•■ A * * '* • ♦ ^ ft .' ' \- « * « • • * y r . ' « • V * • «/ ^ • • - • #• 1 , * 1 - « --* "J^.. ^. 't IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) v:^ .<' 'X..::^ '1 ■w f^ i f 1.0 11.25 Mill m HI u u |ijg^ tw ■- , j^ !' . - 7 SoHiGes Corparatiaii (716 c^Z^ "•ff s CIHM Microfiche Series (Monograptis) •» .- \ iCMH Collection de rriicrofiches (monographies) '' p w ■•■ • ■^"t0i ■ Canadian instituta for HIatorical fMicroraproductiona / Inttitut Canadian da microraproductiona Matoriquaa ■/ 1 m riM iMtlnrt^Mt «( 9f IMl MMHM M-IW9 9^ W^^Wli^J^ W □ C oioMr^d •own/ CoHMTtlMf* 4i CoMWf t MW □ C«««r« rwtoMrf tmtUm IwiImMmI/ Cot n nrWwi M/OM paNlniMa □ COMT Utitnitfi r~~K6«ioM»«< □ Cotowvd Ml (U Ehm* ttan MM.or ^Mk)/ (i.i □ ColoMnd plaiM md/ov INHMratloiM/ W a wdw M/bM Mh mftf o wi mi w m ltiif n ■oiMd wMi othtr iMMrW/ 1 J 1,1 U fMMfw Mfrfa p«it CMMT 4i I'omhra ou dt la ,/. . v, ' ■ ,". n WlBlin VM MXI. WlMtWtfCf pOHlBW, IRMV MV9 DMn oiMtlM Train nfminff/ . . II M PWI mit CsmMMH |MPM DMMnn afOMItM ■ ■■ . km d'fNW r««Miratioii ■ppifiimnt d«ia I* textt iinii. lonqiM Mig iipiflPfMiMt. cm pafM n'ont |M1 vn inliMVV* pT/KAddithMMl comiiMiiti:/ Ma4l« «|H'il n fwtofw mm/oc IwniiMMd/ r—tiMfiii ct/oM piMlBMllii dlMoloM ra d. ttikMd or fomd/ dicolertet. ttdxtia i ou plgMiw 'I TfMwparanM * , ■ . ^ rr>tliMHtv ttf prkit variM/ Ul] QualM in«fri«^fc I'impmiion □ ContiiHMMH pagination/ PapinatkMi continua D Includat indaii(at)/ Comprand un (dat) indax Tifia on haadar takan from:/ La titra da I' an-tAta praviant: r~n Titia pafa of itsua/ fafa da titra da la livraison □ CamkNi of iMMa/ Titra da depart da la livraiton \; % I I Mattfiaad/ G^niriqua (pAriodkmai) da la livraison Thers are soae creases In the middle of pages . TMi itam ia fiknad at tka raduetkMi ratio chackad baknv/ ', Ca docwmant aM flkn« mi tauN i|» rMeetion kMliq(ii« ci-dawmn. ^OX 14X ' nx 22X 26X 30X Tl U 12X IftX aox 24X 2tX m i2x Tl P< o< fll O b4 th •I oi fii %l OI Tl •h Tl wl M dij en b« ri| re( :i* f ^J> (IM bMn raprpduMd thmnkm PhMr fUra loA Lftrwy. * UnlvwaHy of TofwHo Library Th« ImagM appMrlng h«r« ar* th« b««t quaUty poMlbl* oonsid«rlnfl th« oondltion and laglbillty of tha orlfllnal oof»y and In kaaping with tha v filming contract apaciflcatlona. ^ « Original copiaa in printad papar covara ara fHmad baginnir>g with ttia front covar and anding on tha laat paga with a printad or lliuafratad impraa- •Ion. or tha back covar whan appropriata. All othar original coplat ara fllmad baglnning on th« firtt paga with a pr|ntad or illuatratad Impraa- •ion, and anding on tha laat paga with a printad or Illuatratad impraaaion. Tha laat racordad frama on «ach microflcha ahall contain tha aymbol — ^ (moaning "CON- TINUED"), or tha aymbol V (moaning "END"), whichavar appHaa. Mapa, plataa. charta. ate, may bo fllmad at diffarant raductlon ratioa. Thoaa too larga to bo antiraly includad In oita axpoaura ara fllmad baglnning In tha uppar laft hand comar, loft to right and top to bottom, aa many framaa aa raqulrad. Tha following diagrama Uluatrata^^^^ mathod: ^ % 1 » *■* ^* • ' JW#I» • * RfflV fill rV^ffwVWfv C^8w9 m V^ f4f«4roalt« do: TnONMM FnMr Rmo UfiivMfty of Toronto Ubrory Lao Imagaa auhrantaa ont 4t4 raproduHoa avao la plua grand aoln. eompta tanu da la condition ot da la nattat* da iMamplalra fllm4. at an oonformitA avoc iaa conditiona du contrat lit fllmago. ■ , ■ . j^M'' Ua axampMraa oHginiHiK dont la oou^wtura an paplar aat Imprlm4a aont fHm4a an oommaggMit par la pramlar plat at an tarmln^nt aolt otfTy darnlAra paga qui comporta una ampralma *' d'Impraaalon ou d'Muatratlon. ajslt par la aaoond plat, aolon la o«a. Toua Iaa autrOa axamplalraa orlglnauM aont f llm«a ti oommf n^ant par la pramlAra paga qiH comporta unja ampralnto d'Impraaalon ou d'lNuatratlon la darnlAra paga qui comporta ampralnta. an tarminartt fMir ina talla Un daa aymboloa aulvanfa app«rattra aur la darnlAr* imago do chaqua miofoflcha, aolon la eaa: la aymbola -^ algnHIa "^ 8UIVRI". la •ymbola Y aignlfia "FIN". Laa oartaa. planchaa, taMaauk. ato., pauvant Atra fUmte A daa taux da rMuctloh dIffAranta. Loraqua la doeumant aat trool grand pour itra raprodult an un aaul clich«. if aat film* i partir Ida I'angia aupMaur gaucha./da gauoha * drolta. al da haut an baa. an pranaiM la nombra fd'lmagaa n4caaaalra. Laa di^grammaa auhMints llluatrant la m^thoda. 1 r. 2 *- J 3 f 'Ji ^ ^ ■"-"■.■■>■■ ■^.^■'M ». \Jj','y ^■^ «. *,■ #■«•; ■ r *. / 'rt" GREAT NORTHERN $EA _.^ /_,__., .>»_'■■, ' . . , .' ^ ' .j^^ANADA HOW.llHPtUZE IT MOST ."nHlfkuzE ,^lRaY, EC S*." r, ECiONOMICAUY, EXPefemousLY, extensivelV» ": . and profitably. ■ II. - I ^ — ....■■■ . — y I , . ; .1 y ,1 .,p — „— ■ — , —a .— ^ SPECIAL REPOjRT DRIGUfAL (CHARTER) DIRECTORS or *"■ SAULTSTE. MARIE Hudson^ ^ay RAiLWifY co^ ili^^i IVt^MBIfTAIIY StATBHIJIf • t Tll« TOKQNTO bt^tBCTORATK € ■fj ..<■■■■ ■ TOkONtO:. :I8»7. ' •:'>•' A - _-_ .- ^--r . . . ■ ^ . ln: ^ ^^ ^TT M' I.'-'; ■'^•■;:,v ■• . , ■ ^ HERN3EA ^ • • • MOST * ■„.<,.■ MOMICALLY, fensivelV, 'ABLY. m I ■ ■4. 2P0RT ■ ,- < "'■■■ DIRECTORS / MARIE ■^ ■ :. f » •^ , AV- LWifY Can ■ .-♦■:'' ■ . • ■ ■ • '• rATBHIjIT •' .' ). * ,/:'"-'-cii OBATH. \ • •;.-■ ■■-■■.■ • ►:• ■ -.- r . ' '■ . . * . .'.'.■■ :. ^•■. ■/ ■■ ' ■ , . . ■ . . \ . »'■•'* .-. ' ■ ' '. ' ■ ■ „ . . . i '' ' ■ ' . ■"-■'. ■ ; -V. ./ : . . -■*'"-■ ^ .1 ': ■ • ■ - X 1 -'\: m ' •/ • ■ .'^-^ "•. •*/■ . ^,.-- "/' • DOCUMENTS A wu^mM «• vtm SAUbT Stb. Marie « Hudsoiis Bay/Raiuway C6. •■OMHOMAk aUBTQM •■OAL MMMm lHMii^BWillHw!>^g»g3Se%..gglJajii' «••« m». Umri*. ttni., It mm tar It, Um.- Tb nm Hmammiiuibim Yoar PruvlaiiMMl Biwrd iA UirMtani Imv« r«Uan, or pmlMbljr In tha Dominion llMlf, hava kwi augK«atad to thalr mlmiM, in |im(>(t««i6/« form. DurinK tha aavan jaMii afnoa tha Hrat |pr»nt of tha Chuimr of thia GoidpMx Ito DirMton li*«a ..».■. I. WML wliMi Maen^M Ik* •MIlMi Mfth •( Uw at. MwT* Wnr ui (>«■ Ifal *taMto ■( lake ■■eirl»i Mm Ik* ■■ ■••■kt •( Laa4 ' I* ui alM* I |k*raaa««k«ll*n*Kttw.k*tw«MMla«Mali«i*(lk*BMlMVB^ I (rwC*awur.MrU«srifmiUi*0«a»wir>"'k*««n'*IM«*m«r ■••h**MMiWia Ik* Oenraaael anklMi •• OUam aa* •! Th*»i»la iik hp «.e««l«lf«T«»—' w »i»l«l.— ««k*> ■WT«r«aa<« M l* ~ M**.lalipWlpiiii H >r H m»kl.B «»*rt. Mr. Itamt^ pimiaa* nSt. iiamwi Ik* i iiwl tl t ■■ " O mmti ^-_. n-' ki Ml n Ml'i" *-a' f -* '>- -'-'—' i.^. a....