^ .^^^, ^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 l^|Z8 lis ^^ II 1.1 11.25 wuu 140 2.0 L8 t.4 >^^i ^" c? Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14SS0 (716) 873-4503 ^^ ^"^ "^rvV '^^^^^^»^^^^^y^yV^j 'f^\^ r^oz-^ lo \..fi -"j P : H \ \ i f5^^-4 lo ?■«■ wc- 10 2».^ '-ik ^^. H -■^v, fs^z^ lo - - - THE - - - [i^tepcoloi^ial^'^ailWay OK CANADA. MANY of the World's Fair Simmkk Uksouts are on this Topiihir iiiul ) hatshionable Route for Canadian and I'nited States Summer Travel. The Intercolonial Kaihvay traverses for tuo iinndred miles the South Shore of the majestic St. Lawrence, thence throusrii the famous Lake, Valley and Mountain Heylon of the Metapedia and Hestisrouche Uivers, unequalled for their Magnificent Scenery, and alona; the beautiful and i)ictures(|ue shores of the Bale des Chaleurs and Gulf of St. Lawrence, and Is the Scenic Route throuj,'h t'ape Breton. Tourists should be sure to include its famous resorts in their Summer Tours. It THE PEOPLE'S RAILWAY." Its Equipment is of Sta ndard Excellence. Trains Brillia ntly Lighted by Electricity. Westinghouse Automatic Air Bra ke. ... A Perfect Train Service. Fast £ xjjpess Trains between Montreal, Quebec, St. John, Halifax and Sydney, C. B. iMaking connections at Point du Cheneand Pictou for pohits in Prince Edward Island, " The Garden of the (iulf of St. Lawrence." No other route in Amer- ica presents to Tourists, pleasure-seekers and invalids so nianv unrivalled attractions. Pure Air, splendid Sea Bathing, and a perfect panorama of De- hghful Views. Sportsmen will find the Rivers, Lakes and Woods along the Intercolonial uneipialled. S.vfety ! Speed ! Cosifokt. Round Trip Tourist Tickets, Summer Excursion and Sea Bathing Tickets, good for passage between Ist June and last of October are for sale at all the principal Railway and Steamship Agencies in Canada and the United States, where Guide Books to the Intercolonial Railway, Maps, Hotel Lists, Books of Summer Tours, also Time-Tables, can be had free on application, or to D. FOTTiNGcri, JNO. M. LYONS, Qen'l Manager Canadian Qoverninent Railways, General Passenger Agent, MONCTON. N. B. Tourist Tickets ^'1 Sale from lat r^f t '^- E HEXDER.SON, CJEO. PHILP8, E. JOHA^SON, 132 HolJis Street, Halifax. • Ticket An;e,it, Tn.ro Station. Ticiv-et Agent. Moncton Station. - 9- Prince Wil]ia.„ Street, St. John. ^- H. ^^cDOXALD.DalhousieSt Que', r- • ""''"'"" ^^^^•"• «• W. KOCINSON " ." ^'^'•^'"'^^*'-««*. Quebec. ^. WEATHEKSTON. 0^ Vork 1!T"7^ '""' ''^""^"■ E. Kim. . . '''''°"'""--«^-^. Toronto. 0. WHITE T.vi. .A ' ' ^'^^'*''^' ^*''^^*' ^"awa. ' "°'" ''^"■'■" ^"-"^ ^"-„ i.„ ,„^„,^„^ ^ ^ SOMETHING ABOUT EXCUHSIONS. "iber. and be had et, Halifax, fro Station, on Station. ( St. John, am Town. t>ec feny). \ Quebec. Montreal. Toronto. Ottawa, n, N. B. A MKIMCA is a laud of liinnorlsts, and the oxcLH-dinv Immor of Its ^ people shines forth hi tla-lr hai)lts of I'le. Life was made to ho on- jo.vcd. and tiiey enjoy it whether the «un shines or not. Not that th.?y are an Idh' people, for they arc notoriously the reverse, but that they pas.^ tlirony:h ordeals which wonhl test even the jollity of Mark Ta 1. y, and profess themselves delighted amid their afHlctions. In other Avords, a man of ))nslness will work hard for ten or eleven months of the year, and tlien, Avlth the idea that he needs rest and recreation, will puthlm- self and his family through a course of spronts fearful to contemplate. This course of spronts Is humorously termed a fashionable |)leasure excursion. It consists in a season of preparation and i)acklng, of settiiuf forth "to join the innumerable caravan," and of several weeks of wretched unrest amklthe dust, heat, crush and confusion of some popu- lar resort where it Is the correct thing for everyone to go. There Is no little humor in all this. They seek freed, ui from restraint, and go to a vortex of fashion ; they seek (pilet, and are mingled In a Babel ; they seek rest, and at the close of each day are ready to drop with fatigue. (;as|). ing amid crowds on the hottest days, packed In overrtowlng liotels dur- ing the sultry nights, swindled by hackmen, bored by guides^ pestered by humbugs, tormented l)y tiles— crushed, wilted, worried, driven half mail —they, with infinite humor, term all this, pleasure! Amid such a scene, while lying half-stlrted In a small, but high-priced cell, ne.r the eaves of some large but well crowded hotel, the weary trav- eller kicks the drapery of his couch from around him and lies down to troubletl dreams. Amid them come visions of a land which lies by the sea and is fanned by cooling breezes from the ocean. In this land are green hills, shady groves and fertile valleys. From the distant moun- tains the crystal brooks come leaping with the music of gladness, and join with noble rivers hi whose clear waters dwell lordly salmon and scarce less lordly trout. Near at hand are forests, as yet so little dis- turbed that the moose, caribou and bear, now and again visit the farm- yards of the adjacent settlements and gaze in bewildered suprise at tlie man whose hand Is raised to slay them. Along the shore, for hundreds of miles, lie land-locked harbors where even the frail bark canoe may float in safety, yet upon the waters of the ocean; and upon the smooth sand beaches of which even a child may venture into the buoyant salt- water and fear not. In this country is scenery at times of sweet pastoral (3) SOMETHING ABOUT EXCURSIONS. simplicity ; at times of sublime grandeur. It is a laud Avhere civilization lias made its Avay, and yet not marred the beauty of Nature. It is a country -where the traveller sated with an excess of conventional "ex- cursions " will rtnd much that is novel, nuich that will charm, and much that will ever remain to him as a sweet remembrance of a pleasant clime. "Ah ! " sighs the dreamer, " would <',hat such a lot were mine. Such places there may be, but where are they? My guide books tell not of them. To find them one must abandon the comforts of daily life, go far beyond reach of daily mails and telegrams, become isolated from the busy world, and live hundreds of miles from the confines of civilization." Not so. You have perhaps been down the St. Lawrence as far as Quebec, from which, as the VUi.aa TAwZeof your excursion, you returned to your home. Take your map and trace that line ^vhich leads from Quebec down the St. Lawrence, across to