IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) f // {./ CP.r :a (/x 1.0 I.I isi Ilia iiiM Ml. II It s^o liltt IP * 2.0 1.8 1.25 = 1 1.4 1.6 •< ( &" — ► V] <^ n 'e. "m "w *^ ** ^. />! #^ ne«»r>iry any one votes .shall y nieniher I presiding le Synod, 'in of the Ele n- L'( l)e pro- lan the then I', then ntiny, |se. Miiber ng' of )er of ction ition, o. It shall be imperative for all Committees appointed at any Session of the Synod to report at its next Session, and not later, unless by consent of the Synod a longer time to do so be granted. 6. All vacancies in Committees having charge of trust funds shall be filled by the Synod and the Synod shall have power to remove from such Committees any members for ■cause deemed sufficient by the Synod. A list of nominations of members to fill such vacancies shall be prepared by a Committee of seven appointed by ttie Synod, and laid on the table at the first meeting or opening •iay of the Synod. All other committees shall be appointed at each meeting of the Synod. 7. The Committee on Education .shall report at every regular Meeting of the Synod on the general condition of the •^educational establishment in connection with the Church in this Diocese especially Kings College and the Collegiate School at Windsor. 8. Any Committee appointed by the Synod shall be ^considere 1 a standing C'ommittee until discharged by the usual vote. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. Whereas, by the Act of the Provincial Legislature (26 Vic, Cap. 77), this Synod was incorporated with full power to receive and hold real and personal estate, and to let, sell, convey, or otherwise dispose of and manage the same or any part thereof : — I. The Powers thus granted shall be exercised by a Committee consisting of the Bishop, nine Clerical and nine Lay members of this Synod, to be called " The Executive Committee." II. At each ordinary meeting of the Synod the Clerical and Lay member of the Committee whose names respectively 14 shall stand at the head of the list shall go out of office, also the Clerical and Lay member whose attendance shall have been least frequent at the meetings of the Committee ; but all such members shall be eligible for re-election. If any vacancy shall occur between the Sessions of the Synod it shall be tilled up by the Clerical or Lay members, as the case may be, such nomination to be subject to the approval of the Synod. III. The Executive Committee may, at their discretion accept on behalf of the Synod, real and personal estate to be,at the dii«posal of the Synod, or to be held in trust for any religious or charitable object, and may affix the corpo- rate seal of the Synod to any document which they may be recjuired to execute with respect to such property. IV. The Execuiive Committee shall be also the Business Committee of the Synod. They shall have their report printed and circulated among the Clergy and Lay Represen- tatives in the Diocese at least two weeks before the time appointed for meeting of Synod. V. The Executive Con)mittee shall publish in any Church paper that may be established in the Diocese, at least three months before each meeting of the Synod, the business to be proposed by them. ACT OF INCORPORATION (Passed April 29, 1863.) Whereas, it is deemed just and expedient to incorporate the Diocesan Synod of the United Church of England an<\ Ireland of this Province, for the purpose of enabling them to hold, acijuire and manage real and personal estate for religious purposes ; Be it therefore enacted by the Governor, Council and. Assembly, as follows : — I. The Synod, consisting of the Bishop, Clergy, and Representatives of the Laity of the United Church of Eng- X 15 • office, also shalJ have '"ittee ; but '"• If any ' Synod it the ' approval tliscretion I estate to trust for he corpo- y may be Business |r report ^epresen- fche time m any, at nod, the )orate and them for and and land and Ireland in this Province shall be a body politic and corporate by the name of " The Diocesan Synod of Nova Scotia," and by that name may take, receive and hold real and personal estate ; und may Ut, sell, convey or otherwise dispose of and manage the same or any part thereof. II. Nothing in this Act contained shall extend to abridge •r affect in any way the rights or privileges of any person or persons not being members of the said Synod, nor of any corporations, nor shall extend in any manner to confer any spiritual jurisdiction or ecclesiastical rights whatsoever upon the said Synod or their successors. An Act declaratory of the Act to Incorporate the Diocesan Synod of Nova Scotia. (Passed the 7th day of May, A. D., 1874.) Section I. — Nothing in Chapter 77 of Acts 1863 to interfere with property of Churches in the Diocese of Nova Scotia. Be it declared and enacted by the Governor, Council and Assembly as follows : I. Nothing in Chapter 77 of the Act of 1863, entitled " An Act to Incorporate the Diocesan Synod of Nova Scotia," shall be construed to interfere with, alter, or circumscribe in any way the property, whether I'eal or personal, which may now, or which may hereafter belong to the several respective Parishes, Church Corporations or Church Congre- gations in the Diocese of Nova Scotia, or other rights secured to such Parishes, Corporations or Congregations, or any of them, by any Act of the Legislature of this Province, or otherwise howsoever. An Act to amend the Act to Incorporate the Diocesan Synod of Nova Scotia. Be it declared and enacted by the Governor, Council and Assembly as follows ; — I. Notwithstanding anything contained in the Act to la incorporate the Diocesan Synod of Nova Scotia, the Clergy and Laity of the Church of England in the Province of Prince Edward Island (who before the passing of such Act ■of Incorporation were represented in the Synod of Nova Scotia) may, so long as they continue to be under the juris- diction of the Bishop of Nova Scotia, be admitted as mem- bers of such incorporated Synod, and may enjoy and exercise the same rights and privileges therein as the Clert^y and Laity of the Church of England in this Province. 11 So much of Chapter 77 of the Acts of 1863, entitled, " An Act to Incorporate the Diocesan Synod of Nova Scotia," or of any other assisting enactment as is inconsistent with this Act, is repealed. A71 Act to constitute the Bishop of Nova Scotia a Ooi-por- ation sole. (Passed the 4th Day of April, A.D., 1876.) Whereas, The Bishop of Nova Scotia has been consti- tuteci a corporation sole by Royal Letters patent, and has in that capacity received, held, and conveyed real estate : Be it declared and enacted by the Governor, Council and Assembly as follows: — 1. The present Bishop of Nova Scotia is, and he and his successors in office duly elected or acknowledged by the Sync^l ()f the Diocese of Nova Scotia, shall be a corporation sole, with perpetual succession, retaining the name of the Lord Bishop of Nova Scotia, heretofore used, and all real estate conveyed to, or vested in the Bishop of Nova Scotia, whether in trustor otherwise, .shall be ve.sted in the .said corporation sole, subject to all existing trusts. 