.^^ ^T-^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) »% /. < ^^ ^ "^ A w 1.0 I.I 1.25 1^ m 1^ IM i^ 112.2 b" 2.0 m LA. 1111.6 Hiotographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEbT MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. '.iSO (716) S7?-4$03 <^^

signlfia "A SUIVRE ', la symbola ▼ signifia "FIN". Maps, plataa, charts, ate, may ba filmad at diffarant raduction ratios. Thoaa too iarga to ba antiraly ineiudad in ona axpoaura ara filmad baginning in tha uppar laft ha>td comar, laft to right and top to bottom, aa many framea aa raquirad. Tha following diagrams illustrats tha mathod: Laa cartaa, planchaa, tablaaux, ate, pauvant itra fllmAa i das taux da rMuction diffirants. Loraqua ia documant aat trop grand pour Atra raproiduit an un saui cllchA, ii ast film* A partir da I'angla su(,iriaur gaucha, da gaucha A droita, at da haut an bas, an pranant la nombra d'imagaa ndcaasaira. Laa diagrammas suivanta illuatrant ia mAthoda. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 SCHEDULE OF C( Beturncd by Justices of tho Peace iu and for tlie County of Huron, for tlie Quarter ending the lOtl Sec. 70, and 33 Vic, Chap. 27, 'y<- Date of r p N'mne of Prosecutor. Name of Defendant. Nature of Charge. Conviction. Name of Convicting Justice or Ji 1 Lewis Klliott Robert Thompson As.sault Oct. a, S. Pollock and P. Adamson J's P., (ioder 2 do . Robert Thompson Articles of the peace 8 S. Pollock, Ksq., Mayor of Goderich do ' (io 3 The Queen Robert Robertson Stealing 19 4 do Philo Noble Stealing 20 do do 6 do William Jeasop Stealing 29 do do « Miohnel Criie James Mitchell Assault and battery | taining il Nov. 5 do do 7 \Y. Williiinis Margaret Hibbet Taking letter from p, o. and de- Sept. 23 C. (Jrabb, Ksq., J. P., Goderich 8 Joseph (io'.ly John McRoberts ) John Markle ) False pretences do Mr*. Klizabeth t^quire James Scott Assault 0(t. 22 MeGarva and Searle, J's P. 23 Mr.H. .James Cook .'^ami'el Cook Assault Nov. 14 John McGarva, J. P. 24 Thomas .Tacknon Joseph Smith William Cowan Fssuing counterfeit lank bill Assault 18 do 2,") i Kdward iSenniareh Dec. 9 Mcliarva and Searle, J. I*. 2(i Lucas Smith Henry Willoughby Malicious injury to proi)erly Sept. 21 Willson ami Dickson, K.'tqrs., .I's P. 27 Ada Miloy James Tucker i Malicious injury to property Oct. 9 Neelands and Willson, J. P. 2S Ada Miloy W. .T. MeCutchenn Johu Thurston Malicious injury to property do 21' Joseph Caii'pbell .Vssault Nov. 22 Benjamin Willson, Esq., J. P., Wingham SO Georse Churchill Wm. Hirmiiighani Larceny Oct. 29 Neelands and Willson, K.sqrs., J's P. •'^1 , do George HocWridge M'rdcmeanor 29 do do 32 T. i'earcc J. Henderson As,sault and battery Sept. J 4 W. Harris, K.sq., ,1. P., Ilru.-.iels uo A. McNal) J. Rairden Larceny Oct. 1 do do 34 li. Allen W. Ticmau Assault and battery 7 do do o'» \V. Hipginsou W. Higginson As»anlt and battery 7 do do 30 If. Cameron W. Hogan Larceny 22 Uo do 37 K. Seale . T. Scale Wife beating 30 dci do 38 H. (,'hapmaii W. Whitl-.id False pretences Nov. 1 do do 3il ir. Kin,!,'(jl J. Merryfiohl False prcteni'cs 2 do do 40 (^'oiistalile ICnglisli Henedy and Dunn Larceny 4 do do 4! J. Ureen J. and'A. Lowry Assault G lU d.) 42 .J. Love J. Young False pretences 11 do do 43 Constable Kofrli^h K. Little Burglary 21 Harris, Mcltea, and Str;a liau, J's P. 44 T. 8eale J. W. Tliohipson Indecent assault 23 W. l!arris, Ks,.., J. P. 4o ,1. Ha.