New Brunswick, and down its coast to Nova Scotia, where it ends at the City of Halifax. To the east and west arms reach out to Pictou, Sydney and St. John, and another branch trav- erses Prince Edward Island. This is the Intercolonial Railway, " The People's Railway," one of the most substantially constructed and best equipped lines in the world. It runs through hundreds of miles of just such a country as has been mentioned. Pleasure and sport may Ije en- joyed in numberless places and yet the traveller will be within the reach of daily mails and the telegraph, and may live like a prince at a very mod- erate outlay. It is tbi land for which you have sighed; try it and be convinced. rilizatiou It is a ual " ex- nd much nt clime, e. Such 11 not of e, go far the busy on." as far as returned n Quebec coast to \m\ west ich trav. y, "The and best s of just y be en- he reach ?ry mod- t and be I i as O CO 1=1 < o o Ci3 1 a; o CO ■f, X. h9 o Em O Si Ton; Xo. 2 TOURS FROM HALIFAX. Tori! Xo. 1,— Halifax to St. Jolni, Annapolis, Halifax KOUTE,— I. C. K. to St. John, Bay of Fiindv S. S. Co. to Annapoli.H, and W. & A. ll'y to Halifax. For side trip, Middleton to Lunenburg and return, via tlie Xova Scotia Central R'v, add ^2.80: for side trip, Annapolis to Yarinoutii and return, via the Western Counties U'y, add $4.00. —Halifax to Sydney, C. B., or North Sydney, C. B., and return (all rail) ', liOLTi:,— I. C. J{. to Sydney via New Glasgow and Mulgrave ; return same route. For side trips from Sydney or North Sydney to the following points and return: Ingonish and Neil Harbor and return, add $4.00; Channel and Codroy and return, add $7.00; Bay St. (Jeorge and return, add $10.50; Bay of Islands and return, add gl2.o0; Bonne Bay and return, add $14. Route via S. S. Harlow. TounXo. ;^.— Halifax to Pictou, Charlottetown, Summerside: return same route ROUTE,—!. C. R. to IMctou, Charlottetown Steam Xav. Co. to Charlottetown, and P. E. I. R'y to Summerside; return same route. Tour No. 4.— Halifax to Pictou, Cliarlottetown, Summerside, Point du Chene, Halifax , ROUTE,— I.e. R. to Pictou, Charlottetown Steam Xav. Co. 1o Charlottetown, and P. E. I. R'y to Summerside, Cii'town Steam Xav. Co. to Point du Chene, I. C. R. to H'Uifax. Side trip, Painsec .lunct. to St. John and return, add :}2.»0. .■>.— Halifax to Carapobello and return, via St. John. . ROUTE,— I. C. R. to St. Jolm, I. S. S. Co. to Campobello ; return same route. 0.— Halifax to Fredericton, and return via St. Joini.. ROUTE,— I. C. R. to St. John, Union Line Steam- ers to Fredericton, C. P. R'y to St. John, and I. C. R. to Halifax. 7.— Halifax to Muljraye, thence Xorth Sydney ; re- turn same route ROUTE,— I. C. R. to Mulgrave, Brasd'Or Steam- ers to North Sydney ; return same route. To go by rail and return by boat, or vice versa, l)etween Mulgrave and Xorth Sydney, rate 112.20. Ton: Xo. s,— Halifax to Annapolis, St. John, Fredericton, St. John, Halifax ROUTE,— W. & A. Ky to Annapolis, Bay Fundv S. S. Co. to St. John, C. P. U'y to Fredericton, Union 7, !!:• Steamers to St. John, I. C. R. to Hall- fax. (5) Ton: Xo. To IT. Xo. Ton. Xo. $ r> 00 10 10 II 30 10 25 10 50 11 75 12 00 S TOURS FROM HALIFAX TovuNo. '>-{;j^- to^Ma^dalen Isl^^^^^ ^,, ,^ rouK No. lO.-Halifax, Sydney or Nortl. Svdnev, Pictoi, Char ' niencel L. K. to I'icton, Char ottetown Steahi Nav Co. to CharlottetOAvn, P. K. I.K'v to S Ski" Char ottetmvn Steam Nav. Co. to I'olJt d« Che e! I. C. R to St. John. To extend tourto Halifax vi- BayofFundyS. S.Co.,andW.&A ll'v ad.lftjV Tovn No. ll-Halifaxto St. John, Fre^lerfcton! cliha'n.^tn: route; 111.' C.* iiV si: John,' C. P.* R.'Fr*edeVic;;,V ' "' '^'^ c"rt*o^UlTtaV° ^^"'^"""^ ''"'^ Chatham Jet?;: Toun No. i2.-Hallfax to^(Ja^. Bale Des Chalenrs and return. fo CaS~J J-'"- *^ ''^^^^"^'^^ '' "' to (jiaspe ; return same route. TOUB No. 13.-HaIifax'to Boston and return, via St. Jolni oq o.> ROUTE,-!. C. R. to St. John, I. S. S. Co to Boston, All Rail to St. John, I. C. K. to Ha ifax Torn No. 14.-Halifax^to^Q„ebec, Riv. d„ Lo„p .,y ^vater, r^il ROUTE,--i: C.' ilVto 'QuVbecV St.' L.' S.* N." Co.' ic"> "" ^'^ n\^\^^'K: '• ^- «• to Halifax. Side ti'i , ffiw^S^.S*'"'^^' '''' '•^*"^" via Latest. Jolln Tour No. IS-Hallfax, Sydney or North Sydney, Plctou, Char- KULIE,-!. C. R. to Sydney, or North Svdnev i?oT%V ^•^- *** ^''^to"' Charlottetown S earn Navigation Co. to Ch'town, P. E. I, R'v to S Side, Ch'tovvn Steam Nav. Co. to Point duChene,' 1. c. It. to Levis. TouKNo. IC- Halifax, RIv. du Loup, Edmundston, N. B St John and Halifax " .,,0- 5P^FS'i-^- C- B- to Riv. du Loup, Temiscouata to Halifax. For side trip Riv. du Loup to Quebec and return, via L C. R., add H.OO; for side trip Klv. du Loup to Saguenay and return, via St. L S. Nav. Co., add $5. For side trip Riv. du Loud to Chicoutimi, thence to Quebec via St. L. S Nav Co., thencel. C. R. to Riv. du Loup, add #!) 40 ■ Tour No. 17.-Hallfax to Plctou, Charlottetown, S. Side, Pt. du Chene, Levis, Halifax ..- ,.^ ?? pT^^T/; ?• ^' *^ ^*«t*>"' CharlottetoN^' 's.'n. ^^ Co. Charlottetown. P. E. I. R'v S. Side Cliarlnn« town S. Nav. Co. Pt. du Chene, I C. R Lev s and Halifax. For side trip. N«w (iu.^^tl t^iCy-inlv or North Sydney and return , add ifOO.' Side trio ?nS^*' f Roberval. Robervalto Chicoutimi and return via Quebec and Lake St. .John R'y, «9 50 Tc To To To Toi To I TOURS FROM HALIFAX. firictou .'112 10 <»lnf to 1, Chnr- niKl St. li! 40 1". 30 17 00 20 DO 22 SO 22 G-> 24 25 25 90 TOUK No. 18.— Halifax, Quebec, Montreal. St. John and Halifax $20 00 ROUTE,-!. C. R. Levis, G. T. R., C. 1'. R. or Steamer to Montreal, C. P. R. to St. John, 1. C. R. to Halifax. Side trip Dalhousie Jet. to Gaspe and return, add $G. Rlv. du Loup to Saguenav and return, add ^'>. Tour No. 19 Halifax to Quebec, Montreal, Quebec, Riv. dn Loup by water, by rail Halifax 28 30 ROUTE,— I. C. R. to Quebec, rail or -water to Montreal, rail or water to Quebec, St. L. S. N. Co. to R. du Loup, I, C. R. to Halifax. Tour No. 20.— Halifax to Rlv. du Loup, Chicoutlmi, Quebec, Halifax og <)q ROUTE,— L C. R. to Rlv. du Loup, St. L. Steam N. Co. to Chicoutlmi, thence to Quebec, I. C. R. to Halifax. Side trip, Dalhousie June, to (Jaspe , and return, add $G. Tour No. 21.