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Lorsqua le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul cliche, ii est fiim^ d partir do Tangle supArieur gauche, de gauche k droite. et do haut en baa, en prenant le nombre d'Images nicessaira. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m^thode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 •list of For the To-wnship of I T SUB-DIVISION No. 1. 530 Ahlbora, Carl .560 Armitago, Alox. 506 503 489 15 484 556 544 581 554 527 49 124 113 575 Boattie, John Brewer, William Burling, Mobos Brown, Joseph Brine, JoBoph P. Bloomfield, Geo. Brett, Robert N. Brown, James Baohler, Vai. Bristow, E. H. Bowdon, John Bubolz, William Burgeu, James Bairil, James 574 Ci^liday, Hiram 553 Colbert, Henry .i35 Collins, James 539 Charlesworth, M. 540 Charlesworth, D. 566 Caraochan, Samuel G19 Coleman, Robert 606 CUrko, Gnniel 5C8 Collie, Joseph 573 Cowan, John 563 Cameron, i^amnel 497 Clement, William 54 Cresswell, Edwin 82 Clary, Bryan 83 Clary, Peter 92 CressweU, Wm. N. 1 19 Chosney, Jamea 122 Chesney, Huijh 123 Chesnev, William 128 Camochau, Wm. 10 Currie, Thomas 1 Devereaux, Robt. 2 Devereaux, Jamea 6 Dorsey, James 8 Dorsey, Michael 9 Devereaux, John 42 Devereaux. Thos. 53 Dickson, .Tohn 57 Dickson, Robt 56 Dickson, Jamea 77 Donovan, David 126 Dyson, Joseph 570 Daly, Thos. 87 Daly, Sr., John 88 Daly, Jr., John 536 Davidson, George 6.^ Danby, John 5d8 Dickson, Samuel 561 Elliott, William 85 Eberhardt, Chas. 517 Florschutz, John 534 Fulton, Robert 4 Fortune, William 5 Fortune, Luke 40 Fortune, Robert 41 Fortune, Sr., John 78 Fortune, Jr., John 619 Qrieve, John 2 516 Oormley, Michael 2 45 Oemmell, Thomas 2 48 Govenlook, Thomaa 2 572 Hyslop, TlAmas 3 549 Heffler, Chris. 3 543 Hill, Neil 2 KOK H:!!s. " 582 Httdaon, Qeorge 2 608 Holmeated, Francis I 511 Head, Henry H. 2 129 Ireland, Wi'liam 4 507 iJenuain, Henry 1 020 Jiokaou, George 2 521 Jackson, Honry 2 052 Krusc, f'lauB ill 2, H. R. S. 1, " 1, " 1. " 1, " 1. " 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 3 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 3 3 1 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 1 I 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 2 and 3 3 4 3 3 3 2 2 3 'Sou fe.» V. L. 1 and 2 K pt. 11 F V. L. 17 and 18 P V.L. 5, 6, 7, 8,9,10 P P P P T F F F T T F T F T F T F P F F F F P F F F P F F F F F F P P P P T F F T T P P P P F T F F F P F F F F P F P P T F P P P F P F F F P pt. 55 pt. 14 pt 15 V. L. A V. L. 