^- -^^"^ <> IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) % A f/ ^ A >%^ .^> ^^^ 4^0 L< ^ A '^ 1.0 I.I 111 ■ 2.5 Ut Bii ■ 22 I!? 144 ■" L£ m2.o i IJ& '•2^ III '-^ lilJ4 .«! 6" ► V] <^ o n ^/,. M 'W '/ Hiotographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.>. 14580 (716) 872-4503 ^ «.*% io?<».'nt goiu-ral t-luflioii an to the Maiiitolta st-liool rnuvition, it lias lu'cri (luiii/,'Kt wine to pulili.sh on tlio ono liaiid tiio viow of Ilio cliurc'li, jiiid cti tlic olhci' tiiu view of Mr.Livui ior, ilio iomior of tlio IJIkmuI jiuity. The Itemrdial Itlll. Tho Dominion ("ovoiiinioiit, Innt e»;8Hion, «ubTniltod to I'liiliainent n J?i!l with I ho aim of rcNtoiinir to tho Catholic minoiity <>f Manitoha iho fontrul if thoir scliooln wiiich was taliori away from ihem in ISUO by th',' ProtoHtant majority under tho leadorshiji of WcHsi-b. (ucouway and Mai-tin, Archhialiop I^aiiKeTln A p. proven of tli4> Bill. IliH Graco Mgr. Langdvin, A'*cli- binhop of St. lionifacc, and loader of the Catholic niiuonty of Manitoba, in ro|)Iy to a li-h-^'iatn as (o tlio va'no and I'l.li-ioiicy of iho IJ.II, undworod ! aH follows i'rrltujmin (i'l(lre. iii'foi 1)1 y, I aitjtfuOH oj it. Ait ilii inslti.jin (titil alt tfne ( (iHiolirs K.'i'iii Mr. Lartriiit:. M.l\ (or I'ronwhf.r > "A'ol ono ot tho lJisliu|is if* at variunoo wiih mo. All aro oxtrornoly .sviuiiatliotii-. Tlu' V'ttltolic-i wtio ur<: jljiUiiKj (tfjainsl ttic liiU are bttiuyiuy ili< Uatntjlic niLitrity, • A. J' li\.N'i •.^•|.v " Aroh bishop of .Si iJ 'iiifaco." (Teleyram add>-ess''J siitinjiWhuy to tlie tutftoUe ininurily, uliu accept mm a itub$litntUil, pracHcabU and AmU B0tH»^nent «/ thm qm*'»tiim ac- l-mrdiHU to *h« CoH*r«ar4ort " A D. Lanr'wes of the Rnmtii'd liilt, you mu.-^t runrlude that hefort' coinhvj t" that derisu'ti. he rtfiectecl l<>nltli, lU>nnel.t, IlEHMKH, Hordfii, UdHtOII, B()irH.\S«.\, lk)W»T«, BowlIlMl, MKODKl'll. HKOVVN. hUlNKAl.', Calvin, Ciiin(!roii t Huron), I'liinpbell, ("AHUOLL. C'HrscHlii'u, CartwrinlinSirHic CllHCV, CHAKHONNKAl C'linrltoii, ClIOgl'KITE, CJlHl.STIt:, Cocki>uriu (.'olter, Crui^, Dikvie.H, Dawson, Kdgiir, EDAVARDS, FAUVEL, Fuitth«niton, Flint, Forbea^ FraBur, GKOFFttlON, GibNon, (iilmor, GOUBOUT, Grieve, Gl'AY, HAKWOOU, For,— McsHiw, lleiidenon, lIodKliiN, Iniie.s, l..iti(li*rkln, I.A.NCKMElt. LAIUIKU, I.AVRIIGNE, i,Ei>t;(;, I.ECltIS, LJHtl'I, Livliitcntun, I.OWt'll, Miudonalil , Mai'leiiii (York), Mil AHTHY, McGr«Kor, McMilliin, MoMullt^n, McNfill, h),MiSIIA.NE, MAHTI.S, MKiNEAULT, MlllH(Ui>lliwell), MON ET, Muliuk, OUHIEN, I'aterson iHriioUt PHrry, FUCTONTAINE,. PKOl'LX. lUDEK. RINFUET, UosaniontI, SANHOKN. SfRlVEU. Scniple, Somnrvilk', Sproule, Stulibs. SuthtTland, TAKTE. Tyrwhltt. VVALIjVCE, Weldott, ITcUh. Wtldoii, tmyot, lUlnl, Iturnaril. Iti-niiniiliil), |tl'llK\ Bcriit'ion, BlftiK-li&H Hi.v 1 |ii>>it. Kuriiliniii Ciiint^roii (liiv«riiei'»( (nriClll, Carltdiiiti. (Arliiix iSli JoliiK, rariM-riltT, (Iivron (Sir \.|(.|pli. 1, Clevolniid, Cdclirnii*', (.'orboiild, (VlHtiglUl, Uiily, Uavlii, Diivls, I)i'siiulalerN, IVvliii, l)i«;kfy, Ull«iw<, Dyer, Kark". Fftlrhalrii, KciKUHoii i|.e<'oiit, lirant (Hii Jain<«', Mii>-'loital(cirnn> M/it-i|i>«v'tli, Ml AliHt.-r, M> l)s- itiiiHilii Ml hiHiiilil, i\ ii'lori'U Ml Doiittnid iricliiii). Ml DoiiKull, Mrrtoii Mi'(Jilliv ra), Mi'(iriM'\ )•, Mi'iiiiirn«n, HdOIIII', UoHH tI)ui)daN>, HoKM (I.i>Kar) Uytkniun, Siiitth ((.>iitar.on, Taylor, 'reiujilf, TiMliile, Tupjier (Sir Cliarles), Tupper (SlrChaa. H.i Turrotto, Vftilliiiii'ourl, Wliit« (Slit-lliiinie), Wil/noi, Wood, -115, Thr tr r.ion of 'iivmion.— u r.ion of Sir I'liMilto^ Tiip|HM> w»H fhi-ri JMiojil.nl h tln! |t>tliiwi0|{; F'm.-.MMniif. A 11" vol, Aii^vrit. Mainl IIiU'iiukI, Mi'iiuMcili'll, H.ll.'v. MiM'Ui'ntii lllltlH'llllI'll tt'.^il H(i\h(, lliiriiliiiiii. ( 'aniiTun ( li. vt«rn<»)w> t'ar>iilil, <'i>MliKim, Davlii. UhvIm. DpIIhIc, l)c-«iuliilurn, l)i< ki-.s , Diipoht. l))ir Krtrl.', I''airlialrii, FerniiKiMi ' Ia'OiIs ami llreii. i I'tTvciisoii (Itenfrewi, KoMtcr, t'ltW'heilf, Fr^iiiDiit, tiiliiUN. tiirou/irfl, iJraiiilli. Is, (iraiU (Mr .Fumt-S' (iiiilh't, lia^Kiii'l' llaslaiii', Hazfii, Hiilchitw, Iiieraiii, I vcr, ■ lL-llllllOt,Ui, .Uincax. Kaiilbiicli Ki'iiijv, l,n> tiaiwllr. I.n(i|(t I.»lrp, l.i'diiir IXHIDI l.ipp^. M'ti'iliuiald >Klii(|'«i Muri|iiiii>ll I .\ lifDtiia) Mill ilowall MrAlHiiu Mi'DotiKiil \>tHliill)i>ln Mrlloiinlil (Vlilorial, ,Mi'I>oiiKikta lI'lcluiM, M''l><)iit(alli(' llrclija) MilJri>i'vy M' lii»'rin>y, Mi'Naui', MrKay, M(;Leait iKiiiK'si. M( iHifinmi. MrLmxl, Mitra. M.irMliaU, Manioi^ Mi«ti;alfe, Mlili^r, Millii I \niiHpoUhl, MoncriMrt", U^jvlm. Pititariwiu ('<>l('liest4ir IVIii'ilar. I'ope, I'.Mvell. I'riilhaiik. I'ruir, I'litnanx. H.'lil, KoMllanl. i{iil)iiit> 'Curcotl*', VaillaiK-ourt, \S'liite (ShelliU'iiet, WilllDt, WoiHl. lU. A««AiN*r, Mioi'tH- At.AiNvr. MMMim. AIUm. lUIn, liKcilAltD, llrlth, lllMIIII'tt, MKItMKK, llonli-n. Ilooliin. MOI HAS8A, llltMfll «, HlU)l>K('li. MKOVVN. HUr.NKAl', C'»l\ln, I'ltiiwriiii OloriMM, Cftiiipiii'll, I AKKor.l., ('iirMi-iilleii. ('ir(wriKlit(Slrltli' i'i\'it'\. rJIAUnoNNKAl" Cliitrlioii, rHOglKTTK. C'lirlnti*'. T'lrkldirii, Cilltrr, Crnltf. Mtf)tr, KOW VllDS. K.vi vi:l. FtwitlicrNloii, Kllhl, Flirt »«•»», IJKOI'I UION. lril)>H>ll, liiliimr, iJODhOI T, lirlrvf, (il A Y, IIAItWOOI), lieiKlfrNon, llodKiiiK, lllllPM, t.AMiKI.IKK, I.AI KIKK, I.AVKItUNK, DKDI'C. I.KiiltlM. l.tnliT, I.UiiiLr<*t(iii, Miki' loiiitlil illuroiit Miti'liwiii t Vurki MrCAumv. .Mriitlllvi.k). Mctiri'uor, Mc.MllUii, Mi'MiilliMi, M.N..II. M.SIIANK. l.t.MAItTIN. Mlt.NAll.r. , Mlll-tl< •tiMVcll). MDNKI, Mlll, SANUOUN. SCUIVKU. Sniii|)l<«, SdiiiitvIIIo, S|iri) ill', SClllilix. Slillici litliil, TAIITi:. I'v "lull, WAIJ.ACK. Wi'ldmi, W.-Nli, W ilHOII. Vuo It I. Epl«cap»l Iiit«rvoii(ioii in tiie Holiool <|iioitll»u. Undoi- this lioadin;; lliu ' ('ourrior •ill Canadii " piibli^lii's an iinpartaiit nrticlo which i>i r prmliiccd hoio iit full:— On Wodiio day. I-Yd. I.'lh. ilio hirrfiiir |iub!i-« iiitio of thi« Ulh, ii pUiaMod (o '. mco of (iuohoe. Tiii* thtwix, whirl* i-* (lot iH ha'»toii tn say) n>n- liMiy to tln> ri^'ht>»i»CtlM( M h'> tpi and alliul. Ill) ijiiiih-, will Hit. ilui Uiiiiw li'iliju ol it<«iiiiihoi,tii Iho |)i iiiciploMof Calholir liihrraliHin, ii I'aUi', poriii rioiM, and lo hoahioliilidy (MndoinntMi, T ' iiiot'l tlio wislHm i»f tho ocoloi ia«tical aiilhiiity of ihis diiu'iMo, and with his foniial aj.pmval, wo willmty a low words ahiiil tho rash doctriiio-* pill tiirlh nil tlio arli'.do i)f tho Lihor III J oiriinl, ;tiid will inaUo it uvidiMit whoioin tho aij^ument of the writer of thai nrticlo oltonds. Kirsl of III!, lot il lio uiidtiiRtood, wo divo'tt oiirsolvos of ovory nuroly political (oiisidoratiou or piojiidico, lor thi'4 is noi n iino.stion of party inloro'ttH, liiilofocelosiastii-aldoctrino and piihlic ii;{htHoftlio hi^hosl roli f.'iouH and natioiinl boariiiji:;. In I ho socoiid pln''.^, wo wish to dofond iiffainul all uppMiition tho iof(nl and morn! ri^ht as widl as tho npportutionoisor intorvontinii in tho vol y con liiioiis in wididi if tiok placo at Charlovoix, tlia' is to Miy, siippiw- in;; that llio It'oimdial Kill siihnultod \>y tho •iovtsiiinonl is of MUidi a (diur- ai tor as to inorit tho Huppoit of the Hishop*. It would bo in vain to attnmpt to »lny a tutttMin^j argutnont hy alloi? iriK Riimi««lllll iUII Tbi* wouiif \hs ulilv M miltltn lu^it. Thin ititlnt ••Nlp})li«li«ii, lat im ii|» |»initt|)oiiil«M|t, hut ImtM i|«iur to thoMo whoiii (li« Holy Hpiiil hHM «iiliii«t«Mi with tho Kum iliiiiixhiti lit' lh<* rliK k of ,l>mi'< ChiiHt Hi)il thv ({ovoruiiic'iii ol (h ' OhriBtmu commiinlljr. Art'ui'linf; to thit <'oi retpunitsnt ol'lhi' F.lfi'tfur, •litii)ii(;li tho < 'hri liOMitltiiMl Ml cord in^ tothn pi-in«-l|i|i«H «>!' lUMliun it hiw, howovoi, tio ri>,'tit to iloti>rrni(ii> of ii|i|Movo III th» niimiiH i«ii^)(oi«toi| by one or oth«o miltlixl W«< ilony iliii* uxmh tion, (or ihu I'ol- iowih){ rvtiNorin — Tho t'huffh hoiiij? by iOft«»n f4-\U uiiiiM i\ Kocioty oNMiMitiully Nn|i>Miiii t» the Stiito, Ihii Staio ih rtiihorlinuiu to it ill ovory thing whiili utfoi t'4 ivli Kiouit inlui'ONlH Thi^ h u clutii- atid turtuiii |iriii('i|ilii Thui'ot'oro, it tntiHt lin i-iu'o^nixoii tliiit Ihii ('liiiiili huM roul jiirirMliitlion over tho Nciular ptuvor I'von ii|)oii quMtionN of tlio l<'CU|ioriil onJcM', |irovitlo- (•volirtti Imm'rtaU P'-i "Kvoiylliin^ wliieli in MMcrt' I in wimiovor ronp-n ' I'Voiythiiij; which iitlV-tlM tho hmIv,-*- tion of Miiiirt anil the wor-«hi|iol \ irlutioii to iIm 'oml.' ih UMionablo to iho uu thonty ol lliiv<'liiii(li." Thoictoro, iiliijoiij^h two |Nilittcul tmc'uiiM \u-ii\fr j/ivon oi|Utilly apt to r»voriri th«[f Aill«yrKn> thi> ihlt-rmUtt of lh«< fhiin h, lh« I tiiir«h Wiitid luiv* no rtMon totiidioi%rriot««, th« c'A*i I* ijiiito ililTcrMfil wimn .n* of thwi iiitfHriM, ill tho iinniiimoiia mlK* mont of tht< tn«( ottlnAi'itv Mill Niablltty whiih tho iithnr I'oiiiil ngt otTor In thin i-mo, la taut, lhii! il|(htii, «'i< tollowotl to arrive nt tb« il«Miti«l I'Dii ; hill to >]o 41 > woiiltl b« • to griivolv (*onipr»iiit«e tb« oaum Ui« • •'hiinh lio^ndu III iloiiiK iK> the < 'himnt of MO irnporlanr, uiul , HO sitai n •! nor lion from tiio Citholic point of viow, jii'Ik", •»"<• rightly, lliBi It would Ix) inip^mdcnt to ro> noiiiK'o Uio iKinotil of a do* imon givoii . lu ittvui of theii' oatiHti b) tho highmt , tribinml of tlio Kinpirc, and again ' put in i(iioHtion lighlH ho opunly.