«» ^1. Okaal •! fcali •IfcllaHa.lk* Ik*. lM«Mt ••t* *« ll» kMia Ik* dotU. on Um Noatkam aMUwi, tha iral atlaatkM tkw^M ha glvaa tn ihAatmaUtietteHi of tha Niwiheni portloa m> «tl •NlKi| doaamanta alMMiUl he maila without any unneoaaaary delay* The paramount pulilie inlareata uf the Unmiato* demand tkia, a«H lila ProvinM of OMario will InSlpr^ ably miaa a funrfamantal olemantof permanent eipanaim and pnaperilyf if it allow* th« grmtaat pnaaUile inlamal Improvement ^ithin Ito border* to eimtlnua In ahayaMS while otiinr I'roviiMwa, not ao well nitiMtad gain the earlleat aea port, from whieh the eommerea of Hudaon Bay may radiate without mmtHliuting In tha |iruapar4ty of ()ntarla; Heratofore It haa beenVaumed in tha publie mind, that of the varioaa aehamaa and ruiltaa advoeatad for railway t/anait to Hudaon 'a Bay, iMie waa aliuut aa | M another, and all of lioubthl utility. .S9 little waa known of tha eharaetarlatUa uf the g reat Oaaadian aaa eoaat and of the regiona bordering on on it. that tha Federal and ProTlneial Htatuta Hooka ana eumhered with apami (Partem, for variouf impractiealile ruutaa. ^im note S ^ The time for aoeh ignoranee to be Inleratad mwl end when the faeta and auggeatioua which the accom- panying Bnginaaring Report diadoaa, are Mkde public. and which may ba aammad up aa follows : AfMr •■***m(*I aewaM*** (ar «••' a >klfa *>li Uw OkaitarnMrna la, aat a( Ik* in Ilea* af «(•*• IM ara akatka* kii 1 1 1 1 liaai r ili M a a' iala ly U tka alraai a faa aa> >aU am a«ay. i nn li ll y la 'aarUwaakwklekUw r M iki<. avrir kaal t iii af wo** af •laaaaMMkalUwAnMadlnlaL Tait :t- (*) TW -In iHfe «M«* at (ha (k) HmU toM «UI Mi «I tka foM proi iif Um aM. lo vti llM ftilMry lMf«wUi«i will flaH (•> Tlifa nnM* NMIb Umh flMdMMatal «m- dttilNM. hm Um MitMl iMiiniiliii mi4 a y imiii l H— . I MM larwISAl will ba tiM bMt h*** of aappikM. 1/ iMVMillialwIlMdMflMlMMl lo Um kMl HMkaia for Um pro4w4a of Um ragioM tiii>I II« «* food •Mil MnMllaf Mllway littM «Mv«tlh"« >" (dl) TW Uwrt MMoa of MvigitUtNi UinMck Ika Mraita to Ika OiMHli«»imUM«itebMitiaMiMof rafaUr aoMwawUI atoMMililp !!■«■ iMpoaaibU. Kmimi no rail Um to H«dm'a B»j ilapaatfaat «|>oa anali aMHiM aon- •M ba Ma4a to p^jr avan lla aipa— a a If M or «•/ frai(tito aaa ba aaeurad. (a) A b oUm t — IqaaaJtawMalaii B iof g i' M > adgwHaaiMa is UmI Um »aal akora of Harfaoa'a Bajr froM Jlooaa roatorjr to CbaatorMd lolal, kaa b«i om liBown notnr*! korbor, MMoly. fCtCharahill Btrar. Ilaavhora. akM^ Um ilMfa. Mod and bool-lar i*to aitond aaaward In a aoaat-wlar H^a qr bait ton Mtlaa or aMfa vWio. wbara al low Uda aMtoaa often baanaaa laaaMvably atmidad in Mod and mmoag houldara oat of aigtit of luid. Hoeh MMrina aondiUona ara probably |ioi to ba found on anek • iMHa aaala alaawhara on Uta ffioba. Tha daaeription in Um BaginaarV Rapor« of Um aflbct uf Uiia fwilora al ihu bmmUi of Um graal Nalaoa Rivar, ahoakt ba aapaaially noted aaaapUantory of Iba aaiiM of Um abnadonmaBt of Um anbaidiaad rpkllway rovte UMoaa to Um City of WinnipaC, yal avan t)Maa prohibiUra natoral faataraa do not datar proaaatoia fntaa pablidy adiroaaUof aaeiMBM of water w«ya aonnaetad with tbat wild tocrastial rirar to ■aaoModata tha Winnipag grain traAa by tanalnaUag at tha aaaaa nnappraaafaaUa point, or from waarying tha oflWal aaMtakata of tha paUie ialanaK \>f dawanHing lagialadTa attantion to tha aaoM (f) Ooneading all Um natoral advantagaa of OhBrohill Rivar aa a harbor, yoar anginaar pointo to tha facto tiMt baiag too mitaadM north of Um Mooaa Rivar taraiina] Um "opan aaaaoa" aa eoaparad with that at tha laat itioaad port k enrtailad thirty daya in apring and a ith aaeh tall OB acwmat of ito highar laUtnda. That to iaaoh Um OhuvhUI Haibor froai Um GUy of Winai- pai- woald'ra<|nira at laaat 780 niilaa of naw laHway, of vary b«iyy MJIaaga aaai anaM la Vm mm4f. m an naUat km tha grato of Haattoh*. ••« ba iMMafitotety aar*ad »ia Um flP & froM Winnipag •'^ , una ijwMa. 4f M*te* lh»aa A t»»" H"* •" *^ "**' Utet on no oUm* nirta bat UllaL wnald tab in any aanahtefsiite qaaaUlf, !• worth ail* at Um land Iban at Um aaa t^wJaal. *"» waM of a anaiMawaa r ala aMrbal Tbia la • Ruint tan wall tab* • to ba gaiaanyad. bnt It Maaaa Um diAranaa biMwaan nMOMTilai aaaaaaa or failara. to Um loataa Ukaa auMparad Laavtig Um nafaUva potato napaaUag praapaMl«« ^ aompaUti am tnm oUMr poaalbia rival linaa. yoar INraatota teka gra< 4 aikUafaatiaa in aakiag your flnrafal aMantloa to tha gf md p>«aib(litiaa uf yoar •oterpriM. •■ abatahad by tha « ipartanoad bMd nf Um aaUwr of tha BnginoaV '^ lag Rapvl Itia HMMMd that Um north aaaUon la to ba aoM- platad > nt, foi^PLiwa ao aonalnaiva aa to naad no fnrtlMr i rgumant. Wia Utia aoaonpliahad. Um aforaaaid faport poiata oat a w ly to aatand ito ao wn a a t t ona north-w a ateriy to tha ahof a of tha Bakring Saa, a niote diatMMa of naaHy ft.000 n ilaa I Aatoniahing aa Uiia raralation ia in tha oaUlna. a akaar inapaotioa not only aoaflma Ito raliakiliiy. bat bringa to tha front tha aarpriaing faa^ tkat about M par etU. of tha whole ctMlanea is atrmtdl n»ci09t»d 6y ateam fWMM-. Thoa fnm (ka moatklbf Um Yakoa, wklak ia nnrignhia by ataani-^ boato ftr t.fOO milaa, a roato aan ha aatoUiahad via tka PMtnipina bmnafc raaching I JMO milaa aaatward from Bakring Saa and to wiUiin 80 milaa of Um Maokanaia Oalta. Hara tha Hodaon Bay Company hnra an ok road «at out for traiNfar of gooda batwaan Um two rirara. Upon tha lattar atraam a te a m a r a aaeand oa- intermptadly to Oraat HUve Laka and ito aa«tam ax- tramity a diatanea of ovar 1,400 milaa. Tbanea a port- ■fa railway of about 178 milaa, aeaorcfUig to Um latoH Qovammant owpa, will raaeh Chaatarflald Inlat. wbaiMa I, MO milaa of doap watar narigntioo ia availabla for a diiaat Una of ataaaMn wtUi Mooaa Rirar. Thoa «e 8,000 miloi of ialand rirar ataamar routaa, but *U of poftaga rail waya naad ba nddad to nUliaa 1 300 addiUonal milaa of aalt aaa tranait and eonnaet tha whola witfl ywir railway t Thia maana a route axtanding froan 'foroato aa tha naaraat eommareial eantra, to tka ahona of Bahring Saa in a eonUaaooa lina 9 aboot vhWi 4M woald ba Uuna|h a *mf lo^ aoaahry. b.