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X 0;i rasterad and/or lamtnatad/ rastaurtai al/ou paMiculAas dtscolourad. stautad or foxod/ Paqas dAcolorAas. tachaiMs ou piquAas □ Paqas datachad/ ~ PaqasdiAtMhAat nr Showlhroufh/ ansparanca » k*'^** Quality of print varias/ Qualtta in(tfala^d» I'laiprastion □ Continuous paqinatidn/ ^ Paqination continua r~~| Includat indaxlai)/ ti Comp^ar^d un (das) indax Titia on haadar takan from: / La titra da I'antAta proviant; % TitIa paga of issua/ Paga d# titra da la livraison ^-i , nCaptibn of issua/ Titra da depart da la livraison □ MasthiM^/ Q4niriqua (p^iodiquas) da la livraison ... '■ 1 / . ■ : . ■ lOX 14X1 1SX \ 22X "^ 2«X . •»x . » % " / ■ • . » 1 ■ " 7 ■ , , \2K ^- j' 1SX 20X 24X 28X . 32H ^ (^ : J*j4 Th« copy filmed f>«r« hM t>««n r«pf«»du«4MI thankfl to th« p«nffO«ity of: TMumi PMiir Mara tMh Lkfwy. Un(««r«Ny ol tofonto L»k»t»v Tbo Imogoo •pp^w\n§ Mft tro ttto boot quittty potalblo oontidlrlng tho condition ind toglbHtty of tho ortfllnol Oorv and In kooplng with t»)0 lUnnlng controct ipoclfiGOtioni. Orlglnol eoplot In printod popor eovort Ofo flln^od boflinning withj tho front covor ond onding on tho Hit pogo vllth ■ printod or llluttrotod Int^roo-. lion, or tho bofk covor whon opproprloto. All othor original ^opla* aro filmad btglnnlng on tho first pogo ^ithla printod or illuttratod Impraa- •Ion, ond ondlilg on tho lost pogo with o printod or illuotrotod ii fiprosaion. Tho last rocor( od fromo on ooch microficho shall contoln tho avmbol — •► In^oanlng "CON- TINUED"), or |ho aymbol V Imoaning "END"), whichovor opalioa. IMopo, plotoa. Uarta. otc. may bo filmod of difforont rodultion ratios. Thoso too iarga to bo Ontlroiy includlid In ono axposuro aro filmod beginning in tU uppor loft hond cornor. loft to right ond top |o bottom, as many fromos as roquirod. lllMfloHowing diagrams lllustrato tho mothod;-^'^V,,; "%'■- »" ./ 7 ^ 'i. . t'OMomploIro fUmi f ut roprodult ff ioo i to gOnOrosltO do: | « ' ThoniM f ittwf Rirt ftoak Lkfory, Untvorilty of Toronto Library/ / • I Loo Imogoo tutvoiftoo om *I4 foproduttoa ovoo lo plus grand soin. compto tarlu da la cor>dltlon Ot do la nattat* da raiiamplairo film*, ot on conformity ovoc los conditions du oontrot do . filmogo. Los oxor^Mt>*-;ff;.-: • 1 ^^^ -^ 1^ J 1 • • ' '' - " . . • ' • • * ONTARIO ELECTIONS, 1894 s*- '.< "■ A *^ 4- W .' iNStRUCTIONS VbR AGENTS- LIBERAL CANDIDATES AT THE POLLS. Vhm V«Ur>LI>t ■»4«rtli« Pn«clilM, Act, m^^^^* {^^S^tl^LTIIZ ?.t*c. »•»««••«■ ▼•t*»«r«tli*« •■«'«wwi4A«Iy tk«^» •"••»*•■ J- — VNE f«Tl.'^' — "-^^ V— — -j^-^- — ---'-'^. — —— — ^ I. Th« pol! opwM •» 8 •■«■ ni^ «»«^ •* * P ™- Oath oi^-^teney. ^ t^l o^L. inSe D^DutVlUluroing oSo«r will. i» r»«|Uir«i. m% tli« o«Ui of "w^y *« Kj! Ag^. TTh. hTio SSrtSprf h. ««» r^ U fma» th. ftl«ot.on Act, form Ho. 87. wlip nuiy b« «bj«oUd to by Uw oppdrtng Ag«it. * ' ? ^ Chtek off Vottn. 