• i ^ s V d «/ ■'"■ -» F /.^ ■r' Centimeter 12 3 4 5 » '10 11 12 13 14 15 rvf ^ .>:'.', e< dv HRNUFHCVUfieu TO fUuCH 8TPNOflR06 ^ ^ ^8^ ••rm^ m .^■ CIHM Micr ofich e Serl«« (Monographs) ICMH Collection de fnleroflohct (monographles) k '■!§ •r< eeMdton IraHtuto for HIrtertcel MI«~wpfOdMtlle«e/tnwltet tm^mm 4e *'i ► ^ V ^►^ 1 ..'*./ .*'"> •■ •fMa oftfM 0ffllMlRt.iM t/m inrf^r MiMtraiiom/ 0t/M WittttMioiw M ctoulMir or dtroNibraoudtla AtlonioNtolaiitdtte I 1 wHMiitlMttM. WiNMMr kMn oiNitlM from ffHiNfei^ III low dTmrn i w iwir ni on i^ p iriiii mt dww to tnm. I eold Miit poMiMi. CM pops .n'( MaM D □ □ □ ti Qyathy of iMTint MriM/ QmNt* iiiApIo da i'lmffronion Inctodai indaMfatI/ Copprand Ml (dai) indax titia on hiidir taftanlroMi:/ La titra da Tan-tft* iweviant: □ Titia paia of Phfadatitra da la livraiien r~n Captioifi of Hmtt/ Titra dff d*pvt da la livraiaon A i I Qififiriqua (pAriodiquai) da la iivraiaon AddWonaleoiMMnii:/ Various paging*; [11-6, JH-U p* TMt itaan to fHRMd at dM raduetion ratio chaelMd balow/ Ca doedmant aat fUmi au taox da rMuetion i w dl » i* TIM 1 Tlw •fti % 10X 14X ^ .. .;■. . ^ 1IX V .* - - 22X » . MX * i ".. " aox 2 12X liX »x 24X 2SX ■" ' ',• ]2X ^' '•Ms,':i ,.//■ Tn9 CCP'V nMMC IMfv MM Of: r Hatropollttti Toronto laf orcttcc Llbriry BuslM«9 tod Social 8cl4nc«i DopartMnt L'( nNlW flit ftpfSsllll (VSflS S HI MocropollUn Toronto Msforone* Library Buainaaa and Social Sciancaa Dapartaant 32 Jr wM flPMN aiMl antfliifl an tlm Imi pasa wMi a pflniafl aamatoi tha aymbal <-^ i NMID"!. ar tha aymbal ▼ ( "COHI- In HI Via uppaf flflnt and tap ta rai|iiiiaa« ina faNawinf SIL' la I. at an la at ■••• tp.~.' pHt* aaian la aaa» x ana laa ^v an nnmnmiK aait iM* ■Nnpfaaaian an naniatfatian at an fattninant piiv 1^1 Un awvanta appavaltva auf la w aynibaia aynibala ▼ «-»• algnlfia "A tUIVIirv la fiNnaa a aaa Laraqjuala i|Maifanc ■ matnona* aa fanuaimn anfafan v« aat trap prand pauf icm aaiH aMaiiat R aat fflHiia a partv Qau8na« na pauana w n witai la laa dlapramniaa aulvanta ^^ ranpla a Mp d ri anr fti' at na Nnnt an Jbaa* 9^ pfanant la namMn t * 2 3 _>, . ! 1 - — 'a 4, - • 3 6 ./ / / T. V« / # V H <■ • ' ,s $"'' i.W FOUNDATION COVENANT ^9 TU -v- b \ • ■..'". :OR0VTO; '■ ;*) -a^^ DEC L A TION FAITH AND ORD] ^tfinqr^iaiM jrf iftrntf 5*"w^ / \ FORMED l9e7S *>s. Oovr, Obutt * Ooi, iBmn^ ft * H Oquqmi T^F^'^x^ v. ?r? ' sii'vifp. . "M'KJ^d'f) A'"''--* m ' ' .. ■ ' '«! ■ . ■ , . ■ • / ^ ■- , . ■ ■•.■■' ". ' -■ _ ■■ 1 . " ■■■. ■ " .^i ' ■ .*•■'■■ tiM ■• .-"_■; ' . ' ■'■ ■ ■■ MM ■'■''' • .'' ' ■ " ■ ,' . ■'' ■ • • % tlia r '■ ■ . ■■ - w % for , 1 1^ Gil "■■ . ;: ; ^ ■■■;■■■ v.. :: ■ ■svi ;■■"■•■" .'-0 '■' '' ' ' 1 , Mh Ok 1^4 ■■ ■" ■ •v fc&^9.. \<-_ ■!• .>^ pjf**! U U . i" NOKTHEBN CONGREGATIONAL .CHUECB[, ■'■■'""•.. .■■'■■.• * TORONTO. V'** ^'.