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AntflMnOMiraiiafCMMda '^ . • Tim himiqw flppcMinp of tho on0it^ In flO Ml IWHBM flO rMMnipMlTO iMllVt K Ml uwiiiiiffnins ■WQ ■■■ mmwiionv.Qii wmrw «■ oo|rtM In pfkitM pspov oqvm mo iNnMd the iMt poQii wHih ■ prtntMl M MutmtMl hnpfM* sion« Of tlw book oovm wnon wfpnpntMt M$ firat IMQO wMi o printod oc HniotfOlod ImpioO' •lon^MMI ondlnfl on tho loot poflo wMi o or lllMOtnrto4 Ampfonlon. 1 mfMumiii «intit la nmiMoifiifO on poplM ooi NnpcwMo oonc fwnoo -on oonmionpont |Mr !• pmnNOv ^OK OV OTI IBfinNIMIV Wn ^S* W dlmara^on ou dHuoimlan. ooh nor lo iooonid pfeMt sown lo ooo« Touo los oulroo oMmpiolroo ' ovitpnouii oont flnioo on oomnion^onv jmt m dliMMoaoian ou d*MiMrtntliin oi on tormlnont om Tho loot fooordod fronio on oooh mlorofloho •hii oontolntho iymbol^^»>> (mooning "CON- TINUEOa or tho oymbol ▼ ( m oo n in g "IMP"), .■.■■•■.-,■ \y- / -".,■■■' Mopo« plotMt onortOt olo«« moy do lomocl ot___ dWforont loduetioh rotloo. Thooo too lorgo to bo ' ontlroly inekMlod In ono OKpoouro oro Mmod boglnning In tho uppM Mt bond oomM. loft to V rlgjit ond top to bottom, 00 mony fromoo OS - ifoqubod, Tho fbMowHng di oyo m o Mbiotroto tho ■ l,; 2 3 ■ fl^ ^M^^m m^^mm^^^^^^^^ ^^i^BB^^kjBAA ^k^k^^AMMflAA^ ^^MM li^ Un Qoo oymvoio* Miivsim ■ppwvniv wr ^ domMfo Mipgo do ohoQHO mioroiloho* ooion lo ooos lo oymboM ""^ olflnfflp A SviVnK i ■ynioovo ▼ siBniiio nn • /- HmdO ■ doo to to qyolo fsfwodiilt dor otdobMiiMi on ooiN onono* o ooi finnv ooo* on prvnom ■■ iwiinwv HNioiioni lo movioao* t H 32X 4 MHIM* 5 ■«bi « I m 4''»>? ; %i AWUCAN CHURCH OF CANi Ananvn *f -».■ K. ,~'J 'H'' i ■ "^-4 1- * • . ' :'. ^ "*" :fe-v ^tJ^-^W ' -,^-, '^^.'^ Mm: t |)a0tc[tal Cetter. t- TO THE CLERGY AM) LAITY OF THE DI0GB8B OF TORONTO. - Mt Dbar Brbthbbn, ' H!ay&ig been preyented, by heoessary absence in England, from holding the Triennial YisitalSon of my clergy last sum- mer, I have appointed Thursday, the first day of May next (God willing), for the discharge of this important duty. My clergy irill, therefore, be pleased to assemble in the Church of the Holy Trinity, in their full robes, on that day. The service to commence at 11, a. m. It has been suggested, and even pressed upon me, by many of the most pious and respectable members of our communion, both lay and clerical, that the Church, now so numerous in Canada Wesfij ought to express her-'Opinion, as a body, oh the posture of her secular, affairs, when ten attempt is ftgain/makmg by her enemies to despoil her of the smdl remainder of her property, .which has been set aplurt, and devotea to sacred purposes during sixty years ; and that it is not only her duty to protest against such a manifest breach of pupUc faith, but to take such steps as may seem