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Las diagrammes suivants illuatrant la m^thoda. 12 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 0( COMI Fly l^\ I 1 BY-LAWS •OF THE COUNTY OF WENTWORTH, With a Catalogue of the ^Mm$ ani ^mUn ul \mmil From its Organization in 1842, to the 1st January, 1880. l <»»< - TT, T> ,. HAMILTON, ONT. : Flynn Brothers, Steam Book and Job Printers, 35 King Street East. i88o. T P 2j (^ s.j-^o^ei'^ \ 'r \VARDENS From the Year 1842 to the Year 1880. » 4» H ■ GORE DISTRICT. 1842. JOHN WETENHALL. '843. Do. •844. Da 1845. Do. 1846. JOHN WETENHALL. 1847. SAMUEL 3LARKE. 1848. Do. 1849. Do. WENTWORTH AND HALTON. .850. ROBERT SPENCE. , ,85:. ROBERT S PENCE. WENTWORTH, HALTON AND BRANT. 1852. ROBERT SPENCE. WENTWORTH AND HALTON, 1853. JOHN HESLOP. , ,85^. JOHN HESLOP. 1855. JOHN HESLOP. 1856. Do. 1857- Do. , »8s8. Do. 1859. ALEXANDER BROWN. i860. Do. 1861. Do. 1862. Do. '863. Do. 1864. Do. 1865. Do. 1866. Do. WENTWORTH. 1867. 1868. 1869. 1S70. 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. 187s. 1876. 1877. 1878. J879. THOMAS STOCK ALVA G. JONES. R. R. WADDELL. Do. THOMAS BAIN. ALONZO EGLESTON. JAMES SOMERVILLE. THOMAS STOCK. Do. PETER WOOD. F. M. CARPENTER. THOMAS STOCK. JOHN WEIR, Jr. 4 LIST OIP Gore District Gounciilors, Reeves and Deputy Reeves, OF THE COUNTY OF WENTAVORTH, From the Year 1842 to the Year 1880. TOWNSHIP OF ANCASTER. GORE DISTRICT COUNCILLORS. 1842. Frederick Dresser Philip Spaun. 1843. Kbert Holt, Do. 1844. Do. Do. 1845. Do. ' Francis Cameron. 1846. Do. Do. 1847. Do. Do. 1848. Do, John Heslop. 1849. Do. Do. WENTWORTH AND HALTON. REEVES. DEPUTY REEVES. 1850. Moses H. Howell, John Heslop. 1851. John Heslop James Calder. WENTWORTH, HALTON AND BRANT. 1852. John Heslop James Calder. WENTWORTH AND HALTON. 1853. John Heslop James Calder. 1854. Do. Jacob Binkley. WENTWORTH. 1855. John Heslop Jacob Binkley. 1856. Do. Do. 1857. Do. Do. 1858. Do. Do. 1859. William Sexton A. Egleston. Reeves and Deputy Reeves. TOWNSHIP OF ANCASTER.-[Continued.] 1«fln T ^^^^rfij DEPUTY REEVES. 1861 * '^^'''^^^^^^^' Henry Binkley. ]lll' J^^- .....'.".'.■.*.■*' William''sexton. 1864 Do' Alonzo Egleston. 1865. Do. ;;;; p^- 1866. Alonzo^Egtoon *.'*.' WilUam Sexton. 1868.' Do' T 1. xP^ 1869. Do '^''^'' ?r^'P- i^^o. Do.' ;:!'.::;:.*;.;; do ml: So Jonathan'Kelly. 18^3. Do! :::::::::::: do 1874. Do. ;;; {j^- Jo!?- ^^°- J.A.Smith. ^^^^' ^^- Henry Binkley and loh-^T T^ Robert Forbes. ^^^^' ^^- Henry Binkley and 1 S7S p 1. ^ 17 u Robert Forbes. 1878. Robert Forbes s. N. Ohnstead and ''''• S. N. Olmstead ^rctTand Daniel Shaver. ^•» 1842. 1843. ]84.4 TOWNSHIP OF BARTON. GORE DISTRICT COUNCILLORS. Arthur Bowen D. K. Servos. ^'' Bo. ^^' Do. 6 Rkeves and Deputy Reeves. TOWNSHIP OF BARTON.— [Continuea.] GORE DISTRICI' COUNCILLORS, 1845. JohnO. Hatt I). K. Servos. 1846. Do. I>o. 1847. Do. 1848. Do. 1849. Do. WENTWORTH AND HALTON. REEVES. DEPUTY REEVES. 1850. Michael Burkholder 1851. Michael Aikman WENTWORTH, HALTON AND BRANT. 1852. D. K. Servos WENTWORTH AND HALTON. 1853. Michael Aikman 1854. Do. WENTWORTH. 1855. Michael Aikman 1856. Do. 1857. Do. 1858. James Harvey 1859. Do. 1860. Do. 1861. Do. 1862. Michael Aikman 1863. R. R. Waddell James Clme. 1864 Do. Ethelbert Servos. 1865*. Do. '^o 1866. Do. Michael Burkholder. 1867! Do. Do. 1868. Do. Thomas La wry. 1869. Do. T, T. n"^' 1870. Lewis Springer R. R. ^age. 1871. Do. ^0- Reeves and Deputy Reeves. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. TOWNSHIP OF BARTON.