<► g![g!ii8iiiyiBiaia! iiaaiggra8ja!g giraiii agiiiiiaiBB^i i^jgiii[MirHi[ara-i< m UPPER CANADA GLUB, IS m m m m m m m m i •m m m m m m M m m m m m m KING-STREI^, ^ TORONTO . ESTABLISHED I83f. 'Toronto Primted bv Kobekt Stantos, 164 Kikg-strkjet. Si Si B! m ^ia[aiaieiagjr«BSBiL*(isrHiisaia!si;i[;?irjj]s§f«iig,aKii§'^ isi m m m m m m m m m i m m m m m m '^OROI^'^^ igj— — — _ _ SI m m UPPER CAI^ADA CLUB, m m m m m m m m m m m m m !«r LaJ KiN(;-STRi:i/i\ TORONTO. ESTABLISHED is:57 Printed by Robekt Stantov, IfvJ Ki.vg-sthkkt. ISi m M i«l lit. i«i M ■^MMMMmmmamMmmm'^inMi'iummmm^Mmmmi^m^^^ ■■• •) OFFICERS OF THE UPPEH CANADA CLUB. JAMES NEWBIGGING, Chairman, JOHN BARWICK, JOHN SAWERS, WILLIAM B. JARVIS, ROBERT W. HARRIS, Secretary. Cteastttct. JAMES NEWBIGGING. JAMES F. SMITH. GEORGE MONRO, C. A. HAGERMAN. RULES AND REGULATIONS. 1. The name sliall be The Upper Canada Club. Its members are not meantime to exceed one hundred and twenty, and they shall consist of all persons who will be duly elected agreeable to the second Article of these Regulations. The object shall be to promote social and friendly in- tercourse amongst its members, and the strangers admitted to its privileges. n. Candidates for admission must be proposed by two members of the Club, and chosen by ballot. The name of the candidate and members propos- ing him shall be inserted, seven days previous to election, in a book kept for that purpose in the Reading Room of the Club ; and the election shall be held on the firsc Monday in every month, be- tween the hours of six and eight o'clock in the evening. Not less than seven members to form a ballot. Two black balls in five to exclude ad- mission. Rejected candidates shall not be again proposed for a year thereafter. All ballots to be sui)enntcnded by one or more Officers of the Club. 8 III. The entrance and subscription on admis- sion shall be ten pounds, Halifax currency, and the annual subscription thereafter shall be two pounds ten shillings, payable on the third day of January, next ensuing. Notice of admission to be given by the Secretary to the member elected, who shall not be entitled to the privileges of the Club till his dues are paid. Any member failing to pay his annual subscription before the twenty- fifth day of March, in each year, (and after having been applied to for the same,) shall cease to be a member of the Club, and his name shall be erased from its books ; but he may be re-admitted upon assigning to the Managers such reasons as they shall deem satisfactory. IV. The regulation and government of the Club shall be assigned to a Board of Managers, consisting of five persons, with full powers to pro- mote the objects of the Club, provide a Club House, purchase Furniture, and to superintend and transact all the affairs of the establishment : such Managers shall meet when necessary for current business — They shall be elected annually by a ballot, which shall remain open in the Read- ing Room of the Club, from ten till two o'clock on the day of the anniversary, (third January.) At the meeting on that day the votes shall be counted, and the names of the Managers tor the ensuing year declared, vvlio shall assume their office, with power to fill any vacancy in their num- bers that may occur during the year — They shall elect one of their number Chairman, who shall preside at all meetings of the Club at which he may be present, and in his absence, one other of the Managers shall be Chairman — They shall elect from their body an Honorary Secretary, who shall supervise the accounts, keep minutes of all the proceedings of the Club, give notice to mem- bers of their election, or default of payment of subscription, &c., and have charge of all books, journals, and papers of the Club. They shall also elect from their body a Treasurer, who shall collect and keep an account of all monies belong- ing to the Club, and pay all drafts signed by (at least) two other members of the Board of Man- agers. The Managers elected at the first general meeting (twentieth March,) will hold their offices till third January next. V. There shall be three Trustees elected at the first general meeting, (twentieth March, 1837,) who shall invest in their names the permanent fund and property of the Club; and when a por- tion of the same shall be required for its purposes, ihey shall pay the requisite amount to the Trea- 10 surer, on an order signed by two of the Managers. The Trustees shall also audit and sign the ac- counts of the Treasurer, to be afterwards submit- ted to a meeting of (at least) three Managers including the Treasurer. VI. Any officer can be removed from office by the affirmative votes of two-thirds of the members present at a meeting of the Club, called for the specific purpose, and at which not less than twelve members shall be present. VII. A meeting of the members of the Club shall be held at six o'clock, on the evening of the first Monday of every month, for the general des- patch of business ; and on the