CI} %.. ..^^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 7 <^i / &?^ A t/i fA ii 1.0 I.I Sf lit US IL25 i 1.4 — 6" 25 2.2 12.0 1.6 Sciences Corporation 33 WEST MAIN STRUT WEBSTER, N.Y. 14S80 (716) 872-4S03 iV iV %^ ^^ \\ ~S>^i^{ CjOlTjPlLOGUE; OP JIi)cicnt iDasoDic I)ocim)ci)te IN rOSSESSlON OF Srand ^cdoe of ^rova Scoti a. A. F. AND A. M. REPORT OF SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON ARRANGEMENT OF MASONIC DOCUMENTS. CLASSED AS GRAND LODGE AND SUBORDINATE LODGES. HALIFAX, N. S. : I'RINTEO BY WM. MACNAH, :i I'HINCE STHKET. 1800. i I I / > f 7 ? cf / ;,; '/ j^ Fo ?x 7} dak fo ?t jXV ^ e fjf ^ ^J line i4nno Dowiiiii Ji8C i; i *' ?<:^ CATALOG-UE OP Hi}eici)t iDasonie DoeuiDCDt s IN I'dMS SSION OK (Srand £edge ef IKova Scoti a, A. F. AND A. M. REPORT OF SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON ARRANGEMENT OF MASONIC DOCUMENTS. CLASSED AS GRAND LODGE AND SUBORDINATE LODGES. HALIFAX, N. S. : PRINTED BY WM. MACNAB, 3 PRINCE STREET. 1890. f PREFACE. tln''ol-^r"r"'"' """ '•™""'''"-- ■^'-°"''- *-""'-'» era ,nrt ™h u °"""= '" ""= l'°«""™ of l»«l'"--n ->f Ihe result of the comm.tiec appointed for that ptirposc • Tell,, M w. 0,-„.l Mm(„ o/Xo,„ s,oll,c : u,!,i:;:;r;;::;;;, MLtir/r;'"''-'' •"" '» --'»■"' ■ Bro. Rev. R. Waiuwrigl.t. ^""" •^"''"•''^""«- »"'! «■ "'. In April, 1880, a box containiiu' 3 fcnf „f ,.| i . , sent by the Grand Secretary to tl^e e^i ' .e ofl t"^ '"'■ "^ ^"''"" '"''' Uwing to adverse circunistaneos -notably tlie evDlosion .,'f in-„,a„ofnn,ebof bifleii::!:;: ,;l^^^^^^ was appointed to fill his place on the committee Pl«»u™ of reporting that Ih.i, work i. Z. ;;„:"',",""'"" J ° .1.,.; ,,,.,.„«. or the c .too, „ „ „,Jl ^J„l • •"■"-°"" "■" . io«. co,„„„..oo h.v„ g„,t .,,,,|.t,,c,|„„ |„ p,,™,„>„ .,„!,„.„, ,,. AN'CIKNT MASONIC DOCUMENTS I'"'lge, an.l „.seful to the frat.T.iUy. ^^'*''"'" '""' *"™'"^ Allofwliici, is,.„s,,eclfully.s„l.,„ittc,..l, 1>A\II) C. MOOHK, Chniniian. "f tlu. work, for „,., .,„,, ,,;,, , ,V , •'"'"' '^' •■'■^'^■" f^^"-^ ^'-^ lion'.s «l,aro '"^' -■••^ — '-e ..eJ sun ,^n";,::3'"' ''^' '"" = '^"' ''"^ ^"^ """ •^ ■ 1). ('. M. is now the propcy of U?: l^\ d.^ '';;;•,, '''f """' '^"^^ Kcv. ,lr. Robertson acco,np.nyin^u;!rn,.i""' '^""' ^"" ■-••>- follouin. account ::"■"''''"'"■''■'•'"• ^^'■"- f'^^^ It is inalttT of history that the late (U Rov,l 1),. ri , , Hisl.op of ,NWa Scotia, a.,,1 the (i, .St ■ 1 > ■ '""''"' ^"«"'^' f""'' -as Recto,, of Tnn.y n't. ,' ! fv v' 1" ""' "''''^'' """''"'""^• A.M..,ica. <)n one occasion tl.'.tvi;,"" '" """ ^^-''t-' 'States of «-nco even ,o the .leat , ^^ ' p^T ''"' TT""'' ''^ ''""^^^""'« -'• ^'- ""-t l..'on,inent re,.,.,: ui f -"' '7 • '"'' -"o'-K-Hon, a. hein^ U-..h tin. .l„.e intention J: '. ", '""'1' ""'''•'^^■'''^ "' ^'- -.nn.nnity '■: .-yo.i fo.. the Knjanii^ir ,;'::;•;; ";/"«"^ ^" t ^'^^^'"^^ '^ vice of the cln.rch on tl,e follo«in.. S „ ' '■""'?" "^ ""' "«""' ■'''■'•• {•••'^-'"tion to thwart .so vile u pro e ,' V ' "'"'" ''""y ^"'"^ f -• ..f T,.in„y. He went'v::; ^ i .,''; ,:;. . ^^ri'^^-'^ '- ••-• ''y. pntyingfor Kin^ (leorg. an,l tlu. ,^ v, I, "^ '^'^''•'"'^■""^"1 I'laoi.l- iy «'\|)c|.|i|itr thai '•^"•y (•"'xiiiM nionient .shouhl h,. hi„ lENTS iiiifiit ; and if the deliiy has i-A\I1) C. .NJUOHK, Chair/iiaii. i'. Charles Inglis, L,„.,i lithe Hritish Dominions, ^'lining the Kevojution. "f tile United States „f ■vuhitionists determined ised hy threatening ven- I congregation, as heing ii'sts ill the eoinniiiiiity. iglis to the efFeet that if collide of the usual sei- of resolute men would lul on tlio instant. Most to adfipt every possil,!,. )urageons and devoted I liis aeeiistoined jilacid- I'll more than his uNual : I'l'iliienl shoul.l he his OK OKAND l.onCK (iK NOVA SCOIIA. W, t ' T"^'"'':-^'"^ "^•^'"••■'■''' ''"'- iinpicssive service of the Kpiseopal lu ch was not once interrupted. The would-he assas.sius were so overaJed L^/ftTT- 1 "r "■""■ ""' ""■ •■'-"'•"'•' ""'' f-H- manner of the c to, hat their hands w..e paralyzed; and their .leadly resolution eom- plolely dissipated. J hey sat ,,uielly in ..eats during the whole service The 8p,,ited conduct of Dr. Ingiis „n this uying occasion immediately he- nil 1 h artfelt a tachment to the Royal cause. Tlu. fame of his coui'i^e an.l IHUrio ism reached the ears of King (;.orge III, who was unusually imjesse.l u ith this singular instance of fearless devotion to ids interests, and d...sire.l to ascertain .,, what manner he coidd eio:,, appropriately make known to the K.ttor of 1 nnity the R.,v:d approl,ation of his conduct. After some consid- erat.on His Majesty uhinmtely resolved to tiansniit to Dr. Inglis a magnif:- cent Bihle and I'rayer Book, folio size, and splen.lidly hound, with the Koval iiionogram on the covers, as a sm.all token of recognition of fearless devotion - the Royal cause under very trying ..ocnin.Cnces. In due time the l'.ooks oi I rmity ( liureh. " After the war was oyer, and the terms of peace linally unanged, the Rector .f nnity and his faniily still animated hy the same loyal principle which they ul e en., , nuonghout the contest, emigrated ,o Nova Scotia, and settled Ayles ord. Kings V.. The Royal gift, the IJil.le and Prayer Rook, foinie.I pa.toftheirnioveal.les,aml found Htting emph.yment in giving appropriate expression to the devotions of the family. Rnl ,hcv were not deslined to re- iniiii pernnnently in their new aliode. 'n,el!ishop's son-in-law. the Rev. Mr. Pidgeon, ],e,.am,. in due time ReCor of Iredericton N. R. and to his keeping the R„.,ks wcv cuefully eonsicned or the special henetit of his own charge, then in ,he wilderness. There he left them and there they remaiiu-l until ,he old church was taken down to make room for the new cathedral. Of course the new edidce must he furnished with new hooks of a modern p.nttern. The volumes with the royal monogram, now «rown faded and somewhat hattered from long and hnnm.ral.le usage were 1"'"« lion one side and found a resting place in the votry of the new - iiMing'. It was there that I saw them, and their very appearam.,. suggested he ..lea that ,v more useful purpose thai, occupying a coi ner of a vestry might 1.0 found for, hem. So 1 ven.nred ,o ask the proper autiiorities that those Mhstantia volumes might he rendered very n.seful in my extensive parish, whe,^ such h,..ks are necessarily scarce. .My p,,.p,.si.ion was a.-cepted, ami the Royal gif to the late Dr. ( harles lug' as .Inly delivered into my possessiom Ihe Rrayer liook is ,|,., (^e tahle of Trinity (liurc 1. Wdmot ami the Hil.le is in Ihe new Church at Farming.on. Wilmot, MIX miles from ( ler.n.,nt, where it (list laiuled in Xova Scotia. I. K. A NCI i: NT MA St. NIC JJOCUMK NTS CATALOOUE OK ANCIENT Masonic Documents IN I'OSSKSSIiiN (I (JRANJ) LODGE OF NOVA SCOTIA. Report of Special Con^mittee on flrrangemnt of IWasonic Doeaments. Classed as Grand Lodge and Subordinate Lodges. 1784 till 1784 till <'''u,.l Secretary^ Account will, (Iran.l l.o.l^.. f,,„„ ■.■an.nreamner's Acc..iu,t. with(;,,u,.l I.,h1^.. ,V„„i ' " "• li.Ve-law. of St. Jolins Lo.Ilt, •_'! Aul.nn. \',.l , ,• " lA'ttcr {v,m> (;ran,l Lo.lj-o ot Kngia,,,! . . Hcpoits 1111(1 Letters Authority grnutcl for » Lod,.,. to I,',.' «.,v..n"uMl' \v' Vm ." '," ' '"*^" ■ .vi« «. CI" MMv":;„r„ .;;„;■:; 18,S7 I8;i7 1772 1780 17S!» No. 'Jl 1 4tli Ner, .Memorial to (Jraiwl Loilue f- •• IVoviuci,.! i ■ i w "*'''' "'"'y- ]fr T"" ' ^-«"'> ''""'"■"• iv." :" '■ ':;i; oTr l{e(, 8i>ml, ThiBtli) .. -"tli Ootobor, 1781 1781 1782 1 782 1782 1782 1782 1782 1783 L-'UMKNTS UE Documents VA SCOTIA. int of IWasonie Documents, ordinate Lodges. Ill 0111 t'liroliniv .1784 till J784till 1 780 \V. Cliiis. Atlama, Mas • M , iiH S. (J. w,, \\\ <>VfKi'()Vf,(;. Seuiotiuy, '" ''''"iH. S. W,, John ^1. W. iiiid Wiirdons of 4lli NoviMiiber, I MiiHltM- of Kiighuul, • . . 'J-JikI Ndvonihei', 4tli Dccoiiiher, •■••'-Mtli.Iuiio. ^'"«"y I5tli.liily, ' ''"''Ku....2l8tJii]y, f llmiikH for liJM son -'.■)|<1 .July, imviit,.i>4tli()ut,oI)er, ■-'mil Ootobur,' 1837 1837 1772 1780 178!) 1780 1781 1781 1 782 1782 1782 1782 1782 1782 178.3 OF GRAND LODGE OF NOVA SCOTIA. 7 LWy Account ^h January, 1783 Lcttei from J. Peters, Secretary. Jfasters Lo.lge, to W. Bro. Deas, con- .erning (iraml Warrant ,4^,, May, I 783 le tion from Hx. Lodges Nos. 155 an.l 211. to Grand Lodge 17S3 Letter from Grand Chaplain J. Weeks, acknowledging vote of thanks for sermon . . o w. . , i>,.f,*- r c. ,, >3i'd Neptember, 1783 It. n of 8t. (ieorge s Lodge 27th October 1783 Imentoryo effects of 8t. George's Lodge, held under Dispensation in I etterf'' T t.'' ^Oti. October, 1783 Letter from Jared Betts, St. Ann's, N. .S 7th November. 1783 " Grand Scc'y. Peters to Jared Betts, St. Ann's River, .speak- Hig of J. Pike as G. Af. elect an.l expecting Provincial Grand Warrant 27th November, 1 783 .. hecy. Peters to Grand Secretary Leslie, London, 2fith Dec, 178.T LuglLsh Grand Lodge Register Book . . . 1 7«i f isio Grand Lodge Proceedings, from pg^ ^ 1-9- Letter from Rev. J^ Walter, regarding Shelburne Lodge .:.'.■ 8th Mard" U84 .M Khas Hanly, Parrtown. Lodge, 16!). asking Dispen.sation for brethren there im m 1 i-c. Hill for Coffin, Bro. George, of Thistle Lodge " ' ' ' . . ' ' ' ' ^k^ rS4 Charter of the Provineial Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia. Earl of Antrim.' It. M Letter from Grand Secretary LesU;." Lon.lon." enclosing ProWnci!"/ 'GnTd ' ''''' Warrant Copy of Letter to Bro. Robert Leslie.' Gi.nd Secy., London. .25th ilT; lilt Letter to Bro. ilatiiers from -, London 28th September. 1784 . 10th October, 17P4 11th October. 1784 . 2r)th October, 1784 October, 1784 October. 1784 Singular Letter, unsigned, fioni London Copy of Letter to Tliomas Marjoribauks. Digby 'I Bro. Wall, and others, Shelburne •' Sliell)urne Lodge " Tlioiiias Alexander introduce (;. Chaplain Rev. J. Weeks to (iram'l Secre- tary, London . , >' 1 f ProceeilingB of Unity Lodge, H. M . 1 7th Regt. ..■"". ■.■,;,;,, (,,,;;,„.;! , -„ , Reso,ution^orPr,n-incial Grand L^lge of No^ Scotia. regarJill^ It^|:;i ' "' Printed Circular from ( ;rand Lodge "of England ^ ' ^"^ I^Jl I.tU.r from Grand Se,.e,aryI..Hlie, London. England ' ' ' 7th jiuimviy. im let.tion of John McMonagiU for Warrant of Di.spensation at Windso^. ••""^"^•'-"■i:;"i.^van uniers. Shelburne. K.s..2:;;;;;:;;;;:;j:';;^j I liiiip Lenzie, Master Solomon Lo,.,ul,l.o„,.,,,n, i„s,all.,i„„ „r siu.ll,.n-no Lo.l,o, IVoce.,.in,s of installation of Shellaun. Lo,l.o Tu K oT"'"' 1-^- t'opy of lettc- to 15,o. I„,,xie , " '^''"'""y- ' '«•> -,., , , ' ', 11 111 I' I'lji-uiuy, 1 78') \r.. II- 1 ■• , , • • • • litlU'ohriiaiy, i M«,,.|,, ,7,8 liOdgc; " "i^r;--"' "■'■-■ -.iv,„ ,:,:,i„ ,„r;:;:,: ISth Afar,!,, 178(i grunteil (M -«lli April, 17S(5 1 Ircliiiiil CUMKNTS liUitiii of Slu.llmnie Lodge, Htli Kclniiiiry' 1785 ■ • • i'tli I'Vliniiu-y, 178.') lltli l"Vl)ruiiry, ITSo ITtli Fuljruiuy, 17«r> l"tli iM'hniary, 1785 Kith I'Vhniaiy, 1785 niiiig I'ari. Lodg^, IStii Kobrimry, 17.*'p l2i?iicl Kclinmry, 1785 -11(1 Miiroii, 1785 -'ml Miircli, 178.-, l-'lliMiurh, 17Sr. iii.stiill Viuv |,,„lg,; I -'III Miii'oli, I78.J 141 li .Mur.'li, 1785 ^- ••••lull .Miuvli, 1785 Mth ^^ll•.•ll, 1785 -Jill Mmrli, 1785 -'•ill Miiirli, 1785 -'4tli Miircli, 1785 JJllli Miiroh, 178i5 2 Mil March, 1785 -'llli Miirch, 1785 .^ttiilliiii; otliccis Hiram, ■»»tli Muivh, 1785 lii'laiid amimiiiciiig the fill .May, 1785 ■••■H M y, 1785 til iiifgulan duct at Uh.luly, 1785 t'\u. 5-.0!li Niivciiilicr, IVs.') \, ScptciMlicr, and I)cp(>iid*r, 1785 fi'"Mi 1785 to 1822 178(1 4lli .liviuiary, 17S(i l.' Sec. Lodge I ;i. Wind.sor, Letter from Richard Buiisell, W. M., and Wardens Xo. '2 certain grievances Srd May, 178(! regard to 1st May, 1765 5th June, 1780 l--'tii May, 178(! 12th May, I7S() . 17lh .May, 1780 mil, 178(i Petition for aid from Jonathan Twist Circular Letter from (irand Lodge, exclusion of a I5ro. Account from (irand Sec. for Sheet Harbor Lodge, Letter from (irand Secretary, regard to Constitution Memo, for and from John Smith, Connvallis .. oth August rsfi Copy of Letter from D. Peters to R. W.C. Lodge. X. York, 18th August,' imi W. M., .^c. Lodge 18(;, St. Johns, N. F. 4th August, 1780 lOlh X'ovember, 178(! 27tli December, 178() 1780-1787 17S7-18.S.S 1st January, 1787 of .Vntrim, I • . f , . « 1st Jainiary, 1787 L.St of men.bers m Snow Lodge, Xo..^.'!,in H. M.27.h Regt.,4th January 1787 Appheat.on for Warrant from Royal Xavy L,.dge .... ,it|, March 1 787 Kxtract of Proceedings, St. Johns, 211,-re(jue.sting the(i. M. not to grant Warrant to certain Brethren for separate Lodge 7tli March, 1787 r of thanks ff)r re.shornfi'rui fi.r.,.. ..:. ,11, , ., , '*'"' Ueeendur, 1787 •nnted,sof JVoviiMialCand l.,„lge for 1787 ° ANCIENT MASONIC DOCUMENTS Letter from Ura.d 8ec'y concerning Warrant for Lodge at Annapolis " reply to Dighy Lodge on same JJ!^ .. from A. Kysh offering Govr. I'arr to raise a" oimpan'; 'for the Regiment proposed to i.e raised for the defense of this Province Return of Shelln.rne Lo.lge Officers J'^^^T''"'^ ' ' ' ^^ Petition for aid fron. Widtw Ellio . ''^"' it"'?' \IH Copy letter to A. J. Kysh, Annapolis' ' ' f^" L Letter from „ 6th March, 1788 Copy of letter to „ " 15th March, 1788 Letter from Hugh Gillispie ','. -'2nd March. 1788 Letter^from Dighy, X„. 0. givinge^nsentfj; formation of a LolS^^^!!: '''' Letter from liro. Kysh ^o^.rand S;cretary Peters' ' . . . ' '^ 1^ t^^ ^IT. M to Hon. Richard Bulkley . f', , P"'' ^ '^^ Grand Lodge Dnes, Lodge No. 155 ' ' ' ' °"' "^P"'' ' '^'^ Copy of Warrant to R. W. Duncan Clark as Dep. G. M 'for ' ' ' ,'-«« Copy Of letter to di..nt Lodges . New Brn.s.ek . . „ th ^vemher. IS Lettered account with Grand Udge'from n:i\ 01dh,g. Sh::n;::: '^'^ Circular of G ran.l Lodge of Nova .Scotia l^!l' ^"'"'f'''' ' "«« Petition of Samuel Wiggins, C. McPherson; F. Fea'therhy,!,'.' Jo,:r N B '''' for restoration .. J^> "• """n, i>. u., Printed List of memhers of Provincial ( irand' Lod^e ^'" t^ Letter from Royal Artillery Lo.lee " "" ," " ' ''^•' M Bro. Kysh, Annapolis ' ^. January, 1789 n Campbell s reply to same 8th Jan.iarj., ] 78!) Rro. Kysh ■ '^'""•■■"■y. 1"8 ''83 Letter to „ • ' "Ith March, 1789 Copy of letter to J. McD.mahi; 42nd Regt.; Digliy "",' f 7"' '^'" Lodge IC. Sydney .'^. .'. ^ ^ ' ' ' ' ' ^'« • '^y. I'^'J Petition of Mrs. JfuKenzie . . .... '^^ ^''^y- ' "^'J Funeral not ice, t!„pt. McDonaM ■• Ist June, 1789 ••.. 1789 ,i-i'«(4'ii|»&»» OCUMENTS nt for Lodge at Annapolis 1788 1788 raise a Company for the lie defense of this Province Stli January, 1788 25th February, 1788 4th March, 1788 6th March, 1788 15th March, 1788 • • '^2nd March, 1788 12th April, 1788 for a private Lodge in 14th April, 1788 •rmation of a Lodge at An- 25th April, 1788 «•» .... 20th April, 1788 30tli April, 1788 June, 1788 'P'f'-M. for 1788 Priest in St. Paul's.— J. 24th June, 1788 les Clark, fith November, 1788 1788 swick .. nth November, 1788 Decemljer, 1 788 n". I'. Olding, Sheet Har- 16th December, 1788 27ch Deceniber, 1788 eatherby, St. John, N.B., ■ • • • • • • • No date. '«^ ••■• .... 1781) • . January, 178!) 8th January, 1789 January, 1789 . . 13tli January, 1789 •••■ 28th February, 1789 3rd March, 1789 •■ ■ 4tli March, 1789 (ith March, 1789 • 1st May, 1789 Ist May, 1789 • • • Ist June, 1789 1789 OF GR.^ND LODGE OF NOVA SCOTIA. II Appeal for charity from Franklyn Etter .... , . „ " " Mary Martin . . i^-iXpenses St. John's Day . . I'linted lists of Grand Lodge officers for " " Circular fr<,ni (hand Lodge of I'^uglan.! Letter from A. P. Olding, Siieet Harl^er Circular, reference expulsion of two Brothers Pr.nted Circular Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia "... ,«th ] List of 0,hcers L. 043, Registry Ireland, .th Kegt., F^ot.l^helburue Bar- Sunnnons to Funeral'charlJ.s' Roul.alde ' ,, .. Z'^""'"'^' ' "'-^ Certificate to Chri..topher Dempsey ""' Be .ruary, 1790 Order of (Jrand L>dge Prooes.sion ;'" ' ""'^' ' '"« T , u"." 24th June, 1790 Installation of Lodge, Sg'd J. Peters, 3rd June, 1789 June, 1789 ... 