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PMtMfW of tfih «a^ wM^K •MV te WMkuraptiMlv wiiwM. «>«»Mi "wy iHw Miy of tte* imafw in tM r«pfo«lM«tieii. or wliMt M«y (iflnifteMitIv ehwifi tM usual nMtliad of fHniiiif. aft (JlMkaO DMOWi \ -..-'.. ^: ■.■ .'■'. □ ColourMf eowKa/ Couvarturtdi D CouMfturt □ CovmrMtoNtfantf/^rlaniiMtid/ Coumtuft rMtMffto ft/o« poNiculte D Covar titk m\aiAntl < La ttitra da eouvartura manqw □ Colourad maiM/ Cartas ftorapiiNMS di □ CokMirad ink (i.a. othar tlian Wua or Mack)/ Encra da floutaur (i.a. aufra qua Maua ou noiia) □ Colouradplatii and/or illustrations/ Plandtas at/ou illustrationt an eoulaur D Bound virith oHiar matarial/ RaM avac d'autras doeumants Tl#it bindinf may Musa shadom or distortion alonaintirier' Martin/ ■ ' ^ U raliura sarr4a paut causar da I'ombra ou da U distonion la long di la marfli intiriaurtf \ ." . - ■...■■ Wank laawas addad durin« rastoratii^n may appaar .baan pmfttad from filmint/ II sa pMit quacartaiiias iMfas Manehas aiouttes lors d'una rastauration apparaissant dans la taxta, mais, lorsqua caia *tait possiMa, cas patas nj'oiit pasMfilmtas. ^ Tkis itam is fitanad at ttia raduetion ratio chadcad babw/ '% Ca documant ast f ilm4 fu tauM da r4duction indiqu* ci-dassous ■::/r i-i— ■ ■ 1 creases 1 V ■.. . . 10X 14X ItX 22X I • MX 1«X • . »x "•- « ill wianhla A1m£m i f \,*i% Horn »w* m mHto e oulaMr° □ fftgat rattorad and/or laminatad/ Pataa rattaur^ai at/ou paNieulAat r~yl fiatat diteolourad. ttainad or foxad/ n H§» dt c olorAa i , tachatto ou piquiai Patas dattchad/ fata* ditacMas N 0Sho««thro«i«h/ Tramparanca n Ikidity of print varia*/ Quality tn49ala da rimprastiort ContinuoMs pafination/ ' Pafination continua Includas indax(as)/ Comprand un (dat) indax Titla on liaadar takan from: / La titra da I'an-tAta proviant: □ Titia pa«t of ittua/ Paga da titra da la livraiion ** D Caption of istua/ \ Titra da depart da la HvraitQn r^ Matthaad/ Qiniriqua (ptriodiqua*) da la livraiton e are some creases in the' middle of pages. >■' adbalow/ MquA ei-dano«n *♦ . ,.• ' 18X 22X 26X ^ MX -' ' . 20X ■ , 24X ^ zax 32X • j Th« eopv fllmvd h«r« Km b««n rtproduead thanks to th« gansrosity of : ArchivM of Ontario ' " Tiwento Tho Imagoa appearing horo ar* the boat quality poaaltolo eonaidaring tha condition and laglbillty of tha oViginal oopy and in icaaping with tha filming contract spaelfieationa. 0< U pi di CI fil Original copiiM in printad papar eovars ara fflfnad baginnin^ with tha front eovar and anding on tha laat paga with a printad or illuatratad iinpraa- tion. or tha back covar whan appropriato. All othor original eopiaa ara filmad baginning on tha firat paga with a printad or illuatratad impraa- fion. and anding on tha laat p^ga with a printad or illuatratad impraaaion. pi P< di d Pl Ol d la Tha laat racordad fraraa on aach microficha shall contain tha symt^l •-»> (maaning "CON* TINUED"). or tha symisol V (maaning "END"), whichavar appliaa. H • ■■^; ■ ■" ■ \: ■ ■•■•^^ , ' ■ '■ Mapa. plataa. charts, ate.. may»ba filmad at diffarant raduction ratioa. Thoaa too largo to ba antiraly includad in ona aiipbaura ara filmad baginning in tha uppar laft >i|p^ i^omar. laft to right and top to bonom. m^j^^ frmtfymm aa raquirad. tha following diaii|^ma illuatrata th* mathod: ^^^ ■ U d ■w L fl L n d a d (i 1 2 3 • ■ ;•»■■ ^' '/^ ' -. ■ - * ' • ■■ .,":■'.,■. ■ -.