V'- J m' . CIHM ^ .Microfiche (Monographs) 1% .• -.«—- .^ '.,^:m }:,: ■ Collection de microfiches (mbnographies) >i* € ■.*r. CSfWdian InstituM for Historical^iofforaproductiom / IfMtHut canadlMi d* mii&roroproduetion* MttoriquM - ■„ - ■ ._'■ '■■■":':■■ ' \- ." '1'-.'' - '^ '■ : ■ ■' ■■ »." ■' ■"■■ ■:,■ ■■ ■■- • ■ ■ ■ . . W' ■,. - ■f -■ *.,' 'n ■7 %■ M . TmiMkat mtd H fcMoi r tp W c Hum > tte iMtftutt hM atlMii^iad to oMatn Hm Imt orifiMil cony avaUiMi for fMmlnf. fMtiMW a« tfiii oopy whMi - of tiM inwcM hi tfio rtpratfiMtioiii or < ittnifiMiitlv ekinti tiM MMMl HMtlMd of f NMbif. 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Whanavar poitiMo, thaia liava . baan omittad from filming/ II (a paut qua cartainas pagai Manchas aioutAat idn d'una rattauration apparaitiant dam la taxta, mais, kHM^ cala Itait pouiMa. cat papM n'ont paiMfibniai. . » ' Additional commanti:/ Commantairat supplimantairai: This itam is f iknad at tha raduetion ratio chadcad Mom/ - Ca documant att f ikni au tauii da rMuetion indiquA ci'danow. 10X ipr nwr Ma«|i LaadAtaNidaeat • Cokiurad Piigai ratiorad and/or laminatad/ ragai ranaurvav won panMoiaai. Q 0nNiH diioolourad. ttMiad or foxad/ □ Showthrough/ Quality of prkit variat/ OiualitA intgala da I'impratsion □ Cont^uoM pagination/ PaginatMHi continua / □ Indudai indax(ai)/ Comprand im (dn) indax tHia on ha adar takan from:/ L,t titta da I'an-tlta proviant: Titia paga of itiu*/ Paga da titra da la livraiion A ,^ □ Caption of issua/ Titn da dtpart da la livraison's^^ Matthaad/ Qinirh|ua (pirkidtquail' da la livraiton ^BfT T«ir TBT - ;-. y 1 ' 1?X 16X .f aox 24X - ' b^ 2ax 32X •;v- TlM copy WmMl hw* hM bMn raproduoad thMifcs to tll« QMMIIMlty of : Jkmmrk tm fUwB oofc Ubrary, Uiwwwliy of Tofoiilo Ubmy • ■ ^ Tho imaooo oiHMorlnff hoio «ro tho poMlbio eonoMorlng tho ooni^tlon of tho oriflifMl oopy ind In kooplng fNmihfl eontroet Ipoeif Icotioiw. quollty iglbl wfith thii| OrigiiMil Goploo fci printod popor oovoro oio fllmod boginnino wHh tho front oovor ond ondlng on tho loot po«o with printod or INuitratod Improo- •Ion. or tho book covor wrhon opproprloto. AU othor orlginol eoploi oro fllmpd bogliming on tho first P090 with o prinibd or llluotrotod Improt- •ion; ond ondlng on tho lost pogo with printod Of Hlustrotod ImproMion. Tho loot roeordod fromoon ooch mltroflcho shoN contain tho symbol -^> Imoonlng "CON- TINUED"), or tho tymbol ▼ (mooning "END"), wMchovor appHot. Mopo. plotps. charts, otc. may bo fllmod ot difforont reduction ratkM. Thooo too largo to bo entirely Inchidod In ono oxpoauro aio fllmod beginning In the upper left hand comer, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams Illustrate the metiiod: »■■ w..' ""I ^ 'n •■ ,( ,.-,.v L'ekemplaire film* fut reprodult grioe i la g4n«rosit« do: ^ ThonMi FUmt RfN Book LNWwy. Univtnlty of Toronto Ubcaiy Lee Images sulventes ont 4t4 reproduitosc^^avec le plus grand soin. compto tenu do la condltfon et do Ip nottot* do i'oxempleire film*, et en conf ormM avOc lee conditions du contrat do fUmage^ 4 Lee oKompliires orlglnaux dont ^pcbuvorturo en pepier est Imprim4e sent filmte en common^ant par le premier plot ot on terminaiH soit par la demWre page qui comporto une empreinte d'impression oud'iHustration. soit par le second plot, solon le cas. Tous les autree oxemplalres origifMux sent filmte en commonpent par la . premiere pege qui comporte une empreinte d'Jmpression ou dlllustratlon et en termlnant par la demi*re pegs qui comporte une telle ; omprsinto. / /. tin dee syn^irarei euWifit^ dornlAro inlege do cheque niicrofiche. seion le » cas: le synlbolo— ► sighifie "A 8UIVRE". le symbde y signifie "FIN". ^ ../,"' J .■■-■-*.■■. ^ ^. , •., Lea cart^. plarichos. toMoaux. oto., pouvont itre fllmAs 4,dee teux do rMuction diffAronts. Lorsquo/lo dociimant est trpp grend pour itro reprodtfit en un soul cllch*. II est fllm« A pertir do I'ahgle supMour geuche. do geuche i droite. ot do haut en bas. en ptenent le nombre' d'imag^.nAcesaeiro. Lee diagrammes suhranta Uiustrem la mAthodo. ■■ I I j: f^^ k 6 ■MttflMM ran CHMf (ANSI afld no TEST CHART No. 3) t«U tod Main StrMt RediMter. N*« tock 1400* USA (7I«) 4«a-O300-llMm (71«) 2l9-9Mt^F«i - No. 11 / »! Janaary 1808. yJStA^ -09^ C^A^TALiOiGiUE *T5Sif V OF 4 i ,»■! 1 t. VALUABLE AND INTERESTING BOOKS, A }¥li8ceUaneou8 dotlection of Neui an6 8econ6 han6 Boohs, >^ ^ 3n all classes of titerature For Male at the ■^ IMmiNION BOOK STOKB , DOOK5 5CNT BY MAIL OR rXPRC55 1 CARRIAdC PAID ON ALL pRDCR^ or ^25.00 AMD OVER. P. O. ORDCR5 PAYABLE TO D. dUTHCRLAND. S *' Architecture. —" Penneih<)me, ( J«»l«n, Eq.) Geometry and Optics of Ancient Architecture, illustrated by examphs frotn THEBES, ATHENS and ROME, rf-^JoMN Pknnktiiorne, Kbq., Aixisteil in the Drawing and Coloring of the Plates anil ill the An aiigt-ment of the Text l»y John Bobinson, Architbci. Latge, •lephantfolib,. 16x22 in., half Ujatlier, f 20.00. Publishtd at $35.00. Perfect- ly new. Willinnlis dcNorgate, London & Edinburgh 1878. Oerman Art. — The MASTERPIE(!ES of GERMAN AR I, illustrated, being a fiiogrnphicHl History of Art in Germai.y and the Nethed|nds frtfm the earliest Period to the Present Time. Edited by J Euoenk Kbed. S vols in 1, large fulio, half mor. <12.00. Subscription prke $37 .50. Gebbie & Co. PhiUdelphia. Canada'-* Notman's Photographic Selections, Second Series. Large folio* 18x18 in half mor^»l0.00 .7* Montreal 1866. Hexalpa — 'Hie Engliuh Hexatpa, Exhibiting: tt^ Six important Enplisli Trans- biti »ns of ths New Tc5*ament Scriptures, viz: — VVICLIF, TVNDAL, CRAN- MER, GENEVAN, ANGLO-RHEMISH and AU'lHORIZED. together with • ' the Origiitai Greek Text after Scholz. Preceeded by an Historical account of ihc English Translations. MylbsOoybsdalbb Prologue, — *BureI amthat there commeth more knowUge and vnderstotidittge of thk Scripture by thtyr son- f Hrie trans/acyons, then by all tie gloses of oure sophistichlldoctours. For that one •interpreteth somthinge obscurely in one plcue^ the same translateth another (or els hi himself e) more manifestly by more play fte vocable of thesame meanmgin another place.* . large thick vol, fancy calf, 16.00 London. BaKttefVlSons, 1841^ ItaAy — The History of Italy, written in Italian by FBANdBsco GtriootABDiMi, b Nobleman, ot Florence, in 20 hooks. Translated into EiWlish by the Chevalier — Adbtiw P abk b Gop nA So, 2nd edition, 10 vols Svo l «> tber\ | 6 . 00 . Lo nd o n 1766 . r^ I '4 ■■^ '♦ 8lITHERLAND'H,CATALO0I|K OF OT.I) HARK 1 Canada, TMk Canadian Naturalut and OeoluHioi, by E. Hillings, voU «. ii. & M. cloth A.mO Monthkal 1857 2 Drama, TIvb nrltioh Drams illnstrnled in 12 voU boardH 'i.40 pub. by J Dick Lonoon 3 RolMrtaon, (William, D D.) HiMory of CharleH. V , in Harper's Family Library 2bc 4 Spurgeon, (C. 1 1 . ) Gems, bninjf brilliant pAMsaK«s fri>ni his discourHes, Cloth *2Kc Ii Ouilipt, (M. F.) qeneral History of Ci- vilisation in Fiirope, also a Treatise on i)eaih ritnishmehts. cloth 45c Edin. 1848 6 Plutf^h, The Lives nf the Noble Gre^ ci»ns anrk . ) 26 Prayer— Our Father ; or the Lord's Prayer, expanded in the words of Holy Scripture— being a series of morning and evening Prapers— complied by a Mother for the use of her sons, 8vo, cloth, 1.60. London, 1886. 27 Geology— Geikie (Archibald, LL.D) Text-book of Geology, with illustrations, 8vo, half calf, gilt and panelled back, raised bands, 2.26. London, 1882. 28 Hook (Walter Farquhar, D.D) -A Church Dictionary, 18th edition, full calf, gilt sides, with Trinity College Stamp, gilt panelled back, raised baiids 2.00 Lond. 18S0 S9 HllUall (John, LL.D.) The History of Mocfern Music. A Course of- Lectures de-° liVered at the Royal Institute^Great Britain 3rd Edition 8vo full calf gilt, with Trinity College Stamp. 2.50 London 1881 30 Haweis . (Rev. H.R., M.A.) Music and Morals, cr 8vo full calf gilt with rrtnity Col- lege Stamp and photd of author. 1 75, Lon- don' 1879 ^. ' ' jr i:Re»H^.7 3^ I Courae of Mlion on th« iiKlon, iN'i:). ) The lliv Vatn in Khk.- m cr. Hvo, A full \MH« . 3.00. •xiord, 1721. irthacoloula ece. A new I, Anderdon, 'i voU, Hvo, ins. nliKhtiy « bnrKh, 1H24. ■itinh North A. in 4 vols, iteel portrait iron to. IH8(>. e Bible, 4th :alf. VoIh 1 y, V.k III nd National planaiions in jondon J82«. joii'n Prayer siicrameniH iiies of the [ the Church orni pf con- id Deacons. with coni- D.D, second 2.f.0. Oxford. 1822. wc>rk.) the Lord's ds of Holy morninK and ' a MOTHHR cloth. 1.60. .ondoi?, 1886. aid, LL.D) illustrations, back, raised ondon, 1882. , D.D).-A an, full calf, I Stamp, gilt ) Lond. 18S6 MISCKliLANr.OtTH BOOKR ir - i 31 Letters on Clerical .Nlanner* and llabltH addrrnsCTl Co fi Student In lh« Theoloiiir.il Heminary nt Princeton by Hami. Miller PU. small vol leather 70c N. Y. IH'i? 8*i Junius. L«iters of. with prellminaiy |)lss< rIatloiiA ami copious notes bv Arriciii* H>cuHi)(ts, small neat vol full call j{ilt,4»ack, with stfel frontispiece containinR Oeorge iii and . W. H.adle Ksq. A guide in all nvaiiersrelalinrt to the CuUivaiicn o» Fruit*. Wowers and VeRei;»bles and their value for cullivaiioii in-this climate. Cloth ((ilt 8v'o colored plates, Jl. Toronto 187i 80 Stnitt (|osepli) -^ CommonpLnce book: or ConipaiiiDU to the Old and New Testa^ment IloJnK a Hcfipture account of the Faith and ami Practice of (Jhristians, consisting gf an ample collection of pertinent texts on the sundry articles of Revealed Religion, 8vo . half leather gilt Lack 40c. London 1818 37 Plutarch's Lives, Translated from the Greek, with notes. Critical and Historical and a Life of Plutarch, ijy John LanoWounk D.D. and Wir.i.iAM Langhokne A M., 8rd edrt vols 8vo full calf gilt backs, with steel portrait S4. London 1810 38 Oliver Ooldsmith. — Miscellaneous Wi-rks ot. ill 4 vols Jeather. damafjed. steel portrait 7flc. ' Glasgow 181(5. 8!» O'Oonoghue, (David J ) The Poets pf Ireland ; A Pi^graphical "Dictionary with lliblitigraphicnlparticulars, unbound. 75c. 40 Taylor. (FW ) A Voyage around the World an I VtJiits t j Various Foreign Coun- tries in tjiu U. S. Frigate 'ColDmbia' attend- ed by her Consort the Slotip 'John Adams' and commanded by Commodore George O. Ue.id^ 2 vols in 1 ftto cloth, shabby, has a colofcd picture of the Kmperor of China.' $1. 41 Duke of Sully \—\ Memoirsof Maxim-' ilian de Hethune, Tfuke of Sufly, Priine Minister to Henry the Gt^at. Alsn thf trial •of Bavaillac for the Murder of Henry the (>reat. vols post 8vo leather, portrait, 3 50 Londort 1778 i : 4-2 Belles Lettres, -^ The Meiho- den. Hothouse, Greenhouse, Rooms, or Pairlor Wopdows, for every mon^th in lh» yrar, l2mo cloth, (I5c. 48 Biohardson, [Major,]. Movements of the britiHh Legion, with Stricture on the Conduct of Lieutenant General Kvans, 2nd ed. to which ia'added, with.new. views, aeon* linuation of th« operation irom the 6th of May 1830 tu the close of March 18^7. <8vo boards 2 60 London 1837 V 4'.) Jewel,— Life of Bishop jewel, by Chas.- Webb, Small nrM leather bound vol with, portrait 75c. London 1836 60 Pictures — The Cabinet Gallery of - Pictures by the fiwt Musters of the English and Foreign Schools, in 72 line engravings, witli Biographical and Critical dissertations by Allen Canninghaip.in 2 vola 8vo cloth gilt 3,60 61 Adison (Joseph)--The works of--Com- 'plete in 3 vols, embracing the whole of - the spectator, etc., 3 vols, 8vo, sheep, with portrait (shabby) 75c. N . Y. 18.56. Spectator' in 4 ydls, l2mo, J morocco, dam»" ■- aged, but clean and complete inside, 2,50. London, 181,6. 5i2 Darby (J. N.)-8ynop8i8 pf the books of the Bible in 5 vols, crown, fivo, cloth. Poorly boun*', but complete |2 60. " • 53 BsiMtyS.— Original essays and trans- lations by differfent hands. Containing. among others, the History of Sarah the- Translated from the Prench, also the." In- dians.'' A tale of Canadian Indians. 8vo, leather, damaged, ♦1.26. Edinburgh. 1780. 54 Dissertations -On the existence; at- tributes, etc, of God. 8v», tree calf, 6i'c. Edinburgh. lS07. 1 .58 Burnet (Bishop) History of Ottt OwjTl, "■ Times in 6 vols, post, '8vo" leather, ola.r Carefully corrected and revised by' the' folio copy, S3.75. Edinburgh, 17i53, ■'WK^i-i 8UT0I nCAND'H CATALOfiUK OF OLD HARK f t mUi fCharlMK-Thc Uittorv of lh« Cru>ac|rt for the tftcovty and Vcmanloa of ihn Holy Land. In two vols, cr. 8vo, half iMibar, wtlh aiMl anjiraving of • Ki.ighl of lh« flni Crusade, 7sc. • Lon.lon.IWi B7 Blair (Hu(b)-Lactur«a on Rhetoric an thd mlDlstfrsof^lhs High Cburch and pro fusior of Rhetoric and llallca Lattras in lh« Unlvarsity of Edinburgh, in 8 vols. Fins steal portrait, tre« calf 11.85. M BalMM [Honor4 da] Tba Human Com- •dy, baing Iha bast Novals from thaComaili* Hnflsainaof H. da Haliac llluairated with .18 angraviagt on wood from tha baal Frenoh •dltion. Introduction by Julius CNAMaaas In S vols 8vo cloth gilt 1 7ft M Oinoa Fkirar -^ Etamal Hop*, er Svo clotfiliOc. 00 BlMk. [William] Stand Fast, CraiR- Royston, illustratad l3mo cloth 7&c. I80i •t OUirMldon. [Edward, Earl of} Tha His- . tory of Iha Rabolllon arid (}ivil M ara of Eog- laad. by Tha B«rl,cf Clirandon, in 7 small vols, boarda, 9.10 Oxford 183tt «r Ball. [Robart, A. M.J The Worka of, with a Memoir of hia Life by Olyntbus Gregorv, IiL;D. with a critical estlmata of ' Of bia character, by John Foater ; 6 vols post 8t6 oloih with portrait, 2 00 London 18M •3 Staward. (GeorgeJ Memoir of. cr 8vo cloth; with ftaM portrait, flOc. I.oadon 1868 M Olark [Rer.B. F. ] Young Peoples- Prayer Meetings in Theory and Practice with 1000 Topioa. cloth 40o. Mh'Wlllatta-Blllkta, A Collection of songs for the Social Circle, in 9 small vols cloth 7Sc Glasgow 1890 ,4M Bathal and Fennel. !M Sermons by Char. lea Robinaen, D.D. 45c *'l-ond, 1881 67 Topp. Rev Aletaader, D D. New Year Addreaaes delivered in Knox' Cburoh T6r. onto, to hia bibl# xlaas. with photo. 25o. W AMtgvm, (Joaopb, M.A. D.D.) Hand-book of the EngHah Trogue 26e 1864 ^ Vnrpt)— The Monuments of Egypt a Wijtneaa for the Bible, bf F. JL HaiVea. D.D., LL.P. with tinted illttstrations •*5 NY. W54. '0 Ogpar rrheodore L.) D.D.