IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) .n,i4-st themselves as for the purpose of securing- to the Is- "land and to the profession a learned and honourable body, to " assist their fellow subjects as occasion may require, and to "support and maintain the constitution of the' Island." 2. /vrso h'f (I— Th-At under that Act all persons duly entered of the vSoeiety and admitted on its books whether as ^vtudents or Barristers at Law became, by such entry and admission to all intents and purposes wliatsoever, members of the Society. 7.. 7vrso/zr(/- -T\v,it hy that Act the Society was empowered with the approbation of the Judg-es of the Supreme Court, as visit(_)rs of the said Society, to make such rules and reg-ulations as migfht be deemed necessary or proper for the Government of the Society. 4. /\rsohr(/—Thiit by Rule (1) of the said Society, passed by the said Society on the 1st of July, 1S34, at the first meeting- summoned pursuant to the 3rd Section of that Act, and approved of by the Judg-es according- to the said Statute, on the' 6th of January 1836, i'. was provided that the Benchers of the said Society for the time lieing- (who by the 7th Section of the said Act, are declared to be a Corporate body) should be considered Governors of the said Society and have full i)ower to make such E^les and Reenchcrs. June 1, 1889) 'ewl'oundland he provisions cs and Reg-u- at Act takes ith that Act, pursuant to he Treasurer porated, and te and politic iir corporate ?r the corpo- d,*' the said p of persons ts books as nbers of the > of tlie cor- id Acts upon powers with lid Benchers and not for rovided that •tin^,'- of the itablishment er rules and :e necessary, iprenie Court I J^csoh'cd—Th:it the approbation of the Judg-es of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland is in no wise necessar}- to the validity of any Resolutions, Rules, Reg-ulations, or Bye-laws made and passed by convocation, except when such rules and reg-ulations be made and passed by Convocation, in ref';r-nce to the following- subjects, viz. : — (^0 Rules and Reg-ulations in reference to the examination of persons applying- to be examined for the purpose of entering- into Articles of Clerkship: (d) Rules and Reg-ulations in reference to the conducting of examinations of articled clerks applying- to be examined for their intermediate or hnal certificate in order to their admission as Solicitors: (c) Rules and Reg-ulations in reference to the articles and service, and certificates required bv law, to be produced by persons before admission as Solicitors: (d) Rules and Reg-ulations in reference to the fitness and capacity of persons thus applying- for admission as So- licitors: (c) Rules and Reg-ulations as to the nomination and ap- pointment by the Society of examiners to conduct such examinations: Otherwise the authority of the said Judg-es as visitors does not extend to the control of any of the proceeding-s of convocation. :ted that the OSes therein t providing )e necessary tions, except approbation I to what ex- it mentioned ■A THE Rl LES PASSED BY THE LAWS lETYOFN FOUNDLAND. WITH 'nil'; APTKOBATIOX OF TIIK JUDGES OF THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE As Visitor- )f the said Society, so far as any of the said Rules is or are , hject to approval or disapproval by the Visitors Passed in Courocaliou on the 20th day of March ^ A.D., ^^'95' By the Benchers of the Law Societ}- of Newfoundland, with the approbation of the Jiidg-es of the Supreme Court of Judicature, as Visitors of the said Society, it is ordained as follows : — THE KUI^KS, 1. All former Resolutions, Rules, Regulations, Orders and Bye-laws of the Society are hereby repealed. THK SOCIKTV. 2. The permanent seat of the Society shall be at the Rooms of the Society in St. John's. 3. The Seal of the Society heretofore in use, shall be and con- tinue to be the Seal of the Society, and shall bear the following- device as heretofore, x'xz. : A whole iigure of Justice standing on a rock with the motto inscribed on a ril>bon thereunder " Pro lege, rege, grege " with the legend around the borders of the said Seal "The Law Society of Newfoundland." 4. The custody of the Seal of the Society shall belong to the Secretary for the time being, w^lio shall sign or countersign every instrument to which he shall affix such seal, and shall hand over the same to his successor. 5. The terms of the Society shall be as follows: — February Term, commencing the first Monday in February, and lasti g one week; May Term, commencing the first Monday in Ma/, and lasting one week; August Term, commencing the first 1 14 Monday in August, and lasting- one week; November Term, commencing- the first Monday in November, and lasting- one week. KOLLS AND OTIIt.v AKCIIIVICS. 6. A common roll shall be kept on parchment, on which shall be entered the names of all the members of the Society according- to the period of their several admissions. 7. A Barrister's roll shall also be kept, in which shall be entered the names of Barristers who shall have seniority accord- ing- to the dates of their several admissions. 8. When, and so often as it shall be necessary to attach an additional piece of parchment to the rolls of the Society such addition shall be made in the presence of at least five members present in convocation, and the Seal of the Society shall be affixed thereto. 9. The Secretary shall, during- the term of his office, safely keep the rolls and archives of the Society. 10. No alteration or addition shall be made in or upon the rolls of the Society, except under the authority of Convocation. CONVOCATION. 11. Any five Benchers shall be a (quorum except for the pur- poses mentioned in Rules 35 and 83. 12. In case a quorum of five benchers shall not l)e present at any meeting- of Convocation, the Benchers present, being not less than four, ma3% after the lapse of thirty minutes be3'ond the hour appointed for the meeting-, proceed in the name and on behalf of the Society to dispose of any application for examina- tion of a person apph'ing- to be examined in order to enter into articles as an articled clerk, or for admission in the books as a Student-at-law, or of an}- application for intermediate examina- tion or for certificate of fitness or for call by any person whose petition stands regularly in the order of such day to be proceeded with, and may dispose of such application as such Benchers may deem proper; and the action of such Benchers thereon, shall have the like validity and effect as if the same had been disposed o" in full convocation. 13. The convocation of the Benchers shall be held at the seat of the Society in Term time. Special meeting-s may at any time be convened at the request of the Treasurer, or upon the requisi- tion of three Benchers. A notice stating- the objects of the special meeting- shall be sent to each Bencher at least one day IS nbcr Term, lasting one which shall sty accordintr Lch shall be ority accord- to attach an Society such five members ietv shall be office, safely or upon the Convocation. t for the pur- be present at tit, being- not inutes beyond 2 name and on 1 for examina- r to enter into the books as a liate examina- person whose ;o be proceeded Benchers may eon, shall have en disposed o*^ eld at the seat tiay at any time ion the requisi- objects of the t least one day previous to the day of meeting-, and no other business shall be taken up at such meeting. 14. In default of a quorum after th? 'apse of thirty minutes bevond the hour of meeting the Treasurer, or, in his absence the Bencher being- the senior Barrister present, may adjourn the meeting of convocation to any other day in the same term. 15. The proceedings of Benchers in convocation shall be con- ducted as nearly as may be according to the ordinary Parlia- mentary mode. \(>. The Secretary shall report to Convocation the name of any elected Bencher who has failed to attend the meetings of convo- cation for two consecutive terms, and thereupon the Treasurer, or, in his absence, the senior Barrister present, shall declare his seat vacant, and the convocation shall proceed to the co- option of a Bencher in his stead. 17. After any question is put no further debate thereon shall be allowed, but the contents and the non-contents shall be re- corded at the request of an}" Bencher. IS. The order of proceedings at any ordinary meeting shall be as follows: — (1) Reading the minutes of last meeting of convocation. (2) Report of the examiners on the examination of candi- dates for call considered and disposed of. (3) Call of Barristers. (4) Report of the examiners on the examination of candi- dates for admission as Solicitors considered and disposed of. (5) Reports of the examiners on the Intermediate exami: ■ tion considered and disposed of. (6) Report of the examiners on the examination of persons applying for examination in order to enter into articles as articled clerks, and the admission of students-at-law considered and disposed of. (7) Report of any special committee considered and disposed (8) Petitions received, read and disposed of. (9) Communications received, read and disposed of. {!()) Inquiries. (11) Consideration of any other business specially appointed for the term. of. I 16 f 12) Motions of which previous notice has been g-ivcn. (13) Notices of motion. 1<). It shall be the duty of the Secretarv at each nieetinj4- of convocation to read the minutes of the previous ordinary, or special meetinj^-, which, after bein^- approved, shall be siy-ned by the Treasurer or the Chairman pro /cm. 20. The election of the Treasurer, Secretary, and all other officers, and the co-opticm of an}' Bencher shall ije by ballot, and by the majority of all votes cast. COM MITT]-: r:s. 21. The Convocation may appoint committees of their num- ber,to C(msist of not less than three members on Finance, Le<,'-al Educaticm, The i^ibrary and Discipline, anrl on any other depart- ment of the work of the Society. 22. Anv committee of Convocation may sit in Vacation as Avell as in Term time, and may adjourn from time to time. 23. Any vacancy in any commiLtoo shall ])e (illed up by the committee. THr>: TKKASrKIiK' 24. On the first meeting- of Convocation after every triennial election, a Treasurer shall be elected, who shall hold office until the election of his successor at the first meeting- of Convocation succeeding" the next trienriial Election. 25. The Treasurer for the time being- shall preside in Convo- cation, and in his absence the senior Barrister present not being- the Secretary. 26. In case of a vacancy in the ofiice of Treasurer, the Bench- ers present at the iirst meeting- of Convocation next ensuing- the occurrence of such vacancv shall, before proceeding- to any other business, elect a Bencher to lill the office of Treasurer. 27. The Treasurer shall lay before Convocation in each term a credit and debit statement of account of all moneys received and paid up to such term. Such statement shall show all de- posits made in the Bank of the Society ■'o the credit of the Society, and an account of all sums drawn from such Bank; and shall also show all disbursements made, and be accompanied by vouchers for the same, and shall be audited by two of the Benchers. 28. The Saving's Bank of Newfoundland shall be the Bank of 11 (TlVCtl. O ineelin^ of ordinary, or 11 be sm-n^'^^ nd all other )y ballot, and f their num- naiice, Le«4:al other depart- catioii ;is well ne. cd up by the 'ery triennial •Id' office until if Convocation ;ide in Convo- -■,ent not being- T, the Bench- xt ensuing- the o- to any other urer. ill each term jiievs received 1 show all de- credit of the uch Bank; and icconipanied by )V two of the be the Bank of | deposit and account for the Law Society of Newfoundland, and the Treasurer shall from time to time deposit therein to the credit of the Society all moneys received for and on account of the Society. Tlllv Sl'CKKTAKV. 2'). On the lirst meeting- of Convocation after ever\' triennial election a Secretary shall 1)C elected who shall hold office until the election of his successor at the first meeting- of Convocation succeeding- the next triennial election. M). In addition to the duties re([uire(l of the Secretary by any Statute, he shall keej) the minutes of the proceedings in Convo- cation, and record the names of the Ik'uchers present, make up the journals, cotivene the meeting's of Convocation, conduct all necessary correspondence, prepare all necessar}' diplomas, certi- ficates and other documents appertaining- to his department, and j)erform all other services incidental to the office. Till-; IJHKAKV. 31. The Convocation shall appoint a Librarian, who shall hold office during the pleasure of Convocation, and shall perform all such duties as may be assigned to him. 32. The Librarian shall have the immediate and gfeneral charge of the Library under the superintendence of the Library Com- mittee. 33. It shall be the duty of the Library Committee to assume the general supervision and manag-ement of the Library, and to purchase such books therefor as in their judg-ment may be necessary. 34. (1) The Library shall be kept open for the use of the members of the Law Society daily, except Sundays, from nine o'clock A. M., until five o'clock, p. m., or until the Court rises, if sitting- at five o'clock, or until such further time as the Librarian may permit. (2. ) No pers(Mi shall have rig-ht of access to the Library except the Visitors, the members of the Society and members of the Bar of other countries upon the introduction of a Visitor or a Bencher. (3.) No smoking shall take place in the Library. ' (4. ) No conversation shall be carried on in the Library. .IIS C5.) No ])crs()n shjill briiijuf his hut, walkinj,'- stick or um- brella into the Library, nor place hisf,'-reat coat, waterproof, etc., on any tabic <>r chair tlierein. ( (►. ) No book shall be carried out of the Library except under circumstances authorized by Convocation. (7. ) It shall be the duty of every member of the Law Society immediately after usini;- a book, to restore it to its place on the shelf in the I^ibrary. (S. ) It shall l)e the duty of the Library Tommittee to procure and place in the Library, from time to time, the reports of the Supreme Court of Judicature in Kn«j;-land, and such other books as the Committee shall order. (9.) The Jud<4vs of the Supreme Court of Judicature shall be at liberty to lake books from the Library upon. ai)i)lication to the Librarian, and any number of the Law Society recpiirinic the use of any book u];on the ar<.';ument of a case before the Supreme Court or Central District Ccmrt or a Judn re- ice of this rule id any persons 1 such applica- crel)V directed, cst«3fed thereto be taken over- pen in };• of the to practising o Lav.- Society, mentioned in ■nt to enter the 1 volume of the inr Uk- same, in ibrarv for that liooiv shall also md every mem- roport to convo- Society for the aw, or x\rticled Clerk, infrin«^rin^ any of the forejjfoin^- sub-sections, shall be lined a sum not exceedinjjf ten dollars, and in the case cf the injurv, loss or detentioti of any book or periodical, may, in addition, be re(juired to restore the so injured or detained volume, or the whole set, if it be one of a set, or to pay the whole value thereof; and U])<)n the continual infrin^^ement of any of the sub- sections, he shall be (kb.'irrcd the use oi the Library. niSCIPLINK. 35. Whenever atiy complaint in writinj^- shall be made to the Law Society chariii-ini;* any liarristcr, S(dicitor, Student or Articled Clerk with misconduct, williin Sections :^(» to 40 of 52 Vic, Cap. 22, it shall be submitted to Convocation at its next meeting, and in case Convocation shall be of oi)inion that a pn'iuajdcir case has been shown, the matter shall ])e sent to a Conunittee of Discipline for invcstii^'ation; and the Said Commit- tee shall tliereupon send a co|»y of the complaint to the party complained of, and shall notify in writin^j- the complainant and party a*i^ainst whom the complaint has been made, of the time, and place appointed for such investif4'ation; and the said Com- mittee shali at the time and place a]>pointed proceed with the investiresenting- his diploma, or a proper certiiicate of his having- received deg-ree, or of his having passed the said matriculation examination. 52. ^i.ny candidate for admission who sluil] present a certiiicate of having- passed an examination in the subjects prescribed by Convocation for the time being, shall be entitled to admission as a Student-at-law, or to receive his certificate i)erniittingf him to enter into articles as an articled clerk without further examina- tion by the Society, on giving the said notice and depositing his presentation and (or) presenting the said petition and pay- ing the prescribed fees. 53. Every candidate who has passed the preliminary examin- ation entitling him to l;e bound under Articles, or to admission as a Student- at-Law, in a manner satisfactory to the Benchers, shall receive a Certificate from the Secretary to that effect, in Forms in and ix respectively in the appendix upon payment of the fee therefor. 54. Personal attendance of any applicant for admission as a Student shall be dispensed with. 55. The first day of term shall be taken to be the admission (lav of Students-at-law admitted during" such term. .i I ! 22 LEGAL EDUCATION. 56. Any Association formed from the members of the Law Society whose objects shall be the extension of the leg-al know- led<^c,'and the cultivation of the powers of reasonini?-, speech and composition of tJie members, by the delivery of lecturi-s on some of the more important branches of the law, by the prepar- ation and reading- of essays, and by arg-uments on leg-al questions ma}' apply to be recog-nized by the Law Society as an association Avithin the meaning- of these rules. 