^ * • ' ^. * ' V 1 2 — ■ ■ ■ . -'' • * » ^4 5 je«d thanks L'M«mpiair« fllm4 fut raproduir gric* i to OAnArosit* da: > It quality t laglbillty th tha I ara fil«nad Jlng on :ad iinpraa- Bta. All ling on tha (ffiipras- a printad ArchiVM of Ontarifli tToronto , , - baa imagaa suivantaa ont *t« raproduitaa avae la plua grand toin, epmpta tanU da la condition at da la nattat* da I'axampiaira fllm4. at an eonf ormitA avae laa oondltiona du eontrat da filmaga. _.^;?:is- • ■ , ■ ■ • Laa aaamptairaa origlnaux dont la aouvartura an papiar aat ImprimAa aont filmia an eomifianoant par la pramiar plat at an tarminant solt pa'r^ta darnMra paga qui eomporta uiia amprainta .' dimpraasien ou dlllustration. solt par la sacond plat, salon la eas. tious laa autraa axamplairaa origlnaux aont f ItmAa an eomman^nt par la pramlAra mga qi|l comporta una amprainta ''* dlmpraaaloii ou d'lUuatration a| mxx tarminant par la damMra paga qui comporta una talla amprainta, ificha I "CON. •END"). Un daii symboiaa suivanta apparaltra sur la darnlAra imaga da ehaqua microfieha. salon la eas: la symbols «»- signifia "A SUIVRE". la aymbolo V signifia "FIN"; lad at irga to ba llmod IT. laft to MS as [rata th* Laa cartas, planchaa. tablaaux. stc. pauvant litra film*s A das taux da roduetion diffArants. Loraqua la doeumant a*t trop grand^ pour 4tra raproduit ws un iiaul clichA, il aat film4^> partir da i'angia supAriqur gaucha. da gaueha Xf^'oita. at da haut wk bad. an pra'nant Is nombra \ dlmagas nAcassaira. Lss diagrammas suiva>ua (llustront la nisthoda. \ 1 IS) ■/■■■■' " :^->'3"' ■ • ■ ■ ' 1 ■'■■ -..'--Tr." \. : 4 5 ■ ■#-•■.■■ 6 • ■ • * ■ \ \ 9:- ■ ..1 ^*f ■,.,-*» ,■ ■ "J"'- ■,*•-.?(■ .#:, ■fx-J- '■■■■* ■ ■ .'■-•1- 1- , ^r" ffiSTORY OF THI ; f i^Lsm 9mmn question i Mmnehi^tkt Okn^ SmM^, D. T., 1954. ii fMiii frf p uwwwwH wnnvv .jiiiiif(rivi!8l&i^' CsllMifliiii^ttid ^' ,biNRifaM>g^^ of knowledfe tluuii from | ii» i il iHy" of Hiiiid^ tip : iii^giipO^-tM LogM ^%' «s- 5 ■. t m I *ii>t'tiiri ift I i iii&i ■»!r7 ii'. 'ii'ti III i^r "i iint'ii«iifi iT"'i'i ■1 i^Mi'riii.an -B*^ ^ « .-.W ^ -1.1^ ' ■; ^» A ,-. ■ . ^ .'-J ■ . - Mf W»*^^ ' S'-'«' 4^ ■.»... r.^HP I *'., >, -f i \ ■■•,V X..,.. 'M -■ Itt 1791, wliMi '% «6tt«titatiotition WfM^ thtir Ihthtr of bit tttoto, of wbiob ht ITM tht fthtolnto vatttr, h^wrt iktg vf«rt borMt h mm * tbOf bad not oonttpttdto it From tht' wsm itttohiatnt of tht U. S. LoJ^ftUttt to Ort^ Britain tnd ail htr inttitntiont, and ftrom thtir^^^. hatrtd of tvtr^thing rtpnbliMn and lerelling, M dwwn in th« htltj tttrifltM thty htTt madt «n atopnnt of thtM IMingii wt may/olr/y con^ tlnda ^ial ha4 th^ bttn appM^td to in rtgard totMa iotof tht paifntatato, tl^ would hart htartUy tanoaoatd it At any rato, this rtativ- . ▼adon WMoootidtrtd no *f gritrtaot " for thirtgr y tart alter it Wm aiadt. ^ Bonio baTt argatd thi^i hsetnu* deeds for the lands thns rfttrrtd fSsr a ** Protestant Clexgy " ^^ ■u ,» -^ ^? r .A ■\ € ■ ' ' ■■ ' -9 ' - ■■ ■ ■/ i ■ ■■.