IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I 1.25 Hill" |50 * ^ 1^ 1.4 25 2 2 2.0 1.6 V] V). / w/ A r Photographic Sciences Corporation 93 WIST MAIN STRUT WltSTIK, N.V. 14910 (71*) •73-4$03 iV iV :\ \ \ ? ,eak beside the question in debate, and no member shall reflect upon any vote of the Council, except for the purj)ose of moving that such vote be recinded. 20. That any member may reciuire the question or motit)n in discussion to be read at any time during the debate, but net so as to interrupt a member whde speaking. 21. That no member shall speak more than once to the same question, without leave of the Council except, in explanation of a material jiart of his speech, which may have been misconceived, but then he is not to introduce new matter. A reply is allowed to a member who has made a substantive motion to the Council, but not to any member who has moved an order of the day, an' amendment, the previous ([Uestion, or an instruction to a committee and no member, without leave of the Council, shall speak to the same (juestion or in reply, for longer than a quarter of an hour. 22. That upon a division of the Council, the names of those who vote for, and those who vote against the question shall be entered upon the minutes, when any member shall call for the yeiis and liiiya. 23. Tliat questions may be put to the Mayor, or othei" presiding officer, or through him to any member of the Council, concerning any bill, motion or other matter connected with the business of the 4 By-Laws of the Council, or the affairs of the city, but no arf^ument or opinion is to be offered, nor any facts stated except so tar as may be necessary to explain the same, and in answerinj^ any such (piestions a member is not to debate the matter to which the sanK; refers. 24. That when the doors shall be directed to be closed, all persons except the members and the clerk shall retire. ORDERS OF THE DAY. 25. That the clerk shall have prepared, or printeroceeding shall have Ixien hail. 32. That when a (luestion is under debate, no motion shall Ije received, unless to commit it ; to amend it; to lay it on the table ; to postpone it ; to adjourn ; or to move the previous question. 33. That the jirevious question, until it is decided, shall preclude hU amendment of the main (i[uestie open to debate and amendment before it is ordered for a third reading ; when a by-law is reported without amendment, it is forthwith oi-dered to be read a third time, at such time as may be appointed by the Council. ^ 51 That all by-laws, after having been printed, and finally adopted by the Council shall be passed and bound up, auu shall nave an index prepared for the same. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS. 52. That every petition, remonstrance or other writieu application intended to be presented to the CouncU must be fairly written or C w.^''P"«fT P*'"''""'"*' *°^ ''""^^ ^y *t least, one person, and no letters, afhdavits, or other documents shall be attached to it. 53. That every petition, remonstmnce, or other written application may be presented to the Council, by any member thereof' not siguing or being a party to the same, on any day, but not later than the hour at which it would come up in the order ot business except on extmordinary occasions, and every member presentin'a any pe ition remonstrance, or other written appUcation to the Council, shaU examine the same, and shall be answerable that it does not contain any impertinent or improper matter; and that the same is respectful and temperate in its language ; he shall also endorse thereon the name of th^ ap^'l'V""^ af-^ ti.» -nV-f - s ich apivlication, and sign his name thereto, which endorsement only shall be read by the Mayor, or other presiding otticer, or clerk unless a member shall i-e.^uire the' reading of the paper in which case the whole shall be read. "" ' ^ 8 By 108 of the r)4. 