57. Anv such association shall, with its application, transmit to the Law Society a copy ol" its rules and a list of members, and the Law Society may approve, alter, or add to such rules. 58. The association shall report to Convocation in the lirst day of February term in each year, on the operations of the previous year. IXTKKMICDIAT]; i;x.\:\[IX ATIOX. 59. Every articled clerk shall, at least two years preceding- the term in which he shall apr a Certilicate of fitness shall post in the Rooms of tlie Society a written notice signed by such candidate and initialed by a Bencher, of his intentiim to apply for such certilicate. Such notice shall be in Form xii in Appendix. 64. All applications for certificate of fitness ""or admission as a Solicitor shall be by petition addressed to the Benchers of the 3d of uie Law ]c', speech lectures on the prcpar- ^al questions n association ion, transmit lenibers, and rules. in the first itions of the precedinsjj' the ness, pass an •re such term, the form ap- rc to present ;-ment of the d on such pe- rs to proceed at its next nediate cxam- ]d to a certili- .iie term in ate of fitness tice si;j;-ned by intention to 11 Form XII in admission as mchers ^f the Society in Convocation, which petition shall contain a statement of thc"ag-e of the applicant, the date of his articles of clerkship, and the date of their filino" and expiry, the dates of any assig-n- ments, the date when he passed the Intermediate Examination, the names of the books which he has particularly studied, and the names of the Solicitors to whom he was articled, and every such petition, toj,''ether with the documents required by the Act, and the fees payable to the Society thereunder, or under tlie.rules .of the Society, shall l>e left with the Secretary of the Society at least fourteen days before the term in which such petition is to be presented; and the Secretary's receipt for such fees shall be sufficient authority to the examiners to examine the applicant, althoug-h the term of service of such :ipplicant shall not expire until a date during- the ensuing" term. Such petition shall be in the Form xiii in the appendix. ()5. Kvery candidate for a certificate of Jitness as a Solicitor shall, with his petition for certilicate, leave with the Secretary of the Society answers to the several (juestions set forth in Schedule A of this Rule, and also answers to the questions set forth in the Schedule B of this Rule, signed by the Solicitor with whom such candidate has served his clerkship, together with tlie certilicate in the said last mentioned Schedule also contained. Schedule ".1." The foll(3wing questions are to be answered by the clerk himself: — 1st. What was your age at the date of your articles? 2nd. Have you served tiie whole term of your articles at the oilice where the Solicitor or Solicitors to whom yt)u were articled or assig-ned carried on his or their business? And, if not, state the rejison. 3rd. Have you, at any time diunng the term of your articles, been absent without permission of the Solicitor or Solicitors t(» whom you were articled or assig^ned? And, if so, state the length and occasion of such absence. 4th. Have you, during the period of your articles, been en- gaged or concerned in :n;y ])r()fession, business or employment other than your professional employment as clerk to the Solicitor or Solicitors to whom you were articled or assig*ned? 5th. Have you, since the expiratit)n of your articles, been en- gageil or concerned, and for how long a time, in any, and what, profession, trade, liusiness or employment, other than the pro- fession of a Solicitor. 24 I li Schedule "i5'." The following- questions are to be answered bv the Solicitor with whom the clerk may have served any part of the time under his articles. — 1st. Has A. B. served the whole term of his articles at the office where you carry on business? And, if not, state the reason. 2nd. Has the said A. B. at any time during- the term of his articles, been absent without your permission? And, if so, state the leng-th and occasion of such absence. 3rd. Has the said A. B., during the period of his articles, been eng-aged or concerned in any profession, business or em- ployment other than his professional emT^lovment as yourArticl- ed Clerk? 4th. Has the said A. B., during" the whole term of his clerk- ship, with the exceptions above-mentioned, been faithfully and dilig"ently employed in your professional business of a Solicitor? 5th. Has the said A. B., since Ihe expiration of his articles, been eng-aged or concerned, and for how long a time, in any and what profession, trade, business, ox employment other than the profession of a Solicitor? And I do herein' cerliiy that the said A. B. has duly and faithfulh' served under his articles of clerkship or assignment (as the case may be ), bearing date, etc., for the term therein ex- pressed; and that lie is a fit and proper person to be admitted as a Solicitor 6(). If the truth of any statements or allegations' contained in any petition, certiticate or other document having- reference to the application of an articled clerk for a certificate of fitness or of a student at law for call to the degree of barrister at law shall be challenged by any member of the Society, nothing in these rules contained shall be construed to prevent Convocation from en- quiring- in any manner whatever as to the correctness of such statements or alleg-ations. ()7. No candidate for Certif'^.Lte of litness who shall have omitted to leave his petition and all his papers and fees with the Secretary fourteen days before the term, as by the rules required, shall be admitted except after report upon a ]>etition by him presented praying- relief on special grounds, sul)ject however to the next succeeding- rule. 68. In case any such candidate at the time of leaving his i)e- tition for certiiicate of fitness and papers with the Secretary of the Society, as hereinbefore provided, proves to the satisfaction 25 the Solicitor ic time under rticles at the te the reason. 1 term of his id, if so, state his articles, >iness or em- s YoiirArticl- i of his clerk- aithfiillv and if a Solicitor? r his articles, le, in any and ther than the has duly and )r assignment rm therein ex- e admitted as s contained in M'erence to the fitness or of a . law shall be i'l these rules tion from en- tness (jf such ho shall have 1 fees with the rules required, tition by him ct however to saving- his pe- ■ Secretary of le satisfaction I of the said Secretary that it has not been in his power to procure the answers to the questions contained in the said schedule B or the certificate of service therein also contained from the Solicit- or with whom he may have served any part of the time under his articles, the said Secretary shall state such circumstances es- pecially in his report to Convocation on such candidate's petition. 69 The Secretary shall report upon the petition of every can- didate for certificate of fitness and such report tog"ether with the petitions and documents to which they refer shall be laid on the table of Convocation on the first day of term; he shall also make a supplementary report upon the articles of clerkship when re- ceived by him of applicants whose term of service expires during- term. 70. iSio candidate shall receive a certificate of fitness unless he be of the full ag-e of twenty one years nor without having- been previously examined. Certificates of fitness shall be in Form XIV in Appendix. 71. In the computation of time entitling- students or articled clerks to pass examinations for certificates of fitness or for call to the Bar, examinations passed before or during- term shall be construed as passed at the actual date of the examination or as of the first day of term which ever shall be most favorable to the student or clerk. FOR CALL. 72. No student at law upon the books of this society shall be called to the Bar until he shall have been five years, or, if admit- ted on t.:e books of this Society as a graduate, three years, or, as a Matriculate, four years, upon the books; and no such candi- date shall be called to the Bar until he shall have been admitted as a Solicitor of the Supreme Court and have practised for twelve months as such Solicitor nor without having been previously examined. 73. Every candidate for call to the Bar must cause a written notice in the form approved ofby the Society (Form xv) signed by a Bencher of his intention to present himself for call to be given, to the Secretary on or before the first day of the term preceding the term in which he intends so to present himself. 74 The Secretary, shall, on the first day of term, make a report in writing to Convocation, stating. — (1.) That notice of presentation has been properly given for the candidate. (2.) The date of admission of the candidate IT II. V ■ t v^" .-'-rv 26 (3.) Whether the candidate was admitted as a graduate of as a MatriculaLe and (4.) That the candidate has been appointed a Solicitor of the Supreme Court. 75. Every candidate for call to the bar must be presented to Convocation bj an instrument in writing- signed by a Bencher (See Form xvi in appendix) and shall previous to his call to the Bar give a bond to the corporation in the penal sum of four hundred dollars wath two responsible sureties to be approved of by the Secretar}' with a condition in the terms and to the effect of Form xvii in the appendix. 76. Every candidate shall fourteen days before the term in which he desires to be called deposit with the Secretary his bond, presentation, and also his petition for call (Form xviii) which petition shall contain a statement of his age, of the day on which the period of his standing on the books necessar}^ to entitle him to be called to the Bar expired or will expire, the date of his admission as a Solicitor; and shall also at the same time and place deposit the amount of fees payable under these Rules. 77. The Secretary's receipt for such fees shall be sufficient to entitle the candidate to appear before the examiners and to be by them examined for call althougii the period of standing on the books entitling- such candidate to present himself shall not ex- pire until a date durint^ the ensuing term. 78. Every person upon his being called to the Bar si.-all appear before Convocation in the costume of a Barrister appearing ir Court for the purpose of his being presented to the Supreme Court, and he may be so presented by any Bencher present ir Court. 79. The diploma of Barrister at Law of the Society shall be ir Form xix in the appendix, and shall be signed by the Treasurer FRES. 80. The following fees shall be paid to the Treasurer fo the purposes of the Law Society: — By everj' applicant with his petition for preliniinarv examina- tion before entry into iirtioles $2 do do for certiticate of examination 5 ( By every articled clerk with his petition for intermediate ex- amination 2 do do for certiricate of intermediate examination S as a graduate or d a Solicitor of the ,t be presented to led by a Benclier s to his call to the )enal sum of four to be approved of a and to the effect -fore the term in Secretary his bond, i^orm XVIII ) which f the day on whidi sary to entitle him 2, the date of his he same time and er these Rules. I all be sufficient to miners and to be by ,)f standing- on the mself shall not ex- he Bar si; all appear rister appearing in ^d to the Supreme Bencher present in e Society shall be in :d by the Treasurer. the Treasurer for inary examina- les $2 SO ; ion 5 00 I tennediate ex- 1 2 50 I late examination 5 00 : I 27 By every candidate with his petition for certificate of fitness 2 50 do do for certificate of fitness SCO do do with petition for admission as Student-at- Law 2 SO do do on admission as Student-at-Law SO 00 do do for certificate of admission S 00 do do with petition for call to the Bar 2 SO do do on admission to the Bar 100 00 do do for diploma S 00 By every person enrolled as a Solicitor under 52 Vic, Cap. 22, sec. 52, sub-sec. 4 to 7 in lieu of all fees to date of enrolment SO 00 By every Barrister admitted under 52 Vic, Cap. 22, sec. 49 ISO 00 For every other certificate not herein specified 5 00 By Solicitors for annual cei'tificate to practise.. (Form xx) 10 00 By Solicitors (beinj^ Barristers of the rank of Queen's Counsel) for annual certificate to practise 15 00 By every Articled Clerk — An annual fee paj'able in January of each year during- his clerkship 5 00 81. The following fees are payable to the Chief Clerk of the Supreme Court for the Law Society unde^- Sect. 60 of 52 Vic, Cap. 22 Viz.— On filing articles 5 00 On filing assignments (if any) 2 50 For every affidavit 50 For every certificate 2 50 For every fiat for admission 5 00 For every writ whether mesne or fij/al issued by a Solicitor out of the Supreme Court in St. John's 25 82. A writ in the next preceding rule shall include originating siinimons. 83. These rules shall not be altered, amended, added to or suspended except with the consent of two-thirds of the whole number of Benchers, and unless notice of such proposal, altera- tion, amendment or suspension shall have been given at a previous meeting of convocation. w iiTiiriiin'i-Triii"r""f sss 29 CURRICULUM OF THE LAW SOCIETY OF NEWFOUNDLAND The Benchers of the Law Society prescribe the following- subjects and books for examination, but they reserve to them- selves the rig-ht, from time to time, upon suitable notice, of sub- stituting- others for those now named, and of adding to their number. FOR PKELIMINARY. The Preliminary Examination before being- bound under articles and for admission as a Student-at-Law, shall be of the standard required by the Council of Higher Education for their Senior Grade Examination in the following- subjects : — English Grammar and Composition, English History, Eng-lish Literature, Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, Latin and French or German. FOR INTERMEDIATE. Indermaur's Principles of the Common Law. Indermaur's Manual of equity. FOR CERTIFICATE OF FITNESS. Anson on Contracts. Pollock on Torts. Snell's Equity. Greenwood on Conveyancing. Harris' Criminal Law. Statutes of Newfoundland. FOR CALL. Odger on Pleading-. Powell on Evidence. 30 Taswell-Langmcacl's Constitutional History. The Judicature Acts and Rules thereunder. Applicants for examination iov Call may in addition be ex- amined on the subjects required for Certificate of Fitness. The following- books are recommended for study and refer- ence in connection with (1.) The Statutes of Newfoundland. Abbott on Shippin^r. Buckley on Companies. Chalmers on Bills Griffiths on Married Women's Property. Jarman on Wills. Lewin on Trusts. Pollock on Partnership. Williams on Execu- tors. (2). The Judicature Acts and Rules thereunder. The Annual Practice. I ti be ex- ss. id refer- Imers on )n Wills, n Execu- 31 APPENDIX. FORM I. NOTICE OF MEETING. Law Society of NewfoundIvAnd, St. John's, N.F., 189 Sir, — A ineetiiif,'- of the Benchers of the L,aw Society of Newfoundhind will be held in the Rooms of the Society in the Court House, on the day of A.D., 189 Smr/arv. FORM 11. PETITION FOR PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION. 7o the Benchers of the Laiv Society of Newfoundland in Convocation. The Petition of C. D. (Christian and Surname in full, no initials) Gen- tleman, son of G. D. of the same place, Merchant, (or as the case may be), most respectfully sheweth; That your Petitioner is of the full ag'e of years; That he has received an education which he trusts sufficiently qual- ifies him to commence the study of the profession of the Law; That he received his education at (the University of Oxford, or at the school of G. A., at Z., or as the case maj' be, beinj^ as full and particular as possible); That in the course of such instruction he has read the following- books, that is to saj', (as the case maj^ be); That your petitioner is desirous of being- bound under articles of Clerkship with H. a practisinff Solicitor of the Supreme Court, in order to his admission as a Solicitor of the said Court. Your petitioner, therefore, most respectfully prays that his qualifica- tions beinjj;- first examined and found sufficient according- to the Rules of the Society' in that behalf, he may be permitted to bind himself in inanner aforesaid, and to become an Articled Clerk. The day of A.D., 189 C. D. 32 FORM III. CEKTIFICATK FOR 10NT1CKIN(; UNDEK AKTICI.KS. Law Society Ok NinvKouNDLANo. These are to certify that C. I), of E.. (Jcntleman, having- complied with ;he Kulos in that behalf has the IkMU-hi-rs of the Law Society of Newfoutullatul in Convocation, on the (lay of A. D., W) found qualilicd to be bound under articles of clerkship with a practisinjf Solicitor of the Supreme ourt, in order to his admission as a Solicitor oT the said Court. In testimony whereof, I, Secretary of the said Society have to these presents aflixed the seal of the said Society at St. Joiin's, this day of in the year of our Lord one thousand eifj^ht hundred and and iti the year of Her Majesty's reig-n. Secretary. FORM IV. ARTICLES OE CLERKSHIP. ArTICI.KS oi<' AgukivMKNT made the day of in the year of our Lord 18 , between A. A. of Gentleman, (the father or j,'-uardian) of of the first part, B. A. (the clerk) (son of the said A. A.) of the second part, and S. S. (the Solicitor), of (ientleman, one of the Solicit(jrs of the Supreme Court of Judicature of the third part. WiTNKSS that the said B. A. of his own freewill, (and with the consent and with the approbation of the said A. A., testified by his execution of these presents,) hath placed and bound himself, and by these presents doth place and bind himself, clerk to the said S. S. to serve him from the daj- of the date hereof durinj,'- and until the *ull end and term of years then next ensuing-. And the said A. A. doth hereby for I'imself, his executors and admin- istrators, covenant with