^r ■ w* \ #. \\ V "vte. .v-?^ V^ ^ t- ■^V^ ". t IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TAR6ET^MT-3) tej» .+v, r V >■■ *. *•'»'- I. J.0 1.1 ■tt Itt ■2.2 Ui 12.0 u 1^1 1.4 1.6 b" t ¥.A^» _. -fl Fhoto^Bptuc CoiparatiaQ ¥j^ *'' ;\ 2S VAST MAM STMHT JiY. i4sao 4^ ^% '^ \ •m. (7U)t7»<4Sn *^^■.^^^ ^' .«^ CIHM Microfiche Series (l\/ionogrephis) ( '. H • ,; \ ICMH Cotlectfon de micrelichea'""' (mdnbgrapjiies) -, / lii-^^ \ ■^j'- ^'t'. Canadian Inatituta for Hiatorical Microraproductiona / Inatitut canadjan da microraproductiona hiatoriquaa /-' Tidinical and BiJMiofrapliic Notat / MMm taehniquM at bibiiotraphiqiiai Tha institutf hat Dttamp^d to obtain tha bait oriflinal copy avaHabla for filmMf. Faaturasjf this copy wrtiicb may ba bibliographically uniqua, wrhfeb m0y aftil'iny of tha imaiat in tlia raproduetion, or vvliieh may * ' significantly changa tha usual mathMi of f ilmini. ara chacfca Library of thtNitleiwt - ■ ■■ '. Afchivfs' of Canada ,:■•'. ■ ■■'■ •■ - ' '■"■." ■..•;-' . '. " •■■■^ ■• r' :-'. ' ^. ■ '■^^ ■ x ■ ;.^-- ■ - ■- - Th»lniog)M oppoaring J»oro art ttio boit quality poMibIa eonaidaring tha condition and lagibiiity of tha oriflinal copy and in itaaping with tha filming eontraet apaelfiaationa. Original aoplaa In printad papar eovara aia fllmad haginning with tha front ebyar and anding oh tha laat paga with a printad or INuatratad Impraa- alon. or th# back aovar wlian approp/lata. All othar original eopiaa ai* fHmad bagitmlng on tha firat paga witti a printad or Hloatratad Impraa- alon. fend anding on tha laat paga with a printad/ or iUuatrfetad Impraaalon. / / 4 Tha laat racordod ftama^n aach mieroflcha ahall eontain thii aymbol ^a^ fmaaning "CON- TINUED"!, or tho aymbol ▼ (moaning "END"). ' Mapa. plataa. charta. ace., may ba fllmad at I diffarant raduetlon ratioa. Thoaa too larga tolbf ontiraly Includad in ono oxpoaura ara fllmad / baginning In tha uppar laft hand comar. laff to right and top to bottom, aa many fromat raqulrad. Tfia following' diagrama illuatratit/tha mathod: ■■?<. .*- L'pjiamplaira filmA fut raproduit grAca'i li| gAnArotitA da: ^. "; * ■-■' ' /^- ■^"^'■ U bibliothlqaa tfM Archivti ^natipnalasdu Canada Ut imagat auivantaa ont AtA raprodiiitai avac la Plus grand aein; compta tanu da la condition at da-la liattatA da I'axamplaira fiimA. at ^n aonformitA atraie laa conditiona du eontrat da - fllmaga. /■.»■■'■ '■ ■' ■ • . ■ *, ■■-.-■■■■ -' . ..-'■ ■-■.■,'<■•-■:-■ ^ ; - . • ■ » Laa aiiamplaJraa eriglnaux dont la vouvartura an papiar aat ImprimAa aont filmAs an commancartt par la-pramlaf plat at an tarminant aoit par la damlAra paga qui eompena una amptainitfH? dlmpraaalon t»u dllluatration. aoit par la taeond plat, aalon la eai. Tous las autraa axampiairas orlginaux aont fllmAa an comnii|n9ant par ia pramiAra pfega qui comporta una aimprainta dlmpraaalon ou dllluatration at an tarminant par la darnlAra paga qui aomporta upia talla ampralnta. ■./.;.-■,'.■./.. k'-'P Un daa aymbolaa auivants apparaltra sur la damlAra imaga da ehaqua mieroficha. salon la cas: la symbols -^ signifia "A 8UIVRE". la aymbola ▼ algiiifia "FIN % i;";f- Laa eartaa. planchaa. tabiaaux. ate. pauvant Atra filmAs A daa taux da rAduction diff Arants^ Loraqua la documant ast trop grand pour Atra raproduit ail un aaul clichA. il astfilmA A.pprtir _ da fangla wittlriaur gaucha. da gaiieha A droit*, at da haut mn bas. W pranant la hombra d'imagas nAcassajra. Las diagraminas suiyants IHuatrant la mAthedo. ,/ ■ /-■ 6 ■vj*.. Patent Lock-u p " Pop "Safety Valve i For Locomotive, Steamboat and Stationary Boiers. , j»»r Thj-^I^^^Ereseuts oufe of th»* best and most raliable 'Siifety Valves in tin; market, and are . inadi? in ev*||^^p])ect according to tlie recjuiivnients of the Steamboat Inspectors Acts and Hides. It never fnilrf (6 ojren at the pressure to wliicli it is ailjusted, and prev«^nts any accuiiililhtion cf pressure, greater thfifa tliut whiidi it is set to guanl agarnst. It will not' tlilfer more than two poumls while opening and shiittiug. These valves are all tested under steam, and are correctly and plainly marked to the required pressure nt which the valve is wanted to pop. ^v*' H — Is tile regulating screw. to regulate the spring to anjL pressure Acquired, and also in the eyent of the 8|triug breaking, it can be screwed down and thtfircfose the valve (f, until steam is o'lf, •when a new spring.can be inserted,, thus preventing the trouble of removing the valve from its con- nections. When a change in the loud of the valve is .desired, it is effected by raising or lowering the regulating screw li. To kike the valve apart, remove the hsver TV and cap .1 antl relieve the spring D, by raising the regulating screw B. The kjjse ring J la for regulating the pop.' At a high pressure, by raising: the ring, it reduces -the lift of the valvt}, and at low pressure, by screwing the ring down, will raise the valve higher. - 'O -A. p- T j;jD IT . When raising stt^am for the Hist time after attaching the safety valve, be sure and raise the valvefrom its seat by means of tTielcTerJV, and let the steam blow through freely for a short time, so as to free the se.it from chips and Scales, that may have accumulaud in the pipe and boiler. If the above precaution is neglected. and*the valve should leak, it can be easily reground by tnking apart as directed. . , ■ ;. In ordering LockfUp safety valves state area of Grate Bars in boiler. , Aft.dong X I ft. In., wide, reiiuires 1 inch Lock-up Safety Valve. , ' 2 ft. « X 1 ft. 6 in. < 2 ft. « X 2 ft. U in. i< (( ' \\ inch (( (( 2 ft. « X 3 ft. in. n <( ^ 2 inch tt n 4 ft. « x3ft. Oin, «