GEOMRTRY, MENSURATION AN1> THE STEREOMETRICAL TABLEAU LECTURE READ BEFORE TDE ftUEBEC LITERARY AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY 20TH MARCH 1 872. BY CHS. BAIL.LAIRGI: ESQ. CIVIL ENGINEER, ETC. QUEBEC : C. DARVEAU, PRINTER AND PUBLISHER, N° 8, Mountain HiU. 1873 LECTTJllE {Exlract fyom Mr. Baillargii's Iwtttre, on V.'cdriosday 'venini": j i last, bi'loie the Littiaiy and IJistuiiciil iSoiiity ol' ; ^ Quebec, proved once more how veiy interesting, evt n ( iu a pojiiilav .sense, an otlifrw isc diy imd sub- I jecl. may beconie, ubcn aldy baiidlid. < The lecture showed the I'ehitionshij) of geometry to i all the iudustiies ot'liCe. lie traced its oiigiii Troni 1 reniolt- aiitiiiuity, its gradual dcvflopiniu nl ii|> to llie | < present tinje. lie .showed how it i.s the basis of all j ; our public works, and jiow we are indebted to it for i all the con.stiuctive arts; its K'latiouship to niecha- j 1 nics, hydraulics. oj)iics, aud all ihe physical sciemes. j 1 'J'he fairei' portion of mankjud, said .Mr. li., lia>«' tiio : i keenest, uiost appreciative i)ercei>tioM of its advau- | 1 tages and beauties, as evidenced iu the ever-varyiug ; oojubiiiatious so (luniingly devised in their doigns | for needle traci-ry, hu-es ami embroidery. Jle showed 1 its relationship to chemistry in crystallization and ! i l>olarization ; to botany ami zoology in the laws of i ( morphology: totheologv. anil so on. in treat iug of i ( the circle and othei' conic sections, he drew (jiiite a ( poetical C(mii)ari.son between the engineer who traces out his curves among tlie woods and waters of the earth, and the astionomer who sweeps out his mighty circuits anndst the starry forests of the heavens. The l»arabola was fully illustrated in its application to the tlirowing of projectiles of war, also as evidenced in jets of water, tlie siieaking truni])et, the nniror and the rellectoi', which, in ligiit-houses, gathers the ra\ ,< of light, as it were, into a bundle, anil sends them oil' together on their errand of humanity. In ticating of the elli])se, this almost magic curve which is traced out iu tlie lieavens by every planet that revolves about the si;n, by every satellit(^ about its primary, he alluded to that most l»eautifid of all ovals- the face ol lovely wctman. lie showed how the re-ap- pearance of a comet may now be i)redicted evin to the very day it heave.s in .sight, and though it has becTi ab.sent for a centuiy. and how in formii' ages, when these ])h<"iiomemi weie unpredicled, they burst upon the world iu uiu'\£>ected uuHuents, carrying terror everywhere and giving rise to the utmost anxiety and consternation, as if the end of all things were at hand. In a word, Mr. Baillarge went over tlie whole held of geouKstiy iin.d mensuration, both ])lane ami .s])erical ; a ditticidt feat within the limits of a single lecture; and kept tli(^ audience, so to say, eiitranced ^^ ith in- terest lor two w hole hours, w Inch the ])resi(U'nt. \)x. Anderson, reuuirked were to him as but one ; and no doubt it uuist have been so to otheis, siiuc .Mr. \\ ilkie, in .seconding the vote of thanks ]»r<»])o.s(d by (apt. Ashe, alluded to the jdeasure Avith which he hiid liste- ned to the lecture as if, he said, it were like poetry to him, instealained in detail his steriometrical tableau, which we hope to see soon lutrochucd into all the schools of this Donunion. He Hhov.. iiml ilic ]jkc. Mv. Wilkic, so lin- ;i.s oj.i.orimiitv liiKl Itccii iitloidcd liiiii ol" jdoviii.y til,' ciilciiljitioiis, (•<)ii«)l)oi;ti((l Ml'. IJ.'s .statciiKiil iu icliitioii l<> tlir iMiiiiciisc ,saviii,i;- in lime, \vlicr( inniiy iiUstnisc pio- lilciiis wliicli ;;viHT;illy ]V(|iiiiv(l lioiiis dr dnvs to solve, rail now (ii'tlK! rule be, iis Mr. i:!iillar,i;('« 'iisscits. so ficiK'iallx apiiliraiile, and, a.-, liiis liccii ('crdiicd l>v so iiiaiiv pci-.-diis ill (cstiiiioiiials over ilicii' own si"iia- lurcs,) witli lln- licip oft lie new loi inula and hihlT-au, 1»c pel foi mcd iu as many iiiinntcs; to say iiotliinu of tlic rise tlic models ave in inipa;tiii!L!; nt a ^lanee a Ixiiowled.^*' ot" (iieir noineiielatnre or" names, 'liiid an a( (|uaiiitanee,sliip with their varied shapes and li campin-;' tent, tln^ s(piai( or splayed opeiiin;;- of a door or window, iiich oi- lo(.i)li<»Ie iii a wail, th(' vault or arched ceiliiio' of a ciiiD'ch or hall, the billiard or the cannon ball, or, on a lai;i;er scale, the moon, earth, sun and ])1aiiets. Mr. liaillar.nt', we may add. has received an order for a tableau Imm tlie Minister of Education of New Urniiswick, with the view of iutro- (liicin.ii- it into all tlie schools of tliat rrovineo ; and Mr. A'annier, in wiitimj;' to Mr. IJaillair^e, from France, on the 10th of .laniiary last, to advise him of the (h's " corjKS, itliis on est eiichante (the more one marvels) '• de sa simpli<'ite, de sa clai te et snrtout de sa grande '< oeiieralite. '' Kev. Mr. Mctiiiarries, 15. A. "shall be " di'li.uhted to hoc the old and tedious ])rocesses '* snperstMied by a formiihi so simple and s(» exact. "' Jsewton, of \ale (,'olleye, i'uited States: "considers " the tableau a must useful arra;i}>enu'ut for showing' '"the variety and extent of the applications of the " j'oi nulla. " The C'olleg'c rAssomption "will adopt " Mr. Uaillairge's system as part of their course of " iiisiructi(Ui. " Mr. Wilkic has written tst the auth.or that " the rule is jwecise and .simple, and w ill greatly " shorten the processes of calculation. The tableau," says this coiii[)etent Judge, "comprising as it does a " <.'i'eat varii'ix of * element, iry models, v ill serve •• a1>H}V,*'!' among them MM. K. S. M. IW.m-hette, OT'y.'H' '*/«*- cher. St. Aiibin, Steckel, .Juneau, Venner, (.alhigher, Lafraiice, and the late Hn^ther Anthony, cVc, &c. Neither will it be forgotten tiiat the; professors ot the Laval Lniversitv, after reading the enunciation ot Mr. 15.\s tbrmula, as given in his treatise of IHtiti, expressed themselves thus: " Un omiiiiou. AVe learn with phasiire that Mr. 1 }a ilia rge has bccu invited to repeat this lecture iu Montreal. M A 11/11 1/11 A 11® dilP-'P^l ^l^'^i'l^lPillMflP^^^lP /%\ 1 ii Honorary Member of the Society for the Generalization of Education in France, etc, (Patented in Canada, in the United States of America, and in Europe.) This is a Case 5 feet long, 3 feet wide and 5 inches deep, with a hino^ed Glass Cover, under Lock and Key, s( exhibiting, and affording free access to some 200 well-finished Hardwood Models of every conceivable Elements form, each of which being neatly attached to the board, by means of a wire-peg or nail, can be removed and re Student or Professor. The use of the Tableau and accompanying^ Treatise, reduces the whole science and art of Mensuration from the study of a year to that of a day or two, and so sim- plifies the study and teaching of Solid Geometry, the No- menclature of Geometrical and other forms, the develop- ment of surfaces, geometri- cal projection and perspect- ive, plane and curved areas and Spherical Geometry, and Trigonometry, and men- suration of surfaces and solids, thai the several branches hereinbefore men- tioned may now be taught even in the most elementary schools, and in convents, where such study could not even have been dreamed of heretofore. Eaeh Tableau is accom- panied by a Treatise explan- atory of the mode of meas- urement by the " Prismoidal Formula, " and an explana- tion of the solid, its nature, shape, opposite bases, and middle section. Agents tca/nted for the sale of the Tableau m Canada, the United States, &c. Pouf tronver le volume d'ua oorpB^eioonque REQLE:— A la sommo des surfaces lies oxtrfe- mit^^s «arall6le3, ajou- terquatro foia la sur- face nu centre, et mul- tiplier ie tout par a Bixi^ine partio de la hauteur ou longueur du solide. Toflnd the solid of any bod: " on Prance. xx*-*-^ RULE:— To the Patented in CANADA .the^U^l | Honorary Member of the Society for the Gon- Uonoiary ^^^^j.^^^j^^ ^f Education in France. add lour tiiiU'S i die area, and n the whole by oi part of the ht length of the b en France. ^ f^#© ™ 1 w ^ ^ ^ © ® ^, 4k ^ For the use of Architects, Engineers. Snrv(!yors, Students and Apprentices, Customs and Excise Officers, Pi Mathematics, Universities, Colleges, Scminai-ies, Convents and otIuM Educational Esta])Hshments, Schools of Ai Measurers, Gangers, Ship-builders, Contractori, Artizans and others in Canada, and elsewhere. ' < MAI m^ ANCE, ETC., ETC. GEOMETRY, MENSURATION ANO THE nd Key, so as to exclude dust while ; Elementary, Geometrical or other ed and replaced at pleasure, by the STEREOMETRICAL To find the solid oomen' ol any body, ^ULE : — To the sura of tho iiariilk'li'nil iiroiis, add :oiir tuiius llio iiiiJ- die area, and multiply the whole by one !hcui(!nts in Canada and elsewhere. For information j and testimonials apply to C. BAILLARGE, QUE3R0. Canada. Bonornrij Member of the Society for the Gen':raUznHon of Edu- cation in France, etc., etc, SUBSCRIBERS. The Atchbi!-ho|) of Quotiee, the Bishop of Riinouski, the Bishop of Kingston, tho Bishop ofSt. Hya- ointhe, the rominion Board of Works, tho Schools of Arts aud De- sign, tho Lavfil University, the Seminary, Q., tho College at Otta- wa, Nicolet, l-iimouski. Montma- gny. St. Michel, etc,, I'Ecole Nor- male Laval, les Ecolos des Fr5res, the Commercial Academy, the Board of Land Surveyors, the De- partment of Education, Now Brun- swick, the Corporation.of Quebec, R. Uamilton, Esq., F.N. Martin, and U Roy, Civil Engineers, etc., Ln Sociftd pour la vulgarisation de I'Enseignemont du Peuple, France F. Peachy, J. Le))ago, etc.. Ar- chitects, N. Piton, T. Maguire, J. Marcotte, builder,*, the Council of Public Instruction, Q, the Jacques Carticr Normal School, M. Piton Manitoba, tho Colleges of Aylmer, L'Assomption . Ste. Anne do la Po. oat'ore, St. Hyncinthe, the High School, Q., the .Morin College, Q., the Lnfranee Academy, Q., Gover- nment Boards of Works, Q., the Ursulines f^onvent, the Convent of the Good Shepherd, Grey Nuns, Soeurs do la Coner<5:iation, Soeurs do ,l(;sns-Marie, Q., and >T. S. W. Townsond, Hamilton, &o. &c. &o. TABLEAU Etc., Etc Etc. Officers, Professors of Geometry and hools of Art and Design, Mechanics, LECTU5E READ BEFORE TDE fimUC LITERARY AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY 20TH MARCH 1872. <« BY CHS. baiIjLairgI: esq. CIVIL ENGINEER, ETC. QUEBEC : C. DARVEAU, PRINTER AND PUBLISHER, N° 8, Mountain HiU. 1873 . I.A' i I'APKU rv. GEOMETRY, MENSURATION, AND THE STEREOMETRICAL TABLEAU. By CHARLES BAILLAIHGf, Esq., Civil Engineer, &c. (Read before the Society, March 20th, 1872. J " No apology, I presume, iicctl be oifercd for my selection of the subjci't of wliicli I am about to treat ; for, tliougli, at first sight, it may api)ear to be devoid of interest and practical utility, it is, on the coutraiy, fraught with paramount importance on account of its rela- tioutsliip to almost all the industries of life. Geometry is the basis of our public works ; to its precepts we are indebted for all tlie constructive tuts, our public edifices, our dwelling- liouses, tlie foitiflcaticms of ouv citi<;s, our ports, canals and roads, and the wcmdrous archit(H'.ture of the many floating palaces and towers that thread our streams and rivers and plough the mighty seas. The g(^omet(n' it is who measures and designs, in iheir true proportions, the diverse parts of states and teriitories, and who, by thus bringing together their several points, enables the eye to appreciate the con- sequences of their relative iiositions ; he it is who directs the use of our engines of war, and to his calculations are made subordinate the movements of armies. Geometry makes the astronomer and guides the navigator, and all sciences are allied to it. It is the foundation of mechanics, hydraulics, and optics j and all the physical sciences .are constantly indebted to it. In a less elevated sphere, geometry teaches us to measure and design or represent our fields, our gardens, and domestic buildings ; it enables us to estimate and compare their products and expendi- tUT-e ; it deteniiines inaccessil)le heights and distances, g-uides the draughtsman's hand, an«l presents an infinity of detached usages, of ten applicable in domestic economy. 