'I'hat all })('tition.s or other written communications on any Huhject within tlic c(i;,'nizunce of any standing committee, sliall on presentation be referred by the Mayor, or other jnesiding officer, to the proper oouiniUtee, without any motion ; and no member shall speak upon, or shall any debate be allowed on the presentation of any petition or other communication to the Council; but any men)i>er may move that in referring said petition or other eommunipation, certain instructions may be; given by the Council, or that the said petition or communication be referred tt» a special committee, and if the jietition or communication complains of some present persoiud grievance re(iuiring an immediate remedy, the matter contained tiierein may l)e brought into immediate discussion, ajid be disj)osi,;d of forthwith. 55. That any member may move to take up or refer any com- municati(m or petition made or presented to the Council during the year in which such motion is made, or during the year next proceeding such year, and whether such communication or petition has been referred to a committee and reported on or not ; but no motion shall be in ordtir to take up or refer a conununication or petition made or presented at any tinu; before the commeueement of the year next proceeding such motion. Al'fOlNTMKNT AND OKGANIZATIO UF ' COMMITTEES. 5(i. That all .standing or sjiecial committees shall be appointed on motion of a member, by consent of a nuijority of the Council, and any mendier of the Council may be placed on a conunittee, notwithstanding the altsence ot such mend)er at the timc^ of his being named upon such committee ; and the Mayor shall be ea- nficio a member of all committees, aiid no committee shall consist of more than four members exclusive of the Mayor, witiiout the 'MMiaent of the Council. 57. That every member who shall introduce a by-law, petition, or !notiou, upon any subject which may Ije referred to a special committee shall be one of the committee, without being named by the (Council, and shall, unless he otherwise determines, bo ehainnau of such committee. 58. That of the number of members aj)iH)inted to compose any standing or special committee, such numlter thereof as shall be equal to a majority of t]w whole number chosen, exclusive of an} ted by the Council. ' 3rd. To give effect by the instrumentality of the proper ofhcer or othcers, to all by-laws ami resolutions^ of the Council that relate to the duties of the re3i)ectiye committees. 4th. To audit all accounts connected with the discharge of the duties imposed by the Council uv with the performance of any works, or the purchase of any material or gcKKls under the super- vision of the respective committees. oth. To consider and reiK)rt respectively on any and all ters referred to them by the Council, tjie chairman, an.l a onty of such committee signing such rei)ort, and bringin.' up matt<; maj the same. Gth. To adhere strictly in the transaction of all business, to the rules prescribed by the resjH.ctive by-laws of the Council. 7th. To present to the Council, on or before the last regular meeting of the Council in .-ach and every year, for the information ot the Coun(!il, and of the inhabitants gem-rally, as well as for the guidance of the committees of the following year, a general rer.ort nt the state of the various matters referred to thecx)mmitteeH from time to time during the year, tlu; work or busim-ss done through or by such committee, and the expenditure made under their authority, or supenntendance ; such report shall alsf> st^ite the numlHn- of meetings the committee held during the year at which a quorum was present, and the numk-r of meetings duly willed iMit at which there was no .lunrum, and how often each member was absent frem the latter mc-etings, and shall contain such suggestions m regard to the future action of the succeeding ciiimittee as experience may enable the reporting c<,mmittee to make m respect of the matters embraced in the rej»ort. Hth. To see that the jK^rsons in office or appointed to office connected with the departim.nt of each respective ccmimitte.. have given or do give the necessary security retjuired of them fi)r the performauw of their duties, and in the case of any new appoiuU ' ^ By-Laws of tlte ]n«nj, that the security is given before any such person enters unou COMMITTEE ON FINANCE AND ASSESSMENT. r,8. That in addition to tlie duties j.rescribed by law, or bv the Sixty sevc-nth section of this by-law, ol by any othir by-law of th committee on Imance and Assessment shall be as follows : in A,\^i" • '^'^ ^f "^ ^ ?n ^-'"""'^^' "" ''' ''*^f^""« tl'e last Monday m Apnl in eacl. year, a full an.l particular exhibit of the financial of the city at the termination of the preceding financ a year, together with an estimate of the amount req ired t b raised by ai>sessment during tlie current year. 2nd. To report to the Council on or l^fore the first Monday in June in each year as t<. the manner in which the reyenue W th current year should be raised. 