IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) s>. 1.0 I.I 1.25 u Hi £ US 1.4 M M 1.6 ^ <^ % e. THE IMPROVED Boiler Feeder Witli McAvity's Patent Improvement. Pilttnted April 6th, 1886. Automatic and Poisitive in its action by merely mov- ing a simple handle or lever. No Reflation of Water or Steam. WORKS AT ANY PRESSURE. Lifts as well as a Pump. NO OPEN OVERFLOW. A boy can start or stop it as well as an Engineer. FEFD ro BOlLEIh Suitable for all Kinds of Boilers. TO START THE BOILER FEEDER : Ist. Raise the handle or Lever to open overflow. 2nd. Open Globe Valve in steam pipe to give it steam. 3rd. When water flows tli rough overflow close the overflow by press- ing down the Lever, and the Boiler Feeder is at work. MANUFACTURED AND FOR SALE BY T. McAVITY & SONS, OFFICE, 13 KING STREET, ) mr m^^m^^^mmwM .».>_^_ ^^u_.^^__ > QT lOUM M D X' '.•^••■ McAVITY'S PATENT IMPROVEMEITT A8 APPLIED TO THE Improved Boiler Feeder. For some time past there has been a steady demand for a Boiler Feeder having all the good qualities of the Hancock, but dispensing with the number of valves and handles, which requii-e a considerable amount of attention and make it impossible for any but a practical engineer to use it with success. After careful study and attention we now introduce our Patent Improvement, which will bo found in overy respect to supply the want and leave nothing to be desired in the way of a perfect easy-working Boiler Feeder. ' The following are a few of the advantages it now has over other Boiler Feeders in the market : 1.— It can be started by two simple movements witli tlie one lever, ^ 2.— The overflow valve is controlled by a lever and is i^erfectly positive, preventing a drip; consequently there is no slop around the boiler, 3.— It can be started or stopped by a person totally ignorant of on gineering. 4.— The same rules for operating apply to all classes of boilers. 5.— The Automatic Yalve is so simple as to be readily taken out for regrinding or rej^airs, under all circumstances. 6.— There is an Improved Strainer which prevents grave! oi- otboi- substance, hu-ge enough to interfere with the woi-king, pas.sii.n- into (ho Boiler Feeder. (This is an especial advantage, as it\)bviates the often inconvenient and sometimes serious delay in taking a noilor Feeder oti a Boiler to ascertain the trouble, which is afterwards found lo be caused by a small stone passing in with the water.) 7.— The water supply has not to be regulated, and the Feeder works at any pressure. 8.— It is adapted for all kinds of boilers and is especially suited to those for whose working, skilled help is not employed. Each Boiler Feeder is thoroughly tested and proved to be m working order before it leaves the works, and is WARRANTED TO GIVE PERFECT SATISFACTION. NEW STYLE. OLD STYLE. other run TO iiitm ' WITH IVIcAVITY'S PATENT HVIPROVEMENT. WITHOUT THE IMPROVEMENT. These Boiler Feeders differ materially in construction and operation from other Boiler Feeders, being adapted to nearly all uses for which pumps are used They can be used to greater advantage than either Pump or Injector, being very economical on account of the great range of their duties and the small expenditure of steam. They are constructed in two parts, as shown, one side being designed for lifting and delivering, and tiie other for forcing against pressures. The lifting side only need be used to raise water to a moderate height, and for extreme height the forcing side. All this IS done at a less expenditur< of steam than is required for any other Boiler Feeder in the market. TO ASCERTAIN THE SIZE REQUIRED : when the cunsumption of fuel is known the pounds of coal consumed per hour wiii be the gallons evaporated per hour When the grate-surface is known and the draft is natural, multiply the grate-surface in square feet by 9 ;and when the draft is forced add 50 per cent, for the gallons evaporated per hour. All sizes will lift water 25 feet, working as well on a 25 feet lift as on a level. Each Boilek Fkeoku Oaijefullv Tested and Proved before Le aving the Factory. Price List of tie Iipwefl Boiler Feefler witi HcATlty's Patent impTemeiit, Number. n 10 12J 15 20 22J 25 30 35 40 45 Auction and Feed. h f f 1 1 u 2 2 Steam. h % I 1 1 ^ Oalls. per hour 60 lbs. pressure 60 90 120 220 300 360 540 720 900 1260 1740 2230 2S20 Suitable for Horse Power. 2 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 70 110 150 220 300 12 20 30 40 60 80 " 100 " 120 " lUO " 225 " 300 " 400 Price. $18 00 20 00 24 00 30 00 35 00 45 00 50 00 55 00 60 00 75 CO 90 00 110 00 125 00 THE IMPROVED BOILER FEEDER. Every HoUpr Feeder In practically tfHted cm our Holler iMsforo It in sent from the factory, and If properly connected fully in awcordance wltli our directions it will not fail to vrork. To Hupport tlilH statement we oft'er TO PAY THK EXl'KNSKS of any man to our Factory, and to pay him 115.00 I'KK DAY WHII.K IIKKK, Ifthe Uoiler Feeder