— Halifax to Quebec, Sherbrooke, Portland, Me., St. .Tohn, Halifax 27 00 ROUTE,— I. C. R. to Levis, returning anv one of the following routes : (1) Levis to Portland, G. T. R. (2) Levis to Sherbrooke, G. T. R. or Que. Central R'y; Sherbrooke to Lunenburg, B. & M. R'y; Lunenburg to Portland, M. C. R'y. (3) Levis to Dudswell Jet., Que. Central R'y, the»ice Portland, Maine Central R'y ; Portland to St. John. I. S. S. Co., I. C. R. to Halifax. For "All Rail" Portland to St. John instead of I. S. S. Co., add $2.50 Tour No. 22.— Halifax to Quebec, Montreal, Newport, Portland, St. John, Halifax 29 00 ROUTE.— I. C. R. to Levis, G. T. R., C. P. R. or Steamer to Montreal, returning Montreal to Port- land, rail. Ticket Agent will Issue an exchange order on either C. P. R. or G. T. R. at Montreal for transportation Montreal to Portland via direct line. Portland to St. John I. S. S. Co., St. John to Halifax, I. C. R. For "All Rail" Portland to St. John instead of steamer Portland to St. John, add $2.50. Tour No. 23.— Kalifax to St. John, Boston, Springfield, New York, Boston, 8t. John, Halifax 29 00 ROUTE.— I. C. R. to St. John, I. S. S. Co. to Boston, B. & A. to Springfield, N. Y., N. H. & H. to New York, Fall River Line to Boston, "All Rail" Boston to St. John, I. C. R. to Halifax. Tour No. 24.— Halifax to Quebec, Montreal, Ottawa, Lachine, Montreal, Quebec, Halifax 31 00 ROUTE,— I. C. R. to Levis, G. T. R., C. P. R.or Steamer to Montreal, G. T. R. to Coteau, C. A. R'y to Ottawa, Ottawa River Nav. Co. to Mont- real, C. P. R., G. T. R., or Steamer to Quebec, I. C. R. to Halifax. 8 TOUKS FKOM HALIFAX. N I (. I TouK No. 25.— Halifax to Quebec and Montreal, returninj; via Boston and St. John $31 OO UOUTE,— r. C. H. to Levis, G. T. R., C. I*, li. or Steamer to Montreal. Agents Mill issue an exchange order on either C. r. R. or G. T. R. at Montreal for transportation, Montreal to Boston via direct line; Boston to St. John, I. S. S. Co. and I. C. R., St. John to Hall- fax. For "All Rail" Boston to St. John Instead of Steamer Boston to St. John, add $3.50. Tour No. 2C.— Halifax to Quebec, Montreal, St. John, Halifax.. 29 50 ROUTE,— I. C. R. to Levis, G. T. R'y. C. P. R'y or Steamer to Montreal, returning* rail to St. John. St. John to Halifax, I. C. R'y. Ticket Agent will issue an exchange order on either C. P. R. or G. T. R. at Montreal for transportation, Montreal to St. John via C. P. R., Short Line or via G. T. R., and Portland or via Newport, Fabyan's and Portland, continuous passage. Tour No. 27.- Halifax to Dalhousie, Gaspe, Dalhousie, River du Loup, Chicoutlmi, Quebec, Halifax 32 90 ROUTE,— L C. R. to Dalhousie, Str. Admiral to Gaspe and return. I. C. R. to River du Loup, St. L. S. N. Co. to Chicoutlmi, thence to Quebec, I. C.R. to Halifax. Side trip, Quebec to Robervaland return via Quebec and Lake St. John R'y, add $8. Tour No. 28.— Halifax to Quebec, Montreal, Boston, St. John, Halifax 31 00 ROUTE,— I. C. R. to Levis, G. T. R., C. P. R. or Str. to Montreal. Agents will issue an exchange order on either the C. P. R. or G. T. R'y at Mont- real for transportation, Montreal to Boston via direct line. Boston to St. John, I. S. S. Co., St. John to Hali- fax, I. C. R. If rail Boston to St. John, add $3.50. Tour No. 29.— Halifax to Quebec, Montreal, CharlottetoAvn, Pictou, Halifax 29 90 ROUTE,— L C. R. to Levis, G. T. R., C. P. R. or steamer to Montreal, thence Black Diamond Line (meals and berth included) to Charlottetown, Charlottetown Steam N. Co. Charlottetown to Pictou, L C. R. to Halifax. Tour No. 30.— Halifax to Quebec, Montreal, Toronto, Montreal, Quebec, Halifax ROUTE, T c. R. to Levis, G. T. R., C. P. R., or steamer to Montreal, Montreal to Toronto, R. &0. N. Co. (meals and berth included), Toronto to Montreal, R. & O. steamer (meals and berth extra), G. T. R. or C. P. R., Montreal to Quebec, rail or steamer, I. C. R. to Halifax. To To T01 Toi Toi Tou 42 70 Tou Tou liming via $31 00 C. IMl.or n either C. sportation, )8tonto St. in to Hali- instead of ). , Halifax.. 29 50 , C. P. R'y rail to St. Agent will \ It. or G. , Montreal ■ via G. T. jyan's and sie, River fax 32 90 Admiral to I Loup, St. Quebec, I. >bervaland :'y, add $8. TOURS FROM HALIFAX. St. John, C. p! ii.or I exchange y at Mont- Joston via in to Hali- John, add lottetown, y.K.R.'or mond Line lottetown, tetown to Montreal, C.'p.R.*, jronto, R. , Torouto and berth o Quebec, 31 00 11 00 29 90 42 70 TourNo.31.— Halifax to Quebec, Montreal, Toronto, Niagara Falls, New York, Boston, St. John, Halifax. $4G 00 ROUTE,— I. C. R. to Levis, G. T. H., C. P. R. or steamer to Montreal, C. P. R., G. T. R. or R. & O. N. Co. to Toronto (meah mxl hcrth inclmUd) Vt. T. R. to Niagara Falls, N. Y. C. and H. R. R'y to New York, Fall River Line to Boston, F. S. S. Co. to St. John, I. C. R. to Halifax. If "All Rail" Boston to St. John instead of steamer, add $3.50. Tour No. 32.— Halifax, Quebec, Sherbrooke, Portland, Boston, Montreal, St. John, Halifax 46 50 ROUTE,— I. C. R. Levis, between Levis and Boston as follows : (i. T. R'y to Portland, B. & M. R'y to Boston ; or Q. C. R'v Levis to Sher- brooke, B. & M. R'y to Lunenburg, M. C. R'y to North Conway, B. & M. R'y to Boston. From Boston to Montreal, agents will issue an exchange order on agent B. & M. R'y at Boston, ior trans- portation, Boston to Montreal by direct line; Montreal to St. John continuous passage, C. P. R., I. C. R. to Halifax. Tour No. 33.— Halifax to Dalhousie, N. B., and return ROUTE,— I. C. R. For side trips, Dalhousie to Carleton and return, add $1.50; New Richmond and return, §2.50; Bonaventure and return, $4.00; Paspebiac and return, ^5.00; Perce and re- turn $6.00; New Carlisle and return, $4.50: route via steamer Admiral. Tour No. 34.— Halifax to St. John, Boston and Halifax ROUTE,— L C. R. to St. John, L S. S. Co. to Boston, C. A. S. S. Co. to Halifax. If all rail St. John to Boston, add $3.50. Tour No. 35.— Halifax to St. John, Boston, Yarmouth, Annapolis and Halifax ROUTE,— I. C. R. to St. John, I. S. S. Co. to Boston, Yarmouth S. S. Co. to Yarmouth, W. C. R'y to Annapolis, W. & A. R'y to Halifax. If all rail to Boston, add $3.50. Tour No. 36.— Halifax to St. John, Boston, Portland, to Quebec via White Mountains, Quebec, Halifax 30 00 ROUTE,— I. C. R. to St. John, I. S. S. Co. to Boston, B. & M. R'y to Portland, M. C. R'y. to Dudswel" Jet., Q. C. R'y to Quebec, I. C. R. to Halifax. If all rail St. John to Boston, add $3.50, ToLTt No. 37.— Halifax to Mulgrave, (irand Narrows, Sydney, or North Sydney to Halifax \. 15 05 ROUTE.— I. C. R. to Mulgrave, Bras d'Or S. S. Co. to Grand Narrows, I. C. R. to Sydney, or North Sydney, S. S. Harlow to Halifax. Tour No. 38.