^. ^ ^, v;^ 1 V •#f IMAOE EVALUATION TEST TAI^OET (MT-3) H. 1.0 i LI.I f-ltt IL25 114 ijA ifV: fliplDgraphic GarpoiHtiari I f«».C; '^ I ■ CIHM Microfiche Series (Monograplis) '.i- ICMH Collection de microfiches (monographies) CaiM4l«n iMtttu^ lo» HIatorIf al Mieronpcwiuetloiw / liwtltM efiw4l«n d* ml«co»»pfO*ietloi« MMoclquM O^ .'r/. '% ' TiM iMtitirti IMH •I rtM Imapt In tM ^pr V^^^Mw^H^p ^H^P D D CarW n hifc Aa MlMr ilMii Mm or MMk)/ CotMNMl piMM Mid/or tNMtratiom/ •t/oM WiMtratiem Ml eoulMir □ iolMi wMl OtfMT NMMrM/ RclM ■«*« d'MtrM do«NiMntt ^ ■lonf kitMier mm^l j 4h«onign toloiif dt la mtrfi tlMVMl □ Plawli iMwii wkt^ d u f l wi m m mi ow wny ippaif toMi MNHMd from f ilmint/ v. II ti pwt 4«M MrtitnM pafM MmmIim ii Ion d'uiw rMtMirttkm appwaiMWit dim I* MKtt, mahj loraqHt acta *tait poniMa. aas pafM n'ont pai4l4fllmaprat' , alon, or tha back oovar whan approprlata. All othar original ooplaa ara flln>ad baginning on tha firtt paga with a printad or illuttratad Imprai- •Ion. and anding on tha latt paga with i^rintad or^llluitratad Impratalon. L'aRamplaIra fllm« fuf r^prMKiH frlM i !• g4n«roalt* da: iMivtrtlty of TorofitP Archlvot Tha laat raoordad frama on aaoh mieroflcha ahall contain tha aymbol — ^ (n^aaning "CON* TINUIO"). or tha aymbol Y Imaaning "INO"). whiohavar appliaa. x • Mapa, plataa. eharta. ato., may ba filmad at diffarant raduotlon ratio*. Thota too larga to ba antlraly Inciudad In ona axpotura ara filmad biginning in tha uppar laft hand cornar, laft tu Jflpt and top to bottom, aa many'framat d» -lia^ulrad. "(hit following diagrams illuitrata tha 'maltiod: \ 1 2 3 It /■ : Hir Laa Imagaa auhrantaa ant AtA raprodultaa avaa lib piua frand aoln. eompta tanu da la eondltlon •\ da la nattat* da I'aMamplalra fllm4. at ii\ aonformttA avaa Ifa aondltlona tfu aomrai dt >^ fllmaga. Laa aaamplairaa origlnaua dont la aouvartura an paplar aat Imprlm4a aont fllm4a mi\ commandant par la pramla/ plat at %ri tarminant aolt par l« ^9nf\\kf% pa«a qui oomporia ana ampralnta d'lmpraation ou dlilttftratlon. aolt pof .If iiaaond plat, salon la caa. Toua'lta a^Utfoa aaamplairaa origlnauM sont fllmAa an cbiitimonfant par la pramlAra paga qvtl ibompona una aii Hliidta Go¥f riinipnt. T<|^ "^•^ff ^w ^^^a^m^vw ^^^ waa^p j^^^^iwe^y a ■ ^^^p- »»^Bwia w^» ^a^^^p — ^ono mam oa aowiammB wim ma pani mi i UnbMil^ at tM mmm, Md wHib^tiia iip. ^, J^: % •tTffailtjr CollM Midmally. wkI alio of tlM iwifli railNItt of a in Hm tednrooda of Canida, Im « XMre Ifoalrous of disavowing any Idea whatever off ' iitber riae or support to any hoetile feeling. 