third day of January, at two o'clock, in every year, (except if the day fall on Sunday, then on the Monday following,) the Anniversary Meeting shall be held for decla- ring the election of officers, receiving the accounts of expenses &c. for the past year, and all other matters of importance connected with the Club, which may be submitted for the consideration of the members present. Special Meetings may be called by the Board of Managers, on giving five days notice in writing to all the members, stating the specific object ; and the meeting shall confine its discussions to that object only; the notice shall 11 also be posted in the Club Room five days prior to the meeting. The Managers shall also call Special Meetings, on a requisition in writing signed by at least eight members, specifying the object under the preceding limitations, and the notice shall also contain the names of the members at whose request the meeting is called. VIII. Officers serving in His Majesty's Army or Navy, or other persons of distinction, whose residence in Upper Canada is temporary, may be invited by the Managers, and considered as Hon- orary Members, their names being entered on the books accordingly. Strangers, introduced by two members and approved by the Managers, their names being entered in a book kept for that pur- pose, shall enjoy all the privileges of the Club for one week, renewable at the discretion of the Man- agers ; but no resident of the Canadas shall be admitted more than four times in any one month. IX. Any member acting in opposition or dero- gatory to the respectability of the Club, shall be admonished in writing by the Managers, and should he persist in such opposition or derogatory conduct, the Managers shall submit the case to the first meeting, and if the majority so resolve, his name shall be erased from the list of members. 12 X. Any member being absent from the Cana- das for one entire or more years, sliall not be liable to the payment of his annual subscription during such absence, but he must give notice to the Secretary of his intention, that a candidate may be elected in his room, and on his return he will become a supernumerary member until a vacancy occur. XI. Every member of the Club will be furnished with a copy of these Rules and Regulations, and no alteration shall be made in them but by notice given at a meeting of the Club, signed by at least five members, and which notice shall be posted in the Club Room one month, and decided upon at the next meeting ; but no vote can be taken ex- cept twenty paying members be present, and the approval of two-thirds of the meeting shall be necessary for the alteration. XII. The Managers shall make such By-Laws for the internal regulation of the Club as may from time to time be necessary, subject to revisal at the monthly meetings. BY-LAWS. 1. The Club House shall be open every day, from 7 o'clock a. m. to 11 o'clock p. m. 2. It is the duty of the Supcrintendant to see that the wishes of the members be promptly com- plied with, and that they be treated with attention and respect; but he can receive such orders as affect the general government of the House, only from the Board of Managers. 3. No member shall give any present, money, or gratuity, to any of the servants of the establish- ment ; nor can they, on any account, be sent out of the House on private errands. 4. Copies of the Bill of Fare for the day, and a list of Wines, with the price of each article, shall be provided for the use of the members. A cor- rect account of the expenditure of every member shall be entered in the book kept for the purpose, and a copy of it furnished if desired. Any defect 14 or fault that may be found in any meal or provi- sions, is to be noticed in writing signed by the member complaining, and accompanied by the bill ; which complaint and bill must be especially noticed by the Managers on settling the weekly accounts. All complaints against servants must be made by letter to the Managers, signed by the member complaining. 5. All members are to pay their bills for every expense they incur, in the Club House to the Superintendant, before they leave the house — positive orders being given not to open accounts with any individual. 6. No meals can be served except in the dining and coffee rooms ; and no refreshment, wines or liquors of any kind, can be sent out of the house on any pretext whatever. 7. No smoking can be allowed except in the room provided for that purpose. 8. No games except whist, chess and draughts, shall on any account be permitted, nor shall dice be used in the Club House, and no higher stakes at whist than half-dollar points shall be played for. 15 No betting shall on any account be permitted, nor shall games of any kind be allowed on Sundays. 9. No member or visitor shall on any account be allowed to bring a dog into the house. 10. The Superintendant has strict orders to report to the Managers any infringement of the By-Laws which may come under his notice.