^S FOUNDATION COVENANT. «r We, li^ofle names are hereunto appended, holding generally the truths set fdkrth in the subjoined dedans tion of faith and order of the Congregational Churohelf of England and Wales, do solemnly in the name of the Lord Jetiis Christ, enter into oovenant one with another as memhers of the same churoh, desigiuiig that all our sets, being done in His name, shall be for the Divine Glory* In the Name of th« Fsither, th0 Son i&d the Hdij 1 , We solemnly engage before God, and. pledge otir- selves to one another, in relianoe upon the fi^iiit of all grace, to omtinue in thalifuth in our Lord Jesiii Ghrist^ in which we now itand, and daily to maintiin haUts of watchftilncwsi prayer^ iad leacUng the Word. wm'- ^ .^**' r* W of Qod aIoim, irt wOl •?« kmk «p to Wtm kr Wm M— iif OB Hm prMehing ol tKt Qoii|m1, and Um rtUfioai tutflhing o# tlio Toung iwonyt iii». ||k And boUttring thai Imt tiMW tbiiifi God will 1m onqoiNd of bj Hii pooplo, wo cngigo lo oontinae iaoliiit In fnjw, both fai priToto ond in the Chordh, thn* waick n tilwring tany bo giron. 8. BoUoring that H If tho wiU of Ohriiit «ttf 11^ tbn* tho nMmbon of Hia body ahould join togothmr for ■MrtWil 9omtoKi and odiftoaHon, wa now lolomnlj ono with anothf^pfollowfi :^ ^ * ^f). Wo will^ Qod lieljpfaig, loTO ono another, with a ^ pure haiirt, fenronil J. ' ^ ^^ (i). Wo will oavo for oaoh other** wel&r0» and guard aadi otint^ good Ptll»6> _i_^ (3.) Wo will iiympathlaa with one anottior, both in ; aonrow md in joy., ■■ .. j(i> W«.wiU h«l|p liio iihitbir Ifel III «^ Im^ BMiy bo noaded, and qMoial^Nnll oare for ' IIm iiflk, tho 1^^ tho widow, tlia orphan, and ■:->:':^ Vlfa pitdr aaoogit va. : ' (i>, W^wfll hMTti^ to work for €kKl in witkwUdi '^f^is:g-' .■-^^i■ lodwiH bt M) ooiitina« Jm Chordh, i togeUiMrfor IT lolemnlj her, with « Mid fUArd _!_-*; w, hoih in ri in which rilleirefor xrphfta, and for CM in witkHrUdi I I (Ti. ;,- •»/»■ («). w« will Mmmi mkmiB^ ik^tm girof us ftMlilf, Ibr ^ inalii^Hiii^ of im Miaiitry smongrt at, Ibr th« initmelioii of Iho ^ ' ymuig, Aai Ibr th» raliof of Uio dok iad poor : fttid thii wlU W0 do ahe«rftill|', Moordiog to tho ■"'':'--^'-:wiUof God.: . ■^<:^.ivv.- .-'-v',^ • •,. , yf9 will hold up the hiuwis of int TmiUtr by m diligont atlSendMioo on tho iorrioM of Ood*s hooMy and on the other meetii^pi of the ' Ohoroh; hj oon^tent prajer for hie tueoen; : - bj mioh numifestetioni of fTmpethj end eflbo* ^vtion, ee we mej here opportunity of ihowiog \from time to time ; eroiding e oaneoriotie ipirit teking heedApi^ we hear, and esteeming him very highly m love for hie wotk'u ea^. (A)..We#!n4o wliitlniti lies to promotA the peaoe ,\mDd parity of the Ohiiroh. {9)» Those of na who have entered on the V^mOy relation, will honor the Lord therain; we will 'J:;-: y'.^nbk np our ddldrtn in the nurture and Sv Mlmonitimi of the l4iird, oommaiidiQg theai •nd ci^ hooaahold aller a% inmilwiiing tff troth, bringing then to ike COinrflh, aad^^a^^ before them^ the patten of a Ohiialiaa HIb. (10)* liM%, we will, Ckid h^l^ wi, oaltb»l# kndag aiMte towaipd «B OiiA Itet Im^ y haHLJmamaiulm k tUmtrntlifiM^ tipufoill/ "• .M towiid the Jriit»tii ef ^ hm «Ml -R-^u ''»"•■■ ^IfWi ^M^PB vBS ^^Bi^V SIMHII^MBm V^^PwW^^ft K^^V^Vn^v ^^^ ^^i^^^^B^VHKvBVw hm ikm lsriim mikwuhm of lU TiHtoP of Qod. W« will '.* -A '^'•" Ci«|ri(pitbn^ tflor^ii #isrext |rttiii. /: ■ ^^'i, t^'ft ULK. .'■.•* ' '.v.'«:? . -J- *>5*-': .i^i_i^%j£' '^»::i^%..