparte (Aug. 7,) known by the name of The Decree or Tariff
of Trianon. A second, by way of supplement, was issued
from St. Cloud (Sept. 12.) Making a distinction between the
trade and the produce of the colonies ; and availing himself of
the universal custom which had rendered the latter among the
necessaries of life, he resolved to take advantage of this cir-
cumstance to replenish his treasury, by permitting their impor-
tation on paying an ad valorem duty of 50 per cent. A third
decree, signed at Fontainbleau, ordered all English merchandise,
found in France or her dependencies, to be seized and burnt.
At that time, France, Switzerland, Italy, and Germany, were
covered with bonfires, which destroyed the property of native
merchants, and opened a new prospect for English manufactures
one day to replace the articles that wore thus wantonly consumed.
We shall now give a short outline of the most remarkable
events that took place in the rest of Europe, during this period
of French preponderance.
For more than six years Portugal, by means of the pecuniary
sacrifices which she had made to the French crown, haJ maiu-
tanied iier neutrality between France and England. But as she
had betrayed her predilection for England during the Prussian
war, her ruin was determined oti ; and as she could no longer
I'onceal from herself the danger of her position, the Prince Ke-
)7ent entered into a strict alliance with Great Britain, by a con-
vention signed at London (Oct. 22, 1807.) General Junot had
taken possession of the country after the Roy.il family had em-
barked for Brazil ; and solemnly declared, that the House of
Braganza had ceased to reign in Europe (Feb. 1, 1808.) Fol-
lowing the example of the Spaniards, the Portuguese soon shook
off the yoke of the oppressor. The city of Oporto gave the first
signal of insurrection (June 6 ;) an English army, commanded
by Sir Arthur Wellesley, landed in Mondego Bay (July 31,) and
defeated Junot at Vimeiro (Aug. 21.) The French General,
whose army was reduced to a most distressing state, obtained
from General Dalrymple, who had taken the command of the
Engli.«h troops, a capitulation on very honourable terms, wliich
was concluded at Cintra (Aug. 30.) Junot, and his troops, were
conveyed to France in English vessels.
The Russian Admiral Siniawin was not so fortunate. He
was. then lying in the Tagus with a fleet of nine ships of the
line, and a frigate, which had been employed in the war against
the Turks in the Archipelago, and found himself under the ne-
cessity of surrendering his fleet to Sir Charles Cotton the Eng-
lish Admiral (Sept. 3,) which was not to be restored to the Em-
peror until the conclusion of a pacific treaty between Russia and
Great Britain. The convention of Cintra, of which the true
circumstances are not well known, excited so great a discontent
in England, that Sir Heu Dalrymple and Sir Arthur Wellesley
were called home, that an investigation might be made into thi.i
unpopular measure.
During their absence, and after the affair of Corunna, Soult
received orders to attempt the conquest of Portugal, where there
were not more than 8000 English troops, under the command of
General Craddock, and an army of the natives. At the head of
23,000 men he marched towards Chaves, and took possession of
that place (March 7,) which is one of the frontier fortresses of
the kingdom. But on his arrival at Oporto he encountered the
Portuguese army, who for three days disputed with him the
EDSsession of the place. Here he remained a full month before
e durst proceed on his march. Meantime General Wellesley
had landed at Lisbon with a new English army. He manoju-
wed so well that by the end of May, Soult was obliged to retire
IS of the pecuniary
1 crown, hai maiu-
ghind. But as she
uring the Prussian
he could no Inneer
on, the Prince Re-
t Britain, by a con-
General Junot had
yal family had em-
that the House of
eb. 1, 1808.) Fol-
tuguese soon shook
)porto gave the first
1 army, commanded
Bay (July 31,) and
e French General,
sing state, obtained
be command of the
irable terms, which
and his troops, were
; so fortunate. He
of nine ships of the
d in the war against
imself under the ne-
les Cotton the Eng-
restored to the Em-
between Russia and
, of which the true
30 great a discontent
ir Arthur Wellesley
ht be made into thii)
r of Gorunna, Soult
ortugal, where there
ider the command of
ires. At the head of
id took possession of
frontier fortresses of
I he encountered the
puted with him the
1 a full month before
J General Wellesley
army. He manceu-
was obliged to retire
PERIOD a. A. D. 1803—1810.
into Galicia, with the loss of his artillery an' baggage. Next
ycai the French sent a third expedition to Po tugal, bat as this
belt gs more properly to the war in Spain, v c shall take o'-ca-
sion to notice it afterwards. After the retreat of Soult, the For-
tuguese acted a considerable part in the liberation of Europt*
General Wellesley, who was intruisted with very extensive
powers, organized their army, and augmented it to 40,000 m<>»,
wiih the assistance of 600,000/. Sterling, which England fur
nished for that purpose.
The connexion between Great Britain and Portugal, became
still more intimate bj' the treaty of alliance which was conclu-
ded at Rio Janeiro (Feb. 19, 1811.) George III. there promised
never to recognise any King of Portugal but the heir and legiti-
mate representative of the House of Braganza. The Regent
granted Britain the right of building ships of war in Brazil, and
of supplying themselves with timber for the purpose from the
forests of that country ; and by abrogating certain former stipu-
lations, he agreed to receive into his ports as many British ves-
sels as chose to enter. The Regent likewise promised to co-
operate with England for the abolition of the Slave Trade ; and
this is the first example of a stipulation of the kind. Together
with this treaty there was also concluded a treaty of commerce.
Towards the end of 1810 Portugal became the theatre of war,
as we shall observe when we come to speak of Spain.
Charles IV. King of Spain, had flattered himself that by sub-
mitting to the payment of subsidies to France, according to the
treaty of October 30, 1803, he would be exempted from the ne-
cessity of taking part in the war which had broken out between
Bonaparte and England ; and it was on the faith of this that
the latter power had commenced hostilities. Four Spanish
ships returning to Europe, loaded with treasures and valuable
merchandise from South America, were seized off Cape St.
Mary (Oct. 5, 1804,) by an English squadron. After that act
of hostility, which, but for the negotiation that had preceded it,
might have been regarded as a violation of the law of nations,
Charles IV. declared war against England (Dec. 12 ;) and the
following year he had the mortification to see his marine totallv
destroyed by the battle of Trafalgar, which Admiral Nelson
gained over the combined fleets of Gravina and Villeneuve.
In 1806 the English made an attempt to get possession of the
Spanish colony of Buenos Ayres. Tne expedition sailed from
St. Helena under the command of Admiral Sir Home Popham.
The troops were commanded by General Beresford. Buenos
Ayrea capitulated on the 2d July ; there the English found nn*
merous treasures which were transported to Europe ; but t.n
•1 .(«
' H,-!
I i■^
incunection of the inhabitants, headed by a Spaniard named
Puerido" and Liniers a native of France, obliged General Beres-
ford to surrender himself and his troops prisoners of war (Aug.
12.^ Admiral Popham took possession of Maldonado (Oct. 29,}
where he remained in expectation of the supplies which he f x-
Scted to come from England. General Auchmuty landed m.
aldonado in the beginning of the following year, and took the
town of Monte Video by assault (Feb. 2.) New reinforcements
having arrived from England, General Whitelocke again attack-
ed Buenos Ayres, and penetrated into the town (July 5 ;) but
Liniers, at the head of the Spaniards, made so able a defence,
that the English General signed a capitulation, by which he v»b-
tained the restitution of all British prisoners ; and the English
promised to evacuate Monte Video within the space of two
Charles IV. and his minister, during the war with Prussia,
had shown a desire to shake off the yoke of Bonaparte. By
signing at Fontainbleau the partition of Portugal, they opened
a way for the French armies into Spain, who took possession of
St. Sebastian, Pampelunn, Figueras, and Barcelona ; and were
even masters of Madrid while one part of the Spanish army
were occupied in Portugal, and the other in Denmark. The con-
sequences of these imprudences were, the overturning of Spain,
and the dethronement of the House of Bourbon, as we have
noticed above.
When the Spaniards rose in rebellion against the royal intru-
der, they formed themselves into Juntas, or directorial commit-
tees, in every province. That of Seville, which was composed
of enterprising men, took the lead in the insurrection, declared
war against Bonaparte in the name of Ferdinand VII., and con-
cluded an armistice with England. Their authority was not
acknowledged by the Provincial Juntas, each of which had set
on foot an army of their own. All these armies engaged the
French troops wherever they met them, and were very often
vanquished. The insurrection did not come to a head till after
the battle of Baylen (July 20, 1808,) where 14,000 French
troops, under Generals Dupont and Vidal, laid down their arms.
Castanos, to whom this success was owing, was then appointed
Generalissimo ; and the Junta organized a Regency, at the head
of which they placed the old Cardinal de Bourbon. There were
two other events which greatly encouraged the Spaniards ; the
one was the expulsion of Le Febvre from Saragossa by General
Palafox, and the other the arrival of the Marquis de la Romana
at Corunna with 7000 men, who had been conveyed to the ic-
land of Funen for invading Sweden, but had embarked, m spite
of the French, to come to the assistanco of their country
a Spaniard named
ged General Beres-
oners of war (Aug.
aldonado (Oct. 29,)
pplies which he ex-
uchmuty landed at
T year, and took ilie
ew reinforcements
elocke again attack-
town (July 5 ;) but
e 80 able a defence,
ion, by which he ob-
s ; and the English
n the space of two
le war with Prussia,
of Bonaparte. By
ortugal, they opened
10 took possession of
Jarcelona ; and were
f the Spanish urmy
Denmark. The con-
verturning of Spain,
Jourbon, as we have
fainst the royal intru-
r directorial commit-
which was composed
insurrection, declared
jinand VII., and con-
lir authority was not
ich of which had set
I armies engaged the
and were very often
ne to a head till after
here 14,000 French
laid down their arms.
r, was then appointed
Regency, at the head
Jourbon. There were
d the Spaniards ; the
Saragossa by General
arquis de la Romana
n conveyed to the le-
ad embarked, m spite
" their country
PERIOD IX. A. D. 1803~1810.
Joseph Bonaparte having abandoned Madrid and retired to
Burgos (Aug. 1,) a Central Junta was established at Araniucz.
This Junta raised three armies: that of the North, under Blake
and Romanu ; that of the Centre, under Castanos ; and that of
Arragon, under Palafox. Immediately after the interview at
Erfurt, Bonaparte placed himself at the head of his army, which
had been increased to 180,000 men ; and after gaining several
advantages over the enemy, he sent back his brother Joseph to
Madrid. Meantime, two divisions of the English army having
arrived, the one from Lisbon, and the other from Corunna, they
formed a junction in the province of Leon, under the command
of Sir John Moore. Bonaparte marched against them, but they
thought it prudent to retire. Having arrived at Astorga,he re-
ceived intelligence of the preparations of the Austrians, when
he set out for Paris, leaving the command of the army to Soult,
who obliged the English to embark at Corunna, after a severe
engagement in which Sir John Moore lost his life. A treaty of
peace and alliance was signed at London between England and
the Supreme Junta, acting in the name of Ferdinand VII. (Jan.
14, 1809.) England sent into Portugal a new army, under the
command of Sir A. Wellesley. The second siege of Saragossa.
which was undertaken first by Junot, and continued by Lannes,
vas one of the most extraordinary events in modern war. The
garrison, commanded by Palafox, and the inhabitants of the place
who were completely devoted to him, performed prodigies of
valour. When the French took the city (Feb. 21,) it presented
nothing but a mass of ruins. It was calculated that above 100,000
men perished in that siege.
Marshal Victor defeated Cuesta at Medellin (March 28,) and
Suchet defeated General Blake at Belchite (June 16 :) but Soult,
who had penetrated into Portugal, was repulsed by Wellesley^
who fought the bloody battle of Talavera with Marshals Jourdan
and Victor, which turned to the disadvantage of the French.
The misconduct of the army of Cuesta, which had been con-
t'oined with that of Wellesley in this battle, determined the latter
lenceforth to carry on a defensive war with the English and
Portuguese alone ; and to leave to the Spaniards the care of
occupying the French, by harassing their troops incessantly,
destroying their convoys and magazines, and surprising their
entrenchments. The battle of Ocana (Nov. 19,) which Cuesta
fought with General Mortier and lost, was the last pitched bat-
tle which the Spaniards fought. From that time they confined
themselves to a Guerilla warfare, by which they did infinite
damage to the enemy
In 1809, the Central Junta retired to Seville. Towards the
's. '
■' ih
end of the year, they were replaced by an Executive Directory
uf nine membera; and next year these were superseded in their
turn by a Regency of five members, which was established at
Cadiz. An assembly of the Cortes was summoned to meet
there, the members of which were nominated, not by the clergy,
the nobility, and the cities, which composed the legitimate States
of Spain, out by the great body of the inhabitants. That assem-
bly, who could do no more for the defence of their country, em-
ployed themselves in establishing a democratic constitution in
Spain, destroying by degrees all the institutions of the monarchy.
Soult, who was commander-in-chief of tho army of the South,
conquered the whole of Andalusia in 1810, with the exception
of Cadiz, which Victor had in vain attempted to besiege. The
principal efforts of the French were then turned towards Portu-
gal ; and on this occasion Massena was ordered to undertake
the reduction of that country, at the head cf 70,000 men. Junot
laid siege to Ciudad Rodrigo, which surrendered after a vigorous
defence (July 10.) Almeida was likewise obliged to capitulate
a few weeks after (August 27.) These conquests were made,
without any apparent wish on the part ofthe English commander,
recently created Lord Wellington, to prevent them. He had
then begun to carry into execution the plan of defensive warfare
which he had conceived after the battle of Talavera. In the
spring he was stationed on the Coa, and began to retreat after
the fall of Ciudad Rodrigo ; nor did he stop till he had reached
Torres Vedras. Four months were employed in effecting this
slow tetrograde march. Massena followed him every step, suf-
fering from continual fatigue and daily skirmishes ; and strug-
gling against amine, as the English army had destroyed every
thing that lay in their way. Towards the end of October, Lord
Wellington took up an impregnable position, where for four
months the French General found all his manceuvres unsuccess-
ful Lord Wellington took advantage of this interval to secure
considerable reinforcements which arrived from Lisbon. He was
thus prepared to fall upon his adversary, when the impossibility
of subsisting longer in an exhausted country should at length
compel him to retreat.
When giving a summary of the history of France, we spoke
of the renewal of hostilities between Bonaparte and Great Britain
in 1803, as well as of the part which the latter took in the Con-
tinental wars of 1805, 1807, and 1809. The efforts which she
had made to support these expenses, added a frightful increase
to her national debt ; but the constantly increasing progress of
her commerce furnished her with the means of meeting this
enormous expenditure In vain had Bonaoarte expected to rain
PKRior IX. A. 0. 1802—1810.
Executive Directory
superseded in their
was established at
summoned to meet
d, not by the clergy,
[the legitimate States
roitants. That assem-
Jof their country, em-
cratic constitution in
ons of the monarchy-
o army of the South,
), with the exception
ted to besiege. I'he
irned towards Portu-
irdered to undertake
f 70,000 men. Junot
Jered after a vigorous
obliged to capitulate
onquests were made,
! English commander,
vent them. He had
1 of defensive warfare
of Talavera. In the
began to retreat after
op till he had reached
loyed in effecting thie
d him every step, suf-
cirmishes ; and strug-
T had destroyed every
end of October, Lord
ition, where for four
(lantBuvres unsuccess-
this interval to secure
from Lisbon. He was
irhen the impossibilitv
ntry should at length
of France, we spoke
arte and Great Britain
atter took in the Con-
Fhe efforts which she
d a frightful increase
icreasing progress of
eans of meeting this
oarte expected to i uin
the industry of England by the Continental system. In the
Fionch, Spanish, and Dutch culonie;-; which she conquered, she
found new channels to supply the place of those which were
shut against her on the Continent of Europe. The Empire of
the sea still remained in the possession of the British ; and, in
1807, they annihilated the marine of Denmark, the only king-
dom which then retained any maritime power. But of this cir-
cumstance we shall speak hereafter.
The year 1806 is remarkable for the abolition of the slave
trade in the English colonies. Since 1785, the Blacks had found
zealous advocates in the British Parliament, amongst whom Fox,
Wilberforce, and Pitt, were the most distinguished. But the
British Government, too sagacious to enter precipitately into a
measure which might endanger the fortun-; of the planters, and
even the tranquillity of the colonies, wishfd first to consult ex-
perience on the subject, and to leave the proprietors time to pre-
pare themselves for a different order of things. For twenty
years they had refused to adopt the bill which Mr. Wilberforce
regularly laid before the Parliament, to demand restrictive laws
against the trade. It was not until Mr. Fox and Lord Grenville
entered into the ministry, that this question occupied their serious
deliberations. An Act of Parliament, ratified by the King (May
16, 1806,) forbade the exportation of slaves from the Englisn
colonies, and conveying them into foreign colonies. A Bill of
the 6th February 1807, which was ratified by the King on the
17th March following, enacted, that the slave trade should ac-
tually cease from the date of May 1st ensuing ; providing, how-
ever, that vessels already departed fn the trade should be allowed
to import slaves into the West Indies until the 1st January 1808
Of^ all the countries which were brought under the yoke of
Napoleon, the most unfortunate without dispute was Holland.
Her commerce, the only resource of her numerous inhabitants,
was annihilated by the Continental system ; her finances were
in such a state of disorder, that, in spite of all their economy,
the annual deficit was regularly about twenty millions of flo-
rins : her inhabitants were harassed as much by the soldiers of
Bonaparte as by his revenue officers ; and as if nature, in con-
cert with political oppression, had conspired her ruin, her soil
was laid waste, and her industry destroyed by periodical inun
dations, fires, and other calamities. Such is the picture which
that wrretched country presented up to the moment when Bona-
parte extinguished the feeble remains of independence which it
enjoy«d. After various alterations, that Republic obtained a
constitution similar to that which had existed in France since
1804. M. Schimmelpennink was placed at the head of the go
«: '"
vemment (April 1806,) under tlio title of Grand Pensionary
and vested with such powers as the last Stadtholders had never
exercised, e\en after the revolution of 1788. We have already
observed how this power, together with the Royal title, were
rendered hereditary in favour of Louis Bonaparte ; and how
the Dutch monarchy vanished at the fiat of Napoleon.
Switzerland, with the exception of some partial commotions
which are scarcely worthy of remark, had remained tranquil
under the system of government which Boncparte had pre-
scribed in the act of mediation (Feb. 19, 1803.) The Conti-
nental System, and the prohibition laid on the greater part ol
Swiss commonaparte ; and hnv>
partial commotions
remained tranquii
loncparte had pre-
1803.) The Conti-
the greater part ol
their industry and
inhabitants to emi
)ur3e towards North
il signed at Friburg
en France and the
ivantageous for that
Bonaparte was sa-
5wiss agreed to im-
; of salt, which they
partly from Bavaria
and quintals per an
'ed from furnishing
than 20,000 troops.
1?. signed, by which
>usu.nd Swiss volun-
I this nation of war-
md to make up the
te state of the Swiss
lint with Bonaparte.
been perpetually di-
we now speak, that
uence of Bonaparte,
les, and the kingdom
St. Marino, which
! general convulsion.
1805 had borne the
d by the enormous
r the support of the
■ the civil list of the
itted with great im-
ion, which was con-
>itants. It obtained
ace of Presburg by
', and by that of tlif
PERIOD IX. A. D. 1802—1810.
erial Deputation had
irg which was taken
Electoral title was
he Teutonic Knights
ho House of Austria.
Jrisgau, and Ortenau,
e, the germ of which
by the Confederation
and Wunamberg, the
1 Dukes of Clevcs and
he Princes of Hohen-
Aremberg, ond Count
6, 1806,) who was
tinounced in their de-
the Emperor Francis
6,) completed the dis-
inces who had joined
', instead of the mere
ed under the authori-
Triers which the laws
ancient customs, and
chments of absolute
g under foot the well
arried their injustice
i^er the princes, pro-
quals, who were un
i ; and who had not
lir to Paris, in ordei
rBKlOD IX. A. D. 1802—1810.
to co-opernte in that trniisnction, or counternrt tli»» intrigiieii by
whii'h it was acconinlished.
TIk' KliTtor Arili-Clianc('lli)r then assumed the dignity of
Prini-e F'rinmto ; tlip Elector of Hadcn, ilie Dukus of Bert; ond
Cloves, ond the Landgrave of HL'ssc-Darnistadt todk the title of
Grand Dukes; to which the an of the 12lh July attached th'
nrerogoiivew of the royal dignity. The head of the house oi
Nassau took the dignity of Duke, ond Count Leyen that of
Prince. A federal Diet, divided into two chambers, was to de-
liberate on the general interests of the union ; but that assembly
never met. Of the six free cities which the Deputation had
preserved, the King of Bavaria had Augsburg adjudged to him
by the peace of Presburg ; he afterwards obtained Nuremberg
by an act of the Confederation. Frankfort fell to the shore of
the Prince Primote ; so thot there remained only three of the
Hanseatic towns.
Several other princes entered successively into the Confedera-
tion of the Rhine ; but none of those accessions were voluntary.
They all took place in consequence of the war with Prussia,
which broke out in October 1806. These princes, token accord-
ing to the order of accession, were the following: — The Elector
of Wurlzburg, the old Elector of Saltzburg, who took the grand
ducal title, the King of Saxony, the Dukes of Soxony, the Houses
of Anhalt and Schwortzburg, the Prince of Waldeck, the Houses
of Lippe and Reuss, the King of Westphalia, the House of
Mecklenburg, ond the Duke of Oldenburg. Thus all Germany,
with a few exceptions, entered in succession into that Confede-
Several other changes occurred in the Rhenish Confedera-
tion, especially after the peace of Schoenbrunn. The grand
dutchy of Berg received considerable accessions. The kingdom
of Westphalia was augmented in 1810, by the union of the States
of the King of England in Germany, with the exception of the
dutchy of Lunenburg, as has been already mentioned. Within
a short time after he hod disposed of the territory of Hanover,
Bonoporte formed the grand dutchy of Frankfort, by adding the
district of Fulda, and the greater port of the county of Hanau,
to the possessions of the Prince Primate ; with the deduction of
the principality of Ratisbon, on condition that after the death of
the Prince Primate, who had assumed the title of the Grand
Duke of Frankfort, these territories should pass to Eugene Beou-
harnais and his male descendants ; and failing these, they should
revert to the Crown of France. The Grand Duke ceded to
Napoleon the principality of Ratisbon, and his moiety of the
navigation-dues on the Rhino.
I J! I
' ,f
The i;it>ctor of Bavaria had lost by the fM-acn of LunevHle
that part uf the i'alatiiuito NitimtucI on the left bunk of tho Khine,
with this diilohy of Deux-nonts. Tho Deputation of 1803 de-
prived him of the retit of the Palatinate ; but that act amply
compemiatfd him, by makinjr over to him the bishoprica of
Bamberi^, Wurtzburj,', Freisinj^en, Passau, and Auitfsburjf, with
several abbeys and free citie*. By tho peace of I'resburK, Bo-
naparte took Wurtzburg from him ; but ho gave him in lieu of
it tt considcrablo part of the spoils of Austria, especially the
county of Tyrol, which contained more than 700,000 inhabitants.
To recompense that monarch for the zeal which he had displayed
1809, BonapartB put him in posse.^sion of the principalities of
Baireuth and Ratisbon, the dutchy of Saltzburg, with Berch-
tolsgaden, and the part of Lower Austria whicli the Emperor
had renounced by tho peace of Schonbrunn. In return, the
King of Bavaria ceded back a part of the Tyrol, containing about
305,000 souls, which was annexed either to the kingdom of
Italy or the Illyriau provinces.
By the peace of Luneville, the Austrian monarchy had lost,
in point of extent and population ; but she had gained an addi-
tion of six millions of francs to her revenue. 1 he government
had to struggle incessantly against th^ ruinous state of the ex-
chequer, and the over-circulation of paper money. Neither loans
nor economy could recover them. The embarrassed state of his
finances was still more increased by the disastrous war of 1805.
The peace of Presburg cost the Emperor the States that formerly
belonged to the Venetians, the Tyrol, and all the possession.') of
his House in Swabia. He acquired nothing by that treaty, ex-
cept the dutchy of Saltzburg and Berchtolsgaden. His losses
amounted to more than a thousand German square miles of ter-
ritory, and nearly three millions of subjects. The following
year (Aug. 6, 1806,) he voluntarily laid aside the Imperial crown
of Germany, adopting instead, the hereditary Imperial crown of
Austria, with the name of Francis I. Besides Saltsburg and
Berchtolsgaden, the ci-devant Grand Duke of Tuscany lost also
Passau and Eichstctt ; but ho oblained the principality of Wurta-
burg. The Archduke Ferdinand was deprived of Brisgau and
At the commencement of the year 1807, Austria had made
warlike preparations which indicated that, but for the precipi-
tancy with which the peace of Tilsit had been concluded, she
would have made a powerful diversion on the rear of the French
army. It was not till the convention of Fontainbleau that she
obtained the restitution of Braunau, which had remained in the
possession of the French, and which she purchased by new ter
pcacd of Lunflvllle
bank of tho Rhine,
luiution uf 1S03 (Ih-
but that act nniply
In the bishoprics of
mil Augiiburg, with
|cc of I'rcsburu, Bo>
gave him in Ueu of
itria, especially the
700,000 inhabitants,
ich he had displayed
the principalities of
tzburg, with Berch-
which the Emperor
nn. In return, the
rol, containing about
to the kingdom of
monarchy had lost,
had gained an addi-
J. 1 he government
nous state of the ex-
loney. Neither loans
barrussed state of his
iastrous war of 1806.
! States that formerly
all the possessions of
ig by that troaty, ex-
Isguden. Hib losses
1 square miles of ter<
!ct8. The following
e the Imperial crown
ry Imperial crown of
isidcs Saltsburg and
of Tuscany lost also
irincipality of Wurt2-
rived of Brisgau and
, Austria had made
, but for the precipi-
been concluded, she
le rear of the French
ontainbleau that she
had remained in the
irchased by new ter
PERIOD IX. A. D. 180S— 1810.
riiorial losses on the side of Italy ; from that inomcnt the Arch-
duke Charles made great exertions fur rc-orguiii/iiig the army,
introducing a new order and a better diifciplint-, forming bodies
of militia, and repairing fnrtres.Nc.s. M(! coritiniied to inspire the
natiiiii with an enthu»iaMm which it had never lnTore displayed.
Many wealthy individuals made large pecuniary sacrifices for
the seivice ol'^their country
The peace of Schccnbrunn, which terminated the war of 1809,
brought Austria down to the ronk of the third Contiiu'iilul
power. That monarchy compri'hended ii surface of 9471 Ger-
man square miles, and a populnticm of twenty-one millions ; but
her commerce was annihilated by the loss of Trieste and Fiunie,
which separated her from the sea. The immense quantity of
paper money in the ceded provinces, flowed back into ttie interior
of the kingdom, and reduced the currency of these bills to one-
hfth of their nominal value.
Prussia, by the Resolutions of the Deputation of 1S03, gained
426,000 subjects, and more than four millions of francs to her
revenue ; and the provinces which she acquired, established, to
a certoin extent, the continuity of her Westphalian possessions
with the centre of the kingdom. A convention with the Elector
of Bavaria respecting an exchange of territory, made consiiler-
able additions to the Principalities in Franconia. The King,
from that time, occupied himself in applying the remedy of a
wise administration to repair the calamities which wars and
levies had inflicted on the country. In vain had they tried every
means of persuasion to make him join the third coalition ; and
it was only the violation of his territory by the French troops,
that at last prevailed with him to take that step. We have al-
ready spoken of the convention at Potsdam, by which he engag-
ed eventually to become a party to that confederacy, and of the
attempt which he made to restore peace by means of negotiation.
We have already mentioned how he became involuntarily, and
by the turn which his minister gave to the affair with which he
was intrusted, the ally of him whom he wished to engage in
war. Prussia obtained, by the treaty of Vienna, the precarious
possession of the Electorate of Hanover, in lieu of which she
ceded Anspach, Cleves, and Neufchatel The superficial extent
of the whole monarchy amounted then to 6746 German square
miles, with a population of 10,668,000 souls.
The occupation of Hanover dragged Prussia into a war with
England ; and the course pursued towards her by Bonaparte
soon compelled her to declare war against France. He had
offered the Electorate of Hanover to the King of England, and
opposed Prussia in the project of associating Saxony, Hesse,
I"; I I
and the Hanseatic towns, in the confederation which Frederic
wished to oppose to that of the Rhine. The convention of Vienna
thus became the occasion of inflicting new calamities on Prussia.
Frederic William renounced the territory of Hanover, by the
peace which he concluded with George III. at Memel (Jan. 2S.
1807 ;) but the treaty of Tilsit cost the former the half of his
German estates, viz. an extent of 2657 German square miles,
and a population of 4,670,000 souls. This sacrifice was not
sufficient to appease the resentment of Bonaparte. By misin-
terpreting the equivocal terms of the convention of Koning.sberg.
he restored to the King only a part of his provinces on the east
of the Vistula, which were desolated by the war, and reduced
almost to a deser'. After sixteen months of peace, he could not
obtain repossessic i of his other provinces, until he engaged lo
pay 120,000,000 ol francs, to leave three fortresses in the hands
of Bonaparte by way of pledge, and to promise never to keep
more than 40,000 men in the field.
Prussia was in a state of the greatest destitution, at the time
when Frederic William turned his attention to the administra-
tion of the country. The army had devoured the substance of
the inhabitants ; the population had suffered a great diminution ;
while sickness and a complication of miseries, were continually
cutting them off in considerable numbers. The King submitted
to many privations, to fulfil the obligations he had contracted
towards France, and thereby to obtain the final evacuation of tlie
kingdom, as well as to relieve those provinces which had suf-
fered more severely than others by the sojourn of the French
army. He did every thing in his power to revive agriculture
and industry among his subjects, and restore the resources of
the army ; and thus prepare the way for recovering the rank
which the Prussian monarchy had former^ held.
Independently of the hardships which Bonaparte inflicted on
Prussia, by protracting the stay of his army, and by the contri-
butions which he imposed on her, this country was made the vic-
tim of a rapacity which is, perhaps, unprecedented in history
By a convention which the King of Saxony, as Duke of War-
saw, concluded with Bonaparte (May 10, 1808,) while occupied
at Bayonne in overtiming the Spanish monarchy, the latter
ceded to him, for a sum of twenty millions of francs, not only
the pecuniary claims of the King of Prussia over his Polish
subjects, (for these he had abandoned by the peace of Tilsit,)
but also those of certain public establishments in Prussia, such
us the Bank, the Society for Maritime Commerce, the Endow-
ment for Widows, Hospitals, Pious Foundations, Universities.
and Schools ; and what may seem incredible, those of private
ration which Frederic
e convention of Vienna
calamities on Prussia.
y of Hanover, by the
I. at Memel (Jan. 28.
former the half of his
jrerman square miles,
'his sacrifice was not
onaparte. By misin-
ention of Koning.sberg,
s provinces on the east
the war, and reduced
i of peace, he could not
es, until he engaged lo
fortresses in the hands
promise never to keep
destitution, at the time
ntion to the administra-
voured the substance of
sred a great diminution ;
series, were continually
i. The King submitted
ions he had contracted
e final evacuation of the
svinces which had suf-
! sojourn of the French
ver to revive agriculture
restore the resources of
for recovering the rank
erly held.
h Bonaparte inflicted on
irmy, and by the contri-
untry was made the vic-
nprecedented in history
xony, as Duke of War-
), 1808,) while occupied
sh monarchy, the latter
ions of francs, not only
'russia over his Polish
)y the peace of Tilsit,)
iments in Prussia, such
Commerce, the Endow-
}undations, Universities
redible, those of private
PERIOD IX. A. D. 1802—1810.
individuals in Prussia over Polish subjects. The pecuniary
claims were so much the more considerable, as the capitalists of
the ancient provinces, since the introduction of the system of
mortgage into Prussia, had advanced large sums to Polish pro-
prietors for the improvement of their patrimonies. The sums
thus taken from those who had furnished them, and transfeired
to the King of So xony, were estimated at first at forty -three
millions and a half of francs, and four millions of interest ; but
the financial authorities of the dutchy of Warsaw, discovered
that they amounted to sixty-eight millions'. In vain did Fre-
deric William offer to repurchase this pretended right of the
King of Saxony, by reimbursing the twenty millions of francs
which the latter had been obliged, it was said, to give to Bona-
parte. The Revolution of 1814 rectified this piece of injustice,
as it did many others.
During this period the north of Europe was agitated by three
different wars, that of England against Denmark, which occa-
sioned a rupture between the Cabinets of St. Petersburg and
London ; that of Russia against Sweden, in which Denmark
was involved ; and lastly, the war between Russia and the
Porte, in which England look an active part.
The expedition of the English against the Isle of Zealand in
1807, was an event which was censured at the time with great
severity ; and which cannot be justified, since it is the nature
of all preventive war to destroy the very arguments and evi-
dences of its necessity. Nevertheless, if on the one hand, we
consider what was requisite to support the interests of Bona-
parte after the peace of Tilsit, or more properly speaking, to
:arry into execution the system he had organized ; and if on
the other, we examine into his conduct a short time after, to-
wards Spain and Portugal, we shall find England not wholly
without excuse. The peace of Tilsit had excluded British com-
merce from a'l the southern ports of the Baltic, and she na
turaily wished that Sweden, and especially Denmark, who had
a communication with the Continent by way of Jutland, should
apen their ports to her. Several appearances indicated that it
was the intention of Bonaparte to seize Denmark also after the
peace of Tilsit ; and the British minister declared that he was
in possession of proofs of a plan to that effect.
The British Government accordingly fitted out an expedition
for the purpose of preventing his designs, with an activity and
a celerity such as they had never displayed in sending aid to
their allies; and that difference in their conduct tended not a
little to create an unfavourable opinion as to the enterprise
-vhich they undertook ag^iinst Denmark in 1807. An English
fleet, having an army on board, to which a Hanoveiian legion
of 7000 men then in the Isle of Rugen, was afterwards added,
sailed from England about the endof July or beginning of August.
It was divided into two squadrons, one of which, under Commo-
dore Keats, took up their station in the Great Belt, which till then
had been thought inaccessible to ships of war, and thus cut oft
the Isle of Zealand from the main land, where the Prince Royal
with the Danish army then was. The second division, under
the command of Admiral Gambler, with troops on board com-
manded by Lord Cathcart, arrived oflf Copenhagen. Mr. Jack-
son was sent to Kiel to demand from the Prince Royal the
surrender of the Danish fleet, which they alleged it was the in-
tention of Bonaparte to seize.
After a fruitless negotiation, Copenhagen, after being invested
by the army of Lord Cathcart on the land side, was bombarded
for three daj's (Sept. 2, 3, 4,) and a great part of the city de-
stroyed. At length General Peymann, the Commander-in-chief
of the Danish forces, demanded an armistice to treat for a ca-
pituliition. Sir Arthur Wellesley, the same ofli'^er who soon
after so distinguished himself in Portugal, signed that capitula-
tion on the part of Great Britain. The citadel was given up
to the English. The Danes surrendered their fleet, with all
the naval stores in their arsenals and dock-yards. The Eng-
lish stipulated for a delay of six weeks to pvepare for departure,
after which they promised to surrendei the citaael, and evacuate
the Isle of Zealand.
In this manner the Danish marine, consisting of eighteen
ships of the line, fifteen frigates, six brigs, and twenty-five sloops
of war, fell into the hands of the English. During the six
weeks stipulated for, the Court of London offered Denmark the
alternative either of returning to a state of neutrality, o? of form-
ing an alliance with England. The Prince Regent having re-
fused both of these, England declared war against him (Nov.
4 ;) but she did not violate the capitulation of Copenhagen, as
the evacuation of that city and the island of Zealand took place
at the ter.n specified. This event added Denmark to the French
system. Her minister concluded a treaty of alliance at Fon-
tainbleau, the tenor of which has not been made public ; but if
wo may judge by the events which followed, it was agreed that
the Danish islands should be occupied by French troops des-
tined to act against Sweden. In the month of March 1808,
32,000 French, Dutch, and Spanish troops (the last brought
from the kingdom of Etruria,) under the command of Marshal
Bernadotte, arrived in Zealand, Funen, and the other islands of
the Baltic ; but the defection of the Spanish troops, and the
a Hanoveiian legion
as afterwards added,
Ir beginning of August.
hich, under Commo-
at Belt, which till then
war, and thus cut oft
here the Prince Royal
econd division, under
troops on board com-
)enhagen. Mr. Jack-
the Prince Royal the
alleged it was the in-
en, after being invested
d side, was bombarded
at part of the city de-
le Commander-in-chief
slice to treat for a ca-
saine officer who soon
il, signed that capitula-
citadel was given up
d their fleet, with all
ock-yards. The Eng-
j pvepare for departure,
lie citauel, and evacuate
consisting of eighteen
, and twenty-five sloops
3[lish. During the six
)n offered Denmark the
►f neutrality, Ojr of form-
nee Regent having re*
var against him (Nov.
ion of Copenhagen, as
I of Zealand took place
Denmark to the French
ity of alliance at Fon-
;n made public ; but if
ved, it was agreed that
by French troops des-
tnonth of March 1808,
)ops (the last brought
t command of Marshal
ind the other islands of
panish troops, and the
PERIOD IX, A. D. 1802—1810.
war with Austria, prevented the projected invasion of Sweden
The English took possession of the colonics of Denmark, and
ru.ned the commerce of her subjects. Frederic VI., who had
succeeded his father Christian VII., (Mo'ch 13, 1808,) after
having been at the head of the government ds regent since 1784,
strictly executed the Continental system ; especially after the
commencement of the year 1810, when the two Counts Bern-
storflT had retired from the ministry. He even went so far as to
arrest all the English subjects found in Denmark.
The expedition of the English against Copenhagen, induced
the Emperor Alexander to declare war against them (Nov. 7.)
That monarch entered decidedly into the Continental system,
and demanded of the King of Sweden, that agreeably to the
conventions as to the armed neutrality of the North, he should
enforce the principle by which the Baltic was declared a shut
sea. The King of Sweden replied, that the principles establish-
ed by the conventions of 1780 and 1800 had been abandoned by
that of June 17, 1801 ; that circumstances were entirely changed
since Denmark, on whose co-operations he had formerly reck-
oned, had lost her fleet ; and since, independently of the Sound,
the English had eflfected another entrance into the Baltic, through
the Great Belt ; these objections, however, did not prevent him
from incurring a ruinous war.
A Russian army entered Finland (Feb. 21, 1808.) General
Buxhowden, who had the command, announced to the inhabi-
tants of that province that the Emperor Alexander had thought
it necessary to occupy that country, in order to have a pledge
that the King of Sweden would accept the proposals of peace
which France had made to him. Although the Swedish troops
in Finland were but few in number, and defended it bravely,
they were compelled to yield to the superior force of the Rus-
sians, and to retire into East Bothnia. Sueaborg, the bulwark
of Finland, and deemed impregnable, surrendered (April 6,)
after a siege of a few days by Vice-Admiral Kronstadt. A mani-
festo of the Emperor Alexander (March 28,) had already decla-
red the grand dutchy of Finland to be incorporated with iiis Em-
pire. This une.xpected attack excited the most lively indignation
in Gustavus IV., who so far forgot himself, as to cause M. d'Alo-
peus, the Russian minister at his court, to be arrested. Den-
mark having also declared war against him (Feb. 29,) n Swedish
army of 20,000 men, under the command of Gen. Ann field, un-
dertook the conquest of Norway. But this expedition was repuls-
ed with loss ; and the Danes even made incursions into Sweden.
Field-Marshal Count Klinspor being placed at the head of the
Swedish army, then at Uleaburg began to act on the ofiensive
''^ M
^t<4 >l
in the north of Finland ; while a second annVt under the com
maiid of General Vegesack, disembarked at Abo (June S. The
war was carried on with variable success, but with equal bra-
very on both sides. At the end of the campaign, the Russians
were again masters of Finland. A body of 10,000 English
troops, commanded by the same General Moore who, a few
months after, fell at Corunna in Spain, had arrived in the roads
at Gottenburg (May 17 ;) but as the Swedish King could not
come to an agreement as to the employment of these auxiliaries,
nor even as to the command, he refused to permit the troops to
disembark. He even ordered General Moore, who had repairer
to Stockholm, to be arrested. But having soon found means to
escape, Moore returned to England with his troops. Mr. Thorn-
ton, the British envoy, who had remonstrated against this arbi-
trary conduct of the King, was recalled.
Admiral Chanikoff, with a Russian fleet of twenty-four ships
of war, made an attempt to burn the Swedish fleet, commanded
by Admiral NauckhofT, in Virgin Bay (Aug. 18 ;) but the ar-
rival of an English fleet under Sir James Saumarez in Baltic
Port where NauckhofT was, with a reinforcement of some Eng-
lish ships under the command of Admiral Hood, kept th^m in
blockade for nearly two months. In Finland an armistice iiad
been concluded, (Sept. 1808,) on the footing of the Uti Posside-
tis; but the Emperor Alexander refused to ratify it. Another
was then concluded at Olkioki (Nov. 19,) by which the Swedish
army engaged to evacuate Uleaburg, and to retire behind the
Kemi. Towards the end of the year, the English Cabinet ad-
vised the King of Sweden to make peace, which he obstinately
refused, and even demanded additional supplies to continue the
war with vigom The British Cabinet having declined to grant
them unconditionally, Gustavus was on tne point of coming to
an open rupture with that Court. But his indignation having
pbated, he agreed, soon after, to conclude a n jw convention at
Stockholm (March 1, 1809.) when Great Britain engaged to pay
in advance 300,000/. sterling by quarterly instalments.
Meantime a revolution was fermenting in Sweden, which was
to change the aspect of aflfairs. The haughtiness and obstinacy
of the King, had created him many enemies. The people were
oppressed in a most extraordinary manner by burdens and im-
posts, which Gustavus increased arbitrarily, and without regard
to constitutional forms. The severity with which be punished
the troops, not only when they had committed faults, out even
when they were unsuccessful, had alienated the minds of the
soldiers from him, and especially the guards. A conspiracy
was formed, atthe head of which was Lieutenant-Colonel Adler-
riny, under the com
t Abo (June S. The
but with equal bra-
jnpaign, the Russians
of 10,000 English
Moore who, a few
arrived in the roads
dish King could not
t of these auxiliaries,
» permit the troops to
ore, w^ho had repairc >
soon found means to
s troops. Mr. Thom-
ited against this arbi-
t of twenty-four ships
lish fleet, commanded
.ug. 18;) but the ar-
3 Saumarez in Baltic
cement of some Eng-
I Hood, kept th'-Ti in
land an armistice nad
ng of the Uti Posside-
to ratify it. Another
by which the Swedish
d to retire behind the
; English Cabinet ad-
, which he obstinately
ipplies to continue the
iving declined to grant
ne point of coming to
is iridignation having
a njw convention at
Britain engaged to pay
r instalments.
in Sweden, which waa
^htiness and obstinacy
es. The people were
r by burdens and im-
y, and without regard
th which he punished
rjitted faults, but even
ted the minds of the
jards. A conspiracy
tenant-CoIonel Adler-
PERIOD IX. A. D. 1802—1810.
sparre, and Colonel Skioldebrand, and which was joined by the
army of the West, or of Norway, and the troops that were sta-
tioned in the Islands of Aland. Adlersparre and the army of
the West marched on Stockholm. They had arrived at Orebro,
when Field-Marshal Klinspor, who had been disgraced, advised
the King to avert the storm by changing his conduct. On his
refusal, General AcMercieutz arrested him in the name of the
people (March 13.) The Duke of Sudermania, the King's un-
cle, was proclaimed Regent. Gustavus was conveyed to Drott-
tiingholm, and thence to f^ripsholm, where he signed a deed of
abdication, which he afterwards declared on various occasions to
have been voluntary. The revolution was terminated without
commotion and without bloodshed.
The Regent immediately assembled the Diet at Stockholm.
Not content with accepting the abdication of Gustavus, such as
he had given it, they excluded all his descendants from the
throne of Sweden. They offered the crown to the Regent, who
declared his willingness to accept it when they had revised the
constitution. This revision, by which the royal authority was
limited ,\vithout reducing it to a state of humiliation and depen-
dence,! .laving been adopted by the Diet, the Duke of Suderma-
nia was proclaimed King (June 5, 1809,) undc the title of
Cl'.arlej XIII. according to the common but erroneous method
of reckoning the Kings of Sweden. As the now monarch had
no family, they elected as his successor to iae throne. Prince
Christian Augustus of Holstein-Augustenburg, who commanded
the Danish army in Norway, and who had procured the esteem
even of his enemies. Gustavus and his family were permitted
to leave the kingdoni ; and towards the und or the year a new
.''andamental law was published, regulating the order of succes-
sion to the throne.
At Stockholm the people fla ., red themselves that the de-
thronement of Gustavus would speedily bring peace to Sweden ;
bnt it was not so. Alexander I. refused to treat with a govern-
ment so insecure as a regency, and hostilities accordingly con-
tinued. General Knorring who had passed the Gulf of Bothnia
on the ice with 25,000 Russians, took possession of the Islands
of Aland (March 17,) when the Swedish troops stationed there
retired to the continent of Sweden. Knorring granted the
Swedes a cessation of hostilities, to allow them time to make
overtures of peace. Apprized of this arrangement, Count Bar-
clay de Tolly, who haa crossed the Gulf with another body of
Russinns on the side of Ynsa, and taken possession of Umea,
evacuated West Bothnia, and returned to Finfeind. A third
bodv of Russians, tmdcr the command of Schouvaloff, penetrated
into West Bothnia by the route of Tornea, and compelled the
Swedish army of the North, which was commanded by Gripen-
berg, to lay down their arms at Seiwis (March 25.) This san-
guinary affair occurred entirely through ignorance ; because ih
that country, lying under the 66th degree of north latitude, they
were not aware of the armistice granted by Knorring. On the
expiration of the truce, hostilities recommenced in the month of
May, and the Russians took possession of the part of West
Bothnia lying to the north of Umea.
The peace between Russia and Sweden was signed at Fre-
dericsham (Sept. 17.) The latter power adhered to the Con-
tinental system, reserving to herself the importation of salt and
such colonial produce as she could not do without. She sur-
rendered Finland with the whole of East Bothnia, and a part of
West Bothnia lying to the eastward of the river Tornea. The
cession of these provinces which formed the granary of Sweden,
and contained a population of 900,000 souls, was an irreparable
loss to that kingdom, which had only 2,344,000 inhabitants left.
The peace of Predericsham was speedily followed by that of
Jonkoping with Denmark (Dec. 10,) and that at Paris with France
(Jan. 6, 1810.) By the first, every thing was re-established on
Its ancient footing between these two States. But by the peace
of Paris, Sweden renoun''ed the importation of colonial produce,
and only reserved the privilege of importing salt as an article
of absolute necessity. It was on this condition alone that she
could obtain repossession of Pomerania.
The Prince Royal of Sweden having died suddenly, a Diet
assembled at Orebro, and elected John Baptiste Julius Berna-
dotte. Prince of Ponte Corvo, his successor to the throne (May
28.) The election was unanimous ; but out of more than one
thousand of the nobility who had a right to appear at the Diet,
only one hundred and forty were present. Bernadotte accepted
an off*er so honourable. On his arrival at Elsinore, he professed,
as his ancestors had done before him in France, his adherence
to the Confession of Augsburg, which was then the established
religion in Sweden. King Charles XIII. having adopted him
as his son, he was proclaimed at Stockholm (Nov. 5,) eventual
successor to tha throne, under the name of Charles John.
Twelve days afterwards, Sweden declared war against Great
In Russia, the Emperor Alexander, since hr iccession to the
throne, had occupied himself incessantly in improving cverv
oranch of the administration. The restrictive regulations whicb
had been published under the last reign were abrogated ; by
(gradual concessions, the peasantry were prepared for a libertv
1, and compelled the
nmanded by Gripen-
irch 25.) This san-
fnorance ; because iti
f north latitude, they
Knorring. On the
need in the month of
of the part of West
I was signed at Fre-
adhered to the Con-
nportation of salt and
) without. She sur-
Bothnia, and a part of
e river Tornea. The
le granary of Sweden,
lis, was an irreparable
14,000 inhabitants left.
y followed by that of
at at Paris with France
^ was re-established on
es. But by the peace
on of colonial produce,
rting salt as an article
ndition alone that she
died suddenly, a Diet
Baptiste Julius Berna-
ior to the throne (May
out of more than one
; to appear at the Diet,
Bernadotte accepted
Elsinore, he professed,
France, his adherence
as then the established
[. having adopted him
>lm (Nov. 6,) eventual
ime of Charles John,
red war against Great
nee hi' iccession to the
y in nnproving cverv \
ctive regulations which
jn were abrogated ; by I
prepared for a liberty '
TERIOD IX. A. D. 1803—1810.
which they had not yet enjoyed. The number of universities,
and what is still more essential to civilization, the number of
schools was augmented. The senate, the ministry, and the
civil authorities were reorganized, and new improvements
adopted, tending to abolish arbitrary power, to accelerate the
despatch of business, and to promote the distribution of fail
and impartial justice to all classes of society. Canals were
dug, new avenues were opened for industry, and commerce
flourished, especially the trade of the Black Sea. The only
point in which the Government failed, was in its attempts to re-
store the finances ; but the four wars of the preceding seven
years in which Russia had been engaged, rendered these at-
tempts unavailing.
We have already related the origin, events, and termination
of two of these wars, viz. that of 1806, which ended with the
peace of Tilsit, and procured Russia the province of Bialystock ;
and that of Sweden, which annexed the province of Finland to
that Empire. The war against England continued after the
peace of Fredericsham, but without furnishing any events of
great importance. The two other wars were those against Per-
sia and the Porte. At the beginning of his reign, Alexander
had annexed Georgia to his Empire, which had till then been
the prey of continual disturbances. This accession drew him
into a war with Persia, which did not terminate till 1813. The
principal events of that war were the defeat of the Persians at
£tschmiazin,by Prince Zizianofr(.Tune 20, 1804;) the conquest
of the province of Shirvan by the same Prince (Jan. 1806 ;)
the taking of Derbent by the Russians (July 3 ;) and the defeat
of the Persians by Paulucci, at Alkolwalaki, (Sept. 1, 1810.)
Before speaking of the war between Russia and the Porte, it
will be necessar to lake a brief retrospect of the Ottoman Em-
pire. The cone ition of that Empire, badly organized and worse
governed, wis uch, that every thing tnen presaged its ap-
proaching dissolution ; or in other words, the expulsion of the
Turks from Europe. Every where the authority of the Grand
Seignor was disregarded. Paswan Oglou, the racha of Wid-
din, was in open revolt. Ali Pacha of Janina was obedient
only when it suited his convpiiicnce. The Servians had taken
up arms under theii leader C/crni George, and threatened to
possess themselves of Sabacz and Belgrade. Djezzar, the
Pacha of Syria, without declaring himself an enemy to the
Porte, enjoyed an absolute independence. The sect of the Wa-
habites was in possession of Arabia. Egypt was distracted by
civil wars. Selim III., who had reigned there since 1789, con-
vinced that the Porte could never re-establish its authority e»-
cept by better orgfanizing the army, had endeavoured to model
it on the European system. This attempt afterwards cost him
his throne.
Such was the situation of the Ottoman Empire, when Bona
farte, in order to prevent Alexander from sending supplies to
'russia, resolved to embroil him in a quarrel with the Porte.
General Sebastian!, the French Envoy at Constantinople, con-
trived to obtain so great an influence over the minds of the
Divan, that for some time it was entirely under his direction.
Subjects of dissension were not wanting between Russia and
the Porte ; and these were of such a nature, as to furnish each
partjr with plausible reasons for complaining of the infraction ol
treaties. The French minister was not slow to fan the spark ot
discord. He even induced the Divan to refuse to renew their
treatjr of alliance with England, which was then on the point of
expiring. The Emperor Alexander, foreseeing that there would
be no redress to his complaints, gave orders to General Michel-
son to enter Moldavia and Wallachia. The Porte then declared
war against Russia (Dec. 30 ;) but deviating for the first time
from a barbarous custom, he allowed M. d'ltalinski, the Russian
minister, to depart unmolested.
A few days after, Mr. Arbuthnot, the English minister, quit-
ted Constantinople, after having repeatedly demanded the re-
newal of the alliance, and the expulsion of M. Sebastiani.
Within a few weeks an English fleet of nine ships of the line,
three frigates, and several fire-ships, commanded by Vice- Admi-
ral Duckworth, forced the passage of the Dardanelles, and ap-
giared before Constantinople. Duckworth demanded of the
ivan, that the forts of the Dardanelles and the Turkish fleet
should be surrendered to him ; that the Porte should cede Mol-
davia and Wallachia to Russia, and break ofi" alliance with Bo-
naparte. But instead of profiting by the sudden panic which
his appearance had created, he allowed the Turks time to pu»
themselves in a posture of defence. Encouraged and instructed
by Sebastiani, they made their preparations with such energy
and success, that in the course of eight days the English Vice-
admiral found that he could do nothing better than weigh an-
chor and repass the Dardanelles. On his arrival at Malta, he
took on board 5000 troops, under the command of General Era-
ser, a..d conveyed them to Egypt. The English took posses-
sion of Alexandria (Mar, 20;) but in the course of six months,
they found themselves obliged to surrender that city by capitu-
lation to the Governor of Egypt.
The campaign of 1N07 was not productive of niiy very deci-
sive result, as General Michelson had received orders to detach
intleavoured to model
(t nrterwardri cost him
Empire, when Bona
in sending supplies to
arrel with the Porte.
|t Constantinople, con-
ver the minds of the
ly under his direction,
g between Russia and
ure, as to furnish each
ing of the infraction oi
slow to fan the spark oi
refuse to renew their
ras then on the point of
seeing that there would
ers to General Michel-
Die Porte then declared
inting for the first time
d'ltalinski, the Russian
! English minister, quit-
itedly demanded the re-
sion of M. Sebastiani.
if nine ships of the line,
mmandedby Vice-Admi-
;he Dardanelles, and ap-
^orlh demanded of the
es and the Turkish fleet
! Porte should cede Mol-
;ak off alliance with Bo-
the sudden panic which
i the Turks time to pu*
ncou raged and instructed
rations with such energy
days the English Vice-
ng better than weigh an-
his arrival at Malta, he
jmmand of General Fra-
le English took posses-
he course of six months,
inder that city by capitu-
luctive of any very deci-
received orders to detach
ia>-n-^ i i J7 i 'fi.-(''->i i|> T
TERIOD IX. A. D. 1802—1810.
SO,nOO men to oppose the French in Poland. Czerni George
lh(.' leader of the revolted Servians, took Belgrade, Sabacz, and
Nissu, penetrated into Bulgaria, where he was reinforced by some
Hiissinn troops, and gained divers signal advantages. General
Miihclson himself was victorious near Guirdesov (March 17,)
without, however, being able to get possession of that place. The
war was condiirted with more success on the frontiers of the two
Empires in Asia. The Seraskier of Erzerum was entirely de-
feated by General Gudovitch (June 18;) and that victory was
an event so much the more fortunate, as it prevented the Persians
from making a bold diversion in favour of the Turks. The most
important event in the campaign was the naval battle of Lemnos,
where the Russian fleet, under the command of Vice-admiral
Siniawin, defeated the Capitan Pacha, who had sailed from the
Dardanelles after the retreat of Duckworth.
When the Ottoman navy sustained this defeat, Selim III. had
ceased to reign. That prmce had rendered himself odious to
the troops, by the introduction of the European discipline and
dress, known by the name of Nizami gedid, and by his connexion
with the French Emperor. One circumstance, regarded as a fun-
damental law, and according to which a Sultan who had reigned
seven years without having any children was regarded as un-
worthy of the throne, served as a pretext for the military to have
him deposed. Selim, finding it impossible to quell or allay the
revolt, abdicated voluntarily (May 29,) and placed his cousin,
Mustapha IV., on the throne. In the amnesty which that prince
published, he recognised the right of the Janissaries to withdraw
their allegiance from the Grand Seignor who should depart from
the established customs, and that of appointing his successor.
The Emperor Alexander had promised, by the peace of Tilsit,
to evacuate Moldavia and Wallachia, on condition, however, that
the Turks should not occupy these two provinces till after the
conclusion of a definitive peace. The French General Guille-
minot was sent to the Turkish camp to negotiate an armistice
on these terms, which in effect was signed at Slobozia (Aug. 24.)
The evacuation of the two provinces stipulated by that arrange-
ment never took place, as the Emperor of Russia refused to ratify
the treaty, as it contained certain articles which he judged in-
compatible with his dignity ; so that matters remained on their
former footing. That circumstance was one of the pretexts
which Bonaparte alleged for continuing to occupy Prussia.
In the midst of these political quibblings, the time arrived
when a new system of things took place. The Cabinets of St.
Petersburg and Paris were making mutual advances ; and it is
probable that the fate of the Porte, and especially of the pro-
■ > if wafcj^.^ ..jt_^ -V J»tii
c^-*^'-??r'!^*ri ■"'
^ ■ declare that he would retain the European
discipline and dress ; but after being attacked in his place, and
learning that the city was filled with carnago and conflagration,
he gelded to necessity, and restored the privileges of the Janis-
sanes. It is probable they would not have spared his life, but for
the circumstance that he was the last scion of the race of Osman.
The ministers of the Divan, whom General Sebastiani had
fainedoverto the interestsof France, finding themselves entirely
iscarded by the last revolution, Mr. Adair, the new English
minister at Constantinople, concluded a treaty of peace (Jan. 5,
1809,) by which the Porte confirmed to England the commercial
advantages which the treaty of 1675 had granted them, as well
as the navigation of the Black Sea, which Mr. Spencei Smith
had obtained (August 3, 1799.)
subjects which were
France lost her iiiAu*
[renter into an alliance
M directed the politici
been hurled from the
the Standardbearer,
ordinary courage, and
hanges introduced by
!ans of preserving the
) Constantinople, with
nment, and announced
must resign, and make
. Mustapha thought
death ; but Bairactar
her of Mustapha, who
tar, invested with abso-
Seimens, or disciplined
md took vigorous mea-
[» to resist the Russians.
After the departure of
Janissaries and the in-
kt the head of a body of
ided himself with cou-
when he must yield to
ie put to .'eath the old
lad ini .gated the insur-
ng place, where he had
'he Janissaries having
agazine, and blew him-
roung Sultan Mahmoud
1 retain the European
icked in his place, and
nagrj and conflagration,
privileges of the Janis*
! spared his life, but for
n of the race of Osman.
reneral Sebastiani had
ing themselves entirely
dair, the new English
reaiy of peace (Jan. »5,
ingland the commercial
granted them, as «vell
ch Mr. Spencei Smith
PBRIOD IX. A. D. 1802—1810.
Immediately after the return of the Emperor Alexander from
Erfurt, an order was given to open negotiations with the Turks.
Tile confercMice took place at Jassy ; but it was immediately
broken utf, uftcr the Russian plenipotentiaries had demundi'd,us
preliminary conditions, the ccs.>'
af the Turkish cnmn by main force (Sept. 7.) when Mouhlar
csca; rtd with a small dctachmoiit. Within afiwdays after,
Count St. Priest took Sczistov, -vith the whole Turkish fleet,
Rudschuk and Guirdesov sun. ud' red on the same day (Sen(.
27,) and Nicnpoli and Widdin in a short time after ; so that by
the end of the campaign the Russians were masters of the whole
right bank of the D.m abe. The Grand Vizier had continued
all this time in his siivnig camp at Shumla. The Servians, as-
sisted by a body of Russians, hod taken possession of the last
fortresses in their country which the Turks had still maintained,
such as Cladova, Oreavn, and Praova.
The declirw and downfall of the Empire of Bonaparte. — a. d
The power of Napoleon had now attained its greatest height.
The birth of a son. an event, which happened March 20, ISll,
might have given stability to this power, had he known how to
set bounds to his ambition. The heir to the Imperial throne
received the title of King of Rome, a dignity which had been
decreed in anticipation.
