SOLICITOR of PATENTS^ APR O 4 1885 ^^A A ^VA, CM v- W-;-.}. Mr iiarvtey^ Coiiipll/aents. f ,.-' . •*7 <•■>::■ / \. (Gl.) HARVEY'S GUIDE TO PATENTS i By A. HARVEY, * Formerly Assoc. Inst. C.K, Metnb. Inst. ME., Mitglicd Verems Deutseher Jng.,M.S.S.,M.S.M.S.,&c, filttomet^ for ^ate-nb, *^ra^e £)Ua^^^, &:c., (Bouti^aeffor TWENTY YEARS PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE. OFFICES-Victoria Chambers, 0pp. Patent Office. OTTAWA, ONT. p. O. BOX 1071 Telephone connection in Office and Resulencc. Entered accordinff to Act of Parliament of Vamda, in the year IS.S'f,, hi/ A. Harvey, in the Office of the Minister of Agriculture. OTTAWA : I'RINTKI) UV A. S. WOODBURN, F.LGIN STREET. HARVEY'S GUIDE TO PATENTS By A. HARVEY, Formerly Assoc. Inst. C.E., Memb. Inst. M.R, Mitglied Vereins Deutscher ♦ Ing., M.S.S., M.S.M.S., &e. 'I Ivw ^atcvi-t Cauaed, ^^KcchaWicat Expert. TWENTY YEARS PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE. .if. OFFICES-Victoria Chambers, 0pp. Patent Office. OTTAWA, ONT. P.O. BOX I07i Ttl^hone connection in Office and Residtnc*. •.•y Entered according to Act of Parliament of Canada, in the year 1885, by A. Habvkt, in the Office of the Minister of Agriculture. OTTAWA : PRINTED BY A. S. WOODBURN, ELGIN STREET. 1885. TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAOB Preface .... .... .... .... . , . , . . , , , . . , , . , , j What ifl an Invention? 3 What Phould be done with an Invention? .S \\ hat ifl a Patent? 4 What Invpntiona are Patentable? 4 Wiien should an Invention l»e Patented?.. 6 Where should Inventions be Patented? 5 Searches and Preliminary Bxaniinatiuns.. 6 Caveats 6 Moo:]., -j. :■ - ■ ; ;. ; ^^ \ " '^^ MY OFFICE. My office occupies the top floor of the lar^e building (called Victoria Chambers) located at the corner of Wellington and O'Connor Streets, opposite the Patent Office and the Bank of Montreal ; and though high up, is as easily approached as if it were on the street level by means of an elevator, which you enter from the hall on the ground floor. There is ample room and plenty of light and air and a good view of the Cnaudiere Falls and the country surrounding the city. There is a properly organized system, and a well trained and efficient staff of drafts- men and clerks is working under my personal supervision. 1 have all modern works of reference, and files of tlie official publications of the Patent Offices of Canada, United States, England (including Trade Marks Journal)^ and Germany. All documents are copied neatly and uniformly in my office upon one of the latest and most improved type-writers (Caligraph). This alone is a great ad\'an- tage, as one of the original documents is attached to the Canadian patent, and these " machined " copies are always more legible, compact and neater in appearance. The office is also connected with the telephone excliange and by a private wire to my resi- dence, thus enabling strangers arriving in the city out of office hours to at once communicate with me verbally. In short, nothing is wanting to enable me to turn out reliable work neatly and quickl;y and to afford the greatest convenience to my clients. BUSINESS ROUTINE. All letters and other objects received in or sent from my office are recorded in books kept for the purpose. My system of book-keeping, as applied to my practice, has been admitted by all to whom I nave shown it, to be the best they had seen. My system saves me worry and temper, and insures safety and relia- bility to my clients. On receipt of instructions, with fee, the case is entered in my record book under a consecutive number, with which all papers relating thereto are marked and tiled, and all subsequent transactions, communications and incidents are entered in appropriate columns until the final completion of the case. All the books kept in my office are checks upon one another. They make the history and progress of each case apparent at a glance, and its veracity unquestionable. With order and without debt (either way) business is a pleasure — a fact which I am fully realizing ; and I prefer at any time to be without business rather than depart from my business rules. 21 TABVIiAR Cost and Other Particulars of ■f' : . Country. United States Canada Great Britain . . . . Germany Austria- Hungary. . France Belgium Luxemburg Italy Spain Portugal Turkey J 1 Area Mil- Iioni Sq. Miles. 51 3,611,844 5 3.513.325 35 121,607 44 206,500 38 240,348 37 204,090 SH 11,373 lis 999 128 114,409 4H »9S.774 \% 35.813 46 2,457.083 J? O «' < Months 2 to 18 I to 2 3 to 18 Number of Patents Granted. c .0 a S (4 X In 1884. 19,147 2,456 17,012 appl's. Since 1877, 30,000 8 2,500 a year. 7,000 a year. 3,500 a year. Very Strict Strict Partial Strict Duration I °f , Patent Years. 17 »5 Partial None None Act of 1880. \ Partial Partial Cost of Patent in O rdinary Case. 14 »S 15 15 21 15 15 Partial' 5, 10&20 Act of 1880. Partial None 60 45 60 60 60 6c 45 60 80 70 5 to 15 15010250 «5 80 95 STATIIMfilirT OF Patents in Various Countries. Annual Tax after First Year. None Model Required. Very rarely ao for 2d &iNot indis 3d term. ! pensable. £}0 at 4tli, ^I00at7th year. No Manufac- ture within 12.50, ris- Rarely; al ing 12.50 each year. ways for war imple- m'ts, skates & spindles. 