- len.giiizid. riioy jutlgo, and rightly, Ihui it would Ih« raHJi, in i\ matter ho gnivo, to contidu thoir hop«H Ir ai (oinnuMHion of imiuiry, which would ihovitably ouuho ;'uith«r delay, and which, doing away with the I)c tnlnion iiit«ifer<'nco, u< Mhich th«M pri'ru'MoiH of 'ho coinntiKHion arc oj>i- poso0, who will iisHuro un tliut llio Bamo govornmont or some olhoi', in fluencod by tho Haino motives of fan nticism or self-intorost, would not, sooner or later, n;(uin wa^^o on Ihis school question tho violoui and un- just war that wo donloro to d-ty ? Would it not bo much bolter ibr the central powor, seoini; that it ha-* the right and the oppoilunily of doiiii; Jito, to raise forthwith a^^ainst ail per secutors, prosonl and future, a ram- part of justice and reli^iom protoj- tiou, which will roiist all windt and storms ? f will add that in view of the parly spirit whicli divido-t ho piofoundly oar public men, ono parlicular polili cul group cannot bo oxpoito 1 lo pro- vide the strength iioco^sary to rally all Catholics to tho same idea and under tho samo flag. Tho Episcopate alono catj hope lo bring this about by asking our legis- lators, ospociall}' those whose on- sciences thoy direct, to rise for a moment above tho temporal iniorosts which engage thoir attention, to for- got thoir political dissen.-ioMS, and, relying upon tho judgment of tho Privy Council, to make it tho uii- aesailablo foundation of truly romo dial legislation. The Bishops' right of interference in a matter of this nature is, besides, clearly delueed from tho teaching contained in tho "Manual of the (-.itholic Citizen", publishod witi* the special rocommonJalion of their L)rd'.liips tho Hishops of tho I'rov ince of (Quebec. ( )ii p:igo 27 wo read : "111 co.isoinionco of the dopon lence of Ciuisliiin p inces upon thelJhurch, tho Church has the power to regulate the us»< whicli princes ought to make, ill certain casc.^, of their temporal powor; for it mu-*t bo hold for cor- taiii, according lo the leacliing of tho thooli):,Mans, that the power of tho keys given by .losus Christ to Potor and ill his poison t) his successors (Mitlhow XVI, ID) includes tho right of regulating tho u-io that Cliristim princes o ight to make of llieir temporal power in its relations with loligion and tho salvation of souls, and on various occasions ' to submit their political acts to the judg- ment of the Church.' " Finally, tlio eminent theologian we are opposing ought to know that tho following proposition: " 1 1 belongs lo the civil pjwor to ileQno what are the rights of tho Cliurch, and tho limits within which it can exorcise them " has boon justly condemned in tho Syllabus. It is indooi to the Chinch and to ils ropro>entatives, not to others, thai it belongs in case of doubt to determine how I'ar the ccclciiastical or opiscitpul jurisdic- tion ought to oxtoiid. Kor this rea- son Mgr. t'avngiiis, in his work en titled; "Ideas of public right, na- tural and ecclesiastical," established witii certainty this proposition: " Tlio Church authoritatively deter- mines what is or is not in its compe- tence, and tho State ought to respect tho decision." JEo had previously said : •' In tho conllict betwoou the •piriliiul (iri'l tlio toiapoi-al, llit> loimoi oaglit to piovnil " The JiHdnguishoil cm rosjiomliMit or tlio Kkrtutrt juJL'injr lin tbosiH illsupportoil, fool^ llio neol of Htronglhorung it by n cin ulur of M;i;r. Tuscfioroiiu, wriltea in 1S72 writli roMj)Oct to tho Now HiiiiiHwick srliools, iti wliiili tlio ArchliUhop of Qiioboc tlorliiio-* the Citholios fioo to cljoorio llio rna.itm wiiicli tlioy "•onni fior th>^ rn )Hl u|il to altiiiii tlui ilosirc 1 pn 1, tlml i-t to Hiw, to roin.Mly tlu Hc!i()(»l *>yNtom of Now IJ.'uin\.'ifIc Hut wo (lony tlio pifullol li'jt.'voon tlii-i ouHo iitid tijiit of tlio Miiiifohi scliool.s. lit 1*^72 tlio ('iUljolics Iril no constitutioniil act or jii would g'vo to tho advisors of tlio Kpis(;opito u logiil foun liUioii iiiid dotiiiitely .miiro tho iiK.sorlioii of iho rights viihilod. Todiiy, uol only does tho M:iiiit()l):i Act (jotitaiii u chiuso t'avorrtblo to tho right-jof fho minority, b;it tho highost juiiciul ttulhority of tho British Ivn |)iro lias nolomnly sanctionol thoso Wghts and tracod out tor tho Domi- nion (lovorntiiotit tho way to follow. f'lien-> li/u^tur luctorioi." is obolieiico, iinl not insubi^rdln ation, which savos pe)plo-( as well as iiidivi duals. Wo sincoroly ho])o that all Canilian CUholics. whatever iniy bo thoir political ting, will un- dorstml this doctrine and will not I givi o tho chunh and tho world tho I sal sp.-clarh> of a doplnrublo division Just wlioro union, under the onlight^ onol direction of tho Hpiscopate and with the hol|)of tho right-thinking I'r.iU slants of this country, is necoH, sary for tho triumph of justice and tlic in:iiiuonaiH!o of' ireligious peace in the t'anadian confaleration. L. A. Paqitet, Priest. Two Viewa. On thol6lhof May the Arcbbish^ ops and Bishops of the Province of Quebec published a collective niando- mcnt which will bo given later .lust now wo detach the following passftgQ to contrast it with the view of Afr. Lauriei who teaehos tho contrary. 8 The C!hnrcli*M flow. liiutiiirli, di'.itrbi hilorel. hn'lhro.n, that a Cat h die ig titt lurmlttdl. in whut ecer /' mition A' may />e, — a j'^wriiil's', an ele'tor, r pricate,. ami, till othiw fir pu'ilii) iiir., to irampb uniler foot, in ih- tjdrcia''. of Am soi'ial duties, tlif, obli ' p-c toml il)iit ill ii!| lluit i.'oiii.'«i'ii"i tlio ^ovoiiiinoiil of Imtiiiiii sorioty. it-i iiHliliitioa.s, miraU, \:\\v*. |)iil)li(! t'liiictioiis, llio iristiiicliaii of ymi'li, no inoru altoiitii>>\ \< hi 1,0 |(ii.l t) tho (.'limvli tliaii if -lioili I iidi, oxi-tl.' For tho samo ivasou lio nixya olso whci'o (IOiH'3-crK'al Jnvnorln'ri Dei)' " Before all it /.s na^e.-^-i iri/ tit it oil CathnliM WJrtIr/ of thn n i lu:. il^trr mine t) h,'., and nkoir /A '/;iv •/(•,■.< id justice." (Maniiciiioiit ol ilio Iii-ho[H of tho cL'i'lesiaslit'al |ir(>viiH-o-i of Quolioc, Monti'cttl anil Oilawa, daloi May lOili, 18J(J.) Mr. lituirlerVi Ticir. 1 ain a Liberal of llio iin^lijili school. 1 bolicvi' ill that (scIiodI. which liaH all along clai mo 1 that it is the privilege of all htibjocls, whether high or low, whether rich or poor, whether eccLisia-iuc.s or lay- men, to particijxito iu tho admiiuti trntlon of public affairs, to (Iihcihm to inniiencn, to perMuiKJo, to eoiuiiico| but which haj alway-i dcMiiiil oven to the higho.ti th'« rigiit to "lictato even to tho IdWoHt. I am horc represent- iig not li)min ('iilholic.-i al-mo biu l'i-otO'4la'itH as woll, ami I mmi give an account, of my stewanhliip to all cl.uso^ Jfci-(( am f, a U)inati ('at Id lie of From.'li i-xliwu'iioii entriHti^i by tho conti lonce r/f the men wh>sit around \m Wilh greu an ! imp .rt:int duties nil lor our coiistitnlional ;^y.s- le;n of g .vc! mnint. 1 am hcio th'> acUnowIe IgoJ lea lerof a greal piirly coini)).i»l ipf I{ tman (J.tihoiic-i and l'ro;e^lanls a-* wdi in whifji Pro- tO'taiils are in the nuijorit^y, as Pro- teua'its m Hi be in the niajoniy in ovory pir* of Canad i. Am' I to bo I'dl, I, o:"vipying snih a pi.ition, 1 11:11 I am to bi dictated tho C)iuv-»j I a'U to tiico in tlii.s II )iuo, by renons t!iat c.in api^oal to tho c hhcIoiiuoh of my fellow Cilholic m'srnbon. but which d ) n >t appeal an woll to tho con>sc;en;o< of uiy P.-otonanL col- loa,'uo4 ? N ». S ) I )ng as I havo a Heat in this II )uso, s, long ;u I occ!iip7 lliop).iti)n I do no.v, when over it .shall beoomo my duty to take a stand iip);i my 'inestioa whatever, Unt Htan I I will take not iipjn gi\)uiid.i of U )min O.ilholicism, not U|):)n grounds of Prjto-,tanlisin, but upon ground-) that can upj»eal to tho c>)ns('ionoes of all men, irres|)ectivo of their particular faith, upon grounds wliiidi can bo occupioJ by all mon who love justico, free lorn and toleration. — (Mv Ijvurler'H Hpeoch in the House ot t'oinm ms on the 3rd of ,March, 18'.)(;. Kxtract from "Kansai'd.") 1 Tho following i.s the full text t>f I tho collective pustOKiI letter ; l*-AHTORAL I.RTTrU of their Lonhhip^ the Ar'-hhislti)f)san(l nisftops of the. eri'lmaati'al jirorini'fs , of Uueher, Montreal and (Utiiwa on | the Miinitoha School Qufstion : Wo, by tho gmco of fJod tuiil (luor of | tlio Apostolic Sot), Ait'liliisliopsiind BiHhops of iIki Kcclosiiisiic'iii I'io/. incoH of Quoboi', Moiili-oiil uiul I Ottiiwa, I To tho Socular ami Uoj^iiliir Cloi'i^y, j ntid to till tlio ftiitlitiil ol otif 10- { HDOCtivo dio«Jo.so.