just and reasoiiable to avert the same. Having taken this suggestion mto serious consideration, and believing it not only founded in wisdom, but, in the present crisis of the temporalities of the Church, absolutely necessary, I hereby request everyiplergyman of my Diocese to invite the members of his mission or congregation, being regular communicants, to select one or two of their number, to accompany him to the Visitation,. _ • '■ ^7 *»»• Sry exi>enses incurred ^7 ^^''7^^^^! MnUtiY^ in their attendance on this duty, which will be strictly confined to the consideration of the temporal affairs and position of the Church. ^ " I r^ma^n, my d^ar Brethren, J9PJf5[, TORONTO. Toronto, 2nd April, 1851. ^ \^ •*. „'-_ tw/^t ^V^a^j^isax <.v . r i-^^w *?^^*l"' ■* 8 Mnntta of ^mttmigB AT THE VISITAMON OP THE LOBD BISHOP / 'I HILD W THl OttVEOH 0> THB HOLY TBmWY, ^dllONTO. OK • Of MAY, ifel. THB In AND 2xd |hub8DAY, liAT 1, 1861, the FetHval of St, i>A'% , MoKoniio, '1B.A., Ineunbint of 8i Paol'i Ohoroh, Toronto. Bd. MItohilo. lf.A., InonmbontofTri nitj Ohureb, Toronto. Stophon Lott, LL.D., InoomMnt of 8t Otorgofa Ohorob, Toronto Htnrr Scaddiog, M.A., Inoombont of tho Ghwoh of tko Holy Trinity, Toronto. W. Btonnott, M.A., Aiviat. llln. Gliarob (tf tht Hdj Trini^, Toronto. B. C. Cooptr, B.A., Roetor, Stobiooko. A. BMUon, Beotor, Tork MUli. P. B. Blnko, A.B., Bootor, Tiiomliill. H. B. Odor, Uoydtown. W. 0. Toekfr, M.A., Chingnaooaiy. B. J.>MM9Mrge, StrootaTiUe. Jolm Oibton, Qoorginn. B. Onrrctt, Brock. 0. 8. J, Hill, Bootor, llnrkhnm. J. PwtlMid, A.B., Whitby. W. 8. Dnriing, SoMrboro*. Thot. W. Mnrsh, B.A., Fiokering. 8. B.'Ardagb, A.M., Reetor, Barrie. Churroti Nogont, At^tnnt, Barrio. r. L. Odor, HA., Teoamseth, Sural DtML A. Bill, B.A., Woit GwUlimbniy. Ctoo. BoomOriUta. Q«o. Ballon, B.A., Penetangdishene. John Flotokor, A.B., Mono. J. O. OoddM, B.A., Beetor, Hamilton JL J«> A'teiandor, Saltfleet. « ^m. MpMuray, A.M., Rector, An< Caattr and Dondaa^ W, Bait, Awiitant Minister, Anoaater ■ndBondas. J. 0. tJahtr, Beetor, Brantford. Abm. NoU«H <3rand KiTor Indian Mia don* Adan BUlott, Grand Binr Ind. Ml«. John Konnody, OnaA Bi?or, Ind. Mlaa. Thoa. Qrtono, A.B., Bootor, WolUngton Bqoaro. M. Boomor, A.B., Oalt 0. Bttttan, Paria. 8. OiTina, OakTillo, Atrol Dtam. D. Fraaor, QoorgotowB. 0«o. Orahani, Naaaagawtya. B. N. Morritt, TratoUIng Miadonary GoroDiatriet A. Palmor, A.B., Bootor, Qnelph, Rtr ral Jhm. J. W. Marah, B.A., BlonL A. B R. Molholland, Owon'a Bonnd. Thoa. Croon, Roctor, Niagara. W. Datid, M.A., A^mg, Grimaby. A. F. Xtkinaon, Roctor, 8t Oatharinaa, R. Bhanklin, Aaaiatant, 8t Catharinaf. A. IHxon, B.A., Bootor, Loiith. W. liooming, Rector, Chlppawa. C. Ii. Inglea, B.A., Aaaiat. Chippawa. T. B. Foliar, Rooter, Thorpld, JtunU .. . Ptam. Elliott Graaett, M.A., Rector, Fort Erie. A. Townley, Port Maitland. Bold C. BiU, A.M., Grand Rlvar. W. 0. Clarke, TraTolling lUaaionaiy, Niagara Diatriot B. Cronyn, M.A., Beetor, London, Rural Dean. C. C. Brough, A. B., Rector, London Townahip. M. Bamham, B. A., Sector, StThomaa. A. Mortimer, Rectar, Adelaide. R. Flood, A.M.. Rector, Garadoc. T. B. Read, Port BnnrelL Hy. Holland, TyroonnelL G.G. Street, Port Stanley. E. L, Ellwood, A.M., Rector, Goderioh- Arohd. Lampnum, TraTolling Miadon- ary. Harm Diatriot I. T F. If ^ , Rtolor, AmlMntbiirg. r. 0. Iniott, ColehMtor. )7«r, B.A., MariM. idji, Raetor, ChBthuB. Bdlw, Motfri. lUetor, SiiiMM«i Rural Dtm. I, Dawn. R.O. f. W J. 0. r. I J.O E. R. BttmMii, TraTalling MiMioMtr, Talbot Dittriot W.B«tti|ldgt, B.D., RMtor, Woodatook. A. 8t.O«o. Caolflald, A.B.. Harford. H. RoToll, A.B., Oxford, F. D. Fanqnior, Zorra.' A. N. BothoBo, D.D., Baotor, Coboorg, ArekiUa&nt. Alas. MaoNab, D.D., Rica Lake. Joko Wllaon, Orafkn. W. BlaaidaU, A.M., PortTroni E. C, BoWar, 8«7moar. W. Logan, Cartwright Jonathan Shortt, Raotor, Port Hope. Samaal Armoor, Raotor, Caran. T. 8. Kannady, Raotor, Olarka and Darlington. ^~ JR. J. O.Taylor, Raotor, Patarl Robart Warding, BmUy. Gaorga O'KiU Stnart, D.D., Raotor, Arehdeaeonf Klngaton. W. Herekmar, M.A., Aiaiatant Minla. tar St Ctoorga'a Choroh, Klngaton. R. V. Rogara, Inoumbantof StJamaa'a Chorok, Klngaton. H. Brent, Inoumbant of St Mark'a Obar|)b. Klngaton. H. Molkifa, Okaplain to the ProTineial Peniientiaiy. E. Pattarion, Portamontk. P. Bkirlai; Longkbaroogk. W. F. 8. Harper, Raotor, Batk. W. B. Laiidar, Rector, Napanee. J. Flood, Rector, Riokmond. | The Lord Bishop, having desired the clergy md Uy represeiitatives to be seated, delivered his charce. •i * * * *: . * -♦■ V ■ The tlharge being ended, the lay representatives l^om T. W. Allan, TraTalUat MlaaioaarT. Midland Diatriet J. Qriar. A.M., Raotor, BaUatlUa, Mm- ralDmm. Q. A. Andaraon, Mokawk Indian Mla> ■ion. Thomaa Bonaflald, Aaalalant Mlnlatan PiotOQ. J. R. Tooka, llaryaborgk. J. Maolntyra, OriUia. B. O. Oox, TraTaUing IfiaalonaiT, Prinoa Edward Diatriet. M. Harria, A. M., Raotor, Partk, Mwl Alexander Pyne, A.B., Raotor, Carta, ton Plaoe. J. W. Padflald, Rector, Franktown. 8. 8. Strong, BytowB. B. Denrooke, A.M., BioekrUle. W. H. Qonning, A.B., Reotor, Lamb'a Pond. J. B. Worrell, Smitk'a Falla. F. Tramayne, TraTaUing MlaaionafT, Joknatown Diatriet RoWt Blakey, Reotor, Preaoott E. Morria, MwrickTllle. H. MacAlpta, Raotor, Kamptfilla. N. Watkina, TraTaUing Mlaaionary, Joknatown Diatriet. Hy. Patton, Raotor, Oonwall, Sural Dean. R. Rolpk, Osnabmok. E. J. BoaweU, Raotor, WUUamaborgk. H. E. Pleea, traTeUing MlaaionaiT Co. of Dnndaa. J. T. Lewia, A.B., Weat Hawkaebnij. Sup»aMMaM: Rer. Y.F. Hajariioirar. ViiUcn: Rot. Jaa. BeftTen, D.D., Ray T. H. Barrow, Rot. John J(«Man' ^ 'i- the Mrmm! pariahM or miMioni were deeired ^ oome for- ward, Mid hftod in their credentiale to the Lord Biehop'e Gheplftin ; which, hftTing been done, the clergj were deeired to oooopy the right lide of the Ohnroh, and the Uity the left. Hie Lordehip then edd re e n d the taeemblj, as ybllows : Bit. GiHTLiMiN and Obntlimin', — I remarked in mj Paitoral Letter, that the biiufiiees to be brought under yonr condderation would be ooQfined ,to the temporal atain and poeition of the Ohmrdi ; and I trust that yon will allow me to ezeroiae the privileges which belong to >ke, on ■Bch oeiMitoni, without comment or ou(6noe.\ These are : that in all Diocesan meetings of the Clergy, orer which tiie Bishop preside no proceeding stfall belintro- duoed without his p^tious sanction, not' be cotastdered carried withbtit hiii approval. This Buoh being prenrised, I hate to statis that the busi-' ■«•■ whioh I haVe to brikig before yon at this time, mky be oonyeniently comprised in ihe form of two questions : 1. Shall we, the Ohuroh of the Diocese ef Toronto, ^take any steps to proteok her prdjierty and endowments ? \ 2. Shall we, the Ohttroh of the D'ideese of Toronto, »ipp\f for permission from the Oroilm, *n iii^]^ pimynf n J^ynml^ ni» OonYocations ? ^EoSd both questions be anti^erediii the alBiinittiyd^ I would then propose the following course of proceeding, as appearing to me 1^ most convenient : Bi regi^d to the first, we««hould petition th^ three brandiee of the Imperial Parliament to protect our endow- aentSi and secure them, for ever, to the iaored pidrpoiieii for wlddkthey Were set a|>art. We shoulcl petition the three' brauches of the Colonial Legislature against disturbing the 8rd and 4th Yic, chap. 78 ; and tdibtdd deprecate' the obntihuanoel;>f the iniolentble iigustiGe of hiiVin^ to contiifid against Boman Oatholio votes upon questions embracing the confiscation of Ghurch pro- p«H^, as tendiug t6 breed a religioniinHiieour thai can neiver ^Sii3ii»Aj~'iSf'^^'' ' 'S A^ im^''^i^tst^£ii^ii^'~j'i'' A^X A: ^ .i^*' rf^^HK^ as si-^ aK JXT '■?v^^'^-' S'C& Ja^'"'^i-^j^BB^.' '.'^K •nlertgMrj, for leavo to hq\^n^ Graoo^eArohbiehgD of o«;^^^-a ci^ihe Utitira to be at tho sa^e uTo forwarded through His Bioo looey the Govemor-Oenerali Barl^u, to Her Majesty's Principal Soc rotary of St«te f^Jhe^Oolonies. And her J I notice a ^^und ofooMu- ragemeut: the AustraUan (Colonies, with fewer Church members and clergy than this single Diocese contains, are at this Tory moment soUoiting lome such moainre aa wo hMe- ^ Toronto. tJce .„y rtep. to protect her P~pe^J^ , TOchi.«»»'«"*'^f™theDiooe«> of Toronto, 2.d. 8h.n we^e ^^^ f gro^ .