\ils Mrs. Hannah Libel Dec. 3 do 4() .1. W. Carsiin W. lilashii! .\ssault and battery 3 do 47 W. lihishill J. W. Carson Assault and battery 3 do 48 .lohn t'arter .Tohn Laird Assault Aug. 7 .Vndrew (iovcnlock, .1. 1'. 4!) John Heman Alex. Ross .Assault and batterv Oct. 31 do oO ^ Alex. Wri'dit Lewis Eeddy Milton Hughes I Fraud 2.> Hunter and Thompson. •I'-' P. ol Milton Hughes Joseph Rose Chas. Smith 1 Stealing 1 Hazlewood, Y'oung, and Williamson, J - .".2 Henry Orth H>.nry Wild Articles ol the peace Julv 4 M. /eller, Ikp, J. P., /.urieh ■i3 ; Daniel hicinbaeh Peter Carriview Assault Oct'. 12 do .04 ; Henry UraiiK ■lohn J. Sclmeltler A.ssanlt and battery N(... Hi Zcllcr, Gidley, Geigeri and Fee, J's P. r,r, Ceorge Hates jr Joseph I'ittam Callaway .Vssault and battery Oct, 8 David Hood Ritchie, K«i.. .1. P. ."il! Donald McLeod John A. Young .\ssault Sept. 19 Wm. .McMullan, Esq., .1, 1'. ■'j7 do Benjamin Kaiser Assault 19 do as ; K.llon Holt Daniel Mclsaae] ^L1lieious injury Nov. 2 Gidley and McPhillips, Jjwjrs., .I's P., Kk 6!» 1 do Thomas Itourkc Assault ' 2 do " do do do eo i Williiini Tavlor William Willson ^?alicions injury iI (U ; do Charles Willson Maliei(iu< injury 11 do do 62 ! John K. Schuttler Kasptr Wci.ne;' .Vssault 11 do do . (;3 '■ do Henry Ihaiig .Vssault 11 do d., CpI IVttyp.'ace anil lilaek John Diiriin Theft Aug. 2:i Willsun and Dieks.,n, J. 1'. ti."i Aiiilrcw Arthiir (ieorte Iti'.ulle Assault and l.atti'ry Sipl. Iii ,Iolin Keriii^diaii and ,lu\\u Washington, K [ litTohy certify llic aliovc to ho correct uml true, to tlio liest of my knowlodf^'e tind nelief, IRA LE Clerk of llio Peace's Ollicc, Goderich, Dec. 10, ]H1». SCHEDULE OF CO Returned hv Justices of tlsc Peace in and for tlie ('(jimty of JIuroii, for tlie (^)uarte^ ( ndiiig the lOth Cuufida, and :J'2 \ic. (Out). Chiip. B, See. ! '•. e Name (>( I'nxeeutn'. .Nanii' 111' Dit'eiLilant. Date of Conviction, 1 IStephen 'V'ates Alexander .Meltai 2 High Const ilile Traimr I ii.n:ilil .'Mi'I.ian a I do ,liis,'pli rjis.i.ld 4 ^Constable Sturdy lli-iiry l.oyd ."> Stephen Vales .luliii I'liwler (i High I'onstalile Trainer ,lanKs Saunders 7 iConstabli' Sliirdy I'eler Diamond ^ame of Convictiii-' ,)ustice or Jui jSi'lling liquor without license Oei. I K. P- .N,,\. i\ do do do do do it' Dcl'cudant. '^.uue of Ciiiiv ictiiiLT ,lnstie OF CONVICTIONS ihe Quarter euding tlio lOtli Day of December, A. D., 1878, pursuant to Statutes 32 Victoria. Chap. 31. 7(>, and 33 Vic, Chap. 27, Sec. 3. - 1 -^ . Namo of Convicting Justice or Juatices. Amount oj PcnBlty,Finc or Dn-iiago. Timunlien paid or to be paid, to said Justice. To whom paid over by said Justice. If not paid, why not, and Gen- eral Observations, if any. . Pollock and 1'. Adanison J'.t I'., (ioderich « 2 CO Fortlnvitli |Town Treasurer . Tollock, Kxq., Mayor of Godcrich do 'do do do do do do do do Round over. Committed for trial. Committed for trial. 