3rd. To consider ami report aa often as may be necessary on the nianagement of all matters connected with stocks, bonds or securities ol any kind held by the corpomtion. 4th T., consider and ivi)ort on all allairs connected with the tentiug leasing, buying or selling of city property, or of property ..ccui)ie' ''' ''' ''''^'''' "' '"« ^^P'""'- nth. To advi.s.. the chambfilain wl.rn called upon to do so Ml any or all matters i>ertaining to his ndice. 7tli. To .see that all duties and servic.-s which ought to 1k3 performed by (he chamberlain, and any officer or officers in hil department, are fully executed. ^r omurs, in his Hth. To forbid th,. signing or delivery of any cheque or of !f ^rT iV M-^'r Payment of any money, by the -haniberTai If they shall think it expe.hent so to do, until the matter can \h> further considered, or am be referred to the C'ouncU. 9th. To regulate all matk-rs connected with the receipt an.i puyn.enl of money, and to onlor the adoption of such reguLti?^ m connection therewith as may be deemed nece^sa ^'^for U^ 1 enters wmmi iw, or by the jy-law of the the standing Hows : last Monday the financial u^ financial uired to be t Monday iii enue for the lecessary on :8, bonds, or ed with the of property lis. •f accounts, itures, and '■ the siiper- hln depart- II to do HO. iK'ht to Ikj :ers, in hi» Jly and maintenance of the necJ sa y engines and to s'n'h'nr '^ "'*' '1 "^''^■'' '^^J'^^'^^- connected {heS: ^Z eiicln;."'"'' ^'''"* ^'^'^^•"•^'''' -« '^Vt in good order! 2nd. IV. enquire into and report on a proper site or sites for an engine house or houses, the estimated cost of ercS' the necessary bmlding or buildings thereon, the best and im'st e i n e I. ans herefor should the same be found necessary, o the rSur of suitable premises should such be determined oil ^ the i^^''''' '"' '' '""^ ^"P'^^^-- -er the members of 4th. To report on tlie lighting of the city; on the erection of lamps, and the inspection thereof. ertction of 5th To enquire into and report on the supply of wat^r and suppir"" " --"tenanceof tiuiks. wells [Either mtaiis of oi 6th. To consider and rnnnrf r... nii »„„** , , . , th. esu.b,^un..t of Hre lim^s:\h;- ii^p^Sr^f SS^ "^^ reference thereto, and the prosecution of offenders aS s^oh regulations as may be enacted. agamst such reluting tvj the ', iaspection of !if,' or regi-iiting, huckstera, the e of tainted or f market dues squired for tlie market houses, 7 out all such e Council may law, or by the iw of the city the Standing ows: tion of a fire isary engines, ed therewith, in good order, » or sites for erecting the most eligible •r the renting i members of G erection of f water, and ler means of inected with ildings with igitinst such City of Winnipeg. BOARD OF HEALTH. 15 be vxlminJd I,,,'''" '1'' "'""""'O 'l'"" "^mino into or ca„,„ to public health '"'""'''' ''^''''^ ^' "^ aflectingthe COMMITTEE ON LICENSES AND POLICE. . 73. That in addition to the duties prescribed bv law or bv fh.. boat vessel nr nr„ff" - t— ■_ r-«^^. "« in, ur wilii, any 16 By-Laiv% of tlue 4th To have supervision over all officers of the con)orati.)n appointed as ; inspectors of taverns and houses TmiMo entertainment or of licenses, and to report thereon ^aVoc!;:^;'; CHAMBERLAIN. 74. That to enable the Standing Committee on Finance and Assessment, o discharge the duties imposed upon it bv this by-raw the Chamberlain by himself or his deputy shall in n.Ll.ffr' those duties prescribed by law. or any ^Tai t Juitn 7th: Council, perform the following duties: «*'omtion ol the 1st. To act as secretary to the said committee if reo nested and us such, t., keep a record of all minutes, orders anHepom and t<. conform to all directions of the said Committee consSit with law or the by-laws of the city. consistent 2nd. To supply all information, either verbal or written and «nch statements in detail relative to the finances of the city and miyl'uir^" """"^^' ^■"'' ''' "^«^^' ^-^ ^'- «ud eomtiS 3rd. To have control over all oftic.