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Laa diagrammaa auivanta iilustrant la mithoda. 2 3 5 6 ••e»oeorr mmwtion mr omit (ANS) and ISO TEST CHAUT Mo. J) ■ 78 la itt |3J ■ 2.2 |3^ lia u lis |Z0 u L 1 IL6 ^ /APPLIED IM><3E U> 'SU EotI ttain StrMi ~~ ("6) 482-0J00-p*„„r^ ("«) 2n - sam - f„ 8 OEORQE V SESSIONAL PAPER No. 3Sa A. 191S SOME OBSERVATIONS ON HADDOCKS AND FINNAN HADDIES Relating to the Bacteriology of Cured Fish By Principal F. C. HARRISON, D.Sc, Macdonald College, P.Q. HMiJBiJj*'- ^»il-l^.-;r'?'*'tj 23365— iJ OTTAWA J. DE KABRlKJUKRIK TACHfi PRINTER TO THE KINOf MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTl 1U8 t S GEORGE V SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a A. 1918 XI. SOME OB8EBVAnON8 OR HADDOCKS AND • PWHAH HADDIE8 BEIATIHO TO THE BACTEMOIOOY OP CURED MSH. By Princip.! F. C. HAl •HWU. D.So.. Macdon.ld College. P.Q. i^;.^,r;f:™;S':;:r;;\:s:;;:',-:;.ri-;:,r;:;:i-;-;;r'"^;; •< '■.-■. ot «l,.riluu(J water ami Hli.ik.n. '''»'•■* wtfe mud., from tlif .lil.iti.m. In.,,! 1 to ,1 ..... I...i.,i, „ ..I . , i .. I'lnt.'s wire iiinde with:- ' "" "" ' '"' '■'"'' I''"'*' llnildOi'k ava wnlt.i K«liillnr H^ef pcpton* ■«. Wilier gelatine. ..... v. 'ii '"'',,' ""' Uii'loiie lllmua neu water jelatlne ]...,.. Iz .'. nn„.w;ifi.r;;::;::iw:"^^'''" '"-'■'^'•-•'v.'«^h w;.:„,„t....: ..;, .. iar.e At tl,.. M.m.. tin... „, i...,l ...v„minHtiuM „f ti... iut..,ti..ul .•unt...,t. wa. iiih.!.- unu no .siunllii. « "' ''H.-tcrinl cmti'iit ol t i,. tw- hv H.l, «-.i* ,ii..ll,.r T i« of 1>.> tot..l ntnnber ot colonie. from oa.-h fi,h W.mffod to tl.i- Krou,. M„ . .'f . at the station, and also from somo spoilod haddockreleSromp '"'''" ' """■' A shor a..oou,.t of the n.ethod. omplo.ved in sc...urinp tl... tish^.^l. ..f i.„.., .t lnl>..rntor.v ..t a tem,«» rn..pinK fr. r«^^^^^^^^ '"''■'■ ''*"' '" ""' Other piwes of fish wore obtained thu< • Tl.n ».,w.L-l. . fully and a portion of the fl^h he .onti „ ~"'" ''"A""^ '">'' »»"■ ""I- '"r.- ,.ie..e seized with lru,^o,uZ!:t'r U'':!;";^.;;;;: ".;;|; ; ^;r"'^i 'f'- ""^ I name until well s.'irr.-h.d on the outside. Ht.d then dropped into i, ,.„]tnr.. flask. 1W Ufl'.iltTMKST Of rut SAV.U. HKHMVK • OeONOC V, A. t*1S All rtii*!(* thu» iiKMuUted wt-ro Im-UI at riMnu tcmiHrttturi-; iwtntyfoiir In iir« luttr ■It thowed turbidity. Oi-luliiio aud sKar |iImIi<* wi-ro miul«! from tin; viiriou* rt»»k», himI tlif ouloiiif* whioh d«!Vflo|ifd were icdiilitl in the uaiial inaiiia-r Kri>iii tlii* iwninf u iiiimlH-r of orgaiiiitnM win- «(H-urelttiiicnt to a number of fi»h deaUm uiid, ill n'«|N.ii-«' to u r»> lift for i<|k»il«'»i ti»h. a Uix of »|t(iiU>d " hmldirn " wait nivitl duriim tin- .Mur f till wiiittr. Th«y wt-n- •itvi-nd with u >MMii-«liiiiy UMwtli, Kivinii u wutiTiuMikt-d iiinieoraiiw. At nunifroun |>liii't» lla-ru wi-re whitiih point* rcMnibliiiK bui'tcriul fojoiiie*. Tlw Hwili wii» Koiro-whnt miftpm-d, and the ti»hy odour iiiuili iiiti-ii- itiHvd, From Kilfliiiii' pliitt-x imuK' from tlii« (i«h tlic writer mcurt-d llie linm'fyiiiK barilhu alri-ady iiii-iitioiiitl, and larjfp iiunihi-r* of Toruhr. 1 In- iiioHt KimiiHcHt.t i'.iot. thtrpfori', in thix pifcn of work i* the |irciM'iif fr«>«h had- doiled. The iiinount of Milt mid the diiriitiim of the »niokiiiK jMri.«l to iwrodmo Hi^uUi luiddie* of ciiod Haviiiir iirt t sutHeient to kill the orttmii'inH prewiit on the Hsli iftir tlie.v lire (fiilt""!. mid the iiiitimptie iietion nf wilt mid - "ke in not gutticient to inhibit the i-low Kmutli of iirKiiiiiiiniii. The writer, after ("tiidyiiiit the nietliodn of eurinsr hiiddoek. hii>< Ik-pii impresned with the iteiienil ciireh-j'iie.x displayed in allowiiiK ti^li to nniiiiii for iiiuiiy liourx exixwiil to wiinn .lir mid 'Uiilitflit Ufore ftottiiiir mid miltiiiir True, tluit thew oli*.rviitioin were niiide iinilep hUninier eoiiditionn when ennipiiriitively few liuddoeks are eiireil; but the el!e.t of Kueh treutlilelit re*ultj» in u liirge iiiiTen«e in the iiiiinber of bneterin pre- M-nt 1)11 the ti«li. mid eoimeiiiient (|uieker i>|ioilinK of thi' Hiimked artiele. In winter tlie:rtuiiity of Htiidyiiiir winter eonditiuii!*. be lin* iM-eii imprei>»ed by the Rfi'iit diflfereiiee in flavour bet«e«>n fi«h suited and smoked at the biolo(jicol station during the winter of IIM.'-H!, and those tMiuprht from varioii* dealers in Montreal. From one nr two experiments on the pereentaRe of dry matter, total ash. mid ehlori.les as XaC'l made on a few flub s<>nt to this laboratory, the writer siinBists that ?uili determinations should \>c made of a series of tisli for whieh the mnoiint of salt iiM'il. the saltiiifT and smokinir pi-riml were known. I'lirther. from the baetiTiolopienl ..tmiinoked under winter eoiiilition». May, 1916.