:^S^^^^^;^3^^^^^^^^PI^P^^^^@^: TORONTO WATER WORKS REPORT I ON PROPOSED i [«LftRG[M[IIT UNO IMPBOK[M[NTS i I I *• BY E. H. KEATING CIT\- ENGINEER i i i I i TORONTO : The Carswell Co. Ltd., City Pbintuks, 22, 24 Anni.AiDF. Btrekt East. 30th October, 1893. I y-'^mil^i^-4^mtm^^'i'^fii^^''i-0iiifS^-4L'^SKSi^-J^^Km^i-^^ REPORT ON PROPOSED NEW CONDUIT AND IMPROVEMENTS IN SUPPLY. T ' City Engineer's Office, Toronto, June Uth, 1894. To the Chairman and Memljers of the Committee on Works • Gentlemen, — The following letter was received from the Committee on the 8th March last : E. 11. Keating, Esq., City Engineer, Toronto, Dear Sir, — At the meeting of the Committee yesterday the report presented by you and the Medical Health Officer was under consideration. Several of the member'^ of the Committee were strongly of the opinion that a cast iron G-ft. pipe across the bay would answer all the purposes required for the obtaining of a pure supply of water. The Committee desire that you will report : 1. On the cost of the 6-foot cast iron pipe from the Intake to the well. 2. On the cost of a 6-foot oast iron pipe from Hanlan's Crib to the well. 4 3. The cost of a G-foot steel pipe over the same sections. 4. The cost of the tunnel scheme as proposed, with an extension of pipe to the intake. Yours truly, Arthur H. Clarke, Secretary Committee on Works. In crder that the matter may be clearly understood, I append hereto a copy of the letter referred to, from the Medical Health Officer and myself, and in compliance with the request of the Committee the estimates asked for are given bulow. I may state that in preparing these estimates provision has been made for the increased expenditure which will be necessary in order to meet the requirements of the Harbour Board for anchorage, so that the conduit may safely be emptied for the purpose of examination and for sufficient covering to avoid the liability of the conduit being damaged by vessels. One item which will add very largely to the cost of laying any new conduit across the harbour is that of rool: excavation under water, of which it is estimated that there will be about 4,700 cubic yards. The following are the estimates for which the Ccnnmittee have asked : 1. The estimated cost of a 6-foot cast iron pipe from a new intake to the pumping well is $560,000 00 It. The esti nated cost of a 6-foot cast iron pipe from Hanlan's Crib to the pumping well is 240,000 00 3. The estimated cost of a 6-foot steel pipe over the same sections is as follows : For 6-foot steel pipe from a new intake in the lake to the pamping well 518,000 00 And from Hanlan's Crib to pumping well 237,000 00 4. The estimated cost of the tunnel scheme, as previously recom- mended, with an extension of pipe to the new intake, is 525,000 00 1.23250 It must be clearly understood that any scheme involvinf^ a new conduit from the pumping station to Hanlan's Point or Hanlan's Crib will be incomplete in itself, and that further expenditures are necessary owing to the insufficient depth at which the existing 5-foot steel pipe has been laid throuj^h "the cut" across Toronto Island. The top of this pipe at one point lies at the level of low watei; in the lake, and tor several hundreds of feet it is only six inches below the same level. It will therefore be neen that nuless this defect is remedied, or some means are adopted towards auf^mentin<^ the supply, the City is liable to be short of water at times when Lake Ontario may approach its lowest level, or if the consumption of water should increase. 'J'his pipe cannot now, while it is in use, be lowered without running the risk of damaging it seriously, and as the whole wator supply of the City is at present drawn through it, a break would result in the serious contamination of the supply both by large quantities of sand and bay water. It appears, therefore, almost superfluous to emphasize tlie importance of providing, with the least possible delay, seme means not only of conveying the lake water' securely and uncontaminated across Toronto harbor, but also of insuring a full supply, which, under existing circumstances, cannot be relied upon at times when the lake may happen to fall to a low level. Respectfully submitted, E. H. KE.VTING, City Engineer. :•■■' .' ^ ~ « V •■; J. ■ \....l v< .