24th June, 1789 1 789 . ..17th October, 1789 2oth Novemljui', 1789 2(jth Novembei', 1789 28th Decomber, 1789 Sec'y .... No (late. ... Septembei-, 1790 29th November, 1790 1st D oember, 1790 . .1st December; 1790 2nd Decendjer, 1790 Grand Treasurer's Receipts Letter to (;ran.l Sec'y McConnack, London. Kn^land Officers Elect of Lo.lge («, in H. M. 20th Rci-t Granted Warrant for a L.nlge at Charlottetown ' ' ' " Letter from Seu'v Petersi ti. » nr r 1 . .,• ., copy Of better t^;;:.^e^;-j;:;^r-r.^^^^ Circular Letter, reference re-adndssion Br-. Rigby. N^'iyt^t;; ''"" Printed Ci.cular (irauJ Lodge of En.dan.l I^, 1790 Memo, for aid from Anders.,, " ( 'hester ^ ' ''"' Copy .^Letter from (..nd Sec'y to Masons, Charlottetown; 's; ,U>U.-. Island, announcn.g granting of a Warrant for their new i':!;;: Printed Circular Gran.l Lodge of Nova Scotia -A','' H"-'''"]""'' ' "^^ Leases of Grand Lodge Roo.t fron. Hugh K-tham' ' . . . ''^^ ^^^^^"S' ^ <.rand rrea.surer's Receipts 1-91-1-9/ Letter fron. J. Boyd, concerni,;g Procession St. Johns Day !^o| Letter from Grand Lodge of A'irginia. . ^ -.i ' V ^ "*^ Return from Lodge held in ,wth Regt. of Foot " ' ' ' ' ' •. ;' ''/"""^"i'' '"^l Petition from James Kelly for aid atd thank" for ^u'n; l' r1"""''' "'' Copy of Letter to John Hall, W. M. Digby Lo.t '•"" p^'"""'^'' HI' Copy of letter to W. M. Bro. Thomas ' ' ' ' ,\1? r^"'''"''' '^^l Notice of withdrawal of Alex. Copeland " " ' ' ' ' "? J '"'*-' '' ' '^^ Letter-re.admissi.m of Christopher Matthews ••••..,.- '^Ij ^Z!;;, J^ Certificates of Connnittee on Candidates Copy of letter to Robert Leslie. O. Sec'y. England, pe,: Bro Tlmr:;; 4tli April, 1791 19th April, 1791 12 ANCIENT MASONIC DOCUMENTS Copy of letter to Robert Leslie, Gr Sec'y, England, per Bro. Thomas. J I. t r, a., 2^*^'^ April, 1791 Letter from Geo. Thomas, Secretary No. 18, . . 4th May pgi Complaint of Bro. Frost against Bro. Conner " " Hth May 1791 Memorial of John Fox iqu ». ,-A. f. I'. Antey foraul j^^j Letter from Lodge 643, in 6th Regt ,-„, Sec'y Snn Lodge— reference to expulsion of a Brother 1791 4th June, 1791 1791 24th June, 1791 June, 1791 . . . .Jnne, 1791 June, 1791 30th June, 1791 6th July, 1791 . August, 1791 November, 1791 Petition from Hcniy Wickham Several small accounts .... Form of (Jrand Lodge procession Copy of letter to Robert Callaghan, Liverpool " John Hall, W. M. Digby Lodge. ... ti Thomas Huggorford Letter from N. P. Olding, Sheet Harlior n of acknowledgement, amt. of acct, from Schwarth Bill of Regalias Halls acct.. Mourning for (Jrand Master's funeral "".... .^uvemoer 1 vi Fun.ral noticeof John Cunningham, Royal Navy Lodge. . 12th Septenil^er', 1791 Account of expenses of Bro. Fillis-October, September, December, an.l Memorial from Hiram, Sheet Harbor-Petition for help af^tirfirl' '^^' James Logan .... ' Memorial from Margaret Lovogrove '"■....■■■■..,.■■■ 'Noveniber 1 79i Summons to Funeral of Bro. \Vm. Wenlock .... 7th November' 1 TQi Copy of letter to Robert Leslie, G. Sec'y. England .... mh Nove:;fbeV, JSl " " M per Brotlier, Copy of letter to Robert Leslie, G. Sec'y.. England, per jl's^Bfer:'"' '''' J ^ 26th November, 1791 Lawrence Dermott. Esquire, London, per Jas. Bremner, Mem^ial for aid ^om Theodore Curtis '^ll^^Z^^Z L t ..f , e„.bers of L. o. 3, ,, Halifax. H. M. 16th Regt., 27th Dccen.ber 1 9 " fpdnte'd)' '" "' '^- '•• '^" "°'"' °' "'^P"^^'""' 2""' 0-- 1701 Letter from Lodge '293, in lOtl'i Regt". of" Foot' ""....■■■■ December rl\ Circular to all Lodges concerning exclusion and readmissio'n" of brethren! ' S,: l";z:^"' "■ *:* -.«• -■ ™— - »=":' ^ I. Andrew Gallaglier J^^' lENTS nd, per Bro. Tliomas, 27tli April, 4th May, 17th Afay, 18th May, III of a Brother 4th June varth 1791 1791 1791 1791 1791 1791 1791 1791 1791 179! 1791 1791 1791 1791 1791 1791 1791 1791 1791 1791 24th June, June, . . . . Jnne, June, 30th June, 5th July, August, .... November, Ige.. 12th September, 7tli November, 7th November, nber, December, and November, 1791 or help after fire, 1791 1791 1791 1791 1791 179] 1791 1791 1791 1791 1791 1791 1791 1791 1791 1791 .... November, 7th November, 1 7th November, Brother, 12th November, er Jas. Bremner, 26th November, I per Jas. Bremner, 14tli November, 20th December, ;t., 27th December, pulsion, 27th Dec,, December, lission of brethren, December, y..27th December, OF GRAND LODGE OF NOVA SCOTIA. Account Grand Lodge to J. W. Schwarth, St. John " for regalias, Uniacke -Allan, „ Tyler's bill ' Grand Lodge Letter Book from 1792 to i TQ-^ " 1' ■ • ' " ' ' Letter from Grand Secretary „ . " " Lodge, London .... Printed circular. Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia ' ' ' ' Petition Mrs. Lovegrove for ai,l ... " ' ' ' osV, ' r. , ' ' " ' Letter from John Stair. P. M. No. 1, for relief 28th February, Memoralfor St «■„„ > r '' •••• ■••. 1st March, Recommendatio: ;:; i:;; ':^"^" ' '■■ ^°' '«• ^^-«-ville . , 2nd June.' Copy of letter to Digby Lodge . ^"'' ''""^■ Letter from G. Soc'y IVters to V P ni i- " " c, March, ^"•"- ' •'- --■ - Ct i';:r ;t::: ■ cr:;s; Election of Officers L. No. 293 lOth Reat ^**^ ^P"'' Memorial for Warrant from Kingston, N B Memorial for ai^innet ^^'^^^^^ 27th May, 1793 Reports of Committee on Candidates 18th May, 18tl. June, 2(!th June, 1793 Letter from (J. Soc'y to R. J. Uniacke, regard to production of (Y'crti- ^'^"'^'^ rnh August, 1793 Petition for aid from Susana Brechan, Chester 2oth Decymber, 1793 John M. Monagle October,' 1793 Letter from Wm. Canipl)cll, .St. John, N. B. Account of J. Hay, brick work " Thomas Austen October, 1793 Copy of letter to tlie G. L. of Canada, Quebec, signed by 1). (J, M. Clark, *"'"• 23rd November! Memorial to liold a Lodge at Lunenburg 25th Decembei', Account for supper, il, Allan Mason Hall in account with John Albro Printed list of G. L. officers and circular Letter from (). Sec'ty Selby to Alex. Sutherland, Sheet Harbor, 6tli March, 1793 Wm. Campbell, St. John, N. B fith May 1793 Letter from N. S. Regt. Lo.lge, No. 24 9th January, 1794 English (iraiid Lodge, Registry of Warrants (1st March, beginning with Union Lodge, No. 1) 1794 to 1803 Constitution Rules and Regulation of Holy R,.yal Arch Chapter, Kngl'iii'l .' '1794 Account for wood French letter of thanks from Wm. Chapplan, Prisoner of War Surveyor, for assistance rendered Royal Arcii Cluiptei, censure of a Brother Letter from Rev. J. W. Weeks, Chaplain, Dartmouth Letter concerning Mendicant Bro. Brown .Otli July, 1793 ...October, 1793 1793 1793 December, 1793 .December, 1793 27th December, 1793 1794 same thanks... Letter from Adam Fife Account for cleaning ILall, Wm. Wilt Memorial, etc., for Warrant holding Lodge al Annai:olis. Notice of new Lodge, Fredericton, Solomon's, No, 22 Sworn affi'lavit of Bro. Caleff 1794 1794 1794 September, 1794 October, 1794 7th August, 1 794 ,7th August, 1794 Inly, 1794 1794 1794 1794 1st March, 1794 8th April, 1794 Statement of John Sunnett, late W. M. Hiram Lodge, No. 17, 10th April, 1794 M. Hiram, No. 17, St. John, N. B. Copy of letter from John Sinnett, late W. MENTS Is to Brigade Major at 9tli May, 1793 relative to Bros, ."^innet 27th May, 1793 , 18tii June, 2()th June, 1793 ;o production of Cccrti- rnii August, 1793 2otli Deciuiber, 1793 October, 1793 6tli July, 1793 October, 1793 October, 1798 nedby 1). (J, M. Clark, 23rd November, 1793 25th December, 1793 December, 1793 December, 1793 27th Decembei', 1793 Mid, Sheet Harbor, 6tli March, 1793 fith May, 1793 9th January, 1794 Marcli, beginning with 1794 to 1803 loyal Arch Chapter, . 1794 1794 1794 1794 1794 1794 1794 1794 1794 1794 1794 1794 1794 1794 1794 1794 oner of War Surveyor, ith September, October, nks... 7th August, 7th August, I»iy, [:olis 22 1st March, 8th April, Lodge, No. 17, 10th April, Hiram, No. 17, OF GRAND LODGE OF NOVA SCOTIA. 15 St. John, N. B Summons to P'uneral of Charles A.lams Circular reference breach of Fidelity Memorial of Lodge, No. 156 Bill, Funeral of Bro. Ives Memorial for Warrant to liold Lodge at Boston . .. 10th April, 1794 Kith June, 1794 ... 21st April, 1794 9th August, 1794 ....19tli July, 1794 21st August, 1794 Report of Genl. Committee on Candidates-Jos. Smith, John White, Application for relief fron: Past Tyler, J. Cameron '''' *'^"^"''' ^'^^ Letter D. G. M. Campbell, St. John, N. B. Monthly Collection Memorial for relief for Jolm Muirhead Printed Li.sts of G. L. Officers circular from G. L. of England. Lodge No. 13 21st August, 1794 November, 1794 3rd November, 1794 December, 1794 27th December, 1794 1794 (5th Octol)er, 1794 1794 1795 to 1797 Certificate to J. Fleet Clark, Lodge Xo. -JH Letter from John Sinnett, St. John, N. B. English Grand Lodge letter book Printed Lists of G. L. of England ' " Decenil^r, Septembl^i;! Bye-Laws etc.. of Musquodoboit Lodge T-T-'T' 11!'^ Menmrial John Suter _ l/9otol814 Copy Deputation for Installing Annapolis Royal Lodge' No, '2.V ''^'^ Letter from Bro. Hilton, Cornwallis .... .... Su! j:::::^:: n^^ Prmtedcn-cularofG. L. of Lower Canada, James Davidson Secretar; ■D . c ir- ,. ■ , ^*'' January, 1796 Repor of Hnam \ ork L. Fredericton, N. Brunswick 4th January 1795 Reportmg Candidates-Isaac Hamilton Barley .... eth January 1795 ^PP'"''"^ " ^ ," " .... 17th January,' 1795 " " Jol"' McAlpine, Wm. Rogers, an.l Captain Rutherford 1 4tl F 1 Reporting Candidate-Capt. David RuuU^ford ■■"".... 13th Fel.rZy' 179S Approval „ .... 3rd Anril' 170^ Bill Knight Templar's Lodge Utl! Ipr,,' n95 John Tremain Rodd 7th December,' 1795 Jas. Milne, Henry Weldy, :? Jph Cummiugs, A 1 . , „ 9th December, 1795 Approval „ Adam Baxter, Isaac Norris, Sam'l McAllister, Capt Salmen, Capt. Rodd .... 7th December, 1797 " .1 » m. Buhner, and re.iommending others to lay over P ,. , . /or further examination .... 12th December, 1795 Reporting exclusion of a Bro. ; also, removal of Lodge No. 7, II M Reat Foot, from Barracks to G. L. Room 7th December; 1795 t6 ANCIENT MASONIC DOCUMENTS Several small accounts an,l receipts, (inmd Lodge ,-95 -opy of letter to Bro. Leslie, (iran.l Sec'y., London .,.."" 25th June 17')5 Summons to ,neet, Grand Lodge ; funeral of Mark \fullin, 2nd October' 1795 . '22nd October, 1795 9th May, 1795 June, 1796 3r(l June, 1795 G. L. certificiitH to Dougald McMichael, L. No. 153 12th June, 17!'5 12tli June, 1795 20th June, 1795 1795 Copy of circular letter— Resolution of G. L Petition for aid from Mary Rodman " M Thomas McNamara— No date Approval Candidate— Abraham Revot Reporting „ ,, Approval „ -James McNutt— James Manning Petition of Mary Rodman for relief " Mary Lov'egrove Masonic Address of VV. M. Ingram Ball' to' Lodge 'no. 1G, Sydney, C. B. Letter from Rev. Bro. Walker 24th June, 1795 Reporting Candidate— John Green Mw^y-'^l M „ an.lElisha Hopkins Reporting Candidate James Calleghan Approval „ . ,, John Smith Reporting Approval Reporting 2(lth July, 1795 '27tli July, 1795 lOth September, 1795 ... 7th October, 1795 19th October, 1795 ...10th October, 1795 " •■•• •••■ l-'th October, 1795 Capt. Peter Donaldson, John Russell, Walter Lee. 1 0th Xoveinbei', 1795 John Osborne, Thomas Davis, Thomas Atcherley John Loughman, Elias Ford 1 tth Noveml)er 'l 795 George llarman .... .... 20th October] 1795 Jas. Collupy, Wni. O'Brien, Peter Donaldson, Waiter Lee, John Osborne, Francis Davis, Thos. Atcher- ly. Join. Loughman, Elias Ford, 16th October, 1795 t Adam Baxter .. lot n.,, i ,^n~ E..gli.l,(iran,l Lodge IWecli,,.. 1« De«e„,te,., l,9o PrMC U.t or G. L^o, ,,„,uj . . . ' ' ' M.,.,,;,™; Sep' :: D L'" ^ Band acct. for 24th June .... ' '"^^ Bill for St. Johns Dinner "'. "■■■ '^^''' List of Lodges and brethren who" di^ed St.' John's' Day, 24th June,' at'' ^^^ Approval Reporting Britisli Tavern Letter from Grand -r.;'y. reporting the expnh'.wi Reporting candidate James Armstrong Approving „ John Taylor Reporting „ John PLawes, R.N Certificate to Bro. John Green " II Thomas Holmes Tidey Memorial to hold a Lodge at Bermuda 1796 ■'■•' 22nd : -:, , 1796 2(ith January, I796 18th February, 179() 23rd February, 1796 . .12th January, 1796 30th January, 1796 ■•■• 20th May, 1796 M m«s UMENTS 0. . ■ ' • 1795 .oil .... 25th June 1795 k Afullin, 2nd October, 1795 53 .... 22n(l October, 1795 • • 9th May, 1796 .... June, 1795 8rd June, 1795 ite 12th June, 1795 12th June, 1793 nniiig 20th June, 171(0 1795 kins No. 1 0, Sydney, C. B. 24th June, 179o 2()th July, 1795 27th July, 1795 10th September, 1795 7th October, 1795 19th October. 1795 10th October, 1795 12th October, 1795 M Russell, Walter Lee. 10th Xoveinber, 1795 is, Thomas Atcherley, rd 11 ih Xovember, 1795 20th October, 1795 !ter Donaldson, Walter s Davis, Thos. Atcher- Ford, 16th October. 1795 ■ . ■ . J St December, 1 705 from 1796 to 1825 June, vSept. and Dec., 1796 ■-.. 1796 ....1796 V Day, 24th June, at 1796 '' ■■•, 22nd ' '!. , 1796 . . . 26th January, 1796 1 Hth February, 1 796 23rd February, 1796 . . 12th January, 1796 30th January, 1796 20th May, 1796 OF GRAND LODGE OF NOVA SCOTIA. 19th June, 2(ltli June, 20th June, 22nd July, 2nd September, Bill, Hill, Bremner, &c Acct.. Royal Arch sashes n for regalia (2 accts.) II Knight Templars' Entertainment Reporting candidate Wm. Miller ^''I"'"''''^' " " "'Hi John Hawes, and suspenmon of a ■Bro. , . . . . „.^, , , XT . ,-, , ' • • • ■ • • • • • • ■ • • • 2.1th July, Aotioe Kdinund Ward rejoined 23rd June, ., Funeral Wni.Oilmour, 96th Regt ' . 26th xViignst! Approval candidatcs-Wm. Miller, Alexander Ateherley, Lieut. John Evans, Lieut- Lenno.x R. Howe fith fSeptembei , Letter from Matthew Ruckley, L. No. 601, and James Healey X„ 1.-);? warnnig against an unworthy brother .... Hth ,' Fruited notice of expulsion of 22 brethren, St. John, X. B., for apostany, . „ 7th SeptemU r, Accounts for printing 24th .Septemb, ■■ I'rinted circular and letter from Grand Lodge of England. . . 26thfSepi Approval candidates -Capt. Thomas Marvin and Lieut. Marcus CaVtnex , 8tli Octol)er, Wm. Tart, R. X. : John Williams, R.X., 18tli October, Henry Budsey 14th November, M John Beard, (Jeo. Bettasworth, Alexander (ialloway, .lohn Wisemlorf .r,th December, Capt. Robert Wallace, Henry Stevens, John Dempster, Capt. Geo. Menden 17th December, Robert Shaw 20th December, Report of Committee on Charity 3, a December, Petitions for aid from John Cameron, Maria Suter, John Cunnabel Several bills (G. Lo.lge)-St. Johns Festival, Knight Templars. &c 17 1796 1796 1796 1 796 1796 1796 1706 1796 1796 1796 1796 1796 1796 I7; for relief of A. (Jray .... , r,n, i, ,-ot Certificate. Richar.l Saekett, L. Xo. lo5 ' . . o'^ j '"' \'J1 f> . ,,. ,, , ■■•• -/111 June, 1 / 97 Quenton W oollnough, Cornwallis Lodge, 15, H'.x . . 18th July, 1797 " . ^ JohnDonahlson, „ „ is,,, .I„ly, 1797 Memorial for a„l from A. Ky.h, late P. M. Digby No. (i .... ,4th July 1707 Letter from Khza .Mehin, Chester ,,, September 1797 .. ami .Memorial for Warrant for Lo.Ige to be held at St John's iHlanil. .... CIO, t ,, 1.T- , , V, hth Septeiiil)er, 1797 " '"" tim ? Tt' '"'"'■' '''""' • • ''''' ^^«Pt-"'-'. "797 Petition ;f OH "rZltte ami David Beaverdge; St. ^'fTt '''' restoration i^., V- " ', T„t, c Ti •,' ^r ,'" •• '*t" November, 1797 Letter f om John ^ an Xorden, St. .. .rge-.s. Bermuda 13th October 19 Explamamn ot Scriptural meaning Revelation, chapter, by Edmund Crawley ........ Approval Candi.late, Thomas Parker . ', o,u , " " \l^l Notice of removal of Lodge to (iruftou St « , f ""''^' '^^^ Letter from R. W. 1). (^,atk. D. U. M 6 1 ;"""'' o« Account, Jewel, for (irand Master, from T,k.s: noope. ^1^ ;;r;i' '''' London ... ., Rep.,rt of General ( onnnittee on Candidates . . ' ' "' '' '-■'''"'"^' ! 'i'S Letter from Elisha falkius. Liverpool, enclosing Memorial for "warrant, Statement from W. M. Ryerson. Annapolis Royal ''"' ''■'"""'^'' '''' Letter from Klisha Calkin John Sherman Bond. Yarmouth Certificate, f'iiarles ffamilton. L. 211 " \Vm. Taylor . . G, K. A. (Ms.) Constitution for Provinces of N. S. and N. B Letter from Ingram Hall. Sydney • 16th March, 1798 23r.l March, 1798 2'2nd Mareli, 1798 21st March. 1798 8rd April No (late 2n.I June, 1798 Letter from Join, Sinnelt, St. John, enclosing Freemasons Monitor! fertilicate l5ro. Walter Lee, Lodge No. l.-,5 /!'! '?""'' 'L„ Satin for ( Banner . ^ l'^ •""''' '"»« lV.a f.-n King (..rge IIL, signe.rby" „uke"of Kent;" ..uat'^pljl:":; '"" land, heretofore occupie.l by the Main (Juanl, lying between Pleasant and (iranville Streets, Halifax, Nova Scotia. . 