-'-!f^t^i4t ./ 1.-^ " ,' ,- . * • : =^: ^:j! ^.'H^ ■n.»> 4) » ^ xi r- » iM^I^ . i^ ; < * .'• ' -^ ^ % ' 4 t 1 ^ - ^-^ ^' ft ^ « m '. £ _ ■• i_ V ^- 8*.' " "v- ■ .. \ f ■■ ^#i- The Walei, lowing foundal Thig ■ -t-J do M ittd or '/'^ * •■ ■■--■ or oiyi bvliiii to bet fw»l « •iiiiy ooiiteii 4 - lihoiM ^\i\ .. ' ,»«v to2aii^fA^-.»,^ / -, ^. W ■ •-'<^'_' ■ ., IDtcUration. 1^ The OoNOEiqATiONAL OHurohes in England and Wales, freqnenily oalled Inpipendint, hold the fol- lowing Doeirines/ as- of BiTine authority, and aa the foundation of Ohriatian fidth and praotioe. Th^ ate alao formed and goyemed aooording to the ydno^lfla herei&after atated. _ i. It ia ai9t deiqpied, in the fbHowing sununaiy, to do tt#ie than to atalie the leading doetrinea of ftith aid Older maintained hy Oongregational Ohurdhea ia X % JCt If not propoeed to oifer any proofi, rmi(nUf or fliyi im fl nft , in support of the doetrinea heron stated, hvt simply to detbure what the denomination believes to he taught by the pen of ini^ration. • 9. It is not intended to present a $chola$iie or ari- tieai oonfession of fidth, but merely suoh a statement as any intelligent member of the body might offer, as eontaining its leading pnneiplefti € It is not intended that the following (Hatement IshoiM be puifortb idth any Anthori^, or as a staad- M^i^SiirtAaaldbete^uinl .p 't- 4 ii"-' fm-^l^xf^ffm^pifmwtuf^'nn^ 4'^'t Hlf 5, Di»aUowing the utility of Creeds and Ar^Wo^ reUgion aa a bond of nnion, and proteating against sub- Boription to any human fonnularies, as a term of com- munion, Oongregafionalists are yet wiUing to deolar^ for general information, what is commonly beUeved among them; reswting to every- one the most -««»-»* liberty of oonscience. 6. Upon some minor pointe of doctrine and tice» they, differing among themselves, allow to each other the right to form an unbiassed judgment of the irordof God« . % They wish it to be observed, that, notwithstand- ^«he& ^aloui^ of subsor^tion to Creeds and Arti. eles, and their disapproval of the imposition of any human standard, wheth* «f fcith Of discipline, they aae fa more agreed in their doctrines and pttrtiew, than any church whi«»h eiijoins subsoriptioo, and, «». foMBB a human standard of orthodoiy j and they heUftve .that there is no minister and nO church among them, that would deny the wistaneftaC a»y onfl gfiha folWw- iiHS doctrinefrof leligiMi. ^^ ^ ^ V^ ^ slate his aentiinenta in hia own waf^ PRfiff ODPMS Of BELIGIOK. .■;; ;i=.in'. I. TiteSMiptdWiofth«01dfeal^ by tJ» Jew* and tlie bodka f^iheJX^mMiMtU Morfved by the Primit^ OhiWm jpl 1^^ ^. JM^'^^dH^'Tii.^ !*• liili Mid AfMtlilis, t^Qgng^ Ohuftbrn USkift lo be ditinely insfMred, and of laprepe authority. Th«M writiiigiiy in the laDgaages in whioh they were originaPy oompoaed, are to be oonaulted, by the aida of*ioiiiid •ritioiBm, aa a final appeal in all oontroYeraiea ; bat the oommon Tersion they oonsider to be adeqoate lo the ordinary porpoeea of Ohriadan instrubtion and editor tioD. . . ■ IL They believe in one God, efsentially wiM, hdy| just, and good ; eternal, infinite, and. immutable^ in