^;',"v" >. ■.■'■I-. '••■^■i ; .• ; : ■ ■•: .^■.«-;u - ■-* -.v w .:.••■.;,• r 3 WATER WORKS IMPROVEMENT AND PROPOSED TUNNEL. Referring to the communication irom the Committee of the IJtli luue last, having reference to my letter to His Worship the Mayor Of the 'Uii .fuiio, 1895, action upon which was deferred in order that a report might be suijniitted dealing with the whole matter, 1 have the honor to report as follows : f'ioi»isf(l Tunnid mid Ni'ir Sti'd » this casf^ were as follows : "1. " That 96 per cent, of the precipitation takes place within 0.3 mile below the sewage outfall. 2. " That within six miles of the sewage outfall the number of bacteria falls to the number immediately above that point. 3. " That the greater ihe volume and velocity of the river, the slower is the rate of self-puriiioation. 4. " That so far as concerns the sewage, the rate of self-purification is not influenced by meterological changes. 5. " That under the conditions described, and provided there are no inter- mediate sources of pollution, a river such as the Limmet, flowing at the mean velocity of about four miles per hour, will purify itself within a distance of about sixteen miles from the point of pollution." I have dwelt rather fully upon this subject, in order to show that providing the city sewage is discharged into the lake at a suflicient distance from the Water Works intake, no injurious effects need be anticipated. What the safe distance is remains a matter for further investigation, and it is a question which must before long receive attention if the city continues to increase in population, as it undoubtedly will. At the present time the water supply is drawn from Lake Ontario, at the bell-buoy crib, at a depth of twenty-one feet below zero level of the lake ; the renovation of the 6-ft. steel pipe extension to a depth of seventy-five feet not being yet quite completed. The water flows through 2,357 feet of wooden con- duit six feet in internal diameter to the shore crib on Toronto Island. Thence the water is conducted through a 5-ft. steel conduit to Hanlan's crib, a distance of 6,027 feet, and thence through a double line of pipes across the harbor, a distance of about 4,600 feet, to the Pumping Station, one pipe being of steel four feet in diameter, and the other cast iron, three feet in diameter. The 6-ft. wooden conduit is partially filled with sand, but whether the sand finds its way through defective joints in this wooden conduit or not is at present uncertain. It is a diiflcult matter to determine beyond doubt what is the actual condition of this conduit, as the water supply cannot be shut ofl for a sufficient length of time to admit of examination. The 5-ft. steel pipe also contains sand in some places, and it has, unfortu- nately, been laid so irregularly and at so high a level that it cannot be relied upon to furnish all the water required in the City at times when the lake may fall more than one foot below zero level, which sometimes happens. The 4-ft. steel pipe across the harbor cannot safely be relied upon, owing to to its liability to damage by reason of its shallowness in some places, and also by reason of its exposed position in the bott m of the harbor across the ship channel, where it lies unprotected. Minutes of Proceedings of the Institute of Civil Engineers, Vol. CXI. 11 The 3-ft. cast iron pipe across the harbor is believed to be in perfeco condition,, but it is too small of itself to deliver all the water required in case uf damage to the 4-ft. pipe. Under these circuraBtances it becomes necessary to devise means whereby these defects may be overcome and tlie required water supply delivered at the Pumping Station with reasonable assurance that it will not suddenly be cut off, diminished or polluted, by reason of the lake falling to a low level or from accidents which are liable to happen at any moment. Different methods have been proposed with the view to remedying these defects and lessening the risks, cither partially or wholly, and others have suggested themselves after a study of the questions involved. The following is a list of all these proposals and suggestions : 1. A new steel conduit across the Harbor. 