'iSih July I7Q« Arrangement for Anthems. ... ^' ' '"** Letter from Henj. B. (iray, Preston '"....■■■■....■■■". 4th'' I7O8 (Jraml Lodge Certificates to Robert Kellock. Wm. Kellock. Thos Jones' Win. Kent, Wm. Paine, Richard PatNon, Richard Tuyloi. 3r(l October, 1 798 CUMENTS estoration . . . .24tli May, 1797 7tli June, 1797 ir));li June, 1797 27tli Jiuiu, 1797 odge, 15, n'x..l8tli July, 1797 IStli July, 1797 by No. (5 ....Utii July, 1797 . . .Oth Septeuiher, 1797 to 1)0 held at 8t. Jolin's fith Septenilier, 1797 . . 12tli September, 1797 17tli September, 1797 dge, St. John, N. }?., for . . 14th November, 1707 rnuula 13tii October, 1797 1st chapter, by Edmund 1797 18th January, 1798 ■ • • . 8th January, 1798 6th I'Y'bruary, 1798 «. Hooper, '.'07 Fleet St , • ■ :iOth February, 1798 1798 ; Memorial for Warrant, '28th February, 1798 i' •• •■ 16th March, 1798 23rd March, 1798 2'2nd March, 1798 '21st March, 1798 3rd April 5- antl N. B N,, ,late 2ml June, 1798 ! Freemason's Monitor, 3d June, 17 <'th June, 1798 ; 15th June, 1798 : Kent, square piece of (iuard, lying between ova .Scotia . ;i8th July, 1798 • • • • No (late -ith August, 1798 . Kellock, Thos. Jones, liehard Taylor, 3rd October, 1798 OF GRAND LODGE OF NOVA SCOTIA. Statement of John Kelly, Candidate from British Fiigate, Thetis. No Memo, of \Vm. Freeman and others, for a Warrant for a Lodge at Uvcf- PO">' ^''' '"^ 1 St November, Letter from Hirairi Lodge, Shelburne, recommending. L for Liverpool, 12th November, Elisha Calkin, concerning «'arranl for do. 15th December, and Petition for aid for Bro. Bonkett, Annapolis, 5th l)ecemi)er. Approval of Candidates Andrew MurdocK, John K. Cooper, W. Rudolf, Christopher firoombley, John Clayport, Wm. f """Pbdl l.' December, II Jaa. Milne, John Land), Hemy Wihley, Ralph Cumming, & Adolphus Veith, 18th December, II Capt. Philip Hammond, Samuel Head, John. Bayers, Hbenezer Allan ^^nd Decemliei', Circulars, recognition of Bio. (i. M. Bulkley 22nd December, Recognition of „ ..._ '21st December', I'rmted Lists and Circulars from Grand Lodge . . . . 27tli December, Accounts for Paper Hanging, Painting, Oil Cloth, Ro.r,th Septeudier, Acct. for stove, etc .jSth December, Petition to form Lodge, No. 4— no date. Notice of Isaac Norris, Artillery, No. 2 25th November, (\'riilicate Knos Collins, Lodge 21 1 27th July, 19 date 1798 1798 1798 1798 1798 1798 1798 1798 1798 1798 1798 1799 1799 1799 ,1799 1799 1799 17!)9 1799 1799 1799 1799 1799 1799 1799 1799 1799 1799 1799 20 ANCIHNT MASONIC DOCUMENTS Letter from Wm. Campljell, St. John, N. B. Form of funeral procession, Bro. Jos. IVtors (leneral Committee on Candidates for Resignation Riciiard Buckley, (i. M Acct. printing, John Howe Orand Loilge summons . 21st March, 179fl 18U(] . .... ],-0(l . .' 1 soo 1st January, ISO!) 13th February, I 800 Letter from John Bremuer, asking to l,o excused for non-attenlins Ishiml November, 180() December, 18(i0 J 11(1 vice— not reail December, 1800 Ist December, 1800 lent to Ingram Hall .Sydney 4th December, 1800 24th June, 1800 Jing foes and dues. . 1784 to 1801 1801 ird, rofroshinentB— for 1801 Accounts for removing from Grafton St. to Golden Ball thence to Free- masons Hall .... .... ._ ]g()j Letter from D. G. M. Wm. Campbell, St. John, N. B. 19th February. 1801 II Sargent Wm. Webster, St. Johns, Newfoundland, 'iOlh May, 1801 .1 Quarter Ma.ster J. McDonald, St. John's Newfotindknd (W. M. 1'580) with sub. to G. L. Buihling, 2nd June, ISOl Wm. Walsh, Sydney, Cape Breton 1 2th June, 1 801 Memorial for warrant to hold a Lodge of Freemasons at St. John, N. B. 22nlh June, 1803 22 ANCIENT MASONIC DOCUMKNTS • • '24tli June, ...24tli June, . . . 28tli June, 4tli Septeinlier, 7th Xovi'nihei', fitli Xoveniher, Arrangement for public procession, St. John'H Day Order of procession to St. Paul's Church. ... Certificate of character for Bio. Larrain . Announcing formation of Trinity Lodge. \„. ;«»" ' Letter from Hon. Cliarles Morris, S. O. \\\ p . ',' ,. " 'ipology fornon-attendamv, Kit '""c^SX '■"'"" '""'^" ^""■^•"""' '— '^-■"-"' Englisi, (Jran.l Lodge Letter Book' ' ' '■*"; ^"\'^^"''^'-' " " Prnited Lists ^feniorial Grand Secretary Approval candidates Rol.ert'Lj;,n,\Vn;.' Alexander. Wmlnolds^ock, T'rinled circular, Grand Lodge of \ S l'.',' •''"""^'■y' Reporting candidate Alexander Salter .,; ' f"""'""^'' Letter .. on, Grand Secretary stating withdrawal of ^^^^J; Rober son. Robert McKenzie, Roland John Knoodle V U- gin No. 2; also, expuLsionofa Bro. .)-,i. i Report^of (Vnnnittee appointed to exaudnc pap.:; "i ^I.w' ^j Secretary ".uui Reporting can.lidate Neil McGoughan .'n'!' I'/'!""'"'^"' Ann.ivnl ni ■!• £1 ,. ■'■ ■••■ ''itn rel)ruarv, App.nal „ Phd>pSparl,ng, Neil Mdioughan. John Bryan. ReP">-ting „ John Donnelly 1 7th December, 4th December, 27th December, 1804 1804 1804 1804 1804 1804 1804 1804 1804 1804 ;{(i DOCUMENTS »'«nay .... 24tli Jnne, 1803 •• ■24tli Jnne, 1803 ..... 28tliJiine, 1803 4tli Septeinl)er, 1803 . ■ -Ttli Xovenil)er, 1803 -iiltcn.lmu't', Idtli November, 1803 iiylaiid, Lawivnco IVnnntt, 14tli Xovenilier, 1803 fioiii l.°04 to 1825 1804 1804 Xiinder, Wni. Holdstoek, 7tli >(anu)iry, 1804 7th January, 1804 -•'itii January, 1804 wal of Wni. McDonald, Jas. Ames, John Krioodle, Vit- 27tli January, 1804 |>a|ifrs in liand.s of (inind 14tli I'Vl.ruary, 1804 I2tli Keliruary, 1804 fioii^liaii, John Hryan, I7tli Kcluuary, 1804 'ilHt January, 1804 ... UTtli February. 1304 lit improperly obtained, ^'7tli March, 1804 '1"''.V Kith April, 1804 Ira wal of 1). Kr,iR,,r, 9th Afay, 1804 lllli .Fune, 1804 1 and U'tler from See'y 7th June, 180.^ adiniKsioii indorsed liy 4th July, 1804 2 1 St August, 1804 ■ . '27tli August, 1804 .... 3lHt Deer. 1804 4th Deer. 1804 17th Xoveinher, 1804 Deeemher, 1804 '•111 Deeeinher, 1804 4tli December, 1804 '27th Dt'ueniber, 1804 Henry OF GRAND LODGE OF NOV.\ SCOTIA. Letter from Sec'y Hogan, Harmony, .Sydney •24th August, " II asking certitioate for A. t', Dodd, -Inly, Authority for Rt. Honorable Earl Donouglmore, (;. M. of Ireland, and Grand Wardens to form a Lodge in the townland of Kaimkeiiny, County Tyrone .... .... .... Xotice of St. John's dinner to Lodge No. "211 Petition for Lodge at Yarmoutli, N. 8 Petition from .Sarah JIcLaughliu for aid— no date. Reporting candidates — John Beat.son .... .... .... 1st .laiiuai y, Memorial for warrant for a Lodge in King's Co., N. S., to l)e called -^li'li'i" iOlh January, Letter to Grand Sec'y, reporting officers. No. l21 1 , for Ciicular letter from (i. Sec'y announcing Bros. J. M. O'Brien and MacOlary rejoined 4th February, Petition for aid from William Thompson .... .... 4th Kelnuary, Withdrawal of Bro. Isaac Rigby, and rc])orting Isaac O'Brien, Halifax, otli Febi'uary, Certificate to Bro. Hennitt, St. Johns, ^il .... 21st February, Reporting candidates— John Hawcs and Samuel .McLellan, 22nd Febiuaiy, Approval " —Isaac 0'P.rien 4tli .March, Recommendation for Lodge in King's Co., N. R, from .St. (ieorges, Mangerville 10th March, Recommendation for Lodge in King's Co., N. R., from Lodge "2!), Approval candidates— Wm. Hallakin 22nd March, Reporting withdiaual of Bro. Fitzgerald 2iid April, " candidates- John Hall, Jas. Dalhunty, P. Lannigan, Capt. H'lwes ()tl, ,^p,,j,_ Approval can.lidates-John Hall, Jas. Dalhunty, P. Lannigan, Capt, H'wes LSth April, Rejiorting candidates — Win. Cousins, Moses Roe .... 18th .\])ril. Approval candi 1806 1806 1806 1806 1806 1806 ISW) 1806 1806 1806 1806 1806 1806 1806 1806 1806 1806 1S06 1806 1806 1806 1807 1807 1807 7th January, 1 807 1807 1807 1H07 26 ANCIENT MASONIC DOCUMENTS Letter from Graiul T n,i that inu,K.atio„:t .tS I'r' 'f '^' ,^^->«-ville, explaining 18U6-) till .... ""^'I^' (although clate.1 27th Dee.. I'^tter (,lmft of) eonJerniug .lifferences",;,' I ," " ' ' ' ^'^^'' '^^'"■"''> '807 fe iintitnces in Lodges at Sydney, C. B., Approval candidates -Samuel RoupII Yf i , t.. ^ 8th March, 1807 Reporting James Duffu. re llec^ir ' ' '^'''^""^^' ••••"*'' ^^P'''- ^807 Letter froM. Edward Egan, Sect'y Lodge' 32^ ' " ' ' ' ' ' " ^^'^' -^'"^■' '«''7 PetU.on for aid fron, a blind L P. ■'■■ . *'*'"^""^'' '^^^ ■ ^^"-"aul I uniroy, St. Stephens, Petition for dispensation from certain brethren r... r • ''"' '^""*'' ^^^^ ■•ant from Ireland ... Pending arrival of a war- Letter of withdrawal -John" Chanpl "p \V, •••• 29th June, 1807 ;eportingJ„hn Un^: J^ ,2^^-'' ^-' "-"'J-.'- and Reporting candidates- Jas. Moxon I ZZn r" " ' " ' "' "' '^"'J' 1«07 ^ Lients. Richardson and bI^wu ''""' '"P'' -'^^•^^'^l'"'-' Approval candidates -Jas Movon r • i;" • • • • '-^th Xovemhei,]S07 Harris.... ^^"■'""' ^^'^"''^ ^^emoliter and Samuel Harris Mason Hall in account' wi;i,Job;;Albro <^ertihcate, James Darbey Printed circular, (i. L. of Xova'sc-otia " ' " " ' ' ' i>otice reinstatins; Bro J,, I,., w;i r , Petition for aid, Mrs F B ""' ^"''^^ ^^°- ^^^^ '' '""*■ Jii. L/. Brown "» Keportof C'onnnittee on ('•.n.liJnt t"u"\, February, 211 : Lieut. Ogl c H V'f " ' '"'^' T'-^. Curtis, Lodg ^ Livingstone, St' .V.^'lrew 's 'J,,'''"^'^"^"'- U'-"- ^^". 1 ; Dani'e, Mrninirr "" !:^ ^'^-^ -" ^^-^^ ^^^^^^^ Hall Committee Account Report fron, (irand Lodge South" 'carolina' Accom.tsR. Arch (-iKipter for Printed Circular (.. L. of. N. 8.' "(Pro v'ii ' ' ' Approval Candidates-Lieut, (.ubett, Geo'.-'xelson StU T - ' ■' «'eghan, Mr. Sterling -••• f '-X 1808 , " Joel Martin ^ 18th January, 1808 Letter from (;. Chap., Arch (Jr.v Zf'" ••. 1st February, 1808 Johns Day " ''y' "'^^''^"'^^ t" Sermon preached St Approval Candidates -M;! Lewi;:He„ry'c;oskill llft'^"' ^ r,. , Rev. Cyrus Perkins -0th May, 1808 Circular Letter from Grand Sec'y-refem ce... , '*''' •^""«' ^^"^ Mas.mHall ..... ^ ''*''"'"'-'' ™™>g subscription to finish Approval Candidates— Thos CnrtVJp t, 3rd June, 1808 Letter from Edward Bugb ■ ' S^"^ t^^^i^'S "''"f'^^' September,' ,808 tl.e (irand Lodge of Massachusettl ' "'"'"'""« *^"'"'- "^ December, 1808 17tli Xoveniber, 1807 ■ • 2nd December, 1 807 I4th December, 1807 ■ 28th Decendjer, 1807 12th March, 1807 February, 1807 ,.1808 ISOS .1808 1808 .1808 1808 1808 C DOCUMENTS ll>y, Mangerville, explaining (although dated 27th Dec, • lOth March, 1807 'Odges at Sydney, C. B., 18th Marcli, 1807 il Fitzgerald ....7th April, ]807 ]3th May, 1807 ^, •••■ (ithJune, 1807 I "inroy, St. Stephens, I2th June, 1807 1 pending arrival of a war- 29th June, 1807 ord, Jos. Hamilton, and ''^ •••• ••••-'7th July,], S07 moliter, Capt. McKellar, '.'ith Xoveniber, 1807 moliter and Samuel 17th November, IS07 2nd December, 1807 14th December, 1807 28tli December, 1807 12th iMareh, 1807 February, 1807 ilhs, Thos. Curtis, Lodge Union, No. 1 ; Daniel 1808 1S08 If^OS 1808 1808 1808 •■•• 1808 '" Stli January, 1808 'S 1 8th January, 1808 1st February, 1808 > Sermon preached St. 1st March, 1808 20th May, 1808 4th June, 1808 g subscription to finish •;-.-. 3rd June, 1808 -ViIlis..Srd September, 1808 enclosing Minutes of December, 1808 322, Building ... OF GRAND LODGE OF NOVA SCOTIA. 27 Printed Report of (irand Qua.terly Communication of the (irand Lod-e of Feimsylvania ^.i i> 1" ..„^ Approvai:of Revd. Mr. Perkins. Lodg^Sl 1 '"' "^tZ' Z Prmte.l circular fron. ( Lo.lge ol England for . . " gog Letter to (irand Lo.lge on behalf of Hiram Lodge, Shelburue , mt Thos, Longshaw, John Toler, Francis Muncey, ' Papers connection with charge against Lewis Den.olitor. ''"' '^"""^■' ''"' 1 etition for relief from John Burnett .... ut M.„..l. leno ^ M„.„ „.„ i. „., „„„ ,„„„ .„„„ ....■■■.,..■■■■;:.• >;:;*; \2 I ". " loth November, 1809 Reporting candi.latL Robert Hurley, Jo,seph Rideout' ' ' . . . . I'th'ApS' \Zl App,o^al candulate John ,Sta.r.s^ ,,.^j j^,j ,3^^ „ " " Hon. John Gore, Chas. H. Seal Re^^^ ;; '^-'^Keenan -....• ^.th .lu,. ,809 Receipt for printing Suunni.ns, J. H;;we & Son ....■- SOtl.^^:' Z Letter from Rev. Oliver Arnold, Sussex Yale M olt" e ' SOQ Approval candidates James Willian.s, Charles Reynolds. Th.; U illiaml; .,.,., 21st October, 1809 Alex. .Sinclair, Ja,s. Robinson (.SOth Nov.) Oct. 1809 " " " 111. Reynolds -i 1 ^^ , ' Renortinrr w. 1 nT- ^1<1 ^ovon^ber, 1809 SS":^_W;n."^" '■'-'' ^- ^^ ''-''■ ^°"*"-"' '^^'> ^-••. '«09 Letter from Gov. Went worth (accepting office of G. M.) .... .r,th Dec, 1809 XT XT ','. 'V',- • 22nd December, 1809 Recor. of G f 7"^' ""^ °^"' '^^ ^^ "'" ^th December, 1809 Stlptn n"b '"'■' '^""^'^"^'"^' Orphans' Friend Lodge, .S4, St. ^\'ithdrawal w', Barrie l^' »«'°'^"'''e'-. ' 809 Letter enclosing proceedings of Lodge' 21 1 ^'^cem^^v, 1809 Certificate .Jas. Gibson. Lodge No. 222, Island ofGuernsey' ' ' Innted circular I'rov. Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia .... 27lh Dec;mber "l809 I et t on of brethren at ,St. .Stephen's for a Warrant .... gtl, Octole 809 Peffon from Masons at ."ictou for a Warrant to be called New Calei I Lodge, Jas.,, W. M.; J„o. Fraser, Dept. M.; Jno. Cameron, S. W.; VVm. lay or, J. W.; Wn,. McLe^u,, Treas.; Arch. McLean Sec'y; James Wilson, Tyler o,.. , ,„,„ Letter fron. John Merrick, claiming money on aVc't M:;;'. hIu '''' '''' Report „ „ iJth January, 1810 Approval of Candidates, Geo. Porter, Jos. Tott, Wm" Klingser' '^^""''' '^'" 3 10th January, 1610 28 ANCIENT MASONIC DOCUMENTS n W n^' ''^':"°^'^'^«'"g '^i'l of £16 10s.. 24th April, 1810 Mason Hall in aec't w. ', John AlbVo " ' " -,k 'm' . " " "Z ^"*'' ^'^'y* '^"^ "'in xiiDio . . . . ah March ami Kith May, 1810 Approval of Candidates, John Endish ^^'^ '^"^"'*' '^^^ Petition for separate Lodge in Chfrlottotown,' no't eo.pVi^l wHh,^"''""' ''" M aid from VVm. Cooper . f 1 ^^P'^^''^''. 1810 School Committee acc't 3rd September. 1810 Mason Hall in aec't with John *Albro' f 'I ^""P^^""^"'' 1810 Certificate of Lieut. Robert Thomson, rJ; al Fu^H,:; Lod^SS'^^' '''" Letter from Robert Lyon ^^^^ October, 1810 Approval of Candi.lates, Tlio's". HeavVside rf/ ^,^'=^'";'«''' l^'O Letter from Sec'y Clark, Sydney "^ ^«"^«="'l»er, 1810 Mason, with view to elect him D. Q M J^otice to Grand Lodge Committee . ' ' ' Mason Hall in aec't with John Albro School Committee in aec't with Thos, Bennett trrand Lodge Certificate to Candidate Notice of removal from Mangerville to Burton' . ,. "' "''Vi^gei vuieio uiirton iq*i t Application for Certificate from Henry CrokeH H 'i'; t , ' ""'"■^'' '^' ^ Letter from St. Stephen's N R T'L;!? y^''^^^■ •^^'^' ''t'' *''"'^''>. 1811 2nd November, 1811 March and April, !811 1811 March, 1811 March, 1811 .. March, 1811 IStli January, 1811 T ,. e ,, „ ■ - ""*" ""^'''y ^^roKett, Ha Letter from St. Stephen's, N. B., enclosing a Draft Account Thomas Bennett . Document from L. H. , CharlotteVo wn Petition for aid from John Verge . . Memorial for aid from Dorothy Logan Mason Hall in account with John Albro Report Investigating Committee- March and DecembeV Bills for schooling Masons' children School Committee account ^*^'' ^^nl, 1812 Utte, f„„ U «„,„„,„,, , - -t,,^, - -^^ ^ ■ - ;, ^^^ ■■■■^^2^ Ma,. ,8,2 " ... itS""'!r'*"' '° ™"' •» ^- «-" '^^ "" 1st September, ]H12 29th April. 1811 • • 15th May, 1811 lOth. September, 1811 17th December, 1811 ..4th December, 1812 1812 January, 1812 .1^11 and 1812 812 IC DOCUMENTS lier Lodge, No. 53, on a Trav- 9th January, 1810 ^2nil March, 1810 g aid of £16 10s., iMth April, 1810 lation on balloting, .nth May, 1810 10th May, 1810 ..7th March and Kith May, 1810 20th August, 1810 1st August, 1810 1, not complied with, 3rd .September, 1810 3rd September, 1810 3rd .September, 1810 3rd September. 1810 F""'!'-'" Lodge, Halifax, 10th October, 1810 8th December, 1810 •■•• otii December, 1810 28th December, 1810 ig if Sir Geo Prevost was a • • • . 2nd November, March and April, OF GRAND LODGE OF NOVA SCOTIA. 29 . . ifarch, •••• Marcli, ••• .. March, • ■•• 19th Januarj', L, Halifax .Jail, 4th March, )raft .... 29th April. •••• •• 15th May, . . 