-^The Young 71 Jaokaon (Stonewall)— a MilitarytBlo- grapby by Esten Cooke, with Maps, Por- fraft*. and a view of Foley's Statue, 8vo, Cloth, 11.25. New>Yorj(, 1876. n Oanaila— The TeUtions of the Industry of Canada with the Mother Country and the United Statea, being a speech by Isaac Buchanan. Esq., M.P.. with NaUonal Senti- ments contained therein N^t the dinner giten to the Pioneers of Uppor Canada, at Loo- don, Canada West, lOlh l>«9 1868. Svo. cloth, wHh Portrait, 11 .85. Montreal, 1804. tS Trial-Trial of John 11. Hurralt in the Criminal Court for the District ol Colum- bia, lion. G«o. Ftther presiic(]uslar, Esq , illustrated, 8 vols, in ootf, Hvo., thick, clo'h, gilt, 81.85. Port Hope, C.W., IH53. 75 Napolaon -The Uh of Napoleon ln- t'ributera, compli-te in one vol., large^jfmiibk, with steel portrait, laaMier, II 60 Cincinnati, 1BA6. 77 Ilaport of the Auditor G*rM;ral on A|i- Sropriation Accounts lor the year ending Otb ^^pe, 1886, 7«c. Ottawa. 78 Omida— Geological, Hurvey for ISfiS 4 5 andlillU. 7»— « — ^^Report of Progreaa from 1868 lo l«60, 11.00 80 Ontario-Game and Fish Commission. Commissioners Report. 8vo , half leather, profusely illustrated, $2.00: 81 Blima( Robert) —The complete works of Robert Burns, containing the Poems, Songs and Correspondence, with a new life of the Poet and notes, critical and biographical, by Allan Cunningham, eUganily iUustrated, .roy. 8vo., cloth, gilt back, binding a little brOkeir. Boston, 1853. 82 Panada under the Administration of the Earl of Diifferin. by George Stewart, jr.. atael plate. 8vo., half leather, marble sides and edges, 91-25. Toronto, i(«78 88 Wak«l«7 (Rev. J. B.)— The Heroes of •7(9 Methodiam, aketches of Eminent Methodist Ministersi Ac, cr., 8vo.. doth, wilh portrait of F. Asbury, SOc. Toroo^o 84 Ohallhara— Memories of the Life and Writings of Dr. Thomas Chalmers, by W. H»nna, D O., in 4 vols., l2mo, cloth„ |i.OO. NY. 1863. 85 OaaAda-^Censusof Ciojda, v il «. 1860-1. 8vo., cloth. 50c, " Qjebec, 1863. 88 Foz'fe Book of Martyrs, 8v» . cloth, gilt, with iUnstrationa. QOc. Auburo. 1864. 87 Ouroaltlaa— The Prose and Poetry of Europe and America, consisting of Literary Gems and Curioaitiea.' containing the ohoice production of the most popular writers past and praaent ; being a rare and yalnable work for the library. &c. i complied by G- P Morris an vol.. large Haroa Miseionar livee and view of • Hmith, st« lanJ early life, GiNRaAL ions in ar numerous 1125 00 Hlator; Merle W cloth, %yii RoUrt Ci 01 Oanadj diana and from the ( Province I J. MnaoAi 02 Murra; paeMa oi ledge, fori Informatii ings, 4to| 93 Towag Book of t> . readings cloth, tbii M OanadJ > Alesandei I trait, 11 2 }»5 Oharn< upon the ! 2. vols. 8v 00 B>oma stru^la I therity, b 76c. 97 lamav 'HogMr v8 liawla ; 11(1 the il nalot tb€ . tation of the Unite |v9 Oranr -1 the Pr«sb rarlieA^y table of i cloth, fl.i (0 (}rap« tise on A Making I with abo nature. 8\ \ AND MWCP.LLANIOITB DOOKS I dinnar |i*«a n*(la, at l leather, fl 20 New York 1867. 00 Hlatorjr of the Reformation liy J. H. Merle U'Aubigne, D.O, 4 vol* In tmn, 8vo, cloth, with steel cuts, OAc. Publiihed by Ro>>ert Cater ft Bros. NY, 1847. Oi Canada Sketches of Celebrated Can«> dians and Persons connected with Canada from the earliest (it^riod in the history of the Province down to the present time, by IIrnrt J. MoaoAN, 8vo. cloth, $1 28 guebec,- lH6t. OSKorrar (W.B., F.R.S.) Tha Oyclo> paeMa of Useful and Entertaining Know- ledge, forming a complete library of Family Information, illustrated with 350 engrav- ings, 4to| leather, $1.75. Hoston, 1858 93 Towasand (George H.)— The Everyday Book of Modern Literature, a series of short readings from tha best Auttiora. cr, 8vo. cloth, tbiok. 11 00. M Canadian Poeta -Poems and Songs by Alexander HcLachlan, 8vo, cloth, with por- trait. 11 24. toronlo, 1874. 05 ClUUrnook (Stephen, D.D.)— Discourses upon the Existence and Attributes of God, ' 9. vi>ls, 8vo, cloth, portrait, fl.SO (shabby ) NY. 1853. 90 Roma in Canada— The ultra montaine struggle for Supremacy over the Civil Au- therity, by Charles Ll j Oaid« i h«i Utini* Animali. Ilirdt end Fi*hM i)( Nur<>> Amarktf. avld) : Li fa of : Miaaionary to the North Amarloa Indiana, amali, ISmo. clotlr. 28c. Dublin. 1892. lit XtttT«r (Charlas) : Sir Brook Fbtabmoke. A Novel, with several other*. 8v6. half leather tfic. 119 8k*t : In^Theory and Praclioe, by A Hertefeld. TVanslated and edited by Pro- * feasor HofTman, with numerous Illustrations, fancy colored title page, small 4to, cloth, neat, 76c. London, 1898. 121 AiuMMU (William Howard) : My Diary North *nd South, 12ino, cloth, 00c. Boston. ISflS. Ill Our Vlllagr* : Xary liusseU Mltford. clokb, gilt edges, illustrated, small, 4le. 9(.c. Toronto, 1880. 129 GhOat**. Captain H. R. H., the Duke of Edinbnrgh, K.G.. in 18671868, by the Rev. John MiLhaa, B.A., Chaplain, and Oswald W. BaipaLV. 8vo. cloth, gilt, color- ' ed illustrations, uncut edges, gilt, with photo of,Alfred. Duke.of Edinburgh, |1.60. % ' Laoiah. 1860. 123 Chun*, Prairie and Forest : A Descrip- tion of the Game of North America with personal adventures in their pursuit, bv PARtna GiLMo'ai. cr. 8vo. cloth, illustrated. 71c. N»*r York, i874. 124 Nlnwvah and BalnrlOIi : Discover- ies among the RuiiM of Mineveband Baby- lon with Travels, in Ambsioa, etc, being the result vi a secoiid expedition undertaken for the Trustees of the QniTtsH Mi>sit>ii by ' Austin H. Layard, M.r., with m|m>, plans and illustrations, tvo, c)c*th, gilt, thick, un- ci» «dg«i, I1.6O4. Ftttnans, Ndw tSck, ilStt 1^ Nvwfbundlaad : As it waa and as It ii In |H77, ilmo, ctolh. nasi, 54)c Toronto, iti7S. IW Job ! The Poem nt Job, ih« oldest boob in Ihe world, iranslalad from iha liet>raw, with noiaaatc. by Iha ICev Noata Coi.smah. M.A, Ind al, 4to. cloth (printed for private circulation) |i.25. ill7i. With a statement of ihe country where Job resided, and an •numarallon of some of ihe I incial Legialature. to which la added a complete reference table to private Acta and Amendments by N. H. Garland ; the Laws relating to Banks and Raw kino compiled by Wm. Wilson, Ast. Clerk. House of Com- mons, red cloth, II. 2S. Ottawa. 1869 Itl Mahan (Rav. Asa, D.DI : Out of Dark- ness into Light, or the Hidden Life maJe manifest, cr, Svo. cloth, 60c. 1S2 Smith's Canadian Qisaetteer : Compris- ing Statistical and Oeneral information re- specting all parte of the Upper P^vince, or Canada West, map torn out, Svo, cloth, 7&c. Toronto, 184|. its- CMbMn (Louis H.) ; Convenient Houses with Fifty Plans fer the Housekeeper. 8vo cloth, extra, |1.SB.' 132 OamplBit *i>^ Camp Outfits : A Manual of lustruotion for Young and Old Sporta- men, by O.O- Siiiii.»e.cr.8vo. oloth, gold. iUnatrated, 73«. N. Y., 1890. 180 - Thooaoptay : An Introdnotion to Theoeophy. or tne Boienoe of the " Myatery of Christ," Itmo, cloth, pp 607, 650. London.; I36 Atneiioa : Notioea of Brasil in 1828 and 18t0 by the Rev It Walsh. L.LD, M.R. I. A., in 2 vols, Svo, boards, vgent illustrated with mapa and wood onts, and Rev D J Drakeford'a book-plate. 12.50. Lond. 18.%. 187 America : ANamtite of the Explor- ing Expedition to the Rooky Monntain^n the year 1S19, and to Oregon and Nflwb Oalifor Oaptoli tration I8« Am or the manoe, ll.tu 119 Ook . Colonic viewed condlll •176. 1411 Mae and Tl adian 1 Prontli llahed vola in 141 Arth with a it* I'ec 400. PHOTC 14i Tl Tl Al T T P A T Portr ed )8 LAN< D( SI Ph S< 18 th —^ ■*; • \ AMD MIBCELLAMEOUH iUK)Rf rM and M It to Toronlo, |N7S. Im oldMl booh I ih« lUbraw, ■La Col.tMAM. r«l (or privaio tffji. \%ty wttcrajob I torn* o( ih« I ihriM daugh- kh«ir bralhran, »ir own naniM. Th« Dark imlnaiwl mapa, Toronto, iHTH. al of Sora^to lira, with orig. ifl, Hvo, cloth, Chicago, 1H76. | liaan Univara* i Future Staia. N. Y.. 1875. 1 of Litwa, ate, liaa and tioan lanlea aa pataad t and the Prnv- h la added a rivate Acta and and : the Lawa er P^vince, or 8vo, cloth, 75c. Toronto. 180. iveiiient Houaea »uaekeeper, 8vo iflU : ^ Manaal nd Old Sporta- Ivo, oloth, gold. N. Y., 1890. itrodoction to ( the •' M yatery HW, 650. London. ', Brasil in 1828 (1, L.LD. MR. cnt illnatrmted and Rev D J K>. Lond.18.f2. of the £xplor- [y MoantMn^n >gon and Nwlb Gelifoniia in the yeera JHiAU by lira vet Oeptoin. J rremont, wllh map and lllu*' tretlon Nvo. oielh. ipW. Loundon, lHMhotogra phy, half leather, S vol*, 34. 30. 38; yeara 1HH7. l8iM and 1889« ll.Saeech. TIIK INTKKNATIONAI. Annual of Anlhony'a^Pholographic Mulletln, vol I, IMHH, 7Ac; vol II. 188», 7ftc. THE URITISli JOURNAL Photo- graphic Almanac and Photographera' Daily Companion for the yeara 1878- 81-8.184-80 and 87 to 98, incluaive, 12 vola, '2Hc each . ' THS YEAR-BOOK of Photography end Phoiographio Nawa Almanao for 18A.1-84 80, 76oe«ch. PR/VCI'ICA^L Guide to Photography and Photo Mechanical Prinlin|( by W. K. nurton, cr. 8vo, cloth, |l.20. AMANUALof Photography, by Robt. Hunt, not in good order, 00c. THE CHEMISTRY of Light and Photography, by Herman Vogel, with UK) illuBtrationB--Int«national Scien- tific Series, 75c. niOTOGRAPIIY Simplified -A prac ileal treatise for Amateurs, paper. ISc, HAND HOOK nf the Practice and Art of Photography by Dr Hermenn Vogel. 8vo,eloth. 7AC Philadelphia. Iir70. TIIK PRACTICAL PRINTER- A eompleie Manual, oi Photographic Priming by CharUs W Haem, 7flc THE AMKKICAN Annual ofPliotoeni' phy end Pholofranhic Timea Al- manac for llia|^0>> 91 M ud »8« Mc each. / 148 OlutrMtorlatlOi of Men, Mannera, Op lni..ns, Timea, In 3 vola, cr, Hvo, leaihar, 11.70. Anno. 1711. . (A leef gone at the end of flrat vol ) - 144 Knox (Viceslmua. AM)— Liberal Kdiwa-^ tlun or a Practical Treatise on the Methods nf Acquiring Useful Learning, 19lBo, leather, 46c. Lowlon. 1788, 148 QoldsmlUl— The Reaniiea of Cold* amith, or the Complete Treaeury of Genius; a small old velum, leather, 4f«: Lond. I8()L 146 Lytton (The Rt, Hon. l.efd)--The Barona, cr. Hvo, cloth, frontlapiece. 0Oie 147 Earnest Maltrayers, 00c. 148 -. Alice or the Myateriee. 60c, (The above Serein the Knebworth edition.] 140 Tamil — Dureiaani-TaiQll>l>ullagam. The Lady'a Tamil Book, OMitaining the Morning and Evening Services and other portiona of The Book of Common Prayer in Romaniied Tamil with English Version it parallel oolumna and an Anglo Tamil Gram- mar by Eliiah Hoole, D.D, 8vo. leather. 70c. London, I860. 150 lUurat (Captain)— OlUt Podrldn. with illuatration. cr, 8«o, 0Oo. 151 PMoal [Blaiae] -The Provincial Letters. MorAI Teachinga of the Jeault Fathera op- poaad to the Church of Rome and Latin Vul- gate, cr. 8vo, cloth, neat. 11 00. *^ Toronto, IIKH. 103 TurgeneUr (Ivan)— Fathe(% and Sona. A Novel Tranalated from th« Ruaaian by Eugene Schuyler. Ph.D, If nto. cloth. 40c» Portraits of British Americans, by W. Noiman, with BioKraphical Sketchci editfd by Fenninob TAYtoB. In 1« parjs complete, unbound >IO.0O, Montreal J806. A good cleai^copy of this scarce work. llwwiPlNw^PWliS'!^ LANQE (John Pftfr, DJ>.)— A ConmenUry on the Holy Scriptures, Critical, Doctrinal, ;*nd Homili^ical. with special reference to MINISTERS . and STUDENTS. Translated from the German, and edited, with additions, by Philip Schaffrih 26 vols,8vo, leather (pub. at |1.7i per vol bv C. Scribners' Sons). |68.7i or |2.76 per vol ; also in half calf, gilt (pnb. at $6.^0 per vol). $87.60 per set, or 18.60 per vol : sold separately or in sets. Having ptjircbased the PublishciV Stock of this valuable commentary, we will dispose of them «t th e above r e duc e d rates as long as they last. . . ' — — '— — ^ — — -:A^, \ ■•A «UTHB»IjAM0'B OATALOOUB OF OLD BARB ^ !•» Sport— Field. Cov«r and Trap 49liootii>g by Adam H BoaA%i>», ISmo, clolD, portrait. Mc. 154 Prim* [B b G.. D.Di— Around tho World ; BketcbM^of Travel through many Lands and orar many Sea* with aumeroue illustration*, cr, 8vo, cloth, noat.^Sc. ^. Aow York. Ii74. IM Alnawoitll (William Franci*. Surgeon and Geolof i*t to tha Bspedition) : A Perional . Narrative of the Bnphrates Expeditioo, with map, i vol*, 8vo [pub. fS.ttO] f4.0(). 1888. IM Allan [Grant]— Force and Bnergy, a Theory of Dynamica : Wall [G.}-t4atural Hiatory .of Thought in it* Practical Aspect from it* Origin in infancy ; CahoOn [H.H.] —What One Woman Thinks, over 7 J Easay*. edited by Wcatover : liocke on Words, with Introiduotion on Notes by F Rvland ; and Taylor [1.1: Fanaticism: together, S vols . [pub. •8.0l«J 14.00. or separately at $1 each. 167 AnglO^BAZOn — Analecta An|(lo-Sax- onica : A Selection in Prose and Verse from the Anglo-Sanm Authora ef Various Ages, .with a GkMsary, deaigaed chiefly a* a first- ' book for Students, by Ben}. Thorpe; a new! edition, with'correotions and improvements; I Anglo-Bason Poem* of Beowulf— The Scop, or GleenwQ*^ Tale^ and the Fight at Fintaes- burr, with a Literal Translation, Notes and copiona Glossary, by Benj. Thorpe, and Anglo-Bakon Homilies, 78c each. 158 89l«0t Momt|m«nt« of the Doctrine and Worship (rf the Catholic Cluwch In Enf^nd befora the Conquest, with English Tcanslations, Notes, C^lation? of MSS.. • and an Introduction by B. Thompson, 9L 158a A]IC'lo4Efazon— Boswortb (Rev. jos.)— Four Aversions of ^ Holy Gospels, viz— In Gothic, A.D. §60; Anglo-Saxon} BOS;; Wyclifie, 1880 : and Tyndalt, 1626 : in par- allel colnihnt. with Prefads- and Notea^by Rev. Dr. Bosworth. assisted by Geo. War- ing. iBvo(piib. •8.00), $1.60. 1854. 160 All8lo4aaHm— Harrison (Pro. }. A.) and Baskarvill (Piof . W. U.} : Handy Dic- tionary of Anglo-Saxon Poetry : baaed on • Groachopp's Grain. Edited, revised and corrected with Grammatical Appendix, List of Irregular Verbs, and Brief-Etymological Features. 8vo (pub. 18.00) ILOa 1886 161 AllSt»lla-F«rkes (Sir H^ryV-Fifty Yoara In. the Making of Anstraltan History, portrait : 3 vols 8vo (pnb 18.00) 14.00. 1892. 169 Bevuit (Count. Brime Minister of Anstria •hd Austrian Ambassador in London) — Meniorl*. 1806-18^1. written by HimMlf; with . an Introdttction containing Reminr iaeenaes, of Count Benst's Career, tty Baron HMfy" de Wo r ms, portrait. 2 v ols. 8vo 168 DF«r (LQals)-Studle8 of the Oods in OnScm at Obtain Banetitaries Reeently Ex CAvattdt 11.26. !"*>■ 164 B3«tal (A.)