2. A tunnel under the Harbor and Island and into the lake to a new inlet. 3. Pipes laid in a tunnel under the Harbor. 4. An auxiliiiry pumping station on the Island and forcing the water through the present conduits across the harbor to the pump- well. 6. Transferring the Main Pumping Station to the Island, and pumping the water through either the present conduits or through new pipes laid across the harbor. 6. The same as the above, only that the force main or mains should be carried across the western entrance to the harbor on a bridge. 7. A tunnel under the harbor and a new conduit across the Island. I will briefly refer to each of these projects in the order in which they are given : (1) A new steel conduit across the harbor would be largely open to the same objections as apply to the existing pipe, and does not wholly meet the case. (2) A tunnel uuder the harbor and Island, carried out into the lake to a new inlet in deep water, would undoubtedly be an effective remedy, if practic- able ; but before any opinion could be formed on this subject, a complete set of borings would have to be made, and the investigations would prove tedious and expensive. The project would also be a very costly one, and need scarcely be considered when the same objects can be attained for far less money, as it is unnecessary to tunnel under the Island and risky to attempt tunnelling out into the lake anywhere in the vicinity of Toronto Island. (3) Piper, laid in a tunnel under the harbor would also be an effective remedy, so far as danger from pollution by bay water is concerned, but the plan would prove an exceedingly expensive one, and does not meet all the requirements of the case. (4) The idea of providing an auxiliary pumping plant on the Island was, I anderstand, first proposed in 1887 by Eliaa Sogers, Esq. , who was then an Alder- 12 pian. The soheiro was it vef^tigated, ropoitcd upon and recommended by Messrs. Geo. G. Robb and John OaU in the jame year, the sole objecc, apparently. bein({ to provide pome "temporary expedient" for increasing the water supply " until such time as a general and permanent system may 'oo devised and carried out." The plan contemplated the erection of a tank or stand pipo at he Island crib and raising the water by means of a centrifugal pump, sn a.^ to create " an artificial head" of about twenty feet above the level of the lake at that point, with a view to forcing 22,000,000 gallons of water into the pump- well through tha old wooden 4-ft. pipe in Blockhouse Bay and the 3-ft. iron pipe in the harbor, us these pipes were found to be inadequate. The estimated cost was stated to be ^29,000 ; but the cost of operation is not given. At the time the above report was made, the present 5-ft. and 4-ft. steel pipes from the Island crib to the City had not been laid, so that the necessity for such an auxiliary pumping plant for the purpose of increasing the supply no longer exists. The scheme has, however, recently been revived, with the view not to increasing the delivery of the pipes, but to prevent the influx of polluted bay water in case of the pipes being leaky. In regard to this scheme, I may say in the tiret place that the estimates of 'Vl tnx) ' t8 87 would be quite inadequate to cover the cost of the enlarged pumping plant which would ^pl be needed, if a sufficient and constant head is always to be maintained to force the whole water supply through the existing conduits under pressure, and the annual cost of maintenance would be very considerable. In the second place, a complicated state i affairs would be set up which might at any moment lead to disastrous results by the Hooding of the engine houses at the Main Pumping Station. This is a danger which does not appear to have been considered in the original scheme, and to obviate which would involve considerable additional expense. In the third place, I may say that the principle is wrong, and if carried out H would not, in my opinion, prove benelicial or satisfactory. Should leaks at any time be found to exist in the conduit through which the water was being forced, it ^vould result in the waste of large quantities of fuel in pumping lake water in co the bay and harbor. Common prudence and economy would require that the leaks should be