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Oil 1 . 251 I.MI 2 . 2i| 2.00 2. 50 2.5()| 2.5fl| Com- 5.O0I EDUCATIONAL CATALOGUE. 47 Gray's Botanist's Microscope, 2 lenses 2 . .^0 " Botanist's Microscope, 3 lenses 3 . 00 Hooker's Botany Primer 30 Oliver's Elementary Botany 1 . ,3r, Sach's Botany 9 ryQ Steele's Fourteen Weeks' Botany 1 . 50 Lgriculture. Dawson's Scientific Agriculture '75 Johnston's Agricultural Chemistry 2 . 00 Tanner's Primer Agriculture 35 " Principles of Agriculture 1 . 00 ^eology. Dana's Text Book of Geology 9 . 50 " Manual " 4 50 Dawson's Lecture Notes on Geology 75 " Acadian Geology 5 . 40 " Earth and Man 1,75 " Origin of the World 2 . 25 Geikie's Primer Geology 30 " Field Geology 1 , 00 " Geological Sketches 1 , 00 Lyell's Elements of Geology 1 . 75 Page's Introductory Geology 75 " Advanced " 1 , 50 [ineralogy. Brush's Determinative Mineralogy. Last Edition. 3.50 Dana's Manual of Mineralogy 2 . 00 " Text Book of Mineralogy 3 . 50 " Descriptive Mineralogy 10.00 Astronomy. Galbraith & Haughton's Astronomy . . ^ .,, Gall's Easy Guide to Constellations . " o " Atlas of Stars.... f\ Gillet & Rolfe's Astronomy . j 1 ' Lockyer's Elementary Lessons in Astronomy! [['.' 16^ Primer Astronomy ...■ Loomis's Meteorology ^ 9- Nautical Almanac '.'. * Newcomb'.. Astronomy '. „ r!| Steele's Fourteen Weeks' Astronomy." .'."*'." i 'r,o liOgic. Jevons' Elementary Logic .^, " pnmer Logic :;;;;;; m Mill's System of Logic ^ Killick's Handbook of Mill's Logic ^'ll\ Whately's Logic ^ ^'^^\ Political Pconomy. Fawcett's Elements of Political Economy Jevons' Primer « u ' Mills' Poliiical Economy... , 'fJ Roger's '« » ^'^^ Walker's " « '" ^-^'^ Macmillan's Primers. Primers^Science. Edited by Professors Huxley, Roscoe and B. Stewart. 18mo. Cloth. Each 30 1. Huxley's Introduction. 2. Roscoe's Chemistry. 3. Balfour^s Stewart's Physics. 4. Geikie's Physical Geography S- " Geology. n TREAL. 1 . 501 ,30 3o| 1./;), y 1.65 .30 2 . 25 90 3 . OO 1 . 50 60 30 2 . 50 l.OO 60 .... 75 .... 30 .... 1.50 • • • . 1 . oo .... 2.50 EDUCATION AL OATALOGUE. 49 6. Foster's Physiology. 7. Lockyer's Astronomy. 8. Hooker's Botany. 9. Jevons' Logic. 10. " Political Economy. [Applied Science. Ba;ig Chiefly the Text Books Used in McGill College. Bovey. A} vlied Mechanics. Parts 1 and 2. Each 1.75 Brush , jterminative Mineralogy and the Blovv- i^'i^^ r 3.50 Chapman. Assay Notes 5q Cotterill's Applied Mechanics 5 . oO Evers. The Steam Engine 1 , 00 Fresenius' Qualitative Chemical Analysis 4 . 00 Quantitative - " *.'. 6*00 Gilmore. Roads, Streets and Pavements 2.00 Gillespie's Land Surveying o 75 Goodeve's Mechanics. Latest Edition l . 75 " Mechanism. " 1 -5 Greenwood. Metallurgy. 2 Vols. Each .....'..' 1^00 Harris' Electricity I^q Jones' Junior Course Practical Chemistry 7,5 Maxwell. Theory of Heat " j qO Millar's Descriptive Geometry 1 75 Notes on Building Construction. 3 vols 12.75 Overman. The Founder o 00 Perry. Practical Mechanics 1 . 00 Phillips' Metallurgy ] 00 Poulsen. Micro Chemistry 1 05 Rankine. Useful Tables for Engineers ;j . I.5 Civil Engineering 4 7;-, Rankine. Steam Engine 3 ;| Pharm. Applied Mechanics ' 3 -1 U " Machinery and Mill Work o'M 3 ' Reed^ Engineer's Handbook ^ ! ! : : ' ! ' ; : ! ; "J Physiol Rickets. Notes on Assaying .. . Hm Ve Rigg. The Steam Engine t^f J Roscoe & Shorlemmer. Chemistry' " ''^ W i .' "I Shelley. Workshop Appliances 7 ' J p^tholo Steven3on. Civil Engineering in A„,enca i::: ^ ' ' I c° wZ S !'"T -f ""'^'"'^ °^=«" 2 .1 Hi! wuson. Steam Boilers I o 1 . 7.i| Surgery, SEE ALSO UNDER SCIENCE. I practice Bri: For Ref Clinical _ Dia MEDICAL BOOKS. I ^ 6: McGill Text Books. I Medical Anatomy.-Gray, 8.75; Wilson 4 00 • n • I ^^" (Eng. Ed.) 10 75 ' ' ^"'''"' I Midwifer Practical Anatomy. -Heath's Dissector, 4.20 Ellis' I r ''? Dissector 4.25. Holden's Dissect;, 5.00 d | 'T Landmarks, 1.00 I ^ar ChemisJ.y._.Fo„nes, 2. -, ; Miller, 1.00 ; Roscoe, I .">'"'"■ p .'" • plifcjueiiai fractal Chemistry. -Odiing, 1.75 ; Galloway I AtAill's Fresin,u.s, 5.00. °™y' I Armstron rTREAL. ■ EDUOAT IONAL_^AT-ALOQTTT7 gl 3 j| Pharmacology and Therapeutics- — Wood, 6.00 • . 3.7i Lauder Brunton, 5.00; Scoresby Jackson, 3.7| 3.75; Whitla, 3.15, and Bruce, 1.50. 4.oI Physiology.— Huxley's ^/^w^^/^^^ Lessons, 1.35; 3.0(1 ^'eo, 4.00; Foster, American Edition, 3.25,' 7..oo| English Edition, 5.50 ; Dalton, 5.00. 'T?l'"SVHVs^mn^'t^^ OF LECTURES IN 1 .Oil Pathology. — Virchow on Post-Mortem's,' * 1.00 '; 1 .Ool Oreen, 2.50. 5.O0I Histology.— Klein's Elements, 1.50; Essentials of 2. ool Histology, Schafer, 2.00. 1.7;i Surgery.-Homes' Surgery, (Eng. Ed.) 9.00 ; Erich- sen, 9.00 ; Druitt, 4.00 ; Bryant, 6.50. Practice of Medicine.— Flint, 5.50 ; Roberts, 5.00 ; Bristowe 5.00; DaCosta, 5.00; Fagge, iO.Oo' For Reference.— Pepper's System of Medicine. Chnical Medicine.— Graham Brown's Manual of Diagnosis, 3.25 ; Finlayson's Clinical Manual, 2 63 ; Flint on Auscultation and Percussion, 1.63 ; Loomis on Physical Diagnosis, 3.00. Medical Jurisprudence.— Husband, 3.25 ; Guy and Ferrier, 3.75. Midwifery. -Lusk, 5.00 ; Playfair, 4.00 ; Leishman, 4.00; Gallabin, 3.00 ; Barnes, 5.00. Gynoecology-Edis, 3.00 ; Goodell's Lessons, 4.00; Hart and Barbour's Manual, 7.50. Hygiene.— Park's, 5.50; Wilson, (Eng. Ed.) 2.75. ^lisceilaneous. Atthill's Diseases of Women ^5. Armstrong's Organic Chemistry !!.