The differences that had arisen between Bonaparte and the
Head of the Church, became this year a subject of public dis-
cussion. The will of a despot whom no power could resist, was
made to recoil mo/e than once before the inflexible firmness of
an old man, disarmed and in captivity. Ever since Bonaparte
had deprived the Church of her patrimony, and had been laid
under the ban of excommunication, Pius VII., faithful to his
Erinciples, had refused confirmation to every bishop nominated
V a man who was excluded from the Catholic communion
Bonaparte thought it might be possible to dispense with the
confirmation of the Pope. With this view, he assembled a na-
tional council at Paris (June 17, 1811,) composed of French and
Italian bishops, and in which Cardinal Fesch, the Archbishop
of Lyons, presided. He soon found, however, that despotic au-
thority was of little avail against religious opinions. The pre-
lates, on whose compliance he had calculated with too much
confidence, declared that the Council hud no power to grant that
>■ ,'n%WiTfflHi5Br»*is*;*i^fT^w3FW ■
7,) ivhon Mouhlar
ri a (i w day i nfler,
•hole Turkish flcpl,
he snine dny (Sent.
10 after ; so that by
nasters of the whole
izicr had continued
The Servians, as-
ssession of the last
lad still maintained,
f Bonaparte. — a. d
1 its greatest height,
led March 20, ISll,
id he known how to
the Imperial throne
ity which had been
1 Bonaparte and the
lubject of public dis-
iver could resist, was
nflexible firmness of
Iver since Bonaparte
f, and had been laid
VII., faithful to his
iry bishop nominated
/atholic communion
to dispense with the
', he assembled a na-
iposed of French and
esch, the Archbishop
ver, that despotic au-
opinions. The pre-
lated with too much
o power to grant that
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1-25 1.4 1.6
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Collection de
Canadian Institute for Historical Microreproductions / Institut Canadian de microreproductions historiques
i>mmam».i,t-jiMu»riL- ^
PERIOD IX. A. D. ISIO— 1815.
rontirmation which was refused by the Pope ; but the arrest of
three of the most refractorv prelates, who were imprisoned :it
Viiiceiines (July 12,) having given rha to a negotiation, the rest
adopted a modified scheme which the government had commu-
nicated to them ; on condition, however, that it should be sub-
mitted for the approbation of the Pope. But his Holiness, who
had still remained at Savona, refused to treat with the Council,
which he declared null and void, as having been convened with-
out his authority. The project of Bonaparte thus completely
failed ; the Council was dismissed ; and twenty of the Sees of
France and Italy were left without bishops.
Before proceeding to detail the grand events which overturned
the dominion of Bonaparte, it will be necessary to advert to what
took place in Spain and Portugal in 1811 and 1812. Sickness,
and the want of provisions, had at length compelled Massena to
effect his retreat (March 1,) during which he sustained con-
siderable loss by the pursuit of Lord Wellington. Thus, for
the third time, was Portugal released from the invasion of the
French army. It would be impossible, within the narrow limits
to which we are here confined, to detail the various marches and
counter-marches of the Generals, or the operations in which they
were engaged. We can only point out the principal actions in
a detached and cursory manner.
Marshal Soult retook Badajos (March 10,) while Lord Wel-
lington still retained his position at Torres Vedras, which he had
quitted with reluctance to go in pursuit of Massena. As the
possession of that place was of importance for the English, Lord
Wellington determined to besiege it ; but Marshal Marmont
who had replaced Massena in the command of the army of the
North, and Marshal Soult who had formed a junction with him,
obliged him to discontinue the siege. He retired to Portugal,
where he remained on the defensive during the rest of the cam-
paign. The advantages of the campaign of 1811 belonged to
General Suchet. After a destructive siege, he took Tortosa by
capitulation (Jan. 1,) and Tarragona by main force (June 28.)
He made himself master of Monteserrat in the same manner.
(Aug. 19.) By a signal victory which he gained over General
Blake (Oct. 25,) at Murviedro, the ancient Saguntum, he pre-
pared the way for the conquest of Valencia, which surrendered
by capitulation (Jan. 9, 1812.)
At the commencement of 1812, the French forces in Spain
amounted to 150,000 men. The allies consisted of 52,000 Eng-
lish troops, 24,000 Portuguese, and 100,000 Spaniards, mcluding
20,000 guerillas. Lord Wellington reduced Ciudad Rodrigo
(Jan. 19,) and then retired once more mto Portugal, where hs
•■!■ ;
,,.. I
:s m
kepi on the defensive for nearly five months. He then attacked
Salamanca, took that city (June 28,) and defeated Marmont in
the famous battle of Areopiles, near Salamanca (July 21,) where
Clause! saved the French nrmy from a complete rout. Joseph
Bonaparte (juitted Madrid. Soult gave orders to raise the siege
of Cadiz, which had continued for two years. He evacuated
Andalusia, and joined King Joseph in Murcia. Wellington,
now master of Burgos, was desirous to get possession also Oi
the citadel of that place, the acquisition of which was necessary
for his safety. But Souham, who had succeeded Marmont, and
Soult having approached on both sides to save the town, the
British General retired again into Portugal, and Joseph Bona-
parte returned to Madrid (Nov. 1.)
At this time the North of Europe had been the theatre ot
great events. For some time, the friendship between the Courts
of St. Petersburg and St. Cloud had been growing cool. The
last usurpations of Bonaparte, during the course of 1810, brought
about a complete rupture. The extension of the French Empire
towards the Baltic, was becoming a subject of suspicion and
anxiety to Alexander. The manner in which Bonaparte had
taken possession of the dutchy of Oldenburg, the patrimony of
his family, was an outrage against his person. The first symp-
tom of discontent which he exhibited, was by abandoning the
Continental system, although indirectly, by an Ukase (Dec. 13,
1810,) which permitted the importation of colonial produce,
while it interdicted that of France, wine only excepted. Under
pretext of organizing a force for the maintenance of these regu-
lations, he raised an army of 90,000 men. A rupture with Bo-
naparte appeared then unavoidable.
In Sweden also there arose new subjects of quarrel. Bona-
parte complained, that in that country the Continental system had
not been put in execution with sufficient rigour. He demanded,
that Charles XIII. should put two thousand sailors into his pay ;
that he should introduce the Tariff of Trianon, and admit French
revenue-officers at Gottenburg. In short, Sweden, Denmark,
and the dutchy of Warsaw, were to form a confederation, under
the protection of France. During these discussions, Marshal
Davoust, who commanded in the north of Germany, took pos-
session of Swedish Pomerania and the Isle of Rugen (Jan. 27,
1812.) Bonaparte offered, however, to surrender that province
to Sweden, and to compel Alexander to restore Finland to her,
if Charles XIII. would agree to furnish 30,000 troops against
Sweden, on the contrary, was on terms of conciliation with
that power. By an alliance, which was signed at St. Petersburg
He then attacked
feated Marmont in
ca (July 21,) where
)lete rout. Joseph
rs to raise the siege
:irs. He evacuated
rcia. Wellington,
possession also Oi
'hich was necessary
;eded Marmont, and
save the town, the
, and Joseph Bona-
been the theatre ot
between the Courts
growing cool. The
rse of 1810, brought
the French Empire
of suspicion and
lich Bonaparte had
g, the patrimony of
m. The first symp-
by abandoning the
an Ukase (Dec. 13,
)f colonial produce,
ly excepted. Under
nance of these regu-
A rupture with Bo-
of quarrel. Bona-
itinental system had
rour. He demanded,
sailors into his pay ;
n, and admit French
Sweden, Denmark,
confederation, under
iscussions. Marshal
jrermany, took pos-
of Rugen (Jan. 27,
render that province
tore Finland to her,
1,000 troops against
of conciliation with
ed at St. Petersburg
TEHIOD IX. A. D. 1810 — 1816.
(April 5,) Alexander promised to procure her Norway. A body
of between twenty-five and thirty thousand Swedes, and be-
tween fifteen and twenty thousand Russians, were then to make a
diversion against France on the coasts of Germany. This
arrangement was afterwards changed ; in a conference which
the Emperor had at Abo (Aug. 30,) the latter consented that the
Russian troops, destined to act in Norway, should be transported
to Riga for the defence of Russia ; and that they should not, till
a later period, undertake the conquest of Norway. Charles XIII.
was also reconciled to England, while he had always pretended
to be ignorant of the declaration of war of November 17, 1810.
A treaty of peace was signed at Orebro (July 12,) where they
agreed, though in general terms, on a defensive alliance.
Bonaparte, seeing the moment approach when a rupture with
Russia would take place, hesitated for some time as to the part
he should take with regard to Prussia, in the very centre of
which he still possessed three fortresses. He determined at last
to preserve that State, and to make an ally of it, on which the
principal burden of the war should fall. Four conventions were
concluded at Paris, on the same day (Feb. 24,) between these
two powers. By the principal treaty, an alliance purely defen-
sive was established ; but according to certain secret articles,
that alliance was declared ofTensive ; on such terms, however,
that Prussia^was not to furnish any contingent beyond the Py-
renees in Italy, or against the Turks. By the first convention,
which was likewise to be kept secret, the alliance was expressly
directed against Russia ; and the King of Prussia promised to
furnish a body of 20,000 auxiliary troop3. Glogau, Stettin, and
Custrin, were to be still occupied by the French. The two other
conventions related to the sums still due by Prussia, and the sup-
plies which she had to furnish.
A few days after, there was also signed at Paris a defensive
alliance agamst Russia, between Austria and France. The recip-
rocal supplies to be furnished by each, was 30,000 men ; and the
Court of Vienna was given to nope, that she might again be re-
stored to the possession of the Illyrian Provinces. From that mo-
ment, Bonaparte began to make the most active preparations. By
a decree of the Senate, the whole male population of France, be-
tween the ages of twenty and sixty years, was divided into three
Bans, or bodies summoned by proclamation ; the first of these
contained 100,000 men, to be placed at the disposal of the govern-
ment. The princes of the confederation were to furnish their con-
tingent as follows: — Bavaria 30,000 troops, Westphalia and
Saxony each 20,000, Wurtemberg 14,000, and the kingdom of
Italy 40,000. Negotiations were at that time in progress between
' ,1^
Bcinapane and Alexander, apparently with a view of adjusting
their rniilual complaints. But matters had recently taken a
turn, which left little reason to hope that they would come t<»
any satisfactory result. These conferences were continued at
Dresden where Bonaparte had gone, and where he met the Em-
peror and Empress of Austria, the King of Prussia, and a great
number of the princes of the Rhenish Confederation, rhis
was the last moment of Bonaparte's greatness. He waited the
return of Count Narbonne, whom he had sent to Wilna with
his last proposals to the Emperor Alexander. Immediately af-
ter the arrival of the Count, war v/as declared (June 12, 1812.)
The army of Bonaparte amounted to 587,000 men, of which
73,000 were cavalry. It was separated into three grand divi-
sions ; the main armv was composed of the divisions oflia-
voust, Oudinol, and Ney. It contained also the troops of Wur-
temberg, at the head of whom was the Prince Royal. f he
second army, commanded by Eugene Beauharnais, consisted of
the divisions of Junot and St. Cyr ; the Bavarians, under the
command of Deroy and Wrede, made a part of it. The third
army, commanded by Jerome Bonaparte, consisted of the Poles,
under Prince Poniatowski, the Saxons, under Regnier, and the
Westphalians under Vandamme. The Austrian auxiliaries, at
the head of whom was Prince Schwartzenberg, formed the ex-
treme right wing. The corps of Marshal Macdonald and the
Prussians, were placed on the e.xtreme left. To oppose this
immense mass, Alexander had only 260,000 men, divided into
two armies, which were called the first and second armies of
the West. The former, under the command of Count Barclay
de Tolly, extended as far as Grodno, and communicated on the
north side with Count d'Essen, Governor of Riga ; and on the
south, with the second army of the West, at the head of which
was Prince Bagration. But independently of these forces,
there were bodies of reserve, and armies of observation, formed
with all expedition, and ultimately joined with the main armies.
Of the great number of battles fought during this memorable
campaign, we must content ourselves with selecting the more
important ; without entering into a detail of the various move-
ments of either party. The inferiority of numbers which Alex-
ander had to oppose to Bonaparte, seemed to render a defensive
plan advisable, according to which, by destroying all the means
of subsistence in the districts which they abandoned, they might
allure the enemy into countries desolated and destitute of every
resource. Bonaparte allowed himself to be duped by feint re-
treats ; his scheme was to place himself between the two Rus-
sian armies, and after having destroyed botji, to penetrate into
FERIOD IX. A. D. 1810— 1S15.
w of adjusting
^cenlly taken u
would come t«i
re continued at
he met the Em-
isia, and a great
'erntion. This
He waited the
I to Wilna with
[mmediately af-
June 12, 1812.)
) men, of which
iree grand divi-
divisions of Da-
j troops of Wur-
e Royal. The
lais, consisted of
rians, under the
f it. The third
Bted of the Poles,
Regnier, and the
m auxiliaries, at
, formed the ex-
cdonald and the
To oppose this
len, divided into
econd armies of
f Count Barclay
nunicated on the
:iga ; and on the
le head of which
of these forces,
iervation, formed
the main armies.
', this memorable
ecting the more
le various move-
aers which Alex-
nder a defensive
ig all the means
oued, they might
estitute of every
ped by feint re-
en the two Rus-
penetrate into
the inferior of the Empire, whore he reckoned on finding im-
mense riches, and to dictate the terms of pence, as he had twice
done at Vienna.
The passage of the Niemen, by the French army, was the
commencement of hostilities (June 22;) llie Russians immedi-
ately began their system of retreat. Bonaparte, at first, suc-
ceeded in penetrating between the two armies; but after several
battles fought by Prince Bagration, more esperinlly ilml at
MohilofT (July 23,) the two armies effected a junction at Smo-
lensko. Jerome Bonaparte and Vandamine, to w hoin Bonaparte
attributed that check, were ordered to quit the French army,
while he himself advanced as far as Witcpsk.
Bonaparte engaged Barclay de Tolly, and fought a bloody
battle with him at Smolensko (Aug. 17.) He took possession
of that city by force, after it had been set on fire by the inhabit-
ants. He found no provisions in it, and scarcely a shelter to
cover his sick and wounded. On the news of the progress
which the French were making, a general enthirsiasm seized
the Russian nation. Alexander had encouraged and e.xcited
this patriotic spirit by repairing to Moscow. The nobles armed
their peasantry, and prepared to fight with desperation to the
last. The two armies of the West were combined into one,
of which Prince KutusofT took the command. He engaged
Bonaparte, and fought the famous battle of Moskwa, about
twenty-five leagues from Moscow (Sept. 7.) Although 65,000
men, including Russians, French, and allies, were left dead on
the field of battle, that action was by no means decisive ; but
KutusofT, whose army was reduced to 70,000 men, while Bona-
parte, out of 150,000, had still 120,000 left, resolved to continue
his retreat, and to leave Moscow at the mercy of the enemy.
The French entered that place seven days after the battle (Sept.
14.) They found that ancient capital entirely abandoned, but
still containing immense wealth which the inhabitants had not
been able to carry with them. Within two days, a conflagra-
tion which broke out in five hundred places at once, reduced
that immense city to a heap of ashes. The precautions of the
incendiaries had been so well taken, that all the efforts of the
French to arrest the progress of the flames proved ineffectual ;
and out of 9158 houses, they could only save 2041. Thus
perished irrevocably the means of subsistence, which had for a
moment revived the courage of the invaders.
In a short time famine began to make its appearance in the
army of Bonaparte. Dissembling the real state of his aflairs,
he twice offered peace. Alexander refused to treat at a time
when the war was only on the eve of commencing ; and told
ur '
the Knosinn s;:onernfc, thnt he wns still resolved to rontimie his
retreat, whicli coinmonced acrordingly on the l/)th October.
Mnrshal Mortier, who commanded the rear-^unrd, had orders to
set tiro to the Kremlin, the palace of the ancient Czars of Rus-
sia. Unnaparto directed his march towatds Smolensko, through
a country reduced to an entire desert. He was incessantly
harassed by the Russians, whofc troops, marching at a conve-
nient distance, attacked both his flanks. On arriving at Smo-
lensko (Nov. 9,) after having lost 40,000 men, the army was
assailed by the rigours of winter, which added to their other
misfortunes. Kutusoflf having advanced before them, and tak-
ing post at Kriisnoi, they were obliged to force a passage with
the loss of 13,000 men, and 70 pieces of catmon. Two days
after, 11,000 men of Ney's division, laid down their arms;
35,000 men, and twenty-five cannons without horses, were all
that remained to the conqueror of Moscow.
This exhausted and dispirited army had 50 leagues to march,
before they could reach the Beresina, where other dangers
awaited them. The passage of that river was occupied by the
army of TchichngotT, amounting to 50,000 men, who had arrived
from Moldavia. Another Russian army, under Count Witgen-
stein, was marching from the north to join the former ; but
Marshal Victor's body of reserve, which had arrived from Prus-
sia, intercepted them for a while, without having been able to
prevent their final junction. Victor, Oudinot, and Dombrowski,
brought a reinforcement to Bonaparte of 35,000 men, exhaust-
ed with cold and famine. The passage of the Beresina was
forced with admirable bravery (Nov. 27-28 ;) but it cost France
or the allies, the lives or the liberty of more than 30,000 men.
At this point, the main body of the Russians ceased to pursue
the unfortunate wreck of Bonaparte's army ; nevertheless, as
far as Wiina, they were continually harassed by the Cossacs.
There was besides a frightful deficiency of provisions and
clothing, so that upwards of 2''<.00 men fell a sacrifice to these
privations in their route to W.; .c. This was the first city oi
town that fell in their way ; all i' c others had been completely
destroyed ; the miserable remnant who reached that place (Dec.
9,) were at length supplied with provisions ; but the Cossacs
did not leave them long in the enjoyment of repose. On the
following day they were obliged to commence their retreat to
Kowno, from which they directed their march towards the Vis-
tula. Independently of the corps of Macdonald, who had the
Prussians under his command, and of the auxiliary body of
Austrians and Saxons, none of which took any part in that
route, only 18,800 French and Italians, and about 23,000 Poles
and Germans, found their way back from Russia.
I i'':ii';i'i iTi .nii,»fifaig>ttiii*i''iii»m
1 to rontirme his
lo 15th October.
rd, had orders to
nt C/ara of Kus-
olensko, through
was incessantly
hing nt a conve-
arriving at Smo-
n, the army was
ed lo their other
re them, and tak-
;e a passage with
non. Two days
own their arms ;
horses, were ail
leagues to march,
c other dangers
s occupied by the
I, who had arrived
?r Count Witgen-
the former ; but
rrived from Prus-
i^ing been able to
and Dombrowski,
)00 men, exhaust-
the Bercsina was
but it cost France
han 30,000 men.
i ceased to pursue
; nevertheless, as
by the Cossacs.
f provisions and
I sacrifice to these
the first city oi
[ been completely
d that place (Dec.
but the Cossacs
repose. On the
:e their retreat to
towards the Vis-
ild, who had the
iiixiliary body of
uiy part in that
out 23.000 Poles
PERIOD !X. A. D. 1810—1815.
boiiapnrlo himself had taken his departure privately on the
6th December, leaving the commiirKl of the army to Murat.
With such despatch had he consulted his safety, tlint on the 18th
of the same month he arrived at Puris.
Prince Schwartzenberg, being joined by General licynicr who
commanded the Saxons, had fought several engagements with
the army of TchichngofT, none of whicii had proved decisive ;
and after the nflliir of the Bercsina he; lind retired towards War-
saw and Pultusk. Several most sanguinary engagements,
although not more decisive than tlie former, had taken place
between Count Witgenstein and the left wing of the French
army ; especially towards the commencement of the campaign,
when Marshals Oudinot and St, Cyr had joined Macdonald.
On these occasions, the Prussians had rendered very important
services ; but the moment General Yorke, who roninmnded
these auxiliaries, had been informed of the retreat of Bonaparte,
he thought himself authorized, not from any political motives
which he would never have avowed, but from the destitute con-
dition in whicli he had been left, to conclude a capitulation with
the Russians, by which he withdrew his whole forces from the
French army (Dec. 29.)
That event was of little importance in itself, although it pro-
duced a very great sensation in Prussia, and served as a pretext
for Bonaparte to demand new levies, without being obliged to
acknowledge the whole extent of the losses he had sustained.
One of his ministers, Regnault d'Angely, spoke of the event, in
his official report, as the Glorious Retreat of Moscow! More-
over, a decree of the Senate, issued at the commencement of the
following j'ear (Jan. 11,) placed a new conscription of 350,000
men at the disposal of the government. In order to raise the
necessary funds for this new armament, Bonaparte seized the
revenues of all the communes in France ; their properties were
sold to promote his schemes ; and he promised to make them
ample reimbursements, by assigning to them annuities on the
civil list.
Nothing annoyed Bonaparte so much as the incessant resis-
tance and opposition of Pope Pius VII. In the hope of gaining
a more easy victory, by bringing that respectable old man nearer
his person, he had ordered him to be conveyed to the Palace of
Fontainbleau, about the middle of the year 1812. After his re-
turn from Moscow, he repaired thither himself, and succeeded
in extorting the Pope's consent to a new Concordat ; on condi-
tion, however, that the stipulations .«hould be kept secret, until
they were examined by a Consistory of Cardinals. But Bona-
parte took an early opportunity of publishing this new Concof
^ I " Mi
dtti as a lundainctal law of ihe Statc-a circum.tttnce which
inducea FiiH VH. 10 disavow it, and lo declare it null and of
"""USc, a new and lonnidable league wa. preparing again«
Bona. rr After the .•a,npai^^n of 1812, the Kmg of taa
had demanded, agreeal.iy to the convention of l'ebruar>' -Uh,
that Bonaparte should reimburse him for the ninety- hriu,. mil-
1. which he had advanced in furnish.n- m.pplies to the I- reach
a 1 V beyond the sum wbich he owed as his contingent lor the
wT' Tie refusal of Bonaparte to pay that debt, served as a
pretext for Frederic William to sbaUe oil an alliance so contrary
Tthe true interests of his kingdom. An appeal which he made
the nation excited a general enthusiasm ; and as every thing
had been lor five years preparing m secret, in the twinkling of
an eve the Prussian army, which had been reduced to 42.000
men,\vas raised to 12S,6oO. This defection o Prussia fur-
^ish;d Bonaparte with a nlea for demanding new levu^. A de-
cree of the Senate (April 3, 1813,) ordered him 180.000 addi-
'"'The'Trty which was signed at Kalisch and Breslau (Feb.
'27 28 ) laid the foundation of an intimate alliance between Kus-
sia and the King of Prussia. Alexander promised to furnish
150 000 men, a,rd Prussia 80,000, exclusive of the troops in
garrisons and fortresses. Alexander moreover engaged never
fo av down arms until Prussia should be restored to her sta Us-
tical,- financial, and geographical position, '^""^"""'jjb' '" /^^^^
state of that monarchy, such as it had been b..fore the wa of
1806 Within a few days after, these two monarchs had an
interview at Breslau, where a more intimate friendship was con
traded, which subsisted between thein for a long time.
Prince Kutusoflf issued a proclamation, dated from Kahscli
cal wiiich he made
; and as every thing
t, in the twinkling of
n reduced to 42.000
:lion of Prussia fur-
ig new levies. A de-
d him ISO.OOO addi-
h and Bresiau (Feb.
nlliaiicc between Rus-
proinised to furnish
sive of the troops in
reover engaged never
restored to her statis-
1, conformably to the
•en before the war of
:wu inonarclis had an
lie friendship was con
' a long time.
1, dated from Kaliscii
he Germans that the
■th be regarded as dis-
thout waiting for that
icample of abandoning
inselves that the King
with them ; but that
aithful to his system,
vhose country abound-
e common cause. At
he half of his estates,
Warsaw, which could
th Alexander to make
ondition that he would
PERIOD IX. A. D. 1910—1819.
ht'cure him the possession of Norway, or at least the province
of that kingdom callc I the Bishopric of Drontheim. Great Bri-
tain was desirous that that arrangement should be made with
the consent of the Kint; of Denmark, who was offered a com-
pensation on the side of Holstcin, as well as the whole of Swe-
dish Poinerania. Frederi>: VI. having given an absolute refu-
sal, a treaty between Great Britain and Sweden was concluded
at Stockholm (March 3, 1813,) by which the latter engaged to
employ a body of 30,000 troops on ihe Continent in active ser-
vice against France. It was agreeil that this army should act
in concert with the Russian troops placed, in consequence of
other arrangements, under the command of the Prince Royal of
Sweden. Great Britain promised to employ every necessary
means for procuring Sweden the possession of"^ Norway, without
having recourse to force ; unless the King of Denmark should
refuse to accede to the alliance of the North. She promised to
furnish supplies to Sweden, and ceded to her the island of
Guadaloupe. After this alliance with England, Sweden entered
likewise into a league offensive and defensfvuMjyth Prussia, by
a treaty which was signed at Stockholm (April3!zr) Frederic
William promised to despatch 27,000 troops to joir> the army
which the Prince Royal commanded in Germany.
Murat, to whom Bonaparte had intrusted the command of the
few troops which he had brought back from Moscow, abandoned
his commission, and retired to Naples. Eugene Beauhamais
then assumed the command, and arrived with 16,000 men on the
Elbe (March 10;) but after being joined by the French troops
from Pomerania, the Bavarian!), the Saxons, and a corps which
General Grenier had formed, his army by the end of the
month amounted to 87,000 men ; extending along the left bank
of the river from Dresden to Hamburg. In a short time, the
whole disposable force of Bonaparte in Germany were again
augmented to 308,000 men.
The Prussian army consisted of 128,000 troops, including
Sirrisons and bodies of reserve; but the three battalions of
lucher, Yorke, and Bulovr, who had taken tite field, did not
amount to more than 51,000 combatanU. The main army of
the Russians, which, since the death of KutusoiT, had been com-
manded by Count Witgenstein, amounted to 38,000 men ; al-
though the whole of the Russian forces on the Vistula and the
Oder, and between the Oder and the Elbe, amoanted to 166,000
men. The first action, which took place in Germany, was the
battle of Lnneburg (April 2,) where the Russian Creneral Doren-
berg oUiged General Morend's division, on their route from
Pomoninia, to lay down their arms.
On the /5th of April, Bonnpnrto look the command of his army
in person ; and on ihe ad of May wilh 115.000 men, ho rnffHn.id
169,000 Prussians and Russians, under the rommnnd ol W it-
censtein. The advantaifo in ihiil aclion was on the side ol Ihe
French. The loss on hoth sides was equal. The Pru.suins
look 1000 prisoners, wilh 10 pieces of cannon, without them-
selves losing one. The scene of this battle, so glorious for the
Prussians, was in the neighbourhood of Gross-Oorschen, to
which Bonaparte gave the name of Lutzen, in commejnoration
ot the famous Guslavus Adolnhus. In his bulletins he rcprc
sented that battle, which was by no means decisive, as a com-
plete victory, because the ullies did not renew the comb.it, and
next day commenced their retreat to the right bank of the Khine,
to advance nearer to their reinforcements.
They took up a position nt Bautzen. Their numbers there
amounted to 96,000 men, who engaged 148,000 French, under
the command of Bonaparte (May 21, 1813.) The Allies had
determined not to expose themselves to a defeat, but to teriTiinate
every battle the moment they sow it could not turn to their ad-
vantage. Within five dnvs after that engagement, to which the
French gave the name of the battle of Wurtchcn, Blucher gam-
ed a decided advantage ot Haynau over the division of General
Maison, and captured the whole of their artillery. An armis-
lice was then concluded between the two parties at Poischwitz.
This measure was nt the request of Bonaparte, as it was
necessary for him to await the arrival of his reinforcements ,
especially since he found himself menaced on the North by an
invasion of the Swedes. It is probable he would not have taken
this step had he penetrated the views of Austria; but Count
Metternich had dexterously contrived to conceal these from him,
in the several interviews which he had with him at Dresden, so
that the sagacity of that great commander was completely al
fault. The Allies hod no wish for an armistice, which could
only make them lose time, as their armaments were in a stiite
of readiness ; but they consented to it at the re(iuest of Austria,
who hod need of some delay to complete her preparations,
although she was at first actuated by a difl'erent motive. She
had still hopes to avoid the war, by inducing Bonaparte to accept
those moderate conditions of peace to which the Allies had given
their consent bv the treaty of June 27, of which we shall have
occasion to speak immediately. At the time when the armistice
was signed, Count Metternich, who had apprized Bonaparte of
these conditions, had already certain information that ''^e j^)'"
monarchs were not deceived in predicting that they would be
refused. All hopes of peace had now vanished ; but there still
r.TurTif*"^"""' •" ""'' ■■■■■'■''■•'
otnmand of his army
000 men, ho enjpitttjd
c romnmnd of Wit-
hh on the side of the
nal. The Pruxsinns
non, without ihein-
', so glorious for tho
Oross-Oorsphen, to
n, in coinmeniorntion
s hullotins he rcpro-
s dt'iMsive, ns a coin-
•nrw the combiit, i\nd
fht hunk of the Rhine,
Their numbers there
18,000 French, under
i;).) The Allies had
efeat, but to terniinnte
not turn to their nd-
igeinent, to which the
irtchon, Blucher gain-
\e division of GenernI
artillery. An arm is-
parties at Poischwitz.
Bonaparte, as it was
of his reinforcements ,
»d on the North by an
e would not have taken
)f Austria ; but Count
■onceal these from him,
ith him at Dresden, so
ier was completely at
armistice, which could
nments were in a state
the reijuest of Austria,
lete her preparations,
liHeront motive. She
ng Bonaparte to accept
I'h the Allies had given
r which we shall have
mo when the armistice
apprized Bonaparte of
brmation that the two
ag that they would be
mished; hut there still
PRRIOD IX. A. D. 1810 — 1810.
remained another motive, which mode the Court of Vienna
nnxious for further delay.
By a convention .signed iit Dresden (Juno ?,0,) Bonaparte oc-
cepled th<' rnodiiitioii of .\u^tria for a peace, either general or
Conliiientnl ; and the aniiisiice, which was to expire on the 20th
July, was prolonged to the 10th of August. At the request of
Francis I., a sort of congress was opened at Prague. Bonaparto
had no wish for t»eace, as he never supposed that Austria would
declare against him. The Allies haa no wish for it, as they
knew well the disposition of that power ; while Austria, the only
Cabinet which had pacific views, had given up nil hope of ever
bringing Bonaparte to any reasonable terms of accommodation.
Such were the auspices under which the Congress of Prague
was opened. They were discussing the form in which the ne-
fotiations wore to proceed, when the 10th of August arrived,
'he ministers of Russia and Prussia then declared that the
term of the armistice had expired, and consequently that their
diplomatic powers were at an end.
Within two days after, Austria declared war against Bona-
parte ; and the throe monarchs who met at Prague, resolved to
accompany the main army, which was under the command of
Prince Sciiwartzenberg, during the whole campaign.
It will not be improper here to give a summary of the treatien
which constituted the sixth coalition, and procured the accession
of Austria so decisive for the cause of the allies. (1.) The
treaty of Reichenbach (June 14,) between Great Britain ard
Prussia. The former bound herself to pay to the other, within
the six months, 666,666Z. sterling, lor the maintenance of 80,000
troops ; and came under the same engagement with regard to
the augmentation of Prussia, that Russia had entered mto by
the treaty of Kalisch. The King of Prus.sia promised to cede
to the Electorate of Hanover a certain portion of territory, inclu-
ding the principality of Hildesheim, and containing a population
of between Sand 400,000 souls. (2.) The treaty of Reichen-
bach between Great Britain and Russia (June 15,) by which the
former promi.'sed to pay to the other, before the expiration of the
year, 1,333,334/. sterling, for the maintenance of 160,000 men.
(3.) The treaty of Reichenbach, between Austria, Prussia, and
Russia (June 27 ;) the first engaged to declare war against Bo-
naparte, if at the conclusion of the armistice he had not accepted
the conditions of peace which they offered him. The following
are the proposals to which we have already alluded. Austria
on her own behalf, demanded only the restitution of the Illyrian
provinces, and the territory which she had ceded to the dutchy
of Warsaw. Such were the pledges of her sincere desire for
V «„» Prussia was content to obtain tne
restoring peace to Europe. f'^^^^.^J^J „„d ^hat of Dantzic.
restitution of her part othejme^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^.
and the evacuation of the •°/;'^'''^^ bank of the Elbe,
thus abandoning all her poss°Mo^^^^^^^ ^^ ^^.
Moreover, they f «r'l;*k«.^^^"^„^^^^^ of his last usurpation.
main, and they deprived Bonaparte omy ^^^ .^
in the north of Germany By J^P^Jf JJ,, .ejected, and war
was stipulated, that »f;^««^!,^"°"T'^reJe but on condition that
once begun, they should »« y^f>^';;Pf;^'^^^^ on the footing in
Austria and Pmssia were to te ^ga ^^Confederation of the
which they had b?en in 1805 , ^^^l' „f HoHand and
Rhine should be dissolved , ^^^/"^,^E restored to the throne
Italv secured : and the Ho«s gf Bou^^^^^^^^ (jrcat Bri-
of Spain. (4. T^ie treaty of merswa ^^^^^^^^ to sup-
tain and Russia (July 6 Ww^ch the lor ^^^^.^^ ^^ ^^^^.^
port a German legion of 1";""", „ ,%' „,:., /gcpt. 9,) between
\5.) A definitive all ance signed a^^^opluz (J^ep^^ J ^^^^^ ^^
Austria, Prussia, and R^^q-J ^^J Tt ^ ag'^^'^ '° ^'=^""'''"'^'
assist each other with 60,OUU me". " fo^ching as near as
the Austrian nionarchy upon thejJaYPP-- ,^^^^^^ f the
possible to that of l^OS , to d «s^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^„,, ^he House
bhine and the kingdom of West,^hnlia. ^^ ^^^^^^^ ,; ^d at
of Brunswick-Luneburg. (b.) ^ne « j
Toplitz between Austr a arid Great BrUam .^_
fionaparte, on his side, ''^J^^j^'^S entered 1 Hamburg
portant crisis. The Danes had alr«id>enterea ^^^^^^
Lh the ^'^"'^^'-^"^.u^rdu (MaTsS,)^^ he had got
Tettenbom to evacuate that cU>,( Way ^^ ^^^^ ^^^.^^
possession of in the month of March ^n S^^^^ ^^^ ^^..^^^
kpneared ofT Copenhagen (May 31^ aM ^^^^^^ ^^^^,^_
of Norway in favour of ^^J^j^ ' enhS, by which the former
was joined to that of Davoust. ^^^^^^^ ;„
Tile plan of the ^J^P^ntrg by Ae Emperor of Russia,
the conference held at Iraclien^rg y ^^ ^^^^ pje,,,.
the King of Prussia, the P^^^^J^^yl^^rn^^"^ forces of the
potentiaries of Austria ?^J ^^^^^^'^^^^^ «««««""•
fcoalition amounte to 264,000 Aus^^^'^"'''j^„^ '„„^ ^^.e than
Is content to obtain the
y, and that of Dantzic,
upied by the French ;
e left bank of the Elbe.
Westphalia still to re-
ef his last Uburpationa
article of the treaty, it
were rejected, and war
ice but on condition that
placed on the footing in
he Confederation of the
ndence of Holland and
nn restored to the throne
Idau between Great Bri-
former undertook to sup-
er the service of Russia,
oplitz (Sept. 9,) between
h these powers were to
was agreed to reconstruct
1 approaching as near as
the Confederation of the
, and to restore the House
reaty of alliance signed at
quired an ally at this im-
dy entered into Hamburg
ivoust compelled General
ay 30,) which he had got
An English fleet having
and demanded the cession
King of Denmark conclu-
logen, by which the former
eden, Russia and Prussia,
lediately after, an army of
r Frederic Prince of Hesse
allies had been settled in
»y the Emperor of Russia,
[ of Sweden, and the pleni-
tritain. The forces of the
strians, 249,000 Russians,
edes; but not more than
mpaign ; of which 192,000
zic, Zamoscz, Glogau, Cus-
m were divided as follows :
fEKIOD IX. A. D. 181U — 181A.
The Army of Bohemia, composed of Austrians, Russians, and
Prussians, under the command of Prince Schwartzenberg,
amounted to 237,700 men, with 698 pieces of cannon.
The Army of the North, composed of Prussians, Russians,
and Swedes, under the command of the Prince Royal of Swe-
den, amounting to 154,000 men, with 387 pieces of cannon.
The Army of Silesia, composed of Prussians and Russians,
under the command of Blucher, 95,000 strong, with 356 pieces
of cannon.
The Austrian Army of Bavaria, commanded by Prince Reuss,
containing 42,700 men, with 42 pieces of cannon.
The Austrian Army in Italy, under Hiller, 50,000 strong,
with 120 pieces of cannon.
The Austrian Army of Reserve, stuiioned between Vienna
and Presburg, under the command of Duke Ferdinand of Wur-
temberg, 60,000 strong.
The Russian Army of Reserve in Poland, under the command
of Bennigsen, 57,000 strong, with 198 pieces of cannon.
To these forces Bonaparte opposed an army of 462,000 men,
including 80,000 who occupietl thirteen fortresses ; besides the
army of Bavaria, which watched the movements of the Prince of
Reuss, and 40,000 men which Eugene Beauharnais had in Italy.
Hostilities recommenced immediately after the termination of
the armistice ; Silesia, Saxony, and sometimes the frontiers, be-
came the theatre of war. The Prince Royal of Sweden
covered Berlin, which was threatened by Marshal Oudinot.
The battle of Gross-Beeren (Aug. 23,) which was gained by
the Prussian General Bulow, saved the capital. In Silesia,
Blucher, pressed hard by Bonaparte, had retired as far as Jauer ;
but the latter having intelligence of the march of the allies on
Dresden, retraced his steps with a part of his army, while Blucher
attacked Marshal Macdonald at the river Katsbach, and gained
a signal victory (Aug. 26,) in which he took 10,000 prisoners,
and 103 pieces of cannon. General Puthod, who commanded a
detachment of 8000 men, was obliged to surrender at Plagwitz
to Count Langeron (Aug. 29.) The army of Bohemia attacked
Dresden a few hours after Bonaparte had arrived with his rein-
forcements. The battle was bloody, and lasted two days (Aug.
26, 27.) Thirteen thousand Austrians being cut ofT on the lef^
wing, were obliged to lay down their arms ; the allies retired in
good order, leaving 6000 men killed and wounded on the field
of battle, and 26 pieces of cannon in the hands of the French, who
had lost 18,000 men by that victory. General Moreau, who had
come on the invitation of the Prince Royal of Sweden to take
a part in the struggle against Napoleon, was mortally wounded.
'i 1
would srceed in cutting off the \mperor Akxander f^om h«
armv. The Russians fought the whole day (Aug. dV,) wun ine
Sheroic determination; Count Ostermann having had h«
Wt arm carried off by a shot, the command was taken by
MarsZ MmoradowicJ;. At length they -- -nfo.e^
LvBrnl Austrian and Russ an armies, which the King ot rrussia
had TenUoTela'sistance, and which enabled them tj main-
S the r position. During the night. Barcode lolly had
;,i„„n^'this enterprise. But he sustained a complete roul
ecution °f this enterprise « ^^^^^^^ . ^^^
Sners with 80 pieces of cannon, and a 1 their baggage
;rl^(STwede.T3;ey 'had be.„ able to form . u„,o„ ..
%r.T,73rr™!.°n^emi had pn»eded .his g,e.,b.ul..
Kvel.1 acUoraa.Wachao.Connewm, and Lijdenau. Wm»
rEe were prod.Ktire of any docsive re.ul.; b«. Btah«
detached with 30,00u
e encountered Count
f 8000 Austrians, and
, The King of Prus-
sian general, that un-
Vandamme, the latter
r Alexander from his
ay (Aug. 29,) with the
nann having had his
imand was taken by
y were reinforced by
ich the King of Prussia
nabled them to main-
Barclay de Tolly had
;xt day (Aug. 30,) the
ch was decided by the
ts of NoUeiidorf, lying
e latter finding himself
irced their passage, by
recruits. Vandamme
:h 10,000 men and 81
) get possession of Ber-
'as charged with the ex-
tained a complete rout
Royal of Sweden ; and
•"rench there lost 20,000
and all their baggage,
parte from Dresden, and
where they could unite
1 entirely to their wish,
d of 125,000 men, with
arate armies. But the
the armies of Bohemia,
army of reserve, were
signal. The plains of
His army there amount-
irould have had 301,000,
lians, 136,000 Russians,
able to form a union at
eceded this great battle.
imia alone fought three
and Lindenau. None
ve result; but Blucher
rSRioo u. A. 0. 1810—1815.
had encountered Marshal Mannont on the same day, and de-
feated him at Mockern. On the following day, there were some
engagements, but without any decisive result ; they were fought
by the three armies of Sweden, Blucher, and Bennigsen, who
were on their march to the field of battle at Leipsic. Bona-
parte then began to be aware of the danger of nis position.
For the first time he foresaw the possibility of a defeat, and
sent General Bertrand to Weissenfels to secure the bridge over
the Saal. On the 18th, at day-break, he made proposals of an
armistice and peace, through the Austrian General Meerfeld,
who had fallen into his hands ; but both the Oi.e and the other
were disregarded. This was the first day of the battle of Leip-
sic ; the French army resisted with great heroism, and it vran
not till after the arrival of Blucher and the army of Sweden,
that they were compelled to abandon part of their position, and
to retire to the very gates of Leipsic. Several bodies of Saxons
and Wurtembergers passed over on that day to the ranks of the
allies. During the night, the French army effected their retreat
by Leipsic to Weissenfels. Macdonald and Poniatowski had
orders to defend the city. It was attacked by the allies next
day. The French made a vigorous resistance. At ten o'clock
in the morning, Bonaparte escaped among the fugitives, the
cannon, and the equipage which encumbered the gate of Altran-
stadt. The Elster, which runs by the city, had only one bridge,
which they caused to be blown up n:^ soon as Bonaparte had
passed. Thus Macdonald and Poniatowski found themselves
fairly enclosed with their divisions. The latter was drowned
in attempting to swim across the Elster. Macdonald was made
prisoner, as well as the King of Saxony, who had remained at
Leipsic. Bonaparte, on these two days, lost in killed, wounded,
and prisoners, 70,000 men, and 300 pieces of cannon. The
allies purchased that victory by the death of 50,000 of their
Bonaparte directed hfe flight with all haste towards Mayence,
closely pursued by theVossacs, who made a great many pri-
soners, besides a rich booty in cannon and baggage. When he
arrived at Hanau, he found his passage intercepted by an enemy
which he did not expect. Since the month of August, a nego-
tiation had been set on foot with the King of Bavaria, for in-
ducing him to abandon the cause of Bonaparte. To this mea-
sure he at length agrf-ed, by a convention, which was signed at
Ried (Oct. 8,) which secured to Bavaria the possession of ab-
solute and independent sovereignty, and complete indemnity for
the restitutions which she was, in that case, to make to Austria.
Immediately after the signing the convention at Ried, the
•t0t '
F^nch Mho in their «tre.thid .rri.ed .t Ge\„h.«.J : ihe-e.
to the left bank of the Khine. iviarsnai oi. \jy , 97 nno men
had left at Dresden, was obliged to capitulate with SJ-JW men.
less did honour to the French general. Sweden
SmiL prloners Jourdan lost the whole of his artillery.
jrprBona^pTrte then abandoned the throne of Spam for over^
The activity of Marshal Suchet defeated an expedition bysea,
IndertXnV Sir John Murmy against Tarragona Lord Wd-
Conne. "sTu-fa^i/ tool? the ^^^^ ^i^^ ^^^ ^'
reinforcements increased the army to 40,000 men.
a body of between
s, began their march
nd ailer taking this
ch he took possession
He encountered the
Gelnhausn ; there a
uccessive days. Bo-
d, and prisoners ; but
L passage, and retired
Cyr, whom Bonaparte
late with 27,000 men.
1 Torgau with 10,000.
arnais had taken the
ipied the lilyrian pro-
rond the Adige, before
f master of the Tyrol
is campaign neverthe-
ice Royal of Sweden
}, the former of whom
)anes had retired into
m, from which however
ed, as they had capitu-
Frederic Vl. concluded
14 ;) and Denmark en-
We shall have occasion
ons that were made by
rk signed a peace with
10,000 men to take the
in engaged to pay them
ime time established be-
;y of Hanover (Feb. 8 ;)
lat of Berlin (Aug. 26.)
rshal Soult from Spain
jton, the Generalissimo
in at Vittoria (June 21,
n the field of battle, and
whole of his artillery,
irone of Spain for ever,
id an expedition by sea,
Tarragona. Lord Wel-
na (Aug. 31,) and com-
dassoa, and to retire on
land, and by means o^
,000 men.
PERIOD IX, A. rt. IfllO — 1816.
In Germany, the Confederation of the Rhine and the kingdom
of Westphalia had both been dissolved. The Electors of Han-
over and Hesse, the Dukes of Brunswick and Oldenburg, were
restored to the possession of their ]iatrimonies, and joined the
alliance. The King of Wurtcmberg, and the Elector of Baden,
made their peace with the Allies, by means of special treaties.
All the princes of the Rhenish Confederation entered into the
Grand Leagu'e, except the King of Saxony, the Grand Duke of
Frankfort, and the princes of Isemburg and Leyen, who were
excluded from it, and their territories treated as conquered
On his return to Paris, Bonaparte announced his inteniion of
continuing the war, and caused the Senate to grant him a new
conscription of 300,000 men. Nevertheless he appeared willing
to bring to a conclusion the negotiations which the Allies on the
Continent had set on foot. According to the terms agreed on at
Toplitz, the Rhine was to form the frontier of France, and the
kingdom of Holland was to be given to a brother of Bonaparte ;
but the movements of Napoleon, and the warlike preparations
which he had ordered, gave England an opportunity of changing
the sentiments of these monarchs ; and they determined to adopt
the scheme which Mr. Pitt had contrived in 1805.
The decree of the Senate, of November 18, 1813, completed
the immense number of 1,260,000 men ; all of whom, indepen-
dently of the existing army, had been sacrificed to the restless
ambition of Bonaparte. The forces with which the Allies in-
vaded France, were divided into three armies.
The Army of Bohemia, commanded by Prince Schwarlzenberg,
and composed of 261,000 men, Austrians, Russians, Prussians,
and Germans, was destined to enter France by way of Switzer-
The Army of Silesia, under the command of Blucher, consist-
ing of 137,000 men, Prussians, Russians, and Germans, were to
pa.ss the Rhine near Mayence.
The Army of the North, composed of 174,000 Prussians, Rus-
sians, Germans, Swedes, Dutch and English, were to occupv
Holland and the Netherlands. They were to be commanded by
the Prince Royal of Sweden, and, in his absence, by the Duke
of Saxe-Weimar.
Independently of these three armies, the Allies had an army
of reserve of 236,000 men, and the Austrians had an army of
80,000 men in Italy. About the end of December 1813, and
the beginning of the year 1814, the two first armies entered
France. We can only advert to the principal events of that
ihort campaign. After some actions of minor importance
Blucher attacked Bonaparte at Rothiere with » superior force
SK'sJitc of the vigLus resisp^^^^^^^^
B^iug enclosed by Grouchy. Blucher had to cut h.s way at the
P^'C'AlUe'TCh^i'r^^^^^^^^^^^ checl«, combined
Ihe ^''•^; '''"'' J?J^^^^^^ but Prince Schwartzen-
took place at Soissons (March 3.) »'"'='^®' °;, ^; ^l ^ Lfeated
behind the Aisne. Bonaparte havmg P^^^^^o^^^^^^^^
two bodies of Russians under Woronzoff and baken at J^raone
March 7 ) and attacked Blucher at Laon (March 10.) He wa.
J^^'Totaily defeated ; .and that victory -l"-f.f ^^^ ^^^^^^^^
S ^'^-r f Irt'Tu^Aubf w^r^lh b^^^^^^^^^^^
®°""PTLtitTherwere in expectation of seeing the en-
'";""' i.h S; Rh ne as weU as to draw reinforcements from
rTarwls o^EoSn^a^d Alsace, and thus transfer the the-
^'lut bXe briS'the sketch of this campaign to a close,
it wiU be necessary to%ake notice of the Congress of ChatUlon.
whkh was opened^on the 5th February, and which was a con-
^^t^r^eXtL^cIolnJ^F^^^^^ the limUs of that king
h^ ieS^lUnJtrti^olrL^^^^^^^^ hS-i:
?ec? was to giin imf . Whenever his troops had gained any
idJaXrhf immediately heightened his tone; and m he
^n.^r,P of six weeks the allies broke ofT the conference. During
heSting of le Congress of ChatiUon, Austria. Great Bri^n
PrussTand Russia, signed the famous Quadruple Alliance at
SiaumonUMarch .) thich became the basis oAhe new po h U-
ca svTtem If Europe. Each of the allies engaged to maintain
an army^f 5S,000^ men constantly in the field agavnst the com-
mon eJemy. Great Britain promised to furnish to the three
Xroow™?s a subsidy of 5,000.000^ sterling foi the year 1814.
?n such Tway, however, that she was only to pay them propor.
S,^Uv unT he end of tha month m wWh the peace should
mmmmlm 'U siim''' -
[vith a superior force,
lich he met with, he
[teen days afterwards,
exercise it m futur
FBRIOU IX. A. D. 1810 — 1816.
?x«-epi according to the established Umux. Thus the Royal
authority, which Louis XVIII. derived from his iinm-Miors, nnd
which was founded on the oncient order of succession, remained
inviolate and entire in .ill its brunches.
The peace of Paris gave rise to u multitude of ireniies be-
tween the diirercnt powers of Europe. Of these we can only
notice a small number, which we shall do when wo come to
speak of the history of these countries. Meantime, we must
confine our remarks to general alliiirs, and more particularly to
those in which France is concerned.
An orticio in the treaty of Paris, of May 30th, had stipulated
that within the space of two months, the plenipotentiaries of all
the powers who had taken part in the late events, France in-
cluded, should meet in u general Congress* at Vienna, to concert
the necessary arrangements for completing the conditions and
regulation.s of the treaty. The reconstruction of Germany into
a body politic ; the replacing of Prussia and Austria on a foot-
ing analogous to the power which they had enjoyed in 1806
and 1805; the fate of Poland; the establishment of nn inde-
pendent state between France and Germany ; the neutrality of
Switzerland ; the organization of Italy, which had been com-
pletely subverted by Bonaparte ; the regulating of the indem-
nities which might be claimed by the difTerent States who had
taken a part in the war ; and the settling of the territorial ex-
changes to which these claims might give rise, were the im-
portant objects about which the plenipotentiaries were neces-
sarily to be employed. To these England added one subject
which might appear foreign to the business of that Congress,
viz. the question as to the abolition of Negro Slavery ; ano-
ther arose from the most unexpected event of Napoleon's return,
which compelled the sovereigns of Europe again to toke arms,
and to conquer France a second time.
Owing to different causes, the opening of the Congress did
not take place till towards the end of the year. We may men-
tion, with regard to the form of the Congress, thot although it
was composed of the plenipotentairies of all the allies, great and
small, they never held any general Session. The affairs of
Germany were kept distinct from those of the rest of Europe ;
theCongro89,cly adopted ; but the other proposal which
made, to inquire into the possibility of an immediate aboli-
tion, or at least, into the period when each of the powers might
be able to fix its ultimate abolition ; and a third by which he
wished to obtain an immediate partial abolition of that traffic, met
with the most decided resistance on tho part of the three States
who had foreign colonies. As the four other powers had no
right to interfere in the internal legislation of these States, the
Declaration which the Congress published (Feb. 9,) proclaimed
the principle recognised by them all, viz. that the determination
of the period when the trade was to cease generally should be
ieA to the negotiations of the contracting powers.
.t 'iA
,/ I*!
Europe was in the enjoyment of apparent tranquillity, when
Bonaparte quitted Elba, landed with a thousand adventurers on
the shores of France (March 1,) invited his former friends to join
him, and deceiving the inhabitants by pretending to be supported
by Austria, marched towards Paris, which he entered within
twenty days after his landing. The King and the Royal Family
were again obliged to retire to Lille. When Louis arrived in
that city, he signed an order for disbanding the army ; but the
greater part of the troops had already ?worn allegiance to Napo-
leon, r inding himself insecure at Lille, the King retired to
Ghent (March 30.) Bonaparte published a new constitution
(April 22,) under the title of The Additional Act to the Consti-
tution of the Empire. One of the articles which it contained,
pronounced the perpetual banishment of the Bourbons. In order
to flatter the partisans of the sovereign people, this act was sub-
mitted for their acceptance, and Bonaparte summoned an assem-
bly of extraordinary deputies, to meet in the Champ de Mai. He
likewise summoned aChamber of the Representatives, or Legis-
lative Body. The meeting of the Champ de Mai was held ; and
two days after, a Chamber of Peers, created by Bonaparte, and
a Chamber of the Representatives of the Nation, opened their
So soon as the news of the landing of Bonaparte in France
was received at Vienna, the eight contracting powers published
a declaration, importing, that as Bonaparte had thus broken the
convention which had placed him in the Island of Elba, he had
destroyed the only legal title on which his existence depended,
and had thus forfeited all relations, civil and social. The allied
sovereigiM refused to receive the letters by which he announced
to them that he had again taken possession of the throne of
France. Being of opinion, that the time was come for executing
the engagements tkey had contracted at Chaumont, the four
powers who were parties to that treaty, renewed their engage-
ments by new treaties of allianoe (March 25.) They promised
to combine all their ferces for maintaining the treaty of Paris of
May 30th 1814, and to set on foot, each of them, an army of
180,000 men. By an additional convention, Great Britain un-
dertook to pay to the three others, subsidies to the amount of
5,000,0002. Sterling per annum. All the princes of the Germanic
Confederation* — Portiigal, Sardinia, the Netherlands, Switzer-
land, and Denmark^ acceded to thie alliaDce ; and Great Bri-
tain granted subsidies to them all, proportioned to the forces
which they might fiend into the field. Of all the powers having
plenipotentiaries at Vienna, Spain and Sweden only declined
•entering into thi« ailianoe. The KilMT of S^in refused his ^i"
jnt tranquillity, when
usand adventurers on
former friends to join
jnding to he supported
ch he entered within
and the Royal Family
Then Louis arrived in
ng the army ; but the
«n allegiance to Napo-
!, the King retired to
ed a new constitution
mal Act to the ComtU
les which it contained,
he Bourbons. In order
eople, this act was sub-
e summoned an assem-
he Champ de Mai. He
[presentatives, or Legis-
p de Mai was held ; and
aied by Bonaparte, and
e Nation, opened their
of Bonaparte in France
acting powers published
irte had thus broken the
: Island of Elba, he had
his existence depended,
1 and social. The allied
by which he announced
session of the throne of
was come for executing
at Chaumont, the four
renewed their engage-
;h 25.) They promised
ng the treaty of Paris of
ich of them, an army of
mtion, Great Britain un-
bsidios to the amount of
J princes of the Germanic
e Netherlands, Switzer-
llt«Dce ; and Great Bri-
roportioned to the forces
Of all the powers having
1 Sweden only declined
of Spain refused his <«<••
PERIOD IX. A. D. 1810 — 1815.
cession, as being contrary to his dignity ; he would have had no
objections to have become a principal party, and he coH)perated
as such in the war. Sweden was too much occupied with tiie
conquest of Norway to take any part in the deliverance of Franco.
There was still another monarch who had not joined the alli-
ance of Vienna, and that was Murat. The King of France had
refused to acknowledge him as King of Naples, and Lord Cas-
tlereagh had declared at Vienna, that Great Britain could not
treat with Murat, as he haH not fulfilled his engagements ; and,
therefore, that it depended on the Congress to decide as to the
fate of the kingdom of Naples. These declarations induced
Murat to take arms ; nevertheless, he continued to dissemble,
until he learned that Bonaparte had arrived at Lyons. Then
it was that he threw oflf the mask. He marched at the head of
his armv towards the Po, and issued a proclamation (March 30,)
by which he proclaimed liberty to all the inhabitants of Italy.
The Austrian army in that peninsula, immediately put them-
selves in motion to oppose him. Being defeated at Tolentino by
General Bianchi (May 2,) he retreated first to Naples, and after
a short stay there, he took refuge in France. The government
of Ferdinand IV. was again restored.
Meantime, as the partisans of Bonaparte, and the revolution-
ists every where, were at great pains to propagate and cherish
doubts as to the determination of the allied sovereigns to follow
up the act of the 13th March, which had been adopted at a
time when it was hoped that France would have no more need
of foreign aid ; the allied sovereigns deemed it necessary to
make known the expression of their principles by a solemn act ;
to which they gave the form of a proeis-verbal, or edict, signed
by the plenipotentiaries of the eight powers. The publication
of that act was equivalent to a declaration of war against Bona-
parte. It opened the eyes of those credulous followers who had
till then believed that Austria and Russia were on friendly
terms with him.
All the negotiations of the Congress of Vienna beine termi-
nated by the signing of the Act of the Germanic Confederation,
which took place on June 8th, the plenipotentiaries of the eight
contracting powers next day signed the Act of Congress, which
was a recapitulation or abstract of all their preceding regula-
tions, eidier by particular treaties or by declarations and edicts,
(or protocols, aa they are sometimes called at Vienna,) relative
to Poland, die territorial amingements in Germany, the Ger-
manic Confederation, the kingdom of the Netherlands, Switzer
land, Italy, Portugal, the navigation of rivers, the rank of dip-
lomatic agents, and the form of accessions and ratifications of
but the «n.gg>« '««'°L?3Cfoteignere»tfootonll»
200,000) »°i"»Vi:°"l ?rhSd & tat amie., vix.
,ta., under the .otttnmnd^arBtel^at^ Sch«.men
"~« .-^^f * M'^iififKifr trr.'j;:i"dt'
c»niiund ot BBcUy de My. inev „^,, „ „,„,e
of 147,000 of the national g^ *mi^g ^hit of the north.
He had divided ^^ ^J^^o « ght^^^^^^^^ ^^^
which he commanded him8eW,con«^^^ ^^^^ j^ l,y de-
Bonaparte opened ^J^^^^g^bre, to attack the Prussian
tochingasecondcornsacrossUieba^^ ^ the superior
General Zieten. who ^„*^ "towards Fleurus. Next day
strength of *« ^'^^-^Y; Ao i k^BrusseU at the head of
the Duke of B™"'^^^ Russians, was killed at QuatreBrw^
12,000 men to support the t]^«»"" ' p h, sustained a consi-
Mwshal Ney, who ^^'^Zl^Z^^\^^'^^^ ««« ^^^S""^^
derahle loss ; on the same d jy Marsha ^^^^^ ^^ ^^^
atLigny.but he '^^^^J.*" ^^^^^ atuck WeUington, who
parte from that """Xtlrlooir Mont St. Jean. The combat
Jave him battle » Waterloo, ^ra^^^^^ j„ ^in fou,
5,as continued. wUh ^'^^ 2^„'' "f General Bulow's di-
o'clock. when the P^'J^^J^'in^ person, approached the
vision, and '^«"^*Pff iUron the right wing of the French,
field of battle. .nJ ^^ «^Wt**the whole Prussian army was
while Bonaparte supposed „U had sent against them with a
:nga«.d wiK Groudgr, whom ^«„^J,*Xt ^"^,5 "' W
detochment of 40.000 «»"; "J^ ^ j^ ^gs General Grouchy,
Prussians. Bonaparte sy^d tha^^^^^^^^ ^ marchiiig to the
who after having defeated the rrus ^^^^^ ^j^ i.
^£S.SS^ h?Srh,«« W.™. BLche.
hembly tenninate it*
ng to invade France,
s decided by about
gners set foot on the
jur armies, viz.
ied by Lord Welling-
)verians, and Bruns-
ds and Nassau,
ing of 140,000 PruB-
inded by Schwartzen-
and 124,000 German
000 strong, under the
irere to be stationed be-
y were unable to arrive
campaign was decided
213,000 men.exchisive
employed in garrison.
is. That of the north,
I of 108,000 men.
the 16lh June, by de-
■e, to attack the Prussian
) yield to the superior
rds Fleurus. Next day
Brussels at the head of
as killed at Quatre Braa ;
rench, sustained a consi-
al Blucher was defeated
!8t order to Brie. Bona-
attack Wellington, who
t St. Jean. The combat
, from morning till four
r of General Bulow's di-
i person, approached the
right wing of the French,
hole Prussian army was
sent against them with a
; first appearance of the
it was General Grouchy,
ans, was marching to the
t is, that General Thiel-
hy near Wavre, Blucher
■tttf MB ff'
PEUIOD IX. A. D. 1810 — 1816.
had sent him word to defend himself the best way he could,
and did not allow himself to be diverted from his original plan
of falling upon the right wing of Bonaparte. When Bonaparte
at length discovered his error, he lost ail resolution. His army
were panic-struck, and fled in all directions. He was himself
nearly taken prisoner, having escaped with great difficulty.
