^ * .>-^ i , i f 1 ! ^^^E .# >^.> J> ft I -fT.^- f . I ll < ■ i Nfy MifriMWH' MWM MM rr. lon*. M .*S:f^. Mii»«iipi«#M«m« / 1 ■%#■ ^ ■^^ U^lJI i,£^M*': r ., mu mi w A T nnPiwiioit wibw. WAtNINfTOI WIMTm. ( I ^: ^lf^« #WW M «»«•«• fUlllMI* Ml I I I I I I I UA !«»«» n Am i J^% m I IJ I I M I- 1 I I.. •W »i «» . 3 J ' J J ■J 3 ■J . i ) m» r. i ^ — r Its 4 s e / •V / ,^^»^ii•'•■ " »• I)jikrtii likndi . , . • • • . » Tfct BvAiBf SiHaf . . , . . . , ,■».. . # V* r . • • f > • • • » » • * • » r * * !• IT if IS It It It It i ,f.--7»:-. Illff 3 • |Nf« Utirt 9mmi « « p mtmrn • ll(wam«iil , »IM til Wiaur . %ll• • t • » • • • • » » • • • t » • # • • • • • • t Ik f . • • • » • » • • •» • • • # » » I • » » • #,.• » ft • • m4 tiiicktii ♦ • • • in Tanmtn * * * • • .f • » ft^. ^^ » f^kSi,!^ Tiki; •••••*• • — « * • • ft • t • ft * • • t • ft • ft t • • ft ft _ • » • » ft) It 8 £ li m s •I -T^ \ #. Hi QMMilMfrii»iiiiiil«m«rt l<) ltn|»ffit« km wQdfak ^ of tHJMr l*iirl to %At§m i?» *tJ^%S^4y«. that will %m^u4lSm '^wx^'wy^^^^'F^'^ f r , ■/ S r / *" * V i * J / /• /-'/' ^ /♦ I .^^, ft 't ■ %'ri ifarft' K-i^m *f 1 *». t I ; "P^"' V * .*• _A • ;*^^^>v - 1 ■^:/. i. «»....,*, ,. \' ..3 1 t ^ • .\ * A ■ :^ ■^'' ,, I, II <• >' I' in« Vliw ^t^M Iwlliwa IUU»«y ... Hi 0^ wl!i ;;;;;:;;:;;; r :;;; ; ;'; • # |} iff* '"i;";^ • **' * i ! ! ; ! M M » ; tt Bkiak Huir. ^ ,g OiM of Ui« winds *f • . . > » » » . , II ThrM HMff tdsM .......... ^ .,,,, g ,,, . |# rllMir of (Jo«t laUml . . . . . . . i , I I !• «0 r End of ih« iUwrtftUoii. ......■...,,„, . . M N«w H«»y«»^o« Brt**** . /.-. .... I A Ooffjoo. I'm Hctwt 0? KlftfM^ ..... . i*. . . . . B fh# ODtning of th« Ptfk.^. »jv . . ♦ V'» . . , . . . . U \ I^Ui «W«d \n VtetorU Pi*.r^rt^^r7^7^Tf^ .^ 7 f ' bLmL. Viiirf;;*' * * • '^* .< ............ . i f .•n 1 » • . • « > W ' •»>. # • • f •Ai. • ' 9^Mf'- • Iv • t I • 14 ' • ah • • • • •' » 4 .. t /?*^ . If b mm v^^^L : : #i 1? • ♦ • > t » » • • • • » • « • • • • • • • • • _* " 19 It 19 It It tt S * * *l f - • - ^u^.'^.^'iy. : : : : ; ; f:,- : :': r^: ; ; : « , n. turn: ihuij^, ...'.'■:'' "^ S' tkmmmmA inn f Jj KTCXhT • .....,♦. 40 S:^?w*v^* : :;;:; ;T:r::l;:; ii S lf£m Rl^J^ • \ • . . 4 V , • I I M: «M ifM^s^mr . . . ... > t . , . , , , V, » • . . . « IMilMite. A(! ,% t t * • » *#■ I # ■ i«! S ,. '**' The CoiiiiiiiMi4iii«ri ^ |j|« s(Ai« ♦ vtf !(► :.1 % ThtG^OUBlMlOlMfl of tlM ^aMU ft«tiiHt irtAfiiVi OMimlr HUnteJMM OMwy ▲. Ik a fTiilii^^^mto J^fin Wdodbttfll MlflBH^ ^MMK ' ' '"' ^^ ^'' . V-. ■ • f fcffi ^1 '! :P • RedoemM Hlagaii *7» I'' gTl^ ^£rf H7"r^^ 1^ ifll Mli i|t iMi f«K »r»«iwii «! lit * • •••/ hXk M^ «ii4in«ia « n«naff«m«ii| of lii« i^iblir i|««i«|« litMmi I * »JifP» liMa IIm fftf tr Mii f|Q|, k«i mfltr « ' ^y ^3; Vi .•V: r Ji -. » ■ lYJi^^ 1!!I^' T" *'" ''"l'*'^"t .•.loctltiif and m»»l pBMnM of to in^#■■■ The Horse -shoe Fall. "^ « II ^^l*? portion of the cataract it aometlmea caikd tha OuMdita Fall. It exten4|i from Ooat laland to the ihor* of tb« Donliiioa. The name Horse- ihoe Fall waa given to it owinff to IM fiiot ttS at the time it waM named it waa of boneihoe Aopo. bit it iL changed conilderably dqce then. The bteniationiabowiliry £m raw through ita centre. The oontonr of tho FiOl failM m It if estimated that the Tolnme of wittr vmmm is about 15,000,000, cable feet per minato or about o^ttofhlli m «sue aib i i\tit 1, ftU to Mafljr 55 r««t in iluit ftul«n^ mll«. Th« FIrtt Description of Nia^ra. Nu JIl* J1?V '^TlP'^?. '**•' '■ '»»"''" '<» »»*^« »>^ iHttn of i« W.!' '';^*1*»"' **•'»-. •"♦« •boat flf« niil«i aboA the e«UrMt bordfn wh eh they namiKl the "' «>'^ P»'tema. when ?w!!f.^ ^ ^^ ""i ^^'f*" r ""^ "P^*"^ At the fi,tof thia horribto Qoartw of » League broad, but ia wonderfWIj deep In aoma nlaoaa. wild £Z2*1k^'' ?*■ ^r*"*' *»•** *' violintlAurri" dowVSi Jkli «T^ ^^"^ jndeatoring to mm it to feed on the other lida, SjJtJLll il?^*!.*"*.^ witfetamUhe force of ita Current, /wWch iMTitably caata them headlong above Six hundred foot high. - 6f Wui lis ^i^fi''"'' uK^ compounded of two erol-atretiM SLS!!*.'^/ ***• ™*^* hideout wtftner imtginabferSiiiigM S!?T3"i?^*'*' r". ^t** *»»•" thatofKunder, toTAitJ •••roiiHiw than Fifteen Leaguea off. ■«•/«• TOe lUTer Nwf nr* ha ^jiig t hy«wti f»ff|f jjQ^ m *k|j - fr^ fy »•«* (tWi »Book« WM a huge boldeTot liaM^S !i^|^fa#4 on the iher bank ntnr the fait of whm ie^llfiMS 8 • , mm Jl0 ■■»> mounUiiH. ioit inQth of ib« vilUf* •( LtiHiiaion) with an liblo rfttiidltj: Baf^ifiMr MMtd thit, Hi iin|>«tuoitt)r relmtti, icli«linff along mofi^^tif fbr 6thcr two LatfUM, UU tl arrtvaa at th« Iajt Ontario or hytmttnuuk Any Bark W . |rr«ater V«iM«l may paM firom th« Fort to tiM foot oi this hi||f« U«M-k atioYo mffntion<>» to tha Weatwaril, Ind ia cut oN^ from tlio Land bjr tha liiTcr Niagara, about two Lt'agiiM farther down than tha graat Fall, for which twu I<«agumi thrt their gooda overland i but the wiiy U vary food« and tha Traaa ara vary f«», ahi^ Flm and iHk* « #;■, From tha great Fall unto tbii Rock, which la to the Weat uif^ 'r^ tha River, tha two brink* of it are no proiligionaly high, that it would Vi, maka one tremble to lo«ik nteadilv uinui the Water, rolling along ' wi$h • rapidity not to b« imagined. Wera it not for tula taat Cltairaet. which intarrupin Navigation, they might aail with Rarki. or greater Ve««cb, more tlian Four hundred and Hfty Leaguaa, crowing tha I^aka of Harona, and reaching even to the farthar end of the fiakfl lllinoiii. which two Lakeii wa may aaaily lay are Uttia 8«aa of frenh Water.