9g||becom. • body antagooMio to your Exceltenc/s Adiliilatration. •nd they dfaire to remain, entirely a non-political' tiMra um aoMmg them thoae wboae duty and inclina- would forUd to remain ito membera were the character in that raapact dHlnent Out they ate all deeply with tte Iwtli of the obaarvadpn addreaaed by yowr loaf|«ll«rlBattttttfoii inaikar Piovinot, omMk. ttet WiJoH^ tbo UnhMiily of Mmmm^itkitkk^^hmm\nMf'iku9VNmm^ KMN) Of oivineo vd - «-..«t: - Si** will te . * Ia pototid'oat, and ling foapoMl- anirtftut 0nt MMii ' oltMm TlMT ^ » ... ... ' ... . ^*^S^ "*'" ■■|4r-'t . ^K^ iBHHI . T«..i •* r. \ r. »A A t^fcliiiV iai III i^ «u ■ wv^ mmvH in inv mi "M of a f«w ««tli%oii Ftl prom^ly, for in tM ooun* of a f«w hii Admlnlttnitlofi— riatlon for the n«w Unl waa dtte to himattf and to tha than Attom«v-<^ . _ rapliad. ** It ia not ao ; in that mattar Malce did all tha ia cntitlad to all tht credit'' At tha tama tima tha judft high tribute to tha lofty character of the CShancaUor. mMb endorsing the unanimous opinion d contamporariea, that IbW$ labours as head of this University, aa in all other potM$t%lm • late William Hume Blake haa left ua a Cfiit and iiM|Mli example of public dutv. Fortunately for we UfifvanlK |W example has not been lost to it. for have wa not itfll wniil||k H |he person of our present honoured Chancellor, tha laiMHpiif energised devotion, transmitted, fervid and pure, from MHKH son r ^ I now ask your Honour to acdrat. on behalf of tha UiMoi^i the portrait of the late William Hume Blake, which hH Ml given us by the generoaity of the preaent Chancellor. I tittpll one of the granddaughters of the late Chancellor to ^mocnmft .., . THt UBUTBNANT-OOVIRJfOR'l ACOUTAMtMB 4*1 Lieutenant-Governor Klrkpatrick. in aooaptiiiff tbt turned the thanks of the govMnli^ bodv for what ho ' the beginning of a series of portraita of thoaa «rho kiva and laboured to make the Untvenlty what it la. No ' that the series would include tha portraits of nmy of ant But he was quite sure, after wh^t he had* h i iid , those who will adorn these walla ooinan haa iliivm wWi tnergy, nor against greater difllcttkles, than Imi had juat been unveiled. He waa ChanoaUor tt a ^Mre ware potent iii H i wnf c i and-i nt agonianM^yrt'thait Uiii vanity itioiim thin when halbund it was Mr fimK '*Tbe oOoe whid» vov hokl.Mr. ChaneeHor,'* hii aad. ^Iia9t entirely Ml T-V Aaiir « ilMlllr«riM A hftMll. K Monoiili ftiromt i»te ^MWi— «it Mi MMMCWi wtm mm ■rami^wv mm mmm mmmti Imii fkt UtSmSlSrS I MM ll^Mfa flVM hi MiV IWMI 01 •ad In tlw 4Mme 'feM iIMMMI Ml IMB Mi MfliMM Mf A MMl Of ' ^***l^ft MAMMV taMMiflA 0# M MMfcbO lllMIMt MiMT MM H* OMM kM oHMiMCkM wSfii&rfSft < * itiiflv- % I I t ■ i I I ■ *^ li I- *^m%. ly UM villi kNMT t/9« ol ^•1 l«lpWl of tfMM forUtka liMMiifti. Mr wmM %m • vtnr ^iiMSfidki «Htto wIm iPMkl v«fi (^ki 1^ aand ■kkflik >*i*^ Im kaai taatuSUktA In dboiit lyi mMm kftvt iitMiiiimi : kg oUiAt twtn I tilt tin m fm mm and wMim of loiiaMro Md KmMM AM ^BBHilBaMd tO