-», ln'iillli an 1 Umo- j diction in our Lord, ' Deahly Hei-ovki) Mubtiihen, — I (Jallod by tbo will of our l)ivino Lord to tho 8[»iritual ^ovornmoiit of tho particular churches oonhdod lo thoircnro, the Bishops, succossois of tho AposticH, have not only tho mis flion to touch truth al all litnos and to infutie Bulutui-y principles into tho souls of inon, but they havo, moro ovor, in certain critical ami perilous circumMtancOH, tho right, and it is thoir duty, to raise their vo cos to forewarn tho faithful of dangers that threaten their faith, and to dirocl, Htiinulato and bu-ttain them in the Just revindication of their iniiut;- (jcriptiblo rights, nuinifeslly dUro- garded and violated. You know, dearly belovo 1 broth ron, tlio very jjiiinful ])i)silion in which our co roligionisis of ALuii- toba havo boon placd by tho unjust laws which depi'ivod them, M\ years ago, of tho BO|)ariVto soliojl syslo.n, which, in virtue of the Coiislilulioi\ of tho country, thoy cnjoyol till then— a school sysloin ho imp )rtaMt, so necessary for a ini.xol population, for a healthy education iind for the formation of children in the i)rin ciples of the Catholic faith, which is, on onrth, our greatest treasure anil inoht piocious itdicriiaiicc Wo stood not in nee I rif (ho dooiH- iouH of civil (ributwd-*, doarly lio- loveil brethren, to see tho injustice of the^o Maniloban laws, tln',o rit lacUs on liberty and justice, hiill, it has ple.'i^ed Divine I'rovidcnee, iit Mix wisdoMi and goodness, to obtain l()r ('at holies the le^al funport of an uin'xcoptional and srjveroign author- ity in the i'oco;,'nilion by tlie higliost tribunal of the I'lnipiie, the Icgiti macy of tlieir griefs and the legality of a Fedoial remedial moasuro. In view of theso facts, the Can- adian I'lpiscopalo, solicitous above all for tl intentst ol religion and tho good of souls, could not dissimulate the gravity of ihe duty which was iinpi)so(l on theii' pastoral soliciludo, and which obliged them to claim justice as t.iey have ilone. For, since the Ili-.hop<, whoso aulhority is from Iroi himself, are tho natural judges of (juostions con corning Christian faith, religion and tnoraU ; since tlioy aro the recog- nized heads of a perfect society, sovereign an i superior by its nature an 1 its end to civil society, it bolor.gs to them, when circumstances reciuiro it, not only to express uiiiquivocall}- their views and their desires in every religious matter, but to point out to tho faithful, or approve of suitablo m (ans to arrive at tho spiritual ond thoy havo in view. This is tho doctrine of tho grout Poj)e Loo XIII. in his Ivicyelical immortale Dei: — '• AH that is sacred in human affairs, under any title 'vhatever, all that regards the onl in view, all such ! falls under tho juri.sdicti :)n and authority of the ('liurch." We deem it of importance, dearly bolovod brothron, to remind you 10 iwlBfly of thosA lnh«mmt pnnnlplo^ 4n ttio cuiiHtitulidii of lliu I'litiirli il- Nolf, thotc u-tHontitil rii{hlii uC ruliifixi « aulhority, la onlor to Justify tlio .iiltitiiile tukon Uy tho rnoniliuiH of •,hu rospocl ami (lovololno-tH to wliicli hIio U ontitloti, it in Miiioly in a crisis >*iilI» aa tlio piortunt, wlion llio liigliu.^t intoi'OM.H of fiiitli iiii'l jiiHticu aro at slako, lioinumlini^ on llio pari of all gooil mon a uniloil aiil tirni front undor tlio tliioelitu of llioir loailorn. Wo li:ul liopi's, (lo.irly bolovol brutlu'LMi, tliat lliu l.i'tt HO-tsion of tliu Futloral I'rtrlianioiit woiiM b:ini^ to u torminution the ttcliool (iitH(!iillioH whioli HO widoly (livlY tho »? .tiililiiiidn in diMi^natrn;^ lor oil! o tho liopHiturios of p iblic power? Mvery (!ili/.on woi thy nl llio iianm, ovory O.mudian wh • lov'os lii-t ('(cintiy, who wishitH it to bo ureal, pea 'ofiil and pro^tjiorous, HJioultl interost hini4olf in its govorn mon I. Now, Iho government of our country, of a pooplo Hiill yoiinj?, but cap'iblo of o •ciipyiti:,' a distinifiii.-^hod pliu'oatn iii:^ iho ntUiotis, will lio what you will mako it yoursolvos by your choi'.'o an i l>y your voto-t. Thnt is to Nuy. dourly bi^lovod brothrOM, as a i^oin'i-a! iiilo, and navo rare oxcoptions, ji [a n duty of i.'on Kcioacj for ovory citizjn to volo ; a duty all tho morii ;,'ravo and prosHinj^ as tlio qii'MiiuiH ilisputod uro im- l»oriant an I may exorcise ovor your doslinios an infltionco more or Ijhh decisive. That is to Huy, as^aln, you Hhmld vote as h'lnO't, wise, onlij^htcnod and intolli/onl Christians. Avoid ihoii, dearly bidovo I broth roii,doplorablooxcosHcs au;aiust whi«di wo Ironuonlly wai'nod you ; poijury, iiiloinperaiice, lying, (uilumny, vio lonokj and party Hpirit, wliieh warp tho ji| Ij^rnent an I p.-oiluco a kind of voliint:iry obstiiiato blindnoHs. \).> not Holl your voto. To vote is a duty, and tlity is not sold, llivo nor your voto lo Iho tirU comor, but t > liiin whom in conscionoo you judge tlio h.'st <|iialillod iiy his mental powers, firmness of cliuraeter and liis moral principlos to till tho noblootfice of lo;^islalor j And th:il this jud^jmont may bo HUior, nnd more onliglitonod, I'oar not ! tho eritifisins of a iiow-spapo;' or the opinions nf u friend who would , hamper your mitul ; consull when 11 nncoM-tiiry, boforc vnlliiif, jturtfiirH wh<) li.v (tii'ir iii-ii;( uro tlm lion* •|IIiiIiIIin| Id jil(l;(o ol llio i|i|iu(i itii lliut uru ugilutfi, uihl tit it|»|)r(M'iai>> tllO ivlulivo VlllllU III tllO IMIIcililMlOn who umU your miiHiu^^o i'lHMO iii'o, ilornly Itolovc I brolli roil, f(t (III I (<> Ull l>l0i ti UK lit wliiiili thu liiw>4 III' llio country por- mil you tu luUo ii.iti liUl, ill tllO prOnOlll I'ilCUIIMltlllCO'l, tlio ilitty of ( 'una li.iii oloi-ioi-.t, pnii- cipiilly i'llliolii- olorlo.vi, i-« iiivo^tol witli u cliunM'toi- of Hpi'ci.il iiiipor- tiwii'o, to wIhwo ^lavity wodosiro to cull }(>ur iitluiilioii ill 11 hpO'Mkl iiiik I nor A f{i.ivo iiijitnu o win roiiitmi toil uguiiol tito (Jiilliolic lumnrily in Mtinitolui. Tlmy woio dopiivul of tlioir Cilh) lii' HLpiiiiilc HCiiooU, mill loi'i u 1 to Huiul lliuir (liiMroii lo Hciiool-. itt.i' llioir coiiMMoiicci* coiidciiiiii Tlio J'livy Couiiril of IviljI.iiiiI k-o i;;!ii/.' I tlio jurilico of till) Catliolii- cl liiii, utnl tIto rijjiil of tli(> I'\(lviu< iiutli >i ilh''t lo iiilcrloio, ill onloi Uiiit ju-'tuo )0 doilO to llio <>ji|)|t'-rtOl. ll MIlijUO^ lion, llion, for llio ('iiiliolic-» ol our country and woll inoniiinf^ I'ritKM nntM lo uiiiU- Ibi'ir >Lroii;^lli iiii I lluir BUdViij^OM, lo boi'iii.- 11 lirnl vicl'i.y for ruligious liburly lud llio ti'iiiiiip'i of tho rij'lit-' Hi'ciirod by llio l/'>)ii-*ii- tulion. 'I'liu nic.uis to si>ciiro tins vnd \h to oleut, iih ropri'-.oiil ilivo;^ ol iho poopio, only men Miiiooroly ro Holvod lo hivor with all ilioii iiillu onc))| <|in;f, Ix'l'orn nil, n lol ^i )ii< i|Uoit(iiiii, iitlirniitoly ulliud to Iho iloai'ott intoroiiit of thu Catho lilt liiiili Ml llii^ o ).iniry, lo tho nn tui'al n^lit-4 o;' pkoil*. uil alto to Iho ro4poot duo t > Iho ('onititution of tlio ooiinlry uii 1 lo tho iliitiiih I' own, wo would rij.Hi'd il as hotruy in.' a ^.l'•;vl i aiHO, of wIih h wo uro, Ull I ou^lit lo bo, Iho (lofondor-i, if wo did iioi ibo otir 'tilth irily to Hccuru its MICOOHH. |{i>nnil{. di'aily ln'lovod hrolhron, lh:U a <'iilioliis M n >t ponnitlol, in wli iti;vi'r p Hi' ion II') m ly ho, — u io'iniali^t an <*lo 'toi-, a luin lidalo or a ropro40!ilulivo, to Irivo two liiio.4 of 1 1 lu>'; in lelii^io'M ijutMi iiiH, ono ft:' p'iv'ito, an I llio oMi n- foi- public lir,>, to ti'.iiiiph u idor fo )t, ill tho ox i.ci'O of hi 4 HOfiiil ilufio't, tho o'lli ^iitioii iiiip HO I on him a-t ii «uh- llliH.lVO i''lild n| tho ('lllli'oll. Tlli-* i-l w!iy on,' Holy K.itho' I'opo L to Mil ill ill I K (cyclioal Lihtrtda l;•.' a'lc it on i-» t > hi- piid lo llio (;!i'i:v;li III i!i il' ^lio
  • dioiil I'HriDrtdt': D.'i) • MjI irvi alt it in nojoH^ay lIuU ull i.'.itli ilic*, w.>illiy of Iho iianio, dolunniiij lo bo, a.i 1 hliow ihoin- Holvo* dovotol HOiis of tho Churoh ; 111 it llii'V lop'iNo, wiilioul hoMitatlon, iiM lli'i'. w<)iil i bo iiii'(>mp:iliino with ilii-i p;-)to 6ini/ rkftruiili'rM form aU>j anil mUmnlif to vott, in Parlm- mint, m fiiior oi Uiji»liilit>n n huh mil rttt'tr* to th« ('•iiMif WM/iori/v <■»/ Miinttobn lh« kchool rt'ihtt to u'AiVA iSfjf (ir« entifUil ''.y Ih* iffi->Mon ui lK» Hon, Pnry Couniil "f fin jl. in I. Thit griivt duty i$ iniumhtinl on firry ijitott Ciatholie, and ynu ifuld n-'i hf juntijitd, 4ithtr firfure ijnur MpirHual ijunlm, no'' befon (iod hvnutll, l>\f nfi/lctinj tMi< obUijtttion. Until now wo colli' 1 conKriituUtu oai'MelvtM oil httviiitiiulry micli mh (UirM, liuv in^ liittcruiit luli^ionM, it in n*nH*M«iiry for tlio ^tnuiul ^ihmI to iniikt' iimi of IhiH liroutliMmH ul'vi'-w wiiu'li iwnpui In liburty ut conicinnto unil lU't^iiirixl n^ht. Wi' a|i|>oul iii^'uim to llioir Hitirit of jdntiiu iin^Oh of our Mitintoliu luxthron, tht> Uotiian (Juthoiic iiiihority. in i-4, ArrhbUhoft of .Nfonircnl. ^ J. 'rilo.M\4, Archl'ii«hop uf OtUwn. I li, N , Aicht'i^liop of Cyroito, AJ- niinioli'Hltir of 'juobcc t I( F.. lil-.hop of Tlir«i« Hivcrw I I, S, lii-«hop t>f Ml. llyHcinlhtt. t N. /.iPiliNiM, IliMhon of Cytbi rt , v'ifiir Ajio«tolic of i'niitiut I Kl.l'IIR'IR, Hlthup of Nil olot. f Ani'HR Ai.u^Hr, Mi^hopofSi Uor- I niuii ol Uiinou'«ki t M(cil\Rl. TiiojiiH, ItiNhop of rhi. coni iini I .loHMii .Mkoahii, Bikhop of Valluy' licit ! ( I'ai'I., Hi-nrcalHr lr <>1 lli« Ar4'lil»UlM>|>4 Mild lliMlio|»H (o tho < IfTKl of llivir l»lu4'rM««. " Wo link, and w« lia\o tho right to do MO, that cvory inctnlmr of tho clor^^y, who on tho day of bin ordina- tion huN proininod rowpoi t and ol)Otli.