all natural and moral perfeotiene; the Creator, Supporter, and €k>Ternor of all bein^, and of all thinga. i III. ' They believe .that Gk>d ia revealed in the Serip- toiee, as the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and that to eaoh are attribnted the same Divine propertiea and perfeetions. The doetrine of the Divine euatenoe, aa above atated, they eordially believe^ without atteiojgl* lag fiiUy to explain. I7. They believo that matt waa created after tib Diviae Image, ainleis, apid in hia kind perfeot. . V. They believe that the firat man diaobcyed thp Divine command, fell from hia awte of innocence and parity, and involved all hta posterity in the conae- lanoee of that fWl.-'^--^; V^ vr^^^^ yi. They believe that therefore all mankind tra in ain, and that^a f«6ik inclinatioa to'^oral evQ, utteriy inearabte by hitinaii moMM, ta inherent in every daiaandant of Adam..- . >*i^.-^%^., v^-. ' X'''" - ^''■ VljI. Theyb the Son of man, and the Son of Qod ;^partaking ftilly tad tnily of human nature, thongh without sin, — equal with the 7athfir» and ^* the ei^ress imag«) of his person." ,X» They believ» that JeswChrjs^tlm Son of. $k>^^ revealed, either personally in his own mioisliy, oi )iy ^ Ho^ S|pirit ip the ministry of hid apoelles, the whole, mind of Qod, fiur our salvation ; and that % hit obedience to the Divine law while he lived, and by his BuiaringB unto deaths he meritoriously ''obtfdne^ eternal HdMnptioQ for us ; " having thereby vindioated ai|d il- luitifated IHviiie^ j^^ the |^, '* «M "hrowdit in everlartuur liiditeoiisnesSi'* « JQL Tluy believe tfa^ after his diaidi and sMlittiy he .Memded* ifidete heevei^ whete, ae the 1liiiitir» l» « eiet livelli " to nk ovec elli, and tii ^L;:.. '^^iBike ittiehseMioii tck them tliAt tome itnto Goil hf XII. They bdie?e that the Boly Spirit is gi?«ii ia eoBieqiienoe of Ohnit'i mediatioii, to quioken and renew the kearta ef mmy and that hk inflnenee is indiapensablj neoeseary to bring a sinner to tme repea* tanoe, to i>rodaee aaying faith, to regenerate the heai^ aad to perftci onr aanetifioation. XIII. They beEera that we are jnatified throng faith in Ofariflti aa^lhe Lord onr righteonmeii ; '^ and nof by the works of the Law.'* XIY. They beliafie that all who wiU be saved wei0 the oljeots of God'i eternal and eleoting lore^ aad weriL gifen by an net of BiTine (i9?ereignty to the Son qf Qodf iHiioh in no way interftves with the system^ iMan% nor with the gronnda of hnnian_ responiilnllly ; beiog irhoUy nnieyealed aa to its objeots^ and not a Me ofhninandnty. ^ XV^ They belief* that the Ser^pbtes teaok &e ftaal pertwreranee of, all tme beliefws to a sMite ofeler- aal blessedness^ whieh they are ^qpoiated to obtaki thinagh oonatant ftith ii^ Ohrist, and vaitoa obedieMa- tai'his.aommaBda. T"-- !?