the said S. S. his executors, administrators and assig'ns, that the said B. A. shall and will well, faithfullj' and diliirently serve the said S. S. as his clerk in the practice or jjrofession of a Solicitor of the Supreme Court from the date hereof, durinj^- and unto the full end of the hereinbefore mentioned term; And that the said B. A. shall not at any time durinj^ such term, cancel, obliterate, injure, spoil, destroy', waste, embezzle, spend or make away with any of the books, papers, writinj^-s, documents, moneys, chattels, or other property of the said S. S.. his execu- tors, administrators or assif^-ns, or of his partner or partners, or of any of his clients, or employers; And that in case the said B. A. shall act con- trary to the last-mentioned covenant, or if the said S. S., his executors, ad- ministrators or assigns, or his partner or partners, shall sustain or suffer any loss or damage bj' the misbehaviour, neglect, or improper conduct of the said B. A., the said A. A., his executors or adminis^ "itors, shall in- demnify the said S. S., and make good and reimlnirse him the amount or value thereof; And further, that the said B. A. will at all times keep the secrets of the said S. S. and his partner or partners, and will at all times during the said term readily and cheerfully obey and execute his or their lawful and reasonable commands; and shall not depart or absent himself from the service or employ of the said S. S. at any time during the said term without his consent first obtained, and shall from time to time, and at all times during the said term, conduct himself with all due diligence, honesty and propriety; And the saidB. A. doth hereb3' covenant with the « id lyES. inj,'' complied e Liiw Society A. D., W) a practisinH- I Solicitor oi )cietv have to I's, this id red and Secretary. e year of our )r g'uardian) of le second part, licitors of the ith the consent s execution of e presents doth I from the day years then )rs and admin- nistrators and and diliirently 1 of a Solicitor o the full end A. shall not at destroy, waste, pers, writing's, S.. his execu- 5, or of any of shall act con- s executors, ad- ustain or suffer jper conduct of ators, shall in- the amount or times keep the I'ill at all times ute his or their absent himself luring the said i to time, and at due diligence, venant with the said S. S., Iiis oxocutors. administrators, and assigns, tliat li< , the said 11. A. will truly, hoiu-stly au'l diligctitly si-rve tlie said S.S. at all times duriiv:.; the ^aid term, as a faithful clerk ought to do, in all things wliat- soever, in tiie manner above specified. In consideration whereof and of paid by the said A. A., (the receipt whereof the said S. S. duth hereby acknowledge.) the said S. S. for himself, his executors and administratcjrs, doth hereby cov- enant with the said A. A., that the said S. S. will acce])t and take the said IJ. A. as his clerk; And also, that the said S. S. will, by the best ways anil means lie may or can, and to the utmost of his skill or knowledg'e, teach and instnu't, or cause to be taug-ht or instriicled, the said H. A., in the said i)ractice or profession of a Solicitor of the Sujjreine Court, which the said S.S. now doth or shall, at any time hereafter duritig- the said term, use or practise; And also will, at the expiration of the said term, use his best means and endeavours, at the retiuest, costs and charg'es of the .sa '' A. A. and 11. A., or either of them, to cause and ])rocure him the said B. A. to be admitted as a Solicitor of the Sui)reme Court, provided the said II. A. shall have well, faithfully and diligently served his said intended clerk- ship. In wiTxics.s wiiivKKOK the parties to these presents have hereunto set their hands and seals, the day and j'ear fii'.st abovo mentioned. Signed, sealed and delivered by the ) A. A. (Iv.S.) within named parties, in the i>resence - B. A. (L/.S.) of W. F. \ S. S. (L.S.) NoTj-;. — Where the per'son about to be articled has attained his majoritj' his father or gntardian is not a necessary party to the instrument. NEVVFOUNDI,AXn, ) I, St. John's, ■ of the of To Wit: \ make oath and sa}-; 1. That I was personally present, and did see the within Instrument and Duplicate thereof duly sig-ned, sealed, and executed bj' the part thereto; 2. That the said Instrument and Duplicate wei'e executed at 3. That I know the said part 4. That I am a subscribing witness to the said Instrument and Duplicate. 5. That the said Instrument and Duplicate were executed as aforesaid on the day of 189 SwOivX before me, at J this diiy of [- in the year of our Lord, 189 ) A Commissioner for taking affidavits in S. C, etc. I: 34 FORM V. ASSIGNMENT OF ARTICLES. This IndEXTUke made etc., Between S.S. of etc.. of the first part; A. A., of etc., and B. A., of etc., of the second part; and N. M., of etc., a Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Ncwfoundhmd, of the third part. Whereas (recite articles of clerkship) Now etc., in consideration of the said covenants on the part and behalf of the said N. M., hereinafter mentioned, he, the said S. S., at the request and by and with the consent and approbation of the said A. A. and B. A., testified by their bein,^- parties to and executinj,'- these presents, doth hereby assi^ti. transfer and set over unto the said N. M., his executors, administrators and assij^'-ns, as well the said recited articles and all benefit whatsoever to be had or made theretjf as also all the rig-ht, interest,, property, profit, advantag'e, claim and demand whatsoever, and howsoever to arise, be had or made to him the said S. S., from henceforth of the service of the said B. A. durin.ijf the now residue of the said term of years by force or virtue of the said recited articles, or otherwise howsoever (Covenant b^- A. A. with N. M. and B. A. with N. M.. see articles PN)rm IV.) In consideration whereof he tlie said N. M. for himself etc.. doth hereby covenant etc.. vs-ith the said A. A. in manner etc., that he the sai'! N. M. shall and will at all times during'- the said residue of etc., in the best manner he can, instruct tiie said B. A. as his clerk in the business of a Solicitor etc. And lastly, each of them, the said S. S. and N. M. doth herein- severally covenant with the said A. A., that they, the said S. S. and N. M., at the request, cost and chari,'-es of the said A. A. and B. A. at an3' time ;ifter the expiration of the said term of years shall and will severally certify the resi)ective times of service of him the said B. A. with them the said S. S. and N. M., accordinj^- to the rules in such case made and provided, :ind also to procure admittance of B. A., etc. (see Articles Form IV.) In witness &c. FORM VI. NOTICE OP PRESENTATION FOR ADMISSION. Newfoundland, St. Johns, Mr. A. B. (some Bencher) g-ives notice that C. D. (names in full, no initials), of E., Gentleman, son of G. D., of the same place. Merchant (or as the case may be), will next term be presented to the Benchers of this Society in Convocation, for the purpose of beinj;;- entered and admitted as a Student-at-Law. The day of A.D., 189 A. B. FORM VII. PRESENTATION FOR ADMISSION. Newfoundland, St. John's, To the Benchers of the Law Society of Neicfovtidtaud in Convora/ion. Gentlemen. — Iherebj' present to Convocation, C. D., (names in full. no initials), of E., Gentleman, .ion of G. D.. of the same jilace. Merchant, (or as the case may be), for the purpose of his being- entered and admitted as a Student-at-Law. The day of A.D., W) I. J. (Bencher). i,; 35 e first part; A. . M., of etc., a rcl part. jiisideration of M., hereiiiafter ith the consent by their bein^'' i", transfer and and assifjfns, as )e had or made vantaj^-e, claim )!• made to him J. A. diirinjL!; the f the said recited N. M. and B. A. eof he the said e said A. A. in lies duriii;^ the le said B. A. as ich of them, the the said A. A., (1 charij^-es of the he said term of times of service accDrdinjj: to the e admittance of P^ORM VIII. PETITION FOR ADMISSION AS STUDENT-AT-LAW. To the Benchers of the Law Society of Neivfoundhind in Convocation. The petition of C. D., (Christian and Surname at lenj^fth, no initials), of E., Gentleman, son of (>. I)., of the same place. Merchant, (or as the case may be), most respectfully sheweth. — That your petitioner is of the full ag-e of 3'ears; That he received an education which he trusts suffi- cientlj' qualifies him to connnence the study of the profession of the Law; That he has received his education al (the University of Oxford, o ■ at the school of G. A., at Z, or as the case may be, beint,AM). Mr. C. I), {name in full). -r. In case of charpe a^rainst Bencher he shall not sit as Bencher, 41. Bencliers may make rules, Ac, as to Library ; may appropriate moneys for maintenance. 42. Benchers may appoint Reporters, du- rante placito. 43. Benchers shall make rules, &c., for publicatio.i of Reports. 44. Shall determine remuneration of Re- porters. 45. Annual meeting- at sucli time in Janu- ary as Benchers may appoint. Benchers shall report ; may make rules for conduct of business, &c, 4(), Ten mentbers of Bar may request S])eclal (leneral Meeting-. On requisition setting- forth object of meeting-. 47. Fees payable shall go to the general funds of the Society, 4S. Benchers have power to raise bv loan S2. :m to do. III. — The Judges of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland shall be visitors of the vSociety as heretofore. Bknchkks. IV.— The Attorney General, Solicitor General, the Chief Clerk and Reg-istrar of the Supreme Court, (being* a Barrister), and all members of the Bar of Newfoundland, who have at any time held the office of Attorney (leneral of Newfoundland, and any retired Judge of the Supreme Court shall respectively, ex ojjicio^ be Benchers of the Society. V. — The Benchers of the Law Society, exclusive of ex officio members, shall be seven in number, to be elected as hereinafter provided. VI. An election shall be held on the last Thursday in June in this year in the Library of the Law Society, St. John's, at 11 o'clock, a. m.; and the subsequent electicms shall be held on the second Monday in January of every third year thereafter. {a.) At the first electi(m of the Benchers all practising members of the Bar shall be entitled to vote, and any practising Barrister who has conpleted five years at the Bar, shall be eligible to be elected. In other respects the first election shall be conducted as nearly as possible in accordance with the pro- visions of this Act. VII. Each member of the Bar not hereinafter declared in- eligible as an elector, m^iy vote for seven persons. 47 ind As- Ue as at and to said So- far as 1 by the hereto- to be a )ciety of ifter ac- nd chat- icty, but ■rtaining- uid shall he Chief arrister), e at any land, and tively, ex ex officw ireinafter ,' in June n's, at 11 Id on the :er. Dractising- practising- shall be tion shall I the pro- clared in- VIII. The election shall bo conducted as follows, subject to such rules and rcg-ulations as may l)e made l)y virtue of Sec- tion 20. (1.) Due notice having- been given to all meml)ers of the Bar to .'utoid vi the place in St. John's appointed for holding- the elect -'on, the Secretary shall deliver to each elector pre- sent, eligible to vote, a voting paper, which shall contain a list of — {(i.) The names of the ex ofjieio Benchers. (/;. ) The names of the Benchers then holding oflice, not being- ex officio Benchers. (r. ) The names of all members of the Bar qualified for elec- tion or re-election. (2.) The elector then shall vote for, by striking- out seven names on the list Tr), of those qualified for election or re- election, and folding- up the voting paper, place it in the ballot box in the presence of the Secretary. (3.) Electors qualified to vote, and not being present, may vote by proxy, by authorizing- some qualilied elector to mark his voting- paper, which the Secretary shall deliver to the said proxy upon due written authority so to do, and the same rules shall apply to proxies as to members present. IX. The seven persons who have the hig-hest number of votes shall be Benchers of the said Law Society for the next term of three years, and shall hold office until the election of their suc- cessors, as provided for in Section Six. X. Any person entitled to vote at such election shall be entitled to be present at the counting of the said voting papers. XL The voting- papers shall be counted by three scrutineers, of whom one shall be the Secretary, and two shall be appointed by the meeting-. XIL In case of an cqurdity of votes between two or more persons, which leaves the election of one or more Benchers un- decided, another vote shall be taken in the same manner as here- inbefore provided, the voting being limited to those only who have attained an equality of votes upon the first ballot, and the member or members obtaining- the larg-est nnml)er of votes upon such new ballot shall be declared elected. XIII. No person shall be entitled to vote at an election if he has ceased to practice his profession or unless all his fees to the Law Society have been paid. XIV. (1.) The Secretary of the Law Society shall, in the term previous to the time for any election, make out an alphabetical list or register of the members of the Bar who irw 48 are entitled to vote at the succeeding election, anrl such reg-ister shall be posted up in the Law Library or other place in the Court House in St. John's, for at least fourteen days before such election. (2.) In case any member of the Society complains to the Secre- tary, in writing, of the improper omission or insertion of any name in the list, it shall be the duty of the Secretary forthwith to examine into the complaint and rectify the error, if any there be ; and in case any person is dissatisfied with the decision of the Secretary, he may appeal to the Benchers, and their decision shall be final, and such list shall remain or be altered in accordance with their decision. (3.) The Secretary shall add to the list the names of all per- sons who have been called to the Bar during the term mci- vious to the election, and no alteration shall be made to the list, except as is provided in this Section ; and the list as it stands revised upon the Monday preceding the election shall be the register of persons entitled to vote at the next elec- tion. (4.) No person whose name is not inserted in the said list shall be entitled to vote at the election. XV. No person shall be eligible as a Bencher at any election who shall not have completed five years at the Bar or who is not qualified to vote at the election. XVI. At all elections retiring Benchers shall be eligible for re-election. XVII. Any votes cast for any person who is ineligible to be a Bencher, or who is a Bencher ex officio^ shall be null and void, and the election shall be declared as if such votes had not been cast. XVIII. In the event of an elector marking more than seven names on his voting paper, the first seven onlv shall be counted. In the event of there being less than seven names marked on the paper, it shall be declared null and void. XIX. Upon the completion of the scrutiny of the votes the Secretary shall forthwith declare the result of the election and shall cause the names to be published in the issue of the Royal Gazette^ next ensuing after such election. XX. The Benchers of the Society may make such regulations as they consider expedient, not contrary to the provisions of this Act, for regulating the procedure under the preceding fourteen Sections of this Act. XXI. The voting and other papers belonging to any election shall not be destroyed until after the close of the term next sue- 49 Royal ceodiiig" Iho election, but the same shall, tog-ether with all other papers in connection with the said election, be retained by the Secretary. XXII. No elector shall use any other voting- paper than that g-iven him by the Secretary, and the voting- on an}^ other paper than that supplied by the Secretary shall be void. An elector who spoils a voting- paper may obtain another from the Secre- tary. XXIII. In the event of there being no Secretary for the time being- of the Law Society at the time at which any election imder this Act is to be held, or in the event of the Secretar}- being- un- able from illness or other imavoidable cause to act at the elec- tion, then and in such case the Treasurer for the time being- of the Law Society shall appoint, under his hand, some other per- son to act as Secretary, and the person so appointed shall per- form all the duties of the Secretary as prescribed by this Act. XXIV. The persons so elected Benchers aforesaid shall take office immediately after they shall be elected, and shall hold office until the election of their successors. XXV. The seat of an elected Bencher, who has failed to at- tend the meeting- of the Benchers for two consecutive terms, shall, at the expiration of the said period, become vacant. XXVI. The Benchers shall, on the first meeting- after their election, proceed to elect one of their bod}^ as Secretary and one of their body as Treasurer, who shall be, and be called the Presi- dent of the Societ}' ; and such Treasurer and Secretary shall hold office until the appointment of their successors ; provided that the retiring- Treasurer and Secretary shall be elig-ible for re-election. XXVII. In case of the failure in any instance to elect the re([uisite number of duly qualitied Benchers, according- to the provisions of this Act, or in case of any vacancy caused by the death or resig-nation of any Bencher, or by an}' other cause, then it shall be the duty of the remaining- Benchers, with all con- venient speed, at a meeting- of the Beni hers, to be specially called for the i)urpose, and to be held to supply the deficiency in the number jf Benchers failed to be elected as aforesaid, or caused by any of the means