— Among the Gods— Scenes of India. With LegenJ* by the Way. ^with 22 fnU-page Illustrations, •1.26. 1801. 166 SlIMllll Pamphili Evangalicse Prepar- ationis, Libri XV ad co trodnotion by l«a»c Taylor, 75c. 1894 . 170 ■nUnmi Aotor Series' edited by AKm> ArchAr, the celebrated Dramatic Critic, William Charles Mnorea'ly. by the F.ditor. post 8vo, 48c. 189<«. 171 —Thomas Retterton. by Robert W, Lowe, post 8vo, 46c: 1890. 172j — ^—Charles Macklin, by E. A. Parry, post ayo, 48c. r 1891- 'No " series " of eminent men has made n excellent banning.'— "St. Jame's •2.50. 1893. mora Gaaette." . ». 178 Qraen [W. C.] ; Homer's Iliad, Books L-XH. Greek Text, with a Verne Translation. •1.28. . ' , , 186^ 174 ^The SmilA o' Honcr, with Trans- lations and Notes, tl. 05. 1868. 175 Dy«r [T. H 3 :^The •»i«tory »»rthe Kii gs of Rome, slw Pindar s Od«^ tran-l.ted into English Pos'.'viih Explanatory Not^o HIM a Preface by F. A Paley. 2 vpla, 62 «0. 1868. 176 Dantrers [F. C] : The Portuguese in India, History of the Bise and Decline of th#l«- Eastern Empire, with 22 maos, farsi- milek of old charts, views, etc, 2 vols, *8.60. 18»3- : Portngueae Dis- and Mission s In 75g. 182 ' ISS — 18t^^ 18.5 -. 7oc. lSt> — [A. J. D.) lepand e ncies. 177 D'Onw; — ooveriii, A«f MoUcre, le Favari, » Camargo, axon, Mad- le Contat, I de Saint rdt. 2 void. Histc ry and ? ihe 19th 1880. tisa on the lupposed to ^irtnre and Tr. he and 56. 1877. eligion and n, with an and an !r> ° 18M. ed by A^iQ. atic Critict the Editor, 1890. Robert W, 1890. A. Parry, 1891. has made • "St. Jame'a [Itad, Books Translation. , ISC'*. with Tran«- 188S. (»r the Kii gs n'.l'tcH into y Not^« aiKi vola, |2.fiO. 1868. ortugaeae in 1 Deotine of matM, farsi- I vols, IkS.fiO. |81»3. lagUMie DiS' Misaion s in AND M18CEliI.ANE0tJB BOQKB «^ » fPUOIN'S ARCHITECTURAIj works— Kxamples of bmhic Arch* itecture, selected from J Aim itni ICdficcs in F^nnland, consisting of Tlams, Ele> vittionB, Sections, aiici P^iitM at large, calculattxl to rxcmplily thv jrArious stylw and il»e practiciU eonstrnciion of thi?fadtnif*d class «f .\rchitj;CtMre, by Aug- ustus Wclhy I'Hgi", with Historical and Des riptive letterpress by E. }. Wilson, architcet[^illustrattd will) 205 full-pate ftigravinKS by Le ^etlX, unci thj»y for tte Revival of Ciiriitiin Ardiitecture, witli r0.ruM puge plat.s ; together, 07 illustration, 2 .vols hound in I '; SiMrtimans of Gothif Arclitecturc. selected frrtm Ihncient Edi- fict-s 11; England, rical and Di s( riiptive lA'tterprcss and a.Gloxstry on^chittclural Terms by E. J. VVilso u a c lit c, lU full sizt-d plut^s by \\e Kau.x and. others, the fiontisiii ce be in-? in culorSj 2 vols; (lot hie Ornaments' of the Fifteenth and Sixteoiilh Cenhiries, the four series, over 100 plates, thfi «ngpved title pagei in colours, in I Vol ; in all. 7 vols 4to (pub 75 00). for 40.00. ^ 177 Macgregor (Colonel C . C.S.l.) : Nar- rative ol a journey ;thrbU;,'li the rrovinc« of Khnra>san and op; the N AV Frontier of Afghanistan in laffi; with map and numerous illuHtratiohs, • '2/fvols,. 8vo [pub 87 SO] , $.3 25 7, i«7n- 17s Japajies^lV[a.tli;Bandi3eal8: Part i. putt ry ; I'yt U. illum'iiat-il MKS and I'linffd lloyks; Pai*lll I^i qiiei-, Ennme's, M iai WocAl, (vorv, &c r>y Janrt's L. Bowes, jiin-.antK<^r of ' Ke am c A t ot Jaiian.' with i'l IS rait^nv in colours and gold imp, 8>.o »4r,'i > 1891. 170 Maryin [Charle ] ; 'JK':; II >fti*>n of »»'« lUernal I'ire. an Accoutii of the Journey to the Caspian R'-Rion in 1SS3, maps and ilhis- ■° trrttions(puh ftl 50)S7ftc 181)1. 180 Mathematical Works, comprising: Byrne". Dual Arithmetic, 2 vols, Jl.DO./ IKl — — -Edgeworth : Mathematical I'syrhics, 75g. , , 1S2- ' IHS 18t- 185 7oc. ISf) — 'Gaskin : Solutions, $|.00. -Griffin : Solutions. $1.(K). , -^Llo)d's TreatisiB on Magnetism, 50c, -Solutions of Goodwin's Problems, -Turni-uU : Plane Geometry, 75c. 187PatOn(A A-) : History of the Egyptain ; R volu ion from the Period of the Mam«- lukos to tho- Oeath of Mohartinu^d Ali ; frm Arab and European Memofts, Oral Traditi-.n, f.nd l.«cal Research, 2 vols,- 8vo (pub $4,33) $2 2-5. ■ 1868 18S Pennethome and Robinson's The Oaometry and Optics of Ancient Architecture, illustrated by Examples from Thebes, Athens and Rome, illustrated with 54 large plates, some of which are mag .' nifioently executed in colours and gold, and '2ii0 page's of.Text atjas folio half roan (pub. 1H1» Prel, Dr. Carl da :, The Philosophy of Mysticism.-^tanslafed from the German by C C Massey,"^ vols, 8vo. 12 00. 19 ) WeS^*Opp. H. W. : Primitive Symbol- ism as illustrated in Phallic Worship of the Iteprodnctive Principle, with an Introdnctioii by Gienera" Forlong, author of * The Rivers ofjpifi>,'8vo, »l.75. : 191 Random : Recollections of Courts and .Society, by a Ccsraopolitan, 61.60. 1889. 192 Random ; Cosmopolitan Recollections (tiy the a thor of Random Recollections) 2vc.ls,^8^. . 188»^ 193 Shermi»X, Gen. W T- ; Memoirs, written by hiinh^lf, with an appendix, also a cruque of the M^oirs by J. G. Blaine, 4 steel portraits and.lS maps, 2 vols, 12.60. \ 1887. W4 M'Olellan'S Own ^tory ; The War for the Union, the Soldiers who fought it, etc; by G. H. McLrllan, steel portrait engrav- ings and map, 14 in all, 8vo, cloth, |1.76. 1892. 195 Wordsworth's Life, by Prof, Knight with Portrait, 3 vols, inlperial, 8vo^ portrait, cloth (pub. at 812.00) »0.00. ^din. 188<.». 19fl Tavemier, \ B. : Travels iq India, by lean Baptiste Tavernier, Paron of Auboan*^, translated from the Original French Edition of 167.'5 by V Ball, LL D,. F.R.S.. with illustrations and maps, in 2 V,ols, royal, 8vo, cloth [pub. at JIO 00] JS.ftO. 1889. 197 Sydney. W. C, ; Social llife in England from the Restoration to the Rkjvolutivn, 8vf>. 81 7!^. - T '*'^-' 198 Sydney. VS-C i England and the Eng lish in the KighteenTh Century ; chapters in the Social History of the Timfes, 2 vols, 8vo, cloth, Mncut, 82.75. i , 1892. l'J9 Steel Richard: Life, by (i. A- Aitken, th nume r ous portr aits. -WT n 75. 1894 835."0) $20.00. 1878. 10 > BUTnERLAND'S CATALOGUE OF OLD RARE Cotton. Large Type Library EdUionBvo. .„. .,^3, tvpe. kood paper. 660. 1892. cloth. 11.78. . am BlrkS (Rev T. R )-Ju9tifioaHon and Irtpated ftighteouHness. being a review^" . a?en Sermon, on the Nature and Eff«=t» «' Faith • by Jamea Thomas O'Brien. D.D. lale Bp. of OsKJry. Edited by the Rev. H. A. ButKe. M.A., with preface by the Bp. of TncheJter. cr. 8vo cloth. 90c. ^, Macmlllan & Co. N Y and London. 1897- 13 Butterflles-The B»lterf»ie» ort^he Kaatern United States, by G " ^"=S «to. cloth. tl.OO Phil..l89l». m Smith (William)— Thorndale. or the Conflict of Qpiniont, 3rd edition, cr, 8vo, VVm. Bmckwood & Sons. Edinburgh, 1879. 204 Brown (John) of Haddington-Sacred TrSoloS ;or- a Brief View of- the Figures and Explication of the Metaphors contained in Scripture, with a portrait and other illus- trations, 8vo. leather, old. 50c. London. 18ia. 20B Hoff^ (Tames) -The Queen's Wake. &c. ^8va?5f:2nded. $1.25. Edinburgh. 1813. 206 BU8lHeBB-By -a Merdiant P"St 8vo. cloth, extra, 80c. Edinburgh. 1873, 207 Oarlyle-The Autobiography of the Rev Dr Alexander Carlyle of Inveresk. contain- ing Memoriala of the Men and Eventtof his time with portrait, cr. 8vo, cloth. 60c. Boston, 1861. 208 Seiss (Joseph A.. D.D.)-A Miracle, in Stone, or The Great Ptbimid of Egypt. 12mo, cloth, extra, 60c, 209 Hymns and OhoirS, or Ihe Matter and the Manner of the Service of the Song in the House of the Lord, by A. Phelps and^E. A. Park and D. L Purber, »2mo. cloth.TKc. ^ Andovei^SoO, large clear type, good paper, 080. Macmillan & Co.. N.Y. & London. 1868. 211 Sherlock (Tho., D.r),)-Scveral Dis- courses I'leached at the- Temple Church, in 6 vols, hall leather, cr, 8vo. 81 50. _ London. 17fio. 2iiJ TPhe Preacher's .^nual for 1877. comprising Prof. Wiihro*r's Treatise om HI! Catacombs OF Rome ; Bai-tletts Refutation, of Thb Annihilation Thkoby ; W M. lay lors Lkctures on TEAatmo ; An Essay on The Great Work ok the Ministry, and one hundred and thirty Articles on Church History. Pastoral THEotoov, ETCil'^oited bv Rev. R. A, Bertram, 8vo, cloth. fl-oO. r ■ ■ London, 213 A*t-Outltnes of the History of Art by VViLHELM LUBKE. A new translation from the German ad. , edited by riarence Cook in 2 vols, fully illustrated, 8vp. half leather, shop worn, 86.0;». N. Y.. 1880. 214 Blafce (Hon. Edward) Dominion Election Campaign Speeches, 1887. on the PolUical Questions of the Day, paper, pp, 424, 2oc. 215 Ramchandra— ihe inquiries of Ram- chaiidra or Dialogues with a Hindu Priest on the Christian Religion by an Indian Bishbp, 8vo, half leather, thick, »1.50. • Oxford "Mission Press,. Calcutta, 1832. 216 Brskin (Rev T.)— The Inner Life as re- vealed in the correspondence of Celebrated Christians, cr, 8vo, cloth, 46c. 217 AdolphUS (The Rev. O., M. A.)-Gom- pendium Theologicum or Manual for Stud- ents in Theology, cr. Svo. cloth, 65c. 218 The Clergyman's Instrilctor, or a Collec- tion of Tracts on theMinisterial Duties, 8vo' half calf, 11.25. 1 Oxford. 1843. KrnTITTT'a Hi-^liland Arts— The Bock of the Club of True Highlanders (Leab- Sctence ot the HiRhlanders, compiled from jm.iled and M.S. R<^cords and • SL^, and ilkstrated with Etchings of Highland Rel.csa..d the Keltic VesSees of Great Britain and Ireland, by C. N. M'lntyre North, Arcbt.ct, cSS the QubofTnie Highlanders, London. 80 beautifully execitted large follnaeeofates containing many figures and subjects. 2 vols, foho, iK-autifully Annkt-EY^^W^aid G.)--Polychromatic Decoration as applied to bnildingsin ^™? NUdLj^StyUs/B^ plates, In coUiurs and gold,- with^ DescnpUve ^ 1^^^^^^^ Principles of Decorative Design and Colourmg. folio lAlWHEaoSr^ ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY OP TKE ■^^COTTliKll^^^ Dissertation on ^ the Origin o the IS^ShU^^^^^ all the Additional -*^ z — : i — -°^ — ■ . — ^ T ^^^^t^A — ortii tlim r ii iiik t » i KING TEC of tn« Scale.' able three Decs( moroi BRITA A mm Biogi ibvo CYCLC In for numt dale, 210 Oana Years a^ - inscencei Height, i i20 Burn Robert' unfinishi ble sides ited by i Monirea 221 IndU dians wi sion to wi>th a b cr, Svo, 22-2 Horn each foi VII, X. Icctic S( ive, 4th $.3.(10, ai 223 H !ar; Nature ■ 8vo. clo 221 Bro^ of Life. XV, wi Urrectic •J24a Messial 225 Tdr] Old T.^ to Dib 8v0. clt 226 Har System »1.25 (i WoS "n^he Supi^ement Incorporated' and tljei r uuist p u y ula v S i gn ficaUom > ; briefly given, by John Johnstone, 2vols, 4to Cpub- 2d.00) 10.00. 1840. 1 227 Dttf rKKT'^' AND MWCELLANEOTTS BOOKS a dam John: illustrated, adon, 1868. sveral Dis- Church, in indon. 17ft6. 1 for 1877. itiseon Thb Rafutation. W M.Tay in Essay on msTBY, and on Chukch iTC. •I'idited nh, 11.30, London, y of Art by slation from ;nce Cook in half leather, N. Y., 1880. lion Election the Political ;),424, 25c. ries of Rani- Hind U Priest f an Indian ,»1.50. . alctttta. 1832. er Life as re- jf Celebratfed M.A.)— Gom- lual for Slud- ,85c. , or a Collec- 1 Duties, 8vo' Oxford, 1843. ndeis (Leab- ns, Art'*' antl lecords and d ihe Keltic h, A»cbit< cl, ceciited large o, beautifully 'ately printed > buildings in J Descriptive >l(iuring, folio OP THE Origin of the le Additional S i gn fications KING (TH) STUDY BOOK OP MEDiaSVAL AROHI- TEOTURE AND ART— Working Drawings of ibe Principal Cnurche* of the Middle A«cs in Germany. Belgium, and France. Drawn to IJnilbrm Scales from Actual Measurem nt, to which are added Illustrattons of Kema«- able Chalicea, Cups, Ironwork. Stained Gla-is, Tombs, &c., m al between three a..d lour tTtcttsand Kubjecls, engraved on 400 fulNj>agfc copp«rplale«, with Decstriptions by G.J. H II. the plates on I^dia paper, 4 vols, imperial *to, >wui m..rocco. top edges gilt (pub. 80.00) 40.00. ». • ^ i* BRITANNIOA— Americanised Encyclopaedia BritunniQ?, Ke'isec *na A men(U d . A Dictionaiy of Arts. Science and Literature, to which » added Biographiesof Livi.g Subjects 96 colored ifiaps and numerous iHustrationijin 10 vols, coaiplete 8v . lulf leather, 20.00. (Nb.eth edition) Chicago. IbW. CYGLOPAEDIA-BLACKIES' MODERN CYCLOPAEDIA of Universal Information, a hand book of reference on all Subjects and for all reaaers, with numerous pictorial illu-trations 'ind a series of maps ; edited by Chas. Annan- dale, M.N.LL.D. ; beautiful set. quite new, 12.00. D.D.,JjL.D., by George Smith, in 2 vols, 219 Canada— Qountry Life in Canada Fifty, Years ago, Pergonal Recollections ami I4em- -insoences of a Sexagenarian, by Qaniff Height, illustrated, 12mo cloth, beveled, 75c. Toronto. iaS5. ^20 Burn8— The Lif« and Times of the Rev. RoBBRT UuuNS, D P., Toronto,,including an unfinished "Biography, cr. 8vo. half calf, mar- ble sides, gilt bamls on back, portrait Ed- ited by his Son, Rev. R. P. Barns," D.D., of Montreal, 90c. Toronto, 1872. 221 Indians -'History of the 'Ojebway In- dians with especial reference to their conver- sion to Christianity by Rev. Peter Jones, wi-th a brief memoir of the writer, illustrated, or. 8vu. cloth, t2.()0, London, N.D. 222 Homillst, hv Dr. Thomas, cloth, fioo each for the following vols. : III. IV. VI, VII. X. 3rd Series, and 75c for vdl rV, Ec- lectic Series ; also for vols. I to VIII, inclus- ive, 4th Series, bound in 4, double vols.^ Sa.dO. and vol I of the whole, 75c. 223 Hiarl (Rev. ]. B., TJL A.) -The Tripartite i Nature of Van, Spirit, Soul and Body, cr. 8vo, cloth, 75c. Edin. 1868. 221 Brown (John, D.O.jr^he Resurrection of Life, an exposition of 1st Cor., chapter XV. with a Discourse on Our Lord's Res- urrection. 8vq, cloth. eOCi ^ / Edin, 1852. •j24a- — — SufferiftRS and Glories of the Messiah, 8vo. cloth, 60c Ediu, 18.53. 225 T^ple (David McCalman) M.A.— The Old Tt^tament in the New. , A contribution to Biblical Criticism and Interpretation, 8vo, cloth. 75c. . Williams & Norg-ite, London, 1868. 226 Harless (Dr. G, Chr Adolph Von) - System of Christian Ethcis. 8vo, cloth. ^1.25 (in Clark's Theological Library.) Edin, 1808. 8vo,clo(h, with portrait" 12.60. Toronto. 228 liOland'B— Divine Authority of the Old and New Testaments, 8vo. cloth, 65c. London, 1837'. 