-[Continued.] ^^^^^^^- DEPUTY REEVES. n' w^v^"; , » ^- ^- Kirkendall. G W. Kirkendall R. ]). Bensley. Thomas La wry w. H. Lottridge. |^'• J. E. Lottridge. }^"- J.W.Kerr. ,, .^;%, , W. H. Lottridge. Dame Hock Thomas Macklem. °- Thomas Lawry . -<•»- 1842. 1843. 1844. 1845. 1846. 1847. 1848. 1849. 1850. 1851. 1852. TOWNSHIP OF BEVERLY. GORE DISTRICT COUNCILLORS. Stephen Nesbit Walter Robertson. George Jones j)q ^0. Dq wiT^^V.. , Stephen Nesbit. Wilham Dickson Dq ^«- Bo.' ^^' Seth Holcomb. ^0- Do. WENTWORTH AND HALTON. REEVES. DEPUTY REEVES. ^.^,^""^it , Seth Holcomb. William Dickson George Jones. WENTWORTH, HALTON AND BRANT. Seth Holcomb Malachi Sager. Reeves and Deputy Reeves. TOWNSHIP OF BEVERLY.— [Continued.] WENTWORTH AND HALTON. REEVES. DEPUTY REEVES. 1853. Seth Holcomb James McQueen. 1854. James McQueen Duncan McKenzie. WENTWORTH. 1855. James McQueen William Dickson. 1856. Do. Do. 1857. Do. David Peregrine. 1858. Do. Do. 1859. Do. John Clement. 1860. Wallace McDonald Do. 1861. Do. Do. 1862. Peter Wood John McMullin. 1863. Do. William Dickson. 1864. Do. John McMullin. 1865. Do. Benjamin Armstrong. 1866. John Clement John Malcolm. 1867. Peter Wood John Malcolm and W. Nesbit. 1868. John Clement John Malcolm and W. Nesbit. 1869. Do. A. Fergusson and W. C. Merriam. 1870. Arch. Fergusson John Clement and Joseph Bowman. 1871. John Clement John Bennett and Thomas McQueen. 1872. Do. John Bennett and Thomas McQueen. 1873. Do. John Bennett and Thomas McQueen. 1874. Do. John Benneit and Thomas McQueen. 1875. Peter Wood William Menzies and Thomas McQueen. 1876. Do. William Menzies and xuuiuus i.vj.u^5mjuu. J^i'-KVt ; >NU ])KriTv IJkkves. TUVVN«I1I1. OK HKVKlM.Y._[c,„.tinuo,l.] 1877. VeU^Z 7r"T" !«/«. llioiiiiis .McQueen Willi..,., ivr *^^'^"- , ^ *'^""iiiu Monzie.s and 1,S79. j)^ 'rereniiiih Cornell. T. S. Cornell jind Jeremiah Cornell. 9 -*•►- TOWNSHIP OF BINBROOK. GORE DISTRICT COUNCILLORS 1842. John McKerlie. 1843. Do. 1844. Peter McKerlie. 1845. Do. 1846. Peter McKerlie. 1847. Do. 1848. Henry Hall. Do. 1849. 1850. 1852. 1853. 1855. 1856. 1 Qti7 WENTWORTH AND HALTON. REEVES. Henry Hall. | igol. Henry Hall. WENTWORTH, HALTON AND BRANT Henry Hall WENTWORTH AND HALTON. Henry Hall. , 1354. Henry Hall. WENTWORTH. ^ohn ^id^y, j 1860. Do. 10 Reevp:s and Deputy Reeves. TOWNSHIP OF BINBROOK.— Continued.] REEVES. 1861. John Sidey. 1871. James Hoey, 1862. James Scroggie. 1872. Do. 1863. George Fletcher, 1873. Do. 1864. J. 13. Stewart. 1874. Do. 1865. Wm. Ptolemy. 1875. Do. 1866. Do. 1876. Do. 1867. Dr. W. McKay. 1877. Do. 1868. Do. 1878. Dr. W. McKay. 1869. George Fletcher. 1879. Do. 1870. James Hoey. -►-♦•v^ DtJNDAS. WENTWORTH AND H ALTON. REEVES. DEPUTY REEVES. 1850. Robert Spence 1851. Do. J. M. Thornton. WENTWORTH, HALTON AND BRANT. 1852. Robert Spence J. M. Thornton. WENTWORTH AND HALTON. 1853. David Byrns Benjamin Spencer. 1854. Robert Spence Do. WENTWORTH. 1855. Daniel Fields H. G. Habbin. 1856. A. F. Begue Hiram King. 1857. Do. James McMicking. Reeves and Deputy Reeves. 11 1858. 1859. 1860. 1861. 1862. 1863. 1864. 1865. 1866. 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. Dl^NDAS.— [Continued.] ^^^^ES. DEPUTY REEVES. William Taylor E. S. Thomas. A. J. Begue d^ James Scott Daniel Fields. L>o- Do. Hiram King j)q Hugh Moore *.;; James Scott. Daniel i ields George Bickell. T ^^- Do. James Somerville James Carrie. 1 hilip McMahon George Bickell. ^0. J)q Robert McKechnie Do f'' Do: ■r ^' James Somerville. James Somerville Daniel Fields. T, ?? ' John Bertram. John Bertram John Wilson. - II'- Do. Do. po R. McKechnie A. D. Cameron. Do- J. A. Fisher. Do. Daniel Fields, Jr. ■-<♦►- TOWNSHIP OF EAST FLAMBORO. GORE DISTRICT COUNCILLORS 1842. J. E. Millard 1843. Do. ^^^f- Do. .'