^ ' Thii deacription it will b« noticed ii qoita vlaionary, and ■oihewhat exaggerated. He probably had no meaiia of aacertaining ^ the exact height of tha FalU. He in luppoMd to have baan the fliat white man to view the great wonder r I The Hlfttory of the Niagara River. .pi I In a very learned eeaay on »Tha Hiitorr of the Niagara* Rivera, bv Prof. G. K. Gilbert, of the United SUtea Geological Bufvey, which ha read to the American Asaociation for the Advancement of Sdfence in Toronto. Ont, in Anguat, 1889, and for which ka hai been honored by ita pablication in connection with Uie aixth ^nnaal report of the CommuMioneni of the State Iteaarralion at HfktfpMk, the author sayn, in speaking of the Niagarfk gorge, »thmt OM -impgct^^jiftar i Tary haaty flj a min a t i on , t h fl two d dfli hiil hiii aannder by loroe Flntonic agency. Bui.thoia who haf««A4«. f atndjr of the aiibject have reached the - ooneloiion that tile IliiiKk tyaa excavated by ruining' water, ao that theitiAt» of the tvtiMii MdM»ktUi^;^.S!^tilAi^^ I*- ■ton) with an I liniHstmjift*^ ttfUM, tiU ft « Fort to tli« k lir« to th« Uf«r Niagtra, for which two otlii ovorUiiil i r f«w, ohi^ dfea »-^?!' > the W«rt ofV *',^ that It would V:.| rolling aloof ** * for tuia taat I with Rarki, lifty Leagtiat, le farther «nd Mj are Uttla | bionary , and f aacertaining ^ | iaT« }mm iha .^3 rer. the Niagara* ten (loological I Advancement which ke hai 9 aixth ^imiial I at Nll|M». lai • M« of 1««. Ih«ti Um hirtory of , Ui« Nla|r«f« !Uf«r cevini only » portion of th«t puriod In th« jndfrnvni of mowt itndimU of glaeUil ffcolofy. Mid. f may Add, bi my own jttdffiiitnt. it «o?tri only » imall portion of that pi^rlod. — ' Thr 'Kr«»t nf« work of th« Hftr Hm b««n the digaim^ 9f ih€ go'^V tliroiigh which it roni from th« eatarACt to L«wiH4)ii. Th« b«Klnnlnf of it* lifii wm th« beginning of that tuk. • Th« l«n|th of th« gorgfl \a in mm« mim a mMunirt of th« mtri Bg: Th« problem of th« tim« <;oniam«d in thi« grsat work hM b««n AttA< k<«d by noum«roa« wriUr*. and th« rwralting catimataa have rangod from thriNi or four thoiuand jtan to thr«« or four million y«art. A critical atady of daU luada to th« b«lief that th« rat« of niMMion in thu central murt of th« lloriA-ahoo Fall !■ approiimataljr d«t«nnin«d, and that it in iom«wh«r« b«twe«n foar f««t and tii f««t ptr atinain. Than can b« no (ia«ition that th« cataract la tka dflolMl «nginf. but what kinr limaitono fall away into th« rlf«r tod ther« Mcma no «Ma|)« from th« inf«r«iic« that thia oooan b«caiuf th« oroaion of th« ihalt) bennath d«priv Art ('4.mmta«ionfi«^ i T fl », IHHII. th«7 m«t at NiA|r»rt Fall* •nd | , ^ f w«r« •^p(iint«(i. And on Jon. _ „, .-w- -,„.„».« r-.i- .ih. irUw^d th« Undi At ihi« mt«tintr th««? puMtd a rwolutjon that in lk«ir Judgment it »m do.irahl» to iwl««t for ««M,rr«t.on porpoii«? JJoat M«f.d lUth Island. th« thre« Bi.tur [aland*. Lana laW l/hapin IiOwid, and the tmall ijilandi adjarflnt t.i Haid iiland* in tht; Niajpwra HiTer. and alao ..Ttnin |M.rtloni. of tho riT«r bfld. tognthar^ with a ttrip of land b«tfinning neair "Port Dty« and rnnning alonf* the ahoro lo, and indoding .Proiip«ct Park* and th« cliff and alopi^ Ihoa waa tho area of the IteiM^nration preliminarily defined, and If? compriaea about 107 acrei. The bapreme Court ai.m,int«d Lather # K. Marah of New York. Matthew Ifale of Albany and Paacal P. Prati » of Jiuffalo, a« Commiaaioneri of appraiaement. Their award* for th# land taken amonnted to / 1,488,429.60. The dalma of tUt owner* ^ amoanted to about I 4.(KK).000. On the 15th day of July. 18«6. the fromiiti mfm formally opened to the oublic in the preaence of a vaat aaaemblafre. which . WM ^ll«d to order by the Hon. Eraatua Brooka who made an eloquent addreaa. Prayer waa offered by the Rt. lief. A. OeveUnd Com . On behalf of the Commlaaion. iU Preaident the late Uon. WilUaa Doraheinler, announced the completion of the proceedlngi for th* Uking of the huida at Niagara, The Honorable DatS B. HllL Goremor of the SUte. thereupon accepted the ReMrrailon in am intereating hiatorical addreaa. Jmy C. OarUr of Naw Totk daMTat^ ^ ^tifnt, mA m ' wanrnwae D7 ma fiieellenoy John Bererlj Robinaon. IdontTOo? of ^tario, and bj Olim Mowat, Attorney GentnU of «W ptoTinct. i -J. aoUb wl, •lit •" "•» .• If bt found t« Niagara. itar« pAflMd Mi tion of C4>rtaii| ' M»rvatir)n, •n4' ' ( 4iitimiMion«ff7^ r>luti Iiiina IaUn4» fifftndN in tht; bod. togiithar^ tunning aloni^^ •Mtr and ■lop^i ;; 8fln*d. and iH hall foravtr'wi kifl Op^n and ftr«« of acccan to all mankind, withoat r«.i ,« <„ b«ri ttat «,. ^ j.„;h.j:i mtT. Si^ VT The Maid of the MUt . r— — ^ ;^«" -r^ formt wo ain't dkco^n^^' For th« t«sn that drip ail o?«.« TOT w lAnd on th« C»n«d« *ide and ri-tum «in anv trin «f »l»- S th^rit^r .^?iu'v t;* ^^^ "l»P-J*'- •"'i will Hnd ^.S; Goat Island BHdge. IK »*^ •« Brtf W^nd and Shin W^^d.^o^JriSTSl. »«A.. Chapto Wand, fioto^m ilid. Blii«L^TlK«,r iaa UMV I I »^. • fMl uirgfl fur th« own And Aft rom lit iNi h« rrftJina of B4/ainb«wt: cli*t ptrmiti trip of th« ioartet will nLlMUI Island. • ■»^'^* tt rahirtAnllal rtalfwiy «iiAtl •)!#«« .f ^ J'"*^ ^T to •!• !■• to llw Iwrt •4f«iiU««. II i|M H« mtHcM lh«l tli« t«l«n4 tfomfiU ffnm IK* r««rfiil fort* of tk^flolkiff TYi« «t«w U> U hA d»iiribl« oii« and mu^^imilj ki thk trun «hll« aUndlnff *t Ui«i top •f Um «|»lr«i]r Uftiiiny In tli« UImkI. Tli« Am«rl<«ii fttil i« M«n *".. ' <^w«f"«rt« •««« -na Om fjr« folktii* IIM fi^nN fbr fWllj two miki. Tlw fall tK.tw««ii ami UImuI aiuI I,itiuiur»l«n«bl« that an iit«vator win mmn \mi «tmX»A ftl thin point wJfMlifM ****" •" '^^ ** <■ adtkabto, If jroi «it to fidl tM * • ^ J Cava of the Wind* Wl TOO pro«tir« a |«i4« and tlMi nrot«<:tlon of a watar proof drwa. f or thia a eharga of / 1.00 la mad*. Ihftx ron ran fo otal on tjia walka and brldfta in front ^ Hm Anirrioan ^aU and fitw it in tba ^ o out on Ui« fUw It in tli« « elr« III* ,»i,i4« riMMiif tttwir^ fw, tn} (| U in tlui ml4^ ^ m*h wrr.m«4l««. that IM w^mkHmi «r iiMa to tiM»l •0ttM.«t tl »M from ih* «I4 T.rr.^ln TtM ffMiti rilM 11 lnlTif t^mm |»th«r»4 el«)«# by. 4.% r#*l hlfh. ft f««| h «in4 tk^ |«|««4 jrp«r End of th« RtMrvatioo, fm fMM ( lb*?* ft Iroftd aimI p«im'#M flMI •! Ilw ow«r Ni«ff«r» (« pr»«<*nt«44 Til* «••«« will b« f..