— Halifax to St. John, Boston, Fall River, New York, Albany, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Toron- to, Montreal, Quebec, Halifax 45 65 ROUTE,— I. C. R. to St. .Tolm, I. S. S. Co. to Boston, O. C. R'y to Fall River, Fail River Line 15 00 16 50 10 Tofii No. 3il Toun No. 40 Touii No. 41 Toun No. 42— Touu No. 43 Tour No. 44 Tour No. 45 Tour No. 46 Tour No. 47 Tour No. 48 Tour No. 49 TOUliS FROM HALIFAX. ' to XcAv York. Day Lint to Albany, N. Y. V. & II. U. U'y to Niagara Falls, v Jrand Trunk to Toronto, H. & (). Stnirs., C. V. K'y or (J. T. H. to Montre- al, K. & (). stmrs., ('. 1". «. or (J. T. U. to Que- bec, I. C. H. to Halifax. If all rail St. John to IJo.ston, add ^3.50. Ride trip, Quebec to Uober- val and Chlcontinii, and return via Quebec & Lake St. .lohn K'y, ^[),r>u. — Hallfa.v to St. .lohn, Hoston, New York, Albany, Montreal, Quebec, Halifax $30 00 KOl'TK,— [. C. K. to St. John, I. S. S. Co. to Boston, Fall Uiver Line to New York, N. Y. C. v<: H. Ry. to Albany, 1). & H. Co. to Rouses' Point, (;. T. R. to Montreal, R. & O. stmr., C. P. R. or (i. T. R. to Quebec, I. C. R. to Halifax. If all rail St. John to Boston, add $3. SO. — Halifax to Cacouna or Rlv. du Loup and return. . 18 15 ROUTK,— I. C. R. For side trip Sapuenay and return, via St. L. S, N. Co., add $5. — Halifax to Cacouna or River du Loup, Pt. du Chene, P. E. I., Halifax 24 50 ROUTK,— I, C. K. to Cacouna or Riviere da lioup, I. C. R. ti Point du Chene, Cli'town Nav. Co. to Suminerslde, P. E. I. Ry to Charlottetown, Ch'town Nav. Co. to Plctou, I. C. R. to Halifax. For side trip to Saguenay and return via St. L. S. N. Co., add #5. Halifax to Oxford Jet., Pugwash, Tatamagouche, Plctou, Halifax 7 30 ROUTE,— I. C. R. Side trip Plctou to Ch'town and return, via Ch'town Nav. Co., add $3. , — Halifax to Oxford Jet., Pugwash, Tatamagouche, Plctou, Ch'town, Summerslde, Point du Chene, Halifax 12 80 ROUTE,— I. C. R. to Pictou, Ch'town Nav. Co. to Ch'town, P. E. I. Ry. to Summerslde, Ch'town Nav. Co, to Point du Chene, I. C. R, to Halifax. , — Halifax to Meiapedia, P. Q., and return 11 00 ROUTE,— I. C. R. —Halifax to Charlo and Return 10 85 ROUTE,— I. C. R. — Halifax to Jacquet Rher and retiu'n 9 90 ROUTE,— I. C. R. , — Halifax to Little Metis and return 14 85 ROUTE,— I. C. R. , — Halifax to Chatham or Newcastle, and return. . . 8 25 ROUTE,— I. C. R. Side trip Chatham Jet. to Frederlcton and return, via Can. Eastern Ry., add $4.80. , — Halifax to Mulgrave and return 6 75 ROUTE,— I. C. R. 1 LY.V. &U. : to Toronto, . to Montre-; U. to Que- st. John to c to Kober- lebec & Lake )rk, Albany, $3G 00 ». S. Co. to k, N. Y. C. suses' Point, , C. P. R. or [fax. If all and return . . 18 15 i^;nenay and oup, Pt. du 24 50 Riviere du I'town Nav. ftrlottetown, to Halifax. 1 via St. L. tamagouche, 7 30 to Ch'town Id $3. tamagQUche, , Point du 12 80 vn Nav. Co. Ide, Ch'town to Halifax. irn 11 00 10 85 9 90 14 85 id return ... 8 25 liam Jet. to Jastern Ry., 6 75 TOUUS FROM HALIFAX. 11 Toim No. 50, Torn No. 51. Touit No, 52. Toun No. Sn. Toun No- 54. TouB No. 55.' Tour No. 5G. Tour No. 57. Tour No. 5 . Tour No. 59.—! Tour No. 60.— Tour No. 61. — Halifax to Ornngt-dale and return 87 45 KOUTK,— I. C. R. ' —Halifax to (Jrand Narrows and return 7 70 ROUTK,— I. C. H. ~"u'"i -Ti^ *** ''^J''^"**^ <^'" ^'o»tl» «yd»ey and return . . 8 25 ~ ROUTE -i\^'r®"^*'° "^"^ ™*"''" " ^*^ ~ ROUTE.-L C. R ^^■' ''"'^ '^^"''" ^^^^ "route !^f '''(^''Jj'** ^"^^ '■^t"™ 9 50 "route ^^i^i?'*^^^^- ^- Q' «"<* '■eturn 16 20 —Halifax to Mulgrave, N. S.. and return 6 75 ROl i j;— I. C. R. to Mulgrave. For side trip Port Hood, C. B., and return, add $2.50; Mabou. C. B., and leturn, $3.50; Arichat. C. B., and re- turn, §2.00 ; Guysboro, N. S., and return, $2.00 ; Canso and return, $3.50. Route via stmr. Rim- ouski. ~^r}}^^V^ Mulgrave, Port Hood, Plctou. Halifax 10 65 KOtlh,— I. C. R. to Mulgrave, stmr. Rimouski to Port Hood, stmr. Olaf to Pictou, I. C. R. to Hali- fax. S?.T^^m^*° Mulgrave, Mabou, Pictou, Halifax ... 11 15 ROLIE,— I. C. R. to Mulgrave, stmr. Rimouski to Mabou, stmr. Olaf to Pictou, I. C R. to Hali- fax. Halifax to Parrsboro, N. S., and return 6 45 ROUTE,-I. C. R. to Spring Hill Jet., C. Ry. & C. Co. to Parrsboro. C. Ry. & C. Co. to Spring Hill Jet., I. C. R. to Halifax. Side trip Parrsboro to Hantsport and return add $2.00. -Halifax to Spring Hill Jet., Parrsboro, Hantsport, Halifax o qe •ROUTE-LCR. to Spring Hill Jet., C. RyV&C. to. to Parrsboro, St. .John and Minas Basin line to Hantsport, W. & A Ry. to Halifax. w TOURS FROM ST. JOHN. . John to Ilnlifax, Annapolis, St. J DI'TE.— I. C. K. to Halifax, W. .<: John. $ 9 00 Tour No. 04. ! i, I < 5 If ! i ! Toin No. 02.— St KOl TK.— I. L\ K. to Halifax, W. A A. K'y. to Annaiwlis, Bay of Fundy iS. S. Co. to St. .John. For side trip Middleton to Liuienburg and return, via Nova Scotia Central Ky., add $2.80. For side trip Annapolis to Yarmouth, N. S., and return, via Western Counties Ky., add $'4. Tour No. G3— St. John to Moncton, Chatham, Fredericton, St. .Tohn 9 40 IKH'TE,-!. C. K. Chatham Jet., Canada East- ern to Chatham, thence to Fredericton, C. P. K. to St. John ; if via Union Line steamers Freder- icton to St. John, rate $8.40. -St|. John to Point du Chene, Summerside, Char- lottetown. Pictou, St. John 11 00 ROUTE,— I. C.K. to Point du Chene, Charlotte- town Steam N. Co, to Summerside, P. E. 1. R'y. to Charlottetown, Charlottotown Steam N. Co. to Pictou, I C. H. to St. John. Side trip Truro to Halilax and return, add $1.00. Tour No. 65.— St. John, Sydney or North Sydnev, Halif x and return (all rail) ." 13 50 ROUTE.— I. C. R. to Sydney, or North Sydney, via Halifax, Ne"' Glasgow and Mulgrave and return direct. For side trips from North Sydney to the following points and return ; Ingonish and Neil harbor add $4 00; Channel and Codrov $7.00; Bay St. George $10.50; Bav of Islands $12.50; Bonne Bay$14.00. Route via S.S.Harlow. Tour No. 66. — St. John to Dalhousie, Gaspe, and return via Dalhousie 14 00 ROUTE,— I. C. R. to Dalhousie, Stmr. Admiral Dalhousie to Gaspa, return same route. Tour No. 07. — St. John, Pt. du Chene, Summerside, Charlotte- town, Pictou, Sydney or North Sydnev, and Halifax " 16 40 ROUTE,— I. C. R. to Pt. du Cliene, Charlotte- town Steam Nav. Co. to Summerside, P. E. I. R'y. to Charlottetown,Charlottetown Steam Nav. Co. to Pictou, I. C. R. to Sydney or North Syd- ney, thence I. C. R. to Halifax. To extend this tour to .