.*.'.'.'.";:.■;.' ^^^^- ^o- ..-.' Thomas Stock. 12 Eekves and Dki'uty Eeeves. TOWNSHIP OF EAST FLAMBOliO'— [Continued.] REEVES. DEPUTY REEVES. 1846. H. F. Graham Thomas Stock. 1847. Do. Do. 1848. Do. Alexander Brown. 1849. James McM(mies Do. 1850. Thomas Smith 1851. ■ Do. 1852. Reed Baker 1853. Alexander Brown 1854. Do. 1855. Do. 1856. Do. 1857. James McMonies 1858. L. A. Cummer M. T. Crooker. 1859. Thomas Stock Alexander Brown. 1860. Do. Do. 1861. Do. Do. 1862. Do. Do. 1863. Do. Do. 1864. Do. Do. 1865. Do. Do. 1866. Do. Do. 1867. Do. John Creen. 1868. Do. Matthew Burns. 1869. Do. Do. 1870. Do. John Featherstone. 1871. Do. Do. 1872. Do. Edward Burns. 1873. Do. Thomas Attridge. 1874. Do. Do. 1875. Do. Do. 1876. Alexander Brown Do. 1877. Thomas Stock Do. 1878. Do. Charles Foster. 1879. Do. Ali^xander Brown. Reeves and Deputy Eeeves. 13 TOWNSHIP or WEST FLAMBORO\ GORE DISTRICT COUNCILLORS. 1842. James Coleman Joseph Spencer. ]lZ: ?>!"' William Miller. 1844. Do. ,. j)^ 1845. John Patterson Dn 1^46. Do. .... ■*• Do* 1847. Do. •;::;; ^0.' 1848. Hugh Moore Dq ^^^^' 1^0- ". James Logie. WENTWORTH AND HALTON. REEVES. DEPUTY REEVES. Jor?' ?"g^ Moore James Logie. 1851. Joseph Webster Matthew Peebles. WENTWORTH, HALTON AND BRANT. 1852. Thomas Morris J. K. Crooker. WENTWORTH AND HALTON. 1853. Thomas Morris Matthew Peebles. 18^^- ^0. William BuUock. WENTWORTH. 1855. Matthew Peebles James Morden. ■ ]14' w T?°; •• HughFrazer. lono ^- 1^- I>onaldson William Tunis. ioo8. Do. T)n 1859. Do. ::::: d^ lor?' T ^^V , James Morden. ]llo ir^^Mo^d^n Samuel Binkley. nil' w r'T.^'^^;. ^' ^- I>onaldson. iqa7 ^' £• l^onaldson Thomas Bain. 1864. Dr. Thomas Miller W. D. Binkley lot)5. Do. r)~' ^' 1866. Do. ....„., Do 1867. Do. Do.' 14 Reeves and Deputy Reeves. TOWNSHIP OF WEST FLAMBORO'— [Continued.] REEVES. DEPUTY REEVES. 1868. Dr. T.Miller W. D. Binkley. 1869. Do. Do. 1870. Thomas Bain F. W. Hore. 1871. Do. Do. 1872. Do. Do. 1873. Dr. Thomas Miller Do. 1874. Do. Matthew Peebles. 1875! Do. Do. 1876. Do. Do. 1877. John Weir, Jr Do. 1878. Do. Do. 1879. Do. » Do. -♦ < ♦>■« TOWNSHIP OF GLANFORD. GORE DISTRICT COUNCILLORS. 1842. Joseph Hannon 1843. Do. 1844. Do. 1845. Do. 1846. Do. 1847. Thomas Shaw 1848. Do. 1849. Do. WENTWORTH AND HALTON, 1850. Joseph Hannon 1851. J. S. Wetenhall Reeves and Deputy Reeves. 15 TOWNSHIP OF GLANFORD.— [Continued.] WENTWORTH, HALTON AND BRANT. REEVES. DEPUTY REEVES. 1852. J. S. Wetenhall WENTWORTH AND HALTON. 1853. Philip Shafer 1854. Thomas Shaw 1855. John Wyllie WENTWORTH. 1856. Aley. Binkley 1857. Do. 1858. Thomas Shaw 1859. Joseph Hannon 1860. Gideon Smith 1861. Aley. Binkley 1862. Joseph Bates 1863. John Wyllie 1864. Do. 1865. Robert Leeming 1866. Samuel Wyllie 1867. Dr. A. Bethune 1868. Do. 1869. Do. .'*' 1870. John Renton 1871. Do. ]^P- I)o. w. M. Calder. 1873. Dr. A. Bethune Do 1874. Do Do.' 1875. Do. 1876. Do. 1877. W. M. Calder '.!!'.*.'..*.'".'.'. 1878. Do. Henry Reed. 1879. Do. S.W.Smith. . 16 Rekves and Deputy Reeves. TOWNSHIP OF SALTFLEET. GORE DISTRICT COUNCILLORS. 1842. Thomas Waddell Thomas Condon. 1843. Do. John Williamson. 1844. Do. Do. 1845. Do. ' Do. 1846. Do. Do. 1847. Do. Do. 1848. Do. Do. 1849. Do. Do. 1850. John Williamson \ REEVES. DEPUTY REEVES. 1851. John Williamson 1852. David Williamson William Freeman. 1853. R. R. Waddell 1 8 54. John Williamson 1855. Henry Liitz 1856. Benjamin Sonles 1857. Do. A.G.Jones. 1858. Levi Lewis William Freeman. 