2. Nothing within this Act contained shall extend in any manner to confer any spiritual jurisdiction or ecclesias- tical rights whatsoever upon the said Episcopal corporation hereby continued or created. tia, the Clergy ' Province of g of such Act 'no(i of Nova 'fJer the juris- tfced as mern- «njoy and as the Clergy covinee. 863, entitled, 'Ova Scotia," "sistent with -* « Oorpor- 876.) en consti- t, and has estate : 'uncil and e and his by the Iporation of the all real Scotia, 'he said |fcend in Jle.sias- >ration 17 CHURCH ACT. (Passed in 1876, and Amended 1879.) Be it enacted by the Governor, Council and Assembly as follows : — 1. No person shall officiate as a Minister of the Church of England within the Province of Nova Scotia but such as shall be duly licensed or instituted to the cure of souls by the Bishop of the Diocese, having previously subscribed to such declarations of assent and conformity to the doctrines and discipline of the Church of England as may be enjoined in Englaud at the time of making such subscriptions, except so far as they, or any cf them, may be contrary to or incon- sistent with the Canons or Regulations of the Provincial or Diocesan Synods. And no license or institution shall be refused without the reasons therefore being duly signified in writing and delivered to the applicant within three months from the date of application for such license or letters of institution. 2. The Pari-shes already established shall remain as here- tofore, and when any church shall be erected for Divine Service, according to the rites of the Church of England, the Bishop of the Diocese may allot a district which snail be the parish of such church. The Bishop may also divide and sub-divide any Parish now established or hereafter to be established ; but no Parish shall be divided or sub-divided unless on the application of the majority of the parishioners present at any public meeting of the Parish called for the consideration of such a measure. 8. When any rectory shall be vacant a meeting of the parishioners shall bo summoned either by the Church Wardens or by any five parishioners, either by notice given in the church, or churches if there be more than one, during the time of Divine Service, or if there be no public service in the Parish, then by notice aflixed to the door or doors of the church or churches, such notice to be given in any case not less than 15 nor more than thirty days before the day of meeting, at which meeting a clergyman in full orders of the Church of England, or of any branch of the Church of i 18 England, may be elected Rector by a majority of the parish- ioners then present. A copy of the resolution containing the name of the person elected shall be forthwith forwarded to the Bishop, attested by the signatures of the Chairman and two other parishioners ; and the Clergyman so elected, when he shall have obtained the Bishop's Letters of Institution, shall be inducted by the Bishop into the said Parish. If no election be made within twelve months after the occurrence of a vacancy, the Bishop shall be at liberty to appoint a Rector 4. The Rector, or Clergyman officiating as Rector, and the parishioners of every Parish, shall meet annually on Monday in Easter week, notice of the hour and place of meeting having been first given by the Rector or officiating Clergyman, at which meeting two Church Wardens and twelve Vestrymen shall be chosen by the parishioners, and any parish business may be transacted. The Rector, With the Church Wardens and Vestry so elected, in all mat- ters connected with the Church and persons usually attend- ing its services and ordinances within their respective Parishes, shall have the like powers as they have heretofore exercised in this Province. In the absence of the Rector, or Clergyman officiating as Rector, or as a duly licensed Curate, the parishioners may at any meeting elect their own Chair- man. Where there are two or more churches in one Parish, the congregation of each Church other than the Parish Church may meet together annually to appoint two Chapel Wardens, who, subject to the control of the Rector, Wardens and Vestry, shall have the charge of said Church or Chapel ; and the exercise of this right shall not mterfere with the right of the parishioners included in the said congregation or congregations, to take part in the Easter meeting for the election of Church Wardens and Vestrymen for the whole Parish. 5. If in consequence of a vacancy, or for any other reason no Easter meeting shall be held in any Parish, the Church Wardens and Vestry of the previous year shall continue in office, provided that any Warden or Vestryman may resign his office, by notice in writing sent to the Bishop or to his Commissary administering the Diocese, who, upon the receipt of any such resignation shall communicate the same to the Parochial authoritie.s. In case of the refusal to act of any person elected to the office of Church Warden or Vertryman, nty of the pansh- 'lon containing the mth forwarded to he Chairman and n so elected, when rs of Institution, itl Parish. If no er the occurrence '^^ty to appoint a ? as Rector, and eet annually on ir and place of tor or officiating » Wardens and 'e parishioners, • The Rector,' '<;ed, in all niat- usually attend- leir respective 'ave heretofore the Rector, or censed Curate, »• own Chair- in one Parish, ^ the Parish ,t two Chapel tor, Wardens ^1 or Chapel ; •I'e with the congregation etingforthe r' the whole Ither reason the Church Continue in lay resign or to his |he receipt |nie to the 2t of any [rtrynian. 19 or of any vacancy or of vacancies in either of the said offices (l)y death or resignation) the vacancy or vacancies may be filled at a meeting held at any time of the year, as hereafter provided, after due notice.>s Either at the Easter meeting, /( or if so ordered at the Easter Meeting, at a meeting of the Vestry held not later than three weeks after the Parish meeting or adjourned Parish meeting, the out-going Wardens shall present their accounts, and shall transfer to the newly elected Wardens the books and all documents, monies or other property belonging to the Parish which shall be iu their possession. 