IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) // / .^' kr [/. fe ■^^ ^ 1.0 I.I b^l^B |2.5 ''■^ ^ 1112.2 Hf li£ 112.0 !.25 1= ll_L4 ill 1.6 ^ ^ <^ V} A ^\ % V Hiotographic Sciences Corporation ^ a. '^<> ;#v ly wi:; main strut WEBSTER, NY MStO (716) •73-4503 %• ^^ €^, mP CIHM/ICMH Microfiche s. CIHM/ICMH Collection de microfiches. Canadian Institute for Hiotoricoi INAicroreproductions / Institut Canadian da microreproduction,. 13 I warded to the office of the Commissioners of Audit for examination, and recordj previously to their being transmitted to the respective Colonies. 20. Yl 1 will not pay to any officer who may be absent from the Colony on leave or otherwise, any portion of his salary or allow- ance, unless a letter from the Chief Secretary or other proper officer in the Colony be produced to you, notifying the leave of absence granted, accompanied by a certificate from the Colonial Treasurer or Paymaster, stating the period up to which any salary or allowance may have been paid to the absentee, previously to his quitting the Colony, and also specifying the rate of payment ; which documents you will submit to the Secretary of State for the Colonies for his directions thereon, and you will consider such docu- ments together with the Secretary of State's authority as necessary vouchers for the first issue of any salary or allowance in this country. Salary of Officer ab- sent on leave Certificate fromColonial Treasurer Eate of payment. Secretary of States au- thority for first issue of salary. 21. Should the above mentioned docu- issue of ments not be produced to you, you will, stpTnd'ed in notwithstanding any authority for the issue ^'^^^^^°^^^*- 14 of salary or allowance which the absentee may have obtained from the Secretary of State, suspend making payments in respect thereof until you shall have represented to the Secretary of State the defect in the vouchers required for the admission of the charges in your accounts ; and you will then be guided by such special instructions as you may thereupon receive from the Secretary of State, and these instructions will be necessary vouchers for the admission of any payment which may be made by you under the cir- cumstances referred to. Advance of salary to absentees. Certificate to be granted to Oliicers newly ap- pointed, or returning to a Colony after leave. 22. No salary or allowance is to be issued to any absentee in advance, or for a period after the expiration of the term for which he may h^ve obtained leave of absence, unless he shall produce a special authority to that effect, which authority is to be annexed to your accounts. 23.T0 any officer newly appointed to the Colonial Service, or returning to the Colony after leave, you will grant a certificate, speci- fying the rate and amount of any salary or allowance, and the nature of the allowance 15 that may have been issued to him, and the period for which such issue may have been made, and further stating whether such advance or allowance is to be accounted for in the Colony, and you will be careful not to make any further payment on account of the salary, or allowance to which such certificate may refer, without first withdrawing and cancelling the same. 24. Should you be required to make any Military pay issue of Military pay or allowance to officers to Colonial or men°any Colonial corps, or pensions to °^^'* the widow or children of such officers or men, you will, in making the payments, be guided by the Army Eegulations, and you will invariably call for the several certifi- cates and other documents required by those regulations. . *> 26. In the event of your being authorized Pensions to to pay pensions to retired officers or other Officers and lA' IQOWS persons, whether out of monies provided from particular funds, such as the Ceylon Civil Fund, or from the general Kevenuos of the Colonies, or to pay pensions to widows of officers of Colonial corps under the Army 16 regulations, you will in all cases where the Magistrate's pensioners do not apply for their pensions in or Minister's person, require a declaration before a masris- certiucates. r j ^ o trate or other competent authority, or a certificate from the Minister or Church- wardens of the Parish where such Pensioners reside, as to their being alive at the time the payment became due. Certificate of personal appearance "Wlien par- ticular con- ditions are attached to pensions. Authority required for special pay- ments. 