«n4 to b« ftry •«jov»bl« «it4 111 •trlktnf oontnrt with tli« tnrbnlimt «tl«f« )>«ln« Tb« lofiHf te M Ift blMofkftl tftntii fiMiitlon of wkiffc It m-h kai^ mL ARxt %pte| mljpf^g ttw ■trta-iiitifftMm yvi «B iiri 11 ilMHi it IWt llM Vt«toHft l»i»l an the CinMiiin -t^* wlltfh form. • Mil - tf vf^ Nkgftr«« Mi4 will ef«i4« bj wftjr of tb« Ntw tiii^iMiao Bfilflh TlM N*w tttiti^Miiofl Bridfa "tli frtfti TI>M liniclar* wm built to r«pl*eit tlroH^rv »Uhr aUi*! »m iMfvn in tit Vitltr tf 117 ,IW «n4 th« SnI »f ti« n«w r«bl«t vtt ttrHtfit^ jMtmty «0. IHIIB. lli* Umir wm eainia-M Jniw 19. IHtiH. mi4 W««M8 tit£M4 lie.wteUg 9l Itt-'W tit flnkhltitf ttrndu* vtr* KJi.^L!*'. il "^i **_ a^ ?*^ C i W| t iiy WM A h*mtj otM. iti m^ncwl r«itiil4lnf M •tMttlial tM I miih gfwmi ^9^ iiimI ffnlMrprfaNTirKi^r eo lh« (»nlrt«t ^miW h«i inji4« Tht mvfl, Ifm, k M liit«rMUnff And fMIMrltlli feti fit llBil tf lit ipnn b«tw««n tit cMlt«t tf lovwi It 1,SM A#l tit^S M tit AMAriean alil* Is §9 Ib^ t *^->^-^ t« *--«-*-* *>■ - ^«_^ JL^ «*^.^ itl|M» owin^ to lh« .TUtlcn In th« Night of ih« bX Th. Wh o7 th« itrnctari U 17 f««t « Inchfi b«tw«.n tho c^ntrr. of chord,! Thf weight of thi. brid^. i» ai0 ton.. It i. .o-pudrd from foij cjW... .»ch of iihioh T. yv. Jnche. in dl.m«t«r: and fortni.1 bj it^nlnf 156 ton-, thereby iimkinir th« gatUining powprjH tlmM 166 ton., Th. deflection of th« c»T,l« v*rl.»« from >S^fo«t\n winter 10 mi r««t in numtner. In tho reconiitru.tion of th« bridge ffreal precution wm taken to ..foid wiothar lo... and •ddltional .trength I. juen to the new bridg« by th« |.ltt< inK of wind -torn. rop*... Th# north rope Uk«g hold of the iioiith end of the floor beam. «t th« JJ! 1 fl !f* bridge End the tooth rone vie€V0r»a, thu. increMlnif the deflection of the rojMi in th« pUin 17 feet Ikaidet thi. .S •nchorage. have been reinforced fourfold, and auiiliary guy., four in «Mh quarter. halFe been placed leading back from the truM to •eparate anrh.^ftge*. The flrat bridge that wa. buUt oil the .ite of ^"V"\al'irV"'"^*'" "P*"''^ in January 1869. and wa. built of wood. In 1872 the bottom chlord wa. replaced by .teel. In 1884 •te.1 .upmant«d wood In thf tower porUon. and the work waa flnijihed in 12 day. In October 1887 the work of widening tho bridge wa. commenced, and it wa. completed June 18. 1888, without m .UHpenmon of traffic, or any accident happening. The bridge that •pan. tho ^rge today i« one of the prottlegt, mo.t graceful and .i|V«tanUaI in the world. The toU charged i. twenty-flro cents for each foot pauenger. and twenty-flte cent, for each carriage. A Gorgeous Pen Picture of Niagara. 1 ^J^V^ ***• ^?J^S^ Canadian aide near Snaponiion Bridg». in the language of Sir fidwin Aniold can bo .e«n thrgifat caSrSt :^ roller, and rapid., barHog th)i wAtera of a wholo oontinont in !^ TftL*?*^^ *^^ Kroadi^itep. proiSly down to OnUrioSi . ««»«W«i« Glow at hand on our loft — not indeed tmthdt.^^m , Mme 600 or 700 yarda-tht imaller, but toij impodns ' . ^ Fall apeak, with the louder f oice if the two , h^£ iiJiAlMrl It Th« width of itrr* of chord*, tidrd from four •nd furtn<*d b/ and in tach of i« oanabln of |K)w«r,28 tlinw [i fcflt in winter • bridge greal UodrI itrenirth nn ropci. Th« ' h««nifl at th« thua incfDMing teiiidet thia lA ' »ry gujri, four n the truM to on the eite of d WM built of teel. In 1884 the work wa*^ ' widening th« 1888. without he bridge that t gracefol and •' •flvo cents for krriage. ara. »iB^oii Bridge^ pMtoatariet )6n and wUH* oontiBMit Uk g broTW r o clr Ontario »^ i fiurtltir. ' ing* iM iti ""i •plfib Jf IfHtltd nd IMou «oad eniih in hB Inpnias of dewmii opon the taioa df maaaive bowlden heaped op at Om foot TIm rMonndbf impact of water on the rock, the elonds of water amok* ^ki li *** *" "^^ ^*'"* ^*** '^^••' *^*<»^ *• «fcttnied into » whirUng cream of eddy and aarge and backwater, nntte a compoalt* • A 'i •A •■** "'•pJflcent and bewildering. Bat if yon lietoa at^tifohr you will alwayi h#ar the pro^mnd diapaaon of tte S«at rail—that «amam«d the ilnne ahoe— aoonding aoperbly amid # londeat clamor and tuiAalt of the aiater. a deeper and grander notoj and whenever for a lime the gaie reats with ineihaoaUbto wonder upon that fleroe and iumaltuary American Fall, this mlghUer and aUll more marveloua Uoraeahoe ateala iU way again with irreaiit ble fascination. *\ill in front liea that wholly indescribabU spectacle at this imitant. It* aolenm voice— an octave lower than tbo excited, leaping, almoat angry cry of fervid life from the Isaast cataract— resonnda through the golden aumroer morning air like th« diatant roar from the utroeta of fifty Loudona all in full activity Far away, between the dark »ray treea of Goat laland and th« flr woods of the Canadian shore, the Niagara river is seen winding JMferly to its prodiffioua leap, you can diaccm, even «^m this balcony, the line of the first breakers,* where the Niagara river feola. across iU whole breadth, the fatal draw of the cataraota. where 15 current seems suddenly to le*jp forward, atimulated by a mad desiiw. a Wdden spell, a dreidfiil and irresistible doom. You can note far back along the gilded surface of thb upper strenm liow these lines Jf dandng, toaainff, eager, aniious and fata impelling breakers and hlllows multiply their white Vanks and spread and close tagsthsr their leaping ridges into a wiM chaos of radng wtTss as the brink to approached. And then, at the brink, there Is a curious panse— «» momtetary peace of the irrevocaWe. Those mad upper watei»-i leaoUncr the great leap-are suddenly all quiet and glassy and Wnnded and green as the border pf a field of rye, whUe they twm \ the angles of the dreadftdledge and hnrl ther- ' • ' - ^ ' =yrSm • ™ 01 flOiM ahd mlit and^ysteiT Mder^hT There is nothinir more tranaliieentiv arM«n »»» •»». ,iiii J , ia nothing more translncently green nor mora peremUalfar ^ Md loTchr than Niagara the Greatar. At this her iwM^k Si?