10th. .September, •••• 17th December, -Ith December, 'ecember.... January, 1811 and Ision of a Brother for llth March, al for new Lodge at St. 9th April, 2'stMay, and list of officers, 5th June, o be granted to Lodge at •••• 1st September, 1811 !81] 1811 1811 1811 1811 1811 1811 1811 1811 1811 1811 1812 1812 1812 1812 1812 1812 1812 1812 1812 Petition for aid from De Montlembert Hughire-no date n against W. M. of Newport Lodge, xNo. 3G-no date. Petition for a Lodge at St. Andrew's, N. B February 1812 StCr Trp^°"^ ^^^'y' '« ' Me nol f"" ri . r"^ ^""""^ ^^••^^'^^y • • • • '3th November, 1812 ReTor t otC r/' "'"' 26th November 1812 Sei Tp T"''' • ••• 9th December, 1812 P 1 nted o„-cular Pi.v. Grand Lodge, N. S 28th December, 1812 p1 i'tl'f ?/^f .,f /^^l 3l8t December, 1812 Petition from Mellville Island from certain American prisoners for influenJe , to obtain pa.'-ole and such assistance that may not be contrary ta s the rules of the country— no date Letter from Eb. Rigby, St. Andrew's. N. B. .... 24th May, ISl? :... 1812 ,, " , " and John .Sinnott 20th Februarv lkl9 Recomn^ndation for Bro. Bugby's petition for warrant from St jZI', PetitionVGraiid Lodg^'from's't.' Geo;ge-s, No:"ii, Coniwallis'^rb; '''^ allowed work part time in Horton .... r^.u t„. ,0,9 Letter from Henry Williams, Charlottetown .... ' * j2 Tidv' 82 Pet:tion for warrant for Lodge in Newport j^Jf; Jgjg Printed ckcuments-Order of proceedings on the union of the^Grand Loclges of England, 3t. John's Day, 27, Deer., 1813. Grand Master Uuke of Sussex .... ' Especial Grand Lodge of Engkmi," pro^Je'diugs-containing" resolution '''^ electing Duke of Kent, G. M. of Canada, to be G. M. of Engla^id 1813 Proceedmgs of the two Grand Lodges of England, and ratiSt of Maste'rs '"' """'^ °' '"^"^ ^^^P^^'^ «-"'J Letter from A.nosP^,S;-Georg;;Lodge'-^..;---;::r^ 11 u. J. Petting ..... T Printed lists of officers of Grand Lodge'of Low;; Canad:" '... ''""'""■ \l\l Reportmg candidates-John McPherson, Henry Toder ' " ' Approval „ Thomas Tobin II James Alpart .«,*,, , ApprovalCandidates-^ohnJackL, James Pri;;tly. HenrrMaZ.X Excuse from Bro, Bennett for non-attendance Tst FeZ::'' ml Memorial from Pheobe Haywood VtVi 4*'!'"'^'^' '^^^ Approval Candidates -Wm. Bond, John Griffin. Wm. Wi^hs,' ^IhTe;"' Js'Jg John Turpenny, Geo. F. Cunningham, John Campbell 2nd March, 1813 T> .■ 'J. , Mr. Polegreen, Henry T. King . .12th March 181 S Reporting Candidate-John McRae Bance .... .... 30th Malt; 1818 . 7th .Lanuary, 1813 16th January, 1813 .29th January, 1813 30 ANCIENT MASONIC DOCUMENTS Juan Manuel De- ...29th Septeniljur, 1813 29th September, 1 813 loth October, 1813 Approval C.,„li.U.»-A,,,„„, H„lk„.l, J„. s.„„te., „„( b„„„^ j^^ Letter from D. S. Clark *'''' '^''"'''''' ^^'^ " Wh.Sn.ith.Whuls;;.. ..■•-.. .nn'M^t' I«Io Approval Ca.uli.late-Richard Saxon mh M ' L Petition of 2 Prisoners of War ' ' ^^ ^^^''^■' '^'^ Letter from I). Sutherland Oth June, 1813 Approval Candidate.- John Westbray. j;h; Rogc;;' . . . . ' ' ' 2oth June, ml Geo Creswell, M. Cooke, Jas. Hums, Jas. Crai- \\m Maury 25th Augu«t, 1813 Samuel i udor, James McKay 24th September, 1 813 Capt. Pedro DeExguininigs, ' '"a'-ia „ " I'eia Dogante Cherehnela Reporting Candidate-John Tulles .... ,,,„ ,, , ^ Approval Candidates-\Vm Ross Tnh„ rr V •■•/"''> "'^tober, >»m. Koss, John Clinton, Isaac Smith, Francis Creamer .... is^i n . i -.r,,^ T o >. 1 5th October, 1813 James .'^cott, Nicliolas Alexander .... John Brown, John Williams-, 1 0th Regt. . Michael Kep»«„._^u.,..,.._S^Crx.;:;,. .r^r^Tiz:. "■' Petition to form a Lodge at Newport, X." « Proceedings of Installation of Union, St. Johii' x\ b" Jinglish Grand Lodge Proceediuge .... Letter from Orphans' Friend 1 f),h-. \i t f i ' ' ", •■•I'^'-ito return .. J^'"""^' ^"^'S- 34, to Grand Sec'y and enclosing Letter from Amos Perley, St.' George's Lodge " " " , l^t Petition for Lodge at Newport, x\. S y'*^'^ Receipts from ... • • No tlate. App..v.,c„d,a..._.o,,n>n;H«,,„.:.„„i;>i,„,/;;,;;;;j::;;™:;:^;;i;,' ;; -^^i».,w.nvi,n™.... ■-.... i;',;'M:S';;^;i App„v., „ irrr::';: """■™ ^"'""■»- • • -' 'i- ■«» 16th Jlay, 1814 iOth Noveml)er, 1813 1813 28th Septemiier, 1814 .1SJ4 to 1817 DOCUMENTS 8. Saunders, Benj. Dewolf, Jr., 2l8t April, 1813 ) prevent foreclosing mortgage 4tli Miucli, 1813 5th March, 1813 30th March, 1813 17th May, 1813 fJtli June, 1813 1813 in Rogers .... 2.)th June, 1813 ooke, Jas. Burns, Jas. Craig, 25th August, 1813 s McKay 24th September, 1813 ;uininig8, Juan Manuel De- 29th September, 1813 inela, . . . 29th September, 1 813 ■■ loth October, 1813 inton, Isaac Smith, Francis 15th October, 1813 s Alexander illiams, lOth Regt.. Michael l«th October, 1813 lilton, A. iVlcKenzio, \\m. 10th November, 1813 •• 1813 11, ^. B. 28tli Septemher, 1814 -...1814 to 1817 Grand Sec'y and enclosing J 1814 ' -•• 1814 ■ " ■ • • • • . . Xo date. 1809 till 1814 Peterson, Lanot Busby, P. .4tli February, 1814 loth February, 1814 6th March, 1814 14th March, 1814 17th March, 1814 7th March, 1814 18th March, 1814 7Hi March, 1814 ma3Holderness.2nd April, 1814 ;w Stephens,. . 3rd May, 1814 16th Jlay, 1814 OF GRAND LODGE OF NOVA SCOTIA. 3^ b Miner. . ine. . . . itt Reporting Caiulidates-Thomas Bolton, A, Smith, Robert Lee. 12th June, 1814 Notices to general Committee of Grand Lodge jgu Letter from Adam Fife ' 4th , July, 1814 Approval Candidates— Nicholas Caloras, Jose '.Duro, Ed Hughes, J E.' (iodfrey.JohuDalzell 26th August," 1814 Infornuition communicated by (J. L. of England as to expulsions etc., No date. Letter from Lodge No. 20 asking certificate for Bros. C. Blood, James Sutherland, John Sheppard, Geo. King, Alfred Carpenter Dundas, ^<"''l"'" 10th September, 1814 .. from Eben Bugee, at St. Andiew's, N. B .... 22nd October, 1814 Reporting Candidates— James Jay, and non-approval of another Brother 30th November, 1814 Listallati(m of Eastern Star Lodge, No. 37, St. Andrew's, N. B. -report of Proceedings Ist December, 1814 Ticket to St. John's festival 27th December, 1814 Petition from Waterbury for Warrant to form another Lodge, St. John N R o > , '^- " 1814 Mmutes of Temporary C. L. held at St. Andrew's, constituting and instal- ling Eastern Star L. No. 37 22n.l November. 1814 Petitition fo." Warrant, Morning Star Lodge, N. B No date Release of mortgage Charles Hill 21st May, 1814 Charles Morris 20th December, 1814 Application for Kispensation for Royal Arch to form regular Lodge 1815 Statement of, Cummings jgjg Letter from Adam Fife, Woolwich, England-Interesting concerning Arms and Certificate loitc • ■ • • • . . . .... .... lolo 1815 ^ „ from S. Hamilton, Halifax 23rd January, 1815 Notices to General Committee . . iqik lixclusu)n of a Bro. and reporting James Bowdon, Candidate 1816 Note from Mr. Veith inclosing application of Capt, Clark ... No date Memorial of Walter Dibley for relief 20th January 1816 Reporting candidate S. S. Tobias 21st January, 1815 Apology to Grand Lodge from Louis Demoletor .. . 18th February, 1815 Petition for reinstatement from Chas. McPherson, St. John, N. B., o ^ 10th August, 1815 Keportuig James Bowen as a committee-man for Trinity Lodge, No. 30, 20th Septen-ber, 1815 Letter from Wm. Durrant Memorial— Dibble, St. John, N. B Mason Hall in acct. with John Albro, Treas Printed circulars. Grand Lodge of England (four) for. Letter from F. Whilehy for a Lodge in Antigonish, Dorchester 1816 28th November, 1816 Cth December, 1815 1816 1816 32 ANCIENT MASONIC DOCUMENTS Memorial of M. Smith Letter from J. G. Bra.lshaw, An'tigonish Petition of EUz. Beiuiett. Digby ' ' ' ' ' s^fr^^^rr^^tr-^^-^""' School Resolution ' . '""^"'^ ^°^^' ^°^g^ Minutes of Temporary Grand Lodg;,' St. J "hn N H iiCtter from Wm Pn^l.r u »■>•". • . . 6th March, . tith iMarch, • • •■ :24th May, June, July, September, ■Laying fouiulati.m 28th September, October. 5th Novomber, 181(5 1816 1816 1816 1816 1816 Printed Song from G J od. „ 7 x^ V"""'"^ ' ' ' ' • • 5th Account with John Allno ^^ '^^ 9''' December, Petition of Frederick Stickles ''"^'^ December, Private letter from„.i n ' V , " ' ' • • • • . . . ........ .o w::;;;;ri^"«;, : ;; 'i:'«". ■*-..' -"n,e.,, ,„ Bundle of Small Bills. ' ^°- ^^ ■ • ■ : Mi August, Scripture Quotation on Parchmpnf f r, Letters from J. Merrick &"cr "'"'^' ^""^"""^ doses' Rod, 1816 1816 )816 1816 1816 1816 1816 1816 Letters from J. Merrick & acct Petition of Thomas Harris Letter from Oliver Arnold Henry Chubb, St. John 20th January, T"ly, 2ne«see.,.. Deo., 1816 '^^•■^ 9tli December, 1816 •••• 31st December, 1816 '■; , ■ •• •■ ■• 1816 imbeth, Royal Artillery, in ^'°-39 ••., 4th August, 1816 «is, concerning Moses' Rod. I •••• 20th January, 1817 •••• J"ly, 1S17 .. 2nd April, 1817 2nd April, 1817 May, 1817 •••• May, 1817 ■•..28th May, -817 •••• 1817 ;■, August, IS 1 7 nidolenco on death of 1817 • • • • • • No dat€ 2:h\l March, 1818 •vpukion of Bro. J{„gbit. Nth Deconibur, 1818 20th December, 1818 ** 28tli Decemlier, 1818 • • • . 31«t December, 1818 1819 1819 1819 March, 1819 31 «t March, 1810 1810 loth April, 1819 .Solomon, No. •>>, and • . . . 24th April, 1819 Copy of Resolution from St. Andrew's L. referred to G. L. of England, .Inly. f ainichi maila rter 17th July .. lOth August, 28th .September, 'Se])tcmber, 8th Novemljer, 31st Decembci', lOth February, . . . 14th October, ....18'-'0 to IStli January, 2()th January, Letter from Ale.xander Davidson, Miramichi Expulsion of a Bro. from Royal Standard, No. 39 Certificate for John Campbell, MusquoJoboit Letter of complaint D. G. M. Albro, Halifax M from Deputy (i. M. Wetmore, iMedericton Masonic Hall in account with John Albro Letter from Sec'y Regent Lodge, No. 41 H St. John's Lodge 26, Ciiarlottetown English (4rand Lodge Proceedings from Letter from Musfjuodoboit No. 40 " \V. Taylor, W. M., Fredericton Petition from Richibucto for Warrant _ Minutes of (}. L. held at Fredericton, confirming Bugbie's expulsi(')'n' 1st P''ebruary, Letter from Bugbie respecting e.YpuLsion 6th February, G. L. in account with J. S. Allport I6th Februaiy,' Letter from Deputy (;. M. \Vetmore 28tli March, ^^P"''*^ " " of Lodge at Portand under Warrant of the (irand Lodge of Ireland 2.")tli April, Decision of G. L. of Ireland cancelling Warrant 977 and expelling Master 4th May, Letter from Sion Lodge, No. 29, Sussex Vale .... 24th May, II K. Bugbio concerning exjndsion I.xt July, Petition of ('apt. Andrew tJibson, 74 Regt 4th July! Letter from .St. Vclg«ter C. Hughes, Richibuclo for a Warrant. 24th July, Grand Secretary of Ireland, Dublin 24tli .luly,' Communication from (i. L. Louisiana .27ti, .luly' Letter from S. ('. Hughes, Richibucto with enclosures . .ICth September, Thos. Leavitt, St, John's 29, respecting admission of Andrew *''''«»" 3rd ()ct..lK.r, Letter from Woodstock, N. R. praying for extension of dispensation KtthOitolier, Deputy (i. M. Wetmoro 20th October, II resolution St. Joiin's, No. 29, and Union No. 38 27tli Octolier. Union Lodge, .38 2.'lrd December. Mason Hall in account with John -Vlbro .'Ust Decemlur, Letter fr(mi Dep. G. M. Wetmore, Fredericton ... 8th .lanuiuy, Mason Hall in acct. with .Fohu AUiro, Treasurer Letter from L. 42, Miramichi * jath February, Proceedings of temporary G. L. at Richibucto to ingtall otticorH L. No. 4;i, , Ist .May, I etition of Jane Pret 9th May, 33 1819 1S19 1819 1S19 1819 1819 1819 1819 1819 1822 1820 ]H-2() I.S20 IS'JO IS JO IS20 1820 1820 1820 I S'20 lai'it 1820 1820 1829 I82() 1820 1820 1820 1820 I8'20 1 Si'O IS'.'O IS2I 1821 1821 1821 1821 J 34 ANCIENT MASONIC DOCUMENTS Letter from John Phi„p,.,.f,,.,^., Let;..fro.{?vi::^,:^,:,;f-v.i;.;,.r.,a- •••21st May, 182] 16th June, 1821 "til November, 1821 .... 1821 • Sth January, 1822 " "^^^ '"'"''""' ^"'•' ^'•--i L".iKo. to A„„,phns vil;.;!''''' '''' " ^^'S'^y L"%«- Pnivini- for ,ln„M „. I Felm.ary, 1822 Doouments in reference to ( Jri.lVt , V ^ '•""""«''' 24th March, 1822 PeUUon from brethren at An.her.s, f^ , ' f " " ' " 1'^'^ ^ay. 18-22 liarrinKton T'''-- •••• ^'«th May, 1822 Officers of Mi.lian L„,lge "■•• -^^''^l May, 1822 j;''«. E. Sutherland, (JuysboVo' " " ' " ' ' ' '^"' •^"""^' '^^2 Mrs. Lontil, Windsor ' ' ' " " ' " " -''''' •'"'.>'. 1822 Miilian Lodtrj. ••■ 1st August, 1822 yiiestions to W vv i> ? . ' •••• .. XT 1 ^ '» i" u. \v. hro. Lews, Presidi.Ki n i . ■•• No date. P^fUon for ai.l fron. Thos. Hurne, t T vIm """' ^''"-P''^-' " ^ " from Royal 8ta.„l„...i t v .. ""'^''' • • •■ I'th September, 1822 • lotli October, 1822 30th October, 1822 13th November, 1822 23rd November, 1822 U)th November, 1822 3rd December, 1822 182.3 to 1826 .. 1823 1823 1823 ^'^"'1 Royal 8tamIardL., \o •<(, Letter to Abner At water •"^"•••<" (VrtiHcatefor(ieo.Hain,Fre.lericton "■•• Petition from Mary Ridgeway . '' '"*''"'"'' l'"l«green for ,ud ,, ,. " ^^'»- 'I'lioinpson«uand Lodge Proceedings f,;,,, •••• I'et.tumforaid Mrs. Abel..., " p . " '^''s^ BaLstone . ■'^^^"'■^''""''"•''- •«'.'•"-• reinstatement Letter from I). ,;. m. \V..,n,or.., a,.king W,,,,,„ , ^'^ -I'Ue. , Lodge to be extended '^ ^""'"" f'"' t«">Porary (Jrand I'etitio., for \\arrant from Brethren ai'(V.l i V " ' ' " '^^'' ^•^"•wry, 1823 Lette, rom P. M Putnau,, L. ;18. St. Ihn v",; •,■■ , ••^'' '^'-•^'n 1823 ^'•"» ' '>^ was conferred at ."'in •';:^' "'"««">— time fo .same candidates. Letter fre.n ^^■n, „„,,,._ ,, ^, ^^^^^ ,,th March. ,823 " — • enclosnig returns etition for formation of Maria Lodge. Rawdon f "' ^^"''^'' '''^^ " Mr,. Catherine Hause f.Vaid "••' ''^''"' '^l'"-^'"- '823 " '"■'■'*"*^''""> John Fox an.l „»i. "'i'.' '■■ '^f' ^M'nl, 1823 Letter from Rev. R. (;.,;,,„.. f' ^ ' " ' "*''7' '^'^-nngton i:nh J ,ne 18"3 •"- - >^t. Johns . ^; ,;^ « S;7 ''' « '•-''•'<• "o...attend: Uorchester, N. H, . . . *| ''«""' '" ^'"^"'' ^^"l-fuie Court at '"tb June, 1823 I DOCUMENTS I'k, for aiil ■ -2181 May, 1821 leth June, 1821 ■ ..7tli Xoveinber, 1821 ml "■■ ■'■■ •■•■ '^^^ ^th January, 1822 •••• .. .")th April, 1822 "Ige- to Adolphus Veitli. February, 1822 " '"^ 'o.nitte,!, 24tli March, 1822 "''«*^' •••• 17tli May, 1822 '""■ •••• .... 20th May, 1822 23r(l May, 1822 •■.. 12th June, 1822 2.-)th July, 1822 • • •• ... 1st August, 1822 ■ ■ ■ , ^ No date. |«ir.I<.f(;eneral Purposes, „ '"'^*«''' .... ITtli .September, 1822 .. ..151)1 Ootolter, 1822 30th October, 1822 IStli November, 1822 • • • . 2;ir(l November, 1822 ' • • • 2,')th November, 1822 Srd December, 1822 l«23tol826 .. 1823 1823 I 1 o ■ '^23 3 ""•il, 3H, for reinstatement. f , f No (late. '" »"r temporary (iran.l Iflth January, 1823 '' "til February, 1823 J • • • • . . .^th March, 1823 1 "..fxphiining why more | '<■ <" Nimc candidates, IfUli Marcli, 1823 ^ - --. ench)8ing returns '■i'Wi March, 1823 •••• 25th March, 1823 •• •••• 28th April, 1823 ll'irrington |6th June, 1823 "iKP-msible non-attend. t'i'd Supreme Court at 17th June, J823 OF GRAND LODGE OF NOVA SCOTIA. Letter from Joiin Fox, Harrington, in regar.l to Warrant 22n.l August, Abner Atwater, Temple, No. 7, Guysboro', reference to dues, 12th September, Aewport, No. SO, respecting Resolntion of the Hretliren, ,, , . . . , 23rd September, i et.t.on from Brethren at Hopewell, N. B., for Warrant, 20th September, Letter from W. Reid, in reference to same. . Certificate of W. Reid, Sussex Vale ' ' ' ' 23rd September, Le ter concerning Installation of Lodge at Truro .... 10th Novemlier, Petition from Colchester Union Lodge to cancel Warrant and grant a new one .... o.i t» i n . . • • • • .... .... oth December, etition for aid for Mrs, Powell, en.lorsed by Bishop Inglis loth January, Letter to U M. Albro from S. Lontel j^t March. Certihcate for G. M. Albro from S. Lontel .... igt March " from W. M. No. 265, No. 188 and No. 1 to" Mrs. Lontel's Petition. ... i ..i l' i „ . , •• •••. ••.. .... 14th rul)ruary, Estimate to hnish the Dark South Room, Masonic Hall 1-20 Ss. M. T . ,,. , , 3rd March, Jnstallnig St. Lawrence Lodge, No. 43 Petition for aid from Widow E. Allen " 'I Jolin Peudegrast " " -Nf rs. Lentel Letter from W. M. Colchester Union L and Returns Union L,, No. 1, recommending expulsion of a Bro., 17tli Februaiy, Hon, ]). G. M. Wetmore-Minutes Temporary G. L. Install- ing Morning Star, No 40 3^,1 ^pril, Kli/a Baxter, returning thanks for aid 19th April' " ^^- ^- C'-n'^or.! L. , No. 49 .24th April,' ■Secy Golden Rule L., No. 50, Hopewell, N. B. 3rd May, I " "••'^^- " " 17th June, ; " " " " " 24th Novem))er, p .... '' ," .. " " 28th November, Petition from K, Allen for aid ' Robt. Wilson for aid, shipwrecked on Sable Isl'd. ,2d June, Letter from Samuel Kemlle-dues for Morning Star L., 4(i.. ,9th ; JainoH Taylor, Fredericton, N. B. . . . . 