IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 If I.I 12.5 2.0 US, 2.0 1.8 1.25 1.4 1.6 -^ 6" — ► V ^ J, T FINNIE, M. D,, President * J. B. SPARROW, . . Vice President THOS C. BRAINERD, Hon. Treasurer G W. MACDOUGALL. - - Hon. Counsel WM. J. CLEG HORN, 107 Board of Trade Building, Hon. Secretary. 0I-03E: s£ASor\i F='OR gsame:. PROVINCE OP QUEBEC. Mot to t>e Irxtanted, Icilled or talcen. CARIBOU, - - - From Ist Peb'y. to lat Sept. DEER & MOOSE, - - - Prom 1st Jan'y. to Ist. Oct. N.B.— The hunting of Moose, Cariboo or Deer with Dogs* or by means of Snaresi Traps, &c. is prohibited. Except in the Counties of Ottawa and Pontiac, Red Deer may be hunted with Dogs from 20th October till the Ist of November of each year. It is forbidden to Ijunt, kill or take Deer or Moose by " Yarding " or •'Crusting" or to hunt, kill or take at any time Fawns or the young, of less than one year's age : of Moose, Deer or Caribou. No person [white man or Indian] has a right, during one season's hunting to kill or take alive— unless he has previously obtained a per- mit from the Commissioner of Crown Lands for that purpose - more than 2 Moose, 2 Caribou and 3 Deer. After the first ten days of the Close Season all Railways and Ste8~nboat Companies and Public Carriers are forbidden to carry the whole or any part [except the skin] of any Moose, Caribou or Deeri without being authorized theretp by the Commissioner of Crown Lands- Prom 1st July to 20th August. Until November Ist, 1900. From 1st April to 1st November, From 1st Pbb'y to Ist November. From 1st May to 1st Jan'y, following From Ist Feb'y to 1st September. From 1st Peb'y to 15th September. Prom 1st March to let September. BEAR BEAVER. - - - MINK, OTTER. MARTEN PEKAN, FOX or LYNX, HARE. ----- MUSK RAT, - ^ - WOODCOCK, SNIPE. CLOVER) CURLEW, TATTLER or> SANDPIPER, - - > PARTRIDGE op any kind - | BLACK DUCK. TEAL, WILD) duck, op any kind except > Sheldrake and Gull, - ) And at anytime of the year between one hour after sunset and one hour before sunrise. It is also forbidden to keep exposed during such prohibited hours, lures or decoys. Hunting by means of Snares. Springs, Caeres, &c., of Partridge, Woodcock, Snipe, Black Duck, Teal or any Wild Duck is Strictly Prohibited. N.B.—Nevertheless, in that part of the Province in the East and North of the Counties of Bellechasse and Montmorenci the inhabi- tants, may at all seasons of the year, but only for the purpose of obtaining food, shoot «ny of the birds mentioned in the foregoing section. Birds known as Prrchers except the Faloonidae , Wild Pigeons , King Fishers, Crows, Ravens, Waxwings, (Recollets) Shrikes, Jays, Magpies, Sparrows and Starlings. From 1st March to 1st September. To take Nests or Eggs or Wild Birds at any time of the year. N.B.— Pine of $2 to $100, or imprisonment in default of payment. No person who isno*- domiciled in the province of Quebec can at any time hunt in this Province without bavins previously obtained a license to that effect from the Commissioner of Orown Lr.nds. Such permit is not transferable. FISHERY LKMS t» -5*5- IT 15 UNLAWFUL TO TAKE SALMON (Angling), From 15th August to Ist Frbruabt. OUANANICHEj do 15thSKPTBMBER tolst Dkcrmber. ^(SS/onS«) \ ^« IstOcTOBRR to 30th April. ^LUNGEl^&I^^^^^i ^« 15th October to 1st Deoembrb. PICKEREL or DORE, do 15th April to 15tb May. BASS, do 15th April to 15th June. MASKINONGE, do 25th imiuiiu iup iiiwp" May to Ist July. WHITEPISH, do 10th November to Ist December. All these datea are inclusive. Net or Seine Fishing without License is Prohibited. Nets must be raised from Saturday night until Monday morning. Nets cannot be set, or Seines used, so as to bar Channels or Bays. Fine of $5 to $20, or imprisonment in default of payment- N.B— Angfling by hand (with hook and line) is the only means allowed to be used for taking Fish in the lakes and rivers under control of the Government of the Province of Quebec. No person who is not domiciled in the Province of Quebe«% can, at any time, lish in the lakes or rivers under the control of the Government of this Province, not actually under lease, without having previously obtained a permit to that effect from the Com- missioner of Crown Lands. Such permit is only valid for the time, place and persons therein indicated. This applies to Indians as well as white men. Fishing by means of Nets is prohibited in the following Rivers with limits extending one half mile on each side of the mouth of each : tbese Rivers being set apart for the natural and artificial Eropagation of Fish: — North River, County of Argenteuil; Salmon Liver, County of Huntingdon; Magog and Massawippi Rivers, Counties of Stanstead and Sherbrooke. No person shall, during such prohibited time, fish for, catch, kill, buy, sell or have in possession, any of the kinds of fish mentioned above. Any person guilty of violating these regulations is liable to fine and costs, or in default of payment, is subject to imprisonment. Sportsmen and others desirous of aiding in the work of enforcing the Game and Fisb^T Laws in the Prov^ince of Quebec, are urgently requested to send \ . iculars of such cases of violation of the laws as may come undbi' their notice, to the Secretary of the Fish and Game Protection Club. All Communications to be addressed to WM, J CLEGHORN. HON. SECY, Pish and Qame Protection Club, 107 Board of Trade Building, HONTRBAL. S.A-'SONS OU LA CHASSE EST D^FENDUE. PROVINCE DE QUEBEC. 