*..." 1 00 ^i_JW\_DRYSDALE_&jO^^ MONTREAL. Barr, On the Ear ^ ^0 Bartholow's Practice of xMedicine ..".". '. . ., ' .' ' .' .' .' 5 [ qq Materia Medica " 5 00 Bartley's Medical Chemistry o ' r^Q Bruce's Materia Medica and Therapeutics ' .' l ' L Dalby, On the Ear '"" ^"'^^ Dun's Veterinary Medicines ." ' * ' ^"r,Q Fleming's Veterinary Obstetrics "'.''.".' g ' oq Garrod's Materia Medica '_' ' 3 ' g. Gibbe's Histology ' ^„ King's Manual of Obstetrics. . . .".'.'.'. [[[[[ 9 ' qI Kirke's Physiology _" T ' 9^ McFaydean's Anatomy of the Horse ...'."..' g 50 Mills' Students' Guide in Physiology " " 1 00 Mittendorf, On the Eye and Ear . . a nn Nettleship, «« u *-^^ ^,. , , ' ' 2 . 00 Nichol, On Larnyx and Trachea in Childhood o -,0 Pepper's Surgical Pathology 39- Power's Human Physiology \\ 9 '2'^ Ralfe's Clinical Chemistry '.'.'. V. j '50 Smith (Lewis) on Children ... . " r^ Steele, On the Ox ;.';;;' g :J^ Steinson, On Fractures V.V.'V'. ^' ^r^ Strangeway's Veterinary Anatomy.'.'.'.'. " ' 7 '^q Williams' Veterinary Surgery . . ^'Ir. Williams' " Medicine '. .' ^'^q Ziegler's Pathological Anatomy .... „ I " Part 1., General.. 3.75 •R •■• , , ,., " 2., Special... 3.75 British s Pharmacopoeia. Zas^ Edition. i 75 Squire's Companion to ditto " " •' ' "0 * ^' SEND FOR OUR MEDICAL CAt'al'og'uE. "' <( (( « TREAL. 3.50 5 . 00 5.00 2 . 50 1 . 50 1 . 50 4 . 50 6 . 00 3.60 1.75 2.00 4 . 20 6.50 1.00 4 . 00 2.00 2 . 50 ... 2 . 25 ... 2.25 ... 1.50 ... 4.. 50 ... 6.00 ... 4.75 ... 7.50 ... 7.50 .. 7.50 3.75 3.75 1 . 75 3.50 EDUCATIONAL CATALOGUE. 53 THEOLOGICAL TEXT BOOKS. Used in the Various Theological Colleges of Montreal. Agustine's Confessions ^q De Doctrina Christiana 60 Barry's The Teacher's Prayer Book ' 75 Blakie, Bible History 1 qq " For the Work of the Ministry 1 .35 Bedell, The Pastor , 2 00 Blakeney's Manual of Romish Controversy 75 Boultbee's The Thirty-nine Articles ! ! 1 . 75 Butler's The Analogy ' gQ Calvin's The Institutes. 2 Vols 4 . oo Christlieb on Modern Doubt 3.15 Chrysostom De Sacerdotio 75 Crawford on the Atonement 3 go Dale's Congregational Principles 45 Diman's Theistic Argument 2 00 Ellicott, The Being of God ' * "50 Fairbairn's Hermeneutical Manual 3.15 Farrar's History of Free Thought * 2 . 00 Flint's Theism ' 2 .75 " Anti-Theistic Theories * * * 3 25 Fisher's History of the Reformation 9 . 50 Greek Testament (See under " Greek.") Greek Students' Manual | " 2 25 Gorle's Analysis of Pearson on the Creed l . 20 " Analysis of Hora3 Paulinse 90 Analysis of Hooker's Ecclesiastical Polity . . 1 . 20 Hagenbach's Church History, in 18th and 19th Centuries ^ ^^^ Hardwicke's Church History in Middle" Ages .'."" .' 2.' 50 The Reformation 2 50 Hodge On the Atonement 1 50 Hodge's Systematic Theology. 4 Vols ...".*.".'." 1 2 60 " Outlines of Theology 3 OO Jacob's Ecclesiastical Polity 31-) Jellett on Prayer \ \'^ Keil s Introduction. 2 Vols g .3Q Killen's Ancient Church History.'..*.'.' o"r,o Kurtz's Church History " " l"^^Q Lee On Inspiration ^ ' r,o Lightfoot, The Christian Ministry. .V. ""7., " On Phillipians.... o 7I On Colossians 3 t- Maitland's Theism ][[ ,1^ Martensen's Christian Dogmatics !..'.'.'..'.'.*." 3 i'5 Paleys Horae Paulina " " ' ^'^ Christian Evidences " qq Pearson On the Creed 1 50 Pope's Higher Catechism of Theology . . . * .* .' " .' ." .' 1 ' .50 Compendium of Theology. 3 Vols. . ' ' 7 50 Rawlinson's Historical Evidences 1 " 0.5 Sanderson's Handbook of Theology ] 00 Sheldon's History of Xtian Doctrine. 2 Vols. . ." ' 4 00 Shedd's Homiletics ' ^\j^ Smith's Old Testament History . . . .....'... ...... 1 ' 50 New Testament History j ,59 Ecclesiastical History. 2 Vols. Each . . . .' 1 75 Ulmann's Reformers before Reformation. 2 Vols 6 30 A/an Oosterzee's Theology of New Testament.... 1 50 EAL. 19th 6.00 s 2 . 50 2 . 50 1 . 50 12.60 3.00 3.15 1 . 50 .... 6 . 30 .... 2 . 50 .... 3.00 .... 2 . 50 . . . . <.) ) . / o . . . . 3 . 75 50 . .. . 3.15 90 90 ... 1 . 50 ... 1..50 ... 7 . 50 . . . 1 . 25 ... 1 00 ... 4.00 . .. 1.75 . .. 1.50 . .. 1,.50 . .. 1.75 Is.. 6 30 . . 1.50 EDUOATIQNAL CATALOGUE. 6*) VVescott On the Canon of the New Testament.. . 3.15 Introduction to the Study of the Gos- 2.50 pels BOOKS ON EDUCATION. Blackie's Self Culture Blakie HowtoGet Strong and How' to' siay So! 1.00 Bain, Education as a Science 2-5 Baldwin's School Management -r, Blakiston,. The Teacher .*.'.".'.. 75 Bright's Les.sons on English [[[[[ 4q Browning's Educational Theories . . . .' .' . ....,' qq Calderwood, On Teaching 75 Calkin's Primary Object Le.ssons . . 1 95 Crocker's method of Teaching Geography.* '.['." '75 Currie's Common School Education .... j 75 Emberson's Art of Teaching qq Fitch On Teaching 1 25 Froebel's Kindergarten System . . .'. 05 Gow's Primer of Politeness 75 Hackwood's Lessons on Morals . . nr Hewitt On Pedagogy .''.' j 3^^ Hughes' Drilland Cali.sthenics.' '.'.'.'.".*.'.*.* .*' 4^ Mistakes in Teaching. . . ,u, How to Secure and Retain Attention ... 50 Johonnott's Principles and Practice of Teaching. . 1 50 Kellogg On Teaching g^ 5(J ^^ W^DRYSDALB & CO., MONTREAL. i '. 1 . 3.) Kiddle, How to Teach isrusi's Synthethic Manual ' .' _ Kingsley's Health and Education .* " * 1.7-, I .andon's School Management 1 7-, Laurie's Comnioti School Education 1 ;j.-, Meiklejohn's Problem of Teaching to Read 25 Morison's School Management 12.