26. If the pensioner appear personally to receive his pension, you will cause a certifi- cate of such personal appearance to be endorsed on, or attached to, the receipt for the pension, which certificate is to be signed by you, or by the person making the payment. Should any particular conditions be at- tached to the grant of the pension, you will, in all such cases, require a declaration or other sufiicient proof, as to the said conditions ha-ving been complied with. 27. All special payments for the service of the Colonies, which do not come under the foregoing heads, must be supported by the special authority for the same, and such authority, together with any correspondence with the Colonial Government, or with any 17 other persons, which may tend to explain the transactions, is to be produced to the Com- missioners of Audit, together with the vouchers for the payment. 28. When in any case the same authority Successive is to serve for a succession of payments, the the same^ period of the account and the number of the a^t^^^^ty- first voucher should bo roferred to on the receipts for all subsequent payments. ■I 29. You will endeavour to make suchArrange- arrangements with the Governors of those Governors of Colonies with the Agency of which you may gp^gcting Se be charged, as will ensure your being fur- F^V^^^'^ °^ nished with sufficient funds, by remittances from each Colony. Should remittances be made to you, or directions given to you to invest the moneys of any Colony in consols or oth»i\' securities, you are not to consider iJ^emittances - for invest- yourself at liberty to delay such investment, ment. or to apply any portion of such funds to the temporary service of another Colony under article 30. 30. You. are at liberty to make advances Advances from your general balance for the service of baian?et'^^^^ Advances to be advised Advances to he reported to the Sec- retary of State. 18 any Colony, provided the amount be properly adjusted on the receipt of remittances from the particular Colony on whose account the advances may have been made, and you will take care to give timely advice of the advances to the authorities in each case, in order that no delay may occur in the adjust- ment of the same. You are also to report for the sanction of the Secretary of State all advances made on this account. Advaaces 3], You are not to exercise the above not to be made ir cer- powcr of making advances until the funds in tam cases. ii« 1 j'» jji i«i this country appertainmg to the particular Colony are exhausted. Sale of funds If howcvei*, it should appear to you separately invested. inexpedient to effect a sale of funds sepa- rately invested, you will report the special circumstances for the consideration and di- rection of the Secretary of State. Acceptance of bills drawn hj Crown Colpnics. 32. You will not accept any bills drawn upon you, or upon any former Colonial Agents by the Governor of any of the Crown Colonies without obtaining the previous sanction of the Secretary of State for that 19 purpose, and you will make all bills payable at the Bank of England, out of the funds of your general account there, .subject to the directions contained in the preceding in- structions. 33. In drawing upon your general account Cheques how at the Bank, the cheques may be signed by *° ^' ^"'''''' either of the joint agents, and every cheque is to be countersigned by the assistant agent or gentleman whose duty for the time being it shall be to enter them. 34. Each agent is at liberty to retain in Payment of his own hands, or at his private bankers, a "^r "^^'^ sum not exceeding, at any time, £200 for payments under £5. You will deliver the originals of all Delivery of authorities and other documents, with your anShori- account, to the Commissioners for auditing *'^'* the public accounts. In those instances in which peculiar cir. cumstances may prevent your so doing, you are to state those circumstances, and to transmit duly authenticated copies of such original authorities. COLONIES TO BE CONSIDEEED AS CEOWN COLONIES, TO WHICH THE FOREGOING INSTRUCTIONS ARE TO BE STRICTLY APrLIED. Ceylon Mauritius Western Australia Gibraltar Malta (partly