>nco lo hi-s Mi(*hop Mhould hme onlij one heart and om voice to rlaim tcitU nx the remedy to the gn'e r,uirit of the iniw.rity of Miinitotxi by the meann reconmrnded hy th'. F.ffis I'opnte, that in t / say by a litMiiiiAL Bill." 18 J "Nothing M moro appropriate to tho existing' circurnstuncoi than thoso wiso wouls of our Sovoroii;!! I'ontilV, Li!0 XIII:— 'Tho aiiilioiily of llio HiHliops must bi*8»cii'(| to tho i'lei';,'\', Hiid tlioy must Uiiow thai Ihcir min- istry, if not c'xci-cisod iindoi- tho ilir- octioii of tho IJishops. will not ho oithor holy, fully usoftil or lioiioiol.' "Our onoinioH doMirc iiolliiiii,' si niujh !H di^isoiibioii annoir tho C.iih >■ lio.s. ''lUhoIiot oii;,'ht ihorot'ji-o to utidorslarid how imiiorlaiil il is lor thorn to avoid di-sonsion, iiod ro- motnbor tho Mayiui^ of our Lord: A kingdom divided a^'aiiist itholf \\ill bo hront:lit to desolati;)!!. If, t.) |i;o hcrvo union, it i-i somoliin(>s nooiv-i nary to givo uj) oui- foolini,'8 and (»ri- vato juilgnient, wo oiiglit to do it willingly in viow of tho oomninn good. (Kncydcul y'lhilissint,! a,il- lotUm (jem). "Coniscqucntly. dear brcthron, wo inHtantiy pray you, and wo ovom command you, not to way anything that could bo agtiinst tho toaching of tho I'jpi.soopute; but, on tiio oontrary, when you will bj o onsU'lto 1, aiiuver Mocording to tho moaning an.l tlo- «iro of thoso ap|):)intud i»y (f)l to govorn tho I'oligious stcioty, an 1 who work in a oomm )n Hpirit for tho triumph of faith, juslico an 1 social order. " To tho prudonc-o and subinission which aro (lem:indod of you, do not fail to add prayer, lo ask ti )d to enlighten all tho.so who will take ])art in tho ai)proacl>ing oloclion : tho candidato-i, tho clector.-i, and tho officers appointed to sccuro tho ob Hervanco of tho law, in order that, with tho blcs.sing of Ciod, tho result may tend to tho groatoHt 8j)iritual and temporal good of our dear father- land. t Hdouaiu) Cii.vs., ArohhiMhop of Montroal. i J. Tii )M i8, Archhishop of Ottawa. t L. N., Alv.libishoip of Ovrono Ad- miinstrafoi- of (Juobo,'. t L. l'\ iJi^hop „r Throe Wivors t N. /bimiiikn, Hiili()|) of Cvihoro, \"u':v Apo-;t(.lir of I'ontiao. t l']i.i'UK(iK, Mishop of Nii.'olot. i Ani.iik .\MjEiir, bishop „f sl (Jor Juaiii do li'ifnoiiski. i MKMiEf, T!i,.Mvs, Hishopof Ohioon- timi I .lojJEi'ii .Mbdaiii), Jii.shon of Vallov- tiold. •■ I'AUr,, Bishop nf.^horbrooko. t y.w., Mis|i,.|, ,;f Dnizipjira, Coftd- .iuior 1.1 II, liinhop of St. Ilya- cintlio. iiri^ITOIIA MCIIOOL!4. Tli« Ili8h(>ii!4 are UiinnlnioiiM. NerinoM nfilio ArrhhUliU|i of SI. lloiil- f'liro lit l.iiprHlrie. l'o)ji|e iiUcro.stol in o.x'ploiting public opinion for their own .'idvari- tago have mule a groat fu-o-»ition of his dear tlodv, whoso ulHcial intorproter and born defender he is. The Liberals complain that in the performance of his duty, with all the 14 tUscTotion nn^ive the ini|)ri;H sion that hin words or his ants aini at compromising tho jtolitical intore^itH of one party, and promoting thoHo of the other, know that they ho, that they knowingly uttor cahinmios In order that our readcu'H may convince themselves of the truth, oi' the ealmiiosH and impartiality of tho remarks of Mgr. Langoviii, wo will place before thorn the full text of tho sermon delivered at La- prairie by tlio distingm-ihod prelate. AVo take the rejiort uf the P/tc.s- . officially approved an eorroel, witii some slight alterations : — " My Very Dear IJretiiren. — It is a groat pleasure to mo to be this evening in this magnitii ent church, ill the midst of a population not alto gether strange to me. for if 1 love to pronounce the name of my native parish, if 1 am proud to call myself a son of St. Ibidoio, 1 lo\e also to. speak of m\ self us of L.aprnirie. and you know why 1 have aeeeptod the invitation to come and address you " 1 would not have done it in another place, but it -.ceinod to me that you have liglitr^, and that I have sights, too, under the (.'ircurastanccH. A Hon of St. Isidon> is at home at' La|irairio " I thank you tor the sympathy you have sliown me by attending in euch large numbers i lemomber, with delight, the blessed hours of • jov and telj.'iiy vvhii-li I have spent with you ill my yoiiih. I have kept a remembr;ni.;o of ii, svho.-*e perfume aocuinpaiiies me everywhere. Now it hajipoii.s that we are in extremely dilHeult circumstaiKics. Some would consider it strange that a bishop should Hpeak upon .sueii a ijueslion — a <|uestion whieli wu-* being madti )i political balloon, to be thrown from otie political |)arty to another— but 1 would toll vdu that it is not strange, since in this lanirn table state of af fairs you are liable to be led away l>y falso reproseiiiations and false versions. Why, then, should you not hear the true version from tho lips of the oHi'jial representative of the oppressed t'atholio minority of Maiiit.'lia. Why should 1 not tell you wliat the Manitoba minority and the cininti'y e.xpect of you / " 1 am a bir KoKIlin III.VT I rtlloULIi EVER UESOEND , INTO THE rOI.lTlC.XI, A.tfNA. 1 do not forget that political panics pa.ss, change and disappear " i'(;liiicians disappear, but right and ju.itii'o are eternal as God him- self and will not pass away, " It is not in the name of any poli- tical party that I come to you, and, what I would say I do not speak at the I'cciuexl of any group of men. Neither am 1 led by any vile inter- ests, in sj)ite of insinuations of the kirn' Justice and truth can never be sold. iL is in the natne of your persecutoti, down-trodden brethren ol' Manitoba that 1 speak to you. • 1 will be short and limit my obv 16 Ki'i'vatioiis to two iniiin polnlH, .\ft<»i' fioiiii; dopiivol >»l tlunr rtr,li,»i»lt I'n- hix loiit^ yoiu'-", llio iniiioi'ily ui lust lioufd with yiy tli:it a I'Viloiiil law vviHiM 1)0 |) i"*-*v' I l) roosliiMish I'lO H(•ll^>|)l■( wliidi li.'i 1 In^tn tilioii nway from iIumd. 1 will loll yoii n »w wlnt I tliiiilcof this Ilornoliul Kill which h:i'i btvii inti'D Itiooil iiil) tlio Dnminio'i I'.iili.uiioiiL by liic (J.iv- orninoiit. Tho bill w.h liisl iicjii- bCoiMlioii of tho |)fiiic'i|)Io ')f'HO|ririito Hchool.", ami, Hoi!.)ivlly, of l'\'tloral in torvontioii. "It coiisiot'i'a'o I tin priwriplo nt' MOparato schools, siiiot ii rovivoil, broiiL^ht haolc to life aiwi ovoii fVom tho j^iMVO, wlijro lli'y hii boon burioil, tho Calholio Hclrntls of Maui tub I. Tho bill KJivo 111 cm a Sopii- ralo School Bo:inl, tho control of lh« toachois' coriiticalcs, tho conliol of tho Hchool bo >ki, tlio cro:Ui m of Bchool districts an I tiio :i|)p )iiittno:iL of iuspi'ctors ; tho croatiou of a ('.i- thulic n.jrinil Hchool, and the rii^hl to tax thernsc'voi fo;' tho m untoii anco of their own sop.ii'alc 8'li)>l) and oKompliof. from taxalim for pub- lic schools. This meant tlu ro o^tai) lishmoiit of tho svp,ir,it,o scliooN. This was an ael of s')Vorei^ii Justic,!. To attack that bill was to stiilcodown oui- schools and to attack tho priii ciplo of soparato schols. "In tho socond pla'^o, the bill con Hocratod tho princi[)lc of I'V i.sral in- tervention, hince it ;,' ivo etfoct to tho judgment of tho I'rivy (Jonncil, tho liighcst cuiirl ill liie Mmijiio, which declared that the I'iijlils an 1 privi- lof^es of tho ('athol;e minority of Manitoba had bjon viuluol by tho laws of 1890. '' After askinpf in vain lor jii-itiL'o from tlio L )cal (i ivornmoiu. tho minority iiaally asked the Ivdc- I I'a! Govornmorit to interforo. Th> I'c'loral (Joio niiient tiM the min ority that tho hcIiooU would bo i roostablishcd, Tho jiid<,'ini'iit of the I Privy (!oun ,i! was there an I, roly- 1 in:,' u ion Ihc! (;oMHiiinii(,;i t|u, Doini nion (i:)Vori)inent said tho prineipKj of fo loi-al intorvontion would havo to bo roeogriizod " However, wo tried tho impos- .siblo, tn iiend the 'irocnway Govern moiit. More than (JUO of the Cuth(die minority wont to tlio (iroonway (jovornment in a body and askod that their Kchonls mii^ht bo restored. Tho only reply was, ' Wo have no- thin;^ to do wiih you; you havo no reason to complain." " Von, yourselves, my brethren, potiti(med, Then tho I'ominioti Wov- ernmont a.sked tho Provincial Gov- ernment to lodoie lis our sidiooln. We t!ioiij;lil, they hiid cxhaaslod all means to Hoouro justice from tho l/>ca' (i.)vo"nmont. which had ro- fased to do its (inly. TIms Catholiea (d' the en'ii'c i)t)minion had sent up petitiiMH, but all to no avail. Thoro irid boon joy all tliroujjh Manitoba when tho Iiomedial Hill had boon annoiineod. It meant the freedom o;' eduL'alin;^ our children as wo saw tit unJ as becamo citizens of a froo country. ^Vo said that it was a now era fur ii-, and that wo would /gladly invito our relatives and friends to settle down in tho Prairie Pi'ovinoo. Hut unfortunately the CathI^lio|> it wna my tliii}' to IiidIc iit'o;* till) ri'lijiioiH |iiu'l ol llio lull, an 1 !U I') llh' i."