IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) iy € ^/ <0€e. N? ^ :/- 7a LO 145 I.I 111 lU ■ SO '"""=■ 1^ U£ IIS 2.0 18 li 1-25 U 11.6 — II — II == ^ 6" ► y '> Photographic Sciences Corporation 'k% WIST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, NY. 1 4580 (716) 873-4S03 4. % 4v . •■ & 9. If, while such notice continues up, a person ridet or drives a horse or other beast of burden over such bridg^e at a pace faster than a walk, he shall incur the penalties imposed by this Act. 10. In cases not otherwise specially provided for, if any person contravens this Act, and such contra- vention is duly proved by the oath of one credible witness, before any Justice of the Peace having juris- diction within the locality where the offence has been committed, the offender shall incur a penalty of not less than $1, nor more than $20, in the discretion of the Justice, with costs. n. If not paid forthwith, the penalty and costs shall be levied by distress and sale of the g-oods and chattels of the offender, under a warrant signed and sealed by the convicting Justice, and the overplus, if any, after deducting the penalty and costs and charges of sale shall be reinrned, on demand, to the owner of the ffoods and chatties. 12. In default of payment of distress the offender chall, by warrant signed and sealed as aforesaid, be imprisoned in the common goal for a pferiod of not less than one day nor more than twenty days, at the discretion of the Justice, unless the fine, costs and charges are sooner paid. 13. No such fine or imprisonment shall be a bar to the recovery of damages by the injured party before any Court of Competent Jurisdiction. 14. Every fiqe collected under this Act shall be paid to the Treasurer of the local municipality or place in which the offence was committed, and shall be applied to the general purposes thereof. Provided, however, that in case where the offence has been committed on a road or bridge, owned by a company ^ m or person, and such company, firm or person, or the officer or servant of such company, firm or person is the complainant, the fine collected shall be paid o\ er to such company, firm or person. See Municipal Act Sections 420— 473a— 479 s.s. 17 — 19 and s. 482. SIDEWALKS BICYCLE PATHS WAYS. CARRIAGE Municipal Act, Cap. 42, Sec. 330 {amended i8g6— /8p;.) The Council of every County, township, city, town and incorporated village may pass by laws. I. For setting apart and laying out such portions ot any— roads, streets, squares, alleys, lanes, bridges or other communications, as the Council may deem neces- sary or expedient, for the purpose of carriage ways, boulevards and side walks, or for the improvement or beautifying of the same, and for preventing and removing any obstructions upon any subways, bridges within its jurisdiction, and also for permitting roads for cattle under any highway. \a. For setting apart so much of any highway or road or street as the Council may deem necessary for the purposes of a bicycle path. lb. If a person rides or drives a horse or other beast of burden, or a>agon, carriage cr cart along a bicycle path hereafter or heretofore set apart by by-law, he shall mcur the penalties imposed by The Act to regu- late Travelling on Public Highways and Bridges, See 60 V.C. 57 (i). Sec. 557 (4). The Council of every township may pass by-laws for setting apart so much of any highway as the Council may deem necessary, for the purpose of a foot path and for imposmg penalties on persons travel- ling t'lereon on horseback or in vehicles. PROTECTING BICYCLE PATHS. 60 Vic. C. 5 The Counci of every county, township, city, town, and incorporated village may pass by-laws fcr setting apart so much of any highway or road or street as the Council of any such municipality having control over such highways road or street may deem ne.cessary for the purpose of a bicycle path, and if a person rides or 10 St f u / drives a horse or other beast of burden over such bicycle path he shall incur the penalties imposed by the Act to regulate travelling on public highways and bridges. Municipal Act Sec. 496, s. s. 3. The Council of eviry city, town and incorporated village may pass by-laws. For preventing the leading, riding or driving of horses or cattle upon sidewalks or other places not proper therefor. See 60 V.C. 45 S. 51. PROTECTING SIDEWALKS. 60 Vic. C. 45— S. 51. The Council of every municipality may, by by-law prohibit carriages, wagons, bicycles, sleighs and other vehicles and conveyances of every description, and whatever the niotive power, or any particular kind or class of such vehicles and conveyances from being upon or being used, drawn, hauled or propelled along or upon any sidewalk, pathways or footpaths used by 01 set apart for the use of pedestrians, and forming part of any street, avenue, boulevard, bridge or other means of public communication, or in or upon any avenue, boulevard, park, park plot, garden or other place set apart for ornament or embellishment cf the Municipality, or for public recreation. REMOVAL OF SNOW AND ICE. Fines and penalties. Municipal Act, c. 42, s. 479, s.s. 17-19 for breach of by- law. Municipal Act sec. 629 (4). The Council of a city, town, township and incorporated village may pass by-laws to define certain areas or sections