10 00 Kortliwitli Town Treasurer Cammitted for trial. . ("ral)l), Ksq., .T. 1'., (torayor of Seafortli 1 00 do Treasurer .Seaforth olcnian and Strong, Kaqra., ,I's P. 1 00 do do olonian and McDougtll, J's P. 20 00 do do do do do 20 00 do do Dianiii^hed. 1 00 do do do 4 DO do do (liri McUarva, Ksq., .f.I'., tUinton 2 01) Sept. 30, 1878 Treasurer Clinton cGarva and Searlc, .1'^ P. fl 00 10 davs Left town jliii MeOarvii, J. P. .1. 2 00 Forthwith Not yet paid. iorris and costs. do dl. Dismissed. do do Dismissed. do d.. Dismissed. do do .Settled. do do Disniis.sed. arris, Mcltea, and !Str;u lian, J's P. Dismissed. '. l!arris, Ksq., .1. P. Committed for trial. .10 Dismissed. do \'m ' P'orllnvilh Treasurer Itrussels and cost.s. do Dicmisgcd witli costs. ndriw (iovenlock, .1. 1'. 2 00 Forthwith Township Treasure.- * do •O 00 Ten days do untcr and Tliompson, J's P. Dismissed. a/.lewood, Vonujr, and Williamson, J s P. 1 Prosecutor abscondiil. . /ellcr. Ksq., J. P., /iiricli Committed for want of »urctie-<. do 1 00 1 Forthwith Countv Treasurer and costs $4.1'>. I'ller, (iidlov, (ieigcr. anil Fee, .T « P. 1 00 1 do do $(i.l5. avid lloodKitcliip, K.s>..I. P. 1 10 00 Ten days Not paid appealed. 'ni. McMnllan, Ksq., .1, P. ] 1 00 Forthwith Treiisurer Tuckersmitli do ! 1 00 do do dley 1111(1 McPhilliiis, tsqrs., ,I« P., K.^elor 7fi Forthwith To Prosecutor and costs. do do do do 1 00 ■ do County Treasurer and costs. Dismissed for want of proof. do do do do do do , do i!o do do 1 00 1 Fiii-i., I's P. .S ()(» >^c|>t :!;!, 1.S7S Trc!i--nrtT Colliorne iiowlodffe iiud iu'lief. IRA LEWIS, Clerk of the Peace and C. C. A. County of Huron. OF CONY1CTION8 i<> Quarter ( ndiiig tlio 10th Day of Dt'C'oiiil)er, A. D., 1878, pursuauo to Consoli(hited Stiilute.s of rppor N'ic. (Out). Chiip. f), Sec. i), Sub-Seftiou -1. l^anu' of ('ouvii'liiiL' .lustice oi .lusticcs. Pollock and P. Adantson ,!'» P. I'ulloi'k, l''.sq., Mayor of tiodcrii'h do do do do do do Anionnl of Penalty, Fine or Danuiffc. TiniewhcTi paii or to be paid, I' sai " III ,11 "ot paid, why not, and , ','',. ' To whom paid over bv said .lustice. (Joncral Observations, ii'any. ll .MlStU'C. ! ' • I ' *2.') 110 'I'orthwitli 'I/nciiBC Inspecloc 1 00 Forthwith I'own 'i'rea.-urer I DO do do 20 00 do I.iciiise Inspector I (HI do Town Ireasurer 1 (10 do Not yel paid (I .'lO ibi Town Tri a-inrir t'uniniitnieni i^^ucd. 'auie of Convictiir ,1nsti .histices. id , lustice. I to wlioin pai'l over hy -ai b^ Tdcni'iiil I ib-i< 1 vations, i< .my. ;it' l'i-OJ('ClltiM'. ■ l>oreniliiiit. Nature of •' ('(PllNicllllTI. 8 4 5 ti 7 8 <) 10 II i2 Vi H 1') ll> 17 18 19 L'll 21 "2 h 24 23 26 27 28 29 80 81 82 33 34 30 3(> !17 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 4.'. 