The Germans have given this battle the name of Belle Alliance,
from the ho\i ", where Blucher and Wellington met after the
action. Of 120,000 French, 60,000 were either taken or killed
in the two days of the 16th and 18th June 1815 ; 64,000 Eng-
lish, and 50,000 Prussians were engaged in the battle. The
Encflish lost 14,000 men on the 18th, and the Prussians 33,000
in the two engagements of the 16th and 18th.
Bonaparte made his escape to Paris, but the Chamber of
Representatives, composed of the partisans of the Revolution of
1789, and of Republicans who had no wish to promote the in-
terest of Bonaparte, except as an instrument for the execution
of their own plans, determined to take advantage of the con-
tempt into which he had fallen to get rid of his presence. They
required him to abdicate, which he did June 22d, in favour of
his son. The Chambers appointed a government commission,
at the head of which they placed Fouche, who sent deputies to
Heidelberg, where the head-quarters of the Allied Sovereigns
then were, with a commission to treat with them on the basis
of the national independence, and the inviolability of the soil
of France. But as there was no mention made in the proposi-
tions about the restoration of the King, the allies refused to
treat until Bonaparte should first be delivered up to them.
Bonaparte had demanded of Wellington and Blucher, pass-
ports for quitting France ; and on being refused, the govern-
ment commission conveyed him to Rochefort, where he was to
embark on board a frigate and go to America. But Captain
Maitland, who was cruising off that port with an English ves-
sel, prevented him from leaving the place unless he would sur-
render to the English, on which condition he promised to
guarantee his life. The danger becoming every day more
pressing, he at length saw himself compelled to submit. The
Bellerophon, with Bonaparte on board, arrived in Torbay (July
24,) but the English government would not permit the General
to set foot on land. By a convention signed bv the allies at
Paris (Aug. 2,) England took upon herself the charge of keep-
ing guard over him at St. Helena. He was accordingly trans-
ported to that island, where he remained till his death, which
happened May 5th, 1821.
After the battle of the 18th June, Wellington and Blucher
f' i'f
were enabled to form ^XrHe^S^S^^^-'^ '^^ ^^'''
some attempte to defe'^d Jans.^^^^^^^ announced to
at Sevres and Jl^X ' *[^«'^^rAris vL^ the point of surren-
tr 'it^S'tf^n r: ^7 S. C Jd Umy 30 and
Wrench arJ.y retired ^^f^f^^Xiy, ,„d Louis XVIII
The allies occumed Pans »»^«^T^„\i7dkys after, the Allied
entered on the ¥^7^"^ ^J; JgU^J^^^^ twenty
Sovereigns arrived. A a«"^| °] Imworthv of their country,
nine in3iv««' "^k Vlllr of B^naprt^^^^^^^^ the ban-
as having sat ^V**" ^^n? NitfeeHerso^^^ "^ »»'^^i"«
ishment of the Bourbons. J»«^f " P^^' ^„e remitted to the
betrayed the Kmg before the pSdMarcn.wer ^^
tribunals; thirty-e.ght other '^^^'fj^egici^
Paris. These latter were m general rflaPf «^ '^f , . 'j^ iqIS.
JS^L who. after having o^ed Pardo" - JSU »>ad m Ib^^^
Sgned the banishment °f ^^?J"''^f'^Je ' prTmary regicides, t^
broke his word of honour given to he^P^^^^^^^ g^^^
leave them to the remonstrances of their o^^^^ ^^^
months after (Jan. 12^ 1816) the £^^^^^ elapsed
changed into a law; 7»J .J^^ J^f^oTof France. Of the in-
regicides were to ^^^'^^"^XTribunals two only were executed,
dividuals ar^ign^d before the triW^^^ ^, ^^
SX the^^oifr^e^^^^^^^^^^ »^ ^^« ^»«
threw a veil over all other "imes. ^^^
as It was a P"^/j^*^ /^^ of the commandanU refused to re-
tresses ; and t^e 5^*'f^' P*7/i length convinced, that in order
ceive them. The allies were ai le g necessary to take
to secure the t"^««l"»"'*yr/K\adX^ in 18l4; but it
more vigorous measures than hejjiad^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^
& «-y/i{^^£rrt's^'ekTnuiteS^^^^^
tween France and the Allies ^^ ""IfJ ^^de several lerri-
Switzerland, and the King of Sardmia^ ^^^_
I the army of Schwart*
joined the fugitives :
) save his division, they
too men, which made
igagements took place
iDavoust announced to
Jn the point of surren-
t. Cloud (July 3.) and
uly, and Louis XVIII
ro days after, the Allied
July declared twenty-
orthy of their country,
rte, and sworn the ban-
'sons accused of having
were remitted to the
were ordered to quit
lapsed regicides, that is,
in in 1814, had, in 1816,
for the King never
le primary regicides, to
own conscience. Some
icree of July 24th was
cation, that the relapsed
il of France. Of the in-
, two only were executed,
; a third (Lavalette,^ ? na
e clemency of the King
> the King ; but the war
n the frontiers of France,
iea to occupy all the for*
namandants refused to re*
I convinced, that in order
it was necessary to take
id done in 1814 ; but it
that their plan was suf-
negotiations with France,
nter ; and the treaty be-
ligned until the 20th No-
rance made several lerri*
russia, Austria, Bavaria.
ay to the allies a pecuni-
is of francs; that 150,000
FEBIOD IX. A. D. I8l0 — 1815.
of the allied troops should occupy certain places in France fox
6ve years ; and that they should be paid and maintained by
France. By an additional article, they engaged reciprocally to
concert measures for obtaining the entire and final abolition of
the slave trade.
The same day, Austria, Great Britain, Prussia and Russia,
concluded an alliance for the following purposes : — (1.) The
maintenance of the treaties and conventions which had just been
concluded: And, (3.) The perpetual exclusion of Napoleon Bo-
nai)arte and his family from the sovereignty of France ; the
maintenance of tranquillity in that country ; and the suppression
of revolutionary principles, so that they might never again dis-
tract France, or threaten the repose of Europe. For this two-
fold object, the allies agreed to furnish their contingents as de-
termined by the alliance of Ghaumont; finally, they agreed to
have another personal conference in the course of the year 1818.
Prior to this quadruple alliance which, by securing the main-
tenance of the Bourbon dynasty on the throne of France, forma
one of the bases of the new political system of Europe, the Em-
perors of Austria and Russia, and the King of Prussia, signed
at Paris (Sept. 26,) an Act, known by the name of the Holy
Alliance, which forms the second basis of the same system. The
real object of this alliance was doubtless a mutual guarantee
against any encroachments which might be made on their sov-
ereign power ; to disguise this, it set forth their firm determina-
tion to take no other rule for their conduct than the precepts of
the Christian religion. They promised to continue in the in-
dissoluble bonds of brotherly union, and to be ready on all occa-
sions, and in all places, to succour and assist each other — to
consider themselves but as members of the same Christian na-
tion, and as delegated by Providence to govern three branches
of the same family ; and finally, to receive into the same alliance
all other powers who were willing to profess the same principles
which had dictated that act. All die Christian powers in Eu-
rope acceded to the treaties and conventions of the 20th Novem-
ber 1815, except Sweden, who had taken no share in the war.
They all entered into the Holy Alliance, except the King of
Great Britain, who, while he fully sanctioned the principles set
forth in that Act, was prevented from signing it, because, accord-
ing to the constitutional custom of England, the Soverei|p signs
nothing without the countersi^ing of a responsible minister.
Here it will be necessary briefly to point out the more impor
tant events which happened since 1811 in the other European
States, and the changes which were produced by the Congress
•f VJAnna.
Portugal seemed destined to be nothing more in future than
a dependency of Brazil, in a political point of view, as she al-
ready was o^ England with respect to agriculture, industry, and
commerce. The latter power attached so great an importance
to the abolition of the slave trade, that by a treaty signed during
the conferences at Vienna, she had purchased the eflective co-
operation of Portugal in this measure, by giving up all the ad-
vantages which she had reserved to herself by the treaty of Rio
Janeiro of February 19th 1810, which she consented to annul ;
nevertheless, Portugal only prohibited her subjects conditionally
from carrying on the slave trade in that part of Africa lying to
the north of the Equator.
In Spain, the Extraordinary Cortes then assembled at Cadiz,
after having published a decree, January 1, 1811, importing that
they could make no treaty with France until the King enjoyed
full liberty, and that he could not be regarded as at liberty until
he had taken the constitutional oath, finished the work which
they alleged had been intrusted to their hands. Their constitu-
tion, which was founded on the principle of the sovereignty of
the people, intrusted the legislative power to a popular assembly,
and the execution of the laws to a functionary with limited au-
thority, decorated with the title of a King, was published on the
18th of March 1812. In violation of historic truth, it was an-
nounced to the world as the genuine ancient constitution of Spain.
The Cortes terminated their session on the 20th September
1813. The new or ordinary Cortes, convened in the constitu-
tional form at the rate of one deputy for every 70,000 inhabitants,
without distinction of fortune or estate, transferred their sitting
to Madrid towards the end of the year. It was this extraordi-
nary meeting of the Cortes that concluded a treaty of friendship
and alliance (July 28, 1813) with the Emperor of Russia at
Weliki-Louki, where he had then his head-quarters. Alexan-
uu «here acknowledged the Cortes and their constitution. That
acknowledgment was extremely simple. Alexander could no*
treat except with the government then established. That gov-
ernment acted in the name of Ferdinand VII., and their acts
were to be regarded as legitimate so long as that prince had not
disavowed them. The Emperor of Russia had neither the will
nor the power to lend his sanction to an order of things which
had not the approbation of a King, in the full enjoyment of lib-
erty It was in this same sense that the King of Prussia enter-
ed into an alliance with the Spanish government, by a treaty
which was signed at Basle (Jan. 20, 1814.)
After returning from the campaign of 1813, Bonaparte con-
sidering Spain astlost, resolved to set Ferdinand VII. at liberty .
more in future than
It of view, as she a!>
[culture, industry, and
I great an importance
treaty signed during
lased the effective co-
giving up all the ad-
If by the treaty of Rio
e consented to annul ;
subjects conditionally
part of Africa lying to
en assembled at Cadiz,
1, 1811, importing that
until the King enjoyed
irded as at liberty until
Eished the work which
ands. Their constitu-
of the sovereignty of
r to a popular assembly,
ionary with limited au-
ig, was published on the
listoric truth, it was an-
;nt constitution of Spain.
)n the 20th September
nvened in the constitu-
very 70,000 inhabitants,
transferred their sitting
It was this extraordi-
3d a treaty of friendship
Emperor of Russia at
lead-quarters. Alexan-
their constitution. That
Alexander could no*
istablished. That gov-
knd VII., and their acts
; as that prince had not
«ia had neither the will
I order of things which
le full enjoyment of lib-
! King of Prussia enter-
Ifovemment, by a treaty
f 1813, Bonaparte con-
irdinand VII. at liberty .
PBSIOD u. A. D. 1810—1815.
but in the hope of turning that tardy net of justice to his advan-
tage by making that prince his friend, he represented Spain as
overrun with Jacobinism, which was labouring to overturn the
throne, and to substitute a republic in its place ; and he accused
England as having favoured that project. Ferdinand VII. de-
manded that a deputation of the Regency should be admitted to
a personal interview with him, who might inform him as to the
real state of matters. Bonaparte, who executed with despatch
whatever he had once resolved, found this mode of proceeding
too slow. He empowered M. de la Forfit, whom he had sent to
Valencay to conclude a treaty with his captive, by which the
latter was acknowledged King of Spain ; and promised, on his
part, to cause the English troops to evacuate the whole of that
Ferdinand VII. sent his minister, the Duke of San Carlos, to
Madrid, for the ostensible purpose of communicating that treaty
to the Regency, but in reality to take cognizance of the state of
affairs. The Regency refused to acknowledge the treaty of
Valencay, because the King was not at liberty. Bonaparte being
apprized of this difficulty, immediately released Ferdinand (Mar
7, 1814.) He set out on his return to his dominions, but per-
formed his journey slowly, that he might have leisure to obtain
personal information, as to the spirit which reigned among the
Spaniards. He was soon convinced, that the people, attached
to their religion, and to the family of their lawful prince, were
very indifferent about the constitution of the Cortes, and that
that assembly enjoyed very little influence or authority. Sixty
members of the Cortes had even protested against an Act which,
by degrading the Royal Dignity, was preparing the way for es-
tablishing a democracy. On his arrival at Valencia, Ferdinand
abrogated the constitution of 1812, and directed his course to-
wards Madrid, which he entered on the 17th May. The people
every where expressed their attachment to a prince, whose ar-
rival they hailed as the return of justice and order ; though it
is foreign to our purpose to narrate why that hope has not been
Great Britain was the power which acted the most conspicuous
part during the era of which we have given the preceding his-
torical sketch. The fortitude and perseverance with which she
had prosecuted her system of policy, after the breaking of the
peace of Amiens, was crowned with the most complete success ;
and the plan conceived by Mr. Pitt, but which that great states-
man had despaired ever to see carried into execution, became
the corner-stone of the future policy of Europe. Great Britain
was the mainspring of the alliance, which in 1813 undertook the
deliveranco of Europe. She made the most extraordinary efljrta
in raising armies, and granting supplies for maintaining the
troops of the Continental nations.
A mental calamity, with which George III. had been afflicted
towards the end of the year 1810, obliged the Parliament to
establish a regency. That important charge belonged of right
to the presumptive heir to the crown ; but as the ministry were
apprehensive that the Prince of Wales might in some respects
change the system of the existing Government, the Parliament
passed an Act (Dec. 31,) which restricted the authority of the
Regent to one year. The Prince Regent submitted to these
modificutions. He exercised the regency at first with a limited
power ; but, after the year 1812, when the prospects of his Ma*
jesty's recovery were considerably diminished, he continued to
exercise the Royal authority until his father's death, which hap-
pened January 29, 1820, when the Prince then assumed the
title of George IV. The Regent found the kingdom at war with
Russia and Sweden ; but it was only in appearance, and without
effective hostilities. Lord Castlereagh, who, since the year
1812, had been at the head of foreign affairs, listened with eager-
ness to the first advances which these two powers made towards
a mutual accommodation. Peace was signed at Orebro (July
12,) first with Sweden, and a few days after with Russia. The
former, in indirect terms, abandoned the principles of the armed
neutrality of the North. We shall have occasion hereafter to
revert to the stipulations of the treaty signed with Russia.
She was now assailed by a new enemy. A misunderstand-
ing had existed for years, between Great Britain and the United
States of America, in consequence of the various restrictions
she had imposed upon the commerce of Neutrals, the humilia-
ting conditions to which she wished to subject it, and the im-
Eressment of seamen. The Government of the United States
ad sought by various retaliatory measures, to operate upon her
interests and induce her to abandon her system of arbitrary do-
minion over the great highway of nations. From 1806 to 1812
the pacific disposition of the American Government was mani-
fested by the several expedients of NoU'lmportatUm, Embargo,
and Non-Intercourse, to which they had resorted, to prevent an
open rupture, but as none of these resulted in an acknowledg-
ment of her rights on the part of Great Britain, an appeal was
made at last to the Ultima ratio Regum. On the 18tn of June,
1812, an Act of Congress was passed, declaring War against
Great Britain ; the reasons for this measure, as stated in th«
President's manifesto, were " The impressment of American
•eamen by the British, the blockade of her enemies' ports sup
|o8t extraordinary efTirtn
38 for maintaining the
[e III. had been afflicted
iged the Parliament to
harge belonged of right
>ut as the ministry were
might in some respects
irnment, the Parliament
ed the authority of the
tgent submitted to these
cv at first with a limited
the prospects of his Ma>
inished, he continued to
ither's death, which hap-
rince then assumed the
the kingdom at war with
appearance, and without
:h, who, since the year
iairs, listened with eager-
wo powers made towards
I signed at Orebro (July
after with Russia. The
>e principles of the armed
ave occasion hereafter to
signed with Russia.
3my. A misunderstand-
it Britain and the United
r the various restrictions
of Neutrals, the humilia-
to subject it. and the im>
ent of the United States
ures, to operate upon her
it system of arbitrary do-
>n8. From 1806 to 1812
1 Qovernment was mani-
a-Importation, Emiargo,
id resorted, to prevent an
ulted in an acknowledg-
Lt Britain, an appeal was
»t. On the 18th of June,
1, declaring War against
aeasure, as stated in the
ipressment of American
her enemies' ports sup
pruiod iz. a. v. 1810 — 18 lA.
porteil by no adequate force, in consequence of which the Ame«
rican commerce had been plundered in every sea, and the
Britifh Orders in Council."
The remoteness of the two contending nations from each
other, rendered it impossible for them to bring together great
armies to meet in a general conflict. On the one side, the Ga-
nadas were attacked by the Americans in many points with
various success, and on the other, the cities and settlements
along the coast of the Atlantic, were subjected to constant an-
noyance and depredation from the British maritime forces. In
acts of hostility of this kind, and in naval combats, the war
was continued for nearly three years, during which abundant
proofs were given that the veteran forces of Great Britain could
claim no other superiority, than that of experience, either in
officers or soldiers, to ."ler enemy. Many of the land, and all
the sea battles were fought with great skill and bravery, and
gallantry by the Americans. The last important occurrence of
the war, was the battle of New Orleans, where the American
forces, under the command of their heroic leader General Jack-
son, gained a brilliant victory.
The situation of Europe was now so entirely changed, that
(he grievances of which America had complained, and for the
redress of which she had fought, must naturally cease, and as
neither party deemed it expedient to continue the war for ab-
stract rights, a peace was settled at Ghent, between the pleni-
potentiaries of the two nations, Dec. 24th, 1814, which restored
friendship and amity, without settling any of the great points in
dispute which had induced a resort to arms.
The financial system of Great Britain underwent an essen-
tial alteration, by the adoption of a plan presented by Mr. Van-
sittart. Chancellor of the Exchequer, introducing certain modi-
fications relative to the accumulation of the sinking fund. The
expenditure of the government in 1815, amounted to 77,337,475/.
sterling, of which Ireland cost 8,651,335/. sterling. The inter-
est of the national debt amounted to 36,607,128/. sterling, of
which 13,188,510/. were applied to the sinking fund. Great
Britain paid to the States of the Continent, in 1813, 11,400,000/.
sterling, under the name of subsidies ; 24,107 ships, and
105,030 seamen, were employed in commerce. In 1814, these
numbers were augmented one-seventh more. At this latter pe-
riod, their navy consisted of 1044 ships of war, 100,000 sailors,
and 32,600 marines ; the land forces amounted to 302,490 men,
including 63,000 militia.
Holland, and the other powers which had anciently formed
the Republic of the United Provinces, after having been for
two years united to France, resumed once more their national
independence. After the battle of Leip^ic, when the corp» ot
Generals Bulow and Winzingerodc approached that country,
;he parlixans of the Prince of Orange at the Hague, with M. ae
liogendurps at their head, mounted the ancient cockade, estab-
lished a provisional government (Nov. 17, 1813,) and invited the
heir of the last Stadtholder to return and place himself at the head
of the government. The French troops, finding themselves ton
weak to defend the country at once against the allies and
against the inhabitants, quietly took th^ir departure. The
Prince of Orange having arrived at Amsterdam (Dec. 1,) was
proclaimed Sovereign Prince of the Low Countries ; but he ac-
cepted that dignity, on the condition that his power should be
limited by a constitution ; a plan of which he caused to be
drawn up, which was adopted and sworn to in an assembly of
the Representatives.
During the sojourn of the allied sovereigns in England, it
was agreed, that in order to oppose a barrier to Frano8, finding themselves too
e against the allies and
c th»»ir departure. The
msterdam (Dec. 1,) was
Dw Countries ; but he ac-
that his power should be
which he caused to be
vorn to in an assembly of
sovereigns in England, it
barrier to Frano<^ on the
im should be uniteJ under
ncluded at the samt time
to the Dutch all theii an-
1* the Cape of Good !iope,
Accordmg to the regula-
ishopric of Liege, and the
the sovereign prince, on
part of the Germanic Con-
e received the title of King
treaty of Paris, this new
of territory, and a sum of
icting a line of fortresses,
m, with the dutchy of Lux-
square miles, with a popu-
e population of its colonies,
r, when the allies approach-
13, that thoy would grant
le allied troops had to tra-
^, in order to enter France,
(self, by annulling the Act
riand to France ; but this
3 future constitution of the
antons, eight concluded a
ich granted an equality of
he union ; and to this the
ice. Berne, Friburg, and
rsRioD IX. A. D. ISIO — \916.
Underwaldcn, refused to take a part in it. The Orisons re-
established their anrient form of government. The interven-
tion of foreign powers quashed the civil war with which thot
country was threatened ; and, after many diflictiltics, a new Con-
federation of the nineteen cantons was signed at Zurich (Sep*
S, 1814.) There still remained, however, several litigated
points to be decided, which were settled by the Congress of Vi-
enna, who declared that the perpetual neutrality of Switzerland
should be acknowledged by all the other power!) ; and that the
Valais, the territory of Geneva, and the principality of Neuf-
chatel, should make a part of the Confederation, as three addi-
tional cantons. The Swiss States having acceded 'u this de-
claration (May 27, 1815,) it was renewed, confirmed, and
sanctioned by the Allied Powers, in a second declaration signed
at Paris (Nov. 20.)
In consequence of a convention concluded at Turin with
Prince Borghese, Governor-General of the French provincis
beyond the Alps, Field-Marshal Bellegarde had taken posscn-
sion of Piedmont in the name of the King of Sardinia. Soon
after, Victor Emanuel took the reins of government into his
own hands. By the first peace of Paris, he recovered Nice,
and about two-thirds of Savoy. A secret article of that treaty
secured him the possession of the State of Genoa, which was
confirmed by the treaty of Vienna ; but he ceded to the canton
of Geneva, certain districts in Savoy. The second peace of
Paris restored him that part of the province which had been
given to France in 1814. The Sardinian monarchy thus com-
prehended an extent of 1277 German square miles, with 3,700,000
The convention of Fontainbleau had disposed of the dutchics
of Placentia, Parma and Guastalla, in favour of the Archdutchess
Maria Louisa, and her son Napoleon. This disposition was
keenly opposed at Vienna by the House of Bourbon, who es-
poused the interest of the young King of Etruria, the lawful
heir to these estates. Nevertheless the Congress of Vienna ad-
judged the States of Parma to the Archdutchess, without making
mention of her son, or deciding the question as to their rever-
sion ; a point which was not determined till the treaty of Paris
of June 10, 1817, between Austria and Spain. After the death
of the Archdutchess, the States of Parma are to pass to the
Queen-Dowager of Etruria and her son. They contain about
102 German square miles, and 380,000 inhabitants.
The Archduke Francis, the heir of Hercules IIL, the last
Duke of Modena of the House of Est6, was restored to the
dutchy of Modena and its appurtenances, about the beginning
I i ^
CHArriR zii.
of 1814. The whole comprehends a surface of 96 Oemian
■quart) inile», with 3HR,00() inhabitants.
According "i nn article of the treaty of Vienna, Lucca, uii*
iter the title of u dutchy, was given up, not to the young King
of Etruria, the lawful heir of the States of Parma, but to his
mother, and her descendants in the male line. Besidns, the
(£m|)eror and the Grand Duke of Tuscany were bound to pay
her II supplementary annuity of 500,000 francs until the deatn
of the Archdutchess Maria Louisa, when the Dutchess of Lucca,
or her heirs, are to have the States of Parma ; and the dutchy
of Lucca is to devolve to the Grand Duke of Tuscany, on con*
dition of ceding to the Duke of Modena certain districts con*
tiguous to his estates. The dutchv of Lucca is the most popu*
lous country in Europe. It contains about 137,500 inhabitants
within 19} German square miles.
T-he grand dutchy of Tuscany, which Murat's troops had oc-
cupied about the beginning of the year 1814, was restored to
Its lawful sovereign, the Archduke Ferdinand III. (May 1,)
who then gave up the Principality of Wurtzburg to the King of
Biivnria. By the treaty of Vienna, that prince obtained the
Stote of Presidi, part of the island of Elba, and the Imperial
fiefs included in these States ; containing 395 German square
miles, with a population of 1,178,000 souls. The property of
Piombino was restored to the family of Buoncompagni, wnom
Bonaparte had dispossessed. The Grand Duke is to succeed
to the dutchy of Lucca ; but he must then give up his territo*
ries in Bohemia to his brother the Emperor, which are very
considerable, and destined for the young Duke of Reichstadt,
son of the Archdutchess Maria Louisa.
Bonaparte having found it impossible to overcome the per*
severance of Pius VII., had set him at liberty about the begin*
ning of the year 1814. The Sovereign Pontiff returned to his
Estates amidst the general acclamations of the people, and re*
stored every thing to the footing in which thev had been before
the usurpation of the French. Nobody was molested on the score
of his political conduct. The Order of the Jesuits, suppressed in
1772, was restored by a Bull, as a necessary barrier to oppose
the doctrines of the Revolution. The Congress of Vienna re-
stored to the Sovereign Pontiff the Marches and Legatines,
with the exception of a portion of territory situated to the north
of the Po, which was annexed to the kingdom of Venetian
Lombardy. The Ecclesiastical States at present contain a sur-
face of 714 German square miles, and a population of 2,424,150.
The extravagant conduct of Mjint, promoted the restoration
of the Bourbons to the throne of Naples. This was effected
surface of 96 Oernmn
of Vienna, Lucca, un-
I, not to the young King
lies of Parma, but to his
lale line. Bcsidns, the
ly were bound to pay
10 francs until the death
n the Dutchess of Lucca,
Parma ; and the dutchy
uke of Tuscany, on con*
■na certain districts con-
Lucca is the most popu*
ilraut 137,600 inhabitants
:h Murat's troops had oc-
ar 1814, was restored to
Ferdinand III. (May 1,)
Wurtzburg to the King of
that prince obtained the
)f Elba, and the Imperial
ning 396 German square
I souls. The property of
of Buonconipagni, whom
Qrand Duke is to succeed
It then give up his territo*
Emperor, which are very
)ung Duke of Reichstadt,
ible to overcome the per-
at liberty about the begin*
ign Pontiff returned to his
ions of the people, and re-
rhich they had been before
y was molested on the score
if the Jesuits, suppressed in
scessary barrier to oppose
le Congress of Vienna re-
B Marches and Legatines,
rritory situated to the north
the kingdom of Venetian
es at present contain a sur-
1 a population of 2,424,160.
t, promoted the restoration
Naples. This was effected
PIRIOD tx. A. D. ISIO— 1816.
by the expedition which Austria had despatched in 1816 against
Murnt, in consequence of the alliance nflfenaivc and dcfensivn
which that Court had concluded at Vienna with Ferdinand IV.
(April 29, 1816,) who made his entry into Naples on the 17th
June. A short time after, Muraf, at the hou.l of a s.imll bond
of adventurers, thought of imitating the example of his brother-
in-law. He landed at Pizzo, in Calabriu (Oct. 9,) where he
hoped to be welcomed by his former adherents ; but the peosanlry
combined against him ; he was arrested, tried by a court-martial,
and shot (Oct. 10.) The kingdom of the Two Sicilies has iiti ex-
tent of a.OS-l German souare miles, and 6,600,000 inhabitants.
After Ferdinand IV. had retired into Sicily, that Island was
put under the protection of the English, who had there an army
of 16,000 men, with a considerable fleet. T^^neral Lord Ben-
tinck, who commanded the English troops, used all his influence
to introduce the British constitution into thai island. The Queen,
who was at the head of the opposite party, was obliged to leave
her family. From that moment the English remained masters
of Palermo. But after the first peace o( Paris, Ferdinand IV.
resumed the reins of government ; and before embarking for
Naples, he annulled the constitution of 1812.
Corfu, the only one of the Ionian islands which was not yet
in the power of the English, was given up to them by the Con-
vention of Paris (April 23, 1814.) The fate of these islands was
decided by a treaty concluded at the same place between Aus-
tria and Great Britain, Prussia and Russia. They were com-
bined into a free and independent State (Nov. 6,) under the
name of the United States of the Ionian Islands, and placed
under the immediate and exclusive protection of Great Britain.
By the events of the years 1813 and 1814, the House of Aus-
tria gained possession of all that belonged to her in Italy, either
before or in consequence of the peace of Campo Formio. A
small portion of Ferrara to the north of the Po was ceded to her,
as were the Valteline, Bormio, Chinvenna, and the ancient re-
public of Ragusa. The Emperor constituted all these posses-
sions into a separate and particular State, under the title of the
Kingdom of Venetian LombardV' Independently of these, Aus-
tria recovered the Illyrian provinces, of which she also formed a
distinct kingdom. By a treaty signed at Vienna with Russia,
she likewise gained possession of the part of eastern Galicia
which she had ceded to Alexander in 1809, and the jxclusive
property of Wieliczka, which was then divided between her and
the dutchy of Warsaw. The Austrian monarchy, in it& present
state, contains a surface of 12,000 German square miles, ud a
population of twenty-nine millions.
It was a more difficult matter to reorganize the monarchy of
Prussia. We have mentioned the negotiations, in consequence
of which she acquired ahout a half of the kingdom of Saxony.
The Congress of Vienna restored to her not only a part of an-
cient Prussia, now called the Grand Dutchy of Posnania, and
all the other possessions which she had lost by the convention
of Vienna, (Dec. IJ, 1805,) and the peace of Tils?t (with the ex-
ception of Bialystock, Anspach, Baireuth, Westfriesland, and
Hildeshcim,) but also a considerable territory on the left bank of
the Rhine, the Grand Dutchy of Berg, the Dutchy of Westpha
lia, Swedish Pomerania, and the sovereignty of several othei
principalities and counties. These territorial arrangements
were not concluded till 1819. The Prussian monarchy contains
a surface of 4882 German square miles, and a population of
nearly 1 1 millions.
The sovereign princes and free cities of Germany were uni-
ted by an Act signed at Vienna, under the name of the Germanic
Confederation. All the members of the Confederacy enjoy
full sovereignty, and all take part in the deliberations of the
Diet in matters relating to the general interests of the Union.
The thirty-nine members, however, in ordinary cases, have only
seventeen votes ; eleven of the States have each a vote, while
six collective votes belong lo the other twenty-eight. Never-
theless, in constitutional questions, the thirty-nine members have
in all seventy votes ; each State having at least one, and several
of them two, three, and four votes. The members have the
right of concluding every kind of alliance, provided these are
not directed against the safety of the Union or of its constituent
members. The equality of civil and religious rights was secured
to all who professed the Christian religion.
Various States, forming the Germanic Confederation, under-
went certain changes in their territorial possessions; but the
negotiations by which they were definitively settled did not take
Silace till 1819. The kingdom of Bavaria received indemnity
or the various restitutions which had been made to the Court
of Vienna. Its superficial extent amounts to 1505 square miles,
and 3,300.000 inhabitants. The grand dutchy of Hesse-Darm-
stadt obtained considerable augmentations on the left bank of
the Rhine, and has a surface of 314 German square miles, and
six hundred thousand inhabitants. The Grand Duke of Olden-
burg, the Duke of Saxe Cobourg, the Landgrave of Hesse-
Homberg, and the House of Orange-Nassau, obtained territorial
indemnities on the Rhine. The Elector of Hesse-Cassel obtained
the grand dutchy of Fulda ; his dominions consisted of 200 Ger-
.•iMUi<%quare miles, and 540,000 inhabitants. The King of
.ni'ze the monarchy of
iations, in consequence
Ihe kingdom of Saxony.
not only a part of an-
tchy of Posnania, and
lost by the convention
e of Til9?t (with the ex-
th, Westfriesland, and
itory on the lef^ bank of
the Dutchy of Westpha
eignty of several othei
territorial arrangements
issian monarchy contains
iles, and a population of
of Germany were uni-
te name of the Germanic
the Confederacy enjoy
the deliberations of the
il interests of the Union,
ordinary cases, have only
have each a vole, while
ler twenty-eight. Never-
I thirty-nine members have
g at least one, and several
The members have the
iance, provided these are
Union or of its constituent
ligious rights was secured
nic Confederation, under-
}rial possessions; but the
litively settled did not take
ivaria received indemnity
1 been made to the Court
lunts to 1505 square miles,
id dutchy of Hesse-Darm-
ations on the left bank of
Grerman square miles, and
^he Grand Duke of Olden-
the Landgrave of Hease-
f assau, obtained territorial
ir of Hesse-Cassel obtained
lions consisted of 200 Ger-
babitants. The King of
Battle of Waterloo ; contest of the 42d Regiment for the
French Eagles. P. 365.
BatUe of Waterloo. P. 505.
- II t
d Norway were sealed,
Tis (July 31, 1815.) By
'russia her part of Po-
ermany, of which she
time of Gustavus Adol-
is an extent of 16,150
ing the period of which
mention any event of
oncerned. She was at
'ersia, when Bonaparte
11. The Russians acted
rince Kutusoff, who had
?nd five divisions of his
! demolished, preserving
Danube. The indolent
m his camp at Schumla
! and enterprising Gene*
JO men, mostly composed
Y a formidable artillery
arched against KutusoiT
leagues from Rudschuk
who were opposed to the
command of Ali Pacha,
Its. Two days after the
enchments and dislodged
iludschuk. It was chiefly
ired in that battle, owing
Iry, who would have cut
rre of Count Langeron,
of the garrison, and pro-
ier advanced under the
ipted three times in one
Ised each time (July 9.)
IS quitted Rudschuk and
having got intelligence,
rom carrying off all their
r disease was unable lo
PERIOD IX. A. D. 1810—1916.
orevenl the Grand Vizier from taking possession of the islands
of the Danube, where they constructed bridges, by means of
which they made frequent incursions into Wallachia. A body
of 15,000 troops, commanded by Ismael Bey, took up the same
post on the right bank, so that the Grand Vizier passed the river
at the head of the main body of the forces (Aug. 3.) But the
face of affairs soon changed. General Ouwaroff having brought
a reinforcement of 50,000 men to Kutusoff, the latter detached
Markoff, with a considerable body, who passed to the right bank
of the Danube, marched in all haste against the Turkish reserve
before Rudschuk, seized their camp, and thus cut off the retreat
of the Grand Vizier. The latter found means to enter Rudschuk
in a small bark, leaving his army in Wallachia, under the com-
mand of Seraskier Tchaban-Ogfou, who was blockaded at Slo-
bosia by Kutusoff, and after being reduced to 25,000 men, they
were obliged to capitulate and lay down their arms (Dec. 8.)
The Grand Vizier then Hemanded a suspension of arms,
which was signed at Guirdt ov. Negotiations were opened at
Bucharest, but the Turks refused for a long time to make the
smallest cession of territory. At length the mediation of Eng-
land, Swed 3n, and Russia, overcame the obstinacy of the Divan,
and peace was signed (May 28, 1812.) The Porte ceded to
Russia about one-third of Moldavia, as far as the Pruth, the for-
tresses of Choczin and Bender, and the whole of Bessarabia,
with Ismael and Kilia ; an amnesty was granted to the Servians.
Although England had appeared at Bucharest as a mediating
power, nevertheless her treaty of peace with Russia was not de-
finitively signed, although actual hostilities had long ceased be-
tween the two powers. The treaty was at length concluded at
Orebro (July 18,) the stipulations of which are not all known.
The peace with Persia was signed in the Russian camp, near
the river Seiwa, under the mediation of England, and confirmed
the following year at Teflis (Sept. 16, 1814.) Persia ceded to
Russia Daghistan, Shirvan, Derbent, and in general the whole
western coast of the Caspian Sea, renounced her pretensions on
Georgia, Imirete, Guriel, and Mingrelia, and recognised the ex-
clusive right of Russ'a to the navigation of the Caspian Sea.
At the Congress o.' Vienna the Emperor of Russia had ob-
tained the kingdom of Poland, as we have already noticed. In-
dependently of that acquisition, the Russian Empire had an
extent of 346,000 German square miles, 80,000 of which are in
Europe, the population of which amounts to thirty-eight mil-
lions. The population of the whole Empire is estimated at forty-
six millions.
A concurrence of fortunate circumstances has saved the Otto-
man Empire from that ruin with which it has mow than o«»j
Ln threatened, and for which the total d'««o\"'«'» ?f "•f'"
order in the provinces has along time prepared the wav. If
"ill survives the«e evils, its preservation 'M«'»»?P» »° ^Xe
bed to that Holy Alliance which has sometimes be." *e objm
of terror to the torte, he having been persuaded that th«Ch"j;-
San League was directed against IVfahometanism. I w this
lurnicSTthe offspring of ignorance and weakness, which at u
recJit date had Searly precipitated him into imprudent mea
S; If the wisdom ofliis powerful neighbour had known, in
S circumstances, to unite his own glory with the maintenance
*pS?ranquillity. of which Europe stands so m«ch in need
Se Porte, enlfghtened as to his true interest by Austria, Great
BriSnndVs other allies, will feel that he cannot prolong his
orexistence. except hy substituunp: the "'gnof J'»»'"' '^^
the principles of humanity, to despoUsm and cnMlty.
t has more than
|1 dinsolution of social
pared the way. If it
perhaps to be ascri-
times bebii the object
luaded that that Chris-
imetanism. It is this
weakness, which at u
1 into imprudent mea -
ghbour had known, m
1815, to
the Revolution in Poland, A. D. 1830.
France had undergone a complete change since the Revolu.
tion, which the Bourbons, on their return could not understand.
Their unfitness to reign over this people, was immediately per-
ceived, and gave rise to a prevalent saying, that " the Bourbons,
in their misfortunes, had learned nothing, and had forgotten
The open acknowledgment, made by Louis XVIII., that he
owed his throne to the Prince Regent of Bngland, was a dis-
honor, and a source of deep mortification, to the pride of France ;
and the country was farther humiliated, by the presence of the
Allied troops, occupying two.thirds of its territory to enforce
By the treaty of Paris,* concluded November 20th, 1816, be-
tween Louis XVIII. and the three Allied powers, France was to
pay 700 million francs, give up seventeen citadels for a pe-
riod of three to five years, and support one hundred and fifty
thousand foreign troops, within her territories ; besides satisfy-
ing all public and private claims, to the countries belonging to
the Allied sovereigns, and restoring the productions in the arts,
and the treasures of literature, with which as spoils. Napoleon
had enriched the capital. This last requisition was enforced,
while the Allied troops were in possession of Paris.
Richlieu, the new minister, signed this treaty in September,
1815, which occasioned great dissatisfaction to the French na-
tion. The King opened the new chamber, November, 4, 1816,
with a speech which diacloaed the unfavorable condition of
February 5, 1817. The liberals and independents obtained
the law of election ; and, on March 6, 1818, the recruiting law ;
but were not successful in their attacks on the laws of excep.
t-on, which prevented the complete operation of the- charter.
The machinations of the ultras, led to troubles in OvenoMe, in
* ••• pafai nSuM SM, vol. a.
'»■< ,
ciii\i*rER xni«
T ifli7 Julv 1819, their intrijruc* wore
1816. and in Lyons l^^^-, . ''"'LMThU to engage the Allies
di«:ovc.red. which were. »*;i'"8 »«« t'^^/" ^he minirtry then
to assist them in abolishing "'° ^Jr^;;* ^ A loan of 24
Sclined towards t)'ejibc«rals, and nat^^^^^^^^ Allied troop,
million, was required toeffectth^ecva^^^^^^^ ^^ j^^^,,
stationed in Franco, in »»»« *"'"7"A?x.la.Chapcllc, October 9,
mined upon by the ^o"?"^ °J,,^^ elaimifor the oxjicnscs
1818; akd for the ^^'"^"i.lSSf He^ wa. a successful
of the war, and «»TVlnmtv t th«« settl.menU, in the
exhibition of French .J'Pl"";"^^^; ^"f tK^
matter of liquidations, the paymtm ot i ^ .^^.^^^ ^^
the treaty of 1815. ••«du«e^iXn, in payment of these 1390
postponed till ^^y«^;]jKanc /equivalent to a capital of
millions, a rent of l^'O*"'""" "j This was about a seventh
I pelle, to 265 million francs. ^ „..„_j :„to Uie Quadruple alii
^November 12. /'«««« ^°^J'.'"""t^^^^^
1 ance of the great E>|">pe•"^f^J^^«'^^ ^^^ So of election, and
lieu, dcclai-cd himself against the exB^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ j^^ ^^
against the operation ol ^*'«j;".f K^°"„i^;, Dccazes was vi^
^division in the nunistry, ^^^"'^YSon, and liberal princi-
torious over the ultras, m the luw ol elec^n ^ j ^^.^
pies. A new niinirtry was ""^es waTmade president of the
Lee 1815. The ^^ « i^ o^rthi^Tn, Nov. 19, 1819 ; Des.
ministerial ~»n«l»V*'^!*=\rdrnde™ of the charter, resigned.
«,les, St. Cyr and Louis, ^e defenders ot ^^„^^^,„y ^es.
Decaxes now became P""?^ ™'" '^^^^^ the cen«.rship of the
pecting the construction f ^fP ^J.^"^^;^^^^ were writers
Be'=U,'£tSubS'iui, an^d Ficvee for the
"X session fn>m 1819 to iSiroTtle^'r^r^^^^^^^^^^^^
ofthe most violent kind; ^*»«2 "rrmnh^r *. Uecazes, pre..-
ed in excluding Grogoire ^^^^^^^ ,.*;7J7„,^,rate cou
dent of the 'ninistry attemiHed ^J^o..^ ,^,,,o„«, Febru-
several judicious bdls. 1" ^ne "i. -..j^j^d. a new law
ary 13, 1820, the Duk« ^^ "f/^JL'fp'.'^t and Decazes resign-
their intriffuc* were
to cngaf^e the Allina
The ministry then
party. A loon of 24
tion of the Allied troop*
818, which was deter>
a-Chapeiie, October 9,
cldima for the oxiicnsea
Here wax n successful
hcse setthiinents, in the
le debt acknowledged by
to 1390 millions was
payment of these 1390
equivalent to n capital of
lis was about a seventh
three millions was grant-
claims of British subjects.
3r reduced at Aix>la>Cha>
d into tlie Quadruple alii
^he prime minister. Rich,
ling mode of election, and
lonal system, which led to
comber, Decazcs was vie-
lection, and liberal princi-
y Louis XVIII. the third
vas made president of the
jwn, Nov. 19, 1819 ; Des-
I of the charter, resigned.
In the controversy res-
■ and the censorship of the
d Dunoyer, were writers
naU, and Fiovee for the
IS one of continued conflict
5 of the royalists succeed-
;hnmher: Decazes, presi-
3w a mf tlujse agitations, Febru-
(issassinuted. A new law
lost, and Uticazes resign-
as president was formed,
illy increased their powei
r 1822, to the tnlento of
A. D. 1816 — 1880. — FRANCE.
Attempts were made for continuing restrictions of the press,
till the close of the s(>sHion of 1820, and to impose further re*,
trictions, which met with decided opposition, and ended in the
resignation of the ministry, December 17, 1821, when a sixth
Ministry was formod in which ultra-royulism was triumphant.
The censorship of the press ceased February 6, 1822.
A conspiracy in favor of young Na|K)le<)n, was discovered in
lS21,and the following year s«!veral revolts were projected in
difTercnt garrisons. Villelc, minister of finance, displayed
great adroitness in the management of ufTuirs, and was appoint-
ed president of the ministry, having great influence over public
opinion. The ultras were dissatisfied with his moderation ; he
is represented to have perfectly scicn that France could no longer
be governed by an alisolute monarchy. The most important
events of the session of 1822, were re-lutive to the new tariflf,
and the foreign ]Mjlioy in regard to Greece and Spain. The
liberal party wercndent upon the state. The greatest
eflforts were now made by the ecclesiastics, to regain for the
church its former splendor, in spite of the feelings and habits of
the people. They wielded their immense power, in the most
arbitrary and bigoted manner; but with all their zeal, were un-
able to check the diflusion of knowledge — and so far from re-
Uirding the marcli of liberty, they hastened the overthrow of
despotism und bigotry, and eventually brought on their own
Louis XVIII. died September 16, and was succeeded by his
brother, Charles X. We have now hastily sketched the events
during the reign of Louis XVIII., enough to show the temper of
the French people, and the obnoxious measures which tended
to bring about a new revolution in France.
Charles X. commenced his reign by a declaration ofhu inten-
Uoiu of coiifirining tliu churtor. Ho uppuinUtd iia a member of
the ininiatorial council, tlio Duke d'Angouleine, und suppre«ed
the cenaorahip of the journals, Sept. 29. Ap|)uintud the Ck>unt
do Clermont-Tonnere, minuter of war. Viliule gained the cuu>
fidcnco of the King, by his prudent nieusuroM, while Chateau,
briond proved, in the Journal des I)<;buts, (his paper,) a [wwer.
ful and eloquent opponent. In the session of I8i25, Villele was
triumphant : a bill granting 1,000,000,000 francs in rents, as an
indemnification to the emigrants, proved u source of great dis-
satisfaction to the nation, which became uppwMid to the course
now pursued. The civil list of the King was established at
26,000,000 francs, annually, for life, tuid thut of the royal fami.
ly at 7,000,000. On the 29th May, the splendid coronation of
Charles X. took place ut Uheims, at which time he took the
oath to govern according tu the charter. In the session of 1826,
thirty .one new peers were created to strengtlicn the ministry.
In August, 1824, General Lafayette landed in New York,
upon an invitation of James Monroe, President of the United
States, and was received with the warmest expressions of grati-
tude, a nation could bestow ; and passed through the twenty,
four states of the union, with more than the splendor of a tri>
umphal procession. Me sailed hence, in the Brandywine, a
Umted States ship, September 7, 1825, and arrived at Havre,
where every demonstration of attachment and respect was shown
him. The following particulars respt^cting the " Nation's (xuest,"
on his return to France, in 1825, cannot fail to be interesting,
[t shows that the affectionate and enthusiastic welcome of him
by liis countrymen, on his return to France, and portrays the
sullen hatred of the Bourbons to every thing that partook of
liberty. At Rouen, the " Guest of the American people," the
veteran defender of liberty in the two hemispliert^, was honor-
ed with a public dinner, accompanied by his family and friends.
In the evening, a great concourse of citizens, among whom
were many females, repaired to the house of M. Cabanon, where
Lafayette appeared on the balcony, and the greatest tranquillity
reigned. Notwithstanding the crowd, a serenade, given to the
General, was heard with perfect silence. At this juncture there
arrived, from two opposite directions, a detachment of the guard
royal, and a detachment of gendarmes. The former conduct-
ed itself with moderation ; the latter proceeded to dis|)erae the
CoeaMe citizens, whose meeting had occasioned no distur-
ce, and made a charge upon the populace, treating them as
rioters ; when many were thrown down and murdered ; and thn
whole assembly was put to flight, by the sabres and bayonets of
the gendarmes ; and by them many were arrested. To justify
inU'd UM a meniber of
Ic'ine, und supprened
Ap|M>intu(l tho Count
'illulu ^uinud tho cuii.
lusurcs, wiiilu Chutoau.
, (hia paper,) u power.
in of lH'i5, Villtilo was
•0 francs in ronts, as an
u sourco of Kruut (lis-
3 uppoMid to tho courao
in^ was established at
that of tho royal fami>
splendid coronation of
hic^h tinie ho took the
In tlio st-ssion of 1826,
n^thcn the ministry,
landed in New York,
President of tho United
lest expressions of grati<
Kid through tlie twenty,
iui the splendor of a tri*
, in tho Brandy wino, a
, and arrived at Havre,
nt nnd respect was shown
ig the " Nation's (iuest,"
lot fail to be interesting,
lusiastic welcome of him
ranee, and portrays tho
y thing that partook of
) American people," the
fiemispheres, was honor-
y his family and friends.
citizens, among whom
»e of M. Cabanon, where
I the greatest tranquillity
a serenade, given to the
!. Atthis juncture there
detachment of the guard
8. The former conduct-
)roceeded to dis|)erao the
id occasioned no distur.
>pulace, treating them aa
I and murdered ; and the
e sabres and bayonets of
ere arrested. To justify
A. D. 1810—1880. — FRANCK.
this proceeding, the Prefect at Rouen issued, in a public journali
n note, in which ho said, " That the citizens groaned to see the
tranquillity menaccHl by the presence of u man whose sad celeb.
rity connects itself with the moat disastrous iieriod of tho Revo.
lution !"
On the return of Lafayette to Ln Urangi;, the villii;^i ra united
in u public fi-stivul on the occasion ; und uddr his weie pre.
aented although tho govfjrimient took every up|Mn after, a law against the Jesuits was at.
tempted to be passed, und the liU-rty of the press was carried,
April 27, 1827. Tho national guards of Paris, 45.000 in num.
her, were disbanded, u measure highly obnoxious to the people.
This was followed by a rigorous censorshi|> of the press, (June
24, 1827,) which tended still more to irritate tlie state of public
feeling against the ministry. The iHipers of tho opposition fre-
quently apiieured with wholo colunms blank.
A war commenced this year with Algiers, said to have ariaen
from a controversy re8|K>cting a debt for corn, purchased for tho
French government in 1739. The ministry dissolved the cham.
ber which had still three years to run. In the now chamber, a
majority was gained by the liberals ; out of 8,000 votes in Paris,
only 1114 were on the ministerial side; tho same decided result
took place in the different depart/nents. This occasioned great
joy in Paris, and led to some disasters : about fifty persons wore
killed by the gendarmes. By nn ordinance of November 5,
1827, seventy-six new peers wore created. Of these scarcely
any, Soult excepted, were entitled by services, to the honor.
Three others were added, Jan. 4, 1828 — these wore Villelo,
Peyronnet, and Corbiore.
On opening the aeasion, Febn.Hry .5, 1828, Charles X. con-
gratulated the nation on tho occasion of tlio victory of Navari-
no. In 1828, tho French troops returned from Spain ; and in
August, (shortly afterwards,) an expedition was fitted out for
the delivery of Greece from Turkish thraldom. The command
of the expedition was given to General Muison. The number
of troops amounted to 14,000. {Sec Ilevolution in Greece.)
The appointments announced, August 0, 1829, were the fol.
lowing : Prince Jules do Polignac, minister of foreign affairs ;
M. Courvoiaier, keeper of the aeala, and minister of justice ;
ciurrxR XIII.
Count Fldiirmont, miriwUT of war; Admiral Rifi^y, minister of
mnriiio; ('omit (l<- In noiirdnnnnyn, ininiBtor of tlw interior;
Haron do MorithnI, ministor of prclcniiwtioul uffuira and public
inatniction ; Count ('hiihroi d»i Crouwjj, minixtfr of finnnc*'.
Admiriil llij^iiy docliiifd the oHi-n-d port folio, which wns g\vin
to M. d'HaUHStv/., I'rofcct of th«i (Jirondo. TliiH was an idtra.
royalist iniiiintry. liourinont had Ik'ch a aoldifr under Niipo.
l«!on, declared lor Louis XVIII. — njjnin took oflicn under Nn|)o>
l«!on, and drsertei! hini at tin; battle of Watf-rloo, fli;d to the
BourlMiuH at iliiiiit, was elevated to the peerage, and entrusted
with the comniati'l of the army ofocTUpation in Hpain, after the
return of the Oiikc d'Angouleme.
I'riiice Poli^nar was one of the old royalists, anri was early
attached to C-'hiirlos X. lie, with his brothers Armnnd, was
implicated in I'ieliejrru'M t'otispiracy, and received the pardon
of Napoleon. Hinec 1R2H, in- had been amimssador at the Hritish
court, and his eiiviition was said to have been through Knp-
linh infliunce, more especially that of the Duke of WcHinpton.
lie professed a jjreat fonrlness for I'Ingland ; but how«!ver thin
may be, certain if is, he was no favorite with the l''rench pec-
pie. The niitiister of the interior, La Bourdonnaye, hud disfin-
piiished himself for his violence, and active measures for the ul-
tras. No sooner wos the ministry formed, than La Bourdonnaye
was dis[K)Hed to dissolve- the cbamlKir, n« Villele had done to
secure a majority ; trustiii); for success, to the activity of tl»e
royalists, and the aid of the clergy. When this hazardous
proposition was rejected. La Bourdonnaye resigned, and Polig-
nuc was made president of the ministerial council. Baron Mont,
bel was tiansfitrred to the deportment of the interior, and Count
G. de Rainvillo wns made mmister of ecclesiastical affairs. An
ordinance to this effect was issued on the 17th November, 1829.
Such was the organization of the ministry at the end of that
The eflbrtfl of the Bourbons to build up aristocracy and abso-
lute monarchy, had failed — their measures having had on oppo-
site effiHJt ; and the poverty of the nobles having impaired their
former influence, they now followed instead of leading the nation.
The French wcrf; now too much enlightened to suffer them-
selves to be deprived of tlieir privileges. The country was, nl
this time, in o state of prosperity. The struggle that followed,
was for the protection of their liberties, and not the result of
suffering ond want. This noble regord for the cause of free-
dom, gave n«!W glory to France, ,und to liberty, a fresh impulse
throughout the world.
1680, March 2. The speech from the throne announced that
I a
liirnl Rif^ny, ministfroT
liniiitor of thi! interior ;
)irul afTuira iinH piihlio
, minintrr of finiinc*'.
folio, which wild given
p. Thii) wiiH nil ultra-
n soldirr under Nnpo-
took oflico under NniKi-
f Wut«rlnnuy(>, had distin-
ictive measures for the ul-
ned, than La Bourdonnaye
'.r, tiH Vill<;le had done to
ess, to the activity of the
When this hazardous
inaye resifpicd, and Polig-
!rinl council. Baron Mont-
of the interior, and Count
'ecclesiastical aflairs. An
the 17th November, 1829.
niniatry nt the end of that
d up aristocracy and nbao-
surcs havinp had an oppo-
)ble8 hnvinp impaired their
stead of londinfi; the nation,
niightened to suffer them-
Dfes, The country was, at
rhe strupf»le that followed,
rties, and not the result of
fard for the cause of free-
1 to liberty, a fresh impulse
n the throne announced that
A. f.. 1815 — 1880. — rsANCE.
w»r nnd been cnrnnicrii-ed with Alf^iers, and ende«l with th^ae
worda : " I'eora of l-'runee, deputiposition displayed great activity and talents, in
this momentous struggle ; and it was soon seen, by men of Intel-
ligence, that a change of ministry would be the result. They,
however, were determined not to yield, and had the infatuation,
rather to violate the charter, and expose France to civil war,
than to retire. The King appears to have been blinded by a
bigoted priesthood, and the ministers utterly regardless of the
sacred rights of the people, expressed by their representatives.
In the new chamber 270 were liberals, 145 for ministers, and
15 undecided. In consequence of this result, the ministry made
a report to the King, July 20, on the dangers of a free press.
In the chamber of deputies, convoked March 2d, then* were
221 members hostile to government, on which account l,he Kbg
had prorogued both chambers, and had appointed the 23d of June,
and third of July, for the election of now members, to assemble
on the third of August. The elections were not all finished, tUI
the 19th of July ; before which time, it was sufliciently appa-
*»I«,«U,ON. t «I,Sr4,iro. t •8,008,030
I :'!i
A. D. 1630. FRANCE.
jd his ministry in the
oruble majority in the
jinied ; for though the
■ing the election, it did
ity being elected.
tourmont, consisting of
ccd on the 10th of May,
vessels, of wiiich eleven
Oa the 14th of June,
''crrujii, on the African
month, Algiers surren-
Paris on the 9th of July,
lisurc found in Algiers
noncy, and 10,000,000 f
sides about 25,000,000 i
itly in the Journal du
Bsful issue of the French
V return to our narrativ«
h arms in Africa, occa-
it did not diven the pub-
[ainst a detested ministry.
I7th of May, by a royal
, ; and the two chambers
took place in June and
it activity and talents, in
loon seen, by men of intel-
ild be the result. They,
, and had the infatuation,
pose France to civil war,
have been blinded by a
utterly regardless of the
by their representatives.
lis, 145 for ministers, and
I result, the ministry made
dangers of a free prem.
id March 2d, therp were
tn which account t,he Kmg
I appointed the 23d of June,
low members, to assemble
IS were not all finished, till
, it was sufficiently appa.
rent, how the elections would terminate. When the list was
completed, tl«5 opposition, was found to have increased from 221.
to 270. It will now be seen, how affairs stood in France between
tno crown and the people : the ministry represented the former,
and the chamber ol deputies the latter. The ministers whow
auty it was to have withdrawn, resolved upon the mad project
of iictting the voice of the nation, and the constitutional chartei
at defiance ; in other words, of annulling the late elections. Tliis
plan seems to have been arranged about the middle of July. It
was subsequently stated on the trial of ministers, that these
measures were concerted between the 10th and 15th of that
month. M. Montbel in a pampliiet which he has published, says.
the ordinances were presented to the King, in a council hold on
the 21st. They were signed at the next council held on Sunday
the 25th, the day previous to their public appearance.
The report made to the King, signed by seven ministers and
published at the same time with the ordinances, was intended
to justify themselves for the course they had resolved upon. In
this flimsy document they called for the suspension of the press,
remarking, " At all epochs, the periodical press has only been,
and from its nature must ever be, an uistrumcnt of disorder and
By the first ordinance, the liberty of the press was suspended.
By the second ordinance the chamber of deputies was dissolved.
And a third ordinance abrogated the existing law of election
itself, reducing the number of members from 430 to 258, and
sweeping off three-fourths of the former constituency, abolishing
the ballot and nearly extinguishing the representative system.
In defiance of these ordinances, the conductors of all the liberal
journals determined to publish their papers.
The only papers allowed by government to appear were the
Mooiteur Universal, Quotidienne, Gazette de France, and Dra-
peau blanc. The seizure of the liberal journals on the morning
of the 27th July, was the commencement of the revolutionary
drama. These ordinances were nothing less than a determi.
nation on the part of the crown to deprive the nation of its
liberty, and to establish despotism. The audacious attempt
however failed. Had the French ministry succeeded in silencing
the pi-ess, and bringing the representation to a state of subser.
viency, they might for u time perhaps have succeeded in their
mad projects. Nothing shov.s more strikingly the rashness and
entire want of discernment of the ministry, at the time of which
we are speaking, than the issumg of orchnances ao obnoxious,
without even anticipating resistance of any kind, much leM •
Chautelauze, and Montbel, at the . corning. Aa
nmnuscript for P^bUcation on thejo^ .Jerked, he ^enied
Lavo glanced over the con en^j^M«mDe^^ ^^
L w^U " At an early hour o^/Jj'J/CnTteul and Bulletin
obnoxious oi---t,;Ttc Seine -^ -tounded at seemg
dc9 Lois. The prefect of tc»e ^^j^^^j^^ any thing of
them, about 5 o'clock, no J'^^^J ^/ J pear to have had any
the kind, nor does M^"^,^/^^^^^^^^ he received
knowledge of these "[^^^^^^V Komiero^vski, one of his aids
of the fatal ordinance was by ^ exclaimed that it
wh le he was breakfastmg at bt- » ^^ ^^^^
was not possible the report could be ^J" ^iU his arrival
he set out for Paris, not ^avng ^,^" \^^2 where he met his
?„ the city. He then w nt to tl^ ns^.^^ .. ^^''"1^1
friend M. Arago--" Well, ^J^ " the fools have driven
things are proceeding «« ^ ^^"^J J^^^y [o mourn in your capa-
matters to extremities, ^ou have y ^^^^ ^^^,^ ^^,
dty of a citizen and a good Fj-*J ^,,1 ^haps be obliged
caLhave I to lamcn , who^^J^ J ^ ^^hor, and for people
Uc : this however ^^ J^ '^oJ^ment. For severa hou«
read by those connected witn b^Ji , r^>^^^ class who first
To unusual excitement wa^m^f^Btejl. 1^^^^ ^^^ted, that at
?elt its effects were he JO«jf;„, ^ere engaged in printing
this period thirty thousand P^!f°"' wasTo throw them out
T?Ir^. The «ffec^,:^tdutoro? journals repres^^cl ^^
them, they must go -"d^"fVilp?ayed great courage : seeing the
oaliste, on this emf ge^^y. d«playej g ^^ ^ ^^
ordinakces would be rumous to J^e'' ° ^' publishing second
Xthey fearlessly ^t them aUefianc^^^^^^ p^ ^^^^^
elitions of their P^f'^' ^^^„'^""lt five o'clock, the prefect of
them more ge^^f'^^^L'^Snction to the printing offices, to
police, Mangin, issued ^^^^^^^^ ^ ;„ conformity to the new
„ fatal ordinancea were
listers, and ut 11 P. M.
initeur, received from
le of the former, the
[lowing morning. As
il remarked, he seenM^d
the King, God save
e answered, "we hope
rnoming the 26th, the
Moniteur, and Bulletin
vaa astounded at seeing
prehended any thing of
ippear to have had any
t intimation he received
irowski, one of his aids.