found and stopped with the least practicable delay, so that after this remedy (which is necessary in any case) had been applied, there would be no further use for the auxiliary pumping station. The proposah therefore, appears to me to be an absurd one. (5) The scheme of transferring the Main Pumping Station to Toronto Island and pumping the supply through either the present conduits or through new pipes to be laid across the harbor, is open to the grave objection that in the event of serious leakage, a break, or accident to the force main under water, the entire water supply to the City might be suddenly cut off, and considerable time would necessarily be consumed in aijcortaining exactly where the defects existed and in effecting repairs. This sole object'.pn is too serious to warrant the adoption o( any such schenie. 13 (6) Tbe alternative project of placinj^ the Main rumping Station on the Island and carryinj,' duplicate force mains across the wcntern entrance on a bridge, at or near the Queen's wharf, miglit be seriously considered if the con- struction of a bridge of moderate height across the ship channel would ho allowed. Such a bridge would undoubtedly be of very great service to the residents and to visitors of the Island, in addition to its affording the moans of supporting the force mains and of rendering them easily accessible at all times. The centre span of the bridge would require to be about 400 feet in length across the channel, with long approaches both north and south. The Harbor Commissioners have been communicated with on the subject. They will not sanction a pier in the centre of the channel, and they require clear head-room above the water level of 150 feet. This latter requirement renders the scheme impracticable, not only on account of the enormous expense of the structure that would be required, but also on account of the excessively heavy gradients that would be involved, which would render the bridge unserviceable for trafiQc. (7) A tunnel under the harbor, coupled with a new conduit across Toronto Island and into the lake to a new intake, appears to mo to be the best solution of the problem. It is also one of the cheapest and safesi plans of any so far proposedi ind I recommend its adoption. In my opinion it is unsafe to rely upon the exist- ing conduits, for reasons which I have already explained, and I advise that no time be lost in starting tfie worlrs, the construction of which will probably take two years. Borings have been made at the Water Works wharf and at Haulan's Point, for the purpose of ascertaining the nature of the material to be encountered. Shale rook was found at a depth of 13 feet below lake level (zero) at the pumping station, and at 55^ feet in depth at Hanlan's Point. The rock generally is tirm and solid, but is of such a nature that the tunnel would require to be lined through- out its whole length, which is a little over a mile. A few small water-bearing seams were encountered in boring through the upper layers of the rock, and more borings are required before the courses of these seams can be traced with any cer- tainty and the best level for the tunnel determined. If, however, it is kept down about 130 feet below the surface uf the harbor, the borings so far taken indicate that no water will be encountered at that depth to hinder the vigorous prosecution of the work. My estimate of the works which are necessary in order to complete this pro- ject in n proper manner is as follows (exclusive of land du lages) : Tunnel, fi-ft. 6-in. in internal diameter, 5,500 feet in length, lined with brickwork, including necessary shaft at each end $230,000 00 Screen chamber, valve house and connections at Main Pumping Station aO.OOU 00 New 6-tt. steel pipe, UOO feet in length, connecting existing 5-ft. pipe in Blockhouse Bay with southern end of tunnel, including specials and couneotious l'J,000 00 14 New 6-ft. steel pipe, 2,400 feet in length (to replace existing wooden pipe), between shore crib and bell-bouy crib, including connections and anchorage '60,000 00 Valve house and settling cliamber at sontli end of tunnel 18,000 00 New 6-ft. steel conduit, 7,000 feet in length, across Toronto Island from south end of tunnel and into Lake Ontario, including