-) Parker's Talks on Teaching [ j "^r, Patridge, The Quincy Methods * " ' ' ' 1 _" 7.-, Painter's History of Education 1 5,^ Payne's Contribution to the Science of Education.. 1 . .50 Phelps' Teachers' Handbook j 5Q Quackenbos' Primary Object Lessons 1 .2o Spencer (Herbert) On Education .' * * 17 Thring's Methods of Teaching [[[[ 1 75 Robinson's Manual of Method " 1 r,Q Willison's Lessons on Objects 1 35 ■<•► *- Messrs. Drysdale & Co. will be glad to quote price for any Book not mentioned in this Catalogue, or to procure it on the best terms. Cata Abaci. Basket; use, Bags. with $LOi Bells. N N N Hand Binding. I Portable made =IEAL. 1.3") I glad to tioned in the best EDUCATIONAL OATALOGUBJ. 57 Catalogue (B) [ "*'' ""' ''''''■ { SCHOOL ANR nniir i SCHOOL AND COLLEGE STflTIONERY. Abaci. Sec under Numeral Frames. Baskets. Waste Paper Baskets, strongly made, for school use, 45c, 50c, 60c, 75c, $1.00, according to size. Bags. School Bags, in Hemp, 20c. and 25c.; in Leather with Straps, 70c., 75c., $1.00; with Handle 90c' $1.00, $1.25. Bells. School Call Bells. N°-'51 $1.00. ^'«-^^ 90. ^0.5-i... ^Q^ Hand Bells, in Brass and Silver-plate, from 60c. Binding. Books Re-bound, strongly, at lowest prices. iiLAOKBOARDS. I Portable Blackboards, with perfect made with Eureka LitjuTd Slating. Slate surface. fi8 W. DRYSDALU & OO., MONTREAL. Style A. —Slated Cloth mounted on rollers, with hooks and rings for hanging up — Size. Price. 2x2 feet, $1.00 3x3 (( 3x4 <( 3x5 (( 3x6 a 3x 7 (( 4x4 ik 4x5 t( 4x6 (( 4x7 «( 2.75 3.50 4 . 50 . 50 6 . 25 1.75 6.00 7.00 8.00 Black An Bn I Any size made to order at 28c. jjcr square foot. Style B.- -Blackboards of Wood, with Ash Frame- size. Price. 2x3 feet (outside measure), $4.50 2Jx3i " 7.00 3x4 " 8.50 3x4^- 9.25 3^x41 " 10.50 3| X 5 " 12.00 The " Gem " Blackboard. Ash Frame.^ (the cheapest Ash Frame Blackboard made) — 18 X 24 inches price $1 . 50 18x30 " 24 X 30 " 24 X 36 " 30 X 36 " 36 X 48 " ' 2 .25 ' 2 75 ' 3 00 ' 3 75 ' 6 00 Blackl Blackl to s Blackl Blottit Book { take han Plain Blackboards made and coated at 25c. per sq.ft. Blackboard Pointers, Ash, oiled, 25c. each. Blackboard Liquid Slating, in tins ; price, per pint. $1.15; per quart, $2.00. ^BAL. rs, with hook^ )0 '5 )0 iO lO In 5 10 10 ire foot. i*^rame — 50 00 50 25 50 00 (the cheapest 50 25 75 30 (5 )0 5c. per sq.ft. . . 25c. each. ice, per pint, I FDUOAT IONAL OATALOGUD. 6f Blackboard Erasers. Andrew's Dustless Blackboard Eraser, proved to be the best in the world, price 25c. each, $2.40 per doz. Bradner's Lambs' Wool Blackboard Brush, 7 inch, price 25c. each, $2.40 ner dozen. Blackboard Ohalk. White, Parmenter's, 25c. per gross. i>>lour<.d, " $1.25 " Blackboard Easels, .. $1.25. ^1.75, $2.50, according to size. Blackboard Compasses, $1.25 each. Blotting Paper. See Stationery. Book Shelves. The new style Book Shelves, can be taken apart and packed for transportation, made to hang up on a wall or to stand separately. No. 1, 2 Shelves, 15 inch es No. 2, 2 No. X 3 22 22 $ .75 1.00 1.50 60 I' W. DRYSDALE & CO., MONTREAL. Lambe's Dictionary Holder, for Webster's or Wor- cester's Dictionaries, price from $3.00. Chalk. See under Blackboard. CHARTS. The Earth (Illustrated). Beautifully printed in Colours (in 2 sheets), each 26^ by 46 inches, mounted on Cotton, Rollers, and Varnished. Trice $2.00 each. Sheet I. contains Near and Distant views of Land and Geographical Terms. Sheet II. contains Curvature of the Sea, Day and Night, and The Seasons. The Mariner's Compass. Size 21 by 26 inches, mounted on Cotton, Pollers, and Varnished, or on Strong Boards, Varnishe Price 90c. Being a Pictorial Sheet, showing The Pole Star, and how an observation is taken ; The Magnetic Pole, Vari- ations of the Compass, The 22 Points of the Com- pass, and how positions are reckoned by points or degrees. The whole is richly coloured and arranged with Nautical Figures and surroundings. The Clock Face. Beautifully Primed in Colours, 21^; by 26i inches, price $1.75, mounted on Strong Boards, Varnished. Showing, besides the usual large dial with movable hands, a ivorthern and southern view of the Earth, witli times "ompared with Greenwich, and 12 small Hemisphere;:, showing the position of the F:artli at t Oolou] Imi boti Car han Wool-pi Wild H Golden Wclfan Cow Goat Ass Dog of Pigeons Johnsti Ph5 Johnstc pan Johnstc Elec Johnsto 4 she Johnsto; each ; Illustrat Being respec vesting letterp inches SAL. EDUCATIONAL CATALOGUE. 61 :er's or VVor- d in Colours mounted on LOO each. )f Land and Y and Night, 26 inches, shed, or on :ar, and how ; Pole, Vari- )f the Com- )y points or nd arranged olours, 11 \ ong Boards, /•able hands. Earth, witli 12 small le F^arth at every two hours of the day and night, and the usual tables of divisions of time. Coloured Picture Charts— Natural History Series.— Imitation Frame, Varnished, with Bea ing top and bottom, and Tape for hanging ; the same, Mounted on Cardboard and Varnished, with Eyelets and Tape for hanging, 18 by 11 inches, 25c. each. Wool-producing Animals Wild Horse Golden Eagle Wclf and the Lamb Cow Goat Ass Dog of St. Bernard Pigeons Fox Camel Lion Giraffe Peacock Hippopotamus l^omestic Fowls Syrian Bear Ostrich Ducks Tiger Turkey Cats Pelican Raven Rabbits Magpie Elephant Polar Bear Calf Sheep-dog Finrhf^q Geese Pig Apples Roses Johnston's Charts of Human Anatomy and Physiology. 