He exclaimed that it
uc. At half past seven,
newspaper till his arrival
(Stitute where he met his
him, " you perceive that
n ; the fools have driven
y to mourn in your capa-
uu : but how much greater
ier shall perhaps be obliged
Il I abhor, and for people
led only how to overwhelm
r in Paris, among the pub-
Mraiiteur being principally
iment. For several hours
;ed. That class who first
It has been stated, that at
were engaged in printing
ices was to throw them out
of journals represented to
»nger any employment for
jir good King. The jour-
, great courage : seeing the
business, and destroy their
fiance, by publishing second
lilernoon, m order to make
five o'clock, the prefect of
to the printing offices, to
)t in conformity to the new
[nation to ba circulated and
pained on the walls with tlie penalties to the keepers of reading
rooms, &c.
The journalists assembled and drew up in great haste an
•iddrcss to tlieir countrymen ; tliis was signed and published.
It was u noble display of courage and patriotism : they stated,
" as they were first called on to obey, so they ought to give the
llrst example of resistance to authority, now that it had stri|>|)ed
itself of tiie character of law. This day, the government lias
violated all law, we are set free from obedience ;" and declared
tiiuir determination to publish their journals, regardless of the
ordinances. " We will do our cndoiivors, that for one day
more, at least, th^jy may be circulated over all Fruiicc. It be-
longs not to us to point out its duties to the chamber, which has
been illegally dissolved. But we may supplicate it in the name
of France, to take its stand on its manifest rights, and resist, us
far as it shall have the power, the violation of the laws. Its
rights are equally cei-tain, with those on which we ourselves
rest. The charter (article 50,) says the King may dissolve the
chamber of deputies, but for that power to be exercised, the
chamber must have met and been constituted — nay, must surely
have done something to warrant its dissolution. Before the
chamber has met and been constituted, there is no chamber to
dissolve. There are only elections to annul ; now no passage
\n the charter gives the King the right of doing this. The ordi-
nances which have this day appeared, do only in fact annul the
elections, and are therefore illegal ; as doing that which the
charter does not authorize.
" We assume the attitude of resistance in so far as we are
ourselves concerned ; it belongs to France to consider to what
extent she will adopt the same course." This address was signed
with the names of forty-four of the journalists.
In the mean time, the agitation had already begun in the
streets ; the crowd assembled at the Palais Royal, to hear the
papers and news discussitd, was continually increasing, till their
increased numbers, and violence of language, alarmed the
authorities, who sent a party of gendarmes to watch over them.
By 3 o'clock in the afiemoon, the crowd spread from the square
of the palace, to the adjoining streets. They then began to
assail the gendarmes, who kept their stations, making as yet no
attempt to drive the people back.
About 8 o'clock, there was a gi«at addition to the crowd
about the Palais from the printing and manufacturing establish-
ments. Their masters, in dismissing their hands, afler their
day's work, had notified them they should have no further em-
ployment for them. Here then was a great addition of nteu
'"/"\2 his carriage, he was
purpose to intercept ""»/. !^"' "^er the escort of two gen-
Lablcd to return w.thout .njury, unde t ^^^^^^^ ^^
d^rmcs. The windows of h.s hotu ^^^^ court, the
carriage assailed w,th «r«^- Aj^r^emente to set fire to his
mob threatened to return withremjorce^^^^^ ^^ ^^^
hotel. During the ™g*'\'.^f,t, eSguished, and the windows
did not return tUl late to St- ^'oud. ^^ ^^^.^^ ^j,^ g
Tlie whole effective ^f''Pj'''J\^^ovd\mnces, was 11,550
day previous to the pfj— ^° ^J^so „en of this number,
men, 8 cannon, and 4 howitzers ^^.^^^^ ^^ ^^^ p^^^s
includes the guards «^d gendarmes aa.y ^^^^^ ^^^^
S the Capital, St. Cloud, ''f J»^^Vhrdlpo^We force, there-
all seized'and disarmed m detail. J^ he msp ^^^ ^^^^^^^ ,^^^
fore, did not at most «''«^^«d, »'J^? ^ " , and a few artillery,
three regiments of S^^rds, two ol cavairy, ^^^^^ ^^^^
4,200, were all that ^^^^^go^iSy beR^^
besides, 1000 ««^valry, and 300 in W^ s^^^ ^^ ^ ^
Versailles, and St. Germam, buUjiese we ^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^
staff officer of the g"«^'-<^«' ^t ^^^^Sken a fortnight previous,
Tatedifsuitable precaution had b«e„t^enat^ ^^g^ P^.^^ ^^
that it would have ^«" ry;°^"„lfS Paris,
forty thousand men, with ^^y /=^"°°;,'" x several of the jour.
On the morning of th« ^.^t^ (l"«^^y j^^^ ^^re the jour-
nals were printed and ^^'^^ «**,'. f^i^The ConstUtUionel
ialists to discharge their duty otl^^^ K papeL by the police
was prevented from the distribution rt^ts p pe J^^^ ^^^
haviSg stationed a ^^ftfj.^lJZj\TM-^ at an ear.y
SSrJld^'^Si^rr ^^ wS- amig the people, and
resistance, which was
eople, drawn together
,ed with loud cries or
down with the nunw
lops were now dosed.
,pon the crowd in tne
, clearing it, without
ceded to the hotel of
, Capuchins, who was
his fact, many went on
2 his carriage, he was
the escort of two gen-
were broken, and his
entered the court, the
mente to set fire to his
™ several of the streets
.ished, and the windows
I these acts sufficiently
aw. This day the King
Mse at Ranibouillet, and
ationed at Paris, the Sun-
, ordinances, was !!,&&"
50 men of this number,
Iv stationed at the posts
aces near. These were
e disposable force, there-
J, and of this number, uut
airy, and a few artillery,
»ded upon. There were
■y, belonging to St. Cloud,
e were never engaged. A
ngaged during the conflict,
; taken a fortnight previous,
assembled from thirty to
1, in Paris. .
•sday) several of the jour-
determined were the jour-
public. T\ie ConstUuttonel
l( its papers by the police
door of the office. The
„. were printed at an early
,W8 among the people, and
Street fighting before the Church of St. Roch,
July 2Sth, 1830.
Place du Chatelet, July 28, 1S30. P. 596,
St. Roch,
P. 596,
rapidly tlispcraed through the city. These papers contained
the oidinances, and the noble protests of the journiilists. The
autiiorities commenced their operations against tiie printing
oilices that had set the ordinances at defiance, and part of lliuir
printing presses were taken away, so ns to rundor tliem useless.
The National distributed to the crowd 7,000 copies in less tiian
an liour. Thus far the journalists hud manfully discharg(Ml
tiieir duty. This day a considerable number of the newly
elected members of the chamber of deputies assembled at iJ
P. M. at the house of M. Casimir Perrier ; when a protest was
drawn up and signed.
The King this morning appointed Marshal Marmont, com-
mander in chief of the forces in Paris. He immediately esta-
blished his head quarters at the Tuileries. At half past four,
an order was issued at the barracks for several regiments to
march to difTerent stations. One battalion of guards, and two
pieces of artillery, were stationed on the Boulevard des Capu-
chins, in front of Polignac's hotel, the interior of which was
protected with soldiers of the 5th regiment of the line. A
squadron of lancers protected this part of the Boulevard.
Several battalions of the line occupied the portion of the Boule-
vards from the [ion-: St. Martin towards the place de la Bastilo,
and also the place Vendome. Three battalions of the guard
were placed in the Carrousel, and the place of the Palais Royal:
and two battalions of the guards, with two cannon, were sta>
tioned in the jjlace Louis XV.
While these dispositions of the troops were making, the streets
were filled with the multitude, as yet unarmed : they now began
to supply themselves with arms from the shops of gunsmitha;
and were soon in actual conflict with the military.
The battalions of the regiments of the line, stationed in front
of the Palais Royal, were received by the crowd with cries of,
" the line forever, the line does not fire, the line is on our side."
Both men and officers, were averse to firing upon the people.
But the guards considered themselves obliged to remain faithful
to the government. The mob had already begun in several
instances to attack the soldiers with stones, and every kind of
missile : these they carried to the upper stories, and roofs of
houses, and hurled them on the soldiers beneath. They now
began to barricade the streets, and thus sheltered, they were
enabled to oppose the patroles.
This night the remaining lamps were demolished, a judicious
precaution p\A not proceeding from mere wantonness ; as it
enabled th ,m to erect barricades during^ the night, and rendered
their opeiations more secure from the vigilaoca of the nuli>
CHa]>TER xiii.
tnry. Marshal Marmont hud written to the Kin^, informing
him that public tranquillity was restored, and therefore made
no preparations during tho iiifjht, nor sent dispatches for more
troops. He did not even guard tho great depots of arms and
During the nigiit, tho greatest activity prevailed on tlu! part
of the people. 'J'lxs inhabitants were enrolled into bands, and
arrangements made for supplying them with muskets, ammu-
nition, tXic. The ttilegraphs had been rendered usi)8, windows,
and (|uays along tho Scini,'. Tiio r(;st of the eolinnn coming up
to their assistance, tho place was taken. The; guards had no
sooner taken their position, than they learniMJ witii deep conster-
I'Ution that a battalion of tin; IM\ light infantry station<;il along
tlio(piays had revolted. The general in couimand of the guards
was soon apprised of this, hy th(! filling of his men. Tlu^tiuai
do Citi was lilled with sharpshooters of tin; insurgents, who pro-
tccted by the presence of the ITnli regiment, k(,'pt up a continued
fire upon the guards in the place.
By this time tin; r»(Hh regiment, statiomsd in the morning at
the Boulevards, and afterwards marched to tho place do (Jnjve,
determined to lay down thcur arms : they wishinl to return to
their barracks, but finding these wi;re already in |)ossession of
the people, they joiiM.'d 40 cuirassiers, then departing from tho
Bastile, for tlv; Hotel do Ville. Tho latter had many dillicultics
to encounter, marching through back streets, and at length
reached tho Motel, but the 50th regiment took no part in the
fighting, by which the cuiraasiers made their way. On their
arrival nt tho Hotel do Ville, the ollicer commanding the guards
wasapprisetl that he could not depend on receiving the reinlurco-
ment from the Bastile, as he fully expected ; and what rendered
hia situation more trying, his cartridges were now about spent.
Two detachments were sent in (piost of ammunition, but did not
return. A message succeeded in gaining the Tuileries ; this
was by a party of cuirassiers ; 200 Swiss were sent to the jilace
de Grove ; when they arrived there, the guards 220 strong, had
been engaged five hours, and hnd forty men hors de combat,
(about 5 o'clock,) and had gained an entrance, with a part of
their forces, into the Hotel de Ville. The populace having now
returned, the cavalry and artillery sheltered themselves in the
stable yards from the severe fire, directed against them, from
the opposite bank of the river. The 50th regiment was also
protected in the inner court of the Hotel.
The hardest fighting yet, had been at the entry of Rue du
Mouton, a street that opens into the place de Grove, from th«
north. When the troops had established themselves in the place
tiii^ to tlic guim, and
a (If'stnictioii. Tliib
idriiw ; liur wliili! so
lit killi'il. Till' ciiii.
is8(h1 ()V(;r and occu.
till! iiortli sido of tho
ittt'in|iti'il tu |)as.i the
' (ircvc, wlicri! tln;y
li(ins(;-ti>i)8, windows,
ic coliinm coining up
TIk; i^iiiirdii had no
•d with d<'c|) coiustf^r-
iiitry statii»n(;d aloii^
iiiiiiand (j|'tli(!i;iiards
hit) men. Tlirtiuai
insui'gciits, will) i)ro-
, kept up a continued
(!(l in tlie morning at
tho place do (Jnjvu,
wished to n^turn to
ady in |)o39esMion of
1 departing from tlio
had many dilliciiltica
reels, and at length
took no part in tho
lieir way. On their
ninanding the gniirds
cc'iving the reinl'iM-cc.
; and what rendered
;rc now about spent,
imunition, but did not
g the Tuileries ; tiiis
were sent to the place
uards 220 strong, had
men horn de combat,
ance, with a part of
populace having now
wl themselves in the
d against them, from
h regiment was also
the entry of Rue du
e de Greve, from the
lemselvcs in the place
do («reve, a aevert! lire wan kept up against them fron". both
anglis of the street, iiinl iVom behind a liarricaile there thrown
up, hut which was sokii taken an<
of thih m(S!»(ij((' to tlir ministers. The ri'|)lv of !VI. Polijnino
was, It WHS iiscli'ss for liiiii to sim- tlicin. 'rliuy iiniiu'diutflv
witlldnW. Iillfltti', the ehiel" Hpeuker, Saill, (he (|liestioil Could
oalv he decided liy the cliiiiiee of iiniis; and h('n(;eforward, tlio
deputies deterinilied to e\irt thi.'lliselves ill the rev0 —
tliouj^h another stati-inent makes tlu; numher much lii;,'her,
th(!8o thuy carried with them. The peojile had f;enerally lell
the str(>(!t.s and windows, durin<| the nijjht. Tlu! troojis at
length reached the Tuileries, without any obstruction except
a barricade they had to take down, to get their cannuii along:
this made aonm noise, and occasioned some shots to be fired
about them.
In the Boulevard St. Denis, a great crowd had assembh^d at
an early hour, and among these was sc.cu the uniform of the
national guard. This crowd was not generally armed with
muskets. About S o'clock, n detnchrnent of cuirassiers made
a charge ujioii the crowd, ut full gallop. They were then en-
gaged in tearing up the pavement, and carrying the stones to
the top of the Port St. Denis. TImy stood firm, aixl with long
poles threw the ciiirassic^rs from th(ar saddles at the first oncoun-
ter, and simzihI their arms, sufTering none to esca|)e. With these
new equipments, the oirensive was now assumed by them. At
9, a guard of 20 soldiers of the lino surrendered their arms;
ly of ^f. P.)li;rnno
Tlicy iiniiicdiuti'ly
ln' (|iicstioii r.imUl
liiiicclorwiinl, tliii
till- ri'voliitioimry
• |p|!ic(: i|i> (ircvi',
lli'l', IiIkI till) IIIONt
• •lit ju(lj,'m<'nt iif
■very (ulvaiitii;;f to
• I li'iidcrx iHiMSfSHcd
or did they shrink
,' <'ould In- <,'nini'd
ill mind, that this
'St o|>|)rcs.siv(; hciit,
trn of mnny diiriiif^
in coniincinoration,
I'd in carts and lit-
Morgue, uinidst tho
n |>(is.si'.vsion of tho
i;,' fiirthi'r reinforce.
it it. 'I'hey accord,
of the nii,dit, to the
ween rd) and (JO —
nher much lii;,'lier,
! liatl };<'iicraily loll
lit. 'I'ho troops at
obstruction except
heir cannon along:
10 shots to bo (ircd
*'(! had assembled at
the uniform of tho
nerally armed with
uf cuirassiers made
'hey were then en-
rying tho stones to
firm, and with long
at tlu! first )»ncoun.
iscai)c. With those
med by them. At
ndorod their arms;
r tf, I ^irrW'
lliir guard-house was ilemoliMhcil, and ul'the materials, a bairi*
cade was consti'ucted across the liouleviird. A t'urious t'licuun-
tor to(»k place with tho guards, at tho gate, wlioro stuiioH woro
hurled, anil a brisk fire kept up.
'I'lie pi'ojile now coiiniK'iKU'd encting barricades on a groat
scale, alon;; tlic- HouK-vard, at the suggestion of Ambrose Meno-
rot, a carjienter : lor this |»urpose, tho line trees, planted by
Louis tho Grand, wore levelled by tho axo. It was done with
expedition /md gnsat science, luidisr the direction of Menoret,
who su|ipli(!d tlieui with tools from his shop. This was a most
fortunate iili;a. 'i'liesi; barriers were so numerous, as to bo
insuimount'ible, and cut olf all communication with the troops,
'i'his line of barricades extended from the Hue du 'I'emple, in iho
east, to the lliio do llicbelieu, west. An eminent architect, Mr.
Crecy, had a large cpiantity of timbi'r, scallbld poles, pick-axes,
crow. bars, iVc. carried away ; all thcso woro utlorwards returned
with scrupulous exactness.
From a subsequent report, it appears that during tho revo-
lutiouary struggle, 405.') barricades were thrown up, consisting
of trees IoUcmI, carriages of every description overturned, anil
the ])avi,'ments tak(;ti up. The number of paving stoiiv's torn
up, for this |nirpose', were :),r2>'3,OOU. Tho expense of paving
tiic streets again, was '2.')0,0()0 francs. Paris is i)av(!d with
large squari! stones. Tho gutters are in the middh; of the streets,
and they flowed with blood during these sanguinary conflicts.
The immeiisiv importance of these numerous barricades,
thrown up with such unparalleled rapidity, will he best illus-
trated by tho following details. A strong column arrived at the
Bastile, and began to firo upon tho piople ; these discharges
were kojjt up without intermission, and returned by the people,
who were forced to retire; and were pursui-d by the troops, as
far as tho Iluo do Reuilly, which meets the Rue du Faubourg,
St. Antoine. Hero the troo|is W(;ro again assailed with a sharp
firo, and had several barricades to overcome. Tho column
remained in tho Iluo Faubourg St. Antoine, till half |)ast three,
and when about to retire, were again luaailod with firing, and
missiles from the houses. On the return of this body of troops
to tho Bastile, tho commander, M. St. Chamans, found he could
not return by tho nortlujrn Boulevards,* from tho numerous bar-
•The totiil number of streets in Paris, oxolusivo of Cu/»(/e Sac, are 1142,
mostly narrow. The 18 Boulevards are broad strei-ts, planted on both
sides with trees, and furmini; bcautifid promenades. Those outside of tho
walls are called the exterior Boulevards. The interior Boulevards are
divided into tiie old, or northern, and the now, or southern, and are of great
length, with ninny streets running into them.— fine. Am. Vol. IX. p 534,
a work from which we have derived ;nany imjiortant facts
ricadcs, that had risen as if by magic. The attempt to force a
passage to the Hotel do Ville, by the Rue St. Antoine, also
failed, from tlie same cause ; while the troops were exposed to
a heavy fire from all the windows, and their ammunition was
now exhausted. Under all tlicso dangers, M. St. Cliamans
returned as well as he could, with his column, over the bridge
of Austerlitz, and by a circuitous way to the Tuilories, by the
soutiiern Boulevards. The column arrived at the place Louis
XV. between 10 and 11 at night. After this, no more troopt
were seen in the place de la Bastile or neigh borhood.
The 28th closed with the retirement of the royal forces froir
every position in which they had attempted to establish them,
selves during the day. During the niglit, the citizens did not
cease from their exertions, but availed themselves of this respite,
to complete the erection of barricades, in every part of the
city. In this great wot a, all ranks of citizens, tiie aged and
the young, were alike ardently employed. These barriers were
erected at about forty or fifty paces asunder, breast high, and
four or five feet in thickness, the work was carried on by torch
light, the lamps having been broken. The dreadful tocsin con-
tinued ringing during the night. In the vicinity of the Louvre,
and the Tuileries, a patrol of guards, continued to walk during
the night, and fired upon all who came within reach of their
Thureday, 29th, the drums beat the reveille, and the hurrying
crowds as they assembled, cried, " To arms, to arms .'" Several
distinguished military characters, were this day to act as lead-
ers. Among them were Generals Gerard and Dubourg. The
entire failure of the plans of Marmont had induced him to adopt
this day a different mode of warfare. Instead of marching his
troops through the streets to no purpose, he had sent for further
reinforcements, and now intended to concentrate all his strength
in the Tuileries, and keep up a communication with St. Cloud.
The following places were in possession of the royal troops, this
morning : the Tuileries, Carrousel and Garden, the Louvre, the
Bank, and Palais Royal, place Vendome, the Champs Elysees,
Rue St. Honore, and several streets.
There was an addition to the royal forces of 6,700 men, that
had arrived since yesterday, so that the total number of the
guards amounted to 11 battalions of infantry, and I'S squadrons
of cavalry, in all 4,300 men. The eight battalions of the line,
amounting to 2,400, were of no service to the royal cause-
one battalion of guards occupied the military school. It will
be seen that the military were this day to be put on the defen-
sive : It remained therefore with the popular forces, to make the
«.*-•***.. ---,-..«-. •
e attempt to force a
ie St. Antoine, also
ps were exposed to
cir ammunition was
3, M. St. Ciiamans
iTin, over the bridge
he Tuileries, by the
1 at the place Louis
his, no more troopi
;h boriiood,
le royal forces fron-
I to establish them,
the citizens did not
jelves of this respite,
I every part of the
zens, the aged and
These barriers were
er, breast high, and
carried on by torch
dreadful tocsin con-
inity of the Louvre,
iiued to walk during
ithin reach of their
lie, and the hurrying
, to arms .'" Several
day to act as lead-
and Dubourg. The
induced him to adopt
jad of marching his
had sent for further
trate all his strength
tion with St. Cloud,
he royal troops, this
den, the Louvre, the
lie Champs Elysees,
I of 6,700 men, that
total number of the
■y, and I'S squadrons
attalions of the line,
the royal cause—
;ary school. It will
e put on the defen-
r forces, to make the
attack, who were this day strengthened by the students of the
cclebratfid Polytechnic school, alKuit fiO of wliom scaled ih«
walls, and headed the civic columns by whom tlioy were hailed
witli the greatest entliusiasm.
The bands from the Faubourgs had poured into the Rue St.
Honore, by its east(;rn extremity, and a fioce and niurdcrous
warfare was carried on, and here, tiic Poiyteciinic scholars led
the citizens to tlie charge. TIk; battle began to ragn fiercely
at several points near Rue St. Honore.
But before any important engagement had occurred, to
decide the fate of the day, tiie d<;rection of troops occupying
important stations, led to important results. About half past
eleven, the troops of the line, at the ))Iace Vendome, and the
Palais Bourbon, negotiated witli the leaders of the populace,
when new barriers rose in all directions round these stations.
The 5th and 53d regiments of tlie line, stationed in the place
Vendome, fraternized with tiio people : this ceremony was per-
formed by taking off their bayonets, and shouldering their
muskets, with the butts in the air. Marslial Marmont was
immediately api)rized of the defection of tlie troO(m, and sent
a battalion of Swiss guards from the Louvre, to supply their
posts. By some strange oversight, the battalion was withdrawn,
that defended the whole position, the Colonnade and gallery
of the Louvre. The populace soon found their way into the
garden, called L'Enfant, in front of the Louvre, and there meet-
ing with no obstacles, entered the lower windows, and glass
doors, and took immediate possession of the interior of this noble
From the windows of the inner court the Parisians fired upon
the battalion beneath, and soon every wio cannon shot were fired on the Parisians. The
Swiss iri-ni (1 af,'nin, but only to retire iuimetliately, by order of
Ihe Murslia , upon St. Cloud. Thus terminated the capture ot
Ihe Louv.o and tin; 'J'uilories.
In tliia attack on the Louvre, tlie strongest column was com-
manded i)y Ceiieral (Jcrard ; while the pupils of the Polyteciimc
school served under him, advancing at the head of their respec-
live f;onipani(;s. !t was one of these youths tiuit led the attack
on one of its gates and drove it in, when the forces rushed ini-
petiiously on tiie guards. Many interesting facts are related,
allowing the courage and noble hearing of these youths, whose
services w(M-e so conspicuous during the revolution. It was
about 1 o'clock when the Tuileries were captured. In the
famous gallery of the Louvre, the splendid coronation picture
of Charles X. with another painting, was instantly destroyed.
The rest of this precious collection of paintings was left im-
touched. This fact reflects the highest honor on the Parisian
multitude. No sooner was the palace of the Tuileries in pos-
session of the populace, than every thing relating to the Hour-
bons met with iiimKuliate destruction. A splendid painting of
the Duke of Ilagusa, (Marmout,) was torn into a thousand
pieces, and every bust and painting of the royal family destroyed
with the e.\e(!i)tion of a bust of Louis XVIII., to whom France,
was indebted for the charter. Upon the whole, the populace,
even to the poorest of the working classes, displayed a remark
able degree of forbearance from pillage when in possession of
the riches of the royal pahice.
The Swiss barracks, in the Rue Babylone, had been taken
possession of hvs — whose interests, language, and manners, were
widely opposed to the Dutch, and whoso language was disagree,
able to the Belgians, who have much the habits anicki
ting them to combat,
and that Chlopicki was
at whoever should crosa
pt to raise the old pro.
Such an order might
havn bonn issued in respect to Pruftsian and Austrian Poland;
lull not to those provinceH that had risen t<> shake olF the Rui-
siiui yoke, and Lithuania, wiiere the revolt had iMigun, and whoro
thousanils impatiently waitt-d the signal from old Poland, to ri»<
and join tlii! struggle for liberty. 'Phis order of Chlopicki was
i.gardrd by tin; patriots, not only as a scsvere ch of the Polish army woa at Biala, the
right near the high road to Warsaw, the left at Lomeza on the
Narew. On the advance of the Russians, the Polish corps
fcll back, tho right on Warsaw, and the left on Modlin and Pul-
tusk. On the 18th of February, the Russian head.quarters were
csttiblishcd at Minsk, ten miles from Warsaw, and their advance
pushed to Melisna, within five miles of that city. Tho Russian
left rested on the \'istula al)Ove Warsaw, ami the right on the
Bug near its junction with the Nurew, its centre protected with
woods and artillery.
On the 18th, the Polish army of 50,000 men had its right on
Grokow, with Praga in the rear, and the left thrown back oppo-
■he the right wing of the enemy.
The n!CoiiiiuiiMaiic('i« uf llir IDtli iiiul 'iOtli, wero nsisU.d by
the ('oica und led to ii suvi-rc battle. Accordin); tit tin; lUiMiuc
Ui't'ount, tlio Ileal of tliu battle wan diiriii}{ the early part uf the
duy confined to the lel\, ('omit I'ahleii'H advanced ^aiard, whieh
waa attacked oa soon ua it had chared the defile iieur (irokow,
und compelled to retreat two iiiilea. Tho advanced f{uai(l,
(iiuiur General Uuaon, waa attacked at tin; aaine time, advaiuiiig
from Okanief. On tin? arrival of Diebilseh, he miit a reinforce,
iiient mider (Jeneral Toll, with aeveral lialtalioiiM and '-iOeaniion,
to tho ridief of Count Pahleii. A furious eharj^i! was now iiiado
iiy the KuHHiaiiH, with Diebitsrh in perHoii, which ehan^'ed the
fortune of tho day, and at 1 o'clock thi; Rutisiaii v/\u\is united,
when the I'oica were driven from the Held of iMittli!. Korthn^o
days after thia action the lluiwiaiis made no onward iiioveiiient,
but naked un armistice for tin; burial of the dead, which wn*
Pearly on the 25th, the Ilussians having received a reiiifoirn-
ment of 25,000 men, felt i)rej)ared for action. They drew
forth their whole army in front of the forest, and cominenced
an attack on tho Polish left wing, near Jublonnn. (JenernI
Uminaki received thia attack with great bravery, and n pulsed
the enemy, taking six cannon, which he spiked, and drove tho
Ruaaiana to tho forest. He then attacked the Russian eeiitro
with dreaufu! slaughter, and drove them from their position.
Diebitach had calculated, with the great strength of his N-ft
wing, to crush the Polish right, situatid near tJrokow, under
the command of Chlopicki and Skrzynecki. The Ilussians
made six tremendous charges, and were as often repulsed with
great loss ; a seventh charg*; made against a new regiment,
put it in disorder, and caused it partially to retreat. Two
regiments of cuirns8i(!re were then sent against the faltering
regiments : the latter l)eing aided witli the Polish Inncers, rallied,
rushed on the regiments of cuirassiers, and cut them to pieces,
of which only forty escnjKjd, twenty prisoners only being taken,
mostly officers, and among them the commander of one of these
regiments. Thia aflair decided the day, when the Russians wr-re
obliged to withdraw from the field of battle into their strong
holds in tho foreat of Milosna. This battle waa fought with
great fury. General Chlopicki, who was in the centre, had two
horses killed under him, and was wounded. Forty thounand
Poles here withstood the shock of one hundred and fifty thou-
sand of their enemy ; and at the close of the battle, nearly
15,000 Russians lay weltering on the plain, and several thouaand
prisoners were taken.
After the battle. Prince Radzvil gave up the command of the
Ill, wi;ro rcsiated by
idill^' to tin- UU!«IUK
le curly imil of tlie
iincnl j{uaril, wliinh
le(il<' iK-'ir (irukow,
u advanced ){imi'(■
-vt-i^ii if-
ous battle of Ostro-
of Ostrolenka waa
y over the Ruasmns
ill, died suddenly a>.
quarters of the Run-
)rt time previous to
listinguishcd himself
lerwards, the Arch
e campaign against
fictitious celebrity ;
ime by a handful of
itoward war against
ided to posterity as a
the laughing stock
lussia has since been
in the height of her
;ngth, was about to
breaking out of the
employment nearer
' the revolution, had
iment, and possessed
it soldiers, the over-
lia might have been
! of 8,000 men into
i for a time success-
iina, and forced to
of the corps of Giel-
, passed over into the
vas shot by a Polish
mia at Olitta, about
he insurgents. The
to retreat — he forced
i safely in Warsaw,
dmely discovered in
loners, thirteen thou-
ted officers attempted
or the Russians. It
isoners having been
jlied with arms ; and
vas to be blown up,
when a general attack was to be made on the citizens and
national guard. General Janowski, one of tlie traitors, to save
himself, made the discovery of this horrid conspiracy just in
time to save Warsaw. •
On the 14th July, General Ghrzanski was attacked by Gene-
ral Rudigor's coii)s. on this side of Minsk, live miles from War-
saw ; when the Russians were defeated and forced to retreat,
iiaving 3,000 men killed, 900 prisoners taken, and 1000 muskets.
On tiic 12th, tlic main army of Puskcwitcli was encamped be-
tween Sisno and Kikal, and on the same day a great part of it
passed the Vistula between Warsaw and tiie Prussian frontier,
having received from Thorn a great number of barges and
materials for bridges. The Prussians, to facilitate the passing
of th^ Russians, had constructed a bridge over the Vistula at
On the 13th of August, General Skryznecki resigned the
command of the army to General Dembinski, compelled, by the
force of circumstances, to do so, in order that faction might
have no further pretext to injure his country. His letter of
resignation on this occasion, is full of generous devotion to the
cause of his country. The patriotic club, irritated with the
measures of government and dissatisfied at not seeing General
Janowski condemned, determined to take violent measures. To
these acts they were instigated by the base Krukowiecki On
the 15th August, at 8 A. M. the club foimally demanded that
Skryznecki should be ordered to Warsaw. They then pro-
ceeded to the castle, that was protected by 200 of the national
guard, who made scarcely any resistance. On the same day,
the patriotic club demanded the death of Janowski ; and on
the 16th, the state prisoners concerned in the conspiracy for
a counter-revolution, were murdered in their rooms by the
clubists. Thirty-five persoas were thus put to death without
ceremony ; among them were Generals Janowski, Bulkowski,
Hurtig, Salacki, and Benthouski, the Russian chamberlain, Fus-
liane, &c.
During the night. General Krukowiecki was appomted
governor of the city. He sent for a reinforcement, and his
first measures were to put a stop to these horrors. August
17th, the government was dissolved, and Krukowiecki was
placed at the head of the new government, with very extended
powers. He caused the arrest of the president and ten of the
club, and appointed General Prondzynski to the chief command
m the army.
From the time that Krukowiecki came into power, he took
measures to deliver Warsaw to the Russians, and made every
attempt to induce the diet to demand an amnesty, and sent the
main part of the Polish urmy to the ri^ht side of tiie Vistula,
when the tiiunder of the Russian artillery was breaking over the
devoted cil^. The proposals of Krukowiecki were repelled by
the diet with indignation, who declared to the suspicious deputies,
" rather will we die here in our places than stain the honor ot
our country." The traitor was deposed at midnight d a new
governor of the city named, which gave new vigor ir the famt-
in? defenders of Warsaw.
On the 6th of S(3ptemher, at daybreak, the Russian army of
100,000 men and 300 pieces of cannon, advanced to storm War-
saw, which was defended with great heroism. On the 8tli, aftei
two days hard fighting, it surrendered to Field Marshal Paske-
witch. The Russians had 20,000 slain in storming Waraaw.
The Poles lost about half that number in its defence.
The government and the most distinguished citizens retired
with the main body of the army, under the new commander in
chief, Rybinski, upon Modlin and Plozk. The army, however,
kept in three divisions instead of uniting, which could thus offer
but a feeble resistance to the Russian forces. As a last resource,
the Poles crossed the frontiers into the Austrian and Prussian
dominions. Up« ards of 1500 of the most distinguished leaders
of the Polish revolution were arrested and imprisoned at War-
saw ; and to c. .nplcte the measures of oppression and vengeance,
the Russian troops fired upon the prisoners confined in one of
the wings of the prison, under the pretence of a revolt among
the prisoners, though it was knowi. that three-fourths of these
were imprisoned for political offences.
Of twenty-two Polish generals that became, in a manner, pn
aoners under the amnesty, the greater part were sent to distant
n- ts of the Russian empire, and but four returned to Poland.
T ne soldiers were marched by thousands to Siberian exile, linked
together by the wrists to bars of iron. The nobles were treated
in the same ignominious manner, with their hllfl
commencement of hostilities the patriots of Greece founded in
1814, an association called the Fletaria. There was u society
established at Vienna the same year, of which Count Capo
d'Istrias was one of the first members ; but it did not publicly
avow any political desifins. The head-quarters of this society
were at St. Petcrsburif, whither many of the most distinfjuished
(Jrecks repaired under the pretext of having commercial busi-
ness to transact.
Tiie Gre(!ks it appears had, at different times, been called
upon by Russia to shake off the Turkish yoke, namely, in the
years 1769, 1786, and 1800 ; and a society, avowedly for the
lilxiration of Greece, was formed in Paris in 1809. It was found
that the beginning mo'lT in 1814, was too early to insure suc-
cess. A people who iiad long been kept in an abject state of
slavery, needed first a due preparation and a general diffusion
of knowledge ; and the plans for such a weighty undertaking
required to be well matured.
The intercourse kept up with France, was of great conse-
quence in forwarding the cause of liberty in Greece ; and the
revival of literature and the spread of science, brought with it
an ardent desire for their country's freedom. This was further
promoted by giving them the works of Goldsmith, Franklin's
Poor Richard, Fenelon, and Montesquieu, which were translated
into modern (Jreek at Athens, Saloniki, Smyrna, &c. ; and
schools were established, that were subsequently swept away
by the war.
The Hetaria, or society of friends, kept up an active corres-
pondence with the Greeks in different parts of Europe, who
hastened to join it ; while some men of the highest standing
visited St. Petersburg to further their designs, and even looked
to Russia for aid. When this hope was found to be fallacious,
the Greeks resolved to begin themselves. The first movement
was made by Czemi George, in 1817, an exiled chief of Servia,
who was suddenly to appear in Servia, his native province,
while Galati, and other Grecian chiefs, were to raise the stan
dard in the south of Greece, and the Morea. Czemi George,
the Servian, was treacherously betrayed and murdered on his
way by Milosh, a relative and former friend, and his head
sent to Constantinople. Count Galati retired to Bucharest, and
there shortly afterwards died. The next attempt was arranged
for 1826.
In the mean time some chiefs, burning with desire for the
glorious cause of freedom, began the revolution. These were
M. Suzzo, hospodar of Moldavia, one of the Hetarists ; Alexan-
der Ypsilanti, a major general in the {lussian army, and Pnnce
if Greece foundpi!, in
'J'here was u society
f which Count Cupo
»ut it (lid not publicly
larters of tiiis society
the most distinfiuisiied
ing commcrciul busi-
nt times, been called
yoke, namely, in the
ety, avowedly for the
n 1809. It was found
early to insure sue-
in an abject state of
id a general diffusion
weighty undertaking
was of great conse-
in Greece ; and the
;ience, brought with it
)m. This was further
Goldsmith, Franklin's
, which were translated
i, Smyrna, &c. ; and
sequently swept away
it up an active corres-
parts of Europe, who
if the highest standing
iigns, and even looked
found to be fallacious.
The first movement
1 exiled chief of Servia,
a, his native province,
were to raise the stan
orea. Czemi George,
1 and murdered on liia
friend, and his head
stired to Bucharest, and
t attempt was arranged
ig with desire for the
evolution. These were
the Hetarists ; Alcxan-
issian army, and Pnnce
Catacuzene. Ypsiianti was to begin hostilities beyond the
Danube, while nil (Jrceco was to be summoned with a procla-
mation ; and to rondor their measures more certain, im explosion
was to take place at Constantinople.
Ypsiianti begun before Moldavia wrut prepared to co-operate.
His proclamation wuh energetic, and called on all Greece to
shake off the Turkish yoke. It roused the Moldavians, and
Y[isilnnti took possession of Hucliarest, the cnjiital of Wulucliin.
containing 80,000 inhabitants. But Russia diacliiimcd all parti-
cipation in a manifesto which she publislu d. Suz/.o gave up
the command in Moldavia, and the plot at Constantinople was
frustrated. A chieftain who joined Ypsiianti, wiis suspicted of
treachery. He was arrestc'd and beheaded. This was Vladi-
miresco ; and the price of his correspondence with the Porte
was, that he was to be made hospodar.
Ypsiianti was now forced to retire from Bucharest before
10,000 men, who entered the city without firing a shot. The
Hetarists who fell into the hands of the Turks were impaled
alive, and numbers of children hung up by their feet along the
roads. The monasteries were entered, and the inmates butch-
ered. Prince Ypsiianti retreated to Tergovist, followed by the
Turks. A battle was fought at the monastery of Dragachan,
on the morning of June 17th. The Turkish infantry charged
with loud shouts, but were repulsed with the bayonet. A second
charge was repelled with equal firmness. At this juncture, the
cowardice and treason of Caravia, an ollicer of cavalry,
changed the fate of the patriot army. He turned round and
fled, and immediately the whole army was in confusion. Gior-
gaki, with his corps, displayed great firmness during the route.
The sacred band of about 400 or 500 young Greeks stood firm,
while the rest fled and crossed the Oltau ; these sustained the
shock of 1500 Turkish cavalry. They sold their lives nobly,
determined to fall rather than yield. The disparity in numbers
was too great for success, when about 400 fell. Such an exam-
pie of patriotism had a most salutary ufft-ct on the Greeks. The
arn;y of Prince Ypsiianti being annihilated, he repaired to
T' ipste, intending to rejoin his countrymen in the Morea. The
Austrian government seized him, and imprisoned him at the
castle of Montgatz, in Hungary.
When the intelligence of the insurrection in Moldavia reached
Constantinople, the Sultan issued immediate orders to disarm all
the Greeks in the empire, and a war of extermination at the
capital commenced. The Greek patriarch, Gregorius, was mur-
dered on the 22d April, the day of the greatest festival of the
Greek church, and his body dragged by Jews through the streeta
■»' 'I
of Constantinople. Scvornl other occlesiustics slmrcd the aatne
fatn, anil a nuiiibor of Greek chnrclies were destroyed, whicli
exusperatinl tlie Lireeks to a degree of desperation, who saw
that notliinj;; short of externiimition awaited them. The priests
in the islands of tlx; Morea, from the atrocious acts nt Constan-
tinople, saw tliemselv(,'s (hnimed to certain destruction. They
therefore exerted themselves strenuously, to inspire the people
to resistance and venfjeance.
Hy the 1st of April, the excitement became general. The
inhabitants of Patras wore disaffected by the exorbitant levies
of the Turks. Mutual distrust began between Greeks and
Turks— each prepared for the worst. Hostilities were first
o|)ened by the inhabitants of Suda, a large village near Gala-
vrita, in the northern part of Arcadia. At I'litras, the Greeks
refused to give up tlujir arms, when the Turks fired with cannon
U|)on the place from the fortress, and soon took possession of it.
Germanos, archbishop of Patras, assembled an army of 4,000
peasants, and took the city from the Turks. Tiie scene that
followed ended in the destruction of three hundred houses and
In the islands of Hydra, Spczzia, and Ipsara, the greatest
activity was displayed in fitting out ships of war, the united force
of which was eighty or ninety vessels of 10 or 12 guns each;
and fifty or sixty smaller vessels were supplied by other islands.
The flag hoisted liy the Greeks, consisted of eight blue and
white horizontal stripes. The superior activity of the Greek
navy was soon shown.
The first Turkish fleet left the Dardanelles on the 19th of
-May, and was followed by the Greek fire-ships. On the 8th of
June, they burned a ship of the line, ashore near Tenedos —
compelling the Turkish fleet to put back to the Dardanelles.
The Ipsariots landed on the coast of Asia Minor, and took
possession of Cydinia, which was soon after retaken by the
Turks, and the inhabitants murdered and driven away to the
number of 35,000. It must be kept in mind during this strug-
gle, that the islanders displayed higher traits of patriotism and
valor than the Moreots ; m which the women took part in this
struggle for liberty. The Turks next disarmed Candia, and
executed the archbishop and several clergymen. The peo/iants
in the mountains and suburbs of Candia would not give up their
arms : they united and succeeded in driving the Turks back into
the towns, though they were thousands strong.
In the month of November, the island of Cyprus was disarmed,
and nearly all the inhabitants of Lamica murdered. The pea-
santry for uniting in their defence, had, in the month of Auguat,
iistics simrcd the same
vore ilt'stroyod, which
(ksperution, who saw
(I tlioiii. Tlic prioats
)cioua nets at Conatan-
II dostruction. Tliey
, to inspire the people
became general. The
r the exorbitant levies
between Greeks and
Hostilities were first
rgc village near Gala-
At Putras, the Greeks
'urka fired with cannon
n took possession of it.
led an army of 4,000
urks. The scene that
e hundred liouses and
d Ipsara, the greatest
of war, the united force
f 10 or 12 guns each ;
ijiplied by other islands.
istcd of eight blue and
r activity of the Greek
inellcs on the 10th of
e-sliips. On the 8th of
ashore near Tenedos —
to the Dardanelles.
' Asia Minor, and took
1 afler retaken by the
nd driven away to the
mind during this strug-
traits of pacriotism and
^omen took part in this
disarmed Candia, and
rgymen. The peiutants
would not give up their
\ring the Turks back into
)f Cyprus was disarmed,
a murdered. The pea-
in the month of Augiut,
1922, their villages, sixty-two in number, bunied. In the mean
time the great Turkish fleet supplied tlieir garrisons iu the Mo-
rea with arms, ammunition, &c.
The cause of Greece received a new impulse by the arrival
of Deni(>trius Ypsilaiiti. and Prince Alexander Cantanizenp.
After some diliiculty, Ypsilanli was appointeil communder in
chief, July 24, 1821, of the Peloponnesus, the Archipdiigo, and
all the liberated provinces. There was at this tinu; dissensions
amongst the Greek leaders. Tripolizza, the chief fortress of the
Turks, was besieged by Demetrius Ypsilanti, and 8,()()() 'I'urks
perished. It was in this fortress the Greeks obtained tiieir first
hefivy cannon ; and it became the seat of govciniiient till it was>
transferr'id to Argos. In Thessaly, Ulysses with several other
leaders orcapitani, defeated near Tliermopyhi', a Turkish army
which had advanced from Macedonia. Prince Mavroeordato
received the chief command of the Albanian forces ; when the
government began to acquire some form, after much difiiculty
and dissention. Prince Mavroeordato succeeded, Jan. 13, (Jan.
1,) 1822, in establishing an approximation to a federative con-
stitution at Epidaurus, until the second national assijmbly in
Astro, March 14, 1823. At this convention more tiian (JO depu-
tics attended.
The western part of Greece, Arcania, jEtolia, and Epirus,
sent 30 deputies to Missilonghi, who, under the presidency of
Alexander Mavroeordato, formed a govenmiert consisting of ten
The eastern part of the main land sent 33 deputies to Salona,
under the presidency of Theodore Negris, forming the Areopa-
gus of 14 members, November 16 ; and the Morca, or Pelopon-
nesus, with the islands of Hydra, Ipsara, Spezzia, &c. sent to
Argos 60 deputies, who assembled, December 1st, under the
presidency of Prince Demetrius, and established the Peloponne-
sian Gerousia of 20 members.
These three governments, Missilonghi, Salona, and Argos,
were to prepare a permanent constitution. With this view, 67
deputies from all the (ireek provinces, formed the first national
assembly in Epidaurus, Jan. 10, 1822, under the presidency of
Mavroeordato; and on the 13th, proclaimed the constitution,
(which was provisionary) and on the 27th, the congress of Epi-
daurus issued a maniSato, in which they pronounced the union
of the Greeks, under an indejjcndent federative government
The central government was fixed at Corinth, and some time
after at Argos.
We are obliged to pass over many of the movements, till
the arrival of the great Turkish fleet, April 11, when 15,000
barbnriiin A.siiitic troops wore Innditd nt Scio : nnd soon thin
(ioli;^'litrii'. Mtid flourishing iHlaiul was chan^rcd into ii ncciio of
liio (iiid blood. Down to Miiy y.^tli, tlio 'I'lukrt, lu'cording to
I heir own lists, sold into sluvry, 41,000 Hciots, mostly women
and r^jiildrcn.
'i'lio (^a|iudan I'ucha wns next prcparid to desolate I|)Hnrn.
Tine;, iiiid Smnos ; but flic Ipsariots, with 70 small vcH.sels anil
fini-HliipH, bovert'd round the Turkish fleet, and in tli»«>*«»'
; -^i^
|50 "^
1^ 1^
1.25 1.4
•• 6" -
WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580
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Collection de
Canadian Institute for Historical Microreproductions / Institut Canadian de microreproductions historiques
that held the Isthmus and the Acrocorintlius, that were SOOQ
after di«)er8ed and destroyed.
The Turkish fleet left the Gulf of Lepanto, where it had failed
against Missiionghi. It was unable to break the line of 57 Greek
ships blockading Romania, and at last came to anchor off Tene.
dos. Nov. 10, a small number of Ipsariots carried fire-shipa
among the fleet, and fired the ships of the admiral and the capi.
tan Bey. The latter was blown up witli 1800 men. Three
frigates were wrecked on the coast of Asia, and a vessel of 36
guns captured. Of 35 vessels, 18 only returned much injured
to the Dardanelles. The 17 Ipsariots who had done these
exploits, arrived in safety at Ipsara, and Kanaris and Mniauly
were rewarded, by the Euphori, with naval crowns. Again the
Greeks were masters of the sea : it enabled them to blockade
the Turkish forts, which was acknowledged by Great Britain.
The change of ministry in England was most fortunate for
Greece. With Canning as premier, and Maitland lord commis.
sioner of the Ionian Isles, they had less hostility directed against
them. Omar Vrione was repulsed by Mavrocordato and Bot-
zaris, before Missiionghi, where he lost his cannon. Napoli di
Romania was taken from the Turks Dec. 12, (new style.)
A proclamation to the European powers was issued April 15,
1822, wliich the Holy Alliance considered incompatible with
their views on legitimacy, though disposed to be lenient towards
the suflering state of Greece. The dissensions among the Greek
leaders, had an unfavorable influence on their cause with the
European cabinets. Coloctroni meditated a division of the Morea
into hereditary principalities.
The central government called a second national assembly at
Astro, Jan. 1823, which averted a civil war ; while the judicious
measures of Mavrocordato tended to bring about concord. When
the national assembly opened, March 14, at Astro, it consisted
of 100 members. Mavromichalis was elected president ; Theo.
dore Negris, secretary ; and the perfidious and avaricious Coloc-
troni submitted to the assembly.
Condurioti was chosen president of the legislative, and Petro
Mavromichalis, Bey of Maina, of the executive council. Both
legislative bodies resolved to raise about 50,000,000 piasters, to
levy and equip 50,000 men, and 100 large men of war. The
French military code was adopted. This assembly proclaimed
the new constitution of Astro, April 23d, 1823. Several changra
took place in the ministry. Mavrocordato was made president,
and Coloctroni, vice president.
This year the Sultan had determined upon exterminating the
Buffering Greeks. Mavrocordato was placed at the heiui ct
■f ^
the army, and Orlandi, a Hydriot, organized the navy, now
consS of 403 sail, with cannon. The largest su,, earned 2b
guns^and Miaulis wa^ admiral ; M. Tumbasis of Hydra beorge
Etracci, of Spezzia, and Nicholas Apostoles of Ipsa a,
v^^radmirals. The financial department met with much d.f-
ficulty In March, the f.cet had gained a victory over the
Egypdan flotilla, des'tined for the invasion of Cand.a, though it
waJ unsuccessful in its attempt to prevent the landing of lurk-
'"''m Bot;aris,the Suliot, now commanded the forces in western,
and Uhios in eastern Greece. The battles ^^ft during Uus
year were not less fierce and sanguinary than those m 1822.
SlloTzaris surprised the Turkish camp at ^ arpmiss. u -^
night, with 500 Suliots, and penetrated to the tent ot the lacia
Kelvino; but in the moment of victory received a -^^^^^
wound. The victory, however, was, completed by his biotlier
Constttine. The noble Botzaris - '- ,f l^?;^ S;;^" oH^
" How sweet it is to die for one's country." 1 he detuat ol tne
Turks wl comjlte, all their baggage and artillery being taken.
and the Pacha made prisoner. . ,
T le members of government wer. at Argos, in November
1823. About this time the campaign was fin.slied, though a
partizan warfare continued in Thessaly and Ep.rus SocietK«
in England aided the Greek cause by means of loans, and by
"tits poet, Lord Byron, took a deep interest in the
struggle made by the Greeks to throw off the Mohammedan
v^kf fiis zeal led him to offer his personal and pecuniary aid
L their cause. He embarked August, 1823, with five or six
Fnlhsh iViends in an English vessel he had purposely hired.
Sii ed h Gree^ at the beginning of the third campaign
where he was received with marked distinction. On his arrival
rCcphalonia, where he first established himself, he addressed
a letter toThe Greek government, and was induced by the mfor-
mat on he received, to^advance 12,000Z. for the relief of Missi-
r^, where he afterw^ds >Ui C^J^^^H^-k an^^d
^-^"STZtl^^^s^:^- He alsotookaOO
an emnized bv a general mourning of twenty-one days.
" TrTurks'b^gL the campaign of 1824 with ^-h more vigor
than it had previously been carried on. Peace being concluded
the navy, now
ship carried 26
lydra, George
C3, of Ipsara,
witli much dif>
ictory over the
mdia, though it
uding of Turk-
rces in western,
jglit during tliis
those in 1822.
rpinissi, ut mid.
nt of the Pacha
ceived a mortal
by liis brother
•cd, exclaimed —
'ho defeat of the
iery being taken,
s, in November,
nishcd, though a
pirus. Societies
of loans, and by
;p interest in the
lie Mohammedan
ind pecuniary aid
with five or six
purposely hired,
i tl)ird campaign,
• On his arrival
self, he addressed
uced by the infer-
le relief of Missi-
po, took an active
mself established
lie also took 500
actory and unwil-
unto. This preyed
amo dang(!rously
His death was
one days.
1 much more vigor
c being concluded
with Persia, July 28th, 1823, ond a rebellious Pacha of St. Jean
d'Acre, having yielded voluntary submission to the Porte, it wa»
enabled to send forces from Asia, and those that had been 8ta>
tioned in Moldavia and Walachia now evacuated.
The preceding carni)aign nad taught the Turks, that the de.
struction of the Greek navy was their only means of succeeding
in subduing Greece. The Capudan Pacha, Khosru, sailed from
Mitylenc, July 3d, with two ships of the line, eight frigates, four
corvettes, forty brigs, and smaller vessels to the amount of 200.
Among the latter were a number of neutral transport ships,
belonging to the Russians, Austrians, and others, hired by the
Capudan Pucha, that sailed from the Dardanelles, April 28th.
Thf! Russians were now on the most friendly terms with the
Grand Seignior, and aided the Turks with transport ships.
There weie besides, Austrian, Italian, and Spanish vessels, en-
gaged against tlie liberties of Greece.
To oppose the armament of the Capudan Pacha, the Ipsa-
riots had 2,r)()() men, the entire male population, and a corps of
Albanians and fugitive Sciots, about 1,500 in number, divided
into four companicjs. Their forces were provided with batte-
ries, ammunition, &c. The Turks landed silently in the night,
in spite of the vigilance of the islanders, and advanced in three
columns. One advanced upon the town, and two proceeded to
the batteries, taking them in the rear, when the most horrible
butchery was perjietrated. Five hundred Albanians shut
themselves up in fort St. Nicholas, which defended the town.
Wretched and afflicted mothers first flung their children from
high precipices, and then cast themselves into the sea. The
Albanians in the fort barricaded the gates, and killed half of the
first assailants.
The Turks concentrated their forces to reduce the fort, and
during the night made a dreadful assault upon the Christians,
who in defence performed prodigies of valor ; but unable longer
to withstand the overwhelming force of the barbarians, they
threw open the gates, suffered 2,000 men to rush into the fort,
till it was entirely filled, and on a concerted signal, in an
instant all were blown up, and buried amidst its ruins. This
took place on the fourth of July. By the disasters of Ipsara,
4,000 Christians perished, besides the total destruction of all
property ; with 100 vessels of different sizes, belonging to the
Admiral Miaulis, with the Greek fleet, arrived before Ipsara,
on the 8th of July, when the Turks immediately put to sea, and
numbers were captured. The Greeks, on landing at Ipsara,
found nothing but ruins and heaps of putrid corpses ; but the
dreadful stench obliged them to retire from this scene of horror
SatroiiesV '^^ ^P"*^"^ by the barbar.ans. at onoe
roused UP all the energies of Greece with dire revenge.
The next attempt of the Capudun Pacha, was upon Samoa.
Kemaris tlie brave^Ipsariot. with a Hre-slup destroyed a 40 gun
frSc under s'ui • and several transports shared a similar fate.
SeVi TunSan brig of war, and I large Tripolitan curvet^.
fLthoVlst another fleet of transports destined for bamos,
S^redspersrand^^^^^ The fo"owi"g Jay^the
Turkish fleet attempted to make the passage from Cape Tro-
Suuri to the oppoJte shore; but f^c appearance of two or
Sree fire-ships caused such terror m the Ottoman fleet, as to .
dr^e itin d^grace on the Asiatic coast. Some time after,
a bnction took place between the Egyptian vessels and
Aoie of L Capudan Pacha, intending to return to Samos
tS skill and boldness of the Greeks destroyed a number of
theL wi h their fire-ships, and thus astounded the Turks with
S deeds of valor, who were glad to effect a retreat to the
^Yn November, the Egyptians sustained ^^-^^-age ^rom
their enemy on the northern coast of Candia. Ihe to ces ol
he G?eeks successfully repelled their barbarian invaders by
iand i that the campaign of 1824 was glorious for Greece, and
SpXc^ more chLring than had appeared at anj time pn.
vio^. This gladdening prospect continued up to the beginnmg
°^S government of Greece now began to assume harmony and
rtrenih, and commerce revived. Their army was attempted o
be oreanized after the European tactics ; justice was regularly
adSeret and freedom fthe press a"owec^^ In J^- ong^^^
four newspapers were issued twice a week. In ^^e midst ot these
cheering irospects for Greece, an Egyptian fleet which had been
delayXme months, sailed on the 19th July, from Alexandra,
conistinnf nine fr gates, four corvettes, forty brigs and ga -
UrS 18,000 troops in 240 transports. This armament
nder Ibrahim Pacha, was designed to subdue and desolate the
ZreaT™ Egyptian and Turkish fleets united in the gulf
of B^roun Sept^'lth, where a naval action ensued Kanans
Wpw iiD a 44 Bun Egypt an frigate and a brig. J he fleets tnen
i^^Ir^d-th^e Turkish fleet returned to Constantinople, and
Zwmt'fllet to the gulf of Bodroun Soon f er f mus
attacked it off Candia, and destroyed a ^"^^'^^"^ r^l^^^'.
.nH T4 transDorts: when he retired to Rhodes, lurtnerweaK
::VbyrTfa%e on board hU ships, and frustrated m h»
plain of conquering the Morea.
' y^'jjly,,
one of liorrof
ians, at onoe
upon Samoa.
fed a 40 gun
similar fute.
itan corvette.
5d for Sunios,
wing day, the
im Cape Tro-
ICC of two or
(111 fleet, as to
ne time after,
1 vessels and
irn to Samoa.
a number of
he Turks with
retreat to the
damage front
The forces of
in invaders by
for Greece, and
t any time pre-
a the beginning
le harmony and
'as attempted to
! was regularly
In Missilonghi
le midst of these
which had been
•om Alexandria,
brigs and gnl-
This armament,
nd desolate the
ited in the gulf
isucd. Kanaris
The fleets then
stantinople, and
II after, Miaulis
10 small vessels.
9, further weak-
frustrated in hu
Notwithstanding the critical situation in which Greece wan
now placed by tiie power of Kgypt being exerted against her,
we find the peninsula in the most distracted state by the diasen>
sioiis and broils of tiio capatani. In October, the election for the
third term commenced. The executive council at Napoli di
Romania, consisted of 03 members. The president, Mavrocor-
dato, resigne i '
and children slaves to Egypt, und desolated every place within
his reach. . , n .1
Missilonghi, defended by Nolo Botzans, the first among the
bruve, was now closely besieged by the Turks, having before
it 35,000 land forces, and 4,000 by sea. After a severe contest
of several days they were totally defeated, August 2d, 1825.
The Turks lost 9,000 men. During this siege the brave and
active Miaulis arrived with his fleet, and burned several of the
enemy's ships, and forced tlie rest to retire. The siege of Mw-
silonghi was raised October 2d, 1825, four months and a half
from its commencement.
In the mean time, Ibrahim was carrying terror with his arms,
and desolating the Morea more widely ; and the government
was in great danger, having entirely lost the confidence of the
auxiliary societies in England, whose loans had been improperly
laid out. At last the Greeks sent deputies to England, resolved
to throw themselves on the protection of Great Britain. Before
the arrival of their deputies, the English government had issued
(Sept. 30,) a declaration of neutrality. But the alliance of the
powers of Europe prevented the interference of any single power
in behalf of Greece.
Sir Stratford Canning, the English ambassador to Constanti.
nople, set out in January, 1826, and on his way had a long inter-
view at Hydra with Muvrocordato, and other Greek statesmen,
with a view to inform iiimself respecting the state of Greece.
He then proceeded to Constantinople, where he arrived the last
of February. About the same time, (March,) the affairs of
Greece were discussed at St. Petersburg, by Lord Strangford,
the British resident minister there, und who had formerly been
minister to Constantinople, and the Duke of Wellington, envoy
extraordinary, who had been sent thither by Canning. A hope
now began to be cherished, that the independence of Greece
would be acknowledged by the Christian powers of Europe.
The Pacha fully bent on reducing Missilonghi, had landed
more troops in the Morea, in order to carry on a winter cam-
paign. The affairs of Greece were, at this time, in the most
gloomy state, having scarcely 6,000 men under arms to with-
stand this rapacious foe ; while the money furnished by the
friends of Greece for the equipment of the army, was squandered
by the capitani. The French, at this time, were busy intriguing
against the English agents, to the great injury of ^reoxe. In
the midst of all these disasters, the Greeks succeeded, Novem-
ber 24th, in throwing into Missilonghi, besieged for the fourth
time, a supply of ammunition and provisions for this garrison,
which had so gallantly repulsed an attack, both by sea and land
place within
It among the
|having btifore
severe contest
ust 2d, 1825.
_the brave and
leveral of the
siege of Mis*
lis and a half
with his arms,
le government
ifidence of the
3en improperly
gland, resolved
ritain. Before
nent had issued
alliance of the
ny single power
>r to Constanti.
lad a long inter-
reek statesmen,
tate of Greece,
irrivcd the last
the affairs of
3rd Strangford,
1 formerly been
llington, envoy
ming. A hope
,'nce of Greece
of Europe,
jhi, had landed
1 a winter cam-
ne, in the most
r arms to with«
rnished by the
was squandered
busy intriguing
of Greece. In
eeded, Novem.