6. The Rector, Church Wardens and Vestry of each Parish shall together be a body politic and corporate with the style of " The Rector, Wardens and Vestry of the Parish. of ," with power to sue and be sued, to receive grants of real and personal estate for the use of the Church and all Parish purposes, to improve the same and receive the rents thereof for the like use, and with the approval of the Bishop to sell and convey such real and personal property, and to have a common seal and to make by-laws and regulations, consistent with the laws of the Province, for the management of the temporalities of the Church and the due and orderly conducting of the affairs ; provided, nevertheless, that if at any time the Parish be without a Rector the same rights and privileges shall be vested in the Wardens and Vestry until the appointment of a Rector, except so far as relates to the permanent alienation of any property. All the real and per- sonal property belonging to any Parochial corporation, shall hereafter be and become vested in the Rector, Wardens and Vestry of that Parish in their corporate capacity, subject to any existing rights or trusts therein. 7. The outgoing Wardens of each Parish shall prepare and submit to the annual meeting of parishioners, a return of the property of the parochial corporation, whether real or personal, and of all monies that may have been invested by or on behalf of the corporation during such year, and a schedule of the securities and the rate of interest upon which such investments have been made, which return the incoming Wardens shall within three weeks forward to the Registrar of the Uiocese. And if at any time the Bishop has reason to believe, in consequence of information received, that the property of any Parish is not rightly administered, he may institute legal proceedings against the corporation, or any J. 20 officers of the said Parish, throuj^h whose default or neglect any loss may have been occasioned. 8. The following persons shall be entitled to vote at all meetings of Parishioners of any Parish of the Church of England : — (1.) Men of full age who are, and who have been for not less than six months, communicants in the said Parish. (2.) Men of full age who are, members of the Church of England, habitually attending the services thereof, within the parish for which they claim to vote, except when tem- porarily hindered by absence from their ordinary residence or any other unavoidable impediment, such attendance hav- ing commenced not less than three months previous to the day of meeting, being pew-holders, or otherwise contributors towards the funds for the maintenance of the ministrations of the said Church of England, in any Church or Chapel, subject to the control of the corporation of the said parish, and who are not more than six months in arrears in respect to such contributions. Provided always that any person voting, may be required by the chairman of the meeting or any parishioner present to sign the following declaration ; — " I do declare that I am a member of the Church of England, and belong to no other religious denomination, and am qualified as required by clause 2, section 8, of the Church Act." And also, when not voting as a communicant, to produce a receipt or certificate from the Church or Chapel Wardens, or one of them, or the Vestry Clerk, showing that he is such pew-holder or contri- butor, and that he is not more than six months in arrears as aforesaid. The parishioners may, from time to time, at any regular annual parish meeting, define what contributions shall be deemed necessary to qualify a person not a pew -holder to vote at any subsequent meeting, and the mode and time of payment of such definition of qualification shall not take efiect at any meeting held within six months. 9. The Rector, or Clei'gyman officiating as such, and the Church Wardens and Vestry, may meet for the transaction •of business as often as occasion may require at the instance of the Rector, or the Church Wardens, or on the requisition of the majority of the Vestry, made to the Rector or Churcu It or neglect » vote at all I Church of been for not Parish. e Church of reof, within when tein- y residence uiance hav- ious to the ontributors inistrations or Chapel, mid parish, s in respect ^e required ler present that I am to no other quired by when not certificate em, or the or contri- m arrears ly regular shall be holder to d time of not take 1, and the ansaction instance jquisitiojj r Churcjj 21 Wardens, a majority of the whole number of members of the Corporation being a (|uorum for the transaction of busi- ness ; and; the Rector or Clergyman officiating as such, Church Wardens, Vestry and Parishioners, may assemble for business connected with the parish as often as it may be considered necessary, either at the instance or upon the application of the Rector, or Clergyman officiating as such, or the Church Wardens, or the Parishioners, provided that ten at least of the latter sign a recpiisition to that eti'ect, notice of such meeting and of the business to be transacted thereat having been given during Divine Service in the Parish Church on some Sunday , at least thre e days pjeviousjy, by the minister of the Parish, who shall give tbe req^red notice whenever called upon as aforesaid, providefl that such notice shall be placed in his hands in writing at least twenty- four hours before the time of giving notice. 10. All engagements for the salary of a minister, or for the temporary performance of Divine ministration shall be made by the Church Wardens and Vestry, and any subscrip- tion towards the payment of such salary, .)r other engage- ment, may be sued for and collected by said Church Wardens. 11. No conveyance by lease or otherwise of any parson- age held by a Minister of the Church of England shall be valiil for a longer period than his own incumbency, and no such conveyance of any property belonging to any Parish or held by any Rect(n- in virtue of bis office shall be valid for a longer period than as aforesaid, unless v/ith the con- currence of the Church Wardens and Vestry expressed in writing under their common seal, and in no case for a longer period than twenty-one years ; but with the concurrence of the Bishop, the Rector and the Church Wardens and Vestry full and absolute sale and conveyance may be made of any glebe land or other real estate belonging to the Parish, if the same be thought for the interests thereof. 12. No person shall be elected a Church VVarden or Vestryman who is not qualified to vote at a Church meeting under Clause eight. 