kiltlM. M IImV liyillL l_ ^ffH^Mi bI^ ImIb ^^ir ntetyM^ ■• wa Aka « ■R^r '■■••▼•■HII^B ^»^WWP »ww^wi^ vimi^^ ^p^^^^BiW^^w^ V^V 1. ^»^ ^^^^i» tfiit hmmUM mmy and tlia haiia oT abdM Ilia Univanltr «M^ waa lo tiloa a rival. But. Mr _ „^_^ ■ImoM iMdl a caatary iMa gona by ainea than, and KlfMi BkhM^tfla ata< wd^ apldtof ol tiM chufcli mIttiMtJpiliMi womM Adft iManM Im IooIm dMm vllii MitaiimM. adiii thanMMMaa and «|lril iiii Iwvan abava «a la aarlng. not In bm a w ai f ay^liif ant, *Slc ago. non oiwi, ao I laboufad, IMM amamd ^ findta of aay l«boar/ but mtbar. ' S< batlar iIimI kmar; I b«>pad to laav* onr _. .^ . fiuattlar to ona Uiiivaffaity. and imw all tfiat'la Wi cT flr o«tva# fbtai and Hkanaaa. tooka doam wen llMrllMiiii of tip* Unlvaiiliiaa| .ind m/ ., la baedOM an ^Mla^Hi A^M * ti >**«*>> I am and a oomaaon nondjooiwoan naai { of ooai i a far botli I ain ibMikftO. Ftor boibb ticb to ito^ advanataf Ibi ono cioaa vbkb la iroitbjr of anan vhkb boa for Ito ai«l thi« into loltotoo, tlw Cbrkjftk to allCanodlin ibuitbto and to Ibamaabfoa onlaida tbo a toireb aa^ "t hat tnia ^mitAai^ flM¥ Car avar-flonriab oad abotinil* "It i aaanlx. Mr. CbanoaUor, tbat tba poftndl of Croft i l wld aooqoipOMr tbHof Iba Blabop hm tbia Wbattsfai tbo iNolriaaor tot wwl ffwoa a aia a rtiHi on irlitfMrCbo U nl iot a l to tba •dii biy ^^^^K^f'^^U Mtotfviitoboi oiat «•• Hn ill l^ddgiMii t- '^TMOi k.. _'j_ ' A-L~T1PIBR Craft not tbit - ^^i'^ -T-If- .%M ■^Jt^ '■ • MMri bi ttitiiid oiytrittiMt tM^tlMtbt o«t from ttt ■-i* glf« w in Of^MHit OKMt popttkr igiMt bi the «M triad, at m wmMm Im wm ha Mver placked a ftudant but if a p ata m p to fv writlaa laqutat tba only proMor. and bjraU to ba fa&ad tolW TbanitblaM pragttM of the tfie ftituia cnater tavants and li vary anUlniy to dva at mora man than Proftmor Croft." ' '■•■¥>!■ ..V, ••■ ; nWipiCW YOOKOTB PORTRAIT. k IfadaMi. M. P», wai ne«t calladV" ^ ^, Ch": mmwad the cowftog from tbafcufth portrait ttpon lavaalad tba Cmtara of Profrpor Gioiie Paxton I pmiantMl Urn piMng, be mM. on behalf of W. A. , erN«l» Yoffc, a IbMiar icbolar of Profeawr Yoiiog Ut(]ir. Mackan'a) cbMimataa. " It it the work of Ifr. d, ** and it the loffaig tribute of a loving td^olar to toviMrmMm." Mr.llaclaanpaidaliaa£camett i teadiar, nhoM memonr bit tcholart, be taid, t tlWjIaBti'rttraiad bfan becaate he taught lint ^ rlvaa free, aaxtlhat when live came to bold bold tham with the gieatett bamOity. and ^eiwionofphiloeopbyand logic there wat fativbidrnltb wii Mipiiame^ THE RU«t Oy f»m890R YOUKQi * A Pataiaolk yLK then ddivand the Iblkming ad- ooorae of wUeb ttia veil wat removed from the butt b|^ the l3#tfMai of the If eflsorial Cbmmittee,>-> iOXDRBIi Of lOL »^ wiaMiptb ^ >#lniaiy» hi the year i8»9^ wae fuBof iili0ii| ii^MiMM boib good and V«fUaMed - lifift%|i^^|Miiitfe«la^ " ' aii»btd,and had «aiigbt^*aiid tbti^ of iMNiMn pattion pata hm ' t. . ♦ ' ! ' 1 ''^SflJ-* .m^ H <<. , f.t. A i^'T" that •^•tli isMtlon vMiMlBMtiiid v/y tte flMwi' iJiMliy. and iHiit It H thtl tiM Sermoii <»n Um MiMiit haa iMt ptectiMd. and that "UmI iHar tNa^** iuKl tht Ml if aiqr, ia teHtf'tiMi HIMf #xtefidad, and atill wjMMy axtcndbig^ oC GfOffi ItetiNi Young ooiie hatt tlii ai tanglUi jjiffainliia of tMir admiratioii of tiM ^hanictar or tliat diatinguidiiid man. Na«% .Aft paiaad liQct Ilia old Convocatlofi Hall held a thi aien a|id dtiaena iMkated In the pfawaca of noonitit wit ibbor (ha Mneti.'^aiiil WMmnit r rcceivod MMliat waa mortal of the man wmipi heinojii'. 1 ^ i p rp ift # , i luga ayki Inwiaotlal m^ imdffiiMdtta^ and frfanda fn|a hddg and a . IM to aatabHih a Yooiif Manofial ^knid of 1 wa^ aubicrtbadp and aficr devjotlnf a piut'faif' _, thia work ()f arv exaeutad hy the «iibiai|t a6i|liiior* ] licCartlur, wAtb h praaant with ua to.-; ...»«; ."f*/ '< < 4*'^.^.*, It'i I* ' >^ 16-1. ' .1 p: ^ : ^ t^ ..^■l i ^i» ii^ ^w ^>H ■t.. ^ '** ^" '^'j wwi * ind nmontt frkna tiid bfOtlbctor, GoiiM PlHm»Yoimg. I« taking mt it • 1«lt wii# on llrft oecMov (tn btbilf 4if tKb HoM Mti JBtMe«, I tm tiiwt Hw ConoH^ ■ ,Mwtf«rtiy i | » lHwi i m . t ibtl dut I ktve but !|ttf tkit tiMi'ttrigned \' .11^': ••iA,r-tv i. I ." .'>«» .*■;' liNir IHfiid^ idM^^ Ff^nriiic* N ovtrM. jM Mom Mt bf cv^jltt^ ' jffllj w gw of c rili^'iM ybtii .afipii|i:^'«ki^, liiii#ofji^ Orio^NtlSSiirii^ iiif v^liii iHm'him indi uniillnioi^ ttkte : Imt )jPMQr,.«-^fPtipPB ■ lO tito'lM Ootdber. IrCttllitt; Hii ■iliilli"^.^.^-^^■'i.^- r* ' ' ' ' ' .' ' ^H '•^ — r — ; — 1 J. A ^ \ ^ . TT- f ^ " ' ' ,^^* I. > : ..iSyV tolls' .a..- ^iiSitJit^i^mi^fa-k .\ -^ ^ " V" *k : ■•»*»■ fv^ i ^•%: fie**! t . 'X fRIfmHwMIMrw*! QtRwmf m m ^•My He 3O M A0 j w Ml wd of tfchliM^ nmmfmtm' a fiUMMftlMiM loMw l^er bow t& Iflid tht th* Mil|t of tnith. And htm, I my iwnrk pfomltf mpcd felt for Mm hvhk pupUt. of Hm trot and «h^ sood. An mNed to 1 sdeiice ttldoai fMmd unitod :.tv' tender^ Added to thif levt of tnitli, WM a tranipaNi character, andtllo utnoet huiiinity of ditpoiition. he poMcieed in Ao cooimon degree ; love of fane entifelyabiiiillkMB hfa natttre. 1^| thathi the 0ood-Will and alKKtion of his ■JJo cia Hi 4iip«rftion had too nrach tdndlineie lit it for thai piaudha of the ignorant and'viilnr.to leave of phjUoeophy, to carve.lbr Mnwdf a niche in were obiecU he never •oitght In ti«lh,he the world of metaphytJcafepecwtitton by hie pnbUah the retutts of bit exhaoilive cfltidH inve«tintion of the moet rabde and abetmee lem«> InthehearttandmindaofbititttdMte remembrance ot him and hie work wiU never his old jpiipUs^iBel keenly that when wie pap a tradition of hie graatnei* and