^'il pHi't I 'I.I Hultoil my c'lci'jfv Mil im ii of lu.v, Ixttll I'lnlivilillllH an I »,' itilnllOH. Atn >ni; llii> hiui' wmo ini'n wli ho clulli'iMi li I'l la'iM» (li'|)i ivo I fit' lluir bi'lio >l-i, mil wlin li;iil a U mliK- i'l- lorc-tl ill llio milior. 1 I'li'oivi'd l!u' iis-iiiUMi'o lliul I'lMiii a I '.^al |i lint I'l' view llio law was li.nli aiijilii il)l'i ami jji'at-lii'aliU". 'riicrolWiv. I a]»- pi'ovo of liii^ U.'iiii.< 11 il IMI, li I'll IV()in a rcliiiioiH a. I'l I'i^'l |r»iiii nl' viow. il is ti'Ui' lliaiii i< nj' p;;i'i;tM, hIiiCo lli^.i l'\«ilo.'al I'.i; i, iiniMit iial only a roini'ilia! aii'i im' a ii-'aliv.) po.vor an i li;iil In li'il >^v tin) liiiv^ nl tijo (ilil M.'liO()! I;uv. l\ it I I a|i;ir isi' of tlio Ijill Hiihmilloi i!il nil in 'an lu approve ii;' it < iKij'o;! ', mimi' >\' win Ii iMiiiM 1)0 lotnoiliol wliil,« (H!io, -I c ni I no' wnli'Hil mil I lyal ci'.i/.oii-. 1 i iijiliolliiii; llu) jui. iiiMl of tlio nil- poi'iui i'rivy (' liiii' I an I as ^'o > I Irion 1.1 of ti.o M i ii tlK-y (iiowo 1 l!i:iL llioy wishol to ilo lis Jii-liro. "'I'licy ^;'ly Mio IMI was u )'i. :-ais- fac'lory. Very will, uli/ 'ii'l liioy not try lo a iienl it ? '.Vo I'l.in I fiioii'ls in bi'i. piiil' "il p I., ie.s who (Ioc-I.umI lliat they vse/o (' r.liili"S alioee ail. Il li w !'" > > iluiao 1 thai/ the law only t^avo cm ii'm lo llie minority. 'I'.i.' ero.r i la 'I' i .s ''lo '1 l),»aivl, aj.p ilnlmv.',iL ol iii'ps'.oi'.H, a < 'a'li oli'.' no.'iii il .•.;;!!) il, f t n.i'o i of rtrlioi;! ili-li'i,rt -, r',i;i>\i 111' Il I ) ; •, e.-v I'tnplion from La.\aUv)ii aiii llie I'li^hl to lax o'.irHolvC' wi'rc iini only irumli.s. " Is li.'ro iv> !iin^' in (":iilio|ic Holioijls Init 11 ijiu'-tiiiM of nio'io}' ? WtM'O liot, to |i.) ;,'iVi'n tlio o.)»- ti'ol of Uioir hclio jU '.' It \, trill) llrit llio '0 III I liLioii III in I lov /i)tu I, but lijis co'ill have lioii lime liy uti ami'nline il afier the priii(i))!i of .so piralo .•.ell 1 )Is uiil Fe ieiMl intjrvoti- ti 111 ha 1 lie 'II iipprove I of. This wiitil'l hav.) Ii.'on a Vi.i^ical (tours.), '■ Til » !:■ 10 frii'ii i-i of (111' miniii'ity Were llui ^ap;ri;'lorH of l!ij liill I Will noi rel'or lo o.' Mpouk of thoio m mhIm,'-» wlri vol.'il ii'^'aiiiiL llio bill. U is fo,' yoii t.) jii li^o llii'in. Hut L believe il is my ilnly to I '11 you tlio truth. ■ I sn . t|i;|l, iiiy WOl'iIs will 1)0 a'ri-^i! l,t!i r. I .-.li'iU be violonllyattaek e 1,1) i! I h.ivi' spolci'ii an I am xpoiiUintf becan-o 1 am eoiwineoil of tin) Iriitli oi'whal f Miy. < 'riUtiili /irc/itir i/'i III /■j-.iliis S'lin. I'l" (tuti'in Iniiii'lliitUii sun ii'iii's. 1 am e niviiieoil iiinl 1 a 11 ri) I'iy to mi:1'oi' tor my e mvie t ions. ■ li'-eently flir.lribes lunl insults have li'en ll'iii;^' at mo.l.it t'.iaf will not prevent mo fr nn •ii)i'.ikiiij4 tlio triilli. I lr;ve ra'so I my vimo lor jastii'o, anl have li.'JU hiimilialeil iinti in>iilt el in I']n:;'Ii ;li jiapers by slatemeiits wliieli I'^'ciieh p ipeis Would not ilaro I I publish. My eonvietions will not bo eliaiiu'eil by .siieli eondiii't. for insults do no: oHeet the muritrt '.■;' ilio qiics lion. '"Insults do not matioi" (o me. H Icn i.v thai. I h'\ir n Icrriblo re-ponni- I'ilil". As .Vi'. lilii>liop of Miniloba I am Ihofaihoi' ami natural ))roloa<.>r oltlic C.ilholie ehil Iron of that prov iiice, and I m.'an to (K'Teiul them fts y )\i 'v nil I def'.'u I your own 'Inldren. 'l'ho.^c of oui iM'.-o who rofusod to 17 '«ni«woi to our u]>|ioiiU vvImD wv raJHud our liuiiilr< Itn liclp dul nn act Wllilll W.IN ll|l|)l!tlllloi| I'y ll\"' «IUltllU"l of our met; uml "Hir r»)lii(ion wlioii tboy Hti'iu'k down tlu> Hill wliii'h mount to i'xt«ii oxpoot •of you, my dear fiiondrt 'f "Tho fact iH that tho minority havo boon deprived of their i iyhtn and the injuMtiio ou^ht to ho rinio- •died. The judgment of tho I'rivy l/'ounoil declaro^i that tho ri^htH of tbo f'uiholicM of Manitoba had boon interfered with ^fhero irt no ncrert- sity for an inveHligation, Ihe .Hoparute HcdiooU which existed pre vioUM to 1H9U exiwt no longer. Tho Privy Couneil made tlie inventigalion ijofoie giving ilH judgment, anil it i.s the highoHt court in tho Ibitiub Empire. " Wo havo boon deprived wf our Hohoolt* An injiiHtico has been done 4iud it ought to be remedied. Tho Local (Tovernment ha^ refu?«od to act, and nothing is to bo expected from thorn Tho Local 'iovernment haH onl}' latwly gone to tho country and got returned on the promise of continuing theiiorHecutiuu against ui. llow cttn tln>v go buck on tlielr UeciHion 'f \\ i> havo tho right tn ui»k the I^otninion (iovernni' III lo giv(< \xh % law, NOT A roMi-KoMIMK whicb could bo bndion at any time, nn A i,aw. ' Al tho time of < 'oiifoderation lh« Protectant minority of (/uilie< nb tained provisinnM in the law t' |»ro- ted thein'*elvo!*, and I ho Miiniloha minority hB8 u right to oipially tair treatment " Why "Hhoiild Iho truaranteo of the righlM granteil to (iuebei be re- fUHod to Miiniloha ? " Very dear friondn, you winh t(] help U". Very well, ask tho candi- dates if they will vote for a remedial lull. N'ou inuit mako Nure of tho leadeiri as well on this i|UOHtion on thoy lead others That w what tfio Calholie minority n.xpoctw from the (!ailiolii's and right thinking Prolont- ants of the J> tuiinion Tnat is my idea; 1 loavo it to you to give it otfect. '• You Hhiuild pray the |{lertHencos it you are noi wisely led. H.'waio lest by depriving your biethri'ii in .M;initob;i ol I heir rights, yuii should be the i au^o of your own children having to answer for your inoonr.iderate action.'' 1H muH. iit.44i\ 4\i> Tin: iii;.iifr:i»iii. HIM.. Ilr Apprort^Af IIn Prlii«'l|»lr«. AR* IIIIIMtlMi' N i'At.Ai'r., ) K.'bnimy "Jilli, \AW\ \ To ihf HiHIor, Murnin,/ ('hirinirli-.'Jurtifr, l)K «ii Sill, — Hy oiv|(>r »»r lliH (Mi ii|i|M i^^eil of ruitaih itlutetiicntx which, l>y uxpivHH •^^iiMMiU'iil, Wfi't* not lii'iitioii III ordiT to put III) t'lul In tli«> ilillt'iont vitnIoiis iliHhoiiiiiiittoil through (ho prtHN lu^aiiliii^ tho iiii Kwor ^ivoii IiikI Siitiiiihiy to u I'Ttuiii d hlul Nlili to OXMIIlil uikI Hliidy thi- ti'.Nt of tho Ijomciliiil Or- drr, and wll^^, (hi'i'doro, iinahlo lo exproHH uii opiiiioM, bill that, never- tiieloHH, winhiii^ lo have an much li^ht an pl)H^illK' thrown on tho -•iili- joi-t, lio lial I'is <'olie)i^'ues wcio widely hcuttoiod, uiul thill lie was not thor I oiit^hiy a''<|u:iiiiiiKt wiM) all thuir viewn. I'lo'ialily, hownvor, ihuy I would rinni'ont ilndr '>|iiiiii>ti IiUdi- hy Hiiiij.t iiii-an-* .tf whi* h »-'iUli»lle» Hhoiitii tuko uecnuiil ;i. ilit linifo atlti'moit that ho tieittod the xchool i|iiitMtioii nul nn a piilitieiil hill at a itdi|{i; the uel'4 uf cithui' jiui'ly nceoi'dinjf to their merits. I Tiiit Aiii iinixii >i> ri.AiMru r<>ii TMK Ml'ltCMrvrV 1IIK (MMI-KTRNcr KMilHMiK TO Jl I OK IHK SriMol. t^l >;sTt'n tiio ^plrils nf tho poo plo lio uddod that, thoii^^h tho liisliops hud not, HO ftr, iiad ilio in tcniiiin ot proiniil^uliii^ a eollectivu dMiMimtiit oil thu school ipiestion, ho. tho Aiuhl>isiiop, poi-honully, was on llio point id' writing a pa- faitlilul on thoir guard against hikIj diingoruiis piiliiieationH. ] he^ lo roniaiii, Voura ro-pcelfiilly. I). I'll. li.MlNBAi;, I'riest, •Secielary. I'» Jip|»lloation Of Catholic Doctrine To lh« MMIIttOltW MflMMll «|llCM tloii. Thum Kivuun ^^l^v I7ih. I"'*''. HiiOrni'it Mytr. l.rtlU«'lt« rill.iwi'tl tti« ntatliiikf ll)t('livit '«>t|t«r Willi (hn attriit'Hi tin lin n Ui«it|>i>li<'iti(iii of ('ittliollc iliK-trltio til titt MKniiol'it Ki'hiKil '|it«*«ili>ri. Tti* «<'ri> 'III *iili dttniitlVMlv li<|«n)>.| to mi'l )iu<">ii»{rri/4ll fiKik I'i r liiH Idxt llin wrn'K .(fHl, I'liiil to TiiiiiiU.) f.'hd I'liiJNl !• ft M. l*Hlll to 'iillHltllV, <'||A|I t) , '• /V/'/lAi r*rhini\, ihnlii, ipimrlurir, imfmr hitir, '«l tlirii«t wori-lh p if ll>ii t>nintll\« rlnufii. iL tliKrmn trj'»'»'"t tlii> iltiiy i C Lii-Iki;* III fill rimttiir nl iiiMrriiitintt. It lit till) lint V of iiiairnctiiiii ti'ut 1 liHvn ti'« illi\ to liillll li)Vinrii.4 ynd. Son ! n\n iu»t li<>iir>l tt'«^tll■Hl nivliirvN III i.,Mi('lnM', Mciitn-nl lui'l .'ttiiwa. It iiii I'tiiPH A •!( •tridiil i«x|l Mli« illllil<« iif |i|iiliii|'4 lilltili;/ mi i«li iliitii« nf IinI >i|.H. My iliil. townrijN you At tliii iiioiiKMit JH to Ki\(t yitii (lirui'lioiM ill M I'l.kltor lY liii|Mirt.iiii'i'. to ihuliiliiito to yoii iliv iloi'ir.uu tliiU itt niiiiiniiiul ii) lliiN lir. <|.ir i.oiil, |ir«'ui liiiii' Olio il.iy I I'll ro r i(rl ihiIiiIiiiIh hiiI xi-iiiii)i{ iiiiil tiiuy wnri> linii/ry. orlcni! I ■« a|M nil i* i.> /ivo tlitini bii'al. l(o lilt'sntiil i(, hriiki' li.iiinl liii'li liiN n|j iM V tiii'thren, tliRt m wli.i' I mil doing a* MiIm nioiMvit. I um i.Mini^to l^^lrll■•ll« lo Vol) (iio li, ,iil of tlin liivmi' w inl l.;iiit^iiri(lHv I«x|ilHiiiiMltlu> lim trini< f)f tlin Ciil.oiu |», I ilo li< I aiah |ii; nim nt miv roliiii'dl I'.nv; *>ii M il.i'»U''t«'n» ir.pf \\u4\«,$\\*m, I iiiM al'oiii to <|ir|itliiiiMlii )>iu ii.t irituil lit iha wiir lofM.il }.. fi.r.".|si» n tikflilly, |iiii vx'*'"*'^'*" mImivn nil pirty "(iirlt, lay »• III >«»iir |iii'|iiilii'iii'«>«, !<■« aImiVV llMil II <'oUlii'l»irilll'i|l« UU'I I'llt i«Mi".