new intake, valve house and settling chamber 168,000 00 9525,000 00 In this estimate the tunnel is designed of ample capacity to deliver at the Pumping Station 75,000,000 gallons per day, so that no enlargement or duplica- tion will be necessary until the City has trebled its present population. Pro- vision is also made for a duplicate 6-ft. steel conduit across the Island in order to avoid any tearing down or expensive alterations when such an addition becomes necessary. In addition to the project I have recommended and outlined above, further works are required in connection with the system of distribution. I have already recommended that a new 24-in. main should be laid along Front Street, from Simcoe to Sherbourne Street, for the double purpose of relieving the pumps and force mains to some extent and of affording better protection against fire in the heart of the City than can now be obtained. I beg to renew this recommendation. I also recommend that a new 36-in. force main be laid from the intersection of Bathurst and College Streets, up Bathurst Street, along Dupont, McPherson and Yonge Streets, and thence into Rose Hill Reservoir, as shown on the accompany- ing plan. The object of this additional main is that it will not only greatly improve the system for fire protection and general service, but that it will be a safeguard against accidents at the Main Pumping Station and will lessen the I'sk of breaka^'c i\nd damage to the existing force mains, especially to those on Front Street and across the railway properties. It will also afford the means of main- taining the best possible pressure on the mains at times when it may be necessary to stop all pumping operations which sometimes cannot be avoided. I also recommend that the 30-in. main on Wellington Street be extended east- wardly from John Street to Simcoe Street, for the purpose of improving the circulation and rendering the system more complete and secure against accidents. I also recommend that a new 12-in. main be laid on Avenue Boad, from Davenport Road to Bloor Street, for the purpose of improving the supply in the high service district. The following is the estimate of the entire works herein recommended : '' ThiH expenditure may possiblv bo saved for a time, if, on further investigation, the existing 6-ft. wooden conduit should be found suitable to be retained. 16 Total cost of tunnel sclieino aH outlined above 9625,000 16,000 ft. of 8C-in. force main, from intersection of Bathurst and College Htreeta to Rose Hill Renervoir, including valvoR and Hpecials, etc. . Idn.SOO 1,000 ft. of 30-in. pipe on Wallington Htreet, from John to Simcoo Htroot, including valves, etc 8,00<» 24-in. main on Front Street, from Rimcoe to Slierbourne Street, includ- ing valvei) and apecialH, etc 86,000 12-in. main on Avenue Road, from Davenport Road to Bloor Street . . . 6,600 Total »710,000 In addition to the above there are minor improvementR and alterations which will be required from time to time, but they are not deemed of sufficient import- ance to call for special reference in this report. I may, however, say that the district on the east side of the River Don, lying to the north of Ocrrard Street, will before very long require attention. It lies at a high elevation, and is supplied off the low service system, which is scarcely adequate, untlor existing arrange- ments, to afford an effective fire protection service. Attached hereto is a map showing in outline the improvements I have pro- posed and reoommendeH, and also an appendix giving the cost of pumping under varying conditions, ana other information of interest. I have the honor to be. Gentlemen, Your obedient servant, E. H. KEATING, City Engineer, 16 APPRNDIX. {For rrplanntnrij notes nee pnge 21.) ScHRnDIiE No. I. First Cast of Conttruction of Condititu, Pnmping Emiinen, etc. (exclunve of dittrihi- lion), Toronto irnti-r Worku, (nut Aniiiinl Charqes thereon, ng at Slut December, 1892. Work. Cost. Interest Annually. Sinking F'd ixsr annum. Total annual ch'ge. Works under commiflaion, including wooden and iron conduit8,Nos. 1 A 2 pump- in({ on^inoH and buildings, filtering basin and all work l)etween connecting crib and engine house Wooden intake pipe in lake. No. 3 engine and appurten- ances (including ro-build- int* » 0. 