9, 10, 11 V. L. 39 and 40 V. I.. 2 and 3 pt. V. L. 1 pt. 10 pt. 10 3 V. L. 1 and 2 pt. 10 V. L. 4, 5 and 6 pt. V. L. 2 pt. 9 and 10 pt. 4 pt. 11 V. L. 13 V. L. 16 V. L. 31, 32, 33 V. L. 10 V. L. 2 and 3 V. L. 13, 14, 16 14 E4 6 Wi6 pt. 14 7 9 10 13 8 Eil \V41 EkH pt.6 7 " 4 16 16 16 2 N4II V. L. 7 V.L. I V. L. 9 V. L. 2 V. L. 1 pt. W pt 11 W47 V. L. 2 V. L. 1 3 4 E43 W43 3 V. L. 1 and 2 V.L. 9 7 9 V. L. 8 V.L. 9 V.L. V. L. ", i aad 5 V. L. 14 pt. 15 pt. II 14 V. L. 14 V. L. 3, 4, anil 5 V. L. 3, t, and o V. L. i Remarks. Egraondville Beaforth Harpurhey Egmondville Tuckersmith Egmondville SUB-DIVISION No. 2. N(xiHe, I: Harpurhey Tuckersmith Egmondville 101 322 326 378 475 • ■') 102 131 1.32 133 419 420 .376 42:< 424 611 616 333 23 25 33 I 61 59 02 69 -0 71 93 72 96 97 98 104 108 109 382 629 450 463 464 478 370 317 425 477 18 19 469 Alexander, Hugh 3, H. R. S. Avery, John 1, L. R. S. Aikenhoad, Peter 1 " Andrews, Hczeklah 2 " Tuckersmith Egmondville Egmondville Tuckersmith 4f Egmondville Harpurhey Tuckersmith B<^llantine, .John 1, U. "Booth, Francis 1 Broadfoot, iSr., James 3 Broadfoot, Alexander 4 Broadfoot, Samuel 4 Broadfoot, James 4, L. Broadfoot, .James 3 Broadfoot, John 5, H. Bennett, William 2, L, Barber, John N. 3 Barber, Robert 3 Baird, George 1 Brownlee, John 1 Brickenden, Edward 1, U, Carter, Thomas 1 Chesney, George 1 Carter, Jonathan 1 Oumochan, Samuel 2 Chewings, James 2 Campbell, Alexander '2 Crich, Jamea 2 Crioh, John 2 Crich, Samuel 2 Campbell, David 3 Crich, Herbert 4 Camochan, Robert H. 3 Carnocban, James 3 Camochan, Samuel J. 3 R. S. R. S, R. S. R. S. R. S. Cosens, Nathaniel Cudmore, Joseph Cory, Thomas Crich, George Cooper, Thomas Cooper, Jr., William Chapters, William Chart r3, Robert Currif, Andrew 3 3 3 2, L. R. S. 1 " 4 6 6 l.H. Derbyshire, Zachariah 2, L. Davidson, James 1 Elcoat, Appleton 3 Eden, Benjamin 1, U, Fowler, Francis 1 Fowler, William I Forsyth, Ehenezer 7, L. 26 Gibbings, William 1, H. Holpiu, Patrick 1 Hancock, Kobert I Hudson, Maurice 1 Henderson. John B. 1 Henderson, Kobert 1 Hugill, John 1 Hannah, John 2 Hodgins, Thomas 1 Johns, Sydney 2, L. Joslin, John 1 Johns, Edwin 2, H. .Johnston, .lamea 2 La .dgborough, Jas. 3 Lan;le8borougb, Robt. 3 Landesborough, Saml. 4 L 2(i6 Mitohel ii03 Marks, \ Ii(l4 Marks, Ii(i0 Munro, '.'US Murray, -'S!l Mellis, J 2118 Monteitl 413 Mustard Ho •-'70 I , -'S7 L';i:. ;mh X,4 ;■!(! .■7 McParIa McArthi McLaren McLaren McLean, McLean Mcljoan, McNeil, . McMillai McLean, McKay, McJjcan, Mc Don all o07 Jormaiu, Henry I 520 Jackaon, (Scorgc 2 .'