*' ™?»^«.?' ♦'i* n»^ •l>y« i^ewns like a fixed and gloiiv^ V i of bright trtA- -It Iti prindp*! t«rribl«. InduM o( dflliKth and of li fincA nowh«rt M?«»l«d, mora d and dodi* hH- 'M, in th« mofM d 8un<>rinr cImH I «ii<><»,tb»^ thi. IncludS The arbitration, for t^ prowi^ ^i^lT^f **"• ^"'•''» Wand? completed before the doTSlSaJ »itK *S''' °P^." *^«* P"««^^ •fMed by tho CommWoneV Ve're i^aSli'S^^ !^* 9^ ^ ?*rblUjt on eipenee. of / 48"S8 24 wiffi ? aW S^JS^l!^"' the fact that the wbitr?to«h^^^^ ThliiaowSJ only the eitent and ^Uo^ot Sj?Und*^*>*^ oontiderntionjl J;* ii^:th1r "Tenue'Cfag qAi ^'J'L^ f i»profe«»ent. of the land awaidt the Smmi-l«.f!' ^ P'°^^' '^^ *be payment #525.000 forty ^ SndTKfo^ ^m^!* the W3 <*~»o^ on the wTenne of tST pLk «Gf *? *>^»^ *<»*•• ri^S^ed by the ftofinS ^OnUrio ^"*'** '"^ *»*«^ '*i«»« W the tJ^ii^.Slt^4^^^*^y o' •dOTlfam fa ttf inllMft Mjtetl Mm Proline* In which it »m UmmUd, In ef«#f tfl fffn rtjri»et to thi« rtcomiti«n.UUon IIm Uofurnmi^nt pMiii4 *".i. 2 J ^ •pHntlof UiA nbovi! niimiirf ('omn»iMlon«ni and Mthorfijd th«tn to form *.(or|wr«lloii b; thi» nmne of .Th« (h'mmit^ •loii.r. for Qa««n Victoria Ni.,r«« K.fU P*Hf. Whun thi« Ael l»c«lfi.«! thit approval of tht Lleut.'n.nt (lof«mor th.» naititxir of A. Orehara o( Niagara Fall.. Hoath. Out "" "W^f^ WW «f #«it J , Th« <:omiiilwii;,iii,r« r.'cirire no comp^niatlon. and hold ofllet I ... ,. * The Oi)«nIng of the Park. . .^ M« ^ 'hi^^ ? "' il'^ '^'***' **»* *'® ** •niilr«r»ary of thi biHh o^ H wm manif««t«d by tb« p*,opl« r«.id«nt n«ar by to 18,000 Tiiitora wltneaaed th« Ptent and «nioy«d the grandeur of tht fi«w aid the beauty of the groundi. On July 15. 1887. an Order in Cooiidl waa oaned reating in th» Commiaaioners for the purpote of Uie Fark, what ia fen^rally known and deacribfd aa the Chala Reaenration. on the tdn of the bank reaching f^ora Table Rock to Q«j«n.tpn. Thi. Tirtuaiy gave the ConmiiSonwi eontroi Vf om - u^l!^* ^'"•4*". ^"^ • ^*^ ^' **• •«««» '•« of both falk can be obUined and the .cene i. a ffrand one Tho^topographj of tte Canadian Park li .p Urge in «»V and the Intaraat oTwhat ii ttbnte to make the Nof York ^Ute Reaerration eharmitog that la •om« reapeeta the magnificence of the acenery \m increaaed. ^, ToMe Charged In VIctoriii Parir «,-,^* ** /•JLK «ni«»*«o* ti»»t tbe Park propar eoatalniM •bout the Park, and they art oniy obarged wUn Ike fWlot lii urnniAnt fmm»4 miMititiftni, and ^h*n thifl Act th(« nanitMr of titin«at «f 4«lft and hold ufHc^ joncil. ^,.,\ of tht birth of w«r« formally Comtniiiioncri Bat toon after flnt n«ar bjr to r of the event. that day about rrandear of tht H7, an Order In the par|)Oie of i a* the Chata Table Rock to eotitrol of ovfr » of both faib 'topomphj of, rett of what is d«Ufla M oofl•^ urmfng that la MMd. ^. • , lc» rir eoatalnfaMr toUichaifdi ■ it taabte him or C* /*' J^* '^^'^ •rtlflclal a))|ilianc«i TWO horM ranriafe and o«cupantii to thf I.Undi ftd r^«. PedeetHant to the hlanda 10 centt. * •' l^P^^ ^S;,^ commnnieatin, with tht . I. chl^ire/T:-:?, *:«X'u:r;ic:"'" ^'•'"•"^ ^- iH^irt^^sra trL\\treJ:wf::lV'and;^^^^ ^J.^ ^-^ iW frmndeet point irthe faX "• '»"'P'«h«w*^«. Tht frtattM * fable Rock. , . , It la one of the moat fanioaa 'anotfl about NUm.* m^ i. a hm rode below the Herwuhoe Fall h/rrKS. u l*^* ttd bat a twn^iiw; at bne time Twa. a „e.t I Jjl !# "^J ^'T' ^"^ ""*• predplce but f^om tin.. ♦"♦.!./ u'LH«*.?r~*^ 0T?'»l«fl*/ «»t M«df« !• ^SS^S^ .y. »i.-. of tb, iLmi. It WH At l^bU Hiwik^ Ik.V i^ *i»^'ik?«^ji •^••^ '••• «»n<««ir 0/ til* licbt of «k* r>lk III ^ lmM*r p«»^ion of thd ground*. Ii«4v««ii t^thoi tAutH Mi ill* Iltifrfrin laUnda. th« •(irand Kapi4iji« drtrn afTonU a eotiUnaoM \l ▼Uw of ih« tatnblinf waUn m lli«3r l4Nip ttam l«df« to Mgc jowv tll« 6<) f««t of d«aci»nt, b«>tw««ii th« I*? tl of th« atiKxith w«t«ni tai ih«^ erail of ih« gri»l rtlL, U if trvljr mi impfiMlrt i^bt, \ , Tll#I>iifr«rinTtMnd8, wwt rniamii fn lionor «f lioHl f)aif«rin. Tli«y irt w«ii4«roiMl|' b«AQtiful. »n indi*nUtion of thd iliorc at the app«r end of ih« CwuMllin Park. I»r«tty ruatlc bri4f« oonntei th«M islandt, and aylvan ramblM and bowon bavA b«««n j^rovlditd *o that Tislton inav onjujr MiBft ia luitit ul iha tButi "*«"'Titf iuiM wilb comfort and faM. -*^" ■.; / /W' • »W« haft now ptaMd OTtr V)l1i offclit bflaoUful R^Mrrationi. aod M will b« wtll to ?iiit aom* ofUh« outaidn poitiU at which ffrand fitwi can b« obtained. Worthy of mnntioa a« oa« of thaM ia Falls View. ■f. /■• Thia di>lightfal/^int 6f viaw ia th« rtaiilt of th« mltrprlaa of tht Michigan Central Kailroad Company, and ia of their croaHoii. Ererv day their traina itop for five minatea at Falla Viaw, whieU if what the name indicate!, a aplendid point' from whieh to viaw the great cataract. It ia right on the brink of the grand oanyon, althe (>n<^i<^n end of the Horiefhoe Falla^ and efery part of tht Falli la in plain light aa well aa the upper ^rtion of the rittr for many mllet. t'loae by ia The Burning Spring. Tbii celebrated cnrloaity, haa been oihibited for 70 ytMii^ Vol waa loat in 1885 by the encroachment of the rirer. The aaiMtda of gaa waa diacorered ftHlMr doilki IIm lifw, mi tb« OfiUiil i p riiig. naWi e J* •• The Great Bridges at Niagara* Tha Niagara fforgo offm peealiar fadUtiM to • t'«ll- aia not .iLt M • grtti^ .ttfictfcw. th»B« hryfAa vfrfiarf Im «n»4f. . i»«»l. -.# "i.^^ ■.!!?** ^v %km* hrMf •• i^oald h« wqrUi • joiimay of mAay mU«. to mT^* ■ fT^f. *•'*'**• l!*f *>••" «n*nlit)nrd An Ni-w YorftViiitraL «"•*««»« "»* Work upon thia wondarful pi«<;« of atiffnaafftaff aim wm aammancad ApHI 15. 18«a. and it waa compUtJId I)aoa»h«r I. 1888 i. 7" I. .* .:*?■** ^L'***'* •' **•• *'*"'* complttad ia tha ijnited kilir* 'St . ? ."^Jlu' ^'^•VVT*- *»»•» othaii af« now bainf !? li' J P.* *"*•* '•"!