*M» TMM. ' wkm Ml. far inl loo lotalMHl M iMd M Iputela Urlyto t Marly I in Um mM lla ng fMt iniM M iMd «U udfron lokansU • an OB Um ivo Mtd nn- t«m •«- • poti- whMMM lie for » ThM to i tU of MitioMl )|« with ig fran to Um •/ ••« Uiia la Mt aH alMM hmu na Alka hHM MWar aM4 taka mow ««Ma a N« mUw of ^B iM^MA Niava %jtMiB MMi MaaBaMBva HWRr^ aft ik paw^ an Ma*« Riirar wkara a *»fM It ailUi bing •wanna imi( partaf i railway fmrtlMta* |»«i«i«ii )■• iwiii— ti l •rMIl llMaa liafiir* HMtnlkaHKi mkI tho m«Kiiill«l Intarnal aiHnmuntoaUtifl wUM tMtiM ra«n«f •raaatiiK IM4aii«ai>, um Ilia hanly aiiiiunir la pualilag ■or* aiKi aiora Into ila ImaiaMa biit ««4a«atn|taii aay nolhinff i>f Ika aKrianllnral and ftiraal valaaa, wMah |»laiNljF a|>|iMr a^un Uu> aurCaaa u( Uuiaa TMt aolitadaa ThM tha opaiitaff of Ihia in«arior Iranall aonn««li|M«a to daalKnata th« ■am* Vtldi " Harvay ftuala " fullowinc Uia praaMtcnt ma Iha Unit nMita pnijM-tail in (7aiiaila iMlwaan U»ka Mupariur aad Laka WinnlpiK. iinown aa - poM lo adopt eartain linaa of action *al(j«>et to yoar approval, hriafly outlinad aa foltowa : Fir»t-A» tn <:on»trueUoM Ctmt. Tha Hoard win adopt tha raeowniantliation in tha t'lnginaar'a Raport that •IM.000 par inila(*f)aa note 3) ba mada tha laaia (if aaleula > tionaa thneoat of a railway built and e<|uippad upon tlin .^■tandafd of Ilia L^« Huparior Diviai*Mi (SwIlMiry to Fort William )of thaCanada Paeille Railway— to ba harainafter rafarrad to by ila initiala (^P.R — if for lonmiotiva wrviM, or fur aquivaiant «l«ctrical aquipmant and atyla of »m- ■tnietioa upon a atendard to ba approvad by tha Onvam- mant after imipaction of an illuRtrativa taction of the mme, upon a full aeale in aetual operation. Unt of the groM aum mantioned, tho Conipaay will roMrre not late than Bra nor more than ten peroent for preliminary and incidantel expanaea, including aurveya and inapee- tion outlaya, aa may ba agreed upon with eontraetote. '. Within thoaa limite the flnaneial atanding and buainaM tm pfn^jf^tiktt^ |Ml'%MI •PwiwM iii|W]r '^•••••'••^ vl teda. a* ill III hatag TiM nf tha rmrta frwa tha ite Mary • Rivar In U4a water m lite Mmm Mte* MNfl ateteMMl at «• ivaiiik «ii Hw aaat a« IMim pa» mib. •ItaoOflM) U altiaMlaly te ka pr<>«l«l«l , bwl ftiT Iha Mirik mmikm ••! IM ft jlOO.aOO oMly will ha »<«i|aif«< la Ika tial I with wMah atpawdUara an temiag ttalila aan i To |ir<>«lda r f>ir a tami gratit uf lt.MDO aarJ par miki (alna^ MAhnrtead hy k|«, «• iThaftev H, 4t Viati>ria ilNM) for a railway fnaa tha IIm iif Iha ('PR. to Hu>l«HMHay).tohMalUiU>lii«artha«aMU»f HaiImM Hay in Iha Tarrikirlaa nadar llnmlnl«Hi Mmlryl aatth af Ontario* Uttindariaa, aaraaant an|M- maraial vaiua Utr want of Iha tranati ra«lllllM whiali Ihia ( 'ompany a railway aanftirwtatk AltekVkMWqphMMB of 17400 par mile, payalila pro rate, una hatf aa taA tan mlla MMlion la Ixtlll, and Iha Ulanaa ap>Ni auw- plaliun of Iha north aaatioo froM tk* CP.E M iMo water HulaH<|iMii(ly Iha wnUIi naatiiin t<> tha Hi Mary% Rlrar to ha likawlaa aldal Thia la a laaa rate in moifay. ami th» aamn In lamia. W aanethHiad for auhaitliaing tha aliandtmMl rtMtm from Winnipag to Iha month of Iha Nalann Riv«r Aim that tha Pruvlnea of Onterio grant lo Ihia Ite uaiial aubaidy of 1.1.000 par mila in inoaay. p^abU pro rate. iHM half tm each ten mila MctiiNi ia eomplalatl ami mnaindar whan railway in oomplateil fn.ni tlia (t P K. to tide water , abio aahaa<)u«ntly in like manner aa to'*^ Houtham aaetion. Aa a pmvineial " aokmlntion rsilwi^ " thh IIm mate ont-waigli in imptHtenee all tha othara pbw, or hentlo- fora pfujaetaii. oomMnad Ita pnmipt inauguratiHli^«telw«w»Uw«»t»lii«a>y wt— ««T>wrT«T«>Tttet< i owp« » y .11 yr—Ulfia tin Ml —a* >?»>«»• ^_ ,.i/ y- •iliM «ttMf M tlw fimimm «Ml af Ui* M II I ilil|y>i»»H»rflNlMH>*f •kMk te akM* M Aw I* llM MWlk af IMtft* «• IbMRilUml la ^jtmrik !«■ iiilim !<««*• If Ilka Mm— IU*«r rwMa M tf«« ' H m m wI hi I iliii. ilT uii - - •- — — •-- -"*-•■ — ' Na* IfiUla •III h» NmII^ .|«44mI In Ma fovtr. U« if M a Hval IHM4 will la Itowrf IMm • ■■■iwhl mmmtkf, m» OukttU* iMM>|tMlM aalMMl ati*anu««a m»y ma* mtmmm Ik* lMi4 wl i'MM^ir t ifaa t laai .lat — wn a M y In Ita liaknlf fka f»««lliaa tnaiM alMut alaaty-tpla MilllkiMKlf MM ■I IMMirvajrarf ami laalnljr anaiptorMl UumIb at^nlntjif NmAmn* (or JaaMal Hay ctn Ilia vmiIIi an4 aMlIt •■•I. TIm Utm of iKta auMitaay'a roMla vill ittvl4a Ihia VMl Mm iv* HM^ afMl parti tmi <■ » ■!■» Ai i»> I In aa nlmt ant pn ll M a hi aay nlliar way Tllat Uta Pntvlaaa nlll lamaljr ^iti liy duMOiim • ail*aMla«|ia uf tMivtii|| tkaai miib i it ■ ■»— < ti t « a«4 aarafMlly ailtlurwl by aa|ilUi illrartly InUraatMl lit •l«v«l<>(»ing aay *»laa llMy aHf paiaaM, latnn avManl lo MMxl argamani YiNir Dtraetuta toka plaaaMrn In ni|iuriiag Ulal Ilia •ilHaikm In Uila ragMd Imi baaa aad la i pp wa i i l i 4 by Uia Pn>viM)lal anUuiriUaa Tha Pnivimtial lamia mainly toav w ai il liy Ikin luata •M liailW la Ihaa* mmit nvar aftar aarvajr to w tl taw aa " f raa jfanl lanila " itr r«rf for aala al SO aanla par Mt« Mit(tacl U* liniliar raaar% ali oaa. II hm baaa iiiirtilaii IM Ika Iknainlon f lu Umla in ih* Hudauna Bay raiMin.ami • valua- tion of U aanta par aar* will ha a Hbaral iatiMata al actual avaraga valua Tha alMTtar of tha (^ipany limila lla iaaua of aloak lo tMOp.600, or a pro raU of ST .100 par mila. and U la propoaad ki prorida for faaknea of nasdad rapilnl by ala of llva par aaut Piral-lian Daliaatura Bunda Oiftha for«(OinR IjMia tha oapital aeeount will mmlt aa follwra : O^taU alaib •■.OOa^OOO LaadtakaMy trum •1,1100 par aiUa MoaayiahiUy 9,000,000 t.i 1.1 f!|,fOOp*rarifa Buada to haiaaM 1.1 •lt,O00k00O ■MUMrtkalNMaliii •an ha jwufttif aa ai w wu d an i l and tllMi a wMa iaa>g>a aMait ha allwwaM tut ma* ••! u« m lna l (aalll- tMOaaOB ihaaht U rmmnmi tm llMH aa4 mMUkmi IraiU •MUajra la tha g anarai t a aaalal a i him*. amh hn Tn Ihia lh> aaiiiial ••! a awhaiiliMy imniiipnf af Mt haa than M (MM IMM aioniM t« •H>tii>l U» M«l mlUi af th* haf Ita aia n t l anad partafi lallw*^ al» tm aMHi iMp lilMM >m tha Inland lahaa ami rivara wMh a anaa* wioa •IpMaar Una Un Madinaw Nay and Htmila, and tha aggfi^ naaa vttl u tio.miiijiao MpMal la ««Ma« tM aOlai at railway wmnaatlng with Ml SAO mllaa if tha af« r u al d •an and Inland Inh* and rivar natttai a llhraa glMl t'aaadian tranalt Hnan M fnlhHva : Mlllm«i«l«diMflBMl ../..... timtl' T.^-1 "Sir " 1 4ia»iNaM«i Ml lar ■«••/ Mm MMMd, MMM > iiMn4T»«ak.antM««nd«af aaaoi MM-M MiIm •! ndav l«M«l IIAW thai «IMi« ■: OnHlhi id •m taaa f KVt ia».w«> ■> |iU.