go o dn era wilt influence wilt not ntterkr ptrish, for, in a m m ura, hn school which bns not fiitted, and will not foil to hfMd doctrinea and, tim fimit of >i*^>>^'""t4i**'o>^ ^ .age. " " \' ' ' • ' ' Above ind Inyond hie cWia ■*« iMiclMr. f gnide to oarmpkt nnd gntftu^ ii tin dafan. m on every Honor gnwinite hi Mftaphyika an4 nnvarying Idndneie and itiong pi ^w t wl intwiMti fal ,^ and advancement To hkn flnQP owe the\raiMitl if painfia doubt, arisbg from 4te cfilkal in i i li liP « ' ..' ^¥, *. •. ' J^:, i^Ar-li/J, pr \ L»^' ,***' i-0' .1^ in|«ir^«#. t6tlM MMmm of lUthMit. ■4 to iMlp in evtiy iMy oofi> For tiM HUM wm tvfii gnotar Andhk^bm mmm tbomtH otlMfi.lMto tmmtf hw^t ibi potriafdMa btftid. tht eottolO' » ftaU of iMglli'Md gwUtiMip, dw toiativlMt illMMii^MV «i (Nib ki tM naooiy M if it «o «l ^ Ilk iMi ottd iiotHd iiMplnitiM for _ Imniiit. Of niRn «or troin own Mu> . to is 00 Mod til bwt or portrait ibr oUmt nagiblo Ua floan pmlag i«to obUvlbii ; MtwrtMoti, V ott tirit ioHHio^ oar IuhmUo tribute to the of a tawbtr. fbnotopbar tad Maud, to tmly • %Wr balaiail, LSTTn or MII4 J. C OlJlillAM, M. A.. H Xitf Olliw*. to tba •ball 001 bo a lattar wtittaa bf J. C Glaiban/ CooMMliaa to bo with you portrait of m Iat».4hfolaMor I MOM* be lirooldlUbiadd^tbe It i%tbB| CbiYoMt'a oabM It BBOOMtryt ^ JMoMr anibe- FfeoMdoirGoarca Brooe HaMad dip worid wii iQir tiba asctraoidi- ^HMM^lAod^ flMb#l MkMAlkH^M H^f^fr rfttHVIP AMM iioil pbdoaopbyiOtl loM4oi«k , .of tba a oo i ar f a floi i of tttmtfM pBiw^ ewjrwoaiv laoeaiofv . of talent wli^bava t^B^^. i. • ♦ ■iryn'iU: ■'#' *?1. w&- "i^i* a**: todlMOfvrifeiltiMff b •liQfli jiwOti fiplniirinii, ftquirw tOI^ or tlM hifliMC wnAtmm m4m f^L§m^*' Young. MUtwoHb 1^ k ^,^1: TiM iMMMt of tlMM who look dowfi upon ut Ml Hmw watt^ tliii aftomoon raqoifl*, todwd, no works of «rt wJfiMfV* thtOi fMb In tkc momortai ol wdi at have anjbyod mm MmMi^ or tat under thdr taadikiiL but it la weO that li| iMi nMMmar thdr fMtvm okay oonlfaiM Innwa, aa aamredly ^kpr naiiiawlll b% to fiiftiire ganaratioaa ofttadanta. Tba laboaraof Profbator Yoan^ lo latdy pMrpotuatad in lilaraffy worka, kol Oiay wUl fcmain| tke batiar «nd| not* oMnflala bacauaa of hU,£^ml4^mm^ dircctioaa in fOa ftitly, Mve ftcaivad whole-foulad to remt4 F**">l( ^^ '^^^^ taui ^t rightooMNIaai nott^liowlo ngie-kopiftad tyiiili» And to |Mmva power Mid.die isffood. Spcakfaig in forraoiUlng*^' >ectiQtt adft tkie lUnfvaiaiti^ liiii ietedtWililf in KAoiElMiyii ' amr YoiMt.. I to tba riglit iiicainnliftadt a fai iitrriiiliippaa k'rofaail^ noai' ,< ;:4''-'^.J«.4. V ,^« M 1 IT HcfiilhitilitiMa WhillltMiiMnillMl CSoat Ml IMMMV Ita Ml, «hal IN IttMM Mir. IMV M Inl t tall* kll'WMttllM 'f*f-t^i tnum. litllii ifvH In miHf h ■Im to Ml fliir, mkI iIm ' '*--J '*#*liC».. M> 