aforesaid, to fill such vacancy by appointingf to such vacant place or places, as the same may occur, any person or persons duly qualified under the provisions of this Act to be elected as a Bencher or Benchers ; and the per- son or persons so elected shall hold office for the residue of the period for which the other Benchers have been elected. PowKKS OK THE Bknchkrs. XXVIII. The Benchers may, from time to time, in Convoca- ri \i ! J.i : •■ : 50 tion, make rules for the g-overnment of tlie Law Society and other purposes connected therewith. XXIX. Upon any enquiry by the Benchers, or a Committee of the Benchers, the Benchers or Committee shall have power to examine witnesses under oath ; and a summons under the hand of the Treasurer of the Law Society, or under the hand of three Benchers, for the attendance of a witness, shall have all the force of a subpoena ; and any witness not attending- in obedience thereto shall be liable to attachment in the Supreme Court. XXX. The Benchers may appoint such officers and servants as may be necessary for the manag-ement of the business of the Law Society. XXXL The Benchers may make rules for the improvement of leg"al education, and may appoint readers and lecturers ; and may impose fees and prescribe rules for the attendance of stu- dents and articled clerks at such reading's or lectures, and for the examinations thereon as conditional to call to the Bar, and admission as a Solicitor, and may establish scholarships and prizes in connection therewith. XXXII. The Benchers shall have the power heretofore exer- cised to call and admit to the practice of the Law, as a Barrister, any person duly qualitied to be so admitf:'->'i ci'cording to the pro- visions of law and the rules of the Society. XXXIII. The Benchers may, from time to time, make all necessary rules, regulations and bye-laws respecting the admis- sion of students-at-law, the call or admission of Barristers to practise the law, and all other matters relating to the discipline and honor of the Bar. XXXIV. The Benchers, with the approbation of the Visi- tors, shall, from time to time, make such rules as they consider necessary for conducting the examination of persons applying; to be admitted as Solicitors, as well touching the articles and ser- vice, and the several certificates required by law to be produced by them before their admission, as tu the fitness and capacity of such persons to act as Solicitors, and may. from time to time, nominate and appoint examiners for conducting such examina- tions. XXXV. In any of the foregoing- cases where it appears to the Benchers expedient for the purposes of further enquiry or investig"ation, they may suspend for a period not exceeding twelve months, their iinal decision in respect to the granting or refusal of any certiiicate. XXXVI. Whenever a person, being a Barrister or a Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland, or a Student-at-Law, or Solicitor's Clerk, serving under Articles, has been, or may here- i. 51 after be, found by the Benchers of the Law Society, after due enquiry by a committee of their number or otherwise, g"uilty of professional misconduct, or of conduct unbecoming- a Barrister, Solicitor, Student-at-Law, or Articled Clerk, the said Benchers, in Convocation, may disbar any such Barrister, and resolve that any such Solicitor is unworthy to practise as such Solicitor, and expel from the Society and the membership thereof such Student or Articled Clerk, and strike his name from the books of the So- ciety and refuse either absolutely or for a limited period, to ad- mit such Articled Clerk to the usual examinations, or to grant him the certificate of fitness necessary to enable him to be ad- mitted to practise. XXXVII. Upon a Barrister being- disbarred as aforesaid, all his rights and privileges as a Barrister-at-Law shall thenceforth cease and determine, and notice of his being disbarred shall forthwith be given by the Secretary of the Law Society to the Supreme Court. XXXVIII. The non-payment of fees or fines due and payable to the Society by any Barrister, shall be sufficient cause for his being disqualified from practising, and the Benchers shall have power to make all necessary rules for giving- effect to this Sec- tion. XXXIX. Upon its being resolved by a Convocation that a Solicitor is unworth}' to practise, a copy of the resolution shall forthwith be communicated to the Supreme Court, and there- upon he shall be incapable of practising, and be struck off the roll by the Court, or suspended from practice, as the case may be, unless the Court shall otherwise order, an . until the suspen- sion shall cease or he shall be restored b}' the Court. The same proceedings shall be had, and with the like effect, in respect of any resolution to expel or deprive of membership any Student- at-Law or Articled Clerk, or to refuse to admit him to examina- tion or to grant him his certificate of fitness on the ground of misconduct or unbecoming conduct under Section thirty-six. XL. The following procedure shall be observed in respect of the disbarring of any Barrister : — (1.) Whenever it shall be resolved in Convocation that a Bar- rister be disbarred, such ilarrister may appeal therefrom to the next sitting of the Supreme Court, upon giving; due notice, setting forth the grounds of appeal, within fourteen days after the passing of such resolution. (2.) When such notice shall have been given, the Secretary of the Society shall transmit all papers connected with the charge and proceedings thereunder, and the evidence taken thereon before the Benchers, to the Supreme Court. 52 (3.) If no notice be j^iven within the time specified, or in case such appeal be not prosecuted at the next sittings of the Supreme Court, the resolution of the said Convocation shall stand confirmed. (4.) When any charg-e shall be preferred to the Benchers ag-ainst a Barrister, for which he may be disbarred, such Barrister, before being- heard in defence, shall surrender to the Secretary his Barrister's certificate and his certificate of admission as a Solicitor of the Supreme Court. v5. ) In the case of the investigation by a Convocation of Benchers of a charg-c against a Barrister, being" a Bencher, such Barrister shall not be present at such Convocation as a Bencher. TlIK LiBKAKY. XLI. (1.) The Library of the Society shall vest in and be under the ccmtrol and management of the Benchers, who shall have power, from time to time, to make all rules and b3'e-laws for the safe keeping- and j)resor\'ati()n thereof, the due maintenance of the same, and the reg-ulation and-keep- ing of order in the Library Rooms ; and may impose fines upon the members of the Society for the non-observance of such rules and l)ye-lav*'s. (2.) The Benchers may appropriate, in their discretion, such money as may be from time to time in their hands, for the purpose of efficiently maintaining- the said Library. Rkpoktkkh. XLII. (1.) The Benchers may, from time to time, appoint such persons, being- members of the Law Societ}', of the de- gree of Barrister-at-Law, to be editors and reporters of the decisions of the Supreme Court. (2. ) Such persons shall hold office at the pleasure of the said Benchers, and shall be amenable to them in Convocation for the correct and faithful discharg-e of their respective duties, according to such regulations as the said Benchers may, from time to time make in respect thereof. XLIII, The Benchers shall make regulations for printing- and publishing the reports of said decisions, and the distribu- tion of the reports and the price and mode of issuing thereof, and all such other regulations in respect thereto as they ma^' at any time consider necessary, and any jn'ofits arising- from the reports shall form part of the g-eneral funds of the Law Society. XLIV. The Benchers shall, from time to time, determine the remuneration to be allowed to the editors and reporters, and al funds of the St)ciety. P'ly gel 53 in case of the n shall Lynchers (1, such nder to icate of tion of cncher, on as a and be rs, who los and cof, the idkrcp- se fines ance of >n, such for the appoint the de- j of the :he said tion for ' duties, rs may, ">r in ting" listribu- t hereof, may at rom the Society. nine the ers, and :v. Annual and Special Meetings. XLV. There shall be a g-eneral annual meeting- of the So- ciety at such time in the month of January in each year as the Benchers may appoint. (1.) At such general annual meeting- the Tienchers shall re- port the g-eneral condition of the Society and its affairs, and may bring- before the members of the Bar for consideration and discussion, such matters and subjects as the Benchers may think necessary for the promotion of legal education and the gfeneral interests of the leg-al profession and the im- provement of the laws of the Colony. (2.) The Benchers may make rules and bye-laws for the con- duct of the business and discussions at such meeting-, XLVI. Ten or more members of the Bar may, at any time, by writing-, under their nands, require the Benchers to call a special general meeting- of the Society for any t>bject for which the g-eneral interests of the Bar may demand such meeting-. (1.) Every such requisition shall express the object of such meeting-, and the Treasurer shall call such meeting to be held within two weeks from the receipt of the requisition. Revenue and Expenditure. XLVII. All fees pa3'able by Barristers and Solicitors, and for the annual certificate to practise, and b}- Students and Ar- ticled clerks on admission as such, and on examinations and attendance on Lectures and reading-s, shall be paid into the general funds of the Law Socisty, and shall be such as the Law Society from time to time prescribes. XLVin. (1.) The Benchers of the Law Society of New- foundland shall have power to raise by loan, on the credit of the funds and property of the Societ}', by public advertise- ment and on tender, or as the said Benchers may think fit, a sum of money not exceeding- two thousand dollars, which sum, with interest thereon at the rate of live per centum per annum, shall, and is hereby declared to be a first charg-e by way of mortgag-e upon the said funds and property of the Society, and shall lie repayable out of the said funds of tin* said Society at the times and in the manner prescribed by the certificate in the Schedule annexed to this Act; and such certificate shall not be subject to the registration law of the Colony. (2.) The said Benchers shall, out of the moneys of the said Society, create a sinking fund in the Newfoundland Savings' or other Bank, of such annual sum as will, at the expiration II of the time limited for the re-payment of the said loan, liiiuidate the amount thereof. 54 PART II. Or Bak KisTiCKs -at-Law. *XLIX. Subject to any rules, re<^ulations or bye-laws, made by the Benchers of the Law Society, the following* persons and no others may be admitted to practise at the Bar in Her Majesty's Courts in Newfoundland : (1.) An}' person of the Jij^-e of twenty-two years, who shall have been entered of and admitted into the Law Society of Newfoundland as a Student of the Laws, and shall have been standinj^- on the books thereof for live years, and has conformed himself to the rules of the Society, and who shall have been already enrolled a Solicitor of the Supreme Court. (2.) Any person who has been admitted into and stands on the books of the Law Society of Newfoundland as a Student of the Laws for three years, and has conformed himself to the rules of the said Society, and has, prior or subsequent to the date of his admission to tlie said Society, and to the books of the said Society as a Student actually taken and had conferred upon him the deg^ree of Bachelor, Master, or Doctor in Arts, Law or Science (not bein.g an honorary de- g-ree), in any of the Universities of the United King-dom of Great Britain and Ireland, having- power to g-rant degrees, or of any Colonial or foreign University or College having" power to g-rant degrees, an(l approved of by the Benchers, and who has been enrolled a Solicitor of the Supreme Court. (3.) Any person who has been admitted into and stands on the books of the Law Society of Newfoundland as a Student of the Laws for four years, and has conformed himself to the rules of the said Society, and has, prior or subsequent to the date of his admission to the said Society and to the books of the said Society as a Student actually passed his matriculation examination in any of the Universities afore- said ; or prior or subsequent to the date of his admission to the books of the Society, shall have attended, with the con- sent of the Benchers, any recog-nijced Law School for at least two terms thereof, under such rules and regulations as the Benchers may make under this Section, and has been enrolled a Solicitor of the Supreme Court. (4. ) Any person who has been duly called to the Bar of Eng-- land, Scotland, or Ireland, (excluding the Bar of Courts of merely local jurisdiction), on producing- sufficient evidence of such call or admission, and testimonials of g-ood character and conduct to the i-atisfaction of the Law Society, and has been enrolled a Solicitor of the Supreme Court. enro Amended by 59 Vic, Cup. 19, Sec. 1. ^:? (50 Any person who has been duly called to the Bar of any of Her Majesty's Superior Courts in any of Her Majesty's Col- onies or Provinces in which the same privilej^cs would be extended to Barristers from Newfoundland, and who pro- duces suflicient evidence of such call and testimonials of g-ood character and conduct to the satisfaction of the Law Society, and has been enrolled a Solicitor of the Sui)renie Court. (6.) Any person who, havinj^ become a member of the Law Society of Newfoundland, and having- conformed to its rules, shall have obtained his admission as a Solicitor under Sub-sections six and seven of Section lifty-two of this Act. PART HI. Of Solicitous. L. Unless admitted and enrolled, and duly qualified to act as a Solicitor, no person shall act as a Solicitor in any Court of Civil or Criminal Jurisdiction, or before any Justice of the Peace, or shall as such sue out any writ or process, or commence, carry on, solicit or defend an}- action or proceeding- in the name of any other person, or in his own name. Who may bk Admitted. LL (1.) All persons heretofore admitted as Solicitors or At- torneys of, or by law empowered to practise in, the Supreme Court, shall be called Solicitors of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland, and shall be entitled to the same privileg'es, and be subject to the same oblij^ations, so far as circum- stances will j)ermit, as they were entitled to be subject to prior to this Act. (2. ) Any Solicitors or Att(jrneys to whom this Section applies shall be deemed to be officers of the Supreme Court as here- tofore. (3.) No person shall be admitted a Solicitor of the Supreme Court who shall not have attained the full -Age of twenty- one years. *LH. Subject to the provisions hereinafter contaiuLd, and to any rules and reg-ulations made by the Benchers of the Law So- ciety, the following" persons, and no others, may be admitted and enrolled as Solicitors : (L) Any person who has been bound by contract in writing" to a practising- Solicitor in Newfoundland, to serve, and has served him as his Clerk for five years : Provided that the time of such service may be reduced for not more than one year) where the said Clerk has, prior or subsequent to his * Amended by S«) Vic. Cap. VK S.v. 2. S6 havint,'- entered into such contract, attended ( for two terms) at a recog-nized Law School, with the approval and consent of the Benchers oi the Law Societ}- ; and provided that if he shall have passed the terminal examinations for each of said terms, the time during- which he shall have actually at- tended at such Law School shall, for the purpose of this Section, be computed as if it had l.)ecn passed in actual ser- vice under his articles of Clerkship. (2. ) Any person who has actually taken and had conferred upon him the deg-rec of Bachelor, IMaster or Doctor in Arts, Law or Science, in any of the Universities or Colleg-es men- tioned in Sub-section two, of Section forty-nine, and has been bound by contract in writing- by a practising- Solicitor in Newfoundland to serve, and has servetl him as his Clerk for three years. (3.) Any person who has passed his Marticulation examina- tion in any of the Universities of the United King-dom of Great Britain and Ireland, having- power to grant degTees, and been bound by contract in writing- to a practising- Solicitor in Newfoundland to serve, and has served him as his Clerk for four years. (4) Any person who has been duly called to practise at the Bar of an}' of Her Majesty's Superior Courts (not having- merely local jurisdiction) in Eng-land, Scotland or Ireland. (5.) Any person called to the Bar of any of Her Majesty's Superior Courts in any of Her Majesty's Colonies or Pro- vinces in which tlie same privileg-e is extended to Barristers from this Colony. (6.) Any person duly and lawfully sworn, admitted and en- rolled as a Solicitor of Her Majesty's Supreme Court of Judi- cature in Eng-land or Ireland, or who has been a writer to the Sig-net or Solicitor in the Supreme Courts in Scotland. (7.) Any Atti>rney or Solicitor of any of Her Majesty's Su- perior Courts of Law^ or Equity in any of Her Majesty's Col- onies or Provinces, where the same privileg-es are extended to Solicitors of the Supreme Court of this Colony. Sekvicp: of Akticlkd Clekks. LIII. Subject to the powers of the Benchers of the Law So- ciety, the following- enactments are made with respect to the service of Articled Clerks : (1.) Whenever any ])ers()n has been bound by contract in writin;^ to serve as Clerk to a Solicitor, such contract, with the affidavit of execution thereof annexed thereto, shall be filed with the Chief Clerk and