>Wllt 00 laMr-04anial (l l iil W Mal ) ialiaa». •aN(MO>ttiapM) •■MOo.Taiai (AffrmtmmH mmt ff wAa. MO.IMn. ) ^larth Waalam Tranait Myatani, Nrat mantiuaad. WkaafaMwav M* .. • laka aad rtrar Mana aavt- Mttaitf«ai«Mataa«l|MlM ik«» ihtii mm ■iMaiiiil- - .. •W.iWt.oao Proviaion ahoald ba mmUby thiaeompnny for aiding Ih* Mibaidiary "portaga" niilwayaon tha" Harvay nrataa" wail <4 (%aatorfUld InlaL A aartaln amount of Hnt U*n d*banturaa to ba iaauad pro raU par mil* npon UiMn thould ba guarantaad by thia oompMiy, and aluek, aul*- MripHon by it aathoriaad. Hurraya ot Ih* " portaga* " ■koald ba proo a adad with at one*, in whi«h tha FadamI Oovammant will no doubt aaiial. aa wall aa grant libaral ■ubaidiaa in laoda and inooay for tha ahort diaUoM* lavolv*d. All naoaaauy ehartar powar* ahonld b* fortti«tth obtoinad and tha wkola ronta from tha Ht Mary'a Rirar Imalfe, wllh aw Inab. •** »M«IM u 4 IMUBIlHPlar Url IWiSm f««ami atow «a kM* TijM* MmWA^MalfVta bMtMMMn tatfi^OTL m4 ■»«««••( AM tam iTUi ■«• i< •\| \ t^K «•» f TNI MMVIflOCa Cf ONTARIO «MO MANITOBA XMUMM* •• nti woiT ari ■«■)( as* ■•«•••«'• Ml Mn«« ••■»•■« ■ . . . , „ .^^.. _ ' J. ' " '■''■*'■'>■■ ** »— ^. ' ■>! I n iil n. * CP.K.. tit ■»... T. 40 » r t ihmm « bilha * W •Ulti • - t will « ./ • , •fWr ' '■: ■" ■ * » ' emntr T tf> liKht '■ * *lth «an h •apfi ■PMM » ■ ' , T kOdt — ■■ — - '■ -- - - -—• - — . - • ' ' r iiorti - Koek ^ ' .. ' *» • • f Mm'ii ■ " ■ ' \ ' . ' .■ ■ ■ '^ "v '' f \ ' ^ ■ J ' 1 • 1 • 1 •■ ' .f ■ •• r«ed| b* mi eonti with Ham •dill ( *" * , - . ■ - ; > * " WSHt prnm will / •-' ■ ■ ■ - \ ■ ' \he« ft. » whic * m Cmk ■ ■ .. ■ - . .'. / 1 *» ■ - ■■/ ' . '■ ' w . ■true ; ■ ■- ^"-' . : ^ . ( 9 v *..■■■' '•■ • ;■.•..-;.■■•*•• ■ • ,. ■ . , ■ ' a^ -•■.■■ JtMIK ' " "" .^^ ■' , ■ •. ■ Ml the 8 - ■ • ■(■''."■ i * • - uidt of th< thvM . ofthi tnuw . .-. . . , : » ■ ■ . • ■ "• . ■*•■.',» ■ 1 " . ■■ . ' ' ■. ■ i' •■;■■ -"'^ ■ I--::- .; ■,. ■ - '-d ' -"'.'■ " ''. . TORO .-» . _ ■■ .* . J ■■''^■ " ■' ■■■;''■ -„* ■ ."* ■ . ■ ■^-. ■ •. .■ r-.''- ■ '■■''■. ■ ' : '- "'■^; - y- '■• ■ % ■t," ' ■_ i.. . . :..,t-:. : ,■""--■■-■'., -^''-: ■■- ■■' "V: '•' ■' • , '. • ' • . ■ , f. €i lo Um Xukm aiiMuM Im MMinac»l «i • mill lo initl Th* liinU MMiUliMil In Um KogiitMr • Kaport UwU • •*M»p ImI •NUUiiI rtyl* of milway mm Im hUIImI at UMMMlMiiiita nn U'« r«Miilt i>f '^ifMMiiNwl atiidlm ir«et<>n fwil WMrritiiUil in •UlliiK llMt lh« *««ing in onat Mwi lima of «onirtraetiut tha Mm« tini» Tha rivar trallln cimnwUtNw will niit rui|uim a \»Tf(m AiiMMint of eapiUI. A imxiarata numlwrof capaoioiia liut liKht ilmft fraiiflit b«rg«a aan iMiva an iromitnw tunnafa at thajowaat lOMn^lla nnt Th« ataamara tuwinK tham kmn hava aulAcK^y^HMangar aooiNninaf thia lyatain will li« to draw tha produeii and traila nt.folled by reprenentativu Canadians not only at preaent, but in the future. To necure this object they decid«^ liminary meoonalaaiioaa have baan inaile of tha riMtta afl • whole, anerannal axplanationa of jroiiraelf and other menibvra of thr Kxecutive C'oiiiinlttee, we nfntv t» b<«ome Dlreclom of thv wld Company, with a view to facilitate a re-organliatlnn of the Board after the main ofRre of the tympany haa been tranaferrrd to the City of Toronto. , Yoara reapectfully. HTAPLBTON OALDKUOTT, 8. H. BLAKB, J. W. LANOMUIR. ROBT. KIUiOUR, JAMBS MCOTT. ToHoirro, JtfaveA Vi, lim. ToHOMTO, Marth M, 7497; Maaaaa. lULOKxirr, Bcakk, Lanohiiib, KiMiovK A, HcoTT, Tohohto. OatrrLBHKN,--! have the hrnor to acknowledge the receipt of your favor of thaJU^ Instant, and hcg lt«ve to report that after your conaent waa made known, a nieetInK of the Pniviaional Board of Direclora of the Hault Hte. Marie and Hudson'* Bay Railway Company waa duly held at Hault Hte.\ Marie; Ontario, at 10 a.ro., on Haturday the 27th instant. A By-law waa unanldidusly adopted changlnR the Main Ofllce of the (Company to the City of TorontOi by virtue of tha ppwera conferred by the Charter amendment of iSylL Action WAS alao taken aa authoriaed by the Charter to add to the number of the Olrcctors, with a *vlew to maintain the original number. To thia end the first four of the signera of your letter before ma were at that meeting duly added to the number fay election .with the ezpaclatlon that another vacancy would i mmt h» MM hf «ka itirtlnM of Um NMalala* ■•«>« M Tk* •flw Um >»«iim»*,«llp>ah, oraaanoa IwUll In TiKwito. •* UMllatla Mjr lia ptmaC bi ■>•■* wtUi f mnM4 aMaUa« al llM A^l (l IMT. a«TaaaMr l.Miiw«il hU raal|PMU»« aa Piaahlant. «iM IHUlNlirn OaUaontl. mmf.. was aiarlail Ui (III UM'>ar*MM>r AMaraan Jamaa Nnitt «aa abrtaat VIr- l 'taali l aatA. Mr. ■nllliw Jarvla oaa a|if»(nUiil Trwuurrr, Marray. ().■.. IUna«ar and — JVrel— That the extention of the system of Canadian railways to the shores of the great Northern Sea can be undoubtedly made moat readily and economically' from a point on the Canada Pacific Railway at or near Miasanabie Sution thence northward along the valley of the Moose River to tide water at iu mouth. Ateoiuf— That a railway upon that route will accom- modate a larger section of the Dominion than any other line than can be projected to Hudson's Bay as it atfords a suflWently direct line of communication with Winni- peg and Manitoba on the West, the great lakes on the South, and Toronto and the populated section of Ontario on the East * X^Mt^It will most centrally penetrate the vast body of unexplored crown lands situated along the sea coast -and south and south-east of James' Bay and Will moat rapidly develop whatever value they conUin. These views are endorsed by one whom all will raoogniie as an expert in these matters, having made them a study in the management of the great corpolration of which he is the head, and who has had a large part of the region to b« traversed by this line, surveyed or explored in locating 'the C.P.R. The following letter fitNn that source in reply to Toronto enquiries aa appended, had great weight in forming the opinion of the undersigned. TomnrrtK Jitnmtrf to, iW.' m» WiLUAM C. Van HoMia, ruaWinf n* Oi aa it aa flMOb ilafliaa* O iwpaiis. Moaraa/ti. ■t DiAa Sm WnxiAM,— When tka Boginaer of th« Saolt 8ta. Haria * Hudsoa'a Bay Railway CMmipaay Hrat aaw me in oonnactloo with thia aMtsMaklail, I is e aa i y ranmimaulad him Ihat ha f>m la oHar lo aaeartain whai view yoti louk oa ih/it f4^ of y«ur Raliwajr Ooapany. After an ahaanca of m nmidM apaai larnaly In ohtalnlaR Information and prorunac (urli a auliatanUal Intaraai In tha iimlaftak Ing aa wnuki warrant him In tha oooelitalon that ha uilght fairly aajr tha rtmA could now ba Hitllt, I attain rarommaad hln^ to aaa fou aM dlacum tha maMar la vlaw of tha fart, that, owing uy tha Incraaaad Inlaraat Ukan haraiiaa of mlnlnx and tha aanaral davakiptuaat of Iha rouBtry, othara had lakao up tha ftvsailaa of rom- ■uolcaUaa with Hndaoa'a Bay. Attar ryiry aMturaiy aoa- ■idarlnfi tha ggaUar with Mr. Marvsy I had nmka to tha concluaion that It was of vary