13. The Lord Bishop of Nova Scotia ma\' grant a license to officiate as a Clergyman of the Church of England in this Province to any person who shall have been admitted to the order of Priest or Deacon by any Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America, anything 22 in the Act of the Imperial Parliament of the 26th year of his late Majesty King George III, Cap. 84, to the contrary notwithstanding. 14. Cap, 25 of 4th Series of the Revised Statutes is hereby repealed. CANONS OF THE DIOCESE OF NOVA SCOTIA. CANON I. RBGULATIONS FOR THE DISCIPLINE OF THE CLERGY. PREAMBLE. VVheke,iS, It is expedient to define the mode in which the power of the Bishop shall be exercised ;— We, the Bishop, Cbrgy and Representatives of the Laity of the Diocese of Nova Scotia, have agreed upon the following Rules to be observed in order to secure a fair and impartial tribunal for the trial of any Clergyman who may hereafter be charged with any offence rendering him liable to any Ecclesiastical sentence. I. — In every case of any Clerk in Holy Orders who may be charged with any offence against the laws ecclesiastical, or concerning whom there may exist scandal or evil report, the Bishop shall, upon the written application in duplicate of flsven male communicants of the Pansh in which the accused resided, one of whom shall be named as Secretary, or inay, if he shall think tit, of his own mere motion, issue a Commission under his hand and seal to five Presbyters of not less than seven years' standing, and the Commi.ssi jaers so appointed, or any three ol them, shall inquire into the truth of the charges alleged against the party accused as set forth in their Commission, notice of the time and place of such inquiry having been given to the party accused and to the persons, if any, upon whose application or complaint the commission may have been issued (through their Secietary), not less than thirty days before the time appointeJ for the commencement of the inquiry. And in the course of such inquiry the Commissioners shall receive all such evidence as may be tendered to them whether for or against the party accused, and said evidence shall be taken do vn by them in writing. 23 le 26th year of to the contiary seel .Statutes 18 SCOTIA. E CLKRGY. the power of the epresentativesof »n the following tribunal for this 'ith any offence 'rs who rnav ccle.siastical, e^'il report, n duplicate which the eeretary, or on. issue a sbyters of missij^iers into the used as set ^ place of <'<' and to 'laint the ;cretaryX ' ^or the 1 SSI oners to them t^'vidence And the said Commissioners, or any three of them, shall report in writing within 30 dayr? from the day of the date of the hearing, unless they, or any three of them, shall by a memorandum in writing extend such time, whether in the opinion of the majority of those present there be or be not sufficient prima facie ground for instituting further pro- ceedings ; which report shall be accompanied by a copy of the evidence upon which it is founded. II. — And in all cases when the Commissioners or any three of them, shall have reported that there is prima facie ground for further proceedings, the Bishop, with the written consent of the party accused, may pronounce judgment without further proceedings. III. — If the Commissioners, or any three of them, shall report that there is pHma facie ground for the further proceeding, and the party accused shall not consent to have judgment pronounced as aforesaid, then, but not otherwise, three Clerks in Holy Orders, or three Clerks and three Laymen, shall be nominated as hereafter provided to sit with the Bishop or his Commissary, specially appointed for this purpose to hear the cause. IV. — In every case where privxa facie ground fpr further proceedings has been found, and in which, from the nature of the offence charged, the charge not being one of error in Doctrine only, it shall appear to the Bishop that great scandal is likely to arise from the Clergyman accused con- tinuing to perform the services ot the Church while such charge is under investigation, the Bishop shall cause a notice to be served on the accused at the same time with the service of the copy of the charge, or at any time pending the proceedings, inhibiting him fi'om performing any service of the Church during the investigation, or until the Bishop shall withdraw the inhibition. V. — At each regular meeting of the Synod a Board of Discipline, consisting of 1 3 Presbyters pf not less than ten years standing and of 13 Lay members of the Synod, shall be appointed. VI. — The Clerical Secretary of the Synod, or if he should be absent from the Province or be the person accused, the Lay Secretary of the Synod, shall be Registrar of the Court hereinafter provided. 1 I i f .i ! I I'' 24 VII.— -If the Bishop shall determine to institute proceed- ings, his intention shall be made known by notice in writing to the person accused within three calendar months frorn the date of the Commissioners' report. At a time and place to be fixed by the Registrar of the Court, fifteen days notice of which shall be given in writing to the complainants through their -secretary, and accused, they shall attend personally or by agents before the Registrar, and shall alternately, the accused commencing, strike out one name frorn the 'list of the members of the Board of Dicipline, to be provided by the Registrar for that purpose, until the number be reduced, when the charge is one of error in Doctrine, to three Presbyters, and in all other cases to three Presbyters and three Laymen, who shall be the assessors for the trial of the accused." refuse or neglect to In case either of the parties shall attend at the time and place appointed, or to strike "otf the names as above provided, or if the complainants cannot agrea among themselves upon the name or names to be struck off by them, the Registrar' shall act on behalf of the party so refusing or neglecting or not agreeing, and strike off the requisite number of names. If the Commission has been issued by the Bishop on his own motion, the Registrar shall alternately with the accused or his agents strike off the names as above provided. If both complainants and accused refuse or neo-lect to attend at the time and place appointed for striking "off the names, the Bishop shall select three Presbyters and three Laymen, as may be reijuired, from the Board of Discipline, as assessors for the trial of the accused. In case the assessors are selected by the parties or by one of the parties and the Registrar as above provided, the Registrar shall at once forward their names to the Bishop, and he shall also riotify him in case neither party shall attend before him at the time and place appointed. After