229 MartyPUm - Acta Martyrum P. Theo dorici Ruinart Opera ac Studio Collecta Selecta atque Illustrate Accedunt Traeterta inhac Edltione Acta S. S. Firmi et Rustic! ex Optimis Cddicibus Veronensibui, imp,, 8vo half calf, marble sides, 1.50. - Ratisbonse 1859. 230 Map— A Topographical Map of The Is- land of Saint • aRisTOPHKR in lihe West IndieSj describing all tie plantations with their respective boundries. the Parishes, ^ Churches. Towns, Rivers, Guts, High Ways. ' &c.. The w lole accurately laid down in the year 1823 by William McMahon, Surveyor of the Island. Mounted on linen, size each half, 38 by 59 inches, clean at new, in a case, ♦4.5"- * J. Wvlde & Soi^- Geographers to Hie Maj- esty,* London. , . ^. • 231 Taylor's Worthy'Communioant—A Dis- course on the Lord's Supper byiJERKMV TAYtoR, D.D.. 8vo, cloth, 75c. . I London, VVm. Pickering, 1853. '2.32 Oaflyte'O R'^iniscencis Edited by Anthony Frdude, 8vo, cloth. II. &. ' N. Y., 188L 1233 Homilies— Certain Sermons or Homil- 1 ies appointed to be read in Churches in tl»e time of the late Queen Elizal!beth„ reprinted bv authority ; also containing the Gonstitu- . tions and Canons set forth in the vear 1608. / 75C. , Oxford, 1844.'^^ 234 Palslfer [Dftvid] -Guide to Boston and Vicinity, with,map8 and engravings, post., 8vo, cloth, 25c. 235 BttPgeSS— Land. Labor and Liquor, by Rffv W Burgess, post. 8vo. cloth, 65c Toronto, 1887 1840. 227 DuCf— The Life of Alexanuek Duff, I * p; nifww^r Bl)THEKLANl>'b OAIALOOLE OP OLD RARE It 886 HMperuS and other Pbenw »nd Lyrici. >y Char.es Sa.g.ter. cr. 8vo. do.h.^4Bc.^^ Signs of Character, by i***"-^^. ^ . ^Y^'-'-f, with over 10.0 illustratipns. thick. 12mo. •2.B0 288 Alexander (Joseph Addison) : IsAiAii, tr««9latcd and Exglained in 2 vols. I'imo. cloth, »i.r.o. 89 Hood (E. Paxton) ;,Lamps, Pitchers and Trumpets. Lectures on the Vocation of the Preacher. 12mb. cloth. 6Bc. 2 ^°'^'"yTi»7B 240 OOke : The Life oi the Rev. Thos. Oolte . D.O.L.. by J. W. Ethendge. RLA-. 12mo, cloth, 76c. Portrait. London. IWJ i. 2il Pyramid : The Bible Agronomy and the Pyramid, by John Walker ,Ad?m. paper, 20c. '242 Nolan (Frederick) Integrity of the Greek Text of the New Testament. „.-, -- . I.x}ndon, Islo 8vo cloth, one. Pub. by T. ParHng. J. M. Sonnor Thoman William/ Gomm.ttee of the the Inhabitants of Nassau. I8&»- . 252 Otium- Norvicense sive 'rfn'"???'" .°! Reliquiis Aliquae. Symmachi i >;g« lions^ E- Lingua Syriaca in t«v"»«!''^''^°," Kripsit. FRK...n icus i••*^»• '^^^* 'uUho ' i*-.-* TTebrAW-A Critical Grammar ol tne i^HeWv'LTngu.^e bj. I.*ac Nok^he.n^b, i loip, 8vo. half d..if. m^ble «'»<;»j;-^„^ ^g,^' M4 Anoorvnhl Vettris Testementi Graece. ''„/-o u«n Imoerial 8vf>. < Life 01 the Most Rev. Divine and fcxcelleni Historian Phtkr Hbylvn. D.D. ; also an answer to Mb. 6axtek's False Acqusations of Dr. Heylyn. post. 8vO, leather, o^, Froptispi'oe, 1H.25. London. 108d. 249 Greece : The Land of Greece. Dercrib- *!d and Illustrated; Historical and Descnp , . tive. imperial. 8vo. doth, fancy, gilt edges. *1.75. i 263 OWnlquy (Falherl R6V. rt. T. Bloomfi'eid, 1).D« in 2 vols. 8vo. half calf, »1. 76. London, Longman, 1843. 257 Plutarch's Lives. Translated from tie OrfKinalGreek. with notes Critical and Ihsj Sal. and a Life of PI"'* ^'^h- '?>;,'°»;;;;„' William Lanohorn. »v«, cloth incut . etlges.75c. London 18,«. 258 Notman (John) - rhe Law andPraGtice co"ern^Contefeted ^Wx|i.>ns .1. thel^to- vince of Canada. 8vo. half •«^»'»V;[;J''J'^g.j 259 PrOOeedingS^of the Cnmmercial .Con- f vention held in Detroit. 1"'y . »y,V-"'' 13th a.>d 14tb. 1865. 8vo. boa. J.^Jl 2^-^. 260 Johnston'sGraphrcStatisticsofC.'.nf.'a 8vo. paper. «l 25. . Ottawa 188- . 261 Whittier (John Gr«enleaf)-'l^elofti. calwSks of. complete ed. 16mo. beautifully bound in treo calf. Kilt back. gtlt^«e..^50c. 262 Jest : The New London Jest ^^<^^'^f- ited by William Carew Hayhtt. /«»' "iV^- \.,„tu auc London, 1871. cloth. 4.-,c. _ ^..^^^ Years in the 280 FaUSSet [Rev. A. R., M.A.] : Studies in ; the 150 Psalms. . Theix undesigned coin- ciden'ssswiththe indepeiiiient Scripture His- 1 tories confirming and illustrating both. 8to, i cloth. »l. 25 London. 281 Bahamas V official Reports of the Out Islands of the Bahamas, by ?^hos. Chap- Harvey, Esq. (Civil Fnnnepr and As ^K^'I^.i:^:^ Father Chrniquy (The Apostle of Temperance of Cftna. a ) Sixth 264 Wit poets Wits aud Hnmonr. selected , ... — jj..- hv W h' Wills. Illustrated with one iHin- man sist.int "^o V > t Gu. dred engravings from drawings bv Charlrs H Bennett and Geo. H. Thomas, sniall, iV- IVUp.-.'). V-o. half mor. gilt. $1.00. Loudon. *.- A »«:;.'» ■/ AND M18CRI.LASE()lt8 »6o'kl ilng.J. M. Itiie of. the tameii de •J'i>"odo- efidl« Con- M , small . lo BJsbop Ver»ion of itwl to the ford, 18ft4; jar of the m1)HEINEK. idon, 18^ nti Graece. io Crltico 'ritzsche.. lenti Pseu- ;alf. 82 80. 1871. iontoEnto- History of irby, M.A., 1 8vf>, cloth, Phil. 1840 nRlish notes lanatory by 2 vols, 8vo, ginan, 1813. ;d from the iat a»vd iHs- iy John ai d loth, uncut jndon 1838, ii>d Practice . , in the Vto- ihef, 73c Que., I.s6:}, nercial.Con- 11th, 12lh, ds, »1'25. )etroit, 1865. icsofCanfi<'a Ottawa, 1887. i-'i;)hePofti- o, beautifully It edKeb, .Wc, ' Ijoaton. IS77. est Book.-ed- Post 8yo, London, 1871. Years in the Ihiniquy ( Phe ,a5 Canada : Twnty-Boven Yearn in Cun- ikIu \Vo8t ; or th« K.xporiences of iin Karly Httttlor, by M.i^jor Striokliin-l. CM. • Editod bv Vgjios HtrickUna In 2 voIb, 12ino, h »lt oilf. gilt buck, iniirble sides and odj^os, f'J.ftit. London, is."*:!. 2U(i Qdd-f«U0WSllip : Tito ilrothorliofld ; beinjj 11 PjeHDntiition of the Principles of , ODU.i.KLLt»wsHiP by Thos. Q. Beharrell \ A.M. 12i/io, elytli. poi-tnut. 5nc ■ _ ; .. Iniliunupolis, 1S:( j Frooiuaijwiiry, or iiii, Kxpusitit)!! of tne He- , : ligi»u»^)()«maH and Customs of the Aii-'-ient EgypMlins, showing tUeir Identity witlttho onler of Modofii Masonry, by Job" *«'- lows. A.M , poft, Svo, clotli. .I^c. London, lotMI. 268 Aft : Papers on Art. by J- Coinyia Carr. "Cr.8vo, cloth, $l.<'tl fiondon, l8f« 269 AlUdPioa : Lutttirs from Illinois by Morria Hirkbeck Half leatbcr. «v<>. JL"!'- London, 1818. 271 America'; IlirTtbeck'k. [Morris] Letters from Illinois. 8vo, Ij/ls, fVlo. London, 1818 271 Actor: An Actor Abroad, or Gossip , ilrainalic, Narrative lUid Descriptive from the recollections of an Actor in Australia, New Z ilaii'i, the Sandwich IslandB, Cali- fornia, Nevada, Central, America and New York, by Kdmund Leathea. 8vo, cloth, 8L.V.). • L6ndon, 1880. 272 Arnol4'fCeoilj : Vn Ihdox to Shake sperianThoiiglit.B, collection of pa8Sftf a four years' residence in that Kepublic. under the government of the Dictator Francia, by \ \\ & W. P. Robertson, in S vols, lifno, cloih, 2nd edition, uncut, two steel cuts and a nnp. S2 00: London, 1839. ^77 America— A Subaltern's Furlough, de scriptivs of Si-,enes in various parts otlt. S.', Upoor and l-o«ver Cmada, N. Fi.-kand N. S. I during the su.nmer an 1 Autumn of 1332, by 1 E. T. Coke.'illuilrfcted. 8vo, cloth. ILSO. ' London, 1838. 278 Swinbum»-8ea Song and, River Rhyme, from Chaucer to Tennyson, •electwl and edited by E. D. Adams, with a n^w poem by G A. C. Swinburne. Twelve etchings, first edition, 8vo. cloth, H'.ftO. 1887 270 Hume and Smollett -The History of Kngland from tVe Invasion of JuUui CsB»«r to the Death of George II, complete In one vol, steel portrait, over l400 pages. Roy 8vo. cloth, *l.ai>. London, 1844. 2s>Klng(Dr. William)— An Essay on the Origin of llvil by Dr. -Vm. King, late Lord Bishop of Dublin,' translated from the l^tin with notes, Cr,»vo. leather, Jl 60. Cambridge, 1789. 281 Prue'dE I, by George WiHiaim Curtis, illustrated from drawingii by Albert Edward Sterner. Cr, 8vo, cloth, 81.50. ' New York, 1892. 282 Ramsay -- Reminiscenses of Scottish Life ami Character by K^. B. Ramsay, (late - Dean of Edinburgh). Pqst, 8vo, cloth with portrait. 3.5c. N. Y., 1878, 283 iUiS (John, D.D.)— The Knowledge of Divine Things, from Revelation, not from I Nature. 8vo. half mor, |1.25 Lond. 1811, 284 Longfellow (H. W )-Twenty Poems fi.im H. W. Longfellow, illustrated from paintings by his son Eahnest W. Lomg- FkLLOw Cloth, gilt, gilt edges, »l. 14 BUTHBHLAHDB CATALOODE OF OLD BAUli YB (John; origM pojtraiU and -i-J- ^JS l^^S^:! .'u S:^ JeSplVand Edinburgh «=har.cter. y '* e^^d "f 'a^^*" » full page plates, tury in a teriea of blograi.h c-\ characur; ana »" ^" qO) 20.00. THrSTAOB'ANPlWW^ HOWARD ^'^\-^^^^'it^fS''LZl^^i''Ui» * '"'.« X..1.. Sceow torn »<««' pi"'"' ""° J 5,,.i, MB oo -""^'^^ ■ LEioHTON (Sir ^''■'?4t%:^t^:£:^. '-zs-sTi. iD a vols, roy, S'». •>>" "»• «"' •"" ■""' Fullctt,m 8i O, I'.dW'urgh. DiitrictB, wUh illustration* an' Considereain a Series of Assays. edUed by H.R.,B.tNOLDS. D.D. 8VO, clotl^^.60. ^^ 296 Spectator [The] : Complete in one vol, with Notes and a General Index, jllus- trated. Svo. half leather, old looking, com- ''*■**' LoSon. printed for Jones& Co. 1823 2fl7ByPOn : A Biography of'Lord Byrbn. with a c& Essar^n *hIs P»«<=«^ i^^'^'^'IfS by Karl El «, translated an^^edUel wih Z^ portrait and facsimi... go. ba",-?^; 298 BntSSey (Annie) ; The Last Voyage jtt- thfsunbSm: 1887. illusirat«lj^ 8vo. cloth, 1 ttra, gilt top, uncut edges, »3.{H». lingmwis. Green & Co. London. 1889. Plutarob'S lilve* translated fromlihe Original Gre ek. wUh notes criticaUn dhts- Original Gre CKi Wiin notes i;r» . v... o »v. toS/and a Life of Plutarch by John and Wm. Larighorne. Bteretotype edition, im- perial, 8vO. half leather. P<»gJ: ^ 18«3 of the Egyptians, Carthiginians. Assyrians, Babylonians. Mede, and Fersjans, Oreec.ans and Macdonians. including a History of the Arts and Sciences of the Ancients. In 2 ' vols, imperial. 8vO. half leather, *2 60. 1861. 801 Picture : A Wood «"R™yi"8 °f '^ First Ontario Parliam8nl,l2i22 m . 80c. From a photograph by Notmanand Fraser. 302 The Complete Works of Michael de MontolKHe -Essays and Letters.^ twgeihec !i?h^IcSS>rehensive L.fe by Wiliiam lla.- lett Imp.. 8vo, cloih. »l 75. N. Y.. 188». 3U3PODUlar Scientific !tecreations-A Stcve- hou«f Tlnsiruction and Amusement in which the Marvels of Natural Philosophy^ Chemistry, Theology. Astromy, etc . areei(- plainedJid illustrated, mainly by means/of pleasing experiments and attractive pastu/ies by Gaston Tissandier. 9W> engravings, i^p. Svo. cloth, $2.tl0 304 The Polar and Tropical World? - a - ^ Deter® ti^ of Man .and^jature in the I'olar and Equatorial Regions of the Globe (2 vols in one), by Dr. G. Hart wing I™P- |^«- leather, »1.75. Guelph. Ont.. 1874. 305 The American Ocminonwealto M>y Jane Bruce. 3 vols, doth, 8vo, 1st Eng- lish edition. MacMillan. London. 1888. Ccntainsra chapter on Tweed King in New Yor k ciiy ) Nice clean set. 830.('0. Yo r k ciiy ■ > fice cicai* ac hm^-.v. 3t6 Atrerlca Twenty four Y-ars iii Argen- tine Uepublic ; adventures, civil and military by Col. 3- A. King 8vo.clot.un^tK^^^^ ■ ■T' " '"> ' ' f • • ". AND MiRCKiiiANRotm b6okh >» ed ScottiHh of thii cen-. page plates, )hi. Cli;rle. .Tor. IHH6 VLLERY -f ^ ; eilitfU by IV)rtrait9 i»nc8i Illustrated^ 8, gilt edges.; *, Kdin\)urgh. ncient History ins, Assyrians, jans, Oreecians History of the ^noients. In 2 er, *2 50. 1861. ^graving of the i22 in . 80c. wriandFraser. r Michael de :.etters, H;«te»h«*f ,y Wiljiatn Haz- ». N. t.. 1889. ations— A Stcve- Amusenient in iral Philiisophyi my, etc . are es(- nly by means/of tractive pastimes engravings,!^!'. lal Worlds -A- iture in the I'olar the Globe (2 vols ving. Imp, 8vo, lelpb, Ont..l874. mmonwealth- oth, 8vo, IstEng- , London, 1888. teed King in New t. 830.00. United StViM olAmerici,' map. 8vo, l)ds, uncut, II 00. 1 *"^* 308 America : Journal of a I'aMaKoJram Ihe racitlc to the Atlantic, eroding »he And.-* in ihfi Norlliern Vrovincea of Peru, and d scending the River Amazon, by Henry L Maw, Lieui. K. N. 8vo, clo»h, $1.28. London, i82fl. 30» America . I-a riata^Coirt>tiie,of S«...lli maps. I'imo. cloth, 60c. Philadelphia. 18H6. 310 Dante ; The Divno Comedy of Ua"te. Cr, 8vo ch^^^^^^' Writers that have appeared m England dur- ing the last two centuriesi by JohnLeland, DD. Clothe 75c. London, 1838. ;rora?:?7or° ;.7 i884:;uh \t.tu.ic. tor 1888. Cloth, OOc, 818 Boye" Own Annual , 12. 13 and 18 Bound in hall each 3/rA Commentary on the Epistle to;ha / Romans, with a Translation a curses, by Moses Stuart. 810 Armenia and her ^^V^*' ^\^^fy^^^ of Armenia by an Armenian. \i«^»P»'»" of th. land of Armenia ; lt» ancjeot and modern hiatory ; itt physical '••««'••;»»• people^ their religion. b«Hefa, custom^ ate- |7om the oldest dales as recorded in Armen ian Histories arid Church "•cp"'': . ^ J", ■entation of the true MUses of the recent atrocities, and a deta led account of the massaor.., by George 11. f'''"?' »^?^ir! pastor, banished by the Turkish Ooyemment from the city of Marsovan. Arm*"'*- .^• cloth, 91 .8.) Hartford. Conn , , 18W. 320 DavadiB Regie tvRA P''0''«"'«*j?\"' analysis critico-praotlca P-*'^-jfJ»„VM;,30c^\ S2I Oioeronia M. TuU» Clceronis TuscuI- anaim Diaputatlonum I.lbri V^w»'h ""••! 8vo. boards, uncut. 60o. Oxonli. 18C6. 322 Nootes Ambrorianae *»? J"*'".^",' of all things, by Rev. R- C 8h»nieall. Cloth, 8vo. $1.88. ^**' ^°^- 324 Donne's Devotions. i^f»»hvj;"'r?ith with life by Walton.^ Lon'on, 1840. Clotn. 25c. .-. 828 Drake (Rev.Wtn, M.A.): Notes, critic ^allUd: explanatory, oh the Prophecies ot, Jonah and Hosea.8v0.cl0jMJ0c^^^_-^_ ^.1 and Various Ex Cloth. 6 tc. Londoi^ 1836 316 TheiMkUrU8 Sacrorum Rituum Seu Commentaria in Rubricas Missnli? et Breu- carii Romanl. Small. 4tp. vellum. »4.(0. tMDIANS-M'KENNEvT"mLL'S INDIAN TRIBES of N„^ AuihtiKic Portraits, Iplio sU. »ml coloured ^)^ >^" « 1^^^^^ HW„,y, liancn the value ol these teprodoctions. _ . _ . , ■|v„i,„inal lournil. I^DUSTR'AL SELF INSTEUCTOE 'J!^^,; J'Sc, ...d In \. r Y.arsinArgen- I tiy; art manufactures, .urftl work mU^.factVandf^^ illustrated with civil and military j numerous nraclical writers and technical experts profusely imistrau :loth »U'0 I ^^^^.„ drawitjgs, designs and diagmms, 6 vols, 6.50. BUTOBBLANU'b CAIALOOUB OP OLD RARE m. it B20 OharnOOke (Slephw. BD.) ; WKonr- ■e* on Ibe Ksisunce and Alirlbutet of God. A n«w edition. Purlrait. «vo, clolh, |1.40. London. 