500,802 27 46,344 38 124,295 70 06,839 24 189,085 71 » c. 30,408 13 2,317 21 4,971 82 2,339 36 6,617 99 » c. 6,410 49 697 54 2,216 20 1,294 76 3,602 84 » c. 36,818 62 3,014 75 7,188 02 3,034 12 10,280 83 High level station (including new engines and buildings and connections) New steel conduits and lake intake extension Total (gross) 933,367 29 125,915 02 46,054 51 7,554 90 14,281 83 1,592 68 60,930 34 9,147 58 Less cost of filtering basin and wooden conduit (both abandoned) Total cost of works in use at end of 1892 807,452 27 101,874 82 39,099 01 0,112 48 12,089 15 1,288 00 51,788 70 7,401 08 Deduct depreciation of en- gines Nos. 1 and 2 Deduct difference between cost of No. 3 engine and her value as compared with No. 4 engine 705,577 45 42,738 89 32,987 13 1,709 55 11,400 55 702 03 44,387 68 2.471 58 Deduct 10 pc. on remainder of plant for depreciation.. 062,838 56 64,928 17 31,277 58 2,609 53 10,638 52 877 95 41,915 10 3,487 48 Estimated present value . . 597,910 39 28,608 05 9,760 57 38,428 02 17 Schedule No 2. EntimateH Value of Conduits and Pumping Plant when L/og. 4 and 5 Engines are com- pleted, and when tiru additional High Duty Engines are provided to replace Kos. 1 and 2, and also providing for increasing Conduit capacity for future needs. Work. Value. c. Estimated present value, asj per Schedule No. 1 j 597,910 39 •Estimated coat of Nos. 4 and 5 engines, connections and buildings, etc .1 200,000 00 Total..'... 797,910 39 Add cost of Nos. G and 7 engines, of like capacity as 4 and 5 Add estimated cost for in- creasing conduit capacity 200,000 GO Interest on |Rinking F'd ' Total Value. i fordo. annual ch'ge. 997,910 39 for future needs Total. 525,000 00 1,522,910 39 9 c 28,008 05 7,000 00 3."), GOB 05 7,000 00 42,G68 05 18,375 00 61,043 05 y c. 9,7fi0 57 13,034 83 3,^74 26 17,509 09 10,169 94 27,679 03 » c. 38,428 G2 3,874 26! 10,874 26 49,302 88 10,874 26 60,177 14 28,544 94 88,722 08 'These engines were pa'.d for out of current revenue, and not from debentures. Schedule No. 3. Expenditure on Account of Pumping Stations, giving average I'ost of pumping 1,000 gallon* of vater for the year 1892. Main Pumping Station (fuel, wages and general main- tenance) $103,202 91 Higii Level Station (fuel, wages and general main- .... tenance) 10,167 69 >113.370 60 Gal'ons, Quantity of water pumped (after allowing for slip) 7,001,674,226 re-pumped at High Level Station 1,340,209,130 Cost on above basis of pumping per 1,000 gallons for both Stations . . 1.619c. •• •• " at Main Pumping Station.. 1.474c. " " " at High Level Station 0.758c« Interest and sinking fund paid in 1892, as per Schedule No. 1 $60,936 34 Rate of do. per 1,000 gallons pumped 0.870c. Cost of pumping per 1,000 gallons 1.619c. " interest and sinking fund per 1,000 gallons .870c. Total cost of pumping 2.498c. Interest and sinking fund, if works that have been abandoned are deducted $51,788 76 Making cost of pumping 1.619c. " interest and sinking fund .739c. Total cost per 1,000 gallons 2.358c. If further allowance is made for depreciated value of plant, the inter- est and sinking fund would be $38,428 62 Making the cost of pumping per 1,000 gallons .*> 1.619c. Cost of interest and sinking fund per 1,000 gallons .548c. Total cost of pumping per 1,000 gallons 2.167c. -f '•.•'■. 19 SctaSDULE No. 4. Estimated Cost of pumping when Noi. i and 5 High Duty Engines are completed. Capacity of enginea 7,154,000,000 gallons net. Average of No. 4, sinoe being pat in commission. . . .441 gallons per pound of coal, Coal reqaired C.lllsVinj. @ *4.50 »36,500 00 Labor 20,567 75 Repairs, lubricants, etc 10,000 00 $67,067 75 Interest and sinking fund on value of plant (Schedule No . 