„ hold W«» ,pWy for permianon from i - SynocU or Convocations J ^^^ >hjchif«»h» «»'««* •^r^ the foUom.g a»y Th, meeting w« then »*^»^~ * .t the Chnroh ^^t'ti/^"^-^'^'^ Uhipa^mi-ed ' " FMDATi May 2, 1851. ^ ^ Ml., the Bev.S.8.atEOsa,ofBytoirn ^; The LOWS Biwo' took *^^-g,^ ,«„ cdled over by ^ The n««es of *he W "P>^*;; j^ Secret-ry to the ■\ 2-^ii^ ^':U^ panted the I^evou, ^^aBfoUowa: V /Dr.Piget. Toi«nt4>: ' fifoii J. Gordon, l ,. «„ . Arth. Amstrong. fAtax-Moir»y. Toronto TowMMp-^j. Bl»gr»th. 8. ?•«!'• •••••"•• 1 W. V. B««on. f j. W. .G*»J"- fW. QooderhMtt. chiiigaftOons|''<«»J^F.1(.ClMffee^ ^^^ }j<*B Arnold, iatwotorme.. '-•••• tW.H.P«t^^ « OMtiae'e ••• A i BoTdL M.P* l w» vTilUvn Oftmble. ^8V0«»t» U-B^'gl^t. Newmartet......... ^^^j, St. fW.J.G«»W«*8t.| V Pwil'i; ^.. - laeo.,^tobiool»;lgc„borough l J. Tt-ber, Chnrt •RUAfleok* . .«."•• iB.O. Bcwlot, Bt I Chnxcih. * "*^. % .' y.1 .'i.^^i^? [». > v^-, V --n|':»JX',rf^ Pioktriog ...„ Jamea I>«ten. Barria / ?• MoCarthj. _ ^ \8. M. Sanfofd. W«st Owillimbaiy Hwbt. If ortinier. York urns / ^'*?*^" ^••^•• ID.O. Hiwett. OriMl* J. Drinkwattr. HamUton / Sir A. N. MoNab •••\MUea(KRI«Hy. ^°c"*«' -j ter; 1. T. Kerby, C»»»«»m DOBO. iTdtiregor. / Dr. CoT«rntoo. '••••• VEdw. Oilman. *' •/E. Dwdaa. \ Henry Pinkla. ••••••••« rHenfy RMey. (.John Kerby. , 0. Wm. jr Brantford Oraod RT'r Indiana ' 0. Wm. JohnW rA. M. Chiaholm. Simooe Woodstock Borford .. Zorra Cobonrg ^ BioeUke #^ ... Port Trent J. Smith. T. WaUaoe. C. Caistor. T Hon.0.8iBoultoB. '" \ A. A. Bamum. / Wm. Falkener. —••"*U. Haywood. ••«••••••• ^ OftkTillo wt..^*.. ... - It «, W^WTg^tOIWl /A. Shade. t R. 0. Nicholson, r James Beatty. L WiUUun Pettit W.P|a^n,Norwl, J.Cowen, TrafUg. _ , ^ I Dr. Jones, do. 2,°'^ph Wm. H. -Parker. Elora Jjkmea Geddes. "■^ {?°w!^:"- «*"'" {S^S'i^!'"-. St. Catherines ■{ S^'SI?!??^*'*- , . I H. Bfittleberger. Louth '^ ~ ~ " / J. p. Cameron. - Boucher. . rWiUiamShea. p ._,^, tj.P.Plindall. Cartwnght r. McQuaid. /a.Low,M.D. iNath. Wilson. Clwkeand \ Darlington/ v"—"- "mouu. Peterborough | J""" ^^5!". -. , I Daniel Griffith Kingston : St George's ****••••••••••• Cliippawa Thorold George P. Ball. Dr^ Maoklem, Chinpftwa; Dr. Mewbum, Stamford ; L. Brokenshaw, DmmmondTille. W.L. Turvey. \Alex. Keefer. jPrescott Robert Spratt, - MerrickTme PoriMaitland; V .^i, J.Atkinson, ^'Kemptville f J. A. Benderaon'. \ Wm. Ooodetti. S. James's ... .... / ^^^ AfcLeod. « lCapt.Stao^R.N. g?? .........r". H.N.PhiUipa. Kictamond .„. John Sumner. BelleTille.;.... .^... / ?