8r,l ScptemlMr, etit.on for aid fr.un Widow .lanies Barley . . . 8fh, Letter to (J. Sec. \ eith explaining absence at R. ArchCh.2fith November ' from Fort Kdward Lodge, Windsor, No. 45 .... 8r.l December 1 et.tum from Concord L., No. 49, asking permission change ,)ay of meet- ,, 1 1 ,, . ■ ■ " ■ ■ • 24th November, Mason Hall ni account with John Albro 48, Truro, enclosing 15ye-ly,w8 6tli February, 35 1823 1823 1823 1823 1823 1823 1823 1824 1824 1824 1824 1824 1824 , 1824 1824 1824 1824 1824 1824 I8-J4 1824 1824 1824 1824 1824 1824 1824 1824 1824 1824 1824 1824 1824 J 824 36 ANCIENT MASONIC DOCUMENTS .18 .18 Petition of Fort Edward Lodge " for relief from Widow Gordon r .." . J' Mary Ridgfcway , Letter from David Rutherford, W. M DIl^Lv I ' ' v « " " ' ' ' • ' ^ Petition for aid from Eliza Go.'don ^^ ' ^'^ " '*"' f'*''"'"''^'-y. ^^■ ^ " " Eliza Lyle " ' ' " ' ' " ^"'^ ^^'''"^'^ ^^■ ReriuisitiontoG. M. AIl)rotnIn«r«„ 'ol 'Sth Alarcli, I8i Ten,lers for new Roof ' ^°""' ^'°''' ""'■ ''"''"'« Chapel . .M .lune. 18i Petition of Donald McLean ..." " " " ' ' '*"' ''"'y- ' 8i from St. John, N. B for « w„..„ ^ ^'<' ''"-» Letters concerning same '"'"' " • • 23rd July, 182 Meniorial of n'ni. Sutherland " " " " • • ■ ■ 1st August, 1 82 '"'t:':Vb'' "■ '■ '''''~ "»»'»« '...'«; v„,.,j:,f;:fs:' "' """ '"'" '""■'• '■■ ^"^ *• ■>'>"'•'■ N«:i.. .•.pi,;.!,,, . p™,r,;;:;:;:; ''" M»m.,mHr„„,pe„,T.yl„f comptai„i„„ I,...,.. ,„,,„„, "'"■.•'»'"~y.' I»a Lodge ifc lie MUM lohiscd admission to a Letter from D. G. M.' Wetmore ' enclosing," nm .' ' "i" -, '^"^ ''^«'"'»Hry, ] 82.i stalling Albert, 52, Fre.leric'.n ^h' '"'*^'' ''"""' '"• '^ -" i^etter from Jas. Skinner, W. M N,.... r",.l.,'i ' ' ■ x-" " ' *'^'' ^^'"■'^''' IS"'" Albro asking aid t , build new\ ^ '"^"^'Tll ^'^ •^'^' '" ''• ^^- -'^'^n Letter fcom C. J. 'rownsw t ,ut Zl "''' • " " -''"' ^^-'•''' '^'-^'^ recommending Rro. R. «; SeTs fo m"""« "•-"■• '^'^ •'"""■ English Grand Lodge proceedings fro.n ' ''' '^'' " " 'Ith May, ]82(i Torn, of diplon.a, Dist. ])ep. (J. M. John - '^-" '" "*•■" Report on .Sydney Lodges .lisputes ' " " ' ' ' ' "' •^""'^- '«2 September, 1826 September, I82fi Kith October, 182(1 November, 1820 • 20tli I)eceml)er, 182(; I>ecoml)er, 18irti C DOCUMENTS 18i>4 182,-. 1 ,'■;: ••'•• ■•■• '8'2:i ?l'.y I-., No. 6 14th February, ISL>o 2ii(l Maicl), 1 825 ' '••. 15th Alarcli, 1825 o'>eSt.John'8Chapel.2rl .June. 182,-, I8th July. I82.T No dato ""' • •• 23rd July, 182,5 1st August, I82ri ••■• •••• lat August, 182,5 iiig fiodgo to !,(, holdeu at St. ' ' • ■ Sth December, 18'?5 •■roportiuKu P.soudo .Mason, Kith January, 18''(i l»e was refused mhni.ssion to a 3rd February, 1820 proeeodingH T.inip. (J, L. in- | • •■ ••• 3(lth March, 182(! ^ ''l"'t'-e«ifleut Board of Letter concerning burial G. M. Pike '" ""■■ •• ••• 1828 Memorial of Grand Lodge of N.,S_o0.m"h R n'n ."'V '^^^ 111 regar.l to jurisdiction ... ^•. «■ «■ H. Duke of Sussex, C^opy Memorial from G. L of N s: V r, "V •• 5th January, 1828 ■ ^^ ^. ^., to Grand Lodge of Englan.l, Communication from G. L. of Englan.I Dnt . .. ''^^ 'January, 1828 Master ... , ^'"gl'inber, 1 828 Return of Lodges to which new Warrants gra.ited by His Royal Highness Duke of Sussex • ' . „-, Letter from D. G. M. Peters of N. B "■....■■■■....■■■ ' 24th January, 1S29 " , , ." " " 24sli January, 1829 .. belongnig to R. W. G. M ' ,j^._,„ Copy circular G. L. of England \\\\ 'Z y^^^^^^ ^^ Letter from Grand Secretary. London joth March, 1829 2nd April, 182!) . '' r. " 1 r , " . " 19th August, 182!) I ,. to (,rand Lodge from R. A. Peters D. G. M., St. John . is^o :1 „ from Eastern Star 37 St. Andrews, with list of Officers.l4th August 18->0 .. from sub-committee .St. John, N. B loth July! 1829 " M W. M. and Officers Barrington asking leave to return Warrant .^^^«f», ■ 10th December, 1829 " from W. M. and Wardens Eastern Star, loss by fire of Mason Hall St. Andrew's, N. B jot,^ .,„,j. i^.,,, M from Sec y W hite, Amherst, Cun.berland Lodge. . . . 14th May, 1S30 Return of Ox or.lshire Light Infantry Lodge, 52 Regt ... ISth May, 1830 1 rinted cu'cular with account i uo. Letter from (irand Sec'y London' ....'■....""... Z" 3rd February, \m 29th Marcii, 1831 VT '.' , . T . " Ist March, 1831 Monona ^om Infantry Lodge 3,, j,,,,^,,, ,33, Report o Buddmg Committee 1st December, 1831 Circular from Prov. G. L., marked outside refused by Hiram L HM Shel- burne, the W, M. being in the West Indies. Lodge done' away altogether 27th December, 1831 Circular from I'rov. U. L. ad.lressed Temple, (iuysboro. No. 830 V 1- I r, , ^ , 2"t'> December, 1831 Jinglish Grand Lodge proceedings Accounts and Receipts Complaint of Union Lodge, 828, against 4 Brethren. . Petition from Thomas Hogan for relief Letter to G. L. from Sec'y Union L. 828 Reporting Can.lidate- A. S. Creigliton .... " " ..." Approval Can.lidate- W. J. Stewart Mortgage of \Vm. Duffus, Trustee, to Alex. Keith . '. English Grand Lodge Proceedings from Letters to Grand Secretary 1832 to 1841 1832 . . 3rd June, 1832 . . . .')th June, KS:i2 . .17tli .Septeinlier, 1832 24th Novem))er, 1832 . 8th December, 1832 ....31st July, 1838 1841 to 1861 18o5-] 864 4° ANCIENT MASONIC DOCUMENTS ProvGL. of Scotland Proceedings licket for St. John Festival.. • • • • 1849 to 186 United Grand Lodge of England "" "" •••• ••• ^858 i-nghsh Grand Lodge Proceedings" (concluding 23r:i' V '. f "' ^P"'" ^^^^ the day prior to the union of Vid^ 23rd day of J„ne, 1869). the Sovereig,-, Gran Lod" ^^ v'" '^'''^''''^ ^^"^ lodges with P-gram,ne of Fun'eral of G. L^D 2 oTlthT r T . ■' '''' ^« '««» Letter to Grand Secretary . ^'^'''^' ^- ^ "^ ^^^^^^d . . 1864 „." " ■■■■ ••• •••■ ....1864 Minutes of Scotia Lodge, No 41 1 for «*" \ i " ' , ' r. ' ' * ^^'"'^ *» '864 Progran^nie Grand Lodge Funera 'in ,. ?' '^*^ " " " ' ^865 to i86fi of Scotland, witlf a P erlrj! 71° • "^ ''"f ^ °' ^^'^^^' «• '^*- W. A. Laurie. Sec'y of G. I of S^ouS "^' *'"^' ^7""°'^ ''^'' RFTr'Rv.^T^ „. ■■■' iSth Januaiy, 1864 B-.«... „.,,,,,, 0--- ..... OK.™ .000. 0, Dispensation Harmony, Aylesford. and Continuation of Queen's. Shelbnrne. "'■'^"^g ^^^""ant and Chart Pr Pi i i t^t. Charter Lodge. Keiti, "-larter. Eldorado, Wine Harbor. Warrant Royal Alber;, North Sydney. C B Charter St. Mark's. Baddeck. Virgin, Wilniot. Burns. Halifax, 3o2 Warrant Concord Lodge, Barrington. ^^ork,ng Warrant, Albert, Shelburne ItuZT. T' T™ '"'• ^"'^'^ '^* Mus,uodoboit l.ertihcate-Maj. Jones, R. A., for rnemhp, » f ' ' " " • • • • No date warrant .... . . membeis of coin,Mny who apply for Application for warrant. Cornwallis'L^dge No' 16 ^" '^''^^ Petition for aid from J. Pontigon ' ' ' * • • • • No date Dispensation to form Royal ArtilleryLodge'"" ^° •^**« Lodge Mmutes of Dartmoutn Lodge "■■ '•■• •••■No date Masonic Ode " ••■• No date Form of Procession— John Breniner ^^ '^^^^ No date i DOCUMENTS 1849 to 186 1858 r" oo VV ' 25th April, 1S60 ilmg 23rd day of June, 1869) roviacial Grand Lodges with Scotia from .... 1862 to 1869 'hoi, G. M. of Scotland. . i864 ....1864 ■■ ,• •• • 1855 to 1864 'IrewBDay .... 1866tol86B ' °^ *^'ie Duke of Athol, G. Al. lytiiie, and summons signed" ' 18th January, 1864 UNDER GRAND LODGE OF mgier. ilburne. Eldorado. Wine Harbor. I OF GRAND LODGE OF NOVA SCOTIA. 41 JVo date ■ company who apply for No date '** No date No date No date No date No date No date SUBORDINATE LODGES. UNION LODGE, No.'.. 1 & 828, HALIFAX. Return of officers, members and dues Rro. Codey's excuse for non-attondance Application for Warrant Bro. Peters' complaint against Bro. Wickham Resolution to close the Lodge for a year ... from 1787 to 1834 1781 23rd September, 1784 7th September, 1785 14th January, 1793 Memorial praying restriction might be taken off on brethren withdrawing from other Lodges desirous of forming this Lodge . . No date Men.orial of members (late of Union) asking for old Warrant, 29th July 1801 Letter from James Bowen-having once been assisted, sends in gratitude £o for Grand Lodge building ... 3rd November, 18()1 Letter of thanks to Grand Lodge for realizing the Warrant, 9th Nov. , 1 801 Removal of Lodge to Mason Hall . . Rejwrting Thomas Mc(irawney, rejoined Reporting Candidates two brothers withdrawn Certificate — Bio. Beatson II John Johnstone .... .lames Duffus Reporting Candidates " Letter from John Irving Certificate, Bro. James McFarlane II Hillier .... , . . , II W. II. Sandwich II Routledge and Henderson .... " Robert Taylor Application for certificate for John Bennett .... Certificate— Brothers Douglass, Huff and Warden II Brother Wm. TuUot " " Sodan .... " " Hon. John Gore .... Approval— Brothers Vale and Robinson Recommending Brother Sandwich for R. A. Chap. Certificate— „ Con. Cannon 15th December, 1801 . ..29tli December, 1804 1803 9th July, 1804 180« 1805 1807 1807 1808 , .14th September, 180S • . . ■ No date. ..14th Srptember, 1808 29th September, 1808 . .. 3rd October, 1808 September, 1808 . . . 2nd January, 1809 . . 19th August, 1809 1809 .. 11th October, 1809 . 1st November, 1809 16th November, 1809 December, 1809 22nd December, 1809 42 ANCIKNT MASONIC DOCUMENTS Reporting Caiulidates-For For : Dan', S.U^er^a, Jas. Mc^arv^nny, Li.U '''' P got and Mr. ^ ...skins, Jas. Le Ve.«e" Beponing a Brotho. e.^penl^ ''^'^°"'^'^'' '^'''-- «• ''^^^ ■ ■ ^o Petition reapsctiug Grand Lodge Dues ' " ' ' ' ' ' " '*"' ^'^^""a'T. 1 810 Approval of Francis (;iuchy "'" -'st August, 1810 Letter from Sec y Petty, witli I isif^^ffi " ' ', ' ' " " '^'''' J^eceniber, 1810 Withdrawal of Bros. Sll^M^T' TT' ''" ^^^ ^'^tc Notice of Expulsion of a Brother ' "'''"'• " ^"' ^^ovember, 1814 Orand Lodge resolution, concerning Wm." Duffus'. Treasulet ''^°"'"'"' '''' Withdrawal of Jas. DuflFus and W Kidston ^^*'' ^'^'"""'^'y- '815 Suspension of J. X. Ford " Letter concerning contribution to Grand Lod^e " J of Grand Lodge Dues of Union' No 1 Petition respecting arrears of ReportiiifT .Suspensien of a Brother •■•. 1830 SIOX LODGE, No. 21, 8US.SEXVALE, N. B. 21st August, 1810 10th November, 1817 ()th November, 181, 27th November. 1820 21st November, 1821 1821 Returns of Officers, Afembers a.i.l Dues f.'om Letterf,.om\V.Jf. Hutchison.... '^ " Isaac Perry " W. Af. Hutchison.... " ,t •••.., " Oeorge Lennord, .losing remittance *-. Marton, Cornwallis, enclosing return 179.3 to 1801 22nd November, 170G .24fli November, 1796 1st March, J 801 24th xMay, 1801 10th June, 1801 23rd September, 1801 KOVA. BOSE LOBOK, «„ ., ,»asTRV OF .OWER CAXAIU ] Returns from (of Officers, Members and Dues) Letter f.-oui Secreta.y McDonald ' ' " ' Suspension of B.-othe- Burton Letter from Secretary Weeks Letter in reference Suspension Bro." Weti.erlll ' " " " . VIRGIN, No. 2, HALIFAX. Returns of officers, .nembers and dues " ithdrawal jf \Vn.. Duflfus " F. J. Millok . . 1790 till 1798 12th December, 1796 6th xMay, 1797 20th November, 1797 5th April, 1798 irov x783 till 1837 . 12tli January, 1801 •••20th May, 1801 i~^¥' 30CUMENTS OF GRAND LODGE OF NOVA SCOTIA, 180!) I'l, Jtts. McGarvenny, Lieut, uskiiis, Jas. Le Vestecontei Hios. H. Mason .... jgi^^ )4th February, ISIO 21st August, 1810 IStli December, 1810 "•"^'^lylSU Nodati i, Heans. . 5th November, 1814 i;ith November, 1814 Fus, Treasurer, 13th February, I81o 21st August, 1819 10th November, 1817 - 6th November, 181, 1 • • 27th November. ]82() 21st November, 1821 1821 1 from 1814 till . . 1)^21 ..18th May, 1834 ith letter of 30tli October, 1828 1830 SVALE, N. B. 1793 to 1801 22n(l November, 1796 • •24t;i November, 1796 ••■• 1st March, 1801 24tli May, 1801 10th June, 1801 ■ 23rd September, 1801 ;e urn OF LOWER CANADA.). 1796 till 1798 12th December, 1796 6th xMay, 1797 20th November, 1797 5th April, 1798 AX. froi: i783 till 1837 .12th January, 1801 ..•20th xMay, 1801 Reporting candidates I Letter froi.T Secretary s Withdrawal of Bro. McGary ..... Notice of removal of place of meeting to new Masonic certificate, Bro. Hughes " John Frederick Slott Reporting withdrawal Bro. O'Bryan n can.lidates C. Lossen, Z. Ullitz,' and others, W itiidrawal of John Knodell Expulsion of a Brother Certificate, Bros. C. Lossen and Ullitz Withdrawal of Brethren and expulsion of a IBro. I' Thomas Lithgow Reporting member for General Committee "....' Suspension of a Brother. . Reporting candidates 3rd August, 3rd /.ugust. Hall, 24th Nov., -'2nd February, • . . '. 26th June, 26th Junuary, .... 16th June, 16th July, .... December, . . . 25th January. ....16th May, . . 25th March, . .9th January, for 1804, 1805 & Letter apology from Bro. J. Bremn;;, non-attendance; Bro. Gordon's 43 1801 1801 1801 1801 1802 1802 1803 1S03 1803 1803 1803 1804 1804 1805 1806 1806 19th February, 26th June, for 6th March, ...26th March, No ( 1808, 1809, I6th December, . . . . 1st March, 29tii Marcl), funeral Letter from Sec'y announcing suspension of a Bro Reportitg candidates expulsion of a Brother Answer to Bro. Harvey's Memorial ....... Reporting withdrawal John Harvey, Jr. . . " Robert Nichol Subscription list for Reporting candidates Approval candidate John Seeton Withdrawal of Brother Woo.lstock Letter from Secretary Veith 1. Gran.l Sec'y, notice withdrawal of a Brother . 20trFebruiirv Keportmg expulsion of a Brother Approval-John McDonald, Dennis Mun'ay, Wm! 'Pentz.'.7th December, Reportmg Candidates 1811,1812,1814 Petition for n.embership of Messrs. Fro.nleyswan and Bareliff Withdrawal of George Cunningham .^^ rXuary ' Account current with Jos. Collupy , Extract from minutes and protesting against action 'of St. Johns L. No. 11th Noveir.ber, 1st December, 7th January, . 8th February, 22ud October, June, 265 ■statement of John Lenningtor, regard withdrawal , Address of G. M. Pike Extract from Minutes, reference expulsion of a Bro. Expulsion of a Bro Withdrawal of Philip Tidmarsh 4 1806 1806 1807 1807 1807 1807 late. 1808 1810 1809 1809 1809 1810 1810 1810 1815 1815 1816 1819 1819 1819 1820 1820 1821 1822 44 ».#/ frt u- J Petitio., for relief from Jane Jackson tertihcate of character for ANCIENT MASONIC DOCUMENTS ARTILLERY LODGE, Xo. 2, HALIFAX, N. S. 24th May, 1831 23rfl May, 1831 List of Members of.Virgin hel. in Artillery ,.y Dispensation, l^^^IZ ''::":_ (application of Artillery Lo.lge, Xo. 2, as Notice of removal of Lodge . . "'*^'' 'September, Reporting removal of Lo.lge ^^^'^ December, LetterfromSec,..p^ ,- -^_-..-s;r)^^ Brother Tulmaash-reganl to unbecoming conduct of a Notice of Suspension of a Bro. " " " " ^^'^'^ "^P"'' Reporting Candidates for . . " " -'^'"'' "'^P"'- 1784 1784 1784 1785 1791 Subscription list of £53 toward.^ ne"w Mason Hall .5,,. ^^^ ' \ I, fonf^..„ , . •••• -otii i\]arch, Reporting Candidatfslol . """""'' '"'" '''''' -■ ^^«th July, Suspension of a Brother ' ^"^8. Notice of removal of Lodge . . . . " ' " " " ' ' ^^'^ ■'September, '-1st December, 1793 1793 1793 1795 1797 1797 1798 1799 1799 1800 1805 SIGN LODGE, Xo. 3, (57th REGT., HALIFAX, X. S.) .... 1788 . • 3rd March, 1789 Return of Officers foi Letter containing charges against a h'rothe;-no date" Petition from James Clark for readmission . PARR LODGE, Xo. 3, SHELBURXE X S Returns of officers, members and dues . , , » Letter from Patrick Wall, John Hav i-o iJ"f "' ^ ' ^" *'" oerning tl. seveialLodges hTlie to^n " """ ^hT'"^ '=""- Letter from Thomas Ale.andef to Patricr^„, ;e,.d t^l^sSS^:^' ■ «"«^'«^y-Thos. Alexander, in regard to ^iS;::'"' Letter to Hugh Hav from Thns J i^ j • . 13th Xovember, sationind laL Uetfer ;rom r " ['/"I''''^''"'^ *° '^""^ '^-P--- Letter from W. M. an^ Cdens t^'''T ^^^*^ " ' " " 2' ^h November, Hua n ardens-thanks for Dispensation, lOth Dec. , 1800 J 1784 1784 1784 1784 1784 OCUMENTS 24th May, 1831 23rd May, 1831 OF GRAND LODGE OF NOVA SCOTIA. 45 ^IFAX, X. S. rtillery by Dispensation, 24th .September, 783 till 1800. Artillery Lodge, Xo. 2, as -'4th .September, 2.3rd December, ....21st December, -Laws 7tl, October, nbecoming conduct of a S.Srd April, 23rd April, 1784 1784 1784 1780 1791 '1 • ■ ■ . 25th March, ^'' '794 " Jesse Lear and Mirhn^i P-, 1 "•■, • •'^'th December, 1795 ■- Sec'y Mahon '''°"' '''''' '^^^'ttance, 30th Deo. , 1795 Letter (two) fron Sec'y Thos. Mahon toGmnd Se^V ' ' " ' '*^*'' '^^'"' ' ^^^ Letter from Sec'y .. . "vrrancisecy ,,^gg W'. M. and Wardens " " " ^^'' ^P"'- '^^S Sec'y Brazel " • • • • ^^'^ -^Pr''. 1805 " J^'»««Hogg.lateofHimmNo:iO "■■ oi-;; T^ ^,''^' '^ Secretary ••• -Sbth December, 1829 11th January, 1830 ST. ANDREWS LODGE. No. 155-188, HALIFAX X s Returns of Officers, Members and Dues from 1785 till 1817 ' Memol of Marriage -Garrett Cullen to Mary cSil \,u r Exclusion of Brethren ... '«iy <-oms. . . . 24th January, 1784 Petition of Elizabeth Sutherland " •••• '787 Exclusion of a Candidate .. '"'" ""■ "■■• ^Ist May, 17.„ Letter from Secretary of Lodge St An,lr'„"„'.' • u" 26th Xovember, 1790 Pe..™. oo„«e,i,„ .„ Sp^i,f,t,:., '" '^'°" '°"'";' '"""•"■' Letter from Bro. Fife-regard to St Iol.n'« T^ t.- ' " ' ' January. 1791 Expulsion of a Brother ' ^''^ ^'""^'' " ' • • 29th June, 1791 Memorial of Garrett CuUen-a late nlember JNotice of Restoration Exclusion of a Candidate Certificate-Adam Baxter, JohiVsmith " " " Suspension of a Bro .... 1795 Notice of Bro. McMichael ''''•' ^>^y> 1 79') Certificates-Daniel W. Outerl/ridge, Ja. ' MooA." " \v „,^'"' ^'"^•';'"''«>'. 1795 Jas. Melville. John Henderson Join Wrseiidaff' " "'"■*'' Gift of £100 towards building Masonic Hall " ' ' " " " " " "97 Notice of restoratien of a Bro. 1797 Notice of suspension of a Bro •• •"tl" July, 1797 Certificates -Geo. Robin.,on. ' Thomas "st«w»rf ' V- ;" " '^^^ DeccmlH,r, 1797 Shaw, for .... ^^^'^' ^«°- R*n""Jon, Robert 1798 5tli February. 179,3 4th September, 1793 •*