4 GEOMETRY, MENSURATION AND The fniror portion of mniikiiul liavr flic keenest, most ii[»pre('iii- tive perception of its ndvantagcs and beantiew, as evidenced in tlio ever-varying combinations so cunningly devieed in their dcHigns for patch-work, laces, and embroidery, &c. Geometry measures extension, com;)aring jiortions of space witli each othor. Its elements are lines, surfaces, und volumes or solids. A portion of space, such as might be filled by a solid body is itself called in geometry a solid. The boundaries of this geometrical solid are called surfaces, -which last may also be conceived as separating Bpace from space as well as bounding it. They constitute a zero of solidity, but have a magnitude of their own, called supei-ficiea. It is sometimes snggestive and advantageous, in reasoning about solids and their mode of measurement, to consider them as made up of an infinite number of suri'aces or superficies overlying one another like the leaves of a book. If a surface be limited in extent, the boundary on any side is a line, which has neither solidity nor superficial area, having magnitude in length only. Surfaces or supei-ficies may bo conceived to bo made up of an infinity of lines in juxta-i)osition to to each other. If the line is limited in extent, its extremities are points. A point, therefore, is a zero, not only in solidity and super- ficies, but in length also, having no magnitude or proportion, and retaiinng only order or position as the sole element of its existence. A lino may be conceived as made uj) of an infinite series of points following each other in close contact or succession. In the iM)sition of points, the diflPercuce in direction of a fir.^t and second point from a third is called an angle. We have here all the elemental concep- tions of geometry, viz., a point, a line, a surface, a solid, an angle. From these definitions as data, a vast amount of geometrical science may be deduced by the laws of \og\c. The relation of geometry to other sciences is twofold, giving and receiving. To mechanics it gives the only possibility of understand- ing the laws of motion j and from mechanics it receives the conception of moving points, lines, and surfaces, and thus gen<^rating lines, sur- faces, and solids. To chemistry it gives the only means of investi- gating crystallization, j)olarization, &c., and from chemistry receives new ideas concerning the symmetry of jdanes. It holds a like rela- tion to botany and zoology iu the laws of fonn and morphology. In the study of the humaiu mind, geometry proposes the question of the foundations of belief, by giving the first examjdes of demonstration ; and from the inquiries thus aroused, geometry has received from age to ago the new conceptions which have been the base of many new methods of investigation and i)roof. To theology g<,'onietry gives definite conceptions of the order and wisdom of the natural creation, and from theology has been stimulat(!d to many fresh exertions in the investigation of these theological (luestlons. THE STEREOMETIUOAI. TAIir,EAir. The Iiislorv <»!' (jcomc^ti-y ii^ divided Uy CIimsIcm, in liis vidiiiihlc " Ap^'r^ill liinti>i'i(jit(' den mt'iliodcs en tjcowelrie,^^ into five ])ciiotls. 'I'lio first is that of tlu' GrrT'k gcoiiu'tiy, JMstinn' about 1000 years, or till A.I). 'mO, Tlieii, after a pause of 100(1 yciar- theseeond period bc^iiii in the revival of ancient j;e»»iii(!try about ir»r)0. A third period was marked in the be;;inning of the 17th century by Descaites' co-ordi- nates and the analytical iSfcometry, The fourtli ])eriod was inau,<4U- rated in 1G84 by the suldime invention of tlie ditferential cal- culus. Th(^ liftli era is marked iu our own century by ,Mon,i;<''s *' Descriptive (Jeometry,'' by which he develo[>ed (he idea of reduci:i,n' the ]>roblenis of solid ;;'eometry to ])roblems in a plane. One beauti- ful (^\'am]»le of this branch of sciojice may be found in lijiear jierspec- tivo, which simply projects the lutints of a solid upon a ]»Iane by etraiyht lines t)f light from the eye. ; Since Chasles' '' Apcvi'ii UhforUiue'''' was ]niblished, a sixth period has been introduced by tjie •■ui)lica'' • i of" II(iiiiillnn\s OiKilmiioiis.'- (jreek .geometry, it is said, beiiiui witli 'I'halcs jind Tytlia.iioras, who obtained (jieir first i(h'as frtnn K;nyi)t and from India. Diodorus, Herodotus and Stralto ait' of opinion that th(> science of mensuration had its rise among the Egyj)tians, whom Ihoy represent as constrained on ncof)uiit of the removal or defacing of the hnid-maiks by tlu; annual inundation of (Iu- Nile, to devisee some method of ascertaining tlie ancient Itondaries, after the waters had .su!»sided. indeed, tlu; scieJice must liave been neaily coeval with tlie existence of man, for wo are told in Holy Writ that Cain built a city ; to do a\ hicli, it is evident, would require scune knowledge of a measuring unit, Avhich is the tirst jtrinciple of mensuratitm. IJy the Sisme infallible testimony we find tliat the arts and sciences were cnltivated to a consiih-rable extent long before the tlood. Jnbal was the father of all such as handled tlie harp and organ, and Tubal-CJain an instructor of every artificer in brass and irmi. It is also more than probable that Noah was well acqnainted with geometry as jnartised in his day, i'ov it does not ajipear that he found any dilliculty in building tlu^ ark. Jie this as it nnij', it is well known that Kgypfc was for many ages the mother and nurse of the arts taud sciences. From this country they were conveyed into Greece by Tliales about (iOO years befcn-e the Christian era. Euclid, about :?00 years before Clirist, established a mathematical school at Alexandria, where Archimeih's, VpoUonius, Ptolemy, Tlieon, &c., received instruction from the '' jnince of geo- meters. " Tt is, however, reasonable to suppose that befoie Kuclid\s time there existed treatises on g(M)metry, for Produs athrms tliat Euclid inqtroved .nauy things in the elements of Eudoxus and in those of Theatt'tus, and established, by tlu' most funi and cov.vincing denumstrations, such luopositions as were but superficially explained- 6 GEOMETRY, MENSURATION, AND Tlio I' sohoo' (Icnioiirttiatod y had sonic knowlcd.2,e true. In niodeiii days, the algel>raic metiiod, since it allows tlic introduction of unknown tjuantities, has taken the name of analytic. Conic sec- tions emhruco, as is well Known, the study of the cui'ves generated l»y intersecting a cone by a plan<' surface ; and most marvellous, so to say, are some of them. The circle, the most beautifnl of all, we .see exemplified in the thousand-and-one forms of every-day life. The ellipse, this almost magic curve, is traced out in the heuA'cus by every planet that revovles aV>out tlie sun. by e'veiy satellite about its primary. It has two centres or foci, the sun, or jtrimary in one of them. It approaciies iu tliese cases nearly to a circle, or lias little eccentricity, Avhile, as in the case of comets, it is lengtluMU'd out almost indefinitely. It is pioduccd whenever the intersecting plane cuts the cone in a direction oblicpu' to its axis, tlii' anghi tbrnuMl by this section and the co- site foci, and though c THE BTERKOMETRICAL TABLEAU. 7 tlioiigli it \yo pro(lnc(.'(l ever so far, mid in so jloiiio- it approaoli more, juid iiuMv to two certain line.s called its ussymptotes, and tliougli tlie line?, lie close by, yet can it never reach tbeni, even thongli it sliould continue onward nutil the end of time. It hats not, in practi(;e, the importance of the otiier conic sections, Imt has some uses, snc]i as that of expressing or atfording an illustration of the varying pressure of steam while working expansively within a cylinder or other vessel. Come we now to the parabohi, a marvellous curve, indeed. How singular tliat this ligurc, wliich every cone presents when cut by a plane parallel to its side, should Ite that in whidi certain comets visit our system — those tliat enter it but once, and leave it again, never more to return ; for it is a curve which, like the hyperbola, but unlike the circle or ellipsis, returns not back \ipon itself, but of wliich the opposite sides or branches continually separate more amUnore, never to meet again. This is, indeed, a most fascinating curve. How very strange that it should happen to be the self-sauu' tigure whidi a stono describes wlien, thrown obliquely into space, it falls again ! An ac- quaintance with the theory of this nu)st useful arc guides the gunner in throwing his balls and shells into the ftntress of the enemy ; for, see you, such a curve as they describe wIh'U ascending into space, the seLf-samo curve they uiake again while falling to their destination— the whole arc or curve a true parabola, and each portion thereof tlui exact half or counterpart of its fellow. Yet, have I not done telling you about this most interesting section. Every jet of water or other liquid issuing under lucssure from tlie sich- of a reservoir or cistein, or from the pipe of a tire-engine, describes this curve ; and hence the. distance of projection can be in advance calculated and ascertained. But it has still other applications, to wit : in the construction of the speaking-trumpet, Avhere the mouth lies in the focus of the curve (for it will already have been guessed from the description that it has but one), and the rays of sound strildng upon the sides ofthe tube are projected forth together in a pencil or bundle, so to say, parallel to one another, and direct towards the object spoken to. See, again^ this curved line in the mirror which collects the i)arallel rays of the sun, or other source of light or heat, and reflects them one and all from the surface to the centre or focus, wherein a light or fire may be thereby kindled ; and again, in the rellector which, in liglit-houses, gathers the div(!rging rays proceeding from the focus, and sends them off together on their errand of humanity. But I, too, am wandering, I find ; and though the curve return not upon itself, I nmst not further follow it in its erratic course. Within 150 years after Plato's tinie, this study of thv conic secticms had been pushed by Appolonius arid otlu^'s to a degree which has scarcely been aupassed by any subsequent geometer. 