• Mumey. ^ Pjc*o»» ." Robert Nioh<^ Marysburgh Dr. Whitley. Perth /Richard Shaw. -, ^ "* I GWMrge Cox. Bytown JoImChitty. BrockviUe ......... l^*^J>»^^^Td. ). (,mnond Jonea. Smith's Palls ...... /A: Mathieson. ••• •••••••«, PortMaiUand..... ^ I. Dii^^e! Grand BiTer.... Alex. Soobie. iKmdon ../"'?"i£:^o°- lL.I^i(irra8on. Dp, Township FreemMi Talbot St Thomas B^. Wilson. Adelaide WilUalnBray. Port Burwen W; J. Wallace. Port Stanley Samuel Price. Amherttburgh .../S'S*^^'- (.Dr. Dewson; W.B. Carroll Justus S.BIenria. E. H. Whitmanh. rJonphBow«r. «-. m «. vBobertlesKe. TrftTelling Miss, l „ . , „ Johnstown. I Benjfmin Tett OorawaU / J"- Dickenson. IJauesEdgnr. Osnabruck ......... M. Rosa. WiJliamsbuigh ... / Michael Pilliir. ■ ^ ( Junes: SUnaer. Tiravelling Miss, \ f R. D. Fmer. Dundas Co. / \ A. J; TMxon. A' ■I B 10 R^ The Rev. J. O. Giddbs, Clerical Secretary, read the minates of the proceedings of the previous meeting. Moved hy Sir Allan Napibr MaoNab, M.P.P., of Ham- ilton, seconded hy the Rev. T.B. Fullkb, Rector, Thorold, and Rural Dean of the Niagara Deanery, 1. «* That the Bishop, clergy, and kity ^ the Diocese of Toronto, in Conference assembled, by request of the Lord Bishop, at his Triennial Visitation, holden 1st and 2nd May, 1861, do solemnly protest against the alienation to any secular purpose whatever, of the landp, called Clergy Re- serves, originally set apart by Act of 81st Geo. III., cap. 81, and finally sanctioned by 8rd and 4th Victoria, cap. 78, for the maintenance of religion and religious knowledge in the Province ; as being opjiosed to the constitution of the Church of God in every a^e— at variance with the princi- ples acted uponbyaU Christian nations— subversive of the ^ recognised rights of Briash subjects— and in violation of the fidelity and integrity /f parliamentary enactments and the decmonB of \9,if"^darriedunan%mou»ly. Moved by Col. toosuiLL, of Niagara, seconded by Ab- salom Shadb, Esq., of Gait, 2. " That no dass or condition of persons in this Province cait be endji^^red in est^^e or conscience by the mainte- nance of t&? religious property to its original purpose."— Carried unanimotuly. Moyed by the Hon. Gborob S. Boulton, of Cobourg, ieocpled by the Rev. Michael Harris, A.M., Rector, Perthj and Rural Dean of the Bathurst Deanery, 8. "Thattbtf Jnaintenance of this property for its original purpose is necessary ; because it has been found from expe- rience, that reli^on cannot be generally diffused or permas- nenUy supported, in any country, upon the purely volun- tary princijple: its maintenance upon this system is proved to be inadequate, even in towns and villages of considerable sixe ; while it is discovered to be wholly impracticable in rural ^tricts, — a lirge proportion of the inhabitants of which are comparatively ^oor."-4krried unanimously. :^yi k^ X "%i' ■r^ ' *« f "^v^^jr-if nr-i*' ■■■& . ■ . ' ' '-r ' ■■. 11 '■ ■' ■-■■■ '• ■■■■■ T^if !'' ^^ ?"*v*?' ^-l ' »' St. J«He.-. Church, Toronto, aeoonded by the Key. Bmrwjinf Okohtk M A ^.t. gain .