2) 49,302 88 »116,370 63 Cost of fuel per 1,000 gallons .510c. " labor, etc .427c. " interest and sinking fund .689c. Total cost per 1,000 gallons 1.626. Schedule No. 5. Estimated cost oj pumping when consumption shall have reached 40,000,000 gallons per day and pumping capacity )uu been increased by tlie addition of two new high duty engi)ies (6 and 7), and also including cost of increasing conduit capacity for futut^ needs. Capacity of engines, 14,308,000^000 gallons net (average of No. 4 forming basis of calculation for coal). Coal required, 16.222 tons, at »4.50 «73,00O 00 Labor 41,135 50 Repairs, lubricants, etc 20,000 00 »134,135 50 Interest and Sinking Fund, as per Schedule 2 60,177 14 Total annual charge »194,312 64 If provision is made for additional conduit, to increase daily capacity for future needs, the cost will be : Coal, labor, repairs, etc., as ibove 9134,135 50 Interest and Sinking Fund, as above $60,177 14 " » on $.525,000. as per Schedule • ' No.2 28,544 94 88,722 OB Totalcost 8222,857 58 Cost per 1,000 gallons for labor 0.610c. " •« fuel 0.427 " •' interest and sinking fund 0.620 . 1^ . Total estimated cost per 1,000 gallons 1.557c. 20 Schedule No. 6. Comparison of the actual payments which the City icould have to make if one of the proposed ofers to supply theCity with watet at Si, pet 1,000 gallons is accepted, and the estimated cost of pumping the same water, based upon the actual record of No. 4 engine : ' ' By Pumping— , . , 20,000,000 gallons daily = 7,154,000,000 yearly, after allowing for slip : Cost of pumping, as per Schedule No. 4 $67,067 75 Interest and sinking fund upon total debt of works. . 9266,000 00 " " •" cost of Engines -Nos. 4 and 5 • 10,«74 26 236,fi74 26 Maintenance of other branches of Department 80,000 00 $383,942 01 By Private Supply — 7,154,000,000 gallons at 3c „ . . . $214,620 00 Interest and sinking fund on debenture debt 226,000 00 Cost of maintenance of remaining branches 80,000 00 .■ ■ 520,620 00 Difference in favour of pumping $136,677 99 Cost per 1,000 gallons by private supply 7.277c, " " pumping 5.366 ,v •'. Differen je in favor of pumping .... w ... .' 1.911c. per 1,000 gals. In other words : ., . .. ' ■ Estimated revenue from water works 1893 $440,000 00 Cost if water supplied by private company 520,620 00 To be raised by taxation or by increased water rates 80,620 00 Schedule No. 7. Comparison of relative cost of water by pumping and private supply when consumption .shall have reached 40,000,000 gallons per day and high duty pumping plant is provided as per Schedule No. 5. By Pamping — Cost of pamping as per Schedule No. 5 $134,135 00 Interest and sinking fund on tptial debt ............ 226,000 00 Maintenance of remainder of works 80,(K)0 00 Interest and sinking fund on engines 4, 5, 6 and 7. . 21,748 52 461,884 02 By Private Supply — . 14,308,000,000 gallons at 8c 429,240 00 Interest and sinking fund on debt 226,000 00 Maintenance of remaining branches 80,000 00 735,240 00 Annual difference in favor of pumping $2"< 3,355 98 If a provision is made for additional conduit capacity to provide for future needs the cost will be : By Pumping— Annual cost as above $461,884 02 >• of additional interest and sinking fund, as per Schedule No. 2 28,544 94 $490,428 96 By Private Supply-^ Annual cost as above . . . .......••. 735,240 00 Excess of cost by private suppJy $244,811 04 22 Schedule No. 8. Comparative ttatement shotoing tlie acttial cott of the City's teater lupply for 1892, and what it would have been had the City been supplied for that year by private parties at 3c. per thousand gallons. Actual cost by Pumping— Cost of fael, labor and general maintenance of the main pumping station $103,202 91 Ditto high level station 10,167 69 »113,370 60 Maintenance of ler branches of Department .... 66,845 19 Interest and sinking fund upon total debenture debt for water works purposes 222,626 00 »402,841 79 Cost by Private Supply— 7,001,674,226 gallons at 3c. per 1.000 $210,050 22 Maintenance of branches of department other than main and high level stations 66,845 19 Interest and sinking fund on total debeuture debt for water works purposes 222,626 00 499,521 41 Excess of cost by private supply at 3c. per 1,000 gallons. ^96,679 6 g Revenue and Expenditure : s... . ■-.. .. ... Revenue from water works for 1892 $449,252 78 Cost by pumping as above , 402,841 79 Surplus of revenue over expenditure $46,410 99 By Private Supply the result would have been : Revenue for the year $449,252 78 Cost of water as above 499,521 41 Deficit, which would have been met by increased taxation or by increased water rates $50,268 53 In the calculations for Schedules 6, 7 and 8 the cost of remodelling the present system in order to distribute the water from the north instead