*** *' ^^« *'^^f« l«^P«' •■•10 faat, whieh b .JWIdad ioto two oanaiarar aniia ona of whieh la 876 fa«t in lenfth. tha othar 8»5 faat, Thaaa cantilafan ara rapportad on ataal towtra arialng from tha watara adf a 180 faat high, and tha total waitfht •WPP<^ to rMt on (haaa eolamoa In IMO tona. ▲ fliad apln. mfaat in langth. oonnacta tha two ctaUlaTar ama in tha apM !Sf"-/ A •' . " ^^*^ *** **'*•' »*»«* WO faat Tha ahora S? K^ Jk T^^TJi •"^*'«'** ?"" »'T immanaa atona ahntmanta. Tha h^h of ^tha hridga abova tha rifer la 245 faat. Tha atraotnra ^1 * » **' '^^ thronghont, ia donhU traokad and .MMbla of anaUining two of tha hcaTiaat traina «itmidinff'(h»M •niy ttrain it to a fraction of ita atrangth. \^ll ^^''^'^'^L^Vf ^Z"*T ****J *» thif aonatnictJoA of th« mga worls programd from hoth anda. and waa flniahad at th« — — - ■' ■ ■ -' " I ■ 1 1 y - ■ - ■ ■■ . 11. — i»,i — ...i- ■■. .— . — 1^— 4' "I « " r , / ••it:, «j*fli».ai#y The lUOlway BtupMitdQ Bridge. . TWMrtW* vin^n^ la ownad by a itoelr eoapanr lad « two milaa balow 11m QAtunei. It wjm eomnaooad m * • I • brklfi if b«Jll it WM « » Any It U roiii|>aMNl wholU nf 4««|. Tlw e«rri«f n w«jf !• |i r««( b«l(iw th« raliru««l p«»ftl«n. Th« trAt«i of th« (Jr«nll IM vWiot r«fi ite«i'«ii«l tit th« w»l»r« ndff* Al tmtk of tb«t« i>lirr»tw« IIm thargf 1« flftr c«itis. (&<) c«nU) fot «tt«h b^Mii, A •k99% 4lt«M«i Mow IM ra|Hdi la ^ , The Grciit Whirlpool. ^ ^ Th* Whirlpool It loc«l«4 aboil two mIIm down th« river b«k>« Hh* falli. n«««r !»• V^am (\)U#fft, an KftiMofMiliAn •r TjrmUII hua aniii .At •omii f ar suddrn b«nd tat form, and arootM it inr^taantlf away. A vaal baain hita b««n thua f ««r« *ii r«mili«« Of «li»iM In lll« ft«iiMit4. tM llk«M flttAUv « Mil flf« .r th«iii mmw 1^ fnttiHUr* „/ ilM ||u|««|, IH*UW tWf ml la fimih '(%nUm m4 pMilMl iMt vtff»«iiii. fl^ rtm«|iNi4 lfc«rt lit) tfc* jmrng mm* fruw oM, iMr wurrlow fi4illl«. m4 • iM^ (•n«f«yan cttiii« tn lh«if plm$, Atmni 1711 Dmv «#r* t«M« w«r« 4riv«n fr«wi l»M»if t«fi4« Tim cin«i«l«N tilUitUil lh««i a Kirtion of tiMir kMt4«, m4 In 17 in (li«y mAH« •polioaUon t« Um rt MlioiM fiMT A(imlflilo^l«tioii (m Alnmt 404 TIwim ma «ii «>bii* Atn'iaf th* f tti«s^ rm^ th# h«#f th« titrtl«. tli« wukt, lh« hm^^, tl»« mI. Attii Ik* DtetAf. No ItuliAii «AA mArry • i^M* of hk ««n eUn Umia Aff 1« jKkft tn tlM .".ifiiwiL K*^jh eiM kM Ida MA^hara And WAflMt cM«f. ThA «i}tti«n of 1^ . Uf*ii ii i.« Mr WlUl«ai ili fti«»f4liif |» ||«nli«n fai at«i«r ItaM Mf •««tU«n«nl .m lit* I'MUtn |l«nk !• Ifff U lkM«m« IH* J^Mi M riHliiUM*!! of IM I4«qt«n«llt iintmtmm «i ('aiumU, •ii4 IH# JMlMBNil Af Ik* l*»tU«w««l «l liM ttMi#r l'r«tliM« «m ItoM llMfik 11 II •« Ik4 •!!• ..f th4 «ltl«f« ..r N«««fk k«fn«4 kt f)«ii«f4 tllteiPi ki «kl »*■ ,■"■, . . IR • ''"•• Fort 0#erft^~^ A Mttk dlaUnit III IKfHI HMt Wim vM ^1 ill • ttau of rtM^. iH ft»r 4«aiti« k«l M »« ukj««t (if hiterwi. iihI it (• Mp4ri«it» tt«|i m it ii Om m\j piM* «! Hm trM« Viffe ifwaininff In TanUk. ♦ Bistoria Pokitii. The Frtocli Landloib # ^Sg*g;, llw lll«ir 9Wfm»on, tli« (kntfCM 7 ««««ral Nation, ana by burn»l lb«.ir ,m.i. „,i „iii;.„1~? th. French f«n». la Wlin* i«l« th. l-ndH th" IlrHWrrtTt. Xr;"r' "'*? *'" known u Fort Mttl« Ni.«_ i I'' '"",•"• »■ th« f ranch |m< itys!.', tit -r^rSrSP^ — -^^^^^^ iC t«« t^£;^^]^£S^^^ •nd Porter milla the flnTt .♦r.,^ .,« / Ju !^?**. *»' '*'« Ht<'«diiiiii wettem front ir At th? h-Si J 7i. **' **'*' '^*"'* •'<*«**<» <>« *»»• obtained oTtheb«nadlln tUU« '^^^ renerratlofl . fl„e .lew i. n.e.or.bI. o th^Y^^^^f^lTe tSiTf^^ ^ Aboat two mile, .bora tht *r.ll. on the ZnclnZX '; SchloHer Landing. Fort d,pJ',SSrml^'bi'i/"I*'''r' "'.' " •>•»"••» fort «U«I In 1761. oKhlo-., J? H^u i?J""»^" <"> '■'• ">tn»t fn 17M. 8l..in« Colin, w J\tt„kT «,? „„ i~ ^- ?*"' '" '*"• *"» ■^w — »7 - ,. and lli« ,„^ W «n4 jiMt abof • ndJng WM UMd for ii'ni, «ntl probably »i Nation, and by of Uifl r«««rvatloo, the ■urrotindinn. bov«. th«(:h<*valUr •Th« GrirHn«, Um wiHMKid Nhorof of ' French forc««, la urerent them tnm r th« Frnnch ooit, i« chimn«y of^UM Further down upon t«rrac« tertnlnatit I. used «1 an ewrly irti and tMiIi«adM I of the Htradman 1 erected on the - I. a tine view if he oppo«itc thore, wi. July 5, 1814. rican lide if ame « fort called « retreat in 1769. ' it stronmr thta [ere in iSsT, tiw over the Falli. theitto betof Bght down Arom re M a ftrry or SLmh^rli ("^Ii-l'^I^^TuT^i*""" airaln.t Canada, at midnifbf. r?l I \ * ^' dif patche^l a chiH.#n band of men nndtr Capt. Dww kLLlTKl ^ ^^^^^l}*'- A* .he l.r at HchloMr dock, ihe ^ a^ boarded by Uim« partiea. TboM on board, crtw aa well aa aomt who nnaSle to get bed. in the little hitel. had .ot be^HJ boaird. were attacked. All bat one eecaped U) .bore, fe beinT^ot dead. The .ffaliane band« havintr thna loeceedrd in their attack. JH the Tewel on Are towed her oat into the etreani and let ber S; MI.A!!!! ' r^'^^.i^^i- .^ T^ «^ «••««•. •^^ floated down the River and entered the Kapidi. but before the reached the head ,„oi ine uiiand, toe water conquered and eitingniihed tbe flameai LuiKly's Laiii. ^ ^ TMl wtt tbe 'lenie of one of the moat memorable aa well aa i^ti"***!! ■*''«'• ^ni,«««W7« engairement on the Niagara Frontier domg the war olTie^-M. The Battle Oroand i. on the Canadki •Ide about one mile Weet of the Falh.. The battle ground b there with itfl long trenchee of the ilain. and a few headatonea to mark aa many namea and tbe occaaion. That ia all. Aa yet no worth? monnment appeani to atteat the memory of the men who dl^ Ifth ;L1^%^ 1>^*' ^''^ " '"■**''*^' Society baa been formed with the erection of a monument aa ita purpoee. CanaJi'an 'Xi o'f'.Vew"""' ^' ''^ bU^ .engagement from • AinJ}!!. *?"^*. '"■ ?"»*** \^y ^*' l^'^*' •"*> ^^^ Brown, comman. X^KijntT^ T '^'Jff/u *^ »* ^IjJpP^wa with 6000 men. Riall Uyat Lnndya Lane w1.ither, at 5:80 in the evening, came Oen. zH^^iXr ^^T ^°'?"*.° .