the assessors have been selected or appointed, the Bishop shall fix the time and place for the trial, and the Registrar shall give the complainants (through their Secre- tary) and accused twenty-one days' notice thereof in writing. Ill J institute proceerl- y notice in writiuo- I'lar mouths from Registrar of the ^ given in writino- ttJ-y, and accused" rents before the' sed commencincr members of th^'J %i.strar for that 'n the charge is •yters, and in all tynien, who shall se or neglect to strike otf the ^ts cannot agrea to be struck off >* the party so stnkn off the Bishop on his th the accused ovided. or neglect to >King off the r« and three 0*^' J^iscipline, 25 VIII. — At the trial there shall be at least two of the Clerical and one of the Lay Assessors, or in questions of doctrine the three Clergy present with the Bishop or his Commissary ; and the course of proceedings shall be in all re- spects, as far as possible, in conformity with the ordinary practice of Courts of Justice. And if, after full investigation and examination, the truth of the charges shall be proved to the satisfaction of the Bishop or his Commissary and a majority of the assessors, (or in questions of doctrine of a majority of the Clerical Assessors), sentence shall be pro- nounced by the Bishop. IX. — If the Bishop himself be promoter of the suit, then the Court shall consist of Assessors appointed as before directed, and of some Bishop of the Province whom the Metropolitan shall be requested to appoint for that purpose. Shou'd the Bishop of Nova Scotia be Metropolitan, then the request shall be made to the Senior Bishop. In case of no appointment by the Metropolitan or Senior Bishop, as the case may be, the Senior Clerical member of the Board of Discipline shall act as Bishop's Commissary in the suit. X. — If the party accused shall not appear on the day appointed for trial, after having received the notice thereof, the cause may nevertheless be heard and determined as if he r/ere present, unless there shall appear to be sufficient cause for deferring proceedings to a future day. XI. — Advocates shall be allowed on both sides, at the pleasure of the parties, provided they are Clergymen of th e Church of England or Laymen, who tleclare themselves to be members of the said Church, and to belong to no other communion. «es or by one 'oyided, the t'le Bishop, party shall' id. >ointed, the a), and the heir Secre- '» writing. XII. — In case at any time when the services of the Board of Discipline are required there should be vacancies therein in consequence of death, absence or other cause, or 'f the person accused shall be a member of the Board, the Execu- tive Committee shall at once till up all such vacancies, so that in all cases there may be 13 Presbyters and 13 Lay members available for the purpose hereinafter knentioned. XIII. — The following sentences may be pronounced and punishments imposed upon oSending Clergymen : Admoni- tion, suspension from the exercise oi his office deprivation m\ m In ! |i:' 26 or removal from his office in the Church, otherwise called deposition, and degradation from the ministry. XIV.— Admonitions shall be in private. When the penalty of suspension is inflicted, the sentence shall specify on what terms or at what time the suspension shall During his suspension the Clergyman shall not exercise the function of his ministry in his own congregation or elsewhere, on pain of deprivation and deposition ; and during such suspension the Bishop may appoint another Clergyman to supply the place of the suspended Clergyman, and may apply a part or the whole of the e noluments or income of the Parish Mission or Cure to the payment of such substitute. When the sentence of suspension is pronounced, the Bishop shall cause such notice of it to be given to the Clergy and Laity of the Diocese as he shall think sufficient. XV.— When the sentence of deprivation or removal from his office is pronounced, the connection between the minister so deprived or removed and his Parish or congregation shall be ipso facto severed, and all offices, rents, issues, profits and emoluments which he may hold by virtue of such office or ministry from which he has been deprived or removed shall v^'holly cease and determine. XVI. Whenever a minister is so deposed or degraded from the holy ministry, the Bishop who pronounces the sentence shall, without delay, cause such sentence to be publicly read to the several congregations of the Diocese by the respective ministers thereof, and shall also give notice to all the Bishops of the Province. XVII. — All proceedings under n.'i^ulations must be commenced within one year from the dat^ of the alleged offence ; but when proceedings are brought in respect to an offence for which a judgment or conviction has been obtained from a civil or a criminal tribunal, the .suit under this Canon may be commenced at any time within six months after such judgment or conviction. XVIIL— An appeal from this Court shall be to the " Court of Appeal of the Metropolitan," under Canon 5 of the Provincial Synod. XIX.— If the Bishop shall be of the opinion that the ■charge alleged in the memorial is frivolous and vexatiou.s, m therwise called Y- '• When the e «hall specify 'fl shall cease. 3t exercise the lor elsewhere during such ^iergyman to fid may apply 'come of the jh substitute. '' the Bishop • Clergy and Jnioval from the minister Ration shall ' profits and ch office or loved shall degraded >iinces the nee to be diocese by ve notice 27 •or that the matters alleged show no cause or offence for which the party is amenable under this Canon, he shall state his decision in writing, with his reasons therefor, and endorse the same upon or attach it to one copy of said memorial and file the same on record with the Secretary of the Synod, and shall also cause the other copy of the said memoriaf, with a copy of his decision endorsed thereon, to be returned to the complainant. XX. — No Clergyman inhibited under the fourth clause shall be deprived during continuance of such inhibitions of any of the emoluments of his office. XXI. — The complaining party shall deposit SI 00 with the Registrar of the Court to meet expenses to abide the result of the trial. XXII. — The Synod shall meet the expenses if the Bishop finds it necessary to institute proceedings. XX III. — Every notice or citation under this Canon shall be served upon the person or persons to whom it shall be addressed, either personally or by leaving a copy thereof at his usual or last known place of residence. CANON II. ELECTION OF A BLSHOP. must be alleged ct to an btained Canon IS after to the >n 5 of the tious, When the