8 GEOMETRY, MENSURATION, AND rjpoTiKti'ical loci aiT lines and siniaccs defined by tlie fact lliai every iioiiit. in I lie line oi' sutface I'ldlils one and the sani(! eoiuliliou of positioji. Thus, ilio h»cus of a point equally lenioved from any two given points, is the peipcndieular drawn froju the centre of tho ''rejoining tliese tAVo points ; the locus of tlu> vertices ()r all triangles jiaving the same base and o(pial areas is a line i»arallel to the base ; the locus of the veitices of all triangles })aving the same base, and the same ratio between their sides, is the circumfen-nce of a circle liaving i(s centre in the base produced, and such as to (Mit it in tho required ratio. The investigation of such loci has been, from IMatos' day to the i)resent, one of the most fruitful of all sources of geometri- cal knowledge. Just before the time of Apollonius, P^udid introduced into Geometry- a devicj^ of reasoning which was exceedingly useful in cases where neither synthesis — that is, direct proof — nor tho analytic mode is readily applicabh;, tlie rcdnctio ad absitrdnin ; it consists in assuming the contrary of your proposition to be true, and then shewing that this iiiiplies the truth of what is known to be false. Contemporary with Apollonius was Archimtides, who introduced into g<'ometry the fruitful idea of exhausti(m. l?y calculating inscribed and circumscribed ]>olygons about a circle, and increasing the ninaber of sides until the dilference between the external and internal polygons became^ exceedingly small, Archimed(>s arrived at the first known ratio between the diameter and circumference of a circle, which he found to be as 1 t(» 3}. llipi)arclius, before Christ, and Ptolemy, after Christ, a])plied nnitliematics to astronomy. Vieta, the inventor of algebra, applied it to geometry. Keider introduced the idea of the iidinitesimal, thus perfecting the Archimedean exhaustion, and led to the solution of questions of maxinui nml minima. INIeanwliile, New- tim's Fluxions and Leibnitz's Differential Calculus had come into use, and many fnu^ discoveries were made in regard to curves in general j and so fruitful the results, that, as is now well known by every one, the time of an eclipse of the sun may be calculated and foretold for years in advance, and that to the very niinute— nay, to within a second almost — of its actual occurrence. Even the reappciirance of a comet may be predicted to the very day it heaves in sight, and though it has been absent for a century. In former ages, when these pheno- mena were unprediited, they burst upon the world in unexpected moments, carrying terror everywhere, and giving rise to the utmost anxiety and ccmsternation, as if the end of all things were at hand. Although the elements of Euclid are the groundwork of every mathematical education, yet, many valuable rules are reduced from the higher branches of amdysis, and which appear to have little or no dependence upon geonu'try. The dil!erential analysis has admitt- ed us to the knowledge of trutlis which would astonish mathenuiticians of former ages ; and to Newton we are principally indebted for dis- THK STKRKOMETRICAL TAnf.EAU. y •I'OYcvu'S Avliicli linvt' ificatly ndviiix'cd Mk' jut of incusuvatioii. Aiti- i'M'crs (fall kinds arc indebted to ^itcoiiictry and niciisuration for tlio *'staMisli('iu<'iit of their various occupations ; and the ]>crfectiou and conseroach they ujake to the standard of gectinetrical accuracy. All the Ljreat anil in.i;'enious devices of mankind owe tlieir ori', and the* nmst exact proportion of the parts is always ]ireserved. In the mi- neial world, a sinnlar tiiith forces itself upon the iina^imition ; and wlH'i'cver the eye of man has lieen allowed to |»enetrate, the same neonu'trical havmony is found amon^' all the parts of created matter. And w.iat is the f(uii)(hition, the gioundwcuk, upon Avhich this science of ,';'eonu'tiy is built ? Why, so to say, on but oiu' or two elementary pi'opositious, which, if the truths implied of them did not exist, the Avhole scienc<' must tail. One of these fundamental theorems is, that in every ]»lane triangle the sum of the an,y,les is constant and equal to two rinht anf>les, or to li^O decrees, wliereby, when any two of them are known, the third is fouml with the utuiost facility ; and thus are we enabled to arrive at the distances which separate us from inaccessible objects, or wliicli divide those objects from each other. It is thus that the surveyor and engineer, by the hell) *^^ ^ base-line of measured lennlh, and the angles observed at each extremity thereof, can, by an easy f^eouu'l .ical construction, or l»y arithmetical ealculati<»n, arrive at the exact breasite end (»f llie eartlrs oihit, and have thuw wM'uied ji base-line <»(' nearly 2(ll),0<)(>,()(K> of miles in extent —thou^li, escn so, he is sorely died, and has ahno.>l suj)erhuniaii le is this distance, thai the thiid ;in.u,le of tlie trian.i;le — the one opposite to this innuense base of i2(M) millions of miles— this third au;;le, 1 say, is lait the fraction of a second, or of th,- i',|,,tii part of a decree. And yet, strange contradiction, so ^('ry small is this enormous distance of the nean-st lixed star, and from Avhicii li,'j,ht, thou<;h it travels with tiie inconcei\able velocity of 2()I>.(*0U ndh-s in every second of t'lne, re<[uires three years to icach us,— sosnndl is it, in t'OUii)aris()n with this boundless uni\ cise, that there are stars ten times — aye, 10,(M)() times — more remote, ami iiirther still, beyond the BXiace pe?ietratin!i poweis of the most potent telescopes, siu-h as that of Lord Kosse, Avhich is not less than six feet in diameter, and Miore than ()0 feet in length. And if this property of the triangle did not exist-— if the sum of the three angles were not a c the sum of the squares ujion th(^ other two sides. These two i)roposi!i(nis or theorems, tog'('ther with the moie im[»or- tant one already alluded to. are at the foumlation, so lo say, of all geometrical science ; and all the other theorems and problems of geometry dej)end intimately upon these for their very existence or solution. Because the sides and altittides of sinular triangles are propor- tional, it follows that their areas are as the sipiares of any of their corresponding dimensions. That is, if the base of a triangle be doable that of another, so is its altitude also double ; and as twice two are four, the aica of the sec!)nd is four-tinu's that of (he lirst ; or if the base of the one be three-limes (hat of (he other, ho will its altitude, and the area .'i-times .'{, or 9-times that of the first. Hence, while the lim-al dimensions increase as the natural numbers 1, 2, 3, &c., the superficies increase as the squares, 1, 4, 9, &c., tliereof ; and THK STKREOMRTinCAL TABLKAU. 11 this iitTmils n way of dividiiii,' iuiy trinnefiilnr fii^nivo ov fjpnoo into ]»u!'tioiis wliicli shall he (-(iiiiil to ciu'Ii other, ot bciir to oacli other any i('(|nir(Ml ratio. And what iis true of simihiv triangles is also tru(M)f rill oilier similar lifi'iires— that is, of . such as are made up of. aveeai)al»le of heiii;;' divided into, an e(|nal number of similar and similarly situated t riauules. Aiijain, because «'very rectilineal fi,i;ur(> niay be divided into as many tiianyles as the fi.n'uie has sides, less bytwo.aiid as the sum of the ani^'h's of each of tin' constitnent tri.mji'les is eiiual to two ri.^'ht angles, therefore does it follow t'lat the siuii of the interior aiiji'les of any (juadrilateral or four-sided iiu;iire is 4 ri<;ht an;.':les ; (»f any iieiirauon, the sum of Hm' an.u'les is e(|na] to (! ri.yht aiii;k's ; in an octagon, 12 light angles ; and so on. 'I'liis inqiortant |)ro]!erty enables the land-surveyor or engineer, after measuring the angles of any tract of land, to test the accuracy of his triaugulatiou, and detect an error, if there be one, since the sum of all th<' angles, when taken togeth(>r, and whatever fractions of a degree or minute they may severally i'onlaiii, must, of necessity, make up an exact nnml>er, and that, an even number of right angles— !;i, 4, (). S, 10, or IJO, as the case may be,— but never •'{, ."), 7, !•, or any other odd number. 1 have alluded to tln^ ciicle as being the most beautiful of all figures, but have as yet said nothing of some very useful properties with which it is endowed. F(»i' instance, an angle at lis centre is measui'ed by the arc which it subtends ; this we all know, and that it slnudd be so does jiot a])pear at all strange : it s(><'ms, on the contrary, that it should not be otherwise, and hence it suiRees to define the thing, o)' to enunciate the proposition, to have it credited. Hut it is Hingular that wlien the ap<'X. of the angle isinoi'on the circumference, such angle is imt one-half— not less, not more — of the corresponding angle at the v'cntre; and out of this arises the very curious and useful property that all angles in the same segment are<>qual to each otliei' ; also, that (>very angle in a seuii-circle is a right angle, llem'e the possiI)ility of drawing a tangent to a circle from any point without it ; hence, iilso, can a right angle be most easily and readily laid out by the draughtsman on his boai'd or ]»ai>ei', or by the surveyor in the lield. Hence, again, can the very })retty and useful ])robleui be solved of liiiding a nu'an ))roporti(Mial or a geometrical mean between any two given Hik^s. a giaphic nuMh' of extracting tlie stpiare ritot of the ])i()duc.t of any two given numbers, (U' of linding the side of a s(|uare eipial in area to that of a given rectangle. I5ut, in the same way as a geonntric mean may be found between any two lines, so can <'ither of these last be determiiu'd when the other is known and the mean between it and its fellow ; and in this way is the (iigiueer <'nabled to lind the radius of a railroad curve, for these curves are usually of vast extent, and, unlike the circle on a board or sheet of 12 GKO.MKTIIY. MENSURVrrON, ANt> impor, the oontiv t';inii(»t be mmmi nor foiiiid, nor can the radius he inea.sun'd ; or it'you coimc across a jxirt'on ol' a slinii|), and liavc a. curiosity lo know the size of tree cut IVoni it, (haw any chord acro.sH. it, bisect it, scjuare its halt, (hvide the i>ro(hict by the versed sine or hei^^ht or breadth of the segment at its centre, and there will conu^ the rest of the dhuueter. Tins is not all ; for on a scale 1(1.00(1 times more vast, or even millions, does the astcoiiomoi' comitnle, and al- most in the self-same way, fron» a knowledi^c cd' a ndntite itortion of the air or orbit, those tremendous circles, eccentric thou,uh they be. which satellites sweep out around their primaries planets around the sun. Yes, and as the enj;ineer, without a center or a ladiiis, can follow out his curved track amou^' the woods ami. waters of the earth, also does the astronomer tra«'e out his mi;;hty circuits tliroui;ii the starry forests of the daik blue heavens. Aye, even is the erratic comet in this way foUoweil up with eye intent upon its ever-\ aryini^ direction iinu)n;'' the stars, and from the minutest portion of its cir- cuit eau the ellii)lic lij;iive be computed whicli nill enable tlie tinu' of its ])eriodic return to Ite iMi-dictcd to a certainty ; and the sanu' courses of observation will also tell if the path auu)n;i,' the ))lau»'ts be not (dlii»tic, biit lather parabolic, or that of sonu' strange uietecn* wliich is approachiu^j; this world's precints for tlie fust time, and wil! leave it, nt^ver to return — unless, to be sure, the palii described should approach very nearly to the elliptic, and, as in political as- tronomy, the iutlueuce or attraction of some j^reat planet so swerv(> it on its way, so alter its direction, as to brin^- abiuit the phenonu-na of a trausf(U'mation. I have just now said that the ansitions are to b<' asceitained to three (h- more points on shore, of which the distances apart aie known. Now, were the an )laiio,i of a hase-liae, or of lindiuii' the nid ( ', of a str.ii.y,'lit line, A l> (' D, to whicii tiii'<'e angles had l)een taken from a liflli point, i'. of whith the position was to he ascertained. This solntion is ^iveii at i>a,^(' •JVl of my treari;e on (Ji'onr.'try, etc., pnhlislied in l.