IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) // €<> 4. '^ 1.0 ^i^ I.I «a IF 22 1.8 1.25 1114 .6 6" PiiotDgraphic Sdences Corporation <^^ '^^\ '% N^ . «> lpl r Holman's Opera House, LoncLoii. >vPRIL 13th, 1874. . ] ^ of Ikwtoii, (organized 25 yoam), compoHed of tlio following urtlstH :- \vrr,r4AM sciirr/rzK, vioim. CAIU. HA MM, violin. TIIO.MAH UYAN, VIolii iinil Cliirlnntto. EDWAHO IIKINDL, Vloln ami HUDOLl'H HKNNICl, Assisted by tho dlstliiKUlsliod VcK'iillsl, Kiiifc. VIoloncillii XiSCr#« ^* W* WSSTOK" «. Overture. Anight In (Jreniuln, ....... Krenlzii' "Hogniil." ItiiUiin Uonuinee, ........ Schliii Mrs. J. W. JVesto7i. [TltAS.-LATION.] f/lsii, I dreiimt tlmtut Inst thou wert mine, And the kiss that Inave ihee had stolen my heart ; Oh ! that that )wer to part, A dream Is our love, a dream is our life, Yet I'd die for fliee, f,isa, so deep is my love ; And sliould death here liave taljen my heart from thee, Lisa, Tlion'lt ! nd it alxive, dear, tiiou'lt find It above.- "I.n Kememlierunee," Solo for Flute, ...... Tersehalt .Edward Hbindl. tiunrtetle In I! flat, Op. 18 - - liei'thov. u Allegro — .\ndantf . Hnoinen Klaeghe (sounds from the underground spirits), for Ciarlnetle, Curl Hieiniann Thovzas Tlyan. " Anuiryllls," air composed l)y Louis XIII. Arranged forCiuintette.; SEICOKTID. i 7, " Ksn»erald»," Uipsy Hong, . . . - . JJrs. J. W. Weston. Where Is llie little (!ip.-y's iiome? I'uder tlie spreading i.;reenwo(Hl tree, Wiierever she uuiy roam. Where'er thai tree nia.v l)e, — Roaming tlie wide world o'er, Crossing t lie deep bine sea, Slie finds on every siiore A home among the free. \dila, La (iltana, K. maid of .\readee; To liir little home si -epl, Tbtri- she sal her down and w .Maiden wept as maidens will, (irew so tiiinanii pale ami ill, Till anottier came to woo,— Tlieii again tlie roses grew. Happy Utile maiden slie • Happy maid of Arcadee ! " Helter -Marseli," composed for I'laiio, op 1^1. Quintette, l)y Curl llamm, HOD SAVE THE QI'KKN Moments sped, as moments will. Kapldly eiioin;li— until, .M'ler, sav,a !iioi;;ii or two, Hobin ilid as Kolilnsdo— i'iekle a~ the moiilii of May, .liiteil hi 1 and ran away. Wretelii 'I little maiden she. Doleful maid of .\rcadee. ■pl ; raimeil for Franz Sclinbert CONCERT WILL BEGIN AT EIGHT O'CLOCK.