>rs i)laced in his oftino subject to such order, as he may f mm tiine to ti L ee "om the said committee or the Council. 4th. To receive all moneys from the hands of the collector or ollectors, when tendered, and to enter the same in his a fbo k m detail, showing the parties from whom said moneys \m\ Cm eceived and whether the same were in full of, or in part or taxes . lue by said parties, and he shall not pay out any mon y c behS of the corporation, without the same shall have been duly passe .y the Coimcil, and the account or grant certified by the dty^c erk as having been so passed. . ^ ^^^^^ m. To keep a regular set of books, in whi.-h he shall ooe,. and keep as many accounts under appropriate titles a ay be necessary to show distinctly and sepirately, all the receip s an^^^ expenditure of each department, and also all the d 1 1 dufto the eori)oration by rate i)ayer8 or others. 6th. To take charge of, and preserve all title deeds leases or nortgages relating to property belonging t<, the corporaSn Tnd all other documents and papers entrusted to his^^ and of a evidences of debts due to the corporation. 7th. The said chamberlain shall lodge at least once in pvnrv ^^'eek. in such bank or banks, as may be Erected by thellS on finance and assessment, all moneys by him receded on «ii in tho corporation )uses of public on as occasion n Finance and by this by-law, in addition to solution of the i if requested, s and reports ; tee consistent |r written, and the city, and iiid corainittec in his office, ' receive from le collector or his cash book 5ys had been )art for taxes, ley on behalf duly passed lie city clerk le shall oj)en as may be receipts and 'S due to the da, leases or tion, and all , and of all ice in every B committee on account CUy of Winnipeg. jy of the corporation, aruJ he shall thereupon make a report once a nK.ntl to saul^e of the amount of money so denos t<..d .ind the amount by him dmwn from such bank or b^nks u Ir any cheques or warrants duly issued. ' ,f J^\ ^'''' chamberlain shall as earlv as may be iu the umnth of March m eve.,y year, lay before the committee on fi 1'. ^ d assessment, a statement of all the receipts and expe dm' of the past ftnancal year, givim^ in detail the amo,mt li Lp o nrht on and exi.end.ture for each department, and the reciiiftrSn e "h source of income, anecial mp,.finr, , e each the standing, and other committees ex2atUe^^S^^^^ committee on linance and assessment, and the Sni of wlrks tf> be serve.] on the members thereof at their residences or mlu mi^ P^es^of ^business, not later than the day previous to si meZ^ 4th. To furnish the chamberlain of the city, the city enoineer e i "d trr irf i ;'" •^^-'^'»«'-'tj;r«uinirsrth of ^e corp..ition li;:;^;^ 1^ 1^ iZS^ .^ m^^tiicJtSS^X^"""" ^'^^'"'^ actionof the CouncU i.titiJ:tCrr::s^ci;fu::cicr^^ ^ 18 By-Law8 of the his ^Xi:^f,^Z^. '' t ^""""^^^^•^' ^^ ^»--'f. or meat and the hoard of 3 ^'""'"'"ees on finance and assess- chairman or ac ^ dmimrn h 7 ""T''"'^ ^'^ ^ ^«' ^'^ ^he orders, and reoue ^s o? S i'''^'^' ""'* *" '"^'^^'"^ <^h« "^"'"tes. after provided ^' '"'^' "^'''^'"^•'^' '" ^''« '"''^""er herein- the nmyor^or the Cornell. '' ^''"^ '""' '^ ^^^^' ^^'^^^^ ^""^ 8th. To give notice to the members nf thn r. -i r „ ineetmgs thereof, when held on ly otLr div ul"?^^"" appointed for the regular meetinc.. ■ Zi,i w f^, ">'"» the day each member, at his residTnco or r i , f f ^" ^" ^^^'^'^^'^'^ *« the day prev r s trthat on wb/I^ u "^ ^■''^'''•''' ""^ ^^^^^ than J' F «vi( s to tiiat on which such meeting is to be held ^^s.mJ.:;Z^,MeThyi:' "" """"■"«'' <>" «na„ca and entered'in Ml'^Z!',.?'"''''" f '"■ ''i"'""' '>°»k '" »'"* shall he Jocument whatsoever „ wll^ ,1, °"^. *" ^ "«''■"' '» "ny concerned, the Z „f one Mia, "'""""'"" *'" "^ '" "° «« by the'^yor",l,?cSLtnY„,"nitt^^^^ 1? '-^""f same, all docninent, and ™pera u, L 1W« .1,^. ' '■'',""■ '" ""= »,..i,ed to he „„M «pon,'h;X'cic!r:rtSdtlS " of an'/t„tf:f o^t a:,^ 't:f„:'the' f ■'■ "'".T"'*-' sum of monev out of fhp oi^lZ '"^^^ '"^' ^he payment of any to «,e cha„,li;iata cerfL"'4 riKnd'aLTr t'" I'" ""'"' CITY ENGINEEK. proltio'infrhi:';;ytJtSt^r'%''' ^"■" ««''"• '^ ""■ i, by himself, or nee and assess- to do, by the fd the minutes, iifianner lierein- id