See is vacant the Archdeacon of Nova Scotia, or in case of his absence or incapacity the Senior Presbyter of the Diocese, being a member of the Synod, shall, within a fortnight after the occurrence of such vacancy, summon a meeting of the Synod, to be held in not less than thirty days, to elect a successor to the See, at which meeting the said Archdeacon, or in his absence the Archdeacon of Prince Edward Ishind, or in the absence of both, the senior Presby- ter oresent shall preside*; and it shall be the duty of such Archdeacon or Presbyter to forward as early as possible the name of the Bishop elect to the proper authorities. And at such meeting of the Synod no other business shall be trans- acted. ^Seniority to be counted from Date of Priest's Orders. i' 28 In the election of a Bishop the Clergv and Laity shall vote separately by ballot. A majority of votes in each order shall determine the choice, provided that two-thirds of the Clergy entitled to vote are pr&sent, and two-thirds of all the Lay Representatives, otherwise two-thirds of the votes of each order shall be necessary to determine the choice. CANON IIL OF DIVINITY STUDENTS. 1. No person shall be admitted as a Divinity Student until he shall have presented to the Bishop a medical certiti cate as to his health, also testimonials of good moral character and of general fitness, signed by the Rector or Clergyman of the Parish in which he residues, and by three conununicants of said Parish, approved by the Rector or Clergyman in charge. 2. No Candidate siiall be allowed to remain on the list of Divinity Students or to continue to receive a Divinity Scholarship unless the report to be made to the Bishop an- nually by the President of the College and the Professor of Divinity on his Progress in his studies, and his general deportment be a favorable one ; but in the case of an un- favorable report being made, in appeal shall be allowed to the Visitor of the CoUeire. 3. Every Divinity Student shall be expected to pass a Matriculation Examination, and to take a full Arts Course, except in cases where an exemption is specially allowed' by the Visitor. f j CANON IV. OF ADMISSION OF CANDIDATES INTO THE MINISTRY. I. In addition to the testimonial hitherto required for Holy Orders, Candidates for the Diaconate shall produce to the Bishop testimonials of their acquirements and moral character from the Head of the College where they received their education, and also a declaration from a majority of the Executive Committee of the Synod, that they are satis- fied either from personal knowledge or afoer incjuiry made as to their moral character. it| Laity shair \ii\ each order ■.<^hird.s of the "■;'« of all the the votes of choice. 'jty Stu.lent licai eertiri food moral ■ Hector or »f' by three i^ector or '^he list of J^ivinity }^^hop an- ^i'essov of . greneral '^vved to ^ pass a Course, allowed |v. ''^o. 33. No Canon shall be enacted unless the same has been transmitted by the Secretaries of the Lower House to the Members of the Provincial Synod, at least one month before the meeting of Synod, or unless the same has been left over as unfinished business, and printed in the Journal of the previous Session. Ill RURAL DEANERIES. Deanery of Lunenburg. — (Rev. W. E. Gelling, R.D.) — St. Margaret's Bay, Hubbard's Cove, Chester, New Ross, Blandford, Mahone Bay, Lunenburg, Bridgewater, New Dublin, LaHave. Deanery of Shelburne. — (Rev. T. VV. Johnston, R.D.) — Port Medway, Liverpool, Shelburne, Barrington, Tusket, UTarmouth, Lockeport. Deanery of Annapolis. — (Rev. H. D. DeBlois.M. A., R.D.) — Weymouth, Digby, Clements, Annapolis, Granville, Bridge- town, Wilmot. Deanery of Avon.— (Rev. F. J. H. Axford, R.D.) — Kentville, Cornwallis, Windsor, Falmouth, Newport, Rawdon, Aylesford. Deanery of Amherst. — (Rev. V. E. Harris, M.A., R.D.,) — Maitland, Truro, Stewiacke, Londonderry, Parrsboro, Amherst,Pictou, River John,Pugwash, Wallace, Albion Mines. Deanery of St. George. — (Rev. H. Hamilton, R. D.) — Antigonish, Guysborough, Manchester, Melford, Country Harbour, St. Mary's River, Arichat. Deanery of Tangier. — (Rev. W. Ellis, R. D.) — Beaver Harbour, Ship Harbour, Three Fathom Harbour, Dartmouth, Sackville, Tangier, Falkland. Deanery of Sydney. — (Rev. R. D. Bambrick, M.A., R.D.) — Cape Breton (with the exception of Arichat.) Deanery of Halifax. — (Rev. Canon Partridge, D.D., U.D.) The city of Halifax. has been ie to the th before left over i\ of the , R.D.)— ew Ross, .er, New i,R.D.)— Tusket, A., R.D.> , Britlge- R. D.)— Rawdon, |R.D.,)- irrsboro, Mines. I D.)- yountrv hBeaver finouth, ., RD.) |., IJ.D.) 37 1. Rural Deans shall be elected for a perioa of five years, the out going Rural Dean to be eligible for re-elec- tion ; but in the absence of the Rurt I Dean for more than six months, or upon his removal from the Deanery, the office shall be considered vacant. 2. It shall be the office of the Rural Dean to hold meetings of the Clergy of his Deanery, in each Parish or Mission in turn, at least once in six months, for mutual edification. 3. It shall be the duty of the Rural Dean to examine from time to time, all buildings belonging to the Church, and to Report to the Bishop in answer to questions furnished by him, such questions being sent through the Executive Committee, and to discharge such other duties as he may be requested by the Missionary in charge of each Cure to per- form. 4. The election of the Rural Deans shall ordinarily take place at the regular meeting of the chapter preceding the termination of the five years for which the Rural Dean has been appointed ; but when a vacancy occurs either by the removal from a Deaner} of a Rural Dean, by death or other- wise, or from any other extraordinary cause, the senior clergyman in such Deanery shall call the clergy together, and at that meeting they shall elect one of their number to be nominated to the Bishop for the office of Rural Dean. If the chapter shall fail to elect within six months after a vacancy shall have occurred the Bishop may make an appointment. Seniority shall be counted from the date of priest's orders. 5. The Bishop shall be authorized to transfer a Parish from one Deanery to another at the request or with the concurrence of the two chapters affected by such transfer, and the Bishop may attach new districts to what existing Deanery he may choose. ADDENDA. The Church Wardens of each Parish or District are re- (|uested to make a return (according to a prepared form) to «ach Session of this Synod. 