**y ^*^ *»' Qaeenaton with 800 regolan m militia. Brown had been threatening an attack witb hia wbola Jjwe^ and when Drammond arrired Uiall had already commenced » Nfreat, Wa adTapee guard, 800 atrong, being already aome diitanc* *^^' Pnip mond promptly lent to recall them and at once foamad - g fc .ti l _^, ft tha H " ■ ■■ ■ - . , ■■ ---—■-— «-^, fl^. On IJN luumt df the Ull h# pbaitdrbiittny JSrH ^i\P^!* ***** **® *»"»" 24-Pomidera eUgbtly in adTUMl Of tbe Royal Sertt and tbe light companiea of the 41 at. Tba iJItn^rry Tjghl Infantry hdd (h« ri^ht and ih« r*«..ii.« «.ni.. •nothi-r 1000 incn. , ^^ij[ """'f """o "Kh- .nd nta 4bo«t i. . horrible ni.„n.r. BbWmS" mM ^.r^ JioL nnl..« Jf ',?b ■t ' '♦ \i , 1 ' I>nuninoiid HUl p ll truly « hiftorio •pot Within ita boiui« op. ami with It n. Then tjic battl« ■bed a faint %ht M ioat before tht Injc omtket. By a d the battery tod -animond threw off r they iwept back nd, captaring one ». Bat the latter tip to Drumroond't ces. dealing wteelT iih cold tteel wia le bayonet goadiof Iting at Cbippaw* lerentoen hondred 1 torn aod, while tiah loei wai «!(k Mt 800 priaon«ra.« I the body of ,-^,7|»^,:- — M — fi:^' Bravt Laura S«cord whoee memorr in revered by all Canadiane for her herofim In Sxon WW. when ihe walke«•< ootti. of tl^ «mm.r ^•\T,tar.dXm'; 7.?ri wf^."*'- iU* ''"^ • yw form u In bridm l» Tsl - /' -5 J'^'" "''"• ""** ''"T (tar. 'At th« fooHf th« aZIw« i T?u ?' P**'P'!" croM It «Mh of 100 feet: the lit Jf tnai^r' ^iJ'^^H^^^J "*«»«• * hdfht It iidoubtfilif tl^TLIcmi^Si^ neTlj wldHWmX. ill winter. Yon oTnot .17 thft v. ' 'k ** *^^^^ -le. ,00 h.. .eri;%':i„t2rLr::„ ^i rier ^*^ 1 .. By Moonlight ^ kfttht mkxntlMii „i.i.5^T^J?JT"^ • Oiomuid fold on JTri^ ,i>f*# «M«aj^ "^ -* 41 - The Fiori of N ^ 909 ipdM of plant* «f which 7M tit MUft loifilftl f^\ni ••nw rtor* of Oimt laUnd* hn My* mmtmU (tw pUiiti wlUoh w Jj "I«<1 ""«•«»»••*"" 1" Wi-Um K«» York. Uut U b ttUI trS; th»t UoAt iNUud it f*rjr rich in Ui« namb«r of ita ipoiM. Probablr !**i:.S!^* '*^ ''."'* '" '** ^icinltjr, •« riNiirictwl in ar««, cmi b« fooni. fihlbHing m U»o » namlMjr. ltd v«rn>l Umnij i> •tiribiiUbl«, not merely to iti mitfty of plantm co^piouuoa in (lower, but »i«o to th* eitraordinary abutuUnce in which Uiej are prodotiad.f:'. r ' The Hotels. / " "i '^ . tU€ ficifllenca of the kot«V»eoommo, . ^^- • \ . ■ ' .,■■>? \ '♦'••.'• .•,'•'''£, ^Aif » ^e I'aUract Heafil It !i <^l(ain utreet aiU^oin^jr thm State Heaerratipo and ita l^ntation as a flrHt c\tm houae la .too- well eeUbiikhed to teoviM ftirther praiw. Jt ireiuaina cluf^d daring t^ .winter. V ',»',• J. which Rtanda »t the comet qf Main and FfUa i^eeta. It' hia •«ten«ve ffilt claw apitoin^e^ta and ia qnite popular. It,Ii otdy 9pen-in amnnier. , . ' ' -. '•^ \ ■ V -. :. ' . , '• . . :-' . ' ■;- ^ Tito Hitii iLritmfcaA>. The Hotel Kaltenbaoh it beaatifUIr aittwted on BnliUo ttreti and facea the State KeienraUon and t]»el|pp«r »P*i It i» ^ondneted 'P/. -^"^^ K^Itenbkoh and it open the year iouad.' It k one W m bert hotela at Niagara Falls. ^ . **^ f r*r«SI ,_^y,__ ^ .- n - fjili %dm$ »M rorm«ri7 locAUd on lli« CtauAm tU» h*U nptm tlM Qj^ioff of petoria I'trk ntovnd to tli« Am«rk«n ftfd«, mi4 now ■Until «m Union ilrMi. 11 nmiJm oytn til /Mr, and It «m «f thu l«*dlnf hoUlfl ^ . * Tit SptBCtr R«iM.- ,- Tbb liol^t lUfidji fmm«l/ o|>|i<)«iU tW K«w Tori C«iilnil dtpol, Mid it cotxlactisd on both th« iV"*iri4'an Mid th«i Karop«»a flM. It la op«n the ytta roand Mid cntira to th« bijit patroBAft. Amonf th« othtr food hot«l« Art - — — * '>■,..''" ^/ fU Hi^BnUfwm., ' . • '■ ' on Main «tNil» '» * I Tl« Wciltni Ifoitl on WtXk HnH iwtr K#w York Ctntral d«poi I «. ^ I ' Tfc« AtlMti^i« ' . •lAads nt the eom«r of Main and Niagara atreotib 'i Tke falla Uttel * on Main atreet near Falla atrtet. all of which will be found flnt elaaa in all their aiipointmenti for the aecommodation of thf irahUo. On the ('anadian aide ia ?f ^ Th« CUflltn Ktaat It tf aitnated on the river bank juat otiWifathe boandariea of 'Victoria Park, and ita v(*r»ndaii command a flne view ot both tk« great Falia. It ia a model hotel Mid only open daring the aamtntr The Niagara River. The Niagara River, one of the ahorteat, bat one of Ui« moal fum^Bff rinrt in thft TfiirH , to a pirt nf tht lyrtf m ly irhlfh thit waters of the Ore«t Lakea are Otfried to tba ocean. Ita mtiro tengtik ia onljr 8d milta -^ 22 mileafrom Lake Erie to the FaUa, and 14 ipilea flpom the Falla to I^ke Ontario^*:;: i ' *.\ A?*^-, r*Nii on« of Ui« motl TiM 1lli|Mi UNi || wm¥^ Mi Milk k th« «h*ia wiikk ««i4Mte ^ vattn or Talt Rnp«Hwr to iU Atlantic. || ta caIM th« NiMtm ■fW bttlvMa tli«i twu l,«k«fl. Krk ami Ontario. Wh«tt it la«vM iilw OnlMfo, II ia thi Uiver Mt Utaraocf, whiall ia 7U0 inil«a )mc §•4 AUU Into Uia iiult of Ht L^wrane^ .^^ II la Dart of thu boandary Una Mw«im tha U, 8. tni Cin^Aa iO dacraad bjr tlia treaty of Ulmnt in IKIS. }\y thai traaly, th» bovndary Una rttni throufh the c«ntrr of tha (ir«tl Uk«a and Ilia datpaal cbannfl of tha rimni. Itjr thia inaani, oVtr thraa-fourtha of tha lalantU in tha Uivrr, inclailiiiK ail tha iiii|K)rtaiit on«« bat ona. balonf to tha XI H. Of tht-ait ialamli, th«r« arn in all M. of whkli Orand lalaiid in tha Urgaal aiid Oual lalaiid tha mual famooa. fn tta c«t. aa fullowa: From Lah* Iria to tha IUuid« abuvn tho Kalla, IS fe«l} in thw Kanida, M factj •I tha FalW !«! r««t; f^oin FalU to LawHtoo, m f«at| from Lawialoa to iaka Ouilr^, 7 faal. * # ^ w , Ita lour^ai Mf, Lakt Raperlor, the Urffait bodj of friah watar fa ilM world. Ltko Ifirrnn » Michigan a St. Oair . a El4« . . 