3 sheets, size 54 x 46 ins., each $3.75. Johnston's Illustrations of Zoology and Com- parative Anatomy. 4 sheets, each $3.75. Johnston's Illustrations of Magnetism and Electricity. 5 sheets, each $3.75. Johnston's Illustrations of Light and Heat. 4 sheets, each $3.75. Johnston's Illustrations of Chemistry. 5 sheets each $3.75. I Illustrations of Tea, Coffee, Cocoa and Sugar. Bemg four elaborately coloured Pictures illustrating respectively Tea (harden, Coffee Estate, Cocoa Har vesting, and a Sugar Plantation. A sheet of descriptive letterpress accompanies each illustration. Size 21 x 28 inches. Roller and Varnished. Price $1.00 each. 62 W. DRYSDALH & CO., MONTREAL. SOMETHING NEW! Sewing Sheets. There are 18 sheets in the Series, " each 23 by 36 inches. Price . 35c. each ; or mounted on CottL-ii, Rollers, and Varnished, 70c. each. They may also be had mounted for fixing in the Patent Portable Stretcher. The Official Report in the Blue Book en Needlework in Tottenham College says — " The Students have given "good practical lessons, their blackboard illustrations " were particularly well drawn, as was the case last "year." The " Blackboard Illustrations " referred to in this report were got up from the rough sheets of the diagrams, under the supervision of Miss Hale, the designer of the above sheets. They have the following recom- mendations : — 1. They are on a large scale, and suited for simultaneous class teaching. 2. The de- tails of each process are r^eparately shown. 3. They illustrate many points which cannot be shown by a frame. 4. They meet a difficulty which all teachers will acknowledge — viz. : that it is impossible to demonstrate everything on a blackboard. The portable, convenient and cheap form in which these sheets are published makes them a desirable addition to every school. The Lord's Prayer. Size 26 by 34 inches. Price 75c., on thick paper. A beautifully illuminated Wall Picture for the Schoolroom. Various illuminated editions of the above have been issued from time to time ; but for beauty of design, and ex- Olivej I.- II.- III.- The t c a %* For ill re C The si ei VV Willsoi Oha by e; No. I.- No. II. T\ No. II] No. IV Th No. V.- No. VI. Th No. VIJ No. VI] Th( E2AL. I the Series, iches. Price mounted on iach. They i the Patent eedlework in cs have given 1 illustrations he case last n this report le diagrams, : designer of wing recom- s scale, and 2. The de- ti. 3. They shown by a all teachers ipossible to which these ible addition Price 75c., ^Vall Picture been issued ign, and ex- EDUOATIONAL OATALOQUE. 03 ceilence of chromo-lithography, this new edition will undoubtedly be welcome. Oliver & Boyd's Object^Lesson Cards. I. -On the Vegetable Kin dom. Set of 20 cards, $7. 1 1. —On the Animal Kingdom. Set of 14 cards, $7. III.— On the Mineral Kingdom. Set. of U cards, $7. The feature of these Lesson Cards which distinguishes them from others is, that instead of giving Pictures of what is presented, Specimens of the Aaual Objects are attached. The size of each card is 20 by 13 inches, and each Set is enclosed in a Handsome Stained and Varnished Wooden Box. Willson and Oalkins's School and Family Charts. (These Charts, when mounted can be sent by express only). No. I.— Elementary : 60 illustrated \vords $ 30 No. II.~ Reading : First Lessons 30 The Two, Mounted j 25 No. III.— Reading : Second Lessons 30 No. IV.— Reading : Third Lessons 30 The Two, Mounted I 25 ^^- v.— Reading : Fourth Lessons 30 No. VI.— Reading : Fifth Lessons 30 The Two, Mounted 1 2.^ -Elementary Sounds No. VIIL — Phonic Spelli ng The Two, Mounted 1 30 30 25 (J4 W. DRYSDALE & CO., MONTREAL. No. IX.— Writing Chart $ ;>,, No. X. — Drawing and Perspective 45 The Two, Mounted 1 -,0 No. XL— Lines and Measures 30 No. XIL — Forms and Solids 30 The Two, Mounted ] oTi No. XIIL — Familiar Colours, accompanied by a duplicn ;e set of Hand Colour Cards 1 LM No. Xr^— Chromatic Scale of Colours 1 Qo Th Two, Mounted 3 00 No. XV. — Animals. Economic Uses 50 No. XVL — Classification of Animals , ,50 The Two, Mounted 2 00 No. XVIL— Birds. Their Classification 50 No. XVIIL—Reptiles and Fishes f,o The Two, Mounted 2 00 . No. XIX.— Botanical Forms, &c oO No. XX. — Classification of Plants 50 The Two, Mounted 2 00 . No. XXI. — Economical Uses of Plants 50 No. XXII. — Economical Uses, continued 50 The Two, Mounted qo Alphabet Charts at 2oc., noc, 75c., $1.00 Chemical Cabinet. The " High School " Chemical Cabinet $2.00 Compasses. Blackboard Compasses $L25 Prang's Patent School Compass, combining Pen, Pencil, t'vrc. The Pencil Com See, also. for Pencil attaching Mathematical Instruments Copy Orayo: Foi Drawi: Th( s: The 1 The 2 The si Drawii Si Drawir of, I Drawii] Den Roy, Whatir Roy; Elep Dou Contin Drawi n Tracing Tracing Dra Willi Exercis SAL. $ 45 30 30 2:> by a 1 2n 1 00 3 00 no 50 2 00 50 50 2 00 50 50 2 00 50 50 ... . 2 00 75c., $1.00 Pen, .$2.00 $1.25 JO 5 EDUCATIONAL CATALOGUE]. 65 Copy Books. See under Books. Crayon Holders. For Chalk, each 20c. For Artist Crayons at 12c., 15c. and 20c! Drawing Blank Books. The " Young Artist " Drawing Book, interleaved, size 7| by 5 in., 54 pages, 10c. eacii, $1.00 per doz. The Student's Drawing Book, interleaved, size 10 by 7-1 in., 36 pages, .... 