38 The Clergyman of each Parish is required to keep a regis- ter of the number of adherents of the Church of England in their several Parishes, specifying their names and number of (Church families,) Baptisms, Confirmations, Communicants, &c., &c., in a book with printed headings, according to a form to be prepared by the Executive Committee, said Book to be kept au^ong t^e permanent records of the Parish. The following recommendations from the Lambeth Con- ference were adopted : That, as a general rule, in conformity with Church order' all Missionaries and Chaplains residing or engaged in the exercise of ministerial duty within the Diocese or District of a Colonial or Missionary Bishop, should be licensed b}'^ and be subject to the authority of the said Bishop. That every Clergyman removing from one Colonial or Missionary Diocese or District into another Diocese ought to carry with him letters testimonial from the Colonial or Missionary Bishop whose Diocese or District he is leaving. That no person admitted to holy orders by the Bishop of any Diocese in England or Ireland, who shall afterwards have been serving under the jurisdiction of any Scottish, Colonial or Foreign Bishop, should be received into any of the Home Dioceses without producing letters dimissory or commendatory from the Scottish. Colonial or Foreign Bishop in whose Diocese he has been serving. Also, the following form of letters Commendatory : To the Right Rev. the Bishop, and Reverend the Clergy, and to the faithful in Christ of the Diocese of A. : We, B., by Divine permission Bishop of C, send greeting in the Lord. We commend to your brotherly kindness, by these our letters, D. E. Priest [or Deacon] of our own Diocese, beseech- ing yow to receive him in the Lord as a brother, sound in the faith, of a well-ordered and religious life, and worthy of all Christian fellowship, and to tender him any assistance '^f which he may stand in need ; and so we bid you farewell in Christ our Lord. Witness our hand, A., Bishop, B., Secretary. It was Resolved, " That no letters Dismissory should be refused without the cause thereof being signified in writing, and delivered to the apnlioant. 39 REGULAR COMMITTEES OF SYNOD. EXECUTIVE. CREDExNTIALS. FINANCE, INVESTMENTS. CHURCH ENDOWMENT FUND. BOARD HOME MISSIONS. WIDOWS AND ORPHANS OF CLERGY ENDOWMENT OF PARISHES. SUPERANNUATION OF CLERGY. QUEBEC SCHEME. FOREIGN MISSIONS. TEMPERANCE. BOARD OF DISCIPLINE. EDUCATION. SUNDAY SCHOOLS. ORGANIZATIONS IN PARISHES. S. P. C. K. DEPOSITORY. PARISH PROPERTY. VACANCIES IN COMMITTEES. PRINTING REPORT The following Committees are in charge of Trust Funds, viz. CHURCH ENDOWMENT FUND. WIDOWS AND. ORPHANS OF CLERGY. ENDOWMENT OF PARISHES. SUPERANNUATION OF CLERGY. 40 i REGULATIONS FOR THE ELECTION OF A BISHOP PASSED AT THE SPECIAL SYNOD IN 1887. 1. The Synod having been duly organized the nomina- tions and election of a Bishop shall be conducted as follows : 2. The nomination of candidates shall be an open nomination without any expression of opinion. 3. When the nominations cease, the Synod shall adjourn for not less than half an hour, and on again assembling new nominations may be made until the nominations shall be closed by the chairman. The nominations being closed, a ballot shall be taken, each member of the Ijynod writing upon his ballot the name of the Candidate for whom he votes. 4. The ballots shall be collected by the Clerical and Lay Secretaries, each assisted by a Clergyman, one Lay Representative to be appointed by the chairman, who shall examine separately the respective clerical and lay votes, and shall report thereon thi'ough the Secretary by feading aloud .the names, and numbers of votes clerical and lay for each. 5. Should no election result upon the first ballot, further mc nations if offered shall be received, and upon the chair- man declaring the nominations again flosed a new ballot shall be taken upon all the nominations. G. Should no election re.sult from this ballot, nomina- tions if offered shall be again received, and upon the chair- man declaring the nominations again closed a ballot shall be taken upon any new nominations together with all names •on the previous ballot which shall have received not less than ten votes; it being understood that any name previously or thereby to be omitted for want of the prescribed number of votes shall be eligible for re-nomination, 7. Ballots .shall continue to be taken as above provided until an election is made. 8. Whenever the ballot results in an election the chair- man shall ask that such election be made unanimous by a standing vote of the whole Synod. open BOARD OF HOME MISSIONS, &0. 1892, 42 OP THE BoAi\p ofHomeMissions. 1st. At all the meetings of the Board or its Coinniittees. Itefore entering upon business, the " appointed prayers" shall be said. 2ntl. The Bishop of the Diocese shall be chairman of the Board, and the Very Rev. the Dean and the Archdeacon of Nova Scotia shall be, cx-officio Vice-Chairman. There sh.all be also a Secretaiy, an Assistant Secretary and a Treasurer. 8rd. The Board shall corsist of the Chairman, Vice- Chairman, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, and Treasurer of the Board, who shall till the same offices in the Committees ; of all Clergymen licensed by the Bishop of the Diocese, together with twenty laymen to be chosen by the Diocesan Synod. At each ordinary meeting of the Synod one-half of the whole number of lay members of the Board shall go out of office, but they or any of them shall be eligible for re-election ; the new members, having been proposed, seconded and elected by ballot shall be placed at the bottom of the list. No one shall be elected a member of the Board who is not an annual contributor to its funds of at least one dollar. 4th. The Board shall meet monthly during the year, with the exception of August and September, seven being a (juorum for the transaction of business ; and a general meeting thereof shall be held annually in July, or at the time of meeting of the Synoil, to which matters may be referred from the ordinary meetings of the Board, anil such appeals addressed as have hitherto been allowed to the general meeting of members of the D. C. S. A special meeting may be called at any time by the Chairman, or, in his absence, by a Vice-Chairman. 43 5th. The niembei's of the Church in every part of tlie Province are invited to co-operate with the Board, by form- ing Local Committees under the direction of their respective clergymen, either in each mission or Parish or in more than one Mission or Parish united, as shall be deemed most convenient, and in strict accordance with the designs and Rules of the Board. 6th. The following objects shall more particularly engage the attention of the Board as soon as its means may enable it to afford such atoention : I. — Provision for Clergymen. 