1 for the fourth
r this garrison,
)y sea and land
A body of troops sent by Ibrahim against Corinth, was destroyed
by Niketas.
In December, the Greeks fitted out another naval equipment
At Hydra, for tlie safety of Missilonghi ; where Miaulis, January
6th, put to flight the Capudan Paclia'a fleet ; wiiich some timo
af\er returned, when anotlier attomnt made to throw supplies into
the place, tailed. On the 28th, Missilonghi was rondy for action. Tl.o Turco-EKyntian fleet WM
3ra;ru,riu ho form of a croscmt , their h.rg. n^s pru«>nted
a CmSde. aud h.tw...» tlus,, sn.all v-hsoIs uUervm-d. I he
AlliT ulron was lod by the Asia, tho »lu,. o A.hn.ral Cod.
Ainu 8.1 > 1 ,.,,„^j,, i.ytl.e Grnoa and Albion, and an-
dS^ ;.btS ^^i tb^ lin., i>.ana« ti. ««« ofCapitana
I V a. h largo doul,l...banl<.d IVi^at., ; wluio Moharem hoy,
K. laudor'of tl,o l-'.^yi'ti'- nflame the pas.
Inrof the Moslems. In December, the ministers of the three
Zers left Constantinople, when the Porte adopted conc.hatory
me3e8 In tho mean time, all the Moslems from the age of
wT 50 had been called to arms. On the 30th, the Sultan
Mai lud ioard that Persian Armenia had fallen into the iK.wer
of Russia, where Puskewitch had achieved a senes of splendid
[t! fiUlmi'^' -
,|{yptinn fleet waa
ships prc'sontttd
iittTvonod. The
if Adiniriil Cod«
Albion, itml an.
flii^ uf Capituna
Muliuruin Hey,
tlio otiier siilo of
11, by killing two
ning furiously fur
till! Moorish of the Greeks,
lud been a prey to
ision of hostilities,
to infest the seas,
(puidroii, to send a
icil of the Greeks,
upon the oflenders,
itil the British had
1 Candia, February
St degree, with the
rthwith seized lUid
nstantinople, where
Jovember 19 ; and
listers of the Allied
for the destruction
' his rage, prepared
to inflame the pas-
inisters of the three
idopted conciliatory
us from the age of
he 30th, the Sultan
iillen into the power
a series of splendid
By this time, Capo d'Istria, thu president of rirccce, had
appointed the able Tricoupi his wcretury ot' statu ; and hud
uHlublished u high national council, calli'd I'anhellenion. Feb.
4tli, ut Napoli (li lloniunia, he also established a bank, and re.or*
gaiiized the military. I"' ranee and Russia each lent (1,000,000
francs to aid the new state.
In consequence cl" the death of Canning and a changt; of the
Mnglish ministry, the battle of Navarino was ealled an untoward
(;vont. The I'orte continued to reject eve-ry proposal for settle.
niont with Greece, and during this time, Ibrahim was carrying
away the Greeks into slavery. A war broke out, March, 1828,
between Uussia and Turk(;y, so that thu I'ortu hud, with this
power alone, (|uite business enough to attend to.
The French cabinet, in concert with England, now sent an
army to thu Morea, under the command of General Maison,
which arrived August 20th, in the bay of Coron, near Petalidi ;
and Admiral Codrington coucludtid a treaty with the viceroy of
Egypt, Aug. Otii, for thu evacuation of the Monu by Ibrahim
Pacha, ami for the liberation of the Greek prisoners, while those
who had boon carried away, wore to bo freed or ransomed.
Gctober 4th, Ibrahim sailed from Navarino with 21,000 men,
for Alexandria, with tho wreck of his fleet, leaving 2,.'j00 in the
Messinian fortn-sses.
The French took undisputed possession of Navarino, and
attacked and took tlie fortresses in Messina, so that Navarino,
Modon, and Coron, were soon in tlieir possession. I'atras, with
3,000 men, capitulated October 5th, and the flags of the throe
Allied powers, with the national flag of Greece, waved undis.
puted over these cities. Admiral Rigny convoyed the Turks to
To defend the Morea from any new attacks of tho Turks,
a manifesto was issued by tho ministers of tho throe powers,
Nov. 16, 1828, declaring — " That they should place the Morea
and the Cycladea under their protection, till the time when a
definitive arrangement should decide tho fate of the provinces,
which the Allies had taken possession of; and that they should
consider the entrance of any military force into this country, as
an attack upon themselves." A French agent carried this note
to Constantinople, to which an immediate answer from the Porte
was required. But during this time, the Greeks continued active
hostilities. Demetrius Ypsilanti, having under him Coloctroni
and several leaders, and 5,000 men, marched into Livadia, and
defeated the Turks, Nov. 2d, at Lomotico, and Dec. 3d, took
Salona ; then in succession, Lepanto, Livadia, and Vonizza.
The Greeks commenced fitting out a great number of privateers
In consequence of these measures, tl.e Sultan banished 25,000 ^
persons, Cireeks and Armenians, not born there, from the city
of Constantinople ; and the Sultan still dechned to recall his ,
barbarous edict of extermination. ^ „, . ^ , „„„ i
Throucrh the energetic measures of Capo d'Istr.a, Greece began
to recover hersei f ailer a long period of distraction. He divided
the states of Greece into 13 d.-partments, seven of these formed
the Peloponnesus, with 280,000 inhabitants, and 8,543 square
miles; the eighth, the Northern Sporades, 6^00 mhabitan ts
106 square miks ; the ninth, the Eastern Sporades, 58,800
inhabitants, 318 square miles ; the tenth, the Western bporadcs,
with 40,000 inhabitants, 169 square miles ; the elf vcnth, twemh,
and thirteenth, the Cyclades, (north, central, and south ) 91, .500
inhabitants, 1176 square miles. Total inhabitants, 476,500,
square miles, 10,312. j *• i ,„ ,u„
The Brititsh plenipotentiary presented his credentials to the
president of Greece, Nov. 19, 1828; and Colonel t abler, after
his return from France, took upon him the organization of the
Greek armv. On the delivery, at Constantinople, of the protocol
of the three powers, in January, 1829, a verbal answer was
given by the Reis EfTendi, that the Porte wished for peace.^ In
July, Sir Robert Gordon, the British ambassador, and Count
GuiUimont, from France, arrived at Constantinople. Ihe sue-
cesses of Diebitsch, who had crossed the Balkan mountains, and
was on his way towards Constantinople, compelled the lurkisti
plenipotentiaries to sign a treaty, which recognized fornially, in
the sixth article, the treaty of July 6, 1827. Peace between
Russia and the Porte was signed at Adrianople, Sept. 14, l»x!»,
and was ratified by the latter, six days afterwards.
Haviner 9th, 1831, as the president was going to attend ser-
vice at the church, he was assassinated by two men, who had
repaired purposely to Napoii di Romania. Uiic lired a pistol at
the head of Capo d'latria, and the other stabbed him with a
Turkish dagger, when he fell dead on the spot. Tiiose persona
were George the son, and Constantine the brother of Mavromi-
chnlia, who had been imprisoned since January. Constantine
was immediately killed by the guards of the president, and
George was detained in custody.
In 1832, the three powers obtained from the Grand Seignior
a much more advantageous northern boundary line for Greece,
than had been granted in 1830. The line is to run from the
gulf of Volo, in the iEgian Sea, along a range of mountains,
to the gulf of Arta, in the Adriatic. By this arrangement,
Acarnania and iGtolia, chiefly inhabited by Greeks, are included
in the kingdom of Greece — an acquisition of great importance,
as it adds nearly 100,000, inhabitants, and almost 3,000 square
miles to the new state. Besides the frontier line is more strongly
marked, and will be easier of defence.
This accession to Greece was obtained from the Grand
Seignior for 50,000,000 of Turkish piasters ; which are to be
deducted from the sum he had undertaken to pay to Russia.
The present population of Greece is estimated at from 635,000
to 900,000 souls. Its territory, including Acarnania, jEtolia,
and the islands, is about 18,000 square miles, equal to about two*
fifths of the state of New York, and about equal to it in popula*
tiou. The Morea, or Peloponnesus, comprises 7,227 square
miles, and nearly equivalent in extent to the state of Massachu-
setts. The same treaty which fixed the boundary line, raised
Otho, a Bavarian youth of seventeen years of age, to tiie throne
of Greece ; who carried with him 3,500 Bavarian soldiers, when,
as stipulated, the French troops were to be witlidrawn.
In the maintenance and aid of the new government, England,
France, and Russia, have provided, and become responsible for,
a loan of $3,750,000 ; and have further agreed to furnish, at
two instalments, an equal amount, should it be required for the
good of the country. This loan is to be refunded in due time,
and the payment of the interest is provided for.
King Otho, the new monarch of Greece, arrived at Napoii
di Romania, Fob. 6, 1B33. There were, at this t™e. !" ^I^^
,>ort of Na,.oli di Ron.unin, several sh.ps of war belonging lo
Kneland, France, and Russia. On the following da>, King
OthoTssued a proclamation, declaring his good mtenfons and
well wishes for his adopted country, and engaging to protect the
religion of the Greeks.
War between Russia and Turkey.
HnsTiUTiEs between Russia and Turkey commenced at a most
ror"uir;SJt the safety of Greece The Port, breathing
vengeance, and intent on exterminating ^^e entire Greek popu-
hitioii, would listen to no terms of accommodation offered by the
"^''flt'^rttle'of Navarino had, for the present, paralyzed the
operations of Ibral.im Pacha; and after such a s'gn^l jhw jse-
n ent of the infidels by the Allied powers, they could not honor-
ably withdraw their ft.ture protection to the Greeks, who had so
long been left to contend alone against their cruel oppressors
"t'i" PorTwas led to consider that Russia secretly favored
the Greek cause, and therefore took possession of Moldavia and
Walachia, and put restrictions u,)on its mar'timc commerce.
Thi wTan open violation of the peaceof Bucharest on which,
after an excha'nge of notes, the Russian "^'"-ter M ^oi^mn.
tinople; but through the exertions of the ministers of Austria
and^England, and the desire of the Emperor Alexander to p e-
serve peace, the commencement of hostiities was avoided. St n
Uie Porte refused to give any satisfaction to the Russian court
ThinpUaLd in this state lill the Emperor Nicholas issued
hi, ulUmatum, May 14, 1926, when the P"':^^ /™"f^^ °," J,'^^
demands of the court of Russia and promised Jat Moldavia
and Walachia (where the Porte had derived, m three years, a
revenue of 37,000,000 of piasters, to aid the pn«ecut,on of the
war against Greece,) should be restored. October 6j, 1826 «t
Ackerman,the Russian ultimatum was «c.<=«Pt«d. The Porte
also surrendered all the fortresses in Asia to Russia. lh«
n^eStaTMahmoud'h^'U nis hands full of other business
' Having detelined to reform his army, he began by extermmat.
ms the corps of Janisaries, which he effected after a oU^y
battle in JuTe, 1826 ; when he formed his army on the Euro-
nAtJWif*'*'" '
.^MM^MiiHMMHl^'^ '
this time, in the
war belonging to
lowing (lay, King
;ood intentions and
aging to protect tlie
jommenced at a most
riie Porte breathing
entire Greek jiopu-
Jation offered by the
aent, paralyzed the
;h a signal chastise-
liey could not honor-
! Greeks, who had so
leir cruel oppressors
»ia secretly favored
sion of Moldavia and
maptimc commerce.
Bucharest, on which,
[ninister left Constan-
ministers of Austria
or Alexander to pre-
3S was avoided. Still
to the Russian court
leror Nicholas issued
orte granted all the
mised that Moldavia
'cd, in three years, a
he prosecution of the
October 6, 1826, at
cceptcd. The Porte
sia to Russia. This
full of other business,
began by exterminat-
fected after a bloody
is army on the Euro-
,wan system. The Sultan himself wore the European dress, and
prohibited, throughout his cnipiro, tlio cnliing of Christians,
•' dogs." Tliis new system of reform led to a violen/ insurrec-
tion, and the loss of 6,000 houses in Constantinople.
In June, 1827, the Porte refused the intervention of Hussia,
France, and Eupland, for the settlement of Greece ; and seemed
to bid defiance to the jiowers of Europe, by attempting to rally
together all his subjects for war.
Russia declared war against Turkey, April 26, 1828. In that
document the emperor declared, that he would not Iny down his
arms till he had obtained the following results, namely : the
paym«mt of all the expenses of the war ; the acknowledgment
of past treaties ; inviolable liberty of the commerce of th ^'^ Tnd "S
October 15. Silistria was besieged m Scptembe and ra,^^^^^
November 10th. The heavy artillery ot the Russians was
whole pachalic of Ikjasid, as far as the banks of the Luphra es.
was conquered. The approach of wmter put an end to ^is
campaign, in winch the Russians lost "'^"^y^^" ^y ^^^^'l^
wanl of supplies. The loss of horses was great. Th« 'csuha
of the camuairrns in Kurope and Asia, were, two lurkish prin-
dpahti^rS, three pac'halics, fourteen ortre^c. a^ thre
castles. Notwithstanding these ««««%°*^ f'^ ^/j^^'J^^^^^
refused the terms of accommodation offfr^^;. b«fo'« ^™ J^^.'J^^g
this campaign, by the Emperor Nicholas, throg fhe B"tmh
1 ambas»ador,\ord Heytesbury, viz. '"'^^^'^'^^ "^^^^^^^^
1 p,,.nse of the war, and security against future injuries and viola-
I tions of treaties. . r'„„r,r(.l n^phitsrh
The Sultan prepared for a new campaign. General U.ebUscn
' was anSttd coLiander in chief of the Russian forces, Feb.
211829 The siege of Silistria was renewed on the opening
of tin campa^^, under the direction of Diebitsch, May 17th.
The TuSi army, commanded by the Grand \ izier, a acked
S Ru^h^ns posted near the village of Eski An.aoutlar, at
t..TZ Lrning.^ The battle l-te^ till 8 in tlie evening
when the Turks retired with the loss of 2,000 killed, un ine
mo June, a great battle was fought at Koulevtcha. near
Shumla-the TuVks commanded by the Grand V.zier, and
fheTlLians by Diebitsch. The battle -a» f-ght Jith gre^t
obstinacy; when European tactics prevailed over lurkisU
em. S The Turks loLt 5,900 killed, a great number of pn-
s^S. 43 pieces of cannon, 6 standards, all their ammunition
"CSfStS^urrendered to the R"~nt?5:S
son consisted of 8,000 men, and the armed '"'^^J'^^^J Jf-^JX^^
made prisoners of war ; 220 pieces of cannon, 80 stand of colora,
and 2 three-tailed pachas, were also taken, besides the whole ot
^'llSel^ithe surrender of the J^ress of ^ij;
IHebitsch commenced preparations to paas the river KamtclucK
.^nnj ...
laV«;iiS*#'-''t. "^ ' "
er Field Marsha)
iiumla, while llie
irand Vizier cau-
before Shunila.
ick from Shumla,
nbcr, and raiaed
le Russians was
(f forward, Gene-
I, was advancing
y, and liad gained
if September, the
of tlie Euphrates,
It an end to ilus
m by disease and
iat. The results
iwo Turkish prin-
tresses, and three
! Turks, the Porte
)efore and during
rough the British
cation for the ex-
injuries and viola-
General Diebitsch
issian forces, Feb.
■ed on the opening
bitsch, May 17th.
id Vizier, attacked
ski Aniaoutlar, at
1 8 in tlie evening,
)0 killed. On the
; Koulevtcha, near
Grand Vizier, and
I fought with great
iled over Turkish
■eat number of pri-
ll their ammunition
ssians. The garri-
ihabitants that wece
1,80 stand of colors,
jesides the whole of
fortress of Silistria,
he river Kamtcluck
>■«.<■,! i|
Mawacre of the Greeks. P. 636.
^- - ..
BatUe of Navarino. P. 036.
•nd tho Balkan mountains. On the 17th of July, tho camp
before Shumla was Icil, and by the 22d, Diebitsch had attained
the summit of the Balkan. In descending these mountains,
the Russians encountered n Turkish force of about 7,000 men,
under the Semskier Abduhl Rahman, and defeated him, takmg
4U0 prisoners, 12 cannon, and 7 standards. On the 28d, Mesom-
bria was captured, with 20 standards, 15 cannon, and 2,000 pri-
soners ; and on the same day Achioli was captured, containing
14 piuces of cannon, ammunition, &c.
when tho Russian army readied the shores of the Black Sea,
it was able to co-operate with the fleet under Admiral Greig.
Ou the 24th of June, Bourgas was taken, with ten pieces of
cannon, and abundance of military stores. On the 25th, Aidos
was captured, with the whole Turkish camp, 600 tents, 500
barrels of gunpowder, 4 standards, &c.
August 19th, the Russians approached Adrianople, and the
next day took unresisted possession of the place, where nego-
ciations commenced. Sept. 14, a treaty of peace was signed.
Russia agreed to the restoration of Moldavia and Walachia, and
all the towns occupied by them in Bulgaria and Rumclia. Mol-
davia was to have an independent administration and free trade ;
and the Russians freedom of commerce throughout the Ottoman
empire, agreeably to former treaties ; and free commerce and
navigation of the Black Sea, to all nations at peace with Tur-
key. The Porte stipulated to pay as an indemnification to
Russia, 1,500,000 ducats of Holland, for the losses of Russian
subjects : and a further sum, as should be agreed upon, as an
indemnity for the expenses incurred in the war. And tho Porte
acceded to the terms of Russia, Great Britain, and France, for
the settlement of the afioirs in Greece.
The indemnity for the expenses of the war, was arranged in
a subsequent act, to be paid in instalments. On the fiist pay-
ment, the Russian troops were to retire from Adrianople ; on the
second, to repass the Balkan ; and on the third, to repass the
Danube ; and on the fourth payment to evacuate the Turkish
territory. So far, the Emperor Nicholas fulfilled his declara-
tion and pledges to the Allies, on the commencement of the war
— after having gained the objects for which it was undertaken.
In this campaign, it has been stated, that the Russians lost
200,000 men and 20,000 horses.
It was stated in the papers at the time, that the Russian forces,
at the commencement of the present campaign, amounted to
541,731 regular troops, and 146,601 irregulars, making a total
of 688,833.
''i '
England, from A. D. 1816. to the passing of the Reform P^'
A' "• 1""*-
The courae of policy pursued bv the British caWnet^;;jj;'Ij
broucht about the restoration of Louis XVIII. to the tfro"^ "
Fr3e Its accomplishment loaded England wi h an cnor.
^n^:ZcKas mueiri^ opposition to the wishes of the -jn^^^^
of Englishmen, as the restoration of he B«Y„t Jt ^^^^^^^ ,
trarv to the desire of the French nation. Smce that evem,
the Fench have expelled the Bourbons; and the people of j
kXland have succeed, after an «f-- «|-/Sjf '^S, J^ |
overthrow of toryism, or more properly speaking, of military
''Te'lring corruptions in the representation and the abuses j
which existed in the » rotten-borough system," had long ago ,
TeefcSrW shown, by writer of great political knowledge ;
and many of England's best and purest patriots had labored to
eorrect the abuses which existed i^n their representation The
liberal ioumnlists exerted themselves incessantly to cflect this
obP, auH was repeatedly urged in pariiament with great force
"^TheTcce'ssion of William IV. who soon became the most
populL monrrch that had reigned in Eng'""^' P-^^ D^^f
Ltho cause of liberty. After the overthrow ot the Uuke oi
WdlinX and his cabinet, William called a whig n>'n>stry, wi^
Earl Grey at its head; and this eminent statesman, with his
coHeagTe! Brougham, carried through the long and ardenly
SeS reform, thich, eradicating the " rotten boroughs pro-
vXd for the free and equal representation of the people of Eng
^-^.;:'mtrrrof the English ^governm-t ha^^^^^^^^^^^^
British statesmen, more especially of those who have so essen-
Sy a£ tTe n^w and more enlarged line of policy, m accord^
inee with the spirit of the age, and opposed to the " slavish and
despotic monarchies of Europe. ,
In the 1820, George III. died, January 29th, at the age ot
82 after a reign of threescore years, the longest m the Bt.tish
Snr;^hen'(^,eorge IV. who had been regent si nce^tcbn
8, 1811, succeeded to the throne of GreajBrita.^ wd of the
p^l ^U nominated by the P™^^ /egent fiij loni ol U^e
treasury, Jan. 9, 1812. and continued in office till 1837. His
the Reform BiU,
cabinet, mainly
to the throne of
d with an enor-
of the majority
urbons was con-
Since that event,
ul the people of
struggle, in the
iking, of military
n, and the abuses
n," had long ago
itical knowledge ;
3t8 had labored to
resentation. The
ntly to effect this
int with great force
became the most
1, proved favorable
w of the Duke of
whig ministry, with
tatcsmon, with his
long and ardently
in boroughs," pro-
the peoole of Eng
nt having a nios>
■ Europe, it will be
public measures of
^ho have so essen-
»f policy, in accord,
to the " slavish and
9th, at the age o(
ngest in tho British
rent since February
•itain. Earl L'ver-
, first lord of the
ice till 1837. His
prudence and moderation at home, were strikingly contracted
with till! course |)ursuod by Custlereagh, minister of the foreign
department. This luttor minister destroyed himself by sui-
cide, August 12, 1822. On his interment in Westminster
Abbey, po|)ular indignation against his memory was strongly
exiiibitod. And that this Wfis not without reason, will appear
by a rcl'orcncc to his many unfeeling and tyrannical measures,
and his violations of the constitution. We are Ihtc constrained
to offer a passing remark, on the public character of this minis,
ter, whose true reputation is not generally known in this coun-
try. Custlereagh was hated for his tyranny ; he was the dupe
of courts, and the betrayer of the people. The part he took
in the congress of Vienna, in parcelling out and trafficking
away tho rights of weaker states, to build up a military despot,
ism throughout Europe, loaded him with the execrations of all
those people whom he had so basely sold. His death was con-
sidercd in England as a hapjty event for the cause of liberty,
which his measures had for so many years crushed. It will be
seen, that the foreign policy of England underwent a complete
change aflcr his death.
In 1816, the income tax was taken off from personal estate,
capital, and colonial possession. This was but shifting the bur-
den of taxation from landholders to the working classes, those
great consumers of the necessories of life ; who were now
reduced to the greatest state of suffering. England for a time,
surmounted all these diflicultics, and even greatly increased her
foreign trade. This k' ept the manufacturing districts quiet, aa
long as they wore weil employed.
In the month of August, 1816, a British squadron of five sail
of the line and five frigates, under the command of liord Ex-
mouth, bombarded Algiers, and destroyed the Algerine shipping,
batteries, and magazines : when the Dcy agreed to the total
abolition of Christian slavery, and the release of all Christian
captives in his dominions. A few months afler this defeat the
Dey was strangled, when piracy again flourished, till the French
afterwards conquered this piratical city.
The distresses in England led the populace to offer public
insult, and assail the prince regent, in 1817, on his return from
parliament to Carlton House. February 3, a royal message
and accompanying documents were communicated to parlia.
ment, giving information of the existence of societies, combi-
nations, &c. in the metropolis, and throughout the kingdom,
dangerous to the constitution ; and that insurrections had been
planned. In consequence of this information, which was greatly
exaggerated, the ministry took a high-handed course. Lord
, 1
Ltt i iiftiiiip
S.dn,outh introduced a bill -nto « «; Ho-;J ^ - ^^ «-
1 pc.«iou of the hubcu. corpvm ": l^^ «;''J ^^ Ir.HS .k-buting
r-Tfort-nSg, witl. -v-ity. uU attc.npt^ to corrupt the
"S^ fSt. M.y mK a^.in brought ^--[^^y-
Lament, ^^ '^'^J^'^^^^l^Z^, .uB,.onHi..n uct, accompun.ed
hLdod act Sir «-"-i.,f T^^ , ' r Uibaed the righU
reading of the >'wJ«'""ty,J^ "' , Z'JL^ froui thorn; who had
of individuals, and took -" '^'g'^Vuncons it t^^^ exerc.He of
Buffered by an irresponsible and unconsmuuon
^"^'"'^^^It 1819 there was a meeting at Mmichester, to di».
samo wretches '''Tiifmeeting at Manchester was of a peace,
of the minis ry.hmmeer.ng ^^^^^^^ .^^^^^^^^^
able -''"'-'; ;.^;^;rofrpetitioner.. There was no ap-
?S. 77r,Z"r^T^ UL, uA «™. of co.^
"°E"rHSy, to the hou» of lord., moved for .n "f^.
Ik. iuS if the Miuicheaer maparMc, but «a» defe'ted,
ss^ofir/^^r^^ of"Th»'.t -.^" to,^
M«UJ .' i)U.l)i i !IJIJU ' Mi"Wi- ' '-." '
ords, fur the sum
into u luw ; and
i|i|)rti88 (luLiiting
third bill was
it8 to corrupt the
)r\varii the qiios-
was aided by Sir
votes being 265
• opening of par-
of the people, by
net, aoconipuniod
H for such ti high*
il, on the aecond
liihited the rights
0111 tho8(! who had
tionol exercise of
Vliinchesler, to dis-
ll sliould here be
ernnient, hiid gone
a people ; and these
cl behind the power
t(!r was of a peace-
100 souls, including
There was no up.
re any arms among
during his speech,
ind many lives were
'his nefarious trans-
sh populace. The
uring districts, were
tinuance of twenty.
)00,000,000 pounds.
public discussions.
It a scene of conflict
1 for an inquiry into
I, but was defeated ;
se of commons, and
was renewed before
guardians of public
;rant outrage on the
the ministers intro-
duced several bills that became Inws, to bo continued five
years. These have; gone by the designation of the six acts.
They were : Ist, a bill to take away the right of traversing,
in cases of misdemeanors. '2d, for piiniHiiing any person found
guilty, on a seeoiul <'onvictioii of IiIk'I, by fine, imprisonment,
or banishment for lifi;. 'M\, for preventing seditious meetings.
4tii. to prevent private military trainings. M\, the application
of the severe stamp system to pamphlets under two sheets, and
a more rigorous punishment of IIIk-Is and seditious writings.
6th, a bill giving magistrates the power of entering hoiiw.>s by
night, or by day, for the purpose of seizing arms believed to be
collected for unlawful purpos(!S.
1820. The death of (jeorge III. this year, protluced no dif-
ference in th(! public measures ; although the aspect of ('England
was quite changed by the great increase of trade, and the dimi-
nution of taxes, and by better harvests. The renewal of specie
payments, and the increasing value of paper currency, was
highly favorable to manufactures. The countiy was now rwco-
vering from the heavy burden of war, in which she had so long
been engaged.
A daring conspiracy to assassinate ministers, called the Cato
street conspiracy, was detected, for which Thistlewood and four
of his companions paid the forfeit of their lives, and four others
concerned were transported for life to Botany Buv
July 19, 1821. The splendid coronation of George IV. took
place at Westminster Abbey.
On the death of the Marquis of Londorderry, better known
as Lord Costlereagh, Mr. Canning was called to the cabinet, as
secretary of foreign affairs, Sept. 16th, 18iI2. One of the first
measures of Canning, was to check the fanatic influence of the
French in Spain. In 1823, England allowed her subjects to aid
the Greeks, and even acknowledged their right of blockade.
With the republics of South America, she formed treaties of
alliance ; and in 1825, formally acknowledged the independence
of the South American states.
In the years 1825 and 1826, the commercial diflSculties were
great, occasioned by the speculation in foreign loans, and in
the most costly undertakings, which led to bankruptcies, and
gave an unusual shock to men of business. " Bankruptcies
spread like a vast fog over England, America, France, and
Germany, at the same moment. But the vigor of England is
mcalculable."* Seventy-five banks broke in the same number
of days ; and 255 joint-stock companies, that, a week before,
* Crol/i Life of George IV.
wcio in hi«l» credit, oiul ready for vu-- undortakiogi, were in
« u.r v.. r conlidcncn was r.M,8tal.ii8luMl, c-,„Mn..rr.> revived
tS\:!^;: butl w.u.t forward wi.l. reuow.l actm.y and
^"lir^unerous iuiUues of bank,. tl.-O^'^ ;J;^^;;^-ij5
X Thus rLtres^ of the country wa- in a great .m-asure
"'KaO, \pril 4th. England united with the court of St. Peters-
bug to compel the Porte to cease hostilit.eBW.th the C,rj..eks.
Mr. Canning was appointe.! prin.e mnuster Apr. 12th l^J^
.v^ died in the month of August of the same year. His policy
was crown..d b X recognition of the South American states
The maSnanS of the indeiH^ndenco of Portugal, and the treaty
stnedarCulon. July mil. fur the settlement of the war m
Greece which treaty led to the battle of Navarmo.*
TordGodcrich succeeded as first lord of the treasury. Ho
ret n-d from office January 8th. when the Duke of Wellington
wts made premier, alihough the duke had declared in parliumen ,
The year before, his entire unfitness for high c.v.l ofhce. In Apnl.
a Catholic relief bill was passed.
George IV. King of Great Britain, died June 26th, jsaO, and
was succeeded by his second brother, the Duke of Cbrence
Tder^hrtitle of Villiam IV. The ^^^^XTZ/.tJ^^^
of Wellington was overthrown. November 16th, and a «w days
after, a nfw ministry was formed, with Earl Grey at lU head.
nrS'^orwXS overthrow was ascrilyd to his
JsSnce of retrenchme'nt. and his "PPf;--- "J ^ ^
riots and opposition to parliamentary reform. Ihe political
oSiacy o??rDuke arLe out of his ignorance and contempt
of the people, and a blind confidence in his own supremacy and
J^wer.Tnd a thorough oisregard of public opinion, while
. Mr. Brougham .aid of Mr. Canning, in the British h°»»« "J^'J"^^;;?;
10 be hoped, that the efforts he made, crowned as they were wim succeia,
might be followed up."
i I
i!! BHU,-Jim... ' H-"J<*""-'^'-'m ' '-""'"
Irtakint^ were lA
lli'soliitioii, ffi all-
Ldirirrri; rtivived,
Iwid uctivity and
rird tliu littxirini
o ciirrnicy
ncnt itniiu'diutcly
l(>8.sil)l(3 (l<;8imtcll.
) a iluy, nnu Hiip-
i)f tlio mint on this
giiH pt-r (lay wcro
rnrily, two pound
n a groat tnt^oaure
:ourt of St. Peters,
s with thn Greeks.
April 12th, 1827,
year. His policy
I Americnn states,
igal, and the treaty
ont of tlie war in
tlio treasury. He
uke of Wellington
lared in parliament,
vil office. In April,
me 26th, 1830, and
Duke of Clarence,
tration of the Duke
kh, and a few days
I Grey at its head,
as ascribed to his
lension of popular
'm. The political
■once and contempt
>wn supremacy and
}lic opinion, while
sh house of commons,
ature sacrifice to his
of policy ; and it was
ey were with success.
events at home and abroad ptirplexed him. The continental
inouurcliH of the Holy Alliunce had looked to the tory ministry,
' wit!) Wellington at itH head, for security and protection. What
'niii.'|K)rl the reform bill,* '/'liix ministr^ took upon them a
gr(uit task — an arduous res{/«jii»
try, 209 against it.
The King dissolved the parliament in person, on the 22d of
April. In the speech delivered on that occusujii, William said,
" I have been induced to resort to this nieuiiure for the purpose
of ascertaining the sense of my people," &ic.
The new parliament, of which a largo number v/m pledged
to support reform, assembled June 14th, 1831, and was opened
by the King, who recommended the question of a reform in
the representation, to their earliest and most attentive conxtdera-
tion. On the 24th, the reform bill was again brought forward
by Lord John Russell, in the house of commons, and puwed its
second reading July 6th, by a vote of 367 to 235, and to a third
reading Sept. 22d, by a vote of 349 to 236. The bill was car-
ried up to the house of lords, and on October 8th, rejected by a
vote of 109 to 158. Parliament was prorogued on the 20th of
the same month.
The rejection of the reform bill in the house of lords, on the
8th, led to strong manifestations of popular fury against the
nobility, especially those who had voted against the bill. At
Nottingham and Derby, as well as other parts of the kingdom^
riots commenced soon as intelligence of the defeat of the bill
* In 1797, Lord Grey made a motion for reform. Its failure caused that
great statesman, Fox, to withdraw from parliament, which was by soma
jadged to be a dereliction of duty.
was received. Oa the 29th, 30th, and Slat, dreadrul riota took
place at Bristol — many of the public buildings and an immense
amount of property were destroyed ; ninety persons were k-lled
and wounded at that time ; afterwards five were executed, and
many were sentenced to transportation. The total damage
done, during this riot at Bristol, was estimated at 300,000 pounds
Parliament was opened again, December 6th, by the King ;
and on the 12th, Lord John Russell, (a third time,) introduced
a new bill for reform, very similar to the former, and declared
to be " equally efficient." It was read the second time, on the
16th, by a vote of 324 to 162. On March 23d, it was brought
up for a third reading, and passed by a vote of 355 to 239.
The bill passed to a second reading, in the house of lords, April
13th, by a vote of 184 to 175. An amendment to defeat the
bill was introduced by Lord Lyndhurst, which passed May 8th,
by a vote of 151 to 116 ; and on May 12th it was lost by a
majority of 40. Earl Grey advised the King to create a sufli.
cient number of new peers to secure the success of the bill, ten-
dering his resignation as the alternative, which was accepted.
On the resignation of ministers, great public excitement followed.
The political unions, organized throughout the country, deter,
mined to refuse the payment of taxes, and demanded that the
ministers should be reinstated. Earl Grey had stated, that he
would stand or fall by this bill ; and that nothing less efficient
should be supported by him.
The excitement was so great in Birmingham, that 100,000
persons assembled suddenly and spontaneously, and forwarded
an immediate express to London. There was a firm determina.
tion to have the reform bill carried, or pay no taxes ; and this
determination was echoed from every part of the kingdom.
There was no riot ; the people had risen in their collective
strength, to assert their just rights. Bursts of indignant feel-
ings were directed against the bishops and nobility. The
Duke of Wellington failed in his attempts to form a ministry ;
when Earl Grey and his colleagues were reinstated in office
May 18th, with the assurance from the King, of having a suffi-
cient number of peers created, to secure the passing of the bill.
When the lords were apprized of this fact, they resolved to let
it pass.
June 14th, the bill passed a third reading, by a vole of 106
to 22, and the royal assent was given by commission, on the 17th
of the same month. It is worthy of remtwk, that not one of the
bishops was present on the final passage of the bill. In answer,
iog the forebKodings and objections made to it by the lords, Eaii
eadful riota touk
and an immcnae
[irsons were k-lled
3re executed, and
The total damage
It 300,000 pounds
Ith, by the King ;
time,) introduced
ncr, and declared
cond time, on the
3d, it was brought
e of 355 to 239.
use of lords, April
lent to defeat the
Ih passed May Stli,
h it was lost by a
g to create a suiii.
[ess of the bill, ten-
nich was accepted.
xcitement followed.
the country, deter.
lemanded that the
lad stated, that he
thing less efficient
:ham, that 100,000
sly, and forwarded
8 a firm determina.
lo taxes ; and this
: of the kingdom,
in their collective
of indignant feel,
nd nobility. The
D form a ministry ;
reinstated in office
, of having a suffi.
passing of the bill,
ley resolved to let
, by a vote of 106
nission, on the 17th
that not one of the
le bill. In answer,
by the lords, Eaii
Grey said — " That the peace, power, and prosperity of England
would all be increased by the reform."
By it, 22 new boroughs, in England, are to send two new
members each ; 19 new boroughs, one each ; 62 new members
are added to the English county members ; three to the county
members, and two to the borougli members of Wales ; five to
the Scotch members ; and five to the Irish members. By this
reform bill, 56 of the old boroughs, cullcfl rotten or decayed
boroughs, have been wiiolly disfranchised ; and 30 boroughs,
tiint before sent two members each, are to send but one. The
united borough of Weymouth and Mclcombe Regis, which before
sent four members, is to send but two.
County members under the reform act. — Formerly, each county
sent two members, except Yorkshire, which returned four —
total 82. The counties in Wales, one each — total 12. By the
reform act, the number of the county members of England is
raised to 144 ; those of Wales to 15. And 26 English counties
are divided, and return four members each ; 7 counties three
each ; the ridings of Yorkshire, two each ; and the six remain-
ing counties, two each ; and the Isle of Wight, one. Of the 12
Welch counties, three send two members each ; the remaining
nine, one each.
The reform act also extends to the right of voting, in the elec
tion of members for cities and boroughs, to every male person
of full age, not subject to any legal incapacity, who occupies, as
owner or tenant, any house, warehouse, shop or building, of not
less than ten pounds yearly value : provided such person pa)rs
assessed taxes and poor rates. And in the election of county
members, the elective franchise extends to every male person
who shall be in actual occupation of a freehold for life, or of
lands or tenements of copyhold, of the clear yearly value of not
less than ten pounds. In England, a county member of parlia-
ment must possess real property to the amount of 600 pounds
Gr annum ; and a borough member, 300 pounds. But in Scot-
id, no such qualification is requisite.
Lord John Russell, in his speech on introducing the first
reform bill, (March 1, 1831,) made the following statement
respecting the number of voters that would be added by that bill :
number added in towns and boroughs in England already sending
members, 1 10,000 ; electors of towns in England sending mem-
bers for the first time, 50,000 ; electors in London, who will
obtain the right of voting, 95,000 ; increase of electors in Scot-
land, 60,000 ; in Ireland, perhaps 40,000 ; increase in the coun-
ties of England, 100,000. « It is my opinion, therefore," said
Lord Russell, " that the whole measure will add to the constitu-
^, of ,he common ho«» of p«rU.n,enU "J»"' ^f; "J'ijJ
nliSLtu'STof 'boo,l,s an. >o W P«^P»-^» "••'.ft
polUnn .'- '"? ^S houm on U.e
the English house ol lords ; and o the dwin oi u
''T»'p...in« of .he reform hill »" Mo««'l !H »£"!"!
re^/fi^^^reissts^hivrxra .«'. i--
ihem with complete hberlv. parliament, and
The cond.tio» ol 'j'j f/^J^^^^^^^^^ investing
in connection with the Irish coercion , session of
the executive wUh ^''[.^^"'tl'^Cirfo^^^^^^^^^^
disturbances, various bills «« « '""f "•^^j, „„ ^f one of these,
of the grievances of that country. ^J;f°'"r'^2 Protestont
which had for it« object ^^e reform ^^f the Ijish^r^^^^ ^^
Church, involved the appropriation of l"f ^'^'^^^^^ ^ -'
vision for the Protestant Clergy, to the general put
purposes ot
|)ut half a million
property of the
and deeply into-
ured, so that not
iipartmcnt. The
.aaive days only ;
orht hours on the
be kept open later
a third reading in
)f tiie same month,
I house of lords,
was read a third
On the 16th of
ogued to the 16th
irliament has been
wisdom, and stem
or many years, the
nmons, — a firm and
3crats and leagued
owed by a general
dry. The first ses-
thu king, in person,
session, the charters
I. The former was
of the British terri-
le East India Com-
>wn open to British
1 memorable by the
slavery in the VVest
nted to the proprie-
BS were placed in a
(pired and invested
fore parliament, and
I measure investing
- the suppression of
for the amelioration
lion of one of these,
he Irish Protestant
titles, after due pro-
general purposes of
education. In the session of 1831, the Irish coercion bill,
which was to have expired in August, was renewed, and ren-
dered more stringent, Init before it was passed, the administra-
tion of Earl (Jrey was dissolved. Upon the resignation of Mr.
Littleton, the Irish secretary. Lord Althorp and Earl Grey, Lord
Melbourne became premier, all the other members of the cabinet
retaining office. One act was carried by the .Melbourne admin-
islnation, which has proved of great importance to all classes.
This act had for its object the entire re-organization of the poor
laws. Great difference of opinion exists, regarding its merits,
but it is clear that it has relieved the owners and occupiers of
lands from heavy burdens, and raised the moral character of the
English peasantry. Under the old poor-laws, they unblushingly
sought the pittance of charity : now they are mainly sohcitous
to subsist by honest industry.
The rule of the Melbourne administration was brief. Before
the prorogation of parliament, its weakness had been apparent,
and its want of intrinsic power had rendered it dependent on
O'Connell and his party. At the same time, the public press
denounced its incapacity to carry on government on any fixed
principles. Certain of its members gave high offence to the
king, who availed himself of an opportunity, aflbrded him by the
death of Earl Spencer, to dismiss the whole ministry from his
service. To Sir Robert Peel was committed the task of form-
ing a new cabinet, which was accomplished towards the close
of the year.
This change in the administration was followed, in 1 835, by
a general election. In England the new government obtained a
majority in the elections, but in Ireland and Scotland, public
opinion was decidedly against them. When parliament assem-
bled, they were left in the minority, in the first subject of debate,
that of the choice of a speaker. Upoki several subsequent divi-
sions they were equally unsuccessful, and on being defeated in
a measure, concerning the appropriation of the surplus of the
revenues of the Irish church. Sir Robert Peel resigned. The
Melbourne cabinet, with the exception of Lord Brougham, were
now recalled, and during this session they succeeded in passing
bills for the reform of the English corporations, and for the
solemnization of the marriages of dissenters in their own
chapels. These measures were followed in the session of
1836, by laws for the better registration of births, marriages
and deaths ; for the commutation of English tithes, and the
nearer equalization of episcopal sees. Upon Irish questions,
the house of lords was still opposed to the views of the cabinet,
and the majority of the house of commons. The lords refused
to nass an Irish tilhe bill with the aprropriation clause, and the
^oJimons rliecting the measure without U. there was once more
'^ '^Z^ZS^l^C^^^^^ forced themselves
At this tune, ine a ,pj^ y^^^^^ ^i assembly m
o„ 4, 19th of June, h.8 majesty "P''t*J"°°°' fV^b-
Few tiKTOreh. of K„gl«nd ...r po>».8.ed the lo.e of thetr WB-
jeete in s grentcr degree then Wllham IV.
AUxandrina Victoria.
1 n laiT tieiandrlna Victoria, who now succeeded to
wu hailed with mote than ordinary enthnsiaam. One eltect oi
1? descent of the crown to a female, wa. the .eparatton from
* of Ha!».°r, after a onion of more than a oenlory. The
'"Cia",::!"' c^p^^'te^r fS °S»> ... p-*
di.» at .£ao»of .H. ^t™ofT..?rM"
S ZiSToHh; S.".. l»d been 'declining, but the
clause, and the
was once more
reed themselves
of assembly in
on to the mother
An attempt at
ution of cominis-
les of the British
ractory 8i)irit dis-
rd Durham was
as, with the most
evolt, the amelio-
the institutions of
:'s health had, in
lent spring, symp-
sing rapidly, until,
ithout a struggle,
love of their sub-
now succeeded to
late duke of Kent,
as 18 years of age,
im. One effect of
he separation from
I a century. The
I with all possible
ts dissolved. The
terfect tranquillity,
declining, but the
lity to their power.
I educated by her
id her countenance
ernment and make
roclaimed that she
andidates traversed
loyalty to her
majesty by supporting her ministers. This appeal to the people
failed to accomplish its object, the triumphs of the political
parties, after a keen trial of their strength, being nearly balanced.
In the autumn of this year, the corporation of London distin-
guished itself by a demonstration of its loyalty to the queen, in a
magnificent entertainment given to her in Guildhall, on the 9ih
of November. The utmost enthusiasm prevailed on this occa-
sion. The queen opened the new parliament on the 20th of
November. The motions relative to vote by ballot, and slavery,
which occupied their attenticm during this session, were nega-
tived. A bill which had for its object the education of the
people, without reference to creed, was brought in by Lord
Brougham, but the difHculties it encountered were insurmountable.
A disaffection arose among the working classes in the manu-
facturing districts, during the autumn of this year, excited by the
poor laws and the price of provisions, but. by the exertions of
government, order was restored.
In the session of 1839, a bill was passed for the regulation of
municipal corporations in Ireland. At this time disputes existed
between the British government and the Jamaica legislature,
arising from an act, which empowered her majesty in council
to make rules for the government of the West India prisons, to
appoint inspectors, and to regulate other matters of discipline.
This was resisted by the Jamaica assembly, as a violation of
their rights ; resolutions condemnatory of the act were adopted,
and the members resolved to forego the exercise of their legisla-
tive functions, until it was repealed. In consequence of this, a
bill was brought into parliament for the suspension of the exist-
ing constitution of Jamaica, for five years. Before this the minis-
try had lost some of their supporters, and others now voting against
them, the result of the debate brought about their resignation.
Sir Robert Peel having failed to form a new cabinet, the Mel-
bourne administration again resumed office, and measures were
taken by them for the advancement of education, not, however,
commensurate with the wants of the people. Every section of
the religious community opposed each other on this question,
which rendered it diflicult for ministers to adopt any enlarged
or enlightened educational measure. A bill, for the healing of
the breach between the British parliament and the Jamaica
assembly, was passed, which had the desired effect. Acts were
passed for the better ordering of prisons, for the suppression of
the Portuguese slave trade, and for the disposal of waste lands in
the colonies ; but this session was particularly signalized by the
reduction of the rates of postage, a measure, promotive of the
. interests of trade and commerce, and of individur* bennfit.
A mntion to take into consiJeration a '«Nalional Petition,"
? asses domandiMK universal 8uflrn«c, vole by ballot, annual
narliaments and remuneration of members for their attendance
f„ the n anS the abolition of the property qual.ficat.ons, was
rol. tPd Its rciectiou was c-otemporaneous with various riots
at'mrlgl am iSng out of the pToceedmgs of the chartists,
Su twh 1. wer^ suppressed by the action of parharnent.
An announcement was made, at the opening of the se s.on
of 1840 that her majesty was about to be married to Albert,
ln.o of ?ixe Cohura and (iotha. A bill was consequently
rglttr;pa:sed,''for the -J-'^ j"-^ ^i^T^it
an nnn npr annum, was a so voted him, out ol tne con
SitefS rcZmence on the day of l.is marriage wuh
her majesty, and to continue during life. The marriage tooK
place on the 1 0th of February. , .
\ bill was this year brouaht into parliamenl and passed, lor
the urn, o the t Jo Canadas. During the last year, a serious
coUrJio. took place between the Chinese authorities, and the
cannon wrested'^from the emperor of that vast empire a portion
This dominions. The policy «f f -^'-if^^,;? S" con-
the affairs of China, was made the subject of a series ol con
demnSlry ^Lolutioi'is, and they were only negatived by a small
""iT'this period Sir Robert Peel moved a resolution, to the
eflect that Ter majesty's ministers did not possess the confidence
«r.hV house sufficiently to enable them to carry any measure
o essenS imjorunce'^lo the public welfare, and that their
Ire mSLty unfavorable to the administration. An amend-
ment to*he address from the throne, representing to her majesty
ri c ssitv ia her ministers should enjoy the confidence of
atioiml Petition,"
of the working
y ballot, annual
their attendance
ualifications, was
ith various riots
of the chartists,
ing of the session
married to Albert,
was consequently
of his royal high-
m, out of the con-
his marriage with
^he marriage took
!iit and passed, for
iist year, a serious
ulhorities, and the
(vcrnment had pro-
r country, and an
ry particle of this
be delivered to the
s was refused, and
the British govern-
he Chinese empire,
first time, British
ist empire a portion
t, with reference to
Df a series of con-
egatived by a small
I resolution, to the
isess the confidence
carry any measure
ire, and that their
!ee, was at variance
dution was adopted,
Hras dissolved, and
: general election,
his occasion, but at
ilts of the elections
ration. An amend-
iting to her majesty
y the confidence of
the country, and that it was not possossed by the present admin*
istrntiun, was carried against them by a large majority. In
reply, her majesty stated tliat she would take measures lor the
formation of a new cabinet, and Sir Robert Peel was charged
with the task, in executing which, he was successful. The
principal members of the new .idministration were ihe Duke of
Wellington, the Duke of Buckingham, the Karl of Haddington,
Sir James Graham, Lords Ellcnborongh, Stanley, Wharnclifle,
Lowthor, and Lyndhurst; the Honorable H. Goulburn, Sir E.
Knatchbull, and Sir H. Hardingo. The only measures of
importance, brought forward by the new ministry, were bills for
the belter administration of justice in the court of chancery, and
for the continuance of the new poor law commission.
This year, the differences which had arisen between the
courts of Great Britain and the Chinese empire, were, for a
time, adjusted. After the forts, surrounding Canton, were cop-
lured, the Chinese emperor purchased peace by indemnification.
The island and harbor of Hong Kong were ceded to the British
crown ; an indemnity of 6,UOO,000 dollars was to i)c paid to the
British government, and the trade and commerce between the
two countries renewed. Further important concessions were
made by the Chinese empire, and the result of the war was
highly favorable to Great Britain. It must bo mentioned, to the
honor of the British nation, that great exertions have been
made, and are still making, for the Christianizing of the Chinese
An important treaty was this year signed between France,
Austria, Prussia, Russia, and Great Britain, whereby the former
powers agreed to adopt the English laws relative to the slave
trade. Several important measures were passed by parliament
in the session of 1842 : one of these was a new corn-law, on
the principle of a graduated scale, to which great opposition
was made, but which finally passed, in its original state. The
next important measure was an income tax bill, by which all
persons, having an income of more than jCidO per annum, were
subjected to a tax of seven pence in the pound : personal property
was also taxed to the same amount. The passing of this measure
was followed by extensive alterations in the tariff, or customs'
duties. The duties on numerous articles of trade and commerce
were either greatly reduced, or wholly repealed by a bill, enti-
tled the "Customs' Act." The repeal of the corn-laws was
demanded, but still opposed by government. .Another bill was
passed, by the exertions of Lord Ashley, which had for its
object the restraining of the employment of children in mines
and collieries, which had been a cause of great moral degrada-
! !
A bill was also passed, renew ng ^!»« "'"' '^ ^f education,
five years, and forming 'l'«'"S\^, "'„ ^^eSrof the session
with various minor matters j,'"P~S view of its opera-
EoTh partiel and which gave "-;».--;- ^twed. but in this
Hostilities with China had recenijy been rene . ^^
year the war was fi^-^^y^rifj^nese now engaged to pay
■the :-6ih of Augtist. ^y ^^^^^^Jj^^j^^^ ^ now JJ ,„
21.000,000 dollars, and ! ^ f [".dsof ClLan and Kolang-soo
'''' "lo'tS by he B iih UU the money payments were
were to be heW ny lao "» „_,,:„„ ,i^e ports completed,
made and arrangements '"-^ «1 ^"'"f "^^l this year, in a war
The British arms were also ^^J'-^f "^^S,, commencement
with the Aflghans, m the East "^rcd several reverses, but
of this war. the British ^^^^^ .i^^^„' "^'yeveral fortresses
they were now every where ^'f «™- -n^ j^g .lu^t, while
were stormed, and some of them levelled wUi U^e t , ^^^^^^
thousands of the Affghan f 7«,. ^^^i- fJh "roo ' , devastated,
country, in the line of ■"''^^^^wttuH"! b^e""'!! .« the
The Affghans had for «-- ^»^-£"j:i,i',i troops evacuated
created great disquietude and anxiel>.l^^ was a con-
and industry there .^"^f, f ^«f .^^JP^^rp customs, and taxes,
siderable decrease in the e''"««>J3r ^^me suggested the
To remedy the «lif'«f jj^f/lotted remigrftln, as the
repeal of the corn-laws, and «'^^^" P°'";* ^yje. \ lengthened
only means to relieve the ^/J^^f J/^ J^^^^^^ government, to
debate took place on a Pl/"' ^'^""gf, "!*"i was the animosity
promote the education of the P«oj ^-J^ ^.j^ , i,, i„,
displayed against ^^v^^'' -orirSe" and the augmentation
for the endowment of ^^dmona^ f ^^^^^^^^ ^^i}^^ f^/s for these
of small livings, was .""^"^^^^'^J^^^^^^^^ Anne's bounty
purposes were to be «1«"^«'^' '"f''''^ bishoprics, cathedrals,
Ld in part from the revenue otcermn bishop .^ ^^^
and other ecclesiastical ^^^^^^^^^'^^^^^hich materially altered
relating to defamation and hbel.
W'JHr ' * ' !
having been made
[amed Dean, a bill
perfect unanimity,
law commission for
)se8 of education,
Ings of the session
re viewof itsopera-
s been adopted by
renewed, but in this
eaty was . signed on
low engaged to pay
orts were opened to
iHan and Kolang-soo
mey payments were
ts completed.
this year, in a war
t the commencement
several reverses, but
Several fortresses
with the dust, while
lain, and the whole
)h troops, devastated.
been adverse to the
lish troops evacuated
le which still inspires
jpect of public aflairs
every branch of trade
There was a con-
, customs, and taxes.
, some suggested the
1 to emigration, as the
isure. A lengthened
ird by government, to
ich was the animosity
id. A bill brought in,
and the augmentation
The funds for these
Queen Anne's bounty
bishoprics, cathedrals,
Several reforms in the
lich materially altered
iveral changes in that
Great commotions took place this year in Ireland. A loud
cry fur the repeal of the union, was heard throughout the coun*
try. Mr. O'Connell and his coadjutors were arrested on charges
of coiLspiracy, sedition, and unlawful assemblage. Their trial
occurred in 1844, when they were fined and sentenced to be
imprisoned for twelve months, but parliament soon after reversed
their suiitcnce, and they were liberated. There was some com-
motion also, at this time, in South Wales. A war was raised
against the turnpike system, arising from the vexatious tolls to
which the peasantry were subjected. The toll-gales were
every where demolished, and no sooner were they re-erected
than tiiey were again destroyed. In order to quell these disturb-
ances, government sent a large body of troops and many of the
London police, into Wales. In a short time, some of the most
active in these tumults were captured, and towards the close of
the year Wales became more quiet.
This year witnessed another war in the East Indies. It was
discovered that the ameers of Sinde were preparing to attack
tlie British, and Sir Charles Napier was sent against them. A
great battle was fought at Meeanee, the result of which was
that the six ameers who governed that country were captured,
and that the whole of Sinde was annexed to the British domin-
ions in the East. The Sindian population every where expressed
their satisfaction at the change of masters. Sir Charles Napier
was appointed Governor of Sinde, and was empowered to take
such measures as might appear best calculated to suppress the
slave trade, which had long existed in that country, and to
abolish all duties of transit, which had been imposed by the
ameers. In the course of this year the British troops gained
two decisive victories over the Mahratta forces.
In the Autumn, queen Victoria, accompanied by Prince Albert,
visited Louis Phillippe, late king of France, in his own dominr
ions. This was an interesting event, as it tended to increase
the harmony existing between the two countries. After receiv-
ing a most cordial reception from his majesty, the queen and;
prince Albert proceeded on their voyage to Ostend.
In the session of 1844, were passed several important acts;
one having for its object the regulation of railways ; another,
containing salutary provisions for the regulation of joint-stock
companies, and a third, entirely remodelling the system of turn-
pike-road management in South Wales. A further alteration
was made in the Poor Law Amendment Act, having for its
chief object the preservation of morality among the poor.
Another act permitted sugar, not being the produce of slave
labor, to be imported into the country at diminished duties. A
» i
ciiatteh xrv.
1 .-,.1 f.ir i>in iiboliiion of a number of penal acU,
bill was al«o passcj for the '^'»» " „y obsolete. The
retained in the I'-'^)^ «ta «tc »«ok ^^^ g«"« l^ ,,^„ , „,„^i„„
'TuT r:r?nind a.7the aZiniHtrution of hanking con-
::;rde.and. -/»S;Zvirr ;:d1:2i5:!^-^ny year, at
Dunng th.H y«"' ^J' .; 2,,; of the East India Company. wa«
Macao, as c»»'«f-»"P''""'" , " \,°' " cent acqnisitionH in China. I
The income tax *7,„^» ^ ;\l';ii;hc" and expectations of the
ingof P»-^»i«™^'"''J°"^'7Su^rple.l, wilh^great opposition, I
l>eople, was renewed^ A hm « as p , y^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ,.^_^
for improving "^f '"".JJ«";^ ^alhoiic priesthood. Other acta
the education ol the '^«"'*". '^''"'""^lieh had previously been
relieved the Jews from <=«««;" ".J;™' „ ,„„V,icipal oftices ; ,
required from ^^^'JP"" '^j";; ^rwoks provided for the
regulated Juvende labor - - ^ P^^^ J,,^ ,, sLtland and Ire- ,
better care of l«"""".' [.^ l" .i.„,e ol the bank charter of
Sa„°J, E fS-"'lh'e ISSe o, c„»,.»n. in E„g,.nd
left bank of the ^""^'J' 7.^ , r J^aj declaration of war,
'^'^" ""TAa^: Ts Sat MooS in which the British
and a terrible batt e was lougni » , gj^^ j,o had
"'"'"1.LX' ttV -i'recrS t^Vtlei
escaped '^^ ^^-^jf J*,' J°* British followed them and pressed
the year ^ ^46, the vtcwrious ^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^
forward to Lahore. T«'"?' "^^iJ!" dment of the Sikh army,
of the stipulations 7" %«/(^3eTNaWr was employed in
Earlier in the year 1845, Sir ^'»»"f * 7' ^^e rMit bank
military operations agrainsUhe monn.am .r^^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^
completely success u; the ^wer o^ ^^^^^^^
had been long a '"^'"^I'^J^Tm important than the phy-
S rtg-s otXt harS:. sent^to every part of the
!r of penal acts,
obAolotn. The
ir tho ri-gulation
Jof l)unkiiig coii-
|ill concerned the
makers of )>roin-
umld bo uhlo to
ul niiiny years at
ia Company, was
isiiionN in China,
■rnment of India,
but on the mect-
xpectations of the
1 great opposition,
■nooth college, for
lood. Other acts
,d previously been
niiiiicipul ofHces ;
; provided for the
Scotland and Ire-
bank charter of
unions in England
I dominions on the
ded by tho Sikhs.
Icclaration of war,
I which the British
a Sikhs who had
iitlej ; and early in
them, and pressed
igreed on, and one
if the Sikh army,
r was employed in
B on the right bank
! operations he was
ibber tribes, which
;rly broken. The
rtant than the phy-
de the power of the
lad been demanded,
le had been set on
> every part of tho
country, to enlighten the |i«of»le on this qnesiion. Hitherto, Sir
Robert Peel hiid been decidedly opposed to such a repeal, but
the utter failure of the potato crop, which had created great
diNtreM<4 throughout the tJiiite/l no properly tiiiaii*
fication to eligibility. For thi mirpone of mnkiiig n (lornoimtra-
tion of their strength, ami oi jiromotiniK tlu> ohJpctD of their
asHociation, the chartinta proifost d a gciii'ral incutini; in Loiulon,
on 'ho 10th of April, 'i'heir nunili«>r having liccn much exag-
gerated, the go/ernmcnt tortilied the public building!*, tMilarged
the civil force to an unpnx-cdcnti'd extent, and took every pre-
caution against the conHtruction of bnrricadi'H.
On the day appointed, about tun thouHand iiMsombled in Fitzruy
Square, marched quietly to Hlacklriar's liridgc, which they
were permitted to cross, and thence to Kensington Common,
their place of rendo/vuus for the day. The number of chartists
and spectators hero was not far from fiiVy thousand. They again
crossed the Thames, delivered their monster petition to parlia-
ment, and dispersed. The result of this affair aflbrded to the
friends of the Constitution and of order an evidence of their own
strength, and of the weakness of the chartists.
Of late the chartists have renewed their assemblages with
increased ardor, but they seem to create no alarm. On the Gth
of July last, six of their number were convicted of sedition, and
sentenced to two years imprisonment.
In Ireland, sympathy with the French in freeing their nation
from the shackles of monarchy, stimulated the friends of repeal
to renewed and greatly augmented efforts, and inspired in many
hearts the hope that the day of the desired separation from
Great Britain was at hand. Clubs were extensively formed,
and rebellion against the authority of government was openly
counselled and vindicated by their leaders.
In May last, John Mitchell, a prominent agitator, and editor
of the " United Irishman," was arrested and convicted on a
charge of treason. The types of his paper were seized by the
government, and Mitchell was sentenced to transportation for
fourteen years.
A new journal, entitled the " Irish Felon," was immediately
issued, the editor of which, Mr. Martin, was arrested on a charge
of treason, in July, and sent to Newgate. O'Brien, Meagher,
Dillon and Doherry, engaged most actively in organizing and
inspiring the clubs, preparing, meanwhile, for an active resistance.
