^ <5> /a e. ^ e),. % > A "^ ^^ % IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 m 1^ ui IM i.l IM M 1.8 Photographic Sciences Corporation /// mo j^f ^ M/ € signifie "A SUIVRE", le symbole V signifie "FIN". ^ Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre filmds d des taux de reduction diff^rents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul clich6, il est filmd d partir de Tangle supdrieur gauche, de gauche & droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images n6cessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. t 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 ^- Hi< o^^Vl'S^o^, Sillies, Slegulations, . and SBy-'J^aws OF THE STRATFORD PUBLIC LIBRARY LIBRARY: CITY HALL BUILDING, MARKET SQUAPE S'lKATKOKl) : riu' {{('iicim Kk'ctric I'r('>^(>. \\m. Cci. yy . f ^C^vL. , ^i V. I s: Rules and {peculations OH THE Stratford Public Library 1. The Library and Rooms shall l)e open every week day, except statutory and civic holidays (and other days the Board may direct), from 9:30 a. m. to 9:30 p. m. 2. Any person over 12 years of age, of good deportment and habits, may have the use of the papers and periodicals in the reading room ; and, by asking the officer on duty, of the reference books for use in reference room. No person who, in the estimation of this offi- cer, is intoxicated, disorderly, or unclean, or who is a resident of a house which is pla- carded by the Health Officer, will be admitted or allowed any privilege of the Library. Si- lence must be kept, and none may talk, lounge, eat, sleep, smoke, chew, spit, or use the rooms for any purpose for which Libraries are not designed. Dogs are not allowed entrance. -1- 3- None may enter the stack room or refer- ence room without the permission of the officer on duty. 4. Encyclopaedia'^, dictionaries, books of reference, and those books not easily replaced on account of their rarity or value, with such others as are considered iinsuited for general circulation, shall be used only within the rooms. 5. Application for books not allowed gen- eral circulation must l>e made in writing, and signed, this signature being an assent to the rules. Every such borrower must return the book before leaving the rooms. 6. All books (borrowed for use in or out of the rooms) when returned shall be examined, and, if found injured or lessened in value by dirt, writing or loss of pans, the returner shall pay the cost of the damage, or procure a copy of equal value. If the book belonged to a set, then, if necessary, the whole set must be re-placed, the returner being entitled to the injured book or set. Any borrower injuring a book, or not properly returning it, or refusing the demand to make good the lf»ss or injury, may be prosecuted, as any book, paper, or periodical clipped or marked, mutilated or defaced, renders the offender liable under Ont- ario statute to a penalty of $10 for each offence. Therefore, any borrower of a book should, for self-protection, at once examine it, calling the attention of the issuer to its defects (if any ,\ -2- ,\ exist), who will then record them on the request slip. 7- Books in the reference room should, after use, be returned to their shelf-place, and as users are permitted the freedom of the whole of them in a quiet private room, the Board request that they respect this convenience, and use the books carefully. 8. The officer on duty has discretionary power to refuse entrance to the reference room, or the use of rare books, to any appli- cant, and, if the officer requires it, any exam- ination of rare books must be made in his presence. 9- All magazines and papers must be read in the reading room, and any paper can be claimed from a reader on ten minutes' notice being given to the officer on duty. Circulating Library. lo. Any resident of Stratford, or non- resident ratepayer tliereof, or member of his family, all above 12 years of age, may, in the discretion of the Board, be allowed to draw books from the Library, upon signing the following application and agreement to obey the rules and regulations of the Library, and upon complying with either of the following conditions, , iz. :— (a) Giving satisfactory se- curity in the form following, to be signed by a freeholder or a householder of at least I2 -3- Pilipiliwilllill months' residence in this city, and to remain in force until cancelled. Public Librarv, Stratford. I hereby make application for a Borrower's Ticket, and agree to observe all the rules and regulations of the Library. Stratford, , Address. .1.... Stratford, 1 — To the Librarian, Public Library, Stratford. I recommend residing at No street, occupation as a fit person to enjoy the privileges of the Public Library ; and I hereby guarantee that I will make good any injury or loss the Library may sustain from the permission that may be given in consequence of this Guarantee. This Guarantee to continue until notice in writing of my desire to withraw from the same has been given to the Librarian, and a release given by him to me. Name Address Occupation The privileges accorded in consequence of this Guarantee may be revoked at the discretion of the Board of Management. Borrowers are specially cautioned against lending or losing their Tickets, as they will be held responsible for any books that may be taken out with such Ticket. Applicant to state age if under eighteen. Or (b), depositing $3.00 with the officer ork duty, and, in special cases, such further sum as the value of the book (or set of books) —4. I :> il desired may, in his judgment, require. A receipt will be given for this deposit, and the amount returned when the depositor returns the receipt and surrenders his card clear of all liability. 11. The privileges of the Library are ex- tended to any person over 12 years of age residing outside the city who shall pay $1.00 per annum, subject to the regulations that apply to residents, and provided they give satisfactory security. 12. All guarantees must be renewed upon the death or removal from the city of the guarantor ; or if for any reason the Board deem the security insufficient. 13. No guarantee shall be taken from any member of the Board or its employees. 14. Each person entitled to draw books, will, on payment of 5 cents, be supplied with a card carrying a registered number, which card mu'^t be presented whenever a book is borrowed, returned or renewed. Holders are cautioned against losing their cards, as the person its number represents is held respons- ible for any book taken out on that card. Should the card be lost, a new one (costing 5 cents) will be issued ; but the loss of the original card will not remove the responsibility of the person represented by its number for its subsequent use ; and if the lost card is recovered, after a new one is issued, the old must be at once surrendered. Written notice —5— of change of residence must be at once given at the Library under penalty of forleiture of all Library privile^es. ^.