^'t. John via I. C. R. or via W. & A. R'y. and Bay of Fundy S. S. Co , add *4.50. Tour No. 6?. — St. John to Sydney or North Sydney and return, via strait of Canseau '. 14 75 R0UTE(— I. C. R. to M nigra ve, Bras d'Or Steam- er to North Sydney ; return same route. To go by rail and return by boat or vice versa between >tulgrave and North Sydney, rate tl5 20. (12 ;l..;'. I OHN. \ohn $ 00 : A. li'y. to to St. Jolm. snbiirg and ., add $2.80. i,N. S., and add ;»4. derioton, St. 9 40 anada Eaat- ;on, C. P. R. aers Freder- rside, Char- 1100 J, Charlotte- P. E. 1. K'y. :eam N. Co. e trip Truro lalif'x and 13 50 rth Sydney, dgrave and 3rth Sydney n; Inji^onish and Codroy of Islands S.S.Harlow. I return via 14 00 nr. Admiral ute. >, Charlotte- sydnev, and ■ 16 40 , Charlotte- ;de, P. E. I. Steam Nav. North Syd- extend thia ,V. & A. R'y. 0. and return, 14 75 d'Or &team- 3ute. Togo r.sa between 1.5. 20. U X B U 6. ei u o •J •< .^> 'V ^'■'^- V' r i i 1 ' 1 % .-i«V V. ». ■ : . :k .«■ f ( i : ' t , ; 1 r 1: r.- A V; ?b? -xia:.:.. '"■•Jv - . is" •J. >v> /*t i^'-lt..- TOt'H* FR'iM HT, J'tllX. IS \i KK. •> H-> t mf U, .->.* .. .-■;i(Li*_it... TorR No. G9.— St. John 'to Mugcluleii fslnnds, and return \ia Fictou, I!( HTE —I. ( . K to Pittou, neanior ( Uaf I'iotou to Magdalen Islands and return, I. ( '. K. IMctou to St. .lohn. Tour No. 70.— St. John to Quebec and retr.rn, via St. Lawrence Hiver U( »UTE,— I. ( '. li. to Levis, St. L. S. N. Co. to Kiv du Loui-. L C R. to St. John, Side trip, I>alliousle Jet. to iJasiie and return, add $(i , Uiv. du Louji to Saj:uenay and return, add lfr).00. Tour No. 7L— ?t. John to Point du Chene, Sumnienside, Char- lottetown, rictou, Mulgrave, Sydney, Hali- liix. Annapolis and >t. John .' KCtl'TE,— L C. 1{. to Point du Chene, Charlotte- town Steam Nav. Co. to Sunimerslde.P. E. I. Ry to Charlottetown, Charlottetown Steam Nav. ( "o. to Piotou, L C. R. to Sydnev, and thence to Hali- fax. W. i*i A. R'y to Annapolis, Bay of Fundy Steamer to !!t. John. Tour No. 72.— St. John, Quebec, Montreal and St. John ROUTE.— L c. R. to Levis, rail or water to Montreal, C i'. R. to St. John. Side trip, Dal- housie to (iaspe and return, add J(i ; Riv. du Loup to fi'aguenay and return, add $5. Tour No. 73.— St. John to Montreal and return, via Quebec. . . ROUTE,— L C. R. to Levis, G. T. R., C. P. R., or steamer to Montreal, steamer or rail to Que- bec, St. L. S. N. Co. to Riv. du Loup, I. C. R. to St. John. Side trip Dalhousie Jet. to Gaspe and return, add Sd; Riv. du Loup to Saguenay and return, add $5. St John. Quebec, Montreal, Boston, St. John. .. ROUTE— L C. R. to Levis, rail or water to Montreal. Agents will issue an exchange order on eith.er C. P. R'y or G. T. R'y, at Montreal, for transportation to Boston via direct line ; Boston to St. John, I. S. S. Co, If all rail Boston to St. John, add $3.50. St. John to Ottawa and return, via Que bee ROUTE,— I. C. R. to Levis, G. T. R., C. P. R. or steamer to Montreal, G. T. R. to Coteau, C. A. R'y ♦(> Ottawa, C>ttaMa River Nav, Co. Ottawa to Montreal, G. T, R. or C. P, R. to Levis, I. C. R. to St. John. Side trip, Dalhousie Jet. to Gaspe and return, add $G ; Riv. du Loup, to Saguenay and return, add 1-5. $14 70 18 30 20 66 A. 00 24 00 Tour No. 74.— 25 50 I Tour No, 75.— 26 75 Tour No, 70.— I St, John to Dalhousie, Gaspe, River du Loup, Cliicoutimi^ Quebec, St. John ROUTE, — L C. ii. to Dalhuusie, Sir. Admiral to Gaspe and return, I. C. R. to Riv. du Loup, St. L. S. N. Co. to Quebec, via Chicoutimi, I. C. R. to St. John. 28 80 u TOrnS FROM ST. JOHN'. Tour No. 77 77.-St. John to Qnehec, Montreal, Cl.arlottetown, rictou. i:t John CPri, ^\ ?v *° ^'^''''' '•aii'or'M-ater'to Montreal, Black Diamond Line imelui T.. . 40 50 or water to (). N. ("0. to G T. K. to to New York, '. to St. John. . $3 50. Side eturn via D. 0. Montreal, or water to ■■. 0. Rtrs. to . P. R. or G. Quebec, I. ( ;. to to Mont- iding meals to Montreal. rtland, Bos- ^., between land, B. & sherbrooke, th Conway, 'is to Sher- '-. to North I Boston to ge order en 1 Boston to St. John, ge. 1 return... irn C. R'y&C. Spring Hill arrsboro to 41 75 40 00 8 25 7 00 TovR No. 89.— I Tour No. 90.—! TorR No. 84.— St. .John to Jacquet River and return *7 o-, ROUTE,-!. C. R. * ' Tour No. 85.— St. John to Bathurst and return .... 7 r,A ROUTE,— I. (Mi. ' '^^ Tour No. 86.— St. .John to Char lo and return s on ROUTE,— I. C. R. Tour No. 87.— St. John to Metapedia, P. Q , and return 8 00 Tour No. 88.— St John to Dalhousie and return s nn ROUTE.-I. C. R. >vide trip Dalhousie'to ('arle- ton and return, add §1.50 ; New Richmond and return, S2 50; Bonaventure and return, $4.00- Perce and return, $0 ; Pasi)ebiac and return, $5 ; iSew Carlisle and return, 5?1 50 ; route via stmr. Admiral. ■St. John to Campbellton and return 8 00 ROUTE,-!. C. it. Side trip !)alhousie Jet. to Gaspe and return, add $(>. St. John to Mulgra ve and return 7^; liOUTE.-I. C. R. Side trip to Port Hood, C. B , and return, add $2.50 ; M abou, C. B , and return, $3.50 ; Arichat, C. B , and return, §2 ; Guysboro. N. S., and return, $2 ; Cunso and return, $3.50 ; route via stmr. liimouski. -St. John to Little Metis and return 10 00 IWUTE,— I. C.R. -St. John to Rimouski and return n on ROUTE;-!. C. R. -St. John to Bic and return 1 2 "^t ROUTE,— I. C. R. •St. John to Oxford Jet., Pugwash,Tatamagouche, Pictou, Charlotte town, Summerside, Point du Chene, St. John 1100 ROUTE,—!. C. R. to Pictou, via Oxford Jet., Ch'town Nav. Co. to Charlottetown ; P. E. !. li'y to Summerside; Ch'town Nav. Co. to Point du Chene ; !. C. R. to St. John. ■St. John to Mulgra\e, Port Hood, Pictou to St. John, via Oxford Jet 14 25 ROUTE,— I. C. R. to Viulgrave, etmr. Rimouski to Port Hood, stmr. Olaf to Pictou, !. C. R. to St. John. ■St. John to Mulgrave, Mabou, Pictou, St. John via Oxford Jet 14 75 ROUTE,— I. C. R. to Mulgrave, stmr. Rimouski to Mabou, stmr. Olaf to Pictou, !. C. R. to St. John. •St John to Cacouna or Riv. du Loup and return, 13 50 ROUTE,—!. C. R. Side trip to Saguenay and return via St. L. S. N. Co., add |5. Tour No. 91. Tour No. 92. Tour No. 93. Tour No. 94. Tour No. 95.— i Tour No. 96.— I Tour No. 97.— 1 TOURS FROM ST. JOHN. Tour No. 98.-St. John to Halifax, Annapolis, Yarmouth, Boston, St. John *ifi ca KOUTE,-I. C. 11. to Halifax, W. & a! R'y'io Annapolis, W. C. R'y to Yarmouth, Yarmouth i, • .?r^^ Boston, I. S. y. Co. to St. John. If all rail from Boston to St. John, add $350. Tour No. 99.