Fearing that a crisis was at hand, the government adopted the
most vigorous measures. Viscount Hardinge was sent into
Ireland to take connnand of the troops. Every available soldier
was despatched from England to Ireland, and largo rewards
were offered for the arrest of the leaders of the insurgents.
On the 25th of July, parliament passed a bill. authorizing the
Lord Lieutenant of Ireland to apprehend and detain until the
iled to the
f their own
lages with
On the 6th
edition, and
their nation
U of repeal
red in many
iration from
oly formed,
was openly
r, and editor
victed on a
eized by the
portation for
i on a charge
n, Meagher,
^anizing and
re resistance,
t adopted the
as sent into
liable soldier
irgo rewards
ithorizing the
ain until the
lit of MaTfti, 1810, iiny pc-rson HUH|)ect6d of conspiracy against
her MitjoHty'ii xu^'riiinoiit. He accordingly proclaimed the
cities III' Diililin, Cork, Wntcrford, and the town of Drogheda, to
be uiiil«-r tlio act, iiiNtruitiiig the [mlico to search fur arms, and
to take into cuittody nil persons found to bo in the possession of
them without ii licuimu.
On the 2!Hh of July, the insurgents came in conflict with the
police of Miillingarry, in the county of Tippuriiry. They were
armed with muskets and pikes, and commanded by Smith
O'Urit'ii, but were ilispcrst-d after u short fight. Seven were
killed. O'lirinii, Meagher, and others, fled from the officers of
justice, but they, with the principal leaders, were subsequently
At present, the agitiitors of Ireland seem to have yielded to
the formidable preparations and energetic forces of the govern-
ment, and that unhappy country is, for the time, in a slate of
On the 5tli of September, the queen prorogued parliament in
person, by a speech from the throne, recapitulating the most
important tivents of the session, and immediately after, took her
departure lor Scotland.
The French Revolution of February^ 1848.
The revolution accomplished in Paris, on the 24th of Febru-
ary, 1848, is without a parallel in history. At once the most
bloodless and the most complete of modem times, it was the
spontaneous, unpremeditated act of the unarmed people of Paris.
No long-matured and widely-ramified conspiracy preceded the
outbreak, as in 1830. The whole work was accompUshed by
the people in the brief space of three days.
A general feeling of discontent with the measures and policy
of the government, suggested the holding of political reform ban-
quets throughout France. No fewer than sixty-two of these
were held in different towns, and attended by th« leading oppo-
The omission of the King's health from the list of toasts, on
almost all these occasions, was a circumstance that gave pecu-
liar poignancy to the irritation with which such displays were
regarded by the government. It having been announced that
reform banquets were to be held throughout France on the 22d
of February, the birth-day of Washington, the administration
determined to put down that which was to take place in Paris.
Military preparations were made on an extensive scale ; guns
were mounted on the fortresses around the city ; large stores of
ammunition were provided, and nothing seemed wanting to enable
the government to crush any attempt at insurrection. On the
evening preceding the '22d, proclamations were posted about the
streets by the police, announcing that no banquet or procession
would be permitted, and cautioning the public against tumultuous
assemblages in the streets.
In the Chamber of Deputies, an intimation to the same effect
was received during the early part of the sitting, and at once
put an end to the discussion of all other business. Some differ-
ence of opinion arose among the members of the banquet com-
mittee and the deputies of the opposition, whether the procla-
mation of the government should be obeyed. A minority were
inclined to form the procession at all hazards ; but it was finally
agreed that the meeting should be given up; that the public
should be urged to maintain a peaceable attitude, and that the
late discussion of the question in the chambers should be
renewed in a form that would lead either to a dissolution, and so
bring it before the electors, or to a change of cabinet. Articles
of impeachment were therefore to be moved against the ministry
by Mr. Odillon Barrot.
In the morning a formal announcement that the banquet was
deferred appeared in all the opposition papers, and the orders to
the troops of the line to occupy the ground, and all the avenues
leading to the place of meeting, were countermanded. Picquets
only were stationed in places where crowds might be expected
to assemble, sufficient, it was presumed, to disperse the mob ;
but no serious disturbance was anticipated, either by the minis-
try or its opponents.
The proclamations, however, of the prefect of the police, and
the announcement of the opposition journals, came too late. At
an early hour, the Place de la Madeline, the Place de la Con-
corde, and the Champ Elysees, were thronged by the working
classes. At noon, the multitude around the Church of the Made-
line, whence the banquet procession was to have set out, became
formidable in numbers, though manifesting no symptoms of dis-
order, and at one time could not have numbered less than thirty
thousand persons. The regiment, which had arrived, was
drawn up in line along the railing of the church. Soon after,
several squadrons of the municipal cavalry arrived, and the popu-
lace were desired to disperse. This order being disregarded,
the charge was sounded, and the dragoons rushed on the people.
e in Paris,
cale ; guns
e stores of
g to enable
On the
d about the
lame effect
nd at once
>onie difier-
nquet com-
the procla-
nority were
was finally
the public
ind that the
should be
lion, and so
t. Articles
the ministry
banquet was
he orders to
he avenues
I. Picquets
be expected
>e the mob ;
r the minis-
police, and
K> late. At
de la Con-
[he working
)!' the Made-
out, became
toms of dis-
i than thirty
rrived, was
Soon after,
nd the popu-
1 the people.
At first an effort was made to disperse the crowd by the mere
force of the horses, without the use of arms, and the dragoons
did not draw. This, however, proving ineffectual, several
charges with drawn swords were made, the flat of the sword
only being used. By these means, the mu'.atude was at length
dispersed without any loss of life, or other serious casualties.
At one o'clock the main thoroughfares were clear. During the
remainder of the day, the principal streets were patrolled by
cavalry of the municipal guard, the infantry of the line keeping
clear the footways.
At the Chamber of Deputies, three impeachments against the
cabinet were handed to the president, who, without reading
them, ordered that they should be taken into consideration on
Thursday. One of the impeachments was presented on the
part of M. Odillon Barrot, and signed by fifty-three deputies ;
another on the part of M. Duvergier d' Hauranne ; the third on
the part of M. de Genoude, deputy for Toulouse.
In the evening, the disturbances were renewed, and now
began to wear a threatening aspect. Gunsmiths' shops were
broken open ; barricades were formed in the neighborhood of
the principal markets ; lamps were extinguished ; posts of the
municipal guards were attacked ; the streets were filled with
troops ; and at night, anxiety for the result of the sanguinary
contest on the morrow, which had become inevitable, spread
throughout Paris.
At an early hour on Wednesday, February 23d, crowds began
to assemble and to busy themselves in the formation of new bar-
ricades. These were attacked and partially destroyed as fast
as formed, by the municipal guard, or the troops. The morning
passed in skirmishes, in which some were killed, and success
was generally on the side of the authorities ; the people, how-
ever, when dispersed in one place, assembled instantly in
another, and rapidly increased in numbers. Considerable bodies
of the National Guards appeared in the streets, but although at
first wavering as to the course they would follow, it soon became
evident that they would yield to the contagion of popular enthu-
siasm, and act with, rather than against, the movement.
About one o'clock, a portion of the National Guards having
declared for reform, their officers held a council, and agreed to
depute their Colonel to the King, to acquaint his Majesty with
their wishes. Their requests being signified to Louis Phillippe
at the Tuileries, through General Jacqueminot, they were at
once acceded to. Reform and the dismissal of the Guizot
cabinet were promised, and Count Mol6 was entrusted with the
charge of forming a new ministry. The news of this change
,t '
was immediately carried to the Chamber of Deputies by M.
Guizot himself, which soon after rose in great agitation.
The dismissal of the ministry produced a momentary calna.
But the streets continued to be crowded with rioters, who, as e ven-
ine drew on, compelled the inhabitants to illuminate, and when-
ever they found themselves in sufficient force, attacked the piquets
of the municipal guard, and often succeeded in disarming them.
Between ten and eleven, the somewhat subdued excitement
of the populace was changed into rage. A crowd passing the
Hotel of Foreign Affairs, which, as the residence of M. Ouizot,
had been repeatedly threatened, and was now occupied by the
14th regiment of the line, was suddenly fired upon by the troops
with fatal effect. Many fell, some dead, others desperately
wounded. The people fled in consternation, but fear soon gave
way to indignation, and thirst for vengeance. The cry then
burst forth from every lip—" To arms ! Down with the assas-
sins ! Down with Louis Phillippe ! Down with all his race !
Barricades, barricades !" and these cries were speedily rc-echood
through all the streets of Paris.
The attempt to establish a MoW administration having failed,
the King sent, late at night, for M. Thiers to the Palace of the
Tuileries, and asked him to form a ministry. M. Thiers under-
took to do so, provided he might be permitted to join with him,
as one of his colleagues, M. Odillon Barrot. To this the King
acceded. Marshal Bugaud was, during the night, apjwinted
Commander-in-Chief of the National Guard, but finding he was
not to have a carte blanche, he resigne. almost as soon as ap-
pointed, and the appointment was given to General I,amorici«re.
During the night the egress of the mails had been stopped, and
the railways around Paris had been damaged or destroyed at
every point at which troops were expected to arrive.
Early in the morning of Thursday, Feb. 24th, a placard was
posted about the streets to the effect that, at 3 o'clock, A. M., M.
Thiers and Odillon Barrot had been appointed ministers. Subse-
quently, the following proclamation was posted at the Bourse :
" Orders have been given to cease firing every where.
" We have just been charged by the King to form a new
™'" The Chamber will be dissolved, and an appeal made to the
*^ ""oeneral Lamorici6re has been appointed commandant of
the National Guards. " Thiers,
" Odillon Barrot,
•• Lamorigieke."
nitics by M.
lentary calm,
who, as oven-
e, and when-
3(1 the piquets
arming them,
d excitcnicn't
1 passing the
>r M. Guizot,
;upied by the
by the troops
ear soon gave
rhe cry then
ith the assas-
atl his race !
dily rc-echood
having failed,
Palace of the
Thiers under-
join with him,
» this the King
ght, appointed
finding he was
IS soon as ap-
il Lamoriciire.
n stopped, and
>r destroyed at
, a placard was
lock, A. M., M.
listers. Subse-
t the Bourse :
to form a new
The orders issued to the troops were, it appears, not only to
cease firiri", but to retire to their quarters. Accordingly, about
11 o'clock, the trumpets sounded a retreat, and most ot the
important positions which, up to that hour, had been occupied
by the infantry, cavalry, and arlilleiy, were abandoned to the
people anil the National Guard.
Marshal Bugeaud protested against the orders given, and
resigned. Whole regiments marched to their barracks, and
allowed themselves to be quietly disarmed by the mob. 1 here
was now no want of arms among the insurgents, and the number
of working men and others engaged in eflorls to expel the royal
family, exclusive of the National Guards, was swelled to an
estimated force of twenty thousand men.
Between eleven and twelve o'clock, this army directed Us
course to the Palais Royal and the Tuileries. At the Palais
Royal, some severe fighting look place between the people and
a company of the Hih regiment of the line m charge of the
state apartments, who refused to surrender their arms, and main-
tained a contest of nearly two hours before they were finally
overcome. The noise of the firing was heard in the 1 uileries,
and combined with the unfavorable reports reaching the court
from every part of the city, produced a panic among the inmates
of the chateau, and all there assembled. In the court yard of
the Tuileries were 3,000 infantry with six pieces of cannon
and two squadrons of dragoons. These might have swept the
space before them (the Place du Carrousel,) clear of combatants
but it would have been of little avail, for they were surrounded
by an armed populace and six legions of the National Guard,
demanding the abdication of the king, and ready to c bse in
upon them, if rendered desperate by their position. It was
represented to Louis Phillippe, that abdication would alone
secure the interests of his family, and that his disposal of the
crown in favor of his grandscm, the young Comte de Pans, with
the appointment of his mother, the Duchess of Orleans, as
Regent, would satisfy all parties— few voices having, as yet,
been openly raised for a republic. In the ourse of this day,
the king signed an act of abdication, presented to him by hmile
de Girardin, but before this fact could be known in Pans, he
troops of the line were summoned to quit the court-yard ot the
Tuileries. Not knowing whom to obey, the commander-in-
chief having resigned, and the government having been dissolved,
they agreetl to yield their post. The Chateau was to be pro-
tected by the National Guards, but the armed populace rushed
by them and entered in triumph. Bonfires were made of the
royal carriages and furniture, at the Palais Royal and imlenes.
Li <
The throne of the slate reception room wus carried in triumph
through the streets, and finally burned in the I'lace de la Bas-
tille. The plunder and destruction of property was chiefly con-
fined to the insignia of royally, and speedily checked. Sentinels
were placed at the entrance of the Tuileries by the leaders ot
the people, and no person allowed to leave the Chateau, with-
out a vigorous search.
xMeanwhile, the ex-King and Queen had passed out at a
private door into the gardens, and demanded an escort ol the
National Guards through the crowd beyond. A troop ot
National Guards on horseback, and about thirty persons in
difTerent uniforms attended them, to ensure their safety. 1 he
Queen walked with a firm step, casting around looks of mingled
assurance and anger. She was dressed in full mourning : the
King wore a black coat, with a common round hat. Arriving
at the Place de la Concorde, they drove oft' to St. Cloud with so
much rapidity that the coach appeared carried rather thau
driven away. They pursued their way to Versailles, and
thence to Dreux, where they passed the night with a friend, who
procured disguises for the royal fugitives. That of the king
was a green blouse, with a sailor's frock coat over it, a red and
while comforter and a casquette, or peasant's cap. I he queen
concealed her former dress by a woollen cloak of black and
white plaid. From Ureux they proceeded to Honfleur, where
they remained concealed for some days, the boisterous weather
not allowin.r their embarkation until Thursday of the next week,
when they were conveyed in a French fishing boat to Havre,
thence sailing for England, and arriving at New Haven that
^'^ About half past one of the day on which the Royal pair left
Paris, it was rumored in the Chamber of Deputies that the
Duchess of Orleans, and the two young princes, her sons, were
about to arrive. Shortly after, the Duchess and her sons entered,
followed by the Due de Nemours and the Due de Montpensier.
The Comte de Paris, led by one of the Deputies, entered first,
his way being made with difficulty through the crowd of officers
and soldiers of the National Guard. His presence and that ot
the rest of the royal party, created a great sensation. A moment
afterwards, the Duchess of Orleans seated herself in an arm-
chair, with her sons on either side of her. Immediately every
vacant place was filed with such of the populace as had suc-
ceeded in crowding themselves in with the National Guard, a
number of men forcing their way under tl\e tribune. 1 he
Duchess then arose and retired with the young princes, to one
of the upper benches of the Centre, and opposite to the f resi-
-_* ...A*.—-—— '
in triumph
c (le la Bas-
chiofly con-
10 leaders of
lateau, with-
9C(1 out at a
escort of the
A troop of
persons in
safety. The
ws of mingled
ourning : the
lat. Arriving
Jloud with so
rather than
ersailles, and
a friend, who
t of the king
it, a red and
. The queen
of black and
inflcur, where
erous weather
he next week,
oat to Havre,
V Haven that
loyal pair left
jties that the
ler sons, were
: sons entered,
entered first,
iwd of officers
;e and that of
[\. A moment
If in an arm-
ediately every
e as had sue-
onal Guard, a
ribune. The
irinces, to one
J to the Presi-
dent's bureau. 1'he Due do Nemours and the Due de Mont-
pensier placed thetnselvtifi in the lust line of seats, directly
behind the princess and her sons. The greatest agitation
M. Dupin then ascended the tribune, and, amid deep silence,
said, that in the present situation uf the capitol, it had been
found necessary to re-assemble the Chamber without loss of
time. The King had abdicated the crown in favur of his grand-
son, and devolved the regency on the Duchess of Orleans.
This announcement was greeted with applause from all the
benches of the centre, and from some of the public tribunes.
Disapprobation was expressed on the benches of the left, and
one voice was heard, exclaiming, " It is too late." The scene
of confusion that ensued, it is impossible to describe. A num-
ber of deputies and the National Guards hastened to surround
the royal family.
M. Marie then ascended the tribune, and after silence was
restored, reminding the Chambers that a law existed giving the
regency to the Due do Nemours, and which could not be abro-
gated by an act of the King in favor of another, demanded the
nomination of a provisional government. M. Cremieux and the
Abb6 de Genoude, supported the proposition. Odilion Rarrot
then declared himself in favor of the regency of the Duchess of
Orleans, a ministry of tried liberal opinions, and an appeal to
the country. The Duchess then arose and addressed some
words to the Chamber, but was advised by those about her to be
seated. Odilion Barrot resumed his discourse, appealing to all
parties to defend the crown of July, now committed to the
custody of a chiM and a woman, as the only means of averting
a civil war. A majority of the deputies signified their assent,
but their tokens of approbation were drowned in murmurs from
the galleries, and cries of " Vive la Hepublique." M. Cheval-
lier, editor of the " Bibliotheque Historie," ascended the tribune,
amidst cries of " you are not a deputy," " you have no right to
be there." He cautioned the Chamber against proclaiming the
Comte de Paris, without the consent of the people, into whose
hands the real sovereignty had again fallen. The Marquis de
Larochejaquclin rose to speak, but hac' only uttered a few words
when a crowd rushed into the Chamber, some armed with
swords, lances, muskets, spears, and tri-colored flags; others
unarmed, in blouses, with dragoons' helmets on their heads, or
with cross belts and infantry caps. These persons it once
seized on such deputies' seats as were unoccupied, several
ascending the tribune and stationing themselves there.
A number of the deputies, appearing to consider their position
perilous, bcgnn to withdraw, and as they abandoned their
places, the crowd took thoni. The tumult was tremendous, and
many deputies looked with anxiety towards the Duchess of
Orleans and her children, but she sat calm amidst the uproar.
After M. Ledru Kollin and M. Lamartine had succeeded in
making themselves hoard for a few moments, a violent and
imperative knocking arose at the door of one of the tribunes. It
being opened, a crowd of armed men rushed in. Several of
them forced their way to the front seats, and pointed their
muskets at the deputies below. Some of these weapons were
turned in the direction of the royal party.
Immediately the persons near the Duchess of Orleans seemed
to address her energetically, and at once, with her sons and the
two princes, she quitted the Chamber by a door on the extreme
left. M. Sauzet left the chair, and a great number of deputies^
rose from their places. The greatest disorder was visible.
Shortly after, silence being somewhat restored, M. Ledru Rollin
said, "According ns I read out the names, you will say * Yes,'
or 'No,' just as they please you ; and in order to act officially,
1 call on the reporters of the public press to take down the
names and the manner in which they are received, that France
may know what has been done here." The honorable deputy
then read the names of M. M. Dupont (de I' Eure) Arago, De
Lamartine, Ledru Hollin, Gamier Pages, Marie and Cr^niieux,
all of which were received with acclamations.
Cries of " To the Hotel de Ville," here arose, followed by a
cry of " No civil list," and another of " No King !" Some one
having directed the attention of the crowd to the picture of liouis
Phillippe swearing obedienco to the charter, cries of " Tear it
down !" arose. A workman, with a double-barrelled fowling
piece, who was standing in the same circle, cried out, " Just
wait until I have a shot at Louis Phillippe!" and at the same
moment both barrels were discharged. Great confusion ensued,
amidst which, two men jumped on the chairs behind the Presi*
dent's seat, and prepared to cut the picture to pieces with their
sabres. Another workman ran up the steps of the tribune and
exclaimed, " Respect public monuments ! respect property ! why
destroy the pictures with balls ? We have shown that the peo-
ple will not allow itself to be ill-govemed : let us now show
that it knows how to conduct itself after victory." (Great
The next instant, M. Dupont (de I' Eure) was placed in the
chair. M. de Lamartine and Ledru Rollip attempted to obtain
a hearing, but were unsuccessful. Several of the guards and
some of the people made a similar vain eflbrt. A cry then
andoned their
mcndous, and
Duchess of
8t the uproar.
succeeded in
a violent and
le tribunes. It
n. Several of
pointed their
weapons were
Orleans seemed
er sons and the
on the extreme
ber of deputies^
or was visible.
^f . Ledru Rollin
will say ' Yes,'
to act officially,
take down the
ved, that France
honorable deputy
5ure) Arago, De
e and Cr6inieux,
ie, followed by a
ig !" Some one
I picture of Jiouis
:ries of " Tear it
)arrelled fowling
cried out, " Just
and at the same
:onfusion ensued,
lehind the Presi-
pieces with their
f the tribune and
ict property! why
>wn that the peo-
et us now show
victory." (Great
as placed in the
tempted to obtain
f the guards and
>rt. A cry then
arose in one of the tribunes, " Let I^amurtine speak ;" and
" Larnartine" resounded from all quarters.
M. dc Lamarline. " .\ provisional government is about to be
proclaimed." (Cries of Vive Lamartino I " Nsimcs, nnmcs !")
The noise not ceasing, the names were written on a slip of
faper, and carried round the chamber on the lop of a musket,
n the midst of shouts Ledru HoUin road the names. Nearly all
the deputies had, by this time, departed, and the N'atiomil (luards
and the people had the chamber to themselves. .VI. Rollin
continued, " We are obliged to close the sitting in order to pro-
ceed to the seat of governnKMil."
(From all sides shouts, "To the Hotel de VjIIo!" " Vive la
R6publique !") The crowd then dispersed at four o'clock.
Another terrible scene now took place at the Hotel de Ville,
where, on adjourning from the chamber, the members of the
provisional government sat to decide upon the course to be
adopted. Suddenly the doors of the Salle de Conseil were
violently shaken, and the people loudly demanded the commu-
nication of the first act of the government. The great majority
of the members wore opposed to the establishment of an unmiti-
gated democracy, but the populace were resolved that a purely
democratic Republic should be formed, and that every male
above a certain age should be eligible to the National Guard,
and empowered to carry arms. Every attempt to oppose this
was the signal of renewed shouts. In vain it was attempted to
adjourn the question till minds should become calm. The popu-
lar will prevailed, and resolutions were passed in accordance
with it.
The provisional government at once issued the following
proclamation :
" A retrograde and oligarchic government has been overturned
by the heroism of the people of Paris. This government has
fled, leaving behind it traces of blood which will forever forbid
its return. The blood of the people has flowed as in July, but
happily, it will not have been in vain. It has secured a national
and popular government, in accordance with the rights, the pro-
gress, and the will of this great and generous people. A Provi-
sional Government, chosen by the acclamation and at the call
of the people, and some of the Deputies of the departments in
the sitting of the 24th of February, is for the moment invested
with the care of organizing and securing the national victory. It
is composed of MM. Dupont (de I'Eure,) Larnartine, Cr^mieux,
Arago (de I'lnstitut,) Ledru Rollin, and Gamier Pages. The
.crrcarirs to tl.U fiovcrnmnU are MM. ^™d ^arra«^ e.litor
of the ' National ;' \.o\m iUnnc, iMTdinaml Hocoii, tclitor ol ino
/i L.nr • and AlLert. Th.-nr ctti/.cns have not hrH.latr.l for an
i /s r o a"l ho patriotic mission whic-h ha« been .mpoHed
J Wv th.: urLMM cv of the ocea«io.i. When iho rapitai ol
Fni i-n^nJer n^ .Kt^.m of the i-ron«ional t;overnment Jj
hTo ,m c saf.tv. All Franco will understand this, and w.ll
t:^:1^^of its patriotism. , Under ^^^V^l^^'
men* now nrorluimed l)V the Hrovisional C.overnmont, . very
"^enir a' magistrate.' Frenchtnen. «-e U, the wodd^ t^^^^^
^Ls which vrare abont to be called upon to R.ve y.o«"elve»^
S- Provisional C;ov..rn.nont desires a Hepnbhc, H'-bject to the
r/Z nent dVsiro\o"ufsth their opinion for tho opin.on-
^'ItrScns at large, upon '»'•;''{:''" tl'r '^'rSrS^
which the national Hovercignty ^Imll proclaim^ 1 Uc """[ »'
The nation, formed henceforth of all ^l"-- "'.V^^^^/'^^X
and pass-word to be ' 1 tie J « opie , ^u „hirh our
Boveniment which France owes to herself, and which our
E will assure to her. St.ch are the first acts of the Pro-
vi8i.mal Government. Lamartine, Ledru Rollin,
bI'XmIJSJ^^^I Arai. Bcthmont. Marie. Canto,
"^"X^S^S oSS is disbanded. The protection c^
cityofrurins Confided to the National Guard, under the orders
of M. Courtais."
This proclamation was Allowed by another appointing a Pro-
ernor of Algeria. To these decrees succeeded .
"The Municipal Guard is dissolved. M. Gamier Pages is
VI arrant, editor
I, t'ditor of the
ir(«ilatP(l for nn
been iinpo«e(l
the capital of
(iovornment is
this, and will
()opiilar govern-
eriiment, every
the world the
lare yourselves,
n Htrong institu-
nivo yourselves.
c, subject to the
ho inimedialcly
the Provisional
for tho opinions
> of Kovcrninenl
Tlic unity of
he people which
y itself; liberty,
national device
i the democratic
and which our
nets of the Pro-
5, Ledru RoUin,
It, Marie, Camot,
protection of the
under the orders
appointing a Pro-
le I'Eure,) Presi-
inariinc, Minister
uslice ; M. Ledru
ioudechaux, Min-
ster of Marine;
Vlinisterof Public
ter of Commerce ;
('avaignac, Gov-
Qarnier Pag^s is
named Mayor of Paris, and to him are given as mljoints, MM.
Guinard and Keeiirt, M. I'liilard is niiined Sccntary-uoni'ial.
All the other Mayors of Paris are provisionally maintained.
The Pr^leciuro of Police is under the drpciidi'iice of the Mayor
of Paris. In tho name of France, the Provisional (ioverninent
decides that the Chamber of iJeputios is dissolved, 'I'ho
ex-Chamber of Peers is forbidden to meet. A Nalional .\ssem-
bly will be convoked as soon as the Provisional (iovertimeiit
shall have regulated the necessary measures of order and
Further appointnionis followed in rapid succession. General
Siibervie was substituted for (Joneral Hedean, as Minister of
War ; Cieneral lledeau taking command of the first military
division ; Admiral llaiidin was appointed ('ominander of the
Fleet; the Police department was entrusted to the citizens
Caussidiere and Sobrier ; and M. Arago was appointed to the
Direction-General of the Post-oHico. A notice also advised the
bukers, or furnishers of provisions of Paris, to keep their shops
open to all those who might have occasion fur them. The
people were expressly recommeiuled not to quit their arms,
their positions, or their revolutionary attitude. It was further
announced that the liberation of all who had been imprisoned
on political grounds had been effected ; but, at the same time,
all who had been convicted of crimes against persons and prop-
erty were detained.
The revolution was now consummated ; royalty had vanished
like a dissolving view, and its place was already filled by a now
and totally diflerent spectacle.
The day after tho battle was one of strange, tumultuous ex-
citement, but passed without any infraction of the peace. The
streets were crowded, during the whole of Friday, with men
and women, and wore the appearance of a festival.
The people had not dismissed from their minds all apprehen-
sion of an attempt to rally on the |iart of those favoring the claims
of the DuchesB of Orleans and her son, and maintained a jeal-
ous attitude towards the soldiers of the line, who were still in
arms. Yet they displayed the moat frank and generous forgive-
ness towards their vaiupiishcd foes. Disarmed Municipal Guards
and soldiers of the regiment, who had fired on the people, were
seen walking about the streets, and no one insulted or molested
Among the scenes of the late conflict, none attracted more
painful curiosity than the space before the Hotel of the Minister
of Foreign Aflfairs, where the fatal volley had been tired on the
niifht III the '^3il. Pools of l)loud, fil'ty pacnn long, HtitKnatod
horribly on tin* unpliultu |mvuiiiont.
The lioiili-vunlit preitoiitfil u terrible proof of that reckless-
iii'S8 of iii'Htructioii coiiiinoii to ull kinds of battle. The trees,
which wiTu tlu) ortiiiiiiciit of tliu splendid stroots, were all cut
down. Till V W(>rt' Nttvered about three feet from the ground, and
formed ii line of posiH, neither useful nor ornamental. The mu-
tilated Htuiii|ii4 rumiiinud Btandin)( for some days, when they were
rcuujveii by u liirjjo body of laburors.
All tlif tlt'tacUitil {Hists around i'uris surrendered this day with-
out rosiiit incu. A lari^u body of the National Guardt, and of
the crowd, had marched against the fort of Vinconnes, but their
presence proved unnecessary, for the soldiers of the line had
tacitly joined the revolt.
liy l-'riday evening, order was to a great extent restored ; one
proof wiLi the rc-opuning of the Bunk of France, which was
chiefly due to the admirable conduct of l\u> National Guard, and
the intrepidity, energy and good sense of the Provisional Gov-
ernment. To M. Lamarlinu especially belongs the renown of
having, that day, saved his country from the most bloody an-
Among the earliest resolutions adopted by the Provisional
Government, were the abolition of capital punishment for politi-
cal od'ences, and the re-adoption of the tri-colorod flag. lioth
these measures were proposed by M. Lamartine, and owed their
success to his extraordinary eloquence and courage. Five
times on Friday, he addressed the [teople, still tierce with ex-
citement, assembled under the windows of the Hotel de Ville.
On Saturday, the restoration of order was complete. The
public departments resumed their duties, and among them the
department of Finance. It was (mly on the previous Monday
tliat the notice to pay the city taxes had been issued. The
whole of the coming year's taxes, derived from per-centage on
rents of the apartments and shop keepers' licences, would thus
fall into the hands of the new Ciovernmenl— an enormous fund
with which to begin. The million a month had already been
confiscated, or, us the ordonnance has it, "restored to the people,"
a handsome addition to the fund applicable to the relief of dis-
The streets being partially cleared of the barricades, under
the scientific direction of the students of the "Ecole Polytech-
nique," in such a way as not to compromise the security against
a surprise afforded by these popular fortiftcations, the country
people were enabled to bring in their provisions, of which there
wa9 an abundant supply. The vast number of cabmen and
ihat recklew
lo. The treea,
In, were ull cul
ihc ground, nixA
iiittl. The mu-
wheii they were
. this day with-
Guardb and of
lennes, but ihoir
f iho line had
restored ; one
, which was
„ial Guard, and
rovisional Gov-
tho renown of
most bloody an-
r the Provisional
ishmvnt for politi-
lorcd flag. Both
ue, and owed their
J courage. Five
ill fierce with ox-
Hotel de Ville.
M complete. The
1 among them the
previous Monday
een issued. The
>m per-centage on
;e»ces, would thus
-an enormous fund
I had already been
lorod to the people,"
to the relief of dis-
te barricades, under
B "Ecole Polytech-
ihe security against
cations, the country
ions, of which there
iber of cabmen and
coachmen were thus allowed to resume their occupation. The
law-courts again connnnnced their sittings ; the shops were
opened, and every thing was done to calm apprehension.
On this day, Lamartine declared the Republic. He presented
himself, with the other members of the Government, on the
steps of the Hotel de Ville, and thus addressed the multitude :
■' Citizens ! The Provisional Government of the Republic
has called upon the people to witness its gratitude for the mag-
nificent national co-operation, which has just accepted these
new institutions. .
" The Provisional Government of the Republic has only joy-
ful intelligence to announce to the people here assembled.
Royalty is abolished. The Republic is proclaimed. The peo-
ple' will exercise their political rights. National workshops
are open for those who are without work.
" The army is being re-organized. The Nation'/i Guard in-
dissolubly unites itself with the people, so as to promptly re-
store order with the same hand that had only the preceding mo-
ment conquered our liberty.
" Finally, gentlemen, the Provisional Government is anxious
to be itself the bearer to you of th^ last decree it has resolved on
and signed in this memorable sitting ; that is, the abolition of the
penalty of death for political matters. This is the noblest decree,
irentlemen, that has ever issued from the mouths of a people,
the day after their victory, ii is the character of the French
nation, which escapes in one spontaneous cry from the soul of
Government. We have brought it with us, and I will now read
it to you. There is not a more becoming homage to a people,
than the spectacle of its own magnanimity."
He then read the following noble proclamation:
" The Provisional Government, convinced that greatness of
Boul is the highest degree of policy, and that each resolution,
effected by the French people, owes to the world the consecra-
tion of an additional philosophical truth ; considering that there
is no more sublime principle than the inviolability of huniaa life ;
considering that in the memorable days in which we live, the
Provisional Government has remarked, with pride, that not a
single cry for vengeance or for death has dropped from the
mouths of the people, declares— That, in its opinion, the pun-
ishment of death for political offences is abolished, and that it
will present that wish to the definitive ratification of the National
Assembly. The Provisional Goyemment has sc^ firm a con-
viction of the truth, that it proclaims, in the name of the French
people, that, if the guilty men who have just ca«sed the blood
of France to be spilt, were ia tbe hands «rf the people, it would,
.„.Wropinion,bea.o.e exemplary Chastisement to ae,r^^^
cal offences tended, "^7,^^=^" Siv „f the entire nation, m
to produce the unparalleled unammuy .^ ^,j^ j.
accepting the new men. as the "«^«««;'X ,, ,,eU as all the
die classes in Pans ''"d^" J?" Ctatio-^to t^e Government
press, yielded >-?^°«\rrrtof the army, and the Archbishop
Slarshal B^^^'^'rof Kergy gave in their adhesion to the
of Paris, on the part of the ciergy, b
new Republic. . ^^e barricades had all been
Sunday was a high festival, in ^,^,„^k, the
removedfand the streets we e thronged.^ ^^^ ^ody of National
Provisional Governmen '«"«75 '" „„ ^^.^ steps of which,
Guards, before the Column of July, on .^^^ \^^ ^ „
the celebrated astronomer, ^J^go, P Comtais, with his
amidst the >vildest enthus^^m General ^^^^^^ ^^^^^
,,hite her. "-covered, harangued every grj ^^^^^^^^^
I Bouleva.a. the Foreign Office, re<.om . i,iu„,inated.
quillity. • " ' «ning, the «^P'^-^^ j^, ,^^ t^-color transpa-
Venetian! ,, ' ' «l/«P°«^«.f ^^'" ^Boulevards were exceed-
rent, were --"«^"^*y ,T wTndows and under .he lamps, were
ingly gay. People at all t^e -"f"^^^^^^^^ „„ every body to
devouring the journals. HawRers ^^^^^^ ^^ j „„.
purchase little tri-colored cockades tU^^^ ^
guish it from the red, ,^^»*^» 'f/ ' °"' ^inst private persons and
was the capital freer from "V '*8«« l^gj'^^ ^ i^^j^n, b„t it
properly, than during the wild turn^^^^^^^^ ^^ ^,
must not be ^nPP^i'^^'^^trn Paris who thought they saw m
weredesperate male ac^rsm Pans ^.^.^^ ^^^^ ,apine, but
struction of Property. The ex King ^^^^^^^^ ^^ ^^re
was burned on S=;turday; but most o ^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^
carefully removed, and sent to the pumic - j j^^^^ ^aved,
of conflagration began. Among th^^^^^^^^^ ^^^ ^ K^ ^,^^y
were two volumes of 'l^^ "^"^^ ^'^^^ of the Con-
terminating at t^ F""J r^Stc ?n presence of the armies of the
Bulatc proclaimed the R"?"'^ "= '"^J y^^nds of the new Govern-
enemy' There '^l-P-;:J;7,he ex-King, among which was
ment, various pnvate P-^P*-" °' '" < ^^,J^^ Men I am sure of.
lent to degrade
ileath for politi-
le Government,
ntire nation, in
ime. The mid-
well as all '.He
the Government,
the Archbishop
r adhesion to the
ides had all been
two o'clock, the
Ijody of National
steps of which,
id the Republic,
omtais, with his
he met, along the
ng order and tran-
iantly illuminated.
[ tri-color transpa-
rds were cxceed-
er the lamps, were
g on every body to
lal color, to distin-
lad adopted. Never
rivatc persons and
B Revolution, but it
committed. There
lought they saw in
ties for rapine, but
id punished by the
is much wanton de-
jI chateau at Neuilly
luable contents were
,ury, before the work
cresting items saved,
s of Louis Phillippe,
ssioners of the Con-
> of the armies of the
of the new Govern-
jr, among which was
"Men 1 am sure of."
child was burned on
Sunday, under the imprcsNion that it belonged to the King.
The greatest destruction was that committed on the Northern
Railway, the damage done to which amounted to no less than
jC400,000. Repairs were quickly made, sutFicient to render the
line practicable to a certain extent ; hut the effect of the mis-
chief was not confined to the heavy loss of capital ; three fourths
of the traffic of the line were annihilated. ^
^ 'I'he Revolution of February, 1848, in Paris, is, in some
respects, a continuation of the Revolution of July, 1830, while
in other points, it is entirely new. The old principle combined
with the new to overturn the throne of Louis I'hillippe, and to
proclaim the republic, but as soon as the monarchy was abolished,
the old and new principles commenced a war againsl each
other. The old principle included the right of self-government,
and civil and religious liberty, and merely attempted what the
American people have realized under a republic. Louis Phil-
lippc invaded this principle, and fell. The new principle, which
aided in his overthrow, went much further, insisting not merely
U|>on civil and religious liberty, and upon a share in government,
through the suffrage, for the adult male population, but upon the
establishment of new social relations between wealth and labor.
It was in fact Socialism, or Communism ; and affirmed that the
State collectively can and must supply food and labor for the
whole population. The one principle was purely political and
philosophical ; the other was social and unpliilosophical. Both
were active in France during the reign of ].iOuis Fhillippe ; both
desired a change ; the one, that France might become a great
republic like the United States — the other, that France might
work the mighty problem of Communism, and show to the world,
by a new distribution of wealth, and by the destruction of
individualism, that every man might have more than enough for his
wants, and poverty and crime be altogether banished from society.
The first acts and proclamations of the Provisional Govern-
ment were looked to with great interest throughout Europe. It
was announced that the constituent National Assembly was con-
voked for the 20th of April, a dale afterwards postponed to the
4th of May. It was decreed that the electoral colleges should
meet on the 9th of April, and that every Frenchman, without
respect to property, being of the age of twenty-one years, should
have a vote, under the protection of the ballot — the Assembly,
80 elected, to consist of 900 members, or one member to every
40,000 of population, each member to be twenty-five years of
age, or upwards. The principle of the payment of members
was affirmed, and the indemnity for each was fixed at 25 francs
a day during the session.
„f i>ifi revolution was the first
The interment of the v^'^'uns of .he e « ^ ^,,^,„,,i,,, .„
great ceremony of the J^'a.cS er of the people, U was
fts general aspect as suited tlu-c^^ ^^^^.,^i returns gave
nevertheless grand and ^f.^'X fiihting, but it was believed
150 killed, and 500 ^"""f.f";;^ larger- All the members of
that the number was '•«^'»"y T" eeremony of interment, excep
Ihe mimstry -"^.P^frbsence was accounted for on the ground
M Lamartine. whose absence w
of excessive fatigue. revolution, the people were
For the first few ^^««^« ^^^^'i^ed tree« of liberty to amuse
kept in good humor, ^^'".l^eet to street with uprooted
thLselvL, and -arched from ^rect^ .^^ ^,,^^ ,„ p, ,^em^
poplars, seeking vacant P>°^« «'^^i^ banners flying, and with a
Jrhey marched in Pf^^'I'f' °"\J ".ees in the name of bod, and
priest at their head, to ^ess the tree^ ...nusement and
S the cause of liberty. ..^^oX theatres, the people did
favored with gratuitous '^?;jf '"^^^^^^nt, taking a lesson from
not think of mischiet. l ne go» . ;,„,„,i its irorgeous ffete, ana
r £y of the fi--«,rs'rb"; r 7^^
brought large -^^^^J'^^^f ^J^.J^ an^ banners, the firmg ol artil- ,
the republic with spears, sworas,j^^jjgg ^
lerv and the shouting of enthusiastic m ^^^ j,„t j
The "People." however ^^ f^^Sient and necessary to |,
occasion npoi. which ^^^^^^-"f^IueTof uniform among the ,
show their P«r''XoTers orone favorite division insisted
National Guard. 1 jY^^hnlnt' which the working classes |
upon a distinctuia «/. '^^''''"""f.Ue principle of '' equality.
Zked upon as an infringement c,^ ,}'&,) the emissaries of
Early on Friday morning (nth of M^^^^,.^^
the clubs proceeded to all the 8»o«rD , ^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ,„
endlvous on difi-frent I»intB, an«i ^^ ^,^^^^^,^,, laborers
bodies to the Hotel de Vile. About e ^^^ ^^^.^ j
Zired down in massea tnt«.^^^„"^?.v' ^e who assembled in the
P:;rire working, to pin the- 1 ho-; p^„^ ,,^,,„l, «as
Champs Elysees exceeded 30,OU
covered. , , . .,, ^^^ the crowd remained on the
From twelve o'clock t}" '^°'. '".^^Is raising the chorus of
Place, cheering and shouting, ^J^ j"^^^^ their drums. There
5 e« Marseillaise." or beatmg ^he ^JP «' „f f^,,, , the
was no sign of oppo^tt^o" »o 'h>„^ J^^^ ^^^„ ^,^,x. Towards
guard on duty was e^en l«f ""I" though very slowly,
fio o'clock, the crowd began ^"f^ffjjumphoveran attempted
^^The demonstration was con-^^^^ those who. U «
I was the first
iiit theatrical in
people, it was
1 returns gave
it was bcUeveJ
the members of
iterment, except
>r on the ground
the people were
liberty to amuse
!t with uprooted
ch to plant them.
yring, and with a
ame of tiod, and
anmsement, and
es, the people did
ng a lesson from
rorgeous f6te, and
ther to inaugurate
, the firing of artil-
times. The first
It and necessary to
iniform among the
le division insisted
B working classes
)ie of " equality."
) the emissaries of
vite the laborers to
Bed from thence in
o'clock the laborers
J all their comrades
^o assembled in the
Pont d'Arcole was
d remained on the
iising the chorus of
their drums. There
,tion of feeling ; the
m usual. Towards
lough very slowly,
ph over an attempted
ver those who, it is
The succeeding night passed in perfect tranquillity, though
the ileiiiDiistr.-ition continued to a late hour. Hodies of men,
marcliiiig nine and ten abreast, continued to defile along the
Boulevards fnnn four till seven o'clock. As night fell, crowds
collecteil in diflVrcnt spots, but principally about the Porte St.
Denis and Porte St. Martin. The inhabitants in this quarter
illuminated their houses, and about eight o'clock an immense
body of the people began to move slowly along the Boulevards
in the direction of the .Madeleine, singing and calling on the
shopkeepers to light up ; the citizens were taken by surprise,
and whenever a delay occurred, cries of " Des lampions .'" were
raised : as soon as lamps were fixed to the balconies, the crowd
gave a round of applause, and marched on. In this way they
advanced in comparative darkness, leaving a blaze of light behind
them. They were in a very good humor, and not the slightest
damage was done : not a single pane of glass was broken, nor
did the shopkeepers exhibit any alarm, though neither police
nor military were to be seen. By ten o'clock the throng began
to diminish, and by midnight everything was quiet again.
The Minister of War addressed a circular to all the chiefs of
corps, directing them to present in future for promotion none but
candidates entitled to it by their military service.
.\fter their demonstration at the Hotel de Ville, the workmen
of Paris proceeded to the ministry of the interior to salute M.
Ledru Hollin personally, and the different trades succeeded each
other without interruption from four to seven o'clock, P. M.
Not less than 100,000 men presented themselves at the Hotel
during that interval, and M. Ledru Rollin stood constantly under
the porch receiving addresses and replying to them.
The position of the armed force of France, in relation to the
people, was singular. The army, notwithstanding many re-
assurances, had not recovered from the disgrace inflicted by the
general disarming ; the public were not sufficienily reassured of
its disposition to permit the introduction even of two regiments
into Paris without a nmrmur. The National Guard was tainted
with anti-revolutionary tendencies ; the Garde Mobile was
imperfectly armed and quite undisciplined, and the military and
political systems seemed alike disorganized.
The Mint was encumbered with an enormous mass of silver
plate, brought there to be coined into pieces of five francs each.
A number of silversmiths, despairing of selling their second-
hand articles, resorted to this expedient to render their dead
stock available: others announced a reduction of 10 percent,
on their goods, in order to ensure such a sale as might keep
their workmen employed.
f I
. „f thfi newly enrolled Garde
The arming and «a"!Pr";,:L rapidity.^ A decree in the
Mobile was urged on ,^'"V . ITf War to issue from the stores
ELeur au Jrized U.e M.n. e o War^to^^ ^^^^^^ ^. ^^^^ ^„.
of the army such clothing, i-c,
convenience to the ^^''"W,^..^^smeT^i, the Government was
In the face of financial ^n'^arrassme , ^.i.eady too
compelled to find the ."--^-"^ "^^^J^^^^ Jf the country- The
large for the necessities or '^^^J^ „f ^^e republic the young
Sa'rde Mobile enl^,^ - ^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^.^ higher rate than the
men of the "people paid them a .^ ^^^ ^ „f jis-
troops of the line, and bor« ' W ^j they formed the greatest
cipline. As it afterwards appeared y^^^^
bulwarks against f "^^^y.^^'p^Ji^jroni 20 to 55 years of age
All able bodied men in fans, i ^ ■ j Guard. The
^ere invited to f "r«»,tTrm them all, to provide clothing at
Government undertook « """JJ^'^ere not able to equip them-
the public expense, fo^. ^^°r„„7o° Sens were enrolled m the
selves, and in a sl^^^^^^f^tf A d scount office, under the
guard of Pans and "« J "^i Traders," was directed to be
title of " Endowment f^^/^'jf > „\ facilities for pecuniary
established for thmr ''^^^JgJ^^\f ,tamp duties on journals
accommodation rhe suppressto^^^^ Another decree,
and other perio^U-al pi^UcaUon^was a ^^ ^^^^^.^^
dated 3d March, ordered that the a ^^ ^^^ ^ ^
Paris and in the «ubur s shouW be^h^^^^ . ^ ^^^ ^,^ r,,„,h
for all professions, blavery w ^ i
colonies and possessions. Provisional Govern-
The French " people" no soone' «J^^« ^^ ^ manifest ,
niont installed at the Hotel dej^l^^^ t^^n J^ uf transfom into
the hopes which they ^^VfZ^ll Liaginary, was laid at the
realities. Every grievance jea^ or ' fj Arago. with a view
feet of Messrs. De Lamartine Marras , B ^^.^^^^^ ^^^p. ,
to a remedy. Carpenters, buddersslu,^^^^^^^^ ^hoe-cleaners,
stresses, purse-knitters, .l«T"'„"'ery maids, formed deputations,
grooms, waiters, ^ookB,^^A iHrocLrion through the streets to
day after day, and marched in P™J^J^' .^ey suffered in their
delail to the government ^« ^"XP^.ong were dwellers in
Respective callings. ^^•"fl^^^Ja Workers ^and head-workers ;
the town and in the <=««""y : ^^^^^^^^^^ wants of society and
those who administered to ^h« '^g'J-^ j^ ^^j Englishmen,
those who flourished on Its vices tren ^^ j,
Swiss, Poles. Germans Italians tHj^^^,^^^^^^^
SutatrtS rlSr, tli: Owenite, all ranks, classes and
degrees of men.
Inrolled Garde
decree in the
[from the stores
Ved without in-
jvernment was
:my already too
country. The
ublic the young
er rate than the
manner of dia-
led the greatest
have raised.
)5 years of age,
lal Guard. The
>vide clothing at
le to equip thein-
e enrolled in the
office, under the
iis directed to be
les for pecuniary
luties on journals
Another decree,
effective labor in
ten hours a day,
n all the French
rovisional Govern-
began to manifest
n to transform into
y, was laid at the
irago, with a view
ters, tailors, semp-
srs, shoe-cleaners,
}rmed deputations,
jugh the streets to
r suffered in their
were dwellers in
ind head-workers ;
:it8 of society, and
n and Englishmen,
rs of slavery, the
t, the patriotic, the
ranks, classes and
They sought relief in every form, possible or impossible ;
fewer hours of labor, better wages, and more holidays. All these
were but a small portion of the tasks it was expected that the
Government would accomplish in behalf of " th*' people."
In the way of business, things continued deplorable. Money
became scarce, misery increased, and anxiety as regarded the
present, alarm as regarded the future, did not diminish. The
rich families who left Paris during the revolution, did not return,
and the few who remained continued to emigrate.
The elections for the National Assembly caused great ex-
citement throughout all France, ami there was, or appeared to be,
reason to believe that in the Provinces the Republic was not
quite so popular as in Paris. The danger here, the Provisional
Government deemed fit to provide against ; for it was justly
felt that if by any combination of circumstances, an assembly
should be elected, f;ontaining a majority of anti-republicans, a
state of anarchy and bloodshed would most probably be the con-
The Republicans, if proved to be in a minority, would show
themselves a continual source of alarm and mischief, a minor-
ity that never would submit, and that would change itself into a
majority, by dint of its zeal, energy, and strength of conviction.
To prevent this renewal of a struggle, of which the only possi-
ble result could be the triumph, at a somewhat later period, of
republican principles, iM. Ledru Rollin and M. Carnot issued cir-
culars to their agents, which excited much indignant remark.
That of M. Ledru Rollin was the most bold, and attracted the
greatest blame. It expressly declared that the agents of the
Government should use all means at their command to secure or
forward the return of Republican candidates. The circular of
M. Carnot took the same ground, and insisted that it was better
to choose an uneducated Republican from the ranks of the peas-
antry or the workmen, than an educated Royalist, however great
his reputation, or pure his character. The object of this procla-
mation was somewhat misunderstood, as meaning, that in all
cases an uneducated was better than an educated representative.
This, however, he never stated ; but, on the contrary, appealed
to the teachers in the public schools throughout the country
to offer themselves as candidates, showing them the career
that was opened to talent and learning by the Republic, and merely
insisting that Republicanism was the first requisite for a seat
in the Assembly. Republicanism with education, J'" possible —
but on no account education without Republicanisn. This was
his meaning ; and, his advice was generally acted upon. Can-
didates were found in sufficient numbers combining both rcqui-
rapid and f -'"^ a rat*,^^^^^^^^^^ ^f he tcpe-e of paying ihem
come reaUy useful and productive Communist
On Saturday, the I5th of AP"!; "» j extensive, gave
clubs, whose organization ^"^^ ^^^Pj^'^^d Jloustration uiH,n
orders to the working classes for a grand dcm ^^^^^l^^
the following day. ?\S""S;^'Sg groups of workmen
curred. From an early hour in the morning, ^o i ^^^ ^ ^^^^
assembled in the Champ de Mars wh«r« t Ja* ^^^^^^
the elections of the Captains of the Stan ottn ^^ ^^^^
destined to 'eF««''"S% ^l^"^eir' but it soon became
These elections passed ofT ^'"^^'y ^"Sm„„ ^t, and other men
known that the party of B anqin th« Comrn «ist ^^^^^^^ ^^
of extreme opinions, ^•'^^"'^"^^Vwh.ch caused the greatest
make a demonstration in ^^^^J^^^'.^, „ "^e most extravagant
alarm among the middle «^''^««^«' ^"''"'VrediL by reasonable
reports. Although these rumors ve « not ^^^^^^^^^ Ouard should
people, it was deemed P-^^f-^^^J'^'^^J^.rrs beaten in every
be called out. Accordingly, ^^.^J''JJ''',;„e closed, and the
quarter ; and, in a ew m.nutes af r ho s weje^.^^^^;^
National Guard might be ^^^""""y' ^4^3 por some lime the
of rendezvous of their respective companies !< ^^^^^ ^^^^
town presented the appearance of t^ ^J^^^^ ^,„„j ,,
were no barricades. rhamo de Mars continued to
Meanwhile, the crowd on the Champ ae ^^,,„,ati„ns,
increase, and it soon a^oume-^;- "/^^^^^^ ^ ™ ^^^^^ ^^^. „„
to one hundred '^^'^^^.^^Zo^^^ the different trades
was nearly as great. ^<^'f/'*'^„r^„ they made a collection
had elected their respective officer^^^^^^^^
scandal that
been elected
increased at so
)ne month they
of paying them
nd even Louis
le Government
■nied should be-
lus Communist
extensive, gave
onstration u^ton
irst outbreak oc-
ups of workmen
been tixed that
National Guard,
ere to be held.
I it soon became
It, and otlier men
the workmen to
lused the greatest
most extravagant
ited by reasonable
nal Guard should
beaten in every
re closed, and the
5 different places
For some time the
le day of the 24th
I children stood at
lurried to and fro,
ere was one great
Revolution — there
lars continued to
most calculations,
iltitude looking on
he different trades
nade a collection
patriotic gift to the
lotel de Ville.
the Garde Mobile
icipal places — the
Place dc la Bourse, the Place du Carrousal, tht Place de la Con-
corde, <^c. Patrols of theni al^o Iraversfd tliu stri-ct.'s.
'I'he manner in which the Natiunal (iuanl acted, excited un-
bounded admiration among the middle and ros|)oct:il)lu classes
of society, struck the Communist piirlies with dismay, and great-
ly strengthened the moderHtc soctiun of the Provisional (lovern-
nieiit. This section, tliougli forming the majority, was continu-
ally kept in check by the dread of the immense ph) sical power
which it was supposed that the minority — Ledru Uollin, Flocon,
Albert, and Louis Diane — had at their connnand ; but this dem-
onstration proved that the real physical power of I'aris, consist-
ing of the National (iuard, the Garde Nationale Mobile, and other
forces, were not only in favor of the moderate party, but ready
and even anxious to crush their enemies, who were also the en-
emies of law and order. To this force the moderate section of
the Government could have added from 20,000 to 30,000 regu-
lar troops, who were stationed within easy reach of Paris.
On Tuesday morning, the 1 Hth, at six o'clock, the rappel for
the assembling of the National Guards was beaten in all quarters
of Paris, in consequence of information that the Communists,
and most violent of the ('lubs, had determined on another attempt
to overthrow the Provisional (Jovernment, to establish a commit-
tee of public safety, and to attack the Hotel de Ville.
During the night, great numbers of the Connnunists assem-
bled in the neighborhood of the Motel de Ville and the Tuil-
eries, uttering threats against the moderate members of the Gov-
The intentions of the " people" being made somewhat clear
by these events ; and the danger to society being somewhat more
manifest than before, the Government became anxious to dis-
cover whether it could with safety resort to a step so bold as the
re-introduction of the troops of the line to Paris. The National
Guard was worn out and harassed, and would hail the return of
the troops as the greatest boon that could be offered them. But
the working classes and Communists might be mistrustful. To
inquiries, made both openly and secretly by the emissaries or
employes of the Government, a satisfactory reply was obtained,
and at length it was decided that the troops should be recalled.
It was not wise, however, to allow the real secret of their recall
to be promulgated ; and a scheme was adopted to throw the peo-
ple off their guard, and flatter their national and proverbial love
of grand spectacles, by one which should cast into the shade by
its magnidcence all the previous spectacles of the Revolution.
The Grand Festival of Fraternity was devised, and passed
off in the most brilliant manner. As early as five o'clock on the
'Li 1"
morning of thu 2Utli of April, the druniM wt-re beat for the aii8em«
blin){ul the iliflcrtint legions of tlu; Nutioiial (iuards ; hy uighl,
all I'aria suimiumI to havi! pourrd down into the Htrout. 'I'lii- day
wim dull, drizzly, and drviiry, hut llu- ardor neither of the actors
in the mighty show, nor of the (-rovvda of spoctators, was to be
damped. Countlesis thron(>H jioured along the ('hanipn Elyaeus
to the chief point of interest.
The immi UHC estnule erected beneath and l)efor« tho Arch of
Triumph, with its ascending galleries and tribunes, and decora-
tions of Koman and Cirocian uttribules, was not without a cer-
tain grandeur of etfect. lJ|ion this eslnulr. were assembled all
the generals, the courts, and the tribunals, the wounded of the
days of February, delegates from the schools, the commissions
and associations of the working classes, and from the clubs.
On either side, and in the galleries behind, was a crowd of priv-
ileged spectators and ladies, adtnitted by tickets.
The ceremonies were announced to commence at nine o'clock ;
at eight the tribunes had been tilled, but it was past ten before the
main body of the members of the Provisional Government made
their appearance. An address to the armed force was read by
M. Arago, as Minister at War. About eleven o'clock l)egan the
display. Nothing could be more imposing than the flood uf bay-
oneis, as it poured up the long avenue of the Champs Elysees,
towards tho Arch of 'rrium|)h. Tlie dilferent troops were min-
gled in the order of their approach — now a legion of the Garde
Mobile, now a regiment of the line ; a legion of the National
Guards, the schools, the associations of artisans, then cavalry
and infantry. Across the Place de la Concorde, down the ex-
Rue Koyale (now called the Rue Nationale,) and along the line
of the Boulevards, the scene was the same. The ferment of
the returning troops, and the swarming crowds, continued until
long after midnight. The whole city was brilliantly illuminated.
It was expected that during the night, when all tho Naticmal
Guards were exhausted by fatigue, a fresh attempt would be made
by the Ultras ; but nothing of the kind took place. The number
of men under arms during the day amounted to 400,000.
At night the illumination in the Champs £lysees presented a
fairylike scene. Lights, festooned from tree to tree, were hung
from the Place de la Concorde all the way to the magniticent trium-
phal arch, and then the vista was terminated by a splendid display
of various colored lamps. All the public buildings, of course,
shone resplendent ; and the Chamber of Deputies, and the noble
edifices on the Place de la Concorde glared with lights, and added
to the glories of the scene. In the midst of all this, hosts of
or tli«i assem-
,rd» ; liy oiKht,
ml. 'I'll*' liay
of the actors
tors, wa8 to be
lumps Elyseus
ore the Arch of
08, iiiul dccora-
t withuiil a cor-
aHstMiibled all
wounded of the
he coininisHioiis
from the clubs,
a crowd of priv-
at nine o'clock ;
H8l ten before the
overninenl made
irce wa8 read by
D'dock began the
1 the Hood of bay-
Champs Klysces,
troops were min-
ion of the Garde
n of tl»e National
aiis, then cavalry
do, down the ex-
Eind along the line
The ferment of
Is, continued until
iantly illuminated.
all the National
npt would be made
ace. The number
to 400,000.
lysees presented a
to tree, were hung
I magnificent triuni-
r a splendid display
lildings, of course,
ilies, and the noble
th lights, and added
f all this, hosts of
Republicans, male and female, sang their songs, with that light-
heartedneHS peculiar to the I'ariNiaii.
In thi> meautiuie, the elections for the Assembly hiid com-
menced, and were conducted for the iuonI part with great tran-
quillity, regularity and order.
It WHS remarked as a singular thing in Paris that not more than
one third of all the persons entitled to vote exercised the fran-
chise, The working classes hung back — a fact greatly lament-
ed, it proved that the French, though skilled in ellectiiig rev-
oluti(ms, were so little alive to the vahie of liberty, as to be indif-
ferent to the right to vote, the great privilege of the freeman ;
and, on the other hand, it created the apprehension that it was
not by peaceful constitutional means, but by actual violence, that
the working classes wt^re disposed tocause their wishes to prevail.
Lntc on Monday night, the 2 lih of April, the ballot-boxes were
closed, and the elections terminated. The general examination
of the votes was fixed for Friday, the 28tli of April, by an order
of the Mayor of Paris, who also laid down the regulations to be
followed on the occasion. Candidates, who obtained more than
'20UU votes, according to the order of sulFrages given to them,
were proclaimed " representatives of the people" by the Mayor.
The elections throughout France, generally, showed a liirgo
majority in favor of the moderate party. Some Monarchists, but
few, found their way to tlie Chamber.
The Assembly mot on the day appointed, and an immense
multitude assembled on the Place de la Concorde, on the liridgo,
and in all the places commanding u view of the National Palace,
as the building formerly known as the C'hambor of Deputies was
called. On the demand of General Courtais, the Commander
(if the National Guard, the Assembly showed itself bodily to the
people upon the peristyle of the building ; and the "Republic"
was proclaimed, amid the waving of innumerable banners, the
firing of artillery, and the shouts of the delighted multitude.
All the preliminaries having been gone through, [lowers veri-
fied, a president (M. Buchez,) and vice-presidents, secretaries,
&c., appointed, the members of the Government proceeded to lay
before the Assembly an account of their ministries since the es-
tablishment of the Republic.
On Saturday, May 6, .Vlinister Lamartine ascended the tri-
bune, and read a document, which purported to be a report of
the acts of the Provisional Government in the restoration of order,
the organization of the National Guard, Mobile Garde, the army,
&c., enumerating what had been done in the midst of two months
of a crisis during which not a drop of blood had been shed.
