CIHM Microfiche Series ({Monographs) iCMH Collection de microfiches (monographles) Canadian Instituta for Historical Microraproductions / Institut Canadian da microraproductions historiquas 1QO/1 I natio„ ^ I he Fredertdon Society of Saint Andrew " 't s«"«ty and and shall consist of Natives of Scotland and "' ^Tuf' ''^?'^^''^'^' ^^^^^^ by the Father or Mother s side. ^ II. Its object shall be to afford relief to indigent Natives of Scotland, their Widows and all connected with Scotsmen by descent III. The business of the Society shall be managed by a President, two Vice-Presi- dents, a Secretary, and a Treasurer ; while all questions, or points of dispute occurring at any nieeting of the Society, shall be de- termined by a majority of voices. . IV. The Society shall meet Quarterly, VIZ :---on the second Monday in the month of February, May, August, and November, at 7 o clock, P. M. m Winter, and at 8 o'clock P. M. m Summer ;--at these Meetings, such ftTif""^/^^"!^^^^"' ™^ybe enacted as snail be deemed necessary for the better government of the Society ; Provided ama- jorityof the Members be present, and notice of the intended alteration shall have been given at a previous Ouarfprlv lUopf^r^o. QuarterlyMeet- -n^ to be held. Bye Laws may be then enacted Meet- V. The Annual Meeting shall be that on iff)mceSer"the second Monday in November, when Office Bearers for the ensuing year shall be elected by ballot. Vacant Offices, VI. lu tho cvent of the decease, resigna- 1.0W to be filled ^.^^ by permission of the Society, or per- manent removal of any of the Office Bearers, the vacancy shall be supplied at the follow- ing ordinary Meeting, and in case of the absence of an Office Bearer from any of the Meetings of the Society, a Member shall be appointed to fill his place pro tempore. penaityfornon VII. When a Member, duly elected as .^ccc^>tance of ^^ ^^^^^ Bcaror, shall refuse to serve, he shall forfeit the sum of Ten Shillings. Celebration of VIII. The Auuivcrsary of the Frederic- theAnniversary^^^ Socicty of Saiut Andrcw shall be cele- brated in any manner the Society may de- termine upon at the previous Meeting, and the Office Bearers elect shall then com- mence their duties for the ensuing year ; — on this Festival it is expected that every Member shall wear a Saint Andrew's Cross suspended over the breast by a dark blue ribbon ; and it shall be the duty of the Pre- sident of the Society to preside at all such celebrations of the Anniversary, as well as upon all other occasions when the Society shall publicly assemble, in pursuance of any order made by the Society, unless the Presi- dent shall be incapacitated from attending by sickness or unavoidable absence from Town. i: the the) a cc shall Men befor discu ever unifo Roll] reprii of On tinger X. or mo the M sence, have p Societ} bers su nieetin, transac was esf XI. dates f( honorar loted fo votes, ij tinctly ij dents OE jings,) s hers. ;hat on when r shall jsigna- )r per- earers, follow- of the any of er shall ipore. cted as rve, he s. ■ederic- )e cele- ciay de- ng, and n coin- year ; — t every 's Cross irk blue he Pre- all such well as Society e of any e Presi- iding by nTo>Yn. the Vice. Pre Jidpmll ''''"'''■ °''""='- °(^'^^:^" ' a cop^ of "Ttr''"''","''''^*''« Chair, '• slmllZ laid on The ^l/r' .^S"'"'!""^'" Memhers, and notMn. bt hVT °'"" before the Society s "ui 1 e t^e "oT'' discussed, till the Chair is v^cnt I '■ "■■ Roll is callecn shnll 'T'l''"'"'^ '■''■'<='• "«> repri^andldrot ,:'a;rf;i'f,f ''"^'^ -tvieecmg, the President or in i." i .^^f'""^'s ho,<' sence, either of th« \At; "^ "^"^ ab-t'>'>"caiiH,an,i ^^j ciiuei 01 tile VlCP-PlT>cirl«. <■ 1 ii^iliat nmv i,,. liave power to call an r'v • ' "''"",?'''s. shall .i,c,„ra„.;,\,,!?. Society, (the Secretnr, ^'■'" '"'"'","« °*' "'^ bers suVcient pSi f2S^° '/'' *'^'"- meeting, no business sha?ltl'' t ^"^ '"''' transacted liut that for ^vlichlrn"^.'^"'' was especially summoned "^'""S XI. At the Quart -'v Mppfino- n ,v tZ ""'^^-T'on, cu'her : " t2. or""-'-' - lo e"d fo^ t"t\^'""- '^ P-Po4 bai:-""'"''"^- votes, immTdlt^e'^^dSr if b^rt''^ given. 