— St. John to Mulgrave, Grand Narrows, Sydney Kt)UTL— I C. R to Mulgrave, Bras d'Or S. S. Co to Grand ^ arrows, I C. R. to Sydney or ^ortli >ydney, stmr. Harlow to Halifax, I. C. R. to St. John. Tour No. lOO.-St. John to Annapolis, Halifax, Cacouna or Riv- T.^,Trn^ d" Loup, Edmundston, St. John 24 25 ' w^T^?'-7.?^y «L*;»?dy S. s. Co. to Annapolis, W. & A. R'y to Hahfax. I. C R. to CacouAi or Riviere du Loup, Temiscouata R'v to Edmund- ston, C. P. R. to ^^t. John. ^ ide trip to Sasuenay and return via St. L. S. N. Co., add $5. Tour No. lOl.-St. John to Boston, Portland to Quebec, via c..TT-;l?'*®T-^°""*^^"^' Quebec and St. John. . . 23 50 S^V ™rf ':^ ''i; ^?- *« ^osto"' S- ^^ M. R'y to 1 ortland, M. C. Railway to Dudswell Jet, Q. C. R'y to Quebec, I. C. R. to St,. John. If all rail St John to Boston, add $3 50. Tour No. 102 -St. John to (Quebec, Montreal, Albany, Boston St. John 28 60 ROUTE,— I. C. R. to Quebec, rail or water to Montreal, G. T. R'y to Rouse's Point, Del. and Hud. Canal Co. to Albany, B, &. A. R'y to Boston, I. S. S. Co. to St John. If all rail from Boston to St John, add $3.50. Tour No. 103.— St. John to Quebec. Montreal, Albany, New- York, Boston to St. John ^n kq ROUTE,-I C. R. to Quebec, R. & O. stmrs., C. P. R. or Cr T. R. to Montreal, G T R. to Rouse's Point, Del. and Hudson Canal Co. to Albany. - . N. Y. C & H. R. R'y to New York. Fall River Line to Boston, I. s. S. Co. to St. John. If all rail from Boston to St. John, add t3.50. Tour No. 104 -St. Jolin to Halifax, Boston, St. John 15 OO ROUTE,-I. C. R. to Halifax, C A. S. S. Co. io Boston, I. S. K Co. to St. John. If all rail from Boston to St. John, add $3 50. Tour No. 105.— St. John to Mulgrave and return q 7^ ROUTE,— I. C. R. '^^ Tour No. 106.— St. John to Orangedale and return m ^n ROUrE,-I C. R. ^^^ Tour No. 107.— St. John to Grand Narrows au(f return 10 60 Tour No. 108.-St John to Sydney or North Sydney and return 10 25 KULirE, — I C. R. "Tmk Intercoi^oniai.. - HE construction of the Intercolonial, an.l tlie connection of tl.e Upijcr and Lower Provinces by a .lirect line of railway, has of late years opened up a new route for the tourists as well as the man of business. Each^ year t^s advantagesare becoming better known, and each season sees an increase in he tide of ravel upon it. Leaving Quebec this road takes its course aTo.m the south sliore of the lower St. Lawrence. Here tiie picturesque French villages, the lordly river dotte.l with sails, an.l the bold an.l often beaSu scenery of the shore combine to make the beginning of an ever varvin.'pano rania of which the eye never wearies. Beyond lies tlie Metapedia ^i lev u"e Switzer and of this country, «ith its mountains of green and its " imi^icS waters" where the Salmon have their home. Entering New Brun S skirting the shores of that vast and tranquil natural harbour, the l"a ^des Lhaleur, the traveller is l,orne rapidly onward, through the famed valley of Front fb?r^l' '"'' to Moncton, the headide trip R. du Loup to Saguenay and and return, S. L. Xav. Co , add $5 ; side trip Dalliousie Jot. to Gasjje and return, add §0. $ 15 75 18 50 IS 2o ToiT. Xo, Torn Xo, roiT. Xo, llL'.— Levis, Pt. du Chene, S. Side, Charlottetown, Pictou, Xorth Sydney or Svdney, Halifax. ROUTE,— Same as tour Xo. ^5 reversed. To extend this trip to Quebec, add $10.00. Torn Xo. 113— Levis, St. John, Annapolis, ILalifax, Levis ROUTE,— L C. R. to St. John, Bay Fundy S. S. Co. to Annapolis, W. & A. K'y to Ilalifiix, L C. R. to Levis. Side trip Annapolis to Yarmouth and return via AV. C. Ry, add !«4 ; side trip IMid- dleton, X S , to Lunenburg and return via X'. S. Central R'y, add §2 80. 114.— Levis, St. Jolin, Montreal Quebec ROUTE,— I. C. R. to St. John, C. P. R'v tc :^lon- treal, rail or water, Quebec. 115.— Levis, Ft. du Chene, S. Side, Cliarlottetown Pictou Halifax, Levis ROUTE,-L C. R. to Pt. du Chene. Charlotte- town S. Xav. Co. to Summerside, P. E. T. R'y to Charlottetown, Charlottetown S. Xav. Co. to Pictou, L C. R. to Halifax, I. C. R'y Levis. Torn Xo. llC— Levis, Halifax, St. John, Edmuudston, Riv. du Loup, J,evis , ROUTE,— I. C. R. to HaliJ-axaudSt. John,"c. P. R; to Edmundston, Temiscouata R'y to Riv. du Loup, L C, R. to Levis. TovK Xo. 117— Levis, Moncton, Halifax, St. John, Jlontreal Que- bec ROUTE,-L C. R. to Halifax, L C. K. to St.' .lohn C. P. R'y IMontreal, rail or water, Quebec: (19) 22 05 23 50 24 00 25 00 26 75 20 50 '^> 20 TOURS FROM QriEBEC. TovR yo. ILS.- Torn Xo. 110.- TovR Xo. 120.' -I^vis, Xew Glasgow, Mulgrave, North Fydiiev return same route ' * ' RcniTE,— T. ('. R. to Alulgrave/iirk's'd'Or'jitrV. to .>orth, Nydney; return same route Str. .Vlul- grave toXorth Sydney and rail Xorth Sydnev to Mulgrave, or vice versa, rate $20.70. FoV side trips Xorth Hydney to the following points and return: Ingonish and Xeil Harbor $4- ( Imnnell and Codroy. $7 ; Bay >- 1 George, $10.r,6 I5ay of Is ands, $1250; Bonne Bay, |14 route Ma !?. o. Harlow, -Levis, Halifox Annapolis, St. John, Frederioton, St. .John, Levis EGUTE,-! C. R. to Halifax, \v'\i' A." K'v."to Annapolis, Bay of Fundy S. S Co. to St. John, invf; ^ •V^l'J^^^encton, Union Line .>rtrs. to St. .John, 1. t. R. to Levis. -Levis Haliftix, St. John, Frederioton, Chatham Levis ' ROirrE^-I C. K. to Halifax-; I.' C.r'. "to St. John'. fM'fh'o^i ' l/edericton, Canada Eastern to ( hatham, and return to Chatham Jet. I C K , to Levis Side trip Riviere du Loup to Sa^-- uenay and return via St. L. S. Xav. Co., ad°l returii, addl^ ^"^ I^alhousie Jct.,toGaspe and TovR Xo. 121-Leyis to Magdalen Islands and return, via Pietou dalen Islands ; return same route. Side trfp Kiv. du Loup to Saguenay and return via St. L. b. Xav. Co., add $5 ; for side tripDalhousie Jet. to Gaspe and return, add $6. Tour No 122-Levis St John, Hahfax Pietou, Charlottetown, S. Side Levis fcW\^^\ ^ *^.\ * • •^°^"^' i- C- i^'to Halifax, 1. C. K. to Pictou, Charlottetown Stm. Xav. Co. to Charlottetown RE.I. R'y to S. Side, Char- lottetown Stm. Nav. Co. to Pt. du Chene. L C. R. to Levis. Side trip Riv. du Loup to Sag- uenay and return, via St. L. S. Xav. Co., add|B; add^$6 *'''P^^'^"^°"«^« J'^^t-to^^aspe and return, -Levis, Sherbrooke, Portland. Boston, St. John Halifax, Levis ROUTE,— Levis to Boston, see instructions given for Tour No. 32. between Levis and Bos- ton; Boston to St. John I. S. S. Co. (if all rail tax and Levis I. C. K. Toi-R No. 124.