Many portions of this report were much applauded.
" The Mini.u-r «i •'"'""^•' ^^ " ,3 < his official .ut^u.
trihun.-. .n.l pro.-o.l.- to ;;,,,,,r ',;,,,, to the uanunis-
bunc vvu« M. Louis y^^'-^^-;^^^^;::^^ "i ich'he Hui.l the
i„ favor of his "^>.""".-' '""'', ' o^ ;« to the people asncn..
blo.l before the Hotel .le \ lie th« "J ^.^^^^^^ ^,,^ ^,,„.
His oration was r.-ceived with ^"l""" "« , , ,,„a ^as suc-
ister ..f l'«hlie I"'''"'^'"" ^'m rr^M om^ who laid
ceedcd by M. »-'"""" l''*:,,^';^ d part.nent.
onthe finaucial ^^^^;l^^Su'-^-^, and M. Marie,
M. Arago, the ^ " f "^^^^ ^.^^ ,e«cnted the sUimtion of
the Minister o( Public ^\ 'j^;; " ,;.j hy M. Lanmrl.nc, Mm-
their departments ^ J'^^X to ok a slu.rl'^ review of the aspect
-f ^-TTS^n^^-^^^^^ poet.
J"nt;rrea" pSrLs.read; but the Assembly unant-
Sly fefused to aecepuhe resignation ^^ ^ ^^^^.^
A stormy f ''"^^f ,£ Assembrto the Provisional Govern-
offerinjj the thanks of \''" ^T'"°'Jmini8tration of affairs, and
ntent for theu «^»».tl;"fi;eLctra Government «J m^.r,..,
nominating a committee of five to act as ^^^^ ^^^^^,.
until the P«'^'"''""^"\^""3S was mSdby the withdrawal
tuted. Subsequently,the motion was mo ,^^^^^^^ p^^^^.
„„„ld,ooc..ion 'l'"»''>«"Ji„,tSs W been ..nt .0 the
Jer of thn Inlo-
liiintralion, with
imrfindtid the
otficinl nets, ill
to the iidniiniH-
imeiit for polili-
iccntU'd ihc iri-
tcmjiore oration
ich ho miitl the
people asMem-
the Hevoliitioii.
Jarnot, the Min-
i\, and was suc-
rnerce, wlio laid
eluded his report
p, and M. Marie,
I the sitimtioii of
Lamarline, Min-
iew of the aspect
ne of his remarks
»le8 of his address
•ranger, the poet,
Assembly unani-
ion of M. Domds,
rovisional Govern-
in of affairs, and
rnment ad interim,
y had been consti-
by the withdrawal
3d that the Provi-
ountry. The vote
ez, the President,
ult of this sitting
was stationed in
been sent to the
narch at the first
On the following Wednesday, the appointment of an Kxeeu-
tive Ciiuunittet', in lieu of the I'roviHiuiiul (Jovornmeiit, wun
annomiied. The result of the ballot wun —
Arnno, .... 7'i&
(iarnier I'agds, . . 715
Mario, 70'.i
Lamartine, ..... 643
Ledru Kollin 598
Those five nieml)crs having; obtained the re(|iiired niiijurily,
were procliiinied iiiemliers of the Kxeciilive (."oiiimittee. M.
Louis Hlanc, M. .Mbert, and .M. i'locon wen entirely exclinlfid;
a fart which the " people" and the " Communists" clieriMhed
in vindictive remembrance. .M. Ledrii Uolliii, whose violence
had alarmed the majority, was at the bottom of the list ; and M.
dc l/imartine, who had lent his hi^h name ami <.;reiit popularity
to Mupport M. Ledru U<»llin, was placed next lowest — all beiii^
most siijniticant facts to show the spirit of the .\ssembly, anil
the probable policy to be hereafter exploded from it.
VVhilo these scenes had been takiiiK place al Paris, the work-
ing classes in Uouen, Kllxi-uf, and otluT mitnufacturinf( towns,
alarmed that the revolution would not take up the (luestions of
Socialism and (\)mmunism, and decree labor and food to every
man — whethttr idle or industrious, skilled or unskilled — hud
been in considerable agitation.
On Monday, the 15th of May, Paris was the scene of another
revolutionary struggle. The National Assemltly was surrounded
and entered by thousands of the population, led by Uarl)es, Ulaii-
(|ui, Hubert, and others, who drove the deputies I'roni their seats,
and, amid a scene of indescribaule tumult, assumed the functions
of Government. General Courtais, Commander of the National
Guard, had treasonably opened the gates of the Assembly to the
mob, and the Prefect of Police, M. Caussidiere, was sup|)osed
to be another of the conspirators. Louis Ulanc was also impli-
cated in the plot ; and thus organized and supported, the insur-
rection manifested itself. Having forced their way into the
National Assembly, the conspirators were not slow to announce
their objects and intentions. With a drawn sworil in his hand,
Barbes addressed the Assembly, and proclaimed that a contribu-
tion of a thousand millions of francs should bo levied on the
rich for the benefit of the poor, — that a tax of another thousand
millions should be paid by the rich for the aid of Poland, — that
the National Assembly should be dissolved, and an Executive
Government, composed of Barbes, Albert, Louis Ulanc, Flocon,
Blanqui, Raspail, and Cabet, be immediately appointed. He
concluded his proposals by demanding the re-establishment of
) 5
'4fi' '^''
the guillotine! The members of the Assembly withdrew, leav
iiig the hall in possession of the mob.
As soon as the fact of the erime committed against the
National Assembly was known in Paris, about four o'clock, the
rappel was beaten in all the legions. The National Guard
immediately assembled with admirable ardour, to cries of " Vive
I'Assemhlee Nativnalc .'" The 10th and 3d legions went towards
the National Assembly to protect it. Several representatives
joined their ranks, asking for arms. The other legions, detach-
ments of the Garde Mobile, detachments of infantry and cavalry,
and a battery of artillery, went to the Hotel de Ville, to possess
themselves of the two or three Provisional Governments who
had installed themselves therein. M. de Lamartine and M.
Ledru Rollin were on horseback, side by side, in the ranks of
the 2d legion. Ev irywhere on their passage they were received
with acclamation, i nd by the cry of *' Vive I'Assemblee Na-
tionale .'" On arriving at the Hotel de Ville, they entered it
without resistance. They found about a hundred individuals
assembled, the greatest number of whom were arrested, the rest
escaping. No act of violence had to be deplored. M. de
Lamartine and M. Ledru Rollin left the Hotel de Ville at 7
o'clock, (they were both on horseback,) and proceeded to the
National Assembly. The immense and compact crowd scarcely
allowed their horses to advance ; they were almost borne by
thousands of arms. Unanimous cries broke out on their passage.
M. de Lamartine, with his arms extended, and shaking hands
with thousands, with tears in his eyes, addressed thanks to the
multitude of devoted citizens. This demonstration accompanied
him to the Palace of the National Assembly. Between six and
seven o'clock, the legions of the banlieue entered Paris, by all
the barriers, to oiler their support to the National Assembly, and
their co-operation to the executive commission.
At six o'clock, Barbes was at the Hotel de Ville, drawing up
a proclamation, which was to be printed, and by which the dif-
ferent administrations were distributed among his friends, when
two captains, and about ten National Guards of the 3d and 6th
legions, entered the salle. " Barbes ! Where is Barbes ? We
must have him !" was their first cry. " No, no ! To arms !"
cried some men with red belts. " You shall march over our
dead bodies sooner than have him !" A greater number of
National Guards then entered, and endeavored to go into the
salle occupied by three members of the Provisional Govern-
ment. The sentinels posted by Barbes offered great resistance.
A deputy-mayor of Paris then came up. There were cries of
" Vive Lamartine .'" M. Lamartine having then arrived ; and
i I
withdrew, leav
led against the
our o'clock, the
^'ational Guard
( cries of " Vive
[18 went towards
legions, detach-
ilry and cavalry,
Ville, to possess
Dvernments who
inartine and M.
, in the ranks of
ey were received
I'AssembUe Na-
, they entered it
idred individuals
arrested, the rest
leplored. M. de
icl de Ville at 7
proceeded to the
,ct crowd scarcely
almost borne by
X on their passage,
nd shaking hands
ssed thanks to the
ation accompanied
Between six and
ered Paris, by all
»nal Assembly, and
! Ville, drawing up
1 by which the dif-
g his friends, when
i of the 3d and 6th
re is Barbds ? We
0, no ! To arms !"
lall march over our
greater number of
ored to go into the
'rovisional Govern-
red great resistance,
rhere were cries of
f then arrived; and
he was borne in triumph into the Hotel de Ville, and could only
sav a few words, which were received with noisy acclamations.
The 5th and 7th batteries of the artillery of the National Guard,
headed by their chefd' cscailron, made a line in the passage lead-
ing to the piace occupied by Barbes, Albert, Thore, and others.
Shortly after seven o'clock the following was issued :—
" The Hotel do Ville is delivered. The Provisional Govern-
ment is leaving it amidst the acclamations of the people. The
conspirators have been arrested. Citizen Bois Lecomte, bearer
of the present proclamation, is charged to read and cause it to
be placarded in all the mairies of Paris.
" Flottard,
" Secretary-General of the Marie of Paris.
" May 15. — Seven o'clock in the evening."
At eight o'clock the following proclamation was issued from
the Hotel de Ville : —
"French Rkpublic.
» Liberty, Equality, Fraternity.
"The National Assembly is not dissolved. The President,
yielding to the tumult, declared the sitting at an end. The
brave citizens of Paris are called on to maintain the respect due
to the National Assembly, which was elected by universal suf-
frage To attack the National Assembly, is to attack the
republic conquered in February, and proclaimed by the Assem-
bly. • Vive VAssembUe Nationale ." ' Vive la Republtque !
" Armand Marrast,
" Representative of the People, Mayor of Paris."
Thus the fidelity of the Guards, and the firmness of the Gov-
ernment, averted the crisis. The plot was widely ramified, and
parties high in oflice were implicated. The Government did not
deem it prudent to proceed against all the delinquents, but most
of the leading desperadoes were committed prisoners to the
Castle of Vincennes, among whom were M. Barbes, a man of
fortune, and highly educated; M. Raspail, a distinguished
chemist ; and M. Blanqui, a gentleman of ancient family, and of
high acquiiements and talents.
Paris had scarcely subsided into c Jiet after these terrible
commotions and alarms, when the inhabitants were summoned
by the Government to a great National F&te of Concord, which
took place on Sunday, the 21st of May. A procession was
formed from the Place de la Concorde to the Champ de Mars.
In the evening all Paris was brilliantly illuminated. The
Champ de Mars, Champs Elys^es and the Tuileries, were
lighted by half a million of lamps, aided by ten thousand Lhi-
at a cost of upwards of two hundedm^^^^^^^ ^^^ 1
Immediately after ^^^.^^V'^fuislation and oratory. On the
Assembly resumed Us ^"^"'^ji 5 Banishment Bill, ^h'^^^.^^J
24th of May the <^^1«^"^^,^^,"'",7j unanimously approved of by
been referred to a ^omm tlee a" ^^^^ read from the
them, was brought up. J^'^^^^J .'^nd the Duke de Nemours,
Duke d'.\umale, Prmce *!'; "'"^^^^'prancsois, Henry, and Louis
(denominated i" ^he Proceedings as ^J^S a declaration was
^'Orleans,) against the decree oban^shm ^^^ .„^^^„,,i ^o the
unanimously adopted by the Assemoy, .^^^^^^l compact
Executive «"v«"r"'' Ins n ction o a„ independent and tree
with Germany ; the '^^construction o ^^ ,^^^^ ^^^^ ^ j
rt Etcr™C=:Sn "^^^^ the clubs of which |,
bUbs and Blanqui were p^f-;'-^^.^^ ,,, „,anifested \\
An unusual display «f ""^'^e line of the quays on the :
around the Chamber. J he entire Un ^^ ^^ f
«outh bank, adjoimng the CjKimber ^^ ^^^ opposite sue
troops, (horse and foot.) ^ '"l^^j^-gction, were occupied by
Sding from the l>"« l'"^^*^' ^' nrtanrprenarations were taken on
in the court. These »"iP°f ''."^ J^taly and Poland, the topics
account of the debate aPP«'"^f J^the outr^^^^^ of ^^^ ^th. .
Sh had served as a P-^-^^^^^if^.t^of another popular mani-
"" The reports which «'«'^?, "XTof the Assembly to transfer
Testation determined ^^^^ ^'^^ J^-^^^^f War, the full command
^^KSli whole w.ek ^i -Si^^S^f t^*
was found absolutely necessary, horn n ^^ ^^^ ^,i
finances, to put a ^^op j^emP «y ng ^^^^^ alarmed the
expense, and the !f«X^%"SS Government. To abolish
workmen, and excited them agamst ^^ ^jble and inhu-
•••■I ■
(verywhoe \re-
slivily. 1 -vas
[ia the f6te, and
ited among the
was estimated
e, the National
)ratory. On the
Bill, which had
y approved of by
re read from the
ukc de Nemours,
Henry, and Louis
A declaration was
instruction to the
i'raternal compact
Rpendent and free
crecs were signed
le clubs of which
n was manifested
the quays on the
:upied by bodies of
the opposite side,
I, were occupied by
cts of the legislative
isliug of infantry of
y-men stood reae*/
»ns were taken on
d Poland, the topics
re of the 5th.
lOther popular mani-
\s8embly to transfer
r, the full command
ut the palace of the
a state of alarm. It
)ndition of the public
borers at the public
hat end, alarmed the
ernuient. To abolish
impossible and inhu-
ssity of stopping the
The Minister of Public Works issued a proclamation, in
which he dislinctly stated that the Government was occupied in
preparing for the organization of the national workshops
At an early hour of Monday, the 29th, the rappel was beaten
in live or six arrondissements, and great numbers of the National
Guard immediately turned out in arms. By eight o'clock
several thousand of them were assembled at the different ren-
dezvous. They were then marched to the National Assembly,
the Garden of the Tuileries, the Luxembourg, the Hotel de
Ville, and other places. The different ministries were also
strongly guarded. At the National Assembly the force was
immense, not only of National Guards, but of troops of the line.
The quays, the Pont de la Concorde, and, in fact, all the
approaches to the Assembly, were strongly guarded. The
occasion of this overwhelming display of bayonets, was the fear
of a threatening demonstration against the Assembly and the
Executive Government. Affairs continued in this state for
many days, when the election of Louis Napoleon, as represen-
tative of Paris, for a vacancy caused by the double returns of the
original elections, led to a demonstration of a more serious kind.
His popularity seemed great, and he was not only elected for
Paris, but for three departments wherein vacancies had occurred
from a similar cause. On the following Sunday his name was to
be heard in all the assemblies of the holyday people of the lower
class, outside the barriers of Paris. On Monday morning, a
new journal appeared entitled, Le Napoleonien, the advocate of
the Prince, and its first number displaying considerable ability.
Crowds collected in the quarters leading to the National Assem-
bly ; troops and National Guards were called out, and amid
much excitement, because M. Louis Napoleon Bonaparte was
expected to take his seat in the National Assembly.
During the day a placard appeared, bearing an address of
General Piat, Colonel of the Fourth Legion of National Guards,
(he who had taken possession of the Hotel de Yille on the 24th
February,) in which he, as an avowed friend of Prince Louis
Napoleon, disclaimed for him any ambitious project. Other
friends of the Prince, in the country, were not, however^ equally
discreet. They carried their ballot in front of their hats, on
which was inscribed, in large characters, "Louis Napoleon !
Vive VEmpereur ! A bos la Republique .'"
About five o'clock in the evening, the Government ordered
strong measures against the crowds assembled in the Place de
la Revolution. Regiments of infantry and cavalry, and large
bodies of National Guards immediately crossed the bridge in
front of the Palace of the Assembly, and forming a junction with
0.0.0 already on the P^ee^^it. ^I^rlr.^^^
of the immense ^^^'^"^^^^'^f'^^^^.^ry violence on the part of
Complaints were made of unnecess >^^ ^^ ^^^ government,
the armed fo^'^^^^^f^l^^ter of War, under whose eye the
conveyed through '^« .^l'^'^','^ ^ers had come to something
£"rSs!lTstt2' was" allowed when the command
" Withdraw"' was issued. ^^^^^ gOOO Gardes
Having cleared tt'«/\"jl"'^ ' JeRi^"*'' *"^ ^""'"""^
Mobiles wheeled up to the Rue de K ^ ,^^^^^ ^^^
twenty abreast. Fhe «^J" J'^^^^j ^^ double quick time along
beat a charge, and the «/«'"" TJ^, R^es Castiglione and La
the Rue de Rivoh, and Ij^^^fJjJ,^;^, ^hey proceeded n the
Paix Having reached the »o"'®^*' ' u^^ \ ^f the Ministry
r.mi order an'd at the «-« P/^^d in the tanwhile. the ! '
for Foreign Affairs ^"^/^fp^t de la Revolution, by the R«e
dragoons advanced from the ^''J^« "j ^^^ did not comply ,
I Royale, driving the people hefore^^^^^^^^^^^^ ,
sileW. f«^ <^T "^ Ifthem vigl^^^^^^ The Boulevard |
' /,„„ -" were shouted b> .^^^™. 3,:.:o,/ The whole of the i
cTeared, the dragoons remained^^n^^^^^^^^^ Access to the
Rue Roy ale was filled with ^^^"O" ^^^. This con- 1
l> Uca d^ la Revolution was re «^ed^ to j^ery^bo^J ^^ .^^^^^ ^^^^
tinned for an hour or two "^"^^ ^ater in the evening, I
venting their displeasure >« «^«»»"^'' ^,,, dispersed withou j
:S tS f^^^e Asrei? itsdf the greatest excitement I
prevailed. o^vant-iire of the panic, and proposed
P M. de }^--^-^rx8TSmi!iorhm^g the entry o the
that the laws of ^^16 an^ J« ^ ^^ ^^,.^^^^^ ^ ,he
l::S::. %";i& - rU^ived amid deafening shouts of
^n returning to their companions they
d Ir teV M. .Mario's expression, and said that they had been
clled ''s avos." The mob then cried, "Down with Marie !
'S'otn w.Ih the Executive Committee!" "Down with the
""tt "^^^y stationed themselves in the Place de la
Rastile and at the Harriere du' Trone. , n . c,
Barrlcaies were formed at the Porte St. Denis and Porte St.
'^Theenvirons of the Hotel de Ville, of the Luxembourg the
Boul vardl, and the quarters of St. Martin, St. Denis, and Le
Temple, w;re all thronge.l with multitudes of operatives.
Atei^ht o'clock the square of the Panth6on was filled with
se eral1housands,whom\rched with banners to the Faubourg
du Temple, wher^ they were joined by large bodies of working
'" Measures of precaution were taken during the evening. The
NaUonT Guard were called out. Numerous detachments of
™ were stationed at the Luxembourg. At ten o^clock a
sauadron of dragoons and several companies of the troops of the
r bivouacked on the Place de I'Hotel de V.Ik. At eleven
I o'clock a battalion of the line took possession of the court of he
Prefecture of Police. The peristyle of the Palais de Jus ce
Vas guarded by the Garde Mobile. The Assembly was filled
with uoops Everywhere the armed force was very numerous^
The "nsurgents, in the course of Friday morning, threw up
barricades U. various quarters on both banks of the Seme, and at
i"o" was to be seen^i all directions the formidable nature of
"he preparations which they had made for the coming contes.
Spfr nKn disDlaved great strategic skill and correct judgment.
TtHn r^S e^^ on the^right bank from the Faubourg
Poissonniere to the Seine, embracing thus the whole Faubourg St
Antoine • on the left bank it occupied the Faubourg St. Marcel,
StTcto'r, and the lower part of the Quarlier St. Jacques ; these
two pSns were connected by the occupation of many pojn^.
such^as the church of S^^'er-is, a part o the Quartierdu Tem-
ple, the approaches of Notre Dame, and the Pont St. M chel
The church of St. Severin served as head quarters, and the
Faubourg St. Antoine as a magazine. This plan was ingeni.
onsly conceived, for the insurgetits were thus master of an
immense semicircle, which formed nearly one-halt of Pans. In
success, ii. was easy <«[. '^"^ " '"^'" „ ' s and Boulevards, and
occupv the important lines of he qu.>s yin^^hich would
thoTcoul'l «""«""•! '^.y •^'''^'^r % on e masters of that and the
ha/ebeen thus i" ^^^^'/^ '.n'.HsS their government.
Jrefecture. they could have e^n^bl^^^^^^^^^ ^ „„^ber
P The measures »''''«" ^^f^^^ inevitable, from the savage
of lives; but that sad .'^'^''""_'^,^*;_L,ded themselves,
energy with which the "-urger^ cMe -le^ ^^^ ^^^^^ ^^
Across the boulevard, and ^^J^ ^^^^ „, five omnibuaes, i
was an immense barricade t^''^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^en from
several carriages a huge w-g^--^^"^ PonsiLral.le distance on
the streets, which were torn "P '«; ^ ^^^^^^ was another
both sides. A little beyo"dt^^^^^^^^^^ ^
barricade, as formidable as Ae first an |^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^^
same miscellaneous '"f ";;i«t;,;iV not quite so large as the
Porte St. Mfinwas a ^irl^"'^^,,^.! jefence against a coup
first, but stiU sufficient to be a po ^^ ^^^^^ ^^^ ^j
de mam. The end of \^«^^f "f. '^ Vhich prevented the approach
closed up with a huge Jamcade whicn p^ ^^^ .^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^.
of troops from the outskirts U e ^^^ ^^^^^^ ^,^^^ ^ ^ut.
leneuve Bourbon, the ^"^„^'fJ,e conspirators, were similarly
ting on the spot in P««««««„V" ^m ' were industriously working
defended, and thousa^ids of g«m.«s w ^^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^.^^^ ^^ ^^^
with pikes and spades, tearin^ v
defences. j<.fpnd>'d by some hundreds of the peo-
The barr cades were aelend>-a oy ^^^j ^^,1
pie in 6Jo«se., of whom "l-y ^^^^r^S:? 'of tri-colored flags
Show their arms. TJey ^^^ ^^ , with the words •' Atehers
stuck upon the top of the bamcaae^ ^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^.^
Nation^x" in^^^^^'l^P"" 'Sors was decorated with a black
was in the hands of the conspira jrs ^^ paving-stones
flag, and on the top "f »t were arra g ^^^ ^^^^ f
apparently for the purpose o^h^ng ^^^^ J^.^^ ^^^^ ^^n^j
those who might attack U. 1 je u ^ ^^ commenced
u^on, without effect, to ^urren^^^, the e^^^^ ^^ ^^^ mfantry the
aSd lasted twenty ""^""^^^^^ /j^nSt only from the barricades,
rioters responded with a sharp fire, no y ^^^ ^^^
but from the neighboring streets. |^ g loss, [he
Jaken, but not until the "oo^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ was mortally wounded
commanding officer of the Natumai^^^^^^^ ^^^.^^ ^^^ ^^^^„
and many men and otticerB o
army were killed.
( narrow streets
he troops, and
reat : in case of
mcing a little, to
Boulevards, and
lie, which would
rs of that and the
I a great number
from the savage
: Porto St. Denis,
)r five omnibuses,
stones taken from
arable distance on
lenis was another
posed of much the
ler on towards the
lite so large as the
i\ce against a coup
St. Denis was also
ented the approach
Denis, the Hue Vil-
> other streets abut-
itors, were similarly
dustriously working
is and adding to the
lundreds of the peo-
Bd, or at least did not
er of tri-colored flags
the words " Ateliers
wte St. Denis, which
ecorated with a black
aps of paving-stones,
)d upon the heads ol
ts having been called
lagcment commenced
>ns of the infantry the
ly from the barricades,
;th the barricades were
Jd a severe loss. The
was mortally wounded,
le Mobile and regular
Disrhartres of n.uskctry were heard throughout the night, and
noth ;g3d exceed thJalarn. everywhere pr-a^ng. Abou
n oVlock on Saturday, notice was given by the National
A sem ly Lt Paris was'in a state of siege, and Gen. Cavaignac
tZ declared commander of the whole military force
Il'.^r h s decree was passed, .he Executive Counc. ad-
dressed the following com'.nunication to the President of the
Assembly :
safety of the Republic. .. u„,ht.ne,
" Araoo,
" Ledro Rolun,
" Garnier Pages,
«' Marie,
Members of the Executive Committee.
..24th June. .'Paonerre. Secretary.
OnP of the first orders of General Cavaignac, after the capital
twd gS'he «,eeu, prevent .!« .s.en.bh"g o c.owJ., and
carrying ball cartridges in their l'^«''«'^«-. , ^^^J". fT^ifh gun-
break on Saturday mormng, the se/^^««\'""|'' one o'clock,
1J^^?S^5S^I^." e S=e I^^iadecon-
tor took place. At the «an.e hour ho^^fTf ^^ ^„„ ^^u the
^^'I'Vr^"\1w°p'rthe fnsurgem. were drive,, to the
At half-past three, 1 . M., ine ni b desDeralely, and
Pantheon and ^here surrounded ;t^^^^^^^
:l: rnHt^ttvS'th^tL^^^ was recovered fro.
them 'after three — -^^f ^^SV )'™^^^^^ "^ ^^^
In the cour«eo the day (baurda^,)^ .^^ ^l.^ ^^^^^
received a wound m the 8^0"'.'™"' Cavaiiinac to go on a
The venerable priest having offered Gtn. V^^^^ ^ ^^^ ^^^^
accepted and three membrs ot ^^^^^^^^ ,o,„.,teered to
Larabit, Gait Caxa et «, j^^. „ t^e Faubourg
accompany hm^ Arrhb shorand his companions advanced to
St. Antoine, the Arch')t8hop ara^^^^^ ^ ^^^^^^^^
1 speak to them. ^/^J^p^^^^^J'^'^hen unfortunately the beat of
at the entrance to the t aubourg, wiie .jigp^arged on both
a drum alarmed the msurgents Shots were m3 g
the ^'^^^^'^^'.''^"''i'ZonS^U nigbt was still very alarm-
The situation of Pans on ^'''"^^y "'8^^' f their position
ing; thot.gh^\«»-:f":f„e^l wS quite
on the lef^bank of the Seine and Itiatp^^^^ ^^^7 ^^^.^^^^
free from them, being held ''^ ^"^""g P^ ^j^^ g^eat force at
Guards, and Molnles, J;«yj'',;^XhX troops had been
,'t*3fir 'J
pieces of can-
ihe insurgents,
)dtMl in forcing )
n o'clock this j
iloody ciicoun- 1
Is of'the Fau- |
iiclion with the i
en o'clock was 1
that after that j
resumed. Shot
;entre of whose
'he battle raged
and thousands,
e driven to the
lesperately, and
Bvoted to a just
recovered from
hbishop of Paris
d in his death,
ignac to go on a
iflor was tit once
Assembly, MM.
volunteered to
to the Faubourg
ons advanced to
lidable barricade
lately the beat of
ischarged on both
the Archbishop,
Its went immedi-
, who was carried
gents denied that
is still very alarm-
rom their position
the city was quite
»f troops, National
ith great force at
16 troops had been
most vigorous and
great loss of life
.r„e K-K,,,,. si„rT'r: '::E:':hSKr.t
the east, and the tlos St. l.a^.iro, on u
formed their strong holds in th>^ -^•rc^^ »"^ commenced.
At ».n early hour on Sunday, »'»;™o to erect barricades on
r.uring the Ji^y --.""^'"C, Zy Trei^^untly destroyed by
the Ivft bank of the Seine, Dui imy we
the National Guard and tl'« ^^^P^dispe ed wi"th Z exception
the insurgents here were «""^'y fS^J^^'J^, ,no«t remote
of a few isolated parties, who ^'^1 h«»d ""^ 'J ;\„ ^^^ij have
part of the great Faubourg St. '^''/V^^"' '^" ,„„„„ them that no
Surrendered before, but ^^aj - --^^i^^*^^^^^^^^^^ however,
quarter was to be given. In '^'^/J^'^ "' ' ^ „ot the slightest
the danger was at an end, ^"^ t^«^" ^i'^i^^a ^f St. Louis,
appearance of a fresh insurrection Tj^ ';'^"°^° insurgents,
Jl'nchhad been for ™ -« ^.Vtant t^^^^^^^^^
r e^t^SruSbi^^i^ st^i^j-.;^ :-^:rz
struggle, in which ^J^^^^^^^ll^^.^Z^Zus which they
both -'I-. -;^X/l ASlicTn^ the'streets between the
D de Yi 1 the basin of the Canal St. Martin^
" The National Guard and the troops """J-^if ^^t^^^^^^
line of the canal from the Place de la Ba^.le U, t ^^ ^
called the Chapelle St. Denis, ^^ich last place wa
late hour, after a murderous ^'f "gf V^^^ who ^^^^^^^
formed a junction -f ^^enenil La'^^^^^^^ .„ ^^,
'"r'^WSr?irl The "action was thus driven
S;tSl:^t^ I^'whichith^^
l^UTshrSrirS h^oS^X^en concealed behind
X to this period of the conflict, U was es^^^^^^^^^^
number of troops. National Guards and Gar^eJ ,^^. ^^^
and wounded, was upwards of IS.UUU. v^u
^urJL the casualties were -t so X^-- ,heu the insur-
On Monday mormng an "'">«»'^Vsurrender on the condition
gents sent a deputation to propose a f""«nj^' ""^^is proposal
fhat they should ^e aUowe to ret.„ the r m ^V^ P„ ^„
was at once rejected by general v^amgnd , ^-n t^n
unconditional surrender, and allowed the "'^^^S^^ -^ ^,,
o'clock to determine what they «h«"»d do At that hou
thought that ihe terms proposed were agreed to, but
goviTiimpnt troops ImviiiK n'.it within the linos of tho inniirgpnts,
wtru I'lrod at, and a uron nuinhor of tliiNii wxrr killetl. Ilostiii-
tieH inuni^liatfly recommciiL-cd, which, at'icr a Hhurt cuntost,
was l)rou|irht to an end by the unconditional surrundcr of tlio
insurgent!*, who thornselves assisted in pulling down their
During the conflict on Sunday and Monday, it should be
mentioned, the National Guards from the departments near
Paris, particularly Kouen, Amiens, Orleans, &c., fought gal-
lantly by tho side of their i'aris brethren.
Monday night passed without the slightest disturbance or
appoariince of an intention on the part of the insurgents to renew
the contest. After one o'clock in the day there was no fight-
ing, but it was not till twenty-rive minutes to ten o'clock at nii^'lit
that M. S6nard, the President of the National Assembly, an-
nounced that all was terminated, that tho barricades had been
taken down, and that nothing remained excepting that agitation
which was inseparable from such events.
A great number of the insurgents had laid down their arms,
but by far the greater number of them had taken refuge in the
country between Vincennes and St. Denis, where they were
pursued by several regiments of cavalry and infantry. In tho
course of Monday evening 1500 took up their quarters in the
cemetery of Pere la ("haise ; but on an alarm that the tro«)ps
were coming, they retreated to the neighborhood of Uoinain-
The total number who had fled to the country amounted to
several thousands. The number of prisoners already made was
very great. Tho prisons were filled with them, and every hour
added to the number. On Monday night 300 prisoners, who
had surrendered in the Faubourg du Temple, were marched
along the Boulevard, strongly guarded by infantry, and carried to
one of the detached forts in the neighborhood of Paris. They
consisted principally of ouvriers, but several of them were
dressed in the uniform of National Guards, and a considerable
number in that of the Garde R6publicaine ; and on the same even-
ing the whole of the city was illuminated, not so much as a
token of rejoicing for the victory gained, as to enable the sen-
tries to distinguish each other, and to prevent any further attempt
upon the part of the insurgents.
The insurgents had resolved to defend themselves to the last,
and had posted up a printed proclamation in the streets, declar-
ing that they would bury themselves under the ruins rather than
surrender, except on their own terms. They had cannon of
large dimensions, from which they poured a murderous fire upon
10 insiirgpnts,
led. llostili-
Nhorl contest,
rcmltT of 'ho
down thoir
it should be
artmitnts near
fou|{ht gal-
iisturbance or
gents to renew
was no lii^ht-
)'cluck at night
Assembly, an-
ados had been
{ that agitation
)wn their arms,
n refuge in the
tiere they were
ifantry. In the
quarters in the
that the troops
ood of Uomain-
try amounted to
ready made was
, and every hour
I prisoners, who
, were marched
■y, and carried to
of Paris. They
1 of them were
d a considerable
)n the same even-
jt so much as a
) enable the sen-
t\y further attempt
selves to the last,
le streets, declar-
ruins rather than
ly had cannon of
urderous fire upon
VI -
the froop^t. nn.l tlioy only irnvo way wlin. thry found ihnl the
howiizt'rs wore rapidly tliiiiiiiii« tli.'ir riiiiks. 'I licy thou l..'«an
to (ly in tnery diri'ilioii, many "f ihcni iihanilnninK ihoir
niimk.'ts ; l.ut the (•xiisperiuion of ih(^ troops of the hue, and tho
nrlillery of the National (iimrd was fundi that it was impossible
to prevetit ii consiehirabh; ntassiicre anions tin- insnrKents. A
ureat number, however, were iiuuhf prisoners ; and ilie armed
fujiitives, who in their ni«ht fre.pieiilly turned round to conlinuo
tho attack, were pursued by a division of the artillery of tho
National CJuard to a consideral)lo distance.
Thi^ iiisurreelioii was by far the most terrible that has over
des(d!.ti;! Paris. The number of killed and wounded will
probably never bo known, but certainly amounts to many
thousands. Many calculate the numb.T as IukIi as 20,000, and
none estimate it below 10,000. The troops of the line suth-red
greatly, and of the Oarde Mobile nearly one-third were either
killed or wounded. r u- i .u
(!en. Cavai<,nmc, having fulfilled the purpose for whicli the
dictatorial power had been confided to him, resigned it to the
Assembly, and issued the following proclamation to the National
Guard and the army : .. , ,, ,,• i
" Citizens, soldiers :— Tho sacred cause ot the Republic has
triumphed; your devotedness and unshakeable courage have
balllcd guilty projects, and done justice on fatal errors. I" "'»
name of tho country, in the name of all humanity, be thanked
for your efforts— be blessed for this necessary triumph. 1 his
morning the emotion of the struggle was legitimate, inevitable.
But at present, be as great in calm as you have just been m the
combat In Paris I see victors and vanquished, but may my
name be accursed if I should consent to see victims. Justice
will take its course— let it act— that is your wish, and it is
mine also. Ready to return to the rank of simple citi/en, I will
carry in the midst of you the remembrance of having, in these
grave trials, only taken from liberty what the salety of tht
Republic itself demanded, and of leaving an example to whoever
may be in his turn called on to fuUill such great duties.'
The Assembly then passed a vote of thanks to him and Mi»
associates, and unanimously yielded to him the chief executive
authority, with the power of electing his ministers.
The council, formed accordingly, was ultimately composed
of the following members :
General Cavaignac, President.
M. Marie, Minister of Justice.
M. Bastide, Minister of Foreign Affairs.
M. Senard, Minister of the Interior. .:
General Lamoriciere, Minister of War.
M de Verninhac, Minister of Marine.
M. Goodchaux, Minister oil- inance.
M Recurt, Minister of Public Works.
M Tourct, Minister of Couimevce.
U Vaulabelle, Minister of Public Construction^
General Chargarnier was appointed Commander of the Wa
'^"S:Ss^^?^r the most part. ^^^^^ ^S
talents and character ^"«P"« I««P^,^ ' ,„^tX„es' tmambitious
self is considered a ^^^'^^^^ZwlTiCnuZ^^^^^ oi
and able man-one who will «f .^^^ ^"J^^^^J^ ^1^^^^^ personal
the affairs of his country, not ^^P'^^J"^ advance the public
aggrandizement, or private -ter-ts. but ,. ad^vance^^ ^^ p ^^^_
tion thus far has been distingmshed by judgment, energy
Revolutions in Germany in 1848.
The large number of independent states, of ^Jj^^^f f^^";';,^,
ConLeraLn is formed, renders a ^^^--^^^X" of S^^
.evolutions that have taken pUcen them a ™aU.r^«'^^. J
federalempire, hasexisteainme 11 .,. . ^ f ^he great
triotic men in Germany ; and ^';\;f;X^r^^^^^^
•/olverein. or Customs Union, was hailed wiin joy, a»
mill,. The ...11 r" "P^tok Tihese ™..»r,, .»d very
ler of the Na^
of men whose
^avaignac him-
!St, unambitious
mpled crisis of
own personal
ance the public
jnt of the van-
his administra-
ent, energy and
which the United !
count of the great
liter of difficulty,
them being very
ernment, and only
ionate contingent
langer. For hun-
lany into one great
earts of many pa-
nent of the great
I joy, as one of the
•lished. With the
and Mecklenburg-
immediately join-
r had been making
ig the employment
on of factories and
opulation, with its
3 matters, and very
t their Government
increased their evils, without attempting to alleviate them. They
recognized in the government of Austria an open despotism ; they
saw through the pretexts of constitutional liberty with which
Frederick William of Prussia soug^ht to hide the despotic ten-
dencies of his mind ; they learned to despise the disgraceful
profligacy of King Ludwig of Bavaria ; they discovered the petty
tyrannies practiced by the smaller Princes and Electors of
Germany ; and their minds awakened to a just sense of their
rights and privileges as men, as well as subjects. Silently,
these impressions were circulated throughout the diflerent
* \rBaden, M. M. Welcker and Basserman openly called for a
constitutional government, and freedom of the press. The time
for action was approaching ; men understood that it was neces-
sary, and were beginning to measure their strength, when sud-
d^iiilv the fire of the French Revolution of February, 1848, in-
flamed all Europe ; its sparks flying in all directions, kindled
the train in preparation throughout Germany, and immed(ately
the .hole country was in a blaze. Popular commotions took
pla - in all the large cities, and the cry was for a political con-
stitution, which should give the people a share m legislation,
establish the liberty of the press, abolish odious restrictions, re-
form the judicial system, nnd otherwise extend popular rights.
On the 29th of February, 1 ^-18, at Carlsruhe, in Baden, depu-
tations from every town in the Grand Duchy besieged the Grand
Duke, demanding liberty of tlie prr.s, mal b' jury, extended
sufFrage, constitutional Government, institution of a burgher giiard,
right of public meeting, and amended ^fepreseniation of the Ger-
man nations in the Diet at Frankfort. On the 2nd o March, the
Grand Duke yielded to the demands of his people, dismissed
his obnoxious ministers, and called to his council M. W elcker,
for many years the firm and consistent opponent of all the des-
potic proceedings of the Government. , . , r • i
Great popular demonstrations were made in favor of similar
concessions at Mayence.in Hesse Darmstadt ; Hanau,in Hesse
Cassel; Wiesbaden, in Nassau; Stuttgardt, in Wutomburg ;
and many smaller towns in those neighborhoods.
On the 3rd of March, «.t Cologne, the people proceeded in a
' body to the town-house, where the Council were sitting, and
required of the Prussian authorities their sanction to similar pe-
titions. A riot ensued, the town-house was stormed and the
authorities made prisimers. The intervention of the military re-
leased them, and the Governor of the Rhine Provinces prom-sed
to forward the petitions of the inhabitants to Berlm. <-''<"»«
sameday the inhabitants of Frnnklort met together, and added
\. I
their voices to the almost universal shout for reform, express-
ing their discontent with the meagre concessions which the
Diet had that day made. The Diet had abandoned the idc . of
a universal law of the press for all Germany, and resolved to
allow each stale to exercise its own judgment in the matter, sub-
ject to certain guarantees. The 4th of the month witnessed the
bloodless revolution of Munich. On that day the people of Mu-
nich assembled together in large numbers in the streets in the
neighborhood of the palace, and demanded reform. In the ex-
citement of the moment they stormed the arsenal, possessed
themselves of the arms it contained, and thus equipped, uncheck-
ed by the military, proceeded to the palace, and forced from King
IjuJwig those concessions which he had refused to make. A
week had thus elapsed since the occurrences at Paris, and we
find that at its close the demands of the inhabitants of the king-
dom of Bavaria, the dukedom of Baden, the kingdom of Wirtem-
burg, the dukedom of Nassau, and the electorate of Hesse Darm-
stadt, had been conceded by the ruling powers. At Hanau, in
Hesse Cassel, an insurrection, with barricades, and conflicts be-
tween a portion of the people and the soldiery, were needed be-
fore the Elector would yield.
At the united Diet at Frankfort, they agreed that their rulers
ought to cease to be alone represented at the Diet, and demand-
ed that the people should have their representatives at its sittings.
On the 5th of March, fifty-one representatives of different coun-
tries of Prussia, Bavaria, Wirtemburg, Baden, Hesse Cassel,
Nassau, and Hesse Darmstadt, met together at Heidelberg to
consult on the state of Germany, and the steps necessary to be
adopted in such a crisis. They unanimously adopted a series
of resolutions, embodying the following plans : — That no war
of intervention should be made against the new order of things ;
that no attempts should be made to deprive other nations of the
liberty and independence which they had earned as a right ;
that a representative assembly should be convened for all German
states, to avert internal and external dangers, and to develop the
energy and prosperity of the country ; that a body of volunteer
representatives should be organized to offer their assistance to
Government in this matter ; and that all Germany should unite
to defend the country against foreign aggression. The Diet, then
sitting at Frankfort, on the fallowing day declared its conviction
of the necessity of reforming ihe Federal Diet, and invoked the
different (Jerman states to send immediately to Frankfort men
enjoying the confidence of their countrymen, to assist in the de-
Uberalions necessary for anew constitution of the Diet. During
this first week of March, matters remained tranquil in the north
form, express-
jiis which the
[led the idc . of
nd resolved to
he matter, sub-
i witnessed the
5 people of Mu-
streets in the
m. In the ex-
inal, possessed
ipped, uncheck-
Kced from King
>d to make. A
t Paris, and we
mts of the king-
;dom ofWirtem-
of Hesse Darm-
At Hanau, in
and conflicts be-
were needed be-
;hat their rulers
iet, and deniand-
ves at its sittings.
of diff"erent coun-
>, Hesse Cassel,
at Heidelberg to
J necessary to be
adopted a series
: — That no war
' order of things ;
ler nations of the
arned as a right ;
led for all German
Mid to develop the
body of volunteer
their assistance to
nany should unite
1. The Diet, then
aredits conviction
t, and invoked the
' to Frankfort men
, to assist in the de-
the Diet. During
ranquil in the north
and south of Germany, though the uneasiness felt by the royal
heads and their councillors had very much increased. The agi-
tation of the sturdy inhabitants of the Rhine provinces, and slight
symptoms of the same near the capital, induced Prince Fred-
erick William of Prussia, on the fith, \.o promisr. that he would
grant to the assembled States the right conferred by the law of
the 3d of February on the assembled Committees of the States, to
meet periodically, at fixed times ; and he promised to confirm the
privileges of the Committees in a corresponding manner. No time,
however, was fixed. On the same day the Prince of Prussia was
appointed Governor-General of the lihine Provinces. He did
not, however, leave Berlin. Largo bodies of troops were moving
all this time from the eastern provinces of Prussia to the neigh-
borhood of the Rhine. On the 10th of the month the King of
Prussia issued a decree declarin;,' himself dissatisfied with the
resolution of the Diet with respect to the freedom of the press,
and announced that, unless the Diet granted substantively the
freedonri of the press for the whole Confederation, he would take
the initiative for the Prussian kingdom at the next meeting. We
may here state that on the 14th he issued another decree, an-
nouncing that, in conjunction with Austria and Saxony, he had
accepted the invitation of the Diet to send deputies to Frankfort,
for the purpose of deliberating on the re-construction of the Fed-
eral Diet on a more extended basis, and in order that, fundament-
ally united by strengthened free institutions, Germany might once
more become one great country, and re-assume its ancient grand-
eur and proper rank in Europe.
While King Frederick William was thus engaged in Pnissia,
his ally in Saxony was nndergoinp the process of compulsory
concession. Dresden and Leipsic pronounced in favor of the
universal progress, and compelled the King to grant their
request King Ernest Augustus of Hanover, after much tempo-
rising and great delays, which, if prolonged another day, might
have cost him his throne, was compelled on the 16f.h to grant the
demands of the Hanoverians. Long held to be the moet politi-
cally careless race in Germany, their city, one of the most pleas-
ant in Europe for the resort of foreigners, renowned for its varied
attractions, musical, theatrical, and scientific, but regarded as
dead to all else, the Viennese nevertheless preceded Berlin in
the attainment of the Constitutional Government.
On the 1 3th March, the session of the Diet of Lower Austria
was opened. An immense concourse of the inhabitants assem-
bled in the neighborhood of the church, headed by the students.
They drew up a petition in favor of constitutional Government,
freedom of the press, national armament, trial by jury, and re-
,i,ious freedom. Having P"-"-^, tral\in'« ^e sU,de^
Assembly, ^^^^'^X^^^^A Notwithstanding this as-
that their demands should lie gr^nt^' • ' . j ^omxA-
suranee of the A-h «k. n^^^^^^^^^^^ - ^one ,^ ^Jhdra^n^ithin
gating freedom o the V^^^^^2\vere then refused. Angry and
half an hour, and f '«'i'^ ^^^'^'f ' ^^ents rushed upon the arsenal,
excited, the populace and ^"^'^f "'^"^^^^^^ who were or-
obtained arms, and advanced to meet the sow^ ^ ^^^^_
dered to suppress the not n J^^l^^^^h^'night of the 13th,
cades were built an cnfl^ee.^^^^^^^ „o^„p.ession on
and <"°'^"'"g°V^W Government, finding the neighboring coun-
the rioters ; and the '^overnmenw b insurrectionists,
trymen were flock ng ^"^VllU were also leivfng the ranks, felt
and a^at portion of Oie soldiery wer^^ resigned the
themselves compelled to ^^uccu ino ^yiUiam, retired, the
unpopular Archdukes, Albert, >'"'i '^ '^'«* ^^'^^j^ i„3talled,
feller :=^^^^ ,
3i; l50willberoumUobenearjhetr.h^^ ^^^^.^^^ |
One of the results o ^^^^ cliange was^ h^Mi^^^g^ y^^^ ^._ ^
, a national government. ^^ "ungar^^^ ^^^ ^^^^
I ously remonstrated verv s^ron y ^ ^ f ^^ Austrian author-
Metternich, and had 'l«'"*f ^f '7^^7,'/, „ ^^ places.
i,ies, and the substitution "f^^XmeeUng was held in Berlin,
On the I3th of March, a "i«"^;^;";^3 j,, other countries,
to petition the K ng for the ^«^«7; ^^^^^^^^^ "i^s dispersed by
The meeting, which was raherj^mulu^^^^^^^ ^^^^P^^^ ^^
the soldiery; blood was ^^^'^'.^.i^^^Vee, which were put
the 14th aiid I5th, simdar -- -ff^tiCday the students of
down in the same way. On the lol o g y .^ ^^^.^
Berlin, united with those "J »;f ^^^^^^^ peUtbns were granted,
titions, and threatened to arm, un ess their p ^t^Herlin,
On the 17th the R.«volu"0" ".Vienna becan^e K ^^^^ ^^^^^^
and, on the morning «f . ^J« f ^^i^d "^ge union of the whole
markable decree, in which he dema^^e^ confederation, the
German Enripire, the i;*-"^?;^ ^"J.^"^^^ common army, and a
institution of a •=«""^°" ^ '1^2 nly intimated his willing-
common customs union, and very plain ^^ ^^ ^.j^
nes8 to ascend th>, Imperial throne ^^l^" ^^^^jf %, had been
■'. .
8 of the Hall of
uring the students
hstanding this as-
i decree, promul-
ftfithdrawn within
ised. Angry and
upon the arsenal,
ers, who were or-
f the town barri-
nightof the 13th,
no impression on
neighboring coun-
le insurrectionists,
ring the ranks, felt
ich resigned, the
'illiam, retired, the
■ ministry installed,
the 15th of March,
as burnt. The ac-
two days vary very
Hungary obtained
hamber had pr n-
s policy pursued by
the Austrian author-
leir places.
was held in Berlin,
in other countries.
, was dispersed by
ivr" .vere lost. On
,ce, which were put
day the students of
le people in their pe-
ilitions were granted,
me known at Berlin,
r issued that most re-
[e union of the whole
ts confederation, the
3ommon army, and a
intimated his willing-
wledging, as he did,
ceeding, he had been
Vienna. Tliough the
nds of his people he
was necessary to the
attainment of his object, to grant some, at least, of the required
concessions. lie granted liberty of tbe press, subject to the
penal laws for libel, ng
dissatisfied with the Danish rule, and more particularly with a
recent refusal of the King to concede to them any of their de-
mands, they declared themselves independent of Denmark, and
a German Duchy, on the 26th of March, under the sway of the
Duke of Augustenburg. The Provisional Government sent to
Hanover, Berlin, and Hamburg for assistance, which was granted
from the two former, and before the 3rd of April more than
13,000 Prussians and Hanoverians had entered Holstein. TSc
inhabitants had already possessed themselves of Ren »)> irg, aut*
had expelled the Danish authorities. The Danes wc ? not b«'
hind hand with their military preparations, and very soon had
an imposing force in the field ; while the extraordinary popular-
ity of the war in Germany brought shoals of volunteers from even
the southernmost states of Germany to the assistance of their
enemies. At Flensburg an engagement took place between the
Holsteiners and Danes, in which the latter were victorious.
Nearly 20,000 Prussians and Hanoverians, besides volunteers
and Schleswig-Holsteiners, were now under arms against the
Danes, whose forces were nearly equal. During the months
of April and May a great many skirmishes occuned, with vari-
able success ; one or two general engagements at Schleswig and
Apenraade, and one which lasted two days at Duppeln. The
Danes were driven northward, and the combined troops were
at one time in possession of Jutland. The island of Alsen was
also the scene of an engagement. Though beaten and driven
back on land, the King of Denmark made several reprisals at
I . 1.
1'^ I
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Collection de
Canadian institute for Historical Microreproductions / Institut Canadian de microreproductions historiques
Pius at once commenced those reforms throughout his domin-
ions, whose progress attracted the attention of the civilized world.
He suppressed the military warrants, a kind of secret tribunal
for the seizure and condemnation of political offenders, and pub-
lished a decree that no one should be prosecuted for his political
opinions. On a certain day of each week he gave a public
audience to persons of every rank and condition, without any
distinction. In the hall of the Vatican he caused a private
letter box for himself to be placed. He had filled the office of
Pope but one month, when an amnesty was declared for all
political offenders. This event was followed by festivals and
illuminations, continuing many days, both in the Roman States
and other parts of Italy. To relieve those who had been ruined
by imprisonment, the Pope joined with many others in a sub-
scription for their benefit.
The joy of the Bolognese was so excessive that they voted
a marble statue to Pius IX. Political parties, throughout Italy,
resolved themselves into one great party of the Pope. By a
circular issued by the Secretary of State, Pius invited from all
the magistrates, suggestions for the instruction of the poorer
classes, and for the suppression of the miseries of idleness and
ignorance ; and a committee was appointed for the investigation
of the subject, anjl for the establishment of the desired reforms.
The income he received from the bishopric of Imola, was
appropriated to public charities. He solicited from private com-
panies of citizens, projects for railroads in the Roman States,
for the promotion of industry and commerce.
Resolving to publish a new code of laws, in place of that
existing, as old as popery itself, he appointed three eminent men
to assist in its compilation ; and judicial and penal systems, which
abolished capital punishment, and established trial by jury, were
adopted by them.
By order of the Pope, every town sent a delegate to Rome to
report concerning the wants of the people, and a private con-
gress was established to grant all necessary improvements. On
the 18th of November he preached to a vast crowd assembled
in San Giovanni, in the Lateran, and afforded the first example
of a pontifl^s preaching publicly. He was followed to the
Quirinal palace by the multitude, with shouts of joy. On the
20th of the month he proclaimed a universal jubilee.
He gave orders to found asylums of infancy, and houses of
education ; and for laboring people in Rome, who could not attend
oy day, he established free night schools, at his own expense.
He prohibited beggary, and at his own cost endowed public
alms-bouses for the destitute.
In a letter to the leaders of all the religious orders, he com-
manded them to be examples of morality and religion, and the
funds of many religious societies ho applied to public charities
and instruction. The freedom of the press was declared, amid
the rejoicings of the whole people, and the friends of liberty,
throughout Italy, encouraged the Pope in his system of reform.
The Emperor of Austria, alarmed by these movements, used
every measure to change the course of the Pope, and at length
threatened an invasion of the Roman States. Accordingly, on
the 19th of July, 1847, the Austrian army entered Ferrara, with
lighted matches, as if moving against an enemy. The news
of the occupation of the city excited such a spirit of revenge,
that in many states the people were clamorous for arms.
In the course of a few weeks, although there was no outbreak,
no open display of force, the whole aspect of Italy was so
changed, that the Papal Nuncio at Vienna was enabled in the
name, not merely of the Papal States, but of all Italy, to demand
the withdrawal of the troops. On the 23d of December, the
Austrian troops were marched from Ferrara ; and the right of
all the States of Italy, not under Austria, to choose their own
forms of government, was established.
Charles Albert, king of Sardinia and Piedmont, was the first
Italian Prince who favored the new Pope and his policy, and
offered him military aid against his enemies.
The Pope and the Grand Duke of Tuscany and Lucca, formed
an alliance with Charles Albert. The publication of the con-
vention of these princes set forth " that these states, animated by
the desire to contribute by union to the increase of the dignity
and prosperity of Italy, and being persuaded that the true and
essential basis of the union of Italy consists in the fusion of the
material interests of the population of their respective domin-
ions, have agreed to form an association on the principal of the
German Commercial League, the tariff to be drawn up with the
utmost amount of commercial freedom, compatible with the
respective interests of the contracting powers." The news of
this convention was received throughout Italy with enthusiasm.
It was a revolution, a return to the ancient free trade policy of
Italy, and brought with it hopes of the restoration of commerce,
and the revival of trade and industry.
Throughout Austrian Italy the impulse was felt ; it made the
trade-repression rule of the foreign power more irksome.
At the close of last year the Austrian Cabinet resolved to
reinforce the army in Italy, so as to have 40,000 men at com-
mand without lessening the strength of the several garrisons.
The measure was notified to ihe^^reat powers as being intended
irders, he com-
iligion, and the
public charities
declared, amid
ends of liberty,
Item of reform,
lovements, used
3, and at length
Accordingly, on
id Ferrara, with
ly. The news
lirit of revenge,
>r arms.
iras no outbreak,
if Italy was so
enabled in the
[taly, to demand
December, the
,nd the right of
loose their own
lit, was the first
his policy, and
d Lucca, formed
tion of the con-
tes, animated by
re of the dignity
lat the true and
the fusion of the
spective domin-
principal of the
awn up with the
latible with the
' The news of
vith enthusiasm,
e trade policy of
on of commerce,
felt ; it made the
linet resolved to
)00 men at com-
everal garrisons.
IS being intended
solely for the better security of the Austrian possessions in
On the 19th of December, M. Nazari, deputy of the city of
Bergamo, in the central congregation of the kingdom, moved a
resolution that a committee be appointed to lay before the Em-
peror of Austria a project of reform for the Lombardo-Venetian
kingdom. The motion was founded on the universal discontent
of the country. It was opposed by the Governor of Milan,
President of the congregation, who declared that the Viceroy
himself was engaged in preparing a project of reform ; never-
theless, the resolution was passed unanimously by the Assembly ;
the committee was appointed, and the inhabitants of Milan
crowded to the residence of Nazari to inscribe their names as
an expression of approbation and respect.
The committee consisted of deputies from Como, Milan,
Cremona, Lodi, Brescia, Bergamo, Mantua. But neither in
answer to the committee, nor as the invention of the viceroy,
was any reform promulgated or even promised; instead, troops
continued to arrive, and the directors of the imperial iron foundry
at Mariazelle, in Austria, announced publicly that for six months
they could not execute any private orders, as night and day the
entire works would be employed in casting cannons and millions
of projectiles.
At Pavia the university was provisionally closed ; a fight took
place between the students and Austrians ; six or seven persons
were killed, and thirty wounded.
At Turin, on the 14th, a grand funeral service was celebrated
in the church of La Gran Madre de Dio, in commemoration of
the patriots murdered at Milan and Pavia. The most respecta-
ble inhabitants, dressed in deep mourning, assisted at the cere-
mony. A similar funeral ceremony was celebrated in the church
of the Lombards at Rome, the Pope permitting the demonstra-
tion which the Austrian Ambassador had vainly endeavored to
prevent. The young men belonging to the Lombardo-Venetian
Guard, instituted in 1838, at the coronation of the Emperor at
Milan, all tendered their resignations ; the theatres were de-
serted, and the expression of hatred to Austria, and condemna-
tion of the conduct of the police, military, and Government, were
At Venice, notwithstanding the prohibition of the police, ladies
made a collection for the wounded of Milan, and 8000 francs
were forwarded, with a letter of sympathy, from the Venetians.
The Mayor of Vincenzia forwarded 2000 francs from the inhab-
itants. At Verona, 1600 francs were subscribed in eight hours,
when the subscription was stopped by the police. On receipt
i mmmsmm m-i'wmc:
of the nPW8 from Milan, orders were dispatched from Vienna,
and followod by the arrest of several distinsu.shod ""l.v.doals.
;„ aSo^to tLse. as the lower orders were th- Ume d.scon-
tented upwards of 400 of them were apprehended; 180 of he
voungest^rnd most robust were sent to Trieste to serve m he
shiDS of the Imperial navy, and the remainder, without even the
in ihfi massacre of Gallicia, was quartered at favia.
The Emje or wrote to the Archduke Uai^ner, Viceroy of he
Lombardo Venetian kingdom:-"! have duly exammed the
events which occurred at Milan on the 2d and 3d ins ant. U
L evident to me that a faction, desirous to destroy pu bhc orde
and tfanqu llity, exists in the Lombardo- Venetian kingdom All
S you deen^ed necessary to satisfy the waiits and wishes of
e different provinces, I have already done for the Lombardo-
vletian kingdom. / am not disposed to grant further conces-
l«r Your Highness will make'^known my sentiments to he
pubUc The a tlude of the majority of the population of the
Lombardo-Venetian kingdom, however, induces a YJ^^.'
simTar distressing scenes shall not again occur. At all events,
I rely on the loyalty and courage "/-^JJ^Vekdinano I.)
This letter was interpreted by General Radetzsky in an order
of the day issued to the troors under his command, in terms the
"mtS of to Ce"r and his general had some efTe.t.
On the 2 st'of June, three hundred of the most respectable
h^habiLts of Milan Applied to the police for their passports ;
every body dreaded a second Gallicia. and was eager to leave
r^countVbefore the fury of Austria might break forth m
P^>hrcr;: of these events in Venetian Lombardy. th«
subjec of Ferdiiiand of Sicily also demanded ex ensive refor^
A oromise that public offices in Sicily should be filled by
Sic'^Urs ha'd been' openly broken, and that the people migh
have no opportunity of remonstratmg, the liberty of the press
SS been Ihshed^ and all foreign newspapers, even those of
absolute Governments, had been prohibited.
The people petitioned for reforms, and were PUt off wUh
nromises At the commencement of the present year, Ferdi-
S3 of Naples became active, presided daily at councils at
wMch the sL of the country, the deficit m the finances, and the
HTTttJ-'l '■ •■-"-"-' -"-''*■'«"'
ed from Vienna,
hed individuals,
his time discon-
ded; 180 of the
5 to serve in the
without even the
Moravia, to work
in Milan, 10,000
;rac.eful notoriety
r, Viceroy of the
Y examined the
1 3d instant. It
itroy public order
in kingdom. All
ts and wishes of
)r the Lombardo-
nt further conces-
sentiments to the
population of the
ces a hope that
ir. At all events,
Ferdinand I.)
etzsky in an order
nand, in terms the
[ had some effect,
most respectable
r their passports ;
ras eager to leave
ht break forth in
ian Lombardy, the
extensive reforms,
lould be filled by
, the people might
berty of the press
)er8, even those of
were put off with
esent year, Ferdi-
lily at councils, at
le finances, and the
need for immediate abandonment of the old, worn-out and hateful
political forms, were eagerly discusstul.
It was arjfiied, also, that the army should be diminished.
Ferdinand felt it no easy matter to lot go absolute power, to
abandon the notion that the people of Sicily were born to obey
him and pay him taxes.