4(> 47 48 49 ■)0 r.i ->-2 53 54 55 5li 57 58 59 6J 01 Stephen Yntcs Hiljh Const ililc 'I'mincr ilo Ciinatiible Sturdy Stephen Yntps High Constable Trainer Uonst«l>lc Stnrdy Constable Ynlc .Ianie« Tlionipson Ciiiistiilili' Yuh- (>, Ct. Marliii Miirgiiret McLeod Jame« IjUtil Mrs. M. McKinnoM W'ni. I'hilip.i Win. l'liili|)9 llligh Coiistiiblo Trniuer , — Jlitchell t'oMitable Yule Uoliort Diatt Coiistiible Ynle Constal)lu Dunlop Thos. Stepliens j\V. Smith j Henry Xornworthy |.StepluMi Yatts iC'onstable I'aisley do do i d'. I do ! do ; " do ■Calliiirini' .V. Lane Stephen Yates jWiiliani Taylor I do 1 do do ! do 'Inspector Yates j do Thomas RIcCartucy inspeotor Yates Inspcctdir Hallantyne do ^Constable Uirtch ijaniea Wright 1 do do ,1. Wilton ■J. Mills j.r. Watson 'Constable Angus 11. Peters Constable Angus do H. lligginson M. Dinstein F. HunUT 02 J!. I.aidlaw 63 H. Hingston ()4 .1. liird' tio S. Nichols (>(> It. Allan ()7 iConstable Knglish 08 jJ. Barr 09 IW. lligginson 70 I K. Seale 71 '.1. Johnston 72 iW. Harris 73 IJ. W. Carson 74 1.1. Hodges 75 |,I. W. (/arson 70 lliispeetor Hallautyiic 77 I do 78 '• tlo 79 IK.Ilen Holt 80 IJolin F.SehuKler 81 l.lanx's Oke 82 iConstable C.ill 83 iHiebard Sri{jh\v Hi Constable ISirlcli 85 do 80 James Davidson 87 Constable Ainsley «8 Simon Rudolph H9 Wm. Mel.auglilin }i i do 2 Gidlcy and McPhillips, Esc|s„ ,1. P. 1 1 iThos (iidley, Es(|., .1. P., Exeter 22 I do 22 I do June 18 iBenj. Willson, Exi., J. P., Wingham 20 do Aug, 7 do 22 Willson and McKay, J. P's. Sept. 14 do 13 A. Hunter, Esq., J. P., (irey 14 do Oct. 10 do Sept. 10 Wm. Willson and Wm. Drumniond, Esq 28 iWin. Willson, Ksq., J. P., BIyth. Nov. 5 iWm. Mallough, Escp, J. 1'., Dunganuon 20 1 do .s iJohn Kernighan, Esq., J. P., Benmiller 8 Wm. Kinalian, Esq., J. P., St. Helens 3 Andrew Govenlock, Es(|., J. P., Winthro 28 Torrance and Cojt, Esqs.. J. P's., Goderi 1 D. Kirts, I'^(|., J. P., Kirkton 5 do July Nov. Sei>l. Oct. I hereby certify the above to be correct aiici true, .to the best of my kuowledge uutl beliel. IRA LE' Clerk of the Peace's Office, Goderieh, December 10, A.D., 1878. ImIIR' 111' ('(lliviclin-' .lu.Htil'O ol' .hlrltil'CS. Damage. Miiiil .liisUcc. I'lillock 1111(1 P. Ad»ni9ori .I's I'. I'dlliiok, Kac)., Mayor of (lodcricli ilo do do do do do do ^ Criibb, Exq., J. P., CiodericU do do do do do do do do do do do T. Coleman, Esci., Jlayor of Seafortli do do iliii Mc(iarvii, .1. 1'., Clinton cGarva and Scarlp, .IS P., Clinton , C. t^carle, E«c| , Mayor of CMntou do do do do ilin Mc( larva, Esq., J. P. ■. C. Searle, Esq., Minor )liu McOarva, Esq., J. P. cOarva and Hcarle, .IV P. '. C. iSearlp, E.sq., Alayor do do do do do liomas Holmes, Esq., J. P., Wingliam olnies and McKay, J. P's. liomas Holmes, Esii. olnies and Neelamis, .1. 1*. cattle and Htrong, ,1. l''s. eattic and Stroiiji, J. Vs. i'illson and Neclanda, .1. P'n. '. Harris, Esi]., J. P., llrnsscls. do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do iidley and [^aniv.ells, Esiis., J. 1'' . do do iidley and MePliillips, Esqs., ,1. P. riio.s (iidley, Es(|., .1. P., E.xetcr do do Jenj. Willson, Emi., J. I'., Wingliam do do iVillson and MoKav, J. P'.s. do V. Hunter, Esq., .1. P., Crey do do Win. WilUoii and Win. Druinniond, Esqi., iV'iii. Willson, Ksq.,.l. P., Itlyth. Wm. Mallongli, Esc]., J. P., Dunganiion do lolin Kerniglian, Esq., J. P., ilenniiller Will. Kinalian, Esq., J. P., 8t. IFolens .Vndrew Ciovenlock, Es(|., J. !