vital uumaQt to tha aucnam of tha antarprlaa U> tofirh tha O.P.R. at tha abortaat Una of, itlatanca fnmi Hudaon'a Bay. Thia waa thought to ba Iq tita vielnlty oiay be found woMh developing In thie Northata territory. I cannot esaggerata the Importance of a com- monicatifm from you In tha atrengthenlng of our haoda, in praaanting to tha Oovemmant tha clalma of the ronta. which Mr. Harvey and hla Company have thouffht to be the moet feaslMe meaoa of opening up comraunicattoo with, and developing the reeourcee of the Hudaon'a Bay territory. * * • We are moat anziooa to work In eotiiis harmony with you in this matter, and to endeavor, ao far as the commoditlee of the North wlU enable it, to make thia line a feeder to the Canadian PaeiflcBaUway. Yoore taithfnUy. «. H. BZ.AKB. ^ I ha** fovr )•«•■» trf Um nth laatant. I mm not wNM- Mlly •pqiMlnlarf oil* %tt» nmtf llw l)an«dlMi PartHr IUll«r*)r mm! Jani«» Hay. M|4 of Um toixb mmI «*Mn haytimt. M> «HynM «n optnUm ■•• tiM nwHto nf Mr. Harvay'* rallwsr ■■ I wr n lw Bivli • mil* wr wtwM aot ka ■■nag Ik^ wbMi Mm ftiaaiMaB rMUb .OMMpaajr vaipi^ •■ MvwMry k> !!• jmmmI tfilMiti tmt UMrafim thU OcmipMir »t h^ dlip n i t l« uka Miy part In (^^••natrurUaxi nr Ui Iw fliiaiuTlally Inti n«li< la It la aajr mdf^^ i-an imlf aav that If lb* •nUrprlMn alMHiM raaah Um nHMtnwUun ataipi Um t'aiwiiUui Pwlllv Oimipanjr wmild afford It Um imiat f»«<>ratil« )«mM •■ raxanla raUa <>« nm- ^■triictlon tiMtartak, ni|i|>ll»« mmI witrkmon raUw aa llharal •• nnild ha •ipartol bjr a frlotHlljr ntaiMrtlag Una fnnn an« hm that Um mdta from MUaanalila or fnmi aoma plara In that vicinity la by all (Mlda thf liaat that ran ha aalactad. Murh InforuMtloa aa I hava Indlcataa that Ihara ara no mataria) phyalcal dllHculUaa to cMracvoma iMtwaan MlManaMa and Hoaao raetory. A Hna by «ray of Laka AMtUM w the better service which a trunk line like that of the C.P.R. can furnisltr from the junction with the branch to this city over existing connections, (b), It is safe to assume that lower rates of freight and pasaengerltransit and faster time can be furnished for Toronto business with Hudson's Bay via Missanabie than by any other route that is at all probable to be built for many years to come. It must not be overlooked that with the connec- tion via the C.P.R. to Heron Bay on Lake Superior a water route m at anc« availtMe, by which gtods in bulk ' (!kn bM^ftyered to or from our city M lower rates per ifpn tnfli b^ any all rail route between the terminals at Hudson's Bay aM this city, (c), Again, no export trade from Hudson's Bay southward could be diverged to railways with an eastward trend when a shorter ' southern line to the great Lakes was oflered as via "Heron Bay" or the "Soo," and any railway to those northern waters must evidently secure that traffic in :-order to become self supporting. (d), But a still weightier consideration is that while the Missanabie route can reasonably satisfy the demands of Winnipeg / . ■ ■ ■ and Manitoba tor a railway connection In HutbiNi'a Bay, lh« altrrnailv* of l&ving no other accna but by a rouhi bwuplnc aaatwanl on a dirwct litw to Toronto wouki not be lalisfactiiry to the Waatem City and Provlnc*,- but a more direct line would certainly he agitalad until realised, and Ontario would kMe the great advantage eC the coneanlrallon v( the wMeat range of fauainaia now , possible at a point on tha sea coast within its own limits^ While these are not all the' arguments that can be used, they are deemed sufficient to dt^monatrate the fcct that the interests of Toronto, of Ontario, and of the Dominion will be moat advantaff^sly promoted by favoring the Miaaanabie route, /a* the pioneer line between this City and Hudson's Heitce the undersigocd hawb accorded to it their personal support, and invite their felknv citijwns desiring to see the business connection /of this city extended aa fast aa possible, to do likewiie, and secure permanent control of the Missanabie rou^e to Hudson's Bay, in and for this city. As to the flnancial programme set forth in the Special Report, it may be ««ll to remark that sutistics show' that the total -cash subfidies granted to the railways of Canada average over f 1 jpoo per mile, and unquestion- ably none of them presented as large proportion of public advantages for the mileage involved as the railway now under consideration. That a short link of but aso miles will connect the 1 5/M0 miles of Canadian railways, and the 2000,000 miles nf Continental railway transit, with 6,000 miles of inland sea coast, in our own territory, is an unparalleled case, and when to that, nearly 6/100 miles, additional of inland, lake and river navigatkm can be added in the manner and by the mean» therein set forth, the result can be truly termed wonderAil. The proportion in resources to be provided are about four-tenths in private capital, three-tenths in cash subeidies, and three-tenths in crown lands, at an estimate which cannot be considered as conver- tible into cash assets for many years to come, and the disposal of which as an element of industrial de- vek>pment is really a greater benefit to the (^rown than withholding the same would be. The terms theiefore seem to be not only warranted by precedent but aa ^ favorable to the public interest as could be reasopably expected. ' That the realisation of this new developtnent of the resources of Canada will form an important epoch in its history tnere can be no doubt tITAPLBtON CALDBfUOTT, 8.H. BLAKB. ', J. W. LANOMUIR. "• . ROBIORT KlbOODR, JAIIBH800TT. ToeoHTo, April e, tam. ^' I •ADDENDA aorf nnaiploml wwtiiHM of tli« kIoIm, Iuu iHiiitont iiiiurviill<)Uii history tlinn ia ■■•ni|iliM<(d in tii« rnoord of th« Iwit Hve yamrn euiMMrning that |Mrt of Wmlom ('anaila liiiown •• tha Kt«nay Hiatriet of Hritiah tUA bi% In IHIIS Iha atiilnaaa of all tha pretwiinK ugat n-ataii ii|ion tha iiuw famoua aaetlun of tha Ktwky Mountain^ Explorvra il«iniHMtrat«xl the praaaniHt of tha hidilan Wtalth of pnicioua inat«U. and now tlid pools, the cliflit of^cQal lining the river for hnndnwU •Van.