-^iii!; and at })i:;i' '177 of the same wiU'k is a nr>st inj,v'iuons solution of a rather dillic dl pro')]' ni in th"divi-ion of lands — that of a (|nadrilateral into (■([1 d Ol' proportional areas, with sid 's ah;) [)r.)p )rtional to those <»f the wimle finnre. 'I'liere are yet a few other properties of the circle which \ must m)lice ere I take leave of tiu- sui»ject. Thus, tw(» tan.ijents drawn to a circle from any point without it. are equ.d, and ian^fui is p.'rpen- dicnlar to tliit railius w iiich is drawn to its p;)int of contact ; and from these eircnm-iranees, ;iiid tin' t'a"t alry m:'i<'ly ob- servini;' tin- an:^le of d 'pression of tin- horizon from the top of .i nn)an- taiu or other (d'vated sit a ition, t!ie ir'i.!,iit of wlii.di ahove tin- earth's surface is kiiown. A eircle can always l>e described capable of con- taining,' a iH'iveii annie on a ,i;iveii base; hence, for instance, if the, hei'^iit of the fl iLj-stalf o!i the citadd b(> known, and the an^le it sub- ten Is tVnm the o;»i)>dre siile of the rivi'i', t »;j;'th:'r with t!ie distance across, the lieixht of r!i ' cit nl d itself m ly be eom[)Uted. 'I'lie yeome- t lic.d soluiion or construction of tins problem, as m my others of practical utility, is ii'i veil at l)a^es ^J.'iv* to UiJl of my treatise. Out of tile fact tliat an an.i^le at tin- circumfi'r -lu'e is half of that at the centre, there arises also the condition that to iirseribe a four-sided linni-e in ;i circle, its oppusite an.yles, taken toi^ether. must be e(pial to two >ii;'Iit iUi.u'les ; and because any tw<» liin-s or chonls which lait one another in a circle ha\*e tlie pirts-of tiie one proportional to those of the other, the diameter or radius c;ui be found of a circle of which a zone, or portion included between any two parallel ehords, foruM part. .\nd, a^iaia, out of tin- circuui^tance llnl if t a'o lines be drawn from any paint without u circle to tlieopjtositeor concavj' side thereof these lines are reciprocally i»roportional to their .segments situated witiiout tlu' circle, there arises one of the modes of solvin;;' that case of plaiu' trigonometry wherein the three sides of :i triangle are yivoii to tiud the angles ; and a tanu'ent drawn from the same exterior point to Llic cii'clu is u ^'oouiolriuul mcuu, or a uicau pruijui liouul bcLwocu 14 OK.OMlTltV, MKNSniJATroV, AM) eitluT of flio nforctiifin iitiH (I liiics iiiid its exterior pint ; w lieneo tliern arises ii mode of niiuiiiiu' ji t,iiiee, t!iroii'j,Ii niiy two n'iven i»')iiiN i'.ud tiiii,';eiil to l!ie str,ii;^Iit or emved portion of anoiliei' road. llow iiinch more wliicli I luive not time to reliite ? -and vet liow strange, (liiif ol" I iiis tlie most i('L;nl:ir of all fi'^ur<-s, and wliieli man lias niide snbservieiir lo s » miny piiri)oses of praetieal utility, — 'his tiy'nrc, wliieli il is so very e.isy to trace out, neither Ins the eir.'nin- ference nor the area yet heen i'oinnl. Archimedes, as I have already said, foiind an approximate ratio i\ty the diameter to 1 he circnnderence, that of I to '.V. ; M-'tins, a ration of Ii:{ to ;]").'); und other nnthema- ticiann that of 1 to :{. M! "iit'J. etc. In I ');iO. Cenlen. who livol in th(^ time of Metins, extend'd the cdcal ition to '.Vi decimisls, Avhich were on<;raveii on his toiub. lie arrived at this result by r ilcuhitin^ the ehor,I():{.2:{:{ -nearly .-{r !>iHions of times 4l;> million of sides. The moile of calculation was thereafter iijreatly simplifn'd by Snell, who, with tin' help of a poly iron of only .i,'J!::3,HS() sides, carried the; ai»pi'o\imation to 5"); of iiii'nres. The comimtation was dnrini; tile last century continued Ity other mathemilicians, who snccessively carriecl the nuinlier of li,:;iiies to 7't, KM), I2S and 1 40 decimals. Xotwithstandin;.!,' that l/inihert. in I7<)I, and Lencndre, in his elements of ireonietry, have jiiovrd tliat the ratio of the diameter of a circle to its circumference cannot l»i' exju'essed in numbers, the desir(^ to satisfv those wlio still hoped to liiid this ratio led other ma- thematicians to eontiiuu' adding- to these fi/fiires. In Hlti, ij(l(> decim lis had been olttaine I, aiid'^Kt the foliowinj; year. In IH.")! the number extended to MITi; theti to •'}'>(». Shanks carried it to 527, ijnd in Irf.").'} to (507 places «>f decimals. Wiien it became evident that the arirhnictical «'Xj»i'ession for this ratio was out of the (juestion, many perscni continued to hope lor som<' .u,eon)ehical solution to tln^ far-famed i>rol)lem : bvtt it is <;-enerally re('o,<;;nized at present that this method is iminaclicalde ; and it must be admitted that there has resulted but triiliiii;' advantage, if any, from th<' enormous time and troubh devoted to this famous ])roposition. The Fieiich Acaih'my of Sciences, in 177."), and, soon after, the lioyal Society of London, with the view of dis!'ourau,inu,' siicli futile and fruitless researches, r<'fused to take further notice of any comnmnieatiou relating; to tlie quadrature ol' the circle, the trisection of an an.ule. the dn])licati(Mi of the (aihe, oi' perpetual motion. An approximation of (iOO li^ures, or even less, is e(piivalent to iierfeet and abscdute accuracy ; for, let it be remarked : it sultices to take in 17 decimidsonly to avoid an eiror of the thousandth i)art of an inch on the six ]iundreiii|>ost' of (li'tcrniiniii!;' with iil)so!iifc aciMiracy not only llic dinn'nsions and distanci's of tlic jtla- lu'ts, but also of the most distant starsi or nohnla- tlnit man «'i!n dis- cover witli the Indp of the most powerful and space-peiietratinij; telescopes, or of tlxtse which he miuiit discover wi(.Ii optical instru- lueutH 10,000 times more powerful than those wliich h(i already l)ossesses. Alludint;', a.n'ain, to the celebrated problem of the tris'-ction of an ani;lc, 1 must once nH)re talce occasion to protest, thus publicly, as j have already done, thoiij>h witliout result, at ])i!,!;'(; 'i'-V) of my treatise of IHtiiJ, not anainst th( i)retended and ridicubms solution ol' this ]U'(»- blem by a certain Mi'. Tliorpe, (•!" Ottawa, after, as h<' says, — jyoor man ! — dev compbunents about the diameter is a mean ]U'v)]>orti(nial between the com])()m'nt ])aralleloi;rams about tlu> same, a ])roperty which T fortunately conceived tlu' id<'a of applyin;^ (see ])a,n'e 1!>0 of my treatise) to the solution of a ])robb'm of fre([ueut occni'rence in the division of lands by a strai,:;lit line runnin,^,' throu.i>li a ^iven point. This ])roblem was previously a matter of some diiliculty wlu'tluT alu'cbraically or '22 of *' t!illes])ie's Land-surveyijig," where tlie Ibrinuhi runs over three liiu's of type). The re,i;ular hexa;j;lilied in i)ait(U'-hang'ings, in the l)atterns of oil-cloths, and in marble and mosaic tilings. Now, the very hov kiH)ws its geometry so well, that it builds its cells in hexa- gons. The S(iuare or triangle would have fuliilled the condition of 18 (5i;n'\tRTRY. MV.N'STJUATION, AND lc;iviM ,f no iiit'Tslic!', no lo ;■* «»t' >]>)(•!• Ix'twc 'u tli ■ I'clls ; Itiit iiciilicr wo'.iM li.ivi- been so well ailipti'il to tin- iiliiio^f sliapi' ol' the insect's iiodv jis i> llic lic\.iv,oii. .Mv voiim; tViciuls will, of coiirso, «u.i>',:j('st tint tlic circiiliir iiistcul ol' tlic lii'\iii;(»n;il would liiivc Ixni even ii hctlcr slinpc for tlic Ium- to dwell or move in. (iijinted ; but (•iirle. like oi'tMuon- and other li^nres. will not (It eaeh other wlth«)nt loss ot" space ; and thei'e is another, and. no do'iht. mach more iin- ])ortant consida'ation to the be<' : it is that A\ith tln' hexan'on each coni])oni'nt wall or ]iartition answers for two nil.joiiiin,u' cells, whereas Avith the '.i'cle or c,\ Under a whole one would have been reqnired for each tiny animal, and the necessary ' in actini;- so. Mill, I think, be admitted) has been to lednce, by nn)re than oiu'-half, the separat(> and demonstrable propositions of the Greek geomet<'V, while retainin;:',' the whole of his conclusions. The fifth book 1 have cliiuimiled altouether. 1 have r» moved it from the elements, and ^iven all its teaching's i'.; my " principles, " niakiuix axioms ol'sonie and corollaiies of others of Euclid's proposi- tions ; for. I hold that t(» conceive and admit the truth of r.n axiom, there takes place within the numl a certain jnocess of reasoidng, liowever short it be. For instance, equal ratios are equal quantities, and quantities which are equal to the saau' or to etiual (piantities are ecpial to each other. It, therefore, follows, as a mere corollary of tills axiom, that " llatios which are ecjual to the same or (<» e(pial Tiitios are e(pial to one another ; " hence, I do m>t see the necessity of making this a demonstiable inoy)osition. A^ain have I nnide an axiom of proposition F of I'layfaii's Fuclid, and Justiliably so, I take it; for quantities which are made nj) of the same or of equal qnai.tities are e(pial to (me anotlier ; and since ratios are quantities — numerical ones — therefiue an; '' ratios which are composed or made nj) of the same or eipial ratios equal to each other." Of Euclid's 2nd and livd pro])ositmns, book !., I have made postulates. (Jfhis 22nd I have macU' my 1st, and thence deduced his 1st, as a simple consequence thereof. Why, for instance, n. «,ke a theorem of the THE STEREOMKTUICAL TAIJLEAU. 