  • V. Tait, Jos. Baird, ''^ 1797 1797 ■■.■«th July, 1797 6th Deoemlwr, 1797 >. Ranudon, Robert 1798 OF GRAND LODGE OF NOVA SCOTIA. 47 inner I Reporting Candidates for .... 1793, 1794, 1795, 1796. 1797. 1798, 1799 Cert.ficates-David Curry, John Leech, Christopher Grumbley, John Caldwell, Mr. Bremner, Jas. Denham, Archibald McPherson, Moses Godfrey, John Poor Notice of withdrawal of Bro. McAIichail 11 funeral. ... ■I removal of Lodge Concerning Hall property Memorial of Thomai Kinnear to Grand Lodge Notice of withdrawal " .... Certificate of 9 Brothers Expulsion of a Brother Reporting Candidates Notice of withdrawal 1799 7 October, 1799 6th March, 1801 . . . . 15tli April, 1801 . . . August, 1801 15tli December, 1801 1802 1803 1803 , .30th January, 1804 from ISOO to 1814 1808 6tli December, 1809 No date. '. . . loth June, 1809 7th April, 1818 Letter— Master, Mate and Lieut., H. M. S. LaHogne Notice, changing 1,")5 to 188 Tyler Jack Martin's excuse for non-attendance ,^„ _^„i.„ Letter from Sec'y. John Philips to Grand Sec'y. Veithlregard to Thos , '^'^'"""g; 7th April, 1818 Answer to resolution of (Jrand Lodge •. . 13th October, 1826 Rep<.rung suspension of a Brother 6th December, 1826 Resolution of Lodge -reference suspension Kiti, Xovtiuber, 1827 Mi..utes of Emergent Meeting of Lodge i^t January! 1828 Letter , Sec'y. (ieo. Booth-concerning Royal Arch Chapter, 29tliJan'y., 1H29 M to Mr. Farquhar 2r,th May,' IH.SO Notice of suspension g^h .March, 1 8;i3 -^^'^"""■"^1 14th August, I8;i6 ST JOH.N-8 LODGE, No. 211, 265, HALIFAX, .V. S. Heturns of Officers, Members an Accounts and Recei nts—Gedfi.>« T.'.I" " V " Certificate-DonaklMcLean,;:; ""'""'■-*'"''^'''>'^'°''-tio„,for Monthly Collection for.. Accounts-Treasurer Ged.les-Monthlv CnI1«.." " ' ", R'^porting Candidate-Capt. Elisl.: ^ fp^ "^'"" ^"" ' - Accounts-Treasurer Geddes- Unnfii/n ■■" c.„,«»,„_j„„„ 0..* J:; *: '' c tr »■■,■-.■•■ Marvni .... '•*^'"> "'«*« » ilson, Thomas '"'" '"■" ''°"" ''■•>".'"-"«i.« K„i,;;,;„, „;„„ „,,-,, " Secretary Ward .... '-^'i July, 1 796 " „ "" ■■■• 2Sth Fel)ruary, 17<)7 Certificates-An.lrew Inglis, .J. X.' B„'„,i j" 'jV .. ' " ' ' ^th March, 1707 Reporting Candidates for -1'. ,-n, ^^ "* ' ' ' ' ••■ 1797 •••■ ^''^"•''»7. i7!»8,l8feeml)er. 1800 Account, .Secretary's, Joh./pillis, m^ andi«.V. '^^"' ""''•^"'''"^ 1«02 Notice Bro. Dickey .... ^ '' ' ' ' ' D«<^embor. I80.3 80.3 I or rMENTS ^ • • ■ • 19th May, 1787 •••• 24th June, 1787 ...1787 •••• 1788 farr.G.M., 27th Dec, 1788 en Diipee, Sutherland, 1789 "-y. Pnnting ....1790 1790 '■ roiit, 1790 and 1791, "fick, painting aprons, B. Clark, Receipts for )79I •••• ....January, 1791 ily(oIlection,&c.,&e., " ' ' * • • • .... 1 792 ly Collection, for 1793 ....1793 1794 .1796 1795 1790 ;••; ••• ....1790 ard rpjoined, 12th July, 1796 28tli February, 1797 7th Alarch, I797 S, IN(»0, ISOI, 1804, I80V, I8<»S, 1813, 1814, 1822 ••••■IthJuly, 1707 1805 .... 1798 _•••• ••• 1798 2nd April, J 799 •••• •••• 1800 -"X. ./th April, 1800 •row l-lflOO, 3i-«l August, 1800 inoeting t„ Mnsou Sth December, 1800 27th December, 1802 ••.. December, ]HOH 803 OF GRAND LODGE OF NOVA SCOTIA. Notice to Grand Lodge that they will not walk in procession or go 49 WilNou, Thomas June, Ctli September, 8th November, .Srd Noveuiber, 3rd January, . fltli February, 9th February, dinner M withdrawal Henry Newton " II John Lanigan .... Accounts — Treasurer's Notice of expulsion .... .... Proposition for school purposes .... Letter to Grand Lodge " reporting Installation, W. M. Pike " approval Bro. Bennett Copy of summons to Bro. Rigby igt February, Reporting withdrawal of Isaac Rigby .-jtli February! " E.B.Fitzgerald 2nd April,' Letter respecting expulsion of a Bro. 2iu\ June, Reporting Candidates— Lieut. Bremner, Ensign Butler, Lieut. \V. Pixon, all 98th Regt 5th March, Reportintr wiihdrav»-al of Bro. Fillis 4th March, " Sullivan 4th Augui^^t, Lf > ■ . (m Grand .Secretary Jamuuy , .. (I!;!.!" .... .... ivcijoi ling Candidates— .lohn Stairs, &c., Sec 29th June, June, acct, current in Ijook fnmi ; Notice of suspension of a Bro Approval Candidate— Thonuis Heavyside Cerl iticate — Thomas Curtis ... . .... Accounts — Treasurer's ..., " — E. St.Clair 11 — Thos. Heavyside ; bal. sheet memo, of dues Printed lists of Grand Lodge officers Accounts- John Scott, Edwaid Albro Proposition for Masonic Ball from Henry Pettie, J. W. Union Lodge, 29th January, Minutes of Emergency Lodge 28tli JunV, Petition for aid from Joini King 4tli .Iiily, Rough Minutes of r,odge meeting 4th July, Letter from (J rand .Sec'y., announcing fornuition of 2 new Lodges, viz: Eastern Star, No. 37, .St. Andrew's, N. B., ami Union, No. 38, St. •^"'"'' >"^- 1* 5tli October, Accounts - Suppers .... . , , , Letter from Secretary Allport Notice of expulsion of a Bro I'tli February, Letter from Secretary Jojm Sterling to (irand Secretary, concerning pub- lication of Masonic books by one Finch— stating that the VV. M. of Lodge No. 205 was present in (irand Lodge of England, and the 1803 1803 1803 1804 1804 1804 1804 1S04 1 805 1805 18<>6 1805 1805 1800 1807 I8<'7 1808 1809 1809 1810 1810 180« 1811 1812 1813 1813 1814 1S14 1814 1S14 1814 I SI 5 IHIP so ANCIENT MASONIC DOCUMENTS fV?- author was expelled for betravimr ti,„ ^ giving public lectures on same ^ ^ """""'' "^ ''"' ^^'^^^ ^^^ Report of Committee, relative to rnn „i„' 1' ' • " ' " ' ^"'' February, " W. M., enclosing returns ^^'^^ October, Printed circular from G L to nil i i " ■•■ July. member. . . . . ; "" ^"''«^«' ^'^''"'"g against an .mworthy Accounts and receipts from 1 794 till ' " ' ^^*'' ^^^cember. Letter from Edward McSweeney Candulate's petition, Lieut. Longmore Roval A...n" ' ' ' ^''''' '^''*"^'''"' Letter from D. G. M. Thompson Ou^l in T "'"^ ' ' " " '«"' M'^rch, Copy of letter from Kdward'!" poS t E.^h"' '''^"'."'- ' ^"^'- ^'^y (iregory .... ^ * '" *"'• "'"'Por. introducing \Vm. Resolution of St. John's, No.' 205, reiau"ve to M„,„., „,:,•, •, . ^""' ^-^y- play house , . . . "'^"" Wall being used as a 13th October, 1819 1820 1820 1818 1822 1820 1822 18^2 1822 1828 .1784 till 1835 1780 1784 "•"•• wuiooer, DIGBY LODGE, N«. fi-ST. M.^rys LODPK v = Returns, Officers, Members and Dues, from Letter fro-n A. Kysli .... November, " with Memo. . ..." P,.,> " . ""•' "■'^'■<'«is with List Officers" Papers concerning difficulty with Bro. Kysh Notice of withdrawal of \Vn. McDonald Letter to Bro. McDonald from A. G Kvsh w'm Letter from P. M. McDonald ' "*• ''^^''' ^' M- • • , Ow....emen.,fd..stewa;;;,ai„stc„ndnc;W^ • llth Fcliruary, ••'•Tith March, loth March, f "ly, • 'ind August, L'Xh .August, '*'th August, Digby, \o. tj . . Letter from .A. G. Kysh Tliomas Huggerford " ;!.?''" ''^'''';'«.''"'"^V.'m: and Br'ethren " """nas Majoribanks from Lod;re Duiil-cate Letters .... '-""ge.... Letter from R. TennomiTr t„ t i - • • • • lenpenny to Lodge 6, explaining his withdrawal. Digby Loilge, reference Bro Kvsh .',*!' •'''■'"'""y. P. Master Kysh ^ ' ' " " ' ' ' '"' February, 18th F.-bruary, 1784 1785 1785 1785 1785 1785 1785 1785 20tli December, •■September, 'li'th AuguHt, 1785 Kith August, 1785 >^'>llior Urothersof !^th Doceniber, September, OF GRAND LODGE OF NOVA SCOTIA. 3i^d .Taniuiry, •'"'th February, • • T, . - St" January, 1789 Letters from Bro. Bncigewater -7th February, 1789, 18th February, 1789, 22nd July, 1789, 24th July, 1789. Ireasurer pgg Digby Lodge -in favor of Robert Rae .... 23rd Julv 1789 Rutherford, P. M. Ofi t ,.7nr Ti Tsu 9th January, 1790 John Hdl ... lan T i-ru-w ,, TT . , „, 18th June, 1^90 __ Huggertord, W . M. . . . 21st April, 1790, 27th December. 1790 M. and Sec'y Fareman .... 8th .lanuary, 1701 concernmg installation, .Sissiboo, and charges Bro. „ ,. ^I''.'''*: ^ 2lHt January, 1791 1 HK-cediugs of Digby Lodge from 3rd November, 1789, till. ... 1st March, 17Cil <» » . r „. l\ -'th March, 1791 Matements from W . M. un.l Wardens in regard to P. M. Huggerford, , ,, , „. ,, , „ *^th April, 1791 Letter from W . M. and Wardens in regard to P. .M. " W.M.Hill .... lOH m'^"!' I^u! T , „.,, l"th Marcn, 1,91 John Hdl .,0,1 r ,, i, , -8th .lune, 1/91 ■Secretary I oreman-9th July, 1791, i9th November, I79I, l^th November, 1791, 4th January, 1792 Treasurer Nash 2nd April, 1792 Secretary Foreman 7th July, 1792 ;; W.M.John Hill 10th August, 1792 Jos. Peters to D. Clark, enclosing certificate Digby Lodge, 1st .September 1792 enclosmg 100 copies of Revd. Bro. Viets' sc^rn.on, Festiv.-i 8t. John Bajjtist 2-g.2 Seoreta-yMcEUheney 2nd January," 1793 14tli January, 1793 .Statement from .Tames Hugston uu, Ja.mary, 1793 K-xtract of lette. from Bro. Bridgewater 9th January, 17C3 Letters from Secretary Marford .... 4th April, 1793, 9th July, 1793 ref, celebration St. Johi<.s and Bro Viets- sermon 30th December, 1793 Letter from James Foreman jy^j 52 im m- ANCIENT MASONIC DOCUMENTS 1794 Letter reference to Revd. Brc. Viets' sermon, -iohn Marford Letter from John Marford, Sec'y. ..." ''*'* January, 1 795 George Nash, Secretary ' " ' • • ■ ' "^5 Secretary Marford dth ki "" ,,.^" ' -Warcli, 1795 _ y iariorrt. . . . 4th February, 1796 ; 11th February, I797 • .eth March, 1797 othJuly, 1797 21st August, 1797 26tli November, 1 797 15th January, 15th August, 1798 John (iregg Secretary Marford James Foreman Bro. Hill.. Secretary Marford James Foreman, for 6 Lottery Tickets 5th Marcli, 1799 Rev, Roger Viets **'' "^P"'- '799 James Foreman "0*1 a 22nd June, 1799 " James Hugirn J 'w " ^"'"''' ''"^ ''''y' '»"' J"-' '"f»« P. Master Rutherford " " ' " " " " ' " "^'*''' ^'^P'^m^'e''- 1799 Letter from James Foreman "^"^' I^ecember, 1 799 John Hill . 1st April, 1800 " Secretary Foreman ■'■■.. ' ' " Joth ;;.;; orl?) ^'^'''^'y' '^00 lOtli Jan., 25th June, 1801 ; John Marford, with enclosures l*'ti> January, 1802 Sec'v VV r ■■■■ '0th May, i8(W Digby Lodge ■■■■ '''''•^""«' 1809; 5th June, 1810 ;; " reference ;xdusion of a Bro' -?;''/"'^/ ^'^^ W. Master.. 'th April, 1823 Documentsjelating to No. 6 Lodge '(Nos. I'to U) " " ' ' '^^'' ^^'-•""^'^'•''•' 1824 Report of Committee to investigate JomDkfnt!''ni 1 ' ' 'r ' ' ' ' '^-"^ Letter from Mr. M.^rton . . . "'"'P''^'nt«' ^'H^Y L. . . 20th July, !8-.'4 Letter from Mr. J], uton 19tli July, 1824 22nd November, 1824 Petition praying for \Varrant to'be retai.ied " " " ' ^^''\^y^''^^^^\ 1 824 Minutes of Temporary Cirand Lodge for L.stalling St" Mary's "no'^;''' '''' Letter fro,„ D. Rutherford, Secretary. ... ,0th November!" iS'S "'' November, 1828, 2rnh DecJmbeV, 1828 " Ex. )ting New Warrant, •-tth July, J 828 Letter reporting exclusion of a Brother ''*'' '^'""-'' ^^'^^ laso HENTS 1794 29th October, 1794 Dration St. John Biip- • . . . 7th January, 1 795 1795 6tli March, 1795 1796; nth February, I797 . .6th March, 1797 5th July, 1797 21 St August, 1797 ..26th November, 1797 anuary, 15th August, 1798 5th March, 1799 4th April, 1799 22n(l June, 1799 9th May, 1 9th June, I799 • 24ih Septem))er, 1799 ■ • . .2nd December, 1799 alien under censure 2nd December, 1 799 1st April, 1800 12th February, IgOO 1., 25th June, ISOI ; 1 oth January, 1 802 -0th May, 180.3 'e, 1809; 5th June, ISlO . . !?Oth July, 1813 7th April, 1823 ■ 13tli December, 1824 1824 1824 I-i. .. 20th July, 18i.'4 •••• 19th July, 1824 , .22nd November, 1824 23rd, November, 1824 10th March, 1827 Mary's, No. 55, 9th February, 1828 '"her, 1829, 19th I, 2.')th December, 1828 Warrant, 14th July, 1828 • ■.. 12th June, 1830 1830 OF GRAND LODGE OF NOVA SCOl'IA, 53 Petition from John Brook to be re-instated Letter from D. Rutherford, Secretary .1 D. Sutherland, L. 843 July, 1830 2nd January, 1832 , . lOtii January, 1835 TEMPLE, No. 7, GUYSRORO, N. S, Proceedings of installation of Lodge No. 7 at Chcdebucto, 6th \oveud)ei, lieturns of officers, members and dues from 1783 till Petition for warrant from Chcdebucto .stb October Letter from \Vm. Gibson, enclosing minutes of (iran.l Lodge pro tem.,' 7th November, VVm. Campbell, announcing installation of Xo. 7 on 6tb inst. 12th Xoveml)ei'. Proceedings of Temple Lodge yu, ])e,eM,ber, liCtter from \Vm. Campbeli ^ jl Latham Hubbell, ei.closing proceedings and order for money,' 23rd April, Proceedings of Temple Lodge, Manchester Letter from W. M. Wyatt with " f,,,- " Richard Morris, with list of officers 2.'ith March, y^'m. Grant, Treasurer, with returns, officers and accounts. 301 1 1 Mav, fith .\lav, Wm. Campbell, P. M., remittance, etc ... 18tli Juno I>roceedit,gs of Temple Lodge 2nd January, Letter from Wm. Campbell-regard to cdebration St. John's Day, « „ . . nth Aprd, describing anniversary feau^ ami .sermon by P. (i. Chaplain Weeks .j^jj, j,„|^ " Wm. Grant and lists of officers nth Mav' Petition from several Brethren to become R. A. \f. 2.')tli February' Letter from Joseph Marshall, reporting death of Bro8."(Jrant and ' ' ^'''"•^"^^'^'e 27th November, Letter from Joseph Marshall, W. M 2(nh .April, Decision in case of J. F. A. Stickles .... 5th December', Petition to Grand Lodge for aid for Lodge room Memorial of " with documents enclosed . . 17th Februaiy, Letter fnmi W. M. Marshall ... j„„^,' " " Abner Atwatei— regard to tunds withheld, Ist July, "f Temple Lodge— refer«;nce to warrant of Regent Lodge, \o. 41 , Antigor -sh 9th December, 1784 1828 1784 178+ 1784 1784 17S7 .1788 I7(iS 1 792 1792 1 793 17!H) 1797 1798 1798 1798 1800 1804 1810 1815 1815 1816 1817 1822 1824 54 ANCIENT MASONIC DOCUMENTS /■-« ,818 Letter in reference to givineWardpnshir. « , t. relincjnishijig charter Statement of account Letter from Isaac Wylde Reporting exclusion of a Bro Returning old warrant No. 7 Grant, \V. M. . . 20tl) December, 1825 1826 and 1827 10th March, 1827 21st December, 1828 expecting new No. 830- Letter from John Letter from W \f „. i • ,■ "^' 2nd December, 1829 trom W. M. and immediate P. M., complaining of treatment regarding warrant ^ \ ueatment Uth April, 1830 FIDELITY LODGE, No, 7. ROYAL FUSILIERS, HALIFAX. ( Be;/t.Hter€d Lower Canada.) Returns of officers, members and dues Letter from Sec'y. Clark, enclosing "uni ^.^S V'" T " ..eclining to receive G. Lod^, as barracks ar;;;nder':epa,- -7'^^' '"' " /■.oni Secy Clark-removal of Lodge to Grand Lodge rol'l^i '''' " fromT"" ^ '?"'""^ "' *" ^'•" '°'' ''«-^*'"". 1« '' ^-ov-iiber 1795 _^ f.o.n 8ec y. Hughes, reference exclusion of a Bro., . . 7th .lanuary.' 1796 " CInnU ="';'f""'«°ffi'''^''« 27th January, 1796 Clark, with hst members initiated since arrival Jn iNova Scotia ia*i r. i <■ .1 oio^i f , "'til l '797 Letter, reference expulsion of a Bro " ?l!l' J^^^^^''^''. 