1 810. .H'27 The Ooapel «ccordint{ to St. johntrann- lalid from the eloven oldeht version*, except the Latin, and compared with the Enxlivh Hible. with nolei. by Uev. S. C. Mal»n, M.A. Cloth. 4to. $2.M. London, 18«2. HW OnUtrlO 0«z«ttfl for ISOH. Ilulf leather. $1 SJ6. , , Toronto. »30 Vlndiolae ChrlstianM, or a compAriSon of the Genin*' Temper and Influence of the Greelt, Roman, Ilindu and Mahometan ke- \ IlRionj contrasted with Christianity. (J5c. [ London. 18»({. i aao Indians. Adair (James) : The Iliitory of the American Indian^, particularly tho^e | 'nations adjoininit the MisMfsippi, E.tst and < West Florida. Georgia,. North and South | Carolina and Vir^jinia. with on account of j their brigin. manners, customs, etc.. render- ing it a Complete Indian System, appendix and map. Folio, leather. f20.)H>. London, 177ft. 881 Heflot [George] : Travels through the Canacjas, containing a, description of the Picturetque Scenery, and an Account of the Production, etc., of the Provinces, with a view of the manners and customs of the In- dians, illustrated with maps and numerou» engravings 4to, half leather, boards, 918 00. London, 18M7 832 Oatlln {George) : Letters and Notes on the Manners, Customs and eondltiona of the NoaxH American Indians. Written during eight years' travel amongst the wild-st tribes of Indian^ in North America, in 18.32 to 1839, in 2 vola, with 400 illustrations. LargeSvo, cloth. IIJJ.OQ, London, 1841. 3.13 Indians : The History of the Five In diaii Nationji of Canada, which are depend- ent on thff Province of New YorkJn America [map partly gone.] Cr, 8vo, leather, 91li. London, 1747. 334 Readings in Canadian Literature, Iteing the vols, of The British American MaK- AziNK for the years 1863 and 1864. pp 1308 boards, thick, 8vo. »2 60. RAMSAY (Allan)— THE EVERGREEN «3a Narrative of a journey Round ihe World in 1841-42 bv Sir Ciaorge Simpson. Governor In-Chiuf of the HudNun Bay Com- pany's Territoriea In North Ami rico, por- trait and maps. 2 vols, «vo, half c*lf,.KiH. |3.()0. lA>ndon, 1817. .i;»0 Oalt [John] : The»Aut.)bortr.iit. 14 \:>\», boards, uncut f 1.00, London, I83H. 337 Jones (Peter) : History of the Ojebwiiy Itiilians. portrait. 8va, cloth. i2 6". *^ — Lo».lon. 1801 .339 Rod River : The SubUance of a lour- nal During a Resid nee at the Red Rivi-r Colony and Frctiuent ICxcursion nri\nng the Norfh-We^t American Indians in thu yearH 1820 2l-iS2-2a, by John WoRt. M.A. Kvo. boards, steel plates, W SO. London. 1S24 .330 Autograph : LHtters of Edwar.l It«»e, i Rev. J. M. Noale. Mxrley Pimshon. I'ietci Kgan, jnn. ; (neo'ge Owilt, Shirley MrooUt*. I Hishop of Ripon, etc. Limp, Svo. «3 50. 310 Hoohelaga Deplcta; or a New Pic- ture of Montrral, illustrated with nwrnoroiis engravings and maps, edited l)y Newton Bo^worth, with an addenda. Moanis, post, 8vo. 910 (;i line, clean copy of ihin fx- ceedingly r.irebook.) Montreal, 1840 311 Annotations upon the Holy Bible where; in th« Sacred Text is inserted and Various Readings annexed together with the Paralled Scriptures, the most difTjctilt terms explained, seeming contradictions reconcded. the whole text opened. 2 vols, old leathrr, folio, #3 Glasgow. 1702. 342 The Tabernacle in the wilderness ; the Shadow of Heavenly Things; 4 enK.r,. vings, coloured and inlaid with R'>ld, silv."r and brass .iccording t'< thu text ofscripturf?, with explanatMy nptps. by \\ . U. Riiim'. i", >tb, 17 in. by 11 in . $1 I'O. , L )nd mi. IH12. 343 Ante-Nloehe Christian Library : T'le Writings of Tatian and Theophilus ^ind ilie Clementine recognitions translated by Rev B. P, Pratten, Rev. Marcus l>ods. A M.. and lUv T. Smith. Clixth, 8vo, »1 2.5.- Edinburgh. 1807. A collection (f Scotch Poems wrot* by the Ingenious before 1600. F;tcsimile reprint of thf OriKii^al Eiiition of 1724. 2 vols. TEA TABLE Ml SCELL \NY : A collection of choico Songs, Scdich and English, reprinted from the fonrtecnlh (the best) edition; beau'ifuUy prihted paper; large papt r edition, only ii liinifed number. To- gether 4 vols, 4to, Roxburgh biiidine; (\mb. 1000) 8.00. 1876. CATLIN'S TRAVELS and A(3ve.jlures among tie Ameriraii Iiulians, with 800 engravings, colore!•lm's Royal, 8vo, buckram (pub. 80.00) 1S.00,_ Round ihn |e Simpton. It Hay Cum- ni rico, por- llf CMlf, Rill. mdon, 18(7. j\i, Mulon, I83!<. he Ojebwiiy ;>ii.!oti, imi :e of a lour- I Red li IM«S and of ll.e Rule, of Court Mm ^^^^^^ case-, alphabe kally H..d sy.t.nmti< ally anangcd an.) tra.mUted with c^^^^^^^ notes and r lerencs to th y.ar b .ok,, analg.u, adjudicatui... ett JJ^^d or 81 autes. .pcKy.nK wh». dcci,loHH ''^vc Un. affirmed. recogniiedqual.W^^^^ over rul d Cm .r.ing, under the Mevrral "ties, a practical Ireatiw on ine diff rent b.ancli^n oJ the Common Law. 8vo. cloth, Ix)ndon, WW- *" *' vols and 5 vols, supplement ; total 20 vols, at 16.00. ' , THE CABINET of IRISH WTEJM^TURE; Selection, from th^ ^^^Sthe chiul Po«t.. Orators .u.d Pro,e Wriier, of IRELAND. J^" ^ork J« » Ustrated wiih a.l.«ir..blc portraits in .Ti.sochrome specially P^f^, .rry of Cbiuetof IrUh Lit.ra.t.re, ...,d th- Sencs f^'""' ni^ni with^ e£ °n illnstrkms Inshm n. in four vols, super royal 8vo cloth elegant, with cage? b-irnj<.h.d olivine (pub. 110.00) for M.60. .,._...„. J 344 Ante-Nloene Christian Library : The Writings o' Ireuaeus. translated by Kev. A Ro'e ts.'D.l). and R . The Writinasof Cvprian. vol VIII. Translations of the Writings of the Fathers l>6wn to A.I). 32ft. el .4 by Rev A. Koberts,.D IV. and 1. Donaldson, IX I). Cdoih. 8v.., tl 28 Edinb rgh, 1808 346 The Works of Aurellus Augjiistine : Writings in connection with the Ponaiis. C'.ntrovprsy. translated by the Rev. J. it King Cloth. 8vo. tl 25. Ivdinburgh. 1872 847 Th« Works of AureUus AuRastlne : Writings in Connection with the Manichaean lie eay translated bv Rev. Richard St dhert, Rf . A. rloth. 8vo, »l 2.'.. Edinburgh. 1872 848 Letters of Aireliiis AuKiiMine ; A New Translation, edited . br the Rev. Marcus Dods; M.A 2 vols, cloth. 8vo. »2.7a. , Edinburgh. 1870, 349 The AnU-Pelagian Works of Saint Augustine. Translated by Peter Holmes DD. FRA.S. 3vol8.clpth,8vo.W2V^^ E Mnburgh. It72. 850 Ghreek Testament scholia Heiieiiia- tica in Novum Testamentum Philone et joaepho Patribusaposlolicisaliisq Ecclesiae antiquae scriptoribus necnon lihris "PO^ry- nhia maxime Depromta. Cloth, small. 4to, 11.50. . London, 1849. 351 The Spiritual Point of Vitfw.^or The Glsss Reversed. An answer te Bishopcoi- ensohy M. Mahan. P.P. Cloth. 30c. «n Introduction and pcc*siooal note*, t>y Thomas J. Conaat, Cloth. 8vo. ««c.^^^^ 353 Blenklnsopp (E.li )-Jf„rK|;j*e? Development in tte Bible and »" »»'• ^liu^h. Cloth, 8vo. 600. London, 1869. 354 Donne (Pr. John}* Peao of 81. Pauls. LoTd^- 1 he Poitica/ Works of wUhllfe of Auth^rt engraved portrait anf »' « ^ '" 3 vols, vol a wanting. 50c. Edinburgh. 1779. 355Beverldge (William. D^^-;) »" '^^ Thirty Nine Articles. 8vc, bo-^JJd, i847. •uui Unaftblus— TheNlcene and Post-Nlcene' "l-S 8^nd Series. Vol I. Cloth, roynd. 8V0.617*. New York. 18J0. 357 Rare Old P«apWf*" .",The ^af- (l) Parliaments at a Certainty, or The Ka I .ends of May. by Samuel ohnston. A Let- ' ter^o a Member of Parliament, concern ma Guard, and Garrisons. London. P'»n<~ for A Baldwin in Warwick Lane. 1699 . M others, old and rare. Half mor. *»•»'•;,.,, London, 1698. and other dates. 258 Roman AnUqulUeS ; or an AccGunt of the Manners and Customs of the Roinans designed chiefly to , Illustrate the Latjt Classics, by Alex. Adani. LLP. "»»» •°- corrected, 'improved and enlarged^ Jvo. half leather. 76c- London, 1886 New Jfotk. 1863. Thos)— Infidelity. Its Aspects, CausSJ^Bd Agencies, beinp "- 359 Pearson the he prlwesiay of ^^BtishOrganizaUo . fevaagellcal Alliance. Clotb. 8^^^^^^ SAO dalvln (loho)— Letters of John Calvin "^Lnigl^fro m the Qrig ina r Ma""»f.ri pU Prr wewxom. 1PV-. and edited with Historical N otes by 352 Psalms (The) -The Common Version j„les Bonnet. » *°»»' '''*'*\®y°' ''r^l-^. KevisedfoTthe American Bible Union, with Edinburgh, 1856. !i IH aUTBBKLAMU'B OAlALUUli£ OP OLD RABB OANADIAM PorttU Gallery by John Charlet Dent, in 4 voli, 9xU ii.i«. Cloih. extra, gilt, «Ut edget, H 00. Toronto, mi . RBNAN'B Hiiloryofthe Pvoiile of Israel; bwt Library Ediiioo 8 voIh, 8vo, (pub. 10 00) tJ.dO. '"*?^' Wm iMnd only uy Ihafit «• reptata ^'Hh tlgna Ihat M Kanap is iDII In Jull poMeMion Ol hia unrtvallad iww»n Wa note tha »ama daltcay of iniialtt. tlia sama bra idih c.l •ympathv. •Iha naiiia mailcry ollhe varUid raiiourc«» of raflectlon and lUuniraltcn. Ihr •irrnKlh <•( »ne ill- ottrloiu author ria* In recallinK to lUa a hUtory not only daad, but for tha mwjorliy of ua lurlert banaath traditional mifilntf rpretatlon. In hU j)agaa tha dry IkiiTh of the ▼nniahod actor, live ; tbay alao, at th« raader will dii «>vei, rpcaW, ard i»llh a mpiMRa wholaaoma for thate llroaa DIOTlONART — a Dictloimry <>• th« Hihle cotn()rising its AntlqiiUlH, Blo- urnplty, Ccognpliv and Natural History, rtlilol by Wiliiatn Smith. LL I), In — 8 vol* cloth, imp Hvo. |I0 00. r^— ' Lon'ion IHOl . A RILIOI0U8 ENOyOLOPJBDIA or DIcttentry^Mf Biblical, Hiitorical* .D(K3trinal ;ui.,LL.n. clulj;, 8 vol* roy Hvo 110.00 Ml tha the pr««cat time (l(.U4t-l87») Foaa of the Inner Temple. JudMS— A BioKraphical Dictionary of a Juagaa of Knglrind from the Conqueat to by fed war I Cloth, Hvo, •8.36. 792 p I^ndon, 1870. 162 Th* Oomplet* Works of L. E. I^an- don. 9 vols in one, leather, large, Bio, tl.2ft Hoaton. IRU. 161 AmerlOA - Notaa of a Jouriiey In America, from the Goapt of VirKinia to the Territory of Illinois, by Morris Birkbeck. Third edition, half laather, 8vo, tS.OO. London, 1B18 W 'mm tmb Li«iAa* or thk Lati JoHM Caaav D.D. S64 La^Kioon— OrMcs-Latinum in Libros Novi Testamenti auctore carolo sifllov A^tli- baldo Grimm. Half leather, imp, 8vo, $4. Oil. ^ > ( . •ometim* Rffclur of St (iiln'a in llie tialti*. in two volt. L i4th«r en||r«ved purlrnll, |5 UO. London. 17 IB. 37t) JK l• . ^ir*!) )K Hopkins (K; IIuusk op L')Mi)H from lH;ti to 1>«)0 inoltulinn Personal SkatcheH of tturLftad^g Members Hhabby copy. bMVd?/38c. / Philadelphia, IHBO. 3S''} The Treasury/of Dritiah Eloquence— Spucimens ol Krillianl. Orations by the moKl Kmi|i«nt Siatesmcil, Divines, etc. of Qrrat Hrilain ufthii last /Four CVnturiea compiled by Or Cochrane/ Half leather. 8vo.9|. 25. Itdinburfh. 1877. 3S0 Oonveraatlbns on the Bible ; its Siato- manis IfarmoniMd aad MystvtlM Explain ad. by Knoch I'ond, U.D. Cloth. Imp. «vo. •I 5t). SpriofflaUr. Mass, IWl. SN? Bar Moad. or Th« Mountain of the As- senilily- A Series of Archaaojogical Studiaa. chiefly from the standpoint of tha cuneiform inscriptiona by Kev. O. I>. Millar, wilh por trait of the author and plaia illustrations. Cloth, imp, Hva, fi.OU. North Adamt. ISM. 3H8 The Papacy of Modem Tlmea. Cloth, cr, Hvo, 11 .«K). OUsfOW. 3HU The Key l<> Un«le Tom a Cabin i pr**- senting tha Original Facts and Documantt, upon which the story is founded, togatnw with Corroborative Utatenents. varifyinx •!»• trnth o( the work, bv II. U Stowa. Half leather, cr. Svo. tl.ftO. London, ttOO IAt9 Inalde the Ohuroh of Rome, by The Nun of Kenmare, M. Frances t:iara Cusack Cloth, Svo, 11.00. Toronto, ISBO. 391 Upplnoott S Uazettser of tha World— A complete I'ronouncing Gaietteer or OaO- graphical Dictionary of the World, contain- ing notices of Une Hundred and Twenty Thousand Places. 2680 pagea. full le«tber, good as new (114.00) ffiOO. Philadelphia. I88A 8 2 A New History of Ecclesiastical Writers* containing an Account of the Authors of the several * ooks of the Old and New Testament, of tha Live sand Wrilinga of the Primitive Fathers. • Containing the Authors that flourished in the Three first Ages of the Church. Half leather, small folio, 13.00. London. 1689. AM 3RI0A-/-Pict»r -sqii I America, or the Laid \Vc Live in ; a delineation by () n and ijBncil of the Afounfams, Rivers, Lakes, Forests, Waterfalls, Shores, Carionst yiuieys. Cities and nXhvt Picturesquf itAi\xxt% of our Country, wit>i ilhw- trttiois L\ steel and wood, by eminent American Artists, edited by Wm. CuLt.Ev llKYANT. Full mof, gilt, gilt edgen^ damaged and repaired bindiiiR, 10xl2Jii^.,2 vols, 10.00. New York. W.ilter) -W4V -rly NovdU ; new edition, with Auth r's not»'S, plates, in [)ost, 8vo, 18 00, Printed for Roliert Oa.l«H, Edinburgh, 1884. (Probably the tirst uniformly printed edition.) ENCYOIJOP&DIA BRIT ANN 10 A -A Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and General Literature. Ninth edition, best English edition, cloth, 26 vols, ~" 05.00. /"" -(This v*ork is* library in itseir) I ' : r "7 ™-— -.^— -: -^ A OHUltCH HISTORY of the First Seven CiMitnries, by Mllo Malaii, D I). 8 vols, cloth, Svo, (14.00) I7.00. SCOTT (S J 48 vols. A descriptive Accouftl of the HER MAJESTY'S ARMY ig the Queen' by WALTER RICHARDS, wfth c«»lonred e^vai iments oompr sing the Queen's Forces from their first Establishmei KcK Present Time G.,D, GILES. Ii» 4 divisions, 4to cloth, f S.00. TRJWr nt to I he trations by London, Vi^ue & Co 't ■UTUttULAMU'li CklALOUiik Of ULU HAKE >m Nothlnc to W«w - Mm V\otm M'lOlmMr of Vtdiwo i4()u«r« ; clgbl IHu* i iraiioiM. Clulh. WIc. MM Til* ApolOty ^f*^ A(=l* o' Apullunlti* •n<) oiKar Monum.nu of Karlv ChrUU»nlty No««J, by ¥. C. ConyUw*, M.A. t joth, uncul. |l.)» l^mUm, IHH4 mi An Artlat in Iha llimilaya*. I»y A. I). Mcc:ormlok ; illuMraiatl by over 1IH» oflKlMl •kctchM m«d« on tb« journay. .<^'»'''' "" rat. Hvo, It 7a. New \otk. IHW SM VarOl An An«cdcitte lliot xy oi Mi» L.i(« anil Warli». by A. I'ouiin ; Co^Iot (Robwt, lh« cclabratetl acU>r) lnci| some reanlta, 10pp.. lOo. Shakijspeare. T:i3 Sear, The Intarpr.'- tor. The ». Chaplain to the Society. 20pp, Iftc. Christian Pantheism An Address on Thanksgiving Day, 1866 llpp. 19c. Survivors of the Forest in Toronto A Paper Read before the Canadian Institute. Toronto. Nov. 26th. 1893. 9pp. 10c. Bot'anik Physiologic und 2oologie umf.ns- . tend. In zwei theilen 8vo half leather 1.75 Braunschweig 1871. 