>l»i« .1 M.ii |. v,)| iiuii'imiry to |iri>lil ly lliii liiah'i ti'iilii It I itni ii'ioiii to^lva y III mill r n i,ui. I) ti,'^l; it U> tliu iMn iiiu* »• lIlll'H. ill I'm iii'i liiMii Ml i>l iliti ol|( In lli.tkti, I ulLtil >>l« oIiII^ikI lo lll-M«l..| lo »||H hv, I ,1 U'i*. I"lt 111 nil tlii'« ; • II urn ivi I 'o,t II), ,,i iiMi a< tiiti m lU oi iio'l \« lio »lii lu '« MiM litrtM, Hot Iroiii ti.M (HjiiUi i>f ^i«>w • I iiii'ii, liiit from iliM l>oiiil lit \ ill A of till! Mily i)o.jntl, III ordi'r to wiiiii }oii lur.itiixi „|( (irpif mill | I.um \"ii r,ii yoi.r uu.kt'l ii,'iiiii«>( tlia trti| < ^vt {..r /. jir r.ii'h. II n li II ''I'l r.i|>iilly ^'^i**^•'l llii« •>x| I iioktioit ' t I ,itl>o||.' >\ ii'tiiiiii Willi ni* Kllf't lot I oil iiil Itllil ){|\»MI tllti |IIU< \ loll* •nil I \ IliO Ni'lliol oiunl tit <''lll« f >riii lo II .1 t ii I I'V, to •livliio liiw, nil I lo ■'oii-iii'iit ,.il I.I (Wbl ill ill oiii i>oiifilry tt>ii|<« pirMiiin III' I III! li^i I ol lliH I hiir. Ii. < liiUluiit ar> i>i'i>j II lo liiii jiii .idii (loll III tlii'ir inri'ii'», v ih Ii i.ro liiiiiiil lo im iili'ntii to* lll^loMM |iill< Ipli'M. Iltl iMIlMIHr 1 : '1 hi' ' I'l ,iiii t«i;ii|i iiKik plat'n III I'nrliii* iiicat liifi iH'niioii oil I hit llHiiiii'liitl Mil! tlirillhlli'l tlitl ori-iiHIoll lo itoliio to (i)l|iriiitrary li a rnli^'ioiiM .rmr an 1 I'ot of r ("itty l.iliorAlirtiil uivim tlm nl.llU till! ri;;lil of •• lui iltlli'.; Uio fliil'l. TIiIm iloi'iMiiu In laiMii in i-MTy ri'N|M't't. It ia Hot llio iiii''Mioii of tliii at.iti) to «ilii> tiitti i.r lilili;; up llic clilld. ' Hid I.olilHlllp tl'ill toU'll'Ill'ioil tli<» ' toHvliinw <'' ■'ti'Xi 'U'pii'* K""> '.in ill /"' ' (iliitTu: ."«Mi.(/, tllllt " lliil rIoM U'loiliTi to I tliu Mati- I'oforii it Ill-long.^ I'l ttm tainly," ' tti Hill \^■ll>lVl» if lii'jrni t'lilit. mi'l «« liiiMiii^ liiHiii Hpplii'il III Miiiiiiolia mill tlm raUHi' III .'ill tliu it'iiil'lo. Ilii ^aiil : U ia ! tlu« liiiv ot tliii pari'i'U t" l"iii>< "p III" 1 rli' I aiid lliii prii'^t i» to | r .vi lo for ita. r»)likiiiiu.i oiliir.uioii. Ill nj;iiioi>' i f I'dn-. 20 of ilie Chiircli mu\ tavi-r iU l.iMii<(ici;il m- Hii"iico. '1 tn> Hlato luiiHl roHiHM't iLo fuith ftud )>riiiKiiiK up of tlio child, iiu nmtlor lo wlif.t ri»li>.'iim it iimy U^loni,'. ri>o liiMliop then jravo a Hkctcl> nf tlio bUtory of <'ntholie bcIiooIh in t!io North we^t, which ho had himself ht^ipo 1 to eotublitili M a luiaHiotKiiy in iho Id'A River hultliinent under M;.'r, Trovonchiir. He told how thohindB for nchoo! |)Mr|)oHoa werp diviilod ainonij; tili^ ditlurt*iil dt»- noniiniitiutis, and allowed tho Kon his lied, and I so informoil ihe .said .Mr ».n;« nvny and xtaled to him that, a.i the Vicai-ticiierul ;ovoriiiiieii; in thu provim-e, und thai lu) was desirous to strenL'thon it by taking into his • 'ahuiet one of the Freiuli iiiciiil)or of the l'>>,'iil:iiurc, who would be a>;ret)able to the Archl>ishop; wliereiioon 1 remarked lluii 1 di 1 ii ii thmk that His Grace Would fasor any French miMubei joiiiiiiiT the li'jw administration iincondi- iiouall,\ , and w iihoiH any previous under- slaiidiii^ as t) cortaui .pie.stioiiM of j^reat iinp.iriiiuco I ) Hn Gr.icti. Mr. < ireonvvay replied thai lei had already talkt^d the matier ovur witu hi.s friends, and that ho (.\lr. Greeinv.iy ) wm ipiito vvdlin).; to t'ua- raiilee, iind M lus noveruuuuil, the main- tenance of I he then existing; condition of matters with re.;ard — 1. To separate Catholic school.s. - To the oilici.il use of the French laa- 3. To tho French eli etoral divisions " After statin^; that he nuieived the as- snr.iiua)6 of Mr. Gr»ioiiway on those tlireo poiiiLs atid promised to coipey the hanie to Mgr f.iv'he, the liov. Father .\llard euuliiiiicH ; "On t!m following morning, in pursu- ance of api)oiiiiiuent, 1 altendod at the oilico of .Mr. .\llow;:itii, mot tln^ said Hon. I'lios. (ireenway, and I Ihon lomuiiinicatod to him the nies-au'i; of 111.'' (irace so cn- trusl to mo as above set or.l, and Mr. (.ireenway llien expressed to mo his per- sonal ^'riiuucalion at the waid message and altiiude of His (irace, and he then ...-.surud mo thai faith would lie ke|)l by his ^{overnmeut with His Grace, and ilifii a!,Min, in i<.'ii tliocase of Mi Jiroenwn.v wlio > lolatod, niie alter tl»e Dther, nil tlie promiattH he had nnule, to iiulicate the j)r.i,lon yon must (lisiM.y in t'.ie i'hoi(!« of candidates. Tlicy will j)rotr>iHo you anyMiin« and evorytliiiit^ In faco nf Buch infumios. yon on>;ht to liavo ro^'urd to the antocoilout.H of tlioso who nolicit yonr sntlragos. His Grace then traced tlie iiifltory of 'the (juestion in its jJaasaKt' tlironnli the courl8, the adoj-tion of ttie Ueniodial order, and the presentation to Parlia- ment of the Remedial i3ill. lie von tinned •— The Bill is not perfect, no doubt, hiii it establisheH a Htate of aifairs which I.h bearable. I'nfortunately it was nuido a .political question. Jt Ib not a political qneetion, hut a religious (pitstion, which concerns the saiTed rights of conscience. There are four kinds of sduioLs : Tim Catholic ydiool, where a full mwusuro of religious education is given; the I'ro- teatant School, where more or less of it is given, ac(!ordini; to the taste of i)arents; the atheistic schoo' whore tiod is put out of doors ; and ilie neutrul school, which is neither ( atholic, Trote-stant nor atheistic, wliere religion is altogother un- known, and teac.herf are prohibitO(i from teaching a word of it. 'Ihis is the worst •system ot all, since it loads to indill'er- ence, which is the curse of the century. It is a system condeniuetl by iho Churcli, as you mav conclude by the folli'wiug 'quotation trom a letter addressed by f'0i)O XJII. to Iho Hishops of Franco: — " In that which concerns the family, in the first place, it is of the utmost imiwrt- ance that from its cradle the cliiid sliould receive sound religious instriution, and that the various couries of education which are to prepare it for life should 'Dover be separated from that ot religion. To separate these courses of instruction from religion, is to aim at making child- liood a blank with regard to the duties towards God— a system ot educiition false in itself, and erpscially haruiul iu the •case of young children, because it opens the door to atheism and closes it to reU- •gion. •♦Christian parents then must take the ■ groatesf care that their ihildreu, lu* nixin as they ii.i nld enough l(. imdorstun I receive religious iimtructioii .ml that nothing in the schools can striKc a blow at their faith and morals Tlio divine Bne freed IVom Ciis duty. The Cliiirch which protoct.s and deleiulM tliM integrity of the lailh, which, in virtue of the authority it iiold.s fromdod, its founder ought lo i:laiin tlii» gouil will ol ("lirislian civilization of all nutions, and which, therefore, oukflit to atteniivoly watiMi ovor the instruction and education ol children who are placed hy haptisin undei it* ci'.re —the Church has always tormally 'con- demned Hcliools called mixml or neutral' • it liiisolten times warned parents to bo always watchful on this es.sentia! point. In obeying the CJiiircti on tins point, you co;)du,!e at the same time to the weliaro of Ho<:iety and lor.vard the coinmon iu' tftresis. In Ui.t ihos,) who have not been under the lull nuico ol religion in their early years luive4r.iwn up without having any idea of tliu highest truths which can aluuo inspire men witli the love of virtue and repress evil p.issions. ."^uch are tho ideas of ect we grant to others. IVoiesumts have the right and duty, however mistaken they may he, ot briugin,' up their children iu accordance with their tailh. i'rote.-tantisiii is a purely religious error. Catholics have as tlie rule of faith the word of (iod, cHitained iu the Scriptures and tradition, and infallibly interpreted by the church, by the general counsels and the I'ope spealdug " ^ >■..„, i..ri.., <■ f.x-catliedrn.'' VmtostaiitJJ Imvti the wor.l of t nj | con- tmnt tl in hi« Si'rij)fnro-i, liul iiitiir|'''c!(' )'ui;li iiMii iiiiliviilii.illv <4illi'ili(;H liiivi* llin fiilnHSMiiii'l I'Drtitirlt'oC rolii'i.nift triitli. I'mU-Htiiiits only liav(> it in |i(iris. Hut riijtit-lliitikink^l'iolc.itatilM amCath- olicH, au'l apply Iho fnniiinntMilal primii- I>l«)8 of ('atliolii'iHni, in civil an^l |inlitii'iil ttllaiM. Tli«v ro"i)nni/< atUiiKiily ami witliDUt (liscnHHiiiti Hiil)iiiit ti> tliM consti- lution u» a sivt^rtM^n an;lit of rt'li;;i.iu>i educa- tion \va.s tram pit! 1 under fiot. Tlio lujuey of th^ Catholics was taken away I'r.nn them, tiiey Vmk the school hoiisn.s \\hi(;ii had heen erected with their own iiDiiey and then trirnl to force C'ailiolic p;ir.Mils lo wend their childriMi tha ffus-id to suhmii to llio jiid^'meni of tlio I'nvy •(Jouncil wl'iHi cailod on to do ho hy tlio Kedor.i! (iovtMiiiiiont, and to restore the Catholic mcIiooIh. This same (lovcrn- nieiit had promised not to interfere with ■sciparatfl schools. What siwctacle wo witnessed during' the laui, session of the Federal Parhamenl ' The Remedial Pill t)roU)^ht down the masks from the faces of many so-ealled Catholics. The check which this legislation underwent may bring jjood out of evil. \ French Canadian memhor, who «tylo8 himself a Catholic, and who is the recojinized leader of a great party, made ■np of Catholics and i'rotn^stants, made ihe followinK Imvin^ I justice, lil)nrly and tjlermi. e.' ^hitrart from Mr. Laurior's sp.vtch ii. tho Uciiso in Hi }v'\i\i tho six months' hoist of the I Keinj lial Ihll on .M.iri^li .'