1859. Benjamin Sonles A. G. Jones. 1860. John Springstead William Freeman. 1861. Alexander Carpenter A. G. Jones. 1862. Do. M. J. Olmstead. 1863. Levi Lewis William Freeman. 1864. A. G. Jones M. J. Olmstead. 1865. Do. Do. 1866. A.G.Jones A.D.Lee. 1867. Do. M.J. Olmstead. 1868. Do. A. D. Lee. 1869. A. D. Lee A. G. Jones. 1870. A. G. Jones A. D. Lee. 1871. Henry Lutz Levi Potruff. 1872. F. M. Carpenter S. K. Green. 1873. Do. A. G. Jones. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. Eeeves and Deputy Reeves. TOWNSHIP OF SALTFLEET.-[Continued. l^-^l^^- DEPUTY REEVES, F.M Carpenter A.G.Jones. ^"- Do. 2^- T.Kennedy. r^ ' Do. If H.R. Wilson. ^^' J. W. Javdine. ] 17 WATERDOWN. Incorporated 1st January, 1879. REEVP 1879. Charles Sealey. I.JIi ' ^ i ! * 18 TREASURERS FOR The County of Wentworth From the Year 1842 to the Year 1880. GORE DISTRICT. Henry Beasley 1842,1843,1844,1845. James Kirkpatrick 1846, 1847, 1848, 1849. WENTWORTH AND HALTON. James Kirkpatrick 1850, 1851. WENTWORTH, HALTON AND BRANT. James Kirkpatrick 1852. WENTWORTH AND HALTON. James Kirkpatrick I853 1854, WENTWORTH. James Kirkpatrick = = ,. 1855 to 1876, both inclusive. John T. Stock 1877 to 1880, both inclusive. I 19 : CLERKS OF COUNCIL. GORE DISTRICT. Dr. R. C. Tliomas ^^.,. Li'Sr ''^-'''isisrisH 1845:1846: ,„ , WENTWORTII AND HALTON Clmvles O. Counsell __. ^g^^^^ ^g,^ WENTWORTH, IIALTON AND BRANT Charles O. Counsell ' .^.., looJ. WENTWORTH AND IIALTON. Chaife 0, Cou„.elI __.. jgg^^ ^^^^ WENTWORTH. Charles 0. Counsell from 1855 to 1860, both inclusive ^^- ^- ;^^*^"^^^^1 f^-om 1861 to 1879. both inclusive.* SOLICITORS TOTHE COUNCIL. GEORGE S. TIFFANY. From 1842 to 1849, both inclusive. JOHN O. HATT. From 1850 to 1863, both inclusive. R. R. WADDELL. 1864, 1865, 1866. R. R. GAGE. 1867, 1868, 1869. C. A. SADLEIR. 1870,1871,1872,1873. R. R. WADDE^ From 1874 to 1879 both mclusive. f I 'if ' RULES OF ORDER — OF THE — COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION — OF THE — COUNTY OF WENTWORTH, As revised and adopted by the Council, nth June, 1879. -»H»»< MEETINGS AND ADJOURNMENTS OF THE COUNCIL Rule 1.— The regular meetings of the Council shall be held in the County Council Chamber on the tollowmg days, namely : The fourth Tuesday in January. The first Monday in June, and The first Monday in December. 2— That the Council do meet at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, unless otherwise especially provided ; and It at 10 o'clock there be no quorum, the Warden or Chairman may take the chair and adjourn with the consent of the majority then present. 3--When this Council adjourns, the members shall keep their seats until the Warden or Chairman leaves the chair. 4--Whenever the Warden or Chairman is obliged to adjourn the Council for want of a quorum, the hour to which such adjournment is made, and the ')'> STANl»IN(i IJn.Ks OK Oki.Kk. names of the niejiiber.s then present shall l)e inserted in the nn'nutes of the Council. ! U :ill;l;! MINUTES. o-Immediately after the Warden or Chairman shall have taken tlie chair, the minutes of the prece- dmg day shall be read by the Clerk, to the end that any mistake therein may Ix? corrected })y the Council. 6— The minutes of the Council shall consist of a record of the names of all the members present at anymeetingof the Council,and of all the proceedings taken ni Council. All reports made by Committees to the Councd, and not adopted in their original form, shall, at the request of any member of the Councd, be printed in the body of the minutes as reported ; and all reports adopted by the Council shall be printed in an Appendix. All By-Laws shall be printed in the Appendix to the minutes. STANDING COMMITTEES. 