of from the south has not been taken into account. Explanatory Notes. Schedule No. 1 refers to the actual cost of the pumping plant, including the wharves, engine houses, pumping engines, and all plant south of the engine house, also the high level pumping station. The gross cost comprises the amount paid for the construction of these works (as per annual reports of the Commis- sioners and Water Works Department), the annual charge for interest and sink- ing fund thereon being also shown. The first deduction made from this amount is the cost of the filtering basin on the Island, and the four-foot wooden conduit between Hanlan's Point and the connecting crib on the Island, both of which have been abandoned. The result is the cost of the works actually in use on 31st December, 1892, and the annual charges thereon. Deductions are then made for depreciation of Nos. 1, 2 and 3 engines, being the difference between the actual cost thereof, as included in the gross cost, and their present value. This whs arrived at as follows : No. 1 is valued at $7,000, being the amount the original builders of this engine offered to allow for the engine and boilers as part payment for another engine. The values of Nos. 2 and 3 are based upon their capacity and guaranteed duty as compared with No. 4 engine, which cost 934,408. A deduction of 10 per cent, is next made for depreciation of the remainder of the plant. This is, I think, a small percentage for plant that has been in use on an average upwards of ten years. Schedule No. 2 shows the various additions to be made to the total value of plant, as per No. 1, for new engines, also probable extensions required in the near future. .. :..c. ; ;■ . - .« . . Scbedule No. 3 gives the actual cost of pumping per 1,000 gallons with low duty engines, 1892 ; and Schedules Nos. 4 and 5 the cost of pumping 20 and 40 million gallons per day respectively with high duty engines of the same type as No. 4 — the calculations being based upon the actual record of that engine for the eight months during which it has been in service— the annual charge for interest and sinking fund on cost of additional plant being also included. No. 3 Schedule is given for information and comparison, but cannot fairly be taken as a basis of calculation for the future, the record being made by low duty engines, which were also badly in need of repair. Schedules Nos. 6, 7 and 8 are comparative, showing the relative cost between a water supply obtained by pumping and that purchased from private parties at 3 cents per 1,000 gallons, the first two schedules being calculated for a daily supply of 20 and 40 million gallons respectively. Schedule No. 8 shows what the City would have had to pay in 1892 for the water actually provided had it been supplied by a company at three cents per thousand gallons, and also gives the actual cost by the present system. From this statement it appears that had the water been supplied by private parties at the rate above named, instead of the current revenue being suf&cient to meet the working expenses and give a surplus of 149,000, as was the case, there would have been a deficit of 950,000 on water works account, which would have had to be met by increased taxation or by an increase in the water rates. a* In Schedules Noa. 4, 5, G and 7 no allowance has been made for repuraping to the high level district, as the proportion of the total quantity which would require to be repnmped is unknown. In 1892, however, the cost of the high level station was less than one-tenth of that of the main station, and the quantity of water repumped was less than one-fifth of the total supply. Taking the relative cost of repumping at the high level station as one-tenth that at the main station, the cost per thousand gallons in Nos. 4 and £ would be increased by 0.0937 cents. A like amount should also be added to the cost per thousand gallons by pumping in Schedules Nos. 6 and 7. In calculating the annual cost of water by private supply for Schedules Nos. 6, 7 and 8 the large expense which would necessarily be incurred in remodelling the distribution owing to the alteration in the method of supply has not been taken into consideration. Chas. a. Matthews, Secretary Water Works Department. 4