15c. each, $1.50 per doz. The "Practice" Drawing Book, size 9 by 7 in., 2^ P^ges 5c. each, 50c. per doz. The "Academy" Drawing Book, interleaved, size 13^ by 9| in., 32 pages, each 20c. Drawing Material. See under Pens, Pencils, &c. Send for descriptive List of Artists' Materials. Drawing Models, The Ontario Drawing Series of, per set, in box, $8.00 Drawing Paper. Demy Drawing Paper, 20 by 15 in. . Royal Drawing Paper, 24 by 19 in. . Whatman's Hand-Made Drawing Paper — Royal, 24by 19| 15c. Elephant, 28;^ by 23| 20c. Double Elephant, 40| by 27 ,?0c. Continuous Cartridge, 60 inches wide, 3uc. per yard. Drawing Slips cut to order, any size. Tracing Paper 15c. ^ sheet. Tracing Cloth, 38 inches wide ,-.... 50c. a yard. Drawing Pins per doz., 20c.; per gross, $2.00 Exercise Books. See under Stationery. Per Sheet Per Quire OC. lOc. 75c. $1.00 2.00 3. .50 G.OO 66 W. DBYSDALE & CO., MOiSiTBEAL, Eye Shades. Students' Eye Shades Foolscap. See under Stationery. GLOBES. The Frankliu 12 inch Globe. each l')c .Mounted on Staled ^ ^ Semi-Meridian iSl5.00. 1 Meridian $1000. $8.00. Plain Mounted $7.00. 12 inch Globes. Prepared by Johnston, of Edinburgh, and mounted on this side. No. 32— Bracket Globe, plain $16.00 31— Bracket Globe, meridian 20.00 30 -Bracket Globe, complete with all fixings. . . 23.00 28— Low Wood Stand, complete 33. oo 2 7- -Low Bronze Stand, complete 30 . 00 26— High Wood Stand, plain ig^OO &c., &c. 8 inch Globe« )— Bracket Globe, plain, similaj to >'o 32. ..$10.00 No. 4.")- 40- 44- 43|- No. G4~ 62- 61- Bell's J frarr is pi or C( dura to s^ presi in di con\ the £ prov Price, With B The Scl on Ic Ser No Stepher perg BAL . . each 1 ')c oi-Meridian $8.00. n Mounted $7.00. ted on this .$16.00 . 20.00 . 23.00 . 33.00 . 30.00 . 18.00 EDUCATIONAL CATALOGUE. 67 No. 4r)_Low Bronzed Stand, complete ir>.00 40— High Round Stand, complete 12.00 44 — High Round Stand, plain 8.00 43|— High Round Stand, Semi-Meridian 9.00 6 inch Globes. No. 04— Bracket Globe, plain, similar to No. 32 . , . fi.OO 62- -High Stand Globe, plain 5 .00 61— High Stand Globe, Meridian 6 . 50 Bell's Portable Globe. This Globe consists of a framework of steel wire, covered with cloth, on which is printed a Map of the World, and can be expanded or collapsed in a few seconds. The cloth cover is of durable material, made expressly for the purpose ; and to secure permanence, the colouring is produced at the press with varnish colours. The (ilobe is about 15 in. in diameter, being 4 feet in circumference. For the convenience of suspending it by a cord, the top end of the axis is furnished with a ring. A neat deal box is provided in which it may be deposited when not in use. Price, with Box $4 . 00 With Bronzed Metallic Stand 5 . 50 The Scholars' Home Globe. 6 inch, mounted on low stand 30c Send for full descriptive Globe List, with Cuts. $10.00 Stephens' Commercial Ink (the best for School use), per gallon jar, $1.50; half gallon, 90c.; quart, 50c. ^^ W. DRYSDALE & OQ.. M ONTREAL. Blue-Black Ink at 15c, 25c.. oOc. 7oc Stephens' Dwarf Ink, Black 20c. per dozen Do. do. Red 25c. do. Stephens' Red Ink at 15c., 25c., 50c., 75c. Cross' Stylograi)hic Ink 25c. per bottle. Ink Powder 10c. per pkt. Ink-Stands. /// ' ^ 3 Porcelain, No. 1 40c. per dozen. ^^o- ^^- 2 60c. do. I^o- No. 3 60c. do. Glass Ink Wells 35c. do. Excise Inks (will not spill), assorted size,. . . 10c. each. Students' Ink Wells (pocket) 35c., 40c., 60c. Bronze Ink-Stands, for Teachers' Desk, with Pen- •■^^^ each 30c. Ink Vents. For failing Ink;Wells 15c., 25c. Syphon Corks, do. 20c.,' 25c,' Kindergarten Blocks 35c. and 50c. per box. All Kindergarten material supplied to order. Letter Scale, The " Peerless " Letter Scale, made of hard metal, nickel-plated, will weieh accurately Barthol Nortl Soutl Unit( The Onta Ontai Queh New Nova Isl! W. & A Seri( series great is eve series nearly ing ni Varni; whole inches qualit} books gratis Price of AL. c, 50c. 75c. :. per dozen. do. :., 50c., 75c. :. per bottle. Oc. per pkt. EDUCATIONAL CATALOGUE. 69 per dozen. do. do. do. lOc . each. 40c ., 60c. en- each 30c. 15c. ,, 25c. 20c. , 25c. . per box. sr. [C, MAPS. Bartholomew Series (Canadian). North America 67 by 52 South America G7 " 52 United States 81 " 52 The Dominion of Canada 93 " 56 Ontario 67 " 52 Ontario — Railway Map 43 " 33 Quebec 67 " 52 New Brunswick 67 " 52 Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island 67 " 52 m. , $4 . 50 , . 4 . 50 .6.00 . 6 . 50 .4.50 .3.00 . 4 . 50 .4.50 . 4 . 50 ..50c. W. & A. K. Johnston's National School Board Series of Large Wall Maps. This well-known series possesses the following advantages :— From the great demand, they are constantly at press, and no Map is ever printed without being thoroughly revised. The series is the most extensive published, consisting of nearly 70 Maps, to which additions are constantly be- ing made. They are mounted on Cloth and Rollers, Varnished, the best materials only being used. The whole series is of one uniform size, namely, 50 by 42 inches. // is the cheapest ever published, considering the quality. ' is the only series diCcomi^3imQd by Hand- books written expressly for each Map. These are given gratis to purchasers. Price of M, ^ Mounted, Rollers and Varnished. . .$3. 