403 AJsemeine's volts - Bibelleriton, ein PractTsnhes populares Realworterbuch AU- Mohawk and Seneca Set Right by the aid of a learned Colonial Governor* T. Pownall. A Paper Read Aj ril 3rd, 1894, before the Pioneer llistori:al Society oi the County of York. 8pp, 10c. 'f-i Hishoc trail, boa 416 Bam ami Ann< New Tas difficult ni ▲ngel In Dr. Carr MSis^M \ ■•"^■^fw V. HIJNllY \; PtooMr Sir joM|>§ lo«jltb( Pul>ll< and tn«Mvt4uiit Haalih ami Man lal and I'nyalcal Culiura. App, UK: WM|«ni 417 A««OV' Tlia Lift of M Aeior, bjr P(m«« Rgan. Tha PoaUcal Dl Am«rloa -Journa/a aad Kiplorattona in tha Cotton Kingdom. A travallar'a ob- aarvallon* on Cottpn and BUva«v in tM Amarican Slaw Stataa. by Fradarick L. Olamatad. In t »ola, cloth, cr. Svo. tnd ad. with map, $l.7«. lioodoo. IMt 4«l AnMrtOA — Walkna, or Advantur a oo tha Motqulto Shora, by flamual A. BanI, - Ivo, cloth, with aialy lllualraMona, Wc. London, ISM. 4M Am«rt<«-lUli'« (C*P|- »*2H) J";,tJ! in N. Amarica in tha yaara 1837 W. FoWiSF ■nap 3 vola. Cr, «»o. cloth. •I.7*. IM"- 428 AllMrtoa-Qrah«ma^a (i«7»")-"''W of the Rita and PrtiRraaa ol tha Unllad State* of North Amarica till tha Brltlah »•• volution In 1888. 9 voh, 8vo, board, M.tW» 424 Am«rloa— Two Thouaand Milaa RUIa through tha ArKanti|ie Provlncaa, by WiUlam MacCann. with colored and othar tlluatra- tiona and map Cr, 8vo. cloth. « vola, •l.M liondon, I8U. 425 Am^lida- Handbook of tha Rivar Plato, comprialag tha Argentina Rapubllc, Uru- guay and Paraguay, with all mapa, b» M. G. and E. T. Mulhall. I'oat. 8vo. oloth. Iblok, 91.00. Buanoa Ayrea, IMS. Ottawa, II Soma Victorian Koiae : A papar read at Niagara KalU. Dpp. |0c Jun«82, IHH?. i)l mmVorf of OaUftOlt from tha Oia cuvery 01 Americt lo tha praaani tinia. iry Wm Withrow. M A. t)l«pp. cloth, 8vo, 12 M Boaton, IH78. 41S 8ol«no« of Llf*. or Animal and Vag atabi* Ululogy, by K«v. f II. Wythe. M 1). Cloth. 8vo, 7»c. New York. IH8U 418 Bryant (William Cullant— l^oama by W. C. Bryant, correcieil ai.d arrfrtgad b) the AuUior. Full leather, 8to, 4ac. \ f^ Naw tork. 1871. 414 WarburUm OVm.)-Tha Wdrkaof tha Rilfht Kevarand Villiam Warburton. Lord Bishop of Gloucealer. In aaven vbta, por- trait, boarda, royal, 8vo. uncilt, fA OO. London, 1788. 415 Hammond (l|..D.D.)-A Paraphrau anil Annotations upon all the Booka of the New Tastamont. Briefly explaining all the difficult plauva thereof ; engraving on title pge. 4t>vJ4aih0i L'>nd ■ 418 OaWin ( John) — Cpmmentary on ttie I'salmii ; Hrst edition ; good claan copy : frontispiece. Half calf, size I3x0in, inLal in. 15.(0. Olina Robert! Btephani, U97 ART JOURNAIJ (The;— Unboond for the years 1876, 1876, ISl'f, 1881, each year, complete, 9,i0 ; alio bound Vol* in half raorocco, gilt, for 1861, 1876, 1877. 1878, 1870, at 8.75 fach. ■ ' FAMOUS G0MP08ERS a«'bd cuts, portrait. a.60. Philadelphia. 1866. .^ NUDE IN ART -^ A CoU e cti^m of Reproduciions i n Photogr a vu r e ttf Celebrated Paintings by the World's, Greatest Matters, with Biographical,- Critical and Descriptive Text, by OUreiice Ijmsing. Complete in 16 Nob. (pub. 116J«(LI7^60. ;■ . •'«■ Ct .1* ': fMf ttU'i'UlfiMiiAMlJ'b CATAltUQUE OF OLD HABB 8E00ND ANNUAL Report of the Bureau o< Etymology lo th© Se.c,r jaiy of .the Smithsonian liistiluiioii, 1880-81, by J. W. Powell, Director. .RoyHr, 8vo, cloth. fiOO. W»»lii0Rtony.l888. THB THKOOBATIO Kingdom of our Lord Jesus, The Christ, •• cnren- ted ill the Old Testament, and presented in the New Testament, by Rev. Oe". N. H. Peters, A.M. Cloth, 8vo, » vols, i.ftO. Londort, 1884 BNGLAND'8 BATTIjES h Sea and Land, by Li«uteriaia - Colonel WilHaas. Author of Life and Ti'nes of Washingtim. Illusirattrd ^ith .fine stheel engravings, the War with Rii>sia only. In 6 divisions, red cioth, S.fiO PRGHOBBDINCfS and Transactions of the Royal Society of Cannda lor tliw year 1884. 4to, cloth, vol 2. 8.50. -Vol4, 1888,2.ft0. —.™-yolJ, 1882-8, 1l»0. 49(( Onrwan (Henry)— 'Soi row and Bong ; Htudlet of Literary SlniKgle. in 2 vo\*. Post, 8vD, cloth, 11.25. London, 1876. 4S7 BlavatakF (H P) : The Key to The- .oioptay ; being a clear exposition in the form ~ 7~of qae^tion and answer of the Ethics, Soianoeand PhUoiophy of tbeTheOMphical Society.. Square, Svo.uloth, §1.60. London, 1890. tSU BunU (Bobert) : The Life and Works of. edited bV Bobert Chambers. 4 vols, ■ bound in 8, rM elotb, post, 8ro, I1.5Q . 438 Beyle (Henry) : A Critical and Biogra- phical Study, by A. H. Patoa. Post, 8vo, cloth, 6le. London. 1874. 480 Brovnie(B. W, M.A.. Pli.D ): A History of Bonian Classical Literature. 8vo, cloth, #1.25' London. 481 AmeriOa : Incidenta of Travel in Cen- tral America; Chiapas and Yucatan. Ed- dfted by John Loyde Stephens, wi^h numer- ous engravings. 8vo, cloth, 12.25. London, 1854- 482 Amerloa : Bueno* Ayres and Anen- ttne OlMoings in 1862 and 186JI, by T. J^ Hutehinson. 8vo, cloth, illustrated, 91.60 London, 1865. 488 BtblletlljBea Piecatoria : A Catal- ogue of Books on AagUag, The Fisheries and Fish Culture, with botes and an appendix of Citations ^b Angling and Fishing from old EUglish authors, by T. Westwoorl and T.' ; Satchell. Syo, cloth, gilt top, 11.40 [last leaf wanting.] • 434 Amertcii ; the Great Silver Biver. Notesl^ a Basidence in Bouenos Ayres in ' 188<» and 1881. by Sir H. Bumbold. Bart, ^With illustrations. Cr, 8vo, cloth, 9<*o. 485 America : The United States and Cuba. Bight Years of Change and Travel, by John Glanville Taylor. Cr. 8v6, cloth, 5Cc. 1851 486 Bioker^ke [John] : The Curiosities - of Ale and Beer. An Entertaining History . Illustrated ' with over 60 quaint cuts. 8vo, cloth, gilt top, $2.00. London, 1889. Montreal, 1885. .1 [R. J . Humorous dcso-i^tion of de] : the 487 America : Cordova's Prince's Visit : A the tour of H. R. 11. the Prince oi Wnles through the United Stares of America in 1860. Plates on India paper. 8 vo, fine copy, handsomely bound in dark blue, moiocco, extra ; the sides and back covered with elab- orate gold tooling, gilt edge $175. °_ • New York, 180t 438 Oairllsle [Henry E.] : A Selection from the Correspondence of Abraham Hay ward, Q.C., from 1834 to 1884, with an account of his early life, in 2 vols. Cr. 8vo. cloth. |1.6!i. [This was a presentation copy.] London : John Murray, 1886. 438 Oanada ■ Sketches of Upper Canada, with Practical Details for the I ntormation of Emigrants of every class, by John Ifowison. Esq.. Seoond edition, 8vo, cloth. $1.00. Edin. 1822. 440 'Pox>e [Alexander] : The Iliad and Odyssey of Homer. Post, 8vo, cloth, thick, 46c. 441 Bunyan (John) —The Pilgrim's Progress, with thirty outline drawings and numerous. Interesting engravings. Cr, 8vo, cloth, 45c. London : Ingram, jCooke & Co, 1863. 448 OaSimar Maremma, by the author of •■ Friends in Council. " In" 8 vols. cr. 8vo, cloth, 81.28. . London, 1870. 443 DTeraeU (I . Esq., D.dL.. ts.a.) - Miscellanies of Literature. 8vo. half mbr, {ilt back, panelled, marble sides and edges, 3.00. . London. 18S4. Curiosities of Literature, uniform, with steel portrait. 12.86. London, 1864. (The two vols should go together.) 444 Btunt'e (Leiith)— Biographical and Criti- cal Notices of Wjcherley, Congreve," Van? brug, Farquhar, 'portrait and vignette.* The Seer, or Common Places Refreshed — The Iiidicatcr, and the Companion. Bound in 1 vol, royal, 8vo, calf m.e, |1 60. . London. 1840-1. 446 Head (Sir Francis B., Bart)— A Nar- rative, 8vo. cloth, f 1.35. London, 1839. AMD MlfiCKLLANEOnS^ AOOK| lepj- Jiaiy of r. , .Royaf, KtoDy.1888. at cxnTen- f Rev. Geo. Kiotf, 1884 II - Colonel 1 with .fine :h: 8 fiO nila (or tli»t trt-al, 1885. T diB] : the lesc'ri^'tion of ic« o< Wnlet America in ro, fine copy, ue, moiocco, ed with elab- "«• .■ "^ • V York, 180t ilection from ,m Hay ward, in account of , cloth. $1.50. tlurray, 1886- •per Canada, ntormation of hn Ifowison, h.ll.OO. Edin, 1822. le Iliad and , cloth, thick, m's Progresi, ad numerous o, cloth. 4oc. e&Co, 1863. lie author of volt, cr, 8vo, jondon, 1870. i., T.S.A,) - Ivo. half mor, BS and edges, [iOndon. 18S4. m. withtteel London, 1854. igether.) cal and Criti- ngreve," Van? nd vignette.* Refreshed — nion. Bound ndon, l^O-l. art)— A Nar- iondoii. 183d. 440 Homair— The OdytMy of Homer trans- lated into English verse in the Bpencerian BUnza, by Philip Stanhope Worslev, MA. In t vols, cr, 8vo, beautilully bound in full - calf, panelled backs. 12 M. W. Blackwood, Edin and London, 1861 . 447 Doran (Dr.) : Table Traitn, with some- thing on them. 4tb ed, post, 8vo, thick . cloth. 7Sc. London, 1869. 448 America : Cordova's (R. J. de) The Prince's Visit : A humorous des- cription of the Tour of H, B. II. the Prince of Wales through tb* United States of Amprioa J n I860, • ilinstraiions,' 8vo, cloth, 96c. New York. ISttli 449 QUohrlst (Anne) : Her Life and Writ- ings. Edited by H. H Oilchriat, with a prefatory notice, by William Michael Koss- etti, illustrated. Svo, cloth, uncut, first ed„ 11.66. London, 1887, 460 Walton and -Cotton's Complete Angler, . with note by G. Christopher Davis, illustra- tions. 8vo,clotht K>lt topr uncut, f 1.60. ■ • '|J<'. 1890. 461 SwIm PlotureB drawn with Pen and Pencil, by the Kev. Samuel Manning, LL.D.i w,ith illustrations by Mr. NVhymper and others. A new and enlarged ed. Cloth, imp, 8vo, tl.2S London. 462 RuMian Piottires- Drawn with Fen and Pencil^ hy. Thomas Michell, C. B., with 3 maps and 124 illustrations, imp, Bvo. cloth, •2.00.' London. 1889. 463 Rapport Du Oommissaira du Bureau General Des Terres Fubliques Aux Etaa-Unis, pour I'Annee, 1866. Cloth. Bvo, 76c, Washingtoh, 1867. 464 Ii'AUaffrO and 11 Penseroso, by John Milton, wTth thirty illustrations, designed expressly for the The Art -Union of Lon- ' don, 1848. Leather, 76o. ' , 465 PI0TX7R1IS : 1 W BSLKYAN Mktborji^t Ministera of Can- ada. 1869. 8Jx7in;,«5c. [Photo] . Group of Figures Entering Madrid, Sketched by Bir David Wilkie. 8^x6 in., ■16c. ■; ; ■■ ■/ Thb Rabbit on the Wall. Painted by Bir David Wilkie. 8x7 in., 15c Napoleon and the Tope at Foiitaineb- lea'u. Sketched by Sir David Wilkie. lOJxSin ~ i 3 6 Hbbrbw Womrm Reading tlie Scripture* at Jerusalem. Sketched by Sir Pavid Wilkie. 10x6iin.,20c / 6 Thb Bao Pipkr from the Picture in the Vernon Gallery. 04x71 in., f6C. 7 Sir Davih Wilkib, R.A. Painted by Thne. Phillip*, R.A ; engraved by Sir Francis Hall. 9x6) in., 26c. S Tile Card Plays a. Painted by SirD Wttke ; engraved by Orealbaeh. 9x6 in., «6c.' • 9 Thb Cottagb Toilbt. Painted by Sir D. Wilkiie : engraved by J. C. Arniytam. 8ix6|, * ■8c, 10 Ulysbb*. Engraved by Brown. 9x1 In.. IBc. " . 11 The PAittsH BxADbt. Painted by Sir D. Wilkie ; engr«ved by Armytage. 9k6 in, 20c. 12 TiiB Lbttbr of Introduction. Painted by Wilkie ; engraved bj Greatbach. 8x6) in., 26c. 18 Tut BaoKVN China Jab. Painted by l^tjltie : engraved by Greatbach. 8sCi in., 20c. 14 Mrs. Toung in Native Oostume. Wife of Her Majesty's late Gensul in Palestine. Engraved by Th^mpsoto, 10^x7 in., 25c. 16 TtiRBian Courier Relating the News of the Capture of Acre. Sketched by Wil- kie ; engraved by Greatbach. 7ix6i. 20c. 16 The Peplar. Engraved by Greatbach. 8x7 in.. 16o. 17 Jhh Gverilla Taking Leave of his Con- fessor. Engraved by Periam. 8x6), 16c. 18 Thb Piffbrari (playing hymna to the Madonna.) Engraved by Armytage. 8)x6i in., C'lc. 19 8 im Walter ScOTf and his Family .En graved by Greatbach 8x61 in., 26c. 20 Thb Daughter of Admiral Walker. Engraved by Hunt. ipix7 in., 95cv Th« Village Politicians. Engravtd 21 bySharpe. 9x7 in., 16c. ^ 22 FouNTin the Desert. 9Jx7J in, 20c. 23 tHBEE Greek Sisters at Therapia. En graved by Edwards. 8Jx7iin., 2«c. 24 The Village Frt*. 10x7 in., 16c. 26 A Groop of Camels at Smyrna. Engrav- 15c. ed by Cousen. 9x6 in., 2(ic. . THE WORLD'S COLUMBIA EXPOSITION, Chicago, 1898— \ complete History of the Enterprise ; a full description of the Buildings and Exhibits in all depahnients, and a short .icco'tiitpi previous Expositions, with an intro- duclioii by Col. George JR. Davis. Illustrated fully, half tone 4iid wood eiigrav.^ ings, leather, 1.76. ■-■ '.„ . CENTUTRY MAGAZINE, 10 vols. Bound half calf. Vols 29 trt 88 m- clusive> incliidiiig a review of the Ciril War, 18.00. SUrnflftLAND'S CATALOQUB OP OLD BARE :» 4M Allen (J^>>»)-l^o^-<'"' JudaUm. or • Brief Account of lh« Opinions. Traditiona, Ritea and Ceremonies of the Jews in Modem Times. «vo, hoar "s. «5c. London. 1H80 457 DojlS'B (Sir F. H.)— L«:tures on Poetry. 4elit«i«d before the University of Oxford. 18M. Cr, 8vo, cloth. ©Or London, 1869 488 Derby (H. H.) the «:ArHOLic— Lnt«-rs Addressed by a jurist to m Young Kinsman Propoaing to loin the Chorch of Rume. Cr, 8vo, cloth. fWc Boston. 1856. 499 OlUUUla — Sltelches of IJp^r Canada, Domestic, Loc;il and Characteristio, &c., by tohn ilowison. Em, 8rd edition.. 8vo, txls. lin. EdinburRh, 1S25. 460 HolmM (Isaacj—An Account of the Un- ited Btatea of America, derived from actual observation, during a residence. of four years in that Republic, including original com- mnnicmtioni, with a good clear pnap. 8vo. boMdt, uncut, quite shabby looking, but perfect. ILOO. London, l«i3. 461 BmtjrlUUd^The Stnnge Adventures of One Am and Seven Chainpions,.. by P. M. Allen, with 87 illustrations, by Harry Ftaraisa. Cr. 8vo. cloth, neat, 90c. London. 1890. 469 Pepjri [Samuel. P.R.S.1 : Diary and Correspondence of, in the Reigns of Cbarlea II and James II. Bohn's Library. 4 vols, fine steel engi«vings, $4.00. London, 1871, 468 Leila, or The Biege of Grena«*a. and Cal- deron. The Cburtitr. IlluitVUtttt with splendid Mgraving from drawing! 'b^ the mosCemiVt artists. 8vo, full caW. >«" gilt, f 1.46. Ixjndon. 18S8. 464 NaikdeOIl [History of! from the French of M.Laurent de I/Ardeche. with 600 illus- trations after designs by HoraCf V^rnet, 01. th. thick, 8vo, *l.nO t^ndpn, N,D. 4(Ui Oliewi : A Popular Inkrodnctioii to tjhe Study and Practice of Chess, by an Am^e«r. Cr. 8vo, cloth. 40c. . \ 4C6- Wallinfton (Nehemiah) : HistoridM Notices of .Events occurring in the Reigii or Charles I. with notes and illustrations, in 2 vols. Cr, 8vo. cloth. 11.26. London,\18«9. 407 Herbet (George) : The Temple Faoai- mile reprint of the 6rsl edition, with intro- duction by Rev. A. B. Grosart. 