IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I IIM III 2.5 K 12.2 m 40 12,0 1.8 1.25 L4 1.6 -^ 6" — ► V} iiig, sec(jnd ; but they are not good frMit-f)rodu(Mng districts. An- tigonisli is a splendid grazing county, well adapted to dairy farming, and even now does a thriving business in butter and fat cattle with Newfoundland. In Annapolis ai»d Kings conn- ties uU the best kinds of northern fruits aro grown in perfec- tion — a|)ples, j)ears, (|uinces, i>lums, cherries, etc., are easily cultivated ; peaches, grapes, and apricots are grown in tho open air in many parts of both counties; but not for market, only in the gardens of private gcntlenu;n fur their own use. All the small fruits, such as currants, gooseberries, ras[)ber- ries, blackberries and strawberries, are abundant, both in u wild state and cidtivatod, and are very I'lieap. In grain — wheat, rye, oats, Uarlcy, buckwheat and Indiai> corn, or maize, are each a sure croi). Potatoes, turnips, boots, carrots, parsnips, beans and peas, sipiash, pumpkins, melons, tomatoes, ttc, are raised in large ((uantities. Hixty bushels of Indian corn, or three or four hundred bushels of potatoes aro not an unusual crop per acre. Sorghun), broom-corn and tobacco have been successfully experimented with. All vegetables and fruit that aro raised in tho New England and Western States of America mav be, and aro succossfullv grown in Annapolis, Hants and Kings counties in Nova Scotia. The county of Hants lies between Halifax and Kings coun- ties, and is a very fine section of tho Province. It [)ossossg3 extensive marshes or dyked lands, which produce very heavy crops of excellent hay. and which require neither manure nor top-drossing; but continue to yield year after year, without any tr()iil)l(! or oxponso to tlio ownors Imt tlmt of cutting tho gniHS ami umkiiig the liay. Falmouth, in tho wcstorii part of tho CD'iuty, in a superior agricultural district, l)ut tho most of tho IhmI horo i« owuod by wealthy indiviiluils, and perhapH could not hi) piirchased ut as low a rate as some, not at all interior, in other parts of the county. Windsor and llants[>ort aro tho principal to>' .-s,and at both places shipl)uilding is ext'^nsively carried on. At Win