75 W. Pn'^-^DALB Si CO., MONTREAL. Political Geography. Eastiini and Western Hemispheres, Wo»ld, Mercator's Projection Kn>tTn Hemisphere Western Hemisphere Europe England and Wales Valley of the Thames Wales Scotland Ireland British Isles France Spain and Portugal Italy Central Europe Orkney and Shetland I map. Asia India Africa Kgypt South Africa Anievica North America Hritish North America ("anada (Eastern Provinces* United States West India Islands South America Australia New Zealand (in Counties) Pacific Ocean Chart of Geographical Terms Classical Geography. Orbis Veteribus Notus Italia Antiqua Grascia Antiqua Asia Minor Orbis Romanus C.TEsar de Hello Gallico Scriptural Geography Outline Map of Countries iiorderiiig on Mediterranean Travels of St. Paul The Holy l-;in.i Bible Countries The Exodus Physical Geography. (Physical Chart of the World on Mercator'.s Projection, $7.) World, in Hemispheres A-i.-. Ameri.-i ''•"'•^'^'•' Africa EngL,-^ A Compote Map of British North America — ^ ^ Size, 84 by -^O inches Price $6.00 This Ma; hr.s been carefully cor. striicted from the latest and most reliable material, and reviscid bv Dominion (Government officials, it comprises all the Provinces forming the Do- ^ion. the whole of the North-West 'I'enitory, and I nd of Newfoundland : with a considerable pori-on of the United States, embracing New York, Chicago and San Franci.sco. The divisions of the Provinces into Counties and the chief town of The "I cal F. R Lon each county are clearly shown ; all the railways in operation and the line of the Canadian I'acific Rail w;n- 2AL. BDUOATIONAL OATALOOUB. 71 ica th America jtern Provinces) :s Islands ica d (in Counties) )i{raphical Terms Romanus de Hello CTallico Bible Countries The Exodus ie«;tion, $7.) ■iia find merica.— Price $6 . 00 m the latest Dominion e Provinces North -West id ; with a embracing le divisions ief town of raihvays in fie Railway are correctly laid down ; and the physical character of the whole country is plainly indicated. The "Universal" Series of Large Wall Politi- cal School Maps. By r. Ruddiman Johnston, F. R, C'l. S. (These Maps have been adopted by the London and other leading School Boards.) The Series comprises — Chan of the World on Mercalor'sPio- jection, showing British Possessions in Red, and with enlarged Maps of Eastern United States, Eastern Canada, Cape Colony, British Isles, New Zealand, and South-east Aus- tralia. World ii Hemispheres, with smaller diagrams showing Northern, South- ern, Land and VVater Hemispheres ; comparative lengths of Rivers and heights of Mountains in each Hem- isphere ; comparative populations and areas of the chief Divisions and ^ates of the Earth. t em Hemisphere, with smaller Maps '^'lowing Northern, Southern, Land " Water Hemispheres. Wester nisphere, ditto. Europe Asia Africa North America Souti) America Engl.Tiid Scotland Ireland The British fsles— This map may be had either coloured in Countries or coloured in counties. Austria-Hungary India United States British North America, or Dominion of Canada and Newfoundland. New Zealand Australia Oceania, including Australasia Canaan and Palestine France, in Departments. CJermanv Test Maps. Any of the above Maps can be had with- out names at the same price. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. How to Teach Geog^'Erhy Quickly and Plea&antly. Use the "World"' Series of Class Lesson Mai)s and Diagrams, just authorized by the De})artment of VAu- cation, Quebec, and strongly recommended for use in every school. A Series of 120 ch<)ice Maps, specially prepared and designed to lead the scholar, step by step, from the A B C of Geography, until he acquires a com- plete knowledge of the country being taught, and in such a way that it will be easily remembered. Ti W. DRYSDALB & OC, MONTREAL. Each Map ;U by 2-t inches, beautifully printed in colour^ mounted on Cotton, Rollers, and Var- ^'^^^^^ Trice only 75c. each. The ch(«apest Maps ever issued. Selected from the series - Ceographicil Terms, No. 1 -THK SEA COAST. Bcinjr .-, coloured view illus- rat.nj;. -I Seaport, its ha, hour, clocks, kn.a^ish!p^ighthuLt^ LTcaue ;^rn?'^:d:"^""' ""''' ""'^'' «-". ^-k, ,Hor:.:ti:^:n ^S^^'ti'' 'i'""? ''''"• - /^.V^^^f^'^. '5AYS, &c. This is a more distant view of aiul and sea, and dlustrates a (iulf. May, Firth or Frith, Strait n-'^'lslhrnus." • "^'""'' '"""^ "^ ''*'"'"^-^' Archipelago, Atoli; Sninsula,' Geographical Tern.s No. 3 -RIVERS and TOWNS. Shows Rivers, Source .look, Km.let, Inbntary, Confluence, Waterfall, Raoid Catar^rt tVh!' J;iScS:,^r'"«' '^''''^•'*"^ «'-'-^ ^i'^- -^f Villains' anriwLs!'wit1; Geographical I'enns, No, 4— MOUNTAINS &c Dei.irt n \r,M,„fo;„ d VI^F^r^H" ?PH^^*.S-'^V'^'^'' Valleyf f^.:?inf;)as?,Tc. &'^°""^'" ^^"«'' VIKVV Uh SPHERE. Beuig a pictorial view of the Globe, showine the larger geographical dehn.tions, and the and diamelerof the Earth lc CURVATURE OF THE SEA. the manner in whi.h a sh p di " Hird's-Eye View of British Isles. Geographical lenns applied to a Map of England. Bird's-Eye View of England. England, Coast-Line and Chief Rivers England, Physical. England, Counties in Groups England, Counties and Chief Towns. England, Chief Railways and Canals. Hird's-F:ye View of Scotland. Bird's-Eye View of Ireland. India, Coa.,t-Line and ( hief Rivers. India, Physical. Australia,Coast-I,ine and Chief Rivers Australia, Physical. Australia, Colonies and Chief Towns. British European Possessions. New Zealand, Coast- Line and Chief Rivers. New