« Tbig^bdiiT* «hai a holy li^ wiH be th* dM iif atraa faith, iM «^^^^ theoertainfhiltsofa'fllaliii^t^^ >> w. XVH. They beliefe tiiat the aanetifioation of traa Ohnstiana, or thsis growtii in tiia graeea of the Spirit^ aad in meotaeai fi»r haani^ Is gradaallf eanied aa tinoai^ the whole period danqgwhiah it pleamCM kv'. % k •o OMitiDin ihm in the pnmtti M ; m^ tint, at te«fc tWr .0^1^ perfeotly freed from .U remain, of eril. «•' immediately reeeived into the presenoe of Chriit. ^XVIII. They believe in the perpetual obligation of Baptism and the Lord'e gnpper; the fcrmer to be wiminietered to all oonyerte to Ohriatitnity and tiieir ohadren, by the application of water to the mtjeot •> the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of «!• Holy Ghoet; " and the latter to be celebri\ed by Olurietaan ohofohes at a token of fidth in the SaWoiir, M er aanetioned by tin ttidoobted ouunple el the awstles and of 44^oetolioehanihsa» ■/" ,' n rt^ -g^t-:^ i.-» ^rnKW: :,Ti-^ ■■"':'. .*:^ :'(::"' .. 1..1' .. ■■*ii/-^m::4^-l ;, ■ ■ ;; -i.V.'^'^tiJ**^i^«'. .. PEmOIPLSS OF OHUROfl OKDEE AN0' ; » PISOIPLINB, !■■ ■■..■■.•■■■. ■ m'^ •'-■..' -' .: ■■ :■.■ '.'■'■■■' I. The OoDgregational Oharohes hold it to he tht will of Ohrkt that true belierere should ▼oluDtarily •Memble toge^ier to ohaenre religions ordinatioes, to promote mutaaledifioatioD imd hoUoess, to perpetuate and propagate the gospel in the world, and to advance the glory and worship of God, through Jesus Christ; and that each sodety of believers, having these objeot^ in view in its formation, ii properly a Christian Churoh, II. they believe that the New Testament contains, either in th« form of escpress stsinte, or in theexampW and priotioe of apostlea and apostoli^i churches, all the articlea of ikith tieoessary to be believed, and all the prindplflf of order and discipline lequisite for constitating and governing Christian societies; and that hmaa trMtitiooi^ fathen, and oonnoils, «anon» •nd CTisdai posMMi no avthonfy «vir thl^ &ith and |»^of Chiirtiaiiw:; ■;:-";: , ,^ ;., ^^. Jffi They loknowledsi Christ as the only Bead ot 4# Ohml^ kild ika ofli^ of each ehiii«h under Jiim, ti oidaiBed t» Administer his laws impartiaUy to all; •■d tMir n^y afpeal, i» ftt qwidons toochtng iMp religions fhith and praatio^ kip «ie Bsciedfioripteim IV. Th^beKsfwAatrthalfew Testament Author •««if €hiMiui dhuoh to deot Mb own officeii, io wnige ay ^te own afcfa,^ ^d to atand independent IJ Aiid fertsponaWe to, aU iothority, aavi^g that only m tht GbprMM and BrriM Head of the Ohmh, lh» t V. They beliere that the only offioen plaood hy 0^ •poetlea orer individaal churohea, are the bishopi or pastors, aod the deacons; the Dumber of these being dependent wpon the numbers of the church; and that to these. OS the officers of the church, is committed wspectively the administration of its spiritual and . tempo>al concerns- subject however, to the approbation . ofthcoburch, ' Vi. They believe tW no persons should be received u membors of Christian churches, but such as make a credible profession of Christianity, are living according to lie precepts, and attest • willingnesa to be subject to If 8 discipline; and that none should be expluded ftom the fellowship of the church, but such as deny the liuth of Christ, Tiolate his bws, or lefbae to sabmit tii^lTe. to the diacipUue which the wofd of Qod onroroes* yiL J^ power of admission into any ^« •liMch, ind rejeetion fiom it^ they belwve to be .