-::,^^,^::....j-;r,,ii^^:i:'^^i 15. Every cardholder is allowed to take out two books at a time with this restriction, that only one is fiction or juvenile. (A com- plete work of fiction, if in 2 or 3 volumes, only counts as one book under this rule.) ,, 16. Each book may be retained 14 days, and once renewed for the same period, except it be labeled " Seven day book," when it will not be renewed or even re-issued to the same person within 24 hours. Juvenile books must be kept three days. 17. Certain new "Seven day books," of which the Library has duplicates, can be secured by the pre-pay ment of 5 cents per volume, and the would-be borrower will then by post be advised of the return of the desired duplicate to the Library, and it will be held for him 48 hours. In no case will these "Seven day duplicates " go into circulation without payment i>f 5 cents. 18. All classes of borrowed books detained a longer period than the rules allow subjects the borrower to a fine of 2 cents per day, plus the cost of mailing the notices sent by the Board. Note. -The day on which a book is taken out is not counted in reckoning the time of detention. Sundays, holidays, and other days on which the Library is cU»sed are counted, — 6- f f 1 — 41. I except when such day happens to he one on 5^ which the count ends. Then the count is ^ allowed to end at the close of the first day on which the Library re-opens. ^^ ' Example. - A 14-day book taken out Mon- day, Aug. 1st, and returned Monday, the 15th, incurs no fine ; but, if not returned, a post notice is sent to the borrower on the 1 6th, and a fine of 2 cents is due for that day and each following day until the book is returned and the accumulated fine and cost of post notices is paid. If the Library be closed on the 15th, and does not re-open until the I7ih, then the first fine is not due until the i8th. 19. If the book be not returned within 4 weeks of the day of issue, a notice will be delivered by messenger, who is empowered to bring the book, collect the fines and an ad- ditional 25 cents. If these are not furnished to the messenger, the guarantor will be notified. 20. If the book be not returned w thin 6 weeks of the day of issue, the Board will proceed by process of law, under Ontario Statute, to collect the vakie of the book and ail accrued charges, from the guarantor. 21. All fines must be paid to the officer on duty, and the card dated, before books will be issued ; if not paid, the card will be taken u p and use of the Libraiy refused until full payment is made. _7._ 22. If the Health Oflicer shall place a contagious disease notice upon any house in which there is a Library book, the book and card must be handed to him for disinfection, and the borrower will get his card at the Library after the health officer removes the house notice. 23. No card or book is to be lent by a borrower to anyone not a member oi their household. Disobedience cancels all Library privileges. ,1 24. All books m'.st be returned to the Library at stock-taking or other special times, under penalty of $1.00 for each volume de- tained, the Board giving one week's notice of return-date in two city newspapers, and posting a notice in the rooms. 25. Any one wishing to propose the pur- chase of new books, periodicals or newspapers, may do so on a suggestion slip, signing and handing it to the officer on duty for the use of the Book Commidee. 26. All users of the property (which the Public Library Board, acting as Trustee for the general good, is held responsible) should remember that violations of the foregoing rules and regulations are, under Ontario special statutes, severely punishable. -8- BY-LAWS — OF- Stratford Public Library Board 27. It shall regularly meet on the First Friday of each month at 7 p, m. 28. At the first meeting in February each year it shall elect one of its members as chair- man, and one as sect'y-treasurer, each holding office one year. 29. It shall then appoint a Librarian, and such assistants and staff as may be found necessary for efficiency, all such paid servants holding office during the pleasure of the Board, and who may be dismissed without previous notice, by giving one week's salary. jO. The Standing Committees then elected shall be two, (i) Business, and (2) a Book ; each of four members, with the chairman as a fifth, ex-ufficio. 31. The Business Committee (No. i) shall supervise all applications for membeiship, collection of fines, insurances, and finance, and shall make up and submit at the March -9~ Boaid meeting a detailed estimate (l)udget) of the total money required by the Library for the current year. They shall also have super- vision of the comfort and convenience of the rooms, all furniture, its repair and renewal. 32. The Book Committee (No. 2) shall supervise the selection, purchase, circulation, re-binding, and sale, of all printed matter, the disposition of duplicates, the making of cata- logues, and examination of all donations before submitting them to the Board. 33. All accounts, before presentation to the Board for payment, must be certified to by the chairman of the Committee who recommended the expenditure, 34. The regular order of Board business is : A. Reading the minutes of the previous meeting. B. Communications and donations, c. Reports from standing committees. ' D. Reports from special committees. E. Librarian's reports. ' F. Unfinished business. G. New business and notices of motion. 35. The scct'y-treasurer shall keep a record of the business done at all Board meetings in a minute book, attend to all correspondence, keep record of all receipts and expenditures, deposit all money received in the bank in the Library's name, with the chairman sign all checks, and do such other duties as the Board may direct. -10- ^ ',', 36. The Librarian (under the direction of the Board) has charge of the Board's property, and the paid staff; being responsible for the care, issue, examination, recording, catalogu- ing, numbering and invoice checking of the books, magazines, etc., and is to superintend the rooms and the behavior of their visitors, enforcine; all rules and regulations; collect and keep clear record of the lines and other mon- ies, paying the cash over monthly to the sect'y- treasurer, make monthly and yearly reports, and see that such other work as the Board may require is carried out. 37. No amendment shall be made to these by-laws or to the rules and regulations, except at a regular meeting of the Board, and after notice of the proposed alteration shall have been given at the next preceding regular meeting. 38. The foregoing was adopted by the Stratford Public Library Board at its regular meeting in the Board Room of the City Hall, Friday, April 20th, 1900, to be effective from May 1st, 1900 onwards. J. DAVIS BARNETT, Chairman. R. THOMAS ORR, Sec't-Treasurer. -11-