^. ■ ■ .1 wtre not txtcuUdt M tii« Undt wwt •orytjtd, tl)t okim to tktn mlgkt be Hmutt^, Hot tUf .ytfivAA b« proTing (oo miikA» fbr it woukl i^ttrvM tk$ tMm of ifu ftmuur children of tht U»M» Lo^iUutt to thiit U. M. right*, for wUoli dM '^k: In like tnanner at an aariy od subject on which to agitate the countiy.. They accordingiT raiaed a hue and cry againat ^ them, because all did not ahare in.the prooeeda of them ; defiuned the/clergy tf the church in the moat unacrupuloua manner ; and, Ending many Jealous of the standing of the dergy, ano^ ceeded in exciting » feeling againat the Beaerte^ and the Church aa holding them. The Gorem- ment, in 1880, anxious to padfy these agitators, or, at leaat,hopingto divide their forcea»propoaed tothetwelvejudgea of Englattdthe que8aon,whe» ther the term « a Protestant aergy" m^^t M be so construed as to indude the Church ^t Scotland ? which Hti> ff duly ta» it»»' H * |i ' ft» dlTiM into iwo dlrtinot but •^l*^ P^Jt!!.^ S7floo«i«dv rtto«« do 00, boowMt ^tioy ,»a{ilo«« romtoio oMof tho fcbloH»f t|» '^dog iTtMrSrttleitiont of 1840 the Chtitjhw of lBrf,^.t^:aMtlip#^Hlto oot aoyN^tt^J^ tkMnrfk'.'UM' .awBwnil Aii«mw,-*ooii8«iiwi S^SS^TSjMb^-ftto^ jS»<|kmU'». OIK "ivofdB U JatrtHlBoiBr ^1 S!S^ii»i»d«n# ni4t *«• ~j* JW^ aBi4o on theio t«m»^<^-I*> oil '^" '''^"^ "^ Of vi^;^ ing ft eli tki !>*»•■«* ^,*^*%!:^thl from Ao OlW^B^t-rrtt do ■•• *^J*^ KToMlwtw. yourmanNjtagoommlttjj w^ oijl upon tn tlioi* who iMjr !>•"»■• jpi|!P^ ''ut TUt Inr th« wprwo? »ttthorlttot o' «Jj aL-^-iiLiiitur !■' for tko wroniotloa of am mtnmx SSSSSJ^i^ *"S rSflKl irtSTtt u *»«Oj !'«*• I««» of »»»«* to BoMTTOi, tbooe who wottldininyWigW^ Su^toeU an wt would bo tidliig^rdol^ • SnSioJ^uL In 1 w. tfa^i ^^bU. ttm plodgod on th*t oocoolon ^^*^*^^^7. SoSlb^Ti^ol oi.^; >dtli>t^go ywogdbo «»urod In Jl^li^k^,!^^ ^ ^^ '^ThatabrdtehofilitBthJ^ bad^ o broooh of ft|ith in faj?»^^' ^ fiomor»li*---.,^::..:i----" •^■' ■ -■'^-' -^■■-'^^ ,'ftSr Tbftt wboiii <^ tt»^ l?»^^ii* ^ "T^-ir thii any bodloi oaibo doprltodof tktir property ^STnlblo pd™ ooToiit ftwr f •^PjJ^«-.. L Aviation moj oa jnatly bo r^iiod to dowWo tbo^mada Company of Ao ^jJ^^J^^^^ landf, booanto tSTpaoplo ^^ ^^^"f!!! eonamtod to thdr lala. ind tho ^P^yj^Z iS^tMi^wmghtMa tho lands whioh XaySvo sold to pay them tho pnrchMo money. >■ '■■■.ii'!': ■;. , \ >■■ 1. frj. -B^UA 4*^ .iiji/ - •iw.*-; ■;. -. \ ^" :^r*Ttal .» A. to. - «k. «2fi|««{: *^ •\» ■* 7Ui. thaA Ikt robbwy or W9 ^^"^ ^. i-;r '•1 ^ 4 « 1 V' 1^ I .-1 • fv '■■ . •"/■ ft ^ ,! - . \ '■ 4,'', ^ *\' ■■':. "1 I ^ » J i I m , • * ■ " \ ■ 1 1 k k i i f f ; .". ■ .^'^ • ■ . ■■■ ' — '. . ■ <■ ' ' ^ •1 1 : ^ - 1 1 1 1 t 1 f c -'\%/.. \ ' ■-■:"■■ -■.■>-■ ; > ■ it'- '-\ v.- ■" . ■ -a ■ * ,(''■ • • ' '• • -- , 1 ■'■ ) 1 1 J > ■ " ■ - ■ •->■' »■■ \ ■ •; ■ ' ■■ W "*■ ■ ■ ' ■ " ■ - '■ >: ' • 1 ,.- ' i) ;,• • ■ ; .' '' '^' y ' -■.-#■ ' ^ ■.•■-•*.. - • . * • ■■ -.. .' . ■ 1 ' ■■£--" ■".'. •■'■.:/■",■ J J ./--...-..^'i .,„{ ,. j ■■ .^ . ' i;.^-^ -... ■::,;. .'j:. -■. ■ , ;, -%::^ <■> ■ ,a>;v , ■ '■'. ":■ ''.\.J:- » '^' :. ";:"""■■:■;:':?■ r>