17 Minnciiition tliiif t\v«>lii)0>tit;ir!illcl tn i\ .'Jrd iirc uniMllcl Iooih^ nnotlier, or thill twi) tri;mi;l»'s similar lo :i tliiid ari^ similiii- to one aiiotlicr? — lor, what coiistitiitcs this i»arall(lisiii of tlic lines, tills siiiiilaiity of till' tiiaiiinlcs, l»ut ('(pialily u\' dislaiici' in the llrst and ('(|iiality of aii;;ii1ar sp.icc in tlic second ? — In nee have I made of the foinier ji foiollaiv to niv rop()sition ; for Knclid himself, u lio in his llli and Hth of ;he sann' hook ]>laces his li;i;nres the on(^ upon the oliiei' to prove their e(pnility, mi;ilit in the Hame way havo snperposcd tiie eipial bases of his paialleloL!,riinis, so as then to consi- der them as one and the sann' l»ase, which would have allowed him to maiie of the second i>roposition a mere corollary of the lirwt. Amain, with Kuclid's two next propositi<»ns of (he same book, his .'{7th and 'i-^i]\, and after his own assertion in his axioms that "thin;;s which are halves or donbles of the same thin^, <>i' of e imoccsm of rctluctioii iiiiil geiicializali(»ii followed out by iiic in tlic gconit-liy of lini'H and wufact'H ; and in the same way huv(^ I nuKlill«;d the ordinary eonu'try, and of plaiu' and sphericiil tri;;(tnoni('try. Nor is my treatise less strictly lo;;i(al in all its teaeliin^is than that of Euelid, every proiiosition deiiendin;j; for its demonstration or si>lutii)n ou thoMC that came before, and in no way on those that follow. MENSURATION. ,' AREAS. Every trianm shall be ■without sensible error, a strfiight line, and hence the rule ; for it is evidently the same thing to compute separately and take the sum of the component triangles of the sector, or to add together their conti- guous bases and multiply, once for all, by the altitude or radius. Again, the whole circle is but made up of contiguous sectors or triangles, whence it follows that the area of any circle is equal to the half-product of its circumference and radius. Next, wo have to con- sider among plaiie figures the segment of a circle, or that which is included between a chord and its corresponding arc ; and this is evidently equal to the area of the sector, less the area of the triangle formed by the chord and radii. Now, the lune, a figure like tlic new moon, and hence its name, formed of two non-concentric arcs of the THE STRllROMETItinAIi tahleau. 19 'flnmo or (liffcrcnt nidii : fli(^ nrca '»f tliiw fifjurc is tlio diffcronoo of its two OMihitoiicnl s(';;iiiciit>*, s(»(liii< ii iiH'ic repetition of tli<' jtroccKs just (Icscrilx'd will inciisiire ilssiipcrlicits. TIic /t>n('. or i>ortily. Concentric and eccentric rin' prisnis, tiie i)arall(]oi>iiK'(loii is tliat of which the opposite faces are parallel, as the name iiiii)lies. as in the cube; in conseqnence of wliicli, any side or fiice of tliis or similav solids may bo assumed as the base. We all known wliat a pariinii or conoid. The spindle, as its popular nanu' implies, is a well-known form, being circular in its cross-section, and tapering from its centre towiirds the ends : it may be gem-rated in space by the revolution of an arc of a circle, (U'ofan ellipse, or by a p;iraI)ola or hyperbola, around a line Avhich is called the axis of the si)indle, and, lilce the conoid, derives its distinctive name from that of tlie generating curve, as a circular spindle, an elliptic, parabolic or hyperbolic spiinUe, — not that the spindle itself, as a whole, is a A'ery important solid, but that its middle frustum is the gecnnetrical representation of almost every form of cask, the world over. The spher(>, that most beautiful otall solid forms, and which, as I lun'e already stated, contains within itself more space or volmne than any other hgure of equal superficies ; the spheroid or llattened sphere, the ligure of this earth of ours, and of the moon, and sun, and i»lanets, winch, one iind all, are flattened at the poles ami iirotuberant at the e([uator ; and, linally, the prolate, or elongated spheroid, make n\) the varied classes or families of solids, or space-enclosing ligures, with their frustums, segnuMits, ungulas or hoofs, and otlun- sections which the linrita of a lectun; will iu>t alhuv me more fully to dehne. THE STKHEKKOJtKTIUCAI- TABLKAU. 1 come now to tluMUore immediate object of this lecture, that which has been, perhaps, to some; extent, instrumental in jnocuring for me the honour of an invitation by the Literaiy and Historical TIIF, STKREO:\IETRI0AL TABF.KATT. 21 Society of Qiu-ltcc to roixl ii pMi^cr '.villiin tlio cliissic i)i'('ciiicts of its liistoi'ic lialls; mimI may I liopc I slmll liMVc ticiitcd tlic siiltjcct in :i w'iiy to wiiir.nil tlic coiivtcsy iuid hr of sonic iiitciot to tlic \ i ry ■liuinci'ous iiiKJ liii;'lily ii|>|ii'ccialivc audiciicc, tiic cHlr. llic iii istoriacy, so to say, of llic cdiiciitcd or well-read ])ortioii of llie coinniiin.ily, \\ liieli lias on this eveniuu lionored lue with its attendance and kind and tlatteiin,!;' attention. I alluih', of eonrse, t«» the Slcrcoiiu'li-icdl Tdhlvdn Avliicli you see ju've liefoi'c yon, and of which it behoves me to say sonu'thin;^', even at the risk of apj)! aiin.i;- i)aitial to myself. This Tableau, or board. \vlii<-h is mtule iii» of sonu' 'JOO models, each of whicli can be removed and replaced at pleasnre, an'ments, zones, fiu>ta and un^nlae, and many other sec- tions of tliis s(»]id ; the prohite and oblate spheroid, with their many sections ami subdivisions; s])indles and their sections, including,' nu)(U'1s of casks of all varieties; the five rej;ular polyhedrons or so- called plat heij;ln oi' breadth of the tiyiiic ; and the same rule apjilied to the curved area to be computed is stat<'d thus: to the half-sum of the lengths ol' tli(> end ordinates— that is, of the tirst and last— add the sum of all the other ordinates or arcs and circles, and multii»Iy the whole by the distance between the ordimitos or by tlio breadth of the component zone. Tlie combiiu'd len,nth of the circles or circumferences is «>asily obtainable from a multiplication of the sum of their diameter; by 31, tu, mon^ correctly, 3.1 4U». This ride, as ai>plie(l Ity nu' (l»a,nt' ()(»!• of my j;e(MiU'tiy) to a hemisphere of 'M'>i units in diametei. and with only four ordinates or live se_i;nu'nts or zones, hrin,L;s out tiie result witiiin less than one per «'ent of the truth ; wiiile w il h nine ordinates. the result is erroneous to the extt'Ut ofoidy the sixth part of one percent ; and with 1!> ordinates, or 20 sections, the |', ol one per cent, or within j,,',,,, of the true content. Not tliat I insist, however, on this mo(h' of nu'asurenu'Ut for convex or concave siiperticies, where there are other rules which, as in the case of tlie perfect sjthere or spheroid, or sei!,nients of (hose bodies, brin;; out their curved areas exact; but tlu? j^n-at and manifest advanta.i;-e of this general system is, that its a<'curacy is independent of the sliape of (lie body to he measured; wliiU', if the rule for a sphere, lor instance, were applied to a Ixxly liot strictly spherical, the result nd.inht pr<»ve erroneous to a far greater extent than if ai'ri- ved at by the system of e»iuidistant ordinates, — to say nolhinu' of the great advantaj>'e to the inactical measurer of havin.t'' to store h.s me- juory with but one general rule api»licable to all eases, and this rule the same as that for i)lane figure.s, whereby the whole range of areas or superlicies, whether plane or convex, becomes submitted to one and the same formula. To wit: a suhdivision by ecpiidistant |)arallel lines into ligures, every one of which is a trapezium -whether conti- iHums or non-continuous, it matters not. it now remains to compute the volumes or cubical contents of the solids of the Tahlvau, and, as already stated, they comprise all known cdenientary forms; and here it is that I lay special claim to tin' introdmrtioii of a system of niensu- ration which is not approximately accurate as applied to the great mujurity of gcumclricul Ibriusj, but ol' wkicU tlic absolute accuracy is THE STKREOMKTRinAL TAr.LEATT, 23 juovcd mikI uii(lt>iil)t<(l. 'riic rule is siiiijilv w li;il it |>iir[i()its to Itc, as ])iiiil('(l ill tlic lu'ild i>t' tlic tdlilcait, i.e. : " 'I'o the sum ol'llic ]t;iiiilicl end areas add foiir-tiiucs the middle aica, and multiply tlie wlxde l»y I part of the height or leii.nlli of the solid." 'I'lic word •' jxindlrr' is introduced as a reiidiider that the opposite ends or hases must l»e eoiitaiiied Ix'tween i»;iiallrl phiiies, or, if not so origin, illy, that they must l»e made so liy snlidi\ ision or de(omi»ositioii ol'the solid into its constituent elements. 'J'he whole dillieulty is, therefore, r«'dueed, bv my system, to measuriu,!? the areas of the o]»posi(e hases and middle seetion, the remainder of the work Iteiii^- a mere iniilti[»lieation ; so that the jiroposed formula renders this l)raneh of study of sueh easy and general applieatioii that the ait or scienee may now be tau;nht in a few lessons wliore it formerly re([uired months, or even years. Take up, for instance, the sciiinent of a conoid or spheioid cut nlf by a plane inclined in any way to the axis of the solid, a (inure such as would be presented by the space occupied by any liijuid or lluid substance in a vessel of this shaite when inclined to the horizon ; look at the preliminary labour retinired by the old rules ol' (indiui*' out the axis or diameters of the entire solid of wiiich the segment under considera(ile ; and as even when it has been tauiiht and learnt, it is as soiui forgotten, therefore can these ordinary rules be of little or no use to tiic juactical ineasinfr, even when supplied with all tiie necessary books and data Ibr working out his prol>h'ms. It may be objected that, for the prism and cylinder, for instance, tlu? ordinary ride is even more simple than the prismoidal one. Of course it is ; but it flows of itself directly ami immediately from the fornnda. Take up a prism : I have delined it to be of (Mpial breadth throughout ; then is its nnddle section, or any other, when made jiarallel to the l)ase or end. eipial in area to such base; ami the aigu- ment (H't'urs that six-tinu-s this area into (UH>-sixth the altitu(h' reduces to the nH)re simple enunciation of once the area into tin- whole alti- tude. Again, in tin- «'ase of tli(> pyramid (u-eone, the half-way dianu'ter or breadth is Just one-half of what it is at the base ; ami as the half of one-Jndf, or the product of A x |, is \, therefoic is the half-way area a upil who liasalr«'ady learnt this, BOOS it at a ghuice, or recalls it to his memory, ami reasons thus : four-times the mnldle nveu is ecpnd to the base ; ami twice the base (for the upper area hero is zero) into ^ tlie altitude i« identical with 21 aEOMETllY, MENSURATIfK'J, AND tlic oidiunr.v rule of (Hicc I he hnsc into J tlii' alliludc ov \ tlic itiddiict oftlic base jiiid altitiulc. 