'HlMMH' fitti'iaDhHi of kte Mt flM dMlv MMiK wMdmift (Iviii Mt Hooo WM flWiiMM to klalttMMHir u "l ritf' iiL"jLSMldl VHP JmiWP^fcWMf ^vMBMffL^l^p ^MhWNI ij|lvw on tMlMlfof Itft Hoiioiii^i of lit irflMtlit to iHildti ttMivbod «i»ord liMt tiMirilMold on fogift ID Ibr doing good llMit ted Imnhi dmi* WHk'M tiMMMdbl. OB ovidtnco of tfM Halimy of ti»iiMlwi»fi«ilhir tend tbt cowdiof ikt roiMTlottM tfnliBWlij lunn nf thifr jililoiiim oltko wldir winiliinimi, TIm Ifeit iMop of ■I oy tbt cnn of tkoto ivboodotiiod llioUiloifr of dioeDMitiy woo. A' ond irfftof 1^ no «it am kiidk tat lAiO^K In ^m^^ wbo OHM om to ti •tOMUMltiMVlil ait ,t#-,-^»«(H». ^^■^vfn: 4. r* • llt«M "r" ■ •">--' »». If lovtble HMM and futt of ma/mm Young he ImmI no wMidt of f«log)f to clouuvntlir «ild H« ««• In mmny fMpncti'lbt (»r th* Iftlvwiltif. m4 it k mm tm hontm mi^ should iMvt IukI for MnM ywn a man of tmtk had known liini. Mr. BUk« atld. Ibr many look ypon that t wi ifola m MiHil«nanc« a and kmdntM and not do moft than rcip«ct,fiet Thair knaw that thav mliit aatkipata iIm thaaawaHaoTiMiiariatoofDr. ll«Ciil aij ftr Ht was vtfv flad to haar what bad kXkm Burwaih witii rafard to tha waUa Thaf* k (ami and ailtr tha two pMarca on tha ttocka aft addM. ba a larfa tpaoa. Whan iia had baan thought mamorlala thowld taka Ui thla country ^uggcttad that tha mamoriaJ which ahovld ha i him to whoaa Maaiofy U it proDoaad wooU ba that * mostaood. Porthatraaionha waaaArald ha with dlafiivour by thoaa who woitkl put momv and canvas whtn tha country is so inadaquataiy i cational OMUities. That viaw ha had axpt approadtodhif thoaa who had eharga of tha Alexandar llMbpnsia. Thuy coJiwidad wltli large Aifid af iian than $16^000 waa lalMdl hands of tfca UaJfawttsy to yio jhwa to pat] mtnt wMfli ■a^Maiipao iroas hi iHii In * keniia'allMiaatvihaiiUl-ansr ha,hald la taHMet.iH.1 # . SB' VHNr iaw of thaaalMaliars. and Browa had said to hiai not ■^.fmm ^r.?. |i^#in tW'Wfc.'^i^^^ la in If I laiii Monatantl^thd than, ha fcaahrai hh said i-^ i «04|i Bka, if I -^ - -^-E -, i ^ I f - 'i:*i nj i y^^"^- i^s«t«^ *•*,*!%»)«*' 'I rt. ■##' •f ^ Nj ?(.i' .*. ■'!,» ■ "i.fl .-:r: M r 4, ■ <» ■ 1 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^k ^ >■ ... ;.t'; ^^^F .'' r 1 ■' ^ ■ i' ■' ' ' .: _^^.,_. - -. [ ■, < ^ ,1*1' / ^p » % :.. ■ ■ ■' r ■ ■ . " #■"■: ■■•'■ ^^^^H ^^^H ^ A ^^^^ ' - .- . ■ , '- _^ . .■ ■ ■ ■ ' ■ , . -.a: ■ k, A ^^^r'-; ■■;■'« . '- ■ .s' ,--'^"' . • ^ 1 ■ ^::.- ■ 'T. « ' ^ 1 f ', ::) • ., ' ,'- •-' 1 1 ^ . / .• "' • .;/! ■■ :■■■-■ .-■ ■ .1 • "• ■ I - ^ ,: ,,:'•*■' ■"' ■ ; -. ■■ ■■«^^\ . ..;.-■■ ■ '"'■■■■ ■ , ' -".-■- .~—^- ■$■; # " v/ ■ ■■ ' "~-^r- ..--■■-: ■ • i ■■.■■■' , , ,1- •'-':'■ ... . ■ .^-. ' ,■-■.■ . J/t-"". . rj^'.-v.y'ws^Yi ■ '■ ■;.,,'■-/.; ■• 1-- ■ ■■ _ ,^': ;..<•'■ .;/..: v/b- ; ■