23 rising to Sometimes, 60. 20 9, increas'g 2 each yr. No No 9, increas'g No 2 each yr. 2-13. 3-i8. 2-23, 3-28 & 3-33- 9, increas'g 2 each yr. None 25 Rarely No No Unrestrictd 2 years, ex- tensible. No time ; can compel grant of li- cense. 3 years 1 year of grant. 2 years from issue of pa- tent. I year after foreign pa- tent. 3 years s o *^ •*^ S Unrestrictd 1st yr only; extensible to 2 years. Unrestrictd Unrestrictd ,0 Patent Ad Yours truly, UNION WHIP CO., • Ry R. W, Wilson. (Case 79.) The Warren Fire Escape Co., Warbek, 0., Feb. 7th, 1884. A. Harvey, Esq., Ottawa, Canada. Dear Sir, — We are in receipt of Can. Patent No. 20,412, and desire to thank you for your prompt and efficient acisistance in obtaining the same, and we are sure we will let no chance escape us ol giving you a hearty recom- mendation. Enclosed we hand you 80c. to balance amount of bill, which please receipt and oblige yours respectfully, H. EWALT, Secretary. (Case 81.) Stapleton Salt Works, Nov. 8th, 1884. A. Harvey, Esq., Ottawa. Deab Sib, — Your favor of the 6th, enclosing to me Patent No. 10,506, with C. P. F. P. No. 277, to hand, for which I thank you. Your conduct in this matter has given me every satisfaction. Enclose you 10c. stamp; post office stamj^d it; usually careful. Yours truly, R. RANSFORD. (Case 92.) Mcskegon, Mich., Dec. 16th, 1886. A. Harvey, Esq., Ottawa. t^ Dear Sir, — I am this day in receipt of your favor of the 12th inst., with Letters Patent. Please accept mv thanks and assurance of my appreciation of your prompt attention to my business; also, assuring you that should I ever in the future have any more business in your line, I shall promptly place 4t in your hands. I rema^h Patent,') East Rookport, Ohio, Dec. 29th, '84. Mr. A. Harvey. • . . ' "... Sir, — [ am thankful to you for your kindness and good management in my case, ' Yours, R. VV. THOMPSON. (Case 118.) Stanley, N. J., Dec. 25th, 1884. A. Harvey, Esq. Dear Sir, — Your favor of the 22nd enclosing my Canadian Patent is at hand, as also your favor in answer to mine, at a previous date, relating to sale of tho same. 1 tender you my thanks for the quick and efficient manner in which you have prosecuted the matter; and should I have further business in that line, I should be glad of your services in my behalf, and will esteem it a pleasure to forward your interests by recommendation to other parties. Altliough a stranger to you, permit me to wish you a " Merry Christmas." Yours very truly, H. W. MATHER. (Ca-'e 130.) Driftwood, Pa., Feb. 2l8t, 1885. A. Harvey, Esq , Ottawa, Canada. Dear Sir, — Canadian Patent for my improvement in Water Colors to hand this evening. For the very satisfactory manner and promptness with which you have transacted my business, please accept thanks of ^^, Yours respectfully, %!* *, J- 0. BROOKBANK. (Case 138.) Chicago, March 9tli, 1885. A. Harvey, Esq., Ottawa, Can. Dear Sir, — Having been South a few weeks, I find on return the Canada Patent No. 20,942, which I hereby acknowledge, and wish to state that I am well pleased with your attention to the case, and if I shall have any more business with the Patent Department, shall be pleased to put it in your hands, and at any time I have an opportunity to recommend any one to you, I will do so with pleasure, and you can refer anyone to me at any time, that wishes any advice I can give as to putting their business into your hands. I can recommend anyone to do so with pleasure. Wishing 3'ou well, I remain, yours respectfully, THOMAS WOODASON. ' (Case 140. Trade Mark.) Lookport, N. Y., Jan. 16th, 1885. A. H. Harvey, Ottawa, Canada. Dear Sir, — Yours of Jan. 14th, with enclosures as stated, duly at hand. Am much pleased by the promptness and good judgment you have shown in this matter. Respectfully yours, G. G. LANSING, Attorney for Niagara White Grape Co. •This case had beeu in the handa of another louiil attorney, anil i rei^eiveU telegraphic instructions only one day before it had to be ttlel in London, England, to prevent it lapsing. Patent was issued. A. H, ;f'\ .., » . -., A. HARVEY, C.E., TT0RNEY for Patents. Trade Marks, Desijirns and Copyrij^^lits, - ■ .^ COUNSEL IN PATENT CAUSES, <• — AND— ■ ■. MECHANICAL EXPERT^ DRAFTSMAN. Twenty Yearn* ProfcsHumal Experience, , ^ « OFFICE: Victoria Ghambers, Wellington St., opp. Patent OfTxo, OTTAWA, CANADA. Approach by Elevator. Telephone Connection. Postal Address— P. 0. Box 1071; Telegraph Address— Harvey , Ottawa. Searches, Opinions and Advice ; Caveats ; Patents, Trade Marka, Designs and Copyrights secured in the United States, Canada, Great Britain, Germany, France and other countries ; Rejected Applications prosecuted; Inter- ferences conducted ; Assignments i)repared and recorded ; Delays for Importation and Manufacture procured; Extentions of Patents obtained ; Disclaimers filed ; Re-Issues obtained ; Infringements investigated ; Expert Evidence prepared ; Patent Causes conducted ; Certified and (Jffice Copies of Patents supplied ; Inventions and Patents offered for sale ; Technical Literature and Trans- lations in English and German ; Advertisements inserted ; Models made. Type Writer Copying done. .y '■■\ ., Deutscher Patent Anwalt. ■f: '' . , -',■ .V', »■