-Levi8, Halifax, St. John, Boston, Montreal, Que« bee ' ' ROUTE,-L C. R. Halifax'andSt 'iohnVi.'s. ^. Lo., Boston (11 all raii St. John to Boston, add $26 25 2^) 00 TovR No. 123. i7 00 20 20 40 :o OO 31 OO TOURS FROM Ql'EBKC, 21 Torn No. 125.- Tour No. 120.- Toui; No. 127.- Toun ]S"o. 128.- TouR No. 12!).- TouR No. 130.- TouR No. 131.- TouK No. 132.- Tour No. 133- Tour No. 134 — Tour No. 135.—' Tour No. 136. $3 50); Boston to Montreal ugent will issue an exchange order on agent IJoston tt Maine R'v at IJoston for transportation IJoston to Mon- treal via direct line; Montreal to Quebec, rail or water. Side trip Hiv. dn Loup to Saguenay and return, via i>t. L. S. Nav. ( o , add $5 ; for side trip Dalhousie Jft. to Gaspe and return, add **•. -Quebec to Bic and return S'fi 4.i KOUTi:,-!. C. H. -Quebec to Little Metis and return O GO KOrTK.-I.C. R. -Quebec to Campbellton and return o 75 KOUTE.— L C. li. -Quebec to Jacquet River and return 07-) ROUTE,— LCR. -( ^lebec to Cliarlo and return 07,-, ROri'E,— LC. R. -Quebec to Metapedia and return 9 7.-1 R0UTE,-LC.R. (iuebec to Dalhousie and return 07-, ROUTE,— I. C. K. Side trip, Dalhousie to Carleton and return, add SI 50 ; New Richmond and return, $2.50; Eonaventure and return, $4 ; Perce and return; $(> ; Paspebiac and return $5 New Carlisle and return, |4 50. Route via fctmr. Admiral. ■Quebec to Bathurst and return * . . . 10 50 ROUTE,-!. C. R. Quebec to Chatham or Newcastle and return . . U> 00 ROU IE,— I. C. K. i'ide trip. Chatham Jet. to Fredericton and return via Can. Eastern R'v. add $4.80. ^ Quebec to Par^sboro and return 17 10 HOUTE,— L C. K. to.-pring Hill Jet., C. R'y & Coal Co. to Parrsboro, and return, J. C. R. to (Quebec. Side trip, Parrsboro to Hantsport and return via St. John and Minas Basin route, add $2. (inebec to Mulgrave and return '>i 05 ROUIE— LC. R. Mde trip Mulgrave to Port Hood, C. B., and return, add $2.50; Mabou and return $3.50; Arichat and return $2; Guys- boro and return $2 ; Canso and return J"3.50. Route via Stmr. Rimouski. Quebec to Halifax. Boston, Portland, Bangor, Fredericton, Chatham to Quebec 35 55 ■ROU IE,— L < '. il to Halifax. L. A. S. S. e o. to Boston, B. & M. R'y to Portland, M. l'. R'y to Vanceboro, < . P. R'y toFrede icton, (an. East- ern R'y to (. hathani and Chatham Jo., L C. R. to (Juebec 22 TOUIISFROM QUEBEC. TOVR No. 137.— TovR No. 138.— Tour No. 139.— TovR Xo. 140.— TovR No. 141.— TovR No. 142".^'rfu'^^"^ t*' ^^''' York, N. Y a ti- "• fyt? Albany, Del ct Hud. Canal Co ilZ^^n^T^' ^;J- »^- *o Montreal, rail or Quebec to Halifax Annapolis, Yarmouth, Bos- Rr.T TV ^°/* «"d' Montreal to Quebec. . . . . . . . ROUIE.-I C. R. to Halifax, W. &. A. R'y to Annapolis, W. C. R> to Yarmouth. YarSo^uth T R'v f n M ""f ^"i ^- -t ^'' ^'•'^ t° Portland, G 1- K > to Montreal, rail or water to Quebec .-Quebec to Vlulgrave, Grand Narrows, Sydney ROU ?F "'^ ^>^pT\P?''■^^^ t« Quebec:...!: 123 00 23 00 2-5 65 2G 15 26 75 30 .50 29 50 33 25 uclie, t du $23 00 '. Co. Jhar- :. i{. ictou 23 00 town ;liar- :. R. Que. .... 25 65 uski 1. to 3 bee . • . • 20 15 jski . to Ed- ''to hn, • to 26 75 ,ny, to C. Co. or ton 30 50 OS- to ith G. 29 50 ey S. or C. 33 25 h I 1 1 BW- TOURS FROM MONCTON. O hi" H Eh CO O H >'- H ToiR No. 145.— TovR No. 146 — Toni No. 147. xovK No. 148.- Torn No. 14t).— ToiTu TOUK No. 150. No. 151. Tour No. 152.— .Moncton, v^^pring Hill, rarrsboro, N. S., ami Moiicton |4 40 ROUTE,- 1 U.K. to Spring Hill Jet, Cumberland K'j' iS: (.'oal Co. to I'arrsboro, return same route. Side trip from I'arrsboro to Ilantsport and re- turn via steamer, add $2, Moncton. Point du Cliene, S. Side, Charlotte- town. Pictou and Moncton S 40 ROIJ I E —I. C. li. to Point du Cheno. Cliarlotte- town !*team Nav.(o to S side, P. E. I. R'y to Charlottetown, (. hurlottetown Steam Nav. Co. to Pictou, I. 1.. R. to Moncton via Oxford Line. —Moncton, St. John. Eredericton. Chatham and Moncton 10 20 RCJUIE— I. ('. K. to St. John <:. P. R. to Fred- ericton, Canada Eastern tf) Chatham, and return to Chatham Jet., I. C. P.. to Moncton. —Moncton, Halifax, Annapolis, Hi. John and Moncton 11 15 ROE I E,— I. C. R. to Halifax, W. & A. R'y to Annapolis, Bay of Eundy >S. S. Co. to St. John, f. C K. to ^loneton Side trio Annapolis to Yarmouth and return, via AV. "C. R'y, add $4 ; side trip, .Vliddleton to Lunenburg and return, via N. S. Central, R'y add *2.80. Moncton Mulgravo, Sydney or North Sydney, Halifax and Moncton '. 12 65 ROU TE —I u. R. to Sydney. 1. 1 '. R. to Halifax, I. C R to Moncton. For side trip, North Syd- ney to the following points and return : Ingon- ish and Neil Harbor, H; ChannellandCodroy,$7; Bay >t CJeorge. $il0..5n; Bay of Islands, $12.50; Bonne Bay, $14. Route via S. S. Harlow. Moncton to Dalhousie, CTaspe and return 12 70 ROUTE,- 1. C. R. to Dalhousie. Stmr. Admiral to Gaspe, return same route. •^Moncton, S. Side. Charlottetown, Pictou, Sydney or North Svdnev. Halifax and Moncton. .'. IS 30 ROUTE— Same as in Tour No 63. For side trip, North Sydney to the following points and return : Ingonish and Neil Harbor, $4 ; Chan- nel! and Codrov. $7; Bay St. George, ?10 50; Bay of Islands, $12 50! Bonne Bay |14. Route via S. S Harlow. Moncton, .?t John, Boston St John and Moncton 16 25 ROUTE,— I. C. K. 10 St. John, rail to Boston, steamer Boston to Ht. John, I C. li. to Moncton. Side trip Boston to New York and return via Fall River Line, |8 additional. (23) 24 _____^ TOLIW FUOM MONCTOy. Ten No, '^''^'-'^^^^^^^^ town Steal. ■ Xuv V5 to S 8id?1" p' 'i'",^!'^"«- Torn No. '--Von^n.a^ .,„,,„, .„3,o„, M„„.,ea,, Q„e,„„ . rder o„ ticket agonf S't.\'"rKu,?^ TS? b/dl^ct"liJ,;"""'"""'""' "«'-"' «° Mon?;aaf Tovn .X„. ^^S.-M^^,^^^ ,. „,,,^,. ,„^.^^ ^^,, ^^^^^__ ^ ^^ m. Xo, ^'-Mo„^^,to^(W,a„d „t , 3, ToL-n .N„. leo.-M„„«„„ to Campbem™, and t-etnrn e 73 T.™ Xo. Ml.-*„..„„ to Dall.,„ie and return „ ,„ m!V,j y-',"'"' rotlirn add SI.50- \ow HiM? Illond and petni-n «.> r.n. 1, ' -*'-" lilcb- SttS'#<-eSf-T ^'Kfp^rao-rd • Diurn 5.) ,efl Carlisle and return «(4. cin u .1 „ ^^ via stmr. Admiral. ""^'^®^"™. «'4.50. Koute To™ X„, .«-" -.>«ono.on^o Metapedia and retnrn , ,„ T«™ No. W3.-Mo„c1o„ to .Mnlpave and ret,,™ Btaouski " ""'' """" »^°<'- «»"«= «t,nr. ney, ctou 120 95 otte- y to Co. V. A ^'o. an... 21 GO Ad- l)ec 3lip 23 50 •Jd- up, ido ion 24 00 to to lec • . 27 75 to I. to ge at al •• 6 05 • 6 35 , 6 75 G 70 7 10 8 25 TOL'K.S FROM MONTTON. 