within the municipality in which all snow, ice and dirt and other obstructions shall be removed from the sidewalks, streets, lanes, and alleys. REGULATING BICYCLE TRAVEL. Municipal Act Sec. 489, s.b. 59 (58 V. C. 42). The Council of every Township, City, Town or in- corporated Village may pass bylaws. II For regulating and governing (but not licensing), persons using bicycles and other vehicles not drawn by horses ; but this sub-section shall apply only to municipalities which have a population of 100,000 or ^nore. PUBLIC HIGHWAYS— JURISDICTION. Municipal Act, Sec. 524. All allowances made for roads by the Crown Sur- veyors in any town, township or place already laid out or hereafter laid out ; and also all roads laid out by virtue of any Statute, or any roads whereon the public money has been expended for opening the same, or whereon the statute labour has been usually performed, or any roads passing througn the Indian lands, shall be deemed common and public highways, unless where such roads have been already altered, or may hereafter be altered according to law. Sec. 526. Subject to the exceptions and provisions hereinafter contained, every municipal council shall have jurisdiction over the original allowances for roads and highways and bridges within the municipal- ity. POSSESSION. Sec. 527. Every public road, street, bridge or other highway in a city, township, town or incorporated village, shall be vested in the municipality, subject to any lights in the soil which the individuals who laid out such road, street, bridge or highway reserved, and ex- cept any concession or other road within the city, township, town or incorporated village, taken and held possession of by an individual in lieu of a street, road or highway laid out by him without compensa- tion therefor. LIABILITY FOR REPAIRS. Sec. 531 :— As amended by 57 V. C. 50 and 59 V. C. r^t. Every public road, street, bridge and highway shall fi be kept in rep-^ir by the corporation, and on default of the corporation so to keep in repair, the corporation shall, besides being subject to any punishment pro- vided by law, be civilly responsible for all damages sustained by any person by reason of such default, but the action must be brought within three 7nonths after the damages have been sustained. Provided, howevei, that no municipal corporation shall be liable for accidents arising from persons falhng, owing to snow or ice upon the sidewalks unless incase of gross negligence by the corporation ; and provided also that no action shall be brought to enforce a claim for damag-es under this sub-section unless notice in writ- ing of the accident and he cause thereof has been served upon or mailed through the post office to the mayor, reeve, or other head of the corporation, or to the clerk of the municipality within thirty days after the happening of the accident, when the action is against a township, and within seven days when the action is against a city, town or incorporated village j and provided also that in case of the death of the person by whom the damages have been sustained the want of notice shall be no bar to the maintenance of the action. LICENSING LIVERY STABLES. Municipal Act Sec. 436. The Board of Commissioners of Police shall in cities regulate and license the owners of livery stables, and of horses, cabs, carriages, carts, trucks, sleighs, omni- busses and other vehicles regularly used for hire within the said city whether such owners are resident or non-resident therein. i^ee 479. The council of every county, township, city, town and incorporated villa^t may pass by-laws (4) for regulating or preventing the encumbering, injuring or fouling, by animals, vehicles, vessels or other means, of any public wharf, dock, slip, drain, sewer, shore* bay, harbour, river or water. (14) For regulating the 13 em driving and riding^ cf horses and other cattle" on high- ways and public bridges, and. preventing racing, im- n:oderate or dangerous driving' or riding thereon. FAST DRIVING ON STREETS. 59 V.C. 51 S. 32. In cities of over 100,000 inhabitants, the Council thereof may by by-law set apart a street or streets on which horses may be driven or ridden more rapidly than is permitted upon the other streets of the city, and may from time to time pass by-laws for regulating and governing tht use of such streets for the aforesaid purposes. But if a majority of the property owners on any such street petition against such by-law it shall be repealed. FINES AND PENALTIES. Sections 420— 423a ; 479, (17.19); 482. 14 I f 'f Just a Few Words.... »€€€€6««6««- ^**^ Advocate Printing Co., 734 Queen Street East m «b Have a well equipped plant of Type and Presses, and are prepared to do every description of printing in the most np-to-dat£ style. I •« •« •* Book and Catalogue Work Our Specialty. Copies of Public Travel can be obtained at the Advocatk Offliie. -:?)€€€€€€€€€««<- % 15 WQ Victoria Parle >*-»~0-*— - Situated on Lake Shore adjacent to Toronto City Limits at terminus of Electric Street Railway. >->-0' 4 — Boating, Bath in Donkey Races, Acrobatic • flonkeys, Swings, nerry Go Round, And Ottier Amusements Dancing, Wednesdays and Saturdays. — >~-»-G--» — f— — Pure Spring Water, Pure Air, Balmy Breezes. RRST-CLASS RESTAURANT. Qardiner Bros., Leeses. I jr. n f