7— In the first Session of the Council in each ai)ci every year, Standing Committees, to consist of tliree or more members each, besides the Warden, shall be appomted for the following purposes, viz. : 1. Finance. ^ 2. Gaol and ^jourl House. 3. Printing. 4. Roads and Bridges. 5. Education. StANDINO llVhKH OF OUVKII. 23 ORDER PF BUSINESS. a— The Daily Order of lousiness shall bo as lollows : 1. Calling the names of mem})ers. 2. Keacling Minutes of preceding day or session. J. Keadmg Communications. 4. Presenting and Keading Petitions. 5. Referring Petitions. 6. Motions. 7. Presenting Reports by Committee. 8. General Business. WARDEN. 9.--In the election of Warden, the names of the candidates shall be put in the order in which they are proposed, the yeas and nays to be recorded when required by any member. In case of a tie the question shall be decided as provided by' the Municipal Act. 10— The Warden shall take the chair at the hour to which the Council shall have adjourned at the preceding sitting ; he shall immediately call the members to order, and, on the appearance of a quorum, shall cause the journal of the preceding session to be read, unless otherwise ordered by the Council. "^ 11— The Warden shall preserve order and decorum. He mav snea V to ar^^ ^,.-^^;^^ u n- any other member to the chair, but shall not, after speakmg to any question, resume the chair until such question is disposed of. He may, in common 24 Stani)IN(; Kules of Ouder. M h 'ilMlfS with any other mem],cT, call any nirnilier to order who shall violate any of the rules, and shall, wlien m the chair, decide all (jiiestions of order, subject to an appeal to the Council on the demand of two members, on which appeal there shall be no debate. 12-~ln case the Warden shall not be in attendance, he Clerk shall call the meetino- to order until a Chairman be chosen who shall preside until the arrival of the Warden. MEMBERS SPEAKING. 1^.— When a member wishes to speak he shall rise ill his place and address the Warden, and while speaking, no mem})er shall pass before the speaker, or otherwise interrupt him, except to call him to order. 14.— When two or more members shall rise at once the Warden or Chairman shall name the member who is first to speak. 15.— No member shall be allowed to sperk except from his own desk ; no member, other than the one proposing a question or motion shall speak more than twice on the same motion without leave • and no member shall speak more than once on the • same motion until every member desiring to speak to that motion shall have had an opportunity to do so. 16 -No member shall speak beside the question 111 debate. Standino Kules of OiSIiKI!. 26 17.-Aiiy member may of right require the question or motion to be read for his information at any time of tlie debate, but not so as to interrunt a member speaking. IS.—Every memlier present shall vote on anv question on the calling of the yeas and nays, unless excused by the unanimous consent of the Council. 19.— The yeas and nays, when demanded by anv member, shall be taken on the passage of any reso- ution, or any question or proposition submitted to the Council ; and in taking the yeas and nays the cerk shall call the names of the members in their alphabetical order ; and, before announcing the votp by the Warden, the clerk shall read the votes so taken, upon demand by any member. ^0.