25 Tour: No. IW.-Monotoii to Oxford .Tct,, Tatainuyouche, Vwa- u/AT'^i?,*''- ^^''■^'^». Hulifux, ^[unfton $ii ir, HOI Ih,— I C. K. Side trij) I'ictou to Charlotte- town and retnrn via Ch'town Nav. Co., add f3. Tour No. 165.— Monoton to Little Metis and return u is E'JTTTK — I. C. R. '* TounNo, lfi(5._Moncton to Oxford Jet.. Pugwash.Tataniagouche, r,.^TTi?*°"v*''"''''°*^*''town, return same route.. 8 80 ROUTE -I. C. R. to Pictou, ( h'town Nav. Co. to Cliarlottetown, I. C. \{. to Moncton. Toun No. 107.— Moncton to Bic and return m i n ROUTE,— I. C. R. '" *" TounNo 168.— Moncton to Rimnuski and return.. , " 40 ROU 1 E -I. C. K. to Halifax W.' &' A." R'y" to " Annap, lis Bay rf Fundy s. S. Co. to St. -John. V- . i . K. to hiomundfiton ya Fr»''^'o»'ict' n Temi scouata H'y t ■ Kiviere du Loup I. C. R. to Monc- T o '*:id« trip to Saguenay and return via St. L. *5. JN. Co., add $-5. 26 TOURS FROM MONCTOX, 10 Toe:, No. "5--M°"*n t^S. John, Bojton Portland to Quebec M o (0 Q © ot^ --< ifi — w •»j< -^ I— o — fc CO -H — -1 ©So-^©S©Oi5iM©->t©'»#5l'^ — ^ ;0 ?0 © — CI -< l^ (M — . rt 01 S-l (JJ — . . ? 2 <« i ?■ a; r H-i M ::3 fi: 5 X y: cc ■> c ^ (^ p; X 32 o • 2 find *J a- P. « o 3 O (4-1 C *^ cS.B eS OP^O X a: a; o x 'Ji >-. I -Ji ^ =3 «M ce v c H eg !* oQ C bo s 3 '^ ^" -i:^ ?! cSjj, (i;;:? cC ^ j^ O C O "-< .i^ -• 3 ^ > j;- >■' > fc- S =8 ^ fe o B M 33 P 1 fc 5. •2 s c8 W X •c H "2 OS .3 13 e ^J= o : C b> o - = s s * J3 5. It: J3i =2 3 c^ b-S (27) " %B' - ' i eS 6C| • »«;»*i a » h >?; o o O o o i;) (« a; > o I— I Pi H 03 P3 S85Si??A55S§: "M 'C -M 51 sv» 5.) ^ .?S 8 • '.1 o 00 oo 1 01 01 •<*< 1 J ae iM — _, ^. _ -^ .. www — «.. IT i.-j -^ X<>J--5,-.»„ 5.c»^-,-^--,_„j^ -I-' W5) O 0O w) - c S .3 « .;5 ® !f -■^ 0) -4^ - CQ ca ^ '-So . efi ■ o .0 >.^^ Ox. ^'-3 •^— a-^ e 2 H c 2 o TY S -3 . J3 .S c8 xx-<;s:x^<: J c3 »-• d D :J Id o x' . ^ Co ^^ o . SO o O u a o !l>^-— 3 S S CO rf T^ O c3 b o E a-g-g-g g ipH ja< 3 .s ^ .0 ^ ? a -" ^ a &o 1^ m a m n nr> 0. -3 a ij a <; «x - * .2 flat 2 . « S ,;? *j o = ^xpQ-i^ ■2 S i! as « ■^1 o V .25 X » . a a c hJ a " -" J' o - >* >• >• eS O O 3 2" >■ ^ : ' - - - 2 0~i2. o* £ •c |£ •O.S q Quebe When Tourii For S Do no Use b Toupl Monet X (28) INSTRUCTIONS TO TICKET AGENTS. ■5 Bi s C The foregoing Tours can be extended, and other Tours made up from the Hst of Side Trips over connections herein, and the Fares in Memo. No. 393. 0.' d c o E s o Summer Tourist Rates, 1893. Quebec Ferry Form 21 must he used when necessary for Ferry connections between Levis and Quebec. When Return Rates are given and no Return Tourist Form supplied, issue two Single Journey Forms at the Return Rate. Tourist Forms are not to be used for straight or ordinary summer excursion return business, but only in connection with round trip tours. When making up book stamp each form and report each book separately. For .Straight Return Tdui-s (going and returning same route) shown herein, use Summer Excursion Return Ticket. Do not include under one cover the tickets of two cr more persons, but supply each person witii a separate l>ook. Use blank Tourist Form (T. Blank) to cover route for which you have not been furnished with regular single or return form. Touplst Fopms can be issued between 1st June and 30th Septem* bep, and ape g'ood fop passage All 1st Novembep, 1893. Time of, and connections with, foreign lines not guaranteed. Railway Office, Moncton, N. B., May 1st, 189.3. JNO. ]VI. LYONS, General Passenger Agents (29) Q < it--', c.t: s .? s -» -^ CO 8S M n 0^ •n M W r, ^ S O A o n H 3J SO c4 s c St 6 ^ ■32 o a s a. I 1 ss In . . s a to c3 Si V o so O ID o CO (3 ^6 9 S J s C S .2 2 S§i?g8^3SS8g^Sg■,?,i2'i;||§i^§■ig2?,2! •c a * „ 3.* , u S o S s> I— I apq »§§S88Sg8S8.. ■-T " ir; uo 5-1 O Q\ i>\ Br 888888855 a o K pi < W ^•^ i l-J t-J M 4) i M C o J3 3 4)i &' i &S if: £1 § O C 2*. • £ l^^ « 1 = 2 52; 1^ a o K < K H CO 2>i < O . o p a; O w o H 61 <:■ •n s. o 22 I !i5 ^i S § ii § I — » is I - is 5 e^, 30 « = it M s ^ _ -U) m on „ "= d^ s ^ ^ . . -J ►— J '*'_ -^ -«^ P^ B Sg M iU ^ ■A I 3 s c3 S 3) O His S3 i .2 • ■5 .;; >. .K o 91 O OQ — g 60 cs u a, -'I'-JOxy: a a: u "I ^ £ Q O «. O O O Q O O ! iS t (M 1^ (>» — O O -5 ! ^1 cc I S S i?5 i^ I? 3 '^ 3 S rS w 1^ S f-S o (?i o o S a. S a* o tO^ 3 3 . O Q .►J a, " 5 ^ Pi W o 3 V- ►^"^ NH 3 CO "S c3 3 ^ O o .S If bi *-!HS:>^ -ij '^ >! o ^ Ph' pj ;i " %%% --0(M- I- o © o " S8 §0 © O Q '^ "^^ O 1^ 1?: o o o o _ ■iJ -.J >.0 n< p ^ 0) » . S §Ph « u . Q 3 K S O c3 a ©"s; So 3 o ^ ^ 1^.2^ dlx§.»i Nil i^ 5So«(a03iajj:j3S'-o;i>tiCSoo 3 o 8: 8: 8^ : »» 00 01 >- ao O • • ^ • : (31) o H W 1-3 «5l >^ W 8 o w': s is e2 M Q U a> IS t> I' 2 :3;3 o x^ _aHO.So a o k: s 3 «1 ?.gS^8gi?8|S?,S1^5gS2g§?,l3i^!j '''. IS 'O C '"^ I 1 (?I M fC ff) •g I C . 1?'^ '^ "— C '.. lO O 'O O O O iC i^ dl '^'' "'' «>& H H &:- /^ »3 r3 ■J3 - :: . o. ^ '-^ "B-: <4J ^ ^ 1' .2 O S O (32) -£3 S Ah §>-^ part ^^ > o .•a Ah AhA< >?; HH ►J W tq H >^ O re W K r- < K K c- -^ ^H :?; ti , a w X *^ _! Y. Mi^ H < •z'. X 5 1 :) 1^ HH 1-^ U -f| C5 K- ' ) 1-4 t— 1 -^ r tf W rr . D O O h- i -K y 5: tH ^*H H t— ' tf r^ , <; O 5?; X 1-] K H O O H < Ah o Ah I o V I— I 1-4 a K H >^ O a: ^ < Q a: t y. o o X O O I— ( H O Cm -1 S (Fi fo -i< 1" 2 ic 01 i^' 5 CO 01 01 Proprietor. 1. f ^'~.' & c . _^ S ,^ S .S § 2 .- ^ fc 5 :£ ;^ >; 'S; S O o if? o c o 5 r © o 01 1 5 c irs 00 :c w -^f oi 12 >S I- c-i (N -^ If: c c c o o e c CO 'Ji M 1-0 © '0 '0 u o •c 1 . r o s .* ^ i -ti a; 2 .S - ;: ? ,3 oT? = "S y2 lT--^ ' % 'H 9 -^ ^ m ^ U % :<' ►-_ r- S ?: . ■^ ?:• <: c; X X c hJ '^. c ;^ - !=^ ?■: ^ '-. X s: c- ?; ^ ffi :i: h-; ►-; •< u: a; J is >-■ rJ ?-■ < ^ -' :c Si?oS8 ^-.|coco p-4 Rate. 'V> * ' i? .? """ '^' '^' "" ' ^ ' - - -. — ^ - ^ i~ 10 Name of House. • o 3 S > . -q ==^ ?! • 2 r 5^ Ei .^ 3 E " = .2 i:' ^ y "3 lilll i 1 8. o - CO 02 .;•'■■-■■; : : ;;:;:::: 1 & I, S 5 s ^ g- H § >%> a 5^ 1 g. Of pi:p2P(? p2 XX M ■ cc S s. >> X X X (33) o V . ME-t 5^' .3 ^ .Wo ;'-i "^ '^' .Mfijo_____o_ S o S a" 1-1 o ^ '3 ;§ ^ - " ^ 3 teWo g HO>HO s §§^{2§SSSE3i3g^gg§ggg8§Sosi|oogo 60 ..9 « OS ; ; — < 5 I Ol >• « %. I— ( WD 2. -S ^■' CO - - fc 'Iff rH O s CO (34) o 5 3 i J M s o o H Eh 1-4 Q » o •< H H M o IM» CI a S o O a M < o o (« H H S? M Q H » < 0} M o •S-s E at? 3h •35 •c I B o S o o 11 CO I 03 8 g»5 I1 -J § 2 is a o >> o ■ 3 I I CIhPh S V H a -2 o 3 ^1 ^ « - J-S « K o 36 .53 3 3 ^H^l SEJ228^?,'^SS^ 5588^8 °=SSi21'i2! 8 a o > S^pa )--5 3:3-2 S *tf W 1-5 V d >;^ s ®