in his office, e, receive from Council of all than the day e delivered to not later than » be held. ' to attach the I, on the order 1 finance and 'hich shall he d enacted by copies of all imittee. every person flixed to any be in no wise lien required eliver to the lich may b" ouimittee. ' the passiiijr inent of any ite the sanif to transniit, resolutions, refer/ ed to iffoct to the ?e, the Cit}- 'rforni the City of Winnipeg, jg following duties under the direction of the said coramitte- subject to the by-laws and resolutions of the Council. ^ m.v 1'^- ,'r'l^"l"Pl>' ^itb such orders as the said board of works may lo-jally issue, and to perform such duties as may be allotted tojnm^by this by-law. or any other by-law or resolution of the ...irl i""t/V^""/'" "" ''"!^' "^ ^^"' ^ity engineer to report to the said board of works, on or before the first day of^April in each year, as to the improvements and repairs necessarv.^ his opinfon o be made by the corporation, in each ward, dur ng the yea o far as he can anticipate the same, including in .sut-h report aU TtS^^f"' '^'^^r I''-'*^^"' -^^efthemanaSto the said board of works, and also, on or before the first day of August in each year, to present a supplementary report as to an v additional re, that may not have belm anticipafedi /his previous report, but which may subse.iuently appear to be re^iuired f . I'^' '^''^ 'f "','" ^ ^^' ^"^ ^^ ^'^Pt by him for the purpose t> whom plank lumber, stone, or other' materials hale been delivered or ordered by him to be delivered, and upon whl contract or otherwise the same are so delivered, designa tn-^the particular work or improvement for which the same were intTndecl 4th. To report to the said board of works once in each month, a f u 1 and perfect statement of the plank tlieranS other materials belonging to the city, and respectively eS and delrvei^d by hun, and from and to whom resUivelj^and fir what oth. To have the superintendence of, and be responsible for the due performance of all works done for the corplrat on Vn rairwl^"''" not otherwise specially ordered by\he C unc^ ot all x\ork connected with the erection or repairs of public- build mgs, the sewerage and drainage of the c t}, the mak nL grading, macadamizing, paving and repairing and wat^^hi. S .streets, and the making of sidewalks, bridges a°d crossings. " .n ih!^' '^^ '^''"'t' ""'J''' '^'^ ^lirection of the said board of works on the number of mechanics and laborers, fiom time to time required on the works, and to be paid by the city, and the Cn shall be employed and discharged by him. under such authority 7th. To examine into all complaints of defective sidewalks roadways, crossings, bridges, or sewers. s»«ewaiks, «nH ^^^■' '^''■''T ^"^ ^^'^ conservation of the public thoroughfares, and their maintenance agaiast encroachment. am ^ Jiy-JM 'iiH .,f tjie •«™«.ry for the pun"„"! "" "'"""' "'"' «'"""i"aW».i» wc^r ;.,:i;C :nr2„ -r. .^''xrt^":.:!, "" /'■«, "'" "°'""" ' ■lo-ipti-m of the w„,.k ,u.„; dSrhl': thrtu™ "' entered in a book to hp L,.f '^ l>cloiig, .shall bo matter, whfch shallt l' "wlhS »t amh„,r SlV ""' "'! ""'T committee, respectively l,v the Comieir ^ ^ *- ™" '" '""'' .~,a„d .,.., the .i. =l.t„-; -orrdT, ».ay meet viirLnhe'diXgrjf 'TZ^' ^^tf"^ "° matter on which he Bray want Jvice or instttL" '" " ""^ -^.a„-:^^^^rsitr„is-i-rir «verea to"t,^f — ^^ ,£ ^^^ thfi:^; .£or '' irials and lalwr exaiuinations tee of all the B week, and of ; the week. e duties to be subject to his >' the stuuding long, .shall be coi)y of «uch in his olHce, )ns, shall be in the same Jonimittees of ind all other liven to such mber, timber, city, for the and accurate Hi, and from I) be kept for sach kind of u receiving, > or used by id board ol' the matter, struction he well as any f requested the rccort regular and lid board of i, not later be held. leer of the >e prepared to the city her part i,s ereon. City of W'>nnij}e the c ■iamb, .li.n, on the Saturday of each week, or ofteiier, all" his collections up to the date of such payment, with a statement in cfeaiii containing tlvj names of those from whom moneys were received, the date when received, and also whether the'sum or sums were in full, or in part of taxes due by ..aid parties to the city, with the numljer on the collector's roll opposite the names of said parties ; and shall at the .same time d.divertothe chamberlain a declaration signed by such collector, and to the effect that the amount so paid is all thut he has received up to the time of makin-' suQh payment, and the chamberlain, or chairman of the stan.liiur committee on hnance and as.sessment, may re(iuire such declaration in any case, to be sworn to before the Mayor. 