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Ladies* Beautlftal Secretaries In Oak, Mahogany and other makes. Odd €liairs, 5 o*cloclt Tables, Onyx and Brass Tables and The largest and best stocK to choose horn and prices will be found very reasonable. J. Hoodle^^ k Son FaraltMrc MaHMflaclBnr*, Hob- 61, 83, 65 King Street West. I W. R. PRAY i UNDERTAKER. i 33 KING ST. WEST. ^ Tclepho>e Ml. 7 WHITNEY'S AMU SEMENT ENTERPRISES. This Theatre is conducted in connection with the following Theatres : Grand Opera House Toronto. Academy of Music, Toronto. Grand Opera House, London. Grand Opera House Woodstock. Tickets for this Theatre can be ordered by mail, telegram or telephone, at Nordheimer's Music Room, and will be re- tained until ten minutes before the rise of the curtain. Ladies' Bonnets and Wraps can be left in the Ladies' Coat Room ; an attendant in charge. Advance Sale open daily from g a. m. to 5.30 p, m. at Nordheimer's, Ladie>' Toilet Room to left of Foyer ; attendant in charge. Gents' Room to right of Foyer ; attendant in charge. Parties tinding lost arades '.Tr-iW-T .'iTe'ieavc \\>xm''Kt- the Manager's Ofhce, where all appticaiions for lost articles must be made. No Camp Stools or Chairs allowed in the aisles of this Theatre. Opera Claaiet mmj be had oa appllratlaa to Ushers. The Management will not be responsible for Hats, Wraps, Coats, Umbrellas, or any other article placed on or under the seats, as special rooms are provided foi such articles. Save a Dollar AND YOU MAKE A DOLLAR. Yes, but how can you do that ? you enquire. We answer by asking you i Toi Bemiiie Gamets or » ^■■a.a-a-a.>.a.>.a.»jg MATTHEWS' LIVE&Y, 49 Market Street. EstabUshed 1841. ! IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE A GOOD ARTIGE IN THEATRICAL PROGRAMMES. # Cafiaite Judg® of a Piano always selects a NORDHEIMER as the finest Piano in Canada. Why? isecause it has the best tone and touch, is handsomest in design, and is the most durable. See that you select a Nordheimer when getting a Canadian Piano. If you want the best American Piano we have the following in stock to select from ; Steinway, Chickering, Haines, Everett. A. 6l S. nordheimer, ■• J. WILSON, Mnaacer. =86 JAMES BTREBT NORTH No Better Clianee (JALL NOW and make yoar seleotiona in Furniture, Drapery and Bric-a-Brao from the elegant itook that we always carry. This is an opportunity to select ele- f^ant goods at popular prices, and you cannot afford to let it pass it yon want anything in Chamber Suits, Toilet Tables, Chiffoniers, Gheval Olasses, Shoe Chairs, and any amount of Bric-a-Brao always at popular prices. In conclusion we would suggest that you pay us a visit before purchasing. You will be pleasantly sur- prised by our splendid assortment. Any article will be reserved until desired. Come early and have the advantage of a selection from an unbroken stock. MALCOLM & SOUTEB CORNER OF KING AND PARK STREETS. Picture Frames PICTURES stock Complete for the Season Hundreds of designs— all new and very, pretty. Prices lower than ever. STEPHENS, No. 171 Ring Street East, Copp's Block THE CELEBRATED Derhard Edntaan StrjjjUy First-CJjM BEND VOB ILIinSTBATKD FAGTORT AND WABEROOMB, 69-75 Sherbourne St. Toronto We perform every operation in Den- tistry. Crown and Bridge work is a luxury. Gold Sets 940.00 ; Aluminum Sots, something new, better than gold, $20.00. Best Teeth on Rubber, only 98.00. Is it wise to pay