>21 Jackson, Henry 2 V. L. 14 V. L. 3, 4, and r, V I. a .1 .„.! -. T F Egmoiidvin'c .!';y m'!"'"1'! iT"^ "' TIarpiirbey 31 " McKay, >7 Mciican VOTERS Df I Tuckersmith f£ar|>iir{i<'/J TuckcramiUil §rh. nith SUB-DIVISION No. 3. SUB-DIVISION .ti;t ^ Name. Scg 3 Ihejr pith Ith A'kcnhoad, John, Alexander, Joha Bell. ThonmB, liell, Uohert Jr. lioll. William Itvll, James Hrown, Caniir Hlair, Jameg iJoll, Andrew Holl, Hobcrt Sr. Huohanan, Alexander Hoyos, Thomas liiitt, Elam Uriggs, James E. Crawford, John Cooper, Wm. Sr. (ioUicgwood, Thos, C'oopor, James Clark, Matthew C'nmminc, William Copp, William (^jxldwt^j, Joha Jr. rilutten, William Elder, William 34.1 Fairbairn, Elliot 348 Kord.John 349 Ford, Patrick 387 Fitzgerald, John 414 Forsyth, Alexander L. R. S. 23 I, H. R. S, 7 . L. R. S, 2 2 2 3 3 3 1 12, n. R. S. 13 " 3 3 4 6 N§8 84 8 12 partis 4 27 52 V. L. 12, 14, 15 11 part 10 Ni 10 17 8 24 23 Sj 8 N410 24 V.L. 7 1 and 34 12 " 1 14 " 1 2, L. R. S. 14 2 3 3 1 1 3 1 26 S4 19 Nil9 V. L. 4, 5, 13 V. L. 4, 5, 13 21 2 344 Qilders, William 2 332 388 390 , .(42 1 2fi.'i , ' 2r)4 2.-);t 338 339 242 i 252 : 2fi6 li03 i;()4 ;i(io 2li8 280 20S 413 257 -m I i 27.") •m j 2S(; , -VS7 i -m \\\\\ ;t54 '>! Hetfernan, Michael Horton, William Habkirk, Robert Ingram, George Imrie, .fohn L-itto, William l^atta, James Latta, Jacob Iiang, James Lang, Robert Moore, William May, George Mitchell, Valentino Marks, Robert W. Marks, Robert A. Munro, Thomas Miirr,iy, J.imes Alellis, Robert Monteith, Alexander Mustard, James Mp^^an, Duncan McFarlane, John McArthur, Robert McLaren, John McLaren, Robert McLean, David McLean .Tames McLean, James Sr. McNeil, James McMillan, William Mol^an, Aloxnndor AlcJiean, John Sr. McKay, Angus McLean, John Jr. McDonald, .rohu 2 " 6 2 " Ni 9 2 " part 10 3 " 5 3 " 27 84 7 12 7 N48 5 I 2 3 3 15, H. R. .S. 14 '• 13 " 13 " 2, L. R, S. 2 " 12, H. R. 8. 13 " 15 " 1, L. R. S. 1 2 1 " 1 " 1 3 " part 1 and 2 part 1 and 2 part 1 N4 2 2 V. L. 2, 8, 9 V. L. 2, 8, 9 29 1 part 16 19 26 LVH. R. S. 6 14 " 5 1, L. R. S. ' S4 7 ' "l4 15 le 21 20 3 ' S4 16 16 17 10 SenMr'ks. F Tuckersmith, It Brucerield. Tuckersmith. Brucefield. Tuckersmith. P F ¥ P T P P P F P P P F P T P P T F T V P P P F P P P P P P P T F T T P P P P P P P F F P F T P F F P P P F P Tuokeranuth. F II p ■< F It F It P . II F It p It Na7ii( III" Brucefield. P. T P F F i ' T » P 142 Archibald, James H. R. S. 141 Archibald, Andrew 5 U. R. 8. 