Reg-istrar of the Supreme Court, who shall endorse atid sig-n upon the contract and 57 . affidavit a memorandum of the day of filing" thereof, and every assignment of such contract, together with an affi- davit of the execution thereof annexed thereto, shall be filed in like manner after the execution thereof. Every such affidavit shall state the date of the execution of the Articles or assignment, as the case may be, by the parties thereto respectively. The term of service under Articles to entitle an Articled Clerk to be admitted as a Solicitor, shall date only from the time of filing such articles, tissig-nments and affidavits. (2.) Every person authorized to practise as a Solicitor may have three Articled Clerks at one time and no more ; and a Solici- tor shall not have any Articled Clerk as aforesaid, until after he has practised for three years, nor if the Solicitor has discontinued practising as, or carrying on the business of, a Solicitor, nor whilst the Solicitor is employed as a writer or clerk bv any other Solicitor ; and the services by an Articled Clerk to a Solicitor, under any such circum- stances, shall not be deemed good service under the Articles. (3. ) In case any Solicitor, before the determination of a con- tract of a Clerk bound to him as aforesaid, has become in- solvent, or taken the benefit of any Act for the relief of insolvent debtors, or been imprisoned for debt, the Supreme Court ma}', upon the application of the Clerk, order the con- tract to be discharg^ed or assigned to such person upon such terms and in such manner as the Court thinks lit. (4.) All Articled Clerks now bound by cimtract in writing, or serving with a practising- Attorney and Solicitor in this Colony for the purpose of admission as Solicitors, shall, be- fore the first day of August, 1889, file their contract and all assignments thereof, and all affidavits of execution thereof, and affidavits and certificates of service thereunder, with the Chief Clerk and Registrar of the Supreme Court, who shall endorse the same as required by Sub-section one of this Sec- tion. (5.) In case the said contract and assignment thereof, as the case may be, with the affidavits of execution thereof and affi- davits and certificates of service thereunder of Clerks refer- red to in the j^receding Sub-section be not filed as required by the said Sub-section, the same may nevertheless be filed with the Chief Clerk and Registrar of the Supreme Court before mentioned, but the remainder of the service to be completed by the said Clerk under the said contract or as- signment or otherwise, shall be reckoned only from the date of such filing". (6.) If a Solicitor to whom a Clerk has been so bound dies be- 58 I i t fore the expiration of the term for which the Clerk became bound, or if he discontinues practice as a Solicitor, or if he ceases to reside in this Colony, or if the contract is by the consent of the parties cancelled, or in case the Clerk is leg"ally discharg-ed before the cxi)iration of the term by any rule or order of the C(jurt, the Clerk may be bound by an- other contract in writing-, to serve as Clerk to any other practising- Solicitor during- the residue of his said term ; and in case an affidavit is duly made and iiled of the execution of such last mentioned contract within the time and in the manner hereinbefore directed, and subject to the like reg-u- lations with respect to the orig-inal contract and the affidavit of its execution, due service under such second or subsequent contract, shall be deemed sufficient. Conditions ok Admlssion as Soijcitok. LIV. (1.) Subject to the rules, reg-ulations and bye-laws made b}' the Benchers of the Law Society of Newfoundland, no person being- of the class of persons mentioned in Sub- sections one, two, and three, of Section fifty-two, shall be admitted and enrolled as a Solicitor, unless — {a, ) He has, during- the time specified in his contract of ser- vice, dul}' served thereunder, and has, during- the whole of such term of service, been actually employed in the proper practice or business of a Solicitor by the Solicitor to whom he has been bound at the place where such Solicitor has continued to reside during- such term ; nor unless- (/;. ) He has, after the expiration of such term of service, been examined and sworn in the manner hereinafter directed ; nor unless — (c.) He has, at least fourteen days next before the first day of the sitting- of the Supreme Court in which he seeks ad- mission, left with the Secretary of the Law Society his con- tract of service, and any assig-nment thereof and affidavit of the execution of the same resi)ectively, and his own affidavit of due service thereunder, and a certificate of the Solicit.) And in the case of an Attorney or Solicitor, a certificate under the Seal of the proper Court or Courts, duly attested under the hand of the proper officer thereof, that he was duly admitted and enrolled as siuh Attorney or S(»Hcitor, and was at the date of such certificate on tlie roll of Attor- neys or Solicitors of such Court or Courts ; and also an affi- davit of the applicant that since his admission, as aforesaid, no application to any such Court or Courts, as the case may be, has been made a^^^ainst such ])erson to strike him off the roll of any such Court or otherwise to disqualify him in the capacity of Attorney or Solicitor. (2.) The certificates respectively shall b ar within six months of the first day of the sitti the Court or term during- which the application is LVII. The Benchers of the Law iciety of Newfoundland, with the approbation of the Visitors, shall, 'rom time to time, make such rules as they consider necessary for conducting- the examination of persons applying to l)e admitted as Solicitors, is well touching- the Articles and service and the several cerlili- cates required by Law to be produced by them 1)efore their ad- mission, as touching- the fitness and capacity of such persons to act as Solicitors ; and the Sticiety may, from time to time, nomi- nate and appoint examiners, for conducting- such examinati< is. LVIII. The Benchers of the Law Society, upon proof to their satisfaction of the requirements of this Act having- been complied with, shall examine and enquire by such ways and means as they think proper touching- the fitness and capacity of any ap- plicant for admission to act as a Solicitor; and if satisfied by such examination, or by the certificate of the examiners men- tioned in Section 57 of this Act, that such person is duly quali- 61 :, shall be first day Society — Seal of ibor, dul}' r llicroof, the date )r Inn of satisfac- c his ad- )r Inn of r liim, or for mis- ertificate attested t he was Solicitor, )f Attor- • an aflfi- I foresaid, case may n off the im in the ithin six or term undland, to time, ting- the Mtors. IS 1 cert ill- heir ad- rsons to le, nomi- nati( IS. to their 'oni plied leans as any ap- sfied by Ts men- ly quali- fied, fit and competent to act as a Solicitor, the Society shall g-ive a certificate under the Corporate Seal of the said Society of the due service under contract in writinjr, of such i)ers()n, and of his fitness and capacity, and of his havinjj;- duly complied with the recjuirements of this Act, and that he is in all respects duly qualified to be admitted as a Solicitor. LIX. Upon production to one of the Judjfes of the Supreme Court annexed to such certificate of the orig^inal contract of ser- vice, and any assig-nments thereof, and the affidavits of due ser- vice thereunder, and all other certificates hereinbefore required, such Judgfe, upon being* satisfied of the fitness and capacity of the candidate, shall endorse his fiat of admission ujion the certi- ficate of thr Law Society ; and thereupon the Supreme Court shall, upon such person taking- in open Court the oaths herein- l)efore directed to be taken by Solicitors, cause him to be admit- ted, and his name be enrolled as a Solicitor, and a certificate of such admission given by the Chief Clerk and Registrar of the Supreme Court, under the Seal of the Court, and the documents upon which the admission has been obtained shall be filed and retained of record in the office of the Court. Fkks. LX. The following" fees shall be payable to the Chief Clerk of the Supreme Court for the Law Society under this Act, that is to say : 1. On filing- articles ....... $5.00 2. Assig-nments, if any . . . . . . .2.50 3. Every aflidavit . . . . . . .0.50 4. Every certificate 2.50 5. Every fiat or admission . . . . . .5.00 6. For every writ, whether mesne or final, issued by a Solicitor out of the Supreme Court in St. John's . 0.25 Such fees, when received, shall be paid to the Secretary for the purposes of the Law Society. Annual Ckktikicates. LXI. The Chief Clerk and Reg-istrar of the Supreme C(mrt shall, annually, during- the first week in January in every year, deliver to the Secretary, certified under his hand and the Seal of the said Supreme Court, a copy of so much of the Roll as con- tains the names of Solicitors admitted to practise subsequently to the last return made to the said Secretary. LXII. The Secretary shall enter all such certified copies in a book to be kept in his office for that purpose, aflixing- to each name a number, following- in consecutive order the numbers affixed to the names previously entered. i <9 . •I 62 LXIII. The Socretiiry shall, in another book, to be kept in his office for that purpose, enter .'•U the names contained in the copies so transmitted to him. alphabetically arrang-ed, with a reference to the number of each nam** on the Roll ; anr. shall annually, on or before the lirst Monday of January in each year, put up in the Library of the Society, and also in the office of the Chief Clerk and Kej^istrar of the Supreme Court, an alphabetical list certified by him, under his hand, of all Solicitors who have taken out their certificates for the current year, and shall, from time to time, add to such lists the name of each Solicitor who takes out a certificate at a subsequent period of the year, noting thereon the time when the certificate was taken out. (1. ) Every practising Solicitor shall obtain from the Secretary of the Law Society, annviallv, before the first Monday in January, a certificate under the Seal of the said Society, stating that he is pr;ictising Solicitor in the Supreme Court. (2. ) Such certificate shall be issued by tlu> Secretary of the Law Society, under the Seal )f the Society, according to the list of names appearing on the roll of Solicitors certified to the said Secretary, as aforesaid. (3.) Upon the payment of all fees and dues ])ayable by such Solicitor to the said Society, the Secretary shall write his name on the margin of the certificate, with the date thereof, and the certificate shall be taken as issued only from such date. (4.) The Law Society shall determine what fees shall be pay- able for certi*' 'utes. LXIV. No ccfcificate shall be issued to any Solicitor who is indebted to the Society for any fee or fine payable to the Society, nor until the annual fee f<»r each cerHficate prescribed by the rules of the Society is paid. LXV. No Solicitor admiti m1 as aforesaid, need take out any such certificate until the first .donday in January next f(dlowing his admission. (L) If a Solicitor omits to take out such annual certificate, as aforesaid, he shall not be entitled thereto until lie pays to the Law Society not only a certificate fee, so appointed, as aforesaid, together with any other fees or dues which he owes to the Society, but also an additional sum oy way of penalty, as follows : (2.) If such certilicate is not taken out before the first Mem- day in P\'brua:y, the further sum ' of iive supreme penalty, -he uses Courts of iness of ivate, in .de as a hant or ted and efect in his ser- less ap- twelve the Su- le Court le Court ch Soli- and the id, make [g been 65 SCHEDULE. TWe, , Treasurer, and , Secretary of the "Law Society of Newfoundland," hereby certify that by virtue of Section forty-eig-ht of an Act passed in the fifty-second year of the Reig-n of Her present Majesty, entitled " An Act to amend Chapter 10, Title UL, of the Consolidated Statutes, en- titled ' Of the Law Society, Barristers and Solicitors,' " author- ising- the Law Society of Newfoundland to raise by loan a sum of money for the purposes of the said Society, we have received by way of loan from the sum of dollars, bearing" interest at the rate of five per cent, per annum, payable half-yearly on the last days of June and December in each year, until after the expiration of twenty-five years from the date hereof, wher the same shall be repayable to the said. And it is hereby covenanted that this certificate shall operate as a mortg"ag"e on all the funds and property of the said Society for the securing of the payment of the said principal and inter- est when due thereunder, and without being subject to the reg"istration law of this Colony. Given under our Hands and the Seal of the Law Society of Newfoundland, at St. John's, this day of i Seal of the ) \ Lav Society. ) A. D. 18 A. B., Treasurer. C. D., Secretary. I 66 1 1 1 I ANNO OUINQUAGKSIMO NONO Section 1. RejH'al iiiul svi))stiiutii>n. 2. Kepcal ant', suhstitution. VICTORIiE REGIN-^, CHAPTER XIX. All Act to amend the Act 52 IVr., Cap. 22, eat it led ".-1;/ Act to amend Title I 11.^ Chapter 10^ oj the Consolidated Statutes, entitled "Of the Lazv Society, Banisters and Solicitors.''''' [Passkd 4tii July, 1895.] Skctidn 3. Till- tiTiii of service of cU'rUs may be rediicfd by one year in certain cases. T>E it enacted by the Governor, the LeiJi^islative Council and the House of Assembly, in Legislative Session convened, as follows : — I. Section forty-nine of the Act 52 Vic, Cap. 22, is hereby amended : (1.) By strikin<^ out sub-section (1) and substituting' the fol- lowing : (1.) Any person of the age of twenty-two years or upwards, who has been admitted into and stands ui)()n the books of the Law Society of Newfoundland as a Student of the Laws for tive years, and has conformed himself to the rules of the said Society, and has been enrolled a Solicitor of the Su- preme Court. (2.) By striking out the words *'<»r subsetjuent " from sub- section (2,; and (3.) By striking out sub-section (,3) and substituting the fol- lowing : (3.) Any person who has been admitted into and stands on the books of the Law Society of Newbjundland as a Student of the Laws for four years, and has conformed himself to the rules of the said S(»ciety, and who. prior to the date of his admission to the said Society and to the books of the said Society as a student, has actually passed the first pub- lic examination before moderators in the University of Ox- ford, or the i)revious examination in the University of Cambridge, or the examination in Arts for the second year in the University of Durhatn, or the Matriculation examina- 67 I Act io Statutes, orsr' ks may be ISOS. icil and nvened, licrcb}' the fol- pwards, ooks of 10 Laws s of the the Su- m sub- Lhe fol- inds on >tudent iself to date of of the st pub- of Ox- sity of ises of this section, be computed as if it had been passed in actual service under his articles of clerk- ship. (5.) By adding the following as sub-section nine : T 68 (9.) If any person who has been bound by contract in writing for a term of five years has, during- his term of service, taken and had conferred upon him the decree of Bachelor or Dc^'tor of Laws in any of the Universities mentioned in sub- section two of section forty-nine of this Act, his period of service under such contract shall be reduced by one year. III. Any person who, before the passing* of this Act, was bound by contract in writings to a practising- Solicitor in New- foundland to serve him as his clerk for five years, and who be- fore the date of such contract had passed the first public exami- nation before moderators in the University of Oxford, or the previous examination in the University of Cambridg-e, or the examination in Arts for the second year in the University of Durham, or the Matriculation examination in any of the Uni- versities or Colleg-es referred to in sub-section two of section forty-nine of the Act 52 Vic, Cap. 22, shall be entitled, after serving- under such contract for four years, to the same privi- leg-es, and shall be subject to the same conditions and oblig-a- tions, as if he had served for five years, or as if such contract had been for four years. 69 INDEX OF CONTEMPORANEOUS REPORTS From 1805 to 18J)l. ■»t 'O ^ I- X C^ O rH M ro r-l rH r-l tH rH rH ri M M n >0 O I^ 00 o^ M ri n M n O r-i ri rO t 'O O l^ X O C »-( ri ro fj ro «^ fO ro ro rO ro (T) rO 'T -^ '1- -i- rO 't >0 O I^ X O"' O i-i rj rH iH .H rH rH rH r-( M M rl ?5 t i/J O l^ X n r5 M ri M 0^ Q »-( M 1^ -»■ irj ^p 1^ X 0^ Q tH r) M (^ ro fO rO fO rO fO rO r*5 fO ^ "t •^ Tj- ir, C I^ X C^ O »-i M o iC O t^ X ON ■+ t t ^ Tt O i-H n rO ■* lO O t^ X a^ © rH M ro ;0 lO >0 "^ lO 10 u^ 'O 'O iC v£ ^O O ^ >; 4 a: n DC < J a. 0^ th f-H th ,H ,r> rj .for^f) • > . . . . '"' n fo ■* lo o »-< n ro '«• 'O ••H . , . ,>0 vOt>.«ONr-.r-.rHr-(rHrHr-,r-ir-.r- P X X X X 3^ •J 'J ri r-< ,-c ,-1 r-l r-l r-t rl , M CI CI f-H jT 1-1 rH T-i T- •r ic o I- X ^2 O itr-. M r^ 1- 1/5 X On k'O ro • ! Ui CI fO t lO -« t^ X ^ rH •«t lO O t^ X '^S, «>cC' .a CI fO ■* lO lO CJ a 00 r-i Cj O; M ro •<<• lO vO X > Q CO ry Cn f^ f) i/> t>. O^ »-t ''I >o ,-( rH th ,H rH M n M n M M C) -OM^vOXQC1-t Xi-tr-i»-iiHf-(cirjri rH M fO -t ^ OS ON O^ X X X X rO "O . — »-< fj >o C^ t-< f* ri »-< Q vox-n y-< T-< C^ rn'rj t iC vO !>. X o Cn rH Q X C". ON lH »H On n J3 X J2 .C ouoo f^' 't t^ Q f^ VO On cue ' ' ^ „ - M M fO fl ro n t •* f^, ^^ "^^ ^. - -CI CI CI M X 1-1 . iH M ,n O iH -1- t>. Q rH iH iH ri © ro M rn o o< CI I/; X ih . ► CI CI CI fj rC (T) -^ ■"t ri lO X 1-1 •* l> C f<5 »H CI rO -t- -M nMrCfifO^tONONCNON ON X X X X Q M CI ro •* >0 O -CI -rO ••'*• --O 1-t n rO t lO N n rj M cj M 0. M ro ■* ul VO I .