— When a question or proposition is before the Council or under debate, no motion shall be received except the following : 1st, to adjourn ; 2d, to lie on the table ; 3d for the previous question ; 4th, to postpone to a day certain ; 5th, to commit or amend ; 6th, to postpone uidefimtely ; which several motions shall have pre- cedence in the order in which they are arranged. The motion to adjourn shall always be in order.unless the Council is engaged in voting, and the motion to adjourn or to lie on the table, and for the previous question, shall be decided without debate. 21._When the previous question shall be moved, and seconded by three members, it shall be put in 26 V'l I it f iNiif I [ #' :ilif^f; Standing Rules of Okdeh. these words: -Shall the main question now be put ?" and until decided shall preclude all further amend- ments of the main question, and all further amend- ments of any pending amendments thereof, and all turther debate thereon; but shall not preclude pendm- amendments from being put, in their proper order, before the main question. Should the pre- vious question be decided in the negative, it shall not have the effect to prevent further action or debate upon the main question, or amendments thereto, at that meeting. 22.— No motion passed at any meeting of this Council shall be reconsidered during the same session without the consent of two-thirds of the members of the Council. 2a— If any member, in speaking or otherwise shall violate any rule of this Council, the Warden shall, or any member may, call him to order If such member shall be called to order while speakin- he shall immediately sit down, unless permitted t^'o explain. The question of order shall be decided without debate, and if the decision shall be in favor of the member called to order while speaking, he shall be at liberty to proceed ; otherwise he shall not be at liberty to proceed with his speech without leave of the Council. 24.— No persons, except members and Dersons uivited, shall be admitted within the bar 'of the Council Chamber. Standing Kules of Ohdek. 27 be put ?" ' amend- ' amend- and all )reclude r proper :lie pre- it shall tion or dments of this 3 same of the srwise, ^^arden er. If jaking, ted to ecided I favor ng, he 5 shall ithout 2o.-No member shall leave the Council while in session without leave being granted by the Warden or by the Council. 26.-I„ the absence of any rule upon any matter of business this Council shall be governed by the ordinary rules governing legislative bodies. COMMITTEES. 27.-In forming a Committee of the whole Council the Warden or Chairman shall leave the chair, and shall, before leaving the same, appoint a rity m the Chair of the Committee, as the Warden m the chair of the Council. 28.-On motion in Committee to rise and report the question shall be decided without debate. TivlT^l'Z ^""^''' ^^° '^^^^ introduce a S; be ' f "."' '" ^•''■°"' "P°" ^»y «"bject which onTof the ro ': ' 'P."'^' ^'^'"'"'"^i «!-» be Council ^°"™'"''''' ^^"^'^O"* being named by the 30.-That of the number of members appointed compose a Committee, such number thlof as h "e'^Zn /' ' ""^°"*^ "*• *^ ^•'°^'' "-b" to b.!"; s ■ If " '1''°™"' '^"'"P^"'"^ t" proceed 'lr° ' "' f ''^"'' ^'^ere the number to form motion ot appointment. i: 28 Standing Rules of Order. I ;7 ) ! HI I !i lli I I M .31.— All reports of committees shall be made in writing, and signed by the Chairman. 32.