Zealand, Physical. New Zealand, Counties and Chief Towns. Cape Colony, Physical. Cape Colony, Coast-Line and Chief Rivers. Dominion of Canada, Coast-Line and Chief Rivers. Dominion of Canada, Physical. Dominion of Canada, Political. Dominion of Canada, (Test.) Dominion of Canada, Industrial, Agri- cultural, and Minerals. Europe, Coast-Line and Chief Rivers. Europe, Physical. Europe, Countries and Chief Towns. Europe, Agricultural Products and Animals. Europe, Manufactures and Minerals. Asia, Physical. British Asiatic Possessions, Physical. Africa, Physical. North America, Physical. North America, Political. South America, Physical. South America, Political. British .American Possessions, Physical Australasia, Physical. Also, many other excellent Maps. Full descriptive cata- logue of this series on app'-ation. Every school in the Province should have these Map.s. Map o Var Smith'! Unlett( supi Map P Mathe] Con Sem Sem Circ Dra Sch( Sch( Sch( Mah Mah Mah The oil Mucila^ Perl Music ] Music ] Music ] ]\ Note B( AL. id in Var- y 75c. each. the series — iiiretl view illus. ousc, and L'ape, Shore, liar,— all a more distant )r Krith, Strait, \toU, Peninsula, Rivers, Source, Jataract, Delta, nd Towns, with ountain Range, )wing the larger f the Earth, &c. lich a ship dis- of the theory of Line and Chief Coast-Line and Physical. Political. 'Test.) ndustrial, Agri- ;rals. d Chief Rivers. Chief Towns. Products and and Minerals. ions, Physical. :al. :al. al. al. ssions. Physical ptive cata- school in BDUOATIONAL CATALOGUE. 73 Map of the City of Montreal. Size 50 by 40 in., Varnished and strongly Mounted on Rollers $5 . 00 Smith's Map of the Eastern Townships . . $2 . 50 Unlettered Practice Maps of all Countries supplied at 50c. per dozen to schools. Map Pointers, Ash wood, oiled 25c. Mathematical Instruments. Compasses. See under Compasses. Semi-Circular Protractor Brass 10c. Semi-Circular Protractor Brass 25c. Circular Protractor. Vulcanite. 5 inch $2 . 50 Drawing Pen, ivory handle 50c. Scholars' Card of Mathematical Instruments 40c. Scholars' Box of Mathematical Instruments 50c. Scholars' Box, larger, at 75c. and $1 .00 Mahogany Case, 10 pieces , $1 . 75 Mahogany Case, 12 pieces $2 . 50 Mahogany, full set, best made $20 . 00 The Polygraph, a new invention combining the rule, circle and curve 35^ Mucilage. Per quart for school use 75c Per bottle, 3 oz 10c. each, 90c. per doz. Music Paper DOc. per quire. Music Rolls at 75c., $1.00 and $1.25. Music Books at 20r. 35r. 50r anW iit^H'oH- Music neatly and cheaply bound, all styles. Note Books. See Stationery. 74 W. DRYSDALB &; OO., MONTREAL. Numeral Frames. No. 21. — Nicely made and varnished, 144 Coloured Balls ^1 50 No. 22. — Nicely made and varnislied, 100 Coloured Balls 1 00 Large size mounted on stand 4 00 Paper of all kinds. See Stationery. Pamphlet Cases, for keepmg Pamphlets and Papers for ready reference, 2 sizes . . . 45c. and 50c. Paint Boxes. The School of Art Paint Box 25c. Do do Larger . . 35c. Rowney's Paint Box, very neat $1.75 Boxes of Mixed Colours 60c. $1.00 and $1.50 For better qualities send for Catalogue of Artists' xMaterials. Pencils. Faber's Drawing Pencils, H.B., B., B.B., H., H.H., and all grades, per doz 4,')c per gross $4 . 80 Faber's Red and Blue Pencils. ..each, 10c. per doz. $1.00 Rowney's Drawing i^encils, cedar wood .... 20c. per doz. $1 . 50 per gros. Dixon's Pencils, The Automatic Pencils, large and small size, each 25(\ Pencils (Slate). See under Slates. Pencil Sharpeners 10c. each. Penholders. Common School Penholders. .. 40c. gross. Accommodation ]*enholders 45c. gross. School Penholders, better quality 60c. per gross, Faber's Penholders 2c. to 5c. each- Pens. 292 .308 404 DR Dry The The Mite Mite Este Pick Red Cross S Cros Peerlesi Printinj T] Prim Registe Drysda Sp( Rubber boxe: 80, 6 Perry's 60 p. lAL. 144 ....$1 50 100 1 00 4 00 i and 5c. and 50c. X 25c. ^arger . . 35c. $1.75 and $1.50 s' Materials. B.B., 45c $4 . 80 ^rdoz. $1.00 !0c. per doz. 50 per gros. large '2r>c. . 10c. each. . 40c. gross. . 45c. grf'ss. ::. per gross, to 5c. each- EDUCATIONAL CATALOGUE. 75 Pens. Gillott's Sclool Pens, 292 the Popular School Pen 50c. gross. ^0^^ a finer Pen 90c. gross. 404 a medium Pen 50c. gross. DRYSDALE'S SCHOOL PEN 35c. gross. Orysdale's Public Pen 45c. gross. The Celtic Pen 40c. gross. The Telegraph Pen 50c. gross. Mitchell's "J." Pen (stub) 75c. gross, 10c. doz. Mitchell's " M." Pen 75c gross, 10c. doz. Esterbrook's Engrossing 161 (stub) 75c. gross, 10c. doz. Pickwick Pen 25c. box of 3 doz. Red Ink Pen 25c. box of 3 doz. Cross Stylographic Pen, Plain Mounts $2 . 00 Cross Stylographic Pen, Gold Mounts 2.50 Peerless B'ountain Pen, Plam $2 . 00, Gold 2 . 50 Printing, School Forms of all kinds, Examination Papers, Treasurer's Forms, etc., etc., printed to order. Printed Labels for Medical Students' Note Books. Registers. Hubbard's School Register 25c. each. Authorized for the Province of Quebec. Orysdale's School Registers, size 15 x 9^, 24 pages 35c., 48 pages 60c., 96 pages $1 .00 Special Registers Ruled and Printed to order. Rubber. Davidson's Velvet Rubber, done up in boxes of one pound each, per box $1.75, 4 sizes, 80, 60, 40 and 30 pieces to the pound. Perry's School Rubber, cheap quality, 80 and 60 per pound 1 . 