^ngtH ^a pr.val»cei.^"^"'^~ unanimously, J.^^ -/ 1^ ^°°L^^ *™e- — Cbrwrf DeanofthoJohn.^™Zne,^'' ^""""^ '""' ^"^ ,6* "That a petition, embodyinir the v,-«»« « I / Moved by the Bey. A. Palmbb, A.B., Rector, Gaelph, and Rural Dean of the Gore Deanery, seconded by. TaoMAS C. Dixon, Esq., of London, 7. ''That this Meeting is of opmion that for the more eifectital exioroiseof the discipline of the Church, and the. more advantageous management of its temporal aSjuji^s, it is expedient and desirable to apply to the Grown fjwr the_eBta bt hment^of a Diocesan Synod or Oonvooa^on, conjusting of the Laity aa^^l as of the Clergy so as best to meet^the requirements oflJir^G^ch in this Dipcese ; and that the Committee aforesaid do^aft a memorial to the Queen, founde^d upon tHie observatibiM upon this subject expressed in the i^iscopal charge of the Lord Bishep delivered yester- . dny." — 'Oarned unanimoutily. Moved W the Rev. E. J. BoswBLii, Rector, WilUamsp burgh, secoWed by Laubbncb Lawaasout, J^lsq., of London, ,8. V That this meeting desirea to express its sense of tbct ariunount dutjr of connecting religion with secular e^Qcarr tipn^ and, in order to carry put this obligation, they deem it\iio be ndcessaiT to petition the Colonial Le^UBUtnte to pei^t the establmn^ent of separate Church Schools; uid that the assessmenu^ ordinarily paid by Churchiden for the support of Common ^Schools be applied to the maintenaaoe of suchy as are* in connexion with the Churchy where such appropriation is pnejctic^le and desired ; and that^the Com- mittee aforesaid be empoi^prTd to draft tl^p same."— ^(7arrMr<2 Moved by Sir A. N. I^cNab, M.P.P., of JHamiltpn,. secpnded by ^eorqe Cbawfokd, Esq., of Brpckville^ '^ Tf at the ^li^U^ of thiff meeting are justly, d^ie^ and are her^y most c(^i;dially tendered, to the Lord Bisiipp of Tor- ronto,for the exipordinary degree of seal and euergy which he has manifested in^ the present critical emergency of, the Church in this Dip^esp ; and also for iihe dignified, iiftpartialiL' aud courteous manner in^ which his Lordship has presided over our deliberatioi / Y" ^i : t v* 18 At tl^» roggeation of the Lobb Bishop it — . j . Th»» (he thani» of the Cler^ ^t'I T^ "'^'^ ' the Ber. W. H. Herchmer MA ^r^^, ^ """'"'*'' *» on the first day of the^lw ' y ?" *''^~'" Sermon Bishop. A.i„^\^iTT ' "nd-that, on behlf .f «,, ben^cSr* '" **■•""*' "^ «■• ^'<» Bi-hop. with hi. if. OAMBm GEDDES OUHcal /T ''°'"'''''*'- ■' H fp \ \. . .■\ I %^ :-i^. ■■v%^ p^ *■,"?« ^T'-f--^^'^^ v K i ■1''." -^ nK' t -^t-;^^-^ '4. ■ '.., i^ sj V- -^s/ '1i^' ''ii" »' >jf~ TH) - 'A •A HI ■m: ( ¥. Vfj !■■ ^ .%il \ . t • i - X 1- ■ Zf^' *.•• :*. H •t jjl *. •*, J iXA '#yV' ■ 'r^*.f ^^^^^'"f . #>• t ' / 'iX i ■) \ \-m \