Their demands were, therefore, from day to day, adjourned,
until their patience could endure no longer, and the popular dis-
satisfaction broke out into open rebellion. There was some
hope in Sicily and Naples that, on the King's birthday, the new
and repeatedly promised constitution would be declared. The
result of the final extinction of these expectations was the out-
burst of rebellion in Palermo.
Nobles, students, women, priests, the whole populace, deter-
mined to be trifled with no longer, turned out and fought. The
garrison took refuge in the Palace and small forts about the city.
These forts were attacked, and the whole of Palermo, and, it
might be said, all Sicily, fell into the hands of the insurgents.
The news threw Ferdinand into a fever of rage and fury ; a re-
inforcement of 4500 men were ordered to embark immediately ;
and, under the command of the Count d'Aquila, the King's
brother, landed at Palermo on the I5th ; but the Count did not
dare to risk a battle with the people. The troops remained in
the forts, and, during forty-eight hours, continued to fire upon
and bombard the city. The people, however, were not to be
conquered. They attacked, and, by fierce fightings, took the
fort of Castellamare. The whole populace were on the point of
rising. The King's brother returned to Naples ; his report con-
vinced even the King that immediate concessions must bo made.
The Palermitans demanded and obtained the proclamation of the
constitution of 1812, which of right had belonged to them ever
since that date. On the 29th the constitution was announced
at Messina ; on the 30th, at Palermo ; and, on the same day,
steamers were sent to bring back the troops.
At Naples, meanwhile, popular feeling, excited by the events
in Sicily, had reached such a height, that there was no safety
except in granting a constitution there also, which was accord-
ingly published on the 28th, and on the 8th of February a con-
stitution was proclaimed in Sardinia.
Throughout Italy, the progress of these events was watched
eagerly, and the accounts welcomed with the utmost enthusiasm.
At Genoa there was a popular rejoicing, and the shout of the
people, heard in all directions, was " A Constitution fur Pied-
mont !" At Rome the people crowded out for miles to meet the
couriers on the Via Appia, and extraordinary supplements were
i8»ue,l hourly by the newspapers A /^'« «'!'«)f«>'»l° ''^I't,?!*
the triumph of the Liberals. There was a mmht file at Flor-
ence, and at nearly all the other groat towns of Italy.
In Lomhardy, the people, beset by 100,000 soldiers, scarcely
dared to rejoice. Austria was marching more troops upon them.
The little ".rmy of the Duke of Medona had been incorporated
with the (iraiul Duchy, and placed under the command of General
Radetzsky. On the 'iOth, 30th and 3lstof January, the railroad
from Treviglio to Milan was closed to the public, being exc u-
sively occupied with the conveyance of troops from Lombardy.
The army was to keep back the tide of opinion rising through-
out Italy ; there was no chance of peace but in submission ; no
hope of reform under Metlernich and terdinand. But this
ga hering army and the gloomy adherence to relentless tyranny
increased the hatred of Austrian rule, and enlisted universal
sympathy for its victims. , .• r .u M<.a
At the Bologna /e/c, to celebrate the proclamation of the Nea-
politan constitution, the popular cry was " ^ive the Constitu.
iion !" " Death to the Austnans !" " Let us march to Lombardy
to assist our brethren !" u i u „
But the case of Lombardy seemed hopeless ; the army had been
increased to 1 10,000, with 700 cannon. Arrests were incessant ;
the orison of Milan was crowded ; numbers were sent to the
House of Correction at Porta Nuova. The Austnans were
everywhere insulted ; it was evident that the storm ol popular
indignation must burst forth soon ; that the struggle would be a
fierce one, though it was scarcely possible to believe the Italians
could be successful. The outbreak was hastened, and help
came to them from a quarter altogether unexpected.
Austria was the first to feel the revolutionary impulse given
by France: the whole policy of Metternich fell before it and
he himself had to escape in disguise from amongst a people to
whom he had so long been a source of terror With his fa 1
absolutism perished, and the will of the people was acknowl-
edged A constitutional Government was declared at Vienna,
but it was too late to save the dominions in Lombardy by any
Austrian form of Government.
On the 17th of March the Austrian Viceroy left Milan, and
met on the road the courier with the intelligence of the popular
triumph at Vienna. On the 18th, the Milanese seized on the
military post at the palace of the governor, and began the con-
struction of barricades; carriages were seized upon and over-
turned— the pavement was torn up ; not a soldier was to be seen,
and the barricades were finished during the night.
On the morning of the 18th the fitting commenced. Ihe
as held to celebrate
imilar file at Flor-
of Italy.
) soldiers, scarcely
) troops upon them,
been incorporated
command of General
anuary, the railroad
public, being exclu-
jps from Lombardy.
nion rising through-
t in submission ; no
jrdinand. But this
9 relentless tyranny
1 enlisted universal
iamation of the Nea-
" Live the Cdnstitu-
I march to Lombardy
s ; the army had been
ests were incessant ;
)rs were sent to the
The Austrians were
he storm of popular
struggle would be a
to believe the Italians
hastened, and help
tionary impulse given
ich fell before it, and
1 amongst a people to
error. With his fall
people was acknowl-
) declared at Vienna,
in Lombardy by any
iceroy left Milan, and
ligence of the popular
ilanese seized on the
r, and began the con-
seized upon and over-
soldier was to be seen,
be night.
,ng commenced. The
fire of cannon and musketry was kept up all day. The artillery
planted in front of the cathedral and puluce were seized by the
people. A Provisional Government was formed, and the fighting
continued on the '20th with doubtful success to the people, who,
nothwithstanding the support of a body of fSwiss, wore forced
from the centre of their movement.
On the morning of the Slst they regained their position, took
possession of the powder magazine, and planted a cuimon in the
tower of San Celso. General Uailetzsiiy otl'ered to treat with
the Provisional Government, but was refused, unless on terms
of unconditional surrender.
A deputation was despatched to Turin, demanding assistance,
which was at once granted, and the Piedmontese force, under
the command of the Duko of Genoa, crossed the frontiers, and
advanced upon Milan on the22d. The Au^^trians retired before
it, and left the city garrisoned by its own citizens and the
auxiliary forces of Piedmont.
On the 18th, the people of Parma rose suddenly and took pos-
session of the chief posts in the city. On the 20th, after some
lighting, the Duke issued a proclamation, declaring the appoint-
ment of a council, with supreme authority to give such instruc-
tions and adopt such measures as the circumstances might
require, whilst he and his royal family quitted the states. On
the same day the Duke of Modena was deposed and imprisoned,
and the Austrians were driven out of Pavia.
On the i9th, Venice, Trieste, and Padua were in open insur-
rection ; rebellion also spread through Vincnnza, Treviao, and
the whole of the Venetian territory, as far as Verona. On the
22d, General Count Zicler capitulated with the Provisional Gov-
ernment of Venice, and set it free from the domination of Aus-
tria. The King of Sardinia, Charles Albert, issued a proclama-
tion, taking Lombardy under his protection, marched an army to
join his forces at Milan, took the field boldly to drive Austria
beyond the Alps, &n^ r^ually proclaimed himself the liberator
of Italy. The Austi^^r; were driven beyond the Mincio at
Goito, and compelled to lurrender Peschiera.
On the 1st of March, an insurrectionary movement took place
at Rome, in consequence of its being understood that the Pope,
influenced by an intrigue amongst the Cardinals, hod refused to
declare war against Austria. The people had allowed him the
previous day to form his resolution ; and at five o'clock in the
morning the whole city was on foot, in eager impatience. The
answer was that war would be formally declared ; and (as the
people had also demanded a complete separation of temporal and
spiritual aflairs,) that no priest should be appointed to fill any
public cmploymont; that Pii.s the Ninth was 'j^ ^«'"' "f '^«
Snrn,ni,,lf that a daily ofllcial bulletin woul.l be pub .«hed
of tlif cv.-nts of th.^ great war, and encouragement given to the
Uoman yo,.tl. to am. and drive the barbarians j'"-" "^' ' ^^
8ali8ti.MUhe people; tho ferment was calmed, and all classes
'' oVIhefaih of April, the Sicilian Parliament passed by accla-
niation a .lecreo, "That Ferdinand Bourbon and h.s dynasty
were forever fallen from the Throne of Sie.ly. S.c.ly should
govern herself constitutionally, and call to the throne an Italian
Prince as soon as she shall have reformed her «^«"«t'J""°\. „
The list of candidates for tho throne were a son of the Ring
of Sanlinia, .he son of the Duke of Tuscany, Louis Napoleon
1 onaparte. son of Lucien Bonaparte,) and the Prince de Beau-
har ais. Enraged by this boldness, the King o Naples declared
w„; against Sicily. From first to last, the conduct of !• erdinand
was nUse and treacherous: no promise was kept a"d «v«ry
opportunity was grasped at to weaken or retract the hboral
measures he was forced to yield. , , •
■IZ Commons had been reiurned ; but no Peers had been
eleried bv the people. On the 15th the houses were to meet.
No PeersC U named up to the 13th, but, on the U.h, a
proclamation appeared, emanating from the Ivin^, nominating
f,r"y members for the House of Peers. Immediately on the
publication of this document the Commons met privately, and
Sgreed to address the National Guard on this encroachment of
'TlSSay, the 13lh of May, the deputies were assembled
in preparatory session, to modify the form of oath to be taken
at theTpening of the Parliament. The oath was, 'I swear
Slelitym the King and the Constitution of the 29th of January."
The deputies refused this form, as not being ui accordance with
the concessions of the 3d of April ; the National Guard, num-
berinK 15,000, objected, and Saturday and Sunday were passed
in Telotiation's. ^ At eleven o'clock on Sunday night it was
announced that the King would not modify the form. Eghl
deputies met, declared the sitting permanent, and sent a deputa-
tion to treat with the King, but without success. Another
deputation was sent at twelve , the King asked time t" consider,
and at length pretended to accept a modihcation of the oath,
reserv ng the rights of the 3d of April. Meanwhile, the troops
had been ordered out. Soon after midnight the National Guar^
began raising barricades ; at half past one the ^e»«r«fe was
beaten and a, two, the troops, cavalry, infantry, and artillery,
o^cupTed the space; round the palace, 'castle, and market-place.
,s the head of the
ould be published
eineiit given to the
from Italy. This
)d, and all classes
nt passed by accla-
n and his dynasty
ily. Sicily should
le throne an Italian
cr constitution.
I a son of the King
ly, Louis Napoleon
he Prince de Beau- i
r of Naples declared
induct of Ferdinand
IS kept, and every
retract the liberal
no Peers had been
ouses were to meet,
but, on the Uth, a
c Kin^, nominating
Immediately on the
! met privately, and
his encroachment of
ities were assembled
of oath to be taken
oath was, "I swear
the 29lh of January."
5 in accordance with
iational Guard, num-
Sunday were passed
Sunday night it was
ify the form. Eight
nt, and sent a deputa-
it success. Another
sked time to consider,
dification of the oath,
Meanwhile, the troops
It the National Guards
)ne the generate was
nfaiitry, and artillery,
jtle, and market-place.
On hcinjr informed that barricades had bori\ thrown up, the
Kinjf orilcrcd the withdrawal of \\w tro()|m, inid promised that
thrt Parliament should bo oix-ncd without any oath. Hut he
was not to bo believed; and the National (hmnlN refused to
lower the barricades unless the Chamber of I'eers were abol-
isht^d, the fortresses surrendered, and the troops removed from
the metropolis. The soldiers were called out again, and at nine
o'clock the Swiss Guards were drawn up round the castle. A
musket was discharged by accident ; the National (Juard com-
menced firing, the Swiss and artillery opened a murderous fire
upon the people, and the batth) raged in all directions.
At San Fernando and San liridgida, the National Guard
maintained their ground for three hours under an incessant fire
of musketry and artillery. The town was given up to pillage
and massacre. At a preconcerted signal the troops burst into
house after house, and, without regard to se.x, massacred the
At the last accounts, Great Britain had offered to mediate
between Austria and the Italian States, and hopes are enter-
tained that a settlement of the difficulties in Italy will soon be
■ I'^^ii^^fli
i '
CHAPTER 1,— IrrmoDucTioii.
"ill. of Ewtod. « b. ■"" "f JT',£ FntK . "''.' of .b.
, From 11.0 y..r 1733 10 lb. .nd .1 '""".'jS' 7„,h„d of con..
nailonal toi.venl.oii of ho 51h ol "' '""■ •''°''"?, ,„,„ „ „ldiii,hl
SXr,;:Si"TS:?irs.txr:'.^;iao«. »■•■ »'
a r'Siti i bT.™. !.; 3o' Tbi. ."o, w.. oomolod ..
JJ, "Simfition of Ih. dend... b, Gi.Bon- XIII.
Oylh,,.. of PloUmy, -k" 'fe' .■"*™ SSSl p"ob.bl, o., »d .b.
I-:ts:»°3R;;ffi'rl."A-:.. b. 'o.i,foi,i.d.d .i* *.
,0 The Visigoths then ta^ed^
rrih'e Me'irriran. ^^I^I^Zo^.o^o^^^, a, the reward fo..er.
^ces which the latter had rendered them in their wars with the Franks.
11 Scheidingen on the left bank of the Unstrut, about three leagues from
Naumbufg on the Saal. is supposed to have been 'he residence of the
uicient kings of Thuringia. Venantius Fortunatus, the friend of queen
RadegoS a princess of Thuringia. gives a poetical description of it
in his eleey De Excidis Thuringioe. ^q
19 BeHsarius'was recalled from Italy by the Emperor Jue™^^^^^^
He afterwards incurred the displeasure of the court of Constantinople ,
Sr, J a. mod"em writers have 'asserted that h« -- "'"•^U^i^^^J'^/j
to beg his bread, is destitute of foundation. Mascow, GtthicMt aer
IS Aeathilriib 1. p. 17, asserts, that the Goths abandoned the nation of
tlifAlemann; Mhe Franks, ik order to interest the latter m their cau e
.or«h^8t the Greeks. The same was the case with that part of Gaul,
Ee between th^ Alps, the Rhone, and the Mediterranean, which
penned .rthe Ostrogoths, and which they ceded to the Franks, on
oondition that they would never furnish supplies to the Ureeks.
14 The ame of the Bavarians does not occur in history before the middle
of the sTxth centu^. when Jomandes, De Eeb. Getid,, and Venantius
Fortuna r m his piems, speak of them for the first time. Mannert,
OaMchte BaioarieM, p. 108, reckons the Bavarians an association of
S^etrGcS tribes'; the Heruls. Rugions. Turc'l.ng.a^s, «id Scy
rians all oriff'nally emigrat ng from the shores of the Baltic. 1 tie new
rettlements which they formid in Upper Germany, comprehended that
JartoTJncient Rheti^ Vindelicia, and Noricum, which lies betw^^^n
the Danube, the Lech, and the Noce m Pannoma, and the TyroL
They were govemid bj? kings or chiefs, who, from the year 595. were
dependants on the Frankish crown. „r,heir
IS Clovis left the Alemanns, after their defeat, a considerable part of their
Terri or es under hereditary chiefs, who acknowledged the ?"Pe"oriq^
of the Frankish kings. Such of the Alemanns as Theodoric King ol
lu ly then re eWeJTfSio a part of Rhe.ia and Noricum, continued de-
JenSants on the kingdom of the O.trogoths. till the decay of that mo.
narchy, near the middle of the sixth century, when they became subject
to the dominion of the Franks. , ,
Tacitus De Moribus German., cap. 2. It was the Prerogative o free
men to have the honor of bearing arras. Even bishops and ecclesias.
tic" when admitted into the national assemblies, and to the rights ana
privileges of freemen, never failfed to claim this military dignity ; ana
occupied, like others, their ranks m the army.
17 We find kmong the German nations, from the remotest times he dis-
tinction into nobles, freemen, and serfs: a distinction which they still
nreserved. in their new settlements in the Roman empire.
18 &al eToJdeals. Besides the trial by -"^^-°'"*«VXr: C S
bv hot iron, boiling or cold water, the cross, ^■c. V de Ducango Oloss.
SirOoth" Vandfls, Suevi. and Alan.s. were already Chr.— , when
Ihey settled mthin the bounds of the Western Empire. They follow-
edihe doctrines of Arius, which they had imbibed in the «"«; and,
which the Suevi of Galicia abandoned for the orthodox creed under
Their Kg Cnriaric. about 551 ; and the Visigoths of Spain under heir
King Recarede, in 589. The Lombards ot Italy were, at firs^Armns.
but became Catholics, under their Kmg Agifulphus, in 602. The Van.
in Gaul than Septi.
le Rhone, the Alp«i
the reward for sor-
rs with the Franks,
three leagues from
e residence of the
the friend of queen
al description of it
r Justinian, in 549.
t of Constantinople ;
1 blind, and reduced
icow, Gethichte der
idoned the nation of
latter in their cause
;h that part of Gaul,
editerranean, which
■d to the Franks, on
> the Greeks,
ry before the middle
ting, and Venantius
rst time. Mannert,
ns an association of
rcilingians, and Soy-
he Baltic. The new
, comprehended that
which lies betw sn
inia, and the TyroL
n the year 595, were
liderable part of their
dged the superiority
a Theodoric King ol
ricum, continued do-
lie decay of that mo-
1 they became subject
3 prerogative of free,
[shops and ecclesias.
and to the rights and
military dignity ; and
notest times, the dis-
iction which they still
1 empire.
'tat, there were others
Vide Ducange Gloss.
eady Chrintiuns, when
Inipire. They follow,
bed in the east ; and,
orthodox creed under
8 of Spain, under their
were, at first, Arians,
lus, in602. The Van.
dale and Ostrogoths, on the contrary, havmg persisted in A.i"""m ;
this perseverance may be numbered among the causes that hastened
the destruction of their monarchy, both in Italy and Africa. As to the
Buruundians they did noi embrace Christianity till after their establish,
mcnt in Gnul. Thoir example was soon followed by the Franks, who
likewise protected the dissemination of the orthodox faith among the
German nations, settled in their dominions beyond the Rhine, the
Christian religion was introduced, about the end of the sixth century,
among the Anglo-Saxons in Britain, by some Benedictine monks
whoin Pope Gregory I. had sent there. Ethelbert, King of Kent, was
tho first of the Anglo-Saxon kings that embraced Christianity, by the
persuasion, it is said, of his queen. Bertha, daughter of Chanbert I.
90 The^posscVs'ions of the Ostrogoths in Gaul, lying between the Rhme,
the Alps, and the Mediterranean, were ceded to the Franks about 8».
91 Eginhard, Vita Cnral. Mag., cap. 11. It seems then an error m history,
to designate these princes as a race of kings, who had all degenerated
into a state of imbecility or idiocy. (Of this opinion was the Abbe
Vcrtot, who endeavors to rescue these monarchs from this generally
received imputation. Vide Men.oir de I'Academie, vol. iv. I .) ^
93 This same St. Boniface, in 744, induced the archbishops of France to
receive, after his example, the pallium from Pope Zachanas, acknow.
Icdgine the jurisdiction and supremacy ol the Roman See. Ihis ac.
knowledgment of the Romish supremacy, had already taken place in
England, in 601 and G27, when the archbishops of Canterbury and
York, received the pomificial pallium. Vide Bede. I ist. Eccles.
93 It is alleccd that state politics had no small share m favoring this leal.
Not only did the emperors reckon, by abolishing images, to weaken
the excessive power of the monks who dommeered over the Byzantine
court; but they regarded also the destruction of this heretical worship,
as the only means of arresting the persecutions which the Mahometafti
then exercised against the Christians in the east, whom they treated aa
idolaters, on account of their veneration for images.
84 The name Exarehatt was then given to the provmce of Ravenna, be.
cause it, as well as the Pentapolis, was immediately subject to the ex-
arch as governor-general ; while the other parts of Grecian Italy were
governed by delegatos, who ruled in the name and authority of the
95 "wM during his sojourn at Chiersi that Pope Stephen II. g»y« J« J"
cisions that we find in Sirmondi, Concil, Gall. yo\. II. 16. Anastas us
(in Muratori, vol. III. p. 168, 186) memions Chiersi as «>>« Pl««« <»* »»
donation, which he also says was signed by Pepin and h's wo jions-
This prospective grant is even attested by the letter wh ch S ephenll.
addressed to Pepin and his sons, immediately on his return to Rome,
exhorting them to fulfil their engagements w-ithout delay.
96 Tho Pope, m his letters to Pepin, calls this donation an augmentation
of the Romish dominion; an extension of th«/»'""'Vp",l!^'^i„^^
Cenni. vol. I. p. 85, 124. Besides the city and duchy of Rome, Anas,
tosius mentions various former grants of territories to ;!'« K"™*"
Church. The same author informs us, that the »"g'"."' »f ^^P'" » °°-
nation existed in his time in the archives of the Romish See, and he
has recorded the I es gifted to the church.
97 Different interpre.iU.ons have been given to the word Saracens which
the Greeks, and after them the Lat'"B.h«ve applied to the Arabs. Some
explain it by rtAberi or hrigandt, and others by Ori«t.f«/», or natives
mss f mv
mn .*< K^» .«i|i.n^rti«.
¥ '
„<• the east Casiri. Bibl. Arab. Hist. vol. II. p. 19. Some pre»end to
Seme h" appeZion from the Arabic word Sarrag, or .ts plural Sar
^ »t« which means, men on horseback, or c.ivuliers.
Sir ^may judgTorthe ferocity of the Arabs at this t.jne, from a passa|.
of rTsTs. an Arabic author, hi Casiri. (Bibl. Arub. Hist. vol. ■>• P- 322.)
M,.« n a fitof iealousy, had caused Tarec to be bastmadoed atTole.
?o Jid Jet contnuedw employ him as a general. The cahph, to avenge
tC. caused Muza to be bastinadoed in h.s turn, when he came^
« TreiiidttottSr^^^^^ rrl%°/
»« ?;:»;rpeSateTots^roS^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ \
FrrnkB iLldorus Pajfn»i«. a Spanish author of that t.me, pubhshed !
nart of Sicily from the Greeks ; but they were deprived of it. m 940,
S;Ve FSiteTwho were succeeded in the following century by the
Zerides in Africa. (Vide Period IV. under Spa'"-) gj,
« The celebrated Gerbert. bom in Auvergne, and afterwards rope oil-
^ Tester IL,wI^ among th^ first that repaired to Spam. about the m.dd e
of the tenth century, to study mathematics under the Arabs. Numbers
^ Sr^YstSS in th"£r; of the Escurial in Spain, 1851 Arabic
^ S whfch escaped the%onflaUon of ion have been
amply described by Casiri in his Bibl. Arab. Hwp.
I The immense intrcnchments or fortifications of the Avars called^Aw.
-Jl Vf thrFrnX were destroyed by Charlemagne, to the number of
S^B ' A pfrt of Konia and the territory of the Avar, he left in pos-
Toionorthe native chiefs, and the Slavian P"--' -'j"/^^:
ledged themselves his vassals and tributaries. J^e Slavi, the Mora^
Ml., and Bulgarians, seem to have then seized on « ParJ of «he terrU^
""' '•^ t!r;L'c«r'rc£ie^m"::s5:Tsli^^^^^^^^ «:««"
MarT(Au«l agairVh^M^^^^^^ he -ceivedalso .he pro.
jjct of joining ,L Danube and the Rhine, by a canal drawn from the
S« t^f th: oat In -the Teutonic language, Louis i" the Romance
iMOTWe : the forms of which have been preserved by the Abbe Nith-
„d!T?ou.in of these princes. We may observe *«» Ais « the mo.t
mcient monument of the Romance Iwiguage ; out of which ha. n)rung
the modem French.
Some pretend to
g, or its plural Sar-
time, from a passage
I^iat. vol. ii. p.333.)
astinudoed at Tole-
he caliph, to avenge
when he came to
)ain. His son, whom
of the caliph. Such
s paternal uncle of
Ommiades were de
he prophet,
as the founder of thii.
ic Fharamond of the
that time, published
g of him. He extols,
111 the Visigoths, ac.
iiad chosen as their
hronicle of Alphonso
ited in favor of Don
le tenth century, and
nder of the kingdom
iquest of the greater
eprived of it, in 940,
owing century by the
I afterwards Pope Sil-
pain, about the middle
the Arabs. Numbers
in Spain, 1851 Arabic
and which have been
le Avars, called Skin-
pie, to the number of
B Avars he left in pos.
{irinces, who acknow.
rhe Slavi, the Moravi.
I a part of the territo-
I the Theyss. It was
tablished the Eastern
lonceived also the pro*
canal drawn from the
Louis in the Romance
ved by the Abbe Nith-
e, that this is the most
At of which has spranK
3 This treaty, which has been preserved by the adthor of the Annals of
St. Rertin, mentions all the countries and principal places assigned tu
each of the brothers. It forms a valuable document in the geogrtphy
of the middle ages.
4 As an example of this, it is said that a nobleman of Suabia, named Eu-
ehon, brother to the Empress Judith, quarrullud with his own son, and
refused to see him, because, in his estimation, he had debased himeeir
by receiving as fiefs, from Louis the Gentle, a certain number of his
own lands, iiituatud in Upper Bavaria.
5 The Dunes and the Swedes dispute with each otiier the honor of these
pretended heroes, who signalized themselves in the Norman piracies.
It is without doubt, thiit all the tribes of ancient Scandinavia, in their
turn, took pnrt in tliene expeditions. According to the Monk of St.
Gall, it was not till about the end of the war of Charlemagne with the
Avars, i. e. 796, that the Normans began to infest the coasts of the
Prankish umpire. In order to stop their incursions, Charles construct
ed a fleet, and stationed in the harbors and mouths of rivers, troops and
guard-ships; precautions which were neglected by his successors.
6 The beautiful palaces which Charles had constructed at Nimeguen and
Aix-la-Chapelie, were burnt to the ground by the Normans in 881-2.
At the same time, they plundered Liege, Maestricht, Tongres, Cologne,
Bonn, Zulpich, Nuys, and Treves.
7 Nester, a monk of Kiovia, and the first annalist of Russia, about the
end of the eleventh century, says the Russians, whom he calls also
Wareguet, came from Scandinavia, or the country of the Normans.
He assures us, tluit it was from tiiem that the state of Novogorod took
the name of Russia. The uuthur of the annals of St. Bertin, the first
that mentions the Bissians (Uhoa) a. d. 839, assigns Sweden as their
original country. Luitprand also, bishop of Cremona, in the court of
Constantinople by Otho the Great, attests, in his history, that the
Greeks gave the name o' Ruaaiani to the people, who in the west are
called Normans. The Fiims, Laplanders, und Estonians, at this day,
call the Swedes, Root*, Routti, or RooUlane. It is likely that from
them, being nearest neighbors of the Swedes, this name passed to the
Slavonian tribes. Hence it would seem, tnat it is in Sweden that we
must look for Russia, prior to the times of Ruric ; in the same way,
as ancient France is to be found in Westphalia and Hesse, before the
days of Clodion, and the founding of the new monarchy of the Franka
in Gaul.
8 The Orkney Isles, the Hebrides, the Shetlands, and the Isles of Man,
passed, in course of time, from the dominion of the Norwegians to
that of the Scottish kings, while the Faroe Isles remained constantly
annexed to the kingdom of Norway.
9 Olaus II., King of Norway, had rendered the Icelanders tributaries, but
they soon renewed their independence ; and it was not till the time of
Habo V. and Magnus VII., in 1361 and 1264, that they submitted to the
dominion of Norway, when the republican government of the island
was suppressed. Iceland, when a republic, furnished the annalists of
the north. The most distinguished of these is Snoerb Sttolssom,
who wrote a history of the kings of Norway about the beginning of the
thirteenth century. This celebrated man died in 1241.
10 The Chazars, a Turkish tribe, ruled, at thn time we now speak, over
the northern part of the Crimea ; as also the vast regions lying to the
north of the Euxine and Caspian seas. The Onogurs or Ugurs, sup.
posed to be the same as Hungarians, were subject to them. These
'■ l
Chaiars having embraced ChriBtianity in the ninth century, auopted*
ion of syncrefisni, which admitted all sorts md.fferently. Hence the
nam. of CAowM or Ketzen has been given, by the Germar d.vme^ to
every species of heretics. Their power vanished about the begimuiiu«.
la The Moravians were the lirst of the Slavian tr.bes that embraced Chrw. ,
tianity. The Greek Emperor Michael, at their own request, sent them,
S. 863 Cyril and Methodius, two learned Greeks of Thessalon.ca, who |
Evented the Slavonian alphabet, and translated mlo their language the
sacred books, which the Russians still use.
13 The Patzinac tes possessed all the countries situated between the Alma,
the Deeper, and the Done*, which near its source, separated them
from the Chizars. They gradually disappeared from history about he
end of the eleventh century, when they were dispossessed or subdued
14 ffistriansTve commonly ascribed to this prince the division of Eng-
hmd into counties, hundreds, and tithes, as also the institution of junet.
15 F«m 1 orcupition of Greenland and Finland by the Normajis we
may infer that North America was known to them several centuries
before it was discovered by the English.
1 The Hunearians having made a new invasion npon Otho the Great,
advanced'as far as Augsburg, to which V^ey laid siege ; but Otho in a
battle which he fought with them m the v.cmity °« '^atj J, (955.)
routed them with such slaughter that they never dared to return.
3 On this oath, which was taken in 903. the emperors of Germany founded
the title by which they claimed the right to confirm, or to nommale
Sid depose the popes. Lawyers generally allege the famous decree
of Leo VIII., published 964, as establishing the rights of the emperors
over Rome .md the popes. But the authenticity of this decree has
blen attacked by the ablest critics, and defended by others It would
^Jear that there is no necessity for this to justify these nshte. Otho,
Xr having conquered Italy and received the submission of the Roman,
and the Pope, could easily claim for himself and his successors th«
^e rights of superiority which the Greek and Frank emperors had
3 Z wl A^ dukiTof Lower Lorrain. and had obtained that dukedom
from ofho II. in 977. He transmitted it to his son Otho, who w«i tl.e
Unt nrince of the Carlovingian line, and died in 100b.
4 The principalities of Benevento. Salerno, and Capua, >*«« govenj^f
bv Lombard princes, who held of the German emperors. The duke.
S^i^of Ks. Gaeta, Amalfi. and part of Apulia and Calabria, were
dependent on the cistern emperors ; while "■"Arabs, masters of the
areater part of Sicily possessed also Ban and Tarenom Apulia.
5 From tWs treaty is derived the right o^ vassalage, whjch the popes have
exercised till the present time, over the km^dom °| Naples.
6 The first invasion of the Normans in Sicily wm m 1000. Palemu*. «h«
■.li^ f »D III.
pon Otho the Great,
siege ; but Otho, in a
ty of that city, (955,)
dared to return.
8 of Germany founded
ntirm, or to nominate
e the famous decree
rights of the emperors
ty of this decree haa
by others. It would
y these rights. Otho,
mission of the Romans
nd his successors the
Frank emperors had
l>tained that dukedom
an Otho, who was the
^apua, were governed
mperors. The duke-
ilia and Calabria, were
Arabs, masters of the
arento in Apulia.
, which the popes have
I of Naples.
n lOGO. Palermo, the
capital, fell under their power in 1073, and in 1090 they conquered the
whole island.
1 The first seeds of Christianity were planted in Denmark and Sweden,
by St. Ansgar, whom Louis the Gentle created, in 834, first archbishop
of Hamburg, und metropolitan of the North. But the progress ot
Christianity was extremely slow in those semi.barbarous countries-
The first annalist of the North was an Icelander named Are Frode.
who flourished about the beginning of the 11th century. The moft
eminent historian of Denmark, was a monk named Swend Aageson.
who digested, about 1187, an abridgement of the history of that king-
dom. He was followed by Saxo the grammarian, whose history of
Denmark, written in beautiful Latin, is full of fables in the times preced-
ing the 13th century. Norway had for its first annalist a monk named
Theodoric, who wrote about 1160. As to Sweden, it has no national
historian anterior to the Chronicles in Verse, the first anonymous editor
of which lived in the time of King Magnus Smeck, about the middle
of the 14th century.
8 Olaus sent, in 996 and 1000, missionaries into Iceland, who succeeded
in making the whole country adopt Christianity. An Icelandic fugitive,
named Eric le Roux, discovered Greenland, and formed the first settle,
ments there, about the year, 983. His son, Lief, embraced Christianity
during his sojourn in Norway. With the aid of some ecclesiastics
whom King Olaus gave him, he returned in 1000 to Greenland, and
there converted his father and his fellow-countrymen. The knowledge
of the first Norwegian colonies of Greenland, was lost about the begin,
ning of the fifteenth century. The southern and western districts of
it were again discovered about 1576 ; but it was not till 1731 that the
Danes formed new settlements there.
9 The Polabes inhabited the duchy of Lauenburg, the principality of Rat.
zenburg, and the province of Schwerin. The Wagrians were settled
beyond the Bille in the Wagria, in the principality of Eutin, and a part
of Holstcin.
. Henry, Duke of Saxony, Conrad, Duke of Zahringen, and Albert,
Margrave of the North, headed an army of these crusaders against the
Slavi in 1147.
11 The right of hereditary succession in the eldest son of every ducal
family, was not introduced into Bohemia till 1055. This was the ancient
usage in Sweden, Denmark, Poland, Russia, and Hungary.
IS No writer of this nation is known anterior to the thirteenth century.
The most ancient is Vincent Kadlubeck. bishop of Cracow, who died
1233. He wrote Historia Polonia, first published in 1613.
13 This eroien, singularly revered in Hungary, contains Greek ornaments
and inscriptions, which give us to understand that it was manufactured
at Constantinople. There is a probability that it was furnished by the
Empress Theophania, mother of Otho III., to Pope Sylvester II., whom
she had lately raised to the pontificate.
14 The Greeks upbraided the Latins with fastine on Saturdays — permission
to eat cheese, butter, and milk, during the first week of lent — the cell,
bacy of their priests — the repetition of the unction, of baptism in confir-
mation — the corrupting of the confession of faith — the use of unleavened
bread in the eucharist — permission to eat the blood of animals strangled
— and the prohibition against the priests wearing their beards.
15 The difference of rank and pre-eminence of these two patriarchs, be.
came one of the principal subjects of dispute between the two churches.
There was a warm debate as to the title of Eeumtnical Patriarch, or
Sh the patriarch, of Constantinople ; and Gregory I.. ^'»h.ng «o give
these patnarchs an example of Christian humility, m opposition to th •
lofty tftle of Universal Bi.hop, adopted that of Servant of the eervanU
16 ^hfeilgarian., newly converted to Christianity by Greek and Latin
4iiion.ries. had priests and bishops of both ?hurches; and each pon.
tiff claimed he sole jurisdiction over that province. This affair hav ng
been referred by the Bulgarians themselves to the judgment of the
Sreek E "perorf he decidid in favor of the See of Constantinople. In
cJ^eouenre of this decision, the Latin bishops wid priests were expelled
from Bulaaria, and replaced by the Greeks in 870.
17 Th". terSblo fire, reckoned among their state secrets, was exploded |
from tubT. of copper, or thrown with cross.bows and machines tor the
pZ«« Fire-ships were likewise filled with them, which they des-
;S among the^nemies- ships to bum them. These could not be
extinguished by water, or any other way than by the help of vinegar or
18 Thentme of TWtor. in the sense in which it is «»"""«'">?»!;*'*'';»]'.
pear, to be of a Chinese origin. The Ch nese pronounce " TA«.«Aa.
knd designate, by this name, all the nations that dwell north of the
19 ¥'he*fiTsUhat employed this military g"ard was the Caliph Montassem.
who succeeded to the caliphate in 833 or 218 of the Hegira.
30 Sultan or Soltkan, is a common name m the Chaldean and Arabic Ian.
euages, to designate a sovereign, ruler, king, or master.
31 Syria was conquered by the Seljukidcs, between 1074 and 1085. They
were masters of Palestine since 1075, which they had conquered from
the Fatimite caliphs of Egypt. . , , .. _ ^,. . a„u^„
98 The most powerful of these Emirs dared not assume the title of Su tan.
but vTre content with that of Atabek, which signifies in the Turkish
language, Father of the prince.
1 He was the first of the Roman Pontiffs that assumed the title of Pofe,
(Papa,) to the exclusion of the other bishops and prelates who had tor-
merly made use of that denomination.
3 Pope Urban II.. one of the immediate successors of Gregory VII.. went
w far a. to recommend to all secular princes, that they should make
slaves of such of the priest's wives as lived with their husbands atter
they h»i received holy orders. In Denmark and Sweden, he eeU.
bacy of the clergy was not introduced Ull near the middle of the IStli
3 Pope "Nicholas I. and Adrian H.. in the 9th century, and Jo»»r. IV. and
Greaory V., about the end of the 10th, appealed to the False Decretal,
in their disputes with the kings of France, on the subject of supremacy
and legislative power over the whole church.
4 This house which succeeded the Sahc dynasty, occupied t.ie throne of
the empire trom 1138 to 1254. . • -, . d„
5 Grecory VII. in 1080, conhrmcd the election of the AnM-Emperor Ko.
dolph. Iraiocent III., claimed the right to' arbitrate m the dispute.
nople had aiRumed
he Roman pontiffs,
that title us proud
rdict all communion
' I., wishing to give
in opposition to this
eant of ike tenant*
by Greek and Latin
ihes ; and each pon.
This affair having
le judgment of the
Constantinople. In
riests were expelled
crets, was exploded
ind machines ibr the
Bm, which they des-
These could not be
le help of vinegar or
commonly taken, ap
onounce it Tha-thai
t dwell north of the
.e Caliph Montassem,
;he Hegira.
dean and Arabic Ian.
1074 and 1085. The/
r had conquered from
me the title of Sultan,
tiftes in the Turkish
med the title of Pope,
prelates who had ior>
of Gregory VII., went
lat they should make
1 their husbands after
uid Sweden, the cell-
he middle of the 13th
lury, and Johti IV. and
to the False Decretals
3 subject of supremacy
occupied the throne of
the Anti.EmperoT Ro.
litrafe in the disputes
between Philip of Swabla and Otho of Bnmsw.ck (119S,) on the subject
of Tei" election. The cont-sted iiecti<.n of Rifhnr.l .!.■ CornwuU and
Xlpholso of Castille to the throne of Spain, was submUted to the judg-
6 ^he'popJs'derivcd their clainus to thcBC estates, fron, n lona.ion of
them; which the Countess hnd n.a.ie in 1077, to Pr>pe Gregory VII..
nnd which she renewed in 1102 to Pascal 11. jni, .
7 The Order of St. Anthony was founded about 095 ; and that o .har-
ueux was founded in 1080-86. by Bruno of Cologne • and that of
Grandmont, by Stephen do Thiers, a native of Auvergne.
8 The Arabs took possession of Palestine under the Cahph Omar, a. d.
657 It fell into the hands of the Fntimito Caliphs of Egypt, a. d. 968
9.10 There is an amusing description of the crusaders in the Chronicle
^1? Conradus Urspergensis, and the sensation which their first appear.
U On" r?hele''firdli;isions was conducted by Peter the Hermit in
person A contemporary author gives the foliowmg description of
AatBhostly general. " His appearance was rude m the extreme, of
aLrtstirbut of a most fervid zeal. His face was meagre, h^
feet bare a^d his dress of the meanest and the most squalid sort. On
hTsjoumeTa^d wherever he went, he used neither horse mare,
Hor muTe7 but only a vehicle drawn by asse^ Peter mtrusted «
*•' "7 "dTc^ Em ''\'iro"us"Todt S'maSd'^'bTf GermiS
rr":l7o1lowSiim."-NeUThe whole of'them perished to the amount
13 T?eT°birof Venice having refused, in spite of the thundenng
'* Julls Sched against them, to -"e"f / »P ^^g^'^J tL" compelled
Clemonl IV. published a crusade agamst them 1J09, and thus compeuea
13 tZXZ X'er^'no armorial bearings before the 12th century. We
kings, until the time of Louis VII., a. "•^^'Y- ^„ . „„.„„. „ ..„
U The crusades were the means of spreading leprosy in B"'^°P«; »'"•«*
the oCue which in 1347 and the following years made dreadful havoc.
From luly Ttspread over all Europe, and occasioned a violent pars*.
15 ForAeXBee'th* accoiants of Spain, Italy, Portugal.
16 This is the common opinion as to the origin of the HanseaUc League
th« Kincr of France, in favor of the Germanic merchants.
17 The ^afliamlm of 1342 is generally cited as the first in which we find
18 SLttrnlmes'o? S^W- '^^ ^"'-^'^' '' ^ »'"«''" ^'*"'
S tho r^idst of the darkness that covered Europe prior to the 12th
^_..m|ii ;i i i !HH.Jj.,^_,.!f;«,»IJ ' *;
mt^ tinnrwn ri'hwi'
91 Hutfolinu., a famous lawyer, under Frederic 1. i. generally regarded
M Hr't' Vat digested the Two Book, of F.ete. at the end of ti.e
82 £vora/"[£r universities were founded in the following century :-.
^uth us that of Prague, in 1347 ; Vienna, in 1365 ; lie.delburg. m 1386 ;
ciues of Mayence. Cologne, Worms, S,nre, Strasburg, and Berhn, ioi
the protection of their commerce on the Klimw.
84 TlJse grand officers were seven in number, although formerly other
princes were admitted to these elections. r.«„^^u tk«
85 There appears some reason to doubt this statement of Dandolo, the
36 S^^r^ttlVi^'lfiarof the Roman empire in he 5th century Corsica
^^ ias con.,u "re.l in turn by the Vandals, Ore. ks, Frank, and Arab.
The latter settled tliere i.. the 9th century, and were expelled m the
11th Sardinia experienced nearly the same revolution «" Corsica It
fell successively into the hands of the Vandals, Greeks, Arabs, Geno.
ese and pians Pope Boniface VIII. vested the King ol Arragon m
Sardinia in 1297, as his vassal and tributary, who expelled the Pisans
37 Th?fa^?s Cttstilian hero Don Rodrigo Diaz de Vivnr f^mamed the
^' cS had already seized the king.lom of Valencia "b*^"' h« «"d of the
11th century ; but the Arabs took possession of it after his death 1099.
38 DeGutgnes^ fixes the entire destruction of the Almohade. m the year
29 After the defeat of the Mahometans, Alfonso having assembled the
bi hop declared on his oath that Jesus Christ appeared to h.m on the
evenh K before the battle, promised him certain victory, and ordered
Zto be proclaimed king of the field of battle, and to take for h..
arms the five wounds inflicted on his body, and the thirty pieces ot silver
for which he was sold to the Jews.
30 The first six of these were the ancient !"/ Pe«" f, J« "°-^\, J**,^;
were established in the reigns of Louis VII. and IX., a. well a. nx
31 SlTeS Gemany. in order to preserve the feudal system, passed
a law, which forbade the princes to leave the grand fief. o. the empire
38 bX SSeVeac'e concluded at Paris, in 1359. between Louis IX..
KenrylL. Normandy. Lorraine. Mame Anjou. and Poitou. were
«ded to F anie. who then surrendered to England Limousin Pen.
aord Quercy. &c.. on condition of doing fealty and hom.ige to the
kS of France, aiid to be held under the title of the Duke of Aqui-
33 TtiTfim o'rigln1f?h?inqui.uion may be dated from a commission of
Suisitor^^^Tsia. which Innocent III. established at Toulouce against
the A Censes; Gregory IX. intrusted the inquisition to the Domm..
ea^swhl erected it into'an ordinary tribunal before which they cited
n^only those suspected of heresy, but all who were accused of .or-
rprv maaic. witchcraft, Judaism, &c. . ^ . . ■ ., -.u
U Domi^co 8ub.prior of the church ofOsma in Spam, co.gomtly with
D°eTod'Azebez^he bishop of that church, undertook, in 1206, the mission
?gafns. the heretic, in Jnguodoc. Innocon, VIII. in 1208, established
a perpetual commission of preachers for that ^""n'^y' "p"^ Kino-Tl^
was declared chief. Hence the oriain of the 6rder of Preaching Fnar»
jenerally regarded
at the end of the
lowing century :—
cidelburg, in 13H6;
:ludod between the
iirg, and Berlin, foi
ugh formerly other
ont of Dandolo, the
ith century, Corsica
j'ranke, and Arabs,
ire expelled in the
ition as Corsica. It
•eeks, Arabs, Geno-
King of Arragon in
expelled the Pisans
^ivar, surnamed the
about the end of the
after his death 1099.
nohades in the year
ving assembled the
leared to him on the
victory, and ordered
and to take for his
Ihirty pieces of silver
)f the crown. They
1 IX., as well as six
eudal system, passed
id fiefs of the empire
I, between Louis IX.,
»u, and Poitou, were
land Limousin, Peri.
and homiige to the
af the Duhe of Aqui-
rom a commission of
d at Toulouce ai;ain8t
sition to the Domini-
fore which they cited
were accused of sor-
»pain, conjointly with
)k, in 1206, the mission
II. in 1208, established
ry, of which Dominico
r of Preaching Frinrw
;« The Irish were coOTerted to Christianity in the 5th century. St. Patrick
was their first aposth, ; he founded the archbmhopno o Armagh n 479.
The supremacy of the Pope was not acknowledged m that island 1 11 the
comicTof Urogheda, 11.^2. when the Pope's polhuin, and the cehbacv
of the priests, were introduced. • , i -, ..,.»
36 In Denmark, the throne wuh elective m the ro.gnmg innuly. »t was
equally so ill Norway, where, by a strange cuntom, -aturd sons were
admitted to the crown, and allowed the privilege of attestmg their
descent from the royal line by the ordeal of hre.
37 The power of the clergy in the North was considerably increased by
the i-uroducln of MeUopolitans. The archbishopric ol Lundcn was
erected in 1152, uiid that of Upsal m 1163.
38 The introduction of tithes met with great W»»'"°"/" »''''!« ^^"^^^^^^^
nor were they aenerally received till near the end ol the 13th century,
cluto IV was^t to death in Denmark, principally for havmg attempt-
39 Eltc^prSurd iil K^HK o( Norway, who undertook a crusade to the
Holy LanrKot lUe head of an army of 10,000 men, and a fleet
40 TaSuT'and the writers of the middle ngcs, before the 10th century,
geem to have included the Prussians, and the people inhabiting he
coal of the Baltic eastward of the Vistula, under the name of L^-stho.
41 ItTalleaed this city took its name from Ottokar II., King of Bohe.
Jlia, who headed an army of crusaders, and encouraged the buildmg
42 In 'the Mogul language, Zin or Tgin, signifies Great, and Kit, very :
so that the word means MoH Great Khan or Emperor. Accorduig to
oOiers who quote the constnm tradition of the Moguls, this new name
was token from the cry of an extraordinary and divine bird, which snt
on the tree during the assembly in question, and ""ered he word
Ttehingki: This name was adopted as a special and favorable augury
from heaven, and applied to the new conqueror. „ „i. ,„
43 The Igours were dependent on this latter empire, a Turkish people to
the north-west of China. It is alleged that they cul«vated the arts and
sciences ; and communicated letters and the alphabet to the other
44 Jietmefoflr; SS took place in 1279, and the latter in 1243
The Caliphs of Bagdad were annihilated by the Moguls, under the reign
45 ;t^fr?a?h:^t"•Emfe■ror Frederic II.. when summoned by the
*" G rea K to submit, and offered an »«<=« °»' h^^^"* " "» ^
replied to his singular message by way of pleawntry, that he knew
enough of fowling to qualify him for grand fnljoner.
46 The dvnastv of the Moguls n Persia ended m 1410 ; that of the Zagatai
fell into th?hands of the usurpers in the 14th century. Thts dynasty
produced the famous Timour. , . .„■ „•
47 Batou Khan was in the habit of ascending the W<.lga. with his whole
tribe, from January till August, when he began to descend that river
48 •iirferK&esf^ Tartar l«.gu.ge, mean, a tent or dwellm,.
49 These tribes dwelt to the north of the Caspian Sea, between the Jaik,
the Wolga, and the Tanais. ...i.„, i,„
») Th. MoSuU of Kip«ac, who ruled over Russia, are known rather by
...^._.i.._j —
the name of TartnM thnn Mogul., a- they adopted by degree., the \m.
guage nnd m«.merH of tho Tnrmr. nmong whom »hey livud.
M An author who wrote in the tw.llth ^^'^'V- '^■'"'';''*\.''''V„^' ""^
J«,,..n.Ht.llliv.dintt...W,in ...n.mer nnd ...tumn ; he «^''° '•"■'»
5,ut kinudon. vvcro b.nit of wood or ot .tone ; that the g"'"Je«"' *'?•»
S"y went to ro,.rl, brought their -eaW or . lui.r. with them i »nu thrt
IheeaTne thing wa; practi.ed by tho.e who went to v...t their neigh.
53 The inv«H?on'of Dulmutia became a .ourco of ''«"'>'«' ''."^„7''^*'
twoen tho king, of Hungary and the republic of Vienna ; and it wa.
not tiV the fifteenth century that the Venetian, .ucceeded in getting
po8.es.ion of the maritime town, of Dalmatia.
53 The Cuman. establi.hed one of their colonic, in a part o' ancient
Dacia, now Moldavia and Wallachia, which took from them the name
54 BaSwrw'a. .ucc-ede.l by hi. brother H.nry ; and »>« ^y^. brother-
in-law. Pierre de Courtenny, grandaon of Loui. VI. oJ trance. lh«t
prince le(t two .on., Robert and Baldwin, who both reigned at Con.
•tantii.ople, and were the la.t of the Latin empuror..
55 Trey took the name of BakariU,, which in Arabic iigiufiet manttm,,
or dwellers near the lea.
1 Thi. jubilee, which, according to the bull of Boniface VIII., wm io
be celebrated only once in a hundred year., wa. reduced to filty by
Clement VI., to thirty by Urban VI., and twenty.live by Paul II., and
2 mitm vl' Nicholn. V., and Calixtu. II., gave to the Portugue.e all the
"erritoriea which they might di.cover, from »he J^anarie. to the ndie..
Adrian IV., who adjudged Ireland to "«"'yil- '" "J^, had claimed
that all island, in which Chri.tianity wa. introduced, .hould belong to
1 The^klnga of France maintained the excroi.e of that right in .pite of
the effort, which the court of Rome made i»,;^f,P"*?,"'em of it.
4 The King even .em to Italy the Chevalier William Nogart with a body
of troop., who .urpriaed the Pope at Anagni, made him priaoner, and
Dillaeed hi. trea.ure., a. well a. tho.e of the cardinal, m hi. .uit.
5 If we can believe an Arabic author from Mecca, of the thirteenth cen-
tury. paper, of cotton mo.t probably, wa. invented "Mecca by one
Joaeph Amru, about the year 70G. According to other., the Arab,
found an excellent paper manufactory at Samarcand. when they con.
quered that country in 704. The invention of paper among the Chmeae
6 M.'de^MecheT mention, three P'^-^e'jJ'he gallery of Vieima,oo.
of the year 1297, and the other two of 1357. as havmg been pamted in
7 Thefiwt'cMdywere painted and designed, which rendered them very
dear Great variety of card, are found among diflTerent nations. PtqMt
became the national game of the French ««roc of the Itahans; the
Spaniard, invented ombre and quadrille, and the Germans lon^'^'*-
B One of the oldest of these folio, is that found m the library of Buxheiin,
nearMeningen. It repre.enU the image of St. Chn.topher illumed,
with a legend, dated 1423. Printmg, by blocks of wood, was pracOMd
in China since the vea' 950-
y (Ugraet, (h« luk
y livuil.
irkH, that the Hun.
tliu few houtfti in
the grandeoii, when
ih them ; unu that
viiit their neigh.
ubivi and wan be.
i^ienna ; and it waa
cceedod in getting
I a part of ancient
om them the name
i he by hia brother-
I. of France. That
oth reigned at Con-
lignifiea maritimtt
niface VIII., waa to
reduced to fifty by
vo by Paul II., and
le Portuguese all the
itnari«8 to the Indies,
in 1155, hud claimed
ed, should belong to
that right in spite of
ive them of it.
1 Nogart with a body
ie him prisoner, oncf
dinuls in his suit,
of the thirteenth can-
ed at Mecca by one
to others, the Araba
and, when they con.
Br among the Chinese
allery of Vienna, ona
aving been painted in
I rendered them very
ierent nations. Piqiut
of the Italiana ; the
iermana laiuijuentt.
e library of Buxheim,
Christopher illumed,
f wood, waa practiacd
9 Gutenberg, who atill kepi ins art a secret, on the death of Driahen.
sent diH'erent ptTsons into his house, and charKed thum to unscrew th«
press, and take it to pieces, that no one might diacovor how or in what
he was eniployvd.
10 Schii-'flin dates the inventiun of ihii font about the year 1459. The
honor of it ia commonly ascribed to Peicr Scho'ller, (he companion of
11 In n deed made by Uutcnburg and his brntlirr in 1459, he took a for.
mal engagement to give to the library of the convent of Hi. Claire, at
Mayence, the books which he had already printed, or might print i
which proves that Giitonlnirg had printed IiooWh lung before 1459. anu
that he still intended to print.
10 According to Cusiri, there can bn no doubt as to the oxiNtcncu of can
non among the Moors in the years 1343 — 44. The firHt undoubted
proof of the employment of cannon in France, is of the year 1345.
The Genoese, it is alleged, employed minus fur the firsi time at the
siege of Heraiiessa, against the Florentines, in 1487 ; and the Spaniard!
atrainst the French at the siege of the castle of Ocuf, in 15U3.
li The first cannons were coiintructed of wood, iron, or lead. Oustavul
Adolphus used cannons made of leather. They could not support near
the i|uantity of powder o( those in modem times.
H tiuiot de Provins, who wrote a satirical poem called the Bible, about
the end of the liith century, speaks most distinctly of the mariner'a
compass, which was used in his time in navigation.
15 The herring tishuries on the coast of Bcaniu, in the 14th and 15th con*
turies, proved a mine of wealth for the Ilanseafic trade ; so much the
more gainful, ns all Kurope then observed lent.
16 William Tell is commonly regarded as the first founder of the Swiss
17 The Grand Duke Michael Joroslawitz was executed by the Horde in
1318. Demetrius Michaelovitz met with the same fate in 1336.—
The Russian princes, on going to an audience with the Khan, wore
obliged to walk between two fires to purify themselves and the presents
which they brought. They were even compelled to do reverence to
an image which was placed at the entrance of the Khan's tent.
18 The first mention which the annals uf Nestor make of the Livoniana,
and their wars with the Russians, ia about the year 1040.
19 Various contracts were made before that snip wos accomplished. The
first was in 1341, and the price was 13,000 marks of silver. In 1846,
the Margrave Louis sold hia rights over Bathonia to the Teutonic Order
for 6000 marka.
90 Livonia did not belong exclusively to the Teutonic Order at this time.
The archbishop of Riga was independent, and master of the city where
he resided.
91 Before Uladislaus, there were only some of the sovereigns of Poland
invested with the royal dignity ; and the tradition which carries back
the uninterrupted succession of the Polish kings to Bolialaua, in the
year 1000, is contrary to the evidence of hiatory.
99 The converaion of the Lithuaniana to Christianity waa resolved on in a
general assembly of the nation held In 1387. It consisted simply of
the ceremony of baptism. The Polish priests who were employed on
this mission, being ignorant of the Lithuanian language, King Jagellon
became himself a preacher. One custom which he practised, succeeded
better than all the force of reasoning or argument. The Lithuanians,
till thnn. had used onW clothes of shins or linm The Kinc canred
woolirn ilrrwuoK, n( which hr Imd ordirril » InfRP qiiftlltity to be Importad
Croni I'ohiticl, to lif (hHtrilMitcd to ull thocit who wtre biiptizod, Thou
•ondff ol thit Lithimniiirm ihi-n rtoiiked lo the ndminintrntioii ol that ritft
The Siinicpuitiiirid cinhniiTd Chrintinnity about tho 13th cuiitury.
•a The WullnrhiiiMR, nii their hingnngn proveH. urn n mixture of the dcucend.
anti of Ihn Roinnn coloninn of iincient Unciii, with the Hlnviana ana
(•otha. They iidhnriid to Ihn tJrfok church in thn ninth century.
94 Philip CnlliiniicHu, lli" himorian of Uladialnui, waa doacondcd of an
illuHtriouH fiimily in Tuncnny, und one of thono (Inu genmaes which
Itiiiy prodiiri-.l in ihu tirtrtnth ceniury. Hoing poraocutcd ot Rome, he
retired to Poland to Caaimir IV., who intruntod him with the education
of hi* children, iind nmdo him hi" iocretnry.
95 The conquest of Indonlan by Tiniour ia fixed to the ycara 139^ UW.
Ilia doareat trophies wore huge towera, formed of the heada which he
had cui from his encmiea. He railed 190 of theae after the taking of
Bagdad in 1401. .„,..., a .u
W In the short apace of aix or feven houri, the Turka had cleared the
city entirely of all itx inhabitanta.
1 Lna Cnaaa ia gencrnlly rrpronmnd for having ndviaed the employing ol
Africiin Klnvea in the Antillua, iiiatend of the nativea, while ho was
«eiiloii»lv BiipportinK the liberty of tlio Americana ; and that it waa by
hia advice that CImrIrs V., in 1517, authoriae,'i'd to roceivo Kinjliuli «iiollcii rliitlm, on
conilition that England woiiUi admit tho wineu uf Portugal at one. third
K'HM duty than those of Franco.
4 The national liberty gained under Charles II. by the fiimoux Uab*(U
Corput Act, passed in 1679.
I Among the means which the rctrcnt employed for i-learing ofT tho
debts of the state, which anuiunled to tlirro millions, one was tho
famous scheme of Law, a Scotchman, and the establishment of u
bank, which completely failed after having great success, and ruined n
number of families.
3 Alberoni, a nion of vast and enterprising genius, was at first o/ilv »
simple priest in a village near Purma. lie insinuated himself into the
ittvor of tho Duke of Vendome, when he commanded the French uriny
m Italy. The Duke took him to Spain, ond recommended him to tho
Princess des Ursius who was then all powerful at the court of Philip V.
There he was elevated to the rank of cardinal and prime minister.
3 This famous adventurer was descended of a noble family in the pro.
vince of Groningcn. In 1715, he was appointed ambassador for Hoi.
land at the court of Madrid. There he insinuated himself into favor
with Philip v., who sent hin., in 1724, to the court of Vienna, to treat
with the Emperor Chorles V. On his return, ho was raised to the
rank of duke and prime minister of Spain. Being disgraced for his
imprudences, he wos imprisoned in the Custle of Segovia, whence he
made his escape in 1728, ond after wondering over several countries,
he passed to Morocco, where it is alleged he become a Mahometan, oa
he turned Catholic at Madrid. Being obliged to quit that new retreat
he repaired to Totuan, where he died.
4 The trade which the EJnglish carried on in Spanish Arerico, in virtue
of tho Atsiento, having given opppotunities for contraband, it was ogreed
by a subsequent convention, signed ot Madrid in 17.50, between those
two courts, that England should entirely renounce that controct in con.
sideration of a sum of £100,000 sterling, which Spain promised to pay
the English company engaged in that trade.
5 On the death of Joseph I. in 1777, ond the accession of his daughter
Mory, the grandees of Portugal avenged themselves for the indignitiet,
which the Marquis de Pombal hod subjected them to.
6 The principal actions which took place between the French and the
Hanoverians, with their allies, were those of HastenbecL in 1757
Crevelt, 1758 ; Bergen ond Minden, T759 ; Clostercamp, 1760 ; Villing-
Imusen, 1761 ; Grebenstein, 1762.
7 The battles fought by the King of Prussio in that war were the follow,
ing : that of Lowoaitz in 1756 ; Prague, Kolin, Jagerndoff, Rosbach,
Bieslaiiand l^i'*""5Ji
1778 put an end to these differences, and finally regulated the limits
, SHrii ;:°isrS;he1i:ge'^of Senngapatam. his capital, which
J^p^p^S'Ctt o^S^ which the Empress of Russia made to the
King of Poland in 1771, 1775. that she was averse to the partmon of
Po"and, which, in effect, appeared to be in opposition to the true inte-
Th^AusSafdivi^ion -.as estimated at about 1300 (Jerman square
miles, with 700,000 inhabitants. _ ..„ „,^
19 Thes; countries were estimated at 4157 square miles, with 3.050,000
13 Se'^onlo; of the King of Prussia comprised "61 square tnUe.. with
1,150,000 inhabitants. It contained 2G2 cities. »"