- ^"^ -11 t* clrMidf etaar; Mill • mnwpdndMt o( The Landan, Rns.. HlU OohaBblLlhU tkiii prairlww-a xl«M o( i>li»«ll»tloB with and laeladina tha ralax of par, wm, tn tha ckiaa at irni. raaeh a rrar"* waMaa aoBtliiawit allowaaca for a po«alhla of miloa or tlia auHfaroua sanila on whiah thay unwittingly tnid. hail no oimiiMireial signilUsamw or inrt of K <). lieChlMllHiBilnoooaalrroflha8loeanlampMl7lnm«a. Ins Iw oatpaf from a anmbar af atoaa. lo whMi arm maiilh aaw ahlppm ara adda4, Roadaad'a |rlaM> alae alaadllj aalaritaK, and It la aow oaruUn aad ouMrnortham alttrlcta of wnt Kooienar— ao Um that tha JllaeUI**—^^--^, . Itaatom Keataaar -wUl hrsia to jmUtf hf laria oBt>«m of praoloaa malal l|«a blsii hoitaa haw aalaMaiSMI i «w mn lit* Hatpiirti ABiH^ «■• PMnmiAL LA una. TiMt vllkln tiM mM iit lit* t Imnioltlas'* nMiulry llw*« I* • IHaalMa iiraM of Wi^Uub •■«•*« mliaa HtiMi for Um gniwtk «l piitaUMs, wn.lin auuara mAara niltoM* fiir Imrfoy. mmI IM.lin ■|iMi« mlUa MitlaM* fur whMU. TiMt litof* la • partnriU •>«« ■># Ml,lin aiitiam mtWa, WifltO ■ lUa ••( whlah la <>|wn prmIHa wlUt •mmAmutt ip^ivaa, Uia raiiMln'lar tMnfi hhitv tir Hiaa wtiuilaNl j YTI.IIMI atiiMra iittlaa, inrlutllnff ilM p«iUHa, laay ha ciiiia rt ar»il aa arahlai i««m1. TiMt sKiHtl «»,M» a^lMW« mllaa <•! tlM litlal arM U iiaalna tor Um paaiura^a i>f tUmtrattf MiiiwUa c •■lUltrathm. Thia •TM nimiirtalnii t%a Harrati (InniiHia mmI a imritam iif Um lightly wtaalaal rasVm to thalr aiwik • MtmiiMr lan Q aniw. Um a|lHiit| Mooara aiHi Iba bulla ftfdavldwiMH U«aa auoaariaa aa aarlr otirlb iif Ur^** HIava tmk* aa at Wlnnlpag. IH. Paul ami iMmMayolU, King ■ton. nr Ottawa, and aaHlar ainfis tka tVara, Ltaril and aiMna minor arvatani affluanta nf Um Or«tl Marbanti* KWrr. wiMra. Um rllmal* rraamhiaa that «4 waa t ai n Ontartu. That tha nail** RraaHa aiid ratahaa ara aquai and In aanM dlatrkla auparlor Ut thaaa of aaatam Oaaada. That Um pr»*alllng anMth-«r«at aamwar Vlixia <>f tha WMiatrjr In qiiaatlciw liring tha wanath and MuilaturK whirh randar niaalMa tha far mirtlMm r araa l cmarth, and aanalhly •Ihrt tha rllmala of tha rMilon i i a d ar nHMldarathm aa far ' Morth a« tha Arrtlr rlrria amfaa far raat aa tha aaatam rim of Um Mackanil* Haaln. naMBWBi, MMiBvra aiib miiBa Tha Immanar laciiatriaa araa of tha aaalin and oortlMrm liurtlona of Um araa iindar rofMldantUon ImpltM, frlMMa wM MauMM aa ■nriimiiiia valaa Iq la i«* M »la a aaahl la Iha aavlpillmi «l ttHm ragfcai a 'tdaaaii baa a g raad a* In Iha g n al aalaat laf Hi^||iroha« navl- ban ai< whan «lr*«liw«a and dlWrall . ralhar than naaM » aarrtag*. ami UMir lalaad puala In aa hr natlh aa Um Amir airria ara auw auanlUd fRMH thair raalral 4a P " ! al l^>*« ttarry wllh onlf lit mlba lna tka MarhaAal* naar that ixilnl •••• fort Marphanata <>« that g«iU haarlng ^ alraa m . Tha graat l*k«a whirh rwalra tha dralnaga nf Uila vaat ragkin and gIva •<■ wiual Hnar lo tha Uarh«f|ala, all bara ilaap walar navlgathm, and Ilka ninat lahaa ••' tha l«iir«atlan furmalMm ara atiidalad with lalanda. Tha mnat anotharn wmraa uf tha graat MachantI* Rlvar la.a atraam fad by tha glarlara uf MuunU ll tha P»Ur Haa. Aa aMmly iiMnlluiMd Ibaaa waata r n aflluanU #111 fiiriii valuabia llnha •« » inrana uf taking In maahlnarv and mining auppllaa U> tha iip|>ar watara of tha Paaea and Uard Rtvara which ara m>w Inan-aaaahla fur haa« V marhlnary fnun Ih* waat nuMl, and lb* i-uat uf Ukin nnivialona, makaa In mlnliig and ~ daaldaratum. Tha navigation u|Hin MMI, and lb* i-artlng alfurla a aarluuc . wMiaUanTRIvaralauwIIIha Important fartur In tha fiitura flMid aupply ling raglntt of Iha upper Yuhon and PealHI*' M Ih* ftvah water fiaid flahaa uf (ha ragioa, I t» Iha graal (M ling." aa aarallant found , Baek-a' "'X not pravahint aaaawbara, aaame I n l(a rivara. ami evan waat of Iha Rucky liounlalna.'but tha atapl* pnuliK-l «f Ita lahaa ami large rivara. ~ lb aacvrtaia more accurately the ait^t and value of the aatmon IMMrlaa uf theee ragiona, wUh a view to nUllaIng them for the purpoeae of commerce aiMt for the revenue which they may aflnnl. The IndUn popniatloa la apan*. and the Indiana, never allvtd U> l< charartar lat the davelopoient of the country, tha lodianaof BritidkOolnnbIa, mav be aided by them with- out great danger of thair demotaliiathHi and with a reaaonahla hope that, aa In the raae of the Indiana mantlonad, their eondltlon may be improved. Your itooinlttaa daalring to rafar brieOy to tha evidenee upon which they have baaed thee* ooncluahma, may MpUin that very early in their inveetlgationa thajr beeaaae convinced that very little mora waa known of Iha northern and eaatam porthm of the area etmimittad to (hem for inveatigatioa than waa known df the interior of Africa or Auatralla. Tour Uoamittae ragrat they have made ao long a report. idian popniatloa la apafe*. ana loe inoiana, never r*d U> large comunnltlea, ara peareaMa,. aiMl their laractar aad hablte aa jgivan hj witoaaeee Juatify a I ho development of the country, aa In the cave of but truallhai an esmae will he found In tha faet tlmi upon a OMp of aimiUr projection and acal* the ragiRIOOB MM OOLA IN A rAKT Or TH« BSD Or •raw ART RITRR. A TRIRUTANV Ot TUB YUKON RtVBR. NORTR WRir TBRRIDNURR. r wMih • Imw wUTM Imm* imv m hw Mmw ar Mr MaM OiakrUMat •( Ik* liitfM««r. M«XI| _ Jnadi>n point*, and towing two bargea carrying 800 to n a eae h. or 8 00 to n e i n all o n o n e trip. An agant of the U.S. Qoveinmenit retorted in 1897 to the that th« p»M «-lda of Noritl Waaiam Cm Alaaka wara tha rMhMt ami moat aataoaiva In tha wmtt,mim M mmU d tka prwiuatiaR of the y«ir •» im milliooa of w hafuaimM minda of Canada did not raaliaa that tha traOa of tha Ifaain of tka Yukon and of tha MarKanaia north of Uha Winnipeg, waa of any apaeial Iniportanea. or daarn it pomlble to aompata for it aneaaaafnlly againat tha Induaa- maota of proiaetad linaa of tranait fnim tha Paaila Coaat Now all thia to changed. No ^ Ut Um •Ml Mid ol Um Oifm of •ImimmI. wHkoail • 9iag\» •ikalnMtinn • iIIMmiiVm •> l**^ (.^OO mlUa InUiMl, whiU Um mom mnxilUti^ aaial im lludaMi'a Rkjr far al kmH IJOO nilM ol aiaar 4mf «a<«r lo Um m»- port uf Ontarioi A ' porUgii" wa Uo ii wlU> abawt 60 iiiltoi of milway will aiiniMKt Uiia tUap «•!•? riMlM «llh Ut« Mvlgablo makm* of Um Yakon v<* tia PtHwapiM ri^mr braiwth. Ham alMkniar mm! fralght Iimvmi will hava • faviMinnmimnt atuml half way arHi a Uv<»rat>l« ekannai titr Iha ninainloK illatanm to fort Halkirk. ^ Miai'NANDiaa uaM ■vnmiau.v m otuvKntn ntm QMTAklO'a aKAPOKt T«> rcMT HlUllMI, VU TNI Mai!