85ft milM loaf, mo \ a- 320 U 290 . W ^ tdO tnilea wida, i 1030 tpH daap. 100 .70 05 i V, 1000 1000 so 84 ■\ a » '1» H Saveral mnallpr iakM, with ona handrtd Hftra, larga and tmaQ^^ poor their wattTii thin way, draininR* a coantry of mora. tha|i vii# fevndrad and fifty thooiuui«Ni flaMfif frtmnd* to IM f(Mii4 ialnhMi. " — ~~ •tn«H,ih, njiM un ah •v#riuri« «b«at tli or •«*«n tnil« iwr Itosr. ««U«ni mf, tkott 10 Of 40 fi«.l «i««p It mm. it Utnt. 10 or la kaote. Thiw (• « tmdlUon that tti*rt k^i p«Hoilto4f 4^ > nortli. hmf^^ f f ntrt im Waabipfion, or iv 6*^ woat fhnn Owwnwicl.. Tho namo KiaKara in aappoood to be a contraetion of tho IndiiB •Dd Onuikgahrah moaning »tkitn« M>r Immht. . lOar ItfkiMte. riit Md f»ll If y««f«. In 1S48, th4 «Bt«r bMit i« month of lh« Uvur WM nMfir oplfl w»tk«4 MM • m«rt ilotbinf. irarm rataniiKl ita w«r« fioTfll m§». I to the VtA\§ ii I wi40. At lh« Abov« 40 miUa ' hoar. I f»HM frimi 7S M at 260 fMti that thia ia th« it«l. ahaJa, •!«., tto th« channal. It of th« (lo^f, I c«timat«« liiTf Falla. A point elpih aatimat^d. oatioMtaa that nata. barrela fo o?te M).614 bMrrtla ft ^ r '^ »irt m of tha InAiMM Othara iaa Iti 'Sma. mm m$ mm if a W« •■ hmmum wm m jatra gwa %f tvall •pan th« n«rth«rfi h*nk of Um rtftt . Tha inladoaarfM mIM thitaa fM^la lh« iV#iil«r Nmthm, hut thMr rii4ia« mim «aa {Mghiahrnhtk within ttit wawory of man now iMnf tha ttWaa-aloa nA hM ff«ea4ad at Ita c«ntra ovvr '2A0 fact t^-J'?*^'^.*"'*^' Iirompta tha'qiiaaUon. whara m tha ratroraaaio* iHfnr Gaoloftata (all ui, and thair anawnr ia arcaptad aa eonclmivf, •I tha moantain n«!ar l,i*wlaton. 'Hi* whola. watara of tha khan Ihata foamad o?ar thla dam. which waa ii«v«rai milM in wUth, Thii a«coanta for tha ahaUa. ata^ which hava b««n foofill on (Hm Ialan4, ii hatinK hoan aabmarfad; %lao f«r tha ah«IU f«iin*l on thf Ian4 nlonK tha river on atraam, ahalla which anahlrd hjell. lUlI «n4 oihara tn prova ttil tha Niafntn onca loured thnihifh a shallow irailay. ^ \ * That it ent tha forfa fa Rwoloflein) aqnalty 4«dd*4. Thart in no h«tt<»r placa to atudy gwolnnyjind the strata of r«Kh» than thia fforca that Niaf ara haa cat. NoH only haa tha Hlairara Rittr cat tha forifaj It hae rarrind away tha china/ of ita own w.irk«h*»p. Tha alai^ jbainf probably cnimbled. la caaily carried away. Hut at tha baaa of tha Fall, wa And larife boaldera, and by aoma meana or othar thay were removed down the Itivar. »Tha lea wbjrh fllb the gorife in Wintar, and which fftpplan with tha boaldara, haa been reifarded aa the tranaporUnf afont. Probably it la ao to aona eitent. Mot aroaifta a - - Si* .vl.f.yl#.** With th« «)nra»|u fkdnf d..wnirm,.| |, ^ obfln- .Tr ^^ thr «^l of iha^r*- 1 I .'^' •''*"* **•• mlil41« «f th« WfJ " f- S^"1P**^* pigr MawrtowT" "T ^^ ~~. " . 4. Nh«l«. , "7 8, M mi ' indNtone. - «» - ^MmwIniigmM tti JttMpool lUpida. , MfcliSf :l 1 5"'*' / ^J^' ■^•^ >^ ?»•»• "^ ^ 'll* •I, •»#rylhl»gjMitj„ll |«ni •twIt.tuM 4.i»n. •w.l m«4« m m •« iM^MOli At Ihii wH»el. Ta 111* aitriprlM) «f aU who |i»(»|i«w KiiKlMi «fHmni«f tnd hN «ii»«HiiMfit r«iiiMi4 In lito •Ma Rljif rtnc* tti4ti • »«•• irap«tntM hM iN*"!! (rlv««- to nMtlMpli •0 pMa Ihrow^h th^ .«i« S. ! P IT HiN ainttoi latar b« bii - «• W^MMMr •««r«li«4 •lUk^tl 'tit «^u- ;:i**r3LK. "i ?'•'' "~ — '*■•'» "*«i««m mS o^ «f tfc. .pooh IMo Ih. teitt, mH-. .«4 •l4Jir.£ ImCSS* iraaa't N#r«a4 THf^. tl-*d that h« mmU m»ki » a^Md Itto. •StCi^*-^^^ ^^^ •114 wUh hU b««a prr)tnt4iiif Uiroath Ih. toTo? JH^ ^t. .jm mt^mimL^ l«, m^n^mmf. ---- -^ ff^kim'tl Ills inUiii^ 1^ fsJl *ii4 titii In Uil •^y k^tilJ'J'^^ *** L^r '^y ^k •*«•'• "' siwNiit flNfii^ Itf I, ^1 it «M t Ailt MM Mi iteBlii H« 4t4 iu»i •tm «l*liiM to h«f« g«e« „f«r tMJtaBMhM fyi M m WMtlMf who m^ trip iiot«lth«t«iiiitioii at Niairara owinff to hta «JarH.|f On HunitNifMd ()ir«« Um«f. th» ^ L"* « /J*"^ *!;'' r**''**i *'•*' j****^'' •"'* '' <^ Mt right iu^tfwn ^ but flotttod round iny » li/e prenerter. Aa Campbell passed under the railway bridges he stood upright in the boat uainff- one oar as a paddle, it was then S. 28 P. U. At the first ware tb* boat gave a huge plunge, britiging its occupant to a kneeling posture pasping both aides of the boat, while a dog that accom- panied him sat serenely in the bow. Until opposite Smith '» eleTator the boat kept on its keel, but there i| was turned bottom up. and Campbell had to swim. At 8. 82 P. M. he entered the pooK! and was carried toward the iwJtrth abore and along the west sid» ta the point oir the Canada side near the entrance when h» landed at J. 40 RIL f«,t an »..w.. ./. "^ v^ wm ImL .i-'.it ThrUIIng IncidenU. AccWcnta, Narrow C»c«p«% and 8uicid#iJ|ui| htat^ occurred at NUgarir! r«..l.ll"n!fVi; '?^' **"»•»«"«»•;. •»» ln««ne womtn l«a|)«d into tht IT ?i.?%^' '"*^^' •^"^ *^ ^- **• *>f HmiKiirforcl of Troy, N. Y.. It la the onlj acdd«nt of the kind that ever happened at Niagara. In Orfober 1H«5 Willlain Duncan undertook to eroea the river lo Chippawa and waa carried ov«r th« Falji. •n.1 A!;„il"'-!!*"*"^^/ii"'^ *^' ^^''^' ^'"* "•» ~"»«^ ITaniilman III, VL^T" «^*«f '^J""" tl'« river in a boat. Hanniinan went of th« American ^ Pair, whore ho waa di«couver»Ml about 4 A, M. tKe rolowlng day. Ilep««ted effortu were made to ii*vo him an u««1m«; anotli«r boat lot down about rjW. jtnitk w.th such force a« to kno^ Avery into the river and >yrw:1re?^?ord': "-/-"'• »>.odywa.fo«ndJ^. Ayery> In Beptomber 1866, DaiHel Cbffk ind ttenry Hmtea white Iwating on tlie apper river were carried over the FaMa. V . The northern thore of Luna IsUnd a few feet above the brink. m/ iW . "*?»"*^ memory. On Jtine 21, 1849, the family of SLr^'T*' "' ^""J'**' "^^ » '"«"<*• Mr. Charlf« Addington. were Tiewlnff the wonery from thie point. The party, in flne apiriti wtr» Jbout leaving the Wand wheV Mr. AddinW^dvlerpli^^^^ to Mian Annetta. the little daughter of Mn. 1)eforeet, wing i^I a m TL'"Sr ^r^l'^^V}' -•™^«"•^ "^nf herTver'^theedg: . ^^1 It l A i!" * ««<'<^«n «"»?«>•« of fear, the child epraMt from hia handa into the River. With a shriek, the yomur «Z T.'^J^. T*^ ^•'' i"* ***^*»" *»»«•• «» -J^o" had time to V*k bJ rooje, they had paised oter the precijiice. The jomif lady*a iemaiM perhapi. the moat tomhing caanalty th»t eTe7occarred S*4lwW^'' <^< W>,i»ik ^ , 1^ -?.■"" Shi dt1«^?T both held ?!5?!^^^^' * y>°gsyiy and jwcgwriiiiiii / u Nfaumni JuN 18. 