1. Oabibou Du ler F^y. au ler Sept. 2. Ohbvrkuil !1!;t l'Orignal Du ler Jan. au ler Oct . N.B.— II est d^fendu de se servir de ohiens, collets, trappes.etc. pour faire la ohasse de rOrignal, du Caribou ou du Chevreuil. Mais il est permis de chaflser, tuer ou prendre ainsi le ohevreuil (red deer) dans les oomt^s d'Ottawa et de Pontiac. depuis le 20 octobre jugqu'au ler novembre de chaque ann^e. 11 est difendu de oha^iser, tuer ou prendre I'orignal et le ohevreuil dans les ravages (yarding) de ces anitnaux, ou en profitant de la cronte de la neige (crusting) ; ou de chnsser, tuer on prendre, en quelque temps que oe soit) dea faons ou broquarts, o'est-^-dire les petits jusqu'^ T^ge d'un an, de VorignaU le chevreuil on le caribou. Nul [blano ou sauvage] n'a le droit, durant une saison de chasse de tuer ou do prendre vivant plus de 2 orignaux, 2 caribous, et 3 ohevreuils. Pour en tuer un plus grand nombre, il faut avoir pr^ala- blement ubtenu un permis du Commissaire des Torres de la Couronne h oet effet. Aprds les dix premiers joura de prohibition, 11 est d^fondu aux oompagnies de chemin de fer et de bateaux k vapeur, ainsi qu'aux rouliers publics, de transporter tout ou partie [h Texception de la 8eaul de l'Orignal, du Caribou ou du Chevreuil, sans autorisation du ommissaire des lerres de la Couronne. 3. Ours Du ler Juillet au 20 Ao fit . 4- Castor Jusqu'au ler Nov. 1900 6. VisoN, Loutrb, Marth, Pkkan, Rbnard ou Loup-Crrvirr Du ler Avril au ler Nov. 6. LiivRB....... Duler F6v. au ler Nov. 7. Rat-MuSqu^ Du ler Mai au ler Janvier suivant. 8. BlicAssE, Bi:cASSiNE9, Pleuyirr, Courlibu, Jaseurs. [R^collet] . Du lor F^v. au ler Sept. 9. Perdrix de toute espSoe Du ler F4v. au 15 Sept. 10. Magreuses, Sargelles» Canards Sauvages de toute esp^ce [excepts Harles, Bec-Soies, Huarts, Goelandsl Du ler Mars au ler Sept. Gt en auoun temps de I'ann^e entre une heure apr^s le coucher et une heure avant le oouch6 du soleil. II est aussi difendu de se servir d'appellants, etc., durant ces heures de prohibition. II est de plus strictement difendu de prendre au moyen de collets, ressorts, cages, etc., auciiin des oiseaux mentionn^s aux Nob 8, 9 et 10. N.B.—N^anmoins dans les parties de la Province situ^es k Test et au nord des comU.3 de Belleohasse et Montmorency, les habitants peuvent chasser en toutea saiaona dn\'a.nn6e, mais pour leur nourri- ture seulement, les oiseaux montionn^s au No 10. 11. Les Jiseaux PERCHEURSt excepts les oiseaux de la famille des Falconides, le Pigeon- voyageur, [tourte], le Martin-p^cheur, le Corbeau, la Corueille, les Jaseurd, [R^collets], les Pies-Gridohes, les Geais, la Pie, le Moineau,;les Etourneaux Du ler Mars au ler Sept, 12. Enlbyer les Oeufs ou Nids d'Oiseaux sauvages En tout temps de Tannic. N.B.— Amendes de $2 k $100, pour chaque infraction, ou empri- "onnement k d^faut de paiement. Quiconque n'a pas son domicile dans la Province de Quebec ne peut,enancun temps, faire la chasse en cette Province sans y €tre autoris6 par un permis du Commissaire des Terres de la Couronne. Cle permis n'est pas transferable. LOIS SUR LA PECHE. IL EST DEFENDU PAR LA LOI DE PRENDRE 1. Saumon [^laligne] DulT) Aoftt au lerF Comt^s Stanstead et Sherbrooke. Auoune personne ne pourra durant ce temps de prohibition p^cher, prendre, tuer, acheter, vendre ou avoir en sa possession au- oune esp^oe de poisson oi*dessus mentionn^e. Toute personne viola nt ces rdglements sera passible d'une amende y compris les fraisi et k d^iaut de paiement sera sujet k I'emprisonnement. Les amateurs du sport et autres personnes d^sireuses que les Lois de Chasse et de Ptiche soient mises en vigueur dans la Province de Quebec sont instamment prices, dans les cas de contravention k ces loiSj d'en donner tons les renseignements qu'ils ont en leur po8ses'='ion au Secretaire du Club pour la Protection du Poisson et du Gibiei. Toute correspondance sera addressee, Wm. J. CLEGHORN, Secr^taire-Honoraire. Cluh pour lu Protection dc la Chaste et la Ptch".. 107 Board of Trade Building, MONTREAL. ^^1^ ^ COMMITTEE H. W. ATWATKR GEO. BOULTER COLIN CAMPBELL £. D. T. CHAMBERS H. G. ELLIOTT T. A. BMMANS J. GENTLES GEO. HORNS H. R. IVES .. .'/. R. KIERNAN D. LEGAULT J. S. LEO C, W. WILSON, PETER MACKENZIE W. L. MALTBV L. S. PARIZEAU W. H. PARKER H. G. PENNY J. P. ROCHE T. ROY, JR. W. P. SCOTT A. N. SHEWAN I. H. STEARNS G. W, STEPHENS W. C. TROTTER M.D. Issued with the approval of Hon. Q. A. NANTEL, Commissioner of Crown Lands, Quebec.