'IMicic is ouc iiioic cast' in wiiicli the «tl(loi- ordinary rule is a|»})ait'ntly nidic sini[>li' ilian the ucncral roniiula ; it is wlnM wlic have to do willi a paraboloid, ol" wliicli tiic volume is just (»i!t'-Iiair of its col Tcsiiondiny cyliiidtn'. r>ul licic \vc have done with flu* coiuparalivc advaida,u,'os oftlic old rules, and in all otlier the foiiiuda is exccediuiily inoi'c simple. Take, f(»r instance, the frustum of a pyianiid ; and, liist of all, how Ilum of a pyramid, and, therefore, not subjecl to the lule ? Uut, granted even that it is the ii.i;ure you do take it for, see yoa the trouble (»f ,<;-ettini;a nuMU pritosito diamctcis ami ilie middle area therefrom .' -and if the liinure be the frustum of a cone, the three diameters are squared, the s([uare of the middle owr taken four-times, and the whole niultiplie^r)4, and the result by ,', the altitmh' of the frustum ; and as this calculation has to be repeated every day, in all j)artsofihe world, in computing' the contents of tubs and vats of all imaginable sorts and sizes, tlie saving in time and trouble is certainly most worthy of consideriition. Ibit suppose this jirism or cylin,\ranud or cone, this conoid, or tiiis trust um, to Ik? not Iridy such a tigure ; let it ditfer liut ever «o slightly from what it should be to enable ii to be submitted to oidinary rales, — theJi, if such lules bi' made use of in computing its contents, adieu to all accuracy, since the very element by which the body ditfers fi'oni its geometrical prototype -that is. its interme- diate diameter — is not taken the least notice- of; while the juismoidal formula, on the contrary, takes in this ev<'r-varyiug element, this half-wa_\ breadth between lite top and l)ot torn in a tub or vat, between the bung and head, as in a i-ask, and gives a result, in IK) cases our of 100, mine (rue than any (»lhcr system whcit- this impcutant and indis- l)ensable element of variation is not attended to. With regard to the sphere or spheroid, each of its opposite bases is a zero of sui»erti- cies, as a plane can touch either oi' tiiem only in one point, and the sum of the areas in this ease is four-timi's the middle area. And how correct this is you shall directly sec, for, by oi'dinaiy rules you are taught to multi]»ly the cun\ex area ol" tlu^ si>Iiere by i of the radius; but- this convex area is precisely ecxuiil to Ibiu-tiiues the middle THE STEREOMETlirCAL TABLEAU. 26 Boi'tioii, or to four great circles oftlu; splicro, and i tlic riidius is the same thing as J^ tlie dianu'ter or altitude, — so that here again, you see, as in the case of the piisiu or cylinder, the ])yraniid or cone, the ])roof direct of the accuracy of the rule. Now, take uj> a heiuisphere : the half-way area is easily shewn to be just J of that at the base ; and as foar-tinies 5 iU'e three, and 3 and 1 iire four, four great circles into I the idtitnde of the half- s})here gives, of eourse, halfthe solidity just obtained, or that of the heniis])liere under consiih-ration. The same is true of the llattened or of the elongated s)>here or s]»heroid and ellijisoid, and of the half ihei'cof, and whether the cutting ]daue or base be perpendicular or not to either axis of the solid ; and the areas which enter as elements into the computation of the cubical contents aie ahvays ellipses, and, what is more, tiiey ar<^ similar or propoitional elli])ses; so that, from knowingany onettf the diameters of the middle st'ction, the aiea, can be directly found by a rule-of- three, since, as already shewn, the areas of similar tigures are j)ro- portional to t]\i' sijuarcs of any of their corresponding dimensions. The exactitnde of the Ibrniula. as applied to any other segment or zone of a s])here, is fully demonstrated at paragraph 152!) of my Mensuration ; its very near approach to trntli, in the case of spindles or their frusta, at paragraphs lo^] and l.)74 ; and its absolute accura- cy in thi! case of any segment of a spheroid, the right or inclined paraboloid, or hyperboloid, at i)aragraphs 1500 to 15(J7 of nty work. Now, there may be some curiosity to know how the idea occurred to me of treating every solid as a i)rismoid by this one and undeviat- ing formula ; it is this: taking up tlie ordinary prismoid, Ilind its detinition to read thus : — " Any solid having for its oi)i)osite bases '' parallel rectangles ; and, by extension, any solid having for its '' parallel bases plane Hgures with iiarallel sides. " Now, ]deaKO observe tlial the only condition ex])rcssed or imjdied in this detinition of a prismoid is the ])arallelism of the sides, and nothing nu)re. .Such ])arall«'lism does iH)t exclude the propcutiimality of the sides ; there- fore is the frustum of a ]>yramid, to me, a prismoid; ami this is what no one belong me, that I ani aware of, at least, ajipears to have con- eeived ; for in no treatise iiave 1 ever se(!n the i>risnn)idal formula Hpi)lied to the frustum of a pyramid or cone. Look, again, at tlie rectangular ])rismoul, and as no ratio of 'lue sides is implied, let the ratio be inhnite ; or. in other words, let one of the jtarallel sides a]>proaeh towards the other until they meet and form a single line, or edge, or arris ; and then have vre tlie wedge, wliieli is. tlierefoic, another prismoid. Again, let this edge, or line, or arris, become, shorter, and still shorter, until it dwineiieral enunciation is thereafter arrifed at, that a prismoi*! may have tor its parallel bases any two (i;;iires, whetiier eciiial or iineiiiial, similar or dissimilar; any li^iire anarallel to the jdane thereof, as in the wed^e ; any iie con- ceived in almost endh'ss variety ; and of all, without exception, the formula gives the true cubical contents, each of the models exhibiting at a glance, by means of the pencil-line to be seen upon it, the nature and dimensions of the middle section. A woid in relation to the regular polyhedrons which are also among the m(»dels on the board. Of these bodies there are but live, strange eixmgh to say ; and yet, the conclusion is immediate and inevitable, for it takes at least three idanes to make a solid angle; and as the sum of these plane angles must be less than 3ects — first, as a cone proper, with the ad- dition of a segment of that sjdiere of which the cone forms part; or (and this a)»]>]ies to any s])herical pyramid, or frustum of such pyramid or slttll, or hollow si»here, or any portion of a shell,) to the sum of its end-areas, si»herical though they be, add four-times the parallel and middh' area, and their sum into J^ the altitude will be the true <*oiitent. Of course, I need hardly remark that in dealinjr with a hollow sphere or shell, the content is imue quickly arrived at by apply I v the foiniuhi direct to and taking the diiference of the inner and o iter or component spheres. I ha « said that the formula applies exactly .and demonstrably to the great majority of solids. From this it is, of course, inferred that there are some exceptions, as in the case of hoofs, ungulas and spin- dles, but ill the same way as the cask or middle frustum of a spindle is measured to within almost jierfect accuracy — say to within tin; quarter or j^ or jV of one ]»er cent, or a half-pint on a hogshead (see pages 707, 70S, and 70!) of my treatise), by working iijiou its half, or by taking the bung diameter as that of one of its ends or bases, and 28 OKOMKTRY. MENSURATION, AND f »i' the mi(lo attained by u subdivision of the body into iiarallel sliees, two ov three of tiieni jncnerally suflicinji,-, or four or live when tlie minutest aeciiraey is insisted on, Just as we ai»i>r(»aeh nearer and more near to the eircninferenee of any circli^ of wliieh the diameter is known, l»y taking iu more deeimals. And in the mine manner may hoUow or coucjivc cones or cylinders, ci- if they be couvex or swollen out, or other bodies be deeomjjosed and measured, which are n<»t true geome- trical ligr.res, and thus the one, and oidy one, most simple formuhi lUaintained, made use of, and applied in every conceivable case, without the necessity of learning or remembering any other. The subdivisions, the decomi>osing planes of sectioji, may be made equi- distant, and the granlf((ii,^^ with their more oi' less icuularity of outline, their plane !ind curved surfaces, tln^ (juestion still arises: " How are irregular bodies of all kinds to be measured, such as statuary, bronzes, ♦•arvinj-', and the like ?'' Ami that this lecture, so fai' as the limits of a lecture will allow, may be complete in itself, and <<;{) over the whole ^rouml foreshadowed in its title, it behoves me, in a few words, to supply tlu! necessary intbnnation. it is very simple, and. in fact, more so, to arrive at the exact cubical c stone, and weigh it; compare its W( i,i;ht by lule-of-thice with llial of a cubic foot, or inch, or yaralance, but if its vobune can i»c arrived at, then also can its weight beascertaiiu'd by a simple lule of proportion. Now, let it be retpnred t(t lind the component (|iiantilies of some C(mi|)ouiMl body OI iunalgam. l-oi' instance, you have a mixture ot copper ami zinc fused together and solidilied into one comi)act bod^ , 30 GEOMETRY, MKNSURATION, AND wiflioiit :i tnicc nfcitlii r of tli<' coiwtidiciits ; the wi'inlit of (mcIi of tlif icspcclivr iiU'lals ciiii lie siilniiillcil to dirrrt tiilriiliitioli, the fiir- tois or cltiiii Ills ('iitM'iii;,' into tlic roiuiicd formula Ix-iiij;' iiincly tlu' N])<-«-itic \V('i;nlit MS well of llic compoiiiKl as of i \\v iii<;rcili('iits of w liidi it iMiiiail('ii|). And so of )i mass itf ipiart/. ainl ,i;ol(| ; ami llioiiuli little or none of the precious metal may l»e visiide to tlie eve, the wei^iiit of the latter eaii he arrived at with comparative facility. We are told that iliero, Kin;;' of Syracuse, /nave to some .clever artiliceru old wherewith to falnicate a ckumi; hut snspecfiii<;, when the crown was linisln'd, that the Jewellei' had purloined a poi- ti(»n of the ^old and siihstitnted silver in its stead, he sni»mitted the atli, it seems, was c'o.nitatiii^ how he iiiii^lit liest solve the propositimi preptuiixled hy the Kinji', when, iiotiiinj;- the y idea of sulmiill iii.u' the crow n to a like |>rocess of computation, and, aft<'r weiu'hiii.u the crown itself in water, and then pure ;;(»ld and silver, found, l»y an easy calculation, that, as the Kin^ had rightly jfiiessed, the crown was in reality made up of ^old and silver instead of U'old alone. So yiad was (uii' i»liilosoplier of the ^y(/(," the word .S7cnv)H(c/>vrf(/ wotdd seem to imply that it is intended (uily or altogether for purposes of mensuration. Such, however, is mtt the case, as it w ill immediately be evident that is must also be of j;reat utility in acipiiring (u- im- ])artin,u a knowledge of the nomenclature of solid foiiiis, an ac- (piaiiilanceshi]» with their varied sliajtes and li.!;iir<'s, wliiili. without such help, would re(piire a previous familiarity with the principles and teachiniis ofdiawiiit; ami jierspective. 'To the architect, the eu'^iiieer, and the biiihh r, the models are su^'^iestive of the forms and relative [import ions of blocks of buildiii;u;s, roofs, domes, j»iers, and (jiiays; cisterns, reservoirs, and cauldrons ; vats, casks, and other vessels of "cai)acity ; earthworks of all kinds, comjuisin^' railroad and other cuttinj;'s and embankments ; the shaft of the ( Jreek or Komaii eoliimn ; square and waney timber and saw -loi^s ; the campiii<;-tent ; the square or s]»layed oiienin;* of a door or window, or niche or loophole in a wall; the quarter of a sphere or spheroid, the half- segment, the vault or arched ceilini;- of the apsis of a church or hall ; th<,' whole s]»liere or sjdii'roid, the billiard or the cannon ball ; or, on a larger scale, the «'arth, moon, sun. and i)laiiets. The iimdels must also pi'o\- "I yreat h"1p in t";icliiii'f |»!Ts|icrti\(' •''■■'/•' ■ ; ,iiid ;'><• geumeliicui £ii«.