25 76 W. DRYSDALE & CO., MONTREAL. Rubber Pencil Tips 90c. per gross. Faber's Rubber and Ink Eraser combined per Pi^'^e ■ - 15c. Rubber Bands, Boxes of Assorted Rubber Bands at 60c., 75c. and $1 . 25 Thread Bands for holding papers, &c 25c. per gross. Rulers. School Rulers, flat, one foot, marked for inches and metres 40c. per doz. School Rulers, flat, one foot, Boxwood Varnish- ^^ 10c. each, 75c. doz. School Rulers, flat, one foot 15c. each, $1 .25 doz. School Rulers, one foot. Maple, Brass Edged, G^^o^e^ " " -..ISc. each, $1.50 per doz. School Rulers, 15 inches, at 15c. 25c. 30c. School Rulers, 18 inches, at 25c. 30c. Round Rulers, 12 inches, 15 inches, and 18 inches, from 9r,^ Slates. . Price (( u 60c. doz. 80c. " 90c. " $1.00 " 1.20 " School Slates, size 5x7 School Slates, "6x9 School Slates, " 6| x 10 School Slates, " 7 x 1 1 School Slates, " 8 x 12 Common Slate Pencils, per box lOc. Gilt Paper Slate Pencils, 6 inches, per box 20c. Gilt Paper Slate Pencils, 7 inches, per box 25c. Soapstone Slate Pencils, 5 inch per box 50c. Soapstone Slate Pencils, 6 inch per box 60c. Faber's Prepared Slate Pencils, per box 75c. Slate Pencils, cased in wood, per doz. 15c., per gross 1.00 Scholars' Combination Slate Desk, each 1.25 School Sponges, best c lity. doz. lAL. EDUCATIONAL CATALOGUE. 77 c. per gross. per 15c. ands 1.25 :. per gross. ifor 3c. per doz. lish- 1, 75c. doz. $1.25 doz. ?ed, 50 per doz. :. 25c. 30c. . . 25c. 30c. 18 25c. 60c. doz. 80c. " 90c. « ^1.00 " 1.20 " 10c. 20c. 25c. 50c. 60c. . . . . , 75c. gross 1.00 1.25 50c. doz. Scholars' Companion, tin case containing .sponge, ruler, slate pencil, lead pencil, &c., each 20c. Slating Paper $1 . 00 per yard Slating Cloth $1 . 50 per yard. Slate Pencil Sharpeners, each .^c. Sealing Wax. Red or Black, at 5c. 7c. 10c. 15c. per stick $1.00 per lb. School Stationery. Foolscap Paj^er, Ruled faint for School use, 1 2 pounds $2 . 00 and $2.50 Foolscap Paper, better quality $3 . 50 and $4 . 00 Foolscap Paper, Ruled for Accounts. $2. 50 per ream. Letter Paper, Ruled or Plain $2 . 50 per ream, upwards. Note Paper, Large and Small 8vo., Ruled or Plain, per ream 75c., $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 Printing Paper, Demy size, good quality, $1.50 per ream. Cut U- any size, per ream 10c. extra. This paper is largely used for Examination Papers, just the oaper to use in Lithogram, Typewriter., &c. Blotting Paper, 40 lbs., good quality, per quire. . .50c. Blotting Paper, all colours, cheaper qualities at 30c. and 40c. Envelopes, No. 6, Comm'l.per 1000, $1.50, $1.75, &c. Envelopes, No. 6, xManilla per 1000, $1.00, $1,25 DRYSDALE'S Examination Test Paper, au- thorized for the Province of Quebec, per pkt. of 25 sheets 15c. n pages, good paper, Scribbling full count 45c. doz. Book, Demy 8vo., 200 Drysdale pages, good j^aper 90r. d oz. 78 W. DRYSDALE ages, ruled faint 10c. 75c. The "Marble" Exercise Book, large 4to., 48 pages, ruled faint, best quality paper, stiff marble cover 10c. 90c Reporters' Note Books, oblong 8vo., 208 P'''ges lOc. 90c. Students' Note Books, ruled and plain, with and without marginal line, bound in paper, cloth and leather, at 5c., lOc, 15c. 18c. 25c. aOc. 35c., 40c., oOc, liOj., rOc, OOc, $1.00 & upwards. The Eargest Variety in Canada. lAL. 100 5.00 per 100 Siood quality. rried id upwards. Each. Per doJ^. 4 . 3c. 30c. . 3c. 25c. > 5c. 40c. 5c. 40c. EDUCATIONAL CATALOGUE. 79 5c. 40 5c. 45c. 7c. 60c. 10c. 75c. 10c. 90c. 208 lOc. 90c. • ith er, 5c. upwards. Memorandum Books and Pasa Books, ^^ Ic., 2c., 3c., 4c., 5c., and upwards. Dinsmore's Spelling Blanks, I, II, III, each 10c. National Composition Blanks, each 10c. Blank Books for Bookkeeping, 4to., size . 8 X 6i- each 5c., per doz. 50c. Ruled for Day Book, Journal or J.edger. Blank Books for Bookkeeping. Foolscap size, 1 quire, each 25c. Ruled for Day Book, Journal or Ledger. Drysdale's Combination Bookkeeping Blank. Foolscap size, Day Book, Journal, and Ledger combined with Bills and Receipts, each 30r. Drysdale's Combination Bookkeeping Blank, cheaper quality 25c, Note -All Messrs. Drysdale's Blank Books are bound in strong and attractive covers. MISCELLANEOUS. Camel Hair Brushes — ic and 2c. each and upwards ; per doz. from lOc. Feather Dusters, at eOc, 75c., $l.oo Knives, good serviceable Pocket Knives at. . , .25c., 35c. 50c., 60c., 75c., $1.00 Special. McGiil College Note Paper, per quire 40c. fiO W. DRYSDALE & CO., MONTREAL. McGill College Envelopes, per doz 25c. Paper Clips, Brass and Wood IDc, 20c., 25c. Paper Fasteners, all sizes. . .25c., 30c., 35c. per gross. Paper Pyles, at lOc, 15c., 20c., 25c., 30c. and upwards. Paper Weights, Glass and Metal, 20c., 25c., 30c., 35c. Table Cards lOc. each. $1,00 per doz. Taws. Supplied to order 30c. each. Thermometers, at , 30c., soc. Twine. Sea Island twine, all colors . 10c. ball. Medium Heavy lOc, 15c. Strong Twine 20c. ball. m) H ^H^^ -8- Z. 7-^^ ■■♦. . /. •• Every Teficher should have, above everything else, a reliable Dictionary." The Monarch of English Etgmolog. WEBSTER invariOi^Stylesor Mnding, with and without P»tent iniiex. JUST ADDCD A. KEW i>ito3srotrNrciN-o^ aAZBTTEEB g^ MMW M ebster— It haa 118,000 Words, Vf JEl JL 3009 ShwTttVtoSS, and a N«w BiograputoflA Motionary. Standard In Gov't Prinslng Office. 3»,OOOoopfM in Public Sehools. Sale 90ioM.Qi way other series. f 11 LI nC X JQLCi 3»,000 oopfm Jn Public Schools. ^^ 8ale8 0tol