-• N fO •*«0 t^ X On 2 ^ ^'-' O iH ri rO lO ouou vCl^ X ON rH M ro 1- ON On On On X X X X iHMrO'*-'«fuciOvOt^t» lU ■ at J r')«Ot^ONrHr^iOt~»>ONrH lH iH iH tH M ri Ci CI C-1 (•») cf 'J-" vo" x' c" cf t' o oq" o" *■*'-• CI n fo iH rH iH rH ri M CJ i-ir<3i/)l>.ON»HrOiOl- rH iH 1-t 1-r iH n n c) ri ri ri Oi ri 1/5 t^ ON i-< fO f*3 ro ro •* ■* 'fo'x'o'rf rO rO r«5 ■n- ■^ rO >0 r-^CN iH rO r<5 ro rO »* i/f t>rON"rH"r<5^i/f t>^ON 1^ rO lO l-^ On 1-1 Tl•1J■T^l/5lOU5lO^O\0\ONONONOJ.'^ t" ntT «*" d" rf -t o' x" o" rf "^ Tj- ^ Tt 1/5 lO 1/5 'O '/) '5 vO vO ro'io't^-'^ on' r^rO^nt^ O^ r^ r^tr'l-^a^ ■*•*■*■* in i/510>/5>/5vOnO\OnC>vO NO X c >25 n£) l- l-i o I^XCNOiHrirO't >/5 vOt^XON© rHrirO-t»ONO^»00ON©iHrirp't 1 vp nS nD 1^ 1^ l^ t^ t>. I>. l->. !>. 1^ 1^ 00 05 00 X X X X X go X On On On On ON I X X X X X X X X X X X X X 00 00 00 X 00 X X 00 X 00 X X X X X 70 ■I A TABLE OP BRITISH RKGNAL YEARS. KOK CONVKNIKNCK OF KKKEKIiNCK TO THE STATUTES AND LAW REPOKTS. Sovereigns. Commencement of Reign. Length of reign. William I December 25, 1066 21 William II. September 26, 1087 13 Henry I Augusts, 1100 36 Stephen December 26, 1135 19 Henry II December 19, 1154 35 Richard I September 3, 1189 10 John May 27, 1199 18 Henry III October 28. 1216 57 Edward I November 20, 1272 35 Edward II July 8, 1307 20 Edward III January 25, 1327 51 Richard II June 22, 1377 23 Henry IV September 30, 1399 ... . 14 Henry V March 21, 1413 10 Henry VI September 1, 1422 39 Edward IV March 4, 1461 23 Edward V ".... April 9, 1483 Richard III June 26, 1483 3 Henry VII August 22, 1485 24 Henry VIII April 22, 1509 38 Edward VI January 28, 1547 7 Mary July 6. 1553 2 Philip and Mary* July 25, 1554 6 Elizabeth November 17, 1558 45 James i March 24, 1603 23 Charles I March 27, 1625 24 The Commonwealhf January 30, 1649 11 Charles II. t May, 29, 1660 37 James II February 6, 1685 4 William and Mary February 13, 1689 14 Anne March 8, 1702 13 George I August 1, 1714 13 George II June 11. 1727 34 George III October 25, 1760 60 George IV January 29, 1820 11 William IV June 26, 1830 7 Victn-ia June 20, 1837 * After her marriape with Kinp I*hi1ip. July 2."!, l.^M. t OliviT Croniwi'U ussiitiu-d iho title of " Tho Lord Prolt-ctor of the Common woa 1th of England, Scotland and Iieland/" on the Idth DfccnibtT. l(i.=^.^, with tht- style of " His Hijrh- tii'ss." He died in September. U'.'S, ind his .son Kichard Cromwell was proclaimed I'rotcctor and resigned theoflice in May. I(i5''. t AUhouuh Lharlcfi II. did not ascend the throne until 20th May. iMjt), his regrnal years ■were computed from tlie death of Charles I., .lanuary .MK l(i4'i, so tliat the year of his "resto- ration is styled the twell'th <>l his rei>,'ii. 71 ^S. TABLE OF REGNAL YF^A'RS—roN//nuc(/. CPOKTS. :h of pi. 1831 1 & 2 Win. IV. 1832 2 & 3 (i 1833 3 & 4 (t 1834 4 & 5 n 1835 5 & 6 (t 1836 6 & 7 i( 1837 7 Wm. IV. & 1 Vi 1838 1 & 1 Vic. 1839 2 & 3 i k 1840 3 & 4 44 1841 4 & 5 44 1841 5 44 1842 5 & 6 44 1843 6 & 7 44 1844 & 8 i t 1845 8 & 9 4 4 1846 9 & 10 44 1847 10 & 11 44 1848 11 & 12 44 1849 12 & 13 44 1850 13 & 14 44 1851 14 & 15 «4 1852 15 & 16 4 4 1853 16 & 17 44 1854 17 & 18 (4 1855 18 & 1" 44 1856 19 & 20 4 t 1857 20 4 4 1857 20 & 21 44 1858 21 6i 22 ** 1859 22 44 1859 22 & 23 41 1860 23 & 24 44 1861 24 & 25 44 1862 25 & 26 44 1863 26 & 27 Vic 1864 27 & 28 1865 28 & 29 1866 29 & 30 18()7 30 & 31 I8f)8 31 & 32 1869 32 & 33 1870 33 & 34 1871 34 & 35 1872 35 & 36 1873 36 & 37 1874 37 & 38 1875 38 & 39 1876 39 & 40 1877 4(1 & 41 1878 41 & 42 " 1879 42 & 43 1880 43 & 44 1881 44 & 45 1882 45 & 46 1883 46 & 47 1884 47 & 48 1885 48 iSt 49 1886 49 & 50 1887 50 & 51 1888 51 & 52 " 1889 52 & 53 1890 53 & 54 1891 54 & 55 1892 55 & 56 1893 56 & 57 " 1894 57 & 58 1895 58 & 59 \ i-alih of Is Ili^rh. rotcclor il years is ri'sto- 72 CATALOGUE OF BOOES. Ri^PORTS. I I Acton. And part 1 of vol ?.. P. Adolphu.s & Ellis. Q. B. do. N.S. do. Alcock & Napier. (Irish) K. B. Aleyn. K.H. Ambler. Chancery. Anderson. C. B. Andrews. K. B. Anstruther. Exchequer. Aspinall. N.S. Mar Atkyns. Chancery. K. B. K. B. K. B. K. B. Election Cases, do. Ball & Beatty. (Irish) Chancery Barnardiston. Chancery, Barnardiston. K. B. Barnes Practice Cases. Barnewall & Adolphus. Barnewall & Alderson. Barnewall & Cresswell. Barron & Arnold Barron & Austin Batty. (Irish) K. B. Beavan. Chancery. Bell. Cr. Ca. Bellewe. K. B, Benloe. K. B. Benloe »& Dalison. C. Best & Smith. (J. B, Bin;,^hani. C. B" Bing-hain's New Cases Bittlestone. Bail Court. Blackstone. (Hy.) C. B. B. C. B. Voi,s. 1 12 ... 18 1 1 2 1 1 3 6 3 2 1 2 1 5 5 10 1 1 1 36 1 1 1 1 10 10 6 1 2 73 >i Rlackstone. (Wm.) K. B. Bliffh. H. of L. And part I of Vol. 4. Bliffh. N. S. do. And parts 1, 2, & 3, of vol XI. Bosanquet & Puller. C. B. Bridf,nnan. (Sir J.) C. B. Bridg-man. (Sir O.) C. B. Broderip & Binffham. C. B. Brooke's New With March's translation. K. B. Brown, (by Belt.) Chancery. " (by Eden.) Chancery " (by Tomlin.) H. of L Browning- & Lushington. Adm Brownlow & Goldsborough. C. B. Buck. Bank'cy. .. Bulstrode. K. B. Bunbury. Exchequer Burrows. K. B. i 3 10 5 Cababe & Ellis. Q. B 1 Calthrup. K. B. 1 Campbell. N. P. 4 Carrington& Kirwan. N. P. {& vol. 3, parts 1 and 2.) 2 Carrinj^ton& Marshnian. N. P 1 Carrington & Payne. N. P. 9 Carter. C. B. 1 Carthew. K. B. 1 Cary. Chancery. 1 Cases & Opinions 2 Cases in Chancery. 1 Chitty. (Bail Court.) 2 Choyce Cases in Chancery. 1 Clark & Finnelly. H. of h. 12 Cockburn & Rowe. Election Cases. 1 Coke. K. B. 6 Colles. H. of L. 1 CoUyer. Chancery. 2 Comberbach. K. B 1 Common Bench. & Index. 19 *' New Series. 20 Comyn. K. B. 2 Cooke. C. P. 1 Cooper. Chancery 1 Cooper. Temp Brougham Chancery. 1 Cooper. (G.) Temp Eldon. Chancery 1 74 Cooper. Tetnp Cottenhaiii. Chancery. Corbctt & Daniell's Election Cases. Cowpcr. K. U. Cox. Chancery. Cox's Criminal Cases. Craiff «& Phillips. Chancery. Croke. K. B. Cronipton & Jcrvis. Excheijuer. Croinpton & Meeson. Exche(iuer. Crotnpton, Meeson, & Roscoe. Exchequer. Cunningham. K. B. 2 1 2 t lb 1 4 2 part 1 D Daniel. Exch. Eq. Davies. (Ireland.) K. B. Davison & Merivale. O. B. Deacon. Bank'cy. Deacon & Chitty. Bank'cy. Dearsley. Cr. Ca. Dearsley & Bell. Cr. Ca De Gex. Bank'cy De CJex, Fisher & Jones. Chancery De Gex, Fisher & Jones. Bank'cy De Gex & Jones. Chancery. De Gex, Jones & Smith. Chancery De Gex, Jones & Stnith. Bank'cy. De Gex, Macnaphten & Gordon. Chancery De Gex, Macnaphten & Gordon ~ De Gex, & Smale. V. C. Court Denison. Cr. Ca. Dickens. Chancery. Dodson. Admiralty. Douglas. K. B. Douglas. Election Cases.. Douglas. Index. Admiralty. Dow, H. of h. Dow & Clark. H. of L Dowling. Bail Court. D.)wling. N. S. Bail Court. Dowling & RylaiHls. N.P. Dowling & Lowntles. Bail Court. Dowling & Rylands. K. B. Drewry. V. C. Court. Drewry & Smale. Chancery. Drury & Warren. (Irish) Chancery. Durnford & East, (vide Term Reports.) Dyer. K. B. Bank'cy. parts 1 to 9 1 1 1 4 4 1 1 1 4 1 4 4 1 8 1 5 2 2 2 4 4 1 6 2 9 2 part 1 7 9 4 2 4 75 East. K. B. Edens. Chancery. Edwards. Admiralty. Ellis & Blackburn. (J. B. Ellis, Blackburn & Pillis. O. B Ellis & Ellis. (J. B. Equity Cases Talbot. Equity Cases Abridged Espinasse. N. P Exchequer. (Welsby, Hurlston & Gordon). 16 8 U I Falconer & Fitzherbert's Election Ca.se8. Finch's Precedents Chancery. Finch. (Sir H.) Chancery. FitZK'ibbon. K. B. Flannig^an & Kelly. (Irish.) Roll's Court. Fonblanque. Bank'cy. Forest. Exchequer. Fortescue. K. B. Foster. Cr. Ca. Foster iS: Finlayson. N. Fox & Smith (Irish.) K. Freeman. Chancery. Freeman. K. B. P. B. y 76 I Gale & Davison. O. B. Giflfard. V. C. CoiTrt, Gilbert. Chancery. Gilbert's Cases. K. B. GlanvillC; Election Cases. Glynn & Jameson. Bank'cy. Godbolt. K. B Goldsborou^h. K. B. Gow. N. P. 3 5 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 H Hapg-ara. Admiralty Hall «& Twells. Chancery Hardres. Exchequer Hare. V. C. Court. Harrison & Rutherford. C. P Hay & Marriott. Adtniralty Hayes. (Irish. < Exchequer. Hayes & Jones, do. Hemming- & Miller. V. C. Court. Het:ey. C. B. Hobart. C. B. Hogan. (Irish.) Rolls Court Holt. K. B. Holt. N. P. House of Lords Cases. House of Lords Index. Hudson & Brook. (Irish.) K. B Hurlitone (i; Colt nan. Exchequer. Hi'.rlr.tone & Nor. .an. Exchequer. Hurl&tone & Waluisley Huttom.C. B. 3 77 J Jacob. Chancery. Jacob & Walker, Chancery Jenkins. Exchequer Johnson. V. C. Court. Johnson & Hetnniin>f. V. C. Court. Jones. (T.) K. D. & C. H Jones (Wni.) K. B. & C. 1? Jones & La. Touche. (Irish.) Chancery. Jurist from 1837 to 1H.S4. Jurist's New Scries 1855 to 1866 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 3 18 12 K Ka- V. C. Cuurt. Kay & Johnson. V. C. Court Kei)lc. K. B. Keen. Chancery. Keilway. K. B. Kelynff. (Sir J.) Cr. Ca Kelyn^'c. (Win.) Chancery & K. B. Kenyon. K. B. Knapp. P. C. Knapp & Oinbler. Election Cases. 1 4 3 2 1 1 1 2 3 1 78 i I Lane. Exchequer, Lat( h. K. B. Law Journal. N. S. Com. Law & Eq. Prob. Mat. Law Quarterly Review, 1885-1S9S Law Reports. Eng-lish & Irish. Scotch & Divorce Privy Council. Appeal Cases. Chancery Appeals. Equity Chancery Division &c. Comi'ion Pleas Common Pleas Division. . Exchequer. Exchequer Division. Queen's Bench. Queen's Bench Division. Crown Case Reserved. Probate & Divorce Admiralty & Ecclesiastical. Probate Division Law Times 1843 to 1S59 Law Times 1859 to 1895 Law Times, Folio, 1845 to April 1894 Leach, Cr. Ca. Lee. (Temp. Har.wickc.) K. B. Lei^-h & Cave, Cr. Ca Leonard, K. B. Levinz. K. B. Lewin. Cr. Ca. Ley. K. B, Littleton. C. B. Lofft. K. B. Lonfffield & T< wn.send. Exch(xiuer, (Irish) Lowndes & Maxwell, Bail Court, Lowndes, Maxwell & Pollock. Bail Court. Lloyd «fe Goold. ( Cha-icery. temp. Plunkott. do. ^Uk temp Sugdcn Luder's tilectioii Cases. ... Luc}hinj.fton. Admiralty Lutwyche. C. B. Lutwyche. (By Nelson.) C. B. 1 1 9 63 11 7 2 6 19 10 20 57 10 5 10 5 10 34 2 3 4 19 34 71 98 2 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 2 1 79 Maclean & Robinson. H of L. Macnaghten «& Gordon. Chancery. Maddock. V. C. Court Manning- & Grang-er. C. B. Manning & Kyland. K. B. March's New Cases. K. B. Marriott. Admiralty. Marshall. C. B. Maule & Selwyn. K. B. M'Cleland Exche 33 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 873-4503 4 6^ ^ '9> 6^ 88 Taswell-Langmead's Constitutional History. Taylor on Evidence. Wharton's Law Lexicon. White and Tudor's Leading- Cases. Williams on Executors. Woodfall on Landlord and Tenant. Wright's Criminal Conspiracies. Q"^ ">> an aipl)atetfcal STablc of aWrebiations USED IN LAW REPORTS AND TEXT BOOKS. . T> \ Anonymous, at the end of I Bendloe's Reports A. G. ..... Attorney-Gener il A. P. ...... The Annual Practice Abr. Ca. ( Abridgment of Cases in Eq I Equity Act Acton's Reports Act. Reg.... Acta Regia A. & E. ... Adolphus and Ellis's Reports A Jiri? /"v a \ J Adolphus and Ellis, New A jj \ Addams' Ecclesiastical Re- ^^^ I ports AL Aleyn's Reports « , . -j^ < Alcock and Napier's Reports ■ ■■ ( (Ireland) ., -p p, S Alcock's Registry Cases (Ire- AlcKeg.c.. ^ land) Amb Ambler's Reports And. Anderson's Reports Andr Andrews' Reports Annaly ... Reports, Hardwicke, K.B. Anst Austrutiier's Reports Ann Pqq S 1^*^ Reports, New Series, App. oae. . I Appeal Cases A , , J Arkley's Justiciary Reports r ey ... | (Scotch) Arm. M. & J Armstrong, Macartney, and O I Ogle's Reports (Irish) Am Arnold's Reports A. S. or Act \ Act of Sederunt, Court of of Sed. \ Session Asp. M. C. Aspinall's Maritime Cases . m I Assed. Taxes (Decisions of Ass. Tax.... j j^^g^^^ Ast. Ent. . . . Aston's Entries Atk Atkyn's Reports Ayl. Pan. .. Ayliife's Pandects Ayl. Par. .. Ayliffe's Parergon Juris B Baron 't> " °fc ( Barnewall and Alderson's Barn & > ,, , Aid j lieports Barn & ( ^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^ Adolphus' Adol. ... ( l^^P"^*^ B & B \ ^'■"*^^"P ^^^ Bingham's Re- '" \ ports • '■D * T ( Barnewall and Cresswell's Barn. &> -c ■. Cress. ..( ^^P"'^'^ T> p p i Bail Court Cases, Lowndes ^- ^- '"• - I and Maxwell ■RPR \ ■^^^^ Court Reports, Saunders \ and Cole Bac. Abr. .. Bacon's Abridgment B n * B \ ^^^ *°^ Beatty's Reports ■■■■ I (Ireland) B A- A \ ■^"■"■'"^ ^ Arnold's Election j Cases T> (LA L \ Barron and Austin's Election Bar.&Aust. j ^^^^ g p j Bamardiston's Reports, Chan- ^^ ( eery Bam. K. B. Bamardiston's Reports, K.B. Barnes Barnes' Notes Batt Batty's Reports (Ireland) ■D . p J Bosanquet and Puller' Re- I ports B. & S. ... Best and Smith's Reports Beat Beatty's Reports (Ireland) Beav Beavan's Reports Beaw. Beawes's Lex Mercatoria Bel Bellewe' s Reports Bell, App. . Bell's Appeal Cases, Scotch Tj ,| p < Bell (R.), Cases, Court of ^ ' * ■■■ ( Session Bell's C. C. Bell's Crown Cases Belt's Sup. Belt's Suppt. io Vesey Sen. ■p ■ J, J Benloe or Bendloe's Reports Ben. & D... Benloe and Dalison's Reports Bing Bingham's Reports Bing. N. C. Bingham's New Cases Bitt. P. C. . Bittleston's Practice Cases Bl. D. & ( Blackham, Dundas, and Os- Osb j home's Reports (Ireland) Bl. H Blackstone's (Henry) Reports Bl. W Black8tone'8(William)Report8 Bla. Com... Blackstone's Commentaries Bli Bligh's Reports Bli. N. S. .. Bligh's Reports, New Series B. N. C. ... Brook's New Cases B A- P 1 i Bosanquet and Puller's Re- ^^' " ' I ports Bos. & P. i Bosanquet and Puller's New N. R. ... I Reports T, \ Bruce' 8 Reports, Court of ^" ^ Session *:t* All Standard Law IVorks are kept in Stock, in law calf and other bindings. ¥i ''( Br. Bro. ... Br. N. C. .. B. & S. ... Brae Bridg Bridg. O.... Bro. Ab. ... BraCh. ... Bro. Ent. .. Bro.&M.N. Bro. P. C. . Bro. Supp. . Bro. Syn. . . . Bred. & B. Broun C. B., N. S. C. C C. C. A. ... C.C.Ct.Cas. C. C. R ... C. L. R ... C. & J. or Cromp. & J C. & M. or Cromp. &M. ... C. M. & R or Cromp. M. & R . C.P C. T. N. ... Ca. tcmj^. F. Ca. temp. Holt .... Ca. tc7np.H. Ca. t. K... Cab. & El, . Cald. S. C. Brooke, Browne, Brownlow Brooke's New Cases Best and Smith's Reports Bracton de Legibus Bridgman'8(Sir John)Reports Bridgman's (Orlando) Reports Brooke's Abridgment Brown's Chancery Reports Browne's Entries Browne and Maenamara's Railway Cases Brown's Cases in Parliament J Brown's Suppl. Morrison's I Diet. Court of Session \ Brown's Synopsis of tecisions, I Court of Session S Broderip and Bingham's Re- l ports Broun's Justiciary Reports (Scotland) Brownlow and Gouldes- borough's Reports Browning and Lushington's Reports Buck's Cases in Bankruptcy Bulstrode's Reports Bunbury's Reports Burrow's Eeports Burrow's Settlement Cases Bynkershoek Codex (Juris Civilis) Court of Appeal , Common Bench Reports, or Manning, Granger, and ' Scott's Reports I Common Bench Reports, New ' Series I Cases in Chancery or Crown [ Cases County Court Appeals Central Criminal Court Cases Cro\vn Cases Reserved Common Law Reports ' Crompton and Jervis's Re- I ports Crompton's and Meeson's Re- ports Crompton, Meeson, and Ros- coe's Reports Common Pleas Cases temp. Northington Cases temp. Finch Cases temp. C. J. Holt Cases temp. Hardwick Cases temp. King, Chancery .Cababe & Ellis's Reports Caldecott's Settlement Cases Calth Camp C. & K. or ; Car, & Kir, ' Car. & M, . C, H. & A, C, & P, or Car. & P, Carp, P. C. Cart Garth Cas, B, R. Gas. Pra. C.P, ... Gas,<.Talb. Cas. L. Eq, I Gas. Six. Cir Ch, Ca. ... Gh. D Cas. Cho. Ch. Ch. R Ch, Sp. Ca. Gl. & Fin ., Clay Glif.&Rick, Glif, & ( Steph. ... I GUft G., Cod.,or^ Cod, Jur. > Civ ) Gockb. & ] Rowe ... i Co Go. Cop. ... Go, Ent. ... Co. Lit. ... Go. M,C,... Go. on Courts . . Co. P. C... CoU. C. R. Coll. Jurid, Colt Com Comb Com. Dig... Com, liaw. Rep, Com. P, D. Con. & Law Consist . . . Gook,C,&R Calthorpe's Reports Campbell's Reports Carrington and Kirwan Re- ports Carrington and Marshman Carrow, Hamerton, and Allen, Session Cases Carrington & Payne Reports Carpmael's Patent Cases Carter's Reports Carthew's Reports Cases temp Will. 3(12 Modem Reports) Cases of Practice Common Pleas Cases temp. 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Ca., 2nd series Ditto, 3rd series . . . Ditto, 4th series Coop. temp. Brough. .. Coop. G. ... Coop. P. C. Coop, ttiwp. Cott. ... Co. Rep. ... Coo. & AL Corb. & D. Cowp. Cox, Cr.Ca. Cr. Cr. &Ph.... Cr. & St.... Craw. & D. Craw. & D. Ab. C. ... Cro.(l,2,3) Cromp. ... Cru. Cunn Curt Court of Sessions Cases, first series (by Shaw and others) Court of Session Cases, second series (by Dunlop and others) Ditto, third series (by Mac- pherson and others) Ditto, fourth series (by Rettie and others) Cooper's (C. P.) Brougham Cooper (Gr.)Chancery Reports ; Cooper (C. P.) Points of I Practice I Cooper (C. P.) temp. Cotten- I ham CoVe'd Reports Cooke and Alcock's Reports (Ireland) Corbett and Daniell's Cases Cowper's Reports Cox's Criminal Cases Craig, Jua Feudale Craig and Phillips' Reports Craigie and Stewart's Reports Crawford and Dix's Circuit Cases (Ireland) Crawford and Dix's Abridged Cases (Ireland) Croke's Reports {temp. Eliz. Jam. Cha.), and sometimes Keilwey's Reports Ci-mpton on Courts Cruise's Digest Cunningham's Reports Curteis' Ecclesiastical Reports D. or Dig. D. & Mer... D D. &L. ... D. &Ry. ... DaL Dalr D'An Dan Dan. & LI. Davis Deac Deac. &Ch. DeG De G. F. & .T D. G. & J... Justiniaua Digestae, sive Pandect-^ Davison and Merivale Reports Dunlop and others Dowling and Lo\vnde8' Prac- tice Cases Dowling and Ryland's Reports Dalison's Reports SDalrymple's Decisions, Court of Session D'Anvers' Abridgment Daniel's Reports Danson andLloyd'sMercantile Cases Davies' (Sir John) Repon,^ Deacon's Bankruptcy Carjes Deacon and Chitty's Reports De Gex's Bankruptcy Reports De Gex, Fisher, and Jones's Reports De Gex and Jones's Reports De G. J. & S De G. M. &G De G. M. & G. Bank. DeG.