80. That any jjcrson acting as bailiff in the collection of anv taxes, rates,, tines or penaltie.s, collected by summar'v process, or other process of law. from any person or i^ensons whatsoever, under the by-laws of the corporation shall be and he IS hereby to Im ccmsidered as acting in the capacity of a collector, and shall be governed by and subject to the provisions contained Ml section seventy-nine of this by-law. 81. That the chamberlain shall, from time to timo, report to the Council, all collectors or other othcers who make; default in complying with the requinrents of the preceding sections of this by-law, w,th the particulars of the default. MONEY, APPROPRIATIONS. ACCOUNTS. EXPENDITURES. CONTRACTS AND IMPROVE.MENTS. 82. That all appropriations of money shaU be submitted to a (.ommittee of the Whole, before being tak.n up in full Council. 83. That no committee or memb, f of the Council and no olhcer of the corporation, sh-ll on behalf ol the corporation, enter into a contract or incur or authorize any expenditure, without having obtained by by-iaw or resolution, the previous authority or sanction of the Council, 22 By-LavH of the «•*. That no contmct or expenditure, .sliall te authoriml or •.mutte.i ,n contemplation of a loan, whereby a deh^ Tmured of 1 V hJ r "' *'T" ^'"'^ l^'^-^^*^^' '-^"'^ ha^t'een approved ot l.y the ratt^-])ayer.s according t<. law. ' ^ 85. That no resolution or by-law authorizing or t.rofessina to o r.r;. ' T'-^'"'^'^-^' -'. "-""y, Shan be pa^s^d b/th C W irom a certihoat.. of the <.haniberlain^ or a^ep.nW the «t ' 1 ^ H, a uport ot the st^inding cmuuittee on finance and assess 'ien l! 1'';;:';'""'; "T """-'"W,— i"«« on «„„„„. „,„i S^. rr'™ 1 "•I"'".'"- «'e oJuin,l,e,l,m, «l,„ll tl„.„ rertilV lo whichTiirlt' ;;;.;r;u:;,'i;;:.:r" '"•* "■■ '-■' - "■<■ .-i-™ ^. -, •••-•-iiirnt, ata Kirgt-r suiu or involving a larger exDenditn.'.. authorized or ht is incurred ter the by-law been ai)proved r j)rofea.sing to by the Council, 'omtion unless re fire at the I, or sufficient payable to the r in the same iency appears the st-' dinjr Vire or at the Iways, that in '■ provides for tlie ways and itcil, the same li there shall :e and assess- are funds on entures to 1m> the funds be sure re(;eived e and assess- en (iertify to J puiposes to the Council, > I»e j)aid, or les or expen- e proceeded le authorized ihe probalile i an amount uch work or exjienditure I amount is lincil, before City of Wmnlpcg. 23 80. That when money is duly auth(jrized to be bt; exijended for any jiurpose, the amount U^ be expended is not to be credited by the chamberlain to any committee, but he is to credit the same to an account to be opened for the object for which tlie money is voted, and he shall, at the same time char;,'e the amount the fund, out of which the same is to he paid so as to show how much of said fund is from time to time ap).ropriatcd, and he shall afterwerds charge; against the account which is to receive the credit, the sums from time to time paid of the amount so voted. 90 That in c^se money appropriated to any particular iiuri)ose exceeds the amount which such puq)ose is afterwards foun.l to re(iuire,the ehamlKjriain shall carry the suri)lus to the credit of an account to be oiwned in his Ijooks for unapi)ropriated money. 91. That no money hereafter voted or raised for any jmrpose, shall be applied to any other jjurpose, without exj.ressly recinding or repealing the resolution (.r by-law, by, or under which (he same was voted or raiseil, so far as such resolution or by-law stated the purpose. 92. That for the purpose of better .securing to the (Council full and accurate information beftire b.*ing called upon to authorize tlie expenditure of city iiK.iiey, every rep..rt reconiniendin.' an expeiKliture of m.uiey shall state the reason and grounds on which the recommendation is made and shall as far as practicable state the .same with sufficient fulness to enable others to judge of the propriety of the proj.osed exiK>nditure. 