more? Do your teeth ache ? Qas, SOc. 167) King Street East, Ccr. King and Mary Streets, Hamilton, Ont. Wednesday, January 17 THE FAMOUS CALIFORNIA -OPERA -GO. In the charming opera in 3 acts, CAST OF CHARACTERS. Girofle-Girofla Miss Josephine Stanton (Late of Lillian Russell Opera Co. Aurore Miss Adele Barker Pedro Miss Rita Harrington Marasquin Mr. Henry Hallam Mourzourk Mr. VV. E. Hubbard Pacquita Miss Sadie Weston _rj£nBplero ^gm .,-,.. Mn }i>» Saanders Piratethief .?. Mr. V, H, Bond Fernande Miss May Hatt Guzman Miss Lottie Randall Peasants, Cousins, Pirates, Moors, etc. EXECUTIVE STAFF. Saunders, Henderson & Hall iProprietors John Saunders Manager John M. Howard Business Manager Fred Hall Treasurer J. N. Rohan : Mus. Director V. H. Bond Stage Manager If you wouM lilie to advertise in tbis programme all you have to do is to say so at the box office. After the performance, call in at the Schmidt House. Undoubtedly the most popular resort in town for " delectable delicacies." Host Langhorn has almost the best that money can bny^ Telephone Matthews^ Livery if you want a good turnout at a moderate price. 49 Market street. FREDERICK LYONDE, . . . Hian CLASS . . . PH0T06RAPHEH, Opposite Post Office. THE GRANDEST STUDIO IN CANADA Experts employed in every line of the Portrait Profession, We aim to please and satisfy all. Liberally {latronized >y the Theatrical Profession. We make any kind of Portrait that can be made in high-class style at a moderate Quality A 1, Prices Low. OUR NEW STOCK OF See Them Before Ordering Elsewhere. 80 lbs. Best Granulated Sugar. . .91.00 gg lbs. Brown Sugar .1.00 3, 4 and 6 lbs. Raisins and Cur- rants for aSoti Our 50c. Teas are UNRIVALLED Our 2Sc. Tea is worth 40c. CABFEHIER'S 10 MARKET SQUARE. "I do remember an apothecary, And hereabout ho dwells." —Rotneo and Juliet. n.A fA fXTTT QniO" 'RA'RT! ^^k fine perfumes and toilet 170 bO WlJjOUn JDiilXJLliy articles. Pure Drugs a Specialty. Remember the Address -Barr's New Drugstore, Corner of King and flughson Streets. IB IB IB m m 1 LAST YEAH S OVEHCOAT is nothing but a reefer compared with the long " full back" this season. There are many men who speiid double what they can afford to for clothes. If so-and so's name is'nt on the back of their necks, inside their coat collars, they don't think life's worth living. That's all rot. We'll put you in style for $15.00 as satisfactory as though you paid your tailor $25. 00. We hit the mark every time with those LONG FULL-BACK OVERCOATS ; cheaper ones $10.00 ; but our $15 is a point to survey from. v^r FRALICK & CO., 15 James Street North. i 1 B 8 11 B B! IB Bl '^■^■^'^^^^-■■^-■-^^'■-■-^-■-^-^- i.l.l.i.l-l. A i ■IB 1 8u ■ anc Fa< ■re a deiiic npon COUD anoei thoae parol ■iidE • • • . . . . 78 1 1 . n .' Ti ■ T] to mil can ofT-ha ■ it nol ■ want. . clerk ■ buy. ■ eoods offer. ■ us to : books . the St not t ' intere f no tfc 1 R.A. , W.R, c< ^ p X STE ^ *"■ '"*, J. 0( L ' 1 Estit ADJC BAB Frlm ■■a Copland's Pills •"S™«^S-' Beautiful Skin i: X Price 9B CcDta, worth One DoUur a box. woman's crown- ing glory, . . iletH ■eets. m ay BI H as m :k mi bF 1. Hg 1^1 4- i. WHEN THE CURTAIN IS DOWN FAMILIARIZE YOURSELF WITH OUR ADVERTISERS. .■-■-■■■j»-»i.j.«-»-»-i,ft..».»^»,..ft.^f,.,tg»i'i'i1i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i««'«'i'iH'i"i'i'i 5BagiB nsiSBDBSS iSSBS sn Sunny Smiles and Happy Faoea are alwkyi depleted npon the counten- anoes of thoae who «,r _ puTohaae their CltcmrB, Plpca, Tobacco and BmoklnK Materials from 78 King St West, next Dominion Hotel Pool Room In Connecllon. 