' ^it«|.fl«e»*»r^« ^, , /■-. 4 -1 ,,«rj^«R. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-SJ 4i // /. 5^^% i / rf> fA 1.0 I.I ■^^2.8 |25 ^ li£ 12.0 L25 i 1.4 III 1.6 /^ .■', >,». «:; HiotDgraphic Sdfflices Coitwration V m ,\ ^^' <^ 1^ ,' ** ^/^^ 23 WIST MAIN STRHT WIMTH.NY. USM ;\ (7t«) •71-4503 \ 4|i''**' 41 7 Cp l^. lA .

, Lea Imagaa suivantas ont it4 raproduites avac la piua grand soin. compta^tanu da la condition 'at - da la r^attet* d9 l'axamplaira film*, at an conformity avac las conditions du contrat da filmaga. * Lea axemplairaa originaux dont la couvartura an papier eat imprimte sent filmAs an commancent par la pvamier plat at an tarminant soit par la darniAre paga qui Comporte une amprainta d'ifhpraaaion ou d'illustration. soit par la second plat, aaion ie caa. Tous las autras axamplairas originaux aont filmAa in commencant par la premiere paga qui comporte una amprainta d'Impreaaion ou dtHustration et en terminant par la darniire paga qui comporte une telle emprelnte. ^- " ■ "■ '-■-"- ^ r '-'- -:-\ ■- " "~. " " .'" ■ Un dee aymboiaa auivanta apparaftra s^r la darhlAre image de cheque microfiche, seion Ie caa: Ie aymbole — »• signifie "A SUIVRE". Ie Symbole ▼ signifie "FIN". Lee caitea, planchaa, tableaux, etc.. peuvent Atre fl|m4e i dea taux da reduction diffirants. Loraqua la document eat trop grand pour Atra . reprodult en un seul clichA. 11 est film* i partir de I'engle supArlbur geuche. da gauche A droita, at da.haut mn baa. an pranant la nombra . d'images nAcessaira. Lea diagrammaa suivants illuatrent la mAthoda. «^ I |i '.^1 •'••*^im*ii»mm ■»•—,., A I ) tl 5; I > *- j.jb;- >-. . -■— »^, ^*^ll?tl!i!.!f|AiA,j APPEAL SIDfe " WILLIAM VONDENVELDEN 4 I^ENNIS BBAUY, ;' V " -.,-..,... ^^*if*n/ru Court Mau>, ' "i •J^^Biei3E»c>isrT!> 111 lu. - , ., I VoBdenvelden alao fiM i„ .ki ' ««Wi rfe i » unfit judgment ahall be i«»lend hei«!n by tho (SttailtS, aftTr auoh mirvey and n on ahaU hav. ^1 made a. above diieoted. It ia Abo »«adge«*«"» Kin««»y Md SWpton, which aaid biawfta planV ^t%^ mort noiA-weatwardly cornerof Lotnambered five in the fifth mnteof the towariup of Kingly, in the Diatnet of Saint Francia, and planted on dw eoaceaaion line between the fifth and ai«h iwwea tJlCinv aey afore«id,aad at the diMance of one ehak aad fifty liaka towarda the aooth^Mat fitim whe^the bro4 cro««aaKlcaoceace ftom «ii taat meatteaed te»d «n«»» ate^tlto a^^^ tween the fowth and fifth raagea, magnetioally north ddriy^ven degree, aad fiAMa -i---- -^■- cbaina and ei^ty-five Hnka to iKn miMBstonMov ii ««»..■■ ^u t..tm _.._i j «__ ._^ ^ aide line between lots 1 en^-«ef«B chains and ^„ cemop Ite hatweea the fiftfi aaS dxih laagea, the place of hegiaaiag. The Mid half ktof kad coamkarf "^Jt,^ «eatH««l bouad.,e«H^ ainahr.five «.». tmnU aai twaatyaavwi aarelH^IuMw ^fif'JFSP'*^ «— «w, wiA the aautU allowaaea 0/^ five aer oaat ftw highway., ai^ boaJenTfta 3u earthy tiitixib MVB of Kiasrey afiireaaJd, oa the aoiijileaat ^^ five , on the aaaliMiMt by the foarlh iaa|e of aaid lowaddaof KkpeyTwdw Z BartSLtLTT^^ aaM PlaiB«^ari*ta tawaqr day. ftom aad after aw acrvtoe upoB him rf the Bia«« -" P«^.ef Iwd -^h-fclf h ia poaaeaaioa, to wit: iha »<»lh-w«« half fflTaaSsSrTJ; TtSTfilS; nage of Kamy, eAe^ tkiaa a8r•^ atan or lean, on the aofth-eaat ooiaar thoraof, oeeu^ed hv Hahait bT jarert and a .rf«J taS, jad to par tito Mid Maiafitfhk cod. of «dt. «^^ ^J^^y'^SSrSS^i^^ ^ ^ the Defendant in thia caaae, md also rejeetmg the etttoTX mtn^ rMfons I on the whole correctness of lim claioMid in lot as the Noith ig that the skid, to tho Circuit Mtrt the metes in the Town- s tobe kffipeed 1% oTthe jiidg. uohsuTv^ and ■lid survey it is wsord, uid the nd of such oth- sjod the Court ihe casta be re- uit Court, after party dudl {wy p, a ciiM««,^ Ml 10 tha Riell. ily, and a* M- Wlh section oi I surrey which as that of his pages, he has wit has not at- i his motion of :uit Court, and ted the proper for any cause 1 kidt of orig< D, ask raason OttntB, and if to has set all loteariyiMtik- mid bare been i^ircuit, by the •p of record, e wport of the ami set aside ogatethe said parcel of land Bange of llw ' the said Bur* l"R5,R6,ft, y-eightehsins Ottod b plant- of Kinnsy, fat nges of King- ero ihe brook le degrees and naaMeiglMy- BiV; Vfct the M(d»-weM «hr«twon>lB> wad five, sev» IVBjVBt" i4IMin«gaa ihatadfrc in along ^ Mlas,eaal*aT* :, on theooB< utdcomprtaed Qhaain w|iw> OR the BMth- lot iMiberadi « hr lot MMB. mmf vpta I, that putoT « toOwfllUi y Hubert Be- rn dk Braotot ito oiiief edii> 2s:rr^Site^^ my «pA«^*~^'«r«'^.««> "^'C-rt Wow^SSXTL^^^ W«dent^^ himself «« the neiirWiofto n w V^^' ^ ■"'»'«»• by whkhM/v^ "* ff*««"«n» M the N.^ forward aCo^'^^ ^' \ ^^^ "^ *• ««* W^enX Itt»«'. ***^"»'*« »»•«»• to aateWsk Francour i, not mentioned ^wirtbo^.i'v ^"ife *> Circuit CTy^HiT*^. Up^nSS . five and lot «;t, ««, m«*ed wSTfiClL'il^ '*^.''' S'^'. ««» «»• bUS^^Jlj'lrS*'!' *^ <|cn. ha, in reality no tomZ^k^^^^J'^'J'^ ™«»* T^unKwLST^M ^- i^ "^ .,* ^