4 OhMk off your Urt Moh voter m he toU., end epeoUny noto thpe^iwofn. ^ ; , k ; OaiMti o/ Ob)tetum. • 6 6w«»tJimi.tbetiAeiii«*ln.t » elector toUm. (li II »»• »• °^ ^•";J;!S •^"oliSerS^ !• not » eubieotof HerM^eety. (8) fi irou believe he W been ofllM»d JTindXenk to vow dir^for indire^d?. or for »<-• of t*-. "t^^SiSCST™!^ ^bSofSr (4) Ilhehei not been '^^^oxulj tcr th»jix mouihB\mm»^^J^ ^wl ih. deto of election, e rettdent of the electoril district (eioept Muihood Bofteg* SSSaif^WM Joa wS. he h- votl el^where. WU »»• *• "o* «»• * '-^•»» «' lk»t eleciond dietrict When Moppoeing Scrutineer Mk. toPiave: . vot«r ewoni, be eure to teetli.* A« kiwwt which eide hee objected to hU vote. ,. , Hm P«^ &w.i» AHom.»». IU«i«t««. »h.rtlfc. I>.p«ly «h.Hft. I>.i«»y ^JfiVlr* r^lU< MagWrilM In «H1m li«vlat • ^upaUUon •>! .10,(0) muA »tt, and liob* f inoM*. T. Vo RaiunUilc Ofiowr. KlMtloa OUrk, I>«pu«y lU««nili4 <>•<»" •«'» »•'»»• OUrk.. A p«r»>n tompunHly »hMnt '»^»'-J""r;V":;|i £ Wt oMvpIlkm, M LanbMinMi MMiMr. ruhvnMMi «r ft tlwlMit in UMMd* ateU aM M ^'^■"■■■/"i: .■ -■ ■ ■; ■■ f^ifuMii *r fi. a O. tr ilfMiik - iMh »al«r, If i«a«iNd hr th» IMMilJr lUtnmlnf (>«««f . mnat tUI* hto n^i- fcnd aiinc. - (I) Th« DMMity ft«tui«iing <)«o«r. Poll CUrk. or Ag«ito *»*''*^'»" ':^-. frUadly voUr frvn hiti mid a H — . ling OA...W v.-.-, „ (i) it U your duty m Agwt t.> pnH«wt • W»lah •v«ry bdlot b«lor« »*inu h*nd«d Ui rutmr to ti* t)i»t it to el«f n ••x* W>^ iIm DMUty K«turning 0«o«r dUom hia iniiUis «hi biwk ..f imlL.t Iwlow hMwium t.> »..Ur. On Ui« ?oUr raturnlng li m* thikl fcli* D»p«ty fUturaing Om«»»r pl«o« U la lb* but Wl»- oat mMrkiafl it in My my. Ahimt VoUnf. ■ ^ ' 11. I>d not ea M17 pniMt wlwWivwr allow friMdly rotan to Imv* th* Uhl« witlifiui No vot«r liaTing rvfoMd tla* oath • voter afUr lh« o*tti i« adminiatcrwl to him by tha I>>|kutv lUturning OAoar. intim«t« bis nfuMl to lAka tba natb \n pUoing tha Bibla on tha Ubia, ha oaiinut tdia it up a4|»ia for th« parpCNM ol taking tha oath and roUnk- 11. Do not allow Tory Borutinaara to «|aaation or th r a atan vQtara. All that oan b« n^aiiwl of Um votar ia that ha ahall taka tha oath jjirovidad 1^ law. Inatniot rotan not lo aaiivof aay qoaatkma aakad by <>piM>aition Sorutinaara. A tandofM ballot may b« uaod if a paraona naina liM baan omittad from tha Dapuif Battitniag Ofloara Uat in tha poll-book, it having appaarad in tha originaljlist oartiAad ^ ttt^Oooa^Jvdlta. (BaotkHi Aet, olauM 109, paffa46.) SfWf ffuntlniir dwold >inJ a iHan < < tboro^ghly tha " Manhood f ranehiaa " qualifioa. tioiM and t^a oatha aonnactad with tha aame, ao that no la^ ohanoa to ubjoot to ai^< nnfriandty wtar may ba miaaad. ^ : /• «i ' ■ ■ ' |fl. Owy oat tho inacmfltiona raoairad by you from tha oomnuttea to tha l«t|a#t an4 havf aroiy votar awam whom yoa find on your book marked to b«( twom. ' ■\ ■/■ .'f^^ l>aiA (/ Voali/leatioa. QWS. 