>jocLiuu ui' tsuiidis ou u pluiic ; uLao, liicir iskudcis uu«i THE STERKOMKTUICAL TABLEAU, 81 tlic sliiiilouH Hiy prujccl. .\;;;iiii. (lie Mil of ^> (Ik- pdliir triaii;iiic, and otlirr lines iH'cossiir.v lor tlif sludy of splicricMl tii^i^oiio- iiiflr.v. W'lit'tlicr my attciiipt to reduce lpace-enclosin,i; areas, shall prove siiccessfid,- time alone can tell; for, ihon^li it has ilie merit of Iteiii;; new, it also has tJK' disadvanla;;es of n»»velty, as Mr. Scoli-Kir»ell said of the iii]i;cnions screw-propeller inveiilcd sonn- years a^o l»y C^oia- mandei' Aslie, e\-pve>ident of this Society. 'I'iie scieiitilic world, as well as the political, has its conservatives. We have not yet well learnt the ad\anta;^'es of decimal ariiliinetic; nor has the tiresonu- computation of pounds, shillin;i;s and pence lie< n yet aliandoned for the nn>re e\i»ediiions dollar, where the nnic shifting of a point works womlers. It takes much tinu' to work out such a revolution a ge- neration, so to say ; Inil that 1 shall not have to wait so Ion,!;' lor an interpretei' 1 coiiljdently hope, Jud,i;in,u at least firofessors of the Laval rniversity, Ili.u'h School, .Morrin C'oile;.;'e, and other educational estahlishnn'nts of Canada elsewlieie, can hardly fail to recojumemi the introduction of the '^ Tabled ii" into all the schools of this Dominion. I have hut re;' nu' to send a " 'l(thl('((ii.'" with the view, says he, of introdiiciiif'' it into all the schools of that Province. Not, however, that 1 in any way intend to cctnline myself to Canada. On the contrary, 1 have already patented the •' Tdhltutu"' in the United States, where I h()])e, of <-(UUse, t<» introdinc it ; ami Mr. \'annier, in writinj;- to me from Frant-e on the Kith of .Fanuary last, to advise me of the inrantinf>- of my letters-patent for tiiat <"ountry, adds that MM. Humbert and Xoe. the president and secrtlary of the Society for the (jieneralization of Education in France, iiave intimated rheir intention, at their next general meetinij;, of having' sonu' mark of distinction conferred on me for the benellts which my systi'ui is likely to confer on education. ?,2 OKOMETRY, MRNSURATION AND The Iloiildc. Mr. Cliinivciui, Minister of Education, niul otlicrwiso Avcll <|iiiililinl tojnd^i', will lUiikc it IiIh duty, so Hiiys liin letter ou the sul)ie(-t, to reeoninieud Uh adoption in all edueationul estalilisli- inentH and in every school, so confident is he of its practical utility : " Si' tera un (h'voir (Vvu recoinniander Tadoption dans toutes les " maisons d'cilucation et dans toutes les ecoles, certain qu'ii est dc '' sou utilite pratique." From tlu^ Seminnry, M. Mainj,nii writes: — "Plus on etudie, plus ** (Ml approl'ondit cette forninle du cuha^c iles corps, ])lus on est " enchante" (the more one nnirvelsat) '* de sa siniplicite, desaclarte, " et surtout de sa ^rande ;j,eneralite." Biuclow, M. A., " believing it. " to be of universal use, shall heartily lend himself t«» the introduction 'S>f my system. " Mcliuarrie, H. A., " shall be delighted to m'v tlie " old tedious process superseded by a formula so sini|de aiul so ''exact." L>. Wilkie says: — "The rule is piccise and simple, and, " beinlical»le to almost any variety of solid, will greatly shorten " the processes of calculation. I have," he adds, "proved its accu- " racy, as applied to several bodies. The Tahhau, comi)risiny a " <;i'eat variety of elementary forms, will servo adnurably to educate " the eye, ami must greatly facilitate the study of uu'usuration. The << oovernment would confer a boon on schocds of the nnddle and " hiii'her class l)y allordinj;' access to so su<;^estivc a collection. '? I'rofessor Newton, of Yale Ct)llef?e, Massachusetts, considers tlio TdhUdu a very useful an'an<,'ement for shewing the variety and extent of the ajtplications of the formula. The ('olle,i>e I'Assomptiou " will "adopt my vstem as part of their «'ourse of instruction. " Kev. T. iJoivin, of St. Ilyacinthe, says : — " Votre decouvertc^ est precieuse, et jo rec(unnuuide tortement l'a(h)ptiou do votre tahlcmi. " Tlu'ie are others who, irresi>ective of considerations as to th^ comparative accuracy of the fornuda, or of its advantages as api)lied to nu'r(^ mensuration, Iiav(^ seen how far the models are uww su_in-,i;-es- tiv(^ to the ]tiipil and the teacher than t!ie meie representalion thereof on the black-board or y('d, tliat I know of, to eomi>utc tlio se;Hineii( of a sphere or s|»lieroid, nor l(» many otiier well-known forms; so that, in this respect. I nniy lay claim as if to the discovery and as well for a lar^c nMml»er of other solids to which it never wan attempted to apply it. And even if the idea of so doinj^ has at any time HU;i;;osted itself to others, as sometimes hinted at, tbey do not appear tct have )>iit it to the te«t, oi' to have arrived at any Jiseful I'oiicliisiou in relation to it, any more than the tirst man who, on seeing sicam issue undei' pressure from the no/zle of a tea-kettle, conceived the idea that such an a;,'ent could be made to work the wonders that \v(^ know of; nor was steam ever made available in |)ractice till Watt invented the steam on^nne, or electriiiity till Morso put up a teleiiiaph. (iranted, however, that this formula was disco- vered before my time, and that T have mirely di.sengaui)il. The instruction conveyed by this tableau, appealing, as it does, to the nneducated eye and mind, is, the inventoi- thinks, des- tined to bo of great use in developing the intelligence of the untaught S4 GEOMETRY, MENSURATION, AND masses of mankind. Ho r-xpocts to introdiifo it into all the ('(luca- tional institutions of tlio United States and cIscwIictc, as it is now being disseminated in Canada j and lie has n(Mloiil»t that the taldeaii will also find its place in the stndio of the engiiiee)' and arcliitect, t<» whom the models -will be sn!), Sec, Mill ^ivc the solidity UM[uiicd." Ilcre, the mind is absohitely bewihhM'cd at tlic, move recital of tlie multifarious o])(Mations to be ])erformed (not less than ii7 in num- ber) and the m( re results of each of tluse o|»erutions, irrespective of the details of the multipli('ati(»iis, divisions and other eomi)ulatioiis necessary to arrive .at them, lake up two whole pages of the book. Applied, say to a cask of 28 inches in length, bung diameter 24 inches, head diameter 21.0 inches, ami diameter half way between head and bung 2;}.4()!)()I) inches, the result, as fully woiked out at page 148, 140 of said book, gives 11,854J|^ cubic iuclus, very nearl}-, or 51 gallons and 5 half-pints. Now, the same example. Sir, by your formula, brings out 11,855.2 cubic in., which ditlers from the last result by only .0000045 <)r less than half an inch on nearly I2(t00 imhes, or the 240th part uf one per cent in excess, the 14th i>art of a gill. Not only then, is your fonnula in this case to be considered in every respect as accuiate as that of Bonnycastle, but it is really moie so in practice; for, even if the error in excess attained the maximum of .005 or i of one per cent, where is the practical measurer or ganger who, for the sake of a (|uart on a .50 gallon keg or half a gallon on a hogsilu'ad, would, could devote hours of his time to calculate by tiie old method what can be done with greater accuracy and in less tlian 2 minutes by the new ; for, every merchant will tell yon that in piac- tical cask gauging then! is generally an error in excess or in defect of from one to two gallons on a hogshead. And even this e<.mparative accuracy of tin; old ruh', can only bo arrived at by taking in all the decimals, which no one would be likely to do, on account of tiu' immense lab(»ur «»f the computations ; wheie- as, by the new formula, by reason of its great simplicity and concise- ness, all the decinnils may easily be taken in and no harm can result at ^onie of the last decimals being neglectc«l, since the result as shown above is, and, f(»r convex forms, always is, though ever so slightly, in excess of the true ctmteiit. I am wrong howev<'r in assuming that the nniximum error in cask gauging by your rule is .005 or the half of one pvv cent ; njjitlier do you say so in your pros]»ectus, and on the contrary you show most satisfactorily at pagtw08, 70!> of your said tic^atise, in the nu- merous <'xamples given by you and fully woiked out and eomi>ared in each cas(vwilh the results given by Honnycastle's rides, that the juaxinnim error i» excess does, in your first ami 2iid examples, THE STEREOJIETRICAL TABLEAU. 37 oxoeod \ 1)1' Olio ju'r cent or one quart on Ji hojuslii-ad ; in ex. 8 it is ^ 1)1" 1 jK'v cent J Ex. 10{>ives tlie maxiiiiniii error as }f of 1 per cent; Ex. 5 gives ^ of 1 per cent ; Ex. 4 and 12 (2), ^^^ of 1 ]ter oeut ; Ex. [), ^\ of 1 per cent ; Ex. 2 and 12 (I and ti), ^V <»f ' I't'i" t'*'Ut ; and ex 7, ^ij of 1 per cent, and tlii'se exainjilcs cover all varieties and sizes of circu- lar, elliptic, and paraltolic casks, llu;» is of the three varieties gene- rally met Avith in practice. But in dwelling on ihe fiuinula, I liiid I have as yet said nothing of the all important " Stereoinetrical Tableau" without* which, as you pertinently remark, the rule would he almost as useless in teaching mensuration in schools, if not in the ]»iactice of it, as steam without the steam engine (»r «'h'ctricity without the tch-giaph. There are many otiier advantages, apart from the mere mensu- raticm of Itodies, which your tal»h\'iu possesses, as enumerated iiy you in your ])rospectus and which it is useless for mc to dwell u[)on, as I fully ciuicur in all that you claim for it ; though I tliink you might have fill tlier insisted of the advantage t)f such a taldeau in the studio of the a|)i>rentice, nay even of the professional architect, who will, among the models, find that of almost every conceivable shape or proportion of roof, dome, &.c,, which he nniy be called upon o(»k on Practical Matlicuiatics. Tlio Moard desire tlicsc articles for inspection, witii a view of prcjs- cribing them for general use in all the Schools of this I'roviucte, siiould tliey be deemed suitable for the i»urpose. Should there be any charge for tiiese articles, the same will be mvi, I>y this Department. Your Obdt. Scrvt., TiiEonouE 11. Kaud. ^Ir. Bai]laiij;e'sStereometrical Tableau seems to me to be a very useful arran,uemenl for siiowinjj: tlu' variety and <'xtent of the ai>pli- oations of the I'l-iffnioiilid FontinUi, Wliere demonstrations are ,;;iven in the study of Mensuration of Solids, it will aid a teacher in ilhistra- ting th(^ rules, but it would i)robabIy be much more valuable to those who tiy to teach that study without intioducing denionstrations of the rules. 