93. That no report of any committee recommtinding any expen- .liture shall be received by the Council unac(;ompanied bv the report; of the proper (.tlic^fr, save in wise of emergency, t<. be' fully shown in the rei)ort of the committee and as,sented to' by a vot^' of two-thirds of the members of the Council juesent. 94. That when nuy committee recommends or any inemlMT of tiie CouiK-il proposes to the Council, the making of any impn.vr- ment, or the expending of any money, for or in respect of i)r.. peri v «1 anyknid, It sluill be the duty of such c..mmittoe, or <.f th« member or niembias introdu.'ing the pr.^pi.sal, as the case niav be toascerlftin as far as practicable whether such im|.r..V'.menl pa,s»eH through or along any pro|)tM-ty in which any memlHirof tht- CN.uncil or ..flicer ol ilu' corporation is interested, or whetlier any such llli>llil»ir III' otii/iui- lu 1>.«..>.,...«^..,I :,. >t. . /• *' - ,„ „,,^,^:,t^a .;, i.ij;. j,„,jK-rfy, lor or iU iOSOLTi of which the money is proposed to be expended, and to st^it,. te the U.unul how the facts are in those respects so far as aHcertaiiiablt. • this, in the case of a coiumitt.T shall be done in thr report '•niitaining their recommendation, and except in a mm of 24 By-Laws of the emcr-orun', and then with the sanction of two-tliirds of those inesent, no action shall Ijc taken or peraiitted upon any such report or proposal, until information of the matters referied to in this section is laid before the Council. 'J5. That with the view of preventiiirr niombtirs and olHcers of the corjM.ration fr<,in bein^r interested in corj,(jration contracts it is hereby exj.ivssly declared that no memljer of the Council, and no ()lhcer ol the corp(jratiorson claiming the same, and under his signatim> t.. the effect that no memlM^r f.f the Council or ollic,.r (.f the n.rporation is in a private c^ipacitv tlirectly or indirectly intercvsted in such account, or in any part .'.f the work or materials mentioned tlaMvin. or of the monev th..r,.l.v ciMiiueti. If, in consequence of the person or «me or more of the persons claiming, Iwing absent, or f..r any sufficient mww the re(|uiivd decliiration cannot be obt^iiiied, the standing conimitt^'e -n linanee and assessment, may, in lieu thereof, receive such other CUy of Winnipeg. 25 lirds of those ill any such referred to in nd ollicers of ontructs, it is iiiicil, and no ^ate ciipacity, V labor, or for I to the city, 10 preceding (' corjHinition Ikite removal ng out of or »r sale, niadc "■ certified liy approved Ity L'liamlHirlain. ring that tlie 11 good faith, [•oration has ng, that the i» forfeit all niat4'rials or shall appear nration is at in given or lent is to he the time of oodH, wares, econipanied laiining the ilx'r of the le cfljiftcity any jiart of ifly thereby Tioro of the t cause the cominitt'!e such other evidence of the facts, to be ho declared, as may be satisfactory, and shall in such case refxirt what they do for the inforinatioii of the Council. The coiiimittee to whose dei)artiaent the account relates, or the standing coiiiinittec on finance find assessment may, if they see fit ivtiuije the declaration in any case to be sworn to befort! the mayor. iOO. That no pLink, stone, timber, or other materials belonging to the corpomtion, shall be delivered U) or used by any jierson, nor shall any person futlier than the city engineer), take or use any j)lank, stone, tinilter, or other materials on account of the corpora- tion, unless he shall first make a rei|uisition in writing for the said materials so re(iuired, designating particularly, tin; kind, ([uality and (luantily of the said materials, and the work for which the .same is recjuired, and should the materials so reijuiretl be (tii hand or contracted for delivery, and the person applying therefor, l)e entitled thereto for the work in ijuestion, it shall be the duty of the city engineer, or j)ei>>on in charge of the city engineer's dejiiirtmcii -, to deliver such materials to such jterson, or give him an order tlierefor, as the Ciise may be, and take his receipt therefoi. 