- KiHSiB ami YiiKiiM wiirri, at a uiwib PArmu rati tMAN CAM M POKB PXIM AMY PArtrif^ Oi>A«r aSAP(«T IM im amrTH or PiroBr'a Houmii Thia faat alaarly ooaln>ia Uia <|uaaUun of Um UibdUry Iraffa allillaUoaa of Uioaa n«iaaa. Tha wholaaala nMr- ehanta of Uimtraal and Toronto will And that vaat tarritory tkair paetillar Hald of tritda in (Canadian f|aada, and largaiy for fotaign im|i<>rtationa alao, aa tha apring tnuia will alwaya ba thaiia by having at laaataiity daya aarliar ae c aaa than poaalbla by tha Hadaon'a Htrmit nnita* Among the many uniqaa and ipaoially intam^ing faaturaa of thia nawiy projaetad oontlnantal roata, wblah muat ha omittad for tha aaka of brevity, biit one exeap- Uon will ba mada, nanaly in ealling attenUon to the (aet Uiat whila tha railway aeroai tha "divida " hatwaan tha water* of Hodaoa'a Bay and Great HIave Lake will ba at tha mileage oantre of tha S,600 milaa of navigable water routa batwaan Ontario'a aaaport and the " port- age " railway to tha Yakon, in a northweatarly direetioo it will alao oonneot with qaita aa ranuu-kable a water eourae of about tlu lame navigable diatanoe to tha aoath-«eat, namely j;iOO milaa, with but (wa obatraetion for the entire dwtanoa t Thia ia obtained by following Oreat HIave I^ka to the mouth of Oraat HIave River, about SiW milea, thence up the Slave River 260 milaa to 'the mouth of Peace River, thence np the Peace River to the baae of tha Rocky Mountaina a diatancaof 770 milea, making IJIIO milea, ProfeaMMT Maeonn teaUBed before the Senate (Jommittae (■aa Report pagea 66-7S) thiat ha had travaraed the whole length of the river from ita aouroe to iti mouth in a boat, and that a ateamar drawing ait faat of water obuld readily paaa to tha foot hilla of the Rocky Mountaina. . On the Eaatam Section of the P«ace River freight o.baigaa of 1,000 tona burden can donbtleaa be uaed, whieh will rednoa the coat of t|«ight tranaportaUon to tlM lowaat ralaa la tna nlai^ Rrvar UMta are iaptda for ataiait thtriaan milaa wMva tha II « W&f flkk'a alMaMra anwa fraai ahova a* bahtw and tranafar aargnaa <>v*f a t*»m railway WhaUMw na«l|ratkia An *• lm|>rti*«d at tiMi |»uiat to panall bargaa lo paaa Um ■Ma^laaiiid. I» m wiMMai qaaalioa, but with Um .probaMHUaa In Aavw of ovaranM- Ing the wbatnirtiain Pr o f — i r Maaoun taatlfl«l that a raplda of Mn •# twalva milaa aiMwl >m tha PaaM Mlvar at tha kaaa of t(M Jtoeky MiHinlalna iMt whan that wm paaaaii tha river lay daap and aliigglah fur Mfty milaa Ihniugh Iha Mima, with alavationa of S.OOO faat or nMira riaing on aithar «l Kama >t|MNi It " Ilka •« If wa «*ni atalklna acniaa thia riMHn. Th* rmmtry "waa |MiKaitl)r la*«l and MMt* waa no ainiaarantia of Um " rl*ar until mm i-aaw u|i<>n tha •4* M Ml Inlnfrml fmrt lA th« tlrtttah Kiu|>tr«. Il (a wail kiMtwn lh«t aiMlar |iiiaai>>)a ptiUWal «)m|iM Wl tow a Um only rmllway Mm of n>mnitinia»iljaa« lii MMnplata lalarruptton by • mrnrnll tvatila f Iha aaa |inrt iif ()iiter1«t, • luMbinAl •vanua of aceaaa will h aa uia a kvalUWa, liy whwh man aMl MiiaMtnaa Mn dwring Um ofM MMHS Ihi iMMfoftai Anmi Wwilwlah. <(lr«rlly 'ui (Mtawa Mtd bi Iha Canlral Fnivlnaaa, wllh m MinltMum itt ItohiiUy la latarnt|itkNM mmI wllh • aalarily not la Im •nmmM h|r any «Uiar mula Thia unl<|iHi fa«l«l« aiMn|w tllla awU fp H— M iMvtag a haarlA|| a|«iia (ha •iHoianry ol (lia finaral ayatam al Imparial i^ftm oaa|M, mmd U mtlktml ikmht Ik* mtm$ impoHHttl IrwnA <4iw <(< mUwttg mUk » ailwl n»*a> lm«(* i^ wir-- ■ ■***•* f\ In < 'antral rru|iti(MM MiMvklg tywtmm ol •tlanlkm Im ■■ill Mil 'WW. nu IT mcmtimum ontamo amo wowTMWTmw ivimaoa iMvraATaa at tmi ooio*^ ROT C« -Tito ommimmAm «f Mm fn» ilM*« « Mfk ate *t iMfe Ha M ^^^m1ti m,mm§tmm »mmmtimhmmamQim»Utm0lthmti.t^mmm9^l tw—tii t»< a mu MM i iii iwi Will Miii.iai «^w»»i »« <>iw Mi4 Tmmtm, Hmtmimt •Ma aMi* tactwlw amm iHm i«« ikmli «! Mm «MIw ««*« al CMai% M Mi « «MI Ml •< AlMka, nmif^tama in ■ / ., ' -• ■ ' ' ~ ■ - i ■■■;" ■** '.■ . ■■ " .■ . * <-.-■,- ,.TT .-.-. -. 1 '.^ ■ ... ■ ■ /'-:■ : ■ ■ - '. r "^'/ ■ ■•*- ■ /""'■' , ■ * ■ ■•*"*;>■ ♦ '4\ t^mofrnti ysitttt^ wovsetia *. A Maw ■MMiMAna f^. > VMM* VMOV. MB I»M«M * »»<■ ■ I* MM* af •>«►•"•*■ •« *tm liii»«i • ' ••■••(•M Ilk* "H III I »•• •»••■• •• fM*>«a, mm ••(■■laa* If M l»"^"«««» ••■•• a4 pii|pw*s m ilka liiym«»««i» ••■••(m ii MktMM "«• ilk« «u flWtiHilk* ■■HIBMllI lluX «MHb»Ml fn. I m|bMB| 4f %|iAa M MMM an ttrfUMt>MMl #mmmmmV 10 to Mb «» « «» ii^i . R, Omiw tmf ••! ilM mlna* nf tltltt m llWi > I V t an mMi \» tlw ..mntrf . 4ta I M MImM I AlkiM* "■> •! I In-U < 'U f umI Ika IrltaXarir K paMMr ■ •«• NvTMttf Mll« awl AmikV-mi •r'«k< iMira aatl U|M>a. •!■<•«« Ili a* l^w*« Mil> umI tt— .lia ■ ••tlMlMMrf«#r<»«r MlUaMMatr ■*■■ l*l«"«. •"•••• I Ht la Mm ■•« Hi w aaa ■••4 Munkar iliMrlota 4 M» Maa «f Uta ga w ral k> •M.m ..t itiraa |ila««i can ha fesA miai a V. M-. i\mmk aM«l ii**«Wilt HMr««y miAi* Mitn* ■HHimkar 4lMafea ara ullmtarim ■■« tha Hbittallfi Ml«ar iUii I ullmtaria* ■■# tha Hbakllrl II laakiMl linr mllaa ■!>>«• Itara aaal Ihre* mltaa 9m* laMra «>•• Ilka #aa« l<«aa*«-|l tut Ilka Ti«k«Mi I a4 IHa kikiMitIk tif Iha K IfHkillvk Ntvrr haa haati alrvatlir laMala a aaw aiill. thr»a aaliMMia ^_ a, Hiinaikaa I 'r«ak waa tllai Mvaraal In Iha SHolAaguat, aik4 ttk m0»„. m. Ihal holaa nntU bf Mlawtafi Mm srtk 4)aa al Mm r W fcaa t rlaltkia had a |Mr alraak Ihlrl* I n> la a trlbktlarir of W ^Maaaa callaai W Ikurarfis whtrk haa a vary ipaal |Mr Uw a laUawHi a half fruak Ha akokiMk, llkiikiiih Ii la mii a<|uikl bi thai oa Ma tfat « It ami lla Irlhutarlaa ara laa'alail MoaMiy MO alalMM of Wn faat aaih, aikd half that many In HiailMr 4ialtieC Of UMiaiuahar aima irlll na*ar|My. iiMtny mW pay "■■■• aa4 laayha a llUla laiira and a rakdly nuakhar artUj^va UkaW *arMi ky nilnM» wa naral tolBa m*ar aiarfc or aiM (aoi aWlal drih). T ikT Iwt mmpr aii4 wwa Mm gr«maa— Ira i aoaaal^vlalaraMra "bkiralaa'' tadnaa. wwh aoaal^ hi Ihawtam Mm fraval by tra. rai«t>*lBg It mmA fcr'driflEis, . ararfc thaw* hat tlltla, and mafcaa a goad maf Tka doMpaara Malrod with ^tha Ibat wator la rraka do aot fw aaa up aalld IlM wa l o f glraa troahla that balM thr raaa Ihia jraar la |M Wlliia Mm arota a a laanaaatura Uw Mm |wa* fl»a waaka irow TVara la prnaila* of a ctdd Miall rarardaa to halow Mm, Mag ranir aaiftMr kla Ihaa thr itaHf ntrran tri rtmtr^rada ii iiii. jaMiar 4la<*l" *'• nv"'^^' *o opaa Ibr f^orfc, hwt Iha Ml. IMMM hM «Mb IBM* IkM tf >• hMM«a' lM« ten Um tl|«> IiIIIm Anal «*llal)r« 4#« •..w«r«Ml l»« « lla'« a y m**'m*h t*f W M WlM Ml* $m» mni k trnm **^ •mmi9 «MiiMwir« iia«« tmmn X'tHtrf m all* IhmI fc, I^^^^L ^^ J^^— 1^^^ ^^^^ ^^1 "^^'~ ■ ^HHJPPMIV WWP WWiiWP W^WI^w ■WIWP^w SRf ' tNR «MIM> nSMQ Of AI.MMIA. «■*». M II (£3 fVaaMiaa^ia, 4ji ia Waabiika««a 1 llkal IlM* agr l« tha Tmi Mklrlhat'H' HaokUtam. ah,' ~a>A« Vilbf. akk4 ii MHai t» mmi- \f allh oMa aiMikhar Tha lakaak