representative). Natal (ditto) Labuan Sierra Leone Gambia Gold Coast Hong Kong Trinidad St. Lucia Bahamas \ Crown Fuuda Turks Islands) only. Jamaica ) Remittances ^ J \ and luvest- b-renada Vents for loans Bermuda, Convict Service only. British Guiana ^P'^'^^T f-^Pf " j->xxuxK)Ai. v^uxuuu, sentative) British Columbia British Kaffraria St. Helena Falkland Islands Heligoland REPRESENTATIVE COLONIES TO wnicn THH FOREGOING INSTRUCTIONS ARE TO BE API'LIED WHEN PRACTICABLE. Victoria Tasmania Capo of Good Hope Now Zealand New Brunswick Newfoundland St. Kitts Vuncouvcrs Island •,ri 21 MEMORANDUM OF THE PEIlSrCIPAL SEEVICES PEBFOBMED Bf THE AGENTS-GENEEAL FOR CROWN COLONIES. FINANCIAL. Disposal of Colonial Goverament Debentures ' Eeceiving remittances for general purposes Ditto Half-yearly dividends on Public Stocks Ditto Interest on other Investments Payment of Interest on Colonial Debentures Ditto ditto on Public Loans Ditto on account of Sinking Funds Ditto Guaranteed interest on Railways and other Public Works Ditto Bills of Exchange Ditto Half Salaries to Colonial Officers on leave of absence Ditto Pensions to retired Colonial Officers and to Widows Ditto for supplies of every kind Investments in the Public Funds Deposits on interest in Joint Stock Banks 22 «' SUPPLIES PROCURING AND FORWARDING 10 THE COLONIES THE FOLLOWING ARTICLES. Anchors and Chains Asphalte Arms, Rifles, Swords and Pistols, &c. Agricultural Implements Books — Printed and Account Bank Notes Bricks Coals Chemicals of all kinds Clothing, Local Corps, Police, Prison, Hos- pital, and Asylum Cloth, and Materials for making clothing Cement Canvas Copper Coins Cranes Dredging Vessels Dies and Crests for Public Bodies Distilling Apparatus Diving ditto Engines, Steam, &c. Engineers' Tools Fire Engines Glass of all kinds Gunpowder Hemp Hardwares Iron of all kinds Bridges Buildings » 5) )) Boats „ Gates and Railings „ Vessels Ironmongery, general Lead Leather Life Boats, and apparatus for saving life Light House apparatus and Lanterns Lathes, Duplex, &c. 23 Metals of all kinds Medicines Machinery of all kinds Mathematical Instru- ments Meat, Salt, Navy Meats preserved Moorings for Ships Oils, Lighthouse and Linseed Paints Pitch Plant for "Railways, Gas, and Water Works Plates for Debentures, Bonds, Bank Notes, and Postage Stamps Paper Postage Stamps Photographic Apparatus Police equipments Eope of all kinds Stationery of all kinds Saddlery and equipments for mounted corps Slates and Tiles Surgical Instruments Sub-Marine Telegraph Cables Steam Vessels Timber, various „ Creosoted Tools, mechanical self acting and other . Telegraph apparatus Tin sheet and Block Tallow Tar Vessels, of various kinds Zinc and other Metals INCIDENTAL DUTIES. Custom House duties of all kinds Warehousing Goods Securing Freights Insurances, Marine and Fire Instituting enquiries respecting persons and property in the Colonies. [turn over 24 Note. — Marine iosurances are effected at an advantage of 15 per cent, as compared with Mercantile Agencies, viz., 5 per cent, brokerage, and 10 per cent, discount allowed by Insurance Offices to Brokers for introducing business. These allow- ances are credited by the A gents- General to the several Colonies, by deduction on the face of the accounts. All trade discounts are deducted in like manner. In the execution of orders for Vessels, Bridges, and Engineering "Works generally, properly qualified professional men are employed by the Agents-General (when not selected by the Colony) to draw up the contracts and specifications and to see that the work is properly performed. It is preferred, however, that the Colonies should select their own Engineers. Arms, Clothing, Tools, and Hardwares, are inspected by expe- rienced practical viewers, either at the Tower or on the premises where the packing is carried out. Goods in transit are invariably insured. All investments, which take place by direction of the Treasury, or the Secretary of State for the Colonies, on account of sinking funds, guaranteed loans, and superannuation funds, &c., &c., are made in the names of three gentlemen selected by the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury. f I l^atthcrm to l^t ^gcnrg — BANK OF ENGLAND. Stohtrs— Messbs. MULLENS & MARSHALL, 3, Lomdahd Stbeht. #|)ipijing gigtnt— Mb. W. a. WINKLEY, 23, Bibchin Lanb, Cobnhill.