101, That no contractor or other person engaged on any work for the city shall be paid the edmpeiisation allowed him (unless otherwise jirovided fur) by his contract, or any part thereof unless at the time of ])ayiiig the same, he shall present to the chamberlain a c(>rtifirate from the city engineer or jierson in charge of the city engineer's department, stating that he had examined, measured and computed the work, aiul that the same was completed, or that the payment demamled was due on such work, and also stating what the Work was on which sueh money was tine. 102. That with the view of further carrying out the variouH objects, embraced in this by-law, every acamnt, before being paid, shall Ik) certified, firstly, by the city engineer or other superior officer under wlntse supi rinteiidauei' the work was done, or materials provided, and secondly by the c(tmmittei', (if any) under whose authority the contraet, ur ex)»eiiditure was made; this latter certificate iK'iiig given by, or liy order of such eiinimittee or a majority thert'of, and signed by the memliers or by tin; chairman in llutir presenw,', and such certilicutti shall also refer in some distinct manner to the by-law or resolution of the Council by or under which the expenditure was authorised. 10.'?. That in ease the committeB has reason to Ixdieve tliat anv member of the Council or officer of the corpomtion is inferesteil in any account presented for the approval of such cuimnitlee it shall be the duty of such committee to withhold a certifiaite, and to give the parties interested, or supposed to be interested in the 26 By-Larvs of the ■iccount an opportunity of disproving the supposed interest • anc i ti7,lutv%';.'^ *^ '^' ^'^^^^'^•'^*'"" ''' such comuuttee. t 'shaU Council ^ committee to report the same forthwith to the H)4. That the chainlxTluin, for the convenience of parties shall uoh'fT'T^'' f-'-s for the necessary certificates and decSt of sue forms hemg subject to the approval of the standing committee on finance and assessment. * "-i^uuuitice or fo tnv^offinlr T^ '^'" ^ ?*''^ '' ""^ '^''^^''' '^ '^' Council or to anv ofhcer of the corporation as aj^ent or attorn-v for anv contractor, or m any manner on behalf of a contractor. ^ nr ?,?/'• 7^'"' ^? "f '"^'' "^ ^^>" C^^""^"" «'^a" have power to direct or ntjrfere with the performance of any work for the cor, oratrn and the officer m charge shall be subject only to lis^Ceri"; ac^S'.' n rf^ ""^ ': ^h«>'ouncil. or L any committee whU acting m that capacity and not otherwise) to which the CouncU may in any case give authority in that behalf. hv?^; '^f "^1 ""'7^ ''"^ '"aterials shall be done and provided bycontrac and after tenders have been called for bv adver se- n e.t for at least two weeks, besides advertising theJefor^fanv ot er manner which the extent and importance of the work xnay enier necessary. In case of an emergency rendering it ueoes arv to dispense with this rule; such dispensing tl.crewith"dallreS le sanction of at least three (or a majodty) of the memben of h committee having charge of the matter.'and every ^c li 'u ' be entered in their minutes at the time, and to be'^-ep rted J, he ( ouneilat its next meeting, with the reasons which re .3 k necessary in such cases t<» dispense with this rule. '""^'^^♦'^ '^ lOH. That no confmctor or other p,.r^on found bv the city engineer, or person „, charge of the en.^ineer's depart"ment or Iv any committee of th.. ("ouncil or declan^l by a re oh ti^ o ,hV Counci or as«.rt.uned by a judicial d,.cisioM. to have beengui ty of defnnuhng or of att^-mpting to defrau.l the city shall ,t n f^ employed ,n any capacity on behalf of, ,.r recie v n "mH mil ^';r7f'""M'"" ""i""*'^^ --tionofthe Co^nci alia 1 be the duty of the various officers of the w.iporation to forthwith reiK.rt uU sik^I. frunrfu ,..• ♦„.! r....,,..,. \. * ..'""' ^" !».<...„. ,,,g,u.a„l l„ ,„,,..ri,„», „,„l U „„.), .„|,..ri„:-, t, ,v,tri interest ; anc. ittee, it shall thwith to the parties, shall I declarations, ng committee >f the Council )rn'y for any wer to direct corjjoration ; his superior littee (while the Council nd provided \v advertise- irefor in any le work may it necessary shall require mern'oers of y such case I rept)rted to rendered it y the city nietit, or by tidii of the I'U Kiiilty of II afj[ain Ik* ny contracl ouiicil. It i)uration, to which they "s to i"i'j)ort »joct of the