&Sm. Dea. & Sw. Dears. C.C. Dears. & B. Deas&And. Delane Den.. Dick. DirL D. &S. ... Dod Doug. Doug., Q.B. Dow Dow & CI.. Dow & R. M. C. ... Dow. &Ry. N. P. ... DowL N. S. Dowl. P. R. Dr. & WaL Dr. & War. & Drew. Drew. Sm Drury Dugd. Orig. Dum. & E. Durie Dy. .., K De Gex, Jones, and Smith's Reports De Gex, Macnaghten, and Gordon's Reports De Gex, Macnaghten, and Gordon's Bky. Cases De Gex and Smale's Reports Deane and Swabey's Reports Dearsley's Crown Cases Dearsley and Bell's Crown Cases Deas and Anderson's Reports Court of Session Delano's Decisions, Revising Courts Denison's Crown Cases Dickon's Reports Dirleton's Decisions, Court of Session Doctor and Student Dodson's Reports Douglas' Reports Douglas's Reports, Queen's Bench Dow's Reports Dow and Clark's Cases Dowling and Ryland'g Magistrates' Cases Dowling and Ryland's Nisi Prius Dowling's Prac. Reports, New Series Dowling's Practice Reports ( Drury and Walsh's Reports I (Ireland) Drury and Warren's Reports i (Ireland) Drewry's Reports [ Drewry and Smale's Reports E. &A. ... Eag. & Y... East East P. 0... Ec. & Mar. Cria Eden Edg Edw El. B. & S,. EL & m. ... Drury's Reports (Ireland) Dugdale's Origines Dumford and East, or Term Reports Durie's Reports, Court of Session Dyer's Reports Ecclesiastical and Admiralty Reports Eagle and Younge's Titiie Cases East's Reports East's Pleas of the Crown See Notes of Cases Eden's Reports Edgar's Reports, Court of Session Edward's Rejjorts Ellis, Best, and Smith's Reports Ellis and Blackbiu-n's Reports *^ All Standard Law Works are h&pt in Stock, in Ij,w calf and other bindings. ^ ^ ^^ ABBREVIATIONS. El. B. & E. El. &E. ... Eq. Ca,Abr. Eq. Rep. ... Esp Ex Ex. Div.... F F. or Fitz... F. B. C. ... F. &F. ... Fac. Coll. or F. C... Falc Falc. & F... Far Feame.... . Ferg. .. Ff. . ... Fin., H. Fin., T. Fisher's Dig. .. Fitz-G. Fl Fl. & K. . . For. Forb For. Pla. ... Forester .,. Fort, de Laud. ... Fortes Fost Fount Fox F01.&S.... Fra. M. ... Fras Freem.Chy. Freein.K.B. G. &D. ... G. & J. ... Gaii Gaz. B. . Gib. Cod.. Gif. Ellis, Blackburn, and Ellis's Reports Ellis ;ind EUia's Reports Equity Oases Abridged Equity Reports Espinasse's Reports Welsby, Hurlstone, and Gor- don's Reports Law Reports, New Series, Exchequer Division Consuetudines Feudorum Fitzherbert Fonblanque's Reports Foster and Finlason's Reports ( Faculty Collection of Reports, j Court of Session Falconer's Reports, Court of Session Falconer and Fitzherbert's Election Cases Farresley (7 Mod. Reports) Feame on Remainders I Ferguson's Consistory I Reports, Scotland Pandectse (Juris Civilis) Finch's (SirH.) Reports Finch's (T.) Repirts Fisher's Analytical Digest Fitz-Gibbon's Reports Fleta ( Flanagan and Kelly's I Reports (Ireland) Forrest's Reports Forbas' Decisions, Court of Session Brown's Formulae Chancery Cases, temp. Talbot Fortesque de laudibus Anglise Legum Fortescue's Reports Foster's Reports, Crown Law Fountainhall's Decisions, Court of Session Fox's Registration Cases Fox and Smith's Reports (Ireland) Francis's Maxims Fraser's Elec. Cases Freeman's Chancery Reports Freeman's, K. B., Reports Gale and Davison's Reports Glyn and Jameson's Reports Gaii Institutionum Com- mentarii IV. Gazette of Bankruptcy Gibson's Codex Giffard's Reports Gilb Gilb. C. P. R. ... Gilm Glanv Glasc Godb Gosf Gouldsb. ... Cow Gro. de J. B Gwill ) Gilbert's Cases in Law and in Equity Gilbert's Common Pleas Reports, Chancery Gilmour's Reports, Court of Session Glanville de Legibus Glascock's Reports in all the Courts (Ireland) Godbolt's Reports Gosford's Reports, Court of Session Gouldesborough's Reports Gow's Nisi Prius Cases Grotius de Jure Belli Gwillim's Tithe Cases H li. & C. H. & N. H. L. r or Cas. H. P. C. . H.&Tw.. Had. .... '•> Hag. Adm. Hag. Con... Hag. Ec, ... Hailes Hale C. L. Hanm. Hare Hard. Hare Harr. Dig... Har. & Ruth. ... Har. & W.. Hawk. P. C. Hayes Hayes & J.. Hein Hem. & M. Het Hob Hodg Hog Holt Holt N. P.. Hare's Reports Hurlstone and Coltman's Re- ports Hurlstone and Norman's Re- ports Clark's H. of Lords' Reports Hale's Pleas of the Crown Hall and Twells' Reports ( Haddington's Reports (Scot- ; land) J, Haggard's Admiralty Ee- ' ports I Haggard's Consistorial Ee- I ports \ Haggard's Ecclesiastical Ke- i ports 'I Hailes' s Decisions, Court of I Session Hale's Common Law Hanmer's Lord Kenyon's Notes Harcarse's Decisions, Court of Session Hardres' Reports Hare's Reports Harrison's Analytical Digest Harrison and Rutherford's Reports Harrison and Wollaston's Reports Hawkins' Pleas of the Crown Hayes's Reports (Ireland) Hayes and Jones' Reports (Ireland) Heineccius { Hemming and Miller's Ee- I ports Hetley's Reports Hobart's Reports Hodge's Reports Hogan's Reports (Ireland) Holt's (Sir John) Reports Holt's Nisi Prius Reports *#* A large stock of Second-hand Law Beports and Text-Books on Sale. ABBREVIATIONS. Home(Clk.) Hop. & Colt. Hop. & Ph. Hope Horn & H. Hov. Suppl. How.St.Tr. Hud. & B... Hugh Hunt'sAC. Hut Ir. Circ. Ca. Ir. Law & Eq Ir. C. Law &Ch. ... Clerk Home's Eeports, Court of Session Hopwood and Coltman's Re- ports Hopwood and Philbrick's Re- ports Thomas Hope's Reports (Scotland) Horn and Hurlstone's Reports Hovenden's Supplement to Vesey, junr. Howell's State Trials Hudson and Brooke's Re- ports (Ireland) Hughes's Entries Hunt's Annuity Cases Huttou'd Reports Irish Circuit Cases Irish Law and Equity Re- ports Irish Common Law and Chan- cery Reports I. R. Irish Reports J. J. & J. J. P J. & W. or Jac&W. Jac Jebb C. C. Jebb & B. Jebb & S. Re- Jenk John John. & H. Jo. & Lat. Jon. Jones T., or Jon. 2 ... Jones W., or Jon. 1 ... Jones & C. Jur. Jur. N. S... Jur. (Sc.) .. Just. Inst... Juatioas, Justice. Justioe of the Peace. Jacob and Walker's ports Jaco' 's Reports Jebb's Crown Cases (Ireland) Jebb ;uid Bourke's Reports (Ireland) Jebb and Syme's Reports (Ireland) JenkjTi's Reporta Johnson's Reporta Johnson and Hemming's Re- ports Jones and Latouche's Re- ports (Ireland) Jones' Reports (Ireland) I Jones' (Sir T.) Reports Jones' (Sir William) Reporta Jones and Carey's Reports (Ireland) Jurist Reports Jurist, New Series Scottish Jurist Justinian's Institutes K. C. R. . . . Reports, temp. King Tr 0. n i Keane and Grant's Registra- ^^•*^--j tion Cases Kames Karnes' Decisions, Scotland Kames' ( Kames' Remarkable Deci- Rem. D... } sions, Scotland Kames' S. ^ Kames' Select Decisions, D / Scotland Kames' Tr. K.ay Kay& J.... Keb Keen Keil Kel Kel. W. ... Kent Ccmm.... Keny Kilk Kn Kn. & 0.... L. C L. J. J. & L. J. Li.&G.temp. Plunk... li.&G.temp. Sngden... L. J L. J. (N.S.) L. R L. R. L ... L. Mag. ... L. M. & P. or L. & M. L. Q. R. ... L. Rev. ... T rp L!T.'(N.'s.y. L. & Welsh. Kames' Histoiiual ' Law Tracts (Scotland) Kay's Reports Kay and Johnson's Reporta Koble's Reports Keen's Reports Keilwey's Reports Sir John Kelyng's Reporta Wm. Kelynge's Reports Kent's Commentaries on the Law of United States Kenyon's Notes (Hanmer) Kilkerrau's Decisions (Scot- land) Knapp's Reports I Knapp and Ombhir, Election I Cases Lord Chancellor I Lords Justices, Lord Justice temp. La Lat Law Rec. . . . Leg. O. ... Ld. Ken.... Ld. Raym.. Leach Leefem./).H. Le. & Ca... Leon Lev Lew. C. C. Lex. Merc. Red. Ley Lib. Ass. . . . Lib. Int. ... Lib. PL ... LU Lind., or Lynd. ... Lit LL & Wels. Lloyd and Goold, Plunket (Ireland) Lloyd & Goold, temp. Sugden (Ireland) Law Journal Law Journal (New Series) Law Reports Law Reports (Ireland) The Law Magazine Lowndes, Maxwell, & Pol- lock's Rep., Bail Courts Law Quarterly Review Law Review Law Times Law Times (New Series) Lloyd and Welsby's Commer- cial Reports Lane's Reports Latch's Reports Law Recorder, Reporta in all the Courts (Ireland) Legal Observer Kenyon's Reports Lord Raymond's Reports Leach's Crown Cases Lee's Cases, temp. Hardwicke Leigh and Cave Leonard's Reports Levinz's Reports Lewin's Crown Cases Lex Mercatoria, by Beawes Ley's Reports Liber Assisarum, Year Book, pt. 5. Liber Intrationum liiber Placitandi Lilly's Reports or Entries I Lyndewood, Provinciales Littleton's Reports Lloyd and Welsby, C. C. V All Standard Law Works are kept in Stock, in law calf and other bindings. ABBREVIATIONS. .^ni Loff t I^off t' s Reports LongQiiinto Year Book, pt. 10, K. B. T r «. rr \ Lonpfield and Townseud's Longf. & T. j j^lj^^^j.^^ (Ireland) Li;d. E. C. Ludev'fi Election Caaef Luahington's i^.dmiralty Re- ports Lut Lutwyche's Reports Lut. R. C... Lutwyche's Registration Cases and De Lush. M. D. & D. M. R M. &S. ... M. & W.... Montagu, Deacon Gex's Reports Master of the Rolls Maule and Selwyn's Reports Meeson and Welsby's Reports M'Cle M'Cleland's Reports M'Cle. & i M'Cleland and Young's Re- ports MacFarlane's Reports, Jury Court, Scotland Macnaghten and Gordon's Reports Maclean ARobinson's Appeals (Scotch) Macpherson and others(Scotch) Appeal Cases Man. & G. Yo, M'E, R. ... Mac. &G... Macl. & R. Macph. ... Macq.H.L. J Macqueen's Cas. ... I (Scotch) Macr Macrory' 8 Patent Cases Mad \ Madox's Exchequer and For- I mulare Madd Maddock's Reports Madd. & r i Maddock and Geldart's Re- ■ \ ports Mai Maljme's Lex Mercatoria Manning and Granger's Re- ports Man. & R.. Manning & Ryland's Reports Manw. . . . Manwood's Forest Laws Mar. March's Reports Mar. Cas... Maritime Cases Marr. ... Marriott's Reports Marsh. . . . Marshall's Reports Meg. , Mogone's Companies' Cases Mer. Merivale's Reports Milw Milward's Reports (Irish) Mod. C. L. { Modem Cases in Law and & Eq. 1. 2 j Equity (8 and 9. Mod, Rep.) Mod. Rep. . Modem Reports MoL Molloy's Reports (Irish) Mo Moore's Reports, K. B. Mont Montague's Reports Mont. & ( Montagvi and Ayrton's Re- Ayr. ... \ ports Mont. & j Montagu and Chitty's Re- Chit. ...\ ports Mont. D. & { Montagu, Deacon, and De De G. ... I Gex's Reports Mont. & { Montagxi and M'Arthur's M'A. ... j Reports Moo. & M. Moody and Malkin's Reports Moo. P.C.C. Moore's Privy Council Cases Moo. Ind. I Moore's Indian Appeal Ap. / Cases Moo. & R. Moo. J. B. . Moo. & P. . Moo. &S. . Mood Moore (C. P.) Moore Q.B. Morr. B. C, M. or Morr. Diet. ... Mos Murp. & H. Murr My. &C. ., Myl. & K. or of. K BenL N. C, Notes Cases ... Nels N. L N. R N. R N. &RL ... Nev.&Mac. N. &P. ... New Rep. , Nic. Ha. C, North. Noy... 0. Benl. ... O'M & H. . OrdCh. ... Orl. Bridg- man Ought. ... Ow P. C P. D P. & D. ... P. &K. ... P. Wms. ... Pal Par Pat. App. Cas Pea Peak. Ad. Cas Muody and Robinson's Re- ports J. B. Moore's Reports Moore and Payne's Reports Moore and Scott's Reports Moody's Chancery Cases Moore's Common Pleas Re- ports Moore, Sir F., Reports Morrell's Bankruptcy Reports Morrison's Dictionary of De- cisions (Scotland) Moseley's Reports Murphy and Hurlstone's Re- ports Murray's Reports, Jury Court (Scotland) Mylne and Craig's Reports Mylne and Keene's Reports New Benloe, K. B. Reports Notes of Cases in the Ec- clesiastical and Maritime Courts Nelson's Reports Lutwyche, Reports by Nelson New Reports, by Bosanquet and Puller Not reported Neville and Manning's Re- ports Neville and Macnamara Rail- way Cases Neville and Perry's Reports New Reports Nicholl, Hare, and Carrow, Railway Cases Northington's Reports, by Eden Noy's Reports Old Benloe's Reports O'Malley&Hardcastle's Cases Orders in Chancery Orlando Bridgman's Reports Oughton's Ordo Judiciorum Owen's Reports Privy Council Law Reports, New Series, Probate Division Perry and Davison's Reports { Perry and Knapp's Election I Cases Peere William's Reports Palmer's Reports Parker's Reports Paton's Appeal Cases (Scotch) Peake's Reports Peake's Additional Cases *#* A large stock of Second-hand Law Reports and Text-Books on Sale. ABBREVIATIONS. ®^, ■ ' ' [ Peake's Nisi Prius Cases Peck Peckwell's Election Cases Per. & K \ ^^"'y ""^ Knapp, Election ■ \ Cases Ph Phillip's Reports Phillim. . . . Phillimore's Reports PI ^Tj \ Piggott and Rodwell's Elec- ° \ tion Cases Plowd. . . . Plowdeu's Reports Pol Pollexf en's Reports Pooh ( ^•^P^*'^'^ Reports Pow. R, & ( Power, Rodwell, and Dew's D I Election Cases Pr Ch i P'"'^<^®t^^"*8 in Chancery I (Finch) Pr. Falc. . . . Falconer's Reports (Scotland) Pres. Shep. { Sheppard's Touchstone, by T I Preston Price or Pr. Price's Reports Prid. Conv. Prideaux's Conveyancing Q. B. Q. B. D. .. Quinti Quinto.. R. R R. S. C. ... ll.t.H. ... R. R Rail C, ... Rast Raym. (Ld.) Ray. (Sir T.) Reev. E. L. Rep. (1, 2, &c.) Rep. Ch ... Rep. Eq. . . . Rep. temp. Finch ... Ridgw. Ap. Ridg. t. H. Ridg. L & S Rob. A. ... Rob. E. ... Robert. Ap. Roll. R. and Roll Abr. Rose Ross L. C. , Russ Russ. & M. Russ. & R, Adolphus and Ellis, Queen's Bench Reports, New Series Law Reports, New Series, Queen's Bench DivLsion { Year Book, 5 Hen. 5 Revised Reports Rules of the Supreme Court. Reports temp. Hardwicke, or Reports temp. Holt Revised Reports Railway Cases Rastell's Entries Lord Raymond's Reports Sir Thos. Raymond's Reports Reeve's English Law Coke's Rep. 1, 2, &c. Reports in Chancery Gilbert's Reports in Equity Finch's Reports, Chancery Ridg way's Appeals (Ireland) Ridgway, temp. Hardwick Ridgway, Lapp, and Schoales' Reports (Ireland) Robinson's Admiralty Reports Robertson's Ecclesl. Reports Robertson's Appeal Cases (Scotland) Rolle's Rep. and RoUe's Abridgment Rose's Reports Ross's Leading Cases (Scot- land) Russell's Reports, Chancery Russell and Mylne's Reports Russell and Ryan's Crown Cases Ry. F Rymer's Ftfidera Ry. & M. .. Ryan and Moody, Reports S. C S. C. C. .. S.orS.&D. S.G S. &G. ... S. &S Salk Sau. & Sc. . Sand. & C. Saunu. Sav Say Sc. Jur. ... Sc. L. K. ... Sch. & Lef. Scott or Sco. Sco. N. R. . Sel. Ca. ... Sess. Ca. . . . Sh Sh.App. .. Sh. Dig. ... Sh. & M'L. Shep. Touch Show Shower's Q.B Sid Sim Sim. & St... Skin Sm.&G..., Sm. L. C. . Smi. & Bat. Smith Sinythe ... Sol. J Spottis. St Stair Stark Staunf . . . . Steph. Com. Stra. Stuart St. Tri. ... Sty. I Swa. Ad.. Same Case Select Chancery Cases Shaw and Dunlop's (Scotch) Solicitor General Stone and Graham's Court of Referees Searle and Smith's Reports Salkeld's Reports Sause's and Scully's Reports (Ireland) Sanders & Cole, Bail Court Reports Saunders's Reports Savile's Reports Sayer's Reports Scottish Jurist, Ct. of Session Scottish Law Reporter Schoale's and Lefroy's Reports (Ireland) Scott's Reports Scott's New Reports Select Cases, Anon. Sessions Cases, and see C. H. and A. Shaw's Reports (Scotland) Shaw's Reports of .A.ppeal Cases (Scotland) Shaw's Digest of Decisions (Scotland) Shaw and Maclean's Reports (Scotland) Shepherd's Touchstone Shower's Reports , Shower's Q. B. Cases Siderlin's Reports Simon's Reports Simon's and Stuart's Reports Skinner's Reports Smale and Giffard's Reports Smith's Leading Cases Smith and Batty's Reports (Ireland) Smith's Reports Sraythe's Reports (Ireland) Solicitor's Journal Spottiswoode's Reports of Ses- sion (Scotland) Stair's Institutions of the Law of Scotland Stair's Reports (Scotland) Starkie's Reports Staunf orde Pleas of the Crown Stephen's Commentaries Strange's Reports Stuart, Milne, and Peddie's Reports (Scotland) State Trials Style's Reports Swabey's Admiralty Reports a *#* All Standard Law Works are kept in Stock, in law calf and other Undings. w a^ ABBREVIATIONS. ^. & Tr Swans T. & M. ... T. L.R. ... T. R Taml Taun Thoni Tinw Toth Tudor Ca. M. L. ... Tudor Cas. Pr Turn. & H. 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H. & S Gr I West i West tevip. ] Hard- wicke ... ) White & Tu'1 ... j Willes Will. WolL ( &D I Will. WoU. S &H Wilm Wils. Ch.... Wils.Ex.Eq. Win Wight Wils WUs. & S. Wm. Rob. Wms Wms. Ex... WoL & B. Wol. & D... Wallis's Reports, Chancery (Ireland) Watkins's Copyholds Webster's Patent Cases Welsh RegistryCases (Ireland) Welsby, Hurlstone, and Gor- don, vide Exchequer Reports West's Reports (House of Lords) West's Reports, temp, Hard- wicke White and Tudor's Leading Cases Willes' Reports Willmore, WoUaston, and Davison's Reports Willmore, Wollaston, and Hodges Reports Wilmott's Notes and Opinions Wilson's Chancery Reports Wilson's Exchequer Reports Winch's Reports Wightwicke's Reports Wilson' H Reports Wilson and Shaw's Reports (Scottish) William Rol inson's Admiralty Reports Williams's P., see Peere Williams Williams' Law of Executors Wolferstan and Bristow's Election Cases Wolferstan and Dew's Elec- tion Cases Y. B Year Books Y. & C. ... Younge and Collyer's Reports Y. & C. C. I Younge and Collyer's C I Chancery Cases Y. & J. ... Younge and Jervis Reports Yelv Yelverton's Reports You. Younge's Reports. PRIVATE ACTS OF PARLIAMENT. The Publishers of this Catalogue possess the largest known Collection (including Public and Local), and can supply Copies commencing from a very early period. Valuations made for Probate, Partnership, &c. libraries^pSiShased. A very Large Stock of Second-hand Reports and Modern Text Books on Sale. Prices on application. STEVENS AND SONS, LIMITED, 119 & 120, CHANCERY LaNE, LONDON, W.C. *.jt* A large stock of Second-hand Law Reports and Text-Books on Sale. r a fflftronological Hist OP ENGLISH LAW REPORTS ON SALE BY STEVENS AND SONS. LIMITED, 119 & 120, CHANCERY LANE, LONDON. All in good Second-hand condition, and at the Lowest Market Prices. Estimates given for Series, or portions of Series of the Reports. HOUSE OF LOBDS. Shower Collea Brown, by Tomlins Dow Bligh and Part 1 of Vol. IV. Bligh. New Series . and Parts 1, 2, and 8, of Vol. XI Dow and Clark .... Clark and Finnelly . Maclean and RobinHon . West House of Lords Cases (Clark) Index to Date of laat Edition. Acton PRIVY COUNCIL. and Part 1, Vol. II. Knapp Moore Moore (New Series) Moore. The Gorham Case Moore. East India Appeals . Law Keports. Indian Appeals CHANCERY. Cary Choyce Cases in Chancery Tothill . Dickens Reports in Chancery Nelson . Equity Cases Abridged Cases in Chancery Freeman . Finch (Sur H.) . Vernon Finch's Precedents 1876 1789 1803 Xo. of Vols. 1 1 8 6 3 10 2 I 12 I 1 1 11 1 3 15 9 1 14 21 1872 1870 1872 1803 1736 1872 1793-69 1735 1823 1725 1828 1786 Size. Period. 8vo. I 1694 to 1699 8vo. i 1697 to 1714 roy. 8vo. t 1702 to 1800 roy. 8vo. ' 1812 to 1818 roy. 8vo. ! 1819 to 1821 roy. 8vo. j 1827 to 1837 roy. 8vo. roy. .8vo. roy. 8vo. roy. 8vo. roy. 8vo. roy. 8vo. roy. 8vo. roy. 8vo. roy. 8vo. roy. 8vo. roy. 8vo. roy. 8vo. roy. 8vo. 12mo. 8vo. 12mo. roy. 8vo. folio 8vo. folio folio roy. 8vo. folio roy. 8vo. roy. 8vo. 1827 to 1832 1831 to 1846 1839 1839 to 1841 1847 to 1866 1814 to 1866 1809 to 1811 1829 to 1836 1836 to 1862 1862 to 1873 1850 1836 to 1873 1873 to 1893 1657 to 1557 to 1569 to 1559 to 1615 to 1625 to 1667 to 1660 to 1660 to 1673 to 1681 to 1689 to 1604 1606 1646 1798 1712 1693 1744 1S88 1706 1681 1720 1723 g2 *** All Law Reports are kept in Stock, in law calf and oilier bindings. 