2. — Missionary visits to neglected and destitute places, under th» direction of the Bishop. 3. — Assistance to the Endowment of Parishes. 4. — Assistance to the erection and enlargement of Chui'ches and Chapels belonging to the Churcli of England in peculiar or extreme cases. 5. — Supplies of Books and Tracts published by the Society for promoting Christian Knowledge, and such other Books and Tracts in strict conformity with the principles of the Church of England, as having been first carefully examined and approved by a Committee of Revision to be appointed by the Board, shall then have received the approval of the Board ; and lastly, the written approbation of the Bishop. 6. — Assistance to the erection of Parsonage Houses. 7. — Assistance to deserving young men desirous of being qualified for the Ministry of the Church, but requiring aid in pursuing th ir studies at the Collegiate Establishment at Windsor. 8. — Aid to Sunday and other Schools in which due attention is paid to instruction in the principles of the Church of England. 9. — Encouragement to the instruction and training of respectable Teachers for Sunday and Daily Schools. 10. — Upholding by all possible and proper means, the Collegiate Establishment of Windsor. 11. — It shall also be one of the objects of the Board to provide for the Widows and Orphans of deceased Clergymen and for Superannuated and incapacitated Clergymen ; but no part of the funds shall be appropriated to these objects, except such as shall be specifically given and paid therefor. 44 To these objects, generally, the contributions will be applied ; while those who desire it may have their individual contribution scrupulously confined to any one or more of these objects. 7th. The accounts of the Board shall he closed •n the 31st December in each year, and it shall be audited in one month from the time by auditors to be appointed by the Board. 8th. None of the above By-Laws shall be altered, except at any Ordinary Meeting of the Synod ; and a full year's notice of a proposal to change any of them must be given previous to the meeting at which the proposed altera- tion is to be effected. 45 Prayers APPOINTED TO BE USED " AT ALL MEETINGS OF THE BOARD, AND OF CGMMirrEES," BEFORE THEY COMMENCE BUSINESS. Prevent us, O Lord in all our doings, with Thy most gracious favour, and further us with Thy continual help ; that in all our work, begun, continued, and ended in Thee, we may glorify Thy Holy Name, and finally by Thy mercy obtain everlasting life, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. (Board of Home Missions only.) 0, God, from whom all holy desires, all good counsels, and all works of piety and charity do proceed, we beseech . Thee to visit with Thy favor our Sovereign Lady, Queen Victoria ; and so to rule her heart that she may in all things seek Thy honour and glory. Prosper with Thy blessing our missionary work. Comfort with Thy Grace those benefac- tors who contribute to its support. Bless the Ministry of Thy servants, the clergy ; and the endeavours of all who are engaged in promoting the knowledge of true religion. And may Thy Holy Spirit direct all our consultations to the advancement of Thy Glory and the good of Thy Church, though Jehus Christ our Lord. Amen. (Board of Home Missions only.) O, Lord Jesus Christ, Who at Thy first coming didst send Thy messenger to prepare Thy way before Thee, grant that the ministers and stewards of Thy mystei'ies may like- wise so prepare and make ready Thy way, l)y turning the hearts of the disobedient to the wisdom of the just, that at Thy second coming to judge the world, we may be found an acceptable people in Thy sight. Who livest and reignest with the Father and the Holy Spirit, ever one God, world without end. A'men. {Board of Foreign Missions only.) Almighty Gmi, Who, by Thy Son Jesus Christ, didst give commandment to the Holy Apostles that they should go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature, grant to us whom Thou hast called into Thy Church a I'eady will to obey Thy Word, and fill us with a hearty desire to 46 make Thy way known upon earth, Thy saving health among all nations. Look with compassion upon the Heathen that have not known Thee, and on the multitudes that are scattered abroad as sheep having no shepherd. O Heavenly Father, Lord of the harvest, have respect we beseech Thee, to our prayers, and send forth laborers into Thine liarvest. Fit and prepare them by Thy Grace for the Work of their ministry ; give them the spirit of power, and of love and of a sound mind ; strengthen them to endure hardness ; and grant that both by their life and doctrine they may set forth Thy glory, and set forward the salvation of all men, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. (Board of Foreign Missions only.) O merciful God, who hast made all men, and hatest noth- that Thou hast made, nor vrouldst the death of a sinner but rather that he should be converted and live, have mercy upon all Jews, Turks, infidels and heretics, and take from them all ignorance, hardness of heart and contempt of Thy Word, and so fetch them home, blessed Lord, to Thy flock, that they may be saved among the remnant of the true Israelites, and be made one fold under one shepherd, Jesus Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit one God, wcn-ld without end. -4 men- Almighty God, Father of all mercies, we thine unworthy servants do give Thee most humble and hearty thanks for all thy goodness and loving kindness to us and to all men ; more particularly for the providential support by which our work has been thus far sustained ; but al)ove all for Thine inestimable love in the redemption of the world by Thy Blessed Son, for the means of grace, and for the hope of gloiy, which Thou hast given us in the same our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ : to whom, with Thee and the Holy Ghost, be all honour and glory, world without end. Amen. Our Father which art in Heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name : Thy kingdom come ; Thy will be done in earth as it is in Heaven ; give us this day our daily bread ; and forgive us oui' trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil ; for Thine is the kingdom, the power and the ijloi'V, for ever and ever. Amen. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the HoLY Ghost, be with us all, evermore. A men. 47 Widows* and Orphans* Fund, as 1(1 Iss IS RULES AND REGULATIONS. " It shall also be one of the objects of the Board of Home Missions to provide for the Widows and Orphans of deceased clergymen, but no part of the funds shall be appropriate