•, lt^''A>,] I'liis IS tho III nt oius.i ik jri deihiration ! of l.ihoralisin w lic.i h.n ov^ir l)»pn inido ; t'l niy knivvlel.;-} in a h«,{islali\c As- sMnhly ia t!i.s cou itry. I'li j mm who I sp laks this laii.;ii.i.;.) is u ratijualistio j Lil)iiral. II « foi'iiiiiKitesa do;trine whicti [ is entirely oppjsol t' Cath'iiic doctiino. It m tans ih.it a C.ith ili' is not rj'|ujri':l to h.« a (.'a'.h )li'! in puolic lifo. Tnis is a fundamental error wnicli niiiy bj fraught witli tlio in isi dc;i! jralMe cons xpieuce. Am jliirtr inL'Ui )).■• was a^ktt I : " If .Mijr. iy;iii.^(n'in iloclares himself entiroly sitistiail with the ihll, and asks that it Ik< p.isr dis.MSji ja. It does not i)nlo;i^ to \l.^r. Liii.;(UMi to dictate to nio my views and tosjy what i have |o do with reforonco to tlio national, political an 1 constitutional aspuiit of tho Bill." Here, the Church i-^ put out of the (pies- Uoa in a matter in winch the very rijjhta of conscieuco are at stake. Here is a member wliogets up in face of the bishops and eays to ihom straight : " You say that the Pill is acceptable ; 1 say that it is not." VVlio is to Oe believed'' Who has jurisdiction hort? to speak with author- ity ? Tho mombar of Pari iamout >*ayH he has. This is pure Libwahsm, that J.ih- eralism whii-h under the pretext that a religious (pie.^tion touiihes on politics oa certain sides forbids tho religious author ■ ity to intervene. Liston, my brethrtMi, to the refutation of that error in the pa.sto- ral letter of the bishops ol the occlosim- tical province of tiuohoc dated Sei»temher 'JJnd, 189.-) : '• Are tliese guestions in whicli the bishop and the priest can, aad even some- 2n Ifmofi oncht ti> interfero in thp namo of wli'.'icin " " tv'u uiiHW'«>r NMMioiit lii'rtiliiliDi) ' N i JH to lu t'iiiiiil tint tilatu wu liiiVH alr(>airiiuttl iiii on(ieni'o or oxitiioiii'o of tlie Church, ovon wh»'n loukoil at from Uie tuniiMirnI iMiutt of vinvv. " A ciiniliihilo iiiny (>r((Hont hininelf wiioHH iiD'^ruiiiini- iH hoHlilo to thti ( liiircli, or wlioHf iiiitoi'tHlt^nl.s iir« mn'li iLiHt hiH tumlidnturo iH thrtntunin^ to itH iutcreHta. " Jii the Maine way a political piirty may Im jinl^'ed iliuijfriiis, not only be- ('all^(« of ii8 |>ro)jr,iiiMno uiiii .iiiloio it'ii'.d, hilt becaimc nl' iho |ii'(.^'raiiiiiu> and iiuli- vidual antoioilfnta i4 Uh liMiltrs. d' its principal iiUinibors mui of ita prunij, il lli« party dm s ni that to vote in auch a way is a Hin, that to do 8uch an ;ict exposes a man to the t;Bn- sure of tho (^hun h Tlmy can and oiii^ht to8{)eak not only to th'oal or duatli to tiio suls '•mill) I to fnv care. 'I'lic [(Pui .\[>[x-i iuv I'fi I hy thfl-te t\v.> mrtn ar.t di.i.iieiriiMlly o;);»H>»d to Catholie te idling. I spniK h >r,( .if doctrine, anil iiot of p.irty, ll.ire m w lal the tloly K.ithei Tupo l/oo .\lll. sayH on that pjiut:— " l»ihfr-idori')ti{o qu'».jHr, far, but they arc Hot c >uiiiie(it Vordiii;,' t^ttieiu, 1 I .iiij l.iw.s ou^ht to ri'^ihite the life and co.ilujt oi' iiidividii.ilM, hill not of . 'States ; it 1.) pir.iiiltel III pioliu alfairs to dis- obey III.) i.r I'TS of • i J 1 an 1 to ley;i8lat> With .lit p Ly.ii^ ir.i'iitioiit ) tti >rii: wlninc » Mjuiu^ji lo.j pj.iiiciiu.s con.'ti;;i.' " I'o ii.a:. • ui' 111 111 two diil'jreat luMiitis, uue a t.'aiiiolic iii private Me, the oiher a l.ibisral 111 I'ublii: lilo, is iwi orror, a mon- siroiis aa 1 iii-Mt daniieroUH error. Voii will voto siiordy. llore are two roiMi wlios.t dd.idly error.i 1 Hij;nali/.t* to you. This is tae lii.il tiiuj that I havo seoa sucli a cait'niirical formulation of rational- ism 111 tho 111 mill of a C.inadian After i[Uotiiii{ from .Mj^r. do "^i.>;.'!ir, to. show that (.'atlioliis, no matter what their position, nui.st submit t i llic Chut 'h in ri'li.'iou.s iiiiittors, lli^ L irdship said: 'flii.-i is the Cathehc doi'triiU!, nu.l h, ic 'h a wariiiiu which, in coii.HcinKUK'e, ' leol be "d to fiivo you ; iiiidor llc> circutn- suiuccs, a Catholic caiiii);, without com- mittinj^ a jr for the partisans, which support liim in such an error, so loii^' ufl thuy have imt publi.dy repndiHted this erriiu.'oiis doctrine an I taken the I- ileum pledge of volin^,' lot a retaodlal law accepted by the ilHliopi. This is a question of H'O very hi^;hent imjiortance. 'f children arc brought up in godless aciiool.-, *iiey liecome revolu*. tfnni«tH. Yon tind th« fniitu of k'hII"'^* •tiiMtiiion III tliii MSAiMiiiatioon rintn WliirK lli«t infH 1)1 Htftt««ll ninoiit ilttfitiii.itAH who will |ili tlii'triNttlvtti ti) vote III favor of n Kcnunliiil itill ai'i'itpttul hy tha Minhii|>H III) not f 'rt;i't that ihiit viitu will hit of till' k'r)*Al(tHt iiii|ii>u bi lay asiilu all party ftiHliiit;, im in.ittor what it may In<, atil to jtuiprit mm anil uviMitM from the point of vIhw nf ('atholii' principlt'fl ami ('atliiili<; tttachiii;^ only. 'Ilii.symi will ilo rniirajjuoiinly, ui ('ailinlii^H, an < 'uiin>liAnH ami an i;iti/r ('diiiiiiIh- Nhtii an a .Siilii.(>rrii*((* uikI an li^UNttot*. Th<> A4ttN of tho <>ovi>iik lioiidcr ttian lilt' Diiiiliiriil >littlvt>N of tlio I.II»IM-alN. The AntiyonxKli Cnnk'i puhli.shoH tho Gullowin^ imnorlant lutttir f:om M^'r. O'Mrien, ArclihiHliop oC lialifaA, on the Manitolia scIuk.I niiestion : - On my arrival lioro from the East afew (lays a>?o, I learneil from the ruports of Parliament, as well as from iiowHiiapbrn, klio fato of the iiemoiiial Kill. 1 neod Bcaroel V «ay it was a Hiir[>rise to mo as well as a subject of roKret. tSostmnj; was my faith in the gooil sense of my countrymen and in their spirit of loyalty to our peer- less ciinHtittition, to 8«n, in ('una- i)a, li ith witliiii ai I without I'uriiam mt, nil iiil'l li.ive turne I a jtiiruty i onititutiunal 'piuitioii lilt) a piriiM.in one or Nlimilii have M'liuht t) pirpt iut4i ail aliiilllei-taria(i strife, an 1 of national rulro- ^reifore tiic p.toplitof Canada. ."^iliII w<', or shall we not, stau t liy our i;oiH!i u'.io.i which eiHiiros the n^hisofall. Iif. only iui:iinu>'h ai tlioy are rfn.ir.iiil ui i 1 1 eaih '.' <).■ sIiaII we, l>y ■trikiii.( ii'. I lie ru'iHof a lew, lie tlie mo- tive what It 111 ly, weakiiii lh>t s.ife;j;iur>l!) of iiiir oA'ii eo.!eu ler a spirit of imuiul itittru.it, aii'l l.iii into a It iiiij Iha fait ex> piriiiK emiior<4 of lorm>tr iiiiw.jrlliy di.isen huui-t ' Oiily a iljsp.jim.' ol our fair euimiry. An honest man, it li trua, wiio dislikes the idea of Me|)arate school!", niixlit, for a moiuent. ht t.emjiinl to pu sue such a course of aclimii looking it the (^ue.stioii trim one point ol view onl ' ; hut oil ri;ll.< 'tioii he would ru'<);^ni/.D 1I.4I it 18 not whiHlier or not there shall lie separate schools, lull whether the t'onsti- tiuioii sIkiU lie ohiorved to-day in re^jard to the riKoiH of .Smiiii, s > that it may ho invoked to-morrow to 8'i[ipori those of hrown. 'Our rights must stand or fall to- >.!ether. t'ew, I iru.-*t, ti ive any desire lo intringe on those .)f tlioi'- fellow-c mntry- men. O.ir enli(;hliuied sense of true liberty, as well as the eoiuiitions uf our national life, vould render impossihlo the gratification of such de-iie. Having lately passed inrou^h various countries, and "liaviii;r allouiively observ- ed itieir social condition, the sujioriority of our own Canada, as a home of jxiaco aii'l jjlenty, has be«Mi more fully thaa ever iiiniresaed ou my mind. And yat. v& w$ »«» I'niy Kt th'- nUrflfiB punt ..f i»nr roiiriMt. Miilufcl iMi"!. miitii*! r«Hi4M't lor til* rmviiMli'iia of otlinm, K litllo IxtArliiif { tliK « ..ii«titiiti"ii, ••vmi wli««» It. may run ciiiiiiUtt U>)nim« U'l lit our own, will mii« ■iin< to ('iuia.lii III.' futiim, III jrrt'^r part ml l«Mi, of ilio \«i>rM. It IN niiiii'ly «iiii- ilorfiil wlnit Mint liM H<"iiiii|>li>«li4! iiiytliiiRl Kr«»tnni«t il'» not t»mi'n. I'o ii"ii' tttllioliiM I woiild'huy :— Ari! you, ino d«)- nciMidiiiitM of nuMi wlio Won, afU'r II I iiirf and liurd tlitlit, <-onHtitiiti'>iial libcriy, t(oiuk( lo inllii't a lilo^v, wliioli iiiusi tiavn rar-roiii'Imm i<'iiH»M|iunicfH, on ilif work of your fatlnMH? Jf ymi ilo not iijili lil tliM ('oiiHtiliition now, your H<'tioa will Olio diiy lie inv'iked iin a iiret.nliuit lor hrHakinv; it on ioine otltcr [loinl, — ii m.iy Xh) auraiiiHl vourbelveH. In your IuuhIh Timt th«< futiirn pi'aio and advanoomonl "t the i'oiiiinion- Yoii are a nnijoniy , you can opiirHRH a jmjof minority in a cdttuin p'oviiu-e, you can say, wo rock n< llio ileciHioiiH of coiirlw, nor tlie cluiiim o( ,{ood fuith and fair jilny ; >on can ovoke a i evil Hpirit, and iinpliinta rankliii).' ftiulin^ of injustice in tl.e lieurts of very many oi your countrymen , you < an sUy ilio wheels of uro^resa, and l)liglit me lair proHixfctii otoiir loved roiiiitry Vdh i;aa do ail tliis hy voting; :mainsi roineiliicl loutiNlntioii 'lliai any considerahlo per- centagouf youw ill doiin.H, l,wiio iiave bueii uurtured iu your niidat, refuse to believe. I know It Will \^ (Hid " Wr ^ n ti rofu*> to rirfhl an\ wr.niif tiiat cun Ind ahowi to oviNt |.i,i <«,. KJat. (Imt to invii»tik« No iii4n at at ' convtirN.int witli p Hiln' airiim ..m 1,0 im" aware of iii« injii'o pradn od aktaiiu^ the ininoriiy in M untobi. U m a Miihjwl tor M iriMw mill huinilialion tliat anyon t Hhoiild it(iiorf tliiaiiijiwti e; tt Imi hollo w pnitMiico 1 1 t.iik of invitiiuitlintf it , it ii ire.i i,i,iiH'i mat any ap|)riM'dilM uiuii'itr oi iieui will allow a diil'oreiii'K of iiiHiioiu li uiitf ti)l)!ii)d iliiiiii to Uiedici.aDH ii iirdiiiiry jii'itiivt ; or ttiat Mixy can i>> III I !'