6 Mjmi...r. to XII. On admission, every resident Mem- Li«u-.nndinnkcber Shall DC required to subscribe "The e senior Office '' ■"""""•'■- niade in vvSin " hi *!"' "P"" appliration o.- the Sodet t' d^ :?,rlr: S'-^^ ro7o7stri^'dr'=\^'""-"-^ also invariably be si-^nedbv,?! ,''"'" other Officer of tl.P S^ • * ^/ ' ''"'^' one mmod-*"!" ■ •' • " Orders sha I hs " "^^'^ pa.Q by the Treasurer, and Amount} limit ed. 8 shall be appropriated in such manner as may be deemed most advisable for the be- nefit of the indigent person : no sum, how- ever, exceeding Two pounds shall be drawn from the funds for the benefit of any mdi- vidual, or family, during one quarter ; nor during the same period shall more than Ten pounds be expended in the whole ;— nevertheless, the Society may at any regu- lar Meeting vote a larger sum than the former to any indigent person, or family, on sufficient cause being shewn. \ f , XVII. If at any time there shall be more ?o'[nocigoTin Monev in the funds than the ordinary de- «aving. Bank.^^^^. ^^ ^^^^ Socicty rcquirc, the Trcasurer shall open an account with the Fredericton Savings' Bank, in the name of the Society, in which he shall, from time to time, de- posit the surplus funds. Dutyofthese. XVIIL It shall bc the duty of the Secrc- cretary. ^ ^^ ^^^[^y to the Mcmbcrs all Meetings of the Society, in such manner as shall be directed ; faithfully to record all the pro- ceedings and transactions of the Society, and file and carefully preserve all docu- ments belonging to his department: he shall keep an exact account of all arrears for Quarterly dues and fines, and furnish the Treasurer at each Quarterly Meetmg with a statement thereof, and generally ^r- form all the auties dppci taii""6 •"•" --"^ — — of Secretary. ner as he be- , how- drawn y indi- ;r; nor e than lole ; — y regu- lan the family, )e more ary de- easurer lericton Society, me, de- B Secre- leetings shall be he pro- Society, 11 docu- snt : he arrears furnish Meeting ally per- XIX. Tlie Treasurer of the Society shall, n,„v of .,,. if required, give security for the trust re- '"''"'"■ posea m him ; he shall keep an account of his receipts and disbursements, with the necessary vouchers, and at each Quarterly Meet ng shall make report thereof to the Society, with the view of their being ap- proved and minuted by the Secretary; he fees '.? r'«" S""-"'^^'^ '^"^^' arrea/s'and fines at the Board agr<^eably to the state- nent furnished by the Secretary, and at rtc Quarterly Meeting in November sub- mit all his accounts and vouchers to be re- ported on by a special Committee to be then appointed for that purpose. XX. When the ....tendance of the Society w„. ,„ „. IS requested at the funeral of one of ;,„'';"•' ''■■»'«i>''f Members, or of a Countryman, a stranger <";■"""''"»■ m the place, the President, or in his fb S"' """"'• fence, one of the Vice-Presidents, shal her? T r 1?' 'Y P'"'P°^<=' ''"d the Mem- bl/li ''"'"'* accordingly, dressed in black, with crape on their hats, weepers and a dark blue ribbon across their breast' ffxttitvitton ^otkt^ oi ^aint ^intjveto* Hie Excellency Sir HOWARD DOUGLAS, Bart. Hi8 ExceUency Sir ARCHIBALD CAMPBELL, Bart. LIST OF MEMBERS, Peter Fraser, Doctor Somerville, Thomas R. Robertson, John Simpson, William M'Beath, Robert Fulton, John Gregory, Donald M*Leod, John F. Taylor, Charles Macpherson, James Cameron, Robert Gowan, Thomas Aitken, James Nisbet, Thomas M. Wright, Thomas Stewart, Rev. Mr. Birkmyre, Doctor Fraser, George A. Munro, William A. M*Lean, 30th November, 1839. W^en admitted. At its formation. 13th February, 1826. 13th November, " 10th May, 1830. • • • ft 14th November, 1831. 11th November, 1833. 11th May, 1835. 11th August, 9th November, (( (( f' Wfilair, f. ^.Inches, ^«vid S. Kerr, James Taylor. • James WiJIox; ^avid Gray, ^ ' Poctor Robb, Archibald Scott, George W. Turner J?^n Munro, ' Alexander Cummin 11 14th May, J838. •••• •••• •••• Ss, 10th July ^3th May^ << 1839. rr^^"^ MEMBERS. Major M'Nair, „ Alexander M'Lagffm ^^P'^" Doughs Peter Duff. ^^m, Captain Camp^i. * JAMES T^YLop v^ JOHN GREGORY ?"^'' ^"^^'^^NT. ROBERT FULTON e""^' '" ^'^^-P«ES,x,ent ««- Mr. BlRKMrRE^r '' *• JOHN F. TAYLnp Ohapiain. ^II-LUM M-BEATH p"^ • '"'"^'™^«-