1797 " << ., ^^th December, 1798 " '""\Si-sr-^"^-"^'- "^'^ ^- -'i-ovaioftg:';:; '''' Certificate of brethren to become Royal Arch' Masans ' " ' 'S'h ^''r^''' '"O^ Letter from W. Master and Wardens ' .tf ! ^'^'^'■"'''•>'' ' ^O^ • • • • •Jt" September, 1809 9th December, 1824 [—reference to 20tli DeceniBer, 1825 .... 1826 and 1827 loth March, 1827 21st December, 1828 etter from John . 2nd December; 182» ng of treatment Ilth April, 183a S, HALIFAX. ..from 1794 till 1809 18th .N'ovember, 1794 r repairs, l«th July, 1795 idge room, and 8t)i November, 1795 . 7th January. 1796 .27th January, 1796 lice arrival in 18th February, 1796 ting at special . . 8th March, 1796 17th April, 1796 :e, 2.3rd May, 1796 • • 20th June, 1796 , 18th June, 1796 1(1 November, 1796 th December, 1796 »nd of initiat- 9th January, 1797 )egree, oth June, 1797 th December, 1797 th December, 1798 • • 24th July, 179ft il of Lodge to d December, J 801 th February, 1 800 I September, 1809 OF GRAND LODGE OF NOVA SCOTIA. HIRAM No. 8, SHEET HARBOUR, N. S. Returns of officers, members and dues from Memorial of A. Sutherland for Warrant 1788 till 3rd September, 18th October, Letter and Proceedings of Lodge 27th November, Copy of Istter from Grand Sec'y Peters x) A. Sutherland. .24th October Letter from N. P. Olding 4th December,' Two orders on Brothers Stairs, Cook and Logan , . .5th September, Letter from A. Sutherland eth September] 19th July, " J. W. Schwartz to Mr. Peters— reference to Hiram Lodge ^"^8 • 21st July, Letter from A. Sutherland to N. P. Olding 29th July, Account with Grand Lodge from lygg tjn Proceedings of Lodge .Srd January, Letter from N. P. Olding . . .1st September, 1792, 15th November, " Sec'y Sutherland . . 5th March, 1793, 22nd April, 1793, 5th June, Statement of accounts .... .... .... , gth August Letter from N. P. Olding, W. M.— no date .' , J. W. Sutherland 22nd April, N. P. Olding 2l8t August, Letter from J. Sutherland 24th July, 1796, 30th, 55 1793 1784 1784 1784 1787 1787 1788 1788 1789 1789 1789 1793 1792 1792 1793 1793 1794 1794 1796 CHESTER LODGE, No. 9. Returns Officers, Members and Dues from 1789 till 1807 Memoaial of W. Kennedy and others for a Warrant 7th October, 1784 " 1' for Lodge at Chester, Proceedings of W. Bro. Fife at Chester, in virtue of Dispensation, 8th December, 1789 *^«"^°"*1 14th December, 1784 Letter from Thos. Thompsou— reference Celebration St. John's Day, 17th January, 1785 •» i> Notice only meet quarterly, although pay- ing monthly dues I3tli June, 1 785 " " Regard to Dispute 7th November, 1785 •' I' and List Names for Registering, _, 8th February, 178(> .1 Sec y Cooper— Exclusion of a Brother 29th March, 1787 Franklyn Etter-and Return 21st January, 1790 " " " 22nd December, 1790 M Thos. Thompson— Abstract from Books from Warrant till 24th June 7l 1. June, 1791 56 ANCIENT MASONIC DOCUMENTS I'^W'' 7th June, 1791 -1st January, 1791 . . . . 21 bt January, 1791 11th December, 1791 . 17th February, 1795 12th October, 1796 2nd May, 1 796 . , 18tli January, 1796 12th February, 1798 2n(l April, 1798 oth March, 1805 Letter from Thos. Thompson about Dispute " 'I and Returns '1 Franklyn Etter Memorial of Jamea Rreechun for aid Letter from Sec'y Pattillo ... Certificate (English) Daniel McKerroni 3rd Sep't..' 1796 Le ter m regard to taking of Suspension of a Brother Letter from Sec'y A. Pattillo and Return " " Thos. Thompson „ " " " regarding Dues " " " and Returns 27th April, 1805, May, 1807 ST. GEORGE'S, No. ll' ., 832, C0RNWALLI8, N. S. Proceedings .... Returns of officers, memioers, and dues ; ' " " , J ' ®^~' ®^* L,n„ ,„„. ,„.„, p_.;, „,';;-, .,,-•,,,,;■,.::- ';™;'''' p, '„ <^'"l»»'"' ■'• "f- »■ "..nicy, IVe^ner, A. Wlllo«„bbv A. i^ampbell, Thomas iSewman, &c. idti. tj^ i ,^„^ ■■ B. Belcher, Seorelar, »b November, 1797 " "'- ^'■'-»'". >"• « « i™ , oVh Ap,.i,: iZ: '"" ■• j.™e, B„cb.„.„. wu,/" *""'■ ""' ' *" trr""' '*»' ■■ Epl™.„ci.;k., 28.1>Oe,ol.r,,8,l W. M. ••™' ^P"l> 1^13 enclosing Return -'7th December, 1821 C. J. Fox, \V M December, 1822 " Jas. Fox, Secretary -'st December, 1828 W. Master "" ' 6th January, 1830 " James Fox '■■' 1830 " Cornelius C. Fox. 'secretary' " . , „-. V. f ?"'' ^f ^ •^ ••■• 2.jtli October, 1830 WINDSOR LODGE, \o. 13. Returns of Officers, Members and Dues from Memorial for a Warrant • . . . 1787 tai 1 794- • oth September, 1786 OF GRAND LODGE OF NOVA SCOTIA. 57 7th June, 1791 21st January, 1791 -Ibt January, 1791 th December, 1791 th February, 1795 I2th October, 1796 . . . 2nd May, 1 796 8th January, 1796 th February, 1798 2ncl April, 1798 March, 1805 . 1805, May, 1807 N. S. .. 1783-1824 om 1793 till 1829 lary, 1797; th January, 1797 • W. Skiue, V'illoughby, iielius ?^ox, I February, 1 797 h Febrvary, November, 1797 . . June, 1799 pril, 1801 ; September, 1803 6th April, 1807 8th April, 1809 > October, 181 i 5th April, 1813 December, 1821 December, 1822 December, 1828 sptember, 1828 1 August, 1829 January, 1830 .... 1830 • ■ April, 1830 October, 1830 . 1787 till 1 794 ptember, 1786 Letter reference to Memorial for Warrant signed by sent by R. Robson, of 86th Regt Proceedings of Installation Minutes to .... Letter from J. B. Franklyn with enclosures ft Secretary DesChamps .... Letter respecting Bro. Hammiel Letter from Secretary Van Norden .... " " .... .... E.xtract from Minutes on Suspension of Bro. Rigby Letter from Sec'y Deschamps respecting same . . It Bro. Van Norden .... .... " II .... .... Memorial of James Cannon , , . . Letter from Sec'y Day .... .... Statement of Windsor Lodge till Charity Account .... Letter from Sec'y Gray .... .... II John Van Norden .... .... " 11 .... .... II Secretary Gray .... .... .... II John Van Norden .... .... John McMonagal, . . . . IC'li September, 1785 . . .3rd October, 1785 1787 ....8th March, 1787 8th April, 1788 20th November, 1788 11th May, 1789 7th December, 1789 13th February, 1790 8th June, 1790 25th October, 1790 17th January, 1792 17th January, 1792 6th July, 1792 . . December, 1792 1793 5th March, 1793 30th September, 1793 ... 17th December, 1793 15th March, 1794 12th June, 1794 FORT EDWARD LODGE, No. 45, WINDSOR, N. S. Letter from \V. Master . . Return of Officers, Members and Dues 12th December, 1821 from 1822 to 1824 WALMESLEY LODGE, No. 14, PICTOU, N. S. List of officers for .... .... ,.., .... .... ,... i78<) Letter from John Eraser to Secretary Peters— mention about a Post Office to be established soon in Pictou 30th January, 1789 Letters from John Fraser, W. M., Jas. Ellmsley, S. W„ S. Corbett, con- cerning warrant 4th May, 1789 Letter from John Fraser to Secretary Peters 5th October, 1 789 NEW CALEDONIA LODGE, No. 35, PICTOU, N. S. Returns, officers, members and dues from 1810 till 1827 Letter from Dr. Jas. Skinner, Treasurer igiQ Pefition to Grand Lodge to set aside rule that a W. M. may not continue above 2 years in office— in favor of James Skinner .... 1810 Letter to Grand Lodge in reference to expulsion of James Logis, " ■' from P. M. Graham, resigning 6th June, 1810 58 ANCIENT MASONIC DOCUMENTS A letter to Grand Lodge from W. M. and Wardens, apologizing for not making return : 25th June. 1810 reference expulsion James Logie- expelled, Letter from R.chard Masters 23rd Outober, 1812 " R^i,„„t r , 1st February, 1813 Robert Logan, enelosmg petition on behalf of James Logie, " James Skinner, W. M 9th March," 1813 Certificate— James Stevenson Letter from James Dalgleish, Sec'y to Samuel Herron' " James Skinner Wardens to Grand Lodge Letter to Grand Lodge from Alexander Thain, Halifax ....""'... from Hugh Denoon to Grand Lodge XretLr'''"''~''^'" "^"""'^ exdusion'and expulsion ;f' " from Dr" Johnstone, ' ;.;porting ' ;xclusion of a' Bro. ^'^'""'' '''' '• enclosing returns .... ^'^' ^f/"^^' ^824 Petition for » -^** October, 1830 '< „ 25th October, 1830 ....1831 CORNWALLIS LODGE, 15, HALIFAX, iV. S. . . 8th March, ISU October, 1814 .17th August, 1816 lOtli January, 1817 ■ 17th April, 1818 2nd October, 1819 . . 12th October, 1819 .1821 Cash paid to (irand Lodge Returns of officers, members and dues Certificate Win. Morris Letter from Secretary Waytt Reporting Candidates for Notice of removal of Lodge Suspension of Bro. Nutting Notice of removal of Lodge Certificate Michael Bennett " Edward Roe " Wm. Bartlett .... Vote of £150 toward building Masonic Hall Reporting Candidates for Certificate Wm. Hayman W, J. Symons ........'"". Reporting Candidates for Notice of withdrawal December, 1787 • • ■ 1787 till 1802 August, 1790 18th July, 1791 1793 1794 ..2 0th January, 1794 16th June, 1794 29th August, 1794 27th November, 1794 . ... Uth March, 1795 27th October, 1795 15th March, 1797 1797 • • ■ . 19th April, 1797 3rd July, 1798 1798 I2th January, 1799 ng for not : 2r)th June, 1810 xpelled, Jid Ootober, 1812 at February, 1813 ames Logic, 9th March, 1813 8th March, 1814 .. October, 1814 th August, 1816 th January, 1817 17th April, 1818 id October, 1819 ith October, 1819 1821 lulsion of Februaay, 1826 February, 1824 8th May, 1827 h October, 1828 it October, 1830 h October, 1830 1831 )ecember, 1787 ■ 1787 till 1802 August, 1790 8th July, 1791 • • ■ . 1793 1794 January, 1794 6th June, 1794 1 August, 1794 ovember, 1794 Ii March, 1795 October, 1795 1 March, 1797 1797 th April, 1797 Ird July, 1798 1798 January, 1799 OF GRAND LODGE OF NOVA SCOTIA. 59 Minutes of Committee of enquiry Notice of return to former Lodge room Letter from H. N. Bromey , , . , '■ \V. Master Prescott .... " Secretary Newton. . . Notice for warrant to lay dorniam , .. . Reporting candidates for Letter enclosing Grand Lodge resc-i. ii " from F. Hutchison to D. G. M. Letter concerning removal of Lodge to Grand Lodge room, Grafton St nr • 1 r . , w S*'i March, 1800 Memorial of Andrew Murdoch to Grand Lodge in reference summoning a Bro. before Grand Secretary 4th Decen.ber, 1800 Memorial of Andrew Murdock respecting grievances .... 3rd December, 1 800 ' Bro Wilt 4th Decemljer, 1800 Keportuig candidates for lun^ 1801 2nd March, 1801 20th April, 18 1 character, 3vd July, 1796 ]cate, pteinber, 1796 1th June, 1797 No date, October, 1797 Supreme sceinl)er, 1797 )dge, iceniber, 1797 ebruary, 1798 1 March, 1798 sions in jbruary, 1798 nt, h April, 1798 'arrant, August, 1798 leniber, 1798 jference :eniber, 1798 ^rris, imiiary, 1799 •ctober, 1799 March, 179!) ;eniber, 18(X) b July, 180O Petition praying for Warrant ... .August, 1800 Letter from T. Hogan, enclosing minutes of G. L. pro tern., constituting ^, ^°-^^ 26th September. 1800 Letter from Ingram Ball (thanks) gth February, 1801 Copy of letter from Past Masters of Lodge, praying to explain to the Grand Lodge of England their conduct in paying no attention to summonses issued by Bro. Campbell ) . . . No date. Copy of letter from Ranno Cossit to Maj. Genl. Despard .... 2nd Sept 1801 Letter from Bennett Clarke to Duncan Clark .... 20th September, 1801 Copy of Proceedings 13th S> . tember, 1801 Letter from T. Hogan gist September, 1801 p ,.,. '' ^" 1st January, 1802 Petition from Ingram Ball 14th February, 1803 Summons of D. G. M. Campbell, pro fern., for G. Lodge . . 17th Octrber, 1803 Letter from T. Hogan, enclosing dupliate with a report of 2()th October, and note from Bennet Cllarke to D. Clark, Esq i: , February, 1804 Letter from T. Hogan to W. Bro. Campbell, refusing to accept his with- drawal at present, but dispensing with his attendance, 23rd June, 1S04 Letter from Sec'y. Clark to G. Sec'y., announcing having only met quar- terly for some time past 20th December, 1810 HIRAM LODGE, No. 17, ST. JOHN, N, B. Returns of officers, members, and dues, from 1786 till .... 1795 Letters from Secretary Lennet-24th September. 1788, 23rd ' January] " 1789 J- Hayt .... 20th Mareh, 1790, 23rd December, 1790 ^'■"•""g'l •••• .... 8th January, 1792 W. M. Lennet-8th April, 1792,7th November, 1792, ISth ^I«V, 1793, 24th July, 1793, 7th November, 1793 officers to G. Secretary Selby ist August, 1793 ," Secretary nt,, December, 1793 Wni. Campbell— regard investigation of matter of \V. M. Sinnett 27th January! 1794 Mins of Committee to investigate matter of W. M. Sinnet. . . . 5th April 1794 Letter from Secretary " John Sinnet ■ " Lodge to G. L. rcgariling Bro. Sinnet Copy of letter from Jas. Hayt Letter from VV. Syinonds to (Jrand Sec'y Copy of letter of Grand Council Letter from Secretary 4th February, 1795, 4lh July,' 1795 Lodge— regard decision of Grand Lodge in re .Sinnet, r, , , . 27th July, 1795 topy of resolution-regard to apology to Grand Lodge. . . .2na September, 179& 16th April, 1794 25lh November, 1794 . 23rd October, 1794 14th December, 1794 2nd June, 1795 .20th July, 1795 62 ANCIENT MASONIC DOCUMENTS i Letter from Lodge to H. VV. Duncan Clark, J. Selby an.l J. IJroniner regard to Bro. Sinnet 8th February, 1795 Memor.a from George Mathers and John Ryan . . . . i ,th October 1803 Petition from Craven Caboerley 3,,, o^,„,^;^ ^3 , ROYAL NAVY LODGE, No. 18. Copy of Letter from Wm. Davidson Return of Officers, Members and Dues Letter from Jos. Peters List of Members of Royal Navy instituted " Letter announcing removal Lodge from Indian King to Mr Tavern .... Reporting Candidates for .27tli August, from ] 787 to Miu'di, 7tli March, (iallagher's 17th June, 1784 1803 17S6 1787 Certificate— Andrew Liddell Letter from John Palminter Reporting exclusion of a Brother Reporting Candidates for Letter from Wooden (William) Withdrawal of Wm. Lav.ler and John Parminton ' Certificate— Capt. « 'hristopher Waltham II Abraham Robot II Elias Ford .... II Roger Atcherley II John Osman .... Notice, Bro. Lawler rejoined Resolution— That any resident member absenting cessively shall be considered withdrawn Certificate- Alex. Skene II T, H. Wilson, John Pearce II Anthoney Murdock II Singsbey Simson, Wm. Stewart . . II John Holmes , , . . Reporting Candidates for . . ' Certificate— Henry Pudsey Reporting Candidates for Certificate — (ieorgc Snowden .... .... II Rich I Whitehead II Montgomery Boswcll Letter, with Minutes from Secretary Wood Certiflcftte— James Atcherley, Robert Hume 11 — Thomas Rolison .... Suspr nsion of a, Bro, for not coming forward to get 6th Deceinbei', 12th February, Ist February, 14th May, 18th May, 0th July, 19tii December, .... 24th Decomlicr, 30th Di'coiiiiior, 10th May, himself 3 nights suc- 12th May, 14th July, .... 2.'')th August, 20th August, .... 22iid October, 3rd N()Veml)er, 1791 1793 1794 1793 1794* 1795 1795 1795 1795 1795 1795 1795 1795 1795 1796 20th November, . . 27th .Iimuary, • • . . 271 h Junuiiry, . . 30th January, .... I4tli March, .... 3ril Juno, MHh.hmu. Degroco in time, 26tli Docomber, 1706 1796 1796 1796 1796 1796 1796 1796 1797 1797 1797 1797 1797 1797 1798 1798 OF GRAND LODGE OF NOVA SCOTIA. 63 Bremner ehruary, 1795 October, 1803 October, 18o3 August, 1784 1787 to 1803 Miiroli, 1786 March, 1787 laghcr'a li June, 1791 .... 1793 1794 L'cinber, 1793 bruary, 1794' .... 1795 1796 bruary, 1795 1) May, 1795 h May, 1795 1 July, 1795 lember, 1795 etn1x>r, 1795 «!iiibor, 1795 1 May, 179(J iIh huc- 1 May, 179« I July, 179f) iiKust, 1796 uguHt, 1796 •tolior, 179G ember, 1796 .. 1796 -•iiibor, 1790 .... 1797 inmry, 1797 Miaiy, 1797 uiary, 1797 larch, 1797 June, 1797 June, 1798 ■S ■inhor, 1798 Reporting candidates for 1798 11 Lieut. J. Lennox, Henry Long, Peter Applechief (a Russian), Geo. Meredith, Lieut. John McLeod, 12th June, 1799 " Sergeant Bryan O'Brien .... 1 1th September, 1799 Certificate— James Thorn 16th November, 1799 M --Joseph Weaver 22nd February, 1800 Reporting candidates for 1800, 1801 Letter, changing Lodge from Wentword Tavern to Smith's Prince Ed- ward Hotel 28th July, 1801 Letter from Sec'y. John Moody, regard Mu ..nic Hall, 17th August, 1801 Witlidrawal of John Simson 13th January, 1803 Retirement of Bro. Wallace 11th Miiy, 1803 Apology of \V. M. Owen, for non-attendance at procession, 24th June, 18C;^ Notice, expulsion of n Brother 10th August, 1803 Explanation of withdrawal of Bro. Wm. Snolling . . . . 16th October, i803 Reporting exclusion of a Bro. .. • 13th March, 1804 Recjuest for new Warrant No date. ST. GEORGE'S LODGE, No. 19, MANGERVILLE. Returns of officers, members and dues from 1792 till. ... .... . . . . Warrant granted at New York to .St. George's Lodge, No. 2, New Brunswick, and papers attached .... ... .9th January, Letter from Win. Campbell 16th July, Memorial .30th July, Letter from Bro. Siveet 10th .September, Letter from Secretary Street 30th July, .1 Upham .... II II • . I • .... .... .... .... .... Draft on Hugh Johnstone June, Letter from Secretary Perley .... .... ... .... .... M Dibblee .... 