— That the Rules of the Council shall be observed in a Committee of the whole Council so tar as they may be applical^le, except the rule limit- ing the number of times of speaking and of takin- yeas and nays. MOTIONS AND QUESTIONS. SS.—That a motion to adjourn shall always be m order, except when a vote is being taken. 34.— That in Committee, a motion that the Chair- man leave the chair shall always be in order, and shall take the place of any other motion, without debate. 35.— X,) motion, except for adjournment, for going into Committee of the whole on By-Laws or for receiving l^.ports or Petitions, shall be debate be in drawn , with ameudments shall take precedence of motions. original 38. Every motion, when seconded, must be -eeeaved and read by the Warden or Chairman in Councl, except in the cases provided for by the 30.-It shall be the duty of the Warden or Chair- .nan whenever he shall conceive that a motion or resolution which is i„ possession of the Counc is contrary to the Rules of Councilor inconsistent with o refirf "'■ ;'"'.'^'''»<'^"'^'-'" ^'"ol' it was intended to refc, to rule ,t out of order; subject, however o an appeal to the Council, in which ca e it shal equ,re a two-thirds vote of the men.bers presen to reverse the ruling of the Warden or Chairman BY-LAWS. 40 Every By-Law shall be introduced by a mot on for leave, specifying the title of the san.e, or bfinV t f" r^^^f' ' ^^"""""'''^ *" prepare ;„d Sl■om^:S'°"'^'•°*• "-«--"«-'- Report 41. All amendments made in Committee ^h«ll .tSTVr '^ ?""^" ''•^ ^'^ Chains Ime, H * .^"^r '''^" ^° ™'''*"^t«'' to debate and amendment ,„ the Council, before the question to pass, sign and seal shall be deeid«d 42. Every By-Law shall receive three several readings previous to its being passed. If! in' , ii'ji ■■m um^^ 30 Standing Rules of Ordeu. Clerk shall certify the readings and the time on the back thereof. 44. By-Laws committed to a Committee of the whole Council shall first be read throughout by the Clerk, and then read by the Chairman and consicLed by clauses. r/t~;^^" I ^^'^^"^ P^*^''-'* *'' Council, the Clerk shall certify the .same, with the date there;f, at tUe toot ot the same. ' PETITIONS ic. 46.-Petitions, Memorials, and Qther papers addressed to the Council, shall be presemed by a Meniber ,„ h,s place, who shall be answerable to this Council that they do not contain improper or impertinent matter ^ PAPERS LAID BEFORE THE COUNCIL 47 -Papers laid before this Council, or referred to a Committee for their considemtion, are of right T.hC T? T" ^^ '^' ^^''^ "' Cl^airman at the table ; but when once read to the Council or Com- mittee, they are then like every other paper that belongs to the Council. 48. -These rules may be amended or altered, or new rule.s adopted, at any regular meeting of the Council, on the report ot , ,,roi-or rnr- ---t ,„i,- 1 ., , . f I "1 ,1 {..lopcr conuiuutee to which the subject had been previously referred, by the vote of a majority of all the members elected. hTANDJNG KULKS (IF OuilEli. 31 4,>.-lhese rul«s,,.r uiiy theni,n,«y ),e temporarily su.si,en(led at any meeting of the Council by a con- current vote of three-fourths of all the members elected ; and the vote on .such suspension shall be taken by yeas and nays and entered on the journal. ORDERS OF THE DAY. ^^<»--Whon any order or orders of the day shall '>e left undisposed of at the time of an adjournment, either for want of quorum or otherwise, such order o>- .>rders shall be taken up in succession as the first business after the daily routine at the next meeting OT the Council. ^ Adopted June lltb, 1879. G. S. COUNSELL, Clerk. TH0MA8 STOCK, Warden.