«..^ in the church itself, and to bo ewroiwd only through tho medium of its own ofioera VIII. Theybelieve that Christian chnrabes should •tttedly m«it fbr the celebration of pubUo woithip, for «b* ohservsnoe of the Lord's Si^iper, snd hr the •«to|^n of the first day of the w^ki^ f I3t^ They believe thit the poi^ of » Christian church Is purely i^irituil,snd, should in no way be •wnipted by iiQion with temporsl or ^ power. X. They beUere that it is the duty of Clmstian fhurahcs to hold oommnnion with each oUier, to iutertsin an enhuig^ed allbolioii fn saoh oUur^ at '%r. 11 '^'^V'^^ mmhtn of lb. ««• bodj. md to oo-opento ibr tli* ffomotion of tb, OhrirtttD en..; bat tb.t bo ebniob ^J^jl "*"'*^ •»• "y 'W'" « pow« to hter&ra with th. &>•!. or di«iplu.o of «y otbor rtuwb, fbHhor thu to ■•pw.te fiom inoh m, in fUtb «r pr«lt^o^ dopwt ftom tho goq)d of Obiut. XL 1% bdim that it i. th« priTilcg, M,d dote of •Twy <*•"* toOiUfcrth mobof itomombwiMn,, TTL "J^,"""*^ »» a- HI/ StbU, to ^.tai. the 0^ of tha minitt^ : ud that OhrirtiM ohiiidMS »tod^ o^t toj»«id« th. nuintowno. of th. Ohnrtim nunirtiy k u adoqiuto dtgn. of lowing, "^ «f ito MpMid ohm; that th. mom «f ^ Q«*pd mV l» l»lhhoiioMd»ly «Mrt«iiwd, iiidooMt«ntl» ^xa Thiy bdiw. th.t dnndi oao«,%AMiMr Hdiopi or dneooi, dwold b. duMm by th. Am lido. rf th. obMoh, but tb«t thrir drficMioii to th. datiei of tboir ofio. AouM m. phM. with ipMid pr,,*, «a liyiotom d«dgn«io»i to wi*A BMrt rf th. .burdiw .d4 tt. impodtioB of hMd. by thoi»«l««dy in «««* . Xra. Tb.y beUw. thrt th. fillowihip rfWr OhriAM, .bwd, Aonld b. toBb«a a to.dmit fo oommnDioD in th. Lord'. 8npp«,dl wb.i.ftith.ad godhn... ««, on th. wb^ nndoBbtod, tbongh «». •"dttttifti. ontwttd .ign offatemi^ i« Obiirt *o^ b. oo-MtMiaiw with th. ft.t«nity itidf.tbowh mthwt inrolfing .ay oompliMw. whioh «n»oi^ wonU dMm to b. tinfU. . f- ' # ;« v-m L-3f &^JP^ IJil.. v^ 'y ♦ k. / :¥.•« #' f «■ ^ ■■" o ts> *• f'M< If'" -v-^ /; ■*,':''V'j"l'»'--i'v JL. 1 «i , . r t 'k ^ ' = i~ • ' ".-' •:' ■• « ■# i'"' '' ,/^/' ' • •■ , '• - - ■•<^.«; /* ' ? ■ . * / * ^ » j ■ «^ - / .' p . / ' '>U|A Iks' , " " '( ) . HI' ., t^ t ' H ^ d l^ --' .'^ m "i. T-^'."^ •, '■' ; * , la • / ^"- , .' ^ ^< \ *"■,'•' * *><■ • . • / ^" *# ,• >,, • 1 %^ * ' , / ^ ' / t^Ofl ' *. . ff , ■ ^^B^fl * ' ^ , / . < ^ V 1 J *. V ' ■ / 4 * ' j|^jB8i!!^^j4iL^^^&.. ' ; t '^^Bi^^^^E* V, ' ' ', jj ,,, *!:^.„t.. . ^i^^^^^ V '^ ^_^_^^^^g^^_^_g. ■1 HBHHHM^ '. 1 HJIil^lB 1 ^^::; ■ ■ y^ '^^^^^^P^^ :t , '■, ■' ■■ ' ' ■^■i-. V.^''^^^^H .-*,■ .'.'s-^^:' ^^^^^^^K;^^ '^yi^^l ^^. ■•■•\i''- f'S '"' '^^^^^^^^Hik ' '' ■ -. ■-.''■'■'• "■'■' -- '•'■ y'- ' '■ ■.'■■\ ■■■- ■■'■ Kr ■ ■ . ■' 'V ■ - '*l^^^^^^^^^^^^^^k " ■ ' ' ' '^ ' "■'."■ ■/''»■■ ..' ■ .''-^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ '* ■ - :- ; ■ ■■ ■ ■/;. '■ '■. ' ■ ■ ■ ■ ,'■ . ■■'■. "■ ■ ^' ' ' ■■■■ -^ .■■'.'■■- V/'. ' .' ■ ' ■•' '■' ■' ' ■ V ■' -. ■■ '.A )^:-M:M^M-iM.d:M'--^ i^ ^^^^^^^' «. « " ' " I'^a * « *^^^^H II:- :^^"- -J i ^^H^' '.>'•- ■.'V ■" ■■■.■•"■" ' ■',- " '- ■*' . ., ■ ■ ;^V'g y^: c? , .V ,.>^ '^ \^ I / I Id'.i /J