17th November, Letter from W. M. and Wardens lOtli August, Report of . 18th March, 17!)7; ].5tbMa-vi. 17 1785 till ''"' '^''''"''^' Jlf Memo of proceedings of Temnorarv < ',■«„ ] r , ^^^6 Royal Lodge' No. 2'"^ ^°''^'' ^°"«^'tuting Annapolis Letter from P. Ryerson, W. M March, 1795 20th r)eceml)er, 1796 Memorial for pai don from an erri.m 7?,*^* 1 ," ' " ^*'"' •^"""'^'y. 1797 Letter fro„>SecVThon a cluvZ'.' ^"*"''^'' ' 27th February. 1797 y lion as tornwall announcmg withdrawal of 3 Brothers Letter from Sec'y T^ri^^'c^ZT ''''''"'■''' '^«^- 2«^" ^-mher' 1797 sniith.EiundX::::ir=-:;-z;!.:^™ Letter promising to pay dues *'*'' ^^««=embcr, 1798 .. fron, Peter Duncan. W. M. Lodge 580 Tl T'^T"' H^' Report to Grand Lodge 1/th December. 1799 Letter from John Van Rinkle .. , » "• ^^"^ ,, I ' til Feliruary, 1800 Petition from John Va: Rinkle for lid with d;aft of a^iswer by al'^i ''"' IMhf , ', 1800 OF GRAND LODGE OF NOVA SCOTIA. 67 Memorial from John Van Rinkle Letter from Wm. Webster M John Van Rinkle Report to Grand Lodge .... Reporting officers all reelected . . . Letter from Secretary Edson May, 1800 12th May, 180O June, 1800 1801 27th February, 1801 18th May, 1801 11 S. McAlpiue requesting silver mounted dagger, 30th March, 1801 Petition from Bro. Kitchin 13th December, 1816 Account from 1818 to .... .... .... 1825 Reporting exclusion of a Bro 13th September, 1810 Letter from Secretary 23rd January, 1825 Letters „ respecting returns and dues — March, August and September, 1825 Letters from Donald Taylor regarding leaving Lodge 2oth July, 1825 ST. JOHN'S LODOE, No. 26, CHARLOTTETOWN, P. E. L Return of officers, members, and dues from 1798 till 1829 Memorial of Chief Justice Stewart and Lieut. -Governor DesBrisay for a Warrant 22nd September, 1790 Application from brethren for a Warrant 18th July, 1797 Letter from E. Nicholson, Charlottetown, Island of St. John's, 14th July, 1797 Application from brethren for Warrant , 6th September, 1797 Petition for Warrant fiom Charlottetown, Island of St. John's, 12th September, 1797 Letter from E. Nicholson, Proceedings of Lodge 26, Tlianks for a Warrant, Letter from E. Nicholson, Secretary (iordon, n J. Campbell Stewart Secretary Gordon, No. 26 Lodge 26 to Grand Lodge II 12th September, 1797 19th October, 1797 22nd October, 1797 II 22nd October, 1797 11 27th October, 1797 M loth May, 1798 18th June, 1798 10th October, 1798 Uth May, 10th September, 24th October, 1799 II 11 enclosing returns and dues, 20th May, 1800 SeciitarvRobert Lee, No. 26 27th October, 1801 De St. Croix 13th July, 1808 Extract of Minutes Benevolent Lodge, 247, St. John's Newfoundland, in reference to expulsion of a Brother, admitted to Lodge No. 26, 1807, 1808, 1810 Letter from M. W. Holland and S. W. Benjamin De St. Croix, 12th April, 1810 Bro. Collier .... IGth April, 1811 &t. €8 ANCIENT MASONIC DOCUMENTS Letter from Ewen Cdmeron .... „., , ^^ , „, , TT nf 1X7. ,1- i:2nd May, 181 ' " a. M. Williams, referring to Warrant .... 5th June, 1811 M S. M. Williams, P. Raulus, J. Lose, W. Brossess, in regard to refusal to grant a Warrant for a second Lodge in Charlottetown 5th June 1811 Leer from Lodge to Grand Lodge 20thSep elb .' 18 Letter enclosmg extract of Proceedings .... 20th Julv IS Letter from De St. Croix, W M , rful ^' mA, ... ivi. 15th August, 1812 Secretary. . . 14th February, 1815, Ist September, 1816, 13th August, 1815, 16th March, 1822, 15th November, 1823, 8th w A/r . „, June, 1824, 19th July, 1825 " W. Master. . . .24th July, 1826, 27th Septe.r ber, 1825, 6th «„„' , . ^ December, 1825 .. Sec y, enclosmg Returns OiBcers 13th March, 1827 " ^°''8e to Grand Lodge 23rd February, 1828 " " praying for Bro. E. Cameron to be ^ ^ continued in chair. . .21st October. 1828 Owen Cameron to Grand Sec'y Veith 15th July, 1829 " " regard to changing No. 833, w A,f ♦ 29th October, 1829 " n. Master ... , , ^^ , ,„ 1st December, 1829 GOOD LODGE, No. 538, 580, ANNAPOLIS, 66th REGT. (Registry Ireland.) Returns Members, &c Letter changing place of Meeting ' " * M referring to Union of Good's No. 538,' 580, Annapolis' Royal 1799 1800 ..1800 HIBERNIA lodge. No. 27, LIVERPOOL, N. S. Returns of Officers, Members and Dues from ,.700 .,11 , « , « Complaint from Elisha Calkin, VVm. Freeman, Robert Hue^tonjlp ' Pron J''""?: *''" '""^ ^™'"°'''^' '•^S'^'"^* '^ Sr°t'-r 29th Jan«a.y 1799 '°'=^\^;'2:;J;-^P--y «-nd Lodge held at Liverpool at Consecration Letter f rom" Elish: 'calkin per Mr'.'Enos Collins " ". . . " ' ' 'H^ f^'' \lf, enclosing -^turns 26th March,' 1800 /-.„„„ i"c, '"*„ 18th December, 1804 '< and Secretary Bonnett, in regard to expulsion of a Brother by the Grand Lodge of Ireland 5th March, 1808 Letter enclosing returns ST. JOHN'S LODGE, 29. ST. JOHN, N. B. 8th March, 1804 OF GRAND LODGE OF NOVA SCOTIA. 69 Returns of officers, members and dues from 1803 till Notice from Secretary Donaldson .... .... II expulsion of a Brother .... II removal of Lodge to Cedey's Cofifee House (Letter enclosing returns .... .... .... II from Sec'y Hudden — reference changing place Letter from P. M. Durant II Secretary .... .... .... .... Report of John Dean and others .... Letter from Secretary Leavitt II Treasurer .... .... .... II Secretary ,.., Letter reporting exclusion of a Bro. ... II expulsion „ to be taken off 1824 4th July, 1804 25th October, 1 804 . 5th October, 1F08 27th December, 1810 meeting, 13th August, 1814 . . 13th August, 1814 ..6th September, 1816 .... 4th May.. 1821 . 27th December, 1821 .... 7th May, 1822 24th June, 1822 1825 Wl . 1799 1800 ....1800 TRINITY, No. 30, HALIFAX. Returns of officers, members, and dues ... .... Application for Warrant Memorial of W. Fraser, with enclosures II Lodge to Grand Lodge . . M W. M., Wardens and Members to G. L., " II II M Letter from W. Master .... , . , . ',< announcing departure of Bro. Gordon 11 reporting witiidrawal of J. O'Brien 11 II exclusion of a Bro .... Reporting candidates Nicholas Dobbin, John Huestis, &c., II withdrawal of Bro. W. Fraser .... II II 11 McLelland .... Letter, reference restoration of a Bro ..from 1803 till 18th January, 21st November, 5th November, 13th December, 2nd December, 14th August, , . 22nd August, 9th Januarj', June, 10th Feb'y, 19th February, 22nd October, . . 18th June, Reporting candidates Captains Clark, Geo. Priest. . . . 27th October, II withdrawal Bro. Hulsman 22nd January. M candidates Wm. Feehan, Ed. Fitzmaurice, Clias. King, Robt. Gotten, John Malley, Chas. A. McGowan, &c., 21st Feb'y., Letter, concerning funeral Bro. O'Brien .... 21st February, Reporting withdrawal of James Glenn 10th August, II death Bro. O'Brien II candidates . . .... .... .... . , 1805 & Subscription list for furnishing up-stairs room 4th September, Letter, reporting dissolution of Lodge 2l8t January, II returning Warrant 24th June, 1809 1803 1803 1803 1803 1803 1803 I8O4 1804 1804 1806 IHOfi IPOfi 1807 1807 1808 1808 1808 1808 1808 1809 1808 1810 1810 i 1 tti-f\ fj- ir^ iBm»mmmi>l!Br,l:li- •<•- 70 ANCIENT MASONIC DOCUMENTS Mir. A.' , .»>*b.;., Xo. 31, KINt^STON, N. B. Returns of offi, vrs, m.,abers and clues from 1805 till i S2« Letter iFrom ofHc-ers of Lodge No. 19, recommending a Lodge f^; Kingston,' • Letter fr'om' Christopher' SoweV ■".... o^VaJ"'' I3S „„ I . , • • • • • • • • 2Srd May, 1792 .. enclosing men,or,al and recommendation for warrant for Lo.lge a Knigston * .. from M»e, Foscer-Eeport „: , ,„ Ten.por.ry Gr,.,,,! Lo'.ig.' ,„, „ ntir-""'-'' .»3.p..v,s» ^^ 17th October, 1805 " W \f' r> 1 1 ' ■ ■ ■ . ■ ■ ■ ■ ^^^ Novendjer, 1805 L R ^""'^^''^'^"-'eference remittance. . . 2nd March, 1807 " iiro. Raymond ... o i r , . enclosing returns ... 2nd January, 1807 •■ reporting a Brother guilty of a heinous offence" " ' ' '' '^' Z^ enclosing return . "■r^ "V „ ■■ ■ December, 1821 .. from Jas^HenddJks. St:j;hn, X-'b! . . , . " ' " igth'january; ^824.1825 Petition . . 1826 Letter from James Hendricks 10th April, ,827 1st Marcl.. i S2& ORl'HAX'S FRIEND LODGE, No. 34, N. B. Return of Otiioevs, Members and Dues from . . lona nil la, . Letter from W. .M, and Wardens on behalf of 2 Mas'on'-; WidoH^s, Charges made by Joseph Whitney against Shubel Downs, of (akit ^^''''' '^^^ Letter from Wtary Stewart to Grand Secretary Veith 0^:!:;^^ '"'" Widows and Ornhnns . . 22nd August, 1815 " Shube ^ V, „s ,n r, ply to J. ,h Whitney .... gth June 181^ Samuel Hubott, W. M. oZlvT 30th July, 1825. NEWPORT LODGE, No. 36. Returns of Officers, Mem1>ors and Dues from Recommendation— Bro. Liswell Letter reporting exclusion of a Brother Letter from Secretary to C. Thomps.. . . .' . 03^,, February, 1819 27th Petition to Grand Lodge .... ""'''' "'^' ''^'f'^" '«^- ^«25 Letter from Benjamin Wier enclosing .t 0,n,;er« ' ' ' ' ^irS' \l^ Brot).er Wier's Statement of Building " " " " '^U tn ' im •••■I8I3till lg30 14th September. ISIS. OF GRAND LODGE OF NOVA SCOTIA. 71 EASTERN STAR LODGE, No. 37, ST. ANDREW'S, N. B. Returns of Officers, Members and Dues from 1815 till 1826 LetterKof thanks) from Ebenezer Bugby. ..30th July, 1814, 8th January, 1815, 25th April, 1816 Letter from Ebenezer Bugby, asking authority form a Mark Master's Lodge 20th May, 1815 " II and Return 27th December, 1S15 Copy of By-Laws of Lodge Letter from D. D. Morrison, W. 11., permission Funeral Procession, 24th April, 1815 n Sec'y, asking permission Procession St. John's Day, 9th May, 1820 II Albert Robinson, Sec'y, askimr reduction of G. L. Fees, 14th March, 1821 Authority to J. Boyd to represent Lodge iu Grand Lodge. . . 14th March, 1821 20th May, 1827 Letter from Lodge reference expulsion of a Brother and exclusion of a"°ther No date Petition Amos Ordway (with Certificate) 29th April, 1822 Letter from Sec'y .... .... .... .... . . . _ May 1822 II D. Morrison, W. M 6th December, 1824 II Committee requesting Copy of Memorial of Amos Ordway, 3rd December, 1822 ,1 transmitting £30 17th February, 1826 I, Secretary Tlh May, lfs22 Acc.nuts ..1826 and 1827 t' ... 'NION LODGE, No. 38, ST. JOHN, N. B. Returns of officei.s, members, and dues from 1815 till 1826 Letter from Union Lodge 10th Juue, 1818 W.M. Pednam 1st February, 1822 II enclosing Returns, and reference to R. A. Chapter, 19ili March, 1823 II from Benjamin L. Peters 10th July, 1825 II Union Lodge 1st Deceml. i8Js ROYAL STANDARD, No. 39, 564. Returns of office s, members, and dues, from 1818 till 1839 Letter from Secretary, enclosing list of members .... ... I8I8 Reporting expulsion nt a Brother 16th December, 1816 Letter enclosing certificate to be transmitted to G. L. of Englaml, 18th September, 1820 Certificate of Bro. Valentine Coch 29th August, 1821 Letter requesting permission to make civilians Masons, loth February, 1823 ^^¥iSS ,±^^1&^^,^ ^2 ANCIENT MASONIC DOCUMENTS Letter recommending suspension of Wm. Williams for desertion, Petition of reinstatement of Wm. Williams '^''' '^"^"''' ''^'■ Letter accepting candi.late " \^,^ M from Sec y. r, ,ard to restoration of a Bro. . . 16th Xovember, 1825 ReportmgsuspensiunBro. Hill... ,,ui. a \\oJi nu. ■ ^ r. T , loth August, 1828 Charges against Bro. Jos. Jennings g^d September 1828 Letter from Royal Standard, held under dispensation, Sussex, N. B., ' r , , ^, , T , '^^^^ October, 1828 Lodge to Cxrand Lodge, question of perogatlve, 23rd Feb'v 1831 Communication respecting suspension of a Brother ' 1327 LODGE, No. 40, MUSQUODOBOIT, N. S. Returns of officers, nieml.ers and dues from 1815 till Communicated from John Dunbrach and others Letter concerning misconduct of a Brother " praying for aid to reconstruct Lodge Certificate of James Boggs 1819 4th July, 1815. 14th June, 1817 15th July, I8I7 REGENT LODGE, No. 41, ANTIGONISH, N. S. Returns, ofiBccrs, members, &c. Letter from Bradshaw, W. M n trnsniitting dues and returns. . . from 1815 till 1820 • ..22nd April, 1817 27th March, 1820 ....8th April, 1823 Returns FORTITUDE LODGE, No. 42, MIRAMICHL Letter " .„^, , ., ( r- T^ ui -fl. , 16th April, 1822 M from G. D. ShernflF, and enclosures . . 12th March, 1st February, . „ 16th February, 1825 " " A. Key .... . . oei.i t •' •^oth January, 1825 ST. LAWRENCE LODGE, No. 43, RICHIBUCTO. from 1821 to 1826 UNITY LODGE, No. 44, LUNENBURG, N. S. Returns-officers, members, and dues from 1822 till 1828 Letter from Bro. John Cre.ghton, Jr. , to install officers, 31st January, 1 822 Minutes of temporary Grand Lodge installing Unity .... 8th March 1822 Letter from John Creighton, W. M., regard to Warrant, 3rd November,' 1829 11 concerning non-delivery of Warrent, n e n r 17th December, ]829< Copy of Bye-Laws , «" OF GRAND LODGE OF NOVA SCOTIA. 7S Memorial of Lodge Letter from Sec'y. H. S. Frost It John Creighton, P. M. .... Copy of petition transmitted to G. M. of England Letter from W. M,, enclosing petition to ,i . . . 30th April, 1830 10th June, 1830 2nd November, 1831 29th November, 1831 18th December, 1831 MORNING STAE LODGE, No. 46, WOODSTOCK, N. B. Return Officers and Members .... Memorial of W. M., Wardens and Brethren Letter from W. M. , enclosing Returns 182& ,.1 1th March, 1825- 12th March, 1825 MOIRA LODGE, No. 47, 838, RAWDON. Returns of Officers, Members and Dues from 1823 till 1831 Constituted 26th May, 1823 Installed 26th May, 1823 Letter enclosing Minutes of temporary Grand Lodge to Install, 23rd July, 182.3 Letter from W. M , , . . .... Installation .... .... .... Petition to remove expulsion from Thomas Bulgur Papers respecting Jacol> Withro .... Letter from Sec'y reference to same .... II Wm. Blackburn .... II Secretary, encloshig Returns . , . . 15th December, 1823 22nd April, 1826 March, 1827 1830 . . Ist February, 1830 22nd April, 1830 ...30th August, 1830 COLCHESTER UNION LODGE, No. 48. Return of Members and Officers from .... .... ... 1823 till 1820 Petition from Lodge to Grand Lodge about arrearages 1st March, 1831 Return of Members — Dues nil .... .... .... ....1830 Letter from Lodge to Grand Lodge announcing determination to ask for new Warrant 23rd October, 1828 I- CONCORD LODGE, No. 49, BARRINGTON, N. S. Returns— officers, members, &c. ... Letter from John Fox, P. M., with Returns 1825-1826 20th April, 1825 GOLDEN RULE LODGE, No. 50, HOPEWELL, N. B. Returns of officers, members, &c, Letter from W. M. .... 1825, 1826 & 1827 26th January, 1826 5th April, 1827 Lodge, declining to take out new Warrant from England, 24th September, 1828 74 ANCIENT MASONIC DOCUMENTS CUMBERLAND (No. 51)-HARM0NY, AMHERST, N. S. ^^t^:::r"^'''' -''''- fro., 825 tm, 8.8 LeUe.e„eIosi..g^e.La;;s... •-.... ••••....•-... ^:^ S:;:^; J^ " y^ ^.r'"' ^^•^'"* 21st May! 1825 " .. J. M. Masters, Truro-report proceedings temporary Grand ^°''8^ 31st October, 1825 li'W /. "rl-", ;;, 25th October, 1825 " " , ^- *^„ ^- »'<^key, W. M. 28tl> December, 1825 •' ---"^g^^eturn .... 30th December 1825 .1 from W . M. J3rvau on^i o . , T . tTt? o. 2^''» September, 1829 " " Joseph White, Sec'y ., apology non-attendance . , . Srd Sept. , lotli Nov., 1830 ; 5th Sept., 1831 ; 4th Sept.,' 1828 ALBION LODGE, No. 52, ST. JOHN, N. B. Letter praying for Warrant Sundry documents relative to- Lodge 62 10th December, 1825 1827 ROYAL ALBION, No. 53, HALIFAX, N. S. Return Officers, Ac. Letter from VV. Hill .... M reporting Rent of Hall 1826 .15th January, 1825 May, 1828 RISING SUN LODGE, No. 56, TRURO, N. S. Letter from Geo. Dill, with Minutes of temporary Grand Lodge for In- staMation of Officers.... .sfi. a i ,<,oo p VI L- . . V I8th April, 1826 M f. M. haton, respecting Installation of Lodge. . . . 19th April, 1828, 3rd October,' 1829 LODGE 322 (REGISTRY IRKI,AND) HALIFAX, N. S. Returns Officers, Members and Dues from ,s,u f n lan- Letter reporting exclusion of a Brother .... *". ' March 80" .1 announcing permission from (Jeneral in command' to fit up a^LodVe ' Room m North Barracks . . .. 'i.. i r ,o,.- '1(1 June, 1807 OXFORDSHIRE LODGE, LIGHT INFANTRY, No. 851^ Returns from Letter from W. if. ...1829 till 188: 25tli May, 1831 i