13mo. cloth. 90c. 1«7« 468 SlmpiOia (tf • CM.): Reminiscences of a Regicide from the MSS. of SergeaAt Mar^ ceau. Colored frontispiece. 8vo, red cloth, uncut edges, •1.80. London : Chapman ft Hall 1889; 1469 Howitt [William] : Visits to Remark- able Placea. Old Halls, Battle Fields, ftc. I Illustrated, tvo. cloth, -shabby, 91.60. ' ' London, 1840, 470 Oanada : Brown'a [J. B,] Views of Can^ ada and the Colonists. Second edition, greatly enlarged, map 18mo, cloth, 60c, " 1861. !*l^ THE OENTURT DICTIONARY- An Encj^lopedic LexicoH of lUe English Language by W. D. Whitney, Ph. D., LL.D. Thii expensive work is pub. by the Century Qo., New York. 10 large Vols, lialf mor. ,T;his seV« good as new. ' |6S.OO^. MULLER (F. Max, M.A.)— Lectures on the Sciciice of Language, Ninth ed, 2 vols/cr, 8vo, cloth, 2.00. lx)ndon, 187];. —Chips from a German Workshop. 6 voIs,cr, 8vo, cloth, 6.60. Scribner^. N.Y., 1881. -^ ^Science of Thought. Gr, Bvo,- cloth, 2 vols, 80c. Scribner's, N.Y., 1887. GHAMfiER'S Bncyclupaedia. 10 Tols, cloth, 110.00. London, 1868. -Information for the People. 2 vols, 8vo, clotli, 8.00. HENRT (Matthew) — CommenUry on the whole Old and New 'Testaments, in 8 roy, 8vo, vqIs, half calf, 8.00. ADAMS' Synchronological Chart of Universal History 4001 B.C. to 1881 AD. This chart gives, in parallel streaips, nil colorei»n '''«"•'•' t'JiRpv. C D. Badham, MiS^^i'^vo. cloth, fl.OU. London, 1H54. 47i Ib ^Mt oa— Hi'tory of the I'anama Rail- road anopf the Pacific Mail Bieamship Co., by F. N, biis. M . I) , with illustrations by K the Author. i2mo, cloth., 70c. \ New York. 1867. 476 BabliUS —Fables of^ in %wi> parts- Tran- aiated into English Verse (com the Text of Sir O.C. Lewis, by the Re«v^ James Davies. Post, Svo, cloth. 66c. i860. •477 Ausnalla -Wild Ufeand Adventure in the Austr. London, 1887. 478 Baton (Thbi^xParnant) -Musical "Criii- citm and Biography from the Published and I /UnpubliBhey Eyries. Edited by his Son. Cr, 8vo, cloth, with portrait, 11.40 (isted ) ♦ L.ond6n. 1881. 481 Mexico— A Visit to Mexico by the West Indies, Yucatan an'd the Uiiittd BlatM, bt VI . P. Robertson. 12mo, 2 volt, clotl (Subscriber** oopy ) fl .48 London, 1868 482 Pianiba : Short Lectures on Planta foi School* and AdaA Classes, by Elis*b«tb Twing. Cr, 8vO, cloth. 6*)c. Loodon, 1868 483 Ooethe : Calvert (G. H.> Oocthe, Hit Life and Work* ; an eitHay . Cloth, 12mo, 66c. » Boetoa, 187t. 484 Qyola : A Tragedy in Five Acta, by Lewis Morris, post, 8vo, clotb, 80c. - > London, 111^. 480 SonlTB : The Book of English Bongi from the. 16th to the 19th Centurv. Post, 8vo, illus^ated, 60c. London. 1861. 486- Tho Illustrated Book of ScottUb Songi [uniform with above] , 60c. 487 Whitney. WD.. : Oriental apd Ling- uistic Studies ; The VbDa, The Avksta. The SciKNCK OF Languagi. Cr, 8vo, clotb. fl.60. N. Y. m» 488 Oardnfr'a [G.} : Travels in the Inter- ior of hrazil, 1936 41, front. 8vo. cloth •1.2.5. 1M» 489 Ohamock'a [R. s.] : Verba Nomlnalia or, wikIs derived ffom proper names. 8vo cluth. 7i»c. London, 1866 499 Dyer [T. it.] On imitative Art.itsPrin otulesati!'. Progress. 8vo, cloth. |1 80. London. 1882. 4 (R.) : Th« Emigrtot'* Pocket CoitiMnion, with a D«Krlption of ,Briti*h North Anerlca, npMially th^ Cao- •daa. 12nio, olotb,tl.ft<». London, 1882 4W BMWWnaflald : The Public Lite of th« RightlHon. The Earl of Beaconsfieid, K.U., ^^•to.. b|» FranciaHltthman. Or, 8*o, cloth» •100. With photo. London, 1(W4. 4M Hogtatb (George) : Muiical Hiitorv, Biof raphy and Oriticiam. i volt, cloth, poil. 8vo. fl.lO. LondoQ. 1838. 497 history : Feudal Manuals, or English Hiatory, by Thoma* Wright . Compiled at different periods, from the ISth to the 15th Oealury. Small. 4to, cloth.Jl-OO. > Api^ther copy.ll.Wi. I 498 MurMy (Hugh) : An Historical Account of British America, with Emigranion Details, / Life of Aniia Jameson, avthor of Sacred and / Legendary Art. eto, porftait. 8vo. cloth, 91M . 1878. MO Mortimer (Geoffrey) : Like Stara that .Fall. Cr, 8vo, cloth, uncut, 700. LondoA;189ft. fOL Natural History : The Natural His- torjr of European Seas, by Prof., EdWard yorbes' and E. Goodwin-Austin. Post, ivo, doth.. map, 46e. London, 1869. MS MattllOWS (Wm . LL.D.) : Houra With Man and Books. 12mo clothe beveled, 60c, Chicago, 1878. M3 Orlltsmlth (Mrs.) : T)ie Drawing-Room. Its Decorations and Furniture. AOc. 504 Novum Testamentum Gnecuio Editio Helenistica. In 9 vols, 8vo.. cloth, tl,76. Londini, Quiielmus, Pickering, 1843. MS Portraits : Half-length Portraits, by Gibson Graig. Post. 8vo. cloth, uncut. 00c. • London, 1876* 006 Proctor (Robert. Esq,,) : Narrative of a Journey Across the Cordilleite of the Andes, and of a Residence in Lima, and other parts of Peru in the years 1823 and 1824. 8vo, boards, 11.26. Loiidon. 1826, 007 The Ooapel Worker's Treasury of. Hyn\napd Revival Anecdotes, Texts, Sub- jects, putlines, and Scripture Readings. Gompilc-d by Rev. E S. Lorenz, A.M. ClQth< 8vo, f 1 .00. Dayton, Ohio, 1887. £08 ■vancellstlc Work in Principle and Pryptice, by Arthur T. Pierson, D.D. Cloth, •vo, 68c. New York. 010 OuttS(Rev. Edward L., B.A.) ; A Devo- tional Life ef our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Cloth, 8vo, TOc. "^London. 011 immortality : A Clerical Symposium or what are-the Foundations of the Belief in - the Immortality of Man. Cioth, 8vo, 70c. London. 01S WaddlngtoA (Rev. George, MA.): A History ofthe Church from the Earliest Ages to the Reformation. Cloth, 4to, fl . 00. New York. 1872. 013 One Thousand New Illuairations for the Pulpit, Platform, and Class, by Rev. 11. O. Mackay, Londoii, 1888. 614 lUghteouffiess by Faith, or the Nature and, Means of our Justification be- fore God illustrated by a comparison of the Difctrine of the Oxford Tracts, with that of the Romisb and Anglican Churches, by C. P. M'llvaine, D.D. Cloth, 8vo. •1.80. Philadelphia, 1S68. 010 The Olasslfled Bible : An Analyti- cal Concordance to the Sacred Scriptures. Edited by John Eadie, D.D., LL D. Illus- trated with maps. Cloth, 8vo, 11.20. London. 0l(( The Ohrlstlan Pastorate : its char- acter. Responsibilities, and Duties D. P. Kidder, D.D. Cloth, 8vo, 76c< Cincinnati. 017 The Problem of Religious Progress, by Datoiel Dorchester, D.D. Gloth. 8vo, 7&c. New York, 1881. 618 The Sabbath for Man : A Study of the Origin, Obligation History, Advantages, ahd Present State of Sabbath Observance, with special reference to the Rights of Work- ing Men, by Rev, W. F. Crafts, A.M. Cloth, •vo.76c. ^ Mew York, 1886. 619 The Superuhman Origin of the Bible iiiferred from itaelf, by Hjenry Rogers. Cloth, 8vo. 66c. New York. 1874 629 Bible dim^UestS in Many Lands- Striking Ezperiencea of pistributora and Pioneers. Cloth. 8vo, 66c. Toroi to 621 Haydn's Dictionary of Dates. Revised tor American Readers. Edited by Vincent. , Cloth, 8vo. 11.25, New York. 1878. 622 Christ or Satan, which Prince belov- ed ? or the Separation from the Worship of Satan and from the World which tiecometh Saints ; being a question asked by God through an Evangelist. Hexiry Edwards. Vellum, gilt, 8vo, fl.OO. London. 528 The Throne of Eloquence — Great Preachers, Ancient and Modern, by E, Paxr ton Hood. Cloth, 8vo, $1.00. 000 Work-Days Of Ck>d. or Science and New York, 1888. the Bible, by H. W. Morris. A.M.. D.D. 1 024 Greek Testament. 8vo; half leather, }Unatr»tcd. cloth, 8vo OOc. London I interleated, fl.OO. *"!/> L) ; A D«vo> laviour J nut * London. Sympoaium the Belief in I, 8vo, 7Ac. London. rg*. MA.); the Earliest b,4to, 91.00. V York. 1872. istrationt for I. by Rev. H. ariton of the . with that of hew, by C. P. 1.26. elphia.lSee. An Analyti- i Scriptures. L D. Illus- •1.25. London. k«;It>CKaf- uties D. P. Cincinnati. >us ProgreM, >th, 8vo, 15c. w York, 1881. A Study of , Advantages, Observance, Jhts of Work- A.M'. Cloth, V York. 1886. 1 of the Bible logers. Cloth, w York, 1874 »ny Lands — ributora and Toroi to es. Revised by Vincent. w York. 1878. Prince belov- frbm the I the World g a question gelist. HeTnn>l of Introduotlon to the New Testament, by Dr. Bernhard Weiss. Translated from the German by A. |. K. Davidson. Vol. 1 only ; cloth. 8vo. |I 25- London. 1887. 52t Lange— The Gospel According to Mat- thew, together with a General Theological and Ifomiletieal Introduction to the New Testament, by John Peter Lange, D.D. Translated ifrom the third German edition by P^ Shaff, D. D. Cloth, imp, 8vo, «1.6(). New York, 1873. 527 Inaplratlon- A Clerical Symposium on in what Sense, and within what limits, is the Bible the Word of God? by Farrar and others. Cloth, 8vo, 75c. London, 1885. 528 The Freedom off the Will as a basis of Human Responsibility and a Divine Gov- ernment, by D. D. Whedon D.D. Cloth. 8vo,76o. N«w York. 638 Boclesiastiottl Law aiid Rules of Evi- dence, with special reference to the Juris prudence of the Methodist Episcopical Church, by Hon. William J. .Henry $tnd William L. Harris, D.D,, LL.D. Cloth, 8vo, tl.25. Cincinnati. 1870. 630 The Vocation of the Preacher, by E. Paxton Hootl. Cloth, 8vO, •! 00. New York. 1888 581 The Holy Bible, consisting df tile Old and New Covenants : translated according to the Letter and Idioms of the Original Lan- guages, by Robert Young, LL D. Cloth, Avo.tlSa Edinbui^h. 1887. 632 System of dlblloal Psychology— Dehtzsch. Cloth. 8vo, 11.25. Edinburgh, 1875 [Clark's Pqreign Theological Library.] ■ 533 WordSttidles in the New Testament by Mirvii^R Vincent, D.D. Vol. I : The Syiioptic Gospels ; Acts of the Apostles ; Epistles of Peter. James, and Jade. Clotb, 8vo, 92 25. 634 Recent BventS and « clue to their ro- lution by the Right Hon. Lord Robert Mon- tagu 711pp. cloth, 8vo, 91-50. Toronto 586 A System of Christian Rhetoric for the use of Pr^cbers and other speakers, by Geo. Winfred Hervey. MA. Ctoth. Imp. ivf^ (jaoo. New York. 1W>. 587 The Poets and Poetry of Anjjnrjca. by Rufus Wilmot Orlswold. with additions byR. II. Stoddard, with portraits pnateei from original pictures. Cloth gilt, gilt edgea, bevelled (pub. 16. 0<») W.50. 538 The Poets and Poe^qr of Eijitia^ J» the Nineteenth Century by K"/»"»„w- O'*!' wold, with additions by R. H- 'ploddard, revised, enlarged and continued 40 «• P'?' sent time, with portraits »■ ."♦•j' ..^JS"' gilt, gilt edR^. bevelW (P-^^ JJ^) W-W. ^ 539 HomlletiCSand PMtoral Theology, by W. G. T. Shedd, D D. Cloth. 8vo. flM. New York, 1876. 540 Bible Theology aiid Modem Thougit, by L. T. Townsena. D.D. Cloth, 8vo. 660. • . Boston, 1883. 541 BlOOmfleld'S Greek Testament, with Engliah notes. Cloth, 8vo. $150. London, I80O. 642 Kingsley (Charles) — Hereward »b« Wake. 40c. \. ■ , [Also other works by same ant hor ; i 643 IngelO (Jane)— A Motto Changed. Cloth, fancy. 48c. 644 White (Oraenongh) - Outlinea ol ihp Philosophy of English Literature. Ft. I- The Middle Ages. Cloth. 50c. 646 Olasler lWillard)-Bword ^wy*"- °J Ventures an 1 Adventures of. in War and A Literature, by John Algernon Owens. Illus- trated, or. 8to. cloth, gilt. 75^ * •"■".-•.-•;■■■■ *-■■*. ■ . I ■ t \- If 1 Mortmu (HMry j.) — BiofraphlM of ^ C«I(ibrat«) Outadiani and Persona conneciad ^ with Ckaada. 9vo. doth. IIW. <.« ..1 \_ Quebec. 1K68 MS Turk^jr : Lamanlnea History of I'urkey. in 3 vols. l2nio, sloth ; translated from tlie French, |a.7«. New York, 1855. 1^9 Adanw fW. H. D l-WelUngton's Vic- tories. Cr, 8vo, cloth, fancy, S c. ftM Oollier (William Francis. LL.D.)— Pic turesof the Periods ; a Sketch-book of Old , 'English Ufa. Cr.8vo, full calf. IKK). Edinburgh, 1868. iMIiOat. Sir Masslogberd: A Romance of RMlLife. Cr. 8vo. cloth. 46c. iM-8onca and Music of Froebel's Mother Play, in the International Bciiintifice Serie», M7 Toronto -^-Robertson's tandmitrks ol Toronto, vol I.' 8yo, cloth. fa.OO. Toronto, 1894. «•» Banking ~ 'iTie Canadian Banking -^ System, 1817 1890. by Roeliff. -M. Brecken- ridfe, 8vo,cloih, »2,76. MMwM Twaln-Lifa on th« Mississippi. *"Jiv°*'*' ^^ illustrations 8vo. cloth, gilt, VM. Boston. 1888. MO Amerioan with Anecdotes and Lrgends ; aliio an impar- tial view of Slavery and the Free Labor Systems, etc. In 2 vols, 8vo. clolh. |1.26. London. 1844. M8 Boll (AnJre« I— History of Canala from the ^tme of iis Discovery till the Union Year. 1840 41. Translated from (he French. >ith illustrative note. 3 VoU, 8vo. cloth, 12.50. '. ^ Montreal, 1802 0O9^KnoZ (lohn) and the Church t>f Eng- land, his Whrk in the Pulpit and his IniTuence iU)on Herliiturgy. Articles, and Parties. A Monograph founded upon several important papers W Knox, never before published, by Peter I^rimer. D.D, 8vo. cloth, •H'O,. 7A0 Braklne (Rev. Ebenezer)— The Whele ^Vorks of the late Rev. Ebeneser Erskine. In .1 vols, 8vo, cloth, 13 00. Edinburgh, 1871. 871 Purgatorjf — Doctrinally. I'ractically and Historically Opened by Wm. Barlows. D.D. 12mo, cloth, 4."ic 572'R08a (Mrs Alexander) — A Legend of • the Grand Gordons. ?nd ed. colored plates, cr. 8vo, cloth, gilt edges. 91 25. Montreal. 1874. 57S I4vll(T.)— ilistoriari>m Librl. quisuper- sunt Omncs et deperdilorunii fragments. 4 ^ vols. 8«r, olpth. uncut. «5.fi0. . Oxonii. 1840. » Amerioan : Miscellany (The) of Pop Jxt^ wl^l'Ti." "c^"" wi"'^' ""T«.' 'T" aUr TIales. Essays. Sketches of Character. ^^^If^"*"^ J,* ^^" Pf"« ^y Geo. Stewart, jnr- Cloth. 11.26. Toronto. 1878 **• Tale : Lectures^ on the Sunday-school i *u r *'"' **'"'°"» Methodsand Auxiliaries: the Lyman Beecher Lectures for 1888. "H Clay Trumbull Demy. 8vo*, doth, f 1 26.*' ' ♦ Philadelphia. M6Brakine (Rev. Ralph, am. ): Ser- y, mons selected from the British editions of 1777 and 1821. In 2 vols. 8vo. doth, with fine steeh portrait. |2.60. Phil, 1869 667 An t i g ua and the Antiguains : A full account of the Colony and its Inhabitants froB the time of the' Caribs ; interspersed B'... Q>.> t^ugcn. «ub , , gjoi qon. info. 576 Staunton (Howarif The Great Schools of England ; An Account of the Foundation, Endowments and Disclpline'of the Chief Sem- inaries of Learning in England. Cr, 8vo, doth, illustrated. 11.26. London, 1866. 