I «« lftf**«i,Mfttl,ai (Ml lh*« Mtlt^k la I ' H. •aa^karf *i*«t aaalakaak wianapay ( ataaanax lar<<»an Maallla ajkii tha V Ik h l k a. atkd k«k tratlkia fiiaka at l^ri I'inlaky MalUafc IMiiikikla. aaa at at. Mlakaal. Waaaa and llrt la 4 iha tMN«i|akftf « •taaman thlf«f N>a •lata t4> ikiaka iha trl|t trmn ikaaltia Ilka fiNkta la aaai tm tha Paatik It* tha Ala«ailafi lalanala. Ihanaa MBiaik tknNi«h llakrtkkg Ma* In tka m„*ith <,! iha ^ t,h«*«i. a ilia lama 14 AIHI mllaa. aod ihakk >•# Ihat il«a> |,iin lulUa iu.»a a liitaliif k.inia>llaa I kaia f..r Ilia laa( R«a >aan akid kara aaan an akkiirki Kw ai 4a«vl,*fmi«iit td tka y**ltl llahla Ijkai taa> ttklUiuni van takan i-at. ami I think tkat tka uwi. init thla yaar will ha naarl* ilnohJki ihal Tkara ara •»•« li(W man «t wiirk In lka haain <>/ tka VitkiMk It la all ptm-ak nilnlag ami •HiU a kkkMll fiaathm ■•! tha ipM hvariika dlatrla* kaa h aa a l.akrhaal Aa aima aa tka akkkkntr j la itpaiiad ap '""f ■ I* **"• I* la mi kiMHii ariih Ma hir aiijrhiidjr astafit mlaar^ mi tha iiMiatry itkin iha lata yaar nr two thai 1 la ma Nt f<>r aaiu ulltira '* It haa iHilf hakka within iha IwM yaar nr two Htal iiaaiia ihMia hava haaa rarrtad im durind 4ta wintar immika F|yad b«i finkr itktiatka, nkky d« tliw hy KnlMlikg a •itniiaaloa iw Araa iirar tha nfia ml h^>wn t« nmtatn iha iira, Aa faat aa tha aarih la thawad hy oiM NN It la nrnxivMl. amiihar ani la haUt, aad an oik till kadrka-h la ralH ka.1 Tka diri la nlhMl UB aM4 lla* t hara till raadr for lka alaa« laiiaa In lka kaitlaa, whaa It tahaa aararal aaaka t« traah iha a<«uniiilatatar raalua. allhid dia^ la tha alrviklittlBa inadlaM. A akaa nnkaa l« mkr abiraa aati kkkya 0t wtwih of aoadak M adaHii g a bad id ditai. fmin whiah wa waiiih nat Mm fimwat dkM. An owfkrdiikiaaAir #11. haaatMO thora la onma adialitara nf dirt aktd land wkirk mkiai ha mh- IraiAad fikiwt Mm raliM id on mim-a id tiM pikra l a atai. TIm waalhar la liulla raid fnr aaran lanatka trnm Mtj In alakly ilra r aaa hobtw a*r«> kkU wa wakkr fikra and Ihita la fltila Mkllikr- Ikkg. I hava aarar aaan any aaaa uf aitr*a yaara' roalda ai ia In that nwialry, Thara la plmty to aat alwaro, oroa If wa ara a trIAa *h/ »a Ittmrlaa. Wofao ara hlgik IVI par day holag Iho atoiklanl hw labilrara. " Mrh aa ara Mm aald Matda of Alaaka. i wtittM am adrlo* any (MM tS' ♦ % ■ t 1 ■'m^ " ^^ «• tnmmm la • «•»«»» »'"•• ••»>«»" •««»* •>•••• >•• <•"— TBOtfMJi W I AMAIMAM (Mill owfavw •••VMM ♦■—»■*— •■• •«••••*•• ■ iMwIf »• l« •>m * ....<»II«M mM t-J •lta«« ••!■« Im«~><"> < "»•*«•• i«« ■■« »»• ■»«.«•-»€ m>iwm mm I Mil- .11 w4l ka>lM ■»• r»*M«l -^Irav* <•<• • r.tiiil«« U | l . •^ t« lMwtM-M> lf<«M«.^ '•••*<** "«"T t •la4llM km 4»«4m ffii liMw^ rtM I '«.«4h>« «i..M, iiM>k.4 »>t ■'-' MUlMim, |mA likMi »«•» I >• » IM.IIHT K hmiotur*. M m* %r> m. tbtM (nMa iiliiiiiiS »«■■'•""*** "*M* *■<■•• **"•" >"*•* •JiUit iik> — m il III l««» ■•» 4..H**** ;!ii" p iii i » ' » . Im*« I II f i I— it. l>M MlMNlfk* Mi l — «*« «■ n i»<. ,,_, , . Ifc..^* IMI •<>««1 tiM* ■ nMHMlaafcti arlll ha •fi|f>rfM*«l Iw' IM ■ — 1» m • g<4l MvM mkI »4 hwmoUi Ina • •;•••<•• frt* iMMfWllfM M< Ui« larrtbWT •kirk la .luTta aa fai fmrn %ttm |k««l«tMl fMa I'M U M* 4 l «» " »»l'y •^ • •!••> anM VKkM m-mify la immpIi «••••• bi *al«|falatwf aaul •^wtrol )ka aAM Ilka rwrftbiM. <•« tka MwfMt Ma* vmI fa » a*M witilaa "•m turn ra«.ha4 a «»«•» »«•*% "" 'M ^^ ■ ql ai*a ara Uolati fcf < inaaa IM |i4*r«> aaM *>m (ha W« i ma |»»a>.«n« ■»uMt>lr . |MaM«||«ra •* »lw f"l«IH ••lt(«««_l.. «•> «••»!» Il la |)arfai>U|r .laaUaa f.» • MM* ••!* !«• »ka" •"•• •" ■•• ■wka* ».> «»» hU'liaiMaaU ih« Tm»"« lia.a<«a» >4 »fca ••■aiiaa M |I>I»I>1«« ■«# )M*<'»a '" •"•• •■••• ■'* "•" _„ . __ , aatll >W Ikf rawM Wra iJU< OVfaar*. JartJ ♦» I III a aaw HaM » > »»»»■ Ik* • lai al l^ail a«4 atrbtllP WaHlniala raal«b>t< tka t> ■ lalM I'lHRiwar Ki loJU. ika ||.MtBw Hay ihwiMnr la . n«4a «mI tka Mnnth AfHra aarf 'illtaT • ha«#» Uta Takna «aa aa alawiat aaaamait aut u« Ikiaa kv itMaa af mmrn itmA Uwla I V laaM ai l •'■■ia'i I mW ■ H ill> *AMiU a»«r fkaillwoarT <•# anMlalHlTakna. Ow (IM^a li} falndiMMi aaaltli •># Um atlnaa la llkat kar*«(.>rT saat \f, aa •I'Milit. tiM Mi'anlMniHa naiafa <>< Ika anta»|i>«aak I >IHa>tail 9i>irl( tw t a n al i la RaaWnil b> a |ira|HMal f>i< tka ~ ■ arf a tiiianaay I" a>|ihi>a aarf ^trtara Ika nnt»*ry > a^thaaUf <•! laa IkMHlwhai «<>*«') i im ialaJ a |MtlU. Ha|<>r IVTr^-lMMMk 4win^ Tita iMtMMm^anfc pnwav l« ««Hia*r«H Iwa* Itaa tnmt a aolal <«■ Um anrtkar* ■h AolaniMa lMi«aa«i Um IfMk •»< lakh la i4 laa«Ua4* rnmH at avaaawlrli. nortk aa4 maurl* tn 9m% Arfkliiirin h»*r aMM »~ yaiaal ».a» aa »«*<•« »a | >i« « M»^ ^"^t Ia«4. \tm a.nmWT '" *'»» oaato pa* wbhmI, aa4 la •artl*4 I A.m.T«.a« alklua. wklla Janaaa. allk a |».|mU»l->« .i« ••-".« ta., (Ii.«w.i..t «Nak» a*.".! HWK'UU •"'T •!-'»•< '"■« »»*•««• t»>Ua|ant la illaat a«J Iha tt'ma ara m ataa* aa aaytblaa la ,_« < f » • • aailoa la >!>•• Vlatawla. I! II WaUMMna.*! W Mltfkl Ha. M I* . HarrT llaaiaal Mama V ItaanMtlia. M >.. r%M alw tn Uiy • myaJtr « »wa aiMl a i iaaaa holala. lataM. aiptnra •Ml 4a«aln> ailaaral lawla. «a4. wllll Um apnniTal ./ UM .ariaMMarUM Takaa talt Hmy aMiar naMllUaaa la aaarrfina ih. ..mUa»» hw a aaaiUllv aiall a»r*M •" »>• Yukon •llatrtil ,»ma.» Iha maana f<>» regular a««l ••|>afiltl•» amiarathm U\ iha Alaaka fM Habla fha ruhnaaa nl Iha Irrrllorf U \»ym>% .(uaalbHi j allnln« .«»raH> an am>rmi a* Waak- iMtoa «( ataUar fnan Mona BMi&Mta. tka aklp balMifaaf Unlit-, iiiiiniin la tnra iaUiia aa to whak ai m ii ynt i mm ka aiaiia haliraaa tha flovanimani of Um UalUd Mataa Sal Mltak IMmMa raUUva to ailowlnc TaaMk la aavl- ■MallM TnkMilliTar. la tn«k anmltlaa, willM^ n a trir tloaa aiMWn»i ranteUoM. Vtaa tkia kttar It la laarawi *k" " Blaalaoafwila ot»— laa a n iMpaay la SMtlla for Ika pS o« »MUdl)f« Mi4 aaylgaUag tM»-jrt{^ I high _ „ ■Hat anart .if lJila(l.i«arninant In ...«»»»» ilia alara ln<r A inonihir mall will maiHhuta larval* lu ilM* ak^aat, aai tka titkar a k w aa al a <«f arnwUi alll apaa j llir Mlaw M. ^ • Tun TOHONTO HHUKKN THMil A WOKU»ICUiL>v ^tiMjinr Hw iMim«NMiuNii. ^ w \, . KTmtm Wm*A. Ut ". MWi ■ -^ ^i*' , Oapi. I. k. C*utU III OMaahail. «)urTla * ©"•. IW tjf* lai^iriMal frtim a two hhmiIIm' ■■|ta« awB; hallla4. batag mmmitA to tka ralla wHh no M a*ika«» hnwid tar tka noHlh Ha tklnka Ikat Hwraniaaaat oirt ..f I MliMk. Oaat. (Tarvta la a|i|>aaad to turnip tka Um Um dHtIImm ci tka Yokon ovar U> aa KorafMn lira '%: * <'% '"IP* \ m9^