6ARDNER ft THOMSON embracing MnlTs. Boam Capen, Collars and Cravattes* Fur and Far«llned Goods of every deacrlption. OPERA HOUSE CORNER. J.Horin&Co. DEALEBS IN BOOTS AND SHOES TrBBka aail Tallwa, 129 JAMES ST. Near Cannon St. It will pay you to go blooks out of your way to examine our prices. IT TAKES TIME to make selections in a bookstore. You can buy groceries and otiier necessities off-hand, but when you go to buy a book it is not so easy to decide upon what you want. It is not pleasant either to have a clerk follow you around pressing you to buy. We know it is not possible to sell eoods unless you know what we have to offer, so it is at all times a pleasure to us to have any who are interested in books come into our store to look through the stock. Whether they wish to buy or not they may possibly see something to interest. We have lots of room and it is no trouble to show goods. R. A. ROBERTSON.) y,tJoocaii& Co W. R. lURNfiULL,) The Leading Stationen, - Corner James and Market Stt. ■atcl aad Beataaraat Wark m »9ttt»ltT at Ike TELEPHONE Laundry STEAM 16S James St. North. J. BROWN, Manager. Goods called for and deliTored. dollars, 2o.; Oafih, 4o. See Annouqcements on Fonrth page. Thursday, January 18th THE FAMOUS CALIFORNIA OPERA CO. In Pianquette's three-act opera, The Chimeg of Normandy CAST OF CHARACTERS. Serpolette, the good-for-nothing. Miss Josephine Stanton Germaine, the lost Marchioness.. Miss Rita Harrington Henri Marquis de Corneville Mr. W. E, Hubbard Jean Grenicheux, a fisherman Mr. Henry Hallam Gaspard, a miser. . .^^ Mr. John Saunders Baili Mr. Tuck Springer Notary Mr. John Henderson ?«nn"/' I Peasant Girls. I J*'n^!r*'^Tn Jeanne | | Miss Lottie Randall Peasants, Fishermen, Sailors, etc. Friday— Said Pasha. Saturday Mat— Girofle-Girofla. » An Old Sweetheart of Mine " " Sketches in Prose and Occasional Verse? " " Rhymes of Childhood " " Old-Fashioned Roses " " Green Fields and Running Brooks " and all the famous poen^s of James Whitcomb Riley for sale at Robert Duncan & Go's. NEW TAILOaiNG FIBM. Carnegie&Co MERCHANT TAILORS 74 KING STREET WEST. A few doors east of Dominion Hotel. LATXST DBSIONS IN SUITINQS AND OVSRCOATINOB. CHARLIE EOENEB OF THE Opera House Hotel IS THE To See Between Acts DURING THAT INTERVAL HE WILL SERVE A BOUNTIFUL Lunch His LACiER and ClftAltS are the FIIVEST In the Market LOWE ft FABRELL, dealers in all kinds of Electric Supplies. Estimates given for Lighting Factories, Warehouses and Private Residences. Repairing attended to. 40 JAMES ST. SOUTH. ADJOUBM TO THE AFTER THIS PEBFORUANOfl. BAB BB-MODBLED AND RB-FITTED. ■ 't > ■ »■ > 1 K» The iMpsTted WIbc*. Cfeccee nd Table Delleaelet feST* aude thie kaate HMuae all eTer vatarl*. ^""'^NX»?'S?aSlsrv^.'S?,."''"" SCHMIDT &UNGHORN, pro. 6i and 6ti Jamca St. Mortli. W. H. HOWARD TAILOR, No. 99 Kebecca Street. Fine St ranada. The Happy Thought Range is the king of the kitchen. Before buying a stove call and see the Happy Thought Range and the Radiant Home Feeder, the two best stoves manufactured. Old stoves taken in exchange Repairs for Buck's HtoveR always on hand. Rooflng, Eavetroughing, Jobbing and Repairing promptly attended to. JOHN INTILSON, 1 l«rk St. and 8 Market 81., HaBaiKoa, Telephone 1068. IWiMS JAMES STREET, Wpposllc HaulltoB (11) Hall. T)ii^Nlef\ S ETS Special Attractions Dinnur, Tea Slid Toilet Sels. Ilancinct l.iuii) k 1 1 d Ait ( c 1 1 1 Fine line of Flomr \iiifBtti Tubes. All prict'B. — " I want to be an angel!" Our oook sang on her way To start the fire with kerosene— iShc became one that day. —Little Charlie— Pupa, do angels sec what's going on in the world. Papa— I suppose so ; they're often pictured as weeping. —Boston woman — Oh, I do so love the fields of our New England farms. New York girl— Why ? Boston woman— Be- cause they are so cultivated, you know. — It takes four years for a college to turn out a good student, but it frequent- ly turns out a bad student in less than three mouths. —Mamma— When that boy threw stones at you why didn't you come and tell me instead of tlirowing them bock? Little son— Tell youl Why, you couldn't hit a bam door. —Mrs. Gushly— Dear me, the new minister is such an interesting young man. Mrs. Winks— What did he talk about when he called? Mrs. Qushly— I told him all about the baby's new —"The doctors all iffononnce It ner- vous prostration." "What had she done to bring it about— overwork ?" "Yes; she's been trying to decide on a name for the baby." Vide AWAKE ^ SOAR WILL DO mm Manufactured only by IDavidMorton&Sons HAMIIjTON,Ont. luiTustl DID YOU KNOW that THE JEWELER will make and repair any kind of Jew- elry, Watches and Clocks better than can be done elsewhere and for less money. Call and see him. 1 30 JAMES STREET NORTH A few doors below A. O. F. building. COMING. The chief attraction of a literary na- ture booked for Hamilton this season is that of James Whitcomb Rilcv, the Hoosier poet, and Douglas Sherley, the southern author, who will appear in readings from their own works, iu the Grand opera house, on Feb. 2. Mr. Kiley has been termed the sweet singer, who with his magic lyre has touched tlie hearts of countless thous- ands; wjhose words anil woi'ka ore known and loved wherever the English language is spoken; whose linot are limned with laughter and pathos; who personates his own creations, so that we see them before us in flesh and blood; the Bums of America; the poet in the plenitude of his powers. Mr. Sherley is a stranger to the piat- fonu in Canada, but ms appearance will likely be hailed with delight. The best students of American literature look upon him as the polished romancer of the south, who has flRshed a search- light into now fields nod reproduced the results in colors that charm; whoso wit is as infectioiu as a summer's day; whose versatility, combined with that of Mr. lUley, completes one of the most enjoyable entertainments known to th« lyceum or the stage. The public appearances - of t hew tw i n" spirits of genius have been highly ap- preciated in the few prrileg^ cities where they have appeared jointly, and great enthusiasm always prevailed. —"What are you crying for. Frits?" "Because my brothers have a holiday and I haven't." "But why haven't yon a holi- day, too?" "Because, I'm not old enough to go to school yet." —Mrs. Newman— What made you tell me he was the carver of his owu tor- tune, when he got every penny he has by marrying an heiress/ Newman— Humph! He had to cut out a half a dosen fellowe to get her, didn't he? ■ r^ TUTTI Frutti AN ABSOLUTE CURE -FOR- INDIGESTION Sold by all Druggists & Confeotioners TaksaowortUsas imitation. Itosthat " TUTTI FRUTTI" !■ OS BACK S can FAOKAOB. IiAX)IES, go to Crawford's for "Down-Town Lunches."