'k la. Anj alaetor, if vaquirad by thit Dapaty Ratuming ^ AflWiipNMni, alMl^lllw tha oath of q n t lifl M iinrt bafora voting Poll Olark, or anf 14. A f«)t«r who tHM tMKm pa«|pBatad tm «ot« on »takil||'ilia oath lo aalabliah \Aak 11. A nttat wiM haa^NrfM Uf baUot pap« b Mtttlad ,MMiltdy>pw»o>h»Dt|>»tr t at nnik i g OatMh x^ £ it- ■ y H. I^ I prtvUaga to li n. A a Making or aa : n. BAt 1. With . aeroaa tha oa an anohor. 5. An ii .««■. (Moi a A o^ i Act. Mna, and i 6. Ado ' 6. Balk 7. Inad 8. Oroa BauAi :^ I. Ad — ■.«. Two S. Bdl (NoriliViai 4BlU •:v\ \: jA-.,> *L t • > " ' % . '^' M k y rfU f y r***"! jr« i-^ V n |J|#V ' ♦, If - pdttat boolk. to lit poll eluWM, M* iMt ivn t^«^*^ \ / >\ \ t SSrVr (J) A...I that ^l ..ih-r ,-«.« «-.! *l U.. -l.«ii.m M. d.p««t*l In U- Mioi b<»i, MftUd by you, wmI auaiMMl with • M*! li«loni iMviag M* HMm. Wm •im U t t 9t BmOiM. wk%» It. Kmp* of fa»aimll« of Ui« in»rk« on -Mh b»Uot rajMlwl or o^jMl- ^ ^ I A > 10 lUaalra tko Dmtrty lUlurninii (Mn««r to giw yo« • oortllkMo M (1) tli« nombw Imvo Iho poUiiif bnbth tor an iutMit until you rwMivo it. r 4% ,,, W -% ' i% li. 1)^ Ml 4ur Into any Mt«ag«ni«it with oppn«Jni Rll Hn- a th« .nA ol •«J»'/' ^° '^ $mm tho oontrti or o»t ol tho Hdm of the oro«, or wtth • ourf .d Una Uk« the bUde. of •bftnohor. (North Vlotori* Omo, Hodgiiu, p. «n.) ^ u^ ...^ Jir^ "^ S An irreguUr m4rk in tho flcnir* of • croi^ •© loof M H doM not UM IM forth Ni ■ ONM. (MonokOM*, I{odgina,p.7M.) ' 4 A woM with * liho brfowi it (it-jook Om«.) * «^ »^ i A or.>M rIghUy pWj«l with two additionid oto«M«, ono •anm th« W) nro w M (Monok Cmo.) _ ' fl. Ballot papw inadrartMiUy ttwn. (MonA Omo.) -^ V 7. Inadrwtont marks i^ addition to tha croai. (Monok Chaa.) t. OroM mada with pan and Ink initaad of p«u^ (|lonok OfM.) , . iBaiawm MABKK* A* fouipwa AB» BAD ;— ^ 1. A alBfU atroka inetaaiiy a eraaa. (Monok Oaaa ; Notth VifltoHa Oaia.) ^ ^ Jl. Two oiogla itrokaa not eMalng. (Monok Omw. V^«jl-,. — -,_ -l^^ :^^..'-^^:^ J,- 8. Bdlota with tha oandidijia'a nama writtan th«MOB to, adAMaa to Iko (Horth Viotofia 0«Mk)- 4 BiUoti wwiH with a nam^ 'fil" \- ^ a • ■ .- - .■'- ' '■- ' , A ^ ^ ' TT^ ' / ^ ' . ; -./*.;\': - "'\ / . • ■ '7 ■• ■■■•« \ m lyiBti wtlfc * mm tet «tA witlliti (fratOi ▼l.icX Oito.) i»AU Iksn ■foa «yrii lAmv to mv •rt^ag or amk hy shlMll ilM f«l«il|l It "'■"■■•' . / » ■ . / • ■ • i,-; .^ ,^ Mf w ^***'* ^••'•^ rrf*f«»y^l«» % Mkmliit M^Mte win W ifpaa hi IlM llwikNi A«l. .< llMVMr of *.. ** Ml • n ll««4Mli tl.>«lMlkk>iaw'l OMk ,.I.,...., *• n. i iMuiiuiuraMi L....... ♦» m I y' " % ' ■ ' t »i ' ii ■ ■- * ti ? ■' rAfVUIHILI or KUBCTI^ iia£m»tn. J ■' ■'!' ■•■'»'/ ■ #■ 4, "5 ft- I ^fc-'-«^i' /i- ^"?< t' X ..,:%,.■ .■ '. * ■ A' ^ -^ ■ ^vs--.^^,,:,- -i-fc^'^:; ■ - -r ■• r "rS^ ' I m » /> .