67j BAsIana -^ A History, in a Series of Letters from a Nobleman to his Son, to whieh are added Two Letters on the Study and* Biography of the Ancient and Modern British Historians. Post. 8to. 2 vols, half calf, old, eop. London, IW7. 677 Statesman's Year Book (The)— Statis- tical and Historical Annual of the States' of the Civilized World for the year 1880. by Frederick Martin, 60c. ^ • 677a— — -The same for 188iB, 76c; 678 Perkins (James Breck)^France Under Mazjtrin.. with a review of the Administration of Richelieu, with portraits, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, uncut, gilt tops. 1.3.60 1887 . 679 Tnrgot. by Leon Say. "Translated by G. Masson : portrait. 8vo, cloth. fl.CO. London. 1888. 680 Doyle iSir F. H.) -the Return of the Guardand other Poems. Cr, 8vo, cloth. 75c •r London, 1883. 681 America ; The Isthnius of Darien in li62. Journal of the Expedition of Inquiry for the Juncttpn of the Atlantic, and Paci^o ■ '^sfi^^'^ff**^ AND MISO'BLLANBOUft tiOOKIl •.■■'V •■•;:. ■Iko nn Impar- ■ FrM Labor cUAh. $1.25. Londun, 1844. f Cann.la froiti ie Union Year, e French, >ith clolh, |'J.5U, klontraal. I8A2 liurcb t>f Kng- d bta IniTuenca nd PartieH. A aral important ! pulilished, by rth, lU-o, )— Th* Whwie leser Erakine. linburgh, 1871. y, i'raciically Wta. Bar^OMS, A Legend of colored platea, ioatreal, 1874. ibri, qui super- rragmenta. 4 ' Oxonii, 1840. e : A Pl^ (or rancia George .\r, 8vo, cioth, Loidoot 187a. Great Bchoola le Foundation, the Chief Sem- tnd. Cr, 8vo, London, 188ft. u a Seriea of o bis Son, to on the Study t and Modern ro. 2 vola, half LondoA, IM?. (The)— Statii. f the States' of year 1880, by France Under Ldministration 2 vols. 8vo. 1887. Franalated by ith. fl.CO. London, 1888. Return of the .'«. cloth, 76c London, 1883. of Darien ia,- ion of Inquiry ic. and Paci^o Oceaaa, by Lionel Glaboraa. 4 mape, 71c. Londoa, lUS MS Plttataand their Children, by Mrs. W. S. Dana. ,, IlJuttrated by A^icb Jostpaim Smith. Post. 8vo cloth, SOc. MS V«ra« [Jules} : The Fur Country, or Seventy Degrees North Latitude, with 100 illustrations. Cr, 8vp, cloth, extra, full price MOO, for 11. OO [Also other Works of same Author, from 40c. i»p.] 684 Bourlnot, J. O., : Proceedurs of Pub. lie Meetings, bvo, cloth, 11.26 . Toronto, IM4 Md RomanlBm, PopeoV ?rcsideat ? Start. • ling Disclosures of Romsniim as reYcaled by its own writers. Facta Ipr Americans. 12mo, '; cloth, «rary)50c. S87 Bttm«tt, Francis Hodgson, : The One I Knew Best. Cloth, gilt, gilt top. uncut, 7fto. 6M Ohannlnff W. E.. I).D.. The Literary . Works of. Demy, 8v'o, Cloth. .76c. London and OUsgow. 1M4. 880 Pitlntinff : Walpole'a Anecilotes of Painting in England. Cr. 8vo, cloth. 75:. •M Bo^'a Library ; Starliaga. Noble Women. Illustrated, 7»c. Mines : Second Report of the Bureau of Mines. 1892. 8vo, half leather, 7{k. t Toronto. 1898 MS OoidbUrn, k! M., : Thre* Councils of th6 Divine Master, in 2 vols. Cr, 8to, doth, •185. Ma Bohn'a Library : Julian the Emperor by 6. W. King, 75c, 504 Bolm'a Library : Arioslo's Orlando Fur- ioso. 2 vols, 1150. 595 Be9a The Natural History of Bees Illus- trated with M colored plates from nature, with portrait. Post, 8vo, leather, 76c. Edinburgh, 184^). 696 Bitfk, Sir Bernard, CB,, LL^D,, . Ba- minisCencea Ancestral, Anecdotal and His- torical Cr, Svo, cloth, uncut, ILSS London. 597 Lynch, Arthur, : Hnmlsn Documents- Character Sketches of Reprfsenutive Men and Women of the tima/ Gr, SVo, clotb„ un- cut, ll.iJO. London, 1896 6M WaaUll. W.. Esq.. : The Landaeapt Album, or Gnat BriUfai Ulnatratad : lit a Swiss of Bixtjr Vi«n, with daacr]pti«i8 d tha scanary, by Thoosaa Moula. Bso, Cr. 8vo, graen morocco, gold and Baaallod Mak. gilt edges ; beautiful eopy, flOO. . 5M RplMHa. Charraa. O. p.. = 0»*«» •»? other poems. Small, 50a. Phil., 18S0. goo Symbnda, Rev. W. 8. : Records of tha Rocks, or notes on the Geology. Natural His- tory A Aiitiquitiaa of North and South Walaa. D von and Cornwall. Cr, tvo, aloth, thick, illustrated, 11.75. London, ISTI. flOl Sitlad for tha Solitary, by an EpIcuM. Cr. Ovo. cloth, 45c, London, 18M. 60S Sylvan WlnUr. hy Francis GMrn Heath, with savaaty Ulnstrationa, by F.J. Short. Cr, Svo, cloth, extra, gilt odgM. 1.75. London, 16N. 608 Play . A Book of tha Pltv, bv DuttM Cook. Cr, Svo. ololh. |1«< London, IMl, 604 Phlloaophy Im Sport mada Selanca in Earnest, or the Firat Prinaiplea of Natural Philosophy, inculcated by aid of tha Toya and Sports of Youth. Seventh edition; Woodoutsi cap, Svo, cloth, 9Sc. London, ISM. SnS Jonaa. Pater. : Hialorv 0^ the OJebway Indiana; portrait. Svo, cloth, M-M. r London,- ISM. SOSa^-'-^ — ^Another copy. Half mor. marbto sides. tS-M. London. IMI. 6116 Cktrnai. Richard, . Twilight of tha Gada and other talea. Cr. Svo, uncut, SOc. London. ISM. 607 Oanadn^Statistical Abstract and Ra- cord.lSM. Red cloth. 78e. Ottaiwa, ISM. ens Ouinda— The Statlstioal Taar Book of Canada for IWl. Sevanth year of isaua. Sidney. CD. Rop«r. ^^^'^^^^^^^^ 6M Bohn'a Library— Bbcxwan's History of Itavantions. S vola cloth, at(Ml portraits of Beckmui and Watt, tl.iO. London. 1S46. 610 JamalOAi Th* Annala of,tbv Rev. Q.H' - Bridges, In S vola. Svo. lenthar, shablq[> 1150. London, 1887. 611 BUMMtn (A. H., M.D.)— Ifood and its Adulterations. Svo, cloth, 750; . _ London, ISM' PENN (Sir Willkni)— Memoriali of tha Profesjional Lift of Sir Wm. Penn, Knt., Admiral and'General of the Fleet during the Interfegnum, Ac, alter the Restoration, from 1644 to 1670, by Granville Penn, Eiq. In * yoW'^Svo- doth, steel portrait, slightly foxed, 2.60. Londton, 18W. BENSON'S Commsntary on the whole Scriptures. In 5 vols, square ^y, 8vo^ '-■ half calf* 17.50. ;■;r--■-'-"^:.^'■i--rT:■-^■■^•^^^^ :..^-;,'-- ■. SOOTT (Thoinas)— Comiii6ntary, III a vols, r«y, ivo, fclpth, $6.60. •0 yf HUTHEBI.ANP'B f'AT MS JohliatOIl* (Orwet -l-eadtng NVtjnen , «r the RattoratioD, with porlraiw. »^" cloth, imcui.iiioo copy. ll.O". London. •11 SylTAD Sketches, or » Companion i ' «h« j Pert and.|he Shubberiy, "wilh illuMiiHtpn» , Irom the Works of the Pontf by th« author | o( Iho Flora lioMKaiicv Hvo. oloib, : hotadn. 8 'c l»n'lon. 1831. ! 614 ^eonaylvanla - Memoira of i IM'^ | chiefly spent in IVnnaylvaln. «vo, bonrc v , . uncut, ll.Sa KJinburKb. IB^Ji. Oia Lttttara of La'ly Rtthel RuhhbU ; con- tains the Trial of Lord William UiikscII for HiRh Treason, extracted from »ho Htat« Trials. Three elegant enxravlngs, seventh edhl()n."8vo, full calf, gold, Kilt edK'8. »• •'■'ft. • tniulon, lrt)9 j«|6 Insect Variety-H" l'r"pigation au j ;' Distribution by A, H. Mwintort with colored plates, Hvo, cloth. t (A pr*-- London uncut, 91 2i * ■ iientation copy.) 017 War— THeWar between Peru and C!)iU. 1876-lrt83. by C. R. Markham Cr Hvo, cloth, $1.01). London, 1882. 9^18 Verdi— An Anecdotal History vf His Life, by Arthur Pougin, with portrait Dem>,8vo, cloth, 95c. London, 1887 619 Welllliaton- The Life of Field Mar ihall. the Duke of Wellington (compiled ■ from Ills Grace's Despatches other authentic •durces and original documents) by Colonel J. M. Tucker. Embelished by numerous i engravitigs «n|l plan* of battles. «vo, cloth, j ■'■90c.' . ■ ,' . j IjaO Tuaoan ~ studies and. Sketches, by * fieadifer Scott. Illustrated, cr.*8vb, uncut. ' l#l.eyson l^ttPrs ; seise lions from his correspondence. Umo, cloth. 7»c. Boston, W67 02H Rufflnl (G.) Lavinla : ANover^iamo, cloth. 45c , New York, IMil 629 RobWa(Luca Delia) wl(h other Italian SculpHjrs, by Leader Hotll. Cloth, fancy, 1 upp, fl'ic. Londou, ihh;i O.lt) Huxley (Thomas H ) -A Manual of the Anatomy of the Inverlebrated Animals. I'imo, cloth, *1. to ■ I D. Appleton ACo. New York. 187H. 6.11-^ Bcience and Ciilture and other Essays. 12mo, cloth. flMM) •»• • p. Appleton & Co, New York. 1«83. 0.T2 Paul -The Life and Ep^tjiss of. by Conybear*; ;i.nVH')'vson Hvo cloth, complete and unnbri(l«ed cd, 3 vol* in <)iie, Jjt'J.;. New York; IS**. 0.S3 Atheism and tlio Viilue of Lifa- I'ivri Studies in Contemp 'rary Literatur.4,'i»> W H. Mallock. Cr. Ss... clot^i) OOA, " London, 18S4 Passions, or MintLaiid LoWSmPHIS. 3fljU n< w 034 MllUngen The Matter. 8\o, hoardr,, 685 Mason (Edward T )— Pei-8onal„'lra\|s of Uritish Authorii. ; Hood. Macaci.ay. ^dsky Smith, .lK«a|.D/ Dickkns Chahloitti BjJontk. ThackkH.vv. Cr. 8vo, cloth, :7.'»'' New York : Scrllimi'.i, lHrt6. erica : six Months in 'Amtrict, by ey T. ViKiie. I'-^q. Steel pi i tec, iJ vols Cr, 8vo. hylf calf, fl 25 Londc n, 1832 637 Masonry— K«) to Masonry and ICind red Hecrct Combinations, by Joliii Living- ston. Post, 8vo, cloth. 75c. "'^ Day lull, Ohio, 1871." 633 OouIbum(E. M., D.D,)— Thoughtkon Personal Keligion. Small, 12mo, cloth, 50c. 630 Ferguson (Fergus, D.D) : A Popular l]We d£ Christ. 8vp, cloth, !jl 25. ,' London, 1878. 640 ToOQUevllle (Alexis De) )^ The Re- public ot the United States of America, and Its Political institutions, revised and ex- plained, 2 vols in one, 8vo,-^loth.91.2o. ' : • ' ' New York, 1854, 641 Spurgeoil : Life and Works of C. H. Spurgeon. Cloth, gilt, 6 C Toronto. 642 Agriculture : The Farmers' Alliaf.ce History and Agiicultural Digest i-written by a Board of Editors, N. A. Dunning. Editor- on Chief. Ill;UStr4l«d,*8vo. half leather, gilt. ■ marble edges, $1-75: • ^^\yashingtoti, 18»1. ^43 WMtbriacht (Rev Jbliii }«hW&^ 'lleBioir of. Comprehending a IJiftteryof U»e Burdwen Jlissioji.,.. jl.lwstrat«i^.,fir, 8vo. jilfl!fr„ttBis>; ' ' XiTndon, lHo7.-^ I. I'M . '"H** AND MI8CKLIi\NROnH nOOKB t • H- •I h* G^eynon runpondencc. Llostun, lHu7 over'^l'imo, V York, IMil other Italian CJloth, fancy, fanual of tlie )(l Animalu. • • V York. 1878. and otlier V York. 1«83. ■ .1 i^ijfi of. by >lh, complete V York,' ISBft. »f Lifo-- I'ivd dtur.^,' l») 'A' ►A, ^ndop, ISS4 or AliniLaiid "■ot|*.inH m. innt^Tra^ls of CHAHI.q|Tri cloth, :7f' riliiiri'ii, iHrtS. 'Amtrk.!, I>>- pi lief, 2 vols V jond( n] lt^2 y and ICjnd jolih I.f'\iiij{- II, Ohio. 187 1. • -Thought^ on lo, cloth, 60c. : A Popular ih. «ndon, 187H. ^ Thb «e- America, and ised and ex- th,»l.25. w York. 18f»4, rks of C. H TorOatOi ers* Alliafice it i-wiitten by inirig, Editor- f leather, Rilt. liingtofi, 1891. ini^^teiuir UteBurdwen Lmidon'Tte?.-^ AMERIOA-Tho ProgreM of America from the Diicovtiy bv Ookn^Ate the year l«40 by Jolm Macgregor. In 2 large thick voU, Hvo, cloth, *.(»,; Lonqon, 1847. WOROESTER UNABRIDOBD-A Dictionary of the Kngli.h Langiiag«, by Josepli K. Wnrcester, l,l..l) , witii Supplement, containing over 12,600 new ' words and tniries, and n vocabulary of SynonymeiT of worHs ni general use. Full Iratl.er, 4,B0. Philadelphia, 1881. Hame. 1H77,4.()0. • ....... . ♦' " 1«(JH, !4.00. "• ,. .. •' I'^whediiioii, 1860, 2.78. MEMOillAL VOLUME 1834-1884, TORONTO-Pwiti*!^ P^*- ■(lit Historical and iJescripttvc. A Memorml Volume for the Semi-l^entenn iai i.f 1881, by tlie R.v. Henry Sca.lding, D.D » firdl Bishop «/ To"<»nt«», and JohnCharl,8l).nt. Cloth 4io, 2 60. .. ,, rorontq, 1884. FAMOUS COMPOSERS and their Workd. Edited by Jolm Krtowela ■ I'ailic. Tlieodor/riviinan and Karl Klau9»r./ Illustraed, clotU, gilt, large yohim«;,the w/nit i4 Mtw. • (Pub. $27.00/^0.00. CANADIAN SCENERY illustrated in a series of one htindred and twenty 4.h.t.-8 fron, ,l?a.vi .gs by the late W. H. Bartlett. Complete, in thirty piirts. un' ound ed, 4.00. . ^ ^. Virtue «r Co., Londcn. RULERS OF iNDIA-l8 v.-U, cr, 8vo, cloth. Clarendon Press, Oxfoid, 4f..j each Unf Imvrerict, by' Sir diaries Ailchi^oii. Eurl Canning, by Sir H S Cuiininghtm. Moun/s/uart £//>insrane, by ). H. Cotion. Albuqutrqut, bv H M »rse St \- \ WEBSTER UNABRIDGED— Ah American Dictionary of the Lnglish L.nnuaA'C, by Noah Wehstfr, I.L.D. Tboruughly revised and enlarged juirt inrproved ; leather, 0.00. -Same. 1880, 5.00. ■ euSpurgeon (C. II.) : Preacher, Airthur ' and Phwantbropist, with Anecdote Keiniu- isCences, by J. K. Pike. Cr, 8vo. cloth, por- trait, 60c. .. ' 945 Capper (B; p.) : a Compendioua Geo- graphical Dictionary, containing a descrip- tion of every remirkahle place in Eurooo, , Ajjia, Africa and America, with Historical Anecdotes, Tables, etc, em elished with nine maps. Size, aAxSJ ii ches, leather. K'lt.o'd. 50c; I ' ' London. 1813. «46 Tuttle (diaries R.) : Our North Laiid. An account of thfi.Cana<^ian North-West and i.( v anc\ .jludson's Hay R(jute .ind Experiences ■■". «iorth and South Paper, 5!lc. ' Harpers, 1863 r FT AUTiUmLAapV OATALOOVI €fW OLD BAU V,,* / M4 Itotnh WarthlM-Marljrni iiNr th* ^nilk, Mm iIm.UUi wordi vbA l>fcW>i ViakNM. Draaaaa, lUMtUjr. MiupMtiaiH Mi4 loiMaaibnllaoM by ■rteiTC DwBofanionl. MO. : tranalatad from *• firwcb by R. T. Hula*- Pom, fno. |0c. London. IKW. IM t«^t^f : PnnndatkM Stoaaa of ih« Obaieh of thd Unity. Svanavllla. Indiana. 7fc. Eranavllto. Il7t. MS RooUMdam i Lmtm to N. Wiaoman. D.D.. en tbn Errova of Ronunlam In raapact to iba Worthip of Snlnla, ate. Ito. clotb. 41c. Oiford.J84t. •M FtlaT«t [Em D.O.,1 : Tha ProMam of Immortality, Tranabtaa f rom tb« Frnncb by Prwiarkk Aab Fr«Mr. Svo. clotb, 11. fO. London, 18M M7 Bariaad (Marion] : Tha Cnttaga Kltch- «•, with Bapphmmntary Racalpta, CbrUtina TarbnmaHarrick. Iftno. cloth. flOc. Na« York : Scribnara, 1M6. iiiiA Vhmmp : Acroaa tha Ooutinant, by Ohnrlaa F. Lunimla. Itmo, elotb. 70c. Scribnara. Naw York. IWi. AM Bjpltaplui and Obitnarlaa. Faithful 8ar- vanta : being Epitapha and Obltuariea ra- twrding their mannera and aervlcaa, by A. J. Mmibjrt M.A-t F.S.A. Cr. Svo, oloth, •1.0^ London, IWI. flO BO--A Constitutional View of the War between the. States : Its Causes, ChSraoter, Conduct and Reivl; in % vols, avo, doth ; lUnstrattd with fine steel cuts, 8.00. VBRBBTOHAOINr Painte^ Soldier. TVavellet Autobiographical Sketches, / timnslated from the Gierman; illustrations. 2 vols, cr, tvo, cloth, %\,fSi. 1887. (Verestohagin is a painter of great and very singular powers.) V ySBNOM Heath's |tecollecttons;fortniil,8vo,cloth^ uncut, 1.00. London. 1892. M7 BlatOliOAl Btudiaa RaaiudM Hiatorieal Skatcbee from original aourcca, by AleiandM Charlee Ewald, PS. A. Svo. cloth. %\ M. "London, 1880. M8 Manmilj -<■ Raminlacencea of^. Belectiona from his Diarlaa and Lett Fine siael plate*, cr. 8vo, clotb, tl.M. ■ ^.m, : liondon, 1876' ' M8 Ool"-