1 II ^8\ A CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF ENGLISH LAW REPORTS / Date of No ^H last of Size. Period. 1 Edition. Vc'H . CHANCERY— ( contin tied. ) H Peers Williams 1826 3 roy. 8vo. 1696 to 1736 M Gilbert 1742 1 ' folio 1705 to 1727 H Select Cases, temp. King 1860 1 roy. 8vo. 1 1724 to 1734 H Mosely 1803 1 8vo. 1726 to 1731 H Kelynge, W 1873 1 8vo. 1 1731 to 1736 ■ Talbot, Cases temp. . . . . . 1793 1 8vo. ' 1734 to 1738 ' H West, temp. Hardwick 1827 1 roy. 8vo. : 1736 to 1739 H Atkyns 1794 3 roy. 8vo. 1736 to 1755 H Ambler 1828 2 roy.Svo. 1737 to 1784 H Bamardiston 1742 1 folio i 1740 to 1741 H ! Ridge way, temp. Hardwicke 1794 1 roy.Svo. 1744 to 1746 H 1 Vesey, Sen., and Belt's Supplement 1818—25 3 roy.Svo. 1747 to 1756 |M j Eden 1827 2 roy.Svo. 11757 to 1767 IH 1 Brown, by Eden ...... 1819 4 1 roy. 8vo. 1778 to 1794 iM \ Brown, by 13ult 1820 4 roy. 8vo. — — !■ ' Cox 1816 2 roy. 8vo. 1783 to 1796 il ' Vesey, Jun., with Index, and Hovenden's Sup, 1827 22 roy. 8vo. 'l7S9tol816 ■ Vesey and Beames 1818 3 roy. 8vo 1812 to 1814 ■ Cooper, G., tsmp. Eldon .... 1815 1 roy. 8vo. 1815 ■ Merivale 3 roy. 8vo. 1816 to 1817 ■ Swanston 3 roy. Svo. 1818 to 1819 1 Wilson 4 Parts 1 roy. Svo. 1818 to 1819 I Jacob and Walker 2 roy. Svo. 1819 to 1821 '1 9PP Jacob ........ ... . . • 1 roy. Svo. 1821 to 1822 Turner and Russell 1 roy. Svo. 1822 to 1824 ii Russell Only 2 Parts of the 6th Vol. were published. 5 roy. Svo. 1826 to 1829 ffl Russell and INIylne 2 roy. Svo. 1829 to 1831 fffl Mylne and Keen 3 roy. Svo. 1833 to 1835 ■ Mylne and Craig ...... 6 roy. Svo. 1836 to 1840 B Cooper, C. P 1 roy. Svo. 1837 to 1838 H Craig and Phillips 1 roy. Svo. 1841 i 1 Cooper, temp. Cottenham Phillips 2 2 roy. Svo. roy. Svo. 1834 to 1848 1841 to 1849 ■ Hall and Twells ■ > • • > 2 roy. Svo. 1848 to 1850 ■ Macnaghten and Gordon .... 3 roy. Svo. 1849 to 1851 a De Gex, Macnaghten, and Gordon . . . 8 roy. Svo. 1851 to 1857 m De Gex and Jones 4 roy. Svo. 1857 to 1860 ■ De Gex, Fisher, and Jones . . , . 4 roy. Svo. 1860 to 1862 1 De Gex, Jones, and Smith .... 4 roy. Svo. 1862 to 1866 1 ROLLS COURT. { 1h Tamlyn 1 roy. Svo. 1829 to 1830 • ^m Keen 2 roy. Svo. 1836 to 1838 B Beavan 36 roy. Svo. 1838 to 1866 1 vice-chancellors' courts. 1 Maddock . . . ■' ^ ^ 6 roy. Svo. 1816 to 1822 1 Simons and Stuart iiciup. V.-Cs. Shad well 2 roy. Svo. 1822 to 1826 ^B Simons and Kiudersley. ^ J 17 roy. Svo. 1826 to 1849 ■ Simons. New Series . Drewry . . . . 2 4 roy. Svo. roy. Svo. 1850 to 1852 1852 to 1859 1 Drewry and Smale 2 roy. Svo. 1860 to 1865 » YoungeandCollyer .f temp. V.-Cs. ^ Sfff/x and Smale '] ^Sk?!? Smale and Giffard . ^^u^^ 2 roy. Svo. 1841 to 1843 1 2 6 roy. Svo. roy. Svo. 1844 to 1846 1846 to 1862 8 3 roy. Svo. 1852 to 1867 1 Giffard . . . L otuari. j 5 roy. Svo. 1857 to 1866 1 1 1 *^^* A large stock of Second-hand Law Reports a ndU 'fxt-Booh ( on Sale. I ON SALE BY STP^VENS & SONS, Limited, 119 & 120, CHANCERY Li ■ Dato ot No. - r last of SiM. Period. Edition. Vols. VICE-CHANCELLORS' C0VB.T6— (continued.) kTv ' ' '{ teinp.V.-CH. ) Tr ^ ' 1 T I ' ■ < Wiijraiii, Turner, > Kay andJohnflon .) ^nj Wood \ 11 1 4 roy. 8vo. roy. 8vo. roy. 8vo. 1841 to 1853 1853 to 1854 1854 to 1858 Johnson . . . ( *"" "°^"" ) 1 roy. 8vo. 1859 JohnHon .vnd Hemming 2 roy. 8vo. 1860 to 1862 Hemming and Miller ..... 2 roy. 8vo. 1862 to 1866 KINO'S BENCH AND QUEEN'S BENCH. State Trials, with Index 34 roy. 8vo. 1163 to 1820 State Trials, New Series .... roy. 8vo. 1820 to 1843 Vol. III. in course of publication. 1823 to 1831 Year Books tG79 11 folio 1307 to 1637 Bellewe l'-'39 8vo. 1378 to 1400 Keilway 1688 folio 1496 to 1531 Moore 1688 folio 1512 to 1621 Dyer 1,94 roy. 8vo. 1513 to 1582 Brooke's New Cases . . . / i" larch's translation of Brooke . . . f 1873 8vo. 1515 to 1558 Benloe IC'Jl Tolio 1531 to 1628 Leonard ........ 1687 folio 1540 to 1615 Plowden 1816 roy. 8vo. 1550 to 1580 Owen lii56 folio 1556 to 1615 Noy 1669 folio 1559 to 1649 Coke 1826 roy. 8 , 0. 1572 to 1616 Godbolt 1652 4to. 1575 to 1638 Croke 1790 roy. 8vu. 1582 to 1641 Gouldesborough 1382 4to. 1586 to 1602 Popham 1682 folio 1592 to 1627 Yelverton 1792 8vo. 1603 to 1613 Hobart 1724 folio 1603 to 1625 Davies (Ireland) 1674 1 folio 1604 to 1612 Ley 1659 folio 1608 to 1629 Calthrop 1872 12mo. 1609 to 1618 Bulstrode 1688 folio 1609 to 1639 RoUe 1675 folio 1614 to 1625 Palmer 1721 folio 1619 to 1629 Jones, W 1675 folio 1620 to 1641 Latch 1662 folio 1625 to 1628 March, New Cases 1675 4to. 1639 to 1653 Style 1658 folio 1645 to 1646 Aleyn 1688 folio 1646 to 1649 Siderfin 1714 folio 1657 to 1670 Rajrmond, Sir T 1803 roy. 8vo. 1660 to 1684 Levinz 1793 8vo. 1660 CO 1697 Keble 1685 folio 1661 to 1679 Kelyng, J 1873 8vo. 1662 to 1669 Saunders 1845 roy. 8vo. 1666 to 1673 Jones, T 1729 folio 1667 to 1685 Ventris 1726 folio 1668 to 1691 Pollexfen 1702 folio 1669 to 1685 Modem 1793-6 12 i"oy.8vo. 1669 to 1732 Freeman 1826 roy. 8vo. 1670 to 1704 Shower 1794 roy. 8vo. 1678 to 1695 Skinner 1728 folio 1681 to 1698 Comberbach 1724 folio 1685 to 1699 Carthew 1743 •J folio 1686 to 1701 Holt . . . : ■ . . 1738 folio 1688 to 1711 Salkeld 1795 3 roy. 8vo. 1689 to 1712 Raymond (Lord) . . ... 1790 3 roy, 8vo. 1694 to 1734 Fortescue 1748 1 folio 1695 to 1738 *if* All Law Report! are kept in Stock, in law calf and other bindings. !|P*"'' /^c A CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF ENGLISH LAW EEPORTS KINO'S BENCH AND QTTEEN'S BENCH- (continued.) Comyns Sessions Cases Gilbert's Cases in Law and Equity Strange Bamardiston Fitzgibbon , . . . Barnes' Cases of Practice . Ridgeway temp. Hardwicke . Cunningham Lee temp. Hardwicke . Andrews .... Wilson Blackstone (W.) Sayer Kenyon .... Wilmot's Notes and Opinions Burrow .... Lofft Cowper .... Douglas .... Dumford and East . East Maule and Selwyn . Bamewall and Alderson ■ Cresswell . Adolphus Adolphus and Ellis Queen's Bench (Adolphus and Ellis. Ellis and Blackburn Ellis, Blackburn, and Ellis Ellis and Ellis Best and Smith. Dowling and Ryland ' Manning and Ryland Neville and Manning Neville and Perry Perry and Davison . Gale and Davison Davison and Merivale Cababe and Ellis BAIL COURT. Chitty .... Dowling .... — — — (Ncw Series) . ■' and Lowndes Saunders and Cole . Lowndes, Maxwell, and Pollock and Maxwell COMMON PLEAS Benloo and Dalison Anderson .... Brownlow and Goldesborough Saville .... Hutton Bridgman (Sir J.) Winch Littleton .... Hetley N ew Series) Date of last Edition. 1792 1873 1760 1795 1744 1732 1790 1794 1871 1815 1792 1799 1828 1790 1819-25 1802 1812 1790 1800 1813-31 1817 1689 1664 1675 1688 1682 1659 1657 1683 1657 No. of Vols. I Size. 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 2 1 5 1 2 4 8 16 6 5 10 6 12 18 8 10 9 5 6 3 4 3 1 1 2 9 2 7 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Period. roy. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. roy. 8vo. folio folio roy. 8vo. I roy. 8vo. 8vo. roy. 8vo. 8vo. roy. 8vo. roy. 8vo. 8vo. roy. 8vo. 4to. roy. 8vo. 8vo. roy. 8vo. roy. 8vo. roy. 8vo. roy. 8vo. roy. 8vo. roy. 8vo. roy. 8vo. roy. 8vo. roy. 8vo. roy. Svo. roy. 8vo. roy. Svo, roy. Svo. roy. Svo. roy. Svo. roy. Svo. roy. Svo. roy. Svo. roy. Svo. roy. Svo. roy. Svo. roy. Svo. roy. Svo. roy. Svo. roj'. Svo. roy. Svo. roy. Svo. roy. Svo. roy. Svo. folio folio 4to, folio folio folio folio folio folio 695 to 1741 710 to 1748 713 to 1715 716 to 1749 726 to 1735 728 to 1733 732 to 1760 733 to 1737 734 to 1736 733 to 1738 738 to 1740 742 to 1774 746 to 1780 751 to 1756 753 to 1760 757 to 1770 767 to 1771 772 to 1774 774 to 1778 778 to 1784 785 to 1800 801 to 1812 813 to 1817 817 to 1822 822 to 1830 830 to 1834 834 to 1840 841 to 1852 862 to 1858 1858 868 to 1861 861 to 1869 821 to 1827 827 to 1830 831 to 1836 836 to 1838 838 to 1841 841 to 1843 843 to 1844 882 to 1885 819 to 1820 830 to 1840 841 to 1842 846 to 1849 842 to 1848 850 to 1861 852 to 1854 486 to 534 to 669 to 680 to 612 to 613 to 621 to 626 to 627 to 1580 1605 1624 1694 1639 1621 1625 1632 1632 B C ! E A large Stock of Second-hatid Law Jieportt and Text-Books on Sale. ON SALE BY STEVENS & SONS, Limited, 119 & 120, CHANCERY LANE^ 1 COMMON rLEAS—{cont{7iued.) Bridgman (Sir Orlando) Carter . Vftughan . Lutwyche .... Lutwyche, translated by Nelson Cooke Willes .... Blackstone (H.) Bosanquet and Puller Taunton Broderip and Bingham Bingham New Cases Manning and Granger . Common Bench Index to New Series Harrison and Rutherfurd Marshall . Moore Moore and Payne ") Moore and Scott Scott , New Reports EXCHEQXTER. Jenkins . Lane Hardres Bunbury . Parker . Anstruther Forest . Wightwick Price McCleland and Younge Youngri and Jervis . Crompton and Jervis and Meeson and Roscoe Meeson and Welsby . Exchequer Reports (Welsby, Hurlstone, and Gordon) .... Hurlstone and Norman Hurlstone and Coltman . ( Tyrrwhitt . \ Tyrrwhitt and Granger EXCHEQUEB, EQUITY Wilson 1 part, Daniell Younge .... Younge and CoUyer NISI PRITJ^ Peake .... Espinasse .... Campbell .... Holt Starkie . . . aad Vol. III. Part 1 Gow Dace of last Edition. 1823 1688 1706 1704 1718 1872 1800 1827 1826 1777 1657 1792 1793 1791 1817 No. of Vols. 1820-29 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 5 8 3 10 6 7 18 1 20 1 2 12 5 4 8 8 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 13 1 1 3 2 2 2 17 11 7 4 5 1 Size. Period. roy. 8vo. folio folio folio folio 8vo. 8vo. roy. 8vo. roy. 8vo. roy. Svo. roy. 8vo. roy. Svo. roy. 8vo. roy. Svo. roy. Svo. roy. Svo. roy. Svo. roy. Svo. roy. Svo. roy. Svo. roy. Svo. roy. Svo. roy. Svo. roy. Svo. folio folio Svo. Svo. Svo. roy. Svo. roy. Svo. roy. Svo. roy. Svo. roy. Svo. roy. Svo. roy. Svo. roy. Svo. roy. Svo. roy. Svo. roy. Svo. roy. Svo. roy. Svo. roy. Svo. roy. Svo. roy. Svo. roy. Svo. roy. Svo. roy. Svo. roy. Svo. roy, roy. roy. roy. roy, roy. Svo. \ Svo. '. 8 vo. '. Svo. '. Svo. r. 8V0. 1660 to 1667 1664 to 1676 1665 to 1674 1682 to 1704 1706 to 1747 1737 to 1760 1788 to 1796 1796 to 1S07 1808 to 1819 1819 to 1822 1822 to 1834 1834 to 1840 1840 to 1844 1845 to 1856 1856 to 1865 1866 to 1868 1814 to 1816 1817 to 1827 1828 to 1831 1831 to 1834 1834 to 1840 1840 to 1845 1220 to 1623 1605 to 1612 1655 to 1669 1713 to 1742 1743 to 1767 1792 to 1797 1801 1810 to 1811 1814 to 1824 1824 1825 1826 to 1830 1830 to 1832 1832 to 1834 1834 to 1836 1836 to 1847 1847 to 1856 1856 to 1861 1862 to 1865 1830 to 1835 1836 1817 1817 to 1819 1830 to 1832 1833 to 1841 1790 to 1812 1793 to 1807 1808 to 1816 1815 to 1817 1815 to 1822 1818 to 1820 *^* All Law Reports are kept in Stock, in law calf and other bindings. //))2 *" A CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF ENGLISH LAW REPORTS ON 1 Part NISI VRIUS— (continued.) Dowling and Ryland Ryan and Moody Carrington and Payne . . ... Moody and Malkin Moody and Robinson Carrington and Marshnian .... Carrington and Kirwan, and Vol. III. Pts. 1 &2 Foster and Finlason ECCLESIASTICAL. Lee HaggarJ (Consistory) Phillimore Addams . . .and Vol. III. Part 1. Haggard . . and Vol. IV. Parts 1 & 2 Curteis .....••• Notes of Cases in the Ecclesiastical and ) Maritime Courts > Robertson . and Vol. II. Parts 1, 2, & 3 Spinks (Ecclesiastical and Admiralty) Deane ...... PROBATE AND DIVORCE. Swabey and Tristram ADMIRALTY. Marriott Robinson (C.) Edwards ..... Dodson ...... Haggard Robinson (W.) Swabey Lushington Browning and Lushington . Marsden Maritime Law Cases (Aspinall) . (Vol. VII. in course of publication.) BANKRUPTCY. Rose Buck Glyn and Jameson .... Montagu and M 'Arthur Montagu Montagu and Bligh Montagu and Ayrton Montagu and Chitty Deacon and Chitty .... Deacon Montagu, Deacon, and De Gex De Gex Fonblanque De Gex, Macnaghten, and Gordon, Parts 1 to 9 De Gex and Jones De Gex, Fisher and Jones, Part I. De Gex, Jones and Smith Morrell (Vol. XI. in course of publication.) RAILWAY AND CANAL CASES. Nicholl, Hare, Carrow, Oliver, Bevan and Lefroy Neville and Macnamara Browne and Macnamara Vol. VIII. in course of publication. Date of last Edition. 1833 1822 1885 L870-91 No. of Vols. 1 10 Size. roy. 8vo. roy. 8vo. roy. 8vo. roy. 8vo. roy. 8vo. roy. 8vo. I'oy. 8vo. roy. 8vo. roy. 8vo. roy. 8vo. roy. 8vo. roy. 8vo. roy. 8vo. roy. 8vo. 8vo. roy. 8vo. roy. 8vo. roy. 8vo. roy. 8vo. 8vo. roy. 8vo. roy. 8vo. roy. 8vo. roy. 8vo. roy. 8vo. roy. 8vo. roy. 8vo. roy. 8vo. roy. 8vo. roy. 8vo. roy. 8vo. roy. 8vo. roy. 8vo. roy. 8vo. roy. Svo. roy. 8vo. roy. Svo. roy. Svo. roy. Svo. roy. Svo. roy. Svo. loy. Svo. Svo. roy. Svo. roy. Svo. roy. Svo. roy. Svo. roy. Svo. roy. Svo. roy. Svo. Period. 1822 to 1823 1823 to 1826 1823 to 1841 1827 to 1830 1831 to 1844 1840 to 1842 1843 to 1850 1858 to 1867 1752 to 1758 1789 to 1821 1809 to 1821 1822 to 1826 1827 to 1833 1834 to 1844 1841 to 1850 1844 to 1851 1853 to 1855 1855 to 1857 1858 to 1865 1776 1799 1808 1811 1822 1838 1858 1860 1864 1648 1870 to 1779 to 1808 to 1810 to 1822 to 1837 to 1852 to 1859 to 1863 to 1865 to 1840 to 1891 1810 to 1816 1816 to 1820 1821 to 1828 1828 to 1830 1830 to 1832 1832 to 1833 1833 to 1838 1838 to 1840 1832 to 1835 1836 to 1839 1840 to 1844 1845 to 1848 1849 to 1852 1861 to 1857 1860 1860 1862 to 1865 1884 to 1893 1835 to 1865 1855 to 1881 1881 to 1891 Meg( *^^* A large stock of Second- hand Law Beports and Text-Booh on Sale. ON SALE BY STEVENS & SONS, Limited, 119 & 120, CHANCERY LANE^ Date of last Editiou. COMPANIES' CASES Megone .... UERCANTILE CASES. Danson and Lloyd . Lloyd and Welsby ELECTION CASES Glanville . Douglas Eraser Luder .... Peck well . Corbett and Daniell Cockburn and Eowe Perry and Knapp . Knapp and Ombler . Falconer and Fitzherbert Barron and Austin . Barron and Arnold Power, Rodwell, and Dew Wolferstan and Dew Wolferstan and Bristow . Lutwyche (Registration Cases) Keane and Grant (Registration Cases) Hopwood and Philbrick (Registration Cases) Hopwood and Coltman (Registration Cases) Coltman (Registration Cases) Fox and Smith's (Registration Cases) Vol. I., Parts 1 to 7. (In course of publication.) O'Malley and Hardcastle (Election Petitions) (Vol. V. in course of publication.) MAGISTBATES' CASES. Carrow,Hamerton,and Allen (New Sessions Cases) . and Vol. IV., Parts 1 to 4 CROWN CASES. Foster Leach ....... Russell and Ryan Lewin's Crown Cases on the Northern Circuit Moody .... Denison . . . , Dearsly .... Dearsly and Bell Bell .... Leigh and Cave Cox's Criminal Law Cases (Vol. XVII., Parts 1 to 7, in course Oi publication.) 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Svo. 1743 1730 1799 1822 1824 1844 1852 1856 1858 1861 1843 to 1761 to 1815 to 1823 to 1838 to 1844 to 1852 to 1856 to 1868 to 1860 to 1866 to 1890 1848 to 1851 1 1834 to 1892 jimp. Svo. imp. Svo. 4to. j 4to. folio ' roy. Svo. imp. Svo. *^* All Law Reports are kept in Stock, in law calf and oth^r bindings. 1837 to 1854 1855 to 1866 1823 to 1831 1832 to 1893 1846 to 1893 1859 to 1893 1853 to 1893 /^^ A CHEONOLOGICAL LIST OF ENGLISH LAW REPORTS. EEPORTS IN ALL THE COURTS— {continued.) New Reports The Law Reports (from Michs. Term, 1865) New Series. "Weekly Notes The Times Law Reports (Vol. X. in course of publication.) STATUTES AT LARGE. Statutes at I^arge (Pickering's Edition), from Magna Charta to 32 & 33 Vict. . . . Statutes at Large (Tomlin's and Raithby's Edition), from Magna Charta to 32 & 33 Vict. Statutes at Large (Ruffhead's Edition), from Magna Charta to 32 & 33 Vict. Statutes at Lai^ (Tomlin's and Raithby's Edi- tion), from Magna Charta to 32 & 33 Vict. 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Connor and Lawson . Lloyd and Goold . Dniry and Warren . Drury . Jones and Latouche . Dniry, Select Cases, temp. Napier . . . . Continued by Irish Equity Reports. ROLLS COURT. Hogan Sausse and Scully Flanagan and Kelly Continued by Trisli Equity B«ports. KINO'S BENCH AND QUEEN'S BENCH. Vernon and Scriven Ridgeway, Lapp, and Schoales ( "Irish Term Reports") Fox and Smith Smith and Batty Batty Hudson and Brooke Alcock and Napier Cooke and Alcock 1 part. Jebb and Symes Jebb and Bourke Continued by Iriah Law Reports. COMMON PLEAS. Smjrthe Continued by Irisli Law Reports. No. of 1 Size. Period. Vols. 3 , 8vo. 1784 to 1796 1 roy. Svo. 1766 to 1791 2 roy. Svo. 1S02 to 1806 2 roy. Svo. 1S07 to 1814 1 roy. Svo. 1814 to 1830 2 roy. Svo. 1827 to 1829 1 roy. Svo. 1834 to 1839 2 roy. Svo. 1837 to 1840 2 roy. Svo. 1841 to 1843 1 roy. Svo. 1835 4 roy. Svo. 1841 to 1843 1 roy. Svo. 1843 to 1844 3 roy. Svo. 1844 to 1846 1 ... 1858 to 1859 2 roy. Svo. 1816 to 1834 1 roy. Svo. 1837 to 1840 1 roy. 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Irish Law, 13 vols, . . not published Equity, 13 vols. . . separately. Common Law, 1 7 vols. . . , . Chanceiy, 17 vols. . . . ""'''• The Irish Reports, Common Law Series ) (/j-om Michs. Term, 1866), 11 vols, f Equity Series {from t Michs. Term, 1866), 11 vols. . . ) The Law Reports (Ireland) (Current Series) STATUTES. The Irish Statutes, with two indices from 3rd Edw. IL to 40 Geo. Ill ditto. 4 1 6 1 26 34 22 30 21 Size. roy. 8vo. roy. 8vo. roy. 8vo. roy. 8vo. roy. 8vo. roy. 8vo. roy. 8vo. roy. 8vo roy. 8vo. roy. 8vo. roy. 8v( roy. 8vo. roy. 8vo. rov. 8vo. 4to. roy. 8vo. roy. 8vo. roy. 8vo. roy. 8vo. roy. 8vo. roy. 8vo. roy. 8vo. folio Period. I 1840 to 1842 1846 to 1848 1830 to 1832 1832 to 1834 1834 to 1838 1838 to 1839 1841 to 1842 1832 to 1837 1832 to 1840 1868 to 1876 1822 to 1840 1819 to 1843 1839 to 1846 1841 to 1843 1S27 to 1831 1831 to 1832 1833 to 1838 1837 to 1838 1838 to 1850 1850 to 1866 Otc 1873 i to 1893 1310 to 1800 A very large Second-hand Stock on Sale. Estimates on application. "*•■#■* A large stock of Second-hand Law Reports and Text-Books on Sale. TED. nod. to 1842 to 1848 to 1832 to 1834 to 1838 to 1839 to 1842 ;o 1837 o 1840 o 1876 1840 3 1843 )1846 )1843 .1831 11832 i 1838 1838 1850 1866 J 873 1893 1800