174 ArmBtrnng, William 7 " 170 AUan, William 7 " 211 Atkinson, Joseph 9 " 177 Beaty, Samuel 7 " 212 Brown, Neil 9 '« 231 Bell, James n " 449 Brook. Robert 4 L. R. S. }o? phcsney, William 5, H. R. 8. lil Chesney, .Tames 5 " 173 Gumming, James 7 " 178 Gumming, John 7 " 186 Coleman, T. T. 7 and 8 " 158 Clark, Robert . 406 Cameron, John 0, L. R. S. I 150 Coleman, Robert 5f 5. R. 8. 214 Oobie, John ^' 23S Dobson, Oeorge 11 431 Doig, John, Jr., 4, L. R. S, ISB Edwards, James 7, H, R. S. 240 Elder, WilUorn (i -^ 207 Ferguson, David 9 " 237 Fiaher, Joseph 11 203 Finlayson, William 9 440 Finlayson, John 4, L. R. S. 440 Forsyth, James 4 " 445 Qordon, Angus 4 " 187 Gouinlock, Wm. C. 7 & 8, H. R. 8. 195 Grieve, William 8 " fI2 H?|»day, Samuel 7, L. R.S. 437 HuhstoD, Robert 4 " 150 Hay, James 6, H. R. S. lo7 Houston, James 6 " 157 Hudson, William 6 " 152 Keating, Stephen " 151 Keating, Patrick " 188 Kyle, James, Sr., 8 " 189 Kyle, Thomas 8 " 190 Kyle, James, Jr., 8 " 196 Kyle, John 8 198 Kyle, William 8 " 210 Kennedy, Ancus 9 " 213 Kelly, Peter 9 '■ 183 K.)efe, John 7 " 147' Ueatherland, Robert 5 " 155 Laidlaw, George 6 " 184 Lovo, John 7 «• 433 Livingston, Alex; 4 L. R. 8. , 439 Leach, Thomas 4 «' 447 Lawrence, John, Jr., 4 " 448 Lawrence, James 4 " 194 IVIundell, Wm. 8. 199 Moore, David, Sr., 201 Moore, Peter 200 Moore, David, Jr., 154 Murray, William 202 Manson, David 149 MOGee, Jacob 170 MoConnell, Patrick 166 Mc Swing, James 171 McBridc, Thomas 172 McBride, James 182 McLoy, John, Sr., 191 Mcintosh, Hugh 192 McKay, Alexander 193 McKay, Alexander 8 ^in iriun-iiiaon, ucnn a 204 McKatr, William 8 225 McMillan, Duncan 9 209 McLoy, ,Tohn, Jr., 9 216 McDonald, John 10 218 McKay, Alexander 10 219 McKay. William 10 221 MoHinnon, Alex. 10 222 MoKinnon, Duncan 10 224 McMillan, Hugh 10 226 McKay, John 10 S, H. R. S. 8 8 8 6 8 5, H. R. 8. 7 " 6 " 7 7 7 8 8 W44 5 |t.3 8 9 9 E4 4 29 8 pt.3 10 pt. of and 7 E4 7 30 14 11 6 16 13 1 8 12 8422 N425 8425 pt. of 5 and 7 8 29 E4 20 84 6 13 N46 84 1 N41 W41 £41 3 Wi9 pt. 10 Ei7 10 6 11 6 14 18 E4 21 27 N4 26 7 11 W410 N4 6 3 12 13 1 12 2 W44 E4 12 E44 W44 84 6 54 5 W413 4 El 6 BIS W4 8 tH6 W45 7 8 No. 4. F P P F F F F P P P P P F F F T T P P P P T P F P P P P P P P P T P P P • F P V V F F F Pemarh, Tuokersmith Tnokeramith It It 11 II Tnckeramith ■ iMc^Kay, Angus I? Mcln> nicuean, Davul 507 JfTtiiaiu, Hunry I 52«) .Titokcoii, (loorgo 2 Ml ' ii;k»on, If'nry J i>52 Kruic, Clam 3 Sai Ketterer, Ootlicb 2 75 Kohoe, James :i 3'/ Kidd, Joseph 1 84 