1H», « __ the Hermit of NiiifMa. For neartT two va^n H* u^ # ioUUir m, at o,p time iKiBg a hi^t JTS^JS^lafiT iTil 4- « - •4 « wMI la now t}i« inrliniid r«il».» iiL k j" "•? •!l ^'^^ of Into th. ,UpM. f,,.,;. LuriuS 1 .rj'iiftt?- ^-1. H-lH- Wand. ^: ^^' • "'"'•^" "••« •'^'«-J*\ "P«» ho tC . f 20() foot. He hadafibber ^d in^nilf ?*'?f ***'**''• * ^'•n<» foot lon/f con.tractod om end ^lin * *'^ '«/'*'n«t«r and twoho Holdin ^ho othoroidTnj; ^'Z dZll tJe" til!* ^St ^^S: hold him in an npright poait/on "^ ^ ""**" ■^•** *• ?I.?t d btX^rJlld"!'!^^"'^ '''^•J^ ^J^'-g hard and 4^-m Wm ■^^ii? h. h!a tn/? ♦ "" •«PP<'-4 JM %WU undnrtli. li.llat«S 7l|JSJ lit hftd tried to cum the cable and fcirvf. / '♦V illroii4 Rallroids., Tli« N. Y. C. and H, R. R. r; % |it de|M,t, oorniir of Falli, and Hecoiid.8tr««W. Thlji i» th« £r«*t fZ ' :-- r. ' The Michigan Central! * ^t* Tf'y (cpw>l«t« trtihi on tbii fraat road trrlve and d«Mrt U .^n fr^ T' '"•''^ n • rJ!"'Sr ^""^•- -^ *o"d TertlbulJ train - M run frojn Niagara Falk {q C|i1^o. . " The Rome Watertown and Ogdenaburg Railroad. i^ntll^iHT ***'" 'w'"-^*^ f«r Oiwogo dipart from th« New York ^ I^^ I 'S!^ corT.«r of Fall, anti Second itreett, (Jlow connection •w made from th« main line for Kpcherter, 8jracu»e. H^n^, nffiSi and ^i)th«r ,K)lnti It ta a popular roiMtf to the TlMd W.^ iSit'yiJT'Si*",**'" !t4» r" ^ *•»'*«* »inid«tlirbeauMfiii •cenerjr of the St. LawrciffiS In the earlj morning. The LehigK fajlpr RaUroad;> • / ' «.«.Pnf ^Z*"'^^ ^''1*^,*''"'"" "S^^nto theErib .tatloii^at the «omer of Second and Niagara st^Wta, Thin iiW favorite /8>aU1 L^aX^^^l^ 'h ;^itf"'^i of\i,erica^X~o1u5U _W.liiu. uienj «ie aeugntmi romroer retorts on Ci^^iiSrand Seneca *# iwiTchit '^ * '^^^ **•• i?iIZ 'i yr^ li<««^i ^ Uk«. thfl flaw York Centrml toJa ^- ^'S'u''- ' "*^*«'"' <^ .Chicot... :■ ' .. . ' , I "l.v >BnprMg or Indla< 'V W%ti •y * »': 1 **!' ^Vi ,.-^"' 'II,. •f ; '. ■^rrj'' , 'ft\' A. TiiJIIIir HruiliiiLe M Co., Llm ■r*. All of thr drh«n of cftrrUfti ttnutc^^ad ^v ti« tm ptkiH • flii^" •alary, and are uitdnr «oiitra«l m Wtfl m tiWet ordttn fhim th«lf •mplotitni that th. V will not r#o«iri. atr rominliiiion . nflth-r will th^ «lrif« our |»atrona l«» th« carloiw Minta whnrn cnmntiMlonN ar« paid. unl«M ip»tialljr r«qu««ti«(l no to df by th« nalroni. W« at th»' fanqy g..od» ftorM. and reprtitant nothinir of Talu«, iMinotit or pleaaurn to th drivon to UOM point* wh«r«r larjfi' cotiuniiwionii a««) paid to driven of carriage*, and at nortie of tho«« placei nothing ^f Intereit ii to b« wen by Ike Tiaitor. We have, at a great ex|>enNe. eatabliiihed here at N^gara Wmk a co4ch tyttoin. in coMiectlon with our omnibai end baggnge ^^'^ *>«iS(WiJ(lj|»'c^il^:W|W dopartore in thin Una. condnoted •pon a MilniBiir banle , .nnd^-intend to reform and Improve the I In Togne here m H^mkny y^an pait. to o» intjntion th at the npihiwl* :pt imtlK ^S^ne^^^^^^^^^Sw^^^tStthe^dlo JW have no oppprtonity of qaeatldniiig the mllinir or inotiTea of ^" awnelTM, our ngente, or onr ei^ployg^. ^ i • '^' V. .fT- ^'% «1 ^ L-'"'*'"^''* "^ «««^ ^^'^l*^' '•»»«*'•' ^"^-^ ^\ ^ , KtAOAHA h'ALLS, N. Y, Wii!?- I ? f ^^P^ny "i^. ♦» > rrk. MiHrfn UIaii4. drftAfa l^ HfW tfimiMitMivn llH^«JJ<«^ Hrtdft; CifHAgAl' whtfipM,! kah-. as m£. ^ Tlw hbtoHtf NiAffATA FaUa Utkmtn b now wiiiv • UAdttbn BM CAfwr of in«t« •iiin.K^oti- 4fM«to4f.'" All tliit no# nmt^m of thU iiKHjk.^-. Tht CAiTinffi} Mrvlcn for aitortlmi only wti IaaH IT mfn(ii tnd wimpona of rafonn. Tim opiKMiiUon ^ At IS*!/"! I;**^".'*"*'*' ^"^ *♦ *" • *•' "' ♦'»l«»rroin«rion. JM tft« MlUii» ,« ^rondagw (.Vmch Comi^ny (I.iinltwl) ftra now th« IttNtlUMd AiMttfri of th^ Neld. NiA((»rA FaIIa At IaaI ntti^iM. iMAOf {!• AttTActkMli iia ld«Al cArri«ir« •mice. -^Rv As olhM iM t« t^ <^ pirt in Qiriii«ndora . fithtr inUnd or AiAfidA, MiMfferfd In repntAtion to ttioh • degrcn doling thp pant 25 »«•« iA«Hai*n FaIIa T he mdo ruAwn Un the obJActloBAblt ■Qtori flty w ^-=^ ^^ y ■!"» »»fl Mgoaa. lA thA cirriAtff imi^ IM mmmi At ^ lUii. *^ — ^ . l«4«r«, Ilia ,„«<>,.hJ, »4«f t«4 t«t«|||«» wHJ •Hon »M irHh««t r«,„ ^f iMntgmiton. • IWiN«f -K . ; ?* "f •'^mltiiofi U til th« «liir«rfiH Mint. «r liiu««4 wh^« ^,«,«,M 1^ |i|char|Nl, «t c,«. h.ir Ih^ r-^Ck, jSl ' !%• char'** vkmAik tis tki- jl "« . ^ ■ ^ ^WMfer of b« ^i lll# itltl carHAffM mi** tolKdi i^^4 bjr fMf a«ii^ Hail J - i .■ 11 fa b> ih« td^ipttoa of . »^il b^Mftt of Ui« lf|U«r . , IP it Mkb wtAsiiiic, tS % ^rW ..«^ (f.: n^^f^T"* mMikhUMkmmi of . In mMkj mmm * wrf««l# jmiirinwg' ^ Mlf#d HCtlnff ttt Thi« CQmp*/^ »ti), fmt» wl|M n {trtM'ttriMl . iii9 MiifiU •>! Iii|«fit| mt" •ml Mifovm^ Afif»n of titif "•oh ilHr* , iyi4 llt«fftr« WMn D1«Unc« T«hl«. T« fitiiw lliM|i«ii«kNI , ^ , «»M|!t , i , V ^ • **S Rail » • jr iHINIMiofl J Niir tlwa^lMi'19 i* to li«iflii«) . • , . f '^F * "^ Kmtli «r Oiw Him It -^ IM rf«< h#ti by fftnrlift vvit li: Whlfl|i.mi ^pt£ - i^u • ffoit . . . i% All ih*»«' fbMi #r tiil#rM| ftn '> g- y"- "' To tit vMlur wli.i ii« rftt»iin M Mktf»r«t l*»l^ nuty • !•? i^ • eclair* k • n#i»«M.iljr. ft tfaiMt all »M Itn^iiii polnlii «! ♦ .m f.K»t VoqM r«i..ro ltH.]|r«. th*' b<*«atifttl Vkt.rU l'«fll,l||b> m«tchl«M MiriMHi m i>iii«4i»ii r-ii*. 8.000 f««i wici« mMi ji!|ik<'t hi»ii- Mir Itl«ii4 wHli lb iiioiiu0«|wr iw,olu Mid lov«U wtMBT •ic«n«r7 tt« frMt c«ntj|«ttf milriMld bridfP. th# hl-toHc l.»W7Hnii«n«l raiiidi nMhitif Um>«irli tk« •w M— po intji yiyf [|ga * #. • rtMSfik llip"^ MMfMniP C W MILLER'S ■ !'y^''^''*> CARRIAOf SRRVICB. , «£fPAI.O lAOOAvt rKANSFifcl - .*i]lIP*' TrCKI T Of PICK. J 3hl«ptk$m4i I ;■«<«« TkkH im^. m$, I rMfl m*H f- Kf,trff«MF 4^ f 'l^p ^v r-l! «1 «. /l^i .«tii4i* F*"^ ^••lli liJE imA ^___^; ^^ <* t^m** ifUt^tf J^ ^ I \^al£/L m m .i« .«iik'ffr law V CK^scitg W 1 .■DM. < 4 »« ^^^m^^ ^ E ^Ir *'mf'"—a 'iMicrr 1 *#^1 y |r / f -^ , -, , . ^V ' * * y rf ' * -iv^ *: / :-1 ,, » t ^ 4/ .. • ■.'^:.:.-i^:.:. 'r'^