• tilt ptp|)>ti of ft movumoiu w .iii'.i inii.it ond it air'ciMitfiil now, ouiiitr III a irro.idor to tlii oIuihk of I llin inuioriiy, wnicli la i>ro>>jt»l\ 1 <>iit«iif pl.ito I l>y tii>) Id tderit, or in dii.iiter ti> > ilie I'oiiiiiry. 1 tnui. Hit, y vi weri^ miUakati in Nup- pmin,( any t.ttlioli('4 in ll tliiaf '' lent I ouiiii lukii' <« to ail ap|>ey lauitini^in, tluy wiU'Biircly 1).* oil Iho hi le of jiuucv even I rtlioiild II'-.' doiiht tliH inuivi' ()f the I tiovoriimoni in iictink! iiHtly. NVh ate t«> I look ut acta, ii"t m (LivoM. Tlio former l.ill iindt'r our co/iii/.,incri ; tln^ latlnr ar» Moon and in l.'nd iiy «■' 'l ahv I rua I t alliuhcH ui iliilil'ax, a^ oLsiwIiens will I not loam thoir diit), nor tin) otliica of I jiohlical action from p irty p >liticiftna, I ratholii'or non-Catholic, but from purer I mill liij.-t ini THMind Mninuw, viz., from the ' principles of juiiU.M, which an* liiiid'nn i on nil inoii at all liiiuw. No (larty I iriumpli, no W'-rLlly < onsidoration, n<> ' lios of awaouiaiion i!au uxcumo au act of injuatico. Home, May tith. IW'ti- t C. O'lMiiiw. Binnoi* < %»ir.no^ or kn- rii<'»i(tArAn, >>( AntiKimioh, Nnv« H<>iiti 4 ^ tM iMiiiMl the liillnwiii^t firt-nliir l«tUtr t,< »!'•< ' Utky .*( IiIn .lniinwKf — " Wm •»< oil thtt '•¥!« of ft {t(«lirrftl •l«i'- tinii, > ri itu' rrmili 'tf mIikI) tftr^tly ilv- iwtndM tlix !••< KM <»ii>l |)rii«)i)'ritv of I iiiiiiiic««il>t till iithi" < now nuilif tiiiK |>'>|iti
      iirl;i>M wif« r.ii >ttrM iki(y tlx' M liiiiiii 'hI III '.i< n of tli« I^vul ll'« ll«|iil|ll>ll, t{r(hiiv inul I'onlliiiiiii/ (•> roinniii n < iiii»i) nl'iiiMHiMmi'i) iim Iiii^ um it iM not linully H«*ltlr(i mi ii jiiNt IiumIh. Il )■ iii>al in nitiili' to'lio (>lt*i'ti)r:itrui lliK Dniiiiiiioii "o that tli«v umy tjivi ,u<)ii»i li'iuiipiin nuIh on tli« ' Iril itiNliiitt 'Ihn |'>nitiiiiii«<'il in llATi- till' <'0IH»lllMti')ll ?t>>i) t'ltril, Hllil I" n*iii<> tlirt u'ly liU'^iii i f mir rii'iiit . l'«^riH^ltMl riKhth ' Or will >'i'i "n tlii> ciiiitritry, ''ImuHt^ dii'ii v^lio itrii )ii>iiii iipi iH«iil ti> 11 n'iiiiiilii(l \a\\ intiiHt*"! t) r'tJroNH niit pnlitlial [inrliKH 'I'Vl'h'i) nil \]y(\ 8lil(j(>ft 111' nv tni-ilial tot{JHliiti^ in tlin iiiiiHt viir iroii'i riii'iniT to luivti ii liill ntlopt*'<1 'vliicti wii.< MiiiiiToly .ii'Itkm'iI nf l)y til" '\itliolii; iiiiuoriu if Nlaiii.olia ; llio Mtlu*r •|i|Miriln}; tlit> nii'ii'tiiif, utiil 'l«>iioiiH' inu I'. 09 II mi-nsuri' lit ii)t.ii'jiin, and luc';'M«l>ti».' ^v ihitir violent reaihiaiuc to ivn-tnr i»o n, wiinn I'nrliaiiH'nt n i« hod A lonann will, ll'i>rrri)ri>, Ui kIvi'Ii In Iniitilli'N aiitl « wlio Mill ml Miain tlii> nui- •IMiiliMh iiiiili-r I'Hit III ii|i|iriii|llii|i, :UI'I IliM llloru NO if Ihi y nr« in a iniiiority, iId- imii rity Will riMiiain sm Ii ttin |>artiN.uH oi Mr l.uiirK'r kiiil Mr Mr< nriliv, ihhIkiI i.i ilio I'lttroii rnixliil.iii 1 aiiil tlio i|ii)y ni miti- tniltlliK a roiiiKiiial iiuMniirn to titx ll< iumi Will ii'Ht with Mr, Litiirmr. U it |>Ml.al>l« thai Mr l,aiiri»^' v«i|| <1.> lim «|iity ' ll.tt |ii> imi fill Ht>vtoiiway 1 < iu\t riiim-iit to iii-Hlil'y ilii* taw nl IMiti, I iil>oll>liiii^ iii<|'diato hi'IiihiIh nij iiH III ^iwi ' lli>> iliN»,iimti<'il iioiinrily lull Matixtiu'lioii, , r, liorrowiK"! j With siii'rfHM '' In II proUahli* that iliw I tiii\«>iiiiiii-iit, \^hii'hoiily lali'ly K'livi- ,Mr. Mil niiiiy thf iivntioii Ai' an« 'ill avsiiuofi mill tU.ii II ii iii'iii' all in iim |N>v\or to tiHvii hiiii »i|«icl."' I.y il'i Irli'iiiU Hi Mraii' lion, in i|iN|MiH-.'il to Muliiiiil to the tii'iii'alN ol Mi l.aiiriiT ' ; ' U It a•lllll^>o^to to tllnk tliat the < ir<'i'ii«Miy I u.vi 'iiiiM'tit, atUT liavintr. with II purt'ly i^'i.iiHiii'ai imriHW, I'liinr- luliicil ami i!ti\ei'>iHr of iliu tiiiwriiiiioiil i-^ iloomuU to la hirt). ii7 " In a li'ttor \.d^' will neoesHaril,- Im ijK'ii^]>li:U' ai.ii i/iinuiuiiiM. (niroiily Malvati.ii) it: in a leiieiul wiuv ilial bill sottliiiif ihti .iiicNii.n (lernittiuiuiv and iilaciiiK iih viiir fuvt-'r ifoui itu! aiiack« of luiuuii'.iHnd tie capil- :tM)8 iiniliitiun (if }..)lnii;il jiariicd. i'lio ronieuial hill, ainuiiLlfil during ilu* laxt scHfioti nt, Ottawa, « ay siiilii:ieni, and it <;ouid havo b«en nnuicred jif tfbi t bv oilmr aDiiMidnuHitg m ciiuaiiiieo, and 'iliia is wliatlliOMo-called liu-nut. ol llitiManituba minority should liavo done, llv volin',' nj^ainHt tliH law, iia-y did tl>t« wufk oi our wofbl, encniie.i. It is, therefore, my • |.in- ion that wo elicjuld liilly to thnm' iHnltrs, and tliosc oii^y on whumi llai.' is ins^. nbt'd' Ken)t;dial Itf.'ish.tiun. Jn « oihh^ U'lici* 1 eutrtal W.ur (jrai'p and all vout jtio].le to fiiippoil only (iuididatts d.-Kirmoifd lo jiivc im III uiir iiour ot need wJuu wo ask loi' in tilt' naiiio <.(' iiberiy and ciinscii'iicc. a» noil aa m tlio niune ot tbocciihtiiul.in. Wo hope tliat ali ( aiholica, to.t:(tli(M vmIIi sinivre mou ...f oilier di'iiomino.tioi.a, will stand by ut, to have the tfdfini aj.'ive- iiu'i.i resiwiied. May thi. .Al: I'Dwetiiil <lerti"r,.,Harii«m,M,t. and in the public mecrir.u's Iron, Mamioba lo CaiM. i;Vet„n to snbiiia ami have ay eomimlent uutlioijtv (l,ai ,„' u, sav ttie (i;."4r,M(((l .M:init..lia minority I'RhM..M' ( l;i-l.s IS IN i;k\ijtv iu \<>i'y: .'.(i ;INST 'fiiF, ,11 .STICK Till, .M.\.NlT(il!\ MINmKII'V. Til I! l.KUihK' Oh nih ( ONSKliVATIVK I'.AKTY i!i;iN(i 111!'; ONLY ONK WHO HAS I'M D<.1:;L) 11 1.\1,-,KLI.' To'liPN- WHO IIY HIS VOTK, DIMIMHUIvS Ills i'dllM IKj.; NLiloKiTY Wll.L THKUKIiV blifUKAS^i': HiSCHA N'CKS OF ULLNo lAi'AiJi.K OI SfMMIT- TI N ( r I o AM) i I A \' I N ( , A 1 »(.) ITE I) !.N i^UK.sj Ion." Yon iit. * oipuM <'hriHti Day, lH!»ii, (Si^M.Md:, .loiiN (.•AMi;ii(,;>;, liiahop of Autiffonish. .^B/^r. UoK<'i'N and t lie fiZeiiiedlal Itisf. 'j'he Mitutrur Aiave the opinion ol' tho Hi.ihop ol' {Jhatham, .Ai'ehbi. Ijoji lio^-oih, ou the Jiemedial Bill. !i. ^aij)liiiii liy the bominion (Jov- cnimcntofa JioniiMlini Bill.' Ho luid Biyned a polilion aHl on tiii.s QUESTION. All the Bishops of the l'0.Mr>fIO\ HA\ E ONM Y ONE ANV THl S.VME THonjMT Tnrv .ARK I NANI- Mor's 'The Dishopv, oi uutuno have met at Kingston, and have instruct- eli(m I " A voneinble bishop of Upper Canada .said to Mgr. Laugovin : ' If we have the hu|ipino,-)s of .seeing this (|uestion eipiifaljly sottliid, wo will g(» with you iind sing a solemn 7'i Ihain ill gral itude to God. Jlencotorward wo will do all in our power to help you to arrive at this hajipy result..s ' '• VOU SKK TlfAf A Mi THK 1 ! 1 S 1 1 PS 11 A \^ P T 1 1 P S A M P I.) P. .SLlii; AND ANXII'ITV TO 8PK TIMS lied The schools must be restored." 29 TIIK IIINHOPOF IKINOTINKI UearM ultaeMM to tlio I'ooliiiK r>r tlie MUOII. Extriif.t tVoni i\ •■ii'iilai fio-ii .M^rr, Fiihro lo liH olorgy, iindt.-r I (jiuv-itinn, my iiilonlior WHS Uia' you >'i'it"'' ii'oru ih'j [nil;iil. Wuli lliis o.. ,/(i')ti, IpHVt vi oxpivHM llif LMiliu' •^a(iNl;u'ti'»ii ><'.' llii« Cinui'liiin 0|ii ji H■.•\l(^ with (!'.'* fiim aii'l cdui n/;<<'ii"i iiiiiiii(l»tnitiit'n (invtrniiu'iit Thin i.-t>iilv (I lin;'; jiC'licti t(» iIk- ^!;f'0(l will ot inir i( ^i,-liU'>is, mil en C'liiiii'^intf I Ik in l-i [itiivuo lo tlio •hkI tho work .■(> Iinpiil)' lio:!;tui, 1 riMiiiiin, vi'iy ^iin'oritly, ili'Ui follow lu'liovrl--. Your iluvoicil Korvjiiit in Our Loni A*\(»T]iiJt i.ini:«C4i. iji:. T«l<"«raiii IroiH ?H«;r. IVhImIi, iSevoral liinOH iho JjiIxmuI papvU'H einti'ivoiod ti) US" the iiamo ol' Mj,'r. \\ ni-'li iii,'.iiir-l tloj poll! y of the (iov ornihOMl on tin? s(;hool qnt-stiori. Ill Miiiili !ii It th" Ehdevr pul ImhciJ tltv' rullowiii^ (lyHputch icom Toroiitu ; " ToiKNTo mth Mmrh. " r nm II -1 position to slufr (iimi llis '.'race Mf?i', W'.iNii, An-liliiithop of Toronto ami MtUro|iolihaii o«' t.>n lufio, liii.'' oirorriK'il tlio lion. Mr, f-iimi'ir tliiit, ho ondorsc-j his police •^•ly tho Bclioui (.iu«Hiiou. I 'iiay 4ay uino t!iat at iln i''fp(''Hi of tht? iiim • IH'fliy. Sir Oliver Mowui huH twhipttxi fho lesojiitlonH Hial/ you know ot. Thoy \<*k it, from In in n-. ,, hoi \ t o to the ('iiih'.Iii caiiKo. I'hN lio of th" f']l''iir'i.r ■ hiiH he«li cati'LC'o iciilly "liMiiod «►. follows : " ThoTo'roiito di-'p!itrl lo .1/ ftli'c- {(•m i('^;Jn'(liii;( my aliiliili on Muuj. tnSn f*iliool i|U'HUoa i < an amliKjioUM lal -lohooil. ' \ll(Mlli~lloi W \l, 01 'I'lio Kf''''fi'ii' lomaiiicii ijiilot for HOino (oiiu ; hut, ou 'rc.iii.-dlay, Miiy '."^lli, it a',;iiiri uttoin|j i"! to nxploit iho I'unto oi" Wi','- U ,iUli II /|' ing topiodu