Kennedy, Daniel .1 B07 l.ittle, Thomas 2 025 Ix>gan, John 'j 5nr> Lupton, Bailoy 2 504 Lamb, Andrew 1 624 Muway, George 2 587 Mitchell, James 2 483 Miller, Isaac 1 20 Meyer, Henry \V.C. 1 52 Modeland, John 2 512 McDonald, Solomon 2 646 McDougall, Wm. 2 890 MoDougall, Wm, 2 533 MoGowan, Peter 2 577 McKay, Donald 2 583 McLood, Malcom 2 485 MoOregor, Daniel 1 481 McOttlToch, David 1 50& MoDougall, John 1 44 MoGeooh, William 2 79 McQnade, Michael 3 HI MoCoiineU, Wm. 3 126 McMurray, John 4 127 McMurray, Wm. 4 3 McFadden, John 1 39 Nigh, Joseph 2 501 O'Connall, Peter 1 43 Oldfield, William 2 576 Oelman, Charles 2 522 Petrie, Charles 2 645 Porter, John S. 2 90 Payne, William 3 114 Parker, Thomas 4 116 Piokard, Archibald 4 53 Ramsay, John ? 591 Rose, Amond 2 499 Robb, Hugh 1 494 Robb, Peter 1 671 Ryan, James 3 526 Rudd, William 2 622 Reid, James 2 520 Ritchie, David 2 514 Stoddart, -Tohn 2 528 Schmiedini;, Ernest 2 620 Stephenson, Joseph 2 524 Smith, Andrew 2 621 Sowers, John 2 623 Steet, John 2 593 Secord, Stephen 2 541 Smith, Jacob •■ 3 502 Shaw, John 1 430 Snowden, Wm. H. 1 14 (5cott, William H. 1 12 Sparling, Francis G. 1 13 Scott, Francis 1 SO Sholdice, WiUiam 3 81 Sholdice, Adam 3 111 Sholdice, Leonard 4 116 Sproat, Sr., John 4 117 Sproat, Jr., John 4 118 Sproat, James 4 86 To we.? \)Im 3 S13 Tudor, I'lv, jim 2 551 Thorns. Christopher 3 623 VanEgmond, Wm. 2 662 VanEgmond, A. G. 2 563 VanEgmond, W. D. 2 564 VanEgmond, A. C. 2 685 VanEgmond, L, G. 2 51 VanEgmond, C, R. 2 and 3 50 VanEgmond, Sr., L. 2 618 Wilson, .Tamos 2 5.55 Weber, Jacob 3 647 Westfall, Frederick 3 637 Wieland, George 2 600 Walker, Ephraim I 496 Wynne, Thomas 1 610 Winters, .John 1 11 Wilson, Charles 1 112 Wallace, Samuel 4 V. i„ 1 J 'J' V. I,. 3, ■», and ,-| F V. L. 3, S, and 5 F V. L. 4 V. L. 3 1 pt. 5 5b*7 F K K F F pt. II V. L. IG V. L. 1 7 and 18 V. L.ll, 12, 13 r F K F V. L. 15 T V. L. 20, 21, 22 F pt. 15 F pt. 14 . p 12 F pt. 11 . F V. L. 10 ¥ pt. 11 F pt. 11 F pt. 11 F pt. 11 p pt. 15 p pt. 15 F V. L. 17 and 18 T 6 p 4 p 13 F SUl F 12 F 2 F W,i 1 and 2 p V. L. 16 and 17 F 5 F pt. 11 F V. L. 6 T ■ V. L. 8, 9 and 10 F 12 F WJ 4 F EH F 13 V. L. 19 pt. 14 V. L. 8 and 9 V. L. 7 V. L. 1 V. L. 13 V. L. 3 V. L. 9 V. L. 4 V. L. 16 V. L. 9 V. L. 12 V. L. 14 V. L. 19 V. L. 4 F T P F P F T T P T F F P P F F V. L. 1, 2, 3, 4 P ot. 14 p pt. 13 F pt. 12 F Dt. 13 F Ei5 F W4 5 ■ p 1 P (> F N4 5 T S.i5 T 8 V. L. 10 V. L. 8 V. L. 8 pt. 1'' pt, 10 pt. 10 pt. 10 11 and 11 pt. 10 V. L. 1 V. L. 3 and 6 V, L. 10 V. L. 3 V. L. 18 pt. 14 V, L. 15 and 10 9 2 t .'Inrpcirlii-y Kgmoiidville Tuckcrimith ('.