11. A. NicwTON, Prof, of Math, iu Y. College. Yale College, Feb. 5th 1872. No. 12X7. Subj. fH).'). Ilef. 20814. Dcj^tarfmcnt of r,tl>lic Worls. Ottawa, Feby. 7th i;572. Sir, — In reply to your letter of the 2(5 ulto., I am directiid by tho Minister to request you to fnrnisii the I)e[tartnient with onct of your ^'Tableau Stereometii{[Ue "' at the price of Fifty (o iirknowlcd^c? uitli iiumy fliiiiiks Hie icccipt aud higher class by atlbr(liii;n- a( cess to so su^7;'estive a collection. I liave the honor to be, uiy dear sir, your obedient servant, . J). VVii.KiK, Kector. Quebec, Hth Janiuuy 1872. Cns. iJAiLi.AiKOi:, Esq., Dkau Siit, — I?i'in,i;- absent from homo when your lavour of the 1st ult. arrivi'd and haviui; returned only a few days a^i-o I have found it impossible to .i;ive to vour Stereomelri- cal Tableau that attention which the subject uu'rits. 1 have liow- ever in the case of a few solids compared your formula with the ordi- nary methods of computation and found it eijually ccnrect. I shall be deli,i;hted to see the old tedious processes HUi»erseded by a formula 80 simple and so exact. 1 have the honor to be, Dear Sir, y1ENSURATI0N AND QiK'bco, .S('i)tnnlm' 1872. l\To\>;iKriJ. .T':ii Ic |)liii.sii- dc voiis iiiiKonccr <|ii(' lo Conscil do riiistiiutioii I'liltliqiic viciit d'appioiivcr votic TiiUlcau ct suis lu;U- reux dc voiw t'U tV'licitcr. IJicn siiirrroiiiciit votio lout devour, C. Eaillaikge, Ecr. P. J. O. Ciiauvkau. TZ/c Janunnj Session of the Board of Ernmhirrn for Loud Sttrvcyors for tin- Proriinc of Quvhec. \S7)i. KXTIiArr FliOM TIIK MIMTKS. Moved l»y tlic rn'sidtiit, Adoli)lK' I^aUiic, Kstj., and .seconded l>y E. T. Flctolicr, V.sq., and resolved : ^' That the Boarorta!iC(^ of this formula, and coiiuidc wholly witli tiie opinions expressed hy those to wiioin it lias hccii already submitted, and further they would roconiinend tiiat flic Hoard he ])i'o\ iih'd with one of tiiese Tableaux. Quebec, .January tind, \f^7)l. Ai.kxanpkk 8i:wki-1., StTretorji of the Boord of SKrveyors, No. 2^272-71. Miiiislcre de r Instriiefion Vuhliipie. Qut'bcc, ce 7 .Sej>tenibie 1H72. C. H.Mi.LAiKdK, EcuvKK. QiKUKO. iMoNsiKUi}, — .I'ai riioiineur de vous transmcttri , sur Taiitre feuillct, co|»ie de la resolution adoptee j)ar le Conscil de rinstruction Publicpn', approuvant votre *'Tal>lcau Stereonictriiiuc pour toiscr tons Ics corps. scu,ineiits. troncs et onylets de ces corps,"' aiiisi (pie votre '* Nouveaii traite dc j^'Mnnetrie et de tri- gonometric rectilignc et spherique," suivi dii " Toise des surfaces et des volumes." J'ai I'honneui" d'eti'c, Monsieur, votre obt. serA'itenr, Loi' IS (i i.vim:), Seeretaire-A rehirit^fc. J^uis, le ler Aout 1H72. A Aronsieiir naillair^e, Architcete, etc., a Quebec, (Canada). MoNsir.rn' — J'ai 1 homicur (h- viuis donner avis ([ue le C'onseil Sui»erieur vient de vous admettie k faire partic de la .Societe de Vul- garisation pourrEnseignementdu peupic a titre de jMembrcTitulaire. Nous somincs lieureux d'liue decision qui assure sV notre Q•]uvr<^ votre precieux c<»nconrs et nous cspeions Ics mcillciirs cHets {\o votre propagaude active en fax cur de rinstruction et de TEducation po])u- laires. A'eiiillcz agreer. Monsieur et ties honore Collegue, I'as- burance, de iiU'S sentiments ch' liaiite consideration. Lv .Secretaire (Jt'iH' Ibndaleui. (Siglie) At (i. Ill .MliEUT. THE STEREOMETRICAL TABLEAU 41 Quebec, i)th January 1872. G. W. Weaver, Esq., President of Board of Arts d- Manufactures. My Pkau Sir, — Our cvoiiiu^jf class bo;j;an last week, T iiin liap])y to say every tliiufj^ looks promising and we havebeen fortunate enough, to securer again Mr. C. Haillairge's invaluable services, as teacher, for this -winter. We have i)rocnre(l from him, for our school, the " Stereomctrirnl Tableau'''^ which is his invention, and T am so delighted with it, that I send you a i)Ii»»tographic icinesentation of it, and a number of let- ters and other documents printed which will s(;rvc to exjilain the ta- bleau , and show at tho same time how nseful it is consitlered by the most eminent authorities in this country. Y(m ought to get tin; tablesui for your schools, at Montr(>al. You ehowed me last year when I visited youi" schools several wooden mo- dels of geometrical figures ; T was struck with their usefulness at the time, and thought of procuring some for our schools, but there are only a few of them and their price is very liigh. Mr. l^aillairge's Ta- bleau costs oidy fifty dollars, and it contains two hundred geometrical figures. I fancy the collection embraces every variety of iigure that can ever be reipiired for practical use. They are solid figures made of wood, each fixed on a nnil, S(» that they can be taken olf by the teacher for demonstration and handed to the pujiils ; who are enabled to understand and master their divers shapes and forms Avith much greater ease, than if they saw th(;m drawn on a blaclv board, or in a book ; the ditterencc is enormous. In addition to the help they afford, for the study of geome- try, these figures are very useful as models for earthworks, piers, reservoirs, castings, roofs, domes, columns, cauldroues, &c., &c., &;c. The tablean is most useful too for the working out of that won- derfully simple rule, which has been applied by Mr. Bjullairge, for the fust time, to the measurement of the solid contents of all bodies. It was known previous to his discovery to apply to a certain number of b(»lies, but he has found out that it applied to all without exvcption. You will find that rule in the papers I send you, and in his treatise on gi'ometry. I will soon let you know, what progress the school is making and remain, my dear Sir, Yours truly (Signed,) H. G. Joly.* • President Quebec School of Arts. 42 OKOMFTKY, MENSURATION AND Ertrmt from an Addnss hif (liv i)uj)il)i lo ('lis. lUtHUtlnji', Esq., I'ln- J'cssor (it tlic Svlnud i>l' AitK, \',Mli AjH'U IS7'.J. We «U'(.'iii it not out of pliirc to rciiiMrk lliiil in oiii- o|»iiiioii tlm word " sTi;i:i:()Mi:ri;i(Ai, '' Avliicli you liiiv«' prclixcd. us (juiilitnlivc of llic uses Ihiit .your '' TAlii.KAi' " ciin lie iipl>Ii«i(scnts; for, n(»t only in it ot" jtiiranionnt importance and utility, MS illustrative of your systt'iu of nn-nsuration, by (uie and tliti same iuvariable tormula, implied in tlu; title at the head of the hoard ; hut, we hesitate not to say that to the usi' of tlu! '' taui.kai" we an; indeltted in an eminent decree for tlu' sinyulaily rapid pro^icss we have been enabled to inake since t lie Itli of danuary last (only Ml) les- sons) not only intieonu'try itrop.ei' and in Ihe Mi'nsuraticm of surfaces and solids, Itoth plane and spherical ; Itut also in the study of f^eonie- trical projection and perspective, shades and sha(h>ws, the (h'velop- ment of surfaces and tlui lines of penetration of divers solids, &c., \:c. Extract from the " QiwIkt (;«,- lecture on (leometry, (h^livered by (). Uai1hiir,i>'e, K,s<|.. before the Jjiteiary and iiistoricai .Society, in ihe Mtnin C."olle;;c, on the eve- iiin;;- of Wednesihiy hist, was a rare scientilic treat, lost to many win), (htubtless, thinking- the subject adry one, did not attend. TIk' au- dience, thouiih not as large as nught be ex])ected, comprised the elite of the scientilic and well icad men of this community. 'I'hat tlu' sub- ject, as handled l>y Mr. Baillairge, was not a «by one, may be infencd from his showing, during its course, that it not only applied to that most attractive .of all ovals, the female countenance, but that the keeu appreciation of its charms by the fairer jtortion of nmnkind was clearly evidenced in the beautiful and ever vaiying tiacery of their laces, endtroidery, iV.c. Neither was it wanting in poeti*- imagination, as illustratcMl by the lecturer, in comi)aring the curves traced out by the engineer anndst tlie woods ami waters of (he earth, to the mighty circuits of the comets anddst the stiirry forests of tiie dark blue hea- vens. That part of the lecture touching upon conic sections was especially interesting, owing t(» the lucid maimer in which their prin- ciples weie described as applied in the throwing of [Mojecliles, jets of water, mirrors, reiU'ctois, &c. The lecturer exhibited his Strrco- iHctrical Talilcaii, which is now attracting so much attention in this as well as other «'ountiies, and denn)nstrat<'d, to the peifect satisfactiou of his hearer.-., that it wa-i'ii!!y ( iitiMcd !'» :dl tli ■ alily compli- menteil Mr. Uaillair^e, giving him dui^ meed of i)raise for his general aitplicalion of the foniiula to all known solids. 1). Wilkie, Esq., Rec- tor of the nii;]i School, than wliom no more comi»eteiit judge of the sultject could be fouiMJ in our midst, in seconding the vote of thanks, ]io)»ed that a lecture so interesting and instructive wouldbe published, so as to bring it within th(> n^iich of all, and gave expression to his most un(|ua1ified admiration of the high talents of Mr. Haillairge and his devotion to the scicMice of tigures. He considered tiie production of the Stctromvf rival Tahlcau of vast imimrtance to the cdiicational system, by relimented the lecturer on the happy way in which lie treated the subject, making that which many Avere wont to consi- (h'r dry even [)oetical. 'Vlw Tresident, Dr. Anderson, in putting the motion before the nu'cting, said that in his recollection, he had never been so pleased or gratified Avith a lecture as that AAiiich they had just heard. That it Avas most flattering to Mr. Baillairge to knoAv that he had kept an audience entranced for tAvo Avhole hours Avith such unflagging interest, that tlie two hours had passed as though but one. The Tresident concluded ) is renmrks by stating that though Mr. Simpson had made the discoA'ery alluded to, it had seldom if ever been practically applied, and that, therefore, ^Ir. BaiUairge should be considci(Ml tlu' ical disco\er, a iact «'arried out by the lecturer himself Avhen stating that *' the formula would be nothing AA-ithout the tableau, any more than steam Avithout the steam engine or electricity without the telegraph." The UrsuUne Convent. We learn w ith satisfaction and legitimate pride that this admir- abl(^ instituti(»n has ordered one of Mr. BaiUairge's Stereometrical Tableau, and that this gentleman, during a single sitting of a few hours devotion, generously granted him by the Nuns, managed to rendi-r them tlioroughly conversant Avith his system of nomenclature and mensuration. It seems almost incredibh', and yet, Ave are as- sured that the Reverend Superior (the talented Miss Cimon, of St. I'aul's liay) accompanied by Sister St. Croix and Sister St. Raphael, at once mastered and perfectly understood Mr. BaiUairge's system in all its details. Paying comparatively little attention to the more or- dinary forms of wliich the mode of measurement Avas to them appar- ent at a glance, tlie.v sch'cted for their questions the more complex tbrms, such as the sections of the sphere and spheroids and the nu 44 GEOMETRY, MENSURATION AND nicroiia and vmicd piisinoids, to be found amon^' llic '200 niodcli^ of the tahlcau. The education ^dvrn l>y the, K will be cxannned on the tableau at the next examination which takes place in June. The m)ble example thus given by the Ursulines has been rapidly followed by another important educati()nal establislnnent, the Convent of the Religious Lar