>., Wintlirop rorranee and Cojc, Esqs.. J. P'h,, Cioderich L). Kirtu, E8(|., J. P., Kirkton do ;ii25 (lU cu 1 00 t 00 20 00 1 00 1 00 50 1 00 1 00 r> 00 1 00 2 00 2 00 20 00 1 00 25 1 00 1 00 1 00 ;to 00 1 00 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 I 00 1 00 1 00 20 00 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 20 00 20 00 1 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 1 00 80 00 1 00 1 00 f.0 1 f>0 2 00 (1 00 14 00 J. p. townshi]! 2 00 1 00 1 00 5 00 1 00 20 Oil •_>(! (Ml 20 (Ml 2 Oil 1 00 1 (III 1 (III r< (III 1 00 1 (Ml 1 00 1 00 :i Oil •>:> 1 00 Costs r. HO 1 00 lEortliwitli Forlliwitli do do do do do do 21 hours 21 diivi Forthwith do do Koilhwith do do do do do Forthwith do Oct. 10th Forthwith do do do do Nov. iith Nov. llth B'orthwith do do do do do do do do do do do do : Forthwith |21 daj-s Forthwith j do 1 21 days 21 days do Forthwith do 2 00 21 days Forthwith do I Forthwith do. ;()nc month ! Forthwith J do do Forthwith ■\\ > wlioni |iii:.l (ivi'V liy *aid .lustlcc. Eicense Inspector Town Treasurer do License Inspector Town Treasurer Not yet paid Town Treasurer Not paid Fine not paid To Prosecutor do #1 to Informant. do Medical College ( i cncnil < iljscrvatioii'- ♦ I to Town Treas, do Town Treasurer do do do Not yet paid Treasurer (Clinton Eicense Inspector Treasurer Clinton do do do do do do do License Inspector Treasurer Clinton do do do do do License Inspector Oiunty Treasurer License Inspector Paid to Inspector do Treasurer lirussels Complainant Brussels Complainant Ooniplainnnt do Brussels | Complainant ( Complainant Treasurer Brussels iTrcasurer (irey iTrca^urer Morris Treasurer Brussels Inspector do County Trea.wrer Comity Treasurer Cunituitnieiit issued. Conimittcil for three months Left the place. No tine, lirst offence. Without coatB. Dismissed with costs. DismiMed. Committed for 21 days. Sent to jail in default of lindinjf surfjtits to keep the In one week or 20 days in jail. Not yet paid. Two weeks or 10 days in jail. Paid'Trea-. Wingham. Forthwith, or 1 moiitli in jail hard labor jiSent to jail for li months. I Hound over tor 12 months. ISept. 2l9t, or 10 days in jail I Forthwith Treasurer East Wawano»h I do Tiuasurcr iJlytli jForthwith 'Township Treasurer I i Forthwith Treasurer Colborno do Pal.1 do iTownsliip Treasurer Forthwith jConstable and witnesses iTownship Treasurer Usborne Not yet paid. no costs. Committed six months, settled. do do do do do and costs. and costs, part paid, part paid, and costs, and costs. and costs. coats, fine and damages. Case withdrawn. Dismissed. and costs. Di.smissed. and costs. and costs. paid costs. Bound over for one year, and costs. settled. [settled. ■Bound over. land co.sts. land costs. I and costs. jand costs. i Hound over lor si.\ mouths. iand costs. Dismissed to leave ICxeter. peace. Sent to jail and costs. Settled before trial. Dismissed, and costs. Dismissed. .uowiedge uud belief. IRA LEWIS, Clerk of the Peace and C. C. A. County of Mluron.