(li) Egmondville 474 480 Harpurhey Egmondville II Harpurhey Tuckersmitn II Egmondville 324 325 377 375 327 328 615 ;35 64 Harpurhey i j^j. !! 602 Tuokersmich Harpurhey Tuckersmitn Egmondville Tuckcrsmith Egmondville Harpurhey Egmondville II Harpurhey II Tuckersmith 314 313 316 3G 9.5 318 337 321 368 323 334 36;< 43 SJ 40 36 38 45 45 part 31 41 24 23 20 part 31 parts ;(3 and 34 part 33 part 34 4(1 IS 37 40 S4 41 31 Ni 41 l>t. 49 W4 32 Si 36 V. L. 1, 2 and 3 V. L. 5 and 8 26 26 27 28 20 20 E4 34 38 E4 33 29 30 33 47 34 .35 42 N4 48 39 S4 30 37 31 pt. 16 38 28 I' r F r T F F F F F F F F F F F F F F P F F F F F F P P P F P T F F F F F F F F F T T T F 9 P P V F P P F T T F F T F F Harpnrhi'v Tnckorsniitb. i| Bruooficld Tuckcntmith A i'^y^?"^^^.^^ McCONNELL, Clerk of the Municipality of tlio Townsliip of Tuckersmith, in the County o tno saicl Municipaiity oi Tuckersmith, for the year 18?0, cn+itlrd fn vote a;t oloctions for innuibers of tlie Le-i.slat^ • ^}"1 J ftirtlicr certify that a copy of the foregoing list was first poattid up in my ollicc^ on tlio SevenS'K-iy of 1 And I hereby call upon all electors to oKaminc the said Vm, antl, if any omissions or other errors are perceivJ Dated August 7, 1876. [Expositob Pkint 244 N«wall, ()i Huron, {] re Assemblv ruckoraiiiitb. 1 1 TuukuramitU ■;.s .fiir> ;ts:{ :i'.t:i y.H ■■\:m .(!»!» tuo Kll ■U)H 40!) 412 4l(i 117 '_'!(! (iitr) Iil8 M<:Kay, AiiKua 'J Mclicaii, John .)r. 2 McDnnnld, .lohii 2 MuKcnzio, Simon 2 McLeod, Ifodcrick 2 McDonald, Alexander M McKarlanp, .InmcB H McKurlapo, Duncan :< McfJroyor, 'I'homaa M McCJregor, John Jr. H Mcliti'jjor, John Sr. H McDo\igall, William H McKinnon, John .'< McNauKliton, William 3 McMillan, Mile* Mc(!artncy, llobert Mc;(!artnoy, Alex. McMurtio, John Mcintosh, John McKay, Donald 241 Nowall, llobert '2'iH pepper, Thomas 'Ml Topper, William ;)"r" I'lowcH, fJoorgo '2'M> I'otty, Heorge 3();i I'aterson, .Jiimcs '?!t2 I'hillips, Benson .S. •iO,") ItoHs, Kev. John 2 •30 30 part 16 V. L. 1 V. L. 32, 33 12, II. R. S. 2 13 " W4 5 2. L.R.S. S49 2 " 21 1 " part 1« I " 25 1 " part 16 1 " 27 1 " 20 3 " 13 1 " V. L. 3, 8, 9 12, n. R. S. 3 and part 4 12 " 3 and part 4 12 " part 4 12 " 13 " 13 " 1, L, 11 1 1 " 1 3 1 3 " 2 *' 3 3 3 3 5 4 E4 5 S. 9 part 13 10 22 3 24 6 11 12 17 20 28 14, H. R. S, 15 2 " 4 3 part 10 13, H. R. S. S4 2 1, L. K. S. 2 2 28 4 Ni7 N4 18 9 25 V. L. 7 N4 15 29 30 J' T ¥ F F -P F F F P ¥ P ?• P F T P P ¥ F F F P F T T II It II II II Brucofleld. Bruccfield Tuckersmith. F Tuckcrsmith. F T P F F F T P P F F V F F F F F T F F F F P F F F F T P P P II II II II BruoefleW. F Tuckersmitb. F T 222 MiKiiinon, Duncan 10 224 McMillan, Hugh 10 220 MoKay, John 10 232 McDonald, Donald II 233 McKinnon, Donald 11 2.30 Mofiregor, Duncan 11 418 McCartney, Kobt. Jr., 4, L. R. S. 444 McKay, Hugh 4 " 441 McKay, Eric 4 " 4.30 McKay, James 4 4.33 McKay, George 4, L. R. S. 4.34 McKay, Hugh 4 " 432 McKenzie, John 4 " 457 McCaa, William 5 " 4.58 McCaa, Alexander 5 465 McLean, Robert 6 148 Nicholson, Alex. 5, H.R. S. 1.38 Nicholson, William 5 " 206 NichoU, Alexander 8 " 153 O'Pfien. David <> " 230 205 140 452 140 169 197 239 442 454 450 100 101 162 163 105 164 215 179 181 ISO 227 228 229 238 455 168 443 223 438 461 462 460 144 137 139 Pybus, Henry Papple, Edward Pickard, James I'apple, Alexander Ranko, John Riley, Benjamin Uobison, Robert Robb, Charles Ross, William Ross, Andrew Rouat, James St^rong, George Story, Andrew .Sproat, William Sproat, Wm. Jr., Sproat, David Sproat, Alexander Smith, William Scott, William, Sr., 7, II " 9 " 5 " 5, L. n. S. 6, H. R. a. 6 " 8 11 4, L. R. S. 5 " 5 " 6, H. R. S. 6 " 6 6 6 9, H. R. S. Scott, Thomas Scott, William, Jr., Sinclair, John Sinclair, William Steel, John Simpson, Thomas Simpson, Hugh 7 7 " 10 •• 11 11 11 5, L. R. S. Taylor, James 6, H. R. S. Torry, Alexander 4, L. R. S. Templeton, John 10, H. R. S. VVil>)on, Oeorgo 4, L. R. S. Walker, George 5 " Walker, Joh% Jr., 5 " Walker, John, Sr., 4 " Ward, Matthew 5 Williams, Michael 5 Wallace, Jeremiah 5 217 Yvile, Alexander 10 W4 5 7 8 W4 4 5 7 W4 28 24 N4 22 W4 19 S417 N4 17 16 pt. 27 28 29 12 2 E4I3 E4 2 3 14 4 pt. 24 10 W4 14 ^54 10 10 pt. 23 25 pt. 26 E4 9 W4 9 10 N4 II it. II • 4 11 pt. II II W412 W4I2 10 1 2 pt. 9 26 E4I4 23 G W4 2I 30 Ei29 E^SO 9 1 8 2 t ¥ .1 F II F II F • II F •1 F II T II F 11 F II F F Tnokortimith F •1 F II P u F u F (1 F II T II F II P <( F II P M F It P • I F «l F II F ■ 1 F II F II F II F It F II F tl F II F II T It P F Tnokertgmith F (1 F tt F It F tl T tl P II F tl F It F It T It P It. F It F It T It F It F II F 11 T It F ot Huron, do certify that the foregoing list is a correct list of all perso is appearing by the Assessment Roll of \c Assembly of the Trovince of Ontario. loi August, 1S70. t i. i I vn I therein^to take immediate proceedings to have the same corrected according to law. LNT, SeAFORTH.] WILLIAM McCONNELL, Township Clerk.